HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990/06/29 - Agenda Packet - AdjCUCAMO
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Adiourned Meetinc
June 29, 1990 - 5:30 p. m.
Council ChemDere
10500 Civic Center Orive
Rancho Cucamonga, California
A. Call to Order
1. Roll Call:
Buquet _, Alexander _, Stout _, Brown _, Wright
H. Consent calendar
The fallowing Consent Calwder itpe ar• expected to be routine and non^
controversial. They will be acted upon by the Citp Comcil st ane tine without
discussion. Any Stec eaq Ds rawvsd Dp ^ ComeileuDer or weber of the
audience for discussion.
1. Approval to adopt salary reeolut ion implementing salary and benefits
changes for fiscal year 1990/91. Pg. 1
Ths fallowing itws do not legallp require nap public testieonp, elthaugh the
Chair eeq open the east ing for public input.
1. Approval to eat annual special tax for Community BecillLies District No.
80-2 (Biiwenda Highlende). Continued froe Jme Z0, 1990 eeetiaq. Pg. p
City Council Agenda
June 29, 1990
Page 2
The following itees have Men rpnrted D7 tM C1t7 Comcil for diacusaim.
Ths7 are mt public Dearing ilea, altlwngh tM Chair u7 open the rating for
puDlie iaput.
Consideration of support of Aaaenbly Concurrence Rewlution 158 regarding
local school funding. pg. 19
This is the ties aw place for the gmerd public Ta address the Cit7 Cowell.
State law pmhibib the Comcil free addreuing an7 iaaw sot previousl7
included m the Agenda. The Comc11 rl receive taatfaon7 and act tM rttes
Yor a subaequenC artinq. Corenta are to M 1LitW to five ainuGS par
T MMre .T. aAwww Nf~ MwrY of !Yw N~~ of aannFn f4.n~wn,.n~ TwwM n~M,i~
tMt • true, wcurate cop? of the foeypiny agenda wu posted m Jwe 26, 1990,
aarant7-tr boas prior to the seating per Ooveroeen! Code S{953 a! 1OS00 Civic
Canter Drive, Rancho Cuearnge, Glifornia.
4 T•~
4 ,
DATE: June 29, 1990
T0: Mayor, City Council and City Manager
FROM: Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director
ES FOR FT 7 1990 1
The Ctty Council adopt the attached resolution Tmplementing changes in salary
and benefits based on the successful completion of the Meet and Confer process
and through implementation of the classification and compensation study.
The staff conducted Meet and Confer sessions with the City's employee groups
(Supervisory, General and Maintenance) resulting with the signsrtg of
Memorandums of Understanding. The Ctty Council took action at their meeting
on June 14, 1990, adopting the Memorandums of Understanding, and at the
x__ 2n loon ~a~. _. _,l a~_ ai_ ..t_~ i_ .____t_u __ .w_
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classification sand compensation study. The resolution attached yas part Hof
this staff report makes the changes to salaries and benefits based on the
signed Memorandums of Understanding and implements the classification and
compensation study.
Respectfully su^bmi~t'ted,
Jim Hart
Administrative Services Director
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has
determined that ;t iz necessary for the efficient operation and management of
the City that policies De esta Dli sh ed prescribing salary ranges, De nefits, and
hol+'days and other policies for employees of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and
WHEREAS, the C;ty Cov nc+:! of the Ci*y of Pa rc ho Cucamonga recognizes
that it compe CeS in a marketplace to oD to in qualified personnel to perform and
provide municipal services, and that compensation and conditions of employment
must be sufficiently attractive to recruit and retain quallfi ed employees: and
WHEREAS, the revised pay ra nges and Dene fits incorporated in this
Resolution have been reviewed and approved Oy employees representing City
Council approved employee groups Dy the approval of Memorandums of
Understanding, in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows:
SECTION 1: Sa la rv Ranges
(Monthly Amounts)
fnn trnl
Mi nimum Point
Ciass Title Step Amount Steo Amount
Account Clerk [ 311 1,634 351 1,995
lk count Clerk lI 331 1,805 371 2,204
Account Technician 366 2,150 406 2,624
Accounts ntA 405 2,611 445 3,188
Accounting Manager* 419 3,177 519 4,611
/kcts Payable SupervisorA 396 2,497 436 3,048
Admin Services Director+ 551 5,408 591 6,603
Administrative Intern 283 8.20 323 10.01
Administrative Secretary ~ 370 2,193 410 2,677
Animal Control Offfcer I 333 1,823 373 2,226
Animai Control Officer II 353 2,015 393 2,459
Assistant Building Offt r, iai' 506 a,3 Z1 546 5,275
Assistant City Manager+ 595 6,736 635 8,225
Assistant EngineerA 441 3,125 481 3,815
Assistant Park PlannerA 418 2,786 458 3,401
Assistant PlannerA 429 2,943 469 3,593
Assistant Pool Manager 268 1.61 308 9.29
Assistant to Lity Manager' 494 4,070 534 4,969
Associate EngineerA 471 3,629 511 4,430
Associate Park PlannerA 438 3,078 478 3,758
Associate PlannerA 448 3,236 488 3,950
Asst Deputy Cfty Clerk ~ 317 1,684 357 2,055
_ ~~
Page 2
M inimum Point
C1d55 Title $Cep AmOUn[ $tep Amount
Asst Landscape DesignerA 396 2,497 436 3,048
Asst RDA Ana lystA 408 2,650 448 7,236
Benefits Technician 345 1,936 385 2,363
Building Inspection SupvA 2/ 450 3,268 490 3,990
Ouilding Inspector 2/ 410 2,617 450 3,268
Building Offit ial+ 536 5,019 516 6,127
Business license Clerk 334 1,832 314 2,237
Business License SupvA 399 2,534 439 3,094
8usi ne SS License Tech 364 2,128 404 2,598
Buye rA 396 2,491 436 3,048
Cashier/Account Clerk 311 1,634 351 1,995
City Engineer+ 556 5,545 596 6,769
City Manaaerr 662 9,406
City planner+ 548 5,328 588 6,505
Cube ~-r~~-:' °"'-cr '~ 3a4 2 nv? ene n nn
Code Enforcement SupvA 2i 424 2,871 464 3,505
Cade Enforcement Tech 354 2,025 394 2,412
Community Dev Director+ 586 6,440 626 7,864
Community Services Director+ 541 5,145 581 6,281
Community Services Tech 380 2,305 420 2,814
Computer Operator 363 2,118 403 2,585
Counter Plans ExaminerA 440 3,109 480 3,791
Crossing Guards 203 5.50 243 6.72
Custodian 340 1,888 380 2,305
Custodian SupervisorA 434 3,017 414 3,684
Ga to Base Ma na gmnt Ana ly stA 465 3,522 505 4,300
Oa to Processing Manager• 494 4,070 534 4,969
Deputy City C1erkA 378 2,282 418 2,786
Ge yu Ly Cily Eny inee r= 526 w,7 i4 766 7,tlUU
Deputy City Manager+ 542 5,171 582 6,313
Deputy Lity Planner 518 4,588 558 5,601
Disaster Prep Manager' 479 3,777 519 4,611
Disaster Prep Specialist 389 2,411 429 2,943
Electrical Spec ialis CA 2/ 430 2,958 470 3,611
Engineering Aide 381 2,317 421 2,828
Engineering Technician 401 2,560 441 3,125
Equipment Operator 2/ 368 2,171 408 2,650
Executive Assistant° 409 2,664 449 3,252
Finance Officer+ 52t 4,657 561 5,685
fleet Maintenance Supt" 2/ 474 3,686 514 4,497
GIS SupervisorA 448 3,236 488 3,950
GIS Technician 397 2,459 433 3,002
Instructor/Guard I 203 5,50 243 6.72
Snstructor{Guard ii 243 6.12 283 8.20
Inventory Specialist E/M 2/ 344 1,926 384 2,351
Junior Engineer 411 2,690 451 3,284
Junior Engineering Aide 761 2,097 401 2,560
Landscape DesignerA 426 2,899 466 3,500
Lead Maintenance Worker ~ 355 2,035 395 2,484
Lead Mechanic 2/ 402 2,572 442 3,140
Maintenance SuDgrvi orA ~
Mafntera nce Worker ~ 4 4
9 91 pggt1 4 4 g 6g4
Management Aide ~
9 2~A I8
2 4411 980
429 2,305
2 8499
P,e solo lion `;o. 90-e ,?
Page 3
Minimum Paint
Class Titre Stea Amount Steo Amount
Management Analyst fA 419 2,80C 459 3,418
Management Analyst ifA a48 3,236 489 3,950
Mechanic 2/ 387 2,387 427 2,914
Mechanic's Assistant 2/ 340 1,888 380 2,305
Microcomputer Spec ialTSt 393 2,459 433 3,002
Office Services Clerk 307 1,602 341 1,955
Office Specialist I 287 1,450 327 1,710
Office 6pe: ial ist 11 1; 307 i,6"u2 347 i,955
Park Construction/AC qu ist Su pvA 412 2,704 452 3,301
Park Planning/Dev Supt* 481 3,815 521 4,657
Park/Lands. Ma int Supt* 2/ 474 3,684 514 4,497
Personnel Analyst IA 393 2,459 433 3,002
Personnel Analyst Ila 448 3,236 488 3,950
Personnel Clerk 335 1.842 375 2.248
ne rsonnel/Risk Manager" 494 4,010 534 4,969
Plan Check Coordinator. 476 3,721 516 4,542
Planning Aide 283 8,20 323 10.01
Planning Commission SecyA 378 2,282 418 2,786
Planning Technician 369 2,182 409 2,664
Plans ExaminerA 430 2,958 470 3,611
Plans Examiner-GradingA 2/ 430 2,958 410 3,611
Plumbing/Mechanical SpeclalistA 430 2,958 410 3,611
Police Clerk"" 313 1,650 353 2,015
Pool Manager .292 8.57 332 10.47
Principal Planner" 498 4,152 538 5,069
Principal Plans ExaminerA 446 3,204 486 3,911
Programmer/AnalystA 446 3,204 486 3,911
7uui i~ Service iecnnic ion dDl Z,U9/ 4U1 2,560
PuDl is Works Engineer' 2/ 496 4,111 536 5,019
Public Works Inspector 12/ 393 2,459 433 3,002
PuDl is Works Inspector II 2/ 413 2,717 453 3,317
Public Works Ma int Mgr' 2% 504 4,278 544 5,223
Purchasing AgentA 419 3,717 519 4,611
Receptionist 297 1,524 337 1,860
Records Clerk 307 1,602 347 1,955
Records Manager/City Clerk* 504 4,218 544 5,223
Recreation Aide 164 4,53 204 5,53
Recreation Assistant 203 5,50 243 6.72
Recreation Coordinator 387 2,387 427 2,914
Recreation Leader 253 7.06 293 8.62
Recreation Superintendent' 492 4,030 532 4,919
Recreation SupervisorA d17 2,772 457 3,384
Red eveiupment Ana ly StA 438 3,078 478 3,758
Redevelopment Manager. 533 4,944 573 6,036
Rehab Spec 1a11stA 2/ 430 2,958 470 3,611
Resource Services ~UpVA 448 3,236 488 3,950
Risk Management PnalystA 419 2,800 459 3 a18
Seasonal Maintenance Tech 243 6,72 283 8.20
Secretary 1/ 340 1,888 380 2,305
Senior Civil Engineer' 506 4,3 Z1 546 5,275
Senior Planner 478 3,758 518 4,588
ut~ No. 90-tie
Page 4
Mi nimum Point
Class Title Steo Amount Step Amount
Signal a Lighting Tech 2/ 418 2,786 458 3,401
Special Districts Supe rvA 448 3,236 488 3,950
Special Districts Tech 380 2,305 42C 2,814
Sr Account Tech 380 2,305 420 2,814
Sr Accountants 448 3,236 488 3,950
Sr Administrative Secy 1/ 378 2,282 418 2,786
Sr Business license Tech 379 2,294 419 2,800
Sr G15 Technician 413 2,717 453 3,317
Sr Mai..^.!e na ^.ce Worker 1~ 350 1 985 390 2,423
Sr Plans Examiner-81dgA 450 3,268 490 3,990
Sr Plans Examiner-Fires 450 3,268 490 3,990
Sr Records Clerk 311 1,684 357 2,055
Sr Redevelopment Analyst' 468 3,575 508 4,364
St/Storm Ora in Ma int Su pt'f 474 3,684 514 4,497
Structural Specialists 2/ 430 2,958 470 3,611
.-iU i1C~r An iwal ~n Lei ~ifi~ti n" 3C3 a,3YV iG3 [,O S6
Su pe rv Puolic Works [n spA J 443 3,156 483 3,853
Systems AnalystA 465 3,522 505 4,300
Traffic Engineer' 511 4,430 551 5,408
R*Th is classification when assigned to shifts other than day shift shall have
an additienal pay of 40 cents per hour.
