HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-182 - Resolutions RESOI//CIC~ NO. 91-182 A RESOLUITC~ OF THE CITY ~ OF THE CITY OF ~ O3CAMONC4%, CALI~, APPEOVING A Pd~QUEST FOR A T~N~CATiVEPARCELMAP, NL~B~R13693, TO SUBDIVIDE 1.0ACRE INTO 2 PARC~ IN THE ~ LOW RESID~AL DISTRICT, ~ ON THE NORIM SIDE OF ~ ERIVE, WEST OF HAV~q AV~qUE - APN: 201-182-29 A. Recitals. (i) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Luna have filed an application for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 13693 described above in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Parcel (ii) On March 27 and continued to April 24 and May 22, 1991, the Planning (k~,~ssion of the City of Rancho Oacamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the Tentative Parcel Map and follc~ing the conclusion of said hearing, adopted their Resolution No. 91-41 thereby approving the Tentative Parcel Map. (iii) Mr. Peter Fan, an adjacent uroperty owner, and the Northwood Properties C~m~unity Association have filed a timely appeal of the approval represented in said Resolution No. 91-41 on the basis of the requirement that Parcel 2 take access frc~ Northridge Drive. (iv) On July 3 and continued to July 17, 1991, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the subject matter of the appeal of the Tentative Parcel Map and on said date (v) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have oocurred. B. Resolution. NOW, ~{~RE~-~, the City Oouncil of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. ~ Council hereby finds and certifies that the project barn been reviewed and considered in cc~pliance with the California Envirommental Quality Act of 1970 and concurs with the issuance of the Negative Declaration issued on May 22, 1991. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced July 3 and July 17, 1991, hearing, incl,~ng written staff reports, the minutes of the akove-referenced March 27, April 24, and May 22, 1991, Plar~ir~ C~m,dssion meetings, public test~, and the contents of Planning Cuam.4ssion Resolution No. 91-41, this Oouncil specifi- cally finds as follows: Resolution No. 91-182 Page2 (a) The Tentative Parcel Map applies to property located on the nox~h side of Northridge Drive w~st of Haven Avenue within the Very I~ Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre); (b) The Develc~ District and develo~ status of the s~rc~ding pro~ is as follows: Noxe_h - Very Low ~esidential - Partially Developed South - Low-Medium Residential - Developed East - Very Low Residential - Vacant West - Very Iz~ Residential - Horse Corral (c) The Tentative Parcel Map c~lates the develo~ of a 2-lot subdivision on 1.0 acre of land; (d) Variance No. 91-04 was approved in conjunction with the Tentative Parcel Map to allow reductions in the minimum average lot size and minJmx~ lot depth, shall be modified to allow a further reduction of 300 square feet to the minimum average lot size; (e) The r~quir~m~nts of Planning O-m~dssion Resolution No. 91-41, which relate to Parcel 2 taking access frc~ Nox~hri~ Drive are u~z~cessary to the subdivision of the property; (f) Parcel 2 shall instead be designed to ultimately take access fr~m a future street at the n~rtheast cc~ner of the site, with a temporary aocess easement across Parcel 1 to Cahrosa Place; (g) The develc~ as modified will not contradict the goals ~r objectives of the General Plan ~r Develo~ Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and w~uld not pr~m~te a detrimental condition to the pers~s or pr~ies in the immediate vicinity of the subject site. 4. Based upon the su~-tantial evidence presented to this Council durin~ the above-referenced public hearing and upc~ the specific findings