HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006/08/29 - Minutes - CC/ Planning Comm. Min (Spec.)
August 29, 2006
Special Joint Meetinq
A special joint meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council and Planning Commission was held on
Tuesday, August 29, 2006, in the Tri Communities Room at City Hall, Rancho Cucamonga, California.
Mayor William J. Alexander called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present were Councilmembers: Rex Gutierrez, L. Dennis Michael, Sam Spagnolo, Diane Williams (arrived
at 7:14 p.m.), and Mayor William J. Alexander.
Present were Planning Commissioners: Rich Fietcher, Rich Macias, Cris McPhail, Lou Munoz, and
Chairman Pam Stewart.
Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney, Linda D. Daniels,
Redevelopment Agency Director; James Troyer, Planning Director; James C. Frost, City Treasurer;
Captain Pete Ortiz, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk.
No communication was made from the public.
Jack Lam, City Manager, stated there will be a presentation by Forest City pertaining to development of
the Victoria Gardens Shopping Center (VGSC).
Randall Lewis stated they are here tonight to share the future plans and thoughts for VGSC, and added
they are proud to be part of this. He stated they want to get feedback about their preliminary plans. He
felt this project has been a huge success for the City and the community. He stated VGSC has been
named as one of the 10 best developments in the Country.
Brian Jones stated he has enjoyed working with the City and also congratulated everyone on the VGSC.
He told about various awards they have received for this shopping center project, which includes national
awards. He felt the project demands more uses. He introduced his team: Frank Fuller, Yahn Taylor and
Dan Hill. Mr. Jones stated they want this to be the finest shopping center around.
Frank Fuller and Yahn Taylor, assisted by Dan Hill gave a power point presentation, which is on fiie in the
City Clerk's office.
Chairman Stewart felt this area of the City allows for "out-of-the-box" thinking. She stated she was not
sure about residential for this area. She thought office could be used and felt a senior complex could
work. She felt we need more after-hour activities with the Cultural Center opening up. She suggested we
have a Macy's Home Store and a Nordstrom. She mentioned a container store that is at South Coast
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Plaza and felt this would be very beneficial. She suggested more Mom/Pop Restaurants. She also
suggested a Farmers Market inside the mall area.
Commissioner Fletcher didn't want to see this get too dense where people don't want to take their families
there to stroll. He liked the idea of another hotel with a spa, and felt this would be a good thing for Rancho
Cucamonga. He didn't want to see it get so built out that it is uncomfortable to go there.
Commissioner Macias felt there should be an urban element to this, but wasn't sure how urban this should
become. He stated he does like what he sees in the power point. He liked the mixed use and felt we
need some type of transit system.
Commissioner McPhail stated she likes the boldness of the height of the buildings. She felt open space
and livable space should be balanced. She suggested putting residential on top of existing buildings. She
liked the idea of putting the visual focus from the freeway. She felt technology should continue to be
incorporated into the project. She suggested roof top gardens on some of the buildings.
Commissioner Munoz stated he would like to focus on the excitement of the project. He mentioned a mall
in Columbus that is very successful. He felt what draws people to malls are the signature restaurants.
Mayor Alexander felt transportation needs are important and should be looked at. He liked the senior
aspect and stated he appreciated all the comments of the Planning Commission. He stated he was
delighted that we are having this meeting.
Councilmember Gutierrez stated he is glad about the work of Lewis and Forest City. He stated he liked
the idea of a larger plaza area where people can congregate after shopping. He stated he likes the
fountain currently at the mall and would like a bigger one with lights. He stated he would like to see an
lmprov or a House of Blue. He stated he hears from people that they like the mall and felt it should be a
place they can take the family. He hoped the Planning Commission's ideas are considered. He felt
people should be able to drive down the freeway and think "WOW" when they see the lights on the mall
buildings. He liked the idea of a Nordstrom. He stated congestion is something to consider. He
commented on the crowded sidewalks and added the wind and rain concerns him because it affects the
people shopping. He stated he is happy what the future presents.
Councilmember Michael felt we should focus on looking to the future now instead of waiting. He stated he
likes the idea of building up so people along the freeway will see the mall. He didn't feel this should be a
nightclub destination and felt we should be careful with that. He stated he likes offices and the mixed use
idea. He likes the pedestrian walkways and paseos. He stated he is in favor of exploring height for the
buildings. He felt the Victoria Gardens Shopping Center is the place that can attract people to our
community. He stated he has confidence in the Planning Commission's opinions.
Councilmember Spagnolo stated he agrees with what has been said and felt we should do it right. He felt
Bass Pro will enhance this area also. He felt the mall should be a family atmosphere. He stated he likes
the rooftop idea. He felt security was important and stated our Sheriff's Department does a great job with
the security because people feel safe going there. He stated he is also concerned about 24/7
entertainment and didn't know if our community was ready for that. He felt the Cultural Center has added
to this center, and that what happens from here will add another level. He stated traffic is a concern of
everyone. He felt this was the crown jewel of the Inland Empire.
Councilmember Williams stated she is glad Forest City is ahead of the game and always striving to
improve things. She liked the idea of condos for the snowbirds that come to the City. She felt a high hotel
is very important, and felt it should be built as high as you can get. She felt a tower of lighting would really
attract people. She added she liked the water features currently at the mall and felt more was needed.
