HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002/05/22 - Agenda PacketCITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~'- - PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY MAY 22, 2002 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Council Chamber 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California I. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Chairman McNiel _ Vice Chairman Maaas Coin Mannenno _ Com Stewart _ Com Tolstoy II. ANNOUNCEMENTS III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 8, 2002 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non- controversial They wdl be acted on by the Commission at one bme wdhout discussion if anyone has concern over any dem, rt should be removed for d~scuss~on A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2001-00714 - REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD - The development of two industrial bwldings totaling 45,721 square feet on 2 95 acres of land m the Industrial Park Distract (Subarea 7), located at the southeast corner of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue - APN 208-352-42 Related Files Preliminary Review DRC2001-00427 and Tentatwe Parcel Map SUBTPM15731 Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration V. PUBLIC HEARINGS The following dems are public hearings in which concerned ~nd~viduals may voice their opinion of the related pro/ect Please wad to be recogn¢ed by the Chavman and address the Commission by stating your name and address All such opinions shall be limded to 5 minutes per ~nd~wdual for each protect Please sign ~n after speaking B TENTATNE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM15731 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD -The subdivision of 2 95 acres of land into two parcels in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), located at the southeast corner of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue -APN 208-352-42 Related Files• Preliminary Review DRC2001-00427 and Development Rewew DRC2001-00714. C STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00300 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A proposal to change the name of Miller Avenue to "Church Street" for that portion of Miller Avenue between the current easternmost terminus of Church Street and the east boundary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (intersection of Miller Avenue and East Avenue) This application has been filed pursuant to provision of Planning Commission Resolution No. 90-57 and in conformance with City Code Section 12 12.050 D STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00338 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA -The proposed renaming of Klusman Avenue to Tolstoy Ranch Road for that existing portion of Klusman Avenue at the westerly end of Whiriaway Street, located north of Hillside Road and west of Archibald Avenue. VI. DIRECTOR'S REPORTS E DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to initiate an amendment to delete Mission Park Drive between Buffalo Avenue and Charles Smith Avenue in the Industrial Park and General Industrial Districts (Subareas 12 and 13, respectively) -APN 209-263-68 Related File Development Rewew DRC2001-00718 F CONSIDERATION OF SUBAREA 18 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT -CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A request to initiate an amendment to allow senior housing as a permitted use within Planning Area VIII of the Empire Lakes protect VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS This ~s the time and place for the general public to address the commission Items to be discussed here are those that do not already appear on this agenda Page 2 VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS IX. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission has adopted Admin~strahve Regulations that set an 11 00 p m adjournment time If dems go beyond that time, they shall be heard only wdh the consent of the Commission 1, Gad Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary of the Cdy of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on May 16, 2002, at least 72 hours poor to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964 2 at 10500 Ciwc Center Dnve, Rancho Cucamonga ~a;D.~~ Page 3 Vicinity Map Planning Commission May 22, 2002 Hill B~ Aa Ison t = ~ ~ Q City of Rancho Cucamonga ~ CITY HALL Subarea 18 N • T H E C I T Y O F R A N C N O C U C A M O N G A Staff Report DATE May 22, 2002 TO Chalmtan and Members of the Planning Commission FROM Brad Buller, Clty Planner BY. Warren Morellon, Assistant Planner SUBJECT TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM 15731 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD - The subdivision of 2 95 acres of land Into two parcels In the Industnal Park Dlstnct (Subarea 7), located at the southeast comer of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue -APN 208-352-42 Related file Preliminary Review DRC2001-00427 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2001-00714 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD -The development of two Industnal buildings totaling 45,721 square feet on 2.95 acres of land In the Industnal Park Dlstnct (Subarea 7), located at the southeast comer of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue -APN 208-3522 Related file Preliminary Revlew DRC2001-00427. A Sun-oundino Land Use and Zonlno: North - Vacant Land, Industnal Park (Subarea 7) South - Industnal Park Complex, Industnal Park (Subarea 7) East - Industnal BulldingNacant Land, Industnal Paris (Subarea 7) West - Vacant Land, Industnal Park (Subarea 7) B General Plan Deslanations Protect Slte - Industnal Park North - Industnal Park South - Industnal Park East - Industnal Park West - Industnal Park C Slte Characteristics The site Is vacant and slopes southerly at approximately 2 percent The site has been occasionally disced for weed control ITEMS A & B PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2001-00714 AND SUBTPM15731 May 22, 2002 Page 2 D. Parking Calculations Number of Number of Square Parking Spaces Spaces Tvoe of Use Footaoe Ratio Required Provided Budding One 25,620 Office 2.344 1/250 10 Warehouse 8,276 1/1000 9 Manufactunng 15,000 1/500 30 Total 49 49 20,101 Budding Two 2,344 1/250 10 Office 2.757 1/1000 3 Warehouse 15,000 1/500 30 Manufactunng Total 43 45 ANALYSIS A General The applicant is proposing to divide the 2 95-acre site into two parcels Parcel One (1.64 acres) will be located on the southeast comer of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue Parcel Two (1 31 acres) will be located to the south of Parcel One A 25,620 square foot office/warehouse building is proposed on Parcel One, and a 20,101 square foot office/warehouse budding is proposed on Parcel Two The buildings are designed to front on White Oak Avenue, with truck loading and parking in the rear The truck loading and parking areas will be screened from view by 8-foot high screen walls and wrought iron gates Access into the site is from White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue Both buildings are designed with two pnmary building materials The buildings are made of painted tilt-up concrete with sandblasting added as an accent treatment The buldings are also designed with a substantial amount of vision and spandrel glass on areas of the buildings that are visible from White Oak and Elm Avenues The glass treatment is used to give the buildings more of an office budding appearance (Exhibit "F"and "G") B Design Review Committee• The Design Review Committee (McNiel, Stewart, Fong) reviewed the project on January 15, 2002 The Committee asked the applicant to redesign the protect in light of staffs comments. The Committee asked that the protect be designed Huth more of an office appearance similar to A~a~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2001-00714 AND SUBTPM15731 May 22, 2002 Page 3 existing development in the area The Committee also felt that the protest's corner location is a visibly prominent location and should be designed accordingly The applicant agreed to revise the protect and come back to a later Committee meeting (Exhibit "J") The Design Review Committee (McNiel, Fong) reviewed the project again on April 16, 2002 The Committee felt that all of staffs comments were addressed, except for the addition of the arcade panels that were in the protest's original design The Committee asked staff to work with the applicant to incorporate the panels, or similar architectural features, into the protest's final design The Committee felt that the protect would not have to come back again for review if the applicant incorporated the arcade panels, but would have to come back as a Consent Item if alternative architectural features are used in the project's design The applicant agreed to work with staff The Committee recommended approval of the protect subtect to all of staff's comments and with the additional condition that the applicant extend the screen wall on the east side of Building One further south to the existing building to fully screen the loading area of Building One from public view (Exhibit "K") Because the applicant did not use arcade panels in the protest's final design, the project came back to the Committee as a Consent Item on April 30, 2002. Upon staff recommendation, the applicant added additional sandblasting treatment to the protect design to mitigate the removal of the arcade panels The Committee recommended approval of the project as proposed with no other comments C Technical and Grading Review Committees The Technical and Grading Committees reviewed the project and recommended approval subtect to the conditions outlined in the attached Resolution of Approval. D Environmental Assessment The applicant has prepared Part I of the Initial Study Staff has completed Part II and determined that the protect could have a significant adverse environmental impact on short-term air quality during site grading. The mitigations listed in the Initial Study Part II and attached Resolution of Approval will reduce the short-term impact to less than significant A Focused Delhi Sands flower-loving fly Survey was conducted by ECOSCIENCES, Mr Scott Cameron, dated October 18, 2000 Delhi sand is the baseline criterion for the determination of suitable or potentially suitable habitat for the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly, as well as the presence of indicator plant species such as California buckwheat, California Croton, and telegraph weed Based on a "Geotechnical Engineering Investigation" conducted on-site by NorCal Engineering, Delhi sand, as described by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Survey, does not exist at the site The focused survey concluded that the site does not contain suitable habitat or potentially suitable habitat for the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly Development of the site will not impact endangered, threatened, or rare species or their habitats CORRESPONDENCE This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Vallev Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the protect site ~~~3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2001-00714 AND SUBTPM15731 May 22, 2002 Page 4 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with conditions Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB•WM~ma Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibd "B" - Parcel Map Exhibit "C" - Site Plan Exhibit "D" - Grading Plan Exhibit "E" - Conceptual Landscape Plan Exhibit "F" - Budding One Elevations Exhibit "G" - Building Two Elevations Exhibit "H" - Budding One Floor Plan Exhibit "I" - Budding Two Floor Plan Exhibit "J" - January 15, 2002, Design Rewew Action Agenda Exhibit "K" - Apnl 16, 2002, Design Rewew Action Agenda Exhibit "L" - Initial Study Draft Resolution of Approval for SUBTPM15731 Draft Resolution of Approval for DRC2001-00714 ~ ~. 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Q1,5,~~ I '0'1'l "S3111Nf1WW00 1N3J3d '" ~ "< I (13 mwvnw i v3wo soNa~N rurw. i>oNa ra ~~~ ~~~ C J ,. ~ I ~_ ~ N 0--- ~--- --- Exhibit "I" ~ ~-- ~ 13 DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 8:20 p.m. Warren Morelion January 15, 2002 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2001-00714-REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD -The development of two industrial buildings totaling 45,721 square feet on 2.95 acres of land in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), located at the southeast comer of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue -APN: 208-352-42. Related files: DRC2001-00427, SUBTPM 15731. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM15731- REGENT COMMUNRIES, LTD-The subdnrision of 2.95 acres of land into two parcels in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), located at the southeast comer of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue -APN: 208-352-42. Related files: DRC2001-00427, DRC2001-00714. Desion Parameters: The sfte is vacant and slopes southerly at approximately 2 percent The site is bordered on the north, west, and southeast by vacant land. The site is bordered on the south and northeast by existing industrial park development. The applicant is proposing to divide the 2.95 site into two parcels. Parcel 1 will be located on the southeast comer of W hate Oak and Elm Avenues. Parcel 2 will be located south of Parcel 1. The applicant is proposing to construct a 25,620 square foot office/warehouse building on Parcel 1 and a 20,101 square foot office/warehouse building on Parcel 2. The prolect is designed to have both buildings fronting W hits Oak Avenue. Truck parking and loading areas are located in the rear of the project away from public wew. The parking and loading areas are screened by an 8-foot high • wrought iron fence vinth mesh backing. Access into the site is from White Oak and Elm Avenues. The buildings are designed with two primary building materials. Each building will be made of painted tilt-up concrete with sandblasting added as an accent on the office and warehouse portions of the buildings. The protect will also incorporate wsion glass on the offices and warehouses. Decorative steel tube vine towers are proposed along the outside of the buildings. Staft Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Maior Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this protect: Building One is located on the comer of White Oak and EIm Avenues. To avoid large expanses of blank walls at this visibly prominent location, provide articulation to the north and west building planes. Suggest enhancing the design by adding additional sandblasting treatment to the walls, and by enlarging the size of the decorative steel tube vine towers. Also suggest adding additional decorative tilt-up arcade panels on the north side and northwest comer of the building. 2. Add some additional sandblasting treatment on the office and warehouse portion of the buildings. The sandblasting treatment should be located high enough on the buildings to be visually prevalent. Revise the sandblasting design on the screen walls to match the buildings. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the • Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. Provide berthing in the front landscape setback. Exhibit "J" ~``~ ~~ ' DRC COMMENTS DRC2001-00714, AND SUBTPM15731 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD. January 15, 2002 . Page 2 2. Provide a 5-foot minimum landscape planter along the east and south sides of the building penmeters. Included in the budding perimeters are the tilt-up guard walls next to the truck loading areas. Add trees to planters. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the protect design without discussion: Replace the chain link fence and gate between the two buildings with wrought iron or other decorative material. 2. Replace all striped'no parking areas' in the rear parking lot with landscape planters. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the Design Revew Committee approve the prolect subtect to the above-mentioned conditions. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Lany McNiel, Pam Stewart, Nancy Fong Staff Present: Warren Morelion The Committee reviewed the project and asked that ft be restudied and redesigned in light of the • above-mentioned major design issues. The Committee felt the proposed architecture did not represent a good design for the area. The Committee asked that the protect be designed wdh more of an office appearance similar to existing development in the area. The Committee also felt that the protect is in a visible prominent location (southeast comer of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue) and should be designed accordingly. The applicant agreed to revise the project and come back at a later date. • ~ ~~ i~ DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:20 p.m. Warren Morelion Apnl 16, 2002 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2001-00714-REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD-A request to construct two industnal buldings totaling 45,721 square feet on 2.95 acres of land in the Industnal Park Distnct (Subarea 7), located at the southeast comer of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue -APN: 208-352-42. Related files: DRC2001-00427, SUBTPM 15731. TENTATNE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM 15731 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD -The subdivision of 2.95 acres of land into two parcels in the Industrial Park Distnct (Subarea 7), located at the southeast comer of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue -APN: 208-352-42. Related files: DRC2001-00427, DRC2001-00714. Background: On January 15, 2002, the Design Review Committee reviewed the project and asked that it be redesigned (see attached minutes). The Committee felt that the proposed architecture did not represent a good design for the area. The Committee asked that more glass be added to the buildings to give them an office appearance, similar to existing development in the area. The Committee also felt that the protect is in a visibly prominent IocaUOn (southeast comer of W hite Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue) and should be designed acx;ordingly. Design Parameters: The applicant has revised the protect and submitted a new architectural design. The new design has increased the amount of glass used on the buildings' offices and porhons of the warehouses facing W hite Oak and Elm Avenues. The new design incorporates glass • windows at a 45-degree angle on the budding comers, and adds windows to the east elevaUOn of Budding One and north elevation of Budding Two. The new windows on the building facing White Oak and Elm Avenues have been designed to decrease in size the further they get from the offices. Sandblasting is proposed as a second pnmary material around the lower portion of the buildings. The budding layouts and construction matenals have not changed from the original proposal at the January 15, 2002, Committee meeting, except for the removal of the tilt-up arcade panels in front of the budding offices. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this protect: 1. To increase the budding articulation, keep the decorative tilt-up arcade panels that were proposed on the profect's onginal design. 2. Add some additional sandblasting treatment to the new building designs. Also, sandblasting should be used on all sides and located high enough on the buildings to be wsible from public view Secondanr Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. Increase the size of the new spandrel windows proposed on the budding warehouses so . they are the same size and shape as the office windows. All windows should be spaced and located to look unifomt. Exhibit "K" ~ °~~ ~~° DRC COMMENTS DRC2001-00714 & SUBTPM15731 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD Apnl i6, 2002 Page 2 2. Provide additional windows on the east elevation of Building One. The windows only need to be provided where they are visible from the street. The windows should be the same size and shape as the office windows. 3. Provide additional second floor windows on the north elevation of Building Two. The windows should only need to be provided where they are visible from the street. Also, provide first floor windows on the portion of the warehouse that faces White Oak Avenue (west elevation). All windows should be the same size and shape as the office windows. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the applicant revise the project and return to the Design Review Committee as a consent calendar item. Attachment Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: ferry McNiel, Nancy Fong Staff Planner: Warren Morelion The arohitect came to the meeting with revised elevations to address the above-mentioned comments. The Design Review Committee reviewed the elevations and felt that all of staff's comments were addressed, except forthe addition of arcade panels similar to the project's onginal design. The Committee asked staff to work with the applicant to incorporate the panels (or similar arohitectural features) into the project's final design. The Committee felt that the protect would not have to come back for review if the applicant incorporated the arcade panels, but would have to come back as a Consent Item if alternative architectural features are used in the project's design. The applicant agreed to work with staff. The Committee recommended approval of the protect subject to all of the staff's comments and with the following additional comment: 1. Extend the screen wall on the east side of the protect south to the existing building to fully screen Building One's loading area from public view. ~~~~~ ~ araw.~n a+a.~w ~~ l~ marso ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (Part 1-Initial Study) INCOMPLETE APPUCAiIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Please note Met k is the iespa~siblflly dMe appficard ro enawe Mat Me epphcahon La arnplete er Me trine a subrtsdal, Cdy Bran ~ nor he are0able ro padam »orx requtied ro provide mtssag arhumeEian App6caCon Numberlor the pigect ro whxh Mrs lam pertains: SUBTPM 15731 DRC 2001-00714 Pro/ect Tentative Parcel Map No 15731 rdre. Neme6AddressMprged Regent Communities, LTD. owner(s) 245 Fischer Avenue Suite C-1 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ATTENTION: William Ibhr Name d Address of devebper or projeer Same as above ConfactPerson6 KWC En4ineers Inc. Address 1269 West Pomona Road Suite 104 Corona, CA 92882-7158 ATTENTION• Mike Reilly I ~PLANNING~FINALIFORMSICOUNTERtlNR5TD1 WPD 31ou{-~-~ ~ ~ ~ r> Page 1 Exhibit "L„ ~. J o 'u Name 6 Address d person prepanng ttus Iorrrr (d dDlerent Iron eboveJ• Same as above Telephone (909) 734-2130 Number. fnPomratxxr mdxafed by astedak (~ Ls nd required of nar-rnnsbuc6a~n CUP-s unless otherwise requested 6y stall. '1) Provide a /uD scale (8-1!! x 111 Dopy d the USGS Quadrerd Sheet(s) whkh mdudes ttre prgled efts, and brdreafe the alts 6ourdarna 2) Pmwde a set o1 oobr photogrephs wfuch show representetrve News mto fire atte Irorrr the nd}h, south, seat and west views into and Irom the efts hom the primary access points whxlr serve the sDe, and representebva News d sJ~dDcant /earures Irom the sDe Include a map showing focadon o-eadr ptalograph. 3)projectlocatan(desutbeJ Located in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, on the - southeast ('ornpr t~f L•TMifa Clerk A~anna anA Fl ~ F r - ~J Aasessor~ Parcel Numbers (attach addr6arel aheet H necessary) 208-352-042 •5) Gross SDe Area (adsq. R): 2.95 AC/128, 502.5 sq. ft . ~) Net Sde Area (total sUe she Mnus area o/public streets d proposed dedreatrarrsJ• Same as above 7)Descnbe any proposed gerrerel plan amendment orzone change which would al/ed the pro/eci ads (atfadr ed~6orral sheet tt necessary N/A 11PLANNINGLFItJALLFORMSICOUNTERUNfTSTD1.WPD 3/00 ~ ~ 1 ~ Page 2 8J Inaude a descnpbon o1 all pemds xlrlch wdl he necessary /rom Ore Crfy of Rancho Cudundrga and other governmental i agendas m ortfer to /uAy ngrlenrent are prgect Building Permit g)f~srnbe the physkal sarong erne Sao as d edsts baron are prged brGudmg mromrebon m topography, sat sran>sty, plaids and animals, mahua frees, bads and roads, dranege courses, and scerrk aspects. Desdibe any exrsMg strtrdraes on alts (mdudurg age and carrdban) and the use o/are sbudures. Aaaar photographs oJsrgruficaM roahues desaffred. fn eddraorr, acts ell sources of mromretren (le, gedograd endbrhydm/ogrc studies, dobc and erdredogrcal surveys, traffic studies) This site consists of 2 lots. This site is currently vacant. The site topography is a natural2~ average downward slope to the southwest. Soils report for this area have not indicated any unstable soils. There are no significant scenic aspects associated with this site that are not common to similar developements >_n this area of Rancho Cucamonga. 10)Desrnbe are knavn cultural ard/orhlstoricalaspacts dare sae Site eAsources o/mldmebon (books, puWrslred reports erd ors/ history) N/A 11PLANNING~FINALIFORMSIC.OUNTERUNRSTDI WPD 3100 tel. ~ ~ q~ Page 3 11)Descnbe any nose sources end fherrlevels that now affect the sde (arrcralt roadway none, ek) and how they xsll e/lad proposed uses All adjacent property except to the Northeast and immediate South consists of vacant land. To the Northeast and immediate South is industrial develoExnent. This should have no effect on the proposed site. 12)()esrnhe the proposed project in decal Thu should prowde an adequate descrrptron o/the site 6r terms o/ultrmate use which will result from the proposedpro/ed Indicate dfhare are proposed phases /or development, the extend of development to occur with each phase, and the anhapafed comp/ehon o/each increment Attach eddrbonal sheet(s) Hnecessary This proposed project will be located on the Southeast corner of White ~k Avenue and Elm Avenue. The proposed project will be an industrial site, which will contain 2 numbered parcels and will record in one phase, all a h on shall be public. The cross acreage shall be 2.95 acres. 