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2010/08/04 - Agenda Packet
Center Drive ~ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-3801 City Office: (909) 477-2700 AGENDAS REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARDS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGS 1Et and 3`d Wednesdays ~ 7:00 P.M. AUGUST 4, 2010 MEMBERS MAYOR MAYOR PRO TEM COUNCIL MEMBERS CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK Donald J. Kurth, M.D. L. Dennis Michael Rex Gutierrez Sam Spagnolo Diane Williams Jack Lam, AICP James L. Markman Janice C. Reynolds ORDER OF BUSINESS CLOSED SESSION Tapia Conference Room............ 5:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers ......................... 7:00 P.M. ^ ~ ~ INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ~ ~~ Crx.~oNC~ TO ADDRESS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. FIRE BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL The Agency, Fire Board and City Council encourage free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the Agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Agency, Fire Board or City Council by filling out a speaker card and submitting it to the City Clerk. The speaker cards are located on the wall at the back of the Chambers, at the front desk behind the staff table and at the City Clerk's desk. During "Public Communications,°your name will be called to speak on any item listed or not listed on the aaenda in the order in which it was received. !f as cart of your presentation, you would like to display audio or visual material. please see the City Clerk before the meetiny commences. If you are present to speak on an "Advertised Public Hearing° item, your name will be called when that item is being discussed. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. Any handouts for the Agency, Fire Board or City Council should be given to the City Clerk for distribution. AGENDA BACK-UP MATERIALS Staff reports and back-up materials for agenda items are available for review at the City Clerk's counter, Public Library and on the City's website. A complete copy of the agenda is also available at the desk located behind the staff table during the Council meeting. LIVE BROADCAST Agency, Fire Board and Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 3 for those with cable television access. Meetings are rebroadcast on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The City has added the option for customers without cable access to view the meetings "on-demand" from their computers. The added feature of "Streaming Video On Demand" is available on the City's website at www.ci.rancho- cucamonga.ca.us/whatsnew.htm for those with Hi-bandwidth (DSUCable Modem) or Low-bandwidth (Dial-up) Internet service. The Agency, Fire Board and City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive. Members of the City Council also sit as the Redevelopment Agency and the Fire District Board. Copies of the agendas and minutes can be found at http:l/www.ci.rancho-cucamonga.ca.us If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (909) 477-2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AUGUST 4, 2010 1 A. 5:00 P.M. -CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER -TAPIR ROOM 1. Roll Call: Mayor Kurth Mayor Pro Tem Michael Councilmembers Gutierrez, Spagnolo and Williams CLOSED SESSION CALLED TO ORDER AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE CITY COUNCIL. B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM S C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM S D. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSION D1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING PENDING LITIGATION PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(A) -DALE NELSON AND JEANNE NELSON V. SANDRA KENT, MICHAEL FERNANDE2, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA; COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AND DOES 1 THROUGH 10 INCLUSIVE; CASE NO. CIVRS 913680 -City D2. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR UPDATE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF ETIWANDA AVENUE, NORTH OF BASE LINE ROAD (COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS THE ETIWANDA DEPOT); NEGOTIATING PARTIES: LINDA D. DANIELS, DEPUTY CITY MANAGER FOR ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, FOR THE CITY, AND MITCH ALDERMAN, DIRECTOR OF TRANSIT AND RAIL SYSTEMS, FOR SANBAG -RDA E. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS F. RECESS CLOSED SESSION TO RECESS TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE CITY COUNCIL AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA _ AUGUST 4, 2010 2 G. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL WILL BE CALLED TO ORDER. IT IS THE INTENT TO CONCLUDE THE MEETINGS BY 10:00 P.M., UNLESS EXTENDED BY CONCURRENCE OF THE AGENCY, FIRE BOARD AND COUNCIL. G1. Pledge of Allegiance G2. Roll Call: Mayor Kurth Mayor Pro Tem Michael Councilmembers Gutierrez, Spagnolo and Williams H. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS H1. Announcement of "Putt 4 Paws" Miniature Golf Tournament. I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Agency, Fire Board, or City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Agency, Fire Board, or City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Agency, Fire Board or City Council, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA _ AUGUST 4, 2010 The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Agency at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by an Agencymember for discussion. J1. Approval of Minutes: July 21, 2010 (regular meeting) J2. Approval of Check Register dated July 14 through July 27, 2010, for the total amount of $98,896.01. J3. Approval of modifications to the First-Time Homebuyer (FTHB) Program Guidelines allowing staff to execute documents reconveying the Deed of Trust and cancelling the Loan Agreement and the Promissory Note for borrowers undergoing financial hardships leading to imminent foreclosure (in order to permit transactions such as "short sales"). J4. Approval to release the Faithful) Performance Bond No. 6611595, retained in lieu of Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of $14,828.00 for the Epicenter Stadium Handrail Fabrication and Installation Project, Contract No. RA08-034. ~~ K. CONSENT CALENDAR -FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ~~ The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Fire Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember for discussion. K1. Approval of Minutes: July 21, 2010 (regular meeting) K2. Approval of Check Register dated July 14 through July 27, 2010, for the total amount of $240,634.11 K3. Approval of a Resolution updating the Fire District Representative(s) appointment to the Public Agency Self-Insurance System (PASTS) Board of Directors. RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-033 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING AN APPOINTMENT OF ITS REPRESENTATIVE(S) TO THE PUBLIC AGENCY SELF-INSURANCE SYSTEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS K4. Approval to call a new special election date to submit a proposition to authorize the levy of special taxes in territory (Amin Khan, Owner - APN: 0201-182-36, 37 & 38 -Annexation No. 88-10-1) proposed to be annexed to Community Facilities District (CFD No. 88-1 ). 3 2 4 10 11 13 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 AUGUST 4, 2010 RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-034 I 14 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CALLING A NEW SPECIAL ELECTION DATE (ANNEXATION NO. 88-10-1) TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO CFD 88-1, A PROPOSITION TO AUTHORIZE THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES THEREIN K5. Authorization of an appropriation in the amount of $580,000 from Fire District Capital 17 Reserves into Account No. 3289501-5600, and authorize the expenditure of the same amount for the land acquisition and related costs for 1.16 acres of surplus Flood Control District property generally located at the northeast corner of property on the west side of the 5500 block of Hellman Avenue, south of Hillside Road, commonly known as the Demens Basin II for the Hellman Fire Station (177) construction project. K6. Accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the Y1 amount of $2,871,000.46, to the lowest responsive bidder, ASR Constructors, lnc. (FD 10- 006), and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $287,100.05 for the Hellman Fire Station (177) construction project to be funded from Account No. 3289501- 5650/1597289-6314; and approve an appropriation in the amount of $3,221,550 from Fire District Capital Reserves to Account No. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314 to fund the above noted contract as well as related utilities, printing and other construction-related expenses. K7. Approval to award and authorize the execution of a Professional Services Agreement in the 24 amount of $94,750 to Dan Guerra and Associates (FD 10-008), and authorize the expenditure of a 5% contingency in the amount of $4,740 for survey services for the Hellman Fire Station (177) construction project, to be funded from Account No. 3289501- 5650/1597289-6314; and authorization to appropriate $99,490 from Fire District Capital reserves to Account No. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314. K8. Approval to award and authorize the execution of a Professional Services Agreement in the 26 amount of $50,000 to RGS Engineering Geology (FD 10-009) for geotechnical and materials testing services for the Hellman Fire Station (177) construction project, to be funded from Account No. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314; and authorization to appropriate $50,000 from Fire District Capital reserves to Account No. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314. K9. Approval to execute contract renewals (CO 90-145, 89-136, 93-006) with Mariposa 28 Horticultural Enterprises, Inc., of Irwindale, California, for the maintenance of City parks and City and Fire District landscape sites, in an amount not to exceed $1,384,260 for City facilities and $65,750 for Fire District facilities for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, to be funded from various General Fund accounts, San Bernardino County Reimbursement account, Capital Reserve account, Landscape Maintenance District accounts, CFD 868 account, and Fire District accounts as approved in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 budget. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 AUGUST 4, 2010 L. CONSENT CALENDAR -CITY COUNCIL The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember for discussion. L1. Approval of Minutes: July 21, 2010 (regular meeting) 29 L2. Approval of Check Register dated July 14 through July 27, 2010, and payroll ending July 27, 2010, for the total amount of $3,752,274.42. L3. Approval of a Resolution appointing a representative and alternate representative to the 66 Public Agency Risk Sharing Authority (PARSAC) Board of Directors. 67 RESOLUTION NO. 10-130 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO APPOINT AN ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE PUBLIC AGENCY RISK SHARING AUTHORITY OF CALIFORNIA (PARSAC) BOARD OF DIRECTORS L4. Accept the Citywide Bridge Deck Maintenance, Contract No. CO 09-236, as complete, 69 release the Labor and Materials Bond, retain the Faithful Performance Bond to act as a maintenance bond, authorize the Public Works Services Director to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $354,963.60. 71 RESOLUTION NO. 10-131 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CITYWIDE BRIDGE DECK MAINTENANCE AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L5. Approval to award a contract renewal (CO 07-124) to Ellis Enterprises of Los Alamitos for 72 window cleaning services for various City facilities for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 in an annual amount of $71,160 plus $10,000 extra work, with no cost increase for Fiscal Year 2010- 2011 to be funded from 1001312-5304 (Facilities Maintenance). L6. Approval to execute contract renewals (CO 90-145, 89-136, 93-006) with Mariposa 73 Horticultural Enterprises, Inc., of Irwindale, California, for the maintenance of City parks and City and Fire District landscape sites, in an amount not to exceed $1,384,260 for City facilities and $65,750 for Fire District facilities for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 to be funded from various General Fund accounts, San Bernardino County Reimbursement Account, Capital Reserve Account, Landscape Maintenance District Accounts, CFD 868 Account, and Fire District Accounts as approved in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 budget. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 6 AUGUST 4, 2010 L7. Approval to renew a contract with Utiliquest (formerly Underground Technology, Inc) for the 74 underground marking services in the amount of $54,600 with the option to renew for additional one year periods upon review and confirmation of pricing and mutual consent of the City Manager and Contractor, to be funded from numerous accounts as approved in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 budget. L8. Approval to execute a contract renewal (CO 02-018) with TruGreen LandCare of Upland, 75 California, for the maintenance of City landscape sites within the boundaries of LMD 9 and 10 and General Fund parkways in an amount not to exceed $133,770 to be funded from 1001316-5300 (General Fund-Street and Park Maintenance), 1139303-5300 (Lower Etiwanda) and 1140303-5300 (Rancho Etiwanda) as approved in the Fiscal Year 2010- 2011 budget. L9. Approval of a Reimbursement Agreement (URA-26) (CO 10-093) for undergrounding of 76 existing overhead utilities for Tract 17455, located on the north side of 9th Street, east of Madrone Avenue, submitted by KB Home. RESOLUTION NO. 10-132 ~ 78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (URA-26) FOR UNDERGROUNDING OF EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITIES, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 9T" STREET, EAST OF MADRONE AVENUE L10. Approval to accept the Pavement Rehabilitations of Hillside Road from Beryl to Archibald; 92 Beryl Street from Sunflower to North City Limit, and Wilson Avenue from Carnelian Street easterly 1400', Contract No. 10-025 as complete, release the bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, authorizing the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $555,177.46. RESOLUTION NO. 10-133 95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PAVEMENT REHABILITATIONS OF HILLSIDE ROAD FROM BERYL TO ARCHIBALD; BERYL STREET FROM SUNFLOWER TO NORTH CITY LIMIT AND WILSON AVENUE FROM CARNELIAN STREET EASTERLY 1400', CONTRACT NO. 025 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ~ _ AUGUST 4, 2010 M. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING CITY COUNCIL AND FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testimony. M1. CONSIDERATION OF WEED AND FIRE HAZARD ABATEMENT PROGRAM 96 ORDINANCE AND FEE RESOLUTION ORDINANCE NO. 832 (first reading) 104 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE ABATEMENT OF WEEDS AND CERTAIN OTHER FIRE HAZARDS, AND AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-035 112 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING FEES FOR ABATEMENT OF FIRE HAZARDS N. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY COUNCIL The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Mayor will open the meeting to receive public testimony. N1. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2010-00336 - CITY OF RANCHO 114 CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the definition of "Church" in Subsection (C) of Section 17.02.140 (Definitions) of Chapter 17.02 (Administration) of Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. The project qualifies under State CEQA Guideline Section 15061(b)(3) because the proposed definition change is for clarifying purposes and will not result in an intensification of environmental impacts. ORDINANCE NO. 833 (first reading) 126 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2010-00336, AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF A "CHURCH" IN SUBSECTION (C) OF SECTION 17.02.140 (DEFINITIONS) OF CHAPTER 17.02 (ADMINISTRATION) OF TITLE 17 (DEVELOPMENT CODE) OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 8 AUGUST 4, 2010 O. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. 01. APPROVAL TO ACCEPT SIXTEEN (16) MOBILE DATA COMPUTERS ( MDCS) AND 128 ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT FROM THE 2009 ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHT ERS GRANT REGIONAL APPLICATION AWARD THROUGH THE COLTON FIRE DE PARTMENT: AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE $20.640.00 TO FUND TH E TWENTY PERCENT (20%) CONTRIBUTION MATCH INTO THE FOLLOWING FIR E DISTRICT AND COMMUNITY FACILITY DISTRICT 85-1 ACCOUNTS: $540.00 INTO AC COUNT NO. 3289501-5152. $7,470.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3289501-5215. $2.3 10.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3289501-5300. $540.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3282501-515 2. $7,470.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3282501-5215. AND $2.310.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3 282501-5300 02. APPROVAL TO ALLOCATE $99.500 AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNIA STA TE LIBRARY 130 INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1302000-4740 AND ALLOCA TE $13.500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUNT 1 302000-4909 AND APPROPRIATE $25.500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 130260 1-5200 AND $87.500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1302601-5300. 03. APPROVAL TO ALLOCATE $39.500 AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNIA STAT E LIBRARY 132 INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1291000-4740/0-3707 AND ALLOCA TE $26.500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUN T 1291000- 4909/0-3707 AND APPROPRIATE $36.500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOU NT 1291602- 5200/0-3707 AND $29,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1291602-5300/0 -3707 P. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. P1. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Councilmember.) P2. LEGISLATIVE AND REGIONAL UPDATES (Oral) IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETIN G R. ADJOURNMENT I, Debra L. McKay, Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on July 29, 2010, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. July 21, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION MINUTES .. ~ - A:. "CALL TO ORDER " ~..,'.~ ~_= -. ..~ ~;:. „ ; The Rancho Cucamonga City Council held a closed session on Wednesday, July 21, 2010, in the. Tapia Room of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael. Present were Councilmembers: Rex Gutierrez, Diane Williams, Sam Spagnolo and Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael. Mayor Donald J. Kurth was absent. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; John Gillison, Assistant City Manager and James Markman, City Attorney. B. °' ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) = =.. Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael announced the closed session item: D1. LABOR NEGOTIATIONS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54954.2 TO GIVE JOHN GILLISON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, DIRECTION IN REGARDS TO THE MEET AND CONFER PROCESS -City ~'.;, C ~~:>RUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON~ CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) ~~..;;; No one was present to comment on the closed session item. ' ~'" ' `~~- ~ D.:_CONDUCT~OF CLOSED SESSION =°~~ _. ,.~ : ``: ~,`,- - -3~ Closed session began at 5:00 p.m. . ' ~~~ E-CITY: MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS , - ' - ~ ~ ` "- No announcements were made. __ . ~ _~F:-RECESS ` - ~ ~ . The closed session adjourned at 6:30 p.m. with no action taken. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 21, 2010 -Page 1 of 9 ``°G REGULAR•MEETING "_ p a, , . ~ ~ - -,. . _ - ? i5 1 3 a rG - .'CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P M. - ~x:: -_COLTiVCIL`CHAIVIBERS , ; . The meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, and City Council reconvened in the Council Chambers of the Civic' Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Vice Chairman/Vice President/Mayor Prc Tem L. Dennis Michael called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Agencymembers/Boardmembers/Councilmembers: Rex Gutierrez, Diane Williams, Sam Spagnolo and Vice Chairman/Vice President/Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael. Chairman/PresidenUMayor Donald J. Kurth was absent. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; John Gillison, Assistant City Manager; James Troyer, Planning Director; Bill Wittkopf, Public Works Director; Mark Steuer, Engineering Director; Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director; Janice Reynolds, City Clerk; Debra McKay, Records Manager/Assistant City Clerk and Shirr'I Griffin, Deputy City Clerk. ;H: ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS - H1. Announcement of Upcoming National Night Out on August 3, 2010. Gloria Gomez, Sheriff Service Specialist, announced National Night Out, which will be held in the City on August 3, 2010. Mark Steuer, Director of Engineering Services, reported on the start of the Foothill Improvement Project. ~F ~ .n~ .- "' I. EUBLICCOIVIIVIUNICATIONS .~ -°'~~ ~.:'~ r'"' 11. Lisa Thompson indicated that she would be challenging the assessment provided in Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) 4R. She expressed concerns regarding LMD 6 and the proceedings in place to consider LMD 6R. 12. John Lyons announced his intention to run for City Council and spoke regarding his personal goals for the City. 13. Milo Victoria, OMNITRANS Executive Officer, introduced himself and spoke about the services OMNITRANS provides to the City. 14. Kristine Scott, Southern California Gas Company Public Affairs Manager, introduced herself. ~~ ~ J:'.;C,ONSENT CALENDAR'=.REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Agency at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by an Agencymember for discussion. J1. Approval of Minutes: June 30, 2010 (Special Meeting -Budget Update) July 7, 2010 (Regular Meeting) Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 21, 2010 -Page 2 of 9 J2. Approval of Check Register dated June 30 thrbugh July 13, 2010, for the total amount of $635,074.45. J3. Approve to receive and fle current Investment Schedule as of June 30, 2010. J4. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the construction of City of Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Electrical Service Replacement and Standby Generator Upgrade to be funded from Account Nos. 2513801-5603 and 2513801-5650/1715513-0. RESOLUTION NO. RA 10-016 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE "CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER ELECTRICAL SERVICE REPLACEMENT AND STANDBY GENERATOR UPGRADE" IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS J5. Not Used. J6. Approval to modify the Victoria Gardens Promissory Note, allowing FC Victoria Gardens-C, Inc. and LC Cucamonga Commercial, Inc., to transfer all obligations of the note to RM Member, LLC. J7. Approval to accept the Haven Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation from 4th Street to Foothill Boulevard, Contract No. RA10-003 as complete, release the bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $1,221,294.89. RESOLUTION NO. RA 10-017 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE HAVEN AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 4TH STREET TO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, CONTRACT NO. RA10-003 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Gutierrez, to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports. Motion carried 4-0 (Chairman Kurth absent). Ru b i .. ~ y .. M1.. u.; „ ..us-< ..Y N..nS i64: ~ i .M.. f."., - ;' `='K: CONSENT CALENDAR:='FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT;i~;` °°; The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Fire Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember for discussion. K1. Approval of Minutes: June 30, 2010 (Special Meeting -Budget Update) July 7, 2010 (Regular Meeting) K2. Approval of Check Register dated June 30 through July 13, 2010, for the total amount of $106, 608.60. K3. Approval to receive and fle current Investment Schedule as of June 30, 2010. K4. Not Used. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 21, 2010 -Page 3 of 9 K5. Approval to authorize Emcor Service/Mesa Energy Systems, Inc. (Emcor Service) to continue as the single source service provider and installer for HVAC/Control work and related energy management systems for City and Fire District facilities at the same rates as fiscal year 2009/2010 in the amount of $215,767 for City facilities and $22,640 for Fire District facilities for annual maintenance; approve extra repair work for City facilities not to exceed $200,000; and perform indoor air quality modifications as needed at City-wide facilities not to exceed $10,000; to be funded from Account Nos. 1001312-5304, 1025001- 5304, 1700201-5304, 3281511-5300, 3281512-5300, 3281513-5300, 3281514-5300, 3281515-5300,3281527-5300 and 3283516-5300. MOTION: Moved by Gutierrez, seconded by Williams, to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained within the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 4-0 (President Kurth absent). L:'CONSEiVT~CALENDAR-,CITY.COUNCIL;'~. '•;~:', ':~' The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember for discussion. L1. Approval of Minutes: June 30, 2010 (Special Meeting -Budget Update) July 7, 2010 (Regular Meeting) L2. Approval of Check Register dated June 30 through July 13, 2010, and payroll ending July 13, 2010, for the total amount of $6,365,394.68. L3. Approval to receive and fie current Investment Schedule as of June 30, 2010. L4. Approval of Community Services Update Report. L5. Approval of an Amendment No. 7 to the Amended and Restated Lease Agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Rancho Baseball, LLC (CO 92-064), relating to stadium security reimbursement. (REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA) L6. Approval to authorize the Mayor to sign Certificate of Compliance No. 680 for adjustment of City/Developer property line at no cost to the City, located at the northwest corner of Long Meadow Drive and Victoria Park Lane, submitted by Cucamonga 220, L.P., a Limited Partnership. L7. Approval to authorize Emcor Service/Mesa Energy Systems, Inc. (Emcor Service) to continue as the single source service provider and installer for HVAC/Control work and related energy management systems for City and Fire District facilities at the same rates as fscal year 2009/2010 in the amount of $215,767 for City facilities and $22,640 for Fire District facilities for annual maintenance; approve extra repair work for City facilities not to exceed $200,000; and perform indoor air quality modifications as needed at City-wide facilities not to exceed $10,000; to be funded from Account Nos. 1001312-5304, 1025001- 5304, 1700201-5304, 3281511-5300, 3281512-5300, 3281513-5300, 3281514-5300, 3281515-5300,3281527-5300 and 3283516-5300. L8. Approval of Addendum for the use of City-owned conduit with NextG Networks of California, Inc., a Delaware Corporation for rental of City-owned conduit. L9. Approval to award a contract to All City Management Services, Inc. (CO 10-089) as a single source provider for Professional Crossing Guard Services for the 2010/2011 fiscal year, with an option to renew for a one (1) year period up to a total of three (3) years upon review of and City agreement to any pricing changes, in the amount not to exceed $380,000 from Account No. 1001701-5300 (Contract Services). Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 21, 2010 -Page 4 of 9 L10. Approval to accept the "Citywide Street Name Sign Replacement - FY 09/10," Contract No. 10-001, as complete, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond; approve the Resolution authorizing the Public Works Services Director to file a Notice of Completion, release the Labor and Materials Bond thirty-fve days after the recordation of said notice of completion, and approve the final contract amount of $62,354. RESOLUTION NO. 10-124 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR "CITYWIDE STREET NAME SIGN REPLACEMENT - FY 09/10" AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L11. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance cash deposit, accept a Maintenance cash deposit and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for DRC2003- 00048, located at 13670 Victoria Street, submitted by Bruno Mancinelli Construction. RESOLUTION NO. 10-125 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2003-00048 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L12. Approval to release the Faithful Performance Bond retained in lieu of a Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Parcel Map 17594, located on the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue, submitted by F & F, LLC. L13. Approval to accept the Haven Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation from 4`h Street to Foothill Boulevard, Contract No. 10-021 as complete, release the bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $1,221,294.89. RESOLUTION NO. 10-126 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE HAVEN AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 4T" STREET TO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, CONTRACT NO. 10-021 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK City Manager Jack Lam removed Item LS from the agenda. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Spagnolo, to approve the staff recommendations in the remaining staff reports. Motion carried 4-0 (Mayor Kurth absent). `Mr `CONSENT ORDINANCES:. , a `~, .~ FIRE .. - = ~ ' `' l •;;' : y _. ,; ... PROTECTION DISTRICT ~~ .: ,'` ~• - , ~:~~- . The following Ordinances have had public hearings at the time of first reading. Second readings are expected to be routine and non-controversial. The Agency, Fire Board, or Council will act upon them at one time without discussion. The City Clerk will read the title. Any item can be removed for discussion by an Agencymember, Boardmember, or Councilmember. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 21, 2010 -Page 5 of 9 M1. AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF THE SPECIAL TAX IN MELLO-RODS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/2011 MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Williams, to adopt Ordinance No. FD 49 for second reading. Motion carried 4-0 (Mayor Kurth absent). ' - N. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS'`: .: , FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ~~ ~ ' a = ~~~`.: -.~ . The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testimony. N1. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINATIONS REGARDING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ANNEXATION NO. 88-10-2) TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (CFD 88-i) AND CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION AND AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SUCH TERRITORY Jack Lam, City Manager, presented the staff report. Vice President L. Dennis Michael opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak, Vice President L. Dennis Michael closed the public hearing. MOTION: Moved by Gutierrez, seconded by Williams, to adopt Resolution No. FD 10-032. Motion carried 4-0 (Mayor Kurth absent). ' - ®. ADVERTISED, PUBLIC HEARINGS y ti 4r~ `" CITY COUNCIL .; ? ~ " The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Mayor will open the meeting to receive public testimony. 01. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 21, 2010-Page6of9 ORDINANCE NO. FD 49 (second reading) RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-032 RESOLUTION NO. 10-127 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAMS AND ASSESSMENTS AND ORDERING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS WITHIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NO'S. 1, 2, 3A, 3B, AND 5 THROUGH 10, INCLUSIVE, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 John Gillison, Deputy City Manager, presented the staff report In response to Councilmember Gutierrez, Mr. Gillison indicated that the level of service varies from District to District. Councilmember Gutierrez was under the impression that the Landscape Maintenance Districts (LMDs) would be returned to an "A" level of service. In response, Mr. Gillison noted that the Districts with an inflator are at an "A" level. Discussion was held regarding the boundaries of LMD 1 and 2, with Mr. Gillison indicating that he would provide a map for the Councilmember. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Mr. Gillison confirmed that the rates in some of these Districts haven't been adjusted in a while. He discussed the approval process of LMD 6R, noting that if the District is approved during the Proposition 218 proceedings, LMD 6 will automatically be deleted. In response to Councilmember Gutierrez, Mr. Gillison confirmed that the property owners, not the entire City would vote on this. It was reported that weeding is provided twice a year in LMD 2. Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem-L. Dennis Michael closed the public hearing. MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Gutierrez, to adopt Resolution No. 10-127. Motion carried 4-0 (Mayor Kurth absent). 02. PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 10-128 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN THE PARK AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. PD-85 (HERITAGE AND RED HILL COMMUNITY PARKS) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2010/2011 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael closed the public hearing. MOTION: Moved by Gutierrez, seconded by Williams, to adopt Resolution No. 10-128. Motion carried 4-0 (Mayor Kurth absent). Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 21, 2010 -Page 7 of 9 03. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAMS AND THE ASSESSMENTS AND ORDERING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS WITHIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NO'S. 1 THROUGH 8, INCLUSIVE, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael opened the public hearing. With no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael closed the public hearing. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Gutierrez, to adopt Resolution No. 10-129. Motion carried 4-0 (Mayor Kurth absent). ~~_. . ; ';x. -, . ''P.;CIT.Y.MANAGER'S STAFF REPORT'S ::~_:; >.r _- , `; :~ The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. P1. SYSTEM (oral report) Ingrid Bruce, GISISpecial District Manager, and members of the GIS Division made a presentation regarding the receipt of the ESRI 2010 Award and services provided by the GIS Division. P2. (oral presentation) Mark Steuer, Director of Engineering Services, and members of the Department, spoke about the successful completion of the Haven Avenue Grade Separation Project. The City Council was presented the American Society Civil Engineer's Award for this project. - „ ': , ., Q _ COUNCIL'>BUSINESS ~• r. The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. 01. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Councilmember.) ITEMS 01 AND 03 W ERE CONSIDERED AT THE SAME TIMEI. Councilmember Spagnolo reported that OPARC celebrated their 60'" anniversary recently. He noted that the organization provides services to the disabled. He thanked staff for their commitment to the City. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 21, 2010 -Page 8 of 9 RESOLUTION NO. 10-129 Councilmember Gutierrez noted that the Foothill Improvement Project will start this week and indicated that it would be interesting to see the old bridge being removed. He thanked the community for allowing him to serve on the City Council and welcomed anyone who wished to run for office. Councilmember Williams appreciated the opportunity to view the new compressed gas vehicle. She noted that the local food bank accepts donations on Thursdays and encouraged the community to help the needy. Mayor Pro Tem Michael thanked the public for attending tonight's meeting. He noted that the Foothill Improvement Project would improve connectivity and traffic safety. Mayor Pro Tem Michael thanked the GIS Division for their services to the various Departments. .; R..IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING .:~ _, : _.-. . No items were identified. ~~, - . _ _ ~.M ,, ~, `S. ADJOURN ENT. Mayor Kurth adjourned the meeting at 8.28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra L. McKay, MMC Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager Approved: Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes July 21, 2010 -Page 9 of 9 RANCd-lO CLICAMOI~GA LdFi)E~'ELQI'ME~'T AGENC4' Agenda Check Idetister 7/14/20{0 thrnugh 7R7i2010 Check No. Chcck Date Vendor Name Amount AP-00299t6t 7lL4/2(ll0 ARCHTTERRADESIGNGROUP 143.25 AP-00299161. 7/142010 ARC'I[ITERRA DES[GNGROLEP 81.OF, AP - 00299217 7/1.4/2010 EIILL AND KNOII~I:FON INC 920.25 AP-00299217 7/14,'2010 FIILLANDfiNOWLTONINC 675.00 AP - 00'_99217 7r (42010 HILL AND KNON'L'CON LNC 8,03250 AP-00299234 7/(4/2010 LEHAND.4SSOClATES 8(0.00 AP - 00299235 7(1412010 L S A ASSUCIA'fES tNC. 32.50 AP-00299256 7;14/20[0 OPFICEDEPO'C -114.02 AP - 0029925C, 7;1420(0 UPFICE DEPOT t 14A2 AP - 00299256 7/142010 OFF(CF.. DEPOT -9 78 AP - 00299'_56 7i 14/20 LO OFFICE DEPOT 9.78 4P-00299256 7/14/201D OFF[CEDEPOT -29.69 AP - 00299256 71[4/2010 OFFICE UEPO'C 29.'8 AP - OD299256 7/14/2010 OFFICE DEPOT '29.69 AP - OO'_-99256 7/L4/20I0 OFFICE DEPOT -181.93 .AP - 00299256 7114/''010 OFFICE DEPOT 181.93 AP - 00299256 7/142010 OFI'ICE DEPOT -96.83 AP-OD299256 7/(4/20(0 OFFICE DEPOT 96.83 AP-00299256 7;14/20(0 OFP[CEDEPOT -87.41 .4P - U029925G 7114/20 I0 OFFICE DEPOT S7.4t AP - 00299279 7/14/2010 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSFION 120.00 AP - 00299279 7/14i20tU R.ICI{AR.DS 1H'ATSON AND GERSIIUN 97.00 AP - 00299279 7/14/2010 RICHARL)S WATSON .AND UERSHON t90.40 ;1P - 00299294 7/14/2010 BOCCIE VOCATIONAL, SERV ICES 950.00 AP - 00299314 7/t42010 UNITED SITE SI;RV[CES OF Crl INC 217.65 AP - 00299332 7!14/2010 909 MAGAZINE 1,100.40 AP - 002(39353 7; t4/2010 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC t,792.91 AP-00299374 7/ICI/2010 NA'CIONALCONSTRUCTIONRF_NTALSINC 170.19 AP - 00299376 7/(4'2010 ORC({ARD CAPITAL. LP 29;265.87 AP - 0029935^< 7iL4/201.0 RANCFIO C(JC'AMONGA CHARdBER OF COR1MEt 4,749.99 AP-00299397 7,'14/2010 TU'IOR.COMIIYC 17,500.00 r1P - 00299400 7/14/2010 VEND [ 1 COMPANY 149.1 G AP-00299'195 7/2!/2010 L[,J1ON<;f 240.00 A[? - 00299562 7121./2010 ANSWER WUOD PRODCIC'['S 369.97 AP - 00299>89 7%21!2010 C)AN GCII',RR<1 r1NL) ASSOCL4'CES (4;242.53 AP -00299591 721%2010 DIVERSIF'tED WINDOW COVERINGS INC ~ 8,870.00 .4P - 00299597 712 V'_010 FI:D[3I2AL, EXPIiI3SS CORD 17.66 AP - 00299624 7/21 /2010 LIM .~i NASC[MF.NTO ENGINEERING COKY 350.52 AP - 00299631 7/2 V20'Ul MAROUET'IB COMMERCIAL FINANCE 496.99 AP - 00299(152 7/212010 PI'I'ASSI ARCH!"CELT'S [NC 99.00 .4P - 002 )9700 7/21/2010 ~1'F.,S'I' END MA'i'ER[AL SUPPLY (538,77 AP - 00299733 7/22/2010 KONI:CA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLU'T'IONS LISA 38'6 Tots( for Clteclt [BAP; 93,296.0( EP-DOOOt200 7;^_1/2010 PENDLE'fONPAR'INERSINC _ 5,600.00 Total fur Check ID EP: ,600.00 Tntat fur &ttity: 98,$96.01 P-1 Clser: V1.UPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pace: 1 Curre¢t Date: 07/28/20( Report:C'K_AGENDA_REG_POR1'RA[T_RC - CK: Ageuda Check Register Portrait La~•oui Time: 15:0(4 STAFF REPORT s ~' "~'J R~\NCHO CUCdbiONGA IZEDF.,VELGP.'vLENT t~GFNCY RANCHO CUCAMONGA Date: August 4, 2010 To: Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency Board Jack Lam, AICP, Executive Director From: Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager By: Tony Le-Ngoc, Redevelopment Analyst II Tranda Drumwright, Housing Programs Manager Subject: APPROVAL OF MODIFICATIONS TO THE FIRST-TIME HOMEBUYER (FTHB) PROGRAM GUIDELINES ALLOWING STAFF TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS RECONVEYING THE DEED OF TRUST AND CANCELLING THE LOAN AGREEMENT AND THE PROMISSORY NOTE FOR BORROWERS UNDERGOING FINANCIAL HARDSHIPS LEADING TO IMMINENT FORECLOSURE (IN ORDER TO PERMIT TRANACTIONS SUCH AS "SHORT SALES"). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the P.gency Board approve a modification to the First-Time Homebuyer (FTHB) Program Guidelines allowing staff to execute documents reconveying the Deed of Trust and cancelling the Loan Agreement and the Promissory Note for borrowers undergoing financial hardships leading to imminent foreclosure (in order to permit transactions such as "short sales"). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS One of the primary functions of Redevelopment Agencies is to provide affordable housing in their communities. Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency has also made it'a priority to provide a mix of housing opportunities that include ownership, rental, senior, and multi-family housing. ,The Agency's FTHB Program has been one of the tools in successfully addressing the housing needs in the community: Since the inception of the FTHB Program in Fiscal Year 1995-1996, the Agency has assisted approximately 115 families become homeowners. On various occasions, Agency staff has made recommendations to modify the program to more effectively assist potential homebuyers and address general program effectiveness. As new challenges arise, it is our intent to adapt the program accordingly. The crash of the housing market and harsh economic conditions has impacted program participants as much as the community in general. Staff has been working with several homeowners through various challenges. Until recently, program participants have been able to maintain ownership of their property. Some participants, however, are now faced P-2 P-3 APPROVAL OF MODIFICATIONS TO THE FIRST-TIME I-IOMEBUYER (F`i'I-IB) PROGRr1M P,\GL' 2 GUIDELINES ALLOWING STAFF TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS RECONVEYING THE DEED OF TRUST AND C.