HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002/04/11 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of Trustees DECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA VIVIAN GARCIA states and declares as follows: I presently am, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Administrative Secretary of the Library of Rancho Acting in that capacity, on ~L~g( ~O~ Cucamonga. at ~-~ , I posted a true and correct copy of the meeting agenda dated ~ // / ~.oo~ at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on ~--~-O~k , at Rancho Cucamonga. DEBORAH KAYE CLARK, LIBRARY MANAGER City of Rancho Cucamonga ¥ivian.Garcia, Administrative Secretary City of Rancho Cucamonga LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING Second Thursday 6:30 p.m. April 11, 2002 Council Chambers City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 City Councilmembers William J. Alexander, Mayor Diane Williams, Mayor Pro Tern Paul Biane, Councilmember Grace Curatalo, Councilmember Bob Dutton, Councilmember Boardmembers Robert Howdyshell, President Donna Bradshaw, Boardmember Dobbin Lo, Boardmember Ravenel Wimberly, President Pro Tern Joyce Womack, Boardmember  Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Page 1 Board of Library Trustees Agenda Regular Meeting, April 11, 2002 A. CALL TO ORDER ) Roll Call: Howdyshell __, Bradshaw Lo , Wimberly and Womack B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non- controversial. They will be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1) ApprovalofMinutes: March 14,2002 1 C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1) Library Status report: oral report presented by staff. 6 2) Budget Report: report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director. 3) Budget Process for 2002/2003: oral update by Deborah Clark, Library Director 4) Public Library Association Conference: oral update by Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager and Michelle Perera, Reference Services Coordinator. 5) Update on Progress of Potential Victoria Gardens Branch. Oral report by Deborah Clark, Library Director. a) Prop 14 Bond Measure Application Process: Status report on application. b) Building Program i) Libris Program 2 0 ii) Program Charette c) Community Needs Assessment i) Request for the Board to approve a 4 hour staff in service. Report attached. 43 6) Proposed Policy for Selecting Bookmobile School Stops Due to the absence of Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian, recommend this item be continued to the May meeting. D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Board of Library Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input.  Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Page 2 Board of Library Trustees Agenda Regular Meeting, April 11, 2002 1) Telethon 2002: Oral update by staff. a) Pledged amounts b) Status of Collections c) Debrief of event 2) Collection Agency update: Requested by the Board. Oral presentation by Karen Schneiderwent, Circulation Supervisor. 3) Young Adult Liaisons: High School participation at an advisory level. Requested by the Board for discussion. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Board of Library Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Board of Library Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. G. ADJOURNMENT I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Monday, April 8, 2002, 6:00 pm~ seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A PUBLIC LI BRARY Staff Report DATE: April 11, 2002 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Director SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES RECOMMENDATION Approval of the minutes of March 14th, 2002, regular meeting. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached, please find the minutes for the regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees listed above, taken and compiled by Library Administrative Secretary, Vivian Garcia. FISCAL IMPACT None. Library Director CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on March 14, 2002, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Howdyshell. Present were Boardmembers Bradshaw, Lo, Wimberly and Womack. Also present were: Deborah Clark, Library Director, Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian and Vivian Garcia, Senior Administrative Secretary. B. CONSENT CALENDAR BI. Approval of Minutes: February 14, 2002 (Howdyshell abstained). MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Wimberly to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Boardmember Womack. Motion carded, 4-0-0-1. C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS C 1. Library Status Report: oral report presented by staff. Deborah Clark, Library Director, stated that Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager, and Michelle Perera, Reference Services Coordinator, were attending the PLA Conference in Phoenix, Arizona this week. Statistics for February will be available at the April meeting. Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian, stated that at the pre-school storytime registration last week, the 10 a.m. Storytime filled within six minutes of the Library opening. The 11 a.m. Stortyime filled within the next two hours. C2. Budget Report: report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director. Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed the balance sheets with the Board. C3. Budget Process for 2002/2003: a. Proposed goals for drafting 2002/2003 budget proposal. Report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director, continued from the February 14 meeting. Library Board Minutes March 14, 2002 Page 2 Deborah Clark, Library Director, reviewed the goals with the Library Board. Goal #1 Provide Service Excellence at Every Public Service Location Goal #2 Plan for the Proposed New Branch Library Facility Goal #3 Expand Book Collection Goal #4 Expand On-line Access to Library Services to the Community Goal #5 Expand Outreach Services Goal #6 Maximize the Use of the Existing Library Facility MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Womack to approve the Goals, seconded by President Pro Tem Wimberly. Motion carried, 5-0. C4. Prop 14 Bond Measure Application Process: Status report on application. Oral report by Deborah Clark, Library Director. a. School District participation b. Community Needs Assessment Deborah Clark, Library Director, updated the Library Board. C5. Proposed Policy for Selecting Bookmobile School Stops. Report by Renee Tobin, Children's Services Supervisor. Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian, discussed with the Library Board the need for a policy in selecting Bookmobile School Stops. After discussion, the Library Board stated the term "schools" should be used as opposed to defining type of schools. Also, stated on the policy, the Bookmobile service would be offered providing there is sufficient funding for the operation and staffing of the Bookmobile. Staff was asked to return the policy to the next meeting with changes. D. BOARD BUSINESS D1. Telethon 2002: Oral update by staff. Deborah Clark, Library Director, updated the Library Board on donations received for the Telethon, and noted that there have not been as many Magic Word prizes donated this year as in years past due to the events of September 11 and the other fundraisers prior to the Telethon. Staff has been working hard on all the elements of the Telethon. Library Board Minutes March 14, 2002 Page 3 D2. Library Liaison Assignments. a. Draft of job descriptions available for Board review and input. Report presented by Deborah Clark, Library Director, continued from the February 14 meeting. MOTION: Moved by President Howdyshell to accept the Liaison Assignments, seconded by Boardmember Bradshaw. Motion carried, 5-0. D3. Update on Progress of Potential Victoria Gardens Branch. a) Staff update on project. Oral report by Deborah Clark, Library Director. Deborah Clark, Library Director, updated the Library Board on the project and announced that an Architect will be on board if the Council approves staffs recommendation at their March 20th meeting. D4. Discussion of Attendance at the Statewide Trustees Conference. Deborah Clark, Library Director, asked the Library Board to contact Vivian Garcia, Senior Administrative Secretary, if they would like to attend. Boardmember Wimberly stated he would like to. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING El. Telethon 2002 E2. Budget E3. Bookmobile Service Policy E4. Young Adult Liaisons - High School E5. PLA Conference E6. APS Update E7. Collection Agency Update ES. New Collection - all to the new branch? Library Board Minutes March 14, 2002 Page 4 F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Boardmember Womack to adjourn to April 11, 2002, at 6:30 p.m., seconded by Boardmember Lo. Motion carried, 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: STATISTICS Mar 2002 Mar 2001 FY 2001/02 FY 2000/01 Days Open 30 31 261 261 Items Borrowed 70,831 68,357 559,008 506,966 Average Daily 2,361 2,205 2,142 1,942 % Change 7% 10% Archibald Library 67,098 68,357 481,495 444,911 Average Daily 2,237 2,205 2,142 1,942 % Change 1% 10% Kidsmobile 3,733 0 12,545 0 Patrons Registered 989 1,192 9,279 7,621 Average Daily 33 38 36 29 % Change -14% 22% Information Questions 9,864 10,979 67,666 67,748 Average Daily 329 354 259 260 % Change -7% 0% Library Visitors 42,274 43,753 293,913 264,127 Average Daily 1,409 1,411 1,126 1,012 % Change 0% 11% Children's Programs 1045 1052 7,328 6,785 # of Sessions 35 34 238 252 Aver. Per session 30 31 31 27 % Change -1% 8% Technology Center Visitors 1,056 970 7,098 7,075 % Change 9% 0% Items Classified 1,647 2,778 14,798 15,236 % Change -41% -3% Volunteer Hours 718 897 4,002 4,144 % Change -20% -3% ADULT SERVICES Information Questions 6,240 6,827 41,003 45,739 Average Daily 208 220 157 175 % Change -6% -10% Prog rams/Classes Attendance 14 130 99 265 # of Sessions 1 6 8 14 Aver. per session 14 22 12 19 Tours/Group Visits Attendance 0 15 21 80 # of Sessions 0 1 2 5 Aver. per session 0 15 11 16 CHILDRENS SERVICES Information Questions 3,624 4,152 26,663 22,009 Average Daily 121 134 102 84 % Change -10% 21% Toddler Time 191 130 1,222 1,033 # of Sessions 8 8 56 56 Aver. Per session 24 16 22 18 Preschool Storytime Attendance 263 282 1,633 1,843 # of Sessions 8 8 54 68 Aver. per session 33 35 30 27 Afterschool Storytime Attendance 95 142 598 947 # of Sessions 4 4 31 34 Aver. per session 24 36 19 28 Family Storytime Attendance 225 231 1,312 1,187 # of Sessions 8 8 53 52 Aver. per session 28 29 25 23 Special Events Program Attendance 0 0 1,115 411 # of Sessions 0 0 7 3 Aver. per session 0 0 159 137 Back to Basics Tutoring Sessions 244 244 976 976 # of Sessions 4 4 16 16 Aver. Per session 61 61 61 61 Group Visits to Library Attendance 27 23 472 388 # of Sessions 3 2 21 23 Aver. per session 9 12 22 17 School Visits by Staff 0 700 400 2,697 # of Visits 0 2 1 3 Staff Report DATE: April 11,2002 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Director SUBJECT: STATUS OF 2001/2002 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Schedule A, titled "Revenue Report March" is a report of all funds earned during the month. Schedule B, titled "Balance Sheet FY 2001/2002" is a report balancing income vs. projections for the current fiscal year to date. Schedule C, titled "Library Expenditures "2001/2002" is an accounting of all funds expended in the current fiscal year. The Executive report, identifying highlights, will be available at the meeting. FISCAL IMPACT None Schedule A REVENUE REPORT FINES MEDIA REF Mar-02 & FEES RENTALS SERV. 01-Mar $351.52 $441.53 $3.00 March 2 & 3 $1,151.89 $508.45 $8.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 04-Mar $658.58 $208.67 $0.00 05-Mar $524.05 $221.26 $17.25 06-Mar $631.62 $224.27 $0.00 07-Mar $605.24 $231.84 $11.79 08-Mar $304.17 $553.51 $0.00 March 9 & 10 $956.08 $416.88 $2.