13)Descritre the surrounding properties, lndudmg m/omrahon on plants and emmals and any cultural, hutoneal, or soemc aspects Indreale the type o/land use (resldenbal, conunerclal, etc.), Intensity o/land use (one-farm/y, aparhnent houses, shops, departrnent stores, etc) and scale of development (height frontage, sefbad4 rearyertl, etc.): North: vacant/industrial-sub area #7 South: industrial/industrial-sub area #7 East: vacant/general industrial-area #8 West: industrial/industrial-sub area #7 14)Will the proposed proleG change the pattern, scale or character of the surrounding general area of the pro/ed~ 11PLANNINGIFINALIFORMSU:OUNTERUNfTSTD1 WPD 3/00 A ~'~ Gl I Page 4 15)Indreate the type o/short-term end kmgtertn nase to be generated, uxluNng spume and anaunG How will t/rese nurse leysls aAed ad/acenf propeRres and onsrte uses What methods o/sound proofing are proposed9 7Yrere will be typical industrial site noise. There will also be typical industrial vehicular noise. This should not have any afforr on the adjacent g~~- i c G~nr•P they ar al an inAnatri al Ac~.cl.,rmonr Y8) Indicate proposed removals andbr replacements o/mature orscenk bees U /n 17) fndreafe any bodies of water (nrdudrng domestic wafer supplies) trrto which the sde drams. N/A 18)Indreateexpededamounto/waterusage (SeeAttachmentA/orusageesdmetes) Forlurtherdadficatron,p/easeowdad fire Cucamonga County Water Drstnd of 987-2591 a Resrdentlal (gauday) Peak use (gal/Day) b CommeraaUlnd (ga4day/ae) 3000 Peak use (gevmrn/ac) 6000 19)Indicate proposed method o/sewage disposal Septic Tank_ Sewer 11 septic tanks are proposed, attach percdatron tests U discharge b a santtary sewage system is proposed mdreafe expected daffy sewage generebon ,See Attachment A for usage estimates) Far 1uRher dadfica6on, please tooted the Cucamonga County WaterOrstrrd at 987- 2591 a Rasrdantral (gal/day) Commerdaglrrd (gaUdey/ac) 2000 RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS: 2g) Numberolresrdenba/ ands Detached (indreaha range o/ panel saes, minimum lot srze and maximum lot sae N/A 11PLANNING1FItJAL1FORMSICOUNTERUNITSTDI VVPD 3100 ~ "3~ Page 5 Attached(md~catewhetherumGtaiaienfe/or/wsaleumtaJ• N/A ' 21)Anbdpeted range o/sale pdces and/or rerrfs Sale Pnce(s) t N/A to i N/A Rent (permordh) i N/A to i N/A 221 Speary numberol bedrtwnns by uMt type: _ N/A 23) Indicate an6aPated household ab:e by unR type N/A a 24)Indicffie the expected number o/school ddldren who wr7l be resMJrg wNan the prt5eek Goofed the appropdafe Sdroo/ DAS6xXs as shown M Affadunent B a t]ementery N/A b JundwFGgh N/A c SenrorHgh N/A 7 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL INtOJECTS 25) Descnbe type o/use(s) end melon luncbon(s) o/oommerda/, mdustna/ ormsfllubonal uses Not known at this time 26) Tdal tloorama dcornmeraal, ndusfnal, armsbbrbonal uses by type 4bta1: 45, 721, SF Bldg 1: 25, 620, SF Bldg 2, 20, 101, SF //~~_ 11PLANNINCa1FINAL~FORMSI000NTERUNRSTDI.VYPD 3/00 ~ pL\J v~.~J Page 6 t 27) Indicate hours of operefwn Not known at this time. r 1 ~~ 28) Numfrerot Total emproyees: Not known at this time. MaxlmumShBt Not known at this time. TrneatMexrmumShJlt Not known at this time. 29)Provrde breakdown o1 anfeppeted job dassrBcebons, urduding wage and salary ranges, as web as en 6idrwtron o-the rate o-~ure /preach dassrYrcebpn (attach eddroona/sheetB'necessaryJ: Not known at this time. >- 30) F_sbmalron olfhe number atwakers to be hoed that currently reside um the CIN' Not known at this time. Y A '31)For commercial and vMustnal uses Doty, mdkate the source, type and amount o/eir poBuBan emrssfpns. (Date should be verfied through the South Coast AirQuahty Management DlsMcf; at (818) 572283) Not known at this time. ' ALL PROJECTS 32)Hare the wafer, sewer, Bra, end Hood cantrd agenaes servbrg the prgect been ponmcted fo detemurre fhelrabdrty to proWde adequate serwce to 8re proposed prgect7 Nso, Please mdreate fherrresponse No I WLANNING~FINALIFORMSICOUNTERUNRSTDI WPD 3/00 ~ ~ Q c1~ Page 7 In the Imown hrsfory o/ fhrs property, has there been any use, slorage, w discharge o/ hazardous and/or toxrc matenals? 33JEramp/es d hazardous and/orlaxrc matena/s include, but are notlaruted to PCBts, radroacbve substances, pesfrcrdes end herblades, luetA a1s, solvards, end otherflammeble 6gmds and gases Also note underground storage of any d the above Please 4st the materials and describe then use, storage, and/or discharge an the propedy, as well as the dates o/ use, d blown NO 34JWF1l the proposed prgect hrvdve the temporary orlprgtenn use, slavage w discharge o/hazardous ertd~br taxk maleness, mdudmg but rat 6rrated to those examples bsted eboveT Nyes, provide rm brventory deg such matelots fo be used and proposed method of disposal. The location dsudr uses, alorq wrtlt the storage end shipmerd areas, sha0 be slaNSr andlebe/ed on are eppbcatron pans. Not known at this time. " l hereby eerWy that the sfatemerds Iumrshed above wtd in llre attached exhrbNS presets the data end brhamaban required tw adequate evahtatron a/thrs project fo the best of my a66dy, that the facts, sfatemerds, and m/arntatan presented ate bus and correct tot he best of my brovdedge end befrel 1 /urNer understand that additional m bon may 6e regmred to be sutmu/ted behxe an adequate ' eva/uabon can be made by the db'tr/Rancho Cursrnonga vats. 11-13-O1 ~~, , ~~ Tice: Michael D. Reilly Project Manager I~PIANNINGIFlNAUFORMSICOUNTERUNfiSTD1 WPD3/00~ ps, ~~~ page$ City of Rancho Cucamonga ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM INITIAL STUDY PART II BACKGROUND 1. Project File: DRC 200 1-0071 4/SUBTPM15731 2. Related Files: DRC2001-00427 3. Description of Project: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2001-00714 -REGENT COMMUNITIES. LTD. - A request to construct two industrial bwldings totaling 45,721 square feet on 2.95 acres of land m the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), located on the southeast corner of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue-APN:208-352-42. Related Fdes: DRC2001-00427, SUBTPM 15731. ., ni.v ,uv,n„v~ rnnv~~ rvinr ouoirmioroi REGENT COMMUNITIES LTD -The subdivision of 2.95 acres of land into two parcels m the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), located on the southeast corner of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue - APN. 208-352-42. Related Fdes DRC2001-00427, DRC2001-00714. 4. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Regent Communities, Ltd 245 Fischer Avenue, Swte C-1 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 5. General Plan Designation: Industrial Park 6. Zoning: Industrial Park (Subarea 7) 7. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting• The site is vacant and slopes southerly at approximately 2 percent. The site is bordered on the north, west, and southeast by vacant land The site is bordered on the south and northeast by existing industrial park development 8. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Diwsion 10500 Ciwc Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9. Contact Person and Phone Number: Warren Morelion, Assistant Planner (909) 477-2750 10. Other agencies whose approval is required: None i ~ ~ ~e Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd. Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this pro)ect, Involving at least one Impact that Is °Potentially Significant Impact,° "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated,° or °Less Than Significant Impact° as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. OLand Use and Planning O Population and Housing (/) Geological Problems (/) Water (/) Air Quality (/) Transportation/Circulabon ()Biological Resources ()Energy and Mineral Resources ()Hazards ONoise ()Public Services () Uttlities and Service Systems OAesthetics () Cuttuml Resources ORecreation DETERMINATION On the basis of this Initial evaluation: (/) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project, or agreed to, by the applicant. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I ~ c~~ 1 - ~ Signed• t!'-' Warren Morellon Assistant Planner April 17, 2002 ~~~~~ Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 3 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Pursuant to Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, an explanation is required for all "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated,° and °Less Than Significant Impact" answers, including a discussion of ways to mitigate the signrficant effects identrfied am°nu°uy spmec°m Imp°d Less Issues and Supporting information Sources aaem~sly unl°ss m°n Squficant Mnp"bon " tlfie°nI No I a InM tetl I a I a 1. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the proposal. a) Conflict with general plan designation or zonings () () () (/) b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or () () () (/) policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c) Be incompatible with existing land use in the () ( ) () (/) vicinity d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an () () () (/) established community Comments• a-d) The proposed project was designed to conform to the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.30, Subarea 7 No increase in building density or plan amendment is proposed The proposed industrial bwlding will be consistent with other industriaUoffice buildings within the immediate area. aa"mm~y slgnmram Imp°d Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources. aa"nlbM u"I°~ Th0^ Signific°nl MIIIpeUOn Signlflc°nt No I ed Inco r°IeG I °d I d 2. POPI/LA71ON AND HOUSNG. Would the proposal. a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local () () () (/) population projections? b) Induce substantial growth in an area either () () () (/) directly or indirectly (e g., through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major mfrastructure)~ c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable () () () (/) housing Comments: a-b) Construction activities at the site will be short-term and will not attract new employees to the area. The number of employees required for the two proposed industrial buildings (totaling 45,721 s~ua~re ~et~is unknown, however, it is not Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga • DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd. Page 4 expected to result in a significant number of new employees. The additional employees would likely be hired locally. The City's current housing stock could adequately provide for the small housing market demand provided by this protect c) The site is currently void of any structures. No existing housing is located onsite or within the general vicinity of the site. aaenl~auy s~9nlr~a Issues and Supporting Information Sources Potemle~ly u~ss ina Significonl MIIlpetion Sipnficant No I ea Into eleE Im a Im a 3. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS. Would the proposal result ~n or expose people to potential impacts ~nvolwng• a) Fault ruptures () () () (/) b) Seismic ground shaking? () () (/) ( ) c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefactions () () () (/) d) Seiche hazards () () () (/) e) Landslides or mudflows~ () () () (/) f) Erosion, changes in topography, or unstable soil () () () (/) conditions from excavation, grading, or fill g) Subsidence of the lands () () () (/) h) Expansive soils O O O (/) i) Unique geologic or physical features () () () (/) Comments• a-c) No known faults pass through the site, d is not in an Algwst-Priolo Specal Studies Zone, nor is it in the Rancho Cucamonga City Special Study Zone along the Red Hdl Fault. The Red Hdl Fault, or Etiwanda Avenue Fault, passes within 2 miles north and west of the site, and the Cucamonga Fault Zone lies approximately 5 miles northerly. These faults are both capable of producing 6 0 to 7.0 magnitude earthquakes. Also, the San Jacinto fault, capable of producing up to a 7 5 magnitude earthquakes is approximately 15 miles northeast of the site and the San Andreas, capable of up to an 8 2 magnitude earthquake, is approximately 16 miles northeast of the site Each of these faults can produce strong ground shaking Adhenng to the Uniform Building Code will ensure that geologic impacts are less than significant d) The site is not located near a body of water e) The site is relatively flat, and adjacent to existing industrial development, therefore landsliding or mudflows are not likely to occur. f) The site is relatively flat, proposed grading will be necessary to create the bwlding pad and provide the necessary slope gradient to allow proper site drainage ~~- ~~~ Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 200 1-0 071 4/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd. Page 5 g/h) A Geotechnical Engineering Investigation was performed by NorCal Engmeenng dated October 5, 2000 The Soil type on-site and m the vianity is Hanford Soil association, and the sods on-site did not fall within the gradation requirements for the Delhi sand and therefore they do not exist at the site. The Hanford soils are well-drained, readily level to moderately sloping sods formed on alluvial fans, and have moderately rapid sub-soil permeability. They are relatively stable but are subject to liquefaction when the water table is relatively shallow. Liquefaction and related hazards are unlikely at the site due the depth to groundwater m excess of 200- feet Development must meet current earthquake standards as required by the Uniform Bwlding Code The impact is not considered significant. i) The site contains no unique geologic or physical features Potantblty Sipnifirant Impen Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Pmennellr unbss Tnan Spnificent Mnlpeu0n Sipnificent No Im n Into et6E I n I n 4. WATER. Will the proposal result m. a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, () (/) ( ) ( ) or the rate and amount of surface water runoff b) Exposure of people or property to water related () () ( ) (/) hazards such as flooding c) Discharge into surface water or other alteration () () ( ) (/) of surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen, or turbidity)? d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any () () ( ) (/) water body e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction () () ( ) (/) of water movements? f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either () () () (/) through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations, or through substantial loss of groundwater recharge capability g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater? () () () (/) h) Impacts to groundwater quality () () () (/) i) Substantial reduction in the amount of () () () (/) groundwater otherwise available for public water supplies vt ~ 3b Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga •DRC 2 00 1-007 1 4/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd. Page 6 Comments• a) The protect is expected to result m changes m absorption rates and drainage patterns as the vacant lot will be developed with two industrial buildings and related hardscape. Since grading onsite will not exceed five acres, the applicant need not prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for submittal to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Nevertheless, the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) should be implemented dunng construction to control the discharge of pollutants and sediments into streets and/or stormwater conveyance channels. BMPs, which should be identdied on the Grading Plan, would include, but are not limited to street sweeping of paved roads during construction, and the use of hay bales or sand bags to control erosion dunng the rainy season. A final grading plan will be prepared m accordance with City standards and show how storm water runoff will be handled both dunng construction and operation. Approval of grading plans and conditions applied to the protect by the Building Official to ensure adequate site drainage will make this impact less than significant. b) The site is not located within the 100-year flood plain. c-e) The protect site is not located near a body of water. f-i) The protect will not interfere with groundwater management practices m the area, the depth to groundwater is in excess of 200 feet (NorCal Engineering) Pdentlally s~c~~rKa~n ~ Issues and Supporting Informatlon Sources aaanlmoy u~. ~ Significant Mrtpatlon Sigrufiranl No I p I eta0 I d I a 5. AIR QUALITY. Would the proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to () (/) () ( ) an existing or protected air quality violation? b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants () () () (/) c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or () () () (/) cause any change m climate d) Create obtectionable odors () () () (/) Comments• a/b) The proposed protect was screened using Urban Emission Model 7G (URBEMIS7G) prepared by Jones ~ Stokes under the guidance of the San Joagwn Valley Unified Air Pollution Control Distract, the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) The program generates emissions estimates for land use development protects The criteria pollutants screened for included. reactive organic gases (ROG), nitrous oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulates (PM,o). Two of these, ROG and NOx, are ozone precursers Default values were used where protect specific information was ~~~3~ Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 7 unavailable. Though not required, construction emissions are screened and quantrfied to document the effectiveness of control measures (Table 1). The operational mobile source emissions were calculated using the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Tnp Generation Manual 6'" edition values programmed into the URBEMIS7G model. In order to reflect the industrial natural of the proposed protect, the default fleet mix was modified to increase the number of medium and heavy-duty diesel trucks and decrease the number of light passenger vehicles The protect operational emissions do not exceed SCAOMD thresholds of significance (Table 2). However, since the South Coast Air Basin is in non-attainment status for ozone and suspended particulates (PM,o) mitigation measures will be used to minimize the protect contribution to regional emission of criteria pollutants. Table 1 URBEMIS7G Construction Emissions Summary (Pounds per Dav) Source ROG NO, CO PM,o Unmet Mit. Unmet Met Unmet. Met Unmet. Mit. Gradin 3.23 3.23 43.06 40.91 - - 24.24 9.93 Worker Tn s 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Stations E ui 0.34 0.34 0.27 0.27 ~ - - 0.02 0.02 Mobile E w 1.28 1.22 13.60 12.92 - - 0.87 0 83 Arch. Coatin s 0 00 0 00 - - - - - - As halt 1.31 1.24 - - - - - - Totals 6 16 5.87 56 94 54 10 0.00 0 00 25 13 10.77 SCAOMDThres. 75 75 100 100 550 550 150 150 Si nificance No No No No No No No No Table 2 URBEMIS7G Operations Emissions Summary Pounds rDa Source ROG NO, CO PM,o Area Source 0.06 0.81 0 32 0 00 Mobile Source 4.67 6.42 38 29 2 17 Totals 4 73 7.23 38 61 2 17 SCAOMDThres. 55 55 550 150 Si nificance No No No No Generally, construction of a protect this size will not exceed SCAOMD thresholds during grading activities for PM,o and NO„ nor SCAOMD thresholds for developed condition (operational impacts) for NO. During grading, fugitive dust (PM,o) will be generated. And, since the state is ninon-attainment for PM,o, fugitive dust will be mitigated by the following measures. 1. The site shall be treated with water or other soil-stabilizing agent (approved by SCAOMD and RWOCB) daily to reduce PM,o emissions, in accordance wkh SCAOMD Rule 403. 2. Streets bordering the site shall be swept according to a schedule ~~~~ Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 200 1-0071 4/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 8 established by the City to reduce PM,g emissions associated with vehicle tracking of soil off-site. Timing may vary depending upon time of year'of construction. 3. Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph to minimize PM,g emissions from the site during such episodes. 4. Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAOMD and RWOCB) shall be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM,g emissions. During construction exhaust emissions from construction vehicles and equipment, and fugitive dust generated by vehicles and equipment traveling over exposed surfaces will increase NO, and PM,o levels in the area The following mitigation measures will ensure impacts are at less than significant levels. 5. The construction contractor shall select the construction equipment used on-site based on low emission factors and high-energy efficiency. The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans include a statement that all construction equipment will be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 6. The construction contractor shall utilize electric or clean alternative fuel powered equipment where feasible. 7. The construction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when not in use. b) The protect is situated in an industrial business park, where sensitive receptors are limited to medical offices and clinics (the Kaiser Medical facility is located 1,000-feet southwest of the site) The mitigation measures included above will minimize the exposure of these neighboring uses to dust and construction related emissions. c/d) The proposed protect is the construction of two industrial buildings totaling 45,721 square feet with adequate parking and landscaping. In accordance with the performance standards applicable to Industrial Districts Subarea 7 of the Development Code, the end use of the protect will include light industrial and office- related activities and will not generate emissions that could cause climatic changes or objectionable odors Potanuelly Sgmficant Impeat leas Issues and Supporting Information Sources Polemially unless roan Sgnihcanl Miilgauon Significant No Im act Into mteC Im C Im h 6. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION. Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestions () () (/) ( ) ~}~. ~ 3.3 Irnbal Study for Crty of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 9 PWenl~ally 9gnifieanl Issues and Supporting Information Sources Polennelly Impaq unless LBSs TT.n Sign~ficanl Mnpetron Spnificant Na I C Into eietl I C I Ct b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g , () () () (/) sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e g., farm equipment)? c) Inadequate emergency access or access to () () () (/) nearby uses d) Insufficient parking capaaty on-site or off-site? () () () (/) e) Hazards or barriers for pedestnans or bicyclists? () () () (/) f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting () () () (/) alternative transportation (e g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks) g) Rail or air traffic impacts O O O (/) Comments• a) The proposed protect will develop a currently vacant site and incrementally increase traffic within the immediate vicinity The proposed industrial buildings will generate 240 total vehicle trips, as calculated using the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook. The Congestion Management Plan (CMP) has established a threshold of 1,000 two-way peak hour taps Protects exceeding this threshold require a traffic impact analysis (TIA). Based on 240 total taps, the proposed protect will not require a TIA. The City has established a Transportation Development fee that must be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of budding permits Fees are used to fund roadway improvements necessary to support adequate traffic circulation In addition, the protect ~s regwred to comply with the Crty's standard conditions of approval for provision of adequate ingress/egress from the site and employee/visitor parking on-site. Compliance with conditions of approval will ensure that protect-related taps are less than significant. b-d) The site is a generally rectangular parcel with three driveways: one onto Elm Avenue and two onto White Oak Avenue, both streets are secondary arterials (General Plan Figure III-4). There is an entry set back designed for each driveway to allow for flow-through traffic and to eliminate the stacking of vehicles into the streets The City of Rancho Cucamonga requires a parking ratio of one space per 250 square feet of office use, one space per 500 square feet for manufacturing use, and one space per 1,000 square feet for warehouse use. Based on this ratio the protect regwres a total of 89 spaces for the two proposed industrial buildings The site plan for the proposed protect indicates that 96 spaces are provided, which is in excess of that regwred by City Code e/f) The protect site is located on the southeast corner of Whte Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue, and the public sidewalk will be completed along the protect frontage The protect will not interfere with proposed or existing bikeways or be hazardous to ~~ ~~ pedestnans or bicyclists. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 200 1-0071 4/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd. Page 10 g) Located three miles northerly of the Ontario Airport, the site is offset north of the flight path and will not be dangerous to users or aircraft Paeniiely Sipnifieent Issues and Supporting Information Sources Poteaially u via Tna~ Si~uficant Mltigaiwn Spnificant fJp Im a Into tetl I a I a 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal result in impacts to• a) Endangered, threatened, or rare species or their () () () (/) habitats (including, but not limited to: plants, fish, insects, animals, and birds) b) Locally designated speaes (e.g., heritage trees, () () () (/) eucalyptus windrow, etc.) c) Locally designated natural communities (e g., () () () (/) eucalyptus grove, sage scrub habitat, etc.) d) Wetland habitat (e.g., marsh, riparian, and () () () (/) vernal pool) e) Wddbfe dispersal or migration corndors~ O O O (/) Comments• a) A Focused Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly Survey was conducted by ECOSCIENCES, Mr Scott Cameron, dated October 18, 2000. Delhi sand is the baseline criterion for the determination of swtable or potentially suitable habitat for the Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly, as well as the presence of indicator plant speaes such as California Buckwheat, California Croton, and telegraph weed Based on a "Geotechnical Engineering Investigation° conducted onsite by NorCal Engineering, Delhi sand, as described by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Sod Survey, does not exist at the site. The focused survey concluded that the site does not contain swtable habitat or potentially sutable habitat fbr the Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly. Development of the site will not impact endangered, threatened, or rare speaes or their habitats. b/c) The site has been primarily colonized by ruderal (weedy) herbs and grasses, with a few isolated native plant speaes, including California Buckwheat and California sagebrush. There are no trees on the site. All vegetation will be removed during clearing m preparation for protect construction. d) There is no riparian or wetland habitat on-site. e) Existing development along Foothill Boulevard to the north and Arrow Route to the south has eliminated any wildlife corridors to or from the foothills that may have occurred m the past F~~.