HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/03/27 - Agenda Packet - Adj Jointcat' c~ Rnroaio cucan~c~n CITY COLJI~ICIL A(',ENI]~ City Council and Public Satety Coamiasion Rarch 21, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Tri-communities Conference Room 10500 Civic Canter Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call City Council: 8uguet _, Alexander __, Stout _, Will iama i, WrighG Roll Call Puhlic Safety Coomiaeicn: Amodt Curatalo , close , Aetaily __, Quintana Weet , Yankavich D. Itesa of Diecvaaioa .. Cicc_ss= .^. o! dec ieion relating to law enforcement study. 2. Diaeuaeion of items of mutual concern. 0. w®uaieations ftot the Puhlie This is the ties and place for the general public to addzaw the Citq Council cad Public Safeip Coaeuadon. State law prohihita Lhe Couaeil and Coamtiaaion frw addressing sap issue sot previously included on the Agenda. The Council and Commission up reuiva teatimoap and eat the attar for a sutaegnent ametiag. Commeata are to be Liaited to five niaub^ per individnal. i, Debra 3. Adana, City Clark of the CiLq of Rancho Cuea~onga, herehq certify that a true, accurate eopq of the foregoing agenda was posted on Nareh 13, 1991, seventy-tuo (72) hours prior to the seetiag par Oovsrnaeat Coda 56953 at 10500 Civic Center Drives, Rancho Cucaaongs, Glifornie.