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2013/02/06 - Agenda Packet - Special
i 40 city of •=�:, 1 ANCHO t/UCAMONGA AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2013 2:30 P.M. Tri-Communities Room - - Civic Center 10500 Civic Center Drive 4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 A. CALL TO ORDER: Al. Pledge of Allegiance A2. Roll Call: Mayor/President Michael Mayor Pro TemNice President Spagnolo Council/Board Members Alexander, Steinorth and Williams B. COMMUNICATION FROM THE PUBLIC: This is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council and Fire Protection District on any item listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Council and Fire Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Council and Fire Board may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less,as deemed necessary by the Chair,depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Council,and Fire Board, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority,and no further speaker cards for these business items will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. --CONTINUED-- SPECIAL MEETING -Wednesday, February 6, 2013-2:30 p.m. Tri-Communities Room at the Civic Center Page 1 of 2 C. ITEMS OF DISCUSSION: C1. SPECIAL DISTRICTS SUSTAINABILITY PLANNING P1 D. ADJOURNMENT I, Debra L. McNay, Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on February 4, 2013, per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. SPECIAL MEETING-Wednesday, February 6, 2013- 2:30 p.m. Tri-Communities Room at the Civic Center Page 2 of 2 P1 STAFF REPORT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT • L;� RANCHO Date: February 6, 2013 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager 11 From: Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Serviced/ By: Ingrid Y. Bruce, GIS/Special Districts Manager Subject: STUDY SESSION — SPECIAL DISTRICTS SUSTAINABILITY PLANNING • BACKGROUND The Council is well aware of the current issues in LMD 2 and the excellent progress that was made over the last several years to provide long-term financial stability in LMD 4 and LMD 6. These actions are likely the first in a series which will be necessary over the next 12 to 24 months related to how several of our special districts are structured, and what must be done over the next several years to ensure their long-term fiscal sustainability. Complicating matters somewhat is the fact that the City's approach to special district structure and management must in some ways be modified as a result of the legal framework that continues to shift. No specific actions, other than general direction, are anticipated at this study session. The City's Special Districts team, including our Assessment Engineer and Special Counsel, will present an overview of how the districts function and the legal constraints of assessment • districts and other types of districts. The team will introduce the concepts of "special benefit" and "general benefit" under Proposition 218, and what those concepts mean for assessment district formation and reorganization going forward based on current case law. Specifically, we will be discussing the structural changes needed to our large citywide districts, which are PD 85 (Red Hill and Heritage Park maintenance), LMD 1 and SLD 1. The study session format will provide ample opportunity for the City Council to ask questions in