~a~ Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-007 1 4/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 11 Polentally Sgmficam Impaq Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources Pgenneny unless Than $pnifioant Mpi~Wn S~gn?xsnl No I q Into led I aq I p 8. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation () () () (/) plans b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and () () () (/) inefficient manner c) Result in the loss of availability of a known () () () (/) mineral resource that would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? Comments• a-b) The protect will be required to conform to applicable City standards for energy conservation. c) The prolect site is located on the Day Creek alluvial fan, an area classified as a Mineral Resource Zone (MRZ-2). An MRZ-2 zone contains deposits of known value and marketability. However, the State Geologist has determined that the area is not a Designated Area of available resources due to urbanization, and the site is not included in General Plan Figure IV-1, identifying Regionally Significant Aggregate Resources. Polentalty SlBnificenl Issues and Supporting Information Sources Pgenl~aly im~u mnn $Ignificant Miigetwn Splufieanl No I q Inm teE I q I q 9. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of () () () (/) hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation) b) Possible interference with an emergency () () () (/) response plan or emergency evacuation plan c) The creation of any health hazard or potential () () () (/) health hazard d) Exposure of people to existing sources of () () () (/) potential health hazards e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable () () () (/) brush, grass, or trees A ~, ~3~ ,Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 12 Comments: a/c) Two Phase 1 Site Assessments have been conducted on the property (1995 and 2000), and there is no evidence on-site of previous commercial or industrial activity, with the exception of vineyard cultivation. No evidence of discarded drums, containers, hazardous wastes or discolored sods were observed onsite There was no indication of underground storage tanks or illegal dumping. Therefore development of the site will not expose hazardous substances to humans or the environment. b) The proposed protect includes adequate access for emergency response vehicles with three driveways into the site from the perimeter streets. Reciprocal access will allow access from one parcel to the next so that each parcel has two means of mgress/egress. d) The site is currently vacant and no existing health hazards have been identified e) The proposed protect will not result in increased fire hazard in an area with excessive flammable vegetation, the surrounding area is a developing industrial zone Pdentlally Spnihcad Issues and Supporting Information Sources Pdmmly Inped unlaaa Less Tnan Significant Mibgebon SpMfiamt No 1 a Into taf 1 a I a 10. NOISE. Will the proposal result m: a) Increases in existing noise levels? b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels Comments• O O U (~) O O O (~) a-b) The site is currently exposed to traffic noise from adtacent roadways and light industrial activities. The temporary increase in noise during construction, or increased roadway noise by additional vehicle trips, is not considered significant because there are no nearby sensitive receptors. Paantally Significant Impact leas Issues and Supporting Information Sources. Pdenbal ro Unless Than Sgn,fiamt Mrtpabbn Siguficant Na Impact hlmrporeteC Impaa Impact 11. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have an effect upon or result in a need for new or altered government services m any of the following areas: a) Fire protection b) Police protection O O O (~) O O O (~) ~ d- ~ ~'7 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-007 1 4/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd. Page 13 Polenfially Sgnifirsnt ~ o Issues and Supporting Information Sources Paentmur la Un sa Tnx Sipufieenl MM1petwn S~ificant No Impeq InNrporataE Impnp Irtped C) Schools O O O (/) d) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? () () () (/) e) Other governmental services () () () (/) Comments• a-e) Fire Protection -The site will be served by a Fire Station No. 174 located near Milliken Avenue and Jersey Boulevard, approximately 1-mile southeast of the protect site. Standard conditions of approval from the Uniform Building and Fire Codes will be placed on the project. Police Protection -The proposed protect will incrementally increase the need for routine police protection services, consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan and Development Impact Fee Schedules adopted by the City Council Schools -The proposed construction activities will not generate a substantial number of new job opportunities or induce people to move to the protect area. The additional employees would likely be hired locally or from adtacent communities. Nevertheless, as part of the City's standard Conditions of Approval, the applicant will be required to pay appropriate school fees or submit a letter of exemption from both the Cucamonga School District and Chaffey Joint Union High School District. Implementation of this condition of approval will ensure impacts to the local school distracts are less than significant. Parks -Proposed construction activities will not generate a substantial number of new tob opportunities or induce people to move to the protect area. The additional employees would likely be hired locally or from adtacent communities. Nevertheless as part of the City's standard Conditions of Approval, the applicant will be required to pay appropriate park development fees Implementation of this condition of approval will ensure impacts to recreational facilities are less than sgnificant. c) Public facilities -The proposed project will develop a currently vacant site and incrementally increase traffic within the immediate vicinity. The City has established a Transportation Development fee that must be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of building permits. Fees will be used to fund roadway improvements necessary to support adequate traffic circulation. Compliance with this condition of approval will ensure that impacts to public facilities are less than significant. OL ~/ ~?J Initial Study for Cary of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 14 Potentially Signifiwnl Issues and Supporting Information Sources Pnaniklly um~ass i e~ 9gnifirant Mitganon Significant No I en Into ted I n I n 12. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result m a need for new systems or supplies or substantial a/terat~ons to the following utd~bes a) Power or natural gas? () ( ) () (/) b) Communication systems? O O O (/) c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution () ( ) () (/) facihties~ d) Sewer or septic tanks () ( ) () (/) e) Storm water drainage? () ( ) () (/) f) Solid waste disposals () ( ) () (/) g) Local or regional water supplies () ( ) () (/) Comments: a-g) The project will use existing gas, electrical and communication systems. Solid waste disposal will be provided by the current City contracted hauler. Currently municipal solid waste from the City is taken to San Bernardino, Riverside or Orange County landfills for disposal; depending on the hauler The prolect will increase demand upon storm drain systems due to the increased runoff from new hardscape proposed on the currently vacant site On-site storm drain improvements will be necessary to convey drainage to the storm drain system in White Oak Avenue. This will not result in substantial alterations to the master plan of storm drainage. The impact is not considered significant since it can be mitigated by providing proper stormwater drainage per the City Engineers approval. Pgenibity Significant Issues and Supporting Information Sources Potenllallr b ; m;~ Sgnificant Mnigetion SlgniM1eant No I q Into etatl I q I n 13. AESTHETICS. Would the proposal. a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highways () () () (/) b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetic effects () () () (/) c) Create light or glares () () () (/) L_J ~o~G3~ ,Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 200 1-007 1 4/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 15 Comments: a/b) The site is not located along a scenic highway or corridor The site will be landscaped along the street as well as throughout the site. Approximately 18 percent of the net 2 95-acre site will be landscape and 30 percent of the required trees used in the parking lot are 24-inch box as required in the City of Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Implementation of the proposed protect will develop the site with planned commercial structures and landscaping. c) The protect will create new light and glare because the site is currently vacant. The design and placement of light fixtures will be shown on site plans, which require review for consistency with City standards, and the impact is not considered significant. PManUelly Significant Impact Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources pmantlafir Unleaa man Significant Mmgatlan Si9n~ficant No I n Inm atatl I ed Im act 14. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal. a) Disturb Paleontological resources () () () (/) b) Disturb archaeological resources? () () () (/) c) Affect historical or cultural resources () () () (/) d) Have the potential to cause a physical change, () () () (/) which would affect unique ethnic cultural values e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within () () () (/) the potential impact area Comments• a-e) Although no cultural resources have been observed on-site, grading of the site may expose or unearth historic cultural resources Since the site was historically used for agricultural purposes, and much of the surrounding area has previously been developed, the likelihood of unearthing cultural resources is minimal and therefore no impacts would occur. Potentially Significant Impel Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources Potantlelry unless roan Significant Mitigation S~gndmant No Im act Inro eteE I n 1 C 15. RECREATION. Would the proposal• a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or ( ) regional parks or other recreational facilities b) Affect existing recreational opportunities ( ) ~~~~~ O O (/) O O (/) .Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 16 Comments• a) Construction activities at the site will be short-term and will not attract new employees to the area The actual number of employees regwred by employers who will locate into these two new buildings is not know, as the construction of the buildings is speculative m nature. However, the number of new employees is not expected to be significant. As part of the City's standard Conditions of Approval, the applicant will be regwred to pay appropriate park development fees. Implementation of this condition of approval will ensure impacts to recreational facilities are less than significant. a) The proposed project will not affect existing recreational opportunities, as the site is located within Industrial District Subarea 7 The nearest recreational facility is located north of the site within the Terra Vista Planned Community. Potentially Spnificenl Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Paamally u ~q ine S~i&ant Mnipanon Sgndpent No I q Into Bled I q 1 d 16. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE. a) Potential to degrade: Does the protect have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the mator periods of California history or prehistory b) Short term: Does the protect have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time. Long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) c) Cumulative: Does the protect have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable (°Cumulatrvely considerable° means that the incremental effects of a protect are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past protects, the effects of other current protects, and the effects of probable future protects ) (/) (/) (/) .Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd Page 17 Potent~elly Sipndmant " ~ Issues and Supporting Information Sources Potantblly i,ss un m~ Sp~ifirant MNgaam Sgmficam No Im act In tetl 1 h Im d d) Substantial adverse: Does the protect have () () () (/) environmental effects, which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or mdirectly~ Comments• a) Delhi sand is the baseline criterion for the determination of suitable or potentially suitable habitat for the Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly. Based on a "Geotechnical Engineering Investigation" conducted by NorCal Engineering, and the "Focused Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly Survey" conducted by EcoSciences, Delhi sand, as described by the USDA Soil Survey, does not exist at the site, and the reports conclude that the site does not contain suitable habitat or potentially suitable habitat for the Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly Development of the site will not impact endangered, threatened, or rare species or their habitats. b) The 2 95-acre site will generate some fugitive dust during site grading and may exceed SCAOMD threshold for ROGs during architectural coating (painting) of the structures without appropriate mitigation. The use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction are intended control the discharge of pollutants and sediments into streets and/or stormwater conveyance channels. BMPs would include, but are not limited to street sweeping of paved roads during construction, and the use of hay bales or sand bags to control erosion during the rainy season. Noise associated with site construction will not result in an impact as there are no sensitive receptors within the area. c) The proposed protect is consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan that was recently adopted along with the certification of a Program EIR, Findings of Fact, and a Statement of Overriding Consideration for significant adverse environmental effects of build-out in the City and sphere of influence. The City made findings that adoption of the General Plan would result in significant adverse effects to air quality, the acoustical environment, library services, and aesthetics and visual resources. Mitigation measures were adopted for each of these resources, however they would not reduce impacts to less than significant levels As such, the City adopted statements of overriding consideration balancing the benefits of development under the General Plan update against the significant unavoidable adverse impacts (CEQA Guidelines Section 15092 and 15096(h). These benefits include less overall traffic volumes by developing mixed-use protects that will be pedestrian friendly and conservation of valuable natural open space. With these findings and statements of overriding consideration, no further discussion or evaluation of cumulative impacts is required. d) The proposed protect would not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. The site is located in an industrial area south of Foothill Boulevard. -.._.J ~o~~~~. Jnitial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga DRC 2001-00714/SUBTPM15731 -Regent Communities Ltd. Page 18 EARLIER ANALYSES Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration per Section 15063(c)(3)(D). The effects identified above for this protect were within the scope of and adequately analyzed m the following earlier document(s) pursuant to applicable legal standards, and such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. The following earlier analyses were utilized in completing this Initial Study and are available for review in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Planning Division offices, 10500 Civic Center Drive (check all that apply): • Master Environmental Assessment and General Plan EIR -City of Rancho Cucamonga (Certified October 17, 2001) • General Plan -City of Rancho Cucamonga (Certified October 17, 2001) • Rancho Cucamonga Development Code (adopted December 7, 1983, revised June 1999) • Focused Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly Survey, ECOSCIENCES, dated October 18, 2000. • Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, NorCal Engineering, dated October 5, 2000. • Phase I Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment, City & County Soil Engineering and Testing, May 1995. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I am the applicant for the protect described in this initial Study. I acknowledge that I have read this Initial Study and the proposed mitigation measures Further, I have revised the protect plans or proposals and/or hereby agree to the proposed mitigation measures to avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant environmental effects would occur. Print Name and Tdle: /~/G'L1QlrL ~. ~c~/c~.~ /°./YJ. ,~GlIG ~ ~ ~~3 City of Rancho Cucamonga The following Negative Declaration is being circulated for public review in accordance with the CalHomia F~rvironmental Quality Act Section 21091 and 21092 of the Public Resources Code. Project File No.: Development Review DRC2001-00714 Public Review Period Closes: May 22, 2002 Project Name: Project Applicant: Regent Communities, Ltd Project Location (also see attached map): Located at the southeast comer of WhRe Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue - APN. 20&3522 Project Description: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2001-00714 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD -The development of two industnal buildings totaling 45,721 square feet on 2.95 acres of land ~n the Industnal Park District (Subarea 7), located at the southeast comer of While Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue-APN 208-3522 Related Files Preliminary Review DRC2001-00427 and Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM15731 FINDING This is to advise that the City of Rancho Cucamonga, acting as the lead agency, has conducted an Intial Study to determine if the project may have a sign cant effect on the environment and is proposing this Negative Declaration based upon the following finding: ® The In~6al Study shoves that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a s~gnficant effect on the environment. ^ The In~haf Study identified potentially sgnficant effects but (1) Revwons m the project plans or proposals made or agreed to by the applicant before the proposed Negative Declaration was released for public reviewwoukl avod the effects or rtu6gate the effects to a point where clearly no sgnficant effects would occur, and (2) There e; no substantial evidence before the agency that the protect as revised may have a signficant effect on the environment M adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. Reasons to support this finding are included in the attached Initial Study. The projectfile and all related documents are available for review at the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division at 10500 Civic Center Drive (909) 477-2750 or Fax (909) 477-2847. NOTICE NEGATIVE DECLARATION The public is invked to comment on the proposed Negative Declaration during the review period. Mav 22.2002 Date of Deternmation Adopted By `"~ ~~ I RESOLUTION NO 02-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM15731, .A SUBDIVISION OF 2 95 ACRES INTO TWO PARCELS IN THE INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT (SUBAREA 7), LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WHITE OAK AVENUE AND ELM AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 20& 352-42 A. Recitals 1 Regent Communities, LTD, filed an application for approval of Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM15731, as described in the title of this Resolution Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subtect Tentative Parcel Map request is referred to as "the application " 2 On the 22nd day of May 2002, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public heanng for the above-described map All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred B Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows 1 This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Rentals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct 2 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced public heanng on May 22, 2002, including written and oral staff reports, together wrath public testimony, this Commission hereby spenfically finds as follows a The application applies to the 2 95 acre parcel located at the southeast comer of White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue, and b The properties to the north, west, and southeast of the subject site are vacant, the property to the south consists of an industrial park, and the property to the northeast is improved wrath one mdustnal building, and c The property is vacant and has occasionally been disced for weed control, and d Two small multi-tenant mdustnal buildings are proposed on the vacant 1 06 acre parcel to the southeast, and e The mdustnal building to the northeast has been developed on the property line 3 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced public heanng and upon the spenfic findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows a The Tentative Parcel Map is consistent vnth the General Plan and Development Code, and d. ~ ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-50 'SUBTPM15731 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD May 22, 2002 Page 2 b The design or improvements of the Tentative Parcel Map is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code, and The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed, and d The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable m~ury to humans and wildlife or their habitat, and The Tentative Parcel Map is not likely to cause senous public health problems, and f The design of the Tentative Parcel Map will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property mnthin the proposed subdvision 4 Based upon the facts and infomlation contained m the staff report of May 22, 2002, togetherNnthall wntten and oral reports included for the environmental review forthe applicatton, the Planning Commission finds that this protect is categorically exempt per Class 15, Minor Land Divisions, as defined in Section 15315 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines 5 Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subtect to each and every condilion setforth below Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Engmeennp Division 1) All dnve approaches shall be a minimum of 35 feet wide per City Standard 101, Type C, mGuding the one on Elm Avenue 2) Revise existing City street improvement plans to reflect the missing public improvements, as regwred by the City Engineer 3) The dnve accent paving shall be outside of the public right-of-way 4) Parkway shall slope 2 percent from the public right-of-way to the back of curb 5) A reGprocal access easement shall be recorded on the Final Parcel Map 6 The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY Laity T McNiel, Chairman ATTEST Brad Buller, Secretary ~~.~~~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-50 ~SUBTPM15731 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD May 22, 2002 Page 3 I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of May 2002, by the following vote-to-wnt AYES COMMISSIONERS NOES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT ~ ~-~~~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT' DEPARTMENl~ STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: SUBTPM15731 SUBJECT: SUBDIVISION OF 2.95 ACRES INTO TWO PARCELS APPLICANT: REGENT COMMUNITIES LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WHITE OAK AVENUE AND ELM AVENUE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the Clty, Its agents, officere, or employees, because of the Issuance of such approval, or In the alternative, to relinquish such approval The appllcant shall reimburse the City, Its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, Its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition B. Time Limits This tentative tract map or tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the City Engineer within 3 years from the date of the approval C. Site Development The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained harem, and Development Code regulations Ali site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first ~~.~~g Coin lehon Det ~~ ~~- -/-J- -/-/- sc-az-oz Project No SUBTPM15731 3 All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the Clty Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for Ctty Planner and Clty Engineer review and approved prior to the issuance of building permits D. Landscaping The final design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included in the required landscape plans and shall be subtect to Ciry Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by the Engineering Division Special landscape features such as mounding and meandering sidewalks (with horizontal change) is required along White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on the perimeter of this protect area shall be continuously maintained by the developer E. Environmental 1 Mitigation measures are required for the protect The applicant is responsible for the cost of implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting Applicant shall be regwred to post cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner in the amount of $719 00 prior to the issuance of building permits, guaranteeing satisfactory pertormance and completion of all mitigation measures These funds may be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures Failure to complete all actions required by the approved environmental documents shall be considered grounds for forteit. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 477-2740, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: F. Dedication and Vehicular Access Corner property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per City Standards Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way shall be dedicated to the City. G. Street Improvements Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to Street Name Curb & AC Slde- Drive Street Street Comm Median Bike Other Gutter Pvmt walk Appr Lights Trees Trail Island Trell White Oak c x x x o f Elm Street c x x x o f Notes (a) Median island includes landscapmg and irrigation on meter (b) Pavement reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check (c) If so marked, sidewalk shall be curvilinear per Standard 114 (d) If so marked, an in-lieu of construction fee shall be provided for this item (e) Access ramp (f) Traffic sign (g) 16-inch RCP stormdrains 2 Improvement Plans and Construction ~ °~ ~ ~~ SC-02-02 2 Comolehon Date -~~- -~-~- ~~- ~~- ~~- ~~- ~_ J- ~~. Project No SUBTPM75731 Comoletion Date H. a Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety ___/_/ lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Cml Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, pnor to final map approval or the issuance of bwlding permits, whichever occurs first b Prior to any work being pertormed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a ~~_ construction permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office in addition to any other permits required c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, ~~_ and interconnect condwt shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d Signal condwt with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or ___/~_ reconstruction protect along mator or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer Notes 1) Pull boxes shall be No 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer 2) Conduct shall be 3-inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel wRh pull rope or as specfied e Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all comers of intersections per Cdy ~-J~ Standards or as dvected by the City Engineer f Existing City roads regwnng construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with _/~_ adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are regwred. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer g Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks Under sidewalk drains shall be ~~_ installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots h Street names shall be approved by the City Planner pnor to submittal for first plan _/~_ check Public Maintenance Areas 1 A signed consent and waiver form to loin and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting ~~_ Districts shall be fled with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or issuance of bwlding permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer Improvement Completion 1 If the regwred public improvements are not completed pnor to approval of the final parcel ~~_ map, an improvement certificate shall be placed upon the final parcel map, stating that they will be completed upon development for Push ar -el (~~~sa SC-02.02 Project No SUBTPM15731 Completion Date Utilities 1 Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance wdh the Utility Standards Easements shall be provided as required 2 The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the regwrements of the Cucamonga County Water Distract (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Distract, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required pnor to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs fast Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days pnor to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential protects Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agenaes involved. Approval of the final parcel map will be subtect to any regwrements that may be received from them. K. General Requirements and Approvals A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the Crry, covering the estimated operating costs for all new streetlights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or pnor to bwiding permd issuance if no map is involved PPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DIVISION, FIRE PROTECTION ~LANNING SERVICES AT, (909) 477-2770, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: See attached fire conditions 1 d- ~'~ J -~-~- / / ~~_ -/~- ~~- SC-02-02 4 ap CUCAM ~' ~td+,~l~g 9 xJ - >r FIRE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FIRE SAFETY DIVISION STANDARD CONDITIONS FD PLAN REVIEW#: FD-01-0571 PROJECT #: PROJECT NAME: DATE: PLAN TYPE: APPLICANT NAME: OCCUPANCY CLASS: FLOOR AREA (S): TYPE CONSTRUCTION: LOCATION: FD REVIEW BY: PLANNER: DRC2001-00714 SUBTPM 15731 Professor's Fund III 2002 CommerclaUlndustnal SEC Whde Oak and Elm Avenue ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 477-2770, EXT. 3009, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Completion Date A. Outstanding Fire District Issues 1 Thls project has Fire District issues that are outstanding from standard conditions of approval placed by the Fire District. 2 Unpaid Fees: This protect has outstanding unpaid service fees m the amount of $82 that are due and payable at this time Please remit payment by check made payable to the "Rancho Cucamonga Fire District The fees are due for the following service(s)• Protect Start Fees B. Water Plans for Fire Protection 1 Public Fire Hydrants: Prior to issuance of any bulding permit, the applicant shall submit a plan showing the locations of all new public fire hydrants for the review and approval by the Fire District and the Water Distract On the plan include all existing fire hydrants within a 600-foot radws of the protect 2 Private/On-site Fire Hydrants. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit construction plans, specifications, flow test data and calculations for the private water main system for review and approval by the Fire Distract Plans and installation shall comply with Fire District standards Contac the Fire Safety Division for a copy of "Fire District Notes for Underground and Water Plans " 3 Exceeds Allowable Distance: When any portion of a faality or building is located more than 150-feet from a fire hydrant located on a public street, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or bwldmg on-site fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fve flow shall be provided The distance is measured as vehicular path of travel on access roadways, not line of sight 4 Minimum Fire Flow: The required fire flow for this protect is 2500 gallons per minute at a minimum residual ressure of 20 ounds er s uare inch This re wrement is made in OL ~J .~ accordance wdh Fire Code Appendix III-A, as amended Please see "Water Availability' below for required verification of fire flow availability for the proposed protect . 5 Number of Fire Hydrants Provide one fire hydrant for each 1000 gpm of required fire flow or fraction thereof 6 General Guidance for Fire Hydrants: The following provides general guidance for the spacing and location of fire hydrants Remember these are the maximum permitted distances between fire hydrants a The maximum distance between fire hydrants in commerciaUindustrial protects is 300-feet b The maximum distance between fire hydrants in multi-family residential is 400-feet c The maximum distance between fve hydrants in single-family residential protects is 500-feet d For single-faintly residential protects in the designated Hazardous Fire Area the maximum distance between fve hydrants is 400-feet e Fire hydrants are to be located. 1 At the entrance(s) to a protect from the existing public roadways This includes subdroisions and industrial parks 2 At intersections 3 On the right side of the street, whenever practical and possible 4 As required by the Fire Safety Division to meet operational needs f The distance from a fire hydrant to the bwiding or structure protected shall not exceed one-half of the maximum allowable separation g The location of fire hydrants is based upon the operational needs of the Fve District tc control a fire h Fve hydrants shall be located a minimum of forty (40) from any building 7 Hydrants Used to Suppty Fire Flow: Public fire hydrants located within a 500-foot radius of the proposed protect may be used to provide the required fve flow subtect to Fire District review and approval. Private fire hydrants on adtacent property shall not be used to provide requred fire flow 8 Public Installation All regwred public fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed, and operable prior to delivering any combustible budding materials on-site (i a ,lumber, roofing materials, etc) Water District personnel shall inspect the installation and witness hydrant flushing The builder/developer shall submit a copy of the Water District inspection report to the Fire Safety Diwsion 9 PrivatelOn-site Installation: All private on-site fve hydrants shall be installed, flushed, and operable prior to delivering any combustible building materials on-site (i e , lumber, roofing materials, etc) A representative of Fve Construction Services shall inspect the installation and witness hydrant flushing The builder/developer shall submit final test and inspection report to the Fire Safety Division 10 Final Acceptance: For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional test of the on-site fire hydrants shall be conducted by the bwider/developer in the presence of the Water District or Fire Construction Services, as appropriate The bwider/developer shall submit the final test report to the Fire Safety Division 11 Show Existing Fire Hydrants and Mains: Existing fire hydrants and mains within 600- feet of the protect shall be shown on the water plan submitted for review and approval Include main size ~ Q 53 12 Fire Sprinkler Underground: Prior to the issuance of a fire sprinkler system permit, the applicant shall submit construction plans, specifications, and calculations for the fire sprinkler system underground to the Fire Safety Division for approval 13 Maintenance Agreement. If the system is private the applicant shall do the following prior to the issuance of the budding permit a Submit proof that provisions have been made for the annual testing, repair, and maintenance of the system A copy of the maintenance agreement shall be submitted to the Distract b For developments with multiple owners, they shall establish a reciprocal maintenance agreement that shall be submitted to the Fve District for acceptance 14 Hydrant Markers: Pnor to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, all fire hydrants shall have a blue reflectroe pavement marker indicating the fire hydrant location on the street or driveway in accordance with Rancho Cucamonga Fve Protection District and Cdy of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Standard Plan 134, "Installation of Reflective Hydrant Markers ° On private property these markers are to be maintained in good condition by the property owner C. Available Water Supply-Confvmation Requved 1 Pnor to the issuance of a bwlding permit, the applicant shall provide evidence of adequate fire flow The Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District Water Avadabd~ty for Fve Protection Form shall be signed by the Water District and submitted for approval by the Rancho Cucamonga Fve Protection District If sufficient water to meet fire flow requvements is not available, an automatic fire extinguishing system may be requved m each structure affected by the insufficient flow A copy of the regwred form is attached at the end of this notice 2. Inadequate water supply for fvefighting and automatic fire sprinkler systems will prevent the Fire Distract from approving a proposed protect D. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems 1. Required Installations: Rancho Cucamonga Fve District Ordinance 15 or other adopted code or standard, requves an approved automatic fve sprinkler system to be installed m any of the following a Commercial or industrial structures greater than 7,500 square feet ' 2 Plans and Permit: Plans for the requved automatic fve sprinkler system shall be submitted to Fve Construction Services for review and approval No work is allowed without a Fve Construction Services permit 3 Remodels and Changes: Any modification or remodel to a fve sprinkler system regwres Fve District approval, and a permit NO WORK is permitted without a permit issued by Fve Construction Services 4 Final Inspection: Pnor to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fve sprinkler system(s) shall be tested and accepted by Fve Construction Services 5 Sprinkler Monitoring: The fve sprinkler system monitoring system shall be installed, tested, and operational immediately following the completion of the fve sprinkler system Monitoring is requved with 20 sprinklers m Group I Occupancies, or 100 or more sprinklers ~n all other Occupancies E. Fve Access 1 Access Roadways Defined: Fve Distract access roadways include public roads, streets, and highways, as well as prroate roads, streets, drive aisles and designated fve lanes 2 Location of Access: All portions of the structure or facility or any portion of the exterior wall of the fast story shall be located within 150-feet of Fve District vehicle access, measured by an unobstructed approved route around the exterior of the bwldmg Landscaped areas, unpaved changes in elevation, gates, and fences are an obstruction -H a. ~ Sj9 r 3 CommercraUlndustrial and Multi-famdy Residential: Pnor to recordation of a subdivision/tract/parcel map or the issuance of any grading permit the applicant shall submit plans and specifications for Fire District approval of all access roadways to within 150-feet of all portions of the exterior of every structure on-site 4 Special Access Requirements: All buildings that have three or more stories, or are 30-feet in height shall be provided with fire apparatus access on at least two sides Access to exterior walls shall extend from 5 to 50-feet horizontally, with no vertical obstructions 5 Two Points of Access: More than one fire access roadway shall be provided It has been determined by the Fire District that access by a single road might be impaired by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions, or other factors that could limd access Provide secondary egress/access in accordance with Fve District Standards and/or City of Rancho Cucamonga Standards 6 Private Roadways and Fire Lanes: The inside tum radws shall be 20-feet The outside tum radws shall be not less than 50-feet The minimum radws for cul-de-sacs is 45-feet The minimum unobstructed width for a Fve District access roadway or fire lane is 26-feet The mwmum vertical clearance is 14 feet, 6 inches At any private entry median the mirnmum width of traffic lanes shall be 20-feet 7 Dead-end Fire District Access Roadways: Dead-end Fire District access roadways in excess of 150-feet shall be provided wdh approved provisions for the fuming around of fire apparatus This may include a cul-de-sac, "hammerhead," or other means approved by the Fire Distract. 8 Access Control/1'raffic Calming Device Permit: A Fire District permit is requved to install any access control device, traff~ccalming device, or gate on any access roadway Applicable CC&R's, or other approved documents, shall contain provisions that prohibd obstructions such as traffic-calming devices (speed bumps, humps, etc ), control gates, bollards, or other modrfications in fire lanes or access roadways wdhout pnor wrttten approval of the Fire District, Fve Safety Division 9 Access Walkways: Approved access walkways shall be provided from the fire apparatus access road to extenor bwtding openings 10 Fire District Site Access Plan- Required Note: Pnor to the issuance of any grading permit the applicant shall submd a Fire Distract Sde Access Plan to the Fire Distract for review and approval The following, minimum information and detail shall be included a on a scaled sde plan a All roadways shall be clearly indicated Including roadway width, vertical clearances, cul- de-sac width, tum radu, curb cuts, angle of departure, grades, etc b For pnvate roadways or dnve aisles less than 40-feet or less in width where parking may be permitted, identrfy the location of proposed fire lanes c Include a not stating all regwred fire lanes shall be identified by red curbing and signage. d Include detail(s) to identdy which of the methods set forth in the Fire District "Fire Lane" standard wdl be used to mark the fire lane A copy of the Fire Distract "Fire Lane" Standard can be obtained by calling (909) 477-2770 e Roadway with a width of more than 40-feet parking ~s pertnrtted on both sides f Roadway wdh a width of 32-feet or more parking is permitted on one side only g The angle of departure and approach shall not exceed 9 degrees or 20 percent h The grade of any fire distract access roadway shall not exceed 12 percent i If water plans have been approved include fire hydrant and fire department connection locations 11 Knox Rapid Entry System: A Knox rapid entry key vault shall be installed prior to final inspection Proof of purchase shall be submitted pnor to final bwiding plan approval Contact the Fire Safety Dmsion for specific details and ordering infornation 12 Construction Access. Fire District access, a minimum 26-feet in width and 14-feet, 6- inches minimum clear hei ht shall be rovided These minimum clearances shall be '\-~41. ~7J~J~ maintained free and clear of any obstructions at all times, in accordance with Fire District Standards 13 Fire Lane Identification: All regwred fire lanes shall be identified by red curbing and signage A drawing of the proposed signage that meets the minimum Fire District standards shall be submitted to and approved Contact the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District at (909) 477-2770 for a copy of the FD Fve Lanes standard 14 Fire Lanes: Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, the fire lanes shall be installed in accordance with the approved fue lane plan The CCBR's or other approved documents shall contain an approved fire lane map and provisions that prohibit parking in the fire lanes The method of enforcement shall be documented The CC&R's shall also identfy who is responsible for not less than annual inspection and maintenance of all regwred fire lanes. 15 Address- Other Than Single-family: New bwldings other than single-family dwellings shall post the address with minimum 8-inch numbers on contrasting background, visible from the street and electrically illuminated during periods of darkness When the building setback exceeds 200 feet from the public street an additional non-illuminated 6-inch mirnmum number address shall be provided at the property entrance 16 Multi-unit Complexes: In muRi-unit complexes approved address numbers, and/or bwldmg identrfication letters shall be provided on the front and back of all units, suites, or bwldings. The Fve District shall review and approve the numbering plan in coordination with the City of Rancho Cucamonga F. Single-family Residential Sales Models 1 Minimum Access and Water: Residential sales model homes require approved Fire District vehicle access and water supply from a public or private water main system 2 Required Plans: Prior to issuance of any grading permit please identify the lots selected for construction of residential sales models on a scaled site plan Include the location of required fire hydrants and fire district access roadways The site plan shall be submitted to the Fire Safety Division for approval G. Combustible Construction Letter 1. Required Letter: Prior to the issuance of a bwldmg permit for combustible construction, the bwlder shall submit a letter to the Fire District on company letterhead stating that the minimum water supply for fire fighting purposes and the all-weather fire protection access roadway that meets Fire Disfict Standards shall be in place and operational before any combustible material is placed on-site The roadway shall be maintained at all times H. Building Use Letter 1 Required Letter: Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit a detailed letter of intended use for each building on-site to the Fve District for review and approval A form that may be used to meet this requvement is attached at the end of the Fire District comments I. Architectural Bulding Plans 1 Prior to the issuance of a bwldmg permit the applicant shall submit plans for the review and approval of the Fue Safety Division The Fire Safety Division review is intended to ensure that standard conditions have been included in the design of the protect J. Fire Alann System 1 Requred Installation: An automatic fire alarm (and detection) system is regwred by RCFPD Ordinance 15, based on use or floor area, or by another adopted code or standard Refer to Ordinance 15 for specrfic regwrements 2 Plans and Permits: Prior to issuance of a bwldmg permit, plans for the fire alarm system shall be submitted to Fire Construction Services for review and approval No work is allowed without a Fire District permit 1~_J 3 Final Inspection and Testing. Prior to the issuance of a Certrficate of Occupancy, the fire alarm (and detection) system(s) shall be tested and accepted by Fue Construction Services K. Fire District Service Fees' 1 The following service fees are due to the Fire District and payable at this time: a $82 Start-up fee for commercial, industrial or multi-family dwelling units (Paid prior to TRC) b $82 -Total due at this 4me Remit payment by check made payable to the "Rancho Cucamonga Fire District " " Plus amicrofiche/laser-fiche fee of $1 00 per plan sheet for all final plans approved by the Fue Safety Dmsion 'Note Separate plan check fees will be assessed by the Fue Construction Services Unit for review of tenant improvement work, fire protection systems (fire sprinklers, alarm systems, fire extinguishing systems, etc.), and/or any consultant reviews upon submittal of plans L. Hazard Control Permits 1 As noted below Speaal Permits may be required, dependent upon approved use(s) a General Use Permit shall be required for any activity or operation not specifically described below, which in the fudgment of the Fue Chief is likely to produce conditions that may be hazardous to life or property. b High piled combustible storage M. Plan Submittal Regwred Notice 1 Regwred plans shall be submitted and approved prior to construction in accordance with 1997/98 Bwlding, Fue, Mechanical, and Plumbing Codes, 1999 Electrical and RCFPD Ordinances FD15 and FD32, Guidelines and Standards NOTE In addition to the fees due at this time please note that separate plan check fees for tenant improvements, fire protection systems and/or any consultant reviews will be assessed at time of submittal of plans N. Alternate Materials and Methods 1 The Fire Safety Division will review requests for alternate materials and methods within the scope of our authority The request must be submitted on the Fue District "Application for Attemate Method" form along with supporting documents Contact this Fire Safety Division at (909) 477-2770 for assistance Fue District Standard Conditions -Template SL 5/16/2002 Revision ~~.~s~ RESOLUTION NO 02-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO DRC2001-00714, FOR TWO INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS ON 2 95 ACRES OF LAND IN THE INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT (SUBAREA 7), LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WHITE OAK AVENUE AND ELM AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF-APN 208-352-42 A. Rectals 1 Regent Communities, LTD filed an application for approval of DRC2001-00714, as descnbed in the title of this Resolution Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subtect Design Rewew request is referred to as "the application " 2 On the 22nd day of May, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held a meeting to consider the application All legal prerequisites pnor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred B Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows 1 This Commission hereby speafically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct 2 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced meeting on May 22, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows a The application applies to 2 95 acre parcel located at the southeast comerof While Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue, and b The properties to the north, west, and southeast of the subtect site are vacant, the property to the south consists of an industnal park, and the property to the northeast is improved with one industnal bwlding, and c The property is vacant and has occasionally been disced for weed control, and d Two small industnal buildings are proposed on the vacant 1 06 acre parcel to the southeast, and e The industnal bwiding to the northeast has been developed on the property line 3 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced meeting on May 22, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds and concludes as follows a That the proposed project is consistent v~nth the objectives of the General Plan and development Code, and o~ ~ 5 8 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-51 `DRC2002-00714 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD May 22, 2002 Page 2 b That the proposed design is in accord Huth the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the distract in which the site is located, and c That the proposed design is in compliance Huth each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code, and d That the proposed design, together wrath the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detnmental to the public health, safety, or welfare or matenally in~unous to properties or improvements in the viGnity. 