HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/10/16 - Agenda Packet0 M % r• 7, QCY of RANUID GUCANK IA CrI'Y C(5(JlIUL x AGENIA - I97/ Lions Park Conaueity Captor 9161 Dare Line Road Rsnebo Cueaennga, California fMenb nT 16 1981 — 7b3D e�p All Items submitted for ties City Cosaeil Aged& scat bn is rritisg. The deadline for submittbt these items is 5300 F-a. Om the Wdseday prior to the "sting. Tie City Clark's tffios receives all such items. A. P!tdge of All6giance to Flag. 8. Poll Calls Wright __, just _._, Mikels Dahl __, and Ring __• C. Approval of Minutes, S6VtevUer 18, 1985 September 14, 1963 r ij 2. AXM2M M3VU1taMU1M , r. A. 11wroday, October 17, 1985, 7.30 p.m. - P.Ux ' DD9tLOph=- COMHISSION.•ilons Park Cose:niey Center. �+ E. Wodouday, 9ctober 23, 1985, 7100 P. PLANNING COOI88IOY, Lions Park Community Center. C. Thursday, October 24, 1983, 700 p.m. - ADVIVORY COMMI80IOE, Lions Park Community Center. L i D. D Saturday, Wavasuar 9. 1985 - 7TH ANNUAL FOUNDERB DAY PARADE. L7 IM iti�``{yy�.� 4: iE� 'yell'. .�''��.•� I I.;ayl. Mid F'b+'tv'i'.T+ fl^iz•d1�+!a' '.•L t ■ -4i w �.f 1 � .'t'WM1�•'PiA.i.Y49...r1 a , 3 „ is i City Council Agenda -2- October 16. 1985 ,11111 The following Consent Caleedar Leer are arpaeted to be routine anf non- eaatroversi,2. The? will be voted upon by the Coaecl2 at mac time wlthoet discuaium. A. Approval of Warrants, Register Pa's. 85 -30 -16 and I Payroll ending 9/2945 for the total am•mt of 5645,344.37. E. Alcoholic Bavereg• Application No. AS 83 -17 for On-Sala 6 Baer 8 Wine Eating Place License. Julia and Welter Meng. 9638 Bess Liao Road. C. Alcoholic Beverage Application No. AS 85 -18 for 8 Off -Sale Bear 6 Wire gating Place License. Rvaug Cie, 8161 W. rootbill SOnla lard• D. Approval ct Improvement Agrgeamat, leprovement Security 10 and final Nap for Tract 11833 located on the mortbeaet corecr of 19th Street and Ram" Avenue, submitted by Soy E. Daly cid Coc4,aa7. REbd..TTION 30. 85 -273 20 A RESOLUTION OF 1'8E C17y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCANONOA, CALTt CPNIA. APPROVING INPROVENENT ACItEENENT, IMMNZx_vT SECURITY AND FINAL NAP OF TRACT NO. 11853 E. Approval of additional funds in the amount +t 21 $32,000.00, for toolerative Agree"at aLth Lowy Development (CO 84 -01y) for Tract No. 11350, improvements at Baas Line and Hermosa. F. Approval of Professional Agreaeant with 110ble, Grover S 32 Associates (CO 85 -110) for the ,design of traffic siguali at three locating (Vineyard 6 Niatb. Ease Line 6 Beryl, and Arrow i Hallman). The design nest will be 97,500 for ibe project, vtleb in part of the 1985 - Capital Iapcovemeat Rodent. G. Approval of Foothill Boulevard Corridor Study Interim 46 Policies Report on actio• taken following adoptton of Ordinance No. 274. R. Approval of Plan Amendment for Clon[ule Savings 50 3eferred Compeasation Program designating Robert Risen as Administrator. ,11111 F ' City Council Agaada -5- Cc LObar lb, 1985 A• " 4E80Ltl2I0N NC. 79-798 g] A RESOLUTION OF THE CITE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 79 -79 AN EMPLOYEES' D$PERM COMPENSATIOR PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE - EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS RELATED TO SAID PLAN I. Approval to muthoriae O'Sullivan Company of Rancho 51 -A CucaxOuga to prepare six official City flags at a total cost not to exceed 81,200. J. Approval of COntrAcL (CO 85 -111) for 'lnecatal ' consulting services with D.J. Repay tbrouge December 71. 1985. R. Approval of amendment to rules and LeQulations of 1984 52 aid 1985 Residential Horns Mortgage Revenue Bond program. EESOLDTION NO. 95 -274 54 A RESOLUTION Of THE CITY COUNCIL OT THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, AMPIOIING THE i ROLES AND RACUWTIONS RW-Tl2 . TU THE 1984 AND 1985 SERIES "A" RESIDENTIAL SOME MORICAOE RLYAMUE BOND PROGRAM L. bet public bearing for Woveabar 59 1985 for appeal of ` Historic Preservation COmmiaeion decision regarding Virginia Dare Winery, nor Obrest corner Ponthill a Haven. Cbriateeon Company. M. fat public boring for Movnaber 6, 1085 for smeadmeat o Chapters l7 08 and 19.09 of the Rancho Cucamonga 15teiciPal Code partaioiag to the prbservsciun of treat on private property, Tree Preservation Ordinance. ' H. 8..t public bearing^ for November 6, Ip85 for - i Etviroamantal Assessment and General Plan Ameodawat 85 -04D, located on the south aide Of Peron Boulevard, between Archibald and Turner, Hawkins, Planning Coemioeion Les reeoamaded dunial. 0. Sal puulic bearialt for November 6, 1985 for Enrironmearal Asensse::t and General Plan Amendment 85 -04E, located oa tae aorth aide of Base Lice Road vest nl Toper. Daly Cotstruction. City Council Agenda -4- u' + P. Bat public hearing for November 6, 1985 for 5; Environmental Assessment and General Plan Amadmat 85 -047, located at the southeast corner of Arrw Highway and Rochester Aaanue. Rochester Avenue Associates. Q. Get public bearing for November 6, 1985 for Eavirommntal Assessment end Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 63 -00, located at the southeast corner of Arrw, Highway and Rochester Avenue, Rochester Avenue Associates. R. Sat public bearing for Novarber 6, 1903 for ` Environwatal Assessment and General Plan Amendwnc 85 -040, located on the northwest corner of 19th Street and Irchibald Avenue, Gerold. Planning Commission has recomminded denial 8. get public hearing for November 6, 1985 for Environmental Assessment and Industrial Specific Plan ` Amendment 85 -048 City of Rancho Cucamonga. T. Bet public hearing for November 20, 1985 for Appeal of Planning CasudsvLoo denial of a Tim Extension for To aca tine Tract 11997, located 00 the southeast corner of Hillside Road and Beryl Street, Landco. U. Sec public bearing for November 20, 2985 for Appeal of Planning Coaalssion denial of consistency for Preliminary Review 85 -35 with Foothill Corridor Interim, Policies, southeast corner of Hellman Avenue and Sao Berrardiuo Road, Maloquists V. Sat public bearing for November 20, 1985 for Eaviroamencal /assessment and General Plan Amendment 85 -04B, located 00 the south 810a of Football q+ Boulevard, vast side of Cucamonga Creek, vast of Vineyard Avenue, Porte&. Planning Comissioa has recommended denial. ' W. Sac public tearing for November 20, 1983 for Eavirommentnl Assessment and Development District Amadmut 85 478 located on the south aide of Foothill Boulevard, west side of Cucamonga Crack, vent of Vineyard Avenue, Parise. Planning Commission has recommended Cnaiel. S. Bet public bearing for Hovaabsr 20, 1905 Par Environmental Asseasment and General Plan Amendmaot Q. 05 -04C, located at the oouthvest career of Foothill Boulevard and Turner Avenue. Mel Mack. October 16, 1985 D .1 ;? City Council Agenda -S- October 16, 1985 Y. Appraral to receive and file City of Rancho Cucamonga 56 - Investment Schedule Status Report as of October 8, - m 1985. R { A. J=LUDA ap►SIPTC PLAN A_NKIDNVNT 85-01 - CITT OF EANrmn c ZMARMA - An amendment to modify the Etivanda Specific Platt, Figure 3 -18 "Coulnity TrniL ^, and Figure 5 -196 "Pedestrian Trails and 8idwolks ", by V extending the rquestri.a trail along Utivanda Avenue i southerly to Highland avenuo, sad the establishment of an equestrian trail ao0aection to the Southern Pacific i Railroad rigbt- of-vay south of Victoria Avenur, along j the east perimeter of the Victoria Planned Coewnity. Item continued from October 2, 1985 mating. ORDINANCE NO. 273 (second reading) 57 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COONCIL OF THE CITY OF RARC90 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDINO THE ETIWAHDA SPECIFIC PLAN, FOGULE 5 -18 " COHMUNITY TRAMS ", AND FIGURE 5 -19 "PEDESTf.IAS TRAILS AND SIDEWALKS ", BY ENTEYYDr,M THE NUESTRIA9 TRAIL A,LO• : ETIWANFA AVENUE a0UTU1RLY 70 HIGHLAND AVENUE. APD THE EBTABLIS WEST Of A NEW EQUESTRIAN TRAIL CONNECTION TO TIM SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD QIGHI -OF -WAY ALONG TILE EAST PERIMETER r2 THE VICTORIA PLA.YNHD COMMUNITY B. 1985 -86 HOUSING A88T9TMCI PLAN - A request to approve 58 the am 3 -year Rousing Assistance Plan Tequired by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for all recipients of Community Development Block Grouts. RESOLUTION NO. 85 -275 71 A ABSOLUTION OF ISE CITY COUNCIL 07 IRS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, APPROVInG A } THREE-YEAR (1985 -86) PAUSING ASSISTA.YCE PLAN 1 FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEBI BLOCK CRAFT PROGRAM NO 1TENS SUBNITTh`I 0 I City Council Agenda -6- PRICISSR W-ATAUTAL 1111b" Tjk"GK D. MOUT Flow Tar =ZRlxL-UL-=svumw=, Or A IMMXLIK-UJZ=x yrn Tit ICT a0. 12601 C. MUSIT P Xm wnTyAx r, A ImLoxtux-m-Amox-Am CCtFT To 11XJUIZL2=T. KNMN AS COMPUTE D. No in" EnXITVM L.--&==W % fN 1 Oc-tober 16, 1995 72 87 Illp A fN 1 a 1 '33 t • y, 1 • t: l '� Y. .•D N •700u JCJ ti•'7J .I N VOOJO VOG OJts WO.+ • 70V UFJV • ) 1 • UYU•ra0 •4��. C1JU1^O I.I � 1 r` � Il• Y U .T m •r F nI F J V a • rJ L•] •l rJ• .� T Ci Y\ J I^ J • lu 1 1 1 IV - Iw 1 m J •� Y N N a •� rll 1'• In ;(� �� y Q N V V •! I V I < o • N 1 ,wj T � .y ^ J ••1 p J .y •y ^1 I 'r •V J w n t .. w w r4LL'' ••f r `l ` y'y ✓•V•1 ♦LL. .. y I•••NtImV•9 JFW ^J.•IN •'T .P JF II J' - I•-rY ,,V,1 r•r � , •• '1m n J r `J NIV NI \' v1Y IM1 V.O w Y •T U JI J J PIm 1'1 a mll l•1 ^.P f f J'Y'.r Y Y' � ^ 1 R y O r •(. , .li r .J -0 J J •f Y• Y Y' V• V• � Y• V Y' .rl W 1J V a W I J J 7 � I Y Y' y' Y f Y•'f Y C Y V I`' Ii ):)G.JUJUJU J..O J.JJ I -: JQ OJII� J �7 1 1 •Wa m ^u ^1 m f w u V 1 1 f 1 T J' .. ./• J .r r♦ .r l fs I C u Y 1•• Y •w � Y i U4 O nw IJL •• Q4. J L `I � Wrt ' ^u M U M . 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T 4 .nMr. 4 . w rrr w M Y^� wi r wlr.ra 4 >'♦ a M 'AIICAT1t116 BY TTWUTIYolt - IA {TArrOi CYrr M Day ^rA wr.rl Y : 4!Y woe Tf +w Mr .YI.V r W M .wb w.r0 yr ill 4 4 I...r rn Mrw. r h .•r4I In.r.Y wYr YY..•I ..wr. ... 4 / 1 �� tiw IM._I . Y r... ww M Yr 4 41 1 `A wr4r Y W+..14 Y I••Yr� IY Y \r .rlw .N.r...r .r.rra r•Iw \.w �w V r_W ....rr' M .1... wl.r. w. r......�w..\4..\... ..... wwrw w.�rww.Nwr +r w.r .+.�..i.•. ..rr.rw�..r rgn.r 4Yw Yrnwr.. •" , A". N" *4 -PP,kw TAD wMITw DrAmller ON ONy AINIMi l711wI:crWa, p Il . ❑ • �..�I..,1� �a.M IIIrtM / `iT �I� �l Y� �wr aY la r ` IiA L MMA SnGG '(211.1. A 9TA2 iOUIC!s 7 A2EiuG Aoxti rbr4UA MQtf hlttAL LAUIUii TIz2 �uk 5TA2 9 LOCATr c1u 'd+[ AloeTh(.,-ar w tis, a ZfKg'LlJle ftD -die AtPlvr� � /7�i� ry r� op pAm &or2. I I I VI 'GI 9� �I �I G I I i 1J ��.eP.d1T't� �uQ2turLY �oAa¢a e 1JG - �/e/er/�aLNa� eenwr�efG ^iyc t CUs %pure Q c Cur%/[cA7TLY Lev ufD : ' 1Uoer�f - C� (};ct hia�4t co, �CS /DlAYrir4G 64) :`c', !.457 -LSFi c� 7c��CSSrAJRC (op) LUST— pifier f�1of'ess�aa{ Ca?' `��`, ` �a�i�b �t!2 L•ieNQ.¢AL %>La.� d ��an�Q r?5 r4$eu2 .�< 7 t :.T f nDY rr p.rTHw d Al1AbfY 1...•w f.A.r nw. I.A Irr.••1•�•r••�I 0001 Av L KW m OF AMUCAWC51 - ArY�IInf•t.f10N Q •• L TMM W Mk4ACIWI{t) I7. A/Afllw •YFI W Mw e1./ •r+aw r/MM' M �W Ywwd I�+r •i Mw •0 M t=1 r d • 4•ww a d At IM M Y4 14IaM MI.Y 1. Y MdwM an d s� r.Me•+• M AbW4 Mr+ fwwl An 17. 3TAT1 OF fAWObOA bwr/ d • •• -r Iwl. �F M rww .� .� •r Y•• rIr• v.•. w.w � .n �p u . w .rw . w I W. . r wr y...1 w k� Iw..•r- =�. Y Y.�.'. •I.w.. M �rV Jn .. •MYr.... W �4 Y b V ` w 1 wMr . rl •.•. `w/ rl r..d N I• � r rr ..Y .I w. J •.I r r+• •��r �• .I w•�I . wMww Fn+. n M r++. Y w YrY •. Mn r. 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Yrlr)r ,. .. -- —'Y-RED HILL -rra- Q h o J° b 40 I `O Jt 01 DIMO Fnoi�iiti Lrdun/L rs Lo .O nu �;t 5eu atsr of F�c+fi�u Btda Rua LrN,cLL'auurdSrCLc� D�roe AbZWe -eur' rn yh. i11A6/C LRrNO 2CSTRtitOLiuT �aoPF.Q.Ta Is CuQJItu7'L.'F Bunn C6C) �'auaaht L'amwt�.�RL Ar'DTArr$Jr *P4aA0slr,C.% s )Jfcjt'IN• FAer t Wesr, ;e�Geurrr�t L'i�►,nyr7e„ �y Sou;;h /amrDturAL Ey,4 -b&r. Bute �i¢.4G�L YL/txl o SA�v]¢ fl3 i8af/Q a, , c CITY OF RANCh O CUCAMONGA Ct CAAro STAFF REPORT r?i�"��. OAT E: October 16, 1985 TJ: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Tract No. 11853 located on the northeast corner of 19th Street and Ramona Avenue submitted by Roy E. Daly and Company. Tract No. 11853 was approved by the Planning Cmmission on October 28, 1981, for the division of 5.71 acres into 5 lots in thu Medium Development District located on the northeast corner, of 19th Street ant Ramona Avenue. The Developer, Roy E. Daly Construction Company, is submlttirg an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off -site improvements in the 7nllowing amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $42,500,00 Labor and Material amd: $21,300.00 Letterc of approval have been received from the high school and elementary school districts and Cucamonoa County Water District. C C. d R.s have also been approved by tF.? . •v Attorney. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended Uut he City Council adopt the attached resolution app•oving Tract No. ',3, accepting said agreement and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerl. to sign said agreement and to cause said maaap,to record. flea,I1 '.' -- hnents FAL r 0 _gt 4 CITY A }i IMPROVEMENT AG EENEBT FOR TRACT 11853 p v n , KNOW Sll MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That this agreement 1s the [' nade and entrved Into In conformance with the provisions of the Sufdlrtsfen O tct of the State of California, and of the City of Rancho :Uramangd. / all; 'Icable Or H nsnce of sl corporation, ^ Cantor nla, • munlcip he City. andy ROY Ebetween Construction hereinafter referred to as the City. Core ration. 9330 Bess Line gold. Suite 206, Rancho Cucamonga, the Developer Calffornia 91730, here rafter referred to as WITHESSETH: iC THAT, WHEREAS, said D rveloper desfi ss to develop certain ly approved reds Property In +old Clty as Shown on the condition& �s subdlvls ton known is Tnet 11853; and i WHEREAS said aty has established co a requirements lof said sa apir p tlotnteds th corner of 19th aprerequisite subd- v111on,general tY northeast Strett and Ramona Avenue s NOW, TPEREFORE. it is hereby agreed by said City and by said Base, ..r as follows: E 1. The Developer hereby agrees to construct at " Developer" expense ail improvefents described on Page 6 •e- `t� of :$thin twelve months from the effective data hereof 2 This agreement $hall be effective on the data of the resolution of the Council of said City &ppra.I.g this default t Icy lof es nun first l�nnlversary date eta • OProral less eat n- 1ng then slon of time has been granted by fold Cl cy at heroin a /ter proved- ad 3. The Developer say request An extension of time to to complete the tgrH hereof Such request shall ye sYboi,sad lety esg than 30 days before the expiration the to wti not less Shall cant ain a statement n1 circumstances data h.NDC. and "acesHtatfng the extension of time. The CIt3 $hall have the right to review the Provisions of to b'nddr impro vementl securityuding unstructlon staddsrds, cost estimate, therein If any substantial change has and to require adjustments occurred during the term hereof - e. If the Developer fails or neglects to comply with the provisions of this agreement, the city Shelf have the lawful be mat by ens at any tied to cause said 'Provisions to from the Developer and/or his surwty means and thereupon rocovar the full cost and erD$n$* Incurred S. The Developer $hall p•ouida metered water service to yeach lot of said development In a cardance with the rbyyul+tions Water District. $chedu 1.1. and fees of the Coca eonis County j, 6. Tho. Developer shalt bs responsible far rapluement. relocation. or removal of any compliant of any irrigation water i%PrOVemsnts to system In conflict with cnnstructitn of required Engine:, and the owner of •uch water L% the satisfaction of the City p system. a�g5 Y, 1 '• T. Improvements required to be constructed Shall " • conform to the 3tndard Drawings and Stendard Specifications of the City, and to the Improvement Plan approved by and on file it -, r the off It the City Engluesr Said Improveeen . are tabulated on the Construction and Band Estimate, hereby Incorporated an a page 6 "hereof, at taken fr 00 the improvemnnt plant llsted thereon r by number The Developer shall also be responsible for construc• tlon of any transitions or other Incidental work beyond the tract boundarisS as needed for safety and proper surface drainage Errors or Coalitions discovered during construetin shall be corrected upon the direction of the City Engineer, Revised nark • due to sad plan modifications shall be covered by the pro,islant of tAlt agreement and secured by the surety wrerin9 the prigs nit - „ Planned works , 8. Construction perm,ts shall be obtained by the Developer from the office of the City Engineer prior to start u! work; all regulations listed thereon (hill be observed, with attention given to safety procedures, control of dust, noise, or otler nuisance to the area, and to Prtoar notification of public It + utilitles and City Departments Failure to lY with this section shalt be subject to the penalties nrovided therefor 9 The Developer shall be responsible for reoeval of all Loose rocks and other debris from public right$ -af -ray within or adjoining said development resulting from work relative to said developeent r, 30. work done within existing struts shell is ditlgent ly pursued to completion; the City shall have the right to Complete any and all work to the event ov untustlfled delay in completion, and to recover all cost and expense incurred from the OerPlopor and /or his contractor by any lawful means. 11 Said Developer shall at all tines following dedica- tion of the itreets and easements in said sabldiv I lion. up to the completion and acceptance of Sala work or improvement by said City Council, glue good and adequate warning to the traveling pub It of each and every dangerous condition existent in said strut or 9 Mean q end will protect the traveling public free Such dAfactive or dangerous conaitions a Until the completion If all teorovementSr.ha aim Incorporated on t i' Page 6 , to be performed, tech of said streets not accepted as top rovemaAss shall, be under the charge of said Developer. Said Developar may close all m• a portion of any street subject to the pt j conditions contained In a temporary street closure permit, issued iJ:.• by the City trtq sneer, whenever It is necessary to protttt the during the canttru -tton of the improvements herein agreed io bec ti Parkway treol required to be Planted shall be +•^ °• pla +tad by the Developer after other improvement work, Trading ? y+• and cleanup has been completed Planting shall be done as yf, providad by Ordinance In aocordanCO with the Planting diagram D aPDrovaa by the City Community Development atreetor. f+ i, 'a11 The Developer shalt be responsible for maintaining trees i planted in 9000 health until he end of the uaranteed Achevar .` maintenance period, or for one year after planting, is r -�� later } s,.. 13. The Developer Is responsible for meetingp all cord,= +4 ° tioes established the City y'•'•�.; by Pursuant to the Sub dlv lslon NPD Act, City Ordiances, and this agreeaant fo- the develop, the maintenance of all improvements constructed tRereuoder • ,., ra ; f i f+ :•rasa.. .. w.:::,� .s... .t .. - .A %;.!'e'. 478 until the Imvroreme.t Is accepted far maintenance Oy the City, and no cep.Ormaot security provided hotelnwith shall Os re jetty. be for. such acceptance unless otherw'se prodded and auteorlaN DY ere City Courdl of the City. 14 This agreement shall not torminate until the A lntenance guarantee security hereinafter described has been %leased by the City, or until a new agreement together tth ate required Improvement security has been submitted to the City bl a SUCCessor to the herein -also, and by resolution of the C•ty Council sane has bet,. ttcwpted, and this agreement and the in prOreeent security therefor has been released is The Improvement security to he furalShed by the Be welop•er with this i9raement Shall consist ns tee following and shall T. Ia a form Accepteolm by the City At to rtey A. To secure faithful performancO o` this agreement 1 A bond of bands by one or more duly enthodred Corporate Surat as in the form and content specified uY Goi'nrnient COda Section 6C499.1 2 Am Improvement Security Instlunent in the form And Content spec :%led by the City Attorney. 3. A deposit with the City of money or negotiable bonds of the kind approved for securing deposits o/ publ It monies B To secure IAborers aid oaterlalmen: 1 A bond or bonds by one or more outs auto anted Corporets sureties In the for• ant content specified by Govevnment Led@ Sectlsn 66419 I 2. An teprorur.+nt Smurlty Instrumtr; to the form and content specified by the CIt) Attorney. 3 A deposit with City of money 0. nCgatlable bands of the kind approved for Securinj C A cash deposit with the City to guarantee payment by the Derelopor to the engineer a, surveyor whose certificate appears upon the Final Nap for the setttnq a/ l boundary, eat Corner, and serest 11 Set no eoa ants end for /urn ishln9 centerline tie notes to Its city The amount of the deposit may be any amount certified by the engineer or surveyor as acceptable payment to full; or, If no value is submitted, the Cash bond shalt be as shown an toe Construction and Bond Estivate contrinaa hereto $4.1d Cash deposit may be refunded as soon as prdce. dare permits after receipt by the City of the Center7in6 tie notes and written assurance of payment In OUT from the engineer or surveyor 0. The requ:•ed bonds and the principal ampwntt 04rmof are sat forth on page 6 of this agreement 16 The described In this materials and wortmt tents found to be data on which the to repaired or replace Cjty The 0evaldl security In a sum e4 *.Heat: or $200,00 performance 0. Oerei� gr• +h, Tha sl intent f. aful perltrmaaee 0 elopor W4rr.nts that the Improvements �ednnt shall be free from defects In P. Any and all portions of the tmprors. 11s4 within one (1) Sear flluwing the events are OCCe7ted by the City shall be DaYl Oper free of all charges to the shall furnish a maintenance guarantee to ten percent (10%) Of the construction :he at is yqre aster, to secure the faithful.,, I obliq aslens as described In this pare• guarantee security shall also Secure the thn Developer of any Obligation of the _3. t.' 'C �I:l y.'7Y;P ., ?v: " 't," � � •' �:F" ,.1 {f . ..,yi. v„ ,r - � �x ' t ". '•t �,>'. l::�ry. ±xj�4;:i`% ryl ` ly y Devaloper to do specified Mark with respect to any parkway •• maintenance assessment district. Once the Improvements have been- , accepted and a maintenance guarantee security has been accepted by the Clty, the other Improvement security described In this agreement may be released provided that such release Is otherwise authorized by the Subdivision Map Act and any applicable City Ordinance. 