HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-169 - ResolutionsRESOLUTION NO. 99-169 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION 98-110 IMPLEMENTING SALARY AND BENEFITS FOR FISCAL YEAR 19~}19-2000 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has determined that it is necessary for the efficient operation and management of the City that policies be established prescribing salary ranges, benefits, and holidays and other policies for employees of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga recognizes that it competes in a marketplace to obtain qualified personnel to perform and provide municipal services, and that compensation and conditions of employment must be sufficiently attractive to recruit and retain qualified employees, NOW, THEREFORE, BE! IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: SECTION 1: Salary Ranges ASSIGNMENTS OF CLASSIFICATIONS TO PAY RANGES (Monthly Amounts) Please. Continue to Next Page Resolution No. 99-169 Page 2 SECTION 1: Salary Ranges Class Title Account Clerk Account Technician Accountan~ Accounting Manager* Accts Payable Supervisor# Accts Services Supervisor# Admin Secretary ~ Admin Services Director+ Admin Services Manager* Assistant City Manager+z Assistant Engineerff Assistant Planne~ Assistant RDA Analyst# Assistant to the City Manager* Associate Engineer# Associate Park Planner# Associate Planner# Benefits Technician Budget Analys~ Building Inspection Supervisorff Building Inspector~ Building & Safety Official+z Business License Clerk Bus Lic Program Coordinator# Business License Technician ASSIGNMENTS OF CLASSIFICATIONS TO PAY RANGES (Monthly Amounts) July 1 ~ 1999 Minimum Control Point Maximum Minimum Step Amount Step Amount Step Amount Step Amount Step, 357 2,055 397 2,509 407 2,637 359 2,076 399 2,534 392 2,447 432 2,988 442 3,140 394 2,472 434 3,017 438 3,078 478 3,758 488 3,950 440 3,109 480 3,796 505 4,300 545 5,249 555 5,517 507 4,343 547 5,302 422 2,842 462 3,470 472 3,647 424 2,87! 464 3,505 438 3,078 478 3,758 488 3,950 440 3,109 480 3,796 401 2,560 441 3,125 451 3,284 403 2,585 443 3,156 577 6,157 617 7,518 647 8,733 579 6,219 619 7,594 533 4,944 573 6,036 603 7,011 535 4,994 575 6,096 621 7,670 661 9,359 691 10,870 623 7,747 663 9,453 467 3,557 507 4,343 517 4,585 469 3,593 509 4,386 455 3,351 495 4,090 505 4,300 457 3,384 497 4,131 434 3,017 474 3,684 484 3,872 436 3,048 476 3,721 523 4,704 563 5,742 573 6,036 525 4,751 565 5,800 497 4,131 537 5,044 547 5,302 499 4,173 539 5,094 467 3,557 507 4,343 517 4,565 469 3,593 509 4,386 474 3,684 514 4,497 524 4,727 476 3,721 516 4,542 371 2,204 411 2,690 421 2,828 373 2,226 413 2,711 474 3,684 514 4,497 524 4,727 476 3,721 516 4,542 476 3,721 516 4,542 526 4,774 478 3,758 518 4,588 436 3,048 476 3,721 486 3,911 438 3,078 478 3,758 562 5,713 602 6,976 632 8,103 564 5,771 604 7,046 360 2,086 400 2,547 410 2,677 362 2,107 402 2,572 405 2,611 445 3,188 455 3,351 407 2,637 447 3,220 370 2,423 430 2,958 440 3,109 392 2,447 432 2,988 January '1, 2000 Control Point Amount Maximum Step Amount 409 2,664 444 3,173 490 3,990 557 5,573 474 3,684 490 3,990 453 3,317 649 8,820 605 7,081 693 10,979 519 4,611 507 4,343 486 3,911 575 6,096 549 5,355 519 4,6tl 526 4,774 423 2,856 526 4,774 528 4,822 488 3,950 634 8,184 412 2,704 457 3,384 442 3,140 Class Title Buyerff City Engineer+ City Manager City Planner+;' Code Enforcement Officer~ Code Enforcement Supervisorff 2 Community Dev Director+z Community Services Director+ Community Svc Mktg Manager* Community Services Officer Community Services Technician Deputy City Clerk# Deputy City Engineer* Deputy City Manager+ Disaster Prepared Manager*z Disaster Prepared Specialist Engineering Aide