HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/09/10 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of TrusteesLIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING Second Thursday 6 p.m. September 10, 2009 Council Chambers City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 *~* City Councilmembers Donald J. Kurth, M.D., Mayor L. Dennis Michael, Mayor Pro Tem Rex Gutierrez, Councilmember Sam Spagnolo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember ^*+ Boardmembers Robert Coberly, President Jackie Amsler, President Pro Tem Sharon Nagel, Member Scott Haddon, Member Luella Hairston, Member DECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA Vivian Garcia states and declares as follows: I presently am and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Administrative Secretary of the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. Acting in that capacity on 3- .cos , at ,~• ~s ,~~, . , I posted a true and correct copy of the meeting agenda date ~'~f• io~~_ at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on 9- 3- ~-~a9 , at Rancho Cucamonga. Robert Karatsu, Library Director City of Rancho Cucamonga By. X-~<`~hr~P~ ~'"'vVivian Garcia, Senior Administrative Secretary City of Rancho Cucamonga -_ LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA SEPTEMBER lO, 2009 e^~RANCHO ~L~IMONGA 1 1. Roll Call: Amsler _, Coberly _, Haddon _, Hairston _ and Nagel - The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Library Board of Trustees at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Member or member of the audience for discussion. 1. Approval of Minutes: August 13, 2009. 2. Approve revised Children's Storytime policy. (Attached). The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Library Status Report: Oral reports presented by staff. a. Review of current statistics. Oral report by Robert Karatsu, Library Director. 2. Budget Report: Report presented by Robert Karatsu, Library Diredor. 3. Children's Services: Oral update by Renee Tobin, Principal Librarian. 4. Archibald Library: Oral update by Karye Hood, Reference Services Coordinator. 5. Paul A. Biane Library: Oral update by Cara Vera, Senior Librarian. The following items have been requested by the Library Board of Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Book dispenser. Oral report by Michelle Perera, Assistant Library Diredor. 2. Structure of Joint Meeting with City Council and Library Foundation on Wednesday, October 21, 2009. Discussion led by Robert Karatsu, Library Director. 4 14 22 z __ LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA ` ~ SEPTEMBER 10, 2009 2 !v~ANCHO taL'+GLlSO~iGA 3. California Library Association Conference. Discussion led by Robert T Karatsu, Library Diredor. This is the time for the Library Board of Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. This is the time and place for the general public to address the Library Board of Trustees on any item listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Library Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Board may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Board, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. I, Vivian R. Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, August 6, 2009, seventy two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. 3 STAFF REPORT LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: September 10, 2009 To: Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the minutes of the meetings of August 13, 2009. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS l , I~ RANCHO C,,UCAMONGA Attached, please find the minutes for the regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees taken and compiled by Library Administrative Secretary, Vivian Garcia. FISCAL IMPACT None. Respectfully submitted, - ~~~-EZ>ra~^^ Robert Karatsu Library Director CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES A. CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, August 13, 2009, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by President Coberly. Present were Members Amsler, Haddon, Hairston and Nagel. Also present were: Robert Karatsu, Library Director, Michelle Perera, Assistant Library Director, Renee Tobin, Principal Librarian, Karye Hood, Reference Services Coordinator, Wess Garcia, Library Assistant, Carol Durkel, Office Specialist II and Vivian Gazcia, Administrative Secretary. ****** B. CONSENT CALENDAR B1. Approval of Minutes: June 11, June 20 and July 9, 2009. MOTION: Moved by Member Hairston to approve the minutes, seconded by Member Nagel. Motion carried 5-0 ****** C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS C1. Library Status Report: Oral reports presented by staff. a. Review of current statistics. Oral report by Robert Karatsu, Library Director. Robert Kazatsu, Library Director, reviewed the statistics with the Board. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, introduced new hire Wess Garcia, Library Assistant. Wess Garcia, Library Assistant, reviewed his background with the Board. Final Report from Gyroscope, Inc., on Rancho KIDS Project, Phase I. Presentation by Michelle Perera, Assistant Library Director. Michelle Perera, Assistant Library Director, presented an oral report on the final meeting with Gyroscope, Inc., on Rancho KIDS Project, Phase I, to the Board. Staff will be presenting a PowerPoint Presentation ofthe final report at thejoint meeting ofthe Boazd, LibraryFoundation and City Council. 