17. That the Developer shall take out and maintain such public liability and property damage Insurance at shall protect him nd any contractor or subcontractor performing work covered by this agreement from claims for property damages which may arise because of the nature of the mark or free operations under - th it agreement, whether such operations be by himself or by any contractor or subcontractor, car anyone directly or Indirectly employed by said persons, even though such damages ba net caused by the negligence of the Developer or any contractor or subcontractor or anyone employed by said persons The public 11abI lity snJ property damage Insurance shall list the City As " additonal insured and directly protect the City, Its officers, agents and employees, as well as the Developer, his contractors and his subcontractors, and all insurance policies Issued ' hereunder shall so state. The minlmum amounts of such Insurance shall be as follawst ' A. Contractor-s Lability Insurance Provtdlny bodily Injury or death liability limits of not less the $300,000 for each person and $1,000,000 for each accident o occurrence, and property damage liabfl- ity limits of not less than $100,000 for each acci- dent or occurrence with an aggregate limit of $250,000 for dales which may arise from the opera- tions of the Developer In the performance of the wort herein provided D. Automobile liability Insurance covering all vehicles used in the performance of this agreement bodily Injury IHbiti ty I"' t3 of net Rrav/dtng a ss than $200,000 for each person and 1700,000 for each accident or occurrence, and Prol,erty damage liability limits of not loll than $50,000 for each accident or occurrence, with an aggregate of not less teen $100,000 which may arise from the opera. Lions of the Developer or his Contractor In perfgrming the wort Provided for herein 18. That before the execution of this agreement, the Oeriloper Shall file with the City a certificate or certificates of- insure cc coverinp the specified Insurance. Each such ' certificate theft Eair an endorsement precluding the - cancellations, or reduction to coverage of any policy evidences ty such certificate, before the tepfration of thirty (30) days after the Clty shall have received notification by registered mail from the Insurance carrier At evidence of undarstnnding the provisions contained herein, and 1 of intent to comply with same, the Subdivider has submitted the ; jl• following described improvement security, and has affixed hit sig.lature beret*: x -4- 5• � erg 1 ~ C FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE Type: Principal Amount: S42.500.C: NANO and address of surety: i MATERIAL ANU LABOR PAVNEBT Typal Pr-n.loal Amcunc: $21,700.00 Nacre and address Of surety: CASH DEPOSIT NONUMEATATE04 Type: Prtncioal Amount S 1,450.00 Alma and address of surety: MAINTENANCE GLARANTEE Type: Prtncipal Amount: ' Name and address of surety: TO DE POSTrD PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BY HE CITY . IN VITDESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents tm Da duly etac;tad and acknorledged rItm all formalities required by law An tee dates set forth opposite their signstaras Date oy� ,Odra 1poar Rnatra Date _ by ,D.valop.r rynansre —' Ante AccepTed: City of Rancho Cucamonga, Califor.A& A Municipal Corporation By: Nsyor Attest: - -�iTEy C er Approved:+ DEVELOPER'S SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED, eL k CITY OF R/A410 CUCAMONGA ' GNGINEEFtttG DIVISION FNCROA R ERM T SCIIEOULE _ for lyrort9so T: ACT 11857 E - - Date: I. P-20 910! S �aqute' -T 7�T *try e.n+ -.,+,. Fl la Re rental city Orawinq Lo. 19+ NOTE: Does not Include current fee for writing Permit W paveawrt deposits ' GUAnTITY UNIT 1114 DICE . OUYT L.F P.C.C. curb - l:• C.F 24• gutter 7.25 _10I '. L.F. P.C.C. curb - 6' C.F 24• gutter 6.00 �.RDa 00 -- L.F. P.C.C. curb eel, 5.50 L.F A.C. Lem 4.50 1445 _ S.F 4• P.C.C. slcewslk 1.75 'J01,75 19e S.F Drive aPProath 2.50 195-00 S.F B• P.C.C. cents gutter (Inc. cure) ].40 _46, C.Y Street eacavl Ion 1.50 A93.DD C.T Imported eaboeaant 1.SC 11 .14" S.F Prepavtion at 9b rasa 0.15 1 Ku pO 9-figs S.F Cr All. title ?per txh thick) 0.03 90.AS TUN A.C. over 1700 tans) 27.01 Tow, A.0 900 to 1.100 tons) 35.00 TOM A.C. $00 to 9110 tons) 13- 45.00 - -- 111 100 A.C. under $a) eons) 6.00 14 s2C.00 S.F A.C. lhlCkl 0.5S S.F Patch A.C. (trvmch) 1.75 + " _ E F I• thick A.C. overlay ]2.00 0.30 4 _ 1 G. Ad3nst sever manhole to Beale 250.6 2yo.00 _ G. Adjust sever clean out to grade 16.6 I [A. Adjust water valves to grace 75.00 7,5-Q0 _,j_ G. Street 106.6 L.F 6arrlc odes des (i fSW rain) L00 _ L.F redwood header npaver 2 c 4• rof 1.75 1.171_ S.F h.0 Removal of N.C. pavement 0.35 1.91q�0 L.F Rtnval of P.C.C. 1.70 l _+ +'n re of A.C. Lern 1.00 140.00 EA. (A. Street Street signs 200,00 G. Reflectors and pant 35.00 L.F Concrete block wall 25.00 _ S.F Retaining wall 20.00 �- as TOM Aggregate base 7.00 ].R g,(y0 C.Y. Concrete structures 415.6 � L.F 16• RCP r2000 0 29.00 L.F. 24• ACP 11500 0 35.00 36. (2700 0 49.00 I.F 16' REP (1200 0 76.00 - EA. EA, h b filch basin V • " _�y- ' G. Catch basin V •1/' 4 3585.0 EA. Catty baste V • 22' 4SOO.M0 4500.6 =3_ G. Local eepreuln 1' 500.00 500.00 EA. Local dew ttticn 12' 1000.00 EA .function 5000.00 G. Outlet structure, Std 1506 ructure. 1500.00 -�- �_ EA. Outlet structure, Std ISO] 500,00 [A. Ward posts 40.00 l.F Ward panel (woof) 15.00 +)A Sawcut 2.00 65 60 EA EA, Neadvajl wln4) 1000.6 C.F header Randscd neadv 1.I5 j I eg] S.F urinyy 6 lrrlgatlon 2.75 1 S {. L.F Rail R011 curb (P.GC•) 7.50 FItGINEV'IIMI INSPECTION FEE •2,0)7.50 SUB TOTAL p •RESTOMiIOXIDELINGTION CASH 1,000.90 CONTINGENCT COSTS DEPOSIT !REfUn0A6lE IAITIWM PEAfORMANCE BOND (1005) -T W- AWRIATNW MTY JCASN) 1.450,00 LABOR MO MATERIAL BOND (505) �T, epuesmant to CFY of Rancho Suca 4 Mu+Ie1P41 Code, Title 1, Chap 1.�, adoptln I3eenar0lno Count) Code T;tlaf, Chapters 1.5, a cash rettoratfm /dRl'tatlon de3at11 be made prfor to t7suance of ac Engineering Construction Permit; Revised 3/04 �a� art 10 Dmr care y firma care — j ME tcrnay n• a<t ,t PLEASE ATTACH FOWL] OF ATTORNEY TO All $ONUS !, SIGNATURES MUST BE NOTARIZED k S�v'l eKtlil�P., /% fig f l0 , ' FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND J• � WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cdcaaosga, State of California, tnd Ro E. DZIY Construction Corcori -I" a9rremanttawhs esignated a Dr nr. pa are rrtt-ra nto en Afire a d PrinciDal Agnes to Install and complete designated , g pubifc tm pros taents. which safd agreement, t• dated 1905, r. Idanslflet as stET:iiiB3i t ere y n errp o and made a part hereorl Ana WHEREAS, SadJ PrincfpAl is required under the tens of said i agreement to furnish a bond 'for the faithful performance tf said Agrassant. NOW. THEREFORE, we the principal and A surety, are held Intl firmly bound uaTo— iETa'Cl yi• oi-$anc4W, Cucamonga (hertieafter called 'City), In the panel sun of Forty two thcusand, lira hundred and 00 /100 Dollars ($12,E00.00) lawful money of the United Stabs, fc- the payment 'If which sae well and truly to be nada, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors• era tutors and adetnlstrato,s, ,Jointly Ind severally, firmly by thaso presents. - , The condition of this obligyation Is such that Of the above bourded principal, his or Its hafn, tescutors, administrators, successors or asst" $tell in all things stand to and a01de by, and vall and truly keep and perform the covenants• condfttens and provisions at n thereof In the d r v i t a w - a Stherein prosided. on his rtheir m part,t G be kept and Performed at thm time and in the manner therein specifleil, and In _ all rtspacts according to their true Intent and meaning, and shall Indelnlfy and save harmless City, Its Officers, agents and IOPipyats, Is therein Stipulated then this obligation shall become null it and void; otherwise, shall be and remain In fvl' force and affect As a part of the oblfgatton secured hereby and In addition to the face amount specified [hart /o r, there [hall be included costs Ind rea$Onable expenses an! lat S. �ncluding reasoneble att.rntr•, fees, incurred by City In successfully enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs Ind Included 1n any Judgment rands red - The Surety herebs. Stipulates and agrees that•no change, aattnsion _ of tfgt, alteration or addition to the tens of th• ayregiment or to the work to be Performed thereunder or the spat f !cations • accoepanying the •*me shall in enyvise affect ,t•. obligations on this bond• and it does hereby waive notice of 4- such ctenge, 4"ORSIon Of tine• alteration or addition to t tires of the agreement or to the work or to the Specifications , the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrumult has been duly emetute- 190,!eincfpal and surety above•nurds on art 10 Dmr care y firma care — j ME tcrnay n• a<t ,t PLEASE ATTACH FOWL] OF ATTORNEY TO All $ONUS !, SIGNATURES MUST BE NOTARIZED k S�v'l eKtlil�P., /% fig LABOR AND RATERIALRER BOND . WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, State of Cal lfOrAla, and Rol E. Dal rOnstructlon r r• (hereinafter designated as pr nc pa ere en tere "to an agreement vnereby Principe i agrees to Install and complete dat@dln designated public Improvements, which said alreemenq proles ^acs s Ere 1943, and ,dentVhd as anp Y re area Eo and made a part hereof; NYCREAS, under the terms of said agraamevt, principal Is 100uired before entering upor tAe performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment band with the City of Rancho Cucamonga to sepurC the claims to which reference Is made In Title 15 (Commencing with SnCtion 3482) of part a he Division J o' the Civil Code of the State of California NON, TNFRCFORE, sold principal and the undersigned as a corporate surety, are held firmly bound unto the City of Rancho Cucamonga and all contractors subcontractors, Iahorers, material men and other persons employed In the Performance of the aforesaid aqreement and referral to In the aferasald Code of Civil Procedure in the sum of Twonty -one thousand, three hundrad Ind 00 /100 Dol ,.ars (3,21,300 00), for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under thr Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such wort or ls0o r, that said surety rill pay the scree fn an amount not exCaadln/ the amount hereinabove set orth, and also In case suit Is brought upon this bond will pay is addit'an to the face amount thereof, Costs and reasonable expo alt and fees, including rcasenable attorney -t fees, Incurred D City In successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the •ourt, and to be taxed as costs • and to be incl +ed in the Judgment therein rendered ihalItlm$ he eby expressly stipulated and greed that this bold Inure tt the bane /It Of any and all Pe•sons, companies and with Section 3012)1 of Part Of of Divisond 3r ofl the Civil oCade, l&a As to give a rit ,t of action to 'hem or their assigns In any suit brought upon tht bond Should the condition of tn,e . .w Da fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and sold, ctherwlse it shall be and remain In full force and affect The surety heeebY stipulates and agrees that n0 change, extension of Limp, ilteratlon or addition to the teens of sale agreement or the Spe CTsicatlons accompfnying the sae@ shall In any manner affect Its obligations on this bond, and It does horn by "1"0 notice of any such change, extension, siteraticn 0, Addition IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Instrument has been duty aeeutel the 19B,orincipal and sarety above named, on 1 ere Doer uro y yna uro Crney- n- ce PLEASE ATTACH POWER OF ATTORNEY TO ALL BOh,a ~ SIGNATURES RUST BE NOTARIZED 7 SUBDIVISION - GUARANTEE hD PERFORMANCE o (SETTING OF FINAL MONUMENTS) City Counoll City of Panc10 Cucaoonga P 0 Doe 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 .. Gentlemen) Pursuant to Chapter e, Article 1, Section 66497 of the Government Code, the undmigned hereby aq:eet that all morments shown on the 1W al •Ap of Tact 11853 are to be Set and furnished by the sdbdivider's engineer ar surveyor on or before October 1986, as spa cf fled In the Engineer's or Sarrgyor's Certtficdte Ina agrees ' to furnllh the notes thereun to complete 111 enginrerinq requirements specified In Section 66497, of the Gdv Rlcment Coda The undersigned hands jou herewith the sue of S1,,ISO 00 as a cash dep asIt. said depot it to guarantee that the eonueitnta i.111 be tot and the notes furnished as above Provided an or before the date specified and that the engineer or surveyor will be PI1J by the undersigned It is further understood and ISreed that in the event the undersigned falls to complete thf above requirements within the time specified, the City of Rancho Cuclaengl Is Authorttrd to Complete said requirements or cause thfm to be completed and the cost thereof 13 to be I charge I.9alnst said cash deposit, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga Is Authorized to make the necoslary transrer from laid Cash deposl'. to the credit for the prooer City fund It Is further agreed that if the undersigned does not present ev,denee to the City CounC'I that he has Paid the engineer or surveyor for the sett in Of the final monuments, and if the t i9ylhe. or surveyor :gives the notices prescribed In Section A6a97 or the Government Core, the Illy 111 Day to aid engineer 4r surveyor, the cash dep olt he re In made If the cost of completing Said requirements eeeaeds the amount of the cash deposit, the urdersigned ag "es to pay the difference with In thirty (30) days after receiving written stateaent from the Cfty of eenero Cucamonga Specif ing the amount of the dlfflrenae batiieen the cash deposit and the Aotua. post of Said requirements _ Cord- Ily, S Subdivider Address Date _ The deposits, of record (for return of any Portion If the cash deposit) shall be Aea resS ROTE: 79 BE SUBMITTED FULLY FILLED OUT AND SIGSED RESOLUTION NO. zapr16.9t;t Ps "a'73 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT ASREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 11853 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 11853 consisting of S lots, submitted by Roy E. Daly and Company, Subdivider, located on the northeast corner of 19th Street and Ramona Avenue has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider and approved by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance He. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and suhmits for apprcval said Final Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rarchn Cucamonga, California, as follows: 1 That said Improvement Agreement bC and tha same is approved and the Mayor is authorize) to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to foi:•i and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3 That the offers for dedication and the Final Map dellieating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED thi•. 18th day of October, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on U. a s, al—f� yogi z� �f1 R r r� I DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT r (�. C ro yi c r Z October 16, 1985 k' •' City Council and City Manager Lloyd 8 Hubbs, City Engineer Dave Blevins, Senior Public Works Inspector Approval of additional funds for Cooperative Agreement with Lowy Development for Tract Ho. 11350 for improvements at Base Line`and Hermosa. The street and drainage improvements located along the north side of Base Line at Hermosa have been completed with the exception of minnr repairs to be completed by the developer. During the course of construction certain additional costs were incurred which were net int'u'*ed in the original estimate. A summary of expenditures and copies if cor,,ract change order memorandums are attached for your reference. RECOMNENOATION It Is recommended that the City Council approve additional funds in the amount Of $32,000.00 for the completion of the Cooperative Agreement with Lowy Development. Respectfully su Y tted, •'. "i r i. TRACT N0. 11350 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT Summary of :'ontract Expenditures Purchase Order No. 2864 Supplemental P.O. $125,187.00 _ 16.000.00 Total Authorized 51.41,187.00 Contract Expended $115,187.68 Extras: C C.O. 1 -A C.C.O. 2 -1A $15,993.00 C C.O. 2 -1 8 20,850.53 C.C.O 2 -1C 4,354.65 C.0 0. 2 -10 310.08 C C.O. 2 -IE 2,547.50 C.C.O. 2 -1F 150.00 C.C.O. 2 -2A 375.00 C C.O. 2 -3A 668.00 C.C.O. 2 -38 -6,108.78 Credit C C.O. 2 -4A -2,616 88 Credit C.C.O. 3 -4A Increase in Cont. Expnd. C.C.O 3 -18 Increase In Cont. Expnd C.0 D. 3 -1C 1,780.89 C.C.U. 3- 0 4,828.50 C.C.O. 3 -lE 5,140 00 C.C.O 3 -1F 233.00 C.C.O. 3 -1G 2.435.61 C.C.O. 3 -IH 1,007.56 C.C.O. 3 -2A 121.62 2,047. 50 Total Expenditure 169.305.46 ,otal Authorized 141.187.00 28,118.46 6J 4' 0 CITY OF RANCHO CLCASIONGA MEMORANDUM Date: 09 -14 -85 - Project: Trart No. 11350. Hermosa and Base Line Contract No. 22- 4637 =80;0 TO: Resident Engineer, Monte Prescher FRP`r• Dave Bievins, Senior Public Works Inspector CCO HO. a_ Rev. No. _ sup. No. _ Acet. No. 22- 4637 -8050 5- 9380.00 DECR. $ 37.172.35 INCR. S - 9791.35 Cont. Bal. THIS CHANGE PROVIDES FOR: An increase in asphalt concrete pavement structural section on 9ase Line ani r decrease in aggregate base structural section on Base Line to allow new finish surface to be left 0.10, low to accomodate future widening on Base Line Road to the south. An increase in aggregate base to repair sections of unacceptable subgrade material ir. advance of paving. An increase in fine grading on dace Line and in Hermosa to provide structural section suborade in additional removal area with Citv portion. Additional A.0 removal to repair roadway not included in original estimate. Additional saw cut to extend removal limits on Base Line. Additional A.L. within City portion to provide erosion protection. Additional excavation to prtn•ide for removal of unacceptable material in suhlrade. Oecrense in A.C. guantitiy to provide for future 0.10' overlay of full width Of Base Line. Decrease in aggregate base Quantity to compensate for increased asphalt concrete section _n BaseLlne east of Herrmsa. Increase in asphalt concrete dike within City portion to provide aduitional erosion protection. CCO DISCUSSED WITH: 1) City Engr. 2 Other o n ct.er,T 3 Other aandan a: Prior Appr. By: rem scf�ar- Dote ESTIV.AT. n: LOST This CCO Total to date Items: S 194.85 Force Acct: Adjustments: 5 30.00 Agreed Price $29 TOTAL: $2db72 M 22 S 194.85 5�dr 525 539.�c.3; w 'I CITY OF RANCHO C U C A M 0 N G A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 CONTRACT. NO. PROJECT: - m. . _.... MEET Qr� or ib the following described wrk not includ%d in the S CllannF npnrD re on- Plans and sperifteatlons at this contract. reerr..,,. Segn gala be4eon addltluna' eoi at +ntrs[ p ix, agreed price and fare account. thless etherwise stated, rates Car rental d eQufpmt cDve- Orly such time and eVpnant 1s actually iced and no al lasrce sdI1 be made for idle time. I. Increase in Quantities at Agreed Price A. Provide additional 0.10' asphalt concrete thickness on Base Line Roadfrom centerline of Hermosa to east project limit. B Proaide additional aggregate base as directed inthe field by the Ln9ineer to repair unacceprable subgrade prior to paving. C Provide ddditional fine grade as directed in the field by the Engineer prior to paving. D Proii& additional asphalt concrete removals as directed in the fie b) the Engineer E Pro�`Ide additional sawcut as directed in the field by the Engineer. C C 0. 2-IA Additional A C pavement, 625 tons P $33.90 per ton • $21,107.50 C.C.O. 2 -10 Additional Agg Base, 9DO tons 0 55.00 per for $4,500.00 C C.0 2 -IC Add. F1na Grade, 2000 S F. O .16 per 5 F. • 7U0.00 '.C.O. 2 -ID Add A C Removdl5, WO s F p .50 per S F. $3 000.00 C.C.O. 2 -IC Add Saw Cut, Lump Sum 1150,00 E,timate of Increase at Agreed Price $29,157.50 2. Increase in Quantities at Force Account A. Excavate nn acceptable subgrade material as directed in the field by the Engineer. C.C.O 2 -2A Ado Excavation, force Account $700.00 3 Decrease in Quantit les at_Agreed Price 1 Decrease asphalt concrete structural , .tion by 0 30' as directed in the field by the Engineer. B. Delete aggregate base structural section thickness by 0.10, on Base Line from centerline of Hernosa to eut project 11mit as directed in the field by the Engineer. continued... All I -; • C.C.O. 2 -3A Delete A.L. Pavement, 200 tons @ $33.90 per ton - 56,780.00 C.C.O. 2 -38 Delete Agg. Base, 650 tons @ $4.00 per ton • -52,600.00 - Estimate of Decreasa 49,380.00 4. Increase in Quantities •t Contract Unit Price A. Provide additional asphait concrete dike as directed in the field by the Engineer. C.C.O. 24A Additional A.C. Dike. 45 L.F. at $4.33 L.F. • S194.85 Estimated Cost: Decrease S 9.380.00 or Increase 530.052 35 BY reason Of this order the tine of mrp eC cn will be adjusted as follows. Submitted: Asst. Res. Error. by: _Date: Approved: Resident Engineer by: —Date: We the undersigned contractor have g ven c u consideration to the change propos and �Y a9�• If this prcpdsal 13 approved, that we will provide all eoulp mt, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services nemsmry for th• woric above specified, and will acct as full payrent therefor the prices shown above. Accepted, Date Contractor BY: Title If the contractor does rotsign acceptance of th s o ,h s attest m s directed to the reouirenents of the specifications as to proe.vding with the ordred work and f111rg a written protest within the time therein specified. a& CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM 0 Date: 09/30/85 _ � l A _.A Project: Tr. No. 11350. Cooperative Aoreement c; 3 Contract No.� z ,an TO: Resident Engineer, Monte Prescher FROM: Dave Blevins, Senior Public Works Inspector CCO No. 3 Rev. No. _ Sup. No. _ Acct. No. 22- 4637 -SOSD $ - 9380.00 DE(H• $52.477.19 INCR. S- 25.096.19 Cont. Bal. THIS CHANGE PROVIDES FOR: Additional block wallat the NEC of Base Line and Hermosa to provide adequate wall height to retain embankment. Additional sidewalk to eliminate isolated parkway landscape maintenance This problem. change will also provide for a price increase for inflation. Additional asphalt concrete to complete overlay on City portion of Hermosa; and a price increase for inflation. Additional tack Coat on Hermosa to allow for completion of overlay. • Additional construction engineering; traffic control; soils testing; and construction water not originally included in the estimate. These additional costs to be prorated between the developer and City. Additional grading for sidewalk subgrade damaged by Cable r.V. contractor. Extra charges will be billed to Cable T.V. Company. .. CCO DISCUSSED WITH: - ESTIMATE. OF COST" This CCO Total to date 1) City Engr. Items: $ S 194.85_ 2) Other Chandas Das Force Acct: S 2.047.50 $19,247.50 3) Other John Ricther Adjustments: S 3- 9.380.0,• Friar Appr. By:Monte Prescher Agreed Price $13.257.34 542.414.84 Date: TOTAL: $15.304.84 $52.488.19 a& r CITY OF RANCHO CUCANOHGA CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER' NO. 3 COM•iRACT. N0. 2 -4637 -8050 ract 11350 Cooperative Agreement SHEET 1 CF 2 -SMETS Ig' eI gent ContracUr u are y nec to nuke the herein described run the Pars and specificatiors rb the follwing (zso-ibed work not included in the plans and specifications on tints conb•st. ite bebeen additional wak at contract price, a�need price and foroe accamt. orhawise stated, rates for rental of equiprent canr only such Mine and met is xtually used aid no allowaxe will be made for idle time. 1. Increase in Contract at A reed Price A. NEC apse L ne an ennosa - ncreae height of retaining wall as directed In the field by the Engineer. B. Provide additional sidewalk width on North side Base Line from STA 14.50.08 to STA 16 +37. Increase width from 4 feet to 10.5 feet Estimate of S.F. incredse, 1215.5 S.F additional. C. Provide price increase for Contract Item Nno. 8, 4^ P ".C. sidewalk ramps to allow for inflation. Increase from ..45 S.F to 1.74 S.F. 0. Provide additional aspahlt concret overlay on Hermosa East of centerline from STA 11 +06 to STA 17+00. E. Provide addiLlonal tack coat on Hermosa prior to A.C. overlay QV portion east of centerline, STA 11 +06 to STA 17 +00. F. Provide addition, traffic control, construction engineering, and construction staking not included in original estimate. Estimate City portion prorated @ 391 of inovices provided for professional service. G. Provide additional soils engineering not included in original estimate. City portion prorated @ 39% of invoices provided for professional services H. Provide for payment of water used for construction not included in original estimate. Cjtyportlon to be prorated 0 39% of invoices provided. C.C.O. 3 -IA Increase retaining wall height at agreed price Included to block wall item '8' $1339.80 C.C.O. 3 -19 Increase in Sidewalk, 1215.5 S.F. @ $1.74 S.F. 2115.00 C.C.O. 3 -1C Increase Contract Item 6 - 4' P.C.C. sidewalk 2775 S.F. @ .29 per S.F 804 75 C.C.O. 3 -10 Provide additional A.C. Overlay, 130 tons @ $40 per ton 5200.00 C.0 0. 3•IE Provide additional tack coat, Agreed Price 233.00 C.C.O. 3 -1F Additional traffic contro, construction engineering 2435.61 C.C.O. MG Additional soils engineering, Agreed Price 1007 56 C.C.O. 3 -111 Construction water, Agreed Price 1,21.62 Estimate of Increase at Agreed Price 13,257.34 continued... �;S Contract Change Order No. 3 Tract 11350, Cooperative Agreement Page 2 2. Increase in Contract at Force Account ~ A. Regrade sidewalk subgrade North side Base Line behind curb, SM 14 +50.08 to STA 16 +30. C.C.O. 3 -2A Regrade sidewalk subgrade Estimate of Increase at Force Account $2,047.50 Estimated Cost: Decree e S or Increase $15.304.84 yl3 reaw: '�`::, the t irnp et an us .� as u av;: Submitted: Asst. Res. Engr. by: Oate: _ t: Approved: Resident Engineer by:_ Uate: -T" the undersigned CUM tractor hree given u mrG a on to uce Im-eby agree. If this Prg &I is WOved, that we will "Ade all egiipmnt, furnish ,Y all materials, except as may otherwise Ld road above, " perform all services necessary for the work aoaie specified, and will ao=t as full ;v$ent therefor the p• {cis stcun above, Accepted, Date Contractor By: _ Title If the contracttn does rot s gn axeptanrr 1 11 1 s s attmt on s rti directed to the reclArTents of the specifications as to proceeding ith tte ordered wort. and filing a written protest within the time tlmefn specified. ag .`.off.,. h '+.ir f.