HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/10/16 - Agenda PacketCITY COUNCIL AGENDA CI`T'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETYNGB lat and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. October 16, 1991 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91930 •~~ City Councllmembers Demva L. Stout, Mayor William J. Alesender, Coancilmember Charles J. Buquet, Coancilmember Diane Williams, Councifinember Pamela J. Wright, Caancllmem6er •-~ Jack Lam, City Manager James L. Markman, Clly Ateorney Debra J. Adams, Cpy clerk City CkSce: 989.1851 / PA c~_'Y~ y~y ' '(~~j City Council Agenda October 16, 1991 1 All itau submitUd for the Citp Council Agenda moat be in xrit ing. xhe deadline for submitting chess hems i• 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to tDe meeting. Ths City Clark's office receives all such items. A. CALL TO ORDBR THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECONVENE AT TEI9 TI103. 0. ANNOVNCENENTB/PRESENTATZONS 1. Presentation of Proclamation to the Rancho Grande %iwanie in Recognition of Che Award Received for a Scholarship Program in conjunction with Lhe Community Bervicee Department. 2. Presentaiion of Proclamation Observing Aed Ribbon Week, October 19-27, 1991. 3. Presentation of Proclamat lon Observing California Planning Week, October 20-26, 1991. 4. Announcement of Red RSbDOn week special Community Presentation on Substance Abuts: Sign e, Symptoms and PYevent ion. C. COMNVNICATIONBC. FR~TRB PVBLICPUBLIC Thi• i• the time and place for the general public Lo sddres• the Clty Council. State lax prohiDiG the CSLy Council frw addressing any issue not previously included on Lhm Agenda. The City Couvcil map receive teatimovy avd set the utter for e aubuquevt uetivg. Cosanta ere to ba limited to five minutes per ivdividuel. p. COn~cALE~~ TDe folloxivg Covaevt Calavdar items era espactad to be routine and non-controversial. Thep x111 be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any item map De removed by a Councilumber or member of the audievice for diacuuiov. 1. Approval of Ninutee: September 18, 1991 October 2, 1991 (BUquet abeent( PA ' City Council Agenda OcCOber 16, 1991 2 2. Approval of Warrant e, Regiatez Nos. 9/25/91, 10/2/91, 1 and 10/9/91, and Payroll ending 9/26/91 for the total amount of $2,628,266.97. 3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule 16 ae of September 30, 1991. 4. Alcoholic Beverage Application foz Off Sale Beer 6 Wine 20 far Village Mini Mart, Marla Hamld, 7270 Victoria Park Lana. 5. Alcoholle Beverage Application for OEf Sale Beer 6 Wine 22 for Unnamed Business, Theodore S. Oe eonis, 8111 B. FauDion, and Lomenich Rotella Jr., 10431 Lemon Street, Su Lte N. 6. Approval of Resolution declaring the results of a 2Q special election fOr CPO 88-2, Annexation Numbez 1 (Law Enfomevreni ~ . RESOLUTION NO. 91-294 25 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, OECLARI NG 2HE RESULTS OF A "MELLO-A004 COMMUNITY PACILITIES ACT OP 1982^ SPECIAL TAX ELECTION 7. Approval of a Tzalla Implementalion Plan, 8 27 comprehensive implementer ion strategy for hiking, riding and biking trails wtthln the community. RESOLUTION N0. 91-262 31 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORN IA, APPROVING THE TRAILS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 8. Approval of Oiepoe it ton of excess property £or a portion 33 of 25th Street, located west of Et iwanda Avenue (APN: 225-082-01). PA E ~[~ CiCY Council Agenda October 16, 1991 3 3Q RESOLUTTON N0. 91-295 A AEBOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, TO BE SURPLUS AND A BURDEN ON THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAXONGA AND AUTHORI EING AND DIRECTING THE HAYOA AND CITY CLERE TO EXECUTE THAT CERTAIN DEED, A COPY OF HFIICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXH181T "A" AND TO CAUSE THE SAYE TO BE DELIVERED TO THE PERSONS NAMED THEREIN 9. Approvnl of Map, execution of improvement Agreement antl 39 Improvement Eecur it tee Eor on-site public improvements for Tract 14139, Joint Improvement Agreement and Improvement Securit tee wish AhmaneOn Deve lopmenb and Nett Inland Empire, Tncorporaied, Eor off-site improvements for Tract Nob. 14139, 14379 and 14380, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance D ie<rict NO. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance O1eCiict Noa. 1 and 7 far tract 14139 located on the eoutAweet corner of 24th Street and Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Ahmanson Developments. RESOLUTION NO. 91-296 41 A AESOLUT ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECUAIT IES, JOINT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITIES AND THE FINAL MAP OF TRACT 14139 RESOLUTION N0. 91-297 (}z A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COllNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE ^I51'R ICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT 14139 P E Sl fe 2~,(~~ City Council Agenda October 16, 2991 4 44 10. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement and Improvement Securit iee for on-ails public improvements for Tracts 16379 and 14380 (Tentative Tract 13527), Joint improvement Agreement and Improvement Securities with Watt Inland Empita, Incorporated and Ahnaneon Developments for off-site lmpcovementa foe Tract Noe. 16379, 16380 and 14139, ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance Dietrici Noe. 1 and 7 for Traci Noe. 14379 and 14380 located on the north aide of 24th street, west of Etiwanda Avenue submitted 6y Watt Inland Empire, Incorporated. RESOLUTION NO. 91-298 4~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CLTY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES, JOINT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ANO SECURITIES AND FINAL MAPS OF TRACT NOS. 16379 ANO 14380 RESOLUTLON NO. 91-299 Q$ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THfi CSTY OA RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE OISTR ICT NO. 7 AND STREHT LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT NOS. 16379 AND 14380 11. Approval to execute improvement Agreement, Improvement 5Q Security, and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance Dletrict No. 3 and Street Lighting Maintenance Dletrict Noe. 1 and 6 for CUP 91-11, located at 9595 Lucas Ranch Road, north of 4th Street, submitted by James and Patricia Manhire. RESOLUTION NO. 91-300 51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCZL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CONDITIONAL USE PHRMIT NO. 91-11 PA e `i Z~ City Council Agenda `~ October 16, 1991 5 RESOLUTION NO. 91-301 52 A RESOLUTION OF THfi CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DTETRZCT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING DISSRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 POR CUP 91-11 12. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 55 Tract 13566-1, located on the south side of Summit Avenue between Wardman Bullock Road and cherry Avenue, submitted by Aock£Seld Development. AESOLVTIOM NO. 91-302 6$ A AESOLUT ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING 2MPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13566-1 13. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 59 Tract 13566-1 and -3, located on the south sLde of summit Avenue between Wardman Bullock Road and San Sevaine Road, euDmitted by The Caryn Company. RESOLUTION NO. 91-303 61 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSIDN AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13566-1 AND -3 14. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 62 Tract 13727, locatetl on the southwest corner of Carnelian Street and Highland Avenue, submitted Dy Southland Development. RESOLUTION NO. 91-304 64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSZON AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13727 15. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 65 Tract 13753 Landscape, located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue, submitted by the Wllllam Lyon Company. i_1~~( 'JJ', City Council Agenda V `~ October 16, 1991 6 RESOLUTION NO. 91-305 6] A RESOLVTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCMO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR TRACT 13753 LANDSCAPE 16. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension Eor 68 Tract 13812 located on Che west Bide of Etiwanda Avenue between Summit Avenue and Highland Avenue, submitted by Watt Inland Empire, Incorporated. RESOLUTION NO. 91-306 ]0 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13812 17. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for ]1 DR 87-S6r located on the aouthweet corner of Rochester Avenue and Jersey Boulevard, eu bm fitted by Stanton Jersey Partners. RESOLUTION N0. 91-307 ]3 A REEOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENS ION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DR 87-56 18. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for ]Q DA 89-14, located on the south aide of Arrow Route EaeC of Interstate-15 Freeway, auDmitted Dy Ampac, Incorporated. RESOLVT ION NO. 91-308 ]( A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DR 89-14 19. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for ]] Parcel Map 12854, located on Che we et aide of Eaet Avenue between Catalpa Street and Victoria Street, eubmitted by Style Homes. PA L/ ( ~ City Council Agenda October 16, 1991 7 RESOLUTION NO. 91-309 )9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 128$4 20. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bonds and $Q Notice of CompleCLon for Tract 12420, located at the southwest corns[ of Hellman Avenue and 7th Siieet. Release: Faithful Performance Hond (Street) $300,000 .00 Accept: Maintenance Guaranies eontl (Street) $ 30,000 .00 RESOLUTION N0. 91-269 $i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC SMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12420 AND AUTHOR RING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WORK 21. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bonds and $p Notice of Completion foe Tract 13367, located on the east aide of Hellman Avenue at Highland Avenue. Release: Fa It hful Performance Hond (Street) 5298,819. 00 Accept: Maintenance Gua[antea Bond (Street) $ 29,882. 00 RESOLUTION N0. 91-310 $$ A REEOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13367 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 22. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Bontle and Notice of Completion for 7645 Alta Cueata, located on $4 Alta Cueata Drive between Camino Su[ and Valle Vi sta Drive. ~ ]] yy A ~_~yy ~~ ~~ 99 ~(~~~ CitY Council Agenda October 16r 1991 8 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (street) $ 3,800.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-313 H6 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PV BL IC IMPROVEMENTS FOR 7645 ALTA CUESTA AND AUTHORIZING THE FIL INC OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOA THE WORR 23. Approval to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond £or Tract $6 12577, located at Pilgrims Court and 19th St lest. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street( 5 17,900.00 24. Approval to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract $J }2969, located on Edwin Street South of Arrow Highway. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street( $ 11r 300.00 25. Approval to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract $$ 13445, located on the northwest corner of Victoria Patk Lane and Rochester Avenue. Aelea9e: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 72,400.00 E. CONSENT ORDINANCES The following Ordinances have had public besriags at the ties of first rudiag. Second read tags are erpectsd to bs routine and eon-controversial. They will be aaUd upon by the Council ai one tLe Without discuuioa. Tha Cily CLrk Will read the tLtle. Ray Stec sea ba reeoved for dlsnuuion. No Items Submitted. F. ADVERTISED PVBLIC HEARINGS Tha following items have been advertised end/or poatad as puhlLc hearings as required Dy lew~ The Chair will open the seating Lo receive public tutimony. 3. CONSIDERATION OF RECREATIONAL-VEHICLE STORAGE - Review 89 of cuitent City regal aticne affecting storage and perking of RecreatLOnel Vehicles on private zee idential propert tee. (COOtiaued [roe August 21, 1991) PA ~ ~ City Council Agenda n October 16, 1991 9 2. CONSIDERATION TO VACATE REID AVENUE - A request io 10~ vacate Aeid Avenue, locetad south of Main Street and as at of Archibald Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 91-312 108 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OP REID AVENVE 3. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL VSE PERMIT 78-03 - SAM'S 112 PLACE - Coneidereiion of an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to revoke Conditional Use Permit 7H-03 for the operation of a bar in conjunction with e restaurant located in the Neighborhood Commercial District at 6620 Carnellan Street, northwest corner of 19th and Carnellan Streets - APN: 201-811-56 through 60. (STA!! REQUESTS THIS ITEM BS CONTINUED TO N0V00ER 20, 1991) 4. CON T ON O N M CONOITIONA VSE P RM T 7E Z 03 - SAM'S PLACE - Cone iperation of an appeal of the ]] Planning Commission's decision to deny the request to extend the hours of operation and amend the condition of approval prohibiting live entertainment for an exist ing restaurant and bar located Ln the Neighborhood Commercial District et 6620 Carnelian Street, northwest corner of 19th end Carnelian Streets - APN: 201-811-56 through 60. (BTAlD REQVEETS TBI9 ITEM RE CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 20, 1991) 5. CONSIOfiRATION OP ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 91-02 - SA 'S ]]Z PLACE - Cons ideret ion of an Appeal of the Planning Conmieeion'e decision to deny the request to conduct 1LVe entertainment in conjunction with a restaurant and bar located In the Neighborhood commercial District at 6620 Carnelian Street, northwest earner of 19th and Carnelian Streets -APN: 201-511-66 through 60. (STA!! REQUESTS TEIB ITEM EE CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 20, 1991) 6. CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND 114 DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 91-01 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Coneidernt ion of a request to amend Tlt le 17, Chapter 17.12 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code tc eliminate compact parking spaces and reduce the e[andard else perking apace to 8.5 feet by 18 feet. PA l S 2 City Council Agenda 1 October 16, 1991 10 ORDINANCE No. 462 (first reading) 149 AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 91-01, AMENDING TITLE 17, CHAPTER 17.12 OP THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE, ELIMINATING COMPACT PARKING SPACES AND REDUCING THE STANDARD SIZE PARKING SPACE TO B.5 FEET BY 18 FEET, AND HARING PINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOP 7. CO N O N A 5 SM NT 114 SPECIFIC PLAN AMHNDMENT 91-01 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA - Coneitleration o£ a request to amend Part III oC the Industrial Specific Plan to eliminate compact parking spaces. ORDINANCE NO. 463 (first reading) 153 AN OAD INANCB OP THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01, ELIH INATINC COMPACT PARKING SPACES, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF O. PUBLIC flEARIN63 Thm followimq items have no legal publication or posting requireuute. Ths Chair will opal the meeting to receive public betimony. 1. CONS ION 0 JV T NT PARKING CI AT 0 154 SCHEDVLE RESOLUTION NO. 91-313 155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A PARKING ENFORCEMENT SAIL SCHEDULE R. CITY MANA06A'B STAPP REPORTS The tollowiog items do not legally nquia any public teelimosp, although the Chair uy open the uetiag for public input. P ( Y~ CitY Council Agonda ^ October lfi, 1991 11 No Items Submitted. T~ COUNCIL BUSIMBSS The following itess have bean nqueated by the Citp Council for discussion. They are oot public hearing itesa, although the Chair uy open the seating for public input. No Itame Submitted. J IOENTIlIGTION OT ITEMS FOR_N~l2T NECfIN6 Thin is the rice for Citp Council to identity the itess tDq wish to ditcuu rt tDS next sseting. Theta 1lass will not be diacuoad at thi• soling, only identified for the oext wetlag. ~ COIDIUNIGTIONB PROM THE PVBLIC This is the rise end place Eor LDs general public to addru• tba Citp Connell. state law prohibits the City Council fros addressing any iuw not pravioualp included on the Agenda. TDS Cily Council uy weaive testimony and se! the setter for a aubsequeat seating. Cooent• srs to Da Lisitad to five ainutes per iadlvidwl. L. ADJOVRNMENT MEETING TO ADJOURN TO EIECUTIV6 9ESBION DISCUSS LITIGATION. I, Debra J. Adams, city Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. hereby certify that a truo, accurate copy of the faregc ing agenda was posted on October 11, 1991, seventy-two (72) houce prior to the meeting per Government code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. September 18, 1991 CITY OF AANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Aecul ar Heetinc A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, September 18, 1991, i.n the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Tha meeting waa called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. PYeaent weY9 Councilmembets: William J. Alexander, Charles J. Buquet II, Diane Williams, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Andrew Arezyneki, Deputy City Attorney; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Olen Jones, Sr. RDA Analyst; LeAnn Smothers, RDA Analyst; Jan Reynolds, Assistant ADA Analyst; Tarry Smith, Park Planning/Development Superintendent; Bcad eullerr City Planner; Larry Hende[son, Principal Planner; Scott Murphy, Associate Planner; Joe O•Neil, City Rnqineer; Joe Stofe, Associnte Engineer; Jim Martin, Plan Check Coordinator; Joe Schultz, Community Serv lceb Director; Paula Pachon, Management Analyst II; Jim Hari, Administrative Services Director; Diane O'Neal, Management Analyei II; Susan MLekey, Management Analyst I; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. S. ANNOVNCEMENTS/PR6 SENTATIONS B1. Presentation of Proclamation Commemorating the 200th Annivereaty of the 8111 of Rights. Mayor Stout presented the Proclamation to Joe Schultz, Community Services Director. . ~ . . . x C. COlBAUNICATIONS PROM THE PUBLIC No communication was made from the public. • • R City Council Minutee September 18, 1991 Page 2 D. CONSENT CALENDAR Jack Lam, City Manager, stated Item D16 should be removed from the agenda until such time ae it was ready to come back to the Council. D1. Approval of Minutee: July 25, 1991 August 7, 1991 Eeptember 4, 1991 D2. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noa. 8/30/91, 9/4/91 and 9/11/91] and Payroll ending 8/29/91 For the total amount of $3,701,792.40. 03. Approval to receive and file current Inveetment Schedule ae of August 31, 1991. D4. Approval o£ the Banner Administrative Procedure and Bonne[ Applicaiione ae recommended by the Patk and Recreation Camnieelon. RHMOVBD FOR DISCU88I0N BY MAYOR BTOUT. D5. Approval of Contract Agreement and Sports Field S Facilities Handbook ae recommended by the Park and Recreation Commission. D6. Approval to destroy records and documents which are no longer requlzed ae provided under Government Code Section 34090. RESOLUTION NO. 91-263 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DEBTAVCTION OF CITY RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS WHICH ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED AS PROVIDED UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 D7. Approval io receive Tract Mape 14379 and 14380 (Tenta[ive Tract 13527) for filing by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, that Bald Tracts are located on the northwest corner of Etiwanda Avenue and 24th Street and ere submitted by Watt Inland Empire, Incorporated. RESOLUTION NO. 91-264 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECEIVING TRACT MAPS 14379 AND 14380 (TENTATIVE TRACT 13527) FOR FILING D8. Approval of amended San Bernardino county schedule A for Law Enforcement Services for the City of Rancho Cucamonga in the amount of $6,686,110.00 D9. Approval to Award and Auihorizat ion for execution for the Landscape and Irrigat Lon Maintenance Contract (CO 91-062) for Landscape Maintenance District Noe. 7 and 8 to Mariposa Horticultural EnterprLee s, Incorporated of Irwindale, CaliEoxnia for the Amount of $14,192.76, to be funded by Account No. 47-4130-6028 and 48-4130-6028 (Fiscal Year 1991/92). City Council Minutes September 18, 1991 Page 3 D30. Approval of and authorization to execute an Annual Street Striping Contract (CO 91-063) in accordance with price schedule submitted by Orange County Striping Service, Incorporated, to De funded from Gas Tax, Account No. 09-4637-6028, Contract Services (Fiscal Year 1991/92). nil. Approval to execute an agreement (CO 91-064) granting Right of First Refusal to the San Bernardino Spirit for lease of the stadium facility to be constructed ae part of the Raneno Cucamonga Sports Complex. 032. Approval to authorize the execution of Professional Services Agreements with Wagner Pacific Incorporated (CO 91-065) and Associated Engineers (CO 91-066) for Ninor Capital improvement Project Design Surveying and Conetrucelon Staking at various locations Citywide, Fiscal Years 1991/92 and 1992/93, to be funded from the approprLate CapLtal Improvement Project Accounts at the Specified Rates. D 13. Approval to authorize the execution of Professional Services Agreements with Schae Efer Dixon (CO 91-067) and AMA Croup (CO 91-068) for Minor Capital Improvement Project Soils and Asphalt Testing at various locations Citywide, Piecal Years 1991/92 and 1992/93, to be funded from the appropriate Capital Improvement Project Accounts at the Specifietl Rates. 014. Approval io execute a Subreclpient Agreement (CO 91-069) with the Etiwanda Historical Society utilizing Community Development Block Grant Funds for rehabilitation of the Chaffey-Garcia Houe4. D16. Approval to execute ImprovemenC Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Heintenance Dietri et No. 4 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Noe. 1 and 4 for Coyote Canyon school, locatetl south o£ Terra Vista Parkway, east of Spruce Avenue, euhmltted by Lewis Nome9 of California. RESOLUTION NO. 93-265 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR COYOTE CANYON SCHOOL RESOLUTION NO. 91-266 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AANCy0 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, OROERI NG THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 FOR COYOTE CANYON SCHOOL YC- ~I .~L n - "(--Fen6aea~` ITEN AENOVED FEON AGENDA. City Council Minutes September 18, 1991 Page a D17. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for DR EB-11 located on the southwest corner of Vineyard Avenue end San Bernardino Road submitted by Edward R. Combs. RESOLUTION NO. 91-268 A RESOLUTION OP TNH CITY COUNCIL OP THH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING 1MPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DR BB-11 D18. Approval tc accept Improvement e, Release o£ Bonds and Notice of Completion for Victoria Planned Coaaaunity•e Master Tract 13279, location bounded by Highland Avenue on the north, Base Line Road on the south, Deer Creek Channel On the west, and Rochester Avenue on the Best. Release: Faithful Performance sonde totalling $5,864,427.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bonds totalling $ 586,443.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-279 A RESOLUTION OF THfi CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PCBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR MASTER TRACT 13279 ANB AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POA THE WORX D19. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Traci 13644, located on the southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Vista Grave Street. Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) S 496,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 49,600.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-270 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TXE CLTY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13644 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORE 020. Approval to accept Impcovement e, Release of Sonde and Notice of Completion £or Parcel Mep 11891, located on Milliken Avenue between Arrow Nighwey and ,lereey Boulevard. City Counml Minutes September 18, 1991 Page 5 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (St rest) $2,250,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 225,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-271 A AESOLVTION OP TH8 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL NAP 11893 AND AUTHORISING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORA D21. Approval to Release Ceah Bonds for DA 88-OB, located on the north aide of 7th Street between Hellman and Archibald Avenues for Golden Weet Propert iee. Aeleaee: Faithful Performance Caeh Bond 5 6,862.00 Labor and Material Caeh Bond $ 3,431.00 022. Approval to Release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 13541, located en Sierra Vista Stree[ south of Camino Sur. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 8,100.00 D23. Approval to Accept the Milliken Avenue Median Improvement, from 4th to 6th St taste and City Entry Monument, Contract No. 90-003, ae Complete, Release the Bonds end Authorize the City engineer !o fLle a "Notice of Complet ton". RESOLUTION NO. 91-272 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCMO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PVBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR MILLIREN AVENUE MEDIAN IMPROVBMENT, FROM 4TH TO 6TH STREETS AND CITY ENTRY MONUMENT, CONTRACT NO. 90-003 AND AUTHORIZING THfi FILING OF A NOTICE OF CCMPLETION FOR THE WORE MOTION: Roved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to approve the Coneeni Calendar with the exception of Items D4 and D16. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. RRRRRR DISCUSSION OP ITEM D4. Approval of the Banner Adminiat [alive Procedure sad Banner Applieetiosa as recommended by the Park sad Recreation Couiasion. Mayor Stout euggeated wording be added in the policy eo that a banner could be read be vehicles driving by at 30 - 35 miles per hour. MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Buquet to approve item D4. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. R R R R R R 6. CONSENT ORDINANCES No Items Submitted. City Council Minutes September 18, 1991 Page 6 • ~ • . F. MVBRTISBD PUBLIC 9EARIN09 F1. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1990 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODB_AND LOCAL MODS PICAT IONS THERETO - Reconmendation for second read Lng of Ordinance No. 311-A adopting the 1990 National Electrical Code and approval of Aeeolut Lan Making Express Findings of Need for Local Modifications thereto. Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing wee closed. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 311-A. ORDINANCB NO. 311-A (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TAB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP AANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 15.24 ELECTRICAL DOE, OP THE AANCNO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODES AND ADOPTING SY REFERENCE TN6 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1990 BDITION; WITH CERTAIN AMENDMENTS, ADDITIONSr DELETIONS AND EXCEPTIONS TO SAID CODE MOTION: Moved by Suquet, seconded by Williams to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 311-A. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. RHSOLUTION N0. 91-273 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING E%PA6SS FINDINGS OF NEED FOR LOCAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE ETATE RUILD ING STANDARDS CODE MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to approve Resolution No. 91-273. Motion carr;.ed unenimousl y, 5-O. • . ~ ~ • ~ F2. SIDERATION TO V CATS TION OF 5TH STR E L ATED ST O W VA ENUE Staff report presented by Jae Stof a, Associate Bngi near. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public Rearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. AE SOLUTION N0. 91-274 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO RE VACATED, A PORTION OF 25TH STREET LOCATED WHET OF HTIWANDA AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 30 FEET WIDE AND 1,092 PHET LONC, APN NO. 225-082-01 City Council Minutes September 18, 1991 Page 7 MOTION: Hovel by Wright, seconded by Williams to approve Resolution No. 91-274. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. . • • . . . Ztem F4 was heard at this time, but the minutes will remain in agenda order. x ~ P3. CONS IDEAATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND POINT OF INTEREST 91 02 POR THE LAFOURCADE STORE - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA - Consideration of an application to designate the LaFOUrcade Store ee an Historic Point of Interest and review the level of appropriate mltigatlone for the demolition of the structure located at 13871 Foothill Boulevard - APN: 229-011-30. Staff recommends issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration. Staff report presented by Larry Hentlerson, Principal Planner. Hayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council were: Michael Scadifio, representing the Maei family, thanked staff for the great report end felt it was very thorough. He stated that philosophically they agreed with staff's recommendation. He stated they are anxious to get the Cowgirl torn down, which would be within a few weeks. He added they are interested in continuing the history of this location. He stated they are requesting they be allowed to spend the $10,000.00 on sculpture for a piazza which would 6e on the Me91 Family Bite, instead of apendtng the money ae staff was requesting for the Chaffey-Garcia House. He added that staff was requesting an engineer be present when removing the tlecorat ive parapet on the front, and felt a skillful mason could handle this along with a City Engineer. He stated with regards to the $5,000.00 to oral history, he added the Maei Family would like to see Jennie Maei interviewed, who ie 82 years old. Ne stated they would like to keep all of the costa ae low ae possible so the}- can put any extra money back into the site, Jack Masi stated hie parents purchased this Bite in 1951 and continued to give Further tnforma[ion about the history of the Bite. He also talked about the piazza they wanted to construct. He stated they woultl like to put money Into a pLazza instead of donating it to the Chaffey-carets House. Councilmember Alexander asked iE he would retain cwnerehip of the property. Mr. Haei atatetl yea. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Councilmember Buquet atatetl he felt the City should work with the Maei'e, but did not want it to alt there and get loaded with 9reffit 1. He also agreed with the trLggering mechanism as recommended by staff. City Council Minutes September 1H, 1991 Page 8 Councilmemaer Alexander stated he would like to see the City continue the team effort with the Hasi's. Mayor Stout felt the facade was salvageable, and that if it could 6e, then eo be it. He felt if ii could not be salvaged, then some type of replica should be built in its place. He felt the au9geetiona of the $30,000.00 end $5,000.00 should be kept ae ie. He felt the building should be removed. Councilmember Williams agreed with the 510,000.00 to be used for the museum and felt the museum was vital. she also agreed with the proceee for the oral interviews. She felt the building should come down as soon ae possible. Councilmember Wright stated she agreed with moat everything that has been mentioned, Dut felt there should be a way to require that the City be involved in some sort of use of the money on the site because she felt there shoo ld be a well-done historical memorialization on this site, and wondered if there could be something created in an agreement far this. She stated she understood from them that they were probably going to put In more than the $10,000.00, end felt it would 6e appropriate to agree to something if they would go back to the original HPC recommendation of $25,000.00 output and do some kind of memoriallzation on the site which would require City approval. She stated she agreed with the oral history program and felt a compromise could b¢ made if Jack Masi would give an interview along wleh JennLe Masl, and then the amount for the oral history interviews could be reduced to $2,500.00. Andrew Aic zynski, Deputy CLty Attorney, stated there is the opportunity Co change the Reeolut ion as the proceee goes along. Mayor Stout euggeated Item 3 be modified Lo eliminate the etzucturel engineer. Larry Nentlereon, Principal Planner, euggeated Lf the engineer ie eliminated, there be drawings of the facade made eo that it could be reconstructed if eomethLng happens to it. RESOLUTION NO. 91-275 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST 91-02 DESIGNATING THE LAPOURCADE STORE, LOCATED AT 11871 POOTHILL 80ULEVARD, AS A POINT OP INTEREST AND CERTIFICATION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR DEMOLITION OF THE STRUCTURE - APN: 229-011-30 MOTION= Moved by Alexander, seconded by Hright to approve Re¢olut ion No. 91-275 ae amended. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Mayor Stout euggeated that the Historic Preservation Commission and the Planning Commission work together on the types of on-a lte items that were ment Loned. R R} R R R City Council Minutes September 18, 1991 Page 9 F4. CONS ERATIO OP ASS SS NT AND DEVE OPNENT IST ICT AMENDMENT 91 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A iequeet to amend the Development Districts Hap from "OP" (Office Professional) to ^FBSP" (Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan) for a parcel coneieting of approximately 8.3 scree located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227-152-18 and 30. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Staff report presented by Scott Murphy, Associate Planner. Mayor Stoui opened the meeting for public hearing. There Deing no response, the public hearing was closed. Debra J. Ad~.ma, City Clerk, read the titles of Ordinance Noe. 456, 457, 458 and 459. ORDINANCE NO. 456 (Ei rat reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 91-03, AMENOINC THB DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM "OP" (OFPICE PROPESSIONAL) TO "FBSP" (POOTH ILL BOULBVARD SPECIFIC PLAN) FOA A PARCEL CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 8.3 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ewa'H 1LL BOVLEVARD AND ROCHESTER AVENUE, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOP - APN: 227-152-18 AND 3D MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to waive full read in9 and set second reading of Ordinance No. 456 for October 2, 1991. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan to include a parcel coneieting of approximately 8.3 acres at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard end Rochester Avenue within Subarea 4 and establish standards for development - APN: 227-152-1B an 30. SC¢ff recommends ie nuance of a Negative Declaration RESOLUTION NO. 91-276 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 91-01, AMENDING THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCLUDE A PARCEL CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 8.3 ACRES AT THE NORTHEAST CORNEA OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND ROCHESTER AVENUE WITHIN SUBAREA 4 AND ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOA DEVELOPMENT, AND MAEING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-152-18 AND 30 MOTION: Moved by Ruquet, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 91-276. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. City Council Minutes September 18, 1991 Page 10 CONSIDERATION OP ENVIRONMENTAL A SESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to establish centaln etreetecapa and Bite design standards coneietent with the Poothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Terra Vista Planned community. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ORDINANCE NO. 457 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TERRA VISTA COlDfUNI TY PLAN AMENOMENT 93-01 ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STABSTSCAPE AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS CONSISTENT WITH THE POOTNILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN POR THAT PORTION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD WITHIN THE TERRA VIBTA PLANNED COMMUNITY, AND HARING PINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Baguet, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and set eecontl reading of Ordinance No. 457 for October 2, 1991. Motion Carried unanimously, 5-0. NOME 1 O O G - A request t0 establish certain etreetacape and site design etanderde coneietent with the Poothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Victoria Planned Community. