HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997/07/09 - Agenda Packet - Adj (Workshop)CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP AGENDA WEDNESDAY JULY 9, 1997 Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Rains Room 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 6:15 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Chairman Barker Vice Chairman McNiel Commissioner Bethel __ Commissioner Macias__ Commissioner Tolstoy II. NEW BUSINESS PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW 97-03 - BURNETT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - The review of a conceptual site plan and grading scheme for the proposed development of 19 hillside residential lots on Red Hill, on the south side of Camino Predera, south of Red Hill Country Club Drive - APN: 207-631-01 through 11 and 207-641-01 through 10. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are those which do not already appear on this agenda. IV. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjoumment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. I, Gail Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on July 2, 1997, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. ,,~,,_~ j~ VICINITY MAP _, ..... ..................... ..............,.,~.......,,,...... ................ , ,.............................. ......: ...............-........ ..............................., . .........:.:...-.................. .............. ............ ...........-...... ..............,· .......-.-.....-...........-.... ................ ........... ............... ....: .......· · ............. ....;.......-...-...-...... ............; ........;.-.............. ......·· ....... ;..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.-.-.-...... ..............:................ .......... ..... I"m ""1:';':': ............. 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I ,~.,..~.......:........... ..............................................~.., ,. I A.T., S.F. R R CITY HALL ~) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Represented By: Franklin C. Sims Executive Vice President Burnett Development Corporation Presented By: Bill Warkentin Warkentin Partnership Consultant PROJECT DESCRIPTION Buena Vista Terrace is a 21 lot subdivision of record since May 9, 1985. The eastern portion of the site, lots 10 through 21, are comprised of the less steep parcels, ranging from moderately sloped at lot 21 to slopes exceeding 30% at lot 10. These lots are typically 80' wide and quite deep, except for lots 19, 20 and 21 which are located on a knuckle of Camino Predera and are therefore wider and shallower. The remaining lots are considerable steeper, deeper and have a reduced frontage as they line the curve in the street alignment. What is perhaps the site's most notable characteristic is the wide variation in lot topography and development constraints. The entire site appears to have been the recipient of excess soils from adjacent construction and from the installation of the street and underground utilities. The resulting surface soils condition is quite deep and unconsolidated fill material and topographic conditions far from natural. The recommendation of over-excavation prior to consauction (mandated to remove these non-structural soils) results in cuts exceeding 5 feet in depth by which time whatever remains of the original topography will have been completely eliminated. Therefore, we have approached the development of the site from a grading point of view. Two approaches are proposed, each of which is further discussed below. A previously approved site plan was in processing for building permits when the constraints of the impending recession rendered the project infeasible. As the economy languished, the approvals were extended and ultimately expired. The current owners have assessed the re-emerging market and determined that with sufficient economics of grading, the project can once again be developed successfully. BUP, NEIT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 13031 Newport Avenue · Suite 200 · Tustin · California 92680-3517 · Telephone · 714 · 544-7600 · Facsimile · 714 · 544-0200 Page Two LOTS 10 THROUGH 21 Each lot will be graded into a series of terraces, falling downhill and permitting an architecture that follows the topography yet relies on a standard split in the building footprint. The steeper lots add an additional 9 foot split permitting a "walk-out" basement. The result of this grading will move approximately 10,000 cubic yards of earth and balance on site. Two unit plans are illustrated, each utilizing the downhill condition to hide the garage doors from street view, a side entry garage being used in one case and an auto court in the other. The two story units terrace down the slope fully using the site grading to provide both interior and exterior view capture opportunities. LOTS I THROUGH 9 These lots require a more unique solution. We propose to establish a private road accessing Camino Predera between lots 9 and 10 then dropping down the slope to access six custom lots with an average 8000 square foot pads. These six lots are significantly lower than Camino Predera (ranging from 15 to 37 feet below adjacent street grade) and will ensure permanent view windows for the uphill homes. A gated entry will be used for these six lots thereby creating a secluded, private and secure custom lot environment. A seventh lot has been created for an existing lot that accesses directly off Camino Predera. In order to accomplish this solution, two lots have been combined so that two fewer homes will be constructed. The slopes created by the grading, both natural and man-made, will be heavily landscaped to offer additional privacy for the downhill homes. This landscaping will also serve as slope stabilization and create a natural and attractive street screen, edge condition, virtually eliminating views of the homes. The total cut and fill required for this proposed solution is 23,600 CY of cut, 22,100 CY of fill, a condition of balance when shrinkage factors are considered and approximately 1,000 cu. yds. per lot. Buena Vista Terrace ~ENT .