HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/11/28 - Agenda Packet - Joint AdjCITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I JOINT ADJOURNED MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1989, 6:30 P.M. LIONS PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASE LINE ROAD, RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS DENNIS L STOUT, MAYOR DEBORAH N. BROWN, MAYOR PRO-TEM WILLIAM J. ALEXANDER, COUNCILMEMBER CHARLES J. BUQUET, COUNCILMEMBER PAMELA J. WRIGHT, COUNCILMEMBER •i.~ Jadc Lam, City Manager James L. Markman, City ABOmey --- Debra J. Adams, Coy Clerk PLANNING COMMISSIONERS LARRY MCNIEL, CHAIRMAN SUTANNE CIiIT!EA, VICE-CHAIRMAN DAVID BLAKESLEV, COMMISSIONER PETER TOLSTOV, COMMISSIONER BETSY WEINBERGER, COMMISSIONER +~s~ City Omice: 999-1851 Lions Park Community Center: 990-3145 cm couNCIL AND r PLANNING COMMISSION ADJOURNED JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 28,1989 6:30 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER Cdy Council Roll Call: Alexander _, Brown, Buquet _, Stout _, Wright Planning Commission Roll Call: Rlakesley _, Chilies _, McNiel _, Tolstoy ~, Weinberger R VI WAND DIS -HSRION OE P AN FOR TH VI ~TORIA -ARD N REGIONAL MAI L A. OVERVIEW AND HISTORY B. PROJECT SCHEDULING & CONSTRUCTION TIME FRAME C. SITE PLAN D. PROJECT ARCHITECTURE 8 AMENITIES This is thetime and place forthe general public to addressthe COUnciland COmmisson. State lawprohibks them Irom addressing any issue rrot previously includetl on the Agenda. They may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Commenhrare to be limded to five mirnAes per individual. The Planning Commission will adjourn to their Special Meeting of November 29, 1909, 7:00 p.m., Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Linc, Rancho Cucamonga. Caliicmia. The City Council will adjourn to a special meeting immediately lolbwing this meeting at Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line, Rancho Cucamonga, Calitofnia. I, Debra J. Adams, City Clerk of the Chy of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby codify that a true, acwrate copy of the foregoing agendawas posted on November22, 1969, seventy-two p2j hourepriorto the meetlrgper Government Code 54953 at 9320-C Base Line. ,- CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 28,1989 A. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Alexander , Buquet ,Stout , Brown __, Wright B. CONSENT CALENDAR Approval to set public hearing for December 20, 1989 p9, 1 relative to adoption of updated versions of Uniform Codes for inclusion in the Municipal Code Building Regulations. COUNCIL BUSINESS C . REVIEW OF POSITION RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO Pg. 44 RANCHO CUCAMONGA'S NORTHEAST SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AREA. RESOLUTION N0.89-568 Pg, . 45 A RESOLUTION OF THF_ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMCNGA, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE SUPPORT OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY BOARD VY JUr L'nVIJVnJ r~CLIVIIYC IV IrlC V11.1 fIV 11VIVJ IV ANNEX THE ETIWANDA NORTH SPHERE AREA. DISCUSSION OF AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE Pg. 47 This is the time and placeforthegerreral puWbto address the Council. State tew prohibits lhemfrom addmssing any issue not fxeviousry included onthe Agenda. They may receivetestimonyandwt the matlerfora subsequem meeting. Commems are to be Ilmhed to fNe rMnWes per IndNldual, Tha City Cwrtiil wiN adjourn to tha Ragular nldviirry~ o{ December 6, 59^09, 7:30 p.m., Lwns Park Comnwniry Cemer, 9161 Base Line Road, Ranch Cucamonga. I, Debra J. Adams, Cdy Clerk of the CAy of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby cenity that a true, acarate copy of the toregoing agenda was posted on November 22,1989, sevemy-Mro (72) hours prlorto the maetirq perCwvemmem Code 54953 al 9320-C Base Line. November 28, 1989 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT .`'~ c~MO,y~ `C 9 2~ j n z l ~ >~~ p z F" U ID 10%% T0: Mayor, Members of the City Council and City ..".la pager FROM: Jerry Grant, Building Official SUBJECT: HEARING DATE FOR CONSIllBRATION OF ADOPTION OF UPDATED BUILDING REGULATIONS. RECONIlVIENDATION: It is recomne nd ed that the City Council set the dated December 29, 1999 for public hearing on adoption of latest editions of model codes comprising the bulk of building and construction regulations for the Cl ty. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The model codes that form the basis Cor our Building Regulations are republished in revised form every three !'ears. The State Building Standards Commission is required by statute to adopt those codes, plus any state revisions, Within 6 months of publication for implementation by state reguia tory agencies. Subsequently, local agencies, such as the City of Rancho Cucamonga, have the option, within 6 months of state edeption,ot adopting parallel reouiv+t,.r.~ ~••~'1: any dooii nd iocai revisions, or the state regulations will automatically go into effect, at least on residential construction. The deadline Cor local adoption is Jenusry 1, 1990, there tore it is in the City's interests to adopt the codes with our own revisions prior to the state regulations being imposed, in order to avoid conflicts and con tusinn by a later adoption. SUMr1ARY: Setting the date for hearing is the initial step in updating all of our codes, other than the electrical code, which is yet to be adopteC'by the state. Placing the issue on the agenda for the 20th of December will allow time for advertisement of the hearing. It is anticipated [het a report on the major changes contained in the new codes and our revisions will be available for the hearing. R2sp e~;ifu iiy Submitted, Jerri~~~~ Building O[[ieiel J6:11 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OFTI-iE CTCY COUNCIL OFTIH'r CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAP- TERS 15.04, 15.08, 15.12, 15.16, 15.20, 15.28, 15.32, 15.36, 15.40, AND 15.44 OF TITLE 15, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION, OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MU- NICIPAL CODE AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE "UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE CODE". 1986 ED1170N; THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1988 EDITION IN- CLUDING ALL APPENDICES THERETO; THE "UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS", 1988 EDr1TON; THE "UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE", 1988 EDT170N, IN- CLUDING ALL APPENDICES THERETO; THE "UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE", 1988 EDITION INCLUDING ALL APPENDICES; THE "UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATE- MENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS", 1988 EDITION; THE "UNIFORM HOUSING CODE", 1988 ED17'ION; THE "UNIFORM BUILDINGSECURITYCODE", 1986 EDITION; AND THE'UNIFORM SIGN CODE", 1988 EDITION; WITH CERTAINAMENDMENTS, ADDTCIONS, DELETIONS AND EXCEPTIONS TO SAm CODES, INCLUDING PENALTIES A. RECITALS (f) Article 2 of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Callfomia Government Code authorizes the adoption, by reference of the Uniform Administrative Code. 1988 Editlon; the Uniform BWldtng Code, 1988 Edltlon; the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1988 Edition; the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1988^Editlon~~e Unif~rm Plumbing Code, 1988 Edltlon inoo ding all aFpendices: V" , V~,. V ~W W ILL Housing Code, 1988 Edltlon; the Uniform Building Security Code. 1988 Editlon; and the Uniform Sign Code, 1988 Edltlon, each as published by the International Conference of Building Offteials and/or the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Offtefals. (u) At least one copy of each of said Codes and Standazds certifted as full, true and correct copies thereof by the CityClerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga have been flied in the office of the City Clerk of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga in accordan~g with the provisions of Government Code Section 50022.8. (W) A duly noticed public hearing, as required by Caltfomla Govemment Code Section 50022.3. has been conducted and concluded prior to the adoption of this Ordinance. (ivl All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this ordinance have occurred. B NOW, 1'f~REFORE, the City Councll of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby 13nd, determine and ordain as follows: SECTION 1.In all respects as set forth 1n the Redtals, Part A, of this Ordinaz~ce. ~g~qg~ nga pal entitled B ++ldin c ~ .onstn nonsof the C tyc Coundl of Fhe City~dof Rancho Cucamonga are7iereby amended, provided that said amendment shelf not apply to or excuse any vlohttlon thereof occurrlnQ prior to the effedive date of this Ordinance and provide further that tl:e Uniform Lodes as adopted herdn by reference and amended by Ordinance No. 311 of this City shall continue to be applicable to constructlon for which permits have been Issued prior to the effectlve date of this ordinance. SEC170N ~. Chapter 15.04 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, 1n words and figures, as follows: 15.04.010 Codes Adoption 15.04.010 Codes Adontl~p, 1Y1e "Uniform Administra- tive Code', 1988 Editton; the "Uniform Bullding Code", 1988 Edition, including all appendices thereto; the "Uniform Bullding Codes Standards", 1988 Edition; the "Uniform Mechanical Code", 1988 Edition including all appendices thereto; the "Uniform Plumbing Code", 1988 F.dltlon, includ all appendices thereto; the "Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous~ulldings", 1988 Edttlon; the "Uniform Housln~ Code'. 1988 Edition; the "Uniform Buflding Security Code, 1988 Edition; and the Uniform Sign Code", 1988 Edition; are hereby adopted In their entirety as the Buildingq and Construction Regulariona of the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga, togetherwlth the amendments,addirians, deletions and exceptions set forth >n Chapters 15.08 through 15.40 below. -9• SECTTON4:Chapter 15.08 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, to words and figures, as follows: one: 15.08.010 Chanter 15.08 Adminisfratlve Code Section 202(c) Amended-Right of Enuy 15.08.020 Section 204 Amended-Appeals 15.08.030 Section 205 Deleted 15.08.040 Section 301(a) Amended-Permits Required 15.08.050 Sectlon 301(b)1. Amended-Building Pennlrs 15.08.060 Sectlon 301(b) 4. Added-Grading Permits 15.08.070 Section 303(a) Amended-Issuance 15.08.080 Section 303(d) Amended-Explratlon 15.08.090 Section 303(0 Added-Unfinished Buildings 15.08.100 Sectlon 304 Amended-Fees 15.08.110 Section 305(h) Amended-Relnspectlons 15.08.120 Section 305(1) Added-Repeated Reinspecttons 15.08.130 Section 307(a) Amended-Energy Connections 15.08.010 SPCtlon 202fe1 Amended-light of Entryy. Secion 202 fc) of said Uniform Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2021c) Right of Entry. The Building Ofllctal, or his duly authorized representative, shall have the authority to enter any bulld- tng or premises for the purpose of investlpattng the existence of suspected or reported damage or defects wtuch constitute an immedi- - a--'-- • e~ ,u uiiiiio1i ufc w w~ uWUCUidle ilaLa['U LU pUULC Sarery O[ health. ~xcept rn emergency situatlons, the Buiding Official, or his authorized representative, shall not enter any occupied bultding or ppremises without the consent of the owner or occupant thereof, unless he possesses a warrant authorizing entry and search of the premises. No person shall hinder nor prevent the Bulldmg Official, or his authorized representative, while 1n the performance of the duties herein described as emergency situatlons or while In possession of a warrant, from entering upon and tclto any and all premises under his Junsdlctlon, ate reasonable hours, for the purpose of inspectlng the same to determine whether or not the provisions of this code, the referenced techncal codes and all other applicable laws or ordinances pertaining to the protection of persons or propertyaze observed therein. i 5 08 020 ~ +on 204 nded-~py~-ia, Sectlon 204 of said Untferm Admnistrauve Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 204(a) Appeals. A decision of the BuUding OfRclal regarding tnterpretatlon or tmplementaUon of an provision of this T7Ue, the Uniform AdmWatratlve Code, 1988 Edition, or the technical codes referenced therein shall be final and shall become effectlve forthwith upon the service of the decielon of the Bullding OHtefal, th writlng, upon the permfttee, applicant or other person a6ected by the decision, hereafter called permlttee. For purposes of this section, service upon the permittee