HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Reolution Log 1993 1993 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS
93-01 CUP 92-20 Apvd. 3,183 sq. ft. retail & GALARDI GROUP 1/13/93
fast food restaurant w/drive-
thru in previously approved
comm. retail ctr., S/s Foothill
btwn. 1-15 & Etiwanda Ave.
APN: 229-031-03 thru 13, 15, 16,
20, & portion of 59.
93-02 TT 14263 DR Apvd. des. rev. for previously G & D 1/13/93
apvd. 32 townhomes on 3.35 CONSTRUCTION
acres Wls Carnelian at Vivero,
APN: 207-022-54 & 64.
93-03 VAR 92-07 Apvd. reduction in min. bldg. to G & D 1/13/93
curb setback from 15 to 8 ft., CONSTRUCTION
W/s Carnelian at Vivero,
APN: 207-022-54 & 64.
93-04 PM 14238 Apvd. subdiv. of.58 acres into LASZLO VASS 1113/93
2 parcels, E/s Heilman, Slo 19th
APN: 202-061-46.
93-05 CUP 92-29 Apvd, beauty salon in 640 sq.ft. THERESA BIN 1/13/93
leased space in comm. ctr. at CHI AROLD
8870 Archibald Ave., Suite D,
APN: 209-032-42.
93-06 CUP 92-32 Apvd. church to lease 7,530 sq. RANCHO HILLS 1/13/93
ft. wli 65,000 sq. ft. bldg., COMMUNITY CHURCH
SEC Base Line Rd. & Carnelian Ave.
APN: 207-031-27.
93-07 CUP 92-30 Apvd. bail bonds ofc. & storage SECONDO & DONA 1/13/93
in 2,000 sq. ft. leased space COLOMBERO
in 10,000 sq. ft. bldg. at
8685 Etiwanda Ave. Suite E,
APN: 209-032-42.
93-08 DCA 92-01 Rec. apvl. of shopping center CITY OF RANCHO 1/13/93
parking requirements CUCAMONGA
93-09 CUP 92-34 Apvd. 3,837 sq. ft. WOMEN AT LARGE 1/27193
recreational/fitness facility
in office park, 9480 Utica Ave.,
APN: 210-081-18.
93-10 DR 92-14 Apvd. 5,996 sq. ft. bank with POMONA FIRST 1/27/93
drive-thru in shopping center,
S/s Base Line Rd, Elo Milliken,
APN: 207-182-05.
93-11 SNC 92-02 Initiating process to rename CITY OF RANCHO 1/27/93
section of Vincent Ave. CUCAMONGA
93-12 TT 13565 DR Apvd. time exL for des. rev. STANDARD PACIFIC 2110/93
for phases 6, 7, & 8 consisting
of 125 single family homes on
55.7 acres, N/o Summit Ave.,
E/o Wardman Bullock Road,
APN: 226-082-16, 17, &27.
93-13 TT 13835 Apvd. time ext. for 78 single DWIGHT FRENCH 2/10/93
family lots on 25 acres, NEC ENGINEERING
Highland & Rochester Ave.,
APN: 225-152-01 thru 04 & 18.
93-14 SNC 92-02 Apvd. street name change of CITY OF RANCHO 2110193
portion of Vincent Ave. between CUCAMONGA
AT&SF RR tracks &Arrow Rte.
to White Oak Ave.
93-15 CUP 92-33 Apvd. massage establishment in CLAUDINE EUBANK 2/24/93
commercial ctr., 7890 Haven,
APN: 1077-401-29,
93-16 DR 92-15 Apvd. 161,000 sq. ft. retail FOOTHILL 2/24/93
S/s Foothill, W/o Etiwanda,
APN: 229-031-28 & 33.
93-17 TT 10035 DR Apvd. time ext. for des. rev. PACIFIC FIRST 3/10/93
for Lots 1-21 of 38 single BANK
family lots on 15.7 acres,
S & E/o Red Hill Country Club,
S/o Calle Corazon, APN: 207-631-01
thru 11 &207-641-01 thru 10.