~INCELLING THE LOAN AGREEMENT AND THE PROMISSORY NOTE FOR BORROWERS UNDFI2GONG FINANCIAL HARDSHIPS LEADING AUGUST 4, 2010 with the grim reality of foreclosure. In some cases homeowners may be able to avoid foreclosure and arrange for a third party buyer to purchase the residence with consent of the senior home lender (known as a "short sale") with all proceeds going to the senior lender. When a client is originally approved for financial assistance through the FTHB Program, they sign and agree to terms outlined in the program guidelines. Within that document is the authority for staff to examine various scenarios with regards to the (re)sale of the property. However, it does not authorize staff to take the necessary actions to complete the process in cases where reconveyance of the Deed of Trust and cancellation of the Loan Agreement and the Promissory Note is required in order to permit a "short sale". Staff is recommending that modifications be made to the program guidelines authorizing the Executive Director or his designee to execute documents that will facilitate the termination of the Agency's rights to properties purchased under the First-Time Homebuyer Program. Although staff is seeking this authority, it does not mean that staff will automatically approve such options in every case. It will be implemented in cases where it mutually benefits the Agency (recouping a portion of the Agency's funds) and the client as well as being sufficiently documented and is a last option prior to imminent foreclosure. Again, staff will work with program participants to preserve their ovdnership in the property, wherever feasible protect Agency funds already invested, and examine additional options on a case-by-case basis before authorizing the reconveyance of the Deed of Trust and cancellation of the Loan agreement and the Promissory Note. The authorization sought here does not automatically approve a "short sale", it merely provides the Agency with an additional tool to ensure the best outcome in situations where some funds may be recouped. Respectfully submitted, a`~ <~~ Li da D. Daniels Deputy City Manager STAFF REPORT PtiBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEPdR"I ~YfENT Date: August 4, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the Redevelopment Agency Jack Lam, AICP, Executive Director From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Ty Quaintance, Facilities Superintendent Michael Maston, Assistant Engineer . . ~~ RANCHO C,,UCAMONGA Subject: RELEASE OF FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND NO. 6611595, RETAINED IN LIEU OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,828.00, FOR THE EPICENTER STADIUM HANDRAIL FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. RA08-034 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency Board authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond No. 6611595, retained in lieu of Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of $14,828.00, for the Epicenter Stadium Handrail Fabrication and Installation Project, Contract No. RA08-034. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS The required one-year maintenance period has ended and the improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. Contractor: Econo Fence, Inc. 5261 Pedley Road Riverside, CA 92509 Respe tt Ily sl~bi' fitted, William Wittkopf Public Works Services Director P-4 WW:TO/sm ut4F~cxrr Cr;c~Nrarraa ~rr~rJ ~Re~T~:c~riarr r~rs~erzrCT P-s ~#i<enda Check Refrister 7iI4i2t)10 rhroutzh ^./271"_010 Check No. Check Rafe Vendnr Name Amonnt AP - 00299173 7/I4i2U I O BR.OtVN 3R., STEVE 23.00 AP-00299176 7/I4i2010 CARNES.SANDy 25.83 AP-0029917.6 7!14;2020 CARNES,SANDY 30.66 AP - 00299176 7%24i?OIU CARNES, SANDY 110,00 AP-002991.80 7i14120i0 CHTNOMOIA'EKANDLNGINESERVTCE F,122.26 AP - 00299185 7/1472010 COPIES ~ INK PR[N'I"ING INC:. 9.i.29 AP - 00299201. 7.'14.211(0 FALCON, BR:E.AN 93.83 AF - 0029922L 7/I4/ZOIO HSBC BUSINESS SOLU'f1ON5 72551 AP - 00299224 7;14/2010 HSt3C BUSINESS SOLL.1"(TUNS 409.86 AP-(10299227 7%1A/2010 iNTERNATIONALCODECOLJNCIL 1,282.51 AP - 00299236 7;14/2010 L,AFEIN, PLi'1L1:P 46.88 AP - (.10299238 7/14/2010 f..ONC;AR PHILIP 96.16 AP-00299244 7/14/'20k0 MCMURRAYS"T'ERNINC; 973.fi8 9F' - 00299253 7/14/2010 NBS ~ 5,655.02 AP-00299266 7/f4/2(3LU PE'T'ERSON HYDRAULICS INC 300.1)0 AP -00'299266 7/id/2p2t} f'F_TERSON FIYDRAULICS TNC t 617.95 AP-0029926"8 7/(4/2010 PHYSIOC'ONTR.OLENC 2„479.50 AP - 0029427<I 7/L4t2010 RAhiBACiD, L3RE'C 86.30 AP-(0299279 7%1412(1(0 I:;..~iB~1UD.BRE'I' ~ b7.33 AF'-00299277 7'1412010 RAShfIJSSEN,S'CEPF{AN[E 115.80 AP - f)02~9275 7/l4{201f) It,Bhf LOCI( AND KEY SERVICE 600.00 AT'-00299279 TI•t%2010 - RICHARDS bVA'FSONANDGERSI-FON 1,120.(10 AP - 00299290 7l14/20T0 SCC)TT' MCLEOD PLUMBING INC 2,fi07.48 AP - 00299290 7124;2010 SCO"["C' MCLEOD PLUMBING [NC ~ 966.b5 :xP - Of)299328 7/14/2010 7iEROX CORPOR:1'CION 550.15 AF'-00299333 T'L4t2024 AFSS 150.00 AP - 00299339 7/[4/2010 ALFORD, TIM ~ 1Fi5.00 AP - 00299339 7/14/2010 BALL., ROBERT 40.19 AP - 00'29930.0 7/74/2010 CALIFURNI'A EIRE CIii.EFS ASSOC. 250.00- AP - (10299340 7/10./20 [0 CALIP~ORNLA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. 125.00 AP -00299348 7/14/20I0 <"F CA EMS SOL.ITHERN SECTION 150.00 AP -00299348 7/14%20((1 CFCA EMS 5OU'£H[:12N SECTION 100.00 A,° - 00299349 7/14;2010 CFCA C)PERAT[ONS CHIEFS SECTION-SOUTHEF 75.00 AP - 0(1299349 7/L4l20 (0 CF'CA OPP.RA"I`EONS CHIEFS SECTION-SOUTHEf 30.(30 AP-00299356 7!1412010 PACRA ~ 40,328.0.0 AP-00299356 7/(41'2010 FAIRA 1.0,(}82.10 AP-00299356 T14rZC10 FAI1tA 40,335.4(; AP-00"1:99356 7/14/20!0 FAt12A F0,082.I0 AP-00299362 7/14/2010 t.E.F.E.A. 25.00 AP - 00299370 7/[4/2('1 IO LAFFIN, PHILIP 165.00 AP - 00290370 7/14/2010 LAEFCN, PHILIP 4400 AP - 00299379 7!14,'2010 PDSI 5.046.00 AP - 00299387 7/[4%2010 SANTA ANA COLLEGE 15400 AP - 00299402 T14/20I0 VI%RI"CON (16.49 ~tP - 00399402 7(1.4!311'1 O VF;RFZON 105.E 8 AP - 00249402 7/L412010 VERFZON 15.83 :hP-00299402 "11'24,20[1) VERIZON 474.31 AP-00249402 7i14/20R) VERIZC}N 3655 AP-40299402 7114;2010 t>ERIZC?N 37.42 AP-002994(}2 7/14/2070 VER€ZON 11.4.75 AP - 00294404 7%i4/20i0 WOMEN LEADING GOb'ERNS4ENT 40.00 AP-(}0""<994I3 7/[5/2010 INLAND VALLEY DAILYBULLE'F[N 350.00 AP-00299413 7,'15120(0 [NL:ANDVALLEYDA[LYBL,ILL,ETIN 1,650.00 AP - 1)0299415 i/I Sl20I0 LAS SAFETY SUPPLY [NC 2,026.73 LCser. VLOYEZ - Vuvenica Lopez Pa~!e: I Current Date: 07/28/201 Liepnz-t:CK_ACFENIJA_ REG_PORTRAIT _RC - CK: A~encYa Check Rea stet Porteaif Layout Time: ISa)22 R.1NCH0 C:UC'AiVIONGA F'fItE FItO'I"ECTION I)ISTItIC'£ P-6 Azrenda C[teck ReLRSter 7r'l4120[6 thtoueh 7{'27{2010 Check. No. Check Date VenAor Name Amount AP - 40299425 7/2 L/2010 ALFORD, TlM - 40.00 AP - 06299426 7/21/2010 ALL CITIES TOOLS 241.16 AP - 0029943T Z'2112010 AkRO\\' STAPP[NG 324.OD AP-06299438 7/21/2010 BAUERCOMPRL-SSORS 907.30 AP-00399433 721/2010 BA[JEkCOMPRESSORS 2.692.09 AP - 00299443 7!2!!2016 BOUIv'D TREE Iv4EDFCAL LLC. 245.79 AP - 00299443 7:21!2610 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LL,C. 38. t 8 .4P - 00299443 7;2 (x2010 BOUND'iREE MEDICAL LLC. 46.62 AP - 00299443 ?!2(/2010 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC. 7?.70 AP - 00299443 7,21/2010 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC. 53357 AP-00299x48 7/2[/2010 CALIEORN[AHALARDOUSSERV[CESINC. 2,T<i.86 .AP-00299459 ;121/2010 CONSOL[DATEDGLEC:fRiCAI_DISTRiBCITORSI 309.94 . AP - 00'_49464 7{21/2010 F..IGH'fH AVENUE ENTERPRISE LLC 233.81 AP - 00299483 7!21x2010 INLAND OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY 19525 AP-40299453 7/21/2610 INC.ANDOVERHF..ADDOORCOMPANY 180.25 .4P-(10299483 7!21x2010 [NLANDOVERHEADDOORCOMPANY 62.50 AP - 06294435 7!21;20!0 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 221.60 AP-00299486 7x21/2010 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 166.42 AP - 06299103 7R {/2010 I~EIJAC ALARIvt COMPANY ~ 36.00 .4F' - (10299503 7!2!!2010 MEJ.4C ALARM COMPANI' 330.OD AP - 00299503 7/2!/20!0 MUAC ALARM COMPANY 165.00 AP - 00399563 7(2(/2010 MUAC ALARM COMPANY k6SAO AP - 00299503 7'21/2010 MUAC ALARM COMPANY 330 ~l0 .4P - 00299503 7,x21!2610 NIIJAC ALARM COMPANY 330.00 AP - 002995(13 7!21;20!0 P4lJAC ALARM C04•IPANy 330.00 AP - (10299503 7!21;2010 M[JAC. ALARM COMPANY 192.OD .AP - (10299126 7121;2010 SAN BERNARDINO COU1vTY 54.QD AP - 00299526 Z'2E!2010 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ~ 54.00 AP - 00299526 7/21/2016 SAN BERNARD[NO COUNTY 54.00 AP - 00299526 7!21/2010 SA'N BEkNARDINO COUNTY 54.00 AI' - 06299526 7/2!/2010 SAN I3ERNARt:)[NO CC)UNT'Y 54.00 AP-00299527 7/2[/2(!16 SANBERNAR[)INOCOUN"il' 134.69 AP - 00299531 7('21{201(1 SMAR`P AND [INAI. 78.02 AP - 0(1299531 7!2112(110 SM'Ak'I' AND PfN:AL 34.46 AP - 0029953 [ 7/21 /2610 SMART r1ND rINA1. 32. (9 AI?-00299532 7.^_1/201.0 SOCALFp0 51.00 AP-06299538 7121,'^_010 'CARGE'fSAFL-3TY x,355.00 AP-00299541 7/21/'24((! C1N[FtRS'E'UMhORMSERVICE 48.50 AP-0(1299541 7/263(110 UNIFIRS['UNIFORMSEkVtCE xR.54 AP - 0(129954b 7/21/2410 VERIZ.ON 42.61 AP - 06299546 7/2 6201 U VER(L" ON [ 76.(12 .AP-04299146 7`21;301(1 VEP.IZON 550.69 AP-00299546 7/21/2(1!6 VERlZON 167.05 AP - 00299546 7!21!2010 V ERIZON x L37 AP-002995x9 7!202010 WENGER,JEF'P Sfi.75 AP - 00299152 7/21/20(0 A A.ND R TIRE SERVK:E 217.08 AP - 00299555 7/21{2010 :1LL CITIES TOOLS 479.86 AP-00294560 7/21120[6 ALSCO 151.26 AP-00299560 7;262010 ALSCO [99.50 AP - 002995b0 7/21;2010 ALSCO 227.36 AP-00299560 7121{2010 ALSCO 54(.52 AP-00299560 7/21/2010 ~ ALSC:O 235.55 .4P - U0299560 i!2 (!2010 ALSCO 290.4D AP-00299560 ` 7121!2010 ALSCO - ----- 335.61 --- -------_--- __ ---- _..- - _------- --- - User. V-LOE'EZ -Veron - ---- -- ..---- -- ica Lopc2 - - --------~---------------D - Page: 2 Current Uxte: 6 712 8120 1 Report:CK_AGENDA_R EG_PORTRAC f_kC. - CK: Agenda Check Register Portraii La}'out Tirae: 15:02:2 RANCE@f} CiJC~1;1~IfJNf;A FiR~ PF20T~CTft)N [DI'~TiZCCT P-7 Aienda Check Re da fifer 7/E4f2010 through 7!27:2{)10 Check Nn. Check iDate Vendor Naive - Amount AP - 00299563 9!2Ir'2010 ARROW STAFFCNG :, ] 8.60 AP - 00299563 ?;1.112010 ARROVt% 51"AFrING 259.20 AP-€V02995G 7%21;`2010 B,4B S'1`L?ERING HYDRAULICS INC (,SS2.57 AP-00299766 7!2(120!0 Fi.ALL„RO13EfZT 2.300.00 AP -(10_'99569 9;3112010 F3ELL, MIKE 706.00 AP - 00299570 7!2 02010 BOUN'L'1 TREE R4F.C~iCAL LLC, 762.95 AP - 00299570 7/202010 f3O(JND'I'REE R2EL7ICAf.. LLC, 14.02 Af' - 00299570 9/21/2010 13OCJND'F'RLE MEDICAL L,LC. 8?.97 AP - 0029957; 7/21/2010 CAL.IFORNLA KA'LAIZDC1E.tS SERVICES INC. 3,225A0 AF - 00299576 7121i2(Yl0 CARQPBELL, S'CEVEN 24.1.95 AP - 00249578 7r31l20 E 0 CARQUEST AUTO PAR. TS 4'.60 AP - 0(}299578 7iLl13010 CARQL?ES'P AL7T0I?AR`CS 31.73 AI~' - 0('1399555 7127120E 0 COPIES ~ INK PRINTING INC. 53.29 AP - 00299594 7/2 (/2010 EMERGENCY PLANNING CONSULTANTS 3;45090 A.P - 00299594 7/2l/2010 FMEiZGENCY 1'L:~NNTNG CONSUL,I'AN'FS 4,(50.00 AP -00'299549 7/2!/2010 FL,E:.ET SI3R.VICFS iNC. 577.45 AP - 00249667 1121!2010 GEZEIF -ONTARIO 345.50 AP - 00249b (3 7l2 L 20 (0 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 7.14 ,~ti~ -GO J 613 9,_.,;..G1o x~Y-I'L.,1,~,BERC~.,sR I_.; AP - 00299621 9!21%%Gt0 Ke;F.P IT CLEAN 695.00 Af' - 00299623 7:21!20 t0 LTPE ASSIST INC `>7.92 AP - 00299623 112 €/2010 UFE ASS1S'C IlV'C 275.54 AP - 0029!628 72! 12010 LOS~~ES COMPANIES LNC, 45.40 AP - 00299628 _ 7/21/2010 C,OtxiES COMPANIES [NC. 32.53 AP - 00299628 7(21/2010 LO4VES COMPANEES INC. - 18.74 AP - 00'99628 7!2ti3010~ LO\VES COR~IPANIES [NC. 4124 AP - 00299628 1:21%2910 LOWES COMPANII~S INC. 17.27 AP - 60249Fi28 ?21!2010 LOWES COMPANIES fyC. 249.20 AP-00299(128 7/2l/3070 LOWESCO[vfPANCBSII~;C. (49.63 AI' - G039962R 7/21/2010 LO WES COM'pAN'CES INC 41x9 AI' - 00'299b30 7/21/2010 MARIPOSA F~TOR'f'ICilLTC(RAL EN'1" INC 2;914.14 AF - 00299630 9~2I/20 i 0 MARIPOSA E1OR.TLCEILT`(JR.AL ENT INC 3z 59 AP - 00294635 ^,/21rr010 A4EDiNA, L3R13ANNA 30.58 AP-00299fi3S 7:21120(0 NEXTEL 38.40 AP -00299F.r40 7/2(/2010 OCCUP.A'I'IONAL REALTH {:ENTERS OF CAL,[F'O 68.{12 AP -00294640 7l21/20LO OE'CIJPA'FIQNAL E~AL'I'H CENTERS OF' CAI,LEO [39.40 AF-00299651 7/2!/2010 PHYS[OCONTROLfNC 1,271.30 AP - 00299658 7/21;2010 RELfABL,E C.iRAPFfCCS 19 L40 AP-00294b59 7;2€!2010 RICFIARF3S WATSC?N ANDGFiRSt'~ON I,47L50 AI? - 00299(171 7:'2 02010 SCOTT MCLEOD Pf.UMBTNG [NC 550.00 AP - 00294673 7/31/2010 SMART AND FINAL ~ {099 AP - 00294673 7/21/2010 S1ViART AND FINAL 175.44 r~P-00249695 7r'21i2U1.0 STAPLETON„KISHLI:q 67.58 AP-00299678 7/2U20E0 SUN BADGE CO 167.?3 AP -00299683 7;21120'19 9`LltivflNlX PIZOCESS[NG CENTER 6200 AP - 0029968", 7;2112010 Tt;FZMI'NIX PR.OCESS[NG CENTF..R 81.00 AP - 00299683 9!2['3010 TERR~IiNEX PROCESSING CENTER 6590 AP - 002446S3 7/2 V20I0 TERRt1NfX PROCESSIIQG CENTER b9.00 AP-0029968; 7i2ir20t0 TERIvIINCXE'ROCESSINGC'ENTER b5.i1G AP-00294681 7P2I/20M UNIFIRSTtJN[EORMSERVICE 48.50 AP - 00299704 ?/21!2010 ZB[NDEN, ,IONA'1I-LAN 250.00 AP-00249704 7/202016 ZLYfNDEN,JONA"FH,4N 130.00 AP - 60294707 7/2112010 CLiCAMONGA VAL,L:EY w'A'I'ER DISTR[C'i 395.02 AP-00'299707 72020111 CCICA,MONGAVAL.LEYWATERDISTI2IC'T 3GL39 l1sLr:4LOPE7. Veronica Lopez Pagc.: ! Curtentt>ate: Oi~28i201 ReporbGE+_AGENDA REG_PORTRAIT _RC - <:'fC! Agenda. Cheri: Re~teter Pcitrait Laycut Time: 15:02:2 RANCEid CI7CAM(D.NGA FERE Y`R01'ECTId1`d I)ISTR[C'E' ~A.[*enda Cheek Re;?ister 7/t4,'^•_010 through 7i27/201E1 Check No. Check fate Vendor \Tame Amoeent AP - 00299707 ~ 7/212010 CIJCA,MONGA VALLEY WATER D[STR[CT 55.20 AP-00299107 7!21/2010 CUCAMONG,4 VALLEY WATERDESTRIC"I' 73.60 AP - 002997 L) 721/2010 VER:[Z.ON' WFRELESS - L,A 36.42 AP-00299719 7/21/2010 VERIZ,ON WIRELESS-LA 36.42 AP - 00299719 7~"_' ('2610 V1~RE20N WIKELES5 - LA 3642 AP-00299719 7/202010 VER(ZOiv WIRELESS-LA 36.42 AE' - 0(1299719 7/21/2010 VERF'Z.,QN W[ILELE5S - LA 36.42 AP-0029)923 7/22/2010 LOWESCOMPANIESINC, 249.20 AP-00299723 7/22i20F0 L,OWESCOMPA,NIESENC. 44.39 AP - 00299723 7Y22i2016 LC WES COMPANIES ENC. 18.79 AP - OC299723 7122/20 { 0 L,O W ES COh4PANtES ENC. 41.24 AP - 00299723 7!22/2410 LOWES CO1ti~[PANIES iTQC. 149.63 AP - 00'_99123 7:2212010 LO~h`ES COMF?ANIES [NC. 32.53 AP -(10299723 7/2220E0 LOWES CC)MP.ANIES [NC. 48.90 AP - 06299723 7/22/2010 LOV/E;S CObfPANt'F.3S 1,N{,;, 17,27 AP - 00299733 7/22x2010 KON[CA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA - d-9.00 .4P - 00249739 7122;2610 DA[SY WFIEEF R[BBON C'O INC 1,874.45 AP - 00299744 7!27'2010 KILMER, STEPEIEN 1,902.33 ^s'-00299?=E5 „27r26F0 iI.ORGAN,BYRC3ti 1.779.19 'Coral Per Check LD AP: 1.$7,706.50 EP - 00001202 712021)10 UOMINICK, SAMUEL A. ~ 3,700.00 FP - 00001203 ?;21%2010 UOMINICK, SAMUEI. A. 1,200.00 L:P - 0000 L?02 7!2112010 DC}M[N1CK, S.AMCIEL A. L200A0 EP - 0060'1204 7/27/2010 AFIC(MAC)A, ALEX:~NUER R 1,508.78 EP - 00601205 7Y'72010 ALMANU, LLOYD 716 ?0 EP-OOOOF2i)6 7127/2(110 ARTFFUR,VEILaA, 193.36 EP - 00001307 7/27`2010 BAN"E'AU, VICTOR[A 3 69.83 1P - 00001208 7;27/20!0 Bo-11AL, SUSAN 1,173.57 EP-00001.209 7127!2010 F3ERRY,L}AV[D 121.34 BP-(100012 L0 7127/2030 Bt,LL[NGS,ESTER 194.53 EP-0000L2I1. 7/21/2010 CARNES.KENNE'I'H 606.53 EP - 0000F2 E2 727x'2010 CC)RCOItAN; ROBERT 1,439.10 EP - 0060 f 213 7/27;2010 COX, KARL, 7 1630 EP - 60001214 7/272010 CRANE, RALPH 1,873.14 LiP - OOOO I2 t 5 7272010 CROSgt.ANt:). Fl~'tiBUR 491.72 EP - 00061216 7272010 I)E ANTONIO, SUSAN 667.05 EP-00001217 7.r1720F0 UOMINICK,SAMUEI-. A. 1,439.1.0 EP-OOOOE2[8 7!27./2010 FsAGLESON,M[CHAEL 1,902.33 EP - 00061219 727/2010 1'RI"CCHEY. JOEiN D- 721.34 GP - 00001220 7%272010 HEYDG. UC)NAI.D 1,d34.I0 EP - 00001221 7!'27x`2016 [N`('F.RLIC.CHL4; ROSALYN 6143E EP-0000[222 7;27:'2010 L,ANE,WIL:LIAM 1;902.33 EF' - 00601223 712720 i 6 LEE, AL.L,AN 1,156.75 EP - 00601224 72720 LO LONGO, JOE 193.36 EP - 001)01225 72?/2010 LU"I"I'RULL, DARREL.L 72134 E3P -60(.)01226 7/27/2010 MACKAI-.L, B'ENFAMIN ! 93.36 EF' - 00001227 "27:2010 MAYF[EL,D. RON 2,466.>3 EP-0000E228 7/272(}10 MChEE.TOHN E,888.11 F.P - 00001229 72"2(110 MCMILLEN. L(NL).A 430.75 FOP-OOQOF230 7/272010 MCNE[L,KENNETH (,439.(0 E~P-0000123E 72712(110 MICHAEL; L. DENNl5 1,439.70 EP - 00041232 7/27,'2010 MYSKO~k, DENMS ~ 72154 EP - 00001233 7!27/2010 NAC'MAN<MICH.4EL ?21.34 P-8 User. 4LOPEZ - ~erunica LaE~ee Page. 4 Current Date: 07/28/201 ReporbClC_AC`iGNDA_REG_PORTRAC2'_KC- CK: Agenda Checl(Register Portrait La~VOaf Time: [5:(12:2 RANC[d CUCAMdNGA FIRE PRL)TEC'I'ION ©ISTR[C'I' A~~enda Check Reeister 7/14/2010 fhroueh "%27.%010 Check Na. Check Date Vendor Natne EP - 00001234 7i?7/20!0 NEE, RON EP - 00001235 7127/2010 NELSON, MARY JANE EP - OUOU (236 7/27/2010 PLOUNCi, bt[CH,4EL J EP - 0000!237 7/27/2010 POST; MICHAEL k EP - 00(10[238 7/27/2010 SALISBURY, THOD4AS EP - 00001239 7r'27/2010 SM1TH; RONALD EP-0000!240 7!27/20!0 SPACiNOLQ,SAM EP-0000!241 7P2712U10 SPAIN, WILLIAM EP-OOQOL242 7/27/20(0 SULL[VAN,L4MES EP - 00001243 7~27i2010 "CAYLOR, STEVE EP - 00001'_44 7;2712010 TUL.EY, TERRY EP-00001245 1!27;2010 VANDERKALLEN,PRANCIS EP - 00001246 7/27/2010 1VALKF:R, KENNE'CH EP - 00001247 7/27/2010 WUL.PE, UL.fANE EP - 00001248 7/27/2010 YUIVELL, T[D4OTLIY A Amoent 2,46G.58 308.17 721.34 L401.91 ?21.34 721.34 491.72 606.53 804.98 999.19 1,439.10 1,439.10 305.60 1,873.14 2,466.58 Total For Check Ill 6P: 52,927.61 _ _ ___ User. Vi_OPEZ Vc.umica i apez P21te: 5 [tepnrt:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_ItC - CK: Agenda Cheek Register F'orir~tit Layout T'atal for Enlih': 240;G34.L] P-9 Carrent Date: 07128,2(11 Time: !5:(12:2 ~`~~°" 1~- ~_' J R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A ~~~~ F I R E P R O T F C T I O N D I S T R I C T Staff Report DATE: August 4, 2010 TO: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mike Bell, Fire Chief SUBJECT: PUBLIC AGENCY SELF-INSURANCE SYSTEM (PASIS) JPA BOARD REPRESENTATIVE UPDATE RECOMMENDATION Approval of a resolution updating the Fire District Representative(s) appointment to the Public Agency Self-Insurance System Board of Directors. BACKGROUND The Fire District has been a member of PASIS for the past 32 years. Each member agency has one representative who serves on its Board of Directors. The purpose of this resolution is to add an altemate to the District's Representatives. These representatives serve as the primary and altemate Board Members of this JPA. Rather than designate individuals as representatives, it is recommended that the designated position of the City's Risk Management Coordinator serve as primary and the ,Fire Chief and Senior Accountant positions serve as alternate Board Members. Respectf~ submitted Mike Bell Fire Chief P-10 Attachment: Resolution P-11 RESOLUTION NO. FD 10- 0.~.~ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING AN APPOINTMENT OF ITS REPRESENTATIVE(S) TO THE PUBLIC AGENCY SELF-INSURANCE SYSTEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District is a member agency of a Joint Powers Authority for purposes of worker compensation self-insurance and administration entitled the "Public Aaency Self-Insurance System" (PASTS); and, WHEREAS, the District is required from time to time to update its primary and alternate representatives to the governing Board of Directors of PASTS. NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO rnrnnnONCA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT does hereby resolve to appoint their prmary vvvr+m and alternate representatives to the governing Board of the Public Agency Self-Insurance System as follows: Primary: Risk Management Coordinator Alternate: Fire Chief Alternate: Senior Accountant PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 2010. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: ATTEST: Donald J. Kurth, M.D., President Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary P-12 I, JANICE C. REYNOLDS, SECRETARY of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, at a Regular Meeting of said Board held on the _ day of 2010. Executed this day of 2010, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary Resolution No. 10- -Page 2 of 2 STAFF REPORT R~1NCH0 CL'CdbfONG.\ FIRM PRO'IT.CTION DISTRICT Date: August 4, 2010 To: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Janet Walker, Management Analyst II P-13 RANCHO G'UCAMONGA Subject: AUTHORIZATION TO CALL A NEW SPECIAL ELECTION DATE TO SUBMIT A PROPOSITION TO AUTHORIZE THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES IN TERRITORY (AMIN KHAN, OWNER, APN: 0201-182-36, 37 & 38 - ANNEXATION 88-10-1) PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (CFD NO. 88-1) RECOMMENDATION Consideration of authorization of a resolution calling a new special election date to submit a propositidn to authorize the levy of special taxes in territory (Amin Khan, Owner -Annexation No. 88-10-1) proposed to be annexed to an existing Community Facilities District (CFD 88-1 ). BACKGROUND On July 7, 2010, the Fire Board adopted Resolution No. FD 10-029 calling a special election to be held on July 14, 2010 in territory proposed to be annexed ((Amin Khan, Owner -Annexation No. 88- 10-1) to an existing Community Facilities District, to submit to the qualified electors a proposition to authorize the levy of special taxes in such territory. On July 14, 2010, the ballot was distributed to the qualified electors and completed and returned. Upon canvas by the Board Secretary, it was determined the voter had voted against the levy of the special tax. When notified, the landowner indicated that such no vote was cast inadvertently and the landowner requested the opportunity to vote again and agreed to waive any time period for calling a new election. ANALYSIS By adoption of this resolution, the Board will be amending Resolution No. FD 10-029 and calling for a new election within the territory proposed to 6e annexed into Community Facilities District (CFD 88-1). The special election date is scheduled for August 11, 2010. Respectf `"submitted, Mike Bell Fire Chief Attachments 1. Resolution 2. CFD No. 88-1 Map P-14 RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-O.~N A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CALLING A NEW SPECIAL ELECTION DATE (ANNEXATION N0.88-10-1) TO SUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO CFD 88-1, A PROPOSITION TO AUTHORIZE THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES THEREIN WHEREAS, the Board Of Directors (the "Board of Directors") ofthe Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District (the "Fire Protection District"), Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously held a public hearing and set a special election date relating to the annexation of territory to Community Facilities District No. 88-1 (the "District"); and, WHEREAS, a special election was held on July 14, 201 D and the ballot was distributed to the qualified electors and completed and returned; and, WHEREAS, upon canvas by the Board Secretary, it was determined that the landowner cast a no vote, thereby voting against the levy of special tax; and WHEREAS, when notified, the landowner indicated that such no vote was cast inadvertently and requested the opportunity to vote again. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS A. The above recitals are all true and correct. the original election was called by the adoption of Resolution No. FD 10-029; C. the election was held on July 14, 2010; D, the qualified elector cast a ballot on which the elector inadvertently voted against the levy of the special tax within the territory to be annexed; E. the qualified voter has requested that the Board set a new election date and have waived all time limits for conducting such election. P-15 SECTION 2. ELECTION A. Anew special election is called within the territory to be annexed to be held on the 11~"day of August 2010. B. All other provisions of Resolution No. FD 10-029 shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this _ day of 2010. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: Donald J. Kurth, M.D., President ATTEST: Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary I, JANICE C. REYNOLDS, SECRETARY of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, at a Regular Meeting of said Board held on the day of 2010. Executed this _ day of 2010 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary Resolution No. FD 10- -Page 2 of 2 - ~ ~-- o0 ~ C M ~ ~' ~ ~ 00 M ~~ ~ M ... .. ny ~(ssay~ c _ J m ~ ~ w m O O ~. ny ua~f!I!!Nd ny uaneH ny saH ny pleq!yosb' ny ueuallaH ~ ~g ue!!ause~ <c j ny sa~sayoo~ 00 .~ ~ ~ '~ U ~ U ~ C1 ~: " ', 4 s ti J ' v ~~ 0 O ny ~se~ L - -.•-.. 'ti ny epuenn€~3 ny sa}sauao~ ~~-~~. ~ t ~ i ~.. _~ __ ny ua~{!1I!W ~ _._...... ~ __.. ~ .. ! ny uane~{ i I s I ~~ i ! ~--, _ ~ ~ i j y H ~. 0 i ~ ~ ..., • • ny PIe4!U~sH ~ ~ j ~ _ - ~. , ~ v __, ' ..... __ ~- ..__. _.._ _ ~ _. , ~ P ~r ' I ~ f~~ ~~i g~A x ~ yz ^'~E`~'~~s ~,'~ ~ ~ E,~ g r 3 ' • ~~..-. Ca€~ Sb `€ i ~.•~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ Elea '~~Y"=d F39:Q"' =e -II vJ ~ Q Q ~:Le~~ 9~s.k ~ 'L'3 eB ~+ C :se~.zpdP a @6 •~i e'Ab PS ~~P N (~ . ~~ ~ m P ~~fEPyFEa° $$~ ~ e ssa~ C~~F~Ea ' g ~~ a~. ~C~: ag F~~Aa's~t~s~i s P-17 STAFF REPORT RANCHO CliCr'1iVIONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 C,UCAMONGA To: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Pamela J. Pane, Management Analyst II Subject: AUTHORIZATION OF AN APPROPRIATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $580,000 FROM FIRE DISTRICT CAPITAL RESERVES INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3289501- 5600, AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF THE SAME AMOUNT FOR THE LAND ACQUISITION AND RELATED COSTS FOR 1.16 ACRES OF SURPLUS FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE 5500 BLOCK OF HELLMAN AVENUE, SOUTH OF HILLSIDE ROAD, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE DEMENS BASIN II, FOR THE HELLMAN FIRE STATION (177) CONSTRUCTION PROJECT In order to finalize the acquisition of property for the new Hellman Fire Station (177), Fire District staff recommends authorization of an appropriation in an amount of $580,000 from Fire District Capital Reserves into Account No. 3289501-5600. Additionally, staff additionally requests authorization of the expenditure of the same amount for the land acquisition and related costs for 1.16 acres of surplus Flood Control District property generally located at the north east corner of property on the west side of the 5500 block of Hellman Avenue, south of Hillside Road, commonly known as the. Demens Basin II. BACICGROUNDlANALYSIS The Fire District 2005 Strategic Plan, presented to the Fire Board on July 14, 2005, identified the need for a fire station in the northwest portion of the community. On December 20, 2006, the Fire Board directed staff to proceed with plans to locate the fire station at a location on surplus San Bernardino County Flood Control District (Flood Control District) property. At that time the City of Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency and the Rancho. Cucamonga Fire Protection District (Fire District) began negotiations with the Flood Control District. On October 1, 2008, the Fire Board approved moving forward with the purchase. Subsequently, on October 21, 2008, the Flood Control District and the Fire District entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Escrow Instructions (Contract No. 08- 1066) (Agreement) for the purchase of surplus Flood Control District property known as Demens Basin II. The 1.16 acres of property will be used for the construction of the Hellman Fire Station (177). P-18 ALTHORIZATION OF AN APPROPRIATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $580,000 FROM FIRE DISTRICT CAPITAL RESERVES INTO ACCOUNT NO.3289501-5600, AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF THE SAME AMOUNT FORTFIE LAND ACQUISITION SERVICES AUGUST 4, 2010 PAGE 2 Pursuant to Section 1.15(h) of the Agreement, the Flood Control District will require documentation of actual costs incurred by the Fire District in its performance of street work described in the Agreement. However, said work has not been initiated by the Fire District as Section 1.01(e) of the Agreement states that, "Buyer hereby covenants to perform the Street Work, including the entire Street 'A', after the Close of Escrow". Therefore, pursuant to Sections 1.01 (c) and 1.01 (f) of the Agreement, the Fire District will initially pay the Flood Control District one hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars ($128,000). After all work is complete, the Fire District will provide the Flood Control District documentation of the actual costs for the street work and improvements, so the Flood Control District may determine whether the Fire District's share of costs is at, below or above the construction estimate identified in the Agreement ($452,000), and reimburse or invoice, the Fire District the difference pursuant to Sections 1.01(c) and 1.01(d) of the Agreement so the total consideration to be paid by the Fire District for the acquisition of the Hellman Fire Station site shall be fhe appraised value of Five Hundred and Eighty Thousand Dollars ($580,000). (Section 1.01(c)). The Fire District anticipated completing this purchase on or before the close of last Fiscal Year 2009/10, and included the funds for the purchase as an estimated actual expenditure. Unfortunately, the purchase was not able to be completed before that date; so the funding must be re-appropriated in the 2010/11 Fiscal Year. Fire District staff recommends the Fire Board authorize the appropriation and approve the expenditure for the purchase of the property. Respectfully submitted, Mike Bell Fire Chief Attachment: A -Legal Description and Plat Map of the Demens Basin #2 P-19 ALTA LAMA SYSTEM (1.402) APN.: 1061-621-03 (Mn) ~XH I B(T A PAGE 1 UR 2 THAT PORTION OF THE EAST 1/2 OF LOT 1, BLOCK 10 OF THE CUCAMONGA HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION LANDS AS PER. PLAT RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 6, PAGE 46, RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' BEGINNING AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN QUITCLAIM DEED TO ARTHUR Oi STOEFEN AND ALBERTA S. STOEFEN, RECORDED JUNE 20, 1950, IN BOOK 2593, PAGE 214, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY;. THENCE NORTH<89°36'35" EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID STOEFEN PARCEL, A DISTANCE OF 372.42'FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF AND TFfE WEST LINE OF HELLMAN AVENUE (66.00 FEET WIDE); THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 89°36'35" EAST ALONG 7HE EASTERLY P.°.3LONCsATi014 OF SAID SOUTH LINE, A.DiSTANGE OF 33.00 FEET TO THE EAST UNE OF SATD LOT 1, (SAID EAST LINE ALSO BEING TF1E CENTERLINE OF HELLMAN AVENUE. AS SHOWN PER RECORD OF SURVEY PLAT RECORDED IN RECORD OF SURVEY BOOK Z3, PAGE 22, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY); THENCE SOUTH 0°31'05' EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 136.38 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITN A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 260.00 FEET NORTHERLY, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 89°39'08" WEST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 405.42 FEET: THENCE NORTH 00°31'05" WEST A DISTANCE OF 136.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 1.27 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF WH[CN .11 ACRES LIES IN PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT OF WAY. 78F02239 T.R.W. =-a_r;_ This legal description was prepared by me or under my direction. P-20 a ~ M N89'34'2S E HILLSIDE PAGE 2 OF 2 _ 663.66' _ ROAD n ;~ PAR. i PAR. 2 33' N P.M. 11997 1 P.M.58/47 w w h~ j. .°, Q SGACE: !" ~ 100' 3 .~ N n o/ Z •m ¢~ N89'39'06"E N: i/2 LOT 2 BLK . 1O SE COR LOT 1 CUCAMONGA HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION LANDS M.B. 6/46 DENI~IVS DASIN .~2 PTN.. S.1/2. SEC.. 22. T.tN..R.7W.. S.6.M. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY NET AREA OF ACQU151170N FOR FiAOD CONTROL--QISTRICT RANCHO CUCAMONCA FlRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REVISIONS ~ e* 1 ~ 1.16 AC. 1 Note: This plot is soley an aid in locating the paroel(s) described in the ottoched ~ RL ~' document. tt is not o part of the written ~ ~ description therein. _ ~ - O.R. 2593/214 P.o.. 372.42;..:.. _ g A~ 89'36•.. of n ~ -~~I; ~ yt fn ~ ~/ \ O GO M G e%1 C r~i ~ ~ r N~'~ _ s' '" c toN re * N 9'39'0 :4 b: t! d - gp5$ ~'~~ R.S. 73/22 GA~~~ PTN. LOT i BLK. 10 0 o c APN 1061-621-03 N N COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT _ STAFF REPORT ~ - RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PRO'I'FCTION DISTRICT RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 cUCAMONGA To: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer Pam Pane, Management Analyst II Subject: ACCEPT THE BIDS RECEIVED AND AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,871,000.46, TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BIDDER, ASR CONSTRUCTORS, INC., AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A 10% CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $287,100.05 FOR THE HELLMAN FIRE STATION (177) CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. 3289501- 5650/1597289-6314; AND APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,221,550 FROM FIRE DISTRICT CAPITAL RESERVES TO ACCOUNT NO. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314 TO FUND THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT AS WELL AS RELATED UTILITIES, PRINTING AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION-RELATED EXPENSES RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $2,871,000.46, to the lowest responsive bidder, ASR Constructors, Inc., and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $287,100.05 for the Hellman Fire Station (177) construction project to be funded from Account No. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314. Additionally, staff recommends approval of an appropriation in the amount of $3,221,550 from Fire District Capital Reserves to Account Nc. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314 to fund the above noted contract as well as related utilities, printing and other construction-related expenses. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Per previous Board action on February 17, 2010, bids were solicited, received and opened on June 22, 2010, for the Hellman Fire Station (177) Construction Project. The City Engineer's estimate was $3,027,538.00. The lowest responsive bid came in 5% lower, which is approximately $156,000.00, than the Engineer's estimate. Staff has reviewed all bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements with any irregularities to be inconsequential. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds the lowest responsive bidder meets the requirements of the bid documents. P-21 The scope of work consists of construction of a new one-story, approximately 6,000 square foot fire station with on- and off-site improvements, structural framing, mechanical, P-22 ST_\fF R&PORT Rfi: CoNSrICUC'ru)N CC)N"I1L\G l'e\WARD Auc;Utit' 4, 2010 Pnc r 2 plumbing, fire protection, electrical, communications and emergency power systems. The contract documents call for two hundred ninety eight (298) working days to complete this construction. The station will serve the northwestern Rancho Cucamonga community, providing the area with the timely delivery of emergency services for fire suppression and life safety„ The station will house a Paramedic Engine staffed 24 hours a day/7 days aweek/365 days a year by athree-person crew. Also housed there will be a Brush Fire Engine, cross staffed by the same crew, which will be used for wildland fires. The Fire District anticipated completing the award of the construction contract on or before the close of last Fiscal Year 2009/10, and included the funds for the project as estimated actual expenditures. Unfortunately, the award was not able to be completed before that date, so the funding must be re-appropriated in the 2010/11 Fiscal Year. Respectfully submitted, Mike Bell Fire Chief /Is Attachments P-23 -- .~wn ~ DR ~ ~ yP ~ i ILL ERD ILL IDE ~ i f ' ~ ' ~ ILSO P.V { WI NAV LSON V EEC I w a '\ n h ~ w - ~ v~.~ _ II ~ BANY N ST rya ~ . ~ ¢ F \ z W I21 OFR 1210 141 W 4 w w K z~ V CTORI U \. ~ ea2ar 'r~i5k~" ~"~d !'4tiT` "x._.. } O 'p.~3 i'f;iY. e'i. BASE I o __ lu ~~• ~• x GHU CH SI c CFIU CHS ~~ ~ ~ Fez 3 ;' <_ F OTHIL BL y > 6 . m > Q < IVIO CE zw cU ,. y ARR Sr' P,T p a TH BT > -~ JERSEY BL U` 8 ST i < ! ' 4 7 H ST ) -• ` 4 fH ST 6TH 57 ~ ~ a ~ C 4TN. ST ti d w ~ i I ! I I I ! i QI I I ~ I ~ I ~ ! Q I ~ ~ 1 L HILLSIDk RD 1 > ~ o I ~ ~ > ~ D I _! I i- QI ml ~ PROJECT ¢I ~~ ~ Q ' I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I BANYAN ~T ! ) S -- -----~}------ --r-nT} r.---~- ~ BANYAN ~ - ~ I I= i I i I -----,----------~- i Vicinity 1VIap Hellman Fire Station (177) Construction Project (Hellman Ave south of Hillside Ave.) ~,--;~-. P-24 a `_ ~~?. r~ ~~ i ~`~ ~ ~,~r, ~ ~' R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A F I D E P R O T C C T I O N D I S T R I C T Staff Report DATE: August 4, 2010 TO: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mike Bell, Fire Chief BY: Walter C Stickney, Associate Civil Engineer Pamela Pane. Management Analyst II SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $94,750 TO DAN GUERRA AND ASSOCIATES, AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A 5% CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,740 FOR SURVEY SERVICES FOR THE HELLMAN FIRE STATION (177) CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. 3289 501-5650/1 5 972 89-631 4; AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE $99,490 FROM FIRE DISTRICT CAPITAL RESERVES TO ACCOUNT NO. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Fire Board approve the Professional Services Agreement with Dan Guerra and Associates to provide survey services for the construction of the Hellman Fire Station (177) located on Hellman Avenue, south of Hillside Road, and authorize the Board President to sign said agreement and the City Clerk to attest thereto. Additionally, staff requests approval of an appropriation in the amount of $99,490 to Account No. 3289501- 5650/1597289-6314 from Fire District Capital Reserves. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On February 17, 2010, the Fire Board authorized the advertising for the construction of the Hellman Fire Station (177). The station site is located on the west side of Hellman Avenue just south of Hillside Road. In 2009 the District completed a project in conjunction with the San Bernardino County Flood Control District to fill Flood Control's property known as the Demens Basin #2. This basin is the site for the fire station. The Fire District and Flood Control District have entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement which provides the FIRE DISTRICT STAFF REPORT P-25 HELLMAN FIRE STATION (177) CONSTRUCTION PROJECT -SURVEY SERVICES August 4, 2010 Page 2 transfer of title for approximately 1.16 acres of the County land where the station will be located. This action will also include the dedication of Rancho Street, a cul-de-sac which will provide access to the fire station, as well as to the vacant remainder property to the south which the Flood Control District will continue to retain. On June 22, 2010, the Fire District opened bids for the construction of the fire station. Staff has determined an apparent low bidder and a recommendation to award a contract for that work is also recommended for approval on the August 4, 2010 Fire Board agenda. The survey services to be provided by Dan Guerra and Associates include the survey of the future fire station structure, the remaining on-site improvements, and all off-site improvements including the improvement of Hellman Avenue and Rancho Street, and various utilities proposed for the project. The proposal from Dan Guerra and Associates met all of the Fire District's requirements in an amount of $94,750, plus contingency, to be funded from Account No. 3289501- -5650/1597289-6314. The firm has provided survey services for the previous project phase, the filling of vemens Basin #2, and is uniquely aware of the problems inherent to the site. The firm has a great deal of information already generated in theirrrecords that will be used for this project. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~~ i Mike Bell Fire Chief MB: WCS P-26 ri ~ .; .;~ r i- ~j ~ .- R A N C H O C U C A. M O N G A FIRE PROTECTIOt, DISTRICT Siff Report DATE: August 4, 2010 TO: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mike Bell, Fire Chief BY: Walter C Stickney, Associate Civil Engineer Pamela Pane, Management Analyst II SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 TO RGS ENGINEERING GEOLOGY FOR GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES FOR THE HELLMAN FIRE STATION (177) CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314; AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE $50,000 FROM FIRE DISTRICT CAPITAL RESERVES TO ACCOUNT NO. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Fire Board approve the Professional Services Agreement with RGS Engineering Geology to provide geotechnical and materials testing services for the construction of the Hellman Fire Station (177) located on Hellman Avenue south of Hillside Road, to be funded from Account No. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314 and authorize the Board President to sign said agreement and the City Clerk to attest thereto. Staff also recommends approval of an appropriation in the amount of $50,000 from Fire District Capital Reserves to Account No. 3289501-5650/1597289-6314. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On February 17, 2010, the Fire Protection District authorized the advertising for the construction of the Hellman Fire Station. The station site is located on the west side of Hellman Avenue just south of Hillside Road. In 2009 the District completed a project in conjunction with the San Bernardino County Flood Control District to fill Flood Control's Demens Basin #2. This basin is the site for the fire station. The Fire District and County have entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement which provides the transfer of title for FIRE DISTRICT STAFF REPORT P-27 HELLMAN FIRE STATION (177) CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES August 4, 2010 Page 2 that portion of the County land where the station will be located. This action will also include the dedication of Rancho Street, a cul-de-sac which will provide access to the fire station, as well as to the vacant property to the south which the Flood Control District will continue to retain. On June 22, 2010, the Fire District opened bids for the construction of the fire station. Staff has determined an apparent low bidder and a recommendation to award a contract for that work is also on the August 4, 2010 Fire Board agenda. The geotechnical and materials testing services to be provided by RGS Engineering Geology include the geotechnical testing and reporting for the future fire station structure, the remaining on-site improvements, and all off-site improvements associated with the project. The award will also include funds for material testing as required for the project. The proposal from RGS Engineering Geology met all of the Fire District's requirements in an amount of $50,000 to be funded from Account No. 3289501-5650/1597289-^0314. The firm has provided geotechnical services for the previous project phase, the filling of Demens Basin #2, and is uniquely aware of the problems inherent to the site. The firm has a great deal of information already generated in their records that will be used for this project. Respectfully submitted, /'> Mike Bell Fire Chief MB: WCS P-28 •. STAFF REPORT "~ 7 PU73LIC WORI:S SERVICES DEPdRTMENT 'yvy ,d Date: August 4, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Jeff Barnes, Parks and Landscape Maintenance Superintendent Subject: APPROVAL TO EXECUTE CONTRACT RENEWALS (CO 90-145, 89-136, 93-006) WITH MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENTERPRISES, INC., OF IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF CITY PARKS AND CITY AND FIRE DISTRICT LANDSCAPE SITES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,384,260 FOR CITY FACILITIES AND $65,750 FOR FIRE DISTRICT FACILITIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TO BE FUNDED FROM VARIOUS GENERAL FUND ACCOUNTS, SAN BERNARDiNO COUNTY REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT, CAPITAL RESERVE ACCOUNT, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ACCOUNTS, CFD 868 ACCOUNT, AND FIRE DISTRICT ACCOUNTS AS APPROVED IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council and Fire Board of Directors approve the execution of contract renewals (CO 90-145, 89-136, 93-006) with Mariposa Horticultural Enterprises, Inc., of Irwindale, California, for the maintenance of city parks and city and fire district landscape sites, in an amount not to exceed $1,384,260 for city facilities and $65,750 for fire district facilities for fiscal year 2010-2011 to be funded from various General Fund accounts, San Bernardino County Reimbursement account, Capital Reserve account, Landscape Maintenance District accounts, CFD 868 account, and Fire District accounts as approved in the fiscal year 2010-2011 budget. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Mariposa is one of two landscape contractors used by the City to maintain various landscape sites citywide. The City Council has previously awarded contracts (CO 90-145, 89-136, 93-006) to Mariposa Horticultural Enterprises, Inc. The contractor has submitted a letter of intent expressing their desire to continue service to the City of Rancho Cucamonga at the same rates as fiscal year 2009-2010. Mariposa has proven to be a competent, customer service friendly contractor. Therefore, staff recommends approving the contract renewal with Mariposa for fiscal year 2010-2011. Resp c idly mitt d, Willia 'ttkopf Public Works Services Director ~`Mike Bell Fire Chief WW:JB:sm CITY OF' FtAI~'CIIO CtiCAMOiVGA Agenda Check Register 7/ 14/2010 [hrnugh 7;'27; 2010 P-29 Chcek No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00299150 7/14/2010 A AND B BUS COMPANI' 375.00 AP-0(1'299151 7/14/2010 AANDRT[RESERVICE 20.96 AP - 002991 S l 7114!2010 A AND R TCRE SERVICE 20.96 .4P - 00299151 7/!4!2010 A .4Nll R TIRE SERVICE 10.48 AP - 00299151 7/14!2010 A AND R'CIRE SERVICE 10.48 .4P - 00299151 7/14/20!0 .4 .4ND R TIRE SERVICE 10.43 AP - 00299151 7/14/2010 A AND R TIItE SERVICE 20.96 AP - 0029915! 7/14/2010 A AND R.'C[RE SERVICE 10.48 .4P - 00299151 7114,'2010 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 42.66 .4P - 002991.51 7l14f2410 A AND R.'CIRB SERVICE 121.88 .AP - 00299151 71141201.0 A AND R'CIRE SERVICE 10.48 AP - 00299151 7/14/2010 A .AND R'C1RE SERVICE 20.96 AP - 0029915] 711 412 0 1 0 A AND R "(1RE SERVICE 79.95 .AP-00299151 ~7it4/2010 AANDRTIRESERV[CE (21.33 AP - 00299151 7/1.4/2010 A AND R TIRE SER VICE 220.83 .4P-00299152 7/I4.r2010 A&~.VSO~TBALL 2,92L00 :~P-00299152 7,'14r2U10 A~~;VSOFTBALL 2.300.00 .4P - 00299] 53 7/!4/201 U AA EQUIPMENT RF..NTALS CD INC 968.48 AP - 00299 i 53 7/ 1412010 AA EQUIPMENT REN'CALS CO G1C 8(19.89 AP - 00299154 7r 14/2010 ABC,ETRC)NICS 18050 AP - 00299155 7/14/2014 ABM JANITORtA.L SN' 4,827 ~0 .4P - 0102/9155 7/14/2010 ABM JANITORIAL SW 6,378.00 AP-00299[5(1 7!14/2410 AGUIL,ER.A.D40ISES 25L57 AP - 00299157 7i 14/2010 ALL V/ELD[NG ~ ~ 17(1,00 AP-00299157 7114/201(1 ALLWELD[NCi 175.1)0 .4P - 00299158 7%14/20 10 AMERICAN RO"CAR!' BROOM. CO. 1NC. 2>7.09 AP - 40299158 7/14/20{0 AMERICAN ROTARY BROOM CO. [NC. 385.64 AP-002991>8 7/14/2014 AMERICAN ROTARY BROOM CO. INC. 514.[9 .AP - Q0299I59 7;14!3010 .4MTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 950.00 AP - 00299(60 7/(4/20(0 APPi_IEU A-tETERING TECHNOLOGIES [NC 1,49100 AP-00299162 7!1412014 ARNOLDFIELDSP.4[NTING 3,900.00 AP - 00299163 7;14/2010 ASN APPRAISAL 375.00 AP-0029916<I .7/14/2010 ASN APPRAISAL 375.00 AP-00299165 7'14,'20!0 ASSISECUIiITY 4,080.00 .4P - 40249166 7'1412010 .4UT0 RESTORATORS INC 1,435.20 AP - 4029916? 7/(4/2010 BEACON PLUMBING 128A4 AP - 00299] 67 7;1412010 BEACON PLUMBING 160.00 AP - 00299169 7114!2010 BEACON PLUMBING 71 1.47 .4P-00299168 7!14/20(0 BECERRA,JES[JS 10.00 AP - 00299169 7;14/201.0 BERN MARTES PR0~40TIONAL PRODUCTS 2,32ti.57 AP - 00299 170 7i !4/2014 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 476.43 AP - 00299170 7;1412010 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 476.44 AP - 00299170 7/14/2010 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 476.44 AP - 40299170 7/14/20!0 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 476.34 AP - 00299170 7/!4/2010 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 476.44 AP - 00299170 7/14/2010 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 476.44 AP - 00299170 7/l4%2010 BEST REST AND KRIEGER 476.44 AP - 00299170 7/!4/2410 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 476.44 .9P - 00299174 7/14!2010 BEST BEST:',ND KRIEGER 176.44 AP - 00299(70 7/14!2010 BEST BEST ANU KRIEGER. 476.44 AP - 00299570 7/14%2(110 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 47(1.44 AP-04299!71 7/!4/20((1 B[AZ,MAtJREEN 50.00 AP - 002991.72 7!14120'(4 BOR'EN. JASON 110.00 AP-00299172 7/!4/2010 BOWF,N,JASON 110.00 l,fser: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: f t:;urrenf Dale: (17/28/201 ReporhCK_AGENUA_REG_POR'1`RACC_RC - C'.K: Ageuda Check Register Pottrait La; ouf Time: 14:59:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCANIONGA P-30 Agenda Check 12eeiseer 7;1412UL0 throueh 7!2712010 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-00299174 7/14/2010 CrlLIEORNIA,STATEUF 64.41 AP-00299174 7/(4!2610 CALIFORNIA. STATE OF 70'5 AP-00299174 71'14!2010 CALIFORNIA; STATE OF 7344 AP-00299174 7/14!3010 CAL[FORNIA,ST.4T:EOF 36452 AP - 00299174 7/14/2010 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 93.75 AP-00299175 T14/2010 CAMERONW€LDINGSUPPLY 69.18 AP-00'99!'5 7il~i/2010 CAMERON~S%ELDING5UPpt,y 107.39 .AP-00299177 7x'14/2010 CD PROPERTY SERVICES 250.00 AP-00299!73 7/14/2010 CERTIFIEDT0WTNG 195.00 AP - 00299179 7/14/2010 CEIICA<i0 T[TLF., 1,000.00 AP -110 29 9 1 3 1 Z'14r2010 CLIRIATEC' BUILDING'i'ECEENOL0GIES GROUP 63333 AP-00299183 7114!20(0 COMPEAN,KRISTEN 4.67 AP - 00299132 7/14!2010 COMPEAN, KRIS I°dN 4.67 AP - (102991 82 7/ 14/261 U COMPE.4N, KR1S'CEN ~ 9.33 AP - 00299183 7114/ZU I 0 CO'NCE:P'C POWDER COATING 96.00 AP - 002991 R4 1x14/201 U CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL, DEST'RII3UT012S I 282.75 AP - 00299185 7/14/2010 CC7PIB5 &; INh. PRiNT(.NG [NC. t74:f0 AP - 00299185 7i i 4,'20 16 COPIi:S ~ INK PRINTING tNC. 6339 AP - C0299 i 85 7/19/2010 <;OPiES & tNK PItiN i IiJv INC. 321.59 AP - 002991 85 7114/2(110 COPIES & tNK PRINT[NCi iNC. 957.55 AP - 0(1299185 7/14/2010 COPIES ~ INTC PI2INT[NG [NC. ~ 963.55 AP - 00299185 7/14/2010 COP[F.S & INK PR.LNTING INC. 210.53 AP-00299!36 7/14/2010 CORTEZ,VANESSA 430.00 AP - 002991 R9 7%14/2010 CUCAMONCiA V,4LLEY WATER DISTRICT 131.94 AP - 00299139 7/14.x2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY \t'ATER DISTRICT 221.43 AP-00299189 7/14/2010 Ct7CAM0NGAVALLEYWATERDISTRICT 190.45 AP - 00299139 7!14!20!0 Ct1CAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 483.81 AP - 00299189 7/14;2030 CUC,IMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 240.83 4P - 00299139 7/14!2016 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 121.83 AP - 00299189 .7!14/2010 CUC.4MONGA V ALLEY WATF_R D[STRLCT 469.26 AP -00299139 7/14!2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 369.11 AP-00299189 7114/20L0 CUCAMUNGAVALLEYWATERD?STRICT 1,238.55 AP - 00299189 7,'L3xZ0lU CU<:4MONGA V;ILLEY \VATER DISTRICT 110.74 AP - 00299159 7/14(2010 CUCAAIONGA VALLEY WAFER DISTRIC9' 73.07 AP-00299139 711--1x2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEYRxATER DIS'PR1CT 64.97 AP-00299189 7;14;2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER D[S`CRICT 3757 AP - 00299189 7/14,'?.010 CtJCAMCINGA. VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 912.63 AP - 00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAi4fONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 166.74 AP • 00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAMONGA-VALLEY W'A1'ER DLSTRICT 1,577.20 AP-00299189 7!14!201(1 (:;UCAI(1C}NCiA VALLEY W.4"EER D[S"fRICt'I' 179.17 Ak' - 00299189 7/14/'010 CUCAMONCiA VALLEY 4VA"CF.'R llISTE2ICT 39-ih , . AP - 00299189 7/14/2010 CEJCAMC)NGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICTi 232.80 AP - 00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAMONCrA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 330.61 AP - 00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAbfONGA tVAi.L,EY WATER DISTRICT 1,074.11 .4P-00299189 7,'14/2010 CLK'AMONGAVALLEYWATERBIS'I'RICT 79.07 AP-00299189 7((~x201U CUCA1vfONGAVALLEYWATERDISTRICT 151.43 :\P-00299189 7,'14;2010 CUCAMONGAVALLEYR%A'CERD[STR[CT !36.61 AP - 00299189 7/!4/2010 CUC.4~AONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 59.49 AP - 00299189 7!14/2010 CUCADIONGA VALLLY WATER DISTRICT (3492 AP-(}0299189 7/14/2010 CUCAhfONGA VALLEY WATERDiS'I'R1CT 117?8 AP-00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT !,016.63 AP-00299189 7/14120!0 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 649.63 AP - 00299189 7!14(2010 Cl1CAb1UNGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 129.19 AP - 00299189 7/!4/2010 CUCA1~40NGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 127.68 User: VLOPEZ- Verrniica Lopez Pape: 2 Curreut Date: 0 7/2 812 6 1 Repot-C:CK_,4GENDA_ REG_PORTRAC I'_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Lx~'out Time: 14:59:.5 CITY OF 1LANC'F.30 CU(`AM~;YGA P-31 A?enda Check Register 7(14/2(110 throw 7/27/:010 Check. No. Check [)ate Vendor Name Amount AP - 06299189 7,'14/2010 CUCAMGNGA VALLEY WA"CER DISTRICT 93^^<.O6 AP-00299189 7/14;2010 CUCANLONGAVALLEl'R~ATERD(STRCC'F 526.64 AP - 00299159 7x14/2010 CUCAMGNGA VALLEY WATER DiS"PRICY 204.12 AP-00299189 7/!4/2010 CUC.4MONGAVALLEYWATERDISTRICT 970.81 AP-00"_99189 7/14/20!0 CUCAMGNGA VALLEY WAFER DlS'FR1C"E' 850.15 AP-00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAMGNGA V,4LLEY W'A1-ER DISTRICT 23.53 AP-00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAMONGAVAC.LEYWATERDISTRICT 461.87 AP - 00299189 7!(4;2010 CUCAMGNGA. VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 563.39 AP - 00299189 7i 1412010 CUCAMGNGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 896.71 AP-00299(89 7/14;2010 CUCAMONGAV.4LLF,YW.4'FERUCSTRICT 320,32 AP-(10299189 7/14/2010 CtJCAbIONGAVALLEY WATERDIS'IR1C"C 208.47 .4P - 00299189 7!1412010 CUC.4MONGA VALLEI' WATER D[S'FRICT' '-,265 ~5 AP-00299189 7/14(2010 CUCAMONGAVALLEYWATERD[STRICT 2,295.21. .AP-00299189 7i14r20tU~ CUC.AMGNGAV.4LLEYW'ATERUIS"PRICY 1,19073 AP-00299IS9 7/1.4/2010 CIJCAMONGAVALLEYWA'FERDISTR[CT 203.28 AP-00299189 7/14/2010 CIICAMONGA VALLEY WATERD[Sl'RICT 1,013.39 AP - 00299159 7/14;2010 CUCAMGNGA VALLEY lNATER DISTRICT ~iS.49 AP - 00299189 7;1.4,'2010 CUCAMGNGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 271.92 AP - 0029918:) 711 412 0 1 0 CIJCAMGNv:\ VALLEY \\'ATER. DCSTRICT 21 •,.SS AP - 602997 S9 "r/14/2(110 CUCAMGNGA VALLEY WATER DISTR.[CT 132.49 AP - 00299189 7i 14/2010 CUCAMGNGA VALLF_Y W:1TER DISTRICT 53.51 .4P - 00299189 7i la,'2010 CUCAMON(iA VALLEY W',ATER DISTRICT 135.54 AP -00299189 7/14/2010 C[CAMGNGA VriLLEY WATER DISTRICT 212 )5 AP-00'99189 7;14;'2010 CUCAMONGAVALLEY WATER DISTRICT 29189 AP - 00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAMGNGA VALE EY WATER. DISTRICT 29188 .4P-00299189 7/i4/201A CUCAMGNGA VALLEY R%ATERDESTRICT 575.69 AP-00299189 7/14;201U CUCAMGNGA VALLEY WATF.RD[STRICT 859.IS AP-Ct0299189 7/f~l/2010 CLICAMON<iA VALLEY WATERUIS'FR[CT 18>.75 AP-00299189 7/14/2010 C1JC.4MONGAVALL.F..YW'ATERDiS'[RICT 423.13 ,4P-00299189 7/{4!2010 CIJCAMONCrA VALLEY WA'T`ER. DIS'RICT 2,453.7E AP-002991$9 7/14/2010 CUC'AMONGA VALLEY WATERDISI'R(CT 164.07 AP - (10299159 7!1<S/2010 C;LiCAbtONGA VALLEY WATER D[STRiCT 604.00 .AP-00299189 7/f4/2UI0 CUC:AMUNCiAVACL.I3YWAT'ERDISTKICT 187.'_5 AP-00?99189 7/14/2010 CLJCAMON<3AVAC.LEYWAI'ERDI$'FRICT 479.08 AP-0(1299189 7/14/2010 CCICAMONGA VALL,FY WATER DIS"PRICY 120.14 AP - 00299189 7/!4/2010 CLICAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,142.91 _ AP - 00299I89 ~ 7/14!2010 CUCAMONi.;A VALLEY WATER D[S"FRIC`F 338.97 r'iP - 00299189 7!14(2010 CUCAMGNGA VALLEY WATER D15TRICT 18.40 AP - 00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAMGNGA VALLF..Y WATER DISTRICT 729.52 AP - 00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAMGNGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 2,627.31 AP-40299189 7/14,'2010 C(JCADaONGA VALLEY WATER U[S1'R[C'F 23.83 AP-00299189 "./14/2010 CUC.'\MON<;.4VALLEYWATERD[STRICT 342.83 AP -00299189 7/14/2010 CUCAD4ONGA VALLEY WACER DISTR[CC 565.31 AP -00299189 7(14!2010 CtJCAtv[ONG,4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,417.b4 .4P - 002991 S9 7/14/2010 CLICr1MONUA. VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,261.45 AP - 00299I9D 7/!4(20 f 0 DAVID TAUSSIG AND ASSOCIATES INC. 5ti2.5U AP-002991.91 7;14;2010 DOROSFI. EDFL'1{A 162.60 AP-00299192 7/]4;2010 DOUMBIA,M.4R(AbtE SU.00 AP - 002991.93 7/14/2010 DUMBELI: Iti4AN FITNESS EQUIPMENT, THE 158.13 AP - 00299193 .7/1 412 0 1 0 DUMBELL AL4N FITNESS EQUIPMENT, THE 1,071.98 AP - 00299193 7;1412010 DUMBELL MAN FITNESS EQUIPMENT, THE 163. i2 AP - 00299194 7!14!2010 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORAT[ONt 73.74 AP-60299194 7/14/2010 DUNNEDWARDSCORPORATION 150.79 AP - 00299195 7/14/2010 DURKEL, CAROL, 16.00 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 3 Current Date: U7i2Sr201 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_POR1'FLAF T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait layout Time: 14:59:1 CITY OF RA!lrCH() CLECAM.C}NGA P-32 Agenda Check Re~?ister 7114/20[0 through 7!27P_O10 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-0029919(, 7!14!'_0(0 ELLISENTERPRfSES 150.00 AP-00249196 7i 14/201(1 ELLISENTE[ZPRISES 140.00 :1P - 00299196 7! 14/2(110 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 1,000.00 AP - 00299196 7;14!2010 ELLS EN'I'ERPRlSES 140.00 AP - 00299197 7!142010 EbtP[RE MOBILE HOME SERVICE 5,428.77 AP - 00299198 7/!4!2010 F.MPLRE ~-[OS[LE HOME SERVICE 42S.OU AP-003941.99 7/14!2010 EW[NG[RR[GA'fIONPRODUCTS 1,1)5.78 AP - 00299199 7! 14/2010 EWTNG IRRTGATION PRODUCTS 572.96 AP - 00299199 7!!4!2010 SWING IRRIGATION PROD(CTS l,R6.7G AP - 00299199 7(t4!2010 EW'[NG IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 147.80 AP-00299200 7/!4/2010 EXPERL4N 38.50 AP-00299202 7!!4!2010 PASTENALCOMPANY 26h.69 AP-00299202 7/!4/2010 F.ASTENAL.COMPANY 410.02 .4P - (1p299202 7!I4i2010 FASTENAL C,OMPANy 71.33 AP-00299203 7/14!20f0 FEC)EIZ:4LEXPRESSCORP 2d?9 AP - 00299203 7/14/3010 FF.,DERAL FXPf2,ESS CORP 19.56 AP -00299204 7/(4/201(1 FC)OTH.[LL LAWNMORBR 108.56 ,qP - {i0299204 7!14!2010 FOO'C'H[LL L,A WNMO}VER 83.87 AP-0029;305 7/!4/2010 FORRE`.>T,bL11:C G6.00 AP - 00299206 7/14/201.0 E~RAZEE PA[.NT CENTER 17.52 AP - 00299206 7/)4/2010 FRA'LEE. PAINT GEN'CER 207.5 AP - 00299206 7/!4/20 t0 FRAZ,EE PAIN"C CENTER 208.91 AP -0029)207 7/!1!2010 F'UENT'ES, MARIA 130.00 AP-00299208 7/'L42(110 GEiME'LERSINC 303.79 AP - 002992(19 7114!2010 GENTRY, UONALU A 715A0 ,4P - 06299209 7! 1x2010 GENTRY, DON,4L.D .4 373.75 AP - 00299210 7/14!2010 GILLUM, JL?FFRSy 250.00 AP -00299211 7x14/2010 GOOD YEAR SOCCER LEr\GL1E 7fi3.00 AP-fl02992(2 7/14x'2010 GOYETT'E,ICACEy 100.00 .4P-0(12992 L3 7,1.42010 GiL4INGER 190.26 AP-002992)3 7!14/2010 GRr11NGER '~ 28,87 AP-(10399213 7/14%'2010 GRANGER 40.92 .AP - 00299213 7/14/2010 GRALNGEK 121.17 AP-002992 Li 7!14!2010 GRANGER 85.21 AP-00299213 7i14!201p GRAINGLR 240.77 AP-(H)299ZI3 7!1412010 GR4INGER 80.11 .4P-(>n299213 7!142010 GPv}INGER 13.20 AP-00'992[3 ',!!4!2010 GRAINGER 62.40 AP-00299213 7!14/2010 GRAINGER - 154.61 AP-00299213 7/14/2010 Ci1L41NCiER 146.71 AP-00299214 7/14;2010 GRANU:US[NC 937.50 AP-00299214 7/14/2010 GRANICUSINC 489.38 AP-002992 f4 7(14;'2(110 GRANICUSfNC 1,100.00 AP-0029921> 7i14/201p GRAPF[1CS FACTORY PRINTING (NC. 337.13 AP- 002992li 7/1412010 GRAPHICS FACTORY PRINTING INC. 2,175.00 AP - 00299315 7/I~!2010 GR4F'HICS FACTORY PR[NT1NG [NC, 429.56 AP - 00299215 7/14/2010 GRAP[![CS FACTOR.}' PRINTING [NC. 451.31 AP - 00299215 711.4.%2010 GRAPLICS FACTORY PR[N"LING INC. L215.00 AP - 00299215 'r/14x'2010 GRAPH[C.S FACTORY PRINTING [NC. 897.19 AP-00299215 7/14!2010 GFt,4PEIICS EAC'1'ORY PRINTING [NC:. 20t.19 AP - 00299215 7! 14:/2010 GR:aPEiICS FACTORY PRINTENG [NC. 747.06 AP-002992(6 7/14!2010 GRF.ENROCKPOWEREQUIP1v4ENT 479.Sfi ,4P - 0029921.6 7/14!2010 CiREL''N kOCK POWER. EQU[PD4ENT 479.58 AP - 00299216 7/14/2010 GREEN ROCK POWER E(~UIPM~NT 156.35 User. VLOPEZ Vu'onica Lopez Pape: 4 Current Date: 07!28201 Report:Ct{_AGENI7A_ REG_PORTRAI T_RC -<;I:: Ageoda Check [Zegister Po+trnit Ln}'ouc Time: 14:59:5 t.'ITY OF RA?\'CFiO CUCAMONGA P-33 ~~t*enda Checlc Re~istcr 714/2010 through 7/272010 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00299218 7/14;2010 FIOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICCS 443.59 AP - 00299218 7fi4/20I0 HO'<RE DF,POT CREDIT SERVICES ^^<48.43 AP - 00299219 7/1.4!2010 I-{OSL- btAN INC; 56.21 AP - (70299220 7/14x2010 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 293.06 AP - 00'_9922! 7/1 ?010 FiSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 296.54 AP -0029922( 7/l4%2010 F[SBC BUSINESS SOL[JTlONS 36.49 :1P -00'_9922( 7/L4!2010 HSBC BUSINESS SULUTIONS 1,811.98 AP - 00299221. 7/(4/2010 HSBC BLJSLNIiSS SOLU'[7ONS 44.76 AP -00299221 77L42010 HSFSC FUSINESS SOL,IJ'L'IONS 1$.4B .4P-U029922L 77 1 4120 1 0 HSBC BUSINESS SOI,U"tl(7NS 16.99 AP - 00299'Z21 ~ 7;14/20 i0 HSBC BUSINESS SOL,LJ'['tONS :183.53 AP -00299221 7/(4/2010 HSBC BUSINESS SOL,tJTCONS 40892 AP-00299221 7,'1=IJ2(i10 HSBC BUSINESSSOL.U"['IONS 84.42 .4P-00299221 7/14/2010 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTK)Ng 126.11 Al? - 00299221 7/14fZ0I0 HSBC' BUSINESS SOLU'f(ONS 22329 .4P - 00299221 7/14/2410 HSBf., BUSINESS SOLUI'IONg 87.54 AP -00299221. 7((4;2010 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 55.95 AP - 00299221 7;14201.0 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 196.53 AP - 00299'_22 7i 1412010 HL'B CONSTRUCTION SPECIALITIES INC 31G.14 .4P-00299223 77142010 HYDROTEKSY'STEMSINC 104.17 AP - 00299224 7!(4/2410 iNI.4ND FAIR HOUSING AND MEDIATION BOAT t7.50 AP - 00299224 7/142010 tM_AND FAIR HOCJSING AND MEDIATION BOAT 2Q.00 .4P - 40299224 7,'142010 INLAND FAIR HOUSING :1ND MEUf,4T1UN BOA] 32.50 ,4P -(10299224 7l14,'201G MLAND FAIR HOUSING AND MEDIA'[[ON BOA! 7.50 AP - 00299224 7/14/2010 INLAND FALR HC)USING AND btEUL4TION BOAT [7.50 AP - 00299225 7/L4,^201 U LNL ANU PRESORT & MAILING SERVICES ~ 43.4(1 AP - 00299226 7/!4/2010 [NSlGHT PUBLIC 5EC1"OR 3,887.90 AP-(10299228 7/(4;!2010 INTERNA'i'[ONALLINEB(JILDEISCNC 9,24L(i8 .4P-00299229 7/t42U1U INTERSTAI'BBAT"fEkIES ?11.71 AP-00299230 7/14!2010 .fDCCONCRET~., 4,779.00 AP-00299231 7f1472U1U J[MENEZ,BARR.4RA 92.00 AP - 00299232 7/ f 472010 .[tJST PUMPING 220.00 AP - 00299233 7i !4!2070 KENT FLARRIS TRUCKING & MATERIALS 30:1.03 AP - 00299237 7!14,2010 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS GOU.00 4P - D0299237 7114!201(1 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 700.00 AP - 00219237 7/14;2010 Lt7"I'LE BEAR PRODULTIONS 600.00 .4P - 00299237 7i14f2010 LITTLE. BEAR PROUIJC'['IONS 995.00 AP - 00299237 ?!14720 tU LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 95.00 AP - 002992?7 7?14!2010 L[TTC,E BEAR PRODUC"C1ONS 450.00 AP - 00299237 7![420 l0 LITi'LE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 135.00 AP - 00299237 7%74!2010 LIT! LB BP;AR PRODlJC7-IONS I O4.Q4 AP-00299237 7/14;21)!0 LI'CTLE3E.4RPRODUCTIONS 150AU AP - 00299237 7714,!2010 LI'I"['LE BEAR PR.ODUC'"!'IONS 295.00 AP - 00299237 771 ~F,2010 LITTLE BEAR PROUI.JCT[ONS 150.00 AP - 00299237 7/14/2010 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS ~ 300.00 AP-00299237 7/14/201(1 LITTLE'r3EAR PRODUCTIONS 450.00 AF' - 00299237 7/14/20ll) LITTLE BEAR PR.ODUCTLONS 450.00 AP - 00299237 7!142010 LIT'CLE BEAR PRODUC'T'IONS I25.7)G AP - 00299237 71L4/2010 LITTC.E BEAR PRODUCTIONS 150.00 AP - 00299237 7/(3!2010 LCFTLF. BEt\R PRODUC'[[ONS 580.00 ,4P - 00299239 ?/1472010 [~iARILU, WILL[AMS 40.00 AP - 00299240 7!14/2010 h2AR[POSA HORTLCULTURAI. ENT [NC 1.58 LG1 AP-00299241 7/14/2010 t{ARK.UHRISI'UPl{BRING 054.38 AP - 00299242 7!14/20[0 MARTINEZ CRY[ON SERVICE 51.00 User. VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 5 Current Date: 07/28201 Repo rtCK_.4GF'NDA_ REG_PORTRAtT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait La; out Time: 14:59:5 CI'CY OF TtANCEIO CUCAt'IONtiA P-34 Agenda Chectc Reai~ter 7/ 14(26? U [hrough 7!27/201 C Check. No. Check Dnte Vendor Name Arnount AF - 00299242 7i L4!2U1 U M.ART[NEZ UN[ON SERVECE 45.00 AP-00299242 7/14i20t0 ;\-tARI-INEZLRJ[ONSERVECE. 45.00 AP-00299243 7i14/20f0 MAY.CYNTHL4VACA I,Sft0.U0 AP - 00299245 7/[4/2010 AdLDWEST TAPE 14.<)9 AP-00299245 7;14(2610 MIDWES'CTAPE 29.98 AP - 00299246 7/14/2010 bTIJAC ALARM. CON[P.4NY 37750 AP-6029924E 7,'{.4!201.0 MLIACAL.ARMC'OMPANy 300.00 AP-00299247 7/14/2010 M[SSIONREPROGR,4PH[CS 49.92 AP - 00299243 7,'14/20 EO MORRIS, DOUG ~ 43-00 AP - 00299249 7!!4.'2010 MOUNTAfN V [EN` GLASS AND IYIIRROR [NC 5'2.60 AP - 00299250 7;14;2010 MOCINTAIN V[EW SMALL ENCi REPAIR 208.45 .4F-00299250 7!14i2Ut0 MOUNT,41N VIEW SMALLENG REPAIR 221.49 AP - 00299250 111412010 MOUNTAEN V[EtV Sb•FALL ENG REPAIR 1,085.33 AP - 00299250 7r'14i201U MOUN'fAfN VIEW SMALL F.NG REPAIR 759.08 AP-0029925! 7,'14/2010 NAh[AR,NiJRCJN 250.00 AP-00299252 7%1412616 NAPAACITOPARTS -64.'_4 AP - 06299252 7/14/2010 NAPA AUTO PARTS 64.24 :4P - 00299252 7/14%2010 NAPA AU'f0 PARTS -4,999.74 AP-1)0299252 7/(4;2610 NAPAAUTGPARTS 4,999.74 .4P-00299252 7/Id/20(0 NAPA r1CI'I'OE'ARTS -42.83 AP -00299252 7/!4/2610 NAPA AUTO PAR'I'S 24.78 i1F-00299252 7i'i4i2U10 NAPA. AUTO PARTS 5.62 AP - 00299252 7/l L~'2010 NAE'A All'f0 Pr\RTS 42.8.> AP -60299752 7/14%2(110 NAPA AU"["O PARTS 42.05 AP - 00299252 7/14/2010 NAPA AUTO PARTS - -43.05 A.F-UU2ny252 7/L4!20t0 N.APAAUT(')PAi2Tg -55.36 AP-00299252 7/14/20 t6 NAPA AUTO PAi`".{T'S .15.36 AP - 002992:12 7114;2(I IO NAPA AUTO PARTS -1.22 AP - 00299252 7/14/20!(1 NAPA A(J'['O PARTS 1 22 r1P-00299254 7114120!0 NID FIOUS[NCr COEJ'NSEL[NG ACrENCY 250.66 AP - 00299255 7/141'2010 NWOSU, LORETH,4 20.00 AP - 0029925Er 7/14/2010 OFFICE DEPO"f 9.62 AP - 0029925E 7;14/2010 OFP[CE DEPOT 223.83 AP - 00299256 7/!4/26 10 OFFICE DEPO`f 2,(,42.07 AP - 00299256 7!14/2016 OFFICE DEPOT 294.76 AF - 00299256 7;14120 i U OFFICE DEPOT 449.45 .4P - 00299256 7! 14/201 O OFFICE DEPOT 31.81 AP - 00299256 7/14!7010 UFF[CE DEPO'T' 15822 AP - 0029<)256 7/14/3010 OFFICE DEPOT '_39.'_4 AP-00299^_56 7/t4!2010 OFFICE DEPOT 8.88 .4P-60299296 1!14/3016 OFFICE DEPOT 399.'_7 AP-66299256 7/14/2010 OFFIGEDEPOT 24.2E AP - 00299256 7/E4/2010 OFFICE DEPOT ~ 60.47 AP - 40299256 7/14!2010 OFFICE DEPOT 80.44 .4P-00299256 7/L4;2010 OFFICE DEPOT 53.82 AP - 00299256 7/14/2010 OFFICE DEPOT L6l AF - 00299256 7; 14/_016 OFFICE DEPO C 4', 5.39 AP - 00299256 7/14/2010 OFI'ICE DEPOT 175.97 AP -00299256 7!1.4/2010 OFFICE DEPOT 31.39 AP - 0629925E 7/[4/2010 OFFICE DEPOT 452:41 AP - 00299256 7/14;2010 OFFICE DEE'O-I' 40.72 AP-00299256 7/14.%2Ul(I OFP[C:EDEPOT 39.43 AP-00299296 7/14/2010 OFF[CEDEPU'I" ~ 127.(3 AP - 0029`3.256 7/14/2010 OFFICE DE:PO'l- •436.59 Uscr. VLO['IZ - Vcn'mica L,opcz PaKe: f> Cnrrcnt Data: 0728/261 Report:CK._ACENDA_R. EG_POR1"RAI'I' _RC: - CK: Agenda Check. ReglSter Pom•ztit. Layout "time: 14:59:5 CI'C~' ~F dzANCHO CUCAIViONGA P-35 At?endn Cd)ecdr I2e~ister ?r' [ 4/2010 through 7!27; 2010 Check No. Check Date Venthx Name Amount AP-00299257 7/14/2010 UNTRAC 1;2.24 AP-00249253 7/14%201.0 OPEN APPS I:NC 2;175.00 AP - 00299258 7/L4i2010 OPEN APPS CNC 543.75 AP-00299253 7![=1/2010 OPEN APPS)~NC 2,584.19 AF'-00299259 7/14/2010 ORCEiARD SUPPLY HAfdO:VARE 7.20 .4P-00299259 7/[4/20[0 ORCHARDSU~[?PLYH.ORDWARg 3.92 AP-00299259 7/[4,2010 OR.CEIARDSU['PLYHARDWARE -0.65 AF-00299259 7,~[4i'30[0 OKCF{_a,RDSC)E?P[.YHARllWARE 3.68 AP - 00299254 7114%20 [0 ORCHARD SUPPLY 1-fARD'WARE 4.00 AF-00299259 7r[4=2(110 ORCH.ORDSEiFE'LYHARDW,4FLE 20.79 AP - 00299259 7; I4/20I0 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE -! 19 AF-00299259 '%:'14120[0 C}RCHARD SUPPLY H:ARDIVr\R.F, i 1.5.98 AP-{)0299260 'li'l4/'20{0 PACIFFCPROGUC;T'SANDSERVEC-ES ~ 4,738.56 AP - 002)9260 7/i4/2010 PACEYIC. P[tpDLICTS AND Sk•,RVFCES 4,743.68 AP-002992b0 7/[412410 PAC[F[C PRODUC`CS AND SEiRVIC$S 4,772.49 .4P-0029926[ 7/{4/201{) PADF::N,PA"'E"RICE 360.00 AP-0U2992b2 7/[4/20{0 YALMER,ANITA 49.00 AF' - OQ2997.G3 7/[4/20[0 PAN, LEO 62.00 !iP - Ci02~,42 64 7%i4/201(1 PA[2TYEkE:, JF?iv[E FZ °9.00 AP-OQ299265 71(4/2010 F'A`FCHETTScASSOCCATES 647.50 AP - 0029926? 7/14/2010 THAN, MF:1 50.00 Ap--002<)9269 7114!2610 G~'IAMUIB7`E,CiENOR.OSO 124110 AP - 00299270 7/I-4/7.0!0 PIRANI EA PC)OL =~ SPA CGNS'FRLCCTORS [NC 250.00 AP - 00299270 7%[=1;°2010 P[R.ANHA PbOC. &c SPA CONSTRUCTORS [NC 300.00 .4P-0029927'! 7;14;20[0 PR.[MEGLASS 188.75 AF-00299272 7%i=4/2010 R.ANDRAUTOMOTCVE L45.34 AP - 00249272 7/ {4/7.010 R AN17 R AUTOMOTIVE 615.54 AP-00299272 7/[=4/2010 RANDRAEITOMOTCVE 46.57 AP - 00299272 7/14/201(} R AN'D R AUTOA-4OTIVE ~ 40.75 A.P - 00299272 7i (412010 RANI> R ALJ`FUMOT[V E 81.56 AF -00299272 7lI4r2010 l2 AN'D R AU'FOi<4OTFVg 245. [d AP - (10299272 7!Isb%2010 R AND R AIJTOMO"I'€VE 5.05 AP -{10299272 7!l4?2010 R AA'D R AU"I'OMOT[VE 33LI0 AP - 00299272 7;14x2010 R ANF} R AEJTOMO'E'EV'E 532.74 AF - 00299272 7;'14120[0 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 60.00 AF - 00299372 7/14{'2010 R. AND R AUTOMOTE VE 339 [ AF - 00299272 7/14/2010 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 680.57 AP-00299272 7/!412010 RAN[,>RAUTOMOTTVE 335.19 OP-00299272 7,'{4;'010 RANDRALJ"E'OhSO"F[VE 47284 AP - 00294271. 7r""14120 LO R AND R AUTO}MOTT,VE 472.04 AP - 00299272 7%14;'_010 A AND R AtJI"(:1MOT[V E 70,00 AP - 00294272 7/14%2010 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 40.75 ,OP - 00299272 7/t4+2010 R ANA R AUTOMOT[VE 909, l 1 A:P - 00299272 7/14/2010 R AND R AIJTOMOTIV'F3 74?. 76 AP - 00299272 7/14%2010 R ANI} R AUTOMOTEVE 521.49 AP - 00299272 7/[4/'2010 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 400.06 .4F'-00299272 7itA2Oi0 RAND R.AtJ'I'OR4OTEVB 309.75 AP-00299272 7/[4/2010 RANDRAUTOMOTIVE 557.65 AP - 00299272 7(! 4/?.0! U R AND R ALIT"OMOT[VE 40.75 AF-40294372 71[4!20{0 RANDRAUT"OMO'CIVE 774.58 AP - 00299272 ?/'L 4!2410 R AND R A1.J`FOMOTRrE 718.66 AP - 00299272 71[4/2010 RAND PZ AL[`['OMO`I"[VE 294.78 AP - Et0299273 7/14/2010 RAGAZA; ELIZAF3E"CPI 97.00 AP-(}tr299275 7;14/20E0 RANCk'aUCL[CAMONGACO&FMCRJf'FYPOUNDA ti0L95 --,-. _ User. l L,OPEZ - V cronica Lopez Page: 7 Current Dace: 07.28'201 Repont:GK_AGENDA REG_PORT"RAI'i' _RC - C1i: Agenda Check Registc; Portrait Layo¢t Time: 14:59:5 Cl'C''Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P-36 Aaentla Ckteck Re>rister 7!14/20'10 through 712772(110 Check Na. Check Dxte Vendor Name Amnunt AP -00299276 7x'14/2(110 RANCI-IO ETIWANDA (185 LL.C 89;590.00 AP -00299278 ',!14!2610 RB~4 LOCK AND KEY SERVICE 19.58 AP -(!0299278 7!L4!2010 RBM LOCK. ANU KEY SERVICE 46-U2 AP-00299280 71'14!2010 RIDGELIN6ROOFING 1,100.00 AP-0029928( 7/14/2610 RMRE~40DEL[NGANUUEVELOPtt4EN'f 3;450.00 .4P-00299281 7it~!3010 RA4Rf:;MODE1_INCiANDDEVELOPR7ENT 2.(35.00 AP -00299282 ?ild2U10 ROAULINE PROD(1CTS [NC 545.71 AP - 00299283 7!14,,"2010 RCJBLES SR, RAC!L. P 105.00 AP - 00299283 7/14/2010 R.OBLES SR, RAIJL P 150.00 AP - 0(1299283 7/Li X010 ROBLES SR, IZAUL P 75-00 AP - 00299283 7/14/2010 ROBLGS SR, RAUL P 75.60 .AP - 00299284 7!14x2010 ROBLES, SAMANTHA. 66.60 AP - 002942ft5 7/14/2010 Rl1BENS AUT"O COLLISION CENTER 2,b4I.61 AP - 00299286 7114/2010 SAFEWAY SIGN COMPANY 669.21 AP - 00249287 7`I=412010 SAN BERNARDINO CUUN'fY SHERIFFS DEPT 10;937.19 AP - 00299288 7x'14!2010 SAN BERNARDINO COl1N-fY 300.00 AP - 00299289 71[4/2010 SC FUELS 3,202.66 AP-00299291 7/t4;2U10 SHAH,AN'V.'AR 1,250.00 AP-002992':2 7/14/2010 5HF.,ARS,Nr\THANIEL 558.00 AP-00299243 7/!4(2010 SIMPLOT'PARTTIERS 1,667.14 AP -00299293 7/14/2010 S[DIPLOT P.AR'i'NERS 4,445.70 .4P - 00299293 7/(4/2(1(0 SIMPLOT PARTNERS ?1(5.19 _ AP-00299293 7/14!20(0 S[btPLO'fPAR'INEEZ5 1,830.L0 AP - 00299294 7x'14!2010 SOCIAL VUC.4TIUNAL SERVFCES !,617.(10 AP - 00299294 7/!4/2010 SOCIAL VOCA"f[ONAL SERVICES 735.00 AP - 00299'295 7/14/'_010 SONS OP ITALY WEST LUUGE N2 127 5UQ(10 AP - 00299298 7!1412010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNG EDIS<)N 38.52 AP-00299298 TI4/2U 10 SOCJTFILRNCALIFORNLAEll[SON 4L[3 .AP - 00299298 7;14/2010 SULPCHERN CAL[F'ORNI,4 ED[SON 20.60 AP-00299298 7.(4/2010 SO(JT-Ht~RNCAL.fFORNFAEDISON 25.33 AP - 00299298 7! V 4/3010 SOLPFHEIZN CALi['ORN1A EUlSON 53.53 AP-00299298 7/Ldl2U16 S<)UT'E[ERNC,'AI,.fFOR,NIAEU[SUN 47.28 AP - 00299298 7; l4%2010 SOU`F'HEI2N C'.;1L.tFORNFA ED[SON 1.9.59 AP - 00299298 7/L4/2010 SOU'fJ-TERN CAI-IFORN[A EDISON S 1.89 AP - 00299298 7!!4/2610 SOUTFIF.:RI4 CAL,FfORNCA EDISON 24.02 AP - 0(1299298 711 h/291(1 SOU"["BERN CALIFORNIA E3DISON 101.91 AP - 60?99298 7/14/2010 SOIJTHEfZ.N CALdFURNFA EUISUN 24.02 AP - 00299^_98 7/14/2016 SOtTHERN CAL.[FORNIA EDISUN 26.38 AP - 00299298 7/!4!2010 SOiTfI{F..KN <:AL[FC)RN[A EU[SON 6658 AP - 00299298 7/14/20!0 SOUTHERN C:ALIFURNIA EUISON 2LI2 .4P - 00299298 7/14/2010 SOCJ'I'HEFiN CALIFORNL4 EDiSON 22.38 !\P - 00299298 7/14/20!0 SOU'fFLERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 75.85 AE' - 00299395 7.!14'2016 SOUTIiF..R.N CALIFORNIA EUISON 29.97 AP - 00299298 7/14/20!(1 SOUTI-IEIZN CALIFORNIA EDISON' 49.97 AP -00299298 7/14(2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.81 AP - OU299293 7/(4!2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 6509.61 AP - 00299295 ?/!4(2010 SUUTL[ERN CALIFORM.A Ell[SON 39.19 AP - 00299298 7/14;2010 SOUT}FERN C.4L(FORN[A EDISUN 49.03 AP -00244298 7/14!2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 65.83 AP - 00299248 7/!4!2010 SOCITHE2N CALIFORNIA EU[SON 165.86 AP - 00299298 7(14/2010 SUU'fHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 193.20 AP-00299298 7/14/2010 SULJTHERNCAL[FORNIAEUISON 2Lf( AP - 00299298 7/14,'2(110 SOU'CF(ERN CALIFORNIA EUISUN 57.04 AP - 00299298 7114/2010 SOUTHERN C.AL[FORNL4 EDISON 5S.7I Uscr: VLOPEZ - 4'eronica Lopez Page: 8 - Current Date: 07'28(201 ReporLCK_.4GF.ND.A_ RE<i_PORTRAIT _RC - CK.: Agenda Checl: Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:59:5 Ct7'Y OF tiANCHO CUCa!VtONGA P-37 A~eada Check tie~ister 7;14x6 r 6 rhroagh 9/zr, 2010 Check No. Check Llate VenAor Name .Amount AP - 00299298 7i 1412010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 21.64 AP - 00299298 7/14/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 99.96 AP - 00299298 7/14/2010 SOUTEERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19,968.24 AP - 06299298 7/14/2010 SUIfI'EFERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~?•22 AP-0(7299298 7i[<t/20l0 SOUTFIERNCALIFORNIAEDFSON 40.40 AY - 00299298 7i'I4i201(I SOUTFIER,N CALIFORNL4 EDISON 21.34 AP - 0(1299293 714/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 7,027.21 4P - 00299298 7/14/2010 SO(.fTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 64.7- AP-00''99395 7/f4/2010 SOUTIiERNCALIFORNIAEDISON 21.54 AP-60299298 1114/2(710 SOUTI{ERNCALIFORNI.4F-DISON 43.1.7 AP-00299293 7/14/20(0 SO(ITE{ERNCALIFOR.NIAED[SON 41.8? .4P - 00299298 7/14/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFO[NIA EU[SON 23.30 AP • 00299298 7/1.4/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 50.95 .4P-06299298 7/14,'2010 SOU'I'E{ERNCALIF'ORNCAED[SON 9?~28 AP-00299298 7114/20!0 SOUTHERNCALIFORNCAEDISON 24.02 AP-00299298 7'14!3010 SOUTHF..P.NCALIFORN[AED[SON 23.30 AP-00299295 7%14/2616 SOUTHERNCA(.1FORN[AEDISOA' 20.35 AP - 66299298 7/14/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.02 AP - 66299298 7/! 4/2016 SOUTHERN CALIFORM?- EDISON f 9?.95 AP - 60299298 "x,'1412010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON ~ 121 AP - 00299293 ?/14/2016 SOU'T`HERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 23.30 AP-00299295 "'14/261.0 SUUTHERNCA[.,IFORNIAED[SON 23.30 AP - 06299298 7!1-1;2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19398 AP - 00299295 ?%14h010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA.ED[SON 74.51 AP - 00299298 7/l4/2010 SOUTI TERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 7(,AO AP-(10299298 7/14/2610 SOIITFIERNCALIFORNFAEDISON 4?-43 AP - 00299298 7/14/2016 SOCJTF{ERN C.4L[PORNIA EDISON 26.38 :1P - ((0299298 7i 14!21116 SOUTFIER;'V CALIFORNIA EDISON 372.59 AP - 00299248 7114!2616 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.1.2 AP - (76299298 7r 14/2010 SOUTHP.,RN (:AL[FORNIA EDISON 257.70 AP - 00299298 7!14/2010 SOCPI'FL1RN <;AL[hOItN1A F3DISON 423.81 AP -06249298 7/14/2010 SOCI'I7IGRN CAC,(FCICLNIA EDISON 2134 .AP -00'299298 7/14/2010 SOC77'E1ERN C~LdFORN1A EbtSON 20.38 AP - 60299298 7/14/2010 SOII'I'EfERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.D2 AP - 66299298 7,14/2010 SOU'I'1-IEilLy C.AL.IPOIiN1A EDISON 712.49 AI? -00299298 7.1'1/201.0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA F_DLSO,N 78.19 AP-(76299298 71141?61.0 SO{1"Ik{F;KN<lAL[FORNIAEDISON 159.55 AP - 00299298 7/1.4/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.97 AP-(70299298 9!(4/2010 SOU'I"HEIZ:NC.ALIFORNIAED[SON '8.4-'l A:P - 00299298 7' L4!2016 SOUTHERN CALIFOR.NFA EDISON 24.24 AP - 00299298 7/14/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.02 AP - 00299298 7/14120[0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Z.57 AP - 06299298 7/14/2010 SOU"CHERN CALiFURN1A ED[SON 23.10 AP-00299298 7/14/2010 SOU"I'EIEIZNCAL[FORN[AED(SUN 21.96 AP-00299298 7/14/2010 SOUTHERNCAL[FURNLAEDISO;.I 21.33 AP-00299298 7/14/2010 SOU"FE[ERNCAL[FORN[AEDISON 24.02 AP -60299298 ?/14/2010 SUCJ"IEiERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 27.23 AP - 00299298 7/14/20 t6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 6D{SON 47.76 AP - 00299298 7!14/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.24 AP - 00299298 7/14/2010 SOl iTI-{ERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON ~ 10.04 AP - 00299298 7114/201.0 SOUTF{ERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 2638 AP - (10299298 7/14/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 85.72 AP - 00299298 7/14/2010 SOUTHERN CA[,IFORNTA EDISON 20.38 .AP - 00299298 1114!2610 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.02 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 9 Carrent Date: 0?/28/261 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA!' f_RC - CK: Agenda Check Re~risrer Portrait La~ou~ Time: 14:59:5 CITY OF' ItA~?CgiO CUCAI4SONGA P-38 A!>encEa Check Register 7i742oto &souen ?27izolo Check No. Check Date' Vendor Name ~ Amount AP - 00299298 7!'1.4(2010 SOUTHERN CAL[FORNIA EDISON 2?.33 :1P - 00299293 7/14,2010 SOUTHERN C.4C[FORNI,4 EDISON 20.80 AP - 00299298 7i 14/201.0 SOU''HERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 53.25 AP - 00299298 7/14/2010 SOUTHERN CALCFOR,N[.4 EDISON 8.67 AP-00299298 7/14;2010 SOtITHERNCAL[FORN[.AEDISON 2L11 .4P -00299298 7,'(4/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 27.54 AP-00299298 7%L4;2010 SOUTF[ERNC.4LIFORNIAED[SON 4L13 AP - 00299298 7/14.!3010 SOCI'1'HERN CALLFORNIA EDESON 39.23 AP - 00299298 ;/L4!2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNLA ED[SON 97.69 AP - 00299298 7/(4/3010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNLA EDISON 72,74 AP - 00299298 7/L4/20I0 SGU'CHF,RN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2(.85 AP-00299298 7iI4201U SOUT'?-FERNC::~L[FORNIAED(SON 57.87 AP - 00299298 i/14(2010 SOU'T'HERN t:ALIFORN[A EDISON 23.30 AP - 00299298 7/[4/3010 SOIJ'PI-TERN CAL:[FORN[A ED[SUN 2h.71 AP - U0299298 7/1=6/2010 SOUTHERN CALEFORN[A ED150N 7,213.48 AP-00299'298 7/14/2010 SOCf'FF-IERNCAC.,IPORN[AED[SON 49.04 _ AP - 00299"'98 7/14/2010 SOUTHERN GAL[FORNIA EDISON 30.31 AP-00299298 7/14/2010 SOUTHER:NCALIFURNLAED[SON 5,208.52 Ai? - 00299298 7/ I4120I0 SOUTHERN CAL[FORNIA E'}FSON 38. (7 AP - 00299299 7/14/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 29.10 AP - 00299299 7114/201(7 SOU"CHER,N CALI'FORN[A ED[SON 54A9 AP - 00299299 7%l4/2010 SGUTHERN CALIFORNLA ED[SON 30.22 AP - 40299299 7(14;2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNC4 EDISUN 440.39 AP - 00299299 7!74/21)10 SOUTHL-.R,N CALIFORNIA EDISON 245.09 AP - 00299299 7/14;2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDESON 78.5: AP - 00299300 7/14/2010 SPAGNOLO, SAM 114.75 AP - 00294300 7/(4/2010 SPAGNOLO, SAivt 45.00 AP-0029930( 7%14/2010 STOVERSEEUCOhiPANY ~ 3,757.88 AP - 00299303 7!14201 U STRATACOM 28.00 AP - 00299303 7r 14/2(110 ST?IART DEAN ENC 4,998.00 AP-00299304 7!(412010 SUNST:4TEEQU[PN4ENT'COMPANYLLC 2,024.71 AP - 00299305 7/14!2010 SUTHAR, CHRISTINE 9.00 AP - 00299306 7174;'2010 S\VANK MC}TEON PICTURES [NC'. 32L00 AP - 00299301 7114,'2010 T'JAKRAWINATA, ADE 54.OG AP - 00299308 7,'Lt!2010 T'MAD TAYLOR &. GAITdES 24,960.00 AP - 00299309 7/14;2010 TOMARK SPORTS 1NC 792.09 .4P-00299310 i/14/20(0 "('RENCHSHGRINGCOMPANY 3;895.43 AP - D0299311 711.1/2010 TRINIDAD, RIO 500.00 AF' -00299312 7/14/2010 UN[F[RS1' UNIFORM SERVICE 855-25 AP - 00299312 7/14/7010 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 40.00 AP - 00299312 7/14/2070 UNCFIRST UNIFOFZtvI' SERVICE 23.50 AP - 00299312 7/I4/20I(1 UNIFIRS'P E.IMFORD7 SERV[CE 115.90 AF' - 002993 t3 7,'14/2010 CINI'SOURCE WOkLDWTDE. LNC 6((5.24 AP-D0299315 7/t41201(I (JPS 2L30 AP-00299316 ?;14/201.0 UT[ !,191.10 AP-00299316 7/14/2010 lJT[ 1,080.30 .QP-00299317 7/14•,`2(170 VENDUCOMPANY 108.(}? AP - 00299319 7!14/2010 VEND U COMPANY 45.18 AP - 00399318 7/14/2010 VILLENAS, FAB[.AN 17.25 AP-00299319 7/14/20(0 b'U,TUANANH 54-00 AP - 00299320 7!1.4/2070 R!ALLIN HEATING :\ND a[R. DONALD E l 1,S00A0 AP - 00299321 7/14/2010 N'ALTERS R%HOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 24.93 AF - (1029932 t 7/(4120 t0 W ALTERS 0.'[-TOLES 4LE ELECTRIC CO 58.83 AP -00299322 7i 14/2010 WA?i[E SANITARY" SUPPLY 70.89 User. VCOPEZ-Veronica Lopez Page: f0 Current. Daie: OZ`28%201 Repo rt:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Registar Ponraic Layout Time: 14:59:1 CITY OP" RANCHO CUCAMONGA P-39 Agenda Check Recicter 7!(4,!2010 throun~ 7r2i2010 Check No. Check Qate Vendor Name :!mount AP - 00299322 71142010 WAXIE SANFT:\RY SUPPLY 26 ~9 AP - 00249322 7/14.12010 W'AX[E S:~NITARY SUPPLY '2E.23 AP-00299322 7/L4/2010 WAXIESANIT.4RYSUPPLy 24235 AP-00299322 7i14i20(0 WAXIE SANITARI'SUPPLy (,022.94 AP-00299323 7i14r20f0 WEST SANITATIONSERV[CES[NC 328.50 AP-00299324 7/!4!2010 WESTRUXIN"IERN.4T[ONALINC 2200.34 AP-00299325 7iI=I/2(310 W'Hl'CEM1IAN;OL,FVIA 275.00 AP-0029932E 7;142010 WON;SUNKYUNG 50.00 AP - 00299327 7; [M20(0 WORSHIP FN TKUTH COLIC 68.00 AP - 0(1299329 ?/14i2010 1'OUBAR !,052.99 AP - 00299330 7,'14!2010 ZAROC)R, MA:NAL SO.OU AI~' - 04299331 7/14/2010 ZEE A4ED[CAL INC 470.90 AP-00299334 7/14/2010 AGUIE,ERA-ISAIAH 7$.00 AP -Ci0299334 7/!4/2010 AG(111_ERA, [SACAH 7R-OU AP-00299334 7!L4/2U14 AGUILERA,ISAIAH 78A0 AP - 04299334 7!14!2410 t1CiC1[LERA, ISAIAH 75.04 AP - 40299334 7/14/2410 AGU[LF,RA,ISA[AC{ 75.00 AP - O029f1",36 7/1 d/2410 ALL DATA SERVICES 1::44AO AP - 00299337 7i 14%2014 ASi;E 50.00 .4P-04299338 7;14/2010 ASSIST.ANCELEAGCBOFEOOTH[L,LCOMMUNI 1;988.00 AP - 00299341 7/14!2010 CALIFORNIA FRANCFllSE TAX BOARD 25.00 .4P - 00299342 7/142010 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 27.23 AP - 00299343 7/!4/2010 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 50.00 AP - 00299344 7/142(110 CALIFORNIA FRANCI{ISE T.4X BOARD 331.33 AP - 00299345 7/!4:'2010 CALCFORN[.4 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 150.00 .4P-00299346 7!14(2010 CARGANILLA,PA[!L 350.00 AP - 0(1299347 7/(4!2014 CERTCFION CORPORATION DBA/ENTERSECI' 3,059.40 AP - (10399350 --1!!4!2010 CHILD SUPPORT ETdFORCEMl'NT DIVISION 175.00 AP - 00299351 7/14r'20I0 CL,4BBY, SANDRA. 1,404.00 AP - 00299352 7/14/2010 CONTINF,NTAL AMERICAN INSURANCE., COM:P1 115.97 AF'-00299352 7/!5!2014 CON'TINEN'tAL.AMERIC.4N[NSUR.4NCECOMPi 16.39 AP-00299354 7/14/2010 DIAB4ONDENVIRONMENTALSERVICE5 622.87 AP - 04299355 7/!4/2014 DUNIPACE. THERESA 280.00 AL' - 4(')299357 7;14/2010 FLAG 6YS'C"EMS tNC. 3,A04.08 A,P - 04299358 9/14/2010 C.R-,ENN M[i::LER PRODUCI'IO'NS INC. 800-00 AP-00299359 7/14!2010 GRANT [FLVINCEN"F 78.00 AP - 04299359 7!14/2010 URAN'F III, VINCENT 78.00 AP-00299359 7%C4.i2010 <iR.ANTIFI. VINCENT 78.00 AP - 00299359 7/142010 GR,4NT Il[, VINCENT 73.00 AP - 00299359 7/!4/2010 GK:WT IIL VINCENT 78.40 4P - 00299360 7!11/2010 HAMILTON, SANDRA 50.04 AP - 00299361 7/14,'2010 [-IOW'ARD, ZACHARY 100.40 AF' - 4029936 f 711 412 0 1 0 HO41'ARD. ZACHARY 110.50 AP-00299361 7/!4/2014 HOW'ARD,7_:\CF[.ARY 84.50 :1P - 00299363 7/!4,'2(110 INCA THE PERUVL4N MUSIC & DANCE ENSEMI 2;004.(10 AP - 00299364 7/14.-20!0 INLAND FATR HOUSING AND MEDIATION BOAT 12.50 ,4P-00299365 7i14/24f0 FNTERNALREVENUESERVICE '5.00 AP-00299366 7i(4/2010 KKWOODWORKING 232.73 AP - 04299367 7!14/2010 KB HOME 1;000.00 AP - 00299368 7/!4!2010 [{LAGS AND SONS 2,EI8.40 :1P - 002993E8 7/142010 [4LAUS AND SONS 5,70(1.00 AP - 00299368 7/14/2010 KLAUS AND SC3NS ~ 340.00 .4P - 002993!>8 i/!4!2010 KLAUS AND SONS 644A0 AP - 00299:368 7/14/2010 KLAUS AND SONS ~ 6,200.00 User. VLOPEZ Veronica Lopez Page: 11 Current Date: 07,28 201 k2cPort:C;K_AGENDA_ REG_POR'T'RAC'I '_RC - CK: Aaeada Check Register Poitrnit Layout Time: L4:59:5 CI'CY OF RANCFIO CLTCAMCDNf:A P-40 4zienda CF~eck I~eaister 7/14/2010 throueh 7/27x2010 Check ^Io. Check IAate Vendor 1\'ame Amount AP-60299364 ?!'14J20I0 KOR.4NDACC7NSTRUCT[ON 6,517.