order to get a better understanding of the issues and constraints as well as the work involved in developing specific action plans for each district. After the study session, staff will continue the ongoing, detailed analysis to finish developing plans that can be considered later in the year, likely during the FY 13/14 budget process, for the respective districts. s CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ANGElO -NAilic, , J l Crii, e ► 'l OG4 t `�e.iSell I'F ORIN lik . . i * 41111 '.,- 1 ,,r till li II It III , t •:----- ji-40 , 1.9 11 . -AA • 0' ) . 1 mu. '1 f 4 7.- A jp... , , 417Zzl■ cs\vvERAN ------_,-, : N��ploy *If A 2 STREET LIGHTING, LANDSCAPE MAINTENACE AND PARK DISTRICTS INFORMATION PAMPHLET FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 SPECIAL DISTRICTS DIVISION (909) 477-2700 • EXTENSION 2575 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT DESCRIPTIONS FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 • Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance and energy for streetlights on arterial streets. The current assessment rate is $17.77 per single-family residence. The commercial rate is $35.54/ac. This district was formed in 1983. • Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 2 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance and energy for streetlights on residential streets. The current assessment rate is $39.97 per single-family residence. The commercial rate is $79.94/ac. This district was formed in 1983. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 3 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance and energy for streetlights within the Victoria Planned Community. The current assessment rate is $47.15 per single-family residence. The commercial rate is $94.30/ac. This district was formed in 1982. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 4 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance and energy for streetlights within the Terra Vista Planned Community. The current assessment rate is $28.96 per single-family residence, and the multi-family rate is $14.48 per dwelling unit. The commercial rate is $57.92/ac. This district was formed in 1984. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 5 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance and energy for streetlights within the Caryn Planned Community. The current assessment rate is $34.60 per single-family residence. This district was formed in 1986. • Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 6 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance and energy for streetlights within the commercial and industrial area of the City. The current assessment rate is $51.40 per acre for commercial property. This district was formed in 1987. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 7 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance and energy for streetlights within the Etiwanda Highlands Community. The current assessment rate is $33.32 per single-family residence. This district was formed in 1990. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 8 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance and energy for streetlights in South Etiwanda. The current assessment rate is $61.19 per single-family residence. The commercial rate is $122.38/acre. This district was formed in 1990. • 1 ifte V •i • 171) 0 D CD 0 J Co) Z :I-1 _j 0 Z Q'. CW U o(.9 .