5 Library Board Minutes August 13, 2009 Page 2 c. Receipt oftwo additional grants, "Rancho KIDS, Phase II" and "Digital Storytelling Project for Local History," for FY 2009-2010. Oral report by staff. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, stated that the Library has recently received the following grants: 1) Rancho KIDS, Phase II - $45,000 2) Digital Storytelling Project for Local History - $10,000 3) Public Library Staff Education Grant 4) Eureka Institute Robert Karatsu, Library Director, stated that the Library Foundation will be supporting two of the grants with matching funds, the Rancho KIDS, Phase II Grant with an additional $45,000 and Digital Storytelling Project for Local History Grant with an additional $10,000. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, stated that three library staff members, Linda Engelke, Casey Mazcazello and Angelica Trammell which have been selected to receive tuition reimbursement from the California State Library. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, stated that Karye Hood and Casey Mazcazello had been selected as participants in the 2009 Eureka Leadership Institute. Only thirty-six participants had been selected from the State of California, with two from Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. In addition to attendance at the week-long institute, both Karye and Casey will be receiving $5,000 to apply towazds a project after the Eureka Institute is completed. (Their projects will be on local history.) Member Amsler requested staff to remember Art Bridges and his aerial photo ofRancho Cucamonga for the Local History Grant. She also requested for staff to check on a proclamation listing the Chamber of Commerce as the oldest grape festival in the state. Member Nagel suggested that staff advertise about the local history grant. Member Coberly suggested staff contacting Supervisor Biane and Council President Pro Tem Michael's parents on information for the local history grant. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, stated that staff will be making a presentation to the•City Council about the Digital Storytelling Project for Local History Grant. C2. Budget Report: Report presented by Robert Karatsu, Library Director. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, reviewed the Budget with the Library Board. C3. Children's Services: Oral update by Renee Tobin, Principal Librarian. L Library Board Minutes August 13, 2009 Page 3 Renee Tobin, Principal Librarian, presented an oral report on the Summer Reading Program to the Board. She stated this year had the largest participation with close to 2,600 participants in the program. Renee Tobin, Principal Librarian, stated that Library Assistant Nina Cole retired at the end of July. C4. Archibald Library: Oral update by Karye Hood, Reference Services Coordinator. Karye Hood, Reference Services Coordinator, stated adult reference at the Archibald Library has been busy weekday mornings with patrons using the Tech Center. She also mentioned that the Teen Summer Reading Program was very successful this summer. There were forty teens that attended the final party on Friday evening, July 31. There was a scavenger hunt and pizza for the Teens at the event. Finally, Karye Hood, Reference Services Coordinator, presented an oral report on the Big Read events planned for the fall with the book, "Bless Me Ultima." The keynote speaker this year will be actor Edward James Olmos. Tickets will be available a couple of weeks prior to each event at the libraries. C5. Paul A. Biane Library: Oral update by Cara Vera, Senior Librarian. Michelle Perera, Assistant Library Director, stated that Senior Librarian Cara Vera is on vacation. Michelle Perera, Assistant Library Director, stated this was a busy summer with the Summer Reading Program. Theatre staff along with the library staff are coordinating the "Back to School Bash" to be held this Saturday, August 15, at the Cultural Center starting at 4 p.m. She also noted that Tuesday, August 18, would mark the third year for the Paul A. Biane Library. ****** D. BOARD BUSINESS D 1. Election of Officers for FY 2009-2010 as mandated by Library Board ofTrustees By-Laws. Presided over by Robert Coberly, Library Board President. President Coberly opened the floor for nominations for the President of the Library Board. Member Hairston nominated Robert Coberly for President. Member Nagel seconded the nomination. 7 Library Board Minutes August 13, 2009 Page 4 MOTION: Moved by Member Hairston to nominate Robert Coberly for President, seconded by Member Nagel. Motion carved, 5-0. President Coberly opened the floor for nominations for Vice President. Member Nagel stated that she will be retiring in June of 2010 from the Central School District. She lives out of town and works in Rancho Cucamonga. Therefore, she is unable to continue as a Member once she retires. Member Nagel asked Member Amsler if she would like to be Vice President. Member Ansler stated yes. MOTION: Moved by Member Coberly to nominate Jackie Amsler for Vice President, seconded by Member Nagel. Motion carved, 5-0. D2. Review conceptofLibraryBoardofTnxstees"Speaker'sBureau." Presided by Library Board President. President Coberly talked with the Members of the Board about a "Speaker's Bureau." President Coberly stated that when available, Members of the Board could promote the Library at presentations such as Rotary meetings or school meetings. Library staff would contact Members by e-mail when staff received a request for a presentation. If a Member is available and would like to, they could attend as representatives for the library. After discussion, all the Members accepted being a part of the "Speakers Bureau." D3. Review meeting formats and schedules. Presided over by Library Board President. President Coberly asked if the Members would like to change any of the formats or schedules of the meetings. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, stated a joint meeting with the City Council and the Library Foundation Board had been scheduled for Wednesday, October 21, at 3 p.m. in Celebration Hall. He requested that the Members let him know if they were not available to attend. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, stated the California LibraryAssociationConference which starts on October 31 will be located in Pasadena. He asked Members to let staff know if they would like to attend by Monday for early bird registration. Library Board Minutes August 13, 2009 Page 5 President Coberly requested staff to list and provide time for a brainstorming session twice a year for the Members at the meetings. He stated he would like one during the winter months, January and one again in June. *~**** E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING E1. Brainstorm Session (January, June) E2. Book Dispenser E3. Structure of Joint Meeting with City Council and Library Foundation ****** F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None ****** G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Member Hairston to adjourn, seconded by Member Amsler. Motion carried, 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully su mitted, V ~'0i^- cutt0~- Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: 9 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CHILDREN'S STORYTIME POLICY POLICY NO.: - PAGE 1 OF 4 EFFECTIVE: REVISED: APPROVED: PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to provide the most fair and equitable access to children's storytimes at Rancho Cucamonga Public Library. PHILOSOPHY: Attendance at library storytimes by children is desirable to instill a love of reading and life-long library habits. Storytime can be a wonderful opportunity for families to enjoy the library together as well as provide young children their first steps toward independence. The library will offer storytimes for a variety of ages based on available funding for staff and the capacity of the Library's story rooms as determined by the Fire Department. Generally storytimes will be offered for babies, toddlers, preschool and school-aged children as defined in this policy. These storytimes are offered to individuals and cannot accommodate schools or day care groups. Groups may schedule a tour which can be designed to include a storytime. TYPES OF STORYTIMES: Stqrytimes for five audiences are offered at Rancho Cucamonga Public Library and include: Bouncing Babies for newborns to 23 months old with an adult caregiver Toddler Time for children 24 to 35 months old with an adult caregiver Preschool Sto ime for children 3, 4 or 5 years old attending in the storyroom on their own with library staff and volunteers while a parent waits in the library ' Family Storytime for children 8 years and younger with parents or adult caregiver Discovery Club for children 6 to 11 years old attending in the storyroom on their own with library staff and volunteers while a parent waits in the library /0 Children's Storytime Policy Page 2 of 4 BEHAVIOR IN STORYTIMES: Any youngster whose behavior is disruptive to those attending the program will result in the care-giver being asked to remove the child for the remainder of the day's session. Repeated misbehavior may result in loss of the privilege to participate in the remainder of the storytimes offered during that session. BOUNCING BABIES: Description: Bouncing Babies is an interactive Storytime designed to introduce children and their parents or adult care-givers to the library. This Storytime incorporates books, songs, rhymes and play activities with parent participation. Age Limits: newborn to 23 months Children within this age group are in quickly changing stages of development. Early verbal skills encourage participation in songs and rhymes, while developing motor skills are exercised in floor and lap play. Staff model reading, singing and fingerplays for parents and care-givers. Procedures: Staff will conduct registration for 6 to 8-week sessions of Bouncing Babies that is conducted one morning per week. The number of Bouncing Babies storytimes will be determined as budget and demand allows. Eligible children are 0 to 23 months old and will be registered with one adult per child. Registration will be made in person at the library on the specific date selected for each new session. Telephone registration may be accepted the second day as space allows. Parents and care-givers will be discouraged from bringing older children to this Storytime, allowing the focus to remain on the children registered for Bouncing Babies and to allow more babies and