HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/01/16 - Agenda Packet - RCFPD1 r FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A U h N D A. (;rrY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 11EGULAR MEETINGS let and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. January 16, 1991 Civic Center Council Chombors 10600 Civic Coster Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Board Members Dennis L Stout William J. Alornn+cr Charles J. Buquot Dlone Williams Pamela J. Wright 1I11 Jack Lam, City Manager James L Markmnn,Attorney Debra J. Adams, Secretary City Office: 989.1851 • s� �k PLC* protection District Agenda Janu I ary 10, 1991 I Ali items submitted for the lire Distriet bard LOenda most be in writing. The deadline for submitting ttaae items Is 3100 p.m, on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. The city Clerk's Office receives all ouch items. I. Roll Call, Buqust __, Alexander -_, atout Nilllama _, and Wright _. This is tae time and place for the general public to nddrus the tiro District bard. state law prohibits the District Board from addressing any Issue set previoualy included on the Agenda. The Diateict bard may reeeive testimony end eat the utter for • subsequent uatimq. Constants are to be limited to five minutes per individual. The follow" Consent Calendar items -cs espsuted to be routine and non- coatrovereLai. They will be acted upon hf the Dietr,et bard at one time without discussion. Any it" may be removed by a Bosrdnenber or member of the audience for discussion. 1. approval of Minutes November 71, 1990 December 3, 1990 7 Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule 1 as of November 30, 1990 and December 31, 1990. 3. Approval of General Tund 01 Monthly Expenditure Report 7 for the period ending October 19900 in the amount of $335,739.77. 4. Approval of McIIO -Roos Community, ral ilitLU District No. I 13 I , 85 -1, fund 07 Monthly Expenditure Report for the period ` ending October 1990, In •he amount of $67,795.OU. ti J "' Fire Protection District Agenda Qm January 16, 1991 I E. Approval to declare the follOwing vehicles as surplus 14 property and "case to Fire Dlutrict needs (1) 1980 Dodge Upon, (7) 1983 Chevrolet Pickup Chassis. (3) 1:103 Chevrolet Cavalier, (4) 1985 Chevrolet Celebrity, and (5) 1985 Chevrolet Celebrity. R. Ey'" ARPORT 15 1. CONSIDERATION O► A RL�OLOTInN AUTNORIRINO THA MILM = pL,AN AMEIH)ED JOINT OOVfERS AO R_9L- Ael TO ADO i CITY OF CHILO TO THE NEST END COM..ONICATIONS ►INANCINO AUTRORITY RESOLUTION NO. FD 91 -001 16 A RESOLUTION OF TIM BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMOIOA EIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, DAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. AUTHORIZINO TIDE EXECUTION Or AN AMCHDED AND RESTATED JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT RELATINO TO THE WEST END COMMUNICATIONS FINANCING AUTHORITY 7. (ONRIDERAT109 OP A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRR LEASR OP CrRTAIN C PITAL LOIIPMENT P►RTAINIP TO THE WEST END 17 18 RDOKHZ RADIO COMMUNICATION SY6TFM FROM TIM CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONOA RESOLUTION NO. FD 91-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OP TIDE RANCHO COCAMONOA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING TEE LEASIIRI OF CERTAIN CAPITAL EGUIPMZNT FROM THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONOA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION Or A SUBLEASE, AND AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL ACTIONS F. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOA NETT MM=1 This is the time for District Board to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next sooting. These Stamm will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next Meting. PA91 a r fire Protection District Agenda January 16, 1991 3 L e L Debra J. Adam,, Secretary to the Board of Directors of "a ►ire Protection District# hereby eartify that c true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on January 11, 19910 saventy -two (77) hour, prior to the seating per Dovor:sont I Code 51953 at 10500 civic center Drive. r a 1. 