HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes Jul-Oct 1980 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM 1NGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING October 8, 1980 Regular Meeting CALL i'1 ORDER The regular meeting, of the City of Rancho Cuca mQng4 Pla_nning Commission was held at than l.ian's Fark Community BuA.1ding, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho 'Cu c onga, Q4 i edn sda , ct beer 8, 1980, Meeting vas; called to order at 7;05 Pa :m, by Chairman D hl . ROLL CSC PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Jeffery King, Herman Rempel, Jeff Cceran aa,: Peter `lol taa; , Richard, Dahl SENT; COMMISSIONERS: None STAFF S PRESENT: Barry K. Hogan, CityPlanner; Tech Hopson, City Attorney; Joan Kruse, Secretary; Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil, Engineer;ineer; i.ch el Vairin, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion- Moved by King seconded by Rempel, carried unanimously, to approve the Minutes of September 6, 1980. Motion: Moved by dempel, seconded by Tol toy, carried unanimously, to approve the Minutes of September 13, 1980. Motion: Ma ved by King, seconded by Scerankti, carried, unanimously, ;to approve the Minutes of September 16, 1980, as corrected to indicate that Commissioners King and Scera nl a were opposed to having the first meeting on the i.ctor°ia Plan elsewhere than the l tiwa.naiaa area. ANNOUNCEMENTS :Barry Hogan, City Planner, aannou.nced, that than City/County City/County Planning sso iarti n meeting would be helm. can October 15, 1980 at the Corona Caskand Cleaver Res- taurant. Nor. Hagan also stated that the number of steering committee meetings or this association had been tri=xed from four ar year to one. Hogan also announced that a meeting of the Citizens Advisory Cai aittee on the General Plan to review the land use and circulation maps had taken al.aa.ce on Monday, October 6. The Financial '.Cask Force, Mr. Hogan stated, had met on October 7. Baased can that meeting, staff has been instructed to prepare d Dist, of projects that: are in need of financing. Mr. Hogan further stated that more information concerning this meeting wauld be given by the %Planning Commission i.ssion member assigned to this committee. Mr. Hogan reported that the Mobil Oil station on Base Line is close to opening; however, before the oepning takes plaice there were conditions that ` remained to be met. Mr. Hogan stated that Mr. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner', mold report on the status of that rtpoj c°t. Mr. yatrtn reported that there have been discrepancies on the plan shown re- lative to the design n of the building so much so that the character of the build- ing ern has changed significantly. He stated that staff is cons-tilting with the participants to provide alternatives that' would be acceptable to the Commission. A detailed letter, he said, would be forthcoming for review and consideration. ion. % Vairin stated that the significant issue here is that the gas station 'Will set the to to of the connercial center that will ultimately be built on this site and staff is working to be scare that it will meet the planning Cor issf n's appr ovarl . Mr. Hogan reported that another Citizens Advisory Committee on the General. plan is sett for October 25. This will, be ra Saturday meeting In the Wei hborhood. Facility and will begin at lfl a.m. Notices will be: seam to the Citizens Advi- sory Committee era this. It was hoped that everything will be in r :a,d_tn rss for . proposed, November t. mooting can the full. General Plan presentation by tt:h n- dul ta.tat. Mr. Hogan reminded the Planning Commission of the schedaaled October 1.1 meeting on the Victoria Plan to be held in the Et,iwanda Community Room. Mr. Hogan stated that n memo would be circulated to the: Commissioners detailing inn ens te*c conditions of approval for the circulation and parks sections as the memo pre- viously seat duds not contain that information. Hogazi asked the CoTmiissioners to think about the next two items they wish to discuss for the next scheduled meeting on Victoria, October 27. Commissioner King stated that he would be able' to make that meeting but would refer another date. Commissioner llempel_ asked if October 29 is available. Mr. Hogan stated that he would check the availability of the Forum at the Community Building; for the October 29 date. Mr. Hogan stated that under Director Reports, the Planning work priorities could be discussed, tonight. Chairman Dahl requested, that Commissioner acer .nka. provide the Planning Com- mission with an update on the meetings he attended as its representative re- lative to the Financial Task Force and, Citizens Advisory Committee. Commissioner Sceranka stated that of the Planning Comrriission wished, he, would provide that update at this meeting and reported that the Citizens Advisory Committee meeting on the General flan reviewed the circulation, trail system, land use and design conceits of the Cleneral. Plan. Basically, the questions asked by: members of the committee dealt with densities proposed north of Banyan. M bi ehomes 'were discussed as part of the Housing Element for spe- cific land use plans Planning Commission Minutes -2- October 8, 1980 Sceranka stated that when the CAC meetings come to an end, a report from the CAC will be given to the Planning Commission and. the City Council, along with any individual CAC member's input regarding the process. Chairman Dahl asked if Commissioner Tolstoy, the Planning Commission's al- ternate member to this committee wished to give a report. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he felt Commissioner Sceranka covered the meeting well. Commissioner Tolstoy also stated that he was rather disappointed in the com- ments made by those people in attendance. For 'the most part, Commissioner Tolstoy felt that they were more interested in what effect the Ceneraa.,'Pla could have can their individual houses instead of what the effect would be on the City as a whole. Commissioner Sceranka went on to brief the Commission on the Financial. 'bask Force Committee meeting. He stated :that 'after some discussion it Ursa decided that a matrix would be set up by the "task Force as a mechanism to assess the available financing for the projects identified. Commissioner Sceranka indt sated that staff is to prepare a, document with blanks under funding mechanisms no that the Task Force can add to its as it secs fit. The next meeting, Com- missioner Sceranka reported, would clarify the scope of the Task Force.` CONSENT CALENDAR 'RACK RCS. SEER CRR _ Are oast for time extension Commsisioner Tolstoy asked if this would be the last time extension that could be given on this project. : r. Ted Hopson, City Attorney, replied that under the State Subdivision Map Act, this is the last extension that can be given to this tentative tract. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80- 5 -- CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT - A 3,635 sq. ft. addition to an existing office building on 1.45 acres' of land, it the C-2 zone located on :the southeast corner; of Nlusman Avenue and: San Bernardino Road. APN o8 15 --C7 & 20 Motion: Moved by Rerpel seconded by Sceranka carried unanimously, to approve the Consent Calendar. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, SCERANKA, KING, TOLSTOY,' DAHL NOES COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried- PUBLIC HEARINGS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP NO. '38 - FARRELL - A residential subdivision of 8.6 ages of land into :3 parcels within the R-1-20,000 zone located on the west aide of Amethyst at Wilson Avenue - 5720 Amethyst. Planning Commission Minutes - -- October 8, 1980 Barry Hogan, City Planner, requested that this item be continued to October 22, 1980 to allow more time for review and recommendations. Chairman Dahl oepned the public hearing. There being no comments from the floor, it was moved by Rempel, seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, to continue this item to the October 22, 1980 Planning Commission meeting. EN-VIRONMENTPJj ASSESSMENT AND SITE APPROVAL NO. 80-11 - KINDER CARE - The de- velopment of a day care facility to accommodate !63 children on 1.09 acres of land in the A.P zone, located on the northeast corner of 19th and Hermosa - APN - 202-191-13. Senior Planner, Michael Vairin, reviewed. the staff report, adding that the ap- plicant had agreed to a reduction in the size of the building 'to meet State standards relative to size of play area for the number of children. The re- duction was from 9351 square feet and 163 children 'to 5900 square feet, and 125 children. Further, Mr. Vairin stated that the applicant would like the Plan- ning Commission to make some decision on the design of this project so that he would not waste time and money should the Commission ultimately decide against the project. Mr, Vairin indicated that the Planning Commission has two pptions before them, 1� Tf the decision of the Planning Commission is to approve the project at this location, but not ar, it is now designed, it should continue review to allow the applicant and architect to redesign the project to meet State standards, or 2, Deny the project if the planning Commission feels the site is inappropriate for the deyelolament of a preschool based upon traffic im land use comp pacts, atability, noise And nuisance impacts upon ad vent residences, Mr, Hogan statted 'that the first option proposed is, based on past J?lanning Commission policy where problems with site plans invo.1ving ma,jor redesign bRye not come back to the P14nning Comm ssion for revi,ew have involved sub- stantial staff time, One project that canes to mind is, the Kiddy Kprner facility that Qame 'before the Comr,4.isaion, He indicated that staff wishes to avoid the same kind of situation with thio project, Chairman Dahl asked what 'the State. requirements are for, square footage per child, Michael Vairin replied that the State requires 75 square feet of play area per child %nd that the building was, scaled down. to acconnodate those require- ments., CommissiQner King asked if access on the north side of the site is proposed to "be put through, Aft% Vairin replied that a punch through is shown on the plans. Planning Commission Minutes -4- October 8, 1980 Coranissioner King then asked if this is a requirement of the Fire District. Mr. Vairin replied that, it was and that secondary emergency access would be provided. Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing. Mr. Joel Sock ell , -who resides in Tustin, California, addressed the Commission Viand stated that he would answer any questions. Coj=issioner King asked. Mr. Southwell what he felt the compatability of the development of the preschool would be to the adjacent property to the west. Mr. Sockwell replied that in 'terms of office and professional, he felt that this is the best location he could think of. With residential to the east, parents could drop off their children at l9th Street on the right side of the street causing as little traffic problem as possible in the morning. Because people return from work at staggered hours in the afternoon, he said, this would not impact traffic very much. He stated. that personally, he felt this to be an ideal site for this project. Cortmissioner Sceranka asked if the reason for the encroachment on the front set back is to maximize the amount of play area in the back. Mr. Sockwell replied that it was. Commissioner Rempel asked what the reduction in parking spaces would be in- asmuch as the building size is being reduced. Michael Vairin stated that approximately 9-10 spaces would be eliminated. Corunissioner Rempel stated that it was his feeling that the building should be moved becuase of the policy with regard to landscaping. He stated that lie felt a precedent would be set if it was not moved back. Commissioner Dahl asked for clarification of residential north of this project. Mr. Vairin described the area and stated that althaugh it is residential, it is mostly vacant. Conmiissioner Tolstoy stated that there is one house to the north. There was discussion among the Commission relative to a proposed 6-foot wall to the north and east of the property. Commissioner Rempel stated hisi concerns relative to traffic impacts on 19th Street resulting from an estimated 125 children attendance coupled with the traffic generated by Chaffey College students. There was further discussion relative to the increased traffic, how it could 'be mitigated and the Buffering requirements. Mr. Sock ell indicated that it has been his experience that this project will not generate a traffic jam. Planning Comission Minutes -5- October 8, 1980 Commissioner Sceranka asked how far the proposed office building is from the Kinder Care facility because he had, Just come back from Laguna Hills where the set back seemed -to be double the one proposed here. He wondered what the compatibility to offices at this site would be. Mr. John Grow, the architect's representative, stated that he did not see much of a problem with compatibility with the adjacent buildings. He further stated that buffering will be attempted through a 6-foot high wall made of concrete block that would alleviate noise. Commissioner Sceranka stated that there were two consi'derations he had: 1) that in a good location traffic will not become a major problem if the improve- ments that are necessary are made and, 2) that the front setback be met and buffering be required as part of this approval. There was considerable discussion on the flooding that occurs on Hermosa Avenue during storms and the inability to cross that street. Chairman Dahl opened the meeting for public discussion. Mr. Walt t eigl, 500 E. "E" Street, Ontario, representing the owners of' the property, stated that this property is not planned to be developed all at once as it would be atremendous burden and cause the owner to abandon the project. He felt that flooding problems should be solved up stream and not at this point. No one spoke in opposition to this project and Chairman Dahl closed the public hearing. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that as <far as the use of this property for a pre- school, he had no problem; however, there were some problems that would have to be solved before he could vote for this project. He stated that the traf- fic on 19th Street would have to be mitigated through improvements to the street. Also, since this is just one phase of a three phase project, Hermosa Avenue would also be a problem with increased traffic and storm drain problems. He stated 'that he di neat feel that Hermosa Avenue could take any increase in storm water. Mr. Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, stated that strange as it may seem, no additional water from this project would, drain onto Hermosa Avenue. Instead, the water would drain to liaven Avenue. As to the 'traffic problems, Mr. Rougeau stated that 19th Street is part of' -the State highway systemand CALTRANS would be responsible for any improvements made to it. Commissioner Tolsto also asked what happens to a straight street when the sidewalks are torn out and it becomes a cul-de-sac. Barry Hogan explained that, -the sidew-alk would be replaced. Gran unissioner Tolstoy also stated that he felt the north and west landscaping to the ina,d.e(.1:uate on this project and needed to be redesigned. Commissioner King stated that he did not feel this project is compatible with the area in which it is proposed. He felt that too much noise would be created with the proposed occupancies to the west and the traffic situation would be exacerbated. Commissioner King also stated, that he was concerned with the secondary access to the parcel. He felt that traffic coming out of the pro- Planning Commission Minutes -6- October 8, 1980 fessional site might be using the secondary access as an exit in order to get out to 19th Street. Additionally, Commissioner in felt that the preschool building is too close to the professional buildings. He stated that what it comes down to is there is insufficient land space to bave use as a preschool when -taking into consideration the other uses for this site. Commissioner Sce ram ka stated that he agreed, with Commissioner King on the use of secondary access in this prof iect. He felt t1iat 'the secondary access would have to be designated for Emergency use only. Mr. Sceranka. also stated that the two other buildings that are proposed on this site do not necessarily Crave to go where they are shown on the site plan. He also indicated that some dense buffering is needed in the play area. The setback, he stated, is not adequate and the most serious concern he had is that of the developer waiting to develop the least profitable piece on the site until a later time when it may become more profitable. He stated that he did not have a lot of synkpathy Frith the developer wanting to mitigate the costs of putting is prc)vements in at a later date. He felt that the traffic problem is serious and something needs to be done with the traffic problem before the day care center is put in-to operation. Commissioner Rex pel. stated that Conmissioner Sceranka addressedmost of his concerns. Commissioner Rempel stated that traffic is his prime concern and there was no- way that he would vote for 11"his without additional widening of the street to alleviate the traffic problem at this corner. The flooding of Hermosa Avenue was another concern. He stated that it was not one of the worst streets as far as f1loding is concerned but that it is not one of the best either. Commissioner Rempel stated he would like .to see a 4-foot wall with landscaping as a means of buffering and that the sidewalks and setbacks must be as they are required in the city as a whole. Also, the tower on this project would have to be moved back to conform with the setback required. Ted Hopson, City Attorney, stated that without a minor deviation or variance, the cupola must be moved back because it is not permissible. Chairman Dabl. asked what presently is across the street from the proposed project. Michael. Vairin replied that single family residences are presently there. Chairman Dahl asked if they, are the type of houses that will be there for some time. Mr. Vairin replied that it appeared to be so. Chairman Dahl stated that he had no problem with the use of this property; however, he felt that the 25-foot front setback should be maintained. He reite ated< the problem with Hermosa Avenue and flooding and felt that l9th Street should be improved. Commissioner Scranky moved that this item be continued to November 12 to allow the applicant to submit a redesign of the project. Commissioner Rempel asked if the Commission will be votirig to approve this pro- ject of if after the applicant redesigns the project will they still. think it is wrong. . Ile stated he felt the applicant should not be subjected to redesign if the Commission would not approve the project. Planning Commission Minutes -7- October 8, 1,980 Chairmap Dahl asked if there was a second to Commissioner Sceranka's notion. "here was none causing the` motion to die for lack of a second. Motion; Moved by King that this project use denied because of incompatibility with adjacent land uses to the west. Commissioner ` olstay stated that he would second the mot .un if he could amend it to state that he felt the applicant is trying to do too much with a small piece of land. He felt that this piece of property is not big enough to sup- port this project Commissioner King accepted: the amendment, Commissioner Scera,nka raised a question on the reduction of the facility to 000 square feet. Commissioner Tod stoy stated that the buffering is entirely inadequate and would have to be increased to the north and west, He reiterated that he felt the applicant is just trying to do too much with the pr ertyffi Hagan stated that for 'clarification, it -would be appropriate to state that the proposed site is not adequate in size or shape to accommodate the proposed. use and that conditions of approval cannot be added 'that would protect the health, safety, comfort and convenience of the residents and make this project acceptable. (pity Attorney Hopson 'stated that should the Commission approve this site it would have to find that the site is adequate in size and shape, that the streets are adequate to 'carry traffic: and that the problem of flooding on this property would have to be addressed., Commissioner Regipel stated that itbothered. harp to sake ar decision that this site is inadequate as he felt this is a good location for the use. Chairman Dahl called for the. question, Commissioner Sceranka stated that he washed to make one more comment that hei felt strongly that if the Commission wants to see the street intersection prob- lems clear ups, the City must develop standards.. He further staged that he felt that this was a good use for this property and i that an A P designation for this property will create more traffic f°'ic problems than the preschool will. AYES; COMMISSIONERS; KING, TOLSTOYI 'DAHL NOES; CQ ISS CHHR $ R Hl SCERANKA ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS; NONE -carried- Mr, Hawn stated that this ecis on of the Planning Commission is final unless the applicant files an appeal with the City Council within 14 days of this recision, ; C P.M., The -PI-anninz Commission recessed. 8: 55 P,M, The Planning Commission reconvened.. Planning CommissionMi,nutes - - October 8, 1980 NEW BUSINESS CLARIFICATION OF PORTABLE SIGN STATUS wRED HILL CAPE Commissioner Rempel stepped down on this item stating that Mrs. J,-,,imes Moffatt had acted as his campaign treasurer during the recent city council election. City Planner, Barry Hogan, reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Tolstoy asked what the criteria is in determining the valuation of the sign. Mr. Hogan stated that it is "based on, the current cost of materials as determined by the City Building Official . Mr. Hogan asked that, the Conmiission direct the applicant to remove the Sign as it is in violation of the City code. Chairman Dahl. asked Mr. Hogan if he had investigated. whether the sign is in the right-of-way. Mr. Hogan replied that since the completion of the staff report he had further investigated the possibility that the signmay- 'be in the right-of-way and showed the Commission an overlay of the area superimposed with the existing rigbt-of- way illustrating that the sign is in the right-of-way. Mr. Hoganalso stated that this was dedicated by the prevoius, owner in 1972 and that an encroaclmnent permit would be necessary to allow this sign to remain here® Commissioner Sce ran ka asked what the crosshatched area represented.. Mr. Hogan stated that the overlay used is from an aerial photo taken for the widening of the street. Discussion ensued on whether the sign was portable or permanent. The City Attorney stated that whether the sign is permanent or portable is ir- relevant. Commissioner Sceranka stated that if the sign is, permanent it has expired based upon the ordinance and if it as portable, it is in the right-of-way which makes it illegal. Tie asked if staff had ever investigated the sign being in the right- of-way previously. Mr. Hogan stated that he had at one time asked mr s. Moffatt whether the sign was in the right-of-way and she stated it was not so he took her word for it. This was prior to 1979. Connissioner Sceranka stated that there is a letter dated August 1.979 that the sign is in the public right-of-way and so there was discussion on that in Aug- ust of 1979. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that this was true and that he remembered it, but, that Mr. Hogan had explained this by stating that it was believed to be in the right-of-way but 'that nobody, knew where the right-of-way was at that time. Planning Commission Minutes -9- October 8, 1980 The Comnission asked for clarification of where the sign is presently located. Mr. Hogan showed the Commission where the sign is located. Chairman Dahl stated that if the Commission is looking at a, value of $250, the sign life under the ordinance has expired and, even if the sign were valued higher, it will expire on November 4. Further, that increasing the valuation of the sign accomplishes nothing as the Planning Commission is legally bound to uphold the ordinance. Chairman Dahl asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. James Moffatt came forward and stated that he took exception with the value placed on the sign, as he felt it to be too low; that the sign is not in the right-of-way; and that the City Council had stated that the sign could remain in place for a period of 5 years. Mr. Moffatt also stated that he had been told that he would receive a staff report on this item but had not received one. Mr. Moffatt stated that the current valuation of the sign is well, over $1500 not counting the letters that have -to be attached to it. Chairman Dahl stated that this is a problem. that will have to be evaluated. Commissioner Sceranka asked about the question of right-of-way. Mr. Moffatt stated that he had a grant deed from the previous owner that does not show the City having any right-of-way. Following considerable discussion on the value of the sign, Chairman Dahl stated that his concern was that the Commission does not set a dangerous pre- cedent in making a determination on the value of the sign. Commissioner King stated that it was his feeling that relative to the appraisal of the sign, input should be received both from the Building Official and the sign owner. After receiving input,, it would. be their (Planning Commission) de- cision to arrive at an equitable amount for the sign. He felt that the issue of value must be, addressed. Commissioner King also felt that in making a, determination of the sign and whether it is pernisnent or portable, the sign could still be re-moved and yet be designed to be permanent. The City Attorney stated that Commissioner King may be philosophically correct; however, the City Attorney stated in terms of providing a forum for reasonable discussion of value, the ordinance does not provide that. The o-rdinance states that the value in determined by the Building Official, It does not state that the value is set after debate between the Building Official and the appraiser or anyone else. His opinion of the ordinance is that the determination of the Building Official is final. He stated however, that the Commission may want to suggest that the Building Official and the Moffatts go over the value if there is some particular concern or something he thinks the Building Official may have missed but it is not appropriate to invite debate over this with the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Minutes _10- October 8, 1.980 Considerable discussion took place on the definition Of Vor'-able signs and how the definition came into existence and, was incorporated into the ordinance. