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1979/02/28 - Agenda Packet
7 ro a 00 O y ' o a. m M a W .,1 4 dL M + t _ RANCHO CUCAMONGA * PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Wednesday, February 28, 1979, 7:00 p.m. Community Services Building 9161 Baseline, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. r. 1. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call Commissioner Dahl Commissioner Garcia Commissioner Jones III. Approval of Minutes IV. Announcements V. Consent Calendar Commissioner Rempel Commissioner Tolstoy A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 5015 - PREVITI - Request to divide 0.9+ acres into two lots with an existing house on the proposed lot in the R -1- 20,000 zone. Property is located at 10313 Rancho Street, south of Hillside and Mayberry. B. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 5044 - NORRIS ET AL Request to divide 4.5± acres into two lots in the M -2 (General Manufacturing) Zone. The property is located north of Ninth Street adjacent to the AT &SF Railroad. C. TIME EXTENSION for Tract No. 9540.,.5q June 1, 1979. D. TIME EXTENSION for Minor Subdivision. No. 77 -0517 to "July. 23, 1979.. VI. Public Hearings E. F. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 79 -01 - SIGN ORDINANCE - Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to add a new sign ordi- nance and repeal all existing sign regulations (Continued from 2/14/79). NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -04 - MCKEEVER - Request for development of a 4,400 square foot building and. outside play areas for a child day care facility loca'ted`at 6730 Hellman, south of 19th Street in the R -1 (single family residential) zone. Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda February 28, 1979 G. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -02 - LIONS PARK COMMUNITY CENTER - Renovation of and addition to existing Lions Park Community Center located on the southeast corner of Lion Street and Baseline Avenue in the R -1 (Single Family) Zone. H. NEGATIVE DECLARATION A'rW SITE APPROVAL NO. 79-06 - HERITAGE PARK - Request for development of a temporary equestrian riding ring to be located in Heritage Park on the west side of Beryl Street south of Hillside Street in the R -1 (Single Family) Zone. VII. Old Business I. DIRECTOR REVIEW 140. 78 -12 - ALDERFER (Continued from 1/24/79) Request for development of a two - story, 10,000 square foot �n� V✓,6 office building located at 8030 Vineyard in the C -2 zone. v J. DIRECTOR REVIEW N0. 79-04 - SUNSET PLAZA - Request for T construction of two (2) one -story commercial buildings totaling 12,000 square feet at the southwest corner of Ramona Avenue and Foothill Blvd. in the C -2 (General Business) District. VIII. New Business K. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -05 - KETNER - Request for development of apartment units on 10+ acres located south of the extension of Victoria Street on the east aide of Archibald in the R -3 (Multi- family) Zone L. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 78 -57 - HUTNER - Request for the development of a 2 story, 20,450 square foot office structure located on the north suede of Foothill Blvd. west of San Diego Avenue in the C -2 (General "'Business) Zone M. GREENROCK NURSERY - ALTHOUSE AND BAMBER - Request for exten- sion of time to cease operation of the Creenrock Nursery located on the north side of 19th Street, 400' west of Amethyst Street. IX. Council Referral X. Director's Reports XI. Public Comment - Anyone wishing to comment on any items not listed on the Agenda may do so at this time. - ri 7 '. ,•.mss, �. Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda February 28, 1979 `Y� y X11. Commission Comment XIII. Adjournment - The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, it shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. XIV. Upcoming Agenda - March 14, 1979 1. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map 4869 - Crowell /Leventhal 2. Zone Change No. 79 -01 - Alta Loma Properties 3. Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 79 -03 - Historical Committee 4. Site Approval No. 79 -05 - Wycoff 5. Director Review No. 79 -18 - Room Builders 6. Director Review No. 79 -16 - Alta Loma Properties 7. Director Review No. 79 -15 - Crowell /Leventhal RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Wednesday, February 28, 1979, 7:00 p.m. Community Services Building 9161 Baseline, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call Commissioner Dahl Commissioner Garcia _ Commissioner Jones III. Approval of Minutes IV. Announcements Conmissioner Hempel Commissioner Tolstoy ACTION V. Consent Calendar Approved A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 5015 - PREVITI - Request to divide 0.9+ acres into two lots with an existing house on the proposed lot in the R- 1- 20,000 zone. Property is located at 10313 Rancho Street, south of Hillside and Mayberry. Approved B. NEGATIVE DLCLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 5044 - NORRIS ET AL Request to divide 4.5+ acres into two lots in the M -2 (General Manuf acturing) Zone. The property is located north of Ninth Street adjacent to the AT &SF Railroad. Approved C. TIME EXTENSION for Tract No. 9540 to June 1, 1979. Removed D. TIME EXTENSION for Minor Subdivision No. 77 -0517 to July 23, 1979. VI. Public Hearings Approved 5 -0 with E. ZOOING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 79 -01 - SIGN ORDINANCE - clarification on out- Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to add a new sign ordi- door advertising nance and repeal all existing sign regulations (Continued from 2/14/79) . Continue to 3/28 for F. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -04 - MCKEEVER - traffic and drainage Request for development of a 4,400 square foot building and study outside play areas for a child day care facility located at 6730 Hellman, south of 19th Street in the R -1 (single family residential) zone. Page 2 t�Y Planning Commission Agenda February 28, 1979 Approved 5 -0 C. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -02 - LIONS PARK COMMUNITY CENTER - Renovation of and addition to existing Lions Park Community Center located on the southeast corner of Lion Street and Baseline Avenue in the R -1 (Single Family) Zone. Approved 5 -0 H. NEGATI \M DECLARATION AND SITE APPROVAL NO. 79-06 - HERITAGE PARK - Request for development of a temporary equestrian riding ring to be located in Heritage Park on the west side of Beryl Street south of Hillside Street in the R -1 (Single Family) Zone. VII. Old Business Continued to 3/14 1. DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 78 -12 - ALDERFER (Continued from 1/24/79) Request for development of a two- story, 10,000 square foot office building located at 8030 Vineyard in the C -2 zone. Continued to 3/14 J. DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -04 - SUNSET PLAZA - Request for construction of two (2) one -story commercial buildings totaling 12,000 square feet at the southwest corner of Ramona Avenue and Foothill Blvd. in the C -•2 (General Business) District. VIII. Nev Business Continued to 3/14 K. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -05 - KETNER - Request for development of apartment units on 10+ acres located south of the extension of Victoria Street on the east side of Archibald in the R -3 (Multi- family) Zone Approved 5 -0 6 L. NEGATIVE DECLARATTnN AND DIRE7CTOR REVIEW NO. 78 -57 - Resolution of Intent HUTNER - Request for the development of a 2 story, 20,450 to change the zone square foot office structure located on the north side of Foothill Blvd. wyst of San Diego Avenue in the C -2 (General Business) Zone Continue to 3/14 M. GREENROCK NURSERY - ALTHOUSE AND BAMBER - Request for eaten - 5 -0 sion of time to cease operation of the Greenrock Nursery located on the north side of 19th Street, 400' west of Amethyst Street. IX. Council Referral X. Director's Reports XI. Public Comment - Anyone wishing to comment on any itF=s not listed on the Agenda may do so at this time. Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda February 28, 1979 XII. Commission Comment XIII. Adjournment - The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, it shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. XIV. Upcominst Agenda - March 14, 1979 1. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map 4869 - Crowell /Leventhal 2. Zone Change No. 79 -01 - Alta Loma Properties 3. Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 79 -03 - Historical Committee 4. Site Approval No. 79 -05 - Wycoff 5. Director Review No. 79 -18 - Room Builders 6. Director Review No. 79 -16 - Alta Loma Properties 7. Director Review No. 79 -15 - Crowell /Leventhal CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA VSTAFF REPORT LATE: February 28, 1979 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Parcel Map No. 5015 - Previti - Request to divide a 9 acre parcel into two lots in the R -1 zone; located at 10313 Rancho Street, nouth of Hillside Road and east of Mayberry. BACKGROUND: Mr. Previti requests a two lot split of a 9 acre parcel in the R -1 zone at the location described above. An existing single family residence exists on the parcel, thus, the split will create only one buildable lot and is exempt from the residential moratorium. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: The site is vacant and has been graded as a result of a previous subdivision. The site contains no significant wildlife or vegetation. Further, there are no cultural, historical or scenic resources on the parcel. The environmental checklist indicates no significant adverse environmental impzcts associated with the project. Staff has field checked the site and has found no discrepancies with the checklist. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5015. i R epectf 111 submitted, Jack Lam, Diieii6i'`of Community Development JL:BHN:cc Attachments: Initial Study Location Map ITEM V1 CITY 0 TtA .<<:Ilo (U(-,A1-10NC-'A 01J81nal e0or Quain INITIAL. STUDY PART I — PROJECT ItIFORMATION SIIEET — To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $70.00 For all projects requiring environme*ital review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department wliere the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part TT of the Initial Study. The nrvclnpment Rnvl(ew Committer_ will. meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public mc•atin.7 at %,glich time the Project is to be heard. The Couuuittec will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Voclaration will he filed, 2) The project will have an r:tavironmental impact and an rnvironmental Impact Rerort will be prepared, or 3) An additional information 'report should be supplied by the aMlicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: J&r SL IM4,0 APPLICAtu'''S YAME, ADDFtZSS, TELUrIlON_ E: A 9I �/ C _ i 0 NAA1F, '" Al- PRUSS, TBLEPItONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: AL-44 VOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADOREFS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) LO/ —I // _/G LIST OT1IrR PERMTTS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, R1.GIONAL. STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND T11E AGENCY ISSUING SUC11 PERMITS: A/ia I -1 PR0,71'C'1' I)I:SC121P "PION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Qwn/ �rS,Pa -1-0 ACREAM' OF PRC,II:CT ARFA AND SQUARE POOT4GE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: C7.yl&-S for 3;-a6z Lrat�z:7e/r.� WISCRlfii 7111': 1_pII�TP.11Ni1E "II'A1 ±i:l "P7C1G OF Ttir•, Pizojr.cT INCIA111111G 1111AU12E?1TIOid ON 'i'OI'OG74%I'11Y, PI.I ?7PS ('i`REES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, 11ISTOIM-AL O12 SCUNIC. ASPECTS, USE OF SI112ROUNPING PPOPEnTiES, AND THE 1)1'!ZCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND T11r.111 USE (A'1'TAC11 NECESSARY S11r•,rTS) : rr ' T Lop - 5?,Kc 7SD1 c .. Is the project, part of a larder project, one of a series - Of cumulative actions, which nithough individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? �!4 x- z Y WI l,t. •riC-1119i"Iy1M. YliS Kcl ! 