HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/01/13 - Agenda Packet - Planning Commission 9 • THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 460 PLANNING COMMISSION J'I AGENDA CUCAMONGA JANUARY 13, 2010 - 7:00 PM - , Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California I. CALL To ORDER Roll Call Chairman Fletcher Vice Chairman Munoz Vacant_ Howdyshell _ Wimberly _ • l. I II. ANNOUNCEMENTS (- III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting Minutes of December 9, 2009 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. A. SUMMARY VACATION OF A PORTION OF VINEYARD STREET, LOCATED NORTH OF SAN BERNARDINO ROAD(V-217)— CHIEN YEH — A request to vacate a portion of Vineyard Street, located north of San Bernardino Road -APN: 207-102-48, 208-091-56 and 208-091-57 Related File: SUBTT16510 • 1 of 5 t � L�`' PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 13, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA V. PUBLIC HEARINGS The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice their opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in after speaking. B. REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2007-00283R-EL LOCO CANTINA&GRILL-A public hearing to examine the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or modification of the approved Conditional Use Permit. Located within the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), in the Masi Plaza at 11815 Foothill Boulevard -APN: 0229-011-38. Related file: Entertainment Permit DRC2007-00284. CONTINUANCE REQUESTED C. REVIEW OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2007-00284R - EL LOCO • CANTINA& GRILL-A public hearing to examine the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or modification of the approved and Entertainment Permit. Previously approved to allow live nightly entertainment and dancing within an existing restaurant. Located within the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7),in the Masi Plaza at 11815 Foothill Boulevard -APN: 0229-011-38. CONTINUANCE REQUESTED D. REVIEW OF NON-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - DRC2004-00326R - OMAHA JACKS - A public hearing to examine the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or modification of the approved Conditional Use Permit. Located within the Industrial Park District(Subarea 7), in the Masi Plaza at 11837 Foothill Boulevard, Suite A - APN: 0229-011-39. Related file: Entertainment Permit DRC2004-00327. CONTINUANCE REQUESTED • 2 of 5 v PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA �� JANUARY 13, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA E. REVIEW OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT REVIEW- DRC2004-00327R- OMAHA JACKS -A public hearing to examine the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or modification of the approved Entertainment Permit. Located within the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), in the Masi Plaza at 11837 Foothill Boulevard, Suite A-APN: 0229-011-39. CONTINUANCE REQUESTED VI. NEW BUSINESS F. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN REVIEW DRC2009-00557 AND REPLOTTING OF TRACT 16227-1 -MERITAGE HOMES-The design review of building elevations and detailed site plan for 52 single-family lots including the addition of a new plan (Plan 3154) to the re-plotting and development of • previously approved Tract 16227-1 in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) in the Etiwanda North Specific Plan, located on the north side of Day Creek Boulevard, east of the Southern California Edison Corridor. Related files: Development Review DRC2008-00064, Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16227 and Development Review DRC2005-00986. Staff has found the project to be within the scope of the project covered by a prior Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse#88082915 and #98121091 certified by the City Council on August 1, 2001) and does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in that Environmental Impact Report. G. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2009-00413-STANTEC CONSULTING - COMERICA BANK-A request to construct a 3,982 square foot retail bank with a drive thru at an existing retail center within the Industrial Park District, Subarea 7, located at 12035 Foothill Boulevard - APN-0229-023- 05. On January 24, 2007 a Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission for Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM17818. The California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further environmental review or Negative Declaration is required for subsequent projects or minor revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. • 3 of 5 ,�� PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA • L JANUARY 13, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA IVII. DIRECTOR'S REPORTS I H. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS IVIII. PUBLIC COMMENTS I This is the time and place for the general public to address the commission. Items to be discussed here are those that do not already appear on this agenda. IIX. COMMISSION BUSINESS/COMMENTS I IX. ADJOURNMENT I • The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. I, Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on January 7, 2010, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. giIf you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at(909)477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position,you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire • 4 of 5 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA • .L� JANUARY 13, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the Planning Commission, please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and speak into the microphone. After speaking, please sign in on the clipboard located next to the speaker's podium. It is important to list your name, address and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments are generally limited to 5 minutes per individual. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under"Public Comments." There is opportunity to speak under this section prior to the end of the agenda. Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. • The deadline for submitting these items is 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, one week prior to the meeting. The Planning Commission Secretary receives all such items. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are on file in the offices of the Planning Department, City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. These documents are available for public inspections during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for legal City holidays. APPEALS Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any appeal filed must be directed to the City Clerk's Office and must be accompanied by a fee of$2,124 for maps and $2,231 for all other decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. Copies of the Planning Commission agendas and minutes can be found at http://www.ci.rancho-cucamonga.ca.us • 5 of 5 Vicinity Map • Planning Commission January 13 , 2010 ................. _ F �I i , : SPH' ERE OF INFLUENCE. J Y W ' W HLLSI E g y W Y ! a K� WIL••N _ 4 . l Li ('111111\ ° WV \ I _ell_ ..;4. 210 �iM-II- - - `i.�210- 19TH t i♦' 1 ■I S i ASE LINE i 'e ‘11.01111Riliall. MILLER airarialls WA IMIlall11.11 Ilra FOOTHILL ill R Q „V4ra��� ARROW N' ''I 8TH �z , Q o ' B & C, `¢ i - -4 D & E U , I 3 kilt Q_ i: A • 1 W 4TH Q • * Meeting Location: N City Hall 10500 Civic Center Drive • 1' hN r°Sq,,'rK.. • 111','L r4,7-/1- IA T H E C I T Y O F P A N C H O C U C A M O N G A Staff Report DATE: January 13, 2010 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission • FROM: Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer BY: Willie Valbuena, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: SUMMARY VACATION OF A PORTION OF VINEYARD STREET, LOCATED NORTH OF SAN BERNARDINO ROAD (V-217) — CHIEN YEH — A request to vacate a portion of Vineyard Street, located north of San Bernardino Road - APN 207-102-48, 208-091-56 and 208-091-57 Related File: SUBTT16510 BACKGROUND: Mr. Chien Yeh is processing preliminary submittals for SUBTT16510, the construction of • 13 condominium units on a parcel of 2.02 acres in the Medium Residential District, located at the west terminus of San Bernardino Road. The developer has requested the vacation of a portion of Carnelian Street, located between their parcels. Said vacation has to be processed and approved, prior to approval of the Tentative Tract 16510. Utility companies, other agencies and various City divisions have been notified of the proposed vacation and were asked for comments. There were no objections to the vacation from any of the groups notified. The vacation is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code because said right-of-way is not required for street, highways and related purposes anymore and therefore will be part of Lot 1 of Tentative Tract Map 16510. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make the finding through minute action that the proposed vacation is in conformance with the General Plan. Respectfully submitted, • Dan James Senior Civi Engineer DJ:WV/akt • Attachments: Vicinity Map Exhibit A - Legal Description Exhibit B - Plat Item A r City of Rancho Cucamonga . / Engineering Division R D HILL �,'NTR GLB�� \' '`' a - 7 ---- > - / 4 / -■ o/ ' SvrE / ; Vbo9 / . ,„,_ _ um • /7 ,:„ \ Ty 55 , )j / ,- -: 4 . . .``. ,A-N ERN R-DIN-O ,,, -, , , /• ' • � 1 ( 1._ ✓ � y m .„ v % y -< V/\> -o 7 JI ( \ FOOTH/L L 8L , r"---- / 1 N ( I I II W ,&-- E r S • Item: V- 2/ 7 Title: V/a/V/ Ter MAP A-2 • EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF CARNELIAN STREET, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 20, PAGE 45 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE AND THE EAST LINE OF CARNELIAN STREET AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED MAP; THENCE N4'41'22'W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF CARNELIAN STREET, A DISTANCE OF 316.23 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT MAP; THENCE S4215'24'W, 41.05 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE EAST LINE OF PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10238, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 134 PAGES 64 AND 65 OF PARCEL MAPS, THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL I OF PARCEL MAP NO. • 10238, A DISTANCE OF 271.90 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAN BERNARDINO ROAD; THENCE S68'53'11'E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAN BERNARDINO ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 38.16 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TD THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 0 LAND SG`c^ C G Cep e JACK C. LEE 0 JACK C. LEE PLS 8407 .0 DM. 6-30-2010 0. 6407/ ct- CA • A-3 . o� EXHIBIT "B" ro a o ,c J!7 b IPUB 734, PAGES 64 AND 65 E'LY UNE OF PARCEL 1, PM 10238 / SCALE: 1 "=60' z A t i i N N N nl f a 7-' 1 co C1 1-LAND SG r °'• m v'PLC C u CK C. LEE 7 m EXP. 6-30-2010 II. rn CLY UNE OF CARNEUAN STREET till 8407 n CAFE -4 b 0 N'LY UNE OF SAN BERNARDINO ROAD - N6g3jjs.w - N8726'S8'W C - - N8726'S8'W ''a Son Bernardino Rood INUM I DELTA I LENGTH I RADIUS I TANGENT NGENT Cl 10'00'75' 50.03' 111 CAL LAND ENGINEERING, INC. SAN BERNARDINO/VINE Y ARD 576 E.LAMBERT ROAD BREA• (714)CA 92821 [�,t CITY OF RANCHO CACAMONGA (714)671-1050 FAX(714)671-1090 JACK C. LEE PIS 8407 EXPIRES: 6-30-2010 A-4 STAFF REPORT PLANNING DEPARTMENT RANCHO Date: January 13, 2010 CUCAMONGA To: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director By: Lois Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary Subject: REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE.PERMIT DRC2007-00283R - EL LOCO CANTINA & GRILL - A public hearing to examine the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public' health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or modification of the approved Conditional Use Permit. Located within the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), in the Masi Plaza at 11815 Foothill Boulevard - APN: 0229-011-38. Related file: Entertainment Permit DRC2007-00284 REVIEW OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2007-00284R - EL LOCO CANTINA & GRILL - A public hearing to examine the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or • modification of the approved and Entertainment Permit. Previously approved to allow live nightly entertainment and dancing within an existing restaurant. Located within the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7),in the Masi Plaza at 11815 Foothill Boulevard -APN: 0229-011-38. BACKGROUND: At the Planning Commission meeting of December 9, 2009, a memorandum from the Police Department was considered requesting a review of the business operation of El Loco Cantina & Grill. The Planning Commission subsequently voted in favor of initiating a review of the business operation and a hearing date of January 13, 2010 was set. The hearing was appropriately . advertised, posted and the property owners and surrounding property owners were notified. Since that time, it has been determined that more time is needed to prepare for a thorough hearing of the business operation and related Entertainment Permit. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests a continuance of the hearing date to the regular meeting of February 10, 2010 to allow more time to prepare the evidentiary documentation for the hearing. Respectfully submitted, JamesiR. Troyer, AICP Planning Director JT/LS • Items B & C • STAFF REPORT % • PLANNING DEPARTMENT RANCHO Date: January 13, 2010 CUCAMONGA To: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director By: Lois Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary Subject: REVIEW OF NON-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - DRC2004- 00326R - OMAHA JACKS - A public hearing to examine the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or modification of the approved Conditional Use Permit. Located within the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), in the Masi Plaza at 11837 Foothill Boulevard, Suite A - APN: 0229-011-39. Related file: Entertainment Permit DRC2004-00327. REVIEW OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT REVIEW - DRC2004-00327R - OMAHA JACKS - A public hearing to examine the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or • modification of the approved Entertainment Permit. Located within the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), in the Masi Plaza at 11837 Foothill Boulevard, Suite A - APN: 0229-011-39. BACKGROUND: At the Planning Commission meeting of December 9, 2009, a memorandum from the Police Department was considered requesting a review of the business operation of Omaha Jacks. The Planning Commission subsequently voted in favor of initiating a review of the business operation and a hearing date of January 13, 2010 was set. The hearing was appropriately advertised, posted and the property owners and surrounding property owners were notified. Since that time, it has been determined that more time is needed to prepare for a thorough hearing • of the business operation and related Entertainment Permit. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests a continuance of the hearing date to the regular meeting of February 10, 2010 to allow more time to prepare the evidentiary documentation for the hearing. Respectfully submitted, dAr mes R. Troyer,.AICP lanning Director JT/LS • Items D & E • C- STAFF REPORT r 7 • PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: January 13, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Steve Fowler, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT DESIGN REVIEW DRC2009-00557 AND REPLOTTING OF TRACT 16227-1 - MERITAGE HOMES - The design review of building elevations and detailed Site Plan for 52 single-family lots including the addition of a new plan (Plan 3154) to the replotting and development of previously approved Tract 16227-1 in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) in the Etiwanda North Specific Plan, located on the north side of Day Creek Boulevard, east of the Southern California Edison Corridor. Related files: Development Review DRC2008-00064, Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16227 and Development Review DRC2005-00986. Staff has found the project to be within the scope of the project covered by a prior Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse #88082915 and #98121091 certified by the City Council on August 1, 2001) and does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in that Environmental Impact Report. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: • A. Project Density: • 2.9 Dwelling Units per acre B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Vacant Land - North Etiwanda Preserve South - Single-Family Residential East - Etiwanda Avenue West - Southern California Edison Corridor C. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) North - North Etiwanda Preserve South - Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) East - Etiwanda Avenue • " "West - Utility Corridor\Flood Control D. Site Characteristics: The project is situated at the base of the alluvial fan which is located at the base of the San Gabriel Mountain foothills. This site was originally a portion of the Rancho Etiwanda Planned Development (previously the University Planned Development). Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM15699, Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16226, and Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16227 were subsequently approved. Rough grading was completed in September 2005. The site is bordered by vacant land to the west; by single-family homes to the north, by Day Creek Boulevard to the south; and by a portion of Tract 16227, built by • K. Hovnanian, to the east. Item F PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2009-00557— MERITAGE HOMES January 13, 2010 • Page 2 ANALYSIS: General: On February 22, 2006, the Planning Commission approved Development Review DRC2005-00986 for the development of 145 homes on a 52.54-acre site within the 632-unit Master Planned Community of Rancho Etiwanda Estates. Because of a shifting demand in the housing market, the applicant, Meritage Homes, came in and requested modifications of their previously approved building elevations and the Planning Commission approved a new Development Review DRC2008-00064 on May 28, 2008. That approval was for 55 of the 93 homes that were left to build in this development This request is for the remaining 38 homes to complete the build-out and. changing 14 of the homes in the last Development Review DRC2008-00064 approval, to the new plan that is being proposed (Plan 3154). The applicant is required to develop within substantial compliance with the Etiwanda North Specific Plan (ENSP),! the architecture and design details of the Etiwanda area. Requirements include side-on garages, recessed garages, exterior siding, and specific architectural styles. A Development Agreement was approved in 2001, which required the Low Residential standards for all lots within this tract. The property was rough graded in June of 2004. The area was mass graded and infrastructure was installed. The master developer has installed the main access of the gated community, as well as the slope landscaping and decorative perimeter walls. These walls will be consistent throughout the entire Master Planned Community Design Parameters: The project site is located within the "Upper Etiwanda" neighborhood which • has its own unique architectural design guidelines per the ENSP. The ENSP requires that a mix of the following primary architectural styles be used for at least two-thirds of the units: Bungalow, Ranch, Monterey, or San Juan. Up to one-third of the units may use these styles: Country, Victorian, or Santa Barbara Revival. The proposed modifications are consistent with the required architectural styles and include the previously approved downsized floor plans with a new floor plan that is 450 square feet larger than the previously approved 2,704 square foot plan and still provides larger yard areas to meet the demand of the current housing market. The previously approved plans along with the new plans are a combination of one- and two-story homes and range' in size from 2,194 square feet to 3,154 square feet of livable area. A total of 6 (11.6 percent).of the proposed.house product will be single-story. The two-story plans have been designed with two floor plans and four architectural styles. The proposed architectural styles are San Juan, Santa Barbara Revival, Monterey, and Ranch. The San Juan elevation incorporates wrought iron details, receesed windows; decorative shutters, and arched patio/entryway. The Santa Barbara Revival incorporates built-up eaves, louvered shutters, and recessed windows. The Monterey style incorporates oversized rafter tails, brick veneer elements, hardboard. detailing, and recessed tile features. .The. Ranch style incorporates board and batt siding, louvered shutters, wood kickers, and louvered hardboard details. All four sides of all homes have articulation and incorporate decorative garage doors and optional chimneys to match the architectural style of the home. Each of the four plans feature covered porch entries which range in size dependent upon the style. The developer is proposing to construct the 52 homes as part of fourteen phases. • F-2 f PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2009-00557 — MERITAGE HOMES • • January 13, 2010 Page 3 • A. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee (Munoz, Wimberly, and Nicholson) reviewed the elevations on December 15, 2009. The Committee recommended approval. B. Technical Review and Grading Committees: The Technical Review and Grading Committees reviewed the project on December 15, 2009, and recommended approval. • C. Environmental Assessment: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors certified an Environmental Impact Report in June 1991, a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report was certified by the County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors in October 1999, and an Initial Study Addendum was certified by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in connection with the approval of Tentative Tract Map 16227. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project unless: (i) substantial changes are proposed to the project that indicate new or more severe impacts on the environment; (ii) substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the project was previously reviewed the indicates new or more severe environmental impacts; or (iii) new important information shows the project will have new or more severe impacts than previously considered; or (iv) additional mitigation measures are now feasible to reduce impacts or different mitigation measures can be imposed to substantially reduce impacts. • Staff has evaluated the development review application and concludes that substantial changes to the project or the circumstances surrounding the project have not occurred, which would create new or more severe impacts than those evaluated in the previously certified EIR. The proposed development does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in the Environmental Impact Report for the Tract Map. Staff further finds that the project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previously certified ER, not have more severe effects than previously analyzed, and that additional or different mitigation measures are not required to reduce the impacts of the project to a level of less-than-significant. The project was developed with a Development Agreement for the 632-lot subdivision. The site plan, building elevations, and development conditions for the proposed project are included in the development agreement and are generally consistent with the Development Code and the Etiwanda North Specific Plan. Therefore, pursuant to CEQA, staff recommends that the Planning Commission concur with the staff determination that no additional environmental review is required in connection with the City's consideration of the development review application. • CORRESPONDENCE: No legal advertising was required for the relatively minor and subsequent change to this previously approved project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Development Review DRC2009-00557 through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval and Standard Conditions. • F-3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2009-00557— MERITAGE HOMES January 13, 2010 • Page 4 Respectfully submitted, R C Jame . Troyer, AICP Planning Director JRT:SF\ds Attachments: Exhibit A - Site Utilization Map Exhibit B - Elevation Exhibit C - Floor Plans Exhibit D - Design Review Committee Action Comments, dated December 15, 2009 Draft Resolution of Approval for DRC2009-00557 • • • • F-4 ACTION AGENDA DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING • TUESDAY DECEMBER 15, 2009 7:00 P.M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER RAINS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA Committee Members: Lou Munoz Pam Stewart Corkran Nicholson Alternates: Ray Wimberly Frances Howdyshell Richard Fletcher CONSENT CALENDAR NO ITEMS SUBMITTED. PROJECT REVIEW ITEMS This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant regarding their development application. The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input. 7:00 p.m. (Mike/Cam) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT1B122 - DAVID JEFFERS CONSULTING INC. - A proposal to subdivide five (5) vacant parcels with a combined area of about 53 acres into 76 lots in the Very Low (VL) Residential District, located at the east side of East Avenue, north of the Foothill Freeway (SR-210) - APN: 0225-191-03, - • 04, -13, -15, and -20, Related Files: Preliminary Review DRC2006-00793 and Variance DRC2009-00020. 7:20 p.m. (Tabe) SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE — PMT2008-02716 — JAVIER MENDEZ — A request to add a 3,755 square foot addition to an existing 2,174 square foot residence for a total living area of 5,292 square feet for a site located in the Low (L) Residential District at 9018 Base Line Road —APN: 0202-231-35. 7:40 p.m. (Steve/Cam) DEVELOPMENT DESIGN REVIEW DRC2009-00557 - TRACT 16227-1 LOTS 2, 12, 15, 66- 83, ' 85, 87, 89, 92, 94, 96, 99, 101-104, 121-134, 136, 140 AND 142-145 — MERITAGE HOMES - The design review of building elevations and detailed site plan for 52 single-family lots including the addition of a new plan (Plan 3154) to the replotting and development of a previously approved Tract 16227-1 in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) in the Etiwanda North Specific Plan, located on the north side of Day Creek Boulevard, east of,the Southern California- Edison Corridor. Related Files: Development Review.DRC2008-00064, Tentative Tract;Map,SUBTT16227 and Development Review DRC2005-00986. Staff has found the project'to be within the scope of the project covered by a prior Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse #88082915 and #98121091 certified by the City Council on August 1, 2001) and does not raise or create new environmental impadts not already considered ih'that Environmental Impact Report. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. •ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. EXHIBIT - D F-25 • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:40 p.m. Steve Fowler December 15, 2009 DEVELOPMENT DESIGN REVIEW DRC2009-00557 - TRACT 16227-1 LOTS 2, 12, 15, 66-83, 85, 87, 89, 92, 94, 96, 99, 101-104, 121-134, 136, 140 AND 142-145 - MERITAGE HOMES - The design review of building elevations and detailed site plan for 52 single-family lots including the additions of new plan (Plan 3154) to the replotting and development of a previously approved Tract 16227-1 in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) in the Etiwanda North Specific Plan, located on the north side of Day Creek Boulevard, east of the Southern California Edison Corridor. Related Files: Development Review DRC2008-00064, Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16227 and Development Review DRC2005-00986. Staff has found the project to be within the scope of the project covered by a prior Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse #88082915 and #98121091 certified by the City Council on August 1, 2001) and does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered,in that Environmental Impact Report. Background: On February 22, 2006, the Planning Commission approved Development Review DRC2005-00986 for the development of 145 homes on a 52.54-acre site within the 632-unit Master Planned Community of Rancho Etiwanda Estates. Because of a shifting demand in the housing market, the applicant, Meritage Homes, came in and requested modifications of their previously approved building elevations and the Planning Commission approved a new Development Review DRC2008-00064 on May 28, 2008. That approval was for 55 of the 93 homes that were left to build in this development. This request is for the remaining 38 homes to complete the build-out and changing 14 of the homes in the last Development Review DRC2008-00064 approval to the new plan that is being • proposed (Plan 3154). The applicant is required to develop within substantial compliance with the Etiwanda North Specific Plan (ENSP), incorporating the architecture and design details of the Etiwanda area. Requirements include side-on garages, recessed garages, exterior siding, and specific architectural styles. A Development Agreement was approved in 2001 which required the Low Residential standards for all lots within this tract. The property was rough graded in June of 2004. The area was mass graded and the infrastructure was installed. The master developer has installed the main access of the gated community, as well as the slope landscaping and decorative perimeter walls. These walls will be consistent throughout the entire master planned community. The site is bordered by vacant land to the west; by single-family homes to the north, by Day Creek Boulevard to the south; and by a portion of Tract 16227, built by K. Hovnanian, to the east. Design Parameters: The project site is located within the "Upper Etiwanda" neighborhood which has its ownunique'afchitectural design guidelines per the ENSP. The ENSP requires that a mix of the following .' primary architectural styles be used for at least two-thirds of the units: Bungalow, Ranch, Monterey, or San Juan. Up to one-third of the units may use these styles: Country, Victorian, or Santa Barbara Revival. The proposed modifications are consistent with the required architectural styles and include the previously approved downsized floor plans with a new floor plan that is 450 square feet larger than the previously approved 2,704 square foot plan and still provides larger yard areas to meet the demand of the current housing market. The previously approved plans along with the new plans are a combination of one- and two-story homes and range in size from 2,194 square feet to 3,154 square feet of livable • area. A total of 6 (11.6 percent) of the proposed house product will be single-story. The two-story plans have been designed with two floor plans and four architectural styles. The proposed architectural styles F 26 • DRC ACTION AGENDA • DRC2009-00557 — MERITAGE HOMES • December 15, 2009 Page 2, are San Juan, Santa Barbara Revival, Monterey, and Ranch. The San Juan elevation incorporates wrought iron details, recessed windows, decorative shutters, and arched patio/entryway. The Santa Barbara Revival incorporates built-up eaves, louvered shutters, and recessed windows. The Monterey style incorporates oversized rafter tails, brick veneer elements, hardboard detailing, and recessed tile features. The Ranch style incorporates board and batt siding, louvered shutters, wood kickers, and louvered hardboard details. All four sides of all homes have articulation and incorporate decorative garage doors and optional chimneys to match the architectural style of the home. Each of the four plans feature covered porch entries which range in size dependent upon the style. The developer is proposing to construct the • 52 homes in fourteen phases. • Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: • • 1. The applicant has worked diligently with staff. Together with the Development Agreement and discussions with staff, there are no major issues. ("Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. The applicant has worked diligently with staff. Together with the Development Agreement and • discussions with staff, there are no secondary issues. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. Boulders from the project site shall be utilized and integrated as part of the front yard Landscape Plan, per the Master Plan Resolution of Approval. 2. Driveways shall be colored and scored in a diagonal pattern for additional entryway detail. • Staff Recommendation: 'Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee recommend approval of the projecfsubject to the above revisions. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Munoz, Wimberly, Nicholson Staff Planner: Steve Fowler cThe Committee members approved the project as presented; item to be forwarded to the Planning ommission for approval. • F-27 DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • December 15, 2009 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Rasp ctfully submitted, �Inl OA 16 . VtP L1, Corkran W. Nicholson Assistant Planning Director • • i. z . • F-28 • RESOLUTION NO. 10-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. DRC2009-00557, A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT 52 DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES ON 11 .05 ACRES, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, EAST OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CORRIDOR IN THE LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF APN: 0225-071-47. A. Recitals. 1. Meritage Homes filed an application for the approval of Development Review • No. DRC2009-00557, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 13th day of January 2010, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and concluded said meeting on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. • NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meeting on January 13, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to the property located north of Day Creek Boulevard and west of Etiwanda Avenue, with a street frontage of approximately 1,600 feet on Day Creek Boulevard and a lot depth of 1,050 feet along Etiwanda Avenue, and is presently improved with rough grading; and • b. The property to the north of the subject site is single-family residences,the property to the south consists of single-family residential, the property to the east is single-family residential, and the property to the west is a 240-foot wide Southern California Edison (SCE)utility corridor;and c. The project consists of a Development Review of 52 lots master planned by Meritage Homes; and d. The sewer, storm drain, detention basin, curb, and gutter are installed; and • e. The project conforms to the basic Development Standards of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan with required architectural elevations, slope requirements, and overall project density. F-29 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-01 DRC2009-00557 — MERITAGE HOMES January 13, 2010 Page 2 • 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and b. The proposed use is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and c. The proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and d. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the application, together with all the written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application,the Planning Commission finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental document is required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") in connection with the review and approval of this application based upon the following findings and determinations: a. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act("CEQA")and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors certified an Environmental • Impact Report in June 1991, a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report was certified by the County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors in October 1999, and an Initial Study Addendum was certified by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in connection with the approval of Tentative Tract Map 16227. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project unless: (i)substantial changes are proposed to the project that indicate new or more severe impacts on the environment; (ii) substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the project was previously reviewed the indicates new or more severe environmental impacts; or (iii) new important information shows the project will have new or more severe impacts than previously considered; or(iv) additional mitigation measures are now feasible to reduce impacts or different mitigation measures can be imposed to substantially reduce impacts. b. The Planning Commission finds, in connection with the Development Review application, that substantial changes to the project or the circumstances_surrounding-the project have not occurred, which would create new or more severe impacts than those evaluated in the previously certified EIR. The proposed development does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in the Environmental Impact Report for the Tract Map. Staff further finds that the project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previously certified El R, not have more severe effects than previously analyzed, and that additional or different mitigation measures are not required to reduce the impacts of the project to a level of less-than-significant. The proposed development review application does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in the Environmental Impact Report for the Tract Map. c. Based on these findings and all evidence in the record,the Planning Commission • concurs with the staff determination that no additional environmental review is required pursuant to CEQA in connection with the City's consideration of the Development Review Application. F30 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-01 DRC2009-00557 — MERITAGE HOMES January 13, 2010 • Page 3 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Department 1) Approval is for the development of 52 single-family homes within tract 16227. • 2) All driveways shall have a maximum grade of 10 percent. If necessary, driveways shall be lengthened and the garage setbacks increased in order to achieve a 10 percent grade. 3) Boulders from the project site shall be utilized and integrated as part of the front yard landscape plan, per the Master Plan Resolution of Approval. 4) Driveways shall be scored in a horizontal pattern for additional entryway detail. Engineering Department • 1) Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract 16227 apply. 2) Pay the Traffic Circulation Improvement Fee of$2,635 per residence, prior to building permit issuance. 3) For all drive approach relocations, process a revision to Drawing 2020 through the Engineering Services Department. 4) Per Etiwanda North Specific Plan, driveway widths shall not exceed 16 feet through the public parkway. Environmental Mitigation 1) The project shall implement all pertinent mitigation measures identified in the Environmental Impact Report that was prepared and'certified,by.. • the County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors in June 1991, the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report that was certified by the County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors in October 1999, and the Initial Study Addendum that was certified by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in August 2001. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF JANUARY 2010. • F-31 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-01 DRC2009-00557 — MERITAGE HOMES January 13, 2010 Page 4 • PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Richard B. Fletcher, Chairman ATTEST: James R. Troyer, AICP, Secretary I,James R.Troyer, AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th day of January 2010, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: • • • • F32 • °•4° COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT =fir,,f. °� DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT#: DRC2009-00557 SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW OF 52 LOTS APPLICANT: MERITAGE HOMES LOCATION: NORTH OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, WEST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 0. General Requirements Completion Date 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its _/_/ agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval,or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval No. 10-01, Standard _/_/_ Conditions, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 3. The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The _// project planner will confirm which fees apply,to this,project..All.checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Director hearing: a) Notice of Exemption - $50 X , • SC-12-08 1 I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00557 Std.Cond 01-13.doc F-33 Project No.DRC2009-00557 Completion Date B. Time Limits • 1. Development/Design Review approval shall expire if building permits are not issued or _/ / • approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval. No extensions are allowed. C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which _/_/_ include site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Department, the conditions contained herein, Development Code regulations, the Etiwanda North Specific Plan, and the Master Plan. 2. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and _/_/_ State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Department to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. • 3. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be _/_/_ submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for /_/_ consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.)or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision,or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. • 5. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, / /_ all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. • 6. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be _/_/_ located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. For single-family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults. 7. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, _/_/_ including proper illumination. 8. All parkways, open areas, and landscaping shall be permanently maintained by the property /_/_ owner, homeowners'association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for Planning Director and Engineering Services Department review and approved prior to the issuance of building permits. 9. The developer shall submit a construction access plan and schedule for the development of all //_ lots for Planning Director and Engineering Services Department approval; including, but not limited to, public notice requirements, special street posting, phone listing for community concerns, hours of construction activity, dust control measures, and security fencing. 10. Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the project perimeter. If a double wall /_/_ condition would result, the developer shall make a good faith effort to work with the adjoining property owners to provide a single wall. Developer shall notify,by mail, all contiguous property owner at least 30 days prior to the removal of any existing walls/ fences along the project's perimeter. 2 • I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00557 Std.Cond 01-13.doc F-34 Project No.DRC2009-00557 Completion Date 11. Construct block walls between homes (i.e., along interior side and rear property lines), rather _/_/ than wood fencing for permanence, durability, and design consistency. • 12. Access gates to the rear yards shall be constructed from a material more durable than wood _/ /_ gates. Acceptable materials include, but are not limited to, wrought iron and PVC. 13. For residential development, return walls and corner side walls shall be decorative masonry. _//_ 14. Slope fencing along side property lines may be wrought iron or black plastic coated chain link to _/_/_ maintain an open feeling and enhance views. 15. On corner side yards, provide minimum 5-foot setback between walls/fences and sidewalk. The /_/_ 5-foot wall/fence-setback and the parkway shall have landscape and irrigation in addition to the required street trees. Detailed landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. The parkway landscaping • including trees,shrubs,ground covers and irrigation shall be maintained by the property owner. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the parkway maintenance requirement, in a standard format as determined by the Planning Director, prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. D. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) 1. Multiple car garage driveways shall be tapered down to a standard two-car width at street. _/ /_ E. Landscaping 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping / /_ in the case of residential development,shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or • prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. 2. All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope, but less than _/_/ 2:1 slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 3. All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater /_/_ slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq. ft. of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5- gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq.ft.of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 4. For single-family residential development,all slope planting and irrigation shall be continuously. •A - - maintained in a healthy and thriving condition by the developer until each individual unit is sold _; •.,- and occupied by the buyer. Prior to releasing occupancy for those units,an inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Department to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 5. Front yard and corner side yard landscaping and irrigation shall be required per the /_/_ - Development Code and Etiwanda North Specific Plan. This requirement shall be in addition to the required street trees and slope planting. • 3 I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00557 Std.Cond 01-13.doc F-35 • Project No.DRC2009-00557 Completion Date 6. The final design of the perimeter parkways,walls, landscaping,and sidewalks shall be included _/_/_ in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to Planning Director review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any parkway landscaping plan which may be required by • the Engineering Services Department. 