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the City had enforced the County sign ordinance, would this be considered an illegal sign. Mr. Hogan, stated that it would be. Further, if the County had enforced. its sign ordinance, tha-t sign would not be here today. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that the issue is not whether the sign is portable or not but that it is in the right-of-way: Further, if the sign was illegal under the County ordinance it should come down. The City Attorney stated drat the probl(am is that the City, now has its own sign ordinance and this sign should be judged on the merits of the City's ordinance. ,Mr. Moffatt stated that anytime the City wants to have a sign removed, all the Building Official would have to do is value a sign to be less than $250 and the sign would have to be removed. He stated that the sign had been bere for some seven years and if the County did not see fit to remove the sign, the City should not either, Mr. Moffatt stated that the City was going back on its original-, word that his sign, was not one that would have to be removed for five years. Considerable disciassion took place with Rr. Moffatt and the Planning Commission an amortization of the sign. Mrs. Moffatt stated that she It that they were being singled out as there were many signs in the City that she knew not to be permanent that the City has not stated are in violation. Chairman Dahl stated that by ordinance, the Planning Commission has no choice but to take the estimate of the Building Official for the sign's value. Fur- Cher, that the ordinance is clear cut but that as a Planning Commission they want to do everything they canto work with the Moo acts. He stated that this ordinance is a- la:w of the City and if the choose to, after the Planning Commission decision is made, they can appeal to the City Council. Coimnissione-r King moved that this item be continued to allow additional input in determination of the sit n's value before the Planning Commission would act on this matter. The motion died for lack of a second. Commissioners Tod.stoy and Sceranka stated that they could not second. the motion because that was not the issue. Commissioner Sceranka moved that the applicant be directed to remove the sign because it is in the right-of-way. There is no way the Planning Comatission can continue to be consistent in sign enforcement and uphold the interests of the community without its removal. Commissioner Tolstoy seconded the motion. There was some discussion about when the sign should be removed. Chairman Dahl stated. that a time for removal should also be set. He stated that the staff report has that date set as October 31 and that Commissioner Sceranka may want to change that date in his motion, keeping ill mind that the Planning Commission Minutes _11- October 8, 1980 applicant. may want to appeal this decision to the City Council. Commissioner Clc rand stated that he: did not feel a delay wcaaild accomplish anything. Hogan suggested that since the Moffatt's may wish to appeal, that perhaps November 7 should be set for the date of removal. Commissioner Sceran s amended his mention to allow November 7 to be set as the date for re oval of the sign. AYES- COMMISSIONERS: SCERANKA, 'pC)l STOY , DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: KING ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS. NONE ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL The City Attorney apprised the Moffatts of the appeal procedure and indicated. that a 1. t-ter to staff would start the procedure. Commissioner Tempel returned to the table. DIRECTOR'S S M •GIRT WORK PROGRAM PRIORITIES City Planner, Barry Hogan, reported to the Commission on the current project and the new projects that the Planning Department is currently and forecasted to work can e reviewed the ongoing projects where no firm date for completion is set, the growth management items ;and. those items that are intermittent in scrape', such as the Community unity Development loc Grant, Housing sst s ance plan' and the Industrial Assessment District. r. Hogan also provi.d.ed. the Commission with the history of the various consul- tants who have worked on the General plan and advised the Commission ission of the � proposed d schedule e for completion in danuaFry of 1981. Chairman Bahl asked about the schedule that was set by the Commission at the I Carl poly workshop in early September. Hogan stated that he had included these items in this report. I Mr. (Cogan provided a timetable for completion etion :of the Industrial Specific Plan in December. He sta red -that it is hoped that the City will become an entitle- ment pity in July of 1981 and. the City would be entering :into a Housing Assist- ance plan. It was hoped., he stated that a housing Coordinator will be hired and coordinate these areas, Paul Rougeau provided the Commission with information on the Industrial Assess- ment District, stating that public hearings are scheduled try begin at the end_ of November. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he would like to see something done on the street names. Further, that if the Historical Committee would like to have some assistance in that regard he would be willing to work Frith theca. r. Hogan provided a schedule for the Victoria Plan and stated that it was contingent on the time involved for City Council action Planning Commission Minutes -12- October 8, 1980 There was discussion on the adult bookstore ordinance that is proposed for com- pletion in J'anuary and. then considerable discussion on the proposed new zoning ordinance and map 'that will take place after the General Plan is completed. The notification procedure on the zoning ordinance was discussed. Mr. Hogan stated that not ificat ion would. more than likely be through newspaper legal. notices. Further, it is proposed that the zoning ardinance will be completed in dui and the Department will be asking for additional staff to implement the projects that will be taking place. Mr. Hogan stated that all. new projects are as mere listed by the Planning Com- mission at the Saturday meeting at Cal Poly and will be taken in the order es- tablished by the Planning Commission. Additionally, a property maintenance ordinance, recreation vehicle ordinance, and tree preservation ordinance would be included, in the zoning ordinance so that it would be a Wtal package. Commissioner Rempel stated that staff should, be commended for a job well done. There being no further discussion on the scheduled priorities, it was moved by Rempel, seconded by Tolstay, carried tuianimously, to adjourn. :20 P.M. The Planning Commission adjourned. Resp otfi.1111' ubmitted,, ,JACK LAM, Secr-tary ------ Planning Commission Minutes -13- October 8, 1980 CITY OF RANCHO CUB AMONGA PLANNING CONMISSION MEETING October 8, 198o Regular Meeting CORRECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SITE APPROVAL NO. 8o-,il KINDER CARE - The development of a day care facility -to accommodate 163 children on 1.09 acres of land in the AP zone, located on the northeast corner of 19th and Hermosa - API - 202-191-13 Commisssioner Sceranka stated that he wished to make one more comment that he felt strongly that if the Commission wants to see the street intersection problems clear up, -the City must develop standards to allow development to occur. He f-arther stated that he felt that this was a good use for this pro- perty and that an A-P designation for this property will create more traffic problems than the preschool will. CITY OF RANCHO CUC MONGA PIANNTNG CCt I SIC1N t� 1111ING September 29, 1980 Adjourned Regular 'Meeting CALL TO ORDFR The adjourned regularmeetinpof the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, was held in the Lion's Park Communitly Building, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Monday. , September , 1980. , Meeting was called, -to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Dahl , who led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Jeffery King defy" Sceranka, Peter Tolato , Ric xaaxd Dahl ACCENT. CC IC It 1ERS Herman pempel (Excused) ALSO PRES ET: Jack Lam, Director jai' C rmrrunity Development; Barry- K. Hogan, City Planner Edward A. Hopson, City Attorney; Pahl Roug,can, Senior Civil Engineer; Lloyd Huhbs, City Engineer` Chairman Dahl stated that this is the time and place for the review of the Victoria Community Plan. It is 'the second. meeting in "a series of meetings: and the topic for tonight is ra d scnaalon of Land Use. He then. asked Iam for the presentation. Jack Laxrw hector of C imnuait ° Development, announced that the third meeting for the review of the Victoria Corrununi ty Plan will be held in the to wa.ndd CoTamnui t , Room on Etiwanda Avenue beginning at 9:00 a.m. on October 31, 1.980. He then asked Barry Hogan, City Planner, to present the report. Barry Hogan, City Planner, presented, the staff report which is on. file at the Planning Division office. 'There were various questions regarding schools and ripen apace,, park deficiency, trails a and lakes. It was expl.ainc.d that the schools and open apace are separate from one another even though they are adjacent. That the adjacency of the schools and open apace was to add more space than would_be normally avall.aa.ble were these uses separated. It was mated that, there is a tt acre pas,x . deficiency which may 'ire made °eels at the ttrrae that, the specific cons ideraa.tion of the tentative tracts is made and that the detailed discussion of the deficiency should occur under the parks and Open Space category.; Mention was made of the trail ayaterrr as to whether or not; there were additional trails at, a, smaller legal than the community trails provided. It was indicated, that there would be pa,aeoa that would ire inclradr.d within each residential area to connect in-to the community ty trails e question on the lakes referred to the kinds of maintenance and dedication that is being requested . It was explained ined. that the details of the design of the lakes would be before the Planning Commission at a later date at which time they could look into the details of maintenance and lake design. There being no other questions of Staff, Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. He asked for public comment. Andrew Barmakian of Barmakian and Wolff, expressed his concerns with the plan. He said basically that he liked. the plan and said that it was well-conceived for the most part, His particular concern was with the southwest corner of Etiwanda and Rase Line. He referred to the zoning th,,it the property presently enjoys and that it should be designated as a neighborhood comnercial, center. Ile explained his view on traffic circulation, indicating that the traffic that would normally come down Etiwanda Avenue is being diverted to Day Creek Boulevard. It was his opinion that traffic would find the area of least resistance and essentially stay away from Day Creek Boulevard because of the high volume that street woiLld have. This transfer of traffic would be down Base Line and Et1wandaa. Avenue and would therefore make commercial at the intersection more via'ble. Mr. Hogan clarified some of the issues that were raised by Mr. Barmakitin and answered some of his questions regarding land use. Chairman Dahl asked SWA to respond to the issues raised by Mr. Barmakian. Don Tonkins of SWA indicated that to design a plan around roads simply does not work and will. give the City of Rancho Cucamonga another Los Angeles. His indication was that the boundary of the Etiwanda, area is approximately 1000 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue and that to use the 'Etiwanda Avenue as the boundary would eventually destroy the community that presently exists in Etiwanda. Mr. Barmakian said that he 'was sure that once the Etiwanda residents get as chance to speak that they will show that they would want greater density and not the preservation of the rural character. The representatives of the Buddhist Temple came forward and explained the usage of 'the Temple stating that it is primarily for regional use extending to areas as far as Santa Barbara for meetings, marriages and funerals. He liked the idea of the plan and had some concerns specifically, the use of the Temple as as, buffer for the regional-related uses to the lower windrow residential. tises and the use of the Temple as a buffer from the regional-related uses. He indicated that it was the Temple's desire to preserve the contemplative atmosphere in a, rural kind of setting and that he believed protection through landscaping and setbacks would be appropriate and acceptable. Additionally, he stated that he had some concern with the specific uses proposed, in the regional-related use area. His indication was that they should be more defined, so that appropriate 'buffering could be employed. His basic desire was that the character of the area shoiLld be preserved. Kay Matlock, representative of Levis Homes, owners of the Terra Vista area, south and westof the 'project stated their concerns are twofold* One, that the commercial center located at Base Line and Millken should be Planning Commission Minutes -2- September 29, 1980 removed or relocated to the Terra Vista, area to provide better service. She indicated that they are proposing one shopping center near there. Secondly, the regional-related commercial uses raises the question of appropriate amount of commercial land and the spin off effects that it may have on the City. Of particular concern are the uses proposed to be located there and, whether or riot they should be more central to the City. Should. there be limits and if so, what kind of limits? It should be agreed that the market place should determine what goes there and what is fair for Victoria should be fair for Terra Vista. Mr. Hogan clarified, statements made on the regional-related use and location. He stated, that regional-related uses are generally those kinds of commercial and office uses that draw from the greater region or regional customers and that the type of land uses or commercial uses of which Ms. Matlock referred to would be more of a community nature and that 'both could be put within the City of Rancho Cucamc)nga. Commissioner Tolstoy commented on the need for regional-related uses and concurred with the Staff recommendation. Also, he was concerned that a statement should be put in that the development of the regional-related uses should occur from Foothill.. northerly and be phased. Chairman Dahl also stated his concern with the regional-related and 'use and particularly, the uses allowed within the regional-related area. fie would like to see a more clear definition in the -text. Ronny Tannenbaum, Etiwanda resident, spoke of the character of the Etiwanda community and its relation to Etiwanda Avenue. He indicated that Etiwanda iAvenuee is, in fact, the center or focus of the Etivandct community. He would like to encourage or like to see more cluster housing in the A-Land Use area to preserve the relatively large 'blocks of land areas with housing occurring now and then. fie sees Victoria Parkway as a possible flaw in the plan in terms of the way it functions. He believes that if 'there are riot proper controls put upon that road, it will become a major thoroughfare through Victoria community. He suggests that all a-utornobile use be removed from Victoria Parkway and that it be used exclusively for transit such as a mini-bus. Chairman Dahl asked for any responses or comments from the William Lyon Company. Don Tomkins of SWA Group representing the William Lyon Company indicated that the Plan balances all. the land uses and most of the issues, have been thoroughly explained before. There being no additional comments, Chairman Dahl closed the public portion of the Land Use review. He asked Commissioner Tolstoy to be-gin the comrnents section. Commissioner Tolstoy said be would like to commend SWA and William Lynn Company in a job well done. He concurred with the suggested conditions of the staff report and the addition of the condition on the phasing of the regional-related uses. He feels this approach is a better way to go. He asked Gary Frye of the William Lyon Company if the school districts had concurred with the, locationa proposed in the Victoria Plan for schools. Planning Commission Minutes -3- September 29, 1980 Mr. Frye responded that they had conc-urred at this point in time with the locations. Commissioner Tolstoy also mentioned. that he has some concern with the location of the commercial center at Milliken and Highland and that perhaps it might better be located on Victoria Parkway; however, he is not sure whether this will, be appropriate in light of -the character or atmosphere that the developer is trying to crewte along Victoria Parkway. He concurs with Commissioner Dahl's use of pool.-sized lots in the B-Land Use and the 25 percent seemed to be a good amount. He stated that the A-hand Use is an important part of the plan and feels that it is excellent with the special plantings and bufferings proposed.. He sees that Etiwand,a Avenue, if used as a border or buffer of the rest of the Etivanda axes, would, in fact, start the loss of the character of the Etiwanda community. He likes -the trail system and would like to make sure that there is a good well-planned trail system in each area at a, more local level J..e. , paseos. Commissioner King stated he has some specific comments on other areas which he will hold until later. He would It more time to digest al] the comments mentioned tonight rather than make statement at this point. He did, however, mention that in reviewing the plan, it appears that the focuses of the villages are of a public nature and that this was appropriate; however, he questioned whether or not there should be a church located in the area of Victoria Vineyards as part of that public focus. Commissioner Sceranka, has serious concerns about the impact of this development on Rancho Cucrvnonga. He is sure that Etivanda Avenue is the key to preserving the character of the Etivanda community and he believes that the plan does not destroy -that character. He is, however, having some problem with the east-west traffic in Victoria. He, made the point that people who lived in Victoria <would be wor in southwest in Rancho Cucamonga and the region. He also is in favor of using the windrows in Etivanda as a buffer in additional to increasing setbacks for housing and, design of homes along Etiwanda Avenue. He cites a,iclid Avenue as an example. He agreed with the comments made by the representative of the Buddist Temple, that there should, be height and size restriction on the regional- related uses adjacent to the Temple in order to provide adequate buffering and protection. Chariman Dahl stated that be felt the plan is excellent, in addressing the issues of the area- His concern, as mentioned earlier, is with the B-Land Use area containing pool-size lots which me-an 35 foQt rear yard for ap L and Use. The windro w area along , proximately 25 percent of the B- Etiwanda Avenue is beautiful and he would like to see more infor7ftation on the buffering of the.A-Land. Use and its retention of the rural character. He concurred that affordable housing should be 15 percent, but that the 15 percent should be over all of the entire plan, not for each village. He did not believe that there should be stratificat;ion created by this. Planning Commission Minutes -4- September 29, 1980 Commissioner Tolstoy agreed with Chairman Dahl but wanted assurances that the lionsing remain affordable. He was unsure as to when the subject should be discussed. Community Development Director, Jack Lam. , explained the issue of affordable housing and the options for resale controls. lie indicated that Staff is currently, investigating the methods for controls and that the whole area will. µbe dealt with in the Housing EKlement of the General Plan. Commissioner Sreran feels that one of the ma, or aspects of the plan is the smaller lots proposed and that one of the major problems with developers is that of land cost. With the smaller lots the would be an ability to provide lower cost housing. He also added that with the recreation facilities proposed in the Victoria area, it may lessen the -need or desire for pool-si ze lots. Chairman Dahl countered that in areas with amenities there are also pools. The community should give>something to all and it should be provided lie had some concerns with the controls with the regional-related uses south of the Temple and feels that there should be no ingress or egress to Etiwanda venue from that regional-related area. He agrees with Staff's suggestion to remove the commercial status for Base Line and Milliken; however, he has some concern with the center on Victoria Parkway and Base Line Road, Commissioner Tolstoy noted that the City should look for strong interaction between the Victoria Community Plan and the Terra Vista Community Plan. He would like to see the parkway along Mil liken have some relationship to Terra Vista in some manner. He is not advocating that there be an Victoria Parkway in Terra Vista but that there be a, strong relationship to both plans. The City Planner sir miarized, the Coirmissioners' comments basically stating that they agreed with the conditions recommended in the staff report regarding land use and asked if they wished to see: 1) more specific uses in the regional-related area with specific concern around the Terrple; 2) that 'the applicant present at future meetings drawings or slides showing the buffering along Base Line Road proposed near Etivanda Avenue; 3) that the applicants plans, indicate landscape buffering between the Temple and the regional-related uses; 4) that there be an additional condition on the phasing of the regional-related uses to start from Foothill, Boulevardnortherly; 5) that there by 25 percent of the B-Land Use residences reserved for pool-si.ze lots, i.e. , 35 foot deep rear yards. The City, Planner indicated that on the October 11 meeting scheduled in the Etiwanda area, that should there not be a big public turnout for that meeting, that the Commission should be prepared to discuss -the issues of circulation, parks and open space. Also, he indicated that the Commission should be prepared 'to select the next two items for review end set the next two meeting dates for review of Victoria. Planning Commission Minutes -5- September 29, 1980 Commissioner Tolst y moved that the meeting be adjourned to the October regular meeting, seconded by King, .rni. nan ousl . 10:10 p.m. The Planning Commission adjourned. Respe tull. sub ittd, JACK LAI , ntr CITE CAP RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING September 24, 18 Regular Meeting CALIF TO ORDER e regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held in the Lionis Park Community Padding, 9161 Rase Line Read, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, September 24, 1 80. Meeting was called l.ed to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Dahl, who led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Jeffery King, Jeff* Sceranka, Herman Rempsl, Peter Tolstoy, Richard Dahl ABSENT:< COMMISSIONERS; done i a City Planner; Cat Attorney; Barry � o n C Pla�nrz ALSO PRESENT: Bob Dougherty, y � y 5 Otto routil, Associate Planner; Joan Kruse, Secretary; Jack Lam, Director of Community ;Development; Paul Rou. eau Senior Civil. Engineer; Michael Vairin, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1 Commissioner King requested. that the minutes be corrected to indicate that Bob Dougherty was present as City Attorney at the September 10, 1980 meeting and further requested that the minutes reflect that he and not Commissioner Scera.nka asked the City Attorney about newly adopted State legislation to allow mob lehommos on R-1 property. Motion: Moved by Scera.n, a, seconded by King, carried unanimously, to approve the September 1.0, 1980 Panning Commission minutes as corrected. AYES: COMTSSIONERS,. SCERANKA, KING, REMPEL, 'TQLSTQY, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: DONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried- ANNOUNCEMENTS Community Development Director, Jack Lai, reminded the Commission of the next scheduled hearing on the Victoria Planned Community, September 29, 1980, :00 p.m. in the Co unity Building. Mr. Lam stated that land use, circulation and parks; and open space are the items for discussion at this meeting. Lam stated that the Planning Commission had requested staff to establish * workshop can the Victoria Plan in the : tiwanda, area.. Mr. Lam indicated that a meeting would be held in the Etianda Co vanity Room can Saturday, f October 11, 1980 and would begin at 9:00 a.m. Lam advised that on September 30 a meeting of the Sturm Drain Committee would be held in the City Manager's Conference doom and would begin at :00 a.m. The :items for discussion would be the neat Phase of the Sturm Drain Master Plana Study and the Day. Creek issue. On October 61, Mr. Lam stated, there will be d Citizens advisory Committee meeting to present tine proposed General Plan raft Land Use Map. Mr. Lsm stated that on October P a tentative meeting has been scheduled for the CSC to establish a position paper they may wish to Prepare for the Planning Commission and City Council Mr. Lam further stated that the CAC would receive the teat of the General Plan by the middle of the month. r. Lan reported that Saturday, November 1, has tentatively been set for the presentation of the General Plan, main and text by the Planning Consultant. This is anticipated to be a. lengthy meeting There all the mans and. 