Engineering Technician Equipment Operator~ Equipment Services Supervisorff Executive Assistant* Facilities Superintendent Facilities Superviso~ Finance Officer+ Finance Specialist GIS Analyst GIS/Speciat Dist. Superviso~ GIS Technician Information Systems Analys~ Information Systems Manager* Information Systems Specialist Integrated Waste Coordinator* Inventory Specialist Equip./Mat2 July 1, 1999 Minimum Step Amount 422 2,842 582 6,313 648 8,776 574 6,066 42O 2,814 45O 3,268 612 7,333 567 5,858 518 4,588 398 2,522 406 2,624 407 2,637 552 5,436 571 5,976 505 4,300 415 2,745 407 2,637 427 2,914 394 2,472 430 2,958 437 3,063 514 4,497 463 3,487 547 5,302 391 2,435 439 3,094 499 4,173 419 2,8OO 488 3,950 536 5,019 439 3,094 522 4,680 370 2,193 Control Point Step Amount 462 3,470 622 7,7O9 688 10,709 614 7,407 460 3,435 490 3,990 652 8,952 607 7,152 558 5,601 438 3,078 446 3,204 447 3,220 592 6,636 611 7,296 545 5,249 455 3,351 447 3,220 467 3,557 434 3,017 470 3,611 477 3,739 554 5,490 503 4,257 587 6,472 431 2.973 479 3,777 539 5,094 459 3,418 528 4,822 576 6,127 479 3,777 562 5,713 410 2,677 Maximum Step Amount 472 3,647 652 8,952 718 12,431 644 8,603 470 3,611 500 4,194 682 10,393 637 8,3O8 568 5,885 448 3,236 456 3,367 457 3,384 602 6,976 641 8,475 555 5,517 465 3,522 457 3,384 477 3,739 444 3,173 480 3,834 487 3,930 564 5,771 513 4,475 617 7,518 441 3,125 489 3,970 549 5,355 469 3,593 538 5,069 586 6,440 489 3,970 572 6,006 420 2,814 Step 424 584 650 576 422 452 614 569 520 400 408 409 554 573 507 417 409 429 396 432 439 516 465 549 393 441 501 421 49O 538 441 524 372 January '!, 2000 Minimum Amount 2,871 6,376 8,864 6,127 2,842 3,30! 7,407 5,916 4,634 2,547 2,650 2,664 5,490 6,036 4 343 2 772 2 664 2 943 2 497 2 988 3 094 4 542 3,522 5,355 2,459 3,125 4,215 2,828 3,990 5,069 3,125 4,717 2,215 Resolution No. 99-169 Page 3 Control Point Step Amount 464 3,505 624 7,786 690 10,816 616 7,481 462 3,470 492 4,030 654 9,040 609 7,224 560 5,657 440 3,109 448 3,236 449 3,172 594 6,702 613 7,370 547 5,302 457 3,384 449 3 252 469 3 593 436 3 048 472 3647 479 3 777 556 5.545 505 4 300 589 6,537 433 3,002 481 3,815 541 5,145 461 3,452 530 4,851 578 6,188 481 3,815 564 5,771 412 2,704 Maximum Step Amount 474 3,684 654 9,040 720 12,556 646 8,689 472 3,647 502 4,236 684 10,497 639 8,391 570 5,946 450 3,268 458 3,401 459 3,418 604 7,046 643 8,560 557 5,573 467 3,557 459 3,418 479 3,777 446 3,204 482 3,834 489 3,970 566 5,829 515 4,520 619 7,594 443 3156 491 4,010 551 5,408 471 3,629 540 5,120 588 6,505 491 4,010 574 6,066 422 2,842 Class Title Junior Buyer Junior Engineer Junior Engineering Aide Landscape Designerfi Lead Maintenance Worker2 Librarian I# Librarian I1# Library Assistant I# Library Assistant I1# Library Clerk Library Director+ Maintenance Coordinator Maintenance Supervisor~ Maintenance Worker I Maintenance Worker 11 Maintenance Worker~ Management Aide Management Analyst I# Management Analyst 11# Management Analyst II1# Mechanic2 Mechanic's Assistan¢ Office Services Clerk Office Specialist I Office Specialist II4 Park/Landscape Maint Supt'2 Personnel Services Coord # Personnel Clerk Plan Check Manager Bldg* Plan Check Manager Fire* Planning Commission Secy~$ Planning Specialist Planning Technician Plans Examinerff July 1, 1 999 Minimum Step Amount 390 2,423 437 3,063 387 2,387 452 3,301 407 2,637 422 2842 444 3,172 352 2,005 393 2,459 335 1,842 546 5,275 427 2,914 463 3,487 359 2,076 369 2,182 369 2,182 415 2,745 445 3,188 474 3,684 491 4,010 413 2,7t7 366 2,150 341 1,898 321 1,717 341 1,891 514 4,497 424 2,871 361 2,097 502 4,236 502 4,236 407 2,637 422 2,842 402 2,572 461 3,452 Control Point Step Amount 43O 2,958 477 3,739 427 2,914 492 4,030 447 3,220 462 3,470 