4 Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, together with all wntten and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project well have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative DeGaret~on and Monitonng Program attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, based upon the findings as follows a That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Stafe CEQA gwdelines promulgated thereunder, that said Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Initial Study prepared therefore reflect the independent tudgment of the Planning Commission, and, further, this Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Mitigated Negative Declaration Huth regard to the application b Although the Mitigated Negative Decaration identifies certain significant environmental effects that well result if the project is approved, all significant effects have been reduced to an acceptable level by imposition of mitigation measures on the protect which are listed below as conditions of approval c Pursuant to the provisions of Section 753 5(c) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, the Plamm~g Commission finds as follows In considenng the record as a whole, the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project, there is no evidence that the proposed project will have potential for an adverse impact upon wildlife resources orthe habilat upon which wildlife depends Further, based upon the substantial evidence contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the staff reports and exhibits, and the information provided to the Plamm~g Commission dunng the public heanng, the Planning Commission hereby rebuts the presumption of adverse effect as set forth in Section 753 5(c-1-d) of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations 5 Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and m the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference Planning Division 1) Provide sandblasting treatment around the windows on the east side of Budding One to match the treatment around the windows on the north side of Bwlding Two 2) Extend the screen wall on the east side of Budding One south to the existing budding to fully screen Building One's loading area from public view [~ 2 q PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-51 DRC2002-00714 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD May 22, 2002 Page 3 3) Prowde sandblasting treatment on all screen walls, including resUlunch area screen walls Enaineennp Division 1) All dnve approaches shall be a minimum of 35 feet mode per City Standard 101, Type C, including the one on Elm Avenue 2) Rewse existing City street improvement plans to reflect the missing public improvements, as required by the City Engineer 3) The dnve accent paving shall be outside of the public right-of-way 4) Parkway shall slope 2 percent from the public right-of-way to the back of curb Environmental Mdigation Arr Quality 1) The site shall be treated moth water or other sod-stabilizing agent (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM~o emissions, in accordance moth SCAQMD Rule 403. 2) Streets bordering the site shall be swept according to a schedule established by the City to reduce PM~o emissions assoGated moth vehiGe tracwng of sod off-site Timing may vary depending upon time of year of construction 3) Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed 25 mph to minimize PM,o emissions from the site during such episodes 4) Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 hours or more to reduce PM~o emissions 5) The construction contractor shall select the construction egwpment used on-site based onlow-emission factors and high-energy effiGency The construction contractor shall ensure the construction grading plans incude a statement that all construction egwpment moll be tuned and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications 6) The construction contractor shall utilize electric or clean altematn!e fuel-powered equipment where feasible 7) The construction contractor shall ensure that construction-grading plans include a statement that work crews will shut off egwpment when not in use The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution ~~.~c~n PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-51 DRC2002-00714 -REGENT COMMUNITIES, LTD May 22, 2002 Page 4 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF MAY 2002 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY ATTEST McNiel, Chairman Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of May 2002, by the folloHnng vote-to-Nnt AYES COMMISSIONERS NOES COMMISSIONERS• ABSENT COMMISSIONERS r•_J (~a~~- • City of Rancho Cucamonga MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Project File No.: Development Review DRC2001-00714 This Mitigation Monitonng Program (MMP) has been prepared for use in implementing the mitigation measures identified m the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Impact Report) for the above-listed pro/ect This program has been prepared m compliance with State law to ensure that adopted mitigation measures are implemented (Section 21081 6 of the Public Resources Code) Program Components -This MMP contains the following elements 1 Conditions of approval that act as impact mitigation measures are recorded with the action and the procedure necessary to ensure compliance The mitigation measure conditions of approval are contained in the adopted Resolution of Approval for the pro/ect 2 A procedure of compliance and venfication has been outlined for each action necessary. This procedure designates who wdl take action, what action will be taken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported • 3 The MMP has been designed to provide focused, yet flexible guidelines As momtonng progresses, changes to compliance procedures may be necessary based upon recommendations by those responsible for the program Program Management -The MMP will be in place through all phases of the protect The protect planner, assigned by the City Planner, shall coordinate enforcement of the MMP. The protect planner oversees the MMP and reviews the Reporting Forms to ensure they are filled out correctly and proper action is taken on each mitigation Each City department shall ensure compliance of the conditions (mitigation) that relate to that department Procedures -The following steps will be followed by the City of Rancho Cucamonga 1 A fee covenng all costs and expenses, including any consultants' fees, incurred by the City in performing momtonng or reporting programs shall be charged to the applicant 2 A MMP Reporting Fonn will be prepared for each potentially significant impact and its corresponding mitigation measure identified in the Mitigation Momtonng Checklist, attached hereto This procedure designates who will take action, what action will betaken and when, and to whom and when compliance will be reported All momtonng and reporting documentation will be kept in the project file with the department having the onginal authonty for processing the pro/ect Reports will be available from the City upon request at the following address City of Rancho Cucamonga -Lead Agency . Planning Division 10500 Civic Center Dnve Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 °j- ~ (e ~ Mitigation Monitonng Program Development Review DRC2002-00065 . Page 2 3 Appropnate specialists will be retained if technical expertise beyond the City staffs is needed, as deterrmned by the protect planner or responsible City department, to monitor speafic mitigation activities and provide appropnate wntten approvals to the protect planner 4 The protect planner or responsible City department will approve, by signature and date, the completion of each action item that was identified on the MMP Reporting Form. After each measure is venfied for compliance, no further action is regwred for the specific phase of development 5 All MMP Reporting Forms for an impact issue regwnng no further momtonng will be signed off as completed by the protect planner or responsible City department at the bottom of the MMP Reporting Form 6 Unanticipated arcumstances may anse regwnng the refinement or addition of mitigation measures The protect planner is responsible for approving any such refinements or additions. An MMP Reporting Forrn will be completed bythe protect planneror responsible Citydepartment and a copy provided to the appropnate design, construction, or operational personnel The protect planner or responsible City department has the authonty to stop the work of construction contractors if compliance with any aspects of the MMP is not occumng afterwntten notification has been issued The protect planner or responsible City department also has the • authonty to hold certificates of occupancies if compliance with a mitigation measure attached hereto is not occumng The protect planner or responsible City department has the authonty to hold issuance of a business license until all mitigation measures are implemented. 8 Any conditions (mitigation) that require momtonng after protect completion shall be the responsibility of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Droision The Division shall requre the applicant to post any necessary funds (or other forms of guarantee) with the City. These funds shall be used by the City to retain consultants and/or payfor City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measure for the regwred penod of time In those instances regwnng long-term protect momtonng, the applicant shall provide the City with a plan for momtonng the mitigation activities at the protect site and reporting the momtonng results to the City Said plan shall identify the reporter as an indmdual qualified to know whether the particular mitigation measure has been implemented The momtonng/reporting plan shall conform to the City's MMP and shall be approved by the Community Development Director or City Planner pnor to the issuance of building permits r1 L_~ ~~ PJ (03 MITIGATION MONITORING CHECKLIST (INITIAL STUDY PART III) , Project File No.: _Development Review DRC2001-00714 Applicant: Resent Communities. Ltd. L. a.:..l Ca.. J.. n J ~ ~.~~arur .,.,,~„ rIC{/dI CIJ uv: vv siren Ivloretlon uate: April 19 2 002 . •. ~. - Air Quality ,' - -.<_ ~ ' ~ ,_. _ ,. `•r~~t~ '....4 °- _ ;y 'fyti~.Tt~, ~ti -__' , _ 4~<~',~".~ «L -R. ~ ~ _ ~ ~ .. "e:my(~.{`I }.-i'q'~~ ;a _-~ ~u :. - w ..i, F ~ , yr y.y. ' .i e'er. as la~A`^~ - x ~i ~e_.~'~Gc' .^.9~Yd. ..Ri ^ nkad l~F}.A~.~f~t3~ro.~,-ID ~3T.'* V v i~ - The site shall be Vealed vnth water or other soil-stabilizing agent CP C Verify notes on C/A 2/4 (approved by SCAOMD and RW OCB) daily to reduce PM,o emissions, plans in accordance xnlh SCAOMD Rule 403 Streets bordering the sda shall be swept according to a schedule CP C Verify notes on C/A 2/4 established by the City to reduce PM,a emissions assoGated vnth plans vehicle tracking of soil off-site Timing may vary depending upon Ume of year of consWCtion Grading operations shall be suspended when vend speeds exceed CP C Verify notes on C/A 2/4 25 mph to minimize PM,a emissions from the site dudng such plans episodes Chemical soil stabilizers (approved by SCAOMD and RWQCB) shall CP C Verify notes on CIA 2/4 be applied to ail inactive construction areas that remain inactive for 96 plans hours or more to reduce PM,o emissions The wnsWction contractor shall select the consWCtion equipment CP C Verify notes on CIA 2!4 used on-site based on low-emission tactors and high-energy effiaency plans The construction centractor shall ensure the censtruction grading plans include a statement that all censW ctlon equpment unit be Wned and maintained m accordance enth the manufacturers specifications The construction contractor shall utilae electric or Gean alternative CP C Verify notes on GA 2/4 fuel-powered equipment where feasible plans The construction contractor shall ensure that consWction~radmg CP C Verify notes on CIA 2/4 plans include a statement that work crews will shut off equipment when plans not in use 6~ 17ey to Checklist Abbreviations Res tinsible Person ` ' ~` ~ ' p _ Monitor'Ing Frequent' ` ': ~ z;*~ ,y ~ ~ ova., ~ elhod V "' fi Kau - '^''' M ~of~eriXCe~ld'n~.~~~~;r;~~s~'~a`~,n«r.,~~~t:,; ,- - ' Sanctions;.,- I `E- - CDD -Community Development Director or designee A -With Each New Development A - On-site Inspection 1 -Withhold Recordagon of Final Map CP -City Planner or designee B - Pdor To Construction B -Other Agency Penult / Approval 2 -Withhold Gading or Building Permit CE -City Engineer or designee C -Throughout ConsWCtion C -Plan Check 3 -Withhold Certificate of Occupancy BO -Building Offiaal or designee D - On Completion D - Separete Submittal (Reports I Studies /Plans) 4 -Stop Work Order PO -Police Captain or designee E - Operagn8 5 -Retain Depositor Bonds FC - Fue Chief or designee 6 -Revoke CUP STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT #: DRC2001-00714 SUBJECT: TWO INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS TOTALING 45,721 SQUARE FEET APPLICANT: REGENT COMMUNITIES LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WHITE OAK AVENUE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements com letion Dat 1 The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, _/_/_ its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be regwred by a court to pay as a result of such action The City may, at its sole discretion, partiapate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such partiapation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition 2 A copy of the signed Resolution of Approval or City Planners letter of approval, and all _I_/_ Standard Conditions, shall be included in legible form on the grading plans, building and construction plans, and landscape and irrigation plans submitted for plan check B. Time Limits 1 Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or DevelopmenUDesign Review approval shall expire if _/_/_ building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval No extensions are allowed C. Site Development 1 The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which _/_/_ include site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division, the conditions contained herein, Development Code regulations ~d~ ~~ SC-02-02 Protect No DRC2001-00714 Comolehon Date 2 Prior to any use of the protect site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Planner 3 Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Bwlding and Safety Division to show compliance The buildings shall be inspected for compliance pnor to occupancy 4 Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be submttted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of bwlding permits 5 All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for consistency prior to tssuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first 6 Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Pions in effect at the time of building permit issuance 7 A detailed on-site lighting plan, including a photometric diagram, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner and Police Department (477-2800) prior to the issuance of building permits Such plan shall indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to adversely affect adtacent properties 8 Trash receptacle(s) are required and shall meet City standards The final design, locations, and the number of trash receptacles shall be subtect to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits 9 All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc , shall be located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the City Planner For single-family residential developments, transformers shall be placed 1n underground vaults 10 All bwlding numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination 11 All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property owner, homeowners' association, or other means acceptable to the Ctty Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submttted for City Planner and City Engineer review and approved prior to the issuance of building permits 12 Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the pro/ect perimeter If a double wall condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adtoinmg property owners to provide a single wall Developer shall nobly, by mail, all '~ contiguous property owner at least 30 days pnor to the removal of any existing walls/ fences along the profect's perimeter D. Building Design 1 All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted egwpment andlor protections, shall be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adtacent properties and streets as regwred by the Planning Division Such screening shall be architecturally • integrated with the budding design and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Planner Details shall be included in building plans ~ ~ ~ ~° sc-oz-oz 2 -/-/- -/_/ -/-/- - -/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -~ /_ -/-/- -/-/- Protect No DRC2001-00714 Comolehon Date E. 2~ For commercal and industrial projects, paint roll-up doors and service doors to match main budding colors Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) 1 All parking spaces shall be 9 feet wide by 18 feet long When a side of any parking space abuts a building, wall, support column, or other obstruction, the space shall be a minimum of 11 feet wide 2 All parking lot landscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall contain a 12-inch walk adtacent to the parking stall (including curb) 3 Textured pedestrian pathways and textured pavement across circulation aisles shall be provided throughout the development to connect dwellings/units/buildings with open spaces/plazas/ recreational uses 4 All parking spaces shall be double strped per City standards and all driveway aisles, entrances, and exits shall be striped per City standards 5 Bicycle storage spaces shall be provided in all commercial, office, industrial, and multifamily residential pro/ects or more than 10 units Minimum spaces equal to five percent of the regwred automobile parking spaces or three bicycle storage spaces, whichever is greater After the first 50 bicycle storage spaces are provided, additional storage spaces requred are 2 5 percent of the required automobile parking spaces Warehouse distribution uses shall provide bicycle storage spaces at a rate of 2 5 percent on the regwred automobile parking spaces with a minimum of a 3-bike rack In no case shall the total number of bicycle parking spaces required exceed 100 Where this results in a fraction of 0 5 or greater, the number shall be rounded off to the higher whole number Carpool and vanpool designated off-street parking close to the bwlding shall be provided for commercial, office, and industrial facilities at the rate of 10 percent of the total parking area If covered, the vertical clearance shall be no less than 9 feet F. Landscaping 1 A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or prior final map approval to the case of a custom lot subdwision 2 A minimum of 20% of trees planted within industrial protects, and a minimum of 30% within commercial and office protects, shall be speamen size trees - 24-inch box or larger 3 Within parking lots, trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three parking stalls 4 Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adtacent to and along structures at a rate of one tree per 30 linear feet of building 5 All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5 1 or greater slope, but less than 2 1 slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy 6 All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2 1 or greater slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq ft of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq ft of slope area, and appropriate ground cover In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2 1 or greater slope -/-/- -/- -/-/- -/-- -/-/- -/- _ -/_/_~ -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/_/_~ SC-02-02 3~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Protect No DRC2001-00714 Completion Date shall also include one 5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq ft of slope area Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane Slope planting regwred by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy 7 The fnal design of the perimeter parkways, walls, landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included in the required landscape plans and shall be sub/ect to City Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be requved by the Engineering Division 8 Speaal landscape features such as mounding and meandering sidewalks (with honzontal change) is required along White Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue 9 Landscaping and irrigation systems regwred to be installed within the public right-of-way on the perimeter of this protect area shall be continuously maintained by the developer 10 All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment If located to public maintenance areas, the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division 11 Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water through the principles of Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19 16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Muniapal Code G Signs The signs indicated on the submitted plans are conceptual only and not a part of this approval Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Stgn Ordinance and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of any signs A Uniform Sign Program for this development shall be submitted for City Planner revew and approval prior to issuance of bulding permits H. Environmental Mitigation measures are regwred for the protect The applicant is responsible for the cost of implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting Applicant shall be regwred to post cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the City Planner in the amount of $719.00 prior to the issuance of bwlding permits, guaranteeing satisfactory performance and completion of all mitigation measures These funds may be used by the City to retain consultants and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures Failure to complete all actions regwred by the approved environmental documents shall be considered grounds for forfeit Other Agencies sc-oz-oz The applicant shall contact the U S Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and location of mailboxes Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mailboxes with adequate lighting The final location of the mailboxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subtect to City Planner review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits ~~~ ~~ a -/- - -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-- -/-/- -/-/- -/- - Protect No DRC2001-00714 Completion Date APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 477-2710, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS• J. General Requirements 1 Submit five complete sets of plans including the following _/_/_ a Site/Plot Plan, b Foundation Plan, c Floor Plan, d Ceiling and Roof Framing Plan, e Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the s¢e of the main switch, number and size of service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams, f Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams, water and waste diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air conditioning, and g Planning Division Pro/ect Number (i e , TT #, CUP #, DR #, etc) clearly identified on the outside of all plans 2 Submit two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a soils _/_/_ report Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are regwred prior to plan check submittal 3 Separate permits are required for fencing and/or walls / / 4 Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers' Compensation _ _ _/ ! coverage to the City prior to permit issuance _ 5 Business shall not open for operation prior to posting the Certificate of Occupancy issued by / / the Bulding and Safety Division _ _ _ K. Site Development 1 Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction All plans shall be _/ / marked with the pro/ect file number (DRC2001-00714) The applicant shall comply with the _ _ latest adopted Uniform Bwlding Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Title 24 Accessibility regwrements, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of permit application Please contact the Building and Safety Division for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts 2 Prior to issuance of building permits for a new commeraal or industrial development or _/_/ addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the _ established rate Such fees may include, but are not limited to Transportation Development Fee, Drainage Fee, School Fees, Permit and Plan Checking Fees Applicant shall provide a copy of the school fees receipt to the Building and Safety Division prior to permit issuance 3 Street addresses shall be provided by the Bulding Official, after tractlparcel map recordation _/ I and prior to issuance of building permits _ _ 4 Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8 00 p m and 6 30 a m Monday _/_/ through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays ~ SC-02-02 ~~. C~~~ ProteIX No DRC2001-00714 Comoletwn Date 5, Construct trash enclosure(s) per City Standard (available at the Planning Division's public _/ / ~ N counter) St _ _ . e w ructures 1 Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for the property line clearances I I considering use, area, and fire-resistweness - - - 2 Provide compliance with the Untform Bwlding Code for regwred occupancy separation(s) _/_/_ 3 Provtde draft stops in attic areas, not to exceed 3,000 square feet, in accordance with UBC I / Table 5-A _ _ _ 4 Exterior walls shall be constructed of the regwred fire rating in accordance with UBC Table I / 5-A _ _ _ 5 Openings in extenor walls shall be protected to accordance with UBC Table 5-A / / 6 Provtde smoke and heat venting to accordance with UBC Section 906 / / 7 Upon tenant improvement plan check submittal, additional requirements may be needed _/_/_ M. Grading 1 Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City / / Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices The final grading plan shall be in _ _ _ substantial conformance with the approved grading plan 2 A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to / / pertorm such work _ _ _ 3 A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at / / the time of application for grading plan check _ _ _ 4 The final grading plans shall be completed and approved prior to issuance of building _/_/_ permits 5 A separate grading plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for _/ / existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more _ _ of combined cut and fill The Grading Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a California Registered Civil Engineer APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION, (909) 477-2740, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: N. Dedication and Vehicular Access 1 Corner property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per Ctty Standards _/_/_ 2 Easements for public sidewalks and/or street trees placed outside the public right-of-way I / shall be dedicated to the City _ _ _ ~~- ~7~ sc-oz-oz s Protect No DRC2001-00714 Completion Date O. Street Improvements Construct the following perimeter street Improvements including, but not limited to Street Name Curb & AC. Side• Drive Street Street Comm Median Bike Other Gutter Pvmt walk Appr Lights Trees Trail Island Trail White Oak c x x x o f Elm Street c x x x o f Notes (a) Median Island Includes landscaping and irrigation on meter. (b) Pavement reconstruction and overlays will be determined during plan check (c) If so marked, sidewalk shall be curvilinear per Standard 114 (d) If so marked, an In-lieu of construction fee shall be provided for this item (e) Access ramp (f) Traffic signs (g) 18-inch RCP storm drains. Improvement Plans and Constructton Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Clvll Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the