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2008/09/17 - Agenda Packet
iht ~' 10500 Civic Center Drive ~ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-3801 City Office: (909) 477-2700 ~~~~~~1~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGS 15t and 3`d Wednesdays ~ 7:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER I7, 2008 I~TQ:~~I~a_~~~> MAYOR MAYOR PRO TEM COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY ACTING CITY CLERK Donald J. Kurth, M.D. L. Dennis Michael Rex Gutierrez Sam Spagnolo Diane Williams Jack Lam, AICP James L. Markman Kathryn L. Scott, CMC ORDER OF BUSINESS CLOSED SESSION Tapia Conference Room............ 5:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers ........................ 7:00 P.M. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ~~ RANCxo C;UCAMONGA TO ADDRESS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. FIRE BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL The Agency, Fire Board and City Council encourage free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the Agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Agency, Fire Board or City Council by filling out a speaker card and submitting it to the City Clerk. The speaker cards are located on the wall at the back of the Chambers, at the front desk behind the staff table and at the City Clerk's desk. During "Public Communications," your name will be called to speak on any item fisted or not listed on the agenda in the order in which it was received. If you are present to speak on an "Advertised Public Hearing" item, your name will be called when that item is being discussed. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. Any handouts for the Agency, Fire Board or City Council should be given to the City Clerk for distribution. AGENDA BACK-UP MATERIALS Staff reports and back-up materials for agenda items are available for review at the City Clerk's counter, Public Library and on the City's website. A complete copy of the agenda is also available at the desk located behind the staff table during the Council meeting. LIVE BROADCAST Agency, Fire Board and Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 3 for those with cable television access. Meetings are rebroadcast on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The City has added the option for customers without cable access to view the meetings "on-demand" from their computers. The added feature of "Streaming Video On Demand" is available on the City's website at www.ci.rancho- cucamonga.ca.us/whatsnew.htm for those with Hi-bandwidth (DSL/Cable Modem) or Low-bandwidth (Dial-up) Internet service. The Agency, Fire Board and City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive. Members of the City Council also sit as the Redevelopment Agency and the Fire District Board. Copies of the agendas and minutes can be found at http:l/www.ci.rancho-cucamonga.ca.us If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (909) 477-2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA _ SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 1 A, 5:00 P.M. -CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER - TAPIA ROOM 1. Roll Call: Mayor Kurth Mayor Pro Tem Michael Councilmembers Gutierrez, Spagnolo and Williams CLOSED SESSION CALLED TO ORDER AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE CITY COUNCIL B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM S) C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM S D. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 6T" STREET, EAST OF I-15 FREEWAY; GENERAL OUTDOOR ADVERTISING; LINDA D. DANIELS, RDA DIRECTOR, NEGOTIATING PARTY, REGARDING TERMS OF PROPOSAL -RDA 2. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ARROW ROUTE AND I-15 FWY -RDA 3. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ALONG THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC TRAIL, KNOWN AS THE ETIWANDA DEPOT; MAHDI ALUZRI, DEPUTY CITY MANAGER/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT; AND MIKE BAIR OF SANBAG, NEGOTIATING PARTY, REGARDING TERMS OF LEASE OR ACQUISITION -CITY E. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS F. RECESS CLOSED SESSION TO RECESS TO THE REGULAR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 2 G. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL WILL BE CALLED TO ORDER. IT IS THE INTENT TO CONCLUDE THE MEETINGS BY 10:00 P.M., UNLESS EXTENDED BY CONCURRENCE OF THE AGENCY, FIRE BOARD AND COUNCIL. 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call: Mayor Kurth Mayor Pro Tem Michael Councilmembers Gutierrez, Spagnolo and Williams H. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 1. Administration of Oaths of Office to Curtis Bray and Patricia Morris, newly-appointed Park and Recreation Commissioners. 2. Presentation of Proclamations to Robert "Bob" Curtis, Community Nero, and Mary Faheem, Junior Community Hero, in recognition of the L.A. County Fair's "Community Days Program." 3. Presentation by Wyatt Troxel, Board President, Rich Atwater, General Manager/CEO, Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA), and Robert DeLoach, General Manager/CEO, Cucamonga Valley Wafer Disfrict (CVWD), regarding "Water Supply Alert and Water Conservation Update." 4. Presentation of a Proclamation Declaring September 2008 as "National Preparedness Month." I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Agency, Fire Board, or City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Agency, Fire Board, or City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Agency, Fire Board or City Council, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 3 The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. J. CONSENT CALENDAR -REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Agency at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by an Agencymember for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: July 16, 2008 (Regular Meeting) 2. Approval of Check Register dated August 27 through September 9, 2008, for the total 1 amount of $552,027.09. 3. Approval to authorize an increase to Contract No. 08-093 in the amount of $97,603.88 to Grand Pacific Contractors, Inc., authorize the expenditure of a contingency in the amount of 2 $12,396.12 and approve Contract Change Order No. 1 for the Pacific Electric Trail Phase V improvements, and appropriate an additional amount of $110,000.00 to Acct. No. 26508015650!1612650-0 from Public Improvement 2001 TAB fund balance. K. CONSENT CALENDAR -FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Fire Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: July 16, 2008 (Regular Meeting) 2. Approval of Check Register dated August 27 through September 9, 2008, for the total 5 amount of $96,454.22. L. CONSENT CALENDAR -CITY COUNCIL The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: May 7, 2008 (Special Jt. Mtg. w/PC re Inclusionary Housing Ord.) July 16, 2008 (Regular Meeting) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COONCIL AGENDA 4 SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 2. Approval of Check Register dated August 27 through September 9 and payroll ending $ September 9, 2008, for the total amount of $5,269,939.67. 3. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Overlay of Various Streets, to be funded from Measure 51 "I", Acct. No. 1 1 763035650/1 0221 76 and Proposition 42 Traffic Relief Fund, Acct. No. 11903035650/1022190. RESOLUTION NO. 08-191 52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FY 2008/09 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION -OVERLAY OF VARIOUS STREETS, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS 4. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the FY 2008/09 Local 5$ Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Slurry Seal of Various Streets, to be funded from Measure "I", Acct. No. 11763035650/1022176 and Prop 42 Traffic Relief Fund, Acct. No. 11903035650/1022190. RESOLUTION NO. 08-192 59 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FY 2008109 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION -SLURRY SEAL OF VARIOUS STREETS, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS 5. Approval to accept the bids received and authorize the execution of the contract in the 65 amount of $199,000.00 to the apparent low bidder, Hardy & Harper, lnc. {CO 08-143) and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $19,900.00 for the Terra Vista Parkway Pavement Rehabilitation from Spruce Avenue to Milliken Avenue improvements, to be funded from Measure "t" Funds, Acct. No. 11763035650/1629176-0. 6. Approval of Amendment #1 to the contract with Impressions Gourmet Catering (CO 06-041 } 69 for catering services for the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center. 7. Approval of Community Services Update Report. $9 8. Approval to authorize an increase to Contract No. 08-093 in the amount of $97,603.88 to 100 Grand Pacific Contractors, Inc., authorize the expenditure of a contingency in the amount of $12,396.12 and approve Contract Change Order No. 1 for the Pacific Electric Trail Phase V improvements, and appropriate an additional amount of $110,000.00 to Acct. No. 26508015650/1612650-0 from Public Improvement 2001 TAB fund balance. 9. Approval to accept improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, and file a Notice 103 of Completion for improvements for DRC2003-00850, located on the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and the eastbound SR 210 freeway on-ramp, submitted by AIM Storage 210, LLC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 RESOLUTION NO. 08-193 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2003-00850 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 10. Approval to accept improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond, and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Tract 14759 (traffic signals), located at the intersection of Wilson Avenue and Wardman Bullock Road and at Banyan Avenue and Wardman Bullock Road, submitted by Pulte Homes, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 08-194 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 14759 (TRAFFIC SIGNALS) AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK 11. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 16262, located between Archibald and Klusman Avenue, approximately 427 feet north of the centerline of Hillside Road, submitted by TOLL CA IV, L.P. RESOLUTION NO. 08-195 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16262 5 105 106 108 109 112 12. Approval to release the Faithful Performance Bond, No. 7590178, retained in lieu of a 113 Maintenance Guarantee Bond, in the amount of $495,882.50, for the Archibald Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation from Banyan Street to Hillside Road and Wilson Avenue Street Widening and Pavement Rehabilitation from Amethyst Avenue to Archibald Avenue, Contract No. 07-035. 13. Approval to accept the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction -Phase I, Contract 115 No. 06-228 as complete, release the bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $5,151,634.31. 118 RESOLUTION NO. 08-196 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC INLAND EMPIRE TRAIL CONSTRUCTION -PHASE I, CONTRACT NO. 06-228 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA _ SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 6 14. Approval to accept the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction -Phases II and III, 119 Contract No. 07-023 as complete, release the bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $3,666,861.30. RESOLUTION NO. 08-197 ~ 22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC INLAND EMPIRE TRAIL CONSTRUCTION -PHASES II AND III, CONTRACT NO. 07-023 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK M. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY COUNCIL The following items have been advertised andlor posted as public hearings as required by law. The Mayor will open the meeting to receive public testimony. 1. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196 - CITY OF RANCHO 123 CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Development Code Sections 17.08 -Residential Districts; 17.10 -Commercial/Office Districts; and Section 17.30 -Industrial Districts, prohibiting public storage facilities including recreational vehicle storage and mini-storage in Residential Districts (with the exception of the provision for such facilities permitted or conditionally permitted within the Terra Vista Community Plan} and Commercial Districts. The proposed amendment also amends Section 17.30 from permitting storage facilities "by right" and to require a Conditional Use Permit for all storage facility applications. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Related files: Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561 and Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2008- 00566. VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561 -CITY OF RANCHO 123 CUCAMONGA - A request to the amend the Victoria Community Plan revoking Ordinance No. 287 and prohibiting public storage facilities including recreational vehicle storage and mini-storage in all Residential Districts. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3}. Related files: Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196 and Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2008-00566. ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the use regulations for the Residential 123 Districts of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan to prohibit recreational vehicle. storage facilities within the planned community. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Related files: Development Code Amendment DRG2008-000196 and Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA _ SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 7 ORDINANCE NO. 795 (first reading) 143 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196, AMENDING PORTIONS OF SECTION 17.08 - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; SECTION 17.10 - COMMERCIAUOFFICE DISTRICTS; AND SECTION 17.30 - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEVELOPMENT CODE, PROHIBITING PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITIES INCLUDING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND COMMERCIAL ZONES (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE PROVISION FOR SUCH FACILITIES PERMITTED OR CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN); THE AMENDMENT ALSO AMENDS SECTION 17.30 FROM PERMITTING STORAGE FACILITIES "BY RIGHT' AND TO REQUIRE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR ALL STORAGE FACILITY APPLICATIONS; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ORDINANCE NO. 796 (first reading) 154 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561, TO PROHIBIT PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITIES, INCLUDING MINI-STORAGE IN ALL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND REVOKING ORDINANCE NO 287 (VCPA 85-01) ORDINANCE NO. 797 (first reading) 159 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566, TO PROHIBIT PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITIES, INCLUDING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AND MINI- STORAGE IN ALL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS N. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. 1. CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHMENT OF THREE ASSET SEIZURE FUNDS, 195- STATE ASSET SEIZURE, 196-STATE ASSET SEIZURE CALIFORNIA DRUG AND GANG 163 PREVENTION (15%), AND 197-FEDERAL ASSET SEIZURE. THE FUNDS WOULD BE TRANSFERRED FROM TRUST FUND 882, ASSET SEIZURE MONIES OBJECT CODES 2338 2340 2356 AND 2357, AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE $20,000.00 INTO ACCT. NO. 1196701-5200 FROM THE 196 STATE ASSET SEIZURE CALIFORNIA DRUGS AND GANG PREVENTION FUND TO THE NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THEIR "MANY ROOTS PROJECT" REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 8 2. PRESENTATION OF A GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) WEB-BASED 166 APPLICATION CALLED "MY NEIGHBORHOOD" DESIGNED FOR THE COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPED WITH MOOSEPOINT TECHNOLOGY 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND SUPERSEDE SECTION 168 8.08.010 THROUGH 8.08.060 OF CHAPTER 8.08 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE MOBILE HOME PARKS ACT AND SPECIAL OCCUPANCY PARKS ACT OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE AND TITLE 25, CHAPTER 2 AND 2.2, OF THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS: AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE $12,000 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 10010004209 (MOBILE HOME PERMIT), $8 200 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 10220004218 (MOBILE HOME LOT FEES-CITY), AND $3,200 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 10220004219 (MOBILE HOME LOT FEES-STATE) FOR THE COLLECTION OF PROGRAM REVENUES, AND TO APPROPRIATE $11,400 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 10223025200 (OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE) FOR PROGRAM EXPENDITURES ORDINANCE NO. 798 (first reading) 170 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AND SUPERSEDING SECTIONS 8.08.010 THROUGH 8.08.060 OF CHAPTER 8.08 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE MOBILE HOME PARKS ACT AND SPECIAL OCCUPANCY PARKS ACT OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, AND TITLE 25, CHAPTERS 2 AND 2.2, OF THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS 4. PRESENTATION ON THE BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (BIA) HOUSING 176 MARKET ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE O. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. 1. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Councilmember. P. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Q. ADJOURNMENT I, Kathryn L. Scott, Acting City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on September 11, 2008, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. May 7, 2008 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION A. CALL TO ORDER A special joint meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council and Planning Commission was held on Wednesday, May 7, 2008, at City Hall, Tri-Communities Room, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Mayor Donald J. Kurth, M.D. called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. Present were Councilmembers: Rex Gutierrez; Diane Williams (arrived at 5:10 p.m.), Sam Spagnolo, Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael and Mayor Donald J. Kurth. Present were Planning Commissioners: Howdyshell, Munoz and Wimberly, Vice Chairman Fletcher and , Chairman Stewart. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager/Executive Director, Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager; and James Markman, City Attorney/Legal Counsel; Linda Daniels, Redevelopment Agency Director; Tranda Drumwright, Housing Programs Manager; and Kathryn L. Scott, Assistant City Clerk. NOTE: Due to the poor quality of the recording system, inaudible statements are not reflected in the minutes. B. PUBLIC COMIVIUNICATIONS 61. Frank Williams, Executive Director, Building Industry Association, spoke regarding green building programs. He said the County of San Bernardino was the first County to adopt the "California Green Builder Program." He said it is an incentive-based program to promote more green building within the State of California. He said the BIA is taking the lead to go to each City Council within the County to look at the "California Green Building Program" to consider for adoption. He said he would like to come back at a later time to present the program that the County adopted. C. ITEM(S) OF BUSINESS C1. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF INCLUSIONARY HOUSING ORDINANCE A PowerPoint presentation, which is on file in the City Clerk's office, was given by Linda Daniels, Redevelopment Agency Director. Linda Daniels stated that the proposed ordinance is very different from what other cities in the State of California have adopted in that it does not apply to all residential development. She said in some cities, it applies to every residential development regardless of the number or the zoning. She said the proposed Special City Council/Planning Commission Meeting May 7, 2008 Page 2 ordinance submitted for consideration is a limited application and would only apply to three types of residential applications. She said the goal of the ordinance is to provide units on the site that is being developed; it is the goal of the City to disperse units throughout the community by providing the units on the site. She said if it is determined that it is not feasible to provide the units on site, there are alternatives available to both the City and the developer to discuss. A developer may construct new units at a different site or they could acquire and rehabilitate units at a different location; it could be new construction or acquisition rehab, but at a different location than the site that is being proposed for development. She said another alternative is to buy covenants with an existing multi-family project. She said a last alternative, the one that is least desirable to fulfill the requirements of the ordinance, is to pay an in-lieu fee. She said it is the least desirable option, as then the City has the responsibility to go and find sites, which is very time intensive for staff. She said this is not the only tool that will be used; we will continue to use all of the other resources that the Agency and City have available; it is one tool to add to our tool chest for workforce housing. She said the proposed ordinance would also act as the one additional tool in the efforts to meet the workforce housing needs; the City sharing in the development benefit will help to provide the City's workforce housing that is required to provide through State Law. Linda Daniels clarified that an inclusionary ordinance is not required; it is an option the cities can consider. Jim Markman stated that if the RHNA (Regional Housing Needs Assessment) numbers are not met, potentially the City would not have a viable, legal housing element of the General Plan that would meet the standards of HCD (State Department of Housing and Community Development), which in turn could mean that they could lock down the redevelopment program, among other things, and Federal funding could be lost. He said the housing element has to try to deal with ways to meet the RHNA requirements. He said this has become fairly ordinary in California for cities to do this. He said this is a very low level entry into the area of inclusionary housing zoning in that it only applies if somebody is trying to generate more housing that wasn't allowed before by seeking legislation, essentially, from the Council. Councilmember Gutierrez asked what other cities in the Inland Empire have inclusionary zoning Linda Daniels, RDA Director, stated that Claremont is the closest. Frank Williams, BIA, stated there are two cities in San Bernardino County -City of Chino Hills and City of Montclair. Jim Markman, City Attorney, stated that there are six cities in the Inland Empire who have an ordinance: Beaumont, Desert Hot Springs, Hemet, Indio, Laverne, Perris, and the County of San Bernardino. Councilmember Gutierrez stated he and Councilmember Michael are the members of the Housing Subcommittee. He asked about the progress made on affordable units compared to other cities in the state. He said he is curious how much land in the City is available that would potentially be impacted. Linda Daniels stated with the 1700 units, we are about 60% in reaching the goal. She said in other cities that have Redevelopment Agencies, we are in the market-not high, not low. She said most cities in San Bernardino County are within 50 to 60 percent. She said other cities that have had inclusionary ordinances, such as Brea, Irvine, and Palo Alto, are well above our numbers in terms of percentages. She said she will do amore specific study and follow up with a memo to the Commission and the City Council. Linda Daniels stated that had the ordinance been in place in the year 2000, the City would have generated about 491 units; 100 of those would have been single family, with the majority of them multi-family. Jim Markmari, City Attorney, stated that Rancho Cucamonga has a fantastic Redevelopment Program. He said some high percentage of the city was put in redevelopment when it wasn't even developed. He said that's a great thing, as the cash flow is fantastic, which also carries with it, however, a tremendous housing requirement. Special City Council/Planning Commission Meeting May 7, 2008 Page 3 Councilmember Gutierrez stated he can see where the building industry comes from when they say that this type of measure discourages housing; what it does is encourage them to not seek more density on a project or encourages them not to go from commercial to residential. He said what if we asked the builders if they would rather contribute to a fund than purchase these foreclosed properties throughout the city and apply those to our affordable housing element. Jim Markman, City Attorney, stated that is happening in Brea. Linda Daniels said if it is not feasible or if the developer offers an alternative, they can apply the housing units, multi-family or single, off site. She said they are looking for units. She said if you are building a 3-bedroom house and can provide a 3-bedroom house somewhere else in the city and it's cheaper, that's fine. If you are building a home but you want to provide your ordinance obligation through multi-family rental units, and not home ownership, that's fine. She said both of those alternatives, buying covenants in apartments or replacing a home that you're building as a home off site, is totally acceptable based on the ordinance that has been drafted. Jack Lam, City Manager, said it is being applied only to the projects where someone is coming in asking for higher value. Whatever it is, you can still ask for the density bonuses and get additional incentives that way. Jim Markman, City Attorney, said the first thing ought to be that the long range decision to be made is an appropriate planning decision. He said you have complete legislative control over any application of this ordinance. He said if somebody comes in and there's an appropriate range of density they could have but they need the legislative action to move to the higher end of that range, which would generate more units and more profit, the question you have to answer is it appropriate at this very low threshold level to ask that developer to share some of that additional financial benefit by contributing to the low and moderate income housing stock in this city. That's the policy question. Mayor Pro Tem Michael stated the subcommittee started off with an inclusionary zoning ordinance that was mirrored more like most all other inclusionary zoning ordinances. He said the consultant gave them information, and then he realized that this is not Rancho Cucamonga. He said they came to the conclusion that it only would be for very restricted cases. He said he is conflicted because he does not see himself increasing densities at will when we know our community is already struggling with every project that comes forth. He needs to hear why this is not good. He said he doesn't know where we go from here, because it's as bare as it can possibly be. Commissioner Fletcher stated it is like a tax; there is no analysis of the cost of doing this. He said he doesn't think it is fair to make a policy irregardless of cost. He said there is a need but he would much rather see it satisfied through incentive programs, and there are several incentive programs available. He said the need to provide this housing is something that is pushed by the State on to the City, and we have not looked at any numbers. He said there is a breakdown of the number of units that we need for very low income, low income, moderate income and above moderate income houses, but it doesn't show what the cost of a house should be for a very low income purchaser. He said he would like to know that. Linda Daniels, Redevelopment Agency Director, said in terms of the Redevelopment Agency, every time a project occurs it will increase the 15% requirement, and to the extent there is no offset or workforce housing provided to balance it, it will be an ever-growing number. She said that they started looking at inclusionary ordinances in 2005/06, so it's been a long, well researched and thought out process; some of the initial conversations with the subcommittee were much more aggressive than what is being presented tonight. She doesn't want to leave them with the thought that the reason for the inclusionary ordinance is because the agency is fairly well committed with housing; she said that was not the catalyst for initiating the ordinance. Kathy Head, Keyser Marston Associates, who provided the financial analysis, stated the trend over the last several years of inclusionary housing ordinance adoptions went from being 130 four years ago to 170 now; went from being 64 to 130 in the previous few years. She said there were master-planned developments that picked up a lot of those units as a result of the inclusionary housing being adopted. She said the big ticket item is a lot of cities in their last housing element cycle, added inclusionary housing ordinances to their tool box because they are trying to meet these RHNA goals. She said it is a combination of both requirements and Special City Council/Planning Commission Meeting May 7, 2008 Page 4 incentives. She said at the end of the day, the idea where you're only doing it on zone changes, only doing it on density enhancements, is the incentive. She said that is getting lost a little bit in the discussion. You're not taking something away from somebody; you're giving them something and not giving them quite as much as they would get if you didn't have this policy. She said the landowner or the developer always has the choice to build what was allowed by zoning. Linda Daniels, RDA Director, stated that there has been a very high housing growth in the last four years; so ~ the multiplication of cities that have had ordinances in place in the last four years has grown significantly, almost 60 percent. She said because of the limited application of the inclusionary ordinance, we do not expect our RHNA numbers to be satisfied by the inclusionary alone; we need to continue to use our tools, the RDA, our non-profit partners who have access to other funding, home grants, tax credits. She said every unit counts. Commissioner Fletcher stated that one of the reasons that we asked for a joint meeting was because Frank Williams, BIA, came to a Planning Commission meeting with surveys that had a lot of negative comments on inclusionary housing and the fact that it doesn't satisfy the real problem,, which is supply and demand. He asked why it is the government's prerogative to say we are going to tax you to solve this need when there could be other solutions available. Councilmember Gutierrez stated that for those of us who have the philosophy anti high-density, until the Council changes or becomes more prc higher density, then we probably are not going to have any opportunities to use this ordinance. Linda Daniels said looking at the market rate for residentially zoned properties applying the inclusionary ordinance would be a significant impact, which is the basis of the reason why the subcommittee identified applying it only to when zone changes are requested so that the developer can take into account the affect of property values. Linda Daniels said there are incentives involved, and density bonus is one of them, to help offset the requirements for workforce housing; there are tools that the developer has to use, as well as the City, in providing workforce housing within a project. Councilmember Michael stated that he and Councilmember Gutierrez have been working with staff to get this ordinance to its present state. He said the one thing that has been absent from all of this is hearing from friends of the Building Industry about their sense of what this will mean to them as home builders. Frank Williams, CEO, Building Industry Association, .said he is delighted to hear this discussion about affordable housing. He said in their research that was provided to staff, the study done by San Jose State University shows that inclusionary zoning is indeed a failed public policy. He said there is a philosophical issue and a policy issue that needs to be addressed when we are looking at programs like inclusionary zoning; he said the affordable housing problem is not a development community problem--it's a societal problem. He said if we are serious as a community about providing affordable housing, we should get community support for affordable housing programs. He said some cities in this County have made attempts to address it through inclusionary zoning, but with what the City is trying to do here, it will take a hundred years. He said a joint authority or task force should be put together with every city to consider an affordable housing bond issue so the cost of the programs would be borne by all the residents of the County. He read an excerpt (page 9) and provided a handout, which is part of the record, entitled "If' (on file in the City Clerk's Office), which addresses the housing policy issues of the Building Industry Association. The article states that "inclusionary zoning is an income-transfer program, but the income that it transfers, from the market-rate home to the subsidized home, comes from a hike in the price of the market-rate home; which means only rich and poor people benefit from inclusionary zoning and middle-class buyers remain locked out of housing markets." Mr. Williams stated that to better address the affordable housing issue, he would recommend doing what the City of Chino Hills did; he said the HUD website recommends that cities go through the same process. He said the Building Industry is committed to work with the City to come up with a reasonable solution to correct the inadequacies of the affordable housing problem that exists throughout the County. He recommended Special City Council/Planning Commission Meeting May 7, 2008 Page 5 that the City bring in the authors from San Jose State to give them a presentation, as they are experts in this area. He said the industry wants to work with the City to solve this affordable housing problem and come up with a real solution. He said the industry sees this as a new house tax and that it is a failed public policy. Mayor Pro Tem Michaels asked Mr. Williams what he means be a "failed public policy." Mr. Williams said it is because it doesn't produce the number of units that you want and it increases the cost of other housing. He said in his opinion, that's a failure. He said it costs too much money; it didn't do what it was supposed to do; it increased houses and fewer homes were built. Commissioner Munoz stated that what seems to be getting lost is the purpose of the inclusionary housing. He said he doesn't think it is totally unreasonable to ask the building industry to help in mitigating the problem that we have; we are not asking them to bear the full brunt. He said he is open to other tools, but that doesn't mean that the tool we are considering tonight is a totally useless piece of paper. (Note: Due to the inaudible tape, the above paragraph reflects fragmented comments,) Commissioner Howdyshell stated in looking at housing from the standpoint of where it is today and what she sees, we have to look at affordability. She said she sees value in this document. She said Commissioner Munoz stated it very well in terms of the partnership of the building industry along with the community and redevelopment in terms of what we can put in place is a viable tool for the community so that future residents who want to reside here have the opportunity in the future. She thinks we do need to have a strong partnership. She said this is a very sensitive topic but, at the same time, very vital. She is looking for more data to really see the big picture--what do we have left to develop; how it is currently zoned; where are the possibilities that exist and what can we put in place or look for in terms of our vision for the future. Chairperson Stewart stated this is a very complex issue; she said she looked over the Internet at affordable housing, inclusionary housing, LA County and San Diego, and she came across extremely comprehensive ordinances. She said in looking at ours, we are at the complete opposite end of that spectrum. She said it is a very lenient ordinance compared with other cities. She said the reason the Commission wanted it returned to a meeting such as this is because they didn't feel they had enough information about it at the Commission Meeting and didn't feel that the BIA had a chance to weigh in on this, along with other concerned parties. She said after hearing all of this, she thinks this is a minor enough tool that can be implemented. She does not think that it is going to be that harmful. She said maybe this is going to do a good job in helping us to integrate affordable housing throughout this community. She said after all this discussion, doing the research that she has done, and listening to a great staff presentation, listening to the councilmembers who have been a part of this subcommittee, she thinks this is a very lenient tool; it's probably something that is one piece of a toolbox. She said we could get with the BIA and put all the tools together to come up with one great component. Commissioner Fletcher said he agrees with Chairperson Stewart in that it's one tool, and probably a minor tool, in meeting the goals for affordable housing. He doesn't think the fact that it has a minor effect, or a larger effect, is a reason to approve it. He said he has to feel comfortable with the fact that it is effective to begin with. He doesn't know if taxing the developer is the appropriate response to a social problem. He feels more comfortable, as staff refutes the concerns and the additional studies that were attached to the agenda, because all of them state that it is a failed policy and it provides other problems as far as prices of the houses. He said he has a problem with a land use change, if it triggers inclusionary housing, from non-residential and to residential and mixed use land, because he likes to restrict the General Plan amendments. He doesn't want to see our commercial and industrial be converted to residential. He said if the location was right and the whole thing satisfied affordable housing, then he could go for that. He said there are all sorts of adjacent problems that the ordinance may have, even if it's only going to be used in certain situations. Councilmember Spagnolo said he thinks he would prefer to have another workshop on this. He said some of the reports that Frank Williams left were five years old, and he would like to look at more current data. He has a problem with the density issues--where is that going to apply and are we going to have a say if a developer wants to increase density in a residential area. He said it is another tool in the tool box, and that's not a bad thing to have if it's nothing that we would be locked into using. He said he would like a little more information. Special City Council/Planning Commission Meeting May 7, 2008 Page 6 Councilmember Williams said she agrees that that is a far more complex issue than a simple statement is going to make. She, too, would encourage another workshop and she would like to see the BIA get more . involved. She said we all want more affordable housing and we want, especially the moderate income families, to be able to afford housing, but we don't want to do it at the cost that we don't get anything built. What would happen if we become so onerous on this that builders walk away from us. She is no way near ready to put a final stamp on this. Councilmember Michael stated that he believes inclusionary zoning is to builders and to a lot of cities what affordable housing is to neighborhoods that exist where a neighborhood is being impacted by affordable housing. He said what they tried to do here was to present to everybody an ordinance that isn't the typical inclusionary zoning. He said for him this was strictly another tool that we could partner with the builders. He said no builder is going to come in and ask far a change in zoning or an increase in density without first penciling out what makes that project financially viable for them. He said he is still interested in looking at all the avenues that we have available as a legislative body that has goals and state mandates that we need to meet, and if this doesn't meet the muster of the test of information, maybe there is a different approach. He agrees that it needs more review and more work. He said staff has done an incredible job with respect to the time and effort put into this to bring back what is far diluted from where we started several months ago. He said in the end, we need to make this a win for our community, a win for the people who provide the housing for our community and the win for our city and the public that we want to live here. Mayor Kurth thanked the subcommittee, staff, the consultant, the Planning Commission and the building community. He said more discussion is needed. He is a little concerned about increasing density and he's a 100 percent in favor of affordable housing, as he thinks we have a moral commitment to it. He said we need to find a way to do it without increasing the density, as we also have a commitment to the quality of life of our citizens. He said we need to find a way to accomplish our affordable housing goals without eroding our standard of living too. ACTION: Item referred back to Subcommittee D. ADJOi7RNMENT The meeting adjourned 6:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn L. Scott, CMC Assistant City Clerk Approved by Planning Commission: September 10, 2008 Approved by City Council: *" ` July 16, 2008 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CLOSED SESSION MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER The Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency held a closed session on Wednesday, July 16, 2008, in the Tapia Room of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. by Chairman Donald J. Kurth. Present were Agencymembers: Rex Gutierrez, Sam Spagnolo, Diane Williams, Vice Chairman L. Dennis Michael and Chairman Donald J. Kurth. Also present were: Jack Lam, Executive Director; Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; John Gillison, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services; Mahdi Aluzri, Deputy City Manager/Community Development; and Linda D. Daniels, Redevelopment Agency Director. B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION'ITEM S Chairman Kurth announced the closed session items: 1. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, WEST OF 115 FREEWAY, FOREST CITY DEVELOPMENT CA, INC., & LEWIS INVESTMENT CO., LLC; LINDA D. DANIELS, RDA DIRECTOR, NEGOTIATING PARTY, REGARDING TERMS OF AGREEMENT -RDA 2. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD AND DAY CREEK BOULEVARD; LINDA D. DANIELS, RDA DIRECTOR, NEGOTIATING PARTY - RDA ' ._.... C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM S No one was present to comment on the closed session item. ,.«.., D. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSION Closed session began at 5:10 p.m. ...... ,E. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 2 ,.,.,. F. RECESS The closed session adjourned at 6:45 p.m. with no action taken. ..,.,. G. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, and City Council was held on Wednesday, July 16, 2008, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman/PresidenUMayor Donald J. Kurth called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Present were Agencymembers/Boardmembers/Councilmembers: Rex Gutierrez, Sam Spagnolo, Diane Williams, Vice Chairman/Vice PresidenUMayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael and Chairman/PresidenUMayor Donald J. Kurth. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager; James Markman, Legal Counsel/City Attorney; Fabian Villenas, Principal Management Analyst; Erika Lewis-Huntley, Management Analyst II; Linda D. Daniels, Redevelopment Agency Director; James C. Frost, City Treasurer; John Gillison, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services; Jose Ramirez, Information Services Specialist I; Mahdi Aluzri, Deputy City Manager/Community Development; Mark Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer; Jon Gillespie, Traffic Engineer; Jeff Barnes, Parks Maintenance Superintendent; Candyce Burnett, Senicr Planner; Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director; Paula Pachon, Management Analyst III; Melissa Morales, Sr. Administrative Secretary; Joe Pulcinella, Animal Services Director; Chief Joe Cusimano, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; Chief Peter Bryan, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Shirr'I Griffin, Deputy City Clerk; and Kathryn L. Scott, Acting City Clerk/Interim Records Manager. _..... H. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS H1. Announcement by Floyd Clark, Cucamonga Valley Water District Director, regarding upcoming Focus Group meeting. Floyd Clark informed the Council that the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD) would be conducting the third workshop on July 17, 2008, regarding the State of California's water quality standards and steps taken by CVWD to ensure high quality water. He stated tours of the plant would be available. In response to Mayor Kurth, Mr. Clark indicated there was no charge for the tour. Councilmember Williams asked about the possibility of utilizing reclaimed water. Mr. Clark stated reclaimed water was an important issue. He stated further discussions regarding topics such as reclaimed water could be addressed at the workshop. H2. Presentation by the Todd Warden, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Public Affairs Specialist, on air quality updates and introduction of regional staff representative. Todd Warden introduced himself to the Council and community. He discussed the importance of air quality. He displayed a photograph of Congressman Lewis holding a petition for clean air. He stated smog had been an issue for a long time. He explained the creation of air pollution districts. He thanked Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 3 the Council for supporting Senate Bill 1646 and discussed the benefits of the bill. He discussed recent press regarding cement plants and explained the settlement agreement between AQMD and the cement plants in Rubidoux and Colton. He explained the leaf blower /lawn mower exchange program being held on August 21, 2008. He stated he was always available for public education programs. He invited the residents to contact SCAOMD at 1-800-CUTSMOG if pollution was witnessed. Councilmember Williams asked if reservations were required for the leaf and lawn mower exchange. Mr. Warden stated reservations were necessary and registration was available online. Mr. Warden explained the difference between regular lawn mowers and the mowers provided in the exchange and also discussed the diesel truck engine exchange program. H3. Presentation of a Proclamation to Ann Punter, former Park and Recreation Commissioner, in honor of her years of service to the Community. Mayor Kurth and the City Council presented a proclamation to Ann Punter in honor of her years of service as a Parks and Recreation Commissioner. Ms. Punter thanked the City Council for allowing her to serve. H4. Presentation of a Proclamation to Shikha Gupta for being a "Good Samaritan" and coming to the aid of a City resident. Shikha Gupta provided an overview of the incident at the pharmacy at which she assisted a customer and saved her life. Grisel (Grace) Suchowski thanked Ms. Shikha Gupta for saving her life. Mayor Kurth and the City Council presented a proclamation to Ms. Gupta in recognition for being a good Samaritan and saving the life of Ms. Suchowski. I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Kurth explained that the subcommittee would report on the Red Hill matter later in the meeting. He stated the Council would not be determining whether or not to close the road but rather whether or not to conduct the study. 11. Richard Henderson declined to speak. 12. Mauro Villafana declined to speak 13. Burt Court questioned the cost of the proposed study for Red Hill. He suggested saving the money, completing the widening of Foothill Boulevard and then proceeding with a study if necessary. 14. Pat Bourlauer stated she walked daily on Red Hill. She stated she counted the vehicles during her walk and counted 48 cars, 1 school bus, 1 golf cart and 1 motorcycle. She expressed concern regarding safety on Red Hill. She stated counts during the winter would be increased due to school traffic. She stated the trash was reduced when there were less cars. She urged Red Hill residents to protect their mail. 15. Brett Proctor addressed the Council in support of conducting the study on Red Hill. He expressed concern regarding safety in the community. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 4 16. Jason Alaimo declined to speak. 17. Gail Sanchez, Red Hill resident, suggested installing the stop signs proposed on the initial report. She requested the police enforce stop signs and speed limits. She discussed comments made at the last meeting regarding Red Hill. She requested enforcement efforts be made during rush hour prior to spending money on the study. She stated she believed that once Foothill was widened the issue would be reduced. I8. Gail Marlow-Dickey stated she served on the committee of concerned citizens contacting the City Engineers office regarding the Red Hill issues. She stated the issue was excess traffic, running stop signs and speeding. She stated they studied the alternatives and the best means of reducing the issue was to eliminate the short cut. She stated traffic would only increase. She discussed the results of the petition and indicated 84% of the Red Hill residents signed the petition indicating their desire to reduce excess traffic. Ig. Mark Graham discussed the Face to Face inmate release program. He stated the program was making a difference to ensure safety for released inmates and the community. 110. Jim Moffatt encouraged the Council to support the Veterans Memorial at Central Park. He stated the City should pay for banners for the troops. He stated it as important to honor the men and women serving the Country. He stated he was neither for nor against the Red Hill issue but that the community should work together. 111. Bill Hanlon discussed the banners for the troops. He discussed surrounding cities with banners posted. He encouraged the City to pay for and maintain the banners. He suggested refunding money paid for banners currently displayed. 112. Ray Keeney addressed the Council regarding traffic on Red Hill. He stated the Camino Predera development would increase traffic. 113. Rick Von Kleist discussed accidents on Red Hill. He urged the Council to conduct the study. 114. Hank Stoy discussed the study group that determined alternatives for Red Hill traffic. He encouraged the Council to move forward with the additional study. He suggested the study be coordinated with the Foothill Improvement study. 115. Bruce Zwissler addressed the Council regarding traffic on Red Hill. He encouraged the need to determine solutions without emotions. 116. Diana Kroll discussed traffic accidents on Red Hill. She expressed concern regarding the possible relocation of the freeway off ramp at Grove. She encouraged the Council to proceed with the study. She indicated support for gating the community. 117. Charles Hill requested the City comply with the laws of the United States regarding eligibility to work. He suggested contractors be subject to Form 19 requirements and Live Scan be utilized. 118. Wilma Steeve reported on the dinner and auction benefiting home bound seniors. She discussed the need for additional funding and another bus. She thanked the Council for its support. She also thanked Jane Campbell and Betty Linker. 119. John Lyons announced that his daughter was auditioning for American Idol. He requested everyone remember Otilia Burton, a victim of domestic violence. He encouraged everyone to take caution with bicyclists. He suggested a public safety campaign to encourage bikers to utilize lights on their bikes. He requested the Council adjourn the meeting in memory of Otilia (victim of domestic violence). Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 5 120. Jim Frost discussed the burial of four veterans at Riverside National Cemetery. He stated they were trying to continue the Patriot Guard program. He stated the veterans deserved the respect and honor upon burial. 