484 3,872 392 2,447 433 3,002 375 2,248 586 6,440 467 3,557 503 4,257 399 2,534 409 2,664 409 2,664 455 3,351 485 3,891 514 4,497 531 4,895 453 3,317 406 2,624 381 2,317 361 2,097 381 2,317 554 5,490 464 3,505 401 2,560 542 5,171 542 5,171 447 3,220 462 3,470 442 3,140 501 4,215 Maximum StepAmount 440 3,109 487 3,930 437 3,063 502 4,236 457 3,384 472 3,647 494 4,070 402 2,572 443 3,156 385 2363 616 7,481 477 3,739 513 4,475 409 2,664 419 2,800 419 2,800 465 3,522 495 4,O9O 524 4,717 541 5,145 463 3,487 416 2,758 391 2,435 371 2,204 391 2,435 564 5,771 474 3,684 411 2,690 552 5,436 552 5,436 457 3,384 472 3,647 452 3,301 511 4,430 Resolution No. 99-169 Page 4 January l, 2000 Minimum Control Point Step Amount Step Amount 392 2,447 432 2,988 439 3,094 479 3,777 389 2,411 429 2,943 454 3,334 494 4,070 409 2,664 449 3,252 424 2,871 464 3,505 446 3,204 486 3,9tl 354 2,025 394 2,472 395 2,484 435 3,033 337 1,860 377 2,271 548 5,328 588 6,505 429 2,943 469 3,593 465 3,522 505 4,300 361 2,097 401 2,560 371 2,204 411 2,690 371 2,204 411 2,690 417 2,772 457 3,384 447 3,220 487 3,940 476 3,721 516 4,542 493 4,050 533 4,944 415 2,745 455 3,351 368 2,171 408 2,650 343 1,917 383 2,340 323 1,735 363 2,118 343 1,917 383 2,340 516 4,542 556 5,546 426 2,899 466 3,540 363 2,118 403 2,585 504 4,278 544 5,223 504 4,278 544 5,223 409 2,664 449 3,252 424 2,871 464 3,505 404 2,598 444 3,172 463 3,487 503 4,257 Maximum Step Amount 442 3,140 489 3,970 439 3.094 504 4,278 459 3,418 474 3,684 496 4,111 404 2,598 445 3,188 387 2,387 618 7,556 479 3,777 515 4,520 411 2,690 421 2,828 421 2,828 467 3,557 497 4,131 526 4,774 543 5,198 465 3,522 418 2,786 393 2,459 373 2,226 393 2,459 566 5,829 476 3,721 413 2,717 554 5,490 554 5,49O 459 3,418 474 3,684 454 3,334 513 4,475 Class Title Police Clerk ** Principal Librarian* Principal Planner Public Services Technician Iz Public Services Technician I1 Public Works Engineer'2 Public Works Inspector 12 Public Works Inspector tl 2 Public Works Insp II NPDES Public Works Maintenance Mgr Purchasing Manager* Receptionist Records Clerk Records Coordinator Records Manager/City Clerk+ Recreation Coordinator Recreation Supervisor I Recreation Supervisor II Recreation Supervisorg Redevelopment Analyst# Recreation Superintendent*z Redevelopment Director+ Revenue Clerk Risk Management Coordinator~ Secretary~ Senior Account Technician Senior Accountant~ Senior Admin Secretary~ Senior Building Inspecto~2 Senior Civil Engineer* Senior Info Systems Analyst~ Senior Info Systems Specialist Senior Maintenance Worker~ July '1, 1999 Minimum Step Amount 339 1,875 482 3,834 524 4,727 377 2,271 387 2,387 522 4,680 419 2,800 439 3,094 439 3,094 544 5,223 509 4,386 ~,~1 1,805 333 1,823 361 2,097 533 4,944 421 2,828 441 3,!25 451 3,284 451 3,284 464 3,505 518 4,588 559 § 629 347 1 955 445 3188 371 2,204 415 2 745 474 3 684 407 2 637 456 3,367 532 4,919 518 4,588 476 3,721 379 2,294 Control Point Step Amount 379 2,294 522 4,680 564 5,771 417 2,772 427 2,914 562 5,713 459 3,418 479 3,777 479 3,777 584 6,376 549 5,355 371 2,204 373 2,226 401 2,560 573 6,036 461 3,452 481 3,815 491 4,010 491 4,010 504 4,278 558 5,601 599 6,871 387 2,387 485 3,891 411 2,690 455 3,351 514 4,497 447 3,220 496 4,111 572 6,006 558 5,601 516 4,532 419 2,800 Maximum Step Amount 389 2,411 532 4,919 574 6,066 427 2,842 437 3,063 572 6,002 469 3,593 489 3,970 489 3,970 594 6,702 559 5,629 381 2317 381 2,340 411 2,690 603 7,011 471 3,629 491 4,010 501 4,215 501 4,215 514 4,497 568 5,885 629 7,983 397 2,509 495 4,090 421 2,828 465 3,522 524 4,727 457 3,384 506 4,321 582 6,313 568 5,887 526 4,774 429 2,943 Resolution No, 99-169 Page 5 January t, 2000 Minimum Control Point Step Amount Step. Amount 341 1,891 381 