HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/01/07 - Minutes - SpecialJanuary 7, 2009
Special Meeting
A special meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council/Fire Protection DistricURedevelopmentRgency was held on
Wednesday, January 7, 2009, in the City Council Chambers, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho
Cucamonga, California. Mayor/Chairman/President Donald J. Kurth, M. D. called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m.
Present were Councilmembers/Boardmembers/Agencymembers: Sam Spagnolo, Diane Williams, Mayor Pro
TemNice PresidenWice Chairman L. Dennis Michael; and Mayor/PresidenUChairman Donald J. Kurth.
Councilmember/Boardmember/Agencymember Rex Gutierrez was absent.
Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager/Executive Director; Jim Markman, City Attorney (arrived at 2:40 p.m.);
Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager; John Gillison, Deputy Ciry Manager/Administrative Services; Mahdi Aluzri,
Deputy City Manager/Community Development; Chief Peter Bryan, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Mike
Bell, Deputy Fire Chief; Mark Hartwig, Deputy Fire Chief; Jan Reynolds, Ciry Clerk and Debra L. McKay, Assistant City
Clerk/Records Manager.
No communication was made from the public.
Jack Lam, City Manager, noted that providing Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) services has been a major goal in
the 1987, 2000 and 2005 Fire Strategic Plans. Recognizing that EMD and emergency communications were so
intertwined, the City Council directed staff in December of 2007 to issue a Request for Proposal to solicit providers that
would supply both emergency communications and emergency medical dispatch services to the Rancho Cucamonga
Fire District.
John Gillison, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services, indicated that an RFP was issued in February 2008 to
retain an outside consultant with specialized expertise in both general and emergency communications. He reported
that the firm of Pendleton Partners was chosen to assist the City/Agency/District and introduced Steve Pendleton and
Geoff Cady from Pendleton Partners.
Geoff Cady spoke about the advantages to implementing EMD services. EMD consistently verifies patient's location
and chief complaint, minimizes response delays, improves communication between dispatchers and provides
continuous updates. The services also establishes standard protocols for call processing, minimizes arbitrary or
anecdotal decision-making, ensures compliance to standard dispatch protocols and provides medically validated pre-
arrivalinstructions. The emergency incident time continuum and dispatcher functions were also discussed. Mr. Cady
addressed the State EMD guidelines, scope of practice and EMD protocol reference system.
Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2009
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Mr. Cady indicated that the Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS) was created by Dr. Jeff Clawson and is used by
more than 2,500 providers nationwide. MPDS provides unifed protocol and a systems approach to EMD. He indicated
that the system is aprotocol-specific continuing dispatch education component and is compliant with all National
standards of practice and position papers. Key MPDS components, examples of the MPDS key questions, instructions
and determinant descriptions were highlighted. Lastly, Mr. Cady discussed the system design process and how EMD
fits into Fire strategic planning. In conclusion, Mr. Cady recommended the use of MPDS, as it improves patient
outcomes, enhances data analysis and optimizes resource utilization. Policies and procedures can be expanded to
include fire and other types of emergencies. EMD emphasizes the need for strategically laced and appropriately
staffed all-risk stations, works in conjunction with the 2005 Strategic Plan and ensures the best and most efficient level
of emergency medical service possible for the community.
In response to Councilmember Spagnolo, Mr. Cady confirmed that there data was available which shows the
effectiveness of MPDS. He indicated that he would provide information on the studies. In response to Mayor Kurth, Mr.
Cady noted that the use of MPDS is superior to the current system as it uses a structured sequence of questions to
determine the condition of the patient. He confirmed that 2,500 agencies are currently using MPDS. Mr. Cady indicated
to Mayor Kurth that disadvantages to MPDS include its cost and the perception that the structured system is not
intuitive and is inflexible. In response to Councilmember Spagnolo, Mr. Cady indicated that the use of MPDS would not
dictate the number of type of resources to be provided. It was noted that the system would be updated annually and
the existence of alternate systems was discussed. Mayor Pro Tem Michael stated that MPDS would provide first
responders the information that they need to provide the highest quality of care.
In response to Mayor Kurth, it was noted that the system would be updated annually to incorporate new medical
knowledge and that pre-arrival dispatch protocol was available. Discussion was held regarding implementation and the
use of existing computers. In response to Councilmember Williams,' Mr. Cady addressed the intensive physical
evaluation that is done on-site and stated that use of MPDS would not completely eliminate this process. The system
would; however, confirm the patient's symptoms and provide information to the first responder on the condition of the
John Gillison, Deputy City ManagerlAdministrative Services, addressed staffs recommendations for
communications/dispatch and emergency medical dispatch services. He addressed the timeline on the retention of
Pendleton Partners and the issuance and evaluation of a RFP. Four agencies submitted qualified proposals: City of
Ontario, ConFire, City of San Bernardino and Rancho Cucamonga Fire District. In May 2008, the Project Team
selected two proposals (Ontario and ConFire) for further review. A detailed scope of services was prepared and issued
to the two finalists in October of 2008 and final interviews were conducted in December.