121. Jack Liberman addressed the Council regarding traffic issues in Red Hill. He discussed overgrown trees in the neighborhood and expressed concern regarding the fire hazard created. 122. Yvette De Luca discussed the Red Hill neighborhood. She discussed recent traffic accidents in the neighborhood. She expressed concern regarding traffic and urged the Council to protect the neighborhood. 123. Jocelynn Canzoneri regarding information on acancer-fighting product ****** J. CONSENT CALENDAR-REDEVELOPMENTAGENCY J1. Approval of Minutes: June 12, 2008 (Special Meeting -Budget adoption) June 18, 2008 (Regular Meeting) J2. Approval of Check Register dated June 11, 2008 through July 8, 2008, for the total amount of $2,441,164.26. J3. Approve to receive and fle Investment Schedules for month ending May 31, 2008. J4. Approval to accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $993,284 for base bid and additives 1 through 5, to the apparent low bidder, Grand Pacific Contractors, Inc. (CO 08093), and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $99,328.40 for the Pacific Electric Trail Phase V improvements, to be funded from Park Development Funds, Acct. No. 11203055650/ 16121200, Public Improvement 2001 TAB Funds, Acct. No. 26508015650/ 16126500, Pedestrian Grants/Article 3 Funds, Acct. No. 11923035650/ 16121920 and Measure "I" Funds, Acct. No. 11763035650/ 16121760 and appropriate $225,000 to Acct. No. 11763035650/ 16121760 from Measure "I" fund balance, appropriate $200,000 to Acct. No. 26508015650/16126500 from Public Improvement 2001 TAB fund balance, appropriate $95,150 to Acct. No. 12143035650/16122140 from Pedestrian Grants/Article 3 fund balance and appropriate $586,000 to Acct. No. 11923035650/16121920 from Bicycle Transportation Account fund balance. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Michael to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained within the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. ****** K. CONSENT CALENDAR -FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT K1. Approval of Minutes: June 12, 2008 (Special Meeting -Budget adoption) June 18, 2008 (Regular Meeting) K2. Approval of Check Register dated June 11, 2008 through July 8, 2008 for the total amount of $305, 016.18. K3. Approve to receive and file Investment Schedules for month ending May 31, 2008. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 6 MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Michael to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained within the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. L. CONSENT CALENDAR- CITY COUNCIL L1. Approval of Minutes: June 12, 2008 (Special Meeting -Budget adoption) June 18, 2008 (Regular Meeting) L2. Approval of Check Register dated June 11, 2008 through July 8, 2008 and payroll ending July 8, 2008 for the total amount of $10,662,712.49. L3. Approve to receive and file Investment Schedules for month ending May 31, 2008. L4. Approval of Community Services Update Report. L5. Approval of a Recommendation from the Park and Recreation Commission to modify the Community Services Department's Fees and Charges. L6. Approval of a request from the California Housing Opportunities Agency (CHOA) to transfer the proceeds from the Cities Home Ownership Authority (CCHOA) closing distribution, in the amount of $19,962.67, to CHOA to assist in operating costs for the homeownership program. L7. Approval to apply for grant funding from the United States Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) for FY 2008/09 in the amount of $11,713.00 to purchase necessary safety equipment for the Police Department. L8. Approval of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, adopting the amended Local Measure "I" 2007/2010 Capital Improvement Program for expenditure of Measure "I" Funds. RESOLUTION NO. 08-148 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE AMENDED LOCAL MEASURE "I" 2007/2010 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR EXPENDITURE OF MEASURE "I" FUNDS L9. Approval of Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7, located at 13254 Banyan Avenue, submitted by Rosario J. Arellano and Natalia Arellano. RESOLUTION NO. 08-149 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 7 FOR 13254 BANYAN AVENUE L10. Approval of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, amending the adopted plan for the Proposition 18 Local Streets and Roads Improvement, Congestion Relief, and Traffic Safety Account Funds, and appropriate $702,000 to Acct. No. 11943035650/ 17081940 from Proposition 1 B fund balance. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. 08150 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE ADOPTED PLAN FOR THE PROPOSITION 1B LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS IMPROVEMENTS, CONGESTION RELIEF, AND TRAFFIC SAFETY ACCOUNT FUNDS L11. Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 9 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 8 for SUBTT17919, located on the northeast corner of East Avenue and Miller Avenue, submitted by Bella Victoria, LP. RESOLUTION NO. 08-151 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRACT MAP NUMBER 17919, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. OS-152 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 9 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 8 FOR TRACT MAP NO. 17919 L12. Approval to accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $993,284 for base bid and additives 1 through 5, to the apparent low bidder, Grand Pacific Contractors, Inc. (CO 08093), and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $99,328.40 for the Pacific Electric Trail Phase V improvements, to be funded from Park Development Funds, Acct. No. 11203055650/ 16121200, Public Improvement 2001 TAB Funds, Acct. No. 26508015650/ 16126500, Pedestrian Grants/Article 3 Funds, Acct. No. 11923035650/ 16121920 and Measure "I" Funds, Acct. No. 11763035650/ 16121760 and appropriate $225,000 to Acct. No. 11763035650/ 16121760 from Measure "I" fund balance, appropriate $200,000 to Acct. No. 26508015650/ 16126500 from Public Improvement 2001 TAB fund balance, appropriate $95,150 to Acct. No. 12143035650/16122140 from Pedestrian Grants/Article 3 fund balance and appropriate $586,000 to Acct. No. 11923035650/ 16121920 from Bicycle Transportation Account fund balance. L13. Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Pitassi Architects, Inc. (CO 08094) of Rancho Cucamonga for the creation of the Public Works Services master plan exhibit, phase one site plan, preliminary design and preparation of all entitlement applications and processing for phase one of the Public Works Services Center in the amount of $172,040 ($156,400 contract amount plus a 10% contingency of $15,640) to be funded from Acct. No. 10250015650/16500250 (Capital Reserve). L14. Approval to award an annual contract for Street Striping and Pavement Marking Maintenance to Traffic Operations, Inc. (CO 08095), in the amount of $145,414.01 and authorize a 10% contingency in the amount of $14,541.40 funded from Acct. No. 11703035300, with the option to renew upon mutual consent, for additional one (1) year periods, up to a total of four (4) years. L15. Approval of Reimbursement Agreement, SRA53, (CO 08096) for traffic signal installation at Archibald Avenue and San Bernardino Road, in conjunction with the development of Tract 16567, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard between Hellman Avenue and Archibald Avenue, submitted by WL Route 66 Associates, LLC, to be funded from Transportation Acct. No. 11243035650/ 10261240. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. 08-153 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION (SRA53) AT THE INTERSECTION OF ARCHIBALD AVENUE AND SAN BERNARDINO ROAD L16. Approval of a resolution renewing the Professional Services Agreements with Dan Guerra & Associates, Dawson Surveying, lnc., LEH & Associates, Hall & Foreman, Inc., and Base Line Surveying, Inc., for Annual Survey Services for FY 2008/2009, for proposed capital improvement projects throughout the city, to be funded from various individual project accounts as approved in the FY 2008/2009 budget. RESOLUTION NO. 08-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE RENEWAL OF AGREEMENTS WITH DAN GUERRA & ASSOCIATES, DAWSON SURVEYING, INC., LEH & ASSOCIATES, HALL & FOREMAN, INC., AND BASE LINE SURVEYING, INC., FOR ANNUAL SURVEY SERVICES FOR FY 2008/2009 FOR PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS THROUGHOUT THE CITY L17. Approval of a resolution renewing the Professional Services Agreements with Krazan & Associates, Ninyo & Moore, RMA Group, Leighton Consulting, Inc., and Salem Group, for annual Soils and Materials Testing Services for FY 2008/09, for proposed capital improvement projects throughout the City, to be funded from various individual project accounts as approved in the FY 2008/2009 budget. RESOLUTION NO. 08-155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE RENEWAL OF AGREEMENTS WITH KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, IN., NINYO & MOORE, RMA GROUP, LEIGHTON CONSULTING, INC., AND SALEM GROUP, FOR ANNUAL SOILS AND MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES FOR FY 2008/2009 FOR PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS THROUGHOUT THE CITY L18. Approval to award a contract renewal (CO 07189) with WSA Security, Inc. for security guard services at various City facilities for FY 2008/09, with the option to renew for an additional one (1) year period upon mutual consent by the Public Works Services Director and contractor, in an annual amount of $413,480 for FY 2008/09 with no increase in hourly rate for regular service and extra work, to be funded from Acct. No. 10013125304 ($200,000), 11333035304 ($120,000), 17002015304 ($70,380), and 12906065300 ($23,100) for Fiscal Year 2008/09. L19. Accept landscape improvements for Tract 16311 located on 6~n Street, Golden Oak Road and Hellman Avenue, submitted by Crestwood Corporation. L20. Approval to accept Improvements and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for DRC200400521 located on the south side of Miller Avenue, east of Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Etiwanda School District. RESOLUTION NO. 08-156 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 9 IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC200400521 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L21. Approval to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond for DRC200401125, located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Milliken Avenue, submitted by Foothill & Milliken JP/PI, LLC. L22. Approval tc accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for DRC200600006, located on the northwest corner of Haven and Lemon, submitted by HB Housing Partners, L.P. RESOLUTION NO. 08-157 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC200600006 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L23. Approval to accept Improvements and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for DRC200600240 located at 9974 19 m Street, submitted by Solid Ground Brethren in Christ Church. RESOLUTION NO. OS-158 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC200600240 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L24. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Parcel Map 17653, located on the north side of Jersey Boulevard, east of White Oak Avenue and west of Milliken Avenue, submitted by Panattoni Development Co.; LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 08-159 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 17653 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L25. Approval to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 147591, Park "A", located east of Wardman Bullock Road and south of Wilson Avenue, submitted by Pulte Home Corporation. L26. Approval to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 16279 & 162791, located on the north and south sides of realignment Highland Avenue between Etiwanda and East Avenues, submitted by TOLL CA IV, L. P. L27. Approval to release the Faithful Performance Bond held in lieu of a Maintenance Bond and accept a Maintenance Bond for Tract 16372, located on the northwest corner of Church Street and Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Victoria Arbors, LLC. L28. Approval to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 16882 (Storm Drain Improvements), located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, east of Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Lewis Investment Company, LLC. L29. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion-for improvements for Tract 16882 (Street Improvements), located on Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 10 the north side of Foothill Boulevard, east of Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Lewis Investment Company, LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 08-160 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 16882 (STREET IMPROVEMENTS) AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L30. Approval to accept Improvements, retain the Faithful Performance Bond in lieu of a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Telecommunications Facilities northern location, located on 9 ~n Street, Baker Avenue, Archibald Avenue and Feron Boulevard, submitted by Sunesys, LLC (CO 07164). RESOLUTION NO. OS-161 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES NORTHERN LOCATION AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L31. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance bond and file a Notice of completion for improvements for Telecommunications Facilities southern location, located on Archibald Avenue and 4 m Street, submitted by Sunesys, LLC (CO 07163). RESOLUTION NO. 08-162 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES SOUTHERN LOCATION AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L32. Accept the Central Park Playground Project, Contract No. 07228, from Mega Lighting, Inc. (dba Mega Way Enterprises), as complete; release the Faithful Performance Bond; accept the Maintenance Bond; release the Labor and Material Bond; and, authorize the Acting City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, and approve the final contract amount of $575,797.83. RESOLUTION NO. 08-163 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CENTRAL PARK PLAYGROUND PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 07228 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L33. Approval to accept the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center Fencing, Contract No. 07088, as complete, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, release the Labor and Material Bond and authorize the Acting City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $111,883.00. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 11 RESOLUTION NO. 08-164 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE VICTORIA GARDENS CULTURAL CENTER FENCING, CONTRACT NO. 07088, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L34. Approval to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Banyan Street extension, located west of Day Creek Boulevard and east of Rochester Avenue, submitted by Rancho Etiwanda 685, LLC. L35. Approval to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Day Creek Boulevard traffic signals, located at Vintage Drive, Banyan Street and Wilson Avenue, submitted by Rancho Etiwanda 685, LLC. L36. Approval to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds for Phase I & Phase II Street and Storm Drain Improvements for Rancho Etiwanda, located on both sides of Day Creek Boulevard, north of the 210 Freeway, submitted by Rancho Etiwanda 685, LLC. L37. Approval to accept the Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Phase III Street and Storm Drain Improvements for Rancho Etiwanda, located on both sides of Day Creek Boulevard north of the 210 Freeway, submitted by Rancho Etiwanda 685, LLC, RESOLUTION NO. OS-165 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PHRASE III STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR RANCHO ETIWANDA AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L38. Approval of the submittal of the California Department of Transportation Safe Routes To School grant applications. RESOLUTION NO. 08-166 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING THE FILING OF THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL GRANT APPLICATIONS MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Michael to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained within the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously. M. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT M1. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT'S GENERAL FUND FINAL BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,973,080 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008/2009 Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 12 RESOLUTION NO. FD 08-030 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FIXING A FINAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2008 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2009 A staff report was presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. - Mayor Kurth opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. MOTION: Moved by Michael, seconded by Gutierrez to approve Resolution No. FD OB-030. Motion carried unanimously. M2. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION DECLARING ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY(SNOW DROP ROAD INVESTMENTS, LLC - APN: 020103323 -ANNEXATION NO. 88083)TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESOLUTION NO. FD OS-031 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ANNEXATION NO. 88083) TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (CFD 881), CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS A staff report was presented by Jack Lam, City Manager. Chief Bryan provided an overview of the proposed annexation to the community facilities district. Mayor Kurth opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. MOTION: Moved by Michael, seconded by Spagnolo to approve Resolution No. FD 08-031. Motion carried unanimously. N. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS N1. CONSIDERATION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS SUBCOMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO PROCEED WITH THE EVALUATION OF AN APPLICATION FOR TRAFFIC MITIGATION MEASURES IN THE RED HILL AREA. A staff report was presented by John Gillespie, Traffic Engineer. In response to Councilmember Gutierrez, Traffic Engineer Gillespie discussed the results of the prior study. He explained that the new study would be a specific analysis of impacts created by of closing the road. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 13 In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Traffic Engineer Gillespie discussed the purpose of hiring a consultant. He stated additional information was necessary prior to the Council determining if the road should remain opened or be closed. In response to Councilmember Spagnolo, Traffic Engineer Gillespie stated the improvement of Foothill Boulevard and development of Foothill and Grove would be considered in the study. Councilmember Gutierrez requested clarification on the cost of the study. Traffic Engineer Gillespie stated the entire study would cost $83,000. Mayor Kurth thanked Mayor Pro Tem Michael and Councilmember Williams for their work on the subcommittee. He asked if the study would come up with a solution that everyone would be satisfied with. Mayor Pro Tem Michael discussed the difficulty with the issue. He expressed hope that the consultant could come up with a unique solution. Mayor Kurth encouraged the community to continue providing input. He indicated support for conducting the study. In response to Councilmember Gutierrez, Traffic Engineer Gillespie discussed the length of time required for the study. He stated traffic analysis would not begin until school was in session. He stated the results of the study would be presented to the Council in November or December. Councilmember Gutierrez stated it had been an issue for many years and could wait an additional couple months. He discussed existing traffic conditions and varying opinions regarding solutions. He expressed desire for the neighbors to work together and attempt to come to a conclusion. Mayor Pro Tem Michael asked if the consultant could conduct modeling of future roads. Councilmember Williams indicated support for proceeding with the study. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Gutierrez to proceed with the evaluation of an application for traffic mitigation measures in the Red Hill area. Motion carried unanimously. N2. CONSIDERATION FOR AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $75,600 WITH KOA CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A 10% CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,500 TO STUDY CUT THROUGH TRAFFIC IN THE RED HILL AREA, TO CONDUCT PUBLIC MEETINGS, TO CONDUCT AN INDEPENDENT SURVEY OF RED HILL RESIDENTS, AND TO PREPARE A TRAFFIC IMPACT REPORT SUITABLE FOR INCLUSION IN AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR), AND APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $83,100 TO ACCT. NO. 11243035300 (CONTRACT SERVICES) FROM FUND 124 (TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE) FUND BALANCE. A staff report was presented by John Gillespie, Traffic Engineer. MOTION: Moved by Michael, seconded by Gutierrez to award and authorize the execution of a professional services agreement in the amount of $75,600 with KOA Corporation and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $7,500 to study cut through traffic in the Red Hill area, to conduct public meetings, to conduct an independent survey of Red Hill residents, and to prepare a traffic impact report suitable for inclusion in an environmental impact report (ElR), and approve an appropriation in the amount of $83,100 to Acct. No. 11243035300 (Contract Services) from Fund 124 (Transportation Development Impact Fee) Fund Balance. Councilmember Gutierrez discussed the need to increase traffic enforcement in the Red Hill area Motion carried unanimously. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 14 N3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 10.20.020 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY CODE REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN CITY STREETS ORDINANCE NO. 794 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 10.20.020 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA-CITY CODE REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN CITY STREETS Traffic Engineer Gillespie presented the staff report. In response to Councilmember Spagnolo, Traffic Engineer Gillespie explained the difference between a secondary and collector road. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Traffic Engineer Gillespie explained the purpose of traffic warrants and speed surveys. Councilmember Williams asked how long it would take to install the speed signs. Traffic Engineer Gillespie stated a work order would be submitted. Mayor Kurth opened the meeting for public hearing. Ed Walsh discussed frequent accidents in the area. He encouraged the Council to reduce the speed limit. He expressed concern regarding parking limitations. There being no additional speakers, the public hearing was closed. The title of the ordinance was read. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Spagnolo to introduce Ordinance No. 794 amending Section 10.20.020 of the Rancho Cucamonga City Code regarding prima facie speed limits on certain city streets. Motion carried unanimously. N4. CONSIDERATION TO MAINTAIN NEW DEVELOPMENT MITIGATION FEES AT THEIR CURRENT LEVEL FOR THE NEXT TWELVE (12) MONTHS, AND DIRECT STAFF TO UPDATE THE NEW DEVELOPMENT MITIGATION FEES TO REFLECT CURRENT CONSTRUCTION COSTS WHEN THE NEXT NEW DEVELOPMENT MITIGATION FEE UPDATE CYCLE OCCURS IN JUNE 2009 Traffic Engineer Gillespie presented the staff report. Mayor Kurth stated Sandbag and BIA had approved the City's proposed fees. In response to Councilmember Gutierrez, Traffic Engineer Gillespie explained the BIA had requested fees not be increased. Mayor Pro Tem Michael stated the proposal was appropriate based on the state of the economy particularly since it would be reviewed again in 12 months. MOTION: Moved by Michael, seconded by Williams to maintain new development mitigation fees at their current level for the next twelve months and direct staff to update the new development mitigation fees to reflect current construction costs when the next new development mitigation fee update cycle occurs in June 2009. Motion carried unanimously. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 15 _...., O. COUNCIL BUSINESS 01. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Councilmember.) Councilmember Gutierrez discussed increased bicycle use in the City and the need to enhance bicycle safety. He commended staff for maintaining the roads and trails. He discussed his family trip to Washington DC. He encouraged paying tribute to the veterans. Mayor Pro Tem Michael commended residents that volunteer for the City and encouraged residents to serve. He congratulated Ms. Punter and thanked her for her service to the City. Councilmember Williams discussed the increased use of the trail and urged users to observe the rules of the road. Mayor Kurth thanked staff for the successful Independence Day celebration. 02. PRESENTATION ON THE "FACE TO FACE" PROGRAM PowerPoint Presentation by Dee Matreyek, PhD, and Nelly Campana Dee Matreyek, Director of Restorative Justice Center, provided an overview of the Face to Face (inmate release) program. Nelly Campana provided a PowerPoint presentation including a brief history of the Restorative Justice Center of the Inland Empire and Abundant Living Family Church. She explained the Face to Face Inmate Release Program. She discussed the desire to expand the program in the future and urged residents to volunteer or donate to the program. Mayor Pro Tem Michael asked why more taxi vouchers were not issued. Ms. Campana indicated some inmates were picked up by family members. Bonnie Gordon, Director of Face to Face Program for Abundant Living Church, discussed the importance of the program and positive impact on the released inmates. She discussed the need to increase re-entry skills. Marie Green, Face to Face volunteer, discussed her positive experience with a released inmate. Mayor Kurth asked who funded the program. Ms. Matreyek stated Abundant Living Church currently funded the program. George Simms, Abundant Living Family Church, stated he volunteered his time to provide assistance and hope at the detention center. Ms. Mayreyek discussed the people assisted by the program. Councilmember Spagnolo commended the Face to Face program and Abundant Living Church. Mayor Pro Tem Michael commended the volunteers of the Face to Face program and committed to volunteer his time. 03. DISCUSSION OF THE ARMED FORCES BANNER PROGRAM AND ITS BENEFITS TO THE COMMUNITY RDA Director Daniels presented the staff report Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 16 Mayor Pro Tem Michael clarified that the banner design included "Rancho Cucamonga Honors' as support from the community. He stated the change of location for Haven to Foothill was due to visibility' and significant winds. RDA Director Daniels indicated the display was uniform and less windy. In response to Mayor Kurth, RDA Director Daniels discussed the potential of banners blowing down. Councilmember Gutierrez asked the cost of the banner program. RDA Director Daniels estimated the cost to be $10,000 annually. Councilmember Gutierrez stated there were other cities that donated the similar banners. He stated there were also cities in which the Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Club sponsored the program. RDA Director Daniels discussed the available of sponsorships for banners. Maycr Pro Tem Michael discussed potential funding for banners. RDA Director Daniels stated the goal was to honor military personnel while bringing the residents, business and service organizations together. Mayor Pro Tem Michael indicated support for locating the banners in one location. Councilmember Spagnolo commended the opportunity to salute the military and contributions from the community. Mayor Kurth expressed concern regarding families feeling as if they were asking for charity if they needed funding assistance. Councilmember Gutierrez suggested the form include the opportunity for sponsorship. He stated the program was a positive partnership between the military family and the community. Mayor Pro Tem Michael asked if the form says financial assistance or sponsorship. RDA Director Daniels stated she would review the form. Councilmember Williams asked how the program was promoted. RDA Director Daniels stated information was included on the Internet, government channel, newspapers, VFW and local service organizations. Mayor Kurth suggested the City cover the cost of the banners with families making a donation if they so chose. City Attorney Markman explained that the City could sponsor the banners but the banners would then be the property of the City. RDA Director Daniels discussed the process of presenting banners to those no longer serving in active duty. Councilmember Spagnolo stated the program was working and the banners could be kept by the military persons. He stated he would prefer to leave the program as is. Mayor Pro Tem Michael asked if the City had pursued the possibility of having a service club act as the lead agency and provide revenue. He encouraged additional marketing indicating sponsors were available. Councilmember Williams suggested a subcommittee look at rewording the application to offer the opportunity to have either the applicant or the City sponsor the banner. She suggested referring the matter to the Marketing Subcommittee. Mayor Kurth stated he did not want to discourage applications for banners. He indicated support for referring the matter to the Marketing Subcommittee. Councilmember Williams asked if the City could determine who was serving. RDA Director Daniels stated they had contacted the recruiting office but had been unsuccessful. Mayor Pro Tem Michael asked the City's current expenses. 'RDA Director Daniels discussed the cost to the City. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 16, 2008 Page 17 RDA Director Daniels indicted she would meet with the subcommittee. 04. REVIEW OF PLANNING FOR VETERANS MEMORIAL AT CENTRAL PARK Community Services Director McArdle presented the staff report In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Community Services Director McArdle described the proposed memorial and adjacent amphitheater. In response to Councilmember Gutierrez, Community Services Director McArdle explained the vision of the upper lake, waterfall, and cascading effect into a lower level. Councilmember Williams asked how much of the park was under water. Community Services Director McArdle stated approximately 7 acres. Councilmember Williams discussed her work on the task force. She discussed the importance of honoring the veterans. She requested Elbert Wilkerson receive credit for coming up with the idea of a memorial. Mayor Pro Tem Michael suggested working with the VFW on interim events on Memorial and Veterans Day. Community Services Director McArdle stated the city and senior center were coordinating events. P. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were identified for the next meeting. .._... Q. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Kurth stated the next regular meeting would be held on August 6, 2008. The meeting adjourned at 10:27 p.m. in honor of Otilia Burton, a victim of domestic violence. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn L. Scott, CMC Acting City Clerk/Assistant Secretary Minutes prepared by Lisa Pope Minute By Minute Transcription (805)208-8473 Approved: ` RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AEeuda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272049 8/27/2008 ASSI SECURITY 3,560.00 AP - 00272049 8/27/2008 ASSI SECURITY 437.12 AP - 00272157 8/27/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 19.35 AP - 00272164 8/27/2008 GEOGRAPHICS 1,242.36 AP - 00272164 8/27/2008 GEOGRAPHICS 88.89 AP - 00272164 8/27/2008 GEOGRAPHICS 226.28 AP - 00272173 8/27/2008 HILL AND KNOWLTON INC 6,645.00 AP - 00272173 8/27/2008 HILL AND KNOWLTON INC 1,789.95 AP - 00272181 8/27/2008 HYATT REGENCY LAKE TAHOE RESORT SPA A 392.16 AP - 00272185 8/27/2008 INFOBASE PUBLISHING INC 10,628.80 AP - 00272232 8/27/2008 NEWSBANK INC 5,680.00 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 193.94 AP - 00272275 8/27/2008 SAFCO CAPITAL CORP 18,545.97 AP - 00272275 8/27/2008 SAFCO CAPITAL CORD 29,265.87 AP - 00272315 8/27/2008 SUNSET PUBLISHING 1,521.54 AP - 00272334 8/27/2008 VENEKLASEN ASSOCIATES 995.00 AP - 00272343 8/27/2008 WELLS FARGO BANK N A 1,750.00 AP - 00272343 8/27/2008 WELLS FARGO BANK N A 1,750.00 AP - 00272392 9/3/2008 DAN GUERRA AND ASSOCIATES 123,920.00 AP - 00272412 9/3/2008 G AND M BUSINESS INTERIORS 1,941.44 AP - 00272412 9/3/2008 G AND M BUSINESS INTERIORS 115,451.82 AP - 00272413 9/3/2008 GALE GROUP,THE 2,094.75 AP - 00272425 9/3/2008 HILL AND KNOWLTON INC 822.95 AP - 00272425 9/3/2008 HILL AND KNOWLTON INC 7,316.25 AP - 00272425 9/3/2008 HILL AND KNOWLTON INC 150.00 AP - 00272432 9/3/2008 HYATT REGENCY LAKE TAHOE RESORT SPA A 392.16 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 87.60 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 97.20 AP - 00272485 9/3/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. 165,871.00 AP - 00272485 9/3/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. -16,587.10 AP - 00272485 9/3/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. 72,820.00 AP - 00272485 9/3/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. -7,282.00 AP - 00272504 9/3/2008 RRM DESIGN GROUP 24.79 AP - 00272506 9/3/2008 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 174.00 Total Cor Check ID AP: 552,027.09 Total for Entity: 552,027.09 P1 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 1 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:53:0 P2 STAFF REPORT ~, ~ 1=,A'(;INICIiRIK<; SIfIiV'I(:I'.S Dl-;PiUtl'DIENT ~~ RANCHO Date: September 17, 2008 CUCAb9oNGA To: Chairman and Redevelopment Agency Members Jack Lam, AICP, Executive Director From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Ken Fung, Assistant Engineer ~~~.1 Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer Subject: APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE TO CONTRACT NO. 08-093 IN THE AMOUNT OF $97,603.88 TO GRAND PACIFIC CONTRACTORS, INC., AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,396.12 AND APPROVE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, FOR THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC TRAIL PHASE V IMPROVEMENTS, AND APPROPRIATE AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF $110,000.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 26508015650/1612650-0 FROM PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT 2001 TAB FUND BALANCE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency approve and authorize an increase to Contract No. 08-093 in the amount of $97,603.88 to Grand Pacific Contractors, Inc., authorize the expenditure of a contingency in the amount of $12,396.12 and authorize the City Engineer to approve Contract Change Order No. 1, for the Pacific Electric Trail Phase V improvements, and appropriate an additional amount of $110,000.00 to Account No. 26508015650/1612650-0 from Public Improvement 2001 TAB fund balance. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS On July 16, 2008, the Agency awarded and authorized the execution of a construction contract, Contract No. 08-093 to Grand Pacific Contractors Inc. as lowest apparent bidder for the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Phase V improvements, from 1200' east of Etiwanda Avenue to the I-15 Freeway. Since the award of the contract on July 16, 2008, additional public improvements are needed near the existing portion of the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail at the Central Park location. The Pacific Electric Trail Phase V improvements scope of work includes some additional work on Phases I, II and III of the existing Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail (Amethyst Avenue to 1200' east of Etiwanda Avenue), thereby making it cost effective to add the Central Park additional work to this contract. Staff has confirmed with the contractor and the contractor has agreed to maintain bid prices for the additional materials and equipment needed for constructing the additional improvements. The existing approved contract, material and equipment schedules meet the needs for the additional Central Park improvements. The additional improvements at Central Park include an event staging area and a trail rest stop including a drinking fountain, benches, bike racks, trees, P3 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT Re: PE Trail, Phase V Improvements -Increase Contract September 17, 2008 Page 2 landscaping and irrigation, decomposed granite and concrete areas and drainage improvements. Respectfully submitted, M Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/KF/SH:Is Attachment i. P4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA °, p ~~ w UPLAND ;, e i ~i i WO NG Wi~W ~ ' I v Friends of the Trail Area & ,,. Event Staging Area ~I~~ ~ D Y '~ E 0 ~ .~..: -. ~rf~~~ ~ FONTdNA CITY~7O~ F RA~N~jCH*~O~ 7CUCAMONGA • 1CINI1 1 l~llil PACIFIC ELECTRIC INLAND EMPIRE TRAIL, PHASE 5 -EXTRA WORK RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Reeister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272024 8/27/2008 2-1-1 SAN BERNARDINO 269.38 AP - 00272038 8/27/2008 ALL CITIES TOOLS 37.07 AP - 00272038 8/27/2008 ALL CITIES TOOLS 35.56 AP - 00272042 8/27/2008 ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT INC 926.12 AP - 00272055 8/27/2008 BAB STEERING HYDRAULICS INC 23.42 AP - 00272055 8/27/2008 BAB STEERING HYDRAULICS INC 285.43 AP - 00272062 8/27/2008 BELL, MICHAEL L. 86.18 AP - 00272093 8/27/2008 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 4,268.00 AP - 00272093 8/27/2008 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 140.26 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 181.54 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 22.92 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 22.92 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 114.12 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 32.26 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 18.89 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 35.79 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 52.56 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 65.50 AP - 00272097 8/27/2008 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 8.66 AP - 00272117 8/27/2008 COMMERCIAL DOOR COMPANY INC 864.37 AP - 00272123 8/27/2008 COX, KARL 1,005.47 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 55.20 AP - 00272131 8/27/2008 DAGUE, JAMES 437.24 AP - 00272131 8/27/2008 DAGUE, JAMES 97.78 AP - 00272161 8/27/2008 FRANKLIN TRUCK PARTS 478.77 AP - 00272177 8/27/2008 HOLLOWAY, DAN 108.00 AP - 00272179 8/27/2008 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 30.04 AP - 00272187 8/27/2008 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 118.00 AP - 00272202 8/27/2008 LASER LINE 109.95 AP - 00272204 8/27/2008 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 862.61 AP - 00272204 8/27/2008 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 131.06 AP - 00272204 8/27/2008 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 278.60 AP - 00272205 8/27/2008 LEE, LEOTA 307.60 AP - 00272217 8/27/2008 MCKEE, JOHN 2,026.29 AP - 00272220 8/27/2008 MEDINA, BREANNA 132.72 AP - 00272229 8/27/2008 MORGAN, BYRON 528.52 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 96.96 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 432.01 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 37.12 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 44.54 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 16.36 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 277.49 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 17.08 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT -127.15 AP - 00272245 8/27/2008 PATHFINDER ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENI 2,850.00 AP - 00272245 8/27/2008 PATHFINDER ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENI 175.96 AP - 00272280 8/27/2008 SAN BERNARDINO CTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC 75.00 AP - 00272280 8/27/2008 SAN BERNARDINO CTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC 75.00 AP - 00272283 8/27/2008 SC FUELS 1,983.70 AP - 00272283 8/27/2008 SC FUELS 2,195.98 AP - 00272290 8/27/2008 SIGNCRAFTERS OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 150.85 AP - 00272293 8/27/2008 SMART AND FINAL 4.99 AP - 00272293 8/27/2008 SMART AND FINAL 62.76 AP - 00272293 8/27/2008 SMART AND FINAL 78.45 P5 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: I Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:53:3 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 duough 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272293 8/27/2008 SMART AND FINAL 38.70 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 135.08 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 14.12 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 135.08 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 106.23 AP - 00272297 8/27/2008 SONETICS CORPORATION 128.59 AP - 00272297 8/27/2008 SONETICS CORPORATION 225.00 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2,573.77 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1,657.96 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 5,178.67 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2,415.78 AP - 00272317 8/27/2008 TARGETSAFETY 4, ] 85.00 AP - 00272319 8/27/2008 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 65.00 AP - 00272319 8/27/2008 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 42.00 AP - 00272319 8/27/2008 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 77.00 AP - 00272319 8/27/2008 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 65.00 AP - 00272326 8/27/2008 TURNOUT MAINTENANCE COMPANY LLC 563.00 AP - 00272335 8/27/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 788.87 AP - 00272335 8/27/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 61.05 AP - 00272335 8/27/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 156.43 AP - 00272335 8/27/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 121.34 AP - 00272335 8/27/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 82.28 AP - 00272335 8/27/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 713.03 AP - 00272335 8/27/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 91.55 AP - 00272335 8/27/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 75.38 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 541.21 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 121.95 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 112.58 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 93.58 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 131.59 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 168.87 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 74.57 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 56.29 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 73.36 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 171.49 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 121.95 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 93.58 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 146.70 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 97.18 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 220.08 AP - 00272357 9/3/2008 ALL CITIES TOOLS 261.83 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 391.80 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 391.80 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 391.80 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ],215.00 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 391.80 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 1,215.00 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 1,184.63 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 391.80 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 1,215.00 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 142.03 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 1,458.00 AP - 00272364 9/3/2008 APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 1,184.63 AP - 00272381 9/3/2008 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 230.36 P6 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 2 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:53:3 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272381 9/3/2008 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 273.74 AP - 00272381 9/3/2008 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 187.80 AP - 00272381 9/3/2008 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 219.79 AP - 00272381 9/3/2008 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 162.56 AP - 00272381 9/3/2008 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 274.18 AP - 00272381 9/3/2008 CADET UNIFORM SERVICE 202.02 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 181.89 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,216.83 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 931.77 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 143.26 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 931.77 AP - 00272445 9/3/2008 LANDORF, RICHARD 130.00 AP - 00272446 9/3/2008 LARKIN, DAVID W 218.23 AP - 00272450 9/3/2008 LU'S LIGHTHOUSE INC 497.48 AP - 00272455 9/3/2008 MEDTRONIC EMERGENCY RESPONSE SYSTEM 13,240.00 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 109.36 AP - 00272494 9/3/2008 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CHAMBER OF COMMEI 75.00 AP - 00272496 9/3/2008 RAYNE WATER CONDITIONING INC 24.50 AP - 00272507 9/3/2008 SC FUELS 5,925.06 AP - 00272507 9/3/2008 SC FUELS 4,326.87 AP - 00272507 9/3/2008 SC FUELS 9,143.86 AP - 00272518 9/3/2008 SMART AND FINAL 104.18 AP - 00272519 9/3/2008 SOCAL FPO 55.00 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 917.14 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 468.08 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 468.08 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 468.08 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 468.08 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 61.81 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 33.89 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 39.01 AP - 00272557 9/3/2008 WENGER, JEFF 287.66 Total for Check ID AP: 96,454.22 Total for Entity: 96,454.22 P7 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 3 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report: CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pornait Layout Time: 15:53:3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Asienda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 80.48 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 1,319.41 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 30.81 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 364.45 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 20.54 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 234.23 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 26.38 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 36.19 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 36.19 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 10.27 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 10.27 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 10.12 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 176.17 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 20.54 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 36.19 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 50.97 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 50.97 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 358.62 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 10.27 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 75.63 .4P - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 308.63 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 409.10 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 749.70 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 10.27 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 20.00 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 1,453.16 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 357.11 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 80.48 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 15.13 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 15.13 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 601.42 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 300.12 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 17.27 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 1,171.94 AP - 00272025 8/27/2008 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 1,432.29 AP - 00272026 8/27/2008 A&V SOFTBALL 3,381.00 AP - 00272027 8/27/2008 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO INC 8.53 AP - 00272027 8/27/2008 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO INC 9.82 AP - 00272027 8/27/2008 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO INC -8.50 AP - 00272027 8/27/2008 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO INC 8.50 AP - 00272027 8/27/2008 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO INC 142.46 AP - 00272028 8/27/2008 AAA PAVING COMPANY 29.97 AP - 00272029 8/27/2008 AAAS 144.00 AP - 00272030 8/27/2008 ABC LOCKSMITHS 63.03 AP - 00272030 8/27/2008 ABC LOCKSMITHS 46.47 AP - 00272030 8/27/2008 ABC LOCKSMITHS 4.85 AP - 00272031 8/27/2008 ABLES, DANA 64.00 AP - 00272032 8/27/2008 ABLETRONICS 198.10 AP - 00272033 8/27/2008 ABSG CONSULTING INC 275.00 AP - 00272034 8/27/2008 ACCOMODATING IDEAS INC. 279.44 AP - 00272035 8/27/2008 AEI-CASC ENGINEERING INC. 3,685.59 AP - 00272036 8/27/2008 AGI ACADEMY 535.50 AP - 00272037 8/27/2008 AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT IN ISLAM INC. 174.00 AP - 00272037 8/27/2008 AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT IN ISLAM INC. 500.00 P8 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 1 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pornait Layout Time: IS:S1:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA pg Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272038 8/27/2008 ALL CITIES TOOLS 30.00 AP - 00272039 8/27/2008 ALL WELDING 110.00 AP - 00272040 8/27/2008 ALLARD ENGINEERING INC 1,000.00 AP - 00272040 8/27/2008 ALLARD ENGINEERING INC 1,000.00 AP - 00272040 8/27/2008 ALLARD ENGINEERING INC 1,000.00 AP - 00272041 8/27/2008 ALLIANCE BUS LINES INC 651.63 AP - 00272041 8/27/2008 ALLIANCE BUS LINES INC 651.63 AP - 00272041 8/27/2008 ALLIANCE BUS LINES INC 651.63 AP - 00272043 8/27/2008 ALPHAGRAPHICS 51.72 AP - 00272043 8/27/2008 ALPHAGRAPHICS 51.72 AP - 00272044 8/27/2008 ALUZRI, MARDI 133.00 AP - 00272045 8/27/2008 AMERICAN ROTARY BROOM CO. INC. 222.36 AP - 00272046 8/27/2008 APOLLO ENGRAVING CO. 513.97 AP - 00272047 8/27/2008 ARROW LUMBER INC. 62.31 AP - 00272048 8/27/2008 ARTS REACH UNLIMITED 1 ] 9.00 AP - 00272049 8/27/2008 ASSI SECURITY 490.00 AP - 00272049 8/27/2008 ASSI SECURITY 105.00 AP - 00272049 8/27/2008 ASSI SECURITY 105.00 AP - 00272049 8/27/2008 ASSI SECURITY 105.00 AP - 00272049 8/27/2008 ASSI SECURITY 105.00 AP - 00272049 8/27/2008 ASSI SECURITY 105.00 AP - 00272049 8/27/2008 ASSI SECURITY 160.00 AP - 00272050 8/27/2008 ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS INC 19,845.00 AP - 00272051 8/27/2008 AUFBAU CORPORATION 9,060.00 AP - 00272051 8/27/2008 AUFBAU CORPORATION 1,000.00 AP - 00272051 8/27/2008 AUFBAU CORPORATION 2,400.00 AP - 00272052 8/27/2008 AVANTS, MARGE 105.00 AP - 00272052 8/27/2008 AVANTS, MARGE 120.00 AP - 00272053 8/27/2008 AXIOM AUTOMOTNE TECHNOLOGIES INC. 377.47 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 15.40 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 8.62 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 32.58 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 112.14 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 11.44 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 33.61 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 13.70 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 89.11 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 187.00 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 573.22 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 11.34 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 70.21 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 92.91 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 71.87 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AATD K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 28.79 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 260.26 AP - 00272056 8/27/2008 BARNES AND NOBLE 25.86 AP - 00272056 8/27/2008 BARNES AND NOBLE 173.37 AP - 00272057 8/27/2008 BARTEL HEATING & AIR 59.77 AP - 00272058 8/27/2008 BCA DEVELOPMENT INC 1,000.00 AP - 00272059 8/27/2008 BD SYSTEMS INC 757.26 AP - 00272060 8/27/2008 BEACON PLUMBING 1,921.11 AP - 00272061 8/27/2008 BELCZAK AND SONS INC 22.00 AP - 00272063 8/27/2008 BEN BOLLINGER PRODUCTIONS LTD. 500.00 AP - 00272064 8/27/2008 BMI 1,176.00 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 2 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_R EG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA At;euda Check ReEister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272065 8/27/2008 BOPKO, CHRISTOPHER -150.00 AP - 00272065 8/27/2008 BOPKQ CHRISTOPHER 141.57 AP - 00272065 8/27/2008 BOPKO, CHRISTOPHER 112.28 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 29.79 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 46.86 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS ~ 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.10 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.04 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 51.08 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.84 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.20 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 51.30 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 93.61 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 34.14 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 63.87 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.72 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 55.38 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 153.18 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 51.07 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.77 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.84 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.78 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.08 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 29.82 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 32.02 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 25.54 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.71 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 P10 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 3 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AEenda Check ReEister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.20 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 25.61 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.02 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 110.64 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 34.14 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 70.44 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.03 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 42.55 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 76.63 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.78 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 59.76 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 66.24 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.84 AP - 00272054 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 307.21 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 136.17 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 157.44 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 131.91 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.77 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 38.40 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.94 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 21.36 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 34.06 P11 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 4 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 48.99 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 108.59 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 72.37 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 140.70 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.78 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 732.65 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.02 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS S 1.06 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 38.30 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.20 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 21.29 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 25.62 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 145.36 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 36.24 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 25.53 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.84 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.78 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 42.56 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 131.96 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 23.