HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/07/25 - Agenda Packet - Adj Joint Workshopcl`CAMO.. n s--- vw~ '~ ~ (]TY OF ~ ~ ~ RANC~10 Cl1CAMONC'.A r CITY COUNCIL ' B AGF.NI1'~ 1977 Adjourned Joint Workshop City Council and Public Safety Commission July 25, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Tri-Communities Conference Room (Plaza Lovell 10500 Civic center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California A. Call to Ordaz 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call City Council: Buguet Alexander Stout williama _, Wright Ro11 Call Public Safety Commission: Amodt , Curet alp Glass Ketaily Quintana , We9t Yankovich B. Item of Diacuasiov Discussion of Law Enforcement Study. 0. Commieatioaa from the Public Thic is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council and Publ ie Safety Comisaion. State law pxohibita the Council and Comiasion from addreceing sny issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Council and Comiasioa may receive testimony and net the mttez for a aubcequent resting. Convents nre to be limited to five minutes per individual. D. Adiournaent I, Debra J. Adams, city clerk of the city of Raneho cueamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda wan posted oa Julp 19, 1991, ¢eventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 56953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucarvga, California. - CITY OF RANCHO CiJCAMONGA STAFF R~:g~RT DATE: July 25, 1991 1 TO: Mayor and Members of the Cit ~ounetl FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager SUBJECT. Law Enforcement Studv At the joint City Council/Public Safety Commission meeting of March 27, 1991, the Public Safety Commission presented to the City Couucil a recommendation regazding law enforcement in Rancho Cucamonga. After some discussion, the City council requested the Commission provide greater elaboration on its recommendation. Since the date of the last meeting, the Public Safety Commission asked its members to submit their individual comments to the chair who in tum would consolidate the comments into a single submittal package, which is enclosed for the Council's review. Backcround In fiscal year 1989-1990 the City Council authorized the funding of a law enforcement study to evaluate the financial impact on Rancho Cucamonga of providing its awm police department as compared with the contractual law enforcement provided by the County. The basis of the evaluation would be an analysis of the current levels of law enforcement as provided at the time by [he Sheriff and the costs associated with providing a comparable Ievel of service in-house. In July, 1989, the Council appointed a law enforcement study subcommittee comprised of former Councilmember Brown and Councilmember Alexander to work with a subcommittee of the Public Safety Commission comprised of Commissioners Glass, Yankovich, and Amodt. These subcommittees reviewed the proposals and recommended selection of the firm of Hughes, Heiss and Associates to perform the study. The subcommittees also met with the consultant after each of the three major phases of the study were completed. The purpose of these meetings was [o be able to review [he study and provide feedback while the study was still in progress. Once the study was complete, the subcommittees recommended it to the full Public Safety commission and City Council for their review. The Public Safety Commission conducted four workshops beginning in September, 1990 to study the report section by section. The Commission completed its examination in March, 1991 which culminated in the recommendation to the City Council. Attached, please find the prior reports originally establishing the study and the required scope of wgrk. The Council already has in its possession a copy of the final report. The conclusions reached by the consultant are contained in the executive summary at the be¢innin¢ oi' the report. Joha Heiss will be present at the meeting to summarize the report and to answee any questions you might have. If you have any other questions about this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. attachments ~tiachrne~its Attachment I Law Enforcement Study Scope of Work Attachment 11 Motion of the Public Safety Commission Attachment III Submittal Package from the Public Safety Commission Attachment I Law enforcement Study Scope of Work E;<eer•pt f-om Cout~set with Hughes, Heiss and Associates B. Scooe of Service Listed below are the services to be provided by the consultant. Any suggestions for modification to these services should be included in your proposal. In general, the consultant will be required to advise the City and otherwise coordinate and complete the following services: 1. Prepare an in-depth analysis of the City's current level of law enforcement service as provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department, including an identification of its service components. 2. Prepaze a complete accounting of all costs incurred by the City on an annual basis for such contractual law enforcement services, including liability insurance and other administrative charges. 3. Prepare a detailed cost analysis of all factors required for the creation of a city police department based upon the same level of operational services as that of the present contractual services. Separate from the start- up cost and transitional costs, a detailed analysis of the annual operating costs of such a department should be completed. Included should be liability insurance issues and cost. In addition, the cost analysis should list the specific staffing levels, recommended organizational structure and service components, equipment and other operational reyuirements on which the costs aze based. 4. Review current law enforcement service costs from the County Sheriff and compare to those costs associated with level of service. a city police department for the same 5. If the cost for a city police department with equivalent service levels to [he current contract is greater, what would be the recommended organizational structure and operational requirements for a direct service option, should the City opt for its own police depaztment, utilizing the same level of fundin¢ as that utilized in our torten[ law enforcement contract. 6. Based on the data collected and the consultants experience, indicate the amount of time that would be required to transition from torten[ law enforcement services to directly provided services without experiencing a major lapse in law enforcement service levels. 7. Compare and contrast contractual law enforcement services with direct provision and identify the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches from a fiscal and non-fiscal viewpoint. 8. Review and identify new financing methods to provide for the growing needs for law enforcement services in the community. 9. Prepaze a report and discuss findings and conclusions of the law enforcement analysis and comparison with City staff, Law Enforcement Subcommittees, Public Safety Commission, and City Council as appropriate. C. Stn y~onroach The proposal shall describe the firm's approach and time frame for completing the law enforcement study as outlined above. n J v`- 0 II. PROPOSED PROJECT WORE PLAN AND WORN SCHEDUI.] r~ 3 II. Tlie aecrioa which follows p»wnes a detailed description at how we would • rnnduM the law eatoresmeat teuibility study for Rancho Cucemon~a. Wo have structu»d our approach to addsees each of the iesues eataed is your Request For Proposal. However, rre would suasest ow nwdllintion to the work approach u outlined in the RFP. • The RFP reques4 the comultant W conduct the Hadbility analysis from two parapeetives. • To atrnctu» m ia•honp Departmeat sad utimate iU cost to provide the aaaa lard of wnia y the current eoatraet aysGm. • if the cat of as iahoues Dapaetoeent ezcesds the set of flu cur~+c! contnet, structures a Dewrtm.~!r•,• :l:waaa aevica lords m~.c~ -quid oa acbiarad it an in•honsa Deparemeat we» established at the same lard stood u the t+ttatrac antraet system. • We beliwe thou b an additional issues which slauid ba oonddered is the aaalyda and that Inrylres rho adsgtucy of cureent aeerica lweb compared to the Cib Conaeii's sspsebtions sad to bask standards for oalyata iodkafaa that than an Taal {aaroasaodatedD current systeee, ehr- me world rwosmmaod that the aodyata include a comparatiry eraltutloa of the ooatr+aot approach and an in•houes >~Pa*tmwt U achiaslnf preta:rad ser-ia Laois. • Since the aama data dsmanq era required to aaalya the dtarnatives you requesUd, this additioarl and important Brady compownt an be accomplished anth IitW aipniBpnt impact on project cat or elapsed time. As a result, wa have inrnrpo»ted thu clamant is the task desaiptlaos whkh tonow. Tank I ~ Ilnenmrr! Suter r~..l rw~ awA la~wtaMe {a Ran he The purposes of tbia >f»»t task b to t>sorsnihly uada»tand iesnes and ucpactations whidt Nary t:iporsd the Lw soAwssmaot a{aoey (ltasibinty Bendy to ensu» flue study eaados an totally oeosiseena with the aaeda at the Cigr Conocil. the Public gay Caoniasiao, std top maaadsmane• To develop this laud of undo»tandLU. w win: • +md~a D1b' Afaord~ and ipp~op fasts mambera of his ~o~ T • lnUrviswa will fates ne dstsrminins attitudes sad uauu in the iiawia~ a»aa; Isawa »lated to cornet wrvice levels pprovided by the San ' Bernardino County $heriB9 Depaetmentiaeludioa: • • Timdinstt of rnpome to community QenereNd calls for service. • • Pro-active crFme aupprxsion approaeha. • • Crime prwsatioa prodrama. IdaatiIIcatioo of ShsriiTa rwnasl wleh sad ree~~ei~:n::: w various o~ponsnta o! tti. ~_;,; ;;, Cucameap oommuaity. • lleapoaainasu of tba Sharma 17spartmene to law enforamattt conarna of the Clty ConodL • Finaatisl issaa surrouadiap tba dalinsy of law enforcement teevicea, both sow sad is atoitK yaan. Oan thaw initial interviews ban bean oompbt+d. ws wiU prapan an isaw Litt which will provide tba hasL [or wbaaquaat aoalytkal eIIbets. . Tut 4 - To nta68ah a beta for sentetttrtat< m Lrhotta Dapareo-sat, it is neceswry to develop a detailed portrait of currant workload and sarria damaad for lsw eafornment we+icw is Itaoeho Caamoada. '1'ttoo~t an~yda of dLpateh and other appropriaq docvmeab mtiatainad by the 3harifft Depsremant, wa will document workload is tetma a<tha 6 • Community ncteratad niL bar aarviw (CFS) by lima of dq and day of weak. • handle all C}S, qma (primary »apoaN sad Daeknpl raQuird to ' Resporar t(mas h! priority oe uryaoey of sail. • 0@icar iaitiatad satldties currently aetompliahad by ilald patrol pereoaael. • Arrseta and 6oektop iaalndla~ oi'dar iliac r'a4drad far tram to detantim hdUtlse. S • M•ug~sr o%zepirts writian Ey Add patrol personnel attd awrap amount of tiros demoted to esmpletins iaddwt npotte. • Number of ceps forwarded to iavudpd~e eta!! for fopow•up • invptleatloa br o8itaee typo, Tratflc enforcement workload. These dell will be proAled is sutlatical Corm and wiA aubepueatly be employed to structu» an iu•houee Polip Depattmeak Concurnat with our analyda o! workoad, ws wlll document how the Sheriffs Departaunt eurnntl! ur-u Rancho Cnpmonpa throudJt inurview. with appropriaq command and sngrvison eta!- ~.^a .: '.w aaa analrreu of rslewnt opentin: A~+~•~;,;,,, is ettff7at aarHa gatom wi11 he pro!lled in arms of• ' A°ar>~a doph+7mant of AaW Pesamml M time a/d4 std dq of wwk. • How traffic enforcement L handled indndioa ~aation of tapoasiblltt! betwua rKular Add patrol units aeui dodi bd traffic enforcement uni4. • Whether or not calls lee ssnla an aeraaned at dispatch and handled wJthout teh o! a sworn patrol oAleer iudndin~ the trpu of cells screened or baodllad Da attaaatlte mum. • Nature sad eaope of crime pee~eatiea programs cttrrendr provided in the aommuoit~ each ae: Nei~hhorhood Watch 3choci Itaisoa and/ar'eehod amoaae Coheeldrt[ dewlapmeot plain Ar eaoudtP~padderatlam Othes oaeamuoit~ oriented peo~eame. We will thin svaltutta woehlud sad eer+ica dale m estahWh a bae4 for structuria~ as is-heow Pallca Dapartmaek Phis will ia~oirs sdderedop each incase u the tdlowloF ' M reopoeu timaa to oaiL Atr urda canaiateat with service level e:pattatlaah Aer a dy ll><.s Raodts Coummpf Gicea staff ds toyed undo the contract and call foe aeevia workload, what lNel o[ o~ar/deputy time is awilable For pro-aetiw patrol or wlt- initiaUd aetlrities? Ice then as aDDroDriate balance between uncommitted time and time rpuired to handle cslls, arrnte end booldnp, and sport writLta? To what estent does an imbalance eniet and dose chic result in call overlord foe sold patrol penomd with negative imPaM on nepenee times. or does it result is ttdd pateol oventafflna dusind some time penode with neultins low ftdd patrol penonnd utill:atioa? • An crime pnvwtion pndrams coruiateat with rnsemuaity needs? An exietia~ pn`nwe comparabb a spproaeha taken by other proQreuiw lsw enforpment apatiu elww6en in California and the IJnited Sat.a? • An aw•n-orn perwaad amployd a haadla lower priority workload? Haw CF9 manyement techoiquu bow employed to focus sworn o@Icer time on high priority Lw eafomment activitla? Upon completion of the steps outlined show, we trill document the rnulu in a narntiw and satiatical report which we will reHew with the pnjeet etNtin~ trommittee to mnErm wt+la lard objactiws which can ba employed u a bade for structuritt~ as in-house Police DepartmsnR Tadt $ - 1>~ncumant_tha 1Fn11 Ceata et t1r C.nwrn! lwwew,.! T .. a!w16..w.,,.~.• • a~ Consieteat with the •e:,uiremeat outlined in your RFP, we will conduct a detailed analysis of current contractual Lw ealbteement eeeaicu to ensure ehn is an acttirate buU for somparin~ the costa of aO is-bouts Department in subspwne study work tasks. TMa wlll itteletds: • Reviewing eaiatlos sad hisWrieal oeatraet docamna a determine the basis for ch+t'da[ Rancho Cuoamoop Qor 4w enforamant eerTicw by the 9aa Rernasdlao Cooaty 8huiss Daparement • Conductla~ follow-rep aaalysia a doeamwt all c~r~ for she most resat 11 mweha for which data an a~ailabla. '1'Lis will include atamptlot a re.a mace a seevioes readeead u well u the lord of a ttn ~. Aodyda will iaeluda idaatiIIatioa of epeeiAe coat edleatlon apDroachu employed a sharp for each arvice compawot d tall u aotna! mw okaeRed sad paW. • Identifying potentld taeteaass is aoaa ekaly a ba ezpeeieoeed ors the Hart 1Z soontha cwsddarittr mat saoakstan pew-leioaa allowabL ender the ~roateact sad mat tteada Y peq~adad 14 Ban 8naae'dim County. 7 Tce results of ihfa wk will ba documeatd in the form of a namtive and atatdatical coat analysis. To tle oxunt that .ay iaaua an iden4Eed, the aaalyaie will include idealilltaHon o! nor ineonsiateadn is currant contract cost , allocation and ~rt'~i approachaa- Tank 4 - We will review tba multa of flu Ant three taelu and develop • ut of service level objectives whie6 care be employd u a basis for structurip` and coating an in•houae Police Department. M noted at the bapnoiad of thin work plan, these objectivaa mq or may ant ntlect current savia bvels prnidad by the San Bernardino 3heriSa Department. Recommended uania level objaeeive. w~.~ia deviau livm current seevia le.da is ebn.. ~_o r,,;:; ;a woKp ~ympt srviees t'aH bato.~ !-r~::~ l..w p»iarnd by the City or blow raauonabL wrvice IevaL typically obarrvad in pmpaain urban and suburban oommuaitla. 9etvia level objectives would ba tbemulatad dtr. • Raponae limas. • Uncommitesd, pro-ae!{ve patrol time. • Traffic eatorament emphaala. • Call for wrv[a maaapmant polidea. . Vw o(aen•ewaen Daraooael m band(e lower pr{ority calls. • lavartiaativa follow-up by ease type- 9mpa of alma Prevaatton pr+o~tammiiod desired. Once thaw recomtneaded objaetiw lava bean A-rmuLtad, we w111 setiaw cham in detail wlth the pegjeot atwriod oammittae at a asaise ptop+sas maetioa. Based on anidana provided b the caseittaa, raeommamd olJaetivsa will be adjwtad as a yy and once AnaBaad, wiG tla baaie for atracturin~ an in-house Poliq~~)gattaaant is aabsaqusnt attt taaka. Tank b - rota a thiawmlt~ ~ ~~ ~ ' amd as mat t A~om Do P1aa we w01 attneoare m ia•houw Police thna penpaMives; • ormultia~ ~t~an~rad and ataflbd ee tWAR td aarvfaa level objeetivp O ' R depariment orQaai:ed anti eta8'ed W npliute current arvieas • provi by the 9heritTe Department, if those arvicae dlaa from the seevia level ohleedwe formula4d in Task 4. • [f the t~no variations deseiibed above coat mare than the currant contract. a depaRment oraaaiaed and ataHad at a lend puivalent to Lfia current contract and clear identiliutloa of awp betwaan eervia feuds such a department said provide and aMce level ahjactiva established in Taek ~ sad current service buds providd under eha contract. The basic analytical eub•tasb rpvired to develop and evrlwa each of these variadonr an summarized in the paretitraphr which follow. Tarp b.l - The workiwd sad rartda lanl data davelopad is Tarkr Z and 4 will be converted W eha perwnhoun or pereoayaan required to handle them. To make this ceaverrioa, we will need to oearider sad detarmiae the Adlowit~: • The avara~e_amouat of time whkh anld ba eapaetad Por as otaur W handle a CF9, as well er provide Dackup for aW~ report writin`~ amst and bookht~. • The a~era~e amount of time which ahoald be anUabb for a patrol o@!ott to enpie in pro•actlw crime antral work (which ie a utvia . fwd dedeion). • The nlationehip which could aziet batwNa CF9 workloads and reeporw times to uUa. Thin nLticorkip will he aleniated throua6 use of the PAT80LPLAN computer model Por aaalysiot patrol operation and reroura needy. ` The petpntap of CP8 whidt could ba 'saeetrd' and handled tither by a non•awom poaitim or by a aomplaiai deck. The traffic dtatloo kevel which aald ha azpaetad (lute traffic rolumea aroma a~ amatotamatot of time aeedad to L[aw a tratilo dtation or The peraotap o[raportsd aims which era Ukel~ to nequire PoUow•up invaat[yatlen aed eha atwraAa amount a[ tlora nwded Air iavatlptioa. • The amotmt of Aret•Noe aapaevlaka middlaltep maaapmmt neawry to phm and tanteal varbtn 'bark' palip aanteea. e • The yeraaa•4oun or yaws of lima which may t» assdsd w provide other • prodrama not ditaetly nlatad to patrol, iarastiptlon gad traffic anforamant, such u commuoieadona, raentitmsat gad aalaetion. , training enanapmaat, rtaareh and plaoaiaE gad tba likes. • 1'l:a amount of timer to mauurad by arson-boon) arailabla for aaclh sworn gad aoaawora amployaa, for work, attar lima losers occur baesuaa of vacations, sick lnra, bolidap, beaks gad squipmaat sstvicias. Tha prodtut of thin work Cult will ba a mats(: which thowa, by t4tun time period, the paraon•hotirs a parsonyaas of lima assdsd to provide "basic' polio services baud on fotaeaalsd workload and dssind aaerior lavsls to bs provided. Tank Si! - A wln.~.--.s ..d 8hA1..~ Ihr RnVldler'~B~~t.~" _ aY~~a s_ Ice thin work task. the nsoateae eroded. u maasatad by parsoa•yaan of eRort raquind, wilt bs omratad into flu samba and typo of podtlou raquitad for a Polies Dapartmsnt is eha City a[ Rane6o Cunmoop. However, bsfon this coo M dcas, tlu oonadtant• is as~nnctlan with the ProJset S~att Committsa, will nand to dslsrmino cha philosophy apoa which this department wou18 ba atahliahsd. It to likely that elu or~an~atloaal philosophy for a munidpaUy opsntsd peNos dapartmsot world bo t-Lat ota'NMa' and'paan omead sender ethers than the rose traditlonal law soforament eondptsatloa. This would S moan, is psrR that Nun world be a aatbinatloa of sworn and aon•aworn paraonasl providiot "buie' polls aawiew and that lhs mat s~eisnt delivery syaama now known would 1N ssaploysd is tbo Ctty o[ Rancho Cuamon~a In short, trained polio oman world sot ba psrlbrmia~ work Wks which could bs handled by naaaworn pessortnal: modern CPS eseaealns and eve mana{amsnt techniques would ba ampioyad; aAbR wonW be ntada tie atfmnlata the oommturity to aaist in •policln; thsmulwa'• and, is deaenl, thb mnaidpsl police departmaat would follow smdanc nerd s~ietlw polidnP peaetless applicable to tlu Rnancial :salitiaa a~f the 1pY0's. In thin wont lark veer would ales sat tart6 the kq doidatiosa which we feel should bs utilised is dasalopirt~ a snooldpd polio ogaaisaWoa for elu Ci~j of Rancho C asid its ssrtdas ddlwsry syatsm for Lw aolbramsat It is likalY that Wes atoand which a plea o[ oetpotsatloa gad atolMR an based. could bs u f6llowe • MatdmiaioS the nee a[ peadteaisaale gad maswora psssounsl such u Comattu>iq 8eerla Aides. to 6aodUnd vaeiow- waklaads sadt u tmttlaa and noo•haandooe catleddbr sarNoae and toatina and papa orimtad ibllow•np inaetlptlvo work, 9 ' ~finimizinQ the militaristic ~'ararchy iouad is many police a~eneiss to faciitay deeiiion maitiaa at the lowest Paeibb orpeisadoaal level. ® Thin inidsliae eoudd be utilized to reduce the auntber o(di14idnc ranks rrquired is the police department aced, posribiy, employing the "police aQeat• concept • Redudna paper work, proaseia~, gad storage, • UainQ one Porsoa patrol uni4 gad the more eRlciaat SJ(i work week rather than the e/10 plan. • Tailoring the polio services delivered Dy the department to eha unique crime coatrd and service seeds otdiBi»at fipta of the community. • Developins gad urinf information N !~• ,.;...w servtces can be •IRet...H- .-~ ~uemv _-~ --• ep' maaa`ad oa as aa~oio~ beau. The speoitlc plan of ortatdtttion and star developed Trill be rerietnd with the Prgiect 9trerin~ Commitue to obtain their aidgw before tlu plan u Realized. Teak R•9 ~ 1>•tereeiee the ifs' aiee.ee! ed t~iHly Nra' air a Ik'n 1 ' tl Ice thin work teak. the types and camber a<eipdpmeat will be detsrmiaad for the yrovieion of'basio• polio eervieq Y well Y other aupportltK limctioaa which would be mat ecoaomiially performed b1 • polls department in the City of • Aandto Cunmoada. Also, apace aseds will be assessed. Ice this teak, we wiU: • DeNrmine the typo gad aumbe:s at abides needed (utia~ poelina conaph>, ineludlnd thow squired Rtr hadtup to cover downtime. • Deurmiar radio and other commemioatlon agaipmeat eomparia~ '!toad alone nay with oonbraetaai sentw and other aeraia needs. both 'stand alone' gad shared with other a0sadee. The ealuatioa would include casddention of the fiadbility of joittios C+ntario'e Pee- polia diapa~r ~ pCW Y an aitor>oathe f0 a'ataad doM' • tslidul wl~deh ah nl od be netmbers of nrious egaipmeat (e.s. haadia ptvrided y sworn and goo-swore persomeL ' D~termtoe required otna eQttipmrat and other typo of egnipmeat app:Vpeiay. • Detrrmine thr amount gad types of bedldin~ and land spay needed to house a muaidpslly operated Prlioa dspaz~tsot, sad compare that with epee to 6e a~vaWiiasWWr is the Yw pnblio Yfity Rtdltq. l! additional and tlmay a~ifa. s~ u ~~~ ~~ ~ boa Truk S.! - In chic work tack, the coHeultiaaa team ad11 dwslop a pmpoesd opeeatiHs and - capital outlay budge for the asb6liehment of a Cigopented poUp Rancho Cucamonga. This badpt would Mt forth; department in • Salary and frinp behest wets for various typq of perwnnal. • Material and supply costa for flu daparfineat. • Vehicle sad sQuipment operation coe4. • Contractual wrrice mm !•.- - .