HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001/03/20 - Agenda Packet• DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING ACTION AGENDA AND MINUTES TUESDAY MARCH 20, 2001 7:00 P.M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER RAINS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA Committee Members: Larry McNiel Pam Stewart Alternates: Peter Tolstoy Rich Macias CONSENT CALENDAR Larry Henderson John Mannerino The following items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. Typically they are items such as plan revisions prepared in response to discussions at a previous meeting. NO ITEMS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED • PROJECT REVIEW ITEMS This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant regarding their development application. The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input. 7:00 p.m. (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-34 - COSTCO WHOLESALE - A proposal to construct a 148,663 square feet of a wholesale warehouse commercial use, which also includes a fire sales and installation center (5,200 square feet), food service (1,042 square feet) and gas pumps, on 15.14 acres of land located the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial District Subarea 12 -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15579 - COSTCO W HOLESALE -The proposed subdivision of 19.55-acre parcel into three parcels, located on the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial Districts Subarea 12 (Industrial ParWGeneral Commercial Overlay) -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. 7:20 p.m (Rudy) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (DRC2001-00016) MODIFICATION -SOUTHWEST DESIGN GROUP - A request to modify a previously approved Design Review of 12 single-family homes for Tentative Tract 15963 on 4.37 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located south of Banyan Street on the east side of Archibald Avenue and west side of London Avenue -APN: 201-251-01. • • DRC AGENDA March 20, 2001 Page 2 7:40 p.m. (Brent) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (DRCCUP99-63)-HALL AND FOREMAN -A request toconstructa159,412square foot retail store with provisions for future expansion to 231,800 square feet, including a fire and tube service, garden center, and interior fast food restaurant on 17.64 acres of land and to modify the existing master plan for Conditional Use Permit 95-25 to include these facilities in the Medium Residential District (8 to 14 dwelling units per acre) and the Community Commercial District (Subarea 2) located on the west side of Vineyard Avenue, south of Foothill Boulevard - APN: 207-211-05, 06, 12 -15, 36, 38, and 40. Related files: GPA 99-06, FBSPA 99-03, DDA 99-06, TPM 15427. PUBLIC COMMENTS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Committee. State law prohibits the Committee from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Committee may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are limited to five minutes per individual. ADJOURNMENT • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:00 p.m. Debra Meier March 20, 2001 CIV VIr1VIVIVICIVIML AJJCJJIVICIVI F11VV VVIV VIIIVIVML VJC rCIIIVIII VV'JY - VVJIVy WHOLESALE - A proposal to construct a 148,663 square feet of a wholesale warehouse commercial use, which also includes a fire sales and installation center (5,200 square feet), food service (1,042 square feet) and gas pumps, on 15.14 acres of land located the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial District Subarea 12 -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15579 - COSTCO WHOLESALE -The proposed subdivision of 19.55-acre parcel into three parcels, located on the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial Districts Subarea 12 (Industrial Park/General Commercial Overlay) -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. Staff Recommendation: staff recommends that the Committee review the applicant's design details in response to Committee discussion of March 6, 2001. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Debra Meier • The applicant presented to the Committee revisions that had been made to the proposed project based on staff comments and previous Planning Commission W orkshop discussion. The applicant has proposed an alternative material to the stone as was previously discussed and reviewed by staff. The architect displayed a material that resembles a heavy, oversized spilt-face block that resembles arough-cut stone appearance. This heavy split-face block was introduced on the entry tower, and along the entire building as an 8-foot high wainscot. The proposed roof material is a lightweight concrete tile. A modified Site Plan was displayed to the Committee, the revision basically changes the approach to the project from Buffalo Avenue, eliminating the southerly direction of drive approach as it enters the site. The new entrance approach directs customers across the front of the loading dock area. The Site Plan also modifies the gas station layout, eliminating some conflicting parking and circulation movements of the earlier plan. The Committee recommended that both the Site Plan and the building elevations incorporate modifications as outlined below. The Planning Commission is scheduled to consider the project at the March 28, 2001 Planning Commission meeting, therefore, the Committee recommended that the modifications as discussed be brought back for Committee review on March 20, 2001, to resolve as many design issues as possible before the hearing. The modifications as recommended by the Committee -..J DRC COMMENTS CUP 00-34 & TPM 15579 - COSTCO WHOLESALE • March 20, 2001 Page 2 Site Planning Issues: The applicants proposed alternative dosing applications for the primary entrance from Fourth Street. The Committee preferred the Alternative "A" as shown. Alternative "A" incorporates pavers and scored concrete in a pattern that is carried up the entire length of the entrance way to the front entrance to the building. The alternative allows the parking in the north portion of the entry aisle to remain, however the walkway, that would not only serve the handicap parking stalls, but also directs customers from the southern portion of the parking lot to the building entrance, is also identified with a paver, with numerous tree well pockets. The Committee preferred to define the walkway using bollards, rather than wheel stops. Building Design Issues: The Committee accepted the proposed large split-face block material as described by the architect. However, the Committee wanted the use of the material expanded to include all large columns along all elevations of the building. 2. The Committee indicated that the north and west elevations of the building require additional architectural definition. Do not rely solely on landscaping to provide the interest and definition of the building elevation. 3. The loading dock area shall be screened or buffered from public view to the satisfaction of the Design Review Committee. 4. Screening of the roof-mounted equipment from public view is required. The applicant has provided cross-sections illustrating complete screening from Fourth Street and Buffalo Avenue, however, they are still investigating the potential visibility of the roof top from the freeway and off ramp grade. Further details will be provided to the satisfaction of the Design Review Committee. 5. The support columns at the gas station shall use the same materials as the primary building and characterize the same building theme. The architect shall supply a sample of all proposed building materials for review and approval by the Design Review Committee, including the red block (proposed as a stripe around all building elevations), roof tile, stucco texture and color, etc. All roll-up and man doors shall be painted to match the adjacent building color. Landscape Issues: 1. All landscape planters and tree wells shall be separated from the paved surface with a curb. All transformers, water valves, and similar items shall be placed within appropriate landscape areas and screened with shrubbery. • 2. Landscaping shall be placed along the north elevation of the building (5-foot minimum width) and at the northwest corner of the building. DRC COMMENTS CUP 00-34 & TPM 15579 - COSTCO W HOLESALE • March 20, 2001 Page 3 3. The automobiles and fuel dispensing pumps at the gas station shall be screened from view from Fourth Street. The screening may be accomplished through a combination of retaining and/or low screen walls, berming and landscaping. Landscaping alone is not an adequate screening measure. The screening shall be illustrated through the use of across-section to the satisfaction of the Design Review Committee. 4. The 12-foot landscape planter width, as depicted in the entrance design Alternative "A,"shall be used in the entrance landscape design concept. C~ • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:20 p.m. Rudy Zeledon March 20, 2001 uCVCLVrIVICIVI nGVICVV IunVCVV I-VVV IVI IVIV UIrIV/111VIV-OVVII IVV LJI I.JLJII]IV l]nVVr A request to modify a previously approved Design Review of 12 single-family homes for Tentative Tract 15963 on 4.37 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located south of Banyan Street on the east side of Archibald Avenue and west side of London Avenue - APN: 201-251-01. Background: On February 9, 2000, the Planning Commission approved Development Review 99-42, for the construction of 12 single-family homes. The approval of the house product included 2 single-story house plans with three elevations per plan. Plan 101 included 3,090 square foot homes and Plan 102 a 2,749 square foot homes. The applicant, Crestwood Corporation, has purchased the tract from the previous owner (PKT properties). The applicant has submitted an application requesting to modify the previously approved Design Review to introduce a new house product. Design Parameters: The 4.37 acre site has been rough graded. The site has a natural slope of approximately 2-3 percent from north to south and is surrounded on all sides by single-family homes. The lots range in size from 8,301 square feet to 12,246 square feet, with an average size lot of 10,900 square feet. The project will be developed under the Low Residential Standards of the Development Code. • Four floor plans are proposed, each having three elevations per plan. The homes will range in size from 2,817 to 3,148 square feet. Plan 1 is single-story and features athree-car garage. Plan 5X is two stories and features athree-car garage with an option for a fifth bedroom in place of the third garage. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion: Maior Issues: The following broad issues will be on the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: Clarify on Site Plan, each elevation proposed for each lot. For example, Plan 1 A, 1 B, 1 C, 5XA, 5XB and 5XC. In addition, indicate which pads propose a reverse footprint for each floor plan. 2. In order to balance the roof line along the front elevations of Plan 1, the gable pitch along the left elevation should be clipped and replaced with a hip design. 3. Provide an additional elevation or detail for Plan 5X, that shows the elevation design for the optional bedroom in place of a third garage. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. The side corner side yard elevations for Lots 3, 4 and 13 should be enhanced and • incorporate the use of wood shutters and window mullions on key windows. 