(10 AP-00299;71 7/!4/2010 LOCK\VOOD,DEBRA 1,500.00 AP - 002993',2 7{14/2010 b~LAD[LYN CLARK S'FUDIOg 120.00 A.P-00299373 7/14{2010 ivtE'TRUPOLITAN WATERDISTRICE L,351.48 AP-0(7299375 7/[4/20(0 OC~'LSSE-PC?C 30.(10 AP-00299377 7/14/20(0 PAL CAMPAIGN 82.00 AP - 00299378 7i 14/2010 PAR'I'4 PCIPPET, THE 237.50 AP-00299378 7/td/20E(I I'AR"i,'YPLIPPET,THE 287.56 AP -002993R0 7lC4x20L0 PRE-PAID LEGAL SEKVI'CES INC F98.09 AP - 00249380 71t4x361q PktE-PA[D I'..EGAL SERVICES INC L 1.40 A,P - 00299381 7,'!4/2010 PROTRCT[ON DES[ON & C:ONSLfLTTNG 50.00 AP-00299381. 7;(4/20(0 PROT6C'CIGNDESIGNl;SCONSCJLTING 50.00 AF - 00299383 71(4/2010 RANCHO CUCAbtONGA EX.PLOREI2 POST 501 8,000.00 AP -00299384 7/14/2010 RBM LOCK AND KE',Y SERVICE 51.61 AP-00299385 7/14/2010 RCPI'A 9,121.67 AP-00299386 7{14!2010 SANI3ERNARDINGC'OCJN"I'Y ~ ?,9'{0.76 AP-00299388 7,'(4!26((1 SECOt.INTY"FIREDL;PT 4,58L00 ,4P - 00299"a88 7%14;2(1 IO SB COCtNTY FIRE DEPT 657.00 ;iP-60299354' ^!; 4i^Oi1 S::PEA ?1294 AP-00299390 7%14%2010 SFfERIFFSCOURTSERVIC)iS 150.00 AP-0029439{ 7/14{2010 SHERIFFSCOUR,TSE.RV[CES 150.00 AP - 00299342 1!14%2010 S"CANLEY CGNVERGEN'I' SECGT~ITY 5(3LC!'CIGN 68135 AP -00299392 7;14/2010 S"FANI,EY CGNVERGEN"1' SECURC-CY S{)LUTION 755.88 AP-0(1299343 7/{4/2010 S'I'ERICYCLEFNC 599.16 AP - 00299393 7,'(4;2{):0 STLRICYCLE INC 522.57 AP-(10299394 7/(4!2010 STOFA,3OSEPE[ 12.00 AP - 00299365 7lt4/2010 S\k'ANK MO'FK)N PICTURES INC. 82(00 AP -(70299396 7x'f 4J2010 "CHEATRK;AL L(GHTCNG h'< SCENIC SEP.VK;Ey L 686. E's :1P-00299398 7/11.'2010 T(1TT,[vtAND1Sq 26.74 AP-00299399 7!14.120(0 UNITED WAY ~ 264.07 AP - 00299399 7{14;2010 CINIT'EI7 W_Ay 11.00 AP - 00294402 7/14{(010 VERIZGN 36.27 AP-00299402 7!14.!2010 VEiI'L[ZON 18.84 AP-00299402 7x14{20!0 VL-RIZON 18.31 AP-002994472 7;14!3010 VER[ZON 3,310.81 xtP -00299402 7:1412010 VF;RIZON 115.85 AP - 00299402 7if 4/2010 VERIZGN ~ 41.63 AP - 00299.102 7/14/2010 VI3RIZON 99.34 AP - 00299402 ?/! 4!:.010 VERZGN ~ 49.(17 AP-00299402 7/{4/20(0 VERIZGN 99.60 AP-00299402 7!14!20(0 VfiRt2ON 37.70 AP-007.99402 7!;4x2010 VERIZGN 3742 AP - 60299402 "?.'1412010 VERIZGN ` 42.80 Af'-00299402 7%14/2010 VERIZGN 42.80 AP - 00299402 7/14/2010 VFiR.1.IGN ~ 43.44 AI' - 00299402 7/14!2010 VET.RIZC7N 486.87 AP - 00299402 '/14/2010 VER.IZUN 1 R.26 AP-00299402 7/(4/2616 V"ERL7UN ~ {41.75 .4P - 00299402 ',144%2010 VER[ZON 45.43 AP - 00299402 7%1412010 VERIZGN 189.78 AP-00299402 711.<ir20F4 VERI7_ON 77.59 AP - 0(1299402 7!14{'2010 VERIZGN 1,535.80 AP-002994()2 x'14!<Ol0 VSRCON 8051 AP - 00299402 7!t 4!2010 VERI'LUN -- --- 36.27 -- - User. 4 LGPEZ - 4 er anica Lopez Page: I2 Curs ent Bate: 07/28/201 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAI"I _RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portraiii Layairt Time: 14:59:5 C['1'Y (~r' RANCHO CUCA.MQ~i'GA P-41 Aeenda Checlz Itegistee 7/14/2010 throw<zh 7i27/201U Check No, Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-(10299402 711.4/2010 VERIZON 41.65 AP - 00299402 7!14!2010 VERIZ.ON 39.60 AP-DU299402 7.!1.4/2(!10 VER.IZON 37.70 :1P-00299442 7/(412010 VER[ZON 47.86 AP-00299402 7iLd/2010 VERI'7_ON 188.70 AP-00299402 7114,"1010 VF.RIZ,ON 42.50 AP - (10299402 7/14/201.0 VBRILON ?9.05 AP - 0U299A02 7/!4!201 D VERIZON 43.44 \.P - 00299402 ~ 7i (4r'2010 VHRIZON 79,12 AP-00299402 7/14/2003 VERIZON 7S.'_5 AP - 00299402 7/14/2010 VERIZON 41.63 AP-D02994D2 ?!14;2010 VERIZON 7252 AP-00299402 7!!4/2010 VEKIZ,ON 36.89 AP - 00299402 7/14i201D VER.IZON 23.68 AP-UO^_99402 7/14/2010 VERt7-ON 18-32 AP-00299402 7/14/2010 VERf7_ON '_0.10 AP-00299402 7/t4/2U10 VER.[ZON 37.70 AP.- 00299402 7;14,'2010 VERIZON 36.27 AP -v0299402 7114/2010 VEREZON' 8 L34 ;1P - 00299402 7/!4/2010 VERIZON 42.78 AP - 00299402 7i 14!7.010 V ERIZON 42.78 AP - 00399402 7/14/3010 VERIZON 20. i 0 AP-00299402 7/14/2010 VF..R[LON 374.69 AP - 40399402 7!14x2010 vER17.ON 36.53 AP-00299402 7x'1412010 VERIZON 88.85 AP - 00299402 7/14/2010 VEI2.[ZON 48.16 AP-00299402 7/14/2010 VERIZON 4S.1G AP-00299402 71td/2010 VERIZON 4137 AP-00299402 7/14!201D VERVUN 145.04 r1P-00299402 7!!4!2010 VER[ZON 41.65 AP-00299402 7,'14%20](1 VEEtIZON 112.25 AP - 00299402 7! L4/20 (0 VERT/-ON 370.72 4P - 00299402 7/14!2010 VEIt.IZON ifi.85 AI'-00299403 '7/14/2010 WAL:L'ER8.1.[SA 2,040.00 AP-00299405 7114'201(1 7..ONNF-.VILi;E,itACH[:L ISOAQ AP - 00299406 7!15/201(1 A,LLIAN'[' INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 2,78125 AP-00299407 7%lSi~0lO ABCL,OCKSMT"LF{S 8.70 AP - 00299407 7/15/2010 ABC LOCI{StvTIT'I3S 54.38 .4f'-04299407 7/I5!2DIU ABCL.OCK'SbtITHS t,U37.48 AP - 00299407 7; 15/2410 'ABC LOCKSMIT'H$ 1,404.00 .4P - 00299408 7/15!2010 B AND K f.LEC"I'RlC WHO[.ESAL.E 94494 AP -00299408 7/l5/2UI0 B AND K EL,EC'[RIC WEIOLBSALE 26.10 .4P - 00299408 7; L5,'"_410 B .AND K. ELECTR.LC WTIOLESAL.E 37L27 AP - 00299408 7'15/201(1 BAND K. ELECTRIC WF-IOLESALF, k 1699 AP-(10299409 7/15!2UIU BRUDARTBOOK$ 9.02 AP - 002y9409 7!(>/2010 BRODART BOOKS , 9.02 AP-00299409 7/15;2010 BROD.4RT'BOOKS 3.G0 AP - 00299409 ?~'t 5/2D 10 BROUART BOOKS 60.G6 AP - 00299449 7i (512010 BROD.4RT' BOOKS 28.23 AP - 00299409 7/I Sn_010 BRODART BOOKS 28.R2 r1P-40299409 7x15/20)D BRODARTBOOKS 2L77 .AP - 00299409 7/!5!2010 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP-OG2994I0 7/LSl2010 EMCORSERV[CE 2,80030 AP - 00299410 7/15;2010 EMC"OR SERVICE 1,4G4.00 User: VLOPEZ-Veronica Lopez Page: 13 Current Date: 07/28/~Ol Report:CK_,4GEND:4_ REG_PORTttAIT _RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Tirrte: I4S9:5 C:iTI' OF RANCHO CUCAI~YONGp P-42 Arrenda Clteck Re~~ister 7/14/20(0 through 7/27/2(JIO Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-00299410 7/15201.0 EMCORSERVICE 844.00 AF - 00299410 7/!5/2010 EMCOR SERVICE 5 956.35 AP-!!0299410 7%15!'2010 EMCORSERV[CE IQG42..55 AP - 00299410 7,~15,'2010 EMCOR SERVICE l7,186.73 AE'-00299411 7i15/2U10 HOI_LID:4YROCKCOINC 1,193.68 .4P - (?029941 I 7!i 5/2010 I10[.LIDAY ROCK. CO INC 50.00 AP - 0029941.1 7115!2010 HOLL(DAY ROCK CO lNC'. 100.00 AP - 0029941 I 7!15!201(1 HOL.LIDAY ROCK CO [NC 568.00 AP - 00299411 7!15%2010 HOLLID.4Y ROCK CU INC 540.74 AP - 002994 f I 7/1 5120 1 0 t~OLLIDAY RUCK CO INC 46fi.55 AP-0029941.1 7/lii20{0 HOL.LIDAYROCKCOINC; 430.55 AP - CK12994 ! I 7fl 5;2010 HOLL[DAY ROCK CO INC 89b.95 AP-00299411 7.!(5~Z010 (fUl-,LIDr1YROCKCOlNC 200.00 .4P - 00299412 7115;2010 E[YDRUSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 106.58 AP - 00299414 7/!5!2010 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLU"PIONS USA 1,555.00 .4P - 00299414 7i'l5/2010 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOL.U"f1UNS USA 12.00 A.P - 00299416 7/I5/2010 NEC UN'IF[ED SOLUT10N5 INC 649.00 AP-00299417 7/t5/20L0 REPUBLICCCS 1,140.77 AP-002994{7 7!15/2010 RL-PUBLICITS 47013 AP-00299417 7!li(2010 REPUBLIC ITS 759.88 AI'-fl0299417 7!15!2010 REFUBLICITS 652.90 .4P - 00299417 71151 2010 REPUBLIC !"[S 501.40 AP - 00299417 7:'15!2010 REPUBLIC 1'[S 539.01 AP - 003994 U 7/I5/2010 REPUBLIC CCS 375.42 AP-002994(7 7!t~!2010 REPL(BL[CITS 1,714.41 AP-00299417 7/L5:'"2010 REPUBLIC ITS 4,223.03 AP-00299417 7!15/2010 REPUBLIC ITS ~ 572=(0 ,4P - 402994(7 is IS/2010 REPUBLIC ITS ~ 7021 AP - 00299417 7;15/3010 REPIJBLFC ITS 444.99 AP - 00299417 7!15/2010 REPUBLIC (T'S 638.(18 AP - 00249417 7115(3010 REPUBLIC ITS 220.00 ,4P - 00299417 ?/li2010 REPUBLIC ITS 3,923.38 AP-00299}I7 7/!.1.!2010 REPC(F3LICC[S 3;710.24 AP - 0029941 i 7; L5%2010 REPUBLIC [TS 4,028.90 AP - 00299417 7!1512010 REPUBLIC (TS 883.03 AP - 00299417 7/li!2U 10 REPUBLIC 1TS 1,600.00 AP - 00299417 "!/1512010 REPUBLIC ('I'g (,275.00 t1P - 00299417 7/1512010 REPUBLIC 1"[S 550.(11 AP-00299418 7!15/2010 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 677.85 .4P-0029941R 7/15/2010 'CRUGREF.N1...4NDCARE 2,03(1.91 4P-00299418 7i15r2010 TRUGREEN LANDCARE ??59.44 :4P - 00299418 7!15!2010 'fRUGR.EEN LANDCARE 90.89 .4P-00299418 7/l5/2U10 1'RIIGRBENLANDC.ARE 340.66 AP - 00299418 7,!15/2010 TRUGREEN LANDCARE (1.727.32 .4P - 002994!8 7;15;2010 TRUGRF.F_N LANDCARF. 376.29 AP-002994[R 7/15120(0 TR:(JGREENL,4NDCARE 8,[76.40 AP-00299418 7/15/2(110 TR[JGREENLANDCAR.E 9,543.45 AP-002994(3 7/15/2010 TRIJGREENL.4NDCARE 84.43 .4P-002994 L8 7/I5/2U 10 `I"RCIGREENLANDCARE 90.13 AP - 00299418 7! (5!2010 TRUGREEN LANDCARF.. 684.97 AP-00299418 7115;2010 TRCJGREENLANDCARE 3,142.68 AP -00299419 7/15/2010 WSA US CrUARDS CO [IVC 5,643. L2 AP - 002994/9 7!1.51?01.0 WSA US GE.I.4RDS CO INC 1,804.20 AP - 00299419 7/ f 52010 WSA lIS GUr1RC)S CO [NC 4,244.96 User. ~ LOPEZ -1 c E on ica Lopez Page: l4 Cu rt ent Date: 07178'20 F2eport:CK_.4GENDA R EG_POR'fR.~[T' _RC' - C;I{: Agenda Checi< Register Pottrait I-aynut Time: 14:59:5 CI'CY OF` 62t3NCHfl CUCAM~NGA P-43 AEsenda Check Itef*_ister 7!14/2010 drrou2h 7/27/2010 Chec(cNu. Checkl?atc VendnrName Amonnt AP - UO299419 7ll.i,/20 tU V,7SA US GUARDS CO INC 1.9"s3U AP - 00299419 7;15;20 t0 WSA US GUARDS CO MC 6,529.b9 Ap-00299420 7!1~?OtU AL3CLOCIiSn4iT1IS 50~~3 AP - 00299421 7/15%2010 1lU'IFL.ECObf 4,04222 AP-00299422 7 2I/20(0 25DOI-LARPLU`MI3tNCrf{ti,0.TING~AIRCONDt' 4,525.OU AP - 00299423 7(2112010 AC:EY DI:°;CY EQUIPMENT [NC. 2,747.53 AP-00299424 7;21120(0 AGCICLISRA,ISAiAH 104.00 AP-0029<)424 7121%2010 AGCIII.EAA;ISALAFI 104.00 AP - OU299424 7/221201.0 AGUCLERA, ISAIAH 104A0 AP-0029942A 7/21/2010 AGi,JIL,ERA,ISAIAH !04.00 AP-00299424 7/21/2010 AGUILE,R,A,iSAtAI-1 104.00 AP - 00299427 7l2 V2010 ALL CUET DING 170.00 AP-00299428 7%21;2010 AI.PHA("iRAPI-LC(:0 38.37 .4P - 00299429 7:2 i /?()10 A1riER iCAN R.OT'ARY I)ROOiv£ CO. INC. 381.30 AP -00299430 7!2t%ZOlO AIVIERINATIUNAL COhiMLiNI'I'Y SERVICES iNC. 66.50 AP - 0029943 L 72 U20i 0 ARAMARK. [.JNIE'GRM SER:VICF:S 6.70 AP-00299431 7r2U20[U ARAbIARICUNIFC)RMSBRVIC;ES 6,70 AP - 00299433 7/21/20?A APB C INSTE'CUTE OP CALIFORN[A-INLAND Et~liP[ 2,000.00 AP - 60299434 7i3V20 t O ASi'Ai ! ~ 19.00 AP-Ci0299435 7/21/2010 AU'I-ORES'CORATORSCNC 1,1335.20 AP-002994:16 7/31PZOIO BARBAFtA'SAABWERINGSERVYCE ?72.00 AP -00299437 '7121/20?U BARTOLINI, EDIVARI) 10.00 AP-00299499 7/21;3010 BERN:IRD.7ERESv1Y ?,045.50 AP-00299440 7i2t12(t1U I3F_RNARD,JESSICANASH (,045.50 AP-002494Ri 7/21!20 L0 BLsiCK1•iAN,HAII,E 800.00 AP - 00299442 7/31!20 t0 Cit)NGARDE L{OLDINC;S [NC. 3 70.50 AP-00299444 7/21./20(0 BOLrVARD,MAR[A 45.00 Ap-00299445 7!2II20iU BUt~UE'I',CHARLES 85.00 AP-00299446 7/2l/201{) 3IISINE5S2i P1;BL[SIIiPdG 989.97 AP - 00294447 7!21/20 i 0 (:r1L PERS 1'_ONCi "GERM Cr\RE 6>6-i8 AP-002994x9 7!2112010 CALIP012NIAL[E3RARYASSOCIATION 165.00 r1P-00299450 7171/20(0 C,4IrRCBM 175.00 AP-00299A5; 712(/2010 CARDENAS,SE:RGIO - 15.(}0 AP - 00299451 7%3U30 f0 CARI)EN.4S, SERGIO 25.00 :aP-00299452 7121/2Q10 CATHY,IENNIPF3R SOHO AP - 00299453 7/21x2010 CDtr+'-(; 1,730.00 AP-00299453 7/2!/2010 CDW-G ~ d2-82 AP-00299453 7/21x2010 CDW-G 216.92 AE' - 00299454 7/212(} 10 CHAFFEY UNION IfIGH SCHOOL. DISTRICT - 40,000.00 91' - 002944;15 7t21i~O10 CHANG. DAVID 60.00 AP - 00299456 7;2 U20IU C'LER.K OI. THE BOARD 50.00 AP-002994>7 7121(2010 COA5TRECREATIONINC 1,(10(.76 AF - 00299457 7/2 V2UtU COAST RECREATION INC 147.85 AP - (?0299457 7/21/2010 COAST RECREA'F[ON ENC 2,265.41 AP - 00299458 7/21!2(110 CONCEF'P POVv'DER COATING 60.00 AP - 00249460 ',/21!201(1 CPRS 140AO .4P-00299461 '?/21/2010 - DESER,ABIGACL 1,333.00 AP - 002994!12 7;21;201(1 DIAMOND ENVIRONRIF.NTAL SEftViCL-S 21.2.59 AP-(10299462 7%211'010 DiAMONDENVIRONR•IEN'CALSERVICES 622.87 AP - 00299,63 72U20t0 D(:fNN, ANNE MARIE 239.70 AP - (10299465 712[12(110 ES[ ACQUISET7ONS iNC 9,809.00 AP - 00249466 "7,'2112010 FARLEY, Y'VONNE 92.00 AP-00294467 7~?I./2010 Fr15TENALCOMPANy 75.7( AP - 0029940'7 7/21;2010 FASTENAL COMPANY ~ 19.07 User: VLC)PEZ -Veronica Lopez Pa;,re. "t5 Careen( Date: 0728/201 ReportrC.K- AGENDA_ REG_PORTfLAIT _ R.C - CK: Agenda Check Register PoRra[t Layout ~ 'Eimer 14:59:5 CI'TE' OF RANCHO CUCAi410NC:A P-44 Af*enda CPtcck Re~icter 7i 141201 U through 7;27%2010 Check No. Check llate VenAor Name .Amount AP - 00299468 7!302010 G & J .41RCRAFT ~ 103.31. AP - 00299469 7/21/201 U GENTRY, DONALD A 1,543.?5 AP - (!0299470 7/2 U2U LO GE?s4NT III, VINCENT 104.00 AP-00299470 7!202010 GRANT Hi, VTNCENT 1D4.UU AP-OU^--99470 7/21/2010 GKANTIt1.VtNCENT 104.110 AP-00299470 7/21;2010 GRr1NTt[LVINCEN'I' IU4.00 AP - 00299470 7/2 V2U10 GRAN'T' RI, VINCENT 104.00 AP-09299471 7;2112010 HARALAMBOSBEVERAGECOMPt1Nl' 379.15 AP-D0299472 7''?1/2(110 IiARTICIC,Cf1RlST[NA 100,00 .AP - tJ0299473 712 03010 FTEALY, SUZANNE- 52.00 AP-00299474 7121/20€0 HILL„KIESg 50.00 AP - 04299475 7r'21/3010 HOL~7", ICATHL6'EN L, 150.00 A P- 00299476 7Y2 T/`201 0 I [OhiCE R i:.AND L,LC 100.00 AP - 00299477 712 t/2(110 HOOKER. MICHAEL 666.00 AP-U029947R 7/21/2010 F1OP, DO.AN 50.06 AP - 00299479 7/21/2010 HOSE M.4N LNC b7f)0 AP-00299480 7/1.1/'2010 FiOR%ARD,Z.AC'I{ARY 80A0 AP -00299480 7%21/2010 F[OWARD, ZACHARY 80.00 AP-OG299480 7/2l/20f0 FiO~A%ARD,ZACHARY 8v"•UO AP - 0929948 t 7r2 U2Ut O I A A P 128A0 AP = 00299482 721/2010 INLAND GREEN P.4STURESCHURCH 100.00 .4P - 00299482 7r? I/30I0 INLAND GREEN PASTURES CirIURCFI 62.00 AP - 0029448-t 7/21!2010 INLAND PRESORT & [~[AIL[NG SERVICES 47? 1 AP-D0299485 7%21120!0 [NLANDV'.4LLEl'D.A[LYBLiLLEPIN 432.00 AP-00299485 7/202010 [NLANDVALLEYDAILYBULLETIN 21.6.00 AP-00299487 ~ 7~"1U201U tN1'OAIMETERS[NC 2^9.25 AP - 00299488 7!2020!0 J J K.ELLER AND ASSOC [NC 442.54 AP - 00299489 7!202010 J M SERVICES 4,995.00 AP-00299490 7;202010 KAYASFE1Ma,DOROTHY 20.00 AP-00299491 7i3N2O!0 KC)NE1NC - 514.75 AP - 00299492 7;2112010 ISOR:IND:4 CONSTRUC't'[ON 3;ti73.25 4P - 0(129949; 7!21/2010 LE MOND. P.ATRiCl,4 14fi.04 AP - 00299494 7/21 /2610 LEF36[E, M.4Y 160.00 AP - 00299496 7/21/2010 L.OS PTNGUOS 2,040.00 AP-00299497 7/2(/20!0 MAIN STREET SIGNS 391.50 ' AP - 00299498 7/21 P2U l0 MC TRUCKING 1,187.41 AP - 60299499 7!2(,'2610 MCDONNE.[,L, YO[.,ANDA 80.60 AP-00299500 7/21/2UL0 MCFADDENDALEH.4RDR~ARg 440.74 AP-0029950! ?/202014 R4CLLVAIN.DAWN ~ 58.72 AP-00299502 7!21;2010 MLDWESTTAPE 11.49 AP-0(12495113 7/21/3010 MIJACALARMCOMPANy 1;35{1.00 AP - 00299504 7!21!2010 M[TSUBLSHI ELECTRIC Bc ELECTRONICS USA Q 520.47 AP - U0299S05 7/21/2010 MOUNTAIN VTEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 46.74 AP - 00299506 7/21.!20 I0 NAPA ALITO PARTS 3.36 .AF' - 0029950(1 7/202010 NAF,4 ALTO PARTS 336 AP - 00299507 7Pt/2010 NATIONAL SAFETY COLRJCIL 410.00 AE'-00299505 7/203010 NUMARASOPTW:IRE[NC 5,1',5.00 AP - 002995(18 7121201 D NLm~~RA SOFT~O'ARE INC 637.25 AP-(10299509 7%21;2010 OCAIFIA k25.00 AP-00299510 7/21/2010 OF_N,LIICIA IU0.00 AP - 0029951 1 7/21/2010 OF'F[CE DEPOT 6.04 AP-00299511 7/2!2010 OF'1"~1CEDEPOT 14.96 AP-(10299511 ^;21/2{7!U OFFICEDEP6P 1.34 AP - 00299512 7/21/2010 PACtPIC ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS ~ _ __ 425.00 _... User. VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 16 ~ C:un-ent Uate: 07~28i201 KePart:CK_AGENDA_ RF.(i_FOR'CRAI'T _RC - CK: Agendu Check KegtsterT'ortrait Layout Ticne: 14:59:5 CITY OF RANCHO GUCAMOIV(=A P-45 AQendu Check Re>Tistet• 7/(Q/2010 though 7!27;2010 Check No, Check Dute Vendor Name Amount AP - 00299512 7!21/2010 PACIFIC ANIMAL PROllUCT10NS 425.00 AP-00299513 7/21/2010 PASCUAL,MARFAVANESSA ''<5U.00 AP-00299514 7/21/2010 PERDUE AND.4SSOCIATES,LEN 425.00 AP - 00299515 7/2112010 PERDUE .4ND ASSOCIATES, LF.N °125.(}0 AP - 00299516 7;21;2010 PIERRE.. KIMBERLY 50.00 AP - 00299517 ?/21/2010 PMI 1,551.54 AP-00299518 7;21/2010 PUKCEI'.DAVID 500.00 AP - 00299519 7/21!2010 Q\VEST 3.48 ' AP - 00299120 7+2120 10 R~~FF 1'HEATRiCAI_g 7,723.50 AP - 00299-521 7/2 12010 ItEQUENA, ALMA ~ 92.00 AP -00294522 7/21/2010 RM REMODELING ,4ND DEVELOPR4EN'1~ 425.00 AP -Q0299522 7/212010 RRd REMODELING AND DEVEL,OPMEN'1' '_75.00 AP - 00299533 7/21/2010 RU[Z, Ri~BIN t,000.00 .AP - 00299124 7/21!2010 SAN BERNARDINO CDCiN'FY 24,854.7T Al? - 0(1299525 7/21,'2010 SAN BF.iR'NARCJINO C:OL.RdTY .53,43! 25 AP-00299528 7,''21/2010 SCO'TT,AMANt 100.00 AP-1)0299529 7/21/2010 SHUI~CE,CARRIE 74.f)0 .4P-00299530 7/21/2010 SL[M,SLIg ~ 50.00 rV'-00299530 7/21/2010 SLdM,SEJg 15.00 AP - 00299533 7/2!/2010 SOUTHLAND SPORTS OFFICIALS 874.(t0 AP-00299534 721/201(1 SPiGNER,LESLEAy 45.00 AF' - (10299535 7/21 /2010 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 94.64 AP-00299536 7/2(/2010 SI~tANKMOTIONP[CTURESINC 746.00 AP - 00299536 Z"21i2(110 S\VANK MUTTON PICTURES INC 746.00 AP - 00299537 7~"21/2010 S~.l'EGEDE. YOKU I60A0 AP - 00399539 7/31/2(110 TEEPLE, .TOY 146.00 AP - 00249540 7/21 /2010 TFIEODURE ROBINS FORD INC 29,744.47 ,4P-(10299540 7/2020(0 THEODOREROB[NSFORDINC 29;744.4? AP - 00299540 721r2610 'THEODORE ROBINS FOKD [NC 29;744.47 AP - 00299540 7/21.2010 THEO[ORE ROBINS FORD [NC 2y,744.47 AP - 00299542 7212010 UN10N BANK OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P, 49,402.1.2 AP - 00299543 7r'2120I0 UNION BANK OF' CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR. P, 3,356.52 AP - 00299544 7/212010 Verizon 27.?U AP-00299546 7;212010 VERiZON 58.51 AP - 00299546 7/'21!2010 VEKILUN 476,5 AP - 00299545 7/21/2010 VER:[ZON 1 i 5? I AP-0029954<i 7/21!2010 VERiZUN 169.9b AP-00299546 72(/2010 V'ERIZQN 36.26 AP-00299546 7/21/2010 VEKiZON 15.27 AP-00299546 7/Z1201(1 VERI7.ON 20.40 AP - 0(}299546 7/'21 /20 t 6 V F.,K[7..ON S 16.d0 AP-06299546 7212010 VEP~[ZON 53,83 AP - 0039954(1 721/2016 VERIZON 37.48 AP-00299546 7/21/2010 VEP.IZUN 77.71 AP-00299540, 7/202(110 VER[ZON 37.4t AP-00299546 7/212010 VER[LON 156.63 AP-00299546 7/2(!'_010 VERILUN '-939 AP-60299546 7/2(;2010 VERIZON 18.26 .4P-00299546 7/21/^_010 VERIZ.ON 37.32 AP-00299546 ?/2(/201(1 VERl'L.UN 680.1.1 .4P - 00299546 72 V2010 V"ER(ZON 37.41 AP-00299546 7/21/2010 VER[ZON 72.51 AP-00299546 721;2010 VERt7.ON 37.41 AP-00299546 7/21/2010 VERIZON 36.'_6 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopcz Yage: l7 Current Date: 07128/20! Report:CK._AGF.NDA_ REG_PORTRAIT _RC - CK Agenda Check. Register Pottrait Layout Time: 14:59:5 CI`i'S' OF' I2ANCFIO CL7CA\TONC;A P-46 AtTenda Check Rea'€ster N[4/2010 through 7,'2712010 Chcrk No. Check Date Vendor Name :hmount AP - U024954fi 7/3 (/2010 VER17_UN 18.79 AP-00299546 7/21;2010 VERIZUN 36.26 AP - 0029954! 7!21/2010 VER[7_ON 18.28 AP-00^^<99546 7/21/2610 VERIZ.ON 20.39 AP-00294546 7,'2(12010 VERIZON 35.12 :1P-00299546 7,'202010 VERI''/_ON 36.26 AP-00'_94545 7!21!2010 VERIZON 1t2.22 AP-00299546 7/21120!0 VER.IZON 36''7 A.P-00299546 7/3V2010 \%EFZIZON i9A8 AP - 00299540 7?21!2010 VEI2IZON 39.22 AP-00299546 7/21/2010 VERIZON 47.07 AP - 00299546 7/2113010 VERI7_ON 36.58 AP - 00299546 712 i /2010 V ER[ZON 5728 AP - 00299546 7121/2010 VER[ZON 39.28 AP-00299546 7;202010 VER(ZON 37.42 AP-00299546 7/21/2010 VERiZON 585.43 AP - 00299546 7/2!/2010 VERIL.ON 79.48 AP-00299547 7i2t/20(0 VERIZON 1,050.00 AP-00299548 7,^1120(0 ::'AL,'i'ERSWHOLESALEELP,CT'FI000 49.75 ,AF' - 00299550 7/21/2010 XTREME DE't'AIL.tNG I SQ_00 AP-00299551 7.'20201(1 '7..EIMIS,KIMBERI..Y - 50.00 ,AP-00299553 7;71120[0 ABLETRONICS 26.28 AP - 0029955: 1f21 !2010 .A B LET{ZON I CS 10.85 ,AP-00299554 7:?1/2010 ABM7AN[TORIALSW 43,OS1.11 AP-00299554 7/21/2016 ABMJANITOK[ALSW 4;785.00 AP - 00399555 71'21./2010 All013E ANIMAL FIOSPITAL 10.00 AP - 00299555 7,""21/2010 :1DOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL, 50.00 AP - 002995>S 712 L/201(1 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00299555 7121!2010 .ADOBE ANLMAL, t{OSpIT'.AL 50.00 AP - 00299555 7/31/2010 ADOL3E ANIMAL, HOSPITAL SU.00 AP-002995SS 7,'2112010 :\DOBEANC:MALI{USI'1'CAL 25.00 AP-00399555 7/21/2010 ADOBE ANIMALF[OSI°I-CA[, 25.00 AP-002995>S '„'2E/2010 AI:)OBEANIMALHOSPCI'AL 25.00 AP - 00299555 7/2112010 ADORE AN1MA1, HOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 00299515 7;202010 .ADOBE ANIMA(.. FFOSPPCAL 25.00 AP - 00299559 7121 /201(1 ADOBE .ANLMAL f tOSPITAI,- 50.00 AP -00299555 7%21/2010 ADOIi{E ANIM..AL [-EUSPI'CAL 50.00 AP - 0029955> 7/21/20 10 ADOE3Fi ANIMAL HOSPI`tAL 50.00 AP- 00299555 7/2!/2010 ADOBE A'IVIMAI. HUSPI'['.AL 50.00 AP - 00299555 7/21/2010 ADOBI ANIMAL HOSPITAL 25A0 AP - 002995.55 7,'2112010 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPL'CAL 25.00 AP - 00299555 7/21/2010 ADOBE ANLMAL EIOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 00299555 7'Z 02010 ADOBE ANIMAL HUSPIT:IL 25.00 AP-00299555 7/21/2010 ADOBE;tNIMAL,HOSPITAC. 25.00 .AP - 00299555 7:'21/^_OIO :1DOBE ANIMAL FIOSPI"I'.AL 50.60 AP-00299555 7^.(120)0 ADOBE ANLMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 .AP - 00299555 7i21r2010 ADOBE ANIMAL HUSP("CAL 50.00 AP - 00299555 7/21;2010 .ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 002995SS '1202010 ADOBE ANIMAL FIOSPITAL SO.OG .AP - 00299555 7/21/2010 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00299555 7/21/2010 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00299555 7/21;20(0 ADOBE AN!(vtAL 1fOSP[TAL 50.00 AP - 00299555 7/202010 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00299SSS -----------`----._. 7/211201(1 ... -_. - - - -..__ .ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL ---__ ----------------.- 50.00 . . ----- - p - User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lo ez ~ Page: 18 ~ Current Date: 071281'_01 Report:CK_AGENDA_R F,G_PORTRAIT _RC - CK: Agenda Check Register PorU'ait Layout Time: 14:59:5 c;e•rv o~ riArrcx~ Ct!cnhtc':tvrA P-a~ Agenda Check Reeister 7/14/2010 through 7/'27!3010 E'heclt No. Check Date Vendor Name Amclunt AP - 00299556 7/2112010 AEP SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 3,237.50 AP - 0029955ti 7/21/2010 AEF SYS'1'ER4S CONSUCf[NG INC 4,987.50 AP-00299557 ",/3112010 AG[L:INEINC 1,600.00 AP-007.99157 7/2020[0 .AG[LINEINC !,200.00 AP - 00299557 7/21/2010 AG[LINE [NC 400.0(1 AP - 00299157 7/21/2010 AGILWE [NC 400.00 AP - 00294517 7!21;20 1.0 AGILWE INC 2,000.00 AP - 00299559 7/21/2010 ALL WELDING 505.69 AP-00299561 7r21'2U10 APITECHEC:EVATORSERVICES 206.A8 ,AP-00299561 7,r21201U Ab1'fECFFELEVA'fORSEKV[CES 24052 AP-00299561 7P_U20(U A64TECElEL,EVA'fUR.SERVtCES 329.00 AP - 00299564 7/21120[0 AUTO AND RV SPECLALtS'fS INC. 64.21 AP - 00299567 7/21/2010 BARNES AND NOBLE 2:883.94 AP - 00299167 721/2010 BARNES AND NOBLE 769.(14 AP-00299167 7/31/2010 BARNE.SANDNOBI„E _79,55 AP - 00299167 712[!20[0 BARNES AND NOBLE 82.13 AP-00299561 772[12010 BARNES AND NOBLE 82.00 AP-110299568 71202010 BEACONPLUNt6[NG Z,ls5.G8 AP - 00294171 71202010 BROOKS PRUDCfCTS 637 ~8 AP-60299572 7/2l/?(110 CABLE INC. 3[5.00 AP - 00299/74 '1121 /2010 CALIFORNIA VINYL. FENCE CO, 882!)0 AP-00299574 7!Zl/^_U 10 CALIFURNIAVINYLEENCECO. 612.00 AP - 00299174 7/2!12010 CALIFORNLA VINYL FENCE CO. fi30.00 AP-00299574 7/2[/2010 CALIFORNtAVTNYLFENCECO. 1,116.00 AI' - 00299/75 7/21/2010 CAL[FORNFA, STATE OF 178.75 AP - 60299177 7121!2010 CAPITOL DUUR SERVICE-SOUTHERN CAL[FOR 284.26 AP-00299577 7!21/201U <:APITULDUURSL'-'-KVICE-SUUTF{ERNCALIFOR: L,300.00 AP-D0299579 7r`2I/2010 CDWGOVEE2NMENTINC, 145.00 AP - 00299579 7/2!/2016 CDW GUVEkNMENT fNC, 984.00 A.I? - 00299579 7/21/2010 CD((r GOVERNMENT INC. ~ 89.00 AP - 00299186 7/202010 CERTII°ION CORPORA't'LUN DBA!ENTERSF_C"L- 5.95 AP-00299581 7121!20[0 CHAFFS !'JOINT[-INIONHIGHSCHUOL,DtST 7.68 AP-00299582 7/21!20[6 CI{ARTERCOMMUNLCATIONS 1[1.63 AP - 0029958? 7!?112(11/1 CISNEROS. SFi.AN 50.00 AP - 00299184 7,r2i!2010 CLARKS PLUMBING SPEC[AI~C[IS INC. 13S?I AP - 00249585 72!!20[[[ CC.)PIES & INK I?RIN"I'1NG INC, 13.2+3 AP - 00299586 7;203010 COVENAN'[' STAFFING INC. 222.25 AP - 00299587 7/21/2010 CROP PRODUCTION SFRVICES iNC L,t (7,99 AP - 00299587 7/2(/2010 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES [NC 29.20 AP - 00299588 7%21./2010 D k D DfSPOSAL INC, 400.00 AP-00299589 7!2!12610 DAN GUERRA AN[7 ASSOCfATES 1,88890 .AP - 007.99190 7/21:'2010 ~ DEER. CREE[< OIL K LUBE 547.45 AP - OU299>90 7!2112010 DEER C-REEK OIL Q i..UBE 67950 AP - 00294592 7/21/2010 DUNK EUWARDS CORF'URAT[ON 3 L37 AP - 00299542 7/21/2010 DC1NN EDWARDS CORPORATION 9.99 AP - 00299592 7/21/2010 DUNN EDWARDS CORPOR.A'fION 41.50 AP - 00299593 72[12010 ELLS ENTERPRISES 980.00 AP - 00299193 7/21;2010 ELLIS ENTERPR[SF_S 70.00 .AP-(10249545 7/21/2010 EXPL^RIAN 82.00 AP - 00299195 7/2 1/2010 FACfORCU C,!O TRAFFIC OPERATIONS [NC 2.359.78 AP - 00299598 7!21/2010 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES iNC. 25.04 AP - 00299600 7!21/20[0 FUNG, NANCY" 6,930.00 AP - (10299601 ?2l/201.0 FOOTIi[LL, PA<,41LY SFIELTER 415.00 AP - 002996(12 721!26 i0 PRA2EE PAINT CENTER +95.53 User: VLOPEZ-Veronica Lopez Page: 19 Current flare: 07!2820[ Report:CK_.AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK:.Ageuda Check Register Porhait Layout Time: 14:59:5 CITY C}F RAPdCiiO CUC:~14t(}NGA P-48 ALenda CfEeck Reeiscer 7/14(2010 tfirough 7;27,'2010 Check. No. Check Ante VenAor Name Amouut AP - 00299603 7/21/2010 GONSALVES ANL) SON,IOE A 3,000.00 AP - 00299603 7/21(2010 GONS.4LVES AND SON,.10E A 3,000.00 AP-00299604 7%21!20 L0 GRAINGER 173.84 AP-00299604 721/2010 GR.4iNGER (,034.40 AP - 00299604 7121 /2010 GRAINGER 641.57 AP-00299604 7!21;2010 GRA.INGHR 100.70 AP-00299604 72(/2010 GRAINGER 5830 RP -00299604 7/2 f!Z010 GRAfN('iER 507.97 AP-00299604 7/21/201.0 C~RATNGER ~ 371.69 .4P-00299604 7!21/2010 GRAINGER ~ 70.34 AP-00299604 7i2tr"2010 GRAINGER LI3ti.73 AP-00299604 7212{110 GRAINGER 3?6.30 AP-00299604 7/21/2010 GR:1INC.ER. 9.57 AP-00299604 7%2l(2{110 GRAINGER 30.72 AP-40299604 7/21/2010 Gi2ACNGER 63.07 .9P-00299604 72f/ZO]U GRAINGER 16.60 AP-00299604 7/2!/2010 GR.A[NGF-,R 236.23 AP-00299604 7/21i2(IU) GRAINGER 164.95 AP-0(299604 72f2010 GRAINGER. 53.36 AP-00299604 721i?010 GRAINGER 26.76 AP-00299604 72i/?.010 C;RA[N<3ER 24.89 AP-04299604 7/21/2010 GRr11NGER (72.25 AC' - 04299645 72!/2010 GRAVES R KING LLP 437.50 AF - 00299(iOFi 7212010 GREl.;N ROCK PO WEE2. EQCRPR•fENT 628.90 AP-00299608 7/21/2010 t(EAR'CSAVERSLLC 80.00 AP-04299608 7/2(/2(110 HEP.RTSAVERSLLC 390.00 AP - 00299609 72i/2010 CIORdE DEPUT CREDIT SERVICES 435.00 AP - 00299610 7/2 (2010 COPE T[-II20UGF[ HOUSING FOUNDATCON 4,870.00 AP - 0029961 I 7/202010 HOSE MAN INC 20 CIS AP - 0029961 I 7/2!,'2010 HOSE MAN [NC -10.52 :1P - 0029961 I i;'2 02014 HOSE MAN INC 10.52 AP - 00299612 i,'21 /20 f 0 FiOT SIi0'CS ATHLETIC .APP:IREL iNC. 271.08 AP-002996 i4 7/21/2010 [DEAL GLASST[NT[NG 7!5.00 AP - 00299614 772120 (0 [DEAL GLASS T[NTLNG 165.00 AP-002996(5 7/21/2010 INLAND PRESORT&MAR.INGSERVICES 63.86 AP - 4029961.6 7'21!2010 fNLAND VALLEY COLINCIL OF CHURCFIES 1,702.50 .AP - 00299617 7(21/2010 INPRO CORPORATION 655.42 AP-00299Fi18 7.1%201.0 !N"TERSTA"FEBAi'I'ERIES 14,153.39 AP-00299619 %/202010 INT'F.RVE'TfNC 4,745.25 AP - 00299620 72 L'2U I 0 JONES AND MAYER, LAW OFFICES OF 8.008.96 .AP - 04299622 7 212010 KLRIEALL MU)WES"f 79.5? AP - 00299625 7,^ 1/2010 LIMS AUTO [NC 3836 AP - 00299625 ?/2f 12010 LIMS AUTO fNC 38.36 AP-00299628 7!21!20(0 L.OWESCOMPANIESINC. 106.0', AP-40299625 7121/_^010 LOWESCOMPANTESINC, 8.06 AP -00299628 7/21/2010 LOWES COMPAN[F.S INC. 22.34 AF-00299625 12!(ZUfO LOIVESC0MP:INIESINC. 37.11 AP - 00299628 7/21!2010 LC1WE5 COMPAN[F_S INC. 17.56 AP-00299625 72l/2010 LOWESCOMPANIES[NC. 72.55 AP - 00299(28 7/2 f 12010 LOWES COP4PAMES CNC. 4.33 .4P-00299625 712[2410 LOWESCOIvtC'AN(ESINC- 162.(13 AP-00299628 7/21/20!(1 LOWESC:OMPAN[ESINC. 39.44 ~.9P-00299628 • 7/20201.0 LOWESCOMPANLES[NC. 44038 AP-00299628 7/211201(1 LOWESCOMPAN[ESINC, 205.47 Ciser,VLOPE7 VuunicaL.ope~ Paee: 20 CurreaEDate: 07/28201 Report:CK_,4GENDA_ RC?.G_PORTRAIT _RC -CR: ABenda Checl<Register Poru~ait i.,ayout Time: 14:59:5 CI'6'Y" OI~ I2A>?CIIO CLICA44C~NCA P-49 A~ CIIf.~.d CI1CC~ RCL~ISCCC 9,'14,'2010 through 7!2"ii2010 (`heck. Nn. Check llate Vendor Name. Amount AP-00299ti2S 7/21/2010 LOWESCOMP:IMESINC. 49.3G AP-00299628 7l2L;2010 LOWESCONiPANIES[NC. 573 AP-00299638 7/2[!2010 LOWI:iSCOMAANIE.SINC, 20.66 AP -00299428 7!'21/20!0 LOW'F_S COMPANIES ENC. 62.21 AA - 00299628 7/202010 LC)W'ES COMPANIES (NC. (i7.54 AP - O(1299Fi28 7/'2 f %201(i LOWES CdMAAN~:S INC. 43.46 AP - 00299623 7/2112010 LOWI3S COMPANIES INC, 33.35 AP -00299628 ?%2 (:2010 I:,CIWES COM,PANIM INC. 29.34 AP - 00299623 i!21;'2010 L.OWES C<1MPANFES INC. 70.56 AP - 00292)628 7121;2010 LO WF..S COMPANIES INC. 75.99 AP - 00299623 7!21!20 EO LOW'ES CONtPAN1ES INC. l7 i.Ei7 AF - 00299628 ',.%2li20I0 L(:)\VES COMPANIES INC. 137.43 AP - 00299628 7/21/201Q LOWES C"flM'PANIES CNC. 22.`)2 .4A - 00299628 7/21 /201.0 Lf.3WF..S COMPANIES INC.. 5?2.35 AP - 002990128 7/21/2010 LOWE;S COMPANIES I,N'C. 6.75 AA - 00299628 7/2!/2010 L.OWES CUMI'ANIES INC 95.63 AP-00299628 921/201(1 L.OWESCOMAANIESINC, SL01 AA-00299428 "r21'ZOIU LO\VESCOMGSAMES INC. _ 43.57 AP -::^,02:96^28 7;21/2010 LOtF: ES C(,N4P,4NIES INC. ~ -532.35 AP-00299628 7/21/2010 LOFxIEiSC<)MPANIESENC. 252.06 AP-00299628 7/21/2010 LUWESGOMPANIE;SINC. ~ 263.38 AP - 00299628 7'7.1/2010 LOW E$ COMPANIES INC. 10.84 ~ AP - 00'299(128 7/2!(2010 L.OWES COMPANCES INC, 38.97 _ A.P-00299628 7r'2ti2010 LOWESC(7Ntt'ANiE.S[NC. 44.64 AP - 00299623 7!2 ti2410 LO W ES COMPANIES INC. 154:36 AP-00299623 7%2112020 i-t:}WBSCONfPfiNIESLNC. 95J2 AP-00299628 7/202010 LOWESCOMPAMESINC. L8.3I AP - 00299628 7/21/2010 LOWES COMPANIES [,T~'C. 15.20 AF - 0(1299628 7/2 02010 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 12?7 AI? - 00399628 721./2010 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 7.48 AP-00299628 9!21/2010 LOWESCOMPANI~S[NC. 33.60 AP-00298623 721/2010 LOWESCOtMPANIESiNC. _ - 14A8 :AP-00299628 7/21/1010 LOWESCOMPANTESINC. 5.40 AP - 00299628 7/21!2010 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 232.70 AP-00299428 N2I!2010 L,OWESCOMPANIESiNC, 1'1.70 AP-00299623 7/2ItL01C LOWESCOMPANLESINC, 38.07 A,P-00299628 7/'2(/2010 [,OWESCOMPAMBS[NC. 9.75 r1P-00299628 7/21?2010 L.OWESCOMPANIES[NC, 24.(5 AP - 00299628 712I20I0 L,OWES Cf:)b4PANIFS [NC. 7.58 AP-00299(128 7'21/20 LO i:OW'ESCOMPANIES[NC. 162.04 AP -00299628 7%21 /2010 LO W ES COT`IAANIP:S 1NC'. 67.35 AP-00299628 ?'202010 L.OWESCONIPAN[ESINC. 29.26 AP - 00299428 '1202010 LOWES COMPANIES INC;. 18.2? AP - 00299628 7r2 V2010 LOWES COMPAN[€i5 INC, 253.63 aP-t}0299628 91'2112010 LOW'ESCOMPAN[ES1NC. 55.36 AA-00299628 7%2i%20(0 LOYUESCOMPANIF..SINC. 53.09 AP-00299638 7121r30i0 LOWESCOMYANIESINC. 439.42 AP-00299628 7/21/2010 LOWESC:OMPANFE5INC, 27.00 AP-00299628 i2ti2010 LOWC;SCOpfPAMESRvC. 2;2.79 AP - 00249628 7;'2112010 LO W ES CONIPANIFS INC. 93.50 AP-00299fi23 7/3[/201.4 LOWES COMPANIES [NC. 4.I SS AP - 00299628 712}12010 LOF'~!ES COMPANIES INC. 43.95 AP-O0?99628 7!2112010 LOWESCObdPA:NIESINC. 9232 AP-00299628 7/21/2010 LOWESCOMPAN'[ESINC, 189.14 User. VLOAEZ VeronicaLapez Pabe: 21 CnnctttDate: (!7,23'20! Report:CK_;FGENE7A_ RF'G_POFTRAIT _RC - CIS.: Age~tda Check Regisiet P orcrit Lavoui Time: 14:59:5 CITY f)F F2ANCH0 CtiC.AlVi(3?~'G,A P-50 A?eetda Check I2ezFister 7114!2010 through 7/272010 Check. Nu. Check hate Vendor Name Amount AF - (10299C>Z8 'r21i2010 LOWE5 COM1-tPANIES LNC. 63.01 4P-00299628 7/21/2010 LOWESCOMPANIESINC. 1139 AP-00299628 7212(110 LOWESCOMPANTES[NC, 121.35 AP - 00299628 7/2!/2010 LOW ES COMPANIES INC. 19.10 AP-00299623 7r21/2010 LOWESCObIPANtESENC. 39.08 AP -00299628 7!21/2010 LOWES COMP.4N[ES INC. 47.74 AP-(10299628 7/202010 LOWESCO6•iPANIES INC. I l ~2 AF-00299628 712020(0 LOWESCOMPANIESINC. 26.06 ' AF-00299628 7/21/2010 LOWESCOhiPANIESIA*C, 18.23 .4P - 00299628 7/21/2010 LO WES CORIPANTES INC. i 13.83 AP - 00'_99628 7/21!2010 LOWES COMPANIES [NC. (57.42 .4F-00299628 7/21/2010 LOWESCOMPANIES WC, 4.21 AP - 00299628 7'202010 LOWF.S CO's-tFANIES INC. 149.69 .4F - 00299628 72 [2(t 10 LOR'ES COMPANIES INC. 35.37 AP - 00299623 7(2120 1 U LO1i%ES COMPANIES 1NC. 26.08 AF -00299629 72 t/20!0 MANEFU SICrN COMPANY INC 38,9RG.S0 AP - 00299629 7/202010 Mr1NERI SIGN COMPANY INC -21.00 AP - 00299629 7f2 f /20 (0 MANERI SIGN COMPANY INC 2!0.00 AP - 00299629 7/2 i /2010 PdANERt SIGN COMPANY it:C ~ -3.898.68 .4P - 00299630 71'212010 MARIPOSA FIOFCTICULTURA.L ENT €NC. 26253 AP - 00299630 7!21/2010 MARIPOSA HOR'C[CULTtJRAL ENT INC 331.30 AF - (10299630 721/2010 MARIPOSA HORT'1CUL'CURAL ENT INC 93.08 AP - 00299630 72 Y /2010 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 90.80 AP - 00299G.30 7/2 V2(110 MARIPOSA I:EORTICliLTCJPv1L ENT INC (,073.49 AP-00299630 7/21/2(')!0 MARII'OSA1-{ORTECULTURALENTINC 4,332.F,9 AP - 00299630 7%212610 MARIPOSA I IORT[CLIL1`UR.4L L-'NT INC 175.29 AP - 00299630 7/21;2010 MARIPOSA 1iORTICCILT'URAL ENT INC 8G0.01 AF'-00299630 7/21;2(110 MAR[POSAHORTICIJLT(A2ALENTlNC 4,L39.23 AP - 00299(130 7(21;2010 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL EN"f ENC 393.G4 AP - 00299630 712 112010 M:RIPOSA HORTK:UI. TURAL L-"NT INC 50.99 AP - 00299630 7/21/2010 MARIPOSA IORTICULTURAL ENT ENC 1,?70.40 AP - 00^_9yG30 7;21 /2(I l0 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 618.32 AP - 00299630 721/2010 MARIPOSA HORTICILTURAL ENT INC 3,435.92 AP - 00299630 7/^_1P2010 MARIPOSA HOR'I'1CULTURAL EN'T INC 371.44 AP-00299630 7/2(2010 M.AR(E'OSAHORTICULTURALENTINC 144.53 AP - 00299630 7202010 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT FNC L602.06 .4P - 00299630 7/202010 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL. ENT INC 588.01 AP - 00'_99630 7/2112(110 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT iNC 164.06 AP - 00299630 721/2010 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT [NC 29.71 AP - 00299630 721!20 LO MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 2,508.78 AP - 00299630 7/2 Li2010 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 17299 AP - 00299630 7;21/2010 M1LAR.IPOSA HORTICULTURAL HN"C [NC 201.27 AP-00299630 ~ 7/21/2010 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT [NC 425.77 AP - 00299632 7/21/2010 M:IRSHALL PLUMBING 715.00 .4P-00'_9963, 7/2 1120 1 0 M1IARSFiALLPLUbtBIP1G -178.75 AP - 00299633 72(/2010 MA1'LOCK, TREVIN 100.00 AP-00299634 721/2(110 MCMAS'TEF2Cr1RR.SUFPL.YC.OMPANY 34.63 AP-00299636 7;21/2010 MFDWES'CTAPE 130.96 AP-1}0299636 7202010 MIDWEST TAPE [10.95 AP-00299636 7/2(/2010 MIDWEST TAPE 73.97 AP-00299636 7/21/2010 MIDWEST'CAPE 60,97 AP-0029963G 721/2010 MIDWE51'1'APE 83.96 AP - 0029963C, 721/2(110 NtID\'<'E51"i'APE 1!(1.95 AP-00299637 721/2010 MWIVETEI2INAR1'5UPFL,y 530.69 User. ~ LC)FEZ -Veronica Lopcz Page: 22 Current Date: 07/28%201 ReporE:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAI T_RC - CK: Agenda Check. Register Portrait Layout. Time: 14:59:5 CI'['Y OT R.4R'CIIO CIICAMC)NGr1 P-51 rA~ertdx Check Register 7/14/3010 through 71'27/3010 Check. No. Check Date Vendor Naane Arreomtt ,4P - (10299638 7%21i20t0 NEX'CEL 916.58 AP - 00299b39 7;2€!2010 NORh4AN A TRAtI[3 ASSOCLITES 247.00 AP - 06?.99640 7/2U20IU OCCUPA'I7ONAL HEALTH CEN"YERS OF CALfFC 20080 AP-00299646 7/2620€6 OCCUPAT[ONALF~ALTFfi-Cf3NTERSOFCAL•(FO 2?L00 AP - 00249ti4D 7/21J20I0 OCCUPA'I [ONA[, HEAL'['H CEN'CER.S OF' CALIFp ] 67.80 AP-00299(140 7itii20iC OCCUPAI'ELiNALHEAL'['F{CENTL;RSOFCALI:FO lUL•26 AP-00299641 7%2L!2010 OCLC.INC ~ 46.39 AP-00299643 7r2li2(tlU OrFICEUFPOI' 3.96 AP - 00299642 7/2ll2010 OPFTCE GEPO'C' 4.42 AP-0(299642 7i'2l/20F0 OFF[CIEDE".POT 23.76 AP-00299642 7!21/2010 OFP[CEDEPOT 169.57 AP-00299(42 7I2[;2Ut6 OFF[C:,ELJEPO•C 4199 AP - 00299642 7/2[/2010 OFFICE. GEPO"[' 389.24 AP-002')9642 ?;2E/20L0 OFF[CF?DEPO'I 1 601 A.P-00299642 7r~€i20f0 OFFICEDEPO'E' ~ 1,428.03 .AE' - 00299642 ?;'2 [i'?0[0 OFFICE DF.FOT 9.84 AP - 00299642 712[12010 OFFICE DEPOT 32.73 AP - 00299642 7/21,'2010 OFF[CE DEPOT' I,576S3 AP-0(2996:12 7~1'20E0 C)Fi'iCEDEPUT 24.09 AP-00299642 712[/2010 UFEICEGEF'OT 30'755 AP - 00299G43 7/21/20 (0 ORACLE USA INC 6,680.70 AP-00299644 7/2[/2010 ORCHARD SUPPLYHARD'JI:1RL 2[.74 1P-0(299644 7i2fi201U ORCi-[ARDS(lPPL.Yf[ARDWARE 98.3 AP-GC29964ri 7/31x2010 OE2C[[ARDSUPPLYf1ARD~'v'ARE 296.99 AP - 00299Fa44 7/21120€0 OR.CI[ARU SUPPLY F[ARDWARE 45.Fi0 AP-002991144 7/21/20'10 ORCHARDSUF'PL'r HAF1)WARE L17.G1 AP - 00299644 7/2!/201(1 ORCHARD SUP['LY RARDWARE 32.00 AP-00299644 7/2f201U C)RCEIAR.USt,IPPL.YHARGWARE i5 i0 r1P - 00299644 721x'201 t) ORCHARD SUPPLY [t4RD1><re1RE 27.82 ,4P - (56299644 7'21/2(110 UR.CHARI) SUPPLY [dARGVv'ARE 1 140 AP-002996/+4 7fZ(/2010 OEiCHARDSUPPLYHARGWA.RE 37.99 ,4P - 00299b44 7/2V20 t0 ORC}3ARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 22.70 AP -00299644 7/2[12010 ORC[{ARI) SLiPI'LY HARDWARE 45.58 AP-00"_'99644 7•''2€./2010 ORCFI.ARDSLJPPL.Y'[IARI)WARE -(6.29 AP -00299644 72E!20I0 ORCHARi,) SCIPPLY HARDWARE 5.61 AP-00299644 712[!2Ut0 ORCHAkDSLJ['PL.YF[AIiGWARE 35.88 AP -0(1299b~ 7/2(/201.0 ORCHARD SUPPLY FLIRDWA-R.E 125.28 AP -0029964•F 7/2[%2010 ORCE{ARD SUPPLY HAt2DW:A:RI3 41.46 AP-00299645 7/2[120!0 URKINPES"['CONTR.OL 1,d5&46 AP-60299646 712[/2010 OWENELECTRLCiNC 12937 AP - 00299646 7'2 [!2010 OW F-.N ELEC`CRIC INC X94-I i AP-00294647 7/21/2016 PARS 3,560.00 AF - 00299648 ?1'1.112610 PATCF[ETT 5'r ASSOC[ATF-,S 2;836.49 AP-00299649 ?;2[12010 PATFIFFNDEROFtC~ANIZA'CIUNALEFFECTIVENf 832-5U .4P-00299650 T"2[;2670 PA'[TONSALESCORP [,004.76 A~ - 00299650 713 } 12010 PA'I'l'ON SALF_S CO[2[' 48.22 AP-00294650 7%2E;?(i10 P.A't"[ONSALESCUP~P Sb.26 A[' - 0029900 7J2 t 12010 PATTON SALSiS CORD 52.90 AP - 00299650 7!2[!2010 ['A'["[-UN SALES CORP 330.02 AP - 00299650 7/2!!20[4 PA'k"'i"ON SALES CORD 7.98 AP - G6299650 ?/2E'2010 PAT'I'ON SALES CORD i f 8,'24 AP-00299653 7(2(120€0 PLANN€NGCENTER,TFIE ~ 800.-50 AP - 06249653 7/2E2(116 RLANN[NG CEN"CER, TFiE 760.00 AP-00299654 7.2E%2~E0 ILSNCHOCUCAMONG.4FAMILYYMCA '1,2[6-6G [?seuV-L,UPEZ 6'cron icaLopea Page: 23 CnrrcutDate: 07:28"101 Repm•t:CK_AGENGA R EG_PORTRAI'C_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait [.a;~out Time: 14:59.5 C~Tt' OF IL~iVCHO CIJCA?YIOi~fGA P-52 Aa=encia Cheek ReEister 7/1 412 0 1 0 thraugh 7;27/2(116 Check Na. Check Uate Veuclar Name Amaunt AP - 00299655 7/21/2610 I<BM LOCK ANU KEY SEkVTL"E 5 7(i AP-00299656 7/2t/201D kECORDEDBOOKSLLC 22.65 AP - OC7249fi57 7/2 [!2D E 0 REFLEX. C:,ORPORtI"CIC)N 798.00 A1?-00299660 7,"2€%20l(J RIGELPROUIJC;7;SANUSEkViCg 1,463.<6 AP - 00299661 7'2'F;2010 R.FPPETOI3 bIILES L1..P 793.50 AP - 00299661 7i'L 1r201D RFPPET"UE MILES LI,P 309.34 AP - 60299661 7%3IYZ010 RIPPETrJE MILES L.LP t,766.43 AP - 00299fi6! 7!2 U20F0 KIPPE"I'OF_ MOLES LLP 3,09959 AP-U0299o61 7121./26€0 RIPPE'COEMI'L,ESLL.P 5,148.00 AP - 0029~J66 [ 7/21!2010 kIPPE'COE R4,IL,liS LZ.p !, (66.70 AR - 60299661 7/21!2610 RCI?PET"OE MIf-ES LLP 685.33 AP - 00299661 7,'21;2016 RFPPET'<)'E. NIIL'F.S Lt.,p 39.50 AP - 00299662 7121'2010 ROAUL(NE PR9f?UCI'S ~C 1,144.39 AP-002996(13 ?;21:2(.110 ROE:LALL[SON,SHEI,1-y 85.06 AP-60299664 7,"2'Ei2Dl0, ROSF.BC~R12O'UGHTOOLSINC', 815.68 AP-0029966 'lit(/2016 SABPREPI2OGRA.PHI(:S 569.27 AP-00299665 7/21/20 t0 SABPREPR.C1CrKAPHfCS 177.64 AP - 00299666 7/2l/201 D SAFELdTE FCJL.F[LF-btENT [NC 786-43 AP-OOL946~z7 'i::i;20F0 :3A13EPNARf.?[PVC)~O:,l'YTy S!'FEPIIEF'SUI,P7 646.6& AP - (10294668 7/24/3010 SAN BERNARUFNO COUNTY SHEF2IFF'S DEPT 3,958.90 AP - 00294669 7/21/20(0 SAN BE,R.NAItf)LNO COLJNTY 5E{ERIFFS UEP"C 4,026.00 AP - 00299670 7/'lI/2D10 SAN BEkNARU€iJ0 COUN`PY SidERIEFS UEPT 1,274.90 AP-002996"72 7;24;2010 SI{..",NSFI«P. "CITE 7.36 AP - 06299672 712 U2010 SIf;N SHOP,'['HE 3(}7.76 AP-00'L99672 7/21./20EO SIGN SHOP,1'HE ~ 26E.'_7 AP-00394674 7/21/2410 SPARKLEI°['S b3.00 AP -00244676 7/21/2010 STEELtVORKERS OLUT[hiERS FOUNUAT[ON 148.OS AP -OU294676 ?/2[/2010 ST'EELWC)RKEKS OL UTIMEkS FOUNUAT[ON 348.93 AP - 60299677 7/2 E!20F0 6'CR.ESS LESS ENb'IRONMENTAL L,LC; 234.00 AP-00294679 7;'2Ei2D10 SCTISHINBCik(:)WERSNL,'RSERY[NC 29.36 AP-00299680 7;24;3010 S(iNS"I'A'FEEQ(.JFPD4II;N'CCOMPA'NYl;LC 1,(176.64 AP - 60299681 7;2172016 TANNER RECOGN€TION COMPANY, O C 9327 AP-00299682 7IZIf2010 TARUETSPECIAL"BYPRODUCTS 1,679.36 AP -0(1249682 7/21/2010 TAkCiE%T SPE;CLALTY PRODi.1CT'S 119.86 Af' - 00299684 7/2 L'2010 TRFPS EC)k YOU 300.00 RP-(10'199685 1!21/2010 UCRPGEN't'S 1,888.75 AP - 00299686 712 V201O L.iNUER.C4R.QUNU SVC' ALEKI OF SO CAL 358.50 AP-00299688 7/'_i'20E0 tJNU)UEMANACiL'MENTSERVECESFNC 817.12 AP - 00299689 7!21 12010 UNI.'FEU SCCf3 SE:Rb'ICES OF CA [NC, 218.30 AP - 60299690 7'2t/^<Ol0 UPLAND ANIMAL H'OSPITAf: SQ.00 AP - 00299691 7/2 F?2070 f?RC3AN GRAFFITI ENTERPRISES F'NC 2,970.00 AP - 007.94692 7l2I?20E(I CJS BANK 103.58 ,4F' - 00299642 7i21J20I0 JS B ANK 48 `)4 Ap - s}0299691 7;21!20 (0 V [STA PAFNT 133.50 AP • 00299693 7!21/2010 VISTA PAINT 1,473.26 AP-00299693 7~2ll2010 V[SCAPAINT 24.18 AP-(10294643 7/21/2010 VFSTAPAINT 276.24 AP-00299693 7/21!2030 VCSTAPAFNT 24.18 AP-00299694 "'21;2030 WALhEK,JANET b5.91 AP - 00299695 7!2(/2010 WALTEKS WHOLESALE ELECTKEC CO 36.86 AP -{10299(195 7%2112410 4V,ALTERS WHOLESALE ELE(=TRIG CO 128.07 AP - 00294695 7/21;2010 WALTP,RS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 4,447.99 AP - (10249695 772-112010 WALIERS WHOLESALE EL,EC €'REC CO 770.85 AP-00299695 7/21/2010 WALT'ERSWHOLESALEELECTRICCO 83'3.89 User. VLOPEZ. `r eronioa Lopez Parre: 24 Currznt Dace: D7 281201 Report:CK_AGENDA_ RECI_PORTRACI '_RC: - CK Agenda Check Register Panrait Layo~.t TEme: 14:54:5 CITY QF RANCFLO CU(:ADZON6A P-53 A~*enda Check Reeister 7! 14!2010 [brooch 7/27/2010 Check. No. Check [}ate Vendor Nome Amount AP - [10299695 7/212010 WAL'LERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 30.57 AP-00299695 7/21120(0 WALT'ERSWHOLES.ALEELEC:TRICCC) 2[5.92 AP-([0299695 7/202010 WALTERSWHOI.ESALEELECTRI000 1,060.77 r\P-00299695 7~2i!2QI0 Wr1LT'ERSWHOL.ESALEELECTRIOOO 124.40 AP - 00299696 7/2 U201U W.4RR.EN R LO LNC, CARL 467.43 AP - 00299697 7121,'2010 W'AXTE SANCG\RY SUPPLY 972.35 AP -00''99697 7%21120[0 WAXIE SANITARY SC1PPLy 649.84 AP-00299697 7r'2i2010 WAX[ESANITARYSIJPPLI' 9.05 AP - 00299697 721/2010 WAXtE SANCi'ARY SUPPLY 62.10 ?.P - 00299698 7;'212010 WF.,fSENBACH SPECIALTY PRINTTNG [NC 974.05 AP - (10299699 7/21/2010 WESCO RECEIVABLES CORD 804.42 AP-00299699 7,'21/2010 WESCORECEIVABLESCORp 283.40 AP - 00299701 7/212010 WEST PAYM1iEN'I' CENTF..12 27.00 .4P - 00299702 7121!2010 4V'EST SANITATION SER VECES INC 37Q 10 AP -00299703 7212010 W'ES'CERN HIGHW'.4Y PRODUCTS INC 329.77 AP-00299707 7/212610 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER D[S'fR.{CT IR236 AP - 00299707 ?212010 CUCAMONGA V'AI-LEY tVATER DIS'fRICi' 16''.84 \P - 00299707 7;21(2010 Cl,'CAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 302.23 AP - 00299707 7/21/2010 CUCAMONGA VAi..LE'r' RATER D[STR[CT 404.62 AP - 0029970? 712 i/2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER D[STR[CT 21 L67 AP - 00299707 7;21/2010 CUCA!vI0NG.4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 73.60 .4P -110299707 7,21/2010 CUCAMUNGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,542.79 AP - 00299707 7,'2 [!2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 394.10 AP - 00299707 7;2112010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 185.78 AP-00299707 7121!20(0 CUCAMONGAVALLEYWATERDISTRICT >,8U2.60 .4P - 00299707 7%2[!2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY Wr1TER UIST'RCCT 158.20 AP - 00299707 7;202010 C[1CAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,067.03 AP - 00299707 7/21/2010 CUCr'iMONGA VALLEY \4%ATER DISTRICT 770.18 .AP - 00299707 7%21!2010 CtJC,4A4ONC,A. VALLEY WATER DISTR.lC'[' 551.36 AP-00399707 7/21"2010 Ct1CA~9ONGA VALLEY WA'PER DISTRICT 969.20 AP-00299707 72(2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 167.3(1 AP-00^_99707 7!21120[0 CUC~4MONGAVAL.LEY WA'CERDISTRICT 574.29 AP - 00299707 7./2112010 CIICAMONGA V.4LC:El' WATER DISTRIC'T' 3;26.1.92 AP-00299707 7%21./20[0 CUCAMONGA VALLEY \VA'I'ERD[STRIC'1' 591.05 AP - 00299707 7:'2 V201A C[JCAMONGA VALLEI' \4'ATER DISTRICT 1 17.'