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? .� ✓+ 3. Create a suhstarr,i.al. cltange in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)'_ a 4. crete citattgec in the vxi.!;ting zoning or general plan designations? 5: Remove any existing trees? flow many? Create the nn[-d for use or disposal of potentially ha:.ardous matc•r.ials such ar; toxic substances, flamntnbles or explosives? Explanrti.on of any 1T•.s answers above: IMPJIYT.1!rr: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CRTIP7CflT]C1N: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above -nil in the attached exhihitr; present the data and inform-iLi.on required for this: ini-tial evaluation to the best of m} abilit}, ntul that the facer:, ::1:atrm(% and i.nforr+7ti.r+n prt:sented are trv^ and correct to the best of my knoa3,7dgc and belief. I furtlier understand thit adciitinnr+l i11 fnrmltion tnay brn required to he submiuterI before nn Adequate evaulat•ion can be made by the ucvi l0pmc•nC Reviser Committee. Date —Z —13,? Signature _--�~- N :74 ' Title 1F ylL:j i TAT /VE PARCEL MAP NO .5015 IN IN( GILT OF RANCHO curAVORD ►. r►tl fof R1A REINR A CIVIS1O11 Of PARCEL 1 Or PARCEL NAP SSTO Al RECORDED IN ROOK SA Of P►RC[L N APS PAC[ 1A RECDROf Of THE COUNTT of SAN SERNAROIIIO STAKE Of CALIFDRMIA NLLl 1=M ma 94 ARA 8.20 IpN t R►1 / /1! ITAI. tMid t• p1 W IMI " .111 [wM1UM 4111 [1111dI lUl 11 W lw.i1 n1 fdi11.110 ANNN l•IN 11. Gubiur KNIL nillNtlt a1-1NR 143 l H1LL►10E 8010 1 H INMI 1 M•nI A > TA 1 WIN its" /wx r .11 ZM ANCxO STREET /1r1f pl IL i1f1![jt IHM -� 1 _ I NM ti Y.N xN U. It.iw.y w.. _ WH IAN •I I Mll 1 �F N PLLtt[ ] L • I. • � IH N 11 f N_ N F MIA, 1 F. K. L /t ' . t[• H q TA 1 WIN its" /wx r .11 Na M.I1 IL N a 11.44 1 /l1 Y.N xN U. mum 3 fRtl 1 a n[InTT nr tll N pn. I 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHnNGA STAFF REPORT DATE: February 28, 1979 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SLBJECT: Parcel Map No. 5044 - Norris, et al - Request to divide a 4.5 acre parcel into two lots in the M -2 zone; located norta of Ninth Street adjacent to the AT & SF Railroad. ANALYSIS: Norris, et al, propose to split a 4.5 acre parcel into two lots at the above described location; parcel 1 will be 2.05 acres and parcel 2 will be 2.49 acres (see location map). The subdivision will precede future light industrial development of the two parcels. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALioIS: The site slopes in a southerly direction at approxi- mately a 1% grade. Abandoned grape vines and weeds are the dominant vegetation types. No wildlife is known to exist on the site. The site is surrounded by light industrial, multi- tenant facilities. Cultural, historic or scenic resources are not known to exist on this site. The environmental checklist indicates no adverse environmental impacts associated with this project. Staff has field checked the site and has found no discrep -ncies with the checklist. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5044. R spect 11 submitted, Jack Lam, Director of Community Development JL:ENH:cc Attachments: Initial Study Location Map CITY Or rA >:calo (11CAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SKEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the I)evelopywnt Review Committee thrcugh the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II Of the Initial Study, The D(WeloPmr,;t Review Committee will meet and Cake action no Inter than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmentai impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will haw -a: an cnvironmental impact and an environmental Impact Report. will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. FM 5o4A- Lot split of pereel - 1, Eop vo. 413n P.N. PROJECT TITLE: Sogk 375n, City of Honcho Cucamonga APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, e TELEPHONE: Norris, Beggs & Simpson - 523 West 6th. Street, Los Ange n +Ca . 9. NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Norris, jjf+vgs d Simpson - 523 West 6th. Street, Los ]Cngr ea, a. 24+_59 O LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AI;D ASSESSOR PARCEL NO_) 9910 6th. Street Farce.? 1 LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY PROM LOCAL,, REGIONAL, STATE AND I'PDERAL, AGENCIES AND TILE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Kone S5 � -i ,e • AM PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: rap #4130, P.M. Book 3 ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE of EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: Total existing area 4.55 acres. Proposed buildinc 751x1101 nresantly lx,inr DESCRIVr THE FNhTR0N1•IMIPAI, S1 :TTTNG OF THE PROJECT SITP: INCLXIDITIG TNFORMTION ON TOCOGRAPHY, ri. rrs (TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR -CEI•IIC ASPECTS, USE OF S1111ROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND TIIE T)I;i CRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): The project site is on abandoned gra•�e vineyard. The project and surrounding area Is relrtively level in the di vuiiciays in tne_surrounaing area are of light industrial - multi -tens Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may aas a whole have significant environmental impact? O IPIPJRTA*TP: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the . next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the ors rr� best of my ability, and that t.lte L-krts, statements, and infonmti.on presented are Lrur. ,lid correct to the best of X_ 1. Create a substantial change in ground additional information may he required to be submitted ^-` before all adcquate evaulation can be made by the Development contours? Review Conmittee. bate_!3 ! Signature _ X 2. Create a substantial change in existing Title Civil Engineer noise or vibration! r X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire,-water, sewage, etc.)? X 4. Create changer in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5: Remove any existing trees? Clow many? ' X 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flanunables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: IPIPJRTA*TP: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the . next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that t.lte L-krts, statements, and infonmti.on presented are Lrur. ,lid correct to the best of MY knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may he required to be submitted ^-` before all adcquate evaulation can be made by the Development Review Conmittee. bate_!3 ! Signature Sy� Title Civil Engineer ,��; I -3 MI'SIDMITIAL COIISTRIICTIom The following information should be provided to the City of Ranc}to Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid in assessing the ability of the school district to accommodate the proposed residential development. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Specific Location of Project: PHASE I PHASE 2 MIMIi 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of single family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to begin construction: 4. rarliest date of occupancy: Model A and °- Of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Rance 1-.-4 c CITY OF RANCHO CUC_AMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: February 28, 1979 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Extcamion Rcquest for Tract 9540 BACKGROUND: Mr. Charles H. Kalbach is requesting an extension of the expiration date of his tract from April 1, 1979 to June 1, 1979. The extension was made necessary because of his inability to meet all the conditions of approval prior to the April 1 deadline. Tract 9540 is included in the BIA voluntary phasing list that was approved by the City Council on February 21, 1978. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends extension of the expiration date of Tract 9540 from April 1, 1979 to June 1, 1979. Respectfully ' ubmitted, Jack Lam, Director of Community Development JL:BNH:cc Attachments: Letter From Charles Kalbach di,ted February 16, 1979 Report February 16, 1979 CHARLESH.KALBACH P. O, Box 397 Alta Loma, California 91701 Bus. (7141987-2124 Res. (714) 982.4788 0 Mr. Michael Vairin City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Reference: Extension request for tract 9540 Dtar Michael: Per my letter to you dated August 25, 1978 regarding the above referenced tract, I am hereby requesting an extension from April 1, 1979 to June 1, 1979. Thanking you for your assistance. Sincere y your, Charles CHK:ps CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: February 28, 1979 TO: Planning Commission FROM: .Tack Lam, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Request for time extension of Minor Subdivision No. 77 -0517 Request submitted by John u. Meyers, representing Robert D. White BACKGROUND: Mr. Meyers is requesting a 6 month extension of time to complete the conditions of approval on his minor subdivision. The improvements will require more time and capital than he had anticipated. The original expiration date was February 23, 1979 and the extension would be t� July 23, 1979. Staff recommends approval of a request to extend the expiration date of Minor Subdivision No. 77 -0517 to July 23, 1979. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development JL:BNH:cc Attachments: Letter fron John O. Meyers, dated January 23, 1979 aa} .ii January 23, 1979 40 John O. Meyers, Esq. Attorney at Law P' O. Box 761 Pomona, California 91769 C!'(Y 4F HA11 l:O CUCAMON'Ga CUkii.'.U7411 -Y VEVI! OPPE!'tT DEPT, FEB 0 5 1979 Alt PIN '�t8t9tiJt11t1? t1 t2t3t4t5t5 Lloyd Hubbs City Engineer P. O. Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91401 RE: Minor Subdivision No. HJ - 77 0!": 1-7 Extention of time to Complete Required Improvements Dear Mr. Hubbs: Sometime early last year we were given tentative approval on our minor subdivision subject to certain improvement requirements. Inasmuch as those improvements will require more time and more capital than is anticipated we are requesting a six month extention to complete those improvements. We do not know the expiration date of our tentative approval, because there were many amendments and additional requirements which were forthcoming between February 15 and April 15, 1979. Please let us know the deadline and the date our extention, if granted will expire. Thank you for your assistance in the above matter. Sincerely, John O. Meyers JOM:rm .I 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: February 28, 1979 TO: Planning Commission 0 FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 79 -01 - Sign Ordinance An amendment to the zoning ordinance to add a new sign ordinance and repeal all existing sign regulations. BACKGROUND: Since the Planning Commission's meeting of January 24, 1979, the Commission held a special study session to discuss the various issues of the ordinance and staff has presented the proposed sign ordinance to the Citizens Advisory Committee for their review and comment. The Citizens Advisory Committee unanimously voted to support the major concepts and purposes of the proposed sign ordinance. In addition, the sign committee of the chamber will be meeting on February 27, 1979 for further review of the proposed ordinance with the business community. ANALYSIS: Through the various meetings and discussions, several major issues continue to arise. These issues and options are discussed in the following paragraphs for your review and consideration. 