HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/03/03 - Minutes - AdjournedMarch 3, 2009
An adjourned regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council, Fire Protection District and Redevelopment
Agency was held on Tuesday, March 3, 2009, in the City Council Chambers located at 12505 Cultural Center Drive,
Rancho Cucamonga, California. Mayor/Chairman/ President Donald J. Kurth called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m.
Present were Councilmembers/Boardmembers/Agencymembers: Rex Gutierrez, Sam Spagnolo and Diane Williams,
Mayor Pro TemNice ChairmanNice President L. Dennis Michael and Mayor/PresidenUChairman Donald J. Kurth.
Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Jim Markman, City Attorney; Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager;
Jahn Gillison, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services; Mahdi Aluzri, Deputy City Manager/Community
Development; James Troyer, Planning Director; Debra McKay, Records Manager/Assistant City Clerk and Kathy
Scott, Assistant Cily Clerk.
Tim Johnson, District Director for Supervisor Paul Biane; Julie Rynerson Rock, Land Use Services Director for San
Bernardino County and Mark Dowling, Economic Development Administrator for San Bernardino County were also
John Lyons indicated that yesterday he had expressed concerns with flood control in the area. After listening to the
presentations, he believed that a project in this area could be positive for the City.
Michael Baker, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club of Anaheim, highly recommended Brookfield Homes
and indicated that they are truly making a difference in the community.
Joseph Davis, past President of the Irvine Community Development Company, noted that he had worked closely with
Brookfield Homes and recommended them highly.
Rowena Abuan stated her positive experiences with Brookfield Homes
1. Consideration of Responses to the Request for Qualification (RFQ) for 1,200 acres, San Bernardino County
Property, Located North of the City Boundary and in the City's Sphere of Influence (the Property is located
north of Banyan Street and approximately Between Milliken Ave. and Day Creek Flood Control Channel),
Including Presentations by and Interviews of Applicants
Mahdi Aluzri, Deputy City Manager/Community Development indicated that this meeting was scheduled to continue
the interview process with the applicants.
Adrian Foley, President of Brookfield Homes introduced the team, including Ronald Krater, JZMK Partners; John
Olivier, Fuscoe Engineering; David Moskovitz, Glenn Lukos Associates and Matthew Burris, CTG Energetics. Mr.
Foley indicated that Brookfield Homes had direct experience in building in the foothills as shown in the La Vina
community, a 220 acre site located in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. Ronald Krater, JZMK Partners,
indicated that the company was experienced in planning, urban design and architectural design. Projects include
Edenglen in Ontario and The Irvine Ranch (Woodbury, Orchard Hills, Portola Springs, Laguna Crossing, Stonegate
and Newport Ridge).
Adjourned Regular City Council/Fire Board/Redevelopment Agency Meeting
March 3, 2009
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John Olivier, Fuscoe Engineering, addressed project challenges (flood control, drainage, habitat) and Fuscoe's
experience in addressing these type of challenges in designing the San Sevaine Levees, San Sevaine Channel and
Etiwanda Flood Wall as well as the Wildlife Corridor and Agua Chinon "Natural Stream" at the Great Park. He
identified opportunities to design and construct green streets, buried entrapment zones and natural treatment
systems. Mr. Olivier indicated that the firm had great relationships with Federal and State regulatory agencies. David
Moskovitz, Glenn Lukos Associates, spoke regarding the environmental challenges and the company's experience in
identifying and addressing these challenges. Dave Bartlett, Vice President -Land Entitlement discussed the
entitlement process and the need for community outreach and stakeholder sessions.
Mr. Krater presented the vision for Legacy Park. In general, a plan was not developed as the design of the area
would be developed with input from the community. Legacy Park is envisioned to be to be a wmplete community of
diverse, compact, pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods; dynamic village center; educational campuses; and public
facilities; linked together through a comprehensive open space, recreation and trails system within the unique setting
of the foothills. There are four overreaching principals for Legacy Park: Open space would be the primary organizing
element; healthy neighborhoods would be developed; there would be a strong sense of community pride and success
through a commitment to public outreach, consensus building, and embracing spirit of partnership; the human and
natural systems would be integrated into a truly sustainable environment; there would be a diversity of housing
opportunities and there would be a sense of community. Carina Hathaway, Vice President of Sales and Marketing,
spoke about the brilliant team and their passion and commitment to the project.
In response to Councilmember Spagnolo, Mr. Foley confirmed that the team did not have retail experience but
indicated that people would be added to the team that possessed this experience. Mr. Moskovitz confrmed that he
had managed the regulatory requirements for Lytle Creek. Mr. Foley invited Councilmember Gutierrez to tour the La
Vino community as an example of Brookfield's work. He also confrmed that the tympany was weathering the
economic storm.
Mr. Foley responded to Mayor Pro Tem Michael and indicated that there would be a group of homebuilders. Mr.
Olivier addressed the rock quarry and stated that the firm would be looking at various solutions. Mr. Moskovitz
indicated that golf courses could be harmful to the environment and discussed the Audubon certifcation program for
golf courses. Also discussed was Brookfeld's vision to provide a wide range of housing choices.
In response tc Councilmember Williams, Mr. Olivier recognized the value of the water runoff and stated that perhaps
some of the constraints could be removed so that runoff was allowed. Also discussed with Councilmember Williams
was the vision to place retail amenities in the center and residential developments along the fringes.
Mr. Olivier addressed Mayor Kurth and stated that flood control would be the major issue. He expected that new
calculations would need to be done to ensure that the homes in that area would be protected. Mr. Olivier stated that
Brookfeld has experience in building in the foothills. Also discussed was the desire to build a community and sustain
a community at no cost to the City.
The meeting adjourned at 2:54 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
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De a L. McKay, MMC
Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager
Approved: March 16, 2009