� w n'- i. � —. t" '• '.'d .: CITY OF RINYNJ CUCANCNGA IMPROVEMENT EATVISIOA A6RE!HEW FOR TRACT N0. Illso C.YDA ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That this wreerent Is Not and entered Into, in Canfor'n"Ce with the P,OVlslnns Of We Subdivision Nap Act of the City of R,," Cuca onga California, a municipal corporation by and between the said City, te•ein. after referral to As the City, and tern b hereinafter referred to as the Dfre opt -T�r; =L-La= n VITNESSETH: THAT, 'NEgEAS. slid Developer entered into an i"nOv"nt agretvut It the City as • rOQUliite to Issuance of Build Ing Pernits, and UNFAEAS, said Developer desires an extension of time to cWpl,t@ the terms of SAO said ir.rove:ent agreennt. MBa. THEREFORE. it Is hereby agreed by the City and by said Developer as fal lover. 1 The coe,let"n date of the terms of the sold feorovegnt agreement Is hereby exteenon for 1 pfr100 Of I$ months fram the ate of s.Plratice of the sold agrecent. Z. Increase In lmprovenet securities to reflect current in,ovennt costs SNIT be furnished by the dtvelOVK with this agreement and shall be approved by Me City Atttmty. J. The rvdulred band and the additional principal amantS thereof are set forth an Page 2 of 0 S agree +ant. e. All other tams and conditions of the Slid tepravMAt egreenent Shalt remain the fan. AS evide,d of undelstaodM7 tee provisions Contained herein, and of Indnt tc rorjly moth We. In Onrelopef has fuMSltted the below de SC-Ibed IgNVOdent sa:u'ity, led his afftaed Ms signature he rate FAITHFUL PERFORM -ICE BOND Description: Additional Principal Amount: Sureta. NO ADDITIONAL REQUIRED Address MATERIAL AND LABOR BOND Description Additional Princl Del unL Surety. NO ADDITIONAL REQUIRE AP'fEU ED Ai TO EI U Addresi: U's h ll 21 n CASH DEPOSIT H.NNDICNTInG BOND Additional Case necosit: lx xv p, UAI MAINTENANCE GUAWJREE BDND TO be posted p- Or t0 anceDtanCe at the Project by the City. l ...... . ................................................. Prin:ipal Am..:... S2I.cCO. 03 CITY OF RANCMO CUCAMOtUGA CALIFORNIA, a melctpal D [ELOPER: Lo!Cgy Development Co. cc "oration e By; 1 B J Low . Pteildent [tee i, hard, s ATTES' vN%f NOTE Developer's �ust t ! . lour H. visit rman, 1tY"�CTera red tart itd. P(' .( -sxtg'2y arnwuau "� 4 •� .Lyle lYN STtvUI e r.V ® it IK .�4r.nww t1411 k :F� RESOLUTION W. 02 -MO I - ° X RL3MVTION Or THE CM COURCIL Or ISI CIR Cr RAlKw 1' CUCUq;lOA, CALIMAMA. APPROVING WROVEMENT EITTASION 1 muD4..RI AND IMAOyO10rt Reality FOR TRACT 11350 wNE1:41, t city Cou"'ll of tea City or Rancho CudaaMm. �1 Callremia, me for its consideration an loproeeunt Eaten]SOn Asreeunt ewtuud on DMeaDef 1, 1902 by Loony Daeelapaent Catpany as Developer, for ti ,' no lgrovure or phlla rink- or-udy adjacent to roal property speotrirall) d]]pritM thtratn, sld 6"*rally IOCAtad at Me MrWveat COr001' Of rl]e Llna and flames Newel and N¢R2a. the lnstallatioe of surf, tm+c+ennur deaprlhed 1. said y jMroreeant Iatemloa ASraeunt and wojaat to the term theraor, Is M to done in CWJ. MLLM with the develoPMnt or "to real property referred to ea Tract 117504 and wNBIU3, said 1VfVvesaat IYtenslon Alreetgrat " 1a Secured d d to' N accompanied by Race and aurtlrlent loPmennt Uourltyr volch In said Iaprove_rnt AU.Neant. v }: Nov. TIQNP.)ORI, DE , at sold by the Caty CwMi1 of the City of r, "to Cuo essi4 ralltornler that ea1d ars hereby 4bMIM greeunt uls herd yaauthwnt SeaurI W and the eau are Mn0) app behalf f O to /Byer 1a hereby authorized to ethe QtY Clark to test wntoM AeNlt Or the City or RanV.o gwpaMLar x PA11m0 APPROVED, and ADOPTED thin let day of December, 1952, ATES1 Purl lbduet, ]chlosaer, Frost, Mkols V� R0L•1 NcM IIOC]i, None o J iYela, Mayor ATTEST, u� ':' urea N. wuaarcan, Cttr Clen I L 0' 0(Attach to -[erector's Copy ^jp O.STCI A.-,t 16, 1961 PLMIT W. COHPCTIO CTt %h'm. bore Idle our.,,... True 11550 City Omv'np a... 430 t0)TL1 hou not Include ur..of in- fee url tlnC Den's oe pmaaaat reDlagxnt d.,.11.. CC STRLCT'09 COST rSTM%TL trot OO.t \Tln v;ir L ^.lT MIT S A"AL -R I.C.C. Curb - 12" C./ 1206 L.T $7 25 3 6,747.50 r.Q[. Curb - S" C.I. 51$ L.f 6.00 2,210.00 A.C. earn ($IN .in) 615 L.I. 4.50 2,767.50 A- P.C.C. Std «alt 6422 S.I. 1 73 14,735.50 6" Orlva AGO .... h 1920 S.I. 2.50 4,500.00 5" P.C.C. Class Cutter 657 S.I. 7.40 2,211.50 Icporfe4 [nbanknnt 17232 C.T 1.50 25,575.00 ?cap ... it.. al SubS,od. 92100 S.I. 15 11,905.00 Ch ...had ASS. San (pet loch thick) 91700 C.T 12 11,124.00 A.C. (ova, 1200 tans) 2410 Ton 10.00 72,70.0 A.C. 0/11 2" 262 S.P. 2.00 524.00 1" Thick A.C. Nall., 1525 S.I 75 424.50 Adjust Cv. -r X.11. to Onda 2 [a. 150.00 300.00 Adjust W'mr V. lvas to Clads 4 G. 73.00 300.00 Strut Lights S G. 1510.00 12.000.00 Stfaat ASIA, 3 [a. 200.00 400.00 Aaoval of A.0 Isvcaant 22400 S.P. .35 7,540.00 R.s.val at Rock Wall 1573 L.I. 1.00 3.623.00 Pascual of P.C.0 Psvaatnc 10100 S.I. 1 00 10,200.00 Reflect.,. and Pone 1 Ca. 1500 103.00 C... at. Slack Wall SO L.I. 12.00 1.100.00 de u3ntng Wall - 2' SSO L.I. 15.00 9,900.00 Oo .rat. Slack Wall - Rea"Al 45 L., 5.00 223.00 Ra to seine Wall - 5' 210 L.I. 26.00 51060.00 Retaining Wall - 4' 110 L.1 21.00 2,640.00 Retailing Wan - 1' 30 L.I. 15.00 750.00 Is- R.C.I. 140 L.I. 30.00 10,205.00 S" ASS "Hp. 140 t.I. 16.00 1.960.00 Catch balm W -7' 4 Ca. 1300.00 6,000.00 Jvnct ion Stcu:un 1 U. 1500.00 1.500.00 Local pop .... 1.. /' 1 2a. 500.00 $00.00 Gulls, Suuctute 1 La. 2500.00 2.500.00 Rol ou to fin Hydrant 1 U. 3x.00 300.00 Reis... S" WA,a, Lin. 1420 L.I. 16.00 22,710.00 Ruloc.l. 4" C.. Lin. 700 L.I 20.00 14,220.00 $.rpin6 3700 L.T Lump Sue 160.00 LmW.c.png - Palk-.1 20300 S.I. 2.75 56,275.00 CO'•STRLCTI05 MST $:57,239.10 CO%TISCCSCT COSTS TOTAL COCSTROCfIOH COSTS AIIHM. PCSPOL`W-CC Mt'D OGO. -) L SOR A710-'IAT[OIAL D0:10 (50.) ENGINEERING IHSPCfIO': P[[ W%t' LSTATIOH AM (CASH) $62 760.90 $120.00.00 $410.00.0 $210.O0.CO $9.02$.0 $7.00.0 R CITY OF RANCiiO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 16, 1985 TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hobbs, C :ty Engineer BY: Paul A. Rougeau, Trafftr. Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Hohle, Grover & Associates for the design of traff +c signals at tour locations This year's Capital Improvement Budget included traffic signals at three locations: Vineyard & Ninth, Base Line & Dcryl and Arrow & Hellman. In addition, the opening of Church Street into the Terra Vista development will Increase traffic at the Haven /Church lntersectlo^ to the point where a signal may be required in the very near future. When the need develops, it will be desirable to have the plins available for imaedlace response. If the installation is necessary, it will be proposed as a Systems Development funded item. RECOMIENDAT:OY It is recommended that the design contract for the four signal installations be awarded to Mohle, Grover & Associates of La Habra for a fee of $7,500.00. {,RespectXu ied, LBH:SAR:Jaa Attarhr,vnt I e PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this day of 19, between the City of Ra "cho Cucamonga, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY°) and Mocle. Grover d Associates (hereinafter referred to as *CONSULTANT'). A. Recitals. (I) CITY has heretofore issued its Request for Proposal pertaining to the ;serformance of professional services with respect to the preparation of traftic signal plans for the Intersections of Haven Avenue and Church Street. Vineyard Avenue and Ninth Street. Hase Line Road and Beryl Avenue and Arrow Route and Hellman Avenue ( "Project" hereafter), (I1) CONSULTANT has ngw submitted Its proposal for the performance of such services. (iii) CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT to perform professional services nocessary to render advice and assistance to CITY, CITY's Planning Commission, City Council and staff in the preparation of Project. (iv) CONSULTANT represents that it is qualified to perform such services and is wiring to perform such professional services as hereinafter defined NON, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between CITY and CONSULTANT as follovs: 0. Agreement. 1. Definitions: The following definitions -hall apply to the following terms, except where the context of this Agreement otherwise ,requires: , 17/31/85 iii I 4A-Q �rr 14 I 0 (a) Project: The preparation of traffic signal plans for four . locations as Haven Avenue and Church Street. Vineyard Avenue and Nty, nth Street - Base Line Road and Beryl Avenue and Arrow Route and Heilman Avenue described in Exhibit "A" Scope of Services hereto including, but not limited tn, the preparation of maps, surveys, reports, and documents, the presentation, buth oral and in writing, of such plans, mays, surveys, reports and documents to CITY as reoulred and attendance at any and all work sessions, public hearings and other meetings conducted by CITY with respect to the project as outlined in the Scope of Services, (b) Services: Such professional services as are necessary to be performed by CONSULTANT in orcer to complete the project. (c) Completion of Project: The date of coapletion of all phases of the project, ircluding any and all procedures, development plans, maps, surveys, plan uocuments, technical reports, meetings, oral presentations and attendance by CONSULTANT at public hearings regarding the project acceptance for construction is set forth to Exhibit "B" Project Schedule attached hereto. .. CONSULTANT !-greos as follows: A•, (a) _CONSULTANT -shall forthwith undertake and complete :te project in accordance with Exhibit -A and applicable with Federal, State and rITY statues, regulations, ordinances and guidelines, all to the reasonable s,tisfaction of CITY (b) CONSULTANT shall supply copies of all maps, surveys, $ reports, plans and documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as c •dne•ments•) including all supplemental technical documents, as described in bT' "'_ Exhibit ^A• to CITY within the time 1pecifleo in Project Scheduled, Exhibit 3H , 2 I "0'. Copies of the documents Shall be in such numbers as are required by" Exhibit "A ". CITY may thereafter review and forward to CONSULTANT comants� regarding saia documents and CONSULTANT shall thereafter make such revisions to said documents* as are deemed necessary. CITY shad receive revised documents in such farm and in the quantities determined necessary by CITY. The time limits set forth pursuant to this Section B2.(b) may be extended upon a written approval of CITY. (c) CONSULTANT shall, at CONSULTANT's sole cost and expense, secure and hire such other persons as may, 'n the opinion of CONSULTANT, be necessary to comply with the terns of this Agreement. In the event any such ocher persons are rotalned by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT hereby warrants that such persons shall to fully qualified to perform services required hereunder. CONSULTANT 'urther agrees that no subcontractor shall to retained by CONSULTANT except upon the prior written approval of CITY. 3. TY agrees as follows: (a) To pay CONSULTANT a maximum sum of $7.500.00 for the performance of the services required hereunder. This sum shalt cover Vie cost of all staff time and all other direct and indirect costs or fees, including the work of employees, consultants and subcontractors to CONSULTANT. Payment to CONSULTANT, by CITY, shall be made in accordance with the schedule set forth in Exhibit "C ". (b) Payments to CONSULTANT shall be made by CITY In accordance with the invoices s-- bmitted by CONSULTANT, on a monthly basis, and such invoices shall be paid within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. All charges shall oe detailed in Exhibit "CO e, olth respect to hourly rates or lump sum amounts for individual tasks. In no -3- 33- a n M hereto. (b) Photographically-reproducible copies of maps and other formation, if available, which CONSULTANT considers necessary in order to complete the project. (e) Such information as is generally available from Ciry files applicable to tha project (d) Assistance, if necessary, in obtaining information from other governmental agencies and /or privite parties. However, it shall be CONSULTANT's responsibility to make all initial contact with respect to the " e gathering of such Information. �tci -4- i.... �q..l,.. 3L event, however, will said invoices exceed 95% of Individual task totals_ described in Exhibits 'A' and -CO. (c) CONSULTANT agrees that, in no event, shall CITY be required to pay to CONSULTANT any sum in excess of 95% of the maximum payable hereunder prior to receipt by CITY of all final documents, together with all supplemental technical documents, as described herein acceptable in form and content to CITY. Final paynent shall be made not later than 60 days after presentation of final documents and acceptance thereof by CITY. (d) Additional services: Payments for additional services requested, in writing, by CITY, and not included In the Scope of Services as sat forth in Exhibit 'A' hereof, shall be paid on a reimbursement basis in accoraance with the fee schedule set forth in Exhibit 'C ". Charges for additional services shall be invoiced on a monthly basis and shall be paid by CITY within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. 4 CITY agrees to provide to CONSULTANT: (a) Information and assistance as set forth in Exhibit "A' hereto. (b) Photographically-reproducible copies of maps and other formation, if available, which CONSULTANT considers necessary in order to complete the project. (e) Such information as is generally available from Ciry files applicable to tha project (d) Assistance, if necessary, in obtaining information from other governmental agencies and /or privite parties. However, it shall be CONSULTANT's responsibility to make all initial contact with respect to the " e gathering of such Information. �tci -4- i.... �q..l,.. 3L v r. F '1 LA 5. Ownership of Documents: All documents, data, studies, i surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by CONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement shall be considered the property c` CIT" and, upon payment for services performed by CONSULTANT, such documents and other identified materials shall be delivered to CITY by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT may, however, make and retain such copies of said documents and materials as CUNSULTANT may desire. Any use or reuse of the plans and specifications except at the site intended or any alteration or revisiun of the plans or specifications by the CITY, its staff or authorized agents without the specific written r consent of the LONSULTANT shall be at the sole risk of the CITY The CITY agrees to hold harntess and indemnify tha CONSULTANT against all damages, claims and losses includirg defense costs arising out of any such alteration or revision, or use or reuse at another sit,. b, the CiTY , its staff or authorized agonts. 6. Termination: This agreement may be terminated by CITY upon the giving of a written "Notice of Terrmination" to CONSULTANT at least fifteen 15) days j- ( y prior to tho.date of teimtn "lion specified to said Notice. In the event this Agreement is so terminated, CONSULTANT shall be compensated at CONSULTAAPS applicable hourly rates as set forth to Exhibit "B ", on a pro - , rats basis with respect to the percentage of the project completed as of the •C` date of termination. In no event, however, shall CONSULTANT receive more than x�> the maximum specifieu in paragraph 3 (a), above. CONSULTANT shall provide to CITY any and all documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, �.`8, phctographs and reports, whether in draft or final fort, prepared by Y I kr � _ F- CONSULTANT as of date of termination CONSULTANT may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. 7. Notices and Designated Representatives: Any and all notices, demands, invoices and written communications between the parties hereto shall be addressed as set forth in this paragraph 7 The below named indivi4uals, furthermore, shall be those persons primarily responsible for the performance by the parties under this Agreement: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer. City of Rancho Cucamonga. P 0 Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730; John A Taylor, Consultant.*Mohle, Grover E Associates, 901 E Imperial Highway, Suite A. La Habra. CA 90631 Any such notices, demands, invoices and written communications, by mail, shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee forty -eight (48) hours after deposit thereof it. the United States mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as set forth above. 8. Insurance: CONSULTANT shall neither conrence w3rk unde this Agreement until it has obtained all insurance required hereunder in a company or companies acceptable to CITY nor shall CONSULTANT allow any subcontractor to commence work on a subcontract until all insurance reaul -ed of the subcontractor has been obtained CONS' :NT shall take out and maintain at all times during the tarn of this Agreement the following policies of insurance: (a) Worker's Comoensaton Insurance: Before beginning work. CONSULTANT shall furnisn to CITY a certificate of in3urarce as proof that it has taken out full workers' compensator insurance for all persons whom it may employ directly or thrrugh subcontractors in cirrying out the work specified herein, in accordance with the laws of the State of California. -6- In accordance with the provisions of Cali•ornia Labor Code Section 3700, evert employer hall secure the payment of compensat on to his employees CONSULTANT prior t• conencing work, shall sign and file with CITY a certification as fellows: "I as aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Care "hiCh require every employe to be insured against Iiabilit/ for workers' coa,pensation or to anCartake self insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and I will conply with such provisions before commencing the performarce of the work of tnis Agreement" (b) public Liability and property Damage: Throughout the term of this Agrevnent, at CONSULTANT's We cost and expense, CONSULTANT shall keep, or causo to be kept, in full force and effect, for the mutual benefit of CITY and CONSU "TANr, comprehensive, broad form, general ouhlic liability and automobile insurance against claims and liabilities for personal injury, death, or property damage arising from CONSULTANT's activities, providing protection of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000 00) for bodily injury or death to any one person or for any one accident or occurrence and at least One Willion Dollars ($1,000,000 00) for property damage. (c) Errort and Omission.: CONSULTANT shall take out and maintain at all times during the life of this Agreement, a policy or policies of insurance concern ng errors and omissions ( "malpractice ") providing protection of at least _ none renuired for errors and omissions ( "malpractice ") with respect to loss arising from action; of CONSULTANT performing engineering services hereunder on behalf of CiTY. (d) General Insurance Requirements: All insurance required by express provision of this Agreement shall be carried only in _7. 1• 39 -s responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of California and policies required under paragraphs 8.(a) and (b) shalt name as additional insureds CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents. Ail policies shall contain language, to the extent obtainable, to the effect that (1) the insurer waives the right of subrogation against CiTY and CITY's elected officials, officers, employees, and agents; (2) the policies are primary and noncontributing with any insurance that may be carried 7y CITY; and (3) they cannot be cancelled or materially changed except after thirty (30) days' notice by the insurer to CITY by certified mail. CONSULTANT shall furnish CITY with copies of all such policies promptly upon receipt of them, or certificate evidencing the insurance. CONSULTANT may effect for its own account insurance not required under this Agreement. 9. Indemnification: CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and employees, from all liability from loss, damage or i..Jury to persons or property, including the payment by CONSULTANT of any and all legal costs and attorneys' fees, in any manner arising out of any negligent or intentional or willful acts or omissions of the CbIISULTANT in the performance of this Agreement, including, but net limited to, all consequential damages, to the maximum extent permitted by law 10. Assignment): No assignment of this Agreement or Of any part or obligation of performance hereunder shall be made, either in wholr or in part, by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent of CITY. 11. Independent Contractor: The parties hereto agree that CONSULTANT and its employers, officers and agents are independent contractors under this Agreement and shall not be construed for any purpose to be -8- q0 '' Ll i n LJ employees of CITY. 12. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 13. Attorney's Fees: In the event any legal proceeding is instituted to enforce any term or provision of the Agreement, the prevailing party in said legal proceeding shall be entitled to recover attorneys' fees and costs from the opposing party in al amount determined by the Court to be reasonable. 14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representation by any party which is not embodied herein nor any other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid and binding. Any modification of this Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writing signed by all parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dry and year first set forth above: CONSULTANT - NAHLE, GROVER b ASSOCIATES CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Jon 0 Mikels , 9 ayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authere—t7u-777e-rr Date: Date: Aporoved as to form: - L ty Attorney i 99- EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK The following scope of work is for engineering services and Engineer= stestimatesnforutheoccnstructioneoffi5 -phase signals the at following locations: • Haven Avenue at Church Street • Vineyard Avenue at Ninth Street • Base Line Road at Beryl Avenue • Arrow Route at Hallman Avenue CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITY: 1. Survey services to establish: A. Street centerline intersection B. Topography for curb locations, utility locations, etc. 2. Utility research, coordination and notification to include: A. Research and obtain file copy of utility maps within the project limits. B. Plotting of such facilities in plan view on • the drawings. C. Preparing and transmitting plans with utility notices (blank notice forms to be provided by City) to all utilities. D Honitori:ig response to such notices, making recommendations for mitigating conflicts. E. Attending coordination meetings, if required, regarding adjustments and relocations. 3. Prepare complete construction plans in accordance with City Standard Drawings including: A. Title 3hoAt showing: 1) Title (separate title shoat required) 2) vicinity and location map 3) Utility and drawing legends 6) Construction quantities 5) Standard signature and title blocks 6) Hiscellaneous details B. Signal and striping plan 4. Prepare and maintain design files for transmittal to the City at the completion of the project work. 1 ys- 5. Prepare detailed construction quantity and Engineer's estimate. 6. Prepare complete contract specifications c.s:ng "boiler plate" specifications provided by city including: A. Boiler plate by city: 1) notice inviting bids 2) Instructions to bidders 3) Contract proposal (quantities sheet) by Engineer 4) Bidders information 5) Agreement 6) Bonds and insurance forms 7) General conditions B. Special provisions by Engineer and City. 7. Attend meetings with staff for design review and project coordination, if requested. 