_9 AP-00299707 721/2010 CUC.AMONGAVALLEYWA'fERDISTRIC'C 1>6.I9 AP - 00299707 N2 f 12010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY \VA'1'ER DIS'I'RlC'f 55.26 A.P - 002997(17 71212010' CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY WA'CER DIST'1tiCT 55.20 AP-00299707 Z2V20U) CUC.4hIONGAVALLEYR'ATERDIS'CR1C'1' 23,060.73 AP - 00299707 721(2010 CCJCAMONGA VALLEY WATEK DIST'R[C'C R44.34 AP - 00299707 7/2!/3010 CUCAMONGA V,-4LLEY WA"I'ER D[S'1'RICT 51.12 ;iP - 00249707 7;21%2010 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY 1V.A'PER DISTRICT 65AG .4P - 00299707 7r2 U20U) CUCAMONGA VALLEY N%ATER DISTRICT 994.'10 AP - 00299707 7!202010 C(JG4MONGA VALLEY WAT'E..R DISTRICT 3,242.45 .4P-0029970? 720200) CUCAMONGAVALL.EYWATERUISTR.IC'f 600.48 AP-00299707 7211201(1 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATHRDISTRICT' 135.56 AP - 00299'07 7!202010 CUCAMONGrt VALLF_Y WATER DISTRICT 37.55 AP-00299707 7/212010 C[JCAMONGAVALLEl'WA'CERUISTRICPI 455.71 :4P - 00299707 721?2010 CUCAMONCiA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 2,099.29 AP - 00299707 721/201(1 CUC:AfvIONGA VALLEY WA'T'ER DIST72IC.;"C I I L41 AP - 00299707 7/2[12010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER D[S'CRICT 1,13032 AP-002997[)7 7/2[20[0 CLICAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 4,623.02 AP-00299707 7202010 C[.JCAMONGA VALLEY WATEKU[STR[CT 2,074.53 Ap_002gg7(}7 _, _ 7202010 - - CUCA~tONGAVAI,LEI'WA"fERDISTRICT' _.._._. _ _.__,. 1,145.6R ...._ _ ... _ _. .... _. _ . .. - Ciser: V'LOPEZ Veronica L,oPez Pege: 25 J C'urrenl Date: 07/28'201 12eport:CK_AGENDA_ REG_POR.TRAC[ _RC - Ck.: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Tirne: 14:59:5 C~T~' OF R.aI\rC:HO CtiCA~iONt>A P-54 Asencla C'laec[< Resister 7/14/2010 through 7%27/2010 Check No. Check t3ate Vendor Name Amount AP-0029970". 7/2 1120 1 4 CCLCAMUNGAV,ALL.EYWATERDIS'FR1CT 195.72 AP-00299707 7/27/2416 CCJCAMONCiAVALLEYWATERDISTRICT' 1;732.16 AP-00299?07 7/2V2010 CUCAbtONGA VALLEY WAI-ERDISTRICT fi43~fi4 AP-00299707 7/21/2010 CUCAMONGAVALL,EYIVATERDISTRICT =43,96 AP-00399707 7/21/2014 CUCAMONGAVAL..GL;YWA'FEFtDISTitICT 81909 AP - 00299707 7/2L;20L0 CUCAMONGA VALLEY 1VATER DiSTRIC`p 361.21 AP - 00299747 7/21!2070 C;UC:IMONCiA VALLEY WATER. BISTRICT 20(1.45 AP-00299707 7ni;2p(0 CUC:4MONC,AV.4LL,EYW'r1'fERDISTRICT 1.095.53 AP-00299707 7?2Ii2{)(0 CLICAb1ONGAVALI,EYWATERDISTRICT '7,38?.63 .4P-0029)7(17 7i21i2t)I0 CUCAI~tONCiA VALLEY WATER. DISTRICT fi6.08 AP - 00299707 7/21/2010 CUCAM'ONGA VALC,EY 6VA'('ER DLS"ERIC°L S.i8.58 AP-00299707 7/21/2010 CUCAMONCiAVALLEYWATE[tDISTRICT 726.06 ' AP - 00249707 721120 10 CUCACNC)NGA Vr1LLEY WATZ:R UFSFR7C'I' 52.64 AP - 00299707 7%2 V2tU0 CdJCAIt1GNGA VALLF.;Y WATER DISTRIC"P 279.82 AP -01')299707 ?Y21%2010 CUCAMON(.iA VALLEY WATER DLSTRIC.1" 4,Ci76.6U .4P -00299707 7%21;2010 CLICAMONG_A VAL..-L.EY WATER. D[S'F'R1C1' 267.56 AP -0029970? 7/21/2070 CCICAMONGA VAL[:EY WATER, DISTRICT 319.88 AP-00239707 7/21/2010 CUCAMONGAVALLEYWAT'ERD[STRICT 1,190.(17 AP - 0029970? 7/21/2070 CUCAbtONGA VALL'tsY L'/AI'ER DISTRICT b8.5b AP-OU29'.'d707 7/21/2010 CUC:AMONGA VALLEY WATERDLS'CR[CT 212:29 AP-00299767 7/21%2010 CCICAMONGAVALLEYWATERDtS'I-RIC'I' 12t?9 AP - 00299707 7121/20(0 C'UCA;ViONGA VALL,IY WATER DISTRICT 52.63 AP-00299707 7/2L20L0 CUCL4MONGA VALLEY WATERD[STRiCT 7J9.7I AP-00299?07 7/27.12070 CL7CAMONCiA VALLEY WA'FERDISTRiCT ~ 245.94 AP - 00299707 7121!2010 CUCaMONG.O VALLEY WATER. DISTRICT 26.51 AP - 40399707 7!21/2010 CUCAMONGA VALLL>Y WATER DISTRICT 218.45 AP - 00299707 7/'2 V2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER D[ST72ICT 180.21 AP-00299707 7,'2t;20I0 CUCAMONGAVALLEYWATERDISTRIC;T 7,509.47 .AP-0029<)707 7,"27/2010 CUCAMONGA.VALLBYWATERl>ISTRICT 370.76 AP-00^_99707 7i2li2O10 CCICA64ONGAVr1i.,LL'Yt>.%ATER.DISTRICf 19!.22 .4P -00299767 7/27/2016 CtJCAMONCiA VALLEI' WATER DISTRICT 291.12 AP-00299747 721120(0 CUCAbTONGAVA}:.LEYWA'FE.R.D[STRICT 152.16 AP-00299707 7121/2010 C7UCAMpNGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 494.!2 AP - 00299708 7/27!20 Ld C[JCAMONGA VALLEY WA"CER DISTRICT 1,293.45 AP -00'299708 7/2!/2010 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,466.73 AP-00299708 7121,'2010 CUCAbtONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRiC(' 1,578.23 AP-00299708 i?2I%301!} CC`CAMON<;AVALLEYWA'fERDIS'i"RIOT I,Ci04.44 AP-04299708 7/2I/Zt)!O CUCAh3ON(iAVALLEYWATERDISTR7C'f 1,78977 AP-00299705 7202010 Ci.LCAMONQAVAL,L,EYWAT'L-'.RU[S'I'12ICT 220.7( AP-00299708 7/202010 CUC',ANIONGAISIL,LEYWATERDIS'FRICf 505.86 AP - 00299748 ;C!2 V2tt'ItJ CUCAM.ONGA VALL;L'Y WATER DI,S'IRIC'I' ~ 676.75 AP-00299708 7%212010 CUC:17vtONGAVAL,LEYWATELtDISTRICT 2,536.58 AP-00299705 "?%2i/2010 CL€CAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT l,06b.73 AP - 002997,2 7/21!2010 SOUTEdEI2N CALIFORNIA EDiSON 8.63 - AP-002997L2 7/2L/2010 SOUTHER.NCALIF<)RNLAEDISpN 70.73 AP-002997€2 7!2720!0 SOUTI-EERNCAL[FORNIAEDISON ~ 930A7 AP - 00299712 7/27%2010 SUEPCIIERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON ~ 21.1 [ AP -00299712 7!2L;2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. EDISON 1.9.05 AP - 002997(2 ?212070 - SOLI"FHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 42.74 AP-00299712 7/27/2010 SOLiTi-{ERNC.4L[FpliMAEDTSON 2LEI AP-002997L2 7/21/2070 SflUTIIER.NC;ALIPORNIAED[SON 21.81 AP - 00299712 7/21/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EUISON '2.86 AP-00299712 7/ZV2(i7d SOUTI-ILRNCALLFORNIAEll[SON 14.05 AP -00299712 7/27/2410 SOUTHERN CAL.II'ORNIA EDiSON 23.30 Ciser. 6LOPEZ Veronica Lopez Page. 26 G'urrent Hate: ti7/28'207 Report:Ch_„4,GENDA_ ftEG_PORTRAII '_RC-Cis: Ageuda Check Register Portrait Layout Tuna: L4:59:5 CITI' ~T RANCHO CUCAR3C}NGA P-55 ~~enda Check Reeister 7i i 4124 l 6 throueh '712712(,)1 U Check No. Check Qate Vendor Name Amannt AP-00299712 7;21;20E0 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAED[SON ~ '22.47 AP-00299712 7Q1!2U10 SOLiTICERNCAL[FORMAL-DTSON 26.11 AP-002997 E2 7i21;2U10 SOU'CFIEI2NCALIFORNLAEDCSON 2E9.83 AP-00299712 7/2I/20t0 SOCI'I'HEI2NCALLFORNIAED[SON 39.52 AP - 002997 t 2 7%l i/2010 50€JTF[ERN CALIFORNIA EDISON '2393 AP-002997!2 712112(}4) SOU'I'IIEKNCALIF'ORN'IAED[SOC>I 41.13 AP-002997 F2 7/21120[0 SOUT'HERNCALITORNCAEDISON ~ 2238 AP - 002997 [ 2 7/2420[ U SOF1T'HERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21. t E AP - (30299712 7 "21; 2(i CO SOUTHERN CAL,[FORNTA EDISON 21.84 AP-(10299712 7:'21;2010 SOCJTFIERNCAI,LFORNIAGDCSON' 2L84 AP - 4029971.2 7/2!/20 tU SOU ['HEItN CALIFORNIA Ir-DISON 2'-.OG AF - 00299712 7/21!2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA L4DISON 53.4(1 AF-00299712 712(/2010 SOUTHERNCAL[F"ORNIAED7SON 348.66 t#F-00299712 7i2Ii20E0 SOCiTHF.RNCAi.,fF'URNIAED[SON 610.19 AP - 4029971'2 7i2El2410 SOIJT'E{ERN CAL[FORNIA EDLSON 1,354.88 AP-4429971' 7/2fr2010 SOC;"E-HFRNCALIFORNI_A13D1SQN 23.01 AP - 00299712 7?2I/2U10 SOLPC'H_ERN CALIFORNIA ED'ISON .21.57 AF-00299712 7;242014 SOCiTEIERNCALIFORNIAGD[SON 24.47 <~(= -'UU299712 7/2 ('20 (0 SOU"f'H[;fiN C.ALIFOR15tI.^: EDISON 24.80 AP - 40299712 7i2U2U U) SOUTFIF,RN CALIFORNIA EDISON 39 ~)$ AP - 002997 E2 7/21/2010 SOU'T'HERN CAl..[FOPLNIA EDISON 82.16 AP-04299712 7/21l2UfU SOCi'I'H13RNCALIFOItNCAEL)CSON 24.36 AP - UO'299712 7/211201(1 SOUTHERN CALfF'ORNIA. EiBISON 50.11=1 AF - 04299717. ?'2U201U SOUTF{E.RN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.79 AF-00299'[(2 71'2[12010 SOIT~-;;EFWGAL[FORN[AEC)ISON 255 -AP - 60294 7 C2 7~F1I2U1!) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON _ 2f . t 1. AP - 00299712 7/21/2014 SOUTHERN CALCFORNL4 EDISON 2 L C 1 AP-403997(2 7/21/20(4 SOU'I'EIERNCALIFGRNIAED[SON 99.78 AP - 00'299712 7/21120(4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GDFSON 278 ~.3 AP-002997[2 7!2ii2tll0 SOUTF~L--RNC;ALIFORNCAED[SON 102.39 AP-OU2997(? 9;20%2014 SC)F'.i"C'HERNCALIFORN7AEDISON 113.48 :1F-402997[2 72[;24[0 SOUTHERNCALIFSIRNCAEDI5ON 35.11. AP - 04'2997(2 R2 U20I0 SOLTHERN CALFFORNL4 ED[SON 32.89 AF - 40294712 7/21/2010 SOU"I'HEK.N CALIFORNIA EDISON 21. ( I AP-002997'E2 7l2E/Z(}2U SOUT'HERNC:~LtFORN1AEDISON 32.46 AF - U4299712 7I2IJ2U i0 SOU"1-HERN GAf..IFORN[.9 EDLSON 48.07 .4P-442997[2 7'2Ei?Of0 ti0U"CE{EF2.NCALII'ORNL4F..DCSON 69.19 AP - 00299712 T'2 1120 CO SQL!"PHERN CALIFORNIA IDISON f ] 0.40 AP-(}02997!2 7'2L'20tU SOL"CHGRNCALIF{}RNIAE;D[SON 1,477-02 AP - (')02947f2 7/21./2010 SOUTHERN C7,4LFFORNIA EDIgON 27.54 AP -UU299712 7/2(/20!4 SOU"TFTERN CALIFORNL,4 6D[SO'N 52.24 AP-00299712 7121Y24E4 SDUTf-FERN(".ALCFORNIAFDISON 48.49 AP-002997['_ '?.`2I'2Uf4 SOUTI{ERNCALIFORMAcBiSON 2,Lt1 AP-402947(2 7!2F;2010 SOLi'[HERNCAL[FORN[4EDISON 55.2E :1P-002997(2 7:20;2010 SOCJ'CIiFRNCALtF<)RNEAEDISON 51.20 AP-04299712 7%2./2016 SOUTHERNC,4L[FO2N€AfDISON 2(.84 AP-00299112 712[!2410 5OIt'FE-IERNCALIFORNE.4ED[SON 21.11 AP - 00299712 7/21 /2U10 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDi5ON 21.84 AF - 00299712 7r'21/2GlU SOU'I-F[ERN CALIFORNIA EDESON 92.34 AP-UU299712 7;21/24 E4 SOLITHERNC'AL[I'OKNIAGDISON 4fl.05 AP - U02991I2 7/2 [?24IU SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.84 AF-00299712 7!2112010 SOUTHERNC'AL[FORNIAEDISON 2L8d AP-00399712 712(12010 SL)UTFIERNCALIFORNIAEDISON 6727 AF - 00294712 7/21/2010 SOUTHERN CAL[FORNC.4 EDISON ~ ti932 Use~.4LOFE,2. ~eronictrLo ez P1be: 27 Car~tnid)ate: 0 7 /2 812 0 1 Report:CK_AG6NDA_ REG_PORTIL4f T_I2C - C'k.: A~enr=a Check Register Fortr~it f.ayuur Time: 1.4:59:5 CITY i3F I2ANC~iO C.iJCAR10NGA P-56 A¢ettda Check ReRisfer 7; 14/2010 ihrcueh ?%2720) 0 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-002997(2 721i201U SOUTHERNCALIEURNIAEDISON 61.00 AP - 00299712 7/21!20!0 SOUTI-[ERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON ~ 24.04 .4P - 0029971.2 7/21'2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 9945 AP - 00299712 7/21/2010 SUU'CHERN C.4LIPORNLA EDISON 130.'_1 AP - 00'_94712 721/2010 SOU1-EiERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 146.21 AP - 00299712 7/2!/2010 SOUTHERN C.4LIFORNL4 EDISON 1 R7J I AP - 00299712 7/21/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.30 AP - 00299712 72l/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 21.84 AP - 00299712 7/21 /2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.30 AP - 00299712 7121;3010 SOUT'HER3V CALIFORNIA EDISON 90.Q4 AP - 00299712 72112010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.37 AP - 00299712 7%21/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 43.10 AP-00294712 712!!20(0 SOU'FL{I~RNCAfIFORNIAEDiSON t,3s9.55 AP - 002y971 ^ 7/'212010 SOCI'FF[ERN CRLIFORNTr1 EDISON lOR.88 AF' - 00299712 7/^!12010 SOU'i'HFR.N CAI,CPORNIA EDISON 24.78 AP - 00299712 721!_'01.(} SOI.J'CHEKN CAL,fFORNIA EDISON ~ 24.24 AP - 002997!2 7212010 SOUTHERN CA. L.[FORNIA ED[SON ~ 25?9 AP - 002997L^_ '1/2 V2(Ii(} SOUTHERN CAL.LFOP~NIA ED[SON 2133 AP - 00299712 7121 /2010 SOUTHERN CALtFORt:IA ED[SC)N 2 L I 1 AP - 00299712 7/2 (2010 SOU'I'EIERN CALIFORNIA EDLSON 123.70 AP - 00299712 7/2 V2010 SOL1TEfERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 616.62 AP-002997'L2 7/21/20)0 SOU"FkIERNCAL[EURNEAEDISON Lfi4.0) AP - 00299712 7/21/2010 SOL)"FF{ERN C.4L[FORNIA EDISON 22.80 AP-00299712 7/21120)0 SO(1THERNCALIFOFtNIAEDISON 126.4E AP - 00299712 7/21.(2010 SOUTI-]ERN CAALIFORN[A EUI50N 22.57 .4P-(102997!2 7212010 SOUTEIL-RNC.AL[FORNLAED[SON 7336 AP -00299712 7/202010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED{SON 164.00 AP - 00299712 7/212010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 24.02 AP - 00299712 7212010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 555b AP-002997 E2 72L2010 SO[JTHERNCALIFORNEAEDESON 2330 AP - 00299712 7/212010 SOUTHERN C.ALIFORN[A EDESON 41.20 AP - 00299712 7212010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EUISON 2133 AP - 00299712 7; 212010 SOU"I'HERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~ 71.78 AP-00299712 7212010 SOU"FHERIYCALtFORNIAEDISON 94.t7 :1P - 00299712 712!2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.27 AP-002997(2 72!12010 SOU"PHERNCAL[FORNIAF_Dt50N 33.83 AP - 00299712 7;21/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA L'-U[SON 22.15 AP -00299712 721/2010 SOIJTFIERN CALEF'ORN[A EDISON 21.84 AP - 002997 L? 7/2!/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNT_A EDISON 21.84 AP - 00299712 7/212010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 52.3(} AP - 0029971 Z 7/212010 SOIJ'I'HERN CAL,IFORNL4 EDISON 52.1.7 AP - 00299712 '/,'2!/2010 SOUTHERN CAf [FOR.NL't. EDISON 79.93 .4P-00299712 7/212010 SOUT'HERNCAI.fFORNIAf:DISON 63.20 AP-0029971'2 7/21/2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EUISON' 2L11 AP - 002997L? ~ 7/Z 112010 SOCITF{ERN CALIFORNIA EDESON 2Ll 1 AP - 00299712 7/2!120!0 SOUTIERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.53 AP - 00299712 7/2 Li2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.33 AP - 00299712 7/2!120!0 SOUTHERN CAL[PORNI;1 EDISON 22.07 AP - 00299712 72 V2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 22.39 AP-002997li 7/21/2010 SUUTHERNCALIF'ORN[AEDLSON 68,8L8.84 AP - 00299713 7/21 12010 SOUTI TERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 42.9 L AP-00299713 7/21/2010 SOUTHERNCALIFORNI,4E:DISON 14.39L48 r1P-00299713 "1/212010 SOUTHEF.NCALIFORNE.AED[SON [24.68 AP - 00299713 7/2!/2010 SOU"FHF..RN C.ALIPORN[A EDiSON 37.65 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 28 Current Dale: 0 7/2 8120 1 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[ T_RC - CK:.4geuda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:59:5 CITY CIF' I2ANCFIO CUCAMC9NGA P-57 Agenda Check Retrister 7/14/2010 through 7t27,r20L0 Check No. Check Date VenAor Name Amount .4P - 00299713 7!2 VZOlO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 4,93127 AP - 00299713 7!21!2010 SOC1'CHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 5,6 14.17 AP - 00299713 7/21%2010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON L1,407.85 AP-00299713 7r`2O2010 SOFJTHERNCALIPORNEAEDISON 1;269.81 AP -00299713 7%21120(0 SOU'I-HERN CALaFOFtNIA EDISON 37.82 AP-01}299713 7/202010 SOU"CHFiIiNCAL[FORNIAEDISON 6,(83.03 AP-D0299713 7i2Ii20(p SO(.1'CHERN<::ALIF'pRNIAEDI.SON 24,338.£13 AP-00'2997E3 7,'202010 SULPFHF,,ItNCAl.IFORNLAED[SON 5.259.15 AP - 002997!.3 ~ 7?21/2{110 SOEJTHF:RN CALCF(?RNIA EDISON 8,e109.87 AP - (10299713 Z'2I 12010 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EBFSON (9,01 1.05 AP - 00299713 7/31./2010 SOU"~HERN CALIEORN(A EDiSON 13,064.92 .4P-D0299?l9 7/21!3010 VERiZONWIRELESS-LA 109.73 AP - U02997L9 7;Zi/2D I0 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36 4'- AP - 00299719 7,'2113010 \`ERiZON \VIRF..L,ESS - LA 3642 AP-00299719 7/2O20LO VERIGON WIRELESS-LA 62.78 4P - 00299719 7/2 (%^_0I O \'ERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.42 AP-00299719 7/202010 VER.[ZUN WIRELESS-LA 36.42 AP - 00299719 Z'2O2010 VERIZON W[P~ELESg - LA 44.85 AP-00299719 7/2112010 VERLZONN'iR:L'LESS-LA 6525 AP - D0299719 712112010 VERILON W [RECESS - LA 36.65 AP-00299719 7%21!2(}10 VE.RIZON WIRELESS-LA 6L46 AP-00299719 7/21iLGL0 VB,RIZONW[RE~ESS-L.A -11.91 AP-00299719 717.1!2010 VERIZONWIRGLESS-LA 7?•35 AP-00299719 7;202010 VEIi(ZON WIRELESS-LA ~ 0.00 AP - 00299719 7/2 L'2010 VERIZON VVIREL.ESS - LA 36.42 AP - 00299719 7/21/2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA ~ 30.63 AP -D0299719 7!2112010 VERIZUN LVIRI?LE:SS - LA - 36.42 AP - 00299719 ?;? tt3010 VERIZON W fRELESS - LA 3642 AP-00299719 7l21i20E0 VFR(ZON WIRELESS-LA 36.42 .4P-00299719 7!2LF2D10 VER[ZONIVIRF..LF..SS-L.q 30.63 AP - 00299719 7,''2!:2010 VERTZON WIRELESS - LA 36.42 AP - 00299719 7!21.12010 VERIZ.ON R'iRELESS - LA 30.b3 AP - 00299719 7/2 (12010 VER[ZUN WIRELESS - LA 11232 .4P - 00299719 7i'ZL'2D10 VEItI!_ON WIRELESS - LA 44.85 AP - 00299719 7/21/2010 VER.IZ.ON WCRELESS - L.q 36.42 AP-002997L9 7'21i2D10 VERI7_ONWIRELESS-LA 55.92 AP - OD2997 f 9 7/21 /3010 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 36.42 AP-D(}29'3719 7r'21/20l0 V"E}2EZON WIR.EL:F.,SS-LA 220.41 .4P - Op29g719 7;2112010 VER.IZON WIREI,BSS - LA 3b.46 AP - 00299719 7/21!2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - i_A 36.42 AP - 002997 i9 7/21!201 U VER.[ZON WCRELESS - l..r\ 36.42 AP - 00299719 7/202010 VER[ZON WIRELP.,SS - LA 3b_GO .4P - U0299719 7121%2010 VERIZON W[REL.ESS - C,A 36.42 AP - 00299719 7J2O2010 VERSZON WIRELESS - lea 36.42 AP - 00299719 7i21/2D10 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 5325 AP - 00299719 % ~li'2010 VER[ZUN WIRELESS - L.A 113.00 .4P - 00399719 112112010 VERIZON W[i2ELESS - L'A 4227 AP - 00299719 7!21!2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 5 t.41 AP - D0299 i l9 71'21;2010 VERIZ_ON WIRELESS - L.4 (19.6"+ AP-00299719 7/21i20EU VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 45.01 AP-00299719 7/202010 VER17_ONW'IRELESS-LA 41.41 AP - 00299719 7!2020!0 VERIZUN WIRELESS - L:1 36.42 AP-00299719 7/2UZD10 VERi~ONV,'[RE:LESS-LA 39,41 AI'' - 00299719 7121%2010 VER.IZON WIRLLESS - LA ~ 52.87 Ciscr. VE,OPEZ - ~cronica LopEZ Page: 29 Cuncnt Dale: 0228;201 Repm-t:CK_AGENDA_ REG POR"CRf1I T RC-CK:AgendaChec}c RegisterPoetrait.Layout Time: 14:59:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUC,~Lt'4iONGA P-58 APenda Check Resister 7i 14,'201.0 Utrnuoh 7r'27! 2010 Check No. Check Uate Vendor Name .4mount .4P-0029971.9 7P_U'_0(0 VER[ZON WIRELESS-L.4. 4278 AP-00299719 7/212010 VEKIZON WIRELESS-LA 39.41 AP-00299719 7/21/2010 VERIZONW[RELESS-L.4 37.66 AP - 00299719 7,'21/2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 41.80 AP - (10299719 71212010 VERILON WiRELF-.SS - LA 39.41 AP - 00299719 7,"L 1/2010 VER.IZON WIRELESS - LA 65.17 AP - 00299719 7/21/2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 49.90 AP-0(1299719 721,•'2010 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 42.41 AP - QU2997I9 7/21;~0I0 VERiZ..ON W'IRL-LESS - L,4 42.41 .4P-002997 t9 721!2010 VER120N WIRELESS-LA 42.41 AP - 00299719 7/2L'2UI0 VE[tl'/_ON WIRELESS - LA 48.15 AP - 00299719 72 UZU10 VERIZON LIRELESS - LA 45.40 AP-0029971.9 72L'2UlU VERI7.ON N%[ttELESS-LA 157.69 AF - 00299719 721/2010 VERIZON WIRELL"SS - LA 124.62 AP-002997 t9 721%2010 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 47.40 AP - 0(!2997 t9 7/21/2010 VER,IZ.ON WIRELESS - LA 45.90 AP - 002997 t9 7/21/2010 VER[ZON R'IRELESS - LA 3G.42 AP - 00299719 712 [2010 VERaLON WIRELESS - LA 37.10 AP - 00299719 7/2120(0 VERI7.C!N WIRELESS - LA 60.09 ,4P - 00299719 ';'21 /2010 VER.iZON WIREI:,ESS - LA 44.40 A.P - 00299719 7/2 V2010 V ERIZON N'IREL,ESS - LA 41.41 AP - 00299719 7/2l/^_010 VER[ZON W iREL.BSS - LA '36.42 AP-002997(9 ~ 7/21/2010 VERILONWIRELESS-LA 36.42 AP - (10299719 7121 %2010 VEltl'L' ON W [RECESS - LA 40.(13 AP - 00299719 7,'21!2010 VERIZON W!IRGLESS - LA 37.73 ,4P - 00299719 7'2!!2(110 VERILUN WIRELESS - Lq 46.42 AP-1)0299719 7212(11 (I VERIZON\VIR.EL,EiSS-LA 30.63 AP - 00299719 "i!2 f 2(11 U VEf21ZON W (RECESS - LA 36.42 AP - 00'299719 7/'212010 VERU_,<}N WIRELESS - I_A 36.82 AP -(1(1299719 721/2010 VERf7_ON N%IRELESS - L.,q 0.00 AP - 00299719 7/21!2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 41.41 AP-002997[9 72V2(110 VBR[LON WIRELESS-LA 45.01 4P-00299719 7/2!/2010 VERIZ.OIv' WIRELESS-LA 45.01 AP-002997(9 7/212010 VERIZ,ONWIRELESS-L,4 36.42 AP - 00299719 7/21/3010 VERIZON W (RECESS - LA 45.01 AP - 00299',19 721!20 I O V ER["CON WIRELESS - LA 36.42 .4P-0(1299719 712(/2010 VERiZON WIRELESS-LA 79.58 AP - 00299719 721!2010 V ER!ZON RRRELESS - L.4 49.21 AP - 00299719 7!212U10 VER17_ON WIRELESS - LA 36.44 AP - 00299719 721/2010 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 36.42 .AP - 60299719 7/212010 VERSION WIRELESS - CA 35.63 AP - 00299719 7/21/2010 VERILON WIRELESS - LA 38.41 AP - 00299719 7/2120!0 VERIZON \V[RELESS - LA 45.01 AP-00299719 7/21/201(1 VERIZONWiRELBSS-LA _ 45.05 ,4P - 00299719 712 02010 \%ERIZON W'iRELESS - LA 61.38 AP-00299719 7/21!20!0 VEP.[ZON WIRELESS-CA 38.3E .4P - 002997 (9 7!2112010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA. 2I L67 AP-00299719 7/21/20(0 VERI7.ON WIRELESS-LA 8G.>8 AP - 0029911.9 721/2010 VERI7_ON WIRELESS - L.4 42,99 AP - 00299719 721/2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 19.08 AF' - 00299719 7!211201.0 Y-ERIZON W [RECESS - CA -24.67 AP-00299719 7/2[/2010 VER[ZON WIRELESS-LA 60.07 AP - 00299719 7!2112(110 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 19.(!8 AP - 00299719 72!20!0 VERiZON WIRELESS - LA - -------- - 36.42 - ..--- - --._ ... ---- __ _...... _- __ -- p - ._.._ Clger. VLOPEZ - Vcrenica Lo ez _.__... .. _..__.- - -- -- Page: ' 30 Cunene Dace: 07!281201 Report:CK._A<;ENBA_ RB,G_POR"CRAfI' _RC - CK: Agenda Checl< Regisie* Portrait Layout Time: 14:>9:5 CITY OF I2ANCA0 CLICANIONGA P-59 A>*enda Check Register 7/l<t/2(110 through 7/27n010 Cfieck No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00299719 7/2 [!2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 45.(ll AP - 00299719 7/21/2010 VER.[ZON WIRELESS - LA 45.01 AP-00399719 7!282010 VGRIZONW'IREL,ESS-LA -12.69 AP-00299719 7/21{2010 VERiZONW'IRELF,SS-LA -1269 AP - 00299719 72 (./2010 VER[!_ON W'IREL,ESS - LA -92(1 AP-00299719 7/21/3010 VERIZONWIRELBSS-LA -1269 AP-0029971.9 7~I?2010 VF.R[ZONWIItGLISS-LA 20.37 AP -00299719 7!2 f/2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 0.00 AP -00299719 7!21/2010 VERIZON \V[RELESS - LA 5923 AP-00299719 7/21120t0 VER[ZON\VIRELESS-LA 35.63 AP-00299719 7.'282010 VER[ZONWIRF_LESS-LA 3',.96 .4P-00299719 7%2!/3010 \'ERIl.ON WIRELESS-LA 31.63 AP - 00299719 7~^_ f /2010 V-ER17_ON \6/1}tELF.SS - LA 41.42 AP-002997(9 7/21;2010 VERI7_ON WIRELESS-Lp 35.63 AP-00299719 7!2[12010 VERI!-ON WIRELESS-LA 41,43 AP • 002<3~)7l9 7/21;2010 VERIZ.ON WIRELESS - LA 35.63 AP-00299719 7%2Ir'2010 VF_R[7_ON WIRGLE5S-LA 44.49 AP - 00299719 7!21/2010 VERIZ,ON WIRELESS - LA 3$.63 AP-00299719 721/2010 VERiLGNbV1RELESS-Lp 35.63 .4P - 00299719 7;2 (1'_010 \BRIZON WIRELESS - LA 72.53 AP-00299719 7!282010 VER17_ONN'1RELESS-LA 45.62 AP-00299?t9 ?121/3010 VERIZON W1REL1?SS-LA 4?.30 AP-002997(9 7121,2010 VERIZON W[KELESS-LA 47.08 AP - 00299719 7,'2112010 VERIZON W LRELESS - LA 41. I6 AP-00299719 7/2!/2010 VER[ZON WIRELESS-LA 69.37 AP-00299719 7;2112010 VERiZON WIRELESS-LA 39.41 AP-00299719 7121!20(0 VERIZON\VIRELESS-LA 37.12 AP - 002997 L9 ?/2112010 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.A 39.41 AP - 00299719 7,'282010 VERIZON N'iRELESS - LA 35.31 AP - 00^_99719 7/21/2010 VERIZON W[ItBLESS - L.4 39.41 AP -00299719 7,2 (12010 VERIZON R'IREL.ESS - LA 42.73 AP - 00^_99719 721,x2010 VERiZON WIRELESS - L.A 40.45 AP-00299719 1,'21/3010 VER(7_ONWIREL,ESS-L,A 39.41 AP -00299719 7."1112010 VERIZON R'LRGLESS - LA 33.13 AP-00299719 7/282010 VERIZON W-[RECESS-LA 36.78 AP-00'997 t9 7;31!2010 VERIZ,ON WIKE'L,ESS-LA 31.63 AP - 00299719 7/2 V2010 VER[Z,ON WIRELESS - LA -091 AP-002997[9 7!2l/ZOtO VERIZON W'iR.EL,ESS-L:A -3.40 AP-00299719 7x'21/2010 VER.IZON WIRELESS-LA -125 AP-00299719 7/21/2010 VERTLONWIRELESS-LA -35.00 AF'-002997(9 7121;2010 b'ER17,ONWiREi..ESS-LA. -35.00 AP-002997(9 7/21/2.010 VER[ZON WIRELESS-LA -35.00 AP - 00249719 ~%%21/2010 VEKfZ.ON W[RF•,L ESS - LA 36.42 AP - 0U2997f9 7/21/2010 VER[ZC)N WIRF.,LisSS - LA 44.33 AP - 002997 i 9 72 (12610 \/ERfZON WIRELESS - LA 63.62 AP -00299719 7/2IJ2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.44 AP-003997(9 7;2ll20ft) VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 36.42 AP-002997!9 7/21/2010 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 37.10 AP-00299719 7%282010 VERI7_ON WIRELESS-LA 53.55 AP-002997;9 7/21;20(0 VERIZONWIRELESS-LA 33.62 AP - (10299719 72 (!2010 VERIZON \\/[RECESS - LA 33.62 AP-00299719 7!21!2010 V6RCZONWiRELF.SS-LA 64.61 AP - 00299719 7!21/2010 VGRIZO'N N%IRELESS - LA 39.66 AP-00294719 7/2(YZO(0 VGR[ZON WIRELESS-LA 49.13 [Iser. ~ LOPEZ -Veron ica Lopez Pale: 3 ( Current bate: (17/28!201 Repo+•t:CK_AC;ENf)A_R EG_PQRTR.A11 '_ftC - CK:.Ageuda (:heck Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:59:5 CITY OP' RANCFIO CL?CAMf)NC:A P-60 Agenda Check I2eaieter '7'L4/2010 through ^;27/2010 Check No, Check ITafe Vendor Name Amount AP - 002997 C9 in (12010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 42.41 AP - 00299714 7,'21 /2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 4^_ <Il AP - 00299719 7/21/2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA ~ 42.41 AP - 002997 (9 7/2 V2010 VERIZQN WIRELESS - LA ~ 41.41 AP - 00299719 7,21/2010 VER(7..ON WIRELESS - L,4 .36.44 AP - 002997 (9 7121 /2010 VERiZAN WIRELESS - L:1 39.4d AP - 00299719 7/21!20 i0 VERI7..ON \1~IRELL;SS • LA 37.58 AP-002997(9 7t2 112014 V}2I2.IZ.ONW(RF..[:,ESS-L.A 4~2A~1 AP - 00299719 7'2I,~20l0 VERi7..ON Vr'IRELESS - LA 55.82 1P - 002997 (9 .!21:2010 VER.(ZON 4VIRELIiSS - L.A 39.(16 AP-002997[9 7/21/2010 VERIZON WII2ELE$S-LA 40.(ti AP-00299719 7!'2(/2010 VERIZONWIRELESS-LA ~>~86 ;1P-00299719 7121/20(0 VE?RI7.,ONW'IR:ELESS-LA ~ 56.81 .4P - 00299719 7/2Ei2(110 Vi3,RlL,<)'N WIRELESS - LA 39.41 AP-0029971.9 7/2E/2UC0 VEI2IZONV/iRELESS-LA 11598 AP - 00299719 7f2 V3(PIO VER.I7.ON WIRELESS - C.A 138.22 AP - 007.49719 7%21/2010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA li7.85 AP - 00299719 7/21/2010 VERII.ON W[REi:.ESS - LA 37.41 AP - 00299719 7;2112010 VBP.IZOi! `iVIR:EL.ESS - LA 37.41 AP - 00299' 19 7l2 f /20 i 0 V ERIZON W1REIu~SB - LA 74.05 AP • 002497(9 7/2'f/20I0 VF..RIZON WIRELESS - LA ~ 59.91 AP-00299719 .7IZI/2010 VERI7(3N WIRELESS-L.A 4,0.09 AP - 00299719 7/21;20!0 VERIZON 1l'IRELESS - LA .59.95 AP-002997!9 7/2t/20'(0 VERIZON W(RELESS-LA 59.91 AP-002997t9 ?'2(i20I(1 VEItIZONWI€tELESS-LA 59.91 A P- 00299 7 1 9 ?/2 i l20 i 0 VERIZON R'IRELESS - LA 59.91 AP-002997(9 7/211201(1 VER[ZON W(REL.IiiSS-LA (i5.G6 AP - 00299719 7/2[12010 VF:RTZOAI WIRELESS - LA 8233 AP - 00299719 7/21!2010 VERIZC3N WIRELESS - LA 36.42 AP--00399719 ~ 7/202010 VHR:fZO'NWIRELESS-L.A. 36.42 Ah -00299719 7%2(x2010 VERfZON WIRCLESS - LA 36.42 AP-00299719 7x'2112010 VERIZONWIRE,LFSS-LA 3G.42 AP - 002997 [9 7,•`2 (201(1 VERIL,ON WIRELESS - LA 36.42 AP - (10299719 7!21/201.0 VF:RIZON F1~'IRELE:SS - LA 3(1.63 AP - 00299719 7l2E2010 V17,R[L,CTN WIREC ESS - L,A 36.42 AP-002997 t9 7/31/2010 V£iIZIZ,ONLVLI2.ELESS-LA 44.85 .4P - 00299719 721.13010 VERIGON WIRELESS - LA 3G.44 AP - 00299719 7%21/2010 VERIZON WII2Ii;LESS - C.A 34;.44 .4P-002997(9 "%2(;201(} VERIZON :ti'IREL,ESS-LA 36.42 AP-00299719 7/22!20(0 VER[ZON WIRELESS-LA 36.G6 AP - 00299719. ".!2113010 VERIZON W [RELE.SS - LA 36.42 AP-00299119 7;21/2010 VERI7.ON WIRELESS-LA °14.85 AP-002497L9 7/21/2010 VEI2IZ4NW[RELESS-LA 44.93 AP-00299719 7/2020(0 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 4(.42 AP - 00299719 7/21 /3010 VERIZON WCRELESS - LA 79.G6 AP - 00299719 7/21YZ010 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 4830 AP - 002997 (9 7!2 E!2010 ~ 1BRIZON WIRELESS - LA 55.20 AP-00299719 7/2(!2010 VER[ZONR~I'RELESS-LA 9L55 AP-00299714 712[%2(!10 VFLUZONW[RELESS-LA 45.01 AP -00249'719 7/21/2010 Vi?RFZ.ON WIRELESS - LA 36.50 AP - 00299719 7/2V20I0 VERIZON W(RF:'C.ESS - LA 0-(10 AP-002997(9 7/2Vl'J10 VERI7.,ONWIRELESS-LA 45.01 ,4P - D02997I9 7/2 02010 VERIZON \VII2ELESS - LA 32.81 AP - 00299? I9 7/2 f /2010 V ER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 49.21 C,Ise~: VLOPEZ ~, e~oo ica Lopez Pa,~,c: 3~ Carrent fate: 07.25 X01 Report:CK_AGENL)A_R l?G_POR'CRACI" _RC - CK: Agenda Chect:. Registi:r Pa[trait Layout Time: (4:54:5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P-61 Agenda Check Reeister 7/1412(110 thrpugh 7i27/2DtD Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amowtt ,4P - D0299719 712 U20I0 VGffiZON WIRELESS - LA 36.42 AP - 00299719 7/21!2010 VER[ZON V,'IRELESS - L:A I09.tS9 AP - 00299719 7/2112010 VERILON WIRELESS - LA 109.77 AP - 00299720 7/22/2010 .4CTURS' EQUITY ASSUGIATIpIJ 10,261.72 AP - D029972.3 7/22/2010 LOWES CON[P.4NIES INC. 189.14 :\P - 00299723 7/222010 L,O~YES COMPANIES [NC. '-6.08 AP-00^99723 7/22/2010 LOWESCOMP.4NIESINC. 149.69 AP-00299723 N22/2010 LOWESCOMPANIESINC. 4^1 AP - OD^_99723 7/22/^_010 LUWES COA4PAN(ES LNC. 39.44 AP - 00299723 7/22/2010 LO\\jE5 COMPANIES [NC. 5.73 AP - 00299723 7,22/2010 LO WES COMPANIES [NC. I62.U3 AP-00299723 72?/20t0 LO WES COMPANIES WC, 8.06 AP - 00299723 7/22/2010 LOWFS COMPANIES LNC. 106.07 AP-OD299"123 7/222010 L,OI\'ESCt)MI'.4N[ES[Nl:. '-6.D6 AP-OU299T_3 7/22/2010 LOW'ESCUMPANLE-5[NC. 18.23 AP-1}(}299723 7/22!"?010 LUN%ESCOMPANIESLNC. 11.22 AP - 00299723 7/22/2010 LOP%E.S COMPANIES [NC, t 13.88 AP - 00299723 7/2^_!2010 LU\4F.S COMPANIES INC. 47.74 AP - 00299723 ',!22/2010 L.UW'ES COf.4PANIES INC. 157.42 AP - (}0299723 7/22/2010 L,OWGS COAIPANIP..S INC. 39(18 AP-00299723 7/22/20f0 LOWESCOMPANIESINC. 20.60 AP - 00299723 7122/2010 L,C}WES COMF'AN(ES [NC. Fi1..21 AP - 00299723 7/22;2010 LOWFS C:UMPAN[ES INC. 72.55 AF -'00299723 7/'L22010 I:OWES COMPANIES LNC. G7.54 AP - 00299723 7/22/2010 LUWES COMPANIES INC. 17.56 AP - 0U2997ti 7/^2/2010 LC}WES COIvtPANIBS INC. 43.46 AP - 00299723 7/22/2010 LOWES C014iPANIGSINC. 37.1 t AP - (}029972.3 7/22/2010 LOWES COh-iPANLES LNC. ~ 33.65 AP- OU299723 7/22/2010 LOWES COMPANIES [NC. 2234 AP-00299723 7/22/2010 LOWBSCOMPANIESLNC. 19.[0 AP - 00299723 7i22i2U10 L,OWIS COMPANIES INC. 35.37 AF'-00^_99723 7/^_2r2Ut0 LOW'GSCOtvff?ANFESINC. I2L35 AP - 00297723 7/22/2010 LO W ES C,'OP4F',4NIES INC. 63.01 AP - D0299723 7222010 LO WES CUMPANIES [NC. 1 139 AP - 00299723 7122(2010 LO\\'GS COMPANIES INC. 49.36 A.P-00299723 722/2010 L.OWGSCUMPANIESINC. 205.47 AP-00299723 7r22/201t1 LOWESCOMPAN[ESINC. 44038 AP -.00299723 7/2212010 LO\\'ES COMPANIES LNC. 29.34 .4P -00299723 7/22/2010 LOWES COM['AN[ES 1NC. 7D.56 AP - 00299723 72220 10 LOW'ES COAtPAN[ES INC. 92.32 AP-00299723 7/22!~O10 L,OWF.SCOMPANLESINC. 7599 AP - 00299723 722!2010 LUWES CO&iPAN[ES INC. 43.95 AP - 00299733 722/2010 LU\VES COMPANIES INC. 137.48 AP-00299723 7/22/2010 LOWESCOMPAN[ESINC. 262.38 AP - 00299723 7/222010 ~ LO\VES CUA-IPANIES LN<i. 252.06 AP - 00299723 722./2010 LURES COMPANIES INC. -532.85 AP-(10299723 7;'22!2010 LOWE5COMPANIESINC. 43.57 AP-00299723 7/2212010 LUWESCOMPAN[ESINC. $I.OI AP -00299723 722/201.0 LOWES COMPAMES [NC. ~ 95.63 AP - 00299723 7/22/2010 L,OWES COMPANIES INC. 6.75 AP - 00299723 92212010 LOWES CUMPANIES [NC. 537..85 AP - 00299723 722/2010 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 2292 AP - 00299723 7222010 LOWES COM1IPANLES INC. 439.42 AP - 00299723 722/2010 L,OWES COD4PAN7E5 INC. S3.D9 QtiCP. VLUPEZ - Vu'onlca Lopez Page: 3 3 Carl ent Date: 07/2820 1 Repoli:CfC_AGENDA_ REG_POR"I'ItA[T_P~C - CIti: Apcuda Checl< Register Portrait tayaut Time: 14:59:5 CT'CY OF RANCHO CL'CAMONC;A P-62 A~ettda Check Register 7/(4/2010 thrauglt 7/27,%20[0 Cheek No. Check Date Vendor Namc Amount AP-00299723 7/2^/2010 LOWGSCOb-1P.9NfES[NC. 5.36 AP - 00299723 7/22/2010 LOWES COMPANIES INC. - 253.63 .AP-00299723 722!2010 LOWESCOMPANIESINC. IR.27 AP - 00299723 7122/2010 LOWES COMPANIES [NC. 2926 AP - (10299723 7/32/2010 LOWES COMPANIES TNC. 67.35 AP - 00299723 7/22/2010 LOVES COMPANIES INC. 162.04 AP-00299723 7!'_'2'20(0 LOWESCOMPANIESINC, 7.48 AP-00299723 7/22/2010 LOWESCOMYANEESMC. 12'7 AP - 00299?23 7!22/2010 LOV~%ES COMPANIES [NC. 15.20 AP-00299723 7/22!2010 LOIVESCOAdPANIESINC. IS.31 AP-00299723 7/22/20!0 LOW'ES<;OMPANIESINC. 95.72 AP - 00299723 7!22/2010 LOiNES COMPANIES INC. 154.25 AP-00299723 7/22Y20i0 LOWESCOMPANIESINC. 38.9? .4P-00299723 7/22/2010 LOWESCOD4PANIES[NC, 10.84 AP - 00299723 7/2'</2010 LOWES COMPANIES 1NC. 7.58 AP - 00299723 7/22120(0 LOVJES COMPANIES INC. 20.15 AP - 0029972.3 7/7.2/201(1 L.OWES COMPANIES fNC. 9.75 AP - 00299723 7/22/2010 LOWL-,S COMPANIES fNC. 88.07 AF - 00299723 7/22/201(1 L,O WES C;ONtPANLES itdC. I L70 AP • (10299723 7'22/2010 LOWBS COMPAN1ES tNC_ 232.70 AP - 00299723 7!'_2!2(110 L.OWES COMPANIES 1NC:. 5.40 AP-0029~i123 7/2.2/2010 L,OWESCOMPANIESINC. 14.08 AP - 00299723 717.2-;2010 LOWIS COA4PAN[ES [NCI. ~ 3a.60 AP -00299723 7/22/2010 LOWBS COMPANIES INC. 41,55 AP - 00299723 7/7.2/2010 L.Oih'ES C:OMk'AN€ES INC. 9">.50 AP-00299723 ?.!22;2010 LUW'ESCOMPANIES[NC, 232.79 AP-00249723 7/22/201(1 LOWESCOMPANIESINC. 27,00 AP - 00299724 71'22/2010 ABC LOCKSMITHS I I C>.I S AP - 00299724 7/22!2010 ABC I,OCKS(\-iITHS 67.50 AP -00299724 7;22;2010 ABC LOCKSb4ETI{g 5.98 AP-00299724 7;227201(1 ABCLOCKS(v1[TEIS 70.00 AP-00294724 7!22/2UL0 ABC LOCKSMITHS 2726 AP - 00299726 7/22/201(1 BRODART BOOKS 22.56 AP - 00299726 71'22:2(110 BRODAR'C BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00299726 7222!2010 BRODART BOOKS G.69 AP - 00'_99726 7;22/2010 BROUAR'I' BOOKS 18.04 AF - 00299726 7/2212010 BROD.AR'I' BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00299726 7,'22(2010 BRODART BOOKS 9 0'- ,4P - 00299726 7/2212(110 BRODAR'I' BOOKS 4.51 AP-00299725 ?/22;2010 BRODARTBOOKS 11.20 4P-00299726 7r22;2010 BRUD.ARTBOOKS 75.91 AP - 00299725 7/2<'2010 BRODART BOOKS 20A7 .4P - 00299726 7/22/2010 BRODART B00[{S 9.(12 AP - 00299726 7/22/2010 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00299726 7/22/20 10 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP-00249726 7/22;20!0 EiRODARTBOOKS 29.09 AP - 00294?26 7%2212010 BR.ODAR'f BOOKS 9.02 AP-00299726 7/22;201(1 BRODARTBOOKS 24.73 AP - 0029972( 7'2^_12010 BRODAR.T BOOKS 9.02 AP - 00299726 7/22/2010 BRODAR'E BOOKS 1353 AP - 00399736 7/22'2010 BRODART BUOKS 4.51 AP - 00299726 7/22/2010 BROUART BOC}KS 9.02 AP - {10299726 7i?? <U 10 BRODART BOOKS - 33.75 AP - 00299726 7/22/2010 t3ROE)AR'I BOOKS 6.69 Clrer.VLOPE27 ~,cu~niatLopez Pagc: 34 CurtentDate: (1712 8 /20 1 Report:CK_AGF..NDA_ REG_PC3R9'RAC P_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout' Time: 14:59:5 CI'CY ©F RANCHO CL[CAMONGA P-63 Ar?enda Check Re>*ister 71142(110 through i/27/2010 Check Nn. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00299726 7!2?/2010 BRUDART BOUKS 4.51 AF - 00299726 "2212010 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 .4P -(10299726 72212(iL0 BRODART BOOKS 46.00 AP-0029972( 7;22;20[0 BRODARTBOOKS 9.02 r1P-00299726 7!22/2(1(0 BR<)DARTBOOKS 40.59 AP - 00299726 7/22/2010 3RODART' BOUKS 4.51 AP - 0029972(1 7,"2212010 BRODAR'C BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00299726 7/222010 BRODART BOORS 9.02 AP- 00299726 7!'22!2010 BRODr1R'I' BOOKS 18.04 AP - 00299726 71'2°./2010 BRODART BOUK$ 6.119 AP - 00299726 7122/1010 BRODART BOOT{S 9.0'1 AP - 00299726 7/22/2010 BRODAR"f BOOKg 33.4> AP - 00299726 7/22!2010 BRODAR.T BOOKS 4.51 AF - 00299726 7/22/2010 )3RODART BOOKS 4.5 I. AP - 00299726 7/2<2U 10 BRUDART BOOKS 24.73 AP - 00299726 7/22/2010 BROD.4R'C BOOKg 56.00 AP - 00299726 7!22/2010 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 .4F - 00299726 712^_20 (0 BROD.4RT BOOKS 40.29 ~AP-00299726 Y22i7.Oi0 3RODARTBUOKS 4.51 .4P - 00299726 7'222010 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00249727 7;22!2010 COR1P U ZONE 85.00 AP - 00299728 7/22!2010 CCiCARiONGA VALC,EY WATER D[STR[CT 178.61 AP - 00299729 7r22/2010 EMCUR SERVICE 31,220.50 AP - 00299730 ?/22/20 LO E\LTNG FRRIGATIUN PRODUCTS 979.24 AP - 00299730 7/22/20 tU EU'ING [8816:4"CIUN PRUDLICT$ 638.80 AP - (10299730 7;22:2010 h'_WING IRRIGATIUN PRODUCTS 355.40 AP - 00299731 7./2'112010 F1OC.LIDAY ROC!{ CO FNC 182.77 AP - 00299731 ~ --122!2010 G-IOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 4!7.15 AP - 00299731 7122(2010 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 391 .0 AP - 0029973! 712220!0 HOLLIDAY ROCK CC7 INC IOU.UO AP - 00299731 7/22/2010 HOLLI,DAY KOCK. CO LvC 50.00 AP - 00299731 722!2010 HOLL[D.4Y ROCK CU INC'. 150.00 AP-00299731 7!22!20[0 HOLLIDAYROCI{.<;O1rrC 663.38 AP - 00299731 7;22120!0 HOLLIUAY ROCK CU INC 860. i5 AP - 0029973 I 722;2010 IiOLL1DAY ROCK CO TNC 863.61 AP - 00299731 7!22(2010 HOLLibAY ROCK CO INC. 607.25 AP - 00299732 7/2212010 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 42.52 AP - 00299732 7(22/2010 H]'DRUSCAPE PRODCIC"fS INC 94.99 AP-00299T3 722,"2Cri0 KON1C.4 R4INOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA AP - 00299733 7;22/2010 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS US,4 123.84 ,4P - 00299733 7122'2010 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA 988.32 AF - 00299733 722%2010 KON[CA M[NOLT:\ BC1S[NESS SOLCITIUNS USA 430.99 .4F - 00299733 712326 I0 KONIC:A Rt[NC)LTA B1ISINL-"SS SOLUTIONS I/5A 977.56 AP - 00299733 7!22!20!0 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLU'i[ONS USA 4035.69 AF-{10299733 722/2010 KONiC.4 MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA 355 AP-00299734 722/20[0 FiEt'UBL,ICITS 123RL19 .4P - 00299734 7~'22I2010 REPUBLIC ITS 15,685.48 AP - 00299734 722/2010 REPLBLI<' I"CS 395.41 AP - 00299735 7/322010 TRUCiREEN LANDCARE 33,638.65 .4P - 00299735 7/222010 TRtiGRF,EN LANDCARE 57.34 AP - 00299735 7!22/2010 TkUGREEN LANDCARE G5,Rb6.5G AP - 00299735 7/22,'2010 TRUGREEN LANDCARE !9.326.55 AP-00299735 722120[0 TRUGREENLANDCARE 496.54 AP - 00299735 7/22!2010 TRUGREEN LAN(KARG 2,956.32 Clser: VLOPEZ -Veron ica Lopez Page: 35 Current Dute: 0 712 8 /2 0 1 Report:CK_AGENDA_R EG_POR'fRA[T_RC - CIC Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Tirnr. L459:5 t;I'F?a' OF IiANCHt9 Cilt'A~3;ONGA P-64 Agenda Check 1ZeTFistet• 7/Ix/2010 throrieh 7/27/3010 Cheek No. Check Date Venttor Name Amount AP -00299735 7r'?2i2{110 TRUCi1iGGN LANDCARE x,569.60 AP-00299735 7122/20/0 TRUGRF.ENLANDCARi3 1x,406.68 AP-00299735 7122i20f0 TRUOREI3NLANDCAFtE I9,S73.9D AP-00299735 7'?.2./2010 'I'R[JfiRL==;I-NLAI~TDCAI2.E 400.96 AP-00299735 72212Ut0 T'RUOREiENLANUCARE 958Ax AP - 00299', 3S 7!22/20 f 0 TRFJi,REEN LAND<;ARE 2, i 79.8b AP-00299735 7122.r2UE0 'E'RUCREE:NL-ANDCARE t3,000.U0 AP - 00299737 7/22.!2Ut0 BROD.4R'E' BO<)K:S 84.3x AP - 00299737 7'22;''<UI0 F3RODAR'1' BOOKS 5(1.77 AP - 00299737 7/22.'"'(110 ESRODAR`(' BOOKS 28.&4 AP - 0029973? 7!22/2010 [3[2ODART Bf>nRg 17 8.78 AP - 00299737 7/221201.0 d,Rl3C)AKT BOOKS 3x.26 AP - UO"94737 ?22,%201 U BROC)AR'C BCK)Kg 25.Ci5 AP - 00299737 7221201.0 BRC1L)ART BOOKS ~ 58.67 AP - 00299737 7/'22/2(1 I O BRODAR'1' BOOKS /x.10 AP - 00299737 ?f22i2010 BR,ODART BOOKS x8.93 AP - 00299737 ?/22/20 t0 BROC3ART BC1OKS 24.47 !AP - 00299737 722/20/0 BRODART BC)OKS 45 ~i6 AP-(1629973^, ~,.-~12G;0 5RC)F;ARTBOOKS I6b.C> AP - 00299737 7!22/2010 BRO[)ART d<)OKS x9.x2 AP - 0029973? 7!22/2010 BROC7ART dO0IC5 16.60 AP - 00299737 122!20 i0 dRODART BOOKS ~ 15.82 AP - 00299737 7,2212010 BRODART [3O0K5 ~ i 04.59 AP-00299737 7i2212UI0 dRODART'BOOKS 2.9.1(1 AP-00299737 7/22/2010 BRODARTBOOKS ~ 73.43 AP-(11)299737 7/22/20}0 BRODART BOORS 6x,5G AP-00249737 7/22/20[0 dRODAR'C13O0KS 97.8x .AP-00299737 7/222010 BRC)DARTBOOKS ~ 1x.[4 AP • 00299737 7/22/2010 dRODART BOOKS 28.83 AP - 0('1299737 7Y22/2010 dRODART BOOKS 16.60 AP - 00299737 722/2010 BROllART BOOKS ~ I4. I5 AP - 00299737 7%222010 dRODART' BOORS l2. [ 8 AP - 0029'7 737 7/2220/ U dRODAR'C BOOKS 17.83 AP - 00299737 7!22/2010 E#RODAK'I' BOOBS E00.95 AP - 60'299737 7/22%2010 dRODART F3O0K5 L4.10 AFT - 0(1299737 722/20 10 BE2ODA,R'I' BOOKS 25.(15 AP-0(1299737 7/22/2050 BI2ODARTBOOKS 12./8 AI' - 00299737 7/22120/0 BROF:)ART BOOKS 56.7b AP-00299737 ^,-22/20/0 BRODARTBOOKS SSSt AP - 00299737 722/2010 dRODART BOOKS ? x, l 3 .AP - 00299737 7122,'2010 F#RODART BOOKS 24.47 AP - 00299737 7,'2212010 BRODART BOOKS 127.1 I AP-00299739 7/22120!0 BRC)DAPiTdOOK5 ~ 172.20 AP - 0029973^ 7!'_"2./201(1 dROt)AR'[' BOOKS 25.45 AP-00299737 '/22120 E0 dEtODAFt BOOKS 169.05 AP-00299T,7 7/22/20 t0 BRODAR'CdOOKS 14.70 AP - 0029973/ 7/2220/0 F#KODART BOOKS 29.32 AP - 00299737 7/22120 i 0 BRODAR'F' BOOKS ? 1.30 AP - 00299737 7123120'10 BRODART BOOKS 127.87 AP - 00249737 7122/20[0 BROE7AR'I' BOf)Kg 4~q.02 AP - U029973R '712'12010 CON[P (J ZONE 61.99 AP - 00249738 7/22!2010 COMP [J ZONE 85.00 AP-00299738 7122;2010 CO13P[JZONE SS-O0 AP - 00299733 7;2212010 COMP [,[ ZONE 85.00 ---- [Jser. VLOPEZ Ve:onicaLapez Page. 36 l;uneotDate: 07728`20! Report:CK_AClENDA_ RE(i_PORTRAt' I'_RC - CIi: Agetrda Check Register Portrait Layout 'Ctme: 14:59:.5 CI'T'Y OF 1tANCICO CUCAMONGA Agenda Ckteck Re~istet- 7i142010 throueh 727%2010 P-65 Check No. Check llafe Vendor Natne Amount AP - 0029973S 7!22,%2010 COMP U 7_UNE 363.23 AP - 00299735 7/2!2010 COMP U ZONE 85.00 .4P - 00299740 7222010 GW[NG {itRiGA9-IUN' PRODUCTS 434.04 AP - 00299741 7/22/2010 GENERAi'OR SERVCCES CO 1.877.•10 AP - 00299742 72'_12010 HUL.L[D.4Y KOCtt CU INC. 90.49 AP - 00299743 7!27!2010 N%UMEN LE.4ll1NG GOVERNMENT 40.00 AP-00"99743 7!27/201(! 1VOh4ENF_L'ADINGGOVEKNMENT 45.(10 AP-00299743 7/272010 1VOMENLEAD[NGGOVERNh4ENT 45.00 AP-00299743 72720!(1 1V01\4ENC,EAllINGGOVERNMENT 45.0(! .4P-00299743 7/27/2010 WOMENLEAD[NGGOVERNb4ENT 45.00 AP - 00299743 7/27/2010 WOMEN LEADING GOVERI~'MENT 45A0 .4P - 00299743 7272010 WOMEN LEADING GOVERNMENT 45.00 AP - 00299743 7/272010 WOMEN LEADING GOVERNMENT 45.00 AP - 00299743 7272010 N'OMEN LEADING GOVERNMENT 45.00 AP - 00299743 727/2010 WOMGIN C.EADING GOVF,FLNMENT' 45.00 '!'otal for Check LD AP: 1,91 R,297.84 EP - 00001192 7~I4/2000 AS'IRUM U'CILIT'Y SEKV[CES 7,250.00 EP-OOOOLC93 7'LLi2010 FORTES'I'r1R.NfETHANEGROUPLI,C 106,932.23 EP - 00001 193 7!!420 (0 POR1"CS'C'.4R NtETHANE GROUP LL,C !01,072.35 EP - 00001194 7/14/2010 MICHAEL, C,. 17ENNCS - i !5.00 EP-000O1194 7/14/2010 MICF{AEL.L.DENN[S 40.00 E.P - 00001 195 7;142010 STiEL,L P-.NERDY NORTH AMERIC:1 217,588.80 F.P - 06001196 7/lAi2U10 VF.RNUN, CI'1'1' C)P 174,990.00 EP-00001197 7/14/2010 C.ALIFGOVERNMEN'1'VEBA/€2AA'CHOCUCANfC F,125.00 fiV-OOOOCl97 7/14/20f0 CA[..iFGOVFRNME.NTVEE#A!RANCFIC7CLJCAhK 14,61SJ)0 EP - OOOOI 198 7114/20)0 VIASYN INC - 3,000.00 EP - 00001 199 721/2010 MACDO'NALD, tANCCE 1.600.00 E[~ - 00001199 7202(110 MACDONALD, fAMIE 212.50 EP - 00001201 7/21/2000 F3LACK & VEATCII CORP 3,070.00 EP-00001203 712!12010 PCLO'I'PUWERGROUP[NC 83,',73.48 Total for Check. ID EP: 715,384.36 'Cola! fm• Entity: 2,633,682.20 User: VLOPE7_-Veronica Lopez Page: 37 Qcrreat Date: 07/28/301 Report:CK_AGL--NDA_Rl'G_PORTRAI'f_RC - Cli: Ageuda Check Register Portrait Layrntf Time: 14:59:5 STAFF REPORT ADIdINISTR.