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L --------- -4- ............... ............ ............... 7. .......... .............. -7 7 ......... ......... ----------- T ............. 7-� 4 ---------------- --------- ----------- ..... --4= .4 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 7 AFEUAL li n0hl FILIVATE EMINEERTO COMUCTM Contractor adive;gut he dull all sale &A Convete ftyamuitir tog 1* site. Piece Asphaltic Concrete (A.C.) ever compacted (j)tonslruci catch basin per city aid. no. $044'51a Coliclitions#Ar4 the coi Of Coaknicissio of"r - W,.- '�7 elf all S-7-.,V4i 7- n4tive soil per typical section. t4 sill Ual ll Ill V*3.110' "ed to 4. li. -J�44 VIC 4 7-4W risaiii;bow;&W Ill&C Cowlactof shill-JCfCj4.iss+jnady AW bad six OW cons truct I"Curb 6 gutter per city aid. no. 303. r.0 &CW CA7-ell 9PASIAt. Q)tonstruct Sidewalk per city aid. 310, 1 see land- X, SCALE ilbe 1VQW hill Imm my am Ali bawdy, ftal at ABCS4 in wanection%ith diii Existing storm drain manhole, t to grade. GZKZRAL NOTES plan far location) Remove existing A.C. berm 9 All paying, cut to Oman"Of work On fis Ilol tic" for habZq at" (som lbe sat al Construct sidewalk ramp per city aid. 310.iftice of dw Cpwa&cc the Nisim. a smooth straight surface. All work shall be done in accordance With these plans, the City of /-43. At the completion of paying, a materials feport *hall be submitted to from $is. 1.4 1--45 r-'.7.8 X0 S*a, as needed. Rancho Cucamonga Standards and the AtAndal7d fip"ifications for tijbhe the City Engineer. Listirg all tests or determinations completed to Construct fire:access curb per City old. no. 902 (PProvide A.C. overlay, feather Into exist paving 6 ta. co-v-045.(.0 0 �ry .6 Ift. /7v-cc. ur4 only per city old. no. 101. Construction Current ed Construct li C it ion. Contractor &hall be familiar verilys Construct driveway approach per city Std. no. 306. Construct 11" A.C. dike per city aid. no. Ill. It h nd shall be responsible for adherance to these Standards wW CA 7-C dS A S/XJ &.4sting storm drain m4nhole to remain in place. Remove existing loedian catch basin and XV adjust rim to grade, remove exist Ill" CMP inlet ictuat CM P Spec-if ications. W R-Yalur, sleve analysis and sand equivalent Of 4"regate ban. pipe. medlaa pe All pipelines or substructures of any kind, telephone or power pole1f (b) Stability, oil content and sieve analysis of asphalt surfacing. M&Y.41-/z S aWater meters, valves. fire hydrants. etc. shown or not hown an these j4. Construct type"K4 markWp-er city old. via. 403. plans within the ri ht-of-w7' limits or in adjactrit' areas where When asphalt concrete is placed on native soU which CQn3J3tS of a rocky 4' Construct type 64.4 marker per city std. no. 403. Improvement workis to be one shall be removed, relocated or material. The subp-grade &hall be prepared by removkg all rocks which 0.9 IVO 7-E 0 Iprotected in place as required at no cost to the City of Rancho protrude above the sub-&rade and all voids or depressions shall be filled N fill-te Z h (A with a fine gradt rinattrial of a quantity better than the native mterial. krJ alca CoNsIr. UAjora SJDEklAlk A&Z/Al Cucamonga. Rr clry srD. Att, rel A L00D.) .5. The responsibility of adjusting rinanhole or viii covers, paving repair 11 the asphalt Concrete Is to be placed an ub-gradc. A 90113 19 V 0 0 "Oe ntf) A\ Ill 19 sterilant :nd paving replacement in connection with sewer water, 4.44 phone, registered by the Eaf.A. for use under I A.C. and P.C.C. shall be 0 y P it a urer lrec*mfflt ra e or A ner, and *hall be accomplished In Complia Ordinances and Standards. paverne w. t prior to paving. r7 NY t, Estimate of quantities is provided by the Engineer only for the m6w MENOM 4 Any contractor peciorming work on this project &hall familiarize himself convenience of the developer, the contractor with the site and &hall be solely resiponsible for any damage to existinig determination of construction quantities before Submitting a bid. Any 0 V Alff facilities resulting directly or Indirectly from his "rations, Whether or Item of work required by these plans which 13 not Wt-ificil listed In 1 z:>vvc�� R1 CA .'