J When acting as Clerk to Council/Commissions E50 paid per night or weekend
day meeting.
2/ Up !0 5150 provided annually toward purchase of approved safety footware.
A Denotes Supervisory/Professional Class
* Denotes Management Class
+ Denotes Executive Class
Exew live Management employees will De assigned to salary ranges which are no
less than 20Y (40 salary code steps) below the control point and no more than
i5S (30 salary code steps) above the control point. All other employees will
De assigned to salary ranges which are no less than 20S (40 salary code steps)
below the control point and no more than 5X (10 salary code steps) above the
control point. Ac tuai salary within the range is determined Dy performance,
achievement of goals and ob,lec Lives, or for recent appointments, growth within
LhP p051L10n.
SECTION 3: Three tiered Manacement Proo ram
Employees designated as either Professional/Supervisory, Management,
or Executive Management are not eligible for overtime pay, or compensatory
time for working hours over and above the normal daily work schedule.
Employees so designated shall De entitled Co all benefits provided to general
employees and the following;
Resolution No. 90-C 73
Page 5
Su pe rv iso rv/Professional
A. Administrative leave to a maximum of forty hours per
calendar year at the discretion of appropriate supervisor,
after successful completion of six months service within
this classification.
B. Life insurance policy df an additional twenty thousand
C. Deferred compensation program of twa percent of salary.
Ma nagement
A. Administrative leave to a maximum of sixty hours per
calendar year at the discretion of appropriate supervisor,
after successful completion of six months service within
this classification.
B, Life insurance policy of an add tt Tonal twenty thousand
C. Deferred compensation program of four percent of salary.
Executive Management
A. Administrative leave to a maximum of eighty hours per
calendar year at the discretion of appropriate supervisor,
after successful completion of six months service within
this classiffcation.
B, Automobile allowance of E250,00 per month if a City
vehicle is not provided.
C. Life insurance policy of an additional th trty thousand
n no fp rrcd rmm~anga lino ,.s ri. _t ,.s .-,. _..
r o _... _ _ r-. ._.~ ~ ... ~.r.
SECTION 4: Life Insurance
The City prgv ides E30,000 base coverage of life insurance for all
employees. Employees who want to purchase additional life insurance coverage
with personal funds may do so at the city's group rate.
SECTION 5; Health insurance
The City provides health insurance plans available to all full time
continuous salaried employees and elected officials. The City agrees to
average the cost of medical insurance for employees as one group, thus,
providing for no additional payment Dy employees for coverage through June 30,
1991 .
SECTION 6; Dental lnsurance
The City shall provide a dental insurance plan for all full-time
continuous salaried employees and elected officials. The City agrees to
average the cost of dental lnsurance for all full time continuous salaried
employees and elected officials up to a maximum of :55.00 per employee or
elected official per month to be effective July 1, 1990.
Yki . ~ V
Resolution No. 90-213
Page 6
SECTION 7; Optical Insurance
The City shall provide an optical insurance plan for all full-time
continuous salaried employees and elected officials. The City agrees to
average the cost of optical insurance for all full time continuous salaried
employees and elected officials to be effective July 1, 1990.
SECTION 8: Tuition Reimburs event
Employees are eligible for reimbursement of up to $1,500 based on
actual cost as documented by receipts, per fiscal year for costs associated
with attendance of work related classes, or earning credits towards campleti on
of courses required for the degree, or courses that employee feels would be
valuable for their overall development at colleges or universities. Approval
fnr reimhurcanoot m~~<r he nhr •~„eq by rF~ -...,_._c~, _ ___ __ _
,. .;:,... c...,. ,... .,.
taking the course.
SECTION 9: Holidays
The City Offices shall observe the following 14 holidays. qll full
time continuous salaried enployees shall be compensated at their regular rate
for these days.
(a) January 1 - New Years Day
(b) January - third Monday - Martin Luther King's Birthday.
Employees who wish to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday
may do sa on the designated day. Employees who do not wish
to celebrate his birthday on the designated day may use those
u!! fii fiuol.~ny uuiiuay ilUU~! W be ulCti WI L11 i 11 46e
calendar year. The floating holf day hours assoti ated with
Martin Luther King's birthday are not usable until the
recognized observance day or after, but must be used by
December 31.
(b) February - Washington's Birthday
(c) May - Memorial Day
(d) July 4 - independence Day
(ej September - Labor Day - The first Monday in September
(f) November 11 - Veteran's Day
(g) November - Thanksgiving Day
(h) November -The day following Thanksgiving
(i) December -The day preceding Christmas
(j) December 25 - ChrS stmas Day
(k) Three discretionary days may he taken by an enolovee at
hi ;(her convenience who has successfully completed probation
subject to approval of the department head. Days may not be
carried over from one calendar year to next. Employees
working 4-ten hour days may charge an equivalent amount of
time against holiday hours so that the number of days off are
equal to the number of days 8-hour work shift employees
Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be
observed as a holiday. Whenever a halfday falls on a Saturday, the preceding
_ Friday shall he observed as the holiday.
Resolution No. 90-273
SECTION 10; Shift Holiday Time
Employees assigned to a compressed work schedule (i.e. 4/10, 9/BO)
are entitled to the same number of holidays as employees working the
traditional 5/8 plan.
SECTION 11: Holiday Time
The City agrees that employees who are assigned to work on a holiday,
whether or not their regular Shift assignment requires they work that day, are
eligible for pay at time and one-half for working that day. This tfine and
one-half may De Ca ken as compensation or put in a compensatory time off
bank. In effect, compensating at double time and one-half. That rate of
compensation is tallied as follows: the eight hours compensation for the
holiday, plus compensation at time and one-half for the hours actually wa rk.
This payment at time and one-half aoroga tes the employees right to that
SECTION 12: Premium Holiday Comoensa Lion
Maintenance employees required as part of the regular work assignment
to work on Christmas Day, New Years Day, Independence Day or Thanksgiving Day,
are allowed to observe the holiday on another day. Additionally, these
employees who work on the aforementfoned designated holidays may select to
receive compensation on that holiday at time and one-half for the eight hour
shift, or take a second holiday as time off at a later date.
SECTtON 13: Vacation
All full-time employees shall, with continuous servfce, accrue
working days of vacation monthly according to the following schedule:
Length of Service in Years Mnual Oays Accrued
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
5 14
6-8 15
9 16
10 17
11-13 18
14 19
15+ 20
SECTION 14: Sick Leave Bu vDatk
Employees who terminate their city empioyment after five years of
continuous servfce and have at least 50S of five years' sick leave accrued on
the Dodks upon termfnation can sell 120 hours Dack to the Ctty.
~~: .
Resolution No. 90-273
Page 8
SECTION 15: Personal Leave
Employees can use up to 16 hours of accrued sick leave as personal
leave. This 16 hours can De used incrementally (i .e., 1 hour, 1/2 hour)
throughout the fiscal year. Use of this time is for emergency situations
requiring the employee's attention and needs to be cleared with their
supervisor when using this time.
SECTION 16: Maternity Leave
Female employees are granted up to four months maternity leave for
the birth or adoption of a child. Employees on a maternity leave of absence
without pay will be responsible for the payment of medical, dental and optical
premiums to keep the coverage in force during the leave of absence.
SECTION 17: Pa to rnity Leave
Male employees are granted up to 2 days paternity leave with pay for
the birth or adoption of a child. Any time required beyond this initial 2
days must be charged to sick leave.
SECTION 18: Bereavement Leave
Employees granted up to five (6) bereavement leave days with pay.
SECTION 19: Military Leave
Employees required to serve military leave will be campen sa ted at
regular time. To qualify for compensation the military orders must De
submitted to the supervisor prior to their tour of duty and must De attached
to the timecard for that oav period.
SECTION 20: Standby Pav
Employees required to be on standby shall be compensated at the rate
of 5128 per week.
cEC T10N 21: Overtime - Maintenance
The City agrees that employees who are Sent home t0 rest and to be
available to work additional hours as a result of a storm or impending
emergency situation and are not subsequently recalled to work, will De
compensated for the hours not worked in that shift, due to them having Deen
sent home, to bring the total hours to 8 worked in that shift.
Empioyees who are subsequently recalled to work the 540 rm or
emergency situation will work no more than 1Z consecutive hours. Any hours
worked in excess of 8 in that 12 hour shift will De paid at time and one-half,
regardiess of the total numbers of compensated hours for that work week.
SECTION 22: Safety Footwear
The City will provide up to 5150 annually toward the purchase of
safety footwear for employees required to wear safety footwear as part of
their JoD res ponsiDilftfes.
Resolution No. 90-L/3
Page 9
SECTION 23: Confidential Emoloyees
Confidential employees are designated as such when an employee in the
course of his or her duties, has access to information relating to the City'S
administration of employer-employee relations. Employees designated as
confidential employees may not act as representatives of employee organiz-
ations which represent other employees of the Lity. The employees designated
as confidential employees are as folloMS:
Personnel Analyst
Personnel Clerk
Benefits Technician
Account Technician - Payroll
Office Spec ialf st II
Sec re to ry
Pla onion rnmmicc inn Sor ra to rv
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 29th day of June 1990.
Debra J. ams, City Clerk
Admin Secretary
Sr Admin Secretary
Executive Assistant
Asst Deputy City Llerk
Oepu ty City Clerk
Records Ma nagerlCi ty Clerk
Dennis L. tout, Mayor
I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,
California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed,
approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,
Caiifo rn fa, a4 an ad,iou rned meeting of said Lity Council held on the 29th day
of June, 1990.