their care-givers to attend. , TODDLER TIME: Description: Toddler Time is designed to introduce children and their parents or adult care-givers to the library. Toddler Time incorporates books, songs, fingerplays and other activities with parent participation. Age Limits: 24 to 35 months Most children at this age have developed long-range sight that is conducive to sharing books with a group, and they are able to pick out detail in illustrations. Verbal skills allow them to join in songs, and developing motor skills to participate in fingerplay activities. Staff model reading, singing and fingerplays for parents and care-givers. Procedures: Staff will conduct registration for 6 to 8-week sessions of Toddler Time conducted once a week. The number of Toddler Times offered may be determined as budget and demand allows. Eligible children are 24 to 35 months old and will be registered with one adult per child. Registration will be made in person at the library on the specific date selected for each new session. Telephone registration may be accepted the second day as space allows. Parents and care-givers will be discouraged from bringing infants, babies and older children to this ~~ Children's Storytime Policy Page 3 of 4 Storytime, allowing the focus to remain on the children registered for Toddler Time and to allow more 2-year-olds to attend. PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Description: Children 3 to 5 years-old are offered their first steps toward independence at these half-hour weekly storytimes. Children are registered fora 6 to 8-week series which they attend in the story room with staff and volunteers while their parent or adult care-giver waits in the library. This Storytime is designed to help develop reading readiness by instilling a love of books and stories at an early age. A parent may attend the child's first preschool Storytime to help the child become comfortable in a new setting, review program content and to determine if the child will be able to attend on their own in the coming weeks. Age Limits: Children 3 to 5 years-old. Children can begin to develop listening skills that will help them when they start school. Preschool Storytime also brings children into contact with other young children in what is for some their first group setting. Here they can interact with other children and the adult staff and volunteers Procedures: Staff will conduct registration for 6 to 8-week sessions of Preschool Storytime. Eligible children are 3, 4 and 5 years-old and potty trained by the first date in a session.. Registration will be made in person at the library on the specific date selected for each new session. Telephone registration maybe accepted the second day as space allows. FAMILY STORYTIME: Description: This half-hour Storytime was created for families who would like the opportunity to attend Storytime together. Family story[imes are offered on both awalk-in and registered basis once a week. Family Storytime maybe offered during the evening and weekends allowing working parents and care-givers the opportunity to bring their children to Storytime. Sessions are determined as funding and interest allows. Age Limits: Open to families with children 8-years-old and younger. Parents and adult care-givers are encouraged to attend this Storytime with their children and are required to do so with a child under 3 years old. Procedures: Staff will conduct registration for 6 to 8-week sessions of Family Storytime based on demand. [f staff determine registration is needed to stay within the fire code of each story room, it will be done in person at the library on the specific date selected for each new session. Telephone registration maybe accepted the second day as spacE allows. Some family storytimes will be offered on a walk-in basis. For these storytimes, library staff will make reusable nametags available for each session. Everyone entering the storyroom is encouraged to wear a nametag to help staff track statistics and ensure the audience does not exceed the posted limit. iz Children's Storytime Policy Page 4 of 4 Discovery Club: Description: Children in the elementary school grades are offered a weekly walk-in program designed to continue to draw them into the library and to stimulate, their interest in books and reading. Given their ages this audience is ready for activities in addition to sharing books. Guest performers, simple crafts and special events such as making dragons to celebrate Chinese New Year, learning about Irish step dancing at Saint Patrick's Day, or Hawaiian culture to celebrate that state's 50`h anniversary are a sample of the activities enjoyed in this afterschool program. Age Limits: Children 6 to 11 years. A parent or responsible sibling at least 16-years- old is required to remain in the library during this program. - Procedures: Library staff will provide reusable nametags available for each session. Children entering the storyroom wear a nametag to help staff track statistics, ensure the audience does not exceed the posted limit, and help staff to identify children who are in the storyroom without a parent. REGISTRATION: As outlined above some storytimes require registration to attend. To make storytimes available to as many children as possible a child maybe registered in only one Storytime per session. WAIT LISTS: Waiting lists will be