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2010/05/26 - Agenda Packet - Planning Commission
f Cfra THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA *Syr PLANNING COMMISSION L� J AGENDA RANCHO CUCAMONGA MAY 26, -2010 - 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California L CALL To ORDER Roll Call Chairman Fletcher Vice Chairman Munoz Oaxaca_ Howdyshell _ Wimberly _ • II. ANNOUNCEMENTS IIII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2010 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice their opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in after speaking. A. NON-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152- CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A request to operate a heavy equipment sales and rental business that will sell and lease trailers for heavy trucks on a partially developed property of approximately 4.2-acres in the General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 14), located at 9366 Santa Anita Avenue - APN: 0229-321-11. This project is categorically exempt per Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act and the City CEQA Guidelines. Continued from the May 12, 2010 meeting. • 1 of 4 f Ja • PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Lh ' MAY 26, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMMONGA B. REVIEW OF NON-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP99-43R - THE BEER MUG - A review of the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or modification of the approved Conditional Use Permit. Located within the Regional Related Commercial District, Subarea 4 of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, in the Foothill Marketplace at 12809 Foothill Boulevard, Suite C1-C4 -APN: 0229-031-33. CONTINUANCE REQUESTED. V. PUBLIC COMMENTS This is the time and place for the general public to address the commission. Items to be discussed here are those that do not already appear on this agenda. • / VI. COMMISSION BUSINESS/COMMENTS VII. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. I, Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on May 20, 2010, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. • 2 of 4 1 is, PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA LS MAY 26, 2010 RANCHO • CUCAMONGA ® If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position,you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the • Planning Commission, please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and speak into the microphone. After speaking, please sign in on the clipboard located next to the speaker's podium. It is important to list your name, address and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments are generally limited to 5 minutes per individual. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under"Public Comments." There is opportunity to speak under this section prior to the end of the agenda. Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. The deadline for submitting these items is 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, one week prior to the meeting. The Planning Commission Secretary receives all such items. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are on file in the offices of the Planning Department, City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. These documents are available for public inspections during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for legal City holidays. APPEALS Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any • 3of4 �ti PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA S MAY 26, 2010 RANCHO CUCA-MONGA appeal filed must be directed to the City Clerk's Office and must be accompanied by a fee of$2,124 for maps and $2,231 for all other decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. Copies of the Planning Commission agendas and minutes can be found at http://www.ci.rancho-cucamonoa.ca.us • • 4 of 4 • Vicinity Map Planning Commission Meeting May 26 , 2010 Ii i r..i i i 1 " c C D C i I n d E a o 1 ! i m d - o W = I " v, T r I 1 x I c a�'i 1 1 i .i IS t Y ��� st __ _.__ �iIIIIip,.--._ ___ _ _.._ �mir 19th St j Alli 1 Base Liner' " Base Line Or Chrch i � . C hurch Foothill r ■I`���r ,■ Foothill Arrow �e■■�'�, aA !Arrow c_ 1 8th > E i m1 6th .. 6th B N 4th 2 xf�t, 4th A IV A • * Meeting Location: City Hall 10500 Civic Center Drive STAFF REPORT s S ir • PLANNING DEPARTMENT L RANCHO • CUCAMONGA DATE: May 26, 2010 TO: Chairman and Memberiofthe'Planning Commission FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Mike Smith, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE.PERMIT (NON-CONSTRUCTION) DRC2010-00152 - CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A request to operate a heavy equipment sales and rental business that will sell and lease trailers for heavy trucks on a partially developed property of approximately 4.35 acres in the General Industrial (GI) District, (Subarea 14), located at 9366 Santa Anita Avenue - APN: 0229-321-11. This project is categorically exempt per Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act and the City CEQA Guidelines. BACKGROUND: This Conditional Use Permit application was previously reviewed by the Planning Commission on May 12, 2010 (Exhibit A). At that time, the Commission received written and oral testimony from the Planning staff, the applicant, and the property owner. The project could not be acted upon because the number and scope of the site improvements that the applicant would be • required to complete was extensive and required resolution. The Commission continued the public hearing and remanded the application back to Planning staff with the directive that staff work with the applicant and the property owner on establishing Conditions of Approval for site improvements that would be mutually acceptable. ANALYSIS: A. Resolved Site Improvements: The Planning Department previously identified in the Staff Report for the May 12, 2010, Planning Commission meeting deficiencies in the site improvements that are required to be addressed in order to comply with current development standards. As directed by the Planning Commission, the deficiencies were discussed with the applicant during a meeting held on May 13, 2010, and staff and the applicant were able to reach resolution on the following five issues. A brief summary of each issue and the corresponding resolution is outlined below: 1. Install landscape planters along the sides of parking stalls containing a minimum of 90 square feet with a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet (including a 6-inch concrete curb). Landscape planters along the perimeter of the project site shall have a minimum dimension of 5 feet and include 6-inch pavers adjacent to the side of parking stalls per Section 17.12.030(E)(2)(a), (c), and (d) of the Development Code. Outcome: The property owner agreed to install landscape planters with irrigation in the parking area that will be used by employees and visitors. These planters will be installed at the south and west ends of the row of parking stalls located at the east and north • sides of the property, respectively. An additional planter will be installed in the "square" area where the two rows of parking stalls are adjacent to each other near the northeast corner of the parking lot. Item A • PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152—CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 26, 2010 • Page 2 2. A bike rack adequate for a minimum of three bikes per Section 17.12.040(C)(2) of the Development Code. Outcome: The applicant/property owner proposed and staff has agreed to having a storage area for bikes within the existing building in lieu of installing a bike rack at the outside of the building. 3. New light standards in the parking lot, not to exceed 25 feet or the height of the shortest on-site building, providing a minimum 1-foot candle of illumination across the surface of the entire parking area per Section 17.30.040(A)(4) of the Development Code. Outcome: The applicant/property owner agreed to install 25-foot light poles along the perimeter of the parking area that will be used by employees and visitors. A photometric study will be submitted. Staff agreed that the rest of the site was sufficiently illuminated by existing pole- and wall-mounted lights. . 4. A new trash enclosure designed per the City standard for industrial projects. Outcome: The applicant/property owner proposed and staff has agreed to having a storage area for trash bins within the existing building in lieu of constructing a new trash enclosure. The trash bins would be rolled out of the building when necessary to allow the trash disposal company to empty the bins. The non-conforming trash enclosure that was present during staff's site inspection on March 16, 2010, has already been removed. • 5. Stucco finish on both sides of the existing perimeter wall along the east side of the project site. • Outcome: The applicant/property owner agreed to finish the side of the wall facing the street with stucco. Staff agreed that the interior side of the wall does not need to be refinished. B. Unresolved Site Improvements: The only outstanding issue that Planning staff and the applicant were not able to reach resolution is on the pavement material for the truck trailer storage areas. The existing compacted gravel surface, where the trailers will be parked/stored (an area of approximately 3 acres), does not sufficiently address the paving • requirements for vehicle parking, nor are the landscape planters separated from maneuvering and parking areas by a 6-inch raised concrete curb or equivalent as required. ANALYSIS: • Despite an extensive discussion on May 13, 2010, Planning staff and the applicant/property owner were unable to agree on the appropriate paving material. The property owner has indicated that paving these areas with asphalt will be cost prohibitive, and that his long-term plan is to develop the site with a 72,000 square foot industrial building. The property owner has emphasized that any improvements, such as asphalt paving, will be provided at that time. The property owner has submitted a conceptual site plan illustrating a potential development proposal (Exhibit B). • During the Planning Commission public hearing on May 12, 2010, the applicant identified two locations where compacted gravel is in use and noted that if it was acceptable at those A-2 • • PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152 – CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES • May 26, 2010 Page 3 locations, then it should be acceptable at the project site. Staff researched the two sites - identified. One of the sites is located at 12405 6th Street on the property owned by Southern California Edison (SCE). The authority of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) preempts that of the local jurisdiction per Section XIV of General Order No. 131-D (Exhibit C). -- The opportunity for review by the City was a "courtesy" and, as such, the City ultimately • — cannot regulate "electric power line projects, distribution lines, substations, or electric facilities" subject to the CPUC's jurisdiction. The proposed project was for the storage of materials, vehicles, and equipment in conjunction with the SCE Tehachapi Renewable Transmission project (Minor Development Review DRC2010-00225). The Planning Director approved the • request on April 15, 2010 for a temporary period ending on September 1, 2012 (Exhibit D). The second site is the City Yard located generally west of Hellman Avenue and south of 9th Street. Presently, the portion of the site that is unpaved is also used for the storage of materials, vehicles, and equipment. Currently, there is an application under review for an administration building and hazardous household waste center (Development Review DRC2009-00882) to be constructed on the site. Included in this application are improvements such as a new parking lot and paved areas for materials, vehicles, and equipment. This application will require review and action by the Planning Commission. Staff requests that the Planning Commission consider one of the following options as a condition of approval in regards to site pavement for the proposed heavy equipment sales and • rental business. Whichever option is selected by the Planning Commission will be incorporated into the Resolution of Approval as Condition of Approval: a. Pave with asphalt the areas of the project site that are currently compacted gravel and construct along the entire perimeter of the asphalt paved areas a 6-inch raised concrete curb to protect the landscaping; or b. Apply to the compacted gravel surface a chemical coating or binding agent that will minimize dust and not require a 6-inch raised concrete curb. The property owner requests that the Commission accept this option and allow the him to postpone the installation of the asphalt paving for 10 years or until the site is redeveloped with a new building (and associated site improvements) – whichever occurs first (Exhibit E). C. Standard Conditions and Project Specific Conditions: The following additional conditions of approval are included in the Resolution of Approval and are included below for reference. These conditions were accepted by the applicant and property owner per a written response (Exhibit F) submitted to the City during the public hearing held on May 12, 2010 (additional notes in italics): 1. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 2. The facility shall be operated in conformance with the performance standards as defined • in the Development Code including, but not limited to, noise levels. If the operation of the facility causes adverse effects upon the adjacent businesses or operations, then the Conditional Use Permit shall be brought before the Planning Commission for consideration and possible revocation of the Conditional Use Permit. A-3 • PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152 — CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 26, 2010 • Page 4 3. Any modification or intensification of the existing uses; any improvements including new building construction; and/or other modifications/intensification beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit shall require the review and - •approval by the Planning Commission prior to submittal of documents for plan check/occupancy, construction, commencement of the activity, and/or issuance of a business license. 