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AUGUST 11, 1993
8:00 P.M.
I. Roll Call
Commissioner Chitiea
Commissioner McNiel
Commissioner Melcher
Commissioner Tolstoy
Commissioner Vallette
II. New Business
design review of elevations for Buildings X and Y
within the Terra Vista Town Center, located at the
northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Haven
Avenue - APN: 1077-421-70.
review of alternative grading schemes for compliance
with the Hillside Development Ordinance for a
recorded tract map consisting of 123 lots on 84 acres
of land in the Very Low Residential District (less
than 2 dwelling units per acre), located on the east
side of Archibald Avenue, north of Carrari Street -
APN: 210-071-14, 37, and 45.
Public Co~ents
This is the time and place for the general public to
address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are
those which do not already appear on this agenda.
IV. Adjournment
DA'I"E: Au~st 11, 1993
TO:. ~..~airman and Members of the Planning Oommission
BY:. 7 ' '""" Nancy Fong, AICP, Senior Planner
SUI-3J~CT: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 93-13 - Western Properties - The design
/ review of elevations for buildings X and Y within the Terra Vista Town
! Center, located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Haven
Avenue - APN: 1077-421-70.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this workshop is for the Commission to review the new
elevations for buildings X and Y.
BACKGROUND: The Commission approved the conceptual elevations for buildings X
and Y in December of 1987. To satisfy the conditions of approval, the developer had
sul')mitted final building design and architectural details for Commission review. After
three workshops, the Commission approved the building design on November 16, 1989,
as shown in Exhibits A and B. The final design consisted of two story buildings intended
for a mix of financial, office and retail uses. Subsequently, the developer had received
building permits but did not pursue the construction of the buildings.
The developer is interested in reviving this project. Because of today's market
conditions, the developer is proposing single story retail buildings instead of two story
financial/office buildings. Building X is designed for speculative retail tenants. Building
Y is designed for a specific tenant called "Leaps and Bounds" which is an indoor
recreational facility geared towards children of all ages (similar to "Fundazzle" in
Montclair). Representatives from the developer and Leaps and Bounds will be at the
meeting to describe this proposed use.
STAFF COMMENTS;: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for the
Commission discussion.
A. Major Issues. The following broad design issues will be the focus of the Commission
discussion for this project:
One-story versus two-story. The overall design concern is to ensure that the
proposed elevations for buildings X and Y are provided with the same high level of
design integrity. Buildings X and Y play a very important role in the function of the
corner treatment at Foothill Blvd and Haven Ave. Based on comparing and evaluating
the proposed elevations with the approved ones, staff feels that however attractive
the proposed one-story elevations do not provide the same architectural impact.
B. Secondary Issues. Once the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting,
!he Commission will discuss the following secondary design issues:
1. Building X.
a. The west elevation is the back of the building where service entries are to be
located. Since this side of the building faces Haven Avenue, windows should be
provided so that it does not look like the back of a building.
b. Precast concrete molding should be added to frame the gable towers, the
arches and the windows.
2. Building Y.
a. Precast concrete molding should be added to frame the tower entries and the
b. The proposed colonade at the north elevation places the tower 6 feet from the
curb and eliminated 5 tree wells.
3. Site and Landscaping.
a. Additional tree wells planted with canopy trees should be provided to the
courtyard plaza consistent with the approved plans. (5 tree wells were
b. Additional tree wells and planter areas should be provided to the north and
east elevations of building X.
c. The existing phone cabinet is in the way of the pedestrian pathways. The
northeast corner of building X should be stepped back so that there is room
for a raised planter area in front of the window and landscape area around the
phone cabinet, consistent with the approved plans.
d. Groups of small canopy trees should be planted within the landscape setback
area approximately between the columns of the colonade along the west
elevation of building X. However, the placement of trees should take into
consideration the location of signage.
e. Additional tree wells should be provided along the northern colonade of
building Y.
f. A continuous 6 foot wide minimum landscape area should be provided along
the east side of building Y. The proposed vine pockets in front of the columns
are inadequate.
g. Groups of small canopy trees should be planted within the landscape setback
area approximately between the columns of the colonade at the south elevation
of building Y.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the developer revise the development plans
to address the identified issues and resubmit for further Commission review.
Proposed elevations
Exhibit A - Approved Building X elevations
Exhibit B - Approved Building Y elevations
Exhibit C - Comparison of approved building pads with proposed ones
I I I I ~
,j_'~D U T H E L E V A T Z 0 N
August 11, 1993
DESIGN REVIEW FOR TRACT 13316 L.D. KING, Inc. - The review of
alternative grading schemes for compliance with the Hillside Development
Ordinance for a recorded tract map consisting of 123 lots on 84 acres of
land in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units
per acre), located on the east side of Archibald Avenue, north of
Carrari Street - APN: 210-071-14, 37, 45.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this workshop is to determine the type of
grading which should be permitted to occur on the site. Although the
site has a recorded tract map, the Planning Co~ission has the power to
determine how far the applicant must go to comply with the Hillside
Development Ordinance. Staff's intent is not to bring the project into
compliance with ordinance, but to determine the Com~ission's expected
level of sensitivity to the ordinance. The Co~ission should review the
alternative grading concepts to determine which, if any, would be the
most appropriate for the tract.
BACKGROUND: Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract 13316, a
subdivision and Design Review application, was conditionally approved by
the Planning Commission on March 27, 1987. The tract map was recorded
on June 1, 1990, but neither grading nor building permits were issued.
In addition, the design review approval for the homes has expired. The
original developer, Friedman Homes, encountered financial difficulty and
the property has since reverted beck to the lender, Chino Valley Bank.
On April 7, 1993 L.D. ~ing, Inc., the planning and engineering firm for
the bank, resubmitted a new Design Review application with the
previously approved house plans. The purpose of the submittal was to
receive a new approval of the conceptual grading plan in order to mass
grade the site, construct the required infrastructure, and then sell the
lots to merchant builders. Because the entire development concept of
the tract is inconsistent with the Hillside Development Ordinance, and
the tract map is already recorded, staff decided that the Planning
Colm~ission should give some direction as to the type of grading concept
that would be preferred for the tract.
STAFF COMMENTS: The Co~ission should review the three grading
alternatives provided for each of the conditions depicted in
Sections A-A, B-B, and C-C. These conditions are typical of those found
throughout the tract.
The alternative shown on the top of each sheet represents the grading
proposed by the applicant. It basically proposes creating large flat
pads with typically 2:1 slopes in the rear yards. The other two cross-
sections on each sheet represent alternative grading concepts which
would bring the finished grade and slopes closer to the previous natural
grade. These two concepts generally utilize sloped pads and flattened
rear yard slopes, the idea being that a future builder would design a
August 11, 1993
Page 2
house with stem walls to step down with the grade. These two
alternatives to the applicant's proposal show how the grading can be
done to be more consistent with the intent of 'the Hillside Development
Ordinance. Although these two proposals are preferred by staff, they
also fall short of what the ordinance intends.
Clearer, more detailed exhibits will be available at the workshop to aid
in a discussion about the grading alternatives. Staff will also provide
an additional grading alternative which would come closer to meeting the
intent of the Hillside Development Ordinance. In addition, the entire
development package for the project will be available for reference.