of facts set forth in para~ra~ 1, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) '~he Tentative Parcel Map, ~ approval of the revised varianoe, will be consistent with the General Plan and Develo~ C~de of the City of Rancho (b) ~he design or i~vve~m~ts of the Tentative Parcel Map is cons~ with the General Plan and Development Code of the City of Rancho cucam~; (c) The subject site is physically suitable for the type of Resolution No. 91-182 Page3 (d) The _c~ ign of the propoeed develc~ is not likely to cause substantial envir~l damage or avoidable injury to humans or wildlife or their habitat; (e) The develog~ent is not likely to cause serious health (f) The design of the develo~ will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the ~ devel~; and 5. Based upon the findings and conclusioms set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Council hereby ap~ the Tentative Parcel Map subject to the attached Standard Conditio~ and the following Special Conditioms: 1. An irrevocable offer of dedication shall be provided at the northeast corner of Parcel 2 sufficient to provide 50 feet of frontage comsistent with master planning alternate "I", which involves the future extension of Cartilla Avenue due south of Wilson Avenue; 2. A lien shall beplaced on Parcel 2 for the future ccmstruc- tion of street improv~nents within the offer of dedication; 3. A modification of Variance 91-04 shall be p~-ocessed which further reduces the min/mum average lot area by the amount of the offer of dedication; 4. The access ~t across Paroel 1 in favor of Parcel 2 shall be temporary, to be removed once alternate access to Parcel 2 is available frc~ the north. The local feeder trail bet%~_n Parcels 1 and 2 shall be cc~leted once the driveway is removed; 5. Access to Parcel 2 shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Rancho Cucam~ Fire Protection District, includin~ adequate tur~ for fire vehicles or acceptable alternate. Any gated acoess shall require a knox lock; 6. A Design Review application for the development of Parcel 2 shall be suk~itted for review by the Design Review C~ittee and approval by the City Planner to insure that the home is properly oriented toward the fxfo/re cul-de-sac at the northeast oorner of the site; 7. Building setback lines shall be plotted on the Final Parcel Map, to the satisfaction of the City Planner; Resolutiu~ No. 91-182 Page4 8. The following shal lbe constructed prior to the release of occupancy for either parcel: (a) The driveway across Parcel 1 to serve Parcel 2; (b) A decorative screen wall along the south pr~ line of both parcels, the design of which shall be reviewed and ap~ by the City Planner. Prior to construc- tion of the screen wall, the developer shall work with allow replacement of the existing writ iron fence with the screen wall; (c) A 15-foot wide local feeder trail along the entire southerly bcum4m~ of Parcels 1 and 2, ar~ a 15-foot wide local feeder trail between Parcels 1 and 2 frc~ the southerly trail to t_he north property line. The portic~ of the trail which crosses the temporary access easement shall be constructed when the driveway is removed; (d) Private drainage devices to convey flc~s frc~ the site and frum the property north of the site to the existing public facilities along the w~st and/or south boundaries, installed to the satisfactio~ of the Building Official. Private drainage ~ shall building and Safety Division. 9. A Grad/n~ Plan shall be approved byt he City for both equestrian trails, and private drainage facilities. Fan, and the NoTthwood Properties C~-,nity Association that the time within which judicial review of the decisio~ r~ by the Resolution ~ be sought is ~ by the ~-o-¢isic~s of California C~de of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6. 