93-18 VAR 89-12 Apvd. time ext. for variance to PACIFIC FIRST 3/10/93
reduce 8 front yard setbacks & BANK
accessory structure setback&
allow height ext. above 35 feet,
S/o Calle Corazon, APN: 207-631-01
thru 11 & 207-641-01 thru 10.
93-19 TT 14055 Apvd. time ext. for 3-lot subdiv. DIVERSIFIED 3/10/93
&des. rev. of 115 condos on PACIFIC
10.27 acres, N/o Arrow, E/o
Baker, APN: 207-201-44.
93-20 TT 14875 Apvd. time ext. subdiv. & des. DIVERSIFIED 3110/93
rev. of 36 condos on 3.56 acres, PACIFIC
SEC Archibald & Church,
APN: 1077-332-26.
93-21 DR 93-05 Apvd. golf training facility on K& K GOLFING 3110193
25 acres of 146-acre parcel,
N/s Arrow, E/o Milliken,
APN: 229-011-24.
93-22 CUP 93-01 Apvd. photo studio wli indust. VARDEN STUDIOS 3/24/93
bldg, 9607 Business Center Dr.,
#A, APN: 209-021-40.
93-23 TT 14410 Apvd, time ext. &tree rem. per. CUNNINGHAM- 4/14/93
for 35 sg1. fam. lots on 10 BARISIC
acres, S/o 19th St. E/s of Beryl,
APN: 202-041-01, 17, 22 & 24.
93-24 TT 14410 DR Apvd, time ext. &tree rem. per. CUNNINGHAM- 4/14/93
for des. rev. for 35 sg1. fam. BARISIC
lots on 10 acres, S/o 19th St.
E/s of Beryl,
APN: 202-041-01, 17, 22 &24.
93-25 TT 15531 Apvd. 30 sgl. fam. lots on 10.6 HIX DEVELOPMENT 4/14/93
acres, Nls 19th bet. Mayberry
& Morocco, APN: 1076-141-01 &
02, 1076-131-01,
93-26 PM 14331 Apvd. subdivision of 25 acres LEWIS 4/14193
into 2 parcels, NEC Spruce & DEVELOPMENT
Foothill, APN: 1077-421-58 & 63.
93-27 VAR 93-02 Apvd. reduction in number of SCHLOSSER FORGE4114193
parking spaces for 23,200 sq. ft,
addition to exist. mfg. bldg.,
S/o Arrow, W/o Rochester
APN: 229-111-17.
93-28 DR 93-04 Apvd. 23,200 sq. ft. addition SCHLOSSER FORGE4/14/93
to exist. mfg. bldg., S/o Arrow,
W/o Rochester, APN: 229-111-17.
93-29 DR 93-03 Apvd. 88,000 sq. ft. retail w/i FOOTHILL 4114/93
comm. ctr., S/o Foothill, E/o MARKETPLACE
1-15, APN: 229-031-41.
93-30 TT 13565 DR Apvd. des. rev. for phases 4 & STANDARD PACIFIC 4/28/93
5 of previously aped. 47 sgl.
fam. lots on 125 acres, N/o
Summit, E/o Wardman Bullock,
APN: 226-211, 222, and 261.
93-31 TT 14459 Apvd. time ext. for 37 sgl. fam. L. A. CHANCO 4/28/93
lots & des. rev. thereof on 8.3
acres, SEC Archibald & Lemon,
APN: 201-242-04, 40, 41, & 49.
93-32 CUP 93-02 Apvd. vocational training svc. COLE VOCATIONAL 4128/93
w/i exist. indust. bldg., 8520
Archibald, APN: 209-021-30.