Execute4 this 30th day of June, 1989 at Rancho Cucamonga, California
DQDra ams, Ly er
Page 10
Range Hourly Bi-Weekl Monthly Ra nae Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly
Rate atR a Rate Hurbcr .°.z to Rate Rate
151. 4,2439 339.5134 736 191. 5.1909 414,4760 898
152. 4.2651 341.2109 739 192. 5,2069 416.5483 903
153. 4.2865 342,9170 743 193. 5,2329 418.6311 907
154. 4.3079 344.6316 747 194, 5.2591 420.7242 912
155. 4.3294 346.3541 750 195. 5,2853 422.8279 916
156. 4.3511 348.0865 754 196, 5.3118 424.9420 921
i5i, ti.o7~o iii i.nioi i$u iii. S,SJB,S 4U .U00/ YLO
158. 4.3947 351.5761 162 198, 5.3650 429.2020 930
159, 4.4167 353.3340 766 199. 5.3919 431.3481 935
160. 4.4388 355.1006 769 200. 5.4188 433.5048 939
161. 4.4620 356.8761 773 201. 5,4459 435.6723 944
162. 4.4833 358.6605 177 202. 5.4731 437.8507 949
163. 4,5057 360.4538 181 203. 5.5005 440.0399 953
164. 4.5282 362.2561 185 204. 5.5280 442,2401 956
165. 4.5508 364.0674 789 205. 5.5556 444,4513 963
I66. 4.5736 365,8877 793 206. 5.5834 446.6736 968
167. 4,5965 361.7171 791 201. 5.6113 448,9070 973
168. 4,6194 369.5557 801 208. 5.6394 451,1515 977
169. 4.6425 371.4035 805 209. 5,6676 453.4073 982
170. 4,6658 373,2605 809 210. 5.6959 455,6743 987
171. 4,7891 315.1268 813 211. 5,7244 457.9527 992
172. 4.7125 377.0025 817 212, 5.1530 460.2424 997
173. 4.7361 378.8875 821 213. 5,7816 462.5436 1002
174, 4.7598 380.7819 825 214. 5.8107 464,8564 1007
175. 4.7836 382,6858 829 215. 5.8398 467.1806 1012
176. 4.8075 384,5992 833 216. 5.8690 469.5165 1017
177. 4,8315 386.5222 831 217. 5,8983 471.8641 1022
178. 4,6557 388.4548 842 218, 5.9278 474.2234 1027
179. 4.8800 390,3971 846 219. 5.9574 476,5946 1033
180. 4,9044 392.3491 850 220. 5,9872 478.9775 1038
181. 4,9289 394,3109 854 221. 6.0172 481.3724 1043
182. 4,9535 396.2624 859 222, 6.0472 483,7793 1048
163. 4.9783 398,2638 863 223. 6.0715 486.1982 1053
184. ;.]032 47n,2551 867 224. 6.1074 488
5242 1054
185. 5.0282 402,2564 872 225, 6.1384 .
491.0723 1064
166. 5.0533 404.2677 876 226. 6.1691 493.5277 1069
187, 5.0186 406,2890 880 227. 6,1999 495.9953 1075
188. 5,1040 408.3205 885 228. 6.2309 498.4753 1080
189, 5,1295 410.3621 889 229. 6,2521 500.9677 1085
190. 5,1552 412,4139 894 230. 6.2934 503,4725 1091
_ No . 3
p age 11
Ra nae Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly Ra n4e Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly
Number Rate Rate Rate Number Rate Rate Rate
231. 6,3249 505.9899 1096 281. 6.1162 648.2993 1407
232. 5.3565 508,5198 1102 282. 8.1568 652.5458 1414
233. 6.3883 511.0624 1107 283. 8.1976 655,8085 1421
234, 6,4202 513.6177 1113 284. 8.2386 659.0875 1428
235. 6.4523 516.1858 1118 285. 8.2798 662.3830 1435
236. 6.4846 518.7667 1124 286, 8.3212 665.6949 1x42
237. 6.5170 521.3606 1130 287, 8.3628 669.0234 1450
238. 6,5496 523.9674 1135 288. 8.4046 672.3685 1457
?39. 5.5623 526.5872 1141 289. 9.4456 675.7303 1464
240. 6.6153 529.2202 1147 290, 8.4689 679.Y090 1471
241. 6.6483 531.8663 1152 291. 8.5313 682.5045 1479
242. 6,6816 534.5256 1158 292. 8.5740 685.9170 1466
Loo, o. /1bU 631.1982 1164 293. tl.b168 bb9..74ob iayv
244, 6.7486 539.8842 1170 294. 8.6599 692.7933 1501
245. 6,1823 542.5836 1176 295. 8,7032 696,2573 1509
246, 6.8162 545,2965 1181 296. 8.7467 699.7386 1516
247. 6,8503 548.0230 1181 291, 8.7905 103.2313 1524
248, 6.8845 550.7631 1193 298. 8.8344 706.7535 1531
249. 6.9190 553.5170 1199 299. 8.8786 110.2672 1539
250. 6.9536 556.2845 1205 300. 8.9230 713.8387 1547
251. 6,9883 559.0660 1211 301. 8.9676 71J.4079 1554
252. 7.0233 561.8613 1217 302. 9.0124 120.9949 1562
253. 7.0584 564.6706 1223 303, 9,0575 724.5999 1570
254. 7.0937 567,4940 1230 304, 9.1028 728.2229 1578
255. 7,1291 570.3314 1236 305. 9.1483 731.8640 1586
256. 7.1648 513,1831 1242 306, 9.1940
^.00 735,5233 1594
258. 1.2366 518.9292 1254 308. 9.2862 142.8969 1610
259. 7,2728 581.8239 1261 309. 9.3326 746.6114 1619
260. 7.3092 584.7330 1267 310. 9,3793 750,3445 1626
261. 1.3451 587.6567 1213 311. 9.4262 754.0962 1634
262. 7.3824 590.5950 1280 312. 9.4733 757.8667 1642
263. 7,4193 593.5479 1286 313. 9.5207 761.6560 1650
264. 7,4564 596.5157 1292 314. 9.5683 765,4643 1659
265. 1.4937 599.4982 1299 315, 9.6161 769.2916 1667
266, 7.5312 602.4957 1305 316, 9.6642 773.1381 1615
267. 7.5689 605.5082 1312 317. 9.7125 777.0038 1684
268. 1.6061 608,5358 1318 318. 9.7611 780.8888 1692
269. 7.6447 611.5784 1325 319. 9.8099 184.7932 1700
270. 7,6830 614.6363 1332 320. 9.8590 788.7172 1709
271. 1,7214 617.7095 1338 321. 9.9083 792.6608 1717
272, 7,7600 620.7981 1345 322, 9.9578 796.6241 1726
273, 7.7988 623.9021 1352 323. 10.0076 800.6072 1735
274, 7.8376 626.0216 1359 3'24. 10,0576 804.6103 1743
215, 7.8770 630.1567 1365 325. 10.1079 808.6333 1752
276. 7,9163 633.3075 1372 326. 10,1585 812.6765 1761
217. 7.9559 636.4740 1379 327, 10.2092 816.7399 1770
278, 7,9957 639.6564 1386 328. 10.2603 820,8236 1778
279. 8.0357 642,8546 1393 329. 10.3116 824.9277 1787
280. 8.0759 645.0689 1400 330, 10.3632 829.0523 1796
Page 12
Ra nge Hourly Bi-Weekly Mon~thl Ra nae Hou rlv Bi-Weekly Monthly
Number Rate Rate aR to Number Rate Rate Rate
331. 10.4150 933.1976 1805 381. 13.3648 1069.1806 2317
332. 10.4610 837,3636 1814 382. 13.4316 1074.5265 2328
333. 10.5194 841.5504 1823 383. 13.4987 1079.8992 2340
334, 10.5720 845.7581 1832 384. 13.5662 1085.2987 2351
335. 10.6248 649.9869 1842 385, 13,6341 1090.7252 2363
336. 10.6780 854.2369 1851 386. 13.7022 109fi.1788 2375
337. 10.7314 658.5060 1860 387. 13,7707 1101.6597 2381
338. 10.7850 862.8006 1869 388. 13.8396 1107.1680 2399
339. 10.8389 867.1146 1819 389. 13,9088 1112.1038 2411
340. 10.8931 871.4502 1888 390. 13.9783 1118.2673 2423
341. 10.9476 875.8014 1898 391. 14.0482 1123.8587 2435
342. 11.0023 880.1864 1907 392. 14.1185 1129.4780 2447
11,1126 oov'.5o7v'
889.0103 i4i7
1926 -
345. 11.1682 893.4554 1936 395. 14.3313 1146.5050 2484
346, 11.2240 897.9226 1945 396. 14.4030 1152.2375 2491
347. 11.2802 902.4123 1955 397. 14.4750 1157.9987 2509
348. 11.3366 906.9243 1965 398. 14.5474 1163.7887 2522
349. 11.3932 911.4589 1975 399. 14.6201 1169.6076 2534
350, 11.4502 916.0162 1985 400. 14.6932 1175.4557 2541
351. 11.5075 920.5963 1995 401. 14.7667 1181.3329 2560
352. 11.5650 925.1993 2005 402. 14,8405 1187,2396 2572
353. 11.6228 929.8253 2015 403. 14.9141 1193,1758 2585
354, 11,6809 93b ,4744 2025 404. 14.9893 1199.1417 2598
355. 11.7343 939.1468 2035 405, 15.0642 1205.1374 2611
356. 11,7980 943.8425 2045 406. 15.1395 1211,1631 2624
757 tl RF7n 9aR.5fi17 9055 407. 15.2152 1217,2189 2637
358. 11.9163 953.3045 2065 408. 15.2913 1223.3050 2650
359. 11.9759 958,0111 2076 409. 15,3678 1229.4215 2664
360. 12.0358 962.8614 2086 410. 15.4446 1235.5686 2617
361. 12.0959 961.6751 2097 411. 15,5218 1241.7465 2690
362. 12.1564 972.5141 2107 412. 15.5994 1247,9552 2704
363, 12.2172 977,3767 2118 413. 15.6774 1254.1950 2717
364. 12.2183 982.2636 2128 414. 15.7558 1260.4660 2731
365, 12,3397 987.1749 2139 415. 15,8346 1266.7683 2745
366, 12.4014 992.1108 2150 416. 15.9138 1273.1021 2758
367. 12.4634 991.0713 2160 417. 15,9933 1279.4676 2772
368. Y2.5257 1002,0567 2171 418. 16.0733 1285.8650 2786
369. 12.5883 1007,0669 2182 419. 16,1537 1292.2943 2800
370. 12.6513 1012.1023 2193 420. 16.2344 1298.7558 2814
371, 12.7145 1017.1628 2204 421. 16.3156 1305,2496 2828
372. 12.7781 1022.2486 2215 422. 16.3972 1311,7758 2842
373. 12.8420 1027.3598 2226 423, 16.4792 1318.3347 2856
374. 12.9062 1032.4966 2237 424, 16.5616 1324,9264 2871
375. 12.9707 1037.6591 2248 425. 16.6444 1331.5510 2885
316. 13.0356 1042.8474 2260 426. 16,7276 1338,2087 2899
377. 13.1008 1048.0617 2271 421. 16.8112 1344.8998 2914
318. 13.1663 1053.3020 2282 428. 16,8953 1351.6243 2929
319, 13.2321 1058.5685 2294 429. 16.9798 1358.3824 2943
380, 13.2983 1063.8613 2305 430. 11.0647 1365.1743 2958
Page 13
Ra n4e Hou rlv Bi-Weekly Monthly Range Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly
Number Rate Rate Rate Number Rate Rate Ra to
431. 11.150D 1372.0002 2973 481. 22.0073 1760.5861 3815
