HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-68 - Resolutions ILESOLUTION NO. 79-68
WHEI{EAS, on November 14, 1979 the Planning Commission held a duly advertised
public hearing for the above described project.
SECTION 1: That this pro~ect will not create significant adverse
impacts on the environment and the Negative Declaration is issued
on November 14, 1979.
SECTION 2: Purposes:
A. The Planned Community Zone is included in the Zoning
regulations to achieve the following purposes:
1. To promote and protect the public health, safety,
and welfare.
2. To implement the objectives and policies of the
General Plan.
3. To safeguard and enhance environmental amenities
and the quality of development.
4. To attain the physical, social, and economic
advantages resulting from comprehensive and orderly
planned use of land resources.
5. To lessen congestion and assure convenience of access;
to secure safety from fire, flood, and other dangers;
to provide for adequate light, air, sunlight, and open
space; to promote and encourage conservation of scarce
resources; to prevent overcrowding of land and undue
concentration of population; to facilit&te the creation
of a convenient, attractive, and harmonious community;
to attain a desirable balance of residential and
employment opportunities; and to expedite the provision
of adequate and essential public services.
6. To facilitate development within the City in accordance
with the General Plan by permitting greater flexibility
and encouraging more creative and imaginative designs
for major urban development projects subject to large-
scale community planning.
7. To promote more economical and efficient use of the land
while providing a harmonious variety of housing choices
and commercial and industrial activities, a high level
of urban amenities, and preservation of natural and
scenic qualities of open space.
8. TO provide a process for initiation, review, and
regulation of large-scale comprehensively planned
urban communities that affords the maximum flexibility
to the developer within the context of an overall
development program and specific, phased development
plans coordinated with the provision of necessary
public services and facilities.
SECTION 3: General Requirements
A. A Planned Community Zone shall include a minimum area of
300 contiguous acres, under single ownership or otherwise
subject to unified planning, construction, and development
by a person, corporation, or other entity; property owned
by public utilities, local districts or local governments
will not be counted toward the 300 acre minimum, but may be
used as a connector of single ownership.
B. A Planned Community Zone shall be established upon applica-
tion of a property owner, in accordance with the procedure
set forth in Section 61.0221 of the San Bernardino County
Code as adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga, and subject to the following provisions:
1. Submission of a Development Plan for approval by the
Planning Commission and City Council, pursuant to
this ordinance.
2. Determination by the Council that the establishment
of the zone and approval of the Development Plan shall:
a. Provide for the development of a comprehensively-
planned urban community within the zone that is
superior to development otherwise allowable under
alternate regulations.
b. Phov~de for development within th~ z6ne in a manner
consistent with the General Plan and with related
development and growth management policies of the
c. Provide for the construction, improvement, or
extension of transportation facilities, public
utilities, and public services required by de-'
velopment with the zone.
SECTION 4: Use Regulations
A. Allowable uses in each Planned Cormmunity Zone shall be as
established by a Development Plan Text approved by the
City Council. The Development Plan Text may incorporate
uses by reference to specific base zone provisions, or may
establish specific use lists with definitions pertaining
B. Existing uses within the Planned Commuhity Zone at the time
of its establishment shall be deemed allowable and
incorporated in the Development Plan, unless termin&ted
disco~tinue~, or changed pursuant to a specific time
schedule incorporated in the Development Plan Text.
C. Unless otherwise provided by the Development Plan Text,
public utility facilities and publicly-owned facilities
shall be allowable subject to a Conditi6nal Use Permit.
D. Unless otherwise provided by the Development Plan Text,
accessory uses or facilities shall be subject to the
same use regulation pr6visions as the principal use or
E. Unless specified as subject to a Conditional Use Permit,
each allowable use in the Planned Community Zone shall be
subject to Director Review.
F. Home Occupations pursuant to Ordinance No.72 shall be
allowable in each Planned Community.