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS SS.32 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 2S.S4 P12 User: VLOPEZ-Veronica Lopez Page: S Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGEArDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P13 Azrenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.78 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.04 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 149.03 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 21.29 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 51.06 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.84 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 29.79 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.84 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.82 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.94 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.84 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 34.14 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.77 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 76.60 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.02 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.94 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 38.56 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 89.36 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.02 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.77 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 6 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A!?enda Check Resister 8/27/2008 tluough 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.84 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 21.36 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 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00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 23.46 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 21.55 P14 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 7 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Reeister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.35 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 30.95 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 478.32 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 416.16 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 287.50 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 287.50 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 203.77 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 1,691.32 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.84 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 119.13 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 83.55 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 16.44 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 16.44 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 121.13 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 24.85 AP - 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00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 48.40 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 630.34 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 146.98 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 45.38 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 62.94 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 827.84 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 144.62 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 235.04 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 83.04 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.41 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 83.41 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 612.20 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 41.07 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 29.08 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 129.74 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 34.82 P15 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 8 Curren[ Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 44.98 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 267.36 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 68.44 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 32.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 9.85 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 25.72 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 75.10 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.59 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.66 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 16.44 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 66.25 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 55.37 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 9.51 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 496.55 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 21.40 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.47 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 120.57 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 7.71 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 552.12 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.05 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 26.86 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 64.67 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 1,625.56 AP - 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CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P18 Asenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 66.16 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 49.39 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.01 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 96.91 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 23.56 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 40.47 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.95 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 39.70 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 11.59 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.29 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 100.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 33.13 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.35 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.35 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 52.28 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.11 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 166.86 AP - 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00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 667.99 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 188.18 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.50 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 12 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.98 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 33.94 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 417.93 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 176.33 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 153.24 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.23 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.30 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 113.32 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 56.48 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.01 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 108.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.04 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 44.86 AP - 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00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 233.36 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 206.90 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 77.45 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 40.64 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 142.64 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 9.69 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 36.90 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.35 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.50 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.98 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 21.29 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 16.44 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.04 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 90.03 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 28.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 151.26 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 5].34 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 87.10 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 16.47 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.10 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.50 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.57 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 372.21 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 55.64 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 68.50 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 121.94 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 250.90 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 125.28 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.61 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 34.74 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.98 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.39 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 33.85 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 70.74 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.58 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.00 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.53 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.11 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.54 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.35 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 48.39 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 67.22 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 24.20 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.98 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.98 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.10 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 88.38 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 73.52 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 29.00 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 91.22 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 43.50 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 499.83 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 14 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pornait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 38.23 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 69.93 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 123.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 79.71 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 25.42 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 178.62 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 34.24 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.35 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.01 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.11 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 118.09 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 121.16 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.55 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 39.72 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 33.93 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.88 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 16.44 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.96 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.06 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 9.85 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 11.66 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.43 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.00 AP - 00272084 8/27/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.92 AP - 00272085 8/27/2008 BROTHERS CUSTOM POOLS & SPAS INC. 200.00 AP - 00272085 8/27/2008 BROTHERS CUSTOM POOLS & SPAS INC. 50.00 AP - 00272086 8/27/2008 BRUCE, INGRID 167.93 AP - 00272086 8/27/2008 BRUCE, INGRID 28.14 AP - 00272087 8/27/2008 BUSINESS 21 PUBLISHING 1,065.78 AP - 00272088 8/27/2008 BUSINESS AND LEGAL REPORTS INC 268.54 AP - 00272089 8/27/2008 BUTSKO UTILITY DESIGN INC. 859.02 AP - 00272090 8/27/2008 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 514.92 AP - 00272091 8/27/2008 CALIFORNIA ELECTRONIC ENTRY 468.28 AP - 00272091 8/27/2008 CALIFORNIA ELECTRONIC ENTRY 292.16 AP - 00272092 8/27/2008 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL UTILITY ASSOC 650.00 AP - 00272092 8/27/2008 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL UTILITY ASSOC 2,545.00 AP - 00272093 8/27/2008 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 106,104.40 AP - 00272093 8/27/2008 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 307.70 AP - 00272094 8/27/2008 CALIFORNIA SHOPPING CART RETRIEVAL COP 170.00 AP - 00272095 8/27/2008 CALPERS EDUCATIONAL FORUM 275.00 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 38.03 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 277.74 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 574.23 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 290.98 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 38.03 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 38.03 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 255.45 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 38.03 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 38.03 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 162.28 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 15.73 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 499.39 AP - 00272096 8/27/2008 CAR CARE & TRANSMISSION PRO 38.03 P22 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 15 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA p23 Aeenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272098 8/27/2008 CCIAA-CRIME & INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS AS 350.00 AP - 00272099 8/27/2008 CD & G INC. 48.25 AP - 00272100 8/27/2008 CELL TRUCKING 36.20 AP - 00272101 8/27/2008 CEMEX CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS LP 3,455.19 AP - 00272102 8/27/2008 CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 7,318.00 AP - 00272103 8/27/2008 CHAMPION AWARDS AND SPECIALTIES 727.31 AP - 00272103 8/27/2008 CHAMPION AWARDS AND SPECIALTIES 53.87 AP - 00272103 8/27/2008 CHAMPION AWARDS AND SPECIALTIES 4,391.61 AP - 00272104 8/27/2008 CHILDREN'S FUND 100.00 AP - 00272105 8/27/2008 CHILDREN'S FUND 50.00 AP - 00272106 8/27/2008 CIP GATEWAY 1 & 2 LLC 2,450.00 AP - 00272107 8/27/2008 CISNEROS, HERNANDO ]21.21 AP - 00272108 8/27/2008 CLABBY, SANDRA 1,000.00 AP - 00272109 8/27/2008 CLARK, KAREN 108.00 AP - 00272109 8/27/2008 CLARK, KAREN 180.00 AP - 002721 ] 0 8/27/2008 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 122.84 AP - 00272111 8/27/2008 CLARY CORPORATION 4,470.88 AP - 00272112 8/27/2008 CLASSE PARTY RENTALS 53.46 AP - 00272113 8/27/2008 CLUB Z! IN THE HOME TUTORING SERVICES 49.99 AP - 00272114 8/27/2008 CMRTA 50.00 AP - 00272115 8/27/2008 COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANIES 1,075.80 AP - 00272116 8/27/2008 COLOR ME MINE 573.00 AP - 00272118 8/27/2008 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CORP. 21.80 AP - 00272119 8/27/2008 CONTINENTAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPe 16.39 AP - 00272120 8/27/2008 COPIES & INK PRINTING INC. 196.72 AP - 00272120 8/27/2008 COPIES & INK PRINTING INC. ] 8.32 AP - 00272121 8/27/2008 COPP CRUSHING CORP, DAN 36.00 AP - 00272122 8/27/2008 COX, JACQUIE 40.46 AP - 00272124 8/27/2008 CPRS 188.00 AP - 00272125 8/27/2008 CRIME SCENE STERI-CLEAN LLC 95.00 AP - 00272126 8/27/2008 CSB - CAROLE LINK 1,818.00 AP - 00272127 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA ESTATES S2 LLC 1,000.00 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 9,050.1 S AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 153.59 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 259.44 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 536.90 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 483.63 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 476.58 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 10.97 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 227.01 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 222.47 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 408.59 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 297.51 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,319.76 AP - 00272128 8/27/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 69.83 AP - 00272129 8/27/2008 CUEVAS, ERIKA 77.00 AP - 00272130 8/27/2008 D 3 EQUIPMENT 94.07 AP - 00272]30 8/27/2008 D 3 EQUIPMENT 288.04 AP - 00272130 8/27/2008 D 3 EQUIPMENT 1,903.62 AP - 00272130 8/27/2008 D 3 EQUIPMENT 35,186.76 AP - 00272132 8/27/2008 DAN GUERRA AND ASSOCIATES 1,900.00 AP - 00272133 8/27/2008 DATA QUICK 130.53 AP - 00272134 8/27/2008 DAMS, KATHERINE 163.20 AP - 00272135 8/27/2008 DAWSON SURVEYING INC. 2,220.00 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 16 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 1 S:S 1:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Asenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amouut AP - 00272135 8/27/2008 DAWSON SURVEYING INC. 370.00 AP - 00272136 8/27/2008 DELGADO, OSCAR 85.00 AP - 00272137 8/27/2008 DENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 133.20 AP - 00272138 8/27/2008 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 928.00 AP - 00272138 8/27/2008 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1,734.00 AP - 00272139 8/27/2008 DGO AUTO DETAILING 135.00 AP - 00272139 8/27/2008 DGO AUTO DETAILING 115.00 AP - 00272140 8/27/2008 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 2,429.78 AP - 00272141 8/27/2008 DODSON & ASSOCIATES, TOM 3,378.75 AP - 00272142 8/27/2008 DORSEY, TRACY 10.00 AP - 00272143 8/27/2008 DREAMSHAPERS 375.00 AP - 00272144 8/27/2008 DSRM CABLE CONSTRUCTION 1,000.00 AP - 00272145 8/27/2008 DUNK EDWARDS CORPORATION 422.01 AP - 00272146 8/27/2008 DUNN, ANNE MARIE 123.00 AP - 00272147 8/27/2008 ECS IMAGING INC 18,989.24 AP - 00272148 8/27/2008 ELITECOOLING 572.07 AP - 00272148 8/27/2008 ELITECOOLING 572.07 AP - 00272148 8/27/2008 ELITECOOLING 572.07 AP - 00272148 8/27/2008 ELITECOOLING 572.10 AP - 00272148 8/27/2008 ELITECOOLING 572.07 AP - 00272148 8/27/2008 ELITECOOLING 572.07 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 75.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 50.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 110.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 1,440.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 220.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 110.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 50.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 1,670.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 185.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 1,500.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 210.00 AP - 00272149 8/27/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 330.00 AP - 00272150 8/27/2008 EMPIRE ECONOMICS INC 3,250.00 AP - 00272150 8/27/2008 EMPIRE ECONOMICS INC 2,125.00 AP - 00272151 8/27/2008 EMPIRE LINE-X 617.83 AP - 00272152 8/27/2008 ENGELKE, LINDA 135.90 AP - 00272153 8/27/2008 ENSIL, NORMAN 154.00 AP - 00272154 8/27/2008 ESKENAZI, MOISES 145.00 AP - 00272155 8/27/2008 EXPERIAN 52.00 AP - 00272156 8/27/2008 FAZIO, CYNDI 456.03 AP - 00272156 8/27/2008 FAZIO, CYNDI 1,000.00 AP - 00272157 8/27/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 16.84 AP - 00272157 8/27/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 16.27 AP - 00272157 8/27/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 27.77 AP - 00272158 8/27/2008 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 851.20 AP - 00272158 8/27/2008 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 723.52 AP - 00272158 8/27/2008 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 542.64 AP - 00272158 8/27/2008 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 702.24 AP - 00272159 8/27/2008 FOOT SOLUTIONS 26.28 AP - 00272159 8/27/2008 FOOT SOLUTIONS 200.00 AP - 00272160 8/27/2008 FORD OF UPLAND INC 139.99 AP - 00272160 8/27/2008 FORD OF UPLAND INC 110.72 AP - 00272160 8/27/2008 FORD OF UPLAND INC 246.64 P24 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 17 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P25 At=_enda Check Ret=ister 8/27/2008 tluough 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272160 8/27/2008 FORD OF UPLAND INC 104.26 AP - 00272160 8/27/2008 FORD OF UPLAND INC 3,980.00 AP - 00272160 8/27/2008 FORD OF UPLAND INC 771.42 AP - 00272160 8/27/2008 FORD OF UPLAND INC 924.15 AP - 00272162 8/27/2008 GALE, BRIAN 758.00 AP - 00272163 8/27/2008 GARCIA, ARLENE 120.00 AP - 00272165 8/27/2008 GILLI, CHRIS 36.20 AP - 00272166 8/27/2008 GOMEZ, GLORIA 150.00 AP - 00272167 8/27/2008 GOMEZ, GLORIA 10.00 AP - 00272168 8/27/2008 GRAINGER 141.55 AP - 00272168 8/27/2008 GRAINGER 207.03 AP - 00272168 8/27/2008 GRAINGER 28.25 AP - 00272168 8/27/2008 GRAINGER 496.77 AP - 00272168 8/27/2008 GRAINGER 49.08 AP - 00272168 8/27/2008 GRAINGER 300.06 AP - 00272168 8/27/2008 GRAINGER 169.51 AP - 00272168 8/27/2008 GRAINGER 155.16 AP - 00272169 8/27/2008 HAMILTON, MONIQUE 150.00 AP - 00272170 8/27/2008 HARDESTY AND ASSOCIATES 5,000.00 AP - 00272171 8/27/2008 HI WAY SAFETY INC 844.00 AP - 00272172 8/27/2008 HIGH GRADE FORM INC. 40.00 AP - 00272174 8/27/2008 HILTON PLEASANTON AT THE CLUB 410.27 AP - 00272175 8/27/2008 HOGLE-IRELAND 6,844.30 AP - 00272176 8/27/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,342.30 AP - 00272176 8/27/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 50.00 AP - 00272176 8/27/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 50.00 AP - 00272176 8/27/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 150.00 AP - 00272176 8/27/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,031.98 AP - 00272176 8/27/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1.223.77 AP - 00272176 8/27/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,310.78 AP - 00272176 8/27/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 941.48 AP - 00272176 8/27/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 100.00 AP - 00272178 8/27/2008 HOSE MAN INC 194.66 AP - 00272178 8/27/2008 HOSE MAN INC 3.66 AP - 00272179 8/27/2008 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 272.61 AP - 00272180 8/27/2008 HUNTINGTON HARDWARE 651.67 AP - 00272182 8/27/2008 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY INC 307.89 AP - 00272182 8/27/2008 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY INC 615.76 AP - 00272183 8/27/2008 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO INC 95.12 AP - 00272184 8/27/2008 INDUSTRY COATINGS COMPANY 1,059.00 AP - 00272186 8/27/2008 INLAND EMPIRE TOURS AND TRANSPORTATIC 30,048.00 AP - 00272186 8/27/2008 INLAND EMPIRE TOURS AND TRANSPORTATIC 937.00 AP - 00272186 8/27/2008 INLAND EMPIRE TOURS AND TRANSPORTATIC 1,526.00 AP - 00272188 8/27/2008 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 88.74 AP - 00272189 8/27/2008 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 525.25 AP - 00272190 8/27/2008 IVAN TIRCUITS BRAIDS FADES&HAIR SALON 55.05 AP - 00272191 8/27/2008 J BE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 105.20 AP - 00272192 8/27/2008 JOHNSON, CHEARICE 136.08 AP - 00272192 8/27/2008 JOHNSON, CHEARICE 130.19 AP - 00272192 8/27/2008 JOHNSON, CHEARICE -150.00 AP - 00272193 8/27/2008 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN INC 120,776.48 AP - 00272193 8/27/2008 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN INC 1,972.08 AP - 00272194 8/27/2008 KC PRINTING & GRAPHICS INC 91.59 AP - 00272195 8/27/2008 KELLY'S OLD SCHOOL FLOORING 39.19 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 18 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Aseoda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272196 8/27/2008 KERRY THOMSON GROUP 564.00 AP - 00272197 8/27/2008 KINKLE RODIGER AND SPRIGGS 3,125.23 AP - 00272198 8/27/2008 KONG, SOPHEAK 131.04 AP - 00272198 8/27/2008 KONG, SOPHEAK 93.00 AP - 00272198 8/27/2008 KONG, SOPHEAK -150.00 AP - 00272199 8/27/2008 KROST, KRISTINE 500.00 AP - 00272200 8/27/2008 LAKE HILL CONSULTANTS INC 10,805.10 AP - 00272201 8/27/2008 LANDSCAPE DESIGN INC 130.41 AP - 00272203 8/27/2008 LAWDIS, STEVE 391.33 AP - 00272203 8/27/2008 LAWDIS, STEVE -240.00 AP - 00272203 8/27/2008 LAWDIS, STEVE 147.42 AP - 00272203 8/27/2008 LAWDIS, STEVE 126.62 AP - 00272204 8/27/2008 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 1,187.79 AP - 00272206 8/27/2008 LEON, MARY 60.00 AP - 00272207 8/27/2008 LEYVA-SIRODIA, CHRISTINA 13.50 AP - 00272208 8/27/2008 LINA 17,824.61 AP - 00272209 8/27/2008 LUBRICATION ENGINEERS INC 857.26 AP - 00272210 8/27/2008 LUMENSION SECURITY 12,428.71 AP - 00272211 8/27/2008 MACDONALD, TRINH 72.00 AP - 00272212 8/27/2008 MAD SCIENCE 6,710.40 AP - 00272213 8/27/2008 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOC 20.00 AP - 00272214 8/27/2008 MANELA, ROSIE 22.46 AP - 00272215 8/27/2008 MARQUETTE COMMERCIAL FINANCE 8,242.88 AP - 00272216 8/27/2008 MAXWELL, ANTHONY 67.50 AP - 00272218 8/27/2008 MCMASTER CARR SUPPLY COMPANY 468.58 AP - 00272219 8/27/2008 MED SHARP 40.60 AP - 00272221 8/27/2008 MEMBRENO, ROSY 174.68 AP - 00272222 8/27/2008 MERCHANTS LANDSCAPE 8,949.50 AP - 00272223 8/27/2008 METAL COATERS OF CALIFORNIA 758.00 AP - 00272224 8/27/2008 MIDDLE RIDGE INC 3,031.25 AP - 00272225 8/27/2008 MIDWEST TAPE 120.95 AP - 00272225 8/27/2008 MIDWEST TAPE 141.94 AP - 00272225 8/27/2008 MIDWEST TAPE 188.91 AP - 00272225 8/27/2008 MIDWEST TAPE 188.91 AP - 00272225 8/27/2008 MIDWEST TAPE 22.99 AP - 00272226 8/27/2008 MODEL RAILROADER 40.80 AP - 00272227 8/27/2008 MOORE, MITZI 34.88 AP - 00272228 8/27/2008 MORGAN & FRANZ 203.00 AP - 00272230 8/27/2008 MORRIS, RICHARD 345.00 AP - 00272231 8/27/2008 NETTECH COMPUTERS 75.00 AP - 00272233 8/27/2008 NIELSEN, NETTIE 250.00 AP - 00272234 8/27/2008 O'CONNER, DONALD 500.00 AP - 00272235 8/27/2008 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF CALIFO 103.86 AP - 00272235 8/27/2008 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF CALIFO 146.12 AP - 00272235 8/27/2008 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF CALIFO 866.00 AP - 00272235 8/27/2008 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS OF CALIFO 1,679.00 AP - 00272236 8/27/2008 OCLC INC 47.34 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 294.27 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 66.93 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 91.98 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 167.14 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 283.38 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 45.13 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 19].55 P26 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 19 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA pQ7 Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 tluough 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 140.36 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 34.77 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 26.05 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 8.32 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 29.98 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 359.52 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 62.45 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 70.34 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 21.09 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 21.63 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 5.51 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 17.09 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 67.58 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 8.94 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 23.90 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 45.69 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 33.46 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 159.43 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 29.93 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 12.16 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 38.94 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 42.09 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 52.86 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 14.35 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 955.55 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 111.70 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 26.56 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 610.87 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 158.20 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 187.80 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 190.90 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 102.62 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 13.57 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 61.77 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 135.29 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 9.89 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 15.58 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 50.70 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 226.91 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 595.44 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 146.94 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 84.99 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 9.59 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 19.59 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 84.73 AP - 00272238 8/27/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 440.87 AP - 00272239 8/27/2008 ONE RANCHO PACIFIC CENTER LLC 35.43 AP - 00272240 8/27/2008 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 490.33 AP - 00272240 8/27/2008 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 65.18 AP - 00272241 8/27/2008 OTT, LAURA 420.00 AP - 00272241 8/27/2008 OTT, LAURA 144.00 AP - 00272241 8/27/2008 OTT, LAURA 72.00 AP - 00272241 8/27/2008 OTT, LAURA 105.00 AP - 00272242 8/27/2008 OTT, SHARON 228.00 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 20 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report: CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name - Amount AP - 00272242 8/27/2008 OTT, SHARON 108.00 AP - 00272243 8/27/2008 OWEN ELECTRIC II~'C 1,157.34 AP - 00272244 8/27/2008 PARS 3,500.00 AP - 00272245 8/27/2003 PATHFINDER ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENI 2,300.00 AP - 00272246 8/27/2008 PCS CONSULTING INC ] 15.00 AP - 00272247 8/27/2008 PILONIETA, MANUEL 47.99 AP - 00272247 8/27/2008 PILONIETA, MANUEL 8.00 AP - 00272248 8/27/2008 PIMENTEL, ANISSA 76.00 AP - 00272249 8/27/2008 PIMENTEL, IRENE 38.00 AP - 00272250 8/27/2008 PIRANHA POOL & SPA CONSTRUCTORS INC 200.00 AP - 00272250 8/27/2008 PIRANHA POOL & SPA CONSTRUCTORS INC 200.00 AP - 00272250 8/27/2008 PIRANHA POOL & SPA CONSTRUCTORS INC 50.00 AP - 00272251 8/27/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. 56,089.80 AP - 00272251 8/27/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. -5,608.98 AP - 00272252 8/27/2008 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 22.08 AP - 00272252 8/27/2008 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 217.60 AP - 00272253 8/27/2008 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 22.80 AP - 00272254 8/27/2008 PSOMAS 1,230.00 AP - 00272255 8/27/2008 QUEQTERO, PATRICIA 23.00 AP - 00272256 8/27/2008 R AND M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 55.00 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 768.20 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 672.32 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 77.80 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 519.30 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 175.93 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 50.53 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 39.65 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 659.61 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 803.77 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 194.71 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 70.33 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 180.00 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 182.80 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 177.41 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 562.52 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 625.64 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 417.27 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 479.55 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 562.35 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 40.00 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 294.53 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 772.57 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 306.66 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 613.64 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 463.14 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 1,294.58 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 344.87 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 643.90 AP - 00272257 8/27/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 853.02 AP - 00272258 8/27/2008 RACKED AND READY STEEL 40.12 AP - 00272259 8/27/2008 RAGLAND, KARMALA 500.00 AP - 00272260 8/27/2008 RAH RAH GROUP, THE 55.60 AP - 00272261 8/27/2008 RANCHO ETIWANDA 685 LLC 1,000.00 AP - 00272261 8/27/2008 RANCHO ETIWANDA 685 LLC 500.00 P28 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 21 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272262 8/27/2008 RANDOM HOUSE INC 109.69 AP - 00272262 8/27/2008 RANDOM HOUSE INC 174.54 AP - 00272262 8/27/2008 RANDOM HOUSE INC 54.25 AP - 00272263 8/27/2008 RANDYS EXPRESS SERVICE 135.00 AP - 00272264 8/27/2008 RCPD E.A.C. 1,039.37 AP - 00272265 8/27/2008 RCPFA 8,669.29 AP - 00272266 8/27/2008 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY 993.02 AP - 00272267 8/27/2008 RDO EQUIPMENT CO 331.01 AP - 00272268 8/27/2008 RED DRAGON KARATE R.C. 55.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 200.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 174.01 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 200.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 178.66 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 187.49 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 200.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 187.50 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 200.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 175.64 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 180.82 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 194.82 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 200.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 200.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 194.82 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 200.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 200.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 149.78 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 115.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 179.95 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 174.01 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 186.41 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 200.00 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 174.01 AP - 00272269 8/27/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 134.69 AP - 00272270 8/27/2008 RELIABLE GRAPHICS 61.20 AP - 00272271 8/27/2008 RIPPETOE MILES LLP 2,657.76 AP - 00272271 8/27/2008 RIPPETOE MILES LLP 181.50 AP - 00272271 8/27/2008 RIPPETOE MILES LLP 4,042.16 AP - 00272271 8/27/2008 RIPPETOE MILES LLP 1,489.87 AP - 00272271 8/27/2008 RIPPETOE MILES LLP 1,292.53 AP - 00272271 8/27/2008 RIPPETOE MILES LLP 1,152.30 AP - 00272271 8/27/2008 RIPPETOE MILES LLP 1,630.83 AP - 00272272 8/27/2008 RIVERA, ENOC 140.40 AP - 00272273 8/27/2008 ROBINSON-MYERS, TRACEY 190.00 AP - 00272274 8/27/2008 S F N INTERPRETING 58.80 AP - 00272276 8/27/2008 SALAZAR, LAURIE 45.00 AP - 00272277 8/27/2008 SALGADO, BROOKE 60.00 AP - 00272278 8/27/2008 SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 1,127.98 AP - 00272279 8/27/2008 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 36,677.00 AP - 00272281 8/27/2008 SANCHEZ, LUIS 500.00 AP - 00272282 8/27/2008 SANS INSTITUTE 3,595.00 AP - 00272283 8/27/2008 SC FUELS 19,282.81 AP - 00272283 8/27/2008 SC FUELS 13,963.41 AP - 00272284 8/27/2008 SCHULER, DAVID 10,000.00 AP - 00272285 8/.27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 108.00 P29 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 22 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:61:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check ReEister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 10.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 28.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 18.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 54.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 20.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 60.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 84.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 30.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 36.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 93.60 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 41.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 123.00 AP - 00272285 8/27/2008 SENECHAL, CALVIN 64.80 AP - 00272286 8/27/2008 SHANKS, CHAVON 500.00 AP - 00272287 8/27/2008 SHEAKLEY PENSION ADMIN 133.00 AP - 00272287 8/27/2008 SHEAKLEY PENSION ADMIN 32.00 AP - 00272287 8/27/2008 SHEAKLEY PENSION ADMIN 52.00 AP - 00272288 8/27/2008 SHOETERIA 169.68 AP - 00272288 8/27/2008 SHOETERIA 193.93 AP - 00272288 8/27/2008 SHOETERIA 200.00 AP - 00272288 8/27/2008 SHOETERIA 189.08 AP - 00272288 8/27/2008 SHOETERIA 200.00 AP - 00272288 8/27/2008 SHOETERIA 189.08 AP - 00272288 8/27/2008 SHOETERIA 198.78 AP - 00272288 8/27/2008 SHOETERIA 116.36 AP - 00272288 8/27/2008 SHOETERIA 200.00 AP - 00272289 8/27/2008 SIGNATURE LIMOS 27.00 AP - 00272291 8/27/2008 SIRSI CORPORATION 19,166.72 AP - 00272292 8/27/2008 SLUKA-KELLY, SUSAN 325.00 AP - 00272294 8/27/2008 SMURFIT STONE CONTAINER CORP 431.36 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 1,174.18 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 2,889.78 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 1,499.37 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 520.97 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 49.35 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 3,529.46 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 1,374.71 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 37.11 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 14.30 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 180.61 AP - 00272295 8/27/2008 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 152.63 AP - 00272296 8/27/2008 SOLANO, DAFINE 100.00 AP - 00272298 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ALARM SERVICE 38.91 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 115.42 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 34.48 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 57.49 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 36.67 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.03 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 57.91 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 P30 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 23 Current Datc: 09/10/200 Report: CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 1 S:S 1:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P31 At=enda Check Ret=ister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 49.68 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 4,810.75 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 100.06 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 57.44 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 11.98 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 184.26 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.12 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 4.18 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 12.74 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.83 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 53.42 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.56 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 84.95 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 194.96 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 28.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 11.98 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 320.02 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 31.47 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 63.73 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 33.16 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 65.84 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.08 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 237.32 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54.89 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 13.68 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 12.93 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 52.84 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 52.33 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 36.50 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 152.32 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 111.07 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.31 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 124.54 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 47.01 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 28.18 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 64.33 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 60.15 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 24 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report: CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA pap Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 34.48 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.21 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.84 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 33.53 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.43 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.31 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.43 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.03 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 221.55 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 109.08 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 48.45 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 88.74 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 45.73 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.95 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 43.45 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 65.08 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.43 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 79.00 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.31 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.76 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.44 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.59 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.00 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.89 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54.37 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 110.67 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 94.28 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 60.42 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 69.79 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.74 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 173.86 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.83 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.55 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 25 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P33 A¢enda Check Re>?ister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.33 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54.80 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.55 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 69.79 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 32.53 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 111.19 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 34.04 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 69.03 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.52 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 80.53 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.11 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 424.78 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 32.59 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.08 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 41.29 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.95 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.83 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 127.05 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.95 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.11 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 72.88 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 87.10 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.00 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.83 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54.64 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ] 7.31 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 97.24 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 111.94 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 38.47 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 647.19 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 107.05 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.20 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.43 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.33 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 95.03 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 49.33 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.31 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 350.88 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 175.60 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 63.45 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 9.27 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 26 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG _PORTRAI T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P34 At=_enda Check Reeister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.95 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 33.71 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.52 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 59.69 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 48.60 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 46.78 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.43 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.56 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 84.