1 M�4'a •V , "Y# �� zw' n November 21, 1990 r CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DIBYRICT MINUTES � ROauler Naet SnO A. CA7.L TV eae� A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District met on Wednesday, November 21, 1990, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located AU 10500 Civic Cantor Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The mooting was called to ors at 7,24 p.m, by Proaident Dennis L. Stou•. Present ware Boacdmembors, William J. Aloxandar, Deborah N. Brown, Charles J. Buquot 1:, Pamela J. Hright, and President Dennis L. Stout. Also present wore, Jack Lam, City Manager) J4mog Markman, City Attorney) Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager) Jerry rulwood, Deputy City Manager; Rick Oomgr, Community Development Director) Olen Jong9, Sr. ADA Analyst; Brad Dullor, City Plannor) Paul Rou904u, Traffic Enginear) Robert Eetterberg, Public Works Maintenance Manager; Dan Jares, or. Civil Engineer; Joe schulta, Community 8ervicas Director) Jim Hart, Administrative Sorvicog Dlraotor) Duane Bakov, Assistant to the City Manager) Diane O'Neal, !lanagemont Analyst I1) Susan Mickey, Management Analyst 11 Patty Riffol, Executive Assistant; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Capt. Bruce coiner, Rancho r Cucamongr Police Department) and Debra J. Aegms, Secretary. B. ANNE ,w„rw•vma,gaw....AT70Ns Ito announcements Or presentations were made. C. COMMUMICATION2 FROM THU PVDf HO communication wag made from the public. D. CONSENT n v �/� w, Dl. Approval of Minutest October 3, 1990 w+. !, October 17, 1990 . v `irk+ • °•�' "+ Yn. a Fire PretoCtion District Miimtox November 21, 1990 Page 2 02 Approval to receive and file current InVOSUMOnt Echodule as of October 31, 1990. D3. Approval of general Fund 01 Monthly Expenditure Report for the period ending September 1990, in the amount of $532,793.66. DC APproval of Mello -ROOD Comvunity Facilities District No. 83 -3, fund 02 Monthly Expenditure Report for the period ending September 1990, in the amount of S76,348.51. MOTION .b by Wright, seconded by Brown to approve the Consent Calendar Motio, inanlmously, 9 -0. E1 by Jack Lem, 6. DTAIY REPnnia report RESOLUTION NO. YD 90 -027 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONOA r2RE PROTECTION DISTRICT, BAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, ADTMORIEINO ANEND,OLMT OE THE NEST END COMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY AOOEEMENT TO PERMIT MEMBERSHIP OP THE CHINO RURAL ?-'RE PROTECTION DISTRICT MOTION, Moved by Wright, seconded by Euguat to approve Resolution No. FD 9o- 027, Motion Carried unanimously, 5 -0. i m 71 Jack Lem, City Manager. REOULATIONa Staff report presented by President stout opened the mating for Public hearing. Thorn be ng no response, the public hearing wan cloned. RESOLUTION NO. PD 90 -028 A RESOLUTION OF TEE BOARD Of DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAHONOA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST COD& FOR DESIGNATED DISTRICT PERSONNEL f K Firs Protection District Minutes November 21, 1990 Page 0 MOTION, Nuved by Wright, seconded by Al"wnder to approve Resolution me. y0 90- 028. Notion carried unanimously, 5 -0. j1 0. x08NTITICeTION 0► ITtlI ,[T M[lTTwn No items Were identified for the neat meeting. i 31 AOJODAw m ` MOTION, moved by Brown, seconded by Alexander to adjourn the meeting. Notion carried unanimously, S -7. The meeting adjwjrned at 7,29 p.m. c Ayprovsd, I "b eeapsctfully submitted, Debra J Adams, cM0 Secretary J December 3, 1990 CITY or RANCHO COCAMORCA Plwi PROUCTION DISTRICT HIM RS A. Gt.f. inn more A special mating of the Rancho Cuca'uoaga Piro Protection District met on Monday, December 3, 1990 in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, locttod at 10300 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Thu meeting was called to order at 7s3b p.m. by President Dennis L. stout. Present were eoardanmber.r William J. Alexander, Charles J. Huquet II, Diana Williams, Pamela J. Wright, and President Dennis L. Stout. B_lTT.NY OI 1V,IaN,u 01. NELNCTION or Orrx rRRT,q ZyiP 0.aNde0 CDCANONOA Plax PRMrCTIOH DISTRICT 710AAO OP DIRECTOR. 1 NOTION$ Moved by Alexander, ascended by Buquot for Dennis L. Stout to servo an President. Motion carried unanimously, S -O. MOTION. Mov,d by Stout, seconded by Buquet for William J. Alexander to serve .$ ae Vice President. Motion carried unanimously, 5 -0. NOTION$ Moved by Stcut, seconded by Buquat for Debra J Adam, to serve as secretary Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. i i MOTION$ Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0 The mooting adjourned at 7$39 p.m Respectfully submitted, , Debra J. Adams, cmc Secretary Approved$ M! e Y lit 4. Original P'ior Quality till, eE.$ c�ppo G ➢Es �i pp I �IEfi f / C f i;4+ 1 1c 91 Original P'ior Quality till, eE.$ c�ppo G ➢Es �i pp I �IEfi f / C f i;4+ MI .. "D \ Original +mQuality m � /// 2!1 ,!! 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'2 -! �_!; ;; § ;;;!■!;!l ;;; �,�e .- �| #;ME 2 �2 2SBag@� /lE� W �k k § : =sun : ; | | .�, . ' El ■ ) | 2) �) ■§! r ( •! § § =)§ ;)r ' � ®2� =3 |§ § § ; § § ■ ■; §; §�§|§§ � §!!g � ..; k)) |)|)k)( | ! ; 7 § ■ 2 § U; n |)s) | `k §2 - § |2§ | !,E■ | ;! ad Eot §§$E Eg/ | �! . , : • � : » -� ®® - ��) : :�: �• � � §! _� __ : �| ■ E i ;$ 27 �4'" §!s{ ■) !! �; || , - z ` ! !! r �§ RANCHO CUCAMONr' A FIRE PROTEMON DISTRICT STAFF REPORT PATE: January 16, 1991 TO; President and Members of the Board of Directors FROM: L. Dennis Michael, Fire Chief BY: Rcbert A. Corcoran, Dt?uly Chief Operations n.ro •nnm. G....w. Pnnrnment Approval to decla.e the following vehicles as surplus property: vehicles 1 1980 Dodge Asp. n- VINNNL41HAP224373- LIe.NE748918 2. 