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1984/06/28 - Agenda Packet - Adj.
4 U cny OF RANCH CMAMOKA CrFY COUNCIL 1917 - Lions Park Community Center 9161 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California June 28, 1984 Adjourned Meeting I. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Wright Buquet Mikels Dahl— and King _. —' 2. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non - controversial. They will he acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. A. Approval to award Professional Services Contract for Derbish Guerra b Associates for construction staking of Bear Gulch, Arrow Route, and Arrow Park grading for $6,200.00 plus a 10% contingency for a total not to exceed $6,820.00. B. Approval to award Contract for traffic signal and safety lighting on Carnelian Street at Lemon Avenue to Intersection Management Systems of Maywood, California, the lowest responsible bidder, for $48,200 plus a 10% contingency for a total amount not to exceed $53,020.00. C. Approval of Amendment to Section 5 of City Manager's Employment Agreement regarding use of City car. D. Approval of Resolution relating to salaries and fringe benefits for City Employees for Fiscal Year 84 -85. City Council Agenda -2- June 28, 1984 RESOLUTION NO. 84 -190 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECINDING RESOLUTION NO. 83 -182 RELATING TO SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR ALL FULL TIME AND PART TIME EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA "FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984 -85. E. Approval to modify City of Rancho Cucamonga's Personnel Rules and Regulations, Section 3.3.21 to add bereavement leave. F. Approval for the Finance Department to issue a Year -End Warrant Run for period ending June 29, 1984 to be approved on July 5, 1984. 3. STAFF REPORTS A. APPROVAL OF THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984 -85 4. ADJOURNMENT Meeting to adjourn to July 5, 1985 for the next Regular City Council meeting. J 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 28, 1984 F U TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Dave Blevins, Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Authorization of Professional Services Contract for Derbish Guerra 6 Associates for Construction Staking of Bear Gulch, Arrow Route and Arrow Park Grading Attached is a proposal for construction staking for the above referenced project submitted by the Design Engineer for the project. The staking proposal is based upon an estimate of services to be provided at established hourly rates. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council approve award of construction staking for the improvements of Bear Gulch Place, Arrow Route and Arrow Park Grading to Derbish Guerra b Assoc. of Ontario for the proposed amount of $6,200.00 plus a 10% contingency for a total not to exceed $6,820.00. Respectfully submitted, LBH:OB:bc Attachments D E R B I S H, G O E R R A & A S S O C I A T E S, I N C. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS 124 EAST "F" STREET. SUITE 13 • ONTARIO. CALIFORNIA 91764 7N - 9s3-2730 714 - 99).2779 June 4, 1984 Lloyd Hobbs, City Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga 9340 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Attn: Dave Blevins RE: Construction Surveying - Bear Gulch Place, Arrow Route and Arrow Park Grading Dear Dave, Per our phone conversation I am pleased to submit this proposal for construction surveying on the City of Rancho Cu camonga's Improvement Projects aentioned above. Based on review of the project plans and scope of engineering and surveying services anticipated, our estimated fee of ($6200.00) six thousand two hundred dollars is hereby submitted as a not -to- exceed figure. Actual costs will be obtained by multiplying the appropriate rate (as shown in the Standard 'dourly Rates hereby attached), by the number of hours worked on the project. The above stated engineering services fee was derived from estimated costa of the following scope of services to be provided; A. Bear Gulch Place - Arrow Route 1. Provide necessary horizontal control for project. 2. Rough grade staking and removal marking (1 set), 3. Curb staking (1 set). 4. Water line staking (1 set). 5. Outlet structure staking (1 set). 6. Subgrade or blue top staking (1 set). 7, Cut -sheet preparation, Estimated engineering fee $3,600.00 Lloyd 8ubbs, City Engineer RE: Ccnscruction Surveying - Bear Gulch Place, Arrow Route and Arrow Park Grading June 4 1984 pg. 2 B. Arrow Park Grading 1. Rough grade staking (1 set). 2. Channel staking (1 set). 3. Miscellaneous and finish grade check . 4. Cut -sheet perparation. Estimated engineering fee $2,600.00 If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Yours very truly, i i Ted E rbish TED:cg Attachment 3 D E R B I S H G U E R R A & A S S O C I A T E S , I N C. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS 114 EAST '•F^ STREET. SUITE 11 • ONTARIO. CALIFORNIA 91760 714 - 96) -17]0 716 - 961.1739 1/82 STi1S6ARD HOURLY RATES PRI %%PAL ENGINEER $66.00 per hour PROJECT MNACER $60.00 per hour DESIG:'ER $47.00 per hour DRAFTSMN $40.00 per hour PREPARATION /RESEARCH $43.00 per hour 2 MAN SURVEY CREW $101.00 per hour 3 HAN SURVEY CREW $125.00 per hour CLERICAL $20.00 per hour INSPECTION /CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION $35.00 per hour Above rates include mileage, eyuipnent and instruments, use of office space and materials and supplies. dy City of REQUISITION RANCHO CUCAMONGA Post Office Box 793 RL.,M Cucamonga, C,fnrnu 9i)tp Suggested Vendor Derbish, Guerra & Assoc., Inc. Address 124 East "P"st. Suite 12 City Ontario State Ca. Zip 91764 Ship To On or Before Date Deportment 6-1ty Comm. Dev. Eng, Div. Account ,�(}•'�/53.,2 -gaY5� Quantity Unit Deecnpnon Unit Price Amount -S• Construction surveying for: Improvements of Bear Gulch Place, Arrow Route and Arrow park Per attached proposal ................... 10$ contigency ...., ..................... ..........1.$6200.00 Not to exceed ........ ...........$ 620.00 ................. •• ........... $6820.00 :'� wncXAaNO mL3rT — / �n6t�_ r aEPARTMLNT XLAa CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 28, 1984 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Dave Blevins, Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Award of Contract for Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting on Carnelian Street at Lemon Avenue Sealed bid proposals for the above referenced project were opened in the Office of the City Clerk on Tuesday, June 19, 1984 at 10 :00 am. Proposals were submitted by: caul Gardner Corp, of Ontario @ $55,586.00 Paige Electric of San Bernardino @ $49,381.00 Steiny Corp. of Anaheim @ S48,977.00 Intersection Management Systems of Maywood @ $48,200.00 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council approve the award of the Contract for Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting on Carnelian Street at Lemon Avenue to Intersection Management Systems of Maywood. California, the lowest, responsible bidder, for the amount of $48,200.00 plus a 10% contingency. The total amount of the contract not -to- exceed 553,020.00. Respectfully suqnitted, i Attachment J J CONTRACT PROPOSAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING ON CARNELIAN STREET AT LEMDN AVENUE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA The undersigred bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the pr000sed ;.ore, that he has examined the plans, special provisions and specifications, and read the accompanying instruction to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all material and do all the work reauired to complete the said work in accordance with the Plans, Special Provisions and Specifications, in the time and manner therein prescribed for the unit cost and Dump sum amounts set forth in the schedule on the following Proposal. Contract Items Estimated Description(Unit Item No, quantity Price in Words) Unit Price Total i Lump Sum Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at a Lump Sum of TOTAL DID ('dORDS) {-c, .1 ?i :c rtl TOTAL 010 i,.�c u. '"(" \��•r.a ✓.j (FIGURES) C -1 7 CONTRACT PROPOSAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING ON AR NELIAN STREET AT LEMON AVENUE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA: The undersigned bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the Proposed work, that he has examined the plans, special provisions and specifications, and read the accompanying instruction to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all material and do all the work reeuired to complete the said work in accordance with the Plans, Special Provisions and Specifications, in the time and manner therein prescribed for the unit cost and lumo sum amounts set forth in the schedule on the following Proposal. contract Items Estimated Description(Unit Item No. Quantity Price in Words) Unit Price Total 1 Lump Sum Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at a Lump Sum f 1 /�•' E - CC �..��� Alp 9 r7 w. s TOTAL 9ID {WORDS) h _ r! Id�..�rcet � rose TOTAL BID1 , (FIGURES) T SOT C -1 b CONT2ACT P?OPOSAL TRAFF:C SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING ON CARNELIAN STREET AT LEMON AVENUE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCX401GA, CALIFORNIA: The undersigned bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed .gorK, that ne has examined the plans, special provisions and specifications, and read the accomoanying instruction to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all material and do all the •wori re;uired to comolete the said work in accordance with the Plans, Special Provisions and Specifications, in the time and manner therein prescribed for the unit cos, and lumo sum amounts set forth in the schedule on the following Proposal. Contract Items Estiaated Description(Unit Item No. Quantity Price in Words) Unit Price Total 1 Lump Sim Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at a Lump Sim of n TOTAL BID NORDS)-- r! is ,:d TOTAL BID ,x ✓. =c.` ..<. -.�...