maintained for any registered Storytime that has filled to capacity. Should a child miss two weeks in a row their position maybe given to the first child on the waiting list for that Storytime. Staff will attempt to contact the family to determine if illness or other emergency prevented attendance. If after five days staff has been unable to reach the family, the Storytime space will be offered to the next child on the appropriate wait list. Occasionally, due to illness or vacation, space is available in a Storytime to'accommodate a walk-in or standby. A parent or care-giver and child who would like to experience the Storytime to see if they would like to register for the next session will be welcome to attend. Such opportunities will be limited to a one-time basis (Baby, Toddler, Family and Preschool storytimes). /3 STAFF REPORT LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: September 10, 2009 To: Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: LIBRARY STATUS REPORT No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS .J -'.~ ~ :a ~.~ a J. _.,ffi; KANCf~IO ~,[JCAhfONGA The spreadsheets on the monthly statistics, a snapshot of the measurable activities of the Library are attached. These reports include a separate sheet for the Archibald Library, Paul A. Biane Library and a sheet with combined statistics. Reports attached for August. FISCAL IMPACT None. Respectfully subymitte_d, _ r~~~1 Robert Karatsu Library Director ~T Days Open 57 30 •~ Items Borrowed (AR, BL, BKM) 103,558 69,387 Average Daily 1,817 2,313 Change 49% Patrons Registered (AR, BL, BKM) 1,487 1,059 Average Daily 26 35 Change 40% Information questions 14,717 13,190 Average Daily 258 440 ' : ~ Change 12% Library Visitors 57,290 32,749 • Average Daily 1,005 1,092 ~• ~ - %Change 75% Children's Programs 2,262 3,096 ~ ~ # of Sessions 59 42 ~: Aver. Per session 38 74 Change -27% Items Classified 1,919 2,245 ~ Change -15% Volunteer Hours 369 480 Change -23% ~' TECHNOLOGY CENTER SERVICES Computer Use Sessions 9,840 4,766 1 Change 106% Technology questions 5,271 5,992 ~' Change -12% Programs/Classes Attendance 154 119 • # of Sessions 9 5 ~ Aver. per session 17 24 ADULT SERVICES Information questions 5,146 5,114 ~'. Average Daily 90 170 °/ Change 1% Programs/Classes Attendance 59 27 . 1 # of Sessions 5 4 Aver. per session 12 7 1 Teen Programs 37 29 1 # of Sessions 2 1 Aver, per session 19 29 ~/ TourslGroup Visits Attendance 12 # of Sessions 1 Aver. per session 12 CHILDRENS SERVICES Information questions 4, 300 Average Daily 76 Change 106% Bouncing Babies) 413 # of Sessions 11 Aver. Per session 38 Toddler Time 193 # of Sessions 6 Aver. Per session 32 Preschool Storytime Attendance 309 # of Sessions 12 Aver, per session 26 Afterschool Storytime Attendance 66 # of Sessions ~ 4 Aver. per session 16 #DI Family Storytime Attendance 719 # of Sessions 29 Aver. per session 25 Special Events Program Attendance 675 # of Sessions 2 Aver. per session 338 Group Visits to Library Attendance 178 # of Sessions 6 Aver. per session 30 ~6 Days Open Items Borrowed (Incl. renewals) Average Daily %Change Patrons Reglsteretl Average Daily %Change Informahon Ouestlons Average Daily %Change Library Visitors Average Daily %Change Chlltlren's Programs r # of Sessions Aver. Per session %Change Items Classifietl %Change Volunteer Hours Change TECHNOLOGY CENTER SERVICES Computer Use Sessions Change Technology Questions %Change Programs/Classes Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session ADULT SERVICES Information Questions Average Daily Change Programs/Classes Attentlance # of Sessions Aver. per session Teen Programs # of Sessions Aver. per session Tours/Group Visits Attentlance # of Sessions Aver. per session CHILDRENS SERVICES Informaton Questions Average Daily %Change Bouncing Babies # of Sessions Aver. Per session Toddler Tlme Aug-09 Aug 31 51,185 1 1,651 3533% 782 25 100% 6,059 195 100% 28,456 918 100% 413 16 26 100% 1,185 1 -6% 369 100% 6,039 100% 1,612 100% 41 4 10 1,612 52 100% 22 2 11 0 1 0 0 2,835 92 100% 112 3 37 96 17 # of Sessions Aver. Per session Preschool Storytlm¢ Attendance # a! Sessions Aver. per session Akerschool Storytlm¢ Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session Family Storytlme Akendanc¢ # of Sessions Aver. per session Spetlal Events Program Attendance # o/ Sessions Aver. per session Group VISI[s to Library Attendance # of Sessions Aver, per session 3 32 143 6 24 32 2 16 142 5 28 0 0 ~~ Aug-09 A Days Open 26 Items Borrowed 51,801 Average Daily 1,992 °~ Change -22% Patrons Registered 701 Average Daily 27 Change -32% Information questions 8,658 ' Average Daily 333 Change -34% Library Visitors 28,834 Average Daily 1,109 Change -12% Children's Programs 1,849 # of Sessions 43 Aver. Per session 43 Change -40% Items Classified 734 Change -25% Volunteer Hours Change -100% TECHNOLOGY CENTER SERVICES Computer Use Sessions 3,801 Change -20% Technology questions 3,659 Change -39% ProgramslClasses Attendance 113 # at Sessions 5 Aver. per session 23 ADULT SERVICES Information questions 3,534 Average Daily 136 % Change -31% Programs/Classes Attendance 37 # of Sessions 3 Aver. per session 12 Teen Programs 37 # of Sessions 1 Aver. per session 37 !4 TourslGroup Visits Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session CHILDRENS SERVICES Information questions Average Daily °~ Change Bouncing