HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-180 - ResolutionsRESOLUTION NO. 93-180 A RESOI/]I~ON OF THE CITY C0[~WIIL OF ~HE CITY OF RANC~0 ~ FACILITIES DISTRICT ~ TO LEVY A HP~2IAL TAX TO PAY FOR ~ P%~LIC FAC~,TTIES ~ SAID ~ FACILITIES DISTRICT WHEREAS, the CITY COL~CIL of the CITY OF PJtNC~K) ~, CALIFORNIA, (hereinafter referred to as the "legislative body of the local Agency"), at tbi~ time is desirous to initiate tmDoee~i~ to create a C~manity Facilities District pursuant to the terms and pxxmrisions of the '94ello-Roos C~mma%ity Facilities Act of 1982), being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Divison 2, Title 5 of the Gove~,mwm~ Code of the State of California (the "Act"). ~ C~mmmity Facilities District shall h~dnafcer be referred to as ~ FAC97.TTIES DIS~IICT NO. 93-3 (FCOTMT~X. ~l~&~) (~ referred to as the "District"); and, WHEREAS, this legislative body is now required to proceed to adopt its Resolution of Intention to initiate prooeedir~3s for the establ~ of said District, to set forth the bOur~9~vies for said District, imdlcate the type of public facilities to be pxDvided, indicate the rate of ap~io~ent of a special tax sufficient to pay for all such facilities, set a time and place for a public hearing relating to the estm_bl~ of said District, and describe the proposed voting ~oue~ure f~r any election pertaining to the levy of a special tax or issuance bo~ds within the District; and, WHEREAS, at any time before or after the formation of the District, this legislative body may accept a~r4noes of funds and/or w~rk in kind frc~ any source; however, no reimbursement am~/or repayment shall be made for said advanoes until expressly set forth by agreement and/or Resolution of this legislative body setting forth the amount, terms and conditicms for any reJa~urs~nt and/or repayment; and, WH~RFAS, a map of said District ba~ been suhni~ showing the boundaries and properties to be included within said District. NC~, THEREFORE, the City Oouncil of the City of Rancho O,cA~nga does hereby resolve as follc~s: That the above recitals are all true and correct. INITIATIC~ OF _PROC~n~ S~CTION 2. That these ~~ngs are initiated by this legislative body pursuant to the authorization of Section 53318 of the C~vermmnt Code of the State of California. ~ OF DISTRICT S~CTION 3. It is the intention of this legislative body to estm_blish a C~m,~nity Facilities District pursuant to the provisions of the Act, the boundaries and parcels being that area of land to which public facilities are to be provided and on which special taxes my be levied in Resolution No. 93-180 cxder to pay the cost and expenses for said public facilities. A description of the bour~laries of territory proposed to be included in the District is as follows: All that property as shown on a map as previously approved by this legislative body, said map designated by the name of this C~L,,~nity Facilities District, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and shall remain open for public inspection. NAME OF DISTRICT S~L~ION 4. The name of the proposed C~,~nity Facilities District to be established shall be known and designated as CC~4UNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 93-3 (FOOTHILL MARKETPIACE). DES(~J/~fION OF FACILITIES S~CTION 5. That it is the intention of this legislative body to financethe fair shareportion of certainauthorizedpublic capital facilities generally describedas follows: The acquisition and/or construction of certain public capital facilities, generally described as street ~ to Foothill Boulevard frc~ Interstate 15 to Etiwar~m Avenue and to Etiwanda Avenue frc~ Foothill Boulevard to approximately 1,000 southerly of Foothill Boulevard; storm drain i~orov~m~s frum Foothill Boulevard southerly and westerly to Arrow Route; sewer im~ f~, Foothill Boulevard and Etiwanda Avenue westerly and southerly to Arrow R~ute; on-site water ia~x~m~ents within the District; water imurov~ in Foothill Boulevard and Etiwanda Avenue; a portion of the Arrc~ Route storm drain facility, a portion of the Foothill Boulevard and Interstate 15 interchange i~p~Dvements and appurtenances and app~rt~r~u-~ work. The facilities, as above-described, are facilities which this legislative body is authorized by law to contribute revenue to or to construct, own or operate. It is hereby further determined that the propoeed facilities are nece~ry to meet increased demands and nccds placed upon this local Agency, and the costs and expenses charged to this District represent the fair share costs of the facilities attributable to this District. The oost of acquiring, constructing and installing the facilities includes incidental expenses consisting of the costs of planning and designing the facilities, including the costs of e~v~l evaluations thereof, all costs associated with the establishment of the District, the issuance of bc~ds, the determination of the amount of any special taxes to be levied, the costs