- :..:.. as tnoN Gtr communiptioge i[ sot .H r -stand alone' Dania). • Capital outLya tequtred for epaipment sad fidlitles. indudia~ debt service where Handed. • Other coact eaaodated with the operatloa of a municipal police department each o liabllity iHauranoe sad other iannranp casts. Oche: additional cash whie6 would need to be e~alnsesd and eetlmstd t!u Ct ~admiaiWetlw a ~' ir-houw Polias Daparmoent oa b support ia~aetewobare iadudlaF • Finaaoe - PsRd1 p[aoraiHd and other Aaaodal control ata~ - Penonad - recruitia~ sad selection impact oa esiatias department etsd reaouraee. • Vettide mniatenenn fm tbs Polio Department Qwe and impact of thin incremental woskiad oA egnigmeat maiatsnaace atatr end fualitia rgniremwtr, In thin tank we trlll ales prat PadDle twrantwa whirrJs would be reaiesd by the City to dehq, is per, its poNa ssrrla assts. Thaw raesnup arould include: reimbursement hem PO!!1; tralRa craw and taefiitttres, y~o grants which may be araileDlr, aLrm tires; repast keadtioi bs« and as ae. The prododa d tFda sat of Wks world iadudae • deeceab~at tlr~bediadH~d ~~ ~ tech of the ndae[om A capital a:DeoM. afar!-ap badpt Ibr eeah raeiatlest. (~ Teak 8 - Perbapa tlu most agniflcant challenge uwaatad with movie= from a contact law enforcement egeum to an in-house Police Department involves service eraneftion. Cant5tl plaaniag is critlca! W avoid anq deteriontioa in Lw ' anForcymeae eervieu to the ootprmunitq end W moderaG dupptladop in costa. Rey transitim none which wW need to be analysed include the following: • How to brigs • basic cammaad inhaetruMUre op board to accomplish thou steps neceuary to develop an ip•houu Police Department including: Coordinating and directing the rseruitint sad adaction program which wUl be enquired to atais swoea sad noa•ewora Goeil+n~. !~ tiu new departmam.7 Derelopiag operating policies and proddures For the new dapartmaat. hfapagiag equipment aequ{dtlon. Coordiaatins orrice traadtion lxom the San Bernardino Sherilfe Department. • Worldag with the Cteq Couadl, the Pubik 3aGeq Communion, and Cltq ntaQ to dnrdop programs conaisteat with community • espac4tioas. • How W transtion teawfir of aarrta napoaaibi$tq from the 3heeiffs Department to the new Polip Dapartmaat to aoau» wrrica an maiataiaed, qt duplication o[ ataR and aeeria meta an minimised. • How to Rsertit slats to toiaimiaa atarFup ~ydn~ eats and to enaun that . oadn of road paraonaal antrava bile 4 to prorida polio serrieea. Coaddseiag alit oomyntltivn market 16r polio ol5an acraa California, enrntdting and edaetloa map 6a the moat dgntAeaat b ~a ~aCawaLtd wtth atabliakipg as ia•kouaa PoHa Dapartmeat In accompiisking Tank S, we w(B idanet!} all teaaaitian etapa aaaesaarq to addrnu the Iowa noted above and prepare • detailed transition and impumeatatlms plan which wiL eaaaiat of eha Pollowing oompaoaata • Detailed daadptian of oae6 teaneitim atop inehadiag atimata of tJu atafi time required to aeaeatpilah each. • Raeomimaadd dmiag of sack atop. ffi /3 • Responsibility for accomaliar~in$ sect step. SpedBc cosy aaeociated with uch sop. Ouz recommended transition plea sad budder will be doeummeed is the form of a outior proereu report which will tv reviewed with the Project 9teedna Committee. Teak 7 - The results of ueh of the pncedia~ work Wlu will )» documented is the project final report which will: • Provide a detailed evaluation of carrier lent and cu4 as.nr+•te•! -;:.; the cursat contract urvin .v.~.; • Establia6 clear ssrviee lard objective to provide • bade for structu:ine as is-house Polia DepartmenR • Structure sad display costs sad revenue related W operatics as in• house Pdia Department iacludia~ multiple or~n~~tiecal and coat variations as required br your 1iFP. This will iadndetnn.depeh analynfe of the consiateacy of each orpnisatiocai nriatiaa with 4w eafoeeemeat asrvia level objetives. • A detailed trrodtioa sad implemeatatloa plan iadndtt~ identitintion • Dep~irtsm~at p eoets aasociatsd wtN a hind as is-kouae Police • Althou`6 not spaci!lally squired is your Itequat For Proposal, the 8aa1 report will also include identiAratian d which could be taken to rseoive any ideatidd wwia level isauea within the structure of the eristin~ contract indndinq cute, reosptivtly of the Sea Seraardino County SharilTa Deparlmeaq to neossmeaded adjastmenta, and tromparadra enltutlaa with the itthoue department sad the esiatitip cootraet aituatioa. The report wi11 be rwdewed is drait lbrm with the pmt stesrin~ oommittaa Once apprepefate modlAaatlaos noel clariAngoaa have bew based oa the committee's rnLw, we will b• prepared to pretest the cod sport at yon deem appropriate. The erdtibit which lbllosre thin pep ahowa a tlme eehsdnle !be oompletlnp the taeka outlined in this sretlao. Hoard as oar enrewt mdeeatapolo~ of sbuit soopa, we expect the project will regnis 19p der is osaaplrN. ~~ Attachment II Motion of the Public Safety Commission CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA r~xAMn. ' r~,~ MEMORANDUM ~`' ~~ a r O n , A U v D 1977 DATE: March 13, 1991 TO: Mavor and Members of the Citv Council FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager C,~ SUBTECI': MOTIf~N REGARDING LAW ENFORCEMENT STUDY Attached please find a copy of the motion made at last night's Public Safety Commission meeting regarding the law enforcement study. Should you have any questions, please contact me. JBF/pr Attachment Public safety a-eotiseirn Workshop Miiutas Iaw Ehfoxtament Spu9y McP'di 12, 1991 ADPICN: Moved by Yankovidl, seornded by dn-atalo, after careflll considetatirn of the misultant's law IIiPoro~t Arelysis, Public Heetirgs, acd ~nmiseirn discussirn, atd in order tc provide effective law enPomaomlt sensitive to local ootm4mity reeds and an 1~'eased level of service and anxent eoot>omic grorhh, the Public Safety Coamissicn reoommenls to City the City ~xuicil as follows: 1) the city Council remgnia~s that Panda Cucamotxla is a leader atd role model in the valley's West IIrl, with a populatirn eittg 100, ODO people a!d cgowirg at a rapid rate. The citizere of this caavuuty deserve a level of service consistent with other services prwided within the City; (2) the City Coun:il 9nooort the A,hi ir. CafMv fvwmiaei...:n i~,a ,avaa...i..e4l.-. 4y,.w ., _ Fhfox+oement Agercy is locally staffed acd locally ourtrolled; (3)µthe City Coun:il support the Public Safety amaiasian in it's Pir,dings that the City atd it's citizere deserve the j c®itmerit acd dedication that career officers provide; (4) the City 6amcil sctppart the Public Safety Ca~issirn and take immediate acorn to begin the establi and impl~ta-tirn oP a Ci in-ha~se Pniice Department, to irolude it's own Dispatt3i Center acd dediaata Dispatdieis: (5) if the City Cwmcil, after oonsideratirn of the can-rent ea:axmic situation, determines that the formation of a City Police Department is rot an-.p..fiy fusible, that the City Cbtuccil take steps to alternative futility saaroes to firerre and impianent an i ty PoR lines Departoertt; (6) during the interim, vdtile a City Police Depariment is being forded aril i~l~^~~, the Public safety C~issirn reo®oetds that the City ~uncil take action to recognize the notable deficienciss associated with the Sheriff's ausent contract aril take immediate steps to correct aril elimirete the follariry, to include tut not limited tn: (a) exi:essive rotation of personnel an3 staff, (b) the lack of local contxvl in settiry policies aril regulation„ (e) a Resolution of an-reirt dispatch problems. Motion carried 6-1-0 (Amedt no). MC7i'IQi: Fkrved by cl,; nta„a~ s~`(ii'si y~, yet end the City (btmcil feel that Cf1e City c:an afforri aril in-haise Police Departmnt or should not have a Police Departxnertt, reommerd as an alternative that the City oo,mcil lock at the Contract Iaw l}rforo~wnt Services provided aril incorporate reanmendatiore made by the Nf>SUltattt, Mr. John W. Reiss, rn pages 82 aril 83 of his report. Motion carrisl 6-0-0-1 (Iwndt a~tairnd) . Attachment III Submittal Package from the Public Safety Commission DATE: TO: PROM: SUBJECT: July 17r 1991 C1't'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA IvIEIVIf7~AN1)iJM Hayor and members of the City Council Daniel Glace, Chairman Public Safety Commission INDIVIDUAL PUBLIC SAPETY COMMISSIONER RESPONSES IN RSGAADS TO THS LAW 6NFOHCEMENT STUDY ISSUE Per your requeetr et the Commission's leaf workshop concerning the law enforcement feasibility study, you will find attached the six memorandums from each Commissioner of the Public sefety Commission responding to their concerns and thoughts in regards to the law enforcement feasibility study. For your convenience, I am attaching the six individual memorandums along with a copy of the Pu611c Safety motion and recamoendation to the City Council, and a copy of the minutes from our workshop meet inge. Also for your convenience, on Paga 2 of thin cover letter I am attaching a list of the subjects that concerned ua ne Commiaeionera that should assist you in the ;ommiaeion'e consideration of this issue. We ae Cowsiseioner'e are looking forward to our workshop meeting, at which time the Commission will stand ready to answer queetione which will assist you in your coneiderationa of thin issue. DG amm Attachments i.nir air e`vRC'uHe.riY' PenSiR iL iTy 5'Piiui List of Important Pointe 1• ban Bernardino County Sherlff'e personnel turnover rate. 2. Diepaich concerns. 3. Proactive time. Q. Station employees Yelationship and commitment to the City. 5. San Bernardino County overhead caste considerations. 6. Financial considerations. ~. Liability coats coneidaratione. S. Replacement of undesirable employee and training coneiderat ions. 9. Vser att Ltude survey. l;l'1'Y VN' KANGriU GUGAMVNIiA ~iE~ti~~F~~:~ Fii;1~I DATE: June 12, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Daniel Glae e, Chairman Public Safety Commission EURJECT: j~AW ENFORCEMENT RECOMl~kNDATION In the following you will find my personal thoughts and concerns ir. regards to the law enforcement issue and the recommendations made by the Publ le Safety Cammieeion. Since my appointment to the commission in 1987, I have been continually asked about a police department and whether the City of Rancho Cucamonga will be implementing a police department of their own some day. When the City Couneil assigned the Public Safety Commission the reeponsib it ity of studying this issue, and to make a recommendation after considering the coneultante study, I have endeavored to seek Community opinion in regards to this. I am involved in several community groups, am active in my church, and have spoken to numerous citizens including my neighbors and friend e, along with the citizen contacts at our public hearings of the Public Safety Commission which have helped to form my opinion in regards to a sense of community opinion on this ieaue. I feel that the community, while generally sat iefied with the San Eeznardino County sheriff's Department, desires a higher Level of service that a city operated and controlled police department can offer. While talking with several cit izena that desire to et ay with the current Sheriff's contract, I realize their main concern gravitated to the economic ieaue n =-a than the service level ieaue. When talkiny to citizens that favored a Aancho Cucamonga Police Department i found that, while they were Concerned about the economic ieaue, they were mostly concerned with making Aancho Cucamonga as safe of a community to live in as possible. At thin point, I would like to addreae the six points that were included in the Public Safety Co~mnieeion motion forwarded ae a recommendation to the City Council. In regards to point number one, I believe that many cities and citizens that live elsewhere era looking to Rancho Cucamonga to see what type of community it will evolve into, when I talked to people outside of the City about Rancho Cucamonga, T find that most people are impressed with the high etandarde that Ranoho Cucamonga has set for i.taelf. In talking with the citizens that live here, I £ind that moat cit izena have decided Go move here because of those same high etandarde. Ir too, feel that the citizens of this community deserve a high level 9t service from ire police department, and that the services rendered by the police department be consistent with other etandarde that the City has eat for itself within the other departments of the City. 3 Law Enforcement Aecommendst ion .Tuna 12, 1991 Page 2 In regards to point number two, I believe that a locally controlled end staffed police department can be more efficient in rendering the type of service that the citizens of our community deserve. I feel by locally staffing and controlling ~ a City police department Can yield the type of service that ie tailored to the needs to our community in tega~de to eexvice levels and special programs. In regards to point number three, i Gel ieve that a long-term commitment ie needed, end that officers that tlevote their career to the citizens of Rancho Cucamonga era more effective in stopping crime in our community. In regards to point number four, I believe that a city of this size needs its own police department and especially iia own dispatch center. A community needs to have officers that are coum~i~ied ~ c......._.. •^ well ae dispatchers cpnssitted to more daily knowledge of the City in order to rend¢z moxa effective service and officer safety. In regards to point number 5, I realize that our City, ae well ae our County and State, are experienciny tough financial times which may not allow the City at this time to go to its own poi lca department. i feel that at this stage of our cone ideration of this ieaue, we need to simply decide if we want to stay with the sheriff's contract or if we want to move in the direction of forming our own police department. After the consideration of moving to our own police department ie made, then I feel the City can take steps towards funding the police department. In regards to point number six, T feel if we are to either temporarily or permanently et ay with a Sheriff's contract we need to take steps to eliminate def is ienciea within the contract and to monitor the contract closely to make sure the City ie getting what it Baye for and also to procedural problems that arise. In regards to our second motion made by Commissioner Pat Quintana concerning the recommendations made by Hughes, Heise & Associates on Pages 82 and 83 of their report, I Aad voted in tavcr pf paopicy the mnt.ion because I believe the City Manager, or hie designee, should have some tole in decidiny key command staff at the Rancho Cucamonga Station. I feel that the City should have some input in interviewing perspeci ive candidates and having the decision tc veto oz approve a candidate. I disagree with the r¢comme nded 35 to 40 percent range for proactive time; I feel that 48 percent range or the highest range that this City can obtain or afford should be maintained to afford the highest degree o£ safety and service availability to our citizens. I also die agree with referring to the Sheriff's Department ae the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department and outfits ing the unite, station and officers with the uniforms, patches and logos indicating that they ors City police cff icere. I feel that if we decide to stay with the Sheriff's contract that the Sheriff's Department personnel feel more Comfortable being referred to as Deputy Sheriffs. I also haves a sense that there ie some con£uaion in our community in regards to the labeling of the Sherif t'e Department ae the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department. I do agree with the last point made on Page 83 of the study that a target percentage of 10 percent or lase ba established for turnover rate et our Station. Law Enforcement Recommendation June 12, 1991 Feaa ~ The points of interest in Cha Hughes, MBiee 6 Aeeoclates Law Enforcement Study that interested me or concerned me the moat were: 1. The turnover rate from approximately 30 percent par year - I believe Chia turnover rate diminishes the affectiveneae of an officer in hie ability to fully understand the needs of our community 2. Dispatch Center concerns - I believe oy having our awn dispatch center staffed by our own dedicated dispatchers will offer a higher degree of public safety due to the fact that the diepatehere will, like the officers, have a higher degree of commitment and expert lee in what happens here Ln Rancho Cucamonga. Having dispatchers that know the varvr.=..~.: ~-± _~ __ ..: __ ac y..:..iwus spots nn the area, will also lend Stae1F t0 a hlgher'degree of officer safety. I also believe if we ere to go to our own dispatch center, that during the implementation of the dispatch center, the possibility of combining the Police Department and Fire Department dispatch centers could be obtained realizing the poeeLDle cost of savings. I do not recommend the use of PRECOH due to the open-end unknown costa variance due io tit iee coming into end going out of using the PRECCM eyeteni. I also believe that by the use of the PRECOM system we would lose some local control ae wall ns the commitment and familiarity of the dispatchers to the City. 3. The proactive time ratio - I would like to see the City stay at a minimum of 95 percent or higher proactive time to allow officers ample time to actually do preventative patrol. This is what prevents the crime that couid occur in our City and holds down the crime rate. If we become a city that simply reacts to radio calls, our crime rate will rise and become uncontrollable. 4. The officer relationship to the City - while it is true that the Sheriff's deputies are committed to their department and to working for the City while they a.a here, the turnover and the availability of promotions and lateral movement within the Sheriff's Department ie the incentive for the depot iee to leave our City. While certain Sheriff's deputise have returned to the City for a second time arountl to work here in a special position or promoted position, I feel that the movement in and out reduces the commitment and the knowledge that is necessary to do a top quality job within the City. It has been said that currently, iF there is an undesirable deputy that has a problem within the City, that the Sheriff's Department can quickly remove the deputy from the eubetation and administratively assign the deputy to souther place in the County, thus relieving the City of any burden ae a result of the deputies actions. while this is temporarily convenient, it has been known that the same deputies have rotated back through the eubetation once agnin working within the City. Likewise, it ie true that if we had our police department and a poi ice of £icer was undesirable and had problems within the City that it would take a long termination process to get rid of such a person = do not believe that thin poses a great burden on the City and that these incidents are far and few between. S Law Enforcement Aecommendetlon June 12, 1991 5. Overhead costa from the San Bernardino County Administration - the Hughee, Hsies & Associates report advisee that a poeeib le percentage o'f 31.9 of overhead costa could be charged to the City that is currently not being charged. If the overhead coats were applied, the Sheriff'8 contract would approach the same coats of that to implement an in-house police department. In these times of budget crises and financial short-falls, it is easy to zealize that the county will take some action Ln regards to its contract clt is s. While it is probably ea t'e to assume that the County will not charge the ant ire 31.9 percent, I feel that any overhead costa that would be charged at this time would be detrimental to the budget which will be monitored very closely. _.-. ~.y~.,:e iw ws pose able raising of our dispatch fees, I feel this ie ono area the County 19 starting to raise the overhead coats. In regards to the jail booking fees, this is another way in which the County is being allowed to, by law, raise funds to offset their overhead costa. It ie argued that the booking fees are not part of the County•e overhead coats, however, the County has always paid for the jailing of prisoners within th¢ County at the County jail, and any charging of fees for each prisoner and the use of the jail can only be translated into an overhead cost of operak inq that jail. I might add that it has always been the County end State's responsibility to incarcerate prieonete pending court hearing and convicted criminals. 6, Financial consideration - Although in the original aealgnment of this issue to the Public Safety Comm.i esion, the Commission was not specifically designated to look at the financial impact to the City, one cannot disregard thin as a major consideration in this issue. Although the figures would be inflated since the time of the Hughee, Holes 6 Aasociatea report, the report indicates Chat a City police departmenk would cost between $7.5 and $e,d million annually. Thera would be a one time car ~al cut lay of batty=-en $<.G and $a.0 million, which the City Hanager, Jack Lam, indicated could be capitalized and paid over eevecal years, thus reducing the financial impact. Theta would also be a one time transition coat that would also be needed. These transition come are eubatantially less than what would normally be needed to at art up a police department due to the foot that Rancho Cucamonga currently has a public safety facility built and currently being operated. There have been alleeat ions that the Hughee, Heias 6 Associates report stet ietically is unsound and unconf irmable. While talking to MY. Heias at the Commiaeien'e workshop meetings, it was clear that Mr. Heias was gathering statistics from the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department to the beat of hie ability. I believe Lhat the Hughes, Heias 6 Associates consultant report is as comprehensive as it can 6e, given the parameters that were outlined by the City Council/Public Safety Commission Subcommittee on law Onforcement alternat ivee. one point in the law enforcement study chat I am concerned with in regards to Hughee, Heise d Aasociatea, is the law ar,forcement user attitude survey. A survey like this was not specifically desired 6y the City Council/Public Safety 6 Law enforcement Aecommandation Juno 12, 1991 Paaq Cwmniaeion Subcommittee. Due to the fact that this survey was not desired, I feel that the survey should not have been included In the report. Ths survey is very narrow in ecope~ and if requested, the survey should Nava hsen a comprehensive survey of zotal citisene• att itudee in regerde to their currant law enforcement agency. Also of interest, during the Commission's public hearings was the response by the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce. After listening to their preesntation and reading their summary of findings fray their subcommittee in regards to this issue, I feel that the Chani6er of Commerce Le basically concerned with the financial impact to the City and being able to attract new buelneeeee to our City. I would have liked to have eat in and listened to eomw ,.F ~Fe+~ ,.