HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/06/05 - Agenda Packet~ ~ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION
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[ehulsaay, Jur~e !: , l
A. Pledqe o~ A]le~rlance to Flag.
Ca]l: Arner , Far. ks , Bzlljnos ,
Cooper , ScbF~idt , Stamri and Strane
c~. ADD;oval of ~4irnutes: t"~aV 1,
A. Review or apt,fllcatlon- The t~_enrV Albert f.ulldl~ig
A. historic; S~rvey Gralqt
~av 1 , 1986
R eg rt lar bee tl ~O
Meeting was calle{~ to or~1er b}, C[.airman Arner at 7:(}2 p.rn. Ca']-] To Order
pJeaq~: o] Alie~:iance ~,~'as ]e~ ~'v f bazrr~a~ ~r~er. Pledge of Allegiance
Present ~,ere ComI! i. ssiorlers Ar'r'ter ~ k~l 13i1]%s t Coo[~er ~ SchB:,lot dliCI
Stature. (Ak'sent: FaNks ar.d Strane).
~inutes of ~pril 3, 1986, Peeular }'ee'tifq weze revieweo M~%eS 4/3/86
~otioN: ~"oveC by Scbmicltt seconded Ly EilllDGS, that ielNutes
gpril 3, 19861 Requ]ar Meetir:q be a.r~proveO as submitreel. P~otioll
carriec~: 5-0-2. (Absent: Par~ks ano Strane).
~NB;O[ ~t.~CFNEB, TS:
(2ommzssioNer Scbm~dt rem~nde{~ tt,e Cc. mm~ssmon that the Ola Rancho 0]d Ranch0 Days
Days Celebratior~ will be belc~ on h~y 17 at t~e Re. ins house,
Chairman Arner relt:roteo to the CoIfffnlsslor~ on (mtarlo's project Rel0cating 0f Homes
or re]ocatiDQ historic ~omes ~o or~e sF-ecl~.lc area rot sertior City 0f Ontario
c'ltizer~ bc~llSlIl(1 ,
Comml. sslor~er Cooper expressea her dissa~lsiaction wit}; a recent Albert House News
newspapez article concerninc~ the l~iber't. [~ous~,, The ~un~',or', Article
NariaN~ Aiker, o~ the [~ally ~eport, re~erenceo a lettel
t,~r.f,ortedjy from a Caroivr~ Crit~lf~ <~1~ (lef~ooz a, [',s. t.r
131]date. d t uBsiqr, e(~ , 1.~fioocl~ir~el) teo aIl~C IIOB--S~;QCl~]C letter
questlor~eO tLe beliefs aNo practl. ces c):l the tlf~Pe/:,eO
owners" o~ the hou Ee. COI~tn,iSS1OII(;T P] ]liBqS aNO Cooper ~ hav1n
known rbe Pj.bert f{~mi].~ ~or t.'~ar,v Vears, vl shed tc-~ c:c or. rec:or{~
as testifyiN9 for the eoodpess ann v,ort~'ir~ess o~ ~he Alber~
fami IV, }urtber, Cc}Fmlssloner. s ~ llllN<i~S al'~O (}c.(~pel slateel
rbe t~}i].oscphlca] Leiie~s ar~{i~ practices o~- the Zan.liy were
bevorK~ re] ~roa c b,
}:iOtlC. l~: ~ovec~ by Cooper% , sec:c.~hoeo by Sczh~ lot, that
('ol.]F1sslorers C:ooper and P. il]ll~gs make a DotatlOli O~1 the
letter tes~irVir,q that the ChaNges maOe ther'e~r~ are ~aise.
~.~c:,tic>n carried 5~"',-2 {~sent: ]:~al~ks ado Sr. rane).
C. bair'r=aN [.rNer' reported cc~ th~ Co[..l'~lsslon tba% ~:~.~: ~aG contacteo Red H~]] C0mmun~ty Park
Colnmur~lEy Sel'~ices DepartmeNt stdJ:r az'~ [~r. SPlit[: or the Cou~,ty Art~facts
Nusel]r, r~.oar<:~il~q ]~osslbl~ ]iistorlc artl~acts that
CoilraiNed witbiD ~(eo hl 3i C(~InB,1]r)ltV PRI'~ (curreI]~ly UNder
co~strl~ctloi ) , ('S[) stafI: ONO [)r. SI,l r['. concurl eci that because
the ar eb b{; S been eYe'ave te<l s(, many tiDieS during this ceBtury,
the (".k~Daces o~ <iscc.~.erlrtg ~Dytl)lI'~% o~ ~;lStOr'iC S1CI,~llC81~Ct~
Dave LeonsrC:1~ ColfimuI) it~ Servlces ])e~,arCl:ent Par]:: Pro3~cts
Coor<~iI~ator, [,resel:.tec Comrqisslo~ ~l~r:, d]] c~vervlew oI ti,e ~. ~c:le~ Victoria Groves
Vlctor~a Grove~, :[:~ark. gf'be szte t:>j. an hac~ been prev'zousi~ Pepper Trees
r~vle~'eC aT, c ap~.~ove(] :/ y boLD Lb~ ~-alk l)evei< ~r ellt
and cbe P:l.ar, x33_nq Coml,,~ssion .