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 11-Mar $683.70 $188.95 $40.93 13-Mar $633.65 $194.08 $3.30 13-Mar $495.02 $210.30 $2.00 14-Mar $728.59 $221.17 $5.00 15-Mar $264.30 $492.35 $7.00 March 16 & 17 $775.43 $474.60 $14.78 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 18-Mar $481.39 $212.38 $13.05 19-Mar $482.09 $216.79 $5.00 20-Mar $566.68 $202.00 $0.00 21-Mar $412.85 $234.65 $0.00 23-Mar $425.89 $485.31 $0.00 March 23 & 24 $847.11 $424.75 $17.12 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25-Mar $776.83 $231.64 $2.00 26-Mar $478.56 $166.35 $3.00 27-Mar $328.88 $196.86 $40.00 28-Mar $321.20 $276.20 $5.00 29-Mar $299.27 $535.90 $5.00 30-Mar $368.27 $247.48 $0.00 $14,552.86 TOTALS: $12,972.86 $8,018.17 $205.42 March 2001 TOTALS $12,484.25 $6,771.33 $165.07 % CHANGE 4% 18% 24% 2001/02 Rev 2000/01 Rev TOTAL LIBRARY INCOME $21,196 $19,421 Comparison of Actual 2001/02 Actual 2001/02 Projected to Projected daily revenue Daily Revenue Daily Revenue Daily Average Fines $418.48 $343.83 Daily Average Media $267.95 $177.65 Daily Average Ref. Fees $7.08 $8.59 DAILY TOTALS $693.52 $530.07 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: $5,067 REVENUE REPORT FINES MEDIA REF February 2002 & FEES RENTALS SERV. 01-Feb $459.95 $522.00 $0.00 February 2 & 3 $481.84 $479.25 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 04-Feb $697.24 $238.18 $0.00 05-Feb $735.89 $153.43 $11.00 06-Feb $509.55 $208.43 $5.60 07-Feb $271.70 $208.41 $0.00 08-Feb $568.11 $538.22 $0.00 February 9 & 10 $650.52 $511.93 $13.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 l-Feb ;560.79 $245.52 $2.30 12-Feb ;453.11 $183.13 $4.00 13-Feb ;380.25 $215.66 $2.00 14~Feb ;252.18 $223.03 $9.00 15-Feb ;382.33 $447.80 $0.00 16-Feb ;509.83 $304.96 $10.00 17-Feb ;355.71 $183.57 $0.00 18-Feb 19-Feb $723.89 $266.02 $16.00 20-Feb $603.35 $280.30 $7.78 21-Feb $623.90 $205.85 $0.00 22-Feb $210.26 $420.65 $0.00 February 23 & 24 $668.96 $500.93 $12.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25-Feb $627.98 $182.93 $2.00 26-Feb $777.15 $233.49 $0.00 27-Feb $552.73 $286.82 $6.00 28-Feb $406.60 $198.93 $2.00 $12,463.82 TOTALS: $10,703.82 $7,239.44 $112.78 February 2001 TOTALS $9,947.33 $6,116.91 $10.04 % CHANGE 8% 18% 1023% 2002~02 Rev 2000/01 Rev TOTAL LIBRARY INCOME $18,056 $16,074 Comparison of Actual 2002102 Actual 2002~02 Projected to Projected daily revenue Daily Revenue Daily Revenue Daily Average Fines $345.28 $343.83 Daily Average Media $268.13 $177.65 Daily Average Ref. Fees $4.18 $8.59 DAILY TOTALS $617.59 $530.07 GAIN/LOSS ON PRO J: $2,713 Schedule B BALANCE SHEET March FY 2001/2002 Revenues Earned Projected Loss/Gain Fines & Fees $94,886 $89,740 $5,146 5.7% Media Rentals $62,083 $46,367 $15,717 33.9% Technology Center Revenue/ $6,565 $10,000 ($3,435) -34.4% Print Fees $3,100 $3,750 ($650) -17.3% Information Services Fees $1,148 $2,242 ($1,094) -48.8% Direct Loan $40,300 $21,000 $19,300 91.9% Totals: $208,082 $173,098 $34,984 20.2% Balance for Year through March $34,984 // LIBRARY EXPENDITURES JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % %OF 200'112002 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YE~R 1290601 PERSONNEL 75% 5000 REGULAR SALARIES $590,860 $23,008 $69,454 $46,414 $53,522 $46,071 $46,071 $68,664 $46,071 $46,071 $445,345 $445,345 $145,515 75% 5010 PART TIME SALARIES $317,620 $12,711 $41,507 $25,303 $19,360 $24,833 $20,360 $35,469 $26,173 $29,468 $235,185 $235,185 $82,435 74% 5030 FRINGE BENEFITS $229,560 $19,828 $19,828 $19,828 $19,828 $19,828 $19,828 $19,828 $19,828 $19,828 $178,452 $178,452 $51,108 78% TOTAL PERSONNEL $1,138,040 $55,541 $130,789 $91,545 $92,710 $90,732 $86,259 $t23,961 $92,072 $95,367 $858,982 $858,982 $279,058 75% OPERATIONS 5100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $4,000 $3,289 $7t 1 82% Intemet Librarian Conference $743 $63 $806 Hood - workshop $18 $18 Clark - workshops $76 $34 $75 $75 $260 Perera - Institute $74 $74 Meeting Supplies $24 $40 $65 $130 Inservice Workshops $0 Public Library Association Conference $1,485 $1,485 CLA Conference $305 $305 Library in service $212 $212 CLA Legislative Day $0 6105 MILEAGE $5,800 $3,862 $t,938 67% Auto Allowance $4,800 $369 $554 $369 $369 $369 $369 $369 $369 $369 $3,508 $3,508 $1,292 73% Reimbursement $1,009 $0 $354 $646 35% Gamia $25 $31 $30 $43 $23 $153 Pages $19 $25 $22 $28 $60 $153 Manela $0 Con,yin $0 Janecek $18 $18 Conference Mileage $30 $30 5152 COMPUTER SOFTWARE $200 $0 5160 MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,150 $0 $t,957 $193 91% American Libraq/Assoc $450 $195 $75 $270 $270 $180 60% MCLS Associate Membership $0 $150 $150 $150 ($150) #DIV/0! California Library Assoc. $200 $210 $210 $210 ($10) 105% inland Library system $1,500 $1,327 $1,327 $1,327 $173 88% CALTAC 0 $0 $0 $0 #DIV/O! $0 5200 MAINTENANCEIOPER $197,310 $127,940 $69,370 55% Encumbrance $27,689 $27,689 Printing/Postage $2,000 $2,362 ($362) 118% Printing $1,342 $1,342 Postage $340 $170 $170 $340 $1,020 Office Supplies $20,000 $23,248 ($3,248) 116% CatalOging Supplies $2,080 $4,802 $3,826 $201 $4,351 $794 $16,055 Computer Table/Book trucks/File Cabinets $0 Photography $36 $36 $14 $86 8 Ave, graphics $0 Office Depot $22 $628 $2,626 $2,500 $5,776 Office machine repair $0 Letterhead $0 Miscellaneous $165 $4 $106 $45 $228 $104 $651 Petty Cash $0 Computer supplies $115 $236 $351 Stationary $0 Federal Express $18 $240 $258 Board Supplies $70 $70 Special Program Supplies $10,000 $3,494 $6,506 35% Children's Supplies $39 $172 $24 $9 $194 $240 $67 $744 Children's Programs - Fdends $700 $595 $100 $21 $261 $238 $1,915 Senior Services $0 Intariibrary Loan $0 Adult Programs & Outreach $65 $242 $431 $737 Summer Reading Program (FR) $10 $76 $12 $98 Furnishings $0 Books/Materials $139,900 $88,752 $51,148 63% Encumbrances $0 Bookstore rush $2,024 $809 $35 $2,000 $4,869 Young Adult Books $37 $37 Childrens Books $1,039 $4,656 $9,962 $2,917 $2,056 $882 $532 $22,045 Brodar[ Books $24,588 $4,401 $2,676 $10,857 $42,521 Reference Books $442 $369 $1,059 $520 $2,136 $2,760 $680 $7,966 Data Bases-Poem Finder $1,105 $1,105 Books on Tape - Friends $15 $81 $50 $344 $26 $516 Video $892 $567 $1,118 $24 $2,601 CD's (music) $2,000 $2,000 $825 $2,102 $6,927 DVD's $11 $34 $120 $166 Spanish Language $0 CD ROMS $52 $52 Book Replacement Fund $11,410 $0 Magazines/Publications $12,000 $649 $55 $231 $4 $216 $7,971 $9,127 $9,127 $2,873 76% Training $1,000 $29 $276 $600 $905 $905 $95 90% Bindery $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000 0% 5281 EQUIPMENT MAINT/DEPREC. $520 $0 $0 $529 0% 5300 CONTRACT SERVICES $t39,000 $92,015 $46,985 66% Book Processing $24,000 $1,402 $4,69734 $1,393 $2,132 $4,412 $14,037 $14,037 $9,963 58% Children's PrOgramming Fund $0 $0 Collection Agency $5,000 $1,168 $833 $854 $226 $3,080 $3,080 $1,920 62% Dynix System Maintenance $35,000 $22,857 $22,857 Evening Meeting Charges $0 $0 $0 OCLC $60 $208 $75 $58 $19 $89 $508 Offic Equip/Maintenance $15,000 $0 $8,534 $15,000 44% Typewriter Repair $0 Xerox Fund $927 $1,893 $927 $927 $1,859 $6,534 S.B. County $50,000 $4,167 $4,167 $4,167 $4,167 $4,167 $4,167 $4,167 $4,187 $4,167 $37,500 $37,500 $12,500 75% Self Check Maintenance $7,000 $583 $583 $583 $583 $583 $583 $583 $583 $583 $5,250 $5,250 $1,750 75% Telephone Maintenance $3,000 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $2,250 $2,250 $750 75% 5400 TELEPHONE $'18~000 $4,725 $'13,275 26% 477-2720 $428 $428 989-8277 (Rotar~ line) $268 $275 $333 $353 $342 $414 $414 $2,399 989-0871 $61 $113 $174 989-0821 $107 $105 $238 $120 $118 $688 181-1185 (T1 line) $377 $377 483-1218 $28 $25 476*2793 (ISDN Line) $0 980-6871 (EMS & Security) $56 $56 980-4361 (Elevator) $24 $56 $28 $108 987-3271 (Irrigation Sprink.) $0 987-9671 $0 989-6904 (Public Fax) $27 $60 $28 $115 481-6724 $56 $56 MCI $30 $'110 $~61 $300 5402 WATER UTILITIES $3,000 $2,2t6 $784 74% Inside Use $340 $328 $432 $530 $1,630 Landscaping $238 $274 $512 Fireline water $37 $37 $74 5403 ELECTRIC UTILITIES $52,000 $6,175 $7,460 $8,202 $7~186 $6,344 $6,249 $4,878 $4,520 $5,162 $56,176 $56,t76 {$4,176) '108% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $t,559,820 $68,979 $174,718 $146,336 $145,130 $115,320 $100,316 $161,931 $107,540 $158,582 ............. $'1,151,t62 $408,658 74°/, LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF Cost Center4535 200112002 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR 58% OPERATIONS 3100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $3,000 $593 $1,230 $1,770 41% Workshops $150 Lo $155 YV~mber;y $129 Womack $163 Bradshew Transfer $509 $509 CLA Legislagve Day $57 Caltac Sessions $71 3956 DUES $350 $65 $285 19% Caltac $65 TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $3,350 $0 $0 $0 $318 $125 $0 $343 $0 $509 $1,102 $1,295 $2,055 39% AFTER SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF Cost Center 1290603 200112002 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR PERSONNEL 79°/° 1100REGULAt~SALARIES $16,2~O $594 $1,781 $1,187 $1,187 $1,187 $1,187 $1,744 $1,744 $1,744 $12~353 $12,353 $3,907 76% 1300 PART TIME SALARIES* $2,920 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,920 1900 FRINGE BENEFITS $6,080 $507 $507 $507 $507 $507 $507 $507 $507 $507 $4,563 $4,563 $1,517 75% TOTAL PERSONNEL $29,260 $1,100 $2,288 $1,694 $1,694 $1,694 $1,694 $2,251 $2,251 $2,291 $16,916 $16,916 $8,344 67% OPERATIONS 9100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $900 $59 $33 $93 $93 $407 5200 MAINTENANCEIOPER $700 $575 $125 82% Office Supplies $250 $200 $36 $106 $27 $12 $33 $38 $453 $250 0% Boo~sC~latedals $250 $18 $18 $250 0% Training refreshments $73 $31 $104 5300 CONTRACT SERVICES $1,000 $1,000 $0 100% Tutor Training $1,000 $500 $50{] $1,000 $1~090 $0 100% TOTALLIBRARYBUDGET $27,469 $1,800 $2,397 $1,694 $1,694 $1,869 $1,755 $2,811 $2,283 $2,289 $18,583 $19,583 $8,470 71% BOOKMOBILE SERVICES JUL AUG 8EP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF Cost Center 1290604 2001/2002 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR PERSONNEL 75% 5000 REGULAR SALARIES $39,720 $1,449 $4,348 $2,898 $2,898 $2,898 $2.898 $4,348 $2,898 $2,898 $27,535 $27,535 $12,185 69% 5010 PART TIME SALARIES $19,680 $760 $1,153 $1,823 $2,025 $1,562 $1,793 $9,416 $9,416 $10,264 48% 5030 FRINGE BENEFITS $15,090 $1,258 $1.258 $1,258 $1,258 $1,258 $1,258 $1,258 $1,258 $1,258 $11,318 $11,316 $3,773 75% TOTAL PERSONNEL $74,490 $3,466 $5,605 $4,156 $4,156 $5,309 $5,979 $7,630 $6,018 $5,949 $48,269 $48,269 $26,221 65% OPERATIONS 5100 TF[AVEL & MEETINGS $1 ~000 $0 $905 $78 $953 $983 $17 95% 5t05 MILEAGE $100 $27 $27 $27 $73 27% 5200 MAINTENANCE/OPER $11,000 $4,779 $6,221 43% Office Supplies $2,000 $0 $175 $567 $57 $590 $200 $41 $1.631 $369 82% BookS/Materials $50,000 $0 $1,800 $1,000 $1,000 $148 $3,148 $46,852 6% 5300 CONTRACT SERVICES $4,000 Coq~tract Performers $2,000 $6 Marketing $0 $6 5400 TELEPHONE UTILITIES $10,000 $29 $9,971 Ceilular TechnolOgy $10,000 $29 $29 $0 7044 CAPITAL OUTLAY/EQUIPMENT $10,000 $0 $1,271 $8~729 Receipt Printer $591 $679 $1,271 Laser Scanner $0 7045 CAPITAL OUTLAY/VEHICLES $200,000 $0 $0 $200,000 0% Bookmobile $6 $0 ADA Compliance $0 $0 Cyber Capability $0 $0 7047 CAPITAL OUTLAY/COMPUTER EQUIF $10.900 $9 $10,000 4 Standard Computers $10,000 $9 $0 $19,{~00 0% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $316,590 $3,466 $5,780 $4,156 $6,247 $7,045 $7,647 $8,859 $6,166 $5,961 $55,358 $56,358 $302,232 17% ADULT LITERACY JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF 298 601 200012001 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR 78% PERSONNEL 5ooo REGULAR SAL~,RIES $23,500 $950 $2,850 $1,821 $1,900 $2,375 $2,933 $3,263 $935 $1,017 $17,142 $17,142 $6,358 73% 5010 PART ~rlME SAi~,RiES $8,5(30 $387 $1,567 $622 $563 $610 $493 $857 $642 $568 $6,308 $6,308 $2,192 74% 5030 FRINGE BENEFITS $9,750 $813 $813 $813 $813 $813 $813 $813 $813 $813 $7,313 $7,313 $2,438 75% TOTAL PERSONNEL $41,750 $2,150 $6,229 $3,255 $3,278 $3,798 $3,338 $4,932 $2,389 $2,397 $30,762 $30,762 $10,988 74% OPERATIONS 5100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $1,600 $262 $1,338 16% Literacy Meetings $0 $13 $225 $24 $262 $0 Southern Califomia Libra~ Literacy Network Conference $0 Adult Learner Conference $0 CLA Conference 5105 MILEAGE $380 $103 $106 $21 $230 $230 $150 61% 5160 MEMBERSHIP DUES $180 $100 $80 56% Califomia Literacy $80 $0 SCLLN $100 $100 $100 5200 MAINTENANCE/OPER $1,400 $861 $539 62% Office Supplies $1,300 $429 $100 $49 $578 $722 0% Families for Literacy Curriculum Materials $1 Literacy Ce~ebration $151 $151 Books/Materials $500 $0 $500 0% Tutor Inservice $200 $34 $37 $60 $132 5300 CONTRACT SERVICES $2,930 $2,930 0% Tutor Training $2,500 $100 $600 $700 $700 $1,800 28% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $48,240 $2,150 $5,671 $3,255 $3,889 $3,941 $3,438 $5,626 $2,449 $2,497 $32,916 $32,916 $15~944 68% FAMILIES FOR LITERACY JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR TOTALS SPENT PER FUNDS % % OF 308 602 2001/2002 CATEGORY REMAINING SPENT YEAR PERSONNEL 75% 5000 REGULAR SALARIES $8,680 $633 $950 $633 $633 $633 $633 $623 $180 $180 $5,100 $5,100 $3,580 59% 5010 PART TIME SALARIES $18,630 $611 $1,533 $1,086 $958 $997 $895 $1,278 $1,252 $960 $9,471 $9,471 $9,159 51% 5030 FRINGE BENEFITS $3,580 $296 $298 $298 $298 $298 $298 $298 $298 $298 $2,685 $2,685 $895 75% TOTAL PERSONNEL $36,890 $1,443 $2,782 $2,018 $1,890 $1,928 $1,626 $2,199 $1,731 $1,439 $17,256 $17,956 $13,634 OPERATIONS 5100 TRAVEL & MEETINGS $500 $0 $0 $500 0% Literacy Meetings $0 $0 5200 MAINTENANCE/OPER $500 $31 $469 Office Supplies $200 $0 $200 Families for Literacy Cur~culum Materials $100 $0 $100 0% Books/Materials $100 $0 $100 0% FFL S~or~imes $100 $31 $31 $69 0% TOTAL LIBRARY BUDGET $31,890 $1,443 $2,782 $2,018 $1,890 $1,928 $1,826 $2,199 $1,731 $1,470 $17,286 $17,286 $14,604 54% i ,ibr-a- Y-Sp ce Sq.andFt.shelvingSUmmary with F & E [ LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. 