-_-o.. ~ „wv~iuyn and neam some of the discussions and concerns from same oE`the local business community. However, I feel that the overriding factor in their report was concern with money and not safety. While I do behove ihaC moat of the business community ie concerned with safety, I could not feel comfortable with the overriding financial concern in reyarda to this ieeue. It has been my experience the[ there are Ceep feelings on both sides of this ieeue of whether to contract long-term with the Sfln Bernardino County Sheriff's Department or to etert our own police department, and I am sure moat of you On the Council have heard these concerns. This ieeue particularly concerns the quality of life here in Rancho Cucamonga, and I would like Co see a commitment of the highest quality of law enforcement that can be maintained fox our Clty. I feel that this highest level of law enforcement commitment to the community can 6e beet obtained by the implementation of our own City Pc lice Department. I hope that this memorandum has shed acme light on those eubj eCte that are of concern to me in regards to this ieeue. I stand ready to answer any other questions that you may have of me at any time. Respectfully submitted, Daniel Glaea, Chairman Public Safety Commieaion DG:emm 9. If Rancho Cucamonga decides !o defer establishing an ia•houw police department until tittua yeah, several medificatioss should 6e incorporated into the eristing contact system. They include the following; ' The City Manager or hie designee should have wme role in deasione elated to seeigning key commend staff to the Rancho Cucamonga station. Thin should include: Interviewing psrspectiw randidatss. - Having wme veto power if candidate are not consistent with community stpachtions. The approach employed to determine basic field petal staffing requirements should ba modified to iacorpoate the system employed by the project team during the courw of this study. This includes establishing a recommended target for pro•actlvs time (time availab4 for preventive patrol and a~pr initiated activities) in the 9b96 tp i0% range, and employing the PATROLPLAN model to determine basic deployment requiremsnU neceswry to achieve these wrvico level the City sand the San Bernardino County Shhenff De ~artment during the course of this study. • Increase the identifiatioa of contrail psrsoanal w Rancho Cucamonga Police. The preferred approach should include: Identifying field Patrol uaita as Ranho Cucamonga Police. Provide uniforms, patches, end logos which clearly identify deputies u City Police Officer. Title the Captain in charge of the Rancha Cucamonga station ae City Chief of Police. Modify signs and other logae to identify the contract law tea.°orcemeni operation as the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department rather than.the Ban Bernardino Connty Sheriffs Department and 36eriffs station. O 82 CaatraMUally commit the 8herigs Department to maintaining stability in stag to pnivida arvicu under the coatraM to avoid sttg turnover problenn ssperienad in Uu :anal Wat. While dt is clear that the Sheriffs Department is taldag steps to strut turnover at the Raachn Cucamonga station, this commitment should be formally utablished in the contract. It is recommended that s maximum aaaual turnover rate far lice stag of 10% be established u ^ target in the new contract. This would present ^ level of stag tueaover oomparsble to those seen in police department's eLiewhere is Southern California. Analysis presented in this chapter indicates that an in-hauow ?~~~~- Department would coat A.u~. a+.R •„ ~,{ ,,,;,;;~ amuauy to operate, and would regnii'e an additional up-boat, ona time iaveetmeaL of ~.0 to f,9.0 million to cover capital and trantition coats. 83 INITIAL SUMMARY OF FINDINGS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LAW ENFORCEMENT AEPORT SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE GOVERNMENT RELATIONS COMMITTEE GARY CHRISTIAN OF COMMONWEALTH UNITED MORTGAGE, CHAIRMAN -BACRGROUND- The Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce undertook in the Autumn of 1990 a study of the June 1990 Heiss 6 Associates Law Enforcement Delivery Systems Report currently being studied by the Rancho Cucamonga Public Safety Commission. A subcommittee of the Chamber's Government Relations Committee was formed and has operated as an open forum. In lieu of a final report, we reguest that the Public Safety Commission in drafting a substantive analysis of the report consider the following points raised during the subcommittee meetings. -SUMMARY- The primary function of the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Comunerce is to promote and ensure the most positive possible economic climate for the community and to attract the highest quality businesses and industries to our City to mitigate a current imbalance in our jobs/housing ratio. In attracting new job- and revenue-generating businesses to Rancho Cucamonga rp mitigate that imbalance, one of the most important factors we communicate to potential businesses is our City's visionary and innovative approaches to maintaining the highest quality of life for our community. This approach, and the City's willingness to communicate and cooperate with quality businesses, is evidenced by our City's exercising considerable business acumen and cost-effectiveness in it's utilization of existing contract law enforcement delivery systems through the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department - a fact which major employers will find extremely attractive when considering relocation. Our study of the Heiss Aeport indicates that the City's current ability to deliver the highest level of service at the lowest possible cost through contract services is a critical component in Rancho Cucamonga's ability tc attract those quality businesses which will attract greater discretionary spending and job generation while allowing ouc residents to enjoy greater time at home and with their families. In addition, time has been spent by our Government Relations Committee in «orking to promote greater local influence U -2- over that of more distant legislative bodies such as County and state agencies. Our review indicates that cities are the most trustworthy and efficient spenders of tax revenues. Utilization of existing services are another example of that cost-ef Eieciency. -CONSIDERATIONS- Due to the major impacts on our economy - particularly the recession, a disputed census count and the Persian Gulf War - which have elapsed since the delivery of the Heiss report in June of 1990, we urge the Public Safety Commission - when budgetary constraints permit - to commission a supplementary or secondary report which will study the following factors in greater detail: THE OVERHEAD ISSUE: After our discussions with Ban Bernardino County Sheriff's Capt. L. Ray Harper and Contract Services Coordinator Bob Tremaine, we feel that there is currently no real or immediate threat of the County's levying overhead costs to the City which would raise the cost of maintaining existing services to a higher level than implementing comparative city police services. We feel that the matter should be addressed by the Commission in greater detail than that provided in the report. THE IDENTITY ISSUE: A more intensive study of community attitudes towards the maintainance of existing services as opposed to an in- house police department is absolutly required before any comprehensive recommendations can he made to our City Council. our studies indicate that, as more and more cities are considering disbanding in-house police forces in favor of contract services, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department is exhibiting a heightned sensitivity for the need for community identity and for the specific services which are of importance to our community. E¢UITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF COSTS: As our subcommittee determined that no particular business, commercial or industrial ?and use generated an inordinate law enforcement service requirement; we feel that any efforts to fund any improvements in existing services or implementation of local services consider that law enforcement costs should be borne by the community as a whole, with no excessive burden on any segment of the community. Assurances that any additional and long-term costs can be successfully absorbed by the community as a whole must be provided to the community before any steps are implemented. THE AFTER-COST ISSUE: A Study of the long-term impacts on the City budget of police pensions and potential tort liabrlity must be part of any Yi nal, comprehensive recommendation to the City Council. These projected costs should be computed as per-capita costs and included in any comparison between contract versus in-house costs. THE 'TENOR OF THE TIMES' ISSUE: Our review indicates that more and more L'alifornia cities are implementing or considering contract ~(] -3- services in lieu of in-house services. We suggest that any comprehensive recommendation to the City Council contain testimony ~ from these cities' officals as to why this route was taken by these cities. in addition, any cities which have eschewed contract services in favor of in-house services should be polled as well. THE HIDDEN COST ISSUE: While many of the Sheriff's services, such as the Homicide Bureau, Detective Bureau, Mounted Posse, SWAT team and Helicopter Division would be made available upon specific request by a local police chief, we feel that contract services will - and do - provide an economy of scale as the various cepartments rnvolved are already 'networked' for greater and more immediate coordination in the event of major crimes. We feel that departments which are already well-aquainted with one another and working towards a common goal result in a time economy of scale as it automatically resolves the frequent miscommunications which often hamper cooperations between sheriff and police departments in those cases. This should be addressed as a cost issue. THE CHAMBER PERSPECTIVE: In assessing the Chamber's perspective on this issue, it should be noted that, while we tried diligently to approach our study of the report with a dispassionate, 'dollars- and-cents" mindset, the vast majority of our member businesses, their employees and the Chamber's directors are also residents of Rancho Cucamonga. It was also noted that even those businesses operated by non-residents are dependent for their livelihoods upon the quality of life in Rancho Cucamonga and when they require law enforcement services, the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department responds whether it is a contract or in-house service. A great sense of personal satisfaction with existing services and a tremendous sense of pride in our City pervaded the discussions. -THE CITY WITH A VISION- In closing, we feel that the City's cost-effective use of existing contract services, particularly in an era in budget deficits and revenue shortfalls, demonstra t,es a City with courage, vision and a tremendous sensitivity to the entire spectrum of it's residents' public safety needs. We applaud the City of Rancho Cucamonga elected officials and staff and the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department in it's joint effort to make Rancho Cucamonga the Finest city in California. We feel that this dedication to quality is of inestimable value to the City and tF,e Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce in attracting quality businesses and industries worthy of our City and citizens. We applaud the City's foresight and leadership in utilizing the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department for services. The subcommittee humbly offers it's services as an information resource to the City and the Commission in this endeavor. Submitted this 6th day of March, 1991. Gary Christian, Chairman ~~ l%1'1'Y UN' HANUHU UUUAMUN(iA IVY~MURANDUM DATE: July 16, 1991 TO: Daniel Glass, chairman Public Safety Commies ion FROM: George Yankov i ch, Vice-Chair ~~ Public Safety Commies ion ` SUBJECT: IeAW BNF ORCEMEN T RECOMMENDAT}O~i Approximately two years ago the Aancho Cucamonga City Council asked the Public Safety Commission to undart ske a study and look at the lsauee surrounding an in- houee police department. A subcommittee was formed and a proteaelonal consultant was hired. Upon complat ion of she Hughes, Heise 6 Associates law enforcement study, numerous meet inge and public hear inge were held. The Public Safety Commies ion completed its study in Jenuery, 1991, and recommended to the city Council, by a 6-1 vote, to establish the "Rancho Cucamonga Police Department". On March 27, 1991, the City Council and Public Safety Commie aion met again to discuss a number of ieauee regarding the law enforcement study. Tha City Council asked the Commisaioner'e of the Public Safety Commission for a list of concerns we had and how we arrived at our decieion(a~. the list of concerns that were brought up are ae follows: 1. Excessive rotation of personnel, 2. Local control, 3. Pro-active time, S. Uae of reserves, 5. n:.. ~r ~h .,,:,i omo ~..d dedicated d:..p-. she.-" __p _._ p_____.._ _.. __ ___ _.,, b. Comparison of Aancho Cucamonga to the cities of Palmdale and Oceanside. The motion made by the Public Safety Commission was our recommendation to the City Council. It was based on a year-long study which included numerous meet inge and public hearings. After listening to the pros and cons and gathering all the facto the Public Safety Commission made their decision to recommend that an in- house police department would better benefit the cit izene of Rancho Cucamonga. one big concern was the coat of implementation and operation and maintenance costa of our awn police force. N.oat residents agreed they would be wi Lling to be assessed the additional amount each year in order to pay for their own police department. The Public Safety Commission is fully cognizant of the current economic situation and the obstacle that entails, however, the Public Safety Commission based their decision on the best quality of service for our citizens and that almost every citizen the Commies ion spoke with said the issue should be placed on the ballot to let the voters decide. Therefore, I feel the majority of the voters would favor an in-house police department along with an additional assessment to pay for all public safety relatetl services. Law Hnforcemsni Aacommendation July :g .. Pags~2 Ever since the voters approved the City incorporation in November, 1877, the City Fathers have conskantly improved its services. Xear eftet year more and aq[a services came under local control rather than contracting them outp the latest and biggest service is our own Fira DeFartment, and the final step ie our own police department. The City o£ Rancho Cucamonga ie rapidly approaching the 325,000 population mark, antl this City ie a roll-model city and leader of the valleys west-end. Our citizens deserve the long-term commitment, dedication, loyalty and support that only career officers and dispatchers provitla. You, the elected officials of Rancho Cucamonga appointed seven citlxene to serve on the Public Safety Commission and out of the seven Cammiseionere, eiz voted in tavor of e9tabliehing the "Rancho Cucamonoe nn~:..e °c8 ,,,,,e,,,, , Respectfully submitted by: George W. Yankovich, Jr., Vice-Chairman Public Safety Commission GWY(emm (~--~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ IVf~M(~RANDUM GATE: April 23, 1991 TO: Daniel Glnae, Chairman Public Safety Commission FROM: Pat Quintana, Commissioner Pu61ic Safety Commission SVBJECT: LAW 6NlORCBMENT STUDX At its inception the Public Safety Coomission was assigned to explore "whether or not the Ciey intends or should malue future plane to form it's own police department" (1-21-87 memorandum), and Hughes, Heise and Associates ware aelsctad to conduct a law enforcement study. A subcommittee composed of Publie Safety Casmieaionera and City Council members met with the consultant, defined the terms of what was to be studied, periodically mat with the consultant to discuss progress, and ultimately the study was completed on June 21, 1990. The report was presented to the Public Safety Commission ae a whole at public workshops the last being held on February 26, 1991. At that time the Chamber of Commerce presented the Commission with an oral state- ment regarding its interest in this Sasue and one week later the chamber followed its oral input with a written analysis. The Chamber suggested that it was premature of the Commission to render a recomnrendat ion to Council. Considering the fact that the Public Safety commission had been directed to provide the Council with a recommendation regarding law enforcement, and that the P.ughes "Analysis of Law Enforcement SeYVice Delivery Options" was based on data collected in early 1990, it appeared inappropriate for ue to prolong this issue any further. i suggested to my feLOw Ccr._icsion ccr,bem t.*.at «s cake a raccc- mendation to Council based on public input, the consultant's study and indepen- dent investigation, and anticipated that the council would inform ue if it desired coneiderat ion of additional items. The Heieq study bee ically covered three areas: Quality of service (ae measured by a consumer survey), Projected coats of an in-house police department with recommended standarae, Coate of contract services. Heiea also, on Pages 82 and 83, made recommendations with respect to contracted services ehou ld the City opt to continue contracting with the Sheriff's Department which included: A 30 percent target on turnover rate, Provisions for city Nanager selection of key personnel, Identifying the Captain as the Chief of Police, Providing logo's and uniform's which identify deputies ae City police off icere. /~ Law Xnforcement Study April 23, 1991 Page 2 The Chamber also, on Page 3 of it's analysis, ra£arred to the feet that the Dueineee community ie dependent upon law enforcement services from the "Rancho Cucamonga Polioe Department enforcement servicea•, be they contract or in-house. At present acme of the Heiss recommender ions have been put in place: the Captain ie called "Chief", when a telephone call is made to the Station the receptionist answers "Rancho Cucamonga Pollee Department", and the City hoe directional signs which advise citizens of the locale of the Police Department. If one reads between the lines of the study end the Chamber's analysis, as well ae the City admtnietration•s actions, it would appear that all parties would prefer a city run police department were it not for one major Factor - coat. coat ie indeed a telling fnctor ae many, many fiscal uncerteintiee taco the City with respect to the provision of law enforcement: will the City be financially a61e to support en Ln-house police department? On the other hsnd, will the County Board of Supervisors continue to approve a contract baaed upon a 7.4 percent markup when our consultant indicates that ae much ae 31.9 percent Could be charged? (Page el, Heise) The report talks about proactive patrol, free time for the deputy or officer to initiate action. Law enforcement adminietratore also need proactive time to do proactive planning and adroinietret ion. We would desire the Traffic 8ngineer to do planning with the Traffic Law Enforce- ment Administrator. We would also like to set goals and objectives such ae those expressed Sn the Ontario Police Department budget. For example: we could set en objective of reducing 6utglaries by X percent, we would want to measure yisl .y of service by not only response time and customer eat iafactioa, but by other means ae well, effectiveneee could be measured by the quality of arrests - do felony and misdemeanor arrests result in convietion7 Questions ouch as these ace more easily posed by a City Manager to a City Police Chief. Ae I pointed out on Harch 12, 1991, the issue at hand is not one of pro-Sheriff of anti-Sheriff, this ie a pro-Rancho eucamonga iaeue. The Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga now boasts a population way in excess of the 101,000 reported by the census. Our city hoe adopted a subsidiary fire district to service this large population, therefore, City formation of ire own police department is the next logical atop in the City•e maturation process. If the Council is opposed to thin concept, then I eirongly urge the Council to adopt those proviaiona made by Mr. Heise on Pages 82 and 83 of hie report in order to strengthen existing contracted law enforcement services. Aespoctfully submitted by Pat Quintana April 22, 1991 ~~ ~ :I~ry ~ IP' f? nN(;.Hr 1 (:.~ IC:9.M_nh(r e MEMORANDUM DATE: April 23, 1991 TO: Daniel Glaee, Chairman Public Safety Cammice ion FAOM: 6lvira west, Comniseioner Public Safety Com:aieeion SVBJSCT: LAW aN PORC6lBNT 6TUDY Aa I look back at the review of the Law Enforcement Study it was fair iy w..y i..a an overage person like myself to understand. Juat a couple of points that I would have liked to have had different: 1) a survey of the citizens in general, (2) a survey of those who have had contact with the Sheriff's Department, other than those who called for service. There were, in my opinion, Coo many aseump- tione made in the report and other than that L found it quite informative. After a study of the enalyeis of Rancho Cucamonga'e eptione of law enforcement, I believe the main concern ie lack of local control. Ae our City grows it is important that the Clty government has control of the agencies within the City, who else but our own City government knows the needs of Rancho Cucamonga better. Another concern ie the exceaeive rotation within our Station, there again St would fall under local control. The report states •30 percent ae a target for annual turnover", our Station•e turnover ie way above this. Also Mr. Heise has not made it clear on the proactive time within our City, there were a lot of aseumpt ions made and not clear-cut. After reviewing public input, I alao feel that this is a citizen's opinion too. I also feel, before we can have a resolution to our dispatch problems, we need our own diepatchere and this ie why I was in favor of our motion tc the City Council. I feel it would be a benefit to our City to place this issue on a ballot for our cif izene to decide. I hope this will help state my position. Respectfully submitted by Elv ire Waet. aw:emm ~6 tall I yr nni~unv vu urtiviviveret TVI ~ I1'I Owl N I1~ ~ J 1'VI DATE: April 23, 1991 TO: Daniel Glaea, Chairman Public Safety Commission PROM: Pete Amodt, Conmiee inner Public Safety Commies ion 6UBJSCT: LAN ENPOACElgNT STUDY I have placed my evaluations of the Pcl ice Department Feasibility Study as follows: 1) The "Study", ae made by Nughea, Heise 6 Associates, was very comprehensive. gany items covered in the report were difficult to comprehend by a lay person. Terminology used in the report, i.e., "unearmittad time^, ^eelf-initiated activity", eke., can ba confusing. "Analysis of the Structure" and "coat of Law Enforceroent", etc., could be complicated to persona if they are not familiar with the fiscal area of city government. 2) The co et of beginning an "in-house Police Department" (according to the "Study"), 1 feel, ie not feasible at this time. 3) The reasons I voted "no^ on the beginning of an "in-hauee Police Department" are ae follows: (a) IIagirnlrg co eta are hf nh, i.e., waaee and benefits for the off icere; and (b) Operational and equipment coats will be hioh; and (c} Coet of Liability Insurance and/or Liable Suite that could exceed the City's budget; and (d) Transferring of replacing personnel who are having personnel problems. To begin a City Police Department, how will it be financed? To operate and maintain a City Police Department? Nill these two aforementioned comments be a creation of new tercet Property? or what2 Nayba five or six years "down the road" the City of Rancho Cucamonga will be ready fcr a City Police Department. I am null supportive of the contract with the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department and Aancho Cucamonga. PA:emm 7 _ CITY OF RANCHn Ci1CAMni~ir A ,.