HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005/03/02 - Agenda Packet CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 10500 Civic Center Drive ~- RanCho Cu~:amonga;tCA 91730-3801 AGENDAS · Redevelopment. Agency · · City Council REGULAR MEETINGS 1St and 3rd Wednesdays + 7:00 p.m. MARCH 2, 2005 - ":,,~ ~'~" AGENCY~ BOARD & CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ' - William J. Alexander .................... Mayor Diane Williams ............... Mayor Pro Tern Rex Gutierrez ............................ Member L. Dennis Michael ...................... Member '-. Sam Spagnolo ......................... Member Jack Lam ......................... City Manager James L. Markman ............. City Attorney Debra J. Adams ..................... City Clerk ORDER OF BUSINESS 5:30.p.m. Closed Session .......... . .......... Tapia Conference Room 7:00 p2m, Regular Redevelopment Agency Meeting... Council Chambers Regular City Council Meeting ............. Council Chambers INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC cR CHO TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL The City Council encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the Agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the City Council on any agenda item. Please sign in on the clipboard located at the desk behind the staff table. It is important to list your name, address and phone number. Comments are generally limited to 5 minutes per individual. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under "Public Communications". There is opportunity to speak under this section at the beginning and the end of the agenda. Any handouts for the City Council should be given to the City Clerk for distribution. To address the City Council, please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and speak into the microphone. All items to be placed on a City Council Agenda must be in writing. The deadline for submitting these items is 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, one week prior to the meeting. The City Clerk's office receives all such items. AGENDA BACK-UP MATERIALS Staff reports and back-up materials for agenda items are available for review at the City Clerk's counter and the Public Library. A complete copy of the agenda is also available at the sign in desk located behind the staff table during the Council meeting. LIVE BROADCAST Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 3 for those with cable television access. Meetings are rebroadcast on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The City has added the option for customers without cable access to view the meetings "on-demand" from their computers. The added feature of "Streaming Video On Demand" is available on the City's website at www.ci.rancho- cucamonga.ca.us/whatsnew.htm for those with Hi-bandwidth (DSL/Cable Modem) or Low-bandwidth (Dial-up) Internet service. The City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers Located at 10500 Civic Center Drive. Members of the City Council also sit as the Redevelopment Agency and the Fire District Board. Copies of City Council agendas and minutes can be found at http:llwww, ci. rancho-cucamonga.ca, us If ydu need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (909) 477-2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session.  CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS~ CITY 1 (~,~¢Ncao HALL, 10500 Civic CENTER DRIVE UCAMONGA II A. CALL TO ORO R I 1. Roll Call: Alexander__, Gutierrez__, Michael__, Spagnolo__, and Williams__. II B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS I 1. Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition to the City from the Public Agency Risk Sharing Authority of California (PARSAC) 2. Announcement by Tim Johnson of County Supervisor Paul Biane's Office regarding C.I.P. Funding II c. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council. State law prohibits the City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual. II o. CONSENT CALENDAR I The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Warrants, Register 2/8/05 through 2/23/05 and Payroll 1 ending 2/23/05, for the total amount of $5,072,622.52. 2. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for 34 the Construction of the BaseLine Road Storm Drain Improvements and Pavement Rehabilitation from Ramona Avenue to Hermosa Avenue, to be funded from Acct. No. 11123035650/1465112 (Drainage Funds) and Acct. No. 11763035650/1465176 (Measure 'T' Funds). CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 p.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY 2 C~¢NCHO HALL, 10500 C~VIC CENTER DRIVE UCAMONGA RESOLUTION NO. 05-072 36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BASE LINE ROAD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM RAMONA AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS 3. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the Construction of the Sapphire Street Pavement Rehabilitation from 42 19th Street to Banyan Street, to be funded from Acct. No. 11763035650/1471176-0 (Measure 'T' Funds). RESOLUTION NO. 05-073 44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAPPHIRE STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 19TM STREET TO BANYAN STREET AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS 4. Approval of a reimbursement of $103,552.00 from CFD 2003-01 Fund 49 Balance, Acct. No. 16143035650/1442614-0, to Forest City California Commercial Construction, and appropriate $103,552.00 to Acct. No. 16143035650/1442614-0 from CFD 2003-01 (Fund 614) Fund Balance. 5. Approval to appropriate $10,000 from Fund 016 into Acct. No. 1016301-5300 (Contract Services) to fund backfile conversion services (digitizing permanent records) for Community Development departments. 6. Approval of an additional emergency expenditure of $150,000 for ongoing storm related, emergency recovery effort work being 52 performed by various contractors (Laird Construction, Babco Construction, A.W. Davies Construction, and JDC), to be funded from Acct. No. 10250015300, and approval of an additional appropriation of $150,000 to Acct. No. 10250015300 from Fund 25 (Capital Reserve) Fund Balance. 7. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Securities, 58 Monumentation Cash Deposit and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B and Street Light Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for Parcel Map 16323, located on the east side of Haven Avenue, south of 6th Street, submitted by Ledesma & Meyer Development Company, Inc., a California Corporation. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY (_~[~'~CHO HALL, 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE UCAMONGA RESOLUTION NO. 05-074 61 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP 16323, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT RESOLUTION NO. 05-075 62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 16323 8. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and 70 Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for Parcel Map 16815, located on the north side of Mission Park Drive between Richmond Place and Buffalo Avenue, submitted by Rancho Mills, LLC, a Limited Liability Corporation. RESOLUTION NO. 05-076 73 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 16815, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 05-077 74 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 16815 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY RANCHO HALL, 10500 C~V{C CENTER DRIVE CUCAMONGA 9. Approval to award designated contracts to the specified 82 subcontractors for the Construction of the Rancho Cucamonga Cultural Center Project totaling, $1,066,505 and authorize the expenditure of a 5% contingency for each contract, totaling $53,325, to be funded from the following sources: State Library Grant Funds Acct. No. 1310602-5650/1357310-6314 ($269,605); Tax Allocation Bonds 2001 Acct. No. 2650801-5650/1357650-6314 ($386,590); and Library Fund Acct. No. 1290601-5650/1388290-6314 ($463,635), and authorize the appropriation of $386,590 from Tax Allocation Bonds 2001 Fund Balance into Acct. No. 2650801-5650/1357650-6314 and $463,635 from Library Fund Balance into Acct. No. 1290601- 5650/1388290-6314. 10. Approval of the Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn 84 and Associates, Inc. (CO 05-016) in the amount of $29,958.00 and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $3,002.00 to provide fiscal year 2004/2005 Traffic Signal Design Services for proposed capital improvement projects at various locations within the City, to be funded from Acct. Nos. 1124-303- 5650/1473-124-0 ($6,590.00), 1124-303-5650/1474-124-0 ($6,590.00), 1124-303-5650/1475-124-0 ($6,590.00), 1124-303- 5650/1509-124-0 ($6,590.00 and 1176-303-5650/1508-176-0 ($6,600.00), and approval of appropriation of $6,590.00 to Acct. No. 1124-303-5650/1509-124-0 from Transportation (Fund 124) Fund Balance and an appropriation of $6,600.00 to Acct. No. 1176-303- 5650/1508-176-0 from Measure 'T' (Fund 176) Fund Balance. 11. Approval of an agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamenga and San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) (CO 05- 87 017) to share the cost of the demolition and the site clean-up of the burned Packing House, demolition of three miscellaneous buildings, the pole barn, concrete and asphalt demolition on the sites, and removal of hazardous materials- APN: 0227-121-18 and 51. 12. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for DRC2002-00499, 95 located at the southwest corner of 6th Street and Fairway View Place, submitted by KSL Rancho Cucamonga, L.P. RESOLUTION NO. 05-078 98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DRC2002- 00499 13. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 14771, 99 located on the north side of Ringstem Avenue, east of Haven Avenue, submitted by Toll Brothers. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY c~RANcHO HALL, 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE UCAMONGA RESOLUTION NO. 05-079 102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 14771 14. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 16279, 103 located on the nodh and south sides of realignment Highland Avenue, between Etiwanda and East Avenues, submitted by Toll Brothers. RESOLUTION NO. 05-080 106 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16279 15. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 16279-1, 107 located on the north and south sides of Highland Avenue, between Etiwanda and East Avenues, submitted by Toll Brothers. RESOLUTION NO. 05-081 110 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16279-1 16. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 16365, 111 located on the northwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Foothill Boulevard, submitted by Regency Realty Group, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 05-082 114 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 16365 17. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 16369, 115 located on the northeast corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Church Street, submitted by Standard Pacific Corporation. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY 6 I~CHO HALL, 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RESOLUTION NO. 05-083 118 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16369 18. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 16612, located on the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Church 119 Street, submitted by D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Co., Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 05-084 122 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16612 19. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Cash Deposit and file a Notice of 123 Completion for improvements for CUP 99-56, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, west of Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Roman Catholic Bishop of San Bernardino. RESOLUTION NO. 05-085 125 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CUP 99-56 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 20. Approval to accept Improvements, retain the Faithful Performance Bond in lieu of a Maintenance Bond, and file a Notice of Completion 126 for improvements for DRC2001-00437, located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Town Center Drive, submitted by Exxon Mobil Oil Corporation. RESOLUTION NO. 05-086 128 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2001-00437 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY 7 [~RANcHO HALL, 10500 C~VIC CENTER DRIVE UCAMONGA 21. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance 129 Cash Deposit and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Parcel Map 16057, located on the south side of Feron Street, east of Reid Street, submitted by Northtown Housing Development Corp. RESOLUTION NO. 05-087 131 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 16057 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 22. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance 132 Cash Deposit and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Parcel Map 16058, located on the west side of Reid Street, south of Feron Street, submitted by Northtown Housing Development Corp. RESOLUTION NO. 05-088 134 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 16058 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 23. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for 135 improvements for parcel Maps 16123, 16124 and 16125, located on the east side of haven Avenue south of Arrow Route and on the west side of Monroe Court cul-de-sac, north of Jersey Boulevard, submitted by Haven Partners, LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 05-089 137 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAPS 16123, 16124 AND 16125 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 24. Approval to accept Improvements, retain the Faithful Performance '~38 Bond in lieu of a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Tract 14875, located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street, submitted by Ambling West, LLC. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY 8 g~cHo HALL, 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE CUCAMONGA RESOLUTION NO. 05-090 140 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 14875 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 25. Approval of Faithful Performance Bond No. 08674637 in the amount of $133,655.00 for the Lemon Avenue Street Rehabilitation from Beryl 141 Street to Amethyst Avenue, Contract No. 03-022. 26. Approval to release the Faithful Performance Bond No. 69539057 in the amount of $49,300.00 for the Heritage Park Storage Shed, 143 Contract No. 03-045. 27. Approval to accept the Rochester Avenue, north of Highland and Haven Avenue, north of 19th Street Landscaping Project, Contract No. 145 04-077 as complete, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, release the Labor and Material Bond and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $294,773.33. RESOLUTION NO. 05-091 149 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE ROCHESTER AVENUE, NORTH OF HIGHLAND AVENUE AND HAVEN AVENUE, NORTH OF 19TM STREET, LANDSCAPING PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 04-077 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 28. Approval to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond No. 150 83SB104168826 BCM in the amount of $13,724.26 for the Milliken Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation from 6th Street to 7th Street, Contract No. 03-101. 29. Approval to accept the Highland Avenue Landscape Improvements east of Day Creek Boulevard, Contract No. 04-160 as complete, retain 152 the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, release the labor and Material Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $87,342.50.  CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD ,N THE COUNC,L CHAMBERS, C,TY 9 a~,~cHo HALL, 10500 C~vtc CENTER DRIVE RESOLUTION NO. 05-092 155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE HIGHLAND AVENUE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS EAST OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, CONTRACT NO. 04-160 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK II E. CONSENT ORDINANCES I The following Ordinances have had public hearings at the time of first reading. Second readings are expected to be routine and non- controversial. The Council will act upon them at one time without discussion. The City Clerk will read the title. Any item can be removed for discussion. No Items Submitted. I[ F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS I The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testimony. 1. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE THAT ADOPTS BY REFERENCE COUNTY ORDINANCE 3930 RELATING TO THE 156 INSPECTION GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS (CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 2, 2005) ORDINANCE NO. 739 (second reading) 156-5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ORDINANCE NO. 3930 RELATING TO INSPECTION GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS AND AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE  CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY cRANcHo HALL, 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE UCAMONGA 2. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AMENDING ELECTRIC 157 RATES, FEES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER 3.46 OF TITLE 3 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE RESOLUTION NO. 05-093 159 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING RATES, FEES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER 3.46 OF TITLE 3 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE II c. PUBLIC HEARINGS I The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testimony. 1. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, ADDING CHAPTER 19.20 161 TO TITLE 19 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE PROTECTION AND REGULATION OF THE CITY'S MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) AS REQUIRED BY STATE AND FEDERAL LAW ORDINANCE NO. 740 (first reading) 163 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 19.20 TO TITLE 19 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE PROTECTION AND REGULATION OF THE CITY'S MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4)  CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. THE MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY ] 1 RANCHO HALL, 10500 CIWC CENTER DRIVE ~UCAMONGA ]1 H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Chair may open the meeting for public input. 1. CENTRAL PARK UPDATE (Oral) 2. CODE ENFORCEMENT UPDATE (Oral) II ,. CouNciL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the Chair may open the meeting for public input. 1. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Councilmember) 2. RECONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO OMNITRANS AND SANBAG (Oral) 3. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE (Oral) I, Debra J. Adams, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on February 24, 2005, seventy two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. DATE: February 20, 2005 TO: Brad Buller and Members of the Planning Commission Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Steve and Joan Knecht SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF USE DETERMINATION DR2004-00093 In reference to the above action, dated January 5, 2005, we respectfully request an extension of 12 months to comply with the previous 60 day limit to reduce our number of dogs to 3. We have located a friend to take our dogs. However, this home will not be available until this time. We would prefer to have our dogs go to a loving home rather than place them in a shelter or have them euthanized. Your expeditious consideration in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, MP~R I~ 'iD5 10: i~P~ CAR~WRIGHT FULLERTOH '?'14 5~59461 AGREEMENT I have agreed to accept 3 of Joan and Steve Knecht's golden retriever dogs and allow them to live at my residence in Yorba Linda, CA. This agreement shall continue for the life of the dogs. Lisa Dreim 3300 Rim Road Yorba Linda, CA 92886 r31a ~ c4~ ,2., 2~ & 0 5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219496 2/8/2005 POP, AC 230.00 AP - 00219498 2/9/2005 A AND K 30 MIN PHOTO LAB INC 11.91 AP - 00219499 2/9/2005 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 11,553.29 AP - 00219500 2/9/2005 AA EQUIPMENT 107.95 AP - 00219500 2/9/2005 AA EQUIPMENT 43.04 AP - 00219500 2/9/2005 AA EQUIPMENT 55.62 AP - 00219500 2/9/2005 AA EQUIPMENT 13.40 AP 00219500 2/9/2005 AA EQUIPMENT 14,673.40 AP 00219500 2/9/2005 AA EQUIPMENT 185.32 AP 00219501 2/9/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 22.63 AP 00219501 2/9/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 3.23 AP 00219501 2/9/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 171.67 AP 00219501 2/9/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 11.74 AP 00219501 2/9/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 13.68 AP 00219502 2/9/2005 ABLAC 273.17 AP 00219503 2/9/2005 ABLETRONICS 29.09 AP 00219505 2/9/2005 ADAME, ANA 75.00 AP 00219506 2/9/2005 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP 00219507 2/9/2005 ADT SECURITY SERVICES INC 331.14 AP 00219509 2/9/2005 ALCORN FENCE COMPANY 2,250.00 AP 00219510 2/9/2005 ALL AIR APPLIANCE MASTERS 235.85 AP 00219512 2/9/2005 ALLEN, SYLVESTERR 56.85 AP 00219513 2/9/2005 ALOHA BATTERIES 575.00 AP 00219515 2/9/2005 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH INC 1,500.00 AP - 00219515 2/9/2005 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH INC 39,482.14 AP - 00219515 2/9/2005 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH INC 2,762.06 AP - 00219516 2/9/2005 AMERICAN CLASSIC SANITATION INC. 213.45 AP - 00219516 2/9/2005 AMERICAN CLASSIC SANITATION INC. 155.40 AP - 00219518 2/9/2005 AMERICAN TRAINING RESOURCES INC 535.84 AP - 00219519 2/9/2005 ARCHIBALD PET HOSPITAL 175.00 AP - 00219520 2/9/2005 ARMANDO BERUMEN 500.00 AP ~ 00219521 2/9/2005 ASSI SECURITY 1,220.42 AP - 00219521 2/9/2005 ASSI SECURITY 325.00 AP - 00219522 2/9/2005 AUFBAU CORPORATION 11,632.00 AP - 00219522 2/9/2005 AUFBAU CORPORATION 2,176.00 AP - 00219523 2/9/2005 AUTO RESTORATORS [NC 2,646.48 AP - 00219523 2/9/2005 AUTO RESTORATORS [NC 651.06 AP - 00219524 2/9/2005 AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLERS INC. 6,520.80 AP - 00219525 2/9/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 105.12 AP - 00219525 2/9/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 7.47 AP - 00219525 2/9/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 101.07 AP - 00219525 2/9/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 126.52 AP - 00219525 2/9/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 129.30 AP - 00219525 2/9/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 2.67 AP - 00219525 2/9/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 160.55 AP - 00219526 2/9/2005 BAKER, SHARI 600.00 AP - 00219527 2/9/2005 BANKS, TERESER 67.00 AP - 00219528 2/9/2005 BARKSHIRE LASER LEVELING INC. 2,400.00 AP - 00219529 2/9/2005 BASELINE HARDWARE 12.68 AP - 00219529 2/9/2005 BASELINE HARDWARE 116.25 AP - 00219530 2/9/2005 BELAIRE-WEST LANDSCAPE INC 38,645.93 AP - 00219530 2/9/2005 BELAIRE-WEST LANDSCAPE [NC -3,864.59 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 1 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219531 2/9/2005 BENGTZEN, WANDA 180.00 AP - 00219532 2/9/2005 BIEGGAR, ROSA 62.00 AP - 00219532 2/9/2005 BIEGGAR, ROSA 65.00 AP - 00219533 2/9/2005 BILL BLANCHARDS LITTLE BIG BAND 250.00 AP - 00219533 2/9/2005 BILL BLANCHARDS LITTLE BIG BAND 250.00 AP - 00219534 2/9/2005 BLANDFORD, PENNY 88.00 AP - 00219536 2/9/2005 BROWN, JERMOND 34.00 AP - 00219537 2/9/2005 BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAII 58,117.26 AP - 00219537 2/9/2005 BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAII 18,323.85 AP - 00219538 2/9/2005 BURR CYCLES INC, JOHN 604.11 AP - 00219539 2/9/2005 BURRTEC WASTE INDUSTRIES INC 8,789.76 AP 00219540 2/9/2005 BUTSKO UTILITY DESIGN INC 41.65 AP 00219541 2/9/2005 BUTSKO UTILITY DESIGN INC 18,453.00 AP 00219541 2/9/2005 BUTSKO UTILITY DESIGN INC 6,988.00 AP 00219542 2/9/2005 BYRNE, MAGGIE 100.00 AP 00219543 2/9/2005 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 3,211.81 AP 00219544 2/9/2005 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 22.50 AP 00219545 2/9/2005 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 232.33 AP 00219546 2/9/2005 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 25.00 AP 00219547 2/9/2005 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 57.26 AP 00219548 2/9/2005 CAPE 2005 CONFERENCE 420.00 AP 00219549 2/9/2005 CASTRO, NELCIETA 250.00 AP 00219550 2/9/2005 CENTRAL CITIES SIGNS INC 499.64 AP 00219551 2/9/2005 CERTIFIED AUTO CARE 771.33 AP 00219552 2/9/2005 CITY RENTALS 99.00 AP - 00219552 2/9/2005 CITY RENTALS 213.04 AP - 00219552 2/9/2005 CITY RENTALS 210.00 AP - 00219552 2/9/2005 CITY RENTALS 1,879.68 AP - 00219552 2/9/2005 CITY RENTALS 64.00 AP - 00219552 2/9/2005 CITY RENTALS 99.00 AP - 00219553 2/9/2005 CLA1REMONT EQUIPMENT 203.61 AP - 00219554 2/9/2005 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 14.42 AP - 00219554 2/9/2005 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES 1NC. 248.09 AP - 00219554 2/9/2005 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 338.34 AP - 00219554 2/9/2005 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 78.22 AP - 00219554 2/9/2005 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 78.22 AP- 00219555 2/9/2005 CLAYTON GROUP SERVICES INC 1,600.00 AP - 00219556 2/9/2005 CLAYTON, JANICE 140.00 AP - 00219557 2/9/2005 CLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS INC 183.05 AP - 00219558 2/9/2005 COAST RECREATION INC 194.32 AP - 00219558 2/9/2005 COAST RECREATION 1NC 180.00 AP - 00219558 2/9/2005 COAST RECREATION INC 184.57 AP - 00219558 2/9/2005 COAST RECREATION INC 194.32 AP - 00219558 2/9/2005 COAST RECREATION INC 107.90 AP - 00219558 2/9/2005 COAST RECREATION INC 100.00 AP - 00219558 2/9/2005 COAST RECREATION INC 150.00 AP - 00219559 2/9/2005 COASTAL TRAINING TECHNOLOGIES CORP. 299.38 AP - 00219560 2/9/2005 COLTON TRUCK SUPPLY 7.89 AP - 00219562 2/9/2005 CONNORS, LESLIE 39.00 AP - 00219563 2/9/2005 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS ] 516.07 AP - 002 ! 9563 2/9/2005 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS ] 129.30 AP - 00219564 2/9/2005 CONSTRUCTION CUSTOMER SERVICE 161.80 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 2 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219565 2/9/2005 CONWAY, MARSHA 45.00 AP - 00219566 2/9/2005 CORE MEDIA 1,885.00 AP - 00219567 2/9/2005 COSTA, IVA 44.00 AP - 00219569 2/9/2005 COUNTRY ESTATE FENCE CO [NC 2,109.76 AP - 00219570 2/9/2005 COURT TRUSTEE 200.00 AP - 00219571 2/9/2005 COURT TRUSTEE 118.50 AP - 00219572 2/9/2005 CRAFCO [NC 862.86 AP - 00219573 2/9/2005 CRYSTAL, G W 114.75 AP - 00219573 2/9/2005 CRYSTAL, G W 3,213.11 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 795.10 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,251.33 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 157.43 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 33.68 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 63.58 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 60.13 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 60.13 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 314.75 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 575.68 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 137.18 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 103.83 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 135.68 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 54.38 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 88.53 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 82.78 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 114.88 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 428.93 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 81.63 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 71.28 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 73.58 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 24.78 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 94.28 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 36.28 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 55.20 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 389.15 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,251.34 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 475.17 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 731.33 AP - 00219574 2/9/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 745.88 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 7t8.06 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 861.47 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 1,178.98 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 2,216.95 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 3,236.93 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 679.91 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 443.93 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 511.82 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 1,116.29 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 522.59 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 402.68 AP - 002 t 9576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 668.05 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 568.92 AP - 00219576 2/9/2005 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 484.88 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 3 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 .Check No, Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219577 2/9/2005 DAN GUERRA AND ASSOCIATES 15,990.00 AP - 00219577 2/9/2005 DAN GUERRA AND ASSOCIATES 12,500.00 AP - 00219577 2/9/2005 DAN GUERRA AND ASSOCIATES 6,462.50 AP - 00219579 2/9/2005 DANIEL, RACHAEL 64.67 AP - 00219580 2/9/2005 DAVIDSON, LAARNI 250.00 AP - 00219581 2/9/2005 DEL MECHANICAL 969.75 AP - 00219582 2/9/2005 DELLHIME, SIGMLrND 266.64 AP - 00219583 2/9/2005 DELTA DENTAL 33,906.80 AP - 00219584 2/9/2005 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES 17.00 AP - 00219585 2/9/2005 DON PHILLIPPI 500.00 AP - 00219587 2/9/2005 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 219.69 AP - 00219588 2/9/2005 DUPAS, ELTER 22.80 AP - 00219589 2/9/2005 DUTRA, ABEL 900.00 AP - 00219591 2/9/2005 ENTRIKEN, JODIE 56.50 AP - 00219592 2/9/2005 ESCOBAR, JOSE 365.00 AP - 00219593 2/9/2005 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 284.76 AP - 00219594 2/9/2005 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 15.27 AP - 00219594 2/9/2005 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 21.47 AP - 00219595 2/9/2005 FENCE CRAFT OF UPLAND INC 30.17 AP - 00219596 2/9/2005 FILARSKY AND WATT 1,550.00 AP - 00219597 2/9/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 1,584.00 AP - 00219598 2/9/2005 FORD OF UPLAND INC 280.15 AP - 00219598 2/9/2005 FORD OF UPLAND INC 35.95 AP - 00219598 2/9/2005 FORD OF UPLAND INC -258.49 AP - 00219598 2/9/2005 FORD OF UPLAND INC 12.87 AP - 00219599 2/9/2005 FORTENBERRY, VANETTE 81.00 AP - 00219600 2/9/2005 FUKUSHIMA, JUDITH 2,535.00 AP - 00219602 2/9/2005 GALLANT, PAUL 340.25 AP - 00219604 2/9/2005 GE ENERGY RENTALS 1,071.00 AP 00219604 2/9/2005 GE ENERGY RENTALS 1,071.00 AP 00219607 2/9/2005 GOLF VENTURES WEST 320.00 AP 00219607 2/9/2005 GOLF VENTURES WEST 19.41 AP 00219607 2/9/2005 GOLF VENTURES WEST 250.00 AP 00219607 2/9/2005 GOLF VENTURES WEST 264.64 AP 00219607 2/9/2005 GOLF VENTURES WEST 217.66 AP ~ 00219608 2/9/2005 GOLFO, TIFFANY 250.00 AP - 00219609 2/9/2005 GRAINGER, WW 1,001.99 AP - 00219609 2/9/2005 GRAINGER, WW 1,502.98 AP - 00219609 2/9/2005 GRAINGER, WW 1,502.98 AP - 00219610 2/9/2005 GTSI CORP 10,470.63 AP - 00219610 2/9/2005 GTSI CORP 655.89 AP - 00219611 2/9/2005 HAKIMI, SUSAN 341.10 AP - 00219612 2/9/2005 HANKOOK TIRE AMEPdCA CORP 524.86 AP - 00219613 2/9/2005 HAPPY ELVES DECORATING 4,455.00 AP - 00219613 2/9/2005 HAPPY ELVES DECORATING 4,050.00 AP - 00219614 2/9/2005 HARDY, BRADLEY 260.50 AP - 00219615 2/9/2005 HARTWIG, HOLLY 113.00 AP - 00219616 2/9/2005 HATHAWAY DINWIDDIE 15,000.00 AP - 00219617 2/9/2005 HAVEN BUILDING MATERIALS 91.50 AP - 00219618 2/9/2005 HAYS, DENNIS 250.00 AP - 00219619 2/9/2005 HCS CUTLER STEEL CO 32.16 AP - 00219619 2/9/2005 HCS CUTLER STEEL CO 527.98 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 4 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 ¥ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219620 2/9/2005 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE 35.39 AP - 00219621 2/9/2005 HIRALES, VICKI 75.00 AP - 00219622 2/9/2005 HMC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLC. 500.00 AP - 00219623 2/9/2005 HOBBY, LISA 61.50 AP - 00219624 2/9/2005 HOGG, STACE 90.00 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 3.43 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 97.80 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 67.74 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 88.93 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 18.78 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 111.03 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 81.46 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 129.21 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 181.99 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 27.81 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 97.89 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 17.78 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 18.20 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 45.15 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 503.75 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 252.03 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 10.97 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 78.03 AP - 00219625 2/9/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 29.67 AP - 00219626 2/9/2005 HOSE MAN [NC 38.00 AP - 00219626 2/9/2005 HOSE MAN 1NC 4.48 AP 00219627 2/9/2005 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 45.52 AP 00219627 2/9/2005 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 43.24 AP 00219628 2/9/2005 HUANG, PRUDENCE 1,125.00 AP 00219629 2/9/2005 HULS ENVIRONMENTAL MGT LLC 6,982.50 AP 00219630 2/9/2005 HURST, CHERYL 288.50 AP 00219631 2/9/2005 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 0.40 AP 00219631 2/9/2005 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS [NC 54.26 AP 00219631 2/9/2005 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS ][NC 8.05 AP - 00219631 2/9/2005 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS [NC 977.25 AP - 00219633 2/9/2005 INTRAVAIA ROCK AND SAND [NC 25.00 AP - 00219633 2/9/2005 INTRAVAIA ROCK AND SAND INC 25.00 AP - 00219634 2/9/2005 IRON AGE CORPORATION 109.85 AP - 00219635 2/9/2005 J D C [NC 2,885.00 AP - 00219636 2/9/2005 JARRAR, CEL[NE 66.50 AP - 00219637 2/9/2005 JEAN, LAURA 140.00 AP - 00219638 2/9/2005 JIMENEZ, ROSIE 750.00 AP - 00219638 2/9/2005 HMENEZ, ROSIE 45.00 AP - 00219639 2/9/2005 JONES AND MAYER LAW OFFICES OF 150.00 AP - 00219640 2/9/2005 JONES, BOB 2,560.00 AP - 00219641 2/9/2005 JONES, KlM 70.00 AP - 00219642 2/9/2005 KARISH, MARILOU 34.00 AP - 00219643 2/9/2005 KB HOME 522.00 AP - 00219645 2/9/2005 LADNER COATINGS [NC 867.56 AP - 00219646 2/9/2005 LAIRD CONSTRUCTION CO 5,707.16 AP - 00219646 2/9/2005 LAIRD CONSTRUCTION CO 14,771.88 AP - 00219646 2/9/2005 LAIRD CONSTRUCTION CO 108.61 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 5 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Cheek Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219646 2/9/2005 LAIRD CONSTRUCTION CO 1,639.39 AP - 00219647 2/9/2005 LASTING IMPRESSIONS PRINTING CO 892.47 AP - 00219648 2/9/2005 LATINA, DAVID 42.11 AP - 00219649 2/9/2005 LAVERREDA, LUAN 450.00 AP - 00219649 2/9/2005 LAVERREDA, LUAN 10.00 AP - 00219651 2/9/2005 LIM, YIUYIU 24.00 AP - 00219653 2/9/2005 LOPEZ, DIANE 145.00 AP - 00219654 2/9/2005 LOWE'S COMPANIES INC. 319.93 AP - 00219654 2/9/2005 LOWE'S COMPANIES INC. 73.36 AP - 00219654 2/9/2005 LOWE'S COMPANIES 1NC. 7.97 AP - 00219654 2/9/2005 LOWE'S COMPANIES INC. 60.67 AP - 00219655 2/9/2005 MAIN STREET SIGNS 969.75 AP - 00219655 2/9/2005 MAIN STREET SIGNS 560.30 AP - 002 ! 9657 2/9/2005 MARSHALL PLUMBING 229.07 AP - 00219657 2/9/2005 MARSHALL PLUMBING -57.26 AP - 00219658 2/9/2005 MARTIN, DARIA 80.00 AP - 00219659 2/9/2005 MARTINEZ, MARTHA 100.00 AP - 00219660 2/9/2005 MATTHEWS, ADRIANNA 15.00 AP - 00219661 2/9/2005 MCCARSON, MlKE 425.00 AP - 00219661 2/9/2005 MCCARSON, MIKE 30.00 AP - 00219662 2/9/2005 MCCOLL, BRAD 65.00 AP - 00219663 2/9/2005 MCNEIL, VALERIE 150.00 AP - 00219665 2/9/2005 MENDOZA, TODD 39.00 AP - 00219666 2/9/2005 MORANDO, LISA 46.50 AP - 00219667 2/9/2005 MOTOROLA COMMUN AND ELEC 1NC 468.27 AP - 00219667 2/9/2005 MOTOROLA CO~ AND ELEC INC 9,412.69 AP - 00219668 2/9/2005 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 55.65 AP - 00219668 2/9/2005 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 32.33 AP - 00219668 2/9/2005 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 81.12 AP - 00219668 2/9/2005 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 27.97 AP - 00219669 2/9/2005 N M A DUES C/O DAVID MCDONALD 8.31 AP - 00219670 2/9/2005 NAPA AUTO PARTS 51.31 AP- 00219671 2/9/2005 NATIONAL DEFERRED 26,459.91 AP - 00219672 2/9/2005 NATIONAL PEN CORPORATION 163.71 AP - 00219673 2/9/2005 NATIONS RENT 430.03 AP - 00219673 2/9/2005 NATIONS RENT 53.88 AP - 00219673 2/9/2005 NATIONS RENT 26.94 AP - 00219674 2/9/2005 NAVARRO, JESUS 730.00 AP - 00219674 2/9/2005 NAVARRO, JESUS 75.00 AP - 00219675 2/9/2005 NEWPORT PRINTING SYSTEMS 46.28 AP - 00219675 2/9/2005 NEWPORT PRINTING SYSTEMS 46.28 AP - 00219675 2/9/2005 NEWPORT PRINTING SYSTEMS 46.28 AP - 00219675 2/9/2005 NEWPORT PRINTING SYSTEMS 46.28 AP - 00219676 2/9/2005 O'DELL, FAYE 15.00 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 264.85 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -20.32 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 155.55 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 17.29 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 45.33 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 11.27 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 159.13 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 78.92 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 6 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 143.76 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 1,057.09 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 99.45 AP - 00219677 2/9/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 220.89 AP - 00219678 2/9/2005 OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS OFFICE OF CO! 126.00 AP - 00219679 2/9/2005 OLIVAS, BLANCA 35.00 AP - 00219680 2/9/2005 OLTMANS CONSTRUCTION CO 15,000.00 AP - 00219682 2/9/2005 OWEN ELECTRIC 70.39 AP - 00219682 2/9/2005 OWEN ELECTRIC 5,884.56 AP - 00219682 2/9/2005 OWEN ELECTRIC 122.71 AP - 00219682 2/9/2005 OWEN ELECTRIC 21.46 AP - 00219683 2/9/2005 PACIFIC PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 194.40 AP - 00219683 2/9/2005 PACIFIC PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 891.35 AP - 00219684 2/9/2005 PARAGON BUILDING PRODUCTS INC 238.28 AP - 00219685 2/9/2005 SAN ANTONIO MATERIALS 370.27 AP - 00219685 2/9/2005 SAN ANTONIO MATERIALS 63.06 AP - 00219685 2/9/2005 SAN ANTONIO MATERIALS 94.00 AP - 00219688 2/9/2005 PERRY, DENISE 147.00 AP - 00219689 2/9/2005 PFF BANK & TRUST 3,300.00 AP - 00219690 2/9/2005 PLAXICON COMPANY 239.60 AP - 00219691 2/9/2005 PMI 1,030.28 AP - 00219692 2/9/2005 POMA DISTRIBUTING CO 8,630.44 AP - 00219692 2/9/2005 POMA DISTRIBUTING CO 6,249.64 AP - 00219692 2/9/2005 POMA DISTRIBUTING CO 8,774.78 AP - 00219692 2/9/2005 POMA DISTRIBUTING CO 6,354.16 AP - 00219693 2/9/2005 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 143.01 AP - 00219694 2/9/2005 PROMOTIONS TEES & MORE 1,849.43 AP - 00219694 2/9/2005 PROMOTIONS TEES & MORE 3.80 AP - 00219695 2/9/2005 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 7.00 AP - 00219695 2/9/2005 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 7.00 AP - 00219696 2/9/2005 PRUITT, SHERRY 103.07 AP - 00219697 2/9/2005 QUINTANA, ZITA 193.00 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 37.79 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 473.09 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 394.83 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 30.00 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 379.78 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 261.60 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 466.03 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 942.42 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 760.65 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 139.03 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 32.50 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 1,169.68 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 278.47 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 285.14 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 318.88 AP - 00219698 2/9/2005 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 354.68 AP - 00219699 2/9/2005 R C PHOTOGRAPHY AND ASSOCIATES 70.04 AP - 00219700 2/9/2005 RACHAL, AMANDA 200.00 AP - 00219701 2/9/2005 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CHAMBER OF COMME! 