~ITIV E SERVICES DEPAATIVfE.NT Date: August 4, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager ~,~ From: John R. Gillison, Assistant City Manager r! ~Gl(a By: Chris Paxton, Human Resources Director ~ Subject: APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A REPRESENTATIVE AND ALTERNATE REPRESENTATNE TO THE PUBLIC AGENCY RISK SHARING. AUTHORITY OF CALIFORNIA (PARSAC) BOARD OF DIRECTORS StafF is recommending that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopt the attached resolution, appointing the Assistant City Manager as the Gity's representative and the Human Resources Director.as the City's altemate representative on the Board of Directors of the Public Agency Risk Sharing Authority of California (PARSAC). BACKGROUND The City Council previously approved Resolution 08-028 appointing the Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services as the City's representative and the Human Resources Officer as the City's alternate representative on the Board of Directors of the Public Agency Risk Sharing Authority of California (PARSAC). -With the recent reorganization in Human Resources the title of Human Resources Officer no longer exists. In addition, the position of Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services is currently vacant. It is important that these board positions be filled so that the City will continue to have representation and a vote on the PARSAC Board. With the appointment of the Assistant City Manager as the representative, John Gillison will continue in this capacity. By appointing the Human Resources Director as the altemate, Chris Paxton will assume this role. He has over 15 years of risk management experience. P-67 RESOLUTION NO. 10-/,3b A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO APPOINT AN ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE PUBLIC AGENCY RISK SHARING AUTHORITY OF CALIFORNIA (PARSAC) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "City") is a party to the Joint Powers Agreement creating the Public Agency Risk Sharing Authority of California, dated November 19, 1993 (the "Joint Powers Agreement"), and as such, is a Member Agency of the Public Agency Risk Sharing Authority of California ("PARSAC"), as that term is defined in the Joint Powers Agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Joint Powers Agreement, each Member Agency of PARSAC is required to appoint a Director and an Alternate Director to act in the Director's absence, to represenf the City as if the City itself were present and acting on the PARSAC Board of Directors for all matters which come before such Board of Directors, and also for the Director to be eligible for serving on the PARSAC Executive Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE i T RESOLVED 4hat the City Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga appoints the Assistant City Manager to serve as its Director on the PARSAC Board of Directors to act on behalf of the City, a Member Rgency of PARSAC, on all matters to come before the Board of Directors, as if the City itself were present and acting at such meeting, and for such Director to be eligible for serving on the PARSAC Executive Committee; and appoints the Human Resources Director to serve as Alternate Director in the absence of the Director. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 08-028, passed and adopted on February 6, 2008, appointing the Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services as the City's representative to PARSAC and the Human Resources Officer as alternate, be rescinded; that the City Manager, or a designee, be instructed to inform the Secretary of PARSAC of the above appointment by sending a copy of this Resolution to PARSAC's business office; and that this resolution shall take effect on August 9, 2010. PASSED, APROVED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2010. AYES: -NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: Donald J. Kurth, MD, Mayor ATTEST: Janice Reynolds, City Clerk P-68 I, Janice Reynolds, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a Meeting of said Council on the day of , 2010. Executed this day of , 2010 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Janice Reynolds, City P RT -' STAFF RE o ~ PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEP.\RTMEN'I' RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 cUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Ernest Ruiz, Streets, Storm Drains and Fleet Superintendent Paul Fisher, Management Aide Subject: ACCEPT THE CITYWIDE BRIDGE DECK MAINTENANCE, CONTRACT NO. CO 09- 236, AS COMPLETE, RELEASE THE LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND, RETAIN THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND TO ACT AS A MAINTENANCE BOND, AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DIRECTOR TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $354,963.60 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Citywide- Bridge Deck Maintenance, Contract tJo. CO 09-236, as complete, authorize the Public Works Services Director to file a Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Maintenance Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bend in the amount of $379,972.60 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $35,496.36, thirty-five (35) days after acceptance. Also approve the final contract in the amount of $354,963.60. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications anal to the satisfaction of the P~!blic Works Services Director. The Citywide Bridge Deck Maintenance scope of work included the treatment of concrete bridge decks with methacrylate, removal and replacement of joint seals, removal and replacement of P:C.C. pavement, curb and gutter, removal-and replacement of asphaltic concrete pavement and the installation of metal beam guard rail and fences. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: - Engineer's Estimate: - Account Numbers: $605, 289 1112303-5650/1542112-0 - City Council's Approval to Advertise: April 15, 2009 - Publish dates for local paper: April 21 and April 28, 2009 P-69 - Bid Opening: May 19, 2009 P-70 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Re: ACCEPT RED HILL PARK COBBLESTONE PROJECT May 19, 2010 Page 2 ~ Contract Award Date: June 17, 2009 - Low Bidder: Peterson-Chase General Engineering Construction, Inc. 9 Contract Amount: $379,972.60 - Contingency: $ 37,997.26 - Final Contract Amount: $354,963.60 Decrease in Contract Amount: $ 25,009 (7%) The net decrease in the contract amount is resulted from a reduction in the quantities of cold milling, asphalt concrete pavement, and other miscellaneous items at various project locations. Resp ~ ully subrpitted, ,~ , ~. William Wittkopf Public Works Services Director VNN:ER/pf Attachment P-71 RESOLUTION NO. /D-/.3/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CITYWIDE BRIDGE DECK MAINTENANCE AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for the Citywide Bridge Deck Maintenance have been completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Services Director; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves that the work is hereby accepted and the Public Works Services Director is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. STAFF REPORT PUBLIC WoRI:s SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: August 4, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Ty Quaintance, City Facilities Superintendent P-72 .~'~~' ,', ~ .< ~ kl ~~ i -i - -.~- RAncHo CUCAMONGA Subject: AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD A CONTRACT RENEWAL (CO 07-124) 70 ELLIS ENTERPRISES OF LOS ALAMITOS FOR WINDOW CLEANING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 IN AN ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $71,160 PLUS $10,000 EXTRA WORK, WITH NO COST INCREASE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TO BE FUNDED FROM 1001312-5304 (FACILITIES MAINTENANCE) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize a contract renewal (CO 07-124) to EIIis Enterprises of. Los Alamitos for window cleaning services for various city facilities for fiscal year 2010-2011 in an annual amount of $71,160 plus $10,000 for extra work, with no cost increase for fiscal year 2010-2011 to be funded from 1001312-5304 (Facilities Maintenance). BACKGROUND ANALYSIS On September 5, 2007, the City Council approved a contract with Ellis Enterprises for window cleaning services for various city facilities. This is the fourth year of a four year maximum contract term. The contractor has submitted a letter of intent expressing their desire to continue service to the City of Rancho Cucamonga at the same rates as fiscal year 2009-2010. Ellis Enterprises has proven to be 'a competent, customer service friendly contractor. Therefore, staff recommends approving the contract renewal with Ellis Enterprises for fiscal year 2010-2011. ~Ftes c ully su itte , William Wittkopf ~ Public Works Services Director BW:TQ:it P-73 STAFF REPORT ` ~~~ -- ~ ~^' PUBLIC VG'ORKS SERVICES DEI'A RTtufEN"C '~~ <._._ RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 CUCAMONGn To: Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: William Wipkopf, Public Works Services Director Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Jeff Barnes, Parks and Landscape Maintenance Superintendent Subject: APPROVAL TO EXECUTE CONTRACT RENEWALS (CO 90-145, 89-136, 93-006) WITH MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENTERPRISES, INC., OF IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF CITY PARKS AND CITY AND FIRE DISTRICT LANDSCAPE SITES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,384,260 FOR CITY FACILITIES AND $65,750 FOR FIRE DISTRICT FACILITIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 TO BE FUNDED FROM VARIOUS GENERAL FUND ACCOUNTS, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT, CAPITAL RESERVE ACCOUNT, LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ACCOUNTS, CFD 868 ACCOUNT, AND FIRE DISTRICT ACCOUNTS AS APPROVED IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council and Fire Board of Directors approve the execution of contract renewals (CO 90-145, 89-136, 93-006) with Mariposa Horticultural Enterprises, Inc., of Irwindale, California, for the maintenance of city parks and city and fire district landscape sites, in an amount not to exceed $1,384,260 for city facilities and $65,750 for fire district facilities for fiscal year 2010-2011 to be funded from various General Fund accounts, San Bernardino County Reimbursement account, Capital Reserve account, Landscape Maintenance District accounts, CFD 868 account, and Fire District accounts as approved in the fiscal year 2010-2011 budget. oA~KGROUNDlANALYSIS Mariposa is one of two landscape contractors used by the City to maintain various landscape sites citywide. The City Council has previously awarded contracts (CO 90-145, 89-136, 93-006) to Mariposa Horticultural Enterprises, Inc. The contractor has submitted a letter of intent expressing their desire to continue service to the City of Rancho Cucamonga at the same rates as fiscal year 2009-2010. Mariposa has proven to be a competent, customer service friendly contractor. Therefore, staff recommends approving the contract renewal with Mariposa for fiscal year 2010-2011. Resp c ully mitt d, , Willia ittkopf Public Works Servic s Director ike Bell Fire Chief WW:JB:sm STAFF REPORT PUBLIC WORKS SCRVICES DEPAR'I'YIEI~T `.. RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Ernest Ruiz, Streets, Storm Drains and Fleet Superintendent Subject: AUTHORIZATION TO RENEW A CONTRACT WITH UTILIQUEST (FORMERLY UNDERGROUND TECHNOLOGY,INC) FOR THE UNDERGROUND MARKING SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $54,600 WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR ADDITIONAL .ONE YEAR PERIODS UPON REVIEW AND CONFIRMATION OF PRICING AND MUTUAL CONSENT OF THE CITY MANAGER AND CONTRACTOR TO BE FUNDED FROM NUMEROUS ACCOUNTS AS APPROVED IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the renewal of a contract with UtiliQuest (formerly Underground Technology, Inc) for the underground marking services in the amount of $54,600 with the option to renew for additional one year periods upon review and confirmation of pricing and mutual consent of the City Manager and contractor to be funded from numerous accounts as approved ih the fiscal year 2010-2011 budget. BACKGROUND ANALYSIS On July 16, 2003, City Council approved a contract with UtiliQuest (Formerly Underground Technology, Inc) to provide underground marking services. The City has contracted with UtiliQuest to locate and mark our RCMU underground infrastructure, fiber optic system, traffic signals and landscape system, so that all underground city-owned infrastructures are clearly identified and protected from potential damage from excavation, roadway repairs or other construction activities. UtiliQuest has submitted a letter of intent wishing to continue service at their current rates for fiscal year 2010-2011. They have provided good service during the last year and staff recommends continuing the contract with this contractor with the same scope of work as fiscal year 2009-2010. esp tf Ily sub 'tted, I' ~~ William Wittkopf Public Works Services Director P-74 ,~ ~~ ~`~Y . ~--'~~," DB:ER/sm STAFF REPORT PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEI'~1RTT4ENT Date: August 4, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager P-75 yh' ~ `'~~i, ~ _.~~ , RANCHO ~UCAMONGA From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Jeff Barnes, Parks and Landscape Maintenance Superintendent Subject: APPROVAL TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT RENEWAL (CO 02-018) WITH TRUGREEN LANDCARE OF UPLAND, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF CITY' LANDSCAPE SITES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF LMDS 9 AND 10 AND GENERAL FUND PARKWAYS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $133,770 TO BE FUNDED FROM 1001316-5300 (GENERAL FUND-STREET AND PARK MAINTENANCE), 1139303-5300 (LOWER ETIWANDA) AND 1140303-5300 (RANCHO ETIWANDA) AS APPROVED IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council and Board approve the execution of a contract renewal (CO 02-018) with TruGreen LandCare of Upland, California, for the maintenance of City Landscape sites within the boundaries of LMDS 9 and 10 and General Fund Parkways in an amount not to exceed $133,770 to be funded from 1001316-5300 (General Fund-Street and Park Maintenance), 1139303- 5300 (Lower Etiwanda) and 1140303-5300 (Rancho Etiwanda) as approved in the fiscal year 2010- 2011 budget. BACKGROUND ANALYSIS TruGreen LandCare is one of two landscape contractors used by the City to maintain various landscape sites citywide. The City Council has previously awarded a contract (CO 02-018) to TruGreen LandCare for these areas. The contractor has submitted a letter of intent expressing their desire to continue service to the City of Rancho Cucamonga at the same rates as fiscal year 2009- 2010. TruGreen has proven to be a competent, customer service friendly contractor. Therefore, staff recommends approving the contract renewal with TruGreen LandCare for fiscal year 2010- 2011. c ully mitt l,~l William ittkopf Public Works Services Director BW:TQ:sm STAFF ~~®RT ENGINEL.RING SCRVICF..S DEPARI'bfENT Date: August 4, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Willie Valbuena, Assistant Engineer l , RANCHO G'UCAMONGA Subject: APPROVAL OF A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (URA-26) FOR UNDERGROUNDING OF EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITIES FOR TRACT 17455, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 9T" STREET, EAST OF MADRONE AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY KB HOME RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the Reimbursement Agreement for undergrounding of existing overhead utilities, located on the north side of 9~' Street, east of Madrone Avenue and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause same to record. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS The developer, KB Home, has completed the undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities fronting his project, Tract 17455, as required by the project conditions of approval. They are now requesting a reimbursement agreement to recover a pro rata share of the undergrounding costs from the adjacent properties directly benefiting from the undergrounding, which is consistent with City policy. Staff has reviewed and concurs with the undergrounding cost data supplied by the Developer and the distribution costs to the benefit parcels as contained in the reimbursement agreement. Copies of the agreement signed by the Developer are available in the City Clerk's office. One of the benefit parcels, Parcel Map 16141, as shown in the Reimbursement Agreement exhibits, is across the street from the developer. This benefit parcel has previously contributed fees to fhe City in-lieu of undergrounding the overhead utilities specifically performed by this Developer. This particular pre-paid fee will now reimburse the Developer, thereby deferring much of URA-26 immediately. The properties affected by the agreement were notified by mail prior to tonight's Council meeting. Res ectfully submitted, -'Mark teuer irector of Engineering Services/City Engineer P-76 MASNVV:Is Attachments P-77 City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division Vicinity IViap PM :6/421 ~` 1 N W E S Item: Title: ~®~',~~/07',~ P-78 RESOLUTION NO. fD-/.3a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (URA-26) FOR THE UNDERGROUNDING OF EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITIES, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 9T" STREET, EAST OF MADRONE AVENUE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has for its consideration a Reimbursement Agreement lURA-26) submitted by K8 Home, as developer for Parcel Map 17455, for the undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities on the north side of gm Street, east cf Madrone Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Developer, at the Developer's expense, has completed said utility undergrounding; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES that said Reimbursement Agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Reimbursement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City Clerk to attest hereto and cause said agreement to record. P-79 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: and WHEN RECORDED MAFL TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P.O. BOX 807 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR UNDERGROUNDING OF OVERHEAD UTILITIES FOR Project: TRACT 17455 File: URA- 26 This Agreement is made and entered into this day of 2010_, by and between the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter refereed to as "CITY'S and KB HOME (hereinafter referred to as "DEVELOPER'S for the undergrounding of the overhead utility fines associated with the project of DEVELOPER, A. Recitals (i) 'DEVELOPER has heretofore processed certain approvals and/orentiUemerrts forthedevelopment and construction of a project within the CITY. (ii) As a material condition of said approval of the project of DEVELOPER, the DEVELOPER was required to underground existing overhead utilities associated with DEVELOPER'S project. Said condition and map of undergrounding indicating affected parcels is set forth in Exhibft "A"and Exhibft "B"respectively, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. (iii} The DcVELOPER has at DEVELOPER`S expense, famished all labor, equipment, and materials, and has paid all costs incident to the undergrounding of utilities as described in Exhibit "D". (iv) The DEVELOPER has submitted to the City Engineer verification of completion and approval of utility undergrounding from the appropriate public utilities. (v) Pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution No. 87.96, when a specific condition of development approval requires the undergrounding of existing overhead utility lines and the removal of related supporting poles, if any, adjacent to and within the limits of the development, ft is the policy of CITY to, where feasible, attempt to collect and reimburse fees for undergrounding from those adjacent parcels benefitfing directly from such undergrounding activity et the time said adjacent parcels themselves are subdivided or developed. _~. P-80 (vi) The parcel or parcels adjacent to the project of DEVELOPER which are directly benefitted by the utility undergrounding activity of DEVELOPER are shown on Exhibit "C"and set forth in a list attached hereto as Exhibit "D" both incorporated herein by this referents (hereinafter, said parcel or parcels are referred to as the "Benefit Parcel(s)"). (vii) The Benefd Parcel(s) adjacent to the project of the Developer, which have contributed fees to the City in the past in lieu of undergrounding of overhead utilities specifically for the undergrounding work performed by the Developer, and/or Benefit Parcel(s) categorically exemptfrom undergrounding requirements as stipulated in Planning Commission Resolution No. 67-98, are sat forth in a description attached hereto as Exhibit "E" and incorporated herein by reference (hereinafter, said parcel or parcels are referred to as the "Exempt Parcel(s)'. (viii) CITY is willing, upon the terms and rnnditions set forth herein, to collect a fee or charge from the Benefd Parcel(s) to reimburse DEVELOPER for utility undergrounding as provided in this Agreement. The funds to be reimbursed to the Developer by each "Benefit Parcel" are summarized in Exhibit "F", attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. (ix) Ten (10) days prior to the approval and execution of this Agreement, CITY has provided notice, to those persons, firms, corporations or associations owning an interest in the Benefit Parcels}, of the CITY's intent to enter into this Agreement. 8. Aan~ement. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between CITY and DEVELOPER as follows: In ail respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Agreement. 2. CITY agrees to reimburse DEVELOPER any utility undergrounding tees, es provided in this Agreement, collected from any person, firm, corporation or association, their successors or assigns, owning an interest in the Benefd Parcel(s) (Exhibit "C"). 3. DEVELOPER is eligible for reimbursement of fees and charges from the Benefit Parcel(s) for the undergrounding activities as follows: a. When the condition of undergrounding (Exhibit "A") requires utility undergrounding of lines only on the DEVELOPER'S project side of the street, the DEVELOPER is eligible for reimburement of one-half the cost of such uiiirty undergrounding from the Benefd Parcel(s) on the opposfte side of the street from the Devebpers project boundary and reimbursement of the full cost of required undergrounding beyond the Developer's project boundary (one- half to be collected from the Benefit Parcel(s) on each side of the street) upon the subdivision ar development (other than a single family residence) of the Benefit Parcel(s). b. When the Condition of undergrounding requires DEVELOPER to underground utilities on both sides of the street, the DEVELOPER is eligible for reimbursement in a total equivalent to one-half the total undergrounding on both sides of the street. 4. DEVELOPER is entitled to such eligible reimbursement offees or charges collected following the date of this Agreement from the Benefit Percel{s) in an amount based on and/or equal to the lesser of the two total amounts as follows: -2- P-81 a. The actual cost incurred to complete the utility undergrounding (together with interest from the date of this Agreement at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum, simple interest). DEVELOPER shall provide the City Engi Weer a cost breakdown and accounting of all such utility undergrounding costs In a form satisfactory to the City Engineer. b. The amount of the CITY approved in-lieu fee for utility undergrounding (as applied to DEVELOPER's eligible undergrounding activity) in effect at the time of collection from the Benefit Parcel(s). 5. Developer is entitled to such eligible reimbursement of fees or charges collected by the City from the Exempt Parcel(s) ar Benefit Parcel(s) prior to the data of this Agreement in an amount based on and/or equal to the lesser of the two total amounts as follows: a. The actual cost incurred to complete the utility undergrounding b. The undergrounding in-lieu fee collected by the City. 6. The reimbursement of the fees and charges as set forth in this Agreement shall be paid to DEVELOPER from time to time es fees are collected from the Benefit Parcel(s) as such parcel(s) are subdhided ar developed (other than a single family residence). Reimbursement fees or charges have been pro-rated between the Benefit Parcel(s) based oh the linear foot frontage of such Parcel facing DEVELOPER's project and shell be collected in such pro-rated amount as each such Parcel is subdivided or developed. However, all right of reimbursement shall cease twenty (20) years after the date of this Agreement, whether or not the reimbursement amount provided in this Agreement has been delivered or partially delivered to DEVELOPER. 7. DEVELOPER may assign any and all rights to reimbursement under this Agreement by providing a written, verified, notice to the CITY. Such assignment shall only be effective with respect to a reimbursement fee collected more than thirty (30) days following the receipt of such written, verified notice of one or more persons, firms, corporations or associations holding the rights to the reimbursement provided in this Agreement, the CITY may deliver any reimbursement to any one such persons, etc., and such reimbursement shall be deemed received by all. 8. Any notice or reimbursement funds collected pursuant to this Agreement shall be provided to DEVELOPER at the address as follows: KB HOME 36310 Inland Vallev Drive Wildomar. CA 92595 9. If, within sixty (60) days after collection of such reimbursement fees or costs, the GITY has not been able to contact DEVELOPER at the address provided in paragraph 9, above, or has not been notified by DEVELOPER or their assignees of a new address to deliver such funds, such right to reimbursement, in whole, or in part, shall be deemed waived, and any funds so collected shall be put into an account of CITY for the development of public improvements of CITY. 10. If the fee or charge established by this Agreement is hereinafter declared invalid or unenforceable by preemptive legislation or a court of competent jurisdiction, all of DEVELOPER'S rights to reimbursement shall cease and terminate. Nothing herein shall be construed as a warcanty by CITY that it will be able, legally or otherwise, to collect on account of DEVELOPER the -3- P-82 reimbursement fees as provided herein, nor shall this Agreement establish an obligation upon CITY to expend funds in litigation with respect to the collection of such fees. City's only obligation in this Agreement is the attempt to collect such fees and charges, without litigation, and to make reimbursement to DEVELOPER out of those fees and charges actually collected. 11. This Agreement contains the entire terms and conditions between CITY and DEVELOPER with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement cannot be modified except by an Agreement in writing, approved by CITY and DEVELOPER. 12. This Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER'. Ki3 FjaunQ Cocs~~`~Tv~c. By: By: ~~ ; i~«~w.41 C~wr-'t I yv~ Dete CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporafion ~>rlS~lO By: _ Mayor Date ATTEST: Janice C. Reynolds, City Clerk APPROVED City Attorney -4- P-83 ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Riverside On June 17, 2010 before me, _ C. Harrington ,Notary Public, (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Michael Gartlan who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persor,,(~whose name(a7 isi~ subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hefsFiefthep executed the same in his/her;ti~e>f authorized capacity(i~), and that by hisHier/their signature(s~ on the instrument the person(.s}, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(a) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. c. I+AaaeH~row WITNESS my hand a official seal. _~ COTm16ElOn N 17Oivsb L Notory Pubac - Callfornla Loa Angelsa County - r, Cann baoa 101 Signature ~ , ' (Sea!) P-84 PER PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0.05-88 DATED SEPTEMBER 14, 2005, ENGINEERING SPECIAL CONDITION N0.2 READS AS FOLLOWS: 2) Existing overhead utilities (telecommunications and electrical) on the project side of 9"' Street shall be undergrounded from the first pole offsite the westerly project boundary to the first pole oftsite of the easterly boundary, prior to public improvement acceptance ar occupancy, whichever occurs first. The developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover one-half the City adopted cost for undergraunding from future development as it occurs on the opposite side of the street. If the developer fails to submit for said reimbursement agreement within six months of the public improvements being accepted by the City, all rights of the developer to reimbursement shall terminate. ITEM: URA-26 TITLE: UNDERGROUNDING EXHIBIT "A" P-85 EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES THAT WERE UNDERGROUNDED ~.~~ i I ]fie. ei ~ 1[ I ul.e9 - - ---- --------- 1,58 AC, ~- I. ~ Par. 2 ~/C ~/~~/ . i ~ B ~.~e~~~ I i 3.36-AC. (591.1E1 I I ~ 1 ~ 1 22 t.1E5 ~ 28 a J6 a _ J I Q Q,• ~ 2.a AC. 24 I.o I Par. 3 r _ 36 ~~`~"~'2 58 2.21 AC. ~ 35 ~ 2.80 AC. ~ I ~ LD2 A~ i I . IJO 9~ I 1J ]17.J9 155 S ~ i~3 tSV° u7.2e _Por t - 127 •, I ~ 171.!6 3J~33 '?;~ Far.4 s' loe ~j ~.5 ~~y~ n . _ Par 2 ' ~ ~ - 19 o 19 . °~ B2 ~ ~ 29 m r 90 - - 80 ~ 201.12 In.JO 151.67 30.86 Y ~ Par. 5 to _ 90 Ja1.92 J1.77 ~ B3 _ - u] 2:1.12 - Ptn. Por. 3 `7'97 ~ _ 91 is'ye ~ 2e.97 Par. 6 ~ 1.38 AC. ~, ~ ss.le 81 ~ 25 Z9 - 313.9) ,{ 51.98 2} - 2) 5 ~ E9.26 Z2/, 73 v Par. 7 ~ as':9 Por. 10 B 2B AC. - = Js.l~ ~i 88 85 9~ ~ ~~~ .~~ s ,~ ye I 19 56. 169.81 ~` 196.77 65 - Par, 8 Par. 9 - I 1,19 AC, Q L31 AC. ~ + 9 fig. N 1fi9.9] J92. 61 I_ ITEM: URA-26 NS/O 9T" ST., E10 MADRONE AVENUE TITLE: MAP OF UNDERGROUNDING " " N EXHIBIT B P-86 NOT EXEMPT w 1 /8.86 I, a Par. 2 I I s) 5.16'=.A:C. ~' - ~ 1 / I ~' 7 .9e Q I ~ Par. 3 ~y ~°, SjJj1Qf 2.8 /~~ / ~ ~G EXEH P _~ r 2 yA~ by I ~7. 79 ~. A69'._I _']a - .; a ~ - > ~SV POf. 1 - .~'' ~ P6r,d J3~33 ~ / .. 9v 7B - BO ~ ~ ~ ~ iol.wt 2B _ I{7.J6 IS/.62 70.86 ~ N P Of. 7 4 O - 98 791.97 J/.77 / e a3 . " 127 Ptn, Par. 3 'J'" z21.4i - - i9. Ie,` ,~` 29.97 b ' Pa ~ BI 38 AC ~ 1 84 ^, ~ . . ~ isle 6 ~ SS: Ze 313.93 ~ 51,9e Z39.1i 2) 1 I e9.30 i14.J3 - Par. 7 N ~ Ss.i9 Por, f0 ~ a.1a ac. - BS o • 4 p .lv sc C ~ - 189. e!'~ /..~ L ~ p 196.7) ~ Por. 8 Par 9 I _ 86 a, ~'~ o - . 87 ' I I.I9 AC. Q ' 1.39 AC. - l9.i4 169.93 )02.61 ~ 6i6.et ITEM: URA-26 TRACT 17455 TITLE: BENEFIT PARCELS EXHIBIT "C" ___d.SB AC-------- ----'- - lal 41 24 1.04 AC. 1.14 AC. I 46 OF 1I^ iS 7 = L02 AC. to O +s ry f7 9d 2.46 hC. 5.3J8 AC, i P-87 BENEFIT PARCEL ROSTER REIMBURSEMENT SUMMARY Submitted by KB HOME Improvement Description SCE (Electrical) Time Wamer Cable (Cable) Verizon (Telecommunications) Processing Fee Total CALCULATIONS: Reimbursement Request $ 308,685.71 $ 11,809.52 $ 127,387.37 $ 5.650.00 $ 453,532.80 LENGTH OF UNDERGROUNDING OF OVERHEAD UTILITIES; 971' $ 453,532.60 divided by 971' _ $ 467.00/LF $ 467ILF divided by 2 = $ 233.50/LF APN 207-271-14 Property Address: 8705 9w St. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Owners: Marlin Bouch & Gail Elms Mailing Address: 756 Washington Bivd. Upland, CA 91786 Reimbursement Actual: Frontage 108' x $ 233.50/LF = $ 25,218.D0 ITEM: URA-26 TITLE: LIST OF BENEFIT PARCELS EXHIBIT "D" 1 of 3 P-88 APN 207-271-19 Property Address: 6607 9`" St Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Owner: Bravo M. Cruz Mailing Address: 8607 9"' St Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Reimbursement Actual; Frontage 45' x $ 233.50lLF = $ 10,507.50 APN 207-271-27 Property Address: 8729 9"' St Rancho Cucamonga, CA 81730 Owner: Arthur Astor Mailing Address: 1045 S. East St Anaheim, CA 92805 Reimbursement Actual: Frontage 155' x $ 233.50/LF = $ 38,192.50 APN 207-271-28 Property Address: 8725 9u' St Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Owner: Luci Ricci Mailing Address: 8725 9'" St Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Reimbursement Actual: Frontage 123' x $ 233.50lLF = $ 28,720.50 APN 207-252-28 Properly Address: 8738 9`h St. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Owner: Roland Martines Mailing Address: 8787 Via E! Dorado Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Reimbursement Actual: Frontage 165' x $ 233.50ILF = $ 38,527.50 APN 207-262-36 Property Address: 8768 9s' St. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Owner: Roland Martines Mailing Address: 8787 Via EI Dorado Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Reimbursement Actual: Frontage 61' x $ 233.50/LF = $ 14,243,50 2of3 P-89 APN 207-262-58 Property Address: 8689 9"' St. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Owner: Johnson Family Trust Mailing Address: 26443 Weston Drive Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 Reimbursement Actual: Frontage 317' x $ 233.50lLF = $ 74,019.50 NOTE; UPON DEVELOPMENT OF THESE PARCELS, THE ABOVE REIMBURSEMENT ACTUAL AMOUNT + INTEREST SHALL BE PAID, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. 3of3 P-90 EXEMPT PARCEL ROSTER APN 207.262-T3 (TRACT 17455) Owners: KB HOME Mailing Address: 36310 Inland Valley Drlve V~Idomar, CA 92595 Frontage: 428.01 feet (distance of undergrounding) Reimbursement Estimate: 428' x $364/LF x 0.5 = S 77,896.00 Reimbursement Actual: 428' x 233.50 = $ 99,838.00 PARCEL MAP 16141 SSIO 9~' St., ESNYS of Lanyard Court Owner: HC Vineyard, LLC Mailing Address: 1601 Dove St. # 285 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Note: This Developer paid an in•lieu fea for future undargrounding on the north side of 9'h St. - $ 60,880.73. Said fee will be forwarded to KB HOME upon approval of this Reimbursement Agreement. ITEM: URA-26 TITLE: LIST OF EXEMPT PARCELS EXHIBIT "E" 1 of 1 P-91 v I L. I ~ _ ~. a c:~.. N a 'Wr ++ L C ~ Y .v.. .O .. .~ . . ~ v O Y~ * °' ~4 ~ c n ° o rv" °± ~ A v .. a o ai 0o v m . ~ , o '.; ti : ~ $ ' m .~. ,~ E d ~a ~ ~ N u i ar a+ m ~pp w C ~ J . C~ 4 ~ y ~. y a+ ~ Q Y d c ~.+. c ~ ~ c .- c y,. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ te ~~ r .. ~n v ++ ~ w ~ 7 f:,.c .m 'L F3 L ~ d o-r N Y E tN0 v . .'c+, ro z v- ~ w F z c c d m m a. c s~ ye O w ~ E ~ W N~ :G Q m b E N~ C1 ~ O'~E 0 13 ' ``__ .vJ ~ C 7 L . p ~ E.f!,.E ,af 'm ~C w ~ .~c~'~~~¢~ '° o r a . z J m am .l t[ O ~ D O O N Y i ~ ~ ~~ 0 0 ~ 1 { wi 1 ~Cy U r O. H W It F- i 2 O . g ^) ~ ~ m. ~ .~. U H O ~ N ~ ~ .- N W U lL ~ N _ d ~ N~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ b .y 6~~ V i . ' - ~ ~~ ~ Exhibit."F° . b MEMORANDUM- Date: August 4, 2010 RANCHO cUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: ~ Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer Subject: City Council Agenda August 4, 2070 Item L9 Engineering Services Department is requesting the following City Council Agenda Item be pulled off the agenda. This request is being submitted because of a concern raised by an affected party of the agreement. Staff will work through this concern and bring the item back to City Council at a later date. Agenda Item L9, the staff report is on page P76: Approval of a Reimbursement Agreement (URA-26) (CO 10-093) for undergrounding of existing overhead utilities for Tract 17455, located on the north side of 9th Street, east of Madrone Avenue, submitted by KB Home. cr~+,~ r ~y~-, e,. s7 Arii'F' 1"~L.~®RT J F!VGII`~EERING SF'ItVICES DEP.~R'I"~3ENT RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Romeo M. David, Associate Engineer ~7~. Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer C.~ Subject: ACCEPT THE PAVEMENT REHA/BILITATIONS OF HILLSIDE ROAD FROM BERYL TO ARCHIBALD; BERYL STREET FROM SUNFLOWER TO NORTH CITY LIMIT AND WILSON AVENUE FROM CARNELIAN STREET EASTERLY 1400', CONTRACT NO. 10-025 AS COMPLETE, RELEASE THE BONDS, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND, AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL COi~TRACT AMOUNT OF $555,177.46 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Pavement Rehabilitations of Hillside Road from Beryl to Archibald; Beryl Street from Sunflower to North City Limit and Wilson Avenue from Carnelian Street easterly 1400', Contract No. 10-025, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $575,000.00 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $55,517.75, 35 days after acceptance. Also, approve the final contract amount of $555,177.46. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Pavement Rehabilitations of Hillside Road from Beryl to Archibald; Beryl Street from Sunflower to North City Limit and Wifson Avenue from Camelian Street easterly 1400' improvements scope of work consisted of cold millirig, asphalt concrete pavement, ARHM overlay, adjust all utilities to new grade, installation of striping and raised pavement markers. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: - Budgeted Amount: - Account Numbers: - Engineer's Estimate: City Council Approval to Advertise r Publish dates for local paper: $687,663.00 1176303-5650/1364176-0,1194303-5650/1683194-0 and 1194303-565011745194-0 $575,000.00 February 17, 2010 February 23 and March 2, 2010 P-92 P-93 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Accept Pavement Rehabilitations of Hillside Road from Beryl to Archibald; Beryl Street from Sunflower to North City Limit and Wilson Avenue from Carnelian Street easterly 1400' August 4, 2010 Page 2 - Bid Opening: - Contract Award Date: - Low Bidder: - Contract Amount: 10% Contingency: - Final Contract Amount: - Difference in ContractAm~ount: March 9, 2010 April 7, 2010 All American Asphalt $575,000.00 $57,500.00 $555, i 77.46 $19,822.54 (-3.45%) The net decrease in the total cost of the project is a result of two (2) Contract Change Orders including the Balancing Statement. Change Order No. 1, additional sidewalk improvements, accounted for a slight increase in the contract amount but the. Balancing Statement, Change Order No. 2, accounted for the lesser amount of asphalt rubber hot mix pavement than originally bid resulting in the overall net decrease. The Balancing Statement also accounts for other minor increases and decreases in the project bid quantities. Steuer of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/RMD/SH:Is Attachments .~ ~. ~; 1. ~~~ z ~,^' I ~~ ~ ~ai1TITlTiulil>~Rtnmu "'n.ae ~ i, uuuuuuuuunmuuu 171rt,. nauuuuuuuuumnu unmin '. 'IUUUU n nuu a um Ull 3IllLL W~n ~go.._..,~Inuu,,,..._ G w ~uNUi, ~ iuunu N, uuumg ~ it m - `unm G ='a ~lvii s ~. 5 ~~ `~.4 viii iilil ~ ~ ~..:., q }~-~ m F ~~ ~ r ~ ~~~ 91v '- i a 9._,y`- a 3AV lSV3 A M31 a ~I~- ~ ~ F m \ ' Y NVMLL ~ ~ r 1i Z ~ [ ' F ' 1 `/ Q L~ FBI I a b `~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 I ~ ~ W ~ O d E~ ~pq N33iD AYa Y i c ~ IH .~ ryTt!i "Ntle13 AVO 111 N~ V W o \ C..„11 1110~~~ I ~ ~ ~ w 3 'Y.Y a3153W30tl HLIWS 531atl1q ~ I ~ O ~ W f NvW3 tl33n Atlo m W W m s ~ m hm, ~ I ® /wJ ~ y/~w~+, ~ m 3nY Nlill ~ IXp '1lY O W O ~ ~ ~ ~; ~, z~ ~~,, r E ~~~1~~ ~ m~ ~ vzw~W Z __ 'fir, X30 ,,.r °sq ~ l !n s ~ ~ ~] 0.l ~ ~ r~` _~' Y N31VH ~ . ~`YN n u~ I ~ I~ W ~ Fi W A BA W ~ ~ a3lN3J ~F o /^1 VW~1 Q a b x l~1~0 Zq 3AY VSOWN3H V 1Wb W /O a S ~~ YNOWtlb O r` E.W a+, E'1 ~[ _ ~ 3nY QMBI ~atl H ~ ~]y w ~I '3M1V olvel av 1WW; p n Y,tlW ~ F N ~ ~` Fri P4y f 3I~V SAH13W N ~ .,~••-~' L 31Y Ntl 31 5 y m 'J~V NtlWll3H r^ ~aJ ~ N A V l rF41Ty 1-s '31V Ua38 m m aT Icy V ObtlA3NN W~ £jy ~ ~ 1 G Y. Y NN y¢ p S ~O ~ C ~NY NIf13 ~:MJ k' '3Atl NIl3NW '~ ~~ '3~tl XV9 a3asvr ~ ~ '~ ,.6 x ~ o oY'' W^ q Y a3 ~ 3alNdbvs I I ~ ~ Y 31 ~ A aro 31Y'J NVa P-95 RESOLUTION NO. /Q-/33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTWG THE PAVEMENT REHABILITATIONS OF HILLSIDE ROAD FROM BERYL TO ARCHIBALD; BERYL STREET FROM SUNFLOWER TO NORTH CITY LIMIT AND WILSON AVENUE FROM CARNELIAN STREET EASTERLY 1400', CONTRACT NO. 10- 025 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Pavement Rehabilitations of Hillside Road from Beryl to Archibald; Beryl Street from Sunflower to North City Limit and Wilson Avenue from Carnelian Street easterly 1400', Contract No. 10-025, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. STAFF REPORT IL~NCHO CUCAR'IONG.1 FIRE PRO'ITCTION DISTRICT Date: To: From: By: Subject: August 4, 2010 Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Mike Bell, Fire Chief. Rob Ball, Fire Marshal _ _ RANCHO CUCAMONGA Weed and Fire Hazard Abatement Program Ordinance and Fee Resolution RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Ordinance No~.3Z. amending the Municipal Code and allowing the Fire District to become responsible for the abatement of weeds and certain other fire hazards in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Additionally, it is recommended that the Fire District Board of Directors approve Resolution No. FD 10-~ to adopt the appropriate fees required to administer the weed and fire hazard abatement program. BACKGROUND Proactive weed abatement and related fire hazard reduction efforts are a proven and effective means to reduce the incidence and severity of grass and vegetation fires in the community. Since the City's incorporation, weed abatement and fire-safe tree maintenance in Rancho Cucamonga has been the responsibility of the San Bernardino County Land Use Services division under a contract with the City's Building and Safety Department. This contract was renewed annually and is formally codified in Chapter 1.08 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. For many years the County has charged the City $25,000 for these services and has done an effective job. However, in December 2009, the County notified the City that it would increase the annual contract costs to $114,000 in order to recover a greater percentage of the actual costs the program incurs, which, according to historical data provided by the County exceeded $200,000 annually (including reimbursable abatement costs). As a result of the proposed increase, the Fire District offered to look into the feasibility of administering the program. Two major parameters were established as benchmarks for any proposal to be considered; 1.) The program had to be funded through cost recovery mechanisms. 