1 CHILDREN'S LIBRARY 3,735 "BACK TO BASICS" LEARNING CENTER 376 Bulletin Board 1 0 0 Chair, Juvenile 8 0 0 16~w x 16"d x 16-18"h Chair, Technology Workstation 6 0 0 21 ~ x 21"d Clock 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Computer, Public Desktop 6 0 0 CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse Dictionary Stand 1 10 10 24"w x 14"d x 43"h w/3 shelves Printer, Ink-Jet (B&W) 3 0 0 Table, Juvenile 2 80 160 60'w x 30"d x 27"h (4 Person) Technology Carrel 3 50 150 61"w x 30"d {2 Person) sit,own w/power & data management Waste Basket 2 4 8 13"w x 15"d x 15"h 36" Aisle SF 66"H Steel Shelving WI 5 Shelves 4 12 48 3'W x 12"D unit w/end panels & canopy top 450 Homework CHILDREN'S BROWSING AREA 321 36" Aisle DF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 2 27 54 3'W x 36"D w/10 angled shelves 450 Video Cassette 36" Aisle DF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 6 27 162 3'W x 36"D w/10 angled shelves 175 New Books {Face Out) 36" Aisle DF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 1 27 27 3'W x 36'D w/10 angled shelves 700 DVD 36" Aisle SF 45"H Steel Shelving WI 2 Shelves 2 12 24 3'w x 12'D unit w/end panels & canopy top 238 Media Kit (Audio Cassette W/Book) 36" Aisle SF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 1 21 21 3'W x 20'D wi5 angled shelves 300 Audio Book CD (CD ROM) Libri$ DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Pedorrning Arts Report Printed on: 4/5/2092 Page 1 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. CHILDREN'S BROWSING AREA 321 36" Aisle SF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 1 21 21 3'w x 20"D wi5 angled shelves 300 Aadio Compact Disc (CD) 36" Aisle SF 66"H Steel Shelving WI 5 Shelves 1 12 12 3'W x 12'D unit w/end panels & canopy top 125 Audio Book Cassette CHILDREN'S ENTRANCE (INTERIOR) N/A Art Print 1 0 0 Framed Bulletin Board 1 0 0 Case, In-Wall Display 1 0 0 Custom built-in, 60"w x 18'd x 72"h, w/li¢ling & glass doors Rack, Literature Display Handout 1 0 0 Wail-mounted Sign, Announcement 1 0 0 Wall-hung CHILDREN'S ON-LINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOG (OPAC) 240 ~h~r;~-h ~[(~ Workstation 8 0 0 21 'w x 21"d Computer, Public Desktop 8 0 0 CPU, mouse & keyboard, w/15" flat plasma monitor Technology Counter 8 30 240 41"w x 30"d (1 Person) sit,own - against wall w/power & data management Waste Basket 1 0 0 13"w x 15"d x 15"h CHILDREN'S PROGRAM AREA 442 AVrr~chnology Equipment Cart, Large 1 15 15 32"w x 24'd x 44"h Cabinets, Above Counter (Lockable) 9 0 0 1 linear foot x 24"d Cabinets, Below Counter (Lockable) 6 0 0 I linear foot x 24"d Cabinets, Full Height (Lockable) 3 5 15 1 linear foot x 24"d CD/Cassette Tape Player 1 0 0 17"w x lO"d x 7"h Chair, Child's Stacking 24 0 0 14"w x 14'd Chair, Rocking 1 20 20 20"w x 31"d Children's Craft Counter 1 40 40 6'w x 30"d - against wall Clock 1 0 0 Wall-mounted A LibrisDE$1GN Building Program Victoria Gardens Libra~yfor the Performing Arts Rcpor~ PHntcd om 4/$/~002 Page 2 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM AREA 442 Cushion, Floor 40 10 280 16'w x 16"d Projection Screen, Wall Mounted 1 0 0 Front projection Projector, Ceiling Mounted 1 0 0 17"w x 16"d x 7"h - AV & computer, LCD to DLP Puppet Theater 1 50 50 5'w x 7'd Sign, Announcement 1 0 0 Free standing Sink 1 18 18 36"w x 24"d - In counter Table, Meeting Boom 6 0 60"w x 24'd x 29"h -folding TV Monitor, 32" 1 0 0 36"w x 24"d x 27'h Video Cassette PlayeflRecorder 1 0 0 16'w x 11'd x 4"h Waste Basket 1 4 4 13"w x 15"d x 15"h White Board 1 0 0 3' x 6' - erasable marker board FAMILY REST ROOM N/A Commode 1 0 0 Rest mom Diaper Changing Counter 1 0 0 36"w x 18"d Hand Dryer 1 0 0 12"w x 7"d x 10"h - wall-mounted Mirror, With Shelf 1 0 0 Above counter Paper Towel Dispenser 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Sink And Counter 1 0 0 Rest room Soap Dispenser 1 0 0 5"w x 4"d x 10"h - Wall-mounted JUVENILE COLLECTION & SEATING 1,598 Chair, Juvenile 32 0 0 16"w x 16"d x 16-18"h Table, Juvenile 8 85 680 66"w x 36"d x 27"h (4 Person) A LibrisDESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Libraryfor thePedorming Arts Repmt Printed on: 41512002 Page 3 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. JUVENILE COLLECTION & SEATING 1,598 36" Ais~e-DF-45"H Steel Shelving W/6 Shelves 1 18 18 3'W x 24"D unit w/end panels & canopy top 350 Children's Spanish Language 36" Aisle DF 66"H Steel Shelving WI '10 Shelves 16 18 288 3'W x 24"D unit w/end panels & canopy top 6,230 Juvenile Fiction 36" Aisle DF 66"H Steel Shelving WI 10 Shelves 25 18 450 3'W x 24'D unit w/end panels & canopy top 9,660 Juvenile Non-Fiction 44" Aisle SF 45"H Magazine Display Shelving WI2 Shelves 3 14 42 3'W x 12"D unit wi flip up sloping shelf & shelf underneath 18 Children's Current Magazines Paperback SF 66" Shelving Unit WI 5 Divider Shelves 10 12 120 3'W x 12'D unit 1,760 Children's Paperbacks PARENTING & TEACHERS' COLLECTION & SEATING 108 Chair, Reader's 4 0 0 21"w x 21"d Table, Reader's 1 90 90 72'w x 36"d x 29"h (4 Person) 36" Aisle DF 84"H Steel Shelving WI 14 Shelves 1 18 18 3'W x 24"D unit w/end panels 330 ParentfTeacher Books PICTURE BOOKS COLLECTION & SEATING 650 Chair, Child's 12 0 0 14"w x 13"d x 10-16"h Children's Play Fixture 1 200 200 Children's play and reading structure Table, Children's Slant Top 2 90 180 78"w x 30"d x 21-26"h (6 Person} 36" Aisle DF 45"H Steel Shelving W/6 Shelves 10 18 180 3'W x 24"0 unit w/end panels & canopy top 3,510 Children's Picture Books 36" Aisle DF 45"H Steel Shelving WI 6 Shelves 5 18 90 3'W x 24'D unit w/end panels & canopy top 1,750 Children's Easy Readers I CIRCULATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES 2~512 BRANCH MANAGER'S OFFICE 150 Chair, Supervisor's I 0 0 Mid-back mid-quality Chair, Visitor's 2 15 30 Computer, Staff Desktop 1 0 0 Desktop or floor-mounted CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse A Libris DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Performing Arts Report Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 4 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. BRANCH MANAGER'S OFFICE 150 Credenza- .... 1 25 25 60"w x 24'd x 30"h Desk, Branch Manager's 1 65 65 66'w x 36'd File Cabinet, Vertical (Four Drawer) 1 14 14 18"w x 29"d x 52"h Shelving, SF 90"h Steel WI 7 Shelves 1 12 12 3'w x 12"d unit Telephone Handset 1 0 0 Waste Basket 1 4 4 13"w x 15"d x 15"h White Board 1 0 0 3' x 6' - erasable marker board CIRCULATION DESK 677 Bar Cod~Reader, Fixed Mount 3 0 0 Book Bin, Depressible 3 0 0 In Circulation Desk BookTruck 5 10 50 36"w x 24'd Cash Register 1 0 0 Chair, Task 6 0 0 Low back mid~uality with casters 25"w x 25"d Clock 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Computer, Staff Desktop 3 0 Desktop or floor-mounted CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse Mat, Anti-fatigue 3 0 0 Printer, Receipt 3 0 0 Queuing Space (Per Person) 10 6 60 Security System Gates, Inventory Control 1 75 75 Three gates (two corridors) 83"w x 26"d x 70"h Self Check-Out Counter 2 30 60 4'w x 30"d - against wall Self Check-Out Machine 2 0 0 25"w x 29"d x 27'h - counter top unit Shelving, SF 84"h Steel WI 6 Shelves 6 12 72 3'w x 12"d unit Telephone Handset 3 0 0 Workstation, Circulation Book Return Desk 3 40 120 3'w x 30'd w/7 behind desk & 3.5' in front Workstation, Circulation Check-Out Desk 3 80 240 6'w x 30"d w/7' behind desk & 3.5' in front A Libris DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Pedormiog Aris Repo~ Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 5 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. COMPUTER/TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOM 187 Box, Cardboard 6 4 24 In transition or storage Chair, Technology Workstation Task 1 0 0 Low back mid<iuali~y with casters 25"w x 25'd Computer Server, Mini (CPU) 1 25 25 Floor-mounted - 24'w x 30"d x 30"h Console, Computer System 1 0 0 Video monitor & keyboard w/direct connection to server or minicomputer DSUlCSU Telecommunications Device 1 0 0 §"w x 12"d x 3'h - Connects computer system to telephone system Fire Extinguisher, Halon 1 0 0 Hand-held, wall-hung unit Printer, Pin / Tractor Feed W/Stand 1 20 20 28'w x 20"d x 8"h w/stand 32"w x 22"d x30"h on wheels Rack, Computer I Communications Equipment 2 30 60 36"wx 24"d x 60"h Router/Switch 1 0 0 Rack-mounted - 8"w x 20'd x 24"h Safe, Data / Tape Carrier 1 0 0 Portable & fire Proof - 18"w x 18"d x 18"h Server, Desktop I Rack Mount 1 0 0 8'w x 20"d x 24'h Tape Drive, External DAT I Cartridge Tape 1 0 0 Telecommunications Backboard 1 28 28 8'w x 8'h wall-mounted tim-rated plywood Telecommunications Equipment]Hub/Multiplexer 1 0 0 Rack mounted or desktop Telephone Handset 1 0 0 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Single Device 1 0 0 Desktop or Rack-mounted Workstation, Computer Technician's Counter 1 30 30 4'w x 30"d - against wall CUSTOMER SERVICE CONFERENCE ROOM 164 Chair, Conference Room 6 0 0 At conference table - 26"w x 28"d Clock 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Presentation Center 1 0 0 48"w x 36"h w/marker board, tack board, & flip chart Table, Conference 1 160 160 72"w x 36"d x 29"h (4 to 6 Pemon) Waste Basket 1 4 4 13'w x 15"d x 15"h Libri$ DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Pedorming Arts Report Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 6 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. STAFF COPY & COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 189 Bulleti~ ~oar-d 1 0 0 Cabinets, Above Counter (Lockable) 6 0 0 1 linear foot x 24" d Cabinets, Below Counter (Lockable) 6 0 0 1 linear foot x 24' d Copier, B&W Freestanding 1 50 50 Floor unit w/collator & enlarger 60"w x 30"d x 40"h FAX Machine, Desktop 1 0 0 30"w x 17"d x 21"h Paper Sorter & Storage 1 80 80 Stand alone unit Preparation Counter 1 40 40 6'w x 30"d - against wall Recycling Bin 1 15 15 Stapler, Electronic Binding 1 0 0 10"h x 4"w x 9"1 Waste Basket 1 4 4 13"wx 15"d x 15"h STAFF WORKROOM 1,145 Bar Code Reader, Hand-Held 4 0 0 Book Bin, Depressible 3 20 60 BookTruck 10 10 100 36"w x 24'd Bulletin Board 1 0 0 Cabinets, Above Counter 27 0 0 1 linear foot x 24"d Cabinets, Below Counter 10 0 0 1 linear foot x 24'd Chair, Task 9 0 0 Low back mid~uality with casters 25'w x 25"d Clock 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Computer, Staff Desktop 9 0 0 Desktop or floor-mounted CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse File Cabinet, Vertical {Four Drawer) 2 14 28 18"w x 29"d x 52'h First Aid Kit 1 0 0 10"w x 3"d x 10"h - Wall-mounted Flat File 1 40 40 54"w x 42"d x 36"h -10 drawers for