HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes Jan-Jun 1980 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
June 25, 1980
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga was held in the Lion"s Park Community Center, '911 Base Lane
Road,iRancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, June 25, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Respel, who led the
meeting with the pledge of allegiance.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl, Laura Jones, Jeff Sc ranka,
Peter Tol toy, 'Herman Rempel
fiLSO PRESENT: Barry; Hogan, Senior Planner, Ted Hopson, City attorney;
Michael Varin, Associate Planner; Paul Rogeau, Associate
Civil Engineer; and Joan Kruse, Secretary
Motion: Moved by Jones, seconded by Pahl, carried to approve the Planning
Commission minutes of May 28, 1980 as submitted, Jeff Sceranka, newly
;appointed Planning Commis ione °,abstained from voting.
Mr. Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, announced that Mr. Jeff Sceranka had been
sworn in by the City Clerk prior to the Meeting and was now seated as a
Planning Commissioner.
Chairman Berman Respel, announced that a Commendation Resolution had been
prepared. for former Planning Commissioner, Jorge Garcia, and 'read the
Motion.: Moved by Jones, seconded by Tolst6y, carried unanimously, to adopt
Resolution No. 80-37, honoring Mr. Garcia.
Chairman Rempel also noted. that Mr. Garcia had served as Vice-chairman of
the Commission.
industrial subdivision of 85.8 acres into 27 parcels, in the R--2—(General
Manufacturing) zone generally located on the southeast corner of Haven
Avenue and 8th Street. APN 209-271-16, 17.
Chairman Rempel asked if there were any questions from the Commission re-
garding this item.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he had a problem with the street layout
as presented on the map. He further stated that he knew this was to be
an environmental assessment, however,, he would like to see the tentative
parcel map. Commissioner Tolstoy indicated that thus far, in Rancho Cuca-
monga, development has been piecemeal. Mr. Tolstoy's concern was that
when final development of this property takes place, the streets that are
planned in this development will line up with those that are proposed in
future adjacent developments. Commissioner Tolstoy further stated that
a better circulation pattern is needed.
Mr. Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, asked Mr. Tolstoy for clarification.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he does not wish to see this map go be-
fore the Planning Commission because of his concern with traffic circula-
tion and how the streets as planned will affect adjacent property.
Chairman Rempel stated that for clarification purposes, Commissioner Tolstoy
is requesting to see the tentative map.
Mr. Robert Sundstrom, engineer for this development, addressed the Commis-
sion and stated that the streets were designed for use of the property
owners and the adjoining properties. He indicated that Eighth Street and
Cleveland Avenue were to be abandoned.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that this would indicate the addition of two
more cul-de-sacs and that he does not want to see necessary streets cul-
de-saced. Commissioner Tolstoy further stated that it was difficult for
him to understand why "B" Street was not designed to go all the way through
to the easterly property line.
Mr. Sundstrom stated that the parcel was designed for maximum utilization
of the property and to provide rail service to lots 24, 25, 26 and 27.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated it was his feeling that "B" Street should be
developed to go all the way through to serve future adjacent development.
He further stated that as a Planning Commission it is their responsibility
to look out for the overall good of the community.
Further discussion took place with Paul Rougeau, Associate Civil Engineer,
who stated it was not feasible to extend Cleveland to -the north because
of a grade separation at the railroad that would be required.
Further discussion ensued, relative to street circulation, private driveways
for lots 26 and 27, and the possible extension of "D" Street, south.
Commissioner Jeff Sceranka stated thattbe matter for discussion tonight
was the environmental assessment for this property. He indicated that he
would like to see this item come back before the Planning Commission.
Planning Commission Minutes -2- June 25, 1980
Mr. Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, stated that if it was the Commission's
desire, the site plan would be brought back for their review,
Motion. Moved by Sc ra.nka, seconded by Tolst y, carried: unanimously, to
approve the negative declaration for this parcel map and to bring the site
pain before the Commission for their review.
CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE - Revised Ordinance to be presented as
per Condominium Committee Direction
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report and indicated the
changes in; the proposed ordinance. He further indicated that these changes
were of a minor nature and recommended that the Planning Commsision adopt
the ordinance as presented.
Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing; and asked if anyone wished to
Mr. John Withers, representing Lewis Homes, addressed the Commission and
indicated that he felt the requirements for laundry and parking to be ex-
cessive and hoped, that there would be some flexibility in these requirements.
Chairman Rempel indicated that he objected to the City getting into the
position of telling what private enterprise can and cannot do. He further
indicated that he has an aversion to government interference into private
Commissioner Dahl stated that he hoped the City doesn't ;get into a rent'
control ordinance.
Motion: Moved by Bahl, seconded by Jones, carried, to adopt the Condomi-
ninm Conversion ordinance as amended.
Chairman Hempel voted no, stating his opposition to government interference
into private enterprise.
The development of a truck and equipment storage yard. on S acres within
the M-2 Zone located at 8908 Hyssop'.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planer, reviewed the staff report. He indica-
ted that in addition to the issue of screening the site, if the Commission
considers approval of this project, it should be made clear that this use
is for storage of trucks and equipment only and is not to be used for trash
collection, reclaimed materials, truck washing, truck repair, and trash-
bin cleaning and washing.'
Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing.
Mr. Joe Moore, representing Rancho Disposal Service, addressed the Commis-
sion, He asked the Commission for permission to have truck washing and
Planning Commission Minutes - dine 25, l')8O
He indicated that this site is in the M2 zone and is hidden ;away from
people who may be offended by the sight. fie further indicated that. Rancho
Disposal is seeking to operate a rubbish collection company and had the
understanding that they could operate as "such, at this site.
Moore also stated that a major issue is the screening of this site to
obstruct the view from the surrounding area and the freeway. Mr. Moore
then read a, letter into the record which 'asked the 'Commission to view the
screening as no issue on this project and allow immediate occupancy as a
truck and equipment storage facility, including washing ;and repairing as
necessary to the dispatching of this business and allow the trailer that
is to be used as an office facility to remain until completion of the free-
way construction.
Following Mr. Moore"s comments, Commissioner Tolstoy suggested that this
item 'should go back to staff for review.
Michael Vairin replied that if the applicant is asking that such uses be
allowed on this site, staff will have to review this project again for ap-
propriate conditions'. Mr. Vairin indicated, that a minimum four week con-
tinuance would be necessary as the change in the applicant's original re-
guest would require County approval..
Commissioner Sc'eranka asked the applicant what he would agree to as far
as landscaping was concerned.
Mr. Moore replied that he' felt` that all this landscaping was unnecessary.
. Hogan indicated to the Commission that the applicant proposed walls
along the east, crest and north. Mr. Kogan further indicated that he had
met with the owner of Rancho Disposal about the screening and what was
required. An agreement had been reached to screen along Hyssop. Mr.
Hogan stated that it appeased that staff was now getting two different
stories, or else, Mr. Moore was uninformed..
Motion: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to con-
tinue this item to the first meeting in .August.
The City attorney stated for the record that a trailer could be used only
for a maximum of two years and not until the freeway was built. It would
be illegal to use a 'trailer for any additional time.
8.10 p.m. The Planning Commsision recessed. `
8.20 p.m. The +Planning Commission reconvened.
development of a pre-school designed for capacity of 3 ` children can 0.40
acres within the p--8 Zone, located at 9575 San Bernardino Road .
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- dune 25, 1980
Commissioner Jones asked if any shade trees would be planted in the play
Michael Va rin replied that several large trees presently on the site will
remain and will; provide necessary shade.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the parking apron would be extended on parking
stall number one so that cars can back up.
Michael Vairi.n replied that it would.
Chairman Rempel, opened. the public hearing and asked the applicant if he
wished to snake a. presentation.
The applicant replied that he did not wish to do so.
Commissioner Beeranka indicated that he wished to question the applicant
on traffic in and out both in the morning and afternoon.
The applicant, Mr. Eugene Richardson, responded that there were 14 parking
spaces and adequate turnarounds room for vehicles entering and leaving.
He stated that he did not anticipate any more than five vehicles in the
parking lot at any one time.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if children who are loo ped off at the school
would have to walk around the back of the cars. His concern was that in
doing so, 'there would be exposure to accidents.
Richardson stated that he saw Mr. Tolstoy's point, and would remedy
the situation.
Chairman Rempel stated that he Felt the chain Link fence should be moved
so that it would be an the frost of cars parked in the parking lot rather
than in back of the cars.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked the applicant what provisions there were for
draining 'the waiter can this property.
Michael. V irin, Associate Planner, stated that before the public hearing
is opened, the applicant has some slides of the proposed site if the
Planning Commission wished to see then. The slides were shown and Chair-
man Rempel thanked the applicant and, opened the public hearing.
s. Carmen Alvarette, 9591 San Bernardino Road, addressed the Commission.
She indicated her concern was that traffic would be increased as a result
of this pre-school and would add to the existing problem of her difficulty
in getting into and out of her driveway. Mrs. Alvarette also indicated
that there was no problem with flooding in this area..
Dan Burns, 9561 San Bernardino Road, owner of some property to the
west of the proposed pre-school, stated that he was in the process of
seliing his home and wanted to know what the present zoning of his pro-
perty is. Mr. Burns also indicated that the current school which stated
its hours of operation to be between 8;00 a.m. and .00 p.m. is opened i
from : C a.m. to :00 p.m. Clients and teachers park across street
frontages and traffic has increased along this portion of Saks Bernardino
which., he said, was now hazardous. Mr. Burns also indicated that the
Planning Commission Minutes -5- June 25, 1980
eucalyptus trees that provide shade are old and rotting. Mr. Burns did
state that drainage of water was no problem and that it flows right along
his house.
Mr. Richardson replied that there is adequate parking and does not see park-
ing as much of a problem as this is a pre -school. Working parents, he said,
will be dropping off their children and picking them up. On the matter of
the trees, Mr. Richardson stated that he has been requested to remove some
eucalyptus trees because of the necessary street improvments.
There being no further comments, Chairman Rempel closed the public hearing.
Discussion ensued relative to parking in the residents' driveways. It was
determined that a call to the sheriff by the residents would be most ef-
fective in curtailing parking in other residents' driveways.
Following brief discussion by the Planning Commission, it was roved by Jones,
seconded by Dahl, carried unanimously, "tea approve this site approval, amend-
ing condition No. 8 to children five years of; age or younger, adding a con-
dition for a concrete walkway near the parking lot+and providing wheel, stops
for vehicles.
OWING COMMITTEE ORDINANCE - revision to proposed ordinance creating a
Grading Committee for the review of proposed grading plans.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. He indicated that
the proposed ordinance before the Planning Commission was the result of
changes suggested by Commissioners `i'olsty acid "Kesel who worked as a
special committee to develop it.
Brief discussion ensued regarding the inclusion of the Planning Commission
as a reviewing body on Item 10 of the ordinance.
Commissioner Cceranka inquired about the feasibility of topographical models
in depicting grading contours.
Mr. Hogan explained that cardboard models are not longer used but that sty-
rofoam is now utilized and is 'very effective in hillside developments.
Mr. Doug hone, 7303 Hellman Avenue,: addressed the Planning Commission and
reiterated :Mr. 'Hogan's comments relative to Styrofoam models and their
effectiveness. Mrs hone felt :that such a model should to required of all
developers and further stated that in the long tern., a model would reduce
grad ngerrors and be cost effective.
Motion: Moved by Tolsto , seconded, by Jones, carried unanimously, to approve
the Grading Ordinance and recommend its 'adoption by the City Council, as
Chairman Rempel asked that this item be continued to the meeting of July 9.
Planning Commission Minutes -6- June 25, 1980
Following discussion, it was determined that nomination,tlon:and selection of
the chairman, and vice-chairman be made b voice vote.
Motion: Moved by Jones, seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, that
Richard Dahl. be selected as Planning Commission chairman.
Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, that
Jeff Sceranka be selected as Panning Commission vice-chairman.
Following the selection of the chairman and vice-chairman, outgoing Chair-
man Rempel stated, that he had en oy d being Planning o fission chair and
offered his assistance in any way to the new Chairman, Richard Dahl..
Motion: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Toned, carried unanimously, to adjourn
at 9:20 p.m.
Res Ple
ctful ubmitted.
LAI, secret y
Planning Commission Minutes -7— June 25, 1980
r. .Tim Hix, representing anir Research, addressed the Commission and stated '
the reasons for requesting a time extension on than project.
Chairman Rempel asked If there were any questions from the audience. Where
were none.
Discussion ensued among the Planning Cep uisalcun concerning landscaping ire
gather Vanir held properties and whether this proposed project would have
well--maintained landscaping.
. Hix in answering indicated that while there had been problems with some
other Vanir projects which were na in the process of being remedied, that
this would not happen at the project proposed at 19th and Archibald.
Further discussion took place regarding possible pyramidal waning.
The City Attorney replied that uses would be controlled through the business
licensing process
Co ssia,ier Tolstoy expressed his concern that because of the design of this
building, uses other than professional office uses, may result. Mr. Tolstoy
suggested that a 'minor design chaise on the windows would create the feeling
that this proposed project is an office complex and would; help to acid rib_ .
leans in the future in keeping A-p uses only.
TheCommission' asked the City Attorney for his opinion on whether proposed
changes to the windows would create a problem for the applicant. Mr. Hopson
replied that if the applicant does not see this as a problem,, then one dad
rust exist.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked about the applicant's present landscaping plan.
. Hix replied that the plans have been upgraded substantially.
Michael yairiru indicated that when the new plans were reviewed, the` land-
scaping is conceptually what the planning Commission would desire.
Following further discussion, it was treed by Garcia, seconded by purl, car-
ried Review No. `
' �a ''rant a one-year etrrsf.c�n: forDirector_ 9 _a
red unanimously,
with a condition that the building facade be modified and that the project
be examined by the Design Review Committee.
There being no further discussion, it was moved by Dahl, seconded by Tolstoy,
carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 9.10 a.m.
9:10 p.m. The Planning Commission Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
terry, P'IL nil g ission
lann rz OMMi sio mutes - - June 11 , 19
June 11, 1980
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cuca-
monga was held it the Lion's Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road,
Rancho Cucamonga,; on Wednesday, June 11, 180.
Meeting was called to order at 70 p.m. , 'by Chairman Rempel, who led the
meeting with the pledge of allegiance.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl.., Jorge Garcia, Laura Jones,
Peter Tolstoy, Herman Hempel
ALSO PRESENT: Barry Hogan, Senior Planner; Ted Hopson, City Attorney;
Michael Vair n, Associate Planner; Tim Beed.le, Associate
Planner, Paul Rou eau, Associate'Civil Engineer , Joan
Kruse, !Secretary
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Garcia, carried. unanimously, ;to ap-
prove the April 9, 1-980 Planning Commission Minutes.
Motion: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to approve
the April 23, 1980 Planning Commission minutes.'
Commissioner Tolstoy requested that the Planning Commission Minutes of
May 14 1980 be corrected to read as follows:
Motion Moored by Tolstoy, seconded by Dahl., carried unanimously, that the
Planning Commission recommended that Concert B„ alternates 1 and 2 be adapted
'by the City'Council. The Planning Commission further recommended that the
project start at 'Foothill Boulevard. and proceed northerly and thataddition-
al priority be given to the intersection of Carnelian and l th. If monies
are available, trees should be slanted at Carnelian and l th to emphasize
a focal point at this 'intersection. They also recommended that considera-
tion be given to the flood Control project at the Cucammmona, Creed to avoid
any conflict in channel construction and the landscaping project.
Motiont Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Jones, carried unanimously, to ap-
prove the minutes of May 14, 1980, as corrected.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, advised, that the Citizen Advisory Committee
would meet on Saturday, June 14, at the Cucamonga Neighborhood Facility,
to review the Housing Element and Land Use Element of the General Plan.
Mr. Hogan reported that the City Council has adopted. a resolution oppos-
ing the proposed Affordable Housing Task Force and forwarded comments to
the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Hogan further reported that the Mayors and
Planning Directors of ithe West End cities had drafted a letter that was
presented to the Board of Supervisors on June 9 which opposed the Afford-
able Housing Task Force in its present 'form. Mr. Hogan indicated that as
a result of input to the Supervisors, this item was tabled. Further, a
letter has been prepared to be signed by Mayor Schlosser requesting that
the City be notifed should any further action on this matter be contem-
Mr. Hogan reminded the Planning Commission that a new chairman is to be
elected at the first Planning Commission meeting in July.
Commissioner Tolstoy proposed a motion to congratulate Michael Vairin and
Jack Lan for their two years of service to the City of Rancho Cucamonga,
indicating that he has appreciated the staff and how much they, have done.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahl and carried unanimously.
Motion: Moved by Jones, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to up-
proNe Item A, Environmental Assessment of Parcel Map No. 5997 - Jacobs
A residential subdivision of 5 acres into four parcels within the A-1
(Limited Agriculture) zone located on the west side of Et .wander Avenue
north of Summit - 5992 Etiwanda Avenue - APN 225-111-31.
TION - R. "A `NE i - A request for the establishment of an alcohol rehabi-
litatican-center to be located in an existing industrial building within the
Vanguard Industrial Park located on the northwest corner of 7th and A:rchl-
bald in the M-R (Restricted Manufacturing) Zone - AP N 209-171-16.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report.
Chairman Rempel asked if there were any questions from the audience.
Mr. R. Payne of the Sigma Share Foundation questioned whether the conditions
included Sunday use of the facility for seminars. Staff advised that Sunday
use would 'be allowed and, would be included, in the conditions.
Planning Commission Minutes -2- June 11, 1980
There being no further questions, Chairman Bempel closed. the public hearing.
Commissioner Tolstcay expressed his opinion that he felt it inappropriate for
this type of 'business to be located in an industrial park'' and that there is
a real problem in allowing these uses. However, that was decided by the Com-
mission under the zoning determination and is not at issue here, therefore, he
would vote for this item.
Motion Moved. by Jones, seconded by Dahl, carried unanimously, to approve
Resolution No. 8 -3 , as amended, allowing Sunday use of the facility park-
ing lot.
AXES. COMMISSIONERS: Janes, Dahl, Garcia, Tolstoy, Peanpel
subdivision of 3.30 acres into 4 parcels within the R--1- 0,000 wane loca-
ted on the northwest corner of Klusman and; Whirlaway. A.PN - 01-071-4C & 49.
Michael Va,irin, .Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Mr. vairin
indicated that the Planning Commission had two captions; 1) require the ap-
plicant to adjust the lines of lots 2 and 3 to meet the minimum "leaning Or-
dinance requirement in terms of 'minimum widths, and. accept -the modified
map, or ) require the applicant to provide additional street design and
lot configuration studies.
Following the staff report, Chairman Bemp l asked if there were any ques-
tions from the audience.
Mr. Bob Gilbert, Civil Engineer, responsible for preparing this plan, sta-
ted that this property had been left in its present state by the previous
developer and it was his opinion that; the plan as submitted is the only way
the property can be developed. Mr. Gilbert further ivndicated that water
will drain off of lot,one and into a, 'catch basin within the easement on the
west side of the property.
Discussion ensued 'between the Commissioners and Mr. Gilbert regarding park-
ing space in the cul-de-sac area and water drainage, inasmuch as the area
his a ten percent grade.
Michael Va.irin, Associate Planner, suggested that a way to alleviate the
parking problem would be to create an island.
There was further discussion on this suggestion and Mr. Gilbert stated that
increasing the cul-de-sac by 7-8 feet to a Tamer radius would also solve
the problemof lot width.
Mr. Brace Chi.tea, resident of Appaloosa Ct. , Alta Loma, addressed the Com-
mission. He stated that he was concerned with inaccessibility around lus-
man Avenue.' He indicarted that without an easement there is a ;problem in
walking or riding a horse and asked Whether an easement would be provided
Planning Commission Minutes -3- June 11, 198
for recreational purposes.
Mr. Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, responded nded to Mr. Chltea and stated that
the slope is so extreme in this area 'that an easement could not be provided
on the eastern boundary of this property.
Following further Commission discussion, it was mewed by Dahl, sewconded. l
Janes, carried unanimously', to approve Resolution No.80-314 , with conditions
to enlarge lots -3, if necessary, provides an enlarged cul-de-sac with is-
land for vehicle maneuvering, and amending condition No. 48.
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Dahl, Jones, Garcia, `olstd , Hempel
8:05 p»rra. The Planning Commission recessed.
8:25 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened.
TENTATIVFa TRACT NO. 1114,61 «- LEWIS - A requ st to convert a previously ap-
proved 248 unit apartment complex on 15.2 acres of land into condom nit rr .
The project site is located on the north side of l th Street between Car-
nelian and. Beryl ;in the R-3 (Multiple to ple Family Resiaentlal) Zane and generally
known as Cu scar.pe II.
Mr. Barry .1t ;an, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. He Indicated
that the City Attorney had given his opinion that this complex, Cunsca.per
II, was excluded from the provisions of the recently' adopted condominium
m rat rtu e:rdtn« nce. Further, unless the City has an ordinance regulating
the conversion of apartments into condominiums, there is no authority to
condition the tentative map relative to design,; landscaping, parking or
laundry facilities, etc.
There being no further discussion by the Planning Commission, it was moved
by Dahl, seconded by Jones, carried unanimously, to approve Resolution No.
80-3 , allowing they unsca e II apartments to to converted into condominiums.
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Dahl, Jones, Garcia, To stoy, R;empe.l
' k_NY : A r;qu.est'; for an extension-8f a previous., 9P7Pr"3ve-a ``t
complex which is to be located on the northwest corner of Archibald' and.
Nineteenth Street within the A-P (A inlstsative-P---ofesst.onal) Zone.
Michael airin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Following
the review, the City Attorneys; t~+r. Ted Hopson, painted out the actions the
Commission had a va"llakale regarding this request, stating that if there were
major :-evis ons to the plan it would require another Director Review, Ic
if the changes were of a minor nature, they, should be alto ed.