8. Attend pre - construction conference and provide design coordination during construction. i CITY SUPPORT: The City will give direction regarding pole locations and types and controller spacifications during design con- ferences and plan. check. A project report, photos and map have Loan prepared for the subject project locations and have been transmittod to the consultant for reference and consideration. Design recommendations are included therain. Copies of improva- mgnt Plana for existing improvements have boon assembled and are on file for the Engineer's reference during the preparation of proposals. A Staif Engineer will be pro- vided by the City to assist in project coordination and to conduct research of City Liled documents and plans. N N3 ,. * •.s controlling project completion ESTIMATED TIME OF COMPLETION 6 Weeks s- EXHIBIT B _ • DESIGN SCHFDULE PROJECT TASK DURATION + 1. Survey Services 2 -3 Days 2. Utility Research *2 -3 Weeks J. Plan Preparation *3 Weeks 4. Maintain Design Files Continuous S. Engineer's Cost Estimatcs *2 -3 Days 6. Prepare Specifications *1 Week 7. Attend Meetings As Required a. Coordination As Required * •.s controlling project completion ESTIMATED TIME OF COMPLETION 6 Weeks s- 1Ll0ddLE ,G&WEkb1,A5.S0GfATE.S 9D1 Fast dmp78d .Strife A La Hebfa, CJl AO631 (914�T383f71 EXHIBIT C SCHEDULE OF HOMELY RATES EFFEc�Ti' m YAHGTihl 5. -19tl5 Principal $70.00 Vice President $60.00 Transportation Engineer /Associate $55.00 Civil Engineer /Associate $55.00 Computer Analyst $48.00 Designer $45.00 Inspector $45.00 . Senior Draftsman $45.00 Assistant Engineer $45.00 Clerical $25.00 Engineering Technician $20.00 Traffic Enumerators $15.00 Computer Operator $15.00 Traffic Counts - 24 Hour Machine Recording: Ono Direction $50.00 Two Directions $75.00 .7 mileage Rate: 0 25 per mile NS ,. n u • E DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT October 16, 1985 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, Community Development Director Curt Johnston, Associate Planner r1ml 1977 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD CORRIDOR STUDY - INTERIM POLICIES - eport on actions to on following adoption o r nance No. 274. I. BACKGROUND: As the Council will recall, nn October 2. 1925, a 45- a3 y Drgency Ordinance (No. 274) containing the Foothill Boulevard Corridor Interim Policies was adopted In order to extend the ordinance, State Law requires the City Council to Issue a written report describing the measures taken to complete the Foothill Corridor Plan The City Attorney's office has prepared such a report which is attached for your review. In summary, the report provides background information pertaining to Council action and adoption of the Interim Policies, snd states the City is continuing in its efforts toward completion of the Foothill Corridor Plan. V. RECOMMIENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize and direct staff to issue the attached report concerning the actinns taken following, and relative to, the adoption of the Interim Policies (Ordinance 274), and direct the City Clerk to file and retain such report alnng with Ordinance 274. Resp4ctfullx 4pbmitted, Jack Lam, AICP Community Development Director JL:CJ:ko Attachments 1/6 0 REPORT ON ACTIONS TAKEN FOLLOWING ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO 274 Pursuant to the requirements of California Government Code Section 65858(d), and at the expressed direction of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the following constitutes a written report of the City council concerning those measures taken to alleviate the condition which led to the adoption of Ordinance No. 274. BACKGROUND 1 On October 2, 1985, the City Council of the City of Rancho iCucamonga adopted Its Ordinance No. 274 entitled: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Adopting an Interim Zoning Ordinance Pursuant to California Goverrvment Code Section 65858(b) Pertaining to the Establishment of Interim Development St,•ndards for the Foothill Corridor." Said Ordinance No. 274 adopted interim zoning regulations, effective for no -longer than fc ty -five (45) days, prohibiting any application for development within the Foothill Boulevard Corridor Study except as consistent with the interim zoninig policies adopted by said Ordinance No. 274 for the Foothill Boulevard Corridor Study area. Pursuant to the requirements of said Section 65858, Ordinance No. 274 was adopteo by the City Council upon its finding that additional approvals of development applications within the study area, other than pursuant to the Interim policies, would result to ® an immediate threat to public health, safety or welfare. i 2. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65858(d), ten (10) days prior to the expiration of any interim ordinance, or any extension thereof adopted pursuant to the terms Gf said section, the City Council shall issue a written report describing the c —,asures taken to alleviate the condition which led to the adoption of such interim zoning ordinance. 3. On October 16, 1985, at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the City Council was presented a written staff report concerning the measures taken relative to the Foothill Corridor Area following the adoption of said Ordinance No. 274. At said meeting of October 16, :A85, the City Council, by minute action, authorized and directed the Cosunit7 0evciaynent Director to prepare, pursuant to the requirements of said Government Code Section 65858(d), a written report concerning the actions taken following, and relative to, the adoption of Ordinance No. 274. Moreover, at said meeting of October 16, 1985, the City Couneit directed the City Clerk to file and retain such written report Along with Ordinance No. 274. ACTIONS TAKEN Following the adoption of Oroinance No. 274, the following actions have been taken relative to the interim zoning regulations pertaining to the Foothill Boulevard Corridor Study Area: 1. At the express request and direction of the City Council, th,• Planning Department of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has been continuing in its efforts to conduct and complete the 'Foothill Corridor Study' to develop a plan to result in a wified and balanced specific plan of developoment for that portion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga NP 1. rn u encompassed within the study. The Foothill Corridor Study is - ongoing process which will eventually result In the establishment of permanent and comprehensive zoning policies for the zoning area. Dated: October 16, 1985. Jack Lam, Cormunity Development Director 41? 1. CITY OF RANCHO CUCA31ONGA STAFF REPORT Date: October 9, 1995 To: C.ty Council From: Pobart A Rirtm, Assistant City Manager b;: Elizabeth Soadda�d, Assistant Finance Director Subject: DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AMENDMENT ��tctnrq� cr � �z i9n � The purpose of the amendment to the Deferred Conponsaticn Plan is neces- sitated by the raeignetlOn of the Finance Dirot=or, who also served in the capacity of Deferred Compensation Administrator RECONMENDATIONt It is recommenced that the Do-erred Compensation Plan ,Amendment be approved as Submitted Respectfully submittud, RAR :LS:.1 Attachments S° s. RESOLUTION NO. 79 -79B A RESOLUTION OF TRR CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO - CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 79 -79 AN EMPLOYEES' DEFERRED COMPENcATION PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS RELATED TO SAID PLAN WHEREAS, the City Couaeil of the City of Rancho Cucamoage has adopted Resolution No. 79 -79 authorizing adoption of a Deferred Compensation Plan for the said employees; and WHEREAS, it is intenutd that said Plan shall be in accordance with Federal and State law and regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Robert A. Rizzo to hereby appointed to administer the Plan an behalf of the City and is authorized to execute Participatfoa Agreements with eligible officers, officials and employees, and all other Documents and Agreements necessary to implement and administer the Plan. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 16th day of October, 1985. • AYES: NOESt ABSENT: Jon D. Mikels, Mayor ATTEST- Beverly A. Autbele L, City Clerk 1, BEVERLY A. AOTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution vas duty passed, approved, sad adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council bald no the 16tb day of October, 1985. Executed this a day of a, ISaa at Rancho Cucamonga, California. •, Beverly A. Autbalet, City Clark 7a - i; 4 r -- -CITY OT RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM c• DAM October 16, 1983 TOt Narbers of City COnncil and City Manager FROHs York Lorimer, Adduietr•eive Analyst //M", SORJSCTt P ,'�R:r1ox Or ^ Orpic A? crn pG!� i 0" �sn i After recommendation of the City Council, staff has prepared the find design of the Official City Flag. The City ha% reteivad proposals from the O'Sullivaa Company of Rancho Cucamonga and Vesteaders of Ontario for the pre;aretion of sin official City flags. After revfev of both proposals, it has been deterrined that the O'Sullivan Company bid is the oust cost effic.eat. Cost for the prepsrtion of six flags vill not exceed $1200.00. It is recommended that the City Council authorise the O'Sullivan Company to prepare s!< City Flags in an smoelt net to exceed $1200.00. Should you have any quactira■ regardiag this utter, place contact sa at your conveefeece. Wkap . 1� s CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ri DATE. October 16, 1985 41 c' `^ � Cm o z 1977 I TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Director of Community Development BY: Linda D. Don!els, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT% AMENDMENT TO RULES AND REGULATIONS OF ;984 AND TW ABSTRACT: Rules and Regulations for the Single Family Residential origage and Program were adopted in 1984. These Rules and Regulations govern all subsecuent Programs and include language provisions to amend and update those sections dealing with acquisition costs of new homes aM median household Income. BACKGROUND: Dr. Joseph Janczyk of Empire Economics, feasibility consultant or t e Bond Programs, has provided updated Information regarding the maximum home price limits 'or purchasers participating In the 1984 and 1985 Single Family Residential Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs His continuing research ensures that the most recent housing price limits are used for the bond programs This housing price update was furnW -d to us ujing the August 1985 revision of the Sofa Harbor Limitations for Mortgage 9•ibsldy Bonds The Safe Harbor Limitations are published by the U.S. Treasury Department and this data Is permitted to be used, under the. Bond Documents, for updating the housing purchase price limits The results of the new maximum price limits furnisher) by Dr. Janczyk for the Son diw- Riverslde area bre: Harbor Limltatim%s Average Price Maximum Housing Purchos8 Price for Bond Programs (110% of Average Price) Now Homes Existing Homes $11'.100 $107,900 $128,810 $118,690 Of these two updated Rgures the more Important 3ra to focus on is the maxim.rm price for new homes since those sold in the Programs are newly constructed ones Ths7i2ated figure of $128,810 is an increase of $7,150 over the previous maximum housing price limitation (previous figure was c 11,660). ,A .. ;r..i, - S} CITY STAFF REr,;)rtr Amendment to Rules and Regulations of 1984 and 1985 Single Family Residential Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs October 16, :985 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the attached Resolution pertainingg tote Rules- and-Regulations; of the 1984 and 1985 Single Family Residential Mortgage Revenue Bond Program be adopted to reflect the updated information , t furnished to us by Dr. Janczyk, the ClWs feasibility consultant. a R4v !cttfq�y submit Pd, AICP Development Director .r":LDD:jk Attachment: H Fesolutinn Lotter s s ,. _o RESOLUTION N0._fr -.2T/ - A RE4.01.11TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - z AMENDING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE 1984 AND 1985 SERIES A RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BOND PROGRAMS RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga approved Rules and Regulations pertaining to the Residential Mortgage cirwscing Program on July 26, 1984; asd WHEREAS, the Rules and Regulations contained statements Identifying tivt maximum acquisition costs in Section 7 of Exhibit "A" of the Rules and Regulations based on the economic study prepared for the Home MortgoSm Revenue Bond Program; and WHEREAS, wording was contained in said section which gone authority to the Agency to adjust, from time to time, the maximum price limits for new and existing homes In accordance with cuthorizotion contained in Ike Tax Oct and Indenture; and WHEREAS, information received from Ps City's feasibility consultant updutas the housing pr-mhose price limitq and WHEREAS, the City Council deterwnes it Is necessary to amend the previously adopted Rules and Reg.,utlons In accordance whn t`% findings of sold study, NOW, kt:.EFORE, BE IT 2F`:iOLVE„ that Sertim 7 of the Rules and Regutotionr contained In Exnloit 'A" of Port d of ft" Authorizati ,,, and Issuance Documents be amends w followst Section 7. Maximum Ac wsiflon Costs. Far purposes of the Program, the City Council bos eferm a that the Maximum Acquisition Costs for new homes Is $128,810 and for existbrg honV is $118,690. The Agency reserves the right to odt.8t the Max, maxim Augvisltica Coots, from time to time, in accordonce with the authorization contained In the ,%ct. PASSED, APPROVED, and 4DOPTED this day o: AYES: NOLSs ABSENTS s v �' d � l9rrtfiirte. �ca,aartiice,, -eK g- OLD. Soo 6-a 5" st...L e5" 802 - 9ZA—al CJ4. e'6 92373 - (714) 793.8249 Si5os C. i�'-n ''(�p.j.'h 's" 200 ++� Ww,�M &4awr. 12924 �N L) 66+•70'1 i r' September 19, 1985 t. 2 a b, F7,, + rp•�t.l Cn - N Mr Linda Daniels SE Ccmmun!ty Development DcpartmenL City o' Rancho Rucamonga Q gj11•,pt11 -1 1' I P 0 3Qx 807 d 9120 Piseline Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Maximum Price Limits 'or the Mortgage Re mus Bond Prcgraa Dear Linda, The Average Pureness Price Safe Harbor Limitations for Nor':gage Subsidy Bonda were revised in August 1985• For thr San Bernardino- Rivdreide PHSA, the effW ive average and maximum price limits are as follcws: Hew Existing Price Average: 3117,1 0 (107,900 Price Maximum $ 48,81c t+ +8,690 (1105) ' Ccaeegusntly, these price limits are now applicable to Rancho Cu.camonga'a Mortgage Revenue Bond Program If you have any additional comments or questions, please contact me S 1 eiy� / t�'• • o eQ1i T �Janezyk Ph D. onogic Consult mt JTJ +rs i r' 16 DATE: October 11, 1985 rig FROM: SUBJECT CITY OF RANCHO CUCA 1ONGA STAFF REPORT City Cocncil and City Hangar i Robert A Ritro, kesistant City Manager Receive and File - City of Rancho Cucamonga Investment Schedule Statue Report as of October S. 1985. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INVESTMENT SCHEDULE STATUS REPORT 1977 m PURCHASE MATURITY INTEREST INSTITUTION DATE DATE AMOUNT RATE _ CL - kit Nati....al Banes 04 -S -8S 10 -14 -85 100,000 0 Oaa650 Bank or Amorlta 09 -12 -65 10 -16 -85 100,000 0 J7425 Bank of Beverly dills 09 -16 -85 10 -18 as 100,000 0 08000 Foothill Independent Oank 07 -23 -85 10 -21 -BS 100,000 1 07000 vineyard National Bank 04 -25 -85 10 -28 -65 100.000 0 C•9000 Foothill Independent Bank 05 -30 -85 10 -28 -BS 100 000 n 07375 tooth 11 Independent Bank 08-02 -65 10 -31 -85 100,000 0 07125 Bank of America 08 -0685 11 -04 -65 200,000 0 07425 Groat Western Savings 02 -07 -85 11 -04 -85 100,000 3.09125 Far Mast Savings L Loan 00 -05 -85 )1 -n4 -85 100,003 0 06200 Foothill I.%depandont Bank 05 -08 -85 11 -34 -05 100,0)0 0 08000 Toothill Independent Bank 08 -08 -85 11 -00 -Be 170,000 0 07250 Feethlll Independent Bang 08 -20 -85 11- 18 -8'- 100 000 0 072 -0 Foothill Independent Ban) 08 -19 -05 11 -18 -BS 750,070 0.07250 Foothill Independent Bank 08 -21 -85 11 -19 -85 100,000 0 37250 Californta Fed.ral Savings 09 -16 -85 11 -20 -85 1.30,000 0 C795D Foothill Independent Bank 07 -25 -85 11 -22 -85 10.7,000 0.07000 Amaiican Savings 05 -29 -85 11 -25 -8, 100,000 0 09250 Foothill Independent Bank 06 -27 -95 11 -25 -85 10,,000 0.07125 Foothill Independent Bank 05 -3C -83 11 -26 -85 100,000 0 07500 California Federal Savings 09 -19-85 12 -04 -03 1001000 0.07950 Foothill Independent Bank 08 -21 -85 12 -34 -85 100,000 0.01250 m r ,o Investment Status Report Page 2 PURCR.<SE NAMRITY INTEREST rnSTITUTION _ DATE DA ^E ANOXIA: RATE .. Foothill Indei,endent Bank 08 -22 -85 12 -04 -RS 100.000 0.07250 Foothill lndefande0t Bank 08 -13 -85 1 ,- -11 -85 100,000 0 07250 Foothill Inderendsnt BrIL4 08 -14 -85 12 -12 -85 100,000 0.07250 Croat Western Sa "L :gs 06••20 -95 12 -17 -85 800,000 0.07600 Faothill lyday.ndent Sink C6 -ZS -85 12 -19 -85 775,000 Treasury Bill- Central Savin,ie 10 -01 -85 12 -30 -85 100,000 0.08750 Footnill Indalandent Bank 07 -C2 -85 12 -Z0-85 100,000 0 07125 Foothill IndeP7ndont Ban: 04- 10 -8•, 01 -06 -86 100,000 0 09000 Foothill Indnp,nSent Bank 03 -12 -OS 01 -09 -96 100,000 0 07375 Signal Savings 01- 09-85 01 -1C -86 100,000 0 1025C California FedO -A: Cavlrya 07 -1 -85 01 -13 -8F 100,000 0.07600 Foothill Indoperdent Pank OB -16 -L3 01 -13 -86 100,000 0 07375 Foothill IndaperAont Bank 07.15 -65 01 -13 -86 100,000 0 07125 Foothill Indapta wont Bank 07 -15 -85 01 -13 -86 100,000 0 07125 Upland National 84tnk C7 -29 -85 01 -27 -66 for "COO 0 085[0 Wendale Federal JS -02 -85 01 -27 -86 110,000 0 09350 Aim C1,An Savings 09 -3r -85 02 -05 -86 100.000 0 08750 Bauk of Aaeritn 09 -30 -65 02 -05 -86 100,000 6 07275 American Savings 08-Id-85 32 -30 -86 200,000 i0 Vineyard Natianal Bark C7 -17 -85 rJ -12 -86 100,000 0 0'750 California Federal Savings 08 -22 -85 02 -18 -86 100,000 0 07na0 Great Western Savings 08 -19 -Pa 02 -18 96 100,C00 0.060.10 ,:aardian Savings O8,3 -85 01 -19 -06 100,000 0 Oesv0 Zurcka Pederal Savings 08 -73 -85 01 -19 -85 100,000 0 C8750 Anarican Savings 10 -02 -SS 03 -05 -86 100,007 0.08150 CAliforniJ Federal Savino, 10 -02 -85 03 -05 -86 100.000 O.UO50 Chino VAlloy Bank 10 -02 -05 03 -05 -86 100.000 O.C7600 Prcaflt Savings Bar'. OJ -08 -85 03 -06 -86 100,000 0 10400 Coast Say.nga s Iran 08 -09 -9a 03 -06 -86 100.00O 0.07625 progressive Savings . Lain 03 -07 -95 03-07 -86 IOC,000 0 101(10 B..k of Amer,ra 08 -15 -85 03 -13 -86 103,OD0 0.07725 GSbralta. 0a:ings t Lian l•6 -18 -89 03 -17.86 5710,000 0.08000 Sun Savi:,go c Loan 03- 18 -8'. 03 -18 -86 100,00n 0.10500 Golden Pacific Bark 04 -35 -85 04 -03.86 .100,000 0.10300 ,o 0 i ;ah•: r Investment Status Report Paga 3 As of - 0 -08 -85 Grand Totalt 9,125,000 -Treasury bills are purchased at a price below their maturity value. They are quoted and traded on the basis of yield to maturity. The approximate interest earned on this six month invostment will be 828.000.00 Q a- PURCHASE MATURITY INTEREST ' INSTI:VIION DATF. DATE AMOUNT RATE _ Great Western Savings 07 -09 -85 04 -07 -86 100,000 0 07700 Lana Beach Savings 4 Wan 04 - -O -SS 04 -10 -86 100,000 0 10500 Omni Bank 05 -16 -86 05 -15 -86 100,000 0.09500 Southwest Savines 4 Loan 05 -20 -35 05 -20 -86 100,000 0.1000C Fidelity Federal Savinys Of -17 -85 06 -17 -86 100,000 0.09250 Imperial Savings 09 -23 -85 06 -30 -86 100,000 0.00300 American Savings 4 Loan 07 -09 -BS 07 -09 -86 100,000 0.09375 Beverly N:lls Savings 07 -15 -05 07 -35 -86 100,000 n.09400 California Fedaral Savings 10 -07 -85 03 -06 -86 lOC,000 0 08000 As of - 0 -08 -85 Grand Totalt 9,125,000 -Treasury bills are purchased at a price below their maturity value. They are quoted and traded on the basis of yield to maturity. The approximate interest earned on this six month invostment will be 828.000.00 Q a- ORDINANCE 273 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIIO%GA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING EMANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENT"M 85 -01, AMVDING FIGURE 5 -18, " COMUNITY TRAILS ", d FIGURE 5 -19, "PEDESTRIAN TRAILS 6 SIDEWALKS ", BY EXTENDING THE EQUESTPIAN TRAIL ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF ETIWANDA AVENUE SOUTHERLY TO GIGHLAND AVENUE, A BY THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HEY EQUESTRIAN TRAIL CONNECTION TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT -OF -NAY ALONG THE EAST PERMIER OF THE VICTORIA PLANNED COMMUNITY Ths City Council of the C:.ty of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as followss Saction 1s The City Council hereby finds and determinea the follovings A. That the Planning ComIs3L..0 of the City of Rancho Lusemonga, following a public hearing held in the time and manner prescribed by law, recommends the Amendment to Figure 5 -18, "Community Trails ", and Figure 5 -19, "Pedestrian 40 Trails and Sidewalks ", of the Etivanda Speclfaa Plan as hereinafter described, and this My Council has held a public hearing in the time and manner prescribed by law and duly beard and considered said reco- =endation. B. That this Specific Plan Amendment Is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Renato Cucamonga. C. That this Amendment Sa consistent with the objectives of the Etivanda Specific Plan. D. This Specific Plco Amendment will have no significant onviroomental impact as provided in the Negative Deal aration filed herein. SECTION 2s Figure 5 -180 "Community Trails ", of the Etivanda Specific Plan is here amended amended as shown in the attached Exhibit "A ", and Figure 5 -19, "Pedestrian Trails and Sidewalks" of tL•e Etivanda Specific Plan is hereby amended as shown in the attaohed Exhibit "B ". r5CTION 3s The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk ehal, cauao-7 nfi —same to be published within filteeu (15) days after its pao=;L at least once In _TheDail! Piporj a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of' e' 1o, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this day of , 19E5. S / j. CITY OF RANCHO CUCA 1ONGA n STAFF REPORT � DATE: October 16, 1985 rrn > TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jack Lam, Community Development Director BY: Rubin Yu, Asscciate Planner SUBJECT: HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN OCTOBER N.BER 30, 1988 ABSTRACT: A new Housing Assistance Plan (HAP) most be completed every three years in order to continue to receive funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The HAP describes the participating jurisdiction's housing needs and three year goals to meet a portion of these needs. This package contains the HAP for the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the period from October 1, 1985 to September 30, 1988. BACKGROUND: Tho City of Rancho Cucammnga has participated in the onion ty evelopment Block Grant Progran since 1982 as an entitlement city. Every three years, the City must prepare a Housing Assistance Plan in order to be eligible for continued Black Grant funding. The purpose of the Housing Assistance Plan is to identify existing and prcjected housing needs in the City and set goals for addressing those needs. Federal regulations are quite specific concerning the ,dentification of housing needs. The attached HAP updates the estimate of housing needs in accordance with HUD regulations. The goals contained in the attached HAP are conservative because of the uncertainty reeggarding funding or, even the continued existence of the Community Developmnt Block Grant Program and other housing programs. Therefore, the HAP shows that the proportion of tower income households to receive assistance over the next three years is the same as the existing assisted units or units in process. These do not represent new units to be assisted. Rather, these are households in existing ppubTic housing, in Section 8 hosing, is we-t as approved units funded by San Bernardino County rental housing revenue bonds. Ha have been advised by HUD to set realistic and conservative goals, and this is reflected in the HAP. 5% :s. bw�< .a M� a RECONWNDA'i:ON: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attac a eso ution and transmit the attached Housing Assistance Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Respectfully st:bmi ed, --_I6wv Jack Lam, AICP Community Development Director JL:RY:cv t IM s yF ■ e ; ! { k a a § k . , \ k | � t �a � ¥ a � ! }� \ § § o 0 s � q � ■! ! u L) ■ ; ! { k a a § k . , \ k | � t �a � ¥ a � ! }� ■ U6 al[AN iYENT UI'nW[wuwnu unwwn u[vcr.w'[wn. ' - -- - COM IUNITY DEVSLCFYENT BLOC% OhANTMOGRAM City oP Ra; I10 CYCaCODSa ENTITLEMENT MOOR" HOUSINGASSISTANCE PLAN B— 8 5— I M I C— 1 0 1 6— 1 0 1 5 1 5 E Frtaat October Ip 1985 To, Soot. 30. 19bOJ _ G7YalTw(uioN ... - mOrivnN DRrruiaR I ❑4I;rmdm,,t lS.RNmnaofAuwerrM GrADrrl IOINI PART 1 - HOUSING^LUSTANCE NEEDS TABLE I - HOUSING STOCK CONDITIONS STANDARD UNI73 SUBSTANOAADUNITS W4TANOARO UNITS SUITABLE FOR RLNAB TENURE —� OCCUFIfD YNIi! TYPE Otw -VIYD VACANT OCCVIIID VACANT VACANT Ur11T1 UNIT! YNITa YNITa TFUI LaIN In(una UNITa —A • C 0 - -a —Cr- TABLE II - RENTAL SUBSIDY NEEDS OF LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS PART11 -THREE YEAR GOAL _ TABLE I - UNITS TO OEASSISTCO EL09ALY SUALLFAMILY URGE FAMILY TOTAL AGUE IM:ROVUrLYTt -7-- « I a e E _ Vrr Low lnnme Puont 1.. 