Babies) # of Sessions Aver. Per session Preschool Storytime Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session Afterschool Storytime Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session Family Storytime Attendance # of Sessions Aver. per session Special Events Program Attendance # of Sessions Aver, per session Group Visits to Library Attendance # of Sessions Aver, per session zo Aug-09 Aug-08 BOOKMOBILE Items Borrowed (incl. renewals 572 1,34 Change -57% Patrons Registered 4 2 ADULT LITERACY SERVICES Tu[or Teams Matched 49 3' Change 26% Learners Waiting 11 1'. °/ Change -8% Families far Literacy Participants 8 Computer Literacy Participants 60 5 Storynite 0 Volunteer Hours BACK 2 BASICS ARCHIBALD # of Students 0 # of Sessions 0 # of Volunteer Hours 0 Special Program Att. 0 # of Sessions 0 Aver. Per session 0 BACK 2 BASICS BIANE # of Students 0 # of Sessions 0 # of Volunteer Hours Special Program Att. 0 # of Sessions 0 Aver. Per session 0 SCHOOL 8 COMMUNITY OUTREACH # of Visits VIRTUAL LIBRARY SERVICES Searches 93,463 15,34 Retrievals 1,123 11,10 Remote Access 79,708 7,84 Tutor.Cam Use 10 Home Access 10 In-Library Use Digital Books 156 11 Audio Downloads 96 7 eBook Downloads 60 3 Websita Hits 477,046 317,63 HOMEBOUND SERVICES Patrons Served 25 2 Materials Loanetl 198 14 Visitor Hours Volunteered 15.75 9.5', - z~ STAFF REPORT LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTbIENT Date: September 10, 2009 To: Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: STATUS OF 2008/2009 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS ;~. RANCHO cUCAMONGA Schedule A, titled "Revenue Report" is a report of all funds earned during the month(s) and is attached. It includes separate reports for Archibald Library revenue, Paul A. Biane Library revenue and combined revenues. Schedule B, titled "Balance Sheet FY 2008/2009" is a report balancing income vs. projections for the current fiscal year to date and is attached. Schedule C, titled "Library Expenditures 2008/2009" is an accounting of all funds expended in the current fiscal year and is attached. FISCAL IMPACT None. Respectfully submitted, f ~c~~.~ Robert Karatsu Library Director .Zz.. TOTAL LIBRARIES FINES MEDIA REF REVENUE REPORT & FEES RENTALS SERV. Aug-09 01-Aug $326. 79 $360 .78 $0 .00 02-Aug $108. 75 $137 .67 $0 .00 03-Aug $951. 81 $497 .02 $0 .00 04-Aug $680. 48 $461 .00 $1 .00 OS-Aug $728. 84 $450 .33 $0 .00 06-Aug $536. 44 $418 .83 $3 .00 07-Aug $301. 63 $295 .78 $0 .00 OS-Aug $354. 97 $436 .40 $0 .00 09-Aug $87. 05 $113 .93 $0 .00 10-Aug $845. 52 $467 .81 $0 .00 11-Aug $853. 80 $374 .84 $3 .00 12-Aug $578. 69 $394 .91 $0 .00 13-Aug $731. 22 $339 .03 $0 .00 14-Aug $542. 00 $305 .21 $0 .00 15-Aug $574. 09 $458 .61 $0 .00 16-Aug $95. 20 $147 .19 $0 .00 17-Aug $946. 81 $432 .39 $0 .00 18-Aug $683. 82 $397 .43 $0 .00 19-Aug $701. 97 $421 .64 $3 .00 20-Aug $864. 97 $354 .88 $0 .00 21-Aug $412. 90 $340 .94 $0 .00 22-Aug $520. 49 $419 .52 $0 .00 23-Aug $198. 55 $115 .46 $0 .00 24-Aug $716. 73 $475 .18 $59 .25 25-Aug $693. 65 $405 .81 $12 .00 26-Aug $648. 06 $244 .26 $32 .00 27-Aug $787. 32 $384 .99 $0 .00 28-Aug $466. 97 $361 .32 $0 .00 29-Aug $466. 16 $439 .07 $0 .00 30-Aug $127. 85 $122 .59 $0 .00 31-Aug $886. 73 $464 .74 $0 .00 TOTALS: $17,400. 26 $11,039 .56 $113 .25 August 2008 TOTALS $ 12,559. 03 $ 7,610 .18 $ 244 .00 CHANGE 39% 45% -54% 2009/10 R ev 2009/10 Proj: Daily Average Fines $580. 68 $600 .00 Daily Average Media $723. 94 $314 .30 Daily Average Ref. Fees $7. 55 $0 .00 DAILY TOTALS $1,312. 17 $914 .30 GAIN/LOSS ON PROJ: $398 ARCHIBALD LIBRARY FINES MEDIA REF REVENUE REPORT 8 FEES RENTALS SERV. Aug-09 01-Aug $192 .19 $158. 61 $0. 00 02-Aug $108 .75 $137. 67 $0. 00 03-Aug $435 .63 $194. 35 $0. 00 04-Aug $298 .64 $205. 85 $1. 00 OS-Aug $326 .75 $185. 61 $0. 00 O6-Aug $231 .65 $216. 89 $3. 00 07-Aug $172 .92 $124. 20 $0. 00 08-Aug $131 .99 $181. 24 $0. 00 09-Aug $87 .05 $113. 93 $0. 00 10-Aug $419 .18 $218. 72 $0. 00 11-Aug $411 .85 $166. 97 $3. 00 12-Aug $230 .35 $154. 56 $0. 00 13-Aug $438 .45 $174. 12 $0. 00 14-Aug $283 .55 $120. 98 $0. 00 15-Aug $198 .06 $196. 88 $0. 00 16-Aug $95 .20 $147. 19 $0. 00 17-Aug $477 .65 $160. 08 $0. 00 18-Aug $252 .23 $199. 18 $0. 00 19-Aug $334 .88 $166. 57 $3. 00 20-Aug $400 .07 $192. 50 $0. 00 21-Aug $154 .60 $163. 62 $0. 00 22-Aug $208 .70 $154. 33 $0. 00 23-Aug $198 .55 $115. 46 $0. 00 24-Aug $433 .23 $228. 85 $59. 25 25-Aug $321 .60 $145. 36 $12. 00 26-Aug $351 .26 $121. 44 $29. 00 27-Aug $461 .42 $210. 88 $0. 00 28-Aug $252 .37 $158. 93 $0. 00 29-Aug $216 .34 $184. 92 $0. 00 30-Aug $127 .85 $122. 59 $0. 00 31-Aug $433 .83 $189. 29 $0. 00 TOTALS: $8,666 .79 $5,211. 77 $110. 25 2~ BIANE LIBRARY FINES MEDIA REF REVENUE REPORT & FEES RENTAL S SERV. - Aug-09 01-Aug $134. 60 $202 .17 $0. 00 02-Aug $0. 00 $0 .00 $0. 00 03-Aug $516. 18 $302 .67 $0. 00 04-Aug $381. 84 $255 .15 $0. 00 05-Aug $402. 09 $264 .72 $0. 00 06-Aug $304. 79 $201 .94 $0. 00 07-Aug $128. 71 $171 .58 $0. 00 08-Aug $222. 98 $255 .16 $0. 00 09-Aug $0. 00 $0 .00 $0. 00 10-Aug $426. 34 $249 .09 $0. 00 11-Aug $441. 95 $207 .87 $0. 00 12-Aug $348. 34 $240 .35 $0. 00 13-Aug $292. 77 $164 .91 $0. 00 14-Aug $258. 45 $184 .23 $0. 00 15-Aug $376. 03 $261 .73 $0. 00 16-Aug $0. 00 $0 .00 $0. 00 17-Aug $469. 16 $272 .31 $0. 00 18-Aug $431. 59 $198 .25 $0. 00 - 19-Aug $367. 09 $255 .07 $0. 00 20-Aug $464. 90 $162 .38 $0. 