shall mean either personal delivery or placement hi the Untied States Mall, postage prepaid, and addressed to the permittee at his last known business address; provided, however, that the permfttee may, wtthm ten (10) days after the effective date of service of the decision of the Building OfHctal, file an a peal with the City Clerk, in writing, s the reason or reasons for the appeal and requestlna that the Hoeazd of Appeals review the decision of the Bulldmg Ofiicfaf 1b) Board of Appeals. the City Council or such other flue (5) persons, other than employees of the ity, that the City Council may appoint, shall act as a Board of Appeals in making a flrral determination of any appeal flied in accordance with the provi,;ions of Subsection (a) of this Section. The City Clerk shall schedule a hearing on the appeal at reasonable times and at the convenience of the Boazd of Appeals, but not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the written appeal. The permittee may appear 1n person before the Board or be represented by an attorney and may introduce evidence to support his claim. The Building Offlctal shall transmit to the Board all records, papers, documents and other materials >n support of his decision and shall PProvide a copy thereof to the permtttee appealing the deMSfon of the Bullding Otflcial. T'he pennittee appealing the decision of the Bullding Official shall cause, at his own expense, any tests or research required by the Boazd to substantlate his claim to be performed or otherwise carried out. The Board may continue such appeal hearing from time to time as deemed necessary by the Board. The Board may, by resolution, affirm, reverse, or modify in whole or to part, any appealed decision, determination or interpretation of the Building Olflcial. A copy of the resolution adopted [~y the Board shall be malled to the permlttee and the Hoard's decision shall be (anal upon the malling, by United States Mail, postage prepaid, to the pennittee's last known address of record. we iu, a uing, appeals nied m relation to substandazd n~~qqs sha~be processed In accordance with Section 203 Iiousing Code and appeals tlled m relation to a ng shall be processed in accordance with Section 205 ode for Abatement of Dangerous Bulldtngs. ~. Section 205 of 15.08.040 motion 'tOlial Art+end d->'~ i a ~ fi~ey. Section 301(a) of said Uniform Adminlstratlve Code 1s hereby Amended to read as follows: Section 301(a) Permits Requked. Except as specffled rn Subsection (b) of this section, no building, structure, site preparation or building seMce regulated by this code or the technical codes adopted .by this 71t)e shall be commenced, erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, removed Installed, converted or demollahed unless a separate appropriate permit for each bulldtng, structure, site preparatlon or building seMce equipment has first been obtained from the Building Official. A separate grading permit shall be required {or each site and may cover both excavatlona and fills. Orading permits ma be issued based upon submittal of either a pre or a (foal grading plan, (See Sections 7005 and 7006 of the Uniform utlding Code Appendix, as amended, •& for grading plan information) Where preliminary and final grading plans are submitted separately for plan checking and or permit, fees shall be calculated fiom the work to be accomplished under each submittal. turesantdredtainingwallssubmitied ft checkm aster ~ fee ad c- Plan. g P gr B ~ 5.08 05n Rnntion 3011b11 nde.~-B nd na its, Section 301 (h) 1 of said Uniform Admimstrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 301(b) 1. Bullding Permits. A bu0ding permit shall not be required for the following: A. One story detached accessorybuildings used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and slmUar uses, provided the protected roof area does not exceed 120 squaze feet. B. Wood, chalnlink, plastle metal or similar fences not over 6 feet in height above the lowest adjacent grade. C. OIl derricks. D. Movable cases, counters and partitions not war 5 feet, 9 Inches high. E. Ile walls and masonry fences which are not over 3 feet 1n eight above the lowest adjacent grade, unless aup~iorUn~ a surcharge load or Intended for im- __.._a_~., __ ~. ..dJ F. Warer tanY_s supported directly upon grade >f the capacity does not exceed 5000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two to one. G. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 Inches above grade and not over any basement or story below. H• 'Painting. papering and simUaz 9nish work. I. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery. 1. Window awnings supported b an exterior wall of Group R Division 3, and Groupp MyOccupanclew when pro acting not more than 541nches from the supporting R Prefabricated eavlmmtnq pools accessory to a Group R Division 3 OccupeneY in which the pool walla are entirely above the a~ scent grade and tf the capadty does not exceed 5000 ga~ona. '~ L. The changing or the advertising copy or message on a painted or printed sign. M. Painting, repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure provided no structural changes are made. N. Si~nns less than 6 feet above grade that are not electrfcaily lighted. O. Changing of theater marquees and stmtlar signs specifically adesigned for the use of changeable copy. Unless otherwise exempted by this code, separate plumbtng, electrical and mechanical permits are required for equipment installed !n con- )unctlon with the above exempted items. Section 301)b) is hereby amended by adding subsection 5 to Section 301 ) to read as follows: Section 301(b)5. Grading Pennfts. A grading permit is not requh~ed for the following: I• Removal of surface deposits of improperly placed material or refuse. 2. An excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of a bulldingg, retaining wall or other stnrcture authorized byp a valid buUding permit. 'Ittfs sha13 not exempt any fID made with the material from such excava- tion nor exempt any excavation haws ;~, ,,,,supported height preatia- t.~a,. b reef after the completion of such structure. 3. Cemetery graves. 4. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regula- tions. 5. Excavations for wells or tunnels or uttUUes. 6r- Mfnfng, quarrying, excavating. processing. stock- ppllLzg of rock, sand, gravel, aggregate or elaywhere eatab- llshed and provided for by law, provided such operatlons do not affect thelateral support or increase the stresses in or pressure upon any adJacent or cantigunus property. 7. Exploratory excavations under the direction of soU engineers or engineering geologtats. 8. An excavation which 1a) is less than 2 feet to depth, or (b) which does not create a cut elope greater than 5 feet !n height and steeper than two horizontal to one vertical (2:1) and which does not exceed 100 cubic yards, 9. A fill less than 1 foot !n depth; placed on natural terrain with slope not exceeding 5liorizontal to 1 vertcal _r. (5:1), provided that the grading Is in an isolated, self- contained azea and does not endanger private or public property. 10. A 8ll less than 3 feet in depth and not exce 100 cubic yards,placed on a single parcel; provided that a fill Is not intended to support structures or does not obstruM a drainage course. 11. An excavatlon for pipeline or other underground utility fines installed under a separate permit. provided that any necessary erosion control measures are made part of that permit. 12. Public Works projects not requiring a butlding per- mit Including sewer and storm drain construMlon, utility trenches, tcansmisstonllnesandappurtenantaccess roads and retalntngwalls or grading accomplished as part of street maintenance acttvitles. 13. Recuatng, regularly scheduled maintenance of existing fatllltlxs where no new constructlon to involved. 14. Emer envy repairs to etdsttng facdftlea resulting from na or civil disaster Including, but not limited to, rainstorm, floodingg, earthsllde, heat storm, earthquake, riot, sabotage, andthe 11ke. 303(a) of the Uniform Admuustratlve Code tsh rteby amended to read as folle~n Section 303(a) Issuance, 17re appllcatlon, plans and apedAcatlons, and nlL,o~An~o Al..., 4.....~___,.-__. e. Bulldln Oflldal and ma ~ r,...o.,.,~. i,~.u,,, nuauuerev,ewea the Jurisdletlon to verriIffyy cow hang ~~ ~ °~er departments of this Jurlsdictlon. lEtheBuildingOtBcialflnds~thaP heworkde~scr~lbed the apphcatlon for a permit and the plans, speciAcatlons and other data filed therewith conform to the requirements of this code and the technical codes and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and that the fees specified m Secton 304 have been paid, he shall Issue a permit therefor to the applicant. "Exceptions: 1. Electrical permits shall only be issued to a person or persona qualifying under one or more of the following categories: a. A state Lensed contractor or authorized representative of a state licensed rnntractor but only to the extent and for the work the person Is licensed by the Stets of Callfomla to do, b. A bonaftde owner of a tn~1e family dwelling for eecbrical work within thaat dwelling, including buildings and gtrarters accessory thereto. -s• 9 c. A representatlve of a charitable, non-profit organizaton for temporary work rn connectlon with Christmas tree lots, carnivals, fireworks stands and simllaroon-permanent installations, provided that work covered by the permit is to be rformed by members of the organization and furthermore that there are to be no persons employed at the locatlon where such temporary- wLcing Is installed. Such ppermit shall eexxppire within a tlme specified by the Bullding Offlcial, not exceeding six (6) months t1me, and shall not be renewed. d. Arepresentatlveofanotherclty,countyty,state, district or other politcal subdivision for electrical work to be perfoormed on the premises of sold political subdivision. When the Bullding Official Issues a pemtlt where plans aze required, he shall endorse in writing or stamp the plane and speclficatlons "AP- PROVED". Such approved plans and speciflcatlons shall not be changed, modified or altered without authonzatlon from the Bullding Official, and all work shall be done rn accordance with the approved plans. The Bullding Official may Issue a permit for the construction of part of a bulldin~q, structure or bullding service eqquipment before the entire plans and specificatlons for the whole bufldmg, structure or bullding service equipment have been submitted or approved, pprovided ade- quate informatlon and detailed statements have been tlled complying with all pertinent requirements of the technical codes. The holder oT such permit shall proceed at his own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire bullding, structure or bullding service will be granted. 303(d) of said Uniform Adminfstratlve Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 303(d) Expiration. EWery permit Issued by the Building OtHctal under the provisions of the technical codes shall exp(re by Ilmltatlon and become null and void, tf the bu0ding or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or B the bu0dmg or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned~tany time after the work Is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee therefore shall beone-half the amount required for a new permit (or such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made m the ortglnal plans and speciflcatlons for such work; and provided further that such suspension or abandon- ment has not exceeded one yeaz. Any pernuttee holding an unexptred permit may apply for an extension of the time, within which to commence work under that permit, when he is unable to commence work within the time reqaired by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. Ttie Building Otfictal may extend the time for action by the permtttee for a period not exceeding 160 days upon written request bl' the permlttee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented actlon from befog taken. No permit shall be extended more than once. In order to r~eriew l ~ -s action on an extended pc,-~1t sfter expiration, the permittee shall pay a new full permit fee. 15.08.090 SrcUon ~0 ffl Add d- n nlchr.i R.,t1di o , Secton 303 of said Uniform Administrative Code is hereby amended by adding subsection (f? to read as follows: Section 303(f) Unfimshed Buildings and Structures. Whenever the Building Official determines by inspection Unit work rn or on an bullding or structure for which a permit has been issued and the work started thereon has been suspended for a period of 180 days or more, the owner of the property upon which such building or structure is locatedorotherpersonoragentincontrolofsatdpproperty,u nreceipt of nonce >n writing from the Bullding Official to do so, shalt, w1U~fn 90 days from the date of such written notlce, obtain a new permit to complete the required work and diligentUly~. pursue the work to comole- Uon or shall remove or demolish the building or structure within 180 days from date of the written notlce. 