�� a /•f_... e-2s (FIGURES) -i.Sle E C -1 0 CONTRACT PROPOSAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING O7 CARNELIAN STREET AT LEMON AVENUE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA; The undersigned bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans, special provisions and specifications, and read the accomnanyir, instruction to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all material and do all the work required to complete the said.vork in accordance with the Plans, Special Provisions and Specifications, in the time and manner therein prescribed for the unit cost and lump sum amounts set forth iq the scnedule an the follo•.vi na Proposal. Contract items Estimated Description(Unit Item No. Quantity Price in Words) I Lump Sum Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at a Lump Sum of Unit Price Total TOTAL BID ('WORDS TOTAL 910 d 0 4 (FIGURES) ,fd 00 � r /d i C -1 CITY OF RANCHO 4M, 91 ai" 061AN DATE: June 28, 1984 TO: Members of City Council FROM: Lauren M. Wasserman, City Manager SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMEV(&;ii ITY MANAGER In accordance with the direction of the City Council it is recommended that Section 5 of the City Manager's Employment Agreement be amended as follows: Section 5: Assignment and Use of City Vehicle It is mutually agreed and understood the employee's duties as City Manager require that he have the . use during his employment with the City of an automobile provided to him by the City. City shall pay for liability, property damage and comprehensive Insurance and for the lease or purchase, all costs for operation, maintenance, repair and periodic replacement of said vehicle. The effect of the above wording is to permit the unlimited use of the assigned vehicle by the City Manager. LMW /kep It CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT' 4 June 28, 1984 0. z U' i 1977 TOs City Manager and City Council FROM: Robert A. Rizzo Assistant to City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of Salary and Benefit Resolution for Fiscal Year 84 -85 (Resolution 84 -190) Per the City Council's .direction of June 14, 1984, we have prepared modifications in our salary ranges and benefits for our full time and part time employees for fiscal year 84 -85. The proposed salary resolution is consistent with last year's except in the following erases a 5.5% pay range adjustment; provides a health insurance plan for all full time employees and elected officials with the City contributing a maximum of $250 per month for each employee and elected official; closing of the City Offices on Monday, December 24 and 319 1984 in observance of Christmas and New Tear's Eve with employees being compensated for these days; modification of recording olerk's compensation when taking minutes for City Council and commission meetings to $50 per meeting from $45 (last adjustment for this duty was July, 1980); recognition of meritorious accomplishments; and provide a dental insurance plan for all full time employees and elected officials with the City contributing a maximum of $55 for each employee and elected official. The total salary and compensation package reflects a 6.7% adjustment. The proposed salary and benefit modifications have been discussed with the employee group and they are in accordance. RECOMENDATIONs Approval of Resolution 84 -190 modifying present salary ranges and be— nor all full time and part time employees of the City of Rancho Cucamonga for fiscal year 84 -85. RARsmk /A. RESOLUTION 90. 84 -190 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMMGA, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 83 -182 RELATING, TO SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR ALL FULL TIME AND PART TIME EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAM NGA FOR FISCAL TUB 1984-85 NEEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has determined that it is necessary for the efficient operation and management of the City that policies be estahliehed prescribing salary ranges, benefits, and holidays and other Policies for employees of the City of Rancho Cucamcegaj and WHEREAS, it is necessary from tine -to -time to establish comprehensive wage and salary schedules and to fix rates of compensation to be paid to all employees of the City, requiring this Resolution to be amended or superseded by subsequent resolutions! and WHEREAS, the revised pay ranges end benefits Incorporated in this Resolution have been reviewed and approved by a committee of employees composed of representatives frog each city department in compliance with app' '.cable state and federal laws. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows SECTION 1: Salary Ranges ASSIGNMENTS OF CLASSIFICATIONS TO PAT RANGES (Monthly amounts) Control Class Minimum Point Maximum Code Class Title Step Amount Step Amount Step Amount OOYY CLERICAL AND ADMINISTRATION 00I( Clerical and Secretarial 0001 C erk Typist 227 1,074 257 1,248 267 1,311 0003 Police Clerk 237 1,129 267 1,311 277 1,378 0005 Secretary 1/ 247 1,187 277 1,378 287 1,449 0007 Administrative Secretary 1/ 287 1,449 317 1,683 327 1,769 0009 Secretary to City Mgr./ City Clerk 307 1,601 337 1,859 347 1,954 0122 Fiscal 017 Leahier /Information Clerk 237 1,129 267 1,311 277 1,378 0103 Account Clerk 247 1,187 277 1,378 287 1,449 0104 Accountant I 307 1,601 337 11859 347 1„954 0105 Accountant II. 337 1,859 367 2,159 377 2,270 0106 Senior RDA Account Clark 297 1,523 327 11769 337 1,869 0111 Business License Inspector 297 1,523 327 1,769 337 1,869 0121 Purchasing Clerk 277 1,378 307 1,601 317 1,683 0157 Finance Directors 437 3,062 467 3,556 497 4,128 02)01 Administrative 1 A3Rf- aminiacstiVe Aide 307 1,601 337 1,859 347 1,954 0202 Administrative Analyst. 317 1,683 347 1,954 357 2,054 0204 Assistant to City Manager* 382 2,327 412 2,702 442 3,139 0205 Assistant City Managers 417 2,771 447 3,218 477 3,738 0259 City Managers Flat Amount--- - 1 y/ 7 a Denotes 9 "Management- Classes Denotes Masmges art /Prufessiosml Classes 1t When acting as Clark to the City Council or City Comissions theme positions will be paid 150 per night or weekend day seating. Resolution No. 84 -190 Page 2 Class Code Class Title 10II COMMUNITY SERVICES 1OEI Recreation Control Minim Point Mazimum Step Amount Step Amount Step Amount 1001 Recreation Assistant 147 1003 Recreation Leader 197 1005 Recreation Supervisor. 307 11II CamunlE Services 362 11 9 m y Services 302 2009 Directors V12L 1160 Park Plainer 362 1161 Park Protects Coordinator. 382 1162 Comunity Services 297 2105 Coordinator. 307 2X X PLANNING EN07NEERIlIG A 387 2108 INSPE TION 417 20II Planning 2001 Planning Aids 247 2002 Assistant PIAXM r 342 2005 Associate Planner 362 2007 Senior Plainer. 302 2009 City Planner, 412 21X( Engineering 101 Engineering Aide 247 2103 Engineering Technician 297 2105 Assistant Civil Engineer 357 2107 Associate Civil Engineer. 387 2108 Senior Civil Engineer. 417 2109 City Engineers 437 221IX Engineering Allied 220 is Mc yet 34g 23X1! Inspection community, Code Representative 327 2311 Public Works Inspector 337 2312 Sr. Public Works Insp.. 367 2327 Plan Check Engineer. 367 2329 Plan Check Coordinator. 397 2331 Building Inspector 337 2333 Building Inspection Supervisor. 367 2339 Building Official, 412 24X! Develo ent Administration 247 COE. y Development Director, 477 5XCI MAINTENANCE SERVICES 50X[ Field Services 5000 Seasonal Maintenance Aide lu7 5001 Maintenance Worker I 262 5002 Mainte can as Worker II 302 51 II Maintenance is• o same per t. 361 5108 Public Works Eagiassr. 407 ) Al 4.15 177 4.82 187 5.07 5.33 227 6.19 237 6.51 1,601 337 1,859 347 1,954 C-1 I 6U 2,827 Ur 3,628 jl6f' N4& r 2,106 392 2,446 402 2,571 2,327 412 2,702 422 2,841 1,601 337 1,859 347 1,954 6.84 257 7.20 267 7.56 1,906 372 2,214 382 2,327 2,106 392 2,446 402 2,571 2,327 412 2,702 422 2,841 2,702 442 3,139 472 3,646 6.84 257 7.20 267 7.56 1,523 327 1,769 337 1,859 21054 387 2,386 397 2,508 2,386 417 2,771 427 2,913 2,771 447 3,218 457 3,383 3,062 467 3,556 497 4,128 1,964 378 2,281 388 2,398 1,769 357 2,054 367 2,159 1,859 367 2,159 377 2,270 2,159 397 21508 407 2,636 2,159 397 2,508 407 2,636 2,508 427 2,913 437 3,062 1,859 367 2,159 377 2,270 21159 397 2,508 407 2,636 2,702 442 3,139 472 3,646 3,738 507 4,339 51018 4.15 177 4.82 187 5.07 1,279 292 1,486 302 1,562 1,562 332 1,814 342 1,906 21159 397 2,508 407 2,636 2,636 437 3,062 447 3,218 Resolution No. 84 -190 Page 3 90XX Miscellaneous Crossing Guards 147 4.15 177 4.82 IST 5.07 SECTION 21 Other Compensation 10 recognition of meritorious accemplishments during the past year, the City Council hereby approve a one -time paymanc to certain employees in the following amounts: Building Official $1,000 Director of Ccemunity Development 82,000 City Manager $2,000 These one -time paymamts Shall be distributed during the first pay period in July, 1984. SECTION 31 maplamentation of Revlaed Salary Borges The revised Salary ranges for full time and part time employees Shall be effective July 1, 1984. SECTION 41 Holidays The following holidays are to be observed by the City, (a) January - New Tears Day (b) Washington's Birthday (c) Memorial Day (d) July 4 - Independence Day (e) Labor Day - The first Monday in September (f) November 11 - Veteran 'a Day (9) Thanksgiving Day (h) The day following Thanksgiving (1) Christmas Day (J) Two (2) discretionary holidays any be taken by an employ" who had successfully Completed probation at his/her convenience Subject to approval of the department heed. Discretionary holiday$ Say not be carried over from one calendar year to the next. Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday Shall be observed as a holiday. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday Shall be observed as the holiday. SECTION 51 City Offloes Closed The City Offices Shall be closed on Monday, December 24, 1984, and Monday, December 31, 1984 in observance of Christmaa Eve and New Year's Eve. All full time continuous Salaried employees Shall be compensated at their regular rate for these two days. SECTION 6z Health Insurance The City shall provide a health insurance plan for all full time continuous salaried employees and *looted officials. The City agrees to pay for all full time continuous salaried employe" and elected officials up to a maximum of 8250.00 per "ploy" per month towards medical insurance premiums through either Raiser or 301f- funded /Blue Shield to be calculated on a composite rate basis and to be effective July 1, 1984. SECTION 7: Dental Insurance The City shall Continue to provide a dental insurance plan for all full - time continuous salaried employees and cleated offiaials. The entire cost for coverage Shall not exceed an amount as set forth in the City's fiscal budget for 1984 -85 (emxlaem of 855.00 per Month). Any costs required that exceed the budgeted amount would be contributed by jhd employ" or elected official through payroll deduction. I Beaolutiea No. 84-190 Page 4 PASSED, APPROVED, aad ADOPTED tbda 28th deg of June 1984. ATM, 11DES, ABSENT, ATTEST: Jon D. Mikelal- or Beverly A. Autholet , 1 y C erk /4 R �Bo101)) r 8i� 2.0078 2. 2.0192 3. 2.0250 4. 2.0365 5. 2.0481 6. 2.0596 7. 2.0712 8. 2.0769 9. 2.0885 10. 2.1000 11. 2.1115 12. 2.1231 13. 2.1288 14. 2.1404 15. 2.1519 16. 2.1635 17. 2.1750 18. 2.1865 19. 2.1981 20. 2.2096 21. 2.2212 22. 2.2269 23. 2.2385 24. 2.250 25. 2.261 26. 2.273 27. 2.28 28. 2.296 29. 2.307 30. 2.319 31. 2.3308 32. 2.3423 33. 2.3538 34. 2.365 35. 2.3769 36. 2.388 37. 2.400 38. 2.417 39. 2.428 40, 2.440 41. 2.451 42. 2.4635 43. 2.4750 44. 2,4865 45. 2.4980 46. 2.5150 47. 2.5260 48. 2.5385 49. 2.550 50. 2.561 51. 2.578 Ro Iuttao No. 84 -190 Page 5 SCHEDULE I - SALARY CODE SABLE U31C PAY SCHEDULE IN HOURLY, BI -WEEKLY AND MUMMY AMOUNTS ONE HEY PERCENT BETWEEN RANGES MONTHLY AMOUNTS ROUNDED TO NEAREST DOLLAR 160.615 348 161.538 350 162.000 351 162.923 353 163.846 355 164.7692 357 165.6923 359 166.1538 360 167.0769 362 168.000 364 168.9231 366 169.8462 368 170.3077 369 171.2308 371 172.1538 373 173.0769 375 174.00 377 174.9231 379 175.8462 381 176.7692 383 177.6923 385 178.153 386 179.0769 388 180.000 390 180.9231 392 181.846 394 182.769 396 183.692 398 184.615 400 185.538 402 186.461 404 187.784 406 188.307 408 189.230 410 190.153 412 191.076 414 192.000 416 193.3846 419 194.307 421 195.231 423 196.153 425 197.076 427 198.000 429 198.923 431 199.846 433 201.231 436 202.153 438 203.076 440 204.000 442 204.923 444 206.307 447 17 Bowl B_S-W�"klyy Mmthly 52. 