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1993/12/21 - Agenda Packet - Adjourned CUP 91-24
© O [.- z 1977 WF,,DNF. SDAY CITY OF RAN~q-IO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 21, 1993 MASI WORKSHOP 6:00 P.M. III. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER R&INS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE I~%NCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA I. Roll Call Commissioner Barker Commissioner Lumpp Commissioner McNiel Commissioner Melcher Commissioner Tolstoy II. OLD BUSINESS Ae MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 91-24 - MASI - A request to modify an approved industrial master plan on 27 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue, in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan in the following manner: Review of a proposed ice/roller skating rink (Building 21) of 53,070 square feet and the associated parking study. Review of proposed architecture of Building 5 (Old Spaghetti Factory). Review of Revised site plan and architecture for Buildings 14 - 18. Review of revised architecture and a theater use for Building 11. APN: 229-011-10, 19, 21, 26, 27, and 28. Public Comments This is the time and place for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are those which do not already appear on this agenda. IV. &djour~ment DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: December 21, 1993 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Brad Buller, City Planner Beverly Luttrell, Associate Planner MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 91-24 - MASI - A request to modify an approved industrial master plan on 27 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue, in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan in the following manner: 1. Review of a proposed ice/roller skating rink (Building 21) of 53,070 square feet and the associated parking study. 2. Review of proposed architecture of Building 5 (Old Spaghetti Factory). 3. Review of Revised site plan and architecture for Buildings 14 - 18. 4. Review of revised architecture and a theater use for Building 11. APN: 229-011-10, 19, 21, 26, 27, and 28. On December 14, 1993, the Design Review Committee (McNiel, Melcher, Coleman) reviewed the above noted project. At the meeting there was discussion regarding the General Plan Amendment which is associated with this project. This General Plan Amendment proposes to redesignate the site for commercial use. In light of this request and because of the significantly different uses proposed for the site (ice/roller rink, and potential theater), as well as site plan modifications, the Committee felt the entire Commission should have the opportunity to review the project. Attached are the Design Review Action Comments from the December 14, 1993, meeting. Please refer to the set of plans which were distributed to you on December 2, 1993. Respect fully submitted, city Planner ~ Attachments: - December 14, 1993, Design Review Comments Item "A" DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:40 - 8:15 Beverly Luttrell December 14, 1993 MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 91-24 ~ASI A request to modify an approved industrial master plan on 27 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue, in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan in the following manner: Review of a proposed ice/roller skating rink (Building 21) of 53,070 square feet and the associated parking study; 2. Review of proposed architecture of Building 5 (Old Spaghetti Factory); 3. Review of revised site plan and architecture for Buildings 14-18; 4. Review of revised architecture and a theater use for Building 11. APN: 229-011-10, 19, 21, 26, 27, and 28. Background: Conditional Use Permit 91-24 was approved by the City Council on September 2, 1992. The approved site plan is illustrated in Exhibit "A." The 32 originally approved buildings were designed as a mix of restaurant, industrial and multi-tenant buildings. The areas being considered in this modification are essentially the southern half of the project site as well as Building 5 which is located on Foothill Boulevard. An "Automotive Service Court" was approved for the northwest portion of the site and will remain unchanged except for minor alterations which have been approved administratively. An Industrial Area Specific Plan was approved with the original Conditional Use Permit which permitted the Automotive Service Court as well as a specified amount of "specialty building supplies and home improvements." The applicant has also submitted an Industrial Specific Plan Amendment and General Plan Amendment to allow additional co~ercial/retail uses on the site. This application is concurrently being reviewed by staff. Staff ~e~ts: ZC~/P. or.r.RR ~ (BUILDING 21) Building 21 is located in the southwest corner of the site. Previously Buildings 26, 27, and 28 occupied this portion of the project site. The combination ice/roller arena occupies 53,070 square feet overall. The roller rink occupies 14,400 square feet, the ice rink occupies 17,000 square feet with the pro-shop occupying 1,000 square feet and the remaining space being utilized by a snack bar, office space, spectator seating, locker rooms, and equipment rentals. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS CUP 91-24 - MASI December 14, 1993 Page 2 Parking for the ice/roller rink does not currently meet the Development Code requirement of 1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area. Since the initial discussions with the applicant regarding the possibility of such a facility on their site, staff conducted a survey of other jurisdictions with similar facilities and found our current standards to be quite restrictive. The applicant has submitted a parking analysis with their ice rink proposal which is intended to justify a reduction in required parking. This is currently under review by staff. The architecture of the rink consists of white stucco over an insulated metal panel system with bands of green horizontal accent stripes. Staff is concerned with the blank south side of the building which will face the Sports Complex. 