15 OS 100 Sn +on 04 rn nded-FePS, SecUOn 304 of said Uniform Administrative Code fs hereby amended to read as follows: Section 304ia) Permit Fees. the fee for each perndt shall be as established 6y Resolution of the Clty Council. The determmatton of value orvaluatlon under any of the provisions ofthls code shall be made by the Building Official. The value to be used !n computlnq the building permit and bullding plan review fees shall be the total value of all construction work for which the permit is issued as well as all finish work, pafnnng, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air-rnndltlonfng, elevators, fire exdngufshing systems and any other permanent equip- ment. Whenever any work, for which a permit le required by this Code, has been commenced without (first obtalnlnH said rwrm+r, ana ...tie; c::c` °•a .;is;.sw~eiouasaresuitotanlnvestlgatloribytheBufldingOf9cial or his duly authorized representatlve, the permit fees specified by the City Council shall be doubled. The payment of such double fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with all other provisions of this Code nor from any penalty prescribed by law. Section 304(b) Plan Review Fees. When a plan or other data is required to be submitted by Subsection (b) of Secton 302, a ppfan review fee shall be paid at the time of aubmitUn ppfans and specifications for review. Payment of a plawreview fee sha~ be considered as permit appllcatlon only for the work described on the appbcatlon form and for which the plan review fee 1s paid. Where plans aze lncompfete or changed so as to require additlonal plan review, an additional plan review fee shall be charged. Fees for plan review shall be as set forth by City Council Resolution. Section 304(c) Expiration of Plan ReWew. Applfcatlons for which no permit la Issued within 180 days following the date of appphcatlon shall expire by IlmltaUOn, and plans and other data submitted forrevtew may thereafter be returned to the appUcant or destroyed by the Building Ofl1Ma1 !n accordance with law. lo• I / 'Ilia Bulldmg Official may extend the time for action by the applicant. for aperlod not exceeding 180 days, upon written request. showing that circumstances beyond the control of the appppUcant have prevented action from being taken. No appllcaUOn shaIIbe extended more than once. In order to renew actlon on an application after explraUOn, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee. (d) F,xemptton Flom Fees. Neither the State nor any other county, city, distrlet. or other poUUCal subdivision, nor any public officer or body acting m his official capacity on behalf of the State o[ of this or any county, city, district, or other political subdivision shall pay or deposit any fee required by this code. 17Us Secton does not apply to the State Comppeensation Insurance Fund or Public Housing Authority or where a publle officer is acting with reference to private assets which have come under his)urlsdictlon by virtue of his office. (e} Refunds. In the event that any person shall have obtained a pennt[ and no portion of the work or construction covered such pernutshaU have been commenced and provided such permit as not expired as provided for In Subsectlon (d) of Section 303, the pennittee, upon presentation to the Building Official of a written request, shall be enUUed to a refund in an amount equal to eighty percent (81196) of the permit fee actually paid for such permit; however, the portion of the fee retained by the City shall never be less than twenty dollars ($20.00) or the total amount paid, whichever is less. In the event a permit is issued !n error by the Butlding Offlcfal, all fees shall be returned to applicant upon written request. No portlon of a plan checking fee shall be refunded, unless no check- inghas been performed on a set of plaps. lrr which case eighty percent (8096) of the plan checking fee shall be refunded; however, the porton of the fee retained shall never be lean tti?~~ «;~ ;ty;l„iiars, jmiU.W}, or .... a.,wuuc pacd, whichever is less. No refund shall be granted on an expired permit or plan review. 7'he Building Official shall satisfy himself as to the right of such applicant to such refund and each such refund shall be paid as provided bylaw for the payment of claims against the Ctty. 15.08.110 Section 305(hl Amended-Reinscections. Section 305(h) of said U Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 305(h) Reinspectons, A reinapecUOn fee, as set forth !n City Council Resolution, may be assessed for each Inspection made neces- sary due to work not being ready at the requested time of inspection, or for work not corrected after the issuance of a priorwrltten correcUOn notice or for a reinspectlon made necessary because of faulty or deficient workmanship or materials of Constructlon regulated by this code or the technical codes adopted herebyy. In irrstancea where relnspecUons fees have been assessed. no additional Inspection of the work shall be performed untll the required fees have been paid. Id' -~ i n . Section 305 of said Uniform Administrative Code is hereby amende by adding subsection (ij to read as follows: Section 305(1) Repeated Retnsprctlons. In the event that, as related to any one or two family dwelling or anyy multlple family bullding forwhich a bullding permit has been Sssued, and a second refnspectlon per- formed in accordance with subsection (h) above, and further relnspec- tlon isdetermined bythe BuildingOfficial to be nece to achieve the performance of accepted construction practlces rela thereto; or 1n the event that sernnd reinspectlons have been eeqq three or more times within an proJeM, the Bulldln Offidal shatl~rree~qqufre posting of a cash deposit to be drawn upon to ewer costs of providing Inspectlon and/or reinspectlon of the dwelling unit(s), of project, on a full time basis. Further, all inspectlons for the selling unit(s), or proJect shall be suspended unW such time as the deposit is received and Judged by the B ding Official to be sufficient to complete inspection of the work remaining. The estimated costs of provldtnQQ this increased level of Inspection shall be determined by the BuildtnQ Official rn acrnrdance with a Resolution of the City Councll establishing hourly charges. Additionally, the deposit shall be based upon a reasonable determination of the time necessary to complete the entire building or proJect which the dwelling unit or units or multlple-family bullding is a part. The expenses incurred by the C1ty 1n providing additional inspecions shall be deducted from the deposit posted and any remaining balance shall be returned to the depositor upon completion of the dwelling unit(s) or proJect. Upon determination by the BuUding Official that the nrlatnal rirnnelf is Inanfl9Mnn1 fnr an.. 'nmalnlne i_nananHn., ....e~~ ..., ad~fUOnal cash deposit shall be provided for completion of all antici- pated inspections. For the puipose of this subsection a "proJect" is two or more residen- tial bu dings being constructed under separate building permits within or upon an individual tract map, pazcel map or parcel. 15 08 130 SPeLon 3071a1 tl*nended-Enemy .o n - Si rgyq. Section 307(a) of saw Uniform AdminiatraUve Code 1s hereby amended to read as follows: Section 307(a) Energy Connectlons. No person shall make conneetlona from a source of energy, fuel orpower to anybulldingservttt equipment which is regulated by the technical codes and for which a permit 1s requfrcd by this code. unless such required permit9 are obtained and applicable final buIlding, elecUical, plumbing and/or mechanical inspections have been made and all condttlona of development ap- proval have been completed or guaranteed, except as provided for m Subsection 307(bj. "IZ SECTION 5. Chapter 15.12 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, to words and figures, as follows: Chan r 1 .12 BuUdln¢ Code Sections 15.12.010 Chapters 1,2,3 Deleted 15.12.020 Section 420 Added definition--Swlmining Pool 15.12.030 Section 1101 Amended-Group M" Occupancies 15.12.040 Section 1103 Amended-Fire-Resistive Protectton 15.12.050 Section 1107 Added~Switnnting Pool Fencing 15.12.060 Table 23-D Amended-Allowable Defledlon 15.12.070 Table 25-U-R-10 Deleted 15.12.080 Section 2907(b) Amended-Bearing Walls 15.12.090 Figure 29-1 Amended-Bulldfng Setbacks from Slopes 15.12.100 Section 3204(d) Amended-Nonrated Roof Covering 15.12.110 Section 3204 (e) Deleted 15.12.120 Section 3208 (b)3 Amended-Asphalt Shingles 15.12.130 Section 3208 (b)5 Amended-Clay or Concrete 171e 15.12.140 Table 32-AAmended-Minimum Roof Classes 15.12.150 Table No. 32-B-1 Amended-Shlnltle Application 15.12.160 Table No. 32-D-1 Amended-Roo g Tffe Application for All Tiles 15.12.170 Appendix Chapter 12 Deleted 15.12.180 Appendix Sedion 3210 Amended-Reroofing 15.12.190 Appendix Section 7003 Deleted-Pennlta Required 15.12.200 Appendix Section 7004 Amended-Hazardous Gradtng 15.12.210 Appendix Section 7005 Added DefWUons-Final, Preliminary Gradln~Q( Plans 15.12.220 Amcendix Sectlnn 7006 AmenArA-Plana qn`t SpectAcationa 15.12.230 Appendix Section 7007 and Tables 70-A, 70-B Deleted 15.12.240 Appendix Section 7008 Amended-Bonds 15.12.250 Appendix Section 7010 Amended-Fills 15.12.260 Appendix Section 7013 Amended-Erosion Controls . Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of said Uniform BuUding Code are hereby de eted N their enprety. psp-. Sectlon 420 of said Uniform Building Code is hereby amended by addiUOn o the following defWtlon: Section 420. Swimming Pool is any body of water created by artU)ctal means designed or used for swimming. immersion or therapeutic purposes. .C1E,Y• Sectlon 1101 of said U ortn Bullding Code to hereby amen ed to read as follows: Section 1101. Group M lkcupandes shall be: Division 1. Private Garages, carports, sheds and similar structures /~ -ig~ accessory to residential structures, and agricultural butldin s. Division 2. Masonry Walls aver 3 feet high, (enees over 6 feet high, tanks, towers and swirnming pools. For occupancy separations. see Table 5-B. 15 12.040 Crr taR 110 m nd d- n¢la h'^ Pro e^ ilk. Section 1103 of said Uniform Bullding Code Is hereby amended to read as follows: Sectlon 1103. For fire-resistive protectlon of exterior walls and >penlnQs as determined by locatlan on properly, see Section 504, Part iV, an Appendix Chapter 11. 15.12.050 Sectlon 1107 Added mining paalF Hein , Section 1107 of said Urtlform Building Code is hereby added to read as follows: Section 1107. Swimming Pool Fentlng. Every person to possession of land under a rnntract, or as owner, lessee, tenant, licensee, or otherwise, u n which is situated a swimming pool, having a water depth exe 181nches, shall, at all times, maintain a fence or other structure compp etety surrounding such pool and ertendtng not less than flue feet 15'-0"). measured vertlcalty, above an walking surface. wall or other climbable structure, within two feet (2'-0'~of the exterior of the enclosure. Openings m such fence or structure, other than those created by ~atea or doors, shall be of such size so that a sphere exceeding 4 (4 inches) m diameter will not pass between ad scent members. Members of such pool enclosure shall not be arrange so as to materially facilitate climbing or scaling by small children. Gates or door opentn~s through such enclosure shall be egWpped with self-closing and self-latching devices designed to keep, and capable of ncepu~g, nuci~ uuur or mate securely closes at an times when not m actual use; however, the door of any dwelling occupied by human beings which forms any part of the enclosure herein raga need not be so equipped. RegWred latching devices ahallbe located not less than four feet, six Inches (4'-6") above the g~rroound. The pool enclosure shall be 1n place and approved by the Butlding Ofllcial before water is placed 1n the pool. EXCEPTIONS: 1. The provisions of this section shall not apply to public swimminQQ pools regulated by State BuLLdmg Stan- dazdsapproved 6y the State Building Standards Commis- ston. 2. Any-fencing serving as art enclosure for a swimming pool, lawfully N existence on the date of adoption of this ordinance, and meeting the requirements for fencing to efteM at the time of construction of the ewinuntrtg pool, wh be ~tinued, however, arty replacement of fendng N forth above.~~ shall rnmply with the requirements set ~5 .,,. 