7. All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment. If located in public maintenance areas, _/_/_ the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Services Department. F. Other Agencies 1. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type and / /_ location of mailboxes. Multi-family residential developments shall provide a solid overhead structure for mailboxes with adequate lighting. The final location of the mailboxes and the design of the overhead structure shall be subject to Planning Director review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT, (909)477-2710, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: • NOTE: ANY REVISIONS MAY VOID THESE REQUIREMENTS AND NECESSITATE ADDITIONAL REVIEW(S) G. General Requirements 1. Submit five complete sets of plans including the following: _/_/ a. Site/Plot Plan; b. Foundation Plan; c. Floor Plan; • d. Ceiling and Roof Framing Plan; e. Electrical Plans(2 sets,detached)including the size of the main switch, number and size of service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams; f. Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams,waterand waste diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air conditioning; and g. Planning Department Project Number (i.e., DRC2009-00557) clearly identified on the outside of all plans. 2. Submit two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a soils report. _!_/_ Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are required prior to plan check submittal. 3. Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers'Compensation coverage _/_/_ to the City prior to permit issuance. . 4. Separate permits are required for fencing and/or walls. / /_ 5. Business shall not open for operation prior to posting the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the _/_/ Building and Safety Department. 4 • I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res &Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00557 Std.Cond 01-13.doc F-36 Project No.DRC2009-00557 Completion Date • H. Site Development • 1. Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction. All plans shall be _/_/_ marked with the project file number(i.e., DRC2001-00001). The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted California Codes, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of permit application. Contact the Building and Safety Department for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new residential project or major addition,the applicant _/ /_ shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee,Transportation Development Fee, Permit and Plan Check Fees, Construction and Demolition Diversion Program deposit and fees and School Fees. Applicant shall provide a copy of the school fees receipt to the Building and Safety Department prior to permit issuance. 3. Street addresses shall be provided by the Building and Safety Official after tract/parcel map / /_ recordation and prior to issuance of building permits. 4. Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. Monday / /_ through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays. I. New Structures • 1. Provide compliance with the California Building Code (CBC) for property line clearances _/ / considering use, area, and fire-resistiveness. 2. Provide compliance with the California Building Code for required occupancy separations. _/_/_ 3. Roofing material shall be installed per the manufacturer's "high wind" instructions. / /_ J. Grading 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with California Building Code, City /_/_ Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. • 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to / /_ perform such work. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the /_/ time of application for grading plan check. 4. The final grading plan, appropriate certifications and compaction reports shall be completed, _/_/_ submitted, and approved by the Building and Safety Official prior to the issuance of building permits. .. . 5. A separate grading plan check submittal is required for all new cdnstntction•projects and for _/_/_ existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The grading plan shall be prepared,stamped,and signed by a California registered Civil Engineer. • • • 5 I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00557 Std.Cond 01-13.doc F-37 Project No.DRC2009-00557 Completion Date APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT, (909) 477- 2740, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: • L. Street Improvements 1. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.37.010, no person shall make connections from a source _/ /_ of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by technical codes and for which a permit is required unless, in addition to any and all other codes, regulations and ordinances,all improvements required by these conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the City Council, except:that in developments containing more than one building, structure or unit, the development may have energy connections made in equal proportion to the percentage of completion of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval,as determined by the City Engineer, provided that reasonable,safe and maintainable access to the property exists. In no case shall more than 95 percent of the buildings, structures or units be connected to energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval. M. General Requirements and Approvals 1. Prior to the issuance of building permits, a Diversion Deposit and related administrative fees _/_/ shall be paid for the Construction and Demolition Diversion Program. The deposit is fully refundable if at least 50% of all wastes generated during construction and demolition are diverted from landfills, and appropriate documentation is provided to the City. Form CD-1 shall be submitted to the Engineering Services Department when the firs t building permit application is submitted to Building and Safety. Form CD-2 shall be submitted to the Engineering Services Department within 60 days following the completion of the construction and/or demolition project. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2800, FOR • COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: N. Security Hardware 1. All garage or rolling doors shall have slide bolts or some type of secondary locking devices. _/_/_ O. Building Numbering 1. •Numbers and the backgrounds shall be of contrasting color and shall be reflective for nighttime //_ visibility. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DEPARTMENT, FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING SERVICES AT, (909)-477-2770, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: SEE ATTACHED 6 • I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res &Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00557 Std.Cond 01-13.doc F38 Ott°(Row . Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District • Fire Construction Services FIRE STANDARD CONDITIONS Fire Construction Services staff and the Fire Marshal has approved the request for an alternate method, as submitted. Construction in this phase must comply with Alternative Method #07230 (PMT2009-02515). Landscaping must be in accordance with RCFPD Standard 47-1. THE FOLLOWING STANDARD CONDITIONS APPLY TO THIS PROJECT. FSC-1 Public and Private Water Supply • 1. Design guidelines for Fire Hydrants: The following provides design guidelines for the spacing and location of fire hydrants: a. For single-family residential projects in the designated Hazardous Fire Area, the maximum distance between fire hydrants and the location of fire hydrants must be in accordance to the 2007 California Fire Code and the RCFPD Ordinance FD46. FSC-2 Fire Flow • The required fire flow for this project will be established in gallons per minute at a minimum residual pressure of 20-pounds per square inch. This requirement is made in accordance with Fire Code Appendix, as adopted by the Fire District Ordinances. 2. Public fire hydrants located within a 500-foot radius of the proposed project may be used to provide the required fire flow subject to Fire District review and approval. Private fire hydrants on adjacent property shall not be used to provide required fire flow. 3. Fire service plans are required for all projects that must extend the existing water supply to or onto the site. Building permits will not be issued until fire service plans are approved. 4. On all site plans to be submitted for review, show all fire hydrants located within 600-feet of the proposed project site. FSC-3 Prerequisite for submittal of Overhead Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems 1. Prior to submitting plans for an overhead automatic fire sprinkler system, the applicant shall submit plans, specifications,and calculations foc_the,fre,sprinklersystem underground supply piping. Approval of the underground supply piping system must be obtained prior to submitting the overhead fire sprinkler system plans. FSC-4 Requirement for Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems Rancho Cucamonga Fire District Ordinance FD46, the 2007 California Fire Code and/or any other applicable standards require an approved automatic fire sprinkler system to be installed in: 1. Buildings constructed in the designed Hazardous Fire Areas which include: • a. Proposed as mitigation in the fire protection plan FSC-6 Fire District Site Access F39 Fire District access roadways include public roads; streets and highways, as well as private roads, streets drive aisles and/or designated fire lanes. Please reference the RCFPD Fire Department Access — Fire Lanes Standard 9-7. 1. Residential gates installed across Fire District access roads shall be installed in accordance with RCFPD Residential Gate Standard #9-1. The following design requirements apply: a. All automatic gates shall be provided with a Fire District approved, compatible traffic pre-emption device. The devices shall be digital. Analog devices are not acceptable. Devices shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and specifications. b. Vehicle access gates shall be provided with an approved Fire District Knox Key Switch. c. The key switch shall be located outside and immediately adjacent to the gate for use in the event that the traffic pre-emption device fails to operate. d. A traffic loop device must be installed to allow exiting from the complex. e. The gate shall remain in the open position for not less than 20-minutes and shall automatically reset. 2. Fire Lane Identification: Red curbing and/or signage shall identify the fire lanes. A site plan illustrating the proposed delineation that meets the minimum Fire District standards shall be included in the architectural plans submitted to B&S for approval. 3. Approved Fire Department Access: Any approved mitigation measures must be clearly noted on the site plan. A copy of the approved Alternative Method application, if applicable, must be reproduced on the architectural plans submitted to B&S for plan review. FSC-7 Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone This project is located within the "State Responsibility Area" (SRA), the "Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone" (VHFHSZ), City of Rancho Cucamonga "Hillside District", and/or within the area identified on the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan, Exhibit V-7 as High Probability-High Consequence for Fire Risk. These locations have been determined to be within the "Hazardous Fire Area" as defined by the Fire District. The Hazardous Fire Area is based on maps produced by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 1. Fire Protection Plans: The applicant shall prepare plans for the development of the subdivision in • accordance with the County of San Bernardino's Development Code Fire Area FS-3 as amended by RCFPD Ordinance FD46, RCFPD Standard 47-1, and the 2007 CBC Chapter 7A requirements apply to the development of the site, the construction of the buildings and the landscaping.. These development codes provide standards regulating: a. Fire resistive roof assemblies b. Vegetation Management c. Fire District access roadways. d. Ignition resistant construction and protection of openings. e. Fire sprinkler systems f. Fire protection water supply& Fire flow criteria •The,approved fire protection plans:(FPP) and documentation must be recorded with San Bernardino County''' prior to release of building permits. Proof of the recording must be provided to FCS. NOTE: The FPP'must be submitted to Fire Construction Services for review and approval prior to the submittal of architectural drawings . to the building department for the construction of the homes. The landscape plans when submitted to the • planning department for review will be routed to FCS for plan review in compliance with approved FPP. Mobile, stationary or portable power-operated equipment in the Hazardous Fire Area shall not be used without the Fire Safety Division's written approval. Specific fire protection measures that may be required to mitigate the hazard include, but are not limited to: a. A stand-by water tender, equipped with a pump, fire hose and nozzle. • b. Pre-wetting of the site to avoid the production of sparks between blades or tracks and rocks. c. Conducting a fire watch for a minimum of one-hour following the cessation of operations each day. • F-40 d. For welding, cutting or grinding work, clear away all combustible material from the area around such operation for a minimum distance of 10-feet. A "hot-work" permit must be obtained from Fire Construction Services prior to cutting, welding or grinding work. • e. Maintain one serviceable round point shovel with an overall length of not less than forty-six (46) inches and one five (5) gallon backpack water pump-type fire extinguisher fully equipped and ready for use at the immediate area during the operation. FSC-8 Chronological summary of VHFHSZ requirements Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall have submitted and obtain approval of a final Fire protection plan (FPP). Further, the builder shall have completed that portion of the approved fuel modification/hazard reduction plan determined to be necessary by the Fire District before the introduction of any combustible materials into the project area. Approval is subject to an on-site inspection. Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, All the required ignition resistant features including landscaping of the FPP shall be completed, inspected and accepted by the Fire District staff. FSC-13 Alternate Method Application Fire Construction Services staff and the Fire Marshal has approved the request for an alternate method, as submitted. Construction in this phase must comply with Alternative Method # 07230 (FMT2009-02515). Landscaping must be in accordance with RCFPD Standard 47-1. .Chronological Summary of RCFPD Standard Conditions PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS— Please complete the following prior to the issuance of any building permits: • Private Water Supply (Fire) Systems: The applicant shall submit construction plans, specifications, flow test data and calculations for the private water main system for review and approval by the Fire District. Plans and installation shall comply with Fire District Standards. Approval of the on-site (private) fire underground and water plans is required prior to any building permit issuance for any structure on the site. Private on-site combination domestic and fire supply system must be designed in accordance with RCFPD Standards. The Building & Safety Division and Fire Construction Services will perform plan checks and inspections. All private on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed and operable prior to delivering any combustible framing materials to the site. Fire construction Services will inspect the installation, witness hydrant flushing and grant a clearance before lumber is dropped. 2. Public Water Supply (Domestic/Fire) Systems: The applicant shall submit a plan showing the locations of all new public fire hydrants for the review and approval by the Fire District and CCWD. On the plan, . show all.existing fire hydrants within a 600-foot radius of the project. All required public fire hydrants shall s.,,,be installed; flushed and operable prior to delivering any combustible framing materials to the site CCWD •.�s(d`.cp ydri. .r.�'... ...., • Sri,. personnel 'shall inspect the installation and witness the hydrant flushing. Fire Construction Services shall inspect the site after acceptance of the public water system by CCWD. Fire Construction Services must grant a clearance before lumber is dropped. 3: Fire Protection Plans: Please refer to RCFPD Summary of the VHFHSZ requirements. 4. Construction Access: The access roads must be paved in accordance with all the requirements of the RCFPD Fire Lane Standard. All temporary utilities over access roads must be installed at least 14' 6" above the finished surface of the road. • Fire Flow: A current fire flow letter from CCWD must be received. The applicant is responsible for obtaining the fire flow information from CCWD and submitting the letter to Fire Construction Services. PRIOR TO THE RELEASE OF TEMPORARY POWER F-41 The building construction must be substantially completed in accordance with Fire Construction Services requirements. PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY OR FINAL INSPECTION—Please complete the following: 1. Hydrant Markers: All. fire hydrants shall_ have a blue reflective pavement marker. indicating.the fire • hydrant location on the street or driveway in accordance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Standard Plan 134, "Installation of Reflective Hydrant Markers". On private property, the markers shall be installed at the centerline of the fire access road, at each hydrant location. 2. Private Fire Hydrants: For the purpose of final acceptance, a licensed sprinkler contractor, in the presence of Fire Construction Services, shall conduct a test of the most hydraulically remote on-site fire hydrants. The underground fire line contractor, developer and/or owner are responsible for hiring the company to perform the test. A final test report shall be submitted to Fire Construction Services verifying the fire flow available. The fire flow available must meet or exceed the required fire flow in accordance with the California Fire Code. 3. Fire Sprinkler System: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fire sprinkler system(s) shall be tested and accepted by Fire Construction Services. 4. Access Control Gates: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, vehicular gates must be inspected, tested and accepted in accordance with RCFPD Standards #9-1 by Fire Construction Services. An annual Fire Code permit is required for the access control 5. Fire Access Roadways: Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, the fire access roadways must be installed in accordance with the approved plans and acceptable to Fire Construction Services. The CC&R's, the reciprocal agreement and/or other approved documents shall be recorded and contain an approved fire access roadway map with provisions that prohibit parking, specify the method of enforcement and identifies who is responsible for the required annual inspections and the maintenance of all required fire access roadways. 6. Address: Prior to the granting of occupancy, single-family dwellings shall post the address on a • contrasting background. The numbers shall be internally or externally illuminated during periods of darkness. The numbers shall be visible from the street. The address signs shall be non combustible and in accordance with RCFPD Standards. 7. Fire Protection Plans: Please refer to RCFPD Summary of the VHFHSZ requirements. • F 42 . STAFF REPORT PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: January 13, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Steve Fowler, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2009-00413 - STANTEC CONSULTING - COMERICA BANK - A request to construct a 3,982 square foot retail bank with a drive-thru at an existing retail center within the General Commercial District, located at 12035 Foothill Boulevard: APN: 0229-023-05. On January 24, 2007, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission for Tentative Parcel Map • SUBTPM17818. The California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further environmental review or Negative Declaration is required for subsequent projects or minor revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: • A. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Multi-Tenant Commercial Center; Foothill Boulevard Districts (Subarea 4), • Community Commercial South - Vacant Lot; Industrial Park (Subarea 7) East - Nursery and Southern California Edison Utility Corridor; Open Space West - Masi Plaza; Industrial Park (Subarea 7) B. General Plan Designations: Project Site - General Commercial North - Community Commercial South - General Commercial East - Flood control/Utility Corridor West - General Commercial C. Site Characteristics: The site is a puzzle shaped parcel that is part of an overall project that was L-shaped. The puzzle shaped parcel is a .76 acre pad at the far east portion of the Victoria Commons site at 12035 Foothill Boulevard. This site is on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Rochester Avenue and the Edison Utility Corridor in the General Commercial District. Currently, the current Victoria Commons project has one multi-tenant retail building constructed with four vacant pads, located along Foothill Boulevard. The two-story office building (WLC Architects) along Rochester Avenue has been completed and is occupied. At the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue is the Aggazzotti home, formerly a winery and designated Historic Point of Interest (not a part of the project). E. Parking Calculations: The project is parked per the parking criteria of the Development Code and the tabulation of the required parking spaces is as follows: • Item G PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2009-00413 — STANTEC CONSULTING —COMERICA BANK January 13, 2010 Page 2 • • Number of Number of • Square Parking Spaces Spaces Type of Use Footage Ratio Required Provided Bank with drive-thru 3,982 1:250 16 16 • ANALYSIS: A. General: The Master-Planned project is known as Victoria Commons and was originally approved through DRC2005-01084 with its mix of office, retail, and restaurants. The project creates synergy consistent with the commercial/office corridor of Foothill Boulevard. The Victoria Commons project proposed a total of five commercial buildings fronting along Foothill Boulevard; the proposed Comerica Bank building will occupy the most easterly pad site. There is one main entrance off Rochester Avenue for the existing WLC professional office building (Building F), and two ingress/egress points are provided off Foothill Boulevard; the first is located just east of the Aggazzotti residence, and the second at the eastern property line. The eastern driveway from the Foothill Boulevard access is aligned with the new signalized median break that was constructed with the Victoria Promenade project.on the • north side of Foothill Boulevard (DRC2005-00365). The project proposes a 3,982 square foot commercial bank building at the far east portion of the Victoria Commons site. The exterior of the building will be enhanced with H.C. Muddox "Mountain Rose Brick" with an H.C. Muddox "Frosted Almond Brick" band around the entire • building, one brick wide, approximately 30-inches from finished grade. The building design also includes a tower element at the entrance of the bank. Columns covered with Culture Stone "Chardonnay Limestone" will be placed at the corners, as well as spaced evenly around the bank. The roof will be a light weight Saxony shake Monier Life tile "Charcoal Blend." B. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee (Munoz, Stewart, and Nicholson) • reviewed the site, building elevations, materials, and Conceptual Landscaping Plans on October 6, 2009, and instructed the applicant to make a change in the roofing material from metal to light weight tile. On December 1, 2009, the applicant requested to change the color of the light weight tile to a charcoal brown slate. The Design Review Committee requested the applicant keep thd tile a charcoal grey shake as previously agreed upon. The applicant • agreed to keep the tile the same color and style. C. Grading Review Committee: The Grading Committee reviewed the development portion of the project on October 6, 2009, and recommended approval. D. Environmental Assessment: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the City adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration on January 24, 2007, in connection with the City's approval of Tentative Parcel Map • G-2 • PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2009-00413 — STANTEC CONSULTING —COMERICA BANK • January 13, 2010 Page 3 • SUBTPM17818. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project unless: (i) substantial changes are proposed to the project that indicate new or more severe impacts on the environment; (ii) substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the project was previously reviewed that indicates new or more severe environmental impacts; or (iii) new important information shows the project will have new or more severe impacts than previously considered; or (iv) additional mitigation measures are now feasible to reduce impacts or different mitigation measures can be imposed to substantially reduce impacts. Staff has evaluated the Design Review Application (DRC2009-00413) and concludes that substantial changes to the project or the circumstances surrounding the project have not occurred, which would create new or more severe impacts than those evaluated in the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. The original submittal considered impacts associated.with a commercial bank with a drive-thru and the current proposal is for a drive-thru bank. The current footprint for this commercial bank is smaller than the previously analyzed footprint of 4,500 square feet. Staff further finds • that the project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration, not have more severe effects than previously analyzed, and that additional or different mitigation measures are not required to reduce the impacts of the project to a level of less-than-significant. The original analysis took into consideration a larger bank and the new bank is smaller, thus creating less of an impact on the site. Therefore, pursuant to CEQA, staff recommends that the Planning Commission concur with the staff . • determination that no additional environmental review is required in connection with the City's consideration of the Design Review Application DRC2009-00413. CORRESPONDENCE: The property was posted with a large 4-foot by 8-foot sign. No additional advertising was required considering the prior project review. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Design Review DRC2009-00413 through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with conditions. Respectfully submitted, Jame` 4 R. Troyer, AICP Planning Director JRT:SF\ds - Attachments: Exhibit A - Site Plan Exhibit B - Floor Plan Exhibit C - Elevations Exhibit D - Grading Plan Exhibit E - Landscape Plan Exhibit F - DRC Action Comments, dated December 1, 2009 • Draft Resolution of Approval for Development Review DRC2009-00413 G-3 C &uC • ///1 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING • TUESDAY DECEMBER 1, 2009 7:00 P.M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER RAINS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA ACTION AGENDA. Committee Members: Lou Munoz Pam Stewart Corkran Nicholson Alternates: Ray Wimberly Frances Howdyshell Richard Fletcher CONSENT CALENDAR NO ITEMS SUBMITTED. PROJECT REVIEW ITEMS This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant regarding • their development application. The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input. 7:00 p.m. •(Steve/Willie) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2009-00413 - STANTEC CONSULTING - COMERICA BANK - A request to construct a 3,982 square foot retail bank with a drive thru at an existing retail center within the Industrial Park District, Subarea 7, located at 12035 Foothill Boulevard: APN: 0229-023-05. On January 24, 2007, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission for Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM17818. The California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further environmental review or Negative Declaration is required for subsequent projects or minor revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. • ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. • EXHIBIT - F G-10 DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:00 p.m. Steve Fowler December 1 , 2009 • DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2009-00413 - STANTEC CONSULTING - COMERICA BANK - A request to construct a 3,982 square foot retail bank with a drive thru at an existing retail center within the Industrial Park District, Subarea 7, located at 12035 Foothill Boulevard: APN: .0229-023-05. On January 24, 2007, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission for Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM17818. The California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further environmental review or Negative Declaration is required for subsequent projects or minor revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. Design Parameters: The applicant is proposing to construct a 3,982 square foot bank building with a drive thru ATM at 12035 Foothill Boulevard. This site is on the south side of Foothill Boulevard in the Industrial Park District, Subarea 7. At the Design Review Committee Meeting held on October 6, 2009, the applicant was asked to change the roofing material from standing seam metal to light weight concrete tile. The applicant was proposing a Charcoal Grey blend tile. They now would like to change the color to a Charcoal Brown Blend slate tile. The exterior of the building is proposed to use a mixture of Mountain Rose colored brick veneer for the wall plans, a Frosted Almond colored brick veneer band around the lower part of the entire building, and a stone veneer for the tower element and columns around the entire building. . • Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion regarding this project. Major Issues: The applicant worked hard with staff to follow the criteria outlined in the Development Code, but there is still a color issue with the roof tile. Staff feels the color Charcoal Brown Blend gives a monotone appearance to the building, and the Charcoal Grey blend would be a better fit for the project. Staff recommendation: Staff feels the color Charcoal Brown Blend gives a monotone appearance to the building and the Charcoal blend would be a better fit for the project. Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee keep with its previous recommendation of the Charcoal Blend tile. Desiqn Review Committee Action: Members Present: Munoz, Wimberly, Nicholson Staff Planner: Steve Fowler Yvonne Buan, Renee Webber, and the representative from Comerica Bank, presented a revision to the roof color previously approved by the Design Review Committee for the propose Comerica Bank at 12035 Foothill Boulevard. The proposal was to change the roof color to a Charcoal Brown blend from the approved Charcoal Grey blend. The applicant revisited the standing seam metal roof, and the • Committee again requested the roof to be concrete tile. The Committee members supported the approved color citing continuity with the other building in the center. The applicant responded back to G.11 • DRC ACTION AGENDA • DRC2009-00413 — SANTEC CONSULTING — COME RICA BANK December 1 , 2009 Page 2 the Committee that they had to discuss this with Comerica Bank because they have final approval on all the color choices with the site. The Committee members strongly recommended the applicant,stay with _ the approved color but agreed to review any revisions the applicant submits. • • • • • G-12 DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • December 1, 2009 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. s ctfully s r , Corkran W. Nicholson • • G-13 • RESOLUTION NO. 10-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA; APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2009-00413 FOR A 3,982 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL BANK WITH A DRIVE-THRU AT AN EXISTING MASTER-PLANNED PROJECT WITHIN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED AT 12035 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF —APN: 0229-023-05. A. Recitals. 1. Yvonne Buan with Stantec Consulting on behalf of Comerica Bank filed an application for the approval of Development Review DRC2009-00413, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 13th day of January 2010, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and concluded said meeting on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. • NOW;THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meeting on January 13, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located at 12035 Foothill Boulevard with a street frontage of 106 feet and lot depth of 273 feet and is presently improved with a parking lot and lighting; and b. The property to the north of the subject site across Foothill Boulevard is Victoria Promenade, the property to the south consists of a vacant lot, the property to the east is a nursery within the Edison Power Line Corridor, and the property to the west across Rochester Avenue is Masi Plaza; and c. The project, together with the recommended Conditions of Approval, complies with all minimum Development Standards for the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and d. The project incorporates a blend of architectural design and site planning that gives • character with compatibility through the use of like building materials and plant pallet. G-14 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-02 • DRC2009-00413 — STANTEC CONSULTING — COMERICA BANK January 13, 2010 Page 2 • 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan because it provides another use within the commercial center that creates a wide range of community-oriented and regionally-oriented businesses; and b. The proposed use is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located because the project is compatible with the existing center by providing a financial-bank use;an acceptable business use for this Commercial center;and c. The proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code because the project complies with established designed standards of the Development Code such as setback, landscaping of compatible building materials and design, • parking requirements; and d. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety,welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity because the project has been designed with the complete center in mind and will complement the rest of the center with complementary building materials. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the application,together with all written • and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental document is required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)in connection with the review and approval of this application based upon the following findings and determinations: a. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the City adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration on January 24, 2007, in connection with the City's approval of Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM17818. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project unless: (i) substantial changes are proposed to the project that indicate new or more severe impacts on the environment; (ii) substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the project was previously reviewed that indicates new or more severe environmental impacts; or(iii)new important information shows the project will have new or more severe impacts than previously considered;or(iv)additional mitigation measures are now feasible to reduce impacts or different mitigation measures can be imposed to substantially reduce impacts. b. The Planning Commission finds, in connection with Design Review Application DRC2009-00413, that substantial change to the project or the circumstances surrounding the project have not occurred, which would create new or more severe impacts than those evaluated in the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. The original submittal considered impacts associated with a commercial bank with a drive-thru and the current proposal is for that type of use. The current footprint for this commercial bank is smaller than the previously analyzed footprint of 4,500 square feet. Staff further finds that the project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in • the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration, not have more severe effects than previously analyzed, and that additional or different mitigation measures are not required to reduce the impacts of the G-15 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-02 DRC2009-00413— STANTEC CONSULTING — COMERICA BANK January 13, 2010 Page 3 • project to a level of less-than-significant. The original analysis took into consideration a larger bank and the new bank is smaller, thus creating less of an impact on the site. c. Based on these findings and all evidence in the record, the Planning Commission concurs with the staff's determination that no additional environmental review is required pursuant to CEQA in connection with the City's consideration of Design Review Application DRC2009-00413. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1,2, 3,and 4 above,this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. . Planning Department 1) Approval is for the construction of a 3,982 square foot retail bank within an existing retail center, located at 12035 Foothill Boulevard. • 2) No exterior changes to the design of the project, including exterior materials, shall be permitted without prior City review and approval. 3) All applicable Conditions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map SUBTPM17818 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2005-01084 shall apply. • 4) Any stone veneers used on the project(e.g., buildings, perimeter walls, pilasters, etc.), shall be installed in a manner that does not give the appearance of a tack-on-element. All stone veneers shall be applied and/or extended so that the material terminates at an appropriate point on the structure. Engineering Department 1) Prior to the issuance of building permits, a Diversion Deposit and related administrative fees shall be paid for the Construction and Demolition Diversion Program. The deposit is fully refundable if at least 50 percent of all wastes generated during construction and demolition are diverted from landfills, and appropriate documentation is provided to the City. Form CD-1 shall be submitted to the Engineering Department when the first building permit application is submitted to the_Building and Safety Department. Form CD 72 shall be subrriitted to the Engineering Department within 60 days following the completion of the construction and/or demolition'project. 2) The following impact fees shall be.paid upon issuance of building permit, in conformance with the CFD 2003-01 financing agreement. Fees are subject to change annually. a. Transportation Fees, excluding $ 5,585.00 per 1000 sf • Backbone and EV Preemption Less 70.7 percent b. General City Drainage Fees Exempt G-16 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-02 - DRC2009-00413— STANTEC CONSULTING — COMERICA BANK January 13, 2010 Page 4 • Grading 1) If more than 5,000 square feet of combined asphalt concrete and PCC parking and driveway surface area are removed, a Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP)will be required for this project. Contact the Building and Safety Department for additional direction/information. 2) This project is part of a larger development. The applicant shall submit a copy of the approved Water Quality Management Plan for review with the Grading and Drainage Plans prior to issuance of a grading permit. 3) A poftion of the existing fire service water main is in conflict with the proposed retaining wall. A plan shall be submitted to Fire Construction Services in Building and Safety showing how the existing fire service water main shall be relocated to the satisfaction of the Fire Official prior to issuance of a grading permit. This relocation plan shall be approved by Fire Construction Services prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 4) The applicant shall comply with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Dust Control Measures and place a dust control sign on the project site prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 5) A drainage study showing a 100-year,AMC 3 design storm event for on- • site drainage shall be prepared and submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review and approval for on-site storm water drainage prior to issuance of a grading permit. All reports shall be wet signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record. In-lieu of this requirement a copy of the approved drainage study for the overall project may be submitted as reference. 6) The Final Grading and Drainage Plan shall show the accessibility path from the public right-of-way and the accessibility parking stalls to the building doors in conformance with the current adopted California Building Code. All accessibility ramps shall show sufficient detail including gradients, elevations and dimensions, and comply with the current adopted California Building Code. 7)- The Grading and Drainage Plan shall Implement City Standards for on-site construction where possible, and provide details for all work not • covered by City Standard Drawings. 8) All slopes shall be a minimum 2-foot offset from the public right-of-way or adjacent private property. 9) Private sewer,water and storm drain improvements will be designed per the current adopted California Plumbing Code. 10) The maximum parking stall gradient is 5 percent. Accessibility parking • stall grades shall be constructed per the current adopted California Building Code. G-17 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-02 DRC2009-00413 — STANTEC CONSULTING — COMERICA BANK January 13, 2010 • Page 5 11) Roof storm water is not permitted to flow over the public parkway and shall be directed to an under parkway culvert per City of Rancho Cucamonga requirements prior to issuance of a grading permit. 12) The final Grading and Drainage Plan shall show existing topography a minimum of 100-feet beyond project boundary. 13) The applicant shall provide a grading agreement and grading bond for all cut and fill combined exceeding 5,000 cubic yards prior to issuance of a grading permit. The grading agreement and bond shall be approved by the Building and Safety Official. 14) The precise Grading and Drainage Plan shall follow the format provided in the City of Rancho Cucamonga handout "Information for Grading Plans and Permit." 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF JANUARY 2010. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • BY: Richard B. Fletcher, Chairman ATTEST: James R. Troyer, AICP, Secretary I, James R. Troyer, AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th day of January 2010, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: - NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: • G-18 of,„,„ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT re sag r . DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT#: DRC2009-00413 SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICANT: STANTEC CONSULTING — COMERICA BANK LOCATION: 12035 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, •(909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: iiiGeneral Requirements Completion Date 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its _/_/_ agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval No. DRC2009-00413, / /_ Standard Conditions, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans(full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 3. The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The / /_ project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Director hearing: a) Notice of Exemption - $50 X • SC-12-08 1 I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00413 Std Cond 1-13.doc Gi 9 Project No.DRC2009-00413 Completion Date B. Time Limits 1. Conditional Use Permit,Variance, or DevelopmenUDesign Review approval shall expire if buildin• _/_/_• permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date o approval. No extensions are allowed. C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which includ_ _/_/_ site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping,sign program, an• grading on file in the Planning Department,the conditions contained herein,and the Developmen Code regulations. 2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions o / /_ Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 3. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code an• / /_ State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall b_ submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safet Department to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior t• occupancy. 4. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated fo _/_/_ consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment building, etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approve• use has commenced, whichever comes first. 5. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code,al _/_/_ other applicable City Ordinances,and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the tim o •of building permit issuance. ' • 6. A detailed on-site lighting plan, including a photometric diagram, shall be reviewed and approve. _/_/_ by the Planning Director and Police Department (477-2800) prior to the issuance of buildin• permits. Such plan shall indicate style, illumination,location, height,and method of shielding so a not to adversely affect adjacent properties. 7. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc.,'shall ba / /_ located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concreto or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Fo single-family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults. 8. All building numbers and individual units shall be identified in a clear and concise manner / /_ including proper illumination. D. Shopping Centers 1. Graffiti shall be removed within 72 hours. _/_/_ 2. The entire site shall be kept free from trash and debris at all times and in no event shall trash an. / /_ debris remain for more than 24 hours. • 3. All operations and businesses shall be conducted to comply with the following standards whic shall be incorporated into the lease agreements for all tenants: • 2 • I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00413 Std Cond 1-13.doc 0-20 • Project No. DRC2009-00413 Completion Date a. Noise Level - All commercial activities shall not create any noise that would exceed an / /_ exterior noise level of 60 dB during the hours of 10 p.m. until 7 a.m. and 65 dB during the • hours of 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. b. Loading and Unloading-No person shall cause the loading, unloading,opening,closing, or / /_ other handling of boxes, crates, containers, building materials, garbage cans, or other similar objects between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. unless otherwise specified herein, in a manner which would cause a noise disturbance to a residential area. 4. The lighting fixture design shall compliment the architectural program. It shall include the plaza _/_/_ area lighting fixtures, building lighting fixtures (exterior), and parking lot lighting fixtures. E. Building Design 1. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or _/_/_ projections shall be screened from all sides and the sound shall be buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Department. Such screening shall be architecturally integrated with the building design and constructed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Any roof-mounted mechanical equipment and/or ductwork, that projects vertically more than 18 inches above the roof or roof parapet, shall be screened by an architecturally designed enclosure which exhibits a permanent nature with the building design and is detailed consistent with the building. Any roof-mounted mechanical equipment and/or ductwork, that projects vertically less than 18 inches above the roof or roof parapet shall be painted consistent with the color scheme of the building. Details shall be included in building plans. F. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) • 1. All parking spaces shall be 9 feet wide by 18 feet long. When a side of any parking space abuts _/_/_ a building, wall, support column, or other obstruction, the space shall be a minimum of 11 feet wide. 2. All parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles, entrances, _/_/_ and exits shall be striped per City standards. G. Landscaping 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan, including slope planting and model home landscaping in _/_/_ the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. 2. A minimum of 20% of trees planted within industrial projects, and a minimum of 30% within _/_/_ commercial and office projects, shall be specimen size trees - 24-inch box or larger. 3. Within parking lots, trees shall bei planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three parking _/_/_ stalls. • 4. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and along structures at a rate of one / /_ tree per 30 linear feet of building. • 5. All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 511 or greater slope, but less than 2:1 _/_/_ slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. • 3 I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00413 Std Cond 1-13.doc G-21 Project No. DRC2009-00413 Completion Date 6. All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 or greater _/_/_ slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 sq.ft.of slope area, 1-gallon or larger size • shrub per each 100 sq.ft.of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in excess'of 8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or larger size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. • 7. Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on the _/_/_ perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maintained by the developer. H. Signs 1. The signs indicated on the submitted plans are conceptual only and not a part of this approval. / /_ Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Department prior to installation of any signs. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT, (909)477-2710, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE'FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: NOTE: ANY REVISIONS MAY VOID THESE REQUIREMENTS AND NECESSITATE ADDITIONAL REVIEW(S) I. General Requirements 1. Submit five complete sets of plans including the following: _/ /_ a. Site/Plot Plan; b. Foundation Plan; • c. Floor Plan; d. Ceiling and Roof Framing Plan; e. Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the size of the main switch, number and size of service entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams; f. Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams,water and waste diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air conditioning; and g. Planning Department Project Number (i.e., DRC2009-00413) clearly identified on the outside of all plans. 2. Submit two sets of structural calculations, energy conservation calculations, and a soils report. / /_ Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are required prior to plan check submittal. 3. Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers'Compensation coverage to / /_ the City prior to permit issuance. 4. Separate permits are required for fencing and/or walls. _/ /_ 5. Business shall not open for operation prior to posting the Certificate of Occupancy issued by the / / Building and Safety Department. 4 • I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00413 Std Cond 1-13.doc G-22 Project No. DRC2009-00413 Completion Date J. Site Development • • 1. Plans shall be submitted for plan check and approved prior to construction. All plans shall be /_/_ marked with the project file number(i.e., DRC2009-00413). The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted California Codes, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of permit application. Contact the Building and Safety Department for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new commercial or industrial development project or _/_/_ major addition,the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include but are not limited to: City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Transportation Development Fee, Permit and Plan Check Fees,Construction and Demolition Diversion Program deposit and fees and School Fees. Applicant shall provide a copy of the school fees receipt to the Building and Safety Department prior to permits issuance. 3. Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. Monday _/_/_ through Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays. 4. Construct trash enclosure(s) per City Standard (available at the Planning Department's public /_/_ counter). . K. New Structures 1. Provide compliance with the California Building Code (CBC) for property line clearances / /_ considering use, area, and fire-resistiveness. . 2. Provide compliance with the California Building Code for required occupancy separations. _/_/_ 3. Provide draft stops in attics in line with common walls. _/_/_ • 4. Exterior walls shall be constructed of the required fire rating in accordance with CBC Table 5-A / /_ 5. Openings in exterior walls shall be protected in accordance with CBC Table 5-A. / /_ L. Existing Structures 1. Upon tenant improvement plan check submittal, additional requirements may be required. /_/_ M. Grading 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with California Building Code,City Grading / /_ Standards, and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to / /_ . :perform such work: . - 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the / /_ time of application for grading plan check. • 4. The final grading plan, appropriate certifications and compaction reports shall be completed, / /_ submitted, and approved by the Building and Safety Official prior to the issuance of building permits. • 5 I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00413 Std Cond 1-13.doc G-23 • Project No. DRC2009-00413 Completion Date 5. A separate grading plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for _/_/_ existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The grading plan shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a California • registered Civil Engineer. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2800, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: N. Security Lighting 1. All parking, common, and storage areas shall have minimum maintained 1-foot candle power. / /_ These areas should be lighted from sunset to sunrise and on photo sensored cell. 2. All buildings shall have minimal security lighting to eliminate dark areas around the buildings,with / /_ direct lighting to be provided by all entryways. Lighting shall be consistent around the entire development. 3. Lighting in exterior areas shall be in vandal-resistant fixtures. / /_ O. Windows 1. Storefront windows shall be visible to passing pedestrians and traffic. _/_/_ APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE FIRE SAFETY DEPARTMENT, FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING SERVICES AT, (909) 477-2770, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: SEE ATTACHED • 6 • I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2009-00413 Std Cond 1-13.doc G-24 • Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District ti �yr:4 . � ,.. _ Fire Construction Services • • • "FIRE.• STANDARD CONDITIONS October 15, 2009 Comerica Bank CUP 12035 Foothill Blvd. DRC2009-00413 THE FOLLOWING STANDARD CONDITIONS APPLY TO THIS PROJECT The RCFPD Procedures & Standards which are referenced in this document can be access on the web at http://www.ci.rancho-cucamonga.ca.us/fire/index.htm under the Fire Safety Division & Fire Construction Services section. Search by article; the preceding number of the standard refers to the article. Chose the appropriate article number then a drop down menu will appear, select the corresponding standard. FSC-1 Public and Private Water Supply 1. Design guidelines for Fire Hydrants: The following provides design guidelines for the spacing and location of fire hydrants: • a. The maximum distance between fire hydrants in commercial/industrial projects is 300-feet. No portion of the exterior wall shall be located more than 150-feet from an approved fire hydrant. For cul-de-sacs, the distance shall not exceed 100-feet. b. The preferred locations for fire hydrants are: 1. At the entrance(s) to a commercial, industrial or residential project from the public roadways. 2. At intersections. 3. On the right side of the street, whenever practical and possible. 4. As required by the Fire Safety Division to meet operational needs of the Fire District. 5. A minimum of forty-feet (40') from any building. c. If any portion of a facility or building is located more than 150-feet from a public fire hydrant measured on an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, additional private or public fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow shall be provided. d. Provide one fire hydrant for each 1000 gpm of required fire flow or fraction thereof •. • • . • FSC-2 Fire Flow" 1. The required minimum fire flow for this project, when automatic fire sprinklers are installed can be reduced by 50-percent. This requirement is made in accordance with the California Fire Code Appendix, as adopted by the Fire District Ordinances. 3. Public fire hydrants located within a 500-foot radius of the proposed project may be used to provide the required fire flow subject to Fire District review and approval. Private fire hydrants on adjacent property shall not be used to provide requited fire flow. • 4. Fire protection water plans are required for all projects that must extend the existing water supply to • or onto the site. Building permits will not be issued until fire protection water plans are approved. 5. On all site plans to be submitted for review, show all fire hydrants located within 600-feet of the proposed project site. G-25 FSC-3 Prerequisite for submittal of Overhead Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems 1. Prior to submitting plans for an overhead automatic fire sprinkler system, the applicant shall submit plans, specifications and calculations for the fire sprinkler system underground supply piping. • Approval of the underground supply piping system must be obtained prior to submitting the overhead fire sprinkler system plans. FSC-4 Requirements for Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems The installation of egress control devices will require the installation of automatic fire sprinklers. FSC-5 Fire Alarm System & Sprinkler Monitoring The installation of egress control devices will require the installation of complete Smoke Detection Fire Alarm • . FSC-6 Fire District Site Access Fire District access roadways include public roads, streets and highways, as well as private roads, streets drive aisles and/or designated fire lanes. Please refeience the RCFPD Fire Department Access Roadways Standard. I. Location of Access: All portions of the structures 1s` story exterior wall shall be located within 150- feet of Fire District vehicle access, measure on an approved route around the exterior of the building. Landscaped areas, unpaved changes in elevation, gates and fences are deemed obstructions. 2. Specifications for private Fire District access roadways per the RCFPD Standards are: a. The minimum unobstructed width is 26-feet. b. The maximum inside turn radius shall be 24-feet. c. The minimum outside turn radius shall be 50-feet. • d. The minimum radius for cul-de-sacs is 45-feet. • • e. The minimum vertical clearance is 14-feet, 6-inches. f At any private entry median, the minimum width of traffic lanes shall be 20-feet on each side. g. The angle of departure and approach shall not exceed 9-degrees or 20 percent. h. The maximum grade of the driving surface shall not exceed 12%. • i. Support a minimum load of 70,000 pounds gross vehicle weight (GVW). j. Trees and shrubs planted adjacent to the fire lane shall be kept trimmed to a minimum of 14-feet, 6-inches from the ground up. Vegetation shall not be allowed to obstruct Fire Department apparatus. 