4. The existing building shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. The property owner submitted a beige color swatch for staffs review on May 17, 2010; this color is acceptable. 5. The existing metal gate at the entrance to the site shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. The property owner submitted a beige color swatch for staff's review on May 17, 2010; this color is acceptable. The color of the stucco on the east perimeter wall will match. • 6. Per Section 17.30.040(A)(7)(c) of the Development Code, the use of bathed wire fencing or similar materials is prohibited in the General Industrial districts. Barbed wire placed along the top of the existing chain link fences located along the west, south, and north property lines shall be removed. The barbed wire that was present during staff's site inspection on March 16, 2010, has already been removed. This condition of approval, therefore, is no longer necessary. • 7. Per Section 17.30.40(E)(4)(a) and (c), trees are required to be planted at a rate of 1 tree per 30 linear feet of interior property line. Where there are trees missing along the project perimeter, i.e. gaps in the perimeter landscaping, new trees shall be planted to comply with this requirement. 8. The existing asphalt parking lot shall be resurfaced with a new coat of slurry to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. During a site inspection on March 16, 2010, staff observed that the existing parking lot has already been resurfaced satisfactorily. This condition of approval, therefore, is no longer necessary. 9. The existing trees shall be pruned to remove dead branches and excess foliage, and the existing groundcover along the perimeter and street frontage of the property shall be restored to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. A landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted for review and action by the City. The applicant/property owner accepts this condition with a modification excluding the need for a licensed landscape architect to prepare the plans. Staff accepts this request and will revise this condition accordingly. 10. Required landscaping shall be completed prior to release for occupancy. The property owner has already begun to address the deficiencies in the landscaping along the street frontage that were observed during staff's site inspection on March 16, 2010. 11. Outdoor storage of sales products, supplies, materials, and equipment other than the • storage of trailers is prohibited. The applicant/property owner accepts this condition with a modification to allow the outdoor storage of tractors. These tractors would be used to A-4 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152 — CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES • May 26, 2010 Page 5 move the trailers around the site. Staff accepts this request and will revise this condition accordingly. • 12. All signs shall comply with the City's Sign Ordinance. All signs shall require review and approval of a Sign Permit application-by the Planning Director prior to installation. There is already a monument sign along the street frontage that was used by the previous tenant. Any sign permits requested would be for a new sign 'face' and, if necessary, new wall signs on the building. Both will be subject to Planning Director review and approval. D. Environmental Assessment: The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies as a Class 1 exemption under State CEQA- Guidelines Section 15301 - Existing Facilities because the proposal only contemplates minor revisions to the parking lot area and minimal improvement to the existing . building with no expansion of any floor area of the building. No significant changes to the site are proposed. There is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was previously advertised as a public hearing specific to the . May 12, 2010, meeting in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and • notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site. Because this item was continued from the May 12, 2010, meeting, no additional advertising was required. No comments have been received since the prior hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff and the applicant have agreed to all outstanding issues with the exception of the selection of the paving material. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the two options and select the appropriate paving material. Whichever option is selected will be incorporated into the Resolution as a Condition of Approval. Following the selection of the paving material, staff recommends the approval of Conditional Use Permit DRC2010-00152 through adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with Conditions. Respectfully submitted, l Jam s R. Troyer, AICP Plann' g Director JRT:MS/ge Attachments: Exhibit A - Staff Report, dated May 12, 2010, Planning Commission) Exhibit B - Site Plan for the Potential Development of the Subject Property Exhibit C - Section XIV of General Order No. 131-D Exhibit D - Approval Letter for Minor Development Review DRC2010-00225 (excerpt) • Exhibit E - Correspondence from Darrell Butler, received May 19, 2010 Exhibit F Materials presented to the Commission from Charles Joseph Associates, received May 12, 2010 Draft Resolution of Approval for Conditional Use Permit DRC2010-00152 A-5 STAFF REPORT ` PLANNING DEPARTMENT �� �� • L RANCHO . CUCAMONGA • DATE: May 12, 2010 TO: . .•Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Mike Smith, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (NON-CONSTRUCTION) DRC2010-00152 - CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES - A request to operate a heavy equipment sales and rental business that will sell and lease trailers for heavy trucks on a partially developed property of approximately 4.35-acres in the General Industrial (GI) District, (Subarea 14), located at 9366 Santa Anita Avenue•- APN: 0229-321-11. This project is categorically exempt per Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act and the City CEQA Guidelines. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: Site - Formerly Trailer Sales and Leasing — General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 14) • North - Office Complex— General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 14) South - Manufacturing —General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 14) East - Wholesale, Storage, and Distribution — General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 14) West - San Bernardino County Flood Control Channel — General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 14) B. General Plan Designations: Site - General Industrial North - General Industrial South - General Industrial East - General Industrial West - Flood Control/Utility Corridor C. Site Characteristics: The subject property is a parcel located at the west side of Santa Anita Avenue with an area of about 184,300 square feet (4.35 acres). The overall dimensions of the site are 559 feet (east to west) by about 330 feet (north to south) (Exhibit D). To the west of the site is a flood control channel and beyond that a power transmission utility corridor. To the north is a multi-tenant office complex, to the east is a warehouse/storage/distribution building operated by Weber Distribution, and to the south is a manufacturing facility operated by Pacer Technology. The zoning of the property and all of the surrounding properties is General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 14). A single gated drive approach provides access to the site. The site is partially developed with a one story metal building of 6,920 square feet that was constructed around 1980-1981. • Approximately 1 acre of the site is paved with asphalt, while the remaining 3 acres of the site have a decomposed granite surface. Along the street frontage, there are mature trees EXHIBIT A A-6 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC201 0-001 52—CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 12, 2010 • Page 2 (including parkway trees), bushes, and ground cover. There is also landscaping comprised of grass and mature trees located along the east; north, and south perimeter of the site. A row of bushes within the interior of the site is also present. The site was previously used by a truck and trailer sales and leasing' business operated by Ryder Truck Rental that was in operation until about September 2008 (Exhibit F). ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant's client, Trailer Fleet, proposes to operate a trailer sales and leasing business. The trailers that will be sold/leased will range in sizes and types (Exhibit H). New building construction is not proposed, and the existing metal building will remain in-place with the majority of building improvements limited to the interior. There will be a small office in the building, while the remainder of the floor area will be a shop area for conducting trailer maintenance and minor repairs. No manufacturing or major assembly is proposed. The trailers will be stored on the portion of the property that is surfaced with decomposed granite. This area is large enough to store one hundred, eight (108) trailers. The asphalt-paved portion of the property will be used for employee and visitor parking. The office hours will be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through. Friday. The maintenance (light repairs and inspections) portion of the proposed business will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Shipping and receiving will be during operating hours. It is expected there will be a total of six (6) employees, with three of them office/administrative employees, while the other three will • be mechanics/maintenance technicians (Exhibit G). B. Floor/Area Analysis: Per Chapter III, Section, the maximum floor area ratio (FAR) in the General Industrial (GI) land use category is 60 percent. The net area of the project site is 184,300 square feet. The existing building coverage is 6,920 square feet. No expansion of this building or construction of any new buildings is proposed. Therefore, the floor area ratio for this site is 3.7 percent. C. Land Use Compatibility: The land use will be consistent with the site's development district. The sales and leasing of trailers, including their on-site storage, is consistent with the large truck-intensive land uses on the surrounding properties in the general area and the previous use of the site for generally the same purpose by Ryder Truck Rental. Any aesthetic impact as seen from the street to the east will be minimized by an existing 6-foot high screen wall and view-obscuring metal gate along the entire street frontage. The site is visually buffered from the surrounding properties to the north and south by existing windrows of mature Eucalyptus trees. There will not be any disturbance to any residences or similarly sensitive land uses as the nearest such uses or development districts that permit such uses are over one mile from the project site. D. Site Improvements: The Planning Department inspected the site and determined that there are deficiencies in the site improvements that are required to be addressed to comply with current development standards. Some of these improvements, such as a new slurry coat over the existing asphalt paved area at the northeast quadrant of the site (an area of approximately 1 acre), removal of barbed wire on the chain link fences along the site perimeter, and • A-7 • PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152 — CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES • May 12, 2010 Page 3 perimeter, and restoration of street frontage landscaping are already proposed, or have been agreed to be completed, by the applicant. However, staff has concluded that the existing compacted gravel surface,where the trailers will be parked/stored (an area of approximately 3 acres) does not sufficiently address the paving requirements for vehicle parking as described in Section 17.12.030-A-5 of the Development Code, which requires "parking and loading facilities to be surfaced and maintained with asphaltic concrete or other permanent, impervious surfacing material sufficient to prevent mud, dust, loose material, and other nuisances" (Exhibit K). An additional requirement is that landscape "planters shall be separated from maneuvering and parking areas by a 6-inch raised concrete curb or equivalent" per Section 17.12.030-E-2-a of the Development Code (Exhibit L). Furthermore, as the previous use was discontinued for a period in excess of 180 days, per Section 17.02.130(D) of the Development Code "the use of the structure or the site shall be in conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located..." (Exhibit J). • The applicant has indicated that paving these areas with asphalt will be cost prohibitive. The applicant has also indicated that the property owner's long-term plan is to develop the site with an industrial building, and that any improvements, such as asphalt paving, will be provided at that time (Exhibit I). The applicant is requesting that the use of the compacted gravel surface continue to be permitted or a,mutually acceptable alternative be considered. • E. Planning Commission Review: Usually a Non-Construction Conditional Use Permit, i.e. where no exterior construction is involved, is reviewed and acted upon by the Planning Director (Section 17.04.035-A). However, if the "application involves unusual requirements or raises questions of