HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005/12/06 - Agenda Packet ACTION AGENDA
TUESDAY DECEMBER 6, 2005 7:00 P.M.
Committee Members: Cristine McPhail Pam Stewart Dan Coleman
Alternates: Rich Macias Richard Fletcher Larry McNiel
7:00 p.m.
DRC2005-00610 - JWDA - A request to develop a 15,010 square foot retail
building on 1.19 net acre of land in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 12),
located on the north side of 4th Street, between Pittsburgh Avenue and
Richmond Place - APN: 0229-263-48. On May 12, 2004, a Mitigated Negative
Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission for Conditional Use
Permit DRC2003-00770 and Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM16300. The
California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further environmental
review or Negative Declaration is required for subsequent projects or minor
. revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Negative Declaration.
This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant
regarding their development application. The following items do not legally require any public
testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input.
7:10 p.m.
DRC2005-00683 -WILLIAM FOX GROUP, INC. - A proposal to develop a
warehouse building of about 104,000 square feet on a parcel of 5.15 acres in the
General Industrial District(Subarea 14), located at the terminus of Hyssop Drive,
about 700 feet north of 6th Street - APN: 0229-271-29, 35, and 43.
7:30 p.m.
NATIONAL BANK - A request to construct a two-story, 7,658 square foot bank
building with drive-through ATM on .82 acre of land within the Victoria Gardens
Lifestyle Center in the Mixed Use District of the Victoria Community Plan, located
at 8047 Day Creek Boulevard - APN: 0227-464-46.
7:50 p.m.
WELLS FARGO BANK - A request to construct a 5,326 square foot bank
. building on .24 acre of land within the Victoria Gardens Lifestyle Center in the
Mixed Use District of the Victoria Community Plan, located at 8071 Day Creek
Boulevard - APN: 0227-464-45.
December 6, 2005
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8:10 P.M.
SUBTT16867- ETCO INVESTMENTS -The proposed subdivision of 8.9 acres
of land into 12 residential lots in the Very Low Residential District (.1-2 dwelling
units per acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located on the west side of
Etiwanda Avenue, north of the I-210 Freeway - APN: 0225-171-19. Related
Files: Development Review DRC2004-00667 and Variance DRC2004-01285.
VARIANCE DRC2004-01285 - ETCO INVESTMENTS - A request'to reduce
required lot width and lot depth related to the subdivision of 12 single-family
residential homes on 8.9 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District(.1-2
dwelling units per acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located on the west side
of Etiwanda Avenue, north of the 1-210 Freeway-APN: 0225-171-19. Related
Files: Conditional Use Permit DRC2004-00667 and Tentative Tract Map
There were no public comments.
• Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Doug Fenn December 6, 2005
request to develop a 15,010 square foot retail building on 1.19 net acre of land in the Industrial Park
District (Subarea 12), located on the north side of 4th Street, between Pittsburgh Avenue and
Richmond Place - APN: 0229-263-48. On May 12, 2004, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was
adopted by the Planning Commission for Conditional Use Permit DRC2003-00770 and Tentative
Parcel Map SUBTPM16300. The California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further
environmental review or Negative Declaration is required for subsequent projects or minor revisions
to projects within the scope of a previous Negative Declaration.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, McPhail, Coleman
Staff Planner: Doug Fenn
• The Committee recommended approval based upon staff's recommendation.
7:10 p.m. Mike Smith December 6, 2005
FOX GROUP, INC. -A proposal to develop a warehouse building of about 104,000 square feet on a
parcel of 5.15 acres in the General Industrial District (Subarea 14), located at the terminus of
Hyssop Drive, about 700 feet north of 6th Street- APN: 0229-271-29, 35, and 43.