1983 Chevrolet Pickup/ Squad- VINNIOBHC34W7DV1 18912- LIc.NE44a704 3. 1985 Chevy Cavali er- VINNIO1JD69POF1147765- LIc.NE267265 4. 1985 Chevrolet Celebrity - VIN NIOlAW19W6F6130735- LIc.NE076149 5. 1985 Chevrolet Celebrity- VIN N101AW19W3F6130708- Lie.NE076200 The above- mentioned vehicles have been used for staff assignment and am now of such condition and extended mileage as to need rotation out of the Beet. The replacements for these units have already arrived, funded from last year's budget. The new vehicles are currently being prepared for service. Analysis All rive vehir.ics are mcommended for surplus: the 1980 Dodge Aspen has more than 100,000 miles, the 1985 Cavalier has In excess of 91,000 miles. The Celebrities are front-wheel drive and have shown a high degree of maintenance and repair per mile compared to mar -wheel drive units. The Chevy Squad chassis has in excess of 90,000 miles and has been pulled out of service with suspension and brake prublems. licse the PoliceicDepartment. surplus Te Dodge Aspen may be suited for eCitlun Palm) work; it was speed with the State Bid Police Package. Respectfully submitted, L. Dennis Mich Fire Chief LDM:rer is 1: RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECITON DISTRICT' STAFF REPORT DAT- 'IO: FROM SUSJFCI` January 16, 1991 President and Board of Dueriors 'z Duane A. Baker, Assistant to he City Manager I Consideration of ,Resolution Addinn the City ref China 10 the West Fnd Communications Finan ' g Authority Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Directors adopt the attached resclution adding the City of Chino to the already formed West End Communications Financing Authority. Background: The City of Chino has expressed an interest in financing its portion of the 800 MHz communications system through the pooled financing being proposed by the Dis7ict, the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City of Ontario. Sharing the costs for the financing will reduce the end costs to each of the participating agencies. Because adding Chino will reduce our costs and because Chino is a integral part of the proposed backbone for the communications system, it is recommended that the Board approve Chino's addition to the Financing Authority Respectfully Submitted, .,a. _ rs r r-. I'r y. 1� .1102801 RESOLUTIONA NO. FO 91_,2,j 0110741 olm"I O1NdY1 , A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE WEST END COMMUNICATIONS FINANCING AUTHORITY RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protecilon District (the "District"), as follows: WHEREAS, the District, the City of Ontario and the City of Rancho Cucamonga have heretofore approved and executed a Joint exercise of powers agreement, dated February 21, 1990, creating the West End Communications Financing Authority (the - Authority-) pursuant to Articles 1 through 4 (commencing with section 0500) of Chapter 5, Division 7, T199 1 of the California Government Code (the "Agreement'); WHEREAS, Is Is necessary and desirable to amend and restate the Agreement to, aamm oong other things, provide for the membership of the City of Chino, California, In the ft NOW, THEREFORE, it Is hereby ORDERED and DETERMINED, as follows: Section 1. Amended and Reetatpd Agreement. The Board of Directors hereby approves and authorizes the PresMenf, the Firo Chief or the Finance Director to execmo and the Secretary to attest an amended and restated Agreement, in substantially the form on file with the Secretary, together with any changes therein doemsd advisable by legal counsel to the DlstrlcL Section 2. Aonolntmant of Director The Fire Chief of the Dstict, or his designee, Is hereby appointed as the District's representative as Director of the Authority. Soctlon 3. Ofliclal Actions The President, the Fire Chief, th3 Flnana9 Director , the Secretary and all other proper officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions and do all things necessary or desirable hereunder with respect to the formation of the Authority, Including but not limitoo to the execution and delivery of any and all agreements, c3nl0cate9, InsuumenLa and other documents, which ME,, or any of them, may deem necessary or desirable and not inconslsient with U/s purposes of this resolution. Section 4. Eflactive Dnte. This Resolution shall tako effect from and after the dale of Its passage and adoption. V RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT STAFT REPORT DATE January 16, 1991 70: President and Board of Directors FROM: Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City Manager G.l+ SUBJECT` fbn.iderati ^o of a Resolutinn Anthndr( g th , f A00 N}{ Communicatlonn EQuipmet