~ MEMORANDUM DATE: April 16, 1991 TO: Daniel class, Chairman Public Safety Commission eonu. .____ .. ......._ _. _ __.._ .. ..~ a wuec Publie Safety Commission SUHJECT: LAN ENPORCENENT RECOMY.BNDATZON After having read the Nughes, Heiea 6 Associates Analysis of Law 8nforcament Service Delivery Options report, I discussed it with other Coswissionere and attended a number of workshops on the subject. Also, serving ae a Public Safety Commieeionar I have heard the concerns of citizens of Rancho Cucamonga. eased on all of the above, I have formed an opinion which is expreeaed in the reconuoendation of the Public Safety Commission. Aeepectfully submitted by: JVC:eMn JameB V. Cutatalc, COmmiB8ioner Public Safety Commise ion Public Safety Camtission Workshop Mitxrtes law Fhforraoent Study March 12, 1991 MOTiQ7: Moved by Yankovith, seootdad bi' Curatalo, after careful coreidemtion of the oorsultant's Iaw FY~faroement Analysis, Public Hearings, std Rmnission discussion, std in order to provide effective law enfora~ent sensitive to local crnmmity needs std an irrseased level of service aid aarestt ecaatomic cgowth, the Public Safety Commission reo:~nnds to City the City Catncil as follocas: 1) the City Couroil recognize that Patrlfo Ctramaga is a leader std role model in the valley's West Frd, with a population exceeding 100,000 people and growing at a rapid rate. 'ihe citizere of this oomamity deserve a level of service cotsistent with other services pzovide3 within the City; (2) the city Council •+..~.rvi •M n.bl '.. caP~.. /1....: ooi.... i i~lo .inFO.+ni n~Vi.w iFat a eJlnnFi.o rx. PYtforoamltt Agency is locally staffed arcs locally mrttx+olled; (3) the City axanil st~wrt the Public Safety W®tission in it's firditgs that the City and it's citizero deserve the jQ~ o:meitment and dedication that career officers provide; (a) the City Cotmoil the Public Safety Cc~issian std take inmate actin to begin the establishment std iaplementa-tin of a City in-horse Police ~a*+r.+^t, to include it's am Diapat~ Oenter and dedimted Dispatdwss; (5) if the City Ccamcil, after aonsideratim of the cement ecmmic situation, deterntitres that the formation of a City Police Department is rot currently feasible, that the City ~mnil take steps to identify std pursue alternative futdirg sour+oea to finarre std implement an in-house City lblice Department; (6) durirg the interim, vhile a City Police Department is beitq finfded and implemetrtell, the Public Safety nr~esion reoo~da tFat the City ~xtncil take actin to recognize the txrtabla deficieroies associated with the sheriff's ascent contract and take immediate steps to correct and eliminate the follavirg, to include but rot limited to: (a) excessive rotation of pexscevtel arcl staff, (b) the lack of loml control in settitg policies std regulatioro, (c) a Resolution of ascent dispatch problems. Motion carried 6-1-0 (Amodt no). MdfIQ7: Moved by Quitttata, seaaYled bi' West, should the City Caatcil feel that the City can afforl and in-horse Py2ice [apartment cr should nct tv3ve 3 Police Department, recmrrerd as an alternative that the City Ctxmcil lock at the Contract Iaw ~fnrrxarc+..f Services provided and irnsporate reoasretdatiais made by the Cortsultaift, Mr. Sohn W. Reiss, on Pages 82 std 83 of his repc2t. Motion Carried 6-0-0-1 (P.londt a1x*airvxi), Public Safety Commission Minutes -23- October 3, 1989 Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Commissioner G1ase stated that the public Safety Commission Law Enforcement Subcommittee had met with Couneilmembere Deborah Brown and William Alexander to "~ °=_-==t `_= P_oi.cJ~:, o,,,: Li,wy wncurreo wrcn the Proposal presented to the full Comm Laeion, and would recoamend it be forwarded to the City Council. commissioner Quintana inquired iE what she is reading is a coat analysis of the present level of eervlce through the Sheriff's Department vereua the same level of service through other manna. Jack Lam, City Hanager, atatad that ie the primary ob)ect iva of the Proposal. There ass a couple of other areas in the Proposal that oak the question it we make that comparison, what would be the atructute of an organization having its own police department, should that decision be made. The other issue le that regardless of the fiscal iaeuee, you are faced with a policy decision, what ahculd be the organizational atructute of a police department should a decision be made anyway. Commissioner Quintana asked if the subcommittee discussed what is the optimum level of service for this community, regardless of who provides it. Jack Las, City Manager, stated no. There was some dlecueaion of looking at comparative analysis of other communit tee, but it was felt that from a management perapactiva, that wan not a very effective way to deal with the lsaue in this type of study. The law enforcement budget in Reecho Cucamonga is based on an evaluation of what the Public Sefaty Commission and the Clty Council feel the level of service should be, based on various information and input of people involved in that area. Commissioner Quintana stated that it seems that what ie discussed or approved in the budget sessions ie based primarily on what the Sheri£f'a Department and the city Hanager's office indicates to the Cp~mleaion what ie needed. She felt that if we were going to invest the money for an analyaie of a police department versus the Sherift'e Depnrtment, that did not seem ae important ae to identify what the law enforcement needs of the community are now, and what they will be in the future. Jack Lam, City Hanager, stated the money budgeted for this study was for a comparison at present levels of service only. Determining what the needs of the community are La a separate matter. Commissioner Quintana asked why i[ was being brought before the Commies ion. .. Review o` L f rt m t St d IR t 2 l~ ?ubLrc Safety Comm iae ion Minutes -24- October 3, :Se9 Jack Lam, City Manager, stated it ie 6acauae the City Council had asked that this study be done, and spec ifieaLly asked that the two subcommittees review thin particular ob}ect ivw of the study and determine whether th ie Request for Proposal reflects that goal. ~ Commies inner Glees stated he had also brought up the same question at the subcommittee meeting. He felt that the City Council wag not limiting ue, but wanted the scope of the study to focus on whether or net to change aver or noi. She City ccuncil tlid not want the scope to be ion wide. Jack Lam, City Manaqar, stated that it is not that the question asked tonighc is invalid, but that it could be the scope of a whole other study. Commissioner C1aea elated he wnuld 1:Le «,. ass ._. '°_ __ J..I:Gj C...u.. .cam after it ie decided which way the City will go. Jack Lam, City Hanager, agreed that there are permutations and other aspects of chat type of study that really need Co be taken a look at. It ie felt that for any specific analysis of long-term needs in the community, the atutly has to look at specific issues of demographics, size of the community area, type of terrain, and would also look at polity, philosophies, etc. Ha et sled there are many other issues that sou Ld bs looked at in that study. MOTION: Moved by Claae, seconded by Yankovich to recommend approval of the Request for Proposal, and fur the City Council to go forward with the atutly. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Gracie absent). Chairman Boyd aske~ officers and reassign Lieutenant Zeiner stated no` capability to take traffic report get involved in the traffic Bide Chairman Boyd stated the last tell by the radio calla that and answer reports. Ne i~ Lieutenant Zeiner a call, depend in primary funet Sheriff's. all deputies have the but they do not normally with a patrol unit, ha could `being assigned to do patrol, ~phing error. ~( Public Safety Commission Hinutea -la- The Co this idea merited ee~ referred that Hana current atata of our hir is coneietent with tl t e alleviating that received and filed. December 5, 1989 hairman Hoyd consideration of what the if eomeGhing can he done that, ~pp~p~ consideration to F. Recommendation to the City C '1 f C 1t t to Conduct the Law Enforcement Studv. Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Hanager, who introduced Hr. John Heiss from the consulting firm of Hughes, Heise G Aseoelates. John Heise gave a brief overview of the proposal, and stated Ghat though the majority of the proposal dealt with starlet ice and quantifiable measures, he felt the proposal went beyond to quality issues that would be covered in-tlepth in the study, such ae understanding what the community want a, and the perceptlona the community has of what law enforcement should be. He stated these issues would ba identified through interviews with various people, each ae members from the Sheriff's Department, and Cauncilmembera. Ccmmiaa loner Quintana stated she was concerned that if they only interviewed the Sheriff's and members of the Administration, the community's expect atione would not be identified. She asked how they would go about getting the public's input. John Hei9a stated they would start by talking to various community leaders, and also would be conducting telephone interviews with oeople who have had recent c„..,.c,. _ith the Sheriff's Department and qet their feedback on that contact. He stated they would al eo do a lot of ride al Dogs and observe how the Sheriffs interface with the community. Ha stated that they probahly would not be doing a random survey, because they have found in the pas*_ that unless eomecne has had actual recent contact with their law enforcement agency, they do •rot provide adequate information. Commissioner Quintana asked how many reaidente would they be contacting in this survey. Sohn He isa stated they would try to contact a couple of hundred people. Commissioner Quintana stated she felt the proposal was limited in terms of cost because it didn't mention as a requirement identification of what our desired level of service should be. Jack Lam, Clty Manager, stated that when the Su6commltteee reviewed the various proposals they discussed this matter, and this proposal was the only one that included a discussion of future needs, and determining what future costs might be, while still meeting the budgetary conetrainte of the City. ate Public Safety Comnlaeion Minutes -15- December 5, 1989 commies loner Quintana asked iE when the consultant contacted the Sheriff's Department for analyzing eha workload, would he be contacting the personnel at the local substation, or the personnel in son Bernardino. w John Heise stated they would be contacting both. He et ated they would neetl to spend a lot of time talking to personnel in the local substation, but that they would also need to have input from the people who make the management decielone that affect our area. Commissioner Quintana aeketl in Taek 5.1 on page 8 of hie proposal what his definition of "Ba91c" Police Services Wag. John Heise et ated essentially that meant field patrol pereonne 1. Commieaioner Quintana expressed that she was pleased that an outside agency would be conducting this study in an objective manner, that they would not be swayed by any political factors. Chairman Boyd asked Mr. Heise to clarify his answer to the Subcommittee during the interview about if they had had ary contact with City personnel prior to the proposal, and all the coneu ltante stated they had not. John Heise thought the question was have you been contacted by anyone from the City. He stated that they responded that they had talked to people from the City, because his aeaeciate made a vie it to Che City to obtain some basic information to help them with the preparation of the proposal. Chairman Boyd openetl the meeting Eor public hearing. Addressing the Commission wd5: Mark cutglueck, 11983 Sherville, stated he had seven concerns he wished to pass on for the Commies ion to consider. 1) He would like to see emphasis on the proper loyalty up and down the chain of command. Ha referred Co Penal Code Section 149 relating to the as eau It of cif izena under the color of authority by police officers. He asked what the root was to the law enforcement agency or the community if you have dif Eerin9 emphasis on following through on Section 149. 2) He referred to an incident on April 7, 1987, and Ee1t if a dog had been properly used the incident would have been avoitled. 3) He referred to vice enforcement, and asked if we are fated to accept vice activity locally, as part of the price of having law enforcement protection. 4) He asked whether citizens mu et accept political activity on the part of the Sheriff's Department. 5) He asked whether citizens mu et accept that the local law enforcement agency has the authority to develop dossiers on community members that are rot part of a criminal investigation. 6) He referred to the community of Sunnyvale where police and emergency personnel have interchangeable skills, and felt the feasibility of thin for Rancho Cucamonga should be explored. 7) He referred to possible coat trade-offs we could receive far allowing the Sheriff's Department to use our facility. Greg Thompson, 9834 Cerise Street, aeketl how many studies similar to the one proposed has the consultant done in the past, and asked if tl~e City chooses to have ire own police department, will they be self-insured. a3 Public Safety Commies ion Nlnutee -16- December 5, 1989 John Heise replied they have conducted 62 studies for different police departments. i Commissioner Quintana stated that the insurance issue was one of the cost factors that will be cone idered In the study. There being no further response, the public hearing waa closed. Chairman Eoyd stated he was impressed with this consultant and would recommend to the City Council to hire their services. MOTION: Moved by Amodt, seconded by Glass to [ecommend to the City Council to hire the eery ices of Huahea. W„i.. z a......: .«ee __ ____ ___ __ Enforcement Siudy. Hot ion carried unanimously, 7-0. t yy~ • f • • f O. Disc as to a Da F ub c 5 t o W Annual Review and 1990 Coale f0 al Dle i ) ACTION. le workshop set far December 11, 1989 nt 5:3 with the location to etermined. . . « f . f E. ID CATION OP ITENS POR ME INOS 1. Commissioner Quintana sated a re on [he traff ir, aituat ion at Sapphire and 19th, and how it i acted a new housing project in Upland on 19th, for February 1990. 2. Commissioner Yankovich request rt on opt Iona for curb mark inga at the ent.rancea rn rity parY.s. 3. Commissioner Yankovich sated a repo etailing the large rotation rate of deputies at the loco et at ion, and an a anal ion ae to why there is such a large percentage of nsfere. Jerry Fulwcod, beputy Manager, stated this issue wa iacueeed in a joint. meeting between the Council and the Undereheriff, a that a follow-up meeting is being ar ed for January 1990. Jack Lam, City ager, stated the City Manager•e Office will b repaying a list of disco n items for the Sheriff's to respond to the City ncil on, and [hen at meeting in January, the undeteheriff can express hie osophy and/or new ect ion in regards to this particular problem. ' . f f • f f F COMMUNICATIONS l7tON THE PVBLIC were none. ^fL1 t f f M I Public Safety Comroiee ion Hinutea 2 - September 17r 1990 eirman Boyd asked He. Chavez if one has seen Police Reserves in t.`.e arHa t weekends. . Chavez stated yea. Chairman asked Ms. Chavez iE the 9e teenagers et 111 Lhinge she ~ previously m oned when the Police are around. Ma. Chavez efl no they leave when they see Police but tAey come right back aft ha Police have gone. Chairman Hoyd stated he confident the ce will be looking into this eituationr and that this its ill be br back on the next agenda for a status report. Me. Tejae stated she felt ih area needs more lighting. Chairman Boyd stated thet Ste on this da is to request City Council to divert money for improvement Southwest Cuc a Ln terms of lighting, curbs, and gutters, etc. He et that request will on the City Council agenda within the next couple sake after the Commies ekes set SOn on it, Ne. Tej as at the teenagers are also drag ra on the residential streets in a Brea. chairman Boy pressed to Ms. Tejae, and to all residents, t 11 the Police Department he time any euepected illegal activ It iee ace going cause the Police h that as a high priority antl will respond right away. ry Dano, 8'!30 Vinmar Avenue, confirmed the Conunente made her ne ighhora. D. CONHISSZON BUSINESS GENERAL ZHlOP.MATIOM D1. PZ file f C t L E f em t 0 Yar'One Y rt I (Paaoa 1- 271. (oral Report) Hr. .TOhn He iee, Principal, of Hughes, Heise 6 Aeeocintes Lntzoduced hie Aeeociate, Markus ALlen and then gave a brief overview of the Ana lyeie of Law Enforcement Secv ice Delivery Options. Chairman Boyd stated, because of the work the consultant and the eubcommittee did, moat of the Commission and Staff ate fait ly we 11 versed on this item. chief Hruce Zeiner, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department, etnted ha end hie atatf has enjoyed working with the consulting group of Hughes, Heise fi Associates and thanked Hz. Heise and hie associate for all their work. ~~ Public Sa[ety Commluion Nlnutee - 2 - October 16, 1990 Cynthia S ~nbane Street, stated she sting aepreeentinq herself and bar n ~oncerna r » traftic signal at the intersection of Roeheeter Blvd. She wanted to know Lf the signal Item was on the Nova eion agenda. Chairman Boyd et ihic item will ba on t afety Commiesion•a November S, da and ovary month therufNC until installed and re oneerne have been met, ~ • • . • • . Dl. ~o,f~11e f C'rre t taw B!)f cement odiat ions. rsre a traces za vr, app A al i f 5 a Lev 1 tPacee 60 - SD 1. Chairman Bcyd ateted the review of the Analycie of Service Levels tonight will be up to Page 43, and the discussion of the users survey will W discussed at the third Public Safety Commicsicn Norkehop meeting which will M held on Tuesday, December 11, 1990, at 6:30 p. m. In the Tri-Comtounitles conference Room (old name: Haven Conference Aoam). Gerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated ha wanted to moot ion that the chamber of commerce hoe setup a Law Enforcement Subcommittee who will also be tracking what is taking place at 4he Public Safety meetings regartling this issue eu they may have repreeentativee here. Therefore, they era very interacted in what the eublic Sef sty Comaiae ion is considering and what the Commission's ult icnate recommendation will be to the City Councii. He indicated that notice was given to the chamber for tonight's meeting. Chairman Ebyd noted for the record that there were no aaambera of the Chamber present ai tonight's meeting. consultant John Heise, Hughae, Heise 6 Aeeoclatea, gave a brief overview of the profile of current Law enforcement operat LOne. Commissioner Quintana naked Hr. Haies for clari'. ication on etandactla used to project Che number of staff positions neceeeary to meet field deployment needs. Hr. Heiea stated the Yormula he used is a standard measure used in police administration. Commissioner Quintana questioned the validity of this standard and teat it appeared to Look solely at position for measure of land without looking at other factors such ae population, density and crime patterra. Mr. Heiea stated the standard used does not measure anything, it allows the Ciiy to measure staffing and monicor ditferart situations and ie a valid way to look at a large area. a6 Public safety Commission Minutsa - 3 - October 16, 1990 Commies inner qulntana asked Hr. Ha Lea tt ha could explain what is meant by unconunitled time ae far as management is concerned, Hr. Heiee atatsd almost all patrol staffing modals rolate atnffinq to ea12 foc service workload [o determine field lnw enforcement staff ing naada for some target level of time available for either pro-active patrol or active act ivitiea. He stated the service level provides amore coat-effective approach Co delsrmin- ing patrol staffing needs which can deliver good response time and still have adequate time for pro-active patrol and referred to Pagm 53 of the study under the Proactive Time section. Hs stated that relationship determines the city's ability to dal ivory reasonable responaa time whenever there ie uncommi[ted time. He etatad having uncommitted time is important because thnt is lima available foc 6rietLng, report writing, etc, Hs ststad there are vary £ew supervtaore paid sor wd... t.: ••^•~ eontrset which means the station is eaaentially 2lmited to a captain, Chief of Police, thrN Lleutensui., :c.. ~ v ~tmited number of Sergeants, theretore, in the dolly operation wrgeante were also serving ne watch commanders in the office. Hs elated u a result ofGn times there was only one sergeant ouC in the field, therefoxs, investing a lot of patrol time so that the City hoe people available not only [o respond to call^ but to do pro-active things and on the other side of the coin the C!ty needs to invest in somebody to direct the community Bids of the time. chairman Boyd felt thin converea[ion was get<inq a little bit ahead of what was to be tliecueeed this evening. He than asked Hr. Hsiea if he had any specific suggestions for the Commiaaion if the City doss keep the cutran4 Contract. He asked if the City would ba able to write contract provisions that relate to the amount of staff turnover that occurs. Hr. Hsiea etatad that theca era contracts in the stets that etipula[e the amount of turnover. chairman Boyd asked Hr. Heiee if a contract could stipulate the experience level of the personnel. Hr. Hsiea stated ours ie not atypical she[1ft'a Stailon competed [c ma et Sheriff scat ions just because the way moat people come new to a Sheriff's department and moat of them have done their initial tour of duties in the jail. Commissioner Curatalo etatad Hr, Heiee referred to the 45 percent pro-active time Cut what he was concerned with was that recently he discovered that th0 City has Reserve patrol Officez^ out in the fieltl, particularly on weekends. He then asked Hr. Heiee how did hie model different tats between sworn personnel and Reserve Officers. Hr. Heise etatad the Reserves were not counted in this survey although they are very valuable. commissioner Curatalo felt Cammunica[iuns consider th0 Reserve Officers when Communicatlona need to dispatch a call and they esy there are two or three unite available how would Communications know i£ the unit was a Reserve Officer or a sworn Officer. ~/ Public Safety commission Minuten - 4 - October 16, 1990 Mr. Helen stated the calla per service ware counted for paid Officer only because, based on hie undsr/tanding on how procedures work on the way calls era see igned, the Reeervee ate not the first assigned units for moat of the high pr iotity calla. chief Bruce 2einer, Rancho Cucamonga Police Stai ion, stated a Reeerve unit is not normally assigned a call because moat cells are assigned