3. Access Doorways: Approved doorways, accessible without the use of a ladder, shall be provided as follows: a. In buildings without high-piled storage, access shall be provided in accordance with the 2001 California Building Code, Fire and/or any other applicable standards. b. In buildings with high-piled storage access doors shall be provided in each 100' lineal feet or major fraction thereof, of the exterior wall that faces the required access roadways. When railways are installed provisions shall be made to maintain Fire District access to all required openings. 4. Access Walkways: Hardscaped access walkways shall be provided from the fire apparatus access road to all required building exterior openings. 5. CommerciaUlndustrial Gates: Any gate installed across a Fire Department access road shall be in accordance with Fire District Standard. The following design requirements apply: a. Prior to the fabrication and installation of the gates, plans are required to be submitted to Fire Construction Services (FCS) for approval. Upon the completion of the installation and before • placing the gates in service, inspection and final acceptance must be requested from FCS. b. Gates must slide open horizontally or swing inward. c. Gates may be motorized or manual. G-26 2 • d. When fully open, the minimum clearance dimension of drive access shall be 20 feet. e. Manual gates must be equipped with a RCFPD lock. The lock must be purchased at the Fire Administration Office. • f .Motorized gates must open at the rate of one-foot per second. g. The motorized gate actuation mechanism must be equipped with a manual override device and a fail-safe or battery backup feature to open the gate or release the locking Mechanism in case of power failure or mechanical malfunction. h. Motorized gates shall be equipped with a Knox override key switch. The switch must be installed outside the gate in a visible and unobstructed location. i. For motorized gates, a traffic loop device must be installed to allow exiting from the complex. j. If traffic pre-emption devices (TPD) are to be installed, the device, location and operation must be approved by the Fire Chief prior to installation. Bi-directional or multiple sensors may be required due to complexity of the various entry configurations. 7. Fire Lane Identification: Red curbing and/or signage shall identify the fire lanes. A site plan illustrating the proposed delineation that meets the minimum Fire District standards shall be included in the architectural plans submitted to B&S for approval. 8. Approved Fire Department Access: Any approved mitigation measures must be clearly noted on the site plan. A copy of the approved Alternative Method application, if applicable, must be reproduced on the architectural plans submitted to B&S for plan review. 6. Roof Access: There shall be a means of fire department access from the exterior walls of the buildings on to the roofs of all commercial, industrial and multi-family residential structures with roofs less than 75' above the level of the fire access road. a. This access must be reachable by either fire department ground ladders or by an aerial ladder. b. A minimum of one ladder point with a fixed ladder shall be provided in buildings with construction features, or high parapets that inhibit roof access. • c. The number of ladder points may be required to be increased, depending on the building size and configuration. d. Regardless of the parapet height or construction features the approved ladder point shall be identified in accordance to the roof access standard. e. Where the entire roof access is restricted by high parapet walls or other obstructions, a permanently mounted access ladder is required. f Multiple access ladders may be required for larger buildings. g. Ladder construction must be in accordance with the RCFPD Roof Access Standard Appendix A. h. A site plan showing the locations of the roof ladder shall be submitted during plan check. i. Ladder points shall face a fire access roadway(s). FSC-10 Occupancy and Hazard Control Permits Listed are those Fire Code permits commonly associated with the business operations and/or building construction. Plan check submittal is required with the permit application for-approval of the permit; field inspection is required prior to permit issuance. General Use Permit shall be required for any activity or operation not specifically described below, which in the judgment of the Fire Chief is likely to produce conditions that may be hazardous to life or property. • Tents, Canopies and/or Air Supported Structures • Egress control devices. FSC-12 Hazardous Materials - Submittal to Fire Construction Services Plans shall be submitted and approved prior to construction of buildings and/or the installation of • equipment designed to store, use or dispense hazardous materials in accordance with the 2007 California Building, Fire, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical Codes, RCFPD Ordinances FD46and other implemented and/or adopted standards. • FSC-13 Alternate Method Application G-27 3 Fire Construction Services staff and the Fire Marshal will review all requests for alternate method, when submitted. The request must be submitted on the Fire District "Application for Alternate Method" form . along with supporting documents and payment of the $92 review fee. FCS-14 Map Recordation • 1. RECIPROCAL AGREEMENTS for Fire Department Emergency Access and Water Supply are required on this project. The project appears to be located on a property that is being subdivided. The reciprocal agreement is required to be recorded between property owners and the Fire District. The recorded agreement shall include a copy of the site plan. The Fire Construction Services shall approve the agreement, prior to recordation. The agreement shall be recorded with the County of San Bernardino, Recorders Office. Reciprocal access agreement — Please provide a permanent access agreement between the owners granting irrevocable and a non-exclusive easement, favoring the Fire District to gain access to the subject property. The agreement shall include a statement that no obstruction, gate, fence, building or other structure shall be placed within the dedicated access, without Fire Department approval. The agreement shall have provisions for emergency situations and the assessing of cost recovery to the property by the fire District. Reciprocal water covenant — Please provide a permanent maintenance and service covenant between the owners granting an irrevocable and non-exclusive easement, favoring the Fire District for the purpose of accessing and maintaining the private water mains, valves and fire hydrants (fire protection systems facilities in general). The covenant shall have provisions for emergency situations and the assessing of cost recovery to the property by the fire District. FCS-15 Annexation of the parcel map: Annexation of the parcel map into the Community Facilities District #85-1 or#88-1 is required prior to the issuance of grading or building permits. • Chronological Summary of RCFPD Standard Conditions PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS — Please complete the following prior to the issuance of any building permits: 1. Private Water Supply (Fire) Systems: The applicant shall submit construction plans, specifications, flow test data and calculations for the private water main system for review and approval by the Fire District. Plans and installation shall comply with Fire District Standards. Approval of the on-site (private) fire underground and water plans is required prior to any building permit issuance for any structure on the site. Private on-site combination domestic and fire supply system must be designed in accordance with RCFPD Standards. The Building & Safety Division and Fire Construction Services will perform plan checks and inspections. All private on-site fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed and operable prior to delivering any combustible framing materials to the site. Fire construction Services will inspect the installation, witness hydrant flushing and grant a clearance before lumber is dropped. 2. Public Water Supply (Domestic/Fire) Systems: The applicant shall submit a plan showing the locations of all new public fire hydrants for the review and approval by the Fire District and CCWD. On the plan, show all existing fire hydrants within a 600-foot radius of the project. Please reference the RCFPD Water Plan Submittal Procedure Standard. All required public fire hydrants shall be installed, flushed and operable prior to delivering any combustible framing materials to the site. CCWD personnel shall inspect the installation and witness • the hydrant flushing. Fire Construction Services shall inspect the site after acceptance of the public water system by CCWD. Fire Construction Services must grant a clearance before lumber is dropped. • G-28 4 3. Construction Access: The access roads must be paved in accordance with all the requirements of the RCFPD Fire Lane Standard. All temporary utilities over access roads must be installed at least 14' 6" above the finished surface of the road. • 4. Fire Flow: A current fire flow letter from CCWD must be received. The applicant is responsible for obtaining the fire flow information from CCWD and submitting the letter to Fire Construction Services. 5. Easements and Reciprocal Agreements: All easements and agreements must be recorded with the County of San Bernardino. PRIOR TO THE RELEASE OF TEMPORARY POWER The building construction must be substantially completed in accordance with Fire Construction Services' "Temporary Power Release Checklist and Procedures". PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY OR FINAL INSPECTION— Please complete the following: 1. Hydrant Markers: All fire hydrants shall have a blue reflective pavement marker indicating the fire hydrant location on the street or driveway in accordance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Standard Plan 134, "Installation of Reflective Hydrant Markers". On private property, the markers shall be installed at the centerline of the fire access road, at each hydrant location. 2. Private Fire Hydrants: For the purpose of final acceptance, a licensed sprinkler contractor, in the presence of Fire Construction Services, shall conduct a test of the most hydraulically remote on-site fire hydrants. The underground fire line contractor, developer and/or owner are responsible for hiring the company to perform the test. A final test report shall be submitted to Fire Construction Services verifying the fire flow available. The fire flow available must meet or exceed the required fire flow in accordance with the California Fire Code. 3. Fire Sprinkler System: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fire sprinkler • system(s) shall be tested and accepted by Fire Construction Services. 4. Fire Sprinkler Monitoring: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fire sprinkler monitoring system must be tested and accepted by Fire Construction Services. The fire sprinkler monitoring system shall be installed, tested and operational immediately following the completion of the fire sprinkler system (subject to the release of power). 5. Fire Suppression Systems and/or other special hazard protection systems shall be inspected, tested and accepted by Fire Construction Services before occupancy is granted and/or equipment is placed in service. 6. Fire Alarm System: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the fire alarm system shall be installed, inspected, tested and accepted by Fire Construction Services. 7. Access Control Gates: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, vehicular gates must be inspected, tested and accepted in accordance with RCFPD Standards by Fire Construction Services. 8. Fire Access Roadways: Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy, the fire access roadways must be installed in accordance with the approved plans and acceptable to Fire Construction Services.:The CC&R's, the reciprocal agreement and/or other approved documents shall be recorded and contain an approved fire access roadway map with provisions that prohibit parking, specify the method of enforcement and identifies who is responsible for the required annual inspections and the maintenance of all required fire access roadways. 9. Address: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, commercial/industrial and multi- family buildings shall post the address in accordance to the appropriate RCFPD addressing Standard. 10. Hazardous Materials: The applicant must obtain inspection and acceptance by Fire Construction Services. 11. Confidential Business Occupancy Information: The applicant shall complete the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District "Confidential Business Occupancy Information" form. This form provides G29 5 contact information for Fire District use in the event of an emergency at the subject building or property. This form must be presented to the Fire Construction Services Inspector. 12. Mapping Site Plan: Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, a 8 '/z" x 11" or 11" x 17" site plan of the site in accordance with RCFPD Standard shall be revised by the applicant to reflect • the actual location of all devices and building features as required in the standard. The site plan must be reviewed and accepted by the Fire Inspector. • • G-30 6 • STAFF REPORT YY • PLANNING DEPARTMENT I RANCHO Date: January 13, 2010 CUCAMONGA To: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission From: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director • By: Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary Subject: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BACKGROUND: December 31, 2009 marked the official retirement of Commissioner Stewart. Tentatively, a new Commissioner will be selected by the City Council near the end of January. Commissioner Stewart served as a long standing member of the Design Review Committee (DRC) along with Commissioner Munoz. Commissioner Wimberly has been serving as Alternate and regularly attends the DRC meetings to observe and participate when a standing member is absent. Additionally, Commissioner Stewart served as an Alternate on the Trails Advisory Committee. Although the Trails Advisory Committee does not have a current vacancy other than the Alternate • position previously held by Commissioner Stewart, the Commission could also discuss the current Planning Commission membership of the Trails Advisory Committee. The current Commission has the option to change its membership or revisit those positions before or after the new Commissioner is installed. RECOMMENDATION: In light of the current vacancy on the Commission, staff suggests the Commission discuss, and if they feel it appropriate, officially appoint a replacement for Commissioner Stewart's post on the Design Review Committee as well as consider an Alternate. Staff also recommends the Commission discuss the Trails Advisory Committee membership, consider their options and the current membership, and if they feel it appropriate, select a new Alternate. In either case of both committees, the Commission could make their membership selections now or choose to revisit the selection and membership until after the new Commissioner is appointed. • Respectfully submitted, • tiG 4-) ' J es R. Troyer, AICP Planning Director JRT/LS • Item H /=/ 3 -70 Planning Commission Meeting of RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN-UP SHEET Please print your name, address, and city and indicate the item you have spoken regarding. Thank you. NAME ADDRESS CITY ITEM e--74/ 2. Pit- v /4---et cf 3. 7//0/1/4/-e- 46/ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.