HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/07/03 - Agenda Packet G~CAM~
U '
I.jons Park Community Center
91~1 Pase I.jp~ F~oa~
Ra~cbo Cuc~!m~J'~\4~, California
Tbur,~oay, July 3, 1986
Piedee o~ ~i].e{liar~ce to FlaG.
B. Ro]] Ca] ]: brDer , Banks BjlliDgs
Cooper , Schmiet , Stanm ano Strane
C. Approval of Minutes: june 5, 1986
~. PDb]ic He-arin%~ - The Henry Albert Builoing
~.~j Pute s
Historic Preser~;stion Cc~missjon
June 5, 1986
Reo~lar ~eeting
P-~eeting was cailee to or(Jar by Chairman Arner at 7:30 p.m. Ca]] to Order
Pledge (,~ A]l.e~iance ~,,~as led )y Chail.~e}:. Arner. Pledge 0f Allegiance
Presept were Coramissioners Arner, Banks, Cooper, SchmSCt, Stature ROll Call
ar'~O Stra~)e. (~,} ,sent: F.~itlings ).
t,.linutes of May, 1, 1986, Regular ~eeting were reviewes. Minutes 5/1/86
~otioD: ~cved by Sc'bmic~t, seccnOee by Strane. that miDutes ci
~,~ay 1, 1986. Re9ular [~eeting, be atproveo as submittec~. l~otioD
carrjec~: 6-C-] (Absent:
Commissioner Schmir~t reported on the success of the O1~ Rancho
Days Celebratior~ bel<~ at the Rain's Bourse on bay 17, 1986. 0]d Ranch0 Days
Ce] ebrat~0n
Comr~issicu.er Banks infomee the Commj, ssion that the s~ple curb
jr, front of the Cbaff~-Garcia House is bein.~ ccnstructec~. Sf,.e Chaffey-Garc~a
encouraged all Commissioners to vie.~,; t]~e s~ple curb. House Curb
Staff infor~;e~ the: C~mmissior, that the State l~as a~Fpro~,e<~
Historic Preservation grant for func~lng of the historic survey. H~StOF~C Survey
I>or~uP~eDts are to be siqmec~ anc~ retu rr,~c to ~,r. Napoli tot GFa~t Appr0va]
further direction.
Commj ssicr, eFten{~ ed C{~r~qratulations t~~ Councijman aon I~ikels on JOB M~ ke] s
being elected Cc=r, ntv Suyervisor. County Superv~s0~
Staff informed Ccmmj_ssion Menbets that the Eti~anda Bistorical
Society is it. neec~ oi a~Clitjona] ~uncing ~c~r the C:harie~-O&rcia Funds for
~ouse. City CouI~ci l al~propriate~ 5750.00 to the tFtiwanGa Chaffey-Garcja House
Bistorj. ca ] Societ ~.
Com~aission Membe!'s revie~.red~ the arplncaticn submittee. by ~",r.
,~ohp ValeDruvis io~ consideratici, o] a i~istoric I, anemar~ Henry Albert Bu~]d~n9
~esignation for the Benry Albert BuilOiDq. Djscussicn foil_owed.
~,.'~otjon: ~oved by BaDks, seconr~er' by Cocper, that a public
bearira be set for July 3, 1986, for consiaeration oi Historic
!,anc~mark <='esiqnation f:or the Henry Albert Fuji, DittO located
7136 ~methyst Ave.. Rancho Cucamonga. California.
ComF, issi. oDex Banks i. nquj ref~ ii a date has been set for a joint
r,eeting x~itb the t~la~nDj. I~9 Ccm~issio~. Staf~ ze~.~ortefi to the Joint Meeting with
ComIlliSsjoP that when a date an~ time is set, C~nmission will be Planning Commission
Dotif leo,
Staff repol'tec~ that a staff member from the Planning Division
t~as revif'~-.eo the [~jstoric Lanomark files for iI}fc~rrnation r, eeaec~ Planning Department
to establish a ma.p with descriptions for reference by the Historic Map
P]annir, cj Di~j.sioD x. rbeD r~-~vj.e~.ir,% prc3ects. Locations
Commissj orders Oiscu. f~sec} the 150 anO 10 year Ax~niversar~
(~el~brations ar~c coe. reipatjor~ ~.>ltb the Cha'.rTrber oi~ Coml~erce. 150 and 10 year
Staff tc centact the Cham~:.er to discuss 7'f~j.s pcssiFilit~, Anniversary
Chairman ~rDer a. djour~e~ t)~e ~eetjDg at 8:~10 t),lu. Adjournment
, ,,Z} ,
Bea Smiderle
C<~mqn] ty Services Depar~eDt
/'City of Rancho Cucamonga Application for
X ttistoric Landmark ttistoric Point of Interest
1. Common Name: The Old Post Office
2. tlistoric Name, ir known: The Henr.y Albert Building
3. Street or Rural Address: 7136 Amethyst Ave,
City: Alta Loma Zip: 91701 County: San Bernardtno
Assessor ' s Parcel No. 2'02-081-19 Zone: C-2
The East 86 feet of the North 26 feet or the South 360.85
Legal DescriPtion:_f-let of Lot_ll. Blo_ck 12, Cucamonga Homestead Association,
as per plat thereof recorded in Book .6, page 46, of County.