from the �jy� Recommendation: It Is recommended that the Board of Directors adopt the attached resolution autborizing the District to lease from the City the equipment necessary to implement the 800 MHz communications system. Background: As the City will be participating in a pooled financing to fund acquisition of the uquipment for the 800 MTtz system, it was recommended by the underwriter that the best rating possible be obtained from the :acing agencies. Becaase the District does not have a past history with this type of financing, it was suggested that the City finance the entire amount necessary for Itself and the District. As part of this arrangement, the District would then ante lease payments to the City for the equipment that was financed on the District's behalf The purpose of this anaegement is to obtain a venter rating for the bonds and thus reduce the costs to the participating agencies. The lease payments will be made over ten years to coincide with the debt service schedule of the City. Based on current estimates for the project, the payment schedule for the lease would be as follows: Because of the ultimate cost savings that can be obtained through the above procedure, It recommended that the Board of Directors adopt the attached resolution 17020, J 4hWJiDQke 01/07/91 0110=1 RANCHO CUCAMONCIA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. Q 91- 00-�r RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE LEASING OF CERTAIN CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FROM THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION OF A SUBLEASE, AND AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL ACTIONS RESOLVED, by the Board of Dlrectora of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District (the "District"), as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Rancho .Jucamonga, Califomia (the 'Cris", the City of Chino, California, the City of Ontario, CalifonJq, and the District (collectively, the 'Membere) have heretofore entered Into a Joint Exardse of Powers Agreement dated February 21, 1990, as amended and restated on February 7, 1991, establishing the West End Communications Financing Authority (the'Audlority') for the purpose, among others, of Issuing Its bonds to be used to provide financial assistance to the Members; and WHEREAS, the Authority proposes el this time to Issue its West End Communications Financing Authority 1991 Revenue Bonds, Series A (800 MHz Equipment Financing Projects) In an aggregate principal amount of not to exceod $70,420,000 (the 'Sonde) for the purpose of providing funds to acquire certain communicaclons equipment for lease to 'ho Members; WHEREAS, the City has agreed to sublease a portion of the Project allocablo to It to the District and the District wishes to approve such sublease; NOW, THEREFORE, It Is hereby ORDERED and DETERMINED, as follows: Sectlon 1 Approval of Sublease. The Board of Directors hereby aulhorzes and approves the sublease of a portion of the Project allocable to the City from the City pursuant to and In necordance with the terms of the Sublease, dated as of March 1, 1991, by and between the City and the District (the 'Sublease"). The Board of Directors hereby approves the Sublease In substantially the form on fife with he Secretary together with any additions theroto or changes therein deemed necessary or advisable by the Fresident, the Fire Chief or the Finance Director The President. the Fire Chief or the Financo Dr,ector Is hereby authod7ed and directed to execute, and the Secretary Is hereby authorized and directed to attest and affix the seal of the District to, the final form of the Sublease for and In the name and on behalf of the District. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the delivery and performance of the Sublease. Section 2. Official Actions. The President, the Fire Chief, the Finance Director , the Secretary and all other proper officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed, for and In the name and on behalf of the District, to do any and all things and tat:e any and 0 actions, Including execution and delivery of any and all assignments, certificates, r0quisWons, agreements, notices, consents, Instruments of conveyance, warrant: and other documents which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or advisable In order to consummate the exDcution and deliver of ho Sublease. IN Section 9. E'tectNe Date: This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date of Ys , passage and adopton. ';•. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resclution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Flre Protection District at a regularly scheduled meeting s-, thorecf, held on the 18th day of January, 1991, by the following vote of the Board: d' A"ES: e ' Cw NOES: uy ABSENT* ABSTAINED: By Secretary Mf f 19