HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006/05/01 - Minutes - Spec.. CC, Fire Min
May 1 , 2006
Special Meeting
A special meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council and Fire Protection District was held on
Monday, May 1, 2006, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive,
Rancho Cucamonga, California. Mayor/President William J. Alexander called the meeting to order at
6:02 p.m.
Present were Councilmembers/Boardmembers: Rex Gutierrez, L. Dennis Michael, Sam Spagnolo, Diane
Williams and Mayor/President William J. Alexander.
Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; Linda D. Daniels,
Redevelopment Director; Larry Temple, Administrative Services Director; Tamara Layne, Finance Officer;
Helen Leeds, Sr. Accountant; Fire Chief Peter Bryan, Deputy Fire Chief Mike Bell, Deputy Fire Chief Alex
Rodriguez, and Management Analyst II Pamela Pane, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Kathy
Scott, Deputy City Clerk; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk
B1. John Lyons of the Etiwanda area talked about the Fire Strategic Plan, but added there are no funds
to pay for the recommendations in it. He stated he wants equipment on the road and not inspectors. He
did not feel inspectors would help with response time. He felt the Fire Board needs to give direction to
the Fire Chief to find a way to pay for a better response time. He felt putting squads at each station would
help with the response time. He felt this should be revisited and find a way to pay for this now, not years
from now.
Mike McCliman, Vice President of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Fighters Association, stated about one-
and-a-half years ago they made a presentation to the Board pointing out deficiencies. He stated the Fire
Chief then came up with the Fire Strategic Plan addressing their concerns. He stated now they have
hired an outside expert which presented findings in March 2006. He stated that report indicated there are
enough funds to build both stations at this time. He stated the Fire Union does not support a tax, and
agrees with the expert's information that there are enough funds to pay for the two stations. He told
about a story emphasizing the importance of response time in order to save lives.
Jack Lam, City Manager, stated on March 15 there was a presentation by a CPA, Mr. Mialocq, who was
retained by the Fire Fighter's Association. He commented that statements pertaining to the financial
position of the City were made, and that the Council asked staff to come back and respond to the
presentation that was made. He stated they have prepared a power point presentation (on file in the City
Special City Council/Fire Board Meeting Minutes
May 1 , 2006
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Clerk's office) and stated the City's auditor was also present to make comments. He continued with the
power point presentation.
Don Parker, CPA with Lance, Soli and Lungard, also continued with the presentation.
Mayor/President Alexander felt there was some slanting of information on both sides. He stated this is an
issue of public safety -- not just police and not just fire. He felt we will continue to get behind in public
safety issues because we are too conservative. He felt this year when we review all budgets we should
look at ways to take care of some of the needs now before there are any problems for the future. He did
not feel we are meeting the needs of the community fast enough.
Councilmember/Boardmember Spagnolo asked what it means by the redeployment of existing sources.
Jack Lam, City Manager, stated when we open Station 177, we should be able to deploy a piece of
equipment from a station that has two pieces so we are able to have at least one piece of equipment at
each station until such time we can find additional resources in the future.
Councilmember/Boardmember Spagnolo stated unless things have changed since he left, there are not
two engines sitting at a station any place. There are two stations with two pieces of equipment, but they
are not identical. He stated he is not in favor of moving an equipment. He stated we should be funding
the 3rd guy for that squad, so that when we open Station 7 we can put another engine in service, not take
a piece of equipment out of service.
Councilmember/Boardmember Michael felt we need to look at the revenue streams so that when Station
7 is moved into we don't take a piece of equipment from one station to make a heavy rescue fire engine,
and end up moving our problem around town rather than solving the problem in the northwest Alta Loma
area. He stated he would like to see us hire the three personnel to take care of the needs for the
northwest part of town if at all possible.
Councilmember/Boardmember Spagnolo stated we have listened to another side of the story why we
haven't been able to provide the emergency services needed. He stated we are still here not being able
to provide the adequate services. He felt the money should be found to take care of the emergency
services in the City. He state he is not in favor of moving equipment around but increasing manpower.
