HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006/09/27 - Minutes - CC Min (Closed)
Septem ber 27, 2006
Special Meetinq
A special meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, September 27,2006,
in Etiwanda Hall at Central Park located at 11200 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California.
Mayor William J. Alexander called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Present were Councilmembers: Rex Gutierrez (arrived at 6:45 p.m.), L. Dennis Michael, Sam Spagnolo,
Diane Williams and Mayor William J. Alexander.
Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Pamela Easter. Assistant City Manager and Acting
Shelter Director; Jen Woodard, Animal Shelter Manager; Kimberly Thomas, Management Analyst III;
Fabian Villenas, Management Analyst III; Shelly Munson. Information Systems Specialist; Animal Shelter
Staff; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk.
B1. Nicole Myerchin stated she is disappointed in the set-up for tonight's meeting and wished that the
public could have more time to discuss the information being presented tonight. She stated some
decisions have been made at the shelter that she doesn't think are very good. She stated other people
have also contacted her that are not happy with what is going on at the shelter. She felt some of the
policies should be further examined. She also mentioned various incidents that happened at the shelter
which she felt needed to be addressed.
A staff report and power point presentation, which is on file in the City Clerk's office, were given by
Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager and Acting Shelter Director.
Jack Lam, City Manager, stated what has been accomplished could not have been done without the staff
that has been hired and added they have worked very hard. He felt the staff is up to the challenges that
are ahead.
Pamela Easter, Assistant to the City Manager and Acting Shelter Director, agreed and commended the
staff for their hard work and dedication.
Councilmember Michael commented on the 400 volunteer applications that have been submitted and that
some of them are already working at the shelter.
The Council concurred to allow more public input regarding this item.
Mayor Alexander stated the report was very good and focused on the "warm and fuzzy," but did not
address the problems at the shelter. He felt we need to work on some personnel issues. He stated
Special City Council Minutes
September 27, 2006
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nothing was brought up on the staff that is overworked that are not getting a lunch or breaks and are
working many extra hours. He asked why we can't hire more part time staff to help out. He felt a
subcommittee environment would be more beneficial to work out some of these types of issues. He
stated he was disappointed this couldn't be handled in a subcommittee as we do with other
subcommittees. He felt each Councilmember should go unannounced to the shelter during the day to
see what is going on as opposed to doing this tonight. He asked if we are using all the rescue groups to
the largest extent possible.
Pamela Easter, Assistant to the City Manager and Acting Shelter Director, stated yes.
Kelly Heilig asked if there could be a Board established to oversee things at the shelter and
hoped this could be established tonight. She wished this Board could oversee things as the
Library Board does for the Libraries.
Councilmember Michael asked why Ms. Heilig can't talk to staff about these things instead of involving
the Council. He stated he supports the staff and the job they do, and added that everyone wants a "no
kill" shelter.
Nicole Myerchin stated she has gone to Pam Easter about previous issues in the past and was
not satisfied with what was done. She felt friendships were more important amongst the staff
than trying to work out the problems.
James Markman, City Attorney, stated there is a process to go through if there is a problem with an
employee and that it is not to be done at a public meeting.
Jack Lam, City Manager, stated any personnel matters are confidential.
Mayor Alexander stated he agrees that personnel issues should not be discussed in public. He stated he
has talked to Pamela Easter and Jen Woodard and hopes some of these issues will be taken care of.
Councilmember Spagnolo stated this is not the forum to discuss personnel issues. He said there are
policies and procedures to go through to take care of any personnel problems. He felt someone should
make a complaint in writing and it go to the department head to evaluate. He stated he is more interested
in where this program will go or where it is headed. He did not think this meeting should be about
pointing fingers at anyone. He felt the staff is all overworked. He felt we have come a long way in the
last four months. He added he would like to move forward with the things Pamela Easter brought up
during her presentation.
Nicole Myerchin felt we need policies and procedures and a way to discipline someone that does
not follow these. She felt we need written policies and procedures like the Helen Woodward
Center has regarding disciplinary actions.
Councilmember Spagnolo stated from the organization he comes from there is an evaluation process to
correct an employee's actions if they are doing something wrong.
Councilmember Gutierrez stated we have been in operation for four months and felt a lot of progress has
been made. He stated he is so proud of the staff for the work they have done. He didn't know why we
have to answer to Ms. Myerchin.
Dr. Barr, the Shelter Veterinarian, talked about some of the viruses that cats get and what procedures are
followed at the shelter to take care of this. She stated they had a bad situation and they are trying to do
something to change it so that this does not occur again.
Councilmember Michael felt everyone needs to work together and communicate more.
Kelly Heilig suggested there be a suggestion box that people use.
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September 27, 2006
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Brenda Devereaux and Penny Herman stated that Ms. Myerchin does not talk to the staff. They
stated the staff is dedicated. They asked that Ms.' Myerchin look at the positive and not the
negative. They asked not to be judged and stated staff will get there. They stated they do get
their breaks and lunches and do get paid overtime. They stated they do not have a problem with
the Animal Shelter Manager's dog.
Dave Dykstra stated a lot of what has been done at the shelter is because of Ms. Myerchin. He
stated she is not the enemy.
Pamela Easter, Acting Shelter Director, stated all employees work very hard when any new venue is
about to open up. She stated the shelter staff works very hard with the rescue groups also. She stated
she and Jen Woodard always tell the volunteers to come to them when they see something that isn't
right. She stated the staff is always open to a better way of doing things. She stated euthanasia is a very
tough subject. She stated they will improve and will learn from their mistakes. She stated the struggle
they have is because of so many animals. She felt they are having to apologize for doing the best job
they can do.
Jen Woodard, Animal Shelter Manager, talked about her prior experience which included the setting up of
a "no kill" shelter. She talked abut the great staff at the shelter. She talked abut the process they go
through to euthanize an animal. She stated it is a difficult decision to make. She felt they are doing the
right thing and headed in the right direction. She added she takes her profession very seriously.
Councilmember Williams stated she is so impressed with what has been done at the shelter and felt we
are headed in the right direction. She wished other cities could get on board with the same type of
program. She felt for only being into this for four months we have done a great job. She stated she does
not want to micromanage the shelter or any other department. She felt round table discussions once a
month with the volunteers and anyone else might be a good idea to work out problems.
Councilmember Michael congratulated the staff again on a good job and hoped everyone can be
objective starting tomorrow.
Mayor Alexander stated he does go to the shelter and does spend time with everybody. He felt it was
important to get together tonight and work out some of these issues.
Councilmember Spagnolo agreed with Mayor Alexander and thanked Ms. Heilig and Ms. Myerchin for
getting this ball rolling.
MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Michael to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk/Records Manager
Approved: October 18, 2006