1 % 0 I� 100% Rant" x % to OINrr, Lows Irwco. n 2S9 IOI 380 it GTR n 335 i 43 12 To b. DN troa 0 0 It Teal tR7 _ U n 436 t. Parent % x 1 x 10C% PART11 -THREE YEAR GOAL _ TABLE I - UNITS TO OEASSISTCO !UNITS EXPECTED TO ASSIST LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS) TABLE 11 - LOWER I PLOiRLY MALL FAMILY LKWE FAMILY TOTAL R0.0 % .�fl % 100% TABLE 111 - GOALS FOR HUD RESOURCES: SUBJECT TO LOCAL F(DVIEW AND COWCENT ELDERLY _ MMLLFAMILY LARGEPAMILY TOTAL HOUSING TYPE PREFERENCE !Maximum Nunbu of Umn that wd) be gonad) NEW —_ - -� NLHAD _ -- -• E%ISTINO _ -- - - - -- 55 SS I 55 Zwk this box ifffff Wkr tIrdhwl to ffvltwSMIF Namirp AEenryJra Ask wiNla fr +lar;:G-tldL PART 111 - GENERAL LOCATION% (af cached) .D1 my euAVhs tM FarNrdlatMAtM o/ prMOFEQavFtadhouafnP. x` + .CwJ nnrP Attached. GD 11UTAalLLITATIOW suwfr lln NEW CONSNIUCTION CONVCRtiON IO BTANDANO UNITS AGUE IM:ROVUrLYTt -7-- L Y N tf_ OwrNr 25 SCO 0 _tf_ Rant" 5 500 0 0 !UNITS EXPECTED TO ASSIST LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS) TABLE 11 - LOWER I PLOiRLY MALL FAMILY LKWE FAMILY TOTAL R0.0 % .�fl % 100% TABLE 111 - GOALS FOR HUD RESOURCES: SUBJECT TO LOCAL F(DVIEW AND COWCENT ELDERLY _ MMLLFAMILY LARGEPAMILY TOTAL HOUSING TYPE PREFERENCE !Maximum Nunbu of Umn that wd) be gonad) NEW —_ - -� NLHAD _ -- -• E%ISTINO _ -- - - - -- 55 SS I 55 Zwk this box ifffff Wkr tIrdhwl to ffvltwSMIF Namirp AEenryJra Ask wiNla fr +lar;:G-tldL PART 111 - GENERAL LOCATION% (af cached) .D1 my euAVhs tM FarNrdlatMAtM o/ prMOFEQavFtadhouafnP. x` + .CwJ nnrP Attached. GD \ ! ;1 » X00, ' 2 �\ ; - 48 | p 2 § , l ° ■ ■ I "2° ° ■\k| ! §§ �! \� {!0\ '■ } �}V \ } \\ !2!|). } \k \ \00 ' 2 �\ iJ '✓ jz *::oTF• (Footnote to Table 1I, line 19, and Table III, :.lne 21.) la The goal shwa only IS units for the elderly consistent with the proportion of needs and available funds. This goal is too small to allow for • feasible savior citizen project. A ggal large enough to accommodate {., a fesiOle developornt, to order to,miotain proportionality by family 1 ' type, would necessitctc total goslo which are extremely unrealistic both '1 In relation to nand and to available resources. Therefore, if an assisted Y. elderly housing davelopmmnc is proposed, the City of Rancho Cucamengs will consider Amending its NAP to accotwodsto the project and will at that time , request a waiver of proportionality regniromento based on reasonable level, of eftort and past perforsancs. �4 C M • riF".i1 ��a �K: +..'f- �F1:�Di�11f :_••r't, "t�l�:9Y�. '::1�, 1•'� i 1i 1 J 4, , tk y��D NARRATIVE OISCOSSION Or MOUSING t9SISTANCE NEEDS %;•TY OP RANCRO CNCANONCA _ 1985 -88 WIOSINQ ASSISTINCE ?LAN 1. Definition of S•sbstandard Units are considered to be substandard LI! they do not meet the requirecents of the Uniform Housing Code Thus requirements generally , exceed the Section a Existing housing gtullity atsedards. II. Definition of Units Snita_ble for Rehabilitation Housing units are considered suitable for rehabilitation if they ara 'A fttucturally found and the coot of rehabilitation will not exceed the lover of the following measureq -80Z of replacement cost of the unit /structure -80Z of the market value suer rehabilitation III. Estimates of the Number of Lower Income met- uleholds Expected to Reside in RAVCho Cucamonga The eataaateo for the number of additional lower Income households expected to reside (ETI) in Rancho Cueawnga by 1988 are derived from the Regional Housing Allocation Model (WL%M) prepared by the Southern CAlLfcrni■ Aesoclstion of Governments. Sl.nse th^ RMAM covets the five year period from 1983 -1988, 60% of their tstinate was used for this three year MAP. The percent allocated to each fully type In based on a dLetribrtion prepared by SUL, EMAD for the ration which includes Rancho Cucamonga. IV Assessment of the large., of Condominium Converoiome Although there was rnme conversion of rental housing to condominLuss prior to 1983, there has been no interest in convirslon in recut yearb. Rather, there has been a revival of construction of apartmeota..Rancho Cueawnse's condominium ordinance limits conversions to no Are than one -half the number-8f rental units added to the housing stock within the preceding year. No displacement in expected es a result of conversions during the 1985 to 1986 NAP period. V. Maturity Household Needs Estimates of minority housing needs were updated using proportions from - the 1980 Census applied to 1985 household estimates for the City from the State Department of Tinsuee. A. Black 1. Lover income households in substandard housings ''✓ 12 owners; 2 renters -..AD rdC 1 w�y�u T i jY l W ' a N1 is L mssffi.;. 0 V. _ dye ' •• t 2. lower Income households requiring rental subsidies- 1 elderly; 12 small falsity; 3 large family •• •, ,�� 3. Lower Income households to be displtrtd: none B. Spanish origin I. Lower ineece bOUeshOlda in substandard hoses tag: 74 0wners; 14 renters 2. Lover lnrave households requiring rental aseletatce: 1S elderlyl 116 small family; 11 large family 3. Lowyr Income households to be displaced: none C. Native Iaerlc4n I. Laver income households in substandard housing: 4 ovneril 1 renter 26 Lover inrome households requiring rental subsidies, 1 elderly; 12 small faellyl 3 large ta..11, 3. Lover income households to be diaplacsds none D. Asian or Pacific blander Lower income.hausehalds; in substandard hawing: 10 owners; 2 renters 20 Laver Income households requiring rental subsidies: 1 elderly; S 20011 family; 2 large family 3. Lower income households to be displaced: none i' N *a s' y < „ •' srl ji .ti r t $• %` VI. Raedicapped•NOusieg Needs ' \� 7` Estimstas of hsndicappid housing needs were updated based on the proportions of thn population found to be handicapped In a 1978 surv`sy cunductvd by the state Department of Rehablllcation. Three proport lone wars applied to the 1983 household estimates prepared by the State Department of Finance. Uding thin methodology, a total of 1,920 pare"$ In Rancho Cucamonga are estimated to have disabilities which affect their housing needs (such as blindness, deafness, musculoskeletal conditions, amputations, defotmltiee, paralysis, muscular dystrophy, etc.). Host of the disabled are not in lover Income households. .y about 7% of the disabled In addition, _ are also alderly. i Total Low income Renter# i Single Individuals 787 39 "� In Small ► amilies 1,018 31 • •i, In Large ►amllies 113 6 1, #0 126 ` VI7. l Single Parent Household Needs Estimates of the number of tingle parent families needing assistance vacs updated by applying 4." percentages derived fro ■ the 1980 Census data to the 1983 Department of Finance astfmaoas of Cucamonga the number of hayseholde in Qaleho Total Single Parent Households 1,656 ,636 me 1,292 Lower Inco Single Parent Households Female- Ileaded 306 - Estimated to Need Rental Msistance 434 Female- Headed 280 280 VIII. Other special Housing Needs None. - 1� FF,x� < •,- :k['.Gam yWAPVi <. i'A•Sisk{r'1��:.�i+ °.,Y+P,�M.: i4i:.'Y. ", " - �.. :;G�.�l Nam ,r •` RARRATI9[ NO TIRES-Y[AR AND 011[ -Y[Al COALS 1965 -19 811 BOOSJRO A9QSTARC[ PLAR ;r art or Ranho CUCNIowA - J. Dl&placmeet No substandard units are expected to be demolished or lover Income househo Us relocated as a result of direct yederal, State, or local actions. II. Actions the City Will Take to lmplhmmt Its One and Three year Coalst A. Mortgage Ravenue Bonds (owner) The Redevelopment Agency sells mortgage revtnue bando to provide below market mortgage fin,.ncing for owner occupants. Moat users will be moderate income, none are expscted to be low income. Issues funding an estimated 1,500 vortgages have been so14 In the pest three years. the goal will be realized, therefor&, suLject poly to market Conditions and the developers ability to develop and sell the homes. S. HvItL -ymtly gevvnue goods (renter) By evaporation ogrsment with the County of San Bernardino, rental projects in Rancho Cucamonga with 29 percent of the units restricted ,o low income households at rents less than 00 percent of income, may Le fLnanccd with County Multi -fmLly Mortgage 2evanuf Fonds. 7ssus$ funding about 500 units In Rancho Cucamoo88 have bete financed in this manner. Some 250 additional units have been proposed. Developer interest le currently very strong. Howavvr, macLst rondittons and deraloper Mrforosnce will dictate whether the unite omitted are "Spitted. C. CORO 2ehabilttation Loans Through a Contract with the County of Sao Bernardino, tho City offers low interest retpbilttation loafs to lcwer Income households citywide. Approximately 8.5 uaiti per year or 25 units will be brought up to standard through this program. Rental Rehab loans are given only to structures to be occupied solely by lover income renters. Rests after rehab may not exceed 102 of tenant income. rive units will G brought up to standard through this pru[raa. D. Senior [margtncy Repair Crests a Through a contract with San Bernardino County, the City offses emergency repair cervices to lover income. senior homeowners in the !4, City. Approximately 25 units per year, wr 75 units 1m total will W '..'�• aulated through this program. yyyt 177. Jkl�. �itr.(? �h�T ;fir.+t<eF.+RS`R »Fd.r,f; °�1ys.. 1 i i Y 1! I $ • fr 2 � r� E. Section 8 Exist:ng (am successor program) t The City has entered a cooperation agreement with the Housing - Authority of the County of San Durnardino to administer the Section 8 Existing program. The goals reflect the reduced funding for this+ program and the fact that rento in the Gity are of tea higher than' Pair Market Rants. However, there LL a good patertial of using Section 8 Existing in the density bonus sffordable housing to be produced as a part of the large planned developusats onder construction in the City. P. Article TXXIV Referendum Authority The voters of the City of Poncho CutsmoarA approved a referendum allowing public ownership or financing of low rant housing pursuant to Article XXXIV of the State Constitution. This enables use of public housing and various multi - family finaneing Programs. There are currently eleven units of scattered site public housing is the City. The City has entered into a Cooperation Agreement with the Housing Authority of the County of San Dsma:dino for use of the Public Housing Program. No funding is anticips:ad for this program in the first Housing Assistance Plan year. However, agreements are in place should funding bucome available. C. Affordable Housing Incentives State law requires cities to offer %acentives iincludang public Improvements or density bonuves) to any projeec with a least 252 of the units affordable to low and modnrata Income households. Several of the Planned Communities in Reach,) Cucamonga contain com itmants for the development of affordable housing in the text of the approved or proposed Community Plan. Tne developer commits to develop a percentage of unite at prices or rents affordable to loner Income households, in sxchange for City incentives. H. Redevelopment 202 of Tax Increment funds from the City's redevelopment projects will be used to assist I" into" housing development as necessary and as funds become available. , • fr 2 � r� e -• o ca 4 }}(( fA L N--• F f .2 w •y Oa 0! c 0 e o J m U� v c N U Q) a Z ! N N H r 1 J N � F- No° n K METHODOLOGICAL NOTES Y' 1965 -1988 _ HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN CITT OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Part I: HOUSING ASSISTANCE NEEDS Table I - Housina Stoec Conditions This table addresses the condition of the existing housing stock. The Information was updated to 1985 using Stets Department of Finance estimates for January 1, 1985. She proportion owner- occupied, renter- occupied units and vacant units were taken from the 1980 Condos and applied to the L985 data. Likewise, the proportion of substandard units is based sea a HUD formula developed for the last RAP which considers the proportion of units which are more then 40 years old, the proportion of overcrowded units, the proportion of units lacking complete plumbing, and the proportion of units lacking complete hitchan facilities. This formula was applied to the 1955 unit estimates. Table II - Rental Needs of Lwer Income Households This table includes both existing needs and the needs expected to result from lover income households moving to Rancho Cucamonga. Jerry Nakano, an economist in the Lou Angeles HUD office, provided the estimates for existing needs ohovn . on lines 8, 9 and 10. Future needs, or those lover Income households Expected to kesldo (ETA) in Rancho Cucamonga, err shown In line 11. According to HUD regulation@ (Appendix As RAP OuidoLlnea), the City m_at use the growth fiture@ contained in the Regional Housing Allocation Model (RRAN) developed by the Southern California AesaClitlon of Coverneents (SCAO). Since the BRAY.. is a five -year estimate (1987- 1988), we took 603 of the RHAM growth estimate for lover income households fat the total households and distributed then into small family, large family and elderly based on 1980 Census proportions of chase •' groups in the City. No residential units are ersected to be.demolished as a result of Federal, state, or local projects within Rancho Cucamonga over the next 7 year#, Therefore, line 12 shows zeroes. Part lit TRrag -y3AR GOAL Table I: Units To Be Assisted Column L - Rehabilitation of substandard units. This goal was based on the T`, Past performance of the rehabilitation loan program. It does not Include ' emergency repair grants. A 5 unit goal for rehabilitation of rental units is Included in recognition /hope that the new rental rebdb program operated by San` Bernardino County will be available to Rancho Cucamonga also. This is ''a q +, conservative goal which we should be able to "nest. 9lnea ill participants i• must be lover income, the figures for lines 15 mad 16 are the same as those " `>`3 for lines 17 and 18. A,'mr. Y' tir : ;N{„ rj ;:r, :�fa:isFJ e • ; i� • column M - Nev Cons truneion:'- Thrgoale to this column reflect the zevesae -poN funded projects which 'Lave gees approved and for V..il.h financier is ovetlable. If the vas law 41046 cot Changr, there are likely to be many rare of there unite. 6ovever, in light of the uncertainty on this paint, a conservstive estimate is _ advisable. Only 202 of the rental .units will serve lover income households (line lQl the rut will be moderate income. •'y Column N - Conversion. He structures not eurrantly to residential wa or expected to be converted to resideatial we. 1 . .� Colin O - time Imptof mots. This Colwmm Contains the 90416 for the emergency repair program. no tatget t► based on eont'.nuation of current levels of activity. Since all participants must be lover income the figures for lines IS 17 are the sus. Table It - Lm,er Ineaie Hauaoholda To Receive Rental 3.- bandies This table ":efleete the SS Seetten S Hxistior `" —d., ids cu- reacts !n !no Community, the 16 units of mattered atte pubs.. liming, anti the 100 malts which wit. be sasistsd by the ro„tal revenue boM program. This is osain u conservative goal becauw it is unlikely that tbeso progrrmC will receive additio•,al funding over the next three years. Table III - Coals for HUD Resource \.. Lin, 21 identifies the proportion of the goals in Table 11 wh.oh arm expected too be funded by Federal (HUD) funds. dgain, it reflects the existing programs and .,,Its in the Ctty. Line 22 Identifies the maximum number of each type of unit x ..hteh will be accepted by the City. Larger projects or a total in utecas of 9 this figure require City and HUD approval. " E :''vs�k -.. Er } "iti ""hd�i� >�1•.i�',?i' x:.51i1,.ith .�� " . 2 r} .z �Y i• , RI,. 1 i p:r -117 RESOLUTION NO. - 4046 -9tR- A RESOLUTION' OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF rHE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING A THREE -YEAR (.e85 -1988) HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROrRAM 0 _:•,: �, .x51 "a WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga 1• an Entitlement City under the regulations governing the Community Development Block Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City's Planning Division staff has conducted surveys of the City's housing conditions and lousing assistance needs assessment; and WHEREAS, the City staff has reconnended a three -year (1985 -1988) Housing Assistance Plan with specific goals for the ncmber of dwelling units and the general locations of Proposed assisted housing for low and mo0arate income (lower income) persons, as req• :-cd of Community Development Block Granc recipients; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a legally noticed puht'c hearing to order to give the public an opportunity to respond to the proposed three - year (19US -1988) Housing Assistance Plan and gut firth for Council consideration recommendations of their own; and WHEREAS, the City Council has heard public testimony and reci.:ved all public input regarding the City's Three -Year Housing Assistance Plan for the Community Developmentf Block Grant P,cgram. 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby approve the Three -.Year (1985 -1988) Honsing Assistance Plan for the Comro'nity Duveiopmuent Block Grant Program. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPT'0 this 16tn day of October, 1985. AYES: a " NOES: ABSENT: Jon 0. Hikels, MFy—nr 1 _ 1 V i'• i T' . 1 k G,y�` 1! ' i .. a Y dii , e •�i . s ym r BAC<GROUNDr On March, 21, 1985 file City executed on amendment to the Cooperetlm- Agrt reament etwean the Agency, the City and the Foothill Fire Protection District. As pa of this emended Agreement a prlorltlzotion was mode as to what areas the Agency would allocate funds. These areas are: i1. construction of facilities 2. lease and/or purchase of fire protection equipment I aeration and maintenance of, fire protection facilities Specifically, this cmendment was prepared so that the Agency could participate with the Fire Protection District In the purchase of an atrial ledder truck. ' Once the Agreement was executed the District began. Investigating the various ways of •�' purchasing the needled aerial ladder truck. Recently the District contacted the Agency .,.� Indicating that a supplier, Grumman Emergency Products, vrould bf the best socree for t the manufacture and purchase of the fire apparotus. e„ EVAL QATIOOM The District submitted a contract to Agency staff fot the purchase of Products � a Redevevelopme t which was Agency, was forwarded tbetween oh! BrowGrumman f Best Best Emergency a Krieger, Agency counsel, for comment. `i Attached to this staff report Is o copy of the corres!wndcnce containing Mr. Brown's comments. Briefly, In his Interpretation of the sections or the Health and Safety Ccde pertaining to Redevelopment, it does not appear }o clearly authorize the A purchase equipment outright. For this reason, Agciay counsel recommends thatytile ! rt yt, b' 1'=' 7��F,• t` 15��� #�'±>;^.��il1t[;�y`-.�s�'?t ^r: 1e �.i' is is W�: ,.:t`:.'el7'ie.^�'��.ir1� CIrf OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ��e C G �j 2 .° DATEt October 16, 1985 U >, TOr Moyor and MMhers of the City Council FROMt Jack Lam, AICP, Community Development Director BY: Linda 0. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUB IECTt CONTRACT FOR TI-E PURCHASE OF AN AERIAL LADDER 'TRUCK �1r z'rTVu A 'FiAFICRO , BAC<GROUNDr On March, 21, 1985 file City executed on amendment to the Cooperetlm- Agrt reament etwean the Agency, the City and the Foothill Fire Protection District. As pa of this emended Agreement a prlorltlzotion was mode as to what areas the Agency would allocate funds. These areas are: i1. construction of facilities 2. lease and/or purchase of fire protection equipment I aeration and maintenance of, fire protection facilities Specifically, this cmendment was prepared so that the Agency could participate with the Fire Protection District In the purchase of an atrial ledder truck. ' Once the Agreement was executed the District began. Investigating the various ways of •�' purchasing the needled aerial ladder truck. Recently the District contacted the Agency .,.� Indicating that a supplier, Grumman Emergency Products, vrould bf the best socree for t the manufacture and purchase of the fire apparotus. e„ EVAL QATIOOM The District submitted a contract to Agency staff fot the purchase of Products � a Redevevelopme t which was Agency, was forwarded tbetween oh! BrowGrumman f Best Best Emergency a Krieger, Agency counsel, for comment. `i Attached to this staff report Is o copy of the corres!wndcnce containing Mr. Brown's comments. Briefly, In his Interpretation of the sections or the Health and Safety Ccde pertaining to Redevelopment, it does not appear }o clearly authorize the A purchase equipment outright. For this reason, Agciay counsel recommends thatytile ! rt yt, b' 1'=' 7��F,• t` 15��� #�'±>;^.��il1t[;�y`-.�s�'?t ^r: 1e �.i' is is W�: ,.:t`:.'el7'ie.^�'��.ir1� �_`�� J fir +_1� a��. 'rGa`r;��t,,; "rS.., �- ,•.. �r,�a ., •,r• ,f:? .F 'Sr• ;Ni CITY STAFF i PORT ` ' ' Contract •z Plfnc6e of Aerial Ladder Truck., (Foothill Fire Protection Olitrlct)' I, ": October 16,19 8.1, Page 2 •�� Ustrict purdtato the fire truck and a separate contract bo executed wherehy the Agency • could reimburse the District for the payments. 'The contract would req,dri'that the District be responsible for the maintenance of the equipment as well cs boing liable for , •` ' ' any claim involving the truck. in addition, should, the District be no longer legally `thi �Y7 authorized to provide fire services within the City then ownership of tfuck would revert bock to the City. As Indicated in `counsel`s biter, this approach, would' be consistent with ttw existdr0 Cooperative Agreement and redevelopment law. ' r t Mr. Atox Ahumoda of the Foothill Fire Dlitrlct has been contoatud'reyardtng ;the proposed (inane ng method. In discuising the overall concept' and the primary potnts of i the contract he • �w no reason why this would not be occeptablu to •the Fire District ' r Board. He antic ipated that the board could review and execute the contract the'week of October 21st. - '- Prallmlmry cos is for the truck would Involve an initial dawn payment of $150,000 tnd k annual paynenhY of approximately $55,000 for five years. This financing commitmont will not�eopardize the anticipated financing proposal for facility construction within thi Project �fy rea RECOMMEPDA OM The Agency approve the contract by authorizing the Chairmen to execute it. I • 6 Res e. '',I bmittt�e�d, Jack Lam {Y, Community Development Director Attachmentat Contract Correspondence from Agency Counsel Y p•. : -f a• , �. teal 9 ',2 f.. :Nv,� ?tfj4��L�'i�Aiiti^Ylyi? p F' REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE rOF FIRE EQUIPMENT BETWEEN THE rOomu FIRE J PROTECTION DISTRICT, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY i OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA 1. PARTIES AND DATE. > 1.1 This Agreement entered into in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of •f' California, this _ day of , 1905, between the FOOTHILL FIRC PROTECTION DISTRICT, a public agency ( "District "),end the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a public body ( "Agency ") and the CITY RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a municipal corporation ( "City "). 0. Yl 2. RECITALS. k.1 Agency is presently undertaking a program i' under the California Community Aedevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.)" for the redevelopment, replanning and redesign of certain noncontiguous and �• blJghted areas within the City with stagnant, improperly utilized and unproductive land known as the Rancho Redevel- opment Project ( "Project ") and requiring in the interest of ,5• the health, safety, and general welfare of people of the , City of Rancho Cucamonga pursuant to ordinance No. 166 adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; *All subsequent references, unless otherwise noted, are to the California Health i Safety Code. ' �t4a� '�N'.r..'M�I�t+Y�P:�"�3)4•,'i. itt F: `� ?i• }�3�i41Nh+`�.��•,.. 77r, t h; ., 4 0 F�Y,i`S' y ly'Y ;,:,• California, on December 23, 1981, which authorizes the r C. redevelopment of an area wahin she territorial limit= of , the City by the Agency. 2.2 District, Agency and City have previously entered into an agreement on April 22, 1982 entitled "Agree- - went For Cooperation Between The Foothill Fire Protection y, District, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and The City of Rancho Cucamonga," and certain amendments,ther•to (the +Agreement "), pursuant to Sections 33401 and 3740 The purpose of the Agreement to to allevi- ate financial burden or detriment caused to District by the Project and to assist in the financing of the acquisition of fire protection facilities which agency and City have found to be of primary benefit to the Project and for which there s. is no other reasonable means of financing. 