to reqular unite and the computer knows whether they are a "Dear" unit or a reserve unit. Commissioner Glaea asked if a Reeerve Officer ever works a "beat^. Chief 2etner stated no, Reeetvea ar/ not auigned se n primary unit to a call. - ;,,,~„ a _-- __-_ _ ..n n...rvw off leer he wants them to be in a certain unit, but ne far as the computer is concerned, the Polies Department doe/ not ace ign a Reeerve in lieu of a Patrolman to /alely handle a call. Mr. Heise stated available unit/ in thi/ study was based on whatever amount of work load per hour the Police Department had and whatever number of paid deputise that were deployed during that hour. He stated the Reeerve unite always need to be treated an compliment to the patrol force and should not be counted ae part cf the regular paid force. Commies loner Curatalo naked if a Ree9tve Officer i^ on a call and hsndling that call, ie the sworn officer amenable for a cell at any time. Chief zeiner et ated in a lot o! Lnetancee the Reeerve Erase up n regular Officer to handle another call. Ha elated the problem/ are that you ennnot schedule n Reeerve, typically they are heavy on Friday and Saturday nights, so that is the reason the Reeervee were not counted in this study. Mr. Fu lwood et ated during this study the basic approach teat waa taken was a very conservative approach eo when the levels of service were looked ai the only factor cone ideted wan iha actual deputies within the Atat ton that the City contracted for service. He stated if the Reeervee were counted than it would have inflated the levels of service and may have also meant that maybe the City should look at reducing the number of deputies. Commissioner Curntnlo stated ha ie concerned with the eontteet, if the City contract• for soma 45 percen[ and than all of the sudden the Reeerve program was ihtown out of the window then theca deputise would have to answer all these calla, and than this 45 percent ie going to drop down to 30 percent. Mr. He19e stated that would not happen because of the wap this survey wee done; he guaranteed that would not ba the ce/e. Chairman Boyd referred to the staff cpepoeition Ltems tleecr ibed on Page 36 and stated he had some concerns that the contract should address the issues of promoting personnel out of the Station. Ha stated it was hi/ opinion [hat whet. there are people promoted that the pramotione, if appropriate, be mntle from within the Station, eo that this Station does not continually lose people to promotion/ and then get someone from another part of the County that le eat familiar to this area. Public safety Coamission Hinutse - 5 - October 16, 1990 Chairmnn Boyd stated when it cornea time for this Commiuion to make a xseonnwnda- tion to the city Council he wanted this Commission to consider not only the initial composition of the staff nrd [ha turnover Lswss, but part of the turnover issue ie the promotion issue. Ne proposed that this bo one of the reconnrendntlone. Commissioner Quintana etaied on Page 3S, Item 2, it states that "etatE compoei- tion ie generally comparable to that Bean in city police tlepartmente serving communlt iee like Rancho Cucamonga". She asked Hr. Hsies which communit iee were used ae a comparison. Nr. Heise etatetl Oceanside, 61 Cnjon, Baeondido, and National City. Commissioner Quintana asses nuw .ae :...,........c c--"cr____. Nr. Heise etaied because they were comparable in si:e, population and characterietice. Chairman Boyd et ated in a contract city, particularly if the contractor le the county Sheriff, it ie szpected that a certain percentage of the street Deputise have prior ezpexlenea working in a jail. He stated Ln thLS City's case, at least at the time this study was done, about 50 parcani of the city's Patrol Deputy's only azperience was working in a jail. He felt that was a particularly critical factor because he was of the impression that the City La paying a good price for Police service to the County. He etaied hs was not aura that the Ciiy should be the training ground [or the County's Deputies once they have come out of the jail system, because the City and ire citizens nave to train Lhe Deputise ae to how to be Street Off LCere, and he felt this should be addressed with the Sher iff'e Department over time. He then referred to the Communicat LOne and Dispatch Services section on Page 37, and stated in the peat citizens have had queetione and complaints ae to how long it took to respond to calla placed to Dispatch. He stated the report indicates that there are a number of officer's at the city's Station who are avaiiabla tc handle these calla that come in, but that there ie good reason to believe that there are some problems in the Dispatching Center due to a variety of tninge; not the least of which ie a inadequate number of call taker's antl dispatcher's. Hr. HeLae stated the perception that the calls era held in the dispatch center and that off Scare are not diepatchetl is not supported 6y the response time numbers that he saw on Page 21. Chairman Boyd stated on Page 00 it elates that "response times for all priority levels fall below levels generally accepted as high service levels in law enforcement literature and in communities of comparable size and charncterietica to Rancho Cucamonga". Therefore, he felt Lt was an acknowledgement of what the study determines that the problems in the Dispatching center adversely effect the level of service that the Polies Department is providing; not because there are not eufficisnt Deputies to respond to the calls, but because the calls that are going to the Dispatching Cenisr, through whatever occurs there, they are not getting them distributed to the field in a timely and thorough manner. a9 Public Safety Commleelon Minutes - 6 - October 16, 1990 Hr. Helve stated hie point i• that the circle ie not completely filled because Lf there were serious problems in [arms o! not being able io properly dispatch calla then these response times would be higher than what they are on Page 21~ Ha stated there maybe problems and Lndividual instances but that the major Leeue involved the organlzatlon and the staffing of the varLoue dLapatchlnq centers. He felt that once the 800 HHZ systems ie in Lt will allow the reorganization of call taking !n di epntch responeibil it iea. Commissioner Glees felt this was a strong issue which should ba looked at because it there ie a dispatcher that does not have a real connection to the geographical area there ie a lot missed In the relay to the Officers in the field. He Eelt this sheu ld be a tletached issue because he felt the major issue ie what service ,~ ~"c-= -•`•_ -_'^ .+.~: ~... e, ro, ~ snrv ues mould be for this City. He added he would like to see the Sheriff's Department have their own dlepatching center in Honcho Cucamonga and employed with dispatchers who know the area. Chief 2einer etatetl hie underetanding was that once the 800 HHZ eyetem Se installed and running the City will have [hair own dispatch group at the Rialto Dispatching Canter. Commissioner west stated she concurred with Commissioner Glace. Chairman Boyd stated the commies ion's job ie to make a recommendation to the City Council on what the future structure of the of the City's law enforcement services should be, regard lees of who provides it. ~ . ~ D2. Statue Uodate f T S_loeura o£ the P 11 ce---t t e t t~ re of 7:00 P.M. d :00 Staff report presented by Jerry Fulwood, De C ~anager, and Chief 2e inet, Aanche Cucamonga Police Department. Mr. euiwo area based on the last Public Safety Commies ion m f October 2, 1990, et was directed to adtlteee a number of L and take the Comm ieeion's rec da[ion to City Council, which Le uled Co occur on October 17, 1990. er, a number of major occu did happen prior to that meeting, therefore, f wouid like to brio oemleeion up-to-date with those changes. He eiat view of rho ogee, staff would like tl,e Commieeian'c input in terms o the C n still feels that it warrants taking the packet ae it was otigl ndsd to City Council. He stated if that is the Commission's wishes be brought to City Council at their November 7, 1990 meeting. He stated Lhe three Leeue ueeed were: 1) ty of the Facility - the unlocked door behind th ter in the lobby; a to om another door in the station hoe been ins on this door na a temporar sure. (2) On Duty Armed Personnel - re woe en emergency at the Station t uld be someone to render eery t was determined that, based upon the city a Ch iet of Police raga the Clty hire n Lieutenant above current contra of and managnme staff, there be an armed Pollee staff person who would b he stati percent of the tLse. (3) Alerting system - having a eyetem Snare wh' ultl alert et aft in the Stai ion when someone enters the station, ouch a zer sounding off throughout the whole building; also to have an intercom 30 February 28, 1991 workshoo Meetinc CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA Public Safety Commiae ion Minutes 8. CULL TO ORDER A workshop meat ing of the Public Safety Commleeion met on Tuesday, Pebruary 26r 1991, in the Aaina conference Room located at the Rancho Cucamonga Civic Centex, 10500 Civic Center Dzive, Aaneho Cucamonga, California. xha meeting was called to order aC 6:30 p.m. by Vice-chair George Yankovich. Present were Commiesionere: Wayne RaLaily, James Curatal0, George YenkovLch, Patricia Quintana, Pete Amodt, Elvira Neat, and chairmen Daniel Glass. Also present were: Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Hanagert Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Pi re Protaetion District; Chiet Bruce 2einer, Aaneho Cucamonga Police Departmsnti and Bva Merritt, Secretary. • • w . + • . B. COMMDNICATION6 PROM T86 PUELIC There was no communications from the public. No items euhm}tted. . • . . . . . Cy CONSENT CALfiNDAR • • • • • • . D. COMMI88ION EUS INBSS - OAfERAL 01. Discussion of Law Enforcement Study, Part III, to Discuss the Analysis of Structure and Cost of Law Enforcement Alternat ivee (Pages 43 to 83). cary'Christeneen, Chairman of the Government Relations Committee, and Rent Crawley, 5taffinember of Relations of Economic Development, were introduced as representatives from the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce. Jerry Pulwood, Oeputy City Manager, elated at the last Law Enforcement Study workshop and the issue of Reserves was an outetandinq question, that to their time being spent in the Field, also general ing reporter and haw that Lmpacte this formula antl levels of service. He etatad at that time John Heise, Coneu}tent of Nughee, Heise 6 Aeeoc iatee, tried to answer thaC question but if the Commission has any furcher questions he is present to try and answer them. d Publle Safety Cummleaian Hinutes - 2 - Hr. Heise gave a brief overview pf the 1+_+t workshop. February 26, 1993 Coarnlselonar rSetaily caked Mr. Heiea what would he conalder a daf ittltiva survey. Hr. Haiae stated that this was not a definitive study, it is noc serving to provide a final solut ipn but a study to provide Plnainga and options. He stated there ware three or four issues that initially created the whale study in the first place which were should the City haMla the patrol issue or shoultl the City have its own Police Department. He stated the questions were could the City do it mare cheaply oc Eot the same price and is the City getting a reasonably dacenC service or could the Ctty give betters service. Commies ianec Yenkovich asked rir. Heiea iP he felt this fs a fairly goad survey. Mr. Heiea states r.:=, for what it was purported to do, it is reanonable. Commiaetoner Ynnkovich stated the reason he wo.: _oking if this was a rel Ltively good survey oz net ie bemuse of the approximately 115,uuv rv~~te that are in [his City, Mr. Helas end hie staff epok8 to 120 people and out of that m, 49 it is broken down to the different reapondente replies. He stated ff his cal cu latione are correct ell those numbers adds up tp Ts people out of 100,000, ha then asked Mr. Heise where era the other 42 people that make up the 120 people. Chief Zeiuos stated those were eomment• over and above the survey comments. Mr. Nalsa stated everyone contacted responded to questions where there ere percentage breakdowns and it represents the frequency with which people said things. Commi9eioner Yenkovich stated then 78 people made comments above and beyontl the queetianafre. Nr. Heiea stated yes, in addition to the basic eat of questions. Cartmiaeioner Xeiaily in a nar.^.:a1 random survey what did Hr. Neiae feel was the percentage or the net ratio, Hr. Heise stated ha ie not a professional poll taker, therefore, it was only based on hie awn aimpliat is appoarch ha figured if ha could talk to maybe tan percent of the people who had Ln fact called for service during this period during the survey- Ne stated he and hie staff did canaomly selected ten percent of the callers to contact Eor the survey, and it ie a piece of informnt ion, it .~,"' is not a valid consumer survey. ' ` Commies loner Curatalo asked Nr. Halae if this study was based on the opinion of Vi'i ' ~ 126 people that had called for service and nothing more, nothing more about the ;~~ community attitude or anything. `-'~ Hr. He;aa stated yes, certainly not about general community attitude. ~_ xs k.':' 3.~- Public Safety Commission Minutes - 3 - Pebtuary 26, 1991 Commluioner Curatalo stated ao Mr. Raise 1e not trying to project any Idea that this ie what the community teals, It is suet a select number. Mr. Reie6 stated correct, based on one issue and that ie conteneion that the deputies were not dealing with people Who called foe service in a eourteoua, thorough and professional manner. Ha felt this survey euggaeted chat that ie not the case. He then went on to overview Pages 43 to 83. Chairman Glace asked Mr. Reiee it the etaf£ing plan took into account a computer aided eyatem or ju0t a C.A.D. system. Mr. Heise stated yea, this iC predicated on the C.A.D. eyatem. commies inner Yankovieh asked Mr. Reiee, when referring to ata£f in9 of uiwy.~..L.a, __ ..^ a^~~ in mind Cell Takers. Hz. Reiee stated yea, staffing is suggested for a complete cammunica<ione op¢ration Centex. Commissioner Ya.^,kovich asked Mr. Reiee if PRECOM Se used at other cities who have their own Police Department. Mr. Reiee stated ye e. Commie6ion¢x Quintana elated that Chino's Police 6apartmant is one of the departments using PRRCOM but they are pulling out. She stated that Duane Baker, Assistant to the city Ranager, ie asking the City of Chino for a report ae to Why they pulled out. Therefore, she £elt there are more fire departments then there are police department a. Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, staled theca are two police departments, Ontario and Chino. commissioner Quintana stated since the coat Le one of the options and the study was baaeU on :~F.at was availahle at the time, this is a nuianca that has occurred. She etatetl in one of the perspectives, looking at what the start up coats srou ld be for a police departm¢nt, there are options given ae far ae having your own dispatch center or going Chrough PRECOM. She felt it was important to get this information from the City of Chino for ti:ie Commission to make an informed decie ion after the commission looks at everything. Commies inner Yankovieh caked Mr. Ne ice if theta five agent ie0 involved in pRECOM and the City ie paying one-fifth and if one of the agent Lee pulled out would the City end up paying one-fourth of the coat e. Mr. Reiee stated yae, that the principal aeeumpt ion here ie that the City would pay a lilt le bit above market average eo that the City coultl attract ae many pxe- qualified office re ae pose ihle. Commissioner Yankovieh asked if it would really take an adait Tonal five to eight City staff people to run the 120 person police department. Mr. Pulwood stated yae, staff felt five was reaeonablo 3~ Public Safety Commission Nlnutas - 6 - February Z6, 1991 Cammiaaloner Weat asked Mr. Heise i[ air patrol equipment was considered in the camperetlve coats of law enforcement service alternatives for in-hauee capital and start-up costs, Ezhiblt %%CIII, Page 79. i Hr. Heiee etatad no, thnk wne not provided for. Mr. Baker etatad the County provides air patrol eervLcee ae part of their contract services. Commissioner Curatalo asked if there are other servlcee that the County ie reeponei6le to other communities without requirement of a contract. Mr. Baker etatad the Chamber of Commerce had a meeting with repreeentat Luse from the County end ae a concrete example the County used in the services that they provide by mentioning the fact that they provide certain servlcee ne pert of what <S'y do whether or not a city contracts for eervicea. Chief Zeiner etatad the criare laboratory ie part of their servlcee to cit iee in the County of San Bernardino. Commissioner Curatalo etatad eo there are a lot of eervicea provided by the County to comaunitt iee whether they era contract or not. Mr. Heiee stated ye e. Commies inner Retaily asked Chief gainer in dealing with a non-contract city and n hasleide occurred in that city dose the County have a policy to be involved in that. Chief Zeiner etatad no, unless there was a specific request foz some reason or another. Commissioner Retaily asked Chief Zeiner Lf the County hne a S.W.A. T. team that le on call that would assist ell aaenciae in the County. Chief Zeiner etatad ye e. Commissioner RetaLly stated even if the City had its own Police Department the County's S. W.A.T. team would at ill ba on call for the City. Chief Zeiner etatad yes. Nr. Neies eteted the only point he wanted to make about coeie ie on Page BO regarding ^if San Bernardino County moved to allocated overhead costs to Law Entotcement Contract Services, the costs differential between an in-house department and contract eervicea would be narrowed". He etatad he did not know i[ things had changed since this study was done but the City needs to remember Lhat the way that the Sheriff's Department charges for service, at least the way they did at the time, i• not really a bed deal. He states in perspective in wha! the CSty would ba paying for overhead both in terms of eervicea provided by Snn Bernardino County which covers the City ae well ae the potential fot paying for part of the Sheriff's, adminiatrative and Board of Supervisors salary, etc. ~y Public Safety Commission Ninutee - 5 - February 26, 1991 Mr. Heine stated one of the coat advantages, Ln addition to the feat the City hoe a spread of people that ie relstLvely small, the city still hoe a pretty eubetnntial coat break. Ne stated the flip aide L• if the County toreW the Sheriff to try and move to a greeter cast overhead antl a greater cost overhead allocation approach could in fact narrow the[ spread. He stated that is one financial per. spective, along with the way the contract structure ia, Le of advantage to the cities and if the advantage changes it tends to narrow the costa dif£erentail. chairman Glace asked if there hoe been any diecuaeion in this vien. Mr. Pulwood stated 6aeically no, that Nr. Baker hatl attended a meeting tar Aim at the chamber of Connierce Subcommittee, and part of their diecusdon was going Mr. Baker stated that basically they were not going to give a 100 percent guarantee but they were Baying no they had no intention of tloing that. Commissioner Aetaily asked Mr. Baker couldn't the County apply that under the overhead other than under SB 25. Mr. Baker stated yea but they could not perdict for that, but ,the Sheriff'• intention was to continue under the came vien. Commies inner Quintana asked what about contact on the Board of Supervisor's itself, hoe the City had any inquiries. Mi. Baker orated no, none that he ie aware oF. Commies inner Quintana stated if the County knows that the City of Rancho Cucamonga has done this study antl if they are aware of that then she Se surprised the study on Page 81 is talking about a 31.9 percent overhead rate. That ie a nice sum of money and she was surprised that the Hoard of Supervisors would not be irtereata3 in c.`.a^.qi.