posters, maps, paper In & Out Board 1 0 0 Staff location Key Cabinet 1 0 0 12"wx 5"d x 16"h A Libri$ DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens LibraP/for the Performing Arts Repor~ Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 7 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. STAFF WORKROOM 1,145 Label Maker 1 0 0 5'wx 8'd x 4'h Mail Boxes, Staff 1 30 30 72"w x 16'd x 32'h - 24 slots per unit w/counter Paper Cutter 1 0 0 Paper Towel Dispenser 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Printer, Laser (B&W) 1 0 0 Printer, Laser (Color) 1 0 0 Re.cycling Bin 1 15 15 Safe, Floor 1 0 0 12'wx 14"d x 21"h Security System Desensitizer/Resensitizer 1 0 0 Counter unit w/audible signal 20"w x 18'd x 7.5"h AC Shelving, SF 66"h Steel WI 5 Shelves 6 12 72 3'w x 12"d unit Shelving, SF 90"h Steel WI 7 Shelves 8 12 96 3'w x 12"d unit Sink 1 18 18 36'w x 24"d - In counter Soap Dispenser 1 0 0 5'w x 4'd x 10*h - Wall-mounted Telephone Central Station 1 0 0 Telephone Handset 9 0 0 Typewriter Stand 1 20 20 Typewriter, Electric 1 0 0 22'w x 18"d x 8'h Waste Basket 4 4 16 13"wx 15"dx 15"h White Board 1 0 0 3' x 6' - erasable marker board Workstation, Children's Counter 1 55 55 8'w x 30'd - against wall Workstation, Children's Office System 2 50 100 6' x 8' modular panels 60"h, U-shaped work surface 30"d w/keyboard tray, 1 overhead storage cabinet, task light, & 1 file pedestal Workstation, Circulation Check-In Counter 2 40 80 6'w x 30'd - against wall Workstation, Clerical Office System 4 40 160 5' x 8' modular panels 60'h, U-shaped work surface 30"d w/keyboard tray, t overhead storage cabinet, task light, & 1 tile pedestal Workstation, Mending Counter 1 35 35 5'w x 30"d - against wall Workstation, Reference Office System 3 50 150 6' x 8' modular panels 60"h, U-shaped work sudace 30'd w/keyboard tray, 1 overhead storage cabinet, task light, & 1 file pedestal A LibrisDESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens LibraP/for the Performing Arts Report Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 8 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. STAFF WORKROOM 1,145 Workstation, Sorting Counter 1 70 70 10'w x 30'd - against wall 1 FAMILY LITERACY CENTER 55~4 LITERACY COLLECTION & SEATING 236 Chair, Reader's 8 0 0 21'w x 21"ci Chair, Task 1 0 0 Low back mid,quality with casters 25"w x 25'd Table, Reader's 2 80 160 60"w x 36"d x 29"h (4 Person) Workstation, Literacy Office System 1 40 40 5' x 8' modular panels 60"h, U-shaped work surface 30'd w/keyboard tray, 1 overhead storage cabinet, task light, & 1 file pedestal 36" Aisle SF 90"H Steel Shelving WI 7 Shelves 3 12 36 3'W x t2"D unit w/end panels 1,050 Literacy LITERACY OFFICE 178 Chair, Professional's 2 0 0 Low back high quality with casters Chair, Visitor's 2 15 30 File Cabinet, Vertical (Four Drawer) 2 14 28 18"w x 29"d x 52"h Shelving, SF 84"h Steel WI 6 Shelves 3 12 36 3'w x 12"d unit Waste Basket 1 4 4 13"w x 15'd x 15"h Workstation, Literacy Office System 2 40 80 5' x 8' modular panels 60"h, U-shaped work surface 30"d w/keyboard tray, 1 overhead storage cabinet, task light, & 1 file pedestal ~7-'~ c~.~o/~ ~f.~ ~--~,.~ LITERACY STUDY/TUTORING ROOM A 70 Chair, Reader's 2 0 0 21"w x 21"d Literacy Tutoring Counter 1 65 65 9'w x 30"d (2 Person)- against walt Waste Basket 1 5 5 13"w x 15"d x 15"h White Board 1 0 0 3 x 4 - erasable marker board LITERACY STUDY/TUTORING ROOM B 70 Chair, Reader's 2 0 0 21"w x 21'd Literacy Tutoring Counter 1 66 66 9'w x 30"d (2 Person)- against wall A Libris DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Performing Arts Report Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 9 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. LITERACY STUDY/TUTORING ROOM B 70 Waste Basket 1 4 4 13~w x 15"d x 15"h White Board 1 0 0 3' x 4' - erasable marker board 1 FICTION COLLECTION 540 FICTION COLLECTION & SEATING 540 Stool, Kick-Step 4 0 0 36" Aisle DF 66"H Steel Shelving WI 10 Shelves 3 18 54 3'W x 24"D unit w/end panels & canopy top 714 Large Print 36" Aisle DF 90"H Steel Shelving WI t4 Shelves 18 18 324 3'W x 24"D unit w/end panels 6,000 Fiction 36" Aisle DF 90"H Steel Shelving W/14 Shelves 5 18 90 3'W x 24"D unit w/end panels 1,400 Mysteries 36" Aisle DF 90"H Steel Shelving WI 14 Shelves 4 18 72 3'W x 24"D unit w/end panels 1,013 Science Fiction & Fantasy I INFORMATION SERVICES 2~200 COPY CENTER 193 Cab~n;'tSl AbOve Counter (Lockable) 8 0 0 1 linear foot x 24"d Cabinets, Below Counter (Lockable) 6 g 0 1 linear foot x 24"d Change Machine (Bill & Coin) 1 15 15 Wall-mounted, 12"w x 15"d x 22"h Clock 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Copier, B&W Freestanding 1 50 50 Floor unit w/collator & enlarger 60"w x 30"d x 40"h Copier, Color Freestanding 1 50 50 Floor unit w/collator & enlarger 60"w x 30"d x 40"h FAX Machine, Desktop Card-Operated 1 0 0 18"w x 17"d x 13"h Preparation Counter 1 55 55 6'w x 30"d - against wall Recycling Bin 1 15 15 Vendor Card EncodeflDispenser 1 0 0 Wall-mount Waste Basket 2 4 8 13'wx 15'd x 15"h A Librls DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Pen'orming Arts Report Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 10 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION MBRARYSPACE NAME UNiT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. ON-LINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOG (OPAC) 661 Chair, Technology Workstation Task 13 0 0 Low back mid<luality with casters 25"w x 25"d Computer, Public Desktop 21 0 0 CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse Printer, Laser (B&W) 2 0 0 Technology Carrel 8 30 240 36"w x 30"d (1 Person) stand-up w/power & data management Technology Carrel, Adjustable (Manual) Height 1 45 45 51'w x 30'd x 22' - 50"h (1 Person) w/power & data management Technology Counter 12 30 360 41"w x 30"d (1 Person) sit,own - against wall w/power & data management Waste Basket 4 4 16 13"w x 15'd x 15"h PUBLIC INFORMATION AND REFERENCE DESK 500 ~hair, Task 4 0 0 Low back mid-quality with casters 25"w x 25"d Computer, Staff Desktop 3 0 0 Desktop or floor-mounted CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse FAX Machine, Desktop 1 0 0 30'w x 17"d x 21"h File Cabinet, Lateral (Two Drawer) 2 20 40 36"w x 18"d x 28"h Printer, Laser (B&W) 1 0 0 Queuing Space (Per Person) 6 6 36 Telephone Handset 3 0 0 Waste Basket 2 4 8 13"w x 15"d x 15"h Workstation, Reference Desk 4 80 320 6'w x 30"d w/7' behind desk & 3.5' in front 36" Aisle SF 45"H Steel Shelving WI 3 Shelves 4 12 48 3'W x 12"D unit w/end panels & canopy top 216 Ready Reference 36" Aisle SF 45"H Steel Shelving WI 3 Shelves 4 12 48 3'W x 12'D unit w/end panels & canopy top 216 Ready Reference, Telephone/Internet REFERENCE COLLECTION & SEATING 536 Atlas case 1 25 25 31"w x 25"d x 43'h w/5 shelves Atlas Case, Child's 1 25 25 32"w x 21"d x 34'h w/4 shelves Chair, Reader's 8 0 0 21'w x21"d Dictionary Stand 1 10 10 24"w x 14"d x 43"h w/3 shelves A Libris DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Performing Arts Report ~nted on: 4/5/200: Page 11 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNiT UNiT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. REFERENCE COLLECTION & SEATING 536 Dictionary Stand, Child's 1 12 12 24"w x 14"d x 35"h w! 2 shelves File Cabinet, Lateral (Four Drawer) 2 20 40 36"w x 18'd x 52"h Stool, Kick-Step 6 0 0 Table, Reader's 2 100 200 72"w x 48"d x 29"h (4 Person) Waste Basket 2 4 8 13"w x 15"d x 15"h 36" Aisle DF 90"H Steel Shelving WI 12 Shelves 11 18 198 3'w x 24'D unit w/end panels 2,200 Reference 36" Aisle DF 90"H Steel Shelving WI 12 Shelves 1 18 18 3'W x 24"D unit w/end panels 100 Reference(Encyclopedias, Directories, Etc.) STUDYFFUTORINC ROOM A IS$ Chair, Gr°-up-Study z~---.6' 0 0 At table or counter - 21"w x 21"d / Table, Group Study 1 155 155 66'w x 36"d x 29'h (4 Person) White Board 1 0 0 3' x 6' - erasable marker board STUDY/TUTORING ROOM B 155 Chair, Group Study 4 0 0 At table or counter - 21'w x 21 "d Table, Group Study 1 155 155 66"w x 36"d x 29"h (4 Person) White Board 1 0 0 3' x 4' - erasable marker board l LIBRARY ENTRANCE 808 FRIENDS' BOOK STORAGE & WORKROOM 283 Book Truck 2 10 20 36'w x 24"d Box, Cardboard 8 4 32 In transition or storage Chair, Task 2 0 0 Low back mid~uality with castem 25"w x 25"d Shelving, SF 90"h Steel WI 7 Shelves 8 12 96 3'w x 12"d unit Table, Work 1 80 80 60'w x 36'd x 29'h (1 to 2 Person Telephone Handset 1 0 0 A LibrisDESIGN SuildJng Program Victoria Gardens Libraryfor the Performing Arls Repori Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 12 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNiT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QT¥ Sq. Ft, Sq, Ft, Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. FRIENDS' BOOK STORAGE & WORKROOM 283 Work~taiio~i Frien-ds' Work Counter 1 55 55 8'w x 30"d * against wall FRIENDS' BOOKSTORE 525 Book Display Bin 1 50 50 24'd x 42'w x 34'h w/2 bins Bulletin Board 1 0 0 Case, In-Wall Display 2 0 0 Custom built-in, 60'w x 18"d x 72"h, w/liglting & glass doors Chair, Task 1 0 0 Low back mid~uality with casters 25"w x 25"d Shelving, DF 58"h Bookstore Display 6 30 180 42" aisles - 3'w x 36"d wi10 angled shelves, wood Shelving, SF 84"h Steel WI 6 Shelves 20 12 240 3'wx 12"d unit Workstation, Bookstore Service Counter 1 55 55 5'w x 30"d w/5' behind desk & 3,5' in front PUBLIC ENTRANCE & LOBBY N/A Bulletin Board 1 0 0 Case, In-Wall Display 1 0 0 Custom built-in, 60"w x 18"d x 72"h, w/liglling & glass doors Directory 1 0 0 Wall-mounted w/changeable letters - 36' x 24' Donor Recognition Wall 1 0 0 Drinking Fountain 2 0 0 18'w x 19"d x 24"h - Built-in People Counter, Electronic Eye 1 0 0 Plaque, Dedication 1 0 0 Rack, Literature Display Handout 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Sign, Announcement 1 0 0 Wall-hung PUBLIC REST ROOMS N/A Commode 7 0 0 Rest room Diaper Changing Counter 2 0 0 36"w x 18'd Hand Dryer 2 0 0 12"w x 7'd x 10"h - wall-mounted Mirror, With Shelf 2 0 0 Above counter Paper Towel Dispenser 2 0 0 Wall-mounted Sink And Counter 4 0 0 Rest room A Libris DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Performing Arts Report Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 13 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. PUBLIC REST ROOMS N/A SoapDiSpenser 4 0 0 5"w x 4'd x 10"h - Wall-mounted Stall 7 0 0 Rest room Urinal 2 0 0 1 NEW BOOK DISPLAY AREA 821 BROWSING COLLECTION & SEATING 821 Computer, OPAC Desktop 2 0 0 CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse Technology Carrel 2 30 60 36"w x 30"d {1 Person) stand-up w/power & data management 36" Aisle DF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 3 27 81 3'W x 36"D wi10 angled shelves 2,100 Audio Compact Disc (CD) 36" Aisle DF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 2 27 54 3'W x 36"D wi10 angled shelves 1,400 DVD 36" Aisle DF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 10 27 270 3'W x 36'D wi10 angled shelves 1,200 Browsing 36" Aisle DF $8"H Bookstore Display Shelving 2 27 54 3'W x 36"D wi10 angled shelves 450 CD-ROM 36" Aisle DF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 1 27 27 3'W x 36"D wi10 angled shelves 750 Audio Book CD {CD ROM) 36" Aisle DF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 3 27 81 3'W x 36"D wi10 angled shelves 900 Video Cassette 36" Aisle DF 58"H Bookstore Display Shelving 2 27 54 3'W x 36'D w/10 angled shelves 600 Audio Book Cassette Paperback "Spinner" WI 4 Rotor Towers 2 70 140 Four 6 Tier Rotor Towers 743 Paperbacks 1 NON FICTION COLLECTION 1~958 NON-FICTION COLLECTION & SEATING 1,958 carrel,- Re-ader'~Wood 6 35 210 42'w x 30"d (1 Pemon) w/power & data management & task light Chair, Reader's 22 0 0 21"w x 21"d Chair, Technology Workstation 2 0 0 21"w x 21"d A UbrisDE$1GN Building Program Victoria Gardens Libraryfor the Performing Arts P. eporl Printed oil; 4/5/2002 Page 14 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Et. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. NON-FICTION COLLECTION & SEATING 1,958 -C0mp~t;'~ P~C Desktop 6 0 0 CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse Stool, Kick-Step 4 0 0 Table, Reader's 4 90 360 72'w x 36"d x 29"h (4 Person) Technology Carrel 2 40 80 41"w x 30'd (1 Person) sit<Jown w/power & data management Technology Counter 4 20 80 36"w x 30"d (1 Person) stand-up - against wall w/power & data management Waste Basket 1 4 4 13"w x 15'd x 15"h 36" Aisle DF g0"H Steel Shelving WI 14 Shelves 60 18 1,080 3'W x 24"D unit w/end panels 20,160 Non-Fiction 36" Aisle DF 90"H Steel Shelving WI 14 Shelves 8 18 144 3'w x 24"D unit w/end panels 2,640 Performing And Visual Arts Books 1 TECHNOLOGY CENTER 609 COMPUTER TRAINING CENTER 609 Chai~{ Technology workstation 21 0 0 21"w x 21"d Computer, Public Desktop 21 0 0 CPU, mouse & keyboard, w/15" flat plasma monitor Computer, Staff Desktop 1 0 0 Desktop or floor-mounted CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse instructor's Station, Systems Furniture 1 60 60 36'w x 30"d (1 Person) - sit<lown w/power & data management Printer, Laser (B&W) 3 0 0 Projection Screen, Motorized Ceiling 1 0 0 Front projection Projector, Ceiling Mounted 1 0 0 17'w x 16"d x 7"h - AV & computer, LCD to DLP Technology Carrel, Adjustable (Manual) Height 1 45 45 51'w x 30"d x 22" - 50"h {1 Person) w/powe' & data management Technology Training Table, Computer Lab 10 50 500 72"w x 30"d (2 Person) sit-down Telephone Handset 1 0 0 Waste Basket 1 4 4 13"wx 15'd x 15"h White Board 1 0 0 4' x 10' - erasable marker board A Llbrls DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Performing Aris LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. 1 TEEN AREA 973 TEEN GROUP STUDY ROOM 179 Chair, Group Study 6 0 0 At table or counter - 21"w x 21"d Clock 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Table, Group Study 1 175 175 72"w x 48'd x 29'h (6 Person) Waste Basket 1 4 4 13"w x 15"d x 15"h White Board 1 0 0 3' x 6' - erasable marker board YOUNG ADULT COLLECTION & SEATING 794 Boot~ 3 135 405 Restaurant Style Booth Seating Chair, Reader's 12 0 0 21"w x 21"d Computer, OPAC Desktop 2 0 0 CPU, w/monitor, keyboard & mouse Computer, Public Desktop 12 0 0 CPU, mouse & keyboard, w/15" fiat plasma monitor Study Counter 1 55 55 8'w x 30"d - against wall Table, Reader's 2 80 160 48" diameter x 29"h (4 Person) Technology Counter 2 20 40 36"w x 30"d {1 Person) stand-up - against wall w/power & data management 36" Aisle SF 66"H Steel Shelving W/5 Shelves 2 12 24 3'W x 12"D unit w/end panels & canopy top 345 Young Adult 36" Aisle SF 66"H Steel Shelving WI 5 Shelves 1 12 12 3'w x 12"D unit w/end panels & canopy top 400 Cliff Notes 44" Aisle SF 66"H Magazine Display Shelving WI3 Shelves 1 14 14 3'W x 12"D unit w/flip up sloping shelf & shelf underneath 9 Young Adult Current Magazines Paperback SF 66" Shelving Unit WI 5 Divider Shelves 7 12 84 3'w x 12"0 unit 1,200 Young Adult Paperbacks 2 PERIODICALS COLLECTION 53~2 CURRENT MAGAZINE & NEWSPAPER DISPLAY & SEATING 532 Chair, Reader's 12 0 0 21"w x 21'd A Libris DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Library for the Performing A~ts Report Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 16 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. CURRENT MAGAZINE & NEWSPAPER DISPLAY & SEATING 532 Table, Reader's 3 80 240 48" diameter x 29'h (4 Person) 44" Aisle DF 66"H Magazine Display Shelving WI6 Shelves 12 22 264 3'W x 24"D unit w/flip up sloping shelf & shelf underneath 216 Current Magazines 44" Aisle SF 66"H Newspaper Display Shelving WI3 Shelve 2 14 28 3'W x 12"D unit w/fixed sloping shelf 18 Current Newspapers GENERAL BUILDING SERVICES 1~033 CUSTODIAL SINK & STORAGE ROOM 144 Carpet Cleaning Machine 1 5 5 Cleaning Cart 1 15 15 38"w x 20"d x 38'h First Aid Kit 1 0 0 10"w x 3"d x 10"h - Wall-mounted Hand Truck 1 4 4 23"w x 18"d x 51'h Key Cabinet 1 0 0 12"wx 5"d x 16"h Mop Bucket 1 4 4 20*w x 18"d - On casters w/mop wringer Paper Towel Dispenser 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Shelving, Industrial 4 15 60 SF 36'w x 24"d x 84"h steel w/6 shelves Sink 1 18 18 36"w x 24'd - In counter Sink, Mop 1 6 6 Storage Cabinet, Hazardous Materials 1 20 20 43'w x 18"d x 44"h - heavy duty 18 gauge welded steel {NFPA/OSHA) Tool Box 1 0 0 Vacuum Cleaner, Dry Upright 1 8 8 15'w x 12'd x 42"h Waste Basket 1 4 4 13"w x 15"d x 15"h GENERAL LIBRARY STORAGE AND CLOSED BOOKSTACK ~ 474 Box, Cardboard 12 4 48 In transition or storage Shelving, Industrial 4 15 60 SF 36'w x 24'd x 84"h steel w/6 shelves Storage Cabinet 2 18 36 36"w x 18'd x 78"h A Libris DESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Libran/for the Performing Arts Repo~ Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 17 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNiT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq, Fl, Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. GENERAL LIBRARY STORAGE AND CLOSED BOOKSTACK STORA 474 ~loveable Aisle,, ,,. Compact Shelving DF 90"H Wlln Shelves .~ 33 10 330 3 W x 24 D unit w/carriage and rail I.,~' vo, F,, / LOADING- DOcK . ~ N/A MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ROOM N/A STAFF ENTRANCE & LOBBY N/A Bulletin aoard 1 0 0 Coat & Hat Rack 1 0 0 White Board 1 0 0 3' x 4' - erasable marker board STAFF LOUNGE 415 B~ullstin Board 2 0 0 Cabinets, Above Counter 6 0 0 q linear foot x 24'd Cabinets, Below Counter 6 0 0 1 linear foot x 24'd Cabinets, Full Height 4 § 20 t linear foot x 24'd (;hair, Caf6 8 0 0 ¢1o¢k 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Coffee MaksrlUrn 1 0 0 Got, Sick Bay 1 40 40 27'w x ?6'd x 1 ?'h - folding Cutting Roard, Kitchen 1 0 0 22'w x tS'd x Garbage Bin, Interior Locker 5 5 25 Unit 12'w x 12"d x 62'h (Three 20"h lockers) Microwave Oven 1 0 0 30'w x 14'd x 16'h - countertop or under cabinet Paper Cup Dispenser 1 0 0 3' diameter x JS"h - Wall-mounted Paper Towel Dispenser 1 0 0 Wall-mounted Refrigerator 1 20 20 Full-sized - 32'w x 36"d x 68"h w/freezer Sink 1 18 18 36"w x 24'd - In counter Soap Dispenser 1 0 0 5"w x 4"d x 10"h - Wall-mounted Sofa (2 Seat) 1 55 55 56'w x 32"d A LibrisDESlGN Building Program Victoria Gardens Libra~/for the PefformingAr~s Report Printed ea: 4/5/2002 Page 18 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Fi. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. STAFF LOUNGE 415 Table, Caf~ 2 65 130 staff (4) - 36" diameter Table, End 1 12 12 30"w x 30"d x 20"h Telephone Handset 1 0 0 Vending Machine 2 20 40 40"w x 40"d x 72"h Workstation, Food Preparation Counter 1 40 40 6'w x 30"d - against wall STAFF REST ROOMS N/A Commode 3 0 0 Rest room Hand Dryer 2 0 0 12'w x 7"d x 10"h - wall-mounted Mirror 1 0 0 Full length Mirror, With Shelf 2 0 0 Above counter Paper Towel Dispenser 2 0 0 Wall-mounted Sink And Counter 2 0 0 Rest room Soap Dispenser 2 0 0 5"w x 4"d x 10"h - Wall-mounted Stall 3 0 0 Rest room Urinal 1 0 0 QUIET READING ROOM 654 QUIET READING ROOM 654 Carrel, Reader's Wood 4 35 140 42'w x 30"d {1 Person) w/power & data management & task light Chair, Lounge 4 35 140 36'w x 36"d Chair, Reader's 14 0 0 21'w x 21"d Table, End 2 12 24 30"w x 30"d x 20"h Ts. hie, Reader's 10 35 350 36'w x 30"d x 29"h (1 Person) Llbrls DESIGN Building Program Victoda Gardens Library for the Peri'ermine Arts Report Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 19 of 20 LIBRARY DIVISION LIBRARY SPACE NAME UNIT UNIT EXTENDED SPACE DIVISION Furniture and Equipment QTY Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Net Assignable Square Footage: 16~929 Non-Assignable Square Footage (@ 25%of Gross): 5,643 Gross Square Footage: 22,572 LibrisDESIGN Building Program Victoria Gardens LibraP/for the Performing Arts Report Printed on: 4/5/2002 Page 20 of 20 WLC/Pitassi ARCHITECTS Programming Charette Rancho Cucamonga Cultural Arts Center WLC Project No. 02-129.10 Date: April 11, 2002 Time: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Programming Charette Attendees Suggested All Day Attendees: Suggested Partial Day Attendees: City of Rancho Cucamonga Project Team City of Rancho Cucamonga Project Team Kevin McArdle, Project Manager, Community Services Brad Buller, City Planner Director Pam Easter, Deputy City Manager Deborah Clark, Library Director Joe O~Neil, City Engineer Linda Daniels, Redevelopment Agency Director Robert Karatsu, Library Services Manager Renee Tobin, Senior Librarian Dave Moore, Recreation Superintendent Melissa Morales, Senior Administrative Secretary Diane O~eal, Program Analyst Nettle Nielsen, Recreation Supervisor Susan Sluka, Recreation Coordinator City Project Consultant Team Bob Bailey, Arts Consultant, AMS Consulting Linda Demmers, Library Planner Steve Pollack, Principal, Auerbach & Associates, Theater Consultants Mike McMackin, Project Manager, Auerbach & Associates, Theater Consultants WLC/Pitassi Architectural Team Larry Wolff, AIA, Principal Architect, Project Director, WLC Architects, Inc. Peter J. Pitassi, AIA, Library Project Architect, Pitassi Architects, Inc. George Wiens, AIA, Performing Arts Project Architect, WLC Architects, Inc. Lisa Cox, Performing Arts Project Manager, WLC Architects, Inc. Xavier Adrian, Project Manager, WLC Architects, Inc. David Barton, Thematic Consultant, Summit Design International, LLC Gordon Hoopes, Thematic Consultant, Summit Design International, LLC Robert J. Mueting, AIA/ASLA, Principal, Landscape Architect, RJM Design Group Michael Crose, Principal, C&M Technology, Library Technology John von Szeliski, AIA, Principal, JVSA Theater Architects -1- Programming Charette Agenda 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM Introductions - Kevin McArdle All Day & Partial Day Attendees 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM Overview of Current Programming Status All Day & Partial [] Victoria Gardens Mall & Site - Kevin McArdle Day Attendees [] Meeting Facility Program - Kevin McArdle [] Library Program - Deborah Clark [] Performing Arts Program - Steve Pollack 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Identify Possible Activities & Events All Day & Partial Activity and Event Discussion Questions Day Attendees [] What are the community service objectives? [] What activities and events should be accommodated in the project? Who are the primary patrons? [] What groups and organizations will use the facility and contribute to activities within the facility? [] What is the extent, time of occurrence, and duration of anticipated activities? [] What are the values, preferences, and expectations of community groups that will use the facility? [] What facility user characteristics should be emphasized in design? [] What activities will surround the site? [~ What facility activities could enhance surrounding retail uses, and vice versa? [] Are activity and event characteristics stable or likely to change? 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM Break 10:30 AM - Noon Identify Spaces, Environments & Capacities All Day Attendees [] How many people will be accommodated within the facility, for what purposes, and how Only frequently? [] What spaces are needed to support facility users' activities? [] Will any facility user group or activity require special accommodations? [] What is the estimated size or capacity for each major facility space and support area? [] What type of environmental settings will best meet and support proposed activities and events? [] What is the potential for shared and multi-use space? Noon - 12:30 PM Box Lunch Served All Day & Partial Day Attendees 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Half-time Summary All Day & Partial Day Attendees -3- 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Identify Ideal Enclosures, Forms & Features All Day Attendees [] What are possible facility forms, features, and structural design concepts? Only [,3 What forms and features are justified by proposed activity or function? [] What characteristics, images, and identities are most appropriate for further development? [] What general furnishing, fixtures, and equipment, fixed or mobile, does each facility space require? [] What are the desirable media, communication, and information system features? [] What are the required information displays? 