land use policy substantially more significant than generally pertain to such application," the Planning Director may refer the application to the Planning Commission for consideration, per Section 17.04.035-A of the Development Code (Exhibit M). Furthermore, as the site is non-conforming, only the Planning Commission "may consider and approve, or conditionally approve, a request to change a non-conforming use to a different non-conforming use" per Section 17.02.130-E of the Development Code, or in the case of "alteration, expansion, or restoration of a non-conforming use or structure, the Planning Director shall review the request or refer it to the Planning Commission" per Section 17.02.135-G of the Development Code. In light of the current parcel being non-conforming, and the request to re-establish a conforming use on a non-conforming property with improvements that will not bring the property into compliance, staff requests that the Planning Commission consider one of the following options as a condition of approval'in regards to site pavement: 1. Pave with asphalt the areas of the project site that are currently compacted gravel and construct along the perimeter the asphalt paved areas a 6-inch raised concrete curb to protect the landscaping; or 2. Apply to the compacted gravel surface a chemical coating or binding agent that will • minimize dust and not require a 6-inch raised concrete curb; or A-8 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC201 0-001 52 — CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 12, 2010 • Page 4 3. Phase the paving of the areas of the project site that are currently compacted gravel with asphalt and construct the concrete curb over a period of time selected by the Planning Commission (phase improvements); or 4. Allow the use of the compacted gravel surface without any modifications. Staff has determined that these site improvements are not as important as paving the site, and the Planning Commission should consider whether these additional conditions should be incorporated into the project: 1. Landscape planters along the sides of parking stalls containing a minimum of 90 square feet with a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet (including a 6-inch concrete curb), landscape planters along the perimeter of the project site with a minimum dimension of 5 feet, and 6-inch pavers adjacent to the side of parking stalls per Section 17.12.030(E)(2)(a), (c), and (d) of the Development Code. 2. A bike rack adequate for a minimum of three bikes per Section 17.12.040(C)(2) of the Development Code. 3. New light standards in the parking lot, not to exceed 25 feet or the height of the shortest • on-site building, providing a minimum 1-foot candle of illumination across the surface of the entire parking area per Section 17.30.040(A)(4) of the Development Code. 4. A new trash enclosure designed per the City standard for industrial projects. 5. Stucco finish on both sides of the existing perimeter wall along the east side of the project site. If the Planning Commission wishes to approve the project, then staff recommends these additional conditions of approval be incorporated into a subsequent resolution of approval: 1. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 2. The facility shall be operated in conformance with the performance standards as defined in the Development Code including, but not limited to, noise levels. If the operation of the facility causes adverse effects upon the adjacent businesses or operations, then the Conditional Use Permit shall be brought before the Planning Commission for consideration and possible revocation of the Conditional Use Permit. 3. Any modification or intensification of the existing uses; any improvements including new building construction; and/or other modifications/intensification beyond • what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit shall require the review and approval by the Planning Commission prior to submittal of documents for plan • A-9 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152 —CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES • May 12, 2010 Page 5 e 5 check/occupancy, construction, commencement of the activity, and/or issuance of a business license. - 4. -The existing-building shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 5. The existing metal gate at the entrance to the site shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 6. Per Section 17.30.040(A)(7)(c) of the Development Code, the use of barbed wire fencing or similar materials is prohibited in the General Industrial districts. Barbed wire placed along the top of the existing chain link fences located along the west, south, and north property lines shall be removed. 7. Per Section 17.30.40(E)(4)(a) and (c), trees are required to be planted at a rate of 1 tree per 30 linear feet of interior property line. Where there are trees missing along the project perimeter, i.e. gaps in the perimeter landscaping, new trees shall be planted to comply with this requirement. 8. The existing trees shall be pruned to remove dead branches and excess foliage, and the existing ground cover along the perimeter and street frontage of the property shall be restored to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. A landscape and irrigation plan • • prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted for review and action by the City. 9. Required landscaping shall be completed prior to release for occupancy. 10. Outdoor storage of sales products, supplies, materials, and equipment other than the storage of trailers is prohibited. 11. All signs shall comply with the City's Sign Ordinance. All signs shall require review and approval of a Sign Permit application by the Planning Director prior to installation. F. Environmental Assessment: The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies as a Class 1 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 - Existing Facilities because the proposal only contemplates minor revisions to the parking lot area and minimal improvement to the existing building with no expansion of any floor area of the building. No significant changes to the site are proposed. There is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. • CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site. • A-10 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152 —CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 12, 2010 • Page 6 RECOMMENDATION: Staff will prepare a Resolution for consideration and adoption following , • discussion and determination by the Planning Commission regarding DRC 2010-00152. Respectfully submitted, • • Jam s R. Troyer, AICP Planning Director JRT:MS/ds Attachments: Exhibit A - Location Map Exhibit B - Aerial Map Exhibit C - Site Utilization Map Exhibit D - Site Plan Exhibit E - Floor Plan Exhibit F - Correspondence from Ryder Truck Rental, Inc. Exhibit G - Documentation Regarding Trailer Fleet Operations Exhibit H - Trailer Specifications • Exhibit I - Correspondence Regarding the Trailer Parking and Storage Area Exhibit J - Section 17.02.130(D) of the Development Code • Exhibit K - Section 17.12.030(A)(5) of the Development Code Exhibit L - Section 17.12.030(E)(2)(a) of the Development Code Exhibit M - Section 17.04.035 of the Development Code Exhibit N - Photos of the Project Site • • A-11 . - -",--,... ..r.ii _ ,ThwctL1/43,47z w_--,-7,__ __,---7-j_i— ,kirii .,_..z 3°L6Ttino,g IL411 ' ....51%1 gro7-HrG;,_a_________. ),_t_ _ e, .,... ----- ,...._ Fli '.33-AFEABA r t gi. MG if/ g : i I 1 c Fge L ....4.a_ 1 ., ]' ''' 414: rA-' 1 LO.„rm ,' I 1 I 2L Fro-tae..V 00 'X'AP‘k" I • ''''' " 1M .'"ira 1'ter i in j„,....-. 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I el; ' z d E op • o eS a p.[ z 1 7 E E E" e �� �� E:, .,� '° n Z m E E ii ii Ea I:II ��:®® ti! . m �E m ac 7 1 d rI I° I L. -, . 5, E7 '. o..e y „ ,. I`g 1 r4 1 111 f Q I _ m cE Ai y1 - °ldrF6 . O..o: ea // O k e p{f ag [pl ; §p9�tlp1• e -,..,.l o r. e... �`-O 3,E IN 01 1 '(7! e gE 1 f E 4 • \ el jC l® E€IEF h1El1EEEEE : ! Z ♦tl Y ti m m e ene:e too° 9 — 'H., Zo III Pillit*; oz i 1111 "4 0 .E :I•I°• •p•• Is,� I� ffigiii N... No I q t aq o Isgtllla�I �l9pae tltl EEEEEEEEEIEEEEI: b b — — seeommeeteeteem e e • ioai-Nea--0o0ld—; aNIaa-YN83a--N rc Re o�-i- 5/ I z-//o EXHIBIT D A15 • II A El a I II a IA § s m 1°c Y a A. 1 I (\ ' C 1 r w q A 2. '(I CE I /\,\ 1 it \ tueln ! I _ -'_, ‘ 1., \ w I, R '" SO I y� FI ` ' ■ n A A Si `o 1 V 41 g I °u . • um ao "e • • -FG C fo± Sflz/l° EXHIBIT E A.16 CUUrA111-1 I II :uoam Nom- riui r•uuiiuui row • • • • RYDER TRUCK RENTAII_, INC • PROPERTY TAX DEPT. • LOC.5310: 1 -8 WEST PO BOX 025719 11690 NW 105ST • MIAMI, FL 33102-5719 MIAMI, FL 33178 Date: June 17, 2009 Of paces including cover sheet: _1, Fax • To: Wenna From: Ergedine Pericles • Fax: (909)919-295f Fax: (305)500-5903 Phone: (909)477-2701 Phone (305)500-4260 E-mail: • Email: epericle@tyder.com, • 2008&2009 Bi siness Occupation Tax CC: • Re: Renewal-Location Closure ❑Urgent X For Re view ❑Please Comment X Please Reply ❑Please • Comments: City of Ranch Cucan conga, CA Business Licensr, Tax Business License#: 027971 Location: 9366 Santa Anita Ave • Good Afternoon Due to the economic I LowntoWn, a lot of locations are being closed. However, the Miami office is us daily notified of such closure,s months later. The location at 9366 Santa Anita Ave close in September 2005. Therefore, can you please refund us the October 2008-Dec tuber 2008,portion and the 2009 Business License Renewal Fee' 1 anl:you for your understanding. If you have any quesi ion, please feel free to contai,t me at the (305) 500-4260. Have a Wonderful D. y! • fG tpor4- 5 /124/ EXHIBIT F A-17 • • • VTrailer Fleet STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS TRAILER FLEET COMPANY The proposed project will be an equipment sales and leasing company for heavy equipment transportation trailers for heavy truck tractors in a wide range of transportation industries. This use will be similar to the previous tenant Ryder who formerly occupied the site which was relocated just down the street. We provide vehicle inspections and light maintenance activities (brakes,tires,etc)and the sales and leasing of the transportation equipment. All major work, body work,heavy repairs,etc are done offsite per contractual requirements. Hours of operation, Shop:24 hour operation,7 days a week. Delivery receiving hours are 5:00 am to 11 pm during operating hours and office hours will be 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Total number of workers to be at this location: 3 office/admin/leasing; 3 maintenance • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MAR 0 2 2010 RECEIVED - PLANNING • ?c RQfo,t- sip-l,' , EXHIBIT G A-18 � f t • ® I I MlMr Raw I 23' to 32' Dry} Freight Vans V 1 i I L. 0 45' to 53' Dry Freight Vans U Or&t- ___________# 1 isi 28' to 53' Flatbeds, Dropdecks and E endi ble s V : Trader Reed P MEI 1 I wl 0 32' to 53' Refrigerated Vans rc Repot- 3-10-/i EXHIBIT H A-19 Charles Joseph Associates • PUBLIC/PRIVATE SECTOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES Dear Planning Commission: Re: DRC 2010-00152 The matter being brought before you is what typically would be handled as a City Planner Hearing action. During the last few months we have worked with the City to try and continue the sales and leasing facility that occupied 9366 Santa Anita for approximately 30 years. When we met again last with the Planning Director, he stated he believed that he did not have the ability to have the discretion to make the requested determination. Once the code section that provides for such discretion was presented, the Planning Director decided to not utilize the flexibility provided to him in the code to allow for alternate materials to be used for the site because he was "not comfortable" with doing so. We have had to request this hearing to have this matter heard by the Planning Commission so this long time property owner can be afforded an opportunity to have his proposed tenant operate a tax revenue generating business without imposition of improvement conditions that we believe have no reasonable need or basis. The City Planner's determination as to required conditions is making any contemplated use of the property unfeasible, particularly during these very difficult economic times and circumstances. As was discussed with the City Planner at great length during our meetings with him and the property owner, our client has offered to make landscape and other improvements in the spirit of enhancing the site, but being required to grade and • pave the entire interior property creates a very substantial hardship that cannot be recouped from leased use of the premises as proposed. We also discussed the property owner's ultimate desire to construct a new industrial building at some point in the future when market conditions were favorable. If this site is graded and paved, it is unlikely that our client would be inclined to remove approximately $300,000 of asphalt paving to construct a new industrial building in the reasonably foreseeable future. We are also particularly troubled by the City Planner's position during our last meeting with him that this is a non-conforming site and that no use can occupy and operate on the premises, permitted or otherwise, until the site is brought up. to current City development standards. If such a position is taken and sustained by the City, the result will be a myriad of vacant properties with no reasonable opportunity for improvements to be made on an incremental or case by case basis and would not serve the City and its property owners well over the long term. Thank you for your time regarding this matter, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • APR 2 8 2010 Chuck Buquet, President RECEIV!D•PLANNING Charles Joseph Associates • Office 909•481•1822 Fax 909.481.1824 City Center• 10681 Foothill Blvd.,Suite 395•Rancho Cucamonga,CA•91730 PcA CALIFORNIA CORPORATION R L 0 51,217° EXHIBIT I A-20 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.02.130 • the noise standards specified in this Section and prescribed for the assigned noise zone in • which the school, hospital, church, or library is located. G. Administration. Any act creating or permitting the creation of a noise disturbance as defined by this Code, not otherwise excluded by the preceding section of this Code, shall constitute a violation of this Code and shall be abated as such. H. Prima Facie Violation. Any noise exceeding the noise level standards for a designated noise zone as specified in this Section shall be deemed to be prima facie evidence of a violation of the provisions of this Section. Section 17.02.130 - Non-Conforming Uses and Structures A. Purpose. This section is intended to limit the number and extent of non-conforming uses by regulating their enlargement, their reestablishment after abandonment, and the alteration or restoration after destruction of the structures they occupy. In addition, this section is intended . to limit the number and extent of non-conforming structures by prohibiting their being moved, ' altered, or enlarged in a manner that would increase the discrepancy between existing conditions and the standards prescribed in this Code. B. Continuation and Maintenance. 