He stated we need another engine and another crew up there. He felt we haven't kept up with the growth
of the City.
Councilmember/Boardmember Michael stated he would favor the City's expert in any decision. He did
not feel we should spend reserves. He told about the tough times from the past, but added now we are in
a position in the next five years to improve public safety services. He stated he is not in favor of going to
the voters for a tax to pay for more services. He felt we need to look at other opportunities to pay for this
besides using our reserves. He disagreed with Mr. Lyons on the need for more inspectors because he
felt they will help to eliminate any fire accidents or dangerous situations.
Chief Bryan stated on the pay as you go plan it is anticipated that each year an annual analysis of
increased revenues will be provided. He stated direction has been given to implement the design and
construction of station 177. He stated in 2006-07 fiscal year there is a proposal to provide a fiscal
revenue and Community Facilities District Analysis on an annual basis to allow for the ability to analyze
the revenues in the CFD's and do more things in the future.
Councilmember/Boardmember Gutierrez asked questions about the revenue slide previously shown. He
felt the fact that Fire budgets have increased by 100% is a big commitment to Fire. He stated he
understood the four minute response time is the goal, but asked what is the ideal response time nation
Chief Bryan stated there is a standard by the National Fire Protection Agency that calls for a four minute
travel time to 90% of the emergency incidents for the first responding units and that this is the goal of the
strategic plan, which is consistent with the goal of the NFPA.
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May 1 , 2006
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Councilmember/Boardmember Gutierrez felt we should see how the quick response squads are going to
work. He stated people are saying the City should tone down the lavish things going in at the fire
stations. He didn't feel all of the City's money should be committed to this one area, that there are many
different things in the City that need to be done. He felt we need to think out Of the box on funding all of
these things. He asked when we will see the revenue picture change considering the revenue bought in
from the mall and will it make a difference.
Jack Lam, City Manager, stated there are additional revenues from the mall since it opened, and they
expect them to increase. He continued to tell how the City's revenues will increase for the future. He
stated all of this will continue to help the City's budget. He felt next year's budget will be more positive
once it is completed.
Councilmember/Boardmember Williams stated this City has done more with less than any other City. She
didn't see any reason for us to change this philosophy. She didn't see anything wrong with having rainy
day money for emergencies. She stated she would not want to reduce our reserves, and felt we should
have more. She did not feel it was safe to tell the residents that they are unsafe when they are being
taken care of adequately. She stated she wasn't sure we should take all of our reserves and put them
into new facilities. She felt we need more Police on our streets. She felt we need to do something about
the overcrowding on our streets and all of the accidents that are occurring. She said she is happy with
the pay as you go plan and didn't want to sacrifice services to do anything else.
Councilmember/Boardmember Gutierrez left the meeting at 7:43 p.m.
Mayor/President Alexander opened the meeting for public comment. Addressing the Council/Fire Board
John Lyons felt the City is doing things now like the Cultural Center because they know they will
have to take care of the public safety services in the future. He felt there should be something
like an apartment tax to help pay for some of these things.
Nicole Myerchin stated most people don't trust government because of what they do with the
City's money. She stated it is insulting to the taxpayers to say the City is practicing sound
financial management. She stated the response time is unacceptable. She felt we should use
the reserves to help with the public safety issues. She felt the Council should do the right thing
for the people by taking care of the public safety needs.
Bill McCliman felt this is a joke. He stated the figures from the power point can be manipulated
any way possible to make it look good. He commented on Station 178 coming about in 10 years
and did not agree it should take so long. He stated he agreed with the Mayor that both
presentations are slanted. He did not agree with Councilmember Williams' comments. He felt we
should get the money now and spend it on public safety services. He encouraged the Council to
do what is right and protect the citizens.
MOTION: Moved by Michael, seconded by Williams to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously 4-0-1
(Gutierrez absent). The meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
Approved: May 17, 2006