2,317 484 3,872 524 4,727 526 4,774 566 5,829 379 2,294 419 2,800 389 2,411 429 2,943 524 4,717 564 5,771 421 2,828 461 3,452 441 3,125 481 3,815 441 3,125 481 3,815 546 5,275 586 6,440 511 4,430 551 5,408 333 1,823 373 2,226 335 1,842 375 2,248 363 2,118 403 2,585 535 4,994 575 6,096 423 2,856 463 3,487 443 3,156 483 3,853 453 3,317 493 4,050 453 3,317 493 4,050 466 3,540 506 4,321 520 4,634 560 5,657 561 5,685 601 6,941 349 1,975 389 2,411 447 3,220 487 3,930 373 2,226 413 2,717 417 2,772 457 3,384 476 3,721 516 4,542 409 2,664 449 3,252 458 3,401 498 4,152 534 4,969 574 6,066 520 4,634 560 5,627 478 3,758 518 4,588 38! 2,3!7 42! 2,828 Maximum Step Amount 391 2,435 534 4,969 576 6,127 429 2,943 439 3,094 574 6,066 471 3,629 491 4,010 491 4,010 596 6,769 561 5,685 383 2,340 385 2,363 4t3 2,7t7 6O5 7,081 473 3,665 493 4,050 503 4,257 503 4,257 516 4,542 570 5,946 631 8,063 399 2,534 497 4,131 423 2,856 467 3,557 526 4,774 459 3,418 508 4,364 584 6,376 570 5,946 528 4,822 43! 2,973 Resolution No. 99-169 Page 6 Class Title Senior Park Planner# Senior Planner* Senior Plans Examiner# Senior Redevelopment Analyst* Senior Special District Tech. Signal & Lighting Coordinator~ Special Districts Technician Stadium Events Manager* ~,.~LIf~f~UOLUIIII L)li::1111 IVIcJIIIL OU~l. Supervising Public Works Insp#2 Traffic Engineer* Crossing Guard Instructor/Guard I Instructor/Guard tl Library Aide Library Assistant I Library Assistant II Admin Intern Assistant Pool Manager Library Clerk Library Page Library Page II Maintenance Technician Planning Aide Pool Manager Program Specialist Receptionist Records Clerk Recreation Attendant Recreation Assistant Recreation Leader July t, 1999 Minimum Step Amount 479 3,777 504 4,278 476 3,721 494 4,070 419 2,8OO 454 3,334 406 2,624 530 4,871 469 3,593 537 5,044 229 6.25 229 6.25 269 7.65 200 5.42 352 !1.57 393 14.19 309 9.32 294 8.66 335 10.63 220 5.99 269 7.65 269 7.65 309 9.33 318 9.76 300 8.92 331 10.42 333 10.52 226 6.17 255 7.13 279 8.04 Control Point Step Amount 519 4,611 544 5,223 516 4,542 534 4,969 459 3,418 494 4,07O 446 3,2O4 570 5,946 509 4,386 577 6,157 269 7.65 269 7.65 309 9.33 240 6.61 392 14.12 433 17.32 349 11.39 334 10.57 375 12.97 26O 7.31 309 9.33 309 9.33 349 11.39 358 11.92 340 10.89 371 12.72 373 12.84 266 7.53 295 8.70 319 9.81 January t, 2000 Maximum StepAmount 529 4,846 554 5,490 526 4,774 544 5,223 469 3,593 504 4,278 456 3,367 58O 6,25O 519 4,611 587 6,472 279 8.04 279 8.04 319 9.81 250 6.95 402 14.84 443 18.21 359 11.98 344 11.11 385 13.63 270 7.68 319 9.81 319 9.81 359 11.98 368 12.53 350 11.45 381 13.34 383 13.50 276 7.92 305 9.15 329 10.31 Minimum Control Point Step Amount Step Amount 481 3,815 521 4,657 506 4,321 546 5,275 478 3,758 518 4,588 496 4,111 536 5,019 421 2,828 461 3,452 456 3,367 496 4,111 408 2,650 448 3,236 532 4,9t9 572 6,006 516 A=~ ~ ==~ 471 3,629 511 4,430 539 5,094 579 6,219 231 6.33 271 7.72 231 6.33 271 7.72 271 7.72 311 9.43 202 5.47 242 6.68 353 11.68 394 14.26 395 14.33 435 17.50 311 9.43 351 11.5t 296 8.75 336 10.68 337 10.73 377 13.10 222 6.05 265 7.49 271 7.72 311 9.43 271 7.72 311 9.43 311 9.43 351 11.51 320 9.86 360 12.04 302 9.01 342 11.00 333 10.52 373 12.84 335 10.63 375 12.97 228 6.23 268 7.61 257 7.20 297 8.79 281 8.12 321 9.91 Maximum Step Amount 531 4,895 556 5,545 528 4,822 546 5,275 471 3,629 506 4,321 458 3,401 582 6,313 521 4,652 589 6,537 281 8.12 281 8.12 321 9.91 252 7.02 404 14.99 445 18.39 361 12.10 346 11.22 387 13.77 275 7.88 321 9.91 321 9.91 361 12.10 370 12.65 352 11.56 383 13.50 385 13.63 278 8.00 307 9.24 331 10.42 Resolution No. 99-169 Page 7 ** This classification when assigned to shifts other than day shift shall have additional pay of 40¢ per hour, When acting as Clerk to Commissions $50 paid per night or weekend day meeting. Compensai!ory time off can be substituted in lieu of $50 at the option of the employee. 