SECTION 5: Site Development Regulations and Performance Standards
A. Planned Community Zone and all uses therein shall be
designed and developed in a manner compatible with and
complementary to existing and potential development in
the general vicinity of the zone. Site planning on the
perimeter shall provide for the mutual protection of the
zone and surrounding property from potential adverse
B. There shall be no minimum area, width, or depth requirement
for individual lots, except as established by a Development
Plan, a Conditional Use Permit, Director Review or by Loca-
tion and Development Plan.
C. There shall be no minimum yard requirement for individual
lots, except as established by a Development Plan, a Con-
ditional Use Permit, Location and Development Plan, or by
Director Review.
D, There shall be no maximum height or coverage requirement
for individual lots, except as established by a Development
Plan, a Conditional Use Permit, Location and Development
Plan or by Director Review.
E. There shall be no minimum usable open space requirement for
individual lots, except as established by a Development Plan,
a Conditional Use Permit, Location and Development Plan or by
Director Review.
F. The maximum number of dwelling units within ~ ,Planned
Community Zone shall not exceed the number of units indi-
cared by the General Plan for property within the zone
designated for residential use by the General Plan, provided
that the distribution of units within the zone and the
maximum or minimum residential density on any individual
site or within designated portions of the zone shall
be governed by the Development Plan, Location and Develop-
ment Plan, Conditional Use Permit, or Director Review
approval pursuant to the Development Plan.
G. All public streets within or abutting the development
shall be dedicatedan-d improved to City specifications for
that particular classification of street. Private streets
within the development shall be permanently reserved and
maintained for their intended purpose by means acceptable
to and enforceable by the City. Other forms of access,
such as pedestrian ways, courts, plazas, driveways, horse
trails, bike trails, or open parking lots may not be
offered for dedication as a means of meeting requirements
for open space or park dedication requirements.
H. All development within a Planned Community Zone shall relate
harmoniously to the topography of the site, shall make suitable
provision for the preservation of water courses, drainage areas,
wooded areas, rough terrain, and similar natural features,
and shall otherwise be so designed inasmuch as possible, to
use and retain natural features and amenities to the best
I. Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air condi-
tioners, antennas, pumps, heating or cooling or ventilating
equipment, exterior lighting, or similar equipment shall be
located and operated in a manner so as not to unreasonably
disturb the peace, quiet, and comfort of neighboring
residents. Excluding roof-mounted solar collector panels and
decorative exterior lighting, all such equipment and devices
shall be screened from view from any abutting street, and
shall not be located in a street yard.
J. All areas for storage of maintenance equipment, and all service
areas including refuse storage and collection facilities,
shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, or landscape screen.
K. Ail uses within a Planned Community Zone shall provide off-
street parking and loading facilities pursuant to 61.0219(b)
of the San Bernardino County Code as adopted by Ordinance
17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The applicant may apply
for and receive administrative relief from Section 61.0219(b)
at the time of Development Plan Te t approval by the Planning
Commission and City Council when v~rified-pro~f has been
sumbitted through specific examples of existing, projects and/or
e~pert testimony that supports reduced ~arking~.s~andards or stalls.
L. The proposed means for assuring continuing existence ,
maintenance and operation of the various common elements
and facilities.
M. Additional site development regulations and performance
standards applicable to individual uses or, to designated
portions of a Planned Community Zone may be established
by the Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit, Location
and Development Plan, or Director Review approval pursuant
to the Development Plan.
SECTION 6: Pre-Application Procedure
A. Prior to submitting an application for a Planned Community
Zone, the applicant or prospective developer should hold
preliminary consultations with the Director of Community
Development and other City officials to obtain information
and guidance before entering into binding commitments
incurring substantial expense in the preparation of plans,
surveys and other data. Such preliminary consultations
should be relative to a conceptual development plans which
includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Proposed land uses to be developed within the zone.
2. Development concepts to be employed.
3. Schematic maps, illustrative material, and narrative
sufficient to describe the general relationships between
land uses, and the intended design character and scale of
principal features.