432. 17,2358 1378.8602 2988 482. 22.1174 1769.3890 3834
433. 17.3219 1385.1545 3002 483. 22.2279 1778.2359 3853
434. 17.4085 1392.6833 3017 484, 22.3391 1787.1271 3872
435. 17.4956 1399,6467 3033 485. 22.4508 1796.0627 3891
436. 17,5831 1406.6449 3048 486. 22.5630 1805.0431 3911
437. 17.6710 1413.6781 3063 487. 22.6759 1814.0683 3930
438. 17.1593 1420,7465 3018 488. 22.7892 1823.1386 3950
439. 17.8481 1427.8503 3094 489, 22.9032 1932,2543 3910
44G. 17.9374 1434,9895 3109 490. 23.0177 1841.4156 3990
441. 18.0211 1442.1645 3125 491. 23,1328 1850.6227 4010
442. 18.1112 1449.3753 3140 492. 23.2484 1859.8758 4030
443. 1A.207fl 145fi.fi999 ¢isa a47 91.ifi47 1Afi9.1752 4050
444. 18.2988 1463.9053 3172 494, 23.4615 1876.5210 4070
445. 18.3903 1471.2248 3188 495. 23.5989 1887.9136 4090
446. 18.4823 1478.5809 3204 496. 23.7169 1897.3532 4111
447. 18.5741 1485.9738 3220 497, 23,8355 1906.8400 4131
448. 18.6577 1493.4037 3236 498. 23.9547 1916.3742 4152
349. 18.1609 1500.8707 3252 499. 24.0145 1925.9560 4173
450. 18.8541 1508.3751 3268 500. 24.1948 1935.5858 4194
451. 18.9490 1515.9169 3284 501, 24.3158 1945.2637 4215
452. 19.0437 1523.4965 3301 502. 24.4374 1954.9901 4236
453. 19.1389 1531.1140 3317 503. 24.5596 1964.7650 4257
a5a, 19.2346 1538.7696 3334 504. 24.6824 1974.5888 4278
455. 19.3308 1546.4634 3351 505. 24.8058 1984,4618 4300
456, 19,4274 1554,1957 3367 506. 24.9298 1994.3841 4321
457. 19.5246 1561.9667 3384 507. 25.0545 2004,3560 4343
458. 19.6222 1569.7766 3401 508, 25.1797 2014.3778 4364
459. 19.7203 1577,6254 3418 509. 25.3056 2024.4497 4386
460. 19.8169 1585.5136 3435 510. 25.4321 2034.5719 4408
461. 19.9180 1593.4411 3452 511, 25.5593 2044.7446 4430
462. 20.0175 1601.4083 3470 512. 25.6811 2054.9685 4452
463. 20.1177 1609.4154 3467 513. 25,8155 1065.2434 4475
454. 20,2183 1617,4625 3505 514. 25.9446 2075.5696 4497
465. 20.3194 1625.5498 3522 515. 26.0743 2085.9474 4520
466. 20.4210 1633.6775 3540 516. 26.2047 2096.3772 4542
467. 20.5231 1641.8459 3557 517. 26.3351 2106.8590 4565
468, 20,6251 1650.0551 3515 518. 26.4674 2117.3933 4588
469. 20,7286 1658.3054 3593 519. 26.5998 2127.9803 4611
470. 20.8325 1666,5969 3611 520. 26.7328 2138.6202 4634
471. 20.9366 1674.9299 3629 521. 26.8664 2149.3133 4657
472. 21.0413 1683.3046 3647 522. 27.0007 2160.0599 4680
473. 21.1465 1691.1211 3665 523. 27.1358 2170,8602 4704
474. 21.2522 1700.1797 3684 524. 27.2714 2181.7145 4127
475. 21.3585 1708.6806 3702 525. 27.4078 2192.6230 4751
476. 21.4653 1717.2240 3721 526. 27.5448 2203.5862 4774
477. 21.5726 1725.8101 3739 527. 27.6826 2214.6041 4798
478, 21.6805 1734,4392 3758 528. 27.8210 2225.6771 4822
479. 21.7889 1743.1114 3777 529. 27.9601 2236.8055 4846
480. 21.8978 1751.8269 3796 530. 28.0999 2247.9895 4871
Resolution No. 90-213
Page i4
Rance Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly Ra nae Hourly Bi-Weekly Monthly
Number Rate Rate Rate Number Rate Rate Rate
531. 28.2404 2259.2295 4895 561. 36.2388 2899.1016 6281
532. 28.3816 2270.5256 4919 582. 36.4200 2913.5971 6313
533. 28.5235 2281.8783 4944 583. 36.6021 2928.1651 6344
534, 28.6661 2293.2876 4969 584. 36.7851 2942.8059 6376
535. 26.8094 2304.1541 4994 585. 36.9b90 2951,5199 6408
536. 28.9535 2316.2779 5019 586. 31.1538 2972.3015 6440
537. 29.0982 2321.8592 5044 587. 31,3396 2987.1691 6472
538. 29.2437 2339.4985 5069 588. 37.5263 3002.1049 6505
539. 29.3900 2351.1960 5094 589. 31.7139 3017.1154 6537
540. 29.5369 2362.9520 5120 590. 37.9025 3032.2010 6570
541. 29.6846 2374,1666 5145 591. 38.0920 3041.3620 6603
say ?a 833n ?38F FgnS 517i 547. 38.2825 3062.5988 6636
543. 29.9822 2398.5736 5197 593. 38.4739 3077.9118 6669
544. 30.1321 2410.5667 5223 594. 38.6663 3093.3014 6102
545. 30.2827 2422.6195 5249 595. 38.8596 3108.7679 6736
546, 30.4342 2434.1326 5215 596. 39.0539 3124.3117 6769
547, 30.5863 2446.9063 5302 591. 39.2492 3139.9333 6803
548. 30.7393 2459.1408 5328 598. 39.4454 3155.6330 6837
549, 30.8930 2471.4365 5355 599. 39.6426 3171.4111 6811
550. 31,0414 2483.1937 5382 600. 39.8409 3187.2682 6906
551, 31.2027 2496,2127 5408 601, 40.0401 3203,2045 6941
552. 31.3587 2508.6937 5436 602. 40,2403 3219.2206 6976
553. 31.5155 2521.2372 5463 603. 40.4415 3235.3167 7011
554. 31.6130 2533.8434 5490 604. 40.6437 3251.4932 7046
555. 31.8314 2546.5126 5517 605. 40.8469 3267.7507 7081
656 71 0006 9550 OA S9 GSA6 606 At 0510 OOOA 000C On t
557. 32.1505 2572.0414 5573 607. 41.2564 3300.5100 1152
558. 32.3113 2584,9016 5601 608. 41.4627 3317.0125 7188
559. 32.4728 2597.8261 5629 609. 41.6700 3333,5975 7224
560. 32.6352 2610,8152 5651 610. 41.6784 3350.2655 7260
561. 32.7984 2623.8693 5685 611. 42.0818 3367.0168 7296
562. 32.9624 2626.9886 5713 612. 42.2982 3383.8519 7333
563. 33.1272 2650.1736 5742 613. 42.5097 3400.7712 7370
564, 33.2928 2663,4245 5771 614. 42.7222 3417.7750 7407
565. 33.4593 2616.7416 5800 615, 42.9358 3434.8639 7444
566. 33,6266 2690.1253 5829 616. 43.1505 3452,0382 7481
567. 33.7947 2703,5759 5858 617. 43.3663 3469.2984 7518
568. 33,9637 2717.0938 5887 618. 43.5831 3486.6449 7556
569. 34,1335 2730.6793 5916 619. 43,8010 3504.0781 7594
570. 34.3042 2744.3321 544E 620. 44.0200 3521.5985 1632
571, 34,4751 2758,0543 5976 621, 44.240 3539.206 7670
572, 34.6481 2771.8446 6006 622. 44.461 3556.902 7709
573, 34.8213 2785.7038 6036 623, 44.683 3574,687 7747
514. 34.9954 2799.6323 6066 624. 44.906 3592.560 7786
575. 35.1704 2813.6305 6096 625. 45.131 3610,523 7625
576. 35,3462 2827,6987 6127 626. 45.357 3628.576 7864
577. 35.5230 2841.8371 6157 627. 45,584 3646.719 7903
578, 35,7006 2856.0463 6188 628. 45.812 3664.953 7943
579. 35.8791 2870.3266 6219 629. 46.041 7683.278 7983
560. 36.0585 2884,6782 6250 630. 46.271 3701.694 8023
Resolution No. 90-273
Page 15
Number Hourly
Rat Bi-Weekly
t Monthly
t Ra_ n9e. Hour1_y 6i-W__=eekly_ Monthly
e a
e Ra
e Num er Rate Rate Rate
631. 46.502 3720.202 6063 671. 56.771 4541.605 9838
632. 46.135 3738.803 8103 672. 57.055 4564.313 9887
633. 46.969 3757.497 8144 673. 57.340 4587.135 9936
634. 47.204 3776.264 8134 674. 57.627 4610.071 9986
635. 47.440 3795.165 8225 675. 57.915 4633.121 10,036
636. 47.677 3814.141 8267 67b. 58.205 4656.287 10,086
637. 47,915 3833.212 8308 671. 58.496 4679.568 10,137
638. 48.155 3852.378 8349 678. 58.188 4702.966 10
639. 48.396 3871.640 8391 679. 59.082 4726.481 ,
640. 48.638 3890.998 8433 680. 59.377 4750.113 10,290
641. 48.881 3910.453 8475 681. 59.674 4773.864 10,341
642. 49.125 3930.005 8518 682. 59.972 4797.733 10,393
643. 49.371 3949.655 8560 683. 60,272 4821.722 10,445
644. 49.618 3969.403 8603 684. 60.573 4845.831 10,497
645. 49.866 3989.250 8646 685. 60.876 4870.060 10,550
646. 50.115 4009.196 8689 686. 61.180 4894.410 10,603
647. 50.366 4029.242 8733 687. 61.486 4918.881 10,656
646. 50.618 4049.388 8776 668. 61.793 4943.476 10,709
649. 50.871 4069.635 8820 689. 62.102 4%8.193 10,763
650. 51.125 4089.983 8864 690. 62.413 4993.034 10,816
651. 51.381 4110.433 8908 691, 62.725 5017.999 10,870
652. 51,638 4130.985 8952 692. 63.039 5043.089 10,925
653. 51.696 4151.640 8996 693. 63.354 5068.304 10,979
o5v. 52.155 411E 4iR1 vugU b94, 63.671 5093
646 11
655. 52.420 4193.262 9085 695. 63.989 .
5119.114 ,
656. 52.683 4214.230 9130 696. 64.309 5144.710 11,145
657. 52.943 4235.301 9175 697. 64.631 5170.434 11,201
658. 53.208 4256.478 9220 698. 64.954 5196.286 11
659. 53.474 4217.760 9266 699. 65.279 5222.267 ,
660. 53.741 4299.150 9312 700. 65.605 5248.378 11,370
661. 54.010 4320.646 9359
662. 54.280 4342.249 9406
663. 54.551 4363.906 9453
664. 54,824 4385.780 9500
665, 55.098 4407.709 9548
666. 55.373 4429.748 9596
667. 55.650 4451.891 9644
66"0. 55.924 4474.156 9692
669. 56.208 4496.527 9740
670. 56.489 4519.010 9789
DATE: June 29, 1990
TO: Mayor. Members of City Council & City Manager
FROM: Jerry B. Fula;ood, DepuTy- C1ty Manager }/r
Stan recommends that Ctty Council approve the attached Resolution estabiLShurg [he annual
special tax for Community Fac0ltles DL9trlc[ No. 88-2 W the following amounts.