1. Issue: Height of Monument Signs Proposed Ordinance Provisions: The ordinance provisions permit the use of monument signs up to 8' in height for commercial and industrial uses. Options: The physical character of the commercial and industrial areas ..s an important factor in their economic stability and well being. The quality of site planning, building design, landscaping, and signing zontributes to a- .quality environment which is condusive to a strong and active "shoppers market ". Signs designed to human scale versus numerous and large signs competing with one another, create a more pleasant and safe feeling for shoppers. It is becomming more evident everyday, by looking at the new shopping centers and plazas, that people enjoy shopping in attracti-e places. Therefore, the limitation in sign height is directly linked to the philosophy of creating eronomic stability and a more desirable shopping environment. Lower height signs are easier to read and locate since these fall within the effective motorist cone of vision. In addition, lower height signs are safer because a motorist line of vision does not leave the road. The sign heights proposed by the ordinance is well within the line of vision of a motorist and will create a more readible and safer signs as well as helping to create a more magnetic and esthetically appealing business community. 2. Issue: Off Site Signs Proposed Ordinance Provision: Off -site signs are presently prohibited ': j-- ,- -��- tAv- the-exception -for temporary off -site subdivision directional signs 0 0 -z- and authorized civic signing- Options: The major issue seems to center around directional signs for the winerys. The winerys in Rancho Cucamonga represent a historically significant industry which has deep roots in the heritage of this community. In addition, the General Plan has recognized the importance of preserving the winerys because of their historical significance. The survival and preservation of the winerys is largely contingent upon a certain amount of tourism. The concern of the winerys is that successful tourism is dependent upon directing tourist to their specific locations. Since the winerys have been recognized a., a historical resource, staff suggests that appropriate directional signing could be developed for the winerys that would meet the intent and purpose of the proposed ordinance and the General Plan. Staff recommends that a section be added to the ordinance that will permit directional signing for winerys and that t. - details of size, design and placement be worked out by the winerys and staff with approval by the Planning Commission. 3. Issue: Amortization Pro osed Ordinanre Provisions: The ordinance proposes amortization of nonconforming signs: based on the value of the sign not to exceed a maximim of 5 years. Options: The philosophy of the ordinance, relative to amortization, is to create a positive image and character through sign programs that will improve the quality of the community's business district both physically and economically. Everyone realizes that many existing businesses would be required to resign their business under the amortization provisions but on the other hand may realize that a significant portion of the existing business will voluntarily resign because of the natural occurrence of business competition and improvements. There will be situations where this won't occur and amortization will be necessary. If no amortization occurs, then there will be signs that will remain for an indefinite period of time. As a result of no amortization, the city will not attain the image and character-it, is trying to develop. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division staff recommends that the Planning Commission make appropriate revisions, if any, to the proposed ordinance and recommend adoption of such ordinance to the City Council by adopting Resolution No. 79 -08. ' Re pectfully submitted, P, ack am, Di ec or°or- Community Development JL:W:cc Attachments: Resolution No. 79 -08 0 �(.;it� c�i• Original Poor Quallty - R,lNCII•I(:) Peremher 4. 1978 Robert chihnto 9420 19th Street , Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91701 SUBJECT: (lpornt'[on of Itlernl nursery lor.tited at. 0410 191h Street. Dear Mr. Shihato: This: rtuticr is to inr.,rm v.m of the oily':: pnsitiun rognr.liull the Lllernl Ilse of vonr nnrst•ry of the •lbove desrtihod I..ral it +n. As You wt l l r!•ra t l . tile Rnnr•hr1 Cucamtulf::1 111:11111111}: Comm i :a inn Iir•n i vd your rcgnc�l for n rhnnl;t• of zone frI•m (100) 1t-1-T to A -1 at their mverinf: of Aus:ust 23. 1079. The Crmmisstln directed Staff to work with you to order to al inl,• voa a rnaso11alrle length of t•imc to relorato. Staff considered six (6) mr.rtths ns a roasnn.Ih11� time for vnur relovatlon. it has been throe (3) months stare thin daalrton. thus, 1:11" Cite will nllow you three (3) MW i t tonal nlonthc to ern .r operation .•f vmlr business. If yon h:lVe not ev.1sed oporatlon by i'••I•rnarp 23. I1119. thv clay will it, ltisllo lef :nl nrtlon. If yon have anv ftlrt her quell. lons.ras:ard fill: this matter, pl onso x:111 mr at this off ire. CITY OP RANf'110 f:11(WRI CA .TACK LAM, DIRECTOR 01' ['Otf'R'Ni11' 1�a1 " \•fLttl' ?11');1' ny: RILL 110"I.4M Planning Asslstartr 11.: 811• vm - _ POk -1 111.1 WI: 1191 \ "It, 1`ANt'1111 t'111'A1A 1 ^;1:1 I'A111.111 `11A 111 'ta 1 0 4wity of ANCH© CUCAMONGA February 15, 1979 Robert Shibata 9420 19th Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 RE: OPERATION OF AN ILLEGAL NURSERY; LOCATED AT 94:0 19th STREET Dear Mr. Shibata: This is the final notice regarding the illegal operation of your nursery before the mat ter is referred to the City Attorney. As you will remember from my letter of December 4, 1978, the Planning Commission on August 23, 1978 denied your request for a change of zone on your property from (700) R -3 -T to A -1. Since the current zone of (700) R -3 -T does not allow a commercial nursery, you were directed to cease operation of your business. Staff allowed you six months to cease operation during which time you were to find a new location. We feel that six months is a reasonable amount of time to find a new site. We regret you have not found a new location, however, we cannot extend this period any longer. Please note that if your operation has not ceased by February 23, 1979, the matter will be referred to the City Attorney. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please call me at this office. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF- RANCHO - CUCAMONGA JACK LAM, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY: Bill Mofman Planning Assistant JL:BNH:cc POST OFFICE BOX 793, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730 (714) 989.1851 t_c, ALTHOUSE & BAER ATTORtMCTS A7 t• 0 TO THE STAFF OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO RELOCATE THE GREENROCK NURSERY Our firm repr '.".s Messrs. Iobert and Boyce Shibata, operators of the Greenrock Nursu ocated at 9920 19th Street, Rancho Cuca- monga, California. In }our letter to fir. Shibata, dated December 9, 1978 ( a copy of which letter is attached hereto) , you have indicated that the City of Rancho Cucamonga will initiate legal action against the business unless he ceases operation of the nursery at its present location by February 23., 1979. Please be advised that request is hereby respectfully made.for an extension of time ' in which to relocate that business. This.request is based on the following set of eircumstar;ces., Mr. Shibata, 'in a good faith attempt to comply with the City of Rancho Cucamonga's request that he cease the business operation at '.ts present location, has been diligently seeking another location. Since September of 1978, the Shibatas have explored several locations, and have finally located one which apparently will be suitable for their operation from the standpoint of both the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Shibatas. That location is between Amethhyst Street and Archibald Avenue north of Baseline. i9r. Shibata, upon his inquiry, has been informed by various employ- ees of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that the proposed relocation site would be suitable for the nursery enterprise. He has also been informed that the proposed site apparently is also the only site in the, entire City of Rancho Cucamonga which would be suitable for the nursery enterprise. Based on such circumstances, Mr. Shibata has entered into an agreement with the owner of the proposed site to purchase it. An escrow has been establis"d concerning the sale transaction. Thu.-4p Mr. Shibata has made Fond faith efforts to comply with the requent of the City of Rancho Cucaamoncia to rest --ate his business. In view of the devolopiuti circumstancesn on nut.l inrd Above, the current deadline of 1 c.bruary 23, 1979 as the last date to relo- cate would seem unduly short. A great hardship will be placed upon the Shibatas without an extension. It is suggested that s i` UPLAND ftAVIMOR ANO LOAM ■UILOIMO CMARLCS R.ALTMDURC MINT" STACCT AND CUCL@ AVCMUC ' JAMCR C.RAMRRR P.O. ROK RRR JOMM R. RUDMIR PATRICK J. ROOMRS UPL. Ai O. CALIPORNtA 01700 , KATHUM B6RWIND RLAMMCRY rf bIM RSR•RRU February 20, 1979 TO THE STAFF OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO RELOCATE THE GREENROCK NURSERY Our firm repr '.".s Messrs. Iobert and Boyce Shibata, operators of the Greenrock Nursu ocated at 9920 19th Street, Rancho Cuca- monga, California. In }our letter to fir. Shibata, dated December 9, 1978 ( a copy of which letter is attached hereto) , you have indicated that the City of Rancho Cucamonga will initiate legal action against the business unless he ceases operation of the nursery at its present location by February 23., 1979. Please be advised that request is hereby respectfully made.for an extension of time ' in which to relocate that business. This.request is based on the following set of eircumstar;ces., Mr. Shibata, 'in a good faith attempt to comply with the City of Rancho Cucamonga's request that he cease the business operation at '.ts present location, has been diligently seeking another location. Since September of 1978, the Shibatas have explored several locations, and have finally located one which apparently will be suitable for their operation from the standpoint of both the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Shibatas. That location is between Amethhyst Street and Archibald Avenue north of Baseline. i9r. Shibata, upon his inquiry, has been informed by various employ- ees of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that the proposed relocation site would be suitable for the nursery enterprise. He has also been informed that the proposed site apparently is also the only site in the, entire City of Rancho Cucamonga which would be suitable for the nursery enterprise. Based on such circumstances, Mr. Shibata has entered into an agreement with the owner of the proposed site to purchase it. An escrow has been establis"d concerning the sale transaction. Thu.-4p Mr. Shibata has made Fond faith efforts to comply with the requent of the City of Rancho Cucaamoncia to rest --ate his business. In view of the devolopiuti circumstancesn on nut.l inrd Above, the current deadline of 1 c.bruary 23, 1979 as the last date to relo- cate would seem unduly short. A great hardship will be placed upon the Shibatas without an extension. It is suggested that s i` i STAFF OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION February 20, 1979 an additional three month period would provide the time needed to complete the necessary zoning or variance work and make the relocation. In light of that deadline, it is requested that the Staff consider this request and indicate forthwith whether the period of time within which to relocate the business will be extended, and if so, the new deadline date. Very truly yours, ALTHOUSE & BAMBER 1 J CHARDS S. A[.TIIOUSE CHARLES S. ALTHOUSE CSA:klm Enclosure 0 e -2- V�Nr. r 1 Iv!- t'•: it .1 x r, yt• y• fi•• . r� IF .i2. t•' r; t!' At l 'original Pooitaualh Cit'y..U�' °,'�:.