2.5904 207.230 449 53. 2.601 208.153 451 54. 2.613 209.076 453 55. 2.630 210.46 456 56. 2.642 211.384 458 57. 2.653 212.307 460 58. 2.665 213.230 462 59. 2.682 214.615 465 6o. 2.694 215.538 467 61. 2.7058 216.461 469 62. 2.723 217.846 472 63. 2.7340 218.269 474 64. 2.7460 219.692 476 65. 2.7630 221.076 479 66. 2.7750 222.0000 481 67. 2.7920 223.3846 484 68. 2.8030 224.307 486 69. 2.8210 225.692 489 70. 2.8320 226.615 491 71. 2.8440 227.538 493 72. 2.8615 228.9230 496 73. 2.8730 229.8460 498 74. 2.8900 231.2300 501 75. 2.9010 232.1530 503 76. 2.9190 233.5380 506 77. 2.9308 234.4615 508 78. 2.9481 235.8462 511 79. 2.9596 236.7692 513 80. 2.9769 238.1538 516 81. 2.9942 239.5385 519 82. 3.0058 240.4625 521 83. 3.0231 241.8462 324 84. 3.0346 242.7692 526 85. 3.0519 244.1538 529 86. 3.0692 245.5385 532 87. 3.0808 246.4615 534 88. 3.0981 247.8462 537 89. 3.1154 249.2308 540 90. 3.1269 250.1538 542 91. 3.1442 251.5385 545 92. 3.1615 252.4231 548 93. 3.1788 254.3077 551 94. 3.1904 255.2308 553 95. 3.2077 256.6154 556 96. 3.2250 258.0000 559 97. 3.2423 259.3846 562 98. 3.2596 260.7692 565 99. 3.2712 261.6923 567 100. 3.2885 263.0769 570 101. 3.3058 264.4615 573 Bseolutiw 80. 84 -190 Pegs 6 8� � W 102. 3.3231 265.8462 576 103. 3.3404 267.2308 579 104. 3.3577 268.6154 582 105. 3.3750 270.000 585 106. 3.3903 271.3846 588 107. 3.4038 272.3077 590 108. 3.4212 273.6923 593 709. 3.4385 275.0769 596 110. 3.4558 276.4615 599 111. 3.4731 277.8462 602 112. 3.4904 279.2308 605 113. 3.5077 280.6154 608 714. 3.5250 282.000 611 115. 3.5403 283.3846 614 716. 35654 285.2308 618 117. 3.5827 286.6154 621 118. 3.600 288.000 624 119. 3.6173 289.3846 627 120. 3.6346 290.7692 630 121. 3.6519 292.1538 633 122. 3.6692 293.5385 636 123. 3.6865 294.923 639 124. 3.7096 296.7692 643 125. 3.7269 298.1538 646 126. 3.7442 299.5385 649 127. 3.7615 300.9231 652 128. 3.7846 302.7692 656 129. 3.8019 304.1538 659 130. 3.8192 305.5385 662 131. 3.8423 307.3846 666 132, 3.8596 308.7692 669 133. 3.8769 310.1538 672 134. 3.9000 312.000 676 135. 3.9173 313.3846 679 136. 3.9346 314.7692 682 137. 3.9572 316.6154 686 138. 3.9750 318.000 689 139. 3.9981 319.8462 693 140. 4.0154 321.2308 696 141. 4.0385 323.0769 700 142. 4.0558 324.4615 703 143. 4.0788 326.3077 707 144. 4.0962 327.6923 710 145. 4.1192 329.5385 714 146. 4.1365 330.9231 717 147, 4.1596 332.7692 721 148. 4.1769 334.1538 724 149. 4.2000 336.000 728 150. 4.2231 337.8462 732 151. 4.2404 339.2308 735 152. 4.2635 341 -69 739 153. 4.2865 342. Al 743 154. 4.3038 344.3077 746 155. 4.3269 346.1538 750 156. 4.3500 348.000 754 157. 4.3731 349.8462 758 158. 4.3904 351.2308 761 159. 4.4135 353.0769 765 160. 4.4365 354.9231 769 161. 4.4596 356.7692 773 1� M �e 0 B3 u"Pz 162. 4.4827 358.6154 777 163. 4.5058 360.4615 781 164. 4.5288 362.3077 785 165. 4.5519 364.1538 789 166. 4.5692 365.5385 792 167. 4.5923 367.3846 796 768. 4.6154 369.2308 800 169. 4.6385 371.0769 804 170. 4.6615 372.9231 808 171. 4.6846 374.7692 812 172. 4.7135 377.0769 817 173. 4.7365 378.9231 821 174. 4.7596 380.7692 825 175. 4.7827 382.6154 829 176. 4.8058 384.4615 833 177. 4.8288 386.3077 837 178, 4.8519 388.1538 841 179. 4.8808 390.4615 846 180. 4.9038 392.3077 850 181. 4.9269 394.1538 854 182. 419500 396.000 858 183. 4.9788 398.3077 863 184. 5.0019 400.7538 867 185. 5.0250 402.000 811 186. 5.0538 404.3077 876 187. 5.0769 406.1538 880 188. 5.1000 408.000 884 189. 5.1288 410.3077 889 190. 5.1519 412.1538 893 191. 5.1808 414.4615 898 192. 5.2038 416.3077 902 193. 5.2327 418.6154 907 194. 5.2558 420.4615 911 195. 5.2846 422.7692 916 196. 5.3077 424.6154 920 197. 5.3365 426.9231 925 198. 5.3654 429.2308 930 199. 5.3885 431.0769 934 200. 5.4173 433.3846 939 201. 5.4462 435.6923 944 202. 5.4692 437.5385 948 203. 5.4981 439.8462 953 204. 5.5269 442.1538 958 205. 5.5558 444.4615 963 206. 5.5788 446.3077 967 207. 5.6077 448.6154 972 208. 5.6365 450.9231 977 209. 5.6654 453.2088 982 210. 5.6942 455.5385 987 211, 5.7231 457.8462 992 212. 5.7519 460.1538 997 213. 5.7808 462.4615 1002 214. 5.8196 464.3846 1007 215. 5.8385 467.0769 1012 216. 5.8673 469.3846 1017 217. 5.8962 471.6923 1022 218. 5.9250 474.000 1027 219. 5.9538 476.3077 1032 220. 5.9827 478.6154 1037 221. 6.0173 481.3846 1043 Range Bi -Yuri' Monthly L 1 8i 222. 5.0462 483.6923 1048 223. 6.0750 486.000 1053 224. 6.1038 488.3077 1058 225• 6.1385 491.0769 1064 226. 6.1673 493.3846 1069 227. 6.1962 495.6923 1074 228. 6.2308 498.4615 1080 229. 6.2596 500.7692 1085 230. 6.2885 503.0769 1090 231. 6.3231 505.8462 1096 232. 6.3519 508.1538 1101 233• 6.3865 510.9231 1107 234. 6.4154 513.2308 1112 235. 6.4500 516.000 1118 236. 6.4846 518.7692 1124 237. 6.5135 521.0769 1129 238. 6.5481 523.8462 1135 239. 6.5769 526.1538 1140 240. 6.6115 528.9231 1146 241. 6.6462 531.6923 1152 242. 6.6808 534.4615 1158 243. 6.7096 536.7692 1163 244. 6.7442 539.5385 1169 245• 6.7788 542.3077 1175 246. 6.8135 545.0769 1181 247. 6.8481 547.8462 1187 248. 6.8827 550.6154 1193 249. 6.9173 553.3846 1199 250. 6.9519 556.1538 1205 251. 6.9865 558.9231 1211 252. 7.0212 561.6923 121T 253. 7.0558 564.4615 1223 254. 7.0904 567.2308 1229 255. 7.1250 570.000 1235 256. 7.1596 572.7692 1241 257• 7.2000 576.000 1248 258. 7.2346 578.7692 1254 259. 7.2692 581.5385 1260 260. 7.3038 584.3077 1266 261. 7.3442 587.5385 1273 262. 7.3788 590.3077 1279 263• 7.4192 $93.5385 1286 264. 7.4538 596.3077 1292 265. 7.4885 599.0769 1298 266. 7.5288 602.3077 1305 267. 7.5635 605.0769 1311 268. 7.6038 608.3077 1318 269. 7.6442 611.5385 1325 270. 7.6846 614.7692 1332 271. 7.7192 617.5385 1338 272. 7.7596 620.7692 1345 273. 7.7942 623.5385 1351 274. 7.8346 626.7692 1358 275. 7.8750 630.000 1365 276. 7.9154 633.2308 1372 27T. 7.9500 636.000 1378 278. 7.9904 639.2308 1385 279. 8.0308 642.4615 1392 280. 8.0712 645.6923 1399 281. 8.1115 648.9231 1406 17 Resolution 80. 84 -190 Page 7 Range y Bi-iuri Mm. 1617 282. 8.1519 652.1538 1413 283• 8.1923 655.3846 1420 284. 8.2327 658.6154 1427 285. 8.2788 662.3077 1435 286. 8.3192 665.5385 1442 287. 8.3596 668.7692 1449 288. 8.4000 672.000 1456 289. 8.4462 675.6923 1464 290. 8.4865 678.9231 1471 291. 8.5269 682.1538 1478 292. 0.5731 685.8462 1486 293. 8.6135 689.0769 1493 294. 8.6538 692.3077 1500 295• 8.7000 696.000 1508 296. 8.7462 699.6923 1516 297. 8.7865 702.9231 1523 298. 8.8327 706.6154 1531 299• B.B731 709.8462 1538 300. 8.9192 713.5385 1546 301. 8.9654 717.2308 1554 302. 9.0115 720.9231 1562 303• 9.0519 724.1538 1569 304. 9.0981 127.8462 1577 305. 9.1442 731.5385 1585 306. 9.1904 735.2308 1593 307. 9.2365 738.9231 1601 308 9.2827 742.6154 1609 309. 9.3286 746.3077 1617 310. 9.3750 750.000 1625 311. 9.4212 753.6923 1633 312. 9.4673 757.3846 1641 313, 9.5192 761.5385 1650 314. 9.5654 765.2308 1658 315. 9.615 768.9231 1666 316. 9.6577 772.6154 1674 317. 9.7096 776.7692 1683 318. 9.7558 780.4615 1691 319. 9.7962 783.6923 1698 320. 9.8538 788.3077 1708 321. 9.9058 792.4615 1717 322. 9.9519 796.1538 1725 323. 10.0038 800.3077 1734 324. 10.0558 804,4615 1743 325. 10.1019 808.1539 1751 326. 10.1538 812.3077 1760 327• 10.2056 816.4615 1769 328. 10.2577 820.6154 1778 329. 10.3096 824.7692 1787 330. 10.3615 828.9231 1796 331. 10.4135 833.0769 1805 332. 10.4654 837.2308 1814 333. 10.5173 841.3846 1823 334, 10.5692 845.5385 1832 335. 10.6212 849.6923 1841 336. 10.6731 853.8462 1850 337. 10.7250 858.000 1859 338. 10.7827 862.6154 1869 339. 10.8346 866.7692 1878 340. 10,8865 870.9231 1887 341. 10.9442 875.5385 1897 Resolution He. 84 -190 Page 8 c � -ee 7ee 342. 10.9962 679.6923 1906 343. 11.0538 884.3077 1916 344. 11.1058 888,4615 1925 345. 11.1635 893.0769 1935 346. 11.2212 897.6923 1945 347. 11.2731 901.8462 1954 348. 11.3308 906.4615 1964 349. 11.3885 911.0769 1974 350. 11.4462 915.6923 1984 351. 11.5038 920.3077 1994 fla��ngg!! Hourly HS -4M43y Mmtbl 402. 14.8327 1186.615 2571 403. 14.9077 1192.615 2584 404. 14.9827 1198.6154 2597 405. 15.0577 1204.615 2610 406. 15.1327 1210.6154 2623 407. 15.207 1216.615 2636 408. 15.2827 1222.615 2649 409. 15.3635 1229.0169 2663 410. 15.4385 1235.0769 2676 411. 15.513 1241.0769 2689 352. 11.5615 924.9231 2004 412. 15.588 1247.076 2702 353. 11.6192 929.5385 2014 413. 15.669 1253.538 2716 354. 11.6769 934.1538 2024 414. 15.75 1260.00 2730 355. 11.7346 938.7692 2034 415. 15.831 1266.461 2744 356, 11.7923 943.3846 2044 416. 15.906 1272.461 2757 351. 11.8500 948.000 2054 417. 15.9865 1278.923 2771 358. 11.9135 953.0769 2065 418. 16.067 1285.3846 2785 359. 11.9712 957.6923 2075 419. 16.148 1291.846 2799 360. 12.0288 962.3077 2085 420. 16.228 1298.308 2813 361. 12.0923 967.3846 2096 421. 16.3096 1304.769 2827 362. 12.1500 972.000 2106 422. 16.3904 1311.2308 2841 363. 12.2135 977.0769 2117 423. 16.4712 1317.6923 2855 364. 12.1712 961.6923 2127 424. 16.5577 1324.6154 2870 365. 12.3346 986.7692 2138 425. 16.6385 1331.0769 2884 366. 12.3923 991.3846 2148 426. 16.7192 1337.5385 2898 367. 12.4558 996.4615 2159 427. 16.8058 1344.4615 2913 368. 12.5192 1001.5385 2170 428. 16.8865 1350.9231 2927 369. 12.5827 1006.6154 2181 429. 16.9731 1357.8462 2942 370. 12.6460 1011.6923 2192 430. 17.0596 1364.7692 2957 371. 12.7096 1016.7692 2203 431. 17.1404 1371.2308 2971 372. 12.7731 1021.8462 2214 432. 17.2269 1378.1538 2986 373. 12.8365 1026.9231 2225 433. 17.3135 1385.0769 3001 374. 12.9000 1032.000 2236 434. 17.4000 1392.0000 3016 375. 12.9635 1037.0769 2247 435. 17.4865 1398.9231 3031 376. 13.0327 1042.6154 2259 436. 17.5788 1406.3077 3047 377. 13.0962 1047.6923 2270 437. 17.6654 1413.2308 3062 378. 13.1596 1052.7692 2281 438. 17.7519 1420.1538 3077 379. 13.2288 1058.3077 2293 439. 17.8385 1427.0769 3092 380. 13.2923 1063.3846 2304 440. 17.9308 1434.4615 3108 381. 13.3615 1068.9231 2316 441. 18.0173 1441.3846 3123 382. 13.4250 1074.000 2327 442. 18.1096 1448.7692 3139 383. 13.4942 1079.5385 2339 443. 18.2019 1456.1538 3155 384. 13.5635 1085.0769 2351 444. 18.2942 1463.5385 3171 385, 13.6269 1090.1538 2362 445. 18.3808 1470.4615 3186 386. 13.6962 1095.6923 2374 446. 18.4731 1477.8462 3202 387. 13.7654 1101.2308 2386 447. 18.5654 1485.2308 3218 388. 13.8346 1106.7692 2398 448. 18.6577 1492.6154 3234 389. 13.9038 1112.3077 2410 449. 18.7558 1500.4615 3251 390. 13.9731 1117.8462 2422 450. 18.8481 1507.8462 3267 391. 14.0423 1123.3846 2434 451. 18.9404 1515.2308 3283 392. 14.1115 1128.9231 2446 452, 19.0385 1523.0769 3300 393. 14.1808 1134.4615 2458 453. 19.131 1530.461 3316 394. 14.2558 1140.4615 2471 454. 19.229 1538.3077 3333 395, 14.3250 1146.000 2483 455. 19.320 1545.692 3349 396. 14.400 1152.000 2496 456. 19.419 1558.538 3366 397. 14.469 1157.538 2508 457. 19.5173 1561.3846 3383 398. 14.5442 1163.5385 2521 458. 19.615 1569.2308 3400 399. 14.6135 1169.0769 2533 459. 19.713 1577.076 3417 400. 14.6885 1175.0769 2546 460. 19.811 1584.923 3434 401. 