175.00 AP - 00219701 2/9/2005 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CHAMBER OF COMMEI 125.00 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 7 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219702 2/9/2005 RAPP, TAMMY 24.00 AP - 00219703 2/9/2005 RBM LOCK AND KEY SERVICE 17.24 AP - 00219704 2/9/2005 RECO CONSTRUCTION 47.00 AP - 00219705 2/9/2005 REINHARDTSEN, DEBRA 282.50 AP - 00219706 2/9/2005 REXEL CALCON 331.87 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 1,685.52 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 30t .42 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 864.00 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 125.00 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AN]) GERSHON 3,294.31 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 154.00 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND OERSHON 255.00 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 119.00 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 51.00 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 17.00 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 20,305.29 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 1,384.48 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 519.74 AP - 00219707 2/9/2005 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 770.54 AP - 00219708 2/9/2005 RISING STARS 1,075.00 AP - 00219709 2/9/2005 RIVERSIDE BLUEPRINT 383.05 AP - 00219709 2/9/2005 RIVERSIDE BLUEPRINT 215.61 AP - 00219710 2/9/2005 RIVERSIDE CO DEPT CHILD SUPPORT 250.00 AP - 00219711 2/9/2005 RIVERSIDE CO DEPT CHILD SUPPORT 226.00 AP - 00219712 2/9/2005 ROBINSON, TIFFANY 56.50 AP - 00219713 2/9/2005 SADEGHI, MASOOD 425.00 AP - 00219713 2/9/2005 SADEGHI, MASOOD 15.00 AP - 00219714 2/9/2005 SALCEDO, BEVERLY 50.00 AP - 00219715 2/9/2005 SAN BERNARD1NO COUNTY 92,075.00 AP 00219716 2/9/2005 SANBERNARDINO COUNTY 4,417.98 AP 00219717 2/9/2005 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 300.00 AP 00219718 2/9/2005 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY OFFICE OF ASSES5 1,635.54 AP 00219720 2/9/2005 SAN BERNARDINO CTY CHILD SUPPORT PAYM 213.50 AP 00219721 2/9/2005 SAN BERNARDINO CTY SHERIFFS DEPT 143.88 AP 00219722 2/9/2005 SAN BERNARDINO CTY SHERIFFS DEPT 23.88 AP - 00219723 2/9/2005 SAN DIEGO ROTARY BROOM CO INC 687.69 AP - 00219723 2/9/2005 SAN DIEGO ROTARY BROOM CO [NC 520.39 AP - 00229724 2/9/2005 SAUCEDO, THERESA 250.00 AP - 00219725 2/9/2005 SCHLEIF, ISABEL 65.00 AP - 00219726 2/9/2005 SCOTT, DIANA 250.00 AP - 00219728 2/9/2005 SHARP, CORRINE 84.00 AP - 00219729 2/9/2005 SHERWlN WILLIAMS CO, THE 235.22 AP - 00219730 2/9/2005 SHOETERIA 86.19 AP - 00219731 2/9/2005 SIGN SHOP, THE 62.93 AP - 00219732 2/9/2005 SIMON, RICK 110.00 AP - 00219734 2/9/2005 SIMPLOT PARTNERS 374.43 AP - 00219734 2/9/2005 SIMPLOT PARTNERS 754.25 AP - 00219734 2/9/2005 SIMPLOT PARTNERS 2,243.36 AP - 00219735 2/9/2005 SMART AND FINAL 40.92 AP - 00219736 2/9/2005 SMIDERLE, BEA 60.00 AP - 00219736 2/9/2005 SMIDERLE, BEA 10.98 AP - 00219736 2/9/2005 SMIDERLE, BEA 17.20 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 8 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219736 2/9/2005 SMIDERLE, BEA 13.70 AP - 00219736 2/9/2005 SMIDERLE, BEA 12.88 AP - 00219738 2/9/2005 SOUNDZSKILZ ENTERTAINMENT 300.00 AP - 00219739 2/9/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 930.33 AP - 00219739 2/9/2005 SOUTHERN CALiFORNIA EDISON 1,071.45 AP - 00219740 2/9/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 628.41 AP - 00219741 2/9/2005 SOUTHLAND SPORTS OFFICIALS 664.00 AP - 00219742 2/9/2005 SPACHER, JON 650.00 AP - 00219743 2/9/2005 SPEEDWAY MUFFLER INC 113.96 AP - 00219744 2/9/2005 STERICYCLE [NC 221.32 AP - 00219745 2/9/2005 STERLING COFFEE SERVICE 274.88 AP - 00219746 2/9/2005 STEWART, SALLY 65.00 AP - 00219747 2/9/2005 STOFA, JOSEPH 15.00 AP - 00219749 2/9/2005 TAYLOR, TERI 53.00 AP - 00219751 2/9/2005 TOMARK SPORTS INC 429.92 AP - 00219751 2/9/2005 TOMARK SPORTS INC 976.44 AP - 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 4,284.00 AP - 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCAKE 500.00 AP - 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 4,000.00 AP - 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 22,766.18 AP 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 10,592.24 AP 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 2,710.09 AP 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANE)CARE 62,920.60 AP 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 50.37 AP 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 805.56 AP 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 510.72 AP 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 785.84 AP - 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 603.34 AP - 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 14,615.30 AP - 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 15,983.20 AP - 00219752 2/9/2005 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 18,964.86 AP - 00219753 2/9/2005 UMPS ARE US ASSOCIATION 120.00 AP - 00219753 2/9/2005 LIMPS ARE US ASSOCIATION 2,116.00 AP - 00219754 2/9/2005 UNDERGROUND SVC ALERT OF SO CAL 144.20 AP - 00219755 2/9/2005 UNDERWOOD, YVONNE 58.00 AP - 00219757 2/9/2005 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P, 1,016.13 AP- 00219758 2/9/2005 UNITED WAY 580.32 AP - 00219759 2/9/2005 UPS 32.67 AP - 00219760 2/9/2005 VALLEY CREST TREE COMPANY 643.27 AP - 00219761 2/9/2005 VAN, KAREN 250.00 AP - 00219762 2/9/2005 VANDER KOOI, BETH 90.00 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 59.16 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 28.51 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 20.70 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERiZON 20.70 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VEILIZON 20.70 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 29.48 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 31.23 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 20.70 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 27.53 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 20.70 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 20.70 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 9 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portxait Layout Time: 15:45:5 q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 29.48 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 29.48 AP - 00219764 2/9/2005 VERIZON 54.72 AP - 00219765 2/9/2005 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00219766 2/9/2005 VIGILANCE, TERRENCE 550.00 AP - 00219767 2/9/2005 VILLAGE NURSERIES 269.35 AP - 00219767 2/9/2005 VILLAGE NURSERIES 703.03 AP - 00219767 2/9/2005 VILLAGE NURSERIES 646.97 AP - 00219768 2/9/2005 VISTA PAINT 462.92 AP - 00219768 2/9/2005 VISTA PAINT 792.82 AP - 00219768 2/9/2005 VISTA PAINT 365.92 AP - 00219769 2/9/2005 VOLM, LIZA 112.50 AP - 00219770 2/9/2005 VOSS, MARY 250.00 AP - 00219771 2/9/2005 WALPER, KELLY 56.50 AP - 00219772 2/9/2005 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 831.18 AP - 00219774 2/9/2005 WARD, DESIREE 452.50 AP - 00219775 2/9/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 427.25 AP - 00219775 2/9/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 554.05 AP - 00219775 2/9/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 397.55 AP - 00219775 2/9/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 29.18 AP - 00219775 2/9/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 530.37 AP - 00219775 2/9/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 1,060.99 AP - 00219775 2/9/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 192.66 AP - 00219776 2/9/2005 WELLS FARGO BANK 2,300.00 AP - 00219776 2/9/2005 WELLS FARGO BANK 2,300.00 AP - 00219777 2/9/2005 WEST COAST TURF 502.37 AP - 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY MRF LLC 315.52 AP - 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY MRF LLC 274.38 AP - 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY MRF LLC 73.04 AP - 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY M1LF LLC 62.04 AP - 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY MRF LLC 45.98 AP - 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY MRF LLC 51.70 AP - 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY MP, Y LLC 45.10 AP - 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY MRF LLC 41.58 AP ~ 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY MRF LLC 35.20 AP - 00219778 2/9/2005 WEST VALLEY MRF LLC 133.98 AP - 00219779 2/9/2005 WILBERTON, DENISE 264.00 AP - 00219780 2/9/2005 WUMBUS CORPORATION 973.38 AP - 00219781 2/9/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 150.53 AP - 00219781 2/9/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 1,794.04 AP - 00219781 2/9/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 150.53 AP - 00219782 2/9/2005 ZEE MEDICAL INC 846.33 AP - 00219782 2/9/2005 ZEE MEDICAL INC 1,018.21 AP- 00219783 2/10/2005 MORRISON, PATRICIA 60.29 AP- 00219784 2/10/2005 PARKER, STEVEN 1,000.00 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.10 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.49 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 113.33 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 71.20 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 31.37 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 10 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REGPORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Port~ait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date yendor Name Amount AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.99 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 53.58 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.87 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 166.59 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 86.40 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.67 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.33 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 49.41 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 93.10 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 77.98 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 105.08 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.26 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 98.91 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.99 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN. CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.64 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 156.29 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 3,745.10 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 115.97 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1,899.93 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.97 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 55.03 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 99.37 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 95.73 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 76.36 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.65 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 48.33 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 123.80 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 112.21 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.84 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 103.10 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.10 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 951.26 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 68.63 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 78.46 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.10 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON t5.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.36 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 163.76 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 48.39 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.60 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 11 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 l/ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.86 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 27.83 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 86.08 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 53.95 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.87 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 130.95 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 26.39 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 4.44 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 111.27 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.00 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 80.80 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 93.66 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.00 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.60 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 0.40 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54.70 AP 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 105.68 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 130.61 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 46.30 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.12 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 49.49 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 85.21 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 108.82 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 99.57 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 10,488.10 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 41.68 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1,034.97 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 5,216.42 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19,579.23 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 740.86 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 198.44 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.60 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.36 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.70 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 134.56 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.87 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 12 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA KEG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 /2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 45.25 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 184.37 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 63.45 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 3,020.96 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.60 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 464.35 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 3,432.40 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.95 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 47.01 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 27.29 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 92.66 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.64 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 175.43 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 96.89 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.76 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 124.75 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.56 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 137.96 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON t4.50 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.86 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.55 AP - 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.00 AP- 00219788 2/10/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00219791 2/16/2005 ABLAC 16.39 AP-00219792 2/16/2005 ADAMS, RENE 78.00 AP - 00219794 2/16/2005 ALPERT PRINTING 1,274.49 AP - 00219796 2/16/2005 AMERICA WEST LANDSCAPE INC 3,811.66 AP-00219798 2/16/2005 ARCH WIRELESS 513.61 AP- 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 180.00 AP- 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 241.33 AP- 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 217.35 AP- 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 1,830.00 AP 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 1,324.74 AP 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION · 218.90 AP 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 480.00 AP 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 97.00 AP 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 290.60 AP 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 450.00 AP 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 265.29 AP- 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 30.38 AP - 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 2,782.68 AP - 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 46.42 AP- 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 595.00 AP - 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 21.69 AP- 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDITUNION 58.16 AP - 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 339.78 AP- 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 95.04 AP- 00219800 2/16/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 535.10 AP ~ 00219801 2/16/2005 ASSOCIATED GROUP 1,618.59 AP- 00219802 2/16/2005 AT AND T 9.15 AP - 00219803 2/16/2005 AUTO RESTORATORS INC 656.84 AP- 00219805 2/16/2005 BEARD PROVENCHER AND ASSOC 7,540.00 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 13 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219805 2/16/2005 BEARD PROVENCHER AND ASSOC 2,475.00 AP - 00219805 2/16/2005 BEARD PROVENCHER AND ASSOC 7,260.00 AP- 00219806 2/16/2005 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 2,719.50 AP - 00219806 2/16/2005 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 180.00 AP-00219807 2/16/2005 BODYSHOTS 1,757.00 AP- 00219808 2/16/2005 BRISTOL OMEGA INC. 14.85 AP - 00219809 2/16/2005 BRUCE, INGRID 36.84 AP- 00219809 2/16/2005 BRUCE, INGRID 23.00 AP - 00219810 2/16/2005 BRUNSWICK DEER CREEK LANES 407.75 AP ~ 00219812 2/16/2005 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 315.92 AP- 00219813 2/16/2005 CAMPOS, ELIZABETH 100.00 AP - 00219814 2/16/2005 CAP BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION 1,000.00 AP- 00219815 2/16/2005 CARAWAY, ROBIN 9.00 AP- 00219816 2/16/2005 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 1,367.34 AP- 00219816 2/16/2005 CDW GOVERNMENT1NC. 15.02 AP- 00219817 2/16/2005 CEDANO, RICHARDO 40.00 AP- 00219818 2/16/2005 CENTER ICE ARENA 56.00 AP- 00219818 2/16/2005 CENTERICE ARENA 28.00 AP- 00219819 2/16/2005 CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 6,250.00 AP- 00219820 2/16/2005 CHARTER MEDIA INC. 1,750.40 AP - 00219821 2/16/2005 CHICKS SPORTING GOODS INC 995.78 AP-00219822 2/16/2005 CLABBY, SANDRA 1,000.00 AP- 00219823 2/16/2005 CLARK, KAREN 262.50 AP- 00219824 2/16/2005 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS 510.50 AP - 00219825 2/16/2005 COMBINED MARTIAL SCIENCE INC 2,015.70 AP - 00219828 2/16/2005 COMP USA 1NC -362.49 AP- 00219828 2/16/2005 COMP USA INC 995.61 AP- 00219828 2/16/2005 COMP USA INC 135.77 AP- 00219828 2/16/2005 COMP USA INC 1,023.63 AP- 00219828 2/16/2005 COMP USA INC 135.75 AP- 00219828 2/16/2005 COMP USA INC 1,344.10 AP - 00219829 2/16/2005 CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS 3,698.00 AP - 00219829 2/16/2005 CONCENTKA MEDICAL CENTERS 279.00 AP- 00219829 2/16/2005 CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS 260.00 AP 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 78.18 AP 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 160.88 AP 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 149.38 AP 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 163.28 AP 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 45.18 AP 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 89.68 AP 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 139.03 AP - 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 121.78 AP - 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 56.68 AP - 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 127.53 AP - 00219830 2/16/2005 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 38.28 AP- 00219832 2/16/2005 DAGHDEVIRIAN, KATHY 786.90 AP-00219833 2/16/2005 DANCE TERRIFIC 3,279.98 AP- 00219834 2/16/2005 DATA QUICK 93.50 AP- 00219835 2/16/2005 DE LEISE, JENAE 519.24 AP - 00219836 2/16/2005 DEER CREEK CAR CAPE CENTER 90.50 AP- 00219837 2/16/2005 DELANY, DANI 509.70 AP- 00219838 2/16/2005 DELTA MICROIMAGING INC 9,342.49 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 14 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK AGENDA REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219839 2/16/2005 DENRICH CARPET WAREHOUSE 261.62 AP-00219840 2/16/2005 DOMINGUEZ, ROBERTO 1,897.50 AP- 00219841 2/16/2005 DRACHAND, DIANNE 1,017.00 AP- 00219842 2/16/2005 DUFFY, RICK 1,561.00 AP-00219844 2/16/2005 DYNASTYGYM 2,409.90 AP-00219845 2/16/2005 EFTYCHIOU, AUDREY 150.00 AP- 00219845 2/16/2005 EFTYCHIOU, AUDREY 75.00 AP 00219846 2/16/2005 EMPIRE ECONOMICS 1,500.00 AP 00219846 2/16/2005 EMPIRE ECONOMICS 7,500.00 AP 00219846 2/16/2005 EMPIKE ECONOMICS 3,750.00 AP 00219847 2/16/2005 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 15,176.00 AP 00219848 2/t6/2005 ETIWANDA SCHOOL DISTRICT 385.00 AP 00219849 2/16/2005 EXCLUS1VEEMAGES 77.58 AP 00219850 2/16/2005 FAIEMISIN, FUNMI 250.00 AP 00219851 2/16/2005 FAVELA, JANICE 35.20 AP 00219852 2/16/2005 FIELDMANROLAPPANDASSOCIATES 3,813.76 AP 00219852 2/16/2005 FIELDMANROLAPPANDASSOCIATES 4,247.34 AP 00219852 2/16/2005 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 3,755.44 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 603.50 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 603.50 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 476.00 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 612.00 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 868.00 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 840.00 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 500.15 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 126.00 AP - 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 651.00 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 339.85 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 501.50 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 1,368.00 AP- 00219853 2/16/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 1,638.00 AP - 00219856 2/16/2005 G M BUSINESS INTERIORS 1,000.00 AP-00219857 2/16/2005 GARNER, CATHLEEN 26.73 AP- 00219858 2/16/2005 GCS SERVICE INC 222.50 AP- 00219859 2/16/2005 GEORAL INTERNATIONAL 29.00 AP- 00219860 2/16/2005 GIORDANO, MARIAN?IA 280.50 AP-00219861 2/16/2005 GREENWOOD,STEPHEN 1,850.00 AP- 00219862 2/16/2005 GTSI CORP 1,682.65 AP- 00219863 2/16/2005 HAMPTON, ANTONIA 633.30 AP- 00219864 2/16/2005 HANGER 18 LLC. 238.00 AP- 00219865 2/16/2005 HARALAMBOS BEVERAGE COMPANY 467.65 AP-00219866 2/16/2005 HEILIG, KELLY 949.20 AP- 00219867 2/16/2005 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE 240.40 AP- 00219868 2/16/2005 HINOJOS, KERI 52.51 AP-00219868 2/16/2005 HINOJOS, KERI 157.53 AP- 00219871 2/16/2005 HOYT, RAYMOND 849.30 AP- 00219872 2/16/2005 HSU, STEVE 534.00 AP- 00219873 2/16/2005 HYATT REGENCY MONTEREY 413.60 AP- 00219874 2/16/2005 HYATT REGENCY MONTEREY 413.60 AP - 00219876 2/16/2005 INLAND FAIR HOUSING AND MEDIATION 30.00 AP - 00219877 2/16/2005 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 600.30 AP - 00219877 2/16/2005 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 1,269.60 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 15 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 /.5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219877 2/16/2005 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLET1N 94.30 AP - 00219877 2/16/2005 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 193.20 AP - 00219877 2/16/2005 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 148.35 AP - 00219878 2/16/2005 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 114.60 AP - 00219878 2/16/2005 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 114.60 AP - 00219878 2/16/2005 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLET1N 114.60 AP - 00219878 2/16/2005 1NLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 114.60 AP - 00219879 2/16/2005 INLAND VALLEY DANCE ACADEMY 241.85 AP- 00219880 2/16/2005 INNER SPACE CONSTRUCTION 15,000.00 AP - 00219881 2/16/2005 JIMENEZ, PATRICIA 40.00 AP-00219882 2/16/2005 JONES, BOB 2,560.00 AP-00219883 2/16/2005 K1DSART 653.50 AP-00219885 2/16/2005 KOSAKA, ANNE 94.00 AP-00219886 2/16/2005 KOZLOVICH, DEBBIE 3,129.90 AP- 00219887 2/16/2005 KWOK, CONNIE 30.00 AP - 00219888 2/16/2005 L AND L INVESTMENTS 30.40 AP - 00219889 2/16/2005 LASERLINE 134.95 AP- 00219890 2/16/2005 LATU, JULIE 200.00 AP- 00219891 2/16/2005 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 397.39 AP - 00219892 2/16/2005 LEXIS NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER 69.13 AP-00219893 2/16/2005 LIM, HEATHER 522.00 AP - 00219894 2/16/2005 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 80.00 AP- 00219894 2/16/2005 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 135.00 AP- 00219894 2/16/2005 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 50.00 AP - 00219895 2/16/2005 LIVE OAK DOG OBEDIENCE 396.00 AP 00219896 2/16/2005 LOS ANGELES COCA COLA BTL CO 512.17 AP 00219899 2/16/2005 MADSEN, LEEANN 38.50 AP 00219900 2/16/2005 MAGGARD, MICHAEL 1,000.00 AP 00219901 2/16/2005 MAGRUDER, KAREN 93.00 AP 00219903 2/16/2005 MARSHALL, SYLVIA 1,438.20 AP 00219904 2/16/2005 MARTINEZ UNION SERVICE 45.00 AP 00219905 2/16/2005 MART1NEZ, DESIREE 34.00 AP 00219906 2/16/2005 MASTERCRAFTHOMES 1,000.00 AP 00219906 2/16/2005 MASTERCRAFTHOMES 1,000.00 AP 00219907 2/16/2005 MCALONEYENTERPRISESINC 427.66 AP 00219908 2/16/2005 MCLEOD, KARA 20.00 AP 00219909 2/16/2005 MILLS, CAREY 519.90 AP 00219910 2/16/2005 MOBILE MODULAR MANAGEMENT CORP 312.48 AP 00219911 2/16/2005 MOE, JOHN 289.50 AP 00219914 2/16/2005 MOUNTAIN VIEW EM PHYS MEDICAL GROUP I 185.00 AP - 00219914 2/16/2005 MOUNTAIN VIEW EM PHYS MEDICAL GROUP [ 110.00 AP - 00219914 2/16/2005 MOUNTAIN VIEW EM PHYS MEDICAL GROUP [ 110.00 AP - 00219915 2/16/2005 MR TS 24HR TOWING 45.00 AP - 00219915 2/16/2005 MR TS 24HR TOWING 45.00 AP - 00219915 2/16/2005 MR TS 24HR TOWING 70.00 AP- 00219915 2/16/2005 MR TS 24HR TOWING 77.50 AP- 00219915 2/16/2005 MR TS 24HR TOWING 70.00 AP- 00219916 2/16/2005 MUNSON, MICHELLE 48.15 AP- 00219918 2/16/2005 NATIONAL DEFERRED 14,684.21 AP - 00219919 2/16/2005 NEC BUSINESS NETWORK SOLUTIONS [NC 100.00 AP- 00219919 2/16/2005 NEC BUSINESS NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 150.00 AP - 00219919 2/16/2005 NEC BUSINESS NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 150.00 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 16 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219919 2/16/2005 NEC BUSINESS NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 15,363.40 AP - 00219919 2/16/2005 NEC BUSINESS NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 400.00 AP - 00219919 2/16/2005 NEC BUSINESS NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 100.00 AP- 00219919 2/16/2005 NEC BUS1NESS NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 300.00 AP - 00219919 2/16/2005 NEC BUSINESS NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 595.17 AP - 00219919 2/16/2005 NEC BUSINESS NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 473.88 AP - 00219920 2/16/2005 NIELSEN, NETTIE 305.11 AP - 00219921 2/16/2005 NONG SHIM FOODS INC 682,951.65 AP - 00219922 2/16/2005 O C B REPROGRAPHICS INC 43.00 AP - 00219922 2/16/2005 O C B REPROGRAPHICS INC 42.02 AP - 00219922 2/16/2005 O C B REPROGRAPHICS 1NC 537.02 AP- 00219922 2/16/2005 O C B REPROGRAPHICS INC 58.99 AP - 00219923 2/16/2005 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF CALIFO 83.94 AP - 00219923 2/16/2005 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF CALIFO 11.69 AP - 00219924 2/16/2005 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF CALIFO 139.38 AP-00219925 2/16/2005 ODINMETROLOGY 301.00 AP-00219925 2/16/2005 ODINMETROLOGY 149.01 AP- 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 29.57 AP-00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 77.04 AP-00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 74.30 AP-00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 198.78 AP- 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -8.64 AP- 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 1,392.54 AP-00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 56.78 AP-00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 1,033.54 AP- 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 157.82 AP- 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 51.22 AP-00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 593.29 AP-00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 50.71 AP-00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 166.17 AP 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 27.44 AP 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 11.83 AP 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 106.60 AP 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 157.01 AP 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -64.39 AP 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 7.97 AP- 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 34.52 AP- 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -7.97 AP- 00219926 2/16/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -9.14 AP- 00219927 2/16/2005 OLIVAS, KELLY 65.00 AP- 00219927 2/16/2005 OLIVAS, KELLY 5.00 AP - 00219928 2/16/2005 ONTARIO ICE SKATING CENTER 981.40 AP- 00219930 2/16/2005 OTSUKA, DENNIS 36.00 AP - 00219931 2/16/2005 OWEN ELECTRIC 144.84 AP - 00219932 2/16/2005 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA 55,119.13 AP- 00219933 2/16/2005 PACIFICARE OF CALIFORNIA 58,027.66 AP - 00219934 2/16/2005 PAR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS INC 397.95 AP- 00219935 2/16/2005 PARKER, SHANNON 316.50 AP- 00219936 2/16/2005 PATTON SALES CORP 366.95 AP- 00219936 2/16/2005 PATTON SALES CORP 13.36 AP- 00219936 2/16/2005 PATTON SALES CORP 51.25 AP - 00219937 2/16/2005 PERFORMANCE AUTO BODY 975.89 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 17 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA KEG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Porlxait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP- 00219939 2/16/2005 PETES ROAD SERVICE INC 122.50 AP- 00219940 2/16/2005 PHASE II SYSTEMS 3,500.00 AP- 00219941 2/16/2005 POMA DISTRIBUTING CO 1,449.88 AP-00219942 2/16/2005 PORTSUPPLY 260.93 AP- 00219942 2/16/2005 PORT SUPPLY 1,651.74 AP - 00219943 2/16/2005 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES 1NC 6.81 AP - 00219944 2/16/2005 PRECISION GYMNASTICS 1,720.90 AP - 00219945 2/16/2005 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS SPECi 94.56 AP - 00219946 2/16/2005 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 7.00 AP- 00219947 2/16/2005 PUNO, CLAIRE 152.60 AP - 00219949 2/16/2005 RANCHO CUCAMONGA RESERVE UNIT 134 7,284.81 AP - 00219950 2/16/2005 RANCHO SCREEN PRINT AND EMBROIDERY 299.55 AP - 00219952 2/16/2005 RBM LOCK AND KEY SERVICE 21.55 AP-00219953 2/16/2005 RCPFA 6,150.65 AP- 00219954 2/16/2005 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY 71.81 AP 00219954 2/16/2005 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY -10.24 AP 00219954 2/16/2005 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY 391.60 AP 00219955 2/16/2005 REPUBLIC ELECTRIC 2,232.47 AP 00219956 2/16/2005 RITZ CAMERA CENTERS 150.81 AP 00219957 2/16/2005 RIVERSIDE BLUEPRINT 38.79 AP 00219958 2/16/2005 SALAZAR, LUIS 730.00 AP 00219959 2/16/2005 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 32,350.00 AP 00219961 2/16/2005 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 85.75 AP - 00219962 2/16/2005 SAN BERNARD[NO COUNTY 52,388.16 AP - 00219962 2/16/2005 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 51,110.40 AP - 00219963 2/16/2005 SAN BERNARD[NO COUNTY 92,075.00 AP- 00219964 2/16/2005 SAN BERNARDINO CTY SHERIFFS DEPT 1,139,408.00 AP ~ 00219964 2/16/2005 SAN BERNARDINO CTY SHERIFFS DEPT 12,680.00 AP - 00219964 2/16/2005 SAN BERNARDINO CTY SHERIFFS DEPT 24,281.00 AP ~ 00219965 2/16/2005 SAN DIEGO ROTARY BROOM CO [NC 148.68 AP - 00219965 2/16/2005 SAN DIEGO ROTARY BROOM CO [NC 301.95 AP- 00219966 2/16/2005 SBC 0.38 AP-00219966 2/16/2005 SBC 0.56 AP- 00219967 2/16/2005 SEQUEL CONTRACTORS [NC 35,573.64 AP- 00219968 2/16/2005 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 75.00 AP - 00219969 2/16/2005 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO, THE 235.22 AP- 00219970 2/16/2005 SIGN SHOP, THE 434.45 AP- 00219973 2/16/2005 SMARTAND FINAL 124.21 AP ~ 00219974 2/16/2005 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 335.28 AP ~ 00219974 2/16/2005 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 570.90 AP- 00219974 2/16/2005 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 3,765.30 AP ~ 00219974 2/16/2005 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 399.02 AP- 00219974 2/16/2005 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 364.92 AP- 00219974 2/16/2005 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 328.43 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19,429.89 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14,992.80 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 4,212.90 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2,727.75 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 181.47 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 26.95 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 93.29 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 566.88 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 18 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 57.84 AP - 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54.95 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 48.58 AP - 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 56.86 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 56.80 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 41,654.34 AP - 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 6,232.20 AP - 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHEKN CALIFORNIA EDISON 6,964.23 AP - 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 44.24 AP - 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2,868.67 AP- 00219975 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 12,120.96 AP- 00219976 2/16/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1,356.07 AP - 00219978 2/16/2005 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY 282.89 AP - 00219979 2/16/2005 STERLING COFFEE SERVICE 212.48 AP - 00219980 2/16/2005 SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY 122,139.70 AP - 00219980 2/16/2005 SULLY-MILLER CONTRACT[NG COMPANY -12,213.97 AP - 00219981 2/16/2005 SUNRISE FORD 51.53 AP- 00219981 2/16/2005 SUNRISE FORD 30.73 AP-00219981 2/16/2005 SUNRISE FORD -30.73 AP-00219981 2/16/2005 SUNRISE FORD 25.71 AP- 00219981 2/16/2005 SUNRISE FORD 80.79 AP- 00219981 2/16/2005 SUNRISE FORD 179.96 AP- 00219982 2/16/2005 SUNSHINE WINDOWS 6,415.00 AP- 00219984 2/16/2005 TALBOT, LAURIE 10.00 AP- 00219985 2/16/2005 TARGET 100.14 AP- 00219985 2/16/2005 TARGET 66.42 AP - 00219986 2/16/2005 TAUSSIG AND ASSOCIATES INC, DAVID 4,226.20 AP - 00219986 2/16/2005 TAUSSIG AND ASSOCIATES [NC, DAVID 455.00 AP - 00219986 2/16/2005 TAUSSIG AND ASSOCIATES [NC, DAVID 6,750.54 AP- 00219987 2/16/2005 TERRY, DONNA 253.75 AP- 00219988 2/16/2005 TITUS, DAVID 95.00 AP- 00219989 2/16/2005 TOY, MIKE 53.15 AP-00219990 2/16/2005 TUTORWHIZ[NC 686.00 AP - 00219992 2/16/2005 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P, 2,746.28 AP - 00219992 2/16/2005 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P, 32,268.58 AP- 00219993 2/16/2005 UNITED TRAFFIC 687.16 AP-00219994 2/16/2005 UNITEDWAY 46.00 AP - 00219995 2/16/2005 UNITEK TECHNOLOGY INC 2,781.03 AP - 00219995 2/16/2005 UNITEK TECHNOLOGY [NC 3.50 AP - 00219995 2/16/2005 UNITEK TECHNOLOGY [NC 46.33 AP- 00219996 2/16/2005 UPLAND TENNIS CLUB 854.10 AP- 00219997 2/16/2005 UPSCO POWERSAFE SYSTEMS [NC 3,191.52 AP- 00219998 2/16/2005 URS CORPORATION 8,299.67 AP- 00219999 2/16/2005 VAN TECH SAFETYL[NE 782.92 AP - 00220000 2/16/2005 VAZQUEZ, JULIA 34.00 AP- 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 122.03 AP- 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 976.28 AP - 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 854.24 AP - 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 244.07 AP- 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 396.61 AP- 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 213.56 AP- 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 183.05 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 19 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pora'ait Layout Time: 15:45:5 /q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 30.51 AP- 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 30.51 AP-00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITAWIRELESS 121.27 AP-00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITAWIRELESS 970.08 AP- 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 848.82 AP - 00220001 2/I6/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 242.52 AP-00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITAWIRELESS 394.09 AP-00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITAWIRELESS 212.20 AP- 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITAWIRELESS 181.89 AP- 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITAWIRELESS 30.31 AP - 00220001 2/16/2005 VELOCITA WIRELESS 30.31 AP - 00220002 2/16/2005 VEND U CO 63.84 AP- 00220003 2/16/2005 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 5,625.37 AP- 00220003 2/16/2005 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 10.00 AP - 00220003 2/16/2005 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 116.37 AP - 00220003 2/16/2005 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 61.38 AP - 00220003 2/16/2005 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 60.00 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 83.00 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 42.67 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 0.13 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 572.40 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 29.47 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 28.51 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 29.94 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 28.51 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 154.98 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 59.94 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 27.98 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 27.96 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 55.93 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERiZON 182.10 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP ~ 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 90.55 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 86.85 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 30.46 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 31.67 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 93.16 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 20.84 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 190.33 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 130.82 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 47.97 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 47.21 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VEKIZON 465.69 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 0.67 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 465.69 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 325.30 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 28.95 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 30.04 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 405.42 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 20 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAITRC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 48.57 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 29.94 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 35.47 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 29.34 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 29.48 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 60.95 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 314.35 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 90.55 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 477.09 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 571.56 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 581.18 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 29.53 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VEKIZON 29.98 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 346.48 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 115.91 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 394.78 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 27.18 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 38.98 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 38.98 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 56.93 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP - 00220005 2/16/2005 VERiZON 90.55 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 91.99 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 29.64 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 29.19 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 29.94 AP-00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 28.51 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZ©N 57.04 AP- 00220005 2/16/2005 VERIZON 206.07 AP- 00220006 2/16/2005 VERIZON 1,189.87 AP- 00220007 2/16/2005 VIGILANCE, TERRENCE 520.00 AP- 00220009 2/16/2005 VORTEX INDUSTRIES 109.95 AP- 00220010 2/16/2005 VUONG, THOA 74.00 AP - 00220011 2/16/2005 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 9.11 AP - 00220011 2/16/2005 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 38.14 AP- 00220012 2/16/2005 WASHINGTON, TRACI 30.00 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 181.47 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 60.00 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 372.93 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 694.28 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 621.89 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 288.79 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 390.55 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 83.70 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 597.26 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 703.24 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 58.38 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 21 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 632.90 AP - 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 234.78 AP - 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 60.49 AP- 00220013 2/16/2005 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 656.52 AP- 00220014 2/16/2005 WEST END UNIFORMS 122.09 AP ~ 00220015 2/16/2005 WEST PAYMENT CENTER 36.21 AP- 00220016 2/16/2005 WESTERLIN, MERRY 60.17 AP-00220017 2/16/2005 WILLIAMS, CHERYLNNE 81.00 AP - 00220018 2/16/2005 WILLIAMS, DIANE 357.00 AP- 00220020 2/16/2005 WSA US GUARDS CO INC 5,106.00 AP - 00220020 2/16/2005 WSA US GUARDS CO INC 1,374.37 AP ~ 00220020 2/16/2005 WSA US GUARDS CO 1NC 5,278.68 AP-00220021 2/16/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 34.93 AP- 00220021 2/16/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 11,231.13 AP - 00220022 2/16/2005 YAP, BROUGH, TONI 370.00 AP-00220023 2/16/2005 ZAILO, ROBERT 121.20 AP- 00220024 2/16/2005 ZEE MEDICAL ]NC 918.05 AP- 00220024 2/16/2005 ZEE MEDICALINC 324.56 AP- 00220024 2/16/2005 ZEE MEDICAL]NC 214.55 AP - 00220024 2/16/2005 ZEE MEDICAL ]NC 186.69 AP - 00220024 2/16/2005 ZEE MEDICAL ]NC 326.82 AP- 00220024 2/16/2005 ZEE MEDICAL ]NC 204.36 AP- 00220024 2/16/2005 ZEEMEDICAL ]NC 188.08 AP- 00220024 2/16/2005 ZEE MEDICAL ]NC 610.38 AP- 00220024 2/16/2005 ZEE MEDICAL ]NC 313.77 AP - 00220026 2/16/2005 LOWE'S COMPANIES INC. 77.28 AP - 00220026 2/16/2005 LOWE'S COMPANIES ]NC. 129.59 AP- 00220026 2/16/2005 LOWE'S COMPANIES ]NC. 100.01 AP- 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 10.75 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 64.64 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 292.56 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 47.38 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 103.40 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 249.36 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 88.15 AP ~ 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 27.13 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 113.12 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 186.06 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 141.36 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 118.47 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 61.93 AP- 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 107.09 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 59.21 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HAKDWARE 57.10 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 41.96 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 15.07 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 431.64 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 105.56 AP - 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 34.39 AP- 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 86.68 AP- 00220027 2/16/2005 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 103.60 AP - 00220028 2/23/2005 A AND A AUTOMOTIVE 167.80 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 22 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220028 2/23/2005 A AND A AUTOMOTIVE 140.30 AP - 00220029 2/23/2005 A AND K 30 MIN PHOTO LAB 1NC 10.67 AP - 00220029 2/23/2005 A AND K 30 MIN PHOTO LAB INC 16.80 AP - 00220029 2/23/2005 A AND K 30 MIN PHOTO LAB INC 14.93 AP ~ 00220030 2/23/2005 AA EQUIPMENT 470.11 AP- 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 82.50 AP - 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 6.47 AP - 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 402.40 AP-00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 