93-33 CUP 93-03 Apvd. financial ofc. w/i exist- DEER CREEK 5/12/93
ing bus. park, 10700 Jersey FINANCIAL
Blvd., APN: 209-144-83.
93-34 CUP 93-06 Apvd. minor automobile/light TDM WORLD 5/12/93
truck repair w/i exist. induct. CONVERSIONS
Park, 9608 B. Lucas Ranch Rd.,
APN: 210-071-60.
93-35 CUP 93-07 Apvg billiard hall w/ on-site LEVI 5/12/93
beer sales, SWC Foothill &
Ramona, APN: 208-301-15,
93-36 DR 92-06 Apvd. 68,176 sq.ft. wrhse.ldist. RYDER 5/12/93
bldg. on 3.97 acres, NWC 4th & TRANSPORTATION
Santa Anita, APN: 229-331-07. SERVICES
93-37 SNC 93-03 Initiating process to rename CITY OF RANCHO 5/12/93
Mountainview Dr., Way, & Place CUCAMONGA
at NWC Vineyard &Arrow Rte.
93-38 CUP 93-09 Apvd. recreational/fitness WOMEN AT LARGE 6/26/93
facility, 8768 Helms Ave.,
APN: 209-032-53.
93-39 VAR 93-04 Apvd. reduced side yard setback RICHARD NERO 5126/93
from 10 to 5 ft. for storage
shed, APN: 1062-461-07.
93-40 CUP 93-05 Apvd. 10,600 sq. ft. restaurant SCHEER BRADEN 5126/93
(Claim Jumper) wl on-site ARCHITECTS
alcohol, S/o Foothill, E/o 1-15,
APN: 229-031-39.
93-41 TT 14207 Apvd. time ext. for subdiv. & JUNG HWANG 6/9193
des, rev. for 28 sgl. fam. lots
on 19.8 acres, on Wilson Ave.,
W/o Beryl St., S/o Heritage Park,
APN: 1062-051-01.
93-42 VAR 91-03 Apvd. time ext. for min. corner JUNG HWANG 6/9193
lot width from 100 to 90 ft.,
min. lot area from 20,000 to
14,502 sq, ft., min. lot depth
from 150 to 145.75 ft., min. avg.
lot size from 22,500 to 22,228
sq, ft. for subdiv. of 28 sgl.
fam. lots on 19.8 acres on on
Wilson Ave., Wlo Beryl St., S/o
Heritage Park, APN: 1062-051-01.
93-43 CUP 90-20 Apvd. time ext. for six 2-story ARROYO DE LOS 6/9193
ofc.lretail bldgs. M. 113,450 OSOS, LTD.
sq, ft. on 3.21 acres, (Phase 1
of 11 bldg. master plan on 17.04
acres), Nls Foothill btwn. Baker
Ave. & Red Hill Country Club Dr.,
APN: 207-101-13, 16, 24, 25, &41.
93-44 PM 13962 Apvd. time ext. for 8 parcels on ARROYO DE LOS 6/9193
17.04 acres, N/s Foothill bet. OSOS, LTD.
Baker Ave. & Red Hill Country
Club Dr., APN: 207-101-13, 16,
24, 25, &41.
93-45 SNC 92-03 Apvd. street name change from CITY OF RANCHO 6/9193
Mountainview Dr., Way, & Place CUCAMONGA
to Snow Creek Dr., Snow Ridge
Way, and Snow View Place,
within Mulberry Place Develop.
at NWC Vineyard &Arrow Rte.
93-46 TT 15540 Apvd. 159 sgl. fam. lots on FU MAI LTD. 6/23/93
24.56 acres, btwn. Foothill PARTNERSHIP
Blvd. &Arrow Rte., W/o
Cucamonga Creek Flood Control
Channel, APN: 207-211-01, 18
thru 21, 31, 32, & 34.