7. The City Clerk is hereby d{rected to: (a) oertify to the adoption of th/s Resolution, and (b) forthwith transmit a certified oopy of Luna, Peter Fan, and the ~ Properties C~,L-~nity Association at their PASS~D, ~, and ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 1991. Resolution No. 91-182 p~3e5 AYES: AlexaDd_er, Buquet, Stout, Williams, Wright .... J.-~ms,' Cit~ Cl~rk I, DWaRA J. ADAMS, CITY ~WRK of the City of Rancho Cu~, California, do hereby certify that the f~ing Resolutic~ was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City (~uncil of the City of Rancho Cu~, California, at a regular meeting of said City O~uncil held on the 7th day of August, 1991. Executed this 8th day of August, 1991 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. ~ D~ J.--~ms,' City'Cle~k ~. Strut Inpr~v~ents 1. Construct full street f~rov~nts including, but not limited to cu~ 4~ gutter, A.C. parent, sld~ilk, drive *Pproache~, CITY ~ ~ CUC~ parlay trees dnd street lights ~ 411 Interior Streets. ST~ C~ITI~S ~ ~P~ FOR TENTATIV[ PANEL ~ ~.~ ~. A mlnl~ of ~S-f~t wl~ parent within a 40-foot wlde dedicated right-of-way sh411 be construct~ for ~ll hal f-sKtlon streets. T~se It.s c~ck~ ire Condltl~s of ~p~vll. ~ 3. Constr~t t~ roll.lng missing I~rov~nts Including but not I lalt~ to: A. ~IcitlMs N V~lculir ~cess 1- ~lcatl~S shall ~ ~ of all tn~rlor street rights-of-way cu~ I ~.c. s~- ~1~ STM[I S~ * C ~S: (I) If C u~er sf~lk, It S~II be curvaif~dr per STD ~! fflt M ~lin fs14~ I~iu~s la~scaplq aM frrlgatt~ ~ rater. (c) L.A. tg~nt) or F~ (tfl-Iteu Iff) s~il be provl~d for t~ ltms ~o harked. 3. ~rNr wrty 1IN r~lus w111 ~ ~1~ ~r ClW SIMI~s. ~ 4. AII ,l~tS of v~lc,llr I~SS 4~ ~SS S~ii ~ ~lcat~ aS / 4. Prl~ . 4~ ~ ~1~ perfo~ In t~ public right-of-way. : ' -- .... ' f~ t~ City E~l~r's Office, In I~ltl~ to any other drivel ~ ~t~ 1~1 iMII ~ ~t~ by C.C.IR.s aM s~ll S. St~t I~v~nt plens s be v~par~oy 4 ~gfstered [~1~ 4~ 4~v~ by t~ City Engl~r prior to Issua~e of ~ ~or~ c~ur~t with ~ rap. in ~~t ~mlt. - ~ ~IKIII~ ~ ~IIMi~ M ~ M Nr CI~ [~lmr s ~IKIII~ of a~ ~r ~les or ot~r exlstl~ public utilities ~l~ts. is ~essary. 7. Easts f~ sl~lk 'for MIIC use ~11 ~ idlca~ ~ ~ 7. instill ~rga~ st~t i signs, traffic control signs. CI~ ~m sl~lks m~ ~ prlvl~ p~rW. strlpt~ I~ m~f~ with I~atlons d~ types dpprov~ by the ~1~ 0ff-sg~ p~r~ ln~Stt ~essl~ ~ c~st~t t~ 6. Strut II~t l~ltl~s, 4s ~lred, are to be approved by the ~1~ ~lC I~~, 4~_ff.~/S~.~ld ~..~ ~ ~m C411fo~ll Edl~ C~any a~ the City of Rancho C~. Ll~tS s~11 be ~ ~oratlve ~les with u~erground ~ fiN! mp f~ ~al, ~r InM M ~t. ~ ~]et~ service. SKk tl~ IS ~ Cl~ ~l~l ~ ~rty ln~sts ~1~ 9. La~a~ ~ Irrl~tl~ plans shall be suMItted to and for tM I~ts. ~h agr~nt s~11 p~vl~ for p~t l~rov~ by t~ PiaMl~ Olvlsl~ prior ~ t~ tssudnce of by ~ ~1~ of all costs IK~.b~ ~ CI~ to K~lre building ~mtt. ~ off-siM p~r~ In~sts Mira ~n coKtt~ with tM s~lvlslM, ~urlV f~ I ~rtl~ of tMse costs shall ~ In 10. C~entrat~ dralna~ fl~s shall ~t cross sidewalks. tM fern of a cl~ M~slt In tM ~nt glv~ In an ippralsll ~ Un~rsf~lk drains s~il be tnstall~ ~o City 5tdnd4rds. re.ri ~l~ by ~ ~vel~r, it ~vel~r's cost. The ipprilseg s~11 ~ve b~ 4pp~v~ by t~ C1~ prlo~ to 11. A pe~lt will be ~qulred rrm CalTrans for any ~rk ~l~htn the c~t of ~ ~ralsal. roi I~lng right-of-way C. Drainage ami F-lead Cmttr~l 6. Prior to recording, a deposit shall be po~ted ~lth the ~tty coverf~ t~ estlmat~ cost of apportioning the ~ ]. Private drainage eas~nts for cross-lot drllna~ skill be under Assess~nt District a2-I ~ong the newly create4 p~rcel~. required a~ shill be dellneat~ or notlc~ on t~ ftntl Mp. 7. Notice of 'latent to Join the proposed ~dtan 111and Landlcape ~ ?. Ade~ate provisions shall be ~de for acceptance and dtsposal of District s~ll be fll~ with t~ City Eouncll prior to surface drainage entering the property fr~ adjacent areas. ~ecordatf~ of t~ Final ~p. 3. 