135.37 AP- 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 43.48 AP - 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 5.93 AP- 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 103.28 AP- 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 8.08 AP- 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 325.33 AP- 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 161.62 AP - 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 60.00 AP- 00220031 2/23/2005 ABC LOCKSMITHS 80.81 AP- 00220032 2/23/2005 ABLAC 273.17 AP-00220033 2/23/2005 ABLETRONICS 55.00 AP - 00220034 2/23/2005 ADAMSON, RONALD 1,254.00 AP - 00220034 2/23/2005 ADAMSON, RONALD 1,320.00 AP- 00220034 2/23/2005 ADAMSON, RONALD 1,122.00 AP- 00220035 2/23/2005 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 125.00 AP - 00220036 2/23/2005 ADT SECURITY SERVICES INC 332.35 AP- 00220038 2/23/2005 ALBA, JULIE 76.00 AP - 00220039 2/23/2005 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 34,384.89 AP - 00220039 2/23/2005 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT -3,438.49 AP - 00220040 2/23/2005 ALLEN INSTRUMENTS & SUPPLIES 528.82 AP - 00220041 2/23/2005 ALLEN, SYLVESTER R 56.85 AP-00220042 2/23/2005 AMAZON.COMCREDIT 388.83 AP - 00220043 2/23/2005 AMERICAN ABRASIVE & TOOL INC. 26.20 AP - 00220043 2/23/2005 AMERICAN ABRASIVE & TOOL INC. 32.47 AP - 00220044 2/23/2005 AMERICAN CLASSIC SANITATION INC. 69.70 AP - 00220045 2/23/2005 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 443.00 AP - 00220046 2/23/2005 AMTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 184.68 AP- 00220046 2/23/2005 AMTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 191.99 AP - 00220046 2/23/2005 AMTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 146.31 AP - 00220046 2/23/2005 AMTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 146.31 AP - 00220047 2/23/2005 APPLIED METERING TECHNOLOGIES INC 18,073.27 AP- 00220049 2/23/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 45.85 AP- 00220049 2/23/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 912.85 AP - 00220049 2/23/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 65.01 AP - 00220049 2/23/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 175.00 AP 00220049 2/23/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 112.55 AP 00220049 2/23/2005 ARROWHEAD CREDIT UNION 171.08 AP 00220050 2/23/2005 ASSI SECURITY 1,774.58 AP 00220051 2/23/2005 ASSOCIATED AIR BALANCE INC 2,500.00 AP 00220052 2/23/2005 ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS 22,940.00 AP 00220053 2/23/2005 AUDIO EDITIONS 8.58 AP 00220054 2/23/2005 AUFBAU CORPORATION 15,466.00 AP 00220055 2/23/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 97.08 AP- 00220055 2/23/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 67.74 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 23 Current Date: 02/23/200 · Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220055 2/23/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 9.16 AP - 00220055 2/23/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 27.07 AP - 00220055 2/23/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 85.04 AP - 00220055 2/23/2005 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 179.94 AP - 00220056 2/23/2005 BARNES AND NOBLE 88.11 AP- 00220057 2/23/2005 BARNHART[NC 327,262.14 AP - 00220057 2/23/2005 BARNHART [NC -7,404.66 AP - 00220057 2/23/2005 BARNHART [NC -32,726.21 AP - 00220057 2/23/2005 BARNHART [NC 74,046.60 AP - 00220057 2/23/2005 BARNItART [NC -66,641.94 AP - 00220057 2/23/2005 BARNHART INC -44,180.56 AP - 00220057 2/23/2005 BARNHART [NC -229,126.89 AP - 00220058 2/23/2005 BASELINE HARDWARE 16.82 AP - 00220059 2/23/2005 BEI BETTER ENERGY IDEAS 310.50 AP- 00220060 2/23/2005 BERGELECTRIC CORPORATION 5,696.13 AP - 00220060 2/23/2005 BERGELECTRIC CORPORATION -0.39 AP - 00220060 2/23/2005 BERGELECTPdC CORPORATION 3.83 AP 00220060 2/23/2005 BERGELECTRIC CORPORATION -569.69 AP 00220060 2/23/2005 BERGELECTRIC CORPORATION 4,661.26 AP 00220060 2/23/2005 BERGELECTRICCORPORATION -466.13 AP 00220061 2/23/2005 BERNELLHYDRAULICSINC 134.54 AP 00220061 2/23/2005 BERNELL HYDRAULICS 1NC 174.94 AP 00220062 2/23/2005 CA DEBT AND iNVESTMENT ADVISORY COMI~ 390.00 AP 00220064 2/23/2005 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 232.33 AP - 00220065 2/23/2005 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 25.00 AP - 00220066 2/23/2005 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 22.50 AP - 00220067 2/23/2005 CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL 312.50 AP - 00220068 2/23/2005 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 1,974.77 AP - 00220069 2/23/2005 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 48.62 AP - 00220070 2/23/2005 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 1,746.00 AP - 00220070 2/23/2005 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 604.00 AP - 00220071 2/23/2005 CATALINA PASSENGER SERVICE 1NC. 420.00 AP - 00220072 2/23/2005 CERTIFIED AUTO CARE 37.01 AP - 00220072 2/23/2005 CERTIFIED AUTO CARE 370.24 AP - 00220073 2/23/2005 CHARTER MEDIA [NC. 1,260.00 AP - 00220073 2/23/2005 CHARTER MEDIA [NC. 1,260.00 AP - 00220074 2/23/2005 CIVIC SOLUTIONS INC 11,960.00 AP- 00220074 2/23/2005 CIVIC SOLUTIONS [NC 420.00 AP- 00220074 2/23/2005 CIVIC SOLUTIONS INC 1,316.25 AP - 00220075 2/23/2005 CLARK, DEBORAH 7.00 AP - 00220076 2/23/2005 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES [NC. 181.82 AP - 00220076 2/23/2005 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES [NC. 82.97 AP - 00220076 2/23/2005 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 71.44 AP-00220077 2/23/2005 CLEMENTS, WYNDEE 50.00 AP-00220078 2/23/2005 CLOUT 80.00 AP- 00220078 2/23/2005 CLOUT 80.00 AP- 00220079 2/23/2005 CMS/NC 3,285.30 AP- 00220079 2/23/2005 CMS INC 3,795.00 AP - 00220080 2/23/2005 COASTAL BUILDING SERVICES INC 3,336.00 AP - 00220080 2/23/2005 COASTAL BUILDING SERVICES [NC 303.00 AP - 00220080 2/23/2005 COASTAL BUILDING SERVICES [NC 16,135.00 AP - 00220080 2/23/2005 COASTAL BUILDING SERVICES ][NC 12,799.00 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 24 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CKAGENDA PEG PORTRAITRC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220080 2/23/2005 COASTAL BUILDING SERVICES INC 303.00 AP - 00220081 2/23/2005 COLLETTE, PETE 30.00 AP - 00220082 2/23/2005 COLTON TRUCK SUPPLY 5.31 AP - 00220082 2/23/2005 COLTON TRUCK SUPPLY 141.69 AP - 00220082 2/23/2005 COLTON TRUCK SUPPLY 135.12 AP- 00220083 2/23/2005 COMP USA INC 135.75 AP - 00220083 2/23/2005 COMP USA INC 2,600.00 AP - 00220084 2/23/2005 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS ] 185.22 AP - 00220084 2/23/2005 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS 1 441.72 AP - 00220085 2/23/2005 COSCO FIRE PROTECTION 144.00 AP - 00220085 2/23/2005 COSCO FIRE PROTECTION -14.40 AP - 00220086 2/23/2005 COURT TRUSTEE 118.50 AP - 00220087 2/23/2005 COURT TRUSTEE 200.00 AP - 00220088 2/23/2005 COX, JACQUIE 31.80 AP- 00220089 2/23/2005 CYBERCOM RESOURCES INC 4,375.00 AP - 00220090 2/23/2005 D 7 CONSULTING [NC 725.00 AP- 00220091 2/23/2005 D AND B VISIONS 200.00 AP- 00220092 2/23/2005 DALTILE CORPORATION 23.94 AP 00220092 2/23/2005 DAL TILE CORPORATION 67.89 AP 00220092 2/23/2005 DAL TILE CORPORATION 339.80 AP 00220093 2/23/2005 DAL TILE CORPORATION 265.07 AP 00220094 2/23/2005 DAPPER TIRE CO 365.94 AP 00220094 2/23/2005 DAPPER TIKE CO 1,365.39 AP 00220094 2/23/2005 DAPPERTIRE CO 1,042.85 AP 00220094 2/23/2005 DAPPER TIRE CO 671.29 AP 00220094 2/23/2005 DAPPER TIRE CO 447.53 AP 00220095 2/23/2005 DEALERS AUTO TRIM 145.00 AP 00220096 2/23/2005 DEL MECHANICAL 145.16 AP 00220097 2/23/2005 DELTA MICROIMAGING INC 581.98 AP 00220097 2/23/2005 DELTA MICROIMAGING INC 771.60 AP 00220098 2/23/2005 DICK, ERIC 50.00 AP-00220098 2/23/2005 DICK, ERIC 50.00 AP- 00220099 2/23/2005 DIETERICH POST COMPANY 464.98 AP- 00220100 2/23/2005 DMJM HARRIS 10,013.49 AP- 00220101 2/23/2005 DYNASTY SCREEN PRINTING 1,396.66 AP- 00220102 2/23/2005 ECOLOGY CONSTRUCTION INC 93,671.06 AP- 00220102 2/23/2005 ECOLOGY CONSTRUCTION INC -9,367.10 AP- 00220103 2/23/2005 EDELSON, LYNETTE 100.00 AP- 00220104 2/23/2005 EMCOR SERVICE 3t7.50 AP - 00220105 2/23/2005 EMPIRE MOBILE HOME SERVICE 335.00 AP - 00220106 2/23/2005 EP CONTAINER CORP. 442.31 AP- 00220107 2/23/2005 EXCLUSIVEEMAGES 9.70 AP- 00220108 2/23/2005 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 16.04 AP - 00220108 2/23/2005 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 11.48 AP - 00220108 2/23/2005 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 11.48 AP - 00220109 2/23/2005 FENCE CRAFT OF UPLAND INC 28.02 AP - 00220110 2/23/2005 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 5,480.84 AP - 00220111 2/23/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 648.00 AP - 00220111 2/23/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 252.00 AP - 00220111 2/23/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 1,476.00 AP - 00220111 2/23/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 680.00 AP - 00220111 2/23/2005 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 576.00 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 25 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA PEG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220112 2/23/2005 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 26.98 AP - 00220113 2/23/2005 FORD OF UPLAND INC 78.92 AP - 00220113 2/23/2005 FORD OF UPLAND 1-NC 193.99 AP - 00220113 2/23/2005 FORD OF UPLAND 1NC 35.75 AP - 00220114 2/23/2005 GADABOUT TOURS INC 5,241.20 AP- 00220115 2/23/2005 GALE GROUP,THE 175.06 AP - 00220116 2/23/2005 GARCIA, VIVIAN 26.32 AP - 00220116 2/23/2005 GARCIA, VIVIAN 24.30 AP- 00220117 2/23/2005 GARNER, CATHLEEN 46.17 AP- 00220119 2/23/2005 GEOGRAPHICS 387.90 AP- 00220119 2/23/2005 GEOGRAPHICS 193.95 AP-00220119 2/23/2005 GEOGRAPHICS 168.09 AP - 00220119 2/23/2005 GEOGRAPHICS 551.68 AP - 00220120 2/23/2005 GIRON, GABBY 20.00 AP - 00220121 2/23/2005 GONSALVES AND SON,JOE A 6,000.00 AP-00220122 2/23/2005 GRAINGER, WW 440.48 AP-00220123 2/23/2005 GRESSCO LTD 615.29 AP- 00220124 2/23/2005 GROEL, KATE 92.61 AP- 00220125 2/23/2005 GTSI CORP 509.65 AP- 00220125 2/23/2005 GTSICORP 21,961.93 AP - 00220125 2/23/2005 GTSI CORP 1,158.16 AP - 00220126 2/23/2005 HAAKER EQUIPMENT CO 884.15 AP- 00220127 2/23/2005 HAKIMI, SUSAN 324.04 AP- 00220128 2/23/2005 HALL, KAREN 98.00 AP - 00220129 2/23/2005 HANSON, BARRYE 20.00 AP - 00220129 2/23/2005 HANSON, BARRYE 30.00 AP - 00220130 2/23/2005 HARDY, BRADLEY 260.50 AP - 00220131 2/23/2005 HAVEN BUILDING MATERIALS 192.34 AP - 00220131 2/23/2005 HAVEN BUILDING MATERIALS 28.03 AP- 00220133 2/23/2005 HILLSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH 2,400.00 AP - 00220134 2/23/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 379.04 AP - 00220134 2/23/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 18.91 AP - 00220134 2/23/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 56.81 AP- 00220134 2/23/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 71.84 AP - 00220134 2/23/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 314.67 AP- 00220134 2/23/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 70.15 AP- 00220134 2/23/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 120.25 AP - 00220134 2/23/2005 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 89.90 AP- 00220135 2/23/2005 HOSE MAN INC 94.52 AP- 00220135 2/23/2005 HOSE MAN INC 26.72 AP - 00220136 2/23/2005 HOT SHOTS ATHLETIC APPAREL [NC 26.42 AP- 00220137 2/23/2005 HUANG, PRUDENCE 825.00 AP- 00220138 2/23/2005 HUB CONSTRUCTION SPECIALITIES INC 452.55 AP- 00220139 2/23/2005 HUNTINGTON HARDWARE 99.42 AP-00220140 2/23/2005 HURST, CHERYL 288.50 AP ~ 00220141 2/23/2005 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 89.22 AP- 00220142 2/23/2005 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 53.00 AP- 00220143 2/23/2005 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 39.78 AP - 00220144 2/23/2005 INLAND EMPIRE TOURS AND TRANSPORTATIC 751.50 AP- 00220145 2/23/2005 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR 2,294.81 AP- 00220145 2/23/2005 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR 76.32 AP- 00220145 2/23/2005 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR 106.74 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 26 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Re~ister 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-00220146 2/23/2005 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 19.14 AP - 00220146 2/23/2005 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 96.72 AP-00220146 2/23/2005 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 186.19 AP- 00220147 2/23/2005 IRON MOUNTAIN OSDP 386.00 AP- 00220148 2/23/2005 ISECINCORPORATED 1,370.17 AP-00220148 2/23/2005 ISECINCORPORATED -210.18 AP-00220148 2/23/2005 ISEC INCORPORATED 1,173.49 AP- 00220148 2/23/2005 ISEC INCORPORATED -193.00 AP - 00220149 2/23/2005 JONES AND MAYER LAW OFFICES OF 87.50 AP- 00220150 2/23/2005 JONES, CHARLES 81.00 AP- 00220152 2/23/2005 KINDERSTUTH, OLIVIER 180.70 AP- 00220153 2/23/2005 KLAUS AND SONS 375.00 AP- 00220153 2/23/2005 KLAUS AND SONS 795.00 AP-00220154 2/23/2005 KLEINFELDERINC 834.75 AP - 00220156 2/23/2005 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC 362.52 AP-00220157 2/23/2005 LASERLINE 213.47 AP - 00220158 2/23/2005 LAYMAN, LIZ 34.00 AP- 00220159 2/23/2005 LOS ANGELES DODGERS 690.00 AP- 00220160 2/23/2005 LOS ANGELES TIMES 21.00 AP - 00220161 2/23/2005 MANELA, ROSARIO 11.72 AP - 00220162 2/23/2005 MANNING, JAMES 50.00 AP - 00220163 2/23/2005 MANSOURI, HAMID 365.00 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 4,538.52 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 1,699.49 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 517.36 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULq~LrRAL ENT INC 470.23 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 766.73 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 1,040.66 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 4,454.75 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 2,661.42 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 5,029.69 AP - 00220164 2/23/2005 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 14,086.77 AP- 00220165 2/23/2005 MARK CHRIS INC 156.15 AP - 00220166 2/23/2005 MARSHALL PLUMBING 194.49 AP - 00220166 2/23/2005 MARSHALL PLUMBING -48.62 AP- 00220167 2/23/2005 MCI 573.32 AP- 00220167 2/23/2005 MCI 601.36 AP-00220168 2/23/2005 MCNEIL, VALERIE 150.00 AP - 00220169 2/23/2005 MEGA WAY ENTERPRISES 446,551.09 AP- 00220169 2/23/2005 MEGA WAY'ENTERPRISES 4,271.54 AP- 00220170 2/23/2005 MIDWEST TAPE 39.98 AP- 00220170 2/23/2005 MIDWEST TAPE 158.93 AP - 00220170 2/23/2005 MIDWEST TAPE 150.93 AP - 00220170 2/23/2005 MIDWEST TAPE 136.94 AP- 00220170 2/23/2005 MIDWEST TAPE 87.96 AP- 00220170 2/23/2005 MIDWEST TAPE 37.98 AP- 00220170 2/23/2005 MIDWEST TAPE 83.96 AP- 00220171 2/23/2005 MMASC 10.00 AP- 00220171 2/23/2005 MMASC 12.00 AP- 00220171 2/23/2005 MMASC 12.00 AP- 00220172 2/23/2005 MMASC 20.00 AP- 00220173 2/23/2005 MORGAN, SELENA 49.59 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 27 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220174 2/23/2005 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 124.86 AP - 00220175 2/23/2005 MULBERRY EARLY LEARNING 200.00 AP- 00220176 2/23/2005 MW BUILDERS 1NC 126.00 AP - 00220177 2/23/2005 N M A DUES C/O DAVID MCDONALD 5.54 AP 00220178 2/23/2005 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION RENTALS INC 143.52 AP 00220179 2/23/2005 NATIONAL DEFERRED 28,098.21 AP 00220180 2/23/2005 NATIONAL EVENT SERVICES 671.33 AP 00220181 2/23/2005 NESTOR TRAFFIC SYSTEMS 16,920.00 AP 00220182 2/23/2005 NEWPORT TRAFFIC STUDIES 216.00 AP 00220183 2/23/2005 NINYOANDMOOREGEOTECHNICAL 5,742.25 AP - 00220184 2/23/2005 O C B REPROGRAPHICS INC 35.02 AP- 00220185 2/23/2005 OCLC [NC 33.21 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 14.83 AP - 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 11.02 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 4.98 AP-00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 15.34 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 75.39 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 30.17 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 22.35 AP - 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 32.11 AP - 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 31.70 AP-00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 272.05 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 21.77 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 104.71 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 71.29 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 124.14 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 55.25 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 48.54 · AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 485.60 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 3.20 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 5.18 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 63.25 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 112.88 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -21.55 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 12.33 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 59.29 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 3.30 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 15.73 AP - 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 27.51 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -136.02 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 3.20 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 14.21 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 73.07 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 103.16 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 221.66 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -14.48 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 108.33 AP-00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 150.41 AP-00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 51.73 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 43.77 AP - 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 235.49 AP - 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 268.39 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 28 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -5.98 AP - 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 11.84 AP - 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT -6.42 AP-00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 227.75 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 1.94 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 69.57 AP-00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 79.03 AP-00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 15.24 AP - 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 34.39 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 15.85 AP- 00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 12.65 AP-00220187 2/23/2005 OFFICE DEPOT 19.57 AP- 00220188 2/23/2005 OMNITRANS 830.00 AP - 00220189 2/23/2005 ONTARIO, CITY OF 11,000.58 AP - 00220190 2/23/2005 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 275.00 AP- 00220191 2/23/2005 ORTIZ, NICK 10.00 AP- 00220192 2/23/2005 OWEN ELECTRIC 189.33 AP- 00220193 2/23/2005 PETERMAN LUMBER INC 150.67 AP - 00220194 2/23/~005 PETES ROAD SERVICE [NC 580.29 AP - 00220194 2/23/2005 PETES ROAD SERVICE INC 269.41 AP - 00220194 2/23/2005 PETES ROAD SERVICE [NC 577.00 AP - 00220194 2/23/2005 PETES ROAD SERVICE [NC 197.70 AP - 00220194 2/23/2005 PETES ROAD SERVICE [NC 730.40 AP - 00220194 2/23/2005 PETES ROAD SERVICE 1NC -65.40 AP - 00220195 2/23/2005 PHOENIX GROUP INFORMATION SYSTEMS 327.39 AP - 00220196 2/23/2005 PIONEER MANUFACTURING 1,393.69 AP - 00220197 2/23/2005 POUK AND STE1NLE 1NC. 46,680.00 AP - 00220197 2/23/2005 POUK AND STEINLE INC. 33,049.64 AP - 00220198 2/23/2005 PKE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES ]NC 143.01 AP- 00220199 2/23/2005 PROTECH TRANSMISSION SERVICES 3,425.21 AP- 00220199 2/23/2005 PROTECH TRANSMISSION SERVICES 2,918.55 AP - 00220200 2/23/2005 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 7.00 AP- 00220201 2/23/2005 PVC ASSOCIATION 55.00 AP-00220201 2/23/2005 PVCASSOCIATION 55.00 AP- 00220201 2/23/2005 PVC ASSOCIATION 55.00 AP - 00220202 2/23/2005 QUINTANA, ZITA 193.00 AP - 00220203 2/23/2005 R H F INC 149.40 AP - 00220204 2/23/2005 RANDOM HOUSE [NC 136.80 AP - 00220204 2/23/2005 RANDOM HOUSE [NC 6.00 AP - 00220204 2/23/2005 RANDOM HOUSE 1NC 72.00 AP- 00220204 2/23/2005 RANDOM HOUSE INC 79.20 AP - 00220204 2/23/2005 RANDOM HOUSE [NC 18.00 AP- 00220205 2/23/2005 RECORDED BOOKS LLC 8.57 AP - 00220206 2/23/2005 REGAN, JO CAROL 34.00 AP- 00220207 2/23/2005 RE[NHARDTSEN, DEBRA 282.50 AP - 00220209 2/23/2005 RIVERSIDE CO DEPT CHILD SUPPORT 226.00 AP - 00220210 2/23/2005 RIVERSIDE CO DEPT CHILD SUPPORT 250.00 AP - 00220211 2/23/2005 RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN THEATRE LIBR 1,410.00 AP - 00220211 2/23/2005 RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN THEATRE LIBR 400.00 AP - 00220211 2/23/2005 RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN THEATRE LIBR 250.00 AP - 00220212 2/23/2005 RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN THEATRE LIBR 15.00 AP - 00220215 2/23/2005 SAN BERNARD1NO COUNTY 46,280.00 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 29 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAITRC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220216 2/23/2005 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 396.36 AP - 00220217 2/23/2005 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 718.74 AP - 00220218 2/23/2005 SAN BERNARDINO CTY CHILD SUPPORT PAYM 213.50 AP- 00220221 2/23/2005 SBC 1,358.50 AP-00220221 2/23/2005 SBC 4,237.68 AP - 00220222 2/23/2005 SCLLN INC 75.00 AP - 00220223 2/23/2005 SCMAF 50.00 AP- 00220224 2/23/2005 SCOTT, DIANA 250.00 AP - 00220225 2/23/2005 SHAKP SEATING COMPANY 4,603.25 AP - 00220226 2/23/2005 SHIER, HARRY H 10.00 AP - 00220227 2/23/2005 SIERRA WHOLESALE HARDWARE INC 205.15 AP- 00220228 2/23/2005 SIGN SHOP, THE 145.46 AP 00220229 2/23/2005 SIGNET TEST1NG LABS 1NC 408.00 AP 00220230 2/23/2005 SMART AND FINAL 53.22 AP 00220230 2/23/2005 SMART AND FINAL 26.92 AP 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.49 AP 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 94.89 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.99 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 77.8l AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 26.03 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.10 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.00 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.76 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.10 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 31.64 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 52.47 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 76.82 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 78.19 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 112.44 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.31 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 797.29 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.10 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 32.85 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.24 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 115.44 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 134.88 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.99 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 30 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK AGENDA_REG PORTRAIT RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 70.11 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 134.65 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 28.75 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.60 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 87.84 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 99.00 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 141.40 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 75.96 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFO~ EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.10 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.79 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 718.68 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 52.47 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.36 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2,413.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.21 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 30.77 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.26 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 80.82 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 77.43 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1,361.74 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1,225.72 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.71 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 45.01 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 28.37 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 27.83 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 49.05 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 128.18 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 57.21 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 160.12 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 547.43 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 27.55 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 144.59 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 60.41 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON · 14.00 AP 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 35.09 AP 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 323.87 AP 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.36 AP 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.87 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 70.11 User: CItART - Carole Hari Page: 31 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAITRC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 7.37 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54.33 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 12.22 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHEKN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.93 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.76 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 72.21 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 119.90 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFOKNIA EDISON 14.76 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 66.12 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP- 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.60 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.00 AP - 00220235 2/23/2005 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.50 AP - 00220236 2/23/2005 SOUTHWEST TKAFFIC SYSTEMS INC 1,350.00 AP- 00220237 2/23/2005 SPARKLETTS 34.50 AP - 00220238 2/23/2005 STANDARD DRYWALL [NC 9,276.51 AP - 00220238 2/23/2005 STANDARD DRYWALL [NC -927.65 AP - 00220238 2/23/2005 STANDARD DRYWALL [NC -475.70 AP - 00220238 2/23/2005 STANDARD DRYWALL [NC 7,307.82 AP- 00220239 2/23/2005 STOFA, JOSEPH 15.00 AP - 00220240 2/23/2005 TA, LEANNE 74.16 AP - 00220242 2/23/2005 TANNER RECOGNITION COMPANY, O C 4,553.67 AP - 00220243 2/23/2005 TIME WARNER TELECOM 1,287.45 AP - 00220244 2/23/2005 TOBIN, RENEE 26.94 AP- 00220245 2/23/2005 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS [NC 2,612.47 AP - 00220245 2/23/2005 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS [NC 1,545.57 AP - 00220246 2/23/2005 TURCH AND ASSOCIATES, DAVID 8,000.00 AP - 00220247 2/23/2005 UMPS ARE US ASSOCIATION 360.00 AP - 00220247 2/23/2005 UMPS ARE US ASSOCIATION 2,323.00 AP - 00220248 2/23/2005 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 109.45 AP - 00220249 2/23/2005 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P~ 1,391.24 AP - 00220250 2/23/2005 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 488.78 AP- 00220251 2/23/2005 UNITED WAY 540.32 AP- 00220252 2/23/2005 UPS 77.71 AP- 00220252 2/23/2005 UPS 26.70 AP- 00220252 2/23/2005 UPS 19.69 AP- 00220252 2/23/2005 UPS 41.23 AP- 00220253 2/23/2005 VIGILANCE, TERRENCE 550.00 AP- 00220254 2/23/2005 VOLM, LIZA 112.50 AP - 00220255 2/23/2005 W AND W STEEL COMPANY 34,789.93 AP - 00220255 2/23/2005 W AND W STEEL COMPANY 14,229.08 AP - 00220255 2/23/2005 W AND W STEEL COMPANY -3,479.01 AP - 00220255 2/23/2005 W AND W STEEL COMPANY -1,422.91 AP- 00220256 2/23/2005 WARD, DESIREE 452.50 AP- 00220257 2/23/2005 WENGER COP,~OKATION 13,559.95 AP- 00220258 2/23/2005 WEST COAST LIBERTY SAFES [NC 1,458.73 AP - 00220259 2/23/2005 WEST PAYMENT CENTER 91.60 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 32 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 2/8/2005 through 2/23/2005 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00220260 2/23/2005 WILBERTON, DENISE 264.00 AP - 00220261 2/23/2005 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 13,500.00 AP- 00220261 2/23/2005 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 53,186.00 AP - 00220262 2/23/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 176.33 AP - 00220262 2/23/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 150.53 AP - 00220262 2/23/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 150.53 AP - 00220262 2/23/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 1,794.04 AP - 00220262 2/23/2005 XEROX CORPORATION 34.93 Total for Check ID AlP: 5,072,622.52 Total for Entity: 5,072,622.52 User: CHART - Carole Hart Page: 33 Current Date: 02/23/200 Report:CK AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:45:5 R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTHENT Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Cindy Hackett, Associate Engineer~~, SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISING OF THE "NOTICE INVITING BIDS" FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BASE LINE ROAD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM RAMONA AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE, TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. 11123035650/1465112 (DRAINAGE FUNDS) AND ACCOUNT NO. 11763035650/1465176 (MEASURE "1" FUNDS) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve plans and specifications for the construction of the Base Line Road Storm Drain Improvements and Pavement Rehabilitation from Ramona Avenue to Hermosa Avenue, and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids". BACKGROUND / ANALYSIS Base Line Storm Drain Improvements and Pavement Rehabilitation scope of work in general consists of, but not limited to, cold planning, crack sealing, rubberized oveday, asphalt paving, installation of certain concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, installation of storm drain with pertinent laterals and catch basins, traffic signal loops, re-striping and pavement markings. The project is to be funded from Drainage funds, Account No. 11123035650/1465112 and Measure 'T' funds, Account No. 11763035650/1465176. Staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt per Article 19, Section 15301(c) of the CEQA guidelines. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: "Notice Inviting Bids" for the Base Line Road Storm Drain Improvements March 2, 2005 Page 2 The Engineer's estimate for Base Line Storm Drain Improvements and Pavement Rehabilitation is $1,247,000. Legal advertising is scheduled for March 8, 2005, March 15, 2005 and March 22, 2005 with bid opening at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 2005. Respectfully submitted, City Engineer WJO:LEH:Ieh Attachments RESOLUTION NO. ~)5- ~ f~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BASE LINE ROAD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM RAMONA AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the "BASE LINE ROAD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM RAMONA AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 2005, sealed bids or proposals for the "BASE LINE ROAD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM RAMONA AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE" in said City. Bids will be publicly opened and read in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of BASE LINE ROAD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM RAMONA AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE." PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is RESOLUTION NO. March 2, 2005 Page 2 required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the job site. Pursuant to provisions of Labor Code Section 1775, the Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herein before stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public work's project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 ~ercent in the 90 days prior to the request of certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training ~n the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. RESOLUTION NO. March 2, 2005 Page 3 The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices.. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work herein before mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 17773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal, cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least 10% of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashiers' check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the Iow bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be 100% of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the RESOLUTION NO. March 2, 2005 Page 4 payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance cove~ing his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor to whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. On the date and at the time of the submittal of the Bidder's Proposal the Prime Contractor shall possess any and all contractor licenses, in form and class as required by any and all applicable laws with respect to any and all of the work to be performed under this contract; Including but not limited to a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) sufficient to cover all the work to be performed by the Prime Contractor in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The Contractor, pursuant to the "California Business and Professions Code," Section 7028.15, shall indicate his or her State License Number on the bid, together with the expiration date, and be signed by the Contractor declaring, under penalty of perjury, that the information being provided is true and correct. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, Engineering Counter, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and payment of $35.00 (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS), said $35.00 (THIRTY- FIVE DOLLARS) is non-refundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional non-reimbursable payment of $15.00 (FIFTEEN DOLLARS) to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 9-3.2 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). RESOLUTION NO. March 2, 2005 Page 5 The City of Rancho Cucamonga, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Questions regarding this Notice Inviting Bids for the "BASE LINE ROAD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM RAMONA AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE" may be directed to: CINDY HACKETT, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER AND PROJECT MANAGER 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 909-477-2740, ext. 4066 By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this 2® day of March, 2005. Publish Dates: March 8, 2005, March 15, 2005 and March 22, 2005 BASE LINE ROAD STORM DRAIN AND PAVEMENT REHABILATION (FROM RAMONA AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE) F' FOIOTHILL 6TH ST ..... ]J 4TH ST CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA VICINITY MAP R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A E ~o lin E E R I N G DE PART~IE ~ T Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Cindy Hackett, Associate Engineer~..~-~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISING OF THE "NOTICE INVITING BIDS" FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAPPHIRE STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 19TM STREET TO BANYAN STREET, TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. 11763035650/1471176-0 (MEASURE 'T' FUNDS) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve plans and specifications for the construction of the Sapphire Street Pavement Rehabilitation from 19th Street to Banyan Street, and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids". BACKGROUND / ANALYSIS Sapphire Street Pavement Rehabilitation scope of work in general consists of, but not limited to, cold planning, crack sealing, asphalt rubber overlay, loop replacement, striping, pavement markings and signing, etc. The project is to be funded from Measure "1" funds, Account No. 11763035650/1471176-0. Staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt per Article !9, Section 15301 (c) of the CEQA guidelines. The Engineer's estimate for the Sapphire Street Pavement Rehabilitation is $165,000.00. Legal advertising is scheduled for March 8, 2005 and March 22, 2005 with bid opening at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 2005. RespP_~C~ully submitted,. WilliCm J. O Nell City Engineer WJO:LEH:Ieh Attachments VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ SAPPHIRE STREET (19TH STTO BANYAN ST) /: PAVEMENT REHABILITATION N.T.S. ~, RESOLUTION NO. i~5- ~75 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAPPHIRE STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 19TM STREET TO BANYAN STREET IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared plans and specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the "SAPPHIRE STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 19TM STREET TO BANYAN STREET". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 2005, sealed bids or proposals for the "SAPPHIRE STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 19TM STREET TO BANYAN STREET" in said City. Bids will be publicly opened and read in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "Bid for Construction of SAPPHIRE STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 19TH STREET TO BANYAN STREET." PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than RESOLUTION NO. March 2, 2005 Page 2 the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the job site. Pursuant to provisions of Labor Code Section 1775, the Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herein before stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public work's project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request of certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or RESOLUTION NO. March 2, 2005 Page 3 journeymen in any apprenticable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San FFancisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work herein before mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 17773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal, cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least 10% of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashiers' check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the Iow bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be 100% of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done RESOLUTION NO. March 2, 2005 Page 4 thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor to whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. On the date and at the time of the submittal of the Bidder's Proposal the Prime Contractor shall possess any and all contractor licenses, in form and class as required by any and all applicable laws with respect to any and all of the work to be performed under this contract; Including but not limited to a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) sufficient to cover all the work to be performed by the Prime Contractor in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The Contractor, pursuant to the "California Business and Professions Code," Section 7028.15, shall indicate his or her State License Number on the bid, together with the expiration date, and be signed by the Contractor declaring, under penalty of perjury, that the information being provided is true and correct. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, Engineering Counter, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and payment of $35.00 (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS), said $35.00 (THIRTY- FIVE DOLLARS) is non-refundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional non-reimbursable payment of $15.00 (FIFTEEN DOLLARS) to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 9-3.2 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withhetd (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. RESOLUTION NO. March 2, 2005 Page 5 Questions regarding this Notice Inviting Bids for the "SAPPHIRE STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 19TM STREET TO BANYAN STREET" may be directed to: CINDY HACKETT, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER AND PROJECT MANAGER 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 909-477-2740, ext. 4066 By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this 2® day of March, 2005. Publish Dates: March 8, 2005 and March 22, 2005 n A N C H O C U C A M O N G A E~IGIN E E RI~C DE PART~ENT Staff Report DATE: Mamh 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Jerry A. Dyer, Senior Civil Engineer ~'~ SUBJECT: APPROVE A REIMBURSEMENT OF $103,552.00 FROM CFD 2003-01 FUND BALANCE, ACCOUNT NO. 16143035650/1442614-0, TO FOREST CITY CALIFORNIA COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF FIBER CONDUIT AND STRUCTURES IN VICTORIA GARDENS LANE, AND APPROPRIATE $103,552.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 16143035650/1442614-0 FROM CFD 2003-01 (FUND 614) FUND BALANCE RECOMMENDATION Approve of a reimbursement of $103,552.00 from CFD 2003-01 fund balance, Account No. 16143035650/1442614-0, to Forest City California Commercial Construction, and appropriate $103,552.00 to Account No. 16143035650/1442614-0 from CFD 2003-01 (Fund 614) fund balance. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Community Facilities District was formed as the funding mechanism for infrastructure improvements benefiting the Victoria Gardens Regional Center. The reimbursement is for the installation of Fiber Conduit and Structures in Victoria Gardens Lane by Forest City Construction. This was requested by the City. as a means of reducing the cost impact to the CFD by incorporating the conduit and structures into the joint trench constructed in Victoria Gardens Lane for power, gas and CCTV. Respect~fully submitted, William J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:JAD:Is Attachments: Vicinity Map ~T. ~T NTS 4TH ST ONTAKI( LIMIT ?ROJ~CT LOCATION CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~~.~ 'V'[CTOR~A GARDENS UAT.T. VICINITY MAP , T H E C I T Y O F RANCHO CtJCAMONGA Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Debra J. Adams, CMC, City Clerk SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO APPROPRIATE $10,000 FROM FUND 016 INTO ACCOUNT NUMBER 1016301-5300 (CONTRACT SERVICES) TO FUND BACKFILE CONVERSION SERVICES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTS RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council authorize an appropriation in the amount of $10,000 from Fund 016 into account number 1016301-5300 (Contract Services) to fund backfile conversion services for the Community Development Departments. BACKGROUND Due to the large quantity of plans being processed through Community Development, additional help is needed to process these plans in converting them to electronic images. This process, once completed, allows staff to quickly retrieve information electronically, providing faster and more efficient service to the public. City Clerk/Records Manager .5'/ R ~ N C H © C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DATE: Mamh 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Gary Varney, Streets Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF AN ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY EXPENDITURE OF $150,000 FOR ONGOING STORM RELATED, EMERGENCY RECOVERY EFFORT WORK BEING PERFORMED BY VARIOUS CONTRACTORS (LAIRD CONSTRUCTION, BABCO CONSTRUCTION, A.W. DAVIES CONSTRUCTION, AND JDC) TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. 