15.12.060 Table 23-D Amend d- nowabl ^ ton. Table 23-D of said Uniform Bullding Code 1s hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: r~etF no aRtuur uiow~e~D oEru_cnox rap smucmtaK aim r'ra~o~Dm •ewu~ao.D®~wm WELWDDK. urt iDaD rur DFADLWp ~ LL~RD Floc, 01~~ N! AIWto 9mNY4 PW Pe+ YW~ S\plo~ 0.r lW EsN~D VJ~ VM ww.a.naw us Y.ni....eo.. ar m r m.'se a ti ~. F wwsie.w mm rm m. LL-Lrly] ~L.DwIW M .Ftlv M1YmbY~IilYM bE L .l~n/~lponiorn oo~mDOOMmn 15.12.070 Table 2S-U-R-10 Deteted. Table 25-U-R-10 of sold Uniform Building Code is hereby deleted. Section 2907(b) of said U onn Buflding Code f8 hereby amen ed to read as ollows: Section 2907(b). Bearing Walls. Bearing walla shall be supported on ma~m whi h shall be of aufliMent a ue to sugar approved foundation ~ pport all loads and resist wind forces. Where a deston to not nmvlrSwl rho m¢.1,,...... fp.....ioHnn r~equlrements for stud bearingwalls shall be as set forthinTabie No. 29- E7iCEPl70NS: 1. A One story wood or metal frame buildin¢ not used for human occupancy and not over 400 square (feet in floor areas may be constructed without masonry or concrete foundations >F walls are supported by and anchored to a 'POrtland cement rnnerete slab not less than 3 1/2" in thickness. 2. The supportofbuildingsbypostsembeddedlnearth shall be designed as specified m Section 29070. Wood posts or poles embedded fn earth shalt be pressure treated with an approved preservative. Steel posts or poles shall be protected as specified 1n Section 2908(Q. r/ / • ltS- 15 12 090 FIgur 2 -1 m nd d-B t id ~ ba 4cf Slopes. Figure 29-1 is hereby amended as shown in the following figure: 2 BVr NEED Sdr IXCEED [S' FACE R 5' I.fPI. BVI' NOT E%CEEp q0' OF SI~PE FACE OP STR11CflIRE I~l:cul~ 29-1: 15 12 100 ion ~204(dl m pried-Nonrat d Rrutf erinE. Section 3204(d) of said Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3204(d). Nonrated Roof Covering. A nonrated roof covering shall be any mineral a egate surface built-up roof for appbcatlon to roofs having a slope ot~t more than 3 Inches W 121nches applied as ~i,cciueu iu Secuvu o~vo1u14, constsung of nor iess man me touowmg: Roofing Plfes: Three layers of felt and 2. Surfacing Material: 300 pounds per roofing sqquaze of gravel or other ap- proved surfacing material, or 250 pounds per roof- ing squaze of crushed slag. 151 ~ 110~tfon~~04f I 1 ted ^+ lai , seRnofg Section 3204(e) of said Uniform BWlding Code is hereby deleted. Secuon 3208(b)3 of said U orm Bullding Code is ereby amen ed to rea as follows: Section 3208(b)3. Asphalt Shtnpp~~es. Asphalt shingles shall com ly with UBC Standard No. 32-3 andshall have been tested and hated as suitable for Installation, as wend-reatstant roof covering, at wind velocity of not less than 90 mph. Asphalt shin¢lea shall be tnatalled according to manufacturers and Table No. 3 B-1 as required In speMal wind regtona. 1fY ~. Section 3208(b)5 of satd U orm Building code is hereby amen ed to read as follows: Section 3206)b)5. Clay or Concrete Tile. Tffe of clay or concrete shall mm ty with UBC Standard No. 32-12 and shall be Installed to acco ance with manufacturer's mstructlons and Table No.'s 32-D- I and 32-D-2 as required 1n spectal wend regions. 15.12.140 Table No. 32-A Amended-Minimum Roof Classes. Table No. 32-A of said Uniform Bullding Cade D hereby amended to read, >n words and figures, as follows: ..we •u aa•ae.. Boor Mrs ~>.Yr~oM ~ M~wW~yw~Y~~w1~i~~pWlYhAnw~r Wr~Y1l tl.l~l Wirrllw~~,~M~}i~Y~~YrIM ~ ~ i~I~ti ~ ~ O~~wr\ t ,r.C~1 Y _ IY,~~YrtiAYY, M_ ~11~1~, KF Irw tir. ~. Table No. 32-B• 1 o said Uniform Building Code is hereby amen ed to read, to words and figures, aslpllowa: I ~~ TABLE N0.74.8.1-SWNGLE APPl1CATpN uneuewntn Ilof tern®~Etwlane nooraWre rnroumnuN eex <n eoorol OECN IEdAtIBI[M eTee deVn dnl G MIwa1 a weJP drlb m~ !w/~n0 dYI omaa~n b BvNwe '8n IL ~ ml) IM) ba d~M b rv M M 8Y AM1Mwa UNOFPLAnleR etwl MC IekVM m7 d YeMlO m tlTP Ob b1a cwo.iwma TIP 16 M e{pe t P IA ~ 1 Iltlla F IF MAy PayO tln F[1iP toYg4l1 InE I M~ MIMN b TFrnwdldnaY yM1gM Wean P1riq n NIeW. Nae~ME bC w titlfA eq en ~1~~ wFFnr d ao blb. d nopwbbYtl rpe 1s M MPae dFpl iaNal aw9 .M M 1ela.wb dw .a . aaMa.«w .aw w ~ d Ilb eNl. WI wWOMa d,al MJ [e ypJleMr~wbarall. 9eveevn~lln gem r M PryMr dnM wa BIIIb P br Ml'Mdl drub. Puq N w narbsy.vnrwaPn m. ~ Mb dM a lase s.~.ra b)• Ma a a.aa bdnp a mr.e qr e. vwaad b>tl wn naewe b^bµ9 m1wY1 hewn MPI dW a NYa sem M ebee b • M f3 R pIA ~yiyy M1en Ob wA W M rv! b e IP YUw YM M bMIN w+ M1r ~M II b N Ydiw YMM tlb nleb .d H d eb PMiYtlbPOM. WYep TABLE NO.34.8.1-(COntlnUM) ATTACIeIEM TIPd1bdM Tgpdplalyyy yy, eyyiye 1DPipl feYd~ Ntl, a bM1Ptf m~mI~PMWe bobs .+wbm iepbpllMeYla mneM. fernb Mr s^^sM eM b npH.r~a d IIdC, s.n.a w. m 1>. serves .nr a aq .nyn b P^~dl bs M dNe~ w vse P eroM M Vib+w d eb drwq sdtlblr r ba wny. due a. r...eb a dbs a TeMle9be r sunwlb Mdeeq ey nd r1~e dFLbe bs.dbrMS ~ ep. s+sndsrp ipw116nM Yb~ _ py dll y nN ~RFee pl ireleWefe yMPgb M MnYWn n ¢n MM wywa ear PVw YM b ebrl/ Yrre Nltln f d IIn eeae FRmafe ~ fr nbMenurebYYVbPYRbtl10ele pe[4epad MFLYf FlnYdad NP W ~~ X'p eN MMwdr a¢reeemrbwMnbepFnesebrsbnsbdrad, IMpE Pw nnmeCVdtYyeuYM YrAal0ele Plelple ddMVYe Re9IR/0 W Blolm elulcl l A v.bn anwnebxq rlMMSlee µ7x ~Fm anYergelww MFrrbbtlePeNlm~ni yle liMee•eed.er nendtlMeM1YIV101Pe are hereby emended to read, !n words and figures. as ~q TMl! NG. ]]-trt-1100fING nLE 11YLIC~TroN FOII ALL TILES la>NYE L~4:rf TO LW 1X41 i'1i ~f YO wxl i INCI EEf1lafdlaE fw ww~.. f.M. x.. m w an em r u4wlluralolT b.m by b Sw ~ 4 obw.mb .4b 71 w •.'rmbV r..n M Cw w til. +a.r nW wibb b.M1mr nrb..w .~ fn..m ~or.~nbswe er. .. wtln.rw2 +. rvntl ~v s amm yr ie~ . . e ~ •-4+ .n t .ti w w sn.s ~w.nr .. m en.n.a - ... aw ~~.b..... ..n.nr ~..„•.o. m MC I wnb w w 11 •Tf2LYlfrpTi rr..n l.b... Ts~.s.sr ,.bs .s xe ~~w brR..e,w rs..br... m..n ..n . tluEC V .tls ml. r.r.~..raww.E~A~.n...~m ~M w w N4 .a m mib4. m. mer b « ~ .ne.... n .. ...mw -• e sreseermrsrw.b n..r r...,...wnb ser ... u•<um.br h v~NVn WOryFnw.fi pyr~e.y lY fVMNW wlrlwaMW QW w. ~.pw ..nYY ~w lw iWe.WM. mMUbl~]wau br:w wn am ^wv..tlm n tl.tl.r mn r ~ ~ iY e.tle ] M.. nnnun tt~WE1a h %mrR ]fM la r C w ]fEf Iel ] ti ..mmw / in. rse. n 4. na nwLL m Ore n T. nw.rtl~ w4r~rr 'iN M.r~ tl 4 M. se /•. Ntl r Ilb1 ~ 4Nrr Iw. ~r n ntl1Y rq / n4b» w Mn Y q Yi 1<I 4 rN Hw wI r..Yf .w M 41L ~.I ~. Mm>Y r~ M N rN rY Yre r N n 4wu..aw. n Jsn b~F e W wv. nnbn n.. e M wn. uMm m .P X. w tl. n ~wn.l a f!w w w I.pe '0. .r.. w N 12 n,. w, w w wn rn4 Y M.y I.ruM TRUe ffo. tta-ul.~r of cafc~tn noorfla nu uruc~rfo« IMEIIIOCMIIq nu M9T1f M1oJErn1f0 1NCNa1 Luw 11cu. xan .:v w Dial oELw +EOUElarxn fN s1 e.M. uxonluraefT bw tlN nws• rrtl.N4Nr.tlrlrar.rr intlM rr4bbrwf.N.r.Mry, wb, btlsb w .~r.Nw... +...s r..ti.Na..s ss 4. ws.s rnrrtlrNwm wtlwrp r. rstlwsrr...wr Nrl Ny.~rsrwws fN.14 YM vAM tlnlrb.e ww 1ib41.wrR Lee ~.M d.IM rwTYflebTT 'a Nr+rf+.m. wsy Mf.4r rbrrF •RM11~111 ilMlrw. Cwr~rrWl Y.~r.fw lY rI MGM Ntlww r/. F.Nn. 4I NRy M w. r.Vw.tl.R M V RC. FNtl I4. Srf FA 1Y r 4S beM R A~ M!4 rrJ b 4.wR fV M e iFwr/i n friNa wtlMaeal4rYtlYY 4atiR w.btlrb~Yr4 Y ~/b M r. L.7. w wpgr r V RS lle4nle be O!!-) i:~:i lafm(60mi wnpwtl x14a 4aaryG 4pr ::]wwu' I I nrr4E rN, «irbwrww rr,vf I -~9- _1.5.12.170 Anoendix Chester 12 Delgt,~d. Appendix Chapter 12 of said Uniform Building Lode is hereby deleted. 15.12.180 gnp_end * Se +on ~ IO m nd d-RPr nq, Section 3210 of the Appendix of the Uniform Building Code 1s hereby amended to read as follows: SecUon3210. Reroofing. New roof coverings (or extstingbulldingsshalt not be applied without first obtatning a permit therefor from the Building Official. An Inspection may be required to determine the acceptability of an existing structure for reroofing. A final inspection and approval shall be obtained from the Butlding Official when reroof- ing is completed. au~ed 15.12.190 Aoyendix Section 7003 Delet ri-Pnrmirc RP- d Section 7003 of the Appe~ix of said Uniform Building Code is hereby deleted. 15.12.200 Ayoendix Section 7004 Amended-Haz~rdou~ Gradlne Section 7004 of the Appendix of the Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7004. Hazardous Grading. Whenever the Bullding Official determines that any existing natural slope, or anyexcavation, embank- ment, Illl or other condiUOn created by a grading protect has become a hazard to IUe or limb, or endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel, the Bullding Official may dive the owner of the property upon which the condition is located, or o er person or agent 1n control of said property, a written notice to abate the condition. Upon receipt of such written notice from the Building Official, the owner or other person or agent fn control of said property shall wlfhln the period specified rn the notice repair or -P~ 3a:.tc - - : natty al ~:o~, c,,. avauuu. cuiuaniuoeu~. iiii ur omer condition so as to eliminate the hazard and be in conformance with the requirements of thts Code. 15.12.210~A pendix Section 7005 Added-D fimtinnc, Section 7005 of the Appendix of the Uniform Building Code is hereby amended by adding the fotlowing etirllUons: 1. Final Grading Plan 1s a plan showing all detailed drainage inf'ormaUnn, grade elevations, locations and Uoor elevations of any bufldtngs. 2. Preliminary Grading Plan is a plan showing bu11d3ng pad elevations, typical drainage methods to be utilized, and similar generalized information, usually excluding finish Uoor eleva- tions, buddtng locations, and spcciflc drainage detaUs. Specifications. Section 7008 o the pendix of said Uniform Building Code Is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7l)<l6(a) Plans and Specifications. When required by the Building Official, each appllcauon for a ggrraading permit shall be accompanied by three sets of plans and spectflcaUOns, and supporting data consisting of a soUa engineering report and engineering geology ai -Za report. The plans and specdlcations shall be preppared and signed by a Mvtl engineer when required by the Bullding OtAcial. plan when f~i~s~dent piegse detail ob f s e Imprrnemllerlnt ~ats~atthe ~~ oagradtng permit issuance. Where gcadtng Is accomplished based P llnilriary gmdlnB P>an the submittal and approval of a final grading plan sh be requk-ed prior to the Issuance of any bullding permit for th~erasite. at the tim~ f tin~l g Pins shall fnctude su~Gent detatl to assure that [ions of this code az~id otherlCl submittal' all standards and specifica- ty gradtng regulattons well be met. (c) Informallon on Plans and >n Spectficauona. Plan shall be drawn to scale upon substantial pa r or cloth and shall be of slrfficlent clarity detall that tt will on orm to the provls ons ofrthis Code an all relevant laws, ordinances, rules and re dons. The first sheet of each set of plans shall glue the location of the work and name and address of the owners and the person by whom they were prepared. The plans shall include the following information: 1 • General vicWty of the Proposed site. 2. Properly Wnlts and accurate contours of eMSting ground and detalls of terrain and area drainage, 3. Elevations and finish contours to be achieved by the grading. 4• 9uantltles of excavation and fills. age devices, walls, cribbing, dams and other pro ectl e devices to be constructed with, ores a part of, the proposed work together with a ma showing the drainage azea and the estimated runoff of the area served by any drains. pp6. LocaUOn of any bulldings or structures on the locatt no of any bullding or sbvetubere on jand of d scent owners which are within 15 feet of the pro)eM site or which m~be affected by the proposed grading operations. 7, Size, type and rnnditlon of vegetatlon that is to remain. 8. Legal restWetions such as property lines, ease- ments, setbacks, etc. 9. UtWty structures, catch basins, manholes, cul- verts, etc. lines. Drainage' sewer' water, gas, elech-ic or other utllity 11. My unusual site rnndttlons. ~~ -21- 12. Contours, both existng and proposed, shall be shown in accordance with the following schedule: Natural Slooes Ma>rlmum Interval 246 or less 2 feet Over 2S6 to and including 946 5 feet Over 996 10 feet 13. Speciflcatlons containing informatlon covering constructlon and matertal requirements. {d). Soils Engl.-,eering Report. The lofts en~r,eering report required by subsectlon (c shall Include data regazdfn~ a nature, stributlon and strength of existing soLLs, conclusions and recommendations for grad- ing procedures and design criteria for correctlve measures when necessary, and opinions and recommendations covering ad yuacy of sites to be developed by the proposed grading, including the siabdity of slopes. (e). Eny~tnrieertng Geolo Report. The en eering geology report requiredby Subaectlon (shall include an adequate descrtptton of the geology of the site, rnncluslons and recommendations regarding the effect ofgeologic conditlons on the proposed development, and opintona and recommendatlons covering the adequacy of sites to be developed by the proposed goading. Recommendatlons included m the report and appproved by the Bullding Offtaal shall be incorporated In the grading plans or speciHcatlons. (f). Issuance. The pprovisions of Section 303 aze applicable to grading ~ennits. The Buildfo,~ Offlclal may also require submittal of the .