2. Correctly label the rear and side elevations for house Plan 1 on plans. DRC COMMENTS DR (DRC2001-00016) MOD. -SOUTHWEST DESIGN GROUP • March 20, 2001 Page 2 Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: The existing wood fence, located on the south side of Liberty Street (as shown on Section E-E of Grading Plan) shall be replaced with a decorative block wall (Exhibit "A"). The existing wood fence is part of the tract boundary and therefore is required to be replaced by a block wall. In addition, Liberty Street is the main entry into the neighborhood and therefore should be enhanced. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends that the project be revised and returned to the Design Review Committee for review. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Rudy Zeledon The Committee reviewed the project and recommended approval subject to staffs comments with the following additional comments: . 1. On elevations 5x wrap the wood siding around to the left elevation to a logical end or proposed return wall. 2. The proposed change in the roofline from a gable to a hip-roof along the left elevation of Plan 1 will provide additional architectural enhancement to the corner side-yard elevations on Lots 4 and 13. 3. The corner side-yard elevations for Lot 3 shall be enhanced by wrapping the wood siding proposed on the front elevation around to the upper building plane of the second-story along the left elevation. • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:40 p.m. Brent Le Count March 20, 2001 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (DRCCUP99-63) - HALLAND FOREMAN - A request to construct a 159,412 square foot retail store with provisions for future expansion to 231,800 square feet, including a fire and tube service, garden center, and interior fast food restaurant on 17.64 acres of land and to modify the existing master plan for Conditional Use Permit 95-25 to include these facilities in the Medium Residential District (8 to 14 dwelling units per acre) and the Community Commercial District (Subarea 2) located on the west side of Vineyard Avenue, south of Foothill Boulevard - APN: 207-211-05, 06, 12 - 15, 36, 38, and 40. Related files: GPA 99-06, FBSPA 99-03, DDA 99-06, TPM 15427. Design Parameters: The site is relatively flat. It is surrounded to the west by a flood control channel, to the north by the historic Klusman House, to the east by an existing single family home (Steven's property), Vineyard Avenue, and multi-family residential development further east across Vineyard, and to the south by apartments and the Orchard Meadows condominiums. The project will have a substantial affect on the Orchard Meadows condominiums and apartments to the south because the building is proposed to be located 68 feet from the south property line, loading, trash compactors, and the fire/tube and tune operation are all planned along the south side of the building and the site is proposed to be raised approximately 14 feet above the level of the condominium site. The project will also have a substantial affect upon the Steven's residence on the Vineyard Avenue frontage due to proximity of parking, vehicle traffic, and elevated lighting. The building design relies on amixture ofsplit-faced block (the primary material), a top parapet band of precision block, and stucco covered colonnades. The overall building design is quite simple, especially given the rather long, blank building walls (the north elevation facing Foothill Boulevard is 480 feet long and the east elevation facing Vineyard Avenue is 366 feet long). The building is larger in size (especially after planned expansion) than the Lowe's home improvement store but has far less articulation and visual interest (a copy of Lowe's Landscape Plan and Elevations are included for reference). The 72,388 square foot future expansion area is planned on the east side of the building and is proposed to be minimally landscaped in the interim. The applicant has not provided any indication of when the expansion would occur. The existing Walmart store was also approved for potential expansion, but has not done so. There is a large paved area proposed along the front of the store (north side) that in other store locations has historically been used for outdoor display of merchandise. The project significantly amends the previously approved master plan associated with Conditional Use Permit 95-25 (Rodriguez) by eliminating the anchor tenant and in-line tenants along the south half of the master plan and replacing this with parking. Also associated with the application are a General Plan Amendment and a Development District Amendment to redesignate the land use for the site from Medium Residential to Community Commercial, and a Tentative Parcel Map. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: 1. Re-orient the building so that truck loading, trash compactors, auto service uses, etc. along south side of building are not located in such close proximity to the residences to the south. . This may require rotating the building 90 degrees to place these elements along the westerly (flood control channel) side of property. Relocation of truck loading, trash compactors, and auto service should also avoid visibility from both street frontages. DRC COMMENTS EIR & CUP (DRCCUP99-63) -HALL AND FOREMAN March 20, 2001 • Page 2 2. The blank walls shown on the west and south elevations are inconsistent with City design policy to provide 360-degree architectural treatment. These elevations should be significantly upgraded in appearance. 3. Upgrade the architectural treatment of the east elevation facing Vineyard Avenue. It is recognized that this is a temporary wall surface given plans for future expansion but without a commitment for when the expansion would occur this elevation should be treated as permanent. 4. The Committee should discuss whether the use of split-faced block is an appropriate building material for a retail building of this size. This material was used on the Kmart and Cucamonga County Water District administrative headquarters, but it may be overly harsh for such a large building. 5. Relocate the main entrance to the building westerly to align with the north-south driveway entrance off of Foothill Boulevard to enhance the project entry statement and avoid large expanses of blank wall. If this cannot be accomplished due to interior utilization requirements, provide some sort of focal element on the building or in front of it aligned with the driveway entrance off Foothill Boulevard. 6. Provide a 25-foot, heavily landscaped buffer around the Steven's property to buffer the . residence from the commercial operation of the site and parking/vehicularcirculafion. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. The curved parapet at the main entry shall have a substantial depth dimension (10 feet) to avoid afin-like or Hollywood set-like appearance. 2. The project shall be designed to avoid having truck loading traffic conflict with the apartments and condominiums to the south and with customer circulation in the main parking area. 3. Close off the two north-south drive aisle intersections at the southeast corner of the main parking area with the east-west drive aisle off Vineyard Avenue to avoid traffic circulation conflicts. The first two drive aisles should be "sealed" off from the east-west drive aisle by providing a continuous planter. 4. Provide a more architecturally enhanced wainscoting around the building similar to other shopping centers/large retail buildings in the community. At a minimum, this should include a curb at the base of the building wall, file wainscoting, and a bull nose or other trim element along the top of the tile. 5. Provide intensive use of climbing vines (with appropriate irrigation) to cover unarticulated building walls and freestanding walls. . 6. Provide enhanced landscaping and berms along the Vineyard Avenue frontage including specimen sized trees, shrubs, and boulders. DRC COMMENTS EIR & CUP (DRCCUP99-63) -HALL AND FOREMAN March 20, 2001 • Page 3 7. Incorporate landscaping and pedestrian amenities along the front (north side) of the building. Limit areas where paving juts directly up against the building walls. This could be accomplished by adding tree wells in strategic locations, seating areas with overhead shade structures, and even water features to emphasize architecture. 8. Incorporate hedge planting in between columns for the garden center colonnade so that shrubs will grow to obscure the wrought iron and merchandise behind as much as possible. 9. Provide large member trellises along the outside of the garden center to draw the eye away from the merchandise stored inside. 10. Incorporate as much landscaping as possible directly against the building, including along the west elevation. 11. Provide substantial landscaping including trees, shrubs, and boulders in the future expansion area on the east side of the building. Surround the future expansion area with wrought iron fence. This area shall not be used for container storage, even of a temporary duration. Landscaping within the expansion area could be transplanted to other areas of the site if and when the expansion occurs. 12. Provide an actual pergola along the main north-south pedestrian pathway instead of • intermittent trellises to provide a strong pedestrian connection between the Rodriguez development to the north and the project. 13. Incorporate cart storage areas with landscape islands in the parking area. Provide cart storage areas along the west side of the project. 14. Unless cart storage is to be handled inside the building, provide a cart corral along the front of the building with a decorative wall to completely conceal stored carts. 15. The parking area is shown to have a slope of over 4 percent on the Grading Plan. This is unusually steep for a shopping center/retail use parking lot and could lead to problems with runaway carts and difficulty controlling car doors. Suggest revising grade to approximately 2 percent. 16. The 4.5 percent driveway grade at the southeast corner of the site may lead to problems with truck circulation (which will likely use this driveway as designed) The concern is that trucks may have trouble with the downgrade when exiting the site and the upgrade upon entry may cause increased engine/transmission noise. 17. The drive aisle intersections at the southeast corner of the main parking area with the east- westdrive aisle off Vineyard Avenue may lead to traffic circulation conflicts. The first two drive aisles should be "sealed" off from the east-west drive aisle by providing a continuous planter. 18. Align north-south drive aisles with those approved for Conditional Use Permit 95-25 (Rodriguez). 19. Align the northern most east-west drive aisle on either side of the main entrance off of Foothill Boulevard. DRC COMMENTS EIR & CUP (DRCCUP99-63) -HALL AND FOREMAN March 20, 2001 • Page 4 20. Provide landscape area at west terminus of second east-west drive aisle south of Foothill Boulevard instead of parking or extend drive aisle all the way to the west. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: DELETED BECAUSE THIS IS A "TECHNICAL" CODE REQUIREMENT W HICH SHOULD BE DISCUSSED AT TRC. 2. DELETED BECAUSE THIS IS A "TECHNICAL" CODE REQUIREMENT W HICH SHOULD BE DISCUSSED AT TRC. 3. All lighting, including parking lot light standards, wall-mounted lighting, and any security lighting shall be designed to completely shield glare from surrounding residential development and public streets. This is particularly important relative to the condos and apartments south of the site and the Steven's home along Vineyard Avenue. 