••, ca LI]! ny fuJay3 J �6 .� '44;, � ' m Et 16H" s o 0 �° < Ili ^y ISBN (A nt AV epuenn!�3 I ny epuennu CO CD r 18 maa.10—(i eQ 1' — lb) , boo D ny ialsayoo�{ ny JaIsayoo� 0 ,P hillip) ny uat!II!W __ ny ua�{!II!W \\--.../: ny uaneH - (. 1 qny uaneH ny esowLIaH ny esounaH ^`d Pleq!yo�b' L:1111111■ iiiiiimmiii, ■ ■ AV Pleq!yoay ny uewllaH -ny ueu�IlaH r v AV p eAau!n Is uepuieo 111111111!ii 1.0iitio a Ay anOJE) pg ssl a L •=1 E l aM! _ rn N w O co 11 1pl eii 0 N p Q i pU III a) I m 1 VI �s2 s1�7777 £ l 5 7 ladiehm N w U) v L. viso e •,.... :._, CI E N z V Z .r+ o 0 c Q►. W U u) CO U (.1 It L L� I ` a) Z 11 1 r� = m a) 1 r •_ m o 2 .� ; `\ LL Q ∎N J : �` Ay lse3 cn y.• i v L inv epuenn!13 AV epuem!13 iiirlal 18 NaaJO ea 1 _�, ` AV Ja,sayoo�{ ' ny ialsayooi e ... ;:. ny ua�!!!I!w r.............. .1. ny ua�!!II!W lir AV uaneH AV uaneH AV esowJaH ■■ AV esowJaH : i AV ple9!yaly t AV placIN0Jy ' rill AV uewllaH 65 ny uewllaH u) L L ,r / ny pJeAeu!A is ue!!awe3 _ i —J 111111;101 Ellz. I it c m 62 Cl) si L'Ail L �{ _ a) J L O oL�O a " � a D al 8 Q c°tR io' ill �' C m LL ll'Oftilili � � III co co= co 411:111111! (1.?:::: Ian!; , jUt 424* U tl leis Co cu tt co iller 0 Immo 4-. CI 0 -1 CI') 0! 0 >i., w U (.0 IIIL W ~L o(n ;�/! AV/laya I ! ∎-; r '' Z1 m C CD as m �° Q ....1 i .._.._.yny;Sep 1 w i v Q) jny epueM!f3 11 ny epuennu i V) i '' 118 Maa-10 ea 1 ID AIM ny ia}sayaoa - - r411 Ay JaisayooH 0 Ay uwilI !W !.._.._.._.._.. i ny uail!II!W i j N. j ny uaneH i ■ i ny uaneH i ny eSOWJaH j AV esoWJaH i 0 AV PlegigoN i ny Ple4!yaN i ny uewIlBH ! ��•'�Ay ueu�IlaH j t v j AV pJeAau!A IS ue!leUJea j . . e11aa1 `bi •• �� Ma i .11 ' g v 1 g s€ ; SL'I m Q U) tel L.,. 1.0°. L J — L a ,l i- .• • N w O cc i�(.7) N o - -t a g cr C m L.L1F � IzG 40 N Cs1; .�i�E;E as tillI111111. •:J•�'.tS satE;� � 6 �y SSE ills CJ ;tItk$lvall lilt I U) C) m isei • •..... 0 O E O v a � (..) Z : _ I 0 c, � C >1117. W 0 U) c C.9 •■■••1 is ci „ Ay tiJaLIO J CC-C1 N- Z ii Ir J m -- N m O O L1 a ,' i --- ----._ n_n_•1ny 1Se3 in 1 1 L a) 1 v my epuemn3 ny epuenn!13 w 1 � . 11:1 �,� 1 1111` i 18 )188J3 ea I ................., fio ...VW ny JalsaLaoo8 • ny Jaisayuo { • i Ay ua)!11!W !••_•._••_.•_•r• ny uamI!W i i \ ny uaneH 1 1 i', Ay uaneH i AV esowJaH i - (``�,q fly esoWJaH i o�`d 1 " ^y Pleq!4 1 { ^v plegluoiy i / 1 Ay uew11aH !1 ) �-•••' ny uewllaH ♦•'0U) - w i !• E v i ny paeAau! A TS ue!lawe3 i 1 •r''� 111/'F;iri .1: Aptivilti s r••■••1 .� c Ay ano.10 =a€ . _. -$ .`♦ co O m e) �Heas z .•♦.. L J _ 3 L g�l aye -o N O Q 'HL' $€i°tr$l * a) e is 9 f rii co as 1_shilL ax 1 l vu !V jIf In •1.r . it ..E L CD o iicon C) 0 = Q' J c14 o nt . W 0 (n CD c [� W 4 ~C o `w 710,4 i Ay lU1ay0 1 � . 1i iflJ\Ir'�" 1= 1 °o 0 IL Q 111 1 ■. 1 , v (3) 1 jny epuenn!l3 ny epuenn!l� ales 1 N111` j I8 Vaio 80 III 1...............m..–• AV Jelsayoo — ® ti= ny salsa po { • �.. 1 l i AV Ue VIM y �.IIW 1 1 1 AV uaneH ! I. - 1 Ay uaneH 1 Ay eSOw1aH j _ AV esowie 1 Ay Ple4!uoly 1 Ay PIe9!4o1`d /i AV uew!IaH ! 1 o '••�Ay UewllaH •• j ! -g v 1 AV pleAaU! A IS ue!!awe3 1 , AV 0A0.19 X11 ' 1••mi, •i c m £ _,1",11 10il ,= f� gl� III cc 73 C CO CU .aiKU a3iF I U) (.) a) • •y O E J co 0 V Z z Q'. W U U) RS LI r.., te 11 Lo Q) `� W ~1 e �1 a AV/11940 J .. J ..... CC i 111. . I 11 J ; mo3 n y use 65 4W ■ v C jny epuennu ny epuenn!l8 j T .MOM ii8 Newo ea 1 M11111•11&.. Ay.1319814001 ' �N AV Jaisa400H • r lima 11111P‘14411111111 Ay �.ILW y �ILW AV uanaH1 . All, ' ny uaneH ny eSOWJa!! � +�' AV esowJaH I:, 1 : :: :3J1 IMIlm n: ::: n iii ny :::eu!n S ue!auae0 t � _Will"111ny le d 6) N y 0 C ; 4g f al 8 41111/ Ct as as 6 us c as CO u_ 111111111di I t�; t:ei:ts:t— I I tor v co co 1 • 4.41 •- li CZ CD 0 L 0 0 ` Q'. ''Ui U CO roil 8 0 W 1-: .4... .