2 Up to $150 provided annually toward purchase of approved safety footware from a city designated vendor. Denotes the $50 paicl per night or weekend day meeting discontinues w/ten this position is vacated as long as this position is classified supervisory/professional. Z Denotes classes "Z" rated L e. incumbent has opportunity to move forward based on satisfacto/:y pedormance with evaluations. Whenever the position is vacated, Personnel will conduct a salary survey and move the salary range to market. # Denotes Supervisory/Professional Class * Denotes Managemerit Class + Denotes Executive Class Executive Management employees will be assigned to salary ranges which are no less than 20% (40 salary code steps) below the control point and no more than 15% (30 salary code steps) above the control point. All other employees will be assigned to salary ranges which are no less than 20% (40 salary code steps) below the control point and no more than 5% (10 salary code steps) above the control point. Actual salary withk~ the range is determined by performance, achievement of goals and objectives, or for recent appointments, growth within the position. SECTION 3: THREE TIERED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Employees designated as either Professional/Supervisory, Management, or Executive Management are not eligible for overtime pay, or compensatory time for working hours over and above the normal daily work schedule. Employees so designated shall be entitled to all benefits provided to general employees and the following: Resolution No.. 99-169 Page 8 Supervisory/Professional A. Administrative leave to a maximum of 50 hours per fiscal year. Days off must be approved by appropriate supervisor, after successful completion of six months service within this classification. B. Life insurance policy of an additional $20,000. C. Deferred compensation program of 2% of salary.. Management A. Administrative leave to a maximum of 75 hours per fiscal year. Days off must be approved by appropriate supervisor, after successful completion of six months service within this classification. B. Life insurance policy of an additional $20,000. C. Deferred compensation program of 4% of salary. Executive Management A. Administrative leave to a maximum of 100 hours per fiscal year. Days off must be approved by appropriate supervisor, after successful completion of six months service within this classification. B. Life insurance policy of an additional $30,000. C. Deferred compensation program of 6% of salary. D. Automobile allowance of $350 per month if a City vehicle is not provided. SECTION 4: LIFE INSURANCE The City provides $30,000 base coverage of life insurance for all employees. Employees who want to purchase additional life insurance coverage with personal funds may do so at the City's group rate. SECTION 5: HEALTH INSURANCE The City provides health insurance plans available to all full time continuous salaried employees and elected officials. The City agrees to average the cost of medical insurance for all current employees as one group, providing for no additional payment by employees for coverage through June 30, 2000. The City will provide up to $337 per month in medical coverage for all full time employees hired after July 1, 1994. Resolution No. 99-169 Page 9 SECTION 6: RETIREE MEDICAL Employees who retire at the age of 55 or above with ten years of service with the City of Rancho Cucamonga can pay for medical insurance at a group rate through the City until 18 months prior to the age of 65 at which