HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988/07/01 - Agenda Packet1
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Pro;mrad By.
fluxil ANMFSFN 6 AMMI T38
1606 Ethan �v sy
suit* tot
ssm mentN Calltmna cm
3wo Nest Kort`'vat ,Hi¢hvuy
Suite 23D
oaJU* Jams 75M
(2%) V-4 -7097
dune 3, 19. .A7
Der. ta"t"" A. Hassarmh
city "tiger
City lW56ow's office
slty of Wells Co hc. -kiga
P.C. ie+t 807
Rancho I "Le's; ngt, Celifwaia 91770
Dear *P. uestsrmr:
Ralph Andvsen A Anset! :trs is ?leased to so8arft this );;,opatal to
conduct a :ire Sm�!= ...ritir. ;; Study for the City of UPS*
Cucsd^r,:. irar proP341 is '.esed epos:
• A caroful renew of ybro Rpyrt:t for fraposal of !uy 18, lfl7,
which prWosd inftfreation on tt.: v �;..!l :t: =•
• our discussitnt with y.m regarding the eackfround far the pro-
posed study
• The as;arts:.ca of f.elph Adirsts a Associetet In .'anductia9
sVilar assigrmmts for other cities ihd Donal goverment
egenclev to the :test and Snuth+rast
• Tie specific expectance of our staff intludieg t ►.air upari-
ence as conuultants 86d local governamtt manaseru wa are
axparienerd in smoking effectively with staff, elected offi.
cials. and council- appcintso c"Ittaes end comissioes.
Ralph Anders+mr i Associates it headquarterto in Sacrwwmto, with
additlamil offices in Dallas. Texas, and has besn in Walness for
over 15 )-mrs. Tie film provides a broad range of a ai"At
consulting sarvicaz to 1 -t4 governments and private business
throughout tm west and Jouthwast. Sarvices W clients include
organization and menagwent, personnel uanageunt, financial aenass-
sent, and executive rocrultrwn'
in addttio- to conducting organization end aenagowent mid othor
assignments for cities, Ralph Andersen b Associates has conducteO a
wide ranya of studies for other prtrlic egrmcles as well es prt+a :n
sactar clients. In all of these assignments the skill and experi-
cIce of our staff have m0tod in successful studies often involv-
ing s- tsitive Istuts.
vas uroa,f
:Ma rr„wawcn r.y..fr �
& Ilslxxd
TTx fun
tole QW537s
dune 3, 19. .A7
Der. ta"t"" A. Hassarmh
city "tiger
City lW56ow's office
slty of Wells Co hc. -kiga
P.C. ie+t 807
Rancho I "Le's; ngt, Celifwaia 91770
Dear *P. uestsrmr:
Ralph Andvsen A Anset! :trs is ?leased to so8arft this );;,opatal to
conduct a :ire Sm�!= ...ritir. ;; Study for the City of UPS*
Cucsd^r,:. irar proP341 is '.esed epos:
• A caroful renew of ybro Rpyrt:t for fraposal of !uy 18, lfl7,
which prWosd inftfreation on tt.: v �;..!l :t: =•
• our discussitnt with y.m regarding the eackfround far the pro-
posed study
• The as;arts:.ca of f.elph Adirsts a Associetet In .'anductia9
sVilar assigrmmts for other cities ihd Donal goverment
egenclev to the :test and Snuth+rast
• Tie specific expectance of our staff intludieg t ►.air upari-
ence as conuultants 86d local governamtt manaseru wa are
axparienerd in smoking effectively with staff, elected offi.
cials. and council- appcintso c"Ittaes end comissioes.
Ralph Anders+mr i Associates it headquarterto in Sacrwwmto, with
additlamil offices in Dallas. Texas, and has besn in Walness for
over 15 )-mrs. Tie film provides a broad range of a ai"At
consulting sarvicaz to 1 -t4 governments and private business
throughout tm west and Jouthwast. Sarvices W clients include
organization and menagwent, personnel uanageunt, financial aenass-
sent, and executive rocrultrwn'
in addttio- to conducting organization end aenagowent mid othor
assignments for cities, Ralph Andersen b Associates has conducteO a
wide ranya of studies for other prtrlic egrmcles as well es prt+a :n
sactar clients. In all of these assignments the skill and experi-
cIce of our staff have m0tod in successful studies often involv-
ing s- tsitive Istuts.