~',": P C.JCAi'~.lONGA COi¥ DE",/; 6 19-97 ,3:07PM; 9Cg4772B47 =, 71,45440200; CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Community Development Department 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 477.2750 GENERA L R.E Q UIREM~N7 ...... l"r!rin t o r Type t, Na,;'e ¢,[ P.,~oMd Project 7, i...'J';.~A V; S'['A '['i'.'.EI4.\Cl.: ",..\M i .,1(, '~l i.', .: B ~..,t....),.I,t..\ ,. ;.(.)(.:K i"RO~ R!'.';) H ;.I. :';'[AC'I' t 00'.! '~ BURNETT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 13031 NEWPORT AVE, SUITE 200, TUSTIN CA Lega~ Owna~~& Na~ne (if different from abow) CO[;.X']' rC:' CI.I:B 92780-3517 UNIFORM APPLICATION Part I (714) 544-7600 Address Type of Review Requested (Please Check All AppliceDle Boxes,) Community Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit Conditional Use Petnit (Non- Conelection) Dev~gn Review - Com~ndus Dev/Oesign Review - Resiacntiel Devel~menl Di~tdct Amendment Enteffak~ment Pe~mil Gonetel Plan Amendment Hillside DeYelot~men~ ;~t DU Hillside Development .~ 4 DU Landma~ Alteration Pe~it ~1~. Lot lt'ne Adju.~tment Minor Development Review Minor Exception Prefiminary Review Specific Plan Amendment PROJECT DE'SC'F?IPTION (PLEASE SEE ATTACHED) Tentative Pa¢cel Map Tentative Tract Ma~ Vacation of Public R{clht-d-W~y or Easement VaHance OH~er,' OWNER CEt~ TIFICA T.ION ce~/fy" that i am'presently the legal owner of the above.<~escrfbed pr~p'erty. Fu~her, I 'e~edge ~e filing ~ this applicat~n and ceEi~ that all of the able info~ation is t~e and co,act. (If the under,ned is distant ~m the togel p~peRy owner, a letter of authodzat~n must ~pany ~is form:) ..... June 23, 1997t Franklin C. Sims, Executive Vice President. Burnet~ D~uplnpm~n~ Corporation ..- ~at~i~e R~etved Received SF Fees Received R~oI~ No. Fire Recei~ No. Ap.plicahon - 4.,'96 -~.F_NT SY: s C,JCAMONGA COM DE",/; ¢~ ~q~ q7 ,%:08PM; gCg4772847 7145440200; #3/3 CIT~ OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Community Deveiol~ment Department 10500 Civic Center Dr~ve Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 477.2750 Residential Project Summary Table Part 2 BUENA VISTA TERRACE Location CAMINO PREDERA 1 BLOCK FROM RED Staff Use Only:. Reference File No. HILL COUNTRY CLUB Develoi~rner~¢ D~strfct Net (ExcJu=i~ of ~ca~ for m~or ex~mal and se~nda~ stmeta) Sing~ F~!y ~tached · Singt~ Family A~ached Mufti-fam~ly~ondominium Studio One ~d~ . · T~ Bedim Three Fou~ Bedmorn TOTAL 21 SINGLE F~ILY DETTACHED LOTS, AREA DIS TRtBUTION (B~scd o~ Net ,Area) Building Cowerage .N / A Lal~dscepe Coverage N/A Vehicular Area N / A Common Ot~en Space N / A Phvato Open Space IN/A Usebl~ Open Slyace (Common & Pdvate~ N/A Single FaNIi ~tac~ed 2~n~ N / A Multi-fam#y/Condomi~ium: N / A Studio One Uedzoom 1,~unit Two Bedroom l,~unit T~me Bedim 2.~unit N / A Four Bedr~m 2.~unit N / A Guest We~ing 0,2~unit N ] A TOTAL RECORDED A c re,s/S q,, Ft, Acres ,:,, of Not ,Are,~ Provided Applic..~tion- 4/96 PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW DISCLAIMER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I have read and understand the filing requirements and process for Pre-Application Review and that I have voluntarily requested said review. I hereby acknowledge that the Pre-Application Review does not relieve me from preparation and submittal of any detailed plans, technical studies, or environmental analysis required by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in connection with any subsequent formal application for this project. I acknowledge that the Planning Commission may require additional information before completing the Pre-Application Review. I hereby acknowledge that the opinions and comments of the Planning Commission and/or staff resulting from this Pre-Application Review are entirely non-binding on the City, the Planning Commission, and/or staff as to subsequent further processing or development of the project. · '\ June 23, Signature Date 1997 FRANKLIN C. SIMS, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Print Name and Title PREAPP - 4/96 Page 4 of 4 All easements. Parking areas, driveway access points, loading areas Proposed land uses and parking calculations Plazas and landscape areas Q B. Architecture Floorplans Elevations Roof Plans Letter of JustificationlExplanation: One copy which clearly describes and explains the following in detail: The environmental setting/existing site conditions, natural features and any proposed changes to same. The proposed land uses and how they are justified under the applicable zoning regulations. Compatibility: Discuss the location, size, design and operating characteristics of the proposed land uses and how they will not create unusual noise, traffic or other conditions that may be objecb~nable or det#mental with other permitted uses in the vicinity. Descdbe how the proposed project would 'fit" into the surrounding context. List any particular questions or design elements you desira Commission comments upon. Disclaimer Statement (see attached) Mandatory Items. PREAPP - 4/96 Page 3 of 4