HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-59 - Resolutions RESOLUTION NO. 79-59
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has
recommended adoption of Resolution No.79-58 entitled "A Resolution of the Planning
Commission of Rancho Cucamonga, California, recommending a Residential Growth
Management Pla~ '- to regulate new residential development in the City of Rancho
Cucamonga'.', whic~requires that a Residential Assessment System for development
review be established, setting forth five (5) basic categories, each category being
assigned a maximum number of total points which shall be used for rating purposes;
WHEP~EAS, the Planning Staff of the City has heretofore prepared a draft report
on a Growth Management Plan and said report has been before public hearings of the
Planning Commission of this City; and
WHEREAS, the Planning CoK~ission has considered the purposes of the Growth
Management Plan as set forth in paragraph B of Section 1 of said Ordinance and the
criteria required to be considered in paragraph A, Section 6 of said Ordinance
inc.~uding, but not limited to, Public Services, Design Quality, Affordable Housing,
' Pl~n~edjqommuni~i~es.~_aDd Planned~Unit ~evalopments, and Orderly Development.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT P~ESOLVED that the Planning commission recommends that a
Residential Assessment System be established based upon the following criteria:
A. Drainage Facilities
The City Engineer shall review each project to determine its
ability and capacity to adequately dispose of surface runoff.
A project must have a minimum of ~ points in this category in
order to receive further consideration (10 pts. maximum).
1. Project drains into an existing or planned storm drain
or street capable of handling the surface water generated
(~ points).
2. Project builds master planned facilities with supplemental
capacity for drainage or extends facilities beyond limits
of site so as ~t~o~h~_-dle the surface water generated by
the project (8 points).
bi~e storm -draiD~, un_d_ergro_un_d faqi.lities~and drainage
f~ilities mai~£~.~.~d- ~homeo~ners) to allevfa~e' ~ading
constraints (2 points).
B. Street Circulation and Improvements
The City Engineer shall review each project in terms of
street circulation and its ability to handle the traffic
generated by the project. A project must receive a minimum
of 4 points in this category in order to receive further
consideration (10 points maximum).
1. Project will build or widen a major or secondary highway
(5 points).
2. Traffic generated by the proposed project will not
substantially alter existing traffic patterns or
overload the existing street system (4 points).
3. Project provides street improvements beyond project
limits for traffic continuity and safety (3 points).
4. Project will build or widen a collector street (2 points).
5. Project provides special boulevard treatment over and
above that required by City standards (2 points).
C. Residential Safety and Security
The Co~mlunity Development Director shall review each project
for its ability to be adequately served by the San Bernardino
County Sheriffs Department and the Foothill Fire District and
the extent to which the project incorporates safety and
security techniques. A project must receive a minimum of 3
points in each of the following categories in order to receive
further consideration (8 points maximum).
1. Police Protection (4 points maximum)
a. Project site abuts existing development over 70% of
its perimeter (2 points).
b. Project site abuts existing development between 25%
and 70% of its perimeter (1 point).
c. Solid core exterior doors, security dead bolts and
locks will be installed (2 points).
d. Security devices such as window locks will be installed
in each unit (1 point).
e. Uses site planning and architectural techniques such as
defensible space design, lighting placement, etc., to
enhance residential security (1 point).
3(~OTE: F~r project~ ~u~tted as M~st~r Planned Developments,
residential Security shall be evaluated for.'the,entire
_. pro j ec~' ~n'~ ,%he - ~o~' ~otal ' shaf~ ~b~aa~ ~ ~ch
2. '~Eira_Protection (4 p~h~s~max~mu~__)~ ~_
a. ~ r 80%~fcthe project is within a three minute
driving~r%sponse time..of~a.fire stati6n..(~ points).
b.~7,0~_~_80~of project~_is~ between ~.thre~ and-fiqe
'~inu~e ~driving response time of a fire station
c. '79% ~0% of. Droject_is_betWeen.a five and. seven ......
m~n~te_d~r!~zn_g ~e~Rons~e.0~ fi~9~s.tation~:~ ~
(k point).. _ %~ ~ ........ :
d._~Eire mitigation_measures (e~g., fire resistent .....
buil~ing~ater3~l_s.,..site_d~s~gB_- whi_ch_.enhances_fire~
acceps,~etc.)~ are incorporated_into_the_design-of the-
project. .points in_this_category s~all.~e-evaluated by
the Foothill.Fire District_(2 points).