'the complete text of the C3enera,l. Plan and the bill: will: be transmitted to the Planning Commission. On another matter, Mr. Lam stated that gander the Ci owth Management ement, ;Plan all filings are to be reviewed prior to the net filing period. Mr. Lam stated that the Planning Commission can expect to receive the first batch of filings at the second meeting in October, the second batch at the first meeting -in November, and the third batch the second meeting in November. Mr. Lam stated that if there is a time overrunof' :these, filings they will be taken up during the first ieetin in December. The master resolution ern approving the final tracts will be adopted at the last meeting in December. . Ltun stated that the first meeting of the Design Review Committee :is scheduled. for Thursday, September 26 to review the tracts which have been submitted. y a ." bad, been changed for a :asked aef-the date f October ;1. a b Commissioner Tlstc� sip y a proposed meeting on, the Victoria Plan, Barry Hogan, City Planner, indicated that, because nothing had been Confirmed at the time the October 1 date was proposed, it had been rescheduled t October 1.1. Chairman Dahl stated that he had been reclt_zest;ed to change appointments to the Planning Commission Committees by Commissioners Cceranka and, Mini;. Mr . Dahl. suggested that because of an imbalance in committees, Commissioner King be appointed to the Zoning Committee instead of Co issioner Seerdnka to serve with Commissioner Hempel Curtirissierer Tolstoy will remain as the alternate to the committee. Motion: Moved, by Sceranka, seconded by PemPel., carried. unanimously, to approve this committee change. PUBLIC HEARINGS ENVIRONNIEW2AL ASSESSIvTNT AND SITE APPROVAL NO. C-CisRANCHO DISPOSAL Planning Commission Minutes - September Pia, 1_980 The development of a truck and equipment storage yard on 2 acres within the M-2 zone located. at 8908 Hyssop: City planner, Barry; Hogan, reviewed the staff report indicating that the Design Review Committee had worked with the applicant and reached: concurrence on changes on the proposed site approval. Mr. Mogan further indicated that a Revolution of Approval'`had been prepared should. the Planning Commission find that this project meets their_desires and that appropriate conditions relative to approval are included in the Resolution. Commissioner T lstoy asked if the freeway right-of-way ends at the west boundary of this project. Mr. Hogan replied that it ends at the southwest corner of the property. Commissioner Tol.stoy they asked if in the future theremight be ar use of the property- for the freeway. Mogan replied that there could be such a use. Commissioner King asked if in light of the recent legislation governing trailers, would, it be possible to use a trailer as a temporary office building beyond- the two-year period stipulated in the conditions. Mr. Dougherty, Assistant City Attorney, replied that the legislation governed mtobilehome in -1 zones and that they were for residential use only. Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing Joe Moore, representing Rancho Disposal, the applicant, stated that he was ready to answer' any questions the Commissionmight, have and requested that the Commission approve this project. There were no further comments by the Commission or from the floor and: the public hearing was closed Commissioner Tdlstoy stated that he wished. to make one revision to the conditions and requested`that 'if the applicant does not have a permanent building constructed within a: two-year period, that a block wall be constructed on -the north side of the property, There was discussion among the Commissioners on this condition. Chairman Dahl polled the Commission and found that there was general agreement on this; however, Commissioner Rempel stated that he was opposed because he felt it to be arbitrary to make such a'condition at this time- Motion: Moved by T lstoy, seconded by King, carried to approve Site approval No. 80-04 and adopt: a Resolution of Approval with an amendment to require a six-foot high block wall on the entire north property line to be constructed would a permanent building not be completed within a two-year period Planning Commission Minutes -3- September 24, 1980 AYES: COMMISSIONERS:; TOLSTOY, KING, SCERANKA,, DAHL, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL SENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried.- ENVIRONMENTAL NT ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP NO. 31 -C, Id 1.8 acres of land to be divided into three ( ) parcels located on the north side of 8th Street, west of Vineyard°d Avenue AP T; 07-271-4 .. Paul Rougea.u, Senior Civil Engineer, reviewed the staff report stating that this property can be safely protected from any Storm drain flows and will not have any adverse impacts on the surrounding area;. Commissioner T lstoy asked where the catch basin would be and how it would. work.- Rouge au. replied: that them is large storm. drain in 8th Street that had been constructed several years ago as a part of a subdivision in Ontario and that it drains into Cucamonga Creek. He further stated that it, empties into the southeast corner of the property and when 8th Street is improved, it should provide a; normal catch basin for it. Commissioner Tol.stoy asked where Cucamonga Creek is in relation to this parcel. pougeau replied that it is to the east about one-half mile Commissioner King asked what the depth of the three parcels is on this project Mr. Rouge .0 replied that it is roughly 100 feet. Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing. Robert Craig, 2137 S. Hathaway, Santa Ana, stated that he was' ready to answer any questions the Planning Commission Might have regarding this Commissioner King asked the applicant if he had any concerns relative to the depth` of this parcel. Craig replied that he did not have any. No one else spoke in favor of, or was opposed to, this project, and Cha.riman Pahl colsed the public hearing Commissioner Tolstoy asked the size of the storm drain Roug du replied that the one under dtb Street is 42 inches and that the one under the street may be smaller. Commissioner Hempel stated that this is one of the very best uses that can be fade for this property and will help the residential area by the buffering than this project can provide, Planning Commission Minutes -4- September 24, 1980 Motion. Moved by R mpel seconded by Sc"eranka, carried: unanimously, t issue a. Negative Declaration and adopt Resolution No. 80-48, approving this parcel map. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: RE EL, SCERANKA, KING, ?i'OLSTOY, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE SENT: COMMISSIONERS: NO -carried- ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ZONE CHANGE NO. 80-1.8 »- R.J. INVESTMENTS - .A request for a change of zone from R-l-'I to -8 on 5.5 acres of land located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, vest of Baker Avenue APN 208-i9l-49and 48. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff" report. Commissioner Talstoy asked how wide Baker Avenue i to be. Mr. Rou e .0 replied that, curb to curb width is intended to be 4 -Feet wide can. 66-feet of right-of-war. Further, that it is intended to be z collector strut. Commissioner Sceranka asked. if -there have been any comments relative to this proposed zone change from the public.. Mr. Vairin indicated that there had been. none. Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing. William F. Fuk taki, 1 067 Murphy Avenue, Irvine, addressed the Commission. He mated his agreement with the staff report and further stated that his goal is to make this proposed development look like a mansion. Michael Vairin; stated that should this zone change be approved, this project must go -through Growth Management .and can be`mo1 ded. or changed to the desires of the planning o i lion. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if access to the west will be th ou h ga.tes. Mr. Fukut ki replied that there will be closed gates and that there will be no other wad to get through. Chairman Dahl asked if there was anyone in favor of or opposed to this project. Glen Ogden, 8324 Comet Street, Rancho Cucamonga, stated his opposition because he believed: them would be increased traffic, and a, ,lowering of property values. Commissioner Tolstoy asked. if Mr. Ogden would be opposed to this project if it were buffered and garages were provided. Ogden replied that he 'was not opposed to the project because now it is so indefinite; he would consider the buffering at a later time. Planning Commission Minutes -5- September 24, 1980 Chariman Dahl stated than this is a zone change and does not mean that the project is being approve at this time. , Tyr. Ron McCleary, 8364 Comet addressed. the Commission. He inquired about the meaning of R-3 zoning and whether the applicant would be able to change from condominiums to apartments Chairman Dahl stated that it might be the other way around. . McCleary asked what the tentative price range will be. Chairman Dahl stated that it would be it the area. of 5 ,000- 70, 00. . McCleary then asked when these units might be built. Mr. Lam replied that if rezoning is recommended, it must go `to the City Council for approval. If the applicant receives rezoning he must then wait until the December filing period and consideration for approval al will not begin until 1981. Actual building would not begin until 2982. Alan Snapp, Architect for this project,, st"ated, that the design theme to be used on this ,project is to enhance the existing housing. He stated than the units will, be scaled;down and no garage roofs will be visible from the project. Commissioner Rempel.' stated that access can the back of the project must be limited so as not to impair the residential tract. Commissioner Sceranka stated that he was in favor of the zone change and that this project dines not decrease property values and, in fact, may enhance values. Commissioner T lstoy stated that he felt that this project would not decrease property values but that he had a problem with Baker. He asked if this property is zoned R-3 will it be able to handle the traffic that will be generated, and if a traffic signal is planned at Foothill Boulevard and Baker Avenue? . Rougeau replied that this would depend on CAL AN . Barry Hogan stated that in the future, the Planning Commission may wish to have a traffic study prepared. Motion: Moved by Tolsto , seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, to approve this zone change, AYES;. COMMISSIONERS: TOL l'CY, C M� A, KING, REMTIEL, D HL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NON ABSENT- CCU SSIO IMS:` BONE -carried- ZONE CHANGE NC): 80-1 - A Zone change request for 16 acres of land located on the northeast corner of Base Swine and Archibald ,Avenue from R- -15 (single family residential) to C'--1 (limited commercial) - APT 2ol-181-1 , 21 & 22. Planning Commission Minutes - September 24, 1980 Lam requested that this item be postponed and rescheduled for the October 22 Planning orm ssion meeting. Mr. Hogan stated. that the property owners will be renoticed can this item.. p � Motion. Moved by Tolstoy, seconded. by Sceranka, carried unanimously, to postpone this item to the October 22, 1980 meeting: 8:02 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed . 8:22 p.m The Planning Commission reconvened. NEW BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND 11RECTOR REVIEW 80- 0 - DEACON - The development of a 30,000 square foot office building on 1.84 acres in. the R-3 zone (A-P pending) located on the west aide of Archiba:l:d. Avenue, 150 feet south of Devon Street _ APN 208-801-39 and. 40, Los Palmas Professional Center. Michael Vairin Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report and provided the Commission with exterior elevations of the proposed project. Chairman Dahl asked if there were any plans for the center median can Archibald. Mr. Va%rin replied that this would be a future consideration. Commissioner Sdera_n_ka asked it there are any plane for special boulev ards. airin replied that if there is anything in particular that txe Commission would like -to consider staff should be advised, however, nothing '.s proposed as yet. Chairman Dahl asked if Mr. Stan Page, representing; the developer, had anything to add, Mr. Page indicated that, he felt it to be a good project for Archibald Avenue. Commissioner King asked Mr. Page if he had any problem with being required to put in a. meandering sidewalk in front of the premises or with the landscaping required. Page replied that what is good for the City was good for then.. Motion: Moved by Sceranka, seconded by Rempel, carried unanimously, to approve Director Review No. 0- 0 and adapt a; resolution of approval. AYES® S TSSIONERS SCERANKA, REMPEL, KING, ` OLSTOY, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried- Planning Commission Minutes -7- September 24, 198o ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. loo88 - DUNITZ/LEVENTHAL Tract subdivision on 82.8 acres into 124 single family residential lots in , the R-1- C,000 zone, located on the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Carrari Street -- APN 01-0 j l-14, 37 and: 45. Barry Hogan, City Planner, reviewed the staff report stating that based upon review of the Initial Study, it was found that the project has a. potential to degrade quality of the environment and create short and long term environmental problems'. Mr. Hogan further stated that if the Commission concurs with these potential environmental impacts then they must require the preparation of an. Environmental Impact Report. If the Commission concurs with Staff's findings, theca it is recommended that a focused Environmental Impact Report be prepared to cover these areas as outlined in the Initial. Study. Chairman ,Dahl asked if the applicant was present Mr. Doug '.Mays of L.- D. ding Engineering, 517 N. Euclid Street, Ontario, stated that he represented the applicants, Webb and Nicosia, and stated that he felt that the environmental concerns could be mitigated and that a focused, EIR was unnecessary-. Mr. Mays described, the slope conditions to the Commission and. stated that they could be stabilized through proper use of groundcover. Commissioner Talstoy asked Mr.. Mays if he Liked the grading across the street from this proposed project:. m Mays replied that he did, Mr. Mays also provided a handout to the Commission that graphically illustrated what was proposed. Commissioner Dahl asked if the tract allowed, for equestrian easements. Mr. Mays replied that it dial. not. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if Mr. Says had ever observed Alta Loma Creek when it is running. Mr. :Mays replied that he had not. Commissioner Sceranka asked Mr. Mays if he would explain the statement in the Initial Study "no significant changes, in ground conditions". . Mays replied that it was a mistake and. should not have been included in the Study. Commissioner Scera ka asked if the developer was to do a. f"R :on this property and lessened grading, if it would significantly deter these houses selling at a; reasonable price or would a cluster RU increase the price beyond 'reasonable , limits. . Maya replied that the off-the-cuff figures would indicate that there would be less yield and would therefore increase the price. Commissioner Rdmpel, stated that Mr. Mays indicated that the grater problem could. be <easily worked. out. He further stated that the water amount collected would increase considerably lose to theslopes as proposed. Mr. Rempel felt Planning Commission Minutes -8- September 24, 1980 4 that there should be more stuffy in this regard. r. Mays replied that he u.nd.erstood the concern but he had some figures that shored that the runoff is small, by comparison. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he lived in this area:and he felt that further study is needed on this. Mr. Lam provided the Commission with a definition of a focused ETR for those areas that needed to be addressed. Chairman Dahl. explained the prior requirements of the Commission relative to Hillside development. Considerable discussion -look places regarding the grading and. hydrology of this project. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he would like to see a topographic model of the proposed grading on this project before coring to a decision. Following- further discussion, Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he would not like to see this type of development because the applicant proposed be change the lay of the land. Further-, that people in the community have staved that they do not want to see this type of development any more.; On aesthetics alone, Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he would not like the project. Continuing, Commissioner Tolstoy stated that this piece of land lends itself to a. very nice project and that if the applicant can come, up with something significant it would be nice.. Barry Hogan stated that as a point of clarification, the applicant could withdraw and resubmit or there could be; a, focused 'FIR addressing what was outlined and the alternatives, Mr. Hogan further stated that what he would not like to see is the applicant go away with the thought that if a focused EZB is done his project will be accepted.. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he would like the applicant to take the project and rethink it. Commissioner Pempel; started that tom°. Maya had.: seen copies of what the Design Review Committee will look for and that it could be seen that this kind of tract would not get a very high point rating. r. Webb owner of this project, started that he was getting the implication that the Commission is not looking favorably on thins project and that perhaps d P.D. would. be a. better usage of this land. He stated that he would agree to that. He asked that the project remain in Line until_ they could come up with a better design because they cannot 'afford to wait. He further stated that he would like to work with the City in whatever way they can. Chairman Dahl stated that the Commission could continue this to the December filing. Webb asked if the application should be withdrawn. Planning Commission Minutes - - September 24, 1980 Mr. Hogan stated that if the project is withdrawn the fees would be lost Motion. Moved by Sceranka, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to continue this to the December filing period with the applicants consent. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10210 - LAWLOR - A custom lot subdivision of 160 acres into 129 lots comprising of 126 units in the R-1-20,000 zone and the R-1-14,000 zones generally located on the: north side of Almond, between. Sapphire and.. Turquoise - Al<'N 0-1 1-07. Michael Va.i.rin Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report which indicated that based. upon '.review and preparation of the Initial Study, staff has found that the mandatory findings of significance indicate that this project could have significant adverse impacts upon the environment. Further, that if the Commission consur , a focused Environmental Impact Report analyzing these areas of concern should be prepared. Commissioner King stated: that he would abstain from any discussion and voting on this item because of a conceivable or theorit cal conflict o interest Commissioner King then left the room., Chairman Dahl asked if the applicant was present Mr. Leon Keddi ig, representing Grey Lawlor, the applicant, reported that Layton and Associates had prepared the report for the lnti.ai Study with the mitigation measures indicating that property should be located 50 feet from the Fault` location. Mr. Kedding also stated that the Almond: Interceptor would carry all drainage from this development and transfer it to Cucamonga Creek. Relative to utilities and public services, Mr. Kedding stated that the applicant is willing to build another fire station in the area. He felt .that' the problem wash fire department response time could be mitigated' through this building and indicated that they were willing to meet with the Fire Department to disc-ass a, per lot fee. Chairman Dahl asked if the area will have equestrian trails . Keddi:ng stated that this question had not come up but felt that 3t could be worked out. Michael Vairin stated that in view of this new information he would suggest that the determination be continued.' Commission Tolstoy stated that the' applicant had. mentioned a homeowners association and wanted to know how the open space was proposed to be taken care of. He further stated the importance of being up front with prospective home buyers. Commissioner Sceranka, asked how drainage will affect lots directly north of the fault line. Planning Commission Minutes 10— September 24, 1980 Mr. Kettering stated that most cities and counties allow cross lot drainage and this is what is proposed here. Further, Mr. Kettering stated he felt that this could be worked out through CC&B's. Mr. Lam stated that cross lot drainage is not such a problem on large lots. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Tolstoy, carried to continue this item until such time as additional. information is available to allow staff to determine whether a focused FIR is necessary. Commissioner Sceranka abstained stating that he felt that there are several questions to be resolved and he questioned whether this is the best way of handling it. 9:50 P.m. Planning Commission recessed, 10:05 P.m. Planning Commission reconvened. Mr. Lam stated that in accordance with Planning Commission policy, if a project is not consistent with Growth Management Filing it goes to the next filing period. If it does not have a date certain, it goes to the next filing period. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 11550 - NEEVA - A residential condominium project consisting of 662 units on 65 acres generally located on the south side of Wilson, one-half mile east of Haven, in the A-1-5 zone (zone change to R-3 pending) APN 201-191-0'(. Senior Planner, Mike Vairin, gave the staff report and indicated that there were residents of the Deer Creek subdivision with questions regarding proposed densities of this tentative tract. Mr. Vairin further stated that densities would be better addressed at the General Plan hearings and that the environmental impacts should be addressed at this hearing. Traffic and circulation also need examination to be sure that traffic does not all come out of the same side. Mr. Vairin asked the Planning Commission for direction and possible traffic standards for -this project. Chairman Dahl stated that in looking at the Rancho Cucamonga zoning map there appears to be a curve where Wilson would be located. Mr. Vairin stated that it goes to the Flood Control Channel.. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the project goes through what the liability would be for the development of the extension of Wilson and Milli .in. Mr. Rougeau replied that it is conceptual because of what has already been constructed at Deer Creek and around the radius. Further, that this development would normally be required to build on whatever side it borders or creates. Planning Commission Minutes -il- September 24, 1980 '' i ;I Commissioner `folstoy asked who is going to take this across Deer Creek. Paul: Rougeau replied that this will have to be faced in the future. Commissioner Tolstay stated that this would be a real traffic problem. . c took lade on th e definition of open space and what would. be Discussion `� p ' provided in the design of this project to enhance open space. Chairman Dahl asked the applicant if he had any comments to make. °. :Garry Wolff, architect representing Heevaj, addressed the Commission and stated that the major objective of the project, was to make a self- contained community which meant that circulation would be worked out for the entire project, the entire project would be bordered by masonry pilasters and walls that form recessed landscaping, a security guard gate and other amenities would be provided.. Mr. Wulff asked that the Planning Commissionapprove phase one of this tract and provide conceptual - approval on the rest of the project. Mr. Wolff stated that he was not opposed to a traffic study and would work with Chaffey College and the Leer Creek project can this. Mr. Wulff indicated that he had not received. any word from either Chaffey College or the Leer Creek community on plans that were forwarded to them for information. Commissioner Tol.stoy stated that the Chaffey "College faculty should be consulted because they would have some problem with being walled in by a line of buildings He felt that this project did not address the open; space issue raised at the time of the Interim General Plan.; Mark Ruzsky, 10842 Wilson, in the Veer Creek tract, indicated that when he told his wife of this project she wanted to more. He felt that there would be traffic problems and inquired about the preservation of horse trails and how they would be affected by this larger development'. He requested that a complete EIR be done on this project. Commissioner Sceranka asked if this is a condominium project.. Wolff answered that it is Roy Achauler, 1,1028 Wilson, stated, that it was his understanding that the area the project is in has been rezoned medium density over the objections of the Leer Creek residents. He further stated that this will be challenged in the public hearings on the General Plan when the time comes. Mr. Achauler also stated that the residents have discussed this project with Chaf f ey College and faculty and they have indicated their support in the challenge-. One of his concerns, he said, is that the general plan for this area as proposed uses 2.3 cars per household which would amount to 1300 additional,a,l, cars. Because of the equestrian makeup of the Deer Creek community, there would, be a problem because cars and horses do not mix. He further felt that additional buffering is needed here: Commissioner Sceranka asked Mr. Achauler if medium density implies a i Planning Commission Minutes -1 - September 24, 1980 -i negative thing. . Achanler replied that increased traffic would be a problem as what is proposed is not compatible with the area;. Security is a. problem and parse trails that a.lread.y exist in this ;area, are a concern as a private community with miles of horse trails will now have to compete with pedestrian walkways. These easements are on private property and it raises questions of liability not to mention aesthetics. . Jack Delaney, 5353 Amethyst, requested that an EIR be required on a project of this size.- . Jim Wesley, 10962 Wilson, indicated: that he could not at this time state whether he is for or against the project as he has not been provided with enough information;. Chairman Dahl asked that staff provide answers to residents upon request. Mr. 'Vairin replied that information would be provided upon request. Commissioner Rempela stated that this project is just now starting into Design Review and is not a determination of whether this tract will b ' allowed. Mr. foam stated; that what is being done tonight is determining ghat problems must be addressed--that we cannot further review the project without considering the issue of -traffic. This may affect the design of the project and its approval., Commissioner Talstoy suggested that the residents of Deer Creek Bret with the owner and architect to discuss the project Mr. -Lam stated, that the applicant had been advised by the Planning Staff of the importance of meeting with the Deer Creek residents as a matter of information. Mr. hoer Cuddeth, 5695 Canistel, stated that he represented the Deer Creek, Homeowners Association and information is what he wanted. He further stated that the report that is before the Commission is incomplete. he requested that he meet with staff and the developer to address some of the concerns that they have. `r. Lam stated: that this is a controversial issue and that communication is not what it should be between the applicant and the residents. He further stated. that `staff is in need of more i.nforma-tion and until there is an understanding of what issues 'there are there is no reason to move forward on this. Mr. Lam felt this should be placed on the next review period Commissioner Tolstoy stated that an environmental evaluation is needed to address soil., geology, transportation, utilities, hydrology, cumulative impact on surrounding lard uses as well ;as socio-economic, and health and safety issues, and recommended that a focused :alp be completed . Planning Commission Minutes -13- September 24, 1980 Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, to require a focused EIR on the above issues. Following the motion, Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the applicant should be told that this project will be ca:rried over to the December period. Hogan replied that all applicants will be notified to tell them when their project will again be heard by the Commission. Motion: Moved by Sceranka, seconded by King, carried unanimously, to go beyond the 11:00 p.m. time set for adjournment by Planning Commission Administrative Regulations. 11:05 pm. The Planning Commission recessed. 11-:15 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened. CENTRAL PLAN CONSISTENCY ISSUES FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL FILING SUBJECT TO GROWTH MANAGEMENT. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reviewed the staff report and provided three alternatives for the following projects: Tentative Tract No. 11610 (P.D. 80-03) R.L.S. Associates, Tentative Tract No. 11614 (P.D. 80004) The Development Company; Tentative Tract No. 11595 (P.D. 80-06) Lewis Homes of California; Tentative Tract No. 1-1597 (P.D. 80-07) Lewis Homes of California; Tentative Tract No. 11598 (P.D. 80-05) Lewis Homes of California; Tentative Tract No. 11599 (P.D. 80-08) Lewis Homes of California. Mr. Lan stated that the applicant could choose to voluntarily continue review of the project; or, in accordance with the State Map Act and State General Plan consistency, the Planning Commission could review the projects and deny them based upon inconsistency with the General Plan; or, the applicant can withdraw the application for resubmittal at a future submittal period. Following Mr. Lam's report, Chairman Dahl addressed, a question regarding the City Council's intent in allowing the Lewis Company to file their projects to the Council Members in attendance at this meeting. Council Member Bridge stated that upon legal counsel's advise, the Lewis Company has a legal right to file. Councilmem. ber Palombo concurred with Mr. Bridge's statement. Mr. Lam stated that this matter was brought before the City Council for needed clarification. Mr. Hogan stated that the Lewis tracts have been accepted for filing. In order to process the applications submitted, the Planning Commission has two alternatives, either to deny or ask the applicant to withdraw. The City Attorney stated that any inconsistencies with the General Plan would have to be brought up at the time of processing and that the map should not be brought before the Planning Commission before it is ready. Planning Commission Minutes -14- September 24, 1980 Council Member bridge slated that there was considerable discussion on this at the City Council meeting and Mr. Lewis made a remark that he was aware of the fees and what the filing requirements are and advised that it was their legal right to pay the fee and. submit the paperwork and the City Council concurred. Mr. Bridge further stated that he did not feel that it is appropriate to go into further discussion on this point at this meeting: . Mogan stated that the filing has been accepted: and is before;the Commission tonight but that there is a time problem with the proposed General_ Plan. Further, that a General Flan amendment must be considered pricer to any use in the alternative and since the General Pfau is scheduled` to be heard on November ';1, Staff cannot do anything with this map until that time.. Mr. Hogan indicated that there is a time crunch because of the proposed. General Plan and requested that these items be continued to the January 14, 1981 meeting which would allow processing before the December filings and give the Planning Commission and Staff opportunity to review the maps. Mr. Lam reiterated that Staff is not making the recommendation endati on only for the Lewis Company but for the other applicants as well. Considerable discussion took place regarding the filing procedure. Commissioner Sceranka asked if Council has the right to direct Staff to continue to process the filings The City attorney answered that it did. Commissioner King asked if any of theses have had an EIl . " Mr. Lam explained the problem with making an SIP determination. Commissioner Dahl stated that every if the applicants were allowed to file, they should know whether their project will meet threshold. Further discussion took palace with the consensus of the Commission being that there should be a compromise.,' It was determined that when the proposed General Plan is seen, and there is agreement, then the projects can be filed during the second meeting in January. The City attorney stated that there would be a. problem with this without the consent of they applicant,, Mr, Tom Harris of the Development Group 'asked if the Commission will be ready to rule on January 14, on what Staff feels should be done on their project and other projects. Commissioner Sceranka stated that they will already have been, given a, point rating. Harris stated that he would formally indicate that the applicant will agree to continue Tentative Tract 11614 to the January 14 meeting. He also asked about bonus paints that might be <awarded for submitting a PUD. Planning Commission Minutes -1 - September 24, 1980 ,, i '1 12:05 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed. 1 :10 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened . Chairman Dahl stated that he understood that the Levis es agreed to continue these tracts to the January 14 meeting when the General Plan will be known. Further, that this will allow the month of December to finalize processing ;nd will ensure that these projects nave ahead Faster than the December growth management filings. The Planning Commission palled all the applicants to see whether they would agree to this continuance All applicants, R.L.S. Associates, The Development Company, and Lewis Homes agreed Motion: ' Moved by Sceranka, seconded by Rempel, carried unanimously, to continue this to January 14 with the consent of the applicants. ADJOURNMENT Motion. Moved, by Tolsto , seconded by Rempel, carried unanimously, t adjourn to September 29, 1980, at the Liens Park Community Building,, 7:00 p.m. for a continued public hearing on the Victory Project. 12:15 a.m. The Planning Commission adjourned Re p tfull s; bmitted, + h JACK LAM,, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -16- September 24, 1980 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING September 16, 1980 Adjourned Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER The, adjourned regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission, to review the Victoria Planned Community, was held in the Lion's Park Com- munity Building, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Tuesday, Septem- ber 16, 1980. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Dahl , who led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Jeffery King, Jeff Sceranka, Herman Rempel , Peter Tolstoy, Richard Dahl ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None ALSO PRESENT: Bob Dougherty, City Attorney; Barry Hogan, City Planner; Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer; Jack Lam, Director of Commu- nity Development; Joan Kruse, Secretary Chairman Dahl stated that the City Council had requested that a member of the Planning Commission be appointed to serve on the Fiscal Task Force. Commissioner Rempel nominated Commissioner Sceranka because of his effort in formulating the Task Force. Commissioner Tolstoy nominated Commissioner King because of his legal ex- pertise. Chairman Dahl asked if there would be any objection to deciding upon the appointee by a flip of the coin. There being none, Commissioner Sceranka was selected as the appointee to the Fiscal Task Force, with Commissioner King to serve an an alternate. Chairman Dahl turned the meeting over to Director of Community Development, Jack Lam, who gave a background report on the Victoria planned community and the work that had taken place on it over the past year and a half. Mr. Lam stated that the William Lyon Company and Barry Hogan, City Planner, would make a presentation to the Commission on the project . Barry Hogan, City Planner, reviewed the staff report and stated that there would be six areas of discussion relative to this project tonight and began with the plan objectives and the criteria for approval . He stated that the review process would be discussed later; he then went on to brief the Commission on the planned community relationship with existing ordinances and a statistical summary. Mr. Lam stated that this is the first official public hearing on this pro- ject and that legal notices had been sent to everyone pursuant to legal requirements. Mr. Lam indicated that anyone wishing to speak to specific issues would be invited to do so at the meetings to be held on those items. He indicated that those persons should register their name and topic for the record so that their concern may be addressed at a later time. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if hearing notifications would also be sent to property owners for future meetings Mr. Lam replied that, notice would be sent for all future meetings . Mr . Lam also stated that a copy of the text of the Victoria Plan had been placed in the San Bernardino County, Rancho Cucamonga branch library and City Hall for anyone interested in it. Further, that single copies are available at City Hall for those who wish to pick' it u . Commissioner Tolstoy Mated that it would be a good idea to also place a copy in the Etiwanda area. Chairman Dahl then introduced Mr. Gary Frye, representing the Wm. Lyon Co. , 613 Arrow ;Highway, Rancho Cucamonga. Mr. Frye apprised the Commission of the history of the Lyon Company as a developer and of their interest in the Riverside and San Bernardino County area for the past ten years. e stated that the City of Rancho Cucamonga is in a premium location in the valley and spoke of the development of the Victoria Plan concept. Mr. Frye further stated that originally the Lyon Company felt that they could take TOO- 0O acres of the total plan and develop it however, after some further thought, felt that a master plan would enable the concept to b better developed. It was at this point, Mr. Frye stated, that the windrows that are so prevalent: in the Etiwanda area.., were determined to be used as a focal point, in the hope of not only preserving what is here, but•:, to ac- centuate their beauty along with the character of the older homes in the area . r. Frye continued with an explanation of what is intended for the area as far as a regional shopping center and its amenities, the area 's quality homes, anticipated traffic problems, the Edison Company corridors and the Mood control channels that could be utilized for open space. One of the features in the development of the Victoria Plan is a linear park which will preserve the rural feeling of the area , Mr. Faye. explained. It will flow through the various villages that will ultimately comprise the entire Victoria project. I r. Frye stated that the E`IR on this project had been processed and the review period has been completed. A final copy of the text was made and presented to City Staff on dune 18, Mr. Frye further stated that following completion of the General Plan, it was the Lyon Company's hope to begin the filing process on this project in December of 1980, with work on the site to begin in 1981 . It was anticipated that the construction work on the shopping center could 'begin in 1982 with the shopping center scheduled for opening in 1984. Planning Commission Minutes - - September 16, 198 Mr. Don Tomkins of the SA Group, provided a slide presentation of the project . Mr. Tomkins, stated that not only must a developer have an idea, it is important that the basic goal is not lost in the tedium of trivia. He indicated that this is an important project and that the residents of Rancho Cucamonga must not let it slip through their fingers. Of further importance, Mr. Tomkins stated that the Planning Commission must decide those things that they feel the community will want in physical , economic and social terms. They will have to make a determination of not only what the development will provide but these things must be defined now in order for them to be achieved. Mr. Tomkins highlighted the villages that will comprise the Victoria Plan; Victoria Groves, Victoria Windrows, Victoria Lakes, and Victoria Vineyards. The entire concept, he stated, will provide single family, multiple family, commercial and recreational considerations and will utilize existing trail systems that were established by the County. Energy conservation and land- scaping that are reflective of the Etiwanda area will be prime considerations. Following the slide presentation, the Planning Commission recessed at 9:00 p.m. 9-00 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed 9:22 pm. The Planning Commission reconvened Chairman Dahl asked if there were any questions of Mr. Frye or the SWA Group. There being no questions, Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing. Chairman Dahl provided guidelines for those individuals who would address the Commission, stating that comments should be held to five minutes and that specific items could be addressed at future meetings. Mr. Roland Smith stated that he had an interest in the Etiwanda area and inquired why a commercial strip is not proposed along Ettwanda Avenue. Chairman Dahl replied that this will be taken up as part of the Land Use Element. Sue Gordon asked if this project will require the joining of an association. Gary Frye replied that this project was not proposed to have homeowners associations per se, but that it would most likely have maintenance assess- ment districts. Mr. John Schure asked when there will be more detail provided for the R-R designation. Gary Frye replied that regional related land uses are contained within the text of the Victoria Plan and will grow Within time. He indicated that this could also include cultural as well as commercial , and used the South Coast Plaza as an example of how more detail was completed as the region was developed. There being no further, questions, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes -3- September 16, 1980 Mr. Lam stated that future agendas will be quite heavy and suggested that a portion of the regular Planning Commission meetings might be set 'aside for some of these issues. Mr. Lam reminded the Commission that in addi- tion to these hearings and meetings, the CSC meetings will be coming up;; along with the Storm Crain Committee meetings . The timeframe for these meetings will be constricted with back-to-back meetings and some items will suffer as a result, he said. Commissioner Sceranka asked staff hew long it will take to go through each of the seven issues involved in the Victoria Plan. Nor. Lam stated that rather than try to predict how long it will take, he would %rather say; that it depends on what issues the Planning Commission thinks are most important. He further stated that it depends on the level of input from the public ®- that the hearing process could take as few as three meetings or last for months . Commissioner Rempel stated that without a doubt, the two items that will take the most time are land use and open space.. He felt that a muting or two would take care of the public input and that the rest could be completed in much less time. Commissioner Sceranka stated that he would like to see a Saturday meeting or two in a row for anyone who Dished to attend. He stated that on a work night people are not as apt to give their input. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he thought this to be a good idea. Commissioner King stated that he had no objections to this other than to go ahead in an orderly fashion and that this needs to be organized as to areas and subjects. Commissioner Sceranka stated that priorities are needed. ' Chairman Dahl stated that when we get into land use that one issue will take most of the time because it is the most visible. Circulation, he stated further, is very important. He suggested that these be 'taken in such a manner as to get through' as many as possible in one day before moving onto the next it Barry Hogan discussed the preparation requirements in getting these items to the Commission. He suggested that the next meeting on the victoria proposal be scheduled for September 29, with a Saturday meeting following for input from the Etiwanda area . Chairman Dahl asked if it would be possible to'take'two elements at a time or even possibly three. Barry Hogan stated that it depends on the kind of review the Commission was talking about. He further stated that staff must be certain of the relationship of land use to design criteria and that it depended on the types of items that are being reviewed . Planning Commission Minutes -5- September 16, 1980 Barry Hogan, City Planner, reviewed the program for land use, circulation, parks/open space, infrastructure, design criteria, regulations and imple- mentation. Mr. Hogan mentioned that a zoning ordinance of the Planning Commission must be worked out with regard to development standards . He then stated that he wished the Planning Commission to make a decision on which two items relative to the Victoria Plan the Commission wished to dis- cuss first. Commissioner Tolstoy asked at what point in the process does the EIR come up. Mr. Hogan replied that it will appear last in the process so that what we are up against will be known and will then allow the applicant an opportu- nity to highlight those areas that are of concern. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the EIR is a part of the implementation sec- tion or will it follow it? Mr. Hogan stated that it is not a part of it, but that the State requires that an IPi e implemented . He further stated that they are talking about what kind of a review must be done and the level of comfort the City has with it. Mr. Hogan stated that the dates of September 29 and October 13 have been reserved for continued hearings on this matter. Commissioner Dahl asked what the possibility is of having the first of these two meetings held in the Etiwanda area . Mr. Hogan suggested that the second meeting be held in the Etiwanda area because of the opportunity to generate longer lead time for notification of the meeting. Commissioner Rempel statedi that he would rather see meetings held weekly to keep interest in the Project moving. Mr. Hogan replied that it would be very difficult to have weekly meetings on this project with the other areas of consideration that will be coming before the Planning Commission for review. Chairman Dahl polled the Commission for their opinion on the frequency of meetings for this project. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he was overwhelmed with the projects coming up for review -- the Victoria Plan, General Plan, Industrial Spe- cific Plan, etc. He stated that he agreed with Commissioner Rempel and with staff, He stated that it would be difficult for staff to complete the necessary work in preparation for the Planning Commission's review. Commissioner King suggested that perhaps an arrangement could be made to meet on Mondays and receive staff reports on Thursdays with a 10-day turn- around tohelp eliminate the "crunch" . Planning Commission Minutes -4- September 16, 1980 Commissioner Sceranka moved that before the City, Staff and Planning Com- mission make recommendations for input he ;would like to have public input. He requested that input be received at two successive Saturday meetings. The motion died for lack of a second: Council Mike Palombo asked if are Etiwanda meeting will be set up, Mrs. Nancy Swaiths , addressed the Commission and stated that the Et wandans should be the first people hearer on this project. Chairman Dahl stated that a site for the meetings needed to be found first. Following further discussion, Commissioner Toltoy roved that land use be considered as item number one, followed by circulation, and then parks and open space. Further, that the net hearing date be set for September 29 at which time a place and date would be sot for a meeting' in Ftiwanda . This was seconded by Rempel and carried unanimously. Motion: Moved by Toltoy, seconded by Repel , carried unanimously, to ad- journ at 10:15 p.m. and that the public hearing on this item be continued to September 29, 1980, at :CC p.m. in the Lion's Park Community Building. ADJOURNMENT The Planning', Commission adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, L.- I lak, JCS. LAM, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -6- September 16 1980 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING September, 13, 1980 Adjourned Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER The adjourned regular meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission; held jointly with the City Council , took place at the Lion's Park Community Building, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Sat- urday, September 13, 1980. Meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chairman Dahl . ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Jeffery King, Jeff Sceranka, Peter Tolstoy, Richard Dahl ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Herman Rempel COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: James Frost, Jo,n Mikels, Michael Palumbo, Phillip Schlosser STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Tim Beedle, Bill Holley, Lloyd Hobbs, Jack Lam, Paul Rougeau, Jim Robinson The Planning Commission discussed the aspects of a Financial Task Force for the City of Rancho Cucamonga . Planning Commissioners provided indi- vidual views on the goals of the proposed task force and on its repre- sentation. Following considerable discussion, it was determined that a representative from the Planning Commission would be chosen at the next regular Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Moved by King, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to adjourn to Tuesday, September 16, 1980, at 7:00 p.m. in the Lion's Park Community Building for a public hearing on the Victoria Planned Community. 11 -00 a .m. - The Planning Commission Adjourned Respectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Se cretary C 0 R R E C T E D CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING September 10, 1980 Regular Meeting ROLL CALL: ALSO PRESENT: Bob Dougherty, City Attorney; Barry Hogan, City Planner; Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer; Michael Vairin, Senior Planner; Joan Kruse, Secretary PUBLIC HEARINGS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - Revision to Residential , POD, 'Planning and Administration Sections of the San Ber- nardino County Zoning Ordinance as adopted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga Discussion ensued on the Home Occupation Ordinance . . . . Commissioner King asked the City Attorney about newly adopted State legis- lation to allow mobilehomes on R-1 property. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING September 10, 1980 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER The regular greeting of the Planning Commission of the City of RanchoCuca- monga was held its the Lion's Park Community Building, 9161 Base Line Road, I Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, September 10, 1980. Meeting was called to order at 7.05 p.m. by Chairman Dahl , who led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Jeffery King, Jeff Sceranka, Herman Rempel , I Peter Tolstoy, Richard Dahl ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None ALSO PRESENT: Ted Hopson,; City Attorney; Barry Hogan, City Planner; Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Paul Rosugeau, Senior Civil Engineer; Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, Joan Kruse,` Secretary` i *Commissioner Sceranka arrived at 7:52 p.m. APPROVALU MINUTES F' Motion: Moved by Rempel , seconded by King, carried unanimously, to approve the August ' 7, I980 Minutes, AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Rempel , King, Tolstoy, Dahl NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS. Scerna ANNOUNCEMENTS Jack Lam, Director of Community Development stated that in compliance with the Commission's request, minutes will hereafter be'_prepared within one week f the Planning Commission' meetings. (r. Lam reported that on September 10 he and Commissioner Sceranka 'attened a SCAO workshop on inclusionary' housing. He further reported that items discussed were the opportunities and legal pitfalls of inclusionary housing. 1r. Lam stated that staff will be conferring with the City Attorney to de- termine the implications of these programs and that the Commission will be briefed on the result of this conference. Mr. Lam reminded the Commission of the workshop scheduled with the City Council on September 13 at 8:30 a .m. in the Lion's Park Community Building to discuss fiscal planning for the City. He reminded the Commission that it would be necessary to adjourn to the meeting of September 13 and also to the subsequent meeting of September 16 for the public hearing on the Victoria project. Mr® Lam reminded the Commission that the City-County Planning Commissioner's Conference is scheduled for September 17 in Rialto . Mr. Lam indicated that there would be two additional items on this agenda under Director Reports: Item G, a briefing on how the meeting of Septem- ber 16 on the Victoria Plan would be conducted; and Item H, an update on the Growth Management Program. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, advised the Commissfon that the landscaping has been completed at the Frito-Lay plan with the planting of large Syca- more trees along the northeast corner of Archibald and Fourth Streets. Chairman Dahl announced that Commissioner Jeff King had just become a father for the second time with the birth of a son that morning. CONSENT CALENDAR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80-29 - BRYANT - The con- struction of a 10,000 sq. ft. industrial building on 1 .19--acres of land within the M-2 zone, located at 9595 Lucas Ranch Road - APN 210-071 -42 TIME EXTENSION RE UREST FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79-57 - BOB JENSEN BUILDER, INC. - A request for a one-year extension. Motion: Moved by Rempel , seconded by King, carried unanimously, to approve the Consent Calendar. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, KING, TOLSTOY, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: SCERANKA -carried- PUBLIC HEARINGS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP NO. 6316 - CRAIG - 1 .8 acres of land to be divided into three (3) parcels located on the north side of 8th Street, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 207-271 -45 Mr. Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, reviewed the staff report. He indicated that the property drains adequately to the street, but is subject to some drainage from the north during storms. Mr. Rougeau recommended that the public hearing be continued to September 24, 1980 to allow the applicant to provide an adequate hydrologic study. Commissioner Repel stated that he would like to see more detail on the map north of the project. Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing'. He asked the applicant if he was in agreement with the staff report requesting a continuance to September 24 . Planning Commission Minutes -2- September 10, 1980 The applicant stated that he was. There being no other comments from the floor, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Tolstoy asked what corner the existing storm drain was in on the property. Mr . Rougeau replied that it was located on the southeast corner of the pro- perty and could possibly be a mitigating factor in the drainage at this site. Motion: Moved by Rempel , seconded by Tolstoy, carried, to continue this> item to September 24, 1980. AYES. N � REMPEL T LST I D A NL M, MISSOERS. NOES: COMMISSIONERS; NONE ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: SCERANA -tarried- ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAR NO. 68 - O.V.D. COMMERCIAL PRO- PERTIES - The subdivision of 15 acres of commercial property into 6 lots located between Foothill and Sari Bernardino Rood, east of Vineyard. Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, ' reviewed the staff report. He stated that this property was previously approved for a Oemco Shopping Center and that the conditions are basically the same for this parcel map. Mr. Rougeau indicated that the double conditions are necessary because the parcel map could come into existence as lots while the project might not. Commissioner Dahl asked, if the project is parceled as designed, what would happen if it were built around parcels one and three but not parcel two. Mr. Rougeau replied that the project would simply end up with some stores and not the others. Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing. Mr. Steve Ridenour, representing CVO Commercial Properties, Inc. , of Los Angeles, addressed the Commission. He stated that Oemco 'would own their particular parcel and that following the Gemco start, the other shops would be under construction. Mr. Ridenour+ stated further that thestores will begin construction as soon as the parcel reap is recorded .. There was some discussion relative to condition 23 and access to lots and 6 Commissioner Tolstoy suggested :that this be treated as a 'reciprocal agree- ment to be 'resolved between staff and the developer. I No one else spoke either for or against this project and Chairman Dahl closed the public hearing. Motion. Moved by Rempel , ;seconded by Tolstoy, carried to adopt Resolution No. 0-46 approving the tentative snap and issuing a negative declaration. AYES. COMMISSIONERS: ' REMPEL, T LSTOY, KING, DAHL NOES; ` COMMISSIONERS, NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS. ' SCERAN -carried- Planning Commission Minutes -3- September 10, 1980 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SITE APPROVAL NO. 0-04 - RANCHODISPOSAL- The development of a truck and equipment storage yard on 2 acres within the M-2 zone located at 8908 Hyssop. Mr. Lam indicated that this item has been continued a number of times but that information had gust been received from the .San Bernardino County Health ' Department; however, the information was received too late to be included on this agenda. Mr. Lam requested that this item be continued to September 24 at which time staff will have the 'necessary information relative to their design Chairman Bahl opened the public hearing. Mr. Joe Moore, representing Rancho Disposal , stated that this was acceptable. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed . Motion. Moved.. by Toltoy, seconded by King, carried`, to continue this item to the; September 24, 1 980 meeting. 7:58 p.m. Commissioner Sceranka arrived. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - Revision to Residential , PUD, Manning and Administration Sections of the San Ber- nardino County Zoning'Ordinance as adopted' by the City of Rancho Cucamonga Barry Hogan, City Plannsr, reviewed the staff report, indicating that the changes made duringthe two study sessions on this ordinance have been in- corporated in this document . Further, that this ordinance affects the A - mistrative, Residential , PIED, and Parking sections, which have been,' expand- ed substantially in their scope. Mr. Hogan explained that a clean copy of this ordinance would be presented to the City Council for their review 'prior to adoption, in keeping with suggestions made at the Planning Commission workshop with a marked up cony available for Council 's review also. Commissioner King asked if there could be consistency between this ordinance and the Home Occupation Ordinance. Mr. Hogan replied that staff plans to take care of this situation during' the early part of next year:;. Discussion ensued on the Home Occupation Ordinance as it realtd to the Interim Zoning Ordinance with the consensus of the Commission to make mo- difications to it at a later date. Commissioner ScerRanka asked the ;City Attorney about newly adopted State legislation to allow mobilhomes on -1 property. The City Attorney replied that he was not aware that the legislation had passed. Planning Commission Minutes. -4- September 10,' 1980 Barry Hogan staged that the legislation had been adopted but not signed and explained the requirements and provisions of the Bill . Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the floor, the public Fearing was closed . Commissioner King stated that it was his opinion that a correction is neces- sary to the number of parking spaces required for multiple family dwelling units. Following discussion, Barry Hogan stated that clarification would be made to allow 2.2 spaces per dwelling unit, l space shall be in a garage' or carport and all others may be uncovered. Commissioner King commented that the new Zoning Ordinance should not be drafted without an exhaustive study to be sure that all provisions of the ordinance are reviewed. Commissioner Toltoy stated that the Interim Zoning Ordinance is fine for now; however, he hoped that when the permanent ordinance is adopted it will e more restrictive than the Interim Ordinance in some respects . Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimouslya, to recommend adoption of the Interim Zoning Ordinance by the City Council with the amendments as noted. DIRECTOR'S REPORTS CONDUCT OF VICTORIA PLAN MEETING Barry Hogan reviewed the procedure of the meeting stating that each Com- missioner sihuld have two documents relating to the Victoria Plan -_ the IR and the bound copy of the plan itself. Ira Hogan started that on Tuesday,' September 1'6, a brief; report would be given to the Commission that would include such items as circulation, drainage, grading, landscape, design, energy conservation, transportation, dwelling unit types, density, regional center, community buildings, offices, how the plan relates to growth ma- nagement and how it relates to the City. He stated that the Commission will be advised on haw it will operate relative to this document in years to come. A program will be presented to include the dates of meetings at which time these items will be discussed . < Mr. Hogan stated that once this is adopted, the Wm. Lyon Company will go to the next process of submitting a tentative tract 'map. The plan will not show zoning because it is contained within the planned community con- cept. Mr. Hogan advised that a, presentation will then be made by the Wm. Lyon Company which will be substantially abbreviated from the 'previous presentation. Mr. Hogan further advised that there will be a 'discussion period on each item but as yet the first project for discussion has not yet been selected . Planning Commission Minutes. September 10,' 1980 Mr. Hogan stated that with the exception of the traffic question on the Devore Freeway interchange, the Victoria Plan was essentially complete. He indicated that a traffic model has been run factoring in densities. Mr. Lam stated that this will be a full public hearing as it has been legally noticed as a public hearing. '' Further, that all property owners have been notified. Chairman Dahl stated that he hoped that everyone living in the City would try to attend this hearing. Commissioner Sceranka asked Mr. Hogan, that based on the format, what will the Commission be discussing on Tuesday? 'r. Hogan stated that it will be a broad overview of what he apprised the Commission of tonight. 'Further, a time line will he established so that everyone who wishes to attend the hearings can attend, and he suggested that the hearing dates be set wide from the regular Planning Commission meetings.' Mr. Hogan stated that the Commissioners will be given an update on the process prior to each hearing. GROWTH i MANAGEMENT UPDATE Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, advised that over the neat few months, in addition to other changes, the Planning Commission will be examining the Growth Management filings . Mr. Vairin indicated that of the 45 applications received, 23 are totally complete and ready for processing, 13 are incom- lete `with minor changes required relative to grading, drainage, etc. He stated that a letter would be sent to all applicants by the end of the week detailing what was yet required. Additionally, Mr. Vairin stated that 6 of the applications have General Plan problems and 3 of the applications have environmental problems. All of these will be brought before the Commission 'at their next meeting. Mr. Vairin stated that a rating system is being setup which will allow processing of the applications immediately. copy of the letter being sent to the applicants will be provided to the Commissioners. He further stated that staff will be contacting Commission members relative to the Design Review Committee meetings in conjunction with these applications . At the same time, hestated, staff is updating and improving the process for the December filing period Commissioner Sceranka asked if the number of filings during this period is comparable to; any ;period of County filings . Jack Lam indicated that in 1977, the County approved 460 dwelling units . and that in the month of August the City received 4000 units with a known IDDD units remaining to be filed during December. Mr. Lam also stated that staff is sure that there will be those developers who wanted to wait to see what happened with the August filing and as soon as there were approvals, they will submit some of their applications . Planning Commission Minutes ® - September 10, 1980 Michael Vairin stated, that those applications requiring modification would be given 14 days in which to bring them into conformance, Chairman Dahl stated that some submittals may not meet the point system and may have to refile at a later date. Jack Lam stated that of significant importance in the point rating is the requirement of a school letter. ' ON-AGENDA 'ITEMS Chairman Dahl asked if a meeting schedule for the various committees was available. Tim Deedl e, Senior planner, stated that a schedule was being made up and would be available the week of September 22. Commissioner Sceranka' asked what the status of the Street Naming and His- torical Committeosis . r. Lam stated that this has been referred to Bill Holley and that staff will check on the progress. There 'being no further discussion, it was ;moved by Rempel , seconded' by Tolst y, carried' unanimously, to adjourn to the Fiscal Task Force meeting September 13, 1980, ': D a .m. in the Lion"s Park Community Building. Respectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Secretary Planning Commsi sion Minutes -7- September 10, 1980 r� CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION/STAFF WORKSHOP Saturday, September C, 1980 Cal Poly Pomona This Planning Commission Staff workshop was held at the Kellogg West meeting facility of the Cal Pol -Pomona University on Saturday, Sept- ember C, 1980 at g*CU a.m. Following is an outline of the discussion that took place between the Planning Commission and staff members . I . OVERCOMING BARRIERS Discussed barriersto communication and why we should build communications, colleague support and how to compromise, A. Key Ingredients to Effective Communication Desire Desire to Receive (Feedback) Huddle - `dime Out t B. Hampering Communication Interpretation Confusion over moaning Screening out Poor Listening CONCLUSION: Need to overcome barriers and improve desire to communicate effectively. II. PERCEPTION N OF ROLES Planning Commission Staff Arbitrator highest level leadership' idealism judgement) adm imp, policy filter communication' input offer choices special interests educators seek the broader interest: special interests utopians laws/textbook 'eval j synthesize ideas technicians evaluate choices advisors compromise' negotiators balance interests policy implementor s common sense facilitators recognize property rights communicators advisors educator negotiators policymakers communicators Planning Commissiorit,-)taff Workshop September 6, 1980 Page Two CONCLUSION: Overall roles merge generally. That's why I e need to function as a team. We're in 'same boat together. III. PAYOFF FOR BUILDING TEAM Broader perspective better image P.R. productivity peace of mind - satisfaction common enthusiasm better relationships cohesiveness breakdown stereotypes rommanality of goals effectiveness empathy sense of belonging acceptance-responsibility consistency unity respect accomplishment - faster quality decisions minimal role playing ' education i CONCLUSION: There is value in becoming a team and snaking it work. IV. JOB FACILITY A. Staff Can Make Our Job Easier By: 1 re complete minutes . More concise oral reports 3`. No argument between staff and commissioners . More visual aids . Reevaluate way people are handled' over the desk (attitude) 6. When appeal is made, Commission's viewpoint communicated to City Council 7. When stuff goes to Council they should get a clean copy not with crossout , etc. B'. We should get clean copies of proposals g. No changes in conditions after project has ;gone through Commission. B. Commission Can Make Our Job Easier By: 1 . Participating more in public relations' 2. Being more prepared at Planning Commission meetings 3. Chock signals more often '. Check out complaints with staff prior to making ;judgements S. More professional conduct at meetings B. Rely on staff more . Recognize staff as professionals CONCLUSION: Team work can make both our ;gobs easier if we can rely on each other with mutual respect. Planning Commissii., ,taff Workshop September 6, 1980 Page Three V. ACCOMPLISHMENTS WE HAVE MADE - Framework for new city - Sign Ordinance - Interim Standards - Interim General Plan - Establish Design Review - General Plan Program - Set Foundation for residential growth - Clean upr, County files - Set staff up - Administrative procedures - Tree policy - Financial framework - Local Control - Begun public works program - Newer sophistication in planning over the County's planning - Made cohesive, three communities - Street standards - New flood control - Fee structure for improvements - Developed Capital Imrpovement Program - Street Specific Plan - Encourage Planned Communities - Reinforced good industrial planni,ng - Traffic Model V1. THINGS WE DO WELL - Staff guts - Excellent reports - P.C. can explain decisions - Excellent cooperation - Non-pol itical - Process plans quickly - Consistency in decisions - Good staff reports - Good County relationship - Understand broad concepts -Learn Quickly - Work Hard - Responsive to public VII . THINGS WE DO POORLY - Disseminate information - Public relations - Internal P.C. Communication - Establish priorities - Pick General Plan Consultants - Distribute information to Planning Commission - Feedback to staff - Communications between County and Commission - Don't understand important goals - Relate matching staff/resources to workload Planning Commission/Staff Workshop September 6, 190 Page Four III. THINGS WE NEED TO START DOING Coordinate m need to know the other department""s programs Establish priorities Find out other cities activities - Implementation program - Solidify communication and feedback system Define terms better - Take procedural sups to improve P.R. Publishing standards Set up timetable with Planning Commission session (goals) Establish meetings with City Council annually - Be more involved in education Meetings more hospitable Improve public image IX. THINGS WE WANT TO STOP DOING Stop allcoating staff time without examining priorities Stop rumors criticizing Staff/Commission Encourage details so that incident investigation can take place and corrections can be made X. GOALS/POLICIES All shopping center geared to foot traffic - More emphasis on natural resources - Vistas Trees Maintain human scale Softening parking lots Develop place where one can work/play/live Parks (neighborhood) emphasis Solutions impl ementabl e - Emphasize trails of all needs i .e. foot paths., bikes, equestrian;, etc'. Layout financial plan 'I - Convert l abi'lities into assets - Sensitivity to needs of total area n Take leadership for plann�. Wng , in est d Provide opportunity for dtfforent housing types Higher densities on appropriate sites (N . of City?) Look at project totality not just` isolated Evaluate rural road standards -Reevaluate goals as needed -Establish criteria for commercial development and land uses -Seek balanced land uses and develop criteria -Seek balanced/efficient circulation system -Establish parameters for' use of poorer -Develop new terminology other than Growth Management CONCLUSION: Goals too important and too large an issue to discuss in one-half hour. Need separate future meeting soon to bemoreall inclusive. T Planning Commission/Staff Workshop September 6, 1980 Rage Five The Planning Commission requested that these workshops e held more frequently and sug: este quarterly meetings RespecWSecre mi te , JACK Lar PLANNING WORK SCHEDULE 1980 gSl 1982 PRO s = x ' itii J 53 c 9 a tta0 0 4) (V ra 0. 0 W uv CURRENT PROJECTS General Plan Int. Z n¢ Ord. Ind. S e , Plan Fiscal Model COO Block Cnt. Housing it. Ind. 0i . : . �� LEGEND CIR Guidelines k. w/deb'. date Street Names Ongoing Work Victoria P.C. Intermit . Work Adult Poole C.M. Piling Pd. Store Ord. Condo Crane. Ord. Terra Vista P.C. NEW PROJECTS New Zoning Or d. a yin Prig. Hillside Oev. Stds. Design Review Handbook Study on Allowable Window Area Prn art faint, Ord. Re . Veh. Ord. New Tree Pies. Ord. CITY QF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING CQMISSION MEETING Aunt 277 1980 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of, the Planning Commission, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held in the Lipn�s Park Compunity Building, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cuc4w�nga, on Wednesday, August 2-7, 1980., Meeting was called to order at 7:00 ,m a , ed m in the.::pledge of hell, race, ROLL CALL PRESENT; COMMISSIONER$; Jeffrey, King, Jeff Sceranka, Herma,n Rempel, Peter Tol,.toy? Richard Dahl ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS': NdnEi ALSO RESENT; Tim Beedle, Senior Plannerli Ted Hopson, City Attorney j Jack Lam 1 ougor ,Director of Cor=_unj:ty�,,Deyeloj?r4enti Eau R eau, Seni Civil Eng:Weeri Miehael )14irin, Senior Planneri Joan, Kruse, Secretary, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Notion: Moved by "Rempel, seconded by Sceranka, carried, to approve the July 30, 1980 Miywtes, A ', CO(MIS-SWRERS: 'Bempel $ceranka, Tolstoy, Dahl, NOES COMMISSIONERS; None ABSENT; CO.MMI$$,IQNERS'; Nono ABSTATN; CQMMISRIQNERS; King Motion; Move,d by, Rempel, seconded by Pceranka, carried, to approve the August 5, 1980 Minutes.. AYES; CQKKISSIQNER,9; Re� el, Ccer4nka, Tolstoy,, Dahl NQE,52; CCU MKISSI-ONERS; None ABSENT: CQMMTS$TQNERS; None ABSTAIN: COI*4TSSIQNER$; King Motion; Moyed by King, seconded W BeXpel, carried unanimously,, to approve the August 13, 1980 Minutes., AYES, COMKT$SIQNERS; King, Rer4pel, Sceranka, Tolstoy, Dahl NOES; COMM TS$IQNE13S, None ABSENT; CQMMTSSIQM-,RS: None ANNOUNCEMENTS Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, stated that the City Council had set Saturday, September 13, 1980 as the date for a Fiscal Task Force Workshop. The meeting place would be announced at a lat,er date. Mr. Lam further stated that since the Fiscal Task Force concept was a recommendation of the Planning Commission, the City Council included the Planning Commission along with other members of the public in the workshop so that this issue could be thoroughly discussed before the City Council makes a final decision. Mr. Lam announced that there has been some discussion on the goals of the Plan- ning Commission now that there are two new members. Further, the addition of two new members to the Commission has changed its dynamics and it would be be- neficial to participate with staff in a workshop to discuss the roles of the Commission along with its goals. Mr. Lam indicated that tentatively, a work- shop has been set up at the Cal Poly Kellogg West facility on September 6, with the public invited to attend. The Commission concurred. CONSENT CALENDAR TIME EXTENSION FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NCB,_79-06 - A 200 unit apartment development located on the northwest corner of l9th and Ramona. Michael Vairin reviewed the staff report indicating that due to 'a, transfer in ownership with this development, the time for plan checks and plan preparation would soon expire. It was staff's recommendation that a six-month extension to April 21, 1981 be granted for Director Review No. 79-06 to the Fredericks Development Corporation. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, to ap- prove Staff's recommendation. PUBLIC HEARINGS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ZONE CHANGE C. 80-10 - WINEBROOK - A request for a change of zone from R-1 (single family residential) to R-3 (multiple family residential) for 4.27 acres located on the south side of 19th Street, West of Hellman - APN - 202-041-03 & 52. Michael Valrin, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report indicating that there were three options available for the Planning Commission and staff requested that the Commission provide staff with direction on this project . Michael Vairin stated that a letter had been received from Mr. Robert Knowles, 6758 Hellman, who objected to the zone change, stating it was not compatible with the R-1 single family zoning which presently exists and who further felt that it would lower property values. Commissioner Sceranka asked staff what the consultant's views were in not re- commeding this zone change. Michael Vairin explained that the consultant felt there could be other uses which might be better than this. Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes --2- August 27, 1980 Richard Justis, 9587 Arrow He. , the applicant, addressed. the Commission. He stated that a 0- it condominium was proposed for this site. Commissioner Tolstoy asked that, since this was a 'conceptual rendering that was being shown to the Commission, what kind of parking was proposed for this project and whether garages would be furnished for every condo unit. The applicant replied that there 'would not be a garage provided for every unit but that there would be adequate parking. Larry Bliss, 733 Heldman Avenue, addressed the Commission. He stated that the property owner shown on lot number 5 above 1. th Greet on the overhead projector, was in favor of this project and felt it wodld improve the area.. Commissioner Sceranka inquired about access and traffic problems that might be generated as a result of this project. The applicant stated that he felt that traffic might be improved by the widening of;lth Street. Mr. Saul Mendelson, 6790 Heldman, stated that he was apposed to this project because of increased traffic, the change of density and a depreciation in pro- perty value. Commissioner Sceranka asked staff about the status of widening lth Street": in conjunction with this project. Paul ftou ea.0 answered that it might take several, years due to the fact that lath Street is a, State ;Highway. Discussion ensued among the. Commission and staff relative to the: traffic impacts of this project and the completion of the D Mens Creek project by the Corps of Engineers. Commissioner Tolstsoy stated that he has some concerns about drainage e as well as density. He Felt that the applicant should, wait until the General Plan is threshed. out :to determine the density on this site. Commissioner ;King stated that his basic concern is the compatability of the area to;increased density. He indicated that he'would like to continue this item until after the General. Plan is completed. Commissioner Bempel started concern about only one way into thecul-de-sac on l th Street. He stated further, that he thought the traffic might be ;mitigated but felt there was a real problem with water and that the was area is not an easement. He felt that other than these concerns, the use of this site might be a goad one. Chairman Dahl agreed with Commissioner Rempel. Commissioner Sceranka stated that the General Plan process should be completed before making a. decision on the density. Motion: Moved by Sceranka, seconded by Hempel, carried unanimously, ;to con- tinue this item until. Decemter 24, 1980, at which time the General Plan will be completed. Planning Commission Minutes -3- August 27, 1980 SITE APPROVAL C. 80-12 - GALA FELLOWSHIP - A request to use approximately 4,000 square feet of building area within the Cucamonga Business Park located on the southwest corner of Arrow and Archibald for business offices and confe- rence areas in conjunction with the fellowship - M-1 Zone. APN 209-021-20. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. There being no questions of staff by the Commission at this time, Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing. Chairman Dahl asked the applicant if he wished to address the Commission. The applicant stated he was in accord with the staff report and so declined, Commissioner Tolstoy asked about church services in this facility and why they were not listed in the letter submitted. The applicant replied that their use is a teaching ministry and people who come to the church. are there to learn and bring a tablet and pencil with them so technically it is not a service. Commissioner Tolstoy asked staff whether this was an acceptable use in the M-1 Zone. Michael Vairin replied that because of pyramidal zoning in this area this is a use subject to conditions. Discussion ensued regarding the phrasing of the second paragraph in Section 2 of the Resolution which resulted in a change to include the word only in the second sentence. Motion: Moved by Sceranka, seconded by Rempel, carried unanimously, to ap- prove Site Approval No. 80-12, as amended. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Sceranka, Rempel, King, Tolstoy, Dahl NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None Commissioner Tolstoy went on record to state that this is not a proper use of M-1 zoning and hoped that the Planning Commission will not, in the future, al- low churches in an industrial. zone. He further stated that he did not like to dilute -uses in this manner and that this is an interimuse. 8:15 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed. 8:30 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Mr. Lam reviewed the staff report and the Subdivision Ordinance stating that all recent and past changes were incorporated into this document. He stated that the ordinance had been reviewed by the City, Attorney for internal con- sistency and legal verbiage and. that their suggestions for minor correction had been incorporated. Planning Commission Minutes -4- August 27, 1980 Commissioner Sceranka questioned the addition of the statement regarding solar access to section 1.401 . The City Attorney replied that this was a quote from the Subdivision Map Act. Further, that the design of a subdivision will: provide for future heating or cooling but will not reduce allowable densities. There was discussion regarding solar energy provisions and their consideration in subdivision filings. Mr. Lam stated that each entity could develop its own solar provisions but that a subdivision could not receive demerits if it lacked these provisions. Commissioner Sceranka stated that he hoped that there; would be a clear deter- mination for staff to know what is feasible and what is not. Lam replied that the policy of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is to en- courage solar energy and conservation, it is endorsed by the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce; however, there are presently no precise regulations for this. However, the Growth Management Flan will give extra points if devel- opers consider solar in their design but it does not relate to densities, Chairman Dahl opened the public hearingand asked... for comments. There being . none, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner :King 'stated that he would stand by his previous comments with regard to the Subdivision Ordinance as he felt the Cute Map Act should be adapted by reference; however, he; was in favor of the concept of the imple- mentations of the proposed ordinance. The City Attorney stated that he was satisfied with the ordnance in its entirety, the proposed ;ordinance is defensible and is a credit to staff as drafted... He felt ,that there were no material variances in the proposed ordinance. Lam stated that in presenting the ordinance, there might have been con- fusion about the term paraphrasing of the State Map Act. He indicated that a better choice of word would have been implement rather than paraphrase. Motion: Moved by Hempel, seconded by T'olstoy, carried to approve the Negative Declaration and the Subdivision Ordinance as amended. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Hempel;; Tolstoy, Scera.nka, Dahl NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: CCU ISSION HS: None ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: King Commissioner King explained his abstention was based on the potential for legal questions. NEW BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND EXTENSION OF GENERAL PLAN Jack Lam reviewed the staff report indicating that what was before the Planning Commission is the Environmental Assessment for the extension of` -time in submit- ting the General Plan to the Stale Office of Planning and. Research. Mr. Lam continued-that only one extension is allowed. and a request for an 8-month Planning Commission Minutes - -- August 27, 1980 extension was being made although the General Plan is expected to be completed within the next few months. Motion: Moved by Sceranka, seconded, by King, carried unanimously, to approve the Negative Declaration and recommend that the City Council adopt a resolu- tion requesting a time extension on the submittal of the General Plan, STANDARD CONDITIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT Jack Lam reviewed the staff report and stated that staff had prepared a ten- tative condition approval list to be used in residential projects. He further stated that the Builders Industry Association had been provided with a list and their input would be received before the final list came before the Plan- ning Commission. Mr. Lam asked the Commission to review the list of Standard Conditions of Approval for residential development and make their comments for additions, changes or deletions. Chairman Dahl asked if anyone in the audience wished. to comment on this. Mr. Ken Willis, representing the BIA made a, number of comments relative to the Standard Conditions of Approval. The Planning Commission also provided staff with direction on the list provided and requested that a revised list be prepared for the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. 10:10 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed. 10:20 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened DIRECTOR REPORTS PLANNING DIVISION WORK PROGRAM Mr. Jack Lam reviewed the staff report which explained the current and advance planning aspects of the Planning Division and its relation to the work load of the Department. lie asked that the Planning Commission study the activities that are currently on-line so that an effective work program might be established to meet the desires of the Commission, Following brief discussion, it was determined that -this would be discussed at the upcoming Planning Commission Staff workshop. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Moved by Sceranka, seconded by Rempel, carried unanimously, to adjourn at 10:24 p.m. Respectfully L d JACK LAM,- §e-t:k t a a Planning Commission Minutes -6- August 27, 1980 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Auqust 13, 1980 ReqUlar Meeting CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held in the Lien"s Park Community Building, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, August 13, 1980. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Dahl , who led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Jeffrey. King, Jeff Sceranka, Herman Rempel , Peter Tolstoy, Richard Dahl ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None ALSO PRESENT: Tim Beedle, Senior Planner; Barry Hogan, City Planner; Ted Hopson, City Attorney; Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer; Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Michael Vairin, Senior Planner; Joan Kruse, Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Rempel , carried, to approve the Minutes of July 9, 1980. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: TOLSTOY, REMPEL, SCERANKA, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: KING Motion: Moved by Rempel , seconded by Sceranka, carried, to approve the Minutes of July 23, 1980. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, SCERANKA, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSI"ONERS: ONE ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: KING, TOLSTOY Motion: Moved by Rempel , seconded by Tolstoy, carried, to approve the Minutes of March 26, 1980. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, TOLST Y, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS. KING, SCERA KA ANNOUNCEMENTS Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, indicated that there would be a special Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, September; 16, 1980, in the Lon's Park Community Building to review the program for the Victoria submittal . Mr. Lam advised that a revised list had been placed before the Commissioners which showed the committees upon which they served. Chairman Dahl announced that he had received a letter from Mayor Schlosser requesting that a Planning Commission representative be appointed to the Build Essential Schools Today Committee. Motion: Moved by Rempel , seconded by Scerana, carried unanimously, to appoint Commissioner Peter Tolstoy as the representative to the BEST Committee. AYES. COMMISSIONERS: REMEL, SCERANKA, KING TOLSTOY, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried- CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Rem el indicated that he had a problem with Item B of the Consent Calendar but had since met with Staff and they were in accord that Recommendation No. 3, mitigating measures, be changed to read preliminary rather than final grading plan be submitted for approval . Mr. Lary stated that .Staff concurred with this change. Commissioner Toltoy indicated that it had been his request that this item be removed from a prig agenda and placed on this agenda. ` He commended Staff for an excellent job on this item. Motion: Moved by Remel , seconded by King, carried unanimously, to approve the Consent Calendar: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 8 - B W SIMPSO The development of a 62,400 sq. ft. industrial building on 8.6 acres in the M-2 Zone located at 8876 Vincent Avenue - APN 209- 141- 7. Planning Commission Minutes - - August 13, 1980 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF PARCEL MAP NO. 6130 SAVAGE - A residential subdivision of 1 .95 acres of land in the R-1 0,000 zone into 3 parcels located on the east side of Mayberry Avenue, north of Wilson Avenue - APN 1-111-36 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80- 8 - CUIDERA - The development of two ria ui d indust bings T—ot-al—ing 28,000 sq. ft. in the M-R 'zone located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, south of Arrow Highway - APN 9-151-01 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: RE PEL, KING, SCERANA, TOLSTOY, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS. NONE -carried- PUBLIC HEARINGS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ZONE CHANCE NO. 80-08 - DEASON AND ASSOCIATES INC.- A zone change from R-1 Single Family Residential to A-P Administrative Prof es- sional for the development of a 30,000 sq. ft. professional office complex on 1.84 acres of land located on the west side of Archibald,; south of Devon - APN 8-801-39 & 40 Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report® He indicated that the applicants are requesting a change in zoning from R-1 to A-P. He further stated that the interim and proposed land use plan indicates the subject property and frontage along Archibald Avenue as office/professional use. It was staff"s recom- mendation that the Planning Commission consider all information and material r°e- lative 'to this request and if the Commission concurs, their a motion be made to adopt a Resolution recommending approval of the zone change to the City Council . Following questions by the Commission relative to the zoning designations, Chair- man Dahl opened the public hearing. He asked if there was anyone present in favor of this zone change. Mr. Sam Page, representing the applicant at 9275 Archibald Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, came forward. He stated that the applicant was in agreement with the staff recom- mendation on this ,zone change. He further stated that it was compatible with the residential zoning which surrounded it and the plan would provide adequate buffering to the residential area. Mr. Janes Woodside, 9679 Devon Avenue, who lives directly north of the proposed site, stated that it would be a credit to the area. Commissioner Repel asked Mr. Woodside what type of wall he would prefer to see around the site. Mr. Woodside answered that his preference would be a; six-foot block wall Darlene Ironside 833 Klusman, whose property was in back of the proposed site stated that she was definitely in favor of it. No one spoke in opposition to this project and the public hearing on this item was closed Planning Commission Minutes -3- August 13, 1980 4 Commissioner Sceranka asked staff what the procedure would be to save the trees that were presently on this site. Michael Vairin explained that staff was working with the applicant to save those trees that would add character to the area and were in the best health. He stated that three large palm trees and a walnut tree would be preserved on the property. Commissioner King indicated that he had one concern as it relates to Archibald Avenue* He stated that just looking at the preliminary site plan he felt that there should be more than one entry and exit onto Archibald Avenue as a safety factor, Michael Vairin replied that the one drive approach is the result of past policy decision by the Planning Commission in limiting access points to parcels onto major highways and secondary roads. Commissioner Tolstoy asked Commissioner Rempel to define screen walls for the benefit of people in the audience. Following an explanation of screen walls and their uses by Commissioner Rempel , it was moved by Rempel , seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. -41 , 'recommending approval of the zone change; to the City Council.. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 0-01 *E.L.S. CORP. - The development of a theme retail center on 3.25 acres in the C-2 zone to be located on the southeast corner of Ramona and Foothill Boulevard APN 208-301- 0 , 03 04 & 05 Michael Vairin, Senior Planner reviewed the staff report. e indicated that the applicants responded to recommendations of the Design Review Committee by adding more wood trim around the service stores in the retail buildingand providing additional landscaping at t o f nd f p_ g _ the o the retail building. Following st ' report, Commissioner Tolstoy asked that since the project would cut off the frontage road and there would be different egress for traffic than if traffic went all the way through to Ramona, if staff foresaw any problems with this.. Paul Roueau, Senior Civil Engineer, stated that there would be no problem and that this wou,ld be a better solution. Mr. Tellis Hargrave, 4131 Yorba Tustin, spoke for the applicant and stated that the owners of this property have been working with the owners of the property next to it arid were in the process of abandoning the whole frontage road. He further stated that this would alleviate the traffic problem. Mr. Hargrave also stated that he had no problems with the staff report and had been working with staff, so was in concurrence with most of the recommendations. Mr. Hargrave stated, however, that he dad have a problem with Item G in the conditions. He requested that the time limitation be extended to 18 months from the 12 months that was presently in the condition. There was considerable discussion by the Commission on whether the time limitation should be extended to '13 months: Following this discussion, Chairman Dahl opened the public: hearing. He asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor of this project. Planning Commis.siwon Minutes -4- August 13, 1980 dli No one spoke. He then asked if there was anyone opposed to this project. Mrs. Grace Rosella, 9872 Hampshire, addressed the Commission. She stated that she was not really against the project, however, she lived right in back of the proposed site and she asked several questions about the restaurant, the hours it would be open and whether liquor would be served. Her concern was the noise that would result from this project. She stated that she was also concerned about the two-story building that was proposed on the site and the potential loss of privacy because of people being able to look into the back yards. Arlene Bustamonte, 8182 Ramona Avenue, addressed the Commission. She stated that basically she was not opposed to the proposed shopping center, however, she voiced some concerns with the two-story office building that is proposed. Additionally, she stated that she felt that the City of Rancho Cucamonga has too many plazas and hoped that there would be enough business to support it so it doesn't fail , resulting in vacant shops. Mr. Harry Schnell , 9844 Hampshire, addressed the Commission. He asked for clarification of an entry way. Staff advised that it was not an entry way but just a space between buildings. Lydia Snow, 9844 Hampshire, addressed the Commission. She stated that her concern was the noise that might result from this project. Mr. Frank Arayla, 9757 Devon, addressed the Commission. He stated that he was not opposed to the project but was concerned about drainage as there presently is a problem with flooding in the area. Linda Alaya, 9757 Devon, also stated that she was concerned with the possible flooding that might result from this project. Mr. Hargrave again addressed the Commission. He stated that the type of restaurant that would be located in this facility would not remain open until 2:00 a.m. He further stated that the two-story office building would contain windows that would not face into surrounding back yards., Following discussion by the Planning Commission, it was moved by Rempel , sec- onded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to approve Resolution No. 80-42, amending it to include additional landscaping to the building on the south side and extending the time limit for the issuance of building permits to 18 months. 