` Yr R ni ANCUIn Deceml•cr 4 UCAMGNGA. , 197A • a Robert 5hibato 9420 19th Street Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 SUBJECT, Operation of illegal nursery Located at.9420 19th Street. Dear Hr. Shibato: This notice is to inform you of the City's position regarding the illegal use of your nursery at the above described location. As you will recall, the Ranrho Cacamonitn Planninr Commission denied your request for a change of zone from (700) R -3-T to A -1 at their meeting of August 23. 1978. The Commission directed Staff to work with you in order to allow you a reasonable length of time to relocate. Staff considered sir. (6) months an a rensonable time for your relocation. It has been thr••e (3) months since this decislon, thus, the Clty will allow you three (3) add l c ioonl months to to-am- operat ion of your hum lnt•ss. if you have not reamed operatlon by Vehrmary 21. 1914, the City will initiate legal action. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please call me at this office. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA JACK LAM, DIRECTOR OF COMNIINIT11 DUEI.OPMF.NT � 66 - Ry: N11.1.'1101TIAN 1'Linning AssL•<t.ant 1L: nil : t'm a 5 4 � '1 } • '•tL a r ,t. .,' `!'tttiT ttl•hICP: I111S 79A. KANI.11111:UCAM1)NGA. CALIFORNIA 917A) (7141484 1851 E RESOLUTION NO. 79 -08 A RESOLUTIGN OF THE Ri+NCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 79 -01 WHICH REPEALS EXISTING SIGN REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 17 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND ESTABLISHES NEW AND DISTINCT_ SIGN REGULATIONS SEPARATE FROM ORDINANCE No. 17. WHEREAS, on the 24th day of January, 1979, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to Section 65854 of the California Government Code. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the following findings: 1. That such amendment is in conformance with the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. That such amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan. 3. That such amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety-, and general welfare. 4. That the proposed amendment would not have sig- nificant adverse environmental impacts. SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this project will not create a significant adverse impact on the environ- ment and has recommended 'ssuance of a Negative Declaration on February 28, 1979. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: "T 1. That pursuant to Section 64854 to 65847 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 28th day of February, 1979, of the Zone Ordinance Amendment No. 79 -01 which repeals the °xisting sign regulations con - tained in Zoning Ordinance No. 17 in its entirety and establishes new and distinct sign regulations separate from Ordinance No. 17. 2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve and adopt Zone Ordinance Amend - ment No. 79 -01. r _ tfl'r 3. That a Certified Copy of this Resolution and re- lated material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. AP2ROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. BY: Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, ® passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at s a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 28th day of February,1979. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: i,,:; DATE: TO: 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA February 28, 1979 Planning Commission STAFF REr?RT 0 FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Site Approval No. 79 -04 - McKeever The development of a 4,400 sq. ft. building for use as a child day care center; located on the west side of Hellman Avenue south of 19th Street, 6730 Hellman Avenue. BACKGROUND: Mr. Carl McKeever proposes to build a 4,400 sq. ft. child day care center on an 67 acre parcel at the above described location. The center will accommodate 84 children who will be supervised by 8 employees. The school's hours will be 6:30 a.m to 6:00 p.m. The current zoning is R -1 (single family residential.) and the general plan designation is low density residential (2 -5 units per acre). A day care facility is allowed in the R -1 zone upon Planning Commission approval. ANALYSIS: The site is vacant and surrounded by single family residences to the north, south and east, and the Hellman wash to the west. A circular one - way driveway will provide access to the site, the northern driveway serving as the entrance. The required parking ratio is 1 space per employee plus one space per students. The applicant proposes twenty -four spaces which meets the zoning ordinance requirements. The major issue associated with this project is the compatibility of a day care center with single family residences. The Commission must decide whether this particular 3roposal would be detrimental to the surrounding residences. Staff feels that a child day care center can be compatible if planned properly. The major problems associated with such centers are traffic, noise generated by playing children, and location of play areas in relation to neighboring properties. The design of the parking drives and spaces will greatly reduce traffic congestion on Hellman Avenue. Most traffic will occur between the hours of 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 and 6:00 P.M. The Engineering Department has reviewed the potential traffic impact and has determine no significant adverse impact will be created. The play yard will be 6,800 sq. ft. in area and located to the rear of the structure. A 5 foot chain link fence will enclose the yard and create a setback of at least 20 feet from any adjacent property, thus, ensuring protection for adjacent properties regarding noise and privacy intrusion. The applicant proposes a dense landscape screen along both the northern and southern property lines. Staff feels that landscaping will not provide adequate noise reduction and recommends a 6' masonry wall be provided instead. The total design of the center was intended to eliminate impacts on adjacent residents. ITEM nFn -z- ® Architecturally, the applicant proposes off -white stucco walls, with dark wood trim and fascia, and a wood shingle roof (see elevation plans). A colored rendition and a materials display board will be on display at the meeting. a ENVIROMIENTAL ANALYSIS: The parcel is devoid of any significant fauna or " flora. A Eucalyptus windrow located within the parkway will have to be removed at the time street improvements are put in and those trees will be 4F replaced on a one - for -one basis. Staff finds that removal of these trees will not create a significant adverse environmental impact. J. The environmental checklist indicates that no cultural, historical or scenic resources are on this property. Staff has field checked the site and has ' found no discrepancies with the.checklist. Staff has found no other significant environmc�tal impacts associated with this project, therefore, recommends issuance of a i;egative Declaration. CORRESPONDENCE: A notice of public hearing was published in the Cucamonga Times on February 16, 1979. Further, all property owners within 300' of the subject site were notified by certified mail. At the time this report was written, staff had received one phone call from an adjacent owner who objected to the use. The caller was concerned about the center's impact on the surrounding residents. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution No. 79 -17 approving Site Approval No. 79 -04 allowing the development of a day care center at 6730 Hellman Avenue. Res ecctf�ullly' ubmitted, Jack Lam, Director of Community Development JL:BNH:cc Attachments: Site Plan Elevation Plan Initial Study Resolution No. 79 -17 t , �I 99 x rJ71 I � ' I � P O I �P I. li , ® , S , �I 99 x rJ71 I � .M. s ] I9 1 ' I P li , .M. s ] I9 1 ' P , , 1 ' '• I .M. s ] I9 1 I d -s p 1 a Y t i A {a/ r• 1 ' P I d -s p 1 a Y t i A {a/ r• 1 i• pq ;f 1' i i i 1 t � •� i t. ,9 ' rOPLr-OT rAM f Il�mn r • t \;5 a S ,9 ' rOPLr-OT rAM f Il�mn r ' rOPLr-OT rAM f Il�mn r 0 a 0 Q �l 0 P D °i 0 Z p C4 EMI P UR D 0 1 MSt.IMINI.1[y E%TONOR E!- HVATION4 FORaaT MARK pRfi46400L. _ N�/ Mme. M,. � Mw+.s ., ��•�•• b+i 4Mt. MGIWJiM: Mtl IMW MUIYJ/NA� I I 0 0 E 0 ay r, ,Olt r t ' 90 d 9 t ! rmLlmiNAdeY ELr=gAncNf, _ Pc:Ri.ST PARK PRE,511 c L 4,M H.4.MMi M¢. FI.Mtib GtKJ.MAYM _ _ .bR• CAML 41GKiFV!/. (MO dLL11JW1Hea IMM M r.. Fw v W An lM++. +a► ! CITY Or RANCIIO CtICAtg(INGA INITIAL, STUDY PART I - PROJI•:CT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department ::here the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff wil.'. prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no Inter than ton (IU) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Conunittee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: Forest Park Preschool APPLICAN'T'S NAME, ADDRESS, TEI,EPIIONE: Carl McKeever 19354 Albert, Rolland Heights, CA 9174 _ NAME, ADDRESS, Trl,EPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Same LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) 6730 Hellman Ave. 202 - 041 -46 LIST OTHER PERM• {TS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATR AND FEDERAL. AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Site Plan Approval, Building Permit, State ilealth- Day Care icense. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 0 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: One story 4 400 sq ft building to house Day Care ficilities consisting of two classrooms, one classroom/ multi urpose room, restrooms kitchen lounge and 11 "1 office, related play yard, guest parkin and staff parking s yar s. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTACE OF EAISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDING&, IF ANY: 0.87 acres, no existing buildin s 4 400 sq. ft. new building. DESCRIP11-' TIM FNVTRONME!TrAT. IN'TJNG OF TIN; PROJECT SITE INCIAMING TNFORMTI011 ON 'I.OrocRAP1jy, PL117PS (TREES) , ANIPIALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SMTIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROhERTIES. AND THE I71:SCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS) Relatively flat site in a relitavely flat vicinity, unimproved wit " ig grass and weeds in a partially developed neigh- bor oo ort cn o 1155Rone citrus grove ai rear of property with 5 unhealthy trees remaining and two dead trees. Existing _ eucalyptus and palm trees adjacent to street within right of way. No p public g Y• native ant or animal life. No cultural, historical or scenic value. Surrounding property is either undeveloped, or empty or occupied single family residences p and stables. Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a serioe' Of. cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? No, single project, not a part of any future project. x- 2 ••yr WILL Till:: 1'1,0,11:CT: yl;s M X 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? X 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? X 3. Create a substantial Change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.) ? X 4. Create changer in the exiting zoning or general plan designations? X 5: Remove any existing trees? now many? 5 X 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially ha:.ardoun materials such an toxic substances, flanvnables or explosives? Explanation of any )LFS answers above: Portion of existing ahnndonpd citrus grove, trees in unhealthy condition. street is to be widened must remove 5 existing eucalyptus and Z palms w th n rig t o: way. IMpCRrAur: If the project involves the Construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. Cr.W,PIPIC11T10N: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above a nr3 in the attached exhihit present the data and informat-ion regnired for thi.s initial evaluation to the best of rty ability, and that titer fact•r., ::tatcmenL•s, and information pr;:sented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that addition..l information may he required to he submitted before an adrqunte evaulat• ion can be made by the uevelol,ment Review Cc- pmmittee. Dane signature la?f Bid Title Owners agent i y'• If 0 RESOLUTION NO. 79 -12 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -04 LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF RAMONA AVENUE AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD IN THE C -2 ZONE WHEREAS, on the 9th day of January, 1979, a complete application was filed for review of the above described project; and WHEREAS, on the 14th day of February, 1979, the Rancho Cucamonga ?lanning Commission held a meeting to consider the above described pro- ject and said project was continued to February 28, 1979. HHEREAS, on the 28th day of February, 1979, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission considered the revised project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the site indicated by the development plan is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the pro- posed use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, perking, landscaping, loading and other features required by this section. 2. That the improvements as indicated on the develop- ment plan are located in such a manner as to be properly related to existing and proposed streets and highways. 3. That the improvements as shown on the development plan are consistent with all adopted standards and policies as set forth in this section. SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that a Negative Declaration is issued on February 14, 1979. SECTION 3: That Director Review No. 79 -04 is approved subject to the following conditions: Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for com- pliance with the following conditions: 1. The landscape plan shall be resubmitted prior to the issuance of building permits. It shall use Califor- nia sycamores, pine trees, other deciduous or ever- green trees. Additionally, there shall be a substan- tial number of speciman trees used along Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue. 0 -2- 2. All parking lot trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallon size. 3. The sidewalk as shown on the landscape plan shall meander within the distance from the curb face to the building setback line. Approval of the construction of this sidewalk shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Director of Community Development. 4. Any lighting proposed for the parking lot area shall be a maximum 12 feet high from the finish grade of the - parking lot and shall be shielded from bleeding onto adjacent properties or streets. 5. The applicant shall provide 7h' walkways in front of Buildings A and B. 6. The applicant shall submit a uniform sign program indi- cating the size, location, material, colors, and illumi- nation if proposed, of signing for the center prior to occupancy. Included on this application shall be the free- standing sign proposal. 7. Approval of this application shall expire one year from date of approval unless exercised by the issuance of a building permit. Applicant shall contact Engineering Division for compliance with the following conditions: S. Prior to the issuance of a building permit verification that all requirements of the Cucamonga County lister Dis- trict shall be met for sewer and water. 9. Prior to occupancy, drive approaches and street trees shall be provided along Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue in conformance with city standards. Street lights are required along Foothill Boulevard. The developer shall coordinate installation and location with the Southern California Edison Company and the City. 10. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, grading and drainange plans shall be designed and approved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Water shall not be gathered by artificial means, discharged, dammed, or surface flows obstructed so as to cause problem for down- stream properties. Concentrated flows across driveways or sidewalks are prohibited, parkway drains per city standards shall be'used. 11. Prior to occupancy lot line adjustment proceedings shall be completed. -3- 0 12. Repair and paving of alleys and streets shall be in con- fcrmance with city standards and completed prior to occu- pancy. Applicant shall contact the Building Division for compliance with the following conditions: 13. All building plans shall he prepared in compliance with the latest adopted UBC, Fire Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable city codes. Applicant shall contact the Foothill Fire District for com- plaince with the following conditions: 14. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, verification that all requirements of the Foothill Fire District shall be met for fire and safety. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 0 BY: Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution -was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 28th day of February, 1979, by the following vote to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: LJ .' j i; CITY or PWIC110 CU(:A11ny(7A INITIAL STUDY PART I — PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of .this i application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part TI of the Initial Study. The DvVelormcnt Roview COmmitt:ee Will meet and take ar_ti.on no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of threo determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative I)r_claration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: GOILISSIT ! z tZ! NAME, AtIVRESS, TELEmONE Or PERSON CC N3;7 RNT,NG TIIIS _ PROJECT : MIL"173f OF PROJECT (ST L- fl r7. AA-n I I) ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) LIST OTHER PERMT.TS NECESSARY PROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAT, AGENCIES AND TILE AGENCY ISSU3NG SUCH PERMITS• I�r Z- 1 6 , PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESC� RIFT Op OF PROJECT: .�0(�� I�LIE•� <5r�1� [��(/f�F�PfJ/{L ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARB- FOOTAGE OF •XISTING AND P�R�OfjPOSE -/D 13UILDjINGS,7 I1 ANy.. doG DESCRIPU Tttt: P.NMONMEtTr71I_C1;•VTTN(: Or TIM PROJECT SITF. INCUMING INFORMTION ON i*orOGrv\PHY, rIa117rs (TREES) ' ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR FCUTUr ASPECTS, USE OF SURli(7UNDI14G P1pPERTIES, AND THE DESCRTP9'mN nn nmv i Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series-, of cumulative actions, which altho-agh individually small, ' MDY as a whole have significant environmental impact? d CERTIr.TCATIOW- I hereby certify that the statements furnished above anti . +•n the attached oxhihits present the date and informat ion •regnired for this initia], evai»ati.on to the best of rly al,ilit}', and that th^ rac-tc, Stat•emrnts, and inforr»t: inn prc.�enkcd me true and correct to the best of my ]cnowleclge and belief. I further understand that additiana�l information may l,cn rrQuirecl to he submitted before an a,lc quite evaulation can be made by the hevtllopment Reviet. Committee. Date �j --= c-�—� Signature Title Qc Yj WILL '1'1 PVOJl'CT: YLSS Do Create a substantial change in ground contours? 2.. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration:' / 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)! VA. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? 5: Remove any existing trees '! How many? 6. Create the need for •use or disposal of potentially harardou; materials such as toxic substances, f laammables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above_; IMPORTANT: if the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIr.TCATIOW- I hereby certify that the statements furnished above anti . +•n the attached oxhihits present the date and informat ion •regnired for this initia], evai»ati.on to the best of rly al,ilit}', and that th^ rac-tc, Stat•emrnts, and inforr»t: inn prc.�enkcd me true and correct to the best of my ]cnowleclge and belief. I further understand that additiana�l information may l,cn rrQuirecl to he submitted before an a,lc quite evaulation can be made by the hevtllopment Reviet. Committee. Date �j --= c-�—� Signature Title Qc Yj 0 L J ,r : Date: To: From: 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT February 28, 1979 Planning Commission Jack Lam, Director of Community Development 0 Subject: DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -05 - KETNER - The development of a 138 unit apartment complex to be located on the east side of Archibald Avenue where Monte Vista intersects Archibald BACKGROUND: Ken Ketner and associates are requesting approval for the develop- ment of a 138 unit apartment complex on 8.27 acres of land located on the east side of Archibald Avenue where Monte Vista intersects Archibald (Exhibit "A '). Victoria Street, which presently does not extend to Archibald, will be extended to Archibald Avenue and will border the north boundary of the project site. The present zoning is R -3 -2300 which permits one dwelling unit for every 2300 square feet of land. The General Plan indicates medium density residential at densities from 5 to 15 dwellings per acre. The present land use for surrounding properties is as follows: Fast - gruves; West - single family residential; North - vacant; South - a Christmas tree farm. ANALYSIS: The project consists of 138 dwelling units on 10.14 gross acres of land which figures to a density of 13.6 units per acre. The project consists of 24 separate buildings which contai -a 72 two bedroom units and 66 one bedroom units. Site development plans indicate a total of 276 parking spaces; 138 are zovered and 138 are open. Staff is recommending that the open parking spaces located around the circle drives be a minimum of 10' in width at the rear of the stalls. In addition, Staff is recommending that the angled parking stalls ,round complexes 15, 11 and 12 be changed to 900 parking to allow ease of access from both traffic directions. Exhibit "B" displays a preliminary landscaping plan indicating the basic concepts for landscaping the project. The plan indicates the use of curved wall segments and mounding along Archibald Avenue. Details of this area will be on display at the meEong. Particular attention should be paid to this area as Archibald Avenue is indicated as a special boulevard on the General Plan. The use of. these walls provides a rather semetrical and monotonous view of the project. In addition, the walls seem to interupt the continuity of the landscaped area for Archibald Avenue. Staff would recommend that the walls be eliminated and rep' -iced entirely with earth mounts, landscaping and meandering walkways. Exhibits "C" and "D" display details of the exterior building elevations. Typi- cal building materials include concrete tile roofing, rough sawn redwood trim, stucco, and wrought iron. Staff is recommending that additional wood trim be pro- ITEM "K° vided around windows a::1 sliding doors on units number 1, 5, 7 and 13 facing Archibald Avenue. In addition, Staff is recommending that the carports be architecturally compatible with the dwelling units. This can be done by utilizing.wood trim and wood facias rather than the aluminum and steel proposed. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: After review of the Initial Study, the Environmental Analysis Staff has found no significant adverse imprcts on the environment as i a result of the project. The site is presently a non - producing grove and does not contain evidence of any known cultural, historical, or scenic aspects. Staff recommends a Negative Declaration be issued for this project. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of Director Review No. 79 -06 based on the findings and conditions listed in the attached Resolution No. , 79 -19. Respectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:MV:nm Attachments: Site.Plan Preliminary Landscape Plan Exterior Building Elevations Resolution No. 79 -19 Initial Study, Part I t,1 y'. .' - i i • r • r •. Y1 Y 1... I�t.•. i ���v yot a a of WOO b • l S- O.Y 1 fr .i7y'r • yQ • y n S j ° YY r 411 T t• - >n O i0.9•: a' f -tie • � � ~ r "i .� I •F �., .1 \cr/�fCr� 4[It.•� 1y ov•L t - Ic it ij -_ • _ Il I +.i. _ ._ .� �1:1�.•..�, 11 a J1t� •L_�_..� �' >;;:,: � <.�1_Y_,::�.4 ~���.-��.�� �__`l_ .��x_ ).T�1 "fir tr .-. ._O _� e°•rt r 1 ,):• , i■ 00•:1 A -• • n 1. 1f1 r . a � o a 7 w� i ° • 1 U�M t 0 m c� 1 1 r liS] C a 3 2.' if% r Y d 'I In O,i a• lip } 2� } 'r ?t 1. __r_.�__..._...:•�.:: V ._ .. ._. :...... •1 .. 1_ • �A.Ir:,l,:r.�,1. I'�.1� •! •1= 1t \Y��s I° ,� ,`�(M.. \`� {��•�If' � ..i. 'fir � fj%� Ii• ,�� � I SL iJ :� ��\ai�V • 1 �I�1� � �y !. e!•ii.Tr��� :. :. yG/Z' ••711 --''�� ♦ -... � \.!•c( •'.� 1j``` � i � w w ' � \. •� 1,.'`.• ..� .L.• 1. _..•: INN .. `� \ im1a��ltfl�.!!i��iMir 'fit •1� � �� ..! w � � p .•Iry 1•'. O i •. MtY CQ. s 1 k R z {'s , 'r ?t 1. __r_.�__..._...:•�.:: V ._ .. ._. :...... •1 .. 1_ • �A.Ir:,l,:r.�,1. I'�.1� •! •1= 1t \Y��s I° ,� ,`�(M.. \`� {��•�If' � ..i. 'fir � fj%� Ii• ,�� � I SL iJ :� ��\ai�V • 1 �I�1� � �y !. e!•ii.Tr��� :. :. yG/Z' ••711 --''�� ♦ -... � \.!•c( •'.� 1j``` � i � w w ' � \. •� 1,.'`.• ..� .L.• 1. _..•: INN .. `� \ im1a��ltfl�.!!i��iMir 'fit •1� � �� ..! w � � p .•Iry 1•'. O i •. MtY CQ. s 1 it 0 .4 J 0 Y �0 1 .c qp a 1 —dig Oil milli. s •• ' l' m � Vi •1 1 —dig Oil milli. y •J, (� S 1 C7 1 '44 7 E c 1 j' ..• Y.� w 1ti n �'fr � ¢ //jj�� C •� y f _..a.• �y �r ZVI r o Q C M 0 �7 F 0 i 1 L. J t<. H, . Ian 1 � I 111 ' ili1 1 � •' 1 L >r O�G II. My 1 Y� 1 v s? ! _ .yn 1f 3 C 4 V 1.1 3 µ } i i 1 � \ I n .r C 4 V 1.1 3 µ } i i 1 � \ I n .r 1141— �' Q ca 4 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 79 -16 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCA11ONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 78 -57 ALLOWIN 3- THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PROFESSIONAL OFFICE COMPLEX LCCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD 630 FEET WEST OF SAN DIEGO AVENUE. WHEREAS, on the 29th day of November, 1978, a complete application was filed for review of the above described project; and 1WHER.EAS, on the 28th day of February, 1979, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a meeting to consider the above described project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the site indicated by the development plan is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, landscaping, loading and other features required by this section. 2. That the improvements as indicated on the develop- ment plan are located in such a manner as to be properly related to existing and proposed streets and highways. 3. That the improvements as shown on the development plan are consistent with all adopted standards and policies as set forth in this section. SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impacts ou the environment and that a Negative Declaration is issued on February 28, 1979. SECTION 3: That Director Review No. 78 -57 is approved subject to the following conditions: Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for compliance with the following conditions: 1. All provisions of the zoning ordinance shall be com- plied with. 2. Appr ,)val of this request shall not excuse compliance with all other applicable city ordinances in effect at this time. 3. The site shall be developed with the approved plans on file in the Planning Division office and conditions -' adopted by the Planning Commission. Y C • -2- 4. All roof mounted equipment shall be shielded from view from adjacent properties and streets with materials that architecturally conform With the dwelling structure subject to the approval of the Planning Division. 5. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. 6. The applicant shall maintain all landscaped areas in a healthy and thriving condition free from weeds, trash and debris. 7. The applicant shall landscape and irrigate the park- way along Foothill Boulevard. Proposed planting materials and irrigation systems shall be included on the detailed landscape and irrigation plans. 7a. The landscaping shall be designed to screen the parking areas from Foothill Boulevard. 8. All signs shall be in conformance with the sign ordinance and approved by the Planning Commission prier to installation. 9. No sees shall be removed from the site or parkway until a tree permit has been obtained from the Planning Division. 10. Parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be provided to comply with the Uniform Building Code and the State of California Health and Safety Code. 11. All proposed utilities shall be installed underground. 12. Water supply and sanitary sewer facilities shall be provided to the specifications of the city approved agency and the City Engineer with all incidental fees paid by the developer. 13. The cover sheet of each set of building construction plans submitted for the City's approval shall have attached a copy of the City's conditions of approval. 14. The applicant shall provide a declaration of restric- tions limiting uses of this site to those allowable in the AP zone. Said declaration shall be submitted and approved by the Director of Community Development and the City Attorney. 15. The front building setback shall be 18 feet measured from the front property line. 16. The trash enclosure shall be eliminated on the eastern end of the site and relocated adjacent to the building at a site to be approved by the Planning Division 0 0 0 —3- prior to issuance of building permits. 17. All signs and /or billboards located on the subject site shall be removed prior to the issuance of building permits. 18. The applicant shall submit a revised parking plan incorporating: 1) two additional loading spaces, 2) elimination of the loading space on the eastern end of the parking lot, 3) one additional parking stall on the eastern end of the lot. Said plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits. 19. A curved walkway shall be provided leading from the southern most parking stalls to the building. Said walkway shall be included on the revised parking lot plan (see condition 918) subject to the approval of the Planning Division. 20. Li&ht posts in parking lot shall be no higher than 12' and directed in such a way to minimize direct light or reflection into adjacent properties. 21. A three foot wide curbed planter shall be placed along the northern side of parking lot. 22. Ail rules, regulations and conditions of the Foothill Fire District shall be complied with.. Applicant shall contact the Engineering Division for compliance with the following conditions: 23. Prior to issuance of building permits, grading and drainage plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for review and approval of the City Engineer. Hydraulic caicnlations and a topographic map will be required t� support the sizing and location of drainage structures shown on the plans. 24. Prior to issuance of building permits, sewer and water plans shall be coordinated with the Cucamonga County Water District. 25. Curb, gutter, 35' minimum wide alley return drive approaches, street trees, A.C. match -up paving shall . be provided along Foothill Boulevard in conformance with City and State standards. 26. Street lights are required along Foothill Boulevard. The developer of each parcel shall submit all necessary plans for installation to the Southern California Edison Company. 0 -4- Applicant shall contact the Building Division for compliance with the following conditions: 27.. All building plans shall be prepared in compliance with the latest adopted UBC, Fire Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable City Codes. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY• Herman Rempal, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 28th day of February, 1979, by the following vote to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES., COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 0 0 0 ® RESOLUTION NO. 79 -17 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -04 ALLOWING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD DAB! CARE CENTER LOCATED AT 6730 HELLMAN AVENUE WHEREAS, on the 24th day of January, 1979, a complete application was filed for review on the above described project; and WHEREAS, on the 28L% day of February, 1979, the Rancho Cucamonga Plan- ning Commission held a meeting to consider the above described project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the site is adequate in size and shape. 2. That the site has adequate access. 3. That the proposed use will have no adverse effect on abutting property. 4. That the proposed use is consistent with the proposed General Plan. 5. That the conditions listed in this report are necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare. SECTION 2: Tnat this project will not create significant adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued on February 14, 1979. SECTION 3: That Site Approval No. 79 -04 is approved subject to the fol- lowing conditions: Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for compliance with' the following conditions: 1. All provisions of the Zoning Ordinance shall be complied with. 2. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all other applicable city ordinances in effect at this time. 3. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved plans on file in the Planning Division office and in accordance with the conditions of approval adopted by the Planning Commission. E 4. All roof mounted equipment shall be shielded from view from adjacent properties and streets with materials that architecturally conform with the dwelling struc- - c subject to the approval of the Planning Division. 5. Detailed landscape and irrigation plans shall be sub - mitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits. 6. The applicant shall maintain all landscaped areas in a healthy and.thciving condition free from weeds., trash and debris. 7. A 6' high masonry wall shall be constructed along the south and north property lines. Plans for said wall shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division 1rior to issuance of building permits. 8. The center's hours of operation shall be no earlier than 6:30 a.m. nor later than 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 9. Any expansion, addition or alteration of the approved use shill require approval from the Planning Division. 10. Bells, buzzers, loudspeakers and other similar equip- ment are prohibited. 11. Chain link fencing visible from Hellman Avenue shall be replaced with wrought iron fencing. 12. All state rules, requirements and regulations shall be complied with. 13. Signs are not approved at this time. Sign plats shall be submitted to and approved by the Plannt ng D .vit ion prior to installation. 14. Tree removal permit shall be obtained from the Planning Division prior to removal of any trees on tb a lot or in the parkway. Applicant shall ccntact the Engineering Division for complian:e with the following conditions: 75. Prior to building permits, drainage plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for review and approval of the City Engineer. Hydraulic Calculations will be required to support the sizing and location of drainage structures required. ® 16. Prior to building permits, sewer and water plans shall .i, be coordinated with the Cucamonga County Water District. iwP r 0 0 17. Prior to occupancy of building, curb, gutter, drive approaches, sidewalk, street trees, A.C. match -up paving shall be provided along Hellman Avenue in conformance with City standards. 18. Commercial developments shall use parkway drains (per City stdndarl..) to outlet flows into adjacent streets. These developments shall not drain flows across drive- ways or sidewalks. 