1. . A use lawfully occupying a structure or a site that does not conform with the use regulations or the site area regulations for the district in which the use is located shall be deemed to be a non-conforming use and may be continued, except as otherwise limited in this Section. ' 2. A structure lawfully occupying a site that does not conform with the standards for front yard, side yards, rear yard, height, coverage, distances between structures, and • parking facilities for the district in which the structure is located, shall be deemed to be • a non-conforming structure and may be used and maintained, except as limited provided in this Section. 3. Routine maintenance and repairs may be performed on a non-conforming use or structure. C. Alterations and Additions to Non-Conforming Uses and Structures. 1. No non-conforming use shall be enlarged or extended in such a way as to occupy any part of the structure or site or any other structure or site which it did not occupy at the time it became a non-conforming use, or in such a way as to displace any conforming use occupying a structure or site, except as permitted in this Section. 2. No non-conforming structure shall be altered or reconstructed so as to increase the discrepancy between existing conditions and the standards for front yard, side yards, rear yard, height of.structures, distances between structures, and parking facilities as prescribed in the regulations for,the district in which the structure is located. D. Discontinuation of Non-Conforming Use. Whenever a non-conforming use has been changed to a conforming use or has been discontinued for a continuous period of 180 days or more, the non-conforming use shall not be reestablished, and the use of the structure or site thereafter shall be in conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located, provided that this section shall not apply to non-conforming dwelling units. Discontinuation shall include termination of a use regardless of intent to resume the use. E. Chance of Non-Conforming Use. The Planning Commission may consider and approve, or conditionally approve, a request to change a non-conforming use to a different non- conforming use, provided that 1) there is no new structure, 2) said use is not of greater intensity (e.g., traffic, noise, density, parking demand, odor, light), and 3) said use complies • with the provisions of Section 17.02.130-C-2, subject to a Conditional Use Permit as specified in Section 17.04.030. pEXeH I BrT J ,7.02_,4 10/08• A-21 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.02.135 F. Restoration of a Damaged Structure. 1. Whenever a structure which does not comply with the standards for front, side, and • rear yards; height of structures; distances between structures; and parking facilities as prescribed in the regulations-for the district in which the structure is located, or for the use which does not conform with the regulations for the district in which it is located, is destroyed by fire or other calamity, by act of God, or by the public enemy to the extent of 50 percent or less, the structure may be restored and the non-conforming use may . be resumed, provided that restoration is started within one year and diligently pursued to completion, When the destruction exceeds 50 percent or the structure is voluntarily razed or is required by law to be razed, the structure shall not be restored except in full conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located and the non- conforming use shall not be resumed. 2. The extent of damage or partial destruction shall be based upon the ratio of the estimated cost of restoring the structure to its condition prior to such damage or partial destruction to the estimated cost of duplicating the entire structure, as it existed prior thereto. Estimates for this purpose shall be made by or shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Official and shall be based on the minimum cost of • construction in compliance with the Building Code. G. City Planner. Any request for alteration, expansion or restoration of a non-conforming use or structure shall be reviewed by the City Planner to determine compliance with the provisions contained in this section or refer it to the Planning Commission as specified in Section 17.02:130-H. The City Planner shall notify the applicant and surrounding property owners of the decision. The decision of the City Planner may be appealed by any aggrieved party within ten calendar days of the decision. H. Planning Commission Review. The Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing pursuant to Section 17.02.110. The Planning Commission shall review each case and all • matters of fact. The Commission may grant the request, grant the request with modification, or deny the request. The Commission shall state that the request will or will not be detrimental to the goals and objectives of the General Plan and that such request will or will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. • Section 17.02.135 - General Development Standards The provisions of this section shall apply to all development within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, unless otherwise specified herein. A. Water Conservation. Landscaping and irrigation must be designed to conserve water through using. the principles of Xeriscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho . Cucamonga Municipal Code, except where exempted therein. Section 17.02.140 - Definitions • A. Purposes. • 1. The purpose of this chapter is to promote consistency and precision in the application and interpretation of these Development Regulations. The meaning and construction of words and phrases defined in this chapter shall apply throughout this Code, except where the context and usage of such words or phrases clearly indicates a different meaning or construction intended in that particular case. B. General Interpretation. 1. The word "shall" is mandatory and not discretionary. The word "may" is permissive and • • discretionary. 17.02-15 10/08 A-22 . Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.12.030 parking space, allowance may be made for up to a 1-foot vehicle projection beyond the , ____ • bumper or tire stop if such projection does not interfere with landscaping or pedestrian use. All parking spaces shall have a vertical clearance of not less than 7 1/2 feet. 9. io, 9' i/ '9. A,- 2. When the side of any parking space abuts a building, wall, support column, or other obstruction, which interferes in any way with access to a motor vehicle, the space shall be a minimum of 2 feet wider than otherwise required by this section. 3. Handicapped stall size. Each parking space designated for use by the handicapped shall consist of a rectangular area not less than 14 feet wide by 18 feet long and shall be located in an area not exceeding 2 percent slope. All spaces shall be located near or convenient to a level or ramped entrance, not exceeding a 5 percent slope, to the t. facility served by the parking space. Parking spaces for the handicapped shall be signed and restricted for use by the handicapped only. • N+urncAPPCV (*- s..g � ` B1KW4 6 ("My w.,KSA) { ttigFlCA. • • � � ° _ of Dw`.�41NittleA\ • -�\A". I'.�e[t troy I ea' . SP �� ��., l9�MiFJ. 73 eG LbUeI.E / - IOTE°N4l1d.W1, PNMAIRD O$J Eiocy iParnlicnoN—1P4JDICA?Qe,D STPI.V SIZE 4. Aisle dimensions. Each parking and loading space shall have adequate drive aisles and turning and maneuvering areas for access and usability, in accordance with Table 17.12.030-E. 5. Paving. Parking and loading facilities shall be surfaced and maintained with asphaltic concrete or other permanent, impervious surfacing material sufficient to prevent mud, dust, loose material, and other nuisances. Alternate surface material can be considered by the City Planner if shown that such material will not cause adverse effects and that it will remain in a usable condition. • . 6. Drainage. All parking and loading facilities shall be graded and provided with • permanent storm drainage facilities. Surfacing, curbing, and drainage improvements • Pc Repar-i- ) l/L// 0 17.12-2 8/03 EXHIBIT K A.23 • • Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.12.040 • 2. Planter Design. All parking lot planters shall be designed to meet the following minimum requirements. �a. Planters shall be separated from maneuvering and parking areas by a 6-inch, raised concrete curb or equivalent. b. Tree planting wells located at the front of parking stalls shall contain a minimum of 25 square feet and the smallest outside dimension shall not be less than 5 feet. • 9a. ¢pr MWIMUM f 'Tt& e AroNy sips or GrA L 6 'i • ,71: ,:: • • 25 5rr MIFI MUM fuolz.•t • STALL- f$l c. Landscape planters along the sides of parking stalls shall contain a minimum of • 90 square feet and the smallest outside dimension shall not be less than 6 feet. d. Pedestrian walks shall be provided in landscape planters along the sides of parking stalls. It shall consist of a minimum 12-inch concrete paver, adjacent to the curb (including curb width). • Section 17.12.040 - Parking Requirements The following sections list the required amount of parking for each category of uses, special requirements and optional requirements. A. Residential. • 1. Single-family detached dwellings (conventional): 2 parking spaces within a garage. 2. Cluster development(condominium, townhome, etc.) semi-detached single-family (zero lot line, patio homes, duplexes, etc.) and mobile home parks. a. Studio: 1.3 off-street parking spaces per unit of which 1 space shall be in a garage or carport. b. One bedroom: 1.5 off-street parking spaces per unit of which 1 space shall be in a garage or carport. c. Two bedrooms: 1.8 off-street parking spaces per unit of which 1 space shall be in a garage or carport. • • d. Three or more bedrooms: 2 off-street parking spaces per unit of which 2 spaces shall be in a garage or carport. e. Four or more bedrooms: 2.3 off-street parking spaces per unit of which 2 spaces shall be in a garage or carport. f. In addition to the required number of parking spaces for each unit, 1 off-street • uncovered parking space shall be provided for each four units for visitor parking. For single-family zero lot line, patio homes, and duplexes, on-street parking may be substituted for visitor parking, where sufficient street pavement width and • p distance between driveways has been provided. h o4 :� /z//0 17.12-8 8/03 EXHIBIT L A-24 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.04.035 2. Alteration, expansion, or reconstruction of a building housing a pre-existing conditional ak lir use shall comply with Section 17.02.130 regulating non-conforming uses, until such time that a Conditional Use Permit is granted as provided in this Section. G. Revisions/Modifications. Revisions or modifications of Conditional Use Permits can be requested by the applicant. Further, the Planning Commission may periodically review, modify, or revoke a Conditional Use Permit. 1. Revisions/Modifications by Applicant. A revision or modification to an approved • Conditional Use Permit such as, but not limited to, change in conditions, expansions, intensification, location, hours of operation, or change of ownership, may be requested by an applicant. Such request shall be processed as described in Sections 17.04.030-C through F. The applicant shall supply necessary information, as determined by the City, to indicate reasons for the requested change. 2. Periodic Review. The Planning Commission may periodically review any Conditional Use Permit to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with conditions of approval or in a manner, which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. If, after review, the Commission deems that there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full examination, then a public hearing date shall be set. 3. Modification or Revocation. After setting a date for public hearing as described in Subsection 2 above, the City Planner shall notify the applicant and owners of the CUP in question. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail and shall state that the Commission will be reviewing the CUP for possible modification or revocation. It shall also state the date, time, and place of hearing. The public hearing shall be conducted • and notice given in accordance with Section 17.02.110. • The City Planner shall fully investigate the evidence and prepare a report for the • Commission's consideration. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Commission shall render a decision to do one of the following measures: a. Find that the CUP is being conducted in an appropriate matter and that no action to modify or revoke is necessary; or, b. Find that the CUP is not being conducted in an appropriate manner and that modifications to conditions are necessary; or, c. Find that the CUP is not being conducted in an appropriate manner and that modifications are not available to mitigate the impacts and therefore revoke the permit, which requires the operation to cease and desist in the time allotted by the Commission. If the Planning Commission either modifies or revokes a CUP, then they shall state reasons for such action within the resolution. H. New Applications Following Denial or Revocation. Following the denial or revocation of a Conditional Use Permit application, no application for a Conditional Use Permit for the same or substantially the same use on the same or substantially the same site shall be filed within one year from the date of denial or revocation. Section 17.04.035 - Non-Construction Conditional Use Permits A. Authority. Where there is no exterior construction involved, the City Planner is authorized to grant or deny Conditional Use Permits in accordance with the procedure in Section 17.04.030 and impose reasonable conditions. • If in the opinion of the City Planner the application involves unusual requirements or raises questions of land use policy substantially more significant than generally pertain to such application, the City Planner may refer the • • application to the Planning Commission for consideration. K kefD4 5112-110 17.04-3 6/99 EXHIBIT M A-25 - Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.04.040 B. Public Hearing. The City Planner shall hold a public hearing on each application for a Non- Construction Conditional Use Permit. The hearing and notice shall be set and notice shall be • given as prescribed in Section 17.02.110 Public Hearings. C. Revisions/Modifications. Revisions or modifications of Non-Construction Conditional Use Permits can be requested by the applicant and approved or denied by the City Planner. Further, the City Planner may periodically review, modify, or revoke a Non-Construction . Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the procedures of Sections 17.04.030.G. Section 17.04.040 -Vari. ces A. Purpose and Intent. The purpose .of this Section is to provide flexibility from the strict application of develop -nt standards when special circumstances pertaining to the property such as size, shape, to• •graphy, or location deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vici 'ty and in the same district, (consistent with the objectives of the Development Code). Any ariance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment there• authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privileges • inconsistent with the limitatio upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which such property is situated. B. Authority. 1. The Planning Commission''s authorized to grant Variances to achieve these purposes as prescribed in accorda '., e with the procedure in this Section, with respect to development standards suc•. as but not limited to fences, walls, hedges, screening, and landscaping; site area, idth, and depth; front, rear, and side yards; coverage; height of structures; landscap ,g; usable open space; performance standards; and on- street and off-street parking a ,• loading facilities and impose reasonable conditions. ' Conditions may include, but s not be limited to, requirements for special yards, open spaces, buffers, fences, Ils, and screening; requirements for installation and • maintenance of landscaping an.i. erosion control measures; requirements for street improvements and dedications, r=rulation of vehicular ingress and egress and traffic circulation; regulation of signs; reg ',,ation of hours or other characteristics of operation; requirements for maintenance of landscaping and other improvements; establishment of development schedules or time I : its for performance or completion; requirements for periodical review by the Plannin•'., Commission; and such other conditions as the Commission may deem necessary t•', ensure compatibility with surrounding uses; to preserve the public health, safety, and r;, elfare; and to enable the Commission to make the findings required by Section 17.04.ev 0-E. • 2. The power to grant Variances does not 4 tend to use regulations. Flexibility to the use regulations is provided pursuant to Section 17.04,030 (Conditional Use Permit) and . Section 17.02.040 (Use Determination). t C. Application. An application for a Variance shall :e filed with the Planning Division in a form prescribed by the City Planner. os D. Public Hearing. The Planning Commission shall h:.• a public hearing on each application for a Variance. The hearing shall be set and notice even as prescribed in Section 17.02,110 (Public Hearings). C4A E. Findings. • 7. 1. Before granting a Variance, the Planning Comnr,ision shall make the following findings that the circumstances prescribed below do appl 'a a. That strict or literal interpretation and enf•> ement of the specified regulation • would result in practical difficulty or unnece- ary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Code. • 17.04-4 6/99 • A-26 .e jj¢§ all r P _ d1u p� F ® aw . ' 333 e3 a ( 1 0 N / Q R p FM / il -h Yyy !gk .11 lc. Kg H. 1vl eaP 2 / f3 QQta ] � 3g 'S. 4tp y l g ) t \f'J_ :: k:64: $e '%E �sI YFF4 3 ab l 6d--a I �j/ _ . w _ 1 ♦ ,e 11 m , 4y} l—.ex�an uhee mane __----Ng "-� S 1�O F�'ie �`yl ` 1/' .' I/ III — I e it I — I Cb ( 0 AE e$ ,g - P. Z ye / 1 I C € w .�- 6• 5• ,r , . \/ plp gel { �SF E� • zm C •, i e C:1F o `/ Xg II CY kt :: �: E' �z �s����w F' '�� zm ai L v4 £s ..i. 3. at I Iz -T p e wo 1£ �, g 0 N ;1 a� .wl I `—' coo I . o - o � ` a o F ) - X m m 67 ' el j an e 7 1 d tI 'N. I W IYJ^ . Its Y € CF P e9 5 F 1! :.N �° /( V © eaerg. 1 �Fryg4 ,Fgr y i' lid 1'' 9 y iB y t 4 si, e 4,f l � d I'" P . 1 ( I FT P31I. Ysl4II€IC4 1 9988 @o4 Se" E @4 Oi et O 1� IZ�Y J v v � :,E Fax' 00'1,4 ) IIIiI'iIi"IIIIIHOIi, )5 92z :11IIIe- 1111111 f¢ `s , I,g. FQ I� f -- Fa $ 6 .. g .- l'.- \ gitq C CFSeFe 4 b — .. , b ---- I ' Ge eiae.,Viln-I :,k,Gr 411 —. 10E1+1 3—'—U0O1A--A_�—Nfl03—•—oN64�v-p1-a g NI pc Kgar+ s// -ff O EXHIBIT N A-27 s 4Ya ,' ,1'y'�g1°��r ,i @s 1(" K, S' 1 ',j '' °s1 I I L i; ._.._ f( "r".^ $et� �F�" X44...-a 4t ��•)'0511141'.1`1.:: "P� Vi''\ f �. rr a-.iF t} 71,04..:41 �x+ -rd 7fi Y'aa `V'+sY C �n li k+ 1 y - r� ' ' Yt �'h- -r a v�'*"x -�k"^�T' � '\'•- + y� p'� 't'it"?.VZ" d}'� i 2^y1'*rSV v 1/ yht.ii. s -`r, 1. • . •r `+..: s ,r, .a_ \\?.T/~f T�"Y,� t •'•t +- { S'yr4`Lr '�,v' }� t s i G fly y��•:, � 6" r .' ti>ti t 1 F sti r �l it ?�i■ a,� i < 0 t2,1 ..+ on ' t e.'3 St'. d I K4 �` r`1 �,...• �ini NIA E 1":37,-14`,,,,,„G�y;� ��,�'1 ���y��"Sy(arc+}{ul 1 �1i NI flif ;. hi�i;r.O 1 se) /f"' ' -'l'Sw/lrtti /� 'a ' I i 1 fV {# 1 1 , 5i qL" 1 .nl s '"'a. , rtY mY� ' 2^iq \rl r i�s':� -. „7,,,„:„.,i.,'' r ri '�,yh✓.. Ir h" /t, fy, AYi , JI �, � °r >t` iro'��T t ,�1,J,u�tY 11 /, .� L .... yl A , � - , i- -• . ' ,1 flr �. 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'�, ,z LV ; x:i *� ' • ]s", - -1 in r3Ln r,�hyr4 r�i` 41 01{:5-4 � 1 Fsl s 3.4::14114 F i- n cvtr :14•; f"`1yE _t'` `- 4 n>y• sxrr`"r: w ye' ' .y r`0 'SA`'t'.4.4�WI-1.1..asL»-J. ...r�t_z�, ,..:i . .�1�- -r w b'r '1� s. �Fi .t ..x r>3—.u'x.,c.�.... `` try€._ �ti .�.�-� t +.�:: .._':a.t :�^ t _,.k�.' : • —13— entitled under the Commission's Rules of Procedure to participate in a proceeding . for a CPCN or a permit to construct may, within 30 days after the notice was mailed or published, object to the granting in whole or in part of the authority sought by the utility and request that the Commission hold hearings on the appli- cation.Any such protest shall be filed in accordance with Article 2.5.If the Com- mission,as a result of its preliminary investigation after such requests,determines that public hearings should be held, notice shall be sent to each person who is entitled to notice or who has requested a hearing. The Commission's Public Advisor shall provide information to assist the pub- lic in submitting such protests. • SECTION XIII. PROTEST TO REQUIRE THE UTILITY TO FILE FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT Those to whom notice,has been given under Section XI.B hereof and any other person or entity entitled to participate in a proceeding for a permit to con- struct may,within 20 days after the notice was mailed and published,contest any intended construction for which exemption is claimed by the utility from the re- quirements of Section IILB if such persons or entities have valid reason to believe that any of the conditions described in Section III.B.2 exist or the utility has incor- rectly applied an exemption as defined in Section III herein.The protest shall be filed with the CACD,specifying the relevant utility advice letter number,in actor- - dance with General Order 96-A,Section III.H.On the same date a protest is filed with the.Commission,the protestant shall serve a copy on the subject utility by mail.The utility shall respond within five business days of receipt and serve cop- ies of its response on each protestant and the CACD.Construction shall not com- mence until the Executive Director has issued an Executive Resolution. • Within 30 days after the utility has submitted its response,the Executive Di- rector,after consulting with CACD,shall issue an Executive Resolution on whether. • the utility is to file an application fora permit to construct,or the protest is dis- missed for failure to state a valid reason.Also,the Executive Director shall state the reasons for granting or denying the protest and provide a copy of each Execu- tive Resolution to the Commission's Public Advisor. The Commission's Public Advisor shall provide information to assist the pub- lic in submitting such protests. SECTION XIV. COMPLAINTS AND PREEMPTION OF LOCAL AUTHORITY A. ;Complaints may be filed with the Commission for resolution of any alleged 'violations of this General Older pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Prac- tice and Procedure 9 through 13.1.A complaint which does not allege that the matter has first been brought to the staff for informal resolution may be re- ferred to the staff to attempt to resolve the matter informally(Rules of Prac- tice and Procedure No. 10). B. This General Order clarifies that local jurisdictions acting pursuant to local authority are preempted from regulating electric power line projects,distribu- tion lines,substations,or electric facilities constructed by public utilities subject C.O.131-D f G tor/. Sjzh it) EXHIBIT C A-54 • • —14- to ethe Commission's jurisdiction.However,in Locating such projects,the pub- • tic utilities shall consult with local agencies regarding land use matters. In instances where the public utilities and local agencies are unable to resolve their differences, the Commission shall set a hearing no later than 30 days after theutility or local-agency has notified the Commission of the inability to reach agreement on land use matters. C. Public agencies and other interested parties may contest the Construction of under-50-kV distribution lines and electric facilities by filing a complaint with the Commission pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and Proce- dure 9 through 13.1. SECTION XV. STATE AGENCY REVIEW OF ELECTRIC GENERATING AND RELATED TRAMMISSION FACILITIES NOT SUBJECT TO THE • WARREN-ALOUIST ENERGY RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT ACT Nothing in this order shall be construed to preempt or otherwise limit the jurisdiction-of state agencies other than this Commission to exercise the full range of their jurisdiction under state or federal law over facilities subject to this order. A coastal development permit shall be obtained from the Coastal Commis- sion for development of facilities subject to this order in the coastal zone. SECTION IXV.• CEQA COMPLIANCE Construction of facilities for which a CPCN or permit to construct is required pursuant to this General Order shall not commence without either a finding that it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the construction of those facilities may have a significant effect on the environment or that the project is otherwise exempt from CEQA,or the adoption of a fnalEIR or Negative Declara- tion.Where-authority must be granted for i project by this Commission,applicant • shall comply with Rule 17.1 of our Rules of Practice and Procedure: • Special Procedure for Implementation of the CEQA of 1970(Preparation of EIRs). This latter.requirenient does not apply to applications covering generating and related transmission facilities for which a certificate authorizing construction of the facilities has been or will also be issued by the CEC.For all issues relating to the siting, design, and construction of electric generating plant or transmission lines as defined in Sections-VIII and IX.A herein or electric power lines or substa- tions as defined in Section IX.B herein,the Commission will be the Lead Agency under CEQA,unless a different designation has been negotiated between the Corn- mission and anon*'State agency consistent.with'CEQA Guidelines§ 15051(d). • PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION • OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA By WESLEY M.FRANKLIN Acting Executive Director • August 11, 1995 C.O.131-D • A-55 • Mayor ( DONALD J. KURTH, M.D. Mayor Pro Tem L. DENNIS MICHAEL Roc• /7)\214% R GunERREz SAM$PAGNOLO • DIANE WILLIAMS L City Manager THE Cm OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA JACK LAM,AICP RANCHO CUCAMONGA April 15, 2010 • Burns and McDonnell Engineering • Attention: Don Hardee • 3550 Philadelphia Street, Unit 160 • Ontario, CA 91761 SUBJECT: MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (COURTESY REVIEW)DRC2010-00225-RANCHO VISTA MATERIAL YARD - BURNS AND•MCDONNELL ENGINEERING - A request to operate a temporary materials yard for a Southern California Edison project. The yard is for the storage of vehicles,equipment,and materials within Subarea 15 of the Heavy Industrial District, located at 12408 6th Street. - APN: 0229-283-74 and 75. Dear Mr. Hardee: The Development Review process for the above-described project has been successfully completed and approval has been granted based upon the following findings and conditions. Thank you for your participation and cooperation during this review process. • Findings • 1. The applicant, Don Hardee of Burns and McDonnell Engineering, on behalf of Southern California Edison (SCE), proposes to operate a temporary material and vehicle storage yard for the Southern California Edison Tehachapi Renewable Transmission project, located at 12408 6th Street. APN: 0229-283-74 and 75. 