-.. I! ny i(Jia43 J o c -411 = e Ile 4 Ir J m Y ! , • S =EN Ise3 i P AV epuemg3 Fi, AV epueMu 1. 18 ){aaio Aea Ay Jaisayao d ' D AI Ay aalsayaoj • Ay ua::lIIn r.......•.....•• i; ny UaN!II!W i i ny ueneH i ; j ny uaneH • j Ay esowJ8H o AV eSOWJ8H j :N Ay pleq!4oiy j AV Pleq!4b'o� j / ny uewllaH ! egeo•'i5 AV uewllaH .• j ! v j ny pJer(au!n lS ue!lawe3 i g 1 .m 011 tiElls irti ' �� E `c€s -a3 r.....1 •' ■ nM■ n 0A0.19 ziEia !al al 0 f li i 3 • 33 c co 8:i! m �;lily ift ei}�Yuj �!a ��u Si a .. =j iih tiUHij � < as By24,iiii 1 i CO Yea (r) C) a) 'i • .y CZ E 0 V Z °(-31 QO C Q►. W U Cl) CO W 5.••, Ln a) cp 0 " AV klieg° ft.; vina -1- 6,4i iii cc i Al` a m I ,i to f + CC i m S o u_ a J i :AV 1se3 (.7)•mei I .c i my epuemg3 � — —- ny epuennli3 lhali i y / ..-- V) i i:1 i 18 )188107ea C::` ti D .... ny Je)Segao�{ - ny Jaisagooel • ny ueN►II►W L._.._.._.._.." Av uevilin i i ..----/ i ny uaneH i ny uaneH i ny esowJaH 1 ny esoulaH i AV plegl4oit/ i f - ny pleq!4oib' i i ny uewllaH i ) 000015 ny uewllaH .� 1 •rte to i ! - v- i JAy NeAauln is uellawe3 i j .+m•''� 111111;11,11 i �•� -per ip 1 pit 1 t, r.....1 ado cc ••....0 _ n anon 14111 6 9 111=_•i.—•• ., 0) 4) L o co i p C m LL Q 1i1;11::;31:11 i 0 UI!1C 11 ! e h1iIiiIli CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT DESCRIPTIONS FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 • Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways. The current assessment rate is $92.21 per single-family residence, and the multi-family is $46.11 per dwelling unit. This district was formed in 1979. Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways, paseos and an equestrian trail within the Victoria Planned Community. The current assessment rate is $422.00 per single-family residence. The commercial rate is $844.00 per acre, and the vacant rate is $105.50 per acre. This district was formed in 1982. Landscape Maintenance District No. 3A assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways on Hyssop Drive. The current assessment rate is $413.74 per acre for commercial property. This district was formed in 1983. Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways within the commercial and industrial area of the City. The current assessment rate is $352.80 per acre for commercial property. This district was formed in 1987. Landscape Maintenance District No. 4-R assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways, paseos and parks within the Terra Vista Planned Community. The current assessment rate is $380.00 per single-family residence, $304.00 per condominium dwelling unit, and $266.00 per multi-family dwelling unit. The commercial rate is $1,235.00 per acre. The rate for schools and vacant property is $95.00 per acre. This district was originally formed in 1984 and revised in 2009. Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance • of a Tot Lot located on the southwest corner of Andover Place and Bedford Drive. The current assessment rate is $113.29 per single-family residence. This district was formed in 1984. Landscape Maintenance District No. 6-R assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways and paseos within the Caryn Planned Community. The current assessment rate is $373.66 per single-family residence - Zone 1 and $280.25 per single family residence - Zone 2. The rate for schools and vacant property is $93.41 per acre. This district was originally formed in 1986 and revised in 2010. Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways and paseos within the Etiwanda Highlands Community. The current assessment rate is $307.05 per single-family residence. This district was formed in 1989. Landscape Maintenance District No. 8 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways in South Etiwanda. The current assessment rate is $151.45 per single-family residence. This district was formed in 1989. Landscape Maintenance District No. 9 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways in South Etiwanda. The current assessment rate is $187.00 per single-family residence. The commercial rate is $374.00 per acre and the vacant rate is $46.75 per acre. This district was formed in 2000. Landscape Maintenance District No. 10 assessments pay for the on-going maintenance of parkways in the future University Crest Project. The current assessment rate is $616.20 • per single-family residence and $1,232.40 per acre for commercial property. This district was formed in 2002 1 N C? 4- ,~ E O Qa.) Q J_ z :.=, 2 IID Z RS Q'. W U GD • c C.7 r..1 8 O Ln W L- 'yam„ AV/(a�au0 J Q0..: CC CU 1 Z ii !PI' J CD I IIl1i\ 1 ny 1Se • jny epuennqD Ay epuemn (13 , 1 -Iin al t*. .aa�0 e.• Mi�f. ny Jaisauaoj - i ny aaiseuaoH 1 , 1 IIIITAIII. ny ua� W ny uavIIW !. _. _. _ — 0 Iiill r AV uaneH I. , ja ��. ny uaneH . ny esownaH i IA V esow�aH hw AV Pleq!uaay AV:::ny L MI i2 c15 L ny PJe�(au!n id.. --=,...- iS ueilaweo 1 i i l 1111111 13 -i ny ano.0 1;111 cis m 1. 9.,0 _ , its, CC c CO LL r-s.�j • N e g€° a^113' (ail.e:z-_-'::, iieW 1 i N V II lift co lir a) • Q E J N V Z �' 2 C Qi. W U J C c r••, : . (,) tor -41+� Ay AJJOg3 J = • o ,_ �,•_••_•._.._. .1 �� J NA i 13 13 i cu m o C...$ i ~• yny 1Se3 v5 a i Ctjoy epuenn!;3 , ny epuenni�3 1 i ' 11:1`:;. • .111` 18 ieeJo �CeQ ny Ja}sauooH ' Eli) ... 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I I.- Ay uaneH I Ay esoWJaH 1 -{ Ay esowJaH 41 I Ay Pleq!upJy j J nt/ Pe4!4o,b', Ay ueual!OH ! , �� •••N ny ueuallaH 1 �.e' O) j ! y v j ny pae�(au!n IS ue!lawea j 5 1` 85 ��€ I •+�•�� 61111€;Wi j a 8 `ESSL$g0� •� .., Ay aAOJJ €;°�a°•Li •,•• w J _ ... EEC€—a) _E 2 55 tli'qiiiiii O Q i1:ti !;1a Q' C CO Ll € &iL'f# g, • aEs'z�1 ,<2 iiiiiilifIF VV .; rg-1 i w 0 a, • •...„, CD ,-- E 121 -I a 0! 0 Q) C.) Z 4' RI Q'. �w 0 —J r., to Wtti= it O si ,` cc r 3 QCD irr- Ctli O o w Q k — —..�..—..IAy 1seD in Li) ,� 1 s v ny epUBMF 3' i ny epueM!� J , IIIIIii )!a-Jo ea ny Jelsagooj ' MIMI D _4, Ay Jalsagooy • if. L,I A Ua I I 'u�uw.u.0 y �LII.VU b �I,II,W , r A Ua I I 1 I 1 ny ueneH i i' n uane j b H j Ay esowJeH ! 1 I Ir ny esoWJaH Ay Pleq!goJy Ay Pleq!goJb j ny uew!!BH ! -'�'�Ay UewllO .• j t = v j ny pJe/(au!A lS ue!laweo j •a $$ g j 13 74 a g �� - m C9ij i LL Q BBB ilidilli;!i Y C 0 cc CD CO c Co ill8iti s ig titi I m $ 3 gag g 114 CO tri y • V) . cn Q E ao J 0 V Z 0!0 0 V •••f �n 1` ny �Cuay0 J ° NI %MI ,: r .. ._.._ _.._ \\P J m CD i CD t o 1 krSa "6 j 1.\ V ..=..�.y^v TSe3 u) . IIIMlklli y ' jny epuennR3 Ni ny epuennf� Ct J i I i 18 )!aa�0 Rea I F is ny.„ayooy ° - �" ny Jalsayao�{ 0 . imr • 2 ny ua�!i!!!W !..�..�..�.....