HomeMy WebLinkAboutDELETE (2)HPC/PC MINUTES – January 24, 2024
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Revised 2/28/24
Historic Preservation Commission and
Planning Commission Agenda
January 24, 2024
FINAL Minutes
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
7:00 p.m.
The regular meeting of the Historic Presentation Commission and Planning Commission was held on January
24, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Chair Dopp at 7:00 p.m.
A. Roll Call
Planning Commission present: Chair Dopp, Vice Chair Morales, Commissioner Boling, Commissioner
Daniels, and Commissioner Diaz.
Staff Present: Serita Young, Assistant City Attorney; Jennifer Nakamura, Deputy Director of Planning; Bond
Mendez, Assistant Planner; Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner; Sean McPherson, Principal Planner;
Stacy Lee, Assistant Planner; Sophia Serafin, Assistant Planner; Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant.
B. Public Communications
Chair Dopp opened the public communications.
The following individuals commented on the Grove/Foothill development: Sarah Edelmaier, Don Horvatich,
Dr. Sharon Lyn Stein, Jason Caldwell.
The comments included the following:
• Traffic/congestion
• Preserve history of the site
No other comments, Chair Dopp closed public communications.
C. General Business
C1. Annual Selection of Officers for the Commission and Appointments to other Committees.
Commissioner Boling was appointed unanimously as member of Design Review Committee, 1 year term.
Motion by Commissioner Daniels, second by Commissioner Morales. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
Commissioner Daniels was appointed unanimously as member of Design Review Committee, 1-year term.
Motion by Commissioner Morales, second by Commissioner Boling. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
Commissioner Diaz was appointed unanimously as Alternate for the Design Review Committee.
Motion by Commissioner Dopp, second by Commissioner Boling. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
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Commissioner Boling was appointed unanimously as member of Trails Advisory Committee, 1-year term.
Motion by Commissioner Daniels, second by Commissioner Dopp. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
Commissioner Diaz was appointed unanimously as member of Trails Advisory Committee, 1-year term.
Motion by Commissioner Daniels, second by Commissioner Morales. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
Commissioner Boling was appointed unanimously as Vice-Chair, 1-year term.
Motion by Commissioner Daniels, second by Commissioner Dopp. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
Commissioner Morales was appointed unanimously as Chair, 1-year term.
Motion by Commissioner Boling, second by Commissioner Dopp. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 vote.
Chair Dopp stated that he is still on the Public Arts Committee until next year.
Chair Dopp expressed his appreciation to the Commissioners for stepping up into various positions.
D. Consent Calendar
D1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of November 8, 2023.
Motion to adopt minutes as presented by Commissioner Daniels; second by Commissioner Boling; Motion
carried 4-0-1. (Commissioner Diaz abstaining)
E. Public Hearings
E1. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT – ROCKSTARS OF TOMORROW - A request to establish a specialized
education and training school for a music school in an existing industrial building within the Neo-Industrial (NI)
Zone, located on the northeast corner of 7th Street and Hellman Avenue at 9350 7th Street, Units B & C; APN:
0209-171-57. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
under CEQA Section 15301 – Existing Facilities (Conditional Use Permit DRC2021-00332).
Bond Mendez, Associate Planner, provided Commissioners with Staff Report and PowerPoint presentation
(copy on file). She mentioned the Conditions of Approval was revised to enforce the rules and regulations.
She explained that original 2 and 3 were modified and conditions 4 and 5 where added. Copies were placed
on the dais.
Chair Dopp opened public hearing.
Alan Benson, Applicant, was present and available for questions.
Commissioner Dopp asked if the revised conditions of approval are acceptable.
Alan Benson replied yes.
Commissioner Daniels asked if they are currently located at the site.
Alan Benson replied yes.
Commissioner Daniels asked about the sound during practice lessons and if there have been any concerns
by nearby property owners.
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Alan Benson replied no problems received and that it is controlled.
Commissioner Boling asked how long they have been in operation.
Alan Benson answered they started July 2020 and began operations October 2020.
Commissioner Boling asked to describe day to day operations that takes place.
Alan Benson replied students take ½ hour lesson and work with instructor to become a better musician.
