HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-166 - Resolutions93-166 A RESOLUTIC~ OF THE CITY C0t~CIL OF THE CITY OF ~, CAT.~---M~r/A, APPROVING ~;. ~%iL~C PIAN AMf~H~4~f 93-01, A~)ING '~EALT~ AND AT~RTIC GYMS AND WEIGHT P~IXKIING c~.TNICS" AS A ~ ~ 1, 2, AND 3, A~) ADDING "PHA~CIES, WITH A P~MITI~D USE IN T~E ~ ~ DISIRICT ~ SUBAREA 1, 2, Ah~ 3, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN ~TH~RfDF. (i) Cardio-Fit- has filed an applicatic~ for Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment No. 93-01 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Foothill Boulevard Specific PlanAmendment is referredto as "the application." (ii) On July 28, 1993, the Planning C~mmission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and rec~m~_ed ~1 of the application to the City Oouncil. (iii) On ~ 18, 1993, the City Council oonducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing on that date. (iv) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, TH~EPDRE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City Oouncil of the City of Rancho ~ as follc~s: 1. ~nis Council hereby specifically fir~s that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidenoe presented to this Council during the above-referenoed public hearing on August 18, 1993, including written and oral staff re[xmT~, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifically findsas follc~s: (a) Tnis amendmentdoesnotconflictwiththeLandUsePolicies of theGeneral Plan; and (b) This amendment ~ the goals and objectives of the Land Use Element and the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan; and (c) ~his amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties and would not have a significant impact on the environment nor th~ surrounding properties. 'i~ i1 III :i~11[1111111; llilllllill]l ii Resolution No. 93-166 Page2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Oouncil during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findir~3s of facts set fcxTh in par~aphs 1 and 2 above, th~ Oouncil hereby finds and concludesas follows: (a) That the proposed amendment would not have significant (b) q~at the proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in par~ 1, 2, and 3 above, t_his Oouncil hereby approves Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment No. 93-01, as shown on the attached Exhibits A and B. PASSED, ~, and ADO~T~Dthis 18th day of A3/c~, 1993. Alexander, Buquet, Gutierrez, Stout, Williams NOES: None J. City Clerk I, DE~RAJ. ADAMS, CITY ~RK of the City of Ranc~o~, Califcxnia, do h~eby o.rtify that the for~3oing m~oluti~ w~ Uu~y r~.~, ~, an~ adopt~__ by the City Oouncil of the City of Rancho ~lK~u~,m~, Califcx~, at a regular meeting of said City Oouncil held onthe 18thday of August, 1993. Executed this 19th day of August, 1993, at Rancho Cuca~3a, California. ~LLBIMARY TAnl · C)F ~ (X~ AND COfiI~ ~ ~.aua ~ y PERBIITT~ Io~ OS~ 93-166 Pa 3 RETAIL COHHERCIAL USES AntiQue Shops Apparel a) BoutiQues D) General Appliance Stores and Repair Art, music, ariel Photographic stuOto anO Supply Stores Auto Service Statlon Auto Service (IncluOIng trailers, motorcycles. Ooats, campers): a) Sales (with ancillary repair facilities)-" D) Rentals