D. Parks and Paths
The Co~m~unity Development Director shall review each project
for its provision of and location to public and/or private
parks and usable open space. A project must receive a minimum
of 2 points in this category ih order to receive further
consideration (6 points maximum).
1. Project provides on or off site public park improvements
and/or school recreational facilities (1 point).
2. Project provides privately owned and maintained on site
recreational facilities (1 point).
3. Project connects residential areas to usable open space
and public and/or private park sites with low maintenance
foot pathways wherever possible (1 point).
4. Project provides trails or bikeways (1 point).
5. Over 50% of project is located within % mile of an
existing or future proposed public park site (2 points).
6.Over 50% of project is located between % and 1 mile of
an existing or future public park site (1 point).
7. More than 50% of project is located within % mile of
usable public open space (e.g., school facilities) (1 point).
(Note: For projects submitted as Master Planned Developments,
provision of parks shall be evaluated for the entire
project and the point total shall be applied to each
phase of that project.
E. Neighborhood Commercial Shopping Center
The Community Development Director shall review each project
for its location to existing and future neighborhood
cormnercial shopping centers. For the purposes of this section
a "neighborhood commercial shopping center" shall mean a
retail center with at least one grocery store which has a
minimum of 20,000 square feet of gross floor area (3 points
1. More than 50% of project is within 2 miles of an existing
or planned commercial shopping center (3 points).
2. More than 50% of project is between 2 and 3 miles of an
existing or planned com~aercial shopping center (2 points).
3. Project is more than 3 miles from an existing or planned
commercial shopping center (1 point).
F. Project Maintenance
The project provides for a Homeowner's Association and/or
Maintenance District to ensure both on and off site main-
tenance.(3 points).
A. Architectural Design
The Design Review Committee (consisting of two appointed members
of the Planning Commission and the Director of Community Develop-
ment or his designate), shall review each project f6r architec-
tural design quality as indicated by the quality of construction
and by the architectural elevations of the proposed buildings
judged in terms of architectural style, size and height (up to
10 points maximum).
The following criteria represents the general types of Architec-
tural Design elements the Design Review Committee shall consider
in their evaluation. Projects may include other criteria not
specifically mentioned here and still be eligible for ihe
maximum number of points. The applicant is encouraged to use
creativity in the design of the project.
1. Provides various visual and tactile textu~e~'by using an
assortment of building materials to finish surface.
2. Creates variety in design and architecture that creates
strong identity.
a. Mixes two story and one story dwellings within a
development to achieve a variety of housing mix
and reduce the sameness of the
b. Varies the types of building materials within a
project to create diversity, yet not creatihg
excessive contrasts.
c. Varies the color and design of housing units with
particular attention to common themes without creating
excessive contrasts.
d. Provides special design features such as curvitinear
walks, textured walkways, etc.
B. Site Orientation and Street Design
The De~ig~ Review Commit~eg. shall review site orientation of
each project to determine variability of lot sizes and config-
urations to accommodate terrain and street design, and also,
variability of lot sizes to encourage correspohdi~g'variations
of house designs and orientations. Better site design will
incorporate the utilization of the sun and wind for heating and
cooling purposes (up to 10 points maximum).
The following criteria represent the general types of Site
Orientation and Street Design elements the Design Review
Committee shall consider in their evaluation. Projects may
include other criteria not specifically mentioned here and
still be eligible for the maximum number of points.
Site Orientation
1. Minimizes crowdir~g~and enhances spatial relationships ~(eg., by
avoiding excessively deep~a~d-ng~row 16t~)'.
2. Preserves desirable views and vistas by proper lot and
housing layout.
