HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006/06/20 - Agenda Packet ACTION AGENDA
TUESDAY JUNE 20, 2006 7:00 P.M.
Committee Members: Cristine McPhail Pam Stewart Dan Coleman
Alternates: Rich Macias Richard Fletcher Lou Munoz
7:00 p.m.
SUBTT17923 - DEKEL, LLC - A request to subdivide 1.03 acre of land to convert
ten existing apartment . units into 10 residential condominium units at
9356 19th Street, east of Hellman Avenue in the Medium Residential District
(8 14 dwelling units per acre) - APN: 0201-474-07. Staff has prepared a
Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration.
7:05 p.m.
request to subdivide .93 acre of land for two parcels of .38 and .43 acres on the
south side of Wilson Avenue, east of Wardman Bullock Road in the
Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) of the Etiwanda Specific
Plan - APN: 0226-102-13. Related Files: Tentative Tract 14759 and
Development Review DRC2006-00340.
Design review of two parcels single-family (single-level) dwelling unit on each lot,
located at the end of Laurel Tree Drive in the Low Residential District
(2-4 dwelling units per acre). APN: 0226-102-13. Related File:
This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant regarding
their development application. The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although
the Committee may open the meeting for public input.
7:15 p.m.
DRC2005 00905 - RALPH KARUBIAN - A proposal to construct an industrial
warehouse/manufacturing building of about 99,000 square feet on a parcel of
about 4.82 acres in the Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) District,
Subarea 9, located at the south terminus of White Oak Avenue on the north side
of the Atchison-Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way. APN: 0209-.143-27.
Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for
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7:35 p.m.
(Emily/Mark) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT17919 - ELBA INC. - A request to subdivide
9.85 acres of land into 50 lots in the Low-Medium Residential District
(4 8 dwelling units per acre), located at the northwest corner of Miller and East
Avenues - APN: 1100-081-03, 04, and 06.
8:00 p.m.
(Rozalynne/Shelley) HILLSIDE DESIGN REVIEW DRC2005-00976 - REDDY — A request to construct
a 5,058 square foot single-family residence on .46 acre of vacant land, located at
10953 Stallion Way in the Very Low Residential District. APN: 1074-54-04. This
project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the State CEQA Guidelines
Section 15301.
There were no public comments.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Vance Pomeroy June 20, 2006
DEKEL, LLC - A request to subdivide 1.03 acre of land to convert 10 existing apartment units
into ten residential condominium units at 9356 19th Street, east of Hellman Avenue in the
Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre) - APN: 0201-474-07. Staff has
prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration.
Design Parameters: The subject site is currently improved with 10 apartments arranged in two
buildings with eight in the main building and two in the smaller building to the rear. The property
was originally intended for employee housing for an overseas corporation. The buildings are
accessed through a private driveway off of 19th Street. The subdivision of this property will
convert the property into 10 residential condominium units. The condominium conversion
requirements of the Development Code have been reviewed by several departments and found
to be satisfactory. All noticing requirements for condominium conversions in the Subdivision
Map Act have been fulfilled.
The Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code requires that all subdivision maps be reviewed by the
Design Review Committee; however, no new buildings or exterior modifications are proposed.
Consequently, the only plan needing Committee review is the proposed
Tentative Tract Map SUBTT17923. The original building plans are provided as a reference.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, Stewart, Coleman
Staff Planner: Vance Pomeroy
The Committee recommended approval of the project as presented.
7:05 p.m. Vance Pomeroy June 20, 2006
.93 acre of land for two parcels of .38 and .43 acres on the south side of Wilson Avenue, east of
Wardman Bullock Road in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) of the
Etiwanda Specific Plan - APN: 0226-102-13. Related Files: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT14759
and Development Review DRC2006-00340.
of two parcels single-family (single-level) dwelling unit on each lot, located at the end of
Laurel Tree Drive in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre).
APN: 0226-102-13. Related File: SUBTPM15588.
Design Parameters: The subject site is a 41,215 square foot parcel abutting the northeast
corner of Tentative Tract Map SUBTT14759. The existing subdivision is under development by
the subject applicant and is nearing completion. The subject property is proposed to be
subdivided into two parcels 17,676 and 17,866 square feet in area respectively, with the
necessary street dedications to complete the existing easterly cul-de-sac of Laurel Tree Drive.
The compatible size, configuration, and subdivision design characteristics of this subdivision will
provide a seamless transition from the existing tract.
The applicant is proposing to construct single-family homes on each new parcel. The designs
for the two single-story Floor Plan products are identical to those already reviewed and
approved by the Planning Commission under DRC2004-00491 on January 12, 2005. The
inclusion of these one-story plans will eliminate any concern for intrusion on the surrounding
properties and provide a seamless transition from the existing tract on-site and architectural
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, Stewart, Coleman
Staff Planner: Vance Pomeroy
The Committee recommended approval of the project as presented.
