HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/11/06 - Agenda Packet HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION ~-- _ Lions Park Community Center 9161 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California Thursday, November 6, 1986 7:00 ~.m. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegmance to Flag. B. Roll Call: Arner , Banks , Billings , Cooper __, Schmi~t ,Stamm ___ and Strane__ C. Approval of Minutes: September 4, 1986 Planning Commission Joint Meetin9 Minutes October 4, 1986 2 o ANNOUNCEMErITS A. Ninth Annual Founders Day ParaGe B. Election Results 3 · COMMISSION ITEMS A. Foothill Corridor Study A Report to Commission by Bra~ Buller, City Planner 4 · STAFF REPORTS A. Report on Historic Survey Grant Maggie Stature will briei Commission on Preliminaries oi SDrvey 5. PUBLIC COMMFNT 6o ADJOURNMEMT CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: October 31, 1986 1977 TO: Bill Holley, Community Servi irector · FROM: Brad Buller, City Planne SUBJECT: POTENTIAL BUILDINGS PLANNED FOR RELOCATION OR DEMOLITION It has recently come to my attention that there are several single family homes that may be of historical significance scheduled for either relocation or demolition. As of today, staff still has not received any formal request on any of these buildings; however, I would like to bring them to your attention. The first is the two-story single family home immediately across the street from Gemco/Target. It is my understanding from the brokers of the property that it is their intent to demolish the existing building and build a new office building in the near future. However, they have also indicated the house can be moved from the site if someone would contact them. I've been discussing this project with Dan Richards of Stephen Daniel s Commercial Brokers. The second building is the single family house on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, across the street from Socorro's Restaurant. Mr. Joe DiIorio currently owns this house, but has been in discussions with the Community Church proposed for the southwest corner of Carnelian and Highland about the possible relocation of that house to the church site to be used as an office building. The contact person for that project has been the pastor of the church, Bill Enns. The third house is the Bennett house which currently exists at the northwest corner of 19th and Archibald. I have not spoken with anyone directly on this house, but it is my understanding that there may be intentions to relocate it to a property within the freeway right-of-way temporarily until a permanent location can be found. Again, the purpose of this memo is to alert you and the Historic P reservati on Commi s si on of actions to properties that may have structures or site conditions of historical significance. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me. If a formal submittal is submitted on any of these sites, I will forward a notice of the proposal to you. BB:jr CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA C~CA_~e MEMORANDUM Date: November 3, 1986 1977 To: Historic Preservation Commission Members From: Bea Smiderle, Senior Office Assistant Subject: Foothill Corridor City Planner, Brad Buller has requested to make a presentation on the Foothill Corridor to the Commission Members at the November 6, meeting. No written material will be submitted it will be an oral report. /bs CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM 1977 Date: October 16, 1986 To: Dennis Stout, Chiarman Planning Commission From: Me!icent Arner, Chairman, Historic Preservation Commission By: Mary Whitney, Community Services Coordinator~ Subject: Foothill Corridor Per your suggestion at the September joint meeting between the Historic Preservation Commission and the Planning Commission, we would like to take part in the planning process of the Foothill Corridor. We would like a joint meeting between our Commission and the Foothill Corridor subcommittee. We feel this would be a good place from which to begin an exchange of ideas concerning this project. Will you please have a member of the subcommittee contact the Community Services Department staff to arrange for a date, time and location for this meeting. Thank you. MW:bs cc: Planning Commission City Planner CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM Date: November 7, 1986 To: Dennis L. Stout, Chairman Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission ]977 From: Melicent Arner, Chairman Rancho Cucamonga Historic Preservation Commission By: Bill Holley, Community Services Director The Historic Preservation Commission appreciates your committment to see that the Historic features that may be included within the Foothill Boulevard Corridor Study area are not overlooked. Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner, discussed with the Commission last evening the scope and goals of the study and the methodology being used to prepare the documents which will ultimately be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council. The Historic Preservaton Commission has formed a subcommittee to study the background report and maps presented to us by Mr. Kroutil, and will make a response to the study group in, hopefully, December. We anticipate commenting on historic aspect of what has been done to date, and perhaps suggesting areas to the sudy group that may require further attention from the perspective of historic interst. While we appreciate the concept of formal incusion in the Ad Hoc Committee, we feel that the line of communication established between the study group and the Historic Preservation Commission through Mr. Kroutil will well serve our mutual aim, that is, attention to the historic aspects of Foothill Boulevard in this study. Therefore, we suggest that any Committee vacancies be filled from other areas of interest than those of the Historic Preservation Commission. Thank You. attach: Memorandum, 11/03/86 Stout to Arner, Foothill Corridor cc: City Council w/attach Historic Preservation Commission w/attach Planning Commission w/attach Brad Bullet, City Planner w/o attach Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner w/o attach CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA C~C.A~C MEMORANDUM DATE: November 3, 1986 1977 T0:~ ~i] ] ~cent Arner,h Chairman H~stor]c P~eservat~on FRO Dennis Stout, C aiman Planning Commission BjECT: FOOTHILL CORRIDOR I welcome your interest in the preparation of the Specific Plan for Foothill Boulevard. I believe the involvement of the Historic Preservation Co~ission is absolutely essential to the Plan. Brad Buller, City Planner, will be available to meet with the Historic Preservation Commission at your earliest convenience. He has also informed Bill Holley of this. I am requesting that the City Council formally involve the Historic Preservation Commission in the process. This may take the form of the selection of one Historic Preservation Commission member to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee, or in some way involve the entire Commission in the review. Since t~e Ad Hoc Committee was selected by t~e City Council, an additional member must be appointed by the City Council. I will propose your formal involvement to the Planning Commission on November 12th and I feel confident we will forward a recommendation to the City Council immediately after that. Since formal action may take a while, I encourage the Historical Co~ission's involvement on an informal basis i~ediately. I suggest you arrange through your staff a convenient~time for Brad or one of his staff members to brief the Historic Preservation Commission on the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. Your involvement, not only individually, but collectively as a Commission, is important as early into this process as possi bl e. Again, thank you for your sincere interest and co~itment in making this endeavor a success. DS:jr