10250015300, AND APPROVAL OF AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION OF $150,000 TO ACCOUNT NO. 10250015300 FROM FUND 25 (CAPITAL RESERVE) FUND BALANCE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended Council approve an additional emergency expenditure of $150,000 for ongoing storm related, emergency recovery effort work performed by various contractors (Laird Construction, Babco Construction, A.W. Davies Construction, and JDC) to be funded from Account No. 10250015300, and approve an appropriation of $150,000 to Account No. 10250015300 from Fund 25 (Capital Reserve) fund balance. BACKGROUND / ANALYSIS On November 17, 2004 Council approved the request for the emergency expenditure of $105,000 for storm related emergency repairs from the rainstorms that began on October 19, 2004 through October 28, 2004. We are requesting this supplemental request of $150,000.00 for pending and completed clean up work by the contractors listed above. Currently and aggregately between the contractors we have expended ($97,382.25) of the ($105,000) approved on November 17, 2004. However, with pending invoices for additional emergency work yet to be paid and cleanup ongoing, we are concerned with the forecast of rain in the immediate future and over the next four (4) months. City Council Staff Report Emergency Expenditures March 2, 2005 Page 2 By all indications from weather forecasts, this next storm is a continuation of an exceptionally wet winter that will continue, as will our need to use our contractors in assistance of emergency clean up. The November 17, 2004 matrix is attached for your reference. Respectfully submitted, W illia ~' ~.~"0~, N e i~'i///~'' City Engineer WJO:GV:JU I~ A N C H O C U C A M O N G A F, NCIN E~ 1~I NC D~ PAI~TM~NT DATE: November 17, 2004 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council lack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Gary Varney, Streets Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECr: APPROVAL OF EMERGENCY EXPENDITURES OF $60,000 FOR STORM RELATED, EMERGENCY RECOVERY EFFORT WORK PERFORMED BY VARIOUS CONTRACTORS (LAIRD CONSTRUCTION, BABCO CONSTRUCTION, A.W. DAVIES CONSTRUCTION, AND J-DC) TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. 10250015300, APPROVAL AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DULY APPOINTED REPRESENTATIVE TO AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL CONTRACT SERVICES BY ANY COMBINATION OF THE FOUR PRE-ESTABLISHED CONTRACTORS NAMED ABOVE IN A COMBINED AMOUNT UP TO $45,000 FOR FUTURE EMERGENCY WORK AS FUTURE NEEDS ARISE, TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. 10250015300, AND APPROVAL OF AN APPROPRIATION OF $105,000 TO ACCOUNT NO. 10250015300 FROM FUND 25 (CAPITAL RESERVE) FUND BALANCE RECOM1VIENDATIONS: It is recommended Council approve emergency expenditures of $60,000 for storm related, emergency recovery effort work performed by various contractors (Laird Construction, Babco Construction, A.W. Davies Construction, and JDC) to be funded from Account No. 10250015300, authorize the city manager or his duly appointed representative to authorize additional contract services by any combination of the four pre-established contractors named above in a combined amount up to $45,000 for future emergency work as future needs arise, to be funded from Account No. 10250015300, and approve an appropriation of $105,000 to Account No. 10250015300 from Fund 25 (Capital Reserve) fund balance. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: During the early rain storms that occurred beginning on October 19, 2004 through October 28, 2004, several locations were heavily impacted. City crews as well as three contractors began the task of clearing roads and protecting homes and property from the mud, rocks and debris flow City Council Staff Report - Request for Emergency Funding for October 2004 Storm Clean Up November 17, 2004 Page 2 from thc burned hillsides. As a result of prev!ous placement of k-rail, sandbags and straw bales, damaged was limited in hot spots previously identified during the storm preparations occurring since last year's Grand Prix fire. However, all the precautions did not prevent damage to the city's infrastructure; some roads had to be closed for a week but have since been re-opened, and repairs are ongoing at some locations. Etiwanda Creek caused most of the storm damage problems on the east side of the city and the 24t~ Street Channel west of the Etiwanda Creek crossing caused extensive damage as well. These channels are the only remaining channels that are free flowing, no retention or debris basins are used. The following is a summary of damage sustained and where emergency repairs are ongoing: Location Cost of Estimate of Work Completed Work Yet To Be Done Intersection of Etiwanda and Fourth This intersection was closed for four days because of mud and debris flow. This is the termination of the Etiwanda and 24t~ Street channels. No damage was sustained to the infrastructure; however, clean up of this intersection was very labor intensive and Laird Construction assisted city crews on the City of Rancho Cucamonga portion of the roadway. This roadway is shared with Ontario, Fontana, and San Bemardino County Road Department. $1,500 (Est.) $0 Etiwanda Creek crossing at Whittram Ave. This section of roadway was closed for five days due to flooding and debris. No damage was sustained to the infrastructure. Laird Construction assisted city crews in the emergency clean up of the roadway $750 (Est.) $0 Etiwanda Creek crossing at Arrow Rte. This section of roadway was closed for four days due to pavement damage and debris. Emergency clean up of the roadway Was done by city crews and Laird Construction completed repairs. Laird imported 1,200 cubic yards (200 track loads) of material to fill the wash out. Material was imported from the Hillside Basin, owned by San Bemardino County Flood Control. This material was permitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga from San Bemardino County Flood Control at no cost. Repairs are continuing. $34,511.73 $5,000 Etiwanda Creek Crossing at Banyan Ave. This section of roadway was closed for four days and sustained minor infrastructure damage and two 42" Corrugated Metal Pipes (CMPs) are impacted with cobble. Laird Construction and Babco Construction provided emergency clean up of roadway. JDC Construction will be clearing the CMPs. Repairs will be completed by city crews. $7,395 (Est.) $7,000 24tn Street Drainage crossing west of Etiwanda Creek on Banyan $6,500 (Est.) $0 I City Council Staff Report - Request for Emergency Funding for October 2004 Storm Clean Up November 17, 2004 Page 3 Location Cost of Estimate of Work Completed Work Yet To Be Done This section of roadway was closed for four days and sustained infrastructure damage to the head wall protecting 33" CMPs. This is a San Bemardino County Flood Control Facility; however, to facilitate the opening of Banyan between East Avenue and Wilson Avenue, Laird Construction did this emergency work and materials were imported from Hillside Basin. Hermosa Avenue at Almond and Sun Valley This location sustained infrastructure damage to the 40" drainage inlet/invert. Laird Construction assisted city crews at the height of rainfall providing emergency labor and equipment for clean up at this location $1,443.25 $0 I Barrett Basin North of Almond East of Archibald Substantial damage was incurred due to run off from private property north of the basin whereby city crews removed debris accumulations from private property and into basin. City crews provided emergency labor and equipment for clean up on private property to allow homeowners access. More extensive work is needed at this location to reduce potential damage to basin and properties downstream. $0 $17,000 Almond East of Sapphire This location did not sustain any infrastmcture damage; however, A. W. Davies Construction provided emergency clean up. $ 7,500 (Est.) $0 In addition to emergency repairs already completed and on-going at the above locations, the following additional emergency protective measures to city infrastructure need to be done: Import and placement of rip rap material at Arrow and Etiwanda Creek on the northeast bank and the southeast bank. $0 $10,000 The southwest comer of Arrow and Etiwanda Creek infrastructure repair to bank. $0 $1,500 Import and placement of rip rap material to south side of Almond at Gooseneck (Demens Channel) $0 $ 4,500 Total Estimated Costs Incurred to-date for Emergency Clean up by City Contractors: $60,000 Total Cost Estimate for Ongoing Clean up and Emergency ~ ~ .~.~,~,~, m~ .,~ .~_ ..... Repairs: ~: ~ Considering the city-recorded eleven inches of rain in the San Sevaine Settling Grounds north of Wilson and west of Wardman Bullock Road, the amount of damage sustained was minimal as a result of preparations taken over the last year. Prior to this storm, Public Works contacted four local contractors (Laid Construction, Babco Construction, A.W. Davies Construction and JDC). who had the manpower, knowledge of the city and resources required to assist crews during and after storms. Three of these contractors City Council Staff Report - Request for Emergency Funding for October 2004 Storm Clean Up November 17, 2004 Page 4 placed loaders at strategic points in the city to provide timely removal of debris from roadways. In addition, all contractors provided labor/equipment rates and emergency contact information so operators could respond quickly to calls for service. By all indications from weather forecasts, this early storm is .just the beginning of an exceptionally wet winter and staff will continue storm preparations as needed to minimize road closures and infrastructure damage. It is recommended Council approve emergency expenditures of $60,000 for storm related, emergency recovery effort work performed by various contractors (Laird Construction, Babco Construction, A.W. Davies Construction, and JDC) to be funded from Account No. 10250015300, authorize the city manager or his duly appointed representative to authorize additional contract services by any combination of the four preestablished contractors named above in a combined amount up to $45,000 for future emergency work as future needs arise, to be funded from Account No. 10250015300, and approve an appropriation of $105,000 to Account No. 10250015300 from Fund 25 (Capital Reserve) fund balance. Respectfully submitted, ' Willia~n J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:GV:JU 5'7 R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ]~NGINEEDING DIVI&ION StaffRe rt DA~z March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Willie Valbuena, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MAP, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES, MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL PAM 16323, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF HAVEN AVENUE, SOUTH OF 6TM STREET, SUBMITTED BY LEDESMA & MEYER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcel Map 16323, accepting the subject agreement, improvement securities and monumentation cash deposit, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B and Street Light Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 and authorizing the Mayor to sign said agreement and the City Clerk to cause said map to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tentative Parcel Map 16323, located on the east side of Haven Avenue, south of 6th Street, in the Haven Avenue Overlay District and Industrial Park District, was approved by the Planning Commission on April 14, 2004. This project is for a subdivision of 4 parcels on 4.27 acres of land. The Developer, Ledesma & Meyer Development Company, Inc., a California Corporation, is submitting an agreement, improvement securities and monumentation cash deposit to guarantee the construction of the public improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond $82,000.00 Labor and Material Bond $41,300.00 Monumentation Cash Deposit $ 2,450.00 Copies of the securities are available in the City Clerk's Office. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TR 16323 - LEDESMA & MEYER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. March 2, 2005 Page 2 A letter of approval has been received from the Cucamonga Valley Water District. The Consent and Waiver to Annexation forms signed by the Developer are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitte.d, William J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:WV:pjb Attachment(s) CITY OF ITEM: RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: ENGINEERING DIVISION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 16323, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map 16323, submitted by Ledesma & Meyer Development Company, Inc., a California Corporation, and consisting of a subdivision of 4.27 acres of land into 4 parcels, located on the east side of Haven Avenue, south of 6th Street, in the Haven Avenue Overlay District and Industrial Park District, was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on April 14, 2005; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 16323 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map; and WHEREAS, all the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met by posting the Improvement Securities and Monumentation Cash Deposit by Ledesma & Meyer Development Company, Inc., a California Corporation, as developer; and. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement, Improvement Securities and Monumentation Cash Deposit submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and that said Parcel Map No. 16323 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 16323 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (referred to collectively as the "Maintenance Districts"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the 72 Act authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance Districts; and WHEREAS, such provisions also provide that the requirement for the preparation of resolutions, an assessment engineer's report, notices of public hearing and the right of majority protest may be waived in writing with the written consent of all of the owner of property within the territory to be annexed; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the such provisions of the 72 Act related to the annexation of territory to the Maintenance District, Article XIIID of the Constitution of the State of California ("Article XIIID") establishes certain procedural requirements for the authorization to levy assessments which apply to the levy of annual assessments for the Maintenance Districts on the territory proposed to be annexed to such districts; and WHEREAS, the owners of certain property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated heroin by this reference have requested that such property (collectively, the "Territory") be annexed to the Maintenance Districts in order to provide for the levy of annual assessments to finance the maintenance of certain improvements described in Exhibit B hereto (the "Improvements"); and WHEREAS, all of the owners of the Territory have filed with the City Clerk duly executed forms entitled "Consent And Waiver To Annexation Of Certain Real Property To A Maintenance District And Approval Of The Levy Of Assessments On Such Real Properly" (the "Consent and Waiver"); and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the 72 Act to the annexation of the Territory to the Maintenance Districts and have expressly consented to the annexation of the Territory to the Maintenance Districts; and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have also expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the 72 Act and/or Article XIIID applicable to the authorization to levy the proposed annual assessment against the Territory set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and have declared support for, consent to and approval of the authorization to levy such proposed annual assessment set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council desires to order the annexation of the Territory to the Maintenance Districts and to authorize the levy of annual assessments against the Territory in amounts not to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit B hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The above recitals are all'tree and correct. SECTION 2: This City Council hereby finds and determines that: a. The annual assessments proposed to be levied on each parcel in the Territory do not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on each such parcel from the Improvements. b. The proportional special benefit derived by each parcel in the Territory from the Improvements has been determined in relationship to the entirety of the cost of the maintenance of the Improvements. c. Only special benefits will be assessed on the Territory by the levy of the proposed annual assessments. SECTION 3: This legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the Territory to the Maintenance Districts, approves the financing of the maintenance of the Improvements from the proceeds of annual assessments to be levied against the Territory and approves and orders the levy of annual assessments against the Territory in amounts not to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit B. i SECTION 4: All future proceedings of the Maintenance Districts, including levy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the Territory. Exhibit A To Identification of the Owner and Description of the Property To Be Annexed The Owner of the Property is: Ledesma & Meyer Development Company, Inc., a California Corporation The legal description of the Property is: BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL B OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 533, RECORDED ON AUGUST 22, 2002 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2002-0440169 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, STATE OF CALI~'ORNIA. The above described parcels are shown on sheet A-2 attached herewith and by this reference made a part hereof. A-1 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. I AND 6 SITE '----' ' ' '~"/' ~ BEN TL Y' TRADEMARK )PRKWA Y . S':--7': ............. ! ' 4 TH STREET CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~O~T~ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA Exhibit B To Description of the District Improvements Fiscal Year 2004/2005 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT'NO. 3B (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL) Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B (LMD #3B) represents landscape sites throughout the Commercial/Industrial Maintenance District. These sites are associated with areas within that district and as such any benefit derived from the landscape installation can be directly attributed to those parcels within that district. Because of this, assessments required for this district are charged to those parcels within that district. The various landscape sites that am maintained by this district consist of median islands, parkways, street trees, entry monuments, the landscaping within the Metrolink Station and 22.87 acres associated with the Adult Sports Park (not including the stadium, parking lots or the maintenance building). STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 (ARTERIAL STREETS) Street Light Maintenance District No. 1 (SLD #1)) is used to fund the maintenance and/or installation of street lights and traffic signals located on arterial streets throughout the City. The facilities within this district, being located on arterial streets, have been determined to benefit the City as a whole on an equal basis and as such those costs associated with the maintenance and/or installation of the facilities is assigned to the City-wide district. The sites maintained by the district consist of street lights on arterial streets and traffic signals on arterial streets within the rights-of-way or designated easements of streets dedicated to the City. STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL) Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 (SLD #6) is used to fund the maintenance and/or installation of street lights and traffic signals located on commercial and industrial streets throughout the City but excluding those areas already in a local maintenance district. Generally, this area encompasses the industrial area of the City south of Foothill Boulevard, It has been determined that the facilities in this district benefit the properties within this area of the City. This sites maintained by the district consist of street lights on industrial or commercial streets and traffic signals (or a portion thereof) on industrial or commercial streets generally south of Foothill Boulevard. Proposed additions to Work Program (Fiscal Year 2004/2005) For Project: PM 16323 Number of Lamps Street Lights 5800L 9500L · 16,000L 22,000L 27,500L SLD # 1 2 ............ SLD # 6 ............... Community 'Frail Turf Non-Turf Trees Landscaping DGSF SF SF EA LMD # 3B ......... 6 *Existing items installed with original project Assessment Units by District Parcel Acres S I S 6 L 3B 1 0.95 1.90 0.95 0.95 2 0.91 1.82 0.91 0.91 3 1.21 2.42 1.21 1.21 4 1.19 2.38 1.19 1.19 [3-2 Exhibit C Proposed Annual Assessment Fiscal Year 2004/2005 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL): The rate per assessment unit (A.U.) is $352.80 for the fiscal year 2004/05. The following table summarizes the assessment rate for Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B (Commercial/Industrial): # of # of Rate Per Physical Physical Assessment Assessment Assessment Land Use Unit Type Units Units Factor Units Unit Revenue Comm/Ind Acre 2186.85 1.0 2186.85 $352.80 $771,520.68 The Proposed Annual Assessment against the Property (PM 16323) is: Parcel 1 - 0.95 Acre x I A.U. Factor x $352.80 Rate Per A.U. = $335.16 Annual Assessment Parcel 2 - 0.91 Acre x I A.U. Factor x $352.80 Rate Per A.U. = $324.58 Annual Assessment Parcel 3 - 1.21 Acre x 1 A.U. Factor x $352.80 Rate Per A.U. = $426.89 Annual Assessment Parcel 4 - 1.19 Acre x 1 A.U. Factor x $352.80 Rate Per A.U. = $419.83 Annual Assessment STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 (ARTERIAL STREETS): The rate per assessment unit (A.U.) is $17.77 for the fiscal year 2004/05. The following table summarizes the assessment rate for Street Light Maintenance District No. 1 (Arterial Streets): # of # of Rate Per Physical Physical Assessment Assessment Assessment Land Use Unit Type Units Units Factor Units Unit Revenue Single Parcel 21,151 1.00 21,151 $17.77 $375,853.27 Family Multi- Unit 8,540 1.00 8,540 $17.77 $151,755.80 Family Commercia Acre 2,380.36 2.00 4,760.72 $17.77 $84,597.99 1 TOTAL $612,207.06 The Proposed Annual ~ssessment against the Property (PM 16323) is: Parcel I - 0.95 Acre x 2 A.U. Factor x $17.77 Rate Per A.U. = $33.76 Annual Assessment Parcel 2 - 0.91 Acre x 2 A.U. Factor x $17.77 Rate Per A.U. = $32.70 Annual Assessment Parcel 3 - 1.21 Acre x 2 A.U. Factor x $17.77 Rate Per A.U. = $43.00 Annual Assessment Parcel 4 - 1.19 Acre x 2 A.U. Factor x $17.77 Rate Per A.U. = $42.29 Annual Assessment \ C-1 PM 16271 STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL): The rate per assessment unit (A.U.) is $51.40 for the Fiscal Year 2004/05. The following table summarizes the assessment rate for Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 (Commercial/Industrial): # of # of Rate Per Physical Physical Assessment Assessment Assessment Land Use Unit Type Units Units Factor Units Unit Revenue Comaqlnd Acre 2,065.67 1.00 2,090.72 $51.40 $107,463.01 The Proposed Annual Assessment against the Property (PM 16323) is: Parcel I - 0.95 Acre x 1 A.U. Factor x $51.40 Rate Per A.U. = $48.83 Annual Assessment Parcel 2 - 0.91 Acre x 1 A.U. Factor x $51.40 Rate Per A.U. = $46.77 Annual Assessment Parcel 3 - 1.21 Acre x 1 A.U. Factor x $51.40 Rate Per A.U. = $62.19 Annual Assessment Parcel 4 - 1.19 Acre x 1 A.U. Factor x $51.40 Rate Per A.U. = $61.17 Annual Assessment R A C H O C U C A M O N C- A ENGINEERING DIVI&ION Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Mark Brawthen, Contract Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MAP, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 16815, LOCATED ON THE NORTHSIDE OF MISSION PARK DRIVE BETWEEN RICHMOND PLACE AND BUFFALO AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY RANCHO MILLS, LLC, A LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tentative Parcel Map 16815, accepting the subject agreement and security, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tentative Parcel Map 16815, located on the northside of Mission Park Drive between Richmond Place and Buffalo Avenue in the General Industrial (Subarea 11) Development District, was approved by the Planning Commission on July 28, 2004 for the division of four (4) acres into five (5) parcels. The Developer, Rancho Mills, LLC, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $36,900.00 Labor and Material Bond: $18,450.00 7b CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT PM 16815 - RANCHO MILLS, LLC March 2, 2005 Page 2 A letter of approval has been received from Cucamonga Valley Water District. The Consent and Waiver to Annexation forms signed by the Developer are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Copies of the agreement and securities are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ENGINEERING DIVISION Willia4n J. O Neil City Engineer WJO:MB:pjb Attachment(s) VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ,dRROW UWY. City of Rancho Cucamonga Item: Parcel Map No. 16815 ENGINEERING Title: VICINITY MAP DIVISION EXHIBIT: 1_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 16815, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY WHEREAS, Tentative Pamel Map No. 16815, submitted by Ranch Mills, LLC, and consisting of 5 parcels, located on the northside o£ Mission Park Drive between Richmond Place and Buffalo Avenue being a division of four (4) acres was approved by the Planning Commission of the City o£Rancho Cucamonga, on July 28, 2004, and is in compliance with the State Subdivision Map Act and Local Ordinance No. 28 adopted pursuant to that Act; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 16815 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of th~ final map by the City Council of said City have now been met by entry into an Improvement Agreement guaranteed by acceptable Improvement Security by Rancho Mills, LLC as developer; and WHEREAS, said Developer submits for approval said Parcel Map offering for dedication, for street, highway and related purposes, the streets delineated thereon and the easements dedicated thereon for sidewalk, street tree and landscape purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, THE C1TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security submitted by said developer be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest; and that the offers for dedication, easements and the final map delineating the same for said Parcel Map No. 16815 is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. RESOLUTION ~ ~'" t 77 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 16815 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscapfng and Lighting Act of 1972," being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (referred to collectively as the "Maintenance Districts"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the 72 Act authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance Districts; and WHEREAS, such provisions also provide that the requirement for the preparation of resolutions, an assessment engineer's report, notices of public hearing and the right of majority protest may be waived in writing with the written consent of all of the owner of property within the territory to be annexed; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the such provisions of the 72 Act related to the annexation of territory to the Maintenance District, Article XIIID of the Constitution of the State of California ("Article XIIID") establishes certain procedural requirements for the authorization to levy assessments which apply to the levy of annual assessments for the maintenance Districts on the territory proposed to be annexed to such districts; and WHEREAS, the owners of certain property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference have requested that such property (collectively, the "Territory") be annexed to the Maintenance Districts in order to provide for the levy of annual assessments to finance the maintenance of certain improvements described in Exhibit B hereto (the "Improvements"); and WHEREAS, all of the owners of the Territory have filed with the City Clerk duly executed forms entitled "Consent And Waiver To Annexation Of Certain Real Property To A Maintenance District And Approval Of The Levy Of Assessments On Such Real Property" (the "Consent and Waiver"); and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the 72 Act to the annexation of the Territory to the Maintenance Districts and have expressly consented to the annexation of the Territory to the Maintenance Districts; and RESOLUTION PM 16815 - RANCHO MILLS, LLC March 2, 2005 Page 2 WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have also expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the 72 Act and/or Article XIIID applicable to the authorization to levy the proposed annual assessment against the Territory set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and have declared support for, consent to and approval of the authorization to levy such proposed annual assessment set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council desires to order the annexation of the Territory to the Maintenance Districts and to authorize the levy of annual assessments against the Territory in amount snot to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit B hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The above recitals are all tree and correct SECTION 2: This City Council hereby finds and determines that: a. The annual assessments proposed to be levied on each pamel in the Territory do not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on each such parcel from the Improvements. b. The proportional special benefit derived by each parcel in the Territory from the Improvements has been determine in relationship to the entirety of the cost of the maintenance of the Improvements. c. Only special benefits will be assessed on the Territory by the levy of the proposed annual assessments. SECTION 3: This legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the Territory to the Maintenance Districts, approves the financing of the maintenance of the Improvements from the proceeds of annual assessments to be levied against the Territory and approves and orders the levy of annual assessments against the Te~zitory in amounts not to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit B. SECTION 4: All future proceedings of the Maintenance Districts, including levy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the Territory. 75 Exhibit A Identification of the Owner and Description of the Property To Be Annexed The Owner of the Property is: RANCHO MILLS, LLC, A Limited Liability Corporation The legal description of the Property is: PARCEL MAP 16815, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL(S) 19 AND 20 OF PARCEL MAP 11671, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 143 PAGE(S) 41 THROUGH 46 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. The above described parcels are shown on sheet A-2 attached herewith and by this reference made a part hereof. EXHiBiT "A" ASs ss m' LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. I AND 6 LEGEND ~ 3 E^clq-5800L STREET STREET TI~EE5 O F-ACH- RICH.MC, ND PLACE 6 E~cH- P.~FFAL6 AVE. PARCEL, ~.9 ^cREs I PARCEL 2 i~-~ PARCEL 3 PARCEL 030 ACRES 0]9 ACRES 0.49 ACRES 2S,508 SQ FT 17,075 SQ. FT ~ 17,075 SQ FT 21,510 SQ FT. P4~g~L ~ MISSION PARK ~ D~VE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA NORTH COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDtNO STATE OF CALIFORNIA FAI~CEL ~AP 1G815 A-z. 77 Exhibit B To Description of the District Improvements Fiscal Year 2004/2005 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL) Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B (LMD #3B) represents landscape sites throughout the Commercial/Industrial Maintenance District. These sites are associated with areas within that district and as such any benefit derived from the landscape installation can be directly attributed to those parcels within that district. Because of this, assessments required for this district are charged to those parcels within that district. The various landscape sites that are maintained by this district consist of median islands, parkways, street trees, entry monuments, the landscaping within the Metrolink Station and 22.87 acres associated with the Adult Sports Park (not including the stadium, parking lots or the maintenance building). STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 (ARTERIAL STREETS) Street Light Maintenance District No. 1 (SLD gl)) is used to fund the maintenance and/or installation of street lights and traffic signals located on arterial streets throughout the City. The facilities witlfin this district, being located on arterial streets, have been determined to benefit the City as a whole on an equal basis and as such those costs associated with the maintenance and/or installation of the facilities is assigned to the City-wide district. The sites maintained by the district consist of street lights on arterial streets and traffic signals on arterial streets within the rights-of-way or designated easements of streets dedicated to the City. STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL) Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 (SLD #6) is used to fund the maintenance and/or installation of street lights and traffic signals located on commercial and industrial streets throughout the City but excluding those areas already in a local maintenance district. Generally, this area encompasses the industrial area of the City south of Foothill Boulevard. It has been deter_mined that the facilities in this district benefit the properties within this area of the City. This sites maintained by the district consist of street lights on industrial or commercial streets and traffic signals (or a portion thereof) on industrial or commercial streets generally south of Foothill Boulevard. B-1 PM 16815 7g Proposed additions to Work Program (Fiscal Year 2004/2005) For Project: PM 16815 Number of Lamps Street Lights 5800L 9500L 16,000L 22,000L 27,500L SLD # 1 ............... SLD # 6 3 ............ Community Trail Turf Non-Turf Trees Landscaping DGSF SF SF EA LMD # 3B ......... 24 *Existing items installed with original project Assessment Units by District Parcel Acres S 1 S 6 L 3B 1 0.49 0.98 0.49 0.49 2 0.39 0.78 0.39 0.39 3 0.39 0.78 0.39 0.39 4 0.49 0.98 0.49 0.49 5 2.23 4.46 2.23 2.23 B-2 PM 16815 7q Exhibit C Proposed Annual Assessment Fiscal Year 2004/2005 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL): The rate per assessment unit (A.U.) is $352.80 for the fiscal year 2004/05. The following table summarizes the assessment rate for Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B (Commercial/Industrial): # of Assessment # of Rate Per Physical Physical Units Assessment Assessment Land Use Unit Type Units Factor Units Unit Revenue Comm/Ind Acre 2186.85 1.0 2186.85 $352.80 $771,520.68 The Proposed Annual Assessment against the Property (PM 16815) is: Parcel 1 - 0.49 Acres x 1 A.U. Factor x $352.80 Rate Per A.U. = $172.87 Annual Assessment Parcel 2 - 0.39 Acres x 1 A.U. Factor x $352.80 Rate Per A.U. = $137.59 Annual Assessment Parcel 3 - 0.39 Acres x 1 A.U. Factor x $352.80 Rate Per A.U. = $137.59 Annual Assessment Parcel 4 - 0.49 Acres x 1 A.U. Factor x $352.80 Rate Per A.U. = $172.87 Annual Assessment Parcel 5 - 2.23 Acres x I A.U. Factor x $352.80 Rate Per A.U. = $786.74 Annual Assessment STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 (ARTERIAL STREETS): The rate per assessment unit (A.U.) is $17.77 for the fiscal year 2004/05. The following table summarizes the assessment rate for Street Light Maintenance District No. 1 (Arterial Streets): # of Assessment # of Rate Per Physical Physical Units Assessment Assessment Land Use Unit Type Units Factor Units Unit Revenue Single Parcel 21,151 1.00 21,151 $17.77 $375,853.27 Family Multi-Family Unit 8,540 1.00 8,540 $17.77 $151,755.80 Commercial Acre 2,380.36 2.00 4,760.72 $17.77 $84,597.99 TOTAL $612,207.06 The Proposed Annual Assessment against the Property (PM 16815) is: Parcel 1 - 0.49 Acres x 2 A.U. Factor x $17.77 Rate Per A.U. = $8.71 Annual Assessment Parcel 2 - 0.39 Acres x 2 A.U. Factor x $17.77 Rate Per A.U. = $6.93 Annual Assessment Parcel 3 - 0.39 Acres x 2 A.U. Factor x $17.77 Rate Per A.U. = $6.93 Annual Assessment Parcel 4 - 0.49 Acres x 2 A.U. Factor x $17.77 Rate Per A.U. = $8.71 Annual Assessment Parcel 5 - 2.23 Acres x 2 A.U. Factor x $17.77 Rate Per A.U. = $39.63 Annual Assessment C-I PM 16815 STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL): The rate per assessment unit (A.U.) is $51.40 for the Fiscal Year 2004/05. The following table summarizes the assessment rate for Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 (Comraercial/Industrial): # of Assessment # of Rate Per Physical Physical Units Assessment Assessment Land Use Unit Type Units Factor Units Unit Revenue Comm/Ind Acre 2,065.67 1.00 2,090.72 $51.40 $107,463.01 The Proposed Annual Assessment against the Property (PM 16815) is: Parcel 1 - 0.49 Acres x i A.U. Factor x $51.40 Rate Per A.U. = $25.19 Annual Assessment Parcel 2 - 0.39 Acres x 1 A.U. Factor x $51.40 Rate Per A.U. -- $20.05 Annual Assessment Parcel 3 - 0.39 Acres x 1 A.U. Factor x $51.40 Rate Per A.U. = $20.05 Annual Assessment Parcel 4 - 0.49 Acres x 1 A.U. Factor x $51.40 Rate Per A.U. = $25.19 Annual Assessment Parcel 5 - 2.23 Acres x 1 A.U. Factor x $51.40 Rate Per A.U. = $114.62 Annual Assessment C-2 PM 16815 ~./ THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM ONGA Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director BY: Karen McGuire-Emery, Senior Park Planner SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AWARD DESIGNATED CONTRACTS TO THE SPECIFIED SUB-CONTRACTORS, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CULTURAL CENTER PROJECT, TOTALING $1,066,505 AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A 5% CONTINGENCY FOR EACH CONTRACT, TOTALING $53,325 TO BE FUNDED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: STATE LIBRARY GRANT FUNDS ACCOUNT NO. 1310602-5650/1357310-6314 ($269,605); TAX ALLOCATION BONDS 2001 ACCOUNT NO. 2650801- 5650/1357650-6314 ($386,590); AND LIBRARY FUND ACCOUNT NO. 1290601-5650/1388290-6314 ($463,635), AND AUTHORIZE THE APPROPRIATION OF $386,590 FROM TAX ALLOCATION BONDS 2001 FUND BALANCE INTO ACCOUNT NO. 2650801-5650/1357650-6314 AND $463,635 FROM LIBRARY FUND BALANCE INTO ACCOUNT NO. 1290601-5650/1388290-6314 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council accept certain bids received and award and authorize the execution of contracts totaling $1,066,505, and authorize the expenditure of a 5% contingency in the amount of $53,325, to be funded from the following sources: State Library Grant Funds Account No. 1310602-5650/1357310-6314 ($269,605); Tax Allocation Bonds 2001 Account No. 2650801-5650/1357650-6314 ($386,590); and Library Fund Account No. 1290601-5650/1388290-6314 ($463,635), and authorize the appropriation of $386,590 from Tax Allocation Bonds 2001 Fund Balance Into Account No. 2650801-5650/1357650-6314 and $463,635 from Library Fund Balance into Account No. 1290601-5650/1388290-6314 for the construction of the Rancho Cucamonga Cultural Center Project. BID A WARD CULTURAL CENTER SUB-CONTRACTORS March 2, 2005 Page 2 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On February 1, 2005, bids were received and opened for five bid packages (Priority 4 bids) for the Rancho Cucamonga Cultural Center Project. These bid packages were rebid following additional value engineering as a cost saving effort. Staff has thoroughly analyzed all bids received for cost effectiveness and is recommending the following actions: B~D PACKAGES TO BE AWARDED 2-2 Site Concrete - Award to Trademark Concrete Systems Inc., in the amount of $820,000. 8-2 Overhead Coilinq Doors-Award to Cookson Door Sales, in the amount of $56,905. 10-1 Toilet Partitions and Accessories - Award to Stumbaugh & Associates Inc., in the amount of $72,042. 10-2 Operable Partitions - Award to Hufcor Airwall, in the amount of $92,890. 14-2 Wheelchair Lifts - Award to Dock Masters Inc., in the amount of $24,668. The total amount of these five bid packages is $1,066,505. The Construction Manager's estimate for these bid packages was $1,022,165. Respec~ ~, Kevin i Comm Ny Services Director R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT StaffR ort DA'I~: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: James T. Harris, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVE THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH KIMLEY- HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,958.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A 10% CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,002.00 TO PROVIDE FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS WITHIN THE CITY, TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT NOS. 1124-303-5650/1473-124-0 ($6,590.00), 1124-303- 5650/1474-124-0 ($6,590.00), 1124-303-5650/1475-124-0 ($6,590.00), 1124- 303-5650/1509-124-0 ($6,590.00) AND 1176-303-5650/1508-176-0 ($6,600.00) AND APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION OF $6,590.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 1124-303-5650/1509-124-0 FROM TRANSPORTATION (FUND 124) FUND BALANCE AND AN APPROPRIATION OF $6,600.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 1176-303-5650/1508-176-0 FROM MEASURE I (FUND 176) FUND BALANCE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to provide fiscal year 2004/2005 traffic signal design services for proposed capital improvement projects at various locations within the City, and authorize the Mayor to sign said agreement and the City Clerk to attest thereto. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Traffic signal design services are needed for proposed traffic signal construction projects at 6th Street at Buffalo Avenue, Carnelian Street at Wilson Avenue and Archibald Avenue at CITY CouNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Professional Services Agreement with Kimley-Hom and Associates March 2, 2005 Page 2 Banyan Street and for traffic signal modification projects at Foothill Boulevard at Hellman Avenue and Arrow Route at Etiwanda Avenue to add left turn phasing for north/south traffic. Requests for proposals were distributed to ten consulting firms who provide such services in the local area. Eight firms responded with costs ranging from $24,800 to $39,410. After review and rating of the proposals, the proposal submitted by Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. at $29,958 was accepted as best meeting the needs of the City based on their qualifications, experience, project approach and costs appropriate for the work proposed. Respectfully submitted, William ~J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:JTH Attachments ~ ~ Traffic Signal Designs ~ - HILL~ IDE z ~ ~ WILSON ~ ~ BANYAN lOTH , lOTH · JERS~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ = ~ ,,. esign Locations T H F C ~ T Y 0 F I~AN C H 0 CU CAH 0 N C,A Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Cathy Morris, Planning Specialist SUBJECT: AN AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING OF HAZARDOUS WASTE AND SITE CLEAN UP FOR THE HISTORIC ETIWANDA TRAIN DEPOT AND THE PACKING HOUSE - AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS TO SHARE THE COST OF THE DEMOLITION AND THE SITE CLEAN UP OF THE BURNED PACKING HOUSE, DEMOLITION OF THREE MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS, THE POLE BARN, CONCRETE AND ASPHALT DEMOLITION ON THE SITES, AND REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - APN: 0227-121-18 AND 51. