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Planning Commission Agenda
February 28, 2024
FINAL Minutes
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
7:00 p.m.
The regular meeting of the Historic Presentation Commission and Planning Commission was held on February
28, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Chair Morales at 7:00 p.m.
A. Roll Call
Planning Commission present: Chair Morales, Commissioner Dopp, Commissioner Daniels, and Commissioner
Diaz; Vice Chair Boling Absent.
Staff Present: Serita Young, Assistant City Attorney; Jennifer Nakamura, Deputy Director of Planning; Bond
Mendez, Associate Planner; Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner; Sean McPherson, Principal Planner;
Stacy Lee, Assistant Planner; Jared Knight, Assistant Planner; Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant.
B. Public Communications
Chair Morales opened public communications.
Kathy Holguin, resident, expressed her support of the Nicolson Strawberry Farm and would like to see it remain
and not developed due to the importance of preserving the history in and around the surrounding area. Noted
for the record, her letter was given to the Secretary and filed.
No other comments, Chair Morales closed public communications.
C. Consent Calendar
C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2024.
Jennifer Nakamura noted to the commission that there were three minor corrections. Two on page 1 and one
change on page 3. Revised copies were placed on the dais for Commissioners to review.
Motion to adopt minutes as amended by Commissioner Dopp; second by Commissioner Diaz; Motion carried
4-0-1, with Commissioner Boling absent.
D. Public Hearings
D1. TIME EXTENSION -- MANNY BADIOLA — A request for a one-year time extension of Tentative Map
SUBTT18305 to subdivide a 4-acre parcel of land into 6 residential lots within the Very Low Residential (VL)
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Zone and the Equestrian Overlay District on the west side of Hermosa Avenue at Vista Grove Street; APN
1074-201-01 and 02. Staff finds the project to be within the scope of the project covered by a prior Mitigated
Negative Declaration approved by the Planning Commission on January 13, 2021, through Resolution 21-07
and does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in the Mitigated Negative
Declaration (Time Extension DRC2024-00017).
Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner, provided Commissioners with Staff Report and PowerPoint
Presentation (copy on file).
Manny Badiola, Applicant, was present and available to answer questions. No questions for the applicant,
Commissioners thanked him for his time.
Chair Morales opened public hearing and hearing no comments, closed public hearing
Commissioner Daniels asked what items from the Engineering department are needed to finalize the tentative
Tabe van der Zwaag answered HOA documents are needed to be completed and also other documents are
to be signed. He said they are very close.
Commissioner Dopp stated this is very routine. It is the applicants first time extension and close to completion.
He expressed his approval.
Motion to adopt Resolution 24-04, DRC2024-00017 by Commissioner Dopp; Second by Commissioner Daniels.
Motion carried 4-0-1 with Commissioner Boling absent.
D2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT — KIMLEY HORN - A request to continue to operate an existing warehouse,
wholesale and distribution, manufacturing and assembly facility within two existing industrial/warehouse
buildings totaling 302,861 square -feet within the Neo-Industrial (NI) Zone, located on Milliken Avenue between
Arrow Route and Jersey Boulevard at 8595 Milliken Avenue and 11340 Jersey Boulevard; APN: 0229-111-62,
-63. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA
Section 15301 — Existing Facilities (Conditional Use Permit DRC2023-00212, DRC2023-00213)
Bond Mendez, Associate Planner, provided Commissioners with Staff Report and PowerPoint Presentation
(copy on file).
Sandy Throop, Applicant, was present and available to answer questions. No questions for the applicant,
Commissioners thanked him for his time.
Chair Morales opened public hearing and hearing no comments, closed public hearing.
Commissioner Daniels stated there are no issues. Operations running smoothly.
Commissioner Dopp thanked applicant for doing their due diligence of being forward thinking because it gives
us a chance to see how some of the process works out.
Chair Morales stated he concurs and thanked him for bringing this forward and being proactive.