2.3 District, Agency and City pursuant to r- Soctio;, 3.2 of the Agreement, as amended, wish to make pay - t.. ment to District in order to facilitate redevelopment within City and to furthor provide for.the coocevatidn of District , and Agency i•a carrying out redevelcpmet,t activities and otherwise alleviate any financial burcon or detriment caused to District by the Project through the purchase of fire equipment by District. 2.4 Agency nas found and determined that it tt, would be appropriate to allavi0 "P any financial burden Cr 4' detriment caused to b District ect b ( Y the Pro j y paying to ' f e e .!r�4� {°4i".:;:5'k•c ::_Aktt• -?W - District money to be used for the construction, reconstruc- tion, acquisition, relocation, rehabilitation, operation and maintenance of fire pro�.3ction facilities whlch are of primary benef it to the Project and by otherwise aisisting in k the financing of District s fire prot"ction facilities which rray be required by Agencyts Project, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of thF foregoing and the mutual.promises and covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 3.1 Discrict Purchase of Fire Equipment. Pursuant to Section 3.2 of the A4reement, A3ency shall provide suffi- cient funds to District to enable District to purchase an aerial ladder appa:atus ("Tru Company"). Agency's obligation to make such payments are expressly conditi.ned on such payments being previously appioved In writing by Agency. 3.2 Fitting, Oceration and flaintenance of Truck Company. District shall undertake o fully equip the Truck Coompany so as to insure its JEU11 operational capability. Thereafter District shall operate and maintain the Tr4ok Company in a manner consistent wit� the operation and main- tenance of similar Truck Companies by fire fighting entities within San Bernardino County. 3.3 Insurance and 7ndemnification. 3.3.1 This Agreement Is made on the express condition that Agency and City are 'to be free from all -3- L R�.a...r: -. }.. `'.r. sWY•.:1::.(a4.:1• -. __ ,,.y�..y c:i�i+ r, •x ..\ � ", v . t -t.+ �.�; r " , .:�... liability or loss by reason of injury to any person or •' property resulting from District's ownership, operation and maintenance of the Truck Company. District hereby agrees to _ and shall indemnify Agency and City and savo' them harmless from any and all liability, loss, cost, or obligations on •` account of or aricing out of, any such injury or losses howevnr occurring due to District s negligence, or the ` negligence of its officers, agents or employees. 3.3.2 District agrees to and shall, at its r+, own cost and expense, secure from a good and responsible company or companies doing insurance business in the State 7• of California which are either approved in writing by lessor or rated "AAA" or better in Best's Insurance Reports, and j shall maintain during the entire term of this lease, the y following insurance coverage for the Truck Company; • (a) Comprehensive public liability and e property damage insurance in the minimum amount of Five (5) Million Dollars ($5,000.03 ) for a loss from an accident resulting i,. oodily injury to or death b !t of one (t) person. Five (5) _ Million Dollars y„ ($ 5,090,000 for injuries or death sustained by more to than one (1) person in a single incident, and Five (5) k� Million Dollars ($ 5,000,000 ) for loss from an t accident resulting in damage to o- destruction of property.' Said policy shall specifically insure performance by ' District of its indemnity agreement set fr:rth. •a •t' n• �� rF n.rjl�.pY� ,. lm.i vn'tvJ't���: �FiY'.� •. ��'- ij� / � ^,j l`�cC7 ,�1 �"'�'+'���y nr' G1 ry , f q, ,• (b) .Norkers' compensation insurance coverage y'a ^ during any pericd during the term that District' may hire _ employees to man the Truck Company. = District agrees that Agency and City shall be y named as an additJonal insured on each of the atorementioned • policies of insurance. - 3.3.3 Upou securing the foregoing coverages, ;< District shall provide Agency and City with two (I-) executed , copies of each of the policies for Agency's and City's review for adequacy, and with proof of payment of the • premium or premiums on any such policy. Not leaa than forty - five (45) days before each expiration of any insurance coverage, District shall provide Agency and City with ' satisfactory evidence that such insurance has been renewed and that the required premium or premiums therefor Nava been paid. 3.3.4 Dintrict shall provide written proof to Agency and City that each of the policies provided for in k this Article expresc•ly provide that policies shall not be �. cancelled or altered withcut at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to Agency and City by District's insurance company. 3.3.5 Not more frequently than each two (2) 'y Af e years, if, in the opinion of an insurance b•oker retained by e4•Y= '- ' p ' 1' fF Agency and City, the amount of the insurance policies y{ provided for in this Agreement is not adequate, District ". -5- im l /�y`i�sX ii , !. .<r,FS.v ..: 'y�i � < n�M�wa' �. .r _ ..I..�J��' J,: �.t`,'�fi�w.'xti, • T� °�'ati`� vit: ?•. •F. d a shall increase the insurance coverage as recommended by ` Agency's and Cry's insurance broker. ' s. 3.3.6 Comply promptly with all laws, ordi- - `+ • nances, nances, rules and regulations of the Federal Government, e State of California, County of San Bernardino, City of i' Rancho Cucamonga, and any other duly constituted governmental body pertaining directly or indirectly to the �•j operations and ma..ntenance of the Truck Company. ?.4 Assignment. 'r 1�+ 3.4.1 District shall not assign this Agree - meat, or mny interest therein, or suffer any other person to r own, occupy or use the True% Company without City's and � } y Agency's prior written consent. A consent to one assign- ment, subletting, occupation, or use by another person shall , not be deemed to be a consent to any subsequent assignment, i' subletting, occupation or use b another Y person. Any such L assignment without City's end Agency's consent shall be void and shall, at City's and Agency's option, terminate this Agreement and thereafter District shah convey all right, title, interest and to the Truck Company to City. This Agreement shall not, nor shall any interest therein, be assignable, as to the Interest c.' District by operation of law, without the written consent of City and Agency. s' ?- r. p•' - 1 •�ai' 7 - !:°.a����2xw �, S`r">�,��' :.�?`j<�� irk 'R.�i�ktl:r . -a�P -• :•, - ;. "yam: �_,- t� jx. L , - I ;,' , - . -1 . -1- "a 3.5 CArIC@11stion of Agreement. 3 - 5 - 1,., It' is understood and agreed by the V Parr on hereto that. Agency and City - shall and hereby, do reserve the right to cancel or terminate this Agreemant -at any time it should,be'determined by the City Council of the City that District is no longer legally authorized to provide fire protection services within the City of Rancho Cucamonga or in the event that. during the term of this Agreement, District is prevented by statute, ordinance, 41 administrative rule or regulation, as any statute, • ordinance, rule or regulation now exists or may hereafter provide, from operating the Truck Company within the City. (a) In the event such termination is effected -irsuant to this Section, District, or its assigns, shall thereafter convey all right, title and interest in the Truck Company to City and shall surrender possession of the Truck Company to City within thirty (30) nays following written notification of such cancellation. 3.5.2 It-La understood and agreed by the parties hereto that in the event of cancellation or termina- tion of this Agreement as provided in this Section, they shall be under no further obligation or liability to each other by reason of this Agreement. 411h -7- , h.^1`7,�ti".�'S5�' �".c�;l' �2: i:5:�,?� "' , +'.•;ei ' }'; y, ;a,�• �, ��,, ° 3.6 Attorney's Fees. Ilk, ty 3.6.1 In the event that either party shall commence any legal action or proceeding, including an action '•r for declaratory relief, against the other by reason of the alleged failure of the ether to perform or keep any term, covenant or condition of this Agreement, the party pre - vailing in said action or proceeding shall be entitled to , recover, in addition to its court costs, expert witness fees and a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court, and such recovery shall include court costs and attorney's fees on apysal, if any. As used herein, "the prevailing party" means the part in whose favor final judgment i•: rendered. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . DATED: _ ayor Son D. M e s ATTEST: Lauren M. Wasserman City Clerk REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATED: ATTEST: LaL_a.l M. Wasserman. Secretary -E- chairman Son D. M e s 1. r - 3 a�'x ■, 1 17- � 7"- a CATEDi ATTEST: secretary JEE0040 74 FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Preside t ,-� .1 r 41 3.} Y. y r p� 6 r k; C ti 1 +)( nlN •..L'4, lAJLf p7-•a a111'.'L ••..onup.r co•ro••nw LAW OFFMCS Or BEST, BEST 4 KRIEGER •.SOO ORA0OC {TR(!T R O. {O. 1046 RIV[RiIOC. CALIYORx1A {S {Of r[urx(xe(aq gi•In0 October 7, 1985 L . _ wR arRlxe( errfce � +00 4 +r l.xpZ..wauaLUw w•i • O (O. .no ...w ,..WO• uurwwu +eau I +ulau•rio+ Tnu aura .+our e4w.np au+�aaes uvv Go�swvp�' 11 rr a ! V W ?dMuN TY DEEVEIORdEN1�DEPf�I OCT 0 u 1985 iY Linda D. Daniels, 7i8r91�Iur�Iir2)314)5)6 Soniox ledevelopment Analyst Radevo.opment Agency City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road, Suite C Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re, Agreement For Purchase Of Fire Equipment Between The Foothill Fire Protection District The Redevelopment Agency Of The City Of Rancho Cucamonga And The City Of Rancho Cucamonga Dear Lindal Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review correspondence between the Foothill Fire Protection District and Grumman Emergency Products, Inc., requesting that a contract be executed between Grumman and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on behalf of the Foothill Fire Protection Didtrict•with reapoct to the purchase of certain fire equipment. It is my understavling that this would constitute an alternative approach to actual City purchase of such equipment as contemplated last March. You will recall at that time that we prepared for th.. Agency's review and use an agreement for the purchase of fire equipment through the Southern California Association of Government Pooled Equipment program. 83 f' a 1 ••�E.'dR U$:i NJ.1'it Y'�•'k.�- ��,�� ,L�'S1Sr Y), .. :—'_ }+. -*' -V f,h.'Y ,� \: ^). /i,.^ie " „— . VI, "- ,SS'� Fr BEST BEST 6 KRirGER Linda D. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst October 7, 1985 Page Two - Before commenting on the legality of the current proposal, it might be help: :ul to you if I summarized the - existing obligations of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the Foothill Fire Protection District. The principal focus of the original egreemont for cooperation between the Foothill Fire Protection District and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was to provide funds to the District pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33401. The statutory basis for such payments was a finding that fiscal burden or detriment rp —O ted to the District by reason of the Rancho Redevelopment Project. A principal focus of the original cooperation agreement wag the constructl,n of certain Facilities on behalf of the Foothill Fire Protection District which is also permitted by California Health and Safety Code Section 33445. More recently, an amendment to the cooperation agreement was approved whereby the Agency or the District could more flexibly ' address the current needs of the Dlsrrlct, including the financing of the lease and /or purchase of fire protection equipment. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga clearly has the authority to make payments to the Foothill ' Fire Protection District to be used by the District for the purpose of leasing and /or purchasing fire protection equipment, operating and maintaining fire protection equipment and in ” fact, for all other lawful purposes of the Foothill Fire _ Protection District. The Agency also has the authority under, Health and Safety Code Section 33445 to finance dirrctly any A c_ IV c •r i. . ` uw orneee oe " BEST. BEST 6 HRIEGER LinJa D. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst October 7, 1985 Pate Three "buildings, facilitied, structurea, or other improvements" which are found to be of benefit to the Rancho Redevelopment Project or the immediate neighborhood in which the Rancho Redevelopment Project is located. Health and Safety Code Section 33445 does not appear to clearly authorize the purchase of equipment, although the argument could be made that a ladder fire truck is a ;facility this would, in our opinion, be particularly questionable use of the authority granted the Agency under Health and Safety Code Section 33445. Moreover, that Section has been recently amended to prohibit h Redevelopment Agency from paying for the normal maintc.hance or operations )f buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements wbach are owned by the community. This latter amendment to Sec :'on 33445 eviriencee a continuing legislative scrutiny of the use of tux intrement monies for nun- e-raditlonal redevelopment purposes. This hostility !a also evidenced by the enactment of Health and Safety Code Section 33678(b)(3) which now appears to make it clear that tax increment monies can no longer be used for the purpose of paying for employee or contractral services of any local governmental agency unless such services are directly related to the traditional redevelopment purposes set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 33020 and 33021. In light of these existing legal constraints, we would like to recommend an alternative approach to the direct purchase of fire equipment by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on behalf of the Foothill Fire Protection District: , f ti r i> to i �' .� .� 5,� a •%� T�J,tp. ;1i c .t "w orr,ccs or BEST BEST 6 KRIEGER „ r l: ` Linda D. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst October 7, 1785 Page Four 1 This approach would essentially involve a simple agreement between the Foothill Fire Protection District and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Ranrao Cucamonga and the City of Rancho Cucamonga whereby the Agency agrees to reim- burse the Foothill Fire Protection District For purchases of Fire Equipment which are otherwise consistent with the Agreem at for Cooperation between the Foothill Fire Protection District, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In that regarl, we would like to propose for your consideration a variation on the agreement previously drafted in connection with the proposed purchase of fire equipment by the City of Rancho Cucamonga through its participation in the Southern California Association of Coverrment Pooled Equipment program. A proposed draft of such an agreement is attached for your review. Yours sincerely, Brown of Best, Beet E Krieger Counsel, Redove.opmsnt Agency, City of Rancho Cucamonga JEB:Jwr Attachment ery e V.rt, V,r ,1.,;4 it. 'f•T 3.? -`'31a�i ._, -�eM: .,- r{ •Y• . --ry.s ,�ut..i,�. +t, CITY OF M.'4CHO G<UCAMONGA a MEMORANDUM ._ lc FLIoyd October 16, 1989 t I9� I d uncil and City Manager . Hubbs, City Engineer Development Credits - Tract No. 12801 Attached is a request from the Deer Creek Company that the Council grant Systems Development credits for the construction of a cul -de -sac on Opal Streot required as a condition of the development of Tract No. 12601. As explained in the letter and the attached Planning Commission repo -t„ Opal Street was originally designed to serve +:he subject tract. During the public hearing process, residents of Opal S'.reet requested that the tract be ' redesignad to close Opal Street. The Planning Commission granted the residents if request and required the developer to finish Opal Street through construction .:� of a temporary cul -de -sac per City Standard 206 (see attached). s Subsequent to tract approval, the developer requested that the Commission approve an alternative design concept for finishing Opal Street or that the Commission recommend to the Council the granting of System, Development credits for construction of the standard design. In review of this request, the Commission moved to retain tie condition for the standard cul -de -sac design ._t. also "recommend to the City Council that under these specific fact--&I circumstances where there is no benefit to the developer for imgrosements requested by citizens, a credit towards the Systems Development fees the uId be granted ". ANALYSIS In considering approval—of this request, the Council should be aware that the major source of road improvement funding to the City is the Systems Development fund, Any credits rtranted for this fee will affect revenues for the development of the Capital Imprnvtment Frogram. Systems Development credits have been Issued in the past but normally for construction of bridges, traffic signals and widening +r reconstruction of collector and arterial roadways. Although numerous cul -de -sacs have been required as a part of- developaent approvals, this would be the first to receive systems credits. It was the Commission's intent, however, thet the "specific factual circumstances" in this case required special conssderacion and it was not . meant to set a precedent for future projects. CITY AUNCIUSTAFF REPORT Sysxc--ms Development Creuit'- Tract No: 12801 Octob,,r 16, 1985 Page 2 In reviewing the issi- of Systems credits, the L;ty Attorney has' raised questions as to the nL.,hanics of issuing such credits. if the Council concurs in the Planning Commission recommendation, it *oule be appropriate to request that the City Atrorney prepare the necessary agreem2nt and actions required to issue such a credit. These documents would be returned to Council - for execution prior to actual Issuance of the credits or reimbursements. RECOWMATION Staff recommends that Council review the Planning Comissin reconnienda6on to grant Systems Development crediti to Tract No. 12801 and If appropriate, direct the City Attorney to prepare thi necessary documents to Issue such h credit. Respectfully submttted, a Attachments It V FIVA, aS i • ■ October 4, 1985 City Council City of Rancho Cuc=nge 9370 Baseline Road, Suite "C" Ranch.. Cucamonga, CA 91730 subject, Off -site inprovmene credit for Syctems Development Pee. h I •,,, p 601010 GUCA51UNGf. t:'Gd1S!dd.G OIVIST" ...i' v { Dear Council nembnZ-s: In October, 1984, the Planning Commission approved our single family residential developasnt known, aq tentative tract 17801 or Cwpasn Rose. The or jest is genorally located on the south- west corner of Banyan a Carnelian. Out project was designed to be fully compatible to the surrounding neighborhood in every aspect: ce'.bl,k, house rice, circulation, design, lot size and price range. Th. street design was dssigned to allow for rwo.imum circulation for pcdastrians and vehicle,•. At the Planning Commissior nearing, the Pleun!ng Corz,irv,on votod to approve the project witb the condition to block o,le of tea through streets into the project. This was done to appease home- owners on Opal Street because they liked living on a dead a,A street. Rowavar, the Comaisoion has now required that we rebuild this dead and to a temporary "I-de -sac ant build a pedestrian walkway down through the cul- da -eac. , -Since that decision, we wenp back to the Commission and requested that they allow ,'Ts tb build,a modified cul-do -sac at our expanse. We thought thin was a good idea for several reasons, ` 1. It provided a f.'nished look. 7. It did not require removal of drive approaches for.the two "taxing houses. These adjacent houses would euparience much inconvience if the cul -de -sac were built. 3. The City standard for the temporary cul-de -sac provided Little benefit .ter circulation. It is noL vide enough for wergonT/ vehicle turnarcund. r y` EMCREEKCOI:tP - ..- POSTOMI UM, 488 ALTALOMA.MFORMA9W1- yr¢ +ItrK '�e : w ,'k�: =.:ti• i . R .n t e � , October 4 , 196. y Pua 2 N� � 11 aXi Y _ 4. The residents on the street did not rare if the cul-de -sac " was installed and would be r.tisiicd with leaving it u is o- simply finishing the and of the strut. _ S. Cur Company would ytv the coat of this modified dnsign Aich no ceut to the City or residents. ' The Planning Caestizsion would not allow es to use We modified, design and Instead said that they wnuid rather have the full is -' ' provemenc built with credit given on our $yet= Development Pus r for the cost of the imprwame,.ta. The Ceeaission voted unamieeusly to recommend the City Council grant such a credit. Attechrtd is a cost hrsah. of the necessary icprovrasnta which total $26,777. To datt, ws have paid $37,910 In system room and will pay an add- , itional $70,000 for the nut two phases. Therefore, the credit,ls well within the .aunt generated by this project. In addition to ` the cul -de -sac cost, it is going to coot in additional $72,000 for the pe•tostrian walk•.ray. " The onl• reason we'aro askin7 for either credit or modification ref the tet,arn, is the fact that it was rat our proj:wt design that ' ciautnd tho deed and •It was the'decision of the uoemiasion to _ modify the strewt design to satisfy, adjacent resi0ents. The zfore. , if the Council duireK to improve this street, we request that you •• grout either a credit against our feu or authorize the City Engines: to modify the desige. We wou i appreciate your full consideration and action cn this issue. Sincerely, Michael D. Vairin Directol of Planning and Administration d' i i MDV/dl _ ec, Jack Ire, Director of C=unity Development row r Lloyd Aubbs, Ciuy Engineer .; e � OPAL STF= ' } CUL-DE -SAC ESTIMATE ENGINEERING (DESIGN, SURVEY, STAKING CERTIPIC4TION) COIHTINGCNCY /ADMINISTRATION 15♦ S 1,705. 774. k r 595. 887. 144. 250. 1,656. 304. 1,104, 1,170. 400. 1,400. N.I.C. 4,000. S 14,589.' 2,108. $ 16,777,- ' i y��T%Kx gs:w�•nc.,.,.r �.v'1Z- �,•5'k�:: :�: 't'. e, '.�ilv iit'a L4 3/4 ASPH= 1,740 cr.f.t 0 .98 8" CURB /GUTTER 129 ft. 6 $6.00 r y.r C•: SIDEWALK 4" 340 sq.ft. 0 $1.75 p DRI r APPROACH G" 355• V $2.50 R1MG7E BARRICADE 36 ft. 0 04.00 SEWER M/H RAISE 1 0 $250: REMOVE ASPHALT 1,056 sq.ft. 0 11.00 �L REMOVE SIDEWAIJC 152 sq.ft. 0 $2.00 i REMOVE DRIVE APPROACH 552 sq.ft. 0 $2.00 i CURB /GETTER REMOVAL 117 1.f. 6 $10.00 REMOVE A REI4CATE METER (1) i WATER BLON OFF O:LIDINC ( CURB /GUTTER, PARKWAY, S',M=, WIDEWALK, -� DRIVE APPROACH, PINISH, CLEAN -UP) I1 ' LAIIDSCAPINO /IRRIGATION ENGINEERING (DESIGN, SURVEY, STAKING CERTIPIC4TION) COIHTINGCNCY /ADMINISTRATION 15♦ S 1,705. 774. k r 595. 887. 144. 250. 1,656. 304. 1,104, 1,170. 400. 1,400. N.I.C. 4,000. S 14,589.' 2,108. $ 16,777,- ' i y��T%Kx gs:w�•nc.,.,.r �.v'1Z- �,•5'k�:: :�: 't'. e, '.�ilv iit'a m I a city of rancho cucamanga 6i NII :IIICT eW YneeV STANDARD'— DRAWING LCURAI A' 1JS LSMM iMMe91R A 232' 23.9319&9011 9 1 29* 134 93 13.12 9,00 NOTES: 1. Use nnly with PRIOR AP9rwal by City Engineer. CUL—DE—SAC 9y(TEMPORARY) emm r i i r I erh i I ` I pt� . d1� h 4' 1� i. IJ r r t a AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, STOUT NOES: cOMMISSIONERS: NONE - ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER, CHITIEA - carried w i t w M. TENTATIVC TRACT 12801 - DEER CREEK. - A request to modify the conditions Of approv& regar ng a es gn an construction of Opal Street and propose! elimination of pedestrian access to Opal Street for a 97 tot subdivision located at the southeast corner of Banyan Street and Carnellan Street. Dan Coleman, Senior Planner, reviewed the staf• report. Chairman Stout opened the public hnaring. Michaol Vairin, representing the Deer Creek Company, withdrew the applicant's request for modification of the conditions of approval; however, requested that the Commission recommend the issuance of a credit towards systems development fees to the City Council. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Chairman Stout stated suppert for the applicant's request because he felt a mistake had been made in stopping that street. He further stated that since the cul -de -sac had ben a roquest of the residents and not of the applicant, the City should be responsible to grant a credit towards systems development fees. Patton: Moved by Stout, seconded by McNiel, to recommend to the City Council that under these specific factual circumstances %here there is no benefit to the developer for Improvements requested b; citizens, a credit towards the system development fees should be granted. Potion carried by the Fallowing vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: STOUT,'MCNIEL, REM °EL NOES: - COPiiSSIONERs:, NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER, CHITIEA - carried N. projects along Foothl-i Boulevard Plan. Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner was seeking input from the the policies. Planning Commission Minutes_ ror: INURIM FULICIES - The Commisslon will evai p to development vFoot rd ,prior to adoption of of th hill we ' e staff report and advised that staff `x if'), ton fo \us ion in further refinements of ''f1 /.1 -11- July 10, 1 V f r.. 4� i ti• { 0 i r t�[ i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT , °Y DATE: July 10, 1985 i TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT 12801 - DEER CREEK - A request to modify e Condition of � rove regarding the design and construction of Opal Street, and proposed elimination of pedestrian access to Opal Street for a 97 lot sub - division located at the southeast corner of Banyan Street and Carnelian Street. 1. BACKGROUND: The applicant 1s requesting that the Planning ro-m-ml—ss 7on reconsider the Conditions of Approval relating to the completion of Opal Street and requirement for a pedestrian connection. At the Planning Commission meeting of October 24, 1984, the Planning Commission approved Tract 12801 subject to the closure of Opal Street along the south boundary of the tract. The Conditions of Approval require a ten foot pedestrian access easement to connect Tract 12801 to Opal Street, and require the applicant to design and zonstrcct c cul -de -sac to terminate Opal Street. A public hearing is required for the Planning Commission to reconsider these two Conditions of Approval as requested by the applicant (see attached letter). 11. ANALYSIS: A. Pedestrian Access Easement: The Planning Commission required e pe estr an access easement to provide access to Alta Loma Junior High School. Presently, students follow an indirect path to sehoot. The required pedestrian connection will provide a direct route for students from Tract 12801 and tracts north of Banyan to Alta Loma Junior High School. The alternate route east along Mandarin, south on *Beryl, then west on i.emon, is undesirable for several reasons. Firstly, it is a longer, indirect path. Secondly, Beryl Avenue carries a large volume of storm water during rainy season. 1Lastly, t N 5 r sidewalk does not exist on the west side of very . problr, . associated with the access way as described by The the app'' -ar,t was acknowledged by Staff. However; thera are design features that can minimize security problems along the access. Further, the access can be designed as a ramp for bicycle and handicapped persons. ,�.t. .;; ITEM M '44 '.w �ryYN4S4CIi�.dM' r a r a PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 12801 - Deer Creek July 10, 1485 Page f2 r l i •�,'E },x gal," r `yL "tt r -`'.'• -a all O ttlons: The following options are available with respect to- tIre pedestrian access easement: 1. Nltigate developers concern through design solutions Including, but not limited to, fences and landscaping along the easement to pretest and screen thesa two lots from vandalism and security problems, or 2. Require Opal Street to be connected to Mandarin as originally o- oposed by the applicant, or 3. Modify the Condition of Approval to eliminate the ' ' requirement for the pedestrian access easement. B. al Cul -de -sac - The applicant is proposing two alternatives with regard to the completion of the Opal Street, cul-de-sac. The cost of improvements and disruption of access to 2 lots are cited as reasons for the consideration of a special cut - de -sac design. However, the elimination of the Opal Street connection (as orignally proposed), resulted in a cost savings for approximately 120 feet of street improvements, and resulted in an additional lot for the tract. The applicants ! ! ` preferred alternative would be to construct the cul -de -sac and landscnning as shown in Exhibit "C ", at their cost and expense. This alternative would provide minimal construction and inconvenience to the two property owners during construction. This inconvenience could be reduced to a matter of several days thro-igh careful coordination and use of a 7 sock concrete mix for the driveway approaches. However, the reposproposed design does noe meet City standard and would p-ovlda ed t turning 76J4us for street sweepers and fire trucks. The secrnd alternative proposed by the applicant would be construc*,Ion of the cul -ds -sae per City standard, with a cf'edit yIven to the applicant towards systems development fees. The conuitment of systems davlopment fees for this purpose would requ;re City Council approral. The , ,. Planning Commission ray recoaxnd to the City Councii. that this projects systtms fees be applied toward the construction of this cul -de -sac. However, there has been no precedent established by Council action for the use of systems fees to satisfy this type of Condition of Approval. • • "✓ Options: The following options are available with respect to TR755a cul -de -sac: J J; all k. Y r' i` i i` a ft 9 I it ri PLANNING CCM1'IISSION STAFF REPORT TT 12801 - Deer Creek JUIy'IO, 1905 Page /3 I. Require construction of the cul -de -sac as shown in Exhibit "8" and refer to City Council the issue of credit toward system: fees to the applicant for this purpose, or 2. Require Opal Street to connect to Mandarin Avenue as originally proposed by the applicant. 3. prove construction of the modified cul -de -sac as shown in Exhibit "Co. III. (IRRESPORDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing 11, Tfi-e-6ai17—Re oort newspaper, the property posted and notices U to a property owners within 300 feet of the proiect site. Iv. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission ctn uc a pu c hearing to consider the applicants requests and select from the .1ptions provided herein. i' .Y r$i .1 . I Attachments: Letter %rdm Applicant Exhibit "A" - location Map I Exhibit 08" - Temporary cul -de -sac "C" Exhibit - Modified cul -de -sac Resolution of Approval with Conditions 84 -123 Minutes of October 24, 1934 Planning Commission Meeting ;! t; lh :7 ' • ' S3' . i ill °1i.. V Hay 23, 1985 Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission 9340 34eo:1ne Road Suits B Rantao Cueamorgm, CA 91730 SOB3DCTt Padestrinn Access and Cul -de -Sac Design for Tentative Tract Hap 12801 - Canerally Located On The Southeast Corner of Banycn and Carnellan. Dear Co=issionert At the Planning Commisslon 11. tint of October 24, 1984, the Planning ComiaaLon approved Tentative Tract Hap 12801 subject to the closure of Opal Street along the south Boundary of the project. Based upon public testimony the Commission voted that Opal Street was not meted for further circulation of this ganeral area. As such, the Coaamasion included two conditions of approval which required a ten foot pedestrian access easement to c0ahect our project to Opal Scraec and for our Corpany to be responsible for the design and coastruction of the cul -do sae on Opal Street. We respectfully Tali uest the Plannln& Coaiatien to reconsi- der these two Issues as is outlined in the remainder of the letter. We first would like ca request that the Commission amend the conditions of ap- prove). to eliminate the requirement for pedestrian access. Attached as Exhibit A is an area map indirating the proposed subdivision design nod it's relation- SNIP to the surrounding neighborhood and existing junior high' school. It is our opinion and the opinion of the homeowners od Opal Street, based -on the Cc=ission's determination that Opal Street should be ebsad, should also be applied to' padas- erian access_ IC appeared as„Fbough the Commission was concerned about pedestrian ■ctoes for school routes. As can be son from the sap, adequate pedestrian circu- lation router are available through our subdivision along Mandarin to Beryl Strut end dam Carnelian from areas north of the project. Currently, the School peda- y trian traffic his been utilizing the other streets to reach'Lemon Avenue and the V school without any problem. We would submit that this will not change and in fact our project will provide better access than which is currently available, through Mandarin onto Beryl. We are asking for this revision for the fol!wing ressonst I. The houses un either side of the pedestrian uument will be very dlff!- eulc to sell. W¢ currently have this situation existing in our Red 11111• Tract and hove still not been able to all one of the houses. We have had to dioctunt the price of tilt house tremendously and it is fast beeoming'a no profit situation. DEER CREEK COM ANY POSTOFFICEBUX488 ALTALOMA,CIWFURNU91701 (714)989= . 97 Rancho Cucamonga Planning Coe,tselon hay 23, 1985 Pug* 2 2. The school is a junior high acaool and a pedestrian access easement through here for this age children would provide mare proolems than bene- fits. 3. The casement between the hc. s will land Ituelf to theft, vandalism, graffiti, and security problems. tie cannot prevent the future adjacent• homeowners from constructing wells or tent," a:ong the saeeaent in order to protect and screen their rear yard areas from this easement. 6. A majnrity of junior high school kids ride their blcyties to school. This taprovement 1! built, would not be very mecassible to bicycles as the design will require stairs since there to a elgn!firdnt grads difference from the project site to the level of Opal Street In cent. "Ion of the access seswment Issue, we feel it is unfair wince the Cm=issivn decided to black vehicle access to tban require pedestrian access ac the coal totally to the builder, approximately $5,000.00 to $6,000.00, sapecially when the triglnal design submitted by our Crrfany was for a ennnection at this went. W. hope that you eeo clearly undnrweand the concerns And problems with this access and respectfully request that you nand ,.e conditions to eliminate St. With respect to the cul -de -ea: on Oral Street, we generally feel that it is un- fair to require our Company to covwr the entire expense of deslgnln,t and conatruct- ing a cul -de -sac for which we did not intend to provide, but one which was desired by the adjacent residences sad the Comisslcn. We have two basic altormatives with regard to this matter. 8<hibit "8" indicates the current condition of Opal Street and the locavinn of the new curb, succor and sidewalk as it would be ra- gnired undar the r.cy Standard Drawing for a temporary rul -de -sec. This rul-de •• sac de.:,- w ono which tan be toile withia the existing right- of-way, wltlowt having any right -o ?-way a•:quisltlon. However, as can be Keen from the drawing this new construction wlil adversely effect both adjacent residences throuat par- tial removal of driveveya and the entire driveway approach In order for It to be constructed in acmrdence to the City stapdard. This reconetructiou will not only .r' cause a week- and- a -hrif delay -la-vehicle access to these rosidences but will cost approximately $20,000.00 In contrast, Exhibit "C" indicates completing the end of the street with cub end getter with a simple radius equal to the width of tht k street and completing the surrounding area and slope with landscaping and Irriga- tion tied Into aAjactmt residences. This improvement is estimated to con. approxi- macaly $8,500.00 and would not conflict with adjacent driveways. We would prrpose two alternatives with regard to the completion of this cul -de sac. The first alternative and our preforance would be to construct the eul-de sac and landatapiag similar to that shown in Exhibit "C" at our cast and expenaa. The second alternative would be to construct the cul-de -sac with all of St's _ potential problamt and conflicts with adjacent residences with a credit &Ivan to :•' -us townrdn cur wyatems development fee. Our first phase of 31 homes has already .�• paid a tot I of $37,910.00 towards the eysteee development fee. This second ' � Phase will yield approximately the 38114 amount which woull be onto than enough,,, w to pay, for this impraveaat. The reason we atk for this credit, is based an the 1.�r, 3`;{ �ta��via' ; .�Ib�.v: ? >t��c;:;.�`h�`_..���t. 8. _ l�r .— •,1ai:.,.,. °.,'t.}:i;`tiit9 e I Rancho Cuuaonza Planning Commission May 23, 1985 Pago 3 fact that It was not our design to terminate this street but rather the choice of the Cicy based upon the desires of the residents on'Opal Street. We believe the best alternative is to follow the daalgn show on Ethibit "'C'" as this pro- vides a completed look to the strut. !-The other cul -de -sac design does not provide the adequate turn-Around distance for emergency vehicles. It would be frivolous to spend the amount of money'necessary to construct the design show on Exhibit "g"' for the minimal amount'of benefit that ..t provides. If allowed to construct the cul-de-sac as show on Zxhibit ' "C"' we wuuld, as always, provide the bast quality workmanship and provide the rasidantc with an attractive com- plated look. Our Company's philosophy and desires have always been to provide the City and surrounding ceighborboods with the best possible situation. Wa are proposing these two issues to the Commission because we sincerely feel that these two Is- sums need to be altered to provide for the but savlronsant and deaiia for this area. We have talkea to the neighbor adjacent to the peojeet end he ws in coc- currence with the cul-de -sac design as shown in Exhibit "C ". iurtbtr, the resi- dents on Opal Street have voiced their objections to the pedescriaa access not only at the public hearing, but to us on numerous occasions. We roopactfully submit these requests with confidence that you will give due and full considers - tlon to these proposals. We will be more than happy to meet with anyone et the project site to review this and will be available for answering any questions beforo and at the meeting. MD)V /ac cc; Rick Coau Lloyd Hubbs t SSnce:ely, THE DEER CRM Cotf7ANf M11eMe1 D. Vafrin Director of Administration and Planning O f t , �� , \� I • -J I� :! - o of +•I +�• �, .''� '� g `•1: 'ter � 1�• � � � � S.r 1 _ �: � III �, � � � ;!`1� \1� • �' —i cal KS tu - �•-•. .1 IM;_ luz_lU4 I&A Fp14T1+Jir I• 77 IZJ'C)l Kilo *Ayf:o,.Of f , zwmtot to —• PROKMD POL O MAIL e�8151V' 15' NORTH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM(ANGA TrrLr, PLANNING DiVMN EXHIMT. SCALE_ 14 WATFk N4TEK 41orwAAr- e�8151V' 15' NORTH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM(ANGA TrrLr, PLANNING DiVMN EXHIMT. SCALE_ 14 WIT T%0/ , , A \ �®_At *mlA4,APIUWrm*N Li I \' K ƒ ' . ƒ ,,ex$51T -C" � ® ƒ - ƒ nom,« . CITY OF r M. 2 .�/ RANCH C9CAkC Gw TrrL, ° PLAMAIN rj 2vl ' » EXN2D� �2 ` ' a< E Resolution No. 84-12 3,— ' s Tentative Tract 12801 y Page 3 ENGINEERING DIVISION 1. The curb along the south side of Banyan Street shall be located at 22 feet from the street centerline which will require removal of the interferring street trees and incorporate a parking aisle. 2. Street 'C" shall connect to Banyan Street and Street "D" shall be a c1-de -sac. 3. The Proposed cross -lot drainage system shall be approved by the Grading Cummittee prior to Planning Commission approval. 4. Mandarin Avenue shall continue and connect through the entire tract east from existing Tract 9448. OThe orQooscd Opal Street shall r,% Bonn =et south of Mandarin- except for a 10 -rgob Pedestrian easement qx[[ ndin t the np�rt ernport on o oai�!reet on Tract 9297. OWithin Tract 92A7. the applicant shall b; respensibl f r._y detree and construction h cp]- pE.si�g� Opal Street where 1t terminates no ^t to Tract 128 to t s sat s satisfaction o he city ngineer. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th DAY OF OCTOBER. 1984. (G'C&MISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCMIONGA I, Rick Pomez. Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cu amonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resulution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopteo by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 24th day of October, 1984, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, SPOUT ' NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER, CHITIEA ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE a �O f '� ic: j- f:fi.• -, ^;lift ` . _ MW `h " g9 'r. a is a� t o ^: (- 8 :00 - Planning Commission Recessed 8:15 - Planning Cemmissto^ Reconvened with all metbers present - 'r K. ENVIROI;MENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12801 - CE'R CREEK ± A resideatia suod vls ton of 96 ots on Residential (2 -4 du /ac) District located�atacthe sguthaeyst�c ^�ner Lof Banyan and Carnelian - AP" 1052- 361 -01; 1062 - 371 -01. Dino Putrino, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report and suggested the following amendments to the Standard Conditions: Page S. Condition 2, amended to require dedicaticn of 14 to 17 additional feet on Carnelian, and Cenditirn 5 amended to require vehicular ingress and egress dedication do Banyan and Carnelian for the length of the project, with the ucePtion of Lot 20 on Banyan. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Michael Vairin, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission stating concurrence with the ctaff report and Resolution. Mr, Veirin stated that the apPlicant hrd spent a great deal of time and maney resemrching the Eucalyptus windrow and :elt that successful preservation could bn accomplished. Art Bridge, 8715 Banyan, addressed the Commission in support of the windrow preservation. Kenneth Bird, 6287 Opal, stated concerns with additional traffic on Opal and suggested a cul -de -sac at the end of Oryal Neil Murphy, 6C95 Sacramento, stated. support of the windrow prese .at' Robin Beaman, 6207 Opal, stated concerns with grading and flooding. Melinda Ryan, 6258 Opal, expressed concern with additional tra'fic on Opal and rats coming from the removal of the citrus groves. Gerald Dunn, 6213 Sacramento, expressed concern with flood control. Pam Beaman, 6207 OPAL, expressed concern with additiona traffic and additional water runoff on•Opal. 8111 Melzer, 9DO9 Regency qay, expressed concern regarding grading of the site and water runoff on Opal. Barbara Bird, 62P7 Opal, requested cul -de -sac an Opal tr• alleviate traffic. Seggie Pasillof, 6212 Sacramento, expre:sed concerj kith water runoff anj drainage., ... cy Planning;Cc mission Minutes ` z -6- October 21;;1984' /oYl -p' :B5 • °� MS ,. 'i'`'.tii•St}'fF E::3Yrov5r'� %. -�:'. .- .:-... .. 'v :. .: °..!r i--, �Ew; 9 i F. Demlen, 8:68 Banyan, stated support of Eucalyptus preservation. S. Hammerl, 8796 Banyan, stated ;dpport of Eucalyptus preservation. _ x A. Vahrati, 8780, stated support of Eucalyptus preservation. _ Chairman Stout advised that some issues raised during public te.timony %era not under consideration by the CorW,ission at this stage of the process, but would be considered when precise plins are sutmitted. Rick Gomez, City planner, stated that City staff would notify concerned individudls when the improvement plans are sutnitted if they would leave their name and address with staff. Michael Vairin, representing the applicant, advised that ne would be available at any time to talk to adjacent residents about the project and clarify what Is being proposed There %ere no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rempel addressed the windrow preservation issue and stated concerns with saving the trees. He advised that preservation would require the City to inn -r a let of );ability and recommended that the trees be replaced with an appropriate variety. Commissioner Barker stat,, that citizens had expressed a desire to preserve windrows to the City whe ever possible in an effort to retain the character of • the commintty. He disagreed that the trees should be replaced and recommended that they uc topped and saved. Cowlss ,rsr Chitiea stated that she didn't see the need to widen the street to the full 22 feat. She additionally stated that removal of the windrows would result in the loss of Banyan Street's character and was also in favor of topping and preserving 'he existing trees. _ Con:oissloner McNiei stated that most people who enjoy Blue Gum Eucalyptus trees either don't have them on their property or they have large enough lots ' that the trees don't bother them. We recommended that the trees be removed and replaced with a more appropriate variety. Chairman Stout stated that Banyan is rrt a residential street and will be a major east -west thoroughfare and wnather it is widened or not will carry a lot ' of traffic. He a` o stated that Blue Gums are not an appropriate tree for residential areas and that the windrow should replaced and replanted. Commis mer Chitiea addressed the at-eet issue and proposed the possibility of providing emergency W.dss and reversal of the cul -de -sac as suggested by the reside -'s She asked if it would be possible to have pedestrian access at the cul -de -sac which would be acceptable to he Fire District and alleviate the traffic problem. r , Planning Carmission Minutes -7- October 24, 1984 9 i Chairman Stout advised that not only would the Fire District's access nave to he addressed but also some type of access to alloy needs students to get to the junior high school without going all the way down to Banyan. ! - Commissioner Rw43el stated that if a cul -de -sac is proposed soitfi r permission would more than likely be required from the people on a north, because people wouldn't want to see au opening, drive up there and not be able to turn around. Commissioner Barker stated that the street as designed would encourage more traffic going through on Opal. He further stated that Commissioner Rempel had a valid point, but fire access could be allowed through the use of tu•f block and still allow foot traffic. City Planner Rick Gomez advised that it might be best to dez' with this issue on a general basis and stated concern; with making a tdchnical decision without knowing the ramifications since the Fire District was not represented at this time. Commissioner McHiel stated that the street should have access to the school and if that issue cannot be resolved by a pathway, the street is still essential. He further stated that it could be mitigated by design. Chairman Stout stated that the consensus of the Commission seems to be that emergency access needs to' be provided as well as pedestrian access to the school. He suggested that the design details of how this is to be accomplished should be worked out with the Engineering Division staff. Michael Vairin, Geer Creek Company representative, stated that there are two tngineering problems to be considered; drainage and grade at the point of the cul -de -sac. He suggested that the best solution might be to take "E" Street and drop it parallel to Mandarin and cut the street off at that point. Further, that the cul -de -sac could be designed in accordance with the Engineering Standards within the existing right- of-way widths, which is acceptable to the Fire District. Commissioner Barker stated that the Commission still wants to have some type of pedestrian access. Mr. Vatrin replied that'the design similar to that used in Deer Creek's Red Hill project could be used. e Chairman Stout recommended that a condition should be added to clarify t� -, windrow replacement. Motion* Moved by Rempel, seconded by Hctltel, carried, to eltmina :•• nng-�ring condition I -A of the Resolution, thereby requiring the widening of Banyan to 22 feet and removal of the windrow; addition of a fourth condit:on�_, to require that Mandarin Street be redesigned dependent on final engineering Planning Commission Minutes -8- October 24, 1984 �i k• � _ Ytl�4�i decision; Opal_Street he a des! nee with a cul -de -sac at thn n tti ,� it have rovis ons ar a estr an r ght -o wa and a condition to clarif3r t a w ndrow rep acement o e sa s c• :,n, a C!ty Planner. VA4ISSIO AYES: NERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, STC14 ~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER, OIITIEA ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE - carried Comnissiors Barker and Chitiea voted no because of previously stated positions on the windrow issue. A • 4 f f ' 0:00 - Planning Ctmnission Recessed 1 5 - Planning Commission Reconvened with all members present Chairman ut announced that it was staff's recommendation that Items -4 N, and 0 be con ued to the November 14, 1934 meetinj and suggested that they be -+ considered out sequence. M. ENVIR011MENTAL SSESS14ENT AND GENERAL PLAN` AMENDMENT 84 -04 -A - H� AVEN -GE 0L'. L Y - enera an Pmendment r n W to dustr a -par i - apprcximately 40 acres of land located on the west � , side of Haven Aven , between Foothill Boulevard and Arrow Highway, in cc unction with the aven Avenue Overlay District - APN 208. 