4. Present Owner, if known: john Valentovls Address: Same as above
public ...
., City: Same as above Zip: Same Ownership is: private X
5. Present Use: Anttque/HandcraftsGIft Original Us~:: Drugstore
'.' , , Bouttque
Other pas't uses: Drugstore, Barber Sho]21_ , Library, Post Office
.. .I ., 6. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or
.,i,..;;..; structure and describe any major alterations from its original
, . ,' ~:., condition: The outside appparance is identical as it was back in the 1920s
........... r'-- · " . the absence df
..!...-,..3~ j ...~..~.' "with exceptions toAcanvas awnings and' descriptive signs' painted in the uDDer
~ .
.if,(, rll..i.. . . '. ,. : ", 7'~' ' ' "
' recessed areas of its three exterior walls. The interior has' been renovated.
,~--,.".~.v.7. · Location sketch map (draw & label', 8.~Approximate p.roperty size:
.,'.~ ..r= site and surrounding streets,' · Lot.S~e (in feet)
. .
roads, and prominent landmarks): ' Frontage 86'
Depth 26'
or ~pprox. acreagel/20 (.05)
J ~.~ ~ 9. Condition: (check one)
~ ~ ~ m a. Excellent~ b. Good~
N c. Fair d. Deteriorated~
~L~2~ e. No longer in existence
"" / /. -"'~ ...... ; " 10.
'.'Z.} ~MITA DR. . b. Unaltered?
::~ ' .... "' ll- Surroundings: (check more than
.: one if necessary)
.":] .... (Old) ~ a. Open land
':L..: .. Firehouse b. Residential
~ ~ c Sca[tered buildings·
.. d. Densely built-uP X
· '.'. i a. None known b.. Private development c. Zoning
d; Public Works Project e Vandalism f Other X
:,,i~:,.f~ f3. Dates of enclosed photograph(s) 1930 and May'l.3, 1986
, ,t. NOTE: The following (Items 14-19) are for structures only. ..
,!;~"~': 14. Primary exterior building material:, a. Stone b. Brick
.:~..~ c. Stucco X i d. Adobe '. e. Wood f. Other
~'.:'!!:2:~ 15. Is the Structure: a. On its original site? Yes
... '::?! . . , ,...
"-'~'~" b Moved? c Unknown?
2,..(,.... 16. Year of Initial Construction:. i920s
:':?.,/. ,".'f ,:.".:,-This Date is: a.'. Factual~ ...' .b. Estimated X
. ~,I, , .i , '.r,:" '17 A~chitect ( if known ) :. unkno~: ~
.~'?J 18. Builder (if known): nnkno~
'u::);':'~ '19. Related Features: a. Barn b. Carriage house
:~:L~ ~ c~ Outhouse d. Shed(s) " 'e. Formal Garden(s)
f. Windmill . g. Watertower/tankhouse
,:':~ ;7~ h~ Other i. None X
r..j(::?, y~ S I GN I F I CANCE
"~;";:~ 20. Briefly state historical and/or architectural importance (include
":= ',: '~ dates, eventS; 'and 'persons associated with :the site when known):
: . .= ~ ~ ,
' '; ~ "~b9 historic H~nry Albert Bhildlng in Alia Lo~ w~s' constructed: in the i920s
,.j :~j~[. ' ' ~g~ay, this building is one of oniy six commercial structures left standing
,. ~...; .~' ~ "~' in the original business center Sf the city'. C6nSidered not to lonS aMo as
· :"-' ~' the~aciual town of Alta Lo~. This old to~ and these few buildings, a~ost
.'.'~ forgotten by time, and Isolated by the progress of new development~ ~my
~' ;~ an unequivocal reflection of this area during tha~ period of history. There~o'~
r[~"'~'~ fore~ the Henry Albert Buildin~ is an expression of the way it was ~ny years
?;:' ago, contributing impor~an~ historical and architectural significance to the
.;. ::f~.. ,. Community - sharing the ~st with others,
21. Main theme of the historic resource: (check only one):
a. Architecture X b.' Arts ~ Leisure
c. Economic/Industrial . :d. Government
'~ e. Exploration/Settlement f. Military
g. Religion h. Social/Education
22. Sources: List books, documents, surveys, personal interviews,
and their dates: Light Over The Mountain, cqpWtghi 1979
~ 23. Date form prepared May 1] ~ i986 By ( name ): John Valentovts
: ': ~ Address: 7i3~ Amethyst Ave. City: Al~a Lo~ Zip: 91701
.j.. '[ Phone: None . Organization: N/A
,.-; '~ ..