93-47 TT 15540 DR Apvd. des. rev. of 159 sgl. fam. FU MAI LTD. 6/23/93
lots on 24.56 acres, btwn. PARTNERSHIP
Foothill Blvd. &Arrow Rte.,
W/o Cucamonga Creek Flood Control
Control Channel, APN: 207-211-01,
18 thru 21, 31, 32, & 34.
93-48 VAR 93-03 Apvd. reduction in min. bldg. FU MAI LTD. 6/23193
separat. to 10 ft., min. bldg, PARTNERSHIP
to-curb setback to 8 ft., &
req. common open space to 10%,
btwn. Foothill Blvd. &Arrow Rte.,
W/o Cucamonga Creek Flood Control
Control Channel, APN: 207-211-01,
18 thru 21, 31, 32, & 34.
93-49 CUP 93-18 Apvd. 14,000 sq. ft. paintball ROBERT C. JONES 6/23/93
recreation facility W/i Biane
Winery, APN: 209-201-19 & 20.
93-50 DR 93-08 Apvd. 33,000 &24,978 sq. ft. FOOTHILL 6/23/93
retail bldgs., Sto Foothill MARKETPLACE
Blvd. E/o 1-15, APN: 229-031-41.
93-51 TT 15060 Apvd. time ext. for subdiv. of WILLIAM LYON 7/14/93
10 lots on 124.76 acres, S/o HOMES, INC.
Base Line Road, Elo Day Creek
Blvd. -APN: 207-161-35 & 38 &
227-171-03, 08, 20, 22, & 23.
93-52 DR 93-07 Apvd. 5,362 sq. ft. custom WAYNE & LAUREL 7/14/93
hillside residence, 8933 Laramie BAUSMAN
Dr., APN: 1061-801-05.
93-53 CUP 93-08 Apvd. fast food rest. w/drive- McDONALDS 7/14/93
thru w1i existing shopping ctr.,
E/s Haven btwn. Highland &
Lemon, APN: 201-271-65.
93-54 CUP 90-42 Apvd. time ext. for shop. ctr. WILLIAM LYON CO. 7/28/93
on 31.13 acres, S/s Foothill,
W/o future Day Creek Blvd.,
APN: 229-021-10, 15, 19, &28.
93-55 PM 13808 Apvd. time ext. for subdiv. of WILLIAM LYON CO. 7/28193
31.13 acres into 16 parcels,
Sls Foothill, W/o future Day
Creek Blvd., APN: 229-021-10,
15, 19, & 28.
93-56 TT 14120 Apvd. time ext. for 68 sgl. fam. ETIWANDA HEIGHTS 7/28193
lots on 53.05 acres, N/ & S/o COMPANY
Summit Ave., approx. 1,300 ft.
W/o Etiwanda Ave., APN: 225-111-22
&225-171-02, 08, 11, & 16.
93-57 TT 13951 Apvd. time ext. for 30 sgl fam. CHOU 7/28/93
lots on 23.45 acres, N/o
Manzanita Dr., E/o Beryl St.,
W/o Hellman Ave.,
APN: 1062-111-03 thru 06,
1061-7761-03, 1062-061-01 & 02.
93-56 TT 15172 Apvd. time ext. for 20-unit JERRY COCHRAN 7128/93
condos on 1.08 acres, terminus
of Sierra Madre Ave. & Main St.,
APN: 207-251-22
93-59 TT 13280 Apvd. des. rev_ of 145 sgl. fam. PREMIER 7128193
lots on 23.9 acres, Nls of Base
Line Rd. btwn. Ellena East &
West, APN: 227-081-06.
93-60 FBSPA 93-60 Rec. appvl. to add Health &Ath. STEVE SEELEY 7/28/93
Gyms & Weight Reduc. Clinics as
conditional use in Subareas 1-3
in Specialty Commercial Dist.
and Pharmacies under 10,000 sq.
ft. in Subareas 1-3 Community
Commercial Dist.
93-61 CUP 93-19 Apvd. health club W/i Thomas STEVE SEELEY 7/28/93
Winery Ctr., NEC Foothill Blvd.