Special Tax A - Drainage FacWUes
Resldentfal Class 1 (3590+ S.FJ $944
17esldentfal Class 0 (3077-3589 S.FJ $699
ResWential Class N (2564-8076 S.F.) $524
Resldentfal Class N (2308-2563 S.FJ $420
Resldentlal Class V (2051-2307 S.FJ $349
Resldentlal Class VI (Less than 2051 3.F.) $245
Undeveloped Property &156/acre
Spetlal Tax B • Polfee ProtecUOn Serviecs
Residential Class I (3590+ S.F) $113.28
ResidmUal Class II (3077-3587 S.F.) $50.85
Restdentfal Class II( (2564.3076 S.F.) $50.40
Restdentlal Class N (2308-2583 S.F.) $40.32
Residential Class V 12051-2307 9.FJ $33.60
Residential Class VI (Less than 2051 S.F.) $23.52
On June 21. 1989. City Counetl approved the fomratlon of Community FeclllUes DLSMct No. l38-
2 for Drainage Capital FaMlitles and Law Enforcement services and authorized the annual levy
of special taxes to ttnancc cnly the drainage faclllttes and pollee operations and znamtenanee
Staff Dad a6slattd m preparing a Disclosure Statement (Exhibit "A" attached) that Ilsla the Law
Enforcement C.F.D. and the landscape Maintenance DlsVlets applicable to Ellwanda North,
with a descrlptlon of each district that Includes en estimate for the special tax. Nso Included
are the names of the agerfciea along with the phone numbers mviWg perspective Duyera to call
should they Deve any questions.
cm courrcn. STAFF REFORr
C.F.D. 88-2
June 20, 1990
Page 2
Standard Pacdle, Builders had mduded within their Disclosure Statement (Exhibit "B"
attached) on Page Ftve of Five, Items 34 and 35 descriptions of both the Law Enfomement
C.F.D. and the Landscape Mamtenance Dlstricls that their prapertles arc apart oC, and the
estimated spectal tax [or same.
Both Exltlbit "A" and Exhlblt "B" are kept 1n the sales o8ice and a buyer Is expelled to lmtial
and sign F.ldtlblt "B" pnor to rnterhyt mto Escrow. A copy 1s then forwarded to the Clty as a
record of the buyer acknowledging the awareness of the dtstrtets.
Additionally, Standard Pacifk advertises to the Daily Hulletm and the attached IExhlblt "C"I
B a copy of an advertisemrnt of June 23, 1990 that does aclmowledge the districts, listed on the
bottom lilt comer of the ad.
Vii,,;, ~ - - _ --;~~;;;- g._l...i.pm nmwde infnrmatlon to help the buyer to Qet an
overall pleture+of the dlsmets. The mduslon of the telephone numbers on Exhibit "A", alioMs
them the opportunity of receiving addlttorml Information dlrectty from the atty.
The spectai tax being levied annually for the dialnage Cacllltles are m special Tax A -Drainage
FacWttea. These taxes whrn rnlleeted will be used to laver the bond mdebtedness when bonds
are issued.
The levy of special taxes annually for the pollee protection services are listed m Speelffi Tax 8 -
Polia Protection services. These taxes w91 be used to cover the services Provided by the pollee
In this area. Staft B not recommrnding arty Iriceease in the lax rate Cor Fiscal Year 199D/91.
Sta[f has deteradned that the special tax rate listed is auBlcient to meet the ttnandal
obllgatlon for Fiscal Year 1990/91.
A ~ ,.. -..y_ .,
Deputy City Manager
Attachments: Disclosure Statement, Exhlblt "A"
Disclosure Statement, Exhibit 'B"
Advertisement. Exhibit "C"
Resolution C.F.D. 88.2, Exhibtt'D"
Exhibit "A"
TRACT N0.135651a1
The City of Ranch Cucamonga, the Foothill Firc Protedion DiaWCy and the Btlwarda School garke havetaeh completed
proceedings m (orm Community FadOties Dbtrids pursuant m the proviYOnsof the "A{ello-gow Community FadBtia Mt
of 1982". Each of the CommuNty Fadtlties gflrict V imown and dedgrtaled as follows
Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga Community Facitlties gstrict No. 88.2;
Foothill Fire Protectlon gstrlct Community Farilitid gstrlct Nio.88.1; aM
CommuNty Fadlitks gstrict No.2 of the ENwarda SrMM nt.r.r..
The purpose ofeech DLUridslu6 bebassistintheBnandngofcertainpublieeapital fadBtband sorvtoesgenmllydesaibed
as folbws:
PUBLIC CAPITAL FACR.1'17E5-ThecwWrucrioM inwBation and aoquisitionofceNindrainlgeandfloodmntmituilitiw,
together with appurlenanv and apptuhstattt work. induditg atspt4itbn where nawsry.
SERVICES • Law Bnforcentmt protecton servlon which are in additlon m the axknt m which such services are currendy
provided m the territory within the Rancho Cttamortga CFD.
It is estimated thelpedal tax (ar this disrct wi6 be between 3388 atd 57088 per year depntdert upon The square footage of
iiK iwu,c. W
PUBLIC CAPITAL FACILI77E$ - The mmtructlon of a fire sntiar, Ytgethn witlt appurttstanes and appurtenant work,
including acquisition where rteaesaary.
SERVICES • Fire protection and suppression saviees (Including emergency medkal servirx and such other services as
Foothill Fire DWrkl may be autltorised by law m provide) whkh arc in dditlon m theartest m which sudt services arc
currently provided m the urrimry withfn the FooNill Fire Protecdan gwkt CFD,
h is es8mated the special taz for this district will be between fla0 and 3220 per year depndatt upon the square footage ad
the home.
PUBLIC CAPITAL FACILITIBS • AoquiMtlon, design, cautructbn, Inrptovemen4 awdl(Inaon or rcMbtlltatlon of schod
fad0tla, including the atxryiNtlon o! school dta.
It is estimated the sptdai faz for fhbdirMe wiB be approximately 3600 pe yevbased upon thepwrc footage of the home.
The lot which Buyers are pureMsing b looted within the proposed boundarks o(Meae Disttku
TRACI',NO. 133as lr
asEMwoon coLLECrION
Fag 2 I
Additiotwlly, Ranch Cunarmp hq qubYahed Ughtlngand Landscape ttlaktattntoe Dlatrkn puewMa{he povF
siom oftM"l~ttdaapltt6 and Llghtln6 At3 et 19T!'. TMe Maitthtettge DlMdAaagdaalattatsdq LartdgespelWlm
tenetua Dietrkt No. Ind Street Llghtltt6 Maintntntm DWrkts Na.1 std 2 Tfeptnpoq of thge Maegaame Dts
tncn Is to astlst in t1e Nrnttc6tBof tt>e trtainsmaaa of cMdn parkway atd medtaa tardaopkt6 ntd puhtle puk improvr
neon and mainlatanrc man atd energy a'Aarges for apeef lfgltta S
t ne ntwurreNAN(:Y WS'IItK.-IS tDR t~CAL YEAR 19B9~9U a S60D• lA
spedal Taxes for swkea and aatesantenn for tnalnsettanoe arc ott®ohtg. ~
Thin project is within an arq ddgnafed q • flood plain atd may ragWrc flood htHnaOee through your Ieneowttara
ituttrance policy. ~•
If the atym have any questloro ntgatding any of the Comnatnlry Faeitltlw Dlatrkv or the MahNtanaq Diakin, the p
&tyere arc Invited to call the to0owhtg
Quatloq teprdhtg dthav the Ratdto Coaotor~ f]+p a
tie Rands Cuantntga ktYalnlg0 DMO'lac
.. Clry of RaMeCuuowyaY--
ExL 21S or 216
Quatloq regarding the PootNil FbeCFD:
CvotNB FTrc Ptotectlott DNRict
Queatloro regatding the Etlwatda School DlaUkt Q+D
;mu r>~-usl
.]UN-26-90 ,.,ON 1E:2• ST pNDgpD pqC IR ]C
r. n2
Exhibit "B"
Buyer hereby acKnowledq•s that M hw revlewad end untlerstende the idlowlnq InfaflM!lon
and tM attached azMblta by ¢Ipnln9 hl• nema In the DDea Drovldad at the end o} thla
1. NQ..GtlANl3C1i-@'C~lLYGB, StanOerd Pacl!ic rellea haavlly on prOdutt{On IIM practlpa In
order to kaop cote down end Paco tlonp tho aevlnpc to our home buyara, For this
raoton, we must Insist thnt than ee no Interbr or eMarbr conetrualon ehangea
prior to Ma Nose of ..crow.
t, LHAN4£~DY.$EW,L& All Plana, roch w but not limited tD, bulldlnp, landaaplnp,
lensing, arcniteotunl end 8ndlnp, are ¢ubiect to ehang• and 84ndard P•Gflc mny
malTy tleslgn ¢ speclflatlona wlthput Irotia or obllaatlon to Boyar.
~ LN7E9/9R.2L~AiC.JdN.tffi The In4rior paint caor }or nil o} the production homer n
flrn.^.lw~! w!!! 49 Been 4n tM pelnr wool. In the 9n1g9 ptllee.
6 FLOCRiNO. The rrormal Instel4tbn anN Tor o4ndard aaoring le wvn (1) days.
Boyar anould Inquln IoW tM aausl number of days nqulrad u Inatell hie Inavidu4l
ttoorln9 u flooring Ins411atbnn tMt axewd wvn p) dnya NIII affaot Ins aalnq
da4 on the home, euyan xho tract u uw • flo0rlna contractr otMr than Btandnrd
P.cltle'a flooring contractor moat understand that the tloorln0 aanrwt Da Inatallad In
Me home anal B1.ML Ma eha. a aacroN. Thla praudun may Mva an ImOact on the
I•ndN YW choow to W Mitn. Aak Ydpf wl•a rapr•Nn4tlva for further datnlla.
5. $J+jJ,JlFg_fEyQJya IndlvlduM bt ualno NNI De tn{tellad by Standard Paclflc
pursuant to tna aiy aDDrovad tandnB Dlan and Ma tabwino mnatrucaon pola•0.
Lot hnan0 MNI M InatWad M or NItMn 6' of prODartY Ilnw NMM fldd oondltlona
permit. BuYar Ia advlaW t0 araTaly nvuw 8radlnq Diana and flald oondltbna slna
bt fananq NIII rrot nacaaarllY colndM wltn Droparry Ilnaa or topytoa of a1bDa.
to taew wren Droparty Imes era Ixn4tl at tM top o} a elope, lot hnUng mny
M conatrucud IMlda of tM bt a w to DrawW tM aVUOtural IMaprlty of LM
Lena and Me sippa, NMn Draparty Ilnp are bated wlMln tM flat yard area a ¢
bq unpln8 will M InaWlad NRMn B" of tM OroDartY Iln•. NMra OroDarty Ilnu
.• Lvul .,,. M• 1•ra M • aMn• hero. laf Mnnina will D• Inttalbd On bVal aroma
n the cep or to of alopa, raapxavly:
FutuM modlfleetlon u 8ulider fenan9 maY not Ds parmltbd by IoW pbwrnlnMtel
n8mclp. Buyer la advlaed to oDntact tM aDproprleta pnrt4e u daurmine applla0la
t. SU16A1Y..f~Gtl[UEA uauty Campania loa4 N•ctrlW fagllitlw, ulaplbn•, atraat
Ilghta end a01a TV boxes, eta, In ^utlllty ansament erw pahln0 tM aldawNk, TM
utlllty companla control the IDGaon of tMw Taallltlaa. 8untlard Paol}l0 attampta
to maintain a eurnnt copy of tM utlllty p1aM, Mwaver, thaw plans era auDlact to
cnanga NNhout prior nDtlu. BN your wlw r•pr•aan4tlvn ter B4ndard Pacltla'a
euRant espy of tM utlllty plane. 1n4nated buyer mould dlraetly contact tM
utlllty oampeny u coach for any ehan9w Mot may affect • particular bt.
t. 86A1!A0. All
an tM 8uyn
t0 1011
I la t0
IrNIN daalgna4d,
opaa Dar Ina
and PaelTla, Tnla
¢ not IntMtMd t01
fW tM Ma411aa0
01 aaaow, er Maraatur by wrlttan notice iroln ~8tandard Raolfla -- ' ~ ~ -~
1. hpj~flp~K$g4, na0tws locatktrla mo connounaon^ an eontralae by tna unl4d scat^a
Paul GrVlu and auDl•at to chanpa. 8•a Your Wes npraan4tlw for standard
Paelfla'a eurnnt mallb0a plan.