On November 1, 1965 the Misses Eleanor and Mary Albert will have lived on
the Albert Ranch for seventy years. For it was on November let 1895 that
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albert with their four children--Eleanor, Henry, Mary and
Margaret, arrived in Cucamonga.
Mr. Albert bought sixty acres from a Mr. Hovey. It extended west from
Haven Avenue to the present western boundary of the Albert Ranch and south to
near Base Line. And it was planted to the following crops: fifteen acres of
figs, ten acres of olives; five acres of peaches; fifteen acres of prunes;
and a fifteen acre plot of miscellaneous trees includir4~ some citrus.
They came to Cucamon~a at the suggestion of Dr. and Mrs. Hays who had an
interest in the Hovey Ranch. Mrs. Hays was a sister of Mrs. James Beaver,
whose husband had been Governor of Pennsylvania. The James Beavers were
especially interested in Mrs. Albert as she had been brou{ht up in their home.
Mrs. Albert's maiden name was ~vmry Neebit. She knew very little about her
own family except that her mother died when she was very young and her father
was killed in the Civil War. She grew up in the James Beaver home as one of
their children. She artended a school for "Civil War Orphans" at McAllister- .
rills and there met Henry Albert.
Henry Albert came west in the early 18OO' s. He was seventeen years old
when he made the two weeks' trip from Pennsylvania to San Francisco by freight
train. He worked with a threshing crew for awhile. Then he and a friend drove
a herd of cattle from Santa Rosa to itsqua, California. Requa was an Indian
rillaCe near the mouth of the Klamath River. The only iPJqabitants were
Klamath Indians. Henry worked hard cutting timber in the gulches and carry-
ing it up the hills on his back to build a barn for fifty cows and a cabin
for himself. He established a dairy there. Butter was made, packed into
kegs or firkins, and shipped to San Francisco.
He then sent for Mary Nesbit in Pennsylvania. After they were married
in San Francisco, they. went by boat to Crescent City. There Henry had a
saddled horse for his wife to ride the thirty-two miles over mountain trails
to Requa. That ride was torture as she had never ridden a horse.
F. lea~or Albert was the first white child born in Requa. Later, when
her father visited there, the Indian'people inquired about Papoose Requa.
'~hen Eleanor was two years old they moved to Colorado but only stayed
six months. Then they went to Elk Valley, near Crescent City, and into the
dairy' business again. There, the three younger children were born. In
1895 they m~de their last move, to Cucamonga, California.
Mr. James Isle, Henry Albert's friend, who had a fine dairy in the
Klamath area, soon came too. He settled in Etiwanda and the ~aguire
there are his descendants.
The first home of the .~lbert family was a tent. Soon they built a
frame house. Then, in 1906 the beautiful house was built in which Eleanor
and Mary now live. It was started in July and finished in November.
Henry Albert bought the plans and the building was done by Charles and Edwin
Motsinger and Joe Bowman. Eleanor remembers that her mother prepare~ dinner
at noon for the family and the men who were building the house.
It was the year 1911 that thirty acres of the Albert Ranch were sold,
leaving thirty acres of navel oranges. Eleanor remembers when r~ine or ten
thousand boxes of navels were harvested from those thirty acres. She also
remembers that oranges were planted the first year they were here - 1896 -
replacing the fi~ trees. After a few years there was a good crop of un-
usually large and ,~ell-colored fruit. Then came a north wind and all the
fruit was on the gro~nd.
The children helped in harvesti~_g and drying. the prunes and picking
peaches and olives. The olives were sold to Mr. Charles Crogan who had a
PaRe 3,
processing plant in Ontario where the Graber Olive Company is now located, _
Eleanor Albert first worked in the Cucamonga Citrus Packing House, It
was the only packin~ house in Cucamon~a, She rode a horse to work before
she bought herself a bicycle, She later worked in the Old Baldy Packin~
House where both oranges and lemDns were handled,
Mr, Henry Albert was secretary of the co.~ittee instrumental in
getttn~ the Pacific Electric Railroad to build a line t.hrough this area,
Other members of that committee were Mr. P.A. Demens, chairman; Earnest _
Georlitz, Leonard Smith, Robert Wagner and Dr. E. W. Reed. At that time
the ~ommunity of Alta Loma was named and established. Gordon Billings
built a store building on its present site.
The Albert home has been the center of many eo~wm!nity gatherir~s.
The Women's Club met there many times.