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the agreement by minute action between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and San Bernardino Associated Governments for clean up of the Etiwanda Train Depot site. BACKGROUND: On February 4, 2004, San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) and the City entered into an agreement granting the City access to and use of the Etiwanda Station Property and the Baldwin Park Branch right-of-way within the City for the development of the trail system approved in the Master Plan. Subsequent to the approval, the City discovered potentially hazardous materials in the packinghouse structure located on the site, and SANBAG agreed to provide financial assistance for the site clean up. Prior to the site clean up commencing, the packinghouse structure caught fire and burned to the ground. SANBAG has agreed to share half the cost of the clean up of the site, up to a total of $44,811.00. ANALYSIS: The agreement was prepared and adopted by SANBAG and reviewed for content by the City Attorney. The agreement establishes the term and commencement date, responsibilities of the parties, administration of work and costs, liability, insurance, indemnity, amendments, and notices. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT HISTORIC ETIWANDA TRAIN DEPT AND PACKINGHOUSE March 2, 1005 Page 2 CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the City Council approve the Agreement by minute action of the attached Contract 05-028 between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and SANBAG. Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB:CM/ge Attachment: Contract 05-028, San Bernardino Associated Governments CONTRACT 05-028 SAN BERNARDINO ASSOCIATED GOVERNMENTS THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA THIS CONTRACT is entered into as of December !, 2004, in the State of California by and between the San Bemardino Associated Governments, hereat~er called AGENCY, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereafter called CITY, collectively know as the PAKTIE$- IT IS HEKBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, in 1991 the AGENCY acq~,uired the former Souilaem Pacific Baldwin Park Branch and its associated non-operating 'property for the propose use as a furore public transit corridor; and WHEREAS, AGENCY Policy 31600 - Baldwin Park Continuity and General Guidelines provides for the cities along the corridor to develop trail systems within the corridor provided .that as a condition of such use, the city agrees to accept the responsibility of maintaining the entire width of the right of way wherever the trail is constructed; and WHEREAS, AGENCY funded and CITY administered a contract for the development of a trail system master plan for the Baldwin Park Branch that included the involvement of all the corridor cities as well as the AGENCY and was completed in November 2000; and WHEREAS, on February 4, 2004, AGENCY and CITY approved a Lease Agreement (AGENCY Contract 04-048) granting the CITY access to and use of the Etiwanda Station Property and the Baldwin Park Branch right of way within the CITY for the development of the trail system approved in the master plan; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the approval of the Lease Agreement, CITY discovered potentially Hazardous Materials in the packing house structure located on the Etiwanda Station Property; and WHEREAS, AGENCY was unaware of the presence of such materials and as the property owner, offered to provide financial assistance for the material's removal; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the discovery of potentially Hazardous Materials in the packing house structure, said structure caught fire and burnt to the ground; and A05028-mab.doc .0535230 WHEREAS, CITY has requested financial assistance from AGENCY to remove the remaining packing house debris, the demolition of four other out-smxcmres located on the station property and the initial removal of Hazardous Materials in the depot structure; NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree to the following: .1. INITIAL ETIWANDA STATION PROPERTY REMEDIATION PLAN AND COST A. The remediation plan for the Etiwanda Station property consists of the following work ("Work") and the Work shall be completed in the following order: i. Demolition and removal of the remnants of the packing house, including the removal and disposal of potentially Hazardous Materials; ii. Demolition and removal of a pole barn and miscellaneous concrete and asphalt;. iii. Demolition'and removal of three out-structures; and iv. The treatment, removal and disposal of mold, lead and other Hazardous Material in the depot building. B. "Hazardous Material" as used in this CONTRACT shall mean any product, substance or waste whose presence, use, manufacture, disposal, transportation, or release, either by itself or in combination with other materials expected to be in any of the structures, is either (i) potentially injurious to the public health, safety or welfare, the environment or stmctares; or (ii) regulated or monitored by any Governmental authority. C. CITY has obtained a cost proposal for the Work of Seventy-four Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-five Dollars ($74,685.00). See Attachment "A". D. The PARTIES agree that the cost proposal mount and Work is an estimate and that additional unforeseen remedlation of Hazardous Material work that will result in additional cost may be identified as the Work progresses. A contingency of Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-seven Dollars ($14,937.00) shall be available to pay for additional remediation of Hazardous Material work not included in the proposal and that the PARTIES a~ee is immediately necessary to be performed. Any unforeseen remediation of Hazardous Material work that is not immediately necessary shall be performed as described in the lease agreement between the parties. (AGENCY Contract #04-048). A05028-m~.doc E. The PARTIES agree to share equally in the cost of the Work, including the contingency, if needed. AGENCY's total obligation under this CONTRACT shall not exceed the mount of $44,811.00, provided that AGENCY may, at its sole discretion, in writing, authorize a greater amount. Any portion of the AGENCY contingency amount of Seven Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-eight Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7,468.50) shall only be released upon AGENCY's agreement that additional remediation of Hazardous Material work is immediately necessary and for which AGENCY has obtained approval from its governing board~ 2. ADMINISTRATION OF WORK AND COST.S. A. CITY shall award and be responsible to administer a contract with a properly licensed firm to perform the Work in a timely manner. The selected contractor shall obtain any necessary permits to perform the Work and shall comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, . regulations and policies c0neeming the Work and the manner in which the - Work is performed. B. CITY shall invoice AGENCY not more frequently than monthly for AGENCY's share of the remediation cost. CITY shall include support material for each invoice, including a copy of contractor's invoice and a status report of the project,' including Work completed, any delays incurred and the reasons for such delays, any new discoveries requiring immediate attention and associated costs and any other pertinent information that AGENCY requires for approval or that is necessm'y for AGENCY's cooperation. C. CITY shall notify AGENCY at least forty-five (45) days in advance 0fanY additional expense that will require the release of AGENCY's share of the contingency. Such notice must provide adequate justification for the additional cost and AGENCY must concur with both the need and cost prior to CITY authorizing additional work. D. AGENCY shall pay CITY invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt up to the amount of Thirty-seven Thousand Three Hundred and Forty-two Doilars and Fifty Cents ($37,342.50), excluding any contingency, the AGENCY's share of the estimated cost. 3. TERM This CONTRACT will commence on December 1, 2004 and remain in effect until June 30, 2005. In the event of misconduct or failure to perform required services, AGENCY may immediately terminate the CONTRACT by written notice to CITY. CITY shall not be reimbursed for any services or expenses beyond the termination date of the CONTRACT and AGENCY shall incur no A05028-mab.doc 0535230 penalty for exercising its termination fights. Th~ Executive.Director shall have the authority in his sole discretion to give notice of termination on behalf of the AGENCY. CITY may not terminate this CONTRACT except for cause. 4. INSURANCE CITY shall require the selected firm to secure and maintain General Liabili~ Insurance and Workers Compensation Insurance at levels specified by CITY or the State of Califomim CITY shall requke the selected fu-m to provide certificates of insurance meeting the above requirements, which certificates shall name CITY and AGENCY as additionally insured. 5. INDEMNITY A. CITY agrees to indeX, defend (with counsel approved by AGENCY) and hold harraless AGENCY and its officers, employees, agents and volunteers from any and all claims, actions, losses, damages, and/or liability arising om of CITY's ob~llgations under this CONTRACT. B. AGENCY agrees to indemnify, defend (with counsel approved by AGENCY) and hold harmless AGENCY and its officers, employees, agents and volunteers from any and all claims, actions, losses, damages, and/or liability arising out of AGENCY's obligations under th~s CONTRACT. C. CITY shall include AGENCY as an indercmified party by. the selected contractor for any and all claims, actions, losses, damages, and/or liability result~g from the selected conlxactor's acts or omissions which arise from the selected con~'actor's obligations to perform the Work. 6. AMENDMENTS No provisions of this CONTRACT may be amended or added except by an agreement in writing signed by the PARTIES. 7. NOTICES Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid first-class mail. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or communication that either party desires or is required to give to the other party shall be addressed to the other party at the address set forth below. A0502g-mab.doc 0535230 CITY's address: City of Rancho Cucamonga 15000 Civic Center Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attention: City Manager AGENCY's address: San Bemardino Associated Governments 1170 W. 3ra Street, Second Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410-1715 AttentiOn: Executive Director Notice shall be deemed communicated two (2) AGENCY working days from · the time of mailing as provided in this paragraph. 8. SEVERABILITY · If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section, article, part of portion of this CONTRACT is or shall be invalid for any reason, the same shall be deemed severable from the remainder hereof-and shall in no way affect or impair the validity of this CONTRACT or any portion thereof. 9. JURY TRAIL WAIVER AGENCY and CITY hereby waive their respective right to trial by jury of any cause of action, claim, counterclaim or cross-complaint in any action, proceeding and/or hearing brought by either AGENCY against CITY or CITY against AGENCY on any matter whatsoever arising out of, or in any way connected with this CONTRACT, the relationship of AGENCY and CITY, or any claim of injury or damage, or enforcement of any remedy under any law, statute, or regulation, emergency or otherwise, now or hereafter in effect. 10. ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COST If any legal action is instituted to enforce or declare any party's rights hereunder, each party, including the prevailing party, must bear its own cost and attorney's fees. This paragraph shall not apply to those costs and attorne~r's fees directly arising from any third party legal action against a party and payable under Paragraph 5, Indemnity. 11. AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY Each party to this CONTARCT represents that the signatory executing this CONTRACT on its behalf is fully authorized to enter into this CONTRACT. A05028-mab.doc 0535230 --' · BR][CKLE¥ F NVIRONMENTAL Environmental Remediation Contractor CLIENT: THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PROPOSAL NUMBER: 11398 A~FN: CATHY MORRIS JOB NAME: OLD TRAIN DEPOT ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 807 SITE ADDRESS: 7087 ETIWANDA AVENUE CITY: RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ZIP: 91729 CITY: RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ZIP: 91729 PHONE: 909~t77_2750 PROPERTY OWNER: FAX: 909-477-2847 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $74,685.00 COST BREAK-DOWN · WAREHOUSE t & 2: (MOLD, LEAD, AND DEMOLITION OF SHOWER STRUCTURE). COST $14,500.00 · PACKING HOUSE: (DEMOLITION, & ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS (ACM) REMOVAL, INCLUDING BACKFILL). COST $24,250.00 · POLE BARN AND MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE & ASPHALT DEMOLITION. COST $27,740.00 · DEMOLITION OF THREE (3) MISC. BUILDINGS. COST $8,195.00 TOTAL $74,685.00 957 W. Reece Street, San Bemardino, CA 92411, Lic. No. 610414 CAL/OSHA No. 49 909-888-2010 800-$30-3366 FAX909-381-3433 R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DALE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tech I SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR DRC2002- 00499, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 6TM STREET AND FAIRWAY VIEW PLACE, SUBMITTED BY KSL RANCHO CUCAMONGA, L.P. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for DRC2002-00499 were approved by the City Council on February 18, 2004, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $39,100.00 Labor and Material Bond: $19,550.00 Due to a delayed start date, the project is now currently scheduled for completion in November 2005. The developer KSL Rancho Cucamonga, L.P., is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's office· Resp~tively submitted, William d. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachments 3790 Fleet Street, Suite 300 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 760-804-5900 Fax: 760-804-5909 w ww, kiscoseniorlivi ng cmn January 31, 2005 Ms. Tasha Hunter Public Service Tech I City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department Engineering Division 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: Improvement Agreement Extension for DRC2002-00499 Dear Ms. Hunter: It has come to our attention that an extension is necessary for Improvement Agreement #DRC2002-00499 for the project known as Village on the Green located at 9400 Fairway View Place, Rancho Cucamonga. Due to a delayed construction start date, the extension is necessary as the improvements are not complete as per said agreement. The project is currently scheduled for completion in November 2005. Should you require additional information, please feel free to contact Mr. Tony Ferrero at (760) 804-7032. Sincerely, K~L Rancho Cucamonga, LP B~: KSL CAL GP, LLC Lary S. Simon Its Manager Enclosures Cc: Anthony A. Ferrero, Senior Vice President, Development Greg Albert, Regis Contractors, L.P. ARROW= . ' · ROUTE ,GOLF cou~[ '- .4~ SmEET · N CITY OF rrF~ ~~~~L RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~G~~G D~ON ~~: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DRC2002-00499 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 2, 2005, by KSL Rancho Cucamonga, L.P, as developer, for the improvement of public right-of- way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at the southwest corner of 6th Street and Fairway View Place; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said DRC2002-00499; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NQW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. R A N H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT $1affRepolt DA'I~: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tech I SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 14771, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF RINGSTEM AVENUE, EAST OF HAVEN AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY TOLL BROTHERS RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 14771 were approved by the City Council on February 18, 2004, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $791,900.00 Labor and Material Bond: $395,950.00 Monumentation Cash Deposit $4,500.00 The streets, including pavement, curb/gutter, and water, is expected to be completed by March/April 2005. The developer, Toll Brothers, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's office. Respectively submitted, . Wil~,Nei~/~/~/~~'~'~ City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachments oll Brothers America's Luxury Home Builder" HAVEN VIEW ESTATES February 10, 2005 4928 Sundowner Court, Alta Loma, CA 91737 Tel. 909-466-4007 Fax 909-466-4313 Tasha Hunter Engineering Department 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Re: Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 14771 Tasha, I request an extension due to the fact that our annual agreement time pedod is about to expire. This extension is needed because the streets, including pavement, curb/gutter, and water, will not be completed until March/April 2005. Please contact me if you have any questions. Chris Raneri Project Manager Toll Brothers, Inc. New York Stock Exchange · Symbol TOL 725 Town and Country Rd., Suite 500, Orange, CA 92868 Telephone: (714) 347-1300 · FAX: (714) 835-9685 N CITY OF IT~.. ~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGINEERING DIVISION EX.14r~IT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 1477'1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an 'Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 2, 2005, by Toll Brothers, as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the north side of Ringstem Avenue, east of Haven Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 14771; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. /¢2, [~ A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT StaffR ort DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tach I SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 16279, LOCATED ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF REALIGNMENT HIGHLAND AVENUE, BETWEEN ETIWANDA AND EAST AVENUES, SUBMITTED BY TOLL BROTHERS RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 16279 were approved by the City Council on July 2, 2003, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $3,590,800.00 Labor and Material Bond: $1,795,400.00 Ongoing sales and construction and the delay of CaI-Trans land transfer, has delayed this project. The developer, Toll Brothers, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's office. Respe,~CJ~ely submitted, Williarg J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachments olI CBroth ers America's Luxury Home BuilderTM ~lSruary 11, 2005 City of Rancho Cucarnonga Community Development Department R E C [::: [ V ~ ~ Engineering Division 10500 Civic Center Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 !'::': "'%1.' .,-s~?.N. '}-., . Subject: Improvement Agreement Extension :..,.., .-:::,., Attn: Tasha Hunter We would like to request an extension to our current Improvement Agreements for Tracts number 16279 and 16279-1. This extension is needed because of: Ongo/ng sales and construction Delay due to Cal-Trans land transfer Please find attached the requested executed documents and filing fees for both tracts. Sincerely, Hank Mailand Snr. Project Manager, Estates at Rancho Cucamonga New York Stock Exchange · Symbol TOL 725 Town and Country Rd., Suite 500, Orange, CA 92868 /^~ 7 ~/ Telephone: {714) 347-I300 · FAX: {714) 835-9685 TRACT NO. 16279 TOLL BROTHERS '79 'LOT SUBDIVISION 1-210 ti tie; CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA /\ N ENGINEERI'NG DIVISION VICINITY MAP RESOLUTION NO. ~).7~,.- ~)~'~) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16279 WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 2, 2005, by Toll Brothers, as developer, for the improvement of public right- of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the nodh and south sides of Realignment Highland Avenue, between Etiwanda and East Avenues; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 16279; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tach I SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 16279-1, LOCATED ON THE NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES OF HIGHLAND AVENUE, BETWEEN ETIWANDA AND EAST AVENUES, SUBMITTED BY TOLL BROTHERS RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 16279-1 were approved by the City Council on July 2, 2003, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $3,590,800.00 Labor and Material Bond: $1,795,400.00 Ongoing sales and construction and the delay of CaI-Trans land transfer, has delayed this project. The developer, Tell Brothers, is requesting appi'oval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies'of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's office. Respectively submitted, vvillian)f J, 0 Neil City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachments olI Brother$ America's Luxury Home Builder" February 1 l, 2005 City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department Engineering Division 10500 Civic Center Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Subject: Improvement Agreement Extension Attn: Tasha Hunter We would like to request an extension to our current Improvement Agreements for Tracts number 16279 and 16279-1. This extension is needed because of: Ongoing sales and construction Delay due to Cal-Trans land transfer Please find attached the requested executed documents and filing fees for both tracts. Sincerely, Hank Mailand Snr. Project Manager, Estates at Rancho Cucamonga New York Stock Exchange · Symbol TOL 725 Town and Country Rd., Suite 500, Orange, CA 92868 __,,-.~ Telephone: (714) 347-1300 · FAX: (714) 835-9685 / TRACT NO. 16279 TOLL BROTHERS '79 LOT SUBDIVISION 1.~2~0 I I I I I I ,I title; CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A ENGINEERING DIVISION VICINITY MAP page RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16279-1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 2, 2005, by Toll Brothers, as developer, for the improvement of public right- of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the north and south sides of Highland Avenue, between Etiwanda and East Avenues; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 16279-1; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. lid R A N C H O C U C A M a N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT StaffR ort DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tach I SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MAP 16365, LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, SUBMITTED BY REGENCY REALTY GROUP, INC. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 16365 were approved by the City Council on February 18, 2004, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $184,000.00 Labor and Material Band: $ 92,000.00 The project is nearing completion and anticipated to be completed by August 2005. The developer, Regency Realty Group, Inc., is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's office. Re,sp~ively submitted, Wilia~. O'Neil - City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachments III February 10, 2005 Ms. Tasha Hunter Community Development Department Engineering Division City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 RE~ Improvement Agreement Extension for PM 16365 Dear Ms. Hunter: In response to your letter of January 25, 2005 regarding extension of our Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map 16365, enclosed is a check for $298.00 to cover processing fees. We have previously submitted three signed and notarized copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 16365. We request a seventy-five day extension of our Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map 16365. Our project is nearing completion and we anticipate that all work identified in the Improvement Agreement will be finished by mid-April 2005. Like other construction projects within the City, the rains and winds during the past two months have hampered construction and delayed ~-~^~ ' The approval of the requested extension will provide us with sufficient time to complete the required improvements. Sincerely, Regency Realty Group, Inc. Keith Peterson Construction Manager 555 South Flower Street, Suite 3500 Los Angeles, California 90071 Office: 213.553.2200 · Toll Free: 888.705.3092 · Fax: 213.624.2280 www,regen cycenters.com HIGHUIND AVENUE ~/CTORIA PARt( LANE NOT ~ ~ FO0~I~ ~ ~ BOU~D / VIC~ITY MAP CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ITEM: , ENGINEERING DIVISION ~ TITLE: ~ EXHIBIT: RESOLUTION NO. ~"" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 16365 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 2, 2005, by Regency Realty Group. Inc., as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Foothill Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Parcel Map 16365; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto R A C H O C U C A M O N G A E~!GIN~ERING DEPARTMEN¥ Staff Report DATE: Mamh 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tech I SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 16369, LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD AND CHURCH STREET, SUBMITTED BY STANDARD PACIFIC CORPORATION RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 16369 were approved by the City Council on August 6, 2003, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $498,800.00 Labor and Material Bond: $249,400.00 Building permits have been pulled for approximately 75% of lots and the completion of this project is expected to be by the end of the year. The developer, Standard Pacific Corporation, is requesting approval of a 12-rnonth extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's office. Respectively s?bmitted, Willia'm J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachments I/5 December 22, 2004 Tasha Hunter City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Subject: Improvement Agreement Extensions - Tract 16369 Dear Tasha: As you are aware, Standard Pacific's request for extension for the above referenced agreements is scheduled to expire on February 2, 2005. The related subdivision contains a total of 37 lots and the extension is needed to allow adequate time to complete all of the homes and to gain City acceptance of the infrastructure and street landscaping improvements. Building permits have been pulled for approximately 75% of'the Standard Pacific lots; however, we are una~vare how many have been pulled for US Homes. All landscape plans and wall plans have been approved by the applicable departments as well. Completion of this tract will be in no less than 3 months. Standard Pacific will maintain all performance and completion bonds in place until such time as the City has accepted the improvements and one-year maintenance bonds have been posted. The need for extensions of the agreements is simply a function of the overall size and phasing of the community. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this project, please do not hesitate to call me at (951) 372-8500 ext. 241 Sincerely, STANDARD PACIFIC HOMES Inland Empire Division Rya Thomas Assistant Project Manager TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 15716 "~ 2 L' L ~2 2'2,~ '~ 2'°" ~ ~, TRACT INDEX WITH PLANNING AREAS ,,,~ ......... ~2, ~- ~ ~ ~ Z VICTORIA ARBORS RESO.U'r o, ¢ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16369 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 2, 2005, by Standard Pacific Corporation, as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the northeast corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Church Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 16369; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. R A C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tach I SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 16612, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD AND CHURCH STREET, SUBMITTED BY D.R. HORTON LOS ANGELES HOLDING CO., INC. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 16612 were approved by the City Council on March 17, 2004, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $246,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: $123,000.00 Due to previous weather conditions the project has been delayed and is expected completion by the end of the year. The developer, D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Co., Inc., is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's office. City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachments !) I1 HORTON® February 15, 2005 Tasha Hunter,Public Service Tech 1 City of Rancho Cucamonga, Planning Department 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: "Strathmore" ~ Victoria Arbors Tract 16612 Time Extension Request-Improvement Agreement Dear Ms. Hunter: This letter serves as a one year time extension request to complete off-site improvements for Tract 16612, which is scheduled to expire on March 17, 2005. Several delays have been experienced due to weather conditions. Enclosed find check number 901103 in the amount of $298.00 as requested. Please calendar this request on the March 5, 2005 City Council agenda. Thank you in advance on your prompt attention to this request. If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to give me a call. Project Manager 119 North Maple Street ° Suite A · Corona, California 92880-1794 (909> 272'9000° Fax (909> 2720797 www. drhorton .corn EDISON UTIL~ CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT AT ATx%, VICTORIA ARBORS (D.R. HORTON) ~'~ VlCTORIA ARBORS '"'"~ '*'" "' ~'"~ DEVELOPMENT EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16612 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on March 2, 2005, by D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Co., Inc., as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Church Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 16612; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DIVISION Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tech I SUBJECT: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE CASH DEPOSIT AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR CUP99~56, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, WEST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP OF SAN BERNARDINO RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for CUP99-56 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Cash Deposit. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of completion of CUP99-56, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, west of Etiwanda Avenue, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Bond and accept the Maintenahce Cash Deposit. Developer: Roman Catholic Bishop of San Bernardino Release: Faithful Performance Bond # 64110 $493,400.00 (Bond No.) Accept: Maintenance Cash Deposit # CR066772 $49,340.00 (Receipt No.) Respectfully submitted, Williafn J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachment(s) BASELINE ROAD ~ MILLER AVE. PROJECT SITF FOOTHILL (ET 66) BOULEVARD ARROW ROUTE II RESOLUTION NO, ~ .,~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. 0~' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CUP99-56 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for CUP99-56 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 12.5 R A N C H O C U C A M O N ® A E N O I N E E R I N O D E P A R T M E N T Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tech I SUBJECT: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE CASH DEPOSIT AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2001-00437, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND TOWN CENTER DRIVE, SUBMITTED BY EXXON MOBIL OIL CORPORATION RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for DRC2001-00437 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Cash Deposit. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of completion of DRC2001-00437, located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Town Center Drive, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Bond and accept the Maintenance Cash Deposit. Developer: Exxon Mobil Oil Corporation Release: Faithful Performance Bond #8303 39 93 $70,700.00 (Bond No.} Accept: Maintenance Cash Deposit #CR067070 $7,070.00 (Receipt No.) Respectfully submitted, William J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachment(s) ~ SCAL[: t" = 150' 25' ~EM~T FOR S~ ~S~UME~ HO gl-2~GZ~ ~ .':.-~.~;.. ~.. ,.. ~., .:'.' ~':-~ ~ ~ .,:-.~:~ '~" LOT ~NE ~M~ ~Nf D~G. NO~ 2292L~ RESOLUTION NO. ~)5"" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2001-00437 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for DRC2001-00437 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A E N Gl N E E R I N G D E P A R TM E N T Staff Report DATE: February 16, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Shelley Hayes, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CASH DEPOSIT, AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 16057, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FERON STREET, EAST OF REID STREET, SUBMITTED BY NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for Parcel Map 16057 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Cash deposit. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of completion of Parcel Map 16057, located on the south side of Feron Street, east of Reid Street, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Cash deposit. Developer: Northtown Housing Development Corp. Release: Faithful Performance Cash deposit: $2,700.00 Respectfully submitted, William J. O'Neil City Engineer W JO: SH:dlw Attachment(s) Vicinity Map MAIN METROLINK PM 16057 9835 FERON BLVD. A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 16057 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Map 16057 has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A E N G I N E E R I N G D E P A R T M J: N T Staff Report DATE: February 16, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Shelley Hayes, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CASH DEPOSIT, AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 16058, LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF REID STREET, SOUTH OF FERON STREET, SUBMITTED BY NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP. RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for Parcel Map 16058 have been completed in an acceptable r~anner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Cash deposit. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of completion of Parcel Map 18058, located on the west side of Reid Street, south of Feron Street, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Pedormance Cash deposit. Developer: Northtown Housing Development Corp. Release: Faithful Performance Cash deposit: $4,400.00 Respectfully submitted, William J. O'Neil City Engineer W JO: SH:dlw Attachment(s) Vicinity Map METROLINK PM 16058 8838 REiD AVE. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 16058 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Map 16058 has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ]~ N G I N [~l~D I N G D [VI & I 0 N Staff Report DATE: Mamh 2, 2005 TO:. Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY.' Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tech I SUBJECT: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAPS 16123, 16124, & 16125, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF HAVEN AVENUE SOUTH OF ARROW ROUTE AND ON THE WEST SIDE OF MONROE COURT CUL-DE-SAC, NORTH OF JERSEY BOULEVARD, SUBMI'I-I'ED BY HAVEN PARTNERS, LLC RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for Pamel Maps 16123, 16124, & 16125 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Bond. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of completion of Parcel Maps 16123, 16124, & 16125, located on the east side of Haven Avenue south of Arrow Route and on the west side of Monroe Court cul-de-sac, north of Jersey Boulevard, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Bond and accept the Maintenance Bond. Developer: Haven Partners, LLC Release: Faithful Performance Bond 2 12 33 17 $193,600.00 · (Bond No.) Accept: Maintenance Bond 2 12 33 17-M $19,360.00 (Bond No.) Respectfully submitted, City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachment(s) VIGINITY MAP' City of Item: Staff Report Rancho Cucamonga Title: Vicinity Map ENGINEERING EXHIBIT 1: Parcel Maps 16123, DIVISION 16124 and 16125 RESOLUTION NO. ~'"~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAPS 16123, 16124, & 16125 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Maps 16123, 16124, & 16125 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A 1~ N G I N 1~1~ 1~ I N G D IVl & ION Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Tasha Hunter, Public Service Tech I SUBJECT: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RETAIN THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND IN LIEU OF A MAINTENANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 14875, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ARCHIBALD AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET, SUBMITTED BY AMBLING WEST, LLC RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for Tract 14875 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to retain the Faithful Performance Bond in lieu of a Maintenance Bond. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of completion of Tract 14875, located at the southeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Church Street, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council retain the existing Faithful Performance Bond in lieu of a Maintenance Bond. Respectfully submitted, William J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:TCH Attachment(s) RESOLUTION NO. 0~..- O~0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 14875 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of p'ublic improvements for Tract 14875 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A E~'GINEERING DEPARTMENT SlaffRoport DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Cindy Hackett, Associate Engineer~(,~ Richard Oaxaca, Engineering Techr~-'cta~-~ SUBJECT: RELEASE OF FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND NO. 086 74 637 IN THE AMOUNT OF $133,655:00, FOR THE LEMON AVENUE STREET REHABILITATION FROM BERYL STREET TO AMETHYST AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 03-022 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release Faithful Performance Bend No. 086 74 637 in the amount of $133,655.00 for the Lemon Avenue Street Rehabilitation from Beryl Street to Amethyst Avenue, Contract No. 03~02Z BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The required one-year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. Contractor: Ail American Asphalt P.O. Box 2229 Corona, CA 92875-2229 Respectfully submitted, Williard J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:CH/RO:Is Attachments 141 LEMON AVENUE PAVEMENT REI-IARIL!TATION (FROM B~gi~L ~'l'l~:O.'T TO AMETHYST STREET) FOQ~HILL CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA VICINITY MAP R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer Richard Oaxaca, Engineering Technician ,~) u'~ SUBJECT: RELEASE OF FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND NO. 69539057 IN THE AMOUNT OF $49,300.00, FOR THE HERITAGE PARK STORAGE SHED, CONTRACT NO. 03-045 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release Faithful Performance Bond No. 69539057 in the amount of $49,300.00 for the Heritage Park Storage Shed, Contract No. 03-045. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The required one-year maintenance period has ended and the park improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. Contractor: Roc-Loc 26100 Calle Corveta Temecula, CA 92590 Respectfully submitted, City Engineer WJ©:WS/RO:Is Attachments CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Heritage Park Storage Shed R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A E~'GINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer ~ Richard Oaxaca, Engineering Technician-¢¢~ SUBJECT: ACCEPT THE ROCHESTER AVENUE, NORTH OF HIGHLAND AVENUE AND HAVEN AVENUE, NORTH OF 19TM STREET, LANDSCAPING PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 04-077 AS COMPLETE, RETAIN THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND AS A GUARANTEE BOND, RELEASE THE LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $294,773.33 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Rochester Avenue, North of Highland Avenue and Haven Avenue, North of 19th Street, Landscaping Project, Contract No. 04-077, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $294,889.00 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $29,477.33, 35 days after acceptance. Also, approve the final contract amount of $294,773.33. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Rochester Avenue, North of Highland Avenue and Haven Avenue, North of 19th Street, Landscaping Project scope of work consisted of the installation of landscaping on both sides of Rochester Avenue north of the 210 Freeway, the reinstallation of landscaping on both the east side of Rochester Avenue south of Highland Avenue and within the Haven Avenue median north of the 210 Freeway, the construction of street improvements on the east side of Rochester Avenue between Lone Peak Drive and Vintage Drive. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: March 2, 2005 Page 2 > Budgeted Amount: $324,380.00 > Account Numbers: 11103165650/1339110-0 > Engineer's Estimate: $272,897.45 > City Council's Approval to Advertise: May 7, 2003 > Publish dates for local paper: May 15 & 22, 2003 > Bid Opening: June 8, 2004 > Contract Award Date: July 7, 2004 > Low Bidder: Belaire-West Landscape, Inc. > Original Contract Amount: $294,889.00 > Revised Contract Amount: $269,568.45 > 10% Contingency: $29,488.90 > Final Contract Amount: $294,773.33 > Difference in Revised Contract Amount: $25,204.88 (9.35%) The net increase in the total cost of the project as compared to the revised contract am~ result of contract quantity overages and most notably Contract Change Order No. 1 additional grading and removal to accommodate sidewalk installation and the relocati, additional traffic signal service enclosure. The original contract amount was revised to r,' elimination of that portion of the work specifically located on Haven Avenue, nodh of 19th its entirety. This project is being partially (greater than $100,000.00) reimbursed by SAN work associated with the 210 Freeway. RespectfullyL~ ~,,. ~,,~,. s.u. bmitted ~(..., William J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:WS/RO:Is Attachments CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Accept Rochester Avenue/Haven Avenue Landscaping Project March 2, 2005 Page 2 :> Budgeted Amount: $324,380.00 ~' Account Numbers: 11103165650/1339110-0 > Engineer's Estimate: $272,897.45 > City Council's Approval to Advertise: May 7, 2003 ~ Publish dates for local paper: May 15 & 22, 2003 ,~- Bid Opening: June 8, 2004 ~' Contract Award Date: July 7, 2004 ~. Low Bidder: Belaire-West Landscape, Inc. > Original Contract Amount: $294,889.00 ~' Revised Contract Amount: $269,568.45 > 10% Contingency: $29,488.90 ~ Final Contract Amount: $294,773.33 ~- Difference in Revised Contract Amount: $25,204.88 (9.35%) The net increase in the total cost of the project as compared to the revised contract amount is a result of contract quantity overages and most notably Contract Change Order No. 1 for the additional grading and removal to accommodate sidewalk installation and the relocation of an additional traffic signal service enclosure. The original contract amount was revised to reflect the elimination of that portion of the work specifically located on Haven Avenue, north of 19~h Street in its entirety. This project is being partially (greater than $100,000.00) reimbursed by SANBAG for work associated with the 210 Freeway. Respec, tfully submitted, William J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:WS/RO:Is Attachments N.T.S. PROJECT SITE 'PROJECT SITE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA VICINITY MAP ROCHESTER AVENUE, N/0 HIGHLAND AVENUE AND HAVEN AVENUE, N/0 19~' ~I'REET, LANDSCAPING PROJECT RESOLUTION NO. ~ ~'..