Design Parameters: The project site is a narrow parcel about 750 feet deep and 284 feet wide. The
site is mostly vacant and is dominated by short grasses and shrubs. The property is bound to the
west by Interstate 15 and to the east by a Southern California Edison utility corridor. At the north
end of the project site,about 50 feet south of the north property line,there is a"monopalm"wireless
communications facility. To the south and north are vacant, undeveloped properties. The property
to the south and east is in the General Industrial District(Subarea 14). The property to the north is
in the Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 15). The subject property is generally level with an
elevation at the north and south sides of about 1,123 feet and 1,107 feet, respectively.
The building will be characterized by a dock loading area along its east side (facing away from
Interstate 15)and an office area at the southwest corner. Primary access will be via Hyssop Drive.
Secondary, emergency access will be provided via two easements(one at the northeast corner and
the other at the southwest corner)that lead to public streets several hundred feet away. Employee
• parking, comprised of 74 stalls, will be generally located at the south and north sides of the site. All
truck parking will be located at the east side of the site. Landscape coverage is 13.9 percent; the
minimum requirement is 12 percent for this development district.
The architecture of the proposed building is generally consistent with other industrial buildings
located along Interstate 15. Key features include sandblasted 'pop-outs" at equal intervals along
the west elevation of the building; articulated office corners; and an enhanced primary entrance at
the southwest corner that is defined by an elevated courtyard and a cantilevered canopy. Vision and
spandrel glass has been applied to the office area and prominent corners of the building,on the wall
panels adjacent to those locations, and at the midpoint of the west elevation. Contrary to many
other industrial buildings,the office area and prominent corners of the building are painted instead of
The Conceptual Landscape Plan is not consistent with the Detailed Site Plan. The Detailed Site
Plan is assumed to be the more accurate plan regarding planter locations.
Technical Issues: Staff cannot support the project design because it does not comply with the City
standard to provide one truck trailer storage space per truck loading dock door (RCMC
17.12.030.D.5.). The project has 17 truck loading doors and no trailer storage spaces. Compliance
would require elimination of one-half of the dock doors.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion
regarding this project.
1. Site Plan — Revise to provide one truck trailer storage space per truck loading dock door.
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2. Provide additional glass panels to the locations where glass has already been provided. The
glass panels should "fill-out" the indented areas at, and around, the office area and the
prominent corners of the building (Exhibit A).
3. Revise the entry plaza at the southeast corner office area by shifting two parking stalls further
to the west and, in their place, "square-off" the plaza area and place landscaping around it
(Exhibit B).
4. Enlarge the overhead canopy so that it covers more of the plaza area.
5. Sandblast the office area and the wall panels of the building where glass has been proposed
in order to comply with the requirements described in Section 17.30.060(J)(7)(a) of the
Development Code that dictates a minimum of two primary materials.
6. Shift the four parking stalls located at the east side of the building, immediately north of the
screen wall and gate, to another location where they will not encroach into the fire lane.
Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the
Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues.
1. Eliminate the horizontal score lines/reveals on the vertical wall projections and replace with
. vertical score lines/reveals.
2. Provide decorative paving at the courtyard/plaza areas.
3. All trash enclosures shall be constructed per the City's design standard for industrial projects.
4. Expand landscape areas at the southwest corner of the site, while respecting MW D access.
Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be
incorporated into the project design without discussion.
1. Incorporate undulating berms along the Hyssop Drive frontage,within the landscape setback
and landscape areas.
2. Screen all roof-mounted equipment with parapet walls.
3. Decorative paving shall be provided at the primary vehicular access point on to the site.
4. All doors (roll-up, dock doors, emergency access, etc.)shall be painted to match the adjacent
wall panel.
5. Provide durable street furniture in the outdoor employee eating area such as tables, chairs,
waste receptacles, etc.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the project be redesigned and return as a consent
calendar item.
December 6, 2005
. Page 3
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, McPhail, Coleman
Staff Planner: Mike Smith
The applicant and staff presented revised plans. The Committee recommended approval subject to
adding a cornice around the entire building and adding shrubs to the Landscape Plan.