Mr. Laura$ N. WssArrean
City of Rancho Cucamonga
P +9t Two
Among the reasons why Ralph Andersen b Associates 1s well - suited to
assist the City of Rancho euctmongr with this assignment are tho
A "nice feasibility study of this typo squires a broad
range of Wile and npsrtence, not only in the analysts of
organfaacion tad aosra_ foes but also in personnel amilowt.
Iobor reTattors, and publle ffnatca and aecnoetes. We have
specific consultfey axperieoce fn each of these anac and
iaeportentTy, we understand thm implications of, for example,
the ralaticathips between oriantaatioa changt and personnel
The Consulting ntaff shertd be experienced to eonduettn9 sirt-
lAr Assig -ndmts and, lowrtantly. s•`muld huva r:e2lea apwr-
ating txyortef,w in local governNmt. the staff we will
assIVA to cM xAhchd Cucaranga Fire Strvlcos Feasibility Study
hive extensive t9xuitisy c;;;Mrte =O, AJ aaaw 1,04 :oy -r,-' ttwl, administrative, aral wnsgeeant positions In et y
The cerefns 4nd ! ft ieaz; of Re1Ch AndtrSen A Ass:cfltc: ccvsr all
areas of awnlclpal service. We nave conducted organttaticn and
aana4aasat studies of entire City eratni :aticn :, and oP l-,Tific
want units and flnietfausl tl:as. ale or90 you to ea:itact our pest
clients; you will find that studies Nnc2cted by Ralph Andersen Il
-%$Societe$ yield ratalts which are practical: constructive, end
rasponslve to our clients' nerds. Asstra"tn cntpleted within tha
oast year which are *pactiq;a7eY related to this assigno"t in•:Twdo
tna following:
Mr Pnhart to Harsh Chief Txwsutivo 9fricer
543 Enelnstts Rlvd•, f109
Encinitas, CA 92024
(619) 91A -:000
Mr. Con Morrison
My Administrator
WO SCuctr-ancei Blvd.
RA M td sen- VAssoclates assist-
ed the Dlttrict in assistink the
feasibility of the new City of
Encinitas, including the e<tebifan-
cant of the District as a sutsidl-
Ary district of the Ctty, and to
vmductiP3 financial analAo re-
lated to the transfor of property
tax rtvtnues to the Otstrict.
This asslgnWA wfa do arynl;Attan
and wn "emnt study of the City'a
M. bapartment, 011 h leclueod
antlysfs and recoraandatlons rt-
Kr. Lauren It. wu:lt?on
City or Rarcro ewaraanga
Fags Thrta
[LICNT itOTl" 0 � f
si t Tukwila (coot.) ga�qair Tq�'�LlIf_ty of a fW.-
Tula fie, iA i81QD tiorwn cersolidatlna OF 11w ver.
(206) 437 -1832 vtlomi with an ACJW nt syee'tl
fire elstrict.
MISSION TIEJO COMFANY A rsvlev of the Plnaaciei and oper-
Mr. halt Webster a *.tale) Implications of the pro -
0irlaton Co¢nsal ppoested ineorptratlon of the mission
24100 christaea Drive Y1040 ""unity, ficleding a do-
Missinn Tielo, CA 92691.5:07 tailed review of financial foost-
(714) 13744 bility, and a stdOy of the effects
of ineev(aritran an a eaeeareity.
In addition to that* listed Above, Ralph 4n4`ersm 6 Ass*00*3 he%
4d!4--t!d Cw.r 9ther elii m-mts relettd to fl" temtml- ,-I pt i-
wiars other assipnrsts ce"datei in the last year Include a review
Of the feasfbilitg of the pr ?vision of areeoodie service by the Citv
of Clovis, a reviw a! '1A inter- nlationsh(p between the Fire
Roparteant and the City p ,Mar's Office to the City of Arlinniton,
Texas, and an analysis at fire inspection services do part of a
Sargar orgio Uatlan aW uanayaawit asalehmant For the City of
India. As part of Cityvtde argartizatlan and oanageeent studies far
the Citlas of Iapervllllo, Illinois, and Peoria, Arliaea, we hivn
examined the organization and opwrattona of flee dop3rt*ents in
detail. we have alss conducted Sphere of influararo studies
Involving fire tervice and related fiscal canslderations for Tuba
City and plecarvtlta.
In addition to the argsnizaticn and raanagment assignarents described
above, we have successfelly completed numerous assfgrso@03 related
to the feasibill end financial 1 Hutton: of tarvtce delivery
41ternstivas. A feasibility of past financial managawnt oisirMnta
ccxpletad by Ralph Andarsv, 6 ASSOdldtds is included as an appendix
to this propoval.