Itairman Re pel asked .if there were any qnestions from t,,°ae aud:i:,�rcce,.
Planning Commission Minute -4- June 11, 1930
May 28, 18
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was
held in the Lions Park Community Center,; 11 Base Line Rd. , Rancho Cucamonga, on
Wednesdayy, May' 8, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7a05 p.m. , by Chairman Rempel who led the meeting
with the pledge to the flag.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard. Dahl, Jorge Garcia,; Laura Janes,
Peter Tolstoy, Herman Rempel
ALSO PRESENT: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, Ted Hopson City Attorney;
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner; Paul Rougeau, Associate Civil Engineer;
Joan Kruse, Secretary
Jack Lam, ;Director of Community Development, reported there will be a meeting of the
Southern California Planning Congress. on June 12 and requested and Commissioners who
planned to attend to make their reserva.t'ions. Mr. Lam further advised that on June
14, a meeting was scheduled in the Neighborhood Facility to discus the General Plan.
It would be an all. day meeting and will include the Housing and Land. Use Elements.
Lam also advised that the City Council had adopted an urgency ordinance to es-
tablish a'moratorium on condominium conversions at their meeting of May 21. The
moratorium -would be effective for 90 days. He further a.d.vised that the Lewis De-
velopment, Gunscape II, is exempted from the moratorium. He stated that because of
the urgency of the matter, Planning Commissioners Tolstoy and. Dahl, would meet with
representatives of the BIA and, Chamber of Commerce to review the proposed condomi-
nium conversion ordinance so that a draft could be provided to the City Council for
their action. It was suggested. that 'Tuesday,'; June 3, be set as the time for this
Chairman Rempel asked if them had been any word from the County Planning Department
regarding; the development taking place at the top of Hagen Avenue'.
Jack Lam, Community Development Director, advised that the response from the Board.
of Supervisors and Mr. lien Topping the County Planning Director,, has been that
they will coordinate action to betaken on this.
Discussion followed can the disparity between the City and County's procedure
to disallow development in this seismic fault area.. The Planning Commission
requested that staff pursue this matter.
Jerry Grant, Building Official, reviewed the staff report. He stated that
the ordinance proposed for adoption by the City Council was divided into two
portions. The first portion would set standards, whereas, the second portion
Chapter 70 - Excavation and Grading, deals' with. the Uniform Building Code
Grant explained that following input from Chairman Repel,,; some amendments
to the originally proposed ordinance had been made and were included in the
staff report for the Planning Commission's review.
Considerable discussion ensued regarding the definition of natural slope'shaz-
ard.s and the responsibilities of the Gradin Review Committee.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that one of the things he wised to see incorpo-
rated into this ordinance was a statement that development within the City
would have the least detrimental effect on the land.
Following more discussion, :Jerry Grant asked. the Planning Commission if the
proposed grading ordinance could be divided into two parts, one to deal with
the language of the ordinance and the other dealing with the building cede
There was discussion on adopting Chapter 70 of ;the code without adopting
the first portion of the ordinance.
s ' carried una,nirrsou�l to ad
d b done_
Moved b' Bahl seconded unanimously, adopt
Mcatrcax�. � y ,
Chapter 70 - Excavation and Grading,of the Uniform Building Code.
Further discussion ensued, on the definition of a natural slope; and comments
from Mr. Hopson, City Attorney, regarding determination of liability, it was
moved, by Tolstoy, seconded by canes, carried unanimously, that' Commissioners
Rempel and Tolstoy would serve on a special committee to work out the wording
of the; proposed grading ordinance before forwarding it to the City Council
for action.
Chairman Rexpel asked if there were any questions from the audience before
proceeding with the Consent Calendar.
There being no discussion of the Consent Calendar items, it was moved by
Tolstoy, seconded by Jones carried -unanimously, to approve the following
Consent Calendar items as submitted:
Planning Commission Minutes - - May 28, '198o
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 6076
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 6085
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 4837
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 6125
8:: C p.m. The Planning Commission recessed..
3 30 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened.
Mr. Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, reviewed the staff report which provided
projects with priority ratings to be 'accomplished during the 1 8G- 1 fiscal
year. Mr. Hubbs indicated that most of the resurfacing and reconstruction
scheduled for this year was not accomplished due to funds required for storm
damage repair and cleanup. Mr. Hubbs further indicated that it appeared
there would be insufficient funds to complete all projects listed; however,
these projects were subject to change based upon the reimbursements from
Federal Disaster Funds. Mr. Hubbs recommended. that the Planning Commission
adopt Resolution 80-3 , approving the Capital Improvement Program.
Commissioner Tol toy questioned a proposed storm drain crossing at Wilson
Ir. Hubbs explained why the proposed crossing was to go there rather than
a more direct crossing route.
Commissioner Dahl asked why the traffic signal project was not included in
this program.
Hubbs explained, that this was a carryover from. the County, was outside
of this program, and one that the County would fund.
Chairman Rempel asked if there was any further discussion on this item.
There being none, it was moved by dories, seconded. by Garcia, carried unani-
mously, to adopt Resolution No. 80-30.
[r. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reviewed the staff report.
He indicated that it may be anticlimactic to recommend that the City not
support the proposed Affordable Housing Task Force Program inasmuch as the
Hoard of Supervisors had met on it on Monday. However, he felt it every im-
portant that the City voice its opposition to this proposed plan at this time.
Following reading of Planning Commission Resolution No. 80-31, it was moved
by Pahl, seconded by Jones, carried unanimously, to adopt the resolution re-
commending that the City Council go on record in opposition to the proposed
Affordable Rousing Task Force based upon the reasons contained. in the resolution..
Planning Commission Minutes -3- May 28, 1980
Mr. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reviewed the staff report.
He indicated that contrary to CALTRANS policies on raised medians, the City
Engineering staff feels that raised mediams would be an effective tool for
controlling circulation along Foothill Boulevard.
Commissioner Tolstoy raised the issue of safety in raised median islands and
whether traffic is really, slowed by them.
Chairman Re fuel asked if there were any questions from the audience.
Mr. Jeff Sceranka, a businessman whose office fronts on Foothill Boulevard,
indicated his support of the raised medians citing safety factors in alloving
safer 'turns to be completed.
Commissioner Tolstoy agreed that having turn pockets does ad.d to the safety
Following discussion to and Resolution No. 80-26, it was moved by Dahl,
seconded by Jones, carried unanimously, -to adopt the resolution as amended.
Commissioner Dahl requested that staff continue review on the Planned Commu-
nities so that it would be ready for consideration -after the General Plan
has been approved.
Mr. Barry Hogan, Senior Planner. indicated that would be possible,
There being no further business, it was moved by Dahl., seconded by Tolstoy,
carried iinauimoasly, to adjourn at 9.32 p.m.
9:32 P.m. The Planning Commission adjourned.
Respect aal.ly SU mit edl
Planning Commission Minutes may 28, 1980
Community Development 'Director, Jack Lam, gave an introduction to the Planning Com-
mission ission on the concerns relative to the condominium conversion ordinance.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, briefed. the Commission, stating that what the Commis-
sion had before them was the result of their comments and those of the City Attor-
ney, at the last Planning Commission meeting. He indicated that the number of
dwelling its was left bland. The intent of the ordinance is not to control rent,
but to' limit the conversion of units from ,apartments' to condominiums. can
further indicated that this ordinance was different from those of other communities
in that conversion was not tied -to the city's vacancy rate.
Mr. Hogan related to the Commission, the ber of apartments currently, n than city
and stated that Cx & 1 Developers, with 134 units, had filed for conversion. Cun
sae Apartments with 425 gaits had also filed. Mr. Hogan further related that
some d-uple units near the Magid Lamp restaurant have also submitted their request
for conversion.
Information from the State Map Act was provided. Mr. Hogan stated that :if the City
does not have a condominium conversion ordinance, the City then does not have;the
right to set standards an these units. Mr. Hogan indicated that `the ordinance be-
fore the Planning Commission was a compendium worked out 'between the Chamber of
Commerce, Developers and City staff and that not all, points of the ordinance were
in total agreement by all parties.
Chairman pe apel opened discussion to the audience.
The following developers spoke in opposition to the condominium ordinance:
Mr. Bob tVasta,se , representing C & p Builders
m John Withers, Lewis Homes, Inc.'
. Doug pone, hone and Associates, Inc.
The developers, in general, felt that the law of supply and demand should govern
whether condominium conversion should be allowed in. the City. They felt that
restrictions set by the City would, hamper any additional rental unit construction.;
There was considerable discussion by the Commission.is'sion.` Jack Lam asked the Planning
Commission for direction in that one-third of the units in the; City were being pro-
posed for condominium conversion.
Further discussion ensued. It was moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Dahl, carried
unanimously, that Commissioners Dahl and Tolstoy be appointed to a committee to
further study the Condominium Conversion ordinance, with input from Staff, the
Chamber of Commerce and Developers
! caved. by Dahl, seconded by Rempel, carried unanimously, to adjourn at 11:25 p.m. ,
with the provision that the Comprehensive Grading Ordinance be the first item of
new business can the next Planning Commission Agenda.
Meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m,
s:p ct ul' ' bm tt;ed,
Community Development
Planning Commission Minutes - _ May 14, 1980
May 14, 1980
Re u,la,r Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission f the City of Rancho Cucamonga
was held in the Lions Paris Community Center, 9161 Base Line Ed. , Rancho Cuca,-
mon a, an Wednesday, `May 14, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Rempel who led the meeting
with the pledge to the flag.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl, Jorge Garcia, Peter Tolstoy,
Herman Re pel
ABSENT: C I ;STONE S: Laura Jones
ALSO PRESENT: Jack Lam., Director of Co zunity Development; Teel Hopson, City
Attorney; Barry Hogan, Senior Planner; Michael Va.i ri.n, Asso-
ciate Planner; Tim Beedle, Associate Planner; Paul Rougeau,
Associate Civil Engineer; Joan Kruse, Secretary
Black Lan, Director of Community Development, reported there would be a ;present-
ation at the Ontario Motor Speedway, pan May gl 1,980 at ` w C a.m. , by the Mobile
Home Industry. Additionally, pending legislation concerning this industry would
be discussed. He reminded the Commission of the Economic Development Conference
to be held on May 22 in San Bernardino. "The Planning Commission was apprised
of a tour of Hahn Regional Centers scheduled by the Ernest Hahn Company on
Friday, May 28. All Planning Commissioners were invited to attend these meetings.
reminder was also given' of the Planning Workshop scheduled for May 20.
Commissioner Dahl requested that Item D be removed from the Consent Calendar for
further discussion. Upon a, motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded, by Commissioner
Tolst,oy, carried unanimously, the following Consent Calendar items were approved
as submitted:
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map o. 6011
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 6070
Negative Declaration for a"Nortb Town" Street Improvement Project
City of Rancho Cucamonga;
Time Extension for Site Approval No. 7 -17 - D. Salter and Company
Time Extension for Director review No. 7 -41 Westway Tnuektments, Inc,
Commission discussion ensued regarding the requested time extension for Director
Review No. 7 - - Mobil Oil.
It was moved by Tolstoy, seconded. by Garcia, carried unanimously, to grant an ad-
ditional.. six-month extension with the proviso that should construction not begin
within that time, the station is to 'be rased., 'tams filled or removed, in accord-
ance with the Fire and Uniform Building Codes.
-1-.10,00 for property located ed on the southeast corner of Banyan and Amethyst
Michael Viarin, Associate Planner,
ner reviewed the staff report. Staff recommende
that the Commission adopt Resolution No. 80-27 approvingZone Change No. 8 a'
with the issuance of n Negative tiv Declaration to the City Council..
"there was some Commission discussion regarding the realignment of Banyan Street near
Amethyst as s result of the proposed development.
Chairman empel opened the public hearing.
r. Doug Hone, Hone Associates, Inc. , representing the applicant, C. H. Brubaker,
explained the reason' for the requested change to 1.0,000 ;square foot lots in this i
area. He further explained that the property ,;t be developed woul.d to properly
buffered to ensure compatability with existing properties with animals.
Mr. Floyd Herman, 9446 Banyan, Mancha Cucamonga, addressed the Commission and ex-
pressed concern that rezoning to a smaller lot size than presently exists world
precipitate complaints from future residents about smells' from adjacent animal
properties;. Mr. Herman also indicated that he felt the existing water line would
to a better plate to start 10,000 square foot lots than what was proposed by the
l Hawes, resident on Banyan Street expressed his concern that down sizing
lots in this area would result in problems for current residents who have animal
property. He also cited that increased density would result with lot size changes.
Commission discussion ensued relative to lot sizes to preclude a "cookie cutter"
There being no further comments from the',audience, Chairman Rempel closed the
public hearings
Potion: Mewed by Garcia, seconded. by, Dahl, carried unanimously, to approve
liesolaxtion No. 81- 7 with the conditionthat all prospective buyers in this,
proposed tract he made aware of the' adjacent animal properties.
Planning Commission Minutes - - may 14, 1 8o
CORRECTION to Planning Commission Minutes of May 14, 1980
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Dahl, carried unanimously, that the
Planning Commission recommended adoption by the City Council of Concept B,
alternates 1 and 2. The Planning Commission further recommended that the
project start at Foothill Boulevard and proceed northerly and that additional
priority be given to the intersection of Carnelian and 19th. If monies are
available, trees should be planted at Carnelian and 19th to emphasize a focal
point at this= intersection. They also recommended that consideration be given
to the Flood Control project, at the Cucamonga Creed to avoid any conflict in
channel construction and the landscaping project.
of a preschool to be located, at '9 12 Rase Line.`
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommended
approval of Resolution No. 80-28 with the addition of conditions of approval.
Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing.
Mrs. Charlotte Wykoff, Administrator of the California Learning Centers, addressed
the Commission. She explained the number of students and parents her enterprise
serves in both Upland and the City of Rancho Cucamonga at the present time. In
answer to Commission questions regarding the amber of square feet required per
preschool child she indicated that state codes require between 20-25 square feet.
Chairman Rempel asked if anyone wished to spew in opposition to this propose
site approval.
Mr. Del Hubbard., 7234 Hellman Avenue, indicated that he repres-ented< a. large num-
ber of property owners in the surrounding area who were opposed to this preschool
and who had signed petitions citing their;disaproval. Of concern to the oppos-
ing property owners was alteration of the rural atmosphere; noise, increased traf-
fic and the possibility of- displacing; those residents with animal property,
There being no other comments, Chairman Rempel closed the public hearing.
Planning Commission discussion ensued relative to provision of a block wall around
the proposed preschool., a corner cut-off on the northwest cornier of the gall to
allow proper vision by oncoming traffic, and a condition that children in the play
area to impeded from entering the parking lot and, street.
Following discussion; the Commission felt that the stems of discussion should be
Left to staff for dei.si.oi
t was moved, by Pahl, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to approve Res-
olution No . 80- , subject to the conditions of approval and correction to con-
dition No. 8, amending the hours of operation. '
: C p.m. The Planning Commission recessed.
: 53 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened.
Chairman Rempel requested that Item K, Carnelian Street Landscape Demonstration
Project be moved up in the agenda.
r. Tack Lam, Director of Community Development introduced the report, and Harry
Rogan, Senior Planner, discussed the item.
r. Stephen Fong of Genge and Associates, consultants for this project, introduced
Mr. Alan Fishman and. Mr. Mark Brennan, who had worked on;this preliminary report.
The consultants reviewed for the Planning Commission, the existing conditions and
urban framework of Carnelian Street,' citing drainage, view, image of the community,
and the plan goals and design. objectives.' Following the' explanation of various
conceptual designs for Carnelian Avenue, slides were shown to the Planning Com-
mission, depicting proposed landscaping alternatives.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- may 1. , 1980
Various tree concepts, i. ,.;, , vertical and canopy, were an-..,,. as landscaping pos-
sibilities. Treatment of walkways, equestrian trails, parkway landscaping and
node planting in shopping centers was presented..
The Planning Commission questioned the spread of trees that would farm canopies
over the streets; and whether considerable maintenance would be required after ma-
turity of the trees was reached.
r. Alan Fishman of tlenge Consultants, answered: that the treed would reach a height
f C }rC' and would not require pruning. The trees 'would form an umbrella that
mould cover the entire street.
The Commission spoke to the issue of costs of landscaping. The consultant stated
that the cost of Concepts A and B, which were presented, would be about the same.
In toddy's dollars, approximately 3-1/2 miles of landscaping would cost about
ra Senior Planner, asked. the.. Com
mission n to make adeter determination ofprior-
ities _
aand concepts to forward to the City Council. for action.
Commissioner empel asked if there were a possibility of working out a cooperative'
agreement for development of the commercial node :landscaping and also requested
that the planting of pecan trees be investigated because of their easy care and
attraction to birds.
f t
Chairman R�p el. asked
if theta. as an discussionusuaodiscussiontom the sud.ience.
Sharon, Romero, member of the Citizens Advisory Committee, stated that the majority
of the CAC r°eecommended that work. on Carnelian Avenue landscaping proceed from Foot-
hill Boulevard, north. She stated that: the Commission also recommended that one
variety of trees be planted. It was the feeling of they Commission that this pro-
ject would have immediate _positive impact on the community.
Motion: Moved. by Tolstoy, seconded by Dahl, carried unanimously, that the Planning
Commission recommended adoption` by the City Council of Concept B, alternates 1 and
C. The Planning Commission further reco ' ended that the ;project start at Foothill
Boulevard and proceed norMtner•ly. They also requested that consideration be given
to the Flood Control project at, the Cucamonga Creek to avoid any conflict in chan-
nel constriction and the landscaping prol dct.
Mt. Tim Reedle, Associate planner, reviewed the staff report and provided the Plan-
ning Commission with information relative to the adoption of the interim Recreation
Element to the General Plan.
Brief discussion ensued yang the Commissioners concerning urbanization factors
contained in the draft element.
Community Development Director,' Jack Lam, advised the Commission of the urgency
of providing the Interim Recreation Element to the General Plan and stated that
Cedway/Cooke, the City's consultants were in the process of developing one.
Following discussion by the Planning Commission on the interim mature of this ele-
ment, it was moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Dahl, carried unanimously, to adopt
Resolution No. 80-29, recommending that the City Council approve an amendment to
the General Plan to include the Recreation Element.
10<10 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed.
10. 'p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened.
Planning Commission Minutes -,a- l ery 14, l 3C
April 23, 1980
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was
held in the Lion's Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga,
on Wednesday, April 23, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. , by Chairman Rempel , who led the meeting
with the pledge of allegiance.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl , Jorge Garcia, Peter Tolstoy, Herman Rempel
ALSO PRESENT: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Ted Hopson, City Attorney;
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, Michael Vairin, Associate Planner; Tim
Beedle, Associate Planner; Paul Rougeau, Associate Civil Engineer,
and Joan Kruse, Secretary
ITEM A, PARCEL MAP NO. 6011 was removed from the Consent Calendar on request by
S-taff. -Upon-motion by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, and
unanimously carried, the following Consent Calendar items were approved as submitted:
Environmental Assessment of Parcel Map No. 3383 - James Banks, Jr.
Enrivonmental Assessment of Parcel Map No. 5792 - Warmington
Environmental Assessment of Parcel Map N . 5981 - Arlan W. Walton
division of 8.10 acres of land zoned MR into 10 lots, located on the northwest cor-
ner of Seventh Street and Hellman Avenue.
Paul Rougeau, Associate Engineer, reviewed the staff report in detail . Upon con-
clusion of the staff report, the staff recommended issuance of a Negative Declara-
tion for the map and approval of the map with the standard Engineering conditions
and special conditions listed in Resolution No. 80-20.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission to staff.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked what the existing uses were to the north of the subject
Paul Rou eau stated that there was a mixture of residential and industrial with
three single family residential dwellings located on the northeast corner of the
subject property.
i the applicant present and whether r not the would
Chairman Rempel asked f app ca was p � y
like to add to the staff report.
Bob Mom Mack of Mim Mack Engineering, stated that they would like the Planning Com-
mission to consider changing condition three of the Engineer's report to either
require non-vehicular access to Hellman on lots 1 and Z or lot 1 only. He stated
that the main entrance would be from lot 10.
Chairman Rempel asked for any further comments from the applicant or audience.
`here being none, Chairman Rempel asked for further discussion from the Planning
Commission. The Commission discussed the idea of limiting access to Hellman and
whether that access should be limited to lots l or lots 1 and 2. The consensus
of the Commission was that limiting access to lots 1 and 2 would make more sense
and be more compatible with the present access policy previously approved by the
Planning Commission .
A motion was made by Commissioner To stay seconded by Commissioner Garcia, to
approve Tentative Tract Map No. 1134 and issue a Negative Declaration based upon
the conditions and findings listed in the Resolution No. '80-20 and changing con-
dition 3 to prohibit access from Hellman Avenue to lots l and Z,
development of an Industrial Park located on the east side of -Archibald,-south of
Sixth Street.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report in detail which is on file
in the Planning Division. He reported that the proposed development plan was in
conformance with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance pending adoption of the
proposed conditions of approval . Staff recommended issuance of a Negative Decla-
ration based upon review of the Initial .Study and approval of the project based
upon the findings and conditions listed in the proposed Resolution 'of Approval ®
In addition, it was recommended that the condition listed to require the removal
of the illegal uses on the front of the property be done prior to the issuance of
building permits.
Commissioner Rempel asked the Commission if they had any ,questions 'of staff regarding
the staff report. The Commission asked several clarification questions iwhich were
responded to by staff'. Commissioner Rempel then asked if the applicant 'was present
and whether or not he had anything to add to the report given.