14.7635 1181.0769 2559 i 461. 19.9096 1592.769 3451 ME -Imu eolu e>-NWn 20� E 462. 20.007 1600.615 3468 463. 20.111 1608.923 3486 464. 20.209 1616.769 3503 465. 20.313 1625.076 3521 466. 20.411 1632.923 3538 467. 20.515 1641.231 3556 468. 20.619 1649538 3574 469. 20.723 1657.846 3592 470. 20.826 1666.153 3610 471. 20.931 1674.462 3628 472. 27.035 1682.769 3646 473. 21.138 1691.076 3664 474. 21.242 1699.380 3682 475. 21.351 1708.153 3701 476. 27.455 1716.461 3719 477. 21.565 1725.231 3738 478. 21.669 1733.538 3756 479. 21.778 7742.307 3775 480. 21.808 1751.076 3794 481. 21.998 1759.846 3813 482. 22.1077 1768.6154 3832 483. 22.2173 1777.3846 3851 484. 22.3269 1786.1538 3870 485. 22.4365 1794.9231 3889 486. 22.5462 1803.6923 3908 487. 22.6615 1812.9231 3928 488. 22.7769 1822.1538 3948 489. 22.8923 1831.3846 3968 490, 23.007 1840.6154 3988 491. 23.1231 1849.8462 4008 492. 23.2385 1859.0769 4028 493, 23.3538 1868.3077 4048 494. 23.4692 1877.5385 4068 495. 23.7385 1979.0769 4088 496. 23.100 1896.000 4108 497. 23.815 1905.23 4128 498. 23.9365 1914.9231 4149 499. 24.057 1924.620 4170 500. 24J78 1934.307 4191 501. 24.300 1944.00 4212 502. 24.4212 1953.6923 4233 503. 24.5423 1968.3846 4254 504. 24.6635 1973.0769 4275 505. 24.7846 1988.7692 4296 506. 24.9058 1992.4615 4317 507. 25.032 2002.615 4339 508. 25.1596 2012.769 4361 509. 25.2865 2022.923 4383 510. 25.4135 2033.0769 4405 511. 25.5404 2043.231 4427 512. 25.609 2048.769 4439 513. 25.736 2058.923 4461 514. 25.863 2069.076 4483 515. 25.990 2079.230 4505 516. 26.123 2089.846 4528 517. 26.198 2095.846 4541 518. 26.331 2106.461 4564 519. 26.463 2117.076 4587 520. 26.5960 2127.692 4610 521. 26.728 2138.307 n 4633 R Be4olutim Bo. 84 -190 Page 9 Hanp 3�� �r 522. 26.8615 2148.9230 4656 523. 26.9942 2159.5385 46T9 524. 27.1269 2170.1538 4702 525. 27.2654 2181.2308 4726 526. 27.4038 2191.3077 4750 527. 27.5423 2203.3846 4774 528. 27.6808 2214.4615 4798 529. 27.8192 2225.5385 4822 530. 27.9517 2236.6154 4846 531. 28.0962 2247.6923 4870 532. 28.2346 2258.7692 4894 533. 28.3731 2269.8462 4918 534. 28.5173 2281.3846 4943 535. 26.6615 2292.9231 4968 536. 28.8058 2304.4615 4993 537. 28.9500 2316.0000 5018 538. 29.0942 2327.5385 5043 539. 29.2385 2339.0769 5068 540. 29.3827 2350.6154 5093 541. 29.5269 2362.1538 5118 542. 29.6769 2374.1538 5144 543. 29.8269 2386.1538 5170 544. 29.9769 2398.1538 5196 545. 30.1269 2410.1538 5222 546. 30.2769 2422.1538 5248 547. 30.4269 2434.1538 5274 548. 30.5769 2446.1538 5300 549. 30.7269 2458.1538 5326 550. 30.8827 2470.6154 5353 551. 31.0365 2483.0769 5380 552. 31.1942 24955385 5407 553. 31.3500 2508.0000 5434 rnmv nL n A l In vn nT 11 A.1n \11 REPORT _ r 1977 June 28, 1984 TOt City Manager and City Council FROM: Robert A. Rizzo Assistant to City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of Bereavement Leave Policy Per the City Council's direction of June 14, 1984, we have prepared proposed language for initiation of a bereavement leave policy in the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations. The proposed bereavement leave policy would provide a full time employee a maximum of five (5) days with pay when a death occurs in his /her immediate family. Immediate family was defined as spouse, parents, children, blood relative residing with employee, or other close family member. Any bereavement leave would require approval of the employee's department head and the City Manager. The proposed bereavement leave policy has been discussed with the employee group, and they are In accordance. Below is the proposed revision to our rules and regulations, Section 3.3.21 Bereavement Leave. When a death occurs in the family of a full time employee, the employee shall be entitled to a maximum of five (5) bereavement leave days with pay. Family members for the purposes of this section shall be defined as follows: employee's spouse, employee's parents, employee's spouse's parents, employee's children, a blood relative residing with employee, and any other member of the immediate family. The department head and the City Manager shall approve such bereavement leave with their signature. RECOIMNDATION: Approval of modifying City of Rancho Cucamonga Personnel Rules and Regulations, Section 3.3.21 to add bereavement leave. RAR:mk 01 A of K .77 JUNE 22, 1984 M 1 r Tax Increment) Mortgage Revenue Bonds (SB -99)2 F' Regional Facilities3 (Flood Control) Tax Allocation Bonds (TA 84 -1) Owner Participation Agreements (OPA 84 -1)4 Fire Protection Saver and Water Facility sit =- .lion- Reclaimable Waste Affordable Housing Redevelopment5 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS - 1984 -85 ESTIMATED REVENUE 1984 -85 TRANSFER IN $ 1,955,000 $ -0- 20,000,000 -0- SI 5,643,500 -0- -0. -o- _p. -0- -D- 527,598,500' TRANSFER OUT 5 S 1,955,000 x ' Ar -0.0000: -D- 67§.500, 446,056 d 203.000 -11!v COO ''•h 85,000 :.;; 765,444 $2,553,500 $ `$27,598,500 less: o" .1•, 2,000,000 Escrowed Housing Bond "f• 5,461,056 Escrowed OPA, TA Bond + Interest _ 6 193,000 Fire Protection Fund a �'• i 80,000 Sewer /Water Fund �•.,;��1 394,000 Affordable Housing Fund fie. 4� -;( . $19,470,444 a 2This is an estimate of total tax increment including other taxi' agency f4. See Mortgage Revenue Bond budget explanation detail. 4--- Regional Facility budget explanation detail. dr <a fink S See OPA 84 -1 budget explanation detail. { See Redevelopment budget explanation detail, ga { 6A11 fund balances and City Revolving Loan (t0 insure dablq ge for receipt of increment) will be incorporated when books are closed for the fiscal. k 1 Y� :.t {s 3 Initiated in 1983, the Odevelepment Agency sold $36,200,000 of single fynily,iportgayye EjEmue.. bi4s.. . The, originating period for these mortgages is a }'bans. Nitll - tae ".start' -8!"'3ales for the participant development firma; these mortgages sbadd` -be fully originated well within this period. of the originati:: $36,200,000, approximately $49,000,000 remain, the majority of which�Fa attributable to the two planned communities. ?M 't with the. County 9f San Bernardino, increment monies iCSiv ..Sd this account &% to•4* used for regional facilities, more AftAiaularly, the Day Creek-iiaed Control project. 10 date, the Day rv- ..design study has been completed and a concept plan has been _ by the Agencies havinilr*Werest in the channel. A contract ;iK 1l; tbunty Flood Control' lm,,.baer :establfshed for 'assistance in �Wardinating the jurisdictional areas of project' Implementation. A proposed Mello -Roos formation vote' has been, scheduled for June 26, 1984 a in both Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga as an effort to provide funding for the permanent improvements. The program contemplates increment pledge agreements in both cities to assist in Mello -Roos support. In pril 1984, the Agency sold tax allocation bonds which netted $3.1 million to help with final design of the Day Creek facility and provide funding for the Day Creek Debris Basin located north of the City. The majority of tax allocation bonds will be held in account until the beginning of the next fiscal year to be utilized for construction. Revenue Estimate: $660,0001 Estimated Expenditures: Debt Service $339,099 Legal Service District 20,000 Flood Control Contract 65,000 Professional Services (Design) 235,901 Total $660,000 1A11 fund balances from 1983 -84 will remain in this account. ` W1 the Redevelopment to $9.5 million investme ITTdn` Initial obllgatt R.. Bond Issue 84= 1:,adrgC are to provide an topping. Center. A mn amt ' =with Tax C%Wd "g beginning in 1986,.,Ilhis mmont'ls planned to, be- 1!tilaMced by a Comif cation of escrowed fund balances. accumulate& interest' aW a new tax allocation bond issue. Therefore, interest'framr escrowed bond monies and RDA fund balances are transferred •into. the•-OPA 84 -1 account. Given projections of increment and fund balances -A* well as planned interest, the Redevelopment Agency obligation fIsam44 will be met by 1986. Currently Hahn and RDA obligations are on scheddte and' '" les are foreseen at this time. The site has been 100pler�t "Rand the Center use permit and environmental assessment prOceii ti ovkteding for late Fall completion. C.• „y..� Estimated Revenue 5446,056 Estimated Expenditures Legal Services 15,000 Professional Services 35,000 t �r . - - tatpce� . oat .pssacre:.mJ•te; zpllratiens O! the Appeay.rtr, S}M Th1s account a1si reafves �F�i���rac;'.ii projact-accounts,, i:e.; iundaisttee,'eMrt Project maintenance maintenance as weN a i4o is City program maintenance since My- staff has RDA. This year, it is recommended that RDA pn to RDA staff. This transition is to be aeead year's increment transfer to the general fW structure and offsetting adednistrattW_ - ;14C project funds for the Regional Center yet p staffing. Note also that Data Manegiment I, . multi -year program authorized last year. Estimated Revenues: Estimated Expenditures: Debt Service Salaries ty ervices to2Agency and RDA Staffing Operations inancia Audit Printing /Publications Office Supplies Travel /Meetings Dues e increment directly ihich RDA projects are +the Regional Shopping lolly account for the >7mp ished by the bond si- portion of escrowed ,-pledged to support y, could. not operate. 'strative portions of -revenue bonds, etc. .suited in strains in vided support for the Cs begin transitioning had at less than last ecause of band issue ing,• -thus, maximizing _ ding funding for RDA e. second year of the 1984 -85 $765,4441 0 (455,044 $167,000 150,000 5,000 7,000 16,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 1,000 1,500 Sub -total $ 30,000 $ 33,500 lAll fund balances from 1983 -84 will be transferred to the Regional Shopping Center project. 2Add: 1 Sr. Redevelopment Analyst 1 Sr. Redevelopment Account Clerk 1/2 Clerk Typist 1993-94 1984-85 Contract Siry s Sbry =N S 30,ODO assion 9ervlcros ,, 2 3,000 Sub-total 1.81,000 S 55,000 Capital Improvement PrQKts . . .. TIQMot n eFc .1 15,ODO (Professional Services) Capi Outlay tal A.R "A" Fata - Management dP"W _ ' DOO Word Processing Equipment 17,DDO Desk/Chair/Equipment 4, SOO Dictaphones 400 Sub-total $ 56,000 Grand Total $765,444 Reallocation atl) a7�anagement� j 28,00 First year (1983 -84) program must be reallocated instead of encumbered since RFP process cannot be completed prior to July 1, 1984. 1st & 2nd year phase will be combined. r. 1983 -84 1984 -85 r ct SePv'tces v es. S 36,0(14.,.,..' 36,008 ProUssional Services 45,080 25,000 Sub' - total S 81,000 f 55,000 Ca ital Improvement Projects T_ Foothil n erc ange - .,. 15,0M (Professional Services) - r Ca ital Outla �• ata anagement '35,000 Word Processing Equipment ,.. . 17,000 t Desk /Chair /Equipment 4,500 -, Dictaphones 400 - Y Sub -total S 56,000 Grand Total $165,444 Reallocation atl) a7�anagement� j 28,00 First year (1983 -84) program must be reallocated instead of encumbered since RFP process cannot be completed prior to July 1, 1984. 1st & 2nd year phase will be combined. r. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM June 26, 1984 TO: City Council FROM: Harry Empey, Finance Director.. —. SUBJECT: Year -End Warrant Run GUCAMp,�C 9 � � Z As in past years, we are again requesting permission to run warrants as of June 29, 1984. This procedure enables us to clean up a lot of bills that should be charged to the 1983-84 budget and makes for a cleaner process when closing the year -end books. The completed warrant run will be presented to council on July 5 as we will continue to pay bills right up to and through Friday, June 29. Recommendation: Authorize Finance Department to issue warrants on Verifiable Expenditures through June 29, 1984. HE: bkt aa4 1977 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 23, 1984 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Dave Blevins, Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Authorization of Professional Services Contract for Derbish Guerra & Associates for Construction Staking of Bear Gulch, Arrow Route and Arrow Park Grading Attached is a proposal for construction staking for the above referenced project submitted by the Design Engineer for the project. The staking proposal is based upon an estimate of services to be provided at established hourly rates. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council approve award of construction staking for the improvements of Bear Gulch Place, Arrow Route and Arrow Park Grading to Derbish Guerra & Assoc. of Ontario for the proposed amount of $6,200.00 plus a 10% contingency for a total not to exceed $6,820.00. Respectfully LBH:DB:bc Attachments D E R R I S H, G U E R R A & A S S O C I A T E S, I N C. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS 134 EAST "F" STREET, SUITE 13 • ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 9196+ 714 - 963 -3710 710 - 991.3719 n Z. June 4, 1984 Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga 9340 Baseline Read Rancho Cucnmonga, Ca, 91730 Attn: Dave Blevins RE: Construction Surveying - Bear Gulch Place, Arrow Route and Arrow Park Grading Dear Dove, ... .. Per our phone conversation I am pleased to submit this proposal for construction surveying on the City of Rancho Cu ©monga's Improvement Projects mentioned above. Based an review of the project plans and scope of engineering and surveying services anticipated, our estimated fee of ($6200.00) six thousand two hundred dollars is hereby submitted as a not -to- exceed figure. Actual costs will be obtained by multiplying the appropriate rate (as shown in the Standard Hourly Rates hereby attached), by the number of hours worked on the project. The above stated engineering services fee was derived from estimated costa of the following scope of services to be provided; A. Bear Gulch Place - Arrow Route 1. Provide necessary horizontal control for project, 2. Rough grade staking and removal marking (1 set). 7. Curb snaking (1 set). 4. Water line staking (1 set). 5. Outlet structure staking (1 set), 6. Subgrade or blue top staking (1 set), 7. Cut -sheet preparation. Estimated engineering fee $7,600.00 d Lloyd Hobbs, City Engineer RE: Construction Surveying - Sear Gulch Place, Arrow Route and Arrow Park Grading June 4, 1984 pg. 2 B. Arrow Park Grading 1. Rough grade staking (i set). 2. Channel staking (1 set). 3. Miscellaneous and finish grade check 4. Cut -sheet perparation. Estimated engineering fee $2,600,00 If you have any questions or corwents please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Yours very truly, Ted E rb ish' TED:cg Attachment 3 D E R D I S H G U E R R A & A S S O C I A T E S I N C. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS 194 EAST °F^ STREET, SUITE 13 9 ONTARIO. CALIFORNIA 9176+ 719 - 963-1730 710 - 963.3739 1/92 STANDARD HOURLY RATES PRINCIPAL ENGINEER $66.00 per hour PROJECT PLINACER $60.00 per (tour DESIGNER $47.00 per hour DRAFTSFL4N $40.00 per hour PREPARATION /RESEARCH $43.00 hour per 2 MAN SURVEY CREW $101.00 per hour 3 MAN SURVEY CREW $125.00 per hour CLERICAL $20,00 per hour INSPECTION /CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION $35.00 per hour Above rates include mileage, equipment and instruments, use of office space and materials and supplies. I REQUISITION City of RANCHO CUCAMONGA Po,k Office BOX 793 R.rchn C.cA..D . C111L'mi. 917io Suggested vendor Derbish, Guerra & Assoc., Inc. Address_ 124 East "F "st..Suite 12 City Ontario State Ca. zip 91764 Ship To On or Before Date Deportment 6 -11 -84 Comm. Dev. Eng. Div. /Account - VO- 'Y,�;3'2-tiW5 Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Amount .S. urveying for: MRoute f Bear Gulch Place, d Arrow park Per attached proposal : ................... ...........$6200.00 10% contigency .......................... ...........$ 620.00 Not to exceed ........................... ...........$6820.00 PURCHASING AGENT DEPARTMENT XCAD CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 28, 1984 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Dave Blevins, Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Award of Contract for Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting on Carnelian Street at Lemon Avenue Sealed bid proposals for the above referenced project were opened in the Office of the City Clerk on Tuesday, June 19, 1984 at 10:00 am. Proposals were submitted by: Paul Gardner Corp. of Ontario @ $55,586.00 Paige Electric of San Bernardino @ $49,381.00 Steiny Corp, of Anaheim @ $48,977.00 Intersection Management Systems of Maywood @ $48,200.00 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council approve the award of the Contract for Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting on Carnelian Street at Lemon Avenue to Intersection Management Systems of Maywood, California, the lowest, responsible bidder, for the amount of $48,200.00 plus a 10% contingency. The total amount of the contract not -to- exceed $53,020.00. Respectfully s e Attachment 6 CONTRACT PROPOSAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING ON CARNELIAN STREET AT LEMON AVENUE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA: The undersigned bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the pr000sed ::orx, that he has examined the plans, special provisions and specifications, and read the accompanying instruction to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accented, to furnish all material and do all the work required to complete the said work in accordance with the Plans, Special Provisions and Specifications, in the time and manner therein prescribed for the unit cost and lump sum amounts set forth in the schedule on the following Proposal. Contract Items Estimated Description(Unit Item No. Quantity Price in Words) 1 Lum? Sum Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at a Lump Sum of Unit Price Total $P, u:( : TOTAL BID (WORDS) 6 ,�..; ?�. FC1iI TOTAL DID Inky ": +p.w ,L) dI�fc• r{t:��.• ✓.� (FIGURES) .j:`1_hsM C -1 7 CONTRACT aROPOS;L TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING ON CARNELIAN STREET AT LE'•10"1 .AVENUE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA'•1ONGA, CALIFORNIA: The undersigned bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans, special provisions and specifications, and read the accompanying instruction to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all material and do all the wor'< required to complete the said work in accordance with the Plans, Special Provisions and Specifications, in the time and manner therein prescribed for the unit cos: and lilo sum amounts set forth in the schedule on the following Proposal. act Estimated Description(Unit Item No. Quantity Price in Words) Unit Price Total 1 Lump Sum Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at a Lump Sum of i _ 1 p cr 7 yJtlt.d, TOTAL 8ID ('WORDS) C ^ p CMD — r ros,x� TOTAL BID f�C' /% N „Jt (d kLe r -tee • (FIGURES)Z4✓ //7 C -1 r, CONTRACT PROPOS;L TR.AFF:C SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING 0`1 CARNELIAN STREET AT LE'dON AVENUE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA: The undersigned bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed 4or <, that ne has examined the plans, special provisions and specifications, and read the accompanying instruction to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accented, to furnish all material and do all the wor< required to complete the said work in accordance with the Plans, Special Provisions and Specifications, in the time and manner therein prescribed for the unit cost and lumo sum amounts set forth in the schedule on the following Proposal. Contract Items Estimated Description(Unit Item No. Quantity Price in 'Words) Unit Price Total Lumo Sum Traffic Signal and Safety Lignting at a Lump Sum of AC TOTAL BID ('WORDS) �,rr �'l. -v- i�.�.rd TOTAL BID ✓._ ;�— c6�-- r.:..ld� �:. /•f e7w (FIGURES) �'ci -41,r c. C -1 N CONTRACT ?ROPOSAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND SAFETY LIGHTING C'V CARNELIAN STREET AT LEMON AVENUE TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA: The undersigned bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans, special provisions and specifications, and read the accompanying instruction to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all material and do all the work required to complete the said wart in accordance with the Plans, Special Provisions and Specifications, in the tame and manner therein prescribed for the unit cos: and lump sum amounts set forth in the scnedule on the followinn Proposal. Estimated Oescription(Unit Item No, Quantity Price in Words) Unit Price Total 1 Lump Sum Traffic Signal and Safety Lighting at a Lump Sum of .00 TOTAL 8I0 (WORD S)�� TOTAL 8[D 4 �f qfi 1� /_�. (FIGURES) tSy -!r9L Og C -1 1� 1 CITY OF RANCHO STAFF REPORT DATE: June 28, 1984 TO: Members of City Council FROM: Lauren M. Wasserman, City Manager SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMEAn In accordance with the direction of the City Council it is recommended that Section 5 of the City Manager's Employment Agreement be amended as follows: Section 5: Assignment and Use of City Vehicle It is mutually agreed and understood the employee's duties as City Manager require that he have the exclusive use during his employment with the City of an automobile provided to him by the City. City shall pay for liability, property damage and comprehensive insurance and for the lease or purchase, all costs for operation, maintenance, repair and periodic replacement of said vehicle. The effect of the above wording is to permit the unlimited use of the assigned vehicle by the City Manager. LMW /kep 07MT n1 DAATOV/ !TT/ A%NnXTM1A STAFF REPORTS °�V June 28, 1984I' r 0 8 ii 1977 TO: City Manager and City Council FROM: Robert A. Rizzo Assistant to City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of Salary and Benefit Resolution for Fiscal Year 84 -85 (Resolution 84 -190) Per the City Council's direction of June 14, 1984, we have prepared modifications in our salary ranges and benefits for our full time and part time employees for fiscal year 84 -85. The proposed salary resolution is consistent with last year's except in the following areas: a 5.5% pay range adjustment; provides a health insurance plan for all full time employees and elected officials with the City contributing a maximum of $250 per month for each employee and elected official; closing of the City Offices on Monday, December 24 and 31, 1984 in observance of Christmas and New Year's Eve with employees being compensated for these days; modification of recording clerk's compensation when taking minutes for City Council and commission meetings to $50 per meeting from $45 (last adjustment for this duty was July, 1980); recognition of meritorious accomplishments; and provide a dental insurance plan for all full time employees and elected officials with the City contributing a maximum of $55 for each employee and elected official. The total salary and compensation package reflects a 6,7% adjustment. The proposed salary and benefit modifications have been discussed with the employee group and they are in accordance, RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Resolution 84 -190 modifying present salary ranges and benefits for all full time and part time employees of the City of Rancho Cucamonga for fiscal year 84 -85. RAR:mk 4 RESOLUTION NO. 84 -190 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION 110. 