4. A bus shelter will be required as a condition of approval. The design guidelines that are now pending completion should include provisions for bus shelter design to be compatible with the adjacent buildings. • 5. No outdoor storage, including container storage, shall be permitted. 6. No outdoor display of merchandise shall be permitted. The garden center shall not be considered outdoor display so long as no merchandise is stacked above the height of the surrounding colonnade walls. 7. The letter height for the main wall sign shall not exceed five feet as shown on the proposed elevations. 8. Provide a double door foyer design for the main entry to mitigate seasonal high winds 9. During the lifetime of the business operation, the operator/owner shall replace any dead or dying landscaping immediately. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the project be revised in light of the above comments and brought back for further review. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Brent Le Count The Committee requested that the project be redesigned and brought back for further review based upon staff's comments and the additional comments listed below. The Committee does not wish to see the project scheduled for further design review sessions unless plans can be submitted to staff in time for preparation of written comments and distribution to the Committee members. DRC COMMENTS EIR & CUP (DRCCUP99-63) -HALL AND FOREMAN March 20, 2001 • Page 5 Rotate the building 90 degrees to avoid having loading, trash compactors, and auto service uses in close proximity to the existing condos to the south. The north elevation will have to be well articulated if the auto service component is located there due to exposure to Foothill Boulevard. Lack of room for parking should not be used to justify orienting the building as proposed due to the significance of it's impact upon adjacent residences. 2. Restudy the overall building design to be more sensitive and responsive to Rancho Cucamonga. The proposed design has very long expanses of unarticulated wall surfaces and appears to be a typical Walmart prototype building. Avoid tacked on trellises, Hollywood set parapets. The Committee pointed out other large buildings such as Lowe's and the Costco projects as examples of good design. 3. The Committee is not in favor of the use of split-faced block as it has an overly harsh, institutional appearance. The Committee would like to see the use of lighter, more traditional materials such as stucco, fieldstone, and file wainscoting. The Costco building includes creative use of cathedral stone. 4. Provide a park like buffer around the Steven's residential property to totally buffer and protect the residence from the proposed commercial development. 5. Provide landscaping around the base of the building to soften it's appearance. Avoid • wherever possible having pavement run right up to the building wall. At the meeting, Mr. Jim Peugh, President of the Orchard Meadows Condominiums Homeowners' Association, mentioned that he disagrees with the photographic view study provided bythe applicant because the topographic information used by the applicant does not appear to match topographic information he has obtained. The applicant agreed to review their topographic information and make any adjustments to the view study necessary if errors are found. The Committee is willing to have the item scheduled for the April 3, 2001 agenda without staff comments only to discuss the re-orientation of the building because the applicant indicated they had already prepared a Site Plan showing this but did not bring it to the meeting. • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • March 20, 2001 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments at this time. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bra Buller Secretary • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 20, 2001 7:00 P.M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER RAINS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA Committee Members: Larry McNiel Pam Stewart Alternates: Peter Tolstoy Rich Macias CONSENT CALENDAR Larry Henderson John Mannerino The following items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. Typically they are items such as plan revisions prepared in response to discussions at a previous meeting. NO ITEMS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED • PROJECT REVIEW ITEMS This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant regarding their development application. The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input. 7:00 p.m. (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-34 - COSTCO WHOLESALE - A proposal to construct a 148,663 square feet of a wholesale warehouse commercial use, which also includes a tire sales and installation center (5,200 square feet), food service (1,042 square feet) and gas pumps, on 15.14 acres of land located the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial District Subarea 12 -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15579 - COSTCOWHOLESALE -The proposed subdivision of 19.55-acre parcel into three parcels, located on the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial Districts Subarea 12 (Industrial Park/General Commercial Overlay) -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. 7:20 p.m (Rudy) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (DRC2001-00016) MODIFICATION -SOUTHWEST DESIGN GROUP - A request to modify a previously approved Design Review of 12 single-family homes for Tentative Tract 15963 on 4.37 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located south of Banyan Street on the east side of Archibald Avenue and west side of London Avenue -APN: 201-251-01. • DRC AGENDA March 20, 2001 Page 2 7:40 p.m. (Brent) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (DRCCUP99-63)-HALL AND FOREMAN -A request toconstructa159,412square foot retail store with provisions for future expansion to 231,800 square feet, including a fire and tube service, garden center, and interior fast food restaurant on 17.64 acres of land and to modify the existing master plan for Conditional Use Permit 95-25 to include these facilities in the Medium Residential District (8 to 14 dwelling units per acre) and the Community Commercial District (Subarea 2) located on the west side of Vineyard Avenue, south of Foothill Boulevard -APN: 207-211-05, 06, 12-15, 36, 38, and 40. Related files: GPA 99-06, FBSPA 99-03, DDA 99-06, TPM 15427. PUBLIC COMMENTS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Committee. State law prohibits the Committee from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Committee may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are limited to five minutes per individual. ADJOURNMENT I, Mary Lou Gragg, Office Specialist II for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, • accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on March 15, 2001, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Dive, Ran'c'ho Cucamonga. I I /C~J.I O _ ~~D~.~.~ • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:00 p.m. Debra Meier March 20, 2001 GIV VIIIVIV IVICIVIAL /1JJCJJIVICIVI HIVU VVIV IIIIIVIVML VJC rCfllVlll VV-JY - VVJIVV WHOLESALE - A proposal to construct a 148,663 square feet of a wholesale warehouse commercial use, which also includes a tire sales and installation center (5,200 square feet), food service (1,042 square feet) and gas pumps, on 15.14 acres of land located the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial District Subarea 12 -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15579 - COSTCO WHOLESALE -The proposed subdivision of 19.55-acre parcel into three parcels, located on the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial Districts Subarea 12 (Industrial Park/General Commercial Overlay) -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. Oral update will be provided at the meeting. Design Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Debra Meier • r 1 LJ DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:20 p.m. Rudy Zeledon March 20, 2001 DEVELOPMENT REVI EW (DRC2001-00016) MODIFICATION -SOUTHWEST DESIGN GROUP A request to modify a previously approved Design Review of 12single-family homes for Tentative Tract 15963 on 4.37 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located south of Banyan Street on the east side of Archibald Avenue and west side of London Avenue - APN: 201-251-01. Background: On February 9, 2000, the Planning Commission approved Development Review 99-42, for the construction of 12single-family homes. The approval of the house product included 2 single-story house plans with three elevations per plan. Plan 101 included 3,090 square foot homes and Plan 102 a 2,749 square foot homes. The applicant, Crestwood Corporation, has purchased the tract from the previous owner (PKT properties). The applicant has submitted an application requesting to modify the previously approved Design Review to introduce a new house product. Design Parameters: The 4.37 acre site has been rough graded. The site has a natural slope of approximately 2-3 percent from north to south and is surrounded on all sides by single-family homes. The lots range in size from 8,301 square feet to 12,246 square feet, with an average size lot of 10,900 square feet. The project will be developed under the Low Residential Standards of the Development Code. • Fourfloor plans are proposed, each having three elevations per plan. The homes will range in size from 2,817 to 3,148 square feet. Plan 1 is single-story and features athree-car garage. Plan 5X is two stories and features athree-car garage with an option for a fifth bedroom in place of the third garage. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion: Maior Issues: The following broad issues will be on the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: Clarify on Site Plan, each elevation proposed for each lot. For example, Plan 1 A, 1 B, 1 C, 5XA, 5XB and 5XC. In addition, indicate which pads propose a reverse footprint for each floor plan. 2. In order to balance the roof line along the front elevations of Plan 1, the gable pitch along the left elevation should be clipped and replaced with a hip design. 3. Provide an additional elevation or detail for Plan 5X, that shows the elevation design for the optional bedroom in place of a third garage. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. The side corner side yard elevations for Lots 3, 4 and 13 should be enhanced and • incorporate the use of wood shutters and window mullions on key windows. 2. Correctly label the rear and side elevations for house Plan 1 on plans. C~ DRC COMMENTS DR (DRC2001-00016) March 20, 2001 Page 2 MOD. -SOUTHWEST DESIGN GROUP Policv Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: The existing wood fence, located on the south side of Liberty Street (as shown on Section E-E of Grading Plan) shall be replaced with a decorative block wall (Exhibit "A"). The existing wood fence is part of the tract boundary and therefore is required to be replaced by a block wall. In addition, Liberty Street is the main entry into the neighborhood and therefore should be enhanced. • Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends that the project be revised and returned to the Design Review Committee for review. Attachments Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Rudy Zeledon • ~ ~ '221 ~ 11 I .