3. Minimizes sharp angled lots
4. Designs lots and structures to ~nt~r~t~.~ ~h th9 n~tu~al
.t0~ograp~y and~ ~t~n,'
5. Designs lots and structures to minimize noise through the
use of set-backs, proper location of air conditioning units,
living areas and the like.
,building ~etbackS~ ~ ~oof pat%erns
Street Design
1. The'.design Of streets ~nd pa~king ~nc~urag~-saf~; efficient
circ61atioh ~hd fire.access while"m~ihtaining~a~c~ptable~.
· -fire response time.
a. Fast through traffic is discouraged by use of curvi-
linear street design and/or other design techniqRes.
b. Avoids short blocks, dead end and half,streets ~
(as Opposed'td cu~de-sacs)~whenever possible.
c. ~Street layout and ~e brientati~ promote-th~ pr'i~y
~ resident~a~h%~dsi
d. ParRing access is from local streets rather than
secondary or major streets.
2. Public transportation is encouraged by the project.
a. Locates bus stops as part of the development wherever
necessary as a result of planned or current bus routes.
b. Provides bus pullout areas and covered waiting areas
for user wherever necessary as a result of planned or
current bus routes.
3. Varies sidewalk dimensions and patterns to avoid monotony.
4. Provides handicapped access to the project.
C. Landscape and Screening Design
The Community Development Director shall review each project
for landscape and screening design. Such review will deter-
mine compatibility of all trees, shrubs, ground cover, walls
and fences, mounding, paths, lighting, etc., with the topo-
graphy and site characteristics of the project (up to 10
points maximum).
The following criteria represent the general types of Landscape
and Screening Design elements the Community Development Director
shall consider in his evaluation. Projects may include other
criteria not specifically mentioned here and still be eligible
for the maximum number of points.
1. Landscaping materials are utilized to provide home privacy
and also screen t~ash and sto~g~ areas.
2. Landscaping techniques and building materials are used to
enhance the quality of the site and architecture.
3. Pro~ect provides interibr ~kway~l~nds.¢aP~ irrlga~ion
impr6~emen~s.- . ._ - _
4. Planting material~ bl~nd Wi%h aha enh&nc~ tt{A a~chit~ct~ral
desi~ ~f the~d~V~'l~p~ ~
5. Fences~:-hedg~s, ~allsj etc., a~e_compa~ibl~i~';~d~_
enh~e th~ ~r~hitect~r~! ~si~
6. T~ees af~use~ f~r ~cree~i~ adjacent.~e%tS~d ~-
enh~fing . si~e '~a%'it~.' ~..,
7. StabilizationS.6 f ~l'6p~ ~ s ~p~o ~d
t ech~xq~e s ~3h l~hj ~r eyent slo~ erosion.
8. ~% ~Llghtlng sources are screene~d to .m~nlmlze l~ght spill
over. frgm,' o~n9 ,hg~Se ~tq_~it_s~.'.n~e~ighb_or,:.
9. Drought resistent plants are utilized.
10. Earthen be~s are placed to delineate the use of spaces,
provide Dr~va~,'redu~e no,se, control w~nd,~m~tlgate
flooding, fr~e v~ews, etc.
tl. Grouped parking areas ~are landscaped to provide shading
a~d ~Vi~l sc~ee~in~ f~om' ~t~s ~ld$~g~.
12. Apar~ent/condomini~ and condomini~ conversion
l~dscap~ng pf' tree~ mee~s or exceeds the City standard
o~ 50. ~g~oss ~re~
D. Energy Conservation
The Co,unity Development Director shall review each project
submitted for provisions of passive and active energy conserva-
tion techni~es used in te~s of architectural design, land-
scaping, and site orientation (5 points maxim~).
1. Building orientation and landscaping are designed to ~xi-
mize the use of passive solar heating in winter months and
a. Buildings are situated' t~' maximize ~a~siv~ ~o~ar
he~ti~g ~ wi~%r ~n%~ ?~ (~: ~ east=~e~t-alig~ed- '
b. ~indo~s are placed to ~I1~'=.' cooling from prevailing
~esterly s~er breezes (1/2 point).
c. Tree plating considers any effects on the use or
furze installation of residential solar energy
collectors (1/2 point).