^.y that. Mr. Baker stated he was not sure they were aware of that aspect of the study. Y.r. Fulwood stated that basically there hoe been some diecuealon that involved the Board of Supervisor's and the City Manager on this particular issue. He stated Larry walker had approached Jack Lam, City Manager, awhile ago and stated that hie general feeling is that he wished that Aancho Cucamonga and acme of the other contract cities would form their own Police Department because he felt very strongly that it was coating the County more to provide the service to the City because of the overhead type coats. xe stated out of the County's Adminiatrativa Office, Harry Mae•e, hoe also communicated to Mr. Lam that hie feeling was that the cities were not paying their fare share, and in hie opinion if hs can do anything about it he will try to make aura that the cities do pay their fare share. He stated then there are other Supervisors, like Jon Mlkels, who hnve not vocalizetl that cams concern. Me stated it ie also hia untleratanding that the Sherift•^ Department has not vocalized their committment to raising the costa because of overhead, and as they see it they feel comfortable with the way things currently are. Pu611c 6afety commission Hinutee - 6 - February 26, 1991 caamlealonar Quintana asked does the City have a choice, if the Board of supervieor'• wente to collect money that they feel ie due, in times whsn county government end municipnlit les are Ln need of funds, she could not ses now the County could pass up an opportunity Eor addit ionel revenue. ~ Mr. Pulwood stated that poeeibil ity does ezlet, and that other contract cities heva been somewhat quite on this issue beceuea the issue can be raised sod can suddenly be hit by a big bill and have to pay it. Therefore, he felt the cit tee generally feel that this ie a benefit that they are receiving eo why ^rook the boat^, He stated it was hie underetanding that the City Councii ie also aware of the potential increase of Booking Peee in the future ana they will have to consider it. He believed that ins general feeling ie that if the City ie not currently paying for it, and if in the future the City would have to eav for ft ¢na a coat costa equal/ whet the City is currently paying, then the Council has a serious dscieion to make at that point which ie whsther or not to etert Rancho cucamonga'• own Pollca Department. Ha stated another thing that the city Heneger'e otfice ie concerned with right now ie EB 2957 which has implemented e Booking Pee, and technically speaking it is only part of the overhead coats, and the fee will be retroactive from Suly 1, 1990. chairman Claee asked chief Zeiner if the Reserves are allowed at any ties to act ae a "Bent Unit". Chief Zeiner stated no. Chelrman Ghee asked Chief Zeiner if Lha Police Department would utilize a Ae6arve Deputy as a Deputy on the days that the Police are short of staff. Chief Zeiner et at ed no, he did not believe eo and if they did it would be on very rare occasions. Comm issLoner West asked Chief Zeiner what Type of things do a Reeervea do. ChieF Zeiner stated they ride as a second man in the Pollcn unite, they do a lot of backup call e, and a lot of them write a lot of tickets. Cortmieaioner Yankovieh asked Mt. Heie• since the C.A.D. computer ayetem con differential between an Officer and a Reserve Conmiaeionsr Quintana referred to AppendlA: E(lj, PATAOLPI.AN Model, and eteted that Mr. Hates indicated that the components that ware used in the computer modal were the basic component a, and then asked Mr. Heise Lf there were factors !n addition to these that are listed which were used to coma up with your measurement. Hr. Heise stated what Le shown on the page ie 1t, there were no additional factors. comzl eeioner Quintana stored then 6nck on Page 82 and on Page 1 in the lost paragraph ehs asked Mr. Reiss in these two areas was he making a reconmsndation that Lhe PATROLPLAN model be utilized. Public Ssfety Commission Minutes - 7 - February Z6, 1991 Mr. Hails stated the way the sheriff's Department has approached this in the peat is that first of all they project what the workload i^ going to W by taking combination of calla for service and how much rims that takes, than they ralste to that other thinge that this generates which includes arrests, reports, etc.a Mr. Haile stated they then add that up which indLcates so many hours, and this ie where this study parts company with their theory, then they also add on to this some officer initlatetl stuff which ie not calls for service. Ns stated the way this ie done based on the research, etc., ie predicated on theca kinds of things which are lumped into the Lime calculations they use are Ln fact things that the City needs to use ^uncommitted" time for eo that those are for proactive kinds of things. Ne et ated this officer initiated component tends to overstate uncommitted time. Camm leaimner Quintana awkwtl Mr. Mwlw. vb.n bw ..: u,.. :^ ~:......: .w,.. w.... w in an agreed upon desired response tiew as she was wondering what variables~he used to plug into hie model. Mr. Heise etaied he uaetl a variety of things such ae time required to do thinge which ie based on what time it actually takes. Commissioner Quintana asked Mr. Haile eo the variables he threw in are on actual time. Mr. Heise stated yea. Commissioner Quintana asked Mr. Helve if he would have the information available to this Commission which li et the variables he plugged in. Hr. He ire stated yea. they ace all in Chapter 1 of this study and he will pull them out and write them tlown to submit to the Commission. chairman Ol see called a rwcewa at 8:15 p.m. The meeticq reconvened at 5:3D p. m. with all members of the Commission present. • x • + • " Chairman G1aee etaied rho Commission will take into consideration tonighte discussion and report study and the next workshop will be in two weeks. Hr. Baker asked the Commission if they wished to have the Consultant at the next Law Enforcement study workshop. N.r. Fu lwood stated that the Consultant plarta Lo attend the nett workshop to finish the study and to answer any questions that the Commission may have. Chief 2einer stated for the record that the sheriff's Department dose not agree with the PATAOLPLAN model antl that they use a similar but different model to project patrol County-witle. ACTION: Report received and filed s 37 Public Ssfety Ccamieaion Minutes -5 - March 12, 1991 Peppier stated there is often cease where the station will gqL Lhat h 2 to 2 years street experience and the Station him/her ineoc just to get them familiar with the Cit policies and procedures. here ie a Deputy that comae t Lon who already has 1-1/2 to 2 yesra a and knawe how to Ee Olficer, that is a blg~ asset to the Clty bscau the stet as someone who can go to work almost immediately. Commissioner Yankovich ae Pep ut of the depot iea that were transferred in, how mn ee came dire the jail. Lt. Peppier et of those Officers came from the ja MOTIONt by Amodt, seconded by Quintana to receive and toff repo~tion carried unanimously 7-0. a . ~ • . D COMMISSION lU6IN63s - OR76RAL O1. Discuss icn of Law Enforcement study, Part SV, to Diecuea the other Coneiderat ions Relnted to Law Enforcement services Alternattvee end Discussion of Recommendations for City Council Consideration. (COntieued frDe lebruary 26, 1991) Jerry Pu lwood, Deputy City Manager, stated over the last 4 menthe the cammiesion hoe been reviewing the Law Enforcement Study, and during the Commission's last workshop had completetl going over ail of the information. tie stated the consultant, Mr. John Ne iser was present to answer any questions the Commission may had. Commissioner Yankovich et ated that in the Law Enforcement analysis Mr. Xeiae etatetl that ha perceives a maximum turnover rate at 10 percent. He then asked Mr. Heise how he arrived at Chet figure. Nr. Xeiee stated that was based on what was typically seen in a Polies Department over the last 3 or 4 yearn in terms of the work hie off Lce had done. He stated a 10 percent turnover rate really is not unueunl and eo hie office suggested they should iry and target that rata Eor the city operation, whether having an in- houee Police Department or contracting through the SheriEE'e Department. Commissioner Yankovich aeketl Mr. Xeiee Sf he felt that anything over 30 percent would then be excessive. Mr. Heise etatetl it was not excessive, but it ie more than 30 percent. Xe felt that one of the other things that the Commission may want to look at in the Law Enforce-ment Study ie Che experienced distribution of officers assigned here in the Rancho Cucamonga Station. Ne felt that it might ba interesting to look at again, in addit Lon, just for the absolute turnover factor because ha thought the real turnover rate was about 17 percent for deputies. Xe thought that was what the commission was really looking at and was approximately half Of what it wee last year. He felt ae long ae the City hne a contract, then the City le going 30 Public Safety Commission Minutes -6 - Narch 12, 1991 to have the •i[untion where ofiicare are going to promote and the city cannot keep them here forcibly to do that. He stetad it seemed to him that the tsend waa posit ive but it sure would be ales to shoot !or a laver rate if the City could keep doing that. He stated the 30 percent is not a magic number, it rsally~ la sort of what is eoamen experience right now end the rotation numDars are all over the place. He stated the 10 percent !s based on ell of the Departments hie offico studied over the last 2 Or 3 years and probably reflects about 20 Depattmante. Commissioner Smodt stated on Paga 75 of the Law Enforcement Study regarding the 800 MHz eyetem it states ^...capital costa would inc[eaee by $162,000.00, reflecting a higher unit coat aeaociated with 800 MHs equipment.", and then in the following paragraph it states •Depsndinq on the variable costa associated ..-... ,,.,...... ..... u uiepaccn, capicu coats associated with establishing an Ln-house Police Ospsrtment would range from $960,856.00 to $1,786,966.00 with. ..". He asked Mr. Hails, going back to the first paragraph, to set up tAis 500 lHts system it would cost n eapitel outlay of 5162,000.00 if the ctty had an Ln-house Police Department. Nr. Helae stated in addi[lon to the other costa the Study eatimatad there L a bottom level in the report which Le the $900,000.00 number. He stated this was touched on at the Commissionee last Law Enforcement Study workshop, it was predicated on the city going with PRECON and net having to set up Lie own Dispatch Center, but euentially having to equip mobile unite to bs able to comounicate with PRECOM which was the cheapest option. He stetad the moat expensive option was to set up the City's own in-house Dispatch Center put then go with an 500 NHZ eyetem because of the frequency avnilabilliy iaeue and that waa the top level number. Ne stated the other $162,000.00 gate added to the other capital coat estimate which waa to eeeentiaLly to epopletely equip the Department with a normal communication eyetem. He felt the real comparison wne probably the 51,756,966.00 versus the $960,856.00 associated with PRECON. Commieeianer Amodt asked Mr. Heise if the $1,75fi,966.00 coat was based on a yearly ec[t. Hr. Haiea stated no, that !a et art-up coats and, fo[ example, the mobile unite Ln the patrol care theta Se some annual coats aaeocleted with that Aecauea the you would need to set aside some dollars for replacements. Commiaeloner aox,dt asked Nr. Neise iE the $1x786,966.00 coat included Sn Che one- time investment for an Ln-house Police Department of $2,000,000.00 to $3,000, 000.00. Hr. Heise stated yes. Chairman Glaee opened the meeting for public heerin9• addressing the commieaioner was, Reno Crowley, Stnf£ Coardinetot/Cavetnment Relations of 8conomlc Developnant, Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce, 8250 Utlce avenue, Suite 160, he stetad on behalf of the Officers, Dlractors and Members of the Reneho Cucaawnga Chamber of Commerce he wanted to thank the Commission Public Safety Cammiaelon Minutes -7 - Harsh 12, 1993 for allowing them to contribute to the Clty their participation !n this Study. Ha elan thanked the City Hanagar, Jaek Lam/ Deputy City Manager, Jerry hlwood/ aeeietant to the City Hanagar, Duanm Baker and Captain Bruce Eeiner for their particlpetion and contribution of their time, Lnput~ and materials for this Study. He stated, ae preliminary copies of the Chamber's initial survey findings were delivered to the Commluion and City Staff through the office of the Deputy city Hanagar, h. simply wanted to take this opportunity to thank one and all and commend on. and ell on the story of this issue. Ns stated he is otfering an adtlltlonal copy of the ^Initial summery of Pindinge of the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of CommeYCe Law Enforcement Report Subcommittee of the Govornniant Aelet ions Committee" to the Secretary and requested it •e inclusion ae part of the record of tonight's meeting. Hs stated he would like to remind one and all that the Rancho Cucamonga chamber of Commerce, it •• dovernmest as ~acaone Coaw.titN, and the Chamber'' Law Enforcement 6ubcommitCN is at the Caanisrlon•• Nrvice. Commissioner Quintana stated that Mr. Crowley has presented all this information to the Commission and the Commission Ss vary anxious to receive Lt prior to this meeting. Sha then asked Mr. Crowley why ha has not made a public summation of the points the Chamber wanted to address, which she felt ware pretty Important points. Mr. Crowley asked camnieeioner Quintana iF she could tell him exactly what points she was referring to specifically. Commissioner Quintana elated for one, because she had prepared reeponaee, that the report had pointed out the Eactore that are spelled out in Hr. Haiae' Study, namely; quality of service and price of service, impact law enforcement has on the business sector of the community, which is a very important section of the community, and additionally matle recomnendatione for an additional study. Therefore, sae thought the Commission should afford Hr. Crowley the opportunity once more to bring that up, and was curious as to why he has chosen just to present a written recommendation and not orally give the Chamber's reasons why Ef,n public ie here oho have not been privy to this information. Mr. Crowley stated that ie a goad point, the Chamber was under the impression that haeically this Se essentially a shopping list of the items that are of concern to the bueln6ee community. Ha stated the Chamlwr felt this would conetiiute the Chamber's input at this stage and make them- selves available to the Commission beyond that. He stated the Committee ie still standing and essentially are at the Commiasion'e service, then again the Chamber's Summary ie just for the Commieaion'e cons iderstion and beyond that the Chamber ie here for the Commission. Mta. Susie Jacobson, 8219 Jennet Street, felt City needed it's own Police Department because the City is now too large to be serviced by the County. Hr. Phil Talleur, 10967 Santa Clara Court, toncurred in tAe city having it's own in-house Police force and supported any tax incrsaes nwessery. ~~ Publ lc Safety Commission Minutes -8 - March 12, 1991 • : . • • • Chairman Glaae called a rscesa at 7:49 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:01 p.m. with all Coemiselon members present. R • • • • • • Chnlrman Olaea continued the pu6lie hearing. Mr. George Bennett, 5167 Silver Mountain Way, felt the current Police Department hoe done an outstanding job, and also felt that havLnq our own Police Department would be excessively expensive, the coat would ba very prohibit Lve, would lose the proficiency end quality that the Cfty now gate •~..~, .;,e r e.. ss,_ ..____~___. .._ .e_` .. _. zifia usparcmenr was vary responeLVaMto the community end when people hnve complaints brought to the Ponca Department, he felt confident Ghet the Police will meat with the community and resolve them. Ha couldn't nee what more the coeotunity could ask for wish thfe kind of Police Department. Mr. Dnn Shelley, 7988 Henbane Street, stated he became nwara of thin ieeue by nttendinq certain meetings on another issue and wan alarmed that an ieeue of this magnitude can W debated without the majority of the coamunity being aware of it. Ne asked that iha Public Safety Cammlaalon recommend to the Clty council that this ieeue W placed on the Dellot. Mrs. Cynthia Shelley, 7988 Henbane Street, atnted sae became aware of this ieeue Dy coming to the meetinger attended eeero of the Commission's workshops, and also hoe reviewed the Law Bnforcement Study. Sha stated she has called other cities chat have their own Police Department and how Lhey went about !t. She concurred that the Public Safety Commission recommend to the City Council that this Seeue De placed on the ballot. Hr. Genes Ullrichr 10410 Lemon Avenue, felt the co®unity nestle Lo hear more at this point about thin ieeue battle it goes to Uie City Council. He felt this ieeue ehou ld ba continued ae he wanted the opportunity to review the Study and recommended that the commission hold a public heating on this ieeue. Mr. Michael Parer, 13245 Victoria, felt iha question here is 1E the City goes to their own Police Departure:' can the City prevent the typo of Lncidents heard this evening from occurring. Ha stated ha did not foal that having our own Police Department is the answer. He felt another question ie; ie [hate a viable source or method where people can go to when they do not hove a response fray the Sheriff •e Oapartment. He felt this commission Se [het avenue and felt it needs to be more available, more known. He tell the Commission should look at the case load standards, it that Officer does not Aava tM time to respond bateau of workload or other eituat lone, Lhan the ca®Seelon neada to look at those case loads and respond to that. Ha stated either tea CommLelon puts more Oollera on the table to provide the Officers that opportunity to handle that tees or commission says sorry individual citizen you era not on our priority. He did not feel that this should be placed an the Off leers l/ Public Safety craomleeion Minutes -9 - Marsh 12, 1991 because it ie hie understanding that if the Polies DepartmenC Could ask for 100 Officers they would, but the restraint is put on the Clty contract ing those services. Ne stated ae for transfers, he felt that the City gets the beet of both worlds but sometimes we do not get the beat] ~ sure the City will lose some good officers. He felt Chic ie a greet community but hs oleo believed that instead of picking Pram 5 the City ie picking from 30 or more well trained Officers. Ns felt there Le some Ganef its with the transfer policy; if we have a "bad apple" do we termtnate him in a eicy Polies Department or in a Sheriff's Department can we transfer him to the jail where he does not want to ba and change hie/her attitude. Ne felt the coat of the Sheriff's Department ie reasonable and Eelt this City needs to ask for funding to the citliene, just like the Pire Department did with the Paramedics issue (asking for a Mello-Roos District for public safety). He Eelt that every new home that yoae rn enouid nave a Mello-Roos where they ere paying for a Police station or a small Sub-Station out by their Brae. Ha stated looking at [he bottom line, the crime rate here is the lowest here than the Polies Departments compared [o population and dollars. There being no further Public response, the pu6ltc hearing was closed. Commissioner Ketai ly etatetl he was at ill concerned with the turnover issue. HB felt it takes 2 to 3 years working the same area and to get to understand the area and to understand the naeda. He stated with a high turnover rate the Police Department woultl never have stability, Officer awareness and intelligence of whet the City ie alt about, community Feeling and understanding of community needs. Commissioner Curatalo felt that the Sherif f'e Department policies for County-vide operation are often in conflict with our local needs and intereete. Commissioner Yankovich concurred with Commies toners Ketaily and Curatalo and also felt the Commission needs to consider the Dispatch problem. He felt if the City had dedicated Dispatchers, and Dispatch Center within our City, these dedicated people would know exactly where certain streets are an6 which car to Bend. He felt the reeitlents and bueineae community in this Clty deserve the boat of a higher level of service than what the City to currently getting. He etatad this Commission of 7 members cannot solve all the problama. He stated one of the requests from the public waa that this should 9o to the public for a vote; the City Council did not aek this Commission to do that, Ghat ie the Council's decision. Commissioner Amodt stated the public present tonight have made come very good comments and the one way thia Commission can find out if the Sheriff's Department ie doing chair job ie by hearing from the public. He etatad this Coemieeion Se an advisory group to the City Council; the Commission listens to what the public hoe to say then compiles the information and forwards their recommendatlone to the City Council. He et ated the City Council gives the final word on any decieione going to effect this City. He etatad it overwhelms him when he hears about the costa of setting up an in-house Police Department compared with the coats that the city ie currently paying to contract with the Sherif['s Department. He etatad to get the eervicee that era given by the Sheriff's Department; each ae alt patrol, forensic lab with soma vary well trained staff, and school programs (such ae D.A.R.E.). He personally felt very eat ief tad with the Sheriff's Department eervicee nntl, at this time, ditl not feel that the City could afford an in-house Police Uepartment. Public Safety Commiuion Minutes -10 - Narch 32, 1991 Commie loner Curatnlo stated that many of the Sheriff's services, regardless if it's a contract city or not, upon request by the local Police Department the SAeriff Department must provide homicide bureau, detective bureau, 3•W.a.T. Teem, and air patrol to the cities within the County. ~ commies loner kbet concurred. Commieeioner Quintana gave a brief background of the Commission to the public. She stated members of the public, including the Chamber in their written summation, have suggested that li ie too premature to go to Council at this point Ln time with a recommendation. she stated the pub! to indicated that there was not enough preen and the public has not been afforded an opportunity to address their concarne before the Public safety Coemleelon, make a recommendation to the City Council. Sha stated Lhi. r,.mm~.. (.... __ __ __,- y„ylj„ waringe regarding this end several public workshops and quite !rankly, axcspG "f or the last workshop that this Co®leeion had, thr only r~preaantative that had shown up has bean the Chamber of Comoerce which was at the last workshop. She stated she was surprlsetl, due to Lhe polLt ical eeneitivity of thin subject, that this hell is not caopletely filled up. She stated this Commission has been assigned a task and that Lt is now up to the City council to decide on this lases. She stated there will ba plenty of opportunity [or the public hers tonight and any other people who want to make their feelings known, to pass sham along to the City Council. She felt the Commission cannot prolong this any longer, the 6tudy L dated June T1, 1990, end part of the racammsndetlon thL Caamiseion in making thin evening i• based upon data that was collected, collated and presented in Chia Study. She suggested, before thin data Se further out of date, that this Commission proceed this evening with making a recommendation. Chairman Glace concurred with CommLeaioner Quintana. He oleo believed that there would be ample opportunit tee Erom this point on for public hearings. He stated he waa almg9t posit Lvw that the Council ie going Lo eek for or Nnve public hearings on this matter. He stated his concarne have been ref lectatl in the previous comments made by tae Commieeionar's: (1) turnover rate ie n major point with personnel coming end going, whether th«y are experienced or inexpe: Senoed personnel, (2) proactive time was exceselvely high and if tae City wants the service to remain high which he felt, ns a parent, it is important that there ba plenty of proactive time whLeh ie important for crime prevention, (3) DSepstch Service problem, that currently the Dispatchers are not familiar with the Cityr and telt if the City council does feel Chet the City should have it •e own Police Department then the city shoultl have it's own operated and run Dispatch center would be advisable, because you get that relatlonehip between the Dispatchers and the Of £iearst knowing haw the Officers work nntl the relationehLp to the community, knowing whets tY.inge era, where the problems areasr being familiar with how the City is evolving crime wise. Hs stated he dose not recommend going to PRBCDM for the reason that it hoe nn unknown coat variance and certain titles sa getting out of PR6C0M which would cost the City more to pt ay in PRECOH. He stated lE the City dose go to its own Police Department that the Officer's rsletionshlp and commitment to the city, ha bel ievad, would in ices!! reduce the City's turnover rate. He stated if the city's Police Department or even It the sheriff's Department had a docuarnied ^bad sppla• both agendas would go through the process of getting rid of Chet c~3 Public Snfety Commission Minutes -11 - Match 12, 1991 person. Ne stated h@ was confident in the Sheriff's Department's ability to deal with their disciplinary problems. Ha stated the overhead cost' ieeue that the City dose not currently pay which Se approximately a 31.9 percentag@. H@ stated these are things that come out oY the County that the Clty dose not pay for, services that are provided to the city such ae undercover drug tank foxes, air. patrol, etc.. He stated the Study etatae that if the Sheriff's contract was applied It would approach $8.1 million and also etatae that the City Police Department would eoeG $7.5 to $S.d million, which would be a difference of $300,000.00 or lees and did not feel that was a euraquntable amount. He stated at whet point the Sheriff or the County would implement some of these overhead coats ie unknown, the City done not have control of that. Therefore, the City mny go under contract ulth the county for several years or even a decode and th@ City