Cary Ocumura, the project architect, made further clarifications to the project
and answered questions for the planning Commission.
motion was made by Commissioner Tolstoy and seconded by Commissioner Garcia;, to
approve Director Review No. 80-16 and issuance of a Negative Declaration based upon
the findings and conditions listed in the Resolution of Approval with the amendment
by staff.
Planning Commission Minutes - - April 23, 1980
In addition, a motion included amending condition 1 of the Resolution to require
staff to review the tree study provided by applicant and determine which trees would
be possible to save and incorporate into the final landscape design and that speci-
men size trees will be replanted in the area where removal is necessary.
,RYES:: COMMISSIONERS: Dahl , Garcia, Tolstoyf, Rempel
velopment of a mobile home park to be located on the east side of Vineyard Avenue,,
approximately 600 font sough of Foothill Boulevard.
Michael Vairrn Associate Parmor°. reviewed i d he staff report
in detail which ;is on
.ewe t p
file in the Planning Division. He reported concerns relative to the park not meet-
ing the existing code standards for a mobile hone pare. Further, he stated that
substantial' revisions will be necessary in order to bring the park into conformance
with the present standards as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.
The Planning Commission discussed the different types of improvements they felt
were necessary in the mobile home park to portray the character which the community
would like to see in such developments. The majority of the Commission felt that
the proposed design did not meet the present standards of the City Code and would
require substantial redesign
Commissioner Rempel felt that enough time had already been spent on the review of
the project and significant revisions have already been rude to the project and
that mobile hone parks are an entirely different kind of development providing a
different kind of life style
motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Garcia to re-
turn this item to the Design Review Committee for their review and recommendations
on design considerations and brought back to the Planning Commission for final review}
RYES: COMMISSIONERS: Dahl , Garcia, Tol st y
Commissioner Rempel stated' that he voted no because he was opposed to the additional
time constraints placed on the project.
APPEAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 5893 - BARTON - Dividing a lot into two parcels for the
property located on the north side of Victoria between Etiwanda and East Avenue.
Paul Rougeau, Associate Civil Engineer, presented the staff report in detail , which
is on file in the Engineering Division. He reported that. the ,applicant is opposed
to the installation of street improvements which is a requirement that has been
established through Ordinance by the City Council . He further reviewed for the
Commission the technicality that the Commission cannot overturn an Ordinance re-
quirement and an Ordinance amendment would be required in order to allow deviation
from the Ordinance policy.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- April 23, 1980
Chairman Rempel asked the Commission if they had questions of the staff 'regarding
the report. There being none, Chairman Rempel asked the applicant if he had a pre-
sentation to make.
Mr® Bob Barton addressed the Commission, stating his concerns for the appeal . Ba-
sically, he reported that installation of street improvements at this time would
not be warranted' given the fact that either side of his parcel was not improved and
that such improvements may destroy gees in the area and that a sidewalk' would lead
from nowhere to nowhere.
The Commission responded to Mr. Barton by stating that it is the City's policy to
require the installation of improvements and that we could be `flexible on the in-
stallation of the sidewalk and trying to save the existing trees.
motion was made by Chairman Rempel and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to deny the
appeal and direct staff to establish a bond for the construction of the sidewalk
at a later time and work with the applicant to save :as many trees as possible.
AYES: COMMISSIONERS : _ Dahl , Garcia Tolstoy, Rempel
review o the Master Plan for the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park generally located;
on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Haven ,Avenue.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report in detail ,; which i
on file in the Planning Division. He reported that` this `is a review of the concep-
tual master plan for the entire Business Park development. This review will also
include review of the Environmental Impact Report and whether or not the EIR is
adequate in terms of its contents and findings* Additionally, Mr. Vairin stated
that two actions would be necessary for this item, one being the finding that the
IR is adequate, the other being approval of the conceptual master plan. Mr. Vairin
reported that a master plan is generally consistent 'with 'the overall goals and po-
licies of the City for this area and that the EI1I is adequate in terms of the re-
quirements of the State Environmental Quality Act and Local City Environmental Or-
dinances. Mr. Vairin reported that detailed pamphlets and brochures have been de-
veloped by ;the applicant and are included in the Commissioner's packets for their
review and consideration. A further' detailed presentation will be done by the ap-
plicant and questions may be addressed to the applicant for detailed explanations.
Chairman Rempel asked the applicant to present his material .
Jack Corrigan, of the Gaon Corporation, addressed the Planning Commission and intro-
duced his development; staff, He stated that he is available for any questions or
comments that needed to be clarified and that he world tarn over the presentation
program to the project planner, Gil Martinez.
Gil Martinez approached the Planning Commission and presented a detailed exhibit
with slides, sketches and narration.'
Chairman Rempel asked' the Commission if they had any questions of the applicant.
Commissioner Garcia asked the applicant to give a more detailed description of their
concept of water carrying streets and how flood control and drainage of the project
will work„
Planning Commission Minutes -4- April 23, 1980
Mr. Gil Martinez outlined the various aspects of flood control within the project
and how the design of the project and the streets were done for drainage and flood
control purposes. Further, he explained that the phasing of the project is due to
the timing of improvements to Deer Creek and other flood control measures. The
perimeter of the project area will be developed first with the central region of
the project area developing last as the central area of the project is most suscep-
tible to flooding.
Jack Lam indicated to the Commission that there are appropriate mitigation measures
placed on the first phase of the project which will require bonding for improvements
to the storm drain master plans system prior to issuance of building permits and
Commissioner Garcia requested that the applicant discuss the traffic circulation
concepts and how the circulation system will function.
Paul Wilkinson, traffic engineer for the applicant, approach the Commission and
in detail outlined the circulation system proposed for the project, including s,ig-
nalized intersections , traffic volumes, stop signs, and projected street capacities.
Commissioner Garcia was concerned about the projected air pollution impacts that
may be caused as a result of this project.
Sandra Gaffney, representing the EIR consultant for the applicant reviewed the air
quality aspects of the project with the Planning Commission. She reported that
the EIR has incorporated mitigating measures as requested by the South Coast Air
Quality Management District.
Commissioner Garcia asked if there is any analysis within the EIR relative to fis-
cal impacts of the project to the City.
Sandra Gaffney, the EIR consultant, reported that the fiscal impacts of this project
to the City are 'very positive. Long range analysis indicates that the City would
gain a revenue of approximately $161 ,000 per year.
Chairman Rempel asked if there were any other questions from the Commission to the
applicant. There being none, he asked if anyone in the audience had any comments
to make. There being none, the Chairman asked the Commission if there were any
further questions or discussion on this project.
There being no further discussion by the Commission, the motion was made by Com-
missioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy to approve Director Review No.
80-12 and find that the FIR for the project is adequate.
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Dahl , Tolstoy, Garcia, Rempel
Since the meeting time was approaching 11 :00 p.m. , the Chairman asked if there was
a motion to continue with Items K and E, after a short recess. It was unanimously
approved by the Commission to continue with Items K and E following a brief recess,
10:57 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed.
11 :10 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened.
Planning Commission Minutes -5- April 23, 1980
cific site plan review for the development of a lg acre light industrial park as
a portion of the overall development known as the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park.
r. Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reported in detail the findings of the staff
report to the Planning Commission. He reported that this phase of the project has
been designed in accordance with all applicable zoning ordinances, General Plan
and other development standards. He reported that the Design Review and Develop-
ment Review Committees both have reviewed tbem and had the same concern that the
single lot/single building portion of the site is too rigid and net flexible in
its design nor site planning. He reported that the applicants are providing some
additional information this evening that would better shown what kind ofdevelop-
ment will be done as a result of this proposed design and that the Commission has
the opportunity to review those additional plans and decide whether or not the pro-
posed development is one which meets the standards of the City.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions of the staff report from the Commission to staff.
Some questions were asked relative to clarification on the access policy which were
clarified by staff. There being no further questions from the Commission to staff,
Commissioner Repel asked if the applicant had anything to add i to staff's presen-
Jack Corrigan of Gaon Corporation, reported to the Commission that they have changed
the project to reflect some of the concerns of the Design Review Committee. In
addition, he reported' that they have prepared additional graphic representations
of the project as it may look when constructed. He 'stated that any further ques-
tions `or details of the architectural design of the project can be referred to his
design; team.
Commissioner Dahl asked if there were areas in this phase that could incorporate
the use of benches or seating areas to create a better atmosphere within the park.
Gil Martinez responded by indicating'that there are mounded areas and landscaped
areas where such furniture' could be incorporated. He further reported that the
designs of the facility would be low key park-like settings with high quality and
a significant amount of landscaping. He further reported that this; site contains
approximately 18 percent landscaping which is somewhat higher than even the stan-
dards used by Irvine.
Commissioner Garcia voiced concern to the applicant that this phase of the project
is so significantly different thatn the rest of the project in than the density
of the: building is extremely high and the amount of open space and site design is
much less.
Mr. Corrigan of Gaon Corporation stated that they have done several market studies
in the area which have indicated that there is-a great need for a small 'industrial
business complex. Phase I of this project is not intended to be repeated through-
out the rest of the project and Dann is willing to comply with all landscape stan-
dards and zoning ordinance requirements .
ommsisioner Garcia stated that some focus on main entrances into the project would
significantly increase the aesthetics of the project and asked whether or not such
could be accomplished'.
Planning Commission Minutes -6- April 23, 1980
Mr. Corrigan stated that increased landscaping and designs can be applied to those
main entry areas to help accomplish this.
After no further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Com-
missioner Dahl , to approve Director Review No. 80-13 based upon the conditions listed
in the Resolution and subject to the following additional condition;
That the detailed landscape and irrigation plans be brought
back to the Commfssion for their review and consideration and
that such plans should focus upon main entry ways off of Haven
and into the condominium section of the project.
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Dahl , Tolstoy, Garcia, Rempel
on the southwest corner of Arrow and Archibald.
Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reported to the Commission that this
was an item that was continued previously by the Commission to allow the developer
an opportunity to present a plan of action.
Mr. Reiter showed the Commission various slides of the community indicating that
there is a need and justification for use of flags for onsite leasing offices in
the industrial area.
The Planning Commission discussed the appropriateness for the use of flags. Much
discussion centered around the idea of developing a pilot program to see whether
or not the flags would be an appropriate use for attracting potential tenants to
this particular site. After considerable disucssion, it was finally decided that
a pilot program of somethingalong that line should be developed by the Design
Review Committee and brought back to the Planning Commission for their review and
consideration prior to final review and consideration prior to final review and ap-
proval by the City Council .
A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl , seconded by Commissioner Rempel , to have
a pilot program developed for this site by the Design Review Committee and brought
back before the Planning Commission for review and approval prior to consideration
by the City Council .
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Dahl , Garcia, Rempel
There being no further discussion by the Commission, a motion was made by Commis-
sioner Dahl , seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy, and unanimously carried, to adjourn
the Planning Commission meeting of April 23, 1980.
12:20 p.m. The Planning/Commission adjourned.
Resper,tfidly submitted,, #
JACK LAM, Director of
Community Development is
Planning Commission Minutes -7- April 23, 1980
Commissioner Tolstoy asked why he felt the industrial site was more to his
liking then if he were to go to office professional or office area.
Mr. Payne replied the amount of space of area available and secondly the cost.
Commissioner Tolstoy expressed his concern with the request and wondered whether
or not the M-R zone should contain these kinds of uses which do not operate
within the industrial area but to the greater community.
Mr. Lam explained that there is a broader consideration. The General Plkan indi-
cates the area for industrial use. One of the key issues that is under considera-
tion by the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce is the whole issue of
what are appropriate uses in the industrial area. The concern is twofold; one is
that the gateways to the industrial area seem to be developing in a commercial
strip and that is looked at as undesirable and the second point is given the state
of the market now, the more non-basic industrial uses that are put in the industrial
area take away from the administrative-professional areas primarily because of
cost. The matter before the Commission tonight is not only whether it is consis-
tent with the M-R zone but also how the General Plan as interpreted by the Plan-
ning Commission.
Commissioner Dahl made a motion that the partciular use be allowed on the basis
that it is similar to the other allowable uses in the M-R zone district subject
to Site Approval. Seconded by Commissioner Jones.
Chairman Rempel asked if there were any wishing to speak.
There being none, Chairman Rempel closed the hearing.
Motion 4-1. Commissioner Tolstoy wanted the record to show that he is not against
the project but feels it is an inappropriate use in the industrial zone.
There being no further discussion by the Commission, a motion was made by
Commissioner Dahl, seconded by Commissioner Garcia and unanimously carried
to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting of April 9, 1980. The meeting
adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Resp ctfully s7lbmitted,
JA& AM, Director o
Community Development
Planning Commission Minutes -7- April 9, 1980
April 9, 1980
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga
was held in the Liens Park Community Center,; 9161, Base Line, Rancho Cucamonga
on Wednesday, ;April 9, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Rempel who led the meeting
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl, Jorge Garcia, Laura .banes, Peter Tolstoy,
and Herman Rempel
ALSO PRESENT: .lack Lam,, Director of Community Development; Ted Hopson, City
Attorney Rarer Hogan, Senior Planner; Michael Valrin, Associate
Planner; and Paul Ro gea , Associate Civil Engineer
The Planning Commission minutes of March 12, 1980 were approved upon a motion b
Commissioner ,Jones, seconded by Commissioner Garcia and unanimously carried.
Joan Kruse was introduced.
.lack Lam reminded the Commission of the Irvine tour on April 12,- 1980 8:00 a*m
at the Lions Park Community Center.
Mr. Hogan informed the Commission of the Alta Loma Cable T : completing their
— iJ
motion :was made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, and
unanimously carried to approve the following; consent calendar items.
1. Environmental Assessment of Director review No. 0 -0 -
L.V. Hofgaarden
. Environmental Assessment of Director Review No. 80-10 -
Howard Hocks
development of an auto dismantling yard to be located at 13195 Whittram Avenue
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the Staff Report.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the' Commission of the staff. There
being name, the public hearing was opened.
Wayne Tlehdrycks, Kreuper Engineering and Associates of San Bernardino, repre-
senting Josey `Barka:n (applicant), _questioned' the stacking of vehicles. The appli-
cant asked for 14 foot high stacking a minimum of 150 feet from the wall.. The
applicant also questioned the width of the opening from Whittram Avenue.
Mr. Vair n explained the zoning ordinance requirements in addition to the fire
district requirements.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions of the applicant.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked what the type of vehicle storage is proposed.
The applicant explained it will be auto, dismantling specializing in foreign
Commissioner Tolst y asked how the stacking would be done.
The, applicant explained it would be done stacking in the rank.
Chairman Rempel asked if there are any other; questions. Chairman asked if
there are any others in the audience wishing to speak in favor or opposition
of the request.
There being none, the public hearing was closed.
Chairman Rempel asked for additional comments from. the Commission.
Commissioner Bahl made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 80-19 with the change
to Section 3, Item 2 to change that auto bodies shall he stacked no more than
14 Y high within the line of site of the 8" fence to a maximum of 14 r » Jonas
seconded the motion.
Planning Commission Minutes -2- ' April 9 198
change of zone from A-1 to R 3 or more restrictive zoning for property located
on the southwest corner of Faker and Foothill.
Barry Hogan, Senior P'l.anner, reviewed the staff report;, and, reported that the
request is consistent with the General Plan.
Chairman Rempel opened the public ;hearing for all those who would like to spew
on the zone change request.
There being none, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Jones recommended adoption of the Resolution which was seconded
by Commissioner Garcia. The motion was unanimously carried,
change of zone: from R--1- 1 to R-1-20,000 or more restrictive zoning for property
located on the northwest corner of Kinsman and Whirlaway.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission of the staff. Chairman
asked what the size Lot I was in the Staff Report that was 20,000 square feet,
Staff indicated that the parcel map would return- to the Planning Commission for
consideration and Lot i.'s configuration would be eviewed at that time.
Chairman Rempel asked whether the applicant was present. They were not. Chairman
Rem pl then asked whether or not there'were any an the audience wishing to speak in
favor of or opposition to the zone change.
There being none, the public hearing was closed.
Chairman Rempel asked for comments of the Commission.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked what the size of the lots were on Amethyst.
Paul Roueau replied they were half acre or ;greater.
Commissioner Dahl expressed his desire that the applicant be notified of the
Commissions' concern on the site Layout with particular consideration to the
configuration: of Lot #1.
Planning Commission Minutes -3 April 9, 1980
Jack lam stated that the Commission could state their concern when theenviron-
mental assessment for the Parcel Map comes before them for review.
A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl to adopt Resolution No. 80-07. Co i
sinner Garcia seconded. There 'being no further discussion on the motion, it was
unanimously approved.
lone Change from A-1 to R-1 for 10 acres located on the northeast corner of
Church and Ramona. Assessor's Parcel No. 1077- 01- 7.
Michael Vairin presented the staff report.
Chairman R mpel asked for ;questions of Staff.
Commissioner Garcia asked if there was a subdivision proposed.
Tyr. Vairin explained that this is preliminary* to subdivisions which might occur
when the Growth Management allows the filings on August 1.
Chairman R mpel asked if the applicant wished to add anything to this report:
Applicant did not.
Chairman then asked if there was any opposition to the report.
built `
Cindy Craig r i on Teak. a asked what would be b t on thatro property, and asked_ l
whether one or two story buildings could be allowed. She felt that some of
the privacy uvuld be lost if two story homes were allowed.
Chairman Rompel assured Mrs. Craig that the City would look into the development
f the property very closely. Chairman Rempel then asked if there were any others
wishing to speak.
There being none, Chairman Rem el closed the public hear-ink;.
Commissioner Garcia moved for recommendation of approval of the zone change to
the City Council, seconded by Bahl. There being no further discussion, the motion
was unanimously approved.
Commissioner Tol.stoy asked for a five Minute break.
Meeting reconvened at 7:54 p.m.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- April 9°, 1.98
TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 11428 - DATA DESIGN-- Located north of Foothill Blvd,
between Center and Haven.
This item was presented. by Jack Lam, Director of Community Development.
Commissioner Tolstoy;asked a question relative to the building set-back from
Deer Creek. He was concerned that there may not be enough land available.
Paul Fougeau explained that there was enough land since the channel itself was
' to 45' wide.
Chairman Rempel asked for comments from the applicant.
Carlton Lockwood, spoke for the applicant and requested that sidewalks be struck
from conditions of approval. He also asked that Condition #3, Section 3, that
additional statement be added tht would allow other means of flood' protection to
minimize building set-back now rewired by the condition.
Commissioner To stoy expressed some concern regarding amendment to Condition #
because of the flow during storm periods. He expressed concern that we might
e creating a dangerous situation for the structures.
r. Lockwood felt that the City would be `protected `if the flood control had to
approve the. alternative °measure. also.
Commissioner Garcia asked if the condition might read; A 10 ' building set -back
line from the flood control right-of-way ;shall remain in force until permanent
drainage facilities are installed in beer Creek or other alternative measures
acceptable to the San. Bernardino County Flood Control Department.
After much discussion over whether or not the conditions should be allowed, Chairman
empel recommended approval of Resolution No, 0-1 ' subject to amendments to Section
.3, Condition #3 as stated.;by Commissioner Garcia with the addition of "and to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer". Also sidewalks should be deleted. Seconded
by Commissioner Garcia.
The Planning Commission vote was --2 with Commissioner Tolstoy and Commissioner
Dahl in opposition due to the flood control. problems.
of Tracts 9399 and 9 00 _ Located on the north side of Banyan Strait, west.. of
Beryl' Street.
Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, presented the Staff Report.
Planning Commission Minutes - - April. 9`, 1980
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission of staff.
Commissioner Jones asked why the need for a tentative tract map?
Mr. Lam explained the procedure required by the State Subdivision Map Act.
Chairman Rempel asked for anyone wishing to speak regarding this item.
There being none, he asked for discussion from the Commission.
Coumissioner Garcia asked whether there was any bonding money that would have
Ito be reimbursed.
Mr. Lam explained that there is a small amunt of bonding left that would be
used to pay for the cost of reversion.
Chairman Rempel asked if there were any further comments.
There being none, Commissioner Garcia moved for approval of Resolution No. 80-14,
seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy and unanimously approved.
REQUEST BY SIGMA SHARE FOUNDATION for locating an operation in, the industrial. area.
Report presented by Michael Vairin.
Commissioner Garcia asked if this was an out-patient clinic or would there be
overnight staying.
Staff referred the question to the applicant.
The Chairman asked for questions or, presentation by the applicant.
Ron Payne, of Sigma Share, stated in answer to the question that it was an out-
patient and in the evenings there would be classes and seminars no later than
10:00 p.m. There would be no weekend activity, seminars or classes. Traffic
presents no problem. The people that come to them would not be intoxicated.
If they are, they would be arrested.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the service was treatment and education.
Mr. Payne replied that they are both.
Planning Commission Minutes -6- April 9, 1980
March C , 10
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the City of Ranches Cucamonga Planning Commission
was held in the ;Lion's Park Community Center 9161 Base Line Read, Rancho
Cucamonga, an Wednesday, March 26, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Rempel, who .led in
the pledge to the flag.
Present: Commissioners: Berman Rempel, Jorge Garcia, Richard Dahl ,
Laura Jones, Peter Tolstoy
Absent: Commissioners: None
Also Present: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Barry Hogan,
Senior Planner, Ted Hopson, City Attorney Paul Ron eau.,
Associate Civil Engineer
No action was taken on the Minutes since ozone were available.
o announcements were made at this time.
Motion: Moved by Garcia, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to
approve the Consent Calendar as presented.
A request for the development of a 44,625 square foot industrial building
to be located on 2.8 acres of land located on the crest side of Hyssop,
south`;of "nth Sheet M- `Zone
quest for the division of approximately 2.49 acres of land located approx-
imately 1,000 feet south of Summit Avenue and. 250 feet east of East Avenue
into four ()4 ) lots in the R-1 Zone.