2. units are pre-pl~ed for adaption to solar energy .heaters
(1 point).
3. Energy conserving buildln9 materials and appliances .
are incorporated into the architectural design, '(e'~ .reduced
c~s~p~i6~ shower headsi:~ee~r
4. Development provides option to homebuyers to purchase solar
energy collectors for heating purposes (1 point).
The Director of Community Development shall review all projects for the
provision of adequate housing for all segments of the population in order
to create diversified neighborhood environments and income groups, avoiding
concentrations of any single income group in one particular neighborhood.
Those residential development projects which provide "affordable" housing shall
be given%, additional point consideration~as well as opportunities for
density bonuses- ........ ..... ~ v_
Fo~ purposes of this section, Affordable Housing is defined as:
Owner Occupied: Projects which ar~ ~pon~Y~d ~ ' ' ·
through government programs or
privately financed through market rate programs.having a~pr~ce ~a~g~ of 3~5
~i~-es 80-120% of '~h~ ~urrent medla~family inc~m~f~ ~er~a~di~o c6unty
~c~K~i~t ~-it~ the-Ci~'%~usi~ A~is~ P~an -(~P) . Thi§ 'i~m& figure
Shall be ~eadjusted annugliY'a~ is 6urrently $14,800.*
Renter Occupied: Fair market rent in San Bernardino County as defined by
Section 8 of the Housing and Community Development Act which shall be
readjusted periodicall~ and~ 6~Lrrent~y:**
# of Bedrooms Detached Semi-detached/Row ' Walkup Elev (2-4 stories)
0 - -
i - 348~ ,,316. ~3~.
2 469~ 425 : ]77 '~9
4 568 5~5 ~4~4 .'--
The above figures include the price of utilit~es,an~ may ~e-increased b¥_n~t more
than ~10~ ~f_~tlow~ble 'b~'th~ P--~vis~on~'~he Ho~in~ 'and-~n~u-u~i-~-Devel~pment Act.
For projects whi-ch-~0 not i~ciude u~li~es in the rental rates, the following
deductions ~rom the above described fair marke~ rates shall be made:
# o~ Bedrooms Deductions £or Utilities
0 25
i 30
2 35
3 4O
4 45
*~edian ~amily income of San Bernardino County is current as of January, 1979
and is readjusted anQually.
**~airmarket rent is current as,:o~'A~il~ 1979 and ~s readjusted.periodically.
1. Affordable housing shall be evaluated using the following criteria:
a. Project provides 15% or more affordable housing (6 points, u~-~-
to 20% density bonus).
b. Project provides 5 to 15% affordable housing (4 points,-~ ~ --.
10% density bonus).
c. Project provides 1 to 5% affordable housing (2 points,- ~p ~
5% density bonus).
(NOTE: For projects submitted as Master Planned Developments, Affordable
Housing shall be evaluated for the entire project and the points
shall be applied to each phase of that project. This section may
not be implemented until the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance have
been amended to allow for density bonuses).
A. Planned Communities
The Community Development Director shall review each project
submitted as a Planned Community for the degree to which it
achieves a variety of housing types, provides public facili-
ties and services, efficient internal circulation and overall
integration of residential design factors. For purposes of
this ordinance, an application submitted as a Planned Community
must consist of a minimum of 300 acres (up to 6 points maximum).
The following criteria represent the general types of
elements the Community Development Director shall consider
when evaluating Planned Communities. Such developments may
include other criteria not specifically mentioned here and
still be eligible for the maximum number of points.
1. Provides for a variety of housing types and costs to
complement existihg housing in the immediate area; i.e.,
Owner Occupied: single family, multi-family (townhouses,
condominiums); Rental: Apartments, duplexes and elderly
2. Provides for necessary public facilities; e.g. sewer and
water lines, fire facilities, school facilities, etc., to
serve the residents of the development.