7:15 p.m. Mike Smith June 20, 2006
RALPH KARUBIAN - A proposal to construct an industrial warehouse/manufacturing building of
about 99,000 square feet on a parcel of about 4.82 acres in the Minimum Impact/Heavy
Industrial (MI/HI) District, Subarea 9, located at the south terminus of White Oak Avenue on the
north side of the Atchison-Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way. APN: 0209-143-27.
Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration.
Background: This application was previously reviewed by the Committee on May 16, 2006. At
that time, several architectural and landscape design issues were raised by Staff that the
Committee agreed must be corrected (see attached May 16, 2004, Design Review Committee
Comments). The applicant was directed to revise the application and resubmit the plans for a
follow-up Committee review and recommendation to the City Planner. The basic design
parameters remain unchanged from the previous submittal. The majority of the design revisions
requested by the Committee have been completed as noted below. Staff believes that the
project is now representative of the City's design characteristics and standards.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: The following (in italics) are the major design issues that the Committee directed
the applicant to address. The applicant's solutions follow each:
1. Provide rail service consistent with Section 17.30.040(F) of the Development Code either
by dock high doors (i.e., knock-out panels) or a loading dock at the existing rail spur.
Alternatively, explore with the BNSF railroad whether a new rail siding could be added
along the south edge of the property.
Solution: The applicant has shown a potential rail spur along the south side of the building
that enters the site from the southeast corner and a knock-out door. Staff supports this
solution. Note, however, that the applicant has shown the rail spur at 3 feet 9 inches
below the finished floor of the building; the minimum requirement is 4-1/2 to 5 feet. What
remains to be determined is how, from a technical standpoint, the top of the rail spur will
be constructed at the required vertical distance below the finished floor height of the
building. Based on staff's analysis, the two options are: a) depressing the rail spur (into a
trench between the south property line and the building's footings) or b) raising the
finished floor height. Staff believes that to be consistent with other rail-served projects, the
finished floor must be raised above its current, proposed height.
2. Articulate the south elevation by projecting wall panels, at consistent intervals, from the
primary wall face by at least 2 to 3 feet.
Solution: The applicant has done this as directed.
3. Raise the parapet wall height at the articulated areas by 2 more feet (4 feet overall).
Solution: The applicant has done this as directed.
4. Incorporate more form-lined concrete at the office areas, and provide a continuous,
June 20, 2006
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form-lined concrete band around the entire building. Note: Form-lining must continue to
all elevations of the office areas (i.e. not just the primary face).
Solution: Instead, the applicant proposes tile in the two recessed areas below the
form-liner (see comment #6 below).
5. Provide more glass (vision/spandrel) on all elevations of the building. Instead of painted
accent squares, use glass windows with a minimum dimension of 6-foot square.
Solution: The applicant has done this as directed.
6. Do not use painted panels to simulate windows on the second "tier" of the articulated
elements. Use spandrel glass instead, vandalism should not be an issue as they will be
15 feet above finished grade.
Solution: The applicant proposes tile at the above-noted locations for discussion and
approval by the Committee.
7. Eliminate the vertical elements (i.e. hide the vertical structural elements behind the glass)
that separate the window panels at all articulated areas so the glass is uninterrupted
horizontally and, at corners, "wraps" around to the adjacent glass panel (For reference,
see the recently completed industrial building located at 11096 Jersey Boulevard -
DRC2003-0 1 1 74).
Solution: Although the horizontal 'span' of the glass is not continuous, it does 'wrap'
around the corners; this revision achieves the objective of the issue noted above.
8. Provide a continuous cornice along the top of the parapet wall.
Solution: The applicant has proposed a typical cornice consisting of a recess along the
top of all concrete panels immediately below the top of the parapet. As this pattern will
have a pronounced depth and vertical height, it will serve the same aesthetic function as a
9. Secondary Issues Policy Issues:
During the previous Design Review Committee meeting, the applicant acknowledged all of
the secondary design and standard policy items that were identified and agreed to
incorporate them into their project, subject to verification at Building and Safety plan
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the project be approved and forwarded to the
City Planner for review and action.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, Stewart, Coleman
Staff Planner: Mike Smith
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The Design Review Committee reviewed the revised plans and accepted the solutions as
shown therein (Items 2, 3, 5, and 7 through 9). The applicant explained how the rail spur (for
potential rail service) along the south side of the building would be constructed (Item #1); the
Civil Engineer stated that the spur would be 'depressed' in a trench about 4-1/2 feet to 5 feet
below the grade so that the finished floor of the building would not have to be raised. The
Committee approved this solution. The applicant also provided a sample of the highly reflective
tile (Item #6) that is proposed at the south side of the building. Although Commissioner Stewart
was not fully in favor of this tile, she stated that she would accept it if more form-lined concrete
were added on the building (addressing Item #4); the other Committee members accepted with
this position. The applicant was directed to work with the staff to determine the locations and
amount of form-lined concrete to be added. The Committee recommends approval to the
Planning Director.
7:35 p.m. Emily Cameron June 20, 2006
TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT17919 - ELBA INC. - A request to subdivide 9.85 acres of land into 50
lots in the Low-Medium Residential District (4 8 dwelling units per acre), located at the northwest corner
of Miller and East Avenues - APN: 1100-081-03, 04 and 06.