REPORT on Alternative Regional Shopping Centers
Mr. Lam, Director of Community, Development, presented the staff report. He
provided a brief history for those of the audience who had not been attending
the previous meetings on the alternative shopping center or the general plan.
Mr. Lam stated that in order to complete the work of developing a draft
General Plan for public hearing, and in order to complete the draft envi-
ronmental impact report, the Planning consultant needs some direction from
the Planning Commission and City Council as to policy, in terms of the
location of a potential regional shopping center, so that a Land Use Ele-
ment can be completed.
The Director stated that the decision made tonight would not be for the
approval of a regional shopping center not for the design of a shopping
center, but about the location of a shopping center relative to the goals
and objectives established for the community.
Mr. Lam indicated that he would request that the Planning Commission give
a recommendation to the City Council in terms of policy direction for the
consultant, in order to guide them in preparing a draft General Plan for
public hearing purposes.
Chairman Rempel asked the Commission if there -were any comments or ques-
tions of this report. There being none, the Chairman set out the ground
rules for the presentations by the Lewis abd Homart Group and by the Hahn
and Lyon Group. The Chairman asked that there be a five to ten minute
presentation, then comments from the audience, then discussion by the
Commission. The Commission agreed that this was satisfactory. Chairman
Rempel indicated that the Commission would like all points to be brought
up but that there be no repetition or redundancy. The Chairman asked
Mr. Lewis to lead off.
Ralph Lewis of Lewis Homes, owner and developer of Terra Vi
sta., approxi-
mately 1300 acres loca:ted at the intersection of Haven and Foothill. Mr.
Lewis wished to point out that traffic -was not a major issue and that any
reasonable location for a regional shopping center could be made to -work
trafficwise. He felt that a major issue is what the people of Rancho
Cucamonga want. He indicated that his staff had taken a survey at some
of the shopping centers and there was a preference for the Haven and Foot-
hill site over the Devore and Foothill site. They approached 1053 people
and asked to sign a petition. Out of those, '(45 signed it and said, in
effect, that 70% of the people approached preferred the site proposed by
Lewis rather than the site by the freeway. Of the people who refused to
sign, 48 of them said they did not live in the City and Mr. Lewis did not
want strangers to sign the petition. Another 107 of the shoppers said that
they were too busy or did not have an opinion. Out of the 1053 people
contacted, only 89 refused to sign because they said they prefer the Hahn
site. That is less than 9% of the people interviewed.
Mr. Lewis indicated how their park system would approach the center and
how people would get there.
Planning Commission Minutes -2- March 26, 1980
The specific design and engineering has not been worked out but either
an underpass or an overpass could be provided crossing Cleveland. You
-would be able to ride a bike, stroll, or walk from anywhere along the
greenbelt right into the center. Mr. Lewis also indicated that their
Flood Control Engineer was present tonight to discuss any problems that
may be associated with the project. Additionally, Mr. Lewis pointed out
that the center is more convenient for all the people at Chaffey College
and would, in fact, employ many of the students at Chaffey.
Mr. Lewis indicated that Mr. Hahn had offered an interest in the property
to May Co. and Broadway. In talking with their associates in Chicago to-
day, the Lewises and. Homart thought why give an interest to the department
stores, that they would rather give it directly to the community so they
were prepared to say that they would offer to the City 10 acres for a
civic center attached to the shopping center, which the Lewises believed
has a market value in excess of $100,000 an acre so that the donation could
amount to over $1 million. They believe it is more in the public interest
than sharing the site with the department stores.
Alan Tibbetts, 120 Linden Avenue, Long Beach, an attorney appearing for
Homart, relayed that there were two concerns for Ho-mart. First, that
whatever form the recommendation the Planning Commission makes tonight
not preclude Homart from presenting further evidence in support of the
project since there are many questions, and studies underway of interest
that will bear on the decision that is to be made. Second, that as the
General Plan comes before the Planning Commission and City Council for
certification or approval there will be an environmental impact report
presented for certification and under the California Environmental Quality
Act, our alternatives with respect to the environmental economic and socio-
economic concerns should be considered. Again, it was their hope that any
recommendation presented to the consultant preparing the General Plan be
drawn in such a way that he not be foreclosed from considering the merits
of the Homart site in addition with other sites in the City.
Chairman Hempel asked. if there was anyone from the Lyon Company or Hahn
Company that wished to make a presentation.
Mr. Taranton of the Ernest Hahn Company, indicated that he is the project
manager for the Hahn Company and that this project had been assigned to
him. The points that he wished to bring up are as follows: the plan
for the community regional center here at Rancho Cucamonga is a -multi-use
center. Not only will the center contain six major department stores and
approximately the same square footage that is being proposed by Homart
Company, but the Hahn Company has a very good track work record on multi-
use centers which include day care. Additionally, they would have an
ice skating rink and community rooms. In one of their centers they have
a museum and 50,000 square feet of floor area devoted to community uses.
Additionally, there will also be housing connected to the center. Mr.
Taranton indicated that one of the things that Mr. Lewis alluded to was
that traffic was not a major consideration. He believes this not to be
exactly true. In the L. A. area, as in most of Southern California, a
regional center of this size will draw in the neighborhood of 16 million
visitors a year. The impact of that on local streets is massive and very
major. Also, the studies in the trade area for the regional center that
is being talked about is approximately 1,000,000 people. In Rancho Cuca-
monga, when it is completely developed, there will be between 120,000-
150,000 people. We believe that for a center to be successful in this
area, that there must be high line goods. We have the mid-line stores
Planning Commission Minutes March 26, 1980
as our partners presently. May Department Store is'a .partner as is Carter-
Holly-Hale and the Broadway. In addition to that, there are commitments
from the Walker- cottlCompany out of San Diego and Buffurs out of Long
Beach. Major department stores are the key to building any regional shop-
ping center and the freeway visibility that is necessary is the key to
why major department stores have thus far committed. to this site. Mr.
Taronton indicated that they were currently negotiating with Robinsons,
Bullocks and Nordstroms, to bring in the high line merchandise which is
presently missing in the entire marketing area in the Pomona. Valley. The
only place that you can go to bray high line goads now, is down to the
South Coast Plaza or very 'far to the west and it's a good hour to 45
minutes to get these high line goods.
�7an �,.x understood that they are looking at
commented that he un
Commissioner Dahl c.omme s z
a customer 'list 'of about 16 million people for this center. He stated
that he believed: that only ar fear centers ever reach that number of clientele.
He further stated that he didn't think that this is commonplace even for
the size or magnitude that the Commission is presently looking at.
r. Taranton replied that the size or magnitude that we are looking at
right now is 1.2-1.3 million square feet of fluor area, and will draw in
the area of about 16 million people in a trade area that is l million.
You will have to remember, he said., that we presently have in this area
very similar centers, They all have a Penneys, Sears, or a Wards. Very
few of them have high line stores. We are talking about drawing customers
to these centers by having those high lane stores.
Cary Frye, William Lyon Company, Newport Beach, indicated that he wished
to cover a few points. First, the importance of the City of Rancho uca-
monga, obtaining a regional shopping center. The benefits to the City are
obvious, he said., and need. not ;be delineated. If a regional shopping
center can be achieved for the City, it would do more in his mind, than
any of the other goals. It would provide funds that will enable the City
to accomplish other goals much more easily.
.Nuli.na, 'of Homart Development Company,', project director for Terra Vista
Mall, felt that there were misrepresentations anode by Mr. Taranton that
needed to be answered. Mr. Hulina stated that the tenants that were men-
tioned. for the Hahn Center are the same kinds of tenants who would be in-
terested in the Terra Vista Mall. Additionally, as part of the town cen-
ter in San Diego, Mr. Taranton stated that there was a museum. Mr. Nul na.
pointed out that as past of the -town center at Brea, there is a. theater-
play house, gallery, TV studio, meeting rooms and various other types of
community services and this is the same kind of thing that they are talk-
ing about at Rancho Cucamonga.
Chairman Rempel stated that bath Boza.rt and Hahn are probably going to
have equal stores represented in the centers. The real issue tonight is
the availability of the center, the:traffic at the center and the feasi-
bility of the center as it applies to the City and the future General Plan.
Chairman Rempel asked. if -there were any ether questions on the presentation
y the Commission. There being none, he 'asked if there was anyone in the
audience who would like to speak.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- March 26, 1980
Mr. Sceranka, Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee on the General
Plan, addressed his comments as to the type of discussions that the Gene-
ral Plan Citizens Advisory Committee have had on the subject of the regional
center and the conclusions that the committee have come to. His main
points were the focus of the community, i.e. -that it should be on Foothill
and Haven near the Winery; traffic, that the impact of traffic on the com-
munity is one of the biggest concerns that they have and they do not want
to see flow through traffic going through the main central part of the
community; in terms of utility of the regional center to the community,
the committee felt it extremely important that they,recognize the fact
that a regional center is to serve a region and not just a city. The best
way to serve that region is to be located in close proximity to a freeway.
Chairman Rempel asked if there were any comments from the Commission.
Commissioner Dahl stated that he felt that traffic is not one of the is-
sues to be concerned with -- that traffic impacts from both centers are
equal and can be handled with good traffic engineering. Mr.- Dahl was also
concerned with the mix of tenants in the shopping center and its target
for high line vs mid-line or mass merchandising.
Chairman Rempel commented that traffic, he believes, is one of the major
factors but not the primary factor in determining the center. Most im-
portantly, he felt, the Commission should consider who the center is to be
built for. He believes that this is twofold. The reason it is being cal-
led a regional center is not only for the region but for the City of Rancho
Cucamonga, Additionally, he felt -that the focus of the City is also on a
very important factor. As a Commission, he stated, they must not look to
what the City needs now but also at what the City may need in 20 years,
30 years, 50 years down the line when the City is fully built. It is a
very difficult decision that the Commission has to make. Decisions still
must be made however,, and they are hard decisions and must be made not
necessarily on what the short range profit is for the City but what is
the total future of the City.
Commissioner Garcia indicated that he would like to collaborate on some
of the traffic statements. His concern was -that all of the projections
are made based on the automobile and not on multi medal transportation
which might be quite likely in the future because of the energy crisis.
Another factor that puzzles Commissioner Garcia was -the different parameters
of development. One is at the regional level and one is at the local level.
The question in his mind is should we have both? Can we have both?
Mr. Hopson clairifed that this is not the final decision that they would
be making tonight. There will be other opportunities at several public
hearings for input at the environmental impact report level. At that
time when the Commission finally has the proposed General Plan before them
and they are forced to say we will recommend and certify the adoption of
the Land Use Element of that plan to the City Council is the time that
the options are precluded. What we are doing right now is trying to give
the City's consultants some idea, some focus, to let them start concen-
trating on. traffic patterns and everything else that goes into the prepa-
ration of a total General Plan. That is not to minimize the importance
of this decision tonight, as it is a big decision, but the final decision
is not being made now.
Planning Commission Minutes -5- March 26, ig8o
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that they have been sitting as a Commission
for about 18 months to two years and that a commitment had been made a
to way back that this community sohuld have a regional center. This
was not the Commission's decision alone but the Community's decision and
a decision of the City Council, On the interim plan that was adopted,
the one that Blayney and Associates helped with, he said, three alterna-
tives were proposed showing different locations for regional shopping
centers. At, that time, he stated, we could not focus on what was the
best location. We have pretty well eliminated one of those alternatives
and we now have two to look at. What we do tonight will be advisory to
the City Council and be of aid in helping them to make a decision as to
the direction to be given to the current consultant, Sedway/Cooke. He
stated that he had to break things up into compartments, so the first one
he thought about was traffic. Traffic is awesome, he stated. He would
like to keep the regional traffic off of City streets. This is a must.
He indicated that he did not know how many cars that would be, but only
that they must be kept off the streets and out of the City. This is
going to have a tremendous effect on traffic he said. People living and
working in the community and doing all kinds of -things in their cars should
be impacted as little as possible.
The market area is something that Commissioner Tolstoy thought about as he
listened to the presentation, he stated, and it was his impression that
the Homart Company was talking about a market area that was rather local,
whereas, the Hahn Company was taling about a more regional, broader market
area. Mr. Tolstoy said that he liked one of the things that the Hahn Co.
was trying to do, attracting high fashion stores. He felt this is some-
thing that the whole valley needs. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he
did not think the Montclair Center was going to be modified to include
any high fashion stores. He did not feel that any of the other shopping
centers are going to do this either. He stated that the Hahn Company
said that the high fashion stores are what they are looking for, and he
was sure that the Homart people are after the same thing, too. But,
Commissioner Tolstoy stated he got the impression as he listened that they
had a better handle on that.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that another thing that he thought about was
the City's image. He felt that the City's image, for the people who live
in the City, is one of a rural community but that he and other people in
the community would think about the congestion that will be created.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he knew that Mr. Lam said that design
should not be considered, but that he had. to consider design, because it
was part of the presentation that the Lewis Company made and the Lyon
Company made, also. Both of them came before the Commission with con-
ceptual drawings. He stated that he looked at the Hahn Plan and they
said that they tied. -the regional center in with their planned community
with the lakes and the green belt. He looked at Homart and stated that
he did not see a tie in with Terra Vista and that it really bothered him.
The Citizen Advisory Committee on the General Plan, of which he was a mem-
ber, stated that a dual nuclei in the City was needed. He agreed with that.
Community benefits are another thing that Commissioner Tolstoy brought up.
One of the things that the Hahn people talked about was the town center
concept. Public rooms for regional use and City use, day care center for
people who are going shopping, etc . The Homart people came in and talked
about the shopping facility, didn't say too much about the public rooms
or other amenities.
Planning Commission Minutes March 26, i.98o
One of the young ladies in the group stated that she didn't know who would
answer the question. They said they don't do that anymore. Then somebody
said, "gee, T'll do anything you ask for". We haven't asked for anything,
Commissioner Tolstoy stated. One developer showed as, and I thought, high-
lighted, that, and the other developer said to ask us. Those are all the
things I had to think about, Commissioner Tolstoy said, and with that be
asked for a break.
Chairman Rempel asked if there were any other comments. There being none,
the Chairman called for a short break.
Chairman Rempel :reconvened. the meeting.
Commissioner Dahl indicated that in listening to what the rest of the Com-
missioners had to say regarding the centers proposed, that both centers
are both very similar in design and very similar in what they intend to -do,
From that standpoint in looking at the two centers, he stated that he had
no ob ection to either one of them as a center. However, he wanted to
get back to the traffic issue. Wo matter where the center is located
he said, because traffic will be coming from Upland and West Rancho Cuca-
monga areas where the largest population lies, there will, be traffic on
the surface streets. Therefore, looking at it from a traffic standpoint
and utilization of surface streets from the west, he saw, no difference
between the two projects. In looking at it from the south and east there
is no doubt, he said, that there will be significant difference in traffic
coming from the east from Foothill and those coming from the free-way direct.
He stated that he would like to see the community develop with a regional
center. Commissioner Dahl stated tha-11; he had some concern about the other
two-thirds of the population that can't afford to use 'the high line stores.
He thought high line stores arei a beautiful thing to have in a community,
but did not know if this is actually what is needed. He stated that we
need to provide viable places for people to shop and to obtain merchandi-
sing goods that they want.
Chairman Rempel asked if there were any, more comments from the Commission
before he opened it to the audience. There being none, he opened the for
to the audience, noting that they should, keep it very brief from, the few
partieis that were involved. Then if there was more input from the audience,
he would allow that.
Mr. Lewis pointed out some conceptual drawings of the proposed center at
the northeast corner of Haven and Foothill, indicating the continuation
of the greenbelt and the types of uses proposed. Mr. Lewis also objected
to some, of the traffic figures as being inaccurate and did not think that
the traffic situation for the Terra Vista Mall was undesirable. Mr. Hulina
of the Homart Copointed out that the type of center proposed by the Ho mart
Co. is very similar to the -type of center proposed by Hahn. It would have
community- rooms, eating places, TV studios, libraries, as well as city
Gary Frye, William Lyon Co., indicated that they had seen a tremendous
opportunity for a planned community. It would capitalize, they felt, on
all the goals and aspirations of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. To name
a few that he thought were essential, retention of rural flavor, yet
financial soundness. Mr. Frye stated. that he thougut the City perceives
and recognizes that they are truly at a genuine crossroads and have an
opportunity that very few cities ever have had before them. They have
Planning Commission Minutes -7- March, 26, 1980
a dual freeway system I-10 and 1-15, and the possibility to capitalize
on the regional transporation system by locating industrial where it be-
longs, which you have, and' the capability with the Devore Freeway, another
regional transportation system to locate major commercial on that system.
As we see it, and as we have always seen it, that should<cast a mold for
the City of Rancho Cucamonga, he stated. What you are looking at are not
community facilities at this time, you are looking at regional facilities.
Regional. facilities should go where they naturally belong which is on re-
gional transportation systems. The fact that on occasion regional shopping
centers are not on regional transportation systems is true, but if you
closely analyze those cases, you will find that the population and the
growth is not on the regional transportation system. I guess if you think
of things in terms of a win or lose situation, he didn't see any major
community goal but it is up for grabs or even has the possibility of being
lost not choosing the Hahn 'Regional. I see a lot of community goals in my
mind, he said, if you choose the Foothill-Haven site. The fact that you
may or may not believe that traffic will be a problem is something that
you may not know for 20-30 years, but I'll guarantee you that the risk
of traffic being a problem has got to be substantially greater at Foothill
and Haven. I think that the Hahn Center in my mind is regional, he stated,
has alwasy=been regional, I am not convinced that the other site has been
conceived in a regional atmosphere.
Chairman Rempel closed the public for portion of the meeting.
Commissioner Dahl addressed the chair and stated that he would like to do
two things. One, he would be making a motion, but first he needed a point
of clarification from staff: He asked Mr. Lam what comprises a community
center and what stores are in a community center in terms of major. anchors.
Jack Lam, Community Development Director, stated that a community shopping
center is one of a smaller scale than a, regional shopping center, less in
terms of anchorage. It could be anchored by one or more major anchors
like a Sears sitting alone, it could be a Mervyns or it could be a junior
department store or a series of junior department stores, junior meaning
smaller in scale and in floor area.
Mr. Dahl asked if it could be a Sears, Mervyns, and several department
stores plus a major drug or anything like that.
Mr. Lam Stated that it could.
Mr. Hopson indicated that it is defined in the General Plan and sw=arized
it. It states, he said, that a community shopping center anchored by, to
use an example, a 100,000 sq. ft. K-Mart discount type department store,
and they discussed the possibility of one of the two alternative sizes
abandoned as a regional center using that as a community center. My im-
pression of textual material, and I will bring it over and let you read
it, he stated, is that it is not conceived as being a grouping of 100,000
sq. ft. plus stores.
Mr. Dahl then inquired if it would be a 100,000 sq. ft. store.
Planning Commission Minutes March 26, 198o
Mr. Larn stated that Mountain Green is an example of a community shopping
center. A community shopping center doesn't mean that only traffic within
the, community goes there. In any kind of commercial use you have in a
Cty, whether it is a free-standing K-Mart, Gemco, or community center,
there are always bound, to be some people who will come from outside the
City. The scale is s-ach that it is really targeted towards a larger area
than just the neighborhood.
Mr. Dahl moved that the Planning Co fission recommend that the Council.
recommend, to the consultant that the regional center should be placed at
the corner of Foothill and the Devore Freeway and that -the designation
of Civic Center and Community Center will be placed at the corner of
Foothill and Haven, at the northeast corner.
Mr. Garcia seconded the motion. He stated that he would also like to
discuss it and make an amendment. He stated that be would like to see
it designated as a major community shopping center separated from all.
the other shopping centers that the City has.
Mr. Dahl indicated that he had no objections to designating it as a major
commiinity shopping center and called for the question.
Chairman Rempel asked those in favor to signify bysaylngaye. The motion
passed by a b-1 vote with Commissioner Tolstoy abstaining because he felt
there should be two motions: One for -the location of the regional. center
and one for the location of a major cormnunity center.
A request for a change of zone from R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) to
®1 (Light Industrial) or more restrictive zoning for 2.4 acres of land
located on the north side of 9th Street, approximately 10001 west of
Vineyard Avenue. AP N 208-262-28.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Rempel
asked if there were any questions of staff. There being none, he opened
the public hearing. The applicant came forward and indicated that he had
no problem with the change in zone request from M-1 to M-R.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Dahl, carried unanimously, to recom-
mend approval. of zone change No. 80-03 and a negative declaration to the
City Council.
CONVERSION - The development of a condo conversion ordinance.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, presented, the staff report recommending that
the item be continued to May 14, 1980, for a study session on April 30,
1980 to discuss the issues.
Motion- Moved by Dahl, seconded by Tolstoy, and carried unanimously, to
continue the public hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 80-01 and
envirormiental assessment to the May 14, 1,980 Planning Cc=mfission meeting
and schedule a study session for April 30, 1980.
Planning Commission Minutes -9- March 26, 1980
A request for the development of an office building to be located on ap-
proximately a half acre of land at 8137 S. Malachite Avenue in the C-1 zone.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. Chairman Rempel
asked if there were any questions of staff. There being none, the Chair-
man asked the applicant if he -wished to make a, presentation. The applicant
indicated that he had no presentation.
Motion: Moved by Garcia, seconded by Jones, to approve Director Review
No. 80-08, unanimously carried.
A request for the developmenToT 4 1 fight industrial buildings to be lo-
cated on 4.5 acres of land located on the north side of 6th Steet and ap-
proximately 3001 west of Turner in the M-2 zone.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, presented the staff report. The issue centered
around the subject of the access policy. The applicant proposed two drive-
ways along 6th Street, a special boulevard, where the access policy allows
only one use. Staff's recommendation was to approve the project with only
one driveway.