~~u..:..g nuu~uu.wi uuu,wauun w,m me permit appncatlon. 1. Extent and manner of cuttlng of trees and cleartng of vegetatlon, disposal of same, and measures for protec- tion of undisturbed trees and/or vegetation. 2. A schedule defining ataglnQQ and timing of construc- tion and estimated extent of disturbance at strategic points during constructlon. ~~ Equipment, methods, and location of spoils dis- 4. A plan deHrung the schedule, equipment, materials, and personnel that wW be used to malntatn all protective de~KCCS and drainage faMilues shown on the approved grading plan. 5. Deli tlon of routes upon which materials may be transported and means of access to the site. 6. The locatlon and manner to be used for disposal of excavated materials and control of erosion from such materials. 7. 12ecommendatlons as to the mlttgatton of fugfUve dust and dirt which may be offensive or inJurtous to the neiahborhood, the general public or any portion thereof, Inc tiding due consideratlon, care, and resppeect for the property rights, and protection of said neigfiborhood or any portion thereof 8. I.irrdtations on the area, extent and duration of time of exposure of unprotected soli surfaces. 9. Phasing of operations to m+.,+m+~P water run off or other environmental concerns. 10. Such additionalappllcableinfonnatlonastheBulld- tng Official may require to carry out the purposes of this ordinance. (g). Compliance with Plans and Code. The permittee or his agent, shall carry out the proposed work In accordance with the approved plans and specfAcatlons and L1 compllancewith all the requirements of this Code. (h). insppeections. In performing regular grading, tt shall be the responsibility of the permtttee to notify the BuUding Official at least one working day in advance so that required inspections may be made. (i). Protection of AdJacent Pro rty. During grading operations, the pennittee shall be responsible for the preventlon o[d a to adJacent property and na person shall excavate on land sufHMen y close to the property Ilne to endanger any adJolning public street, sidewalk, alley, or other public or private property without supporting and protecting such property from settling, cracking, or other damage which might result. 10. Trmnnrary F~nginn !`n.J.nl 'R,n..n....u~.._..a~~,_ut'u: - - maintain all recautfo --,._.....,,.... ~. r "' `~:": °„u p nary measures necessary to protect adJacent water courses and public or private property from damage by erosion, flooding, and deposition of mud or debris originating from the site. 15.12.230 Ancend!x SPCtton 7007 nd Tabl c 70-A ^nd 70-B Deleted. Section 7007 and Tables 70-A and 70-B aze hereby deleted. Section 7008 of the Appgadix of the niform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7008(a). Bonds. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit involving 5000 cable yards or more of cut and till, the applicant shall &st post with the Bullding OHictal, a bond to assure that the work to be performed under the permit, If not completed (n acrnrdance with approved plans and apeclflcatlona, wW be corrected to eliminate hazardous conditions. Such bond shall be executed by the owner as principal and a corporate surety authorized to do business In Califor- nia. In lieu of a surety bond, the applicant may Ne a cash bond, ar deposit ~23• and assi to the City savings and loan certificates or other instru- ments ot~credit. Where unusual conditions or special hazards exist, the Bullding OffiMal may require a bond for grading involving less than 5000 cubic yazds. The bond required by this Section may include incidental off-site grading on property contiguous with the site to be developed pprovided written consent of the owner of such contiguous property 1s Ned with the Butlding Official. The Bullding Offfclal maywalve the requirements for gradlnQ necessary to remove a geological hazard, where such work is covered y an agreement and bond posted pursuank to provisions of other Ordinances. (b). Amount of Bonds. The amount of the bond shall be based upon the number of cubic yards of material >n both excavation and fill, plus the cost of all drainage or other protective devices, work necessary to eliminate geological hazards, erosion control plantlng and required retaining walls. That portion of the bond based on volume of material shall be computed as set forth rn the following schedule: 100,000 cubic yards or less 5045 of the cost of the grading work Over 100,000 cubic yards 5046 of the cost of the first 100,000 cubic yards plus 2545 of the esthnated cost of that portion in excess of 100,000 cubic yards. (c). Reduction 1n Bond. When rough grading has been completed rn conformance with the requirements of this Code, the Bullding Official may at his discretion consent to a proportionate reduction of the bond to an amount estimated to be ad uate to insure completion of the work, remaining to be perfonned. The costs referred to to this Section shall be as approved by the Bullding OflIcial. (d). Conditions. ~+ery- bond shall include the conditions that the principal shall: 1. Comply with all of the provisions of City ordinances, applicable laws, and standards. 2. Comply with all of the [erns and condttlons of the grading permit. 3. Complete all of the work authorized by the permit within the time limit apecifled 1n the penNt or within any extensionthereofgranted. Noauchextensionoftlmeshall release the surety upon the bond. (e). Term of Bond. The term of each bond shall be upon the flung thereof with the Bulldtng Oti9clal and the bond shall remain 1n effeM until the work authorized by the grading permit is completed and -24 W approved by the Building Official. (A. Default Procedures. In the event the owner or his agent shall fall to rnm;,!ete the work or fail::. comply with all terms and rnndftlona of B~gFad(n ~ ~ shall be deemed a default has occurred. The O~ give notice thereof to the prinMpal and surety on the gra permit bond, or to the owner rn the case of a cash deposit or assignment, and may order the work required to complete the pradln~ rn rnnformance with the requirements of this Code be per- formed. the surettyy executing the bond shall rnntlnue to be firmly bound under an obllgatlon up to the full amount of the bond, for the payment of all necessary costs and expenses that maybe incurred by the Building Official to causing any and all such required w-orlc to be done. In the case of a cash deposit or assigrunent, the unused portlon of such deposit or funds assigned shall be returned or reassigned to the person making said deposit or assignment. (g). RightofEnhy In the event ofdefaultintheperformanceofanyterm or conditlon of the permit, the Butldin~ OffiMal or the surety, or any person employed or engaged Ln the be of either, shall have the right to enter upon the premises to perform necessary corectlve work or make inspections. An owner or any other person who interferes with or obstructs the Ingress to or ep~ess from any such premises, of any authorized representatlve oT the surety or of the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga engaged to the correction or completion of the work forwhich a grading permit has been issued, otter a defaulthas occurred in the performance of the terms or conditions thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor. . Sec- tion 7010 of the Appendix o e U orm Bulding Cade is hereby amended to read ..~ fonc;.,m: Section 7010(a~. Fills. Unless otherwise recommended 1n the apppproved soils engineering report and approved bythe Building OffiMal, fll[s shall conform to the revisions of this Section and to Figure A, Typical Lot Cross-Seclfon for FNs. EXCEPTION: The rovislonsofthlssectlonmaybewaivedbythe Building Official for minor tills not Intended to support struc- tures ~. SIDP¢TO WINfNN SHPIT OVlTILOW ~' FIGURE 'A' 77PIC~L LOT C30lS.Qel9pa !OR tnld (b). Fill Locations. F711 slopes shall not be constructed on natural slopes steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical (2:1). F711 slopes shall be located so as to tce out not closer than twelve feet (12') horizontallyfrom the top of a lower natural or cut slope nor closer than twelve feet (12') fmm a 2:1 slope influence Ilne protected from lower natural or cut slope where that slope equals or Is less than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical (2:1). (c). Prepazation of Ground. The ground surface shall be prepared to receive fill by removingvegetation, noncomplying fill, to soft and other unsuitable materials, scarlfyinQ to ptvNde a bond with the new 1311, and, where slopes are steeper than Hve to one, and the height greater than 5 feet, by benching Into sound bedrock or other rnmpetent material as determined by the so11a engineer. The bench under the ice of a fill on ~ri :,tc:.i,;.r ~~~ u•o to o~:e a;,nl; ~ xi )cnai iv ieei wine. i ne area beyond the tce of fill shall be sloped for sheet overflow or a paved drain shall be provided. Where fill Is to be placed over a cut, the bench under the tce of fill shall be at least 10 feet wide but the cut must be made before placing till and approved by the sofls engineer and/or englneer- tng geollogist as a suitable foundation for 1311. (d). Fill Material. Detrimental amount of organic material shall not be permitted in fills. No rock or slmllaz irreducible material with a mardmum dimengipn greater than 12 inches shall be buried or placed !n fills. EXCEPTION: The Bullding Otficfal may permit placement of lazger rock when the soils engineer properly devises a method of placement continuous)y Inspects Its placement and ap~roves the fill stabtllty. The following conditions shall aiso app y: a. Prior to Issuance of the Grading Permit, potentlal rack disposal areas shall be delineated on the grading plan. b. Rock sizes greater than 24" to ma~dmum dimension shall be 10 feet or more below grade measured vertfcally. a. Rocks shall be placed so as to assure filling of all -2&a~ voids with fines. (e). Compaction. All fills, including backfill to utility trenches, shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density as determined by U.B.C. Standard No. 70-1. In lace density shall be determined 1n accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 70-2, 70-3, 70-4. 70-5, or equivalent as approved by the Building Official. EXCEPI'fONS: 1. Fllls exempted elsewhere m this ordlriance and where the Building Official determines that compaction fs not a necessary safety measure to aid >n preventing saturation. settlement, ahpping, or eroston of the fill. 2. Where lower density and expansive types of soil exist, pemllssfon (or lesser compaction may be granted by the Building Official upon showtngofgood cause under the conditions provided herein. 3. Alternate methods of filling and compaction may be utllized on utihty trenches or other.speclfic projects when recommended the soils engineer and approved by the Building Ot1iM (f). Slope. The sloppee of fill surfaces shall be no steeper than 1s safe for the intended use. Flll slopes shall be no steeper than two horizontal to one vertlcal. (g). Drainage and Terracing. Drainage and terracin~q shall be provided and the area above fill slopes and the surfaces oC terraces shall be graded and paved as required by Sectlon 7012. 15.12.280 SP ion 7013 Amended-Erosion Controls. Section 7013 of the Appendix of the Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7013(a) Erosion Controls. The faces of cut and !ill slopes shall be prepazed and maintained to control against eroston. The protection for the slopes shall be Installed as soon as practical and prior to calling Cor final approval. (b) Other Devices. Where necessary, check dame, cribbing, riprap or other devices or methods shall be employed to control eroston and provide safety. (c) Planting. The surface of all cut and fill elopes more than five (5) feet to height s.