3. Provides an efficient internal circulation system designed
to maximize safety and minimize congestion and monotony,
which is integrated with the City's Master Street Plan.
4. Creates various and diverse architectural and site design
themes throughout the development, however, not over
exagerating any one theme.
B. Planned Unit Developments (PUD)
Planned Unit Developments (PUD's) which are not a part of an
adopted Planned Community shall receive 1 point for each 5
acres of planned unit development not to exceed a total of 3
points for the entire project.
The Community Development Director shall review all projects for the extent to
which they accomplish the orderly and continuous extension of existing develop-
ment rather than "leap-frog development".
Two thirds of a point will be granted for each 10% of the project that is
contiguous with existing development. Contiguous development is defined as
having no separation by vacant, undeveloped land. If the project is phased,
contiguous development shall be measured for the entfre project (6 points maximum).
Custom lot subdivisions are those which create parcels not subsequently built
upon but sold individually or in groups to an individual or builder. As
such, certain criteria such as architectural and landscape design cannot be
evaluated at the time of subdivision. This section will evaluate those factors
applicable to custom lot subdivision and derive a point rating which would
apply to any future residential development project of five units or more on
the custom lots. Applications for custom lot subdivisions shall be rated
using the following criteria:
A. Public Services
1. Drainage Facilities
The City Engineer shall review each project to determine
its ability and capacity to adequately dispose of surface
runoff. A project must have a minimum of 5 points in
this category in order to receive further consideration
(10 points maximum).
a. Project drains into an existing or planned storm drain
or street capable of handling the surface water
generated (5 points).
b. Project builds master planned facilities with supple-
mental capacity for drainage or extends facilities
beyond limits of site which are capable of handling
the surface water generated by the project (8 points).
c. Project provides special drainage facilities (e.g.,
on-site storm drains, underground facilities and
drainage facilities maintained by homeowners) to
alleviate grading constraints (2 points).
2. Street Circulation and Improvements
The City Engineer shall review each project in terms of
street circulation and by its ability to handle the
traffic generated by the project. A project must receive
a minimum of 4 points in this category in order to receive
further consideration (10 points maximum).
a. Project will build or widen a major or secondary
highway (5 points).
b. Traffic generated by the proposed project will not
substantially alter existing traffic patterns or
overload the existing street system (4 points).
c. Project provides street improvements beyond project
limits for traffic continuity and safety (3 points).
d. Project will build or widen~a collector street (2
e. Project provides special boulevard treatment over and
above that required by the City Standards (2 points).
3. Parks and Paths
The Community Development Director shall review each
project for its provision of and location to public
and/or private parks and usable open space. A project
must receive a minimum of 2 points in this category in
order to receive further consideration (6 points
maximum) .
a. Project provides on or off site public park improve-
ments and/or scho~i recreational facilities (1 point).
b. Project provides privately owned and maintained on
site recreational facilities (1 point).
c. Project connects residential areas to usable open
space and public and/or private park sites with low
maintenance foot.pathways wherever possible (1 point).
d. 'Projec~ provides trails or bikeways (1 point).
e. Over 50% of project is located within 1/2 mile of
an existing or future proposed public park site
(2 points).
f. Over 50% of project is located between'l/2 and~'l
mile of an existing or future park site (1 point).
g. More than 50% of project is located within 1/2 mile
of usable public open space (e.g., school facilities)
(1 point).
4. Neighborhood Commercial Shopping Center
The Cormnunity Development Director shall review each
project for its location to existing and future neighbor-
hood commercial shopping centers. For the purpose of
this section, a "neighborhood commerci&l shopping center"
shall mean a retail center with at least one grocery store
which has a minimum of 20,000 square feet of gross floor
area (3 points maximum).
a. More than 50% of project is within 2 miles of
an existing or planned commercial shopping center
(3 points).
b. More than 50% of project is between 2 and 3 miles of
an existing or planned commercial shopping center
(2 points).
c. Project is more than 3 miles from an existing or
planned commercial shopping center (1 point).