Mr. Gillison reported on the current Fire District dispatch services and indicated that the District has contracted with the
City of Ontario since the 1970's. He stressed that the City of Ontario is doing a very good job providing dispatch
services to the City. The project goals and objectives, the steps taken to achieve the goals and objectives and the
steps taken to ensure project success were discussed. Mr. Gillison reported that the City of Ontario proposed to
implement EMD in 18-24 months, there is no option for increased governance, RCFD would assume all liability and
would pay for the entire implementation (estimated at $2.6 million the first year and $1.7 million annually). In contrast,
ConFire would implement communications and EMD services in 6-9 months, there would be a contractual
arrangement the first year but membership in the Joint Powers Authority is possible in the second year. The cost is
estimated at $500,000 annually with the potential cost of $200,000 to acquire member status.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, the other members of the Joint Powers Authority were identified. Also
discussed was ConFire's location at the airport and their working relationship with cities in San Bernardino County. In
response to Mayor Kurth, Mr. Gillison confirmed that the District would be a contract agency at first but stated that
ConFire is open to including the City in the Joint Powers Authority. Mr. Gillison noted that the actual cost to the City
would be determined by the number of calls and the number of agencies in the JPA, indicating that $500,000 was an
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Mr. Gillison stated that both finalists currently handle approximately the same
number of EMS calls. He rated the quality of the dispatching services equally. The ISO rating was not known. Mayor
Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2009
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known. Mayor Pro Tem Michael stressed the need for measurable performance standards. In response to Mayor
Kurth, Mr. Gillison stated that there was a good chance that the City would be able to join the Joint Powers Authority.
He indicated that this would be addressed in the terms of the contract.
In response to Councilmember Spagnolo, Mr. Gillison reported that ConFire hasjustcompleted the training necessary
to implement the EMD system. Consequently, by the time the District enters into a contractual relationship with
ConFire, they will have been using EMD for about six months.
Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager, noted that ConFire is being recommended due to the following reasons:
There is a more timely implementation schedule, ConFire is currently implementing an accredited EMD system, there
is a focus on fire/EMS dispatch services, the participatory governance structure, ConFire is amenable to contractual
performance goals/standards, there is a shared cost structure for EMD implementation and there is no additional
liability concerns.
Steve Pendleton addressed the dispatch and EMD implementation, recommending that a contract be negotiated with
Confire, that an implementation committee be established (including a 2-person Ad Hoc Board Committee, City, Fire
and Fire Association representatives), that a professional services agreement with Pendleton Partners be executed,
that a transition plan from Ontario to ConFire be developed, that an evaluation be done on the feasibility of using
ConFire as a communication provider for municipal dispatch and that system planning, training and technology work
be conducted. A transition to ConFire would occur and a dry run would be held. In late 2009 to early 2011, staff would
monitor the system performance, troubleshoot operational and technical issues, collect system data and validate EMD
outcomes against field reports, utilize the data to improve patient outcomes and optimize resource allocation and
continue to evaluate the dispatch/EMD process to maximize efficiency and ensure the best level of emergency medical
service to the community.
Councilmember Williams suggested that the existing contracts with the other members of the Joint Powers Authority
be reviewed.
Mrs. Easter recommended that staff be authorized to begin contract negotiations and implementation planning with
Consolidated Fire Agencies of the East Valley to provide general dispatch/communication services and EMD to the
Fire District and the City. If approved, she noted that a final contract for service would be brought back for formal
approval as part of the FY 2009-10 Budget. It is recommended that staff be authorized to execute a professional
services agreement with Pendleton Partners for EMD/Dispatch Implementation and EMD/Dispatch Evaluation, in an
amount not to exceed $370,000. As a one-time expense, the costs will come out of Fire RDA reserves and be spread
between FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10. Lastly, she recommended that a 2-person Board Ad Hoc Committee be
appointed to work with the City/Fire/Association transition and implementation team.
Councilmember Spagnolo stressed the need to make sure that the focus is on dispatching services. He wanted to
ensure quality of dispatching and did not want to jeopardize the people out in the field for a program. However,
Councilmember Spagnolo could see the potential of the MPDS and how it could enhance the services provided to the
In response to Mayor Kurth, Deputy Chief Bell, Deputy Chief Hartwig and Chief Bryan spoke in support of the
recommended actions. Councilmembers Spagnolo and Michael indicated that they would like to serve on the Ad Hoc
Mayor Pro Tem Michael was pleased that the review process had included so many people. He noted that dispatch
was a critical component of the service being provided to the community. Mayor Pro Tem Michael agreed that the City
of Ontario had provided excellent service but recognized the advantages with proceeding with ConFire. He
encouraged staff to ensure that the automatic aid and response times were not impacted.
Councilmember Williams commended staff for the thorough analysis and understandable report. She supported the
inclusion in the Joint Powers Authority and the recommended actions.
Mayor Kurth thanked everyone for their hard work and was pleased that a way to improve the services to the
community had been found. He supported the process and the fact that so many people were included.
Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2009
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MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Spagnolo to support the recommendation in the staff report. Motion
carried 4-0, Gutierrez was absent.
MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Kurth to appoint Mayor Pro Tem Michael and Councilmember Spagnolo to
the Board Ad Hoc Committee. Motion carried 4-0, Gutierrez was absent.
The meeting adjourned 4:34 p.m.
R Specttully s/ubmitted,
De ra L. McKay, MMC
Assistant City Clerk/Secretary/Secretary
Approved: January 21, 2009