c) minor Repair (does not Inclucle major engine world, muffler shops, painting, PoOy wort<s, uPhOlstery, etc.) d) Coin-op Washing e) Automatic WiShing t) Pa~s and Supplies Bakerlos (retail only) Bar'der anO Beauty Shops Bee and Breal~fast Bicycle ShOpS Blueprint anO PhOtOCOpy So,vices BOOk. Gift and Stations y Stores (other th!m aOult related material) Candy and Confectionaries Catering EstaOIIshments China ~ Glassware Stores Christmas Tree Sales Lots (operltlng on a temporary Pasls) Churches CleanIRa and PreSSlad EStaDIIShmentl COCktail Lodge Inclu=lng relate~ ante~al~t Commercial Recreation: a) In~oor uses suc~ as ~owll~ an~ ml IlarOs D) OutOdor uses suc~ an~ Das~etDall Convalescent Facilities Curtain an~ DraDe~ Day Care Centers Delicatessens and Specialty Foocl -- Stores C~mg ~tores an~ P~armacies (~ a) ov~ I 0.0~ sQ. ft. ~O) Pha~les wltfi or without ~ specialty retail ~Oer I0,~0 ~ s~. r~. X X X X x 0 0 0 0 X X X X X 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 X X X oX X X X X X X X X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 X X X I V-9.4 a 0 0 X X X X X X 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 0 0 X X X x !i!::!~ xx x x 'x ;:ili xx. ?~ 00 ~' 0 0 X X X X X X X X~ 0 0 X X# X X X X X ..-f! X X X~' X X X X~ X 0 0 0 X X X 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X x 0 X 0 x:i: x x ) · rD :[ 1~: TFilIKI~ Ii IJli[i~ .........m' RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES (CONT.) Farmers MarKets Floor Covering SHOOS Florist Stores Furniture Stores alth and Athletic Gyms aria Weight Reauclnn Clll~CS HOOOy Shoos Ice Cream Stores ano Sooa Fountains Janitorial Services aria Supplies Jewelry Stores Launary (Self Service) Leather Goo¢s an¢ Luggage Stores Liquor SCores Messenger aria Wire Services MUSIC. Dance, anti Martial Arcs Stualo NewsPaper aria Hagaztne Stores Nurseries anti Garaen Supply Scores within enc losea area Office, Business Machine ano Computer Component Stores Paint, Glass aria Wallpaper Stores Pet Shops PhOtOCOPY Recora ana Tape Stores Restaurants (sit aown): a) With entertainment an~or serving of alcoholic peverages D) Inctaental serving or I>eer ana wine (wltl~out a COCKtail Ioun bar, entertainment or aanclng) c) Care, Ilmttea to 20 seats ( Inc lualng outaoor seat Ing) a) Fast Fooa: wttn arlve-mru without arlve-thru Shoe Stores. Sale ana Repair Specialty Retail Sporting Gooas Stores: a) SPe¢lalty j DacicpacRIng, tennis. sicling. Mountaln- eerlngo Fishing, I~) General; encompassing a variety or sports eclulpment Supermarkets Swlmmlnq Pool SupOlles TAB' · OF ~ ~ AND (:::t~ImIM'A: I y p~ mt LIS~ X i~ x x x X x X 0 0 0 Suearea Two SuParea Three iSuDarea Four CC 0 MR I SC CC CO LMR MR U :~CC RRC MR L~ x x x X X 0 XX XX OX OX XXX xxx X X XX XX X X XX XX XX XX XX XX 000 O0 X X X X 0 0 0 X X X X X X 0 X X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 X X x X X x X X X 0 0 X X X x X X x x x x x x x x x x )X 0 0 X X ~ X' X 0 X X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X# X X# X X X X X 0 X X" X X X# X X X X X X X X" X X# X X X 0 0 0 X X 0 0 X X X 0 0 0 0 X X X X 0 0 X X X X X 0 0 X X X X 0 0 0 0 X X 0 X X X X X X X x 93-166 .. Revtsea: 4/18/90 I v-9.4 D 111 I;[ II~lUfi~l' IIllll111:H/ II RotIll