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Break 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM Identify Candidate All Day & Partial FunctionaIConfigurations & Relationships Day Attendees [] Given existing restraints and opportunities, what design concepts are possible? [] What site and master plan concepts pose significant options to best achieve project objectives? [] What equipment and material must be transported to and within the facility? [] How will equipment and material be transported, and what is the frequency of such movements? [] What considerations should be made for temperature, wind, noise, and climatic conditions? [] What are the best circulation patterns for public, staff, and material flow? [] What special safety and security measures are necessary? 4:00 PM -4:30 PM Create Facility Program Synopsis All Day & Partial [] What community life characteristics should be emphasized in the project? Day Attendees [] What ideas, elements, and methods best meet community service objectives? [] What concepts best correspond to facility users' expectations and requirements? [] How soon might it be necessary to modify or expand the facility? [] What events would most probably lead to this requirement? [] How do the proposed facility schemes account for this possibility? [] What are the possible approaches for exterior facility design images, themes, details, and accents? [] What are the possible approaches for interior spatial forms, design images, themes, and patterns? [] How should the site be planned to achieve quality outdoor public space and landscaping? 4:30 PM Discussion & I~rap-up -4- DATE: April 11, 2002 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Director SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO CLOSE 4 HOURS FOR IN-SERVICE TRAININ~ ON FRIDAY TO BE SELECTED RECOMMENDATION That the Board approve closing the library on Friday, on a date to be selected in April or May, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., allowing Library Staff to conduct a 4 hour in-service training session for full and part time employees. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Since 1998, the Library Board has approved the concept of closing two days during the fiscal year to conduct in-service training for full and part time employees. This year, Staff recommends the Board allow scheduling of a four hour in-service to conduct staff studies in support of the grant application for Proposition 14 funds. This session will allow staff to respond to the proposed building program and will ultimately strengthen the Needs Assessment portion of the grant application. Linda Demmers, Library Consultant, recommends a staff session to follow up on the building program for the Victoria Gardens Library. Due to the application deadline of June 14, staff recommends this in-service take place in late April or eady May. A minimum of two weeks posting notice will be given. As in the past, Friday is the day recommended for in-service training. Mornings remain our lowest circulation timeframe. However, because of the popular "2 for 1" video program, we are recommending the in-service be limited to 4 hours. Under this recommendation, the following service would be offered: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. In-service 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Regular service and open hours The content of this year's program will consist of staff input on potential new branch services and Divisional Meetings. FISCAL IMPACT None. ~'~ p;ctfully submitted. /'~ ,-., Deborah Kay~i~ra ~"[~ct~-~-" -2- THE STREET JOURNAL. Bringing Back Those Books --- This Collection Agency Does Fine Work -- Rounding Up Recalcitrant Library Users Wall Street Journal; New York; Dec 14, 1999; By Sarah Lueck; Sic:561440 Edition: Eastern edition Start Page: B, 1:2 ISSN: 00999660 Subject Terms: Collection services Libraries Companies: Unique Management Services In¢Sic:561440 Abstract: ............... ~-~ ......... in/n" balance of $88 50," the 25-year-old tells a woman (n. Munc!e, ,, I m c,,at.n,g,, to remlno yuu ~uuu. yc,u. ,~,,,,~ ~ . ~ . ' take care of that as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of credit reporOng, Her em Io er, Unique Management Services Inc., says it is the only collection agency in the country that , P !Y.~-,__:--,, ,.,,, overdue librare books and fines Ils business is booming as local Ilbran.an..s, s.q,ueezed by tight budgets and rising material costs, grow increasingly willing to use forceful tactics on recatcirrem oorrowers. · '.. ' lots of new ways to deal with patrons in arrears. In Columbia, Tenn., the Maury County ~bu~li~eLsi~ra~/~r~ncgently announce~ p/ans to publish the names of its top 25 ~offenders" in an upcoming news a er ad, director Elizabeth Pelts says. The announcement alone shamed people into returning more than 450 SbP~aoP~s and writing $400 in "guilty conscience checks,' Ms. Polls says. Full Text: Copyright Dow Jones & Company Inc Dec 14, 1999 JEFFERSONVILLE, IND. -- As night falls in this tiny town, Julie Wannamaker settles into her office cubicle, switches on her computer and goes to work prodding people to pay off old debts. "I'm calling to remind you about your remaining balance of $88.50," the 25-year-old tells a woman in Muncie, Ind. "You'll want to step in and take care of that as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of credit reporting, M . Wannamaker says, the threat veiled in her sugary Southern accent. "Thanks very much?~ If this Baptist seminary student sounds gentler than the average repo man, that's because she represents people for whom getting pushy usually means shushing a noisy patron: librarians. Her employer, Unique Management Services Inc., says it is the only collection agency in the country that focuses exclusively on overdue library books and fines. Its business is booming as local librarians, squeezed by tight budgets and rising material costs, grow increasingly willing to use forceful tactics on recalcitrant borrowers. "If you're losing 10% of your collection, you could be talking $1 million. You can't just let that go walking away," says Tamara Filbert, head of circulation at the public library in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, one of 250 libraries that have hired Unique to dun overdue borrowers. Libraries are trying lots of new ways to deal with patrons in arrears. In Columbia, Tenn., the Maury County Public Library recently announced plans to publish the names of its top 25 "offenders" in an upcoming newspaper ad, director Elizabeth Pelts says. The announcement alone shamed people into returning more than 450 books and writing $400-m guilty conscience checks, Ms. Pelts says. In Westland, Mich., the public library turns tardy patrons over to the city police if its own notices don't 't work· First, a letter is sent on police department stationery, and those who don respond can be charged with misdemeanor theft, which carries penalties of up to 90 days in jail and a $500 fine· No one's been put behind bars yet, but about 300 such citations have been issued, says Joe Burchi!l, a · eo le who return books have been ordered to pay $100 in court costs hbrary spokes.man So ~; p p .............. :~ -~,~" Mr. B chill says. "But business is addition to their fines. "Libraries are traalnonmly nm tu,ml6 pm,~, tlr business." And libraries can be good business -- or so Unique co-owners Lyle Stucki and Charlie Gary thought when they were running a general collection agency together in the early 1990s. After helping a library in Bedford, Ind., retrieve its overdue books and fines, they decided in 1994 to focus on that market niche. They soon discovered that librarians worry that arm-twisting tactics could alienate patrons. "The circulation staff is so fearful that these people are going to run into the library and yell at them or come in with a gun or something," Mr. Stucki says. So he and Mr. Gary developed what they call a "gentle nudge" approach to motivating procrastinators. "Our philosophy is to treat people the way we like to be treated, all the time, no matter what," Mr. Stucki tells a prospective client on the phone. He's a leader of his local Mormon church, and hanging on his office wall is a framed copy of the Golden Rule· He says Unique's third-party status offers libraries added credibility and clout. "People just feel like, hey, it's the library, it's not that important that I get this stuffback," he says. "What we're doing is creating a little leverage so they'll respond." The company's goal is merely to goad borrowers into action; Unique doesn't even know the titles of the books that are overdue. Libraries have turned over more than 500,000 accounts to Unique since 1994. Staffers send out roughly 75,000 letters and make 32,000 phone calls a month. The average patron owes $65, w. hic. h. c. an e reduced if books are returned. Libraries pay the company $4·95 per individual account, and add the b~ ......... ~-~ ~m"an-' recorded $2 million in revenue and collected more than $10 Iee to patron ilnes. ~ast yum, m~ ,,, 1~ million in money and materials. Unique gets about 60% of the people it contacts to return books and pay fines, Mr. Stucki says· When it gets a new account, the company first sends a "courtesy letter" telling people who've ignored library notices that the library "would like to have you again as a patron in good standing." A second letter warns that Unique may alert credit agencies· "Why allow this to happen?" the letter says. "We · ' 'on" feel sure you w~ll agree that response ts the best solut~ . Then comes a pair of phone ..cal?~ from,U~qu~_s_!~aff~er~s...s..u~ha~as~,.sLicWa~nnS eamminaka~ iLnikneearm~y [~ sffve[l~, Ms Wannamaker was recrultea tram me Doumem ~>alJU~t t,,~,~,,,~ Ky. Messrs. Stucki and Gary believe these future ministers, missionaries and Sunday-school teachers are more likely to turn the other cheek when provoked by patrons. One night at the Jeffersonville call center, a shaken Ms. Wannamaker takes a coffee break after one · hah s u on her and another threatens a lawsuit· Caller Jody Thomas, 27, tries to rea.snn ~a wP~°a~n whog is ~u~grily disputing that she owes $87.90 to New York's Queens Borough Pubhc Library. "Don't deal with us," Mr. Thomas tells her. "Clear this up with them." Mr. Thomas, also a seminary student, rolls his eyes as the woman yells in his ear. After the call, he laughs off her tirade: "She just · ' le" got excited. IfI didn't have the faith I do, it would be easier to get upset w~th peop . When patrons don't respond, this mild-mannered collection agency can get tough by reporting debtors to a credit-reporting agency. Company officials say Unique does so only as a last resort, but it did report 10,000 people in September alone. The Top 10 EXCUSes For Overdue Books Ex lanations actuall heard by staffers at unique Management Services: 1.P'I lost them in tie divorce, call my ex.' 2. 'My husband is doing time.' 3. }Ive got too m~ny to carry.' 4. I hurt my arm. 5. 'I don't know where the library is.' ' on the wa to return them, but the police impounded my car.' 6.7. '~h~Swere in th~ back seat of the ca~, and my husband sold it.' 8. 'we ~ust found them behind the couch. After four years. 9. 'I threw them away.' 10. 