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ORDINANCE NO. 458 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STREETSCAP6 AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS CONSISTENT WITH THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN FOR THAT PORTION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD NITNIN THE VICTORIA PLANNED COMMUNITY, AND MAKING FINDINGS TN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded Dy Alexander to waive full reading end set second reading o£ Ordinance No. 458 Eor October 2, 1991. Mol ion carded unanimouslyr 5-O. CONSIDERATION OP ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL-SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04 CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA - A reque et to establish certain etreetecape end Bite design atandartle coneietent with the Poothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of eoothlll Bou levnrd within the Industrial Area Specific Plan. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declereiion. City Council Minutes September 18, 1991 Page 11 OAOI NANCE NO. 4H9 (firer reading) AN OAD INANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNS CTTY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AHENDtffiNT 93-04, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STREETSCAPS AND SITE DSSIGN STANDARDS CONSISTENT WITH THE FOOTHILL ROUI.I:VARD SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THAT PORTION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD WITHIN TFiE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Buquet, aecontled by Alexander to waive full reading and net second reading of Ordinance No. 659 for October ~, 3991. Motion carried unanimously, 5-O, No It ema Submitted. No Items Submitted. R R R R R R 6. PUBLIC HEARIMGB I R R R R R B. CITY MANAOER'8 eTAPP REPORTB R R R R R R 2. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1. REVIEW OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COHMISSYON (ORAL REPORT) Mayor Stout asked if all Councllmembere had had the opportunity to review the report thaC he and Councilmember Wright had prepared in August regarding this matter. The Council confirmed they had read it. Mayor Stout stated the Yecommendation of the Subcommittee Se to modify the Commission, with the re-evaluation of the make-up of the Commission membership, and limiting the Conmlieeion to five members, and that all members of the present Commission would be invited to reapply and would be interviewed with the other applicants from the public. MOTION: Moved by Buguet, seconded by Alexander to approve the recommendation of the Suhconunittee ae stated above by Mayor Stout. Mot Lon carried unanimously, B- 0. R R R R R R I2. SCU SI T 0 CT AR ROJ T Staff report presented by Risk Gomez, Community Dev¢lopment Director. City Council Minutes September 1H, 1991 Page 32 Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public comments. Addressing the City Council woe: Roeey McCObb stated her biggest concern and also that of the reeidente that live in the Victoria Groves community was the increase in their assessment. She felt the reeidente near to the Lakes project would benefit by that project, but did not necessarily feel it would benefit her area because they were not close enough to it. She asked that the Victoria reeidente be kept informed of what is going on with the Lakes project. Mayor Stout stated when Victoria was originally planned there was a goal to set up a certain number of park acreage per thousand reeidente. He adtled in order to fulfill that requirement, the William Lyon Company hoe to construct, in this location, 25 acres of either combination lakes/parka or just park land. Ne stated they have waited until the last ^village" to build the largest park for a total of 25 acres. It stated in the original concept all of the park land would have been spread equally if it had been just normal park land of 25 scree eo that the aeaeeemente in the Groves area woo ltl have been equal to Lhat in the Lakes area. He stated by having this a park/lake type of concept you can distinguish Lt from a normal perk and say it hoe a lot of benefit the closer you are to the lake. He stated obviously the people closer to the lake will have more benefit. He felt this was an improvement to the assessment situation. Councilmember Wright asked Me. McCObb if when she purchased her home in Victoria, was she aware she would be assessed additionally for future parka. Ha. McCOhb stated it was presented to the homeowners that they would pay aeaeeemente because they did have added land in the paseoe and the parka and that they had the proximity of the Victoria Crovee Park to their home. She stated when she bought she did not feel it was clearly presented !o them that the parka were City/public parka, and stated it was presented to them that they were the reeidente' parka in their area. She stated thin was a miaunderetanding ae to what this truly meant. She stated they were told there were aeaeeemente, that there were no association fees, but it was not explained how they would increase ae additional parka were built. CouncilmemDer Wright asked if when they were given the whole picture ae io what their taxes would be for the year, was it indicated that those aeaeeemente would increase ae amenit tee developed. Me. HcCObb statetl it was presented that they did have assessment a, and that nothing was explained that the aeaeeemente would increasn. There being no further response, Mayor Stout cloeetl the public comment a. Councilmember Wright stated she placed this on the agenda because the City Council hoe not heard about this project since Deborah Brown left the Council, and felt the current Council shoo ld be kept informed. she elated eha wonted the public to have the opportunity to express themselves about this before the project ie at the ^point of no return.^ She added Me. McCObD'e comments about the aeaeeament increases were of concern to her. City Council Minutes September 18, 1991 Page 13 Mayor Stour suggested the Lakes Subcommittee be re-established because it had not been in existence since Deborah Broun had left the Council. Councilmember euquet suggested Councilmember Nilliame jaln him in the Subcommittee. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Stout to receive and file the report and for the Subcommittee of Baguet end Williams to continue working on this project and keep iha entire Council updated. Motion carried unanimously, $-0. • ~ . : x . Item F3 was heard at this time, but the minutes will remain in agenda order. R • • • • Ii I3 prevented by Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager. Staff report Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public comments. Addressing the City Council wd0: Anita Nidd, owner of property within the proposed CFO, stated that her taxes would Lncreese by 57,000.00 to $8,000.00, to approxtmately $275,000.00. Mayor Stout advised thei there would be a public hearing on Lhie matter at the November 6, 1991 meeting. There being no further response, Mayor Stout closed the public comments. RESOLUTION NO. 91-277 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONOA, CALIPORN IA, TO ESTABLISH COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT N0. 91-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND TO AUTHORIZE THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL TAX WITHIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 9i-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CVCAHONGA RESOLUTION ND. 91-278 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCBED $55,000,000.00 WITHIN PROPOSED COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Alexander to approve Aeeolut ion Noe. 93- 277 and 91-278. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. City Council Minutes September 18, 1991 Page la • • • • • I4. RBPORT ON TH8 CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN FOR A C ON P V TO ADDRR$S THR NRF Op NO 7WID P VI StefE report presented by IsAnn Saathere, RDA Melynt, who also presented a video. Councilmember Alexander eteted ha would like to see this pursued. Councilmember Buquet felt a regional approach should be taken in order to do something to Delp this problem. Ne offered hie time Co help pursue Chie. CouncilniemDez will tame felt Rancho Cucamonga has an obligation to its ree ideate to help thine. Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager, stated staff would present the program to the City Council as Lt ie developed. • f f • • R J. IDBNTI FICTION OF ITRM9 FOR N6ZT 101' INo Jl. Councilmen~ber Nright stated she would like a report on the Cheffey-Garcia House barn area with an opportunity to take some sort of a formal action to support what the Council's Sntent ie for this project. R • R R COMIRINIGTIOR9 PROM TNB PL Z No communication was made from the public. R • R • • ! I.. ADJOURNMENT NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded Dy Williams to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously, B-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk APProved: October 2, 1991 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COONCIL MINVTBS Aewlar Meetinc A. CULL TO ORDER A regular meeting o£ the Rancho Ncamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, October 2, 1991, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, Cal ifornla. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p. m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmember e: William J. Alexander, Diane Williams, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Hanager; James Hackman, City Attorney; Linda D. Danlela, Deputy Cify Manager; Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Meneger; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Brad Buller, Clty Planner? Larry Hentlereon, Principal Planner; Richard Alcorn, Code finforcement Supervisor; Joe O•Neil, City Engineer; Joe Stofa, Associate Engineer; Vicki Dey, Engineering Technician; Duane Baker, Aeeist ant to the City Manager; Chief Donnie Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Diaitict; Capt. Bruce 2einer, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adema, City Clerk. Absent was Counci lmember: Charles J. euquet R • • • • • B. ANNOIINCEMBNTS/PA69ENTATIONB 83. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated Consent Calendar Item D4 would be removed at this time and would come back to the City Council et a future meeting. B2. Jack Lam, City Manager, requested an Executive Beee icn to die ca se personnel matters and contract services. • R 1 } • R C. COMMUNICATIONS fRON TBE PUBLIC C1, Ph 11 Deatherage, 6564 Et iwanda, asked that the Clty Council join the American Legion at the crape Harvest Festival in dietriDuting drug free posters. City Council Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 2 D CONSENT CALENDAR D1. Approval of Warrant e, Register Noe. 9/18/91 and Payroll ending 9/12/91 for the total amount of $676,316.08. D2. Approval to execute an Agreement (CO 91-072) wish Undexwritez fot services aeeociated with ieeuance of Banda for Community Pacilit ice District No. 91-1. D3. Approval to summarily vacate a portion of the eoutheaet corner of Milliken Avenue end Terra Vista Parkway, northwest corner of Spruce Avenue and Church Street and northwest corner of Elm Avenue and Church Street requested by Lewis Homes of California (APN: 227-I51-22, 1077-421-58, 1077-421-62). RESOLUTION NO. 91-280 A AHSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPORNIA, SVMMARILY ORDERING TH8 VACATION OP A PORTION OP TNB SOUTHEAST CORNER OP MILLIREN AVENUE AND THRRA VISTA PARKWAY, NORTHWEST CORNER OF SPRUCE AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET, NORTHWEST CORNER OF ELM AVENUE AND CHURCN STREET, AND SOUTHEAST CORNBA OP SPRVCE AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET - APN: 227-151-22, 1077-421-58, 1077-421-55 AND 1077-421-62 __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ ITEM REMOVED 17tON AGENDA. O5. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extene ion for Tract 10246 located on the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and Hllletde Road, submitted by JCR Development. City Council Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 93-283 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVSHENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECUNITY POR TRACT 10246 D6. Approval to accept Improvements, Release of Ronde and Notice of Completion for Tract 12820, and Approval io accept Landscape Improvement e, and reduction of Faithful Performance Bond for Tract 33727. Both Tracts are located on the south aide of Highland Avenue between Carnelian Street and Jasper Street. Tract 12820 Release: Faithful Performance Bond $412,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond $ 41,200.00 Tract 13727 Release: Faithful Performance Bond $146,000.00 Accept: Reduced Pa ithful Performance Bond $ 19,600.00 RESOLVTION NO. 91-284 A A850LUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF IUINCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12820 AND AUTHORIZING THE PILING OF A NOTICE OP COMPLETION FOR THE NORR D7. Approval to Release the Improvement Security for Landscaping nlong 24th Street across the San Sevalne Waeh for Traci Noe. 13566-I and -3 accepted by city Council on October 4, 1989, requested by The caryn Development Company. Release: Faithful Performance Bond $179,000.00 Labor and Materials Bond $ 87,500.00 AESOLVTION N0. 91-285 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIAr RELEASING THE IMPROVSHENT SECURITY POA THE LANDSCAPING ALONG 24TH BTREET ACROSS THE EAN SEVAINE WASH FOR TRACT NOS. 13566-1 AND -3 PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL D8. Approval to accept Improvement e, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for DR BB-2R located on the southeast coiner Of Spruce Avenue and White Oak AVenee. Aeleaee: Faithful Per Eormance Bond (Street) $ 20,000.00 City Council Ninutee October 2, 1991 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 91-286 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IHPROVBMENTS FOR DA 88-28 AND AUTHORISING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POA THE WORK D9. Approval to release the Improvement Agreement and Security for Improvements to Church Street from Spruce Avenue to elm Avenue accepted by City Council on September 19, 1990, eubmltted by Levels Homes of California. Release: Peithful Performance Bond $508,000.00 Labor and Materials Bond $256,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-287 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI PORNIA, RELEASING TN8 IHPROVBMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITY PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO CHOACN STREET PROM SPRUCE AVBNVE TO ELM AVENUE D10. Approval to release Maintenance Bond for Tract 11606 located on the south aide of 19th Street between Haven Avenue and Inyo Place. Releaeee Maintenance Guarantee Sand (Street) $ 55,400.00 Nalntenanca Guarantee Bond (Storm $ 5,600,00 Drain) D11. Release of Maintenance Rond for Tract 13559 located on Sierrn Crest View Loop at Mt. Wilson Court and White Mountain Court. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 19,600.00 012. Release of Maintenance Bond for Parcel Map 9192 Landscape, located on the northwest corner of Highland Avenue and Rochester Avenue. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $144,361.00 D13. Approval to Release Faithful Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond, and to accept the Maintenance Bond for the Cucamonga Elementary School Fiald Improvement Ptoj act, Sunr tae Land ecape Company, Incorporated, Contract No, 90- 095. MOTION: Moved by Alexenderr seconded by Willieme to approve the Consent Cfllendar with the exception of Item D6. yotion carried unanimously, 6-0-1 (Buquat absent), • • w City Council Mlnutee October 2, 1991 Page 5 B. CONSENT ORDTNANCBe E1. CO T P TRI OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA - A request to amend the Developoent Districts Hap from "OP" (Office Professional) to ^FBSP" (Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan) fora parcel coneistinq of approximately 8.3 scree located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227-152-3E and 30. Staff raconvnende issuance of a Negative Declaration. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, reatl the title of ordinance No. 466. ORDINANCE NO. 456 (second reading) AN ORDINANCH OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DHVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 91-01, AMENDING THE DfiVfiLOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM "OP" (OFFICB PROFESSIONAL) TO "FBSP" (FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN) FOR A PARCEL CONSISTING OF APPAO%IMATELY 8.3 ACRES LOCATED AT THfi NORTHEAST CORNER OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND ROCHESTER AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THBREOP - APN: 227-152-18 AND 30 MOTION: Roved by Wright, eeconded by Williams to waive full reading end approve ordinance No. 456. Notion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to set aDlish cerinin etrestecape antl site design standards consistent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Terre Vista Planned Community. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 457. ORDINANCE NO. 957 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STAEETSCAPE AND SITE OES IGN STANDARDS CONSISTfiNT WITH THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN POR THAT PORTION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMMUNITY, AND RAKING FINDINGS IN SVPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Wright, eeconded by Williams to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 657. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). CONSIDERATION F ENV IRO ENTA SESSHENT VIC I OMMUN Y AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A Yeque et to eeteblieh certain etreetecape and Bite design etanderde consistent with the Foothill Boulevard Spec Lfic Plen for theta portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Victoria Planned community. Staff recommends issuance of n Negative Declaration. City Council Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 6 Debra J. Aflame, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No, 458. ORDINANCE NO. 458 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STREETSCAPE AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS CONSISTENT WITH THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN POA THAT PORTION OP FOOTHILL BOULEVARD WITHIN THE VICTORIA PLANNED COMMUNITY, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOP MOTION: Moved by Wri9hG, seconded by Williams to waive full reading and approve ordinance No. 658. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Baguet absent). CONS DERATION OF ENVI ONMENTAL S SS ENT D INDUSTRI SP C IC P AN E MEN 91 04 OF O CVC NG - A request to set aDlieh certain etreetacape and Bite design standards consistent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Industrial Area Specific Plan. Staff reconmenda issuance of a Negative Declaration. Debra J. Aflame, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 459. ORDINANCE NO. 459 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INO USTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STAEETSCAPE AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS CONSIBTENT WITH THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIPIC PLAN FOR THAT PORTION OF FOOTHILL ROVLSVARD WITNTN THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN, AND MARI NC FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTIONS Moved by Wright, aecontled by Williams to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 459. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (august absent ). • R / R f F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC BEARINGS P1. CONTINUATION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING FOA THE PROFOSED VACATION OF AN ALLEY LOCATED SOUTH OP NINTX STREET FROM VINMAR TO SIERRA MADRE AVENUES (COntisusd from Septesber 4, 1991) Staff report presented by Duane Baker, Assistant to the City Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was cloeetl. Mayor Stout stated he still felt public access in this alley-way was one of the major problems. He felt 1t was unnecessary for the City Co have to maintain this ae a public alley-way. Ne hoped that a solution woultl be worked out that would deny public access through that alley-way. Ha felt if the residents that Live City Council Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 7 adjacent to this need backyard acceee, this would need to be provided in some way. He suggested if the residents wished, they could gate this area to be a private alley-way so they could use it for backyard acceee. Councilmember Alexander stated he would be in favor of allowing the right-of-way to go back to the ownership of those properties to make it part of their backyard. xe also mentioned Councilmember Buquet had brought up the Seeue at a previcue meeting about the area being gated off and how this may affect police entrance if needed. Councilmember Wright stated she did not think fencing It off on either end was the answer. She felt the City should cons inue pursuing a solution to try to have the entire area go back to private property. ACTION: Council concurred for staff to keep working on this matter with the residents to come up wish a solution to the alley-way problem. R R R R • • F2. CONSIDERATION TO VACATE A SIDEWA<E BASEMENT LOCAT D B TWEEN 9415 AND 942 PALO ALTO STREET. AT THE TERMINVS OF LAYTON ETRSET Staff report presented by Vicki Day, Engineering Technician. Mayor Stout asked if legally the way this was eetaDliahedr would the vacation become legally complete at the time the improvements are complete. Vicki Day, Engineering Technician, stated no, that the vacation would happen immediately antl would be divided between the iwo parcels. She etatetl the residents to the east have no interest in the four Eeet they would get, eo they would quick claim it to the Sokol off •s who would make the improvements immediately. Mayor Stout asked what the enforceabil Lty was once this ie vacated. James Markman, city Attorney, stated once the vacation was recorded, the city would not own the easement and ii ie the residents' property. Mayoz Stcut asked if the City could give them the right io make the improvements and then at the completion of the improvements make the vacation effective at that time. James Markman, City Attorney, stated yea, if that was the Council's desire. Mayor Stout stated he would like to see the walkway out of that area completely. James Markman, City Attorney, euggestetl the Council approve the Reeolutionr but for et aff not to record the vacation document until the improvements have been made. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for pub llc hearing. Addressing the City Council were: City Council Minutes October 2, 1991 Page S Steve Sokoloff, 9415 Palo Alto, pointed out to the Council they had been given n copy of a petition supporting the closure of the walkway and that they agreed with the recommendation made by Mayor Stout. Crag Anderson, 7484 Layton, stated he was concerned about the fencing of the Junioz High School. HB eiated there was a gateway at the Dack of the Junior High that needs to De closed off, otherwise he fell the students would have access back there. Vicki Day, Engineering Technician, eiated it was her understanding that the property owners had been In contact with the Principal of the Junior High School and that the school felt It was their fencing and woultl be willing to take it down right away. She stated the new gated area would ba from the Corner of the existing block wall to the point at the northeaei corner. She eCeied she did not think the Children would be able to access that area at all because of the now block wall and the dead specs blocked off. Theta Deinq no further response, the public hearing was closed. James Markman, City Attorney, eug9eaied Section 3 of the Resolution should be changed to read "The concrete sidewalk within the easement area shall De removed and the walkway closed off prior to recordation of the vacation." RESOLUTION NO. 91-288 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO 8E VACATED A SIDEWAL% EASEMENT LOCATED EETWEEN 9415 AND 9425 PALO ALTO STA88T, AT THE TERMINUS OF LAYTON STREET MOTION: Moved Dy Stout, seconded Dy Alexander to approve Resolution No. 91-288 ae amended by the City Attorney. Motion carried unanimcusly, 4-0-I (Baguet absent). w • w • • ~ F3. CON DE ON TO VACAT RECORD D OFP OP D TIO R A A IO MIGNONETTE STREET AND RELEASE OF A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FOA 4260 MIGNONETTE STREET Staff report presented by Joe Stofe, Associate Engineer. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council woe: Steve Butters eiated he concurred with staff's recortmendatlon. Thera being no further response, Che public hearing was closed. City Council Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 9 RESOLUTION NO. 91-289 A RESOLUTION OB THE CITY COVNCIL OF THS CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO 86 VACATED A RECOIID&D OPPER OF DEDICATION FOR A PORTION OF MIGNONETTE STREET FAOH RELLMAN AVENVE WESTERLY INCLUDING THE PARTIAL CVL-DE-SAC - APN 202- 041-57 AND E8 MOTION: Moved by Wright, eecontled by Alexander to approve Reeolut ion Nc. 91-289. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). • R R • R R Items F4, PS, G2 and G3 were considered et the same time. P4. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE ANNE%ATIDN OF TERRITORY TO TNB LAW ENFORCEMENT CPD eE-2 AND AUTHOR IEING SUBMITTA4 OP LEVY OP SPECIA_ TA%ES TO TH6 OUALIFIED ELECTOR$ Staff report presented by Duane Baker, Aseiatant to the City Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the CLiy Council wee: Craig Page, Ahmanson Company and also representing Watt Inland Empire, erased both companies supported the elect ion for the comnuniiy Facilities DieCrtct. He stated they also supported the setting of the public hearing for the flood control maintenance. There being no further response, the public hearinq was closed. RESOLUTION NO. 91-290 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OP LEVY OF SPECIAL TA%ES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to approve Reeolut ion No. 91- 290. Motion carried 3-1-1 (Wright no, Buquet ebeent). • R R R F8. PROCEDURES FOR THE ELECTION Staff report presented by Duane Baker, Resistant to the city Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeCing for public hearing. Atldre9eing the City Council wee: city Council Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 30 Craig Page, Ahmanson Company and also representing watt Inland Empire, eteted both companies supported the election Eor the Community Facilities District, He stated they also supported the setting of the public hearing for the flood control maintenance. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. AEEOLUTI ON NO. 91-291 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS IN AN ANNEXED AREA OF A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT A PROPOSITION TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX AND ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND CONDITIONS FOR CONDUCTING AN ELECTION NOTION: Roved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to approve Resolution No. 91- 291. Motion carried 3-1-1 (Wright no, Baguet absent). ~ ~ e • ~ 6. PUBLIC REARINOS G1. CONSIDERATION OF A CONTRACT (CO 91-0731 WITH THE COUNTY OF BAN BERNARDINO FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE COUNTY'S VEHICLE_ ABATEMENT PROGRAM AND ADOPTION OP COUNTX ORD INANCB NO. 3349 RY REFERENCE Staff report presented by Alchard Alcorn, Code Enforcement Bupervisor. Mayor Stout stated according to what he read in the newspaper, the Board of Supervisors has not adopted this program yet antl asked for clarification. Richard Alcorn, Cade Enforcement Supervisor, stated they have not adopted the service authority. Xe added the item before the Council ie a contract antl related Ordinance for participation in a County Vehicle Abatement program. He eteted the service authority which was outlined with this at the previous Council meeting was a separate issue. He stated it was a coat recovery program that relates to vehicle abatement, but was not reletetl to this contractual agreement. Mayor Stout eteted hie only concern was iF the Council adopts this contract and the Boertl of Supervisors changes the other program in some way, would this have to Dome back to the Council to amend this. Richard Alcorn, Code Enforcement Bupervieoz, stated the only affect on the future adoption of the vehicle abatement authority would be additional funding to pay for this program. Mayor Stout opened the meeting far public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. councllmember Wright asked would this in any way create within the County a franchise e6ility £or certain people to perform this service, and Ln effect create a monopoly on who can perform the service of towing. City Council Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 11 James Markman, City Attorney, stated yes, except for the fact there has been a lot of litigation on the requirement that you rotate toeing services, not only far this purpose but for police enforcement services. He stated that the rule of thumb ie that for all potential providers with the facilities to provide this service in the areas and within the response times indicated are all to be on a rotation list. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wzight to approve CO 91-073 with the County of San Bernardino. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (BUquet absent). Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the Preliminary Reading of the title of Ordinance No. dfi0. ORDINANCE NO. 460 (pre liminnry reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, ORDINANCE NO. 3349 OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNAADINO PERTAINING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OP RULES, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES FOR PARTICIPATING IN TH6 VEHICLE ABATEMENT AND REMOVAL PROGRAM OP THE COUNTY OP SAN BEANARDINO, INCLVDSNG THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CERTAIN FEES AND PENALTIES MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to set the public hearing for November 6, 1991 along with the first reading of the Ordinance ei that time. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-3 (BUquet absent). R R R R R f G2. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING MAP SHOWING AREA OF BENEFIT A D ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF_A REPORT IN APGAADS TO A BENEFIT ASSE SMENT DISTRICT FOR DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE AS CONDITIONED ON TENTATIVE TMCT 14139 fAH SOM AND ON TENTATIVE TRACT 13527 !WATT INLAND EMPIRE) Staff report presented by Duane Baker, Aeeietant to the City Manager. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addraeeing the Clty Council was: Craig Page, Ahmanson Company and also representing Watt Inland Empire, stated both companies supported the election for the Community Facilit lee District. He et ated they also supported the setting of the public hearing for the flood control maintenance. There being no further response, the public hearing waa closed. RESOLUTION N0. 91-292 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING AREA OP BENEFIT AND ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF A REPORT City Council Ninutea OcCOber 2, 3991 Page 12 MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to approve Reeolut ion No. 91- 292. Motion carried 3-1-1 (Wright no, Buquet aDeent). . e • • + . G3. report presentetl 6y Duane Baker, Resistant to Lhe city Manager. Staff Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council wae: Craig Page, Ahmanson Company and also repteeantinq Watt Inland Empire, stated botA companise supported the election foz the Comaunity Facilities Di strict. He etnted they also supported the setting of the public hearing for the flood control maintenance. There being no further response, the public hearing wae closed. RESOLUTION NO. 91-293 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, DBCLARING INTENTION TO LEVY ANNUAL BBNEFIT ASSBSSMENTS, SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING, AND APPROVING REPORT OF ENGINEER MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to approve Resolution No. 91- 293. Motion carried 3-1-3 (Wright no, Buquet absent). R } R • • } H. CITY MANAOER'8 9TAFP REPORTS H1. CONS OERATION F FAIT FUL PERFO NC a ND RE CTIO FO RAC 2 LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF SVMMIT AVENUE BETWEEN ETI WANOA AVENUE AND EAET AVENVE SUBMITTED BY FIRST FAMILY HOMES Release: Faithful Performance Bond $326,000.00 Accept: Faithful Performance Bond $112,000.00 Michelle Deiiart, repreeenting First Family Homes, pointed out to the Council thae the Laet two sentences of Che staff report stated, "While the developer is requesting the bond amount be reduced to $67,000.00, staff recommande that the amount be no leas than $112x000.00, due to the fact that the street paving does not meet CLty etandarde.^ Ghe stated elnoe ehie staff report wfle written, they Dava gotten the street paving accepted by the City and presented a letter she had received et at ing ao. She stated they would like the et rest paving eliminated from the bond amount also. City Council Minutes October 2, 1991 Page 33 Jae O•Neil, City Hngineer, stated this wee new information to him and was not aware of the change in request. Mayor Stout asked Me. DeHart to submit the letter from the City Lo Mr. O'Nell. Jack Lam, City Manager, pointetl out that the Council could approve this subject to the city Engineer verifying Chis informal ion on Thursday, October 3rd. Mayor Stout stated he would not approve ibis request anywayr until the improvements are completed at the corner of Beryl and Nillaide. Me. DeHatt ete[ed this tract was not related to Nordic, and that the City staff would verify they have not had any problems with this tract. MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Wright to deny the request. Motion carried unanimously, 6-0-1 (BUquet absent). Councilmember Alexander stated he would like to get some kind of ReeoluL ion ee to the ataiemente made. I COUNCIL BUSINESS I1. REPORT ON THE CHAFFRY-GARCIA HOVSfi Siaff tepori presented by Larry Henderson, Principal Planner. Councilmember Alexander asked when some of the additions to the project are built, ate the contributors given any credit by means of a plaque or ermiething along that line. Larry Henderson, Principal Planner, stated yee, and that he has a video, that he would not show tonight, which does demonstrate this. He stated they are interested in recognizing the donors. Councilniember Wright stated she had hoped Eor was that the Council could develop aome epecif is policy for mitigating historical eiteB. Mayor Stout suggested that Councllmember Wright work with the Historic Preservation Commission and staff to deve Lop thle policy and bring Lt back to the entire Council for approval. Cou ncilmember Wright asked Mr. Henderson to eat this up, that she would be happy to work on this, ACTION: Councilmember Wright to work with the Historic PYe6ervat ion Commies ion and eiaff to develop Che policy for mil Lgating histozical sites. • • x • a City Council Minutee October 2, 1991 Page 14 J IDENTIlICATION O! ITEM9 POR N62T lD:ETINO No items were identified for the next meeting. • • • • ~ x A:. CONNVNICATION9 IRON TR6 PVR.IC No communication was made from the public. • : e . x L. ADJOURNIO:NT MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Wright to race ee to Executive Seeeion Co discuss personnel matters and contract services. Motion carried unanimously, 4- 0-1 (BUquet absent). The meeting recessed at 7:56 p.m., not to reconvene. Respectfully eu~itietl, Debra J. Adams, CMC City Clerk Approved: P W O Y w e oeooe •eNwNOOawhwNeNNN<•eeeesNewoeo+eeeeoenho oooYe elhwfooNanewenweNloNYONSNweoePe oneee nae N ONONO wOawONyMw^+NOOwNhPOn+NM~NwNeNNONNNO•N10 P anONO + N OIOIInONe+w PMaNO10PON+NNnpa N JnNmN•aN•rrwnawVnOPO-1Nw•MIhOwOwNwIMe1-O wO rN nln•I.OwOwN nry:00fOY = O O 'wwrwr+nl NnNnn eP «fi'SL~Z' LSwRwR R wwwwPwwnwwiwwnwwwPwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww >vn~wnNNwNNPwNNNNNNNnNNnNnnNNnNnwNNnNwnNNnNNNNNnnNNNN <10101 • IY Y OY + Y u i ~ h • n a .:~ < ~ iNP 7•N u~a ~e z iY0 W yw OJw V ni `n N N N jj N • N•V YOWnr NNW hYWNO my ~ NN N 1 IN\Jr. +ii N •iM• N 2 • N iN \O M wYLO•JYW• iYL v : yp y rr = VPWi •N<NOO>NI YN• V Y.VVn NP •w Oh =wPNY w2w0 W •fONN V V V J OfV: C O i„ iWMJ w000lPW+Nnf .\ONY: O •r ir.0 h N• h Yh\Wi VS yYJy9•VfUYNWNrf eVh OY y J~C• ! 1L NY _O iN<YII/J(~~\ OyiONOwiYiPY 1YF2YV N i Wyi•IN O •w ~• OlW~+W IY(n.TiiWAy N1LWVMitM~N iw W jN1~V ~ Ww •wH I/FjrWVN~~iiw+rWn~wN•YN .rO w_n r. _ _\ F • LLO lYYNJ.IJNhOwYOWiYfOW ON9Wi • O• w P • O\ i FIIY••N J J JJIL^ O 2 OOw Oi WL Y:N Wi YJwNiMNV•NUNOM iYVNNNYN LLS• M YO Of •f OfWOIHVNNV NNN NPOYNNNS < N ~I SO MWWV V =MJ Jh YWMi t9•t0~.