~, 6, F -.CUT I~ _.U J t ~ bt _ 74, 3~- Fll ~ ~ m ` ~n~, " .'' I -CONC. I ~0 0.5 6~ i 3.6 ~ _ X ]613.8 I1613• i ' J 0 3 ~• t 1609.4 FF ~' ~ II I • 1609.8 FF Og.1 ~ _• 1608.9 PAD W 1609.3 PAD tb ,60f ey ~~ ~ 33• ~ ~ PLAN o PLAN t' 221 p• 5X 22' rn 2 '~ ~- E ~~ ~i~+r II J .In, ~ II 18' 1 r 6 4~ ~~~~~`' L 23.56' : ° II _ °6. 60 58.71 ~4, ~ ~ c ~ ~ " L 3. =25.59' ~ ~rC`~~l.~ I I N f I ~ ~ LIBERTY ST~ ~ ` 6°~1 6~ti '` °~ a - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0~ . ao ~ ~ . ~ (~s d ' - - - - f. -'~~~'o~ ~ ~ 4' ~ ~ pTS 3rd rng ~ 4 35f ~) -T ~ abtd~}6TW a fs f 02 09 4 ~ o ae4 n ) I `-~0~ ~ ~ V a~ ~ (160}57 5 1 j TREE TO BE REMOVED ` ~ p a a m 03.5 T )6~f n "~ N SJ L ~ N ~ p3 ` ` ~ ~ 1602.8 FL .~T,.(`' -~ uZ ~~~ C _~___ _ 1 E a r 031 E I ~ w m q ~ ( IM d p w Z CONSTRUCT 1.2' CONC. SLOUCH W I~ I I v I ~ WALL PER SEPARATE PERMIT I ~ ~ ~ m ~ _ ~~~. i • Gr/OOp f~CrC Goo.~~o~ ~M N /~ n u VARIES; 70 BE VACATED PER INSTR/ EX. 6' W000 FENCE \ TO REMAIN ' ~ EX. PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED PLACE RIVER- WASHED / GRAMITE COBBLESTONE C~ EX. PROP. R/W R/W 30' 18~ 12' i 118' n~ 'c J ~i + EX. WALL -~ _ - '`~~TO BE REMOVED CONSTRUCT 1.2' CONC. BLOCK WALL PER DETAIL HEREON. (PER SEPARATE PERMIT,) r ~d 0 i~ m ~C~l E-£ TYPicaL sECnorl C (LIBERTY STREET) R\W PROP.I - C k G LG~'~io~/ O` ~~~5 ~i1/lr ~ioop ~,~,~ • A'N EX.._ GRADE _ PROP. A.C. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:40 p.m. Brent Le Count March 20, 2001 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (DRCCUP99-63) - HALLAND FOREMAN - A request to construct a 159,412 square foot retail store with provisions for future expansion to 231,800 square feet, including a fire and tube service, garden center, and interior fast food restaurant on 17.64 acres of land and to modify the existing master plan for Conditional Use Permit 95-25 to include these facilities in the Medium Residential District (8 to 14 dwelling units per acre) and the Community Commercial District (Subarea 2) located on the west side of Vineyard Avenue, south of Foothill Boulevard - APN: 207-211-05, 06, 12 - 15, 36, 38, and 40. Related files: GPA 99-06, FBSPA 99-03, DDA 99-06, TPM 15427. Design Parameters: The site is relatively flat. It is surrounded to the west by a flood control channel, to the north by the historic Klusman House, to the east by an existing single family home (Steven's property), Vineyard Avenue, and multi-family residential development further east across Vineyard, and to the south by apartments and the Orchard Meadows condominiums. The project will have a substantial affect on the Orchard Meadows condominiums and apartments to the south because the building is proposed to be located 68 feet from the south property line, loading, trash compactors, and the fire/tube and tune operation are all planned along the south side of the building and the site is proposed to be raised approximately 14 feet above the level of the condominium site. The project will also have a substantial affect upon the Steven's residence on the Vineyard Avenue frontage due to proximity of parking, vehicle traffic, and elevated lighting. The building design relies on amixture ofsplit-faced block (the primary material), a top parapet band • of precision block, and stucco covered colonnades. The overall building design is quite simple, especially given the rather long, blank building walls (the north elevation facing Foothill Boulevard is 480 feet long and the east elevation facing Vineyard Avenue is 366 feet long). The building is larger in size (especially after planned expansion) than the Lowe's home improvement store but has far less articulation and visual interest (a copy of Lowe's Landscape Plan and Elevations are included for reference). The 72,388 square foot future expansion area is planned on~the east side of the building and is proposed to be minimally landscaped in the interim. The applicant has not provided any indication of when the expansion would occur. The existing Walmart store was also approved for potential expansion, but has not done so. There is a large paved area proposed along the front of the store (north side) that in other store locations has historically been used for outdoor display of merchandise. The project significantly amends the previously approved master plan associated with Conditional Use Permit 95-25 (Rodriguez) by eliminating the anchor tenant and in-line tenants along the south half of the master plan and replacing this with parking. Also associated with the application are a General Plan Amendment and a Development District Amendment to redesignate the land use for the site from Medium Residential to Community Commercial, and a Tentative Parcel Map. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Maior Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: 1. Re-orient the building so that truck loading, trash compactors, auto service uses, etc. along south side of building are not located in such close proximityto the residences to the south. • This may require rotating the building 90 degrees to place these elements along the westerly (flood control channel) side of property. Relocation of truck loading, trash compactors, and auto service should also avoid visibility from both street frontages. DRC COMMENTS EIR & CUP (DRCCUP99-63) -HALL AND FOREMAN March 20, 2001 • Page 2 2. The blank walls shown on the west and south elevations are inconsistent with City design policy to provide 360-degree architectural treatment. These elevations should be significantly upgraded in appearance. 3. Upgrade the architectural treatment of the east elevation facing Vineyard Avenue. It is recognized that this is a temporary wall surface given plans for future expansion but without a commitment for when the expansion would occur this elevation should be treated as permanent. 4. The Committee should discuss whether the use of split-faced block is an appropriate building material for a retail building of this size. This material was used on the Kmart and Cucamonga County Water District administrative headquarters, but it maybe overly harsh for such a large building. 5. Relocate the main entrance to the building westerly to align with the north-south driveway entrance off of Foothill Boulevard to enhance the project entry statement and avoid large expanses of blank wall. If this cannot be accomplished due to interior utilization requirements, provide some sort of focal element on the building or in front of it aligned with the driveway entrance off Foothill Boulevard. 6. Provide a 25-foot, heavily landscaped buffer around the Steven's property to buffer the • residence from the commercial operation of the site and parking/vehicular circulation. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: The curved parapet at the main entry shall have a substantial depth dimension (10 feet) to avoid afin-like or Hollywood set-like appearance. 2. The project shall be designed to avoid having truck loading traffic conflict with the apartments and condominiums to the south and with customer circulation in the main parking area. 3. Close off the two north-south drive aisle intersections at the southeast corner of the main parking area with the east-west drive aisle off Vineyard Avenue to avoid traffic circulation conflicts. The first two drive aisles should be "sealed" off from the east-west drive aisle by providing a continuous planter. 4. Provide a more architecturally enhanced wainscoting around the building similar to other shopping centers/large retail buildings in the community. At a minimum, this should include a curb at the base of the building wall, file wainscoting, and a bull nose or other trim element along the top of the tile. Provide intensive use of climbing vines (with appropriate irrigation) to cover unarticulated building walls and freestanding walls. • 6. Provide enhanced landscaping and berms along the Vineyard Avenue frontage including specimen sized trees, shrubs, and boulders. DRC COMMENTS EIR & CUP (DRCCUP99-63) -HALL AND FOREMAN March 20, 2001 • Page 3 7. Incorporate landscaping and pedestrian amenities along the front (north side) of the building. Limit areas where paving juts directly up against the building walls. This could be accomplished by adding tree wells in strategic locations, seating areas with overhead shade structures, and even water features to emphasize architecture. 8. Incorporate hedge planting in between columns for the garden center colonnade so that shrubs will grow to obscure the wrought iron and merchandise behind as much as possible. 9. Provide large member trellises along the outside of the garden center to draw the eye away from the merchandise stored inside. 10. Incorporate as much landscaping as possible directly against the building, including along the west elevation. 11. Provide substantial landscaping including trees, shrubs, and boulders in the future expansion area on the east side of the building. Surround the future expansion area with wrought iron fence. This area shall not be used for container storage, even of a temporary duration. Landscaping within the expansion area could be transplanted to other areas of the site if and when the expansion occurs. 12. Provide an actual pergola along the main north-south pedestrian pathway instead of • intermittent trellises to provide a strong pedestrian connection between the Rodriguez development to the north and the project. 13. Incorporate cart storage areas with landscape islands in the parking area. Provide cart storage areas along the west side of the project. 14. Unless cart storage is to be handled inside the building, provide a cart corral along the front of the building with a decorative wall to completely conceal stored carts. 15. The parking area is shown to have a slope of over 4 percent on the Grading Plan. This is unusually steep for a shopping center/retail use parking lot and could lead to problems with runaway carts and difficulty controlling car doors. Suggest revising grade to approximately 2 percent. 16. The 4.5 percent driveway grade at the southeast corner of the site may lead to problems with truck circulation (which will likely use this driveway as designed) The concern is that trucks may have trouble with the downgrade when exiting the site and the upgrade upon entry may cause increased engine/transmission noise. 17. The drive aisle intersections at the southeast corner of the main parking area with the east- westdrive aisle off Vineyard Avenue may lead to traffic circulation conflicts. The first two drive aisles should be "sealed" off from the east-west drive aisle by providing a continuous planter. 18. Align north-south drive aisles with those approved for Conditional Use Permit 95-25 • (Rodriguez). 19. Align the northern most east-west drive aisle on either side of the main entrance off of Foothill Boulevard. DRC COMMENTS EIR & CUP (DRCCUP99-63) -HALL AND FOREMAN March 20, 2001 • Page 4 20. Provide landscape area at west terminus of second east-west drive aisle south of Foothill Boulevard instead of parking or extend drive aisle all the way to the west. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. DELETED BECAUSE THIS IS A "TECHNICAL" CODE REQUIREMENT W HICH SHOULD BE DISCUSSED AT TRC. 2. DELETED BECAUSE THIS IS A "TECHNICAL" CODE REQUIREMENT WHICH SHOULD BE DISCUSSED AT TRC. 3. All lighting, including parking lot light standards, wall-mounted lighting, and any security lighting shall be designed to completely shield glare from surrounding residential development and public streets. This is particularly important relative to the condos and apartments south of the site and the Steven's home along Vineyard Avenue. 