2. The subject property is within the Heavy Industrial District Subarea 15 of the Development Code. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and is in accordance with the objectives of the • Development Code. SCE is a utility company within an industrial district in conformance with the • General Plan. This project will allow a temporary material and vehicle storage yard adjacent to an existing SCE peaker plant. 4. The proposed project will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code, which allows outdoor storage of materials and vehicles within this zone, as long as they are screened. If the items stored are over 120 feet from a street frontage then they do not need to be screened. The storage yard is over 1,000 feet from a street frontage, and the site will be enclosed by chain link fencing. 5. The proposed project, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The proposed storage yard is adjacent to existing Edison uses and has been a storage yard for projects in the past. It is a compatible use with the existing uses. 6. The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The • project qualifies as a Class 1 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15304,which covers the minor temporary use of land. The project entails allowing a temporary material and vehicle storage yard for approximately a two year term. Staff finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Director has reviewed the Planning 10500 Civic Center Dr. • RO. Box 807• Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91729-0807•Tel 909-477-2700• Fax 909-477-2849• www.cityofrc.us EXHIBIT D ? repoH- sh6°%o MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW LETTER DRC2010-00225— RANCHO VISTA MATERIALS YARD - SCE April 15, 2010 • Page 2 Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment,concurs in the staff's determination of exemption. Conditions This project is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. • Approval is for a temporary storage and material yard with a 2,200 square foot office trailer and portable toilets, located at 12408 6th Street - APN: 0229-283-74 and 75. 2. The approval for the occupancy of the yard is until September 1,2012. No extensions will be granted. The site should be returned to its original state by September 1, 2012. 3. No razor or barbed wire shall be used for the fencing on site. 4. The applicant shall obtain all the necessary permits from the Building and Safety Department. 5. Signs or advertising are to be reviewed under a separate permit and review. • 6. Additional Standard and Fire Department Conditions are attached. Grading 1. The Building and Safety (Grading) Department has reviewed the plans submitted for the application. During the prior discussions with the applicant, the applicant noted that grading would not occur on the • project site. The application submittal package provided for a multi-phase grading plan/operation. The conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan should follow the Planning Department guidelines for plan preparation including the volume of earthwork quantities. 2. In addition, it is the responsibility of the applicant and the applicant's engineer to determine if a category or non-category Water Quality Management Plan is required and to comply with State Storm Water Quality Management regulations. Please note that conditions may specify completion of certain plans or work prior to issuance of building permits. This decision shall be final following a 10-day appeal period beginning with the date of this letter. Appeals must be filed in writing with the Planning Commission Secretary, state the reason for the appeal, and be accompanied by a$1,967 appeal fee. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact Steve Fowler, at (909) 477-2750, Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sincerely, • PLANNING DEPARTMENT James . Troyer, AICP • Planning Director JRT:SF\ds • A-57 • Darrell Butler 19700 Jersey Boulevard,Suite 610 Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91730 May 18,2010 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Michael Smith Associate Planner MAY 19 28110 Planning Department 10500 Civic Center Drive RECEIVED-PLANNING Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-0807 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152 Dear Mike: We have reviewed with you and other members'of the planning staff the proposed conditions for the subject permit. We agree witli all of your conditions with the exception of one, which still needs clarification. That condition is the type of surface to be used for the trailer staging area. • In your previous staff report dated May 12,2010, you asked the Planning Commission to consider one of four choices for the site pavement for the trailer staging area, We are requesting that we be allowed to use"Choice ii 2",compacted gravel surface with a binding agent that will minimize dust. The City code for paving does allow for consideration this type of"alternative surface material"so long as it does not cause adverse effects and remains in a useable condition. This type of surface is currently in use in other areas of the City, including the City Yard. We are requesting that we be able to use this surface for our tenant, "Trailer Fleet", for several reasons: 1. This is the existing surface and it has been used for trailer staging for 30 years and has exhibited no adverse effects. The trailers to be staged here are empty. There is no tractor/truck parking in this area. 2. The"mules"used to move the trailers will be parked on a concrete or asphalt surface,just in case there is any oil that may leak from the engine. 3. From a LEED perspective, the gravel surface is preferred to asphalt because gravel is pervious and heat reflective. Asphalt is impervious, creating run-off,and has a very low solar reflective value,which can create"Heat Islands". LEED's objective is to minimize impervious pavement and run-off. The existing surface accomplishes this goal. The application of the binding agent will eliminate any potential for dust. • EXHIBIT E PC Report g/2.0,0 A-58 i� Wd8* Oloa '61 'AP-VI Our development plan for the site is the construction of a 72,000 square foot industrial • facility. We have provided the planning staff with a site plan for the building. The timing for construction is between six and ten years from now, when the current lease expires. Per a Fullmer Construction estimate,the cost to pave the trailer area with asphalt is approximately$400,000. It does not make economic sense to spend$400,000 to pave the site for a six year,temporary use and then destroy it to build a new building. If we are required to pave the site with asphalt now,we will have to keep the metal building for at least twenty years to recoup our investment. This is not our business plan and it does not optimize the site for us or the City. Very truly yours, Darrell Butler • • A-59 E 'd E680 wd9'l O!6l '6! 'Aral Page 1 • STAFF REPORT "Staff report text in quotes" • Responses in bold The site was developed in 1980 with a one story metal building of 6,920 square feet. Approximately 1 acre of the site is paved with asphalt for the parking lot, while the remaining 3 acres of the site for the equipment sales and leasing was approved with recycled compacted pervious aggregate asphalt. Along the street frontage and perimeter of the site there are existing mature shad and screening trees. A. "Site Improvements: The Planning Department inspected the site and determined that there are deficiencies in the site improvements that are required to be addressed to comply with current development standards. Some of these improvements, such as a new slurry coat over the existing asphalt paved area at the northeast quadrant of the site (an area of approximately 1 acre), removal of barbed wire on the chain link fences along the site perimeter, and perimeter, and restoration of street frontage landscaping are already proposed, or have been agreed to be completed, by the applicant." This has been agreed upon with staff. "However, staff has concluded that the existing compacted gravel surface where the trailers will be parked/stored (an area of approximately 3 acres) does not sufficiently address the paving requirements for vehicle parking as described in Section 17.12.030-A-5 of the Development Code, which requires "parking and loading facilities to be surfaced and maintained with asphaltic concrete or other permanent, impervious surfacing material sufficient to prevent mud, dust, loose material, and other nuisances" (Exhibit K)." The staff report identifies the code section for "vehicle parking" which is tied to "pedestrian walkways". We are "Equipment sales and Leasing" and this area use is not intended to be a • pedestrian parking lot. "Parking or loading facility" in the development code exhibit development code exhibit pertain to those spaces in conjunction with warehouse loading. Parking and Loading Facilities 17.12.030 D-Industrial Districts Exhibit CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ..O�s.r.0 e0ea t0A00•O DOC.f MAY 12 2010 I U r Rib•PLANNING (( jr�� � rear.AO It � z,r-,... •. • jt _x_L Note the parking is related to the`parking and loading'with the building. • EXHIBIT F Pc Ktporf c/24ia A-60 "An additional requirement is that landscape "planters shall be separated from maneuvering and parking areas by a 6-inch raised concrete curb or equivalent" per Section 17.12.030-E-2-a of the Development Code (Exhibit L)." • Referring to this section of the code, it is specifically identifying areas of a parking planter for rows of parking that are parking in front of each other for temporary parking of pedestrian accessed parking lots. We do not have such a condition. (Below is the exhibit) Parking and Loading Facilities 17.12.030 E -Industrial District Parking Facility Design 4o6¢pr. MaRM$1 FtJt tg /boat 6r-op 4 I ,� • n e �( srALL fipt4r "Furthermore, as the previous use was discontinued for a period in excess of 180 days, per Section • 17.02.130 (D) of the Development Code "the use of the structure or the site shall be in conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located..." (Exhibit 3). " If we accept the Cities position that this is a `parking area', the development allows for alternate material and therefore is a conforming standard, as the use of this material alone does not create a non-conforming condition. This alternate material actually meets the intent of the code provided that The City Planner approves such material. The City Planner has approved such material for a similar use via an MDR on April 15t, 2010 (DRC 2010- 00225 and not prohibited the use of this material for the City Yard Project currently on file. 2 • A-61 • Page 3 • "The applicant has indicated that paving these areas with asphalt will be cost prohibitive. The applicant has also indicated that the property owner's long-term plan is to develop the site with an industrial building, and that any improvements, such•as asphalt paving, will be provided at that time (Exhibit I). The applicant is requesting that the use of the compacted gravel surface continue to be permitted or a mutually acceptable alternative be considered." Development code section 17.42.110 Approved December 2009 via Ord 823 • Section 17.42.110—Stormwater Management A. Stormwater management combines practices to minimize runoff and water waste to recharge groundwater and to improve water quality. Implementing stormwater best management practices into the landscape,irrigation,and grading design plans to minimize runoff and increase retention and infiltration are highly recommended on-site. • B. Project applicants shall refer to Chapter 19.20 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code for information on stormwater requirements and stormwater management plans." Ordinance No.823—Page 12 of 14 The approach of utilizing a environmentally effective product that allows for percolation and reduces storm water run off meets the recent General Plan Draft update for"Big Idea #4" to encourage projects to have less impact on the environment. This also meets the intent of May 28, 2008 Green sustainability program policy direction before the City Council presented by the Planning Director for encouraging environmentally friendly and LEED designations for projects. In that staff report the Planning Director provided a suggestion for incentives to parking areas, which this area (if considered a parking area) would fall under the flexibility to encourage an environmentally friendly use for LEED designs. Since the Planning Director has approved a 17 acre site allowing for such alternate materials pursuant to the development code section "Alternate. surface material can be considered by the City Planner if shown that such material will not cause adverse effects and that it will remain in a usable condition.'It is reasonable for our project would have the same privileges afforded to them and to date have not had any information presented to us as to why this material would not remain in a "usable condition". The past 30 years of use, other projects supported by the Planning Director having already supported the use of this material. 