~1~] A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE ROCHESTER AVENUE, NORTH OF HIGHLAND AVENUE AND HAVEN AVENUE, NORTH OF 19TM STREET, LANDSCAPING PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 04-077 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Rochester Avenue, North of Highland Avenue and Haven Avenue, North of 19~h Street, Landscaping Project, Contract No. 04-077, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A E~'GISEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DA'rE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Cindy Hackett, Associate Enginee~,~ Richard Oaxaca, Engineering Tech~ician~l~ SUBJECT: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND NO. 83 SB 104168826 BCM IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,724.26, FOR THE MILLIKEN AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 6TM STREET TO 7TM STREET, CONTRACT NO. 03-101 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond No. 83 SB 104168826 BCM in the amount of $13,724.26 for the Milliken Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation from 6th Street to 7th Street, Contract No. 03-101. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The required one-year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. Contractor: R.J. Noble Company 15505 E. Lincoln Avenue Orange, CA 92865 Respectfully submitted, Wiliiarh J. O'Neil City Engineer WJO:CH/RQ:Is Attachments VICINITY MAP " ~ I ~ · --J~ ~ P'~ I: ~ ~, s~ I _PROJECTSITE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MIT.T.TKEN AVENUE (~OM ,~T~ S~ TO 'n~ SUU~T) R A N' H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J, O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Maria E. Perez, Associate Engineer Richard Oaxaca, Engineering Technician ~_~ SUBJECT: ACCEPT THE HIGHLAND AVENUE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS EAST OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, CONTRACT NO. 04-160 AS COMPLETE, RETAIN THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND AS A GUARANTEE BOND, RELEASE THE LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION A~ND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $87,342.50 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Highland Avenue Landscape Improvements East of Day Creek Boulevard, Contract No. 04-160, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $78,868.00 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $8,734.25, 35 days after acceptance. Also, approve the final contract amount of $87,342.50. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Highland Avenue Landscape Improvements East of Day Creek Boulevard scope of work performed consisted of fine grading, construction of cobblestone rockscape, installation of plants, trees, mulch, watering and painting along the south side of Highland Avenue, east of Day Creek Boulevard. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: > Budgeted Amount: $120,000.00 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Accept Highland Avenue Landscape Improvements east of Day Creek Boulevard March 2, 2005 Page 2 Account Numbers: 11103165650/1454110-0 > Engineer's Estimate: $75,908.75 > City Council's Approval to Advertise: August 4, 2004 >. Publish dates for local paper: August 10 & 17, 2004 > Bid Opening: September 9, 2004 .,~ Contract Award Date: October 6, 2004 > Low Bidder: America West Landscape, Inc. > Contract Amount: $87,342.50 > 10% Contingency: $8,734.25 >' Final Contract Amount: $87,342.50 > Difference in Contract Amount: $0.00 (0.00%) This project was completed as per contract plans and specifications with no change orders. Respectfully submitted. ? Williafr~ .t O'Noil City Engineer WJO:MEP/RO:Is Attachments PROJECT LOCATION BTH ST 6THST Z 4TH ST ONTARIO CITY LIMIT CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA /~ HIGm.~ND Averts,, I,~NDSCAPE ~Ov~ ~' ~ OF DAY ~ BL~. ~ ~9' ~ OF ~ A~ ~CINI~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. O.,~'"'" ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE HIGHLAND AVENUE LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS EAST OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, CONTRACT NO. 04- 160 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Highland Avenue Landscape Improvements East of Day Creek Boulevard, Contract No. 04-160, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. I H E C I T Y 0 F l~AN CH 0 C U CAM 0 N GA Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, and City Manager FROM: Kimbedy S. Thomas, Management Analyst III SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE THAT ADOPTS BY REFERENCE COUNTY ORDINANCE 3930, RELATING TO THE INSPECTION AND GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS (CONTINUED FROM FEBRUARY 2, 2005) RECOMMENDATION it is recommended that the City Council hold the public hearing on this matter to consider adoption of the attached ordinance that adopts by reference the County of San Bernardino Ordinance 3930, and amends Title 8 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. This item was continued from the February 2, 2005, City Council meeting. BACKGROUND In June 2004, the County of San Bernardino adopted an ordinance that established a system of grading food establishments and provided for cities, at their option, to require food establishments to post the letter grade received from inspections that are already being conducted by the County. The goal of this ordinance was to assist in protecting the public health through public notification of the County's inspection results. The County asked each City to consider adopting this for implementation in their individual city. Therefore, this Ordinance was placed on the City Council agenda for consideration. The First Reading was held on January 5, 2005, with a Second Reading on February 2, 2005. At that meeting, the item was postponed to March 2, 2005. DISCUSSION At the February 2, 2005, meeting there were several points discussed by the Mayor and City Council, and the ordinance was continued to be considered by the entire five- member Council. The items for further discussion included: Page 2 March 2, 2005 CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE THAT ADOPTS BY REFERENCE COUNTY ORDINANCE 3930, RELATING TO THE INSPECTION AND GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS 1. The Council requested that public safety staff provide information about the difference between the restaurant inspections, in which the results are publicly displayed as opposed to other violations, in which the results are not made public. During the Council discussion on this item, the example was discussed in which the names of retail establishments that are found to sell to minors are not released. On this matter, Lt. Tony Nicassio, researched this item with Glenn C. Lawrence, Chief of the Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement (STAKE) Enforcement, California Department of Health Services (Food, and Drug Branch); and it was determined that "due process rights" are needed for those who are under suspicion of selling tobacco to minors. As a result, specific data and information on businesses in violation of Penal Code Section 308.1, and in accordance with the "Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement (STAKE) Act" are not releasable by the Police Department. In addition, the County Division of Environmental Health Services (EHS) that does the restaurant inspections are different from the State and County "decoy" programs that are used periodically to survey and monitor the sale of tobacco to minors. Currently, to help to inform and educate our community and businesses about the laws regulating the sale of tobacco products, the City, the County, and the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce are working on efforts to expand these public education efforts and to analyze prospective ordinance changes and enforcement options. 2. The Council also requested further explanation of how the County's ranking system works, and the process and timeliness of rectifying violations. In summary, under the proposed County rating system, the letter grade would be based upon the final numerical percentage score set forth in the Food Program Official Inspection Report (OIR) as follows: (1) A grade of "A" shall indicate a final score of ninety percent (90%) or higher, as determined by the health official; (2) A grade of "B" shall indicate a final score of eighty-nine percent (89%) but not less than eighty percent (80%), as determined by the health official; (3) A grade of "C" shall indicate a final score of seventy-nine percent (79%) but not less than seventy percent (70%), as determined by the health official. Point deductions for violations found during an inspection are weighed according to the imminent risk to public health. Violations such as cleanliness and repair to walls, ceilings, floors, and tiles can only be a maximum of a 3-point deduction for all found on any given inspection. Most commonly, it is a 1-point deduction. Page 3 March 2, 2005 CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE THAT ADOPTS BY REFERENCE COUNTY ORDINANCE 3930, RELATING TO THE INSPECTION AND GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS Violations such as improper food temperature, vermin infestation, and improper food handling practices range from a 3 to a 6 point deduction. Any food establishment that fails to attain a score of at least 80% (a "B" letter grade) would receive written notice of the deficiencies. The food establishment would then have 30 days to correct the deficiencies and file a written request for a re-score inspection provided by the County. Any establishment that would fail to comply with the written notice, or that fails to attain an 80% on the re-score could be immediately closed by the County until they would achieve a score of at least 80%. In addition, any establishment that is determined to pose an imminent health hazard would be subject to immediate closure regardless of the inspection score. As is currently the case, the County Division of Environmental Health Services (EHS) would continue to do all inspections. The initial inspection would not cost the establishment but a re-score inspection would cost the establishment $52 per hour. The fee would be collected by the County to recover their costs for the re- score re-inspection. This ordinance would not have any financial impact for the City, as the County is already conducting inspections in the City. Staff and representatives from the County Department of Public Health, the Police Department, and Building and Safety Division will be available at the meeting to answer questions. Respectfully submitted, Kimberly S. Thomas . Management Analyst III City Managers Office Attachments -Staff Report (Second Reading: February 2, 2005) -City Ordinance No. 739 -County Ordinance No. 3930 -California Restaurant Association Letter of Opposition (Received: January 25, 2005) 15&-2. 'f H E C I T Y 0 F I~A N CH 0 C U CAI~lO N GA Sh rff Report DATE: February 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE THAT ADOPTS BY REFERENCE COUNTY ORDINANCE 3930, RELATING TO THE INSPECTION AND GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council hold the public hearing on this matter to consider adoption of the attached ordinance. BACKGROUND This ordinance will require food establishments to post the letter grade received from their inspection by the County. The County has adopted an ordinance that establishes a system of grading food establishments. The letter grades of this system range from "A" to "C". The grades are published on a placard that is clearly visible to the patrons of the establishment. The letter grade shows a measure of compliance with health regulations on the date of the inspection. The purpose of the ordinance is to protect public health through public notification of the health inspection results. With this system of posted grades, establishments are motivated to comply with health regulations and consumers are given information about the establishments they visit. Under this system, any food establishment that fails to attain a score of at least 80% (a "B" letter grade) shall receive written notice of the deficiencies. The food establishment will then have 30 days to correct the deficiencies and file a written request for a re-score inspection provided by the County. An establishment that fails to comply with the written notice, or that fails to attain a 80% on the re-score may be immediately closed by the County until they can achieve a score of at least 80%. In addition, any establishment that is determined to Page 2 February 2, 2005 CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE THAT ADOPTS BY REFERENCE COUNTY ORDINANCE 3930, RELATING TO THE INSPECTION AND GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS pose an imminent health hazard will be subject to immediate closure regardless of the inspection score. As is currently the case, the County Division of Environmental Health Services (EHS) will do all inspections. The initial inspection will not cost the establishment but a re-score inspection will cost the establishment $52/hour. The fee is collected by the County to recover their costs for the re-inspection. This ordinance will not have any financial impact for the City. The County is already conducting inspections in the City. The adoption of this ordinance would make letter grade posting mandatory for all food establishments in the City. ResP, ectfully submitted, Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City Manager ORDINANCE NO. 739 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ORDINANCE NO. 3930 RELATING TO INSPECTION GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS AND AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE. A. RECITALS. (i) On June 22, 2004, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino adopted its Ordinance No. 3930 ("Ordinance No. 3930") relating to inspection grading of food establishments. (ii) By agreement, the County of San Bernardino enforces health-related codes of the State, as well as Iocat health codes and ordinances. It is the intent of the City Council in adopting this ordinance to provide for the inspection and grading of food establishments within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. (iii) California Government Code {}50022.9, et seq. authorizes the adoption by reference of county codes and provisions thereof, including Ordinance No. 3930. (iv) On February 2, 2005, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted and concluded a duly noticed public hearing as required by California Government Code § 50022.3. (v) A full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 3930 is on file and available for inspection in the office of the City Clerk or designee thereof. (vi) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. ORDINANCE. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby ordains as follows: SECTION: 1 The facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION: 2 A new Chapter 8.32 is hereby added to Title 8 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to read as follows: Ordinance No. 739 Page 2 of 13 "Chapter 8.32 "INSPECTION GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS "Sections 8.32.010 Regulations governing inspection grading of food establishments adopted. 8.32.020 Fees. 8.32.030 Penalties. "8,32,010 Regulations governing inspection grading of food establishments adopted, Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, Ordinance No. 3930 of the County of San Bernardino adding Chapter 14 to Division 3 of Title 3 of the San Bernardino County Code, pertaining to inspection grading of food establishments, is hereby adopted by reference. "8.32.020 Fees. Notwithstanding any provision contained in the San Bernardino County Code, fees required by any provision of Ordinance No. 3930, including Section 2 thereof, or any successor ordinance or provision thereto, shall be as established by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, unless the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has adopted a fee for the same service or activity, in which case each such City-adopted fee shall be the applicable fee. "8.32.030 Penalty. A violation of any of the provisions of Ordinance No. 3930 adopted by reference in this chapter shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12 of Title I of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code." .SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. The City Council declares that should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this Ordinance or Ordinance No. 3930 of the County of San Bernardino, adopted by reference hereby, be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this Ordinance and Ordinance No. 3930 shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become operative on March 7, 2005. SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance. Please see the following page for formal adoption, cerlification and signatures Ordinance No. 739 Page 4 of 13 I ORDINANCE NO. 3930 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF 3 CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 14 TO DIVISION 3 OF TITLE 3 AND ADDING SUBSECTION 16,0213B(b)(17) TO CHAPTER 2 OF 4 DIVISION 6 OF TITLE 1, ALL OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CODE, RELATING TO INsPECTiON GRADING OF FOOD 5 ESTABLISHMENTS. 6 7 The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, 8 ordains as follows: 9 10 SECTION 1. Chapter 14 is added to Division 3 of Title 3 of the San Bernardino 11 County Code, to read: 12 13 ~ CHAPTER t4 14 INSPECTION GRADING OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS 15 Sections: 16 33.1401 Authority. 17 33.1402 Foqd Program Official InspectionReport. 33.1403 Grading. 18 33.1404 Notice of Closure. 33.1405 Routine Inspection. 19 33~1406 Posting ReqUirements - Penalty for Non-Compliance ~ Documents 20 Available for Public Review. 33.1407 Letter Grade Card - Period of Validity. 21 22 :i3.t401 Authority. 23 .. Pursuant to the authority cited in Chapter I (Authority and Administration) and 24 Chapter 4 (FOod Protection) of Division 3 of Title 3 of the San Bemardino County 25 Code (hereinafter referred to as the 'Code"), as well as Health and Safety Code 26 section 113715, food establish~nents shall be subject to a grading system as provided 27 in this Chapter. All provisions of Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of this Division shall apply to 28. .> this Chapter except as otherwise provided herein. SMR Ordinance No. 739 of 13 1 2 33.1402 Food Program Official Inspection Report. 3 Food Program Official Inspection Report ('OIR") means the written report 4 prepared and copy issued to a food establishment by the 'Director" of the Division of 5 Environmental Health Services, Department Of Public Health, as defined in subsection 6 33.0115(c), or his designee, ('health official") after conducting a Routine Inspection of 7 a food ·establishment to determine compliance with all applicable federal, state, and 8 local laws and regulations relating to the protection of public healthl For purposes of 9 this Chapter only, "food establishment" [as' defined in subsection 33.042(c)] shall mean only a retail food establishment at a permanent location. 11 12 33.1403 Grading. 13 (a) "Grade' means the letter grad.? issued by the health official at~ the 14 conclusion of the ·Routine Inspection of a food establishment. The grade shall be 15 based upon the scodng method set forth in this'section resulting from the. OIR and 16 shall reflect the food establishment's degree Of compliance with all applicable federal, 17 state, and local laws and regulations relating to the protection of public health. 18 (b) "Letter Grade Card" means a card that shall be posted bY the health 19 official at a food establishment upon completion of a Routine Inspection that indicates 20 the letter grade of the food establishment as determined by the health official using 21 the scodng method set forth in this section and includes an Inspection Summary Report, as shown by Figures I through 3. An Inspection Summary Report is a 23 summary of the OIR as defined in section 33.1402. 24 25 26 I/I 27' .... /// ~ SMR Ordinance No. 739 Page 6 of 13 A ? 14 -: ~,. ~:~ 17. F~G~ 1 III 18 19 20 21 ~3 ~4 25 26 27 ~8 I// SMR Ordinance No. 739 Page 7 of 13 Ordinance No. 739 Page 8 of 13 1 4 ? 8 11 ' f :': :,: 15 16 17 18 FIG~ 3 19 20 (~) Any food establishment that fails to a~ain at ~east a "B" ~rade, as 2I defined herein, shall be issued wri~en notice, through an OIR, by ~ health official. ~ The fo~ es~blishment must correct the deficiencies listed in the OIR and must file a 23 wri~en request for a' re-s~re inspection with the health offici~ wi~in 30 da~ of the 24 OIR. A re-score inspection shall be conducted by the health official and be subject to 25 a re-score inspection fee as provided in the Code, Schedule o~ 'Fees. The he~th 20 official wil! eompl~o tho ro-~coro in,poefion within t~n (~0) Coun~ busino** dag~ o~ 28 ~s~aBli~hmont faii~n~ to e~mply with tho 01~, or ~ailin~ to a~ain at Ioast a ~B' ~rado on SMR Ordinance No. 739 of 13 I the re-score inspection, may be immediately closed by the health official and remain 2 closed until at least a "B" grade is achieved on a re-score inspection. Nothing in this 3 provision shall prohibit the health official from immediately closing any food establishment if, at his discretion, immediate closure is necessary to protect the public 5 health. 6 (d) The letter grade shall be based upon the final numerical percentage 7 score set forth in the OIR as follows: 8 (1) A grade of "A" shall indicate a final score Of ninety percent (90%) 9 or higher, as determined by the health official; . . 10 (2). A grade of "B" shall indicated a final score of eighty-nine percent 11 89%) but not less than eighty percent (80%), as determined by the health official; 12 (3) A grade of ~:~' shall indicate a final score of seventy-nine percent 13 79%) but not less than seventy percent (70%), as determined by.~lhe health official. 14 15 .1404 Notice of Closure. 16 "Notice of Closure' means a public notice that shall be posted by the health 17 official at a food establishment upon suspension or revocation of the food 18 establishment's public health permit and that results in tl~e:closure of the food 19 establishment and the discontinuance 'of all operations of the food establishment, by 20 order of the health official, because of violations of applicable federal, state, and local' 21 laws and regulations relating to the protection of public health. The Notice of Closure 22 shall remain posted until removed by the health official. Removal of the Notice of 23 Closure by any person other than the health official or the refusal of a food 24 establishment to close upon issuance of the written notice of.sLmpension of the public 25 health permit is a violation of this Chapter and may result in the revocation of the food 26 establishment's public health permit and shall be pun shable., as sPecified in section 27 33.0112 of this Code. .~ 28 SMR Ordinance No. 739 Page 10 of 13 I 33.1405 Routine Inspection. 2 "Routine Inspection" means an unannounced inspection of any food 3 establishment to determine compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local 4 laws and regulations relating to the protection of public health.. A Routine Inspection 5 shall not mean an inspection conducted by the health official to determine compliance with e previously issued OIR or any interim inspection conducted to determine compliance with specific regulations or legal requirements. 8 ~3.1408 Posting Requirement~ - Pensl~.for Non-Compliance - Dooumente Wallable for Public Review. 11 (a) Upon completion of the Routine Inspection, the health official shall post every food establishment the Letter Grade Card, so as to be clearly visible to the general public and to pafl'ons entering tho fooO establishment. "Clearly ¥isil:do to the 14 general pubiio and to patrons' Shall mean: {t) Po~ted in the front window o! the food establishment within five 5) feet of the front door; (2) Posted in a display case mounted on the outside.front wall of the t 8 {>od establishment within fhte {'_fi) fe0t of the front door;, or 19 {3) Posted in' a location epproved by the health official to ensure 20 )roper notice to tho general publie and to patrons. {b) In the event that a food.establishment is operated in tho came 'building )r space as a separately licensed or permitted business, or in the event that s food 23 establishment shares a common patron entrance with a separately licensed or 24 permitted business, or in the event of both, the health official shall posi the Letter 25 Grade Card, in the initial patron contact area, or in a location approved by the health 28 official. ,.. 27 (c) The Letter G~a~de Card shall not be defaced, marred, camouflaged, 28 hidden or removed. It shall be unl~.wful to operate a food' establishment unless the SMR Ordinance No. 739 of 13 I Letter Grade Card is posted. Removal of the Letter Grade Card is a violation of this 2 Chapter and may result in the suspension or revocation of the public health permit 3 [nd shall be punishable as specified in section 33.0112 of this Code. (d) The OIR upon which the Letter Grade Card is based shall be maintained 5 : : the food establishment and shall be available to the general public and to patrons 6 for review upon req~Jest. The food establishment shall keep the OIR until such time 7 as the health official completes the next Routine Inspection of the food establishment 8 land issues a new OIR. 9 10 33.1407 Letter Grade Card - Period of Validity. · 1'1 A Letter Grade Card shall remain valid until the health official completes, the 12 next Routine Inspection of the food establishment. A re-sCOre inspection is a 13 complete Routine Inspection that may be required 'of (as provided in S.~bsection 14 33.1'403(c)), or requested by, the food establishment. 15 (a) A re-score inspection shall be conducted by the health official following 16 the filing of a re-score inspection request form. In accordance with the Code, t7 Schedule of Fees, the re-score inspection fee must be paid by the food establishment 18 upon demand by the health official. : 19 (b) At the conclusion of the re-score irmpection of the food establishment 20 the Letter Grade Card shall be issued based upon the sccdng method set forth in this 21 Chapter resulting from the OIR. (c) , A requested re-score inspection is separate and independent of all re- 23 inspections of critical violations as determined by the health official. 24 Ill 25 //I 26 27 //I 28 /// ~..'. SMR 15 "1 Ordinance No. 739 Page 12 of 13 I SECTION 2. Subsection 16.0213B(b)(17) is added to Chapter 2 of Division 6 of 2 'itle 1 of the San Bemardino County Code, to read: 3 4 IB.0213B Health Services - Environmental. 5 (b) Food/Recreational Health Program Fee: 6 7 (17) Re-score Inspection .................... $52.00/hr. 8 9 SECTION 3. This ordinance shallbecer~e effective thirty (30) days from the 1110 tat~ of adoptionand lis provisions shall be~rat~,~ber 1, 2004. 12 DENNIS HANSBERGEJ:{, Chairman 13 Bpard of Supervisors 14 15 SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED 16 TO THE CHAIRMAN OFTHE BOARD 17 18 J.R._EN~7.E~TlA,,~Tft. ho Board of Supervisors: 21 s-rATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. 22 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ) I, J. RENEE BASTIAN, Clerk of the Board of SupervisoR of the County of San 24 Bemardino, State of California, hereby certify that at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of said County and State, held on the 22nc~ day of 3aae , 25 2004, at which meeting were present Supervisors: 26 ~osc=us, Bfane~ A~uiar~ YounR~ ~ansber~er.' 27 and the Clerk, the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the following vote, to wit: 28 %.. SMR 15 -/5' Ordinance No. 739 Page 13 of 13 1 AYES: SUPERVISORS: B±a~.e, 2 NOES: SUPERVISORS: 3' ABSENT: SUPERVISORS: aoae 4' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official 5 seal of the Board of Supervisors this z2t~d day of 3uae 2004, 6 J. R~rk of the Board of 87 ~an Bemardino, Approved as to Form 11 Ronald D. Reitz. County Counsel ~3 · Deputy 16 17 ~8 20 24 · ' 28 #242326 SMR January 20, 2005 . c.; Ek~g8B'Cx~'~ The Honorable William J. Alexander Mayor, City of Rancho Cucamonga ~:~ ~5 ?-~ 10500 Civic Center Drive RanCho Cuc~onga, CA 91730 . -~ . City of R~cho Cuc~onga Proposed Ordinance No. 739 - ~ Ordinance That Adop~ By Reference County Ordinance No. 3930 Relating To ~e hspection of Food Establis~ents Dear Mayor Alex~der: Thb California Restaur~t Association (C~) is the largest and longest se~ing non-profit re~aur~t trade association in the nation. C~ r~resents Over 25,000 foodse~ice es~ablis~ents in Califomia, including restaurants in the CiW of Rancho Cuc~onga. C~ is opposed to letter ~ading systems. We urge the CiW Council to VOTE NO on the implementation of a cit~ide restaurant and food prep~ation rating system after the public he~ng on Febm~ 2, 2005. We oppose letter ~ading systems for ~e following reasons: Letter ~ades do not offer the public ~ accurate view of health ~d safety conditions, h addition, it is just another layer of regulation and fees placed on business that does linle to promote food safeW. Many local jurisdictions ~e implementing more effective pro,ams ~d rejecting letter ~ading. Recently, the City ofS~ Fr~cisco has rejected a letter ~ading system reco~izing that it is not the solution for promoting food safe~. * The posted ~ade, which remains posted over a period of time, may give a false sense of security or conde~ation in the eyes of a public that does not ~ow the implication for the ~ade. For example, a customer would not ~ow ifa restaur~t received a "B" ~ade for aesthetic or risk-based reasons. Was there a crack in the tile in a linen closet or a sanitation problem in ~e kitchen.'? Posted "~C" ~ades, based on a periodic inspection repofl, ~e sh0flsighted because they are based only on a snapshot in time. No matter how much effo~ is made to remove subjectivity ~om the process, there is still a subjective dete~ination b~ed on the circumst~ces obse~ed by one in~ector at one point in time. · Letter grading does little to promote food safety. Instead, it causes the emphasis i~ many restaurant operations to become "how to get an 'A' grade" rather than on "how can we do a better job at assuring the safety and health of our guests." We share your commitment to food safety, however, we support letter grading alternatives that we believe are more effective in informing the public about the health status of restaurants. We welcome the opportunity to work with you in exploring s~ich alternatives. In the interim, .we urge you to VOTE NO on Proposed Ordinance No. 739. Sin~, . a~/tri~k ~. Shipley, Esq. Director of Local Government Affairs California Restaurant Association CC: Jack Lam, City Manager R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ENGINI~EI~ING DI~PAI~TI5 E~? Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager F'RO~ William J. O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Michael TenEyck, Administrative Resource Manager SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AMENDING ELECTRIC RATES, FEES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER 3,48 OF TITLE 3 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE RECOMMENDATION: The City Council adopt a Resolution amending the existing electdc rates, fees and charges pursuant to the requirements and authority of Chapter 3.46 of Title 3 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga established a municipal utility on August 31, 2001. The City has subsequently undertaken the actions necessary or desirable to obtain electric power from energy suppliers and construct the necessary facilities to distribute the acquired electdc power to retail customers within the City. The City Council has determined that the adoption of Electdc Service Rules and Regulations is necessary to further the ordedy distribution of the electric power to the City's retail customers. On January 1, 2005, Southern California Edison (SCE) has part of their annual rate modification increased their electric rates between 0.002605 - 0.019746 cents per Kilowatt Hour. The increase in Rancho Cucamenga Municipal Utility Electdc Service Rates is to maintain padty with (SCE) Electdc Service Rates. The City Council has subsequently adopted Chapter 3.46 of Title 3 of the Rancho Cucamenga Municipal Code establishing Electricity Service Rules and Regulations and authorizing that the rates, fees and charges, may be amended from time to time by resolution. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING RATES, FEES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER 3.46 OF TILE 3 OD THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE MARCH 2, 2005 PAGE 2 The City has provided the required notification to the public by publishing notice of this hearing on February 15, 2005, and February 23, 2005, in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a local newspaper of general circulation, and posting notice in at least two separate locations within the City. The proposed revised rates have been available for public review in the City Clerk's Office since the advertisements and resolution were first published on. February 15, 2005. The City Council has assured itself that the amended rates; fees and charges reflect the City's reasonable and prudent costs for such an enterprise and do not establish unfair, unreasonable or excessive rates that exceed the City's reasonable costs of doing business. Respectfully Submitted, Willia~ J. O'Neil City Engineer W JO:MT RESOLUTION NO. ~" ~ q,~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ADOPTING RATES, FEES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER 3.46 OF TITLE 3 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE. A. Recitals. (i) The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has previously adopted Chapter 3.46 of Title 3 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code establishing Electricity Service Rules and Regulations and authorizing that the rates, fees and charges arising, directly or indirectly, under said legislation be adopted pursuant to resolution, and thereafter, be amended from time to time by resolution. (ii) City staffhas prepared a comprehensive schedule of the rates, fees and charges that reflect the reasonable and prudent costs relating to the acquisition and distribution of electric power to retail customers and are recommending that the City Council adopt the recommended fees. These rates do not present the City an opportunity to achieve profits or to impose charges in excess of the costs reasonably related to the development, maintenance and expansion of a municipal electric distribution system. The City Council has directed City staffto regularly review the operations of the City's electric utility to ensure that the rates are sufficient to cover all prudent business costs, reserves and capital equipment acquisition but not exceeding the amount necessary for the same. The rates, fees and charges reflect the reasonable costs to the City system only and do not reflect any excess rates, fees, or charges that are in excess of the reasonable costs of providing the electrical services as set forth hereinafter. (iii) The City Council has reviewed the adoption of this Resolution pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and has determined that the adoption of the Electric Rules and Regulations has no foreseeable potential to a result in a significant impact upon the environment and is exempt from CEQA review pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). Further, the City Council has determined that the adoption of the fees is exempt from substantive environmental review under 1 t231-000 l\807726vl.doc ]~ Section 15273 of the State CEQA Guidelines as no capital projects for system expansion are included in the proposed action. (iv) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find and resolve as follows: Section 1. The facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A of this Resolution, are true and correct. Section 2. The rates, fees and charges assessed under Chapter 3.46 of Title 3 shall be as set forth on Attachment 1 hereto and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ day of ,2005. Mayor I, Debra Adams, City Clerk, City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the __ day of 2005, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: City Clerk, City of Rancho Cucamonga 2 I 1231-0001 \807726v I .doc I' HE C I T Y 0 F ~ANCHO CUCA~IONGA Staff Report DATE: March 2, 2005 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: William J. O'Neil, City Engineer SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 19.20 TO TITLE 19 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE PROTECTION AND REGULATION OF THE CITY'S MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) AS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS RECOMMENDATION It is in the best interest of the City to establish guidelines and procedures for control in a cost-effective manner of the quantity and quality of storm water and urban runoff to the maximum extent practicable, through the adoption of this ordinance and the consolidation and codification of its previously adopted ordinances, including Ordinance No. 512, as required by Federal and State laws. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City of Rancho Cucamonga ("City") is a co-permittee, along with the County of San Bernardino, the San Bernardino County Flood Control District and other designated cities under the "National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements-NPDES No. CAS6188036, Order No. RS-2002-0012- for the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, the County of San Bernardino and the Incorporated Cities within the Santa Aha Region Area-wide Urban Stormwater Runoff", dated April 26, 2002 (the "Municipal NPDES Permit"), issued by the California Regiona~ Water Quality Board - Santa Aha Region, pursuant to Section 402(p) of the Federal Clean Water Act, and the Municipal NPDES Permit serves as a NPDES Permit under the Clean Water Act and as Waste Discharge. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: NPDES Ordinance March 2, 2005 Page 2 Requirements under California law, and the City, as a co-permittee under the Permit, is required to adopt ordinances and implement procedures with respect to that portion of the "Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System" (the "MS4") within the City, and the Municipal NPDES Permit requires the City to demonstrate that it possesses the legal authority necessary to control discharges to and from those portions of the MS4 over which it has jurisdiction, so as to comply with the Municipal NPDES Permit, and to specifically prohibit certain discharges identified in the Municipal NPDES Permit. The City has previously adopted codified and uncodified ordinances, including Ordinance No. 512, relating to the control of urban runoff, and this Chapter 19.20 of Title 19 of the City's Municipal Code will codify existing ordinances and implement regulations relating to the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. Section III of the Municipal NPDES Permit requires the City to effectively prohibit Non- Storm Water Discharges from within its boundaries into that portion of the MS4 which the City owns or operates and into watercourses, except where such discharges are: (1) in compliance with a separate individual or general NPDES permit; or (2) identified and in compliance with the Municipal NPDES Permit; or (3) originate from federal, state or other facilities which are outside the City's regulatory jurisdiction. Section VI of the Municipal NPDES Permit requires the City to demonstrate that it possesses the legal authority necessary to control discharges to and from those portions of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System over which it has jurisdiction, so as to comply with the Municipal NPDES Permit and to specifically prohibit certain discharged identified in the Municipal NPDES Permit. The Municipal NPDES Permit contemplates the development by the Permittees of a "Municipal Storm Water Management Plan" (MSWMP), in which the City will participate, and which will, in turn, require the development and the implementation of programs for, among other things, the elimination of illicit connections and illicit discharges, development planning, development construction, and public information and education requirements, and the City implement such programs as they are developed by the Permittees. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the revisions pertaining to the protection and regulation of the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). Respectfully submitted, , City Engineer WJQ:BZ:Is Attachment ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 19.20 TO TITLE 19 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE PROTECTION AND REGULATION OF THE CITY'S MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga ("City") is a co-permittee, along with the County of San Bemardino, the San Bernardino County Flood Control District and other designated cities under the "National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements -NPDES No. CAS618036, Order No. R8-2002-0012- for the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, the County of San Bernardino County and the Incorporated Cities within the Santa Ana Region- Area-wide Urban Stormwater Runoff', dated April 26, 2002 (the "Municipal NPDES Permit"), issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Santa Aha Region, pursuant to Section 402(p) of the Federal Clean Water Act, and the Municipal NPDES Permit serves as a NPDES Permit under the Clean Water Act and as Waste Discharge Requirements under California law, and the City, as a co-permittee under the Permit, is required to adopt ordinances and implement procedures with respect to that portion of the "Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System" (the "MS4") within the City, and the Municipal NPDES Permit requires the City to demonstrate that it possesses the legal authority necessary to control discharges to and from those portions of the MS4 over which it has jurisdiction, so as to comply with the Municipal NPDES Permit, and to specifically prohibit certain discharges identified in the Municipal NPDES Permit; WHEREAS, the City has previously adopted codified and uncodified ordinances, including Ordinance No. 512, relating to the control of urban runoff, and this Chapter 19.20 of Title 19 of the City's Municipal Code will codify existing ordinances and implement regulations relating to the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System; WHEREAS, Section III of the Municipal NPDES Permit requires the City to effectively prohibit Non-Storm Water Discharges from within its boundaries into that portion of the MS4 which the City owns or operates and into watercourses, except where such discharges are: (1) in compliance with a separate individual or general NPDES permit; or (2) identified and in compliance with the Municipal NPDES Permit; or (3) originate from federal, state or other facilities which are outside the City's regulatory jurisdiction; WHEREAS, Section VI of the Municipal NPDES Permit requires the City to demonstrate that it possesses the legal authority necessary to control discharges to and from those portions of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System over which it has jurisdiction, so as to comply with the Municipal NPDES Permit and to specifically prohibit certain discharges identified in the Municipal NPDES Permit; WHEREAS, the Municipal NPDES Permit contemplates the development by the Permittees of a "Municipal Storm Water Management Plan" (MSWMP), in which the City will participate, and which will, in turn, require the development and the implementation of programs for, among other things, the elimination of illicit connections and illicit discharges, development ORDINANCE NO. ' March 2, 2005 Page 2 planning, development construction, and public information and education requirements, and the City implement such programs as they are developed by the Permittees; WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to establish guidelines and procedures for control in a cost-effective manner of the quantity and quality of storm water and urban runoff to the maximum extent practicable, through the adoption of this ordinance and the consolidation and codification of its previously adopted ordinances, including Ordinance No. 512; and THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: A new Chapter 19.20 is hereby added to Title 19 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to read as follows: "CHAPTER 19.20: MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) Article 1. Authority, Purpose and Policy, Definitions Sections: 19.20.101. Authority 19.20.102. Title, Purpose and Objectives. 