of collecting any special taxes, and costs otherwise incurred in c~der to carry out the authorized purposes of the District, together with any other expenses incidental to the acquisition, construction, completion and inspection of the facilities authorized by the Resolution No. 93-180 Pa 3 funds are otherwise available, a special tax sufficient to pay f~r said facilities and related incidental ~ authorized by the Act, secured by recordation of a o0~tinuing lie~ against all n~ real property in the District, will be levied ama~lly within the boundaries of said District. For particulars as to the rate and metho~ of a~$z~ci~--,~t of the ~~! s~ecial tax, reference is made to the a~ an~ ]/~a~lx~atsd Exhibit "A" which sets forth in sufficient detail the method of ap~ic~mm~t to allow each ~ or resident within the pr~ District to clearly estimate the maximum amount that said person will have to pay for said facilities. This legislative body further authorizes that the special taxes may be prepaid and satisfied by the payre-at of such amount as the City Council may derarming, and all details and particulars shall be set forth and adopted by Resolution of this legislative body. and shall be subject to the same penalties, prooedure, sale and lien priority in any case of delinquency as applicable for ad valore~ taxes. Any other PUBLIC HEARING S~fION 7. NOTICE IS GIV~ THAT ON ~HE 17TH DAY OF ~, 1993, AT ~HE HOUR OF 7:30 O'CID(~ P.M., IN ~ R~GUIAR .Mw~U/NG PLACE OF THE L~GISTATIVE BODY, B~U~G THE ~ (~%~S, CITY HAT,L, A PUBLIC HEARING ~, BE ~n WH~RE THIS I~GISIATIVE BOOY W~;. (I~SIDER ~E ESTABLI~ OF THE OF THE SPECIAL TAX, AND ALL ~ ~ AS SET PO~TH IN THIS RESOLUTION OF P~qONS INT~qESI~D, INCIDDING T~XP~ AND P~OP~TY O~ERS MAY.APPEAR AND BE ESTABLIS~4~Ff OF THE DISTRICT, ~E ~ -EEZ]~T OF ~HE DISTRICT, CR ~E Ft~NIS~ING OF THE FACILIT/ES, WILL BE HEARD ~D (I~S/D~D. ANY P~OTESTS MAY BE MADE ~ES AND DEF~2TS TO WHICH ~4E ~ON IS MADE. ALL WRITR~ PROTESTS SHAT.T. BE FTT.FD ~ THE ~ ..~. THE L~GISIATIVE BODY ON OR WITHDP4%WN IN ~ AT ANY TIME B~W~,E THE ODNCI/3SION OF THE P%~LIC'~. IF A ~ MAJORITY PROTEST AE4~NST T~E ESTABLISHMenT OF THE DISTRICT IS F17.~D, THE PROcRFDINGS SHATZ, ~ ABANDC~q~. IF SAID MAJORITY PROTEST IS ~ TO ~ FACILITIES OR Pf~TIONS OF THE LT~GISI2tTI%TE BODY. Besolution No. 93-180 Page4 S~CTION 8. If following the public hearing described in the Section above, the legislative body determine to establish the District and proposes to levy a special tax within the District, the legislative k~dy shall then sukmtit tb~ levy of the special tax to the qualified electo~ of the District. If at least twelve (12) persons, who ~ not n~ce~rily be the same twelve (12) persons, have been registered to vote within the District for each of the ninety (90) days preceding the close of the subject hearing, the vote shall be by registered voters of the District, with each voter having one (1) vote. Otherwise, the vote shall be by the landc~T~rs of the District who w~re the owners of reoor~ at the close of the subject hearing, with each landowner, or the authorized l~tive thereof, having one (1) vote for each acre or portion of an acre of land owned within the District. A successful election relating to the special tax authorization shall, as applicable, establish an~/or change the appropriations limit as authorized by Article XIIIB of the California Comstitution as it is applicable to this District. S~CTI~ 9. ~TLiS legislative body hereby finds and determines that the public ~ will not be served by allowing the prc~ c~ners of 3/4's of the area to make an election to take over and perform any works of i~ pursuant to a contract ~ by this legislative body. This findir~ does not prc~ibit the property owners from directly entering into a ccelract to perform and ~ct certain of the works of i~. S~CTION 10. That notioe of the time and place of the public hearing shall be given by the City Clerk in the foll~ing manner: A. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be published in the legally designated newspaper of general circulation, being the INIAND V'~T,T.1Uf DAILY BULT.k~IN, said publicatic~ pursuant to Section 6061 of the Govez~,~,~ C~de, with said publicatio~ to be cc~pleted at least seven (7) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. B. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to each property owner within the bom~ries of the proposed District; said mailing to the pzopesty owners shall be to the address as shown on the last equalized assessrotator roll. Said mailing shall be completed at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. Resol~ion ~.93-~0 p e5 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 6th day of October, 1993. Ai~, Gutierrez, Stout, Williams AYES: NOES: Nc~e ABS~T: Buquet I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY cLFRK of the City of Rancho O~u~, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Besolutio~ was duly p~.