To I%sist you in r.--;r roviaw of our prope3al m have divided It Inc,+
the followfng sections:
Section I Our Understar4ing of the Asstqovent
Ssction II Our Alproach to the Asot nt
SsetfG. lit Corporate and Staff pawl ficatfons
5action IT rmsoct TtOirej and Cost
Apg -dIs QxparkmrA In Financial Management.
- --y V-` t
RJ'. lau!an LI. Yassarwa
City of Wow Guem. -Al a
Fitt Four
Ire Mye esrined the Ikeft yrafasstosal serrtcaa stroaaaet J$KlWW
is Cshtert 'o• to y6w`klr i*et; rer.6;orAalt Uu' mould •M 'vreeared
to eyacuta the W6106640111 ea st,laetad -Far IMIS
ansIrmt, u1Ue •tAa 'atc3pejaii rot 3aettoa
Oitsstai. 'd p ptal; trere - sa
a K this
ceveray fesoiht?:.�rtd!lx.ar�tir• ,� prtrauirsocy -,r yolriy��
a direct rehnwxaatria= ayona.abould -!a Crtr d1rc),2,'ewt`K►:dp dat
aor pm4m track record ssurs the C1tV of 1*uwvblllky Re ptrfq►+
this assttneant.
sfe look, Yon and to haytaC an cpKrS•aitty to raftaw tbts .trppesa
with e�auu. Shwid C.0 ktre eny questint, piaate fat rm to call
"r. Glq 5raro Or Mr. Rai}h AM OWI at oer`SACrM nto otTlo, '(IVA)
Respectfully suhsittod,
.:,6 '�°.t`i'.l
��� �/'S`!N Y % � J{S11- I'JCFe•r�.te Y.�grt. �.9� .. ✓....rpe.
ita ,� Y "s.
Sf�7(� ON i - -91i! WAOSTAWIPGI "ITK-
The Flm
ProJYct stiff
SICTIM IV —Fto ICT T111IM4 Am mst
APpEIJi % -•f7t ljME !it "IMAM N�UTAS 1RAe F
StCTI [..Uql iIT>rRtt•TRiGlMR dy Tlr i43if:IM9fT —
^* ,
In l,Tysr 4 this pfrposat, taiµ~ Mdertan C Associates hat had an
op?trUmIty to rerjHt the Clty,a Rtpaest far.Treteesal of ltey 1D,
1967, awd to discess Lie "Ov.*,x,d for the ,ytady with the City
Yr�.�ger. i7a *416;t we havr s f1,te eaderstArAtiq of 04 vioposll
stmlyi this aaettrt is *11"T to •tonfim our uedtrsteadia>i of the
asti rlowt 441 to vi: 446 the bshis 7404 ,tht wt7aplae contaihid le
section 11 of this prrpcsat.
Ti= City ei R+inZo CacmmrA Is located to son taeaardtoo Coo *,
:rTd has w estimated MutatYA of R9,+.35- Fire grotes;t.,m smites
to the city land it$ +n.ira 40tra or 'nflrcrnef Ira cwrmtly
provided by the ro:tht;l rira District, sa ,twj4 wvlant spsai81
sir.ice dtswict. Tea arM served by the eistri,t ,Ntride the City
is eppraxirately 6 square wiles, but is vary sprftety phwlnted.
The City tas bm constlerth9 altewtives tv tho presmt ar,4n,,*-
ewet for fire arotdctlon s•'wicas for aevhral years. Rer;otly, a
P,Allc Safety COMISslan has bun ic-V.d ly proetda advice to the
MY Council on, mw! otAcr = tt':rf, :ha p wiflInn at rim,
protcctiw: in the City. The Cow.$Oon deteralned L`tt an outside
""�:- 't�I -'•t '.�`.�i� Tw::itv.i w j.f'J, iui ni4j'RO C•t Ca tow 4iky
reyardinD the 1"0 and flnancial ia>Rltcatlons a✓ the service
delivery alttroatives,
There ave two alternatives to the present str.ature of ea Indspan-
dent spacial service district for fire protection services, ss
• City Fire Departm"t
• S bniciary District.
If the City were to crusts Its wen Fire [apartment, territory of the
District within tho City svoild be detached 'roes the District, a
I //9
rd;;,P3.� "�'�""'i:1j-� d�?MCa'1 t2,i.%(+�1:C -v's -y 'iiii+'ik +_�!v \' S•ls.� ,4a1VF'.