.1 UN-j6-10 MON 1iC26 6T gNDq RD FNGIF 3C p uY
J119c1neuce BlSa1BNS
Tract rases
P•N Two of five
9, pgpQfJ{jY_.-,{N~)5 TM loyal detCYiptlon of Ncn lot la aehnat•d e^ tM recorded Tract
Mep, lot LIM AeJustmanq v pupl MaD svell•Dle for Infpeat1011 et tM 6NN Clflp.
TAete dowmena descrlN tM property IIM DoundarlN tar Ncn bt. It N tmporlant
a not. tNt Drapfrty IInN msY not M colncldintN with tM Ilmla or tM tlst pad
vN or Oulldv bt tenelnq iMt will encbee tM lot. Buyer acknowUdgea tM
opportunity a waluea tM bqN dwrlptbn a dNvmlrw any Irr•quly property
Ilnae, BN Ywr Wq Mprosentatlvs wltn any qufstbna N a preparty IInN.
10. P B t - BST-of-WAV Wyar ackrwwuogN that artNn hanfowmr ImprovCmantc wcn a:
plentaa, wells, wrb cotta, eta, that Buyer nmy plan a construct In the DuDlle
rlghtrof-May which ere typlWlyy looted Dehlnd the aldewNN, mayY roqulro an
moroecnment Dvmlt from 1M CItY/County or permlNlon from utility CanpanlfL Buyer
s9rNS a obWn MY and NI approval. end permit irgn ell relevant puDllo agMdN
poor W CdtltfUGtlen OT Lnof. urtaln haneawn•r ImDravamena.
17. QQ[~INAGp. Your IOL nN seen tine gna•d p•r loan e9en01N aeau •,ui «J61
en91n•erlnB Draetbea a provide for adequaa vNapa. TYDIeel1Y, rNldentlel bra
owe Dean grN•d with the ldbwinq oDJacdves:
1, To direct surface weer from the DaeN N the bt tawerd• 1M }root or towards
drainage InIKa that tylt as tM dNvfway, NdewNN, a atrNL
s. To Drovnt wear from peneln9 on the lot a agelnat struetwes.
a To onvmt wear tram crauln9 from oM raeleenaN lot :o snottier a avWe
dema9e a otnv DroMrty.
.. To pernNnenay accept aeletln9 v InandN surfeN end subaurfaN dralnsys
Trap adJwnt non-rWdenaal Or OnM epees vw N eulgnsd and approved Dy
the Clty.
The Ondlnq al Yodr bt nee tlNn or VIII M IMDactW and approved Dy bolo tM
conwltln0 Gvll and sells M91nNre N belnp In wbatNaN ODiltermana wltn tM
IneDllpacad a aDProvad by iM CIq~County IMrpsoar ee to oonformaa witn ItM
eppllgDla 9ovarnntNt OOdN BM Ms NDrovN BrodlnB PIN prbr >b rNSaN e1 Me bt
for Oceupanoy.
Buver U sdvlted net a Nar tM vadlnB and dnlnye dglgn M tM bt by
r•9rsdin9 a IMtNlln9 PWa, pmarf. wml•, eia. u,.. nwy ... CIr::: :C; .::e Ye•^_r
flow Towards tM heuN or ens adJagnt property, v trap wNfr soon that It ponds end
floods Improvements, Dralns9e dwlue WDM1 N oonorN• dlanN, arN droln IInN,
9uttere, etc, anould N carefully dNlgnN en0 Installed wltn arotNalonN wlsanu
se roqulrsd, Buyv b Nq advlNO to nos Ne m•nMr In wNOn sdlaunL pfepvaN
Buyer Mrsln sekMwledBN that tutors moeliluao^e a bt 9radln9 and drN^aqe
made by Buyv le N Buyer's Nsk end suDlset a apppllable 9overnmsnt oDdN Nd
r•wrded Nsemsnta, cdvenente, condltNlna and rntfletNwts.
t2. pIIMAtlRAJ10HIB. AttwMd is s map sod paMral dewrlptlon, W Eshlbla "Bt° 4 'BS°,
dead May a0, 1989, Indlatlnp tM 9enerel plan fv th• vN wrroundlnp Brontwaod.
Ne rNrossnatlons ve toad., Irowwv, rose tM erw aMwn will Ds uNd /v sues
purposes In tM future Nd Buyer la edvlNd a confect tM Clty of naneh0 CuemCOn9s a
Ban BanardlM Cwnty }or My tutor. plNe for tM uN d the areas aMwn.
ta. a11NAA,6ApAliBIA,ItJBfiA7$ i3c. It la known that the irN wrreundlnp 6rsnMaod nu
too prexnw e1 INltmMS, rodeos. bNCt•, fta tt snout M noted thN N bnB N
DeffaCN with the respadct oTanillnq 0 Nuwlth thN~ prisan~u.unity, fwmaownero wIN
t•. GQH4IBJlCI1SaLA£ilYCLY. Your lot Is In • n•w Nd dsvNOplnq eommunltri a Vlesse D•
aweN tMt moolnq oonNruatbn will continua inrouphmJt tM ovvell proJseaA
dwNopmant o Broneweed a ttlNande Nortn. vW may N IllobnvNNrNwd by tad
ImDrovm•nta, dust, nolNr No,
JVN-23-90 mON IS:2i gTq Nnq RD PqC [F 1C
R19flplNyf 62?SGd91tt
Trost 13366
Pepe ThrM of flw
16. y,>~y, TM sties prlu o} eacn bt wlthln th• OeveloDm•nt li Dked upon numerou{
iktMS, Me o} which le the IocetlM of TM lot. Ekn lot may curr{nt{y anloy a
particular vlAw; nowwer, toot view Is ROS DBACY1LQ0p. Future development o} other
property and/er prowls of trees Md ocher v9•t•tlon may enanpa, obstruct, ImDelr or
otharwlp affect the vice Irom a lot at My time. TM poVernlnp Inetrumente of thb
development do not cOnUin My Drovl•lons int•ntle0 to protkt the current vUw trap
any lot a to querantee that ouch vlewe will Mt be ImDUnd or oDatrudsd In the
ivtur{ Ly ehsnpea to otMr proporty. Funhermare, each owner •ekMwledpes that eny
coneSructlon or Improvements by Dklvant, the County/City or MY other ewnor of
property IMy Impair and/of ODALfut2 each Ownpry yllw end that •kn owner oMeenti t0
each ob6tructlon Md/or Impairment Buysr untlerotande and e9re» that Standard
pacific, L. P., Its partners, wbel0lules and aHlllat•d campanlef, and all o111oere,
dlrectore, •mploYtee end •gen4 of MY o} themr enell Mve no IIk111tY for any lue,
damage, In1ury or claim of any kind or chareaer with rnpkt to enY person or
Prooarty, IgUUdlnp all Ceara, eepansef Mtl onerge¢ Incurred In ConnktlM thOrewlth
wcn ea put Mt IIMU0 to attorneys' TNe eno wuri w+:+, «: ~ :; '..,..... ^"!^^•.
obstruction or ImDalrmmt of tM view from Duy0r'a lot.
td, y.IR€4I@. TM atreeta wlthln the community of 9rmtwaod are public streets Me wl!I be
melntalMO Dy tM City of RanoM Cucanwn9e.
fl, gCt(•pJ,Q. 8uyefA at OnnMOOd ea MUUOaGtl to ettMO the fUlOwinp khoUa wlthln
tM EtlwMda a CLAHay Unlfled fshool DIStNN:
Elunantary: fiUNNIT EIENENTARY (K-6)
13304 BupRllt AVMYe
' RMCM eueemM9a
6936 ERNMda Avenw
w,nw RnhrW sT1wAw11A NTRN eCwOOL t0-131
13600 VlUwla Avenue
TM dlsVlct pnnot guarantee M of the abovl end Buyer should contact tho Etlwenda A
Cnaffey unlNed Ocne01 DUtrICM for }unMr In}ormatlon
16. t{SG RTAiFE?/RUfltlLT AXl. CurnnUy tMn Are dlkuulMe to chM9e SM nuns o7 Olth
6trNt16Umml! AyenDe t0 WIIeM AVMUe. Nothing Is Rntlltetl et LNf time. Far
}urMV InlormeGM, tontect Me Clty O( RMCnO CuumonpA.
19. 6JP.ERI IBE,f,(1. Street trees w1U be Installed W part Of tM proUct wlthln a 6'
eaaMwnL ILIA plan Is tlNlpned to enMnu the ovsrul cherktlr of the wmmunltY•
N•Intenanee eMll M Ce0rolnatatl Dy Me LMOauDe MAlntenMCe Obtrle4 6M your
Nbs fepreaMtatlve to Ievlew tM IandauDe plats,
Po, xeAD.nnN:asu~,xx 8Q1JR. TM eufnnt epprovW IocatlM of WardIMM1^BU11xN Rutl le
ImmedletelY 1kMt W Tfect 166.1 Mrou9n A., TMn lee 6peU110 pled fN
Etiwentla North In proceu with the City of MncM CudukeOA. TMt fipkific PIM aMws
a mpvomont of Wartlinen-6ulbcN Road etrout ado feet U tM Weet td adeommodete A 1wr
way InterakUOn at 3{th 4tfNt (Summit Ave). If tM road moves, rseidmtiaf
deValOplMnt 19 Cufrmtly chows on tM Clty 01 RMDM CupamMOaY Ransral PIM etllacent
to 9rMMOOd. OMtkt tM Clty of pencM Cuce9gngA or Me Cwnty pf 3M OenardlM
for nary InformetlM.
p. BMI1i ipLNlitNLAtlR t1YEB~lE, HI9MMd AVenue Is OONOnated to become Nl9nway 30, a
IInlltsd access rMway. er runner In/ormstlon, yw enwld aontkt CAltrane.
00. [AE Atlknk le Exhibit "C' [awfaln9 exlating a proposed frawaya wlthln two (0)
mIIH o rMtllaod. ThU InformNbn b suDlect to onM9e end for eny further
Infofmatl0n, yw alwuld oontkt tM eppropr ab a9enelo.
pM WYfiRB tNITy l NOW FOR RfCffpT OF f%H1B[T "C`: `_ ~~
~ d
.IUM-39.0 MOrI 17i f2T STq,.,DA RD r•qC 11•I(,`
MK12P.fy JUetemnlfi
Tract t4M16
Ppe Four 0/ Fivf
41, DflclJU.El:Tk9a1, DPl'liQYl11S TM rti a R's noulre that all Improvements b the bt must
be eubadtted to tM Arohltectural Oommlttw entl approved Drlor to tM start of
oonatruetbn of any Improvfmsnb. in IIphL of Nls, neither standard Padflc nor tM
Arehltacturel Gbmmittw will accept PRY Improvement plane until Nbr tM awe oT
escrow on tM bt.
u, ~KQ Thb protect le butfd In an area where there en ektremf hlph wlnde.