•YOLVWpr01••yUi O i C YV h f W NW Z OYJ<JJNwJ7JNnO..hN9JJriJ YW Y„ Y O wwYY >WJfNWWyrUJVU VNV MIIFN< NVVN..V V>n ~[WO•YNWJw• V J V NSNYi i NM=:VaXO..W iU• O_O_O_O_W O_O_i 0_fO NhWYO_O_Ff 0_ V O • CiN iNhWY •• 2 • Y Y NSW WW O _ O iNOIY M.ia>SOff> SJY00 OOJ7 O~JWOY. »WO'J O •yYOM OWO=Y•~W 1w HrNJ^IYfYMVWVIYWWW>MiYO YW>••MYw > > 1 • OVw YYY O lf••UOVhNZOOrrYf •frrii~f~ LrYWNLY ~. ioi iii .>i Z N Z _ Y_ Z N V O O • r <Z V.. i Z ~J iW ZW N u O NY\N if .~< i > W Vi>Y i01 S• N < e r NN y W • u>\r i. if w Y hYi f • W NIFJ Jy a b. 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IvIry51 Of iRANSAlTOW31 /B \Rf f !%1.00 Xl Btt2Y1t. -... _ 33.t.C LT 1U ~ ' 4 Ne:w d faiiw 16' !. lwaiw M Ydnro-Narh« oM Syan Eo631 LAru1 50. 3u. tl r GIY aM Yp CW Cwwf Narrlu OYYmIp 91]01.... 10iA1 f 133.5• 6 II yramiw, IwrwN, nn rrrrnn.. ao. YS Sb. ivw d Liwnr - Gry l~min> S. Ma11wp Adlm (.l d4.nn1 flan St-NwArr aM flrwl r^r''r•'1 y~ (t[u_ 9. Nwa yw nar Sttn aw•ialad d a Ido^Srl 10. Maw Y^• rear robM wY d IM po~Naw d dr Akde& Arwmya co:wal M w .pubRew el Iln Dparmwnl pr. lar:i:q b Xn Aai 11. [rqun a "123" wmr w Hann y w 10 en w wlwl.nrw wAi[A JWI M 3la.:N aan d Mn applwafw. IZ, Aaplkaw ofran lal ww o:ry :awwp. «nplgN .n on..alr IiwnaA pr:Nw, ..ill Mw ell :Ae awlM<aHwl d a Ikmur, oM ry) IMI M .AI wl nd_oN a caaw w yweD w 4 vwlwN w d Mw panuem d da AlcoM1dic Iwwaya CwMI Acf _ IliV¢elda 9-LS ]5-91 IS. SLATE Of UDfGfMA Cwnry d .......... ...........................Dow......................... ~~~ w ~.rr~~.r ~ n.ISw M rvw.M ]:.`r w r+~dn •r~r ..n~~ ~...mn.n~1. ~~a^+ :+..~ x a, i~..-.x . r ., m~ .r wu,r IA Afyll<Altt m ~I SIGN Nfllf .................................._.....-. ....__._.. _.....y~.r.. ~.:. ........___. ~munna4 n nuHSre~o~ IS. SltlF Ot U1110FN1A cwnry d ...................................... Doe M`M ....w~ N~':.~r .aar: «.~..~ ..~.n ,~..: n ,wu... N ems.-.~.. Fanrwl: M d..........laN a.... fM NW :lr4e plan iF4 Lbw; Fw [Npwnew Uw f)nly AnalAd: ^ SwwAtA wMC« +ti- 4 -i few+wY warn, ^ .................................................._cones NAIIfD ._._....................................._ 6 w J > 6 ro x r ~ ~i o W E 2 J tJ i 6 m W y m N O~ 1p N O~ ~ O 0 0 N N Z ~ 6 N 6 E ro u Ev E O U a O O t L O a L P ~aa z a C N T e v H W O d 6 U v 0 E V U U N W N ~ .~ u Y ~4- W L ro0 E v.~~ O.Y~Or~ O C /O U ro L N •~ ' 6a Y O Y r- C O c ++ h N O N N~~ i~ ro»r~ ~.~ rn roa 3 ~ 3 N O U1 O W £ J Z J O C C c ~~ ~~ Y Y Y N C L J N VI O O O N U1 N2v~W3 r '' .~3 -------- CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONCA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, Pseiat ant to the City Manager SUBJECT: OO88IDSIFATIOR Oi RB60LOTIOM D8C[ARIMO T~ RBSOLTS OF THB BLHCTIOA tOR CPD 88-2 A8NS2ATIDA AO" 1 e~ ,?." - ~•.. , ". It is recommended the City council adopt the attached reaoluCion which will, in accordance with State law, declsre the results of a "Mello Roos Community Facil ltiee Act of 1982" special tax election which woe held on October 9, 1993. sAC7ccROURD Pursuant to contlitiona placed upon tAe developers of the property to the annexation area, the davelopsre have been processing through the City the necessary documents t0 annex to the CPD 88-2 (Law Enforcement). Per prior Council action, all necessary requirements to meet State law have barn met with the election being duly authosi zed by the City Council at its regular meeting held October 2, 1991. After counting the ballots on this election, the City Clerk, acting as the election official, hoe certified that the measure voted upon did receive Che favorable two-thirds vote as required by law and, in fact, received a 1D0% unanimous vote in favor of the measure. If the Ctty Council adopts the attached reeolut ion tonight, they will be cext ify ing these results. fteapectfully submitted, ~~ ~ > Duane A. esker Assistant to the Clty Manager DAB/tlr DAB:976 Attachment RF9JI1/1'ION NO. 91-**~-~ A RESOIUTION OF TfH': CTI'Y N[AJCII. OF THE CITY OF RANCFIO CUCAMCNC'A, CALtFCHd77A, DD3ARDi0 THE RESOLTS OF A "G¢I.T,((t- Ia70.S OCMM84ITY F7ICIISTIES ACf OF 1982" SPDCIAL TAX EIFXTION WHEREAS, the City Caaicil of the City of Ranc3w (hereinr after referred to as the "legislative body of the local Pgerxy"), has previously declared its intmtim and held arcl oor~duc:ted pcnoaedings relating to the anrwomtim of territory to an existug 0.~mity Facilities District pua:ant to the terms and pmvisions of the 'Tfello-ldoos Wrmmity Facilities Act of 1982", bei=g Qiapter 2.5, Part 1, Divisim 2, Title 5 of the Gotcx7unent GUde of the State of California, and specifically Article 3.5 thereof. ~ existing annwiity Facilities District has been desicyiated as CQ49.NITY FACILI7TES DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (herei~fter referred to as the "District"); and WHEREAS, the area proposed to be annexed is known an3 designated as COM9NNTI'Y FACILITTFS DISIRICF N0. 88-2, ANNF]CATION NO. 1 (hereirusrer refesxed to as the ^annexed territory"); and WHEREAS, said legislative body did call for and order to be held an electim to supnit to the qualified voters of the anrexed territory a propositim to levy a special tax in the annexed territory; and WHEREAS, at this time said electim has been held and the meastse voted upm did receive the favorable 2/3's vote of the qualified voters, arcl this legislative body does desire to declare the favorable results of the electim in aavrdanoe With the authoriutim of Sectim 22932 of the Elections Code of the State of California. NOW, TFD32FT•IIRE, the City Cnu~cil of the City of Ranx3w Qx:amorga does hereby resolve as follogs: SECTION 1: that the above recitals are all true and correct, SECMON 2: That this legislative body hereby receives and approves the CFFQTFICATE OF ELECTION OFFICIAI, AND SPATFb¢M` OF VCPES CASE, as sulmitted by the City Clerk, as Electim Official, said Statenent setting foreA the number of votes cast in the electim, the measure voted upm, and the ntanlx~r of votes given for arcl/or against the measure voted upon, A copy of said Certificate and Statement is attadird hereto, marked Exhibit ^A", referenced and so inwrporated. SEY'I'ION 3: That the City Clerk is hereby direcked to enter in the minutes of this meetvg the resulffi of the electim and the StATEtgNI' OF VOTES CAST'. ~~ CAATIPICATH OP HLECTION OPPICIAL AND STATBNENT OP VOTES CAST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARD INO ) ee. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~ I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, ELECTION OFPICIAL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COVNTY OF SAN AERNARDIND, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the provisions of Section 53326 of the Government Code and Division 12, commencing with Section 17000 of the Eleciione Code of the State of California, I did canvass the returns of the votes teat at the CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 8A-2 ANNEAATI ON NO. 1 SPECIAL MAILED BALLOT ELECTION in said City, held October 9, 1991. I FURTHER CERTIFY the[ this Statement of Votes Ceet shows the whole number of votee cast in said District in said City, and the whole number of votes cast for the Measure in Enid Dlet rlct in eaitl City, end the totals of the respective columns and the totals ae shown for the Measure are fully true and correct. TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES CAST: II. TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES POR ]AS ANO AGAINST PROPOSITION At FOR AGAINST O NITNESS my hand and Offic lal Seal this 10Lh day of October , 1991. .R/Yl+e EL CTION OPFI L CITY OF RANCN CUCAMONGA STATE OP CALIPORNIA EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~' DATE: OctobeY 16, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager PROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Oan Coleman, Principal Planner SDHJRCT: TRAILS L~LOmI'TATI01 PLAS - A rnmprehenaive implementation strategy for hiking, riding, and biking trails within the community. RBOOIR®ATIOt: Staff recommends that the Ciiy Council approve the Trails Implementation Plan, as revised, through adoption aE the attached Resolution. BaCRGRDOND: On September a, 1991, the City Council reviewed the Trails Implementation Plan and requested certain revisions. The Council recognized that Che City has a significant investment in the trail system in the form of over 100 miles of existing Regional, Community, and Local Trails. The importance of developing the trail System, in particular bicycle trails, was strea9ed as an alternative tranaportaiion system. The Council requested three primary changes: 1) reflect the City Council's "pay ae you go" phi loeophy, 2) indicate that implementation will be accomplished over the long-term, and 3) emphasize completion of the trail system as development occurs. These changes have been made to the Trails Implementation Plan and are reflected in the attached Resolution. Res lly a tt Hra 11 r Cit Planner BB:DC:is Attachments: Revised pa gee of the Trails implementation Plan Reaolutian INTRODUCTION "Opporlunitin eziat within Rarrkho Cucamonga for ffte provision of hails for hansportation and recreation usage. Haneback ridurb kiking,jogginy running, walkingand 6iryciingcan a116e accommodated in some way within Rancho Cucamonga. Ow of the saordary benefits of tkr many flood ronhal ckarw4 facing tbwgk the City is the availability of ngkt-of--way for hail purpose. 77rae rigknrof-wry were oncepart of the San Bernardiw County Reweahowl Plan, providing for mr/fi-wage: ie. bfrycln, aiking aril egmlrian. !n northern Alta Loma rssidenlial dewlopmsnt has provided for egwshian use. However, there were no coruiattnf design stanLr4 employed resalforg in iaadegaate hail rys4ms, trd a fragmented collection of easemenh witka oariow huidmelopments; rite majorftyaf wMck lack standard trailmidtlu, uniform design, and dmelopmtnt. Many trails empty info t/K shat oI deadend at walb, fawn, ravines, or flood conhol channels. The Trails Plon deals uritk two areas; the awlution ofeaistinahail problem aaoa wit4in dsvsloped midential areas; and a rowutent policy for a Hero hai! system for new dealopment where appropriate." Generil flan, p. IR•61, 62 1.1 PURPOSE Thin Trailslmpkmenbtion Ran iaasbtementof the City'along•term cwamdmttmtbcompletingafnil system. The flan serves to idenhfy trail policies affectlng the entire community and b inwre implementation of a trail system in a manner consistent with the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. [t is intended to provide specific implementation strategies from initul panning ttvough construction and matntenanrn. lsmp4uon of the entve trail system may take decade, and thbdoetmrent b intended b guide pterent std fuure generatloru is thin effort The purpose of the Trolls Impkmentatlon Plan ra ] To research and amlyze existing toil condidoru, problems and opportunities. ] To develop a strare®. b illevute trail defidendea and problems. ] To develop prelitnirury cost esanute for/uture trail acquisition, corbtruction, and rehabiliution. ] To identify funding medunisna for trail xquisihon, developmmq rehabiliblion, and nainhnance. ] To define the future role of v+trbua City depattmenb in the implentenbtion of a trail system. The Trails Impkmenbtlirt plbt showy not be viewed +s the flnl statement of the dfy'a vfabn. With time. in poFWatlon v.il change, ibgala will be redefined, and the physical environment in which residenb work and rtcreate will be iltered. The I'lanrtgtresenba wmmary o(theCitybhope forthe future to enblfsh a tail system. In this sense, the Trails Implmrnbfion Pbn shout' becotasidaad a'yvytg dobteaeaY tltal may be petiodiolly reviled b reapoM b and td4ct durtgbg mMltlont 1.2 BENEFITS OF A TRAIL SYSTEM The development of public parks and rets4ational facilities was identified as ore of the most imporhm needs m the community by the atlum who participated in developing the CiNs first General Plan. The implemenuoon of a trails system provides sigrufiant direct and indirect benefits to Rancho Cucamonga as a whole, and to i rai I a8' 7.5.2 Community Trails: The Commumty Trals must be shown on the final tract map and on seperate public improvement plate W the safisfaction of the City Engnneer. The Engmeenng Division has the pnmarv role ei rtteiving and distnbufing plans (or review by Planning. The Planning Division is Supportive in providing infomutlon regarding trail alignment design standards, barren, landscaping and signing. Z5.3 Regional Tralla: The Engineering Division has the prindpal role in preparing trailimprovemen[plans for retrofiting trans along Flood cgntrof and utility Comdon. Engineering also has primary responsibility for reviewing trml plans proposed by other public and private agencies. The Planning Division provides azsstance regarding design standards, tamers, gates, IarWscaping and signing. 7.6 CONSTRUCTION AND INSPECTION 7.6.1 Local Feeder Trails: Tfuse mils are insb0ed by the developer. The Budding and Safety Division inspects [.Deal Feeder Trails for mnformarrtt with the approved grading Puns. The Plaruring Division inspects [.Deal Feeder Tails for mNomunce with approved aRgnnrmb, fencng, and provides assistance, particularly to resolve field dunges and W clarify design standards. 7.63 Community Trait: in undeveloped arcs, the developer irobl4s the trails u part of the public improve- menu Where CommunityTrailsan being retrofitted into odsting neighborhoods, the trails areconstructed by City mntrxtonaspanof UreCapibl Improvement I'rogramauthorized by theCityCounril. Minor trail projects and trail regain may be mrutrrrned bYCity Mainterunce Dppartrrrent news. The Engineering Division has the primary fesponsibiEty (or inspecting Community Trails to arouse mnfornaarrc! with Dottie improvement plans as approved by the City Enguteer. Tire Planning Division provides inforrtsatlon and assbtarue N matters of design standards and naolving field ctunges. 7.63 Reglonal'haib: The City will irobll all ora part of the trait abng the flood control clunneb. The City's Engineering Divisioncoordirotea contracts fwthe irobllation of tail improvemmb. The Engineering Division overseas tare inspection o(Regional Trait being irtstallad under City tonfract with assistance from the Planning Division as needed. 7.7 MAINTENANCE 7.7.1 rod Feeder taus: Tleaty hu, and will cgntlnue tolrva Otdittaricea rtsgWrtrra proper rnainterunce of faxalFeedaTnW fwtbvsafnyud futsctlortaW~. ThepmpertyownermainhW his aectionof the private local FeederTnil easement N some irotarw.ea, mainterrarrtt is the responsibilityof a Homeqwnen Assodadonas may be esublished in the wbdiwbn deed restrictioro. N addition, the City presently mntrarn with the Weed Abatement Division of the Cowry AgriculmN DrpsMtmt for weed abatmrent services A remmmetded Dldhtattce b indudtd In the Apprtndia utal srWld eslabliah nteae detautlR tr'aY 6YfatletatKe sWdards 7,73 Commudlyrnlb: Englnering'a Mainterurce Depsrbmmthas theprtndpalrokinmainbiningthepoblic Community TrailSystem, includbrgon-strcetbiryck trails. In mast irtstanoes, a lJrrdxape Maintenanre Diuri<t has been formed br the purpose of generating funding and rrrirrterrarrce of trails, 7,73 Regional Tni4; Englrreenngb Maintenance Department typira0y maintairb Regiorul Trails under the tertrtsof thepintagnenrenbsvitheheCounty FloodControl Dbtrictand other public or privateutilitycompsrues. 7.7.a Hiking and Rlding Trail Matntenurn SbndaMa: The foibwing minimum standards shall apply: A. Iropat toils, bridges, fencing, pies, vehicle barrier, lightlng and aigruat regularinterval for safety harards, damage, or other needed msiritararrce or repaus. B. Continuously mainbin proper grade and suefadng o(all trait, inclyding,but not limited b, removal of loose rock in eacess of 1" diameeer, filling pot holes, and refilling with new surfadng makrial to required depth, as needed. ~9 ~ IMPLEMENTATION "!fiat the area fhown in tht FquesMan/Rursl derignated ores provided far - The keeping andprotection of onimala on privak properly, including equine, bovine, cltJt-hoofed animals, and poultry. -Regain that aR dtortopmentwithin tlu arcs rclakto esiatingand futon orcoa ottupied by egeiu, bovine, left-hoofed anima/a, and poultry by providing hail eomrevtiona through eoaemenh in ordn to connect disconnected hails and for needed accesf to rrcnation activitin. - That atl hail earemmf fM116r maintained through an active program of weed abatement to a neat and ordtrly mamrer on all devebpmenb. The City shalt fsrilita4 flu dmrlopment of a Regions/ Multi-Porpou 7rai15yatrm as shown on Figure /II-T. Allugmenb of thrRrgionalMulti-PurpouTrsil Syatem,f/sallbravailabkJoruuas equtfMan,ptdnfnanand In'ke trails whtrc frafibk. The City shall ntablish an agnemrnt with San Btrnardino County for Hu uu and maintewnce of the flood control righh-af•way for the hails. Tlu City shall ntobliah an agreement with public and privak .lititits Joe the uu and maintenance of utility corridors and righb-of--way Joe the haib. 71u City that! considn aerogram for the maintrnancp and when necessary, construction and rehabilitation, of Community Trails," - GmrnJ Plan, p. fR4i 8.1 REGULATORY PROCEDURES The City exerdsea ib potioe powerauthoritytoenwre trot subdivision rtupsand otherdeveloprnent projects are consistent with the Gereral Non's Master Plan of Tmits and related trail policies. The City's Development Code require Wt all subdivisions within rive Equestrian/Rural Overlay District provide Regional and Community Trails in accordance with the Masts Plan o/ Trails, and provide Loa! Faader trail access w the rear of each lot. Further, the Code requires Uuteven roe-residential projects provide trail aserrenb where it is determined that such trail comrections ate nlcesesry. Refer b the City'f Development Code for an expWtution of the review P~~• 8.2 SOURCES OF FUNDING CommoNy, the most difficult aspect of implementingaplan is the acquisition of adequate funding. Funds and community support for the required funding nurses are an essential component of any successful program. Sumtnarirxd below are someof thecvrrentand potential trrethodsof titurrcing !nil improvemenb. The purpose of this aeettatt b b Bat all paeuW hO~"6 eouean; however, sooe ory tntbe mnsideed as visbk fuundng bob u tweed heMn and b flee Tn7t Ftrrrttbtg PYn b the Appedla. Tie pteserte tllyCaundl does rot support the use d reeve asst®reree a fats b Bence trW~ 7lredase, Bra Noe pltm yata etnphsels on cornpletlng the trail systmt u drvelopetett save std uslrrg other revenue sostrces, strait u grand. g21 Tao Base: Some support for trail acquisition, development, and maintenancecomes from lheCity~s General Fund. Unfortunately, RarchoCunmonga isorte of three"zero tax Gse"cities in the SbteofCalifomiaasa result ~0 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 9/. tl. lD ~.. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Ttte CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, APPROVING THE TRAILS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. WHEREAS, the City's General Plan established a Master Plan of Trails for a network of hiking, biking, and horse riding trails ae a recreational element; and WHEREAS, the City'g General Plan policies call for programs to improve existing trails to make the trails safer, more functional, and accessible and to foci lltate development of Regional Multi-Purpose Trail and Community Trai le syatemJ and WHEREAS, Ne Trails Implementation Plan Ss consistent with the goals and policies of the City's General Plan regarding trailer and WHEREAS, the Trails Advisory Committee has reviewed and recoamended approval of the Trails Imp lementaGion Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Comorisaion hew reco®ended to Ghe City Council approval of the Trails Implementation Plan. SECTION 1; It is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City COUncil of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga has an investment in the tral le system of over $10.3 million es evidenced by over 100 miles of existing Regional, Co®unlty and Local Peeler Trailai artd, 2. The trail system is deaf gned as a multi-purpose system that benefits many users, including, pedestrians, hikers, riders, and bicycliatsr and, 3. The trai le system, patticulerly the bicycle trail system, provides an important mesas of non- vahdce~lae transportation which reduces traffic, noise, anfl pollution; and 4. The implementation strategy contained in the Trails Lmplementation Plan repreaent9 a long-term plan that will be accomplished over many generations to come; and, 5. The trail system should be implemented, whenever possible, through the plenning rev lea process ae development occurs. 31 CITY COUNCIL REHOLUT ION N0. TRAILS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN OCt obey 16, 1991 Page 2 SECTION 2: H_ it further resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, that their policy is to use grants or other Crail funding sources, rather than new assessments or impact fees. SECTION 3: Be it fuY they resolved that the Trails Implementation Plan is hereby approved. 3~ c1'1'V UN' RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Jce Stofa, Jr., Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF DISPOSITION OF EXCESS PROPERTY FORA PORTION OF 25TH STREET, LOCATED NEST OF ETINANDA AVENUE (APN: 225-082-01) RECONENDATIOM It is recommended City Council adopt the attached resolution declaring a portion of 25th Street as surplus property and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said Resolution. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On July 12, 1989, Planning Commission approved Tentative Tract 14139 which Ts a residential subdivision of 119 single family lots on 54 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Etiwanda Avenue and 25th Street. One of the conditions of Tentative Tract 14139 1s to vacate the south half of 25th Street which is adtacent to the northerly property line of the protect site. On September 19, 1991, City Council ordered the vacation of said portion of 25th Street. Since 25th Street is owned in fee ti tie by the City, and the vacation has occurred, the City needs to dispose of the excess property. Through these proceedings Ahmanson Developments, Incorporated, will obtain the southerly 10 feet of the vacated street and use the land as part of the lots for Tract 14139, the northerly 20 feet will be used for a storms drain fac it lty. The Disposition of the property is 1n conformity with the adopted City General Plan and draft Etiwanda North Specific Plan. Respectfully submitted, -.~~ ~ ~~ Nm. Joe O'Ne1~--~ City Engineer NJO:JS:dlw Attachment 2 RESOLUTION N0. ~~' ~ 9.J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDI NO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, TO BE SURPLUS AND A BURDEN ON THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO E%ECUTE THAT CERTAIN DEED, A COPY OF NHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AS E%HIBIT "A" AND TO CAUSE THE SAME TO BE DELIYERED TO THE PERSONS NAMED THEREIN A. Recitals. (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga has a fee interest in those certain parcels of real property generally located west of Etiwanda Avenue in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, California, and hereinafter referred to 1n this Resolution as "said property." A full, true and complete description of said property is set forth 1n that copy of deed attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference set forth herein. (i1) California Government Code SectTOn 37350 provides as follows: "A City may purchase, lease, receive, hold, and en,~oy real and personal property, and control and dispose of it for the common benefit." (tit) California Government Code Section 37351 provides 1n pertinent part, as follows: The legislative bogy (City Council) may... dispose of, and convey such property for the benefit of the City...." (1v) The Planning Conanlssion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga heretofore made the findings on August 14, 1991, that disposing of said property, as herein contemplated, would be in confonaity with the General Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. (v) Said property was acquired by the City of Rancho Cucamonga 1n fee, for street and highway purposes the need for which has been superseded by the development of Tract No. 14139, (v1) By Resolution No. 91-246 this City Council vacated and abandoned the puD11c street and road easements overlaying said property. (v11) Satd property constitutes a burden on the City of Rancho Cucamonga and is no longer necessary or convenient for the purposes for which it was acquired. 3~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. 25TH ST. OCTOBER 16, 1991 PAGE 2 (viii) Conveyance of said property will further the use of said property and benefit the City of Rancho Cucamonga by deletion of a necessity to maintain said property. (ix) A11 legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOH THEREFORE, be it found, determined and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. All facts stated Tn the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution hereby are found to be true and correct. 2. This Council hereby finds that the quit claiming of said property to the persons described in said deed wi11 benefit the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 3. The Mayor and City Clerk hereby are authorized and directed to execute the deed, a fu11, true and correct copy of which 1s attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and cause the same Lo be recorded forthwith upon adoption of this Resolution 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. 35 RECOaano ReoutastEO er r M~ IYwI •Y~r AY• "" L ulorasa ssrnew! rul ro City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Boz 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 rr. ru msnrarna To I eFACE ABOVE TNM LINE FtM RECORaER'a atE [1000YORAIIY TRARN~I TA%a _COYNMRlOON FAIL YALOl WFIIOFlaT1'eO11YaTtD. ,OA f:OMFYtIa ON FYLL YAIW Llaa IIOIa ANO lMCOYaaaaefa RlYAa11Na AT Tal! OF MLL i/rYw M DwI~wY a MM~InM! YII Fa. NI,ti ~ Corporation Quitclaim Deed FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, The City of Rancho Cucamonga, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of California hcreby REMISES, RELEASES AND QUITCLAIMS to AHMANSON DEYELOPMENTSr INC• the following described real property in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBITS "A" and "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PREPARED FOR AlD41NSON DEVELOPMENT. VACATION Op THE SOUTH ]0' OF 35TH STREET. E%HIBIT "A^ BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/{ OF SECTION 30, TORNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE fi NEST, SAN BERNAROINO NERI DIAN, ACCORDING 1'O GIFICZAL PGT OP SAID LAND APPROVED BY TN6 SURVEYOR GENERAL DATED NOVENBEA 17, 1983, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONCA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNAAOINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICVIJWLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLONS; BEGINNING AT THE EAST 1/{ CORNER OP 9AID SECTION 10, SAID POINT ALSO BEING IN THE CENTERLINE OF 25TH STREET! THENCE, ALONG TNL EASTERLY LINE OF SAID 9ECTION 30. SOUTH 00.00.22" NEST, 70.00 FEET TO THE 90VTHLRLY LINE OF A l0-POOT STRIP OF LAND GRANTED TO THE COUNTY OP $AN BERNARDINO A9 RECORDED IN BOOR 31{], PAGE 586 OP OFFICIAL RECORDS OP SAID COUNTY; THENCE, ALONG RAID SOUTHERLY LINE, NORTH 89.26.31^ NEST, 1165.97 FEET TO THE $OUTHEASTEALY LINB OP A TRACY Op LANG GRANTED TO SOUTHERN SURPLUS REALTY CO. A8 RCCORDBD IN BOOK 816], PACE 17 OP 9AI0 OPPICIAL RECORDS: THENCE, ALONG SAID SOUTNEABTLALY LINE, NORTH N•{Ir01" EAST, I1.B1 PLET TO SAID CENTERLINE Of 2STN STREET AND TH6 NORTNHRLY LING OP SAID SOUTHEAST 1/I, 6ECTI0N 20r THENCE, ALONG SAZD CLNTERLINCr SOUTH B9'26r31" CAST, 111 S.B3 FEET TD THE POINT OP BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.79 ACRCSr MORE OR LL99. ALL AB NoRL PARTICULARLY 9N0MN ON EEHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND HEPEBY NADL A PART HEREOF. .y,.'(01AeL ~.A J 'R ~,T r R. ]u~ APRIL 38, 1989 ~?Op CN*~ 10{72.00 (A2J1-00]-06) L(~ J 1 MARIE' , . L.S. 5311 3957-CMV-10{72,00-B ~XHIBIT "B BEING A PORTION OF THE 60UiHEA57 I/d OF SECTION 20. 70VNSHIP I .40RTH. RANGE 6 VE61. SAN BERNAROINO nERIOIAN. IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGO. COUNTY OF SAN BFRNAROINO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA VACATION OF THE SOUTH 30' OF 25lb STREET IiI OS~ 'N O 2D' R/Y ftlR ROAD L 6 / u9UC UTILITIES PEfl /oJ6f, I I Of FILIAL PLAt OF FL.O. i~ U.! I II w ~20' acALE~ I' ~ 200' L I N I ]o' R/Y t0 LOVMiR I n Of SAM 9ERNARDINO I PER O.R. xIN]/]aa. w ~a _ I S~-~ I.~ 2~ _' I ~~G I 0.79 AC. I I ]o. yA.~~~ v`d~ 9 f ~~ ~s, ?ar tw 2edo.]r s oo•ao•u• Y +xeo.ar II VN'OA' E .I .BJ' \~A ~`~ 2~ ~iLG E'l1 LIME SE L. M zaAn.]v +I P.0.8. E i/1 COR. '•C. 20 N N to r~ // ' ~ / ~ ~ i 20 CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ k DATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members cf the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, Assocta to Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MAP, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR ON-SITE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT N0. 14139 JOINT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES WITH AHMANSON DEVELOPMENTS AND WATT 1NALD EMPIRE, INCORPORATED, FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT NOS. 14139, 14379 ANO 14380, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT NOS. 14139 LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 25TH STREET AND ETIWRNDA AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY AHMVINSON DEVELOPMENTS RECOMlEMDATIpI It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract No. 14139, accepting the subject agreements and securities and ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreements and cause said maps to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract Nos. 14139 is located on the southwest corner of 25th Street and Etiwanda Avenue Tn the Low Density Residential District. The Tentative Map consisting of 119 stogie family lots on 54 acres acres of land was approved by Planning Commission on Juty 12, 1989. The Developer, Ahmanson Developments is submitting an agreements and securities to guarantee the construction of their public on-site improvements in the following amounts. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND BOND On-site Street improvements f1,300,00 ; 650,000 On-site Stonn Drain 903,000 451,500 Construction and Removal of 216,000 108,000 Temporary 8a sin Landscape 402,000 201,000 (2,821,000 ;1,410,500 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TR 14139 - AHMANSON DEVELOPMENTS OCTOBER 16, 1991 PAGE 2 Ahmanson Developments is also submitting a Joint Improvement Agreement and Securities with Matt Inland Empire, Incorporated. Natt is developing Tentative Tract 13527. ' This site 1s directly south of Tentative Tract 14139 and is conditioned to due many of the same off-site public improvements. The securities to guarantee the construction of the off-site public improvements are as follows: FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND Etiwanda Avenue. North S 341,000 of 24th St. Etiwanda Ave. Storm Drain 358,000 24th St. AdJacent to TR 14379 350,000 24th St. Ad,~acent to TR 14380 458,000 24th St.Storm Drain - Debr15 2,040,000 Basin to Spreading Grounds Channel "H" 8 Debris Basin 878,000 CCND Access over Channel "H" 54,000 Channel "H" Ad,~acent to TR 14139 646,000 Northerly Channel XIY-8 576,000 Etiwanda Ave. Street Improvement 214,000 Summit Ave. to 24th St. Interim Basin and Outlet to 731.000 Spreading Grounds 56,652,000 LABOR AND MATERIAL 80ND f 113,500 179,000 175,000 229,000 1,020,000 439,000 27,000 323,000 288,000 107,000 365,500 53,326,000 Copies of the agreements and securities are available /n the City Clerk's office. A Pre-Condemnation Agreement for acqu151tton of right-of-way to construct the 24th Street Storm Drain and interim detention basin within the Etiwanda Spreading Grounds from San Bernardino County Fl ood Control District and San Bernardino County and an agreement to guarantee the design and construction of the interim detention basin within the spreading grounds will be submitted for aDDroval with a separate staff report. Respectfully subml}J<ed, J~G~JGec- Nm, Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:LEH;dIw Attachment ~~ RESOLUTION N0. gJ'~9G A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPR04ING IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT, SMPR04EMENT SECURITIES, JOINT IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITIES AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 14139 NHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 14139, consisting of 119 lots, submitted by Ahmanson Developments, Subdivider, located on the south side of 25th Street, west of Etiwanda Avenue, 1n the Low Density Residential District has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Dy said Subdivider and approved by said Ctty as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and 1n compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor 15 authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to form and content thereof Dy the City Attorney; and That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. !/ RESOLUTION N0. g~- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANGHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF GERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 ANO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 ANO 7 FOR TRACT N0. 14139 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 7, Street Lighting Maintenance D15trict No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 7 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance Dtstrlct; and WHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance D15tr1ct have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the property as Shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance Dtstrlct. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including tie Tevy of all assessnx!nts, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. T~ EIIHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAPE: TRACT N0. 14139 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lamps to be Annexed District No. 5800--95 ~_ ~~Qi~1T3~ OtT 1 7 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Community Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Name Eguest.Trail Sg• ft• Sg. ft. Ea. 7 ~3 G11 Y VC 1SH1VUAiV l,'UUAMVNI:A STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mavor and Members of the City Council Jack lam, A?CP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer 0Y: Lucinda E. Hackett, Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MAP, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROYEIENT SECURITIES FOR ON-SITE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT NOS. 14379 AND 14380 {TENTATTYE TRACT 13527) JOINT 1MPROYEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES KITH MATT INLAND EMPIRE AND AHMANSON DEVELOPMENTS FOR OFF-SITE 1MPROYEPENTS FOR TRACT NOS. 14379, 14380 AND 14139, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING M4INTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT NOS. 14379 AND 14380 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 24TH STREET, WEST OF ET[WANDA AVENUE SUBMITTED eY WATT INLAND EMPIRE, INC. RECOMMENDATION It is recmmended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Tract Nos. 14379 and 14380, accepting the subfect agreements and securities and ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreements and cause said maps to record. Tract Nos. 14379 and 14380 are part of Tentatfve Tract 13527 and are located on the northwest corner of 24th Street and Etiwanda Avenae in the Low Density Residential District. The Tentative Map consisting of 88 acres of land was approved by Planning Commission on September 28, 1988. The Developer, Watt Intand Empire, Incorporated is submitting an agreements and securities to guarantee the construction of their public on-site improvements in the following amounts. Y~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TR 14379 - WgTT INLAND EMPIRE, INC. OCTOBER 16, 1991 PAGE 2 TRACT 14379 FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND BOND On-site Street Improvements f 369,000 f 184,500 On-site Storm Drain 87,000 43,500 Installation of Temporary 257,000 128,500 Basin and Line 0 Removal of Temporary 208,000 104,000 Detention Basin Landscape 373,000 186,500 ;1,294,000 f 647,000 TRACT 14380 On-site Street Improvements f 679,000 f 339,500 On-site Storm Drain 412,000 206,000 Installation of Temporary 257,000 128,500 Detention Basin and Line 0 Removal of temporary 208,000 104,000 Detention Basin Landscape 605,000 302,500 52,161,000 (1,080,500 Watt inland Empire Incorporated is also submi tting a Joint Improvement Agreement and Securities with Ahmanson Developments. Ahmanson is developing Tract 14139. This site is directly north of Tentative Tract 13527 and Ts conditioned to due many of the same aff-site public improvements. The securities to guarantee the construction of the off-site public improvements are as follows: FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE LABOR AND MATERIAL BONG BOND Etlwanda Avenue. North f 347,000 S 173,500 of 24th St. Etlwanda Ave. Storm Drain 358,000 119,000 24th St. Adjacent to TR 14379 350,000 175,000 24th St. AdJacent to TR 14380 458,000 229,000 24th St.Storm Drain - Debris 2,040,000 1,020,000 Basin to Spreading Grounds Channel "H" & Debris Basin 876,000 439,000 CCMD Access over Channel "H" 54,000 27,000 Channel "H" Ad,~acent to 7R 14139 646,000 323,000 Northerly Channel XIV-8 576,000 288,000 Etlwanda Ave. Street Improvement 214,000 107,000 Summit Ave. to 24th St. Interim Basin and Outlet to 731,000 365,500 Spreading Grounds (6,652,000 (3,326,000 ~5 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TR 14379 - MATT INLAND EMPIRE, INC. OCTOBER 16, 1991 PAGE 3 Copies of the agreements and securities are available in the City Clerk's office. A Pre-Condemnation Agreement for acquisition of right-of-wdy to construct the 24th Street Storm Drain and Interim detention basin within the Etiwanda Spreading Grounds fray San Bernardino County Flood Control District and son Bernardino County and an agreement to guarantee the design and construction of the interim detention basin within the spreading grounds will be submitted for approval with a separate staff report. Respectfully su ted, l~l Nm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:LEH:dIw Attachment T RESOLUTION N0. C)/- ~ 9 Q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MNCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYING IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT, II~ROVEMENT SECURITIES, JOINT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND SECURITIES AND FINAL NAPS OF TRACT NOS. 14379 AND 14380 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract Nos. 14379 and 14380, consisting of 118 tots, submitted by Natt Inland Eapire, Incorporated, Subdivider, located on the north side of 24th Street, west of Etlwanda Avenue, to the low Density Resfdentfal District has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider and approved by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Finat Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution 6y said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval Bald Final Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: That said Improvement Agreement be and the same 1s approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the Cityy Clerk fs authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to aRDroval as to form and content thereof Dy the Ctty Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. _r RESOLUTION N0. 