4e The north elevation of the building consists of a curved glazed entry and awnings. The materials and color of the proposed building relate well to the approved project. The building is boxy in nature due to its function, however, the north elevation is well punctuated by bernis, shrubs and trees which break up the long linear form of the building. A drop-off area has been provided adjacent to the entry of the building which should alleviate traffic congestion problems on "A" Street. O~D SPA6~ETTI FACTORY (B~LDING 5) Building 5 is currently occupied by the Victory Chapel and was at one time the Masi Winery. Any potential historic and/or architectural significance for this building has yet to be determined. Staff does not believe that the proposed modification to Building 5 will alter the building in a significant way. The Old Spaghetti Factory Restaurant is proposing to add additional square footage, creating a 13,000 square foot restaurant. The existing covered porch facing Foothill Boulevard will remain. The La Fourcade arch which was originally a part of the La Fourcade store and Cowgirl Theater has been incorporated into the restaurant entry, which was a Condition of approval on the original Conditional Use Permit. Heavy timber trellises have been incorporated on the south and east elevations which are suitable to support the growth of vines. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS CUP 91-24 - MASI December 14, 1993 Page 3 The west elevation of the building which faces an entryway into the project appears blank and could be provided with more movement in the building plane. It would be difficult to provide windows, other than clerestory, since this side of the building is the kitchen area. REFISIONS TO BUILDINGS 14-18 Buildings 14-18 have been modified mainly in shape and square footage. Note that on the original site plan, Buildings 21, 24, 25, 15 and 16 have been deleted. Original Building 14 has been reconfigured in size (proposed Building 15); Buildings 18 and 19 have been combined (proposed Building 16); Building 13 (proposed Building 14) has been increased in size and relocated closer to Rochester Avenue. (An acetate overlay will be provided at the meeting which will clearly demonstrate the shift in building locations.) 2. The following specific architectural modifications have also been proposed. Building 14 (original Building 13) Additional stone should be added to all elevations. The westerly elevation is an improvement over the original. The east elevation, which faces Rochester Avenue, however, needs to be provided with additional detailing or movement in the building plane. Building 15 The architecture of Building 15 has been revised considerably since the initial meetings with the applicant and is compatible with the rest of the site. Parking has been added directly south of the building. Building 16 - The architecture of Building 16 has also been revised considerably since the initial meetings with the applicant and is compatible with the rest of the site. The blank areas on the south elevation are designed to be knock-out panels, so that future tenants who require glass areas can be accommodated. The east elevation now has an open plaza area adjacent to it. This area acts as a link to the plaza between Buildings 11 and 12. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS CUP 91-24 - MASI December 14, 1993 Page 4 Building 17 (Original Building 20) The revisions to the building are acceptable. However, the location of person-doors on the south side of the building could be considered a security risk since this area is fairly isolated. BuJ. lding 18 The architecture of Building 18 has been revised to be compatible with the remainder of the project. The south side of the building, which backs onto the Sports Complex, is quite blank and should be upgraded or screened with plant material. Screening with plant material would have to be located on Sports Complex property since the building is located on the property line. REVISED ARC~IT~CT~I~ ~ T~I~ATER USE FOR BuI~DING 11 Two alternatives are being presented for Buildings 11 and 23. The first alternative presented is for a movie theater to occupy Building 11, with thE! remaining portion of the Building (Building 23) to be leased for other purposes. The second alternative would leave the entire building as one undivided space. It should be noted on the site plan that if the theater use is implemented then Building 16 will be deleted from the project in order to provide area for required parking. If the space will not be utilized by a theater, then Building 16 will remain. The south elevation of the theater building is fairly blank except for the main entry area. This elevation could be upgraded with vine pockets and trellises, additional stone or with some other type of architectural detailing. Staff Re~endation: Staff reconunends approval of the modifications with the noted conditions. Design Review C~mittee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, John Melcher, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: Beverly Luttrell DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 91-24 - MASI December 14, 1993 Page 5 The Committee (McNiel, Melcher, Coleman) did not approve the project and referred it to a Planning Commisison workshop on December 21, 1993 at 6:00 p.m. The following comments were made: Additional architectural treatment or a trellis system with vines should be provided on the west side of Building 5 (Old Spaghetti Factory). The parapets for Building 17 and 18 in particular should be reviewed to ensure that any roof mounted equipment is not visible from stands in the Sports complex. Tower elements on sides of buildings should have returns and extend around each corner, otherwise they appear as a plant-on. The proximity of the parking for the ice/roller rink in relation to the entry should be reexamined. The proximity of available parking for the theater should be evaluated. The entire nature of the project is becoming retail and the necessity for a public street should be reevaluated. ~ 7. The service drive between Buildings 13 and 15 is not desirable. The parking study for the ice/roller rink should be evaluated by staff and a recommendation made before revisions to the proposed architecture are considered. The larger issue with this modification involves the proposed redesignation from Industrial Park to Commercial. This request should be considered in relation to the amount of existing commercially zoned land in the City and the other plan amendments which have been filed (165 acres proposed by General Dynamics; 24 acres at the northeast corner of Spruce and Foothill Boulevard, and ll.8 acres at Baseline Road and 1-15. Attachment: Approved Site Plan