Commlr¢ill U#e - Continued I.and U~e SC CC O Chrtamas Tree Sales lots operated on a temporary basis X Churches O O Cleaning end Pressing Establishments X X Cocktail Lounge (bar, lounge, tavern) including related entertainment O O O Commercial Recreation: a) Indo~ usas such as bowling, billiards 0 0 b) Outdoor uses ~Jch as tennis end basketball O O Convalescent Facilities and Nospitlls O Curtain and DrN)ery Shops X Day Care Centers O O Delicatessens and Specialty Food Stores X X Dru~'¥' u'~loO ~ lores anC~ PharmM,~S: - a) over l o,000 KIft X b) pharmacies with or without ' r.t.i, und. r ,0.000 Farmers Markets " Floor Covering Shops Florist Shops Furniture Storea Hardware Stores H~eal~h ~nd Athletic Gyms anti Weight HObOy Shops x x Ice Cream Stores and Socl& Fountains X X Janitorial Services and Supplies X Rev,secl: 4/18190 lV.9.12 Resolution No. 93-166 Page5 MR P St.J~-AREA DESIGN STANDARDS ANO LAND USE REGULATION SUBAREA ONE ]] I!r Ill i]llllll~l fi'~11 'IFF'rT .................T ~e~olutio~ No. 93-166 ~cj~6 q3 Flitoil Commr¢ill Uses - Continued Land Use SC CC O MHR MR Candy and Confectioneries X X Catering Establishments X Chine and Glassware Stores X X Christrole Tree/Pumpkin Sales Lots operated on a temporery Besis X Churches O O O O Cleening and Pressing Establishments X X Cockttil Lounge (bar, lounge, t~vem) including releted enterteinment O O O Commercial Recreation: a) Indoor uses such is bowting, btllierds O O b) Ouldoor uses such is tennis ancl basketbill 0 0 Conveleacent Facilities and Hospitlls 0 0 0 0 Curtain and Drlpery Shopl ' X X Day C~re Centers 0 0 0 0 Delicatessens and Spiclilly Food Stores X X /~Drug Stores Im:l Pharmacies: ~ a) over ~o,oo0 ~1 ft ' x ~ b) pharmacies with or without spe- ~ ~ ~~cicially~_retail under 10.000 ,q tt 0 ~ Farmers Markets X Floor Covering Shops X Revised: 4/18/90 IV-9.26 SUB-AREA DESIGN STANDARDS MOVND suax Ret~11 Cemmm,~lal Use~ - Continued Land U~e SC CC O MHR Florlit Shop~ X X X Furniture Stores. X X Hardware Stores X H..l~.t icGy.. ~md (~~ ..Reduc Ing Clinic; H~bby Sh~ Ice Cream Stor~ and ~ Fountsin. Janltori. I Servic~ ~d ~ppll~ J~ Sto~ ~~ (~lf ~lce) ~s~er 8~ Wire b~lc~ ~sJc, Nws~r 8~ ~szl~ S~ ~rserl~ o~ ~r~n ~y S~ Wl~ln E~I~ Office, Com~ter ~~t S~ Pmlfit, Pet P~t~y (Xe~x) R~ Md T8~ St~ X X X X X X X X X X 0 0 X X 0 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Resolutio~ No. 93-166 Page7 Revise(J: 4/1 8/90 :11 II1 Illi:1111111fi!l I~:H[I I[!I: ~ ~l ...........-T ........ Retail Commercial U~e~ - Continued I.arlclUsl SC CC CO LMR MRR a) over 10,000 sq tt X ~/ b) pharmacies with or without spa- ., .) airy retail under 10,000 sq ff~ X X X X Farmarl Markell X Floor Covering Shope Florist Shops X Furniture Storee X Hardware Stoma X H~thlefiC Gyms and Weight R~lucing~ Holy Shom X X Ice Cream Storae and Sola Fountains X X X Janitorial Services and Supplies X Jewel~ Slores X X Laundw (~lf Sewi~) X , Lea~ar G~ ~ L~ S~es X X Liquor S~rtl 0 0 Mes~n~r a~ ~e Sew~ X X Mus~, D~, ~d M~ A~ Slud~l O X Newsp~r a~ M~ne S~rls X X X Nurseries and Gl~en Su~ Sl~et Within E~ Area X Office, Business Machine an~ Computer Com~nent Stores X X Paint, Glass, ~nO Wlllp~r Slotes X Pet Shops X X U MU X X O X O X X X 93-166 Revise(l: 4/1 8/90 IV.9.44