"'hangs of ergan!astfoa° Usdtr tfo - Wvrnt»at
Itearpasl .tatter Art of INS '(0min r t Colt See, EWO N t .l.
fhd District (arrf its IImr: of Dirsetsrs) w4ld contu%* id
saisc*aes ,r.3ta tats OI,iT�N,lrt, ylIIi NIaM,I4Y iW.Y- -. a mil;
r ,: be responsible for fire ,0so4ctios Outs5fl \ f City •bolts, 440
cowld will eraltrect with im .sew City, Fire Va-,.erbWet for 41st
protection to V.; erw.rewiniap pfthid 9ha olsti fct.
TAB sacord alts "O" is eetobli3n..'c of the 0600:111 lrfr
District as a 4os?d1e1-y district to the City (G4vernsen2,Cch sac.
Sol$). Udder tiffs aitcrna"mc, AM rtre District wrald cortivw
such the saw manner as currsntiy, N:ttapt that the District ON%
legally bftm an omSity of the City, and 'the City 'LOumcil ws14
replace the board of Directors.
In the ps,ueat for frrasal «« zzu!=zient taaversatioss teth City
npresentativess the followlsp scope of servirns for this asofRrasont
tits b°. ady' °tar'
(he follesing three service delivery alternatives are to be
•wti rr7l
- ilaintafa existing special service district
Form subsidiary district
- Fon City fire daltartuent.
Identify the 13041 process slid lvplfcatfons far 10IM ,t iv—
of slternstiros to the Cmsrit srranpnont, Ineludlep:
- stags to estahiish a sutsfdlary district
- Provision of service to areas Outside the City, but
within the District
leantify the flisatclal implications o+f the aiteraatives, ;
IaeiCAing cansider.1"Mr, of.
- NWwty tax revenuna
- S soul WSW" kirtentation fuaA rerenwaa sad
coatrib,itiona i
- The cost or intprating Distrtct asi Clty, rowmsitlea
Plans, and the related 114oilitf for F.+tlrad aeployaes
- The Pateatial for cost savingsk including a cnepariaco of
the 0e -tfso and vontiautng revaaaes and eVaaditures for
each alarnatfta.
:In order to dtvelop a ceprahanYlvs review of the iapllcstiont of
tM service hlivery 8114 - 11,111ves, the City will be ratponslble for
the collection and analysis of fnfonaAtion rotates to the Teens
And operational Implication of the alternativts, including research
and canttduratlon of the follwingr
Dascvfptlan of the current service aria nerd populatltn servod
. A,attng fiazntlal corodltian of Cu District
£xt-01 operational condition of the District
£xi*WA-4 opt:aLlsrtal polici:s of the District
Dperational issues related to the various service delivery
Tile slid product of the assigrvaent ulil bu a caepreh nsive written
report that Addressot, at a e,intxa, th'i objecttvav listed abuve.
The report will be coeDlste it. ovary rasptct with Specific direction
p- ovidtd for impiaa+sntation of the recuawdatlaas.
«.r1'r� ••F���
6°A 9iCNv�;lraS'�«4vAii' �
{ ' 1 7 , i .. -.� i,;i 1 r.•dGMtsLU.
Ralph Aedwsar l Astoolatrm,unCapstCnda tM uoin;aat ailaetlrta df
t this asslinwt, a �M; �fs1ts1Y'J - Gs1�Tmd' the ,aatxpU�I,
e= r ?tad to .Sk tibst., it a� tkli >pr4cisl b> 0'
live Ale :Ct
ableMtrC.: • .,. ,
A _ _
7.7 33.' klw
This section deserto" this
Workplan Ralph Andersen 4 &Toduto.�wm'
use In Comduttlrq tha'Fle& Sl?VIC*j Fq"4bfjIty Study for tht4Cfty
of Rancho C'xRvWW. Ofer ampal-lonce has onom that successful
astgneetts sev%Airocterized by-.
A soutual Mft-3t&Wfftl batty" the client and the ckU)Wt
Staff of the 4b*'tIves, study I-acezz, timag, 'tadi. ;"d pro.
ducts of the %bWj
thWQU1A QMJ@r1tVWI?,2 of the Currant s1tvation by the m.
sultants halve Proce"InIl -dith ckt&IIW analysis
Providing status reports and WtffmIls for the client
Providing 4ppr4prlAtv ""riUnftles for par"Cf✓tion by
Client staff
. A thorough ravfw of draft rs, ovts Wf th the client.
The eorkplan descrOM its kkis section incluAl provision for aaA
of ("q it--" lm—m a—"- --.
The following djjC"b4$ each 0? the talks thing Up the 62-
;:n ro.?
lire Sirvices FOSIMMY Study for the City of Rancho Ca?amnga.