9/•~~9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT NOS. 14379 AND 14380 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Otvision 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 7, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 7 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Aci of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exh161t "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance 01strTCt have filed with Lhe City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NON, THEREFORE, THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLYES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhtblt "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including ~TieTevy of all assessments, shall be appllcabie to the territory annexed hereunder. `h C~ EXHIBIT 'B' PRGIECT NA6E: TRACT NOS. 14379 AND 14360 N0. OF O.U. OR ACREAGE: ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of Lam s to be Annexed District No. _~ ~ ~_ I 7 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Cownunlty Turf Ground Cover Trees D1strlct No. Street Name Equest.Trail Sg• ft. Sq. ft. Ea. 7 ~9 ,,i, a vc nniv v.nv ,.,,,,r~iv,~iv„rv STAFF REPORT GATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: W1117e Valbuena, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR CUP 91- ll, LOCATED AT 9595 LUCAS RANCH ROAD, NORTH OF 4TH STREET, SUBMITTED BY JAMES AND PATRICIA MANHI RE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving CUP 91-11, accepting the subJect agreement and security, and ordering the annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 and Street LTghting Maintenance Dl strict Nos. 1 and 6 and authorizing the HAyor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACK6RWND CUP 91-11, located at 9595 Lucas Ranch Road, north of 4th Street, in the General Industrial District (Subarea 5) of the Industrial Specific Plan was approved by the Planning Camm1551on an June 12, 1991, for a contractor's office and yard on 1.19 acres of land. The Developers, James and Patricia Manhire are submitting an agreement and security tc guarantee the construction of the puD11c improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 54,360.00 Labor and Material Bond: 52,180.00 Copies of the agreement and security are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, ACS) "Le. ~-~. Mm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:WV:dlw Attachments 50 RESOLUTION N0. Cl~, ~ Qa A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROYEMENi SECURITY FOR CONDITONAL USE PERMIT N0. 91-11 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Aancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an improvement Agreement executed on October 16, 1991, by James and Patricia Manhire as developers, for the Improvement of public right-of-way adiacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at 9595 Lucas Ranch Road, north of 4th Street; and NNEREAS, the instailation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subJect to the terms thereof, is to be done in conJunctlon with the development of said real property as referred to Planning Commission, Conditional Use Permit No. 91-11; and NNEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES thatsaid Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~. 3o r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY i0 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 ANO 6 FOR CUP 91-11 WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3, Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the "Maintenance District"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance District; and WHEREAS, at this time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and Incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and HNEREAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance District have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the"proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineers Report . NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative body hereby orders the annexation of the property as shown in Exhibit "A" and the work program areas as described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION ?: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance District, including ~FeT of all assessments, shall be applicable to the territory annexed hereunder. 5~- .A. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 r-/F7'h' STi~cc 0 u Q ~ 9595 [OCAS RANCH ,4D N V ~' V i FOURTH SrREEr -r - /~(O. O.~ STREET TRE'S - 2 EA• EUCA[yP,'u5 NiCHO[// yTiPEET UG.HT - it/pNE CITY OF RANCNO CUCAMONGA • r; - COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO '~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA CUP _9/-// _ ~,_~ EXHIBIT 'B' PROJECT NAME: CUP 91-11 N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 1.19 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 2.38 units STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT No, of LamQs to_be Annexed District No. 38001 9500[I6~~ ----~2~0'0-~If~ I --' °- --- --- --- 6 -__ _.._ ___ ___ ___ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Camaunlty Turf Ground Cover Trees District No. Street Nave Eguest.Tra11 Sg• ft• Sg. ft. Ea. 3 Lucas Ranch Rd. --- --- --- 2 NV:10/16/91 5~ - ------ CITY OF RAtiCHCJ CI`CAMOtiG.1 STAFF REPORT ,_ DATE: October 16, 1991 s T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Councii I Jack Lam, RICP, City Manager FROM: Ian. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II~ SUBJECT: APPROYAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 13566-1, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF SUMMIT AVENUE BETNEEN NARDMAN BULLOCK ROAD AND CHERRY AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY ROCKFIELD DEVELOPMENT I RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. Improvement Agreement and improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13566-1 were approved by the City Council on October 5, 1989, in the following total amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: f1,458,000 Labor and Material Bonds: f 129,000 The developer, Rockfleld Development, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said Improvement agreement in order to complete the street Improvements within the tract, and at so on summit Avenue, including the landscaping, medians and equestrian trails. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfuily submfSted, ~ p~ f'c"i' Nm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd Attachments 5.5 Fmdcfieki (xcic4mern September 25. 1991 ('Ix)7uratrxl Certified P 765 842 899 Mr. Steve Gilliland CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Engineering Division P. O. Box 807 D p L? E ~' %? s D StP 30 1991 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 CITY Uh NFNi:e'v em:~MUNGA Regarding: Improvement Agreement, Extension for Tract 13566-1 Dear Steve' Our current Improvement Agreement for Tract 13566-1 is due to expire on October 4, 1991. Due to current economic conditions as well as ongoing city and SBCFCD negotiations which have hindered construction, please allow this correspondence to serve as Rockf field Development Corporations request to extend the Improvement Agreement for one (1) year. We understand that once accepted, our new expiration date will be October 4, 1992. The following will serve to justify our request. 1. 13566-1 In-tract Street Improvements - Street should be paved within six (6) weeks. Upon completion, we will request city acceptance and bond exoneration. 2. 13566-1 24th Street Improvements From Wardman Bullock Road to San Sevaine Wash, South Side Only -Street capped, we will request city acceptance and bond exoneration. 3. 13566-1 Landscape Eaet Property Line - No work commenced due to city and SBCFCD ongoing negotiations. These negotiations should be finalized shortly, at that time we will commence construction and complete in approximately two (2) months. 4. 13566-1 Median and Parkway Landscape - 95% complete. Delay commencing equestrian trail due to city and SBCFCD ongoing negotiations. 5. 13566-1 Equestrian Trail - 25% complete. Delay in construction due to city and SBCFCD ongoing negotiations and fear to commence any construction before landscape plan is approved. 6. 13566-1 & -2 Storm Drain - 98% complete. Construction of catch basin will not commence until 13566-2 street improvement plans are finalized. These plans are in plan check at this time. 7. 13566-1 Flood Wall -Wall is complete, we will request bond exoneration. ~ III u I ~ lhlnlnr' 1)fl~r c1113 • (1)fol,~t. (~..~I, ~1, • I7~Ji ~;2-HH(lU .l(~X ~; ~J~ d; a ' 1 tli~l Page 2 September 25, 1991 Mr. Steve Gilliland CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONTA Thank you for your consideration concerning this matter. Should you have anY questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ROCRFIELD DEVBLvPMENT CORPORATION ~ti'Y H.J. Geary Vice President, Operations HJG/pk Attachments: (1) Three executed and notarized Improvement Agreement 6xtenaion Forms (2) Fee - Check for $251.00 5~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~ '~~ a- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13566-1 NNEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on October 16, 1991, by Rockfield Development as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad,~acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of Summit Avenue between Hardman Bullock Road and Cherry Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, 1s to be done 1n confunctton with the development of said Tract 13566-1; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied 6y good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is Identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. S8' --- CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the C1ty Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer ~ BY: Steve M. Gi1111and, Public Norks Inspector II ~~- SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 13566-1 AND -3, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE Of SUMMIT AYENUE BETNEEN NARDMAN BULLOCK RDAD AND SAN SEVAINE ROAD, SUBMITTED DY THE CARYN COMPANY RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the C1ty Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,~ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the puD11c improvements for Tract 13566-1 and -3 were approved by the C1ty Councii on October 5, 1989, 1n the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: :2,791,000 Labor and Material Bond: =1,395,500 The developer, The Caryn Company, 1s requesting approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement to order to complete the remaining street improvements. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the C1ty Clerk's Office. Respectfully subnyf~ted, /~ Nm. Joe O'Neil ~ L/~ City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd Attachments The Caryn Developmen(Cornpany 34 [xecutive Park. Suite 155, /rwne. Cvhlornia 92714 0llice (714J 863-9001 FAX p14J 9630199 September 4, 1991 Mr. Joe O'Neil CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Post Office Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 RE: Tract 13566 1 & 3 Improvement Agreement Wardman - Bullock Road, A.K.A. Lower Loop Road Dear Joe: Pursuant to our discussions in the last few weeks and the July 9, 1991 extension request submitted to Shintu Bose, please issue an extension to the improvement agreement for the Crossing of the San Sevaine Basins at Wardman - Bullock Road. As previously discussed, You indicated that an extension would be granted for a six month time period in order to allow the traffic study on the regional impacts of the I15/Rte 30 interchanges on the crossing to be completed and analyzed by the City. This traffic study would provide the appropriate detail to validate if a crossing of the Basins is required or not and if so, what alignment and size would be most appropriate. The deferment of the drainage and systems development fees would also be extended with this improvement agreement extension. Please contact us as to when this extension can be granted as we are anxious to have the agreement extended prior to the October 3, 1991 deadline. Thank you. Sincerely: T4'~"~~ Kevin Pohlson Vice President cc: Thomas McCall Shintu Bose Steve Gilliland Cindy Hackett ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 9~' ~ O 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13566-1 AND -3 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, bas for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on October 16, 1991, by The Caryn Company as developer, for the improvement of pubilc right-of-way ad3acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the south side of Summit Avenue between Wardman Bullock Road and San Sevaine Road; and NlIEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subiect to the terms thereof, is to be done 1n con,lunction with the development of said Tract 13566-1 and -3; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NDN, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, CaUfornla hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and Lhe same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~r ---- C[TY OF RANCHO CL'CAb10NGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks inspector II~y ~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSI N FOR TRACT 13727, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHNEST CORNER OF CARNELIAN STREET AND HIGHLAND AVENUE, SUBMITTED DY SOUTHLAND DEVELOPMENT RECOMMENDATION It 1s recommended that the City Councii adapt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACK6ROOND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13727 were approved by the City Council on October S, 1989, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 5146,000. Labor and Material Bond: f 73,000. The developer, Southland Development, 1s requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said Improvement agreement. Nhi1e the improvements are substantially complete, the developer 1s complying with the development code by having instailed a wrought iron fence to the street to secure the model complex. The improvements cannot be accepted until such time that the fence is removed. Caples of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, Mn. Joe O'Ne11~ ~ ~~ City Engineer WJO:SMG:1y Attachments a Southland Development Corporation ~ 3807 Sierta Highway "29, Suite 210 Acton, CA 98510 TeL(80b)269.1696 FAX (805) 269-2216 September 23, 1991 City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Development Department Engineering Division P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Attention: Steven M. Gilliland Public Work Inspector Gentlemen: S L' B C R B A A Y n C f) U T R }' S I U F; U \' E I, f) P, Mi C T S Re: Tract 13727 Subject: Extension of Improvement Agreement We are requesting an extension of 12-moo [hs time for the completion of imp rovemen [s on the above referenced tract. All of the improvements have been completed at [his time. In complying with the Planning Department we have installed a wrought iron fence and gates across Napa Street in order [o use the houses on Napa Street as sales models. We anticipate that all sales activity will be completed within the next 12-months, at which time we will remove the fence and gates. Upon removal of the fence and gates, we will request the City [o accept Napa Street. Should you need additional information, please contact the undersigned. 'nce rely D. rdon Dreis ach President A\1) BUILDF,RS RESOLUTION N0. 9r- ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13727 NNEREAS, the City Countll of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, hes for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on October 16, 1991, by Southland Development as developer, for the Improvement of puD11[ right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described thereto, and generally located at the wouthwest corner of Carnelian Street and Highland Avenue; and ImprovementE Agreement andt slub,~ect to the ht rmmsroth renof, iss to bbe done ain con,lunction with the development of said Tract 13727; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. California0hereby Rreso vest thattseldoImprovement Agretement Extenslanuand said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the C1ty Clerk to attest thereto. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT BATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 13753 LANDSCAPE, LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD AND MILL IKEN AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY THE WILLIAM LYON COh1PANY. RECOMT£NDATION It is recommended that the City Councii adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign Bald agreement. BACKGROUND/ANILLYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public Improvements for Tract 13753 Landscape were approved by the City Council on February 16, 1989, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: E225,700.00 Labor and Material Bond: 5112,65D.DD The developer, William Lyon Company, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Although City Council has been approving extensions of 6 months, it is being recommended that a 12 month extension be approved in this case because, William Lyon's merchant builder (Pennhill Development) has not started the street improvements for Tract 13753; hence, Wllltam Lyon has not started the landscape construction. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are availabie to the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully sub d, one 0 ~~(~ Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:SMG:Iy Attachments+ LYON ~~~,ILLIAM LYON i<u~7~ion~ 41,90 VON HARMAN. PO BOX 7520. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92658-7520 • (71G) 833-3600 • F.SX (T/.; d]bP604 September 12, 1991 hlr. Steve Gilliland Public Works Inspector City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 97729 Re: Tract 13753 Landscape Improvement Agreement Extension Deat Steve, r~ I ~ ll Transmitted herewith is a check in the amount of 5251.00 and three (3( Improvement Agreement Extensions executed in triplicate and notarized for subject tract. We are asking for a one year extension due to the fact that our improvements cannot be completed until the merchant builder (Pennhill( proceeds with their project. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Respectfully, ~~ ~.LL, Lori Brown Purchasing Inland Empire Division ~~ pc,~, r, ;. rr ~~; Vli~`~YEryt RESOLUTION NO. Cr/~3~ ,~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13753 LANDSCAPE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on October 16, 1991, by The William Lyon Company as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Miiliken Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13753 Landscape; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the Cit1' Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 7 - - -- - CiTY OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Maya r, and Members of the C1ty Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer ~~~ 8Y: Steve M. G11111and, Public Norks Inspector II SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 13812 LOCATED ON THE NEST SIDE OF ETINANDA AVENUE BETNEEN SUMMIT AVENUE AND HIGHLAND AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY MATT INLAND EMPIRE, INC. RECplEMDATION It 1s recommended that the C1ty Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to 51gn said agreement. BACKGROIIID/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13812, were approved by the C1ty Council on September Z0, 1990, in the following total amounts: Faithful Performance Bonds: f5,391,000. Labor and Material Bonds: f2,695,500. The developer, Natt Inland Emp1re, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said Improvement agreement. They have completed only approximately 5i of their required improvements. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the C1ty Clerk's Office. Respectfully su ltted, ~G~~l Vhn. Joe O'Ne11 City Engineer WJO;SMG:Iy Attachments WATT INLAND EVIPIR E, INC. 9035 MAVEM AVE BI.O 2 9TE !G2 FANCMO CVCnMO NGR C4 9!]30 1]I <I 9995663 GAM 1]II~ 9i65BfiB } ~ < September 11, 1991 -• a 1 ~ p-a; °crra ~u • City of Rancho Cucamonga ~ '~ ~!':~!~r y "a Engineering Division 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Engineering Division Re: Tract 13812-Subdivision Improvement Agreement Oear Dan, ' ~ .. v~ Cir~,F .~.a /,c . y, , ; '~b7ny - Please accept this letter as a formal request for the extension of our improvement agreement for the above referenced tract. The Agreement is scheduled to expire on September 19, 1991. As you are aware, the building industry has been hit hard by the recession. We are in the process of renegotiating our loans which will allow us to move forward with the development. I have enclosed a check in the amount of $251 and an executed copy of the Improvement Agreement Extension form. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. sincer ly, wis rec or of Development (wp51\tr-13812\city\extaggr} D ~s by ,5 I rQ !~ SEP 16 19?! ;.ry n; I;gac~ ~ :, :a.vc~;r ~9 A WATt ENTEPPpI5E5 COMPANv RESOLUTION N0. 9~~JOW A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY fOR TRACT 13812 HHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on October 16, 1991, by Natt Inland Empire, Inc., as developer, for the Improvement of public right-of-way adJacent to the real property specifically described thereto, and generally located on the west side of Etlwanda Avenue between Summit Avenuet and Highland Avenue; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, 1s to be done in conJunction with the development of said Tract 13812; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which Ts identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 70 ----- CITI' OF RAtiCHO CCCA;vIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1951 TO: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector iI~~~,~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR OR 87-56, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHNEST CORNER OF ROCHESTER AVENUE AND JERSEY BOULEVARD, SUBMITTED BY STENiON JERSEY PARTNERS It 1s recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subiect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACRSROUN6/Alw.rsts Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for DR 87-56 ware approved by the City Council on September 5, 1990, in the foilawing amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 390A,000 Labor and Material Bond: 5452,000 The developer, Stenton Jersey Partners, 1s requesting approval of a 60-day extension on said improvement agreement 1n order to complete the remaining Improvements. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are avatla6le 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, i Nm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd Attachments ,_'' Mission -r-;_: 1i t t Equ!tY September 12, 1991 Mr. Steve Gilliland Public Works Inspector Engineering Department 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Re: Extension of Improvement Agreement for D.R.87-56 Dear Steve: In accordance with your letter dated August 27, 1991, we hereby request the extension of the above referenced improvement agreement. We have attached a check in the amount of $251.00, which is the Eee you stated is required to provide for the extension of this agreement. Also attached is the improvement agreement extension form signed and notarized. The only work remaining to be completed on this entire improvement agreement is a small amount of sidewalk to be poured at the end of Boston Place. We are presently working out an agreement with the Lincoln Property Company who are the owner's of the property adjacent to that area. We expect to have this sidewalk poured by the end of October. If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. S,i/nn c~e ely, ,~/J Robert D. Garrison Exeeuti ve Vice President cc: Chris Hector 7~- 28202 Cabot Roatl. SuAe 200 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (714) 6435888 FAX (714) 6435814 RESOLUTION N0. 9~~~ 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CgLIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ExiENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DR 87-56 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on October 16, 1991, by Stanton Jersey Partners as developer, for the Improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southwest corner of Rochester Avenue and Jersey Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the installation of such Improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subfect to the terms thereof, 1s to De done in con,lunction with the development of said OR 87-56; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which 1s identified 1n said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Ex4nston on behalf of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 73 ---- CI'PY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, A1CP, C1ty Manager FROM: 4M1a. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. G11111and, Pub11c Norks Inspector I1 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR DR 89-14 LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ARRON ROUTE EAST OF INTERSTATE-15 FREENAY, SUBMITTED BY AMPAC, INC. 'i IIECOMIENOATION It is recommended that the City Council adapt the attached resolution, acceptln9 the sub,{ect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to s19n said agreement. BACKGROIINB/AMAL~SIS improvement Agreement and improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the publ7c improvements for DR 89-14 were approved by the City Council on September 20, 1990, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: f268,000. Labor and Material Bond: f134,000. The developer, Ampac, Inc., is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said Improvement agreement. ?he required improvements have not been started, nor can they start until such time that the Metropolitan Mater Dtstrlct completes their Improvements 1n the saRz area. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the C1ty Clerk's Office. Respectfully sub~llq,,~4t~lt~a~d_~, 77 ~~~ /~~^ \~'' ~ liC. Vl' IAn. Joe O'Neil '//j City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy Attachments ,~~~,~c AMERICAN PACIFIC CONCRETE PIPE COMPANY, INC P.O. BOX 1979 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 51729 Tel. 714989-1092 Fax 77 4-945 7 686 '. i September 16, 1991 JLI '.. Steve M. Gilliland C"° City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 civic Center Drive P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91729 Re: Extension of Agreement Dr 89-14 Dear Steve: Ampac is requesting a one year extension of time on Improvement Agreement for Dr 89-14. As I indicated in our telephone conversation we have been contacted by Alice Mauprn with MWD regarding their work on the Etiwanda emergency discharge conduit which is being constructed in part on the north west portion of Ampac property. The construction as well as the construction easement, precludes our installation of street improvements, irrigation water, landscaping. and additional on site improvements related to these items of work. The MWD time table for construction now looks like one year will be required. The completed agreement extension forms are enclosed for your execution. Respectfully Submitted American Pacific Concrete Pipe Co. V es Foe a ~5 RESOLUTION N0. C~~'~~O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DR 89-14 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on October 16, 1991, 6y Ampac, Inc. as developer, for the Improvement of public right-of-way ad,{acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at the south side of Arrow Route east of Interstate-15 Freeway; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done Tn con,lunction with the development of said DR 89-14; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said ]mprovement Agreement Extension. Cal ifornia0herebyERres~olvesththattsaldotmproveme t Agretement Extensionuandsald Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor 1s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Cierk to attest thereto. 7~ --- ------ clrr of ea:~cxo c i:carto+rca STAFF REPORT ^~ ~ ~~ DATE: October 15, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council mil) ~ Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mn. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer i BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Pu611c Works Inspector II SUBJECT: APPROYAL OF IMPROYEMENT ABREEMENT EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MAP 1285-0 LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EAST AYENUE BETWEEN CATALPA STREET AND YICTORIA STREET, SUBMITTED BY STYLE MOMES RECOMIEMBATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subiect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign sa14 agreement. BACics-1ou~/ANarsls Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 12854 were approved By the City Council on September 20, 1990, in the foltowing amounts: Faithful Perfonaance Bond: 516,373.00 Labor and Material Bond: f 8,186.00 The developer, Style Nomes, fs requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement to order to secure finanatng, seek construction bids, and to complete all required improvements. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the Ctty Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, Wfn. Joe O'Neil City Engineer lJ 11JO: SMG: iy Attachments 77 STYLE HOMES CO. L. P_ 1809 CielHo Avenue. Monterey park, G 91764. (213)688-2739 Sep. 10, 1991 City of Rancho Cucanmgnga Cortmunity Developnent Department Engineering Division Re: Extension Request of Improvement Agreement for Parcel Map #12854 Dear sir: Your letter regarding the expiration of the improvement Agreement has been re- ceived. We vould like to apply hereby an extension of said agreement for the maximum period allowed by your Municipal Code. Some of our limited partners scattered in New York and Brazil is the main rea- son of this delay. However, we are in process of rnllect ing all the bids for eheir review. We are seeking 12 months extension for fund gathering antl faith- ful execution of the Improvement Agreement. Three forms and fee are enclosed. If you have any question, please feel free to rnntact me at (213) BBB-2739. Thank you. Sincere / , _ /- ~i Style o. L. p. Deli Home Corp - general partner Chi in Chov~ - president RESOLUTION N0. CJ~'.3o A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL IMP 12854 YMEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Callfornla, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on October 16, 1991, by Style Homes as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way ad3acent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the west side of East Avenue between catalpa Street and Victoria Street; and NHEREAS, the tnstallatlon of such Improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and suD3ect to the terms thereof, is to be done 1n con3unctton with the development of said Parcel Map 12854; and 1MEREAS, said Improvement Agreement .xtenslon is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the Ctty Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the Ctty Clerk to attest thereto. ~9 - CITY OF RANCHO CI;CAMONGA STAFF REPORT F.t ~~, t~ DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: October 16, 1991 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer 'I Steve M. Gi1171and, Public Norks Inspector II~~.- ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS AND NOT2 CE OF COMPLETION FOR TRACT 12420 LOCATED AT THE SOUTHNEST CORNER I OF HELLMAN AVENUE AND 7TH STREET. i RECOMIEIDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 12420 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and 7t is recommended that Ctty Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond 1n the amount of 530,000.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the anbunt of f300,000.00. BACKGROUND/ANALVSIS Tract 12420 - located at the southvrest corner of Hellman Avenue and 7th Street DEVELOPER: Rancho Park Venture 1608 S. Vineyard Avenue Ontario, Cp 91761 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f 30,000.00 Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5300,000.00 Respectfully subml~tted, / ~~ Nm. Joe O'Neil U City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy Attachment RESOLUTION NO- Cf/- ~-~y~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12420 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 12420 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 1s authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 81 - ---- CITF OF RANCHO CCCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ~ .v~ DATE: October I6, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer I, BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II~ SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TRACT 13367 LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF HELLININ AVENUE AT HIGHLAND AVENUE RECONENDATIOM: The required street improvements for Tract 13367 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it 1s recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount oP 529,882.00, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond 1n the amount of f298,819.00. B1ICKGAOINID/ANALYSIS Tract 13367 - located on the east side of Hellman Avenmue at Highland Avenue DEVELOPER: Homecoming Partners, Ltd 3870 La Sierra Avenue, Suite 307 Riverside, CA 92505 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 5 29,882.00 Release: Falthfui Performance Bond (Street) 5298,819.00 Respectfully submitted,//~ 7 ~, v / LGUI Nm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy Attachment RESOLUTION N0. ~/~31 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13367 AND AUTNORiZING THE FILING OF A N07ICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK NHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13367 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the vrork complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the vrork is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 15 authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. g3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II ,: . ~; SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR 7645 ALTA CUESTA DRIVE, LOCATED ON ALTA CUESTA DRIVE BETNEEN CAMINO SUR AND VALLE VISTA DRIVE RECOMIEMDIITIOM: The required street improvements for 7645 Alta Cuesta Drive have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 53,800. BACKGRpAVD/AIUILVSES 7645 Alta Cuesta - located on Alta Cuesta Drive 6etrreen Camino Sur and Valle Vista Drive DEVELOPER: Dave Boggs 7645 Alta Cuesta Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Release: Fat*.hfui Performance Bond (Street) (3,800 Respectfully submitJt~¢edG~,(/~/l, Nm. Joe O'Neil U Ctty Engineer kUO:SMG:sd Attachment RESOLUTION N0. %! ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALffORNiA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR 7645 ALTA CUESTA DRIVE AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A N07iCE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for 7645 Alta Cuesta Drive have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Natlce of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. Q~ ----- CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT i~ DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: October 16, 1991 Mayor; and Members of the Ctty Council Jack Lam, AILP, City Manager Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND FOR TRACT 12577 LOCATED AT PILGRIMS COURT AND 19TH STREET RECOMMEIDIITIgI It is recaam~ended that the City Council authorize Lhe City Clerk t0 release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Nordic Development 1500 Qua11 Street, Suite 520 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) (17,900.00 Respectfully submt ed, ~~'], (i/ Mn. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy ----- CITY (lF RA'.VCHO CtiCAMnDlG.t STAFF REPORT ~~ s,%~ DAZE: October 16, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer RY: Steve M. Gi1111and, Pub11c Morks Inspecfa>_{~_ ~ SUBJECT: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOIiD FOR TRAC T 12969 LOCATED ON EDNIN STREET SOUTH OF ARRON HIGHNAY REC01lENOATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the C1ty Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACKGROUND(AMALY5I5 The requtred one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Hagop and Yegia Yazed,~lan P.0. Box 963 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street} f11,300.00 Respectfully sutyatLted, Nm. Joe O'Neil ~~~~ City Engineer WJO:SMG:Iy ~7 CITY OF RANCHO CliCA~tONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: October 16, 1991 Mayor, and Members of the Ctty Council Jack Lam, AiCD, City Manager Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer ~ Steve M. Gilliland, Publte Norks Inspector~rr RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND FOR TRACT 13445 LOCATED ON THE NORTHNEST CORNER OF VICTORIA PARK LANE AND ROCHESTER AVENUE. RECOMMENDIITIOM It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. The required one year maintenance pperiod has ended and the street Improvements remain free from defects 1n materiais and workmanship. DEVELOPER: The N/111am Lyon Comapny 4490 Von Karmen Newport Beach, CA 92658-7520 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 572,400.00 Respectfully subm ed, ~ n Vt" Mn. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy oils yr nevivunv vuueiivavivvn STAFF REPORT DATE: October 1fi, 1991 TO: Members of the City Council and City Manager Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Otto Rroutil, Deputy City Planner SUBJECT: RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE - Review of current City regu lationa affecting storage and parking of Recreational Vehicles on private residential properties. REOON~NDATIOM The City Council should take public testimony, reviex the recd®endation made 6y the Recreational Vehicle Submmeittee, and either confirm or modify the general direction suggested by the Subcommittee. BACIOGIDOND Following the last public hearing on Chia matter, the City Council selected a Subcommittee, consisting of Council Members Nllllams and Wright, to develop a recommendation for consideration by the full City Council. The Subcommittee has met several times with a working group of residents who have been active in this issue. This working group represented a vide range of opinions. Although it was not possible to fins a eo lotion acceptable to everyone, the discussions were very helpful. Eventue lly, a consensus on several key points was reached. These key points form the baste for Lhe Subcommittee's recommendation, outlined Ln the form of a suggested "STATEMENT OP INTENT" which follows. IE this statement can be accepted as a valid ref lectlon of Council policy on this issue, it would become the basis for the actual ordinance modifications. g9 C LTY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE October 16, 1991 Page 2 STATEMENT OF INTENT: It is the ultimate goal of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to ensure that recreational vehicles are stored only in areas which are deai goad and developed to accommodate such storage. This may be on individual private properties, where loi size and site layout permit these vehicles to be stored safely and with sensitivity to the health and wet Ea re of the neighborhood, oc in cormaon storage areas off -9 its. This goal is reflected in the current ordinances adopted on August 7, 1988, which prohibLts permanent storage of recreational vehic lee in the front yard areas of single family homes. The ordinance has recently undergone an extensive review by the City's Public Safety and Planning Commissions. Eoth Commissions have recommended that the ordinance be retained, with only minor modifications. However, the City Council recognizes that many recreational vehicle owners had purchased their homes in the City p[L or to the adoption and implementation of Ghe new zegulationa. The City Council recognizes the hardship created through the adoption of the new regulations for those whose properties can no longer reasonably accommodate their recreational vehicle under the new regulations. With these considerations in mind, and in the interest of balancing the needs and ri ghta of individuals with requirements of public safety and the welfare of the community as a whole, it is therefore directed that the current regulations be modified to accrompllsh the following: 1. In the long-term, permanent storage of recreational vehicles in Etont yard areas should not be permitted. 2. RV owners who can demonstrate ownership of the dwelling and RV prior to August 1988 (effective date of the current or dl nonce) should be able to continue to store their vehicles in accordance with regulations in effect prior to August 1988, provided a 1o- foot setback from the sidewalk is maintained. 3. RV owners who purchased their dwelling or AV between August 1988 and now should be allowed to store their vehicles in the front yard area only iE: a. their lot cannot reasonably accommodate RV storage under current sego Lations, and b. they can meet the pre-1988 standards and a 10-foot aetbaok from the sidewalk. 90 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE October 16, 1991 Page 3 4. Future RV owners should be subject to the current ordinance which prohibits permanent front yard storage altogether. 5. Planned Communities of Victoria, Terra Vista, and Caryn should continue to be governed by the current regulations and the "grandfather in g" (as outlined under 2 and 3 above) ahould NOT apply in these areas. (Since their inception, the Planned Communl ties were developed under a separate set of development standards, with relatively small lots as a trade off for common open apace, and front yard setbacks too small to accommodate storage of recreational vehicles.) 6. Tnis approach, if adopted by the City Council, should be well publicized and the public and real estate rnmmunity ahould be made well aware of all City regulations affecting RV parking and storage. (Important Note: Ae gulatione in effect prior to October 1988 did not allow unrestricted storage in front yard setback areas. Aather, these regulations specified the conditions under which RV storage could occur: on an improved surface located between the driveway and the nearest side property line.) CONCLOSIOf1 In its recormnendation, [he Subcommittee has attempted to: 1) confirm and clarify the City's long term goals, 2) respect the needs of pre-existing, non-conforming areas, 3) not compromise the requirements of public safety, and 4) recognize the unique qualities of the Planned Communities. If the City Council can support this approach through the adoption of the suggested "Statement of Intent", staff should then be directed to draft specific modifications to existing ordinances for consideration at a Future hearing. Resp ally Ott /era~t)y er City P nner BB:OK:sp Attachments: June 19, 1991 City Council Staff Report 9~ CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: .tune 19, 1991 (1 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council yV~ .Tack Lam, AICP, City Manager , FROM: Brad eu llez, City Planner gy; Otto Kroutil. Deputy City Planner SUHJ ECT: RECREATIONAL VEAICLE STORAGE - Review of current City regulations affecting storage and parking of Recreational Vehicles on private residential properties. ~CpNiR7DA2IDB: The Council should review recommendations made by the Planning Coamiission and the Public Safety Commission, take public testimony, and provide staff with appropriate policy direction. Available options include direction to: 1. Retain the current ordinance, as recommended by the Yublic Safety Commission; or 2. Retain the current ordinance, but relax the time limits from 24 hours Lo five days, as recommended by the Planning Cnnm1i a610R~ nr 3. Ease the restrictions on certain vehicles, utilizing criteria suggested by the two Commissions; or 4. Any other modifications deemed appropriate by the City Council. gACxGW[IpDx Aevlew of the City's RV regulations for residential properties was initiated by the City Council in response to Community concerns. The Council requested that two City coamiesiona, the Public Safety Commission and the Planning Commission, review the existing ordinance and make recommendations on the issue to the City Council. Vhat does the current ordinance ea7T Existing requlaLiona dealing with ALL vehicles (not Just RV`s) distinguish between "storage," which Ls Considered permanent, and "parking," which is o£ a temporary nature. The ordinance proh ibita all "storage" in residential front yards; NO vehicles for other items such as equipment, materials, etc.1 may be permanently stored in Eront yards or corner side yards. ftecreatlonal vehicles are c..nsidered "stored" after 24 hoots of continuous parking. Parking for up to 24 hours is permitted in the front yard areas. CITY COVNCIL STAFF REPORT RV STORAGE - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA June 19, 1991 Page 2 The current ordinance does allow storage of AV's (and other vehicles) on single fami Ly lots, in rear yards and interior side yards only. Although screening is required, fences need not exceed five (5) feet in height. fihat is at issue? At issue is whether or not permanent storage of RV's in the Er oat yards of single family homes should continue to be prohibited. Over the last year, a number of public meetings were held by both the Planning Commission and the Public Safety Commission. Representatives of the recreational vehicle group were involved in discussions with staff and the two commissions. A wide range of issues were raised during these meetings, and it became apparent that the only real question is the storage of recreational vehicles in the front yards of single family homes. Existing restr ictiona on public street parking and requirements for screening and maintenance, which were also discussed, were stated NOT to be an issue for the RV group representatives. POBLIC SAP617 CpQQ SSiON REVI6I/: The Public Safety Commission was charged with a review of the current ordinance Erom the perspective of public safety. The Public Safety Commission reviewed information on eight lines and visibility conflicts, slope conditions, and other safety and security considerations. Ivey information presented to the Commission is attached to this report. At the conclusion of its review, the Public Safety Commission recommended to the City Council that no change be made to the present ordinance. However, the Public Safety Commission has also recommended that if for some reason the City Council determines that modifications to the rucrent ordinance are appropriate, that the following be considered: "If the regulations affecting the storage of certain recreational vehicles in front yard arena are to be telexed, the following criteria should be used: a. Only self-propelled, self-contained, and fully secured vehicles such as motor homes, house ce z9, and campers mounted on pickups may be stored in the required front yard areas. b. Such veh iclee may not extend over a public sidewalk or zight- oE-way line, nor may they be stored within 10 feet from the back of sidewalk or right-of-wa}' line. c. Vehicles stored in the front yard may not be located within 5 feet of the residence, garage, or other structure. d. No vehic lea may 6e stored on slopes exceeding 10 percent." 93 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT AV STORAGE - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA June 19, 1991 Page 3 PLANNING COIgfISS10N ABVISY: The Planning Commission discussions were on matters of land use, aesthetics, maintenance, and on the feasibility of enfozcement. The Planning Commission considered modifications cE time limits, possible gtandfathezin9, and development of standards Dosed on types of vehicles stored. Other cities' regulations were also reviewed. This information is also attached. The Planning Commission concluded its review with a recommendation that the current ordinance be retained, but that the time limits on parking in the front yard areas be extended from 24 hours to five days of continuous parking. Thi9 would make the time limits consistent with restrictions on other vehicles. The Commission also suggested that if the Council des ited fur thec modifications, additional flexibility could be considered under a permitting process, with appropriate criteria to be developed. SOIOI~AT/(AIN7.BSI0.7: The Commissions' revlew of Recreational Vehicle regulations has now been completed. The Public Safely Commission recommends that the current ordinance be retained as i. s• The Planning Commission recommends Chat the current ordinance be retained, with a relaxation of time limits from 24 hours to five days. Both Comau as ions concur that if the Council feels additional modifications are necessary, specific criteria such as minimum setbacks and restrictions based on the type of vehicle would be needed. in that event, the Planning Coamission would suggest a possible permitting process. The City Council should review these recommendations and provide staff with appropriate policy direction. Aeape• ly sub e Brad ller City Planner BB:OK/jfg Attachments: Exh Sbit "A" - Ordinance No. 360 Exhibit "B" - Planning commission Staff Report and (draftl Minutes of May Z2, 1991 Exhibit "C" - Public Sefety Commise ion Staff Report end Minutes of December 4, 1990 9~/ ORDINANCQ N0. 360 AN ORDINANQ 0! 196 CIT! OOONCIL Ol 1116 CZ1T 0! RANQ10 COGNDNOA. GLIN3RNSA, AIRNDING 80ESECTION 17.06.07p-C AND 17.1].030-D, AND ADDIRB A NEN 30ESELTiON 17.10.OS0-0 10 IN6 RANCNO CIIGMDIR:A SONICIAIL mDE FERTAININ: TO 9~ICL6 pARIQMi NI'DIIN RESIDENfIAG. OONl6RCiAi./ORIICE AND INDDSTAIAL DI3IRICl3 A. R•eitala. (i) On May 13, 1966, the plammity Cmisaien et the City of Rancbo Cuerenp cendacred • dnly noticed pabl is heacin3 with rupcc ca the fol3orin3 propoNd Menrent to TicU 17 Of eb• Rancho Cneroeae Mmieipal Cod• (hereinafter referred to a- the "DeraloPent Cade) reprdin3 re3ulationa for vehicle parklnE riehin rNidentleli cewwrcial and indaecrlal dieerlce• of the City. (ti) At the eonclaeion of aid Nay 25, 1963, public bearinE, tbe. Plannin3 Coaeiealon adepred id Reaolatlen Mo. 83-l OD ehereby racarnendin- thee" thin Connell adopt the propowd Der•lopaent Coda rMdeMre a Nt totth !o ebi• Ordinance. (iii) On Juoe 13, 3913, ebe City Wuncll of the City o! Rancho Cucronp co~utted • dolt' ,roeiad pobl is Warini rlth reaper to the propoeed D•velopaent Coda rendaeata a Ne tert6 barrio and N!d 6easlaE ru concluded prioe to the ado ption o! thin Ordinanoe. (iv) All lgal prerpaiaiced prior ro the adoption of chic Ordinance have oecurrM. H. Ordinance. t01.lAMS t lE6 CIT! ODONCIL 0- 1116 CIT! OS RAN®0 COGMOtEiA D063 EEE10! ORDAIN AS SECTION !s 14•e all et eha Ucta wr lorth io cha Recital a, Parc A, of ebia Ordinance an crag and correct. SECTION Er Subuction 17.03.070-C o! the Derdepenc Code of the City of Renche Cuaaonq i. hereby tended to read, in rorda and ti3uree, u fol lord C. pehlcle tarkina. The parkin3 of rehiclea in all realdential diatriata eha11 M aeb~ect to eke Io11arln3 proeieionae ExHiar !~1 9s Ordinance No. 160 Paae 2 1. the dedsn auldalines and regulations for p-[kina •nu shall contort, to [bs p[nviaion• o! Chapter 17.12 of eha Developoent Coda: 2. vehicle pa[kieg shall he rithin the enclowd {asap. urpore or other rpaipd or aatborizad etbatteee paved parking crest 1. A11 parking area rithin public vier [rw tba strue, pool is right-otwq or adjaunt propettiu shall W paved rith • peoamnt paving aaterial. Sack ens shall M uintaiMd in • naeable condition tru of potholes and bsosun Notions aatticLnt co prevent and and/or Bast, richoat aeewalaHon o! looN saterial or other deterioratloni 4. Vehicles ast bs grlud or scored in eha aid. or cur Lard yrovided chat such am i• serNMd !rw •iN free the atrwt, public rigbcro!-rq and adjauet yrogttiu ht • fuu, sal 1, er egai~aluc aeraeaiaa uprial at Iuac !!n (3) Eue in hsighti ' 3. Vehicle parkin{ •lthin aide aid cur Lard arm shall M 1Liud to lira grunt (SZ) o! tba Local loo arw or tba hwdred (300) sgwn tut, rhichavec is inetN, unlru Nnatruetad piaawet to n app[nved 711nor Develepaant Rs-ieri 6. erupt a ptoviGd is Subuetion 9 herein, vehicles psrksd rithin pnblie vier in required or antborisad Arkin{ gnu rithin the !root Lard, corms aide Lard or s!M Lard abutting • error Aall M parirad or left standing for ewperaq pesied^ of eiwe nes to scud tiw (3) tonweuHve datai 7. "pehielee" a owd !n this Netioe fall Seclude, hot nes b• lisited to, eosserelal vsbielra, antonhilee, crocks, trailan, sr+eoe crnelu, awl-nailan, ao eorcteLs, awpds, opera, cwyer aha1U, hoau or other Urp posubl• rurastional and caiuercial egaiPanti end 8. !b uenwrcial wbicle shish ssaeda a `son reight of one and onrbalt (1 and 1/1) eons, or eaeaada a ridth o! eighb (!0) inches er nuada a hdght of assen (7) tar or esueda • length et n.nq-lire (23) tut: no spacial ised cork related vehicle (e.{. ceetruek, etabMd trucks. wec.) and no spciel laed cork related portable puipunt (e.{, event afsera, tellers, etc.1 i shall he period on alit poreion of a reeiGncial lot unleaar (1) it is activelt involved in Baking 9~ Ordinanta No. 760 Page 3 pickwpa and deliveries; (1) in eonuction dth, and in aid to tke prfonanee of • urvlu to. or on. the ptopert)• than the vehicle i• parbd. rhil• activel7 involved in aneh wtivit7: or (1) in wnfananee •!th the condltion• of apprmal for • valid Nose Oceuptlon Pantie •e prodded in Saetion 17.01.060 of the Oevelopesnc Code; 9. No private, not-eowreial veblel• rhicb Kned• • srosa reiDht of one and one-halt (1 and 1/2) tone, or Keesds • rideh of eiDhq (BD) inches, or Keeeds a hHaht of awes (7) feet or Kweds a lenDt6 of trenq-lire (YS) feet; and no trailer. ar!-trailer, hose or portable reenatiotrl egnit~tne shall W parked or stored rlthis the front lard, corner dde >'ard or Hde lard abaetiej • street unlwa: (I) it to not a ceewsreiel rthiele and i• parked for a ta.poraq period of ttae not to Kceed nent7-tour (7e) houcr. (t) it is involved in lwdin{ er uslwdlnD aeti~iq; and (1) it is parbd in cospl lance rith sq othK applicable Ciq ordinanw: 30. Violation of aq prmiaion o! tbia arbnetion shall be pmiahable as an infraction. 96C7ION 3; 9nWectlon 17.1II.070-D(N) et tke DweloPKt Code of the Ciq of P•ncho C\:eponp !e 6ant7 wwded to ewd, ie rorda and liDurea, u fol iota B. Asp uwndap paved drirwq er KtMaien of the prluq delvwq shall not b• rwd toe parkisD unless: (1) !t coa:reta the prlaar~ drlvwq aewu to • eaeond acpo point •!th eha Knot or pool is rlahr-oL-rq (!s. circular drlvwq) dth • continuoee pn~aet rideh net escudle6 Mlve (It) lots (Z) it !a an Ktenaion of the pslwr>' drlvwq sward the nearest ai4 or net lard great or (S) is canKracesd purarane to ao gprwed Miner DwaloPKr Rwiw. SNCZION 1; 9ubaeetion 17.IO.OSO-0 is hsreb~ adMd to the Developanr Code of the CitT of Mncho Cueuonp to W swd, !e rorda and flBucea, u follora: 0. Vehicle Parkin lha parklnD o! whielea !n di causrdal/ oft a and industrial districts shall b• aubj eet ro the eoliwin6 provieiowt 'fhe desip: Dsldsllnes and fscllitles shall Conlon to 17.11 el the Dwslep;;snt ptwiaiona o! the indaatrlal reptlatlons ter parkin6 the prwislon• o! Obapter CeM and aq applicabl• Spseilie Plan: ExHiw~t ~ ;~ 9~ Otdinan<a !b. J60 Pap ! 1. 7rbiela prkinr aball ba ritbin balldinp, prap• oz otbrr rpulrrd or authorizrd orf-aetwt pared paskina facilieiar. 3. All parkinr laeilitia• •ithin pabl is viw tear for atraat, pool le right-ol-rq or adjapet proprrq aball M paved rich • pt•anrnt pwlnr aatarial. Such arra aball br aaintsinad ie • uwabla condition frar o! potbolra and brobn wetiona aatticleet co prwaet and and/or dnat, ritboat accn•aiatioo of loow aatarial or other Gerriotaeioe; 4. ffi vrhiclr aball b• prtrd for for Parpow of diaplyina anch phielr for vela or otbrr coaNmiai activiq, ircludln~, bat not 1Litrd te, iraN, 61rr, advrrtiain~, •tc, veleta aneb vrhiclr it parirad bt, or Ath eha rrittre prnLalon o!, • 6n$nru en for propart~ rhich !a paalttad, lipewd and apprevad to dLply vrhielaa for each parpowa~ S. t1o vehicle shall M parbd for for patpaw of wpair er aaintrnancr imlrur (1) aveb rerk is pslenrd on vrhicirr or~rd er oprracrd ~ ehr oraitr' bnaiwaa rithin an reelowd bnlldin~ er Yazd sew aerarerd tree viw trams for atnet. pabite eight-el-ry, adjawnt proprrtira and spaltrd ott-rttwt parkia~ taeilitira rich pablis acaui or (1) Le coeroretion •ith • eaesrat on-aitr buainraa gnletrd to gslon rrpair or aainernaner of vrbiela^ and Dolt daring ratabl lahad buHarw bonral 4. tb vehicle shieh is diwbiad, ~nllwnwd. wra~latand, inopratiq or Iroa rhieh as •rwatial oe lrµll~ rpairrd opratin~ part L raforrd or •!arle~ aball M prFad ritbin pabl la riw Icaa ehr atrartt publ is rlabt-ol-ry, adjawne proprrtlrr or rpuirad ott-retort pskie~ !acllitin rich pobl le acpast 7, tb coaaweeial vrhiel• wewdia~ • avow rridbt of one and onrbait (1 and 1/1) coca, ae nerrdia~ • rldeh at •iibt7 (~) lecbra, or a trailer or awi-trrllre shall 4 parlrad rithin • courrelal/oltiw dlreritt uolrare (1) !t !• aesrrerd trove pnblis viw trove ehr atrgt, public right-ot- ry aed adjapet proprtlrai (Z) !r is actiwlp imolvrd in aakin~ piclt-rpr aed 411~ariul or (3) in conarctlon rich, and in aid to, eha prrtonancr of • weviw to, or on, ehr peoparty rharr ehr vehicle is parked, rhilrnctlval~ lvrolwd io each actiriq{ EX H/.0/> ~ ~' 98 Ordinance 80. 760 Page 5 S. "PehideP a used in ehia section shall ineludr. but not be lfaited to, eauercial vehicles, autaobilo, trneka, eraile[a, sotor trueb. asi-erailsra, aotoreteleq aogds, cnsgrs, caagr shells, boar or other large grtahle rwraacioMl or cwprclal aquipsenti 9. VSoLtion of ty proriaion of chit anbuctian shall i» pmisbabls sa an infraction. gECTION S: The Cip Gnneil daelare• that, should ay Provision, section, grquph. wncend or coed of ehia OrdiMOee M raadared or declared invalid bl ay final wort action in • wort of wagteat juriadietion, or bf , reason o[ ty prergive legislation, the rwsieing proriaions, wecions, gragraphs, sentences, and cords of ehia OrdlMnd shall main in lull toree and et Lct. SECTION 6i The lY~or sball sign thin Ordinance and the Citt Clerk shall eauw the sane to M pabliahad •ithin tittaen (13) dye attar its gaaap n last and is The DaiU 14wet, • nereggr of geeeral eirealatlon published in eha City o! Onurie, GlilornL, and eizcaland is ebe C!q o! Reecho Cucronp. Cslitornia. The Ma)or aball sign ehia OrdlMnd and eha Ciy Clark shall eaaw the ape to h published riehin titceee (15) dye attar !ta gapp at last once in Tha Daily 14OOrt. • nersggr of taoeral circulation pabllahad !o eha Citl of Ongrio. Glitornia, and eieeulatad !e eha C1q of Eanehe GLCUOnp, Glitornia. PASS®, APtROpED, and ADOPTED this 6th d•T of Ja1T, 19EE. ATESt Erarn, Eugwr, Stoat. King, Nright NOES i NoM AESENT7 NOM nni^ L.L. Stoad~~ ATf68T: Eararlt Authelet, Ciq Clark ~'xHieir~~' 99 Ordinance No. 360 PaBa 6 I, D698lQ,T A. A8'l8~.87. CI1T C1.8RR of tha Cip of I4ncho Cucaon8a, fSl itornia, do 6arab) cartit~ that ehr toegoioa Ordiunca ru intsoducrd •t • n8alar autin8 of tha Council of tha City of Rancho Cowonp held on eha ISth dq of Juno, 1988, and ru fiull~ paaad st • ra8ular rurina of rha Clt~ Council of tha Ciro of Rancho Cnewonp held oo eha 6th dq of July, 1988. 14acatad thin 7eh dq of July. 1988 at Rancho CuwonBa. 411ternia. 6.[.. arl~ !.. Aathalat, City Clark /Do CITY OF RANCHO CliCA:vIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 22, 1991 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, Clty Planner BY: Otto Krout ll, Deputy City Planner SVBJECT: RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE - Review of current City regulstione stfeoting storage and parking of Racrptional Vehielu on private ruldential properties. I. ABSTRACT: ThL report deaU with recreational vehicle storsgs in front yard areas of •ingls family homes. The report outlines recommender ions made by tM Public Safety Commission and prow ides additional information as requested by the Planning Commission. The report concludes with tour basic policy options, or choices, to W considered by the Planning Commluion follwing a public haring. II. BACRGROVND: Thi• review of the City~^ Recreational Vehicle ordinance was initiated by the City Council. The Council requuted that two City commiulons, tM Puhl is Safety Commlnion and the Plane Lnq CommLSion, review the existing ordinance and come back to the City Council with ehelr reconmendationa. IIS. PVBLIC SAFETY COMB ISSION REVIEN: The Public Safety Commission was charged with a rwlew of the currant ordinance from the perspective of public eatery. The Puhlic Safety Ca:mLslon hu concluded it^ review of the Recreational Vehicle Ordlnanee. The PuDllc 9a3eCy Commie ion L recommending to tN City Council that no changes De made to the preunt ord seance. However, tN Public Safety commluion hu also recommended that if for soma reuon Che Clty Council determinu Ghat modifications to the current ordinance are appropriate, the lollowing Easton should W considered: ^If the regulatlone affecting the Korage oL certain recnat loess whLcles in front yard arcs are to be relaxed, the fallowlnq criteria should be used: a. only •elf-propelled, self-contained, and fully ucured vehicle• ouch a• motor homes, house care, and tampers mounted on pickups may be stored in the required front yard areas. b. Such vehielu may not extend over • public ddewalk or r~~ht-o[- way 1Lns, nor may they be stored wtthln 30 Eeet trap the back of •idewelk or right-of-way line. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RV STORAGE - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA May Z2, 1991 Page ] c. Vehicles stored in the front yard may not ba located within 5 feet of the residence, garage, o[ other structure. d. No vehicles may 6e stored on •lopaa excedinq 10 pvreant." Thr Public safety commission recommendations are included here for your Lnformat ion only. They will be forwerdrd to the City Council along with thr racommandation of the Planning Commission. IV. P~aNNING COMMIS<ION RBVIBN: The Planning Commie ice hu already dUcaued this issue on several occe ions. In then discussions, aLo Lnvolvlnq the rspwentative of the recreational vehicle group, the Sues was narrowed down to privets residential properties only; public strsat parking i• not an issue at this time. Staff wu raqussted to look Lnto specific items, to ue if there L• a wsy to relax the sxisi inq rtatrict ions while malntalning a resonable dagre of control and at the acme time suers that tM ordinance can ba applies equ Stably. Ths Mama staff was requested to examine included maLnGnance Lauu, timing rutrlctions, 9randfathsrlnq, and considerK ion of dwelopinq different standards for different types o[ vehicles. It was •lso noted that the Public Sa[ety CommLsion'• ncoamendation should ba considered before the Planning commiuion tinalhed its recommendation to the City council. 4atxTENI~NC6 Ip5 06Sx The long term general maLnteninCe oL •11 Clty neighborhoods i• tautly • question of public heath, etety, and welfare. Tni^ Lncludes adequate eintenece of structures, yards, parkways, and itmos stored Ln public view, includlnq recrutional vehicle. The pre-1988 ordlnanca dullnq wish RV's n1Ud on vehicl. maintuanes provisions to promou public heath, egty, and welfare goals. Unfortunately, the ordinance we ineffective, in that it we only abl. to del with the most flagsant vioLtione. The Code 6nforeement office received many calla tram ruldents objecting to the parking o[ racrutional vehicles !n their elghborhood. However, many of the vehicle reported a being Ln poor condition did not constitute c Uar violation under the ordinance) therefore, the City could eat torte tnelr removel. By necueity, all malnbnance nqu lramenU tend to be subjective. Itsma ouch a ilaC ties and inoperative, unllcenud vehicles are usy to idetify. However, the ghat majority of malntenanee eau era in a margind eondltion and subject to lntsrprNat ion and value judgmsner white do not stand legal scrutiny. Tres community, and Coda Bntorcement start In the field, must have • ele-r and •arily axplainaDL ut of rule to work with to be •ftectSve. /off ~'~ PLANNING COMMIEEZON STAFF REPORT RV STOAAG6 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONCA nay 22, 1991 Paqa 3 VI. TIME LZMZTS: Existing ngu Tat ion/ doling with ALL vehicles )not just RV's) distinguish between "storage," which L coneidared psrmavnt, and "parkingr" which is considered to be of a temporary, non- continuous nature. Current regulation/ prohibit all ^siorege^ in resident lal front yartl area/; NO vshicLs (ot other item/ sorb •/ equipment, material, ate.) may be permanently stored in front ysid/. Pao/nger vehicles ate annsldered ^Kond^ after five wnescutiw days of earl Lnuous parking. Reereae Tonal vMiel requltlons ar+ currently more restrictive: RV'• ar/ coNidered ^etosed^ a[tec only Z4 hour/ o[ continuous parking. One of the rusona for LAe five-day 1Lolt on puesnger vehicles is that vehicles which ar/ In continual uu ar/ by nwosity in op/retlnq condition and are rusonaDly well maintained. Ales, vehicles that are moved often cannot •ccumulata debrl sround and und/r iham. By contrut, vehicles which ar/ permanently /toted do not necessitata continual maiMUancet dust and debrl usily accumulate, weeds and loves become mon difficult to control, and a conscientious atfort by the awn/c L rage lssd to maintain the vehicl/ and its lmm/diata surroundinga in adequata condition. In staff'/ expsrLnc/, • large proportion of v/hiclas currently stored Ln violation of the fiv/-day limit are alo a malntananee problem. The rim/ limit provides tangible and enforceable Cool to dui with puesngar vehicle maintanance problems. Slmil•r considerations apply to other vehicle, including RV's. However, from a maintanane/ persp/etiw, there is no advantaq/ Sn keeping the RV regulations mon n/trictive than r/qu Tat SoN for other vMlele/. ModitlcaLions to the esiatinq ordinance could M made to eliminate th/ distinction Wtwesn AV's and other vehicles, and apply • five-day parking limit to both. Ths net result would M that reerutlonal vehicles would not W considered "stored" until aftar flue drys of wet lnuoue parking, an4 regulations doling aith •stotage^ would not kick in until that point. This would give the RV owner additional flexibility, without impairing ihs City's ability to swtain • high level of malntenanee Ln its nslghborhoods. VII. GAANOPATHERINGt "CrandfatMrlnq' 1^ • means to uLSb1Uh a lq•1 right to contino an activity which L no longer permitted Dy current nqulatlons. 9tatf wu nquuied to lnvutlgaq tM poesibillty of •qund[atMrinq^ pre-existing teerestional vehicle. This would allow recrutio nal vehicle which had bon stored Ln front yard) prior to the adoption of carrot nqulatlons to cone inue to be stored In the front yards. /03 ~aZ PLANNING COMl1I SSION STAFF REPORT RV STOMGE - CITY OF IUNCHO CVCAHONGA Nay Z2, 1991 Pa9a a Thera are uveral Lgal and practical problems with thin approach: Plret, the non-conforming (or "geandfatherinq^) clww Ls normally used to permit the continuation of setivitiea which have been Ugally Htabliahed in the first plat.. As new law. are adopted, pre-existing but legally aateblished wtivitiu era "grandfnthared in^ and allowed to continue. Tha pre-1988 ordinance did not permit storage of RV's in the front yard. without re eerier Lone. Anther, the ttorage of RV's Ln the front yards wan parmittatl in a vary limited am (between eM drLvway and the nprut aide property line). Thus, many of the RV's which d0 not meet today'. requLtione would aLO violate the pre-axLtinq ordinance and could not ba "grandtathared." Second, tMra L no practical way to detemine whether • vehicle hu been stored in a 91ven location since 6atore tM data o! the ordinance. This means that new storage locations could W utabliahed in violation of tAa new Ordinance with no way of enforcement. The only solution to thin 1e to "grand[ather" ~] RV's elorad today (in violation of Doih the pre-1988 ordinanq and current regulation.). Third, there 1e a question of equitable application of city requlationa. It exist inq vMicUe are "qundtathered" and permitted to ba stored in front yards, Dut neLghbon who complied with currant requlatione era not permitted to uu Chair property in like manner, problems 1n enforewnt are vary likely to develop. Given theme eoneideratione, staff dwn not wnsider ^gnndtatherinq^ a practical option for addreuinq this lean.. VIII, STANDARDS BY TYpE O} VEHICLis The Co®iu ion ankad neztt to examine wMeher etornge standards could W developed by tM type of vehicle, considering the type of peoblem which may a usoc iated with each type. The lollowinq .Cult ications npgwnt !M types of vehlclu coamonly [ound in resldmtinl neighborhood. Ln this cos®unitys Van Conversion Chassis Mounted Camper Houuear - 38-~0 feat Converted tue /a~{ ~'~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT AV STORAG¢ - CITY OF RANCXO CUCAMONGA May 22, 1991 Page 5 TRAILERS Vtility/Plat Bad Trei ler Spscisl Purpose Trailer Box/Enclosed Tzaller Cemping/Toot Troller Hnrae/stock Trailer Noute Trailer 12-35 fact Fifth Wheel Trails[ 20-40 fat MATS fTRaILEec, Row Boat open Boat (Trailer) 12-20 feet Sall Bont (Trailer) 10-35 Cut Cabin Cruiser (TUiler) 16-35 fact xouseDOat (Trailer) 20-39 tut C`uPeRB/ awP6R averr Vnmoun4d Shell (Portable) Vnmounead Camper Camper (Mounted On Pick-up) MOTORCYC*.6 / ~ T6 wIN t NS I R , Motorcycle/Girt elks (Not Street Legal) All Terrain Vehicle (3-whirl, 4-wMel, Not Strut Legal) Moped/Motorized BicyeL (Strut Legal) Motorcycle (Stret Legal) OPP-ROAD VEHICL69 INOT STAS6T Dune Buggy off-Road VohicU (deep, Truck, VM, etc.) Off-Road Raee Whicle Road Race Car Although tMre an • large number of raereational vehicle types, po4ntial problems auociated wlih nch are •lmllar in nature. TM Public Balety Commluion had looked a! ehle option from tM perspsctiw of ufety and agreed that there as rally duet two groups of rseretional vehicLs: 3. 9s1f-eontalned, wlf-propelled, and fully ucured vehlc La ouch a motor homes, houq cars, and campmr• on truckU and 2. All otMrsJ such as boat, trallen, oft-road vehicle, sec. Prom tAe point of vlew oC elntenance and land uu, • •lmilar d lselnetion can M drawn a well. Vehicle which can W drlwn and era licenud Co M operated on public atrub require • suDRGnt lei degru o[ maintenance and ass cuter to control. las ~,¢ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RV STORAGB - CITY OP PANCHO CUCAMONCA May 7P, 1991 Page 6 Should the Commiulon desire to modify the existing ordinnncs to permit the atoraga of certain types of recreational vehicles in the front yards, staff suggests that only calf-contained, calf-pcopellad, and licanud vehiclu be permitted in front yard area. IX. AVAILANLB OPTIONS: There era a number of policy options availaD la for consideration. The Daeic choices era: 1. BEEP E%ISTING OROTNANCB AS I9. This could coniLnus to p[ohibit RV parking In front yarn and driveways for Hare than Z6 hours. 2. KEEP EX ISTINO OAD INANCE, BUT RELA% TIME LIMITS. This option would keep •%iatinq zutrLCi ions on "storage" of RV's, but extend GM period during which RV'• may W "parlud^ in front yard area io five days (or other appropriate 1Lmit ~. 3. RBVT36 ORDINANCE TO PEANIT tAONT YA[ID STORAGE Ot SEL!-CONTAINED AND SELL-PROPELLED VEHICL89 ONLY. This would Hu the tartlet ions on motor homes and •Lmilar vehiclu, but continu the current ruezietlon• for boats, trallan, and other vMicUa u noted in the report. 0. REVISE ORDINANCE TO PERMIT tRONT YARD STORAGE Op ALL RECREATIONAL VEHICLES. Thla option would permit Ue storage of all ncrutLonal vahlclo In tM [root yard arp saDject to maintenance requLtions. X. $ECON!