& Vineyard Ave., APN: 201-101-25.
93-62 TT 13566 Apvd. time ext. for final 42 of ROCKFIELD 8/11/93
154 sgl. fam. lots on 67.8 acres DEVELOPMENT
SWC Summit &Almond Aves.,
APN: 226-321-01 & 11.
93-63 CUP 93-14 Apvd. 1,200 sq. ft. second STEPHEN BUTTERS 8/11/93
dwelling on 0.8 acre of land
W/s Hellman Ave., S/o Pepperidge
Lane, APN: 202-041-58.
93-64 TT 13564 Apvd. time ext. for 182 lots on AKINS (HSU) 8/25/93
117 acres, N/o Summit Ave., E/o
Wardman Bullock Rd.,
APN: 226-082-24 thru 26.
93-65 DR 89-12 Apvd. time ext. for phases 11 & A. W. DAVIES 8/25/93
l[I of indust. complex on 2.2
acres, on Feron Blvd., E/o Helms
Ave., APN: 209-031-87 & 88.
93-66 CUP 93-20 Apvd. church of 12,825 sq. ft. EN AGAPE 8125193
on 1.1 acre at 9215 Arrow Rte., CHRISTIAN
APN: 209-012-09. FELLOWSHIP
93-67 CUP 93-22 Apvd, interim use of vehicle A. W. DAVIES 8/25/93
storage on 7.6 acres, 9449
Feron Blvd., APN: 209-032-23.
93-68 CUP 93-23 Apvd. private school of 4,000 MONTESSORI 8/25/93
sq. ft. in Vineyard West ofc. ACADEMY
park, 8560 Vineyard Ave.,
APN: 207-262-49.
93-69 CUP 93-21 Apvd. indoor shooting range of ROBERT L. FISHER 8/25/93
7,280 sq. ft. on 16,755 sq, ft.
lot, 9049 9th St.,
APN: 209-013-37.
93-70 CUP 93-25 Apvd. church w/i 3,844 sq. ft. MUSLIM EDUCAT'L. 8/25/93
leased space at 9375 Feron & COMMUNITY CTR.
Blvd., APN: 209-032-17. OF AMERICA
93-71 TT 15526 Apvd. 57 sgl. fam. lots on LEWIS DEVELOP. 918/93
7.86 acres , SWC Mountain View CO.
❑r. & Milliken Ave.,
APN: 1077-091-36.
93-72 TT 15526 DR Apvd. des. rev. for 57 sgl. LEWIS DEVELOP. 918193
fam. lots on 7.86 acres , SWC CO.
Mountain View Dr. & Milliken
Ave., APN: 1077-091-36.
93-73 PM 14457 Apvd. subdiv. of 2.48 acres WOLFFILANG/ 9/8193
into 2 parcels, SEC Arrow Rte. CHRISTOPHER
& Utica Ave., APN: 209-144-84.
93-74 CUP 93-24 Apvd. electrical substation, SOUTHERN CAL. 918193
W/s Rochester, Slo Arrow Rte. EDISON
APN: 229-111-18.
93-75 TT 13796 Apvd. 111 condo units on 7.92 LEWIS DEVELOP. 918193
acres, S/s Mountain View Dr., CO.
E/o Milliken Ave.,
APN: 227-151-32.
93-76 TT 13796 DR Apvd. des. rev. for 111 condo LEWIS DEVELOP. 9/8193
units on 7.92 acres, S/s
Mountain View Dr., E/o Milliken
Ave., APN: 227-151-32,
93-77 CUP 93-04 Apvd. truck terminal/storage EZE TRUCKING, 9/22/93
facility on 3.57 acres, SEC INC.
5th St. & Lucas Ranch Rd.,
APN: 210-071-37 & 41.