331 -01, 12, 13 and 208- 341 -01. N. ENVIRO�,MENTAL ASSESSMENT A DEVELO?ME11T D!STRICT AMENDMENT 84 04 - MAVEN 11 L eve opmant rsir ct men ent am r ee ro ess ono to SP dustrlaI Specific Flan) for approximately 0 acres of land located on a west side of Haven Avenue, between Foothill Boulevard and Arrow H hway, in conJunction with the Haven Avenue Overlay Cistrict - APN 20e- 1 -01, 12, 13,-and 208- 341 -01. 0. ENVIPONMENTAL ASSESSV�NT AhO INDUSTR SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 84 -01 - AV nn amen mcnt to the no us tr a h an co zxpan t e a40 acre of Subarea agar c Avenue, between 40 acres of land loc (Indust on t tha west side eOfrHaven to Avenue, between Foothill 6ouievard and Arrow ighway, in conjunction with the Haven Avenue Overlay District - APR 208 -J -01 01. , 12, 13 and 208 -341- Chairman Stout rpened the public hearing. ' Bill Kirkland, Nest Coast Netting, addressed the Comnission toting that 'he' 1- has been working with staff to receive input and address 1ss associated Plaaniv C g onmission Minutes -9- October'24 1984 y�?�' yy qq �;( i6tlT ",7 E��,, `:x {C1' �A✓ty ,t3`. -3r +Fi .: �'- i i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Dates October e, 1985 - 7 To, City Council and City Manager r,I � Prom, Sill Holley, Director, Comaunity Ssrvicee Department Subject, REQUEST PROM THE WILLIAM LYON COMPANY TO APPROVE AND ACCEPT -, THE 8 -ACRE PARR SITE DEVELOPMENT, KNOWN AS WINDROWS PARE, IN THE VICTORIA - PLANNED COMMUNITY AS COMPLETE. BACKGROUND, The windrows Park Project has been completed to the satisfaction of the' Director of the Community Services Department. It is therefore recommended that the City Council accept the project frm_tbe William Lyon Company as cmplete and direct the Director of Community Services to file a Notice of •.�, Completion for the work. windrows Park satisfies the'park dedication requirement of the daveloper for the first portion of development in the Vic•oria Community. rh RDOOMMENDATION, ° That the City Council accept as complete the windrows Park Project and authorize the Director of Community Servi.:ee to file a Notice of Completion. - Blhks .. .If i; til- �'rilc�'4'ad iyk` i•' 2,'']:Ffii:�i�.y(•�i1:b�liv's.'- {1• A�iC,= ":�"�iih� r LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL - 4 •„' ON MAY 17, 1985- THIS CUUNCIL CREATED AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TO PUAD THE 4 r: DEVELOPMENT OF TWO RANCHO CUCAMONGA PARRS SINCE THAT OATE7TII2E PAS BEEN A LOUD CRY OF "FOUL" RAISED BY A SMALL GROUP OF CITIZENS' WHO OPPOSE THE FORMATION OF THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND THE FUNDING z FOR PARK DEVELOPMENT, AS WE BELIEVE THAT. UNLIKE 'THF "TED MACK AMATEUR HOUR ". NOISE IS NOT THE APPROPRIATE EXPRESSION FOR PU' .IC OPINION. PEOPLE 4 PARKS'TS PRESENT TONIGHT TO REASSURE TH,: COUNCIL OF OUR SUPPORT FOR YOUR .MAY'17 ACTION, DURING OUR RECENT "GRAPE HARVEST FESTIVAL ",HPFOPLE 4 PARFS'SET UP AND MANNED A BOOTH. PRESENTING INPORNLTTION TO OUR CITIZENS ON THE PARK ISSUE. NE ALSO ASKED THOSE WHO FAVOAED THE PARK AND AS:FSSFDNT DISTRICT /TO SIGN AND DEMONSTRATE THEIR SUPPORT. N �oOp c WE PRESENT TO YOU _yjW_SIGNATORPS OF CONCERNED CITIZENS WHO WANT THIS h E`- COUNCIL TO KNOW OF OUR APPROVAL OF YOUR ACTIONS IN REGARD TO THE ASSESSMENT r DISTRICT AND OF OUR SUPPORT TO CONTINUE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE QED HILL i BASIN AND HERITAGE PARRS r r� K• it wyq =^ },� �_! ti" 3' �� .'�N'.�6�Y'�'.r'ety.Y.l.rli`'� xel.- ... =.:,, x✓? .".�::;r.+,."�h kl» ILI ja 40 12.ca,66- ST/TCW 007 a9 �^!Jf'W�YY`+t..' 't �.Y,`'..n •Y.� . y Y •_a Y . y; Y .l�Fw';^ • i L � October 16, 1985 -- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , ymguler MneN i. CAi.i. TO even A regular meiag of the City Council of toe City of Raneho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, Oe ertuber 16, 1985, In the Lions Park CooeuaitT Center, 9161 base Line jt Hord asacbc Cucamonga. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. p.m. by S Mayor Jon D. Mikels. Present were Couaeilmembers: Pamela J. Wright, Charles J. Buquet II (arrived late at 7:40 p.m.), Richard M. Dahl, Jeffrey King, and Mayor Jon D. Mikels. e Also presage were: City Manager, Lauren M. Wuaermao; City Clark, Beverly A. Authelat; City Attorney, Jame Markman; Assistant City Manager, Robert Rizzo; Community Development Directors Jack Lam;' City Engineer, Lloyd •1bbs; Community Services Director, bill Sollay. A A * A * * Approval of Minutes: MOTION: Moved by Ring, seconded by Dahl to approve the niuutes of September 18, 1485. Motion carried 4 -0-1 (Stainer aboant). The do- uses of September 24 were continued because of a lack of a quorum for voting Purposes. A * * * * e 2. 7VCF,41O1TS/PRr4ftTATIONS 2A. Thursday, October 17, 1985, 7:30 p.m. - PARK DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, Lions Park Community Center. 2B. Wednesday, October 23, 1983. 7:00 p.m. - PLANKING COMMISSION. Lions Park Community Center. 2C. Thursday, October 249 1985s 7:30 p.m. - ADVISORY COMMISSION. Lions Park Community Center. 2D. Saturday, November 9, 1985 - 7TH ANNUAL rOCNDERS DAY PALOS. 2r. John Holt of 5535 Carnelian presented Council with a list of petitione with . (1) the following statemeat for the Record: (0701 -06 PETITIONS). "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Council: "On May 17, 1985, this Council created an Acansmeot District to fund the development of two Rancho Cucamonga parka. ' "Since that date, there her bead 4 loud cry of 'foul: raised by a small group of citissnss who oppose the formation of the Assessment District and the funding for park davelopeent. "As we believe that, unlike the "Ted Mack Amateur Hour," noise is not the appropriate ezprension for public opinion, "People for Parks" is present tonight to reassure the Council of our support for your May 17 actioa. k i "During our recent "Craps Hare at restivd ", "People for Parka" get up add manned a booth, pressatiog information Lo our citizens on the park issue. We also asked those who fnorad de the Park Assessment District to sign and w godserate their support. "We present to you war 400 signaturoa of concerned citizens who want this Council to know of our approval of your actions 10 regard to the Assessment • ° District and of our support to continue with the development of the led• ,�.V A ' H111 Basin and Heritage Parka." A AA AAA * p A C *C't IRE" 2 3. CONSENT CA•WDAR Mr. Wasserman, City' Manager, T4RU12ted that Consent Calendar item 30 be 'is- u�od for dLecusfion purposes. 3A. Approval Of Warrants, Regiettr NO's- 85-10-16 and Payroll ending 9129/85 for the total &must of $643,544,37, (2) 33. Alcoholic beverage Application No. AS 85-17 for On -Sole Beer & Wing Ratio& ;-I Place License. Julia and Walter Nuangs 9638 34490 Line lead, (0402-04 ALCOHOL). .w '(3) 3C. Alcoholic Be- hags Application no* Al 85-18 for Off -Sale Beer S Wine Facing Place License, Kwang Chas $161 W. Foothill Boulevard. (0409-04 ALCOROL). (4) 3D. Approval Of Improvemant Agreement, Improvement Security and Final Map for Tract 11853 located on the northeast corner of 19th Street and Ramona Avenue, submitted by Roy Z. Daly and Compaiy. (06G2-01 AGREE IMPROVEMENT) RESOLUTION 10. 85-288 A RESOLUTION OF TON CITT C00CIL OF THE CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, "PROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT. IMPROVEMENT sgcONITy AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT No. 11853 (5) 39. Approval of additional funds in the amount of $32*000*00, for Cooperative Agreement VLtb Lowy Developeent (CO 84-013) for Tract No. 11350, improvownts at Same Line and Harness. (0602-01 CONTRACT). (6) 3F. Approval of Professional Agreemat with Noble, Grover A Associates CCU 85-110) for the design of traffic signals at three locations (Vineyard & Ninth, Boos Line & Beryl, and Arrow A Balloon). The design cost will be $7.500 for the project, which is part of the 1985-85 Capital rwj.rovemnt Budget. (0602-01 CONTRACT). (7) 3G. Approval of Foothill Boulevard Corridor Study Interim Policies Report On action taken folloving adoption of Ordinance No. 274. (0203-05 FOOTEML BLVD PLAN). 3H. Approval of Plan Amendment for Glendale Savings Deferred Compensation Pro- t: gram (CO 191) designating Robert Rizzo as Administrator. (0602-01•CoPTRACT). RED w_Ui' ZON 10. 79-79B A RESOLUTION OF TRk V•TY COUNCIL OF TOE CITY OF RANCID CUCAkOMCA, Q11FORNIA, AMENDING RZSOLUZION NO. 79-79 AN EMPLOYEES- DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AND AU7101LIZIN THE EXECUTION Or AG11zxZNJS; RE- ' LATED ?A SAID PLAN • (9) 31. Approval to authorise O'Sullivan Cowps2y of Rancho Cucamoga to prepare .Nix Official City flags at a total :car not to exceed $1.200. (0704-20 FLAG). ;(10) 3J. Approval of Contract (CO 35-111) for floaDC191 COdfUltID9 BeMlCt3 With N.J. Exley through December 31. 1985. 0602-01 CONTRACT). 3K. Approval of smadmant to rules and regulations of 1984 and 1985 Residential Rom Mortgage Ravenue good program. (0405-02 BONDS/MORICACE). RESOLUTION NO. 85-289 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL or 'FBI CITr Or JASCRO CuCAMG3GA, CALIFORNIA. AMENDING TOO RULES AND INGULATIOWS RILAT19C rO FEE 1994 NJ 1985 SERIES "A' RESIDENTIAL ROME MORICACE REVENUE BOND PROGRAM tA WK 'VeOl "I' .�`'l;t City Couocil(Hinutes� October 16, 1984, Page 3 3L. Set public bearing for NovlmbLr 6, 1985 for appeal of Riatoric Pro,ervation (12) Cooaission decision regarding Virginia Dare Winery, northwest corner Vootbill 6 Hmvma, ChtisteBOn Cospaoy. (0701 -06 APPEAL). 7M. Set public testing far November 6, 1985 for amendment to Chayters 17,08 and " (13) 19.09 of the Rancho Cucamonga Nanicipal Code psrtajuing to the prs@tmation of trees on Private property, Tres Preservatiou Ordinance. (0203 -02 TZ198) 3N. Set public hearing for November 6, 1985 for Environmental Ageesaaient and (14) General Plan Ameudwat 85 -04D, located on the south side of Peron Boulevard, between Archibald end Turner, Nawkias. Plaooing Commiscioo has recommended de- .i . nial. (0203 -03 GP AME0.41vr). 30. get public bearing for November 6, 1985 for Eaviroomiatal Assessment and (15) General Plan Amendment 05 -0411, 'oeatad oa the north aide of Base Line Road vast of Topaz, Daly Construction. (0203-03 CP AMENDMENT), 3P. S,.t public hearing for BovesDer 6, 1985 for Environmental Asseasment and' (16) General Plan Asrodment 85 -047, located at the southeast corner of Arrow HigbvaL and Rochester Avsaua, Rochester Avenue Associates. (0203 -03 GP AMENDMENT). 3Q. Set public hearing for ' 9ovember 6, 1985 for Environmental Assessment and (17). Industrial Specific Plan Awalwat 85 -03, loasted at the southeast corner of Arras Righway and Rochester Avenue, Rochester Avenue Associates. (0203 -05 ISP AMENDMENT). 3R. Set public hearing for November 5, 1985 for Environmental Asmesaeeat and (18) General Ilan Amendment 85 -OAG, located on the northwest corner of 19th Street and Archibald Avenue, Garold. Planning Cammission has recommended denial. (0203 -03 GP AMENDMENT). 3S. Set public hearing for November 6, I985 for Loviroomental Assessment and (19) Industrial Specific Plan Ireafwat 85 -04, City o_° Rancho Cucasengs. (0203 -05 ISP AMENDMENT). 3T. Set public hearing for November 100 1985 for Appesl of Planning Commassion (20) denial of a Tim Extensive for Tentative Tract 119979 locafad on the southeast career of Hillside Nord and Beryl Strome. Landco. (0701 -06 APPEAL), 30. gat poblie bearing for Nevs+ar 20. 1905 for Appal of Plm m jsg Cowjmsiom (21) denial Of comsistONCP far Prs1!sZY,r7 Swiw 85-35 wLtb Foothill Corridor Ze Earls POU ^Sam, soutbeast career of Sellmue Avow and Sea Bernardino Sod. ' Nalmgmist. Item resovd for diecueeime. (0701 -06 APR=) 3V. Set public hearing for November 20, 1985 for Environmental ABSeeaasot and (22) General Plan Amendment 85 -046, located oo the mouth Bids of Foothill Boulevard, vast aids of Cucamengs Creek, vest of Vineyard Avenue, Porlsa. Planning Cost- mission has recommidd denial. (0203 -03 CP AMENDMERT). • 3W. Cat public hearing for November 20, 1985 for Eovironwutal ABeeeament and (23) Development DistvLet Awdment 85 -070 located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, vest aide of Cuca"Ags Creek, west of yiogard Avenue, Porlsa. Planning r,maiesion has recommended denial. (0203 -05 DO AMENDMENT). .. 3E. Set public hearing fat November 20, 1985 for Eaviroawatal Assessment and (24) renerml Plan Aseadwnt 85 -04C, locate& at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Turner Avenue, Mal Neck. (0203 -03 CP AMENDMENT), Nm 3Y. Approval to receive and file City of Rancho Cucamenga Investment Schedule Status Report as of October 8, 1985. MOTION: Moved by Dabl, seconded by Ling to approve the Consent Calendar minus item 30. Motion carried 4 -0-1 (Buquet absent). I eaea e DISCDICION OF ITEM ID} Set public hearing for Bovetber 20, 1985 for Appal °oi planning Couission denial of consistency for Preliminary Review 05 -05 with: iC4 AIR= i a i r 6 October 16; 1985•. Page 4 Foothill Corridor Interim Policies, aouthtaat corner of Belleau Avenue and Son Bernardino Road, Malmquist. Mr. Waaaermao stated that we asked for tbio to be removed at the cdviae of the City Attoracy. This is • preliminary review which we Brunt as a courtes to do elopers under certain couditionw. In this case, the applicant did pot y agree with the Planning ComaissLOO'a comments at thu time and was told by the staff, that he could file an appeal. Since there is no formal action, there is noth- ing to appeal. The City Attorney has advised us to refund the appal fee with the advise that the applicant Should pursue his request tbrouGh the formal pre- ens — through the planning, design review, and ua [o the Phonic; Commission. Mr. Markman stated there was 00 action required by the Council. sssically the gentlfeaa has beard from the Planning CommiesLou, and did not feel the Interim Footbill Corridor Policies standards rare mat by this. .w can still pursue any application he wishes for development. There is no procedure to rake up with ahe Council until he has Son@ tbroush the normal development process. efAY - (Councilman Buquet arrived. Tim was 7:40 p.a.) a f f f f f (25) 4A. ETIVMDA 6PPCiPIC PEA" a- °""DMd7 9 ^I CtTy D l •pf1 CDCAMtl�CA - An amoducot to modify the Etiwanda Specific Plan, Figure 5 -18 4COma:oity Trails ", and Figure 5 -19, "Pedestrian Trail# and Sidewalks ", by "tending the equestrian trail &1009 Etiwanda Avenue southerly to Highland Avenue, and the eatablishmeat of an equestrian trail conoectiou to the Southern Pacific Railroad right -of -way South of Victoria Avenue, 81ODS the seat perimeter of the Victoria Planned Cost. munity. Item continued from October 2, 1985 meeting. No staff report sivan. (0203 -05 ESP AMGIDMEBT). r 1 ,1 Mayor Mikel■ opened the meeting for public hearing. There being 00 public re- spoon, the public hearing was closed. City Clerk Autbelat read the title of Ordinance No. 273. i ORDINANCE R6. 273 (second reading) N ORDINANCE OF TAN CITY COUNCIL (W TUN CITI OF RANCHO COCAM01`GA, CALIPORDIA, AMENDING THE ETIWANJA SPECI7:C FLAN, FIGUIS 3•-18 5� "COMMUM1Tr TRAUB ", AND FIGURE 5 -19 "PEDESTRIAN TRAILS AID :r SIDEVALXS" ET UTEIDINNG THE EQUESTRIAN TRAIT. ALONG ETIWANDA AFT_ ROE SOUTURILT TO RW"D AVENUE, AND IRE ESTANLISaNENT OF A HMI EQUESTRIAN WAIL CORRECTION TO THE SOUTRNAN PACIFIC RAILROAD t RIGHT-OF-WAY ALM THE EAST PERIMETER OF THE VICTORIA FLANMED CONOTIMIir MOTION: Moved by Xing, seconded by Wright to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 273. Notion carried u3animously 5 -0. NOTION, Moved by Dahl, seconded by Xing to, approved Ordinance No. 277. Nation carried unoniscusly 5 -0. G , f f a f f f 3 (26) 4B. 1993 -96 Ramat . Ret9T Ce PLAN - A request to approv e the new 3 -year Pans- > its Assistance Plan required by the U.S. Department o: Bo asiOg and Urban Dod- c}ment for all recipianes of Coaamunity Development Block Grants. Staff report 7.y Otto Xroutil, Senior Planer-. (0203 -04 CDBG). { .. Mayor Mikale opened the meaticg for public hearing. There being no rasponam; the public bearing was closed. ., r� 8, ,I�i_ C i� Yc F Tr .V City Council Minuta,v Uctober 16, 1985 ••• page 5 City Clark AatbQet reed the title of Resolution No. 85 -275. RESOLUTION NO. 35 -290 A RESOLUTION OF IRS CITY COGNCIL Or THE CITY OF EAECHO CGCAMMNOA, CALIFORNNIA. APPROTM A TAXES -TEAR (1985 -86) NOOSING ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVV -G MENT BLOCK GRANT PEOGRA' Councilman Dahl •stated that this doesn't proebts say inducemant iar any multi- family housinE. MOTIONS Moved %y Dahl, seconded by Ring to waive full reading and adopt Rs,o- lutioo ■d. 85 -275. MOtion cerrinl unanimously 5-0. * a * * * 5. NfE- Ab?nTTn m " No items vubaitted. A, * * * * * ~ 6. CITY MAfu:ea•e arses e>7n... 6A. CMllnmT BETYERN THE CTTT. maw City Mama *r. (0602 -01 CONTEALI). ��- Staff report by Lauren Yasaszmen, Mayor Whole opened the meeting for public comment. There being none, the pub- lic portico of the nesting was closed. MOTIONS Moved by Euquet, seconded by Vright to approve the contract between the City, the RDA, and the Fire District for the purchase of an aerial ladder fire track using the Fire District's ter increment. Motion carried unanimously 5 -0. * a * * a * 6E. (27) (28) vurr report by Lloyd Subbe, City Engineer. (0401 -12 FEEB). Mayor Mikels opened the mestiag for public comment. Addressing Council vast Michael Vairim, representing tho Deer Creek Company, ;480 Utica Avenue, stated that the street was closed not by their choice. Originally they bad designed the project to be compatible in •mat respects as possible. They felt this we as unique case aW asked for Country@ consideration to grant System Development credits. Couucilman Kits asked what was unique about this? Mr. Vairia responded that the difference is that those dead ands which were Created in other projants were doSie so mainly by the project design. In this case it was a situation with a strict that vas duiSOed to be a through arrest. The residents at the public bearing admitted they knew it was to be a through street, but they asjyed the lac: that it has not been one and did cot want a through street to "cur; therefore, Dear Creek con- ceded. Then the strew that broke the camel's back vas that they ware to pay for the improvement wen though it vas mot something which they had created; it was a creation by the d "ision of the Plasaicg Commission. Mr. Bing asked if this didn't happen a lot -- that the Planning Commission ; iapoes conditions and burdens which are not the developer's choice, but is, -m V. result of the public hearing p."eas which increases the costs o! the f, r developer? -; .n :I .rry ��- .rr.C�..;:Cw'�.- :S?(�Rw°; Y +s. rv> :v-.r• . _. v - . yr ��; >, PASe Mr. Vairin stated be would agree with this when the decision is made load upon the fact of non-compatible situations. In this cue, that* was no featual evidsack whatsoever through traffic studies, tbrough hydrology es .:udi, tbrough any density differences which warranted the situation. The Plannics Comeie#ioa has some on record through the rscomosistion to Council that they did not want to promote this kind of situation any fur - that. Councilmas King stated he did not toe an uoiquuus, but that it net a preced- ooce far the future. Councilwoman Wright asked for soar axamplos that the System Devolopwt feu ' are used fort Mr. Hobbs stated that traditionally the fee was'designod for bridge structures, traffic signal typos of improvements, and elso widening types of improvement on arterial and collector streets. The theory is that de- valopmat increases traffic rhicb puts a demand on the overall strut system and to improve the backbone arterial system, etc. Councilwoman Wrigh; asked bon was the cul- do-sac tied faro the System Develop east fee cr*litt Mr. Robb# stated that this was not historically the type of improvement that this was designed fors but it was a fee generated by develop - mot, A revenue source, as. a road iaproveeaot which is eligible for that type of expenditure. ft) or Mikels itatea_ 7Sa connection is that the fee to aced to finance off -site impr"smntu, not necessarily adjacent to the property, but the upsixing of a line or the widening of a street beyond the development itself. Ito doing those extra things that we were requiring of deveioppent and than using.•.he System Pees sometimes as • credit for the inst%llatlon bf thou isprovevente Deyond their own actual responsibility for their property. In that tons*, we are not talking about large dollars, but something for tba sake of aesthetics or neighborhood desires that the extra will be done. Councilwoman Aright stated she agreed with Mr. King that she did not sae ban tbs special circumstances base born mw4i clear by the Planning Commission if that is what they found. She toes not agree that this is ■ apleiai cireum- #tau. MOTION: Moved by guquet, secocded by Dahl to direct the City Attorney to pre- pare the necessary documents to issue the Door Creek Company Systame Develop - sent credit for Tract 12001. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: suquet, Mikels. Dahl 0039: Wright, King ASSENT: None A, * a a a A (29) 6C. EMELMe Staff report oy Lauren Wascormn, City Manager. (1496 -05 PAIM). > Mayor Mikels opened the meeting :or public input. Thor* beiar no respoas*, the public portion of the meeting was closed. MOTION: Moved by Writhe, seconded by Dahl td accept with gratitude the Nacre Windrows Park in the Victoria Planned Community. Motion carried unanimously 5 -0. * a * a a * ( :0) 6D. OVUPId OP LmA?D AV ODD mgrT. Staff report presented by Lloyd Nobb#. 01110 -10 ST A10VPMENT). A.^TION: Council received and filed report. aaaaaa 2 .f µ - s �•+ r.,;Gfy ,=• :i�; :,. -. City Couieil Miou[er; =;(�. >,•��.�..�,�._- k�i•i: ,C October 16. 1983.. '7g -, 7. CCDNC7L [, slb TA. Cocacilwn Kehl stated that the existing t;odv restricts' legal (p1 ne con- conforaieg uses to only thoso uses already existing. The CIO don act al- I L-, lw for use change,. ' De felt this was overlY restrictive since some,:° non- casfor[ing uses have Mover facilities. NO requested that the flasnios Con-. `b r ml$-ion study and dsyslop.i protedure to allow changing uses providad that the " I,'•,rz f, saw uses are not more intensive than the present non- eorforming uses. M La1t this still meets the intent of the Code but �, t provides greater flmibilir7, 'yit allows for adequate City control. (0100 -00 ADML1) S ' ti ACTION: Council concurred with the suggastica to forward this request to the • '•„ P planning Commission for study with a report back to Council. .�� • rre r♦ ' - 73. Couecilma Dahl stated be has had a lot of comments regarding the p.oblsm (32) with off -road veticlus going scion private property, doing excessive damages, and creating • lot of problem for rosidedts in those areas. % regnntad that ' the City Attorney prepare for the next Council Meeting a report of vbat can be done to tighten the lava for'off -road vehicles making sure they do not oparate ° ea private property rithout the owner's permission. Can we ieuou.M these vehi- cles? Also, requested Captain Tutscbar give a short report on th, "to ut of $' • the off -road problem to the 8herlff'e Dapartmot. •, After son discussion by Corncilwomn Wright, wbo vented to go a top further to investigate ways we could provide an are* for people to operate tff -road vs- bicles, Mr. Wsesermo agreed to provide a report to Council on this. ,x'+ ACTION: Council concurred with a follow-up report regarding the off -road vehi- cle problem. (0100 -00 ADMIW) i sees.: X `• 7C. Michael Mahoney, oresideac of CCC, requested that Council disregard the petitions received earlier in the meeting !ror. "Caopla for Parks". l' ACTION: None ` •f•few •i is B. dDJDenwvv MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Buquat to adjourn. Notion carried unanimously 5-0. The meting adjourned at 8x40 p.m. Respectfully subuitted, wew4f �(- G-p Beverly A. Autbalat City Clerk ,- Approved: NovemSar 6, 198 .. f E' s t n. G�JF " s �t V'