19.20.103. Definitions Article 2. General Conditions and Prohibitions 19.20.201. Administration and Applicability 19.20.202. Notice 19.20.203. Connections 19.20.204. Protection of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System 19.20.205. Prohibited Discharges 19.20.206. Exceptions to the Prohibited Discharges 19.20.207. Notification of Intent And Compliance With General Permits 19.20.208. Compliance with Best Management Practices (BMPs) 19.20.209. Spill Containment 19.20.210. Immediate Notification of Accidental Discharge 19.20.211. Written Notification of Accidental Discharge 19.20.212. Responsibility for Illegal Discharge of Prohibited Substances ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 3 Article 3. Residential, Commercial and Industrial Requirements 19.20.301. · Maintenance of Private Residential, Commercial and Industrial Storm Drainage Systems 19.20.302. Use of Water Article 4. Industrial and Commercial Requirements 19.20. 401. Non-Storm Water Discharges 19.20. 402. General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activities 19.20. 403. Conditional Category - Notice of Non-Applicability 19.20. 404. Best Management Practices (BMPs) Article 5. Construction Requirements 19.20. 501'. Non-Storm Water Discharges 19.20. 502. Best Management Practices 19.20. 503. General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activity 19.20. 504. Non-Storm Water Discharge Reporting Requirements 19.20. 505. Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) Article 6. Administrative Enforcement Remedies 19.20. 601. Authority to Inspect 19.20. 602. Notice of Correction (NOC) and Notice of Violation (NOV) 19.20. 603. Falsifying Information 19.20, 604. Administrative Civil Penalties 19.20. 605. Administrative Hearing 19.20. 606. Administrative Orders 19.20. 607. Appeals 19.20. 608. Compensation for Damages Article 7. Judicial Enforcement Remedies 19.20. 701. Violations Deemed a Public Nuisance 19.20. 702. Legal Action 19.20. 703. Civil Penalties 19.20. 704. Criminal Prosecution Article 8. General Clauses 19.20. 801. Severability 19.20. 802. Construction and Application ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 4 Article 1. Authority, Purpose, Policy and Definitions 19.20. 101. Authority This Chapter is enacted pursuant to the direction set forth in the Municipal NPDES Permit issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Aha Region, pursuant to Section 402(p) of the Clean Water Act and the California Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. 19.20.102. Title, Purpose and Objectives This chapter shall be known as the "City of Rancho Cucamonga Storm Water and Urban Runoff Management and Discharge Control Ordinance." The intent of this Chapter is to protect and enhance the quality of watercourses, water bodies, and wetlands within the City in a manner consistent with the federal Clean Water Act, the California Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act and the Municipal NPDES Permit. This Chapter is also intended to confirm and consolidate the City's legal authority necessary to control discharges to and from those portions of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System over which it has jurisdiction as required by the Municipal NPDES Permit, and thereby fully and timely comply with the terms of the MunicipaJ NPDES Permit. This chapter is also intended to ensure the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the City of Rancho Cucamonga by prescribing reasonable regulations to effectively control the non-storm water discharges containing pollutants into the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System to the maximum extent practicable and to specifically achieve the following objectives: (1) Control discharges from spills, dumping or disposal of materials other than storm water; (2) Reduce the discharge of pollutants in all storm water discharges to the maximum extent practicable; (3) Protect and enhance the water quality of local, state and federal watercourses, water bodies, ground water and wetlands in a manner pursuant to and consistent with the Clean Water Act and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act; (4) Establish penalties for violations of the provisions of this Chapter; 19.20.103. Definitions For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms will be defined as set forth below. Words used in this chapter in the singular may include the plural and the plural may include the singular. Use of masculine shall also mean feminine and neuter. (1) Authorized enforcement officer shall mean the City Engineer or his or her designee. (2) Basin Plan. The "Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin" (1995) adopted by the Regional Board, or any successor plan. (3) Best Management Practice or BMP. Any "Best Management Practice" (as defined in 40 CFR §122.2), Best Management Guideline, or Best Management Requirement as adopted ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 5 by any Federal, State, regional or local agency to prevent or reduce the pollution of Waters of the United States. "Best Management Practices" includes activities, practices, facilities, and/or procedures that when implemented to the maximum extent practicable will prevent or reduce pollutants in discharges, and any program, technology, process, siting criteria, operational methods or measures, or engineered systems, which, when implemented, prevent, control, remove, or reduce pollution. Examples of BMP's may include public education and outreach, proper planning of development projects, proper cleaning of catch basin inlets, and proper sludge or waste handling and disposal, among others. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste storage and disposal, or drainage from raw material or chemical storage. (4) City. The City of Rancho Cucamonga. (5) City Engineer. The City Engineer for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or the Engineer's designee. (6) Construction Activity. Any activity used in the process of developing, redeveloping, enhancing, or maintaining land, including but not limited to: land disturbance, building construction, paving and surfacing, storage and disposal of construction related materials, including clearing, grading, or excavation that results in soil disturbance. Construction includes structure teardown. Construction activity does not include routine maintenance to maintain original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of facility; emergency construction activities required to immediately protect public health and safety; interior remodeling with no outside exposure of construction material or construction waste to storm water; mechanical permit work; or sign permit work. (7) Contamination. As defined in the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (Water Code § 13050(k)), contamination is "an impairment of the quality of waters of the state by waste to a degree which creates a hazard to the public health through poisoning or through the spread of disease. 'Contamination' includes any equivalent effect resulting from the disposal of waste whether or not waters of the state are affected." (8) Control. The minimization, reduction, elimination, or prohibition by technological, legal, contractual or other means of the discharge of pollutants from an activity or activities. (9) Compliance Schedule. The time period allowed by the City for a discharger to achieve compliance with the City's storm water regulations and this Chapter. The Compliance Schedule shall contain specific dates by which adequate treatment facilities, devices, or other related equipment and/or procedures must be installed or implemented.' (10) CWA. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251, etseq. (tl) Developed Parcel. Any lot or parcel of land altered from its natural state by the construction, creation, and addition of impervious area, except public streets or highways. (12) Developer. A person, firm, corporation, partnership, association or o[her entity who proposes to develop, develops, or causes to be developed real property for himself or for ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 6 others except that employees and consultants of such persons or entities, acting in such capacity, are not considered developers. (13) Dewatering. The removal and disposal of sur[ace water or groundwater for purposes of preparing a site for construction. (14) Discharge, Any release, spill, leak, flow or escape of any liquid including sewage, wastewater or storm water, semi-solid or solid substance onto the land or into the City's MS4. (15) Discharger. Any person, property owner or occupant of a unit, building, premise or lot in the City who discharges or causes to be discharged any liquid, including sewage, waste water, storm water, non-storm water or semi-solid or solid substances directly or indirectly into the City's MS4. (16) EPA. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (17) Environmentally Sensitive Area ("ESA") means a designated area in which plant or animal life or their habitats are either rare or especially valuable because of their special nature or role in an ecosystem and which would be easily disturbed or degraded by human activities and developments (California Public Resources Code § 30107.5). Areas subject to storm water mitigation requirements are areas designated as "Significant Ecological Areas" by the County of San Bemardino; an area designated as a "Significant Natural Area" by the California Department of Fish and Game's Significant Natural Areas Program, provided that area has been field verified by the Department of Fish and Game; an area listed in the Basin Plan as supporting the Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species (RARE) beneficial use; and an area identified by the City as environmentally sensitive. (18) General Construction Permit means the current version of the General Permit For Storm Water Discharges From Construction Activity issued by the State Water Resources Control Board that regulates storm water discharges associated with construction projects. (19) General Industrial Permit means the current version of the General Permit For Storm Water Discharges From Industrial Activities issued by the State Water Resources Control Board that regulates storm water discharges associated with industrial activities that are listed in 40 CFR Section 122.26 (b) (14). (20) Hearing Officer. The City Engineer, or his designee, who presides at the administrative hearings authorized by this chapter and issues final decisions on matters raised therein. (21) Illegal Discharge. Any discharge (or seepage) into the City's MS4 that is not composed entirely of storm water, except for the authorized discharges listed in Section 19.20.207 of this Chapter. Illegal discharges include the improper disposal of wastes into the MS4. Any discharge to the MS4 that is prohibited under local, state, or federal statutes, ordinances, codes, or regulations. The term illicit discharge includes all non-storm water discharges except (i) discharges pursuant to a NPDES Permit; (ii) discharges that are identified in the "Discharge Limitations/Prohibitions" of the Municipal NPDES Permit; and (iii) discharges authorized by the Regional Board. (22) Illicit Connection means either of the following: ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 7 (a) Any drain or conveyance, whether on the surface or subsurface, which allows an illegal discharge to enter the MS4, including but not limited to any conveyance which allows non-storm water discharges, including sewage, process wastewater and wash water to enter the MS4 and any connections to the MS4 from indoor drains and sinks, regardless of whether said drain or connection had been previously allowed, permitted or approved by a government agency; or (b) Any drain or conveyance connected to the MS4, that is not permitted pursuant to a valid NPDES Permit or which has not been documented in plans, maps or equivalent records approved by the City. (23) Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Refers to the maximum level of pollutant reductions or storm water runoff reductions that can be achieved to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, as required by Section 402(p)(3)(B)(ii) of the Clean Water Act, through Best Management Practices in treatment, infiltration or a combination of treatment, infiltration and Best Management Practices. (24) Municipal NPDES Permit. The "National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and Waste Discharge Requirements -NPDES No. CAS618036, Order No. R8-2002-0012- for the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, the County of San Bernardino County and the Incorporated Cities within the Santa Ana Region- Area- wide Urban Stormwater Runoff", dated April 26, 2002", issued by the Regional Board on April 26, 2002, and any successor permit to that permit. (25) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or MS4. All of the facilities involved in the operation of the storm water drainage collection and disposal system within the City, including, but not limited to, conduits, natural or artificial drains, channels and watercourses, together with appurtenances, pumping stations and equipment which is tributary to the regional storm water runoff system, and includes streets, gutters, conduits, natural or artificial drains, channels and watercourses, or other facilities that are owned, operated, maintained or controlled by the City and used for the purpose of collecting, storing, transporting, or disposing of storm water. The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System is conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, natural drainage features or channels, modified natural channels, man-made channels, or storm drains): (i) owned or operated by the City; (ii) designated or used for collecting of conveying storm water; (iii) which is not a combined sewer; and (iv) which is not part of a "Publicly Owned Treatment Works" ("POTW"), as defined at 40 CFR 122.2. (26) New Development, All public and private residential (whether single family, multi-unit or planned unit development), industrial, commercial, retail, and other nonresidential construction projects, or grading for future construction, for which either a discretionary land use approval, grading permit, building permit or nonresidential plumbing permit is required. (27) NPDES means the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System established under the CWA to eliminate discharges of pollution into waters of the United States. ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 8 (28) NPDES Permit. Any waste discharge requirements issued by EPA, the Regional Board or the State Water Resources Control Board in the form of an NPDES Permit pursuant to Water Code §13370 or the Clean Water Act (other than the Municipal NPDES Permit), including a General Construction Permit or a General Industrial Permit. (29) Non-Structural BMPS. Any Best Management Practices schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, managerial practices or operational practices that aim to prevent storm water pollution by reducing the potential for contamination at the source of pollution. (30) Notice of Intent (NOI). A form provided by the State Water Resources Control Board that is required to be completed and submitted in order to obtain coverage under one of the State's NPDES General Storm Water Permits prior to the start of certain activities or construction activities. (31) Non-Storm Water. Any water discharging to the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System that does not originate from precipitation events. (32) Nuisance. Any condition described by all of the following: (a) Is injurious to health, or is indecent or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of property, so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property. (b) Affects at the same time an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, although the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal. (c) Occurs during, or as a result of, the treatment or disposal of wastes. (33) Permit. Any permit issued by the City. (34) Permittee. The San Bernardino County Flood Control District; San Bernardino County; and each of the sixteen cities in San Bernardino County discharging storm water drainage into the Upper Santa Aha River Basin and regulated by the Areawide Urban Storm Water Run-Off Permit. (35) Person. Any individual, partnership, committee, entity, association, corporation, public agency, and any other organization, entity or group of persons, public or private; the masculine genders shall include the feminine, the singular shall include the plural where indicated by the context. (36) Pollutant. Any liquid, solid or semi-solid substances or combination thereof, which causes a nuisance or contributes to a condition of contamination or pollution of the storm water runoff, the MS4 or the impairment or degradation of waters of the state, including but not limited to the following: (a) Floatable materials (such as floatable plastics or wood products, and metal shavings, or materials forming films, foam or scum); ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 9 (b) Household waste (such as trash, cleaners, toxic or hazardous chemicals, yard wastes, animal fecal materials, used oil, coolant, gasoline and other vehicle fluids); (c) Metals and non-metals, including compounds of metals and non-metals; (d) Petroleum hydrocarbons (such as fuels, lubricants, surfactants, waste oils, solvents, coolants and grease); (e) Domestic sewage from sewer line overflows, septic tanks, porta-potties, boats and recreational vehicles; (f) Animal wastes (such as wastes from confinement facilities, kennels, pens, stables, and show facilities) (g) Substances having a pH less than 6.5 or greater than 8.5, or unusual coloration, turbidity or odor; (h) Materials causing an increase in biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand or total organic carbon. (i) Materials containing base/neutral or acid extractable organic compounds; (j) Waste materials and wastewater generated on construction sites from construction activities (such as painting and staining; use of sealants and glues; use of lime; use of wood preservatives and solvents; disturbance of asbestos fibers, paint flakes or stucco fragments; application of oils, lubricants, vehicle maintenance, construction equipment washing, concrete pouring and cleanup; use of concrete detergents; steam cleaning or sand blasting; use of chemical degreasing or diluting agents; and chlorinated water from potable line flushing; (k) Those pollutants defined in Section 1362 (6) of the Federal Clean Water Act; and (I) Any other constituent or material, including but not limited to pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, eroded soils, sediment and particulate materials, in quantities that have been determined by the State or EPA to adversely affect the beneficial uses of waters of the state. (37) Redevelol~ment. The creation or addition of impervious surfaces or the making of improvements to an existing structure on an already developed site; replacement of impervious surfaces that are not part of a routine maintenance activity; and land disturbing activities related with structural or impervious surfaces for which a discretionary land use permit or approval is required. (38) Regional E~oard or RW(~CB means the California Regional Water Quality Control Board- Santa Ana Region. (39) Sewage. The wastewater of the community derived from residential, agricultural, commercial, or industrial sources, including do.mestic sewage, and industrial wastewater. 171 QRDINANCE NQ. March 2, 2005 Page 10 (40) S1¢ (Standard Industrial Classification). The Standard Industrial Classification is the statistical classification standard underlying all establishment-based Federal economic statistics classified by industry. The Standard is published in the SIC Manual (1987) Office of Management and Budget. (41) Storm Water. That pad of precipitation (rainfall or snow melt runoff) and associated surface runoff which travels via flow across a surface to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or receiving waters from impervious, semi-pervious or pervious surfaces. (42) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The plan as described in the General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit, as issued by the State Water Resources Control Board on August 19, 1999, and as may be amended, or the General Industrial Activities Storm Water Permit as issued on April 17, 1997, and as may be amended, which specifies BMPs that will prevent pollutants from contacting storm water and all products of erosion from moving off site into receiving waters. (43) Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP). A plan required of new development/redevelopment projects specified in this Chapter, outlining appropriate non- structural and structural BMPs, including storm water infiltration and treatment devices that will be implemented and installed to prevent pollutants from being discharged into the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, during and after construction. (44) Structural BMPs. Any structural facility designed and constructed to remove pollutants from storm water runoff or prevent pollutants from contacting storm water. Examples are canopies, structural enclosures, sediment basins, catch basin inlet filters, grassy swales, and sand and oil interceptors. (45) Urban runoff shall mean surface water flow produced by non-storm water resulting from residential, commercial, and industrial activities involving the use of potable and non- potable water. (46) Violation. A breach or violation of any provision of this chapter. (47) Waters of the State. Any surface water or groundwater, including saline waters, within the boundaries of the state. Article 2. General Conditions and Prohibitions 19.20. 201. Administration and Applicability Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the City Engineer shall administer, implement and enforce the provisions of this Chapter. Any powers granted to or duties imposed upon the City Engineer, may be delegated by the City Engineer to persons authorized by the City Engineer. This chapter shall apply to all dischargers, including all residents as well as commercial, industrial and construction enterprises, to the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, and to dischargers outside the City who, by agreement with the City, utilize the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. /72, ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 11 19.20. 202. Notice Unless otherwise provided herein, any notice required by this chapter shall be in writing and served in person, or by first class, registered or certified mail. Notice by mail shall be deemed to have been given at the time of deposit, postage or prepaid, in a facility regularly serviced by the United States Postal Service. 19.20.203. Connections (a) The discharge or diversion of storm water or non-storm water is permissible when the connection to the City's MS4 is made in accordance with a valid City Permit, approved construction plan, and, if applicable, an NPDES Permit or a NOI, and the discharge is not prohibited under Section 19.20.205 of this chapter. (b) It is prohibited to establish, use, operate, maintain and/or continue any Illicit Connections to the City's MS4. This prohibition is retroactive and applies to Illicit Connections made prior to the date of enactment of this Ordinance, regardless of whether the connection was made under a permit or other authorization or whether the connection was permissible under the law or practices applicable or prevailing at the time of the connection. (c) Construction permits are required for the construction or modification of any storm drain or conveyor of drainage waters and appurtenant items within: (1) Dedicated easements, rights-of-way, or public place and/or facility. (2) Private property so as it may directly or indirectly discharge into the City's municipal separates storm sewer system. Indirect discharges include, but are not limited to, under sidewalk drains, driveway approaches, and unrestricted sheet flow. 19.20. 204. Protection of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System No person shall construct, modify or cause to be constructed or modified any structure, facility or appurtenant items which may alter the normal functioning of the City's MS4, including any actions which may alter the capacity, fall, or structural integrity of a storm drain, channel or related structures without prior written approval of the City Engineer,. 19.20. 205, Prohibited Discharges It is prohibited to: (1) Discharge directly or indirectly to the City's MS4, or any street, lined or unlined drainage channel which leads to the City's MS4 any non-storm water or other solid, liquid or gaseous water unless such discharge is authorized by either a separate NPDES Permit or as otherwise specified in Section 19.20.207 of this Chapter. If such discharge is permitted by a NPDES permit, or is generally exempted, but causes a violation or potential violation any portion of the Municipal NPDES Permit for storm water discharges, such discharge is also prohibited; (2) Discharge storm water into the City's MS4 containing pollutants that have not been reduced to the maximum extent practicable; .ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 12 (3) Throw, deposit, leave, maintain, keep, or permit to be thrown, deposited, placed, left or maintained, any refuse, garbage, sediment or other discarded or abandoned objects, articles, and accumulations, in or upon any street, alley sidewalk, storm drain, inlet, catch basin, conduit or other drainage structures, business place, or upon any public or private lot of land in the City, so that the same may be and/or may become a pollutant. This prohibition shall not apply to refuse, rubbish or garbage deposited in containers, bags or other appropriate receptacles which are properly placed in designated locations for regular solid waste pick up and disposal. (4) Throw or deposit any refuse, garbage or any other pollutants into any fountain, pond, lake, stream or any other body of water in a park or elsewhere within the City. (5) Discharge any of the following types of waste into the City's MS4: (a) Sewage; (b) Surface cleaning wash water resulting from mopping, rinsing, pressure washing or steam cleaning of gas stations, and vehicle service businesses or any other business; (c) Discharges resulting from the cleaning, repair, or maintenance of any type of equipment, machinery, or facility including motor vehicles, concrete mixing equipment, portable toilet servicing, etc.; (d) Wash water from mobile auto detailing and washing, steam and pressure cleaning, carpet cleaning, drapery and furniture cleaning, etc.; (e) Waste water from cleaning municipal, industrial, commercial, residential areas (including parking lots), streets, sidewalks, driveways, patios, plazas, work yards and outdoor eating or drinking areas, containing chemicals or detergents and without prior sweeping, etc.; (f) Storm water runoff from material or waste storage areas containing chemicals, fuels, grease, oil or other hazardous materials or contaminated equipment; (g) Discharges from pool or fountain water containing chlorine, biocides, acids or other chemicals; pool filter backwash containing debris and chlorine; (h) Pet waste, yard waste, leaves, dirt, landscape or other debris, sediment, etc.; (i) Restaurant wastes, such as grease, mop water, and wash water from cleaning dishes, utensils, laundry, floors, floor mats, trash bins, grease containers, food waste, etc.; (j) Chemicals or chemical waste; (k) Medical wastes; ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 13 (I) Blow down or bleed water from cooling towers and boilers, regenerative brine waste from water softeners or reverse osmosis treatment systems; (m) Materials or chemical substances that cause damage to the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System; (n) Animal waste, soil, leaves, plant and tree cuttings, grass clippings, weeds, dead trees, fedilizer, soil amendments or mulch, and pesticides; (0) Concrete or cement waste, brick and tile work wastes, plaster and drywall tool cleanup water, waste paint or painting cleanup water, asphalt or asphalt cleanup solvents or slurry from saw cutting concrete or asphalt and other construction waste; (p) Domestic sewage including wastewater from sinks, washing machines, dishwashers, toilets, campers, motor homes or trailers; (q) Chemicals, degreasers, bleach, steam cleaning or pressure washing wastewater; (r) Motor oil, antifreeze, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, solvents, battery acid, brake fluid, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, engine cleaning compounds, engine or parts cleaning wash water or rinse water and any other vehicular fluids; (s) Water softener brine waste, or any other waste water from other household water treatment systems; (t) Waste water from draining swimming pools, ponds or fountains which contain chlorine biocides, acids or other chemicals, pool filter backwash containing debris and chlorine; (u) Discharges from acid cleaning of swimming pools, ponds or fountains or filter cleaning from the same; (v) Septic waste; or (w) Any other material that causes or contributes to a condition of contamination, nuisance or pollution in the Cid's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or causes a violation of any NPDES Permit, waste disposal regulations, waste discharge requirements, water quality standards or objectives adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board, the Regional Board, EPA, San Bernardino County Fire/Hazmat Department; the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, or any other public agency with jurisdiction. 19.20. 206. Exceptions to the Prohibited Discharges The following discharges of non-storm water into the City's storm drainage system are generally exempt from the Prohibited Discharges listed in Section 19.20.205 of this Chapter. However, items Nos. 12-22, below, have been identified as potential significant sources of pollutants and may require coverage under the Regional Board's De Minimus Permit (Order No. R8-2003-0061 [NPDES No. CAG99801], or any successor order) as well as prior approval by the City's Engineering Department, NPDES Section, before discharge (see *note below): ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 14 (1) Discharges covered by NPDES permits or written clearances issued by the Regional or State Board; (2) Landscape irrigation, lawn watering, and irrigation water; (3) Water from crawl space pumps; (4) Air conditioning condensation; (5) Non-commercial car washing; (6) Rising ground waters and natural springs; (7) Ground water infiltration as defined in 40 CFR 35.2005 (20) and uncontaminated pumped ground water; (8) Water flows from riparian habitats and wetlands; (9) Water flows generated from emergency response and/or fire fighting activities, however, appropriate BMPs shall be implemented to the extent practicable; BMPs must be implemented to reduce pollutants from non-emergency fire fighting flow; (10) Waters not otherwise containing wastes as defined in California Water Code Section 13050 (d), (11) Other types of discharges identified and recommended by the City and approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. (12) *Potable water line testing or flushing and other discharges from potable water sources; (13) *Water from fire hydrant testing and flushing using appropriate BMPs; (14) *Water from passive foundation drains or passive footing drains; (15) *Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; (16) *Diverted stream flow; (17) *Wastes associated with well installation, development, test pumping and purging; (18) *Aquifer testing wastes; (19) *Discharges from hydrostatic testing of vessels, pipelines, tanks, etc.; (20) *Discharges from the maintenance of potable water supply pipelines, tanks, reservoirs, etc.; (21) *Discharges from the disinfection of potable water supply pipelines, tanks, reservoirs, etc.; ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 15 (22) *Discharges from potable water supply systems resulting from system failures, pressure releases, etc.; *Note: The City of Rancho Cucamonga requires that a "Non-Storm Water Discharge Notification Form" be submitted to the Engineering Department for approval of these discharges, five days prior to any planned discharges or, as soon as possible, for any unplanned discharges. The Notification Form is available from the Engineering Department counter. Monitoring may also be required for these discharges. The Regional Board may issue Waste Discharge Requirements for discharges exempted from NPDES requirements, if identified to be a significant source of pollutants. The Executive Officer of the Board may also add categories of non-storm water discharges that are not significant sources of pollutants or remove categories of non-storm water discharges listed above based upon a finding that the discharges are a significant source of pollutants. In this case, the list of exempted discharges, above, would be adjusted accordingly. 19.20.207, Notification of Intent And Compliance With General Permits (a) Each industrial discharger, discharger associated with construction activity, or other discharger, described in any general storm water permit addressing such discharges, including but not limited to the General Construction Permit and the General Industrial Permit, as may be adopted by the EPA, the State Water Resources Control Board, or the RWQCB, shall provide a NOI, comply with and undertake all other activities required by any such general NPDES storm water permit applicable to such discharges. (b) Each discharger identified in an individual NPDES permit or discharge order relating to storm water discharges shah comply with and undertake all other activities required by such permit or order. 19.20. 208. Compliance with Best Management Practices (BMPs) Any person undertaking any activity or operation in the City that could potentially cause or contribute to storm water pollution or a discharge of non-storm water to the City's MS4 shall comply with all applicable Best Management Practices (BMPs) as listed in the California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbooks or the current, San Bernardino County Storm Water Program's "Report of Waste Discharge", to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff and reduce non-storm water discharges to the City's MS4 to the maximum extent practicable or to the extent required by law. 19.20.209. Spill Containment (a) Persons storing chemicals or chemical waste outdoors shall be required to install spill containment subject to requirements established by the City Engineer and in accordance with applicable Federal, State, Regional Board and San Bernardino County standards. Persons storing any other materials or equipment that are potential sources of storm water pollution are also required to install spill containment. ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 16 (b) No person shall operate a spill containment system that could allow incompatible materials and/or wastes to mix, thereby creating hazardous or toxic substances in the event of failure of one or more containers. (c) Spill containment systems shall consist of a system of dikes, walls, barriers, berms and/or other devices a Structural BMP's designed to contain the spillage of the liquid contents of the containers stored in them and to minimize the buildup of storm water from precipitation, and run-on from roof drainage and outside areas. If the spill containment system does not have a roof which covers the entire contained area, the spill containment system shall have the capacity to contain precipitation from at least a 24 hour, 25 year rainfall event plus ten (10) percent of the total volume of the material stored there or the volume of the largest container, whichever is greater. Spill containment systems shall also be constructed of impermeable and non-reactive materials to the materials and/or wastes being contained. (d) Spilled and/or leaked materials and/or wastes and any accumulated precipitation shall be removed from the spill containment system in as timely a manner as is necessary to prevent the overflow of the spill containment system. (e) Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, all chemicals or wastes discharged within the spill containment system shall be disposed of in accordance with all applicable Federal, State, and local rules, regulations, and laws, and shall not be discharged into the City's sanitary sewer system, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or onto the ground. 19.20,210, Immediate Notification of Accidental Discharge (a) Protection of the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System from the accidental discharge of prohibited materials or wastes is the responsibility of the person or persons in charge of such material. Detailed plans showing facilities and operating procedures to provide this protection shall be submitted to the City for review, and shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any construction. All new and existing dischargers shall complete such a plan. Review and approval of such plans and operating procedures shall not relieve the discharger from the responsibility to modify his or her facility as necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter. (b) A notice shall be permanently posted in a prominent place advising employees whom to contact in the event of an accidental discharge. Employers shall ensure that all employees are advised of the emergency notification procedures. In the event of an accidental discharge, it is the responsibility of the discharger to immediately telephone and notify the proper authorities. (c) Ali accidental discharges of pollutants into the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, including a street or gutter, shall be immediately reported to the City's Engineering Department and Fire Department. All discharges that pose a threat to human health or the environment shall be reported to the Executive Officer of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board within 24 hours by telephone or e-mail and followed with a written report of the spill event within 5 days. At minimum, all sewage spills over 1,000 gallons and all reportable quantities of hazardous materials or hazardous waste shall be reported within 24 hours. ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 17 19.20. 211. Written Notification of Accidental Discharge (a) Within five (5) working days following an accidental discharge of pollutants into the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, the person or persons responsible for the discharge of the material and/or waste, which was accidentally discharged, shall submit a written report to the City Engineer. The report shall describe in detail the type and volume of the material and/or waste and the cause of the discharge. The report shall also describe in detail all corrective actions taken and measures to be taken to prevent future occurrences. (b) Such notification of the accidental discharge shall not relieve the user of any fines or civil penalties incurred as a result of the event or any other liability, which may be imposed, by this chapter or other applicable laws. 19.20. 212. Responsibility for Illegal Discharge of Prohibited Substances The property owner{s) of a lot or parcel from which an illegal discharge originates shall be ultimately responsible for all abatement and cleanup costs associated with the discharge, at his own expense, if the responsible party cannot be located. Likewise, if the tenant of a multi-family residential unit has discharged a prohibited material or waste into the City's storm drainage system or has caused the contamination of storm water runoff from the property by his activities and the City Engineer cannot determine the responsible party or residential unit responsible, the owner of the property from which the discharge originated, shall be responsible for the cleanup and abatement costs to mitigate the condition. Additionally, a property owner will be responsible for all cleanup costs and damages to the City's storm drainage system from a contractor's activities, if the contractor was hired by the owner and cannot be located. Article 3. Residential, Commercial and Industrial Requirements 19.20. 301. Maintenance of Private Residential, Commercial and Industrial Storm Drainage Systems All private residential, commercial, and industrial storm drainage inlets, underdrains and gutters shall be inspected at least annually and cleaned prior to the beginning of the rainy season if there is evidence of one or more of the following conditions: (1) The sediment/debris storage volume is 25 percent or more full; (2) There is evidence of illegal discharge; (3) Accumulated sediment or debris impairs the hydraulic function of the facility. Private streets shall also be swept and maintained as needed to prevent sediment, gardening waste, trash, litter and other contaminants from entering the City's storm drainage system. 19.20. 302. Use of Water To the maximum extent practicable, runoff of water used for irrigation purposes and from lawn watering shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Runoff of water from the permitted washing down of paved areas shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 18 Article 4. Industrial and Commercial Requirements 19.20.401. Non-Storm Water Discharges All non-storm water discharges associated with industrial and commercial activities that discharge into the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System are prohibited except as permitted by an individual user's NPDES Permit, a NOI or Section 19.20. 206 of this Chapter. 19.20. 