93-78 CUP 39-38 Apvd. admin. &ofc. use on 3 WILKINSON 9/22/93
acres, SEC Arrow Rte. & Red
Oak St., APN: 209-144-80.
93-79 CUP 93-37 Apvd. 1,500 sq. ft. animal TERRA VISTA 9/22193
hospital w/i shop. ctr., ANIMAL HOSPITAL
10598 Base Line Rd., Rd,
Suite F, APN: 1076-481-35.
93-80 SOA 93-01 Rec. appvl. of additional CITY OF RANCHO 9122/93
monument signs for shopping CUCAMONGA
93-81 CUP 93-26 Apvd. 2,700 sq. ft. liquor MASI PARTNERS 9/22/93
store & deli. in 7,739 sq. ft.
bldg., SWC Foothill Blvd. &
Rochester Ave., APN: 227-011-10,
19, 21, &26 thru 28.
93-82 CUP 93-33 Apvd. retail sales of tea, MAST PARTNERS 9122193
coffee, books, mag., & news-
papers in 1,000 sq, ft. of 7,739
sq. ft. bldg., SWC Foothill Blvd.
& Rochester Ave., APN: 227-011-10,
19, 21, & 26 thru 28.
93-83 CUP 93-34 Apvd. 1,000 sq. ft. florist MASI PARTNERS 9/22/93
in 7,739 sq. ft. bldg., SWC
Foothill Blvd. & Rochester Ave.,
APN: 227-011-10, 19, 21, &26
thru 28.
93-84 CUP 93-35 Apvd. 1,000 sq. ft. hair& nail MASI PARTNERS 9/22/93
salon in 7,739 sq. ft. bldg.
SWC Foothill Blvd. & Rochester
Ave., APN: 227-011-10, 19, 21,
&26 thru 28.
93-85 CUP 93-36 Apvd. 2,000 sq. ft. dry cleaners MASI PARTNERS 9/22/93
in 7,739 sq. ft. bldg., SWC
Foothill Blvd. & Rochester Ave.,
APN: 227-011-10, 19, 21, &26
thru 28.
93-86 TT 13280 DR Apvd. des. rev. of 67 of 145 CENTEX HOMES 10/13/93
sgl. fam. lots, N/s Base Line
btwn Ellena East& Ellena West,
APN: 227-070-31 thru 40, 43
thru 51, 53 thru 73, & 95 thru
97 &227-071-01 thru 24.
93-87 TT 14555 Apvd. 7 sgl. fam. lots on 4.36 CHANG 10/13/93
acres, S/o Vista Grove St., Elo
Hermosa Ave., APN: 1074-231-04
& 05.
93-88 VAR 93-06 Apvd. required bldg. setback E & R RANCHO 10/13/93
from residential areas from 45
to 0 feet for mini-storage
facility, E/s Hermosa, S/o 8th
St., APN: 209-221-19.
93-89 DR 93-13 Denying w/o prejudice des. rev. WESTERN 10/27/93
of Bldg. Xwh Terra Vista Town PROPERTIES
Ctr., NEC Foothill Blvd. & Haven
Ave., APN: 1077-421-70.
93-90 CUP 93-42 Apvd. church in 3,168 sq. ft. RANCHO CUCAMONGA 10/27/93
leased space wli Trademark Bus. CHURCH OF CHRIST
Ctr. at 10261 Trademark St.,
APN: 210-441-19.
93-91 CUP 93-40 Apvd. gymnastics school in PAUL &CLAIRE 10/27/93
12,650 sq. ft. [eased space in
indust. park at 9017 Arrow Rte.,
APN: 209-012-19.
93-92 DR 93-11 Apvd. 6,626 sq. ft. sgl. fam. STEVE FALK 11/10/93
house on 0.78 acre, 5044
Laredo PI., APN: 1061-801-08.
93-93 EP 91-04 Apvd. modif. to limit patrons BACKWATERS 11/10/93
21 & over, 10877 Foothill Blvd.,
APN: 208-351-75.