Chairman Rempel asked if there were any questions by the Commission of
Much discussion ensued regarding the access policy with the final determi-
nation of the Commission reaffirming the previously adopted access policy.
Motion: Moved by Garcia, seconded by Tolstoy, to approve Director Review
No. 80-06, with one driveway. Chairman Rempel indicated that he could not
vote for this item and would be abstaining. Motion was approved by 4-1
vote with Commissioner Rempel abstaining.
Re sp],ct f ully ubm(tted,
JACK LAM, Secretary
March 24, 1980
Special Meeting
The Special Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cuca-
monga was held in the Lion's Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line, Rancho
Cucamonga, on Monday, March 24, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7 :10 p.m. by Chairman Rempel who led the
meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl, Jorge Garcia, Laura Jones, Peter Tolstoy,
and Herman Re
Chairman Rempel made introductory remarks regarding the Planning Commissions'
consideration of the two regional shopping center locations. He stated that
this meeting was to allow the representatives of Ho mart and Hahn Development
Corporation to make a presentation to the Planning Commission.
Jack Lam indicated that the Commission would hear the Homart Development Company
first and entertain questions followed by a break with the Ernest W. Hahn Company
making a presentation followed by questions. He suggested that questions from the
general public be held to the end of the meeting.
The Ho mart Development Company made their presentation. The presentation included
discussion of the shopping needs of the co unity, the overall market area,public
opinion survey, and the traffic considerations.
A 15 minute break was held at 9:20 p.m.
Ernest Hahn made the presentation for the Hahn Development Company. His dis-
cussion included their marketing concepts, servicesa facilities to the community,
design of the project and traffic considerations.
Following a few questions from the Planning Commission and public, the meeting
was adjourned at 11:10 p.m.
Respectfully s bmitted,
JACK L Director
Community Development
March- 17, 1980
Special Meeting
The Special Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho C ca-
nga was held in the. Lion's' Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line, Rancho
Cucamonga, on Monday, March 17, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by:Chairman Rempel.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl, Jorge Garcia, Laura Jones, Herman Rempel,
Peter Tolstoy
STAFF PRESENT: Jack Lain, Director of Community Development; Barry Hogan,
Senior Planner; and Tim. Eeedle, Associate. Planner
ALSO PRESENT: Fred.. Et el and Rod. Jeung of Sedway/Cooke
Jack Lam indicated this meeting was for a study session on the General Plan
Alternatives. He introduced Fred Et el from the Consultant firm of Sedway/
Fred Etzel indicated that their planning has included the undeveloped area;
and thesexisting land use areas within the. City. The plan concepts for the
fisting land use area are being developed and will be refined once the overall
general ,plan concepts are determined. Mr. Etel presented the overall guiding
concepts. These included Regional. Shopping Center location and transit linkages.
Following this presentation, the Planning Commission took up several topics
regarding the General Plan Land Use concepts. The following is a summary of
discussion which occurred regarding those topics.
Office area: Several members of the Planning Commission felt that it was not
consistent with the past Planning Commission and City Council policy for office:
area to be extended south of Foothill. Also that it would be desirable to
have the office services area more compact, to allow for a person to conduct
his business within walking range.
Commissioners Tolstoy, Garcia and Rempel indicated that office area should be
considered, more compact and intruding less into the it area south of
!te ox l gho in Center Traffic.% Several comments were raised regarding
the effect of regional shopping center traffic traversing or crossing within
the community. It was felt by most of the Commissioners that locating a
regional shopping center at Haven and Foothill would cause larger volumes of
traffic to cross through the City. This was not considered desirable. Commis-
sioner Hempel. summarized by stating that he'would not want regional shopping
center traffic coming through town such as along the Foothill Boulevard.
lei hboarhooad hoe Centers Considerable discussion occurred regarding
the location of a neighborhood shopping center and its proximity to resides-
tial environment. Both Commissioners Rempel and Commissioner Garcia stressed
the need for more imaginative concepts for the location and utilization of
neighborhood shopping centers to pedestrian linkages. It was suggested that
the consultant consider other concepts including "mom and pop" stores that
are within walking distance and that pedestrian linkages to neighborhood shop-
ping centers be included.
Upon motion by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, and
unanimously carried, it was voted to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting
of March 17, 1980. Meeting adjourned at 11:00: p.m.
Rc,spec fir y(submitted,
JAGk LAM, Di rector
Community Development
March 1 , 1980
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga
was geld in the Liens Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line, Rancho Cucamonga,
on Wednesday, March 12, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:0 p.m. by Chairman Rempel who led the meeting
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Bahl, forge Garcia, Laura ?ones, Teter Tolstoy,
and Herman Rempel
ALSO PRESENT: ;hack Lary, Director of Community Development; Ted Hopson, City
Attorney; Barry Hogan, Senior Planner; Michael Vairin, Associate
Planner; Tim Beedle Associate Planner; John Martin, Civil Engineer
Upon motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously
carried, the following Consent Calendar items were approved as submitted:
Environmental Assessment of Parcel Map No. 5767 Fin
Environmental Assessment of Parcel Map No. 5130 Cohen
Environmental Assessment of Parcel Map No. 592.2 - Newton
Environmental Assessment of Parcel Map No. 5893 - Barton
Environmental Assessment of Director Review No. 80--07 Kalbach
zone from R-3 to C-2 for property located on the northwest corner of Base Lane
and East Avenue.
Michael. Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report in detail.. It
was 'reported that the request .for the zone change is being done in conjunction
with two other items on the Agenda; namely Director Review No. 80--05 and Minor
Deviation No. 0--0 . Separate actions are required for each of the items even
though they all occur on the same project site. It was further reported that
the request is consistent with the General plan and that the uses proposed for
the site are permitted by the Zoning Ordinance.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission to Staff. There being
none, Chairman pel opened the public hearing.
Jim :Banks:spoke in opposition to the proposed zone change. The opposition was
based upon. the ,fact that the project site is located within 600' of the property;
that Mr. Banks owns on Victoria. Mr. Banks felt that the proposed zone change
would be spot zoning and not appropriate and that it would adversely affect his
The Commission responded to Mr. Banks by stating that the project site is bounded
by the freeway off ramp and major streets and that no other type of zoning could
be :feasible in this area. In addition, the request is consistent with the adopted
General Plan.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman Hempel closed the
public hearing'.
A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy to
recommend adoption of Zone Change No. 80-01 to the City Council.
SION ORDINANCE - Development of a Condominium Conversion Ordinance.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reported that the City Attorney had submitted com-
ments on the draft ordinance and that further revision and review of comments
are needed prior to review and discussion with the Planning Commission. It was
recommended that the item be continued to March 26, 1980, for further reviews and
revision in accordance with the City Attorney's comments.
Chairman Re pel opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the
public, the public hearing was closed.
Upon motion. by Commissioner Janes, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, and unani-
mously carried by the Commission, it was moved to continue the pudic hearing
for the Condominium Conversion Ordinance to the regularly scheduled planning
Commission meeting of March 26, 1980.
Manning Commission Minutes - �- 'March 12, 1980
for the use of flags for an industrial leasing office
located on the southwest corner of Arrow and Archibald.
Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reported that the applicant had
requested postponement of this item until he can provide additional information
on the issue.
There being no discussion by the Commission, it was moved by Commissioner Dahl,
seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously carried to continue review of
this item to allow the applicant time to provide additional. information on this
ment of a Service Station Center Proposed on the northwest corner of Base Line
and East Avenues.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the Staff Report in detail, which
is on file in the Planning Division. It was reported that any approval of this
development would be conditioned upon final review and adoption of the zone
change by the City Council and adoption of the associated minor deviation.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission to staff.
Commissioner Tolstoy questioned the amount of building area and arrangement of
buildings on the site. He felt that the arrangement of buildings could be done
in a better and more efficient way to provide a more aesthetic and reasonable
looking site. He stated that he -realizes this use is one which would be compatible
for the site; however, he felt the site could be designed better.
Barry Rogan, Senior Planner, 'responded by stating that several design concepts
have been developed for the site and that this appeared to be the most efficient
way of designing the site. The unusual shape and configuration of the site pre-
sents major problems in design.
Amotion seas made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Garcia to
approve Director Review No. 80-05 and issue a Negative Declaration based upon
the conditions and findings outlined in the Resolution.
Commissioner Tolatoy stated that he voted "no" for the project because> he could
not agree with the way the buildings were arranged on the site.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- March 12, 1980
MINOR DEVIATION NO. 80-02 - JOHN IS ACS - Deviation of set-back requirements
for a proposed Service Station Center on the northwest corner of Base Tine and
East Avenue,
Michael Vai.rin, Associate Planner, reviewed the Staff Report in detail. He
stated and reported that the unusual configuration, size and shape of the
site presents a difficult design problem and that strict interpretation and
enforcement of the set-back requirements for freeway right-of-way would cause
undue hardship on the applicant.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission to Staff.-
There being none, a_motion was made by Commissioner Garcia and seconded by
Commissioner Tolstoy to approve Minor Deviation No 80-02.
a one year time extension for the 18 unit apartment complex located on Archibald
Avenue, south of 1th Street.
,Tack. Lam, Director of Community Development, presented the Staff deport in
detail. He reported that on a previous action by the Commission on a similar
case a ,six month time extension was granted. Therefore, based on previous
Co mission action, it was recommended that a ssix month time extension be
granted for this project.
There being no discussionby the Co mission, it was moved, seconded and
unanimously carried to Brant a six month time extension to Director Review
EORT re ardin 1iillsade Develo meat Standards
Tim Beedle, Associate Planner, presented a 'Staff Report in detail. He reported
the development of hillside standards for the north portion of the City is needed
for proper hillside development.
The Planning Commission agreed that there is a need for strict hillside develop-
ment; standards and directed Staff to prepare such 'sta.ndards for their review and
Planning Commission Minutes - - March 12 , 1980
Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, distributed a schedule of General
Plan hearing dates. In addition, Mrs Lain orally presented special meeting dates -
in addition to "those that are listed on the schedule. Mr. Lam then reported
that the Planning Consultants had prepared several General Plan alternatives
which the 'Commission now has the opportunity to review and comment upon.
Alter a brief explanation and review of alternative plans by ter. Lam, the
Commission discussed their views on the alternatives provided by the Consul-
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he did not like the encroachment of the office
area into the presently designated industrial area south of Foothill Blvd.
Commissioner Jones shared the same feeling. Commissioner Tolstoy also had
concerns with Alternative A-4 which; he feels will increase the overall popula-
tion density. His concern for the increase is based upon a fact that the
community in its original: deliberations on the adoption of the General. Plan '
wanted to maintain the rural atmosphere and not have large areas of high
density residential. districts.
Commissioner Dahl felt that the. Alternative Plans prepared by the Consultant
do not reflect the concepts of the Planned Communities. He felt that the
Alternative Plans should incorporate more of the open space and greenbelts
as proposed by the planned comunitaes.
Commissioner Tolstoy felt that: the General Plan Alternatives do not contain
necessary greenbelt concepts that will give continuity between the planned
communities and the rest of the City.
Commissioner Garcia. was concerned that the General Plan was not considering
the Image of the City. He felt the approach to alternatives is in error as
it appears the City is 'being guilt around a stopping center.
Commissioner Rempel felt :that 'both."the "Terra Vista and Victoria projects gave
the City some overall concepts to considers He stated that it is up to the
Planning Commission to consider such things as greenbelt, office and regional
locations and transit routes. He also agreed that the office encroachment
into the industrial area was not consistent with the original goals and policies
developed by the. Commission.
Commissioner Tolstoy felt that the'commercial area should be dispersed rather
than,concentrated in one single area.
Planning Commission Minutes - - March 12, 1980
There being no further discussion by the Commission, a motion was made by
Commissioner Dahl, seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy and unanimously carried
to adjourn the Planning Commission -meeting of March 12, 1980. The meeting
was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Res f,ectful ,y ubmitted,
JACK LAM, Director of
Community Development
Planning Co mission, Minutes -6- March 12, 1980
February 25, 1980
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga
was held in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line, Rancho Cucamonga,
on Monday, February 25, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Rempel who led the meeting
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dabl, Jorge Garcia, Laura Jones, Peter Tolstoy,
and Herman Rempel
ALSO PRESENT: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Ted Hopson, City
Attorney; Barry Hogan, Senior Planner; Michael Vairin, Associate
Planner; Tim Beedle, Associate Planner; Paul Rouge au, Associate
Civil Engineer; and Nancy McAllister, Secretary
Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reported there will be a series of
public hearings in June of this year in regard to the General Plan. He asked that
the Commission reserve every Monday during the month of June for these public
hearings. This would then allow the Council time to conduct their public hearings ,
'during the month of July so that the August deadline can be met.
Upon motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Garcia and unanimously
carried, the following consent calendar items were approved as submitted:
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5892 - Prescher
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No® 5441 - Schultz
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5760 - O'Donnell
Commissioner Dahl stated in regard to Item ""p"r", Parcel Map No. 5891, as a
condition of the Parcel Map will the applicant be required to improve Shasta,
Summit and Etiwanda streets?
Paul Eougnau, .Associate Civil Engineer, stated the southerly strut (Shasta) ,
has been improved. Improvements on Etiwanda and Summit will be required at
the time of development
There being no further comments regarding this item, a motion FAUs made;by Commis-
sioner Dahl, seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy and unanimously carried to approve
Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5891 as submitted.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated in regard to` Consent Calendar Item "D", Negative
Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5626 (Data Design), he asked if all the lots
meet the requirements of the Ordinance as some of the lots seed awfully narrow
and long.
Mr. Lam stated all lots created are basically new bats. The City Engineer is
empowered to approve the. Parcel Map; unless requested for review by the Planning
Commission. In review of the tentative main, Staff has found that some of the
lots do not meet ordinance requirements which means any approval of this parcel
p rust have technical modifications made to it so that the requirements are stet.
Furthermore, staff was not aware that the lots shown along Haven, ;west of the
channel would be divided with this parcel map. That area is not shown as indus-
trial but as administrative professional on the General Plan. Normally in the
-P area., ;all property is developed at one time which means a coordination of
accesses, etc. is required. Therefore, Staff would not be recomnending approval
of those three lots at this time. He suggested if the. Commission is interested
in this particular application and has interest in a number of elements of that,
plan that this item come to the Commission in its entirety ,for review.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated he also has a number of other questions in regard to
this parcel and 'felt the map should come before the Commission for review,
motion was made. by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Commissioner Garcia and
unanimously carried to continue review of the Negative Declaration for Parcel Map
No. 5626 to the March 12 1980 Planning Commissionmeeting. It was further requested
that the Parcel Map application be submitted to the Commission for reviews at that
After general discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by
Commissioner Dahl and unanimously carried to approve Consent Calendar Item "F",,
Resolution of approval for General Plan Amendments No. 80-01, , 80-01B and. 80-41C.`
Planning Commission Minutes - _ February 25, 1980
from R-3 to C-1 for property located on the east side of Haven Avenue between
Lemon and Highland.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends
that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 80-05 which recommends
approval of Zone Change No. 80-02 and issuance of a Negative Declaration to
the City Council. Staff further recommends that if the zone change is approved
that the following conditions be added to Resolution No. 80-05: 1) That the
zoning revert back to the original zone after a one year period if the applicant
is not successful in obtaining building permits for the project. 2) The
zone change would cover the area starting at the north of Lemon Avenue south to
within 250 feet north of the centerline of Highland Avenue. The Caltrans right-
of-way is not to be changed to C-1. If at a later time the freeway does not go
in then there would be an opportunity to came in and re-zone that area.
Commissioner Jones asked if we are currently reaching saturation point on commer-
cial centers.
Mr. Vairin stated at this point we are merely considering a zone change for the
property and its appropriateness for the potential of a shopping center.
Commissioner Garcia asked if the applicants have considered the entire 80 acres
in their planning.
Mr. Lam stated at the present time the applicant is pursuing the center portion
of the property. Their intention is to have'a planned development with combina-
tion A-P type use and perhaps condominium type uses. Both uses are allowable
under the mixed use designation of the General Plan.
Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing.
Mr. Scott Bell, representing Watt Commercial Properties, stated they have reviewed
the staff report and are in concurrence with that report. They are pursuing the
Zone Change in order for the zoning to be in conformance with the General Plan.
Clara Veloz, 10522 Lemon Avenue, stated there are 34 homes within her tract and they
all share one thing in common - their desire to preserve the residential neighbor-
hood. They chose to live in a small community below the foothills for their
children to play. They deliberately did not want to move into an area next to
commercial development. It is felt more emphasis should be placed on the needs
and desires of the residents in the area. A shopping center would be very nega-
tive for the area. There are currently many vacant shops within this City in
existing shopping centers. In a quick survey of eight centers, 37 shops were
vacant. She submitted a list of residents willing to work toward keeping their
community residential.
JoAnn Burns, 10570 Lemon, submitted a petition signed by residents of the area
in opposition to the .one change. Their main concerns are: the safety of their
children, ecological impact, the community impact, the deterioration of property
surrounding shopping centers, the proximity to sales of liquor and the misuse
of liquor sales by Chaffey students and the proximity of liquor sales to school
bus stops.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- February 25, 1980
Mr. Fred Sherman, 6225 Dakota, stated an environmental assessment was included
in the staff report which has assessed no impact to the residential area sur-
rounding this zone change. However, these is; nothing to back up those conclusions.
He finds it hard to believe there would be no impact due to the increase of traffic
in the area. These will also be trucks to stock the stores and a lot of this will
be done at night. development of a center would cause a lot more noise and traffic
problems in the area. There could also he a significant increase in the crime rate.
e already have an overburdened police department without enough personnel to pro-
tect the entire area.. Commercial development in this area will cause a drop in
real estate values. The entire appearance of the area is going to change from
residential to commercial. He asked that the Commission consider rejection of
the zone change. It a rejection is not given he asked that at least a 50 day
postponement be given so that they nay be given a little more time to assess
the impact this is going to have on; the area.
Mr. Roland Smith, 6235 Valinda, stated the reason he moved to this area was to
get away from commercial d elopment surrounding the residential. He would like
this area to remain residential. He moved out here for peace and'quiet and does
not want another Montclair Plaza. There is a large area in the City which could
be zoned commercial.
Mr. Steve' Heimann, 10423 Ca tilla, stated he moved from Los Angeles to come to this
city. They moved to this area because of the value of property and the serene,
pleasant atmosphere of the area. The effect of a shopping center in this area is
going to be very damaging. He is concerned of the increased- crime rate. The
impact of commercial would have a detrimental effect on the children in the area .
Looking at this project he does not see how the City will benefit.
Mr. ]lave "Fanner, 6563 Valinda, stated commercial areas :should definitely be Dept'
separate from the residential areas. He bought his home in this particular area
due to the fact there was all residential development in the;area. At the present
time, he can see the mountains from his home; however, if a shopping center is
developed it will block his. views
Mary McNamee, stated she'moved to this area from Downey. She lived next to a
Junior High School and off of two major streets. It was not the kind of area
you would want'your' children to grew up around. She moved here for the peace
and quiet.. She does not want her children to live in are area where they are
afraid to walk out their front door.
Mr. David Delgado, 6646 Mesada, stated there are many people in the audience here
in opposition to the zone change. It is his opinion the people that live in the
area should have some say as to what is developed around them. More schools and
parks are needed in the City instead of commercial development.
Chairman R.empel stated the City has no control. over the schools as the school
district is an entirely separate entity. The City has worked since incorporation
to get schools: and their problem solved.. The City is trying to find funding
for schools
Mr. Robert Todd, 622 Castilla Avenue, stated this City needs street sweepers
and -needs to take care of drainage problems. We need to take care of what is
currently in the City before new commercial is developed. We also need more
Planning Commission Minutes - - February 25 1980
Chairman Hempel stated the City currently does not have the money for parks,
street sweepers, etc.. Who is going to pay for the parks? It is up to: the citizens
of the community to work with the school district and agree to pay higher tees
to have new schools:.
Mr. Mark Whitehead, 6542 Val in a, stated he is in opposition to the zone change
and can not see a need for commercial development in this area.
Chairman Rempel stated this Commission can not deity a developer to come in and
submit a erne change request. That is why the zone change is before the o is-
sion for public hearing.
Mr. Jack. Sylvester, applicant, stated. in 1966 a shopping center permit was
granted for this area on Haven and Highland. Lemon Avenue at that time was
abandoned by the County of San Bernardino. He made it possible for the people
to develop Lemon avenue so they could comply with County requirements to have a
60' wide street. When Jahn B ayney was retained as the General Flan Consultant
he recommended at one time that the entire 80 acres be a regional shopping center.
Only when he discovered that 14 odd acres could be takers for right of way for
the proposed Foothill Freeway:and interchange on that cornerA was it downgraded to
a community shopping center area. He then found in going to the Planning Staff
that although Caltrans notified him in writing that they would not stand in the way
of development, it was suggested that he move any commercial site to Lemon Avenue
and that he voluntarily agree to a. CC & R prohibiting access or egress on Lemon
Avenue for any commercial project. He raised no opposition and voluntarily agreed
to sign the CC & R's. Their project, as proposed, will not 'block` anyones view
of the mountains. Their buildings would not exceed 22' in height. The Planning
Division will also insist can a landscaping buffer on Lemon Avenue and they will. do
their best to screen any unpleasant aspects that may arise. They are not proposing
any development that is not in the best interest of the City. They are prepared'
to sit down with any committee to work out anything which is fair and reasonable
that is in the best interest of the community.
President of Watt Commercial properties, stated for the people in the audience,
he would like to state that the City of Rancho Cucamonga has adopted one of the
strictest development standards within Southern California. In regard to property
values, the homes built around their existing developments have increased in
value. With the adoption of proposition. 13, one of the few remaining items left'
to create income for a City is shopping center development. He hoped that the
City would leak favorably on their request.