8:20 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed. 8:35 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Mr. Lam stated that at the present time the Subdivision Ordinance was being reviewed by the City Attorney's Office. This matter would be continued to the next meeting at which time staff would recommend adoption to the City Planning Commission Minutes -5- August 13, 1980 -6- Council . Mr. Lair recommended continuing the public hearing to August 27. He further stated that input had been requested from the BIA, Chamber of Commerce, and Board of Realtors by August 10; however, at the present time there has been no written communication on this item. Motion`: Moved by Remel , seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, to continue this item to the August 27 Planning Commission meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - Revision to Residential , PUD Planning and Administration Sections of the San Bernardino County Zoning Ordinance as adopted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga:` Mr. Lair reviewed the staff report and requested that the Planning Commission continue this item to the September 10, 180 meeting, at which time it would be presented for them approval Motion: Moved by Sceranka, seconded by Rempel , carried unanimously, to continue this item and the public hearing to the September 10, 1980 meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR SITE APPROVAL NO. 0-0 - RANCHO DISPOSAL The development of a truck and equipment storage yard on 2.0 acres within the M_ zone. Located at 8908 Hyssop. M . Jack Lary reviewed the staff report and indicated that the applicant has submitted revised site plans to staff which were transmitted to the County Enviromental Health Division. He further stated that the County Environmental Health Division is in' the process of reviewing :the plans and will be re- sponding shortly. It was staff's recommendation that this item be continued to September 10, 1980 to allow adequate response time .from agencies reviewing this project, Chairman Daryl opened the public hearing r. Joe Moore, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and indicated that the applicant hoped that there would be no further continuance of this item. Mr. Moore indicated that the water that would be used in washing the vehicles ' would go into a clarifier and then into a septic holding tank which he felt would preclude problems with the later Quality Control Board. Following Mr. Moore' s remarks, Mr. Lam reminded the Commission that this item had previously been brought before then but discrepancies were disclosed at that meet- ing which have not yet been fully resolved. There was further discussion among the Commission and applicant relative to land- scaping requirements and the necessity of the applicant's appearance before the Design Review Committee. Planning Commission Minutes - - August 1 , 10 - _ Motion: Moved by Sceranka, seconded by Rempel , carried unanimously, that this item be continued to the September 10 Planning Commission meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. -17 - ANDERS N ® The development of a rental mobilehome park on approximately 19 acres of land located on the east side of Vineyard Avenue approximately 600 feet south of Foothill Boulevard. Michael Vairin, Senior planner, reviewed the staff report. He stated that the applicant has worked with staff to mitigate any problems that may occur; however, there were two areas of concern remaining;' The issue of buffering from Vineyard Avenue; and the issue of drainage. There were questions from the Commission relative to the amendment of lot sizes within the mobilehome park to accommodate recreational vehicles, and the' pre- servation of windrows. Chairman Dahl opened the public 'hearing. Mr. Jack king of Jos. E. Denhan 'and Associates, representing Arnold Anderson, addressed the Commission. He stated that the applicant still has a problem with the landscaping and the requirement for a retaining wall . He further stated that it was their opinion that from a security and safety standpoint, the requirement for a wall as high as are set down in the conditions would create problems. He also cited the cost of construction as a factor. Chairman Dahl asked if there was anyone who wished to speak in favor of this project. o one spoke. Chairman Dahl asked if anyone was opposed. to this project. Mr. Henry Reiter, Newport Beach, addressed the Commission. He stated that every- one was familiar with the flooding that occurs on Hellman Avenue and expressed his concern that allowing additional drainage to run down Hellman would have an effect on property near Arrow. There was discussion wrong the Commission relative to the necessity of a storm drain system to carryaway 'heavy storm water. Discussion ensued relative to landscaping, walls, and meandering sidewalks. Commissioner Remoel suggested meandering sidewalks for this project along Vineyard Avenue. Following discussion, it was moved by Sceranka, seconded by Tolstoy, carried, ;to approve Resolution No. 0-4 , amending it to include the addition of meandering sidewalks, and the change to condition L6 regarding drainage. Commissioner ding voted no ,on this item stating that it was not his philosophy to require meandering sidewalks as a condition of approval . He further Mated that it would be 'nice if it could be worked in but did not feel it should be required. Planning Commission Minutes ' - - August 1 , 1980 -8- Commissioner Rempel stated that this is typical of what the Commission is doing in all areas DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79-58 Proposed elevations for Security Pacific National Bank request for review and approval of the exterior design of the previously approved site plan including a Bank facility totaling 7,500 sq. ft. located within a pro- fessional office complex on the north side of Base Line, west of Archibald., Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report, recommending that the Commission approve the exterior building elevations for the Security Pacific National Bank, Motion: Moved by Rempel , seconded by Sceranka carried unanimously, to approve Director Review No. 79-58: DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 7' ®50 - REITER - A site plan revision to a previously approved industrial development on 17.5 acres of land known as Phase II of the Cucamonga Business Park, generally located on the southwest corner of Arrow and Archibald. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report,, stating that the applicant is proposing to revise Phase II to replace buildings 11 , 12, and 13 with a two-story building totaling approximately 40,000 sq ft. designated as an industrial office building. It was recommended that the playa revision be approved as submitted and that all conditions applicable to the original approval be applied to this revision. Follow ing Staff s report, g epo , Mr. Henry Reiter, the applicant stated that he is not sure he will b getting t 7 s tenant andwanted to knew if he deeds to back step with this J P,.ro ect 7f he would be able to do so _ Staff explained that if this were the case, the change in plans would require the applicant's appearance again before the Commission, so the applicant would have an opportunity to change his plans if it were required to do so. Motion; Moved by Rempel , seconded by ding, carried unanimously, to approve this item. RECOMMENDATION ON USE OF FLAGS FOR LAND LEASE OR SALE PURPOSES Mr. Lard stated that this item had come up some time before relative to the leasing; of an industrial development. Mr. Lam further stated that the current Sign Ordi- nance does not allow Tags, Mr. Lam indicated that the Design; Review Committee had studied the issue and recommended that flags be permitted on industrial and residential developments subject to certain criteria, and requested that if the Planning Commission concurs with the recommendation of the Design Review Com- mittee, it should direct staff to prepare an ordinance amendment to allow flags subject to those conditions. Discussion ensued among the Commissioners Planning Commission Minutes ®8 August 13, 1980 Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he was against allowing flags to be used for , advertising purposes as it tended to create a circus effect. He suggested instead that other advertising means be effected as is done in the City of Brea where a piece of sculpture is used instead. He further stated that; the Fox Hollow development used the American flag and State of California flag to be flown near their~ project. Mr. Henry Reiter , a developer, stated that he would be in favor of something of this type and felt that other developers would like to do it also. Motion: Moved by Rem el , seconded by Sceranka, carried, to recommend an amendment to the Sign Ordinance to allow use of flags for advertising con- sistent with the Design Review Committee' s recommendation'. Commissioner Tolstoy was opposed and :voted no for his stated reason. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Dahl requested that the Commission direct staff to review the Sign Ordinance as it relates to window signs. He stated that he had driven through the City and found that approximately 85 percent of the signs that appear: in windows violate the S, percent window_space rule. Chairman Dahl further requested that the Chamber of Commerce provide data on whether businessmen in the community approved the present Sign Ordinance and the restrictions on window signs. There was considerable discussion among the Commissioners on the interpretation of the ordinance to allow advertising. The consensus of the Commission was that the original intent of the Sign 'Ordinance was to permit signs for identification of businesses and that any advertising resulting from that signing was a secondary use Motion; Moved by Sceranka seconded by King, carried unanimously, to direct staff to review the Sign Ordinance. ADJOURNMENT' Motions Moved by Rempel , seconded by Sceran a carried unanimously, to adjourn t 10: 0 pare Respectfully bran d, f w JACK LAM, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes - - August 1 , 190 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING August 5, 1980 Study Session CALL TO IORDFR The study session of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held in the Lion's Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Tuesday, August 5, 1980. Meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairman Dahl . ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Dahl , , Rempel , Tolstoy, and Sceranka ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: none ALSO PRESENT: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Barry K. Hogan, its Planner; Jeff King, new Commissioner not yet appointed. Mr. Lam made opening comments regarding the Zoning Ordinance, reiterating the fact that this is only an interim ordinance and should be considered as such. At the time the General Plan is adopted sometime in November of this year, Staff will be bringing back a full Zoning Ordinance implementing the goals and policies of the General Plan. Chairman Dahl wished it stated for the record that the Interim Zoning Ordinance will not apply to the first round of filings in August on the Growth Management System. Mr. Hogan then began the review of the Ordinance with the Commission, starting where they left off last time, at the Planned Development Combining District. As Mr. Hogan discussed the changes in the Planned Development District, the issue came up of whether or not mobilehome subdivisions and mobilehome condo- miniums should be a permitted use within the Planned Development Combining District. Much discussion ensued regarding the subject and it was agreed that staff would draft a letter requesting information and input from the Chamber of Commerce, the BIA, Board of Realtors, Lewis Homes, Arnold Anderson. and Doug Gorgen, regarding mobilehome condominiums and mobilehome subdivis,ions. After the information had been gathered and the work being done by the staff's Planning Aide had been completed, staff would set up a study session in the future in which to go over all the information. Mr. Hogan continued with the discussion of the Planned Development zone and the remaining zones and regulations proposed for change in the Interim Zoning Adjourned Meeting ow August 5, 190 Page Ordinance. The Planning Commission agreed that this item should not be heard at the August 13 meeting but continued to September 10, at which time all of the revisions and corrections in the ordinance should be made and presented to the Planning Commission for their~ review by Mr. Hogan. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted, jf r* r JACK LAM, Secretary JLc CITY OF RANCHO 'CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING July 30, 1980 Adjourned Meeting CALL TO ORDER; The adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held in the Library Conference room, 9161 Base Line Read, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, July BO, 1980. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Dahl . ROLL CALL PRESENT. COMMISSIONERS. Laura Jones, Herman Rempel , Jeff Scerank , Richard Dahl ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS® Peter Telstoy (Excused) ALSO PRESENT: Barry Hogan, City Planner; Michael Vairin, Senior Planner; Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Lloyd Hubbs City Engineer; John Martin, Assistant Civil Engineer; Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, Joan Kruse, Secretary Director of Community Development, Jack Lam, stated that copies of the Su - division Ordinance had been provided to the Chamber of Commerce, Board of Realtors and'D. I A. prior to this meeting. Mr. Lam continued, that each year the State makes revisions to the Subdivision Map Act and, in all cases, the State Law prevails. The purpose of this adjourned meeting, he stated, is to present theCity`s own Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Lam explained that the ordinance establishes the local review procedure, however, no modifications to the present review procedures are proposed. Mr. Lam continued that the Subdivision Ordinance is taking the form of a "cook book" approach. That: is, it will have all necessary information contained within one document: The document will be lengthy, but will be an effective tool for the Planning Commission, general public and planning staff, to utilize. Following Mr. Lam's remarks, City Attorney, Dougherty, stated that his opinion about the form of the Subdivision Ordinance was totally different from that of Mr. Lam. He stated further that he did not believe that the function of the Subdivision Ordinance is to republish the State Subdivision Map Act. The City Attorney also stated that there are continual revisions to the Subdivision Ordinance which require publication of changes on an annual basis . Further, that the cost of publication would be expensive. Mr. Dougherty also cited differences between the Subdivision Map Act and the Subdivision; Ordinance as prepared by the City's Planning Department. He felt that 'changing the language to be understood by most people reading the document might allow' for different interpretations than those set down in the State Subdivision Map Act. Mr. Lam then stated that the purpose of this study session was to review the Subdivision Ordinance. Further, that the definitions as they were set down in the Subdivision Ordinance have been sent to the City Attorney's Office for review, as it is their job to review ordinances to be sure that their context was correct. Mr. Lam stated that the Subdivision Ordinance is needed by the City in order to operate in a more efficient manner. There was discussion among the Commission relative to cost comparisons of publication of the Subdivision Ordinance in this form as opposed to the skeleton ordinance that the City was presently using. Chairman Dahl asked staff what the percentage of repitition is in the document compared to the State Map Act. Mr. Lam stated that about 90 percent of the document is repeated from the State Map Act. Chairman Dahl then indicated that he would like to have input from developers on this. Mr. Ralph Lewis stated that as a developer, he likes the form that the new Subdivision Ordinance is taking. Mr. Ken Willis, representing the B. I. A. , stated that other cities in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties use an inclusive ordinance document such as the proposed Subdivision Ordinance. It was his opinion that the all inclusive document saves a lot of time and eliminates confusion. Commissioner Rempel indicated that the document must be correct and in layman's terms felt that the form the proposed document is taking is practical . Further discussion ensued between the City Attorney, Director of Community Development, and the Planning Commission. The consensus of the Planning Commission was that the cook book approach would be the most useful document to have. Following the discussion on what format the Subdivision Ordinance was to take, the Planning Commission continued in their review of the ordinance. There was considerable discussion relative to the expirations and extensions given to conditional approvals of a tentative map. It was determined by the Planning Commission that expirations shall take place 18 months from the date of adoption of the resolution by the Planning Commission approving or con- ditionally approving the map. In the case of time limits of extensions, the approved extension was changed not to exceed an additional 24 months from the 18 months that had originally been proposed in the Subdivision Ordinance, Following discussion on expiration and extensions, Mr. Lam stated that the Subdivision Map Act now requires that the Planning Commission hold a public hearing prior to their approving subdivisions. There being no further discussion on the proposed Subdivision Ordinance, the Planning Commission recessed at 9:00 p.m. 9:00 P.M. The Planning Commission recessed. 9:1 5 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened. City Planner, Barry Hewn, rude a' presentation to the Planning Commission relative to the Interim Zoning Ordinance and the proposed amendments. Discussion among the Planning Commissioners and developers in the audience relative to the Interim Zoning Ordinance centered primarily on the difference in set backs. There was also some discussion on the size requirements for horse property and set back requirements. It was the;consensus that staff would prepare some examples and exhibits relative to the set backs for the next study session. Following considerable discussion by staff and the developers relative to set bads and the ;space to be required between lot lines, the Planning Commission adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. 11 :00 p.m. The Planning Commission adjourned; esp ct 'ul l s bmi tte Jack Lam, Secretary CITY CAE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING July 23 1980 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held in the Lion's Park Community Center, 9161 Ease Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, July 23, 1980. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Dahl at 7:03 p.m. followed by the pledge to the flag ROLL'CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Laura Jones, Herman Rempel, Jeff S eranka, Richard Dahl ABSENT: CO SSIONERS: Peter Tol.s toy, ALSO PRESENT: Harry Hogan, City Planner; Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Ted Hopson, City Attorney; Michael Vairin, Senior Planner Tim Beedl.e, Senior Planner; Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer; Joan Kruse, Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Moved ,by Rempel, seconded by Sc rank , carried unanimously, to approve the June 25 1950 minutes as submitted. ACES: COMMISSIONERS: Rempel, SceranRa, Jones, Dahl NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Nano ABSENT: Cs ISSIONERS:' Tolestoy ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Dahl Mated that Commissioner Laura Jones was retiring from the Commission on August 1, He stated that her lass would e felt by; the Commission and. the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and requested that the Commission adopt a Resolution commending her for her service® Motion: Moored by Rempel, seconded by Sc,erank , carried unanimously, to adopt this Resolution; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Rempel, Sceranka, Jones, Dahl NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Tolstoy Mrs. Jones was commended by the Commissioners for her untiring effort on behalf of the Planning Commission and for a job well done. A framed Resolution was presented to Mrs. Jones. Chairman Dahl advised that a new Commissioner, Mr. Jeffrey King, an attorney, had been appointed to replace Mrs. Jones on the Commission effective August I. Mr. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, advised the Commission of a letter received from a citizen relative to the number of shopping centers and provided a copy as information to the Planning Commission. Chairman Dahl stated that the following changes would take place on the various Planning Commission Committees: CAC - Tolstoy, Sceranka, Rampel, Alternate The reason for this change was that the representation of Jeff Sceranka on this committee would have constituted a quorum of the Commission on the Committee. Flood Control - Jeff King, Alternate Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee - Jeff King, Jeff Sceranka Chairman Dahl asked if there were any objections to these appointments. There being none, it was moved by Dahl, seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, that these appointments be made. Commissioner Rempel stated that the appointments to the Street Naming Committee remained to be acted upon. Chairman Dahl advised that he did not wish to make appointments to this Committee until the staff completes the Ordinance for review by the Planning Commission. Chairman Dahl also requested that the Historical Committee provide a list of names for the review of the Commission to be used in naming new streets in the community. Commissioner Rempel cited the urgency in acting on a street naming policy prior to growth management filing. Discussion among the Commis§ion ensued. Jack Lam stated that a draft ordinance has been, prepared and was available for review. Discussion ensued on whether a committee should be formed to review street names prior to review of the street naming ordinance. Planning Commission Minutes -2- July 23, 1980 Motion: Moved by Sceranka, seconded by Jones, that the Historical Commission prepare a listing of possible street names to be used in conjunction with the Street Naming Ordinance. Commissioner Rempel said he would vote no on this motion stating that he still has a problem with getting a list of names without an established system. Further discussion ensued with the consensus that the ordinance review and provision of names by the Historical Commission be done concurrently. Motion: Moved by Jones, seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, that Commissioners Dahl and Rempel be named to the Street Naming Committee. CONSENT CALENDAR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80-15 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - MOUNTAIN VIEW BUILDERS, INC. - The construction of an Industrial Building to be located on the southeast corner of Pecan and Arrow Route - APN 229-171- 06,07,08 DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80-20 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - JOHN D. LUSK - The development of 85,000 sq. ft. of industrial space on 4®6 acres in the M-2 zone located on the northwest corner of 4th and Haven. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS N <OF PARCEL MAP NO. 6175 - LYLE AND ANN BENTON - residential subdivision of 2.62 acres into four parcels within the R-1 zone located at 9611 Hillside Road APN 1061-531-01. Motion: Moved by Jones, seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, to approve the Consent Calendar, PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Community Development Director, Jack Lam, reported that the ordinance being reviewed by the Commission at this meeting had been provided to the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Realtors for their review. He further indicated that he would like the Planning Commission to review this ordinance and indicate how they would like it considered before going to public hearing. Mr. Lam stated that staff has asked interested groups to provide any comments they may gave relative to the ordinance prior to August 10 and to also indicate their interest in participating in a study session. Mr. Lam advised that there is one significant change to the Subdivision Map Act, that being the requirement of a public hearing for approval of subdivision maps. Following discussion of possible dates for a study/work session, it was determined that Wednesday, July 30, <1980, at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Conference Room be set as the time and place for review of the Subdivision Ordinance. Planning Commission Minutes -3- July 23, 1980 City Attorney Hopson stated that his office had not yet reviewed the ordinance; however, it appeared that it recapitulates the State Law. He further indicated that a local ordinance does not control as it is superseded by State law. City Attorney Hopson stated that it was the opinion of his office that a skeleton ordinance was better than providing so lengthly a document and cited the costs that would be incurred through changes and the required publications. He stated that even if it was more difficult to work with, it was his feeling to leave the State law where it is and deal with the local ordinance. Mr. Lam stated <that he knew that the State law changes each year but other jurisdictions having a comprehensive ordinance make revisions to it only once or twice a year. The value of a comprehensive ordinance, be said, was in having all the needed information in one place. It was a "cook book" approach, and it was felt that it is better to have this type of ordinance. INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE - Revision to Residential, POD, Planning and Admini tration Sections of the San Bernardino County Zoning Ordinance as adopted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Jack Lam provided background to the existing zoning ordinance indicating that because the General Plan, is nearing completion a new zoning ordinance has not been introduced. He further indicated that modifications would be made primarily to the residential sections due to the new filings which would begin on August 1 , but was not asking the Commission for adoption but for review and study. Mr. Barry Hogan, City Planner, apprised the Commission of the changes in the proposed Interim Zoning Ordinance, indicating that sections R-1, R-2, R-3, the Parking and PUD areas would be altered. He also stated that lot set backs would be changed in accordance with lot size. Chairman Dahl opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Chairman Dahl indicated that there would be a work/study session on this item at 7:00 p.m® , on Wednesday, July 30, 1980, in the Library Conference Room. NEW BUSINESS LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR DAON BARTON - PHASE I Senior Planner, Michael Vairin, reviewed the staff report and recommended that the Planning Commission approve the landscape plans for Daon/Barton Phase I subject to the inclusion of landscape planters in front of the screen walls indicated on the landscape plans. Motion: Moved by Jones, seconded by Sceranka, carried unanimously, to approve this item. DIRECTOR REPORTS EIR'S REVIEW PROCESS Jack Lam advised that in the near future, the Planning Commission will PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES -4- July 23, 1980 be getting into the review process of EIR's and felt it important that the Commission know how they should be adopted and implemented. Barry Hogan, City Planner discussed the EIR process indicating the State's guidelines and how the EIR's should be approved. Mr. Hogan further stated that soon the Commission would have before them the EIR's for the General Plan, Victoria Planned Community and the Terra Vista Planned Community. Mr. Hogan indicated that if the Commission felt that applicants satisfy the requirements in addressing noise, traffic, etc. , that an EIR should not be asked for. However, if there are problems that need to be addressed, an EIR would be a proper vehicle to use. GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND CONSISTENCY WITH PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, apprised the Commission of the new procedure for accepting applications for residential development in the City under the City's Growth Management Review Process. Mr. Vairin indicated that applications would come in different forms, depending on its type, and would require different review processes. Mr. Vairin informed the Commission of the filing period, the hours that applications would be accepted, and the way that the projects would be grouped to prevent the establishment of priorities. After the review of the projects and the grouping of them, staff will prepare resolutions for final adoption by the Commission at one meeting. It was anticipated that this would be done in November, following the Planning Commission's review. Mr. Vairin indicated that another major concern was the implementation of the growth management process and how the Commission would act on approving various projects. He explained what the requirements are under the growth management procedure. Mr. Lam reiterated that there would be no established priority system for approval of the applications and indicated that all applications would be approved in one resolution. The mandatory criteria of a letter from the school districts and the water district indicating available capacity prior to approval of a final map was explained as being necessary before any final map can be approved. 