93-94 CUP 93-41 Apvd. 14,500 outdoor storage TRANSAMERICA 11/10/93
yard, 9823 Crescent Center Dr.,
APN: 210-071-55.
93-95 CUP 93-47 Apvd. amusement arcade in SAM PELLEGRINO 11/10193
conjunction with restaurant &
bar, 6620 Camelian St.,
APN: 208-811-56 thru 60.
93-96 CUP 93-45 Apvd. stress reduction clinic DEBRA 11/10/93
w/i indust: complex, 8645 HILDENBRAND
Haven Ave., APN: 209-144-54.
93-97 DCA 93-01 Rec. appvl. of standards & CITY OF RANCHO 11/10/93
for adult oriented businesses. CUCAMONGA
93-98 TT 15594 Apvd. modif. to Tract 13717 for LEWIS HOMES 11/10/93
136 condos on 10 lots on 8.6
acres, SEC Spruce & Elm Aves.,
APN: 1077-791-01 thru 09.
93-99 TT 15595 Apvd. modif. to Tr. 13717 for LEWIS HOMES 11/10/93
241 condos on 18 lots 14.8
acres, NEC Church St. & Spruce
Ave., APN: 1077-801-01 thru 11.
93-100 TT 15594 DR Apvd. 377 condos an 23.4 acres, LEWIS HOMES 11/10/93
NEC Church & Spruce,
APN: 1077-791-01 thru 09 &
1077-801-01 thru 11.
93-101 EP 91-02 Denying mod. to expand ent. to LUANNE 11/23/93
allow live band, disc jockey, & PELLEGRINO
karaoke at 6620 Carnelian St., (SAM'S PLACE)
APN: 201-811-56 thru 60.
93-102 CUP 89-18 Apvd. construct. of 46,000 sq. LEWIS 11/23/93
ft. of comm., retail, & auto DEVELOPMENT CO.
y service space in shopping ctr.,
SEC Base Line Rd. & Milliken,
APN: 227-181-04, 06, & 08.
93-103 CUP 93-13 Apvd. 61,500 sq. ft. public E & R RANCHO 11/23/93
storage on 3 acres, S/o 8th St., PACIFIC
E/s Hermosa Ave. APN: 229-211-19.
93-104 EP 93-04 Apvd. disc jockey, karaoke, & MANDARIN GARDENS 11/23/93
live band, 8034 Haven Ave.,
APN: 1077-661-02.
93-105 CUP 93-17 Apvd. addition of 4,586 sq. ft. SHEPHERD OF THE 12/08/93
of library& classroom space to HILLS LUTHERAN
church facility, NEC Banyan &
Haven Ave., APN: 201-821-49 & 50.
93-106 TT 15577 Apvd. 18 condo units on 1.76 MODERN CORP. 12/08/93
acres, Nls Arrow Rte., E/o Baker,
APN: 207-201-03, 04, & 21.
93-107 TT 15577 DR Apvd. des. rev. of 18 condo MODERN CORP. 12/08/93
units on 1.76 acres, N/s Arrow
Rte., Elo Baker,
APN: 207-201-03, 04, & 21.
93-26A PM 14331 Apvd. mod. to cond. of appvl. LEWIS 12/08/93
for 2 parcel subdiv. on 25 DEVELOPMENT
acres, NEC Spruce Ave. & Foothill
Blvd., APN: 1077-421-58 & 63.
93-108 CUP 93-48 Apvd. sale of distilled spirits ALBERT SANAM 12/21/93
wli exist. 2,400 sq. ft. cony.
store, NEC Foothill Blvd. &
Hermosa Ave., APN: 1077-601-09.
93-109 CUP 93-43 Apvd. chiropractic ofc. in ofc. SHARON MARTINEZ 12/21/93
complex, Els Archibald Ave., S/o
6th St., APN: 210-071-63 &64.