~d, a~, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Pancho Cucamonga, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 6th day of October, 1993. Executed this 7th day of October, 1993, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Resolution No. 93-180 p~6 F _AC~3TIES DIS~ NO. 93-3 EXHIBIT #A" RATE AND MSTHOD OF APPORrIC{~EIqT OF SPE~TAL TAX The Resolution of Intention refers to this Exhibit for an explanation of the rate and method of app=i~o~nt of the Special Tax so as to allow eaoh of the Special Taxes to be levied. A Special Tax applicable to each Assessor's Parcel in C~m,,~nity Facilities District No. 93-3 (herein "CFD No. 93-3") shall be levied and collected according to the tax liability determined by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga acting in its capacity as the legislative body of CFD NO. 93- 3 (herein the ("Council") thro~ the application of the ap~xx~riate amount or rate for "Taxable Property" as descr~ below. All of the Tawable Property in CFD NO. 93-3, unless exempted by law, shall be taxed for the puzpoees, to A. DEFINITIONS "Acre" ~__a__ns tb~ area of each A~or's Paroel as shown on the San "Act" _m~___ns the Mello-Roos O~.L~lity Facilities Act of 1982, as amended, being C~ 2.5 (ocmmnencing with Section 53311) of Division 2 of Title 5 of the California Gorefrieda (kxie. "A.~se~sor's Paroel" means paroel of lard as designated on a map of the San B~rnard/no COunty A~o~ and which parcel has been assigned a discrete identifying number. "Bonds" means the bonds of CFD No. 93-3 issued and sold to finance public facilities which are n~ce~.~y to the develo{anent of the property within CFD No. 93-3. "City" m~_ans the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. "Debt Service" _m~___ns the amount of principal and interest on the Bords or other debt which must be paid frc~ the Special Taxes levied in each Fiscal Year on Taxable Property. "Facilities" me__~__ns those public facilities identified in the Repcx~ of NBS/Imwry as Special Tax Consultant for ~FD No. 93-3 on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Besolution No. 93-180 "Fiscal Year" _mg~__ns the period starting on July 1, and ending the following June 30th. '9~dmum Special Tax" means the maximum Special Tax, determined in aoco~dance with Section C, that can be levied by the Council in any Fiscal Year for each parcel of Tax~_~ble Pr~. '~axable Property" is all of the parcels within the boundaries of CFD No. 93-3 which are not exempt frc~ the Special Tax pursuant to law. B. DETERMINATION OF TAXABLE PROP~q2~ On March 1 of each year, all Taxable Property with CFD No. 93-3 shall be derermined and shall be ~bject to tax in accordance with the rate and method of apportionment determined pursuant to Sections C and D below. The Council shall not impose any Special Tax on land owned by a public agency as of the date of the fox~atic~ of CFD No. 93-3. Each parcel of Tax~__ble Property shall be subject ot Maximum Special Tax rate of $20,000 per acre and shall be levied as long as neoessary for each parcel of Taxable Property to pay for authorized facilities and to disdmarge authorized bond obligations or other debt of CFD No. 93-3. D. METHOD OF APPOR~IC~4~ OF THE SPECIAL TAX The Council shall determine the amount of money required to be collected frc~ Ta~hle Property in CFD No. 93-3 in each Fiscal Year. Suc~ amount shall include the sums necessary to pay for current debt service on ind~ of CFD No. 93-3, to create or replenish reserve funds determined nece~_ ~ry to CFD No. 93-3, and to pay admirus' trative expenses, construction expenses and acquisition expenses to be paid from Special Tax proceeds (the "Special Tax Re~/x~ent"). The Oouncil shall levy the Special Tax as follc~s until the amount of the levy equals the Special Tax An equal percentage of the Max/mmu Special Tax Rate applicable to all Ta~_ble Property shall be levied on each parcel of Ta~hle Property for such Fiscal Year. E. MANNER OF COl,~.wCi'ION The Special Tax will be collect~d_ in the same manner and at the same time as ~-dinary ad valorem real p~-u~e~Ly tax~s. The Annual Special Tax shall be subject to the same penalties, procedure, sale and lien priority in case of a delinquency as provided for ad valorem taxes. Any other Special by the Treasurer of the City. The Oouncil reserves the power to provide P~solutic~ No. 93-180 Page8 for alternative _m~_ns of oollection of S~ecial Ta~es as permitted by the Act. In the event of a delinquency, CFD No. 93-3 will pursue forecloeure in a timely manner. The Council shall est_~blish, as part of the proceedings and admin/stration of CFD No. 93-3, a special Review/Appeal Board. a~y landowner who feels that the amount of the Special Tax, as to their parcel, is in errc~, may file a notice with the Bevies/Appeal Board appealing the amount of the interpret this ~ate an~ M~od of Ap~x~/c~ent of the Special Tax and ma~ determinations relative to the ~ ~~tratic~ of the Special 1 I~ ;11~lfi~l]l I Illillllllii:~ ~1