Mr. Dave Mulligan, ` 620 Mesada Street, stated when he -moved -to his home this
area: was basically a rural area. There was all kinds of wildlife and nature
around. They moved' to an area which he 'hoped his children could grow up, have
animals and be able` to live in a rural area. .. They are in opposition to the zone>
change and asked that the Commission consider what the people living in the area
Mr. Steven beck., 6233 Cartilla, stated the fact that the developer does not live.
in this City says a lot for the project. Those living in this area will have
to continue living with any development that may go in, but the developer will
leave the; area once the development is completed.
Planning Commission Minutes -5- February 25, 1980
Mr. Sid Silliman, 6316 Haven Avenue, stated he is in opposition to the zone
change. He stated at the time the General Plan was adopted for this area,
a number of people did dame to the Commission and object to the designation
of commercial development. They also submitted a letter and petition to that
There being no further comments from the audience,' Chairman R.empel closed the
public hearing.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked how long the asterisk has been at that intersection.
Mr. Lam stated it has been there since July of 1978.
Commissioner ,cones stated she disapproved of the commercial designation at the
time of the General Plan hearings. Also it is her; opinion Haven Avenue should
be developed as a scenic route. For that reason she has been apposed to the
asterisk shown on the General Ilan throughout the whole; process.
Commissioner Garcia stated his concern at the present time regarding this pro-
perty is that it is taking only a portion of the total 80 acres. It has been
our policy to request master planning of major parcels of land. The applicant
has a right to ask for the best investment of his property and at the same time
the residents around the area have 'a right to protect this project. In tens of 'a
zone change for this property at this time, he feels that it is not time.
Commissioner Dahl stated in his review of comments received from the audience,
he has to separate the emotional from the factual points brought out. In regard
to increased crime, in looking at the centers on lth and Carnelian, we have
not been affected in that area with a major crime increase and have no reason
to believe we would be affected in :this area. On the other nand, there would be
a definite increase in traffic. There would be a 'possible increase in debris as
indicated. He doesn't necessarily feel that property values would go down because
of commercial development in the area. A valid point is the possible over-building
of commercial development in the City, as there are a number:of units that are
vacant now. On the emotional :side is the liquor statements made. Students from
the college can get liquor any place if they want it, and we can not eliminate that.
From a factual standpoing is the drainage problem. He would;agree with Commissioner
Garcia that we are not ready for a center at this location at this particular time;
however, he would not want to shut the door to that center being developed in the
future either. More evaluation of this particular proposal is needed.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated the asterisk: was placed at this location as it was
felt by the Commission and the Council that this would be a good location for
a commercial center. He would agree with the other Commissioners, however, that
this is not the time for this particular change of zone. This is not to say
that this Commission will never feel a center would be appropriate for this area.
Chairman Rempel stated in regard to statements made that the. City should keep
some of its ,land open, the City is working with the County to develop a wildlife
habitat restricted from vehicles, etc. We can not say that we are never going
to allow a property 'owner to develop his land as the City would then get into
Planning Commission Minutes -6- February 25, 1980
inverse condemnation which means the City would be forced to buy that persons
land. He stated it has been discussed on manor occasions that we need approi-
tely ld, 00 residents in an area for another shopping center, therefore, it
is also his opinion that a center at this location is premature at this time.
In regard to drainage, if water starts coming down 'Haven without any facility
to accept that water, it would also have a serious impact because of the amount
of runoff. He feels it is totally premature to develop a cuter within the
next two or three years.
A motion °was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy
to deny Zone Change No, 80-02 without prejudice,
:Recess galled at 9:05 p.m,
Meeting reconvened at 9: C p.m. with all Commissioners present,
posed shopping center to be located on the southwest corner of Lemon and Haven.
Michael. Vai_rin, Associate planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends
approval of Resolution No. 80-07 subject; to the following amendments: Condition #5:
A ratio of 20% of the trees to be planted on the site shall be specimen size trees
to be "" box trees. Amend Condition #7 to read: No additional food uses may be
permitted within the center unless 'parking requirements of the zoning ordinance
can be meet and that such use is specifically reviewed and approved by the Planning
Chairman Rempel asked for questions .from the Commission of the. staff.
Commissioner Dahl asked that staff review for the Commission the comments b
the. Design, Review Committee.
Michael Vai.rin reported the Design Review Committee reviewed the project and
requested redesign of the service station which has been complied with somewhat.
r. Mogan added that the application will improve Lemon Avenue if the Commission
considers approval of the site approval.. There is also a pooling of water in
this area during the rainy season, The .applicant will be required to install
a major drainage structure to handle the, water, so that it ,will not cause pro-
blems for downstream properties.
Mr. Vai.rin stated one letter was received from the Garden Apartment Homeowners
Association, expressing abjection to the proposed development. This letter has
been forwarded to each Commission member for review and is on regard in the
Planning division, He reported in addition, numerous telephone comanications
in opposition to the development have been received,
Planning Commission"Minutes -7- February 25, 19801
There being no further questions from the Commission of staff, Chairman Rempel
opened the public hearing.
Mr. Doug Hone, 7333 Hellman Avenue, stated they have owned this site for
approximately 3 years. The original Chaffey plan which was done for this
community a number of years ago depicted the commercial designation at this
intersection. The back portion of the site is proposed for the Shibata Nursery.
They have tried to buffer the site in a village theme. The plan will represent
the high development standards of this community. Plans are now before Caltrans
that Lemon and Haven will be 'major streets in the West End of San Bernardino
next to Euclid Avenue.
Commissioner Jones asked Mr. Hone if they would object to a one story office
building if it is found this could cause problems to the apartment complex next
to this development.
Mr. Hone stated they would be willing to reduce the second story; if their
engineer determines that the second story would take from the view of the Garden
Mr. Sid Silliman, 6316 Haven Avenue, stated he would hope that the Commission
would see fit to add some additional conditions to the Resolution if approval
of the development is considered. He would specifically like to speak in opposi-
tion to the gas station and fast food restaurant, as he feels these developments
would have the most impact on the residents in the area. The combination of the
two would have"a detrimental effect on traffic then what currently exists in
the area now. It will lead to a significant increase in traffic on Haven and
Lemon Avenues. He would like to suggest that a fast food establishment not be
approved in this location. We need a high quality sit-down restaurant. The com-
bination of a fast food drive-in and gas station will lead significantly to litter
and increase of traffic. Consequently, there would also be an increase in van-
dalism. He asked that the gas station and fast food restaurant not be approved
at this location. Children meet in this area to catch the school bus and
increased traffic in the area could cause a negative impact.
Mr. George Godlin, 6344 Haven Avenue, stated he is in opposition to the proposal
from a conceptual and planning standpoint. He would not like to have a gas station
as a neighbor to him. He does not see any need for an additional center in the City
at this time. The area is also subject to a tremendous amount of flooding. This
will cause a host of problems and he can not see building deeper and deeper into the
foothills. He finds Mr. Hone's proposal totally unacceptable. The economics of
what the center will turn into is largely going to be dictated by the economics
of the market place. Those living in the Garden Apartments take a great deal of
pride in the development. It is heavily landscaped and they pay a heavy price
to keep the landscaping up in' a rural setting. He feels this is a complete
affront to them and will not compliment their area.
Mary McNamee stated due to the gas crunch, lines will be backed up for blocks.
There is no indication that the gas crunch is going to be ending soon. If we
have cars backed up for blocks trying to get gas in addition to the college
traffic, she stated there will be problems of getting out of the tract to get
to work. She would also agree that a fast food restaurant should not be allowed
but a sit down type restaurant is needed® She would not object to the development
of the nursery in this location. Her opposition was also to the gas station and
fast food restaurant.
Planning Conmission Minutes February 25, 1980
Mr. Roland Smith, stated he is in opposition to the gas stations Most stations
are not open when the people need gas at, this time anyway. How can anyone with
any foresight want to put in a gas station when the supply of gas is uncertain?
Them will be lines several blocks long when ;there is gas available. This
e develo mnt will have more than a mini impact on the area. He would not-
p - p
object to a large nursery and. 'high quality restaurant rather than a gas station
at this location.
Mr. Greg Justice, 6330 Haven, stated he is in opposition to the two story
structure as it will destroy the privacy of 8 or 9 units within the
Garden Apartments.
Mr. Dave Mulligan, 6620 Mesada, stated the drainage problem, in the area is
going to be quite extensive. They turn to go into their tract at 19th and
Haven. During the fast rain, they had 2 to d feet of water over onto the road.
An extensive review of the drainage problems need to be made prior to any develop-
A resident of the area, stated his child is picked up every morning on Cartilla
and Lemon at the school bus stop. What is going to happen when there is a lime up
of cars going to the gas station facility? He asked if the station will be a self-
serve or full serve gasoline station. Will it be a station that tires can be
changed and minor car repairs will be done? He is also in opposition to the fast
food restaurant. Is the gas station going to be a company owned station or 'leased
A representative of Mobil: Oil. Corporation stated they are going to be bringing in
over a hundred thousand gallons of -gasoline a month to this City, which is desparately
needed. There will be a number of gasoline pumps which will help serge the customers
faster. They would like to have a company owned station; however, it is not known
at this time whether or not it will be. However, if it is not company owned they
would like to have strict controls over the dealer. They station will be both self-
serve and full serve.. The station oul.d'be removed if it is found after a period '-
of time that it is not profitable.
Mr. Allen, owning property within the Carden Apartments, stated he would like to
go on record in support of Mr. Hone's proposal., providing safeguards for landscaping,
buffering, and architectural control are met.
Mr. Allen Snapp, Architect for the proposed development, stated the character of
this development was quite a concern to thus." They took a hard look at the winery
character of the area. He reviewed the ;proposed plans for the Commission. It
was felt the nursery location as proposed was the best location for buffering of
the apartment complex.
Mr. Hone stated if it is found the view of the apartments will be blocked b
the second story strucutre of the development, they are willing to change their
design® Also, if he can attract a dinner house restaurant he is willing to cut
down on his pad area in the wain part of the center.
"There being no further co ents from the audience, Chairman Rempel closed the
public hearing.
Planning Commission Minutes - - February 25, 1980
Commissioner Tolstoy stated it was mentioned earlier that the drainage facility
in haven at this time was not big enough to take any more water. He asked if
this development will be 'responsible to alleviate this problem.
Mrs Rougeau stated the Haven Avenue ditch is a flood control facility. The flood
Control District will be`revie;wing ;this matter at the time the application i
made by the developer.
Commissioner Garcia stated it is his opinion a gas station is needed and that
this would be a geed location for such a facility. It is also his opinion there
i a need for some type of economical fast food service due :to the college in the
area. It is the management that could create problems, not the service.
Conmissioner Tolstoy stated haven Avenue is one of the major north/south streets
in the City. if we can't handle the traffic on this street with this development,
than we do have problem. The only problemhe can. see with traffic is where would
the people line p to get to the gas station. He does not feel., however, that
traffic in and out of the project is going to be a problem.. He stated,his only
problems with the developments are as follows. The Garden Apartments have a lot
of nice visual effects with their landscaping. He would li .e to see the south
side of the project have a specific landscape plan indicating where the trees will
be placed and possibly add more trees to that area. It is also his opinion the
center should be landscaped to blend in and compliment ghat is already; developed
on the Garden Apartment site. He stated an additional condition should be added
to the resolution stating 50% of the parking area shall be shaded by vegetation
within 15 years.
Commissioner Dahl stated in regard to this center, there will be such a few shops
in it that it is very unlikely that there will be any vacancies and the center
should be a viable one. It is his: opinion a traffic light as, proposed, at the inter-
section will slow down traffic along Haven Avenue and would be less of a hazard.
He would also like to see landscaping Increased along the southerly end of the
property. An additional condition should be added as follows: Phase 3 (second
story construction) shall be returned to the Planning Commission prior to issuance
of the building permits to determine if such addition would block views of resi-
dents to the south.
Chairman Rempel started in regard to the service station, it is his opinion the
canopy should be lowered. fie has no objection to the station itself; however,
if the canopy is lowered, it would be much more effective then the high canopy
in this location. He would life to see a bicycle and pedestrian lane coming into
this center as this would be a very viable type of client to have in this area.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated if we can bring another hundred thousand gallons of
gasoline into this City, people would be buying gas in our City and we would get
the benefit of the gas tax. We need this tax to help improve our roads.
A motion was made by Commissioner Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy
to approve resolution No. 80--07 subject to the following amendments and addi�
Planning Commission Minutes -10- February 25, 1980
Amend the following conditions
1. Condition #I: The development plans on file in ,the Planning
Division indicate: several buildings and uses. Of those indi-
cated, the nursery, the service station and the retail buildings
were approved by the Commission. The second story office addi-
tion and drive thru restaurant were approved in concept only.
Final review and approval by the Planning Commission is required
for these two uses.
2s Condition #5: A ratio of 2 % of the trees to be planted on the
site shall be specimen size trees to be 6 box trees.
3. Condition #7>c No additional food uses may be permitted within
the cuter unless parking requirements of the zoning''ordirance
can be meet and that such use is specifically reviewed and approved
by the Planning Division.
4. Condition #1 . All parking; lot landscaped islands shall have
a 'minimums inside dimension of 4 o and shall contain a 12" walk
adjacent to parking still enclosed by a Sao' raised P.C.C. curb.
Add the following conditions:
5. Phase 3 (second story construction) shall be returned to the
Planning Commission prior to issuance of building permits to
determine if such addition would block viers of residents :to
the south.
6. If the gasoline station ceases operation as a service station
after 90 days, the station is to be demolished and removed, and
the site is to be landscaped. Underground storage tams shall
also be removed.
e etatio�n
`t f 't s kin" area. shall b shaded b v
7. Fifty perco�n o e p r g �' g
within 15 years.
Recess called at 11:00 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 11:10 p.m. with all Commissioners present.
Planning Commission Minutes -11 February 25, 1980
- The development of a condominium conversion ordinance,
Barry Hogan, Senior 'Planner, reported the condominium conversion ordinance needs
a little more work prior to presentation to the Commission. At this time, he
would like to have co epts from the Commission and requested that the public
hearing then be continued to the March 12, 1980 meeting to allow the Staff the
opportunity to consult with the City Attorney in order to clean up some of the
language in the ordinance. He stated if the Commission desires to review the
ordinance,prior to making comments, they may do so and submit their desires in
writing to the Planning Division prior to the; next meeting for incorporation into
the ordinance.
Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing.
r. John Withers, representing the Building Industry Association, stated under
Section 5Conversion Limit Procedure, item "A!' (Annual Limit) , they want t
maintain the appropriate level of units. In terms of scarce flexibility there is
exceptions that state if found appropriate (using specific findings) the too is
sion'can approve an additional %. They would like to recommend that perhaps
if specific findings are found and the Commission would find additional conver-
sions necessary they should be allowed to set whatever amount that should be.
They: feel, that a five year limit is unnecessary. The ordinance takes careful
considerations in looking at conversions and the five year exception is not
really necessary.
Mr. Hogan,recommended that the public hearing be left open to the next regular
meeting for further review.
A motion was made by ComTaissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner ,loves to
continue the public hearing for Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 80-01 to the
March 12, 1980 Planning Comnission meeting.
EE( L3ST H y BETTER for the use of flags for an industrial leasing office
located on the southwest corner of Arrow and Archibald.
Henry Reiter, applicant,; stated they in the past, have advertised in every focal
paper trying., to get leases for their industrial offices. They have not gotten
one lease from the newspaper. They requested that flags be allowed in order to
tell; people that they are there and have something to offer,; otherwise people
will just drive on by, In reality, the only way they can get tenants is by people
driving b . He would like to know what they can do as we need to come up with
some way of helping each other.
Planning Commission Minutes ' 12- February 25, 1980
Commissioner 'Tolstoy stated he does not like flags. However, he would like
r. Reiter to cone back to the Commission with a plan to see exactly what he
is planning at this location in lieu of flags.
Mr. Bob Clark, -representing Reiter Development, stated what they are trying to
achieve is to attract attention in as tasteful a way as possible and for a
reasonable period of time.
Mr. Lam stated at issue is whether or not the Commission wants to allow another
form of advertisement. We have gone through the adoption of the sign program
where the Commission has said this is the type of sign program they wanted in
the community. We have also tried to develop a temporary off-site sign programs
for subdivisions. The direction at that time was that all flags were to cote
down. The issue is whether or not ''flags ,are 'legitimate as a method of attracting
a tenant to a site. The present ordinance does not recognize this as a legitimate
method of'advertising in this City:.
Commissioner Dahl stated to promote future development in our City, people Like
Mr. Reiter have to be able to lease their project. The problem we have is to
determine what it takes for our City to help a developer promote his product.
He would like to see us develop some type of permit (renewable within a certain
amount of tine) with the condition that at any time the permit could be revoked.
He stated he is opposed to .flags, but also feels that if it generates more business
for the community as a whole and serves a purpose of helping; to increase our own'
revenues and improving the City then something should be worked out.
Mr. Hogan stated if this is the Commissions' desire, he would suggest that
staff work with the applicant to review alternative programs other than flags
for the development.
Chairman Rempel stated there has to be so way to come to an agreement with
Mr. Reiter. He does not know if he would have than much objection to well designed
flags for advertising purposes. However, he also feels there may be other methods
of attracting attention to a development. One of those;might be to landscape the
front along Archibald. and Arrow and place a monument sign at this location.
A motion was made by Commissioner Reuapel and seconded by Commissioner Garcia to
continue review of this ratter to the next regular Planning Commission meeting
of March 12, 1980 requesting that Mr. Reiter present alternative methods for
advertising at this location.
Planning Commission Minutes -13- February 25, 1980
REQUEST BY CHAFFEY COLLEGE for use of an off-site directional sign for the
Chaffey College Skills Center.
Kathleen Brindell, Division Chairperson for the Chaffey College Vocational
Skills Center, requested that the Commission consider approval of directional
signing to their facility on Peron Street. Due to the newness of the location
and its lack of visibility they are plagued by students calling them to help
find their classes. Signing would help alleviate much confusion.
Comissioner Garcia asked if there is special provisions within the sign
ordinance for schools and colleges.
Mr. Lam stated the sign kiosk with the temporary directional signing for subdi-
visions could possibly be a location for such a sign; however, the college would
have to pay for a slot on the sign program.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated in his opinion it would be to the advantage of the
developers to place the location of schools on their sign kiosk program. It
would also be to their advantage to indicate where the library, and possibly
even historical landmarks, are within the City.
Mr. Hogan stated we can put Chaffey in touch with the sign company; however, they
will need to work out a private agreement with them.
A motion was nude by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Garcia to
allow two directional signs for the skills center; one at the corner of 9th
and Archibald and one at the comer of 9th and Helms. The signs should fit
the standard kiosk signs for the City which is presently utilized'.
Mr. Lam stated a General Plan Amendment has been requested by the Lewis Develop-
ment Company. The property is located in the area at the extreme north end of
Etivanda Avenue north of our City limits for 453 acres of, land. The San Bernardino
County Planning Commission will be reviewing this matter at their meeting tomorrow
and staff would like to request some direction from the Commission in regard to
this matter. He reported Michael Vairin will give some background into this
Mr. Vairin stated Lewis Development Company is proposing a General Plan Amendment
from a rural conservation designation to a one-acre residential density which
is extremely high for this area and above what the General Plan calls for in that
area. The County had requested an environmental impact report; however, Lewis
has appealed that decision. Staff would like to request that the Commission go on
record recommending that the County deny the appeal and require a full EIR.
Planning Commission Minutes February 25, 1980
motion was made by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Commissioner Garcia
and unanimously carried to support the County`; of Sin Bernardino in their
recommendation asking for a full EIR for the General Plan Amendment.
Upon motion by Commissioner Dahl, seconded by Commissioner Rempel and unani-
mously carried, it was voted to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting of
February 25, 1980. Meeting adjourned at,; 12:15 p.m.
Re pectfmm ly submitted,
ctor or-of
�7 _ t
Community Development
Planning Commission Minutes
February 13, 1980
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission or the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held
in the Lion s' Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line, Rancho Cucamonga, can Wednesday,
February 13, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p. n. by Chairman Rempel who led the meeting,with the
Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl, Jorge Garcia, Laura Jones, Herman Rempel,
Peter Tolstoy
ALSO PRESENT. Jack, Lam, Director of Community Development; Ted Hopson, City Attorney;
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner; Michael Vairin, Associate Planner; Paul
Rougeau, Associate Civil Engineer and Deanna BurRert, Secretary.
Upon Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner' Garcia and unanimously carried
the minutes of January 23, 1980 were approved as submitted.
la Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, stated that the last week in February
is the Planning Commissioner's Institute which falls upon the regular Planning
Commission meeting date .and suggested that the Planning Commission reschedule the
meeting to February 25, 1980 so it does :not conflict with the meeting mate.
A emotion was made by Commissioner Garcia and -seconded by Commissioner .Jones to
change the Planning Commission regular meeting date to February 25, 1980.
2. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reminded the Commission to adjourn to
the February 19, 1980 meeting with the City Council for the Energy Workshop at the
Neighborhood Facility located on Arrow Route.
Chairman Rempel also reminded the audience that the meeting is open to the public.
Upon motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Garcia and unanimously carried
the following Consent Calendar items were approved as submitted:
A. Negative Declaration for Director Review No. 80-02 - Shook Building Systems
B. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5733 - McNay
C. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5505 - Harkins and White
D. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5832 - Nelson
E. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5803 - Hone and Associates
F. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5795 - Granger
Proposed community shopping center consisting of 164,860 square feet of building area
located at the north side of Foothill Boulevard approximately 600' east of Vineyard Ave.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends approval
of Conditional Use Permit No. 79-01 based on the findings listed in Resolution No. 80-04
and all recommended conditions of approval included in the staff report.