2.) The program must add value to existing and proposed Fire District efforts to manage combustible vegetation issues in High Fire Hazard areas. Given these stipulations, it was determined that the District could adequately administer the program following the model of its High Hazard Occupancy Inspection program. The program will be accomplished by assigning the administration of the program to an existing Fire Prevention Specialist. Approximately 75% of the work hours allocated to this position will spent on the program. The Fire Marshal will redistribute this employee's existing workload among current employees and two new part-time Fire Prevention Assistants. Based on conservative projections from the County's experience, the proposed fees, which are assessed only on the owners of non- P-96 P-97 WP,ED AND FIRE F-IAZARD AI3A773MENT PROGRA\1 C~12DINANCE AND FEP RF3SOLV"PION PAGE 2 AUGUST 4, 2010 compliant parcels and are within the range of the fees assessed by neighboring jurisdictions, will cover the Fire District's cost of the abatement program. The proposed ordinance makes the necessary changes to the Municipal Code and empowers the Fire District to administer the weed and fire hazard abatement program on behalf of the City within City boundaries. The Fire District will continue to enforce existing Fire Code and other vegetation management regulations in areas outside City boundaries but within the District's jurisdiction. The proposed resolution establishes fees that will allow the District to recover the costs for the services provided in conjunction with administering the abatement program. Services include initial inspections, preparing and sending notices and invoices, re-inspections when needed scheduling contractors for abatement work and verifying their work, and receiving and paying invoices from contractors. ANALYSIS Public Safety Weeds, dead trees, and vegetation litter are a nuisance and a potential fire hazard. As such, these conditions are a direct threat to life, property and the overall quality of life in the community. Field fires and fires in easements that are not maintained tie up a considerable number of Rancho Cucamonga Fire District's emergency resources, threaten nearby homes and businesses, and cause unhealthy smoke conditions. An effective hazard abatement program lessens the likelihood of these unwanted fires and reduces the adverse impacts of these fires. The District has designed a hazard abatement program that is similar in concept to the program that the County has been using for many years. This will provide residents and property owners with a familiar procedure even though the program will now be administered by the District. A flow chart of the process is included in this report. Innovation and Efficiency As part of this program there is a unique opportunity to introduce new technology to the existing process in a way that enables the Fire District to provide the service in a more efficient manner. The most recent data shows that there are 48,471 parcels in Rancho Cucamonga. Twice each year, a County Land Use Services Inspector would drive throughout the entire City and complete a survey to identify the parcels that were not in compliance with weed and fire hazard abatement standards. Much of the work related to follow-up inspections and abatement procedures would be managed manually, increasing the time and effort required to complete the tasks. The Fire District has been working with City Information Services (IS) and Graphic Information Services (GIS) to develop the capability to do much of the work via hand-carried tablet based computers. A program has been developed internally that will expedite data entry and retain the information for future inspection cycles again reducing the time required to complete the bi-annual abatement work. Program Details The focus of the Fire District's program will begin with high priority areas and work from there. Like the County program, the Fire District will conduct bi-annual field surveys in the spring and fall to capture the seasonal growth periods far weeds and other combustible vegetation. These inspections will result in the distribution of initial notices for those parcels in need of abatement. According to the County approximately 1500 parcels have received compliance notices annually in recent years. Parcels noticed in this manner are subsequently re-inspected within an established timeframe, usually 30 days. If the parcel is in compliance upon re-inspection the case is closed and no fees are assessed. If, after the re-inspection it is determined that the parcel is not in compliance, a re-inspection fee ($55.00) and a notice of intent to abate the hazard will is sent. P-98 WEED AND FIRT: I-IA""/..ARD Ai3KS'EMENT PROGRAM ORDINANCE ANll FF.H RESOLUi'ION PAGE_ 3 t1UC;US`r 4, 2010 Arrangements will be made by the Fire District with approved contractors to abate the hazard. If, upon arrival of the abatement contractor the work has been completed by the parcel owner they will only be responsible for the re-inspection fee ($55.00). If the contractor performs the work, the cost of the abatement, the re-inspection fee ($55.00) and an administrative fee ($220.00) will be billed to the parcel owner. Unpaid bills will become a tax assessment and appear on the parcel's next property tax bill. City GIS staff will assist with that part of the process. An approved list of abatement contractors will be developed and maintained through a qualification process conducted by the Purchasing Department. As with the Fire District's Administrative Citation process utilized for other code enforcement activity (Fire Code, (reworks etc) this program has an appeal procedure. This process affords the parcel owner an avenue to appeal the actions of the Fire District. Previous history with the County and other agencies conducting weed abatement programs indicate that appeals are a rare occurrence. Cost Analysis Given the history of abatement activity in Rancho Cucamonga it is projected that the cost of the program will be recovered through this process. The proposed fees are based on the most current rate presently established for Prevention Bureau services. This rate was determined and established when the High Hazard Occupancy Inspection Program and associated permit fees were approved by the Board in 2006. It has not increased since that time. The rate is applied to the time required for the re-inspection, the accompanying reporting, and the time needed to accomplish the administrative tasks involved in handling abatement notices, billing documents, and compliance verification. See the attached budget worksheet for cost/reimbursement projections. The current Fire District budget does not reflect a line item for this program due to the timing of this proposal. This item will be included in the budget during the mid-year budget review process. Added Value Allowing the District to administer the weed and hazard abatement program has the added value of allowing the District and City departments to work cooperatively toward the goals of a Healthy RC. Not only are the health hazards associated with field fires reduced, regular maintenance of undeveloped parcels makes the City more visually appealing and demonstrates the City's commitment to a higher quality. Having the weed abatement program completely under the management of the City and the Fire District will allow City/Fire District staff to be more responsive to the community's concerns with these hazards. Additionally, a weed and fire hazard abatement program that is administered effectively helps to accomplish important General Plan Public Safety element goals. Among the goals addressed by a weed abatement program is the stated desire to "... promote and demonstrate a readiness to ...reduce threats to life and property through traditional and innovative... programs." This program will result in improved coordination of the District's on-going effort to reduce the impact of wildfires in the Very High Hazard Area with a single person assigned to manage all aspects of combustible vegetation issues throughout the City and Fire District. Resident concerns that are related to weed and hazard abatement, such as landscaping maintenance, can now be handled more effectively through the referral and follow up procedures that have been developed and are in use between the District, Code Enforcement, Planning, and Building & Safety. P-99 ~Y/GED ANI> 1'IRi: HA"LARD ABz11LMENT PROGIiA\1 ORDINANCL'• i\ND 1'~',H RESOLUTION P:\GB 4 AUGUST' 4, 2010 Summary The weed and fire hazard abatement program as proposed by the District is a traditional risk reduction effort made more efficient through, improved coordination and the innovative use. of technology for the benefit of the City's residents. The Fire District fully recognizes that a weed and hazard abatement program is a considerable amount of work. However, having already established a good inspection program model Fire District staff is confident of its capacity to manage the weed abatement program and that over time having it administered at a more local level will better serve the community. Respect submitte , Mike Bell Fire Chief Attachments: Fee Comparison Cost Analysis Program Flowchart P-7 00 0 ~_ .L a U ~p w~ W ^Q W 'J J o x ~ ? m c m y 0 ~ c o 0 L (0 - (07 ~ .. p ~ N t o o N j y ~ 0 0 E m N 0 j~ N ~ O O. Ol ~ ~ O N U N O y N N d O Z y N ' 0 41 _ •- y y a I O O . U N ~ y N ~C « N O ~ O U N N ~ r0-. c o i _ _ v L o c C U .0. N y o U in O m ~ -=o m C G O ~ A Z f/1 } Z N - Q U ~ O o N N C . N .d . x ~ LL W d E fA 1R fA ER Ffl U~ ~ ~ T O u7 ~ O O O N O] d J . lL ~ N X J ~- Fp fry fA ffl 63 69 H} iR y O i i i G y N d W T U a 'o d C J p tH fA fA 69 fA V3 fH /A d O O O W to N O O O O N ~ N O N O d y ~ ~ C W O E ~ Q en f» ~ cs e» a» fn C ~ O ~ i r ONi h O ~y Z ~ C O O C A ~ n. c E y O ~ U di rff to r» En f» of en R T ~ ~ U o ~ ~ O E LL ~ V G O/ ~ ~ (0 ~ 6 O O1 O ( Q (6 (0 ~ ~ c O ~ ~ J N ~ ~ ~ o m ° m U ~ L o a ~ m m m Q U U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R N f0 t d w m w C .~ m O m ~ y ~ B Y V 3 ~' O/ O ~ O '~.~ Ql j A C ,_ _ V 7 N ~ U 'O .r N C O .~. m y ~ C O ,.0, A O N C N ~ O i0 ~ ~ U d C ~ ~ V V L d R y 3 y C d A v E r o" A O U R ~ ~ V C N d O '` d ~3 ~ A d ~a C_ - •) y '~ O a ~ N_ ~ ~ ~.r y N C w N O y ~ U ~ m 0 o > ~ U N B U N O C ~~ C O! N _ 00 f0 = m ~ ~ y P-101 Weed Abatement Program Annual Expenses and Revenue Estimate Annual Expenses Item Expense Amount Fire Prevention Specialist I - 75% of annual salary. Position is responsible for weed abatement in both the spring and the fall. Work includes: two complete surveys of the City conducted annually, investigation of complaints, re- inspection of all non-complaint parcels, case creation and tracking (data entry) $ 65,025 in Tidemark, preparing and sending notices, follow-up inspection to determine if District needs to arrange for abatement, and inspect contractor's work for completeness. Office Specialist II - 25% annual cost. Work includes: assist with sending notices, assist with scheduling $ 14,°00 contractors, and receive and process payment of fees Management Analyst II - 5% annual cost. Work includes: prepare RFP for contract wised abatement work, award $ 5,650 and process contracts, accounting, and prepare tax assessments. Fire Prevention Assistant $ 12,400 Notices and Posting $ 9.400 Associated Expenses -Supervision, supplies, vehicle, equipment, $ 30,000 maintenance, and capital replacement. Misc. Expenses -Legal costs to prepare tax roll resolutions, appeal $ 11,000 hearings etc. Total Expenses $ 148,375 P-102 Weed Abatement Program Annual Expenses and Revenue Estimate Annual Revenue Item Amt Quantity Revenue Amount Re-inspection Fee -Assessed on parcels that do not abate weed nuisance within the 30 days allowed after the initial survey of the City. Not $ 55.00 1,500 $ 82,500 assessed on parcels where work in progress is 50% or more of the parcel. An additional 10 days is allowed to complete the abatement Administrative Fee -Assessed on parcels when nuisance is not abated by the owner and the District has to hire outside contractor to complete the work. The fee covers the time handling the RFQ, contracting/ authorizing third party work, re-inspecting the contractor's work, processing the contractor's invoice and payment, billing the parcel owner, handling payments, and preparing documents for the tax assessor to collect unpaid fees via property tax assessment. Revenue Total $220.00 300 $ 66,000 $ 148,500 Program Cost $0 P-103 ,~ ~ d ~ ~ _o >"' 4., U O td 7 a~ U ^ rw Vl W 0 V U O U L RT o c Q .~ o. , ~~ ~. a ti ~ . O ~ ~ ~ V m ~ ~ ~ CC C N r G~ e], DA 'D ~ , 5 .. R ~ ~ ~ O J y ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Q z ~" ~ s~~ r C N U I tr{ ` R O 4 ~ ~ q ~ ~ I W U ~ ~ ~ L u s ~ y ~ ° ~-S y ' ti A ^y ^~ ' V cC R' -~ TJ 'n d G L ~''~ R 'a N 3 C . w y 7 U ~ ... O b ~ ~ U c O h ~ G b v ~> ~ y .~ ~ H ~: ~ ~~ :d ti ~ 7 ~ Q Y ~ ^ il. .. ~~ Q. O U ¢ U ~ ~. ~~~ y U ~ N .: v~ U "' ~ .O , ~ .. y zG o z O C _ y CJ ~ ro ~' a ~ ~_ ~ V N v° VI y ~ O V ~ ~ 1.n Q J cG U pr ~ '~ N h 3 ~o o~ c r ~ U ~ y N h ~ 'p o y .a ~ b ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ro ~ ~ G ~j N ^ b p~v. c~ 03 a ~ o ~ ~. ,0 0 ~ U C ~ o ~ ~~ O ~ T O 9 V J C Q G qw T ~ C '~ _O 'p a ~ ~ O W tG U ~ ~_ O N C ~ b '~ o U N ~ 7 U ~ 30~,~ `~ o U ~ ~ .~ 3 3 ~ a ~ ~ ~ o `" o ~ 4, '-' yy,I V .N ~ ~ w O in ~ m C] 3~= _- o U O iv r~ V ~ ~ ~ 'o ~_ m ~ `~ ~ ~ .~ !,~ ~ N ~ 'V m yw~-.9 ~ 3 ~ m o ~ c ~ ^ _ N n> N `~ .. N U q'^ T 'F. w h ca P-7 04 ORDINANCE NO. S32 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE ABATEMENT OF WEEDS AND CERTAIN OTHER FIRE HAZARDS, AND AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE A. Recitals. (i) California Government Code Section 39502 authorizes the City to adopt an ordinance providing far the removal of grass, weeds, rubbish and other materials that can be dangerous or injurious to neighboring property or the health and welfare of residents of the vicinity and make the cost of removal a lien on the property, (ii) The City Council desires to adopt procedures providing for the abatement of grass, weeds, rubbish, dead or dying plant materials, dead or dying trees, and any other similar condition of property creating a fire hazard. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council hereby ordains as follows: Section 1. Sections 1.08.100, 1.08.110, and 1.08.120 of Chapter 1.08 of Title 1 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code are hereby repealed provided, however, that such repeal shall not excuse any violation or affect any code enforcement action related to said sections occurring or existing prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 2. Anew Chapter 8.46 is hereby added to Title 8 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to read as follows: "Chapter 8.46 ABATEMENT OF WEEDS AND CERTAIN OTHER FIRE HAZARDS Sections: 8.46.010 Definitions. 8.46.020 Duty to abate fire hazards. 8.46.030 Notice to abate. 8.46.040 Means of abatement. 8.46.050 ' Immediate hazard. 8.46.060 Enforcement. 8.46.070 Payment for inspections and abatement of fire hazard. 8.46.080 Appeal procedure. 8.46.090 Violations. P-105 8.46.010. Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meaning set forth in this section. The word 'shall' is always mandatory and not merely directory. A. City means the City of Rancho Cucamonga. B. Combustible vegetation means: 1. Tumbleweeds (Russian Thistle). 2. Dead trees, either standing or downed. 3. Dead limbs, plant material, and debris of plants and trees. 4. Dry grasses over four (4) inches in height. 5. Dry invasive or noxious weeds. 6. Chaparral. C. Fire Chief means the Chief of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District or his/her designee. D. Fire District means the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District. E. Fire Hazard means: 1. Combustible vegetation. 2. Limbs and undergrowth up to six feet off the ground in Eucalyptus windrows. 3. Chaparral within 50 feet of any structure or within 30 feet of any public or private road and/or utility and flood control access roads. 4. Any unenclosed pile of yard clippings, leaves, or tree trimmings placed on the ground and deemed by the Fire Chief to be a fire hazard. 5. Any other condition of property involving vegetation, plant, or tree material defined or described in the California Fire Code, as adopted and amended by the City, as a 'fire hazard'. F. Owner means, collectively and individually, any fee owner, tenant, or person or entity in lawful control of, or any other person or entity having or owning a possessory interest in, private real property. 8.46.020. Duty to abate fire hazards. Every owner of private real property within the boundaries of the City of Rancho Cucamonga shall abate all fire hazards from such property, including sidewalks, parkways, trails, and easements on such property unless the easement is under the sole control of another person or entity, as determined by the Fire Chief. All such fire P-106 hazards are declared to be a public nuisance as to which the costs of abatement, as more fully described herein, may be specially assessed as provided in Health and Safety Code Sections 14902, and 14912, et seq., or otherwise as provided by law. The procedures for abatement of fire hazards set forth herein are not exclusive, but are in addition to any and all other procedures set forth in this Code for the abatement of nuisances and fire hazards. 8.46.030. Notice to abate. A. The City Council hereby authorizes the Fire Chief, whenever he/she deems necessary, to enforce the provisions of this Chapter and to issue a Notice to Abate Fire Hazard by posting the property or serving the Notice by any or all of the following methods: By mailing a Notice to the fee owner at the address shown on the latest tax roll and to the affected property if a mailing address is available. Note: the Notice must be served by certified mail before a special assessment may be imposed against the property. 2. By personally serving the fee owner of the property shown on the latest tax roll. lNritten notice shall be mailed by first class mail to, or personally served upon, any tenant or person, other than the fee owner, actually occupying the property. The failure of the fee owner to actually receive such Notice shall not affect the power of the Fire District to proceed as provided in this part, nor shall it invalidate the assessment against the subject property. B. The Notice to Abate Fire Hazard shall include, at a minimum, the following information: 1. Description of fire hazard(s). 2. List of location(s), and parcel number(s) of affected property. 3. Due date by which abatement must be completed. 4. Appeal rights. 5. Fee owner's name and address (assessor parcel and/or site address). 8.46.040. Means of Abatement. A. Fire hazard(s) shall be abated by removal and/or elimination of the fire hazard(s). Abatement for undeveloped parcels where the combustible vegetation is more than 50% chaparral can be accomplished by the removal of all vegetation that is within 50 feet of any structure, including structures on adjacent parcels; removal of all vegetation to a distance of 30 feet from property lines and adjacent roads; 3 P-107 removal of all dead and dying tree and plant material and noxious weeds; and maintaining grasses to a maximum height of four inches. C. In the case of any parcel or contiguous parcels under the same ownership upon which exist over ten (10) continuous acres of chaparral vegetation constituting a fire hazard, the duty to abate fire hazards may be satisfied if there is cleared, and maintained cleared, a 100 foot wide strip of land at the boundaries of such land, and through such land so that there shall not be any portion of the land larger than five (5) acres which is not enclosed by such strip or strips. The one hundred (100) foot wide strip required herein shall be in compliance provided vegetation thereon is reduced to fifty percent (50%) of the naturally occurring density. When the parcel or contiguous parcels are adjacent to a road, removal of all vegetation to a distance of 30 feet from the edge of the road is required. 8.46.050. Immediate hazard. When, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, an extreme fire hazard exists which constitutes an immediate threat to public health, safety, and welfare, and it is deemed necessary by the Fire Chief to abate such hazard as promptly as possible, said fire hazard shall be removed or abated within 72 hours of the posting of the Notice to Abate on the affected parcel or within 72 hours of receiving by mail the Notice to Abate. Nothing herein shall authorize the entry upon private property not otherwise open to the public, without the owner's consent or possession of an abatement or inspection warrant unless the Fire Chief determines that there is an immediate and eminent threat of injury or death to any person if immediate action is not taken. 8.46.060. Enforcement. If at the end of the time allowed for compliance in the original Notice to Abate Fire Hazard, or as extended in cases of appeal or the granting of a ten-day extension, compliance has not been accomplished, the Fire Chief may enter upon the property and abate any fire hazard(s) found thereon. In the event an appeal has been filed by the owner and denied by the Hearing Officer, the Fire Chief may then enter upon the property and abate any fire hazard(s) found thereon in accordance with this Chapter. Non-compliance requiring re- inspection shall result in the assessment of an inspection fee in such amount as established by a resolution of the Fire District. Nothing herein shall authorize the entry upon private property not otherwise open to the public, without the owner's consent or possession of an abatement or inspection warrant unless the Fire Chief determines that there is an immediate and eminent threat of injury or death to any person if immediate action is not taken. A. A ten-day extension for compliance may be sent when the Fire Chief has determined that the owner has completed greater than 51 % of the abatement. In such event, aten-day extension for compliance shall be mailed to the owner and shall include a revised due date for compliance. B. Abatement of the fire hazard(s) may, at the discretion of the Fire Chief, be performed by contract awarded to the lowest responsive bidder following competitive bidding by the City or District, as required by the Public Contract Code and/or City or District purchasing ordinance. The contractor shall keep and submit an itemized written report for each separate parcel of land as described in Government Code Section 39574. P-108 8.46.070. Payment for inspections and abatement of fire hazard. A. When abatement is completed by a private contractor, the Fire Chief shall present to the owner a demand for payment by mailing a statement to the owner that includes the actual cost of the abatement plus administrative and inspection fees as established by resolution of the Fire District. B. If payment is not received within 30 days after mailing the statement, the Fire Chief shall certify to the County Assessor the amount remaining unpaid, together with the information required by law in such cases. The County Assessor shall cause the amount of the same to be entered upon the tax roll for the property on which abatement was performed, and the same shall be a special assessment which shall be included in the next property tax statement. Thereafter, the amount of the assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as property taxes are collected, and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedures and sale in case of delinquency as provided for ordinary property taxes. C. In addition to entering the unpaid amount on the property tax roll for the property, the Fire District is authorized to place a lien on the property to ensure reimbursement of abatement costs in the event the property is transferred or conveyed to a bona fide purchaser for value prior to the date on which the first installment of such taxes would be due. D. All or any portion of any such assessment or cost heretofore entered shall, on order of the Hearing Officer or City Finance Director, be canceled by the San Bernardino County Assessor if uncollected, or refunded by the San Bernardino County Treasurer if collected, provided the Hearing Officer or Finance Director determines that the assessment andlor costs were entered, charged or paid: 1. More than once; 2. Through clerical error; 3. Through error or mistake of the Hearing Officer, Finance Director, or the Fire Chief in respect to any material fact, including the case where the cost report rendered and confirmed as herein before provided shows the Fire District or private contractor abated the fire hazard, but such is not the actual fact; 4. Without legal authority; or 5. As to property acquired after the lien date by the State of California, or by any county, city, school district, or political subdivision, and is therefore not subject to sale for delinquent taxes. 8.46.080. Appeal procedure. A. The owner may appeal the determination of the existence of a fire hazard and/or the assessed fees and costs related to the abatement of a fire hazard to the Hearing Officer, as specified in subsection C of this Section, within the time P-109 provided for compliance with the order, by timely submitting a written appeal to the City Clerk. B. The appeal must be accompanied by an appeal fee as established by resolution of the Fire District. Said fees are refundable should the owner prevail. C. The appeal shall be heard by the Hearing Officer who shall be the person designated by the City and/or the Fire District to hear appeals on administrative citations. D. A written appeal of a Notice to Abate Fire Hazard must be actually received by the City Clerk within twenty (20j days of the date that the Notice was mailed. An appeal of the assessed fees shall be made within twenty (20) days of the date that the Notice to Abate orstatement of costs, as applicable, was mailed. The owner's failure to appeal the Notice and/or assessed fees and costs within twenty (20) days of the date that the Notice or statement was mailed shall constitute a waiver of the right to an appeal. The City Clerk shall immediately forward all appeals to the Fire Chief. E. Upon receipt of a timely appeal, the Fire District shall set the matter for hearing with the Hearing Officer and shall notify the appellant of the hearing date at least ten (10) days prior to such date. The hearing shall be set for a date not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than 60 days after the appeal is received. F. The Hearing Officer shall issue a written decision no later than 15 days after the date on which the hearing concludes. The Hearing Officer can issue one or more of the following determinations: 1. Afire hazard did or does not exist 2. The re-inspection fee was improperly assessed and is not payable by the owner. 3. The administrative fee was improperly assessed and is not payable by the owner. 4. The cost of abatement was improperly assessed and is not payable by the owner. Although properly assessed, the fee and/or cost shall be reduced to a speck amount in order to not exceed actual cost recovery for the inspection and abatement of the fire hazard. 6. All costs were properly assessed. G. If the Hearing Officer sustains the appeal in its entirety and/or cancels all assessed costs and fees, the Fire District shall refund all costs and fees, including the appeal fee, within 30 days. H. If the Hearing Officer reduces costs assessed for the inspection and abatement of the fire hazard, the appeal fee shall not be refunded to the owner. 6 P-110 The decision of the Hearing Officer shall be final. 8.46.090. Violations. A. It shall be a misdemeanor for any owner to fail to perform the duty set forth in Section 8.46.020 of this Chapter, or to fail to comply with a Notice to Abate Fire Hazard, as set forth in Sections 8.46.040 and/or 8.46.050 of this Chapter, or to interfere with the performance of the duties of the Fire Chief herein specified, or to refuse to allow the Fire Chief or approved private contractors to enter upon any premises for the purpose of abating fre hazards or to interfere in any manner with the work or removal herein provided. B. Violations are punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, and may include the issuance of administrative citations as provided in said Chapter." SECTION 3. Severability. The City Council declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. Civil remedies available. The violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance or the Chapter hereby adopted shall constitute a nuisance and may be abated by the City through civil process by means of restraining order, preliminary or permanent injunction or in any other manner provided by law for the abatement of such nuisances. SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 2010. Mayor I, ,City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of , 2010, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the day of , 2010, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: 7 P-111 ABSTAINED: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga 8 P-112 RESOLUTION NO. FD i o- 035 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING FEES FOR ABATEMENT OF FIRE HAZARDS. A. RECITALS (i) The Government Code requires that prior to levying a new fee or increasing an existing fee or service charge as hereinafter set forth, the local agency shall hold a noticed public hearing to consider the matter. (ii) The Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District has heretofore been authorized by ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to abatement certain fire hazards within the City. Said ordinance provides that fees and charges for services provided may be collected and that such fees and charges shall be in such amount as established by resolution of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District. (iii) On the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District conducted and concluded a duly noticed public hearing concerning the proposed fees and service charges, as required by law. (iv) All legal prerequisites to adoption of this Resolution have occurred B. RESOLUTION NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District hereby finds and resolves as follows: 1. The facts set forth in Recitals, Part A of this Resolution, are true and correct. 2. The Board of Directors has determined that none of the fees established herein exceeds the reasonable estimated cost of providing the service to which each such fee applies. 3. The following fees and charges related to fire hazard abatement services are hereby approved and adopted: P-113 Fee Descri tion Fee Amount Re-inspection resulting in a determination of non- com liance er roe $55.00 Hazard abatement /removal by contractor (per ro ert Actual Cost Administrative fee er roe $220.00 A eal Fee $220.00 4. The Secretary to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: day of 2010. Dr. Donald J. Kurth, President ATTEST: Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary I, Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, at a Regular Meeting of said Board held on the day of , 2010. Executed this day of 2010 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary ~V~ .~~4~ .~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, ~~ ', ~ ~" .Q, ~ ~ ~ _--, Q ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ 4~1 -~ ~1 N _~ ,,, O ~~~, ~0 ,,, ~~ O ,,, O ~' ,,, ~ ~ +~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (A L c s o ~ ~ ~ " ~a ~ L ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 '. L 'd a ~a a~ L s 0 L i O L a~ ._ ca ._ 0 ._ L V ._ L ~/~ 1 .,~ ~ii~, --, ,~, ~~ Q ~' ,;1 ~~ ~~. ~~ ,k ~~ 0 ~~ ~;~ Yc r ~- ~" i ._ LL ._ O a 'v ~ ~ V L ~ ~ _/ ._ ~ ~~ Z LL . . ~ i _ ~ ~ ~ ' ~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ = A G G U ~ = c ~ ~ ~ s s s L ~ R _ ~ ~ Z s i c = ~- ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ fl. ~ L ~ s ~ . H ~ V ~ H ~ J O ca a V W "; O *i1~ ~~~ O V ~ ._ Q Vhf V ~ ~ ~. ~~ L (/~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~~ O ~ ~ V ~ ~ = N ~, ~ ~ V = • s '_ ~ v~ v, .- ,_ ~- _ ~~ .~~ V ~ ~_ ~ ._ ~ ~_ ,,~ ~ ~ •~ V V W -~ oL ~ ~ O ~a 0 o~ c~ _ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OQ a~ a~ L ~ ~ O i a ~° ~,~ ~~ _, ~„ ~~ ~. a~ a~ ~V ._ r~~ s V ._ ~~~ U ._ V • ,O o~ s 0 V a V L 3 0 a E W ra a~ O V .~ V ^~ -~~ • a~ s ._ ._ 'a a 0 V 'i .~ s L a e ~~ °' ~~ a ~~ 0 ;1 ~, s s 3 O 4~ V 0 L a~ L V ._ V C O V 7 V O s V ~~ 'd d7 3 LL ca ._ L O ._ V c~ .~ V .L W V H • V O .. V O V O Z • V • O L V L O V L O L L Q • N ^~~ ~~ ~~ Q ,~, ~, L L V ~. H .~ H LL .__ ._ W O ~~ .~ H i ~~~ a 0 3 ._ .a .~ ~V s V ,o a O s V H ._ ca a 0 a~ m ~~ ~o ~Q ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Q~ ,,~ ~~ ~, ,,, L W ^~ 0 V O O V V O J • O p ~ _ ~ O ^~ O O ~ _ p1 s~ V = ~N H Qf ~ ~ _ ._ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ \ '- ~ ~V H ~ L7 W • ^ i a1 O a ~- ._ V as•+ ._ 0 V L 3 a.+ .~ ._ L i W ~' ~~ ~' ~~ ,~ Q -, „~ ~~ _, ,; ~a V O ._ m • 0 V O L ~.1 4~ O ._ W i W • L L ~. s V L .a .a O i O ~. ~~~ ~~ • N 0 a~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ P-114 _ ~_ STAFF REPORT PI_~NNI1vG DEP,~RTAIENT RANCHO cUCAMONGA Date: August 4, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council From: -James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director By: Donald Granger, Senior Planner Subject: DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2010-00336 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the definition of "CHURCH" in Subsection (C) of Section 17.02.140 (Definitions) of Chapter 17.02 (Administration) of Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. The project qualifies under State CEQA Guideline Section 15061(b)(3) because the •proposed definition change is for clarifying purposes and will not result in an intensification of environmental impacts. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336. BACKGROUND: On May 5, 2010, following an oral report by the City Attorney, the City Council unanimously voted to initiate Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336 (the "Amendment") and directed staff to process the Amendment. During the discussion, the Council indicated the importance of having a definition of "CHURCH"that meets the needs of the community and avoids potential enforcement problems. Since the Council's approval of the request to initiate the Code Amendment, Planning staff, in conjunction with the City Attorney, has been analyzing, researching, and evaluating various proposed definitions of the term "CHURCH." On June 23, 2010, at a public hearing, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Development Code Amendment and adopted Resolution No. 10-23, unanimously recommending approval of the Development Code Amendment. ANALYSIS: Questions have been raised as to the scope of "CHURCH" in the definition in Section 17.02.140(c), which currently states: "CHURCH: A use located in a permanent building and providing regular or organized religious worship and religious education incidental thereto, but excluding a private educational facility. A property tax exemption obtained pursuant to the Constitution of the State of California and of the Revenue of _ Taxation Code of the State of California, shall constitute prima facie evidence that such use is a CHURCH as defined herein." Of particular concern is the application of such a term to religious assemblies in private dwelling units. The Amendment proposes that the definition of "CHURCH" be modified as follows: P-115 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DRC2010-00336 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 4, 2010 Page 2 "CHURCH: A use provided by a legally constituted religious organization, in a building or buildings maintained solely for and limited to public and family worship of a deity or deities, together with buildings and uses that are accessory thereto, and limited to the teaching of religious dogma, accessory social functions, and one single-family dwelling for use as a minister or caretaker residence. This definition includes synagogues, temples, mosques, and other buildings used for the purposes stated herein, but excludes day care centers, community recreation facilities, and private and/or secondary educational facilities." This definition would exclude religious assemblies in private dwelling units that are not maintained solely for and limited to public and family worship withiri the term "CHURCH." Religious land use- restrictions are limited in part by the Federal Religious Land Use- and Institutionalized Persons Act, 42 USC § 20DOcc et seq. ("RLUIPA"). RLUIPA states that a government may not "impose or implement a Land Use regulation in a manner±hat imposes a substantial burden on the religious exercise of a person ... or institution" unless the government demonstrates that imposing the burden "is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest" and "is the least restrictive means of furthering" that interest. Municipalities must ensure that Zoning regulations for uses by religious institutions are not substantially burdensome, as compared with reaulations for nonreligious uses, such as lodges, meeting halls, and private clubs, barring a compelling government interest narrowly addressed. As indicated by the City Council on May 5, 2010, the primary purpose of updating and clarifying the definition of "CHURCH" in the Municipal Code is to provide consistent application of the law regarding such uses. No other change is proposed to the manner in which churches are regulated under the Development Code, and a substantial burden will not be imposed on the religious exercise of any person or individual. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under State CEQA Guideline Section 15061(b)(3) because the proposed definition change is for clarifying purposes and will not result in an intensification of environmental impacts. It can also be demonstrated with certainty that there is no substantial evidence that the text amendment to clarify the definition of "CHURCH" will have a significant effect on the environment. CORRESPONDENCE: Since this item is a proposed text amendment with no specific project at this time, this item was advertised as a public hearing (one-eighth page ad) in the Inland Vallev Daily Bulletin newspaper. P-116 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DRC2010-00336 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 4, 2010 Page 2 Respectfully submi~tt~ed„,~p~ f~~ Rte' Utl j)" Jame royer, AICP ~J Planning Director JT:DG1ds Attachments: Exhibit A - Excerpt from Development Code Section 17.03.140-C, existing definition for "CHURCH" Exhibit B - City Council Minutes, dated May 5, 2010 Exhibit C - Planning Commission Staff Report (without attachments) dated June23, 2010 Exhibit D - Plarning Commission Minutes, dated June 23, 2010 with Planning Commission Resolution of Approval Recommending Approval for Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336, dated June 23, 2010 Draft Ordinance of Approval for Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336 Rancho Cucamonga Develoament Code Section I7 02 140 of historic structures, or by resolution of the City Council as having sign'rficant local or regional historical importance and value to the community. BUILDING OFFICIAL: The head of the Building and Safety Division of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and shall include his deputies. BUILDING. PUBLIC: Anon-profit or quasi-public use or institution such as a church, library, public or private school, hospftal, or municipally owned or operated building, structure, or land used for public purpose. BUILDING SITE: A lot or contiguous lots of land in single, multiple, or joint ownership (exclusive of all rights-of-way and all easements, except open space easements, that prohibit the surface use of the property by its owner), which provides the area and open spaces required by this ordinance for construction of a building or buildings, and which abuts a public or private street or alley, or easement determined by the City Planner to be adequate for the purpose of access. C CARETAKER'S RESIDENCE: A dwelling unit accessory to a principal use on a site and intended for occupancy on the same site, as a caretaker, security guard, servant, or similar position generally requiring residence on the site. .CARPORT: A permanent roofed structure with no more than three enclosed sides. used or intended to be used for automobile shelter and storage. CEMETERY: Land used or intended to be used for the burial of the dead and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including columbariums, crematoriums, mausoleums, and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery. CENTERLINE: The centerline of a street as referred to in this Code shall mean the right-of-way centerline as established by the County Engineer of the County, by the City Engineer of any city within the county, by the State Division of Highways of the State of California, or if no such centerline has been established and in any case in which foregoing definition is not applicable, the Planning Commission shall designate the centerline. ____ ~_ -__. __ ___ CHURCH: A use located in a permanent building and providing regular or organized religious worship and religious education incidental thereto, but -excluding a private educational facility. ,A property tax exemption obtained pursuant to the Constitution of the State of California and of the Revenue of Taxation Code of the State of Califomia, shall constitute prima facie evidence that such use is a church as defined herein. CITY: The City of Rancho Cucamonga CLUB: Anon-profit association of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated, organized to pursue common goals, interests, or activities, bui not including a group organized solely or primarily to render a service customarily carried on as business. CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT: A form of development for single-family and multiple family residential subdivisions that permits a reduction in lot area provided there is no increase in the number of lots permitted under a conventional subdivision and the resultant land area is devoted to open space. EXHIBIT A 17.02-18 8/00 P-117 ~, :_ _ ~ - - -- ~ ~- P-118 N3. hearing on the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to revoke the Cor~6itional Use Permit because it is operating in a mannQi which is detrimental to the public hey th, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to prop~'fies in the vicinity. The City Council,~+ill consider the appeal and may uphold or rescindithe revocation or modify the Condif16nal Use Permit. Located in the Masi Plaza at 11~B15 Foothill Boulevard; APN; 0229-0~'C-38. Related File: Entertainment Permit DRC2 00 7-002 84. ~ (Continued from April 21, 20'10 per applicant's request. As this meeting was not held, Item was readvertised and~nrill be heard on May 19, 2010.) ;'" hearing on the appeal of the Planning Commission's decisldn to revoke the Entertainment Permit because it is operating in a manner which is detrimeyrital to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity,.~The City Council will consider the appeal and may uphold or rescind the revocation or sfispend or modify the Entertainment Permit. Located in the Masi Plaza at 11615 Foothill l;aoulevard; APN: 0229-011-38. Related File: Conditi6nal Use Permit DRC2007-00283R. (Continu~tl from April 21, 2010 per applicant's equesL As this meeting was not held, item was re-advertised and will be heard on Ma~19, 2010.) The ollowing items have no legal publicatio or posting requirements. 