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.58 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 83.06 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.44 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 81.30 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.11 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.95 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.48 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.52 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 39.45 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 35.00 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 73.16 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 77.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.03 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 50.58 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.03 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.59 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.82 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 83.37 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 98.21 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.21 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.31 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.55 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 50.74 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 80.74 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 69.99 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 65.50 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 82.74 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 11.30 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 98.33 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.08 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 52.83 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 95.83 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 27 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P35 Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.55 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2003 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 25.16 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.08 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.95 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.87 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.87 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 37.27 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 44.64 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.31 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 93.23 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 59.57 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 67.32 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.55 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.55 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 46.61 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.55 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 35.06 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 3,689.25 AP - 00272306 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 5,928.36 AP - 00272307 8/27/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 5,595.54 AP - 00272308 8/27/2008 SPARKLETTS 179.57 AP - 00272309 8/27/2008 SPECIALIZED BUILDER'S HARDWARE INC 296.31 AP - 002723 ] 0 8/27/2008 STANDI, JOHN 85.00 AP - 00272311 8/27/2008 STERICYCLE INC 521.67 AP - 00272312 8/27/2008 STOR QUEST SELF STORAGE 329.68 AP - 00272313 8/27/2008 SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY 1,087.50 AP - 00272314 8/27/2008 SUNBELT RENTALS 270.22 AP - 00272316 8/27/2008 SWANK MOTION PICTURES INC 771.00 AP - 00272316 8/27/2008 SWANK MOTION PICTURES INC 787.16 AP - 00272318 8/27/2008 TEJEDA, JOANNE 75.00 AP - 00272320 8/27/2008 THOMSON-WESTBARCLAYS 240.00 AP - 00272321 8/27/2008 TIFFANY D CARDOZA 55.16 AP - 00272322 8/27/2008 TOBIN, RENEE 8.60 AP - 00272323 8/27/2008 TOOLS R US 448.38 AP - 00272324 8/27/2008 TOOMOTH, MICHELE 67.44 AP - 00272325 8/27/2008 TUCKERMAN, ADAM 22.56 AP - 00272327 8/27/2008 U S FOODSERVICE INC 1,911.99 AP - 00272328 8/27/2008 UNITED SCENIC ARTISTS PENSION & WELFARI 386.75 AP - 00272329 8/27/2008 UNITED WAY 16.00 AP - 00272330 8/27/2008 UNIVERSAL TECHA'ICAL INSTITUTE 54.22 AP - 00272331 8/27/2008 URBANQ VERNIE 1,344.00 AP - 00272332 8/27/2008 VALUE LINE PUBLISHING INC 269.00 AP - 00272333 8/27/2008 VASQUEZ, LESLIE 240.00 AP - 00272333 8/27/2008 VASQUEZ, LESLIE 192.00 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 575.35 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 32.87 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 87.94 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 35.33 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 28 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:5 ] :4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 87.94 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 87.94 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 33.89 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 33.89 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 19.66 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 588.36 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 20.23 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 87.94 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 33.89 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 127.45 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 37.26 AP - 00272336 8/27/2008 VERIZON 62.14 AP - 00272337 8/27/2008 VFS FIRE AND SECURITY SERVICES 22.72 AP - 00272338 8/27/2008 VISTA PAINT 344.28 AP - 00272338 8/27/2008 VISTA PAINT 23.95 AP - 00272338 8/27/2008 VISTA PAINT 4.85 AP - 00272338 8/27/2008 VISTA PAINT 46.71 AP - 00272339 8.127/2008 VMWORLD 2008 1,745.00 AP - 00272340 8/27/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 106.00 AP - 00272340 8/27/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 90.19 AP - 00272340 8/27/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 80.71 AP - 00272340 8/27/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 91.60 AP - 00272340 8/27/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 61.04 AP - 00272340 8/27/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 177.30 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 205.52 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 400.08 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 709.45 AP - 00272341 8/27/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 276.75 AP - 00272342 8/27/2008 WEATHER WELD 96.24 AP - 00272344 8/27/2008 WEST COAST TIRE 32.50 AP - 00272345 8/27/2008 WILSON, RYAN L 24.35 AP - 00272346 8/27/2008 WORD MILL PUBLISHING 725.00 AP - 00272346 8/27/2008 WORD MILL PUBLISHING 725.00 AP - 00272347 8/27/2008 X PRESS SIGNING AGENTS 32.25 AP - 00272348 8/27/2008 YALE CHASE MATERIALS HANDLING INC 225.94 AP - 00272349 8/27/2008 YELLOW CAB CO INC 24.00 AP - 00272350 8/27/2008 YORK INDUSTRIES 1,571.60 AP - 00272351 8/27/2008 YOST, CARA 45.00 AP - 00272352 8/27/2008 ZALEWSKI, JOHN 1,000.00 AP - 00272353 8/27/2008 ZEE MEDICAL INC 188.13 AP - 00272353 8/27/2008 ZEE MEDICAL INC 1,240.82 AP - 00272353 8/27/2008 ZEE MEDICAL INC 164.21 AP - 00272353 8/27/2008 ZEE MEDICAL INC 803.66 AP - 00272353 8/27/2008 ZEE MEDICAL INC 395.00 AP - 00272354 8/27/2008 ZIRGES, ARLENE 240.00 AP - 00272355 8/28/2008 INSIGHT DIRECT 16,893.43 AP - 00272356 9/3/2008 ABC LOCKSMITHS 45.16 AP - 00272356 9/3/2008 ABC LOCKSMITHS 69.35 AP - 00272356 9/3/2008 ABC LOCKSMITHS 7.54 AP - 00272356 9/3/2008 ABC LOCKSMITHS 1,450.77 AP - 00272356 9/3/2008 ABC LOCKSMITHS 9.70 P36 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 29 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report: CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P37 Asenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272358 9/3/2008 ALL WELDING 267.24 AP - 00272359 9/3/2008 ALTA FIRE EQUIPMENT CO 77.53 AP - 00272360 9/3/2008 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 330.00 AP - 00272360 9/3/2008 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 785.00 AP - 00272360 9/3/2008 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 560.00 AP - 00272360 9/3/2008 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 745.00 AP - 00272360 9/3/2008 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 170.00 AP - 00272360 9/3/2008 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 70.00 AP - 00272361 9/3/2008 AMERICAN RED CROSS 97.50 AP - 00272362 9/3/2008 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 807.35 AP - 00272363 9/3/2008 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS OF CALIFORNIA 156,230.99 AP - 00272365 9/3/2008 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 3.35 AP - 00272365 9/3/2008 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 3.35 AP - 00272366 9/3/2008 ARBOR NURSERY PLUS 2,252.97 AP - 00272366 9/3/2008 ARBOR NURSERY PLUS 1,000.00 AP - 00272367 9/3/2008 ARTISTIC SIGNATURES 950.00 AP - 00272368 9/3/2008 AUTO BODY 2000 1,176.91 AP-00272369 9/3/2008 AVALAR, WENDY 14,150.00 AP - 00272370 9/3/2008 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 181.18 AP - 00272371 9/3/2008 BETTER ENERGY IDEAS 465.00 AP - 00272372 9/3/2008 BISHOP COMPANY 265.01 AP - 00272372 9/3/2008 BISHOP COMPANY 73.58 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 200.00 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 116.36 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 106.68 AP - 00272373 9/3/2008 BMJ WORK GROUP INC 134.69 AP - 00272374 9/3/2008 BOLTON, HEATHER 93.27 AP - 00272375 9/3/2008 BOPKO, CHRISTOPHER 2,300.00 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 85.60 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.60 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 18.40 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 31.03 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 21.40 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 162.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 69.88 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.87 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 98.38 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 29.67 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.54 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.35 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 30 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA pig Agenda Check Rei?ister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 145.94 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 109.90 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 209.61 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 48.40 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 55.16 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.50 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 64.58 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 59.84 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 9.49 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 33.94 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 48.44 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 11.25 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 35.37 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 24.23 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 39.84 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.10 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.78 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 34.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 144.92 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 97.97 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 23.27 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 33.92 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.42 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 58.40 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.50 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 39.18 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.91 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.01 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.54 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 26.86 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 9.49 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 11.25 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 48.22 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 31.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 42.08 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 75.57 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 36.85 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.87 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.57 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 59.92 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 23.56 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.54 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.57 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.01 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 31 Current Date: 09/10/200 ReporbCK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAI T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A>?enda Check Rei?ister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.96 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 33.02 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 21.83 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 76.88 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 112.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 9.53 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 2,490.32 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.98 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.57 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 36.25 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 194.22 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 274.41 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.50 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 63.83 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 68.44 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.94 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.20 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 36.30 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.5 ] AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.14 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 12.78 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 72.36 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 209.06 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 660.68 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 172.65 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 85.77 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 37.61 P39 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 32 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P40 Aeenda Check Ret=_ister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 23.23 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.54 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 66.40 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 77.34 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 62.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 67.32 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 25.21 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 23.23 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 11.41 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.62 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 13.98 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6726 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 24.23 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 53.50 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 168.14 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.82 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.41 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 499.92 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 157.44 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 17.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS ]0.68 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 14.54 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 39.74 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 218.99 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 31.50 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.35 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 15.04 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 33.94 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 25.21 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 4.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 10.68 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 27.72 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 19.26 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 25.62 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 6.42 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 102.12 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 8.52 AP - 00272380 9/3/2008 BRODART BOOKS 68.13 AP - 00272382 9/3/2008 CAL PERS EDUCTIONAL FORUM 550.00 AP - 00272383 9/3/2008 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE BOARD 2.72 AP - 00272384 9/3/2008 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 50.00 AP - 00272385 9/3/2008 CASK N CLEAVER 63.00 AP - 00272386 9/3/2008 CCPOA 30.00 AP - 00272387 9/3/2008 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS 204.73 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 33 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_R EG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pornait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P41 Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Dale Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272387 9/3/2008 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS 102.32 AP - 00272387 9/3/2008 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS 102.41 AP - 00272388 9/3/2008 CONTINENTAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPS 192.55 AP - 00272389 9/3/2008 COPIES & INK PRINTING INC. 57.80 AP - 00272389 9/3/2008 COPIES & INK PRINTING INC. 58.80 AP - 00272390 9/3/2008 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 711.20 AP - 00272390 9/3/2008 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 553.40 AP - 00272390 9/3/2008 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 533.40 AP - 00272390 9/3/2008 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 533.40 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 171.35 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,521.39 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 569.33 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 401.54 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 249.57 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 5,109.71 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 4,980.44 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 6,225.06 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 7,017.60 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 593.30 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 188.94 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUC.AMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 157.25 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 767.65 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 995.78 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 5,925.14 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 456.01 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 158.66 AP - 00272391 9/3/2008 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 419.87 AP - 00272392 9/3/2008 DAN GUERRA AND ASSOCIATES 3,010.00 AP - 00272393 9/3/2008 DAVID LIEBERMAN/ARTISTS REPRESENTATIV. 17,000.00 AP - 00272394 9/3/2008 DEPARTMENT ISSUE INCORPORATED 377.13 AP - 00272395 9/3/2008 DNERSIFIED LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT INC 97,338.43 AP - 00272395 9/3/2008 DIVERSIFIED LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT INC -9,733.85 AP - 00272396 9/3/2008 DONNER, MINDY 450.00 AP - 00272397 9/3/2008 DREAMSHAPERS 350.00 AP - 00272398 9/3/2008 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 123.82 AP - 00272399 9/3/2008 E.D.D. RIVERSIDE AREA COLLECTION OFFICE 409.02 AP - 00272400 9/3/2008 EASTER, PAMELA 10.10 AP - 00272401 9/3/2008 EBSCO 15.25 AP - 00272402 9/3/2008 EDFUND 164.91 AP - 00272403 9/3/2008 EIGHTH AVENUE GRAPHICS 858.31 AP - 00272403 9/3/2008 EIGHTH AVENUE GRAPHICS 201.71 AP - 00272404 9/3/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 1,585.00 AP - 00272404 9/3/2008 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 150.00 AP - 00272405 9/3/2008 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 120.77 AP - 00272406 9/3/2008 EXCLUSNE EMAGES 232.75 AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 22.04 AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 24.99 AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 19.72 AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 16.66 AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 24.90 AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 26.87 AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORD 21.57 AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 19.32 AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORD 24.72 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 34 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P42 Aeenda Check Reeister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272407 9/3/2008 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 38.14 AP - 00272408 9/3/2008 FINESSE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 851.20 AP - 00272409 9/3/2008 FOOTHILL LAWNMOWER 184.79 AP - 00272410 9/3/2008 FREDRICS, HEATHER 47.39 AP - 00272410 9/3/2008 FREDRICS, HEATHER 10.00 AP - 00272411 9/3/2008 FU'T'UBE LIGHTING 371.73 AP - 00272414 9/3/2008 GALLS INC 269.32 AP - 00272415 9/3/2008 GAMBOA, MINERVA 2,300.00 AP - 00272416 9/3/2008 GARCIA, DOMINIC 300.00 AP - 00272417 9/3/2008 GARCIA, VIVIAN 54.41 AP - 00272418 9/3/2008 GEOGRAPHICS 156.23 AP - 00272419 9/3/2008 GRAFFITI TRACKER INC 2,500.00 AP - 00272420 9/3/2008 GRAINGER 13.03 AP - 00272420 9/3/2008 GRAINGER 199.81 AP - 00272420 9/3/2008 GRAINGER 847.90 AP - 00272420 9/3/2008 GRAINGER 43.44 AP - 00272420 9/3/2008 GRAINGER 657.49 AP - 00272420 9/3/2008 GRAINGER 144.81 AP - 00272420 9/3/2008 GRAINGER 808.79 AP - 00272421 9/3/2008 GRANICUS INC 1,100.00 AP - 00272422 9/3/2008 GUARDIAN 3,602.69 AP - 00272423 9/3/2008 GUTIERREZ, MIGUEL 120.00 AP - 00272424 9/3/2008 HESKA CORPORATION 801.66 AP - 00272426 9/3/2008 HILLS PET NUTRITION SALES INC 295.12 AP - 00272426 9/3/2008 HILLS PET NUTRITION SALES INC 622.26 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,332.59 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 50.00 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 929.61 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 50.00 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,071.57 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 50.00 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,226.20 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 50.00 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,734.50 AP - 00272427 9/3/2008 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 100.00 AP - 00272428 9/3/2008 HOME AGAIN MICROCHIP CO 9,990.00 AP - 00272429 9/3/2008 HOPE THROUGH HOUSING FOUNDATION 5,000.00 AP - 00272430 9/3/2008 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 492.92 AP - 00272430 9/3/2008 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 8.78 AP - 00272430 9/3/2008 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 12.98 AP - 00272430 9/3/2008 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTION'S 33.38 AP - 00272430 9/3/2008 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 76.61 AP - 00272431 9/3/2008 HUMANE SOCIETY OF SAN BERNARDEVO VALI 470.00 AP - 00272433 9/3/2008 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 61.67 AP - 00272434 9/3/2008 INLAND DESERT SECURITY 8 COMMUNICATK 743.90 AP - 00272435 9/3/2008 INLAND PRESORT & MAILING SERVICES 61.51 AP - 00272435 9/3/2008 INLAND PRESORT & MAILING SERVICES 84.53 AP - 00272435 9/3/2008 INLAND PRESORT & MAILING SERVICES 74.25 AP - 00272435 9/3/2008 INLAND PRESORT & MAILING SERVICES 185.97 AP - 00272436 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 192.00 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 87.60 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 87.60 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 97.20 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 236.64 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 35 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P43 Agenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 236.64 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 522.50 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 522.50 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 418.00 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 48.00 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 236.64 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 236.64 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 236.64 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 236.64 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 900.00 AP - 00272437 9/3/2008 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 87.60 AP - 00272438 9/3/2008 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP INC 5,225.00 AP - 00272439 9/3/2008 J D C INC 22,713.58 AP - 00272440 9/3/2008 JOHNSON, VICTORIA 32.39 AP - 00272441 9/3/2008 K K WOODWORKING 19.40 AP - 00272441 9/3/2008 K K WOODWORKING 36.64 AP - 00272442 9/3/2008 KONE INC 457.74 AP - 00272443 9/3/2008 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 473.66 AP - 00272444 9/3/2008 LAND FORMS LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IN~ 13,425.36 AP - 00272444 9/3/2008 LAND FORMS LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION INi 92,415.09 AP - 00272447 9/3/2008 LEE, CAROLINE 150.00 AP - 00272448 9/3/2008 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 400.00 AP - 00272448 9/3/2008 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 185.00 AP - 00272448 9/3/2008 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 150.00 AP - 00272448 9/3/2008 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 375.00 AP - 00272448 9/3/2008 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 150.00 AP - 00272448 9/3/2008 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 350.00 AP - 00272448 9/3/2008 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 135.00 AP - 00272448 9/3/2008 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 400.00 AP - 00272448 9/3/2008 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 350.00 AP - 00272449 9/3/2008 LORENZ, DAVE 1,000.00 AP - 00272451 9/3/2008 MACDONALD, JAMIE 1,709.18 AP - 00272452 9/3/2008 MAMARIL, ANN-MARIE 46.00 AP - 00272453 9/3/2008 MCFADDEN DALE HARDWARE 122.57 AP - 00272454 9/3/2008 MCMASTER CARR SUPPLY COMPANY 82.06 AP - 00272456 9/3/2008 MERIAL LIMITED 562.46 AP - 00272457 9/3/2008 MERITAGE HOMES OF CALIFORNIA 987.14 AP - 00272458 9/3/2008 MIDWEST TAPE 22.99 AP - 00272458 9/3/2008 MIDWEST TAPE 43.98 AP - 00272459 9/3/2008 MIJAC ALARM COMPANY 185.00 AP - 00272460 9/3/2008 MMASC 15.00 AP - 00272460 9/3/2008 MMASC 15.00 AP - 00272460 9/3/2008 MMASC 15.00 AP - 00272460 9/3/2008 MMASC 15.00 AP - 00272461 9/3/2008 MORALES, MICHAEL 2,000.00 AP - 00272462 9/3/2008 MOREIRA, MARIA ARACELY 900.00 AP - 00272463 9/3/2008 MOUNTAIN VIEW GLASS AND MIRROR INC 231.66 AP - 00272463 9/3/2008 MOUNTAIN VIEW GLASS AND MIRROR INC 102.23 AP - 00272464 9/3/2008 MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY 4,218.41 AP - 00272464 9/3/2008 MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY 148.18 AP - 00272465 9/3/2008 NEC UNIFIED SOLUTIONS INC 21,594.30 AP - 00272465 9/3/2008 NEC UNIFIED SOLUTIONS INC 1,485.00 AP - 00272465 9/3/2008 NEC UNIFIED SOLUTIONS INC 2,360.00 AP - 00272466 9/3/2008 NEW READERS PRESS 56.70 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 36 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P44 Agenda Check ReEister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272467 9/3/2008 NOVELTY PRINTING 479.94 AP - 00272468 9/3/2008 OBS AUDIO 150.00 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 78.23 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 369.41 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 144.61 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 436.97 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 109.74 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 711.60 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 18.85 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 16.77 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 344.26 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 273.52 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 58.92 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 46.77 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 112.70 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 43.38 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT -7.83 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 63.53 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT -63.53 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 10.19 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 4.87 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 31.82 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 206.51 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 26.12 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 36.03 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 24.23 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 45.08 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 65.49 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 256.70 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 217.72 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 22.39 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 1,482.64 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 627.92 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 233.82 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 315.73 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 36.60 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 29.72 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 84.53 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 19.31 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 38.28 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 19.27 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 74.21 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 30.61 AP - 00272470 9/3/2008 OFFICE DEPOT 76.67 AP - 00272471 9/3/2008 OFFICE TEAM 990.00 AP - 00272471 9/3/2008 OFFICE TEAM 977.63 AP - 00272471 9/3/2008 OFFICE TEAM 742.50 AP - 00272471 9/3/2008 OFFICE TEAM 742.50 AP - 00272471 9/3/2008 OFFICE TEAM 915.75 AP - 00272471 9/3/2008 OFFICE TEAM 990.00 AP - 00272471 9/3/2008 OFFICE TEAM 853.88 AP - 00272471 9/3/2008 OFFICE TEAM 247.50 AP - 00272472 9/3/2008 OLSON, BUZZ 10.00 AP - 00272473 9/3/2008 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 20.20 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 37 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AEenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amoun[ AP - 00272473 9/3/2008 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 33.05 AP - 00272474 9/3/2008 ONTRAC 57.84 AP - 00272474 9/3/2008 ONTRAC 10.08 AP - 00272475 9/3/2008 ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTEF 730.00 AP - 00272476 9/3/2008 OTSUKA, DENNIS 36.00 AP - 00272477 9/3/2008 OUTDOOR OASIS 250.00 AP - 00272478 9/3/2008 PAL CAMPAIGN 82.00 AP - 00272479 9/3/2008 PAPER DIRECT INC 70.93 AP - 00272480 9/3/2008 PATTON SALES CORP 13.08 AP - 00272481 9/3/2008 PBS&J INC 3,032.50 AP - 00272482 9/3/2008 PEP BOYS 6.99 AP - 00272482 9/3/2008 PEP BOYS 32.26 AP - 00272483 9/3/2008 POMA DISTRIBUTING CO 4,021.87 AP - 00272484 9/3/2008 POSTER SOLUTIONS 41.00 AP - 00272484 9/3/2008 POSTER SOLUTIONS 8.20 AP - 00272484 9/3/2008 POSTER SOLUTIONS 41.00 AP - 00272484 9/3/2008 POSTER SOLUTIONS 8.19 AP - 00272485 9/3/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. 129,157.86 AP - 00272485 9/3/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. -12,915.79 AP - 00272485 9/3/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. -671.50 AP - 00272485 9/3/2008 POUK AND STEINLE INC. 6,715.02 AP - 00272486 9/3/2008 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 266.49 AP - 00272487 9/3/2008 PRINCIPAL LIFE 2,248.25 AP - 00272488 9/3/2008 PRO-PLANET INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 861.73 AP - 00272489 9/3/2008 PRUITT CONSTRUCTION, R L 500.00 AP - 00272490 9/3/2008 QUALLS, LOIS 60.00 AP - 00272491 9/3/2008 QWEST 2.90 AP - 00272492 9/3/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 65.00 AP - 00272492 9/3/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 420.39 AP - 00272492 9/3/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 40.00 AP - 00272492 9/3/2008 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 40.00 AP - 00272493 9/3/2008 R H F INC 85.00 AP - 00272493 9/3/2008 R H F INC 85.00 AP - 00272493 9/3/2008 R H F INC 85.00 AP - 00272493 9/3/2008 R H F INC 85.00 AP - 00272495 9/3/2008 RANDOM HOUSE INC 175.16 AP - 00272495 9/3/2008 RANDOM HOUSE INC 721.08 AP - 00272497 9/3/2008 RED WING SHOE STORE 164.84 AP - 00272498 9/3/2008 RELIABLE GRAPHICS 214.96 AP - 00272498 9/3/2008 RELIABLE GRAPHICS 154.30 AP - 00272498 9/3/2008 RELIABLE GRAPHICS 235.00 AP - 00272498 9/3/2008 RELIABLE GRAPHICS 256.34 AP - 00272498 9/3/2008 RELIABLE GRAPHICS 137.33 AP - 00272499 9/3/2008 RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF 120.00 AP - 00272499 9/3/2008 RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF 120.00 AP - 00272499 9/3/2008 RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF 120.00 AP - 00272500 9/3/2008 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC 464.99 AP - 00272501 9/3/2008 ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 240.00 AP - 00272501 9/3/2008 ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 256.00 AP - 00272501 9/3/2008 ROBERT HALF TECHNOLOGY 512.00 AP - 00272502 9/3/2008 ROBLES SR, RAUL P 75.00 AP - 00272502 9/3/2008 ROBLES SR, RAUL P 80.00 AP - 00272502 9/3/2008 ROBLES SR, RAUL P ] 05.00 AP - 00272502 9/3/2008 ROBLES SR, RAUL P 75.00 P45 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 38 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A¢enda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272502 9/3/2008 ROBLES SR, RAUL P 75.00 AP - 00272502 9/3/2008 ROBLES SR, RAUL P 80.00 AP - 00272502 9/3/2008 ROBLES SR, RAUL P 139.00 AP - 00272502 9/3/2008 ROBLES SR, RAUL P 108.00 AP - 00272503 9/3/2008 RODRIGUEZ EVC, R Y 180.00 AP - 00272505 9/3/2008 SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC 168.47 AP - 00272507 9/3/2008 SC FUELS 4,701.09 AP - 00272507 9/3/2008 SC FUELS 13,968.84 AP - 00272507 9/3/2008 SC FUELS 19,290.31 AP - 00272507 9/3/2008 SC FUELS 12,731.07 AP - 00272507 9/3/2008 SC FUELS 17,581.01 AP - 00272508 9/3/2008 SCOTT, DIANA 375.00 AP - 00272509 9/3/2008 SCOTT, KATHY 106.39 AP - 00272510 9/3/2008 SCOTT, MICHAEL 175.00 AP - 00272511 9/3/2008 SCRIPPS CENTER FOR EXECUTIVE HEALTH 1,789.00 AP - 00272512 9/3/2008 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 150.00 AP - 00272513 9/3/2008 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 200.80 AP - 00272514 9/3/2008 SHOETERL4 200.00 AP - 00272514 9/3/2008 SHOETERIA 34.00 AP - 00272514 9/3/2008 SHOETERIA 17.00 AP - 00272514 9/3/2008 SHOETERIA 17.00 AP - 00272514 9/3/2008 SHOETERIA 17.00 AP - 00272515 9/3/2008 SIGN SHOP, THE 113.14 AP - 00272516 9/3/2008 SIR SPEEDY 302.61 AP - 00272517 9/3/2008 SIRSIDYNIX 19,166.72 AP - 00272520 9/3/2008 SOURCE GRAPHICS 146.31 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 50,141.48 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.84 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.95 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.55 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 451.23 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 13.44 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 76.61 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.64 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 22.17 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 51.79 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 95.85 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 76.04 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.12 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.13 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 103.43 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 81.12 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1.69 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN` CALIFORNIA EDISON 78.75 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.91 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 37.13 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 87.49 P46 User: V LOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 39 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Asenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 66.90 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2.65 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.15 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.00 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.31 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 92.07 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.43 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.82 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.82 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.82 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.24 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 31.54 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 81.09 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 44.46 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.39 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 98.31 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 30,587.18 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.43 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 88.66 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 91.01 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 145.80 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 108.78 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 10.36 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 680.51 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 127.29 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 62.53 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 126.39 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.82 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.44 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.43 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 174.87 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.70 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.82 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 49.73 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 184.20 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 8,912.86 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 9.27 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 36.41 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 98.95 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ] 10.22 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 17.43 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 108.42 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 138.09 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.00 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 152.19 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 35.36 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.82 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.39 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 444.51 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 17.52 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.44 P47 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 40 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P48 Aeenda Check Register 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 102.36 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 73.12 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 102.73 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 91.80 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 39.01 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54.98 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 4.78 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.52 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.26 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.08 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.19 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.28 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 16.39 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 15.03 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 46.94 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 155.04 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 42.61 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 45.01 AP - 00272523 9/3/2008 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17.52 AP - 00272524 9/3/2008 STERICYCLE INC 285.50 AP - 00272525 9/3/2008 STERLING COFFEE SERVICE 152.93 AP - 00272525 9/3/2008 STERLING COFFEE SERVICE 373.03 AP - 00272525 9/3/2008 STERLING COFFEE SERVICE 69.60 AP - 00272525 9/3/2008 STERLING COFFEE SERVICE 113.10 AP - 00272525 9/3/2008 STERLING COFFEE SERVICE 47.11 AP - 00272526 9/3/2008 SIEVES TOWING AND TRANSPORT 157.50 AP - 00272527 9/3/2008 STOFA, JOSEPH 13.00 AP - 00272528 9/3/2008 SUNGARD BI TECH INC 675.00 AP - 00272528 9/3/2008 SUNGARD BI TECH INC 300.00 AP - 00272528 9/3/2008 SUNGARD BI TECH INC 375.00 AP - 00272529 9/3/2008 SUNRISE FORD 64.76 AP - 00272530 9/3/2008 TALX CORPORATION 250.00 AP - 00272531 9/3/2008 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 500.30 AP - 00272532 9/3/2008 TELEWORKS 13,193.00 AP - 00272533 9/3/2008 THOMSON-WESTBARCLAYS 273.08 AP - 00272534 9/3/2008 TIFCO IND 988.24 AP - 00272535 9/3/2008 TOBIN, RENEE 21.72 AP - 00272535 9/3/2008 TOBIN, RENEE 39.45 AP - 00272536 9/3/2008 TOLL, RICHARD 24.00 AP - 00272537 9/3/2008 TOOLS R US 189.63 AP - 00272538 9/3/2008 TOXGUARD 410.05 AP - 00272539 9/3/2008 TW TELECOM 3,462.52 AP - 00272540 9/3/2008 UNDERGROUND TECHNOLOGY INC 688.74 AP - 00272540 9/3/2008 UNDERGROUND TECHNOLOGY INC 951.44 AP - 00272540 9/3/2008 UNDERGROUND TECHNOLOGY INC 525.85 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 934.47 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 837.46 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 48.15 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 147.79 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 32.15 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 973.48 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 32.15 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 41 Current Date: 09/10/200 Repor[:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Asenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIItST UNIFORM SERVICE 147.79 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 48.15 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 32.15 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 48.15 AP - 00272541 9/3/2008 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 147.79 AP - 00272542 9/3/2008 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 729.59 AP - 00272543 9/3/2008 UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE INC 12,141.28 AP - 00272544 9/3/2008 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA INC 10.60 AP - 00272544 9/3/2008 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA INC 132.71 AP - 00272545 9/3/2008 UNITED WAY 304.82 AP - 00272546 9/3/2008 UPS FREIGHT 30.00 AP - 00272547 9/3/2008 UPS 42.05 AP - 00272548 9/3/2008 VERIZON BUSINESS 3,187.94 AP - 00272549 9/3/2008 VERIZON BUSINESS 72.33 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 88.54 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 43.99 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 207.12 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 468.08 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 468.08 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 87.94 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 87.94 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 19.68 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 202.48 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 19.66 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 32.87 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 32.96 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 162.09 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 33.89 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 20.23 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 32.90 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 281.92 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 43.20 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 21.52 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 19.74 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 85.44 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 19.66 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 87.94 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 101.70 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 87.94 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 115.22 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 33.89 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 35.13 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 19.66 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 19.66 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 33.89 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 19.66 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 364.39 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 19.66 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 34.97 P49 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 42 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pomait Layout Time: 15:51:4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Asenda Check Resister 8/27/2008 through 9/9/2008 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 459.19 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 51.07 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 200.38 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 34.97 AP - 00272551 9/3/2008 VERIZON 575.35 AP - 00272552 9/3/2008 VICTOR MEDICAL COMPANY 1,460.28 AP - 00272552 9/3/2008 VICTOR MEDICAL COMPANY 319.66 AP - 00272552 9/3/2008 VICTOR MEDICAL COMPANY 234.46 AP - 00272552 9/3/2008 VICTOR MEDICAL COMPANY 1,720.50 AP - 00272552 9/3/2008 VICTOR MEDICAL COMPANY 28.70 AP - 00272553 9/3/2008 VISION SERVICE PLAN CA 10,351.68 AP - 00272554 9/3/2008 VISTA PAINT 23.95 AP - 00272554 9/3/2008 VISTA PAINT 860.71 AP - 00272554 9/3/2008 VISTA PAINT 23.95 AP - 00272555 9/3/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 915.88 AP - 00272555 9/3/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 416.56 AP - 00272555 9/3/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 137.28 AP - 00272555 9/3/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 77.69 AP - 00272555 9/3/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 384.91 AP - 00272555 9/3/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 157.96 AP - 00272555 9/3/2008 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 396.52 AP - 00272556 9/3/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 190.77 AP - 00272556 9/3/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 354.23 AP - 00272556 9/3/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 46.57 AP - 00272556 9/3/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 184.94 AP - 00272556 9/3/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 440.88 AP - 00272556 9/3/2008 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY -147.00 AP - 00272558 9/3/2008 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC 13,070.00 AP - 00272558 9/3/2008 WEST COAST ARBORISTS TNC 3,277.42 AP - 00272558 9/3/2008 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC 6,237.25 AP - 00272558 9/3/2008 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC 872.85 AP - 00272558 9/3/2008 WEST COAST ARBORISTS INC 1,200.00 AP - 00272559 9/3/2008 WEST END MATERIAL SUPPLY 53.40 AP - 00272559 9/3/2008 WEST END MATERIAL SUPPLY ],236.74 AP - 00272560 9/3/2008 WESTCOAST MEDIA 949.00 AP - 00272561 9/3/2008 WESTERN MEDICAL SUPPLY INC 302.24 AP - 00272562 9/3/2008 WESTRUX INTERNATIONAL INC 429.15 AP - 00272563 9/3/2008 WILSON AND BELL 398.39 AP - 00272564 9/3/2008 WORD MILL PUBLISHING 725.00 AP - 00272565 9/3/2008 YUCKOS 670.00 AP - 00272566 9/3/2008 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY 2,661.53 AP - 00272567 9/8/2008 LAYNE, TAMARA 74.08 AP - 00272568 9/8/2008 MOUNTAIN VIEW GLASS AND MIRROR INC 23].66 AP - 00272569 9/8/2008 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 102.23 Total for Check ID AP: 1,951,111.04 EP - 00000003 8/27/2008 SAN BERNARDINO CTY SHERIFFS DEPT 2,133,854.00 EP - 00000003 8/27/2008 SAN BERNARDINO CTY SHERIFFS DEPT 29,334.00 Total for Check ID EP: 2,163,188.00 Total for Entity: 4,114,299.04 P50 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 43 Current Date: 09/10/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 15:51:4 P51 STAFF REPORT - I~\GIKF_F_RING SER\'ICE5 DEPARTilIENT RANCHO Date: September 17, 2008 cUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Romeo David, Associate Engineer ~vh~~ Subject: APPROVAL TO AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISING OF THE "NOTICE INVITING BIDS" FOR THE FY 2008/09 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION -OVERLAY OF VARIOUS STREETS, TO BE FUNDED FROM MEASURE "I", ACCOUNT NO. 11763035650/1022176 AND PROP 42 TRAFFIC RELIEF FUND, ACCOUNT NO. 11903035650/1022190 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve specifications for the construction of FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Overlay of Various Streets and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids" to be funded from Measure "I", Account No. 11763035650/1022176 and Prop. 42 Traffic Relief Fund, Account No. 1 1 903035650/1 0221 9 0 for construction of said project. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS The scope of work for FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Overlay for various local streets consists of, but not limited to cold milling, adjusting existing manholes and valves to new grade, removal and replacement of severed cracks, pavement overlay, traffic loops replacement and striping. The project will be funded from Measure "I", Account No. 11763035650/1022176 and Prop. 42 Traffic Relief Fund, Account No. 11903035650/1022190. Staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt per Article 19, Section 15301(c) of the CEQA guidelines. The Engineer's estimate is $787,000. Legal advertising is scheduled for September 18 and September 23, 2008, with bid opening at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday September 30, 2008. Respectfully submitted, Mark Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:RMD Attachment P52 RESOLUTION NO. ~ U'~! 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FY 2008/09 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION - OVERLAY OF VARIOUS STREETS, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. W HEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the "FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Overlay of Various Streets": BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required bylaw for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 30, 2008, sealed bids or proposals for the "FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Overlay of Various Streets" in said City. Bids will be publicly opened and read in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Overlay of Various Streets": PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the job site. P53 RESOLUTION NO. September 17, 2008 Page 2 Pursuant to provisions of Labor Code Section 1775, the Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herein before stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public work's project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen thatwill be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request of certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices orjourneymen in any apprenticable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements maybe obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administratorof Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. P54 RESOLUTION NO. September 17, 2008 Page 3 The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (525.