8:30 P.M. The Planning Commission recessed. 8:40 P.M. The Planning Commission reconvened. Community Development Director, Jack Lam, stated that the Citizens Advisory Committee has been working on a draft of the General Plan and that it would be desirable for everyone to have the same 'base of understanding of the General Plan. He indicated that Tim Beedle, Senior Planner, had prepared an overview of the General Plan and would present this report to the Commission. Planning Commission Meeting -5- July 23, 1980 Tim Beedle provided the background and history of the General Plan process detailing the involvement of community groups in the process. He advised of the work the various consultants had done to finalize the General Plan document. In answer to the Commission's questions regarding community priorities, Mr. Needle indicated that interest lies in parks and recreation, a theme for the three distinctly different communities, and land use. Discussion ensued among the Commissioners relative to community goals, the quality of life and the General Plan as a tool to provide what, the community wants. Commissioner Rempel asked when the process on the General Plan would begin. Tim Beedle stated that the traffic section was now being modeled and the figures sent to the consultant. After the traffic consultant forwards the figures to the General Plan consultant, this portion as well as the energy conservation portion will be incorporated into the draft and will conclude the process. Mr. Beedle stated that staff should be reviewing the General Plan by the end of August or the first of September and the document will be available at the end of September for the public and the hearing process in October. The Commission discussed the importance of community agreement in the General Plan. Barry Rogan advised of the importance of the Zoning Ordinance as a tool in the control of proper development. He' further advised that the zoning ordinance would not come before the commission until the General Plan is completed. Councilman Jim Frost addressed the Commission and spoke of the Etiwanda area and the divergence of community interests that exist in this one area. He indicated that it was important to get community input but injected a word of caution that it is important to do what is best for the community. He stated that he was personally working on the development of a meeting in the Etiwanda area to receive input and would be communicating an invitation very shortly. Mr. Joe Dilorio addressed the Commission and stated that cluster development is a future consideration to retain the open look of the area. He further indicated that he thought the Etiwanda area would develop into half acre tracts and that an analysis of the area was needed to protect the uniqueness of the area. Mr. Dilorio stated that a financial plan for the city is a must with consideration given to different means of financing and new and innovative methods explored. Mr. DiIorio stated, that a financial task force appointed by the City Council was needed now to work on long range finances for the City. Planning Commission Meeting -6- July 23, 1980 Mr. Doug Hone addressed the Commission. He indicated that it was necessary for the Planning Commission to look at the opportunity for developing the. Community. Jeff Scer :nka stated that planning and organization are important in projecting growth. in Rancho Cucamonga. Funding improvements will be one of the primary concerns, he stated, and cited the importance of assessment districts to meet future funding needs. Lease backs were also spoken of as a financing Ling lter tier . Following discussion, Chairman Dahl polled the Commission as to the advisability of recommending that the City Council appoint a Financial Task Force. The consensus of the Commission was that this item should be recommended to the. Council and it was moved by Sceranka, seconded by Rampel, carried unanimously, that the City Council investigate ' appointing a Financial Task Force to be comprised of individuals within the community with expertise in the areas of finances and planning to stud; alternatives to meet the Ci.ty's financial needs. Jack Lam stated that unless the goals of the community .are defined, the study of funding; mechanisms would serve no useful purpose. He stated that it would be best to want until the. General Plan was competed so that a `master plan can be developed. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Jones, carried unanimously, to adjourn to a work/study session at :00 p.m. on July 30, 1980 in the Library Conference Room on the Subdivision Ordinance and the Interim Zoning Ordinance. Adjourned 10:37 F. . Respe tfll'ily bra .tt'ed r JACK -L Secretary Planning Commission Meeting - - July 23, 1980 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING July 9, 1980 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held in the Lion's Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cu- camonga, on Wednesday, July 9, 1980. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Dahl, who led in the pledge of allegiance. Following the pledge, an invocation was offered by Reverend Elmer Thyr, Pastor of the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. ROLL CALL PRESENT- COMMISSIONERS: Laura Jones, Herman Rempel, Jeff Sceranka, Peter Tolstoy, Richard Dahl ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None ALSO PRESENT: Barry Hogan, City Planner; Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Ted Hopson, City Attorney; Michael Vadrin, Senior Planner; Tim Beedle, Senior Planner; Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer; Joan Kruse, Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Tolstoy requested that the June 11, 1980 Planning Commission minutes be corrected, to also include congratulations to Lloyd Hubbs on his second anni- versary of employment with the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Jones, carried, to approve the June 11, 1980 Planning Commission minutes as corrected. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: TOLSTOY, JONES, REMPEL, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: SCERANKA -carried- ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Dahl, on behalf of the Planning Commission and members of staff, pre- sented a plaque to Herman Rem pee, former Planning Commission chairman, in recog- nition of his service from March 8, 1978 through June 30, 1980. Commissioner Rempel expressed his appreciation and thanked everyone for the plaque. Community Development Director, Jack Lam, stated that Tentative Tract No. 11461. would, be added to this agenda under Old Business. Mr. Lam reported that the Southern California Planning Congress would meet on July 10 with Mark Pisano, Executive Director of SAC, speaking on current prob- lems and future solutions regarding the SCAG Region. Mr. Pisano will be making 5-year projections on what is in store for the Southland. All Planning Commis- sioners were invited to attend this meeting. COMMITTEE UPDATES Chairman Dahl stated that there were several appointments and changes he wished to make to various Planning Commission Committees. Design Review - Commissioners Dahl and Rempel, Sceranka alternate. Citizens Advisory Committee - Commissioners Rempel, Tolstoy. Zoning Committee - Commissioners Toistoy, Sceranka, Rempel Alternate. Flood Control Committee - Commissioners Tolstoy, Rempel, Alternate open for new Commissioner. Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee - Commissioner Sceranka, vacancy open for new Commissioner. Chairman Dahl asked if there were any objections to these appointments. Commissioner Tolstoy indicated that he had a> problem with the appointments to the Zoning Committee and stated that con tinuity would, be hampered if member- ship in that committee were changed. He suggested that Commissioner Rempel con- tinue on that committee with Commissioner Sceranka, and that he serve as alternate. There were no objections to this change. Commissioner Rempel stated that another, committee should be temporarily assigned to work on the street naming ordinance. Commissioner Rempel cited the urgency of such a committee since development filing would begin in,'August. Barry Hogan, City Planner, indicated that a street naming ordinance is being drafted in final form and would be ready for discussion in about a week. Following discussion by the Planning Commission, Chairman Dahl indicated that the Street NL aming Committee would be held over. City Attorney Hopson advised the Commission that if they were in accord with the Committee appointments they could formalize these actions by resolution or by minute action. Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Jones, carried unanimously, to adopt a resolution approving these Committee appointments. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: TOLSTOY, JONES, REMPEL, SCERANKA, DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT- COMMISSIONERS: ONE -carried- Planning Commission Minutes -2- July 9, 1980 Chairman Dahl stated that committee reports and updates will be forthcoming from the individuals who serve on these committees. GENERAL PLAN STATUS AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN STATUS Mr. Tip, Beedle, Senior Planner, reported on the status of the General Plan. He indicated that the Land Use :dement of the General Plan was in the process of study by the Traffic Consultant tant prior to input into the traffic fic 'model. Preliminary reports have indicated that portions of the City would have traffic impaction, he stated. Staff is now reviewing the General Plan and studying the characteristics prior to the traffic model run. Mr. Beedle further in- dicated that this would set the schedule back another four weeks since the traffic model is not expected to be run until the first part of August. This will then be forwarded to the consultant for inclusion into the textual por- tion of the General Plan.. Mr. Beedle stated that the public review will begin in September. Beedle stated that the Industrial Specific Plan is proceeding along sche- dule. The textual portion has been received and the graphics are expected soon. Mr. Beedle indicated that the preliminary plate. has ;been sent to the Executive Industrial Committee and that staff has gone through an extensive study session reviewing the material with them. Mr. Beedle stated that the Industrial. Committee's recommendations are being forwarded to the consultant. A review schedule will be available for the Industrial Committee and the rest of the public during the middle or latter part of August. The specific sche- dule depends on when the traffic information is completed by the consultant. In discussing the proposed schedule for the General. Plan, Mr. Beedle stated that the latter part of September is planned for public review and that the General Plan should be ready for hearings around the first part of October. Following Mr. Reedle's report, Mr. Lam, Director of Community Development, stated that wort/'study session is planned. for the July 23 Planning Commis- sion meeting to discuss the Industrial Specific Plan; and the General Plan. CONSENT CALENDAR ENVIRONEMNTAL ASSESSMENT OF PARCEL MAP No. 613E - SAVAGE A residential: sub- division of 1.95 acres of band in the R-I-20,000 zone into 3 parcels located on the east side of Mayberry Avenue, mirth of Wilson Avenue - APN 201-111-36. Lam advised the Planning Commission that staff requests that this item be removed to allow further study of a discrepancy which had surfaced. Motion; Moved by Rempel, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to remove this item from the agenda. Planning Commission Minutes -3- July 9, 1980 PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Dahl advised that a new procedure was being initiated at this meeting and asked any individuals who wished to address the Commission to sign their name, address, and the item they would discuss on the sign up sheet at the podium. ENV IRO NNENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SITE APPROVAL NO. 80-09 - LUTHERAN CHURCH - The develop- ment of a church facility on 2.11 acres in the A-P zone located on the northwest corner of Haven and Banyan Avenues. Ai'N 201-241-1. Mike Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. He indicated that one change would be made to the conditions of approval for this project which would require the addition of a median island, complete landscaping and a full standard left-turn pocket. Chairman Dahl asked if there were any questions from the Com- mission. Commissioner Hempel asked if the property owner on the west side of this property had been contacted regarding construction of a block wall to separate this property. Mike Vairin replied that he had not been specifically contacted regarding this but had received notification of the public hearing. Commissioner Tolstoy pointed out that irrigation and landscaping should be listed as a condition of approval. There was discussion on the Commissioners regarding landscaping, street trees, and ground cover and whether landscaping would be phased or done at one time. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that it was important that some careful thinking go into the design of the Haven Avenue median, as it has for Carnelian. He fur- ther stated that he did not wish to see mediocrity of median islands. Commissioner Dahl stated that there were several different projects along Haven Avenue and each has a different design. He further stated his agreement with Commissioner Tolutoy that median design should be handled in the same way and. should be consistent. Chairman Dahl asked if the applicant was present and wished to speak. Mr. Karl Irwin, 3736 Atlantic Avenue, Ling Beach, addressed the Commission and asked about completion of the median island and whether there would be reimburse- ment for the landscaping when it was developed from the property owner on. the east of this project. Mr. Lam answered stating that there would be a reimbursement agreement for these improvements. There was further discussion among the Commissioners regarding mounding or other means of screening rather than the use of block walls. Several suggestions were made to conceal or<screen the property through use of landscaping, berming and mounding. Michael. Vairin replied that it has been the Planning Department's experience that property owners insist on block walls as a means of separating and screening property. Planning Commission Minutes --4- July 9, 1980 Commissioner Tolstoy commented can drainage from this property and asked whether the present storm drain had sufficient capacity to take further run off. Mr.. Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, stated that the storm drain was at its maximum capacity but if it :was functioning properly, would handle the run off wwater. e stated that staff would look into the hydraulic design for this area, and that approval of the Flood. Control facility is required prior to any connections that would be made. Motion: loved by Rempel, seconded by Tolstoy, carried unanimously, to adopt a resolution setting forth the conditions of approval as amended and adding a reimbursement agreement for the east half of the median island. AYES: COMMISSIONERS REMPEL, TOLS CY, JONES, SCERANKA, "DAHL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NOS -carried- 8:10 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed. 8.-25 p. . The Planning Commission reconvened, OLD BUSINESS TENTATIVE TRACT NO 11461 - LEWIS HOMES - A request to convert a previously ap- proved 248 unit apartment complex on 15.2 acres of .land into condominiums. The project is located can the north side of Nineteenth Street, between Carnelian and Beryl in the R--:3 (multiple family residential) nuns, and generally known as Sunscape TT. r. Barry Hogan, City Planner, advised the Commission that the applicant i requesting approval to phase the development of this condominium complex for the purposes of sel:l.ing:' Following questions by the Planning Commission, Mr. John 'dithers of Lewis Develop- ment explained that the VA requires that 50 percent of the units must be sold, prior to occupancy taking place. If phasing of this development is allowed, it would preclude the sale of 50 percent of the condominiums prior to occupancy. Motion: . Moved. by Rempel seconded by Sceran a,, carried unanimously, to adopt a Resolution approving Tentative `bract No. 11461 to allow development phasing and rescinding Resolution No. 80®33 in its entirety. AYES,: COMMISSIONERS:ISSI iNERS: HEMPEL, SCERANKA., JONES, `LO STOY DAHI NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried- DIRECTOR REPORTS NEW WALK MINISTRY UPDATE Mr. Barry Hogan, City Planner, provide - an update to the Commission and stated that he had met with Mr. Tommy Stephens of the County Planning Department re- Planning Commission Minutes -5- July 9, 1980 garding the development of this church facility in the area of Archibald. and Hillside, He further stated that there was concern for the environment because of this development and indicated that the New Walk Ministry had been advised of the C ty's requirements for such development. Mr. Hogan stated that this project will be reviewed by the Environmental Review Offices of San Bernardino County on July 22. He further advised that staff would be present at this hearing. ;. REPORT ON ONTARIO MOTOR HPEZDWA Mr. Tim Beedle, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report, and stated- that the Ontario-Foothill Development Corporation is proposing a General Plan Amendment to change the land-use designations of the speedway and associated parking area to planned commercial use with a specific plan for a multi-use regional. center including 4 million square feet of retail-office use in addition to 1,000 dwel- ling units :Needle made general comments, advised of the traffic impacts expected, the likely growth as a"result of this project, flood and drainage considerations, air quality impact, the relationship to surrounding uses and the service system capacity. He; noted that an EIR was being prepared for this project and Ontario requested City input. Chairman Dahl asked what consideration was being given to a'rapid. transit systemI using rails. Mr. Beedle replied that a depot at the speedway was a consideration. i Mr. Beedmle also stated that traffic was going to be a challenge and that many different solutions would be utilized. Commissioner sera ka asked what impact .I,000 dwelling'units Would have on 'the City's Housing Element Mr. Beed.e stated that it would be hard to project what effect this would have. The only figures the City has are those provided by CCAC along with their pro- jections Lam stated that if the City develops its industrial areas, a' lot of jobs will. have been generated and, this will have an effect on the entire area.. Commission Tolstoy asked Mr. Hubbs if development of the Speedway and its com- mercial uses, will, have some effect in upgrading the surer plan for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. m will enhance the Czt s chances Ontario development 1 Mr. Hubbs indicated that .the p y of developing storm. drains He stated: that this would be monitored closely. PRESENTATION OF TREE PRESERVATION REPOR Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, gave a slide presentation to the PlanningCom- mission which focused on the ,Blue- Gum eucalyptus tree used formerly as windrows for agricultural purposes within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The slide;pre- sentation showed the overall condition of the Blue Gums growing in the City, highlighting the degree of preservation, its hazards, abuse and the trees in the community. The tree preservation report presented various options for the continued pre- servation of the trees, possible replacement with other species, and possible Planning, Commission Minutes - -- July 9, 1980 f p� replacement with other species along with possible combination options such as selective preservation. - Following the slide presentation, Commissioners C eranka and Tolstoy indicated their preference for option No. It of the tree preservation report, selective preservation, replacement and wind control. Considerable discussion took place regarding the Blue Gums and the current preservation program and its limitations. Also discussed wa.s the program ini- tiated it the City of Irvine ;and its successes and failures. Commissioner Tolstcy stated, that he hoped that the City does not loose sight of the fact that the Blue Gums bave been a protection against the strong winds that occur in this area. He indicated that they were valuable as screening and windrows and were put up by the farmers for a reason. Mr. Lam stated that if the Commission felt that they have been informed on this issue sufficiently, staff would like to present this to the City: Council . Commissioner Tolstoy asked if there would be further opportunity for input from the Commission. Mr. Lam stated that there would be another opportunity when a final tree preser- vation ordinance was drafted - Chairman 'Dahl asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak to 'this'issue. Mary Barlow, member of" -the CAC, stated that the preservation of the trees was important from the standpoint of the identity they provide within the community. s. Barlow further stated that one remora so many people chose to live in Rancho Cucamonga ga was because of the rural atmosphere that these large trees impart. _ She cautioned against total replacement of the older trees with some that are smaller. She :further stated it was her feeling that some individual responsibility should be taken in the care and preservation'of the older trees in the community. Mr. Art Bridge, 8715 Banyan, spoke to the Co is on stating thdt he has some 30 acres of lemon trees which are bordered by the Blue Gums. He related that while Commander at the March Air Force Base in Riverside, he studied the Blue Gum and ether eucalyptus trees with the result that considerable planting was done of another species of ecalyptus. He further stated that the planting of these trees at the Base has done much to provide protection and beauty and in- vited the Commission to 'see the effect they have provided, at the Base. Commissioner Tolstoy stated that he felt that Mrs. Barlow "hit the nail on the head" when she said that people moved into this area because of its atmosphere. He Mated that he was concerned that the Blue dens should be replaced but also felt that the character ;of the community must be preserved.. It was the consensus of the Commi,,Ision that options four and five be developed e for the Cityof Rancho Cucamonga and recom- mended a, viable tree preservation policy o wended that the City Council take action to support selective tree preservation, replacement and wind control Motion. Moved by Tempel , seconded by Ccerana., carried unanimously, to adjourn at :30 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes s -7- July 97 1980 r ADJOURNMENT The Planning C mmission adjourned at : C p.m. Rey ubm* ed, JACK LAM, Director of Co=nunity Development i sion Minutes - - Jul Planning C� s �` , 1980 _lan