3 • • • A-62 • Page 4 - "E. Plannino Commission Review: Usually a Non-Construction Conditional Use Permit, i.e. where no exterior construction is involved, is reviewed and acted upon by the Planning Director (Section 17.04.035-A). However, if the "application involves unusual requirements or raises questions of land use • policy substantially more significant than generally pertain to such application," the Planning Director may refer the application to the Planning Commission for consideration, per Section 17.04.035-A of the Development Code (Exhibit M). Furthermore, as the site is non-conforming, only the Planning Commission "may consider and approve, or conditionally approve, a request to change a non- conforming use to a different non-conforming use" per Section 17.02.130-E of the Development Code, or in the case of "alteration, expansion, or restoration of a non-conforming use or structure, the Planning Director shall review the request - or refer it to the Planning Commission" per Section 17.02.135-G of the Development Code." In light of the current parcel being non-conforming, and the request to re-establish a conforming use on a non-conforming property with improvements that will not bring the property into compliance, staff requests that the Planning Commission consider one of the following options as a condition of approval in regards to site pavement: If this is the Cities interpretation, it opens the door to all sites, shopping centers and properties in the City being required to be brought up to current standards prior to being able to legally operate the parcel." This interpretation by the Planning Director means any property permitted or otherwise must be redeveloped in order to have a use. This rigidity is contrary to the business friendly environment of the City and the first part of this section of the development code that states: 17.04.030 Conditional Use Permits A Purpose and IntentThe purpose of these regulations is to create flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of the development code and general plan." 1. Pave with asphalt the areas of the project site that are currently compacted gravel and construct along the • perimeter the asphalt paved areas a 6-inch raised concrete curb to protect the landscaping; or This would be an unreasonable request. 2. Apply to the compacted gravel surface a chemical coating or binding agent that will minimize dust and not require a 6-inch raised concrete curb; or a. We can provide such a bonding agent, however for the past 30 years there have not been any problems in this regard. 3. Phase the paving of the areas of the project site that are currently compacted gravel with asphalt and construct the concrete curb over a period of time selected by the Planning Commission (phase improvements); or 4. Allow the use of the compacted gravel surface without any modifications. a. This is what we have requested; less impact on environment and is a "LEED" Standard 4 • A-63 Page 5 - "Staff has determined that these site improvements are not as important as paving the site, and the • Planning Commission should consider whether these additional conditions should be incorporated into the project:" . Landscape planters along the sides of parking stalls containing a minimum of 90 square feet with a - _ minimum outside dimension of 6 feet (including a 6-inch concrete curb), landscape planters along the - perimeter of the project site with a minimum dimension of 5 feet, and 6-inch pavers adjacent to the side of parking stalls per Section 17.12.030(E)(2)(a), (c), and (d) of the Development Code. We have landscape curb and planters in the parking lot. Section 17.12.030 11 Landscaping (b) only requires that "each unenclosed parking facility shall provided perimeter landscaped strip at least 5"'. Since this parking area is enclosed, it is not required, this same code section also provides for clustering in the industrial area which we meet this . requirement ;7114 t l ) t l i t I I i �jete ,� 1 1 I t .(f1 t t l i i ib 2 Alt: Rriteu 446)C+Wpf ME Aceast ii , _ re fSift Seer Tiecci oaf . >� a. t t 4 l ) a t i rrieY 1ia�Vr'-,f. r��-�.gyp ACCST Tede6 tar 2414441r.lib "‘ PR4YQATS AI4ttf ,..0s.ano% - . -- f ...1.11L.' ( l 2, fRof rte ' tlS A bike rack adequate for a minimum of three bikes per Section 17.12.040(C)(2) of the Development Code. 0 Bike rack has been provided in the building. . New light standards in the parking lot, not to exceed 25 feet or the height of the shortest on-site building, providing a minimum 1-foot candle of illumination across the surface of the entire parking area per Section 17.30.040(A)(4) of. the Development Code. The site has existing light standards, staff previously concurred since the main hours of operation are 7am-6pm and an appointment only use should be sufficient. . A new trash enclosure designed per the City standard for industrial projects. Requiring reconstruction of trash enclosures on an existing site has not been a precedence set by the City. Since this trash area was only a dilapidated fencing structure it was removed and relocated into the building. . Stucco finish on both sides of the existing perimeter wall along the east side of the project site. The decorative wall along the frontage is an approved material and was previously agreed as such by staff.This wall is covered with dense landscape. 5 • A-64 Page 6 - "If the Planning Commission wishes to approve the project, then staff recommends these additional conditions of approval be incorporated into a subsequent resolution of approval:" ..- L. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development • Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. So noted. ?. The facility shall be operated in conformance with the performance standards as defined in the Development Code including, but not limited to, noise levels. If the operation of the facility causes ;adverse effects upon the adjacent businesses or operations, then the Conditional Use Permit shall be brought before the Planning Commission for consideration and possible revocation of the Conditional Use Permit. So noted. . Any modification or intensification of the existing uses; any improvements including new building construction; and/or other modifications/intensification beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit shall require the review and approval by the Planning Commission prior to submittal of documents for plan check/occupancy, construction, commencement of the activity, and/or issuance of a business license. We would request this does not trigger requirements for any Tenant improvements that may be needed by Fire/Building and Safety staff. . The existing building shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. So noted. . The existing metal gate at the entrance to the site shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. So noted. 3. Per Section 17.30.040(A)(7)(c) of the Development Code, the use of barbed wire fencing or similar materials is prohibited in the General Industrial districts. Barbed wire placed along the top of the existing chain link fences located along the west, south, and north property lines shall be removed. This • has already been removed. 7. Per Section 17.30.40(E)(4)(a) and (c), trees are required to be planted at a rate of 1 tree per 30 linear feet of interior property line. Where there are trees missing along the project perimeter, i.e. gaps in the perimeter landscaping, new trees shall be planted to comply with this requirement. So noted. 3. The existing trees shall be pruned to remove dead branches and excess foliage, and the existing ground cover along the perimeter and street frontage of the property shall be restored to the satisfaction of the Planning. Director. A landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted for review and action by the City. These existing improvements are sufficient and submittal of permitted plans would appear to be unreasonable. . Required landscaping shall be completed prior to release for occupancy. We have agreed to update the landscaping along the property frontage. 6 • A-65 10. Outdoor storage of sales products, supplies, materials, and equipment other than those related to the storage of trailers is prohibited. We would like this to 'Outdoor storage of sales products, supplies, materials, and equipment-other than those related to the storage of tractor and trailers is prohibited •1. All signs shall comply with the City's Sign Ordinance. All signs shall require review and approval of a Sign Permit application by the Planning Director prior to installation. We would request this state that the sign permit be pursuant to the previous monument sign approval. Environmental Assessment: The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies as a Class 1 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 - Existing Facilities because the proposal only contemplates minor revisions to the parking lot area and minimal improvement to the existing building with no expansion of any floor area of the building. No significant changes to the site are proposed. There is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. We agree, and would be the consistent finding for the previous Planning Directors approval of this material. Respectfully submitted, Tharles Joseph Associates • 7 •• A-66 RESOLUTION NO. 10-20 • A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING NON- CONSTRUCTION, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2010-00152, A REQUEST TO OPERATE A HEAVY EQUIPMENT SALES AND RENTAL - ' ' BUSINESS THAT WILL SELL AND LEASE TRAILERS FOR HEAVY TRUCKS ON A PARTIALLY DEVELOPED PROPERTY OF APPROXIMATELY 4.35-ACRES IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (GI) DISTRICT, (SUBAREA 14), LOCATED AT 9366 SANTA ANITA AVENUE AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF—APN: 0229-321-11. A. Recitals. 1. Charles Joseph and Associates, on behalf of Darrell Butler(property owner) and Trailer Fleet, filed an application for the issuance of Conditional Use Permit DRC2010-00152, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 12th day of May 2010, and continued\to the 26th day of May 2010, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on said application and concluded said hearing on that date. • 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on May 12, 2010 and continued to May 26, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to a parcel of land located at the west side of Santa Anita Avenue at 9366 Santa Anita Avenue—APN: 0229-321-11. The parcel has an overall area of about 184,300 square feet (4.35 acres). The overall dimensions of the site are 559 feet(east to west) by about 330 feet (north to south); and b. The site is partially developed with a one story metal building of 6,920 square feet that was constructed around 1980-1981. Other improvements on the site include an asphalt-paved parking area of about one (1) acre, an unpaved parking/storage area of about three (3) acres surfaced with compacted gravel, a block wall along the east perimeter along Santa Anita Avenue, • perimeter landscaping, and pole-mounted lights; and c. The street frontage along Santa Anita Avenue is about 330 feet; and A-67 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-20 DRC2010-00152 — CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 26, 2010 Page 2 • d: To the west of the site is a flood control channel and beyond that a power transmission utility corridor. To the north is a multi-tenant office complex, to the east is a warehouse/storage/distribution building operated by Weber Distribution, and to the south is a manufacturing facility operated by Pacer Technology; and e. The application proposes a trailer sales and leasing business to be operated by Trailer Fleet. New building construction is not proposed and the existing metal building will remain in-place with the majority of building improvements limited to the interior. No manufacturing or major assembly is proposed; and f. Per Section 17.30.030 of the Development Code, trailer sales and leasing is classified as "Heavy Equipment Sales and Rentals" and this category of uses is permitted in this development district with an approved Conditional Use Permit; and g. The applicant proposes to park/store 108 trailers on the property; and h. The applicant is required to provide 12 parking stalls. They have provided 23 parking stalls; and i. The office hours will be 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday with maintenance (light repairs and inspections of the trailers) occurring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Shipping and receiving will be during operating hours; and j. There will be six (6) employees -three office/administrative employees and three • mechanics/maintenance technicians. 3. ' Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed development is in accord with the General Plan,the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. The proposed project to operate a trailer sales and leasing business is consistent with development in the vicinity. b. The proposed development,together with the conditions applicable thereto,will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The surrounding properties are zoned industrial and the surrounding uses are industrial-oriented. c. The proposed development complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. The proposed development meets all standards outlined in the Development Code and the design and development standards and policies of the Planning Commission and the City. 4. The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies as a Class 1 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section • 15301 - Existing Facilities because the proposal only contemplates minor revisions to the parking lot area and minimal improvement to the existing building with no expansion of any of the building's A-68 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-20 DRC2010-00152 — CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 26, 2010 • Page 3 floor area. No significant changes to the site are proposed. There is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Department 1) Approval is for the sales and leasing of trailers in the General Industrial (GI) District, (Subarea 14) located at 9366 Santa Anita Avenue -APN: 0229-321-11. . 2) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 3) The facility shall be operated in conformance with the performance standards as defined in the Development Code including, but not limited to, noise levels. If the operation of the facility causes adverse effects upon the adjacent, businesses or operations, then the • Conditional Use Permit shall be brought before the Planning Commission for consideration and possible revocation of the Conditional Use Permit. 4) Any modification or intensification of the existing uses; any improvements including new building construction; and/or other modifications/intensification beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit shall require the review and approval by either the Planning Director or the Planning Commission prior to submittal of documents for plan check/occupancy, construction, commencement of the activity, and/or issuance of a business license. 5) Planning Commission Condition of Approval Option: a. The unpaved areas of the project site that are currently compacted gravel shall be paved with asphalt to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Along the entire perimeter of the new asphalt paved areas, a 6-inch raised concrete curb shall be constructed at the edge of all landscaped areas. b. A chemical coating or binding agent shall be applied to the compacted gravel surface to minimize dust to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. Information regarding this coating or binding agent shall be submitted to the • Planning Director for review and approval prior to applying it. Within 10 years of the date of this approval, the unpaved areas of the project site that are currently compacted gravel A-69 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-20 DRC2010-00152— CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 26, 2010 Page 4 • • shall be paved with asphalt, and along the entire perimeter of the new asphalt paved areas a 6-inch raised concrete curb shall be constructed at the edge of all landscaped areas. 6) The hours of operation for administrative and trailer sales/leasing activities shall be limited to 7:00a.m. — 6:00 p.m. Monday through • Friday. Maintenance activities (light repairs and inspections of the trailers) are permitted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 7) The existing building shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 8) The existing metal gate at the entrance to the site shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 9) Per Section 17.30.40(E)(4)(a) and (c),trees are required to be planted at a rate of 1 tree per 30 linear feet of interior property line. Where there are trees missing along the project perimeter, i.e. gaps in the , perimeter landscaping, new trees shall be planted to comply with this requirement. • 10) The existing trees shall be pruned to remove dead branches and excess foliage, and the existing ground cover along the perimeter and • • street frontage of the property shall be restored to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 11) Required landscaping shall be completed prior to release for occupancy. 12) Outdoor storage of sales products, supplies, materials, and equipment other than the storage of trailers and tractors (used specifically for moving the trailers on the property) is prohibited. 13) All signs shall comply with the City's Sign Ordinance. All signs shall require review and approval of a Sign Permit application by the Planning Director prior to installation. Building and Safety Department 1) Obtain building permits for any construction work to be performed at this facility. Building and Safety Department (Grading) 1) The Building and Safety Department (Grading) will review future proposals and provide conditions at that time. It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine if a category or non-category Water Quality • Management Plan (WQMP) is required to be completed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. • A-70 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-20 DRC2010-00152— CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES May 26, 2010 • Page 5 Fire Construction Services • '1)' New Operational Fire Code permits such as for the repair garage, waste oil handling and storage must be obtain for the fire district's office prior to conducting business. Other permits may be required based on the activities conducted at this facility. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY 2010. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Richard R. Fletcher, Chairman • ATTEST: James R. Troyer, AICP, Secretary I, James R. Troyer, AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and . adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of May 2010, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: • • A-71 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS • PROJECT #: DRC2010-00152 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES FOR DARRELL BUTLER/TRAILER FLEET LOCATION: 9366 SANTA ANITA AVENUE —APN: 0229-321-11 ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, (909) '477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Completion Date General Requirements 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its _/_/_ • agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval,or in the alternative,to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval No. 10-20, Standard / /_ Conditions, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 3. The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The /_/_ project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Director hearing: a) Notice of Exemption - $50 X • SC-12-08 1 I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2010-00152 Std Cond 5-26.doc A-72 _ Project No.DRC2010-00152 Completion Date , B. Time Limits • 1. Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or Development/Design Review approval shall expire if —/ /— • building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval. No extensions are allowed. C. Site Development • 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include —/_/- site plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors,landscaping,sign program,and grading on file in the Planning Department,the conditions contained herein and the Development Code regulations. 2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions —/—/- of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 3. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and —/—/- State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Department to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. 4. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be _/ /- submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. 5. All site, grading, landscape, irrigation, and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for / / consistency prior to issuance of any permits (such as grading, tree removal, encroachment, building, etc.)or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision, or approved use has commenced, whichever comes first. 6. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all / /—• other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community or Specific Plans in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 7. A detailed on-site lighting plan, including a photometric diagram, shall be reviewed and approved / /_ by the Planning Director and Police Department (477-2800) prior to the issuance of building permits. Such plan shall indicate style, illumination, location, height, and method of shielding so as not to adversely affect adjacent properties. 8. All ground-mounted utility appurtenances such as transformers, AC condensers, etc., shall be / / located out of public view and adequately screened through the use of a combination of concrete or masonry walls, berming, and/or landscaping to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. For single-family residential developments, transformers shall be placed in underground vaults. D. Shopping Centers • 1. Graffiti shall be removed within 72 hours. —/ / 2. The entire site shall be kept free from trash and debris at all times and in no event shall trash and / / debris remain for more than 24 hours. 3. Signs shall be conveniently posted for"no overnight parking" and for"employee parking only." —/—/- 2 • I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2010-00152 Std Cond 5-26.doc A-73 Project No.DRC2010-00152 Completion Date E. Parking and Vehicular Access (indicate details on building plans) • 1. All parking spaces shall be 9 feet wide by 18 feet long. When a side of any parking space abuts _/_/_ a building, wall, support column, or other obstruction, the space shall be a minimum of 11 feet wide. 2. All parking lot landscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall /_/_ contain a 12-inch walk adjacent to the parking stall (including curb). 3. All parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles, entrances, / /_ and exits shall be striped per City standards. • • 3 I:\PLANNING\FINAL\PLNGCOMM\2010 Res & Stf Rpt\DRC2010-00152 Std Cond 5-26.doc A-74 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Section 17.12.030 shall be sufficient to preclude the free flow of water onto adjacent properties or public streets or alleys and to preclude standing pools of water within the parking facility. 7. Safety Features. Parking and loading facilities shall meet the following standards: a. Safety barriers, protective bumpers or curbing, and directional markers shall be provided to assure pedestrian/vehicular safety, efficient utilization, protection to landscaping, and prevent encroachment onto adjoining public or private property. b. Visibility of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists shall be assured when entering individual parking spaces, when circulating within a parking facility, and when entering and exiting a parking facility. c. Internal circulation patterns, and the location and traffic direction of all access drives, shall be designed and maintained in accord with accepted principles of traffic engineering and safety. 8. Lighting. Parking areas shall have lighting capable of providing adequate illumination for security and safety. The minimum requirement is 1-foot candle, maintained across the surface of the parking area. Lights provided to illuminate any parking facility or paved area shall be designed to reflect away from residential use and motorists. It is the intent to maintain light standards in a low profile design and to be compatible with the architectural design. Light standards shall not exceed 15 feet in overall height from the finished grade of the parking facility. No lighting shall create illumination on adjacent properties, which exceeds a measurement of 5 foot candles. 9. Noise. Areas used for primary circulation, frequent idling of vehicle engines, or for loading activities shall be designed and located to minimize impacts on adjoining properties, including provisions for screening or sound attenuation. 10. Screening. Unenclosed off-street parking areas shall be screened from view from public streets and adjacent more restrictive land uses. Screening may consist of one, or any combination of, the following methods: a. Walls. Low profile walls, not exceeding 3 1/2 feet in height, shall consist of concrete, stone, brick, or similar types of solid masonry materials. b. Fences, solid. A solid fence, not to exceed 3 'A feet, shall be constructed of wood, wood and masonry, or other materials to form an opaque screen. c. Fences, open. An open weave, mesh-type, or wrought iron fence, not to exceed 3 'A feet, shall be combined with plant materials to form an opaque screen. d. Planting. Plant materials, when used as a screen, shall consist of compact, evergreen plants. They shall be of a kind, or used in such a manner, so as to provide screening, have a minimum height of 2 feet within 18 months after initial installation or screening as per a, b, or c above shall be installed. e. Berms. Berms, including grass or plant materials. NIA 9 0 Si . 17.12-3 8/03 • • • STAFF REPORT ,/7 \ PLANNING DEPARTMENT ELT DATE: May 26, 2010 RANCHO TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission CUCAMONGA FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Adam Collier, Planning Technician SUBJECT: REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-43R — The Beer Mug - A public hearing to examine the business operation to ensure that it is being operated in a manner consistent with the conditions of approval or in a manner which is not detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties in the vicinity. The Planning Commission will consider revocation or modification of the approved Conditional Use Permit. Located within the Regional Related Commercial District, Subarea 4, of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, in the Foothill Marketplace at 12809 Foothill Boulevard, Suite C1-C4 - APN: 0229-031-33. Related files: Conditional Use Permit CUP97-03 and Entertainment Permit EP97-30. Staff requests that the Planning Commission continue this matter to the June 9, 2010, Planning Commission hearing to allow staff additional time to work with the business owners. • RECOMMENDATION: Staffs recommends that the Planning Commission continue this item to the • June 9, 2010 Planning Commission hearing. Respectfully submitted m� YTroyer, AICP Planning Director JRT:AC/Is • • • Item B Planning Commission Meeting of S/2/° RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN-UP SHEET Please print your name, address, and city and indicate the item you have spoken regarding. Thank you. NAME ADDRESS CITY ITEM / 2. (2, • 3. r/, ,ufl/ 4. el - 4� %5. c-,X �f er� 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.