The original i>lar~s i:or the park had ca,ile~d zor the lncorporatlcn~
or the exiStir.~: Pep~..er Tree Qrove lrtt,~ the park [jesl(j/.
inde~ender}t aborist studies have sb<~wn that there are only seven
trees heaj_tby ezx:,l~,.~b to stay a~ ~ [~8'Z[, c,.~' tl':e [:,&r~: ~eE]lql, . J,'~ .
I,,eoDarc sbareC a slide presentati~>z~ wztb CorrJ~lssloIi
th~ state ~f the trees,
h'~otion: Movecj by (.:oopez'~ sec()D(ied bV ~,iliir~qs chat tbe r)lstc:~rlc
iDtearity c>~ the Pepper qrove woulG reP,]alI~ ip tact witib the
lncorporatioD of the se~;'en Pep.per tre~s a~to the park des~3n
theme, NOta. c~D carriec~ 5~)-2 (Ab, senn: }.amkS anG Strane),
Staff re~,orteC~ Eo tt~e: ('on~F.a_ssmor~ F(-.'I:~j eKS OxP tit~: SLaLoms QI'
parks theft: aI'ee t, I3(fe~ cc,~structi~:,~] or bare recer]tly
c oil F' i e ted,
Chairman ~rner adjour:r,ed the ~neetzr~q at 8:30
Pes[~ectrL~lly Submitted ~:y:
Be a Stalker le
(:~E~t}Dlty Serv1ces l:~epartment
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Application for
Historic Landmark Historic Point of Interest
1. Common Name: The Old Post Office
2. Historic Name, if known: The Henry Albert Building
3. Street or Rural Address: 7136 Amethyst Ave.
City: Alta Loma Zip: 91701 County: San Bernardino
Assessor ' s Parcel No. 0202081190000 Zone: C-2
The East 86 feet of the North 26 feet of the South 360.85
Legal Description: feet of Lot 11. Block 12, Cucamonga Homestead Association,
as per plat thereof recorded in Book 6, page 46, of County.
4. Present Owner, if known: John Valentovis Address: Same as above
City: Same as above Zip: Same Ownership is: private X
5. Present Use: Antique/Handcraft-Gift Original Use: General Store
Other past uses: Drugstore, Barber Shop-General Store, Library, Post Office
6. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the site or
structure and describe any major alterations from its original
condition: The outside appearance is identical as it was back in the 1920s
the absence Of
with exceptions toAcanvas' awnings and' descriptive signs' painted in the Upper
, recessed areas of its three exterior walls. The interior has been renovated.
7. Location sketch map (draw & label' 8. Approximate property size:
site and surrounding streets, Lot ~ Si'ze ( in feet )
roads, and prominent landmarks):' Frontage 86'
Depth 26'
or approx. acreage 1/20 (.05)
~ ~ 9. Condition: (check one)
~ a. Excellent b. Good X
N c. Fair d. Deteriorated__
/ < Bufldi~*.'~.',:, e. No longer in existence
f '~ ...... 10. Is the feature: a. Altered? No
LOMITA DR. b. Unaltered?
ll. Surroundings: (check more than
one if necessary )
(01d) ~ a. Open land
Firehouse < b. Residential
~ c. Scat'tered buildings
' I d. Densely built-up X
12. Threats to Site:
a. None known b. Private development__ c. Zoning__
d, Public Works Project e. Vandalism__ f. Other X
13. Dates of enclosed photograph(s) !9~0 and M~y'l~, 1986
NOTE: The following (Items 14-19) are for structures only.
14. Primary exterior building material: a. Stone b. Brick
c. Stucco X d. Adobe e. Wood f. Other
15. Is the Structure: a. On its original site? Yes
b. Moved? c. Unknown?
16. Year of Initial Construction: 1920s
This Date is: a. Factual b. Estimated X
17. Architect (if known): unknown
18. Builder ( if known ): unknown
19. Related Features: a. Barn b. Carriage house
c. Outhouse d. Shed(s) e. Formal Garden(s)
f. Windmill g. Watertower/tankhouse
h. Other i. None X
20. Briefly state historical and/or architectural importance (include
dates, events, and persons associated with the site when known):
~,b~ historic Henry Albert Building in Alta Loma was constructed in the 1920s.
T~ay, this building is one of only six commercial structures left standing
in the original business center of the city. Considered not to long ago as
ths~actual town of Alta Loma. This old town and these few buildings, almost
forgotten by time, and isolated by the progress of new development, portray
an unequivocal reflection of this area during that period of history. Thereto
fore, the Henry Albert Building is an expression of the way it was many years
ago, contributing important historical and architectural significance to the
community - sharing the past with others.
21. Main theme of the historic resource: (check only one):
a. Architecture X b. Arts & Leisure
c. Economic/Industrial d. Government
e. Exploration/Settlement f. Military.
g. Religion h. Social/Education
22. Sources: List books, documents, surveys, personal interviews,
and their dates: Light Over The Mountain, coDyright 1979
23. Date form prepared May 13, 1986 By (name): John Valentovis
Address: 7136 Amethyst Ave. City: Alta Loma Zip: 91701
Phone: None Organizat ion: N/A