Prxfutbnary nuaewa fhould M Ukan when ddn8 any IOt ImprovamenG,
25. JfOtl fiEYaJNE lN&1. This area la a flood Dlaln dadMtl by tM County of 6M 8ernfrdlM
FboO Contrd District wd conelsG of tM Ben Beva1M Bpraalnp Orounda and Ilealna
et-0.Thla area If par[ oT tM Etlwsnda/SSn WVeiM Mgbnel DniMpe Pro4rem, Contact
the County et Ban pfrnfrdlno floo0 Contrd DutACt Tor }urthsr IMOrmatlon.
~e. emeoN EaBENEwT. TMn w otrmanmt feeemenb In favor oT pouthfrn Gllfornlf Edison
edjnwnt to 6nntwood. TM apDrallmaq loatwm ui lhi. ~~s ° °•• I• d•nlered en
tM sooompenylnp mep, sa Eehlblt 'p4'. TNe fawment 91w pdisen ehf right b
aal6trYCL, TMOnRna4 ftYntaln aM operate tM eleetriut Lranuelabn IIMP Nd for
aoau b tMa fadlldu. Wysr la ldvlad b cheek with poutMrn Gllfornlf Fdlaon
•~ W YEns 1WdTtAI. NBP6 FF ~CEiPT OF F%MiBET 'tt4`: _,~ __
47. TJ.~NT XlR41.AN~d'dP.tM4 ptwdertl Ffeidc will Da providing front Yard landsuplnp for
all houeea. TM plans for tMt la:tdsapln8 Mvf bpn fPprovfd DY 1M Clty ~ Panda
Cuowl0:tp4 TMt aDprevsl tnauda LM rwmDer and type of trsee, NIruM Md turf arse.
ptwtlard Peelflo will In4tM1 thle lentlauplnp Par Olan wNh pp p%CAPJ1pJIF, TM
actual tlminP of the InsWlat1o11 b antigpftetl b eoeur prbr b valk thrWph.
Mowwer, tM turf (whkdl will M pYdrpaded) will not M spplifd Yndl tM NwMle
IMGr If IMteJifd. in foie owe this mar man that turf anlld M ended after tM
hWN la ooalPlfO b woalnlodeN eenetruetlM PheNnp• ptanderd haft rearvn tM
right b modify this OreeMun without prbr ratio. pN pfla Rapreanudw b vlfw
the lendaaape plats.
te. BFSdtEAI7W(AL 71f1tl~iL[ PAfittllm. Ceritdn bts frf able b acoommodau rfcratbnal
vahldfe. In tTleef pfrdaler eeea, tM atorpe era must M ebb b provide
stlepuaU soreenldp oT eM whlda from fdJeani bte antl strffG. PNW rwlew the
' CC a R4 Tor fUHMr Infarnatlon rfpudin9 tM sbrpf of rtoratbnd wMdea.
4f, p(fi(ffig, TM /irpleu In tM family room and fNtsr'br brIDM meGrlfls will vary on
the tliffegnt }bar plane and Navadon6 ea tM fNa nprsanUtlve for brisk
sempiw end seAadulee.
So. BSJtltfJPAL MAT~B Rlpl(YQI PAIN.. TMn If sn p0' tilde pvad d land tMt la dadad
b the Munldp w•w oleena tMwo) which fneanpuaea f pe" water dM. rhl. era
Thi binds~adipl~np~IllnES I~iWnLlnWS by~lMOlic ye Milntyina~na Dlsltf,et (mall 16jurpwae.
St, flQAO I,N&YAAtlfd, TAIf Droleet la In N arw that Ie dfflpMhd q e TboO Plfln sn0
could npuin flood Ineurenu through your hwwbMMn Inwranp pWIeY• Wyer la
sdvlad b OatsrmlM tM rfqulrwlfnt fntl oat of toll Inaurena tAradph Your Undfr or
the County oT pan psrnardlno Food Oontrol Oletrlot ~ -~
ffi. S1APJylEl1E(~IAL 11EA1 P8VPE9TV TNI. TM PurchaN of Your hang oonnltuta • "ehsnpa In
ownanhlp for nU Propfrty tae atasawM purposfa, wAleh will Mlppn s
naeaa.ment of Your raldfna DY the County Tay Afeaaor. TM vault will M • Nei
property tax Insnaa Dead upon tM purenfa pile of tM hats, MfePtlvf u of tM
tlate o1 da. of escrow. AIUr thf eba of escrow you will rsalvs • Wpplsmentel
real PropfrtY tae bill 1'WPPIa:Mntal Awearant") poverln0 tM to InenaN
ettrlbuLDle b you for tM psrbd from Shs eloN OT escrow b LM Tallowlnp JuM p0.
lr,TJ! kTEblmgpS
Tract 13666
PapO FIVa d Fiva
~ S8l1MLR{LIY FACIlInEB DIgTReOT tla ee-t. TM pfopMty 10 Included wlthln COmlmiMty
Fad11tIN DI•tAet Nw !o-1 ("CfD') formed Dy tM Foothill lire Protection lNatrlct
and which oovera tM 60wenda North era- ins CFD fs wrnn6y adminlatarad by tM
Calory, and N an unkMwn futon eau thla CFD will b0 taken over Dy tM dty Df
Ranch CuCaronga A spedal lax will Ds IBVNd annually agalnet the Property and
Included On the MnuY prOparW t\x 0111 for the property. TDIe Bpecld tot viii
dOfny the Oroperty'a prODOrtbn•t• Nsre d the debt Nrvla for bonds lesuetl by tM
CFO for RN Drotactbn Nrvipa a ceplW {mDrovemen4 Nrvlnp the property. It 1•
set{maNd Mat tM aDOGaI tat for tM PropKty will range ONween f140,OD end fgg0.00
per yw dependent uptxt tM equara foOGge d LM htxM. Any turtMr lntarmatbn un
00 obWned at th0 GW d RarwM `WCAmAnge Asuaamant Adminletratlon Ofnp (7f1-fBg-
~~ F~ac111tN1esDlatrlct Na N9 (~ D )~}orm~W by tM CIfY rof RanchoVCUCaTarlga CT~s CFO
le atlminletend Oy Ma DIW e} ftencM Cucalronga A epacid lax will be levied
annualy against tM Property and IrldudW on tM annu•I Droperty tax 0111 Tor Ne
YropertY. TN::p.d-.'. "` '!I ^""~~ !ham N.,.•trueelon. InetAllatloll old arqulaltkfn
o} grWn Onlnape antl Rood control facllltlN AND Tor polu Orotettton Nrarm m
additial t0 Nrvlta ournntly provided, conN•Unp OT pafformarlq by ampbyaN,
Including operation end awdntenana, tt b NUmatad tMt tM epadal tak for tM
Propalty will rMga Datwasn j7gD,gg to g1,0fa00 per YNr dependant upon tM Nuere
footage of LM MIM and wDlect t0 a Ye\rly IncrNea Fa }urtMr Inforplatbn,
txMtact Ne CItY d Rancho CutxtmMlpa AWaaMnt Adminlatratkn OfnG (71Mf6f-1861),
95. LQI{]jyq l LAILD6CAPE yR(MIEt~ DIBTNlcto. TM DropartY la InOWded wlthln two
IlghOnp dlstrkb N0. 1 a !and landscape tl4trkt Nw 7 formed by tM GtY Dursusnt
to tM LNeecaping and UENNng Act d 1f72 and to tMrafoN aubJaet m an annual
aswfaMrlt Tor lendeeaplnE Md Ilghnn9 Improvemsnp OonaeHng d mantadng tM
Irrigatbn ayatem, trap and ground Dover for WAmaUr Iandacepln0 a InarkN• etrat
tree; and, arabn contra, plant r•plaeemsnt and traN pick-uD for Ns maln4nenea
or NYU dadpnata0 for epm epee f parka It la Ntlmstad Nat tM annual uanelMnt
should M eDPrOxInKtNY ge00.0D Dar YNr and wblad to a yNAY Inerasaa Any
furtMr Informstkfn ten M obWnW at tM Wry d RNdw CueMwnga A\NauMnt
AarMmetnnon Ginty iii:-Lo;-iC:;.
36. $p)Qgl, QfyttBB1100II ~ TM property Is cuRNOy plNneO to M wltnln Cammunlty
Fallltlu Olat-rlcd Na E6~NO. g). A spacial fora will b• Nvled annualy against
tna property Nd Indudad on YWr annual property tax bill. TDIa apaG\I tax will ba
ua•d for KqulaltlOn d land and NOT for tepit\I ImDrwement wlthln the Ftlwenda
t;chod OtatrloL It le eatlmated that tM apeOlal tat will W aDproxlmatay
f60D.00 Der yury based Upon S1N a0uan fOObge d lM home, should YOV hwe any
lurther quntbn- about thla aeaasmant, oontaOt Na Etlwanda - CAafiW UnHIW 6ohod
Dlatrlde (111-N--g16/).
37, N9. BEP.RE,6FdtTACIAM. No NleePereon, amDIOYN or agent hat the authority t0 make
reDNNnlatbM l0 yW wMth n:aY OMtf\dlct tM foregdng matbN. vW wknowledge
tMt M repnuntatlons upon wMch YOY new railed In the purchNS Of ywr IoL new
Dun Mde to YOV by any sVCh aalN repraNntadvN.
JVM g0, IfN
s,;~ _
_ ,~
~ _, ~ a
Exhibit "C"
Big Homes. Big Lots. Big News.
~/V/ /~W(NVVW
Sec agavut tk pimuesga bxJcd,w of
tk San Gakid Mauvama, ro tk rcw
tsuaer-plamrd eanm~aNY d Ftiwnda
Nadi, tk &mtaood CaOettias o(hrs
mgaess~ hags Kau Gmdy wig mpy
6~'ae6 oNn
As a tesidoR m ar d Emvuda
N6rth's initial ne~s6ahoods, Yai g
rviartn the aJdd'ueg d a speamdu
ma#cr plan tlset veludrs pales, <9"e-
trun ttaga and prtsusse ~ hi0a.
Reminiscent d early Glifania, tk
Brtnnwod Cullcction hmoes diatrx~
tM atr atd nwstaY banes xith up
ro five kdmans and W to 2,899 square
het d!rvmg space. Fdegant appomt-
nIO115 pKhld[ pdishcd ~ AdVWaja,
OLWan hditl'flO.tdtd CElnlgntatmalt5,
Aho bduded an taw and thtawr
gatagaaea la srmm iiyuuspweien.
Tk &mtamod Cogeaian. Big hares
ai big Ixs Md man fa tk prod lib.
In Rarcla Cumtnasga.
Flom the mid $20Q000g
Noll H.ag omch l,a
Ranch ~rP, G 9gJ9
Salve OHde Ham: ItN3pm Mon.
ga.m3p.m T n.~5w.
~- ~~~~I
L~ ~' . ~I
~p .. ~. ~ :..Q %^
•ayasra~aaararA~a~h~ ~ ~~ i Wriii~r .. .. .
.W1a..a.~aarr.~arr - „~
daau.r.raar.raW~alr.. ~ ~ tp{J1LrppF~01{11f)ODlU017A1 .
Exhibit "D"
RESOLVClON NO. ~/~. - ~~ O
WHEREAS, the Ctty CouncB of the Clty oC Rancho Cucamonga. Callfomia, (heremaRer
refen•ed to as the '7eglslattve body o[ the local ggency'7~ has 1nltlated proceedings, held a pubhc
hcazing, condvMed an clectfon and received a favorable vote from the quallRed electors
relating to the levy of a special tax m a Community Facilities Dlstnet, all as authorized
pursuant to the teens and provisions of the "A7ello-Roos Community Facdltlea Act of 1982",
being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, DivLSlon 2, Ti9e 5 of the Govermnent Code for the State of Callfornla.