`iall be protected against damage from eroston by planting with approved grass or ground cover plants. Hants and plantingg methods used shall be suitable for the soil and climatic rnndPtlons of the site. EXCEPIiONS: 1 • Ptantinq need not be provided for cut elopes rocky 1n character and not subject to damage by erosion, when approved by the Bullding O®cial. ~~ -27- 2. Slopes ma be protected against erosion damage by other methods when such methods have been specifically recommended byasofls enpneer, engineednggeologtst, or equivalent, and found to offer erosion protection equal to that provided by the planting speclfled m this Section. (d). irrigation. Slopes required to be planted shall be provided with an approved system oitreigauon designed to coverall portlons of the sloppee, and plans therefore shall be submitted and approved prior to installa- tion. A functional test of the system may also be required. EXCEPTION: Requirements for installatlon of a permanent [rrigatton system may be modified upon specifle recommendation of a landscape azchitect or equivalent authority that, because of the type of plants selected, the planting methods used and the soff and climatic conditions at the site, such irrittatlon system will not be necessary for the maintenance of the slope planting. (e) Release of Bond. '!he planing and irrigation systems required by this Section shall be installed as soon as ctical after route grading. Prior to final approval of grading and before the release of the g~ ceding bon ., Plantings shall be well established and girowing on the slopes. SECI7ON 6. Chapter 15.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Mu- nicipal Code fs hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: 15.16.O1U Chapters 1, 2, 3, Deleted. 15.16.010 Ghaoters 1. 2 and 3 Del ted, Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of said Liniform Mechanical Code, 1 F.ditfon are hereby deleted. ~~ -29- SECTION 7. Chapter 15.20 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, In words and flguros. as follows: Sections: 15.20.010 Part I Deleted-Administtation 15.20.026 Section 1004(x( Amended-Materials 15.20.030 AppendixSecttonDl(b)-Deleted 15.26.040 Appendix Section D3.4-Deleted j 5.20.010 Part I Deleted. Part I of said Uniform Plumbing Code. 1988 Edition, entitled "Administration" is hereby deleted 1n 1ts entirety. Section 1004(x1 of said Uniform Plumbing Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1004{a) Materials. Water pipe and fittings shall be of brass, copper, cast iron, galvanized malleable iron, galvanized wrought iron, galvanized steel, lead or other approved materials. Asbestos-cement, PE, or PVC water pipe manufactured to rerngnized standards may be used for cold water distribution systems outside a bullding. All materials used in the water supply system, except valves and similar devices, shall be of a like material, except when otherwise approved by the Admintstradve Authority. 15.20.030AnpendixSectlonD11b1Deleted, SectlonDl(b)of Appendix D of said Uniform Plumbing Code is hereby deleted. 15.20.040 Apn n iv_ 4nrHOn D'4,4 K'IC ~' .. ucCuAn .^-°." ^~ Appendix D of said Uniform Plumbing Code is hereby deleted. 3~ SECTION 8. Chapter 15.28 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, to words and Agures, as follows: Chanter 15.28 OD FOR RA MENT OF D H ROUS BUI IN i n 15.28.010 Section 103 Deleted 15.28.020 Section 201(c) Deleted 15.28.03 Section 203 Deleted 15.28.040 Section 205 Amended-Boazd of Appeals. 15.28.050 Sections 206 Added~ummary Abatement. 15.28.060 Section 801 Amended-Demolition Procedure. 15.28.070 Section 802 Deleted. 15.28.080 Section 901 Amended-Expenses Incurred by C1ty >n Repair or Demolition. 15.28.090 Section 902 Amended-Councll Ruling. 15.28.100 Section 903 Amended-0b]ectlons. 15.28.110 Section 904 Amended-Passage. 15.28.010 Section 103 Deleted. Section 103 of sold Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby deleted. . Subsection (c) of Section 201 of sold Uniform Code or Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby deleted. 15.28.030 Section 203 Deleted. Section 203 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby deleted. 15.28.040 Section 205 Amended-Board of ~ypyeats. Sec- llutl LVJ ui We u.wuuL wuc ful t-i114LWLLCILL of LAl1~eWlJD UlltiUl~I~tl in a111el1UCU W read as follows: Section 205. "Boazd of Appeals" as used herein shall mean the Board of Appeals as set forth in Section 204 of the Uniform Admintstratlve Code as adopted in this TIUe. Appeals to the boazd shall be processed in accordance with the provisions contained m Section 501 of this code. 15.28.050 S?cions206Added-Summary, atement. The Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buidings is amended by adding Sections 206 and 207 to read as follows: Section 206(a). Summary abatement. In additlon to the procedures prodded for abatement of d~nQQcrous buildings as set forth in Chapter 4 of this Code, the Building Official Is hereby given summary power to secure from entry any structure or premlaea which in hie disctetlon he determines to be immediately dangerous, or immediately hazardous or In other manner Inturioua to public health or safety. Such structures maybe secured by the ButldingOfRcial by nailing ofboardsoverthe doors and windows of such structure, however, he shall not be Wntted to only this method and may use other methods at his discretlon to accomplish the same purpose which may be more appropriate under the circum- stances. a uildmg0lficfalshallalsopos asignstatinglne(fect"DAN- ~~-31- GEROUS BUILDING, ]JO NOT ENTER": or other appropriate sig~rni uppoon the structure orpremtses hi at least one rnnspicuous place. The Bullding Offidal shall irnmediatety upon such action send notce to the owners of the real property upon which the structure or conditlon is located, as shown on the last equalized assessment rolls. Such notice shall contain the following InfonnaUon: 1. That he has secured the structure or corrected the hazardous conditions. 2. The cost Incurred by the City thereby. 3. That he has posted signs as provided by this section. 4. The reasons why he has taken the action. 5. That an appeal may be made within ten (10) days to the City Council as provided In this Section. 6. That tl his action Is not annulled U}. the City Council. the cost of securing the property shall become a lien upon the real pproperty unless the cost Is paid to the Ci within thirty (30) days of the mailing of the notice. If anytyovmer of property or any person havlnQ any Interest In property affected by the actlon of the Building Offletal 1n securfn a structure or abating a hazardous conditlon aspe rmitted~y this sectlon, is aggrieved bythe actlon of the Building Offic1a1 In securing the structure, such person or ppeesons may appeal the actlon of the Building Official by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10) days after receipt of notlce of the actlon by the Building OffiMal. The notice of appeal must lx verified under penalty of penury uw ~,y wauo uY~ .i YViYUi We aCUVU Ul LL1E Building Official is appealed. the Clty Councll shall, upon receiving such notlce of appeal, heaz any evidence or other relevant matters presented by the a pellant or the Building Official at its next re~~~~l1aarr meeting af[er the fWngof the notlce of appeal, provtded~iowever, U the notlce of appeal !s flied less than ten days prior to the day of a regular meeting of the CttyCouncil, the heazing shall not be held at the first regulaz meeting, but at the following regular meeting. hearing all evidence and other relevant matters pre- sented at said hearing or without hearinga ff no appeal to made upon the report of the Building 6ffiMal, the Clty Council may then confirm, amend, or annul the actlon of the Building Oftlcial. If the action of the Bullding OffiMal is annulled the City, at its own expense, shat! remove any and all Instruments used to secure said structure, and shall remove any and all signs stating that the building is unsafe to enter. If, however, the Ctty Council confirms the actlon of the Building OffiMal in securing the atruchue at the hearing on appeal, or, ff no appeal U taken, at any other regulaz meeting, or adtournedmeettng, then the cost Incurred ~y the Cityfn securing the structure shall become a hen against the _92.~ property, and a resolution of the Clty CouncU confirming the action of the Bullding Official, lncludmg the imposition of a Iten upon the property upon which the structure is located to pay for the cost of securing lt, may be adopted upon recefp[ of a report from the Bullding Official. Such resolution may be flied with the San Bernardino County Tax Assessor, and the lien imposed thereby may be collected for the C1ry by him, along with the next annual tax levy and assessment on said property. (b) The same procedure, as provided 1n subsection (a) for abating through securing from entry any structure which Is determined by the Buiding Offlcta to be lmmediatelydanQQemus orimmedfately hazardous may also be used by the Building Ofliclal Ll connection with the summary abatement of all other dangerous or hazardous conditions upon private property which the Building Oflicfal determines, at his discretion, as constituting an Immediately dangerous or hazardous condition. The Building Official may then summarily abate such nuisance, at his discretlon, to the most appropriate manner under the circumstances, which may Include, but shall not be Wnited to the Following methods; fenclna, draining water from swimming pools and filLng with appropri- ate ballast, removing fire hazazds, g or covering open holes and grading or strengthening land Rlls or excavations. Although the manner and method used by the Buildmg Ofnetal shall be at his discretion, he shall, in making his determmaUons, seek the most econondcal method and endeavor not to place an undue economical hardship upon the owner of the property, and only use those measures which will ellmfnate the dangerous and hazazdous features. 15.28.060 SecUOn 801 Amended - Oemolltlon Procedure. Section 801 of the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Bulldlnos fa hPrP>,~. pmnnrie.i tC ••a. •••• fu •. •..u uu llUWJ. Section 801. Proeedwe. When any work of repair or demohUon is to be done pursuant to Section 701(c) 3 of this Code, the Buflding Offtcfal shall Issue the order therefore and the work shall be accomplished by Clty personnel or by private contract under the direction of the Butldmg Otftctal, or he may employ such azchltectural and engineering assfatance on a contract basis as he may deem reasonably necessary. II any part of the work is to be accomplished by private contract, standard public works contractual procedures shall be followed. 1,~,28.070_~jg~tta~n.$~p~pgjgjeQ. 'the Uniform Code for Abatement of 17angerous Buildings is hereby amen ed by deleting SecUOn 8021n Its entirety. to read as Section 901. The Buflding Ofticlal shall keep an Itemized account of the expense Incurred byy the City 1n the repatr or demolfUOn of any building done pursuant to tfte provlsfons of Section 701 (c) 3 of this Code. Upon the completion of the work of repair or demolition, the Buildingg O91Ma1 shall prepare and file with the City Clerk a repoR specifying ilia work done, the itemized and total coat of the work, a description of the real 3~ -~- property upon which the buffding or structure is or was located, and the names and addresses of the persons engged to notlce pursuant to Subsectlon (c) of Section 401. 902 of the to read as Section 902. Upon receipt of said report, the C1ty Clerk shall ppresent it to the City CouncA for rnnstderagon, The Ctty oundl shall Hx a dme, date and pplace for hearln~~qq such report, and any protests or ob)ectlons thereto. 1Yre City Clerk sfrall cause nogce of said hearing to be ted upon the property involved, posted as directed by the City Counefl so as to ve roper public nogce, and served bycertlAed matt, postage prepaid, addressed to the owner of the property as his name and address appears on the last equalized assessment mli of the county, tf such so appears, or as known to the Clerk. Such nogce shall bep~ ven at least ten (1 O) days prior to the date set for hearing and shall specify the day, hour, and place when the Councll will hear and pass upon the Bulldfn~ Otfidal's report, together with any obJectlons or protest which may be Bled as hereinafter provided by any person interested rn or affected by the proposed chazges. r~„$8 100 S=^tlon Qi Amended-Ohtec t Section 903 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Bulldings is hereby amended to read as follows: Sectlon903. Anypersontnterestedlnoraffectedbythepproposedchatges mayAle written protests orobJecUonswlth the CltyClerk at anyy time prtor to the time set for the hearing on the report of the Building Official. Each such protest or obJectlon must contain a deacrlpgon of the property in which the siggnner thereof is interested and the grounds otaucfi protestor ob)ecgon, The Mty clerk shall endorse on every such protest or obJection tho rlaln H vroe ~ ne~.....r gyn. the City CouneA at the time suet for the heuaring,oand no othepp testa or objectlons shall be considered. 