0 PRESENTATION HONORING MILIT Y VETERANS (PowerPoint) James Troyer, Planning Director provide a PowerPoint presentation honoring military veterans. ' ` 02. UPDATE OF REVISION OF DEFINITION OF "CHURCH" AND "CHURCH ACTIVITIES" IN +-~ THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA DEVELOPMENT CODE (Oral) Jim Markman, City Attorney presented an update on work done to date to revise the definition of a "church" and "church activities" in the City. He indicated recently Code Enforcement has been wrestling with activities in which church activities were conducted in homes. Mr. Markman noted that he was asked to develop an Ordinance to help clarify the matter and distributed a first draft of a rough Ordinance to the City Council. Mr. Markman indicated that the definitions contained in the rough draft were worth pursuing as the Ordinance would change the Municipal Code to clarify that ancillary religious activity in a home are different from church activities. If an ancillary religious activity creates a nuisance, it would be no different than any other activity in a home which creates a nuisance and would be addressed accordingly. Mr. Markman suggested that the City Council instruct staff to fine tune the Ordinance, schedule it for the Planning Commission and ultimately consideration by the City Council. In response to Mayor Kurth, Mr. Markman stated that the definition of a church is intended to encompass a complex of buildings. Mr. Markman noted that he could define it further if needed to address a single residential dwelling for a minister. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Mr. Markman indicated that the purpose of the Ordinance is to assist Code Enforcement in clarifying the differehce between an ancillary religious activity in a home and activities at a church. Councilmember Williams reminded the audience and viewers that people should be considerate of their neighbors, regardless of the type of gathering. She noted -that the Ordinance should state clearly that there is no discrimination. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes EXHIBIT B May 5, 2010 -Page 10 of 1Z P-119 ~N D In response to Councilmember Williams, staff confirmed that it is possible to use a residential structure as a church with the appropriate permits and adequate parking. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Gutierrez, to direct staff to move forward with the development of an Ordinance. Motion carried 5-0. P. COUNCIL $USIlVESS The following items have b€en requested by the City Couhcil for discussion. Pt. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments/to be limited tofthree minutes .per P2. ~TES~ (Oral) !; ~ rand opening of the new VA clinic, which is a r~`odel for indicated that the Local Taxpayer, Public S,dfety and bmitted and has qu~lified for the ballot. CourScilmember i 16. He reported that today AB X4 26'was upheld, which to transfer $2.05 ~aillion in local redevelopment funds over Spagnolo reported on AB 155, which wout'tl require cities d from a State committee.' ~ Councilm~nber Gutierrez noted that the need to help Iyfr. Reyes. He truly tonight's Jneeting and spoke about the need to support each other. Counciim that they is a lot of graffiti o~sidewalks and encourafgtet`f the public to call the Mayo Pro Tem Michael wp's very concerned with tide State seizing redeveloF is d icated to stimulate growth and jobs and willJeffect the City's ability to r Ce ral Park and at the~freeway interchange. Mayor Pro Tem Michael states R eo will be on May Y5, 2010 from 8:3D a.m. tyr12:30 p.m. at Red Hili ParJc`. Councilmember Spagnolo reported on the other VA clinics round the nation. He Transportation P otection Act has been 8 Spagnolo spokg~in opposition to Proposific requires redevClopment agencies stateC'vida the next two Sears. Lastly, Councilm~mbe. seeking ba ~ ruptcy protection to gevappro~ t` fated the prayer at Gutierrez indicated hotline. vent funding. This money Instruct improvements at that the Ron Ives Sicycle ouncilmember Wilfams encouraged the ransportation Pry/tection Act. She spoke invited the Coun~l and the audience to t Mayor Kurth~lso expressed concerns~rw Sacramento is addicted to spending.J~ a~ veterans apd noted that the meeting Mould No ifems were identifed. pr~blic to support the Local ?axpayer, Public Safety and >~about the new Metrolink`~ars. Councilmember Williams (Cucamonga Challenge on//May 8, 201D at Central Park. th the Slate taking retl Gelopment funding. He noted that or Kurth stated that wall owe a debt of gratitude to our be adjourned in their rpemory. ~~ .~ ~ .: R. IADJO"URlV~~NT .: ~...:'~~ Mayor Kurth adjourn the meeting at 9:32 p.m. fter a moment of silence in honor of military veterans and John .Lee, retired Division Chief rom the Montclair Fire Department, who passed away on April 28, 2 0. Respectfully submitted, Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes Exhibit B-1 May 5, 2010-Page 11 of 12 P-120 STAFF REPORT ~ . ~ ~_ti PUNNING DEP.I RTMENT ~~~~ DATE: June 23, 2010 RANCHO TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Ct1CAMGNGA FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Donald Granger, Senior Planner SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT CODE. AMENDMENT DRC2010-00336 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the definition of "Church" in Subsection (C) of Section 17.02.140 (Definitions} of Chapter 17:02 (Administration) of Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, The project qualifies under State CEQA Guideline Section 15061(b)(3) because the proposed definition change is for clarifying purposes and will not result in an intensification of environmental imoacts. BACKGROUND: On May 5, 2010, following an oral report by the City Attorney, the Gty Council unanimously voted to initiate Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336 (the "Amendment"), and directed staff to process the Amendment. During the discussion, .the Council indicated the importance of having a definition of "church" that meets the needs of the community and avoids potential enforcement problems. Since the Council's approval of the request to' initiate the Code Amendment, Planning staff, in conjunction with the City Attorney, has been analyzing, researching, and evaluating various proposed definitions of the term "church." ANALYSIS: Questions have been raised as to the scope of "church" in the definition in Section 17.02.140(c), which currently states: "CHURCH: A use located in a permanent building and providing regular or organized religious worship and religious education incidental. thereto, but excluding a private educational facility. A property tax exemption obtained pursuant to the Constitution of the State of California and of the Revenue of Taxation Code of the State of California, shall constitute prima facie evidence that such use is a church as defined herein." Of particular concern is the application of such a term to religious assemblies in private dwelling units. The Amendment proposes that the definition of "church" be modified as follows: "CHURCH: A use provided by a legally constituted religious organization, in a building or buildings maintained solely for and limited to public and family worship of a deity or deities, together with .buildings and uses that are accessory thereto, and limited to the teaching of religious dogma, accessory social functions, and one single-family dwelling for use as a minister or caretaker residence. This definition includes synagogues, temples, mosques, and other buildings used for the purposes stated herein but excludes, day care centers, community recreation facilities, and private and/or secondary educational facilities." This definition would exclude religious assemblies in private dwelling units that are not maintained solely for and limited to public and family worship within the term "church." EXHIBfT C PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2010-00336 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA June 23, 2010 Page 2 Religious land use restrictions are limited in part by the Federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, 42 USC § 2000cc et seq. ("RLUIPA"). RLUIPA states that a government may not "impose or implement a land use regulation in a manner that imposes a substantial burden on the religious exercise of a person or institution" unless the government demonstrates that imposing the burden "is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest" and "is the least restrictive means of furthering" that interest. Municipalities must ensure that zoning regulations for uses by religious institutions are not substantially burdensome, as compared with regulations for nonreligious uses, such as lodges, meeting halls, and private clubs, barring a compelling government interest narrowly addressed. As indicated by the City Council on May 5, 2010, the primary purpose of updating and clarifying the definition of "church" in the Municipal Code is to provide consistent application of the law regarding such uses. No other change is proposed to the manner in which churches are regulated under the Development Code, and a substantial burden will not be imposed on the religious exercise of any person or individual. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the CaPifornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under State CEQA Guideline Section 15061(b)(3) because the proposed definition change is for clarifying purposes and will riot result in an intensification of environmental impacts. It can also be demonstrated with certainty that there is no substantial evidence that the text amendment to clarify the definition of "church" will have a significant effect on the environment. CORRESPONDENCE: Since this item is a proposed text amendment with no specific project at this time, this item was advertised as a public hearing (1/8 page ad) in the Inland Vallev Daily Bulletin newspaper. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolution recommending that the City Council approve Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336. If the Planning Commission recommends approval, it will be brought to the City Council for final consideration and action. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Jam R. Troyer, AICP Planning Director JRT:SF\ds Attachments: Exhibit A -Excerpt from Development Code Section 17.03.140(c), existinc definition for "church" Exhibit B -City Council Minutes dated May 5, 2010 Draft Resolution of Approval Recommending Approval for Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336 Draft Ordinance of Approval for Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336 P-121 Exhibit C-1 P-122 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting June 23, 2010 Chairman Fletcher called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 7:04 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chambers at Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT:.. Richard Fletcher, Lou Munoz, .Francisco Oaxaca, Ray Wimberly ABSENT: Frances Howdyshell STAFF PRESENT: Adam Collier, Planning Technician; Steven Flower, Assistant City Attorney; Donald Granger, Associate Planner; Lois Schrader,. Planning Commission Secretary; James Troyer, Planning Director *kkk* ANNOUNCEMENTS None h k k k APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Moved by Wimberly, seconded by Oaxaca, carried 3-0-1-1 (Munoz abstain, Howdyshell absent), to approve the minutes of June 9, 2010. * k * * k PUBLIC HEARINGS ~~ A. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2010-00336 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA- A request to amend the definition- of "Church" in Subsection (C) of Chapter 17.02 (Administration) of Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is statutorily exempt from the requirements of the California Environmehtal Quality Act (CEQA) and the City CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under Section 15061(b) (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines because the text amendment will not have any significant impact on the environment. Donald Granger, Senior Planner, presented the staff report and gave a short PowerPoint presentation (copy on file). He noted the definition clarifies what is a church and what that looks like particularly in relation to private dwelling units; it is faith neutral and; it simplifies Code Enforcement issues and approach. Chairman Fletcher noted that a situation arose some time ago that was brought to the attention of the Council related to this issue. He said he thought the new definition is a good one. He asked EXHIBfT D P-123 how it would be handled if 20 or 30 individuals are meeting regularly in a residence and what would happen if the neighbors complain because of parking as another part of the hypothetical. Mr. Granger noted that if the residential unit is primarily occupied and used for residential purposes then this would not be considered a church and the use would not be subject to a Conditional Use Permit, however, they could be subject to nuisance abatement or other performance standards such as noise-he gave the example of a worship band that might be too loud during the meetings. Conversely, he said if the house was vacant and not occupied but being used for a church or meetings such as a regular bible study, then it would fall under land use regulations and a permit would be required. Chairman Fletcher opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no comment, he closed the public hearing. Vice Chairman Munoz remarked that it was an excellent report. Commissioner Wimberly agreed and noted that the new definition clarifies some ambiguities. Commissioner Oaxaca said Mr. Granger did a good job. Chairman Fletcher remarked that it is a good definition and does offer clarification. Vice Chairman Munoz noted a typographical error on thedraft ordinance on PageA-8 ofthe agenda packet, which was noted by the secretary for correction. Motion: Moved by Wimberly,.seconded by Munoz, to adopt the Resolution Redommending Approval to the City Council for final action for Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336. Motidn carried by the following vote: AYES: FLETCHER, MUNOZ, OAXACA, WItJIBERLY NOES: NONE ABSENT: HOWDYSHELL -carried ..... REVIEW OFNON-CONSTRUC~N"CONDITIONAL US RMIT CUP99-43 HE BEER MUG - A review of the busi s operation to ensur at it is being opera d in a manner consistent with the con ' ' ns of approval or in a r~~ner which is not detr ental to the public health, safety, or fare or materially injurious to properties in the 'cinity. The Planning Commission 'i consider revocation or rlryedification of the approv Conditional Use Permit. Located in the Regional Related Commercial District, Subar 4 of the Foothill Boulevard Spe c Plan, in the Foothill Mar~e~place at 12809 Foothil~oulevard, Suite C1-C4 - APN: Q2 9-031-33. CONTINUED~OM MAY 26, 2010 AND JkJNE 9, 2010 /James Troyer, Planning Director, noted that a letter vy~ received on June 21, 2~ from the applicant's legal coups equesting a 4 week contin, ce. Mr. Troyer noted that t~ next meeting ' „' of the Commission ' a full 3-weeks away (July 14~ and suggested that amoun~f time would be sufficient for th attorney to obtain and revie the materials he is requesting in the letter and prepare fort hearing. Vice C irman Munoz confirmed that is item has been continued at.teast twice before. SsKairman Fletcher also noted t~tem has been brought hearing remains open. He a/sf~ed for the applicant to con Ryan Kroll, Attorney, Sol on, altsman ~ Jamieson, 42E he represents the oycrf~e of The Beer Mug. He said EXHIBIT D-1 CoraanSission Minutes previous meetings, the public ;ulver Boulevard, Playa Del Rey, stated client is a small business owner who June 23, 2010 P-124 RESOLUTION NO. 10-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIvIONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2010-00336 TO AMEND THE DEFINITION OF A "CHURCH" IN SUBSECTION (C) OF SECTION 17.02.140 (DEFINITIONS) OF CHAPTER 17.02 (ADMINISTRATION) OF TITLE 17 (DEVELOPMENT CODE) OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE. A. Recitals. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga filed an application for Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336 (the "Amendment"), as described in the title of this Resolution. 2. On May 5, 2010, the City Council voted to initiate the Amendment. 3. On June 23, 2010, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the Amendment and concluded said hearing on that date. 4. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby finds, determines, and resolves as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on June 23, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: The Amendment applies to property located within the City; and b. The Amendment clarifies the definition of "church" to staff and the public, and therefore the Amendment promotes consistent application of law such thatthe Citydoes not impose a substantial burden on a religious institution; and c. The Amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan, and is in conformance with the General Plan; and d. The Amendment will promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code by implementing the goals and objectives of the General Plan, protecting the stability of land uses within the City, and attaining the advantages resulting from comprehensive and orderly land use and resource planning; and e. The Amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. EXHIBIT D-2 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-23 P-125 DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2010-00336 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA June 23, 2010 Page 2 3. The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the. requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because the proposed text changes are for clarifying purpose and will not result in an intensification of environmental impacts. It can also be demonstrated with certainty that there is no substantial evidence that the text amendment to clarify the definition of "church"will have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staffs determination of exemption. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, above, the Planning Commission hereby recommends adoption of the Draft City Council Ordinance, which would amend the definition of "Church" in Subsection (C) of Section 17.02.140 (Definitions) of Chapter 17.02 (Administration) of Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code to read as follows: CHURCH: A use provided by a legally constituted religious organization, in a building or buildings maintained solely for and limited to public and family worship of a deity or deities„together with buildings and uses that are accessory thereto, andlimited to the teaching of religious dogma, accessory social functions, and one single-family dwelling for use as a minister or caretaker residence. This definition includes synagogues, temples, mosques, and other buildings used for the purposes stated herein but excludes day care centers, community recreation facilities, and private and/or secondary educational facilities. 5, The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF JUNE 2010. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: '"~ Richard B. Fletcher, Chairman ATTEST: ~i~ '.t~~L 12 • C~~v~ Jamey R. Troyer, AICP, Secr tary I, James R. Troyer, AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of June 2010, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FLETCHER, MUNOZ, OAXACA, WIMBERLY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HOWDYSHELL EXHIBIT D-3 P-126 ORDINANCE NO. 5.3,3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2010-00336, AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF A "CHURCH" IN SUBSECTION (C) OF SECTION 17.02.140 (DEFINITIONS) OF CHAPTER 17.02 (ADMINISTRATION) OF TITLE 17 (DEVELOPMENT CODE) OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE. A. Recitals. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga filed an application for Development Code Amendment DRC2010-00336 (the "Amendment"), as described in the title of this Resolution. 2. On May 5, 2010, the City Counci! voted to initiate the Amendment. 3. Ori June 23, 2010, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the Amendment and, following the conclusion thereof, adopted Resolution No. 10-23, recommending that the City Council adopt the Amendment. 4. On August 4, 2010, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the Amendment. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This City Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon substantial evidence presented to the City Council during the above-referenced public hearing on August 4, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, the City Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The Amendment applies to property located within the City; and b. The Amendment will provide a clear definition of "CHURCH" to staff and the public, and therefore the Amendment promotes consistent application of law such that the City does not impose a substantial burden on a religious institution; and c. The Amendment does not conflict with the Land Use policies of the General Plan, and is in conformance with the General Plan; and d. The Amendment will promote the goals and objective of the Development Code by implementing the goals and objectives of the General Plan, protecting the stability of land uses wiihin the City, and attaining the advantages resulting from comprehensive and orderly land use and resource planning; and e. The Amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. P-127 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2010-00336 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA August 4, 2010 Page 2 SECTION 3: The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because the proposed text changes are for clarifying purposes and will not result in an intensification of environmental impacts. It can also be demonstrated with certainty that there is no substantial evidence that the text amendment to clarify the definition of "CHURCH" will have a significant effect on the environment. The City Council has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staff's determination of exemption. SECTION 4: Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Sections 1, 2, and 3 above, the definition of "CHURCH" in Subsection (C) of Section 17.02.140 (Definitions) of Chapter. 17.02 (Administration) of Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: CHURCH: A use provided by a legally constituted religious organization, in a building or buildings maintained solely for and limited to public and family worship of a deity or deities, together with buildings and uses that are accessory thereto, and limited to the teaching of religious dogma, accessory social functions, and one single-family dwelling for use as a minister or caretaker residence. This definition includes synagogues, temples, mosques, and other buildings used for the purposes stated herein, but excludes day care centers, community recreation facilities, and private and/or secondary educational facilities. SECTION 5: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is, for any reason, deemed or held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the final decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, or preempted by legislative enactment, such decision or legislation shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, or words might subsequently be declared invalid or unconstitutional or preempted by subsequent legislation. SECTION 6: The City Clerk shall cert'rfy to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 0 0 r~ J ~ k W U +~ 0 -~` ~ Q~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ "" F C N Q (~ ~ o a~ ~ o N N ~ ~ ~U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ U Q ~ _ U K G~ ~o ~a ~x ~s ~~ II ~~~ c ~ ~ 0 U O ~ ~ ~ O ~ o O O I~ U ~ ~- ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ E ~ E a ~ - ~ .~ ~ ~ O v ~ _~ ~ ~ o 0 ,C U U ~ o U ~ ~ ~ o ~= c 1~~ O ~ ~ ~ N Q, c D N ~ ~ 0 A A ca c E L Q c c~ c .~ 0 c 0 U N a~ U .~ O ^L LL A N ~ j N ~ ~ ^^,, O ~ W ~ ~ Q i N ~ O Q •~ U ~' U ~ ~ ~~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ cn ~- O 0 ~ ~ U o •~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ a ~ ~ a • ~ ca o ~ o ~ O i ~ ~ ON ~ ~ ~ N ~ N ~ O (a cn ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ A A. ,~~,~, ,..:.. O W L U ~o ~~jj Goa ~ ' +~ (3 @ ~' ~X a O D N ~X W A m ~«- O U C L ~ N ~ C ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N L O O ~ U ~ ~ ~ O N ~ ~ ~ ca Q om' ~ _ ~> C ~ O 'L O N p Q.. ,, W ~ ~ '~ X ~ ~ .~ _ C~ ~ O V ~ O U ~ Q ~ '~ ~ o U ~ = ~ ~ a w ~ ,c ~. ¢ o ~ N ~ ~ .~ N .~ ~ ~ L L ~ O E 'U N Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ a~ (B c ~ ~ ~ p 0 ~ C Q O O ~ ~ N U +~ w f6 L O ~ = (n L N 3 p ~ 0 to O C O "-' U vOi o ~ U o ca •~ L ~ ^ ' Y / UI Q '~ / 1 ii +~'' T Z V O `' ~ O ~• U ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U N_ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N _ f0 ~ X N .r (B U i o a~ ~ a ~ ~ A N L C N A t L U ca O N n 0 U N O ~_ C .~ N N C C N L Q .~ _~ a~ N f0 O .~ .~ O O C O a~ N X C .T Q Q Q C N a~i L O C W N O U 0 U m a~i O a A A A U L U ~a e O ~~ 1 ~ 1 C O y=• N N N O Q O ^L LL A ca vi ~ .~ ~ ~ U C >+ _ cn ~ >+ O ~ ~ N i ~ O ~ -O ~ ~ U ~ ~ U ~ E •~ ~ X (Oj O •- cn ~ ~ ~ N (a ~ L O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - +-' C .O O O C ^^`` ~ O n` L (~ L ~ ~ O ~ ~ _ ~ ~ Q O L U ~ ~ ~ >' o ~ " ~ ~ ~ U ~ N O ~+ N ~ N O >+ ~ C O ~ ~ ~' ~ N O L .~ +-' ~ f0 ~ O ~ Q - U ~ ~ ~ (B 'O ~ ~ C N ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O , rr ~ N N L O :_ Y ~ O N C ~ O (a ~ ~ O . Q ~ L cB ~ O ~ O ~ O O ~' C L L ~ O V ~ ~ Q ~ ~ Y L N ~ L L !n U ~ (6 ~ ~+ O ' L N 2 O U i a C V L ~ (6 N U (Sf U A vi N U cv C O :_~ U O N iA N C N W A -~ a~ •~ r. C "O .~ i L p U >+ ~CC f C ~ .r N ..-+ O N ~ ~ fQ +, "1 ~ ~ ~ C'. N N :~ ~ O ~ ~ •~ U L L L O O ~ ~ ~ ~ O •~ (~j U . L DLO-. C (6 ~ C O ~ ~ C ~ .U O ~ ~ ~ 'U ~ L N O Q O ~ ~ ~ O N ~ O O O ~ ~ U O ._ N N ~ ~ C ~ ~ O O O to i ~ N ~ ~ N U X ~ O >_ W N d A A A ~~ '_~^^ i VJ '~ `U '~ 'O '~ o ~~ ~~ U L a 0 (/~ A (a O L Q Q L O .~ .~ 0 U .~ _~ A Q U 0 X W A -~ c 0 0 a A P-128 STAFF REPORT- RdNCHO CUCdMONGtl FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 ~ C,UCAMONGA To: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Pamela Pane, Management Analyst II Subject: APPROVAL TO ACCEPT SIXTEEN (16) MOBILE DATA COMPUTERS (MDCS) AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT FROM THE 2009 ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT REGIONAL APPLICATION AWARD THROUGH THE COLTON FIRE DEPARTMENT; AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE $20,640.00 TO FUND THE TWENTY PERCENT (20%) CONTRIBUTION MATCH INTO THE FOLLOWING FIRE DISTRICT AND COMMUNITY FACILITY DISTRICT 85-1 ACCOUNTS: $540.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3289501-5152, $7,470.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3289501-5215, $2,310.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3289501-5300, $540.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 328 2501-51 5 2, $7,470.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3282501-5215, AND $2,310.00 INTO ACCOUNT NO. 3282501-5300 Fire District staff recommends approval to accept sixteen (16) Mobile Data Computers (MDCs) and associated equipment from the 2009 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Regional Application award through the Colton Fire Department. In addition, staff requests authorization to appropriate $20,640.00 to fund the twenty percent (20%) contribution match into the following Fire District and Community Facility District 85-1 accounts: $540.00 into Account No. 3289501-5152, $7,470.00 into Account No. 3289501-5215, $2,310.00 into Account No. 3289501-5300, $540.00 into Account No. 3282501-5152, $7,470.00 into Account No. 3282501-5215, and $2,310.00 into Account No. 3282501-5300. BACKGROUND The Colton Fire Department applied for a regional grant in May of 2009 from the 2009 Assistance to Firefighters Grant through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Five CONFIRE agencies were included in the grant request: Colton, Redlands, Rancho Cucamonga, Loma Linda, and Rialto. The request was for new MDCS to be installed in frontline apparatus, which include engines, ladder trucks, and tech rescue vehicles. On January 29, 2010, an award was made to the Colton Fire Department for $398,304.00. The apportionment of that award to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District (District) is $103,068.28. The grant award requires a 20% non-Federal funds cash match. This requires the District to pay $20,640.00 in matching funds. P-129 APPFLOVAL'1'O ACCF;IrIBCX'TI:L°.N (ib) MORII. F. DATA < O:A[PU'PFbRS (MD(s) AND ASSOCLA'Pf1D PAGE. 2 GQUFPMIN"C f~'ROMTRG 2009 ASSIST'ANCF,TO 1~71t1.;t llr FfrkiRS GRAM'RISC'IIONiU,APPL[(';A'rIUN AWARD'1'HROU<3H'I'FIL•C';i'rY OP COLa'QN.:\PhROVAI,'i'C;)I~UND'I`F{F TWFN'1'Y Pr±RCI%N'I'(20°.0) CON'I'RIRU"I'FON MATCH. AUGUST 4, 2010 The District will receive sixteen (16) MDCs, complete with all required equipment, service, and an additional four (4) modems for back-ups. The District will also receive credit through the grant for Fire Maintenance Facility time for installations. The MDCs will replace existing units that will be down-streamed to reserve units and the Fire Prevention Bureau. The performance period for the grant is one year from the grant award date and must be completed by January 28, 2011. The five fire agencies, with the assistance of CONFIRE, have partnered together to bring this project to fruition. The Colton Fire Department and CONFIRE have bid and quoted out all the equipment purchases and have received all the equipment at their location. Once the 20% match is received, they will deliver the equipment to the District and the District's Fire.Maintenance Facility staff will install the units per our specification. The Colton Fire Department and CONFIRE will coordinate all grant administration. The MDCs, in operation with Priority Dispatch Software, will facilitate the transfer of invaluable information on a patient's medical condition and severity between the Dispatch Center and Engine Company firefighters/Paramedics. MDCs are also equipped with the latest GPS technology That assists dispatchers in assigning the closest, most appropriate, Fire District resource. Respectfully submitted, n Mike Bell Fire Chief STAFF REPORT ~ - RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 C,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: APPROVAL TO ALLOCATE $99,500 AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1302000-4740 AND ALLOCATE $13,500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUNT 1302000-4909 AND APPROPRIATE $25,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1302601-5200 AND $87,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1302601-5300. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve and allocate $99,500 received from the State Library into Library revenue account 1302000-4740 and allocate $13,500 from the Library Foundation for the Rancho KIDS, Part Three Implementation Grant into revenue account 1302000-4909 and appropriate into Library expenditure accounts in the following manner: 1302601-5200 Operations and Maintenance $ 25,500 1302601-5300 Contract Services $ 87,500 BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS In May of 2009, Library Staff applied for and received a grant from the California State Library: Rancho KIDS, Phase Two, a continuation of Rancho KIDS, in the amount of $45,000 (which was matched by the Rancho Cucamonga Library Foundation in the amount of $45,000). This grant allowed the Library to continue work on the second floor of the Paul A. Biane Library and began creating four (4) prototype interactive exhibits. In July of 2010, the Library was informed that the California State Library will award the Library an additional $99,500 for a third phase of the Rancho KIDS p''roject. This phase of Rancho KIDS is to include the design and fabrication of six (6) additional "Play and Learn" (PAL) Islands and creating a plan to loan the PALs to other public libraries in the State. In addition, the Library Foundation will donate $13,500 to the project, primarily to support marketing materials, training, and research in early childhood development. APPROVAL "f0 ALLOCATE $99,500 AWARDED BY THE Ct1LIPORNIA STATE LIBRARY PAGE 2 INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1302000-4740 AND ALLOCATE $13,500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUNT 1302000-4909 AND APPROPRIt1TE $25,500 B~ITO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1302601-5200 AND $87,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1302601-5300. AoGUSr4.2010 FISCAL IMPACT No net impact on the Library Fund or General Fund as the grant does not have any City matching requirements and fully funds the items listed above. Respectfully submitted, G,~~ Robert Karatsu Library Director STAFF REPORT P-130 RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 C',,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: APPROVAL TO ALLOCATE $99,500 AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1302000-4740 AND ALLOCATE $13,500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUNT 1302000-4909 AND APPROPRIATE $25,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1302601-5200 AND $87,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1302601-5300. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve and allocate $99,500 received from the State Library into Library revenue account 1302000-4740 and allocate $13,500 from the Library Foundation for the Rancho KIDS, Part Three Implementation Grant into revenue account 1302000-4909 and appropriate into Library expenditure accounts in the following manner: 1302601-5300 Operations and Maintenance $ 25,500 1302601-5300 Contract Services $ 87,500 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In May of 2009, Library Staff applied for and received a grant from the Califomia State Library: Rancho KIDS, Phase Two, a continuation of Rancho KIDS, in the amount of $45,000 (which was matched by the Rancho Cucamonga Library Foundation in the amount of $45,000). This grant allowed the Library to continue work on the second floor of the Paul A. Biane Library and began creating four (4) prototype interactive exhibits. In July of 2010, the Library was informed that the Califomia State Library will award .the Library an additional $99,500 for a third phase of the Rancho KIDS project. This phase of Rancho KIDS is to .include the design and fabrication of six (6) additional "Play and Learn" (PAL) Islands and creating a plan to loan the PALs to other public libraries in the State. In addition, the Library Foundation will donate $13,500 to the project, primarily to support marketing materials, training, and research in early childhood development. P-131 APPROVAL TO ALLOCATE $99,500 AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNLt1 STATE LIBRARY PAGE 2 INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1302000-474-0 AND ALLOCATE $13,500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUNT 1302000-4909 AND APPROPRIATE $25,500 INTO EXPEN~I1'URE ACCOUNT 130260]-5200 AND $87,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1302601-5300. AUUUS'r 4, 2010 FISCAL IMPACT No net impact on the Library Fund or General Fund as the grant does not have any City matching requirements and fully funds the items listed above. Respectfully submitted, Robert Karatsu Library Director STAFF REPORT RANCHO Date: August 4, 2010 C,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director BY~ Michelle Perera, Assistant Library Director Subject: APPROVAL TO ALLOCATE $39,500 AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1291000-4740/0-3707 AND ALLOCATE $26,500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUNT 1291000-4909/0-3707 AND APPROPRIATE $36,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1291602-5200/0-3707 AND $29,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1291602-5300/0-3707. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve and allocate $39,500 received from the State Library into Library revenue account 1291000-4740/0-3707 and allocate $26,500 from the Library Foundation for the Healthy RC: Healthy Mind, Body & Earth Grant into revenue account 1291000-4909/0-3707 and appropriate into Library expenditure accounts in the following manner: 1291602-5200/0-3707 Operations and Maintenance $ 36,500 1291602-5300/0-3707 Contract Services $ 29,500 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Rancho Cucamonga Libraries have been involved with the Healthy RC Initiative since its inception -providing materials, programs, and information about health and wellness to the community. In 2008/2009, the Library received a Fit for Life Grant from Libraries for the Future specifically to engage the community in health and wellness programs. With over 2,500 participating in programs, the Library saw a need for additional programs and educational opportunities related to health and wellness. In July of 2010, the Library was informed that the California State Library will award the Library $39,500 for a grant to support the Healthy RC Initiative. In partnership with the City APPROVAL TO ALLOCATE $39,500 AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY PAGE 2 INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1291000-4740/0-3707 AND ALLOCATE $26,500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUNT 1291000-4909/0- 3707 AND APPROPRIATE $36,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1291602-5200/0-3707 AND $29,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1291602-5300/0-3707. AUGUST 4, 2010 Manager's Office, the grant funds will support additional programming at the Libraries, additional health and wellness materials, a book vending machine with health and wellness books, a Play and Learn Island with a Healthy RC focus, and a series of environmental programs. In addition, the Library Foundation will donate $26,500 to the project, primarily to support programming, health and wellness materials, and marketing materials. FISCAL IMPACT No net impact on the Library Fund or General Fund as the grant does not have any City matching requirements and fully funds the items listed above. Respectfully submitted, Robert Karatsu Library Director RK/MP P-132 STAFF REPORT , RANCxo Date: August 4, 2010 C,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director BY~ Michelle Perera, Assistant Library Director Subject: APPROVAL TO ALLOCATE $39,500 AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1291000-4740/0-3707 AND ALLOCATE $26,500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUNT 1291000-4909/0-3707 AND APPROPRIATE $36,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1291602-5200/0-3707 AND $29,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1291602-5300/0-3707. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve and allocate $39,500 received from the State Library into Library revenue account 1291000-4740/0-3707 and allocate $26,500 from the Library Foundation for the Healthy RC: Healthy Mind, Body & Earth Grant into revenue account 1291000-4740!0-3707 and appropriate into Library expenditure accounts in the following manner: 1291602-5300/0-3707 Operations and Maintenance $ 36,500 1291602-5300/0-3707 Contract Services $ 29,500 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Rancho Cucamonga Libraries have been involved with the Healthy RC Initiative since its inception -providing materials, programs, and information about health and wellness to the community. In 2008/2009, the Library received a Fit for Life Grant from Libraries for the Future specifically to engage the community in health and wellness programs. With over 2,500 participating in programs, the Library saw a need for additional programs and educational opportunities related to health and wellness. In July of 2010, the Library was informed that the California State Library will award the Library $39,500 for a grant to support the Healthy RC Initiative. In partnership with the City P-133 APPROVAL TO ALLOCATE $39,500 AWARDED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY PAGE 2 INTO LIBRARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1291000-4740/0-3707 AND ALLOCATE $26,500 DONATED BY THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION INTO REVENUE ACCOUNT 1291000-4909/0- 3707 AND APPROPRIATE $36,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1291602-5200/0-3707 AND $29,500 INTO EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1291602-5300/0-3707. AUGUST 4, 2010 Manager's Office, the grant funds will support additional programming at the Libraries, additional health and wellness materials, a book vending machine with health and wellness books, a Play and Learn Island with a Healthy RC focus, and a series of environmental programs. In addition, the Library Foundation will donate $26,500 to the project, primarily to support programming, health and wellness materials, and marketing materials. FISCAL IMPACT No net impact on the Library Fund or General Fund as the grant does not have any City matching requirements and fully funds the items listed above. Respectfully submitted, Robert Karatsu Library Director RK/MP I~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L7 N ~ ~ I O ,~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ L ~ N •,~ • r c~ J V O T r r O L o 0 ~ ~~ ~ Q c ~ ~ ~ (~ L ~ ~L ~ ~ ~ /~ ~/ ~ J p to N ' J H a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ }r ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ J ~_ ~ L .~ ~ ~ .~ O { ~ ~ ~ o o W C~ ~ ~ (6 J U ~ ~ U _~ L ^ I L ~ .. X ~ _ ~ . 0 ~ O 0 ~ ~ \ d7 M N (~ N ~ ~ ~ U ~ U r ~--~ L Q •r r r H _~ ~I+-fit y, ~ r •r m •r m •r D L N O U •r D v 0 +~ •r a~ c~ a v< ~Za iV~~ zit ~~ 6 UC. V O •r L ^~ W J C i '~ ~ ~ ~ 'N ~ N ~ ~ N L ~ ~ ' c ~ '~ L ~ ~ c' ~ ~ a~ o ~ ~ to C ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ ,~ .N _ ~ ~ C ~ o - ~ c~ ~ c _~ , } ~ O ~ O ~ ~ ~~ l V U s ~_ J (n .~ L U O M O li O N C cCf L ~..L N~ N C O U L ~~+ U .~ c C 0 m .-. U O N 2 N L L U C N C ~--~ c~ L U 0 U ~_ J ~--~ ~~ ca E L (0 N C 0 .~ W +-~ U >~ i Y U m J •r t U •r N 0 0 m r H L a~ J r a l/) r V •r O O U s r f~ 2 ~_ _ ` ~ ~ ~`~ t u v v L V a~ a~ L u t r c~ 2 •r O O L a 0 o o 0 0 N ~ ~ O ~ M ~ ~ U ~ O (~ ~ O ~ ~ O C >, ~ M 'O L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~' O ~ ~ LL O L ~ ~ U N O ~ ~ ~_ ~ J ~ •r J L _' •r ~--~