@NDATION: it i• recommended Chat the Camiluion again obtain public input on thug Leuu and eittur: 1. Cirsct etatf to prepare appropdaN chanqu to the text of the ordinance, or 2. lorwerd lt• policy recomnx+ndatlon to the City Council for along with tM pcrnmendation of the Public 9abty Attachmenis~ Exhibit "A" - PLnninq Caemiuion Eta[f Report dated Junin Z7, 1990 Ezhiblt ^e" - Ordinance No. 360 Bxhlbit "C" - summary of Surroundlnq Citiu' RequLtiona /~~ ~,~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 - T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Millie Valbuena, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: VACATION OF REIO AVENUE - A request to vacate Reid Avenue, orate soot o n treet and east of Archibald Avenue RECOMIENDAT[ON It is recommended that the City Council adopt Lhe attached resolution ordering the summary vacation of Reid Avenue, south of Main Street and east of Archibald Avenue. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On February 13, 1991, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Parcel Map 13800 per Resolution No. 91-20 located on the southeast corner of Main Street and Reid Avenue. One of the conditions of approval of the parcel map is a request to vacate Reid Avenue, south of Main Street and west of the proiect site. This would result in a portion of Reid Avenue becoming a part of the parcel map and a portion becoming a part of the parcel to the west. The sub,lect street right-of-way vacation 1s approximateiy 60-feet wide and 170-feet long, see attached Exhibits "A" and "B". The subject proposed vacation 1s unimproved and not necessary for access. The Planning Commission on February 13, 1991, has determined that said vacation would conform to the General Plan and recommended the vacation occur. Section 8333a of the Streets and Highways Code states that local agencies may sumnarlly vacate (by resolution) public service easements if the easement has not been used for the purpose for which 1t was dedicated or acquired for five consecutive years immediately preceding the proposed vacation. Respectfully sub fled, J p ~ ,~ 7f"~~'`~ Nm. Joe O'Neil / ' City Engineer U NJO:WV:dlw Attachments ~7 RESOLUTION N0. 9/. 3/~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF REID AVENUE WHEREAS, by Chapter 4, Article 1, Section 8330, of the Streets and Highway Code, the City Council of the Cfty of Rancho Cucamonga is authorized to summarily vacate a portion of the City Street hereinafter more particularly described; and WHEREAS, the City Council found all the evidence submitted that Reid Avenue is unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes because the said street has not been used for the purpose for which it was dedicated or adqulred for flue consecutive years. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED by the Ctty Council of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby ma ek s~ order vacating that portion of street as shown on Map V-066, on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, which has been further described in a legal description which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A', and by reference made a part thereof. SECTION 2: That the subJect vacation shall be subJect to the reservations oTr sanitary sewer purposes as described in attached Exhibit "A". SECTION 3: That frmn and after the date the resolution 1s recorded, said por on o he City street no longer constitutes a street or public easement. SECTION 4: That the City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this resolution o e recorded 1n the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. adoption QECT-f I-~N-~resolutlon,heanditltCshall sthereuponitakeoeffectpandgbealn force. (Og Exxlalr A THAT PORTION OF THE WEST CUCAMONGA TRACT AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 13, PAGE 1, RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFOkNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 24, BLOCK 10 OF SAID TRACT, SAID POINT ALSO HEiNG THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE WEST PARALLEL VITH THE CENTERLINE OF MAIN STREET A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 9 OF SAID TRACT: THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE EASTERLY LINfi OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 170.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1: THENGfi EAST ALONG THE PROLONGATIDN OF SAID SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHVEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 26: THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 170.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. RESERVING TO CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRTICT A 15 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SAID 15 FOOT EASEMENT BEING PARALLEL WITH AND LY3NG lU FEET WESTERLY AND 5 FEfiT EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DFSCRIHED LINE: COMMENCING ON THE CENTERLINE OF REID AVENUE AND THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTN RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MAIN STRfiET; THENCE EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 3.93 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: <1> THENCE S 5° 47' 26" E A DISTANCE OF 170. H7 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 10. s"A1D POINT BEING EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 21.17 FEET FkOM THE CENTERLINE OF REID AVENUE. SI UE LINES OF SA1D EASEMENT TO HE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO TERMI NATH ON EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES, SEE EXHIBIT H (2 "EXHIBIT 8" J ~ L ,c MA/N - _ _ Q STREET _ n n o ~ r- n EAST 60.00 25 25 393 25 25 25 EAST 30 30 160 2 I ' 0 24 23 22 o ~ o n I ~ r - m _ IS Sewer easement o C SCALE -~1-,~~=40~ ~ BLOCK 10 BLOCK 9 ~ ~ W ~~ a l x r a z o z x ~ 10 a 0 5~ z 25 23 E45T 60,00 25 25 25 EAST 21.17 ~' F"'C Ff. ~, ~~ .r ri o n `~ ~ ~~ A.T. Q S.F. RA/LROAO ~~ ~•°: -'^~ ~---- - ~r,EXP G-~6.1p *~~ Fr, r ~/ \ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Oct obey 16, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council ~`J4 Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Senior Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 78-03 - SAM'S PLACE - Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Coimiss ion's decision to re wke Conditional Use Permit 78-03 Eor the operation of a bar in conjunction with a [eatautant located in the Neighborhood Commercial District at 6620 Carnelian Street, northwest comer of 19th and Carnelian Streets - APN: 201-811-66 through 60. CONDITIONAL VSE PERMIT 70-03 - SAM'S PLACE - Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Coi®ission's decision to deny the request to extend the hours of operation and amend the Condition of Approval prohi6itinq live entertainment for an existing reataurant and bar located in the Neighborhood Covmercial District at 6620 Carnelian Street, northweat corner of 19th and Carnelian Streeta - APN: 201-811-56 through 60. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 91-02 - SAM'S PLACE - Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny the request to conduct live entertainment in conjunction with a restaurant and bar located in the Neighborhood Commercial Diatri et at 6620 Carnelian Street, northwest corner of 19th and Carnelian Streets - APN: 201-811-56 through 60. On Octobet e, 1991, staff received a letter From the applicant requesting a continuance of the above-dea cribed items. The to as on is that he will not be available to attend this meeting lase attached October 8, 1991 letter from Mr. John Mannerino). Staff recommends that the CSty Council continue the above items to the November 20, 1991 regular meeting. City BB:NF ap Attachment: Applicant's letter of October 8, 1991 d FRlX1: DEgIJly9 T0~ 7149576499 DCT 9. 1991 1O:01RM P,02 MAIVINERINO BRIGUGLI~ i • w o r r i JOHN D. MANNERINO 6Al FflI000li0 (7741987-6499 VIA FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION October 9, 1991 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA City Clerk's Office ' Attention: Debbie Adams 10500 Civic Center prive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9t73O . ~ Re: Conditional Use Permit 78-03 / Sam's Place Dear Ms. Adams In~light of the current status of the calendars of both the City Council and myself, attorney for the Pellegrino's, we respectfully request a continuance of .the appaal hearing,to November 20, 7991.- Rindly indicate~to my office whether this date is accepeable. ?hanky for your continued cooperation in this mncter. • Very r ly/ yvuza, MANNE 6 TGU 0 w sya o n Ma e~ no cc: \ S ' ~ ~~ BJ07 BABE lINF ACRD, SUITE 1101 NANGNO CUCAMONDA, CA 917001TEL (71q 960.11001FA%(H t19/1~84t0. . CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Sack Lam, AICP, City Manager n FROM: Brad Bul.le r, City Planner `lrJ1 BY: Bruce Buckingham, Planning Technician BUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESBMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 91 O1 CITY OF RANCHO cUCAMONGA - A ragas et to emend Title 17, Chapter 17.12 of the Rancho Cuc amonga Municipal Code to eliminate compact parking spaces and reduce the standard size Dorking apace to 8 I/2 feet by 1E feet. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ENVIRONMENTAL ABBEBBMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA - A request to amend Part III Of the Indu eirial Specific Plan to eliminate compact parking epacee. Sta Ff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of this Development Code Amendment and Industrial Specific Plan Amendment. If the Council concurs, the attached Ordinances should be adopted. BACKGROUND: In February 1991, the Planning Commission directed staff to prepare a Development Code and Indu atrial Specific Plan Amendment to eliminate 8-foot by 16-foot "compact" parking epacee. On April 10, 1991, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on this matter. eacauee of issues raised by several developers, the Planning Commission held a workshop on June 20, 1991, to diecasa possible alternatives. Based on information eubm fitted to the Planning commies ion, and the workshop, a proposal was advanced to change the existing 9- Eoot by 19-foot "et andard" size parking apace to an E 1/2-foot by IR-foot "et andard" parking apace. At the August 28, 1991, Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commies ion approved the Aeeolutione recommending adoption of the attached Ordinances creating a "one-size-Fite-all^ parking apace of 8 1/2-feet by 16-feet. Attached are the Planning commies ion staff reports and minutes from the August 26, 1991, meeting and the June 20, 1991, workshop, containing more detailed information. lly City P1,6nner Attachment e: Exhibit "A"- Augu et 28, 1991, Planning commieaion Staff Report (inc lades June 20, 1991, Workshop Report and Minutest Exhibit "B" - Augu et 28 and August la, 1491, Planning Comm is aion Minutes Planning Commission Reao lu[ione 91-122 and 91-123 City Council ordinance for DCA 91-01 C i[y Council Ordinance Ear IBPA 91-01 U1x Vr rtA.vl nv ll. 1, :].vlV.v v.'. STAFF REPORT (~~lr - DAT.E: August 2HJ 1991 v T0: Chairman and Memb erg of the Pla nninq Coamission FROM: Brad Huller, City Planner BY: Hruce Huckin gham, Planning Technician SUBJECT: ENVIRIXiMENTAL AS3ESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request t0 amend Title 17, Chapter 17.12 of the Rancho cu camonga Municipal Code to eliminate compact parking spaces. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. (Continued from August 14, 1991.) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSS33MENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-8 1 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend Pnrt III of the Industrial Area Specific Plan to eliminate compact parking spaces. Staff recommends issuance of a Nagati ve Declaration. ICOntinued From August 14, 1991.) These items were continued to the August 2S, 1991 Planning Commission meeting in order to amend the Resolution. Attached Ss a copy of the August 14, 1991 staff report. Respe ly su ted (l/ /` / Brad Ler City Planner HB:HB/jfs Attachment: Exhibit "A" - Auquet 14, 1991 Staff Report P le nning Co®igaion Resolution fot DCA 91-01 City Council Ordinance for DCA 91-01 Planning Commission Resolution for ISPA 91-01 City Council Ordinance Eor ISPA 91-01 ~ ~~ FXlilsl7 f} ulI yr ls~,.~~n~ ~t~:+.av.v ~.,~ STAFF REPORT DATE: August 14, 1991 T0: Chairman and Membets of the PLa nning Commission FRDM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Bruce Buckingham, Planning Technician ~~ a SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF PANCND CUCAMDNGA - A request to amend Title 17, Chapter 17.12 of the Aancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to eliminate compact parking spaces. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. (Continued from June 20, 1991.) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CZTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend Part III of the Industrial Area Specific Plan to eliminate compact parking spaces. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. (Continued from June 26, 1991.) ABSTRACT: This report presents amendments to the Development Code and Industrial Specific Plan to eliminate compact parking standards by creating a standard size space of 8 1/2 feet by 18 feet. SAC KGROUND: The City's current parking raga lotions provide for two sizes of parking spaces: a 9-foot by 19-foot "Standard" space and an 8-foot by 16-foot "Compact" space. According to the De velopmeni Code, all developments (existing oz proposed) whicR have 25 or more parking spaces m~ devote up to 35 percent of its total parking [o compact spaces. Further, the Industrial Specific Plan requires that 20-35 percent of all parking spaces shall be compact size. On April 10, 1991, the Planning Commission heard public testimony regarding the City's proposed Development Code and Industrial Specific PLan amendments to eliminate compact parking spaces and use only 9-foot by 19-foot standard spaces. Subsequently, the Planning Commission held a workshop on June 20, 1991, to discuss aLiernetivas to this proposal. It was the concensus of the Planning Conmisaionere that attended that an 8 1/2-foot by 18-foot parking space would be adequate to accommodate Ne majorrty of automobiles. The attached Staff Reports and MLnutes provide detailed analysis concerning this issue. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff has comp le [ed Parts I and II of the Initial Study and did not idenerfy any adverse environmental impacts which could result From this amendment. Therefore, the rssuance of a Negative Dec laratron is recommended. I I / PLANNING CGM.MI BSION STAFF PEPORT OCA 91-01 G ISPA 91-01 - CITY OF R.C. August 14, 1991 Pe ge 2 CORRESPONDENCE: These items have been advertised as public hearings on an 1%a page ad in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. RECOMMENOAT IDN: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolutions recommending approval of the Development Code and Industrial Specific Plan amendments to eliminate compact spaces and down-size the standard space to a feet, 6 inches by 1B feet to the City Council. Respe y subm Hcad er City Tanner SB:BB/jfs Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Planning Commission Workshop Sieff Report and Minuted dated June 20, 1991 Exhibit "E" - Existing Development Code Parking Regulations Exhibit "C" - Existing Industrial Specific elan Parking Regulations Reso lutlon Recommending Approval of DCA 91-01 City Council Ordinance Eor DCA91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval of ISPA 91-01 City Council Ordinance foY IBPA91-01 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 20, 1991 TO: Chairman and Membezs of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Bruce Buckingham, Planning Technician SUBJECT: PLANNING CO MiI55 LON WORKSHOP ON COMPACT PARKING A. ABSTPACT: The purpose of tonight's workshop is to review the data and alternatives regarding compact parking. B. BAC XGROUND: On April 10, 1991, the Planning Commission heard public testimony regarding the City's proposed Development Code and Industrial Specific Plan Amendments to eliminate compact parking spaces. At the request of several developers and the Panc ho Cucamonga Chamber of Cov®erce, the Planning Commies ion gave the parties the opportunity to submit possible alternatives on or before May 15~, 1991. The Planning Commission then agreed to hold a subsequent workshop to discuss these alternatives further. .,. SUMMARY OF SUBMITTED DATA: Lewis Homes Management Corporation, Hughes Investment and the Economic Development Comllttee of the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce have jointly submitted several ~ stuoies and articles regarding parking, which were previously distributed. Based on this information, they have concluded the following: o Approximately 80 percent of all care currently in use are 5' 9" wide x 15' 7" long or Lesa. These are defined as small to mid-size cars. o Approximately 20 percent of all cars ate "large cars." Moat of which (85 percent of this category) are no large- than 6' i" wide x 17' 2" long. o Pazkiny space widths are generally determined by adding 21" Enr long term parking and 20" for high tum-over parking areas. The most commonly used is 26". n Parking space Lengths are generally determined by adding 6" to 9" to the length. The most commonly used is 9". PLANNING COMMISSION STAR. :PORT WORKSHOP ON COMPACT PARKING June 20, 1991 Page 2 Therefore, they conclude that approximately 97 percent (i.e., BO percent + (20 percent by 85 pert ent ~) of all vehicles on the road today could fit into a parking space 8' S" wide (6' 1" plus 28") x 17' 11" long (17' 2" plus 9"). Thus, they propose a ' size fits a11" pa long space of e' 6" w'd by 18' 1 g. (The above conclusions are based on Exhr br is "A"-"D" and Attachments 3, 4, 5, and 8.) To Eu rther support the parking space alternative of e' 6" wide x 78' long, a survey was conducted to determine vehicle size in multi-family residential projects within six apartment complexes within Terra Vista. The information was based on lease/rental applications of existing tenants. TABLE 1 CONFIRMED POSSIBLY' 6.1" wide x 17'2^ long oversize or smaller Evergreen Apts. 96B qg Mountainview Apts. 9q0 6B Par kview Place Apts. 978 38 Sycamore Terrace Apts. 908 109 Montecito Apts. qqp 68 Del Mar Apts. 934 79 • Due to the lack of specific vehicle descriptions for trucks and vans (i.e., "ford truck") the possibly over-sized percentage represents all vehicles over 6' 1" wide x 17' 2" long and all vehicles in which the size could not be determined. Lewis Nomes concluded that residents who park foc the entire day and/or night are more likely to take the time to park in the appropriate parking space since they are familiar with the parking arrangements. Therefore, they feel that the proposed alternative parking space of e' 6" x 18' long in a commercial setting applies even stronger to residential projects. A second survey was performed by Kunzman Aaeocia tes to determine the percentage of the small/medium (5' 9" x 15' 7" or lessl, large (6' 1" x 17 1/2" or less) and oversized vehicles in commercial centers within the City. The survey was conducted at the following times: Thursday, May 23, 1991, 12 noon to 3;00 p.m. (a 11 sites), Thursday, May 2J, 1991, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (sites 1 and 3), and Saturday, May 25, 1991, 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. (all sites). The following table provides a summary of vehicle sizes at the four centers: il9 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF .PORT WORKSHOP ON COMPA.^.T PARMING June 20, 1991 Page 3 TABLE II Vehicles Small/ Sites Medium Large Oversize Motorcycle Tota'_s Lucky Centet 518 BO 8 3 609 Sunrise Center 284 01 15 1 381 Terra Vista 1,017 194 5 8 1,224 Village Terra Vista 997 216 5 1 1,219 Town Center _ - 'POTALS 2,816 571 33 13 3,433 They concluded only 1 percent of vehicles were larger than 6' 1" wide x 17' 2" long. Therefore, based on this survey, Rancho Cucamonga does not appear to have a greater number of oversized vehicles than the national average. D. ANALYSTS: 1. one size Eits all. The benefits of a "one size fits all" packing space are as follows: o Site planning is simplified. Dilemmas such as where to locate compact parking spaces are eliminated. o Conf Lices are minimized. over 90 percent of care/trucks will be accownodated• o Availability will 6e equal for all vehicles. There will be no segregation based on vehicle size. The disadvantages are that there will be lees room to maneuver vehicles into/out of stalls, less room to open car doors, and less room for shopping carts. This will also exacerbate the problem of over-size vehicles protruding into circulation aisles. 2. Parking space width and Length. The space between cars for high T.utn over aeeas of 28'• in width and 9" in length appears to be commonly used among several parking sxperts. However, no scientif is data was submitted to substantiate these numbers. In addition, Wane of the information submitted is based on driver preference for ease of perking. 3. Aces used for parking. The issue of parking area has been discussed in the past. The Following table provides a breakdown of the total square footage for 100 parking Fpaces assuming landscaping and ais Le size ace fixed: /~~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF PORT WORI(SHOP ON COMPACT 2ARRLNm June 20, 1991 Page 4 TABLE III Stall Size Tot a1 Square Fo otage B.5' x 18' 15,300 9' x 18' 16,200 9' x 19' 17,100 e' x 16' (208) + 9' x 19' (809) 16,240 e' x 16' (358) + 9' x 19' (658) 15,595 Simply eliminating compact parking altogether would increase the size of parking lots (assuming building area remained the same). Whereas, the proposed 8.5' x 18' parking space would decrease the size of parking lots. It does not appear based on Table III that a larger parking area would be necessary when compared to the current standards using a mix of 65 percent standard and 35 percent compact spaces. 4. Are cars oe trio s 11 /1 ger7 Based on data submitted (Exhibies '•A'• and "C"), the percentage of small cars (classes 5-7) sold in each class has remained arable from 1980 [0 1988 while the percentage of large cars (classes 8-11) sold in each class has shifted. Vehicles in classes 8 and 9 have increased, subsequently shrinking sales from classes 10 and 11 (over-sized vehicles). These vehicles (classes 10 and 11) accounted for less then 7 percent of auto sales in 1988. Though it seems these over-sized vehic Les will always have a smail segment of the market, the general trend is that vehicles are being down-sized. 5. Parking Space Sizes in other C't' The following cities have adopted the 8.6' wide x 18' long .parking stall: Anaheim, Oceanside, Santa Ana, Long Beach, Escondido and Los Angeles. Exhibit •'E 1-2" also lists several Local cities and their current standards. Based nn this information, there appears to be no consensus as to what parking size works best. E. OPTIONS: The Planning Commission may wish to consider the following alternatives to a complete elimination o£ compact parking spaces City wide: 1. Reduce the maximum percentage of allowable compact spaces. 2• Allow compart spaces only for larger employers in the industrial area which require over 100 spaces. The allowable perce ntage could remain up to 35 percent pr reduced to a smaller percentage. This could he considered since employees coming to work every day are more Familiar with the parking arrangement; whereas, cu stoma rs frequenting a commercial ra r PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF .PORT WOR%SHOP ON COMPACT PARKING June I0, 1991 Paqe 5 center are unfamiliar with the locations of thn. appropriate parking stalls. Fuzther, employees who park for the entire day are more likely to take the time to park in the appropriate size parking space. 3. Do not allow compact parking spaces to satisfy minimum parking requirements for the use• In other words, compact spaces could only be provided in addition to those spaces required by Code. 4. Down-size parking spaces to a universal size of H.5' wide x 1H' long. 5. Down-size parking spaces to a universal size of 9' wide x 78' long. Respect ~ ly s fitted, C / Hr 11 City Planner BH:BH:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Classification of Vehicle Signs Exhibit "H" - Annual Automotive Sales Exhibit "C" - Annual Automotive Salee by Class Exhibit "D" - Deai gn Vehicles Annual Sales Exhibit "E" - Parkinq Sta11 Size Survey ~d The founda0on upon wtdch this disaasbn of paAdrt99eometrics iabased Iathe deAnidon c~ta smaACar M comparison to the standard or large car. For purposes al Oda report, and ro aatabAsh a urdfonn and raadlh adaptable tanninobpy. all automo- bdes and AOht trucks wiA ba grouped iMO two Classes - smaAand large. Thk basic nomenclature is itrteMed to a~+veh Ore process of vehida dassufcation and subse- quent parldnp fauAty aeatpn. lc'xtartshh conalderatlon hat boon piwn to the tdaaiAeetlon of aura mobiNt and rata irudn aomrr9rp to theb footprkrt • lha ytound area eovarad by astir vNdde basadon IarrpthllmeswldOt axpraasadlntanna of aquae kk (SF) or aquae metaq (SM). TM sysbm Isadt to asei0rtment of rref tidae to orp of tarvan dutas, based on the vaNde area in maters. BerJUa tea attwAeat cars eowranareaano lastthansmatata,tfaanraAaatciaa seCr•Safj. LAurwlse,thahtgaatvahkdgatainClagll. SMALL ~ ' Gast S - 6.00 to 6.99 SM 63.82 to 64.67 SF Clara 8 - 6.00 t0 6.99 8M 84.66 9a 76.34 8F Cbgt 7. 7.0010 7.98 SM 76.35 b 86.10 8F WitiECJ1R8 Cfaaa 6 - 6.00 10 6.90 SM 66.11 b 68.76 8F twos 9 - 9.00 b 9,99 8M 96.7710107.63 8F CWs 10 -10.00 to10.99 8M 107.64101.16.99 SR C1Ya 11 - 11.00 1011.99 61A 116.40 ib 129.06 SF -- SM . 8quoa Maters 9F . S4+s'6 Feats aruspttl rtcu /~...3 rc.~a.~st~°° ca. aarratr . ~uau~t, 1969p a~tiootl larklea V~xLtioo/ tatklaa Coorulhou Council One source has charred -..irtl carrlarea car sofoa In each calendar year sins 1870, based on a boundary Of14'•it~xS-9'batvwansmagarplerpsearsm Small nr sales bounced around In a range between i 4Y• and ~% from 1973 to 1>i7a, ds shown in Figure E A steady dsa in smatl car sales oocurted through 1981, stabilising then. with an average of 52'h sma8 cars sold each year from 1983 thru 1988. Usirp data from H.L PoOt Cam• pony an vehitle registra8ans, 8tls same reference estl- mates thffi at% a< the vehidea an the toad as of January 1,1989 are 14'-11' x S•T a smaUa-. Presum- ing that the pereentage of smog care soW ead+ yur remains ge n erally ataWe, the percentage of ama6 cars on the road wi8 corsinue to increase ffi an ssdmffied rats of aboul2%peryaer. Annual Automobtlo Solos ear sa oa era ~~ ~^ I9s m ut• roe aw ~t w w• ~.. ~.. va rt ,a• iw w. ~w ua ~ r r• tra ,r ar btwaYr Yaw • ~Ydrrrw•arr.u,aN~ar IMI' FlQun H aearytM twat "^ata•~andtl .4fd•rSna• for !atlisa C•arerica^ Mtawc, 19x9; e.ciooal ® DI2 ^ larkiaa DaaoeLtlon/P•rklo Conaultaau Cowell ++~1--1-F--F++~-1- - -~- - -F-+ 1~ 1 1-I I I- I I- I I 1 1 1 I 7'f't't-i'?'1-t"I 1'7-1-t-I-t~-t° 7 ~-I-~1--JJJ _ L11~-I-.a--I 1J--~.-IL-1-~-1J-1~-f-a- T'1 T~f-1'T f T 1~"If~rT'I~l~~f f +~-t-t-t--rtt -r-+-rt-I-t--r-t-+ ~ ~-~- ~-i-1 ~'J_L1..L1J_L1_L1 T f' -F-~-F-{--,~I-Ir-~-ir-~-~-1-~-H~• o~ each pttassrgts7 a. tttudsl ea reaonetl by AutomoUw Nawe ants , 980 have bean tabulated by the deasee prevlousy defined (FIWro Fj. Ctaga 10 and Class t1 vehkies, xdriGt are yanera0y Duty iT-e' fn length and 8'~6' in width. have declined from as much as 14N. of annual sales in 1902, to 77. oftFw market in 1988. ANKJAL AUTO SALE9 BY CU49S 9adCaCWssu IarpeprtXewei lt..~tR • 7 a.rr; eUrYl Il trod LiatNl ~'~ Yt t t • p 1nb 17,w1 srrtlnn 7<.w11a71 IAILIp ta1S,Iw LIMO Ipasw 71Aw M141w 'et0.01• OIIL 7D.Yt D.9!!i eL711 felt Ill[ 17~t :..ii twt 0.171 a.Mt,7et Llnn.7nt 1117,„n 1.1MiM taftw wa,9r p.Ni ~w7ap }7o0aw ent als Is.n a n +~ wws Isle Ig1os wtasr tw.ut satastn taoso7 tAtuss usaas wswt >ls7aem 7Jlstm sts su/ saw rx tsst lava tas sut ". ~•... Isa n,7w tatsss saLS/s /..assn ,arsv tastpt t~tsas7 was /nawt *ttvst ast mrl aw /sty r test t47t ns :,r. Iw taa+ ar+.lts asasu smael t,wm Lists tavm sows wt.m tttasas taw afa+c taw lent sow tasty ~- teY w.as tpaans 47X471 awts0 itsaw7 Lnlastl tnaYt 117aw 6w0.aw 1tplLiq [let NJt Il1'4 M7% Lt17 Ia77< Is t.+at: Ipls,IS o4am tut7ns71 Llsswl tanLS/ s7sau ta7.7s ssaas n,sw,tw t.7t >ssx n >x ew xw to Ilea Ir7 +Ia1tn +,Iwan I/ro4w sswal7 aosaw Is1,7w a7aw /waw ..wt7s waam to nx wat t7c tAt- a•:. Is m.7w tssps sw.w /lMw s7aa7 etas sa7n llt,tw usao l!R~ tat t.It sls+- tnst Xt1t 74nt a7ta sty 4fA .:,., . ' Flaw F ~~~./~Ayha~s~riyo~bJearn np~oMyyd t~ha~ysw.a~n}fyJapana~aya mur71ao07raral7t0andtn prodYlca r~_~r~Pw~.fl~ea~~YA M1>t{ W11R t'tcWWaT. tlta proposed hrpa JaPa77asa ca7a rN0 t7a1 a Mae lion 6'tc 1T, w17bh wotdd pha tlwm M Claaa 1L OUIM Mva 77otad U7e ma7bd 17ICraaN M tiQlq truck, van. and utl~r va171CN sales, and 1M 177etaaWr~ ua of Cass vshldaa fn swrydq psrwnal ttanapoti Thsa vshkdq have not bssn Included to the Paa- asngsrCar t3h7dY (Flpun ~ IscssPtd troal °4eatrd~d LLidultwu [or 1 ~ 5 [nrklloa Gat~triC•' luaus[ 19N7 artloatl ltrkina'Aaso ®II C T4it[SOa Coosultauu Couoeil inastudyoftannualvehiclesa the85thpxcan- tife vehicle artlcnp Classes 5 to 7 has been stable since 1980 at 14'-8•x5'-8', Similartoa 1885 FordTorttpo.while the 85th perCemile vehicle among Classes 8 to 11 has declined from 18'•2' x 5.5'to 1T•r x 6'-1• (Fgure H). tNhile this data does not include pre-t980 model ve- codes, it is reasonaby Consistent with previous studies. 'fhe previausy referenced study m which used vehicle registrations nationwide as otJamlary 1,1983, found the 85th pereemile vehielesto be 14'-8' x S-T for small cars and 18'•4" x 8'-T for large cars. The design vehicles for the national mix of auto- mobiies on the road as of January 1, 1989, have been conservativey estimated to be as follows: Small Cars 14'-8• x 5'-8' Large Cars 18'•0' x 6'-8' K is (meresting to note that, during this period (1983.1988), the design vehicle for small Cars has re- mainedquite stable, but that the design vehicle for large cars has declined, espeaaly in length. OESIt3N VEHICIFS aY CALFN~AR YFJtR SAtE9 S,r/Car IC{ss6.7) faPtr(C91b~6. 11) Yw lmg0t WNm Nw I~v9U WMaI ArP 1960 ia.7 0.7 6L 17.6 65 1116 fo•1 1l7 6.7 619 17.7 63 it1.J t9a u] 17 61e n2 6.9 tts.e 19&T 1{.6 S7 617 162 6.1 1116 1Wa 1L7 17 616 17.7 U 117.1 ttm6 111 SS 87A 172 63 1063 1996 i~,] 6.T 669 17.2 t2 1065 19e7 d.7 37 917 16.9 d0 90.9 +066 u.e s.7 962 n.t 6.1 ta~.T tYgn arU w,fm an pt+en n f~ era r awr• lac FIGURE H Ezcerpced From: "Recommended Guidelines: for J~ ~ Parkiog Geometries'!, Augusc, EIIIIEIT D 1984; National Parkiog Assoc! Parking Covsul[ancs Council ~~ 'i~ /~~ .7s ~ ~xw~gir ~I ~~= ~_Jti3G s fYC a 11~a;e s dUXEXuiBir ~L CITY OF RANG MO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMHZSSLON MINUTES Adjourned Meeting June 20, 1991 Vice chairman Chit iea called the adjourned meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at R:40 p.m. The meeting waa held in the Rains Room at Rancho Cucamonga Civ i< Center, 10500 Civic Canter ^zive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. ROLL CALL COMMIS SI ONERS: PRESENT: Susanne Chit iea, John Me loner, Wently Val lotto ABSENT: Larry McNiel, Peter Tolet oy STAFF PRESENT: eruce Rockingham, PLanninq Technician; Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Otto Ercutil, Deputy Ci[y Planner; .Toe O•Nei1, city Engineer; Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer I. P TA ON OP N I V CAP TAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Joe O'Neil, city Engineer, presented the 91/92 Capital Improvement Budget. The report use received antl tiletl. IS. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A requ eat tc amend Tlt Le 17, Chapter 17.12 of the Raneho Cucamonga Municipal Cotle to eliminate compact perking spaces. Staff recommends issuance of a Neget ive Declaration. (Continued from June 12, 1991.) III. NV RON N NT 91 O1 CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA - A ragout to amend Part III of the Industrial Specific Plan tc eliminate compact parking spaces. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Dscl arse ion. (Continued from June 12, 1991.) Vice Chairman Chit iea stated that the woekehop for bath items would be taken together. Dan Coleman, Pr incipel Planner, indicated that the purpose of the warkehop was to provide an opportunity to review the information supplied by the tlavelopment community and Chamber o£ Commerce and review their recommsndat ions regarding the compact parking issue. Tni• workshop had been specifically requested by the developers and the chamber to nllow far discussion of this important issue. In addition, the dove loper• had raised a second issue regarding the parking requirements for shopping centers. Bruce Buckingham, Planning Tecnnlcian, gave an oral staff report. /aR John Potter, Hu ghee Inveetme nt s, asked iE there could be discuaeicn :egardic~ the secondary issue of parking ratios Eor shopping centers. Mz. Coleman indicated that, if the commission desired, this iaeue could be added to the Planning Division work program. vice Chairman chit iea et aced chat thia iaeue would be discus eed after the compact parking issue. ' Rance Clouse, Chamber of commerce representative, qu eerie ned how the new parking requ rr emente would affect existing development. Hr. Coleman responded that start's intention would bs to apply on Ly the new stanaarde to new development; rosy would not apply to reetrip inq ar repaving of ex feting parking lots oar would they bs applied to adtl Ltions. Hs said property owner would have the opt J.on oC using the new et antlerd when ra striping their parking lots. Joe Oleeon, Lewis Homes, ind icatad that they hired a Ltaff is engineering cc vault ant to survey vehic is •ize• at actual pro}act• within Rancho Cucamonga. He stated that the survey data provided For the Commission showed that the City ie comparable to the national averages. Commies ioner Helcher etaGd that the universal size parking rtall seemed to be the optimal eo let ion. Hs supported the development community's recommentlation of down-sizing all parking spate to n univsrwl •ize of 8 1/2 fwe wide by 18 inches long. Commie ioner Vellstte agrud. Vice Chairman Ch it iea indicated that, in her oburvat ion, the trentl seems to be toward bigger cars, trucks, and vans in Rancho Cucamonga because of the young families. She stated that although a universal ^ize parking apace had ire advantages, the preferred either dacraasing the length, but not the width, or reducing the percencage of compact apace allowed. The public hsacing was closed. Otto Kcoutll, Deputy City Planner, stated that the wneensu• appeared to be a "one-size-fits-all" parking space and the only outstanding issue wa^ the size of the eta 11. Hs Lndlcated Ghat staff would bring this item back on August 14, 1991 for Commie ion dac Lion. In addition, he stated that tM as<ondery iaeue of shopping center parklnq rat io• would aLO ba placed an eM same agenda for conaiderat ion on whether to place Loam on ehs work program. The meetyrtq~wa• (~}ourned at 9:30 p. m Ra s'~ct/fu mleG , V Otto Rtou 11 Deputy 5 cntary Planning Commission Minutes - 2 - Juns 20, 199: /3~ Section 17.12.050 Datign Standards Design Standards are established oy :his section to set bases -ummua dimensi ors cent gmCe lines for design, construction, and maintenance of harking wit..^,:n botn the resiCenual end commercial districts. A. General: The foLLowing standards sha^ apply to both the :esiCenc. el end commercial districts. ~.~ gp~ Cl. Standnrd stall site: Each standard parking space shall consist of a rectangtiler area not less then 9,0 feet wide by 19.0 feet long. .4ll perK:ng a~ViSF~ spaces should have a vertical clearance of not test ttinn TS fee e, Rtiv~sw ' ~ r ~: ~O .L 2. ~JI/~ifl a. Compact stall size: Stalb designated tar use by compact cnts may be reduced in size to a minimum of eight (!) tact (n width snd s(xteen (16i feet in length. Handicapped stall size: Each parking space designrted foe use by the MndicappW shall consist of a rectangular area not leaf than 14 feet wide oy 19 [eat long, and stall W located in an area not exceeding 2 percent slope. All spaces shall be located near oe convenient to a level or ramped encrenee, not axaadittg a S percent slope, to the facility seevad by the perking space. Parking spaces for the Mndicapped shall lM signed end restricted for use oy Ih! handicapped Only. 13! Sectxn :-.:?,lgp 19. Maneuvering: Parking end maneuvering areas shall be arranged [het any vehicle entering a public rightrof-way on a major or secondary street can do sa traveling . in a forward direction. B. Residential: The following design standards shall apply to the residential districts and developments: 1. Covered off~treet parking spaces in a garage or carport shall be a minimum o[ nine (9) feet in width and nineteen (19) feet in depth o[ unobstructed area provided for perking purposes. The required minimum measurements may not include the exterior walls or supports of the structure. 2. Driveways providing access to garages, carports and perking areas serving three (3) or less dwelling units shell be a minimum of tan (10) feet in width for one-way traftic, and twenty (20) feet for two-way traffic. 