83 -182 RELATING TO SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR ALL FULL TIME AND PART TIME #EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984 -85 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City or Rancho Cucamonga has determined that it is necessary for the efficient operation and management of the City that policies be established prescribing salary ranges, benefita, and holidays and other Policies for employees of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and WHEREAS, it is necessary from time -to -time to establish comprehensive wage and salary schedules and to fix rates of compensation to be paid to all employees of the City, requiring this Resolution to be amended or superseded by subsequent resolutions; and WHEREAS, the revised pay ranges and benefits incorporated in this Resolution have been reviewed and approved by a committee of employees composed of representatives from each city department in compliance with app' -cable state and federal laws. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: SECTION It Salary Ranges ASSIGNMENTS OF CLASSIFICATIONS TO PAY RANGES (Monthly Amounts) Control Class Minimum Point Maximum Code Class Title Step Amount Stop Amount Step Amount 00X1( CLERICAL AND ADMINISTRATION 00XX Clerical and Secretarial 0001 Clerk Typist 227 1,074 257 1,248 267 1,311 0003 Police Clerk 237 1,129 267 11311 277 1,378 0005 Secretary 1/ 247 1,187 277 11378 287 1,449 0007 Administrative Secretary 1/ 287 1,449 317 1,683 327 1,769 0009 Secretary to City Mgr./ City Clerk 307 1,601 337 1,859 347 11954 01XX Fiscal 61-6-1 Casper /Informat ton Clerk 237 1,129 267 1,311 277 1,378 0103 Account Clerk 247 1,187 277 1,378 287 1,449 0104 Accountant I 307 1,601 337 1,859 347 1,954 0105 Accountant II. 337 11659 367 2,159 377 2,270 0106 Senior RDA Account Clerk 297 1,523 327 1,769 337 1,869 0111 Business License Inspector 297 1,523 327 1,769 337 1,869 0121 Purchasing Clerk 277 1,378 30T 1,601 317 1,683 0157 Finance Directors 437 3,062 467 3,556 497 4,128 02XX Administrative 0201 A nlatra Sve Aide 307 1,601 337 1,859 347 1,954 0202 Administrative Analyst. 317 1,683 347 1,954 357 2,054 0204 Assistant to City Managers 382 2,327 412 2,702 442 3,139 0205 Assistant City Managers 417 2,771 447 3,218 477 3,738 0259 City Managers - - -- $5,715.00 Flat Amount - - -- • Denotes 9 "Management" Classes Denotes Management /Professional Classes 1/ When acting as Clerk to the City Council or City Commissions these positions will be paid $50 per night or weekend day meeting. %'Z Resolution No. 64 -190 Page 2 Class Code Class Title 10XX COMMNITY SERVICES IOXI Recreation - Control Min/mim Point M"lmum Step Amouat Step Amount Step Amount 1001 Recreation Assistant 147 1003 Recreation Leader 197 1005 Recreation Supervisor+ 307 11XI Comunity Services 1159 Commumity Services Director- 421 1160 Park Planner 362 1161 Park Projects Coordinator+ 382 1162 Community Services Coordinator+ 307 2M PLANNING, ENGINEERING A INSPECTION 20n Planning 2001 Planning Aide 247 2002 Assistant Planner 342 2005 Associate Planner 362 2007 Senior Planner+ 382 2009 City Planner- 412 21H Engineering 2101 Engineering Aide 247 2103 Engineering Technician 297 2105 Assistant Civil Engineer 357 2107 Associate Civil Engineer+ 387 2108 Senior Civil Engineer+ 417 2109 City Engineer- 437 22XX Engineering Allied 2205 Traffic Analyst 348 23XX Inspection 1 o ®un ty Code Representative 327 2311 Public Works Inspector 337 2312 Sr. Public Works Inap.+ 367 2327 Plan Check Engineer+ 367 2329 Plan Check Coordinator+ 397 2331 Nullding Inspector 337 2333 Building Inspection Supervisor+ 367 2339 Building Official- 412 24XX Development Administration 2 59 Community Development Director- 477 5XXX MAINTENANCE SERVICES 50XX Field Services 5000 Seasons Maintenance Aide 147 5001 Maintenance Worker I 262 5002 Maintenance Worker II 302 51XX Maintenance Supervision 5103--�defnVe-�ce Supelntenaent+ 367 5108 Public Works Engineer+ 407 4.15 177 4.82 187 5.07 5.33 227 6.19 237 6.51 1,601 337 1,859 347 1,954 2,827 471 3,628 481 3,813 2,106 392 2,446 402 2,571 2,327 412 2,702 422 2,841 1,601 337 1,859 347 1,954 6.84 257 7.20 267 7.56 1,906 372 2,214 382 2,327 2,io6 392 2,446 402 2,571 2,327 412 2,702 422 2,841 2,702 442 3,139 472 3,646 6.84 257 7.20 267 7.56 1,523 327 11769 337 1,859 2,054 387 2,386 397 2,508 2,386 417 2,771 427 2,913 21771 447 3,218 457 3,383 3,062 467 3,556 497 4,128 1,964 378 2,281 388 2,398 1,769 357 2,054 367 2,159 11859 367 2,159 377 2,270 2,159 397 2,508 407 2,636 2,159 397 2,508 407 2,636 2,508 427 2,913 437 3,062 11859 367 2,159 377 2,270 2,159 397 2,508 407 2,636 2,702 442 3,139 472 3,646 3,738 507 4,339 537 5,018 4.15 177 4.82 187 5.07 1,279 292 1,486 302 1,562 1,562 332 1,814 342 1,906 2,159 397 2,508 407 2,636 2,636 437 3,062 447 3,218 Resolution No. 84 -190 Page 3 90YY Miscellaneous 90 0 Crossing 0 ode 147 4.15 177 4.82 187 5.07 SECTION 2: Other Compensation In recognition of meritorious accomplishments during the past year. the City Council hereby approves a one -time payment to certain employees in the following amounts: Building Official $1,000 Director of Community Development $2,000 City Manager $2,000 These one -time payments shall be distributed during the first pay period in July. 1984. SECTION 3: Implementation of Revised Salary Ranges The revised salary ranges for full time and part time employees shall be effective July 1. 1984. SECTION 4: Holidays The following holidays are to be observed by the City; (a) January - New Years Day (b) Washington's Birthday (c) Memorial Day (d) July 4 - Independence Day (e) tabor Day - The first Monday in September (f) November it - Veteran's Day (g) Thanksgiving Day (h) The day following Thanksgiving (1) Christmas Day (J) Two (2) discretionary holidays may be taken by an employee who has successfully completed probation at his /her convenience subject to approval of the department head. Discretionary holidays may not be carried over from one Calendar year to the next. Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as a holiday. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday. SECTION 5: City Offices Closed The City Offices shall be closed on Monday, December 24, 1984, and Monday, December 31, 1984 in observance of Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. All full time continuous salaried employees shall be compensated at their regular rate for these two days. SECTION 6: Health Insurance The City shall provide a health insurance plan for all full time continuous salaried employees and elected officials. The City agrees to pay for all full time continuous salaried employees and elected officials up to a maximum of $250.00 per employee per month towards medical insurance premiums through either Raiser or self - funded /Blue Shield to be calculated on a composite rate basis and to be effective July 1, 1984. SECTION 7: Dental Insurance The City shall continue to provide a dental insurance plan for all full - time Continuous salaried employees and elected officials. The entire cost for Coverage shall not exceed an amount ea set forth in the City's fiscal budget for 1984 -85 (maximum of $55.00 per month). Any costs required that exceed the budgeted amount would he contributed b the employee or elected official through payroll deduction. IS Resolution No. 84 -190 Pegs 4 PASSED APPROYED� and ADOPTED this 28th day of June 1984. AYES: NOES: ABSENTi ATTEST: Jon D. Mlkels: Mayor Beverly A. Authelet: City erk 14 Range Hourly NG%95 pate 1. 2.0078 2. 2.0192 3. 2.0250 4. 2.0365 5. 2.0481 6. 2.0596 7. 2.0712 B. 2.0769 9. 2.0885 10. 2.1000 11. 2,1115 12. 2.1231 13. 2.1288 14. 2.1404 15. 2.1519 16. 2.1635 17, 2.1750 18, 2.1865 19. 2.1981 20. 2.2096 21. 2.2212 22. 2.2269 23. 2,2385 24. 2,250 25. 2.261 26. 2.273 27. 2.28 28, 2.296 29. 2.307 30. 2.319 31. 2.3308 32, 2.3423 33. 2.3538 34. 2.365 35. 2,3769 36, 2.388 31. 2.400 38. 2,417 39. 2.428 40. 2.440 41. 2.451 42. 2.4635 43. 2.4750 44, 2.4865 45, 2.4980 46, 2.5150 47, 2,5260 48, 2,5385 49. 2.550 50. 2.561 51. 2.570 Neaolution No. 84 -190 Page 5 SCHEDULE I -- SILAflY CODE TABLE BASIC PLY SCHEDULE IN DOUBLY, BI-WEEELY AND MONTHLY AMOUNTS ONE HALF PERCENT BETWEEN RANGES MONTHLY (MOUNTS BOUNDED TO NEAREST DOLLAR Bi- Meekly Monthly Bete to 160.615 348 161.538 350 162.000 351 162.923 353 163.046 355 164.7692 357 165.6923 359 166.1538 360 167.0769 362 168.000 364 168.9231 366 169.8462 368 170.3077 369 171.2308 371 172.1538 373 173.0769 375 174.00 377 174.9231 379 175.8462 381 176.7692 3B3 177.6923 365 178.153 386 179.0769 380 180,000 390 180.9231 392 181.846 394 182.769 396 183.692 39B 184.615 400 185.536 402 186.461 404 187.784 406 188.307 408 189.230 410 190.153 412 191.076 414 192.000 416 193.3846 419 194.307 421 195.231 423 196.153 425 197.076 427 198.000 429 198.923 431 199.846 433 201.231 436 202.153 438 203,076 440 204.000 442 204.923 444 206.307 447 r;7 �Rao� NOwI Bi- Weekly Monthly tT.her Rafe -vv-- a e 52. 2.5904 207.230 449 53. 2.601 208.153 451 54. 2.613 209.076 453 55. 2.630 210.46 456 56. 2.642 211.384 458 57. 2.653 212.307 460 58. 2.665 213.230 462 59. 2,682 214.615 465 60. 2,694 215.538 467 61. 2.7058 216.461 469 62. 2.723 217.846 472 63. 2.7340 218.269 474 64. 2.7460 219.692 476 65, 2.7630 221.076 479 66. 2.7750 222.0000 481 67. 2.7920 223.3846 464 68. 2.8030 224.301 466 69. 2.8210 225.692 489 70. 2.8320 226.615 491 71. 218440 227.538 493 72. 2.8615 228.9230 496 73. 2.8730 229.8460 498 74. 2.8900 231.2300 501 75. 2.9010 232.1530 503 76. 2.9190 233.5380 506 77, 2.9308 234.4615 508 78, 2.9461 235.8462 511 79, 2.9596 236.7692 513 80. 2.9769 238.1538 516 81. 2.9942 239.5385 519 02. 3.0058 240.4625 521 83. 3.0231 241.8462 524 84. 3.0346 242.7692 526 85. 3.0519 244.1538 529 86. 30692 245.5385 532 87. 3.0808 246.4615 534 88. 3.0981 247.8462 537 89, 3.1154 249.2308 540 90. 3.1269 250.1538 542 91. 3.1442 251.5395 545 92. 3.1615 252.9231 548 93. 30788 254.3077 551 94. 3.1904 255.2308 553 95. 3.2077 256.6154 556 96. 3.2250 256.0000 559 97. 