7:30 p.m. Michael Diaz December 6, 2005
request to construct a two-story, 7,658 square foot bank building with drive-through ATM on .82 acre
of land within the Victoria Gardens Lifestyle Center in the Mixed Use District of the Victoria
Community Plan, located at 8047 Day Creek Boulevard - APN: 0227-464-46.
Design Parameters: The subject project is located within the 13.3-acre area known as the Route 66
Area of the Victoria Gardens Master Plan. The Route 66 Area boundaries are Interstate 15 on the
east, Victoria Gardens Lane on the north, Day Creek Boulevard on the west, and Foothill Boulevard
(Route 66) on the south. The project site is Lot 8 of Parcel Map No. 15716-2 and is approximately
.82 acre in land area. Projects within the Route 66 Area are required to reflect the architectural
styles (e.g., Mission, Craftsman, Art Deco/Streamline Moderne, Adobe/Pueblo) found on historic
roadside retail buildings that once lined Route 66. In addition,each design is required to incorporate
certain architectural elements, including a beacon and eyebrow as defined in the Design Guidelines
for the Route 66 Retail Handbook. Projects within the Route 66 Area are subject to final approval by
the City Planner following a review and approval of the project design by the Design Review
Committee (DRC).
Proiect Description and Architectural Design: The proposed bank building is designed in the
Streamline Moderne architectural style that places an emphasis on horizontality. Design details
such as metal railings and awnings, flush windows, and light toned stucco wall finish are
characteristic of this style. The proposed design features all of the abovementioned architectural
elements and includes a strong vertical tower element to bring an appropriate balance to the overall
composition of the building. The project also includes a drive aisle that wraps around the building
(north,west, and south), allowing access to a single drive up ATM on the west side of the structure.
A 3- to 3 1/2-foot high solid wall is proposed to screen the drive aisle from view to the street.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: None. The applicant has worked with staff to develop a design for the building and
address major issues previously identified during earlier staff reviews of the proposal. As a result,
staff believes the proposed building is well designed and a good example of the type of architecture
envisioned for the Route 66 Area.
Secondary Issues: Staff has identified several secondary issues for discussion:
1. The first issue is in regards to coordinating a location for the proposed trash enclosure with
Forest City and the Wells Fargo Bank to be built immediately south of this bank. If the trash
enclosure is located on this site, it will need to be designed to complement the architecture of
the proposed building.
2. Provide a design for the drive aisle screen wall. Given the relative narrow width of the drive
aisle, staff does not recommend a design that utilizes applied stone veneers or tiles that can
be easily scraped off and require an extraordinary amount of effort to maintain in good
• condition. Maximum height for the screen wall should not exceed 42 inches as measured
from the finished pavement surface of the drive aisle.
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3. Demonstrate how the proposed sign for the bank will be integrated into the architecture of the
tower element of the building, rather than appearing to be the highest point of the building(and
considered a roof-mounted sign). Since the proposed sign will essentially coverthe entire top
panel of the tower, staff believes it appears more like a sign mounted on the roof rather than
an essential architectural element of the building that would appear appropriate with or without
a sign. Staff recognizes the architect's efforts to modify the design, but remains unconvinced
that the appropriate solution has been achieved. Staff has requested that the architect be
prepared to present color elevations and/or details as necessary of the top portion of the tower
for the Committee's review and determination if the proposed tower design and sign
placement is appropriate.
4. Submit information/catalog cuts for any building mounted exterior (visible) light fixtures.
5. Show decorative treatment(i.e., pattern)to the pavement area in the parking bay adjacent to
the east (front) side of the building on the Site and Landscape plans.
Code Issues:The following items are a matter of City Ordinance and shall be incorporated into the
project design without discussion:
1. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from direct view from the street by the parapet
wall of the building. The building sections do not show proposed roof equipment.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval with the revisions listed above.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, McPhail, Coleman
Staff Planner: Michael Diaz
The Committee reviewed and approved the proposed design for the bank building, except for the
location of the sign mounted to the top of the building. The Committee did not support the proposed
location of the sign at the very top of the building, as they found it to be a roof-mounted sign that
would otherwise not be permitted. The Committee directed the applicant to work with staff to find an
alternate location on the building for the sign and resubmit for final review.