time they can convert to Cobra. SECTION 7: DENTAL INSURANCE The City shall provide a dental insurance plan for all full-time continuous salaried employees and ,elected officials. The City agrees to average the cost of dental insurance for all full time continuous salaried employees and elected officials through ,June 30, 2000. SECTION 8: OPTICAL INSURANCE The City shall provide an optical insurance plan for all full-time continuous salaried employees and .elected officials. The City agrees to average the cost of optical insurance for all: full time continuous salaried employees and elected officials through ,June 30, 2000. SECTION 9: BEREAVEMENT LEAVE When a death occurs in the family of a full time employee, the employee shall be granted up to five (5) bereavement leave days with pay. A death certificate or other acceptable evidence may be required by the department head before leave is allowed. Family members are defined as follows: cmployee's spouse, employee's parents, employee's grandparents, employee's children, employee's siblings, or employee's grandchildren, employee's spouse's parents, employee's spouse's grandparents, employee's spouse's siblings, employee's spouse's children, employee's spouse's grandchildren, or a blood relative residing with employee. The department head and th,e City Manager shall approve such bereavement leave. SECTION 10: PERSONAL. LEAVE Employees can use up to 20 hours of accrued sick leave, vacation, administrative leave or holiday time as personal leave. This 20 hours can be used incrementally (i.e., 1 hour, ½ hour) throughout the fiscal year. Use of this time is for situations requiring the employee's attention and needs to be cleared with their supervisor when using this time. Personal ~eave can be taken after six months service. Resolution No,. 99-169 Page 10 SECTION 11: VACATION All full-time employees shall, with continuous service, accrue working hours of vacation monthly according to the following schedule. Vacation can be taken after six months service. Length of Service Hours Accrued Annual Hours in Years Per Pay Period Accrued 1 3.077 80 2 3.461 90 3 3.846 1 O0 4 4.230 110 5 4.615 120 6-8 5.000 130 9 5.384 140 10 5.769 150 11-13 6.153 160 14 6.538 170 15+ 6.923 180 SECTION 12: VACATION BUYBACK City to provide the cash value of 40 hours of vacation leave annually in November. Employees must maintain a minimum of 80 hours of accrued vacation subsequent to any payment of vacation buy back time. Employees who wish to buy back vacation must request payment of not more than or less than 40 hours. SECTION 13: SICK LEAVE All full-time employees shall, with continuous service, accrue 120 hours of sick leave annually. Sick leave can be taken after six months service. SECTION 14: SICK LEAVE BUYBACK Employees who terminate their city employment after 5 years of continuous service and have at least 50% of five years' sick leave accrued on the books upon termination can sell 120 hours back to the City. SECTION 15: HOLIDAYS The City Offices shall observe the following 14 holidays. All full time continuous salaried employees shall be compensated at their regular rate for these (:lays. Resolution No. 99-169 Page 11 (1) {2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lO) (11) (12) July 5, 1999 ........ INDEPENDENCE DAY September 6, 1999 November 11, '1999 November 25, 't 999 November 26, 'l 999 December 23, '1999 December 24, 1999 December 30, '1999 LABOR DAY VETERAN'$ DAY THANKSGIVING DAY Day following THANKSGIVING (f/cater) The day preceding CHRISTMAS (floater) CHRISTMAS DAY NEW YEAR'S January 17, 2:000 .... MARTIN LUTHER KING'S BIRTHDAY February 21, 2(:)00 .... PRESIDENT'S DAY May 29, 2000. ....... MEMORIAL DAY Three discretionary days may be taken by an employee at his/her convenience after six months service subject to approval of the department head. Days may not be carried over from one fiscal year to the next. Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday,. the following Monday shall be observed as a holiday. Whenever a holiday falls on a Friday or Saturday, the preceding Thursday shall be observed as the holiday. When a holiday combination occurs (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc) where two consecutive days are holidays and it would result in the City Hall being open to serve the public only 2 days during the week, only one of the holidays will be observed ar;d the other holiday will become a floating holiday. For example. for Thanksgiving, Thursday will be observed as the regular holiday, however Friday will become a floating holiday to be used at a later date. For Christmas, Wednesday will be observed as the regular holiday, however Tuesday (the day preceding Christmas) will become a floating holiday to be used at a later date. In the instance of Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years, employees will have until June 30 to use those floating holidays accrued between Thanksgiving and New years. Also, those days will not accrue as floating holidays until the actual; holiday has occurred. Each year the City will designate wlnich days will be observed and which are floating holidays. Employees who are eligible to bank a holiday have until June 30 (end of fiscal year) to use the banked holiday earned from July 1 through April 30. Any holiday banked in May and June, employees have until September 30 to use the banked holiday. SECTION 16: HOLIIDAYTIME The City agrees that employees who are assigned to work on a holiday, whether or not their regutar shift assignment requires they work that day, are eligible for pay at time and one-half for working that day. This time and one- half may be taken as compensation or put in a compensatory time off bank, Resolution No. 99-169 Page 12 (in effect, compensating at double time and one-half). That rate of compensation is tallied as follows: the ten hours compensation for the holiday, plus compensation at time and one-half for the hours actually worked. This payment at time and one-half abrogates the employees right to that holiday. SECTION 17: PREMIUM HOLIDAY COMPENSATION Maintenance employees required as part of the regular work assignment to work on Christmas Day, New Years Day, Independence Day or Thanksgiving Day, are allowed to observe the holiday on another day. Additionally, these employees who work on the aforementioned designated holidays may select to receive compensation on that holiday at time and one-half for the ten hour shift, or take a second holiday as time off at a later date. SECTION 18: NATAL AND ADOPTION LEAVE WITHOUT PAY Employees are granted up to four months natal and adoption leave for the birth or adoption of a child. Employees on this leave of absence without pay will be responsible for the payment of medical, dental and optical premiums to keep the coverage in force during the leave of absence. SECTION 19: NATAL AND ADOPTION LEAVE WITH PAY Employees are granted up to 2 days natal and adoption leave with pay for the birth or adoption of a child. Any paid time required beyond this initial 2 days must be charged to sick leave, vacation, compensatory or floating holiday time. SECTION 20: MILITARY LEAVE Employees required to serve military leave will be compensated pursuant to the Military and Veterans Code. To qualify for compensation the military orders must be submitted to the supervisor prior to their tour of duty and must be attached to the timecard for that pay