3.2423 259.3846 562 98. 3.2596 260.7692 565 99, 3.2712 261.6923 567 100. 3.2885 263.0769 570 101, 3.3058 264.4615 573 Resolution No. 84 -190 Page 6 Range Boer1Y B1- Meekly Monthly Number Rata e F. 102. 3.3231 265.8462 576 103. 3.3404 267.2308 579 104. 3.3577 268.6154 582 105. 3.3750 270.000 585 106. 3.3903 271.3846 588 107. 3.4038 272.3077 590 108. 3.4212 273.6923 593 109. 3.4385 275.0769 596 110, 3.4558 276.4615 599 111. 3.4731 277.8462 602 112. 3.4904 279.2308 605 113. 3.5077 280.6154 608 114. 3.5250 282.000 611 115. 3.5403 283.3846 614 116. 3.5654 285.2308 610 117. 3.5827 286.6154 621 118. 3.600 288.000 624 119. 3.6173 289.3846 627 120. 3.6346 290.7692 630 121. 3.6519 292.1538 633 122. 3.6692 293.5385 636 123. 3.6865 294.923 639 124. 3.7096 296.7692 643 125. 3.7269 298.1538 646 126. 3.7442 299.5385 649 127, 3.7615 300.9231 652 128. 3.7846 302.7692 656 129. 3.8019 304.1538 659 130. 3.8192 305.5385 662 131. 3.8423 307.3846 666 132. 3.8596 308.7692 669 133. 3.8769 310.1538 672 134. 3.9000 312.000 676 135. 3.9173 313.3846 679 136. 3.9346 314.7692 682 137. 3.9572 316.6154 686 138. 3.9750 318.000 689 139. 3.9981 319.8462 693 140, 4.0154 321.2308 696 141, 4.0385 323.0769 700 142. 4.0558 324.4615 703 143. 4.0780 326.3077 707 144. 4.0962 327.6923 710 145. 4.1192 329.5385 714 146. 4.1365 330.9231 717 147, 4.1596 332.7692 721 148. 4.1769 334.1538 724 149. 4.2000 336.000 728 150, 4.2231 337.8462 732 151. 4.2404 339.2308 735 152. 4.2635 341.0769 739 153. 4.2865 342.9231 743 154. 4,3038 344.3077 746 155. 4.3269 346.1538 750 156. 4.3500 348.000 754 157. 4.3731 349.8462 758 158. 4.3904 351.2308 761 159. 4,4135 353.0769 765 16o, 4.4365 354.9231 769 161. 4.4596 356.7692 773 lL Range Hourly VUlieer a e 162. 4.4827 163. 4.5058 164. 4.5288 165. 4.5519 166. U. 5692 167. 4.5923 168. 4.6154 169. 4.6385 170. 4.6615 171. 4.6846 172. 4.7135 173. 4.7365 174. 4.7596 175. 4.7827 176. 4.8058 177. 4.8288 178. 4.8519 179. 4.8808 180. 4.9038 181. 4.9269 182. 4.9500 183. 4.9788 184. 5.0019 1 B5. 5.0250 186. 5.0538 187. 5.0769 188. 5.1000 189. 5.1288 190. 5.1519 191. 5.1808 192. 5.2038 193. 5.2327 194. 5.2558 195. 5.2846 196. 5.3077 197. 5.3365 198. 5.3654 199. 5.3885 200. 5.4173 201. 5.4462 202. 5.4692 203. 5.4981 204. 5.5269 205. 5.5558 206. 5.5788 207. 5.6077 208. 5.6365 209. 5.6654 210. 5.6942 211. 5.7231 212. 5.7519 213. 5.7808 214. 5.8196 215. 5.8385 216. 5.8673 217. 5.8962 218. 5.9250 219. 5.9538 220. 5.9827 221. 6.0173 BS- Meekly Monthly a e -Tae- 358.6154 777 360.4615 781 362.3077 785 364.1538 789 365.5385 792 367.3846 796 369.2308 800 371.0769 804 372.9231 808 374.7692 812 377.0769 817 378.9231 821 380.7692 825 382.6154 829 384.4615 833 386.3017 837 388.1538 841 390.4615 846 392.3077 850 394.1538 854 396.000 858 398.3077 863 400.7538 867 402.000 871 404.3077 876 406.1538 880 408.000 884 410.3077 889 412.1538 893 414.4615 898 416.3077 902 418.6154 907 420.4615 911 422.7692 916 424.6154 920 426.9231 925 429.2308 930 431.0769 934 433.3846 939 435.6923 944 437.5365 948 439.8462 953 442.1538 958 444.4615 963 446.3077 967 448.6154 972 450.9231 977 453.2088 982 455.5385 987 457.8462 992 460.1538 997 462.4615 1002 464.3846 1007 467.0769 1012 469.3846 1017 471.6923 1D22 474.000 1027 476.3077 1032 478.6154 1037 481.3846 1043 Besolutioa Na. 84 -190 Page 7 pangs Hourly HS-W M Range ry B1- Weakly Monthly Nmber Hate e e_ um er a u a e a e 222. 6.0462 483.6923 1048 282. 8,1519 652.1538 1413 223• 6.0750 486.000 1053 283. 8.1923 655.3846 1420 224, 6.1038 488.3077 1058 284. 8.2327 658.6154 1427 225. 6.1385 491.0769 1064 285, 8.2788 662.3077 1435 226. 6.1673 493.3846 1069 286. 8.3192 665.5385 1442 227. 6.1962 495.6923 1074 287• 8.3596 668.7692 1449 228. 6.2308 498.4615 1080 288. 8.4000 672.000 1456 229• 6.2596 500.7692 1085 289, 8.4462 675.6923 1464 230. 6.2885 503.0769 1090 290. 8.4865 678.9231 1471 231. 6.3231 505.8462 1096 291. 8.5269 682.1538 1478 232. 6.3519 508.1538 1101 292. 8.5731 685.8462 1486 233. 6.3865 510.9231 1107 293, 8.6135 689.0769 1493 234. 6.4154 513.2308 1112 294. 8.6538 692.3077 1500 235. 6.4500 516.000 1118 295. 8.7000 696.000 1508 236. 6.4846 518.7692 1124 296. 8.7462 699.6923 1516 237. 6.5135 521.0769 1129 297. 8.7865 702.9231 1523 238, 6.5481 523.8462 1135 298. 8.8327 706.6154 1531 239• 6.5769 526.1538 1140 299. 8.8731 709.8462 1538 240. 6.6115 528.9231 1146 300. 8.9192 713.5385 1546 241. 6,6462 531.6923 1152 301. 8.9654 717.2308 1554 242. 6.6808 534.4615 1158 302. 9.0115 720.9231 1562 243. 6.7096 536.7692 1163 303• 910519 724.1538 1569 244. 6.7442 539.5385 1169 304. 9.0981 727.8462 1577 245, 6.7788 542.3077 1175 305. 9.1442 731.5385 1585 246. 6.8135 545.0769 1181 3o6. 9.1904 735.2308 1593 247. 6.8481 547.8462 1187 307. 9.2365 738.9231 1601 248. 6.8827 550.6154 1193 308 9.2827 742.6154 1609 249. 6.9173 553.3846 1199 309. 9.3288 746.3077 1617 250. 6.9519 556.1538 1205 310. 9.3750 750.000 1625 251. 6.9865 558.9231 1211 311. 9.4212 753.6923 1633 252. 7.0212 561.6923 1217 312. 9.4673 757.3846 1641 253• 7.0558 564.4615 1223 313• 9.5192 761.5385 1650 254. 7.0904 567.2300 1229 314. 9.5654 765.2308 1658 255. 7.1250 570.000 1235 315. 9.6115 768.9231 1666 256. 7.1596 572.7692 1241 316. 9.6577 772.6154 1674 257. 7.2000 576.000 1248 317• 9.7096 776.7692 1683 258. 7.2346 578.7692 1254 318. 9.7558 780.4615 1691 259. 7.2692 581.5385 1260 319, 9.7962 783.6923 1698 260. 7.3038 584.3077 1266 320. 9.8538 788.3077 1708 261. 7.3442 587.5385 1273 321. 9.9058 792.4615 1717 262, 7.3788 590.3077 1279 322. 9.9519 796.1538 1725 263• 7.4192 593.5385 1286 323. 10.0038 800.3077 1734 264, 7.4538 596.3077 1292 324. 10.0558 804.4615 1743 265, 7.4885 599.0769 1298 325, 10.1019 808.1539 1751 266. 7.5288 602.3077 1305 326. 10.1538 812.3077 1760 267. 7.5635 605.0769 1311 327. 10.2056 816.4615 1769 268. 7.6038 608.3077 1318 328. 10.2577 820.6154 1778 269. 7.6442 611.5385 1325 329, 10.3096 824.7692 1787 270. 7.6846 614.7692 1332 330. 10.3615 828.9231 1796 271. 7.7192 617.5385 1338 331. 10.4135 833.0769 1805 272. 7.7596 620.7692 1345 332. 10.4654 837.2308 1814 273. 7.7942 623.5385 1351 333• 10.5173 841.3846 1823 274, 7.8346 626.7692 1358 334. 10.5692 845.5385 1832 275. 7.8750 630.000 1365 335. 10.6212 849.6923 1841 276. 7.9154 633.2308 1372 336. 10.6731 853.8462 1850 277, 7.9500 636.000 1378 337. 10.7250 858.000 1859 278. 7.9904 639.2308 1385 338. 10.7827 862.6154 1869 279. 8.0308 642.4615 1392 339. 10.8346 866.7692 1878 280. 8.0712 645.6923 1399 340. 10.8865 870.9231 1887 281. 8.1115 648.9231 1406 341. 10.9442 875.5385 1897 19 Reaolutlon No. 84 -190 Page 8 Range Nor Hourly Rate BS- Weekly PT Monthly Range Hourly BS- Weekly Monthly Rate T--5- a e -VT-- 342. 343. 10.9962 11.0538 879.6923 1906 402, 14.8327 1186.615 2571 344. 11.1058 884.3077 888.4615 1916 1925 403. 14.9077 1192.615 2584 345. 11.1635 893'.0769 1935 404. 405• 14.9827 15.0577 1198.6154 2597 346. 11.2212 897.6923 1945 406. 15.1327 1204.615 2610 347. 11.2731 901.8462 1954 407. 15.207 1210.6154 1216.615 2623 2636 346. 349• 11.3308 11.3885 906.4615 1964 408. 15.2827 1222.615 2649 350. 11.4462 911.0769 915.6923 1974 1984 409. 15.3635 1229.0769 2663 351. 11.5038 920.3077 1994 410. 411. 15.4385 1235.0769 2676 15.573 1241.0769 2689 352. 11.5615 924.9231 2004 412. 15.588 1247.076 2702 353. 354. 11.6192 11.6769 929.5385 934.1538 2014 2024 413. 15.669 1253.538 2716 355. 11.7346 938.7692 2034 414. 415. 15.75 15.831 1260.00 1266.461 2730 2744 356. 11.7923 943.3846 2044 416. 15.906 1272.461 2757 357. 358. 11.8500 11.9135 948.000 2054 417. 15.9865 1278.923 2771 359. 953.0769 2065 418. 16.067 1285.3846 2785 360. 11.9712 12.0288 957.6923 962.3077 2075 2085 419• 16.148 1291.846 2799 361, 12.0923 967.3846 2096 420. 421. 16.228 1298.308 2813 16.3096 1304.769 2827 362. 363. 12.1500 12.2135 972.000 2106 422. 16.3904 1311.2308 2841 364. 12.1712 977.0769 981.6923 2117 2127 423. 16.4712 1317.6923 2855 365• 12.3346 986.7692 2138 424. 425. 16.5577 16.6385 1324.6154 2870 366. 12.3923 991.3846 2148 426. 16.7192 1331.0769 1337.5385 2884 2898 367. 12.4558 996.4615 2759 427. 16.8058 1344.4615 2913 368. 369. 12.5192 12.5827 1001.5385 1006.6154 2170 2181 428. 16.8865 1350.9231 2927 370. 12.6460 1011.6923 2192 429. 430. 16.9731 1357.8462 2942 371. 12.7096 1016.7692 2203 431. 17.0596 17.1404 1364.7692 1371.2308 2957 2971 372. 12.7731 1021.8462 2214 432. 17.2269 1378.1538 2986 373• 374, 12.8365 12.9000 1026.9231 2225 433• 17.3135 1385.0769 3007 1032.000 2236 434. 17.4000 1392.0000 3016 375. 12.9635 1037.0769 2247 435. 17.4865 1398.9231 3031 376. 377. 13.0327 13.0962 1042.6154 1047.6923 2259 2270 436. 17.5788 1406.3077 3047 378. 13.1596 1052.7692 2281 437• 17.6654 1413.2308 3062 379. 13.2288 1058.3077 2293 438. 439. 17.7579 17.8385 1420.1538 3077 380. 13.2923 1063.3846 2304 440. 1427.0769 3092 381. 13.3615 1068.9231 2316 17.9308 1434.4615 3108 441. 18.0173 1441.3846 3123 382. 383. 13.4250 13.4942 1074.000 1079.5385 2327 442, 18.1096 1448.7692 3139 384. 13.5635 1085.0769 2339 2351 443. 18.2019 1456.1538 3155 385, 13.6269 1090.1538 2362 444. 18.2942 1463.5385 3171 386. 13.6962 1095.6923 2374 445. 446. 18.3808 1470.4615 3186 387. 137654 11 01.2308 2386 447. 18.4731 18.5654 1477.8462 1485.2308 3202 3218 388. 389. 13.8346 1106.7692 2398 448. 18.6577 i,92.6154 3234 390. 13.9038 13.9731 1112.3077 1117.8462 2410 2422 449, 18.7558 1500.4615 3251 391. 14.0423 1123.3846 2434 450. 18.8481 1507.8462 3267 451. 18.9404 1515.2308 3283 392. 393• 14.1115 14.1808 1128.9231 2446 452. 19.0385 1523.0769 3300 394. 14.2558 1134.4615 1140.4615 2458 2471 453. 19.131 1530.461 3316 395. 14.3250 1146.000 2483 454. 19.229 1538.3077 3333 396. 14.400 1152.000 2496 455. 19.320 1545.692 3349 397. 14.469 1157.538 2508 456. 457• 19.419 19.5173 1558.538 3366 398. 14.5442 1163.5385 2521 458. 19.615 1561.3846 1569.2308 3383 3400 399, 400. 14.6135 14.6885 1169.0769 1175.0769 2533 2546 459. 19.713 1577.076 3417 401. 14.7635 1181.0769 2559 460. 461. 19.811 1584.923 3434 ti .1 19.9096 1592.769 3451 Range Hourly Nw Rata 462. 20.007 463. 20.111 464. 20.209 465. 20.313 466. 20.411 467. 20.515 468. 20.619 469. 20.723 470. 20.826 471. 20.931 472. 21.035 473. 21.138 474. 21.242 475. 21.351 476. 21.455 477, 21.565 478. 21.669 479. 21.778 480. 21.888 481. 21.998 482. 22.1077 483. 22.2173 484. 22.3269 485. 22.4365 486. 22.5462 487. 22.6615 488. 22.7769 489. 22.8923 490. 23.007 491. 23.1231 492. 23.2385 493. 23.3538 494. 23.4692 495. 23.7385 496. 23.700 497. 23.815 498, 23.9365 499. 24.057 500. 24.178 501. 24.300 502. 24.4212 503. 24.5423 504. 24.6635 505. 24.7846 506. 24.9058 507. 25.032 508. 25.1596 509. 25.2865 510. 25.4135 511. 25.5404 512. 25.609 513. 25.736 514. 25.863 515, 25.990 516. 26.123 517. 26.198 518. 26.331 519. 26.463 520. 26.5960 521. 