The project architect stated that relocating the sign would "bastardize"their design.The Committee
said that the sign should not drive the design of the building. The Committee also noted that staff
has raised the sign issue from the beginning of the process and given the applicant every
opportunity to consider alternatives; however, unfortunately, the applicant has not presented any
alternatives. The architect expressed concern with sight line visibility of the sign if mounted on the
sides of the top element. The Committee indicated that the sign could be relocated to be mounted
as a wall sign on the top element or mounted as a wall sign lower on the building similar to theirthird
wall sign.
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Later on in the evening, during review of the adjoining Wells Fargo bank, the Committee
recommended that Cal National bank should also give consideration to the design of their entry door
relative to seasonal high winds. The proposed entry door faces east into the winds. A double door
entry foyer(as proposed by Wells Fargo), sliding entry doors, and reorientation of doors should be
considered. The Committee asked staff to relay that concern to the applicant.
7:50 p.m. Michael Diaz December 6, 2005
- A request to construct a 5,326 square foot bank building on .24 acre of land within the Victoria
Gardens Lifestyle Center in the Mixed Use District of the Victoria Community Plan, located at 8071
Day Creek Boulevard - APN: 0227-464-45.
Design Parameters: The subject project is located within the 13.3-acre area known as the Route 66
Area of the Victoria Gardens Master Plan. The Route 66 Area boundaries are Interstate 15 on the
east, Victoria Gardens Lane on the north, Day Creek Boulevard on the west, and Foothill Boulevard
(Route 66) on the south. The project site is Lot 7 of Parcel Map No. 15716-2 and is approximately
.58 acre in land area. Projects within the Route 66 Area are required to reflect the architectural
styles (e.g., Mission, Craftsman, Art Deco/Streamline Moderne, Adobe/Pueblo) found on historic
roadside retail buildings that once lined Route 66. In addition,each design is required to incorporate
certain architectural elements, including a beacon and eyebrow as defined in the Design Guidelines
for the Route 66 Retail Handbook. Projects within the Route 66 Area are subject to final approval by
the City Planner following a review and approval of the project design by the Design Review
Committee (DRC).
Project Description and Architectural Design: The proposed bank building is a one-story, 5,236
square foot building. No drive though aisle is proposed although three ATMs will be provided at the
south and east sides of the building. The site provides 28 parking spaces; however, 2 to 3 of those
parking spaces will be lost to accommodate a trash enclosure that will be shared with the purposed
bank adjacent (north) to the site.
The building is designed in the Art Deco architectural style and features a tower with a stepped cap
and faux display windows that will be oriented at an angle to the Foothill Boulevard/Day Creek
intersection. Additional architectural elements include bold decorative geometric patterns that
create a vertically oriented design characteristic of commercial buildings of the period. The walls of
the tower will be finished in smooth stucco with the top being clad in aluminum and finished with a
spire. Horizontal elements are introduced at the canopies and at the top of the walls with a band of
scalloped trim. Upgraded exterior wall materials include granite tile on the pilasters and at the base
of the building. Signs are shown on building elevations to depict their anticipated placement. Lastly,
the architect is proposing the use of a "green screen"freestanding metal trellis on which vines can
grow to soften the appearance of the plaster wall planes of the building.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: None. The applicant has worked with staff to develop a design for the building and
address major issues previously identified during earlier staff reviews of the proposal. Staff finds the
proposed building to be well designed, and an appropriate focal point for the Route 66 Area and
intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Day Creek Boulevard.
. Secondary Issues: Staff has identified several secondary issues for discussion:
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1. The first issue is in regards to coordinating a location for the proposed trash enclosure with
Forest City and the Cal National Bank project that is to be built immediately north of this bank.