B. Site Orientation and Street Design
The De~i~ ......... ~- - '~-
Review Committee'shall review'site
orientation of each project to determine varia~ilityof lot
sizes and configurations to accommodate terrain and street
design, and also, variability of~lot~slzes to encourage
corresponding variations of house'~signs and orientations.
Better site design will incorporate the utilization of the
sun and wind for heating and cooling purposes (up to 10
points maximum).
The following criteria represent the general types of Site
O.rientation and Street De§ign elements the 'Deign~
Review-~or~nftteg.shalI consider in'th~ evaluations.
Project may include ether criteria not specifically mentioned
here and still be eligible for the maximum number of points.
Site Orientation
1. Minimizes crowding and enhances spatial relationships (e.g.,
by avoiding excessively deep and narrow lots)~
2. Preserves desirable views and vistas by proper, i lot and
housing layout.
3. Minimizes sharp angled lots
4. Designs lots and structures to ,~ntegrate w~th the natural
topography and vegetation.
5. Designs lots and structures to minimize noise through
the use of setbacks, proper location of air conditioning
units, living areas and the like.
6. '~Cr~a~' vis,at reti&f~l~ng reslde~tfal, str~t~ ~(~g'-~-'~varying
,bu1!dx~:~backs, -roof patterns, landscape treatment; etc).
Street Design
1. The design of street and parking encourage safe,
efficient circulation and f~'access while maintaining
acceptable fire response time.
~ a. Fast through traffic is discouraged by use of curvi-
linear street design and other design techniques.
b. Avoids short blocks, dead end and half streets (as~
opposed to cul-de-sacs) whenever possible.
c. Street layout and-~£~e o~i~n
of re~ide~ti~l'~s~ghbo~h6~.~ ~- .... ~--' -~
d. Parking access i~ from local streets rather than
secondary or major streets.
C. Orderly Develoument
The Community Development Director shall review all projects
for the extent to which they accomplish the orderly and con-
tinuous extension of existing development rather than "leap-
frog development".
TW6 ~hirds of a point W~ll.be g~ante~ for each 10~-of ~h~'~roject
that is contiguous with existing development. Contiguous
development is defined as having no separation by vacant,
undeveloped land. If the project is phased, contiguous
development shall be measured for the entire project (6
points maximum).
The City Council hereby sets a Threshold Point Limit of 70 points for
development projects other than custom lot subdivisions, and 33, Points for
custom lot subdivisions.
1. Th_at~_the_.~}j~nin_g ~mmi~sion of t~e hi~ ~R~.n~h~'~du~o~'he~e~y'
adopts ResQlut~0~.No~ 79~ 59 ~ecom~ ~nding %ba~.the ~ty Qq.un~ci!~app~gye
and adop~ ~h9 Reside~a! ~sses~' Sys~e~ &n t~e~ t~t~, ~aY 'of septg~mber,
1979-... -
2. That a Certified copy of the Resolution and related material hereby
adopted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City
~ Herma~ Rempel~ Chairm~
~[ Secr~2 ?e Planning Commission
I, JACK I2~M/ Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced,
passed, and adopted by the Planning CoF~ission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at
a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of August, 1979
by the following vote to-wit:
A. Drainage Facilities 10 (5 pts. min) 10.8%
B. Street Circulation and Improvements 10 (4 pts. min) 10.8%
C. Residential Security
1. Police Protection 4 (3 pts. min) 4.3%
2. Fire Protection 4 (3 pts. min) 4.3%
D. Parks and Paths 6 (2 pts. min) 6.5%
E. Commercial Shopping Centers 3 3.2%
F, Project Maintenance 3 3.2%
40 43%
A. Architectural Design 10 10.8%
B. Site Orientation and Street Design 10 10.8%
C. Landscape and Screening Design 10 10.8%
D. Energy Conservation 5 5.4%
35 37.6%
1, Planned Community 6 6.5%
2. PUD's 3 3.2%
TOTAL: 93 Points