26.728 B1- Weekly Monthly a e Hare 1600.615 3468 1608.923 3486 1616.769 3503 1625.076 3521 1632.923 3538 1641.231 3556 1649.538 3574 1657.846 3592 1666.153 3610 1674.462 3628 1682.769 3646 1691.076 3664 1699.380 3682 1708.153 3701 1716.461 3719 1725.231 3738 1733.538 3756 1742.307 3775 1751.076 3794 1759.846 3813 1768.6154 3832 1777.3846 3851 1786.1538 3870 1794.9231 3889 1803.6923 3908 1812.9231 3928 1822.1538 3948 1831.3846 3968 1840.6154 3988 1849.8462 4008 1859.0769 4028 1868.3077 4048 1877.5385 4068 1979.0769 4088 1896.000 4108 1905.23 4128 1914.9231 4149 1924.620 4170 1934.307 4191 1944.00 4212 1953.6923 4233 1968.3846 4254 1973.0769 4275 1988.7692 4296 1992.4615 4317 2002.615 4339 2012.769 4361 2022.923 4383 2033.0769 4405 2043.231 4427 2048.769 4439 2058.923 4461 2069.076 4483 2079.230 4505 2089.846 4528 2095.846 4541 2106.461 4564 2117.076 4587 2127.692 4610 n 2138.307 4633 R / Resolution No. 84 -190 Page 9 Range Hourly Bi- Weekly Monthly T=Fer a e - ITEB 522. 26.8615 2148.9230 4656 523. 26.9942 2159.5385 4679 524. 27.1269 2170.1538 4702 525. 27.2654 2181.2308 4726 526. 27.4038 2191.3077 4750 527. 27.5423 2203.3846 4774 528. 27.6808 2214.4615 4798 529. 27.8192 2225.5385 4822 530. 27.9577 2236.6154 4846 531. 28.0962 2247.6923 4870 532. 28.2346 2258.7692 4894 533. 28.3731 2269.8462 4918 534. 28.5173 2281.3846 4943 535. 28.6615 2292.9231 4968 536. 28.8058 2304.4615 4993 537. 28.9500 2316.0000 5018 538. 29.0942 2327.5385 5043 539. 29.2385 2339.0769 5068 540. 29.3827 2350.6154 5093 541. 29.5269 2362.1538 5118 542. 29.6769 2374.1538 5144 543. 29.8269 2386.1538 5170 544. 29.9769 2398.1538 5196 545. 30.1269 2410.1538 5222 546. 30.2769 2422.1538 5248 547. 30.4269 2434.1538 5274 548. 30.5769 2446.1538 5300 549. 30.7269 2458.1538 5326 550. 30.8827 2470.6154 5353 551. 31.0385 2483.0769 5380 552. 31.1942 2495.5385 5407 553, 31.3500 2508.0000 5434 nTmv nV n A XTnvn OTTn A.~1 A STAFF REPORT 2G�0 � , .. k_ ^li l V0, i? I9i7 June 28, 1984 TO: City Manager and City Council FROM: Robert A. Rizzo Assistant to City Manager SUBJECT: Approval of Bereavement Leave Policy Per the City Council's direction of June 14, 1984, we have prepared proposed language for initiation of a bereavement leave policy in the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations. The proposed bereavement leave policy would provide a full time employee a maximum of five (5) days with pay when a death occurs in his /her immediate family. Immediate family was defined as spouse, parents, children, blood relative residing with employee, or other close family member. Any bereavement leave would require approval of the employee's department head and the City Manager. The proposed bereavement leave policy has been discussed with the employee group, and they are in accordance. Below is the proposed revision to our rules and regulations, Section 3.3.21 Bereavement Leave. When a death occurs in the family of a full time employee, the employee shall be entitled to a maximum of five (5) bereavement leave days with pay. Family members for the purposes of this section shall be defined as follows: employee's spouse, employee's parents, employee's spouse's parents, employee's children, a blood relative residing with employee, and any other member of the immediate family. The department head and the City Manager shall approve such bereavement leave with their signature. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of modifying City of Rancho Cucamonga Personnel Rules and Regulations, Section 3.3.21 to add bereavement leave. RAR:mk a.2 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET SUMMARY 1984 - 1985 JUNE 22, 1984 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF FUNDS - 1984 -85 `$27,598,500 less: 2,000,000 Escrowed Housing Bond 5,461,056 Escrowed OPA, TA Bond + Interest 193,000 Fire Protection Fund 80,000 Sewer /Water Fund 394,000 Affordable Housing Fund $19,470,444 zThis is an estimate of total tax increment including other taxing agency agreements. 3See Mortgage Revenue Bond budget explanation detail. See Regional Facility budget explanation detail. 4See OPA 84 -1 budget explanation detail. 5See Redevelopment budget explanation detail. 6All fund balances and City Revolving Loan (to insure debt coverage for receipt of increment) will be incorporated when books are closed for the fiscal year. ESTIMATED ESTIMATED REVENUE EXPENDITURES 1984 =85 TRANSFER IN TRANSFER OUT 1984 -85 Tax Increment) $ 1,955,000 $ -0- $ 1,955,000 $ -0- Mortgage Revenue Bonds (SB -99)2 20,000,000 -0- 5,000 17,995,000 Regional Facilities3 (Flood Control) -0- 660,000 -0- 660,000 Tax Allocation Bonds (TA 84 -1) 5,643,500 -0- 578,500 -0- Owner Participation Agreements (OPA 84 -1)4 -0- 446,056 -0- 50,000 Fire Protection -0- 203,000 10,000 -0- Sewer and Water Facility -0- 85,000 5,000 -0- Non- Reclaimable Waste -0- -0- -0- -0- Affordable Housing -0- 394,000 -0- -0_ Redevelopments -0- 765,444 -0- 765,444 $27,598,500` $2,553,500 _ $ 2,553,500 $19,470,4446 `$27,598,500 less: 2,000,000 Escrowed Housing Bond 5,461,056 Escrowed OPA, TA Bond + Interest 193,000 Fire Protection Fund 80,000 Sewer /Water Fund 394,000 Affordable Housing Fund $19,470,444 zThis is an estimate of total tax increment including other taxing agency agreements. 3See Mortgage Revenue Bond budget explanation detail. See Regional Facility budget explanation detail. 4See OPA 84 -1 budget explanation detail. 5See Redevelopment budget explanation detail. 6All fund balances and City Revolving Loan (to insure debt coverage for receipt of increment) will be incorporated when books are closed for the fiscal year. MORTGAGE REVENUE BOND PROGRAM (SB -99) Budget Detail Initiated in 1983, the Redevelopment Agency sold $36,200,000 of single family mortgage revenue bonds. The originating period for these mortgages is 3 years. With the start of sales for the participant development firms, these mortgages should be fully originated well within this period. Of the original $36,200,000, approximately $20,000,000 remain, the majority of which are attributable to the two planned communities. -2 -as, REGIONAL FACILITIES Budget Detail Under agreement with the County of San Bernardino, increment monies received in this account are to be used for regional facilities, more particularly, the Day Creek Flood Control project. To date, the Day Creek design study has been completed and a concept plan has been accepted by the Agencies having interest in the channel. A contract with County Flood Control has been established for assistance in coordinating the jurisdictional areas of project implementation. A proposed Mello -Roos formation vote has been scheduled for June 26, 1984 in both Ontario and Rancho Cucamonga as an effort to provide funding for the permanent improvements. The program contemplates increment pledge agreements in both cities to assist in Mello -Roos support. In pril 1984, the Agency sold tax allocation bonds which netted $3.1 million to help with final design of the Day Creek facility and provide funding for the Day Creek Debris Basin located north of the City. The majority of tax allocation bonds will be held in account until the beginning of the next fiscal year to be utilized for construction. Revenue Estimate: $660,0001 Estimated Expenditures: Debt Service $339,099 Legal Service District 20,000 Flood Control Contract 65,000 Professional Services (Design) 235,901 Total $660,000 IA11 fund balances from 1983 -84 will remain in this account. OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (OPA 84 -1) Budget n ^.tail Under OPA 84 -1 the Redevelopment Agency obligations are to provide an approximate $9.5 million investment in the Regional Shopping Center. A $2.25 million initial obligation has already been met with Tax Allocation Bond Issue 84 -1 which leaves a $7.25 million obligation remaining beginning in 1986. This amount is planned to be financed by a combination of escrowed fund balances, accumulated interest and a new tax allocation bond issue. Therefore, interest from escrowed bond monies and RDA fund balances are transferred into the OPA 84 -1 account. Given projections of increment and fund balances as well as planned interest, the Redevelopment Agency obligation financing will be m=_t by 1986. Currently Hahn and RDA obligations are on schedule and no obstacles are foreseen at this time. The site has been 100 percent acquired and the Center use permit and environmental assessment process is proceeding for late Fall completion. Estimated Revenue $446,056 Estimated Expenditures Legal Services 15,000 Professional Services 35,000 a'7 -4- REDEVELOPMENT FUND Budget Detail The Redevelopment Fund is that portion of the increment directly attributable to the RDA and is the resource from which RDA projects are accomplished. The RDA commitment is to OPA 84 -1, the Regional Shopping Center. Debt service on TA 84 -1 will substantially account for the increment received, since maximum leverage was accomplished by the bond issue. In fact, TA 84 -1 was structured so that a portion of escrowed fund interest and reserve account interest is pledged to support operations of the Agency. Otherwise, the Agency could not operate. This account also receives transfer from administrative portions of project accounts, i.e,, fund maintenance, mortgage revenue bonds, etc. Project maintenance as well as accounting has resulted in strains in City program maintenance since City staff has provided support for the RDA. This year, it is recommended that RDA projects begin transitioning to RDA staff. This transition is to be accomplished at less than last year's increment transfer to the General Fund because of bond issue structure and offsetting administrative accounting, thus maximizing project funds for the Regional Center yet providing funding for RDA staffing. Note also that Data Management is the second year of the multi -year program authorized last year. lAll fund balances from 1983 -84 will be transferred to the Regional Shopping Center project, 2Add: 1 Sr. Redevelopment Analyst 1 Sr. Redevelopment Account Clerk 1/2 Clerk Typist 0� -5- 1983 -84 1984 -85 Estimated Revenues: $765,44411 I Estimated Expenditures: Debt Service 0 $455,044 Salaries it�vices to Agency and RDA Staffing2 $167,000 150,000 Operations I Finan—ciaT Audit 5,000 7,000 Printing /Publications 16,000 15,000 Office Supplies 5,000 5,000 Travel /Meetings 3,000 5,000 Dues i 1,000 1,500 Sub -total $ 30,000 $ 33,500 lAll fund balances from 1983 -84 will be transferred to the Regional Shopping Center project, 2Add: 1 Sr. Redevelopment Analyst 1 Sr. Redevelopment Account Clerk 1/2 Clerk Typist 0� -5- a, I? -6- 1983 -84 1984 -85 Contract Services Legal Services $ 36,000 $ 30,000 !� Professional Services 45,000 25,000 ! Sub -total $ 81,000 $ 55,000 Ca ital Im rovement Projects j • I- /Foo thi Interchange 15,000 ;Professional Services) Capital Outlay Data Management 35,000 Word Processing Equipment 17,000 Desk /Chair /Equipment 4,500 Dictaphones 400 Sub -total $ 56,000 Grand Total $765,444 a, I? -6- 1983 -84 1984 -85 contract Services Legal Services $ 36,000 $ 30,000 Professional Services 45,000 25,000 Sub -total $ 81,000 $ 55,000 Ca ital Im rovement Proiects I- oothi Interchange 15,000 (Professional Services) Capital Outlay Data management 35,000 Word Processing Equipment 17,000 Desk /Chair /Equipment 4,5DO Dictaphones 4001 Sub -total $ 56,000 Grand Total $765,444 Reallocation Data'Management* $ 2$,00( First year (1983 -84) program must be reallocated instead of encumbered since RFP process cannot be completed prior to July 1, 1984, 1st R 2nd year phase will be combined.