If the trash enclosure is located on this site, it will need to be designed to complement the
architecture of the proposed building.
2. Demonstrate to the Committee how faux windows at the tower will appear and be illuminated
during the day and evening hours.
3. Submit information/catalog cuts for any building mounted exterior (visible) light fixtures.
4. Show decorative treatment(i.e., pattern)to the pavement area in the parking bay adjacent to
the east (front) side of the building on the Site and Landscape plans.
Code Issues: The following items are a matter of City Ordinance and shall be incorporated into the
project design without discussion:
1. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from direct view from the street by the parapet
wall of the building. The building sections do not show proposed roof equipment.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval with the revisions listed above.
• Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, McPhail, Coleman
Staff Planner: Michael Diaz
The Committee unanimously approved the project with only one change to the Landscape Plan.
The Committee requested that the Nerium Oleander shrub selection be replaced with another shrub
that is resistant to disease.
8:10 P.M. Rozalynne Thompson December 6, 2005
INVESTMENTS -The proposed subdivision of 8.9 acres of land into 12 residential lots in the Very
Low Residential District (.1-2 dwelling units per acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located on the
west side of Etiwanda Avenue, north of the 1-210 Freeway - APN: 0225-171-19. Related Files:
Development Review DRC2004-00667 and Variance DRC2004-01285.
VARIANCE DRC2004-01285 - ETCO INVESTMENTS-A request to reduce required lot width and
lot depth related to the subdivision of 12 single-family residential homes on 8.9 acres of land in the
Very Low Residential District(.1-2 dwelling units per acre)of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located on
the west side of Etiwanda Avenue, north of the I-210 Freeway-APN: 0225-171-19. Related Files:
Conditional Use Permit DRC2004-00667 and Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16867.
Design Parameters: The project site is a rectangular-shaped parcel that is located immediately west
of Etiwanda Avenue and north of the 210 freeway. The subject property is vacant, zoned Very Low
Residential, and within the boundaries of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. There is no significant
vegetation on-site. Existing single-family residential developments surround the site from the north
(Carriage Estates II), east, and west (Carriage Estates 1) and the 210 Freeway is directly south of
the site.
This project is a subdivision of 8.9 acres into 12 single-family residential lots. All lots will have
frontage along the proposed Vintage Drive extension except for Lots 11 and 12, which will front
Etiwanda Avenue. The proposal includes variance requests for lot depth and lot width. The depth
for proposed Lot 10 will be 180 feet and the proposed width for Lot 12 will be 75 feet. The minimum
lot depth for the Very Low Residential zone is 200 feet and the minimum lot depth is 90 feet. The
required alignment of Vintage Drive with Arapaho Road necessitates the variance requests. The
resulting lots retain sufficient buildable area to allow reasonable development that will not
compromise the intention of the zone. Lot depths are calculated by using the center points of
converging lines and the lot depth dimension for these lots are surpassed along the north side of
each lot.
Potential noise impacts from Interstate 210 freeway have been addressed in the CEQA documents.
The studies have concluded that sound levels, produced primarily by traffic on the 210 freeway,will
exceed allowable thresholds. To reduce noise to less-than-significant levels, it has been
recommended that 14-foot high sound barrier should be constructed along the southern property
line of the project site at the time homes are built. Wall heights exceeding 8 feet will require
approval of a Variance application.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion
regarding this project:
• 1. According to the General Plan, the project is within the Highway 65dba zone. The noise
attenuation study for this project showed that substantial noise from the freeway would need to
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be mitigated by installing a 14-foot sound wall along the southern property line. A Variance is
required for walls over 8 feet in height. The wall design shall match those constructed by
Caltrans to the west and east.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee recommend approval of the
proposed tentative tract map.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, McPhail, Coleman
Staff Planner: Rozalynne Thompson
The Committee recommended approval of the project as presented.
December 6, 2005
There were no public comments at this time.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Coleman
Acting Secretary