4. A bus shelter will be required as a condition of approval. The design guidelines that are now pending completion should include provisions for bus shelter design to be compatible with the adjacent buildings. 5. No outdoor storage, including container storage, shall be permitted. • 6. No outdoor display of merchandise shall be permitted. The garden center shall not be considered outdoor display so long as no merchandise is stacked above the height of the surrounding colonnade walls. 7. The letter height for the main wall sign shall not exceed five feet as shown on the proposed elevations. 8. Provide a double door foyer design for the main entry to mitigate seasonal high winds. 9. During the lifetime of the business operation, the operator/owner shall replace any dead or dying landscaping immediately. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the project be revised in light of the above comments and brought back for further review. Attachments Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Brent Le Count r 1 LJ Q III z mrv ~ 3~ ~ W GC ~ @~m 6 iY ~m~~-§ j ~S~g gyk ~~g3 ~i r ~ ~ r E ~ III o£~` ~ 989~v° d 9 i~~e`~ ~ ~~ f~~° ~ .7 I , r~ L J • ID 5 ~~ i ~E+ a !% S 3~~ ~~ ~~ I g ~ 6 - ~ ~ l i ~ , ~ v '' ~ ~ e ~ 3 ~ e i it i g I } j l 2~ i ! 79 }9 P a ~ ~ }l ]' t 4a 9} ~i } } ~ } }} }i ~ fj ~ ? : ! s} } m ' ~~ }, 's1~ ~ i a,} i~' ~i1i,1 ~ 11 a o a ~ ~~p, Ii i~ j ~~;~ ~ e ~ ! 11 ~~ 1~ ~~ ~ s , ~~ ~~ ~ ab I~ i3 ~ !~ ~~ ~' }~ j i a ~ ~ ~B d 000 ~ ~o~®~®o®~ ~1 ii1f~ ~ :iI a m ° gI gg n y 's y d a d1 f ~ ~i ~~ ~~ ~# ~~ !~ ~ s ~ E~~~ t L ~~ A &~ gg 1~ ~ gg p 3 9 $$ f ~8 ~r ~ }E f3 ~t $t ~t ~? a Y g~j R= r1 LJ • 'I! ;'3 i i J Z r ~- ~l r-- m! Z',f O' m N 6 a t F dl t11~ rth e 3 g f~3~~1ai84~~i1i ~ w ~~'~i~ilg~lg~~~i~f tb S 's; fila~6lilfi9ifE~i ~ ~ ~~~~~oo~~ U :~ _~ .~ ~a 7 E z ! ~ - 4 '~ G] ~ fvl ~"1 w a h, a; ~i/ m'. ale _-F'-_. a U ~i y ~ 1 4 >. k~ • i _ i, • u 11 __-_ ~ ~-- ~' ~ ~ -~ J ~ z al <~ F a., al z! o; m m ~~ o' m~ ~~ i alp e is ~:~ of I fk~ S ~I i ,,,, ,;~~~ ~_ e ~ g '6sE'''ia4i~~6, ~ i` g 3. ~1~i~~~~~1i~ilit9! o 000ooooos e '~- ~' c i, [x] e/ji c'~ zit ~ °~ a <® ~~ a m ~ m ^ ~_ [x3 J DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING ACTION AGENDA AND MINUTES TUESDAY MARCH 6, 2001 7:00 P.M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER RAINS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA Committee Members: Larry McNiel Pam Stewart Larry Henderson Alternates: Peter Tolstoy Rich Macias John Mannerino CONSENT CALENDAR The following items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. Typically they are items such .,` as plan revisions prepared in response to discussions at a previous meeting. 7:00 p.m. (Doug) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 16164-TRIMARK-A residential subdivision and design review of detailed site plan and elevations for 20 single family lots on 6.26 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane -APN: 227-091-09. PROJECT REVIEW ITEMS • This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant regarding their development application. The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input. 7:10 p.m. (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 15174 -KAUFMAN AND BROAD OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. -The proposed subdivision of 33.13 acres of land into 181 lots for single-family homes and 4 lettered lots for trail and landscaping purposes, in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) and Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) at an actual project density of 5.46 dwelling units per acre, located at the southwest corner of Church Street and Rochester Avenue -APN: 227-151-52. 7:30 p.m (Debra) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-84 - KAUFMAN & BROAD OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. -The review of detailed site plan and building elevations for previously approved Tentative Tract 15492 consisting of 139 single family lots on 33.3 acres in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community Plan, located at the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway -APN: 227-151-22. Related File: Tentative Tract 15492. 7:50 p.m. (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-34 - COSTCO WHOLESALE - A proposal to construct a 148,663 square feet of a wholesale warehouse commercial use, which also includes a fire sales and installation center (5,200 square feet), food service (1,042 square feet) and gas • pumps, on 15.14 acres of land located the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial District Subarea 12 -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. DRC AGENDA March 6, 2001 Page 2 • 7:50 p.m. (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15579 - COSTCO W HOLESALE -The proposed subdivision of 19.55-acre parcel into three parcels, located on the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial Districts Subarea 12 (Industrial Park/General Commercial Overlay) -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. 8:10 p.m (Kirt) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16181 - CAMINO REAL APARTMENTS - A request to construct 272 apartments on 20 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, approximately 600 feet north of Foothill Boulevard -APN: 1100-151-01 and 02. Related files: Conditional Use Permit 00-47. Tree Removal Permit 00-47. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-47-CAMINO REALAPARTMENTS - A requestto construct 272 apartments on 20 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, approximately 600 feet north of Foothill Boulevard -APN: 1100-151-01 and 02. Related files: Tentative Tract Map 16181, Tree Removal Permit 00-47. PUBLIC COMMENTS • This is the time and place for the general public to address the Committee. State law prohibits the Committee from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Committee may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are limited to five minutes per individual. ADJOURNMENT • CONSENT CALENDAR COMMENTS 7:00 p.m. Doug Fenn March 6, 2001 • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 16164 -TRIMARK -A residential subdivision and design review of detailed site plan and elevations for 20 single family lots on 6.26 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-S dwelling units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-091-09. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Doug Fenn The Committee recommended approval of the project. • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:10 p.m. Debra Meier March 6, 2001 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 15174- KAUFMAN AND BROAD OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. -The proposed subdivision of 33.13 acres of land into 181 lots for single-family homes and 4 lettered lots for trail and landscaping purposes, in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) and Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) at an actual project density of 5.46 dwelling units per acre, located at the southwest corner of Church Street and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227-151-52. Design Parameters: This parcel is designated Low-Medium Residential and Medium Residential of the Terra Vista Community Plan (TVCP). The net density of the proposed project is 5.46 dwelling units per acre, which is in the Low-Medium density range of the Community Plan. Flexibility is allowed in the TVCP to allow development within one range, either higher or lower than the designated density, subject to approval of the Planning Commission and the City Council. The standards of the Low-Medium Residential district will apply to the proposed development. The perimeter of the Tentative Tract is bound by Church Street to the north, Rochester Avenue to the east, and Malaga Drive along the south boundary. Church Street and Rochester Avenue are partially improved (curb, gutter, and pavement), however, Malaga Drive is improved only as far as the rear of The Home Depot. The site slopes gently from north to south at approximately 2 percent gradient. The site is void of unique features and significant vegetation. Tentative Tract 15174 is located in the southeast quadrant of the Terra Vista Community Plan. Surrounding land uses include the Village of Independence (Low-Medium Residential) and a vacant . parcel designated Medium Residential, both on the north side of Church Street; existing single- family residential east of Rochester Avenue (a.k.a. the Rochester Tract); The Home Depot and a vacant parcel (designated Medium-High Residential) are both located south of Malaga Drive. The Tentative Tract is designed with a minimum 5,000 square foot lot size. The Terra Vista Trail Type "D" traverses the site, from the intersection of Church Street at Terra Vista Parkway, through the site to Malaga Drive, joining the Type "E" trail on the north side of Malaga Drive. The Tract design incorporates a series of cul-de-sacs that open at the ends to allow access from with in the neighborhood to the trail system. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Expand the trail between lots 109 and 162. One possible approach is to angle in the lot line along the west line of lot 109 (see attached sketch). 2. The continuation of the trail from within the tract will extend along the east side of both "A" Street (on the north) and "H" Street (on the south). Therefore, the sidewalk, along the that portion of the streetscape should be 6-feet in width, and if the length of the block permits, meander the walkway. 3. The trail pathway should meander within the landscaped area as feasible. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval subject to satisfactory resolution of issues pertaining to the trail. • DRC COMMENTS TT 15174 - KAUFMAN & BROAD OF SOUTHERN CA., INC. March 6, 2001 • Page 2 Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Debra Meier The Committee recommended that the project to proceed to the full Commission for consideration of approval, with the following conditions: Expand the width of the trail between Lots 109 and 162 by angling the lot line along Lot 109, or similar solution as approved by Planning staff, prior to final map recordation or grading permit issuance. The Trail Type "D" that traverses the project shall include a 6-foot sidewalk along the entire length, and shall meander through the landscaped area to the extent feasible. The grading within the Trail Type "D" shall minimize sloping that results in either the trail being completely below or above adjacent lot pad grades, to the extend feasible. r~ L • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:30 p.m. Debra Meier March 6, 2001 • f1F\/FI f1PMFAIT RF\/I F\A/ nn_Rd. ICAI IF~AA~I R RR(lA fl (1F C(ll ITHFRN C01 IF(1RNIG INr - The review of detailed site plan and building elevations for previously approved Tentative Tract 15492 consisting of 139 single family lots on 33.3 acres in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community Plan, located at the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway - APN: 227-151-22. Related File: Tentative Tract 15492. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion: Design Issues: 1. On all elevations add elements to the side/rear elevations that carry the theme of the architectural style to all sides of the home. For example on Plan One (single-story) -the French design could feature shutters; the Craftsman design could feature shutters or siding; and Italianate design could feature the stucco coin pattern on all building corners. Similar features can be used on all elevations. 