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work herein before mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 17773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal, cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least 10% of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashiers' check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's .security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be 100% of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which maybe entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. Contractor shall possess any and all contractor licenses, in form and class as required by any and all applicable laws with respect to any and all of the work to be performed under this contract; Including but not limited to a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) or Class "C-12" License in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulation adopted pursuant thereto. The Contractor, pursuant to the "California Business and Professions Code," Section 7028.15, shall indicate his or her State License Number on the bid, together with the expiration date, and be signed by the Contractor declaring, under penalty of perjury, that the information being provided is true and correct. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon applicatign to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and payment of 535.00 (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS), said 535.00 (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS) is non refundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request P55 RESOLUTION NO. September 17, 2008 Page 4 is accompanied by payment stipulated above, togetherwith an additional non reimbursable payment of $15.00 (FIFTEEN DOLLARS) to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor to whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 9-3.2 of the General Provisions, asset forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this 17th day of September, 2008 Publish Dates: September 18 and September 23, 2008 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this 17th day of September, 2008. Donald J. Kurth, M.D., Mayor ATTEST: Kathryn L. Scott, CMC, Acting City Clerk I, KATHYRN L. SCOTT, ACTING CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 1 Th day of September, 2008. Executed this 17'h day of September, 2008, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. P56 RESOLUTION NO. September 17, 2008 Page 5 Kathryn L. Scott, CMC, Acting City Clerk ADVERTISE ON: September 18 and September 23, 2008 P57 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FY 2008/09 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION OVERLAY OF VARIOUS STREETS ,~; ' ~. ~rs~ -. N N.T.3. P58 STAFF REPORT IVGIVF_ERISG SER\'ICEti DEP.-~RT~fEK~T Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager ~- ~.;,~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer t By: Romeo David, Associate Engineer 'k!~r Subject: APPROVAL TO AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISING OF THE "NOTICE INVITING BIDS" FOR THE FY 2008/09 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION -SLURRY SEAL OF VARIOUS STREETS, TO BE FUNDED FROM MEASURE "I", ACCOUNT NO. 11763035650/1022176 AND PROP 42 TRAFFIC RELIEF FUND, ACCOUNT NO. 11903035650/1022190 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve specifications for the construction of FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Slurry Seal of Various Streets and approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids" to be funded from Measure "I", Account No. 11763035650/1022176 and Prop. 42 Traffic Relief Fund, Account No. 1 1 9030356 50/1 022 1 90 for construction of said project. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The scope of work for FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Slurry Seal for various local streets consists of, but not limited to, weed killing and removal, crack sealing, slurry sealing and striping. The project will be funded from Measure "I", Account No. 1 1 76 30356 50/1 0221 76 and Prop. 42 Traffic Relief Fund, Account No. 11903035650/1022190. Staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt per Article 19, Section 15301(c) of the CEQA guidelines. The Engineer's estimate is $483,000. Legal advertising is scheduled for September 18 and September 23, 2008, with bid opening at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday September 30, 2008. Respectfully submitted, ark r Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:RMD Attachment P59 RESOLUTION NO. v 8~~9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FY 2008/09 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION -SLURRY SEAL OF VARIOUS STREETS, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. W HEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared specifications forthe construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for the "FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Slurry Seal of Various Streets": BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required bylaw for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive at the Office of the City Clerk in the offices of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, on or before the hour of 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 30, 2008, sealed bids or proposals for the "FY 2008/09 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Slurry Seal of Various Streets" in said City. Bids will be publicly opened and read in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, marked, "FY 2008109 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation -Slurry Seal of Various Streets": PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the job site. P60 RESOLUTION NO. September 17, 2008 Page 2 Pursuant to provisions of Labor Code Section 1775, the Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages herein before stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of said Labor Code. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public work's project and which administers the apprenticeship program in thattradefora certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices tojourneymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices tojourneymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request of certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices orjourneymen in any apprenticable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. P61 RESOLUTION NO. September 17, 2008 Page 3 The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars (325.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work herein before mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 17773.8. The bidder must submit with his proposal, cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least 10% of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashiers' check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be 100% of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. Contractor shall possess any and all contractor licenses, inform and class as required by any and all applicable laws with respect to any and all of the work to be performed under this contract; Including but not limited to a Class "A" License (General Engineering Contractor) or Class "C-12" License in accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulation adopted pursuant thereto. The Contractor, pursuant to the "California Business and Professions Code," Section 7028.15, shall indicate his or her State License Number on the bid, together with the expiration date, and be signed by the Contractor declaring, under penalty of perjury, that the information being provided is true and correct. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and payment of $35.00 (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS), said $35.00 (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS) is non refundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request P62 RESOLUTION NO. September 17, 2008 Page 4 is accompanied by payment stipulated above, togetherwith an additional non reimbursable payment of $15.00 (FIFTEEN DOLLARS) to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor to whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 9-3.2 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this 17th day of September, 2008 Publish Dates: September 18 and September 23, 2008 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, this 17th day of September, 2008. Donald J. Kurth, M.D., Mayor ATTEST: Kathryn L. Scott, CMC, Acting City Clerk I, KATHYRN L. SCOTT, ACTING CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 17"' day of September, 2008. Executed this 17`h day of September, 2008, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. P63 RESOLUTION NO. September 17, 2008 Page 5 Kathryn L. Scott, CMC, Acting City Clerk ADVERTISE ON: September 18 and September 23, 2008 P64 ::- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA aY FY 2008/09 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION "y~~ N SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM x.T.s. Pti5 STAFF REPORT 1..'~Gl!~EERIK~G SERVICES DEP.jRTI~IEy~T Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Romeo A. David, Associate Engineer `itih~ Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer ~ ~~ R~.NCxo CUCAMONGA Subject: ACCEPT THE BIDS RECEIVED AND AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $199,000.00 TO THE APPARENT LOW BIDDER, HARDY & HARPER INC., AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A 10% CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,900.00, FOR THE THE TERRA VISTA PARKWAY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM SPRUCE AVENUE TO MILLIKEN AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS, TO BE FUNDED FROM MEASURE I FUNDS, ACCOUNT N O. 11763035650/ 1629176-0 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $199,000.00 to the apparent low bidder, Hardy & Harper Inc. and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $19,900.00, for the Terra Vista Parkway Pavement Rehabilitation from Spruce Avenue to Milliken Avenue improvements, to be funded from Measure I Funds, Account No. 11763035650/1629176-0. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on August 26, 2008, for the subject project. The Engineer's estimate was $236,986.00. Staff has reviewed all bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements with any irregularities to be inconsequential. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds all bidders meet the requirements of the bid documents. The Terra Vista Parkway Pavement Rehabilitation from Spruce Avenue to Milliken Avenue improvements scope of work consists of cold planing, removal and replacement of existing pavement, re-striping and pavement markings, re-installation of inductive loops, asphalt rubber overlay, routing and crack seal. The contract documents call for thirty (30) working days to complete this construction. Respectfully submitted, _i~_it Mark .Steuer ~ `~ ~. Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/RAD/SH:Is Attachments P66 VICINITY MAP ^ HILLSI E ~ L~ LJ ~ ~ ILSO AVE '. N W ~ BAN N ST ^ ~j EMO ~~ V U i N ^~ ,9 H ~ so N ~ 6 UNE D HUR ST FOOTHILL BLVD m ~^^^ a c~a> ; > ; ii uuu 6~ TH ST I' ~ n n 4TH ST SITE za SUMMI Ct J U J m a ~V VICTORI PARK 1J Y W W U i o ~h ~ 66 \/ NTE DR. RROW ROUT ~a 7 II BNSF R I 47' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TERRA VISTA PK:~PI' PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM SPRUCE AVE TO MILLIKEN AVE r .; ;f =` N N.T.S. P67 BID SUMMARY FOR BID OPEMM1'G AUGUST 26, 2008 aPaaRE'Ni LOw BtDDEa n s TERRA VISTA PARKWAY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM SPRUCE AVENUE TO ENGINEER'S sILVIA THE R.S. ROELE MILLIKEN AVENUE ESTIMATE HARDY h HARPER INC. CONSTRUCTIOA IRC, COMPANY UNIT CTED PO QTY IUMT DESCRIiTION COST AMOUAT CO } AMOUNT CAST AMOUAT AMOUP COST AMOUNT CLEARING AND GRUBBING ( ~ INCLUDES ALL REMOVALS, AND se,ooo.o- st,ooo.oo st,ooo.o0 59,zoo.oo 59,zoo.oo s9,xoo.oo 57,000.00 s7,ooo.oo 1. 1 LS MOBILIZATION AND GRADING) 8,000.00 ASPHALT RUBBER HOT MIX, (ARHM) INCLUDING PAVEMENT , s3s6,6ao.oo stosso slsasoa.oo slab.bo $151?98.60 $15I,79SA sl to.oo 5156,660.00 PREPARATION, ROUTING AND DUST 2. 1,424 TON BLOTTER 110.00 ASPHAL CONCRETE PAVEMENT (R 1 $spoo.oo szzo.oo $Taeo.oo s13o.30 $za,tbo.zo sb,t3oao szso.oo sssoo,oo 3. 34 TON 8 R) 100.00 1 sa° '66.00 stool sts,9ex oo $1.36 s2lgls.es sxl,als.ee Sts? szs,o91.7a 4. 15,982 SY COLD PLANE PER PLAN. 3.00 ' 1 000.00 42 5soo.oo st,ooo.o0 5t,us.oo 5x,230.00 5x,230.00 s3so.9o noo.ao 5. 2 EA INSTALL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS 1,000.00 , TRAFFIC SIGNING, STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS PER PLAN, 55,000.00 szzda.oo szzea.oo sbsao.oo s6soo,ao sbsoo.oo szooo.oo szooo.oo 6. 1 LS COMPLETE IN PLACE 8,000.00 1 ooa.oo ss $z7s.oo s2,7so.oo s3l3.o0 s3.t3o.00 $3,130.00 sz75.05 sz,75o.00 7 10 EA INSTALL INDUCTIVE LOOPS 500.00 , 1 sb,ooo.oo $9,000.00 59,000.00 sz,aao.oo sz,aoo.oo 4z,aoo.oo s>,ooo.oo 57,000 00 8 1 LS TRAFFIC CONTROL 6,000.00 TOTAL S13fi,9B6.00 4199,000.00 52x0.834.45 i102,S06.AB I {214,681.76 BID SUMMARY FOR BID OPENING AUGUST 26, 2008 3 s a TERRA VISTA PARKWAY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION MoBASSALY ALL AMERICAN oRTIZ ASPHALT IMPERIAL PAVING CO., FROM SPRUCE AVENUE TO MILLIKEN AVENUE ENGINEERING INC. ASPHALT PAV2HC INc. INc. UNIT UNIT BID UAIT UAIT NO QTV UN3T U66CIU3TION COST AMOUNT COST AMOUAT CO6T MfOUAT COST AMOUAT CLEARING AND GRUBBING (INCLUDES ALL REMOVALS, AND MOBILIZATION AND 53soo.oo s3s0o.oo sts,o00.00 4~a3s.o7 S~a3s.a7 52,000.00 s2,o0o.00 1. 1 LS GRADING 15,000.00 ASPHALT RUBBER HOT MIX, (ARHM) INCLUDWG PAVEMENT, PREPARATION, sl n.oo 5~6v,b0e.0o sta9s2o.o0 su>.t0 a~bb?so.a0 s~taas s~62,e3a,ro 2. 7,424 TONS ROUTING AND DUST BLOTTER 105.00 3. 34 TONS ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (R8 R) 4zsa.ool se,nx.o0 175.001 ss,9so.00 s~9rz.ex l Sbsss.55 ssao.oo sn,ooo.00 4. 15.982 SY COLD PLANE PER PLAN. Sto5 517,260.56 1401 E22,3>a5o stag 5x2.696.66 St6o 52s,ntxo 5. 2 EA INSTALL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS 5500.001 stfioo.oo 1 000 OOI 5x,000.00 45oo.ao St6oo.5o sa0o.oo seao.oo TRAFFIC SIGNING, STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS PER PLAN, w,eoo.oo 56,500.00 810,000.00 ss <75.03 5e,6>e.m s9,ooo.00 59,000.00 6. 7 LS COMPLETE IN PLACE 10,000.00 7 10 EA INSTALL INDUCTIVE LOOPS 5326.001 53,200.00 260.001 52600,00 sz6a67 5$6afi.>0 sxs0.oo szs0o.oo 8 / LS TRAFFIC CONTROL s9 000.001 59,000.00 11555.201 sllsss.2o 56,1afi.o9 56, wfi.o9 St,oOO.oo st 000.00 TOTAL 5136,760.56 4119,000.00 3210,307.39 4220,705.60 P68 BID SUAI~IARV FOR BID OPENING AUGUST 26, 2008 e s m TERRA VISTA PARKWAY PAVEMENT REHABILITATION WARD coxsxxvcTTOx rALx cw7rYOx s a s cano7xo Axa FROM SPRUCE AVENUE TO DIILLIKEN AVENUE co., 7xc. coxx72ACxoxs 7xc rwv7xc 7xc. UNIT BID UFIT UNIT B[D COAIiLCtCD NO QTY UNIt OCSCNIPTION CO6T AMOUNT COST AMOUNT COST AEfOUNT AMOUNT CLEARING AND GRUBBING (INCLUDES ALL REMOVALS, AND MOBILIZATION AND $6 nsxo $15,609.00 $]5,609,00 $2.ooD.oo Sx o00.oo sz,ooo.ao 1. 7 LS GRADING) 6,779.20 ASPHALT RUBBER HOT MIX, (ARHMJ INCLUDING PAVEMENT, PREPARATION, $t69,as6.0o st n.oo $166,608,00 $]91.00 $166aaa.oo 5166saa.oo 2. 1,424 TONS ROUTING AND DUST BLOTTER 719.00 3. 34 TONS ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (R 8 R) 240.00 36,160.00 $na,a0 sb,o6s.6o $279.00 s9,316.00 $9 ~I6.o0 4. 75,982 SY COLD PLANE PER PLAN. 7.401 sxz,3oa.e0 s1.9s sx LSts?0 Stet $z6,9za.ao sx6,9zzax 5. 2 EA INSTALL CONSTRUCTION SIGNS 525.OO st oso.o0 $I,us.oo $x,vDOO Saso.OO $900.00 $900.00 TRAFFIC SIGNING, STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS PER PLAN, $b,a6a.o0 s10,313.to s10a13.vo $u,vo.oo s13,vo.oo $1],310.00 6. 7 LS COMPLETE IN PLACE 6,460.00 7 10 EA INSTALL INDUCTNE LOOPS 367.SO I s9.6ts.0a E3lzso 63.12z.oo s3zo.to s3,zozoo S3,zbzoo 8 1 LS TRAFFIC CONTROL 5,895.00 ) ss,69s.o0 sa,a6o.oo $8.360.00 $l,J]a.b0 31,3]6.60 $1,]74.60 TOTAL b213,650.D0 8233,884.00 5295,5]6.00 =266,6]9.02 STAFF REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director By: Nettie Nielsen, Community Services Superintendent Subject: APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT #1 TO THE CONTRACT WffH IMPRESSIONS GOURMET CATERING FOR CATERING SERVICES FOR THE VICTORIA GARDENS CULTURAL CENTER RANCHO CUCAMONGA RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review and approve Amendment #1 to the Concessionaire Agreement, contract number 06-041, between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Impressions Gourmet Catering, for catering services at the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In 2006, in preparation for the opening of the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center, the City entered into an agreement with Impressions Gourmet Catering to provide exclusive catering services to clients of the Cultural Center. The initial term of the agreement was stipulated as two years with the contract automatically renewing in one year increments. The City and Impressions have mutually agreed upon changes to the initial agreement and Amendment #1 was created to address the modifications. Impressions Catering provides exclusive catering services to all users of the Cultural Center and the City receives 15% of all food purchases. Amendment #1 modifies the contract as follows: Concessions operation: Under the original agreement, Impressions operated all concession operations for the Cultural Center out of the lobby Cafe. This included food and beverage service for Playhouse performances and select special events. This arrangement was deemed not cost effective for Impressions, and the City has assumed responsibility for operating the concessions operation. Impressions however, does provide bar service for selected performances and events. All parts of the contract that referenced Impressions operating the concession area have been modified in the amendment. P69 P70 PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 Limited food/beverage service: Under the original agreement, Impressions provided all food and beverage service for rental customers. Many customers with smaller meetings only required light snacks and beverage service and again, this arrangement was deemed not cost effective for Impressions. The City is now authorized to provide non-alcoholic beverages and pre- prepared food or snacks to rental customers. The limitations of this City service are outlined in the amendment. Room Set Ups The original agreement stipulated that Impressions was responsible for setting up tables and chairs for the rentals. The City staff actually provides this service, and Impressions is responsible to set up and remove any items they are authorized for on behalf of the client (linens, floral arrangements, rented equipment etc.) All other aspects of the original contract remain in effect and Impressions is required to provide new insurance and bonding documentation. Attached is a copy of Amendment #1 for consideration, as well as a copy of the original agreement. Resp cj Ily s bm' ed, ~,~ Vii, ~~ ~ L; Kevin cArdle Community Services Director Attachment 1:1 COMMSERV I CouncilBBoardslCit yCouncill StaffReport51200811mpressions9.17.08. doc P71 ° ~` ~=`" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~: AMENDMENT # 1 TO AGREEMENT #06-041 DATED MAY 3, 2006 jZANCHO BETWEEN CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND CucAMONCA IMPRESSIONS GOURMET CATERING A. Recitals (i) During May 2006 the City of Rancho Cucamonga (CITY) and Impressions Gourmet Catering (CONCESSIONAIRE) entered into the above referenced Concessionaire Agreement (AGREEMENT) to provide Catering and Concessions services for the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center. (ii) The terms of this Agreement shall automatically renew in one year increments, unless sooner amended or terminated as provided in above referenced AGREEMENT. (iii) The CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE have mutually agreed upon the terms set forth. These terms shall govern and supersede any inconsistent terms contained in the Agreement: B. Amendment Number 1 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. SECTION 3 -RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES is hereby amended to read as follows: The parties intend that the CONCESSIONAIRE, in performing catering services herein specified, shall act as an independent contractor and shall have control of its work and the manner in which it is performed. CONCESSIONAIRE is not an agent or employee of the CITY and is not entitled to any benefits provided by the CITY to employees, including, but not limited to, pension plans, group insurance plans, and unemployment insurance. 2. SECTION 4 -CONSIDERATION is hereby amended to read as follows: As consideration for the right and privilege to provide food service at the Cultural Center, CONCESSIONAIRE agrees to pay to the CITY fifteen percent (15%) of the gross revenue (based on meal costs only) of all banquets and events catered by CONCESSIONAIRE at the Cultural Center, of which ten percent (10%) will be paid to the City on a monthly basis, and five percent (5%) held by the CONCESSIONAIRE for future City use. The City maintains the right to receive all remaining funds on account with the CONCESSIONAIRE at the end of each fiscal year, or may carry over any credit balance (not to exceed $10,000) to the next fiscal year. Page 1 of 3 AMENDMENT #1 TO CONCESSIONAIRE AGREEMENT 06-041 FOR THE VICTORIA GARDENS CULTURAL CENTER P72 Payments will be made monthly on a schedule agreed upon in writing by the CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE. All required payments shall be directed to the CITY and accompanied by a statement showing gross receipts (less sales tax) derived from the sales during the reporting period. 3. SECTION 16 -OPERATION AND MANAGMENT is hereby amended to read as follows: CONCESSIONAIRE shall be responsible for operating and maintaining the catering areas in an efficient and businesslike manner. CONCESSIONAIRE shall maintain all equipment and conduct all operations in a safe and orderly manner and shall, at the written request of the. CITY, withdraw from use of any equipment or cease any operations deemed to be unsafe or detrimental to the public welfare. CONCESSIONAIRE shall furnish courteous, efficient and quality service to meet the reasonable demands of CITY, its licensees, Cultural Center patrons, and CONCESSIONAIRE'S customers. CONCESSIONAIRE shall control and be held responsible for the conduct, demeanor and appearance of its officers, agents, employees, representatives, guests, contractors and others while doing business in and about or adjacent to the Cultural Center. Upon objection from the CITY concerning the conduct, demeanor or appearance of any of CONCESSIONAIRE'S officers, agents, employees, representatives, guests or contractors, CONCESSIONAIRE shall immediately take all actions reasonably necessary ±o remove the cause of the objection. The CITY reserves the right to offer and provide limited food and/or beverage items for rental events such as meetings, seminars and trainings where rental clients are requesting pre-packaged breakfast, snack or beverage service. Items available through this service provided by the CITY would be limited to the following: a. Beverages: Assorted sodas, coffee, tea, juices and bottled water b. Food Items: Vegetable and fruit trays, dessert trays inclusive of brownies, cookies and pastries c. Snack Items: Assorted wrapped candies, chips, nuts and granola d. Breakfast Items: Bagels, muffins and breads, with jam, jelly and butter The CITY will provide all necessary condiments, utensils, napkins, paper plates and cups and will be fully responsible for the set-up and clean up of all food and beverage items associated with this service. 4. SECTION 22- ROOM SET UP, is hereby amended to read as follows: For all events that require catered food service provided by CONCESSIONAIRE, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the CITY shall be responsible to provide all necessary labor for arranging furnishings and equipment in the areas where there is food or beverage service, with the exception of the cash bar/alcohol service in which the set-up is the responsibility of the CONCESSIONAIRE. Page 2 of 3 AMENDMENT #1 TO CONCESSIONAIRE AGREEMENT 06-041 FOR THE VICTORIA GARDENS CULTURAL CENTER P73 CONCESSIONAIRE will arrange for the immediate removal after the event of all equipment, rental items, props, or decorations arranged by the CONCESSIONAIRE. No on site storage is available for this equipment. Other than as expressly amended hereby, the AGREEMENT and every term and provision thereof shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS THEROF, the parties hereto have entered into this Amendment Number 1 as of the stage state below as to each such party CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CONCESSIONAIRE By: By: Kevin McArdle Sandra Fomey, President Community Services Director Impressions Gourmet Catering Date: Date: Page 3 of 3 AMENDMENT #1 TO CONCESSIONAIRE AGREEMENT 06-047 FOR THE VICTORIA GARDENS CULTURAL CENTER ~(~"'~(~ /P74 .. ~+. •) ~ ~ ' RANCxo CONCESSIONAIRRE AGREEMENT CLiCAMONGA This Agreement is made and entered into the third day of May, 2006, by and between the. CITY. OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a California municipal corporation (CITY) and Impressions Gourmet Catering,, a California corporation (CONCESSIONAIRE). CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE are each sometimes referred to herein as the "Party" and collectively as the "Parties." CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE, in consideration of the performance of the covenants and conditions herein contained, hereby agree as follows: 1. TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of two (2) years and shall automatically renew in one year increments the sooner terminated as provided herein. 2. NON-EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT A. According fo the terms of this Agreement, the CONCESSIONAIRE has the exclusive right to provide food and beverage service in locations approved by CITY, except in the following circumstances: 1. CITY events -CITY reserves the right to contract with or negotiate food service or donated food products for up to four (4) events per year sponsored by the CITY. 2. A maximum of six (6) non-profit events may be approved by CITY each calendar year, and these events may elect to contract with an outside caterer. All alcohol sale or distribution at any event shall be handled by the CONCESSIONAIRE. 3. CONCESSIONAIRE will work with all event organizers to accommodate specialized needs, including the ability to bring in limited items not prepared by the CONCESSIONAIRE (wedding cakes, special dishes, etc. ). 3. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES The parties intend that the CONCESSIONAIRE, in performing catering and concession services herein specified, shall act as an independent contractor and shall have control of its work and the manner in which it is performed. CONCESSIONAIRE is not an agent or employee of the CITY and is not entitled to any benefits provided by the CITY to employees, including, but not limited to, pension plans, group insurance plans, and unemployment insurance. 4. CONSIDERATION As consideration for the right and privilege to operate the fixed concession area at the Cultural Center, the CONCESSIONAIRE agrees to pay the City fifteen percent (15%) of all gross revenues (excluding sales tax) arising out of CONCESSIONAIRE'S activities authorized by this Agreement. As consideration for the right and privilege to provide catered food service at the Cultural Center, CONCESSIONAIRE agrees to pay to -the 887693 ~ 1 VGCC Catering 8 C°ncessions Agreement .r P75 CITY- fifteen percent (15%) of the gross revenue (based on meat costs onlyj of all banquets and events catered by CONCESSIONAIRE at the Cultural Center, of which ten percent (10%) will be paid to the City on a monthly basis, and five .percent (5%) held by the CONCESSIONAIRE for future City use. The City maintains the right to.:receive all remaining funds on account with the CONCESSIONAIRE at the end of each fiscal year, or may cant' over any credit balance (not to exceed $10,000} to the next fiscal .year. Payments will be made monthly on a schedule agreed upon in writing by the CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE. All .required payments shall be directed to the .-CITY and accompanied by a statement showing gross receipts (less sales tax) derived from the sales during the reporting period: 5. DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVES CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE shall each designate one of its employees as liaison and representative for purposes of this Agreement. The CITY hereby designates its City Manager andlor designee thereof, as its agent for the purpose of issuing any cdnsent or permission required herein and for the purpose of undertaking any actions required by the CITY. Requests for any consent or permission by CONCESSIONAIRE; and- any consent or permission granted by the CITY, shall be in writing: 6. ACCOUNTING CITY shall provide cash registers for all selling stations in the concession area unless agreed upon in writing by CITY. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, CONCESSIONAIRE shall use only this equipment, and shall provide CITY with monthly sales reports. At the conclusion of each event CONCESSIONAIRE will provide a report of sales at each service station. Within thirty (30) days of the effective date hereof, CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE will agree in .writing upon a separate accounting, reporting and payment. system for the catering operation, including a final statement and copies of customer invoices following each event: CONCESSIONAIRE agrees that the CITY shall have the right at all reasonable times during normal business hours to examine the books, records and premises of CONCESSIONAIRE for the purpose of determining CONCESSIONAIRE'S compliance with the .terms and conditions of this Agreement. Any such inspection shall be scheduled so as not to hinder normal operations. CONCESSIONAIRE'S books and records may be audited by the CITY at any time it deems appropriate, but shall be audited not less than once during each single year of this Agreement. The. CONCESSIONAIRE ,shall at all times during. the term hereof maintain an adequate system of internal accounting controls. The CONCESSIONAIRE shall implement any internal control when requested in writing by the City Manager, within (30) days of said request. -887693 ~ 2 VGCC Catering & Concessions Agreement .f P76 7: CONTROL OF PREMISES The CITY shall have full and absolute 'control of the premises and all its appurtenances during. the term of this Agreement and shall have the right to make such changes and alterations therein and on the grounds surrounding same as it determines appropriate. For purposes of this Agreement, "premises" means and includes the Concession area in the Piayhouse Lobby and its storage room, Celebration Hall, and warming kitchen. Any changes and alterations to be made to the premises by CITY shall be disclosed to CONCESSIONAIRE in advance of construction thereof. Any work to be performed in connection with changes or alterations shall be performed so as to create the least amount of interference with the operation of the concession operations. 8. EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS All equipment and furnishings in place at the time Agreement is entered into shall be and remain .the sole property of the CITY. No equipment or furnishing installed at a future date in such a manner as to become a fixture or part of the premises shall be removed without written approval of the CITY. 9. UTILITIES The CITY shall pay all charges for water, gas, trash and electricity necessary to carry on the concession operations. 'i0. ALTERATIONS The CITY disclaims any and all warranties concerning the condition of the premises. CONCESSIONAIRE acknowledges and agrees that it has inspected the premises or has been given the opportunity to do so but has declined. CONCESSIONAIRE accepts the premises in its current condition and the CITY shall not be required to make any alterations, improvements, or repairs, except as required herein. The CONCESSIONAIRE shall not make any changes,- decorations, alterations, or additions to, or remove any portion of, the premises without first obtaining the written consent of the CITY. All such alterations, additions, or decorations that have been approved in writing shall be. at the sole expense of the CONCESSIONAIRE and, subject to CITY'S inspection and approval. Any such.alferation, addition or decoration which is installed in such a manner as to become part of the premises shall become the property of the CITY and may not be removed without written approval of the CITY. 11. SIGNS AND ADVERTISEMENTS CONCESSIONAIRE shall display no sign .or advertising matter of any kind on the premises unless and until it meets all requirements of the City Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the CITY has approved the same in writing. 12. CLEANLINESS CONCESSIONAIRE, at its own expense, shall keep the premises, equipment, and fixtures of the premises in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. Any determination as to what constitutes a clean and sanitary condition shall be at the discretion of the 867693 3 VGCC Catering & Concessions Agreement P77 CITY, notwithstanding any such standards as may be determined by San.Bemardino County Health Officials. City, however, shall exercise good faith in its discretion. Cleanliness standards shall, at minimum, require that CONCESSIONAIRE provide appropriate floor care including sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping where required. Surfaces, equipment and storage areas of kitchen ahd concession area must be cleaned after each use. If CONCESSIONAIRE fails to keep the premises, equipment and fixtures in a clean and sanitary condition and fails to correct unclean conditions within twenty-four hours following notification, the CITY may immediately terminate this Agreement or at is sole, discretion, clean such premises and charge CONCESSIONAIRE actual cost plus 50%. No such action or omission to act on the part of the CITY,shali be construed to waive or in •any way affect similar or like action undertaken by County Health Officials. 13. GARBAGE AND RUBBISH The CONCESSIONAfRE shall see that no boxes, barrels, supplies; or rubbish ih any form are kept, piled or stored outside the premises unless approved by the CITY. The CITY shall provide receptacles and weekly garbage/refuse collection. 14. flflAINTeNANCE The CONCESSIONAIRE, at its own expense, shall be responsible for all maintenance and repair of equipment owned or installed by CONCESSIGNAIRE. The CITY shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of all of its interior fixtures, plumbing, electrical and mechanical equipment, and surfaces (including, but not limited to plaster, carpentry and painting). CITY shall be responsible for the repair of all interior fixtures, plumbing,. electrical and mechanical equipment, and surfaces only if the damage, which necessitates repair, is not caused by the acts or omissions of the CONCESSIONAIRE or its employees. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, the CONCESSIONAIRE shall. surrender the premises to the CITY in as good condition as existed upon this Agreement becoming effective, less reasonable wear and tear. Prior to scheduling repairs and maintenance, CONCESSIONAIRE shall coordinate with Cultural Center staff forbuilding access and to ensure that work does not interfere with Cultural Center operations. 15. SAFETY Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, CONCESSIONAIRE shall immediately correct dangerous or defective conditions of the premises caused by or arising out of CONCESSIONAIRE'S use of the premises, when CONCESSIONAIRE determines such conditions exist,. or ff informed of such conditions by the CITY. In addition, the CONCESSIONAIRE shall immediately report all dangerous or defective conditions of the premises to the CITY and shall cooperate fully with the CITY in the investigation of all accidents. 867693 4 VGCC Catering 8 Concessions Agn3ement P78 16. OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT CONCESSIONAIRE shall be responsible for operating and maintaining the concession and catering areas in an efficient and businesslike manner. CONCESSIONAIRE shall maintain all equipment and conduct all operations in a safe and orderly, manner and shall, at the written request of the CITY, withdraw from use of any equipment or cease any operations deemed to be unsafe or detrimental to the public welfare. CONCESSIONAIRE shall furnish courteous, efficient .and quality service to meet the reasonable demands of CITY, its licensees, Cultural Center patrons, and CONCESSIONAIRE'S customers. CONCESSIONAIRE shall control and be held responsible for the conduct, demeanor and appearance of its officers, agents, employees, representatives, guests, contractors and others while doing business in and about or adjacent to the Cultural Center. Upon objection from the CITY concerning the conduct, demeanor or appearance of any of CONCESSIONAIRE'S officers, agents; employees, representatives, guests or contractors, CONCESSIONAIRE shall immediately take all actions reasonably necessary to remove the cause of the objection. 17. USE OF AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT CITY shall provide, maintain, replace and store banquet stacking chairs and tables for the use .of the CONCESSIONAIRE as herein provided as well as for its own use. In addition to the foregoing property, CITY shall have the exclusive right to provide any telecommunications, audio/visual; visual display, lighting and P.A. equipment and services. CITY has available at the Cultural Center certain equipment, both portable and fixed whereby television communications, audio and visual projections and displays, lighting and sound effects may be provided in connection with catering or concession services. CONCESSIONAIRE agrees that ft will not provide or authorize any person to bring on the premises telecommunication, audio/visual equipment, lighting equipment, T.V. equipment, slides or projectors or P.A. systems without'the written consent of the CITY. CONCESSIONAIRE agrees that if any customer desires to use or have the use of such equipment in connection with any event, the customer shall be referred to the CITY which shall have the option of providing such equipment or service under its direction and with its personnel. Any charge the CITY shall impose for said service shall belong to the CITY and the CONCESSIONAIRE shall not charge or receive any consideration for the same. Nothing .herein contained shall be deemed to regyire the CITY to provide any of the aforementioned services or equipment in connection with any catering or concession services provided by the CONCESSIONAIRE. CONCESSIONAIRE acknowledges that the aforementioned equipment and trained CITY personnel to operate the same have been acquired and maintained for the general public use and benefit and that this pubiic use and benefit is primary. The CITY further reserves the right in its sole discretion to provide or not provide any or all of the aforementioned equipment or personnel in connection with any concession or 887693 5 ~ VuCC Catering 8 Concessions Agreement , catering agreement. If the CITY should elect not to provide in whole dr in part any of the aforementioned equipment or services, the CONCESSIONAIRE may not provide any of the aforementioned equipment or services or authorize anyone else to provide any of the aforementioned .equipment or services except upon the written approval of the CITY. 18. QUALITY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES In the course of discharging its responsibilities under. the terms of this Agreement, CONCESSIONAIRE shall at all times insure maintenance of the highest standards of quality in both the products offered for sale and in tfie service provided. CONCESSIONAIRE shall offer for sale only foods and non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages of such quality as judged reasonably acceptable by the CITY. All products shall be appealing iri appearance. CITY shall have .the right, at all times when employees 'or representatives of CONCESSIONAIRE are present, and whether the concession premises are. in operation . or not, to inspect products to be sold by CONCESSIONAIRE, and approve or reject them if they do not meet the requirements of this Agreement. In the event the CITY shduld reject any product, it shall be immediately removed from the premises. CONCESSIONAIRE shall famish prompt, courteous, efficient, inoffensive, .and quality service to meet the reasonable demands of the CITY, and the public and patrons in the Cultural Center facilities. CONCESSIONAIRE shall furnish all authorized and/or required services on a fair, equal and non-discriminatory basis to all patrons. CONCESSIONAIRE shall hot discriminate against anyone because of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or by reason of physical handicap. ' CONCESSIONAIRE shall conduct its business on the. premises in an orderly, cooperative and proper manner so as not to annoy, disturb, disrupt, offend or otherwise interfere with the on-going operation of the premises and/or the CITY'S patrons and employees. CONCESSIONAIRE shall carry in stock at all times adequate. stock items, as is customary in similar establishments, to render good service to customers of the concession. CONCESSIONAIRE shall be responsible for procurement of all stock and' other necessary materials at no cost to CITY. All drinks, beverages, refreshments, etc. sold or kept for sale by the CONCESSIONAIRE, shall be first class in quality, wholesome and pure, and shall conform to all Federal, State and Municipal food laws, ordinances and regulations in all respects. Excepting only where a documented price increase has occurred and disclosed to the CITY, the prices to be charged for the foregoing shall be uniform at all times and season, shall be similar to prices charged in similar establishments in the area, and shall be subject to written approval by CITY. No imitation, adulterated, misbranded or impure articles shall be sold or kept for sale by the CONCESSIONAIRE, and all merchandise kept on hand by CONCESSIONAIRE shall be stored and handled with due regard for sanitation. P79 s 887693 ~ 6 VGCC Catering & Concessions Agnaement P80 CONCESSIONAIRE shall provide CITY with proof of any required health examinations of employees and facilities. CONCESSIONAIRE shall provide for the sanitary handling of all drinks and beverages and for the sanitary maintenance of the bar areas. In the event that the. CONCESSIONAIRE rents equipment for a CITY event, CONCESSIONAIRE is entitled to reimbursement for the direct cost of the equipment and will not add any additional fees to this equipment. 19. PRICING OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES The Cultural Center will serve an extremely divergent range of patrons in a highly competitive market. The, imposition of anon-competitive price structure for products and. services would be. detrimental to the Cultural Center users, reputation and to the .potential for future bookings, and ultimately, to the CONCESSIONAIRE, Therefore, the pricing of the products and services provided by the CONCESSIONAIRE will be agreed upon by the CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE. Because of the importance of competitive pricing, CONCESSIONAIRE agrees to price all food, beverages, goods ahd services at a rate comparable to the prices of said products and services at other competing banquet and meeting facilities in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. CONCESSIONAIRE shall provide for the consideration and selection of patrons, a wide range of standard menu items and pricing. All such menus and price fists shall be submitted to the CITY in writing. CITY shall have ten working days to obi ct to any prices proposed by CONCESSIONAIRE, or said prices shall be deemed approved. In addition, said menus and price lists shall be printed by the CONCESSIONAIRE at CONCESSIONAIRE'S own expense and made available to prospective patrons of the Cultural Center facility. CITY intends that the aforementioned standard menu items shall be considered as the minimum food and beverage items offered by the CONCESSIONAIRE. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive listing. The CONCESSIONAIRE is expected to explore the feasibility and appropriateness of offering additional items, with the written ahd approval of the CITY, during the term of the Agreement and to plan, promote and conduct special events and activities featuring food .and beverage service. The CITY is cognizant of, and willing to grant, the flexibility required by the CONCESSIONAIRE in meeting the catering requirements of the Cultural Center's patrons and clientele. CONCESSIONAIRE .shall be authorized to customize menus, amenities, and prices according to the budgets of patrons and clientele in order to meet the separate needs of various customers. The CITY reserves the right to participate in negotiations of customized menus in those instances in which the- CITY judges 'the CONCESSIONAIRE as .failing to provide reasonably competitive and representative services. 20. BOOKING POLICIES AND USE PRIORITIES Spaces available for rent at the' Cultural Center tha include: Celebration Hall, Imagination Courtyard t may require catered food service and the Playhouse Lobby. The 687693 7 VGCC Catering 8 Concessions Agreement scheduling of these rooms shall be the sole responsibility of the CITY. Patrons requiring food service will be directed to CONCESSIONAIRE for such services. The CITY. has adopted the following priority use policies for the above named spaces. Celebration .Hall will be available for rent on weekday mornings, and Fridays through Sundays, excluding dates reserved for CITY ,events. Monday thrpugh Thursday afternoons and evenings are reserved for City Programming. The Playhouse Lobby and Imagination Courtyard will be available only when .such use does not conflict with a performance, or other City event. CITY shall have the right to change any of the foregoing use policies for any reason: CITY shall use its best efforts to provide notice of any such changes to CONCESSIONAIRE at least thirty (30) days prior to the change. CITY has first right and priority to,schedule and use any or all of the concession area for public purposes of the CITY and.CITY-sponsored events, provided that notice of the nature, time and place of the event has been given to CONCESSIONAIRE in writing in advance. of such use setting forth the time, place and nature of said use. 21. CITY EVENTS AND PROGRAMS City events and programs always have priority use at the Cultural Center. in events that require food service, the CITY reserves the right to provide .its own service, solicit donated food and beverage items 'or, utilize another caterer if -that caterer offers discounted service to the CITY. CONCESSIONAIRE may also be given an opportunity to submit offers for food service on CITY special events. In the event that the City contracts with the CONCESSIONAIRE for City .hosted events, the City will receive a minimum 15% discount off CONCESSIONAIRE'S base menu prices, plus a 30% discount on all alcohol served. 22. ROOM SET-lJP For all events that require catered food service provided by the CONCESSIONAIRE, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, CONCESSIONAIRE shall be responsible to provide all necessary labor for arranging furnishings. and setting up rooms iri the concession areas where there is food or beverage service. CONCESSIONAIRE shall not charge CITY any compensation for this service. CITY reserves the right at any time to provide with its own forces furniture arrangement or room set-up in connection with any CITY or City-sponsored use of the premises or in connection with any City- approved community, charitable or non-profit use of the premises. CONCESSIONAIRE acknowledges that the CITY'S exercise of this right is at the CITY'S sole discretion and will be on a case-by-case basis, and except where the CITY exercises this right, the responsibility of providing room set-up and arranging furnishings shall reritain with CONCESSIONAIRE. CONCESSIONAIRE will arrange for the immediate removal .after the event of all equipment, rental items, props, or decorations arranged by the CONCESSIONAIRE. Nd on site storage is available for this equipment. P81 887693 ~ B ~ VuCC Catering & Concessions Agreement t ' P82 23. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, upon 1.20 days prior written notice to the other party. CONCESSIONAIRE agrees that in the event that it terminates this Agreement, as provided herein, CONCESSIONAIRE shall advise CITY, in writing, at least sixty (60) days in advance of CONCESSIONAIRE'S final operating day of any and all events that are booked and which it will not be completing after its last day of operation. Further, in the event CONCESSIONAIRE is holding deposits from customers for any events it will not be completing, CONCESSION,4IRE agrees to return said- monies to customer prior to the effective date of termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the CITY may terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) business days' prior written notice in the event of any breach by CONCESSIONAIRE remaining uncured after written notice of such breach and a demand to cure within said fifteen (15) day period, or such longer period as CITY may deem appropriate, is served on CONCESSIONAIRE by CITY. In the event of termination or expiration of this Agreement, CONCESSIONAIRE shall pay CITY any remaining of the required consideration for all events and activities where services orproducts were provided by CONCESSIONAIRE prior to the effective date of termination as specified in Item 4 of this agreement. In addition, CONCESSIONAIRE shall promptly refund to patrons any payments received for events which were scheduled following the date of termination or expiration. 24. KITCHEN EGfUIPMENT. DiNN CONCESSIONAIRE is responsibl associated with maintaining the Center kitchen is not a preparation and property set forth in Exhibit property of the CITY. e to provide all dinnerware, utensils and silverware concession and catering operation. The Cultural kitchen. The kitchen is furnished with the equipment "_" attached hereto. This equipment is -the sole 25. MARKETING. ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS The CITY is responsible for marketing the Cultural Center as a rental facility. CONCESSIONAIRE may also create and use marketing materials that reference the Cultural Center, subject to CITY'S prior written approval. - 26. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION A. CONCESSIONAIRE acknowledges that CITY shall have the right to conduct an annual performance evaluation of CONCESSIONAIRE'S compliance and performance under this Agreement. CONCESSIONAIRE agrees to cooperate in the preparation of said report and to make available to the CITY its books and records and to supply other information reasonably needed by the CITY to prepare such report. Such report shall include the.following: CONCESSIONAIRE'S compliance with the Concession Agreement. In the event of non-compliance, the Report shall set forth the nature and extent of the non- compliance, and what the CONCESSIONAIRE needs to do in order to attain 887693 .9 VvCC Catering & Concessions Agreement P83 compliance. The purpose of the Report is to improve performance and not establish grounds for termination provided, however, that nothing herein shall prevent the CITY from providing a five (5) day or longer notice to cure as to any breach discovered during this process. 2. Review of customer comments and complaints. CONCESSIONAIRE. agrees to make comment cards available to customers and to permit cevievr of same by the CITY, and to cooperate with the CITY in preparing periodic customer satisfaction . samplings. The review shall be in writing and CONCESSIONAIRE and .CITY agree to discuss the .customer comments and complaints with the goal of resolving any problems therein raised. 3. Other items to be reviewed in each annual performance evaluation may include, but are not limited to, insufficient personnel, appearance of CONCESSIONAIRE'S employees, upkeep and maintenance of facilities, equipment and fumishings, employee trainings in their responsibilities under this. Agreement, and management and supervision. B, Evaluation of Service - CONCESSIONAIRE and CITY will meet within thirty (30) days after the completion of each contract year to discuss key goals and whether or not they were achieved during the previous year's operations as well as to establish goats for the coming year., An overall evaluation of CONCESSIONAIRE'S service will be conducted. 