HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/09/24 - Minutes - Special Joint Chaffey CollegeSeptember 24, 2009
A tour and special joint meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council/Redevelopment Agency/Fire
Protection District and Chaffey College Governing Board was held on Thursday, September 24, 2009, at the
Chaffey College Campus, located 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California. MayorNice
PresidentNice Chairman L. Dennis Michael called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m.
Present were Councilmembers/Boardmembers/Agencymembers: Rex Gutierrez, Sam Spagnolo and Mayor
Pro TemNice PresidenWice Chairman L. Dennis Michael. Councilmember/Boardmember/Agencymember
Diane Williams arrived at 12:07 p.m. Mayor/PresidenVChairman Donald J. Kurth was absent.
Present from Chaffey College were Henry Shannon, SuperintendenUPresident Henry Shannon; Cid Pinedo,
Executive Assistant to the President; Eva Ramirez, Executive Assistant; Steve Menzel, Vice PresidenU
Administrative Services; Earl Davis, Vice PresidenUBusiness Services; David Ramirez, Director of Public
Safety/Chief of Police and Peggy Cartwright, Director, Marketing and Public Relations.
Present from the City were: Jack Lam, City Manager/Executive Director; Pamela Easter, Assistant City
Manager; John Gillison, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services; Linda Daniels, Redevelopment Agency
Director; Trang Huynh, Building and Safety Official; Lt. Don Yoder, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department;
Mark Steuer, Director Engineering Services/City Engineer; and Debra L. McKay, Assistant City Clerk/Records
A tour of the campus was held, which left from the Marie Kane Center for Student Services/Administration
(Room 208).
The meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m.
Special City Council/Fire Board/Redevelopment Agency/Chaffey College Governing Board Meeting
September 24, 2009
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A special joint meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council/Redevelopment Agency/Fire Protection District
and Chaffey College Governing Board was held on Thursday, September 24, 2009, at the Chaffey College
Campus Center West, located 5885 Haven Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Mayor/Vice
PresidenWice Chairman L. Dennis Michael called the meeting to order at 3:02 p. m.
Present were Councilmembers/Boardmembers/Agencymembers: Rex Gutierrez, Sam Spagnolo and Mayor
Pro Tem/Vice PresidentA/ice Chairman L. Dennis Michael. Councilmember/Boardmember/Agencymember
Diane Williams arrived at 3:25 p.m. Mayor/President/Chairman Donald J. Kurth was absent.
Present were Chaffey College Board President Brugger, Vice President George and Boardmembers Gomez,
McDougal and Roberts.
Present from Chaffey College were Henry Shannon, Superintendent/President; Cid Pinedo, Executive
Assistant to the President; Sherrie Guerrero, Vice President/Instruction and Student Services; David Ramirez,
Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police; James Applewhite, Student Trustee/President of Associated Students
of Chaffey College and Ardon Alger, Chaffey Facility Senate President. The students who spoke at the
meeting were: Sullivan Lewis, Leticia Romero and Ilse Argueta.
Present from the City were: Jack Lam, City Manager/Executive Director; John Gillison, Deputy City
Manager/Administrative Services; Linda Daniels, Redevelopment Agency Director; Trang Huynh, Building and
Safety Official; Lt. Don Yoder, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; Mark Steuer, Director Engineering
Services/City Engineer; Mike Nelson, Economic Development Manager; Kurt Keating, Code Enforcement
Supervisor and Debra L. McKay, Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager.
On behalf of the Governing Board, Dr. Henry Shannon, Superintendent/President welcomed the City Council
and staff. Introductions were made.
Dr. Henry Shannon gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding Chaffey College's impact on the community.
The presentation highlighted the formation, curriculum and growth of the college since its founding. Information
and photographs were shared with the City Council and the audience. Dr. Shannon addressed the opening of
centers in Fontana and Ontario in the 1990s and the expansion of online services and classes in the 2000s.
Dr. Shannon also identified the socioeconomic impact to the State and local economy. It was noted that the
economy in the Chaffey Service Area receives roughly $896.6 million in income due to the past and present
efforts of the college.
Dr. Sherrie Guerrero, Vice President/Instruction and Student Services, spoke about the unprecedented
enrollment at the college. She indicated that enrollment trends mirror the health of the economy and identified
budget implications. Currently, there are 22,050 students enrolled of which 75% are from under-represented
groups. Also discussed were enrollment patterns as well as the numerous degree and certificate programs
offered by the college.
Cid Pinedo, Executive Assistant to the President, provided an overview of construction projects completed and
projects currently under construction. He also identified pending projects as well as projects being designed.
Lastly, Mr. Pinedo discussed planned projects to be built in the future. Photographs, locations and project
renderings were provided. A parking lot analysis was distributed, which showed an increase of 647 parking
spaces at the college for a total of 3,733 parking stalls. Mr. Pinedo indicated that they have done their best to
accommodate the unprecedented growth of students attending the college.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Mr. Pinedo addressed the future parking needs of the students.
Parking is envisioned all around the perimeter of the campus. He indicated that funding is the limiting factor.
Special City Council/Fire Board/Redevelopment Agency/Chaffey College Governing Board Meeting
September 24, 2009
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James Applewhite, Student Trustee/President of Associated Students of Chaffey College, spoke about how
Chaffey College has positively impacted his life. Sullivan Lewis, Leticia Romero and Ilse Argueta also
addressed the City Council and Governing Board. Ardon Alger, Chaffey Facility Senate President provided
information on recent Faculty accomplishments.
Councilmember Gutierrez recognized that there was adequate parking at the college but noted that some
students are parking in front of homes in residential areas. In response, Dr. Shannon recognized the concern
and noted that proactive measures have been taken to try to address this concern. David Ramirez, Director of
Public Safety/Chief of Police indicated that steps have been taken to maximize the amount of available
parking. Also, students were directed to open parking lots during the first two weeks of school when a lot was
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Mr. Pinedo addressed Lot #21. This lot is currently designated as an
undeveloped overtlow parking lot area. There are plans to improve the parking lot in the future, once funding
becomes available. Vice President George noted that the addition of 647 parking spaces for a total of 3,733
stalls. While it is hard to say how many students at any given time need parking, the heaviest use is on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. There are about 5,000 students at the College but some
take the bus, carpool, etc.
Councilmember Williams noted that some students are not committed to parking on campus and spoke about
the need to communicate this goal to the students.
Jack Lam, City Manager, indicated that a neighborhood can petition the City to establish a permit parking
district. The Public Works Subcommittee has met with residents who live around the College, who have asked
that a smaller permit parking zone be established. It is anticipated that an Ordinance establishing a smaller
zone will be considered by the City Council later on this year. These meetings have raised aCity-wide policy
issue as to the need for a much more aggressive parking enforcement program. Efforts are underway to allow
the College police to issue citations in advance of the establishment of a permit parking district in the fall.
Mayor Pro Tem Michael noted that the concerns at the College are not the only catalyst for this parking
enforcement program. The program needs to be expanded to address vehicles in the fire lanes, people
parking in spaces reserved for the handicapped, etc.
On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Pro Tem Michael thanked the Governing Board and Faculty for the tour
and for briefing the Council on the opportunities and challenges facing Chaffey College.
The meeting adjourned 4:05 p.m.
pectfully submitted,
G ~ GY~t
ebra L. McKay, M C
A istant City Clerk/Records Manager
Approved: October 7, 2009