Motion to adopt the proposed Resolution 24-07 DRC2023-00212 and Resolution 24-08 DRC2023-00213 by
Commissioner Daniels; Second by Commissioner Dopp. Motion carried 4-0-1 with Commissioner Boling
D3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT — CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A request to continue to operate an
existing warehouse, wholesale and distribution facility within an existing industrial/warehouse building totaling
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124,328 square -feet within the Neo-Industrial (NI) Zone, located on White Oak Avenue south of Arrow Route
at 10955 Arrow Route; APN: 0209-145-02. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Section 15301 — Existing Facilities (Conditional Use Permit
Bond Mendez, Associate Planner, provided Commissioners with Staff Report and PowerPoint presentation
(copy on file). She mentioned both the Staff Report and Conditions of Approval were revised to include -03 in
the APN. Copies were placed on the dais for Commissioners to review.
Chuck Buquet, Applicant, thanked Commissioners for their time and consideration. He mentioned his clients'
representatives are also present and prepared to answer questions.
Commissioner Dopp asked if they had a tenant yet, and if there will be any additional traffic impact.
Chuck Buquet answered currently they are in the process of tenant considerations. He mentioned they are well
below all thresholds. He said they have way more parking spaces than what they need, and they gave
assurance there will be no vehicles on site using the parking spaces other than what are legally provided. He
said this will be in a Neo Industrial area, low impact warehouse distribution use due to its size and location.
Commissioner Daniels thanked applicant and stated he has no issues with this project.
Commissioner Diaz was pleased with the look of the building.
Chair Morales opened public hearing and hearing no comments, closed public hearing.
Commissioner Dopp thanked the applicant for coming forward in advance and sees no objections.
Chair Morales also thanked the applicant for being forward thinking and proactive.
Motion to adopt the amended Resolution 24-03, DRC2023-00382; by Commissioner Daniels; Second by
Commissioner Dopp. Motion carried 4-0-1 with Commissioner Boling absent.
D4. MINOR DESIGN REVIEW & VARIANCE — SAURABH PATEL - A request for site plan and architectural
review of a three-story 4,216 square foot mixed -use building on a 3,145 square parcel of land including a
request to reduce the required onsite parking by two spaces, reduce the rear yard setback by 5 feet and
increase the height by 4 feet, for a site in the Corridor 1 (CO1) Zone located on the northwest corner of Archibald
Avenue and Estacia Court; APN: 0208-152-18. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Sections 15303, which covers the construction of a limited
number of structures in an urbanized area, and Section 15305, which covers minor alterations in land use
limitations (Minor Design Review DRC2023-00053 and Variance DRC2024-00044).
Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner, provided Commissioners with Staff Report and PowerPoint
Presentation (copy on file).
Commissioner Diaz asked about the roof top and if there is access for residents to use.
Tabe van der Zwaag answered that it has a pitched roof for drainage and cannot be used as a deck area.
Commissioner Daniels asked about the north/west elevation architecture follow all the way around.
Tabe van der Zwaag answered where it comes together to the north will be undecorated.
Commissioners Daniels asked if there will be windows on the north elevation.
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Tabe van der Zwaag stated that in the future the building to the north could potentially increase to 2 or 3
stories. If there were windows, they would have been covered up.
Commissioner Daniels asked about the west elevation facing the parking lot.
Tabe van der Zwaag answered it's the same. No windows.
Commissioner Dopp asked about the adjacent building with no setback, is it relying on the building to the
north for support.
Tabe van der Zwaag answered no. It completely stands by itself.
Rob Patel, Applicant, was present and available to answer questions.
Commissioner Daniels asked about the parking variance and the potential parking to the west. If the
applicant worked with the adjacent property owner on parking arrangement.
Tabe van der Zwaag responded the issue is that project also does not meet all the parking requirement for its
use. He said that in the evening those spaces will be empty and could be used for both users.
Commissioner Daniels asked what the thought is behind the open balcony.
Tabe van der Zwaag replied that the applicant decided to use the open space for employees for seating and
recreational uses.
Commissioner Daniels expressed concern what will happen to the balcony and the purpose in the future.
Rob Patel explained since there is no outside ground floor use to the building, the balcony will be used for
employees when they go on break.