period. SECTION 2!: MILITARY SERVICE BUY BACK Employees have the option for military service buy back at the employee's expense. SECTION 22: OVERTIME- MAINTENANCE The City agrees that ernployees who are sent home to rest and to be available to work additional hours as a result of a storm or impending emergency situation anti are not subsequently recalled to work, will be compensated for the hours not worked in that shift, due to them having been sent home, to bring the total hours to 10 worked in that shift. Resolution No. 99-169 Page 13 Employees who are subsequently recalled to work the storm or emergency situation will work no more than 12 consecutive hours. Any hours worked in excess of 10 in that 12 hour shift will be paid at time and one-half, regardless of the total numbers of compensated hours for that work week. SECTION 23: STANDBY PAY Employees required to be on standby shall be compensated at the rate of $150 per week, SECTION 24: SAFETY FOOTWEAR The City will provide up to $150 annually toward the purchase of safety footwear at a city designated vendor for employees required to wear safety footwear as part of their .job responsibilities. SECTION 25: 2% (~. 55 City to provide the employees retirement benefit. contribution for 2% @ 55 years PERS SECTION 26: TUITION REIMBURSEMENT City to provide all regular full time employees for tuititon reimbursement who meet criteria outlined in 'Luition reimbursement policy up to a maximum of $250 per person per fiscal year. SECTION 27:4/10 WORK WEEK The City will operate on a 4/10 work week, hours 7 am to 6 pm, Monday through Thursday. SECTION 28: CARPOOL BANKED HOURS Employees who are eligible to bank ½ hour carpool time have until June 30 (end of fiscal year) to use the banked hours earned from July 1 through April 30. Any carpool hours banked in May and June, employees have until September 30 to use the banked time. SECTION 28: BI-LINGUAL PAY Employees who qualify fi)r bi-tingual pay will be provided at $50 per month. SECTION 29: CITY MANAGER'S CONTRACT The City Manager's contract #89-037 is renewed for fiscal year 1999-2000. Resolution No. 99-169 Page 14 SECTION 30: CrrY COUNCIL -- PERS City Council members have the option to join PERS; members contribution to be paid by councilmember. City Council members are eligible for a $350 per month car allowance. SECTION 31: CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES Confidential employees are designated as such when an employee in the course of his or her duties, has access to information relating to the City's administration of employer-employee relations. Employees designated as confidential employees may not act as representatives of employee organizations which represent other employees of the City. The employees designated as confidential employees are as follows: Personnel Services Coordinator Personnel Clerk Benefits Technician Account Technician - Payroll Office Specialist II - Admin Svc Secretary Planning C, ommission Secretary Admin Secretary Sr Admin Secretary Risk Management Coordinator Deputy City Clerk Records Clerk Records Coordinator Records ManagedCity Clerk SECTION 32: EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this resolution are effective July 1, 1999. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 1999. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN E D: Alexander, Biane, Curatalo, Dutton, Williams None None None William J, Alexa Mayor ATTEST: Resolution No. 99-169 Page 15 Debra J. yl-~'"L-/' ;, CMC, City Clerk I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 17th day of June, 1999. Executed this 21st day of June, 1999, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Debra J. Adams, CMC, City Clerk