3. Driveways providing access to garages, carports, end open parking spaces serving [our (4) or more dwelling units shell be a minimum of twelve (12) Peet in width for one-way traffic, and twenty-four (24) feet for two-way traffic. 4. Driveways serving multiple dwelling units with garages or carports on either or both sides shell be increased a minimum of five (6) Ceet on one side only, thus providing atwenty-nine (29) toot wide accessway between garage or Catportspeces for two-way traffic. 5. No property owner shall sublease, subrent or otherwise make available to • residents of other properties, the off-street parktng spaces required by this section. 6. Atl required covered offstreet parking spaces shall be located conveniently accessible to the dwelling wit served by such perking space. ?. Residential developments which provide private streets, shall be planned, designed and constructed to meet the minimum City Engineering requirements for private streets. 8. My secondary paved driveway or extension of the primary driveway shall not be used for parking unless: (1) it connects the primary driveway access to a second access point with the street or public right-of-way (i.e. cireWar driveway) with a continuous pavement width not exceeding twelve (12) feet; (2) it is an extension of the primary driveway toward the nearest side or rear yard area; or (3) is constructed pursuant to an approved Minor Development Review. C. Commercial, Institutional. Com munity Facilities: The following design standards shalt apply to commercial, institutional, end community facility uses. I. Those areas desi¢nated for use by motorcycles shall consist of a minimum usable area of fifty-six (S6) square feet. r1 LJ ~~~!!'~- Revised 8.5 33 _. Psrk:ng Say `.v:d;."s shat oe computed accorctag :o ;ne ;Dec:f~. os:. ors --. q_ ~~- forth m Table 1'..:.070-D. YD Yt,~•~ ~. Two-way access driveways with no perking ihall be a minimum o: ~~'e~Gn twenty-four (21) feet. One-way access drtveways w!th no perking shall oe s minimum o[ twelve (12) feet. D. Park:n4 Feci!ity Design. Follcwing ere charts and diagrams to which all parking amL[;es Snell be designed. t. P~er~kin~~Ba_~Widths. Each perking facility is designed with parking bay '0 ~ units.~'he size or width of thu unit is dependent on one or two-way traffic and single or double loaded eislea. Vae the foLLowing chart [o determine the QE~I "~P overall width of the perking Day design which is Deing used. The dimensions listed ere the amount necessary to contsin perking stall depth entl aisle width. Parallel Dorking may G permitted; however, they must not be counted es part of the reQuired ~iveway width end must maintain tour (1) ~-' Ceet between spaces. i Table 17.12.030-D - OaaraLL Parldq Ba7 PfidN Perking Angle (in degrees) 30 a5 60 90 1. Perking by widtns for one-way traffic end double loaded aisld: ~D a. compact stall 40' 44' 49' 66' •.~ b, standard Stall 43' 49' 66' 6Y - • 2. Perking bey width foe one-way traf[ic and single loaded aisles: a. compact stall 26' 28' 72' 79' b. standard Stall 28' 30' ~5' 13' 3, Perking Day widttu for two-way traffic and double loaded aisles: e. eompect atoll 48' 92' 64' S6' D, standard atoll 81' 88' 89' 62' 4. Perking bay Widtlr far two-way ~ , traffic and aingU loaded aitlas: a. comportstall 34' 36' 1 38' '~~:{p~ D, standard atoll 38' 33' 41' il' Mawe a.~ w~o+N X33 -+r~- 3eet:on '. ',1'_.030 2. Planter Pesisn. All parking lot planters shall be designed to meet [he following minimum requirements. (e1 Planters shall be separated from maneuvering and perking areas by a 6" rsised,concrete curb or equivalent, (b) Tree planting wells locnted at the front of perking stalls shall contain a minimum of 25 square feet and the smallest outside dimension shell not be less then 5 feet. QO~Qrr. NalIMW It/I(~ INONa~ ~aF or 6fM1. (c) Landscape planters elorg the sides of perking stalls shell Conte in a minimum of 90 square feet and the smallest outside dimension shell not be less than 6 feet. (d) Pedestrian walks shall be provided in landscape planters along the sides of perking stalls as shown Delow. [t shell consist of a minimum 12-inch concrete paver, adjacent to the curb (including curb width). 3. Perkins Lot Strioirut and Nerkinss. Parking stall striping, directional arrows end parking stall identification shell meet the following standards. (a) Alt perking stalls shall be painted with double or hairpin 4-inch wide continuous lines with the two (2) lines located an equal nine (9) inches on either side n[ the stall sidelines. (b) All aisles, entrances, and exits shall be clearly marked with dtrectionel arrows painted on the parking surface. ~~ ~ ~) All compact parking stalls shall be individually labeled with the words qe~e~° "compact car" painted on the perking surface of each stall. (d) All handicapped perking stalls shalt be individually labeled and signed in accordance with Uniform Builditg Code end California Vehicle Code standards. i~~ -~ Section 17.14.040 Perkirar Bequireants The tollavi ng sections list the required arount of ?ark ing .for each ca :egory o: uses, special requi renents and ap[ionel requ irerrents. d. Residential i. Single-Cani ly detached dwellings (conventional). 'Rw (2) parking spaces within a garage. 2. Cluster dove lopment (condaninium, townhcme, etc.) Semi ~etacheC single Ceni ly (zero lot line, patio homes, duplexes, etc.) end rrootle hate parks: (a) Studio: 1.3 off-street parking space per unit o[ which one space shall be in a garage or cerpor t. (6) Che (1) bedroom: 1.5 of C-street perking spaces per unit of which one space shall be in a gsrege or carport. (c) Tiso (2) bedroma: 1.8 oft-street park ittg spaces per unit of which ono space shall [N in • garage or carport. (d) Three (3) or nora bedroare: TMo of !-street perking spaces per unit of which two spaces shall N in • garage or carport.. (e) Four (4) ar trove badrome: 2,3 off-street parking spaces per unit of vR;ich two spaces mull be in a garage or carport. (t) In addition to the required ntstDer of parking spaces for each unit, one off-street uncovered parking space shell he provided for each four units for visitor parking. For single family zero lot line, patio horns, and duplexes, an-street perking nay be substituted for visitor parking, v8iere su[Cicient street pevetent width end dis lance WtwNn drivlwsys has been provided, (g) Fifty percent (SOK) of the total required covered spaces shell ba within mcloeed gaeaga atructura. ~, (h) For dwelopmants containing five or more unite, up to tnirty- fiw (3S) percent of tM required uncoverW spaces may be OE{,~D catpact car aiza. (i) The ua of carports requires appeoval trap the Design Peview Cmmittae. B. Crnnercial/Office 1. Camercial, retail end service uses: ~~.J ~ i gl :...^.urenes and Diner ~iaees ~f ssse ^. o'.{: not soec'.f.ed ao-ve: --_ ... each `our X11 fixeC ses[s .~ithm ;he r. am sudaor::^~ :r :~ - thirty-five (73) square feet of sear.ng area wi thin tra ram suc~.:~r.:-, where there are no fixed seats; eighteen (lal unear :nerves o:' oe-.c-. shall be Considered a fixed Seat. ~. Other uses: !a) Day nurseries, including preschools end nuaery schoo ts: One stag fir each staff member, plus one for esch five (5) children. C. S ecial Re uirements. The foLLowing perking requirements ere applicable to a:i com mernel and a tt land uses. These special stalls shell be closest to ;.ne facility Cor which they ere designated in order to encourage their use. 1. Handicapped: Those facilitin with twenty-live (2S) or more spaces shell designate two (2) percent or one (1) space, whichever is greater, of the total number of stalls for use by the handicapped. The designation and desgn shall cronform to state standards. 2. Motorcycle: Facilitin with twenty-five (2S) or more parking spaces shall provide at least one designated perking area for use by motorcycles. Developments with over one hundred (100) spaces shall provide motorcycle perking at the rate of one percent. Areas detinested for use by motorcycles t~ shall meet standards set forth in subsection 17.12.030-1. Tp ~ ta. Compact can: Facilities with twenty-five (2S) or more perking spaces may L provide up to thirty-five (3S) percent of its parkirtg for use by compact ~~~ can. Spaces delinested for compndt car use shall meet standards set forth in subsection 17.12.030-A-2. J. Bicycles: All commercial and office areas shell provide adequate locking facilities far bicycle parking at any locstion convenient to the facility for which they are designated. Whenever passible, weatherproofing or facility covering should be used. 5. Cer pooh: Ottytraat parking provided for commsrciaUoffitt facilities snau provide et lest [en (10) percent of tM total parking area as designated for use by cu pools. 6. Drive-TMu Paeilltie: Drive-thru facilitie require special consideration es tMir design can significantly impact the vehicular circulation on a site. The foliowtrtg requirements apply to any use with drive-thru facilities. (a) EaM drive-thru lane snaLL be separated from the circulation routes necessary for ingress or egress from Ne property, ar access to any parking space. (b) EacA drive-thru lone shall be striped, marked, or otherw tse ^unnctly delinnted. i3~ .«'" sw. ...,..re =w... c..~u-op ct- ..~,,. ~.~... ~~ ~ ~,l JRB, 5w. Y.' I Y~"~ ~~ I S ~ ~ I 5u4,S ~ 5 ~ ~\ r~ SucC~ F J' yid j ~ a ~~ .'T.'JO,.E ~ ~~: ~~ I v~,..~ aurnu-im~ 'w~~o v a e a` l 4. Aisle dimensions: Each parking and loading space shall have adequate drives, aisles, end turning and maneuvering areas for access and usability, in accordance with Table 17.12.050-D. 3. Paving: Perking and loading facilities shall be surfaced end maintained witti asphaltic, concrete, or other permanent, impervious surfacing material sufficient to prevent mud, dust, loose materiel, end other nuisances. Alternate surface material can be considered by the City Pianner, it shown that such material wil! not cause adverse effects end that it will remain in a usable condition. 6. Drainage: .111 parking end loading facilities shaLL be graded and provided with permanent storm drainage facilities. Surfacing, curbing, and drainage improvements shall be sufficient to preclude free [low of water onto adjacent properties or public streets or alleys, and to preclude standing pools o[ water within the perking facility. 7. Safety features: perking end loading facilities shall meet the Following standards: (a) Safety barriers, protective bumpers or curbing, end directional markers shall be provided to assure pedestrian/vehicular safety, efficient utilization, protection to landscaping, end to prevent encroachment onto adjoining public or private property. (b) Visibility of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists shell be assured when entering individual oerking spaces, when circulating within a parking facility, and when entering end casting a parking facility. (c) Internal cireWation patterns, and the location and traffic direction of all access drives, shell be Cesigned and maintained in accord xitn accepted principles of traffic engineering end traffic safety. /3 7 c. Research and bevel oDmen t: 1 space per iSJ square feet (research services only ), d. Office end Admini stra tS on: 1 space per 25J square feet. e. Multi-use tenant Duil di ngs where office use does not exceed 35f of building area: 1 space per 400 square feet. f. Following lnterlor building areas can De deducted from the overall parking requl remen ts: el ec trtcat/mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, sutrwell s, and multi- story loDbfes. Bicycle and Other Two Wheel Vehicular Faclltties F.4. B1cytle storage facilities shall be provided within all development and relate to planned and exist ing bicycle routes. F.S '~1 ,;ompact Spaces ~ F.6. F.7. Required on-sl to park ing may De reduced at a rate of one automobile parking space per 4 spaces of Dlcycle or other two wheel vehicular parking up to three automobile parking spaces or SS of total required on-Site parking, whichever Ts less. 20f to 35f of all required parking stalls shalt be devoted to compact tar use. Minimum stall dimension shall De 8' 1n width and 16' in length and marked for cgmpact cars. All Parking areas shall be screened from public vtew through the use of berms, landscaping material and taw walls. Loading Fac111ttes F.B. All load/ng fac111t1es and maneuvering areas must b! pl site with Che ust. ~. F.9. ~~ F. 10, F, 11. ~ i.12. All loading fac111t1es shall be permitted only 1n Lhe rar and lnterlor side yard areas except within the Heavy Industrial category and rail servtd Du 11d1ngs. A1slt width to iadtng docks shall De a minimum of 50' width plus additional width for truck parking (typically 40 to 50 feet). Loading docks shall bt set back a minimum of 70' from street property lint. Parking stalls for trallen shall De 50' x l4' and provided at ratio of 1 stall per truck loading dock door. ~~O -Fl.E. Hs. Miller stated that Hellman Avenue is a busy collector street, and Engineering tries to minimize the number of driveways. Chairman McNiel asked the process if the corm fission directs it shou Ld be a flag lot. Ma. Miller replied that a flag lot would have to be created through a lot line adjua tment which could be done at the staff level. She statetl that it would still require the atzeet to be vacated, so that cou id move forward. chairman HcNie1 invited public comment Steve Buttes, 92fi0 Mignonette Street, Rancho Cucamonga, stated he currently lives in the westerly house and hie son lives in the easterly house. He said the application fie a joint one from both property owners. Mr. Butters stated they consi dared a Elag lot but opted far an eaa ement because a Elaq lot would require certain setbacks which would be more restrictive than those required if an easement is utilized. He said Engineering had also indicated they were interested in keeping the street access to Hellman to a minrmum. Ne said they realized they had cut their own options foz future euDdiviaicn, but they decided they would prefer an easement. There were nc further public commence. Motion: Moved by Mslcher, seconded by Tolstoy, to recommend Vacation of a Recorded Offer of Dedication Ear a Portion of Mignonette Street with a requ set that due cone itlerat ion be given to [he matter of a flag lot as opposed to an easement. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, MCNIEL, MELCNER, TOLETOY, VALLETTE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMIEEIONERS: NONE -carried POE LIC HEARINGS E. ENVIRONXENT ~ ACfPCCUi`uT qN0 D VELOPNENT CODE AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO COCI~MpNGA - A request to amend Title 17, Chapter 17.12 of [he Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to eliminate compact perking sparse. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. (COntlnued from August 16, 1991.E F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDOSTRIAL SPE TFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF BANCH_O COpA~N,~ONC~A - A request to amend Pare ISI of the Induetrral Area Specific Plan [o eliminate compact parking spaces. 5[a E[ recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. (Continuetl from August 16, 1991.E Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, presented the staff report. Planning Commission Mrnutee -fi- August 2B, 1991 r3 g EK~,e~r ~ Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing Sary cockro Et, Lewis Hamee, 1156 No r<n Kount sin, Upland, stated they ware in agreement with the propo aed aisle wiachs antl felt the new chart ie compze hens ive enough to cover the majority of setups. He thought the chart gives the intent and any other configurations cou la be easily tler ived. Rance Cloue e, chamber of Commerce, 10370 Commerce Center, Rancho Cucamonga, thanked staff and the Planning Commission fcr the opportunity to part ie ipate in the process. He stated the Chamber endorses the changes. Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing. He commented the result was the work of many. Commies io her Ch it iea stated she did not object to the ono-size-fits-all concept, but she objected to making the coerce narrower than the present width. She felt the size of parking lots will not decrease, but retail apace will increase. Commies ioner Tolst oy stated he did not oppose the elimination of compact parking epacee but he did not think a-1/2 feet is wide enough fot a eLanderd size. He ea id Chat iE people tlcive straight in, ouch a size would be acceptable, but people park at angles. Ne ditl noC feel the new ei ze would be wide enough to accommodate shopping carte between care, and ha felt a standard size of 9 feet x 1E Eeet would be a good solution. Comm ice ioner Chit iea concurred with Commissioner Toletoy. Motion: Moved by Melcher, secontletl by Valletta, co adopt the reeolutione recommending approval o£ Environmental Aeaesament and Oeve lopment Code Ame ndmant 91-01 and Environmental Aeseeeme nt and Industrial Specific PLan Amendment 91-01. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL, ME LCHE R, VALLETTE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: CHSTI EA, TOLSTOY ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried G. MODIFICATION TO TENTATIVE TPACT 17351 - LEWIS HOMES - A requ eat to modify a previously approved Tract Map Go inc cease the number of multi-family lot• from one lettered and Eive numbered lots Co one lettered end seven numbered lots for 118 condominium units on 11,2 ac ree of land in the Low- Medium Reeideni iel deeignat ion ~4-S dwelling un Lta per acre) of the Terra Viaca Planned Community, located at Che southwest cornet of Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway - APN: 1077-091-37. Scott Murphy, Aeaoc iota Planner, presented the staff report. Planning Comm ieeion Minutes -7- August 18, 199: ~O A. TIME E%TE YSION FOR -ES IGY REVIEW FOR °vNTAi'VE TAAC- 13565 PhASES 5, i AND 8! - sTANDAAD PACIFIC - p request for an extension of a prevrccsly apprcved tle sign review of bu iltling elevations and date rl ed site plan foc Phases 6, ], and B, (consisting of 125 single family lots on 66.] acres of land) of a previously County-approved map north of summit Avenue and east of wartlman Bullock Road - APN: 226-082-16, 1], antl 27. 3. T:HE E%TENSIOY FOR DESIGN REVIEW FOR TENTAT•VE TRACT 13565 MASES 5 9 AN- .vl - STANDARD PACIFIC - A iequ eat far an exte n9ion of a prev roux ly approved tlaeiyn review of bu iLd ing elevations antl detailed site plan for Ph ae es 5, 9, and 10 (consisting of 108 •inglq family lots on 54.5 acres of land) of a previously County-approved map north of Summit Avenue and east of Wardman Euliock Road - APN: 226-082-16, 17, and 2]. C. VACATION OF A PORTTON OF 5TH ST T A AN N D LO PMElITS, INC. - A request to vacate a portion of 25th st rget, located west of Etiwanda Avenue and north of 26th Street - APN: 225-oR2-Oi. Ccmmrea inner Melcher requeatetl that Item C be pulled from the Consent Calendar. Notion: Moved by Chit ien, seconded by Toletoy, unanimously carried, to adopt Zteme A and B of thq Congqnt Calgndar. VACATION OF A PORTION OF 2cTg ~ commissioner He lc her asked iE the •t rest Co bg vacated i• located at the north City limit. shrntu Bose, Deputy City Engineer, ree pondgd affirmatively. Commrse ra ner Meleher questioned if the tlge ign of Tract 14139 depends an the street or rf Euture development to the north would require the street. Mr. Bose replied a condition of approval far Tract 14139 requires vacation of thq et rear and the circular ion plan [or Etiwanda North indicates accae• being taken north of ehg area. Motion: Movetl by Me lc he r, seconded Dy Tolgtoy, unanimously carried, to adopt Item C of the Congqnt Calgndar. PL'DLIC HEARINCs 0. ENVIRONMENTAL Accc ccg u p FAIT 00 AHEND MENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONCA - A request to amentl Titl• 17, Chapbr 17,12 of the Poncho Cucamonga Municipal Cade to eliminate compact perking apace e. Scoff recommends Lsuance of a Negative Declaration. (continued Erom June 20, 1991.) P 1ann:ng Commies ion Mrn utee -2- August 14, 199: E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND IND USTR-AL SPECIFIC PLAN A.N NDNENT 91 O1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A requ eat to amend Part III of the Industrial Area Specific Plan to eliminate compact parking spaces. Staff recommends issuance cf a Negative Declaration. (Continued from June 20, 1991.( Bryce Buckingham, Planning Technician, presented the staff report and stated chat new inf ormat ron had come co staff's attention in the last 24 hours that the Planning Commission may wish to discuss. He stated that tiqu res were reversed on the last line of Table 1]. /2.030.D shown on page ^,E-26. He also commented that [ha section of the same table regarding one-way traffic tlid not include numbers permitting an overhang. He reported that the handicapped spaces could be reduced to 18 Eeet in length under the Uniform Building Code. Mr. Buckingham said that Mr. Potter has ragas at etl that mention be made that there was a typing error in fhe August ], 1991, letter from Hughes Investments, and the Suburban vehicles actually accounted for slightly less than .9 percent (instead cf 9 percent) of the total vehicles surveyed by Ru ntzman Associates. Objecting to the ward "consensus" in ref arence to the Commission's wa rkshop, Commissioner Chit iea st atetl that at the June 20, 1991, meeting she had voiced her oppoa it ion to a uniform 8-1/2 foot by 18 foot space. Mr. Buckingham respondetl that two of the three Comm issionera present at the meeting supported the uniform size. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Joe Oleson, Lewis Nomes, 116fi North Mountain Avenue, Upland, st a[etl the details of the formula foz determining overlap are esoteric. He requested a continuance to allow time to work out the dot ails with staff. He was especially concerned regarding the overlap and felt engineers ehou ld work out the angles and geometrace. He requestetl that the commiaeion provide for additions! review and approval by staff if the Amendments were approved this evening. Jahn Potter, Hu ghee Snve et me nt e, Two Corporate Plaza, Suite 250, Newport Beach, reiterated that there are only .9 percent Suburbans, as opposed to the 9 percent mentioned in hie letter. He said the clearance apace would et ill be in the acceptable 24-inch range if the B-1/2 foot width were adopted. Rance Ciouse, Chamber of Commerce, 10770 Commerce Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, thanked the Commission and staff Eor allowing the participation of the chamber of Commerce. He said the Chamber had worked with the development community and the tenant community. He reported that the Chamber endorsee the recommended B-1/2 foot x 18 foot uniform size. He said there appears to be one more technical issue which needs to be cLarif ied. Hearing no further teat imony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hear ng. He ae ked what staff felt regactling the oveclap issue. Brad Buller, City Planner, recommended that the Plann rng Commisa ion conduce a brief diacuas ion on the merits of the proposed un Lfarm size (B-1/2 feet x 18 Planning Commission Minuiea -J- August i4, 1991 / ~~ feet). He said the technical issue on how it is measured could be discussed once it is determined the B-1/2 Enna x 18 Foot stall is appropriate. He ins scat ed the exhibit on page U,E-25 depicts the measurements for the apace, but tloes no[ include the overlap dimension. He suggested that if the Comm Lesion wanted to pu roue a meaeu re of leeway to allow overlap, et afE could work out the numbers. Comm Las inner chit sea etatetl that when the Commieaion Eiret approached the issue, it was to improve the quality of parking within the City to be aura the neat possible parking is available for patrons of bus inaesea in the City and spaces were large enough and comfortable enough to enter and exit vehicles. She recalled there had been some abuse eE the compact parking and the commieaion wanted to look at the numbers to see iE it was appropriate to retain compact parking. She felt that to downeixe the parking epacee and make them narrower would be inappropriate. She thought the width between vehicles ie important Ear allowing people to gat in an out of vehicles comfortably and makes the community more pleasant. She praferced either retaining the width at 9 feet and shortening the length or reducing the number of compact epacee. She to It that compact parking may have a place ao long ae it ie appropriately designed in the parking plan being disbursed throughout the project. Commies inner Toletoy agreed with Commies inner Chitiea. Me pzeEe rrad to keep the 9 foot dimension because of the use of shopping carte and the loatling and unloading of children. Commies inner Valletta etatetl the master had been under investigation for a long time and she felt the 8-1/2 foot width would 6e adequate. commieaioner Malch¢r concurred with Conuniee Loner Valletta. Ha felt there was evidence that 8-1/2 feet works beeauee care ate getting emal le r. He thought it would solve the problem of the mieu ee of compact epacee and making parking convenient fa: everyone. Chairman McNiel stated he was one of the proponents for change becau ae regardless of the size of the parking apace, people perk in the closest available apace. He felt en 8-1/Z foot x 18 foot Uniform apace would be a reaeonabls compromiea and he thought it would work better than what ie available today. Comm see TOner Melchor etatad there an some incone ietenciee which need to 6e resolved. He felt the layout of perking lot• should be etraightforwartl mathematics end ha requested that ha work with staff in working out the number if the matter were coot sowed. Motion: Moved by Toletoy, seconded by Chitiea, to adopt the reaolutiana recommending approval of Environmental Assessment and oavslopment Code Amendment 91-01 entl Environmental Aeeeeemant and Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 91-01, with mod if scat ions to change the uniform apace to 9 feat x 18 feet. Motion failed to carry by she following vote: Planning Commie ion Minutes -4- August 14, 1991 I~3 AYES: COMM ZSSIONEAS: CHITIEA, TOLSTOY NOES: COMN ISSIONEAS: MCNIE L, ME LCMER, VALLETTE ARSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -failed to carry Motion: Roved by Melcher to adopt the resolut io ne in principal for an e-1/2 foot by 1B foot uniform parking apace subject to the preparation of corrected exhibits to support the resolut io ne to be returned to the Commission for approval. Ralph Hanson, city Attorney, suggest ed that if the matter were to be returned to the Commission, that the public hearing be cent inued so that a definite recommendation could be made to the City Count il. Comm iseioner Melcher withdrew the motion. Motion: Moved by Melcher, seconded by Vallett e, to continue Environmental Asaee ems nt and Development Code Amendment 91-01 and Environmental Assessment and Indu atrial Specific Plan Amendment 91-01 to Augu et 28, 1991, to permit the exhibits and proposed ordinances be eorrecied with the understanding that the 8-1/2 foot x 18 foot apace be the bee ie for the corrections. chairman McNiel reopenetl the public hearing. Motion to continue to August 28, 1991, carried by Ghe following vote: AYF-5: COMMISSIONERS: MCN IEL, MELCHE R, TOLSTOY, VALLETTE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA ABSENT: COMHZSSIONERS: NONE -carried F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOP FNT COD AM NDMENT 91 02 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA - A request to amend va[iaue development etantlarde and design guitlelinee for multi-family residential dietiic[e. Staff recommentla ie euance of a Negative Declaration. (Continued from July 10, 1991.( G. °~I_RONMENTAL ASSESSMENm AND E IWANDA SP N ANEM Ol FN 91 02A CITY OF RANCHO CVC e0N-a - A request to amend various development standards and design gu idelinea Eor multi-family residential dietricta within Che Et iwanda Spec iEic Plan area. Staff recommends iaauance of a Negative Declaration. (Continued from July 10, 1991.E H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TFOO VISTA P ANN OMMUNITY NT 91 02 --CITY OF RANG O CUCAM0NCI1 - A [aquae[ to amend various development st andarde and design guidelines Eor multi-family residential diet rids within the Terra VieLa Planned Commun Lty area. Staff recommends issue nce of a Negative Declerat ion. (Continued from July 30, 1991.) Planning Commies ion Minutes -9- Augue[ 14, 1991 I~~ RESOLUTION NO. ).-"' A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNSNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OP DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 91-01 AMENDING TITLE 17, CHAPTER 1J. 12 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA HUN IC IPAL CODE TO ELIMINATE COMPACT PARR ING SPACES AND REDUCE THE STANDARD SIEE PARAINC SPACE TO 8.5 FEET BY 1B FEET, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recit ale. (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga hoe initiated an application for Development Code Amendment Nc. 91-01 se tleecribad in the title of this Reeolut ion. Hereinafter in thin Raeolution, the subject Development Code Amendment ie referred to as "the application." (ii) on the 10th day of April 1991, and tontlnued to rho 12[h day of June, the 20th day of June, the 16th tlay of Au goat, and the 28th day of Auquet 1991, the Planning Comm iaeion of the City of Aencho Cucamonga conducted duly noticed public hearings on the application and concluded said hoar Loge on that date. (iii) All legal prerequleitee prlot to the adoption of this Raeolution have occurred. B. Raeolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it ie hereby Lou ntl, dotermi ned, antl repo lvetl by the Planning Commteeion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ae follows: 1. This Commteeion hereby epecif ically finds that all of the feats eat forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Rego lotion are true and correct. 2. Based upon eubetant ial evidence presented to this Commteeion during eho above-referenced public hearings on April 10, Juno 12, .lung 20, August 14, and August 28, 1991, including written and oral staff report e, together with public testimony, this Conm fission heroDy specifically finds ae follows: (e) Tho application applies to ell properties located within the Ctty; and (b) The proposed amendments will not have a eignif icent impact on the environment ae evidenced by the cant lue ions and find Inge of the initial Study, Porte I and II; and J. Based upon the eu betant ial evidence presented to this Commteeion tlur in9 the above-referenced public hearings end upon the specific find toga of farts set forth in peragraph• 1 end 2 above, thi• Commteeion hereby Einde and conaludee ee follows: l~ PLANNING COHMISS ION RESOLUTION NO. .-.,. OCA 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 2R, 1991 Page 2 (a) This amendment does not conflict with the Land Vee Pol iciea of the General Plan and will provide for development within the tlistrict in a manner coneis tent with the General Plan and with related development; and fib) That the proposed amendment is cone is tent with the object ivee of the Development Code; and (c) That the proposed amendment will not to detrimental to the public health, ea Eety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and (d) That she proposes amendment will not ba detrimental to the objectives of the General Plan or the Development Code. 4. This Commission hereby Finds that the project has been reviewed and coneitlerad in compliance with the Cel ifornia Environmental Quality Act of 19]0 and, further, this Commission hereby recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. 5. Rased upon the findings and cone lueione set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby resolves as follows: (a~ That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval of Development Code Amendment 91-01 to modify the Municipal Code psi the attached Ortllnnnce. S. The Secretary to Lhi• Commisa ion shall ca re ify io the adoption of this Reea Lur.ion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF AUGUST 1991. PLANNING COMM LSSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAHONCA dhr~ McNle 1, Chairn I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Comm ea ion of the CLty of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby cart ify that the foregoing Resolution wee duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted 6y the Plennin9 Comm ise Lon of the City of gaucho Cucamonga, at a regular mes[ing of the Planning Commission held on the 78th day Of August 1991, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NCNIE L, MELCHER, VALLETTE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Ci7I TIEA, TOLS'NY ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ~~~' REEOLVTiON ND. .. __. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01, ELIMINATING COMPACT PAREING SPACES, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals (i) The City of Rancho Cucamonga hoe snit Latetl an application for Industrial Specific Plan Amendment No. 91-07 as described in she title o£ this Reeolut ion. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the eubj act Industrial Spee if ie Plan Amendment ie cefecrsd to ne "the application." iii) On the 10th day of April 1991, and coot Lnued [o the 12th day of June, the 20th tlay of June, the 14th day of August, and the 28th day of August 1991, the Planning Commieeian of fns City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted duly noticed public hearings on the applicet ion antl concluded said hearings on that date. (iii) All Legal prerequieitee prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. E. Resolution. NOw, THEREFORE, it ie nereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ae follows: 1. This Commission hereby epecif ically Einde that all of the facto set forth in the ReC itele, Patt A, of this Rego lotion are true antl correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commies ion during the above-referenced public hearing• on April 30, June 12, June 20, August 14, and August 28, 1991, including written and oral staff reports, together with pubLie tutimony, thL CommiuLon hereby speel[Seally finds ea follows: (e) The epplicei ion applies to all Properties located within the Industrial Area Epacif is Plan; end (b) The proposed amendments will not hove a significant impact on the environment ae evidenced by the conclueion• and findings of the Initial Study, Part II; and 3. Eased upon the substantial evidence presented eo this Commieeian during the above-referenced public hearing• end upon the spacif le findings of facie eat forth in peragraph• 1 and 2 above, thi• Comm1e•ion hereby Ei ode and ronclude• ae Eol low: (e) ThL amendment dare not con El Lct with the Lnnd Use Policies of the General Plan end will provide for development within the district in a manner coneietent with the General Plen end with re laird de~slopment; and /~~ PLANNING GOMHI SSION RESOLUTION NO. -.--- ISPA 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA August 28, 1991 Page 2 (b) Thai the propoeetl amendment ie cone ietent with the object ivee of the Industrial Area Specific PLani attd (c) That the proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, saf sty, or welfare or materially injurious [o props rtiee or improvements in the vicinity; and (tl) That the propoeetl amendment will not be detrimental to the objectives cE the Ge naral Plan or the induetr ial Area Specific Plan. 4. This Commieeion hereby Pinde that the project has been reviewed and considered in campLiance with the California Environmental Quality Ac[ of 1970 and, further, this Commies ion hereby recommends iseu ante of a Nag alive Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and coot lueion• set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 1, and 4 above, this Ocmmieeion hereby ceeolves as Eollowe: (a) That the Planning Comm ie sion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby reeommentle approval of Industrial Specific Plan Amsndmene 91-01 amending Part IIZ, Section F.6 per the attached Ordinance. 6. Ths Secretary to thL Commie ion shall sect ify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF AUGUST 1991. PLANNING CO! ISSI ON OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: e arty T MGNLe 1, Chairmen I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commieeion of Che City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby cart Lfy that the foregoing Resolution wee duly and rage larLy inerotluced, passed, and adopted by the Planning commies ion of the City cE Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular mestlnq of the planning Commission held on the 28th day of August 1991, 6y the [o LlowLng vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL, ME LCHER, 'JALLETTE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, TOLSTOY ABSENT: COMMISEI ONERS: NOtiE / ~~ ORDINANCE NC. ~ ~~ AN ORD iNANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFOPN IA, APPROVING OEVEL OPMENT CODE AMENDMEYT 91-01, AMENDING TITLE 17, CHAPTER 17.12, OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MVNLCIPAL CODE, ELIMINATING COMPACT PARKING SPACES A.ND REDUCING THE STANDARD SIZE PARKING SPACE TO 8T5 FEET BY 1B FEET, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TXE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWB: SECTION 1: Section 17. 