'I haven't had time.' From a library employee. Credit: Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission. Steel Library Card in Velvet Glove: Firmer Approach With Scofflaws New York Times; New York; Feb 6, 2000; David Koeppel; Edition: Late Edition (East Coast) Column Name: Neighborhood Report: New York up Close Start Page: 6 ISSN: 03624331 ; ract: ............. oman conceded recently that she awed almost $300 in overdue-b, opk.fees.? t.h,e_ New Yaen~r-B°rt~o~klyrCn°~;,i; Libraries. That figure reflects both the cost of the books and the tare tees ma, nave accumulated since she borrowed the Gothic novels last year. i~ libraries took a relatively soft approach in recovering overdue material and collecting late In the past, pub/i! ............. ~'-'~ ';bra"' s,,stems have become more aggressive, retaining a..n I.ndtana yoel~cZ~tntha;Sency, Y~nique Management Systems, to persuade borrowers of overdue items to settle metr accounts more promptly. "People are sometimes surprised to see we have teeth," said Caroline Oyama, the manager of public relations for the New York Public Library, which serves Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island. Full Text: Copyright New York Times Company Feb 6, 2000 A 30-year-old Brooklyn woman conceded recently that she owed almost $300 in overdue-book fees to the New York and Brooklyn Public Libraries. That figure reflects both the cost of the books and the late fees that have accumulated since she borrowed the Gothic novels last year. The woman, who asked to be identified only as Mary, said she had accidentally thrown out the books when she moved to a new apartment and that she did not have the money to pay the fines. In the past, public libraries took a relatively soft approach in recovering overdue material and collecting late fees. But these days all three of the city's library systems have become more aggressive, retaining an Indiana collection agency, Unique Management Systems, to persuade borrowers of overdue items to settle their accounts more promptly. In cases like Mary's, in which delinquency exceeds four months, the agency reports the lapses to credit bureaus. "People are sometimes surprised to see we have teeth," said Caroline Oyama, the manager of public relations for the New York Public Library, which serves Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island. "We don't want our patrons to think we're monsters," Ms. Oyama said, "but when there's serious loss it needs to be addressed." The library enrolled in a pilot program with the collection agency last September. Library officials say they lose thousands of items annually, including expensive items like art books and videotapes. By bringing in a collection agency, libraries hope that patrons will take overdue fines more seriously. The Brooklyn Public Library began using the agency last August and has already reaped some benefits, said Valerie Geiss, the manager of media relations. Ms. Geiss said that between July and December 1999 late-fee payments increased 10 percent compared with the same period a year earlier, and were 16 percent higher between October and December 1999 than during the same months in 1998. The Queens Borough Public Library, which has employed Unique Management for nearly four years, tums over delinquent accounts after about eight weeks, said the library's deputy director of finance, Tom Galante. The library has recovered $1.62 million in materials and $1.27 million in fines and fees under the arrangement. The agency charges the library $4.95 for each account referred. · r officials, who say they do not want to scare aware their patrons, say they appreciate Unique xL}~r ~arj, o,~nt'~ easveoine aooroach, which doesn't so much threaten, as nudg,.e.L, yle ,S. tuc~,,a f,ound_.e~.r__ g~"t~a*~ v~c~ sp~ci~l]zes in library collections and has 275 hbrary cnents nauonwme, aescrm~ his company's approach as gentle. The agency usually sends its first letter 30 to 45 days after material is overdue. Two additional letters follow, and then, after about 60 days, recalcitrant patrons receive a phone call. After 90 days, a more threatening letter warns that the library user will be reported to a credit bureau. That threat becomes reality after 120 days. The city's libraries have tried other reclamation strategies in the past. About 25 years ago, the ..... · , ~ ,,-~- ....... ers" who went door to door reminding patrons Brooklyn and ~ueens lmranes emptoyeu ta~, m~ss~ , to return late books. The approach failed. DAVID KOEPPEL [Illustration] Drawing (David Bergstein) [Chart] "IN THE STACKS: Return to Lender" Some facts about the Queens Borough Public LibraPJ, including its efforts to reclaim overdue items: No. of branches: 62 No. of books, v deos, etc. circulating yearly: 17.5 million Itemsmost kely to be re umed late: ~deos and textbooks . . ' os 10centsada for items checked out by senior Fines: 20 cents a day for adu t materials; 5 cens e day for juven le materials, $3 per dayf°r wde , Y citizens and fees Various other fees: $1 for a missing item label, $2 for a lost video case, $1 for a lost CD case, $25 for a lost hardcover book, $50 for a lost videocassette privileges' Users ere forb dden from checking ou more items if delinquency fines reach $10 · . ' ent accounts are settled within 54 days, at which point the library refers them to a collection agency. Pa ments of fines and fees. 86 percent of dehnqu ~,~ ~h,'~llt ~.n {=in('} of t I 000 delinquent accounts that the libra[y has referred to it and ReYc~vepj rate; In the last four years, the agency has collect ................ he 9 , _ for which addresses could be vedfied. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner· Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission. OVERDUE NOTICE TIMETABLE 1 WEEK OVERDUE TELECIRC PHONE CALL OR FIRST NOTICE 2 WEEKS OVERDUE FINAL NOTICE 4 WEEKS OVERDUE NOTICE OF UNRESOLVED CHARGES 8 WEEKS OVERDUE - SENT TO COLLECTION SENT AT ONE WEEK OVERDUE NOTICE.1 SCREEN 1 OF 1 *** FIRST NOTICE *** Records show the following item(s) overdue. If you have returned them please excuse this notice. Otherwise, please return them as soon as possible. For any questions call (909) 477-2720 ext. 5000. Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 7358 Ar-chibald Avenue Rancho Cucamon~a, CA 91730 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED ~.-~'-~' FIRST NOTICE *** 08 APR 2(]02 Records sho~.~ +_he foil. owing i%em(s) overdue. If you have ce-t:.urr',ed +-hem please excuse ~.hJ.s no+_ice. O%herwise., please r-e+-upn +.hem as soon as possible. For* any ques+.ions call (909) 477-2720 ex~. 5000. CD MR MAMA BOM M The bes+_ of &he Mamas and ~he 003733629 05 APR 02 CD MR CROS DV 09 Deja vu / .001792153 05 APR 02 HCD MR TOTO PTP Pas+- +_o presen~ 1977-1990 / 003791684 05 APR 02 HCD MR SIMP IRR Irresis+_ib].e / 003731524 05 APR 02 SENT AT TWO WEEKS OVERDUE ~j ~ Final notice to return item(s) listed below or you will be billed to replace the items, including a processing fee and the account will be referred to a collection agency. Material more than 6 months overdue can no longer be returned, but must be paid for. Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 730B Archibald Avenue Final notice to return J. tem{-~) i~o~ or- Foci wi].], be billed +.o rep].ace the i<ems, J. nclu~Jing a processing fee and t:.he accoun-t wJ. ll be referred to a collection agency. ~atePial more fhan ~ months overdue can no longer be ret:urned, bu~ must be paid for. JP' 3 FICTION TRI ~;aman'tha saves the day : 000591152 25 MAR []2 Replacement cost is $17.95 SENT AT FOUR ~/EEKS OVERDUE NOTICE.BILLING SCREEN 1 OF 1 NOTICE OF LTN-RESOLVED CHARGES Records show the following charges not paid and/or not returned. Please resolve this matter since all balances over $50 will be sent to a collection agency within 2 weeks. Materials more than 6 months overdue cannot be returned to the library, but must be paid for. Rancho Cucamonga Public Librar-y 7368 Ar'chibald Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA g1730 i CHANGE SERVICE REOUESTED NOTICE OF UNRESOLVED CFIARGES 06 RPR 2[)02 Recopds show +.he fo].lowinD char-ges not~ paid and/op no+. r'e-tupned. Please r-esolve +.his ma+,+,er since.ali balances over~ $50 will be sen+. +,o a co].lec+,ion agency wi+.hin 2 weeks. Ma+,er'ia].s mo~*e +.hah 6 mon+,hs over'due canno+, be r'e+,ur-ned +,o +.he librany, but. Bus+. be paJ. d for*. NON 658.8 HIR The pop+,able MBA in marke+,in¢ 080209¢25 Los+. r~a+,er'ials char'ge = $32.95 NON 058.8 LEV Guerr-ilta r~ar-keting excellence 0000.].,956[) Los4:. ma+,er*ials char'ge = $15.70 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. 330 East Court Ave., Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 285-0886 Fax (812) 285-0895 THE UNIQUE PROCESS The following summarizes the process utilized by Unique Management Services (UMS) to recover overdue materials: INITIAL PLACEMENT UMS charges a fixed fee as low as $4.95 per patron processed regardless of the balance amount. Libraries like initial placement pricing because many patrons will clear their accounts during initial placement for a cost to the library of only our fixed fee as low as $4.95. There are no additional fees for patrons processed only in initial placement. With the following gentle process of letters and phone calls, libraries can expect from 50 to 75 percent of patrons to respond, which is very good. 1. The first letter is sent out immediately when a patron account is turned over. 2. UMS waits three weeks to allow the patron plenty of time to respond. Ifatier three weeks the patron still has not responded, the second letter is sent. 3. If the patron responds after either the first or second letter and there is still a remaining balance, UMS will automatically send the remaining balance letter to encourage the patron to contact the library and pay their fines and/or return additional materials to clear their account. 4. Ifa patron has a remaining overdue balance 14 days after the last letter was sent, UMS will begin making phone calls to encourage the patron to clear their account. 5. Phone calls are made in the evenings, Monday through Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. your time. UMS will make at least two phone attempts. Ifa patron is not home in the evening, callers will usually set the next call for Saturday so calls are made at different times. All UMS calls are made by live people who are well trained to make professional calls. UMS has found that phone calls improve results from 15 to 30 percent, so they are very important. See telephone script for call procedure. Guarantee: If at least our fixed fee is added to the patron balance and if patrons are submitted to UMS within 60 days overdue, UMS guarantees in writing to recover enough monies to pay UMS fees. In other words, UMS guarantees to keep the process budget neutral. SECONDARY PLACEMENT UMS offers secondary placement services to help recover materials from patrons who do not clear their account as a result of library recovery and/or initial placement efforts or have moved and the library does not have a correct address. 1. In secondary placement, UMS will do extensive skip tracing to find patrons who have moved. Corrected addresses are provided to the library each month. UMS utilizes five primary data bases to do skip tracing. Fees are generally incurred for each skip trace and considerable time is required by UMS staff to do it properly. 2. Once a correct address is obtained, a final notice letter is sent which states that the patron will he credit reported if they do not clear their account with the library. Fortunately, most people still care about their credit, and many respond. 3. If the final notice letter is returned with a new forwarding address, the final notice letter is resent to the corrected address. 4. If a patron has not cleared their account within 14 days after the final notice letter is sent, the patron is called. This is a courtesy call to explain to the patron that they are scheduled to be credit reported on a certain date and to please not let this happen. Most patrons thank UMS callers for calling. 5. If the patron responds partially by returning materials and/or making a payment but still has a remaining balance, the remaining balance letter is sent out immediately. This helps patrons understand that they still have an overdue balance and need to contact the library. 