Commissioner Diaz asked will the area be open to the residents.
Rob Patel answered no.
Commissioner Morales stated the building stands out once constructed and the only question he has is the
north facing wall and the community will be seeing a blank wall. He suggested to use temporary art and
having frame art with lights. Suggested Route 66 art along the major corridor. It will make a difference.
Rob Patel replied that he is open to that suggestion and mentioned possibly their business logo and /or
having some sort of comedy community art related to architectural drawings.
Chair Morales opened public hearing and hearing no comments, closed public hearing.
Commissioner Daniels stated with the residential components of this building he was told that the City has
limited voice relating to the architecture and asked if it was true.
Serita Young, Assistant City Attorney, explained the state housing laws and limitations. She said within the
development code itself, in terms of building design, it does state no particular style of architecture is
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Jennifer Nakamura explained the implementing form -based code, is a series of design choices. She said first
they focus on building type and within that typology there are objective criteria. Once they meet the criteria,
the rest of it becomes an architectural choice for developer.
Commissioner Daniels expressed that it is not compatible with other uses at that site. He said it seems out of
place. Concerned the north face with it protruding above the other buildings. Expressed issues with the
parking variance and guests parking on the street.
Commissioner Dopp stated this type of project is a unique solution to a real problem, which is the lot is almost
undevelopable. He expressed his appreciation of the applicant's creativity. He said the longer vision for what
the city is anticipating could be a good catalyst. It is a minor consideration and given we are only talking two
units and one business with three employees he is not anticipating overwhelming the neighborhood with
parking. He is in agreement with allowing the variance to stand.
Commissioner Diaz expressed she is happy to see there is a housing element here. Her concern was the
parking, when she first saw it, but it has been mitigated and they did the best they can with the property.
Chair Morales stated the stakeholders wanted us to place these types of buildings around major corridors. His
only concern is the blank wall north facing but applicant is willing to place art. It will make a difference for our
residents and visitors to see rather than a blank wall. He expressed his support for the project.
Motion to adopt Resolution 24-05 and Resolution 24-06 by Commissioner Diaz; Second by Commissioner
Dopp. Motion carried 3-1-1 with Commissioner Daniels opposed and Commissioner Boling absent.
(Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to amend requirements for Density Bonus
applications and agreements, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU's), update administrative review of specified
modifications to historic structures, and update allowed use descriptions for Microbrewery and Light Warehouse
and Distribution uses. This project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the
CEQA Guidelines. This item will be forwarded to City Council for final action (DRC2024-00047).
Jennifer Nakamura, Deputy Director of Planning, provided Commissioners with Staff Report and PowerPoint
Presentation (copy on file).
Commissioner Daniels asked if the minor use permit is an administrative issue.
Jennifer Nakamura answered yes.
Commissioner Daniels stated regarding the Certificate of Appropriateness and changes going in front of the
Planning Director, he asked will it fix what is already there and not make modifications.
Jennifer Nakamura answered yes. For the material replacement to be done quickly.
Commissioner Daniels asked how many accessory dwelling units permits are being issued.
Jennifer Nakamura replied 30 to 40 per year.
Commissioner Dopp asked about the density bonus projects and if the Planning Commission will be aware of
the waivers and concessions when a project comes up for review.
Jennifer Nakamura answered yes, they will be detailed in the staff report.
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Chair Morales opened public hearing and hearing no comments, closed public hearing.
Commissioner Dopp thanked city staff for all the clarifications.
Motion to adopt Resolution 24-09, DRC2024-00047 by Commissioner Daniels; Second by Commissioner Diaz.
Motion carried 4-0-1 with Commissioner Boling absent
E. Director Announcements — None
F. Commission Announcements
Chair Morales thanked Bond, Tabe and Jennifer for their reports tonight.
H. Adjournment
Motion by Commissioner Dopp, second by Commissioner Diaz to adjoin the meeting. Hearing no
objections, Chair Dopp adjourned the meeting at 8:16 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
El(ap6th Thornhi I, Executive Assistant
Planning and Economic Development Department
Approved: HPC/PC March 13, 2024 Meeting.
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