28 110 ^+P~tton an^_ a nd d Paca~eg, Section 904 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 904. Upon the day and hour Axed for the hearing, the City Council shall heJ~ and ppaasssa upon the report of the Hugdurg Official together with any such ob)ectlona or protests. The Council may make such revision, rnrrectlon or modlficatlon In the report or the charge es It may deem just; and when the CouneA is sagaAed with the correctness of the charge, the report (as submitted or as revised, corrected or modified) together with the chazges shall be confirmed or rejected. 'Ihe decLaton of the City Council nn the report and the charge, and on alI protests or objectlons, shall be Anal and conclusive. SECI'fON 9. Chapter 15.32 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipa) Code is amended to read, Lz words and figures, as follows: SecUOns: 15.32.010 Section 104 Deleted 15.32.020 Sectlon 201 SubsecUOn (a) and (b) Deleted. 15.32.030 Seaton 203 Amended -Housing Advisory and Appeals Boazd 15.32.040 Section 204 Deleted 15,92.010 ion 100. to e.i, Secdon 104ofsafdUniform Housing Code Is hereby deleted. SubsecUOns (a) and (bl of Section 201 of said U orm Housing Code aze hereby deleted. 15.32.030 Secton 203 Amended-Houstn¢ advisory apd meals board. Sectlon 203 of- satd~orm Housing Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 203. "HousmgAdvisory and Ap Hoard" as used herein shall mean the Hoard of Appeals as set toSection 204 of the Unlfonn Administrative Code hereby adopted. Appeals to the Hoard shall be processed in accordance with the provisions rnntained m Section 1201 of this code. 15.32.040Sect1on2O6T1a1a~_~__ ce ~'c;,^,~0.;,fuawwuuu Housing code Is hereby deleted. ~~36 Municipal Code is hereby amended to~ read, in orris and tlgures as foll ~ onga Chanter 1~,~ 15.36.010 Section 103 Deleted 15.36.020 Section 303 Deleted 15.36.030 Section 304 Amended -Fees 15.36.040 Chapters 5 through 12 and Chapter 14 Deleted amended by deleting Sectlo~n~03 N its enoUret~,, 1 t`om' ~d Uniform Sign Code is ~ 5 36 020 ~ aon 't a n ler ~, Sectlon 303 of said Uniform Sign Code is hereby deleted in Its entirety. 15 ~60305~tlon~04 mende.-' Fps, Sectlon304ofsaid Uniform S1gn Code is hereby Amended tm read as follows: Sectlon 304. Fees for slan permits and plan checking shall be calculated as set forth >n Sectlon 304 of the Uniform Administratlve Code as herein adopted and amended 1n this Title. Said Uniform Slgn Code to hereby amen ed by deleting Chapters 5, , 7, 8.9, 1 O, 11, 12, and 14 >n their entlretles. ~~ SECTION 11. Chapter 15.40 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as follows: C aH ~f'~R~ 1 15.40.010 Section 4101 Amended -Purpose 15.40.020 Section 4102 Amended -Application 15.40.030 Sectlon 4106 Amended -Doors and Hazdware 15.40.040 Section 4107 Amended -Sliding Doors 15.40.050 SeMlon 4108 Amended -Windows 15.40.060 Sectlon 4109 Amended -Garage Vehicular Access Doors 15.40.070 Section 4110 through 4115 Added - Muitlple-Famlly Developments Section 4101 of said Uniform Building Security Code is amended to read as fo ows: Sectlon4101. Purpose. The purposeoftluscodefatoestabllshmlMmum standards to make newly constructed dwelling units and additlons to dwelling units, and private garages resistant to unlawhd entry and to facWtate protectlon of property. Secton 4102 of said Unlfonm Building Security Code fa amended to read as ollows: Sectlon 4102, Applicatlon. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to openings into dwelling units etGroup R Division 1 OccupanMes, Group R Division 3 Occu~ariMes and into garages of Group M-1 Occupancies, ~_o__~ . w ua uaC uaauuaw uaauuiaa~ l.4UC, WUUUIII~ UpCnmgB neLRReR attached garages and dwelling units. EXCEPTIONS: 1, An opening in an exterior wall when all portions of such opening is more than 12 feet vertically or 6 feet horizontally from an accessible surface of any adjoining yard, court, passageway, public way, breezeway, patio, p]aliter, porch or similar area. 2. An opening in an exterior wall when all porions of such opening la mare than 12 feet vertically or B feet horizontally from the surface of any adjoining roof, balrnny, landing, stair tread, Platform or similar structure or when every portlon ofsuch surface is itself more than I2 feet above an accessible surface. 3. Anyopenirtginaroofwhenallportlonsofsuchroofare more than 12 feet above an accessible surface. 4. OpeNnga where the smaller dimension 19 8 inches or less, pptovldedthat the closest edge of such openings is at least 381nchea [rom the locking device of the door orwlndow assembly. ~7. 5. Openings protected by required (ire door assemblies having a fire endurance rating of not less than 45 minutes. Section 4106 of the Uniform Bulldtng Security Code is amended to read as ollows: their hazdwazearegulated by ttUse haptesshall compolysiv~ith UBC Stan- dazd No. 41-1, Part I or egwvalent standard. Doors and hazdwaze shall be installed as tested. EXCEPTION: Doors and hardware fabricated and Installed as set forth to Subsections (b) through (t) below. (b). Door construction. Such doors shall be of solid construction with a minimum thickness of one andthree-quarters inches (1-3/4") except for recessed panels which may be not less than nine-sixteenths inches (9/ 16") thickness. fc). I.ockingdevices. Such doorsshallbeequlppedwlthadoubleorsmgle cylinder deadbelt lock. 'Ihe bolt shall have a minimugm protection of one deadbolt shall have an emcbedmen of at le~aslt three-totiutha inch (3/4' ) into the sgturike receiving the pn ected bolt. the cybunder shall have a Connected to the inn~piomrtlon ~ e look by onnec~tinl g screanµds of at lease[ one-fourth Inch (1/4") in diameter. A dual locking mechanism con- structed so that both deadbolt and latch can be retracted by a s1nWe action of the Inside door knob, or lever, may be substituted proWde it meets all other speciflcattons for locking devices. iui. inacuveieaves. InacUveleavesofdoubledoorashallbeequlppedwlth meta111ush bolts at top and bottom having a minimum cross-sectional dimension of one-half inch (1/2") and a miwmum embedment of five- eighths Inches (5/8") into the head and threshold of the frame. (el. BlocktnQ. In wood framing, horizontal blocking shall be placed between studs at door lock height for three (3) stud spaces each side of the door openings. Any spaces between Jambs and trimmers and adJofning studs shall be shimmed solid. ff). Stops. Door stops or wooden Jambs for in-swinging doors shall be of one piece construction with the jamb. Jambs for all doors shall be constructed or protected so as to prevent vlolatlon of the strike. (yJ. Glazingg. Glazing ]n exterior doors and oU;er gla~xd openings wtUUn thirty-six (36") inches of any locking mechanism shall be of fully tempered glass or burglary resistant glazing, except when double cylin- der deadbolt locks are Installed. b tween a ptrlmme asand wood doo ~ambs shall be solid st lmned by a single piece extending not less than 6 inches above and below the strike plate. Strike plates shall be attached to wood with not less than taro No. 8 x 2" screws. All strike plates of doors to pairs shall be installed as tested. Ii). Hinges. Hinges which aze exposed to the exterior shall be equipped with non-removable hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to preclude removal of the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. 15.40.040 Section 4107_ Amended - Shdinar doors. Section 4107 of the Uniform Building Standard Cade is amended to read as follows: Section 4107. Sliding doors. Sliding Door assemblies regulated by this chapter shall comply with UBC Standard 41-1, Part II or equivalent standard. ,(5.24.050 Section 4108 Amended - ows. Section 4108 of the Uniform Building Secunty Code is amended to read as ooows: Section 4108. Windows. Window assemblies which are designed to be openable and which are regulated by this Chapter shall complywith UBC Standard 41-2 unless such windows are protected by approved metal bars, screens or grilles. See also Uniform Building Code Section 1204. 1F.40.060 Se t o 4109 m nd ~d - G r o V ic,~l r Access Doors. Section 4109 of the Uniform Hullding Security Code Is amended to read as follows: Section 4109(a). Garage vehtcvlaz settee doore. Rolling overhead. solid overhead, swinging/sliding or accordion doors provided for vehicular access to private garages shall be constructed and installed as set forth !n this section. (b). Such doors shall be provided with an exterior covering of one of the follawing: 1. Exterior grade plywood not less than flue-sixteenths inches (5/16") In thickness. 2. Aluminum not less than four-hundredths of an inch (.04") >n thickness. 3. Steel not less than three-hundredths of an inch (.03") m thickness. ~' Fiberglass having a density of not less than five ounces (5 oz,) per squaze foot. 5. Wood siding not less than nine-sixteenths of an inch (9/16") iri thickness. (c). Locking devices. All locking devices utlllzing a cylinder lock shall have a minimum flue (5) pin tumbler operatlon with the locking bar or bolt extending Into the receiving guide a minimum of one inch (1"). Slide bolt type locking assemblies shall have a bolt diameter of not leas thanthree- eighths inch (3/8"). Slide bolts shall ppeenetrate the receiving ~gui11de not less than one and one-half Inches (1-1/2") and shall be attached with three (3) bolts that are not removable from the outside. Bluets shall not be used to attach s11de bolt assemblies. ~Q39 Doors exceeding sixteen feet (16') >n width shall be rovlded with opposite, centrally located locking points, either at each side or at top and bottom of the door. EXCEPI7ONS: 1. For doors nineteen feet (19') or less 1n width, a single locking point maybe used if centrally located at the floor or top of the door. 2. Doors provided with torsion spring counter-balance type hardware. (d). Frames. Frames for garage vehicle access doors shall be constructed of one of the following; 1. Aluminum not lessthantwelve-hundredths ofan tech (.12") rn thickness. 2. Steel not less than six-hundredths of an inch (.06'7 in thickness. 3. Wood not less than one and one-half inches (1-1/2") in thickness. 15.40.070 Section 4110 throu¢h 4115 Added - MLft t Fam_tly Developments, The Uniform Building SecurltyZ,`ode is amended uy adding Sections 4110 through 4115 to read as follows: Section 4110. Complex dlaaggrraann~~. There shall be posltloned at each entrance of a multiple-famllydevelopment, an illuminated diagrammatic representatlon of the complex which shows the location of the viewer and Ihn Mt Anon .. ~~.. -.u t..__ _ - - ..~-•yw ..••.. u•• ~wu~iau wiuLla We CULLIpleX. Section 4111. bighting, L.ightingln multiple-family dwellings shall be as follows: Aisles, p ewayyss and recesses related to and within the buUding complex shall illuminated with an intensity of at least twenty-flue one- hundredths (.25) footcandles at the ground level during the hours of dazkness. ughtmgdevicesshallbeprotectedbyvandal-resistant covers. O n parkin~~qq lo[s and carports shall be provided with a minimum of one (l~footcand(e of ll~ht on the ppazking surface during Ute hours of darkness. Lighting devices shall be protected by vandal resistant covers, Section 4112. Keying. Upon occupancy, each dwelling unit 1n a subdivision or multiple-family development shalt have Socks using k Sys that are not tnterchanQeable with any other dwelling unit in the subdt- viston or multiple-family development. Sectlan 4113. DefWUona, 1. "Burglary Resistant Glazing" means those materials as defined In Underwriters Laboratory Bulletin 972. 2. "Double Cylinder Deadbolt" means a deadbolt lock I -ao- which can be activated only by key on both the interior and the exterior sides. 3. "Door Stop" means the pmjectlon along the top and sides of a door jamb which checks the door's swinging action. 4. "Dwelling" means a building or portlon thereof de- sigxted exClusivelyfor resldentlaloccupancy, includingaingle- famtty dwellings. 5. "Flushbolt" is a manual, key or turn operated metal bolt normally used on inactive door(s) and is attached to the top and bottom of the door and engages in the head and threshold of the frame. 6. "Single Cylinder Deadbolt" means a deadbolt lock which is actlvated from the outside by a key and from the inside by a knob, thumb-tum, lever, or sindlar mechanism. ~~ •41- SECITON 12. Chapter 15.44 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read, in words and 9gures, as follows: 15.44.010 Added -Penalty for Vfolatons 15.44.020 Added - Civil Remedies Available 15.44.030 Added - Severabillty 15.44.010 Amended-Penalty for Violations. Section 15.44.010 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Sectlon 15.44.010. Penaltyty for vlolatlon of T'tUe. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnersldp, or corporaUOn to violate any provision or to fail to comply with any of the requirements of ibis TfUe or the Codes adopted hereby Any person, firm, partnership, or corporation violating any provision of this T'fUe or the Codes adoptedherebby~,or failing to comply with arty of its requirements shall be deemed guUtyofa misdemeanor and upon convictlon thereof shall be unished by a tine not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, orby both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person, firm, partnership. or corporaUOn shall be deemed guilty of separate offense for each and every day or any portion thereof durlnQ which any vtolaUon of any of the provisions o this 17Ue or the Codes adopted hereby to committed, continued or permitted by such person, firm, partnership or corporaUOn, and shall be deemed punishable therefor as provided in Uris 1TUe. c n ~ nnn n........i.,.i r.,..tl Du.., n.11uo A..n11n1.1. Can11n., 15.44.020 of the Rancho Cucamonga Munidp C e is amended to read as follows: Section 15.44.020. CivllProceduresAvailable. Thevlolatlonofanyofthe provisions of this TYUe or the Codes adoppted hereby shall constitute a nuisance and may be abated by the City through dull process by means of restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction or th any other manner provided by law for the abatement of such nuisances. j¢,44.030 Amended-~~veraM1+tv. Seaton 15.44.030 of the Rancho Cucamonga Munidpal Code is amended to read as follows: Section 15.44.03. SeverabWty. The CSty CotmcU hereby declares that should an provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this TtUe or the Codes hereby adopted be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action th a court of competent Jurisdiction, or by reesofl of Any preemptive le~islatlon, the remaining provisions, sections, para~aphs, sentences and words of this T1Ue and the Codes hereby a od pled shall remain th full force and effect. '~3 .,~- /~ C11Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA rou oms em eo7. a~ ate., r.~ed. 9rrn, mo ~us~ Oaia d d. MTr Dertrtia L Stout Nooeaber 22, 1989 The Honorable Board of Supervisors San Bernardino Canty 385 North Arrowhead Aveme San Bernardino, CA 92415-0180 Honorable Meabers of the Board of Supervisors: Please find enclosed a Resolution of the City of Rancho Cucaaronga regarding our City's Sphere of Influence. Na respectfully request your support and active participation in the annexation of our City's Sphere of Influence. Me look forward to working with you on th15 matter. St ncere ly, Dennis L. Stat Mayor oLS: gs ~~ RESOLUTION N0. X 9~ ~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCPMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE SUPPORT OF THE SAN BERNARDINO Cg1NTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RELATIVE N THE CITY ACTIONS TO ANNEX THE ETIWANOA NORTH SPHERE AREA WHEREAS, the City has always maintained that ar sphere of influence fs vital to the welfare of our community ben. a<i se of geographic location, inter-connection of drainage, circulation, topography, environmental and service relationships; and WHEREAS, the City desires to foster the expeditious and logical annexation of said sphere of influence; and WHEREAS, the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors has expressed interest in fostering improved sub-regional and local cooperation in planning; and WHEREAS, the opportunities are now present to enable a coordinated approach m lard use and development in the sphere; and WHEREAS, the City desires consistency in development patterns and regulations between the City's sphere of influence and the City; and WHER ENS, the City feels that the dichotomy between County and City development regulations, polfcies, and standards encourages developers to play one against the other, therefore frustrating any annexation attempts; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to enwre environmentally, as well as economically sou rd planning for the sphere of influence; and WHEREAS, the annexation of said sphere is a key factor to the successful moderation of density, use of conpattb le development standards, coordination of infrastructure facilities and ultimate development of the area. NOW, THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby re calve as follows: 1. The City requests the cooperation and consent of the County in annexing all County-owned land within Rancho Cucamonga's sphere of influence; 2. The City requests the Board of Supervisors support for the City's efforts to annex the re mafnd er of it's northern sphere; ~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTIO N0. RE: S.B. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Page 2 3. The County grant to the City through a cooperative agreement review and processing of all planning and development proposals (with all requisite processing fees) within the sphere of influence, while having the County retain it's approval authority; 4. The City urges the Board of Supervisors to adopt a position that all development within the Rancho Cucamonga sphere of influence be required to follow and adhere to all development standards and policies of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and 5. The Board of Supervisors consider a 90-120 day suspension of development applications in our sphere of influence to enable the proper planning and coordination of policies between the City and the County. ~~ CiTY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: Nove~er 22, 1989 T0: Mdyor and Menbers of the City Council City Manager FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Larry J. Henderson, Principal Planner SUBJECT: CHI NJ VALLEY AGRICULNRAL PftESERYE This memo has been generated to provide information for the City Council regarding continuation of the 14,000 acre Chino Valley Agricultural Preserve. fie information provided below has been generated from contacts with County admfn ist rat fve staff. BACKGROUND & STATISTICS: County Actions On January 5, 1981, the County Board of Supervisors adopted an action pauage to maintain/enhance the agricultural preserve. This plan included, in part, the following provisions: - Maintain ihn nrocorua fnr 4hc n aih~.n /tn .~1. -Exploration of Joint public/private funding for infrastructure fnprovements centering on flood control; - Fromote activities to help solve existing dairy indistry problems; - Establish zoning requirements to be consistent with Williamson Rt Contract subdivision requirements and strengthen General Plan policies to retain agriculture; - Investigate the purchase and land bank of properties for those owners who do not ash to il.ay in 'the preserve. (Refer to attached "County of San Bernardino, Fourth 0l stn lc t, Chino Agricultural Preserve" for add ft tonal provfsions.) MEMO 10: MAYOR AND CC RE: CHINO VALLEY AGR. PRESER YE Nove~er 22, 1989 Page 2 Statistical Information The County's dairy industry, of which about 98% is located in the Chino Pgricultural Preserve, prodices: - E350 million income to the County oer year - 350 mil Lion gallons of milk per year - Approximately 1000 jobs directly, 2500 jobs indirectly (per County estimates). The State estimates that 7500 jobs (direct and indirect) are generated. CURRENT STATUS The Cities of Chino and Ontario are each approaching the San Bernardino County Local Agenry Formation Commission lLAFCO) to justify the area's annexation into their respective communities. Chino is planning to retain the preserve status at least until 1997 while Ontarfo has voiced a philosophy of planning for the eventual development of the area. The desire to retain the preserve as indicated by Chino is also supported by the non-profit Southern California Agricultural Land Foundation and possibly by the County Board of Supervisors. The Canty has retained the FouMat ion to study the agricultural preserve and make rarnmme rclat innc r~ariim fhn n ,.rho en ..s t_.~n .:.4 ~, .~_ ._. .. u ~. ~ ~ the intention to protect se lecYted parcels from sale to residential and commercial developers (refer to "S. B. Canty ponders ."), Dn tario's interest in the farmland is not directed taard its potential preservation, but rather towards its eventual use for expected demands for residential and tonne rc ial activities. Ontario officials indicate that they view dairy farming as an indi stry that has "outlives its time and acceptability to the environment." As a result, Ontario's immediate concerns will be to plan for their expectant urban growth if it becomes part of Lhe City. We hope this report provides the Council with wffic ie nt information regarding this significant West Valley issue. AW:sp Attachments; Chino Agricultural Preserve Newspaper Articles `~8 COUNTY Ot: SAN BERNAROINO CHINO AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE On January 5, 1987, at a regular meeting of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, an action package was adopted to maintain/enhance the Chfno Agricultural Preserve. While it 1s not an ordinance or initiative, it is a blueprint for future action, The Board reserved ±ha right to decide future funding issues, Dut adopted the following package: 1. Maintain existing Preserve boundaries for at least the near future (ID years) subject to more definite difference in consensus of *_he property owners on the course of action and/or the economic viability of the dairy industry changes Substantially for the the worse. 2. In order to help the dairy industry stet' to the area, fund detalTed consultant exploration of the following joint public/private financing options for infrastructure improvements especially flood control, utilizing results of the 205J and River Basin Studies: - Cities of Ontario and Chino participation - Assessment District Acts of 1911, 1913, and 7915 - Community Facilities District - PL-566 project monies and Saii Conservation Service - County Generai Fund _ - Fif1l, /) rowtrol JIi LI~IIG aaagat - Da try Industry Associations - F,A.A, Chino .Airport related funding - Land Development Drainage fees (area wide) - Other banding sources - Not-For-Profit Corporation 3, Promote the foilowing activities to help soave existing dairy industry problems especially waste management: - Promote cooperation between the Nater Quality Control Board, County enforcement agencies end Resource Agencies in rage rd to allowing higher herd densities in exchange for waste management system improvements far those interested dairy owners. - Assist fn the implementation of programs: developed by Soil Conservation Service and UC extension service as part of the River Basin Study and those through the Resource Conservation Dlstrtct. - Assist the Santa Ane Watershed Protect Authority and Chino dastn Municipal Nater D15trict 1n the utilization of tfie brineitne by the dairy industry. ~~ - - Encourage and assist in the location of manure recycling and energy conservation operations. 4, Establish zoning requiring a minimum parcel Size of at least 10 acres to be consistent with current Williamson Act Contract subdivision requirements and strengthening the Preserve by discouraging parcel breakups. 5, Strengthen/enforce current General Pten policies to retain agriculture, Otherwise modify these policies. 6. Attempt to incrementally purchase and land bank those properties whose owners do not wish to stay to the Preserve to be made available for agrfevlture purchase or lease through various funding sources such as County funding, not-for-profit corporations and dairy interest groups. 7, Coordinate a capital improvement policy program/plan that Clrects development into existing urban centers and away from agriculture. Reduce attractiveness of agricultural areas and increase the attractiveness of planned urban arses. B. Explore County and Local Agency Formation Commission annexation agreements with the Cities of Chino and Ontario to retain the Preserve in its present form until cooperative infrastructure packages are developed along with annexations. 9, Coordinate and utilize regional planning agency programs/funding (Southern California Associated Governments and San Bernardino Associated Governments) for protection of agriculture and directing growth. 10. Promote the formation of a dairy action group (possibly a not-for-profit corporation) from various interest associations (Milk Producers Council, Ag Cooperative Extension, Agricultural Commissioner, etc.) for the purpose of action consensus and cooperation in an investment management packago to assist the diary Industry through pooled resources. The group is also needed to communicate and sell programs to the public and other dairymen. il. Limit the Rrshibald Ranch PUD to north of Chino Avenue and inwrporate compatible land use Duffers into the design. 2- ~ v