27. CONCESSIONAIRE'S POLICIES ANU PKUGEUUKES A: CONCESSIONAIRE agrees within sixty (60) days of the effective date of..this Agreement to prepare in writing and fife with the CITY a statement of its policies and procedures and to thereafter during the term of this Agreement enforce and maintain the policies and procedures there set forth, or as hereafter amended and filed with the CITY. Said policies and procedures shall include: 1. A Table of Organization setting forth the person fisted in the Table of Organization. 2, A statement.of applicable office hours. 3. An enumeration of equipment and CONCESSIONAIRE. 4. Staff Training and Concession Obligations. 5. Closing Procedures. 6. Building Security Procedures. 7. Sales and Booking Policies and Procedures. 8. Alcoholic Beverage Service Poiicy responsibilities and duties of each furnishings provided by the B. Said policies and procedures shall be consistent with the temis and provisions of this Agreement and shall be subject to CITY approval. The CITY agrees not to unreasonably withhold its approval of such policies and procedures, provided that the same are consistent with the terms and provisions of.this Agreement. 887693 10 VGCC Catering & Concessions Agnaemert . • , .,t ;; .,. P84 i ii ;: 28. NOTICES ': .Any notice provided for by this Agreement or by law to be given, served. or exercised by ij' or,upon CONCESSIONAIRE may be given or served by depositing the same in the j United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to CONCESSIONAIRE at such address !~l as CONCESSIONAIRE shall designate in writirig, 'or may be personally served upon ~ said CONCESSIONAIRE'S designated representative; and any notice provided for by ~~j this Agreement to be given, served or exercised by or upon CITY may be given or i;~ served by depositing the same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to ~j the CITY or may be personally served upon the City Clerk. Any notice or notices given It; or served as provided .herein shall be effectual and binding for all purposes upon the principals of the parties so served. j 29. WAIVERS The waiver by CITY of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such term, covenant, or condition, or any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition herein contained. The subsequent acceptance of concession fees hereunder by City shall not, be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding breach by CONCESSIONAIRE of any term, covenant, or condition of this Agreement, other than failure of CONCESSIONAIRE to pay the concession fees so accepted, regardless of CITY'S knowledge of such preceding breach at the time of acceptance of such concession fees; nor shall any failure on .the part of CITY to require or exact full and complete compliance with any of 'the covenants and conditions of this Agreement be construed as in manner changing ,the terms hereof, nor shall any failure on the part of CITY to .require or exact full and complete compliance with any of the covenants and conditions of this Agreement be construed as in manner changing the terms hereof, nor shall the terms. of this Agreement be changed or altered in a manner whatsoever other than by written agreement of CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE. 30. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES CONCESSIONAIRE, with concurrence of the CITY, shall provide and supervise an adequate number of employees to render good service and perform necessary maintenance. In no case shall CONCESSIONAIRE provide less than one employee at each service location. 31. UNIFORMS CONCESSIONAIRE employees shall be in uniform while working. Uniforms shall be subject to the approval of CITY. CONCESSIONAIRE shall enforce dress code and uniform codes at all times its employees are working on the premises. Employees will wear a name badge at all times. 32.. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES .CONCESSIONAIRE shall, at its sole expense, forthwith apply for the issuance or transfer of a liquor license necessary to provide beer and wine on the premises. CONCESSIONAIRE shall make all reasonable efforts to promptly obtain said license acid shall attempt to obtain a temporary license, if applicable, pending receipt of the 687693 11 VGCC Catering 8 Concessions Agreement n/ P85 required license. All security requirements and procedures will be determined by CITY. Failure to obtain such license as required by the City, within _ days of the effective date hereof, or such other period allowed by CITY in .writing, or revocation of same shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. 33. HOURS The concession area shall be open for business at all times when there is an event in the Playhouse and including one hour before, and one hall hour after each scheduled performance. Length of time alcohol service is provided at events is to be determined by CITY staff in coordination with CONCESSIONAIRE. Length of services will be based on event activities, quantity and time of food service and overall length of the event. 34. CONDUCT AND DISORDERLY PERSONS The CONCESSIONAIRE shall conduct its business in a quiet, orderly manner to the satisfaction of the CITY. The CONCESSIONAIRE agrees not to allow any loud, boisterous or disorderly persons to loiter. 35. LAWS AND ORDINANCES CONCESSIONAIRE shall conduct its activities in accordance with all the local, state and federal taws, ordinances, rules and regulations. 36. NON-DISCRIMINATION CONCESSIONAIRE shall not discriminate against any person based on race, color, creed, religidn, gender, national 'origin, ethnicity, ancestry, sexual preference, .marital status, age or disability. 37. LICENSE AND PERMITS A. CONCESSIONAIRE shall, at its own expense, obtain all license and permits required by any governmental agency for, the conduct of CONCESSIONAIRE'S obligations hereunder, and shall keep such permits and licenses in full force and effect -during the term of tfiis Agreement. B. Copies of all necessary or required permits, cert~cates and licenses are to be .submitted to CITY for verbcation and acceptance by CITY. CONCESSIONAIRE shall immediately nofrfy CITY in writing,rf a required permit, license or insurance is revoked, terminated, cancelled or suspended during the term of this Agreement. C.' The licenses, certificates and permits to be secured by CONCESSIONAIRE shall include, but not be limited to: 1. City of Rancho Cucamonga Business License. 2. California State Board of Equalization Seller's Permit. 3. Alcohol Beverage Control License. 887693 ~ 12 VGCC Catering & Concessions Agreement ,. . P86 ' 4. Certificate of Insurance as required in this agreement. D. CONCESSIONAIRE shall notify CITY immediately, in writing, of any violations or citations from.the County of San Bernardino Health Department or Alcohol . Beverage Control. CONCESSIONAIRE shall advise CITY within twenty-four (24) hours of such notice what corrective action CONCESSIONAIRE is taking. 36. INDEMNITY CONCESSIONAIRE and CITY agree that CITY, its employees, officers, volunteers, invitees, contractors, agents and elected officials should, to the extent permitted by law, be fully protected from any loss, injury, damage, claim, lawsuit, cost, expense; attorneys fees, litigation costs, defense costs, court costs or any other cost arising out of or in any way related to the performance of this Agreement. Accordingly, the provisions of this indemnity provision are intended by the parties to be interpreted and construed to provide the fullest protection possible under the law to the CITY.. CONCESSIONAIRE acknowledges that CITY would not have entered into this Agreement in the absence of the commitment of CONCESSIONAIRE to indemnify and protect CITY as set forth here. To the full extent permitted by law, CONCESSIONAIRE shall .defend, indemnfy and hold CITY, its employees, officers, volunteers, invitees, contractors, agents and elected officials, free and harmless from any and all liability, claims, suits, actions; arbitrafion proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings; liens, stop notices, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged, or threatened, actual attorneys fees incurred by CITY, court costs, interest, defense costs including expert witness fees and any other costs or expenses of any kind whatsoever without restriction or limitation incurred in relation to, as a consequence of, arising out of or iri any way attributable actually, allegedly or impliedly, in whole or in part to CONCESSIONAIRE'S acts or omissions in the. performance of this Agreement. All obligations under this provision are to be paid by CONCESSIONAIRE as they are incurred by the CITY: Without affecting the rights of CITY under any provision of this Agreement or this section, CONCESSIONAIRE shall not be required fo indemnify and hold harmless CITY, etc., as set forth above for liability attributable to the sole fault of CITY, provided such sole fault is determined by agreement between the parties or the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. This exception will apply only in instances where the CITY is shown to have been solely at fault and not. in instances where CONCESSIONAIRE is solely or partially at fault or in instances where CITY'S fault accounts for only a percentage of the liability involved. In those instances; the obligation of CONCESSIONAIRE will beall-inclusive and CITY will be indemnified for all liability incurred, even though a percentage of the liability is attributable to the conduct of the CITY. The obligations of CONCESSIONAIRE under this or any other .provision of this Agreement will not be limited by the provisions of any workers compensation act or similar act. CONCESSIONAIRE expressly waives its statutory immunity under such statutes or Paws as to CITY, its employees, officers, volunteers, invitees, contractors, agents and elected officials. i; 687693 13 VGCC Catering 6 Concessions Agreement -•, ~,. P87 39. INSURANCE COVERAGE CONCESSIONAIRE shall, at its own expense, procure and at all times during the term of this Agreement maintairi in full force and effect worker's compensation insurance, and public liability insurance as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 40. TAXES CONCESSIONAIRE shall pay all taxes upon personal property and improvements that belong to CONCESSIONAIRE located on said premises. CONCESSIONAIRE shall pay all sales and other taxes levied against the operation of its business, but shall not be liable for any taxes levied against the real property except for any possessory interest tax which may be levied. . 41. BOND The CONCESSIONAIRE shall, upon the execution of this Agreement,. obtain and deliver to the City Clerk, City of Rancho Cucamonga, a good and sufficient bond issued liy a bond company authorized to do business in the State of California, said bond being in favor of the CITY. Said bond shall be iri the ,penal sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars and shall be conditioned upon the faithful, ongoing performance by the CONCESSIONAIRE of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The City Attorney shall approve the bond as to form. CONCESSIONAIRE wi!! obtain the required Bond within 30 days of signing this agreement. 42. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING CONCESSIONAIRE shall not assign or attempt to convey any interest in the premises or any part thereof, or allow the same to be used or occupied by any other person or for any other use than herein specified, nor assign this Agreement without prior written consent of the CITY. CONCESSIONAIRE shall not transfer, assign, or in any manner attempt to convey any of the rights or privileges herein granted without the prior written .consent of the CITY. .CONCESSIONAIRE shall not subcontract any required performance hereunder without CITY'S prior written consent. Neither this Agreement nor the rights herein granted shall be assignable or transferable by any process or proceedings in any court or by attachment; execution, proceedings in solvency, or receivership proceedings. In the event of the. insolvency or bankruptcy, either voluntary or involuntary, of the CONCESSIONAIRE, the CITY may at its option immediately terminate this Agreement, in which event all rights of CONCESSIONAIRE hereunder shall immediately cease and .terminate and it or its representatives shall immediately deliver up possession and all sums owing, to the CITY. 43. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the CITY and CONCESSIONAIRE. No verbal agreement or implied covenant shall be held to vary the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and any subsequent successors and assigns. . 887693 14 VGCC Catering 8 Concessions Agreement P88 costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees paid or incurred in good faith. 44. ATTORNEYS FEES If any legal action .is .necessary to enforce any provision of this Agreement or for damages by reason of an alleged breach of any provisions of this Agreement, _the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the losing party all costs and expenses, including the costs of experts, in such amount as the court may determine to be reasonable. In awarding the cost of litigation, the court shall not be bound by any court fee schedule, but shall, if it is in the interest of justice to do so; award the full amount of In recognition of the obligations stated in this Agreement,.the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. City of Ra}~cho C Kevin IJicArcile, Community Services Director 687643 Impressions Gourmet Catering Sandra Fgrney, President/,b U by' `~ (two corpo a signatures required) 15 VGCC Catering 8 Concessions Agreement STAFF REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: September 17, 2008 RANCHO CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director By: Paula Pachon, Management Analyst III Subject: APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT In accordance with the City Council's request to become more informed of recreation programs, projects and events, this report is provided to highlight pertinent issues, projects and programs occurring in the Community Services Department. This report is provided to the City Council for informational purposes only. Seniors: The table on the following page highlights some senior activities that take took place during August 2008 as well as the total number of registrations for the year for Wellness Pass and Senior Transportation. Activity Date Number of Partici ants Pool Tournament Au ust 1, 2008 16 Senior Dance Au ust 9, 2008 59 Health Seniors Summer Series Au ust 12, 2008 12 Senior Birthda Au ust 27, 2008 133 Senior Fiesta Au ust 28, 2008 200 Wellness Pass - A es 60+ Total Re istered - 137 Wellness Pass - A es 50-59 Total Re istered - 81 Silver Fox Ex ress Total Re istered - 70 Upcoming Senior Activities are summarized below: Activit Date Time Pool Tournament Se tember 5, 2008 1:00 .m. Health Seniors Summer Series Se tember 9, 2008 10:00 a.m. Senior Bi Band Dance Se tember 13, 2008 7:00 .m. Grand arents Da Se tember 12, 2008 5:00 .m. Senior Birthda s Se tember 24, 2008 11:00 a.m. It is anticipated that the Senior Advisory Committee will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, September 22, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. at the James L. Brulte Senior Center. P89 • Participation in the Senior Nutrition Program for the month of August 2008 is summarized in the table on the following page: P90 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 Week Date Partici ants 1 8/1 /2008 296 2 8/4 throu h 8/8/2008 1,220 3 8/11 throw h 7/15/2008 1,139 4 8/18 throw h 8/22/2008 1,153 5 8/25 throw h 8/29/2008 1,133 Total meals served for the month of August 2008: 4,941 Senior Services: The table below and on the following page summarizes participation in Senior Services activities for the month of August 2008: Pro ram Number of Partici ants Blood Pressure Screenin 49 Resource Libra 249 Bereavement Sup ort 7 Pro ram Number of Partici ants Elder Law Private Counselin 14 HICAP 3 Dr. Cohen - "The Doctor is In" 8 Peo le with Arthritis Can Exercise 347 Sit and Be Fit 291 Trips and Tours: • The table below summarizes participation in trips and tours for the month of August 2008: Tri Date Partici ants Na a Valle Au ust 3, 2008 44 Bi Bear Au ust 12, 2008 40 Catalina Au ust 14, 2008 54 Federal Reserve Bank Au ust 27, 2007 36 • Upcoming trips and tours are summarized below: Trip Date Marvelous Movie Musicals Se tember 18, 2008 Lau hlin Se tember 28, 2008 Special Needs Programs: • The table on the following page highlights some special needs activities that took place during August 2008. Activity Start Date Number of Partici ants G mnastics June16, 2008 3 Star Performers -Intermediate Jul 2, 2008 22 P91 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT PncE 3 SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 Activity Start Date Number of Partici ants Martial Arts - Be innin June 16, 2008 4 Martial Arts -Intermediate June 16, 2008 5 IncredABLES Frida Ni ht Fun Club Au ust 22, 2008 3 • Upcomino Special Needs activities are summarized below: Activit Date Time IncredABLES Frida Ni ht Fun Club Se tember 19, 2008 5:30 m - 7:30 m Tech Junction: The table below summarizes participation in Tech Junction activities for the month of August 2008. Senior Computer Classes Date Number of Partici ants Introduction to Windows and PCs Au ust 1, 8, 15, 22 20 Introduction to Surfin the Internet Au ust 4, 6, 11, 13 19 Introduction to Word Processin Au ust 5, 7, 12, 14 19 Introduction to Excel Au ust 18, 20, 25, 27 20 Mana in Multimedia Au ust 19, 21, 26, 28 20 Contract Computer Classes State Date (8 week session Number of Partici ants Intro to T in and Microsoft Word June 24, 2008 7 Computer Adventure and Microsoft PowerPoint June 24, 2008 3 Intro to Microsoft Word and Excel June 24, 2008 6 Intro to Com uter and Internet June 24, 2008 1 Tech Junction Date Number of Partici ants Dro In-Use Au ust 1,061 Senior Classes Au ust 145 Total uses/users Au ust 1,206 Upcoming Senior Computer and Contract Class activities are summarized below: Senior Com uter Classes Date Cost Introduction to Windows and PC's Se tember 1, 3, 8, 10 FREE Introduction to Surfin the Internet Se tember 5, 12, 19, 26 FREE Word Workshop September 15, 17, 22, 24 FREE Intro to PowerPoint September 16, 18, 23, 25 FREE Introduction to Word Processing September 2, 4, 9, 11 FREE Contract Computer Classes State Date (8 week session Time Intro to Typing and Microsoft Word September 2, 2008 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm P92 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT PAGE 4 SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 Contract Computer Classes State Date (8 week session Time Intro to Internet and Microsoft Power Point September 2, 2008 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Intro to Microsoft Word and Excel September 2, 2008 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Intro to Computers, Internet and Email September 2, 2008 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Facilities: The table below illustrates the number of rentals/bookings and attendance figures for our community facilities during the month of August 2008. Facility Rentals # Rentals/ Bookin s Rental Attendance Building Attendance James L. Brulte Senior Center 80/198 7,340 22,198 Gold S. Lewis Communit Center 86/188 11,664 4,292 Youth: • The table below summaries youth program attendance for the month of August. Program Classes/Sites Registrants/Attendance Pla cam 41/3 526/461 Cam Cucamon a 2/1 161/805 Kid Ex lovers 2/1 58/116 Lewis Partnership Kids Club @ Evergreen, & Terra Vista Apartments 2/10 86 • Plavcamp ended August 8th. • Camp Cucamonga ended August 15`h. • Kid Explores ended August 7`". • The first day of fall session Plavschool is Tuesday, September 2"' • "Fun on the Run" attendance for August participants: 275 • The table below provides the schedule for Mobile Recreation's Fun on the Run for the fall. Da of the Week Park Location Time Frame Monda Bear Gulch 2:30-5 m Tuesda Hermosa 2:30-5 m Wednesda Herita a 2:30-5 m Thursda Old Town 2:30-5 m Frida Windrows 2:30-5 m Teens: • The table below summarizes Teen Program Attendance for the month of August. Pro ram/Activit Attendance /Partici ation Teen Center 580 Partici ants / 203.5 hrs Teen Center, Rentals, Meetin s 145 Partici ants / 10 hrs P93 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT PAGE 5 SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 Pro ram/Activit Attendance /Partici ation TRAC Meetin ,Snack Bars, S ecial Pro ects 72 Volunteers / 282.75 hrs TRAC- Bab sittin 57 Partici ants / 12 Volunteers / 77.25 hrs Summer Volunteen Connection 193Volunteers/ 1173 hrs. Recreation Contract Classes: • Registration started on May 26, 2008 for summer classes. The summer session started on June 14, 2008. Number of Classes in Summer Session Number of Sites Number of Registrants 372 26 3,305 Facilities: • The table below illustrates the number of rentals/bookings and attendance figures for our community facilities during the month of August. Facility Rentals # Rentals/Bookings Rental Attendance Building Attendance Lions Center East 17/50 440 2,793 Lions Center West 24/94 765 1,185 Human Services: • The table below summarizes Commodities and Dog Food Distribution Attendance for the month of August. Pro ram/Activit Attendance /Partici ation Commodities at Senior Center Households 352/ Peo le in Households 633 Do Food Distribution 30 RC Family Resource Center: • The table below summarizes Center ProgramsM/orkshoos Attendance for the month of August. Pro ram/Workshop Attendance /Participation Salvation Arm Food Pant 70 De artment of Children Services 96 Health Care Benefits for All 16 Communit Care Hos ice 13 Summer Cam 172 Children Crisis Res onse Team 2 O lion House 17 House of Ruth Domestic Violence Class 60 Ain and Adult Services 3 Famil to Famil 96 Reach Out West End Health Teens 54 Community Baptist Church 30 P94 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 Pro ramNVorksho Attendance /Participation Cheerleadin 23 RC Fire De artment 0 Chaffe Adult School ESL 50 Alcohol Anon mous 53 PAR-Mar Job Recruitment 34 Staffin Force Em to ment 32 Hi Ho Class 30 TOTAL 851 PncE 6 • The table below summarizes the Clients Served by Each Agency Housed at the RCFRC for the month of August. A encies Housed at the RCFRC Number of Clients Served Touch Ministries 83 Beaut for Ashes 76 House of Ruth 60 Pro ect Sister 0 Ea les Wins 9 Para Los Ninos TOTAL 228 Volunteers: • The table below summarizes the Community Services Department's volunteer usage for the month of July 2008. Division BEGINNING FY JULY 2007 # of # of Vols. Hours $ Value* BEGINNING FY JULY 2008 # of # of Vols. Hours $ Value* Administration 5 15 $296 5 15 $296 Senior Services 172 1,787 $35,275 144 2,001 $39,500 Human Services 26 88 $1,737 34 100 $1,974 Sports 169 2,412 $47,613 123 1,800 $35,532 S ecial Events 66 418 $8,251 22 178 $3,514 Performin Arts 63 450 $8,883 65 692 $13,660 Teens 63 875 $17,273 82 2,834 $55,943 Youth Pro rams 5 166 $3,277 0 0 $0 Totals 569 6,211 $122,605 475 7,620 $150,419 'Based on $79.74/hour-State average as determined the California Independent Sector. On September 2, 2008, the Community Services Department began utilizing a new online volunteer tracking system called "Volgistics." This program consolidates all volunteer information from the various divisions into one database which allows staff to track and coordinate volunteer services. With Volgistics, volunteers will be able to log-in to a personal account from any computer with an Internet connection and view their profile, view and sign up for available volunteer opportunities, receive email schedule reminders, print schedules and track service hours. P95 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT PAGE 7 SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 Youth Sports: The table below summarizes vouth sports activities for the August reporting period: Activit # Participants Age/Gender # Teams Northtown -Summer Cam 35 6-14 irls & bo s N/A Northtown -Youth Basketball 27 6-14 iris & bo s 4 Northtown - Hi - Ho 19 3-5 iris & bo s N/A Northtown - Cheerleadin 8 5-14/bo s & iris N/A Youth S orts Clinics -Basketball 32 6-13/bo s & irls N/A Youth Basketball 685 6-16 iris & bo s 76 CMS Judo 41 7-12 girls & boys N/A Aquatics 627 6 months + N/A RC Family Sports Center: The table below provides drop-in/open plat/ and rental participation at the Center for the reporting period: Activity # Participants Adult Basketball 273 Youth Basketball 492 Adult Racquetball 414 Youth Racquetball 78 Adult Volleyball 0 Youth Volleyball 12 Youth Walle ball 40 Jazzercise 985 Rentals 258 Youth Judo 67 Youth Summer Camp 161 Adult Sports: The table below summarizes adult sport activities for the reporting period: Activity # Participants # Team Gender Softball 2,431 166 Males & Females Adult Basketball 332 27 Males Rac uetball 20 N/A Males & Females • There were five Adult Softball Tournaments during the month of August at the Epicenter. P96 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT PAGE 8 SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 Special Events: Movies in the Park had another very successful run this summer. This program started the week of July 14~' and continued through August 22"d at our local parks. The table on the following page includes the movies shown during the month of August. All movies began at dusk were shown at Central Park on Mondays, Victoria Gardens on Tuesdays and Red Hill Community Park on Fridays. Date Movie / Ratin July 28 & 29 & Au ust 1 Arctic Tale / G Au ust 4, 5 & 8 How to Eat Fried Worms / G Au ust 11, 12 & 15 The Water Horse / PG Au ust 18, 19 & 22 Ant Bull / G Concerts in the Park started on July 10`h and continued through August 14`". This program took place at Red Hill Community Park on Thursday evenings between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. The table below summarizes the line-up of entertainment for this very popular 6-week summer program. Date Band Jul 10 Esca a Journe Tribute band Jul 17 Neon Nation 80's band Jul 24 The Answer Classic Rock band Jul 31~ Surfin Safaris Beach band Au ust 7 Soto Latin/To 40 band Au ust 14 Austin Law Count band The citywide volunteer recognition event took place on August 16`" at the Rancho Cucamonga Epicenter and was a tremendous success with over 700 volunteers and their guests attending the pre-game BBO dinner and Quakes baseball game. Twenty-three (23) Grand Volunteers were recognized at the event for donating 1,000+ hours with the City. In total, over 1,100 community members volunteered for the City last year donating over 54,000 hours of service. The Maloof Greenbelt dedication is anticipated to take place during the month of September. Cultural and Performing Arts: The table below summarizes Theatre Arts Academy classes during the reporting period: Activit Partici ants/Attendance Teen Actors Boot Cam 32 Sin in for a Lifetime 75 Broadwa Babies 75 Youth Theatre Worksho (ages 6-10) 28 Youth Theatre Worksho (ages 11-15) 17 Total 227 P97 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 • Community Theatre rehearsals included the following during the reporting period: Activit Partici ants/Attendance Smokey Joe's Cafe 30 • Courtyard Programs included the following during the reporting period: Date Pro ram Partici ants/Attendance Au ust 8, 2008 Around the World 500 Au ust 15, 2008 One Wa Ticket 750 Au ust 22, 2008 Lao Tizer Band 450 Rental Activities: • The table below summarizes rental activities in Celebration Hall for the month of August. Celebration Hall Rental Events Date Event Attendance 8/1/08 Val Verde School of Pertormin Arts -Recital 536 8/2/08 Val Verde School of Performin Arts -Recital 536 8/2/08 Lichtman - Weddin 206 8/6/08 Inland Empire Sales Marketing Council - Meetin 250 8/10/08 Mom's Club -Meetin 150 8/11/08 Local Home Owners Association -Meetin 20 8/19/08 San Bernardino Country Department of Trans ortation - Rideshare Kick-off 150 8/26/08 RC Fire District -Meetin 60 8/27/08 RC Fire District -Meetin 60 8/30/08 Robert Allen -Auction 100 TOTAL 2,068 Lewis Family Playhouse: • During the reporting period, the Lewis Family Playhouse was host to a wide variety of productions, community programs and private rentals. The table below summarizes this information for the reporting period. LEWIS FAMILY PLAYHOUSE RENTAL EVENTS Rental Activity Val Verde School of Performing Arts Public Lobby: Date August 1 & 2, 2008 Tickets Sold 1.389 PAGE 9 Number of Events 2 • The Lobby to the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center is open to the public 7-days a week. During the reporting period 669 visitors informally toured public areas of the facility. P98 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT PncE 10 SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 Parks: The table below provides usage information for park picnic shelters and special use facilities for the month of August 2008: Park/Shelter Attendance/Partici ants # Rentals Red Hill 2,808 60 Herita e 1,074 26 Milliken 622 23 Hermosa 389 15 Da Creek 325 12 Co ote Can on 190 9 Civic Center Court and 170 1 Am hitheatre Red Hill Park 96 5 TOTAL 5,674 151 Equestrian Rentals/Drop-in Use Participants: 145 S ectators: 40 11 • Park monitors keep daily reports of activities in our parks, often helping out residents in need of assistance. Equestrian Center: • Staff continues to meet quarterly with users of the Equestrian Center (Alta Loma Riding Club, Rancho Rebels 4-H, Rising Stars of Equestrian Therapy and Rancho Cucamonga Citizen Mounted Patrol) to address maintenance needs and programming. Epicenter Rentals/Activities: • The following event took place at the Epicenter during the reporting period: Applicant Event Location Date Pacific Coast Baseball Championship Games Epicenter Stadium August 24, 2008 AYSO - Re ion 65 Picture Da E icenter Soccer Fields Se tember 6, 2008 • Staff is working with the following applicants for upcoming 2008 rentals and activities at the Epicenter: Applicant Event Location Proposed Date RC Police Dept. & RC Softball Game Epicenter Stadium September 20, 2008 Fire District Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk Epicenter -Parking September 20, 2008 Lot A & B and surroundin streets City/CSD/RC Chamber Founders Festival Epicenter Exterior Late October/early of Commerce Fields November 2008 RC Fire District National Shake Out Epicenter Special November 13, 2008 Event Area The Public Works Division has scheduled major renovation projects for the Epicenter Stadium during the timeframe of September 2151 through December 2008. P99 APPROVAL OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES UPDATE REPORT PAGE 11 SEPTEMBER 17,2008 Park and Recreation Commission: The Park and Recreation Commission did not meet during the month of July. Their next regularly scheduled meeting will be on August 21, 2008. Items currently scheduled for the August meeting include: - Senior Advisory Committee update. - Sports Advisory Committee update. - Quarterly Superintendent's update on Departmental programs. - Update and review of Central Park Phase II. - Update on the Rancho Cucamonga Family Resource Center and highlight of the programs, resources and services provided through community non-profit organizations. Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation: The Community Foundation continues to work securing significant donations for the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center. A special meeting of the Community Foundation Board will take place on September 17"'. At this meeting the Foundation Board Members will conduct a brainstorming session to identify potential new donors within specified donor categories. fitted, KevinlFlcArdle Community Services Director I:ICOMMSERVICouncilBBoardslCityCouncillStaffReports120081CSD. Update.9.17.08. doc P100 STAFF REPORT E~~uiur.raun~~, Seia~~uas Dra~:~ic~rhrr,N'r Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Ken Fung, Assistant Engineer ~~ Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer ~~ ~ - RANCHO C,UCAMONGA Subject: APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE TO CONTRACT NO. 08-093 IN THE AMOUNT OF $97,603.88 TO GRAND PACIFIC CONTRACTORS, INC., AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,396.12 AND APPROVE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, FOR THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC TRAIL PHASE V IMPROVEMENTS, AND APPROPRIATE AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF $110,000.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 26508015650/1612650-0 FROM PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT 2001 TAB FUND BALANCE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve and authorize an increase to Contract No. 08- 093 in the amount of $97,603.88 to Grand Pacific Contractors, Inc., authorize the expenditure of a contingency in the amount of $12,396.12 and authorize the City Engineer to approve Contract Change Order No. 1, for the Pacific Electric Trail Phase V improvements, and appropriate an additional amount of $110,000.00 to Account No. 26508015650/1612650-0 from Public Improvement 2001 TAB fund balance. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On July 16, 2008, the Council awarded and authorized the execution of a construction contract, Contract No. 08-093 to Grand Pacific Contractors Inc. as lowest apparent bidder for the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Phase V improvements, from 1200' east of Etiwanda Avenue to the I-15 Freeway. Since the award of the contract on July 16, 2008, additional public improvements are needed near the existing portion of the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail at the Central Park location. The Pacific Electric Trail Phase V improvements scope of work includes some additional work on Phases I, II and III of the existing Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail (Amethyst Averiue to 1200' east of Etiwanda Avenue), thereby making it cost effective to add the Central Park additional work to this contract. Staff has confirmed with the contractor and the contractor has agreed to maintain bid prices for the additional materials and equipment needed for constructing the additional improvements. The existing approved contract, material and equipment schedules meet the needs for the additional Central Park improvements. The additional improvements at Central Park include an event staging area and a trail rest stop including a drinking fountain, benches, bike racks, trees, P101 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: PE Trail, Phase V Improvements -Increase Contract September 17, 2008 Page 2 landscaping and irrigation, decomposed granite and concrete areas and drainage improvements. Respectfully submitted, M Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/KF/SH:Is Attachment P102 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA _-~ .le~_ I~-~ UPLAND Friends of the Trail Area & Event Staging Area 1 e Y a n .. i "= sbva' FONTANA I I ~w mccr I r-~ .... ONTARIO CITY OF R4NCH0 CUC.4MONG A VICINITY NLAP PACIFIC ELECTRIC INLAND EMPIRE TRAIL, PHASE 5 -EXTRA WORK P103 STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTItIENT Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Trina Valdez, Public Services Technician II RANCHO CUCAMONGA Subject: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2003-00850, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND THE EASTBOUND SR 210 FREEWAY ON-RAMP, SUBMITTED BY AIM ALL STORAGE 210, LLC RECOMMENDATION The required improvements for DRC2003-00850 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS As a condition of approval of completion of DRC2003-00850, located on the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and the eastbound SR 210 Freeway On-Ramp, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and maintained for a one year period and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Bond and file a Notice of Completion. Developer: Aim All Storage 210, LLC: 10590 Magnolia Avenue, Suite F, Riverside, CA 92508 Release: Faithful Performance Bond 243261 (Bond No.) Respectfully submitted, r Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:TLV $ 199,200.00 Attachment(s) P104 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE E MON I STREE i 0~ 0~ PL,~~,1. ten,- -~ ~ IQ ~~ P~o~ect ~w ,, . 1~ L ocat>on ~ q ~ '`~WEA7HER STREE ST Q j Z Clty Of Item: DRC2003-00850 Rancho Cucamonga Title: VICINITY MAP ENGINEERING EXHIBIT: 1 DIVISION P105 RESOLUTION NO. Q O- ~ // A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2003-00850 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for DRC2003-00850 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. STAFF REPORT - ENGINEERING SER\%ICES DEP.~1RThfENT RANCHO Date: September 17, 2008 C,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Trina Valdez, Public Services Technician II Subject: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 14759 (TRAFFIC SIGNALS) LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF WILSON AVENUE AND WARDMAN BULLOCK ROAD AND AT BANYAN AVENUE AND WARDMAN BULLOCK ROAD, SUBMITTED BY PULTE HOMES, INC. RECOMMENDATION The required improvements for Tract 14759 (Traffic Signals) have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Bond. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS As a condition of approval of completion of Tract 14759 (Traffic Signals), located at the intersection of Wilson Avenue and Wardman Bullock Road and at Banyan Avenue and Wardman Bullock Road, the applicant was required to complete improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Bond and accept the Maintenance Bond. Developer: 301 9`h Street, Suite 408, Redlands, CA 92374 Release: Faithful Performance Bond # 104818591 (Bond No.) Accept: Maintenance Bond # 104818591-M (Bond No.) Respectfully submitted, r. ~` %~Mark A. Steuer D reef r of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:TLV $640, 800.00 $64,080.00 P106 Attachment(s) P107 i ~/~Ty n~ P P108 RESOLUTION NO. ©0-/l~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 14759 (TRAFFIC SIGNALS) AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 14759 (Traffc Signals) have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. P109 STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTi`'fEA~T Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Trina Valdez, Public Services Technician II ~ - RANCHO C,UCAMONGA Subject: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 16262, LOCATED BETWEEN ARCHIBALD AND KLUSMAN AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 427 FEET NORTH OF THE CENTERLINE OF HILLSIDE ROAD, SUBMITTED BY TOLL CA IV, L. P. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 16262 were approved by the City Council on May 4, 2005, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $ 290,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: $ 145,000.00 Due to an extended sales pace in today's market the improvements have not been completed. The developer, Toll CA IV, L. P., is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's office. Respectively submitted, ark er Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:TLV Attachments P110 VICINITY MAP .i- ~ n oil i~~yGf~~• T ~. ~~ a ~~ IV]l CITY OF [tANCI t0 CUCAi\•IONGA ENGINEERING DIVISION VICINITI' AIAP n N tide; n:ln~ P111 ®11 ~°®~e~°~ America's Luxury Home Builders CERTIFIED R.R.R. August 18. 2008 Attn: Trina Valdez- Public Svc. Technician II City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga; CA 91729-0807 Re: Improvement Agreement Extension -Tract 16262 Dear Trina: Per your letter dated June 4, 2008, To11 Brothers, Inc. request an Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract #16262 Enclave a Archibald. Toll requests this extension due to an extended sales pace with today's market citation. I would like to thank you for cooperation and understanding with this matter. An_v questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call me @ 714-349-8077. Sincerely. TOLL BfZOTHERS, INC. ` / .: /~ C Kris Campbell Land Development Aganagcr ec: File - T [31 \~, r l .I: tii~~ I I <~htng~ S~mb~~l l OI, ti~uilhcm C'~tiilhriiiu I in i~iuii 775 ~N."I~~,o:n unil LnUUin' I?J.,Auitc 511(1 Oran~c,C/~''72SLV (71-t) lei-13011 I'.i.~'. 171-1) ti>5-'n,r:, I~dlhrutlu~rs.ann P112 RESOLUTION NO. O ~~~ // A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 16262 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on September 17, 2008, by Toll CA IV, L. P., as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located between Archibald and Klusman Avenue, approximately 427 feet north of the centerline of Hillside Road; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 16262; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. P113 STAFF REPORT EVGINEF_RING SERV'ICLti DEPdRT\fENT Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineer~ing~Services/City Engineer By: Jerry A. Dyer, Senior Civil Engineer~'~ Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer / 1'~ o% RANCHO CUCAMONGA Subject: RELEASE OF FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND NO. 7590178, RETAINED IN LIEU OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND, IN THE AMOUNT OF $495,882.50, FOR THE ARCHIBALD AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM BANYAN STREET TO HILLSIDE ROAD AND WILSON AVENUE STREET WIDENING AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM AMETHYST AVENUE TO ARCHIBALD AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 07-035 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release Faithful Performance Bond No. 7590178, in the amount of $495,882.50, for the Archibald Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation from Banyan Street to Hillside Road and Wilson Avenue Street Widening and Pavement Rehabilitation from Amethyst Avenue to Archibald Avenue, Contract No. 07-035. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS The required one-year maintenance period has ended and the improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. Contractor: Silvia Construction, Inc. 9007 Center Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Respectfully submitted, _ _; Mark A. euer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/JAD/SH:Is Attachments 14 ST ST. 5T. VICINITY MAP PROJECT SITE BASE LINE ROAD I PK (SR66) Y 5 0 ----__~ _=___~ =====1 --==SAN S ----= SYS CHANNEL '-- I I _i ~C70RIA ST. S P R R < FONTAN. _ _ BASELINE AVE w u~, 3 I 1d v ol~ CHURCH `~ U _~~' =J vi ~i ~ o I P{ ¢ ~ VI GA~. MALL ~f~ < ii w i CI VICC TER R w ARROW ROUTE Y A~~~ ~ ~ ~~ r u \ h ~~ JERSE BLVD. a ~ < w l 6t~T A T@ S F R R WHITTRAM z m ^ U ~ Rh~~ 6;h STR~_T g w n ~ 4th STREET z ONTARIO N.T.S. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ARCHH3ALD AVE. PAVEMENT REHABILITATION (FROM BANYAN ST. TO HILLSIDE RD.) AND WILSON AVE. WIDENING AND PAVEMENT REHABII.ITATIN (FROM AMETHYST AVE. TO ARCHIBALD AVE.I ~N: N.T.S. P115 STAFF REPORT L,\GIKEP_RING SER\'1CF_ti DF_P.~1RT;\fENT Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Ken Fung, Assistant Engineer ; t">~ Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer ~ ~' RANCHO C,UCAMONGA Subject: ACCEPT THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC INLAND EMPIRE TRAIL CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1, CONTRACT NO. 06-228 AS COMPLETE, RELEASE THE BONDS, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $5,151,634.31 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction Phase 1, Contract No. 06-228, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, accept a Maintenance Bond, release the Faithful Performance Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $4,729,849.90 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $279,670.93, 35 days after acceptance. Also, approve the final contract amount of $5,151,634.31. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction Phase 1, Haven Avenue to east of Etiwanda Avenue, scope of work consisted of constructing an eleven (11) foot wide PCC pedestrian/bicycle trail and a twelve (12) foot wide decomposed granite multipurpose trail including drainage improvements, trail lighting, landscaping, etc. along the former Pacific Electric Railway right-of way. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: Budgeted Amount: $7,394,000.00 Account Numbers: 12083035650/1453208-0, 11203055650/1453120-t), 11103165650/ 1453110-0 Engineer's Estimate: $7,191,671.50 City Council's Approval to Advertise: October 4, 2006 Publish dates for local paper: October 12 and October 19, 2006 Bid Opening: November 27, 2006 P116 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Accept the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction Phase 1 September 17, 2008 Page 2 Contract Award Date: Low Bidder: Contract Amount: 10% Contingency: Final Contract Amount: Difference in Contract Amount: December 6, 2006 Sully-Miller Contracting Company $4,729,849.90 $472,984.99 $5,151,634.31 $421,784.41 (8.92%) The net increase in the total cost of the project is a result of twenty-three (23) Contract Change Orders (including Balancing Statement.) The notable changes that were significant to the increase of the Contract provided for the contractor to furnish and install 2" conduit for future fiber; installing, relocating, removing and/or relocating chain link fencing at various locations; additional compaction Day Creek Channel bridge and additional borrow; trash receptacles & dog waste bag dispensers w/ concrete pad; furnish and install 4 replacement grounded swing gates and metal bollards (required by Flood Control); cut & seal expansion joints in PCC trail; furnish and install bronze & aluminum plaques and aluminum signs for trail; additional work in SCE right of way; upgrade battery backup system; re-grade borrow site; relocate a 2" water service connection; remove head wall, 24" corrugated metal pipe, unsuitable material and replace with crushed misc. base; realignment of trail @ Haven, Kenyon & Rochester intersections; relocate 2 trail lights near Deer Creek Channel bridge and bury trail lighting pull boxes. The Balancing Statement accounted for increases and decreases in the bid quantity amounts. Respectfully submitted, Mar r Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/KFISH:Is Attachment 17 Phase 1 Vicinity Map Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Phase 1 -Haven Ave to 1320' east of Etiwanda Ave P118 RESOLUTION NO. Q 8' f A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC INLAND EMPIRE TRAIL CONSTRUCTION PHASE I, CONTRACT NO. 06-228 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction Phase I, Contract No. 06-228, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. P119 STAFF REPORT L-.xGIKEERING SERI"ICES DEP.IRTME-\T Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Ken Fung, Assistant Engineer "~~ ,'~ Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer J{'~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA Subject: ACCEPT THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC INLAND EMPIRE TRAIL CONSTRUCTION PHASES II AND III, CONTRACT NO. 07-023 AS COMPLETE, RELEASE THE BONDS, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $3,666,861.30 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction Phases II and III, Contract No. 07-023, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, accept a Maintenance Bond, release the Faithful Performance Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $3,424,780.55 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $195,447.10, 35 days after acceptance. Also, approve the final contract amount of $3,666,861.30. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction Phases II and III, Amethyst Street to Haven Avenue, scope of work consisted of constructing an eleven (11) foot wide PCC pedestrian/bicycle trail and a twelve (12) foot wide decomposed granite multipurpose trail including drainage improvements, trail lighting, landscaping, etc. along the former Pacific Electric Railway right-of way. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: Budgeted Amount: $4,389,000.00 Account Numbers: .1 21 4 3035650/1 5 1 921 4-0, 10013075650/1519001-0, 1 1 1 03 1 656 50/1 51 91 1 0-0, 1 1 20305 56 50/1 51 91 20-0, 11923035650/1520192-0, 11103165650/1520110-0, 1 025 0 01 56 5011 5200 2 5-0 Engineer's Estimate: $3,621,109.15 City Council's Approval to Advertise: November 15, 2006 Publish dates for local paper: November 21 and November 28, 2006 P120 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Accept the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction -Phases II and III September 17, 2008 Page 2 Bid Opening Contract Award Date: Low Bidder: Contract Amount: 10% Contingency: Final Contract Amount: Difference in Contract Amount: January 4, 2007 February 21, 2007 Sully Miller Contracting Company $3,424,780.55 $342,478.06 $3,666,861.30 $242,080.75 (7.07%) The net increase in the total cost of the project is a result of thirtyrone (31) contract change orders (including Balancing Statement.) The notable changes that were significant to the increase of the Contract provided for the contractor to furnish and install aluminum signs, bronze and aluminum plaques, trash receptacles, locking trash racks, two gates, French drain, mow curb and cobble, steel and chain link fencing; Hermosa Avenue drainage improvements; cut/seal expansion joints; extend Amethyst Avenue drainage culvert and drainage work on west side of Archibald Avenue; remove unsuitable native material; repair fiber optic conduit and encasement; bury trail lighting pull boxes; traffic signal work; art setup; make gate latch posts removable; SBCFCD access road paving; remove and replace handicap ramp and curb; Deer Creek Channel fence and gates; modify trail electrical; additional landscaping and irrigation work; crossing at Day Creek Boulevard and Firehouse Court; steel gate at Day Creek Boulevard; widen step through and furnish and deliver two acorn trail lights. The Balancing Statement accounted for increases and decreases in the bid quantity amounts. Respectfully submitted, M S eu e Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/KFlSH:Is Attachments P121 P137 .J i _..-~I-----~---1 --- --- -------- ~ ~~ ~ u,FE ~c ~h~cas a^_ ~,v. I I _ t wuw. I ~ I ~.ven _ o.~.v ,\ ~ u.. er L .e+, \ '\ ~ ~ ~ n.. _ no .,r 3 ~ 1 .c~onu 1` br[ WE.o _ ' V 3 JL" ~ CHMCH 1 CXNf~ t ~ J a r r. ~ ~~H,~ 9 .~wowm q h.\A& ~ \ RH8 sm s n • '~` Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail ~ ~ -Phases II & III ~ ¢~ ~ ~ ~ I ¢~ ~ ~ I I ~, Z a~ }~ ~ ~ I ~~ ~ w i >I ai I 1 ~ I Q QI ~~ ¢~ O~ I ' ° F >~ ~ ___.-._._ . =.~__ -____._-_ U ~ ._._.__._._.__L~T-.-._.__.-_- ~ = Q Vicinity Map Pacif c Electric Inland Empire. Trail - Phases II & III (from Amethyst Ave. to Haven Ave.) P122 RESOLUTION NO. Q c~ ' ~ / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC INLAND EMPIRE TRAIL CONSTRUCTION PHASES II AND III, CONTRACT NO. 07-023 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail Construction Phases II and III, Contract No. 07-023, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. P123 ~~ J T H E C I T Y O F RANCHO C U C A M O N G A Staff Report DATE: September 17, 2008 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Development Code Sections 17.08 - Residential Districts; 17.10 -Commercial/Office Districts; and Section 17.30 - Industrial Districts, prohibiting public storage facilities including recreational vehicle storage and mini-storage in Residential Districts (with the exception of the provision for such facilities permitted or conditionally permitted within the Terra Vista Community Plan) and Commercial Districts. The proposed amendment also amends Section 17.30 from permitting storage facilities "by right" and to require a Conditional Use Permit for all storage facility applications. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Related files: Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561. VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Victoria Community Plan revoking Ordinance No. 287 and prohibiting public storage facilities including recreational vehicle storage and mini-storage in all Residential Districts. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Related files: Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196. ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the use regulations for the Residential Districts of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan to prohibit recreational vehicle storage facilities within the planned community. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Related files: Development Code Amendment DRC2008- 000196 and Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Development Code Amendment, Victoria Community Plan Amendment and the Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment at their meeting of August 13, 2008. Staff fully supports the P124 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196, VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561, AND ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 September 17, 2008 Page 2 recommendation and asks for the Council to adopt the draft Ordinances for approval as presented. BACKGROUND: At the request of the City Council and as part of their goals for 2007, Planning Department Staff performed a survey and subsequent analysis of the storage facilities located in Rancho Cucamonga as well as the permitting processes currently required for those facilities in the various land use zones in Rancho Cucamonga and neighboring cities. The analysis of the facilities currently developed in Rancho Cucamonga and 10 neighboring cities revealed several relevant facts: • Most of our facilities in Rancho Cucamonga are located south of Foothill Boulevard in the Industrial zones. Most storage facilities had a 50 percent or higher occupancy rate at the time of the survey and those rates were confirmed as of July 22, 2008. • Although most cities allow these facilities in industrial and commercial type zones, Rancho Cucamonga is alone in allowing storage facilities in residential zones. • Most cities require a Conditional Use Permit regardless of the zone and many are limited to freeway or highway adjacent commercial parcels. Additionally, staff considered the adverse affects of storage facilities located adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Also, staff analyzed such facilities developed in commercial zones and the possible impact on future development and ultimately the viability of the City's commercial core. Finally, storage facility applications and the permitting processes were considered overall. The Planning Commission has unanimously recommended approval of the Development Code Amendment, Victoria Community Plan Amendment and Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment, all which would essentially no longer permit storage facilities within any residential zone or Commercial/Office land use designation. The Development Code amendment also removes permitting "by right" in the Industrial zones whereby storage facilities would only be permitted with a Conditional Use Permit. As noted in the prior report to the Planning Commission, the Terra Vista Community Plan has been excluded from these actions as it is under a Development Agreement with Lewis properties. Staff believes these actions will allow for more appropriate development enhancing the health of the commercial core of the City; further the quality of life within the residential districts, and prevent the over concentration of storage facilities within the industrial districts by requiring the approval of a Conditional Use Permit for such applications. Further environmental review is not needed as these actions are considered exempt by CEQA as per Section 15061 (b)(3). P125 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196, VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561, AND ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 September 17, 2008 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE: Because the proposed amendments affect various large areas of the City and more than 1,000 residents, the items were advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper with a 1/8th page legal ad. Respectfully submitted, ~f^~ Cy~ 4 Jam R. Troyer, AICP Planning Director JRT/LS Attachments: Exhibit A -Planning Commission Staff report dated August 13, 2008 Draft Ordinance for Development Code Amendment DRC2008 -00196 Draft Ordinance for Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561 Draft Ordinance for Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2008-00566 EXHIBIT A P126 __ k, '~.~ `. T H E C I T Y O f ~ ~ RANCHO C U C A M O N C A Staff Report DATE: August 13, 2008 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Development Code Sections 17.08 - Residential Districts; 17.10 -Commercial/Office Districts; and Section 17.30 - Industrial Districts, prohibiting public storage facilities including recreational vehicle storage and mini-storage in Residential Districts (with the exception of the provision for such facilities permitted or conditionally permitted within the Terra Vista Community Plan) and Commercial Districts. The proposed amendment also amends Section 17.30 from permitting storage facilities "by right" and to require a Conditional Use Permit for all storage facility applications. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Related files: Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561. This item will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Victoria Community Plan revoking Ordinance No. 287 and prohibiting public storage facilities including recreational vehicle storage and mini-storage in all Residential Districts. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Related files: Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196. This item will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the use regulations for the Residential Districts of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan to prohibit recreational vehicle storage facilities within the planned community. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Related files: Development Code Amendment DRC2008- 000196 and Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561. This item will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. P127 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196, VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561, AND ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 August 13, 2008 Page 2 BACKGROUND: In July of 2007, the Planning Department performed a survey of self storage facilities citywide at the request of the City Council. Following this initial report another staff report was prepared for the Council on October 17, 2007, which provided a comprehensive study of the various regulations for such facilities currently used by ten neighboring cities. Additionally, the impacts of these facilities on Residential and Commercial/Office zones were considered both from concerns expressed by residents as well as land use development impacts and compatibility issues experienced in the Commercial/Office zones. The resulting conclusions discussed below led staff to prepare this amendment for the consideration of the Planning Commission, and if approval is recommended, it will subsequently be forwarded to the City Council for final action. ANALYSIS: As part of the City Council's goals for 2007, the Planning Department was asked to conduct a survey and analysis of self storage facilities citywide. The details of that survey and analysis are included in the attached staff reports dated July 2, 2007, October 17, 2007 and a memorandum dated October 22, 2007. Staff's research indicated the majority of facilities are located south of Foothill Boulevard in the Industrial zones. Additionally, it was found that most storage facilities had a 50 percent or higher occupancy rate at the time of the study and that staff would provide additional review to ensure that new storage facilities are not placed in locations of high commercial viability. A subsequent report was prepared on October 17, 2007. This report comprehensively compared the regulations of ten neighboring cities. The result of this research concluded that the majority of cities surveyed allow self-service storage facilities in industrial and commercial type zones; that the City of Rancho Cucamonga is alone in allowing such facilities within residential zones; and that most cities require a Conditional Use Permit regardless of the zone. Additionally, it was found that many storage facilities in other cities are limited to commercial parcels that are freeway or highway adjacent. Another consideration of staff's analysis has been the impacts of such facilities on residents. With the approval of Ordinance No. 719, self-storage facilities are currently permitted with a Conditional Use Permit within residential zones under certain circumstances. It was thought that these facilities could provide a buffer or transition area between existing residential neighborhoods and adjacent non-residential land uses. Since the adoption of this Ordinance and the subsequent development of a facility in the Residential District, staff has received many complaints about noise, security, night time lights, a perceived loss of property value, and glare directly resultant of the facility operation located adjacent to homes/residences. Various avenues of mitigation were explored including more restrictive hours of operation, shielded/dimmed lighting, security gates, higher perimeter walls, muted exterior paint colors and varied roof materials. None of these measures proved to be entirely successful. It has been concluded that there are inherent conflicts between residential and storage facility uses that cannot be satisfactorily mitigated. Because commercial zones are often located adjacent to residential zones, the permitting of storage facilities in commercial/office zones also needed to be evaluated. Staffs research revealed that not only do storage facilities in commercial zones that are adjacent to homes/residences affect the residents; they also impact the City's ability to develop commercial areas with more compatible uses. Storage facilities, when located in commercial zones, can P128 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196, VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561, AND ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 August 13, 2008 Page 3 detract from other commercial uses, often creating a less than desirable mix of business operations that could lead to a failure of certain commercial areas. The development of these facilities in such zones can also preclude other, more compatible, uses to be developed in the remaining space available in those same commercial areas. Further, with the approximate 90 percent buildout of the City, careful consideration should be given when evaluating possible uses that may ultimately affect the overall health of the commercial core. Finally, the proposed amendment considers storage facility applications overall. Currently, in the Industrial Districts, storage facilities are permitted "by right" in the General Industrial District, Subareas 3 and 8, and in the Heavy Industrial District, Subarea 15. The research revealed the possibility of an over concentration of public storage areas within the Industrial Districts. In staff's opinion, such applications regardless of the applicable district should be subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit rather than permitting "by right." This would allow for a more appropriate planning process to address any potential over concentration issues as well as ensuring that the operating characteristics of these storage facilities are compatible with the surrounding area. Therefore, Staff has determined that preparing an amendment to the Development Code prohibiting storage facilities within the Residential and Commercial/Office zones as well as requiring a Conditional Use Permit for any new applications for such facilities for Commission and Council consideration would be in order. EXCEPTION OF FACILITIES PERMITTED WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN The Terra Vista Community Plan adopted in 1983, incorporates a specific development agreement between the City and Lewis Development. Amendments to the agreement can be made with the consent of the Lewis Companies. Currently, the plan allows for storage facilities in the Residential, Commercial and Mixed-Use zones with a Conditional Use Permit. Although there are parcels of open land in these zones along Foothill Boulevard, the visibility of these properties along Historic Route 66 as well as the commercial viability of these properties are such that development of storage facilities there would not be supported by staff and would preclude any new storage facilities from being developed in these locations. Staff has determined that with the current standards in place, an amendment to the development agreement need not be pursued at this time. VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT: The Victoria Community Plan adopted in 1980, employs a development concept which encourages walkable neighborhoods, wooded vistas, and bike trails with the idea of minimizing use of automobile travel. The overall design of the community restricts the parking of recreational vehicles. Because of the recognized need for residents to store their recreation vehicles within close proximity of their dwellings, an amendment to the plan (85-01, Ordinance No. 287) provides for storage facilities located within the boundaries of the planned community in the Medium-High and High Residential land use categories. The facilities are provided for on a capped (25% of lots contained within the plan), per dwelling unit/percentage basis which can P129 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196, VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561, AND ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 August 13, 2008 Page 4 be adjusted yearly at the direction of the Planning Commission. Such facilities may only be developed with a Conditional Use Permit and additional findings must be made prior to the approval of the permit. Although the majority of the community is built out, there are viable locations within the plan boundaries that could currently allow development of new storage facilities. Considering the possible impacts to adjacent residences, staff believes including the Victoria Planned Community in the overall amendment restrictions would be in order. ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT: This community area has an emphasis on reflecting the historical nature of the original Etiwanda Colonies as well as promoting the rural character of the area with the incorporation of equestrian trails and many larger residential properties. Additionally, this area provides opportunities to preserve open space and for the annexation of lands located in the City's sphere of influence. The Etiwanda North Specific Plan, adopted in 1992, currently permits recreational vehicle storage yards within the Low (L) Residential District with a Conditional Use Permit. In keeping with the proposed Development Code Amendment, staff believes for consistency purposes, the current provision for storage facilities be removed from the Etiwanda North Specific Plan, Table 3 -Use Regulations for Residential Districts. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). In this case, the ordinance constitutes a text amendment that further restricts and/or limits the possible locations of future storage facilities that will serve to reduce potential significant impacts and there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission should review the Planning Department's conclusion and make its own determination of exemption. FACTS FOR FINDING: Staff's research produced substantial evidence of fact to support this amendment proposal. Under the current Development Code text there have been some public storage facilities allowed that have resulted in some negative impacts on residents such as noise, light, glare, security and a perceived loss of property value, which does not reflect appropriate development within the Residential District. Permitting such facilities in the Commercial/Offce District contributes to such impacts on adjacent residential properties in addition to limiting the development of more compatible uses commonly found in commercial zones. Additionally, permitting such facilities "by right" within the Industrial Districts could result in an over concentration within these areas. Hence, with the requirement of a Conditional Use Permit, any new storage facilities will be appropriately evaluated for possible impacts to neighboring uses and/or prevent the possibility of the over concentration of these uses in the Industrial Districts. CORRESPONDENCE: Because the proposed amendments affect various large areas of the City and possibly more than 1,000 residents, the items were advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper with a 1/8th page legal ad. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval of Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196, Victoria Community Plan Amendment P130 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196, VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561, AND ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 August 13, 2008 Page 5 DRC2008-00561, and Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2008-00566, through adoption of the attached Resolutions recommending approval of the draft Ordinances including the related Exhibits. The Planning Commission may move for action on each of the items individually or as a whole and act accordingly. Following the Planning Commission's recommendations, the amendments will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. Respectfully submitted, ~- Jam s .Troyer, AICP Plan g Director JRT/LS ~~ Attachments: Exhibit A -City Council staff report dated July 2, 2007 Exhibit B -City Council staff report dated October 17, 2007 Exhibit C -Memorandum/Review of Self-Storage Facilities dated October 22, 2007 Draft Resolution of Approval for Development Code Amendment DRC2008 - 00196 Draft Resolution of Approval for Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561 Draft Resolution of Approval for Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2008-00566 n:.ll'E r eAly. n11xi, ~I~Y.Z t~yi T H E C I T Y O F RANCHO CUCAMONGA Staff Report DATE: July 2, 2007 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Yasmin Flores, Planning Aide SUBJECT: SELF STORAGE FACILfTY SURVEY IN RANCHO CUCAMONCzA As part of the City Council goals for 2007 the City Council asked for the Planning Department to do a survey and analysis of self storage facilities citywide. Attached is a spreadsheet and map outlining self storage facilities in Rancho Cucamonga. As of July 3, 2007 there are thirteen self-storage facilities located in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. As demographics play a factor in where these businesses can be located; the majority of facilities are located south of Foothill Boulevard in the Industrial Zoned areas. The storage facilities contain anywhere from 335 to 2000 units. Each facility caters to the different needs of its clientele; from boaURV parking to enclosed square footage for personal belongings. The majority of the storage facilities have 50 percent or higher in occupancy rates, with exceptions being those that have just recently opened or will be opening in the near future. Staff will review our self storage requirements in the future to ensure that storage facilities are not placed in locations of high commercial viability. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this report. Attachments: Survey of Self-Storage spreadsheet Map P131 EXHIBIT A ,~~ P~ ~/,3/0~ s~w~ ~z~r- P132 ..~- r .. Ke •_ :.. `-BusinessttJame7A8dress ,: r. ~ ti F.acili ;Tye `No of:Unifs%S aces; , ~"[Dccu ~snd .:Rate -' A Cardinal Self Storage Enclosed 550 85% 9605 Arrow Route B Aim All Storage IV Enclosed 759 90% 10005 Arrow Route C Public Storage Enclosed 971 74% 10701 Arrow Route D Stor-N-Lock Self Storace Enclosed 658 27% 10975 Arrow Route E Stor Quest Self Storaoe Enclosed 579 86% 11996 Arrow Route 335 F Rancho Cucamonga RV & Boat RV 8 Boat s1 uncovered g2% 12050 Arrow Route 32 covered • 272 Endosetl G All-In-Storaoe Enclosed 430 under 12330 Arrow Route Construction Victoria RV Self Storaoe 450 H 12360 Base Line Road RV zz5 mvered gq% • 225 uncovered I Storaoe Max Enclosed 2000 80% 8363 Foothill Blvd J Storcuest Rancho Enclosed 669 75% 9479 Ham shire St K Aim All Storaoe Enclosed 1234 62% 6599 Haven Avenue L Hermosa Storaoe Center Enclosed 1029 85% 8949 Hermosa Ave M Lei's Store It RV 8 Enclosed 978 8866 Utica Ave 95a Enclosed g5% • 20 RV spaces `,SeH service: Storage Fadllity'means~anyteahproperly:designed.anilvsed for the,purpose of+renting:orleasing:indi4idualstoragespaces.. ao occd entslvilthaccessaosuch~for.lhe~plirposeofstoring.antl removing.personaFpropertV <+„ i:. ~ . - .. ., .. - Who's Using SeIT-Storage? Understanding renter characteristics is the key to predicting self-storage demand and growth markets. Like all commercial real estate segments, demand is tied to several factors, including population growth, household formation, rental household growth, and acceptance of self-storage as a viable option for space needs. Self-storage's pervasiveness is apparent through user market studies. For instance, of the estimated 112 million U,S. households, approximately 10 million, or about 9 percent, currently are renting self-storage for personal use. This is up from 6 percent a decade ago. Another 1.4 million commercial businesses also are estimated to be renting self-storage. Additionally, 24.5 million households have used self-storage in the past five years, with an estimated 7.3 million renters intending to lease self-storage space within the next 12 months. Source: Self-Storaoe Association's 2005 Seli~Storaee Demand Studv P133 Self Service Storage Faci I ities i n Rancho Cucamonga June 27, 2007 .. ~ ... _ Q N P134 ~~ _ K, ,~~ C ,- T H E C I T Y ~ O F RANCt10 CUCAMONGA Staff Report DATE: October 17. 2007 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, Cit y Manager FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP Planning Director BY: Jennifer Nakamura, Associate Planner SUBJECT: SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILTIES SURVEY RECOMMENDATION: That Planning staff present to City Council a recommendation to process a Development Code Amendment requiring all self storage facilities to require a Conditional Use Permit and prohibit self storage facilities in all residential and general commercial zones. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a follow-up to aself-service storage facility survey completed in July 2007, staff is providing a comparison of self-service storage facility regulations from surrounding cities for a comparison to Rancho Cucamonga's self-service storage facility regulations. Staff reviewed the self-service storage facility regulations of ten neighboring cities (Fontana, Claremont, San Bernardino, Chino, Upland, Redlands, San Dimas, Montclair, Moreno Valley and Corona) and found three characteristics of most self-storage regulations. 1. Location: Nine of the surveyed cities allowed self-service storage facilities in industrial and commercial type zones. Rancho Cucamonga allows these facilities in residential, industrial and general commercial zones. 2. Permit: Seven of the ten surveyed cities required conditional use permits for all zones. Some cities allowed self-service storage facilities as a permitted use in Industrial zones, or for ancillary uses. Rancho Cucamonga allows these facilities as a permitted use in industrial zones and requires a conditional use permit for the General Commercial and Residential zones. 3. Use: All of the cities except for Fontana allowed self-service facilities as a primary use within their city. One city, Claremont, restricted the use as ancillary only within specified commercial zones. Rancho Cucamonga allows self-service storage facilities to be a primary use in all approved zones. A closer look at the cities shows that self-service storage facilities are allowed in similar zones. Every city allowed self-service storage facilities in some of their Commercial and Industrial zones, except for Corona which allowed them in Light Industrial zones only. The cities were also EXHIBIT B --~~ ~~ ~/3i~~ ~~~ r,~t. P135 very similar in their uses. Every city except Fontana, Chino and Claremont allowed primary use in all approved zones. Claremont allowed primary use in two zones, but ancillary use only in Commercial Freeway and Commercial Highway. Chino allowed primary use in Industrial zones but ancillary use only (max 5,000 sq.ft.) in their Business Park. Fontana did not allow self- service storage facilities to be a primary use anywhere in the city, allowing them only as ancillary uses to commercial units with a maximum size of 5,000 square feet. Seven of the ten cities (Fontana, Claremont, San Bernardino, Chino, Montclair, San Dimas and Corona) required Conditional Use Permits for all approved zones. Self-service storage facilities are a permitted use in the Industrial zones of Redlands, Upland and Moreno Valley, yet the commercial districts required a conditional use permit. Within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, self-service storage facilities require a conditional use permit for all zones except for General Industrial (Subareas 2 & 8) and Heavy Industrial (Subarea 15), where these uses are permitted by right. Rancho Cucamonga is the only city in our study that permits self-storage facilities within a residential zone. On November 19, 2003, Ordinance 719 was approved, amending the Development Code to allow self-storage facilities within residential zones, under specifc circumstances, with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. One such facility has been constructed under the current standards and staff has been working with both the storage facility and the adjacent neighbors through conflicts with noise, security and lighting that have occurred on site. While the intent of the Ordinance was to provide an opportunity to mitigate land use conflicts where there is a transition between an existing residential neighborhood and adjacent non-residential land uses. Based on the survey and our experience, these types of facilities, originally designed to be a transitional land use, have inherent conflicts with residential uses that cannot be mitigated. Staff recommends amending the Development Code to eliminate this conflict. A closer review of our General Commercial zone indicates that 53% of all General Commercial parcels currently zoned in the City of Rancho Cucamonga are adjacent to at least one residential zoned parcel. Operation of a self storage facility adjacent to residential uses creates conflicts due to the lighting and security .requirements of the self-storage facility. Most of the cities that permitted self-service storage facilities within commercial zones reflected commercial zones that were highway or freeway adjacent. The majority of our General Commercial zone runs along Foothill Boulevard. There are many similarities between the City's self-service storage regulations and those of _ neighboring cities. Most cities require conditional use permits for all self-storage facilities and many self-storage facilities are limited to commercial parcels that are freeway or highway adjacent. Existing self-storage facilities in General Commercial zones adjacent to residential have proven to have compatibility issues between the two uses. Prohibiting self-storage facilities in all Residential zones and the General Commercial zone will prevent future compatibility issues with residential uses and preserve our commercial core. Requiring a conditional use permit for any self-storage facility in industrial zones prevents over concentration of self-storage facilities in any one industrial zone or area. Respectfully submitted, r~- "J Jam R. Troyer Q Plan ing Director JT: JN/BT SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILITY REGU LATIONS City Location Permit Use Most general industrial zones require a Conditional Use Permit (Except GI-2, GI-8 and HI- General Industrial, 15 where it is permitted by right). Heavy Industrial, A Conditional Use Permit required for the General Rancho Cucamon a General Commercial Commercial District Primary and Ancillary Use Ancillary Use only (must be located behind Industrial and main commercial unit) Max allowed size is Fontana Commercial All zones require Conditional use Permits 5,000 sq.ft. Commercial Professional, Business Primary Use in Commercial Business and Industrial, Commercial Business Industrial. Freeway and Ancillary use only in Commercial Freeway and Claremont Commercial Highway All zones require Conditional use Permits Commercial Highway Commercial General, Commercial Heavy, Industrial Light and Primary Use in all zones with very strict design San Bernardino Industrial Heavy All zones require Conditional use Permits regulations in Commercial Zones Business Park, Light Primary Use in Light and Heavy Industrial. Industrial and Heavy Ancillary use (max 5,000 sq.ft.) in Business China Industrial All zones require Conditional use Permits Park with strict design regulations Primary/Ancillary Use in Light Industrial and Light Industrial and Permitted Use in Light Industrial and Commercial Commercial Highway. Full Design Review U land Commercial Highway Highway requires a Conditional Use Permit Required for both. Heavy Industrial, Light Permitted Use in Heavy Industrial and Light Primary/Ancillary Use in Heavy and Light Industrial and Industrial. Commercial Heavy requires a Industrial as well as Commercial Heavy. Full Redlands Commercial Heavy conditional use Permit Design Review Required for all three zones. Industrial Heavy and Creative Growth Area (far end of commercial, Primary/Ancillary in Industrial Heavy and San Dimas mainly manufacturing) All zones require Conditional use Perrnits Creative Growth Area with full design review Commercial Primary/Ancillary Use in Commercial Manufacturing, Industrial Manufacturing, Industrial Manufacturing and Manufacturing and Business Park with very strict design Montclair Business Park All zones require Conditional use Permits regulations. v J W SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILITY REGULATIONS City Location Permit Use Morena Valle Community Commercial and Industrial Permitted Use in Industrial Conditional Use Permit required for Community Commercial Primary/Ancillary Use in Community Commercial and Industrial. Corona Light Industrial Conditional Use Permit for Light Industrial Primary/Ancillary Use in Light Industrial -o J W v P138 ,, _ ~` T H E C I T Y O F R A N C U O C U C A M O N G A Memorandum DATE: October 22, 2007 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: James R. Troyer, AICF~~ , Planning Director ~l//~_ -~ BY: Jennifer Nakamura, Associate Planner SUBJECT: REVIEW OF SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILTIES RECOMMENDATION: That Planning staff be directed to hold study sessions with the Planning Commission to finalize a Development Code Amendment implementing recommendations on self storage facilities to be forwarded to City Council for consideration at a later date. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As part of the City Council goals for 2007, the City Council asked for the Planning Department to conduct a survey and analysis of self storage facilities citywide. On July 2, 2007, staff submitted a staff report to Council and found a total of 13 self storage facilities with a total of 10,642 available units/spaces (Attachment A). On October 17, 2007 staff presented a follow up report, recommending that self storage facilities be prohibited in all residential and commercial zones and requiring a conditional use permit for. all self storage facilities in all zones (Attachment B). In order for staff to be able to fully evaluate the proposed development code amendment and its implications on property owners and the development community, staff proposes to hold study sessions with the Planning Commission to review and refine the proposed changes to self storage standards. Attachment A: Staff Report -Self Storage Facility Survey in Rancho Cucamonga Attachment B: Staff Report -Self Storage Facilities Survey EXHIBIT C --~R P~ 8~'3i°8 ~-~"~ ~P~~ P139 RESOLUTION NO.OS-35 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196, AMENDING PORTIONS OF SECTION 17.08 - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; SECTION 17.10 - COMMERCIAUOFFICE DISTRICTS; AND SECTION 17.30 -INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEVELOPMENT CODE,. PROHIBITING PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITIES INCLUDING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND COMMERCIAL ZONES (WITH EXCEPTION OF THE PROVISION FOR SUCH FACILITIES PERMITTED OR CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN). THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT ALSO AMENDS SECTION 17.30 FROM PERMITTING STORAGE FACILITIES "BY RIGHT" AND TO REQUIRE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR ALL STORAGE FACILITY APPLICATIONS; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga filed an application for Development CodeAmendment No. DRC2008-00196, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Code Amendment is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 13th day of August 2008, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. The proposed amendment contemplates revoking previously approved Development Code Amendment DRC2003-00709 which was adopted by the Planning Commission by their Resolution 03-138, and subsequently adopted by the City Council on November 19, 2003 by their Ordinance No. 719, which currently allows public storage facilities within residential zones; and 4. The application applies to properties located within all residential land use districts as defined in Section 17.08 of the Development Code as shown in Table 17.08.030 -Use Regulations for Residential Districts (except where permitted within the boundaries defined by the Terra Vista Community Plan) within the City; and 5. The application additionally applies to properties located within the Commercial/Office Districts, Section 17.10.030 -Use Regulations, and as shown on Table 17.10.030 Use Regulations for CommerciallOffice Districts; and 6. The application further applies to properties located within the Industrial Districts (General Industrial and Heavy Industrial), Section 17.30.030 as shown on Table 17.30.030 -Use Regulations for Industrial Districts; and 7. The application contemplates the requirement of a Conditional Use Permit be issued for all future storage facility applications regardless of the zone designation; and 8. This amendment specifically excludes provisions for such storage facilities already provided for in the Terra Vista Community Plan; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 08-35 DCA DRC2008-00196 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 13, 2008 Page 2 9. The proposed amendment is filed in concert with the related Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561 and the Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2008-00566; and 10. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referencedpublic hearing on August 13, 2008, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. Because the current text in the Development Code allows such uses in residential zones, storage facilities have been developed in these areas. Subsequent to that development, impacts such as noise, glare, night time lights, security and a perceived loss of property value to residents located near or adjacent to such facilities are found to be detrimental to their health, safety and could be materially injurious to those residential property owners; and b. Additionally, the current text in the Development Code allows such uses in the Commercial/Office (CO) District, which also limits the potential for compatible uses within that zone and by restricting these uses in this district provides for development more consistent with the intent of the Development Code and the possible adjacent uses allowed within that district; and c. The current table in the Development Code for use regulations within the Industrial Districts allows for such facilities to be permitted by right within the General Industrial (GI) zone, Subareas 3 and 8, and the Heavy Industrial (HI) zone, Subarea 15, which could result in an over concentration of storage facilities in any one industrial zone or area. d. Further, the proposed text amendment allows the establishment and permitting of any public or self Storage Facility only with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit, regardless of the zone designation; and 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for future development which is more compatible within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and P140 b. This amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 08-35 DCA DRC2008-00196 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 13, 2008 Page 3 c. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and d. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. 4. The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Because the current text in the Development Code allows such uses in residential zones, storage facilities have been developed in these areas. Subsequent to that development, impacts such as noise, glare, night time lights, security and a perceived loss of property value to residents located near or adjacent to such facilities are found to be detrimental to their health, safety and could be materially injurious to those residential property owners. In this case, the ordinance constitutes a text amendment that further restricts and/or limits the possible locations of future storage facilities that will serve to reduce potential significant impacts. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staffs determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby recommends approval of Development Code Amendment No. DRC2008-00196 by the adoption of the attached City Council Ordinance amending Section 17.08.030, Table17.08.030 -Use Regulations for Residential Districts as shown on Exhibit A and Section 17.10.030, Table 17.10.030 -Use Regulations for Commercial/Office Districts and Table 17.30.030 -Use Regulations for Industrial Districts as shown on Exhibit C of the attached draft Ordinance . 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF AI~GUST 2008. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Richard B. Fletcher. Chairman ATTEST: ~-'YIAM~!/Y1 W. 1 I~QNl1N~L`1Gfr Lr. Corkran W. Nicholson, Acting Secretary I, Corkran W. Nicholson, Acting Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the13th day of August 2008, by the following vote-to- wit: P141 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 08-35 DCA DRC2008-00196 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 13, 2006 Page 4 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FLETCHER, HOWDYSHELL, MUNOZ, STEWART, WIMBERLY P142 NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE P143 ORDINANCE NO. ~J95 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196, AMENDING PORTIONS OF SECTION 17.08 - RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; SECTION 17.10 - COMMERCIAL/OFFICE DISTRICTS; AND SECTION 17.30 - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEVELOPMENT CODE, PROHIBITING PUBLIC STORAGE FACILTIES INCLUDING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE STORAGE IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND COMMERCIAL ZONES (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE PROVISION FOR SUCH FACILITIES PERMITTED OR CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN) THE AMENDMENT ALSO AMENDS SECTION 17.30 FROM PERMITTING STORAGE FACILITIES "BY RIGHT" AND TO REQUIRE A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR ALL STORAGE FACILITY APPLICATIONS; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. 1. On August 13, 2008, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above referenced Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196 and, following the conclusion thereof, adopted its Resolution No. 08-35, recommending that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopt said Development Code Amendment. 2. On September 17, 2008, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the Development Code Amendment. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This City Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon substantial evidence presented to the City Council during the above-referenced public hearing on September 17, 2008, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, the City Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The proposed amendment applies to properties within the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and b. The proposed amendment contemplates amending text in the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.08, Use Regulations for Residential Districts as shown in Table 17.08.030, Section 17.10.030, Use Regulations for Commercial/Office Districts as shown in Table 17.10.030, to prohibit storage facilities in all Residential Districts (except where already provided for by the Terra Vista Community Plan) and in the Commercial/Office Districts. The amendment also amends Section 17.30.030 -Use Regulations for Industrial P144 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196 September 17, 2008 Page 2 Districts and removes the provision for storage facilities "by right" and further requires a Conditional Use Permit for all storage facility applications; and c. Additionally, the current text in the Development Code allows such uses in the Commercial Office (CO) District, which also limits the potential for compatible uses within that zone and by restricting these uses in this district provides for development more consistent with the intent of the Development Code and the possible adjacent uses allowed within that district; and d. The current table in the Development Code for use regulations within the Industrial Districts allows for such facilities to be permitted "by right" within the General Industrial (GI) zone, Subareas 3 and 8, and the Heavy Industrial (HI) zone, Subarea 15, which could result in an over concentration of storage facilities in any one industrial zone or area. e. The application further requires a Conditional Use Permit be issued for all future storage facility applications regardless of the zone designation; and f. The subject amendment identified in this Ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines promulgated thereunder, pursuant to Section 15061 (b) (3). Because the current text in the Development Code allows such uses in residential zones, storage facilities have been developed in these areas. Subsequent to that development, the impacts to residents located near or adjacent to such facilities such as noise, glare, night time lights, security and perceived loss of property value are found to be detrimental to their health, safety and could be materially injurious to those residential property owners. In this case, the ordinance constitutes a text amendment that further restricts and/or limits the possible locations of future storage facilities that will serve to reduce potential significant impacts. The City Council has reviewed Staff's determination of exemption, the Planning Commission's adoption of that exemption, and further concurs with the determination of exemption. SECTION 3: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and b. This amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code; and c. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and d. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. SECTION 4: Development Code Section 17.08, Table 17.08.030 -Use Regulations for Residential Districts, is hereby amended to change, in words and figures, as shown in the attached Exhibit "A." P145 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196 September 17, 2008 Page 3 SECTION 5: Development Code Section 17.10, Table 17.10.030 -Use Regulations for Commercial/Office Districts, is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as shown in Exhibit "B." SECTION 6: Development Code Section 17.30 Table 17.30.030 -Use Regulations for Industrial Districts, is hereby amended to read, in words and figures, as shown in Exhibit "C." SECTION 7: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is, for any reason, deemed or held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, or preempted by legislative enactment, such decision or legislation shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or words thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, or words might subsequently be declared invalid or unconstitutional or preempted by subsequent legislation. SECTION 8' The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. P146 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196 +ewrt 2008 Page 4 EXHIBIT A Table 17.08.030 -Use Regulations for Residential Districts ~elc.~ `~ v USE VL L LM M MH H 1. ility or Service Facility C C C C C C S 6 S G G Accessory Uses 1. Accessory Structure P p p p p p 2. Antenna P P P P P P 3. Caretaker's Residence C C C C C C 4. Guest House P p p _ _ _ 5. Home Occupation P p p p p p 6. Lodging Unit P P P - - _ 7. Other Accessory Uses P p p p p p 8. Private Garage P P P P P P 9. Private Swimming Pool P P P P P P 10. Second Dwelling Unit (including elder cottage) p P P P P p 11. Feed & Tack Store (if accessory to commercial stable) C 12. Dormitory (if accessory to college or school) C C C C C C 13. Uses in Historic Structures C C C C C C D. Temoorarv Uses 1. Temporary Uses as prescribed in Section 17.04.070 and subject to P P P P P p those provisions. 2. Temporary trailers for use in conjunction with religious and C C C C C C agricultural uses for a specified interim period. rvoce: ~ymooi ~ indicates permitted in conjunction with optional development standards only. P =Permitted Use A P147 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196 September 17, 2008 Page 5 RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTION 17.08.030 EXHIBIT A-2 1. Each dog None 3 All 2. Household pets other than a cat None No Maximum All or do 3. Exotic or Wild Animals tB1 (e) All Notes: (A) Young animals bom to a permitted animal kept on the site maybe kept until such animals are weaned. (cats and dogs - 4 months; /arye animals - 6 months; horses - 12 months) (B) As established by Conditional Use Permit review. (C) A minimum of 20,000 square feet of lot is required to maintain these animals. (D) More than 5 birds or rodents per each 5, 000 square feet o(site area maybe permitted subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. (E) A pony, which is defined as any horse measudng 14 hands and 2 inches or less in height at the withers, maybe kept in addition to the keeping of two horses or in lieu of two horses, three ponies maybe kept on a 20, 00o square loot lot. 3. Home Occupations. The use of a residence for business purposes shall be permitted subject to issuance of a Home Occupation Permit (See Section 17.04.060). 4. Mobile Homes. One mobile home is permitted on a lot in a residential District, except Very Low, subject to the following requirements: a. The mobile home is placed on a permanent foundation system in compliance with all applicable building regulations. b. The mobile home construction is certified under the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 and which was constructed after October of 1976. Documentation indicating certification and construction date must be submitted to the Building and Safety Division in order to secure valid building permit(s). c. The Design Review Committee shall determine if the placement of the mobile home is compatible to the immediate area in which it is being placed in accordance with Section 17.06.010 and the following criteria: (1) The design of the mobile home unit shall be similar in character and appearance to other dwellings in the area for such things as unit size, roof overhangs, roof materials and exterior materials. (2) All building setbacks, parking, coverage, height, width and sign requirements of the base District shall apply. THo 2/04 P148 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196 September 17, 2008 Page 6 6. Second Dwelling Units. Permitted subject to the following criteria: a. The unit may be constructed as an accessory building or attached to the primary residence on a parcel in single-family and multi-family residential districts. b. The unit is not for sale, but for rental purposes only, or use by a member of the immediate family. c. The lot contains an existing single-family detached residence, and does not contain a guest house. d. The unit shall not exceed 640 square feet if the parcel is less than 20,000 square feet; if greater than 20,000 square feet, the second unit can exceed 640 square feet but may not be greater than 950 square feet or 30 percent of the main dwelling unit, if attached. (Unit size is exclusive of enclosed parking space requirement. ) Lot Size: A second dwelling unit may be established on a lot or parcel of land having a minimum of 10,000 square feet. Height: A detached second dwelling unit shall be limited to one story, shall not exceed 16 feet in height, and shall not exceed the height of the main dwelling unit. e. The unit shall have a separate entrance from the main residence. The unit shall provide parking and access per Chapter 17.12 and provide one enclosed parking space per bedroom, not to exceed two enclosed spaces per unit. The enclosed parking space shall not be located in the required front or side yard setback for the primary unit. Temporary removable units shall provide one off-street parking space. 11/OS P149 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2008-00196 **** 2008 Page 5 C =Conditional Use Permit required EXHIBIT B Table 17.10.030 -Use Regulations for Commercial/Office Districts ~~~~ 17e ~ ~+~ B 42. Locksmith shop. - P P age e h - - C ~ _ 45. Mortuaries a s. C 46. Music, dance, and martial arts studio. - P P 47. Newspaper and magazine stores. P P P 48. Nurseries and garden supply stores; provided, in the NC district, all equipment, supplies and material are kept within an enclosed area, and provided that fertilizer is stored in acka ed form onl . p P 49. Office and business machine stores. P P P 50. Office supply stores. P - P 51. Parking facilities (commercial) where fees are char ed. P p 52. Pawn shops. - - C 53. Pet shop. - p p 54. Political or philanthropic headquarters. P P P 55. Plumbing shop and supplies. - - P 56. Photocopy. P p p 57. P ing shop - - s 9. estauran s (ot n oo a, With entertainment and/or cocktail lounge and bar. b. Incidental serving of beer and wine but without a cocktail lounge, bar, entertainment, or dancin . C P C P C P 60. Shoe stores, sales and repair. - p p 61. Second-hand store. - C C P150 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2006-00196 •••_, 2008 Page 6 EXHIBIT C Table 17.30.030 -Use Regulations for Industrial Districts SUMMARY OF LAND USE TYPE BY SUBAREA USE TYPES LAND USE IP GI GI GI G GI IP IP GI MI/HI GI GI IP GI GI HI I IP MU/OS SUBAREAS HO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 17 16 MANUFAC TU RI NG Custom P P P P P P P P P P P P P C P Light P P P P P P P P P P P P P C P Medium C C C P P` C P P P P P P Heavy P Minimum Impact Heavy P P Z OFFICE PROFESSIONAL .D ES IGN & RESEARCH J ' Administrative & Office P P P P P P P C P C C P P 0.. wfesaieaal/Design S ices P P P P P P P C P C C P P ;V Research Serv s P P P P P P P P P P LL WHOLESALE, STORAGE, &'DISTRIBUTION - V Public Storage C C C C C C C C C C C P P P P P P P P P Medium C P P C P P` P P P P P P 00 Heavy C P C P MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITIES .~ _Q,. Collection Facilities P P P P P p p P p p p p LL Processing Facilities C C C C C C C C Q Scrap Operation C m CIVIC ~ N Administrative Civic Services P P P P P P P P P P p P p Convention Centers ~ C C C ,~ Cultural P C C P C C , Day Care FacilAy C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Q W Emergency Shelter C C C C W Extensive Impact Utility Facilities C C C C C C C Q. Flood Control/Utility Corridor P P P P P P p p p p p p p p p p p p Public Assembly C C C C C C C C C C C C C Public Safety 8 Utility Services C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Religious Assembly ~ C C C C C C C C C C C C C Schools C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C NOTES IP -Industrial Park HO -Haven Avenue Overlay District GI -General Industrial MI/HI -Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial HI -Heavy Industrial for 35 acre minimum P -Permitted Use C -Conditionally Permitted Use ^ -Non-Marked Uses not permitted A -Adult Entertainment Zoning Permit Required MU/OS -Mixed Use/Open Space P` -Permitted with Master Plan approval ~'~^'Sf C P151 RESOLUTION N0. 08-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561, AMENDING THE PLAN TEXT TO PROHIBIT PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITIES, INCLUDING RECREATIONAL VEHICLEANDMINI-STORAGE IN ALL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND REVOKING ORDINANCE NO 287 (VCPA 85-01) AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga filed an application for Victoria Community Plan Amendment No. DRC2008-00561, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Code Amendment is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 13th day of August 2008, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. The proposed amendment contemplates revoking previously approved Victoria Community Plan Amendment 85-01 (Ordinance No. 287) which was adopted by the City Council on March 5, 1986 by their Ordinance No. 287, which allows public storage facilities within the Medium High and High residential zones; and 4. The application applies to properties located within all residential land use districts within the Victoria Community Plan; and 5. The application contemplates the requirement of a Conditional Use Permit be issued for all future storage facility applications regardless of the zone designation; and 6. This amendment is in concert with the related Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196; and 7. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referencedpublic hearing on August 13, 2008, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specirically finds as follows: a. Because the current text in the Victoria Community Plan allows such uses within the Medium-High and High Residential land use categories, impacts such as noise, glare, night time lights, security and a perceived loss of property value to residents located near or adjacent to such PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 08-36 VCPA DRC2006-00561 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 13, 2006 Page 2 facilities are found to be detrimental to their health, safety and could be materially injurious to those residential property owners; and b. The proposed amendment will not have a significant impact on the environment in that allowing self storage facilities within residential and commercial districts could have the potential for noise, glare, and aesthetic impacts and by further restricting this use, the potential impacts are decreased; and 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for future development which is more compatible within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and b. This amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code and is in concert with Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196; and c. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and d. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. 4. The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). In this case, the ordinance constitutes a text amendment that further restricts and/or limits the possible locations of future storage facilities that will serve to reduce potential significant impacts. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staff's determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby recommends approval of Victoria Community Plan Amendment No. DRC2008-00561 by the adoption of the attached City Council Ordinance by revoking Ordinance No. 287 which currently permits such uses in the Medium-High and High residential land use categories. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF AUGUST 2008. P152 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P153 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. OS-36 VCPA DRC2008-00561 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 13, 2006 Page 3 Richard B. Fletcher, Chairman ATTEST: , Corcran i 'os i I, Corkran W. Nicholson, Acting Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the13th day of August 2008, by the following vote-to- wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FLETCHER, HOWDYSHELL, MUNOZ, STEWART, WIMBERLY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE P154 ORDINANCE NO. 7 ~6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561, TO PROHIBIT PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITIES, INCLUDING MINI- STORAGE IN ALL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND REVOKING ORDINANCE NO 287 (VCPA 85-01) A. Recitals. 1. On August 13, 2008, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above referenced Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561 and, following the conclusion thereof, adopted its Resolution No. 08-36, recommending that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopt said Victoria Community Plan Amendment. 2. Also on August 13, 2008, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga considered the related Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196 and recommended approval of that amendment. 3. On September 17, 2008, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed Victoria Community Plan Amendment. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This City Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon substantial evidence presented to the City Council during the above-referenced public hearing on September 17, 2008, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, the City Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The proposed amendment applies to properties within the Victoria Community Plan area of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and b. The proposed amendment contemplates revoking Ordinance No. 287 which currently provides for such storage facilities within the Medium-High and High residential land use categories, thereby prohibiting public storage facilities, including mini-storage from the Medium-High and High residential land use categories; and c. Because the current text in the Victoria Community Plan allows such uses in residential zones, storage facilities have been developed in these areas. Subsequent to that development, the impacts to residents located near or adjacent to such facilities such as noise, glare, night time lights, security and perceived loss of property value are found to be detrimental to their health, safety and could be materially injurious to those residential property owners; and P155 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00561 September 17, 2008 Page 2 d. The application further requires a Conditional Use Permit be issued for all future storage facility applications regardless of the zone designation; and e. The subject amendment identified in this Ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines promulgated thereunder, pursuant to Section 15061 (b) (3). In this case, the ordinance constitutes a text amendment that further restricts and/or limits the possible locations of future storage facilities that will serve to reduce potential significant impacts. The City Council has reviewed Staff's determination of exemption, the Planning Commission's adoption of that exemption, and further concurs with the determination of exemption. SECTION 3: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and b. This amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code: and c. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and d. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. SECTION 4: Ordinance No. 287 is hereby revoked. SECTION 5: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is, for any reason, deemed or held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, or preempted by legislative enactment, such decision or legislation shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or words thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, or words might subsequently be declared invalid or unconstitutional or preempted by subsequent legislation. SECTION 6: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. P156 RESOLUTION NO.OB-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566, AMENDING THE PLAN TEXT TO PROHIBIT PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITIES, INCLUDING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AND MINI-STORAGE IN ALL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga filed an application for Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment No. DRC2008-00566, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Code Amendment is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 13th day of August 2008, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. The proposed amendment contemplates amending Section 10.2.3 -Use Regulations, Table 3; and 4. The application applies to properties located within all residential land use districts within the Etiwanda North Specific Plan; and 5. This amendment is in concert with the related Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196 and Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561; and All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on August 13, 2008, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. Because the current text in the Etiwanda North Specific Plan allows such uses within the Low (L) Residential land use category with an approved Conditional Use Permit, impacts such as noise, glare, night time lights, security and a perceived loss of property value to residents located near or adjacent to such facilities may arise to be detrimental to their health, safety and could be materially injurious to those residential property owners; and b. The development of additional storage facilities within the Residential land use category could be found to be incompatible with the goal of reflecting the rural setting of the area; and P157 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 08-37 ENSPA DRC2008-00566 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 13, 2008 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for future development which is more compatible within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and b. This amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code and is in concert with Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196 and Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561; and c. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and d. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. 4. The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061 (b) (3). Because the current text in the Etiwanda North Specifc Plan allows such facilities in the Low (L) Residential District, future impacts such as noise, glare, night time lights, security and a perceived loss of property value to residents located near or adjacent to such facilities are found to be detrimental to their health, safety and could be materially injurious to those residential property owners. In this case, the ordinance constitutes a text amendment that further restricts and/or limits the possible locations of future storage facilities that will serve to reduce potential significant impacts. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Departments determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staffs determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby recommends approval of Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment No. DRC2008-00566 by the adoption of the attached City Council Ordinance. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED TH15 13TH DAY OF AUGUST 2008. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~~- _ ~ .._ Richard B. Fletcher, Chairman ATTEST: `.111 MAI)AA II 1 10~~ Corkran icho son~c ing ecr dry PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 08-37 ENSPA DRC2008-00566 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 13, 2008 Page 3 I, Corkran W. Nicholson, Acting Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on thel3th day of August 2008, by the following vote-to- wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FLETCHER, HOWDYSHELL, MUNOZ, STEWART, WIMBERLY P158 NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE P159 ORDINANCE NO. -]97 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566, TO PROHIBIT PUBLIC STORAGE FACILITIES, INCLUDING RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AND MINI-STORAGE IN ALL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS A. Recitals 1. On August 13, 2008, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above referenced Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2008-00566 and, following the conclusion thereof, adopted its Resolution No. 08-37, recommending that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopt said amendment. 2. Also on August 13, 2008, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga considered the related Development Code Amendment DRC2008-00196 and Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2008-00561 and recommended approval of those amendments. 3. On **", 2008, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed Victoria Community Plan Amendment. 4. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This City Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon substantial evidence presented to the City Council during the above-referenced public hearing on *****, 2008, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony,.the City Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The proposed amendment applies to properties within the Etiwanda North Specific Plan area of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and b. The proposed amendment contemplates prohibiting public storage facilities, including recreational vehicle and mini-storage from the Low (L) Residential land use category; and c. Because the current text in the Etiwanda North Specific Plan allows such uses in the Low (L) residential zone with an approved Conditional Use Permit, impacts to residents located near or adjacent to such facilities such as noise, glare, night time lights, security and perceived loss of property value may arise to be detrimental to their health, safety and could be materially injurious to those residential property owners; and P160 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2008-00566 **** 2008 Page 2 d. The development of additional storage facilities within the Residential land use category could be found to be incompatible with the goal of reflecting the rural setting of the area; and e. The subject amendment identified in this Ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines promulgated thereunder, pursuant to Section 15061 (b) (3). Because the current text in the Etiwanda North Specific Plan allows such uses in the Low (L) residential zone, impacts to residents located near or adjacent to such facilities such as noise, glare, night time lights, security and perceived loss of property value are found to be detrimental to their health, safety and could be materially injurious to those residential property owners. In this case, the ordinance constitutes a text amendment that further restricts and/or limits the possible locations of future storage facilities that will serve to reduce potential significant impacts. The City Council has reviewed Staff's determination of exemption, the Planning Commission's adoption of that exemption, and further concurs with the determination of exemption. SECTION 3: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and b. This amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code; and c. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and SECTION 4: Section 10.2.3, Table 3 -Use Regulations for Residential Districts is hereby amended as shown on the attached Exhibit A. SECTION 5: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is, for any reason, deemed or held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, or preempted by legislative enactment, such decision or legislation shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or words thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, or words might subsequently be declared invalid or unconstitutional or preempted by subsequent legislation. SECTION 6: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. F .. _ EXHIBIT A TABLE 3 -USE REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS USE HRE VLE HR VL L A. Residential Uses 1. Single Family Detached P P P P P B. ~ Other Uses 1. Chwch C C C 2. Club, Lodge, Fraternity and Sorority C 3. College or University C C C 4. Pubiie Facility C C C C 5. Day Care Facility Accessory - 6 or less P P P P P Non-Accessory - 7 or mon C C C 6. Fue and Police Station C C C C 7, Golf Course, Tennis Club, Country Club (private) C C C C C 8. Public Park and Playground P P P P 9. Residential Care Facility Accessory - 6 or less P P P P P Non-Accessory - 7 ar more 10. Schools, Private and Pazochial C C C 11. Stable, Commercial C C 12. Stable, Private (min. 20,000 SF lot siu) P P P P 13. Utility or Service Facility C C C C 'C C. Accessory Uses 1. Accessory Structure P P P P P 2. Antenna P P P P P 3. Caretaker's Residence C C C C C 4. Guest House P P P P P P161 III-8 P162 TABLE 3 - (CONTINUED) USE REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS USE HRE VLE HR VL L 5. Home Occupation P P P P P 6. Lodging Unit P P P 7. Other Accessory Uus P P P P P 8. Private Garage P P P P P 9. Private Swimming Pool P P P P P o t ding elder cottage) C C C C 11. Recreational Vehicle Storage Yard 1 ee ack tore (if accessory to co ercial stable) C C 13. Dotmitory (f accessory to college or school) C C C D. Temnorarv Uses 1. Temporary Uus as prescribed in Development Code Section 17.04.070 and subject to thou provicions. p p p p p 1. Temporary trailers for uu in conjunction with religious and agricultural uus for a specified interim period. C C C NOTE: For definitiotu see Development Code, Secfion 17.02.140 ~°v~~ i III-9 R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A RANCH 0 C U C A M O N G A ° O L I C E Staff Report TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Joe Cusimano, Chief of Police, Rancho Cucamonga Police DATE: September 17, 2008 SUBJECT: APPROVE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THREE ASSET SEIZURE FUNDS, 195-STATE ASSET SEIZURE, 196-STATE ASSET SEIZURE CALIFORNIA DRUG AND GANG PREVENTION (15%), AND 197- FEDERAL ASSET SEIZURE. THE FUNDS WOULD BE TRANSFERRED FROM THE TRUST FUND 882, ASSET SEIZURE MONIES OBJECT CODES 2338, 2340, 2356 AND 2357 AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE $20,000.00 INTO ACCOUNT NUMBER 1196701-5200 FROM THE 196 STATE ASSET SEIZURE CALIFORNIA DRUG AND GANG PREVENTION FUND TO THE NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THEIR "MANY ROOTS PROJECT." RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council approve the establishment of three asset seizure funds, 195-State Asset Seizure, 196-State Asset Seizure California Drug and Gang Prevention (15%), and 197-Federal Asset Seizure. The funds would be transferred from the Trust Fund 862, Asset Seizure Monies Object Codes 2338, 2340, 2356, and 2357 and authorization to appropriate $20,000.00 into account number 1196701-5200 from 196-State Asset Seizure California Drug and Gang Prevention Fund. These funds are to be awarded to the Northtown Housing Development Corporation and their "Many Roots Project." This project reaches out to "at risk" youths, within the Northtown Community of the city of Rancho Cucamonga, with a goal to provide a safe environment for them to learn positive and realistic coping skills; build healthy self esteem; learn how the community works and to trust community leaders; all in hope of deterring them from gangs and drug abuse. P163 P164 BACKGROUND ANALYSIS Narcotic asset forfeiture monies are received through Federal and State Asset Seizure Laws. It is the responsibility of the city's Auditor/Controller Department to maintain these funds and conduct periodic audits of all asset seizure funds. Under Health and Safety Code Section 11489(b)(2)(i), 15% of the Departments share of state proceeds from assets seized shall be used exclusively to fund programs designed to combat drug abuse and divert gang activity. This is only required by State Asset Seizure Laws and not Federal. In the past, the City had recorded Asset Seizure monies in the Trust Fund 882. This was due to the restriction and limitation on expensing the monies. Each type of asset seizure money was accounted for under a separate object number. Per the recommendation of the City's Auditors, the City should record the asset seizure monies in separate Special Revenue funds in order to maintain better control over Asset Seizure revenues and expenditures. It is recommended state and federal asset seizure monies set in the city of Rancho Cucamonga Trust Fund Account 862, object codes 2338, 2340, 2356, and 2357, be transferred into three new asset seizure funds, 195-State Asset Seizure, 196-State Asset Seizure California Drug and Gang Prevention (15%), and 197 Federal Asset Seizure. Under Health and Safety Code Section 11489(b)(2)(i), funds shall be awarded to programs designed to combat drug usage and divert gang activity and shall involve educators, parents, local businesses and community-based organizations. The distribution of funds shall be determined by a Governing Board which includes the Chief of Police, the counties Sheriff, District Attorney and Chief Probation Officer. This is done through proposals submitted to fund programs which meet the requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 11489(b)(2)(i). In May, 2008, the Northtown Housing Development Corporation submitted a proposal requesting $20,000.00 be awarded to fund their "Many Roots" program. This program serves "at risk' youths within the Northtown Community. The goal of the program is to provide a safe learning environment to learn positive and realistic coping skills; build healthy self esteem, learn how the community works; and to trust community leaders, all in hope of deterring them from gangs and drugs. The proposal was submitted to the Governing Board and was unanimously approved. FISCAL IMPACT None. Currently there is adequate funding within the city's State Asset Seizure California Drug and Prevention 15%. -2- P165 CONCLUSION It is recommended the City Council also approve the funding of the "Many Roots" Project utilizing asset seizure funds in 196-State Asset Seizure California Drug and Gang Prevention 15%.. Respectful~bmitted, e mano C ief of Police -3- P166 q T H E C 1 T Y O F . R•A.~.. C H..O, 0 0 0 A ht O N G.A StaffReport DATE: September 17, 2008 TO: Mayor and Members of City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: John R. Gillison, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services BY: Ingrid Y. Bruce, GIS/Special Districts Manager SUBJECT: PRESENTATION OF A GEOGRAPHIC BVFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) WEB BASED APPLICATION CALLED "MY NEIGHBORHOOD" DESIGNED FOR THE COMMUNITY AND DEVELOPED WITH MOOSEPOINT TECHNOLOGY. The GIS/Special Districts Division is implementing a new Internet mapping application called My Neighborhood developed by MoosePoint Technology Inc. using GeoSmart.net. MoosePoint Technology provides products, services and custom developed solutions with a focus on Enterprise GIS and web-based mapping. My Neighborhood will provide GIS-related information to the public with a focus on neighborhoods. With a My Neighborhood solution, the city will provide answers to questions such as: • "Is my property zoned for business?" • "What school would my kids go to?" • "Where's the nearest park?" • "Which day of the week is my trash picked up?" My Neighborhood allows the public to locate government facilities and services by typing in their address. Furthermore, My Neighborhood provides maps rich with GIS functionality and configured within the GeoSmart.net Management Portal. The reports available within My Neighborhood are also highly customizable. The infonnation that can be presented on maps and reports with My Neighborhood is limited only by the data available to the city. Some of the infonnation that can be included in these maps and reports are: Planning, Zoning, Road Closures, Storm Drains, Public Safety, RDA and Street Sweeping Schedule. P167 Page 2 September 17, 2008 City Council Staff Report My Neighborhood - MoosePoint Tech By utilizing My Neighborhood and GeoSmart.net the city can maximize their Enterprise- wide GIS by disseminating spatial data and services to the public and city users through user- friendly web based applications. The advantage of an Enterprise Internet mapping solution is that all users have immediate and easy access to up-to-date information to ultimately make more well-informed decisions. The GIS/Special Districts Division will plan on updating the City's GIS Needs Analysis and GIS Development document based on the results of My Neighborhood and will implement high value applications that can immediately enhance the value of web publishing to the City on the intemet and Intranet. Deploying high value and user friendly web based applications accessible to users from all departments within the City created with GeoSmart.net will eliminate the cost of software licenses and installations on individual computers. Quick and easy access to useful and up-to- date spatial information and GIS services using GeoSmart.net applications will increase efficiency, save staff time, and increase productivity. GeoSmart.net contains a set of powerful tools that make it easy to create quality web mapping applications, including built-in capabilities to display, query, and analyze data, including displaying data from other databases when the user selects features on the map, and to create reports and maps for printing with the My Neighborhood solution. Respectfully submitted, ~ _ ''~ R. Gillison Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services P168 STAFF REPORT ~ ~ ; PiL7ILDING :1ND S:1FE"I'1' L7EP.~RT~IFI~"C RANCHO Date: September 17, 2008 C,UGAbfONGA To: Mayor and Members of City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Trang Huynh, P.E., Building and Safety Official Subject: CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE TO A ND AND SUPERSEDE SECTION 8.08.010 THROUGH 8.08.060 OF CHAPTER 8.08 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE MOBILE HOME PARKS ACT AND SPECIAL OCCUPANCY PARKS ACT OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE AND TITLE 25, CHAPTER 2 AND 2.2, OF THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS; AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE $12,000 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 10010004209 (MOBILE HOME PERMIT), $8,200 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 10220004218 (MOBILE HOME LOT FEES- CITY), AND $3,200 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 10220004219 (MOBILE HOME LOT FEES- STATE) FOR THE COLLECTION OF PROGRAM REVENUES, AND TO APPROPRIATE $11,400 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 10223025200 (OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE) FOR PROGRAM EXPENDITURES. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Ordinance to amend and supersede Sections 8.08.010 through 8.08.060 of Chapter 8.08 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to assume responsibilities for the enforcement of the Mobile Home Parks Act and Special Occupancy Parks Act of the California Health and Safety Code and Title 25, Chapter 2 and 2.2, of the California Code of Regulations. It is also recommended to appropriate $12,000 into Account No. 1001 000 4209 (Mobile Home Permit), $8,200 into Account No. 1022 000 4218 (Mobile Home Lot Fees-City), and $3,200 into Account No. 1022 000 4219 (Mobile Home Lot Fees-State) for the collection of program revenues, and to appropriate $11,400 into Account No. 1022 302 5200 (Operations & Maintenance) for program expenditures. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On September 20, 1978, the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted Ordinance No. 40 which gave the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health Services (EHS) the authority to enforce Division 13, Part 2.1 of the California Health and Safety Code, (Mobile Home Parks Act, Title 25, California Code of Regulations). During the last thirty years, the County has been responsible for the enforcements of the eight (8) mobile home parks with 1,356 mobile home units in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The County also provided similar services to other cities in the County. Due to the workload activities and limited staff resources, the County relinquished the enforcement of the mobile home parks back to the cities or State effective August 15, 2008. However, the County EHS and the City had an agreement that the enforcement of the 8 P1 ti9 CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND SUPERSEDE SECTION 8.08.010 PACiI: 2 THROUGH 8.08.060 OF CHAPTER 8.08 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE MOBILE HOME PARKS ACT AND SPECIAL OCCUPANCY PARKS ACT OF THE Sr(P'I'IiMHR.R 17, 2008 mobile home parks in the City will be continued by EHS until November 30, 2008 so the City's Building and Safety staff can get ready to assume the roles of enforcement and permit process. Pursuant to the Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations, when the responsibility of the County EHS has been relinquished, the enforcement of the Mobile Home Parks Act and Special Occupancy Parks Act falls back to the local jurisdictions. If a city does not intend to take on the responsibility for the enforcement of this program, the city must take an official action to relinquish the enforcement responsibility back to the State of California's Department of Housing and Community Development Department (HCD). After a careful review of the permit activities and enforcement issues generated from the current 8 mobile home parks in the City, the current staff in the Building and Safety department will be able tc handle the work activities without a major impact. During the fiscal year of 2006-2007, the County EHS issued 65 permits for new mobile home installations and other miscellaneous permits which generated a permit revenue of about $12,000. In addition, there were 9 complaints from the mobile home owners submitted to the County for resolutions. Besides these normal work activities, the department will have to conduct a complete maintenance and safety inspection of each mobile home park every 7 years. The State allows the local jurisdiction to collect $8 per mobile home unit annually for the maintenance inspection and operating fees which will be allocated to the City's Mobile Home Lot Fee. In addition, the City will collect from the 8 mobile home parks about $3,200 annually for a State fee which will be remitted to the State from the City. Due to the State's financial constraints and large area coverage from Santa Barbara to Chula Vista by HCD which has only 3 State inspectors, the option of reverting this enforcement action back to the State HCD is not a good option. The quality of services and response time to the local mobile home parks' issues are best to be handled at the local level. After the adoption of the ordinance relative to the City assuming enforcement responsibility for the mobile home parks, a copy of the adopted ordinance will be sent to the County and the State's Department of Housing and Community Development for their information. Respectfully ~u milted, Tr~nh, P.E. Building and Safety Official Attachment: Draft Ordinance No. TOH:Ic P170 ORDINANCE NO. ?9p AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AMENDING AND SUPERSEDING SECTIONS 8.08.010 THROUGH 8.08.060 OF CHAPTER 8.08 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE MOBILEHOME PARKS ACT AND SPECIAL OCCUPANCY PARKS ACT OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, AND TITLE 25, CHAPTERS 2 AND 2.2, OF THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. A. Pursuant to Chapter 8.08, Section 8.08.020 of [he Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, the City of Rancho Cucamonga ("City') previously designated the County Department of Environmental Health Services for the enforcement of California Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2.1 ("Mobilehome Parks Act"), and related regulations of Title 25, Califomia Administrative Code, within the City. B. Such enforcement by the County of San Bernardino Department of Environmental Health Services will cease after November 30. 2008. C. Effective December 1, 2008. the City assumes full responsibility for the enforcement of California Health anal Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2.1, commencing with Section 18200 ("Mobilehome Parks Act"), and Part 2.3, commencing with Section 18860 ("Special Occupancy Parks, Act") of the California Health and Safety Code, and their related administrative regulations contained in Title 25, Division 1, Chapters 2 and 2.2 of the California Code of Regulations (the "Regulations"). D. The effective date of assumption of enforcement responsibilities by the City shall be December 1, 2008. E. With the adoption of this Ordinance; the City intends to meet the public protection intent and provisions of the Mobilehome Parks Act, Special Occupancy Parks Act, and Regulations (collectively `'State Mobilehome Laws"), to ensure that all mobile home parks within the City are maintained in a safe. sanitary and acceptable residential areas. Reasonable compliance with maintenance, sanitation. safety. use and occupancy provisions of the State Mobilehome Laws is anticipated within 90 days from the effective date of this Ordinance. 1083906-I P171 Section 2. Chapter 8.08, Sections 8.08.010 throueh 8.08.060 of the Rancho Cucamonea Municipal Code, are herebv amended and superseded in their entirety and new' Sections 8.08.010 throuEh 8.08.100 are added to read as follows: "8.08.010 City assumption of enforcement responsibility. The City assumes responsibility for the enforcement of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2.1 commencing with Section 18200 ("Mobilehome Parks Act") and Part 2.3 commencing with Section 18860 ("Special Occupancy Parks Act") of the California Health and Safety Code and their related administrative regulations contained in Title 25, Chapters 2 and 2.2 of the California Code of Regulations (the "Regulations') within the City. 8.08.020 Enforcement authorih~. The City hereby delegates the responsibility for the enforcement of the Mobilehome Parks Act, the Special Occupancy Parks Act Health, and the Regulations (collectively, the State Mobilehome Laws") to the Building and Safety Department. The City hereby designates the Building and Safety Official, as the person who is qualified to enforce the aforementioned Acts. 8.08.030 Enforcing officers. As needed to meet the program goal and objectives, the Building and Safety Official is directed to assign at least two qualified employees to enforce the provisions of the State Mobilehome Laws. 8.08.040 Fee schedule. The City hereby adopts the schedules of fees designated in the State Mobilehome Laws. 8.08.050 Statement of Objectives The City hereby adopts the statement of objectives contained in the State Mobilehome Laws. The Citv's specific objectives in assuming statutory authority from California Department of Housing and Community Development ("HCD") are to provide for timely and reliable enforcement of the State Mobilehome Laws regarding use; maintenance, and occupancy governed by said Acts: and to protect public health, safety and welfare. 8.08.060 Description of Existing Parks. Alta Lacuna. The park was established in ]973 with 186 spaces. It is fully occupied at this time. The mobile homes are mostly double wide units. There is one ingress point at Baseline and an egress at Hermosa. The park currently provides several facilities and services, such as: clubhouse, laundry room, pool /spa, common 1083906-1 P172 area maintenance, RV parking, controlled access gates and exterior fencing. Alta Vista. The park was established in 1972. There are 294 spaces. However, there are 8 vacant lots in the park at this time. The park has two ingress and egress points. The park currently provides several facilities and services, such as: clubhouse, pool /spa, wading pool; common area maintenance, tennis courts, basketball court and exterior fencing. Casa Volante. The park was established in 1969 with 203 spaces. It is fully occupied with double wide units. One access point is located at Foothill and an emergency egress is located at Baker Road. The park currently provides several facilities and services, such as: clubhouse, laundry room, pool/spa, common area maintenance and exterior fencing. Chaparral Heights. The park was established in 1970 with 155 spaces. The park is fully occupied with double wide units. One access point is at Archibald and an emergency access also on Archibald. The park currently provides several facilities and services, such as: clubhouse, laundry room, pool /spa, common area maintenance, RV parking, bocce court and exterior fencing. Foothill Manor. The park was established in 1947 with 87 spaces. The park is mainly single wide mobile home units. One ingress point at Foothill and the egress access is on Hellman. The park currently provides several facilities and services, such as: clubhouse, laundry room; pool, common area maintenance, RV parking and exterior fencing. Pines. The park was established in 1965 with 165 spaces. The park is completely occupied with double wide units at this time. One access point is located at Foothill and two emergency egresses located at Hermosa Street. The park currently provides several facilities and services, such as: clubhouse, laundry room, pool /spa, common area maintenance. RV parking and exterior fencing. Ramona Villa. The park was established in 1974 with 149 spaces. The park is fully occupied with double wide units. One access point is located at Baseline and two emergency accesses on Ramona Street. The park currently provides several facilities and services, such as: clubhouse, laundry room, pool /spa, sauna, common area maintenance, RV parking and exterior fencing. S~~camore Villa. The park was established in 1965 with 96 spaces. The park has mainly double wide mobile home emits. One 1083906-I P173 ingress access at Foothill and the egress access is on Hellman. The park currently provides several facilities and services, such as: clubhouse, laundry room, pool /spa, basketball court, common area maintenance, and exterior fencing. 8.08.070 Effective Date of Assumption. The effective date of assumption of enforcement responsibilities of the State Mobilehome Laws shall be December 1. ?008. 8.08.080 Method of Enforcement. Not later than thirty (30) days from the effective date of assumption of enforcement as defined in Section 8.08.070, the City shall commence and thereafter diligently enforce the State Mobilehome Laws as follows: (a) Review and maintain relevant files provided by HCD and compare same with records on file with City. (b) Review pertinent building standards of the State relevant to mobilehomes and manufactured homes. (c) Ascertain the status of all permits-to-operate and construction permits, and enforce relevant requirements. (d) Investigate and resoh~e complaints as the need arises. (e) Perform periodic park maintenance inspections consistent with applicable law. (f) Take all other actions as are deemed appropriate in furtherance of State laws and reeulations. 8.08.090 Use of State Forms When enforcing the State Mobilehome Laws. the City shall utilize the following• forms: (a) HCD 500A, Application for Permit to Operate; (b) HCD ~03Q, Annual Permit to Operate; (c) HCD 51 3B, Manufactured Home or Mobilehome Installation Acceptance (d) HCD 513C, Certificate of Occupancy (e) HCD X38, Plot Plan 4 1083906-I P174 8.08.100 Permits To Operate and State Fees. The City agrees to send a copy of all permits to operate and State fees to the Administrative Office of the Division of Codes and Standards of HCD no later than the 1 ~`h of the month following the City's issuance of such permits and receipt of such funds." Section 3. Transmittal of Ordinance. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this Ordinance to the Administrative Office of the Division of Codes and Standards of FICD within ten (]0) days of the date of adoption which, in any event. shall not be less than thirty (30) days before the effective date of assumption of enforcement responsibilities. Section 4. Severabiliri-. If any sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or portions of this Ordinance are for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional. such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this and each section, subsection. phrase or clause of this ordinance whether or not any one or more sections, subsections, phrases or clauses may be declared invalid or unconstitutional on their face or as applied. Section 5. Publication. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published in the manner prescribed by law. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , X008. Manor 1, Kathryn L. Scott. Acting City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of . X008, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of , 2008, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: 1083906-I P175 ATTEST: Acting City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga APPROVED AS TO FORM: James L. Markman, City Attorney 1083906-I P176 STAFF REPORT Date: September 17, 2008 To: Mayor and Member of City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Trang Huynh, Building and Safety Official~~f' By: Tiffany Cooper, Management Analyst II Subject: HOUSING MARKET ECONOMIC STIMULUS PACKAGE RANCHO C,UCAMONGA RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council endorse a completion of work by directing staff to develop an ordinance to address the housing market economic stimulus package, and then allow staff to proceed to Council for a final consideration. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Over the last three years California has quickly become a casualty in the ongoing home mortgage foreclosure crisis. As a result, the state is now considered one of the nation's top ten metro areas with the most foreclosures per household. With the housing market continuing to plummet; due to sub-prime, adjustable-rate mortgages, and no clear end in sight, the number of foreclosures continues to rise. Residuals of this economic hardship are apparent in our community by the staggering number of foreclosed houses currently on the market, and the adverse impact this is having on the Building industry as a whole. A few months ago, the City received a Housing Market Economic Stimulus packet from the local Building Industry Association (BIA), Mt. Baldy chapter, with a proposal requesting financial relief during these economically hard times. After several internal meetings, staff continues to work closely with the BIA to devise a housing market economic stimulus program that would assist the development community by deferring specific development impact fees, and provide longer time extensions for construction projects; which in turn could potentially help the cost of housing revert to affordability and prevent further erosion of the housing market. The BIA recommended that the City consider two key aspects that could potentially help to stimulate economic recovery in the housing market without sacrificing infrastructure and public service objectives. The recommendations are: A. Flexibility on the Entitlement/Conditioning Process B.. Deferment of Development Impact Fees P177 TIFFANY COOPER, MANAGEMEN"P ANALYST II SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 PAGE2 To address the concerns of the BIA, city staff from different departments was assembled to review the feasibility of this request and the overall potential impact to the city. Requests and Responses: A. Entitlement /Conditioning Process: 1. EXPLORE NEW POLICY PROPOSALS THAT DECREASE TIME, COST AND UNCERTAINTY IN THE PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND BUILDING PROCESS Evaluation of the planning, entitlement, permit, and inspection procedures are an ongoing process that is reviewed to determine the least impact on customer service, while still minimizing costs. In addition the market is such that developers receive a response faster than previous years when the market activities were busier. There is currently no residential development code revisions contemplated in the Planning Department. 2. DELAY ALL NEW CODE REVISIONS THAT INCREASE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION This code adoption is mandated by the State. Building and Safety, and Engineering are required to adopt the latest codes by a specified time. We do not have the flexibility of delaying the adoption of the latest codes. However, at this time there are no pending code revisions proposed by City departments. 3. SUPPORT BUILDER REQUESTS FORA 2-YEAR EXTENSION FOR ALL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL GRADING PERMITS AND A 1-YEAR EXTENSION FOR BUILDING PERMITS THAT HAVE NOT YET CALLED FOR INSPECTION. Currently, the codes allow one year extension. The City's Building and Safety Department can support this proposal for the requested two years extension for grading and building permits as long as the maintenance of the grading work or the site is well kept so dust problems, erosion controls, and other nuisances will not affect the adjacent developed or occupied sites. 4. SUPPORT BUILDER REQUESTS FORA 2-YEAR EXTENSION FOR ALL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL GRADING AND BUILDING PLAN CHECKS THAT ARE CURRENTLY LOGGED INTO A CITY. The current code's requirement allows 1-year duration for the projects in plan check to obtain building permits. The proposal of a 2-year extension will have little to no impact on the city providing the new building codes are not adopted by the State and the construction sites and projects are maintained properly without creating hardships or nuisances to the adjacent property owner. P178 TIFFANY COOPER, MANAGEMENT ANALYST II SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 PAGE 3 5. REQUIRE STAFF TO SEND ALL INDUSTRY-RELATED PROPOSED POLICY CHANGES TO ELECTED OFFICIALS WITH A COPY TO B/A Currently, the Planning, Building and Safety, Fire, and Engineering departments work very closely with BIA for any policy changes, fee revisions, new code adoptions, etc. We notify and discuss with BIA in advance before we take the matters to the City Council for the approvals or adoptions. This working relationship between the City departments and BIA is at its best. B. Development Impact Fees A Development Impact Fee (DIF) is a fee that is paid by the developer for new construction within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. These fees help to offset the financial impact to the city for Beautification, Transportation, Parkland, and/or Drainage. DIF Fees are assessed upon the issuance of a building permit, and are calculated by determining the overall cost of the project. Currently the City's fees are based on the Consumer Pricing Index (C.P.I), Engineering fees, SANBAG, and the California Vehicle Code Section 35795 and Caltrans Fee schedule. The City is proposing the following options to the BIA: 1. Criteria for fee deferral eligibility The proposed Deferral program will apply to new single-family and multi-residential projects with twenty-five (25) units or more that are under construction, in plan check, or future entitled projects. At the present time, the city has identified a total of twenty-eight (28) projects; however only thirteen (13) projects would be applicable to the terms of the project threshold of 25 units or more. Developers participating in this program will be required to provide to undergo an activity review that will show their progress with moving their projects to completion. In addition, developers who choose to participate in a Deferral program will be required to file recorded documents against the property in the event the builder sells the project. 2. Financial Impact With a DIF deferral ordinance in place, the financial impact to the City could potentially be an estimated $11.6 million, in terms of Development Impact Fees, should all thirteen projects utilize this program. However, due to the current economic conditions and the one year program guideline, staff is confident that a more realistic amount of Development Impact Fees to be deferred would range between 25-30%; of the current estimated DIF, or $3.5 million. In addition staff salaries paid through development accounts could potentially be impacted; however a better indication of the impact will be evaluated during the six month review period. 3. Deadline to pull permits Upon approval and adoption of the Ordinance, the City will impose a six month "window" where developers can pull permits and sign up for the Deferral Program. Only projects where permits have been pulled during the specified time will be eligible for DIF fee deferral. City staff will present to City Council a six month follow-up at which time an update on the program will be provided. The deadline to pull permits may be extended at the discretion of City Council. P179 TIFFANY COOPER, MANAGEMENT ANALYST II PAGE 4 SEPITMNL'^R 17.2008 4. Length of deferral after permits are obtained The proposed program allows deferment of most Development Impact Fees (DIF) for up to one year of when the permit(s) are pulled, to final inspection, or the Certificate of Occupancy; whichever comes first. 5. Applicability The Deferral program will not apply to any projects that were initiated under a Development Agreement (DA). Currently we have only one (1) project under this DA option. 6. Administration Fees An administrative fee will be charged for each Deferral program application. Fees will be in a similar range to that of other supporting cities, and it will be based on the staff time and the time of service. 7. Conditions for proposed program: a. There must be a recorded agreement filed with the County for fees b. If the project fails or the developer loses funding, the new developer/builder must pay deferred fees at escrow c. A detailed timeline for project completion must accompany deferral application d. Developer must agree to a "reporting" process within the 12-month deferral period, as to the status of the project e. Consideration for fee extension will be granted if the project is at a substantial stage of construction. Extensions will be evaluated on an individual basis f. If an extension is granted, the developer will be required to pay 20% of the total Impact Fee as a "good faith" deposit. ~ct~fully ~a mitted, Trang I~fly/n//h'(u/, P.E. Building and Safety Official U O z O V W w Y Q c~ z 0 x W Y U Q a J H O O O N O O ~ N ~ ~ ~ fig L ~ ~ L O O ~ Q . •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' O U +-~ % o W _ C N ~ O N ;~ O ~' O p ~ Q O ti O U ~ .~ _ ~ O O ~ O L, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \_~1 ~ ~ ?~ 07 N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ca N ~ N ~ V O N E Q to O ~ ;~ L c U ~ C ~ :,_, U , ~ ~ cA ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ }, M O oV `~ Q ~ C >+ ~ O ~ °~ o ~ ~ c E•- o E ~ O E O~ U ~ O O Q 'X L ~ L ~ O N > N c W N O ~j Q Z 00 I- O O Z ~ Q = H Z L a"r ~ G~ o ~ _ W L _ ~ , : ~"; (~ , ~~ +-~ ~ N ~• ~ + O ~ ~ a -- ~ a--i L Q. ~ ~ Q ~~ U O ~ ~ . ~' ~; ~ ~ ~ (~ ~ ~ to ~ N cn - ca X p L- C +~ N ~' O O ~ ~ R3 ~~ ~+ _ ~ N O N 'i a4: ~ ~ O . O ~ ~ O ~ U ~ o U L O C ~ ~ i O '~ ' O ,~ ~ ~ U L Q~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~~ Q ~ ~ ~ O i ,' ~ ~ ~ N M ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U L C ~., O' ~ a~ - Q ~ ~ ~ - a ~ ~ ~ ~~ c~ _~' U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ U ~ Q ~ 1+ ~ X m ~ 0 N ~ •- N ~ ~ . ~~ _ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ Q ~-_~ ~--~ ~ C ~ U O Ca ~ ~ O ~ V '~ ~ O ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ Q~ .~ ~ ~ ~ U N ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ Q O O ~'= U U ~ ~ N ~ O W' ~ O_ U W ~~ ~ .~ ~ ~ r- N M ~ ~ o ~ ~~ N U II ~ ~ +r C~ Q N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/' ~ ~ ~ . ~ o U ~~ ~ ~ o ~' > m ~ ai ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ V p ~ ~ , o ~ ~ ,; ~ ~ o ° o ca a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ -~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ 4~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ `-; 1 ~ c O ~ U ~ ' fa ~ ~ U ~' `~ p W ~ N Q ~ ~ ~ ~ m O ~ 0 ~ A ~ U ' ~ ~ O +r O C ~_ L• +~ O~ ~ N ~' ~ ~ 'c~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~,~, ~ ~ ~ L' :~ ~' Q ~' ~ ~ c ._~ ~ o ~ L' L U ~ ~ ~ Q V ~ ~„ L ~ O L• ~--' ''~ N ~ o .~.~~~~ ,;~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~, ,~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ L~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ t%~ ~ o ,~ ~' ~ a a~ ~~ L ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~\ U ~ ~ ~ V U ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ U .O .x ~ ~ O O Q ~ Cn O ~ ~ ~ ca • (~ Q ~U C C~ U N O L _~ .~ }~ ~ L O ~ O o Q. N ~ ~.~ ~~ (~ ~ .X .U O ~ ~- Q. Q O O .~ M 69 A .~ ~~ N O L Q C Q~ .~ I O L ,,~ W .~ N -~ ~ U U i ~ O ~ U ~ ~ A N U (a (B C O L Q +-~ C L U N .~ C6 (/~ .~ L a--~ Q Q~ O O H A N U (~ i N L .~ ~.O O Q U }, ~_ ~ N LL ~ ~ ~ O O C ~ ~ Q N ~~ O 1 ~^~^,, W Al 1 ` 1 ~ W L }, ~ }, o .~ o E o ~ ~ ~~ L, ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ cn ~ o ~ a~ o ~ a~ .~~ ~ o ~ 'gin ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ o _ ~ L ~ ~ U ~ ~ O _ ~ .Q ~ ~ ~ O !n Q ~ ~ N O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~}+l y~ C_ Q ~ i N O ~ ~' ~ ~._, L.L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ > Q ~ ~ ~ ~N ~~ c O N O Q ~ ([f ~ L- w ~ ~ r ~ Q O ~ U ~ X O ~ U LL N ~ Q N ~ C O ~ O N C ~ - •- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O A+ O ~ N ~ Q c~ Q~ N c~ E ~ L V M W L ~ ~ ~ a~ C ~~ O '0 O `+- ~ O ~ N L N f+ - ~ L _ •~ A ~ V i O ~ O ~ O ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~' ~' ~ A A V A V, A V s~: C L N Q N (a .~ L Q D A Q. .i~ ~' ~~ ~~ .~~ Z a~--+ L .~ ~L ~--i ~ U N N `.~ N O ~ N ~ O ~ ~U - ~ ~ ~ O O ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ O Q ~ O ~ N ~ +r ~ ~ N U OU ~ _O ~ ~ N .~ ~ ~ O ~ C ~ N 0