2. Introduce additional materials on specific elevations, such as stone or brick, used on columns or wainscot. 3. Plan Two - features an alternative elevation with a third car garage. Staff suggests that the number of these plans provided within the Tract by very limited in order to protect the integrity of the neighborhood street scene. • Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval subject to satisfactory resolution of issues pertaining to the architectural design. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Debra Meier The Committee recommended that the project to proceed to the full Commission for consideration of approval, with the following conditions: 1. The use of the three-car garage option shall be limited to a maximum of 50 units within the tract. 2. The use of stone or brick veneer shall occur on a minimum of 60 units within the tract. 3. Each of the four building plans shall be placed on a minimum of 20 lots (15 percent) and a maximum of 42 lots (30 percent) in order to insure that a variety of building styles are used throughout the tract. 4. Single-story units shall be placed on corner lots to the extent feasible, while still providing the desired architectural variety. 5. All elevations shall exhibit elements of the featured architectural style on all sides of the • dwelling. These features shall include such elements as shutters, building bands, color change, rafter details or similar details that are reflective of the featured architectural style. Planning staff shall review the use of these elements on all sides of the dwelling, prior to the issuance of building permits. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:50 p.m. Debra Meier March 6, 2001 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-34 - COSTCO WHOLESALE - A proposal to construct a 148,663 square feet of a wholesale warehouse commercial use, which also includes a tire sales and installation center (5,200 square feet), food service (1,042 square feet) and gas pumps, on 15.14 acres of land located the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial District Subarea 12 -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. CIVVII'iVIVIVICIVIHL HJJCJJIVICIVI HIVU ICIVIHIIVC r'HrSIiCL IVIHr" IJJ/y - VVJIIiV WHOLESALE -The proposed subdivision of 19.55-acre parcel into three parcels, located on the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial Districts Subarea 12 (Industrial Park/General Commercial Overlay) -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. Design Parameters: The site is the location of the former AutoNation that has since vacated the site. To date, all landscaping on-site and around the perimeter is irrigated and maintained and is in good condition. North and west of the site is undeveloped vacant land, the parcel to the north is General Industrial (Subarea 13), while the parcel to the west is Industrial Park (Subarea 12). Adjacent to the site on the east boundary is on/off-ramps to Interstate 15; and on the south side of Fourth Street, within the City of Ontario, is the existing Ontario Mills project of mixed retail, restaurant and entertainment uses. All perimeter streets are completely improved and landscaped along the site boundary. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee • discussion. Site Plannino Issues: The following site planning issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: Eliminate parking onto the primary site entrance, providing instead a wide landscape entry statement, providing a meandering walkway, incorporating kiosks or other elements that feature the "heritage" elements that are proposed on the building. 2. Provide enhanced pavement at the intersection of the two drive aisles on the primary entry. Building Design Issues: The following building design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: 1. The Focal Point of the project is the entry portal as viewed through the driveway entering the site from Fourth Street. This entryway and building corner should be the focus of the project theme, including both architecture and landscaping. In general, the cobblestone as proposed at the front entry and as the base of columns should be expanded to include the entire front entry elevation, and entire column height. The building walls should be given accents, such as stone wainscot, ledge or color change, to provide a pedestrian scale at the building face and reflect the "heritage" theme. The applicant may also entertain the idea of incorporating public art as part of the focal • point. The art could take the form of a mural, sculpture, water feature, or similar element that would add significance to the focal point of the project and set a distinctive theme for the site. DRC COMMENTS CUP 00-34 & TPM 15579 - COSTCO W HOLESALE March 6, 2001 • Page 2 2. The gas station should represent the same characteristics asthe larger building, such as the use of cobble on the support columns. 3. The loading dock should be designed in a way that is screened from public view by incorporating architectural elements and/or landscaping. One possibility would be to cover the loading area with a trellis. 4. Screening of roof-mounted equipment from public view is required. The applicant should provide cross-sections from Foothill Boulevard, Buffalo Avenue and from the I-15 corridor, to illustrate that roof-mounted equipment is not visible from any of these vantage points. Landscape Issues: 1. The gas station function must be appropriately screened from Fourth Street. The landscape area along the front of the gas station may need to be supplemented with a retaining wall along the north edge of the landscaping in order to incorporate a landscaped berm to screen cars from the street scene. Provide across-section through this area to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design. 2. All parking lot islands shall be separated from the paved surface with curb and gutter and landscaped. (Refer to the two areas in the west portion of the site, and one area at the northwest building corner, that appear to be striping only). • 3. Place the transformer (on the west side of the building) within a landscape planter area for protection rather than using bollard posts. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval subject to satisfactory resolution of all issues to the satisfaction of the Committee. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNeil, Pam Stewart, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Debra Meier The applicant presented to the Committee revisions that had been made to the proposed project based on staff comments and previous Planning Commission W orkshop discussion. The applicant has proposed an alternative material to the stone as was previously discussed and reviewed by staff. The architect displayed a material that resembles a heavy, oversized spilt-face block that resembles arough-cut stone appearance. This heavy split-face block was introduced on the entry tower, and along the entire building as an 8-foot high wainscot. The proposed roof material is a lightweight concrete tile. A modified Site Plan was displayed to the Committee, the revision basically changes the approach to the project from Buffalo Avenue, eliminating the southerly direction of drive approach as it enters the site. The new entrance approach directs customers across the front of the loading dock area. The Site Plan also modifies the gas station layout, eliminating some conflicting parking and • circulation movements of the earlier plan. The Committee recommended that both the Site Plan and the building elevations incorporate modifications as outlined below. DRC COMMENTS CUP 00-34 & TPM 15579 - COSTCO W HOLESALE • March 6, 2001 Page 3 The Planning Commission is scheduled to consider the project at the March 28, 2001 Planning Commission meeting, therefore, the Committee recommended that the modifications as discussed be brought back for Committee review on March 20, 2001, to resolve as many design issues as possible before the hearing. The modifications as recommended by the Committee: Site Planning Issues: The applicants proposed alternative dosing applications for the primary entrance from Fourth Street. The Committee preferred the Alternative "A" as shown. Alternative "A"incorporates pavers and scored concrete in a pattern that is carried up the entire length of the entranceway to the front entrance to the building. The alternative allows the parking in the north portion of the entry aisle to remain, however the walkway, that would not only serve the handicap parking stalls, but also directs customers from the southern portion of the parking lot to the building entrance, is also identified with a paver, with numerous tree well pockets. The Committee preferred to define the walkway using bollards, rather than wheel stops. Building Design Issues: 1. The Committee accepted the proposed large split-face block material as described by the architect. However, the Committee wanted the use of the material expanded to include all large columns along all elevations of the building. 2. The Committee indicated that the north and west elevations of the building require additional architectural definition. The design should not rely solely on landscaping to provide the interest and definition of the building elevation. 3. The loading dock area shall be screened or buffered from public view to the satisfaction of the Design Review Committee. 4. Screening of the roof-mounted equipment from public view is required. The applicant has provided cross-sections illustrating complete screening from Fourth Street and Buffalo Avenue however, they are still investigating the potential visibility of the roof top from the freeway and off-ramp grade. Further details will be provided to the satisfaction of the Design Review Committee. 5. The support columns at the gas station shall use the same materials as the primary building and characterize the same building theme. 6. The architect shall supply a sample of all proposed building materials for review and approval by the Design Review Committee, including the red block (proposed as a stripe around all building elevations), roof tile, stucco texture and color, etc. • 7. All roll-up and man doors shall be painted to match the adjacent building color. DRC COMMENTS CUP 00-34 & TPM 15579 - COSTCO W HOLESALE March 6, 2001 • Page 4 Landscape Issues: 1. All landscape planters and tree wells shall be separated from the paved surface with a concrete curb. All transformers, water valves, and similar items shall be placed within appropriate landscape areas and screened with shrubbery. 2. Landscaping shall be placed along the north elevation of the building (5-foot minimum width) and at the northwest corner of the building. 3. The automobiles and fuel dispensing pumps at the gas station shall be screened from view from Fourth Street. The screening may be accomplished through a combination of retaining and/or low screen walls, berming and landscaping. Landscaping alone is not an adequate screening measure. The screening shall be illustrated through the use of across-section to the satisfaction of the Design Review Committee. 