00 21-Aug $258. 30 $177 .32 $0. 00 22-Aug $311. 79 $265 .19 $0. 00 23-Aug $0. 00 $0 .00 $0. 00 24-Aug $283. 50 $246 .33 $0. 00 25-Aug $372. 05 $260 .45 $0. 00 26-Aug $296. 80 $122 .82 $3. 00 27-Aug $325. 90 $174 .11 $0. 00 28-Aug $214. 60 $202 .39 $0. 00 29-Aug $249. 82 $254 .15 $0. 00 30-Aug $0. 00 $0 .00 $0. 00 31-Aug $452. 90 $275 .45 $0. 00 TOTALS: $8,733. 47 $5,827 .79 $3. 00 August 2008 TOTALS $ 12,559.03 $ 7,610.18 $244 CHANGE -30% -23% zs Schedule B BALANCE SHEET ' Thru August FY 2009/2010 Revenues Earned Projected Loss/Gain Fines & Fees $16,404 $42,500 ($26,096) -61.4% Media Rentals $12,193 $22,500 ($10,307) -45.8% ' Sales/Services Fees $15 $50 ($35) -70.0% Direct Loan $25,264 $1,500 $23,764 1584.3% Private Contributions $25,0,00 $22,500 $2,500 11.1 Totals: $78,876 $89,050 ($10,174) -11.4% "Balance for Year through May ($10,174) ze CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Ycar: 2010 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date: Aug 2009 Remaining Obiec[ Descrin[inn Budge[ MTD Actual YTD Ac[uaI Encumbrance Balanee Revenue Accounts Kcy : 1290000 -Library Fund 4101 Property Taxes-CY Secured 4102 Property Taxes-CY Unsecured 4103 Property Taxes-PY Sec Bc Unsec 4105 Property Taxes-Supplemental 4312 Library Fines and Fees 4401 Interest Earnings 4410 Media Rentals 4515 Inforntation Service Fees 4570 Sale of Printed Materials 4906 CLSA Direct Loan 4907 Private Contributions Library 4908 Public Library Foundation Tola! jor Org Key 1 ?90000: 3,248,700.00 38,062.95 1,422,415.02 0.00 1,826,284.98 56.21 79,820.00 480.22 480.22 0.00 79,339.78 99.39 119,320.00 9,437.82 9,437.82 OfJO 109,882.18 92.09 118,610.00 48,149.78 48,149.78 0.00 70,460.22 59.40 170,000.00 0.00 16,404.39 0.00 153,595.61 90.35 125,060.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125,060.00 100.00 90,000.00 0.00 12,192.66 0.00 77,807.34 86.45 500.00 0.00 14.50 0.00 485.50 97.10 18,000.00 0.00 1,522.10 0.00 16,477.90 91.54 60,000.00 0.00 25,264.98 0.00 34,735.02 57.89 150,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 125,000.00 83.33 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 100.00 4,240,010.00 96,130.77 1,560,881.47 0.00 2,679,128.53 63.18 Key: 1298000 -Calif Literacy Campaign Grant 4740 Grant Income 36,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,400.00 100.00 4909 RC Library Foundation Support 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 100.00 8290 Transferln-Library Fund 45,420.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,420.00 100.00 Total for Org Key 1198000: 96,820.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 96,820.00 100.00 Total for Revenue Accounts: 4,336,830.00 96,130.77 1,560,881.47 0.00 2,775,948.53 64.00 User: RKARATSU -Robert Karatsu Pa1;c: I Current Date: 09/01/2009 Current Time: 13:44:19 RepnrL• GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object z7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Year: 2010 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date: Aug 2009 Obiect Description BudEet MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance alance Remaining Expense Accounts Kcy: 1290601 -Library Fund 5000 Regular Salaries 263,490.00 18,370.39 30,687.84 0.00 232,802.16 88.35 5030 Fringe Benefits 123,840.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 123,840.00 100.00 5100 Travel and Meetings 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 100.00 5102 Training 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 5105 Mileage 7,000.00 461.54 1,153.85 0.00 5,846.15 83.51 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 2,000.00 145.50 145.50 0.00 1,854.50 92.72 5160 Membership Dues 2,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,900.00 100.00 5200 Operations & Maintenance 14,000.00 1,040.00 1,107.96 0.00 12,892.04 92.08 5300 Contract Services 96,572.53 23,905.86 24,299.40 8,69IrFi0 63,581.53 65.83 5400 Telephone Utilities 15,000.00 855.20 1,303.79 0.00 13,696.21 91.30 5402 Water Utilities 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 !00.00 5403 Electric Utilities 75,000.00 7,275.00 7,275.00 0.00 67,725.00 90.30 5501 Admin./General Overhead 189,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 189,000.00 100.00 5503 City Facilities Allocation 8,510.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,510.00 100.00 9298 Transfer Ou[-CA Literacy Cmpgn 45,420.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,420.00 100.00 Total for Org Key 1290601: 853,732.53 52,053.49 65,973.34 8,691.60 779,067.59 91.25 Key: 1290603 -After School Learning Prog 5000 Regular Salaries 29,970.00 1,630.12 2,636.54 0.00 27,333.46 91.20 5010 Part Time Salaries 30,000.00 1,322.13 2,421.75 0.00 27,578.25 91.92 5030 Fringe Benefits 14,690.