�.. I y ny ua�!!II!W i 1 1 E. ny uaneH I - ;, ny uaneH 1 j ny esowJaH I c ny esowJaH t'N AV Ple4!yaJy j ( ^y Ple4!yo�y I / J ny uew!!a-j ! ��••' Ay uewllaH i ••� cn s i ! 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AV Jelsagooj 0 AV uavpl!w r._••_.•_•■_.r i' Ay uw!!II!W i i i ny uaneH 1 ;■ i Ay uaneH 1 i Ay esowieH cz .N ■ ny esow�aH ^y Pleq!go�y 1 — Ay Pleq140N i Ay uew!!8H ! ey'� ny ueu,IlO i .• i ! m v i Ay pJeAeU!A lg ue!lawe3 i •o � i r. _ •■ ! z z i Ay 8A0J I a •' _ i.co i ZICDC -C 1.4-4 VIII 111111 iii L 2 O p N p 12Li_• Q c m loll W M [111411111: T 2 L y • • -J� 0 J¢ar4 i" H a '0.1.01! 0 cll • •i en Cl) (f) • E o 4 a J o = I RI W ti; L0 CD g_ +` ny tiJaya J = e 8 �/- '� ci i N o CD i co °o CL. `� u_ Q O ` .._.._.1AV TSe3 cn L. V ! _ 1 c ' v jny epuenn!;3 ny epueM!]---7---- ism RS 1 i 11 J • 1 .1 10:: ■ 18 >laaia ea • 1 ny ialsayaoei ' Di ny iejsayaoa • j i �2 ny ua�{!II!W �.._.._.._•._•r. , ny ua�{!II!W j j j ny uaneH i 1 j ny uaneH 1 ny esounaH ' j _ ny esowJaH AV Pleq!ya-It/ j Ay pleq!yaJy ny uewllaH ! � •'�ny uewllaH .• !� 4 V j ny pJeAeu!A 3S ue!laurn j } �• Cq_ 0.1i1st 9a 1 IIIPMeall D A Eiipilligl • p_ g3afis 6p i....6._..�f •'•�u) cu C... 4,--_ _ Ay 8AOJ0 1' 1;11�y Zi U) 0O Q 1= E;ea# • ce cu T m L.L s:1S iyg Lip CO Cf.,;.. z. =z _ i 1¢ glib.zs aae ,,*� p U 4g8:1: f,id CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • PARK DISTRICT DESCRIPTION FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 AD-85-PD-R (Red Hill and Heritage Park District) is a combination Improvement and • Maintenance District. This special tax was issued to pay for bonds that were sold in 1985, refinanced in 1993 and the bonds were paid off in 2005. However, all parcels in this district will continue to be assessed for the on-going maintenance of both parks. The district boundary is citywide except properties within the planned communities. Currently, the special tax is $31.00 per single-family residence. Vacant and commercial property rates are based on acreage. Parcels that are less than 1.50 acres are charged $15.50. Parcels that are between 1.51 and 3.50 acres are charged $46.50. Parcels that are between 3.51 and 7.0 acres are charged $108.50. Parcels that are between 7.01 and 14.0 acres are charged $217.00. Parcels that are between 14.01 and 25.0 acres are charged $434.00. Parcels that are greater than 25 acres are charged $775.00. • • 1 4 • 14p u) o .(3 •Y >i, -J o2o 0 yL Q c Z o o ! W (t) .11 AV klieg° %.1 r-1 8 in CI iv, CD cl) co o CD �0 i `` Ay iseD v5 h j v Cr jny epuennn3 ny epuennlq� j Q.) i 11111111116 -■rliallibk `X !le ){aa-10 ea =� � AV Ja1sayao� - ny Jalsayao� r.• i AV ua){IIIIW AV uamI!W I I� J *ILI nV ueneH INS ny uaneH AV esowWaH k . -_ ■■ ny esouuaH AV pleq!yaiv 1 1 1 nb' pleq!yaid AV uewIlaH — 1 I _ ny uewllaH 1 _c AV pa v e�(au!A IS ue!lawe3 - , lliligiril _ A @A al ;11!;11111° cii) CO - c N ,4 ° n Q r.-pi CL c lk m 1 ,_- p ill S m 1111:1111:1; 41111/11 .:•::*. L>2.. Ir51 i ?iiiii ( . --.:-. • { P , till 0-1-;) a. illrilli fig "' N-- . r r� W ..„,,,4 ,1,:.-i- l a u { 1 ZI -- --Th _1 a) W 0 ) S. , ,- , -,, Q ^, 1 iriMill W S. -III '141 a • 1 iii-1-0Th >- oo J -*..• 41-11) ii-17 -I oci) ---= W m woil) , 4—• F cn—�w a)J� a CO •r • MMW H I 1 cA MW alb __ F.,„1... zi,., ye.: - '.....°.::'..'''. -it r .,A,.t../ g Yk n y Y _ !! r.1 I,' �� a Q k � n ( , tin Y fr dpi 0 T s / ,� L .. -III 1 \ 1 F i a �Nt 2.� 4.1 -k . l u 4 x . 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