Chairman Rempel asked the Commission for questions of staff.
Commissioner Jones asked where the loading zone would be.
Michael Vairin stated that Gemco' s main loading zone is located in a recessed or sunk
well with a ramp and a truck turn around. The rest of the loading zone and customer pick
up would be at the opposite side of the structure.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked what distance there is between the Winery to the west and the
proposed project.
Michael Vairin stated that there is approximately 450' to 500' .
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the property goes all the way back to San Bernardino Road?
Michael Vairin stated to our knowledge, at this point, this property is all one piece or
Planning Commission Minutes -2- February 13, 1980
owned by; the same people. One signal mould be at the location of the main entry with a
left turn pocket and the other at Vineyard and San Bernardino Road.
Chairman- Rempel asked if there is a median island proposed`
Michael Vairin stated that there is a condition that would require a raised landscaped
median island on Foothill Boulevard®
Chairman Rempel asked the applicant for their presentation.,
Richard Lewis, Lewis Hoes, introduced his associates and stated that this project is
in partnership with CVD Commercial properties. He stated that the staff report reflects
the changes and innovations that the Design Review Committee and staff asked them to do.
e have read that staff report and are happily in agreement with; each' and every one of
the recommendations. This is a first Mass project and does not act negatively on any
surrounding homes and areas, The only paint that I've wanted to raise is the light
standards. We had felt that 12 foot high light standards would be agreeable in all the
areas that would be sensitive to residential and that a 18 foot standard would be better
and the light plan could be worked out with >staff as the final plans coarse in.
Chairman Rempol opened the public hearing
Chairman Rempel stated that he feels that the height of the light at the 12 foot level
was inadequate and should be raised to '15 to 16 feet in the parking which would give
greater coverage.
Commissioner Tolstby agreed with Chairman Rempel':s remark.
Michael Vairin stated that the intent of the condition was to make sure that the lights
adjacent to residences were at a lower height and we foresee no problem allowing the
higher height.
Commissioner Tol.stoy stated that the lights, adjacent to some of the residences could be
higher if designed well
Michael Vairin stated that if the Commission is concerned about this, it could be your
option to add a specific condition which would require a detailed lighting plan to b
Commissioner Tolnstdy feels that the City should be sensitive to crime in the parking
r. Joseph Filipi,' owner of the Thomas Winery along with his family, has no disagree-
ment with the project and that the architectural renderings and the demands made by the
Planning Commission looks like a very worthwhile project,
Vale Jordan, 2nd house in on Rstacia, is concerned abut the noise level and questioned
the Cul-de-sac.
Planning i Commission Minutes - - Februarys 13, 1980
Michael Vairin stated that from Foothill Boulevard to the back property lines it is
approximately 250 feet. Ultimately this property adjacent to the Cemco site will
be developed. The> cul-de-sac will be designed within the existing right-of-way and
will not encroach into any of your yards.
Mr. Jordan questioned the auto shop location.
Michael Vairin stated that from the back side of the shop there is no vehicle
circulation and there will be 10 foot of landscaping plus a 10 foot block gall.'
Mr. Jordan asked if there would be any;vehicle circulation.
Michael Vairin stated that there is a paved area for circulation. It will mainly be
employee parking stalls and people going to the nursery but there will be 15 feet of
Mr. Jordan stated that he did not .feel there should be vehicle circulation next to a
residential area and feels there will be a lot of noise even if there is a block wall.
Mr. Casselberry of Fstacia Court, feels there will be a lot; of reverberation between the
block wall and block building and will create more sound than it stops.
Mr. Duane Walters, from Cemc -lucky, stated that the northeast part of the building is
for customer pickup. We have one ramp for the grocery section and we will not have
trucks idling all day long. They come at certain hours and leave at certain hours.
We could work a delivery schedule to suit the City's requirements.
Chairman' Remp l stated that if there was a condition put on your approval restricting
deliveries between the hours of 7 30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. , would you abide by that
Mr. Welters stated that they could live with: that.
Chairman Rempel closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Commissioner 'Tolstoy and seconded by Commissioner Jones to approve
Resolution No. 80-04 and. Conditional Use Permit No. 7 -01 with the modification of
lighting and restriction of delivery hours to 7:30 a.m. to :00 p.m.
AYES: Dahl, Garcia, ,Jones; Rempel, Tolstoy
NOES: None
Recess called at 7;0 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 8: 10 p.m.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- February 13, 1980 ``
change in the General plan from Industrl_af_Eo_ ighborbood/Community Commercial land
use designation for property located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Arrow
Barry Hogan reviewed staff report. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve
General Plan Amendment No. 80-OIB to the City Council.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if Arrow Route is projected to be six lanes,
Paul Rougean explained there would be only four.
Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing.
Jack Corrigan:- of Daon stated they feel this would be an asset to the Community and if
there are any questions they would be happy to answer them.
Chairman Rempel asked the Commission for questions of the applicant.
There being none, Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing.
There being no comments from the public, Chairman Rempel closed the public hearing and
asked for Commission discussion.
Commissioner Garcia felt that the traffic issue should be discussed in reference to the
shopping centers along Haven Avenue recently proposed.
Barry Hogan stated that this commercial designation requested would not be for the
centers like we have recently discussed. Those centers are considered neighborhood
centers and what we are talking about at this point in time is a center that has a
major tenant on the order of regional or semi-regional basis and would probably take in
our City as its service area and perhaps some of Fontana and Ontario, which is not
competitive in that regard to those other centers. We are not aware of the uses proposed
other than the major tenant.
Paul Rougeau stated that the major reason that Haven at this location should be able to
handle traffic generated by this kind of center is that Haven Avenue, at present, and
in the future carries commuter traffic. Commercial and commuter peak hours of traffic
do not coincide and the traffic will be spread throughout the day. Haven is situated
with right of way that we can provide six or eight through lanes plus extra lanes at
intersections for turns so that the intersection will work effectively. Arrow is a 4
lane through lane street and there are provisions for turn lanes and even right turns
at the major intersections like Haven and Arrow.
Jack Lam stated that the City will be looking at median islands along Haven which means
the turn movements will be further controlled and there will not be the haphazard left
turn movements by a series of curb cuts. Any curb cuts going into the project site will
be right turn only and control will be at the intersections with signals.
Planning Commission Minutes -5- February 13, 1 1980
Commissioner Dahl stated that he doesn't feel, that this is an area that we want to get
involved with in determining if a market or grocery store type use should be allowed.
He also stated that he does not feel the City has reached a saturation point in that
area and feels that the Commission should just act on the basis of whether or not to
allow Commercial/Professional designation or retain the Industrial use.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he would like to see the Industrial Area preserved
and that does not exclude commercial. He feels Commercial in the Industrial Area is
a good thing and the main concept should be for service of the business park and does
not feel that the area should contain a market. He is not against Commercial but feels
Commercial should be of' a certain flavor and that it should be mostly to serve the
business park people.
Commissioner Dahl stated that there is also a high density designation abutting to the
area and this would be the only service area.
Jack Lam suggested that at the present time if the Commission is undecided about the
feasibility of or the appropriate type of use, and if the Commission is considering
approval, that the Commission place a condition on this amendment recommending to the
City Council that the General Plan Amendment does not take effect until approval of
the Conditional Use Permit. If the General Plan Amendment is approved there are two
steps in order to accomplish the project rezoning consistent with the General Plan
change and the actual Conditional Use Permit. Those would happen concurrently and the
next step is the actual site approval for the Conditional Use Permit. The Commission
will then have the ability to condition the Conditional Use Permit and specific uses
on the C.U.P. and address specific uses at the time of the C.U.P. and then further
condition it at the discussion on that date.
Commissioner Garcia asked if this will cancel the C.P.A.
Barry Hogan stated that it would.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he is not against Commercial just against certain
types of commercial in that particular area.
Chairman Rempel stated that he feels that any type of commercial venture on Haven
Avenue would be viable.
Commissioner Jones stated that possibly in the Arrow area, commercial, would be very
Chairman Rempel stated he feels the architectural design proposed in this instance
would make Haven a scenic route.
Upon motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy, to approve
General Plan Amendment No. 80-GIB to the City Council that the C.P.A. does not take
effect until the approval of the C.U.P. and add a condition that the C.U.P. should be
approved wihtin one year or approval expires.
Planning Commission Minutes -6- February 13, 1980
AYES. Garcia, Tolstoy, Bones, Dahl, Rempe7
NOES; None
The development of a restaurant to be located on the northwest corner of Foothill
Boulevard and Center Avenue.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends
approval of Resolution No. 80-02 and issuance of a Negative Declaration.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission of 'Staff.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked what the zoning is to the north of this property.
Michael. Vairin stated that it is C-2 approximately 300 feet then° residential.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the plan .lends itself to some type of common access to
Foothill. Boulevard`,on the west side.
Michael Vairin stated that it is possible with some design change.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that it could then be done without much change to the plan
and the initial. design.
Paul Rougeau stated that the basic access policy provides for one access point on a
for highway per parcel, but the overriding conditions in the access policy are that
if there.` is a suitable alterative access from a minor' strut then that is what should
be used before accessing the major. We felt the ;public intersection mould eventually
provide for better turning movements and eventually a median island.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if there would not be ;a problem later with shared access.
Paul Rougeau stated that yes, it would be possible because they don't have any problem
with the; present design of the parking lot.
Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing.
John Erlan.d on o f s of Barma 'an 4olff and Associates spoke on hehal. of the applicant.
� - �. r� � p e_ pp t.
The point of the access off of Center is vague but we are also unsure of approval from
CALTRANS. Access tiff of Foothill is desirable and vital to this; project, The owner
has band commitments and they are 'contingent upon, access off of Foothill, and feels
the Commission should consider the access carefully.
Commissioner Garcia asked if ;the applicant is indicating that the plan reflects two
Planning Commission Minutes -7- February 13, 1980
John Erlandson stated that yes, it is hard to see it shown in a dotted line.
There is a note subject to your approval on here because this plan was prepared
for submittal prior to getting the approval from Caltrans. We have not gotten
approval because Caltrans has turned the matter over to your= hands. The access
as shown were is 10 foot from the property line and a 30 foot wide drive which
leaves the center of the driveway about 200 feet from the center of Center Street
which is a significant distance. It has always been shown here subject to approval
because we had to prepare plans rapidly.
Commissioner Garcia asked if the proposed access will be met if it is combined
with access in the future?
Paul Rougeau stated yes, the distance requirement would be met with this one because
it is required to be only 100 feet from the corner.
Jack Lam stated that this is a similar situation we looked at in the City on an
Industrial project on Jersey and Haven. It was appealed to the City Council; they
desired to take traffic off of Haven. The appeal was denied because it was felt from
the traffic standpoint it would be best if there was alternative access from Jersey,
and the access should be taken off of Jersey rather than from Haven. It was shortly
thereafter that the Planning Commission adopted its access policy.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked that if the problem would be solved by combining the
access with the project next door when it gets started.
John Erlandson stated that yes it would, but there is no planned development and
the economics of the restaurant are now and I am sure the owner would be in agree-
ment to common access.
Chairman Rempel stated he thought this is a different condition than what we were
talking about in that industrial area, but he thinks the applicant has a very valid
point and if a sign program is worked out and there could be no left turns. He also
feels it could be an asset and possibly work some deal now with the adjacent property
owner to pave a little bit of his property in order to get that access in there.
Jack Lam stated that there is also a practical reason for not considering the driveway
at this time. We have found that in our reviews, we try to combine driveways. The
reason for doing this is the more curb cuts you have on your major arterials, the more
turn movements you encourage. In other cases, we have found the <adjacent property owners
are sometimes reluctant to enter into agreement, everyone wants their own driveway.
In this case, if there is no driveway, there will always be an incentive to work for
this other driveway. Furthermore, the next person coming in a condition of approval
is fitting the joint access. In this case, both parties would have the incentive of
cooperating in joint access. Therefore, no driveway should be granted off Foothill
until joint access is worked out by the property owners.
Doug Hone, Hone and Associates, stated that the applicant could put in half of a drive-
way 15 feet into her property line for assured access right turn only into the site
and as the other property develops they can finish the other 15 feet and have a
shared access and she could submit the revised site plan.
Planning Commission Minutes -8- February 13, 1980
Michael Vairin suggested the Commission should consider a raised landscaped
median island to be consistent with other Foothill Blvd., approvals.
Chairman Rempel stated that this would happen in the future when the median
island is designed.
Capon motion by; Commissioner Tolstoy and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to accept
Director Review No, 80-01 with.. its 'findings and conditions and Resolution No
80-02 and add the following two conditions:
1. Permit a shared access with at least a minimum of 15 feet
of paving to be built can bath properties to form a 30
minimum full drive.
2. A landscaped median island to be installed; by applicant.
Paul. Rougeau reviewed the Staff Report and gave a slide presentation. Staff is
recommending that the Commission approve Resolution No. 80-03 permitting the
elimination of the eucalyptus trees along Base Line and requiring appropriate
replacement trees.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the Corp. ,of Engineers is going to improve the
extra width of the bridge.
Saul: Rougeau stated yes,, the poles are irrelevant w ith the type of
plan proposed.
Gene Hoggatt of Lewis Homes stated they support the staff report :and appreciate
its .adoption..
Upon motion by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Commissioner .zones and unanimously
carried, Resolution No. 0-03 was adopted as submitted.
`planning Comni,ssion Minutes -9- February 13,;, 1980
Jack Lain informed the Planning Commission that the desire for quality street naming'
was presented to the City Council authorizing staff to develop a program with the
Planning Commission to develop a. sub-committee.
Chairman Rempel felt that the Commission should go out into the Community and .set a
future date to assemble the Committee.
,Jack Lai then introduced Tim Needle, new Associate Planner. Tien comes to the City
from the City of Lompoc.
Barry Hogan informed the. Commission that a Condo-Conversion Committee was formulated
and the Condo-Conversion Ordinance has been presented to the Committee. The BIA will
be coming out with a letter of support on the final draft and will be presented to
the. Commission on February 25, 1980. March 3, 1980, the Zoning Ordinance Committee
will meet from 4:30 p. n. to :30 p.m. , in the City Hall to review the proposed Admin-
istrative Section of the Zoning Ordinance.
Upon motion by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Chairman Rempel and unanimously
carried', it was voted to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting of February 13, 1980
to the Energy Conservation. Workshop, and the Monday, February 25, 1980 planning
Commission meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JACK LAM, Director of
Community Development
JL.c d
Planning Commission Minutes 10- February 13, 1980
January 23, 1980
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the. City of Rancho Cuca-
monga was held in the Lion's Park Community Center, 161 Ease Line, Rancho
Cucamonga, on Wednesday, January 23, 180.
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p. a. by Chairman Rempel who led the
meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: CO 1SSIONBRS: Richard Dahl, Jorge Garcia, Laura Jones, Peter Tolstoy,
Herman Rempel
SO PRESS Jack Lam, Director of CommunityDevelopment; Bob Dougherty,
City Attorney; Barry Rogan, Senior Planner; Michael Vairin,
Associate Planner; Paul R'
a l ou Associate Civil Engineer;
and Nancy McAllister, Secretary
Upon motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Garcia, and: unani-
mously carried, the minutes of December ber 12, 1979 were approved as -submitted
Upon motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Jones and unani-
mously carried, the minutes of January 9, 1980 were approved as submitted.
,Tack Lam, Director of Community Development, reminded the. Commission of the
joint City Council/Planning Commission -meeting to be held February 19, 1980.
This will be an Energy Conservation Workshop and will be held at the Cucamonga
Neighborhood facility at 7:00 p.m.
Chairman .empel asked that Item 'W' of the Consent Calendar be pulled for
further discussion.
Upon motion by Commissioner ,cones, seconded by Commissioner Garcia and unani-
mously carried, the 'following Consent Calendar items were approved as submitted:
H. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No 5819 �- lien Shipley
C. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 571 - liarmakian/Wolff & Assoc.
D. Negative Declaration for Tentative parcel Map a- Richard Beck and
Ronald Mayfield
Chairman Hempel stated in regard to Item "A" of the Consent Calendar, he is
concerned about the letter sent to Vanguard Companies which indicates that
the City is going to force the.; joint driveway'requirement on the development
of bath properties. He believes that there are wetter ways to state the
City's desires.
Mr. Vairin stated when the site plan was approved by the Commission, they were
informed in order to meet the access policy, a combined driveway would. be one
way in which to accomplish the; policy.
A motion was made by Commissioner Hempel, seconded by Commissioner Tol toy and
unanimously carried to approve Item "A", Request for Extension of Director
Review No. 7 -06 to expire October 21, 1980 as requested.
Request to place a neighborhood commercial designation can the southeast corner
of Haven Avenue and Base Line presently designated as Alternative Land Uses.'
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends
approval of General Plan Amendment No. «-01A designating the southeast' corner
of Haven and Ease Line Road as Neighborhood Community.
Chairman Eempel asked for questions from the Commission of the staff.
There being none, Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing*
Mr. Gene Roggat , representing Lewis lopm nt, stated their project is ready
to begin construction and asked that the Co fission consider approval of the
General flan Amendment in order that they may proceed. He stated if the Com-
mission has any; questions he would he happy to answer them,
Mr. David Herendeen, 10476 Pepper Street, asked if the adopted General Plan
is subject to radical changes based on developer interest. In this City, most
intersections have shopping centers'of one kind or another already developed
on them. There is also a great deal of vacant store frontage: in those centers.
He asked if a demographic 'need has been shown to warrant any farther shopping
center construction.
Planning Commission Minutes - - January 23, 1980
Chairman Rempel stated to a large degree this site ties in with the total
planned community development of Terra Vista.. In the Terra 'vista develop--
ment 'plan this corner is shown as a commercial center. There will be
approximately 6,500 homes built within the Terra 'Vista development over
the next 15 to 20 years.
Mr. Lam stated if anyone in the audience is interested in the Terra. Vista
plans but have not seen them, they are welcome to come into the Planning
Division to look. at the exhibits. Since incorporation, this City's effort
has been to upgrade all development standards and promote more orderly
growth in the City. In regard to this Genera. Flan. Amendment, if approved
tonight this does not mean that the shopping center has been. approved. What
Lewis must do if the Amendment is approved is seek a zone change and site
plan approval. The residents in the area will be notified prior to the public
hearing on the zone change and site plan review. At this time everyone will
have an opportunity to take a look at the plans and to make ;judgements as
to what you life or don't like about the particular project.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman Rempel closed
the public hearing.
Conmissioner Garcia ;stated in previous meetings, the possibility of requiring
a feasibility study of all commercial developments was discussed. He asked
if such a study will be required of this development.
Mr. Lam asked that the Commission give guidance tonight`regarding this matter.
The Zoning Ordinance at this time allows the City to require a market analysis.
There was, however, some opposition to that requirement when the issue was raised
previously. The opposition raised was that anyone could get a market analysis
and have it say whatever they want it to say. The other part of the argument
was that for someone to make an investment they would do their own market
Cormissioner Garcia stated the reason he brought this up is the fact that w
are reaching saturation paint of shopping centers within the;present community.
He is concerned that there are several existing shopping centers that are having
trouble finding tenants at this time. This should be carefully analyzed prior
to any additional development being approved. Thisdoesn't Lean that he is
opposed to this general plan amendment as part of the planned community of
Terra Vista but he does runt to be cautious that this project comes at the
right time so that it can be supported by the, population.
Chairman Rempel stated in regard to a market study, it is his opinion s
developer is going to take that into consideration before a development is
proposed to insure that it will be economically feasible. The area which
lies east of Haven Avenue at this time has no shopping area. It is his
opinion a center of this nature is needed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bahl, seconded by Commissioner Jones to
recommend adoption of General Flan Amendment No, 80-01A and that such
recommendation be forwarded to the City Council,
Planning Commission Minutes - - January 23, 1980
RANCHO CL ONCA -- Request for a change in the General Plan to relocate
the Asterisk presently designated midway between Lemon and Highland on
the east aide of Haven to the intersection of Highland and Haven.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report in detail, ;this
being on file in the planning Division. Staff recommends that the Commis-
sion recommend to the City Council approval of General Plan Amendment No. 8 M-OIC
to relocate the asterisk on the east side of Haven Avenue between Lemon and.
Highland Avenues to the intersection of Haven Avenue and, Highland Avenues.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission of the staff.
Commissioner Jones stated as she recalls the policy at the present time is
that no more than one center is allowed per intersection.
Mr. Hogan stated no, the policy adopted is to allow two centers per intersection.
That policy was set quite.: early in the general plan. process.
There being no further questions from the Commission, Chairman Hempel opened,
the public hearing.
Mr. Tito DeV"ito Francesco, representing Mr. Jack Sylvester, stated, if the
asterisk is moored to the intersection of Highland and Haven, this would allow
two proposed developments at the intersection. The reason Mr. Blayney did
not feel a regional center should be located in this area was due to the free-
way problem. By mooring the asterisk to this intersection, there will again be
the problem of the freeway. If the asterisk is moved down to Highland and
Haven they would want to be assured that Mr. Sylvester would be able to proceed
with his plans starting at the Lemon Avenue and Haven intersection. He hopes
that this will be elastic enough to allow development of a center in this loca-
tion working down toward the proposed freeway. He would like it placed in the
minutes that Mr. Hone's proposed project really does not conflict with the other
two centers.
Mr. Mogan stated the asterisk is elastic enough to allow Mr. Sylvester to develop
from the intersection of Lemon and Haven down toward the freeway. In regard. to
Mr. Hone's property, the center he is proposing will have specialty shops that
will not he competitive with and does not count as a shopping center toward the
two center policy.
Mr. Loan Evans, representing T & S Development owners of property on the south-
east corner of Highland and Haven, stated he would be happy to answer any ques-
tions the Commission may have concerning their proposed'development.