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,690.00 100.00 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 100.00 5200 Operations & Maintenance 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 100.00 5300 Contract Services 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 Toral,for Org Key 1290603: 81,660.00 2,952.25 5,058.29 0.00 76,601.71 93.80 Key: 1290604 -Bookmobile Services 5000 Regular Salaries 59,170.00 4,551.70 7,646.86 OAO 51,523.!4 87.07 5010 Part Time Salaries 20,600.00 1,383.46 2,086.51 0.00 18,513.49 89.87 5030 Fringe Benefits 29,150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,150.00 100.00 5105 Mileage 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 500.00 39.16 49.92 0.00 450.08 90.01 5200 Operations & Maintenance 4,000.00 674.30 674.30 0.00 3,325.70 83.14 5220 Cellular Technology 1,500.00 176.40 176.40 0.00 1,323.60 88.24 Total for Org Key 1290604: 1 15,020.00 6,825.02 10,633.99 0.00 104,386.01 90.75 Kcy: 1290605 -Library Board of Tms[ees 5100 Travel and Meetings 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 1,200.00 100.00 5160 Membership Dues 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 Total,forOrgKey1290605: 1,700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,700.00 ]00.00 Key: 1290606 -Archibald Library 5000 Regular Salaries 538,940.00 34,865.64 64,823.97 0.00 474,116.03 87.97 5010 Part Time Salaries 324,630.00 22,490.94 37,414.69 0.00 287,215.31 88.47 5030 Fringe Benefits 274,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 274,400.00 100.00 5099 Projected Salary Savings -50,690.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -5Q690.00 100.00 5100 Travel and Meetings 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 OAO 2,000.00 100.00 5105 Mileage 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 100.00 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 10,000.00 201.08 217.53 0.00 9,782.47 97.82 5152 Computer Software 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00 5160 Membership Dues 450.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 450.00 100.00 5200 Operations & Maintenance 351,180.00 5,422.22 8,194.48 46,516.64 296,468.88 84.42 User: RKARATSU -Robert Karatsu Page: 2 Cur rent Date: 09/01 /2009 Report: GL BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budge[ [o Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Curren[ Time: 13:44 :19 28 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Year: 2010 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date: Aug 2009 " Remaining Object Description Budget MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance Balance 5300 Contract Services 110,588.95 2,457.89 5,820.80 20,423.46 84,344.69 76.26 Total forOrgKey/290606: 1,562,698.95 65,437.77 116,471.47 66,940.10 1,379,287.38 88.26 Key: 1290607 -Paul A. Biane Library 5000 Regular Salaries 622,260.00 43,132.44 71,649.72 0.00 550,610.28 88.48 5010 Part Time Salaries 350,420.00 25,497.66 44,271.88 0.00 306,148.12 87.36 5030 Fringe Benefits 315,240.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 315,240.00 100.00 5099 Projected Salary Savings -80,210.00 0.00 0.00 OQO -3Q210.00 100.00 5100 Travel and Meetings 4,000.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 3,850.00 96.25 5105 Mileage 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 100.00 5150 OtTce Supplies & Equipment 10,000.00 568.02 593.78 0.00 9,406.22 94.06 5152 Computer Software 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 100.00 5160 Membership Dues 730.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 730.00 100.00 5200 Operations & Maintenance 304,082.12 6,471.27 10,381.82 57,296.49 236,403.8 ] 77.74 5300 Contract Services 97,325.41 2,361.79 5,536.73 27,659.25 64,129.43 65.89 Toral for Org Key /290607 1,627,147.53 78,031.18 132,583.93 84,955.74 1,409,607.86 86.63 Key: 1290608 -Virtual Library " 5000 Regular Salaries 27,430.00 1,343.76 4,192.18 0.00 23,237.82 84.71 5030 Fringe Benefits 12,890.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,890.00 100.00 5152 Computer Software 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 5300 Contract Services 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 !00.00 Toralfor Org Key 7290608: 46,320.00 1,343.76 4,192.18 0.00 42,127.82 90.94 Key: 1298601 -Calif Literacy Campaign Gran[ 5000 Regular Salaries 5010 Part Time Salaries 5030 Fringe Benefits 5100 Travel and Meetings 5105 Mileage 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 5160 Membership Dues 5200 Operations & Maintenance 5300 Contract Services Total for Org Key 129860/: 53,280. 00 4,098.48 6,885 .43 0.00 46,394 .57 87.07 17,190. 00 1,34].34 2,385 .09 OAO 14,804 .91 86.12 26,930. 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 26,930 .00 100.00 1,000. 00 0.00 71 .16 0.00 928 .84 92.88 400. 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 400 .00 100.00 1,000. 00 14.93 87 .04 0.00 912 .96 91.29 380. 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 380 .00 100.00 1,000. 00 0.00 36. 43 0.00 963. 57 96.35 1,406. 00 0.00 0 .00 258.00 1,148. 00 81.65 102,586. 00 5,454.75 9,465 .15 258.00 92,862. 85 90.52 Total for Expense Accounts: 4,390,865.01 212,098.22 344,378.35 160,845.44 3,885,641.22 User: RKARATSU -Robert Karatsu Page: 3 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object 88.49 Current Date: 09/01/2009 Current Time: 13:44:19 zq CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Ycar: 2010 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Datr. Aug 2009 Remaining Object Description Budeet MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance Balance Repor! Summory.~ Revenue Totnl.~ 4,336,830.00 96,130.77 1,560,881.47 ODO 2,775,948.53 64.00 Expense Total: 4,390,865.01 212,098.22 344,378.35 160,845.44 3,885,641.22 88.49 Total Net for Report: -54,035.01 -115,967.45 1,216,503.12 -160,845.44 -1,109,692.69 User: RKARATSU -Robert Karatsu Page: 4 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Current Dale: 09/01/2009 Curren[ Time: 13:44:19 3a