4. A preliminary time s~hedule for development, including
quantitative ~ta , such as population, housing
uhits, land use acreage, and other data sufficient to
illustrate phasing of development and potential impact
on public service requirements.
B. Following initial preliminary consultations pursuant to this
sec%ion, the Director may require submission of a competently
prepared housing market analysis, demonstrating the he~d for
housing by p~i~e ~&~g% ahd number of dwelli~g units, such~
a~al~sis may be requ-est~ ~s a part Of the pr~-appli~t~on
review procedure, may be made a requirement.for submission
6f'an ~pp!~catigh f6r~a Pl~a~ng~ Community Zone or ~ay be
r~que~d ~s~p~r~ 6f-t~ environmental assessment Or 'EIR.
C. Following initial preliminary consultations pursuant to this
section, the Director may require submission of a
competently prepared commercial market analysis for any
proposed shopping center or major commercial uses, showing
the need for such uses in the location requested and the
inadequacy of existing zoned sites to meet this need. The
market analysis shall include, but not be limited to, the
1. Determination of potential trade area.
2. Estimates of existing and future population of the
trade area.
3. Determination of existing and potential effective
buying power in the trade area.
4. Determination ~f the net potential customer buying
power for the proposed commercial development.
Such analysis may be requested as a part of the pre-appli-
cation review procedure, or may be made a requirement for
submission of an application for a Planned Community zone,
or may be requested as part of the environmental assessment or EIR.
D. Following initial preliminary consultation pursuant to this
section, the Director may require presentation of the conceptual
development plan to the Planning'Commissio~ Such presenta-
tion shall be for informational purposes only, and shall be
in addition to subsequent public review requirements pursuant
to an application for a Planned Community Zone and submission
of Development Plan.
SECTION 7: Development Plan
A. The Development Plan to be submitted with an application for a
Planned Community Zone shall include the following:
1. A boundary survey map of the property and a calculation
of the gross land area within the proposed zone. A
tentative subdivision map may be substituted if the
applicant proposes to subdivide the property.
2. A topographic map andgeneral grading concep~ip~an with specific
secti~for sensitive areas, as determined by the Grading
Commlt~'for ~ property and ~acent land within2 100 feet of
th~-~operty, shown at contou~ intervals not to exceed 2 feet
~f~-natural s~opes over 2%~-less. For natural slopes over 2%
contour interval shall not exceed 5 feet.
3. Maps and supporting tabulations showing the current
General Plan land use designation, the current zoning
classification, and the current land use within the
proposed zone and on adjacent sites within 300 feet.
The location of structures and other significant
improvements shall be shown.
4. A land use plan identifying areas within the proposed
zone and uses to be developed therein, supported by
proposed or projected acreage, population, housing
units, employment, and such related planning and
development data as the Director of Community
Development may require.
5. A development plan indicating the general ph~ing or anticipated
schedule, indicating the total phasing of the Planned
Community and areas to be developed in phases and the
anticipated time s~hedu~e for beginning of construction
and for completion of each phase of development including a
pro rata share of amenities, parks and open space. This
is a generalized schedule and may be adjusted
according to market constraints as the Community
develops. ~ -- ~ ' ' -
6. A circulation plan, showing existing and proposed public
and private streets, pedestrianways, trials, and related
transportation access or circulation features required
to serve the proposed development. The circulation plan
shall be supported by schematic designs of principal
traffic and circulation improvements, and such traffic
engineering data as required by the director to demon-
strate that existing and proposed facilities, both within
and outside the zone, shall be adequate to serve land
uses proposed by the Development Plan.
7. A preliminarym~p~rtand overall plan describing antici-
pated requirements and proposed means of providing
utility facilities and public services, including but
not limited to, storm drainage, sewage disposal, water
supply, parks and recreation, and school facilities.