Design Parameters:
The property is located on the northwest corner of Miller and East Avenues. The 50 lots are similar in
size to the developed properties surrounding the site, averaging approximately 6,000 square feet per lot.
The layout provided is similar to the Master Planned layout which was presented when Tract 15711 was
approved. The applicant is proposing Firestone Drive and Morning Crest Place to continue through the
project creating a connecting 'loop" with Streets A and B. Existing on-site is a vacant home, which will
be demolished. The applicant submitted a historical resource assessment for the home (51 years old),
and the property is insignificant for historic use.
At this time, the applicant is proposing only to subdivide the property and sell to a developer for
development of the homes. The applicant has worked diligently with staff to provide wall heights and
meeting the grading and drainage requirements on-site. The plans have also been revised to illustrate
the East Avenue theme wall (for future construction). There are a total of 97 trees on-site. An Arborist
Report was submitted, no windrows exist on-site. The Eucalyptus trees were examined and said to be in
poor condition. One Mexican Fan Palm tree is recommended to be relocated on-site.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion.
Maior Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this
project. None - The applicant has worked diligently with staff. No major issues exist.
Secondary Issues: None - The applicant has worked diligently with staff.
Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be
incorporated into the project design without discussion:
1. Any walls exceeding 6 feet in height with a maximum of 8 feet in height will require approval of a
Minor Exception concurrent with any formal Development Review application for homes.
2. The Planning Commission will require a mix of single-story homes (minimum of 10 to 15 percent) at
the time of development. Staff will not support a Variance for side yard setback to meet this
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, Stewart, Coleman
Staff Planner: Emily Cameron
The Committee recommended approval of the project as presented.
8:00 p.m. Rozalynne Thompson June 20, 2006
HILLSIDE DESIGN REVIEW DRC2005-00976 - REDDY — A request to construct a
5,058 square foot single-family residence on .46 acre of vacant land, located at 10953
Stallion Way in the Very Low Residential District. APN: 1074-54-04.
Design Parameters: The proposed house is a two-story, with a kitchen, living room,
family room, 1-1/2 bathrooms, library, and a formal dining room on the first floor and four
bedrooms on the second.
The design of the proposed residence substantially follows the General Design Guidelines,
Hillside Design Guidelines, and their associated Development Standards. All elevations are
well articulated, and wall planes have been embellished using a variety of elements, such as
window surrounds, divided light windows, recessed treatments, columns, and balustrades. The
color palette is earth toned, using variations of beige for the window trim, exterior fascia, and
walkways coupled with a terra cotta tile roof. Moreover, the applicant has integrated three
stepped building pads to allow the structure to follow the natural terrain and reduce the overall
The proposed residence is setback over 50 feet from the curb face. The proposed two-story
residence has a total elevation change of approximately 6 feet over natural grade with a grade
change of 2 feet across the pad of the house. The project requires 258 cubic yards of cut and
246 cubic yards of fill.
In the completeness comments dated December 8, 2005, and March 27, 2006, staff expressed
concern about the flat pad design of the residence and the extensive grading of the backyard.
The applicant met with staff on May 2, 2006, regarding those issues. At that meeting, staff
suggested that the applicant introduce stepped building pads to the design and limit the flat pad
area in the backyard. In response to staff's comments, the applicant introduced a minimum of
three stepped pads and limited the backyard area to 15 feet beyond the rear wall of the
proposed residence.
Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee
Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion
regarding this project.
1. Grading: The primary issue is whether the proposed project substantially meets the intent
of the Hillside Development Ordinance. The purpose of the Hillside Development
Ordinance is to minimize the impacts of grading and preserve the natural topography. The
major concerns are the quantities of earthwork. In contrast to conventional "flat pad"
design, staff believes that the proposed house meets the guidelines of the Hillside
Development Ordinance by reducing earthwork quantities through the use of multiple
stepped building pads that permit the house to follow the natural terrain. Also, the effects
of grading have been minimized through contouring of slopes and use of variable
gradients to soften their appearance.
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2. Design: The house is a two-story structure with a side-loading garage. The house fits
within the 30-foot hillside building envelope. The project has several stepped pads to
lessen the appearance of vertical massing and has articulated wall planes on all
elevations. Therefore, staff concludes that the project substantially complies with the
Hillside Development Standards.
Secondary Issues: None.
Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be
incorporated into the project design without discussion.
1. All walls exposed to public view, including retaining walls and return walls, shall be
decorative (i.e. stucco, split-face, or slumpstone).
2. The project will require Landscape Plans to be submitted by a licensed Landscape
Architect prior to receiving Building Permits. The front yard landscaping and the slope
planting are required by the Hillside Development Ordinance.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval.
Design Review Committee Action:
Members Present: Fletcher, Stewart, Coleman
Staff Planner: Rozalynne Thompson
The Committee recommended approval of the project as presented.
June 20, 2006
There were no public comments at this time.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 .m.
R pectfully bmitted
Da a
Principal Planner