Clty Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the Clty Engineer and the Clty Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street Improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of building permits, whichever occurs first b Prior to any work being performed In public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the CIry Engineer's Office to addition to any other permits required c Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the CIry Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction protect along mator or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer Notes. t) Pull boxes shall be No 6 at intersections and No 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer 2) Conduit shall be 3-Inch (at intersections) or 2-inch (along streets) galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e Handicapped access ramps shall be installed on all corners of intersections per City Standards or as directed by the City Engineer f Existing City roads regwring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times wdh adequate detours durng construction Street or lane closure permts are required A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer g Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots h Street names shall be approved by the City Planner prior to submittal for first plan check ~ ~ ~ I ~~ ~J- ~~- ~~ i ~~- _/~- ~-~- ~~- ~-~ SC-02-02 Protect No DRC2001-00714 Comoletion Date g Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single family residential lots h Street names shall be approved by the Ctty Planner prior to submittal for first plan check 3 Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards In accordance with the City's street tree program P. Public Maintenance Areas A signed consent and waiver form to loin and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Engineer prior to final map approval or Issuance of building permits whichever occurs first Formation costs shall be borne by the developer Q. Utilities 1 Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards Easements shall be provided as required 2 The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary 3 Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the regwrements of the Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino A letter of compliance from the CCWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdmsion or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential protects 4 Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agenaes involved Approval of the final parcel map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them R. General Requirements and Approvals 1 Anon-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all new streetlights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to budding permit issuance tf no map is involved APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2800, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: S. Security Lighting 1 2 3 SC-02-02 All parking, common, and storage areas shall have minimum maintained 1-foot candle power These areas should be lighted from sunset to sunrise and on photo sensored cell All buildings shall have minimal security lighting to eliminate dark areas around the bwldings, with direct lighting to be provided by all entryways Lighting shall be consistent around the entire development Lighting in exterior areas shall be in vandal-resistant fixtures ~~~~~, 8 _ -/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/. _/_/ _-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/--/- -/-/- -/-/- -/- - Project No DRC2001-00714 ComoleLOn Date T. Security Hardware 1 One-inch single cylinder dead bolts shall be installed on all entrance doors If windows are I I within 40 inches of any locking device, tempered glass or a double cylinder dead bolt shall be _ _ used 2 All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices _/_/_ U. Building Numbering 1 Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for / / nighttime wstbi6ry _ _ _ 2 Developer shall paint roof top numbers on one or more roofs of this development They shall _/ / be a minimum of three feet m length and two feet in width and of contrasting color to _ _ background The stenals for this purpose are on loan at the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DIVISION, FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING SERVICES AT, (909) 477-2770, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: See attached (~or.~73 SC-02-02 9 . `'..~`4~~• FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ,~ ~ ~~~~,~_ , FIRE SAFETY DIVISION STANDARD CONDITIONS FD PLAN REVIEW#: FD-01-0571 PROJECT #: PROJECT NAME: DATE: PLAN TYPE: APPLICANT NAME: OCCUPANCY CLASS: FLOOR AREA (S): TYPE CONSTRUCTION: I ype LOCATION: SEC White FD REVIEW BY: Steve Loca PLANNER: Warren Mo ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DIVISION, (909) 477-2770, EXT. 3009, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Completion Date r1 L ~ A. Outstanding Fire District Issues 1 This project has Fire District issues that are outstanding from standard conditions of approval placed by the Fire District. 2 Unpaid Fees: This protect has outstanding unpaid service fees in the amount of $82 that are due and payable at this time. Please remit payment by check made payable to the "Rancho Cucamonga Fire Distract The fees are due for the (ollowing service(s) Protect Start Fees B. Water Plans for Fire Protection 1 Public Fire Hydrants: Prior to issuance of any bulding permit, the applicant shall submit a plan showing the locations of all new public fire hydrants for the revew and approval by the Fire Distract and the Water District On the plan include all existing fire hydrants within a 600-foot radius of the protect 2 Private/On-site Fire Hydrants: Pnor to the issuance of any building permit, the applicant shall submit construction plans, specifications, flow test data and calculations for the private water main system for review and approval by the Fire District Plans and installation shall comply with Fire Distract standards Contac the Fire Safety Division for a copy of "Fire District Notes for Underground and Water Plans " 3 Exceeds Allowable Distance When any portion of a facility or bulding is located more than 150-feet from a fire hydrant located on a public street, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or budding on-site fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow shall be provided The distance is measured as vehicular path of travel on access roadways, not line of sight 4 Minimum Fire Flow: The requred fire flow for this protect is 2500 gallons per minute at a minimum residual ressure of 20 ounds r s u e inch This re wrement is made in H ~ ~ `7'~ DRC2001-00714 SUBTPM 15731 Professor's Fund III Aprll 23, 2002 accordance with Fire Code Appendix III-A, as amended Please see "Water Availability' below for required verification of fire flow availability for the proposed protect , 5 Number of Fire Hydrants Provide one fve hydrant for each 1000 gpm of required fire flow or fraction thereof 6 General Guidance for Fire Hydrants: The following provides general guidance for the spacing and location of fire hydrants Remember these are the maximum permitted distances between fire hydrants a The maximum distance between fire hydrants in commercial/industrial protects is 300-feet b The maximum distance between fire hydrants in multi-family residential is 400-feet c. The maximum distance between fire hydrants insingle-family residential protects is 500-feet d For single-family residential protects in the designated Hazardous Fve Area the maximum distance between fire hydrants is 400-feet e Fve hydrants are to be located 1 At the entrance(s) to a protect from the existing public roadways This includes subdivisions and industrial parks. 2 At intersections 3 On the right side of the street, whenever practical and possible. 4 As requved by the Fire Safety Division to meet operational needs i The distance from a fire hydrant to the bwlding or structure protected shall not exceed one-half of the maximum allowable separation. g The location of fve hydrants is based upon the operational needs of the Fue District to control a fire h Fire hydrants shall be located a minimum of forty (40) from any bwlding 7 Hydrants Used to Supply Fire Flow: Public fire hydrants located within a 500-foot radws of the proposed protect may be used to provide the requved fire flow subtect to Fire Distract review and approval Private fire hydrants on adtacent property shall not be used to provide regwred fire flow 8 Public Installation All required publlc fve hydrants shall be installed, flushed, and operable prior to delivering any combustible bwlding materials on-site (i a ,lumber, roofing materials, etc) Water District personnel shall inspect the installation and witness hydrant flushing. The builder/developer shall submit a copy of the Water Distract inspection report to the Fire Safety Division 9 PrivatelOn-site Installation: All private on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed, and operable prior to delivering any combustible budding materials on-site (i e , lumber, roofing materials, etc) A representative of Fire Construction Services shall inspect the installation and witness hydrant flushing The bwlder/developer shall submit final test and inspection report to the Fire Safety Division 10 Final Acceptance: For the purpose of final acceptance, an additional test of the on-site fire hydrants shall be conducted by the bwlder/developer in the presence of the Water District or Fire Construction Services, as appropriate The bwlder/developer shall submit the final test report to the Fire Safety Division 11 Show Existing Fire Hydrants and Malns: Existing fire hydrants and mains within 600- feet of the protect shall be shown on the water plan submitted for review and approval Include main size ~~~'~~~ 12 Fire Sprinkler Underground: Prior to the issuance of a fire sprinkler system permit, the applicant shall submit construction plans, specifications, and calculations for the fire sprinkler system underground to the Fire Safety Division for approval 13 Maintenance Agreement: If the system is private the applicant shall do the following prior to the issuance of the bwlding permit a Submit proof that provisions have been made for the annual testing, repair, and maintenance of the system A copy of the maintenance agreement shall be submitted to the Distract b For developments with multiple owners, they shall establish a reaprocal maintenance agreement that shall be submitted to the Fire District for acceptance 14 Hydrant Markers: Prior to the issuance of any Certficate of Occupancy, all fire hydrants shall have a blue reflective pavement marker indicating the fire hydrant location on the street or driveway in accordance with Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Distract and City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Standard Plan 134, "Installation of Reflective Hydrant Markers ° On private property these markers are to be maintained in good condition by the property owner C. Available Water Supply-Confirmation Required 1 Prior to the issuance of a bwlding permit, the applicant shall provide evidence of adequate fire flow The Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Distract Water Availabdrtv /or Fire Protection Form shall be signed by the Water Distract and submitted for approval by the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Distract If suffiaent water to meet fire flow regwrements is not avarfable, an automatic fire extinguishing system may be required in each structure affected by the insufficient flow A copy of the required form is attached at the end of this notice 2 Inadequate water supply for firefighting and automatic fire sprinkler systems wdl prevent the Fire Distract from approving a proposed protect D. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems 1 Required Installations: Rancho Cucamonga Fire Distract Ordinance 15 or other adopted code or standard, requires an approved automatic fire sprinkler system to be installed m any of the following a Commercial or industrial structures greater than 7,500 square feet 2 Plans and Permit: Plans for the required automatic fire sprinkler system shall be submitted to Fire Construction Services for review and approval No work is allowed without a Fire Construction Services permrf 3 Remodels and Changes: Any modification or remodel to a fire sprinkler system requires Fire District approval, and a permit NO WORK is permitted without a permit issued by Fire Construction Services 4 Flnal Inspection: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fire sprinkler system(s) shall be tested and accepted by Fire Construction Services 5 Sprinkler Monitoring: The fire sprinkler system monitoring system shall be installed, tested, and operational immediately following the completion of the fire sprinkler system Monitoring is required with 20 sprinklers in Group I Occupancies, or 100 or more sprinklers m all other Occupancies E. Fire Access 1 Access Roadways Defined: Fire District access roadways include public roads, streets, and highways, as well as private roads, streets, drive aisles and designated fire lanes 2 Location of Access: All portions of the structure or facility or any portion of the exterior wall of the first story shall be located within 150-feet of Fve District vehicle access, measured by an unobstructed approved route around the exterior of the bwlding Landscaped areas, unpaved changes in elevation, gates, and fences are an obstruction ~~~ ~~ 3 Commercial/Industrial and Multi-family Residential. Prior to recordation of a subdivision/tracUparcel map or the issuance of any grading permit the applicant shall submit plans and specifications for Fire District approval of all access roadways to within 150-feet of all portions of the exterior of every structure on-site 4 Special Access Requirements: All bwldings that have three or more stories, or are 30-feet in height shall be provided wdh fire apparatus access on at least two sides Access to exterior walls shall extend from 5 to 50-feet horizontally, with no vertical obstructions 5 Two Points of Access: More than one fire access roadway shall be provided It has been determined by the Fire District that access by a single road might be impaired by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions, or other factors that could limd access Provide secondary egress/access in accordance with Fire District Standards and/or City of Rancho Cucamonga Standards 6 Private Roadways and Fire Lanes: The inside tum radius shall be 20-feet The outside tum radius shall be not less than 50-feet The minimum radius for cul-de-sacs is 45-feet. The minimum unobstructed width for a Fire District access roadway or fire lane is 26-feet The minimum vertical clearance is 14 feet, 6 inches At any private entry median the minmum width of traffic lanes shall be 20-feet 7 Dead-end Fire District Access Roadways: Dead-end Fire District access roadways in excess of 150-feet shall be provided wdh approved provisions for the fuming around of fire apparatus This may include a cul-de-sac, "hammerhead," or other means approved by the Fire District 8 Access ControViraffic Calming Device Permlt: A Fve District permd is regwred to install any access control device, traffx-calming device, or gate on any access roadway Applicable CC&R's, or other approved documents, shall contain provisions that prohibit obstructions such as trafficcalming devices (speed bumps, humps, etc ), control gates, bollards, or other moddications in fire lanes or access roadways wdhout prior wrdten approval of the Fire District, Fire Safety Droision 9 Access Walkways: Approved access walkways shall be provided from the fire apparatus access road to exterior building openings 10 Fire Drstrlct Site Access Plan- Required Note: Prior to the issuance of any grading permit the applicant shall submit a Fire District Sde Access Plan to the Fire District for review and approval The following, minimum information and detail shall be included a on a scaled sde plan• a All roadways shall be clearly indicated Including roadway width, vertical clearances, cul- de-sac width, tum radn, curb cuts, angle of departure, grades, etc b For private roadways or drive aisles less than 40-feet or less in width where parking may be permdted, identify the location of proposed fire lanes c Include a not stating all regwred fire lanes shall be identified by red curbing and signage. d Include detail(s) to identiy which of the methods set forth in the Fve District "Fire Lane" standard will be used to mark the fire lane A copy of the Fire District "Fire Lane" Standard can be obtained by calling (909) 477-2770 e Roadway wdh a width of more than 40-feet parking ~s perindted on both sides f Roadway with a width of 32-feet or more parking is perindted on one side only g The angle of departure and approach shall not exceed 9 degrees or 20 percent h The grade of any fve district access roadway shall not exceed 12 percent i If water plans have been approved include fve hydrant and fire department connection locations 11 Knox Rapid Entry System: A Knox rapid entry key vault shall be installed prior to final inspection Proof of purchase shall be submitted prior to final budding plan approval Contact the Fire Safety Division for specific details and ordering information 12 Construction Access: Fire District access, a minimum 26-feet in width and 14-feet, 6- inches minimum clear hei ht shall be rovided The minimum clearances shall be (~of ~~7 J maintained free and clear of any obstructions at all times, in accordance with Fire District Standards 13 Fire Lane Identification: All required fire lanes shall be identified by red curbing and signage A drawing of the proposed signage that meets the minimum Fire District standards shall be submitted to and approved Contact the Rancho Cucamonga Fue Protection Distract at (909) 477-2770 for a copy of the FD Fire Lanes standard 14 Fire Lanes. Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, the fire lanes shall be installed in accordance with the approved fire lane plan The CC&R's or other approved documents shall contain an approved fire lane map and provisions that prohibit parking in the fire lanes The method of enforcement shall be documented The CC&R's shall also identfy who is responsible for not less than annual inspection and maintenance of all regwred fire lanes 15 Address- Other Than Single-family: New bwldings other than single-faintly dwellings shall post the address with minimum 8-inch numbers on contrasting background, visible from the street and electrically illuminated during periods of darkness When the building setback exceeds 200 feet from the public street an additional non-illuminated 6-inch minimum number address shall be provided at the property entrance 16 Muni-unit Complexes: In muRi-unit complexes approved address numbers, and/or bwlding identification letters shall be provided on the front and back of all units, suites, or bwldings The Fire Distract shall review and approve the numbering plan in coordination with the City of Rancho Cucamonga F. Single-family Residential Sales Models 1 Minimum Access and Water: Residential sales model homes requve approved Fire Distract vehicle access and water supply from a public or private water main system 2 Required Plans: Prior to issuance of any grading permit please identify the lots selected for construction of residential sales models on a scaled site plan Include the location of required fire hydrants and fire distract access roadways. The site plan shall be submitted to the Fire Safety Division for approval G. Combustible Construction Letter 1 Required Letter: Prior to the issuance of a building permit for combustible construction, the bwider shall submit a letter to the Fire Distract on company letterhead stating that the minimum water supply for fire fighting purposes and the all-weather fire protection access roadway that meets Fue Distract Standards shall be m place and operational before any combustible material is placed on-site The roadway shall be maintained at all times H. Budding Use Letter 1 Reqwred Letter: Prior to the issuance of any bwlding permits, the applicant shall submit a detailed letter of intended use for each bwlding on-site to the Fue District for review and approval A form that may be used to meet this requirement is attached at the end of the Fue Distract comments I. Architectural Bwiding Plans 1 Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant shall submit plans for the review and approval of the Fue Safety Division The Fue Safety Division review is intended to ensure that standard conditions have been included in the design of the protect J. Fire Alarm System 1 Required Installation: An automatic fire alarm (and detection) system is required by RCFPD Ordinance 15, based on use or floor area, or by another adopted code or standard Refer to Ordinance 15 for specrfic requirements 2 Plans and Permits: Prior to issuance of a budding permit, plans for the fire alarm system shall be submitted to Fue Construction Services for review and approval No work is allowed without a Fue District permit {~~. ~~g 3 Final Inspection and Testing: Prior to the issuance of a Certrficate of Occupancy, the fire alarm (and detection) system(s) shall be tested and accepted by Fire Construction Services K: Fue District Service Fees' 1 The following service fees are due to the Ftre District and payable at this time• a $t32 Start-up fee for commeraal, industrial or multi-family dwelling units (Paid pnor to TRC) b $82 -Total due at this time Remit payment by check made payable to the "Rancho Cucamonga Fire Distract" " Plus a microficheAaser-fiche fee of $1 00 per plan sheet for all final plans approved by the Fve Safety Diwsion `Note Separate plan check fees will be assessed by the Fue Construction Services Unrt for review of tenant improvement work, fire protection systems (fve sprinklers, alarm systems, fve extingwshing systems, etc ), and/or any consultant reviews upon submittal of plans L. Hazard Control Perinrts 1 As noted below Speaal Permits may be regwred, dependent upon approved use(s). a General Use Permit shall be regwred for any activity or operation not specifically described below, which in the fudgment of the Fire Chief is likely to produce conditions that may be hazardous to life or property b High piled combustible storage M. Plan Submittal Required Notice 1 Requred plans shall be submitted and approved pnor to construction m accordance with 1997/96 Bwlding, Fire, Mechanical, and Plumbing Codes, 1999 Electrical and RCFPD Ordinances FD15 and FD32, Guidelines and Standards NOTE In addition to the fees due at this time please note that separate plan check fees for tenant improvements, fire protection systems and/or any consultant revews will be assessed at time of submittal of plans N. Alternate Materials and Methods 1 The Fve Safety Diwsion wdl review requests for attemate materials and methods within the scope of our authority The request must be submitted on the Fire District "Application for Altemate Method" form along with supporting documents Contact this Fire Safety Diwsion at (909) 477-2770 for assistance Fve Distract Standard Conditions -Template SL 5/16/2002 Revision ~~ ~~ 9 T H E ANCI10 O F CUCAMONGA Skill l\~1 l DATE May 22, 2002 TO• Chairman and Members of the Plamm~g Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY. Brent Le Count SUBJECT• STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00300 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A proposal to change the name of Miller Avenue to "Church Street° for that portion of Miller Avenue between the current easternmost terminus of Church Street and the east boundary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (intersection of Miller Avenue and East Avenue) This application has been fled pursuant to provision of Plamm~g Commission Resolution No 90-57 and in conformance with City Code Section 12.12.050 BACKGROUND. The Plamm~g Commission declared its intention to rename Miller Avenue to Church Street on May 9, 1990. The Commission found that Miller Avenue follows the same east-west alignment as Church Street does throughout a matonty of the City and that a physical change in street name along a continuous east-west street of approximately 5 50 miles would cause confusion to the public and be in conflict with City Code Chapter 12.12 020.C, and that changing the segment currently designated as Miller Avenue (approximately 1.25 miles) to Church Street would cause much less disruption and expense than changing the segment currently named Church Street to Miller Avenue (4.00 miles plus) The Commission's action included a caveat that the formal street name change not be processed until street plans were approved to loin Church Street with Miller Avenue Such plans have been developed with the Amencan Beauty Development and the Victoria Gardens Regional Center development approved within the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. NEIGHBORHOOD ISSUES. The City received correspondence from John Solberg and his wife Mary Solberg in July of 1996 complaining that renaming Miller Avenue to Church Street changes the lives of those who now live on Miller Avenue for no good reason. They argue that while Church Street is longer than Miller Avenue, Miller Avenue has been in existence longer, and therefore Church Street should be changed to Miller Avenue John Solberg sent another letter in October of last year after having met with staff members from Planning, Fire, and Police on the matter Mr Solberg stated that "Global Positioning Satellite Technology" should make street names immaterial He also suggested that the Victoria Gardens Regional Center be redesigned with a large arcular road with Church Street intersecting the western side of the circle and Miller Avenue intersecting the eastern side ITEM C PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00300 CITY OF R C . May 22, 2002 Page 2 Staff met with John Solberg, Art Williams (both of whom Iroe on Miller Avenue), and representatives from Fire and Polwe on October 9, 2001. Life-safety representatives explained the necessity for a logical street naming system free of unnecessary name changes along a given street for the sake of emergency response When asked why the homeowners obfected to the renaming, their answer was that it would cause them inconvernence because they would have to notify the Post Office, friends, family, etc., of their change in address and they don't wish to have to go through such an exercise. There were no neighborhood identity, historical, or sentimental reasons given for their opposition to changing the street name EFFECTIVE DATE: The Planning Commission is regwred to establish the date upon which the street name will become effective The date must be at least 60 days after their action approving a street name change. The attached Resolution of Approval suggests that the name change become effective when the physical connection is made to that segment of Church Street from Etiwanda Avenue westerly to serve the Regional Center and the American Beauty Development. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT• As indicated in Section 12.12.060 of the Mumapal Code, the City Council determined that the changing of street names has no possibility of having a significant effect on the environment and therefore, such an action is not subfect to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3). CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Vallev Daily Bulletin newspaper, the street was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners with frontage on Miller Avenue RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the subfect street name change, thereby re-designating the existing Miller Avenue to Church Street. If the Commission is so inclined, staff may be directed to assist the property owners on Miller Avenue with processing change of address forms through the Post Office Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB.BUfc Attachments. Exhibit "A" - Circulation Plan Map from General Plan Exhibit "B" - Neighborhood Correspondence Exhibit "C" - Planning Commission Resolution of Intent (No 90-57) Draft Resolution of Approval to Change Miller Avenue to Church Street • C~ ~,! HILLSIDE AVE BANYAN ST e FOOTNIL ARR IYro.OnglPn~M•a6Pmwn-I~Trmrm'mJiA•b W 0•nMYryry HRm1~C[a•gwpm pr.<u[pYb~.em[ptniy Hamutlq iln OryR W[W Cnvq•N. mp[Yrmuv[ry [vw..4P•mun r~•v[•mry•ngyn~nbN6q~N•qufmuMnpplM eNry[Mi[ Tnwi•YanM4n.•MOn.N.n b ggan•Mb YUMieµpJvly~eA iOnA~nbq Yq[n~q.\WWryq m~d~wlq•O~imM•~+qYn Mm[eyrAgWYNQnwb •~ Fww.ibrrnorwa.~.r.~r.m[aw.ga.n.r.••rusun arena>r. Inq•um nramni.q.r.n.rynbm[rpnwi•nvnnp.q..a~nnq~.. „x.nwr.•mw[..+nu• bb~.q..aa•>,nn Cvculatton Plan Exhtbrt III-4 IL/J Collectof ©Moddietl Collector vnih Median Sewndary ~~r~~~w~ Modified Sewndary vnlh Median ~-I/~J Motor Artenal I!_/ I Modified Motor vnih Median r.~J Mater Divided Artenal V SCI Motor Divided Highway Intersections to be widened beyond typical General Plan standards ® Freeways ~0 Freeway Interchange I v_f Prapoaetl Freeway Interchange Railroad ® Ratlmad Gratle Separehon L Qn McValink Station 0 Circulation Study Area Overlay r-~r'~~~ Ciry Limits V-lJ Unincorporated Areas imnroi /~ iNE ll 0 SOOO ract ~ ~(PIANNING CENiFft I'-f fM'I/Ai1MM1 __ 5 ~r Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga s GENERAL PLAN < ., T H E C Y O 12 ~1 N C tI O C U C A M O N G A~ November 14, 2001 John M Solberg 13231 Miller Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9657 SUBJECT: POTENTIAL STREET NAME CHANGE -MILLER AVENUE VS CHURCH STREET Dear Mr. Solberg: Thank you for your letter of October 10, 2001, to Mayor Bill Alexander explaining your concems relative to the above-referenced matter The Mayor was pleased to hear about your participation at the October 9, 2001, meeting with City staff. Your idea about a large circular intersection to "funnel" traffic and provide room for a park is interesting. Your letter makes it clear that you received a thorough explanation of why continuous streets must have a single name rather than changing names at an arbitrary point or even an intersection The Fire and Police Departments rely on a well organized and logical street naming and addressing system to ensure as quick an emergency response time as possible. While I appreciate your opinion that use of Global Positioning Systems to lopte emergency crews would make street names immaterial, I'm afraid this hasn't yet proven itself out in actual experience. The Mayor and I have reviewed the turning circle intersection and "T' intersection concepts with our Traffic Engineer, Jon Gillespie. It turns out that both of these options are problematic from a traffic circulation standpoint The fuming circle concept tends to restrict pedestrian flow and the City anticipates significant pedestrian activity in this area as it develops. The turning circle also uses up substantial land area and it would be very difficult to provide pedestrian access to the center of the circle where you suggest a park. The "T' intersection is difficult to accommodate because a minimum of 400 feet is required between signalized intersections (the "1's" would have to be 400 feet apart). Church Street will function as a mator east west arterial in this area of the Clty. Introducing a 'T' intersection would lead to traffic circulation problems and congestion. Furthermore, the alignment of the northern edge of Church Street has already been established with approval of the American Beauty development. Finally, you mentioned an attempt about ten years ago on the part of the City to change the name of Miller Avenue to Church Street The Planning Commission adopted a Resolution of Intent to change the street name back in 1990. It was at that time the street name signs were prematurely installed and then removed. As it appears that the street will be constructed in the near future, it is now time to take the next step in acting on the Resolution of Intent. Therefore, the Planning Commission will be conducting a public hearing on the proposed street renaming Mayor WIIIiam J Alexander Councilmember Paul Bane Mayor Pro-Tem Diane Williams - Councilmember Bob Dutton Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Councilmember Grace Curatalo 10500 Cmc Center Drive • P O. Box 807 • Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 •(909) 477-2700 • FAX (909) 477-2849 www cl.ranchocucamonga ca us G z7/ !/ ~• ~'.4~113rt' ~v i~V~P.~1cno ~oi~0>i.3[J,_ John M. Solberg Street Name Change November 14, 2001 Page 2 of Miller Avenue to Church Street Once the matter is scheduled, an official notice of the heanng date and time will be mailed to you and your neighbors inviting your attendance and participation. I anticipate this meeting uwll occur early next year. If you have further questions regarding this matter please don't hesitate to contact Associate Planner Brent Le Count or me at (909) 477-2750 Sincerely, PLANNING DEPARTMENT Brad Buller City Planner BB.BLC•mlg L._,J CS July 30, 1996 Mayor Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Mr Mayor RE File #9201 FiECEt~r=p AU6 t ~ ; City of Rancho CU~_ ~.,, ~a Planning Daisw~~ ~'~ This week I noticed new street signs on Miller Ave in Etiwanda I casually dismissed the "Church" St signs as clerical error until my wife ingwred of folk in the bureaucracy and was told the "City" changed the name in 1992 The claim was that letters went out to all concerned My bet is that your records show no protests and I'll argue no one really was informed or all of the ten or so longtime residents would have protested How dare you summarily change our lives for NO good reason This is not a protest letter, this is a letter of request for legitimate political corrective action We have Irved on Miller Ave since long before Rancho Cucamonga usurped our nghts Changing the name to Church because of map alignment only serves Thomas Bros as it obsoletes their old maps THE ACTUAL STREETS ARE SEPARATED BY MILES OF DIRT AND CERTAINLY HAVE NOT BEEN TRAVERSED BY ANY CITY SEDANS Please see that this request is reacted to by someone far enough up the political ladder to recognize the UNSERVICE this name change represents Yours sincerely, J olberg 13231 MILLER AVE Etiwanda, CA 91739 copy Mr Allen Warren Planning Dept 10500 Civic Center Dr Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 i Cf ~_~ RECEIVED July 30, 1996 Mr Allen Warren Planning Dept 10500 Croic Center Dr Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE Fde No 9201 Dear Mr Warren AUG fi 5 1996 City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division I am more than a little bit irritated at the fact that I found out yesterday that the street I have Irved on for 20+ years has had the name changed After noticing the new sign that read "Church" I called and found out that it had been "changed in 1992 but no final resolution had been made " If you must change the name simply because it lines up with Church St in the Rochester Tract, then maybe you should adtust your thinking Miller has been here long before Church street so if they must match -then change Church to Miller! It is beyond me why either street must change names since they have no connection whatsoever If you've ever been out here you'll notice there is a lot of land between the two streets As I recall before Etiwanda was "developed" there was a master plan circulated which showed that piece of land (the current dirt fields) as being protected to l~ve some beautiful lake put there Promises, promises All I've noticed is a lot 8 traffic and congestion and the only "improvements" are in the new developments If I sound upset, I am this is about the last straws Please let me hear from you about this as soon as possible I have spoken to some of my neighbors who are equally upsets Sincerely, ~~ ~~ Mary Solberg 13231 Miller Ave Etiwanda, CA 91739 C7 ~' ~ a~~ RECEIVED CITY Of RANCHO CUCAMONGA ADMINISTRATION 10-10-01 OCT 112001 Mayor Bil] Alexander City Hall 7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6 10500 Civic Center Dnve Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Mayor Alexander, Yesterday my neighbor Art Williams and I met with Brent Le Count and representatives of the police and fire departments to discuss the intended name change of Miller Ave. as part of the planning for the "city center" development east of Rochester Ave. The safety officials mentioned then concerns that the contiguous street should have only one name to hirut the likelihood of confusion when dispatching police and fire units withn the city. They mentioned the difr5culty sassing from the occasional use of outside help (large fires, etc) but we did not discuss the probability that that help might come from an area where their street changes name as it enters Rancho Cucamonga. They dtd also indicate that Ground Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology has become widely used which, it seems to me, would nearly make street names immatenal. Jce, from the fire department, indicated that from his perspective safety would always be enhanced if the planners only drew square cornered, straighthne streets, but Mr Le Count professed an appreciation for the esthetics of "curved streets". Jce also indicated that he would support a "T" intersection at the east edge of the development but none of the city officials present liked my idea that a lazge circulaz intersection could funnel traffic unimpeded into and out of the development while also providing a "central" city pazk area. I acceded to the `°T" intersection as acceptable, if it is the only solution to prevent changing the name of the street where I have lived for more than 25 years from Miller Ave. I'm wasting to you to ask for your help because I came away from the meeting feeling that it was a futile effort. About ten years or so ago we encountered the initial attempt to change the street name when City workers put up new street signs When I wrote to the City, the workers returned the "Miller" signs and I got a nice, official letter which not only acknowledged the mistake, but also indicated that it would not happen again What really bothers me is that within that ten years of "planning", Church Ave has been drawn to meander all over the map and developed with no residential addresses (no dnveways), constantly headuig for impact with the residential citizens of Miller Ave wiUtout proactively addressing ways to avoid conflict It could have been done No dirt has yet been moved It still can be done. Please help Thanks Sincerely, C`~~~ John M Solberg CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 13231 Miller Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739-9657 OCT 1 s 20101; C S RECEIVED -PLANNING RESOLUTION N0. 90-57 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO INITIATE THE PROCESS TO RENAME MILLER AVENUE. A. Recitals. (i) The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has received a request and justification from the City staff to consider the renaming of Miller Avenue to Church Street due to the anticipated alignment of the two streets to form a continuous street system. (ii) At its regularly scheduled meeting on May 9, 1990, the Planning Commission reviewed staff's request and justification. (iii) The requested name change was reviewed pursuant to Section 12.12.040 of the Rancho Cucamonga City code. B. Resolution. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A", of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial information presented to this Commission at the above referenced public meeting, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) That Miller Avenue, within the City, is an east-west street which travels from its "T" intersection with East Avenue approximately 3/4 of a mile to the west, near its intersection with Etiwanda Avenue, and that the Miller Avenue name has been approved for a 3/4 mile extension of the street alignment to the future regional mall site. (b) That Miller Avenue is an existing street 1/10 of a mile east of East Avenue in the City of Fontana. (c) That Church Street is a continuous east-west street from intersection of Pepper and Beryl Streets on the west to the future regional mall site, a distance of approximately 4 miles. The segment between Haven Avenue and Rochester Avenue is presently under construction in the Terra Vista Planned Community. • ~9 IPy~ ~G~~ ~'1.~,1a1-.tl~. Q5NM1`~ ~-~.t~U.J~Ia~ C~ I"' PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 90-57 RENAMING MILLER AVENUE May 9, 1990 Page 2 (d) That Church Street is master planned to be extended from Day Creek Channel on the west to Day Creek Boulevard on the east to align with the future Miller Avenue at the future mall site. (e) That this situation would create an unnecessary street name change, from Church Street to Miller Avenue, along a continuous street system of approximately 5-1/2 miles which would cause confusion to the public and would be in conflict with the City Code Chapter 12.12.020C, and should be avoided. (f) That changing the name of the segment currently designated as Miller Avenue (1-1/4 miles) to Church Street would cause much less disruption and expense than changing the segment currently named Church Avenue (4 miles) to Miller Avenue. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to the Commission during the public meeting and upon specific facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission finds and concludes as follows: (a) That this Commission hereby agrees with the concept of continuing the name Church Street from its present western-most point to the easterly City limits at East Avenue in order to provide that this continuous roadway exhibits no unnecessary name changes along its course through the community. (b) That this Commission directs staff to begin the process to change Miller Avenue to Church Street, pursuant to City Code Sections 12. 12.040 and 12.12.050, upon final approval, by the City Engineer, of street improvement plans to join the two streets as one continuous roadway. 4. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF MAY, 1990, PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA C~ v ( V PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 90-57 RENAMING MILLER AVENUE • May 9, 1990 Page 3 I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 9th day of May, 1990, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, TOLSTOY, WEINBERGER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL Cll RESOLUTION NO 02-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00300 TO RENAME MILLER AVENUE TO CHURCH STREET, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A Recitals 1 On May 9, 1990, the Plamm~g Commission adopted a Resolution of Intent (Plamm~g Commission Resolution No 90-57) to change the name of Miller Avenue to Church Street due to the alignment of the two streets to form a continuous street system Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Street Name Change is referred to as "the application " 2 On the 22nd day of May, 2002, the Plamm~g Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public heanng for the above-mentioned street rename proposal, Street Name Change DRC2002-00300, pursuant to the City Mumapal Code, Chapter 12 12 3 The Rancho Cucamonga Plamm~g Division prepared a report, which addressed the tustification for the change All legal preregwsites pnor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred B Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it is herebyfound, detertnmed, and resolved bythe Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows 1 This Commission hereby speafically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A," of this Resolution are true and correct 2 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced meeting on May 22, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows a The City's Street Naming Ordinance establishes that streets, which an: continuous are to be extended in accordance with the present street name whenever possible and feasible Church Street and Miller Avenue are continuous streets and would connect at Etrvvanda Avenue Therefore, to eliminate potential confusion when responding to emergency calls by the Police and Fire Departments, renaming Miller Avenue to Church Street is necessary, and b That Church Street is planned to be extended from Day Creek Boulevard to Etrvvanda Avenue in alignment vnth existing Miller Avenue in assoaation wrath the Victona Gardens Regional Center and Amencan Beauty Development, both of which are approved protects, and c That this situation would create an unnecessary street name change, from Church Street to Miller Avenue, along a continuous street system of approximately 5 5 miles which would cause confusion to the public and would be in conflict with City Code Chapter 12 12 020 C, and d That changing the name of the segment currently designated as Miller Avenue (1 25 miles) to Church Street would cause much less disruption and expense than changing the segment currently named Church Street (4 miles) to Miller Avenue C) ~, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-52 STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00300- CITY OF RC May 22, 2002 Page 2 3 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced public heanng and upon the specific findings of facts set forth m paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows a That the proposed change is not in conflict with the goals, polices, and standards of the General Plan, and b That the proposed change is consistent with the adopted master plan of streets and highways or adopted croulation element, and c That the proposed change will not cause significant adverse impacts on the environment, and d That the proposed change is deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare 4 This Commission hereby finds and determines that the protect identified above in this Resolution is exempt from the regwrements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Gwdelines promulgated thereunder, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines 5 Based upon the findings and contusions set forth m paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves Street Name Change DRC2002-00300 6 The street name change shall become offical upon completion of the Church StreeUEtiwanda Avenue intersection improvements The City Planner shall send wntten notices of the change to the Post Office, County Clerk, Fire Distnct, Shenffs Department, and applicable utility companies at least 60 days pnor to the effective date of the change 7 The Secretary to this Commission shall certify the adoption of this Resolution APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF MAY 2002 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY Laity T McNiel, Chairman ATTEST Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of May 2002, by the following vote-to-wit C 1' PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-52 STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00300- CITY OF RC May 22, 2002 Page 3 AYES COMMISSIONERS NOES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT COMMISSIONERS tr~_J C ~~ Page 1 of 1 Le Count, Brent From afwillia [afwillia@netzero net] Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 5 58 AM To: Le Count, Brent Subject: Street Change (Miller Ave ) We are writing as I am sure are neighbors on Miller Ave are writing to protest the name change of Miller Ave The city claims that for police and fire protection, there is a need to have streets that butt up to each other at a cross street such as Etiwanda, they need to be the same name But If you look at the map there are streets that have one name on one side and another name on the other side of the street With the Technology these days, they use GPS to find locations and not lust depend on lust street locations I know to the aty it is lust a name change, a few different letters and Miller Ave changes to Church St ,but to us that have lived on Miller for 28 or more years or even the neighbors that have been here for a few years, it is not lust a name change, it is an identity change We live on Miller Ave not Church St and would like tc keep it that way Sincerely, Arthur and Zella Williams 12996 Miller Ave /-, G 1~'~~'n 5/21/2002 OS-16-02 The City of Rancho Cucamonga Attu Planning Division P O Box 807 - Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Dear Planners, RE DRC2002-00300 '~~%r ~f f'~1Pr~fh ~arzo ~'~-`~:~ ~` r ~,,~~C Please consider this to be the formal confirmation of something you have known for many years WE DO NOT WANT YOU TO FORCE US TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE STREET WIRE WE HAVE LIVED FOR MORE THAN TWENTYFIVE YEARS Broadway and Park Place seem more ntzy, Wall Street and Madison Avenue have more glamow and Pennsylvania Avenue and North Downing Street command deep respect, but Nhller Ave has been ow home for many years, to very good effect If we have to change ow address we should at least get to submit some fancy names from which to choose. If this ~s such an mev~table situarion surely the residents of the pre~xishng Chwch Ave would have no ob~echon to changing then street name also Supposedly this is necessitated to facilitate "safety" vehicles m their hfe saving tours through the city For many years Amencan Medical Response has parked a "runrung" ambulance under the 15 freeway overpass at the southwest corner of NLller Ave and Etiwanda Ave These EMTs, hke their pohce and fire brethren, will be given a bnefing early m their indoctnnarion wherein all the street name confusions will be identtfied and emphasized As rs, they know where Ivflller Ave is. No matter what ~s changed, they will be bnefed as soon as necessary And they all have the benefit of the latest Ground Posrt~on Satellite lOCaUOn devices Likely the safety personnel are the least affected by street name confusion When this name change srtuahon fast surfaced about ten years ago every resident of Ivhlier Ave md~cated opposmon to the proposal At that time we were told that rt had been a "mistake" and that rt would "not happen again" Thoughts of the enormous bridge necessary to cross the "Victona Plan" lakes (San Bernardino is planning to dig lakes m the center of their city, and we have lost the very lakes that caused many voters to buy m to the c~tyhood election What happened) gave us comfort that we could focus on other concerns Besides, there were more than two miles of vacant land compnsmg vrrgin drawing paper for the planning department to exercise then every esthettc desire As rt is, they have meandered Church Ave all through that undeveloped area (hoping to through us off their track) Dnvmg on Chwch you swe wouldn't guess that it MUST connect with Miller City Councilman Bob Dutton commented that "there is no dirt moved yet" and "~f need be we can bring Chwch to Ettwanda Ave north of Miller Ave " There are solutions that recognize the PLANNING value of dealing with vacant, undeveloped land We srill ~i7i C believe that a "traffic cucle", with Church Ave entenng from the west and Ivhller Ave entenng from the east would add esthetics, traffic control, disttnction and glamour while being a satisfactory resolution to the name change situation Aside from and apart from this name change issue it is appropriate to address our concerns that the City has decided to convert Miller Ave from the very genet lunited use residential street we love into the money-grubbing highspeed funnel for the shoppers from FONTANA The traffic circle idea should really be given mayor concern, since those big spenders will find it called "MILLER" on their Fontana map, and might be confused about where to spend their money if it unexpectedly becomes Church Being realistic, the Thomas folk and the Post Office might be the only benefactors of the proposed change Thomas, because they'll sell more, corrected guides, and the Post Office because of the extra notices we'll have to mail to a horrendous list of sometime & maybe correspondents Avery serious concern is that the Post Office has centralized forwazdmg done by cadres of clerks at their Sectional Center m City of Industry Those folk have no local knowledge, nor interest, and are lunrted by regulation to forwazd mail for six months All of us have wrrespondence with businesses (the IRS -insurance companies), and family & friends (Christmas Cards) which may not happen more than every 12 months or so The Planning division has had notice for more than ten years that thus proposed name change would effect opposition. They have had a clean slate. They have expressed their esthetic infatuation while meandering Church Ave eastwardly They say there is no way to avoid the name change. They invoke "safety" (but not to the detriment of their need for esthetic meandenngs) They arbitrarily reject solution suggestions (traffic circle) and seem unable to consider other ideas (Mr button's suggestion to bung Miller Ave and Church Ave to Etiwanda Ave at different locations) They had to send out two notices because the initial notice, m a Freudian Sltp, indicated that the name change would only affect that area of Miller Ave "west of Etiwanda Ave ". They do not seem to be serving in our best interest We are OPPOSED to the propos name change. With proper planning it need not be 5mcerely, ff `~^ ~t~'<~~0 v 1 ~t~`~ Mary an- d Tohn Solberg 13231 Miller Ave Etiwanda, CA 91739 cc• 13ob Dutton, City Council T H E C I T Y O F RANCr1O CUCAMONGA StaffReport DATE May 22, 2002 TO Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM Brad Buller, Clty Planner BY Tom Grahn, AICP, Associate Planner SUBJECT STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00338- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA- Theproposed renaming of Klusman Avenue to Tolstoy Ranch Road for that existing portion of Klusman Avenue at the westerly end of W hidaway Street, located north of Hillside Road and west of Archibald Avenue BACKGROUND The existing portion of Klusman Avenue in question is approximately 220 feet long and has one existing residence fronting on to it (see Exhibit "A") This street name was adopted by the County of San Bernardino pnorto City incorporation, and violates the City's street naming policy which prohibits discontinuous street segments from having the same name This street will continue south with the development of Tract 16262 (DRC2001-00584), eventually connecting with Hillside Road, however, it will never connect to other segments of Klusman Avenue ANALYSIS Generally, street naming follows the guidelines established by the Street Naming Ordinance The following requirement was observed in establishing this proposed name. "The following types of street names are unacceptable given or sumames of persons living or dead, except forproneerfamrlynames, hrstoncpersons, etc" Section 12 12 020B This specifically does not allow for the use of given or sumames, but the exception could allow for the use of a name associated with a histonc landmark, the Demens-Tolstoy House Additionally, the Street Naming Ordinance encourages the use of histoncally significant place and family names. According to Commissioner Tolstoy, the Tolstoy family referred to a dirt road at this location as Tolstoy Ranch Road Because of the proximity of this street to a locally designated histonc landmark, staff is recommending renaming the street in accordance with its locally known family name, Tolstoy Ranch Road Only one existing residence located along this existing portion of Klusman Avenue will be affected by the name change Consistent with the notification requirements of the Street Naming Ordinance, this property owner, as well as all property owners contiguous to the street were notified of the impending name change and given the opportunity to comment on the proposal The Fire Department and Police Department both support the proposed name change EFFECTIVE DATE The Planning Commission is required to establish the date upon which the street name will become effective The date must be at least 60 days after their action approving a street name change The attached Resolution of Approval suggests that the name change become effective on August 1, 2002 ITEM D PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00338 -CITY OF RC May 22, 2002 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT As indicated m Section 12 12 060 of the Municipal Code, the City Counal determined that the changing of street names has no possibility of having a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, such an action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) CORRESPONDENCE This item was advertised as a public heanng m the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the street was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners along Klusman Avenue affected by the name change RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Street Name Change DRC2002-00338 through adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB TG\ma . Attachments Exhibit "A"- Location Map Resolution of Approval for Street Name Change DRC2002-00338 ~-Z Y. RESOLUTION NO 02-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00338 TO RENAME PORTIONS OF THE EXISTING KLUSMAN AVENUE TO TOLSTOY RANCH ROAD FOR THAT EXISTING PORTION OF KLUSMAN AVENUE AT THE WESTERLY END OF WHIRLAWAY STREET, LOCATED NORTH OF HILLSIDE ROAD AND WEST OF ARCHIBALD AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A Recitals 1 The design and ultimate development of portions of Klusman Avenue make it necessary to affect a Street Name Change forthe existing portion of Klusman Avenue at the westerly end of Whvlaway Street, located north of Hillside Road and west of Archibald Avenue Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subtect Street Name Change is referred to as "the application " 2 On the 22nd day of May 2002, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public heanng for the above-mentioned street rename proposal, Street Name Change DRC2002-00338, pursuant to the Gty MuniGpal Code, Chapter 12 12 3 The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division prepared a report that addressed thetustfication for the change, recommended a street naming plan, provided a replacement name, and discussed the impacts of the recommended change 4 All legal preregwsrtes pnor to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred B. Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission ofthe City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows 1 This Commission hereby speGfically finds that all of the facts set forth rn the Rectals, Part "A," of this Resolution are true and correct 2 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced meeting on May 22, 2002, including wntten and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby speafically finds as follows a The City's Street Naming Ordinance establishes that "given or sumames of persons liwng or dead, except for pioneer family names, histonc persons, etc" are unacceptable "This specifically does not allow for the use of given or sumames, but the exception would allow for the use of a name assoGated with a histonc landmark, the Demens-Tolstoy House b Any diagonal street with a generally straight alignmentwhich does not conform basically to a gnd pattem shall be designated "Road " The existing portion of Klusman Avenue conforms to a gnd pattem, but its southerly extension (through Tract 16262, DRC2001-00564) has an angularalignment and, therefore the street rename should be designated a "Road " c The use of histoncally significant place and family names is expressly encouraged by the Street Naming Ordinance The proposed street name (Tolstoy Ranch Road) was selected because of its histoncal tie to the Demens-Tolstoy House p-y PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-53 STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00338 -CITY OF RC May 22, 2002 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission dunng the above- referenced public heanng and upon the specific findings of facts set forth m paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows a The proposed change is not m conflict with the goals, policies, and standards of the general plan b The proposed change is consistent with the adopted master plan of streets and highways or adopted Grculation element The proposed change wall not cause significant adverse impacts on the environment d That the proposed change is deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare 4. This Commission hereby finds and determines that the project identified above in this Resolution is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Gwdelmes promulgated thereunder, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) ofthe State CEQA Gwdelmes 5 Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth m paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves Street Name Change DRC2002-00338. 6 The street name change shall become offiaal on August 1, 2002 The City Planner shall send wntten notices of the change to the Post Office, County Clerk, Fire Distnct, Shenffs Department, and applicable utility companies at least 60 days pnor to the effective date of the change The Secretary to this Commission shall certify the adoption of this Resolution APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF MAY 2002 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY Larry T McNiel, Chairman ATTEST Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of May 2002, by the following vote-to-wit ~~ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO 02-53 STREET NAME CHANGE DRC2002-00338 -CITY OF RC May 22, 2002 Page 3 AYES COMMISSIONERS NOES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT COMMISSIONERS to T H E ANCHO O F CUCAMONGA Staff Report DATE: May 22, 2002 TO Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM. Brad Buller, City Planner BY Warren Morelion, Assistant Planner SUBJECT. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to initiate an amendment to delete Mission Park Drive between Buffalo Avenue and Charles Smith Avenue in the Industnal Park and General Industnal Distracts (Subareas 12 and 13, respectively) - APN 209-263-68 Related Fde Development Rewew DRC2001-00718 BACKGROUND On July 14, 1997, Parcel Map 15012 was approved with the condition that the east-west collector street (Mission Park Dnve) between Buffalo Avenue and Charles Smith Avenue be installed across Parcel 3 with further development of Parcel 3 On November 13, 2001, Alfonso Lopez, Hdl Pinckert Architects, submitted an application (DRC2001-00718) to construct a 454,087 square foot Industnal budding that would include deletion of Mission Park Dnve from going through Parcel 3 In a letter from the Engineenng Division dated December 13, 2001, the applicant was informed that he would have to prepare and submit a focused traffic study to identify the impacts of the deletion of Mission Park Dnve between Buffalo Avenue and Charles Smith Avenue ANALYSIS Only the Planning Commission or City Counal may initiate an amendment to the text and/or exhibits of the Development Code In Chapter 17 30 -Industnal Distracts, Mission Park Dnve is shown on the Subarea 12 and 13 site maps Therefore, the deletion of the eastern portion of the street regwres a Development Code Amendment The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis (RBF Consulting dated July 25, 2001) that concluded the extension of Mission Park Drive would neither sigrnficantly improve nor degrade the traffic flow through the area, and that the nature of the protect and analysis of the street extension of Mission Park Drive between Buffalo Avenue and Charles Smith Avenue show that the extension is not needed, and therefore not recommended ITEM E PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA May 22, 2002 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE To date staff has received phones calls from Stan Keolanui, a representative for Cardlock Fuels, who owns property to the northeast of the site and Lewis Eagle, owner of the property to the south of Cardlock Fuels Both men called inquinng about DRC2001-00718, and were concerned about the deletion of Mission Park Dnve between Buffalo Avenue and Charles Smith Avenue because of the permanent reduction of access to their properties if the protect is allowed to go forvvard The men stated they were under the impression that Mission Park Dnve would eventually be completed with the approval of Parcel Map 15012, therefore, they developed their properties with that assumption Both callers made it clear to staff that they are in opposition to the protect and would like Mission Park Dnve to eventually extend through to Charles Smith Avenue On May 7, 2002, staff received a letter from Robert Bollar, General Counsel for Cardlock Fuels (Exhibit "E") In the letter Mr Bollar expressed concerns regarding the deletion of Mission Park Dnve and indicated that Cardlock Fuels constructed the fueling facility located at 9291 Charles Smith Avenue based on the future protection that Mission Park Dnve would eventually be extended Mr. Bollar is concerned that the deletion of Mission Park Dnve will directly impact Cardlock Fuel's customer sales. On May 9, 2002, the City also received a letter from Mr Eagle stating his opposition to the deletion of Mission Park Drve (Exhibit "F") Staff believes adequate access is provided by San Manno, which is north of, and parallel to, Mission Park Drive San Manno is approximately 1,000 feet closer to the above-referenced properties (Exhibit "D") RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission initiate an amendment to delete Mission Park Dnve between Buffalo Avenue and Charles Smith Avenue If the Commission approves, then the next step would be for applicant to submit the amendment application and fees Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner BB WM/~c Attachments Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" Exhibit "D" Exhibit "E" Exhibit "F" Location Map Site Plan Industrial Distracts Subarea 12 and 13 Maps Map showing property locations of people in opposition Cardlock Fuels correspondence dated May 7, 2002 Eagle Properties correspondence dated May 6, 2002 i ~~ LOCATION MAP Project Site MIS I U r N 0 480 960 Feet ~~ iii ~. !!"~ r ~~ ~i61 1 ~~ 1' 1 g'~ ~~~ i6lilile ~a ~ 11 ; ~i~l ~kl;ikil . ~~ ;1 •;~ yyea ~.ti<€€L.l.~ 6 ill: ~ ~u EIG ~aeuuo nn. -- ~ -- --..-- ~.-- .. d~ 5 '~ ' _~_ 0 0 1 I - tF b ~ ~ ,LS' l 'N ~ ~m~ . ~~~ } ~ 1 1 ~~ __ + ~-~-#f ~ ~a ' _~ o }, ~~ , t o ~ I p Cf 1 +- 4~ _ 1 ~ fi~_~ e t ~~Y~~ 1 ,~ - -~ - r. ~ ~ 1i d4 ~7 c-- ' t - i r'~ ~• I p I ~ p I E nU~l ~ t~ %il.~i71 6 _ .L. '~~ ~ s ~ 6AYAA`/ OJBJ/08 ~'~'m r d` Exhibit "B" ~ ~~ ~~ 3 Q Z O Nav ~"x ~N mz 'o a rn z a J 0 z N ^ `.J u City of Rancho Cucamonga Section 17.30.080 a FIGURE 17.30.080-N CACULATION ~ 120' A.O.W. ~ 100' R.0.W. ~s_ 88' or kss R.O.W. ARR. SERVICE -i--Fr -i- Exlstio9 •tt+tt- ~sd TAAp.S/ROUTES O O O O Pedestrian • ~ ~ • Bicycle ~~~ MW Htee U Bridge Access Pointe ti _ -_ p 400 800 ~1600~ Note: Pareel8nes and btxunaUoo on'~ are shown as apps IY• Exhibit "C" ..,~s~.~ Creaks 6 Channels' Park1 -pe.+4w~ Spacial StreetacaPa/ .M.s~.V l.andseapYiB 1The sRes shown maY not be ci+reM1Y owned ear fe the bcatkxi ske specylc. The dapictlon of a s@a b an idicatbn of a projected tuhse need that maY be adjusted over time as tho City develops- . 17 30-96 6/99 City of Rancho Cucamonga Section 17 30 080 FIGURE 17.30.080A CpGrtAT1pN - 120 R.O.W. - 100 R.O.W. ~~ Oa' OR LESS 0.0.W. R#IL BERtl1CE ~..f..F..F} E%tSTNG -~ PROPOSED TiW~S/IMUTES O O O O PEDESTRIAN •/n~~ ~ • R/cE ~O REGKINAL MILTFUSE ..w.ow.. SPECIAL 5TiEETSCAPE/ - -- - - LANDSCAPNG POWER LEI tiTIITY EASFliE1TT ee/re~ee~ CREEKS 8 CNANELS ~~~ III~Cf i~1 ACCESS POINTS PARK 1 ~ 0 FIRE STATION 1 ® SHERIFF STATION Note: Parcel lines and lot configuntiol shown as approximations only. t The sites shown may not be currently owned nor Is the Iocatlon site speaflc. The depiction of a site is an IndlcaLOn of a projected future need that may be adjusted over time as the City develops. ~~ ~ Q~I~ Revised ~I1192 T '~ 'Dt`.~-Tto~l e>_ ~ O 40d 900 1000 173-0-101 L 6/99 m x al r d 0 480 960 Feet Map Showing Property of People in Opposition N CARDLOCK FUEL ® PO. Box 7003 Lancaster, CA 93539-7003 May 7, 2002 Sent via Federal Express Mr Brad Buller City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department 10500 Cmc Center Dnve Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Re: 9291 Chades Smith Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga Dear Mr Buller ~hAy 0 g 2002 „„ The undersigned is General Counsel for Cardlock Fuels System, Inc In May 1999, Cardlock Fuels constructed a fueling facility at 9291 Charles Smith Avenue We bwtt this faality, after an extensive marketing survey, based on the future protection that an access roadway would be built, m the not to distant future, from Buffalo Avenue to Chades Smith Avenue, m an east to west direction. This additional roadway would offer our customers more selective access to the Cardlock facility I attach for you a copy of the parcel map showing the proposed road m the Improvement Certificate at page 2 We er lied upon this statement m the parcel map Cardlock Fuels has discovered that the developer of the parcel has filed a 'Development Code Amendment," with the Planning Department, on Apnl 25, 2002 The developer is requesting to delete this future roadway This action, rf approved by the Planning Commission and the City Counal, will probably have a direct impact on Cardlock Fuels' protection of increasing customers and sales. This action would be detrimental to Cardlock Therefore, Cardlock Fuels is sending you this letter voiang our concerns on this matter, and we are protesting the developer's, "Development Code Amendment," requesting the deletion of this future roadway Cardlock Fuels is not m favor of this action Should you have any questions, please contact me at (714) 516-7260 Sincerely, r Robert W Bollar General Counsel RWB of cc Joe O'Neil, Planning Department De Len Holbrook, Vice President Operations C • For Customer Service Call 800-441-1215 Exhibit "E" . r1 ~J EAGLE PROPERTIES Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Development 1161 EAST WALNUT STREET CARSON, CALIFORNIA 90746 (310) 537.8190 • FAX (310) 604-4860 c. ~~a~ ~ ~ zao~ 5(/+ May 6, 2002 Larry McNeil, Planning Commission Member Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission City Hall P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucaznonga, Ca 91729 Dear Mr. McNeil, I understand that there is going to be a meeting May 22nd to discuss a Development Code Amendment to abandon anEast-West connector street between Charles Smith Rd and Buffalo Street in Rancho Cucamonga On July 8, 1997 there was an Improvement Certificate signed by Debra Adams for this street to be added across parcel number 3. It also states, "to be dedicated and installed with further development of parcel 3, consistent with industrial area specific plan, or any amendment thereto." I am a property owner on Charles Smith and I am opposed to the proposed abandonment of this connector street. I respectfully urge you to install the proposed street Sin ly, Lewis Eagle ~~ Exhibit "F" T H E C I T Y O F RANCHO C U C A M O N G A Staff Report DATE: May 22, 2002 TO• Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, Clty Planner BY. Dan Coleman, Pnncipal Planner SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF SUBAREA 18 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT - CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A request to Initiate an amendment to allow senior housing as a permitted use within Planning Area VIII of the Empire Lakes protect BACKGROUND: The Subarea 18 Specific Plan, commonly known as Emplre Lakes, defines the development concept for amixed-use protect and applicable development regulations The centerpiece of the 378-acre development Is the Emplre Lakes championship 18-hole golf course There are 11 planning areas surrounding the golf course. Plamm~g Area VIII is 21 acres located at the southwest comer of Milliken Avenue and 6th Street (Exhibit "C") ANALYSIS The purpose of the Subarea 18 Specific Plan is to "provide for a broad mix of uses, including recreation, hotel/conference center, retail, restaurant, and entertainment, as well as office, research and development, light industrial uses, and multiple family housing " Therefore, this Specific Plan Is designed to be flexible and many different land uses are permitted or conditionally permitted (Exhibit "B") The list of permitted uses within Planning Area VIII includes, but is not limited to, Custom and Light Manufacturing, Light Wholesale/ Storage/Distnbution, Office, Restaurants, and a vanety of business support uses Conditionally permitted uses include, Medium Wholesale/Storage/Distnbution, Churches, Child Care, Fast Food Restaurants, and Automotive Service Station Fairfield Is constructing 567 units of apartments within Planning Area VI to the southwest JPI is nearing completion of 521 apartments within Planning Area IX to the north Senior multi-family housing would be consistent with the land use and density of these apartment protects In this neighborhood of Empire Lakes The 2001 General Plan Update recognizes the elderly as a special housing assistance needs group The General Plan objectives include increasing the supply of senior housing A wide range of housing types are needed by seniors, including apartments for independent living, congregate care, assisted living facilities, and convalescent homes, therefore, senior housing Is abroad land use category The proposed location would be particularly suited to meeting the needs of the independent lifestyle elderly, such as convenient shopping, services, recreational opportunities, and public transportation The Empire Lakes golf course and dnving range is adjoining to the west Extensive retail and restaurant uses are available within '/. to %: mile along 4th Street Nearby transportation services include Omnitrans and Metrollnk ITfM f PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SUBAREA 1 S SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT -CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 22, 2002 Page 2 The applicant has requested an amendment specifically to allow senior housing, rather than the existing land use category of "multiple family housing " Therefore, should the Commission initiate the amendment, staff will work with the applicant to develop a specific land use definition for senior housing RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, through minute action, agree to initiate an amendment pending submittal of a formal application and fees by the applicant. Respectfully submitted, /~ Brad Buller City Planner BB.DC.mlg Attachments Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibd "C" - Letter of Request - Land Use Summary - Location Map ~~ Charles Joseph Associates PUBLIC/PRIVATE SECTOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES May 13, 2002 CITY Of RANGHO CUC Brad Buller, City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga MAY 13 2002 P O Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-0807 RECEIVED PLANNING Re: Subarea 18 Specific Plan Amendment Request -Planning Area 8 - Senior Housing Dear Brad: This is as a follow-up to our meeting with you last week at your office and our telephone conversation concerning the referenced matter on behalf of our clients, General Dynamics Properties and Kisco Senior Living. This correspondence is to request that the Planning Commission initiate an amendment to the Subarea 18 Specific Plan to allow Senior Multifamily Housing as a Permitted Use within Planning Area 8 of the Empire Lakes Specific Plan. It is our understanding that this matter will be scheduled for the May 22, 2002 Planning Commission Meeting. As you are well aware, the Empire Lakes Center is amaster-planned mixed-use development comprised of various industrial, office and residential projects surrounding the Empire Lakes Golf Course. Market research conducted by our client for the proposed location has determined that there is a substantial demand for an over-55 residential community located in proximity to high quality general occupancy multifamily, recreational facilities and retail shopping. Our experience has been that Senior Multifamily Housing is very compatible with adjacent business and property owners, and in this case will be located adjacent to the Empire Lakes Golf Course between the JPI and Faifield multifamily communities that are currently under construction We appreciate your continuing professional courtesy and assistance with this matter on behalf of our clients Please feel free to contact me at your earliest opportunity should you have any questions or need of additional information concerning this matter. Sincerely, Charles J. Buquet Charles Joseph Associates Office 909.481.1822 800.240.1822 Fax 909.481.1824 City Genres • 10681 Foothill Blvd., Suite 395 • Rancho Cucamonga, CA • 91730 A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION ~~~ ~ 3 Rancho Cucamonga IASP Sub-Arse 18 Spsahc Plan TABLE 5-1 SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPE BY PLANNING AREA -i l_ i -r,y%'w .t?eix r1 •-~~rzs~ ~1. ~.v} _ ~ c+ i ~ ' r ,~ ~S'S.'~ + ~ :.~.c ~ t=k~_ ~{~ y___ ,~ ~ "~ c~,,.~'%"d'""vrt es="r'% rt'c: '.h'.il'~*'" s .,sue r~r` v Yt''.;°:~ c F , d '~"-+~ r% 6- ?lannm Atea~ a'zti~~"'<~',: rk,:£c',s qY-.r9ti,xTr--.~C Cie _ yy<.~r nK~ .~ V~#='r t',S' Sf , ,;, ~~" >^3'r ,_ ~-~-- ¢ i. -3s'. ~'.. ~,..<.e. , 4 Y1 )I R~.. 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N,".~-_ ~' y. ~~1 t- ~u~ll~:^ ~ I_I'a ~iW~.~ `V~ ,~V['=' ~~VII".: ~'Vlq~ y!X s :=~C=';' T i T i W 9 N6 to '^~ v ..3k5 ~'~~ TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONSICONFERENCE CENTER HoteVMotet P P P P P P Conference Center P P P P P P P Corporete Training Center P P P P P P MUCED-USE COMMERCLgL Maed-Use Commeraal Center P P P P P P P P PERSONAUBUSINESS SERVICES Business Support Services P P P P P P P P P P Funeral 8 Crematory Sernces C C C C C C C C C C Personal Sernces P P P P P P P P P P Repair Servroes P P P P P P P P P P AUTOMOBILEIVEHICLE SERVICES Automotive ReMaVLeasrng P P P P P P Automotive Semce Court C C C C Automotive Servroe Station C C C C C C C Speaalty Auto/Motorcycle Sales/Serv~ce C C C C C C C C RETAIL-BUSINESS SUPPLY/SERVICES Business Servwes Retail & Services P P P P P P P P P P RETAIUCONVENIENCE RELATED Convenence Sales 8 Sarvkes P P P P P P P P P P RETAIL-FOOD 8 BEVERAGE RELATED Food and Beverage Sales P P P P P P P P RETAIL-GENERAL Retail-General (2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) Kiosk m Padung Lots P P P P P RETAIL-HOME IMPROVEMENT RELATED Buikiingl4ghting Equipment Suppler & Sales P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) FumituraMome Fumrshings/Antpues P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) Home Apphanoe/EleUromce P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) GENERAL COMMERCIAL Busrrress Suppy-RetarVServices P P P P P P P P P P Communrphons Sernces P P P P P P P P P P Parking (cemmeraaq P p RESIDENTIAL Multiple Famry lTeellrngs (3) P p KEY P =Permitted Uses C = Condkionaly Permitted Use Blank Box =Not Pertnrtted Use (1) Where Irve eritertamment a present, such uses an; subiect to a ay entertainment pertnR (2) Permitted as part of a moved use cemmeraal or retail center (3) Residential permitted without mdustnal m Ne same planning area Ruta^ruuPruoo+ samo^ sozosoi wpe ~ ~ Devebpment GurdeGres end SYanderds ~~ ~I ~' tIANNRVG ` RAN AREA 11 sa Aaw~ _ ~~ EIANNWG AlG N na A... NIN( m Aua -(ANNINC AREA V ~O Aaw r ~~~'~~ uar.~ ., I ~~ I 1 ~~ ;, ~u \ ~ ~ ' ~/ l ~ ~ n ~; ..~• l i ~l~p ifN~l ~ II (1 /y 7f ~ ~~ ; ¢~, j~~i~ AREA VI su Ainf MANNING AREA VII 3(A Mw IL r i i ~~ ~I I i u~- Ewn~ SIne1 Note: This figure represents the current proposed Conceptual Development Plan for Sub-Area 18 and may be subfect to future refinements and/or modlflptwns - L cl ~~~/ figure `~~ ce tual Develo ment Pla~ Con p P Soulce• RTKL Associates. Inc• 1994 ~' V/