6. Several telephone calls will be made depending on the patron balance, what has been said earlier by the patron and response to date. 7. UMS waits approximately 30 days after the last contact before the patron is actually credit reported to give them plenty of time to respond. UMS credit reports to the largest credit reporting agencies in the United States; TransUnion, CBFEquifax and TRW. This way, no matter where the patron moves, this debt will show on their credit report until resolved. Fees and Guarantee: When patron accounts are processed in secondary placement, UMS incurs significant additional expense. Therefore, a contingency fee of 40 percent is charged on any materials and cash recovered. However, if the library meets the agreed upon conditions of adding on a certain fee and turns accounts over within a certain number of days, then UMS guarantees not to charge more than the actual cash recovered to keep the complete process budget neutral. Most UMS clients use secondary placement services because additional materials are returned to circulation and the cash recovered pays for the service fees. ~, 1996 Unique .National ' Collections $$0 E. Court Avenue Jeffersonville. IN 47130 Address Correction Requested Account No: 79570 Total Due: $147.59 #UQMTF30SA00300# 123-1-0Sl TO the parents of Lyle J. Scucki 330 EAST COURT AVENUE ~ Public Library P. O. BOX 152288 JEFFERSONVILLE IN 47130-3412 ~ TX 75015-1288 Please detach and return in enclosed envelope with your payment Account No: 79570 I Public Library Value of Material: $102.64 Fine & Fees: $44.95 Total Due: $147.59 THIS IS AN ATTEM[PT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Your account has been referred to Unique National Collections by theI Public Library. Return or' past due materials and payfi~ent of fines/fees will ensure that your account is cleared with Unique National Collections and the Library. Fines must also be paid even if the materials are returned. The Library has requested that we provide you a courtesy notice. It is our hope that you will respond so this matter can be resolved. Thel Public Library would like to have you, again, as a patron in good standing. To clear your account, please return past due materials, if you still have them, to anylll'Public Library location and pay your fines of $44.95. If you have lost or misplaced the materials; or if you have returned the materials and have not yet paid your fines, please send your check in the amount of $147.59 to ~ Public Library, P. O. Box 152288,~,TX 75015-1288. If you have any questions, please call 214 721-2440 during regular business hours. Charles L. Gary Collection Manager Unless you notify this office within 30 days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of this debt or any portion thereof, this office will assume this debt is valid. If you notify this office in writing within 30 days from receiving this notice, this office will: obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of a judg"ment and mail you a copy of such judgment or verification. If you request this office in writing within 30 days after receiving this notice, this office will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. Unique National Collections $30 E. Court Avenue defferaonville. IN 47130 Address Correction Requested Account No: 79570 Total Due: $147.59 ~UQMTF305A00029# 123-1-002 TO the parents of Lyle J. Seucki 330 EAST COURT AVENUE ~ Public Library JEFFERSONVILLE, IN. 47130-3412 P.O. BOX 152288 ~ TX 75015-1288 Please detach and return ill enclosed envelope with your payment Account No: 79570 1Public Library Total Due: $147.59 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY EqFOR/VlATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. We notified you approximately three weeks ago that you had an overdue balance with the 1 Public Library. To date, the Library has not yet notified us that you have cleared your account. Should you ignore this notice, we want to bring certain facts to your attention. We may request permission from the Library to report this debt to national Credit Reporting Agencies. Notice of your non-payment may be made available to credit grantors and others who may seek your credit history. Once reported, this adverse information can stay on your record for up to SEVEN YEARS. Why allow this to happen? We feel sure you will agree; response is the best solution. If you have additional past due materials, they can be returned tol Public Library, P. O. Box 152288, ITX 75015-1288. Cash payment cannot be accepted by mail. If you have misplaced the material; or if you have returned the material and have not yet paid your fines, please send your check or money order in the amount of $147.59. If you have any questions, please call 214 721-2440 during regular business hours. Charles L. Gary Unless you notify this Office within 30 days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of the debt or any portion thcr~eof, this office will assume this debt is valid. If you notify this office in writing within 30 days from receiving this notice, this office, will: obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of a judgment and mail you a copy of such judgment or verification. If you request this office in writing within 30 days after receiving this notice, this office will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. t996 Unique National Collections 330 E. Court Avemae Address Correction Requested Account No: 79570 Total Due: $147.59 ~UQMTF305A00037# 123-1-003 TO the parents of Lyle J. Stucki 330 EAST COURT AVENUE ~ Public Library JEFFERSONVILLE IN 47130-3412 P.O. BOX 152288 ~ TX 75015-1288 Please detach and retttrn in enclosed envelope with your paymera Accoum No: 79570 ~ Public Library Total Due: $147.59 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY I~FORMATION OBTAINED WYLL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. TheI Public Library has notified us that you have responded recently to reduce your past due balance that we recently wrote you about. The Library has asked us to contact you again because there is still a $147.59 past due balance. The $147.59 owed is still an open collection account that must be 'resolved to clear your record. If you are unable to pay the entire amount, please contact any location of thel Public Library. They will be happy to work with you to resolve this debt over time. If thel Public Library does not hear from you in the near future, they will have no choice but to assume you do not plan to resolve the outstanding debt. I urge you to send your check or money order in the amount of $147.59 tolPublic Library, P. O. Box 152288,1TX 75015-1288. If you have any queslions please call 214 721-2440 during reffular business hours. Charles L. Gary Unless you notify this office within 30 days aRer receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of the debt or any portion thereof, this office will assume this debt is valid. If you notify this office in writing within 30 days from receiving this notice, this office will: obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of a judgment and mail you a copy of such judgment or verification. If you request this office in writing within 30 days after receiving this-notice, this office will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. ,996 Unique National Collections 330 E. Court A vettae deffer~onville, ltv 47130 Address Correction Requested Account No:79570 Total Due: $147.59 #UQMTF305A00045# 123-1-004 To ~he parenEs of Lyle J. Stucki 330 EAST COURT AVENUE ~ll Public Library JEFFERSONVILLE IN 47130-3412 P.O. BOX 152288 I TX 75015-1288 Please detach and return in enclosed envelope with your payment Account No: 79570 RETURN MATERIALS OR MAKE PAYMENT 1 Public Library P. O. Box 152288, I, TX 75015-1288. Total Due: $147.59 ATTENTION: THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE Your account is now in our Credit Reporting Department. Your name may be reported to the nation's largest credit reporting agencies. Notice of non-payment may be made available to credit grantors including car dealers, finance companies, banks, department stores and others who may seek your credit history. Once reported, this adverse intbrmation can stay on your record for up to seven years !!! Why allow this to happen.'? Return past due materials to any ~ Public Library location and pay the outstanding fines/fues. If you have misplaced the materials; or if you have returned the materials and have not yet paid your fines, please mail your check for $147.59 to: P. O. Box 152288, I,TX 75015-1288. If you are unable to pay the entire amount, contact ~ Public Library, at 214 721-2440. You can't avoid this any further. Please return materials and pay fines/fees. Charles L. Gary THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Unless you notify this office within 30 days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of the debt or any portion thereof, this office will assume this debt is valid. If you notify this office in writing within 30 days from recei_~_ving this notice, this office will: obtain verification of~he debt or obtain a copy of a judgment and mail you a copy of such judgment or verification. If you request this office in writing within 30 days after receiving this notice, this office will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. CREATED: 03/31/2002 12:32 PM RJK Sb74MARY STATUS REPORT PAGE: MS KAREN SCHNEIDERWE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY 7368 ARCHIBALD AVENUE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 CREDITOR: 219 -- RANCHO CUCAMONGA pUBLIC LIBRARY DATES LISTED: ~/~/~7 ~O 03/31/2002 ACCOUnts Submitted 2,139 Dollars Submitted 236,522.92 Dollars Received 33,148.46 Bankruptcies 25 Dollars in Bankruptcy 925.35 Material Returned 36,675.73 Incorrect Addresses 443 Dollars in Skips 43,181.53 Dollars Waived 10,315.87 Patron Disputes/Suspends 15 Dollars in Dispute 481.49 Total Activated 107,701.32 ACCOUnts in Process 1,660 Dollars in Process 183,465.42 % of Dollars Activated 58.70% # of Accounts Activated 932 % of Accounts Activated 56.14% UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC EXPLANATION OF SUMMARY PAGE STATUS OF ACCOUNTS REPORT Letl Column: Accounts Submitted: Total number of accounts submitted for collection Bankruptcies: Total number of accounts in bankruptcy Incorrect Addresses: Total number ofacoounts for which we do not have a correct address yet. Skip tracing efforts continue for quite some time however. Patron Disputes/Suspends: Total number of accounts where collection efforts have been stopped because patron disputed the debt or Library suspended collection efforts as a result of payment arrangements, etc. Accounts in Process: Total number being processed through our collection service. This number is arrived at by subtracting bankruptcies, incorrect address and patron disputes/suspends accounts from the total number of accounts submitted. # of Accounts Activated: Total number of accounts that have responded in some way to reduce their balance. They could have returned material, made a payment, or a combination of both. % of Accounts Activated: This number is arrived at by calculating the percent of accounts in process that have been activated. (# of Accounts Activated divided by Accounts in Process) This percentage is a good measure of response rate because it measures the percentage of patrons that respond who are actually contacted and processed through our collection service. Middle Column: Dollars Submitted: This number is arrived at by adding up the total dollar amounts due from all accounts submitted for collectiorr Dollars in Bankruptcy: This number is the total dollar amount for accounts in bankruptcy. Dollars in Skips: This number is the total dollar amount for accounts with incorrect addresses. Dollars in Dispute: This number is the total dollar amount for accounts that have been disputed or suspended. Dollars in Process: This number is the total dollar amount for accounts being processed. It is arrived at by subtracting dollars in bankruptcy, skips, and dispute from total dollars submitted. This shows how many dollars submitted for collection are actually being worked. Right Column: Dollars Received: Actual money recovered as reported by the Library. Material Returned: Actual value of material returned as reported and valued by the Library. Dollars Waived: Actual dollars waived by the Library as reported by the Library. Total Activated: This number is arrived at by identifying all accounts that have been activated and adding the dollar amounts for each of those accounts submitted for collection. The idea behind this measure is that when an account is activated, the patron has begun efforts to clear the account even if payments are still being made, etc. % of Dollars Activated: This number is arrived at by calculating the percent of dollars in process that have been activated. (Total Activated divided by Dollars in Process)