"or tech task, the City ptrtlejuttom In Lila Study pl,actsa is
RI--101M N�
it is ivortaAt for the overall sj:tass nT ih! e4stpesent that
tho consultants 8M the City aava a clear end esatual wrisraL=j-
my ap the study prmss and related salters. To'innif assure z
that oft itcure, the consultants will initlato thh asslyawat $$
by eatlag with the City Manop f. ant ea#ru as agw'plriaia to
review in detail the study ob,jettivrl, -cove, !faring, cnd
;P;4tijroduns. This outfnp tilli alma be sett: to Hof l:a City -
rosponsibility for atudy elements, and aietheds of cosuvolcatichs
between the consultant and the City.
eeetfap with the consultants to cobs the study objectives,
tiring, and end- prodrv:ts, and the respective responsibilities
of tho City and tho consulttnt.
To assist the consultants ih tarnito, an uaderstandlNj of tin
issues elated to the current provision of fire proteNclon
cervices to the City or Rancho Cucesohts, the Msultaats will
seat with the City Monster end others as &lwn*rratm. The
pr-rposn of thane meetings is to identify the op'iratlxul, fteen-
cfai, and other fs %nos related to the varlouv service delivery
City Partfc! atlon - -]n addition to participation by City
representatives Ir. Interviews, City staff will assist the
consultants In 3chodalfrK and arranging the interviews.
The consultants will fdr:1 °y, with City representatives, date
that will be collactod !u, the City, and will be used by the
yl • . wA'A�
tartaultanls for sh: wa:lysis a4 tita financial Implication of
thi yerf= sarvfrre delivery altonatfves. included will W
lnforslation ralataa to:
• Currant servico srw, sarviaa ietcls, and popeiatier.
• property tax revenues
!;:cisY t} rtet AuFAntaticn Rrd rsrru::
11tY M r mitt
Ilperacing espandttursa
Planatd eapttal _- pmdih"s.
Cftr Partfctwtfon - -Yka Clty Will be respo:+sibls ft
Cel1aettn4 all ientifiad data, and 7creer4frt it ti the
cunsnitant's Sacraa,erto office. If necessary, doarev's aa-
NKOMals ca04tvtt4 Could be returnml at the conclusie/i of the
After coeoletivo the pr dim tf4e, the consaltrmta wilt
srodruct a detalled feasteillty anel,rtia. the analysis still
include dottasaatatic: If tre azistinl s'custfon, in tares of
:aivicaa prov Idid, caatir i=n.' .:t::.:.a. `.:`':: re, [40aultants
will fdentif7 the !opal process arressary to failmunt the
Atternatty" th tna currant strv,Co dali:art arrangw.unt,
Ineluding the prnriiloe of fire s.ritca to areas within the
District bvt ,tutslde ese aty. 7te enn+•.tL »s will fdontity
the financial topltcations of the si:relce drrlivery altermtfvas,
including :rfn,+ara••.an of the follrwing:
:1 "- IC::ing reYlnyra
� r -•ns;.a =k -tlw revemic, and planned expaadituraa
f:xl=e:tatlon coats andd ovings.
7W, entlysis will to coordfelied With the :;ty p.- rt.fon of the
stuty, to anva'a .that, MVA1Dtfx 4•.f consfsts,tr, L'nd 'Siva 114
various cowAAnts.of the over--+r s: w.y sro omrtirAtM,
City Plrti�ai!) the twnsaltants' attiys: et
of the legal and - financial •fapltcatfocs of Me scryp t
delivery atterhattvas, Ctty ftarf will be toadvctiq d01ibies
2f the operational long related to the oltarnatfres. xs
dascrltrat Move, �ft : analyses will by courdir W with too
cnffiult"U, to MUM cvnsistaov of sssuPt"OAs atA
apprrachf s.
.upon raplttfon of tna prreoding ?W tasks, the iXMI ento
Will prrplre a draft faasttlitiry report. Twd r:;ort will he in
lottar farG, with a CVyiett but eat' presentstior. of the
fer.tibil'ty analysts. The report will , tint
. ,- Vpropriato introduttory fol'OmAtfog
Uckgrcasd infarxshfor. preen ttd in outline .rare, Includ-
ing a prafile of the services presently provided and
their cost
Ilocutentatfon of the issues rtltter to fire protection
M outline description cf the ssrviee delivery aiterns-
%Ives, dnd the Ithal process rvluired tr ttplasant earn
An outline description of tee finanrlal
esdr ssrvfea delivery altornativc
htplicatloaa or