HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017/07/31 - Agenda Packet-Jt City Council-Park & Recreation CommissionJULY 31, 2017 – 5:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL JOINT MEETING WITH PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Cultural Center, Celebration Hall 12505 Cultural Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 Joint City Council and Park and Recreation Commission Special Meeting Agenda | 5:00 PM – July 31, 2017 | Page 1 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: City of Rancho Cucamonga: Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy Council Members Alexander, Spagnolo and Williams Park and Recreation Commission: Chair Jones Vice-Chair Sweetland Commissioners Greer, Villegas and Welsh PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the public to address the City Council and Park and Recreation Commission on any item listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the City Council and Park and Recreation Commission from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Mayor, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 1.Study Session on Rancho Cucamonga Central Park Master Plan Update. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I, Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on July 28, 2017, per Government Code 54954.2 at Cultural Center, Celebration Hall, at 12505 Cultural Center Drive; City Hall at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California; and on the City’s website. ______________________________ Linda A. Troyan, MMC City Clerk Services Director City of Rancho Cucamonga If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (909) 477-2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. CITY COUNCIL JOINT MEETING WITH PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION Special Meeting July 31, 2017 –5:00 P.M. Victoria Gardens Cultural Center, Celebration Hall 12505 Cultural Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 CITY COUNCIL JOINT MEETING WITH PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION Items of Discussion 1.Study Session of Rancho Cucamonga Central Park Master Plan Update. Where we have been… and where we are going. 1984 City acquires 103.4 acres of land through a purchase agreement with Lewis Homes for a future park to serve the entire City. The land becomes known as “Central Park” and is placed into the City’s General Plan and reserved for future park purposes. CENTRAL PARK 1986 CENTRAL PARK A Central Park Task Force organized to develop a conceptual master plan. 1987 CENTRAL PARK The Original Master Plan for Central Park is approved. This original plan contained three major use elements: the Omni Center (performing arts), Sports Complex and Open Space Parkland. 1990 CENTRAL PARK: Design Development 1991 CENTRAL PARK: Library Master Plan 1990s CENTRAL PARK Negative statewide economic conditions prevented the City from developing Central Park. Early '90s The Central Park Task Force was reconvened.With the passage of Proposition 62 and 218, public funding for maintenance of Central Park became more challenging and could no longer be added to existing landscape maintenance districts. 1997 CENTRAL PARK The Central Park Task Force prioritized portions of the park for development, updating amenities and elements and recommended to City Council the creation of a community facilities district (CFD). 1999-2000 2001-2002 CENTRAL PARK: Senior/ Community Center 2002-2003 CENTRAL PARK Central Park receives major funding through approval of the 2002 Park Bond, through the VA/HUD Appropriations Committee, a significant donation from the Lewis Family, and an investment of RDA Funds -allowing for construction to begin in 2003. 2005 CENTRAL PARK: Phase 1 Senior/ Community Center Completed 2006 CENTRAL PARK: Aquatic Feasibility Study 2008 CENTRAL PARK Site Improvement: Central Park Tot-Lot play area site improved completed with funding available from City Park Development fees. 2007-2008 CENTRAL PARK Central Park Master Plan updated because certain elements originally envisioned at Central Park have been constructed in other parts of the city. CENTRAL PARK: Aquatic Planning 2008 2008-2010 Library Site PlanCENTRAL PARK The “Great Recession” results in significant economic impacts, including the elimination of the City’s Redevelopment Agency. These factors all prevented the City from moving forward with developing Central Park as envisioned in the updated Master Plan. 2008-2010 Library Site PlanCENTRAL PARK Pacific Electric Trail Rest Area Event Staging Area 2013 CENTRAL PARK Community fundraising efforts provide for the completion of Freedom Courtyard. CENTRAL PARK San Bernardino County Grant secured for Central Park Pavilion/shade structure. 2014 2016 CENTRAL PARK Site improvement with Solar RC efforts utilizing rebate programs for solar panel shade structures on both the north and south parking lot areas. 2017 CENTRAL PARK Council approves efforts for a Central Park Master Plan Update; to revision the remaining park space and identify smaller, buildable sections of space and financially responsible amenities, that WHEN funding may become available, would be able to be developed. 2017 CENTRAL PARK Previous development concept: 3 phases +/-30 acre each. 2017 CENTRAL PARK Todays development concept: Multiple phases 3-10 acres each developed in a logical evolution. 2017 CENTRAL PARK: Community Engagement Calling all Commissioners! Surveys •August 1-10: Park Use Survey Launched •Late August: Flash Vote •September: CP Priorities Survey Launched Community Workshops •August 15th •September 19th •October 9th Presentations to Commissions, Boards, and Community Groups Presence at various City Programs & Event 6:00 pm at the Goldy S. Lewis Community Center in Central Park 2017 CENTRAL PARK: Master Plan Update November –December: Drafting the Update January –February: City Council Consideration February –March: Present to Commissions, Boards, and Community Groups Begin Environmental Review February on… Use the Updated Master Plan as funding is identified to build out Central Park over the next 15-25 years 2017 CENTRAL PARK –Today and Tomorrow