Chairman Eempel staged questions concerning the project itself can not be
answered at this time as this request tonight is for a General Plan Amendment
only and not review of the site plans. In regard to the proposed Foothill free--
way, this Commission has gone on record favoring protection of that right-of°-way.`
e are going to look very closely to any developent to insure it does not encroach
onto that right-of-gray.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman, Rempel closed the
public hearing.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- Januaay 23, 1980
Mr. Lam stated during the General Plan discussions when we developed the
policy of no more than two centers, at that point the Commission and Staff
took the position that only the northerly site would count as a center. The
applicant in that case argued that the asterisk should be moved down to be con-
sistent with this policy .and let whoever was able to secure tenants for their
center to proceed and build a center. The Council agreed with this and felt the
asterisk should be -moved to the intersection of Highland and Haven to he consis-
tent `with that policy. That is why this is before the Commission this evening.
This was initiated by the Staff at the request of the Council. After examining
both sites, staff finds that both Mr. Sylvester and Mr. Evans have no more advan-
tage over the other because the freeway goes between those two sates. It is
really up to whichever development interests are able to secure tenants and
able to move forward on the center.
Co issioner Dahl stated he would like to port out that by approving the General
Plan Amendment it does not 'mean that we have to approve either site. Zoning has
not been approved as yet. Also, development plans will need to be submitted
and approved prior to any development.
A motion was made by Commissioner Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to
recommend adoption of General. Plan Amendment No. 80- 1C `and that such recommenda-
tion be forwarded to the 'City Council.
Commissioner Jones stated she is opposed to the amendment as she does not want
to see any additional commercial developed along Haven. Avenue.
Chairman Rempel called a recess at 8:15 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 8:30 p.m. with all Commission members present.
to the Commission by; the City Council) - Improvements and conversion to existing
service station located at 9533 Foothill into a mini-mart station.
Michael Vairin,'; Associate' Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends
that the Planning Commission review and discuss the issues and provide the
necessary direction to staff and applicant for revisions to plans, if required,
and final compilation of conditions of approval.
Chairman R�empel' asked for questions: from the Commission of the staff.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated at the last meeting at which this item was reviewed,
he was in abjection to the development because of the Layout of the site and
circulation problems. There are circulation problems getting onto the site
from Foothill and Malachite. There are also yin--site circulation problems, The
Commission stated in its earlier review that one of the driveways 'along Foothill
Boulevard be closed; however, the Council in its review did not see any problems
Planning Commission Minutes -5- January 23, 1980
with the driveway as it exists. Particular attention needs to be grade
for traffic to purchase gas, with a separate parking area for those wishing
to purchase food items. This Commission has bad a long standing policy in
regard to 'aesthetics on Foothill Blvd. in order to convert Foothill Blvd,
into 'a street that this City will be proud of. We need to upgrade and make
sure that the aesthetics on the buildings are upgraded to be compatible and
consistent with what we have dine on Foothill in the past.
Chairman Rempel asked for comments from the applicant.
r. Sara Biic , ;Attorney, representing Atlantic Richfield, stated the Commis-
sion needs to remember that this property is not a new development but an
existing site. They are only amending the interior of the building for sales
of convenience items. At this point to say that the City would like to redesign
the building, that, as a practical matter, would kill the project. They are only
refurbishing an old building, Their purpose is to take a service station that
is in trouble and try to keep it functioning.
Commissioner Garcia stated it is his opinion since a convenience store will
be added, 'especially along Foothill`' Blvd. , that it should resemble such and
not a gas station. From what he can see no outward changes will be made to
the building with the exception of additional<landscaping.
Mr. Blick stated the building will be painted; the color scheme they are proposing
is one which has been used in other mini mart locations Staff has suggested
that earth tones be used, however, they object to that as they wish to use the
typical Atlantic Richfield color schemes.
Commissioner Garcia 'stated in many cities Arco is identified by the sinage,
not by the building colors. The refurbishing that is being requested at this
site will be here for many years, and he is very concerned with what has been
Mr. Lam stated the Design; Review Committee reviews all plans which would also
include any remodeling plans. Where will be an opportunity to review the eleva-
tions of the buildings.
Chairman Rempel' stated this matter should be reviewed by the Design Review Com-
mittee, but at the same time the Commission needs to establish some of their°.
concerns. Be is very concerned about traffic circulation, bath on and off site.
3e would like to see the requirement of a median island on Foothill in this
Commissioner Tolstoy stated he is also concerned about on-site and off -site
circulation. Additional on-site paring should be provided that would be
easily usable to the customers using the mini-mart. It is necessary that the
Resign Review Committee review this site for design of the building, landscaping,;
and ,site circulation.
Chairman Rempel stated in regard to landscaping, it is necessary that the Resign
Review Committee review this and that the landscaping be required to at least
match what has been installed in adjacent developments, Foothill Blvd« is ai
highway which is traveled extensively in the community. All the developments
which this Commission has approved have had an average. of 5° landscaping .from
the property line. He realizes that this would not be realistic to that site
Planning Commission Minutes -6- January 23, 1980
but the areas of landscaping around it should be improved so that we get
somewhat of an idea that this station will be here for many years.
Commissioner Dahl stated this Commission has the right and the obligation to
insure that what will be the finished product will be desirable for the City.
This site should be reviewed by the Design Review Committee. He is also con-
cerned about circulation. The possibility of;' a median island on Foothill should
be discussed and such median island should be landscaped. A left turn should
not be allowed from the station onto Foothill Blvd. Landscaping should be
extended along Foothill to be in conformance with other sites approved along
Foothill Blvd. He would also like to see landscaping extended along the Mala-
chite Street frontage to perhaps another 3 or 4 feet. He, would like to see
better parking conditions so that those purchasing food items are not causing
interference with the gas line. From his review the south side of the station
would be the best area for parking for ingress and egress onto Malachite.
This would mean the relocation of the proposed addition to the east side instead
of the south side of the station. There are other problems with the overall
architectural design but this should be left to the Design Review Committee
to review and make their recommendations.
A motion was made by Commissioner Tolstoy and seconded by Commissioner Jones
that Site Approval No. 79-19 be referred to the Design Review Committee for
review, and that consideration for the building, landscaping and circulation
on the site should be looked at during the review. The Commission also strongly
recommended that a median island be constructed on Foothill Blvd.
REVIEW of Rural Road Standards`
JackLam, Director of Community Development, reviewed the staff report. Staff
recommends adoption of Resolution No. 80-01 approving Option #2 to the City
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission of the staff.
After general discussion, Chairman Rempel asked for comments from the audience.
Mr. Comes, Real Estate Agent, stated he is glad to see the City taking this step
as there are a number of people that do have this type of problem.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jones and seconded by Commissioner Garcia to
approve Resolution No. 80-01 as submitted.
Planning Commission Minutes -7- January 23, 1980
Commissioner Garcia stated he would like to discuss the;possibility of 'requiring
feasibility studies for slopping centers. It is his opinion some sort of infor-
mation relevant to the implementation of a shopping center should be presented
to the staff. He does not feel this would require an extensive amount of analysis.
Most developers have this; type of information available prior to developing their
plans. In order for our 'own piece of mind when a project comes before the Commis-
sion supportive data should be presented especially when citizens are concerned
that we are overbuilding the city with shopping centers.
Chairman Re el stated if a developer is required to have a detailed feasibility
study, the developer is going to get the information that he wants to have.
It would be well to 'ask that they show that they have looked into the feasibility
of the center. He stated such information should also be required of administra-
tive professional developments'< as there seems to be a considerable amount o
vacancies in the -P areas. We do need information from the developer showing
that they have really considered this facet of development.
Commissioner Dahl stated he world agree with Chairman R mpel. He stated the
main item that would' be necessary in such a study is some indication of the area
intended to sure and the population within that area,
It was the consensus of the Commission to instruct Staff to develop some basic
guidelines for feasibility studies.
Upon motion by Commissioner Dahl, seconded by; Commissioner Garcia. and ,unanimously;
carried, it was voted to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting. of January 23,
1980 to the next regular meeting of February 13, 1980. Meeting adjourned at
: C p.m.
Res ectfully ubmitted,
iµ 2
JACK LAM, Director of
Community Development
Planning Commission Minutes January 23, 1980
January 9, 1980
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga
was held in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line, Rancho Cucamonga,
on Wednesday, January 9, 1980.
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Rempel who led the meeting
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl, Jorge Garcia, Laura Jones, Herman Rempel,
Peter Tolstoy
ALSO PRESENT: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Barry Hogan, Senior
Planner; Michael Vairin, Associate Planner; Ted Hopson, City
Attorney; Paul Rougeau, Associate Civil Engineer; and Nancy
McAllister, Secretary
1. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reported at the last Council
meeting, the Council took action to approve the appeal by Atlantic Richfield
of Site Approval No. 79-19. At that time, this item was referred back to
the Planning Commission for further review to deter-mine conditions of
approval. There are two options for the Commission to consider at this
time. The Commission can send this item to the Design Review Committee
before it is reviewed by the full Commission or it can be reviewed by
the Planning Commission first.
A motion was made by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Commissioner Jones
and unanimously carried that Site Approval No. 79,-19 be brought back to the
Commission at the next regular meeting of January 23, 1980 for review of
2. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, stated the Advisory Committee
will be meeting next Tuesday, January 15, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. All Planning
Commission members are urged to attend this meeting as this is the first
meeting at which Sedway/Cooke will present data base on housing, land use,
noise and environment. They will also present to the Committee a wide range
of goals and policy options to develop into a comprehensive goal package.
This is a very important meeting which should be very informative.
3. Jack Lam stated on February 19, 1980 at 7.00 p.m. , a meeting will be
held at the Neighborhood Community Center which will be ea joint City/
Commission Energy Workshop. The program revolves around energy conserva-
tion. Mr. Fred Etzel of Sedway/Cooke will be present at this meeting
and hopes to provide information and educational materials to the Commis-
sion and Council at that meeting. A representative from the Solar Office
from the State of California, a conservation person from the Energy Com-
mission, and perhaps someone from the office of Planning and Research
will be present. Two speakers will talk about energy conservation and
Mr. Fred Etzel will talk about policy implications and the context in
which these kinds of issues would be integrated into the General Plan
and what it means for Rancho Cucamonga. This will be a very informative
4. Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reported CVD (developers of the proposed
Gemco site) have indicated they would like to come back before the Design
Review Committee on eJanuary 22, 1980 at 4:00 p.m. if possible. He asked
Commissioners Garcia and Dahl, members of the Design Review Committee, e if
they would be able to meet at this time.
Commissioners Garcia and Dahl indicated they would be able to meet at the
above specified time.
5. Commissioner Tolstoy stated the C & L Tract in the north part of the City
had a problem in December because the Corp. of Engineers cut off the direct
route to their tract and the sign as the City now allows was insufficient.
Barry Hogan worked out a solution to this problem with C & L so that during
the construction by the Corp. of Engineers, C & L was allowed some signing
which would lead to this tract. It is time that the Comnission and public
realizes that we do work very closely with the public and their problems.
Upon motion by Commissioner Tolstoy and seconded by Commissioner Dahl, the following
consent calendar item were approved as submitted:
A. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5687 - Edward J. Feduniw
B. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map - Dave Long
DIRECTOR REVIEW No. 79-32 - PLUESS-STAUFER - Review of landscape and berming
requirements for the limestone grinding and processing plant located on 80
acres of land in the M-2 zone on the north side of Sixth Street, 1,200' west
of Rochester.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the Staff Report. Staff recommends
that the Planning Commission approve the conceptual landscape plans as submitted
by the applicant with the additional berms as described within the Staff Report
and require that detailed landscape and irrigation plans be submitted to the
Planning Division Staff for final review and approval prior to issuance of
building permits.
Planning Commission Minutes -2- January 9, 1980
Chairman Rempel. asked for questions from the Commission of the staff.
Chairman Rempel stated he didn't believe the Design Review Committee was that
critical as far as ber "ng on the north property boundary due to the fact that
there really is no development in that area, and the property is owned b
F'luess®Staufer. Ile stated it is necessary however that mounding come back
around the corner and the remaining area be densely landscaped. He stated
it is also important that wind fences be installed around the plant especially
in the vineyard area to keep dust from blowing,.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated the berm should be wrapped around to at least 300'
so that the berm could tame up to the building line of the adjacent project.
He further stated in regard to the type of plants approved for this development
it is very important that they be looked at very carefully to insure that the
plants selected are compatible with our local conditions.
A motion'was made by Commissioner Tolstoy and seconded by Commissioner ,tones to
approve the landscape and berming requirements for Director Review No. 79-32 1
subject to the following conditions;
1. A detailed wind fence plan.: shall be submitted to the Planning
Division for review and approval prior to issuance of building
permits for this project. -
2. A detailed :Landscape and irrigation 'plan shall, be submitted to
and approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of
building permits.
. Six ( foot earth berms shall be installed on the north side
of the material <piles.
. The earth berm along 6th Street shall be carried around the west
property line to a depth of 300' from bath Street.
Appeal, by Ed 'young of the minor site plan revision for; the shopping center
located on the southeast corner of Base Line and Archibald.
Michael Vairin, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report in detail, this
being on file in the planning Division Staff recommends that the Planning
Commission consider the options available and decide whether or not to affirm,
reverse or modify the decision of the Director of Community Development for
Director Review No. 79-70.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated the City is placed in an awkward position,here
since. the County reviewed and approved this project. He asked if there is
any ingress and egress to building "E" ,proposed to the rear of the buildings.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- January 9, 1980
Mr. Vairin stated there is pedestrian access for deliveries only. He added
the City Planning Division required that the developer continue the roof
around the building which would improve the project® Therefore, the develop-
ment has been improved over and above what was required by the. County..
Chairman>Rempel asked for comments: from the audience.
r. ] d Young stated the existing block wal.lN terminates approi.amtely 8 feet
to the south of where the building is located. There is a concrete gutter
that runs along the block wall. There was supposedly some grading changes
approved several months ago to drop the grade of the building down some three
feet over what was originally proposed. He stated he was at the County Board
of Supervisors meeting when this item was reviewed in August of 1977. At that
time a r quir ent stipulation was placed that there be'a block wall encompassing
that enure sopping center from any residential property. Although this is not
shown on the papers the Planning Staff received from the County, it is logical
to assume if that requirement had not been made Diversified would not have
constructed the wall on the south and eastern. boundary. Be spoke to Mr. .lack
Tarr of Diversified regarding the block wall and he indicated that the wall would
e continued when the new building is constructed. He had assumed that the
block wall would be erected when that future building was developed. There is
also a drainage problem with Water draining onto lather properties.
Mr. lack Tarr of Diversified Investment, stated Mr. Young is in error regarding
a future wall on that particular stretch of property. The particular drainage
that Mr. Young is talking about is something which has been studied and doers
drain into the system approved by the County. Ile requested that the Commission
deny the 'appeal requested by Mr. Young. They have dame what they believe is good
planning with rational, sensible changes.
Mr. Ralph Strain, property owner to the south of this project, stated at the
original County meeting, several people were present and voiced the concert that
a block wall was needed around the entire property and they were assured at that
time that the block: wall would be requited.
Mr. Vairin stated staff died .Look into Mr. Young's concern about original approval
of the block. wall. We have a certified copy of the action of the Board of Super-
visors and there is no documentation in the files which states the block wall
was a requirement.
Mr. Bob Marts 7332 Lemon, stated the back of his property sets against the back
of the shopping center. The wall does not extend across his property. Me stated
water runoff goes from the shopping center property onto his property.
Chairman Rempel stated if Diversified is diverting water on to this property
this needs to be corrected, but as far as the requirement for the wall, it
is not going to change drainage one way or the other. Due to the fact there
is no record that the Board of Supervisors required the block wall around the
entire property, he does not see any way which the Commission can now make;this
Planning Commission Minutes -4- January 9, 1980
Commissioner Dahl stated the County approved the project. Mr. "Tarr can build
the projects the County approved originally. If he does go with that original
approval he does not have to do a thing but have a driveway in the back for
cars to go in and out. The problem is that Mr. young may have been told some-
thing by the County leading him to believe that a> block. wall was required along
the entire property line, however,'' the County never asked for that in writing
in any way, shape or form. Therefore, there is no legal way this Commission
can now require that black gall.. If the Commission should ask that Mr. Tarr
complete the block wall,' all Mr. Tarr would have to do is go back to the original
County approved plan and develop according to that plan. That may be to Mr.
Young's personal interest; however, this is something this Commission has to
determine whether the now plan is more aesthetically pleasing. Be assured that
our Engineering Division will review the drainage plan to insure that water
is carried to the drain gutter.
Mr. Ted young stated if this Commission grants a change; they have every right
to make any ether stipulations they so desire. Mr. 'Tarr has requested to make
some changes to the plan which was originally approved. This Commission does
have the opportunity now to correct that error.
Mr. Tarr stated their Construction Coordinator has been working with the
Engineering Department to resolve the drainage problem on the site. '.This, will
be corrected.
r. Tolstoy stated if there is a change in grade, them could perhaps be some
type of retainer required if needed. He is not talking about requiring the
full block, wall but whatever may be needed to correct any drainage problems.
Mr. Paul Rougeau, Associate Civil engineer, stated a new grading;plan has been
submitted to the Engineering Division for review and approval. This plan will
need to be checked to insure that grater runoff does not drain onto other pro-
Chairman Rempel stated it is his opinion the two parties involved should work
together amongst themselves.
Mr. Rogan stated the reason this is before the Commission is because the parties
involved have not been able to word out a compromise. Staff does not want
to act as referee between two disputing people. He stated if there is a
concern with the buffering, dense landscaping has been required behind the
building. The only area left open is from where the wall exists now to the
south building. If the block wall were extended approximately 30' that would
buffer traffic and noise and additional: landscaping that we have required
behind the building and should provide for an adequate aesthetics. This could
be a compromise solution.
Co issioner T°olstoy stated he personally feels that everybody is better off,
the City, the developer, and the neighbors with this modification. A;driveway
next to a school or residential area is not a goad idea.. Closing off that
driveway ,and increasing the parking as proposed and the way that this building
is proposed now offers a lot of protection to the school.
Planning Commission Minutes - - January 9, 1980
A motion was made by Commissioner Tolstoy and seconded by Commissioner Rempel
to deny the Appeal by Mr'. Ed Young, and to affirm the decision of the Director
of Community Development` for Director Review No. -70 subject to the following
additional conditions;
1. A detailed plan of the ten foot strip between the proposed building
and the east property line shall be prepared snowing all improvements,
landscaping, grading, sidewalks, and drainage. Such plan shall be;
submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance
f building permits. The review of the plans shall ;insure that dense
landscaping; will be provided, utilities protected, grading appropriate,
and adequate drainage.
2. The northern termination of the existing wall shall'be extended to the
southern wall of the proposed building.
Recess called at :ail p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 9,00 p.m.
establishing standards and review procedures for ]Manned Community Developments.
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, :reviewed the staff report. He stated the. Cite
Council has referred this matter back to the planning Co ission as they felt
additional changes were necessary to the Ordinance. Staff recommends if the
changes made coincide with the Commission's interpretation that the Commission
reconmend approval of the changes in the Planned Commnity Ordinance to the
City Council.
Chairman Rempel asked for questions from the Commission of the staff.
Commissioner Garcia questioned the: fact that in Section 4, items "D" and "" "
are the same and whether something has been left out of the Ordinance.
Mr. Hogan indicated an item was inadvertently left out and will be placed back
into the Ordinance. He further stated that the word "consideration" should be
added to the last sentence of Section 4, Item, "G" as fallow : Consideration
of other forms of access, such as ;pedestrian ways, courts, plazas, driveways,
horse trails, bike trails, or open parking lots offered for dedication may be
made at the time of the Development Plan. and Text consideration as a means of
meeting requirements for open space or park dedication requirements.
A motion was wade by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Janes to
recommend approval of the changes as proposed with the additional changes as
indicated above in the Planned Community Ordinance and that such;recommendation
be forwarded to the City Council
Planning Commission Minutes -6- January 9, 1980
Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. He indicated if the
Commission has any questions on any of the conditions listed or suggestions,
we would be happy to hear them and make: appropriate changes.
Chairman R.empel asked for questions from the Commission of the staff.
Chaa n Rempel stated under Section A (Site Development), Item #7 should be
corrected to indicate the area designated by the foothill Fire District
instead of the Fire District Chief,
Mr. Hogan agreed that this should be changed' as indicated by Chairman Hempel.
He stated if the Commission finds any gather condition which- is not worded correctly
or if an additional item should be added that staff be notified so that the
changes can be made.
There being no further comments, it was the toncensus of the Commission to
accept and file the report subject to the change as noted above to Section A,
Item #7,
Commissioner Tolstoy stated with the City growing as rapidly as it is we need
to take a look at the, naming of streets and the numbering of streets. He
asked of the Engineering Division is preparing some guidelines in regard to
this matter.
Paul Rougeau Mated normally a City has a system of naming and numbering streets.
This needs to, be developed however.
A motion was made by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Commissioner Janes and
unanimously carried that the Council be requested to appoint a Committee to
develop a street naming program.
Commissioner Dahl stated some cities have a system of awards that are given
to various builders or developers in the City of commercial., industrial and
residential developments for outstanding achievements. He asked if this
could be implemented in this City.
Commissioner Garcia indicated the Architectural, Conmittee is looking into this
t the present time.
Planning; Commission Minutes -7- January 9, 1980
Upon motion by Commissioner Dahl, seconded by Commissioner Garcia and
unanimously carried', it was voted to adjourn the ]Planning Commission
meeting of January 9, 1980 to the text regular meeting of January 23,'
Respectfully sub' itted,
JACK LAM, Director of
Community Development
Planning Commission Minutes - - January 9, 1980