HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006/06/21 - Minutes - Spec CC Min
June 21, 2006
Special Meetinq
A special meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, June 21, 2006, in the
Tri Communities Room of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga,
California. Mayor William J. Alexander called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Present were Councilmembers: Rex Gutierrez, L. Dennis Michael, Sam Spagnolo, Diane Williams
(arrived at 4:06 p.m.) and Mayor William J. Alexander.
Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director; Dave Moore,
Community Services Superintendent; Ryan Samples, Recreation Supervisor; Melissa Morales, Sr.
Administrative Secretary; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk.
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No communication was made from the public.
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Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director, stated this meeting was called to present the results of the
Senior Transportation Study. He stated some months ago, staff contacted the University of LaVerne to
conduct this study. He introduced Dave Moore, Community Services Superintendent, and Ryan
Samples, Community Services Supervisor, who had also worked on this project.
Dave Moore, Community Services Superintendent, introduced Dr. Joan Branin and Dr. Harriet Udin
Aronow with the University of LaVerne, who gave a power point presentation (on file in the City Clerk's
office) with their findings from the study.
Councilmember Williams arrived at 4:06 p.m.
A power point presentation (on file in the City Clerk's office) was given by Dr. Branin and Dr. Aronow.
Mayor Alexander asked how many surveys had Dr. Branin and Dr. Aronow done like this.
Dr. Aronow replied quite a few. She stated they have worked with some other communities in California,
i.e., City of Riverside, Office of Aging, City of Pasadena and City of San Bernardino.
Special City Council Workshop Minutes
June 21, 2006
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Mayor Alexander asked what their contact was with public transportation agencies and if they were
contacted with these results.
Dr. Aronow stated this is the first public transportation survey they have worked on and that they have not
contacted anyone with the results at this point.
Mayor Alexander continued asking questions about the method the survey was conducted. He stated he
is disappointed that he has not had the opportunity to look at this information prior to this meeting. He
stated he would rather see the information prior to a meeting than how this was done.
Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director, stated they have had conversations with Omnitrans and
others regarding our survey process and that they are very interested in seeing the results.
Dr. Branin stated they have looked at other cities' surveys to use them as a tool in preparing this survey.
Councilmember Michael asked if we ever get with our seniors at the Senior Center to educate them on
transportation services.
Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director, stated they would absolutely do this in the future.
Ryan Samples, Community Services Supervisor, stated they have done this in the past and added they
do sell bus passes to the seniors for their convenience.
Councilmember Williams stated the YMCA is extremely helpful in providing information on transportation
to the seniors. She felt there is an effort to educate people about the products available pertaining to
transportation. She felt possibly the seniors should be allowed to get on a bus so they can experience
what it is like.
Councilmember Michael stated he would also like more time to review this. He felt there is an opportunity
to better educate the seniors about the transportation available to them.
Councilmember Spagnolo felt the survey was pretty good and found the information very interesting. He
felt the Council should digest the information with staff and decide what can be done to plan for 10 years
from now.
Councilmember Gutierrez stated he would also like more time to look through the survey. He stated he
was concerned that registered voters were used as part of the sample for the survey. He stated
Omnitrans is stating they have a decrease in ridership. He felt more education to the public is needed.
He stated it would be very difficult to transfer from one bus to the other just to use that form of
transportation. He did not feel we have done enough for people to educate them about the use of public
transportation. He stated he liked the idea of intimate social programs. He stated he does see the
challenges for people to use public transportation. He felt we should possibly use little shuttles or a dial-
a-ride program for seniors. He stated he appreciates the work that went into this.
Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director, stated their goal tonight was to present the report and to
get input from the Council about this. He stated they do have grant money which will be used after staff
gets more direction from the Council.
Councilmember Williams stated possibly the survey should be expanded to include people that live alone,
or people that live in mobile home parks. She stated she is more concerned about them. She felt senior
apartments should also be included.
Ryan Samples, Community Services Supervisor, stated they did target groups like LINK and seniors that
attend the center. He stated it was also in the newspaper, and that it was offered to the commodity
program participants. He stated staff also assisted the seniors with filling out the survey.
Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director, stated they will allow the Council more time to review this
and meet again in one to two months.
Special Council Workshop Minutes
June 21, 2006
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The Council concurred to meet again in the future in a workshop setting.
Councilmember Michael felt staff should prepare an action plan for the Council to review and discuss in
the future.
Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director, referred to the memo distributed to the Council.
Dave Moore, Community Services Superintendent, talked about the process they went through in
interviewing the groups that were identified.
Council member Gutierrez asked if there was currently enough space for the Playschool Program.
Dave Moore, Community Services Superintendent, stated it does continue to grow and that they are
always looking for more space, but stated right now it is just fine.
Councilmember Gutierrez stated he likes the idea of having this as a place where kids can go after
school, including a playschool.
Councilmember Williams felt we should partner with other agencies to provide some of the services at the
center so we do not have to reinvent the wheel. She stated she is concerned about taking on a whole
community center without a current budget for it.
Mayor Alexander stated he agreed about not having a budget for it. He did not feel we could commit staff
to that facility right now based on all we currently have going on.
Councilmember Michael stated he likes the idea of partnering.
Councilmernber Spagnolo stated he agrees and likes Option NO.2.
Councilmember Michael stated he is interested in having a place where other organizations pay to run
their operation out of our facility.
Councilmember Williams felt there was a lot of opportunity there.
MOTION: The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Debra J. Ad
City Clerk
Approved: July 19, 2006