Commissioner Boling confirmed the occupancy; 6 employees, 5 students at any one time.
Alan Benson answered yes.
Commissioner Boling asked if they are comfortable with the conditions of approval as follows:
• Hours of operation
• Days of operation
• Any potential restrictions on live entertainment
Alan Benson answered yes, they are comfortable with it.
Commissioner Boling asked if they held any live entertainment in the past.
Alan Benson replied that they do most of their performances outside of the studio at different locations. He
said they look for venues and places within the community.
Commissioner Boling asked if they had live shows at their facility.
Alan Benson answered yes, they have when other venues have to cancel, and stated they were told they are
not allowed, and he is good with that.
With no comments from the public, Chair Dopp closed public hearing.
Commissioner Boling asked to explain the potential ramification if the business fails to comply with the
conditions of approval.
Jennifer Nakamura, Deputy Director of Planning, explained that the city would first wait for a complaint, then
involve community improvement and if needed, start citation process. If compliance is not achieved through
the citation process, it’s possible we could recommend the conditional use permit come back to the
commission for modification. She mentioned that the applicant could apply to modify the permit at any time,
including applying for an entertainment permit. Jennifer Nakamura stated if they were to charge for tickets,
admission tax would need to be collected and an entertainment permit would be required.
Alan Benson stated that they do not charge for their performances. No selling of tickets.
Commissioner Boling indicated for clarity that it is not being requested or considered tonight.
Jennifer Nakamura replied that is correct. Clarification was added to the conditions. This was not part of an
entertainment permit and would need to be filed separately.
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Serita Young, Assistant City Attorney, added that the initial goal in code enforcement is voluntary compliance
through that process. She said a process of coming back to the commission due to a replication of a CUP
would be a last resort due to consistent violations over a period of time in the event there is no compliance.
Commissioner Boling asked the applicant if there is any need to consider expanding hours of operation.
Alan Benson stated it was recommended to start the process rather than delay it any further and revisit if
there is a need to expand.
Chair Dopp stated that he appreciates the applicant working through the elements of the conditional use
Motion to adopt Resolution 24-02 Conditional Use Permit DRC2021-00332, with the revision to the Conditions
of Approval, by Commissioner Daniels; Second by Commissioner Boling. Motion carried 5-0.
E2. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP – PATRIOT PARTNERS – A request to consolidate five (5) parcels of land
into one (1) parcel totaling 5.2 acres within the Neo-Industrial (NI) Zone, located on the south side of Whittram
Avenue between Etiwanda Avenue and Hickory Avenue at 13045 Whittram Avenue; APNs: 0229-162-04, -05,
-11, -12, and -13. SUBTPM20642; Related files: Design Review DRC2022-00156 and Conditional Use Permit
DRC2023-00142. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) and the City’s CEQA guidelines under CEQA Section 15315 – Minor Land Divisions.
Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner, provided Commissioners with Staff Report and PowerPoint
Presentation (copy on file).
Chair Dopp opened public hearing.
Joe Deverian, representing Gary Walker (owner of the adjacent property). They had the following questions:
• Would like to know about the build ups and its uses.
• What will happen behind the train tracks.
Jennifer Nakamura responded that a staff member will reach out to them regarding existing projects that are
currently in the process.
Motion to adopt the proposed Resolution 24-01, Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM20642; by Commissioner
Boling; Second by Commissioner Morales. Motion carried 5-0.
F. Director Announcements - None
G. Commission Announcements
Commissioner Boling expressed his appreciation towards Chair Dopp navigating interesting meetings over the
last couple of years. He looks forward to Commissioner Morales taking responsibility of future meetings.
Commissioner Daniels expressed his appreciation for Chair Dopp and how he did a tremendous job in the last
few years.
Commissioner Morales concurs with his fellow Commissioners and thanked Chair Dopp for his service.
Chair Dopp thanked his fellow Commissioners for their comments and expressed how much he enjoyed being
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Motion by Commissioner Boling, second by Commissioner Morales to adjoin the meeting. Hearing no
objections, Chair Dopp adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant
Planning and Economic Development Department
Approved: HPC/PC February 28,2024 Meeting.