8. An accompanying Development Plan TeXt setting forth the
basic land use regulations, site development regulations
and performance standards designed to govern each use
area identified by the land use plan. The text need not
incorporate the same level of detail as found in the
regulations for base zones, but shall be as comprehensive
as necessary to establish basic provisions and regula-
tions which shall govern subsequent approval of specific
tr~ct~ o~ ~7~lopments ~.~.t~h~n ~he ~la~nedi~mm~t~ Zone. The
text shall include, but not be limited to, the following
a. A listing of allowable uses within each use area,
including Such qualifying descriptions or
definitions and requirements for Conditional Use
Permits as may be applicable.
b. Maximum and minimum regulations,~as_app~opriate
governing residential density, "
site coverage, lot size and dimensions, yard require-
ments, usable open space, landscaping, and performance
c. Required yards, landscapin~ or other site development
regulations to be applicable adjacent to other zones
at the perimeter of the Planned Community Zone.
d. Supplemental illustrations as required, establishing
the basic architectural character and community
environmental design qualities to be attained
throughout the Planned Community Zone and within
particular portions of the zone.
9. Such other information,-~su~h 'as ~ tgpog~hi~model in areas of
',.excessiye slope, m~ b~requi~ ~y_~the ~i~eqt0~o~'Community
~vel--°~m__ent,~ ~laqn~g Comm%ssio~-0r .t~e ~City_Council to
.p~rmit co~1%%% ~a~_alysi~ 9~d~a~R~a~al of the~ development,
an~ tg facil~tate.~d~o~p~ion of-the planne~]C9mmunit~ $one and
the Development Plan by ~t~_e City Counc~l~ ., ?~' -- .... ~'
SECTION 8: Adoption of Zone and Development Plan
A. An application for a Planned Community Zone and the
Development Plan submitted with the application shall
be subject to review and approval in the same manner
as prescribed in Section 61.0221 of the Sun Bernardino
County Code as adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of
Rancho Cucamonga.
B. Each Planned Community Zone established shall be indicated
on the Zoning Map by the letter "PC" followed by a reference
number identifying each separate zone. The Development Plun
as mddified and approved by the City Council, shall be
considered to be a part of this ordinance, and shall be
identified by reference to the corresponding designation
of each specific Planned Community Zone on the Zoning Map.
SECTION 9: Amendments to Development Plan
A. A Development Plan may be amended in the same manner as
provided by Section.61.0221 of the San Bernardino County
Code as adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho
Cucamonga for a change of zone boundaries or for a chunge
in the regulations applicable with a zone. Amendment
of a Development Plan shall be subject to the same
findings as prescribed for initial enactment of a Planned
Community Zone and adoption of the Development Plan
applicable to the Planned Community Zone.
B. An amendment to a Development Plan may be initiated by the
City Planning Commission or the Council, or may be
initiated by the original applicant for the Planned
Community Zone or a successor thereto, provided such
applicant or successor has, at the time of application for
an amendment, a continuing controlling interest in
development or management of uses within the Planned
Community Zone.
SECTION ~0: Review of Development Progress
A. The Director of Community Development shall review each
Planned Community Zone annually, and shall submit a report
to the Planning Commission and City Council containing the
1. A Summary of the development status within the zone und
an assessment of progress during the year toward com-
pletion of development authorized by the Development Plan
including adherence to development schedules and phasing.
2. A statement of any changes in land use and economic
development trends, housing market indicators,
commercial and industrial development rates, or
programs for provision of public facilities and
services which~, in the opinion of the Director,
vary significantly from those'~upon which the
Development Plan were based, and which could affect
adversely continued progress toward completion of
development within the zone.
B. A copy of the annual report of the Director shall be
provided to the applicant and to such other interested
parties or successors as deemed appropriate by the Director.
Secretary of the Planning Commission
I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced,
passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission~of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at
a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 14th day of November, 1979.
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Dahl, Tolstoy, Jones, Garcia, Rempel