402. General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activities (a) All businesses who own or operate facilities described in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(i)-(xi) are required to obtain coverage under the State's General Industrial Permit, at least fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of activities that may involve discharges to the MS4. All listed businesses ara required to submit a completed Notice of Intent (NOI) form, site map and application fee to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Such businesses shall prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), retain a copy of the SWPPP on site and comply with all the requirements of the General Industrial Permit. (Copies of the NOI form are available from the City's Engineer. (b) The City requires that all businesses that have filed an NOI for coverage under the State's General Industrial Permit and have received a Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) from the State Water Resources Control Board, either mail, FAX or hand deliver a copy of the WDID letter from the State to the City Engineer as proof of filing. 19.20.403. Conditional Category .-- Notice of Non-Applicability (a) To the extent permissible under state and federal law, businesses which own or operate facilities described in 40 CFR 122,26(b)(14)(xi) may prepare a "Notice Of Non-Applicability" in lieu of an NOI if they are able to certify on the form provided by the State Water Resources Control Board that there is no manufacturing process, material, equipment or product storage outside in an area that is exposed to storm water runoff. The "Notice of Non-Applicability" must document all of the following: (1) All prohibited non-storm water discharges have been eriminated or otherwise permitted; (2) All significant materials related to industrial activity (including waste materials) are not exposed to storm water or authorized non-storm water discharges; (3) All industrial activities and industria~ equipment are not exposed to storm water or authorized non-storm water discharges; (4) There is no exposure of storm water to significant materials associated with industrial activity through other direct or indirect pathways such as from industrial activities that generate dust and particulates. (b) Businesses in this category are required to submit the Notice of Non-Applicability to the local office of the Regional Board and are required to maintain the above documentation on-site at al~ times. They are also required to re-evaluate and re-certify once a year that the ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 19 conditions above are continuously met. Copies of the "Notice of Non-Applicability" form are available from the City Engineer. 19.20. 404. Best Management Practices (BMPs) (a) All businesses, regardless of permit status, shall implement all applicable BMPs, as listed in the California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbooks or the current San Bernardino County Municipal Storm Water Management Program, to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff and reduce non-storm water discharges to the MS4 to the maximum extent practicable. All structural controls and BMP's shall also be maintained to effectively prevent pollutants from contacting storm water or remove pollutants from storm water runoff to the maximum extent practicable. Maintenance records for structural BMP's and treatment devices, including waste hauling receipts shall be kept for a period of five (5) years and made available to the City's inspector, upon request. (1) If structural or treatment controls or BMP's are not functioning as designed or are not effective in reducing storm water pollutants or non-storm water discharges to the maximum extent practicable, the City will require that the control device or BMP be repaired, rebuilt or replaced. (2) Storage of Materials, Machinery, and Equipment: No person shall place machinery or equipment that is to be repaired or maintained in areas susceptible to or exposed to storm water, in a manner that leaks, spills and other maintenance-related ~ollutants are discharged to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. (3) Food Wastes: Food wastes generated by non-residential food service and food distribution sources shall be properly disposed of and in a manner so such wastes are not discharged to the MS4. (4) Best Management Practices: Best Management Practices shall be used in areas exposed to storm water for the removal and lawful disposal of all fuels, chemicals, fuel and chemical wastes, animal wastes, garbage, batteries, or other materials which have potential adverse impacts on water quality. ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 20 Article 5. Construction Requirements 19.20. 501. Non-Storm Water Discharges Discharges of non-storm water from construction activities are prohibited except for those discharges listed in Section 19.20.207 of this Chapter or any discharges authorized by the City Engineer or the RWQCB. The City and the RWQCB will allow the discharge of certain non- storm water discharges from construction sites provided that they are in compliance with the discharge limitations specified in the current General Waste Discharge Requirements for De Minimus Discharges (Order No. 128-2003-0061 or any applicable successor order) issued by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region. The following discharges are authorized provided they are in compliance with the Permit: (1) Construction dewatering wastes; (2) Wastes associated with well installation, development, test pumping and purging; (3) Aquifer testing wastes; (4) Dewatering wastes from subterranean seepage, except for discharges from utility company vaults; (5) Discharges resulting from hydrostatic testing of vessels, pipelines, tanks, etc.; (6) Discharges resulting from the maintenance of potable water supply pipelines, tanks, reservoirs, etc.; (7) Discharges resulting from the disinfection of potable water supply pipelines, tanks, reservoirs, etc.; (8) Discharges from potable water supply systems resulting from system failures, pressure releases, etc.; (9) Discharges from fire hydrant testing or flushing; 19.20. 502. Best Management Practices All construction projects which could potentially have an adverse impact on the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or waters of the state shall install and/or implement appropriate construction and post-construction BMPs, as listed in their SWQMP or the "California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbook", to reduce pollutants to the maximum extent practicable or to the extent required by law. ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 21 19.20.503. General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activity (a) Any developer/owner engaging in construction activities, which disturb five acres or more of land, shall apply for coverage under the General Storm Water Permit for Construction Activity with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Any developer/owner engaging in construction activities, which disturb less than five acres but are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that is greater than five acres must also apply for coverage under the General Storm Water Permit for Construction Activity with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The owner of the land where the construction activity is occurring is responsible for obtaining coverage under the permit. Owners may obtain coverage under the General Permit by completing a "Notice of Intent" form (NOI) and mailing the form along with a vicinity map and the appropriate fee to the office of the California State Water Resources Control Board. The NOI form and checklist of items to submit to the state is available from the State Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento, California or from the City's Engineering Department, Environmental section. In addition, the owner shall also prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with state requirements. (b) Prior to obtaining any City-issued grading and/or construction permits the developer/owner shall provide evidence of compliance with the General Construction Permit by providing a copy of the Waste Discharger's Identification Number (WDID) to the City's Engineering Department. 19.20. 504. Non-Storm Water Discharge Reporting Requirements Authorized non-storm water discharges under Section 19.20.503 shall be reported to the City Engineer at least five (5) days prior to a planned discharge. Unplanned discharges of non- storm water into the City's storm drainage system shall be reported as soon as possible and before any discharge is initiated. The City's Engineering Department, Environmental Section will provide a "Non-Storm Water Discharge Notification Form" for any developer that is proposing to discharge any non-storm water from a construction site. The Non-Storm Water Discharge Notification Form must be submitted to the Engineering Department, Environmental Section, for these discharges, at least five days prior to any planned discharge or as soon as possible for any unplanned discharge. Monitoring may also be required for these discharges. If the City provided form is not utilized, a report shall be submitted prior to discharge, which includes the following information: (1) Type of proposed discharge; (2) Estimated average and maximum daily flow rate; (3) Frequency and duration of discha[ge; (4) A description of the proposed treatment system (if appropriate); (5) A description of the path from the point of discharge to the nearest storm drain inlet. All discharges shall be monitored daily for flow volume and shall be recorded in a daily log by the person responsible for the discharge. Discharges shall also be sampled during the first thirty (30) minutes of each discharge and weekly thereafter for continuous discharges for ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 22 chlorine and total suspended solids. Monitoring data for flow, chlorine and suspended solids and any other required constituents shall be reported to the City's Engineering Depadment, Environmental section on a weekly basis. 19.20.505. Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permit, all qualifying land development/redevelopment projects, shall submit and have approved a Storm Water Quality Management Plan {SWQMP) to the City Engineer on a form provided by the City. The SWQMP shall identify all BMPs that will be incorporated into the project to control storm water and non-storm water pollutants during and after construction and shall be revised as necessary during the life of the project. The SWQMP submittal applies to construction projects covered by the NPDES General Construction Permit as well as construction projects less than five acres. Qualifying developmentJredevelopment projects include: (1) Home subdivisions of 10 units or more. This includes single family residences, multi- family residences, condominiums, apartments, etc.; (2) Industrial/Commercial developments of'100,000 square feet or more. This includes non- residential developments such as hospitals, educational institutions, recreational facilities, mini-malls, hotels, office buildings, warehouses, and light industrial facilities; (3) Vehicle maintenance and automotive repair shops (SIC codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532- 7534, 7536-7539); (4) Food Service businesses where the land area of the development is 5,000 square feet or more; (5) All hillside developments on 10,000 square feet or more, which are located on areas with known erosive soil conditions or where the natural slope is twenty-five percent or more; (6) Developments of 2,500 square feet of impervious surface or more adjacent to (within 200 feet) or discharging directly into Environmentally Sensitive Areas such as areas designated in the Ocean Plan as areas of special biological significance or water bodies listed on the CWA Section 303(d) list of impaired waters; (7) Parking lots of 5,000 square feet or more exposed to storm water. Parking lot is defined as land area or facility for the temporary storage of motor vehicles; (8) All significant re-development projects adding 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface on an already developed site. This includes additional buildings and/or structures, extension of an arready existing building footprint and construction of parking lots, etc. Article 6. Administrative Enforcement Remedies ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 23 19.20. 601 Authority to Inspect (a) The City Engineer, or the City Engineer's designated representative, shall be authorized, at any reasonable time, to enter the premises or Developed Parcel of any discharger to the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and to: (1) Conduct inspection, monitoring, and/or other authorized duties to enforce the provisions of this chapter; (2) Review any records, reports, test results or other information required to enforce the provisions of this chapter. Such review may include the necessity to photograph, videotape, or copy any applicable information; and (3) Inspect any chemicals, materials, wastes, storage areas, storage containers, and waste generating processes, treatment facilities, and discharge locations. Such inspection may include the necessity to photograph or videotape any applicable chemicals, materials, wastes, storage areas, storage containers, and waste generating processes, treatment facilities, and discharge locations. (b) The City Engineer or his designated representative shall provide adequate identification when entering the premises of any discharger. If such entry is refused or cannot be obtained, the City Engineer shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure lawful entry and inspection of the premises. (c) If the City Engineer has reasonable cause to believe that non-storm water discharge conditions on or emanating from the premises are of a nature so as to require immediate inspection to safeguard public health or safety, the City Engineer shall have the right to immediately enter and inspect said property and may use any reasonable means required to effect such entry and make such inspection, regardless if said property is occupied or unoccupied and regardless if formal permission to inspect said property has been obtained. (d) Where a discharger has instituted security measures requiring proper identification and clearance before entry onto the premises, the discharger shall make all necessary arrangements with its security agents in order that, upon presentation of such identification, the City Engineer or his designated representative(s) shall be permitted to enter the premises without delay, for the purpose of performing their authorized duties. For facilities, which require special clearances to conduct inspections, it shall be the responsibility of the discharger to obtain all necessary clearances on behalf of the City so that the inspection is not impaired. 19.20. 602. Notice of Correction (NOC) and Notice of Violation (NOV) (a) Notice of Correction (NOC) Whenever the City Engineer or his designated representative finds that any person threatens to violate or has already violated any prohibition, limitation or requirement contained in this chapter, any NPDES Permit or the Basin Plan, the City may serve upon such person a written Notice of Correction stating the nature of the violation and the necessary actions that must be ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 24 implemented to correct the situation. The NOC shall stipulate a time period by which the problem must be corrected and the penalties for non-compliance. (b) Notice of Violation (NOV) (1) When the City Engineer or his designated representative finds that any person has failed to comply with a Notice of Correction or has violated or continues to violate any prohibition, limitation or requirement contained in this chapter, any NPDES Permit or the Basin Plan, the City may serve upon such person a written Notice of Violation stating the nature of the violation and the penalties for non-compliance. At a minimum, the Notice of Violation shall require that the person to submit to the City Engineer, within a time period specified in the notice, a plan indicating the cause of the violation and corrective actions which will be taken to prevent recurrence. (2) A discharger shall be guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this chapter is committed, continued, or permitted by the discharger. (3) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 53069.4 and 36900.(b) the following violation assessments will apply to the issuance of a Notice of Violation by the City Engineer or his authorized representative: (i) A First Notice of Violation shall be issued for a first violation of this chapter and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00); (ii) A Second Notice of Violation shall be issued for a second violation of this same ordinance within one year and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00); (iii) A Third Notice of Violation shall be issued for a third violation of this same ordinance within one year and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each additional violation of the same ordinance within one year shall also be punishable by a fine of $500.00. ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 25 19,20. 603, Falsifying Ir~formation Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, record, report, plan or other document filed with the City, or who falsifies, tampers with or knowingly renders inaccurate monitoring devices or methods required under this Chapter, shall have violated this Chapter and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 19.20. 604. Administrative Civil Penalties (a) Pursuant to California Government Code §54739 and §54740.5, the City Engineer may issue an administrative complaint to any person who violates this chapter, any prohibition or limitation thereof or any compliance order, cease and desist order, stop work order or injunction. The administrative complaint shall allege the act or failure to act that constitutes the violation, the proposed civil penalty, and the authority under which it is imposed. (~) The Administrative Complaint, served on the alleged violator by personal delivery or by certified mail, shall inform the person served that a hearing before the City Engineer shall be conducted within sixty (60) days of the service of the complaint. The right to a hearing may be waived by the person who has been issued the administrative complaint, in which case the City shall not conduct a hearing. A person dissatisfied with the decision of the City Engineer may appeal to the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga within thirty (30) days of notice of the Engineer's decision. (c) If after the hearing, or appeal, if any, it is found that the person has violated reporting or discharge requirements, the City Engineer or City Council may assess a civil penalty against that person. In determining the amount of the civil penalty, the City Engineer or City Council may take into consideration all relevant circumstances, including, but not limited to, the extent of harm caused by the violation, the economic benefit derived through any noncompliance, the nature and persistence of the violation, the length of time over which the violation occurs and corrective action, if any, attempted or taken by the discharger. (d) Civil penalties may be assessed, as follows: (1) In an amount which shall not exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000) for each day for failing or refusing to timely comply with any compliance order established by the City; (2) In an amount which shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) per violation for each day of discharge in violation of any discharge limitation, areawide urban runoff permit condition, or requirement issued, reissued or adopted by the City; (3) In an amount which shall not exceed ten dollars ($10) per gallon for discharges in violation of any stop work order, cease and desist order or other orders, or · prohibition issued, reissued, or adopted by the City. (4) The amount of any civil penalties imposed under this section which have remained delinquent for a period of 60 days shall constitute a lien against the real property of the discharger from which the discharge originated resulting in the imposition of the civil penalty. The lien provided herein shall have no force and effect until recorded with the San Bernardino County recorder and when recorded shall have the force and effect and priority of a judgment lien and continue for 10 years from the time of ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 26 recording unless sooner released, and shall be renewable in accordance with the provisions of Sections 683.110 to 683.220, inclusive, of the California Code of Civil Procedure. All monies collected under this section may be deposited in a special account by the City and to be made available for the monitoring, treatment, and control of discharges into the City's storm drainage system or for other mitigation measures. (e) Unless appealed, an order imposing administrative civil penalties shall become effective and final upon issuance thereof, and payment shall become due within thirty (30) days of issuance of an invoice by the City. Copies of these orders shall be served by personal service or by registered mail upon the party served with the administrative complaint and upon other persons who appeared at the hearing and requested a copy. (f) The City may, at its option, elect to petition the superior coud to confirm any order establishing civil penalties and enter judgment in conformity therewith in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1285 to 1287.6, inclusive, of the California Code of Civil Procedure. 19.20. 605. Administrative Hearing (a) Any person who receives a notice of correction, notice of violation, administrative order, or other notice specified in this chapter may request, or the City Engineer may order, an administrative hearing, at which time, a person who causes or allows, or who has caused or allowed, an unauthorized discharge to enter into the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or who continues to allow a violation of this chapter to exist, may show cause why a proposed enforcement action should not be taken against him. The City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, shall preside over the administrative hearing, at which time each party, including the discharger and the City Engineer or his designee, shall have the right to present evidence. (b) A Notice of Hearing shall be served on the discharger specifying the time and place of the hearing and referencing the specific violation and/or violations of this chapter, the reasons why the action is to be taken and the proposed enforcement action, directing the discharger to show cause before the Hearing Officer why the proposed enforcement action should not be taken. The Notice of Hearing shall be served personally or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested at least ten (10) working days prior to the hearing. Service of the Notice of Hearing may be made on any agent or officer of the discharger. ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 27 19,20. 606, Administrative Orders The City Engineer may require compliance with any prohibition, limitation or requirement contained in this chapter, any NPDES storm water permit or the Basin Plan, by issuing an Administrative Order, enforceable in a court of law or by directly seeking court action. Administrative orders may include Compliance Orders, Stop Work Orders, Cease and Desist Orders, Termination of Service Orders and Immediate Termination of Service Orders. (a) Compliance Orders - The City Engineer or his designee may issue a Compliance Order to any person who fails to correct a violation of this chapter, any NPDES storm water permit or the Basin Plan. The Order shall be in writing, specify the violation(s) and require appropriate compliance measures within a specified time period. The Compliance Order may include the following terms and requirements. (1) Specific steps and time schedules for compliance as reasonably necessary to eliminate an existing prohibited discharge or illegal connection or to prevent the imminent threat of a prohibited discharge; (2) Specific requirements for containment, cleanup, removal, storage, installation of overhead covering or proper disposal of any pollutant having the potential to contact storm water runoff; (3) Installation of stormwater treatment devices, containment structures, wash racks and addition and removal of stormwater drains; (4) Any other terms or requirements reasonably calculated to prevent imminent threat of or continuing violations of this chapter, including, but not limited to requirements for compliance with Best Management Practices guidance documents promulgated by any federal, state or regional agency. (5) The City Engineer or his designee may adopt a proposed compliance schedule submitted by the user or may adopt a revised compliance schedule if in his judgment, the proposed compliance schedule would allow the user to cause harm to the receiving waters and/or the City's MS4. (6) A Compliance Order shall require the person to pay a one thousand dollar ($1000.00) penalty fee to the City for the issuance thereof. (b) Stop Work Order - The City Engineer or Building Official may serve a written Stop Work Order on any person engaged in doing or causing to be done, new construction, tenant improvements, alterations or additions, if: (1) No construction permit has been granted by the City; (2) Work has begun prior to the submittal of a written Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) and subsequent approval by the City Engineer or his designee; or, (3) Violations of this chapter are found at the site of the new construction, tenant improvements, alterations or additions. ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 28 Any person served a Stop Work Order shall stop such work forthwith until written authorization to continue is received from the City Engineer or Building Official. A Stop Work Order shall require the discharger to pay a one thousand dollar ($1000.00) penalty fee to the City for the issuance thereof. lc) Cease and Desist Order- When the City Engineer or his designee finds that any person or industrial and/or commercial discharger has violated or threatens to violate any prohibition, limitation or requirement contained in this chapter, any NPDES storm water permit or the Basin Plan, or NPDES Storm Water Permit, the City may issue a Cease and Desist Order directing such person to: (t) Immediately discontinue any illicit connection or prohibited discharge to the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System; (2) Immediately contain or divert any flow of water off the property, where the flow is occurring in violation of any provision of this chapter; (3) Immediately discontinue any other violation of this chapter. A Cease and Desist Order shall require the discharger to pay a one thousand dollar ($1000.00) penalty fee to the City for the issuance thereof. (d) Termination of Service - When the City Engineer finds any person or industrial and/or commercial discharger, who has a direct connection into the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or has violated an Administrative Order, the City Engineer may terminate storm drain service to the discharger. The person shall be liable for all costs for termination of storm drain service incurred by the City. This provision is in addition to any other statues, rules or regulations authorizing termination of service for delinquency payment or for any other reasons. Storm drain service shall be re-instituted by the City Engineer after the discharger has complied with all the provisions of the Administrative Order. The person shall also be liable for all costs for re-instituting storm drain service. (e) Immediate Termination of Service - The City Engineer may immediately suspend storm drain service and any non-storm water discharge permit when such suspension is necessary, in the opinion of the City Engineer, to stop an actual or threatened discharge which presents or may present an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of persons or the environment, or which significantly or could significantly cause pollution to the receiving waters, ground and/or storm drainage system of the City. Any person or industrial and/or commercial discharger notified that their storm drain service has been suspended shall immediately cease and eliminate the discharge into the City Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. In the event of failure to comply voluntarily with the Termination of Service Order, the City Engineer shall take appropriate steps, including immediate severance of all applicable storm drain connections. All persons responsible for a discharge that may endanger the health or welfare of the community or the environment shall be liable for all costs incurred by the City in terminating storm drain service. Storm drain service shall be re-instituted by the City Engineer after the actual or threatened discharge has been eliminated. A detailed written statement, submitted by the industrial and/or commercial ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 29 discharger, describing the cause of the harmful contribution and the measures to prevent any future occurrence, shall be submitted to the City Engineer within ten (10) working days of the date of storm drain service termination. 19.20. 607. Appeals Any decision of the City Engineer may be appealed to the City Manager. An appeal must be initiated within ten (10) working days after receipt of the notice of any decision or action by filing, with the City Engineer, a letter of appeal briefly stating therein the basis for such appeal. The hearing on appeal shall be held on a date no more than fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the letter of appeal. The appellant shall be given at least five (5) working days notice of the time and place of the hearing. The City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, shall provide the appellant and any other interested party the reasonable opportunity to be heard and in order to show cause why the determination of City Engineer should not be upheld. Within forty-five (45) working days of the hearing, the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, shall make a written decision regarding the appeal. The decision of the City Manager, or the City Manager's designee, shall be final. The imposition of fines or penalties shall be stayed during the appeal period unless the City Engineer determines that such a stay would threaten the public safety, health or welfare. 19.20. 608. Compensation for Damages Any person who damages monitoring equipment, has the potential to affect or affects human health or the environment, discharges pollutants into the City's storm drainage system which causes or has the potential to cause increased maintenance of the system, non-routine inspection or sampling of the system, system blockages or other damage or interference in the City's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, or causes any other damages, including the imposition of fines or penalties on the City by Federal, State or local regulatory agencies, shall be liable to the City for all damages and additional costs, including fines and penalties. An administrative fee, which shall be fixed by the City Manager based on the City's current overhead cost allocation percentage, shall be added to these charges and shall be payable to the City within thirty (30) calendar days of invoicing. Article 7. Judicial Enforcement Remedies 19.20.701. Violations Deemed a Public Nuisance In addition to the penalties established by this Chapter, any threat to public health, safety or welfare shall be declared and deemed a public nuisance. Any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter is hereby determined to be a threat to the public health, safety and welfare, is declared and deemed a public nuisance. Such public nuisance may be summarily abated and/or remedied by the City Engineer, and/or civil action to abate, enjoin or otherwise compel the cessation of such nuisance may be taken by the City Attorney. (a) The cost of such abatement, remediation and/or restoration shall be borne by the owner, lessee or tenant of the property causing the violation. The cost thereof shall be a lien upon and against the property and such lien shall continue in existence until the same ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 30 shall be paid. The cost of such abatement and restoration shall be borne by the owner of the property and the cost thereof shall be billed to the owner of the property, as provided by law or ordinance for the recovery of nuisance abatement costs. (b) The City Engineer may assess the violator for the costs of any investigation, inspection, or monitoring survey which led to the establishment of the violation, and for the reasonable costs of preparing and bringing legal action under this subsection. (c) The City Engineer may assess the violator for costs incurred in removing, correcting, or terminating the adverse effects resulting from violation. (d) The City Engineer may assess the violator for compensatory damages for loss or destruction to water quality, wildlife, fish and aquatic life. (e) If any violation of this Chapter constitutes a seasonal and recurrent nuisance, the City Engineer shall so declare. The failure of any person to take appropriate annual precautions to prevent storm water pollution after written notice of a determination under this paragraph shall constitute a public nuisance and a violation of this Chapter. (f) Causing, permitting, aiding, abetting, or concealing a violation of any provision of this Chapter shall constitute a violation of such provision. 19.20. 702. Legal Action (a) The City Attorney may commence an action for appropriate legal, equitable or injunctive relief in the Municipal or Superior Court of San Bernardino County against any person who has violated or continues to violate any provision of this chapter, the Basin Plan, federal or state discharge standards or permit conditions, or who violates the requirements of any Administrative Order. (b) In addition to the penalties provided in this chapter, the City Engineer may recover all reasonable attorney fees, court costs, court reporter's fees, expenses of litigation by appropriate suit of law against the person(s) found to have violated any provision of this chapter or the orders, rules, regulations and permits issued thereunder and other expenses associated with enforcement activities, including sampling and monitoring expenses, and the cost of any actual damages incurred by the City. (c) To the extent the City makes a provision of this Chapter or any identified BMP a condition of approval to the issuance of a permit or license, any person in violation of such condition is subject to the permit revocation procedures set forth in this Code. (d) Remedies under this Section are in addition to and do not supersede or limit any and all other available remedies, civil or criminal. The remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative and not exclusive. 19.20. 703. Civil Penalties (a) Persons who continue to violate any provision of this chapter shall be liable to the City for a maximum civil penalty of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) but not less than three ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 31 thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per violation per day. In the case of a monthly or other long-term average discharge limit, penalties shall accrue for each day during the period of the violation. (b) In determining the amount of civil liability, the Court shall take into account all relevant circumstances, including, but not limited to, the extent of harm caused by the violation, the magnitude and duration of the violation, any economic benefit gained through the discharger's violation, corrective actions by the discharger, the compliance history of the discharger, and any factor as justice requires. (c) Filing a suit for civil penalties shall not be a bar against, or a prerequisite for taking any other action against a discharger. The City may institute further legal action to collect such penalties in the event that the violator of this chapter fails or refuses to pay said penalty within thidy (30) days from the date that it has been assessed. 19.20. 704. Criminal Prosecution (a) Any person who willfully or negligently violates any provision of this chapter or permit conditions, or who violates any Administrative Order or any other provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor, which, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine of not less than three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) and/or by imprisonment for a period of not more than six (6) months. Each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provisions of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such discharger, and shall be punishable therefore as provided by this section. (b) Any person who knowingly makes any false statements, representations, or cedifications in any application, record, report, plan, or other documentation filed, or required to be maintained, pursuant to this chapter, storm water permit, or order issued hereunder, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required under this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per day of violation or by imprisonment or by both. Article 8. General Clauses 19.20.801. Severability If any provisions, paragraph, word, section, subsection or article of this Chapter is invalidated by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions, paragraph, words, sections, and other chapters, shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, portion, or phrase without regard to whether any other section, subsection, sentence, clause, portion, or phrase of the Ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. 19.20.802. Construction and Application. This Chapter shall be construed to assure consistency with the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, applicable implementing regulations, and the Municipal NPDES Permit, and any amendment, revision or reissuance thereof. /93 ORDINANCE NO. March 2, 2005 Page 32 SECTION 2: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published in the manner prescribed by law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS __ DAY OF ,2005. MAYOR I, Debra J. Adams, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of ., 2005, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the __ day of ,2005, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: City Clerkofthe CityofRancho Cucamonga James L. Brulte Senie r Center construction update March 2005 Landscaping Landscaping Street Improvements Signals Installed on Base Line Road & Milliken Avenue Street Improvements Bus Slop Shelter on Base Line Road Facilitv Exteriors Mesa Comtyard Facility Exteriors Facility Interiors Facility Intenors David Dre~er Hall David Dreier Hall Kitchen Facilities Rancho Cucamonga Hall Lounge Area YMCA Teen Lodge Class / Meeting Rooms Hall View Community Services Senior Services Code Enforcement Defined our of the Building and Safety Deparbsnent and strives to oro[ec~ private propef~y values nromote oubtic health and safety, and enhance the qualit', of neighborhoods through the enforcement of the City's Municioal and adc 3[eD cones Code Enforcement responds to such concerns as illegal signs graffiti business license aoanoonea vehicles health & general safety substandard housing, overgrown vegetation ann or'ten braes re~ ews items of concern wnen the PUBlic ones not Know where to turn or who to contact for assistance. s a mission of Code Enforcement to wor~ in pannersn p [ne people of Rancho Cucamonga ro oromote and maintain a nice safe and desirable communit~ [o ~ve and work in. Code Enforcement encourages and looks for ways ~o assist ~vith voluntary comF once Code _:.nforcement s Goal The City of Rancho Cucamonga's Code Enfolcement Division strives to be identFied as an approachable. heloful kno ~vledgeable and effective division recognized as an asset to the communit~ The goal is to promote a positive public ~mage. integrity ana excellent morale in working ¢vith each other which will beccqqe contagious to those we come into contacl with whether inbernally or n the community we serve. Your Code Enforcement Team Number Of Cases Per Year 4500 4000 3500 3294 ~ooo 23~ 2500 ~5oo s~F~ce ~ooo 2000* 500 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 *Operating wifh same st~ffin9 {evei of ~ employees s~r}ce 2000, Total Violation Types for 2004 = 4,32t Code Enforcement has made continual strides to improve the quality of life and Cit Working w th both resldents and business owners. ¢/e've successfully imDro\ ed property values and community' pride Before ........ after Where landscaping... ultimately evolves... and structures, finally mend. Code Enforcement proactivety addresses graffiti... Because we rea ize... where tlqere is blight, tr~ere ~s opportunity for :~r~me. We work p oact vely on eliminating illegal signs... By removing illegal signs from the Public right-of- way & utility poles. Through regular and weekend patrol. Code Enforcement hosts monthly employee trainings to coordinate resources n order to provide the best quality service for residents, Our guest speakers have included: * Adult Protective Services * Alcohol. Tobacco, and Firearms * DMV Investigations * Health Department ,, Animal Control ,, Vector Control. ntly ' .and most rece , ~n response to the West Nile Virus Code Enforcement staff developed a "green pooD" ordinance, which Cit~ Council adopted, to assist in the enforcemem of conditions that potentiall:), harbor a ~reeding ground for mosoultoes. In an effort to educate the public about Code Enforcement activities: We attend Career Night held each ) ear at the C'ty s Recreation Center ..... _..ana the Fire Department s annual Open House One of Code Enforcement's goals is to help educate .... Through educational materials, such as an easy to use "Guide to Code Enforcement". which promotes good neighbor relations in esolwng matters of concern_. We hope the spirit of personal responsibility for the well-being of OU[ will help eliminate conditions before they start. ~,Trash Can File Grant Funded Equipment LaSt ~ear. Code Enforcement tvas a&*arded $193 554 in grant funds from the State Deeartmem )f Housing and Urban Deve/ooment for the purchase capital equipment to enhance the Code Enforcement program, in oraer to ultimately imerove housing stock Code Enforcemem purchased tw¢ new vehicles ~afet~ gear. nsDection enulpment laDtoD COlT Duters ann is currently )teeing on a graffiti vehicle ann outreach trailer Neighborhood CleamUps Part )f tne grant funds allowed for six neignborhooa oeriod, 2004 ~amea (ne flint y'ear for two successful clean-ups as Code Enforcement assisted ~es~dents with the removal oi over 33 tons of iunk and trash at no cna._r%E to ~ne resident, Recent Accomplishments... 24 hour or/ess, resoonse time to calls, Devdoeed a "tiered" response system Enhanced central filing system Developed educational slides for Channel 3~ ~m.~roved accountability D'y Tidemark System entry, ~mDroved relat~r~ns wit'- neigh boring C~ty Code Enforcement Divisions for common concerns along City boundar es Rancho Cucamonga became the location for monthl¢ Storewide California Association of Code Enfomement Officia Board Meetings aha tne annual President's Meeting reoresenbng thousands of the State's Code Enforcement E rofessionals Our Future... To Develop... Department Newsletter Code Enforcement Volunteer Program User Friendly Website Information Code Enforcement Weekend Patrol Administrative Citation Procedure UDIIC i ppreclatlon... Code Enforcement continues to receive lettem, phone calls aha emaits from the community expressing their appreciation for the Code Enforcement Staff's quick response and "above the call" care regarding matters in their neighborhoods. Code Fnforcement Thanks we would like [o extend ou~ grautude to the Cit) Council for their continued SUDDOr[ tO our program. We ~,¢ould also tike to [hank the many ~esldenL ¢¢ho have reseonded to our ~nteraction with them and the communit, pride (ney nave promoted ~vlth ~heir actions ~¢ kee 3 Rancho Cucamonga a beautiful & safe olace to live & work.