She felt there should be a nice restaurant on top of the hotel to view the mountains. She .felt a gourmet
area would be great. She liked the Crate and Barrel building. She felt we should have residential on top
of the parking garages. She felt the transit issue was a huge issue to be looked at. She felt we need a
City Council/Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes
August 29, 2006
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unique breakfast restaurant. She liked the fireplace that is currently at the mall. She applauded Lewis
and Forest City for moving forward with this project. We stated she is pleased at what the Planning
Commission is doing, including their dedication and focus.
Captain Ortiz stated law enforcement has been very successful at Victoria Gardens. He commented on
their good response time. He stated they are always looking at ways to do things better.
Jack Lam, City Manager, felt there should be a larger space for law enforcement and felt they were doing
a good job at the mall. He felt vertical elements would be a good thing. He stated he would like to see
urban design features. He also felt there should be a first class hotel there.
Randall Lewis asked for suggestions to improve the mall.
Commissioner McPhail stated everything is done high end, but felt the landscaping can be enhanced.
Commissioner Fletcher felt the parking during peak times is something that needs to be looked at. He felt
we should have Class A office buildings to attract corporations to the City. He suggested we look at condo
Brian Jones stated we need to see what the market is now. He felt the mall is a real comfortable place for
people to hang out. He stated what he intended was not 24/7 commercial, but 24/7 residential.
Chairman Stewart felt there should be an onsite fire department to enhance public safety. She didn't think
people knew how to use the valet parking. She felt there should be a place where people can store
numerous bags if they want to continue shopping.
Jack Lam, City Manager, felt we should look at the parking demand with the increase of uses. He stated
traffic is also an issue on the freeway at the Foothill exit. He felt we should advertise where the other exits
are to access the mall from the 15 Freeway.
Commissioner Macias felt we should include restaurants and offices at the mall. He felt we should
increase the transit system.
Commissioner Munoz felt the sidewalks are too crowded and should be expanded with the growth of the
Councilmember Spagnolo felt the parking should be improved for the elderly and felt a tram or trolley in
the outer areas of the parking lot would help.
Councilmember Gutierrez stated he would like a big toy store. He mentioned the cobblestones and stated
some people had a hard time walking on them.
Brian Jones stated they are working on replacing those areas.
Mayor Alexander stated he cannot think of one negative thing at this time. He commended Forest City
and Lewis for going forward with this project.
Councilmember Williams felt some of the fast food restaurants on the perimeter should be replaced with
restaurants because we have enough fast food restaurants in the City. She felt there should be more
ramps for wheelchairs and strollers for easier sidewalk access. She felt there should be more benches
under the trees where people can sit, and felt they should be kept in good condition.
Councilmember Michael mentioned the parking situation and felt we need to keep security at a good level
and made a priority.
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August 29, 2006
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Mayor Alexander stated he didn't want to be forced into valet parking and felt some people like to park
their own vehicle.
Brian Jones felt this was a terrific session and appreciated everybody's input. He liked hearing what
things can be improved. He stated they will work with the staff and will want to meet with everyone again
in the future.
A recess was taken at 9:00 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 9:10p.m. with all
Councilmembers present.
A staff report was presented by Linda D. Daniels, Redevelopment Agency Director. She stated in July a
workshop was held with the Council to discuss affordable housing and that an inclusionary housing
ordinance was discussed which would help the City meet our legal requirements. She stated the Council
gave consensus to pursue this and prepare something to be brought back to them for consideration. She
stated the Planning Commission will be looking at an inclusionary housing ordinance once recommended
by the Council. She added the City is short by 1,100 units in meeting our legal requirements for affordable
ACTION: Report received and filed.
Councilmember Michael felt there have been controversial issues that everyone has dealt with, and felt we
should be careful with General Plan issues and mixed use issues. He commended the Planning
Commission for the great job they do.
Councilmember Williams asked the Planning Commission to hold the line on high end quality projects that
come before them. She urged them not to give this up. She felt the Foothill Corridor should be treated
carefully. She felt we should maintain standards for office and retail. She felt we should make the most of
what land is left.
Mayor Alexander felt the Planning Commission is very hard working. He thanked them for all their hard
Councilmember Gutierrez stated he is concerned about density and added there isn't a lot of land left. He
felt we should expect the very best from the developers. He felt all developer meetings should be
recorded. He felt everyone should be notified of their right to appeal something to the City Council. He
thanked the Planning Commission for making this a great City.
Councilmember Spagnolo stated he agrees with comments made by everyone else. He commended the
Planning Commission for the job they do and felt bad that some of their previous decisions got overturned.
Chairman Stewart thanked the Council for being able to serve. She talked about some of the decisions
they have recently made. She mentioned the noticing requirements being looked at. She felt signage on
the freeways should be looked at. She felt it was important for Code Enforcement to enforce the rules.
Commissioner McPhail felt these meetings should occur more often. She thanked the Council for letting
them do their job.
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August 29,2006
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Commissioner Fletcher felt it was important to try to get developers to build more single story homes. He
felt it is important to make sure the public understands about zoning requirements.
Commissioner Macias felt Code Enforcement was important to the City. He thanked the staff for the good
job they do and thanked the Council for their support.
Commissioner Munoz stated he is thrilled to be doing this and appreciated the support of the Council. He
stated the staff is excellent. He felt findings were important in making a decision. He felt the Planning
Commission was excellent and stated he will enjoy working on the DRC.
The Council and Commission felt they should meet again in six months.
The meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra J. A
City Clerk
Approved by Planning Commission: October 11,2006
Approved by City Council: October 18, 2006