/ 3/JA0 qot such facilities are shown an these plans. 410 7A 7. 1 the estimate of quantities shall,be considered as Includid In the other Af EN r.$ Items of work. Al Shading on street plans Indicate A.C. pavement, determined by structural sectiori, be Installed. 1z C nclude water or sewer system and estiriste of A ptil shall be obtained from the City a I Rancho Cuca rnonga Engineering Department prior to any enroachment or cortstruction With City of Rancho Cycairsonea easement or riSht-of-way. Street markers /J _per City of RWho Clucamonglit Standard Numbers 401 C� and 402 shah be constructed at each Intersection. op All required stakes shall be set by the private Engineer. �Fx/-G r A.C. City aproval of plan3dQes not relieve the developer froin responsibility AV 6 i 15. 'the structural sections shown art for the correction of error and *mission discovered during construction. /P-/. 5) t G WA Z-iE -TfA1rAr1V--._At the Co oo I rough grading, soils itsts includ, i Value% Shall be mpletion of Upon request the required plan revisions &hall be promptly submitted tg 1 1 Ir taken and a the City Engineer for approval. C mater &I report shall be Is ,ty & qualified soils en rtparcd Cineer. The submitted Work site and exterior.strcets shah be in a neat CleaN hazard free. report $hall Contain a proposed structural sectlon and a 6;Kv to the City Engineer for his review and ovaluatiom Approval Will be orderly state, throughout construction. Site sU be cleaned uport `1111&7X10 71-1-IC-, 1111ZZ3 given when AD structural section requirement$ have been met. request of the inspector. VY8* A //-3 All sewer, water, electric, 4a,% phone or other utility litter" nalinsi, or crossings &hall be constructed prior to paving. COIVS7 -S7AMFEt) C0A1(-1RC7E PAVING PE.42 3 AA/J,`4 AJ Compaction tests of embankment ConstructIoN trench back1114 LANDSCAI��IN6 PI-ANS � CITY 0,-/ZAA/e40 Compacting original ground and all sub-grades shall be performed at no IS 7 4S� Y A N DA 12 LP-,S -5 PEe-1A-1,1A 7`/O/�A Cost to the City Of P#mho Cucamonga. A written report With these compaction test Shall be subrrAtted to the City Engriter, for approval Prior 10 the placement of base materials and/or surfacing. S obtained from the $an terwrilino County flood Control 1�5 District prior to an construction within a S.B. Co. F.C.O.' K A HAVENAVENUE casement or right-of way pr on flood Control Store Drain facilities within -itay. VIC IW 7- A4 A /WOA/ 7- AJO T 71c) 10.C-A 4 4� rR4E7e 7 V C AQD :51L)EkLIAL J)12AIAl LgASIAI, EASE14- TIZEIWO' ED A., MARK DATE DESCRIPTION A F1 4 -Cl//0C:p Top of curb P4-EM40L1,E A-)V9r C,A4,P IAIZ--7' 12 VA A-/4S-6 4 e, 7-5 rd 46.70 N N flowline REVISION $ Nq-IQA L VA ea E /Al"2,X P A N 14ge OF 17 7 .7 A.C. paving ro grAr F FASlZlP-A7E 7-0 JOIN VJE'kj VA R14ES CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA .713' rO S/A/ AC pavelvatly0rZMAM 7 7 e-// BA 0V4F-V4AY J 0 Z3 C-6AIs7-12L�A-r LA1VL,-S6APJN6 P.,--R N LAN.L7se-AP-r A120417r-e-r FLAkS rRoffliff 7- V461144EI-Ir 1:�40 A/-/ 0 S - I VAAl/46-0 /B.7-q F- 70 ES r1MA 7E or r/rIES /r&v M"P"M - oo'ill Wvffm Uff R&WANW, VAVICIO VA A-/,--0 - L I A.C. Pavempht 5.524 /71A V4E AJ A V El.,iiiiii-3.41 70 eo, Ali VARIE5 I E 2 ttir 248 S 7-A 7h�W'o sm- 14-VA-150 ro 3 E-115 00 2 /7 8" P.C.C. Curb t 20--P.C.C. =er S 4 7-A --d3e- -- F & � is 4 4" P-C-C*- '-qlr1AwAlk 5 0 F I I AVF ri:�, &&E; 0, , '& k % - A.C. Qypr AV 3 640 F el 0 1 01 1 1 1 Wing 6.C. Pav nt -91078 X �xisting A.0 7 CITY ENSWE Vike 564 Apl2rill 520 SF i VA 4 All A.C. Dike 18 10 diust-Storm Drain Mal EA I E�c E" n1i016 to firacie ---= b ASOCIATED ENGINEERS L I CatC4-nas n W=Z71,001 V=3.50' D=3.00'12 Local DtipresSlOn EA 316 EAST "'E" STREET /3 S 7;2�/ �-�5 7 1 Ell;�g Access Curb TeR STo.Wpoz ONTAR10s MIFORNIA OUT LDN5�77 LO�AL DL-FkESSION P-A-712 14 Releeate 6TY STD, &Q. 5-1h ZASIE- 8 is LOIC-61- DLPRE55,IiPN rq QV I CA. YUkon 6-5819 01V 7-Y,"IC-4 6 -S 40-a 7-101-1 STREET LIGHT lip 0,9k'�;T. STAMPE A.C, -19WALE "A 17 UkJbER SIDEWAL-k 4 1-A. R.C.E.NO. DRAIN 11,Y6 0"a0 (k41A 4 nLE to 7�O