HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-191 - ResolutionsRESOLUTIC~ NO. 93-191 A RESOLUTIC~ OF ~E CITY OOUNCIL OF ~HE CITY OF RANCHO ~ APPRDVING PLANS ~ ~'~~S ~ ~ A~ ~ S~ ~ A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Z~ ~ D~l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~B~ ~REAS, it is the intentio~ of the City of Rancho O~,,-m~3~. to co~-truct certain i~xove~nts in the City of Rancho ~M~REAS, the City of Rancho (~m~ has px~%red plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREF-~E, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specificati~s presented by the City of Rancho O,c~mo~a be and are hereby app~Dved as the plans and specifications for Ninth Street Water Line Installation, frc~ Vinmar Avenue to Sierra Madre Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the reoeipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the ~ork specified in tb~ aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertis~ent shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SE~T.VD BIDS OR P~OPOSALS" This project is 100% federally financed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (24 CFR, Part 57) and subject to certain including payment of Federal prevailing wages, cc~pli~ with "Section 3" Affirmative ~tion ~c~]~rements, Exeo/tive Order #11246 and others. The aforementioned are described in the "Special Federal Provisions" Section of the bid documents. __Add__itional information pertainin~ to the Federal ~ is on file with the City of Rancho Oacamonga's Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Randl~ Cu~amor~, San Bernardino Oounty, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS H~R~BY GIV~ that the said City of Rancho O~amonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho O~amonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 9th day of Deoember 1993, sealed bids or proposals for the "Ninth Street Waterline Installation frum Vinmar Avenue to Sierra Madre Avenue" in said City. A prebid meeting is scheduled for 2:00 P.M. TUESDAY, NOV~MB~ 30, 1993, at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Engineering Division, Rains Room. This meeting is to inform DBEs of subcontractin~ and material supply oppcx~u~nities. Bidder's attendance at this meeting is a prerequisite. Bids will be opened and publicly read immediately in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. ~esolution No. 93-191 p e2 Bids ~ be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho O~mor~3a, California, marked, "Bid for Ninth Street Waterline Installatic~ from Vinmar Averse to Sierra Madre Avenue." ~ ~ RATE: Notioe is hereby given that this project is funded with U.S. De~ of Housing and Urban Develc~ funds and that the rate of wage for each craft or type of workman or mechanic employed under this contract shall be not less than as specified under the U. S. De~ertment of performed as modified within ten (10) days prior to the bid opening date as required under the Davis-Bao0n Act. Notwithstandin~ the conditions hereir~_bove, the California Lakor O0de stipulates that not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman or mechanic ncc~ed to execute the contract in the locality in which the work is wages for holiday and overtime wurk as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California shall be paid to all workmen wage rates, the policy of the California Depak-[~en of Labor is to require that the higher of the two prevailing wage rates shall apply. ~he (kaYcra~r shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such 1~, workman, or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor COde cc~cerD/r~ the emplo~ of apprentioes by the Contractor or Section 1777.5, as a~Jlded, requires the Oc~tractor or subom, t~actor employing ~n in any apprentioee__ble occupation to apply to the joint apprentioeship o~,m.~ttee nearest the site of the public works project and which ~ the app~J~.ioe~hip program in that trade for a certificate of ap~. The certificate will also fix the ratio of a~ioes to jourmeymen that will be used in the perfcxmanc~ of the oontract. The ratio of When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship c~ittee b,~ ~ an av~-ac~ of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or ~%en the number of apprentices in training in the area e~ceeds a ratio of one to five, or Resolutic~ No. 93-191 Page3 Ce ~ the trade can sh~ that it is replacir~ at least 1/30 of its or locally, or When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered ap~entioes on all of his corntracts o~ an annual average of not less than c~e ap~ice to eight journeymen. ~he Oontra~ is required to make cuntrib/ticks to funds established for the ad~dn/stratic~ of apprenti~p pxugrams if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any a~azw~.i~ble trade c~ such oontracts and if other C~f~ctors on the public w~ks site are making such contrJ/afcio~. ~~S of Sectic~ 1777.5 ar~ 1777.6 in the e~ploym~rfc of a~ar~ices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other r~ir~nts my be obta' _ired___ from the Director of ~ial Belatic~s, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francis.o, Califcx~lia, or frum the Division of Apprentioeship Standards and its b~-anch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Coeuractor and any suboontra~r under him shall c~mply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with w~rking hours as set fcxT/~ in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each laborer, wurkmn, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any sub~actor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Oontractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman r~cded to execute the work required by this contract .as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bex~dnir~ a~ filed in accordance with Lakx~ Oode Section 1773.8. The bi___dde___r must subnit with his proposal cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho O~ammnga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the px~poeed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such cc~tract said c~.~h, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall beccm~ the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Resolutic~ No. 93-191 Pac3e4 If the City of Rancho ~amonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rar~ho fk~m~ to the differenoe between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be ~ to the lowest bidder. B0~D~: The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred peroent (100%) of the oontract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to fifty percent (100%) of the coiftract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the or labor of any kind dc~e therec~, and the Contra~ will also be requ~ed to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his between him and the said City of Rancho O~,,~3~ for the c~tzuction of said wo~k. ~ ACTION: The City of ~ O~monga hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively e~sure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advert~.~=m~nt, minority business enterpri~ will be afforded full ~ tunity to subnit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discr/minated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin, in oo~i__~&~Ta_ tion for the award. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor whc~ a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho (~. COntra~ shall possess any and all contractors licenses, in form and class as re~ed by any and all applicable laws with the respect to any and all of the work to be preformed under this contract; includ/ng, ~ut not limited to a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) in accox~ance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Califcxnia Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto at the time this contract is awarded. The OmYcractor, pursuant to the "California Buisness Professions Code", Section 7028.15, shall indicate his or her State Licer~e Number on the bid, __ur~er_~ penalty of perjury, that the infcx~aation being-~vided is true and ~re~. The wc~=k is to be do~e in accordance with the -f~files, plans, and specificati(r~ of the City of Rancho Cuc~,~3~ on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center ~rtve, Rancho O~-~,.-m~3~, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City ~gineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cu~m~3~ and payment of $35.00, said $35.00 is ~=fundable. Resolutic~ No. 93-191 P e5 Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specificatlas will be mailed when said request is aco~9~ed by paysant stipulated above, toge~ with an additional no~re~le payment of $15.00 to cover the cost of roiling charges and The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho O~mc~ga. In aooordance with the requirements of Sectio~ 9-3.2 of the General Provisions, as set fox~h in the Plans ar~ Specifications regardir~ the work C0~tractor's re~_est and at the Cc~fcract~w,s sole co~t and expense, subeti~ authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho o~mmonga, California, reserves the right to reject any ~ all bids. PASSED, ~, and ADOPTED this 3rd day of November, 1993. ABS~T: None , City Clerk I, DF/~A J. ADAMS, CITY cLFRK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Califoxnia, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly pa.~ed, approved, and adopted by the City Oouncil of the City of Rancho O~m~xz3a, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 3rd day of November, 1993. Executed this 4th day of November, California. 1993, at Rancho Ck~, '~~. , City Clerk