Thts Community Facllltles DlstnM shall hereinafter be referred to as
I.VV~IIVfYil2 FAl,ty111LJ U{jltuv`1 1\V. UU'L
(Flood Control and Law EnfommenU
Iherelnatter referred to as the "Dlstrlct'D: and
WHEREAS, at thLS time, bonds have been authoriud for purposes of fufancing the
project taclhtles Cor said District; and
WHEREAS. this legtslatlve body, by Ordinance as authorized by Section SSS40 of the
Gwemment Code of the State of Califontie, has authorized the levy of a special tax to pay for
costs and expenses related to Bald Ctwmumty FacWtles Dlstttet, and thL leglslattve body Is
dssfrous to estabbsh the spetltic note of the special tax to be rnllected for Ne next 8acal year.
brll:f fun f: feat tife aiwve mutaiv afe aii uuc wui uuuc~i.
aSFd1T9b.Z: That the speMlic rate and amount of the special tax to be mDected to pay
(or the costs and expenses for the next Fiscal Year 1990/91 for the tt[erenced district 1s hereby
determined and es[ebltshed as set forth m the attached, ttferenced and Incorporated Exhibit
SECTION 3: That the rate as set forth above does no[ exceed the amount as prevously
avthorzed by Ordinance of this leglslatlve body, and D not m excess of that as previously
approved by the qualllled eleMOrs of the District.
SECTION 4: Thet the proceeds of the special tax be used to pey, m whole or m part, the
casts of the follovnng, m the tollowufg order of pnortty:
A. Payment of principal of and intettst on eny outstanding authorzed bonded
B. Necessary rcplemshment of bond reserve funds or other resern funds;
C. Payment of costs end expenses of authorized public facilities and pubhc
D. Repayment of advances and loans. If appropriate.
The proceeds of the speoial taxes shall be used as set forth ebwe, end shall not be used for arty
other purpose.
,t:^ ~1
cm couNCn. ItESOIUnoN
June ?A, 1990
Page 2
SECTION 5: The special tax shall be collected m the saint manse[ es ordinary ad
valorem property taxes are colected, and shall be subJect to the same penalties and same
procedure and sale m cases of azry dehnquency for ad valorem fazes, and She Tax Collector is
hereby authorized to deduct reasonable admhustmtsve costs mcurnd to col7.rtmno ....y said
special tax. - -
SECTION 6: All monies shwa rnlleMed shall be paid into the Community Facdlties
Dfstrtet funds, lrxluding arty bond fund and reserve fund.
a~~C.T~CwJ 7. a.c nuwiw w u.e uuwaiy is i~c.euy uuFw:icu iu maize u. u`ac ..~xi wuaaiy
assessment roll on whkh taxes wN become due, opposite each lot or parcel of land effected >n a
space marked "pubhc knprovementa, spectal tax". or by arty other suftabie dealgnatfon, the
InMUtknent o(the epeelal tax. and for the arse[ rate and amount of said tax, reference v made
to the attached Exhibit "A".
Ri•'t't'tON 8~ The Courtly Auditor shall then, at the close of the taz coilection perbd,
promptly ender to this Agency a detalled report showing the aamimt and/or amounts of such
special tax lnstelhnents, interest. penalties and percentages so collected and from what
Property collected. and also proNde a statement of arty pertentages rGairud for the expense of
making arty such collection.
CITY of RANCHO cvcrmaoxcA
The Resolution establlshtng the annual special tax refers to this Exhibit (or an explanatlon of
the rate and method of apportlonment of the Sp^etal Taxes for Fiscal Yeaz 1990/91.
~rl,..• ero n.". ~er~r".1•c M mmnrrl.. m.Menr to 1h. 4n,v n( c.vr~al Tar "A", which axe fdentlited
as follows: ~ - - ~ -
1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY All properly Wentdied as a single Tax Assessors's parcel
for whMh property a building pemdt has been Lssued as of
May 31 of arty year.
2. IfNDEVELOPED PROPERTY Nl other Property, excluding property which, as of the
date of the eketton to authorize the levy of Special Tax "A:,
W: 10 owned by a public entity; (w owned by a regulated
publle ut111ty and being utRlzed for transmisslon or
dlstrlbutlon purposes; or IWl zoned as open space.
The taxing classifka[tons for Ne above Property Categones and the authoziud Special Tax "A"
rates for FLxal Year 1990/91 are as follows:
A. Ressientlal Class I 5944 per year
(Mote than 3,590 square feet of
dwelling uNt living areal
H Residential tI 5699 per year
(3,077-3,569 square feet of
dweillng unit llving areal
C. Resldeniial III 5524 pet year
(2,564-3,078 square teat of
dweillng unit llt'inH areal '
D, ttealdtntlal Class N 5420 per year
(2,908.2,583 square feel of
dwelling uNt Itving areal '
2j / ~ 1
E. Residential Class V
12,051-2,307 square feet of
dwelling unit living area)
F. Residential Class VI
(Less than 2,051 square Ceet of
dwelling umt living area)
G. Commercial or Induslnal properly
Au Undeveloped Properly
Tax Rate
$349 per year
$245 per year
52.030 per acre per year ••
$456 per acre per year •••
• The square footage of dwelling unit Uvmg azea shall mean the square Cootage of
mtemal living space, exclusive of garages and other sWMUres not used as living space.
as shown on the building permitls) issued (or the dwelling uNt.
'• The acreage of a commerolal or Industrtal property shall mean the gross acreage
ezeluswe of arty acinege dedkated or offered for dedkatlon to a publk agency.
•'• The acreage of an Undeveloped Property shall be the gross acreage exclusive of any
acreage dedkated or offered for dedicatbn to a publk agency.
Special Tax "A" shall be levied armuaity on all taxable property within one of the above
ium.iiiieu P~upc. iy CaielSu.iw au 1wy; m DyuCiul Te.. ":." ::. Cr,LCS :C uA.___•_i tO p:.~
authorized expenses of the Community Facilities Dlsmet •relateduto the tmancfng of
authorlud pubik facWtiea, which may Include, without Ilmltatlon, payment oC debt service on
any bonded indebtedness of the CocnmuNty Fecdll/es DlstriM; replenishment of arty required
reserve Cund for any such bonded Indebtedness; funding of arty inquired sinking Cund necessary
to pay for Cuture publk facWUes or debt service; or direct payment for publk fac8ltles ICFD
The annual lery oC Special Tax "A" shall Ix apportioned as follows
STEP 1; The Community FacWUes DlstrfM shall esthnate the amount oC CFD Expenaos
which must be paid for from Special Tax "A" revenues colleMed during the Fiscal
Year for which the Special Tax "A" ]ery is to be established (the "Required
Special Tax "A" Revenue").
STEP 2: That equal percentage of the Speciai Tax "A" rate, not to exceed 81% of the
maximum authorized Spcefal Tax "A" raft, applicable to all Developed Property
Taxing ClassWcaUons necessary to generate Special Tax "A" revenue In the
Fiscal Year of the levy equal to the Required Special Tax "A" Revenue for such
Fiscal Year shall be levied on all Devebptd Property.
STEP 3: II additlonal Special Tex "A" revenues ere still necessary to generate the
Requfrcd 9pecfa178x "A" Revenue, that percentage of the merdmum euthorlted
Special Tax "A" rate applicable to all Undeveloped Property necessary to
generate such additional Special Tax "A" revenue shell be levied on all
Undeveloped Property.
~ ~J
STEP 4; U atldltlonal Special Tax "A" revenues are still necessary to generate the
Required Special Tax "A" Revenue, that equal percentage of the maximum
authorized Special Tax "A" rate applicable m all Developed Property Taxing
ClassWcatfons necessary to genera[c such additional Speelal Tax "A" revenue
shall be levied on all Developed Property.
STEP 5; If additional Special Tax "A" revenues are still necessary to generate the
Requittd Special Tax "A" Revenue, the Community FacWtles District shall:
A. Compare li) the Special Tax "A" rate which would be levied on each
Developed Property combintrig STEP 2 and STEP 4 above with la) the
product ttsulting Crom multiplying the square (Dotage of the Developed
Property times the Base Maztrnum Special Tax "A". The Rase Maximum
Special Tax "A" means an amount equal to $0.054 per square loot of [he
Int nr narcel.
B IC the product dexUbed in lu) above exceeds the Special Tax "A" rate
described in li) above for any Developed Property, the Community
FacWUes DLatrtM shall lncttase the Special Tax "A" rate levied on each
such Developed Property m equal pemntages up to the rate not to exceed
the produM dexrthed m (ill above necessary to generate the addlUOnai
Special Tax "A" revenues to equal the Required Special Tax "A" Revenues.
All Developed Property shall be subJect to the levy of Special Tax "B". The authorized Special
Tax'B" rates for Fiscal Year 1990.1991 are as Collows:
Taxing leas n atlon ~(p
A. Residential Class I $113.28 per year
(More than 3,590 square feet of
dwelling umt living area)
B. Residential Class II $50.65 per year
(3,077-3.589 square feet of
dwelling um[ living area)
C. Residential Class III 950.40 per year
(2,564-3,076 squatt feet of
dwelling uNt living area)
D. RgWenUal Class N 940,32 per year
12,308-2,563 square feet of
dwelling unit living area) •
E. Residential Clara V $33.60 per year
(2,061-2,307 square feet of
dweWng volt llvtrtg area)
F. Resdential Class VI $23.52 per year
(Less than 2,051 square feet of
dweWng uNt Wmg area)
t1 Commemial or mdualriel property $1,000 per acre per year ••
JUNE 1990
On June 21, 1989, City Counctl approved the formation of Community
Facilities District No. 88-2 for Drainage Capital Facilities and Law
Enforcement Services and authorized the annual levy of special taxes to
Finance only the drainage facilities and police operations and maintenance
The annual tax rate is determined by the squaze footage of the dwelling unit
[hat excludes all garages and other structures not used for living purposes.
Commnnfty Facilities Dlstr(ct No. 88-2
Proposed Uaes and Sources of Fuoda
Bond RedueUon/Police $227,364
Flood $215,761
Police $11,131
Administration $ 1.924
Delinquent Assessments $ 1,149
Bond Issue Costs $ 20.927
interest Revenue $ 24,000
Special Tax $227-364
IA81 BA881O5
°"6 A~..liilnd Aeenue
Ranclro Cucamonga
California 97730-0698
;7141 987 8942
June 5, 1950
DeaY Colleague:
At a recent State Allocation Meeting the Board approved a
proposal to fund a $100 million high school Por the Los Angeles
Unified School District. Not withstanding the differential in land
cost from community to community, the average cost of a high school
in California today is between $25 - $35 million.
School Districts throughout California have housing needs that
require much needed State funding. By choosing to Pund this one
high school for the Los Angeles Unified School District at least
two other high schools will not be built and, et a minimum, 4,000
students will not be housed in permanent fecilitias. Clearly a
more appropriate action would hove been rar r>,o or±.~ *]locatica
uoard to fund a high school Per the Loa Angeles Unified School
District within the coat parameters oP $25 - $35 million. Any
additional funds for the project should be a local effort
responsibility and not one paid Por Prom unfunded projects in other
school districts.
we urge you to support Assembly Concurrence Resolution 158
which would request that the Allocation Board deny funding for the
purchase of the Ambassador Hotel property. Further, we would
request that you support a reduced funding for the Los Angeles
Unified School District in the amount of $25 - $35 million to
accommodate their enrollment growth in the acme manner ae other
school districts in our state.
tAi ,C
is a o, President
aamonga ool District
Board of stees