4. The 12-foot landscape planter width, as depicted in the entrance design Alternative "A,"shall be used in the entrance landscape design concept. • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:10 p.m. Kirt Coury March 6, 2001 • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16181 - CAMINO REAL APARTMENTS - A request to construct 272 apartments on 20 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, approximately 600 feet north of Foothill Boulevard - APN: 1100-151-01 and 02. Related files: Conditional Use Permit 00-47, Tree Removal Permit 00-47. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-47 - CAMINO REAL APARTMENTS - A request to construct 272 apartments on 20 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, approximately 600 feet north of Foothill Boulevard - APN: 1100-151-01 and 02. Related files: Tentative Tract Map 16181, Tree Removal Permit 00-47. Design Parameters: The site is located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, north of Foothill Boulevard, at the southeast corner of Etiwanda Avenue and Garcia Drive. The lot is generally flat, sloping downward to the south. The site is currently vacant with native trees and grasses present. New two-story single-family residences are being built on the north side of the property across Garcia Drive. The property to the south is vacant but is planned for commercial development. To the east is a proposed park and a drainage detention basin. To the west across Etiwanda Avenue, the property is planned for single-family residential development. The Site Plan has been designed to create transitions to the residential uses existing and planned to the north and west. The project will include a total of 18 apartment buildings comprised of three building types. In addition, there will also be a recreation/leasing office building. The proposed buildings fronting Etiwanda Avenue have enhanced elevations and the building masses include both • two-story and one-story elements to articulate the massing. The buildings facing the north boundary (Garcia Drive) have been pulled back a substantial distance from the street and predominantly have single story elements facing the street. Single story garage structures also provide a low massing transition along the Garcia Drive frontage. The project will require a Variance to allow for the reduction in the minimum side yard building separations from 15-feet to 6-feet along the southern property line. A substantial recreation/open space corridor is provided as a central spine within the development, which will include both active and passive recreation facilities. Active recreation uses include a community pool and spa, several tot lots, half court basketball, volleyball court, barbecue areas, and exercise facilities within the recreation building. The buildings will include a stucco finish, painted wood knee braces, ledge-stone battered walls, and a concrete flat file roof. The project perimeter will involve 6-foot high tubular steel fencing and split face masonry wall. Fencing along Etiwanda Avenue will include a 6-foot high decorative masonry accent wall with decorative masonry pilasters. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Maior Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: Roof style and materials of the apartment buildings and garage structures should match. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: • 1. Vary the roll-up garage door designs to avoid monotony. Suggest pairing together doors with same design. DRC COMMENTS TTM 16181 & CUP 00-47 - CAMINO REAL APARTMENTS March 6, 2001 Page 2 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee approve the project subject to the modifications as recommended above. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart, Larry Henderson Staff Planner: Kirt Coury Commissioner McNiel introduced the item and discussed the details and issues of the project. The development team agreed to resolve the identified major and policy issues. Commissioner McNiel asked for details regarding the proposed retaining wall with freestanding wall along the south boundary. Dan Guerra, Project Engineer, identified that the proposed retaining and freestanding wall along the southern property line was necessary tofill anatural on-site Swale and accommodate level grading of the site. It was identified that a 6.5-foot retaining wall with a 6-foot freestanding wall (maximum 12.5-foot) would be needed for a central portion of the site. City Planner, Brad Buller discussed the possibility of an 8-foot freestanding wall (14.5-foot maximum wall) for separation between multiple family residential and future commercial development. The developer did not have difficulty with constructing a minimum footing to accommodate such a wall. • The Committee further requested varying block of the masonry wall to allow visual relief, as well as vine pockets similar to a freeway wall. There was general discussion regarding the design and architectural treatments of the proposed buildings. Commissioner McNiel requested architectural enhancements to 50 percent of the proposed Building A elevations (similar to Buildings B and C elevations). The developer agreed to work with staff and satisfy the Committees request. The Committee recommended approval of the proposed project. • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • MARCH 6, 2001 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments at this time. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller Secretary • I~ U DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 6, 2001 7:00 P.M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER RAINS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA • Committee Members: Larry McNiel Pam Stewart Alternates: Peter Tolstoy Rich Macias CONSENT CALENDAR Larry Henderson John Mannerino The following items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. Typically they are items such as plan revisions prepared in response to discussions at a previous meeting. 7:00 p.m. (Doug) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 16164-TRIMARK-A residential subdivision and design review of detailed site plan and elevations for 20 single family lots on 6.26 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane -APN: 227-091-09. PROJECT REVIEW ITEMS This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant regarding their development application. The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input. 7:10 p.m. (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 15174 -KAUFMAN AND BROAD OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. -The proposed subdivision of 33.13 acres of land into 181 lots for single-family homes and 4 lettered lots for trail and landscaping purposes, in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) and Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) at an actual project density of 5.46 dwelling units per acre, located at the southwest corner of Church Street and Rochester Avenue -APN: 227-151-52. 7:30 p.m (Debra) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 00-84 - KAUFMAN & BROAD OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. INC. -The review of detailed site plan and building elevations for previously approved Tentative Tract 15492 consisting of 139 single family lots on 33.3 acres in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community Plan, located at the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway -APN: 227-151-22. Related File: Tentative Tract 15492. 7:50 p.m (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-34 - COSTCO WHOLESALE - A proposal to construct a 148,663 square feet of a wholesale warehouse commercial use, which also includes a fire sales and installation center (5,200 square feet), food service (1,042 square feet) and gas pumps, on 15.14 acres of land located the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial District Subarea 12 -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. • DRC AGENDA March 6, 2001 Page 2 7:50 p.m (Debra) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15579 - COSTCO W HOLESALE -The proposed subdivision of 19.55-acre parcel into three parcels, located on the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial Districts Subarea 12 (Industrial Park/General Commercial Overlay) -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. 8:10 p.m (Kirt) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16181 - CAMINO REAL APARTMENTS - A request to construct 272 apartments on 20 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, approximately 600 feet north of Foothill Boulevard -APN: 1100-151-01 and 02. Related files: Conditional Use Permit 00-47. Tree Removal Permit 00-47. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-47 - CAMINO REAL APARTMENTS - A request to construct 272 apartments on 20 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, approximately 600 feet north of Foothill Boulevard -APN: 1100-151-01 and 02. Related files: Tentative Tract Map 16181, Tree Removal Permit 00-47. • PUBLIC COMMENTS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Committee. State law prohibits the Committee from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Committee may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are limited to five minutes per individual. ADJOURNMENT 1, Mary Lou Gragg, Office Specialist II for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on March 1, 2001, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54954.2a't~/1~0--5.00 Civic Center nve, Rancho Cucamonga. ' (Q-f~tJ~ 11..`~ A. Rx a. u CONSENT CALENDAR COMMENTS • 7:00 p.m. Doug Fenn March 6, 2001 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 16164 -TRIMARK-A residential subdivision and design review of detailed site plan and elevations for 20 single family lots on 6.26 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Victoria Park Lane - APN: 227-091-09. Design Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Doug Fenn • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:10 p.m. Debra Meier March 6, 2001 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 15174 - KAUFMAN AND BROAD OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. -The proposed subdivision of 33.13 acres of land into 181 lots for single-family homes and 4 lettered lots for trail and landscaping purposes, in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) and Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) at an actual project density of 5.46 dwelling units per acre, located at the southwest corner of Church Street and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227-151-52. Design Parameters: This parcel is designated Low-Medium Residential and Medium Residential of the Terra Vista Community Plan (TVCP). The net density of the proposed project is 5.46 dwelling units per acre, which is in the Low-Medium density range of the Community Plan. Flexibility is allowed in the TVCP to allow development within one range, either higher or lower than the designated density, subject to approval of the Planning Commission and the City Council. The standards of the Low-Medium Residential district will apply to the proposed development. The perimeter of the Tentative Tract is bound by Church Street to the north, Rochester Avenue to the east, and Malaga Drive along the south boundary. Church Street and Rochester Avenue are partially improved (curb, gutter, and pavement), however, Malaga Drive is improved only as far as the rear of The Home Depot. The site slopes gently from north to south at approximately 2 percent gradient. The site is void of unique features and significant vegetation. Tentative Tract 15174 is located in the southeast quadrant of the Terra Vista Community Plan. Surrounding land uses include the Village of Independence (Low-Medium Residential) and a vacant • parcel designated Medium Residential, both on the north side of Church Street; existing single- family residential east of Rochester Avenue (a.k.a. the Rochester Tract); The Home Depot and a vacant parcel (designated Medium-High Residential) are both located south of Malaga Drive. The Tentative Tract is designed with a minimum 5,000 square foot lot size. The Terra Vista Trail Type "D"traverses the site, from the intersection of Church Street at Terra Vista Parkway, through the site to Malaga Drive, joining the Type "E" trail on the north side of Malaga Drive. The Tract design incorporates a series of cul-de-sacs that open at the ends to allow access from with in the neighborhood to the trail system. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Expand the trail between lots 109 and 162. One possible approach is to angle in the lot line along the west line of lot 109 (see attached sketch). 2. The continuation of the trail from within the tract will extend along the east side of both "A" Street (on the north) and "H" Street (on the south). Therefore, the sidewalk, along the that portion of the streetscape should be 6-feet in width, and if the length of the block permits, meander the walkway. 3. The trail pathway should meander within the landscaped area as feasible. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval subject to satisfactory resolution of issues pertaining to the trail. • Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Debra Meier DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:30 p.m. Debra Meier March 6, 2001 The review of detailed site plan and building elevations for previously approved Tentative Tract 15492 consisting of 139 single family lots on 33.3 acres in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Community Plan, located at the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Terra Vista Parkway - APN: 227-151-22. Related File: Tentative Tract 15492. Staff,Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion: Desicln Issues: On all elevations add elements to the side/rear elevations that carry the theme of the architectural style to all sides of the home. For example on Plan One (single-story) -the French design could feature shutters; the Craftsman design could feature shutters or siding; and Italianate design could feature the stucco coin pattern on all building corners. Similar features can be used on all elevations. 2. Introduce additional materials on specific elevations, such as stone or brick, used on columns or wainscot. 3. Plan Two -features an alternative elevation with a third car garage. Staff suggests that the number of these plans provided within the Tract by very limited in order to protect the • integrity of the neighborhood street scene. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval subject to satisfactory resolution of issues pertaining to the architectural design. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Debra Meier • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS u 7:50 p.m. Debra Meier March 6, 2001 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-34 - COSTCO WHOLESALE - A proposal to construct a 148,663 square feet of a wholesale warehouse commercial use, which also includes a fire sales and installation center (5,200 square feet), food service (1,042 square feet) and gas pumps, on 15.14 acres of land located the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial District Subarea 12 -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. CIV V If1VIV1VICIV 1 AL /1JJ CJJIVICIY 1 MIVL/ I GIV I M I I V C r/11lV LL IV II'1r I:JA/ J - VVV I VV WHOLESALE -The proposed subdivision of 19.55-acre parcel into three parcels, located on the north side of Fourth Street between Buffalo Avenue and the Interstate 15 on/off ramps, in the Industrial Districts Subarea 12 (Industrial Park/General Commercial Overlay) -APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18. Desion Parameters: The site is the location of the former AutoNation that has since vacated the site. To date, all landscaping on-site and around the perimeter is irrigated and maintained and is in good condition. North and west of the site is undeveloped vacant land, the parcel to the north is General Industrial (Subarea 13), while the parcel to the west is Industrial Park (Subarea 12). Adjacent to the site on the east boundary is on/off-ramps to Interstate 15; and on the south side of Fourth Street, within the City of Ontario, is the existing Ontario Mills project of mixed retail, restaurant and entertainment uses. All perimeter streets are completely improved and landscaped along the site boundary. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee • discussion. Site Planning Issues: The following site planning issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: Eliminate parking onto the primary site entrance, providing instead a wide landscape entry statement, providing a meandering walkway, incorporating kiosks or other elements that feature the "heritage" elements that are proposed on the building. Provide enhanced pavement at the intersection of the two drive aisles on the primary entry. Building Design Issues: The following building design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: 1. The Focal Point of the project is the entry portal as viewed through the driveway entering the site from Fourth Street. This entryway and building corner should be the focus of the project theme, including both architecture and landscaping. In general, the cobblestone as proposed at the front entry and as the base of columns should be expanded to include the entire front entry elevation, and entire column height. The building walls should be given accents, such as stone wainscot, ledge or color change, to provide a pedestrian scale at the building face and reflect the "heritage" theme. The applicant may also entertain the idea of incorporating public art as part of the focal point. The art could take the form of a mural, sculpture, water feature, or similar element • that would add significance to the focal point of the project and set a distinctive theme for the site. DRC COMMENTS CUP 00-34 & TPM 15579 - COSTCO W HOLESALE March 6, 2001 • Page 2 2. The gas station should represent the same characteristics asthe larger building, such as the use of cobble on the support columns. 3. The loading dock should be designed in a way that is screened from public view by incorporating architectural elements and/or landscaping. One possibility would be to cover the loading area with a trellis. 4. Screening of roof-mounted equipment from public view is required. The applicant should provide cross-sections from Foothill Boulevard, Buffalo Avenue and from the I-15 corridor, to illustrate that roof-mounted equipment is not visible from any of these vantage points. Landscape Issues: The gas station function must be appropriately screened from Fourth Street. The landscape area along the front of the gas station may need to be supplemented with a retaining wall along the north edge of the landscaping in order to incorporate a landscaped berm to screen cars from the street scene. Provide across-section through this area to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design. All parking lot islands shall be separated from the paved surface with curb and gutter and landscaped. (Refer to the two areas in the west portion of the site, and one area at the northwest building corner, that appear to be striping only). • 3. Place the transformer (on the west side of the building) within a landscape planter area for protection rather than using bollard posts. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval subject to satisfactory resolution of all issues to the satisfaction of the Committee. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Debra Meier • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:10 p.m. Kirt Coury March 6, 2001 • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16181 - CAMINO REAL APARTMENTS - A request to construct 272 apartments on 20 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, approximately 600 feet north of Foothill Boulevard - APN: 1100-151-01 and 02. Related files: Conditional Use Permit 00-47, Tree Removal Permit 00-47. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-47-CAMINO REAL APARTMENTS - A request to construct 272 apartments on 20 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, approximately 600 feet north of Foothill Boulevard - APN: 1100-151-01 and 02. Related files: Tentative Tract Map 16181, Tree Removal Permit 00-47. Design Parameters: The site is located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, north of Foothill Boulevard, at the southeast corner of Etiwanda Avenue and Garcia Drive. The lot is generally flat, sloping downward to the south. The site is currently vacant with native trees and grasses present. New two-story single-family residences are being built on the north side of the property across Garcia Drive. The property to the south is vacant but is planned for commercial development. To the east is a proposed park and a drainage detention basin. To the west across Etiwanda Avenue, the property is planned for single-family residential development. The Site Plan has been designed to create transitions to the residential uses existing and planned to the north and west. The project will include a total of 18 apartment buildings comprised of three building types. In addition, there will also be a recreation/leasing office building. The proposed buildings fronting Etiwanda Avenue have enhanced elevations and the building masses include both • two-story and one-story elements to articulate the massing. The buildings facing the north boundary (Garcia Drive) have been pulled back a substantial distance from the street and predominantly have single story elements facing the street. Single story garage structures also provide a low massing transition along the Garcia Drive frontage. The project will require a Variance to allow for the reduction in the minimum side yard building separations from 15-feet to 6-feet along the southern property line. A substantial recreation/open space corridor is provided as a central spine within the development, which will include both active and passive recreation facilities. Active recreation uses include a community pool and spa, several tot lots, half court basketball, volleyball court, barbecue areas, and exercise facilities within the recreation building. The buildings will include a stucco finish, painted wood knee braces, ledge-stone battered walls, and a concrete flat file roof. The project perimeter will involve 6-foot high tubular steel fencing and split face masonry wall. Fencing along Etiwanda Avenue will include a 6-foot high decorative masonry accent wall with decorative masonry pilasters. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Maior Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: Roof style and materials of the apartment buildings and garage structures should match. Policv Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: • 1. Vary the roll-up garage door designs to avoid monotony. Suggest pairing together doors with same design. DRC COMMENTS TTM 16181 & CUP 00-47 - CAMINO REAL APARTMENTS March 6, 2001 • Page 2 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee approve the project subject to the modifications as recommended above. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Kirt Coury • •