may never be charged sn overhead cost. However, the County Board of Supervisors as waa as une county Adminietrnt inq Officer have been discussing this for several yearn and urging the implementei ion of certain overhead coats to th@ contract cities which would include this City. He stated at this time there Le an ieeue of the jail Booking Pees; every tams the Police Gepnrtment books someone into the County facility the City has to pay a fee for each person, and if that ie not overhead costa what 18. He stated the ieeue of the capital one-tLoe costs to start-up an in-house Police Department of $2.0 to $3.0 million Mhich he felt was quite a bit of money ns wll as $B.e million each year to maintain the Police Department. He stated although the Commission Se not burdened with the task of deciding money issues the Clty Council will have to consider. N¢ stated if the overhead casts ie applied and the Police Department and Sheriff's Department are close in proximity, then the ieeuea are really what ere the advantages of a Police Department type of system to the sh¢tift'e Department type of system, and what are the tlieadvantages of those, and the costa would not be of great importance. He stated the Conmission asked the question of City Manager, Jack Lam who indicated at that time, granted this ie a year agor where nou the City ie economically pressed, that he wee not ae concerned with capital costa as he wee with the each year coats of maintaining a Police Department. He stated these ore some of the things hr considered in the Study and some of the quest loos and feelings heard from the public tonight and has eoroewhat of an understanding Erom that type of interaction ae to formulating a personal opinion of what people think, although it cannot b¢ exactly everyone's personal opinion. He felt it would be great to go to a ballot measure and whether that is feasible or not, once again back to the City Council. He stated in hie view there ere 3 ways of forecaetin9 public opinion; (1) go to the ballot measure, (2) to commission to go to another eompreheneive study, and (3) how the public votes. He stated he concurs with Commiseiener Quintana in that the Commission needs to make a recommendation tonight. Commies inner Curatalo felt strongly that Rancho Cucamonga should be making their own policies rather than having san Bernardino making policies for Aancho Cucamonga. CcmmLesioner Amodt concurred with commissioner Curatalo and alec felt it i• up to the tit itene now to Look into the future and get the besC possible public safety protection. ~~ Public Safety Commission Minutes -12 - March 12, 1991 cammiss loner Yenkovich alto concurred wLth Co®iesiones Curatako. Commlesioner Quintana stated she thought this wne [oppose to be the final work- shop on this study, therefore, felt it would be appropriate for the Commies LOM io comment on the recommendntione that ware made by Mr. Heise in hie study and then perhaps move forward fxao there. She stated Nr. Heise studied what the coat would be, what the current costa for the 1989/90 contract year for the SheriEt'e Department, looked at low, mid and high ranges of what an in-house Police Depart- ment would coat[, outlined start-up coat[ with very specific rocommendatione of whether the City should qo in-house ae far ae what the traneltion would be, outlined liability insurance, and made lots and lots of [pacific recommendations. Therefore, felt that Mr. Xelee had made a very thorough study and has looked nt operating malntenanee and proactive patrol. Shs stated on Paga 82 and 83 of that a~uuy wnere nz. Heise inalcacee wnac the city should do Lt the contract Law sn[oresarnt wrvice approneh is maintained by the City, Hr. He1u made several recommendations end indeed said that esvaral important contract madlticatione ehou ld be required. She stated she could see that some of these requirements have already been negotiated with the Sheriff's Department and come have Dwn implemented, ana then gave a brief review of Page 82 and 83. she stated that Chairman class brought up that the city hoe been raceivinq eervicee at a rate which Le much lees expensive than what Lt should be. she felt that Chairman Glace' point Se on target In thst tM City L currently being charged with a markup fee of 7.4 percent and that the Mr. Hsiee indicated that the markup fee coulA ties to 31.9 percent. She stated that the Chamber, in their report, pointed tc this and indicated that there should be soma further study. She [fated if you're making budgeting decieione it 1a very difficult io know how much money you're going to neetl to provide for eervicea~ be they an in-house PolLce DepnrtmenG or contracted eervicee, if theca Ss eo much uncertainty ae to a group of political decision makers and if the county should come and say that they should be charging more. she stated if the Eull markup were eppi Led, ea Hr. Haiee pointe3 out, the costa would rice to $e.l million. She stated on Page 3 of the Chamber's report, wnere St et 6tee •The Chamber Perspective^, they have looked at the issue and are very concerned with dollars and cents and coat effectiveness, and they have discussed this issue with not only bueineeeee who have owner[ who reside in Rancho Cucamonga but non-reeldents ae wel i, and who are ^...tlapendent for their livelihoods upon the quality of life in Rancho Cucamonga and when they require law entorcemeni eervicee, the RenCho Cucamonga Polies Department reeponda whether it is a contract or Ln-house eervice.^ She [farad so on Pngee B2 and 83 of Mr. Heiss• Study and on Paga 3 of the Chamber report we have reference to ^Aencho Cucamonga Pollee Department^. She stated in the survey that was done by Mr. Hells [hers was satisfaction with the eervlce that was being provided by the Sheriff•• Department. She stated she wanted to bring up the lesue ns Commiesloner amodt did that this ehculd not be n matter of pro-Sheriff or anti-Sheriff or pro-Polies or anti- Pollce, this Ls a mniter of pro-Aencho Cucamonga. Shs stated the Clty has a population in excess of 100,000 people, we ors a progressive City, the City wants to move to have our own style of Pire eervicee, which the City has dons through e eube Ldiary District, and she thought if the coats were not nn ieeua then eha did not think this Commission would be arguing this as much. ~J Public Safety Commission Minutes -13 - March 1Z, 1991 Commissioner Quintana stated apparently there is s perception that pewpla fell more caofortable thinking that they have their own Police Department; if not, why would the City 9o through the trouble of calling the head o! <M contracted services s Police Chibf, why identify our squad care ae Rancho Cucamonga Police, why have a sign that points to Rancho Cucamonga Police Department. she stated based on that she will move ahead and make a recoamendation on the basis of the Study that if monies ere svailable that the City should W looking far their own police Department and further make a racommendetion if that Se not feasible that the City Council seriously inks into consideration the recommendatlone found of the Study for et iffening the contract between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and san Sernartlino County Sherif f'a se fer ae contract law enforcement Se concerned. Chairman Ola0e concuzzw: .. _. ^~~^^mr Quintana if the City has the opportunity to meet costs that the City a0tablish their own Pot Lce Department i... local control, to cut out one of the bureaucratise Ln controlling our own fate here in the City, we are a visionary City antl a City that LB very proaotivs what we are doing. He stated there ere problems with the contract with the sheriff's Department, not ineurmountabl0, however, they are problems that need to ba worked out. He stated if the City Council tloee not see their way clear for the City to start the City's own Police Department then he felt that serious negotiations to change som0 of these things should occur. Commissioner Curatalo concurred with Commissioner Quintana. Commissioner We9G concurred with Commissioner Quintana also and stated it her ideas were put into a form of a motion that would satisfy her. She stated ehs has the same concerns a0 the okher Commiseioner'e and was not positive that if the city had their own in-house Police Department that it would solve all the Commissionee cancerne, but it le a start and if the monies are available then that would be the way eho would want to go. Commissioner Curatalo stated that if a motion ie made he would like everyone of Commissioner Quintana'e concerns inclcded in that motion. Commies loner Quintana etatedr to reiterate, the things that she brought up are exactly what is in the Study. MOTION: Moved by Yankovich, seconded 6y Curatalo, after careful consideration of the consultant's Law 8nforcement Analysis, Public Hearing a, and Commission d iecusaionr and in order to provide a more effective law enforcement eeneit ive to local community needs and an increased level of service and current econgsic growth, the Public Safety Commission recommends ae follows: 1) The City Council recognize that Rancho Cucamonga ie a leaser and role model in the valley's Weat End, with a population exceeding 100,000 people and growing at a rapid rate. The tit izene of this community deserve a level of service cane ietent with other services provided within the City; and 2) The city Council support the Public Safety Commiesian in its determiner ion that nn affecilve Lau Enforcement Agency ie locally staffed and locally controlled; and ~~ Pu611c Satety Commies ion Ninuteo -14 - Masch 12, 1991 3) Tho city Council support the Public Safety Commission Ln Lts findings Chat the City and it• citizens deeerva tae long-tam commitment and dedication that career officers provide; and 4) The City Council support rho Public Saioty Commisa ion and take immediato action to dagin the eatabliohment and implementation of a City in-house Police Department, to include ire own Dispatch ConteY and dedicated Diepatchere; and 5) If the city Council, after coneiderat ion of the current economic eituat ion, determines that the fornnt ion cf a Ciky Police Department fie not currently feat ible, that the City Council take steps to identify and pursue alternative funding sources to finance and implement an in-house Ciiy Police Department; and 6) During the interim, while a City Police Department Le beinc fnnde.i ana implemented, the Public Safety Commission recommends that the City Council tako act ton to reeognlzo the notable daticlenciee suoeinGd with rho Sheriff's current contsect and take immediate etepe to correct and allmina[e the Following, to Include buC not limited Gof a) Bxceesive rotation of personnel and staff, b) TAO lack of local control in setting policies and regulations, c) a Resolution o£ current dispatch problome, and ^) The utilization of Rancho Cucamongs ns a training ground for personnel at our tax payers expense. Cortmieaioner Quintana etnted the would like to modify Commieeioner Yankovich'e motion that subjectivity be removed from it eo the Commiealon can be ae objective ae possible in the motion. Therefore, she aekOd that Item fb, Subsection d, be removed ae part of the motion because the felt the Commies ion, ae an advisory group, should attempt ae much as possible, although it fie difficult to devoid the Commission of anything that could be perceived ae an evwtionally reaction, take ae an objective of a viewpoint ae possible, and felt that it could Da perceived ae an emot tonal reaction. Commissioner's curatalo and Yankovich concurred to delete Item /b, Subsection d. Commleeioner Retaily asked Commieeioner Quintana if her concern was just with the phrase ^...at our tax payers expense.^ Co®iceioner Quintana etatod her point fie tact her intent here fie not to criticize the Sheritf's Department, this should not be an issue of pro-Sheriff or anti-Sheriff, this fie what Se good for Rancho Cucamonga or at least this Se what the feal• is good for the CLty ae a whole. Taerefore, ehs was not comfortable with the motion end would like to refer beck to the Study and the recommendation ae ouil fined on how the Clty should ^beef up' contract law enforcement if a Police Department is found not to be feasible by the City council. Chairman ales concurred. Crnmieeioner Quintana asked Commieelonor Yankovich if ha had a target in hie motion or if he was incorporating the target that Mr. Sa1ee expressed ae far as the 10 percent cap on turnover. y~ Public Safety Commission Minutes -15 - Werch 12, 1991 Commisaioner Yenkovich atatad ha hatl thought about that but felt it woultl ba carting policy for iha sheriff's Department and the Commleaion is not here to eat the policy for the sheriff •e. Commissioner Weat caked couldn't the Commiaeion make the recommendation that the Sherif £'e Department go along with the Study and use the 30 percent ae a guida- line. Commissioner Yenkovich asked Commies loner West if she was talking about a maximum guideline. Commissioner Weat atatad yes. r•~w..i eel n..e ._...__.__.. -.,1»,. ...o. was Cww with ham. Commieeioner Curatslo stored he thought that Commieeioner Yankovich'a motion did state generally that the pzo6lam waa excessive rotation of personnel. commies TOner Yenkovich stated under Item f6, 5ubsect ion a, ie Meted "2xceeeive rotation of personnel and staff", antl suggested that he could add not to exceed a maximum of 10 percent. Commieeioner West asked Commieeioner Quintana whet was she thinking of, was it inserting a percentage in that section of the motion. Comma ee loner Quintana stated on Item t6 during the interim, while it ie being funded, it eounde like to her that Commieeioner Yenkovich is recommending to City Council that the City support a Polies Department and that if there is not money available that alternative sources of funding be identified and pursued, Commieeioner Yenkovich stated yes, that is correct. Commieeioner Quintana et ated then ae those alternatives are being pursued that the et.ty looks agsir. at the co.-.tree and ^tiyhtan" it up or do whatever to modify it to correct it. Commieeioner Yenkovich atatad year that ie correct. Commieeioner Quintana asked Commieeioner Yenkovich if he also wants to make a proposal to the City Council in the event they elect not to go with an in-house Police Department, because the thing that he mentioned in Item t6 eounde like an interim measure. sae etatetl shoo ltl the City Council not support an in-house Police Department, would he want an alternative for the City Council to look at ae far ae formulated contract control. Chairman Glaee stated baeicnl Ly what ie stated in the interim part except make it, more or leas, on a recommendational baste in the event that the City Council stays with the Sheriff's contract, solely 6y itself. Commieeioner Quintana stated she would amend Commieeioner Yankovich'e motion to include that if the City Council opts to maintain contracted eervicea, chat the concerns that have been outlined on Pages 82 and 83 of the Study, which were also outlined in hie motion, be Ldent if Ted antl that the City Xanager's office puzeue strict contract compliance and adhere to the recommender lone ae outlined by Mr. Weise. ~V Public safety Comminlon Minutes -16 - Y.~xh :<, igii Commisllonor Yankovich stated it to good is Ldsnt ify somewhat but to start to put patches end logos an the Officer's sleeves and on the car, as long as they era san eacnardino sheriff •e Deputise, he would have to disagree. ~ Cammiceioner Quintana asked Commieelaner Yankovich if thst were feasible would he recommend it. Commissioner Yankovich asked Commissioner Quintana along with the patche9 and logos, etc. Commissioner Quintana stated yes. Commieeionsr Yankovich etatwd n tie •~ _ _ _:c -,: .. scanc as is and Lf the Commission wanted to make another motian.that wouldVbs~fina. Commleelonsr Quintana stated she had no problem with making another motion, but felt that the Coaotissian needed an altsrnatlvs course of action to make should the City Council not apt for an Ln-house Pollee Department. Cammissioner Yankovich stated yes but just by eeyinq o.x. the Clty is not going to have our Police Department but lets give everyone Rancho Cucamonga Police patches, and lets put Aancho Cucamonga an the Police doors, he felt ii lust did not seem right. He stated it Se not a Police Departarnt and at ill fwla some resentment now, being Ln law enforcement himself for 15 years, being associated ae n Police Department or n Sheriff's Department, the sheriff's want to ba ended a Deputy Sheriff and Police Officers want to be culled Police Officore. He et at ad you would have to be a Police Officer to know. Commissioner Ketaily stated you are also dealing with a pulley issue that arises with the shexiff'e Department or any orgsnization that there are firm guidelines that you will wear certain patches, certain badges, certain epaulets, whether they are sewn or uneewn certain stars on your •laeva if you have a certain amount of time in. He stated the guldel inee for a uniform me rosy strict ao that would be a policy issue with the Sheriff's Department. Chairman Oleee stated he kind of ease whero Commte9ioner Quintana ie coming from in the tact that our motion le euggeeting the Smplemantation of nn In-house Police Department in the event that the Council decides not to do that for their coneidereiione and reasons, then that leaves this commission without a racommsn- dation ee to what the City Council should do if they shoultl decide to do that. He asked would the Commission need to formulate a separate cation for that evenivallty to make it comprehensive. Comnlee toner Yankovich stated he felt it would be a good ides to formulate a separate motion but he would like hie motion to stand as ie and since St is on the floor and has already been seconded. Commissioner Quintana stated ae long as the Commission is going to provide e comprehensive approach end Lf the Commission wants to do it 1n the form of 2 motions, then that would W fine with her. ~~ Public Safety Commission Minutee -17 - March 12, 1991 AN0ID6D MOTION: Moved by Yankovich, seconded by Curatala, after careful consideration of the coNUltsnt'• Law Enforceaunt Malys L, Puhlic Hearings, an0 Commission discussion, and Ln order to provide a more affective law entorcemsnt sensitive to local community needs and an increased level of service and current economic growth, the Public Safety Commission reeommsnds na followse ~ 1) The City Council recognize that Rancho Cucamonga ie a leader end role model in the valley's We9t End, with a population exceeding 100,000 people and growing at a rapid rate. The citizens of this community deserve a level of service cone Latent with other services provided within the City; and 2) The Clty Council support the Public Safety Cammiaaion In it's determtnatlon that an effective Law 8nforcament Agency L^ locally scarred and locally controlled; and 3) The City Council support the Puhllc Safety Caemlee ion Ln it'• findings that the City and it's cltizem deserve the load-term commitment and dedication that career officers provider and 4) The City Council support the Pu611c Safety Commission and tske immediate action to begin the eetabliahment and implementation of a City in-house Police Department, to include it•s own Dispatch Center and dedicated Diepetchere; and 9) if the City Council, after consideration of the current economic situation, defarminee that the formation of a City Police Department ie not currently feasible, that the Clty Council take steps to identify and pursue alternative funding sources to finance and implement an in-house City Police Department; and 6) Dur Lng the Lnterim, while a City Police Department is being funded and implemented, the Public Safety Commission recommends that the City Council take action to recognize the notable defldiencias aeeociated with the Sherif f'e Curren[ contract and take immediate steps to correct and eliminate the following, to include but not limited to: a) Excessive rotation of personnel and staff, b) The lack of local control in setting policies and regulations, c) A Aeeolut ion of current dispatch problems. ~--anA peeeenee~ ~ _ _ _ __. ___ __~ __ AYES: curet alo, Glaae, Ketaily, Quintana, Yankovich, Waet NOES: Amotlt ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None Motion carried 6-1-0 (Amodt no). Commissioner Quintana moved that the Commies ion recommend ae an alternative approach to the City Council, incorporetinq those recoamendations made by the Consultant, Mr. John W. Heiea, on Pages B2 and 83 of hie report? the Ldeniiti- cation, in reference of the points that were made 6y commieeionere Yankovich and ~~ Public safety Commission Minutes -18 - March 12, 1991 Natally who pointed out that there are policy decisions to be mode at the 8herlff's Department. Shs stated that part of the reason that the Commise ion is here ie because yes indeed there are policy decisions to be made and the Clty Council ie a group of policy makers, therefore, if people Ceel comforiabls with having a polka force, she did not understand why it ie a problem to at least move forward in idant ifyinq unite as Rancho Cucamonga Police and to have patches, ae we already have logos, ident ifyinq that ae well. She asked Lt. Peppler what does St say. Lt. PappLer stated there Se nothing on the uniform or the badge but the vehicles have the logo. Commieeioner Quintana stated although that may preliminarily present n problem, in the variaua diecuaeione Ghat have token place between the City Manager, the City Council and the ehezif f'e Department, the Commission has came a long way and have overcome other ieeuee and did not eee why thin ie something that cannot be overcame ae well. Chairman Dlaee eeked Commissioner Qu intone to clarify her motion. MOTION: Moved by Quintana, seconded by Meet, as an nlternal ive if should the City Council feel or vote that Lt is impossible to go forward on an in-house Ponce Department or feel chat the Clty should not have an in-house Police Department, it Ls than recommended that the Clty Connell look at the Contract Law Enforcement Servieee provLded and incorporate recommendetione made by Mr. Heise on Pages 82 and 83 of hie report. Commievioner Meet stated when the Commission went on the tour, it aeesw:d to her she remembered eee ing pitta rea and some diecu aeion of other tit ies that are using the Sheriff's Department and they were able to paint their care and wear their logos, she than asked Lt. Peppler if that was not eo. Lt. Peppler stated many o£ the cities that the Sheriff's Department provides contract law enforcement to have Opted io have a certairt Color scheme or different logo on their vehicles. Commissioner We at asked Lt. Peppler what about the uniform. Lt. Peppler stated no, the only identifier on a uniform ie a epecitic name tag that eee the City logo on it, and maybe Hr. Fulwood could address this, as the City is in the process right now of looktng at vehicle daeign, but thought what they were waiting for wa• the results of this Study Lnetead of expentling funds unnecessarily. Hr. Fulwood stated yes, the staff has been working with the Police Department on the daeign of a Police vehicle and the City Council has reviewed that daeign, howeverr currently it ie in a holding pattern because theca is a lot of other