1he roll.lng sto~ drain shill be fflstlll~ to t~ satisfaction ~ 8. An eas~flt for I Joint use drfv~ay ~ha11 be provided prior to of the City Engineer approval of t~ Final ~p or fssua~e of building pemft~. 4. Prior to r~ordltt~ of t~ ~p, I hyd~l~ 4~ dralnl~ study for t~ p~JKt s~11 be su~lt~ to t~ City Engl~r for ~ 9 ~tfce of fntentt~ to fo~ and/or Join the Lf~tfng and revt~. La.soaping 0lstrlct s~ll be ffl~ with t~ City Cou~ll prior ~o ~ordatl~ of t~ Ma or tssuaKe of building 5. A ~mlt rrm t~ C~nty ~ C~trol District Is ~quf~d for ~lc~ver ~c,rs first. w~ within Its rift-of-way. ~ 10. Purs~a~ to p~vlst~t of California P~llc Resources C~e O~ ~tCMlettm S~tfoa Zig(bi, this e~ll(att~ s~ll ~t ~ operative, !. l~vmnt plies for ~ p~J~t s~11 be sufficiently vest~ ~ fl~l, ~ ~11 ktldf~ ~mlts ~ Issued or c~let~ is app~v~ by t~ City [,glnNr, prior to a~roval of ~orM, until (1) tM ~ttct of ~teml~tt~ 1~) regarding t~ assKlat~ ~lwtal Ktlm ts fll~ aM ~st~ with the t~ Ft~I ~p. Cle~ of t~ B~ of Swervfsors of t~ County of San Z. If t~ ~MtM IW~vmnts are ~t c~letH prior ~ a~val Beraardl~; aM (~) a~ W all ~MI~d filing fees assessed ~rsuaat ~ Callforell Fish aM ~ CW SKtlon of t~ FIMI ~p, ~ f~vmat s~urf~ acc~anf~ by an t~t~r ~th ~y ~f~ ~lng char~s, are plf4 to the agent ex~ut~ ~ ~ ~vel~r a~ T~ CI~ vi11 be C~nty Cle~ of t~ C~a~ of San 8erflardf~. T~ applicant ~lr~ for S~11 p~vl~ t~ E~f~rl~ ~r~nt with a st~ and  C~fO~ c~ of t~ ~ t~ther with a r~efpt shying that 3. If t~ ~1~ I~ts are ~t c~let~ prior ~ a~val all f~s ~ ~ of t~ FI~I ~p, ~ f~v~t certificate s~11 ~ plac~ ~ ~ FIji ~p statt~ t~t t~y wtll ~ c~let~ ~n In t~ ~t tMs Wllcltt~ fs ~te~f~ exit fr~ I~ ~ C~. or ~ ~f~ll~s pr~lgated t~reu~er, encept ~S ~(~e I f~ ~t of ~ ~t~ ~l~ chir~ for flltng Certfflca~ of F~ Ex~tl~, this c~ftt~ shall be E. ~al ~l~ ~ ~els null I~ ~otd. ~ !. Final gridt~ plans for ~h pi~el shill ~ Is ~l~d by t~ / 11. Prt~ ~ ~tl~ of ~ ft~l mp or tssua~e of hulldtng Bufldl~ IK Safety Otvtsl~ prior to tssua~e of htldlng ~mltS, ~fc~v cms first, t~ applicant shill consent to. ~mlts. or ~KICIII~ In, ~ establfs~nt of a ~11o-~5 C~nlty Ficflltt~ DIs~lct for t~ c~str~tt~ aK mlnte~e ~ ~. A c~y o~ t~ Cove~nts, C~ttl~s IK lestrtctt~s (C.C.&R.s) ~essary K~I ~ver, Iny fKI1 fttes. sch~) district I~v~ by t~ City Attor~y fS ~t~ prior ~ r~ordatton ~s p~vl~sly es~blts~ s~h i C~ntty FKIIIttes 0tstrlct, ~ Of t~ m~. t~ ~llc~nt s~ll, In t~ alternative, consent to ~ inNxattm of t~ p~JKt sl~ Into t~ territory of such ~ 3. P~vl~ ill uttllty services to e~h lot t~l~tng s~rl~, extsttq district lrtor ~ t~ ~ordatton of the final mp or ~ ~ter, elKtrlc ~r, gas aK telep~ prior to strfft t~ tssuiKe of hfldtq ~mlts. dlc~ver c~s first. Furt~r, tf ~ I~IK~ Kh~l district his ~t fo~d a ~1o- ~ ~ constr~tt~. I~ C~f~ FKflttles 0tstrlct within twlve ~nths fr~ the  ~ 4. Sanitary sMr and ~ter systm shall be ~stg~ to C~a data of ~11 of t~ p~J~ an~ prior to t~ r~ordatton of C~nty eater District sti~i~s. A letter of acceata~e ts t~ fill ~ ~ tss~Ke of building pemlts for slid re~lred, this c~ttf~ S~11 ~ ~ ~11 and void. ~ ~ S. Approvals ~ve ~t ~en s~u~ f~ ill utilities I~d ot~r This c~lttm s~ll ~ efv~ ff t~ City ~elves ~tlce that  In~e~st~ age~tes Involve. Apparel of t~ ftn4l mp will be t~ 4~1 leant a~ ~11 aff~ sch~l districts have entered ~ subJKt ~ any ~t~&s that my ~ ~etv~ f~ thru. tn~ an ag~nt ~ privately ice--date any a~ all School I ~ ,..cts .s . ~sult of this proJ~t. -2- I"orm I.(eVl~,tad I/g,,tl