12.030.A. 1. of Chapter 17.12 is hereby amended to read in words and figures as EolLows: 1. Standard stall size: Each p king space shell consist of a rectangular area not less than feet wide by 18.0 feet long. In measuring the length of paving required for a parking space, allowance may be made for up to a 1-foot vehicle projection beyond the bumper oz rite stop if such projection does not interfere with landscaping or pedestrian use. All perking spaces shall have a ve rtlcal clearance of not leas than 7.5 feet. ~~~ SECTION 2: Section 17.12.030.A. 2. of Chapter 17.12 is hereby amended to read in words and figures as follows: 2. When a side of any parking space abuts a buildings wall, support column, or other obstruction which Sn to rferee in eny way with access to a motor vehicle, the space shall be a minimum of 2 feet wider than othe rwi ae required by this section. ~~9 C LTY ~~ :::C CI, pRD INAV CE NO. DCA 91-01 - =iTY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA October lo, 1991 Page 2 SECTION 3; Section 17.12.030.x,3. cf Chapter 17.12 is hereby amended to -ead in words and Ei gores as .follows: 3. ^.`wo-way access driveways with no parking shall be a minimum of 24 .eet, except 26 feet shall be provided where necessary for emergency vehicle access. One-way access driveways with no parking shall be a minimum of 12 feet. SECTION 4; Section 17.12.030 .D.1. of Chapter 17.12 is hereby amended to read in words and figures as follows: 1. Each parking facility is designed with perking bay units. The sire or width, of this unit is dependent on one- or two-way traffic and single- or double-loaded aisles. Use the following table to determine the overall width of the parking bay design which is being used. The dimensions listed ars the amount necessary to contain parking stall depth and aisle width, without overhang. Parallel parking may be permitted; however, it must not be counted as part of the required driveway width and must maintain 4 feet between spaces. Table - Overall Yarkinq Hey Nidth 30 Parking Angle 45 (in degrees) 60 90 1. Aisle Width a. one-Way Traffic 12' 16' 18' 24' b. Two-way Traffic 20' 21' 22' 24' 2. Single-Loaded Hay Width One-Way Traffic a• wall-to-Wall 28'4" 32'9" 37'10" 42'0" b. overlap 2d'8" 29'9" J6'9" 42'0" 3. Doub le -Loaded Bay Width One-way Traffic a. Wall-to-Wall 44'B" 61'6" 67'e" 60'0" b. Overlap 37'4" 45'6" 53'6" N/A 4. Single-Loaded Bay Width '.`.~o-Way Traffic a. Wa11-to-Wall 35'4" 39'9" 41'10" 42'0" b. Over iep 32'8" J6'9" 79'9" 42'0" S. Double-Leaded Bay Width Two-Way Traffic a. Wall-tn-Wall 52'B" SB'6" 61'8" 60'0" b. Overlap d5'4" 52'6" 57.6" N/A ~ ~ L_J CI^Y CO VACT:. OPD TVAtirc y~~~ DCA 91-01 - CTIY JF P.ANCNO Cn^AMCtiGA October 16. 1991 Page 3 e E A = ANGLE e ~ AISLE WIOTN C ~ BAY WIDTN ONE-WAY SNIGLE LOADED WALl~TO-WALL D ~ BAY WgTN ONE-WAY SMKiLE LOADED OVERLAP E a 8AY WEITN TWO•WAY OOIMLE LOADED WALL-TO-WALL F • qAY WgTN TWO-WAY PODSLE LOADED OVERLAP SECTION 5: Section 17.12.030.D.3. of Chapter 17.12 is hereby deleted Ln its entirety and all subsequent sections renumbered accordingly. SECTION 6: Section 17. 12.040.A.2.Ih) of Chap tar 17.12 Ss hereby deleted in its entirety and all subsequent sections renumbered accordingly. SECTION 7: Section is Hereby deleted in its entirety and all subsequent sections renumbered accordingly. SECTION e: Sect Son 17.02.030.A.3. of Chapter 17.12 is hereby amended co read Ln words and flgurea a9 fo llovs: Handicapped stall size: F,aeh pa rkinq space designated for use by the handicapped shall consist of a re rtanqular area not less than 14 feet vide by 18 feet long, end shall be loco tad in an area not exceeding 2 percent slope. All specea shell be Inca tad near of convenient to a level or ramped entrance, not exceedl nq a S percent slope, to the fact llty served by the parking space. Perking spaces for the handicapped shall be signed end rea iricted for use by the handicapped only. ~' CITY COUNCIL UROINAN CE N0. UCA 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CL CAMONGA October 16, 1991 pa qe 4 -wCUny ~~~^'~~ ,... _, ~~ >•IyI,G i~lff ~ ,~ Y • ; r . s'~> -'y -qty..>L_ . iut ~. { r ~, -~~~ ~~ 'eV r ~ ~ ` W y~ ~+ewnpr~ a.mcc r-ae~o .w~a+.w..-t [~YMG'A•l 7wl{I V awt >01~ 4MJDIUpPr,O °J17Ltr LRE SECTION 9: This Council findB that this amendment will not adversely affect the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 10: The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or ward of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provislons, Sections, paragrnpha, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shell remain in full force and effect. SECTION 11: The City Clerk shall certi Ey the adoption of Lh1s Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after St9 passage at least once in the Inland Valley Da11y Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, Cali EOYnla, end circulated in the City of Poncho Cucamonga, California. ~~ ORDINANCE NO. ~ " A.V ORDIR ANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CCC AMONGA, CALIFO R.N IAA APPROV IVG INDUSTRIAL SPEC ZFIC PLAN AY.ENDMENT 91-01, ELIMINATING COMPACT PA RXING SPACES, ANb MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. THE CII^,' CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Part III, Section F•6 is hereby deleted in its entirety and all subsequent se ctiona renumbered accordingly. SECTION 2: This Council finds that this amendment sill not adve zse ly affect the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: The City Council de clarea that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or wozd of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be pub liehed within 15 days after its passage at least once, in the Inland Va Lley Daily Eulle tiny a newgpaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Panchn Cucamonga, California. 153 ------ CITI' QF RANCHO C1X;AMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1991 To: Mayor and Membete of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, Ae slat ant to the City Manager SUBJECT: TMSNT TO PARSING TATION IL SCNSD RHCGV4ffiNDATION ,:'.:a:ti:'. ,: It ie recommended that the City Council atlopt the attached resolution which will adju et the City's bail schedule amount by $5 for each violation. BACSGRDDXD Due to recent State legislation, epecif is ally SB 21, AE 544 and AS 1297, the County has been authorized to collect $5 for every parking violation on which we collect. In accordance with these provisions of State law, the County notified the City that they intend to et art collecting iheee additional footle. Even though the City of Rancho Cucamonga processes its own parking citations, under State law, we are still obligated to pay the $5 per citation collected to the County. It ie estimated that if we do not act now to raise our parking bail schedule, we stand to lose approximately 520,000 from our existing revenue stream from parking citations. For these reasons, it ie recommended that the City Council adopt the attached reeolut ion which would increase our bail schedule by $5 for each violation. It the City Council adopts the attached resolution, staff will immediately begin the work to have new chat ions printed which reflect the increased bail amount and also Indicate what the additional bail amount is for. For example, the ticket would read parking violation $25 plus $5 for court and jail construction Eund. Respectfully submitted, r, Duane A. Raker Aeaistant to the City Manager DAB/t lr DA 8:946 Attachment 313 RFSOII7PIOPI NO. 91-'~'"R A RESOIlIPION OF THE CITY mi1NCII. OF 'if0; CPPY OF RANaIO CUCAbYNJGA, CALSECHd7IA, AOOIfi1NG A PAIA'BJG IIJE0RCII+1fN1' BAII, SCiiEDUI,E Wf~2FA5, the City Cwncil of the city of Rancho Clxanp[ya has hereto- fore decided to process parking citations issued by the San rt+rna,+t;nn Canty Qleriff~s Departtmnt within the City's corporate limits; and [mss, recent State legislation, specifically SB 21, AB 544 and AB 1297, the County has hesn authorized t~ mllect $5.00 for every parking violation in which we collet; and WfR1tEa1S, the $5.00 which is to be collected by the Canty is split $2.50 for ta~poraxy c~sthouse mnstn~ction and $2.50 for crimi.,ai justice facilities ooretrvction; and WHERFIS, the above-referenced State legislation authorizes the cities to increase the bail ~^^~*~~e for parkirg violations to cover the State marclaterl acts; and WfR~I2FPS, the City of panci~o Gticamorga will be liable for this $5.00 charge with air parking enforcemnt bail schedule is ;rr~,-oasort or not. NOW, TilEI2EEDItE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby resolve as follows: SExTiai 1: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby adopts as its tail scherhile, the bail schedule attached hereto as Dhibit '~A^ together with each bail amount set forth therein. SECTION 2: 'Ihe bail schedule set forth in Ddiibit "A" attac2~ed hereto may be modified from time to time bl' resolution of the City Cauicil of the City of RariMno Cucamo~xJa. I55 Resolution No. 91-*** page 3 EHIiIBTP °An RCMC 10.44.020(A) RQ4C 10.44.020(B) FKMC 10.44.020 (C) RQ4C 10.44.020 (D) RQ4C 10,44.020 (E) RCMC 10.44.020 (F) RQfC 10.44.020 (G) RCMC 10.44.020 (H) R(MC 10.44.030 RCMC 10.44.040 RQ4C 10.44.050 (A) RCt4C 10.44.050(0) RQ4C 10.44.060 R(1$C 10.44.070 RCMC 10.44.080 RCd4C 10.44.090 R(NC 10.44.100 RCA1C 10.44.110 RQ4C 10.44.120 RQ4C 10.44.130 RCMC 10.48.010(8) RCMC lo.as.olo(c) RR4C 10.48.020 RCMC 10.48.030 RQ4C 10.48.050 RCSfC 10.48.060 Pazkirg on Divisional Tslard Blorui TMTM a Wallcway Posted No Pazkiig Prohibited Parkirc3 Red Curb/Sign Parkitg in Pazkway Pasted No Parking~onstnlction/D3uigt~ent Within 20' of Crosswalk in Business District Within 20' of Traffic Co~rtrol Device Obstruction of Traffic Obstructing an Alley Pazkifg Vehicle for Sale Repair/Wash vehicle on street Posted No Parking-Adjacent to School Posted NO Pazking-Narray Roadway Posted No Pazkirg-One Way Street posted No Parking-Ore Way Paadway Parking on Grades in excess of 5$ Vendirg from Pazksi Vehicle Posta3 No Pazkingli'en~orary 72 Has Pazking Violation Parking in Yello.~ Zone Pazking in white Zone Stopping for Ioadi~g/Unloading SYoppirg in Alley stopping/standing-Buses/Taxicabs Hus and Taxicab Stands Restrictsi $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.70 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30,00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 70.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 '..~~ Resolution No. 91-*** Page 4 RQAC 10.50.130 RCI4C 10.52.020 RCMC 10.52.050(A) RCMC 10.52.050(C) RCMC 10.52.060 (A) RCMC 10.52.070 RCMC 10.56.010 FQ4C 10.56.020 PQ4C 10.56.030 ItQ4C 10.60.050 RCMC 10.64.030 Ra4C 12.04.010(F) NC 22502 (A) NC 22507.8 (A) NC 22500.1 NC 22515 UFC 10.207 (K) NC 21113(A) Permit Parki=g $ 30.00 Time Timit Parkvg~Yeen Zone $ 30.00 Over Weight-DtCeed 5 Tons $177.00 Over Weight-Exce~is 3 Tons ar 80" $107.00 StorilKJ Unatta~l Trailer on Street $ 30.00 Parking on Private Property $ 55.00 Unrestricted Truck gouts $177.00 gey-tricked 71vc~c Rprte $177.00 ~Ihrminel Aocess RPlte $177.00 Harclicapped Parking $105.00 Parking R.V. m Street 2:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. $ 55.00 Illegal Parking-City Parks $ 30.00 Unlawful curb Parking $ 30.00 parki=g in Handicap Stall $105.00 Parki.rg in Fire Iane $ 55.00 Parking within 15' of Fire Hydrant $ 55.00 Obstkvct Fire Access Road $ 55.00 Unauthorized School Parking $ 20.00 /~ l'dTY VC' Itv1NCHV CUCAMUNVA MEMORANDUM DATE: October 16, 1991 ^. T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council w1, Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager - r FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City EngTneel-- j1~Q' BY: Joe Sto fa, Jr., Associate En~4~feer SUBJECT: Removal of Consent Calendar Items: D-8 - APPROVAL OF DISPOSITION OF EXCESS PROPERTY FDR A PORTION OF 25TH STREET, LOCATED NEST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE (APN: 225-082-01) 0.9 - APPROVAL OF MAP, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND iWROVEMENT SECU RITlES FOR ON-SITE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT N0. 14139, JOINT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES WITN AHMANSON DEVELOPMENTS AND NATT INLAND EMPIRE, INCORPORATED, FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT NOS. 14139, 14379 AND 14380, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING M4INTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT NOS. 14139 LOCATED ON THE SOUTFMEST CORNER OF 25TH STREET AND ETIWANDA AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY AHMANSON DEVELOPMENTS D-30 - APPROVAL OF MNP, II~FROYEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR ON-SITE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT NOS. 14379 AND 14380 (TENTATIVE TRACT 13527) JOINT II4°ROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES WITH MATT INLAND EMPIRE, INCORPORATED, AND AHMANSON DEVELOPMENTS FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT NOS. 14379, 14380 AND 14139, DRDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR TRACT NOS. 14379 AND 14380 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE Of 24TH STREET, WEST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE SUBMITTEp BY NATT INLAND EMPIRE, INCORPORATED Please remove Consent Calendar items D-B, D-9, D-10 from the October 16, 1991, Gity Council Agenda for discussion to continue Lhe Items unt11 November 6, 1991 to allow time for additional information to be obtained by the Developer of Tract Nos. 14139, 14379, and 14380. NJO:JS:dlw ^CT-i5-1991 1207 PPM K 5 U TO 17149876499 P, 01 KAMINE, STEINER 8 LINGERER ewvrol 11COVP1,J 3. 4PM~NL )LO iO'J'v ~CVLnOP L'nC[T LVi'L iIO u,! aNacn cn 1,05 wrvG[LeS. CALIFORtiip 90011 ..en'N o~_o.v r~NPV we rP. am o>L-oval October 15,1991 Linda Daniela Deputy City Manager Gty of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Re: KBR v. City of Rancho Cucamonga, et al. San Bernardino Case No. OCV 42535 Our File No. 042.OD4 Deaz Ms. Daniels: )~C'v [! ~vAV [ ~• Or COV\f{LC Sent uia fez (7T4) 987499 At the mandatory settlement conference held on Ocrober 9, 199., KBR agreed to accept $50,000 in settlement of this case. City's contribution would be $10,000, with the balance coming from Recreation Systems, Inc. (RSI), the architett, and Tohn I.enzirti & Assodates (LENZINI), the electrical engineer. This firm recommends that City accept this settlement for the following reasons: KBR'S LEGAL THEORIES Trial of this action is set ro begin on November 11, 1991. KBR sued City for inverse condemnation, interference with cotttract and violation of statutory rights (KBR also sued City Eor quantum meruit. Ilowever, that cause of action was dismissed against city when K1iR settled with Shooter dr Butts and American insurance on the delay claims) These causes o£ action ate based on City's refusal to accept KBR's submittal of WIDELi'IE as an equal to the ABS sports lighting systems speafied in the plans and specifications Eor both Red Hill and Heritage Cunununily Parks. The primary issue is whether WIDELITE is ar, equal to the ABS sports lighting systems. A major qucsdon has arisen over the operation msts for the two systems. Based on the two manufacturers' published data, the WTDELITE system would have been about $300,000 cheaper to operate over a 10-yeaz period. If true, that fact would be a strong argument that WIDELITE was legally equal to ABS and thus should not have been rejected. City refused to accept W]DELITE on the adv[se of CCT-15-1991 1207 FRCM K 9 U TG 17149676499 P.02 Ms. Daniels Page No. Z Cktober 15,1991 its experts, RSI and LEN2LN7. (Neither RSI nor LENZJriI aze sued by KBR. City was in the prornss of cross-clairning against both for indemnity. Those efforts will be resumed should there be no setfleme:tt.) Therefore, should City be found liable for unjustly rejntuig WIDELTIE, there would then be a separate trial on the issue of liability of RSI and LENZIIv'I to City. A settlement now avoids the costs of one, possibly two, trials. The KBR trial is set as a 10 day jury trial. There was every indication KBR intended to have a jury. KBR DAMAGES KBR claims $130,765.58 as damages from City's refusal of the WIDELITE submittal. This figure is the price difference between WIDELITE and the specified ABS system and includes calea tax, overhead and profit. I-Iowevez, the maximum recoverable by KBR is probably only $97,000 -the price difference not including the sales tax, overhead and profit. Should KBR prevail, it would be entitled to interest at 10'Y~ per annum from July 23, 1986 -roughly g29,25D on the $97,000 fi~,rn. In addition, should KBR prevail on the inverse condemnation claim, it could be awarded attorneys' fees. A settlement now avoids the danger that City may lose and therefore be liable to KBR for about $126,250 in damages. COSTS 7'O PROCEED TO TRIAL There aze 8 depositions presently scheduled in this case. Attorneys for City would have to appeaz at each. In addition, KBR indicated that it will also take the deposition of City's 2 expert witnesses, Jce Pitaro and Henry Schiffer. Mr. Pitaro uid lvir. Bchiffer are employees of ABS. Bvth live and work in ConnetHeut. It would be City's burden to pay foz their air fare to and accommodations in Los Angeles for their depositions. in addition, counsel for City would have to prepare documents packages for the experts to review. Also, counsel would have to work closely with experts to determine how best to present the evidence at trial. City would be incurring not only attorney fees, but the costs of the experts to review ali data. OCT-15-1991 L~08 FROM K 5 U TO .7149676499 P.03 Ms. Daniels Page No. 3 October 15,1991 In addition, counsel for City would have to prepaze for and parddpate in the 10 day (possibly longer) jury trial. The coats of the depositions, experts and trial would far exceed City's proposed $10,000 rnntribution ro the settlement. If you have any questions, please call me. Very truly yours, Cathertne R Finamore l1CF:cbm ~ Jim Markman sent via fax - (714) 9906290 Cc Raymond D. Atkins 11385 Napoli Dr. ~_rl Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730 714-989-7049 OCT p 3 1991 October 18, 1991 Ms. Debra J. Adams City Clerk - City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 607 10500 Civic Center Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91729 RE: RV STORAGE - VICTORIA PLANNED COMMUNITY Dear Madam: Attending my first council meeting in Rancho Cucamonga on October 16, 1991, was an experience to say the least. In regards to the RV storage public hearing the council has extended patience in listening to everyone's personal "moan and groan" such of which did not pertain to the sub-committee's findings. I apologize in not addressing this item in forum, however Z am not a public speaker. According to the Chamber 90$ of the persons in Rancho Cucamonga are not RV owners, yet developers in Victoria, Terra Vista, Caryn sell 15-20$ of their residential single family home lots, marketed and sold with additional premiums, as RV lots. In these planned communities buyers pay additional costs for the lots yet the lots are not conducive to accepting RV's behind fenced yards. Although they are marketed and sold as RV lots, the developer provides plastic underground utility boxes which cannot withstand the weight of a car, let alone an RV, also BO$ of the RV lots rec~u ire access past a gas meter, which according to the public utilities commission requires a guard post if an RV is to go past the meter, (a post which the developer has not provided) yet the developers stated CC&R's requirement of parking an RV is that it is to he behind a fence on the side yard. As everyone else makes this a private problem in forum at the council meeting, I have spent two years trying to meet the CC&R regulations on a lot that was supposed to be "an RV lot" of which I paid a premium of $8,000.00. I have relocated a tree, had the Edison company install concrete underground utility boxes, and prior to move-in, and prior to installation of the gas meter informed the developer, Republic, that the meter was obstructing access to the side lot. The gates for the RV access provided by Republic were 7'4" wide opening, hardly access for a small car. I have even attempted to hop the curb and scale the 2' embankment to access the side yard parking Raymond D. Atkins 11385 Napoli Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, Ca 91730 714-989-7049 on the other side of the lot. I requested the gas company to move the meter closer to the dwelling and their only response was No, to move an RV (including boat & trailer) or any vehicle past the meter, the public utility commission requires a guard post to protect the meter. Z plan to qo back after the developer as I feel he has not provided me with proper accommodation to achieve my RV parking as required by ordinance. Also, in regards Item 5, page 3, of the Staff Report issued to the public on October 16, 1991, the "planned communities of Victoria" are not planned to accommodate their own ordinance and CC&R's. Grandfathering should be considered for the Victoria Community and possibly Terra Vista and Caryn, or developers should be held accountable for the profit over their delinquency. n you for yo r ime in reading this letter. a m D. tkins 1138 Napoli Dr. Ranc Cucamonga, Ca 91730 714-989-7049 Cc.r, (3, 199 1 1'L:'rNNIN ryv l~.~v'~7:6:^11 •• IS F.CEIVEu - 1 .\ i:.l c ~. ~. .- ~-s>rrJ l~r+C _..ICIrM~ .J /-/} i "/ Oi R(~;i'I~Fl n~nnpgON JA r4m Y:^ .• pyro'AN OCT 14159 ~.~,bs."~.~~ 1;=~lLZrr~<;J.F~. ~P_:a,c:£ ' AM PM 7i8i9~1p~lli12111213i4i5i6 Ic rltE ~.~; `l ~.."H~C:+C ~-v.:Clr.'v)[~J /.J} ,. .,..- ,(,:. F..e: ~~ n ,.,~.I_ ,,,.ti ,`Iti,,~~,.,;,vr, 1;ivlsl.,d~ .. . F`v~ai~fF'. 'u - v 7n'~ n,.i i.3 lilt I-1-v'r,21.v/_ Dw' Tc /hvc rl+~Q y:. rb; O.u ~I ~., ifJ ~J:NaNI~=. In"L I+IV ,.:_ I,1 J.' . 1/ I w I ~,d C.I{t ~-4 G'M+a c.J ~'F}- r-c IZ /J I v ~ (~ ~ ?~41~ ~ (\-rJ ~ I, d /~, V [- ~C U N ~ ~ 1-AT 1 14~ 'l.U 1i~i N I 1 ~C. r_`(~'-/t 1~...J (a' CI/.~I••(},~~:.E L,°9TrL ~C. T'ir ~r F l.. wf-_~1~C~._ i~.'~-I~.INb- .~,:v i-i .!~~~;,.~ IS 1~P,C-~'T,~. {+~1.(= :j5 I T ~~ lJC eJ pi::L.. T'-.'\... l.v~ I mil ii~~~~ ~~~I ~F~..11/~=..1i /\1/ W T Ji'Z.I .J( /~'J li Il-~/r'1: ~,~~>~- .. '~/~: : 1'i:}/Z.It...ti~ ~.."lam 1~}C C.C :~.~ rl Lr_n.l '- r c ;- ~~v~!li_~,,,~ :'t •~ID ~ [(~ SrC lZ ~i=F , CF' l:f_c.:Z:i.4-1en.A+_. V~':+~;. t_(_S ItirUI_i/ Y\:'_•'_.S F-,J~i L:I}- .a.i l.)''r_. ;-"ic c. l?l'c. 1 1l :'i'I J TT I I~%~ i~T1r~~`. .~A" 11.`'H.:•./ Ilcc ~/ rvNr}.3i T:'+,v'TS, " y :~' ice`:. -i T'2L n)'r:.'~ IJ ~~ b~ `/t. I,1 I~r /~ c 1=~_ T :~a:~ T 11 ~_ .3.~ .,, /a= .. of D,:~n-Jc'_.= IL: I. u\,n r I,oG I_-<rL_,+r--rc.~;a r/ '~.~ ~ , ,~ ~: I•.'1'L. i"~~,Z IL ..J L- /F,.. ,: arc 2q L-F ,4,.~~. J;lLI c. ,-<..'/ „~ ~ ,'7' 111 M.: 1. A~p:A 1 ~1 ~ 1 1 "11`5'1 L.av tS ("J~K t'~ ~ I, v a - ;iEC eIJED - ~~' ,-.r r., ~~ :~ i0 ^ r,A"}Pry .F ^.p'.~. .... ,.,~arv OCT 141991 October 11, 1991 7~gi9i10iUi121112i3~4i5i6 s Planning Division City of Rancho Cucamonga P.0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Dear Sirs: I am writing to urge you to continue the enforcement of the 1988 ordinance that prohibits the parking of recreational vehicles on a reaident'e property. RV parking in a residential neighborhood to unsightly and would unequivocably lower real estate values. I would never want to buy a home if I had to stare at an RV in my neighbor's yard. My family and I moved up to Rancho Cucamonga Lor a batter way of life. Wa want to establish roots here. The City of Rancho Cucamonga cannot afford to let these RV owners turn our City into another Ontario or Montclair. RV parking should be off-site and at designated parking areas within the City. I'm aura the majority of residents of this fine City would wholeheartedly support the continuation of the above mentioned 1988 ordinance. Thank you for your consideration to this matter. Yours very truly, ~~ Mra.""N"a_nc~y"A. McBeth 11669 Mt. Miriah Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 QvJ~ J!J ~~ 7-.~%+-~, R~ ~' ~.....~ .2~y°~"e~~-rte ~ .~y-~A-~aa+--~i r./~((~~y i~~)~~ic A'~wi iv ~y~.J~-~ is /L.¢c i-e-a~'~er.-~ /L'C'4~~GL~CQi ~.. ~i0.W ~.Y d, ~/GC+ G'+/Ci-."~`'~nsZ'V ~Lca~ ~~` mac.-..-! ~o.>~`~~' -~~:.~ ~~~~f~ ~.-L~...%7`, . ~~ -'~~ ~J'-x.p~.~G+r7F~9O/ ?hoi~~ '~jK. Y,.d ~ dy~,,..~ ~y,,.2~;c.-.i Gr~` ~.uJ'..~2-.s.~*-.L~~/Z¢-Ga-~ cF J.v7`/,2e.~.,..v -76y~ ~ ~- ~, ~.~v L~ - r~ECEIVED - ~ GTT vF JIiANC 0 VIIEI~t/0A OCT 141~Y9_1"e~ 71g1u _. 1 - RICNVtC -- CITY Oi RgNCNO CtY'dMONCA PLANNING DIVISION OCT 141991 71~911~IUIIIi11218Nb5,8 RCcnF.fv CucamenyYi. flfGnru ~ (~~1.e ~ l v, l 9 91 Q,i`7`o ~G~cWx~p, ~~/!lr.~Y/t /osz~o Cuwc ~.,.,evt ~~ J1anF/ro C(iC¢nVi~ir~:, C/~ 9r73U ;;Pe.. ,e Us ~G~ !IIZv .IIi~GU.r.~~: ~/~tctt~c.~aZ ?/_c/C~c~aa,~,o,y>uLZZ'u hc~-w.~~c~E~r,nc~[e~2. ncl.Q~~rrltuP ~ nol,yncasf .e Us a~~e,rc~s~uny o~u-~~ew ~~a~~yi. o-(d ~~ c2~o' cp ~ ¢~e ¢n,0_e-~cru. . ~ c"he. GZV~ ~wirnq,7tG~ ~ n~ndcfir~ -~c**~ tee. -looiu. o-' ¢rc ~..~l~ico,na~~l6~cc>;~. ~yy Q2,~ a.Pao ,do c(C~n~G~acea~. ~/ J ~ JJ~ C(~i~cev aet2 G~L~ LuQO ~pG~ ix Ouc G~C~ ~, ~ 3 y~ o-fd ilCrle ~ tuka cc! .~cdv OrC( du~~LhCto y.S~a.~ curia~ce_f+P Lvcr~CtGy~ ~ ~ Q ClLt . ~.,,~ vc,~ Lugo ~CGi~ ~/oc.6~d .9G~cn.~e. v+.~ur a~ ~ ~~a~Fi~.~ ~j ~ ,~x u(cme . ~J ~» rnarr - ~ U o~urtu~~ ~u7~ina. 6LV au~~~c.~ ~~aa` ~ ~-ago-~ ,Pau.. a~ ~~e~ ~' I, CJ ~@~,2 '' yy~''' '1 D~1EL 2rg( LIZ '~.lE ~ Grt~it sd~ O~ OG~2. /~~Gc1A- LSO ~7~ ~tU ~p 7~~p'~ryclU'+ay ~tcrXr Q..SrinCG(7(~ ~""~ ~ G~(/ ow~laoa~; '6~x` _P.~o~t ci„oc .2.r~ ~ n.(~ ~ yLU/.r, ,fie mac(, /b~/..~~~t a.Llawf~or~c ~ne.<<yt 6cs~(c~, ~6. .`1~~-G~~`-~d ~. GN~.~`.CLi~'.~i ~ vt. olP~ ~zA, -/x -v PU.ItiGL . .SC~~7Pr~` ~ G~cfNn ~(00 /~J ~~~', ~ Gt .S ~l ga! Ste- d ~ a ,~atic~c w~:mlt, ux C/ ~u~mm~ad:c~t~ ~U ~cz.~f~~.q. ' ~xu~e~2 ~-~ <D ~J ~ ~~ ~ 71.E 7`. ~ 6056 ,'f71Gt~Cla/.~(cq~9 Q,~uv~.AQ~ L'1+/~ 9~7~ZY7~7,/ ~r~'rat~ L<JE,Bs~Q~ 1Pr// ~,/~///u1R/C-~_ Lp{Y,/~), ~f / ~7u29.( art: pu}v.w~ ~ / ~dJ~ ~?/HL~//~ I ~~ZC f~'/~M% ~0 / / ~~~ ti 95~ 3 ga~.~.o-K ~ ~a Q~ ~ ~ q~- ~.~we ct~s '{'~i GPU Ourwa tx. Owl +n7rri~ld(R~0 /~~uy'I~~,(xr/ 1 7-29-90 Planning Commission Rancho Cucamonga GN Of ~e CEI4EC - lCNO GJ^AAdONON KA~.Ja'w DIN ).,.v OCT 141991 I~MI py 7~8~9~gi11112ii12~3~4i$i8 1 Please reguast the Zebarths, 9602 La Colina, to move their motorhome fTbm their driveway. The enclosed sketch shows why this offensive motorhome is such an "eyesore" and so visible to 20 families residing on Klusman, When the trees shed their leaves the 6 families on La Colina have a full viaw..as well as the 16 families on Jadeite if they turn in on La Colina: It seeps so very unfair of one family to think only of themselves ------- with no consideraYTon or regard for anyone else and to force others to look at that behemoth every day. that offensive monstrosity should be parketl on the side of their house and screened. If the Zebarths pie-shaped lot can't handle this ----they should rent a lot fox it, It is truly an affront to the envlornment, a visual "blight". Please do not change this ordinance, Many towns and cities in Northern California have had it fox years. Sincerely, Elizabeth Forslind (Mrs. Bruce Forslind} ~~ , ' ~~ ~_L LV ,1.L' _i;L,_'/ ~~r ...,_c2~ ~f~E. .r.fLc~C /~ Cc lobar 1G, ': ;7?i Tl~:::nir.~ -ivisior. :'}' c` *:anchc C~,:canor.~a 3ez 707 3~rcho ^ucaronn,~ J. ,172y ]ear :: ... r. - RECEIVE[ - CITY OF R~•>:,; h10 CUCA•tUNOP. PLF :giiM D!y1S!pIJ OCT 161991 7~~~ll~a~91~5,s . ~:ave lived at the ea-e address in rancho Cucnronga fer slnost 35 ;;ears. i i:ve cored iotor Yomes since 1;6d and I have never :had n?i ghLor comr lain of my parking ny 3.7. at bore, ::dv? -,r, i.Y, nad« <eey ry s.o torhome clear, and presentable and keep ..y ::^.ome and yarn :n a trim srd tidy manor. . feel thet we do net need core regaations in this city :^, we should h.xve aorie ri`as as to what we do or. our our property as taxpayers -s,d ritizens of the co;:.muri t;' as long as we are not being offensive ;o our neip?:bors. e h+ve enougt: ordinances now that are r.ot Seing enforced such as :. Just look at :ny nei~bcrhood and you will see old cars, piles c" old furni tur=~ large n~bbis:^. piles accumulated filled plastic trash babs« old refrigerators outside with the doors or., trailers and etc. p have complained tc the City Compliance officer to no wail, ?. °ome east ir:to the city of ~oothiil Blvd, and loo'¢ at ell ~he tumble weeds, yet orders Lard Ynere 1<_ ar. ordinance letting tumble weeds grow in the ci*.y. i. :v=done walks their does in the city parks and or. the city sidewalds ~witheut picking uF if ter them. ^p.end soa.e Lime on 1>th treel, ;r.d li:aen to all the loud radios (in the auto's) boo in, ay -:cd niyit. :ith the wideni rg of ljth r'treet ir, frrr«. •~;~ souse the city eli::inated zil street perking. Z eanrct get cy :,chcr~.cr? in+,e the rear yard. v v: rking on a p;d to the side of ;, ,.~. ..,. :c. certa ir.ly not ho t4 eeing rmven?. also pay al¢ost 71 «pCO.OC.p ,,•r in license f_es cr. rcy Ei.7. a±orhoning is our 'nay of life snd it o?r«.:inl;r ~culd be n burden or. c, `.c have to }l,ce it in atora_e .here i ~..,.:. _ ,, r.eintain it and {seep _, up. ppJ~~~aG~~.~•: •. ~..•~. 's ... ~YVf\~'^ if a rersc.^. puts 3n n. v, in :~i< Irons yerd ~~. r.d doee 'ro+, u:e it in a rezsenab le tie pernais t%en =: reid?!bor is jua tified to conplain and ther, ..c tion should be t.=.ken. ccweverr if an ?. V. is in a yzrd wi tY. out zny r,ox.F 1~i.-.'s then to=..` R,/, rn+ner -nC resident ahould he loft More, =~eq::=stirs yocr ccn=ideration if we !:ave tc hzve spree kind of crdirance ti~,.=.! ±r, ~c= eased on the abcve para~z%-ihs. '.e=Fec rrgLLlly ti'' Ibr..i tt¢dr t ~ (.1, ~ C t f7. j'.~-F jF. ~ j, ~~ Clar'<e P. 3oesen .ij?; 1'; th ;tree`, aii..•a••'•, ~,n;^.c Cx .r:cn8?.:"^. 9707 ++" OCT-18-91 WED 8:25 HOFFINGERS INDUSTRIES FAX N0. 17149800700 P. D1/0t RECEIVEtl = EIfiY bF RANCNb CUCA'1bN6A P~ q'.h•NG CI VI $~p J oct x c ~~ ~~~ 77x0 Celle Clarin Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 October 16, 1991 Planning Division City oP Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 1tSt AMR1lLTIOMIL VlBICL! PIAIIIN A1~ aTt)A1Wt Gentlemen: We are adamantly agalaaL RV parking on residential property. They are obtrusive eyesores in Pront yards and ruin the aesthetics oP the neighborhood and our city. Thank you for your consideration. Si1n~c~er/ely~,/ Fred d. and Anna N. Acosta FGA:ama OCT-14-91 MON 13:38 COVENTRY MFG. P.01 COVE R P A G E FAX TRAN3M I SS I Ole, VOU ARE RECEIVING A TRANSMISSION FROM: Mr. David P. Mobile 7867 Sauterne Driw Rancho Cucaconga~ CA 91730 FX f81g) 338-8954 SENDERS DAVE MOBILE NUMBER OF PAGES FOLLONING COVER PAGE: 1 DATES Oct. l4~ 1991 cx_-e assss_s____wvrwxzeavxawwwwwws~e__xxwrwwox_xsxa~ PLEASE PLACE THIB INFORMATION IN THE HANDg OFt Mayor of Rancho Cucaoonga and Mcmb ers of the City Council FX f714) 948-1648 ME93AGEt Attached is a proposel regarding the Issue of racraational vehicle storage on private property in Rancho Cucaconga. I hope this helps in forcing sonw neN epp~oaches to the i25Ue. David P~ Resident OGT-14-91 MON 13x39 COVENTRY MFG. P.02 October 14, 1991 TO the Mayor and wembers of the City Councilf This letter is to express my opinion regarding the recent city issue of recreational vehicle storage on private property in Rancho Cucamonga, and to offer a possible solution. The right to control one'f private Properly and the uses of it should be protected in Rancho Cucamonga. It is a fundamental benefit of property ownership to have a home and property that enables a person to persue interests that would not be possible otherwise. Convenient and affordable R.V. storage is one of theses benefits. investment and financial security are also benefits of home ownership. High and stable property values are the Daces for such security, and the mechanism for erentin8 ^ cowsuntly that is stable, financially sound. and a desired place to live. One way to maintain stable property valuec is by regulationh~heough the use of zoning laws and use restrictions. In this way. Y government can mast strongly affect property values. Everyone in Rancho benefits from high property values, R.V. owners and norownors alike. The greatest benefit for wll then comes from strong property values. R.V. storage at residential properties does tend to lower property vdiUe3. w-eontinuedww OGT-14-91 MON 36[00 COVENTRY MFG. P03 Tho qu¢ction then is how to ko¢p values hi8h tno Viaible R.V. storage) while keeping R.V. storage convenient and affordable for R.V. owners. I think the following is worth consideration. 1. The Cily ordinances that no R.V. shall be visibl0 Prat tht street fronting a residential property. This allows those with available space to k¢ep the R.V. en th¢ir property while providing an aesthetically pleasing cowwunlty. 2. The City provides affordable R.V. storage to residences only. This can be done in one of !we ways (that I can think O4)i 1. The City contracts with private storages camapsnles within the City to provid¢ lower 4hen aversge secure stgra9e for residents' R.V. 's. Ecsentially, this Ss exisking public storag¢ subsidizetl by the City, but only for proven resitlmces. Funding would com¢ from general funds, thus sharing the cost of the storage among atl residences <who are the 6eneHCiaries). 2. Tho City establishes city yards for storage of residents' R.V. 'c. These would be secure yards within the city liwlts. Tho City could manag¢ the yards or hire a menegemMt company to do so, similar ko management of an apartment cowplex. Funding would come from user fees that are below-market for private storage, and some etty funds. ThSS Nay too, ai! who benefit from She off-property R.V. storage shore in the cost. atvo RECEtYEO - n FR4e,^.MO CUCl;~Anryq,p CC, (~p~pn,~ CLA,tir;bV[4 01~!511:N n MR. Q MRS, BILL SMITE{ /~(7/lVY1(ry,p,~ ~~ ~~ ~ GUCAMONGA`CALIPORN A 91990 -UX S 10-~~-9j ~~. o ~ w ~~ 'x a~ c, ~ I "tL.n. °~~.e-~.....,..~~ ~,d ~t~a moo, Gor-~~~. _k~ ~,,.#,-.~a.'~c,~r-~+~.. :.l.~.e.~.~ e,.~,,._ l~r...~se..` `~`-a'~n.. (_ata_~a...,.>> ~i.~.u>eo ~ l.r_~ +-~ __52.2.°c-°-~`--S`- ~ - Y.a,-~. `~P'-E-a--'-*z yCA_`".,~ c~.`5~1;-. `^.,~ k4s~. Ic..-~,ti '~n~.,,..c~, n.te.~.~.~ ~:~. r T-'° .~c.rl .~..`.n.c_. v~' ~ \L (>_ 2_, , ~ ~ScSi, nr.Ae~v-~. c`,~-+..1 ~.c. ~.s., •~c~ 1 SU-a-tX t~ ~_ l~~ \~r_ ~1,w1 p, . ,.. r r~ /~..-e~`wk' G~ `mac ~~-st,,,--~-W 4- ~..~. -k~ ry~i,~. ~,r.~.G,~~6~".-'-^"-'o ~,J.~.~,v..,_~ Lrc-~L..',. ` _~.e t- ~ ~kL..~.. r~~.)c- ..ia o-r`.. 1+.1L_a..ti w~.1.5~. :sk •e-~. tirL~; tU._4-~/,~ c1.-y~~ N Q ° c ~ ~ tG,~<K^a- ~w1 ct `_~,.`.o_ n-a~J e ~~ ~..a.u tti , ~L.i ~.w-.•.r<- 4 ~.V+G M.Q.I.G~ \.l. 1~.~. ~, .• JCY~.L.,y~~.`~ ~~'r..fF\2.. ~"c-~~ \lU\..~_~ S'.~~ ~l~- ~i [' -C- • /'_~.t~~--mow I.UIIS~SL v~Q\~ `(~-e-Q-S~-S .~ ~--a ~1~.~.k .~. ti.-~LL~k- -F- .1:.~_~_~~. ct _.~,v~~2.cro~a.Ji tip. , fu~....;~ , . _J ~,ac,~ c,~-cw~ . ~ Y UwV..o-,.. a-..tea.. tie.-t'. /i~ ~-U <a_~J..~ CL. moo., ati.~ l..i.v~ l"l.U_ ~r V ~5 t Co~+A_ u ~.. <n,~.a.\,-a-ak ~~ A~ic.k L'La.t t~-d~.-o_ ~r_. `t~:i>> ~1("~x-}.-~~y+..n.r.1, . Cit. t_Ci~. ~ l,tT~--.t. ~.-. C-u't~~Y~.a..~.`-E.. rte... ~x't.-(~ti~> C\ ~~~1.\n.lD-.X .Y< al.c'~ t d..''r-... C.. cJ..i . J G~ 'L `~} ~ tr~~c va _., a ..._ C~,~.•L+.~'t~ u.\.~-<..~. L.c,\."L-~c•.(. ~ tiyG~1.~ ~-Ca-c.•<. 'F~OJ ~,.c. \_.~ Ali v~.t.Ck ~..: I 't'a e(_<• ( .~~-.ia ,,t„ (Y....,) _~~LnJ ~a..a~`., f~n~~.. '~~c\~ ~~•~. ,.r~ ,I~<I te.L(~ Cr,L. ~k.~r 'a- ~-~~ ~_ dc~ e~.'Jr - r--a-ye~ vc \. ~. l-~• ~L. ~ lr~ 1, ... Ilya.' lti.~'-..:z fic~ l~. ~ c ` ~v~. ____ w`r_a~,~ .~~-~j~ L a.~ i' \. ~1.i,... Il L'. v `.~~~.~..~1ti1..i L~G~~ lUa wk -~l~J{ ~J-c..^ i.(.a,..~ -~-fit-.. ~-Ct' 1_ _` .~1\v\.c. `L ~' Lc1 ~.\~-.t li+,<-.r\ '~C. ~,l-Z@. 4.-{Y,~..'^..t}~aa..~_! 4'~~ /~) ~ ca. vii.I ..,I,a.a (~~.~ ~', ~ 1~cL~... I'~ L ~c,v.~C. ~{ 1.~.-¢0` /lb ~.1C Lr"[,t,4.< a..a.4w "` ~ {~[l'r-.~ ei. \...L C~W /}e~ t-r-K..~.Y+r /YY.c-lw~-l. v„i~~-a+~ l,~ 1"~~\t+\. 1 { ~ \ K4,..,_a ow X14\ ~.elw\.e~ . R- a ~~ ~5 E~ E841t DxaczosDma a.c. 623.1 MENOmANDOII TOS city Council/ raomt city Attorney/Agen~eursae3~.~i~ DASa~ /~ -/E- g/ comrxnamrxA*• a6s Authority for Executive Session-- Government Coda Section 50956.9 Ws recommend an executive session to discuss the following litigation/potential litigation matter. The legal authority for conducting an executive sesaion is pursuant s [ Government Code Section 5{956.9(a) [Pending suit] [ 1 Government Coda Section 50956.9(b)(1) [Claim tiled or other exposure to litigation] [ ] Government Code Section 50956.9(b)(2) [oiecuseion on propriety of executive sesaion] [ ] Government Code Section 50956.9(c) [Potential initiation of litigation by client) [ Title of litigation/case number or name of claimant or other identifying statements [~" Diewssion of potential settlement in the above matter in open, public sesaion will, in our opinion, all prejudice the Citye/Agency•s position and/or that others of its amployeee. A Lull and frank diacuesion o! the matter is required in executive session. [ ] Full end trank discussion o! the need to initiate or to decide to initiate litigation is requirefl. S19S6.9 (o) Counsel mutt diecues the matter with Council/Agency only in order to determine the desirable approaches/goela of litigation. Any such discussion in public would hamper end/os prejudice the City s/Agency a ability to appropriately litigate the matter. s~sou~seeucn