ieeuee such ea this one which Se still outstanding. He stated, in Nrms of the uniformr the Clty hee had dieeueeiona on that part lcular issue and there is a great deal of eeneitivity in the Sheriff changing their uniform. He stated, ae meat Soned, there were a lot of items in the past, each as City staff actually being involved in [he selection of key Sheriff personnel end that has changed eo a lot of changes have taken place over the last year and who ie to eey what ten or cannot happen over the next year. He stated currently !hat is one area that the 8herlff'e Department uncomfortable with changing the actual uniform. S~ Publie Safety Commies ion Hinutee -19 - Harsh 12, 1991 Commissioner Yankovich stated there ware a residents who got up end spoke to the Commies ion thin evening, which includes Rant Crowley of the ChamWr, and ha has down 4 of those people who have said that they would want this to qo to the public for a public vote. He then asked commi.aaioner Quintana is it going to contuse the citirans of Chia City Sf 1 year from now or 2 years from nou, etc.,' the Dlty finally mske^ the transition or wants to make the transition and they put this before the voters, and everyone ie wearing Rancho Cucamonga Police; they put it on the police carer printed in the newspaper, on oulletina, on flyers, era they going to get confused; don't we already have a Police Department, what are we doing. Commissioner Quintana stated she thought when there is a cell for service, the service ie Ldentlfied ae Rancho Cucamonga police, eo she thought that an informed vntw~ wnnld 4nn .uhah is Fuse v1AM ...A •we~n _ _ stated someone did point it out that some residents already think that tharacia a Rancho Cucamonga Pol ice Department, ao yes there ie confusion. Commissioner Yankovich stated if they just put Police and Sherif E'e on the 6a llot, they era just going tc say we already have Police. Commissioner Quintana stated with any ballot Seaue there ie nn eaplanation, both pro and con, that ie put forward and Lf the informed voter takes the time to read their ballot and to see the position on both aides they era golrg to know that there ie not a Police Department. Commissioner Amodt stated in talking with Aeaietent Sheriff wickum who asid that if the people in the community want to have the logos changed on the care than he felt that would be fine. He stated the converaat ion did not get to the uniforms specifically but the logos themselves. He eeenied to think that was alright. Commissioner Amodt stated he could not see what the big problem ie because it sounds like a college, university or some high school debating their uniforms. Ne felt when a Police Off ieer ie doing hie duty ae an Officer the people he ie after are not going to worry about what he looks like and the pecple that call him ere not going to eak !f he Le wearing a uniform or has a particular logo. He felt if he places a cell Eor service he wants the Officer(6) to take care of hie aced (e) antl ae far ae 6iokering about logos and uniforms to him it is very childish. Chairman Claee concurred with CommLesioner wmodt that this ie really not the heart of the issue, the issue ie whether the commission wants to go with our own Police Department or do we want to stay with the Sheriff's Department. Hie feeling Se if the City does stay with the Sheriff's Department that they ors the 5heriff'e Department and the City should not be calltng them the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department. He stated ha inquiretl where this term started oz originated and whether the City had wanted this and really did not receive a def Lnllive answer, therefore, felt there waa a lot of confusion about it. He stated the other points Chet Commissioner Quintana'e motion made regarding Hr. Hsiss' cecomnendat ions on Page 82 and 83 and felt there were good point e. He felt if the City Council decides to stay with the Sheriff's Department that sane of these issues Rave already Seen mitigated and soars are in the process of being mLt igated. He stated one issue in particular, the turnover rata, Sa a sort inuoua source of tliecueeion that should be dealt with and felt those are the S~ Public sa[aty Commission Minutes -20 - Nasch 12, 1991 more major issues that should he dealt with. Ha stated, since this i• kind of a •st lcklnq• point with the Commission tAis evening regarding the uni[orms and patches, he felt that particular point should De flecided upon at the City Council lwel if they decide to stay with the sheriff's. Ne stated i! the Commiulon mode the recommendation to go with our own Police Department and i[ Council ~ dacidse not to, then the commission should let the council decide soma of thaw other Seeues, which they will receive all the input from the study. He stated he concurred with Commissioner Amodt and was not uncomfortable with Cammiesiorter Qulntnna'e motion. other than that, hie personal views 1a that a sheriff Sa n Sheriff, a Police officer ie a Police officer and Highway Patrolman ie a Highway Patrolman. He felt they should go with what the commission detesminee they want for service9 here In Aancho Cucamonga, therefore, this is a minor point and may cause confusion if the City goes to their own Po1!.ce Department but felt tAat -- - ~„~ ,~~_._ __ _ _-. «,.,,e wo stated the Coemiselon can paseualong their views and the Commission's minutes era going to W passed along upon request to underetantl the Commission's feelings end concerns arse by idea[ lfication. Hw stated he would not have a problem voting for Commissioner Quintana•a nation because the other Seeues on Pages 82 and 83 of tAs study are considerably more major than patches and logos. The commission now voted on the motion as follows: AYES: Curatalo, 61aee, Retaily, Quintana, Yenkovich, Waet NOBS: Nona ABSBNT: None ABSTAINED: AglOdt MDTioN: Moved by Quintana, seconded by West ae an alternative if should the City Council feel or vote that it Le impossible to go forward on an in-house Police Department or feel that the Dlty should not have an in-house Police Department, it ie Chen xeco,umendad tF.at the ~ ~y Council look at the Contract Law 6nforcanant Serv ices provided and incorporate recommendations made by Mr. Heise on Pages 82 and 83 of hie report. Motion serried 6-0-0-1 (Amodt abstained). ••RR R•• comnieeioner Neet left the meeting at 10:00 p.m. RR•••.• . • • • R + : Chairman Glass called a recess at 9:53 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:03 p.m. with all Commission members present (West absent). ! Y R R • • f Chairmen Class stated, if the Commission deems it to be appropriate, staff will bs making a staff report to the city Council along with the Commission's recommendetians concerning what the commiulon bee talked about end studiW up until this point. He stated with the Co®Seeion'e approval he will also draft S3 Public safety Commission Hinutas -21 - Hersh 11, 1991 n letter basically staring that fhb Commina ion nee satisfied the raqu irement given to the Cc.~„iani~n t„ acuay the program up until thle point and that the Cu,mnieaicn will remain open for any further input to the Counc ll if they shoo ld so deem that it be neceeeary. Commission concurred. s ~ • x Coneiderat ion of AeexaminLnq the Paramedic program and study for is for all Public Safely areas. ~ Jerr ulwood stated that this is commissioner yankovich'e item whi a brought up at a Commies ion's gcala meeting ao etaf£ has brought thin i back to ~-t the Comm aion'e dlzection as to how the Commission would +=.l;c t to approach this iesu Cn.m~; `_c:iwner kovich et et ed the reason that he brought item back to the commLee ion for cueelon ie because he felt that the edit Fzogram is an excellent idea a also felt that L} would Ganef' a cikizene and the community. Therefo he wished to dLecuae it Eurt nd would like to refer to Chief Dennis Aich Rancho Cucamonga Fire P etion District, for hie input. Chief Hichael stated back i arch, 1989, ther a paramedic master plan that was developed and conclud¢ hrough a atu commieeloned through the then Poothill Fire District Hoard v Directors. stated that particular study of that master plan was considered t that by the 2ubl is Safety Commission, approvetl by the Fire District's B d o tectora, and then the Public Safety Commlaeion reviewed and made recomme ns for support with the City Counc L"e concurrence for carrying forward to lent ion. He stated in November, 1989, at which time it waa sent to a vote people, on the ballot it was a m¢aeure which assent tally stated that for zoxi iely $4.10 a month the District would be able to provide paramedic a of a ice and pae¢ life support to the community) the election fails t required 3's voter aopravai. He stated there are a nua other alternat iv unding sources other than the one prep. aeC to the vot However, it was a felt that maybe the Fire District could have do a much batter job in a acing the general puhlic because there ie aril number of people in the publ who think that the City alreatly hoe a param level of service provided by a Fira Diet tier. Ha e[atetl the Eact is the paramedic service is provided the private sector and there are no ranteee that level of service will he to when any majoc catastrophe occ Decau9e Chey are not the City's resource they are private reaourcae. He red the fire aervicea, ae it evolves nationall and ie not just in this area r advanced life support (that being Fire District Paramedics) ie the hiq level of service and probably Lhe moat affective le of service in provi emergency medical care to victims in our community the pce- hospita re level of service. He ed it becomes poeaibly even more important for the City to toner r It ri now because in November of this year the Fire District will be coneid ng ng 30 new fire fighters. He stated the Fira Otatrict ie currently goin s~ Marsh 27, 1991 CITY O! RANCHO CUCAHONCA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Joint Meet inc of the City Council and the Public Safety Commies can A joint meeting of the City Council and the Public Safety Commlasion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga waa hold on Nedneeday, Marsh 27, 1991, In the Tri-COmlounit lea Conference Aoom of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamongar Cnl ifornla. The meeting waa called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor DennLe L. Stout. Present were Councilmembere: Nilliam J. Alexander, Diane Williamsr Pam01a J. Wright, and Mayor Denni• L. Stout. Absent wne Councilmember: Charles J. Buquet II. Present wore Commiaaionere: Pete Amodt, James Curatalo, Wayne Eetai ly, Elvi ra West, George Yankovich, and Chair Dan iei Glaea. Absent waa Commissioner: Petricca Quintana. Also present were: Jack Lam, city Manager; Jerry 6. Fulwood, Deputy city Reneger; Marti Higgins, Diaaeter Preparedness Manager; Chief Dennis Michael, Aencho Cucamonga Pire Protection District; Capt. Hruce Feiner, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; end Jan Sutton, Deputy Clty Clerk. • . • . . . H• ITd9 OP DISCUSSION B1. piecuaeion of De L R 1 ti c to La E f t d Mayor Stout requested to meet in Execut iva Seeeion with the Council regarding this item before they started the joint diecueaion. The Council recessed to Executive Session at 7:06 p. m. The meeting reconvened at 7:20 p. m. with all members of the council present (HUquat absent). Hayor Stout orated thet Councilmamber Alexander asked to have thin Ltsm on the agenda becauu the Council fall this might be the apportunLty to begin nuking the Commiulon about their analyaie that lad to their decision on this study. 5~ City Council/PUhl is safety Commission Minutes Ma SCh 37, JYYi Page 2 Count ilmember Alexander etatad ha wanted to get the Commission's feelings and ~ thoughts behind how they arrived at [hair motion. As an exempla ha cefatrsd to [halt statement ^C itisans of this community deserve a level of eetvlce conaietent with other services provided within the City^. Xe asked if they cone Stlered the service level to be unequal at the present time. Chair Glass stated the general thought woe the issue of local control, since the City has under its juzisdict ien presently fire service and emergency preparedness, along with the other Facets of the City, and the Commission Pelt Chat the Clty having its owr, police department would £aciLLtate earv;cea. count ilmember Alexander asked whet they meant by local control because he felt they had that nlceady thrcuyh their contract with the County, or it they meant complete control oust the egancy by a body of people, because there was a dlf [stance. commissioner Curatalo disagreed that the City had local control because he felt that policies set by the County Sheriff's Department tot County-wide opacatione were not sensitive to local needs at all times, and were sometimes in conflict, such as with the booking teas. couneilmembers Alexander and i7right felt the booking fee issue could not ba used ere a valid exempla, ere that wa• County policy, and not Sheriff's Department policy, and Lt of Eected sit iee Chet atao hed their own police agencies. choir class etatad maybe that was not a good example, bui in the case of booking fees, the ntate are provided out of the substation of streets matle, and in many cities with police departments they can set the criteria under which a person would actually be booked or released in the field on citation, or proceenad Ln another way, rather than being booked at the stet ion. Ns felt the sheriff's Department hatl a set policy about eontluctlnq those Lnvaetigat lone, and if the City had their own police department, they might have more control over that. Councilmembet wrLght asked it eha City of Upland had to pay booking fees it they book someone Into the County facilities, and didn't they use those faeil itiee. commieeioner Curatalo stated yes, but the City of Upland Ls considering Seauing citations rather than incur bookings. Councilmember Nright felt ihet LE Aancho Cucamonga wanted to go in Chet direction, that' could also. Jack Laro, City Manager, clarified the booking fee Lssua, that it cams about due to state butlget problems, and felt ihie Lssue could only W settled through the court process. He sieted every city Ls looking for ways to decrease the cost of these fees, end tae main Ldee wee to reduce the numbers of bookings. Ha stated the sheriff's Department L working on a list of oftsnsn that could possibly be handled by tits/release rather then booking to give to their eontceet cities. Aa etatad the system the CAO of the County hoe sat up Ls such that they claim 1E ~/~ City Council/PUblle Safety CommLsion Minutes Hatch 2:, opgp~3 the number of bookings L reduced, the amount for tae par booking coat will qo up, eo in susnee tM amount owed will never change, se that L why hp felt this matter would have to be mottled in court. He felt that issue was independent of whether the City was contracted vita the Sheriff's or not. commiee loner Curatalo stated another concern moss the sxceaeivs rotation of personnel. Councilmember Alexander staNd the Hughes, Haiss 6 Aalocleie6 report states "6y moat quant itatiw measures employed to svaluaG law enforcement adequacy, currant service Levels era high. Aa.mna. Hm.. ... ..n. s.... ~_ ,- - -- --- r -_ .l.r laveL era equivalent to or batter than urvics level standards •EOr urban and suburban communit iss of comparable sire and make up a Rancho Cucamonga...ws found no cgepellinq svidsnp that there era quality problems associated with the exieeLng law enforcement wtviees...the wrrent contract service costing system providai a financial advantage to the City by charging the City only for the direct co et of eervicss deliwrsd..." He felt the study indicated one thing and the motion made by the Commission indicated another and toga Ltsd why. Commissioner Yankovich stated the comparative cLtLs were Oceanside and Palmdale or Laneastsr. Ths Commiuion felt Rancho Cucamonga might haw been compnrsd to a city with the same population, but not with the same structure. They did not agree with the cif US they wars compared with. Commissioner Curatalo felt that generally there ware a lot of assumptions Ln the report teak the Commission disagreed with. He stated an sxemple was a Eigurs in the study that the department currently, at 104 personnel, hoe 49t proactive time. When questioned about ihie, the consultant euggaatetl they only needed 30- 35! to be efficient, and when asked how hs arrlvetl at 49t, tea consultant was very vague and did not give a clear answr. Tha Commission asked Lt this figure included tiros from the tesetws since tMea were over 13,000 hours eantributsd by that group, antl the consultant stated they dttl not include that in the stutly, ao he wondered how they could negate that figure and not consider it in the study. Ha felt this indicated the study wee inaccurate. chair Olaes stated the consultant Lndiceted the proactive figure was probably a few percentage points high, that it was shouinq about 41t, but would have been about 38-39t, because the statistics were gathered from the CAD system, and that system did not split out reserves, it just lists etatietics about the calls, eo some reaerw time was probably in there because they handle a certain amount of calla, etc., and that would bs in the cAn eyetma. councilmembar Alexander thought the Subcommltlse from the Council and Commission tried to keep up all these aspects with the stutly during 14 dwslopmsnt, and did a good job of it, but maybe it would have been beneficial to catch some of these things beforehand. Commissioner Amodt felt they wars doing a critique o[ the study itsal[. Hs Lalt Lt was originally planned that the consultant would conduct the study, and than afterwards it would be up to the City to decide if they mould accept all or some of the points covered 4n Lt. S/ City Council/Public Safety Commission Ninutee wnrch 7, .s~i Page 4~ Hayor stout stated whether the City has a ponce department or a contract, the{s are issues shat need to bs addressed. An example would bs the issue of a severe deflc isncy of higher ievel mnnagemsnt positions in tae substation, where the consultant recommends there be a lieutenant an each shift just llko every other police department. He stated tho study wne also indicating theta were Goo many patrol people based upon tae proactive formula, when he did not believe twat to be correct. He stated to accept this document at face value without a review, which ie why they asked the Commission to do eo, would have been folly. He stated whether everyone agreed or not, the final deeie ion will be made 6y the council. He stated he would like the opportunity to have a workshop on this, giving the Commission the n ......~...u ~ . _ -ccva~al ~„ uiaowa wnat their evaluation process was. Ha ~etatsd this moss ar long process, anA swan it the Council maker a decision, it will be two to three years before they could make any changes, eo he did not sN any pressure tc do something immed Lately. Na asked staff to set up a workshop to disease this subject in-depth. Hs stated he tlld not know how thi• ieeue would be resoived, but that it would need to be resolved one way or the other. Commie sinner Weet felt that part of the Cammieeion's recommendation was that if the funds were availabU, they should have their own pollee department, othetwile they should fix what they have. 9ha stated they Deead their decision not only on the report and informat ion provided, but also an public input at their meetings. Mayor Stout felt it wne important to have the publte adtlreee the Clty Council on this ieeue. Commieeioner Aarotlt stated the two quastlone asked of him by citizens were fLret, where would the City get the money to start and maintain a police department, then secondly, what about the liability insurance. He statetl he was pleased with the work the Sheriff's Deputment moss doing Ln the City. Commies inner Carat alo stated another problem he had with the report moss because when the consultant manCloned costa, the current contrast ie $6.5 million, and he felt it wne not vary oleaz because Lt was based on 104 personnel. Teen when the consultant says !t mould be $7.2 to $8.4 mill ion if they were to have their awn police Department, the report refers to 120 personnel. He felt this was not comparative because of the difference Ln personnel counts. Mayor stout stated the point the coneultani was trying to make there was that by utilizing Che Sheriff's contract personnel there are esrtaln services that ere provided through the larger organization which would have to b• duplicated for a smaller organization, i. •., homicide, forensics, etc. On the otnsx hand, the coneultani is crying there are some deficiencies Sn his mind regarding upper management levels. It was felt by Couneilmember Buquet and others tact they need to adtlree• having higher ranking individuals making supervisory decisions on midnight shifts and eo forth. City council/Public Safety Cnmmiuton Nf cetee March 27, 1991 Page 9 ACTION: Worbhop to W held on April 22, 1991 at 7:00 p. m. to diwuu the law' enforcement study, with Chair Olaw to prepare an overview of the points tM Commiealon had cancerna about and information on how they arrived at their motion, to bo provided to Cho Council prior ee thv weting. • . • . . 2. Discussion of Items of Muc~ 1 e n C lesioner Nright caked about DLastsr Preperednua. Mart igglna, OiseeUS Paparednue Nsnager, Lelt Lhey did wll d Cha recant lnatorma, wish the major problems oecurinq during rush h attic. she stet they had considered opening the EOC during one of the _ hours to help coot to ruponw with soar of the ua getting stuck. Sh i that waa a positive becauo it meant Che system wan working. Mayor stout oak hunt Nleheel LE they kept el at latLcs on Lnq deaths due to llooainq, bete ha felt many paopL who waa new to t ty were not aware of the flood hiato the city, and do not always un and the problem an0 why then hen been eu an emphaaia on flood control at It waa not done to just keep the etreels r. Chief Michael, Fire Dletr stated shay do n eve those flqurea readily available, but that it has n a long Lima ce they had a death due to drowning during a flood. Ne • sd they cou back and manually check some of the older records for that in Lion. councilmember Wright askW what waa step !n Dieubr Prepaadneu. Marti Higgins, Oieeeter Preperadnenn r, atatad they have £inali:ad [hair disaster plan end it Sa being non th tinter. Shs stated tM nut phue they are entering 1• a program t waa roved lent budget cycle for the Comounity Emergency Reaponw T ing (eBRT hich taken them a atop further then the inLtial praparedne Thia progr sins groups in industry, or schools, or neighborhoods, eby they have a acing the incident command eystam and teaches them h deal with tFw organs onal nepect• of surviving a dteaatar. Mayor Stout ukad it re wes tome method to check the exo provided by the schools to ma]u • hat tMy are updated. Marti Higgins, aster Preparedneea Nanagsr, stated they ar t provided any information the schools in the sense of nn annex. She ^ the annexes are the re ^ibil it sea the City hoe in general. Councl r Williams naked if they followed-up with the schools ke curs they still prapnred, or is it left up to them. She etetW she wa ntaetad by ocher who was concerned that Mr mhool was negllqut in the[ a. V