19. The northerly drive approach shall be widened to 30 feet min imum . Applicant shall contact the Building Division for compliance with the following conditions: 20. All building plans shall bs prepared in compliance with the latest adopted UBC, Fire Code, National Electric Code, UPC, and all other ap-)licable city codes. Applicant shall contact tie Foothill Fire District for compliance with the following cont'itions: 21. All rules, regulations, condi :Aous and requirements of the Foothill Fire District shall be complied with. A APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEFIWARY, 1979 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman R"npel, Caairman .'_'!-TEST • _ Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 28th day of February, 1979 by the following vote to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS.; NOES: CW.ISSIONERS., ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 0 i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ® STAFF REPORT Date: February 28, 1979 To: Planning Commission From: JacK Lam, Director of Community Development Subject: SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -02 - COMMUNITY CENTER - Renovation and addition to the Lions Park Community Center located on the southeast corner of Lions Street and Baseline Avenue BACKGROUND: Currently there is a 3,200 square fc•nt building called the Lions Community Center located on the subject site. The structure has been used for a variety of uses including a meeting hall for the City Council snd planning Commission. The proposal before the Commission tonight proposes renovation of the existing structure and an addition of 5,220 square feet. With the addition to the existing structure there would be a new entrance located across from the library entrance, rather than the current entrance from Lions Street. The existing structure would be utilized for a recreation hall, exercise room, restroom facilities and storage room. T'-e new addition would contain a office area, kitchen, rest - room facilities, three classroom and meeting rooms and a community hall which could be used for meetings of the Planning Commission, City Council, small stage productions and the like. The construction of the addition will occur while the existing building 1s still in operation. The elevations proposed are reminiscent of the adjacent library providing compatibility of design. The use of padre (dark brown) brick, dark stained wood trim, Spanish tile capping and tan stucco will further ,blend with the existing library. Relief has been provided on the flat walled surface of the existing building by creating pilasters of brick punctuated with sloped landscaped areas. Parking for the addition would be provided by the existing 100 parking spaces between the library and the Community Service Center. While no landscape plan has been provided, you will v%, -e that the site plan has indicated the conceptual landscaping proposed for the immediate area surrounding the subject property. ANALYSIS: Our analysis of the site plan and elevations .finds them to be well designed and meeting all code requirements. The uusterevess of the existing Ccmm.nnity Services Building has been substantially upgraded by the inclusion of the pilasters, stucco, wood trim and tile cap that will tie the existing structure into the new addition quite well. The elimination of the driveway . on Paseline will help to accentuate the main entrance to the parking area for both the Community Services Center and the Library in addition to providing landscaping along the Baseline frontage. ; A6:. k. TTFI4 uGn El Page 2 Site Approval No. 79 -02 February 28, 1979 The environmental checklist did not indicate any significant adverse environmental impacts as a result of this project. Staff has field checked the site and found no discrepancies with the checklist and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commirsion adopt Resolution No. 79 -18 approving Site Approval No. 79 -02 subject to the condition-- delineated in the Resolution. Respe tfful�ly�Qau�bmitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:SKH:nm Attachments: Resolution No. 79 -18 Exhibits Initial Study 0 RESOLUTION NO. 79 -18 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -02 LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LIONS STREET AND BASELINE IN THE R -1 TONE WHEREAS, on January 22, 1979, a formal application was submitted requesting review of the above described project, and WHEREAS, on February 28, 1979. the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for the above described project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLL)WS: SECTION 1: That the following findings %ave been made. 1. That the site is adequate in siz: and shape. 2. That the site has adequate access. 3. That the proposed use will have no adverse effect on abutting property.. 4. That the proposed use is consistent with the proposed General Plan. 5. That the conditions listed in this report are necessary to protect the public !:talth, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare. Y SECTION 2: TAat this project will not create significant adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued on February 28, 1979. SECTION 3: That Site Approval No. 79 -02 is approved subject to the following conditions: Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for compliance with the following, conditions: 1. The plan on file with the Planning Division are approved. 2. All landscaping shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. 3. All landscaping shall be separated from any vehicular area by a 6" high P.C.C. curb. Applicant shall contact the Engineering Division for compliance with the following conditions: 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, veri- fication that all requirements of the Cucamonga County Hater District shall be met for sewer and water. 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, grading and drainage plans shall be designed and approved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Applicant shall contact the Building Division for com- pliance with the following conditions: 6. All building plans shall be prepared in compliance with the latest adopted UBC, Fire Code, National Electric Code and all other applicable city codes.. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979 PIANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cuca- monga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution.was.duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 28th day of February, 1979, by the following vote to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: iir:: • .; ymw 1 r4, ,, .. • - ?lid.:'• i; � r s lll,' Il �''' . .. ::ail•tlCNU'. •� F l: �- �. ` r _•yam .. � -., � '�kilitHCHP1r i - - :L �•� tu44Stintwla l 1 r,._ " • ,, nr�, , ,. Lb _� u u ,7 r �.. ,. IP • -.� . 1. . �i w a L! "I Vi'"b v F,T'I rl, � it � � i �■ , - t� Or r a I Ir XPA . `..:d�. !pl "� h'i iF vilyk,g¢Y�I.' 11•' .mums'. `• If f i } �Ml. ITC � • � � .�� � � , .• I I l I Pl . l ll�% •1 1 1 I ,_ .'[ELI L 1 LI ! I lti 0 EA A r: Im -. -.._ - -g- -I✓ L-1 - --N - -E ' - j ; �t _ -ir__. 1, I T ' -V--E N� .td Sys LT I I rub -- f I I ON IDS ! _ ti �• Np CITY OF RANC340 0 0 CITY OF RANCRO' CUCAN04CA INITIAL STUDY PART I — PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET — To be completed by applicant Envirrnmental Assessment Review Feei $70.00 F03 all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made_ Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II. o£ the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will mahe one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environm(-ti;tal impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: "Lion's Park Community Center" APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: (714) 989 -1851 City Rancho Cucamonga_ Community Services P 0. Box 793. Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED COTiCERNING THIS PROJECT: (7_14) 985 -1881 Attn: Larry Wolff, Architect Rarmakin. -Wnl Cr a w - - -- n. .. - _ _ .- LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) 9is: o- ..-- • - 57 LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND TILE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: None. X, �'. PROJECT 1RF•SCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Renovation and remodel existing "Lion's Park Community Center" ACRL•'AGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: Existing Bldg. Area: 3200 sq. ft., Addition Bldg. Area: S226 sq. •t. Lion's ita: 3.0 acres DESCRI @E THE ENVIRONME ]TAL SI:TTTNG OF TIM PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORtL -MO NON TOPOCRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCEITIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROLTNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY . EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): _cxiscing %- ommunrty bervice center, sited within Lion's Park, and oir3 Library. Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series' of cumulative actior_s, which although indivirivally small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? No x- z WI %I T P_ Pliq I1:CT: YES N) X 1. Create a substantial change in' ground contours? Z- Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? +' — _ x 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water,. sews a, etc. )l X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5: Remove any existing trees? How many? 6 X 6. Create the neeO for use or disposal of Potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: Six small trees will be remc.ed and relocate== sewhere in Lion's ar . IMPJRTANP: If the project involves the cons;.ruction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. -CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the beat of my ability, and that the farts, aatcmcnts, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.• t further understand that additional information may he required to be submitted before an adequate svaulation can be made by the Devclopmer.t itfiview Committee. Date January 23, 1979 Z3 Signature Larry Wolff Architect Title CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: February 28, 1979 To: Planning Commission From: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subject: SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -06 - ALTA LOMA RIDING CLUB - Request for the development of two temporary riding rings and associated parking facility to be located in Heritage Park in the R- 1- 20,000 zone on the west side of Beryl Avenue south of Hillside Road BACKGROUND: The Alta Loma Riding Club is proposing to develop two riding rings; a main show ring, approximately 120 feet by 240 feet, and a practice ring 60 feet by 120 feet. There will be parking lot (not paved) provided for 31 parking spaces, 15 of those being truck and trailer spaces. One means of access is proposed off of Beryl at the southeast end of the site. Although the project is proposed on a community park, all work will be done by the Alta Loma Riding Club and volunteers. The City's responsibility will be to provide a water meter. ANALYSIS: We suggest the following alteraticns and additions to the proposed plan: 1. The parking lot area should be doubled in size. In conversations with the Alta Loma Riding Club they have indicated the possibility of 70 people at a given event. The aisle width proposed should be a minimum of 25 feet in order to facilitate the turning movements of a vehicle pulling a trailer. This request would require moving the main show ring and the practice ring northerly by approximately 125 feet. In light of the fact that the property now is in vine- yards, we do not feel that this would create a significant problem for the Alta Loma Riding Club or the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 2. In light of the fact that the parking lot area is proposed to be graded compacted dirt, and this is a temporary project, we propose that the applicant provide slag instead of the compacted dirt in the parking lot area to minimize the dust. 3. A water system should be provided to minimize the dust problem in the riding area. 4. Activities generally occur on weekends or holidays and impacts the area all at one particular time. We suggest that because of this proposal is on a community park that the Director of Community Ser- vices be notified a minimum of two weeks in advance of any major activity, the Alta Lama Riding Club or the sponsor of the event may have to provide for traffic control in the way of a police officer or other traffic control devices. $ * * &y ITEM "Hll Page 2 Site Approval No. 70 February 28, 1979 5. The entrance to the parkipg area should also be enhanced with landscaping. This might include minimal groundcover and a few trees. The environmental checklist did not indicate any significant adverse environ- mental impacts as a result of this project. Staff has field checked this site and has found no aiscrcpancies with the checklist. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolu- tion No. 79 -21 approving Site Approval No. .79-06 subject to the conditions delineated in the Resolution. Respectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:SKH:nm Attachments: Site Plan Initial Study, Part I Resolution No. 79 -21 .. -, ... , . 41tL1.Slpfl �ZOAP N tlrr IF z .. pRAf.(ILE'� ' K1NG _ .. ilk f Mtiw - �SUOW FUN6 b a \ •tea. .N..IJ•c � � �~ � I . � \`. n.�,ca,.� ±rxA� s..a.�e; � }.... #ta�.n.•�ra •. siv ;+ �+ � � \ . •. \ "'ti ter. r 1 1. aay(• L.� 9.4-W 14 l.amMlwN d'""Mar qs•N firm m /ILP T CLTY OF RANC110 Cl1CAIIONCA INITIAL STUDY PART I — PROJECT INFORMATION SIiEET — To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department ti.,here the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will. meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before tiie public meeting at which time the Project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: Heritage Pbrk Riding Ring (temporary) APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: City of Rancho Cucamonga Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO HE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: W corner Hillside and Bery - - IOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDE. "%AL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: 17;' "f ` !nY 5 0 PROJECT M.SCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Grading for and construction of a temporary riding ring. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: 5 +f- acres of 40 total, no existing structures. DLiCRIPE THE BNVIROUAIENCAJ. ST.TTTNG OF Till; PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMTION ON TOPOGMAPHY, PLANTS (TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES. AND THE D1 SCRIPTION OF ANY . EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): The portion of total site on which project is located is covered by vineyard. Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series - of cumulative actions, which although individurlly small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? Yes._ This will, through stages, become a 40 acre _park site. .: y-+ p�j�R7k .'.;�rYi,�.i�,J�:� #.).s�j. li" �i ',. \ "•1" k:C .. tai i�.��.i% if::...���'�x +�xif3,.�yb�L� . 1 •r': - WILL 7•li PROJECT- YES NO X 1, Create a substantial change in ground contours? 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire,.water, sewage, etc.) 1 v A. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5: Remove any existing trees? flow many? X 6. Create the need for use or disposal of Potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: IMPORTAyr : If the prcject involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. 0 CERTIFICATION; I hereby certify khat the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and informnti.on required for this initial evaluation to ttse best of my ahi.lity, and L•haL the fact! , l:tatemonts, and informnL•i.on presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may 1,r� rcquircd to he submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the Development Revietc Conunittee. Date 1/22/79 Y i� Signature Title Director, Community •Servieei RESOLUTION NO. 79 -19 A RESOLUTION OF THE R.AtiCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DIRECTOR %WIEW NO. 79 -05 FOR A 138 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX LOCATED ON THE FAST SIDE OF ARCHIBALD BETWEEN BASELINE AND 19TH IN THE R -3 -2300 ZCNE WHEREAS, on the 9th day'of January, 1979, a complete application was filed for review of the above described project; and WHEREAS, on the 28th day of February, 1979, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a meeting to consider the above described project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the site indicated by the de•relopment plan is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the pro- posed use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, landscaping, loading and other features required by this section. • 2. That the improvements as indicated on the develop- ment plan are located in such a manner as to be pro- perly related to existing and proposed streets and highways. 3. That the improvements as shown on the development plan are consistent with all adopted standards and policies as set forth in this section. SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that a Negative Declaration is issued on February 28, 1979. SECTION 3: That Director Review No. 79 -05 is approved subject to the following conditions: Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for compliance with the following conditions: 0 1. Compliance with all zoning ordinance provisions. 2. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plan on file in the Planning Division and the conditions adopted by the Planning Commission. 3. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. A minimum of fifty (50) trees per gross acre, com- prised of the following sizes, shall be provided within the development, 20% 24" box or larger, 70% minimum 15 gallon, and 102 minimum 5 gallon. 5. The applicant shall maintain all landscaped areas in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash and debris. 6. Any roof mounted equipment shall be screened from view from all adjacent properties with material architecturally compatible with the design of the building. 7. All carports shall be designed and constructed with materials architecturally compatible with the dwelling such as heavy wood trim and facial. Such design shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. 8. All lighting, with the exception of tennis and volleyball court lighting, shall be no higher than "1' from finished grade of court, and shall not create glare to adjacent properties or on -site dwellings. Tennis and volleyball court lighting shall not exceed 22' in height.from finished grade of court. 9. Any proposed signs require review and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation. 10. The curved walls along Archibald shall be replaced with mounding, landscaping and meandering walkways. 11. The tennis court fencing shall not exceed 10' in height. In addition, dense landscaping shall be provided along the south and west fences of the court. 12. The parking stalls along the circular drive shall be a minimum of 10' in width at the rear of the stall. 13. The angle parking stalls around units 11, 12 and 15 shall be redesigned with 900 parking. 14. The trash enclosure located at the end of the carport facing the Victoria Street driveway shall be relocated within the development and replaced with a screen wall and landscaping. 15. All trash enclosures shall be provided with 6' masonry wAlls and view obstructing gates. 16. ,The G' high block wall along Victoria Street frontage shall be replaced with mounding and landscaping. 17. Additional wood trim shall be provided around winL:ow frames for units 1, 5, 7 and 13 which face Archibald Avenue. 18. This approval shall become null and void, if building permits are not Issued for this project within one year from the date of project approval. The applicant shall contact the Engineering Division for compliance with the following conditions: 19. Street dedication consisting of 20 foot corner cutoff, 30 feet along Archibald Avenue and 33 feet along Victoria Street are required. 20. Prior to issuance of building permits: a. Sewer and water plans shall be coordinated with the Cucamonga County Water District; b. Site grading, curb, gutter, drive approaches, side- walks, street trees, A.C. match -up paving shall be shown or. plans approved by the City Engineer; c. All necessary plans for the installation of street lights shall be approved by the Southern California Edison Company. d. Water carried through the site or runoff produced by the site after development shall be carried to streets or storm drains in structures approved by the City Engineer. e. Installation of a portion of the master planned storm drains in Archibald Avenue, from its current terminus to south of Monte Vista Avenue, and improvement of the existing earth channel on the west side of Archibald Avenue will be required. Street drainage structures necessary to assure proper functioning of the storm s drain will also be required. The developer will be responsible for 50% of the cost of this work. The cost of this storm drain will credit to storm drain fees and a reimbursement agreement will be executed to cover remaining contributions.. The applicant shall contact the Building Division for compliance with the following conditions: 21. All building plans shall be prepared in compliance with _ the latest adopted UBC, Fire Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable city codes. L 0 The dpplicant nball contact the Foothill Fire District for compliance with the following condition: 22. Prior to. the issuance of building permits, verification that all requirements of the Foothill Fire District shall be met, shall be submitted to the Building Off icial. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH :'IAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 28th day of February, 1979. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: .* i 0 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I — PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Oevelopment Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional - nformation report should be .supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed prriject. PROJECT TITLE: Archibald Apartments APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: _ Kenneth Ketner E Associates 1111 W. Ninth S1. I Upland, Calif. (714) 981 -5936 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Kenneth Ketner ~— IACATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) East Side of Ar hibald Avn_ Between 13aselinn and 19th 020218107 LIST OTHER PERh1ITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE Ar FEDERAL A,ENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: NON. PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: 138 Unit Act. Complex, Recreational our ^ ^d°' ^n Will Be Of Maximum BenCfit To Our Community. ' ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND -PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF'ANY: 10.14 Gross Acres 8.27 Net Acres 61.08 sq. rt. Act. floor space 45,858 Auxillary Bldes — DESCRIBE THE-ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFOR14ATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS . (TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE-DESCRIPTION OF -ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS) Captures most of Existing Contours. Particular _Proiect Attention Has Been Taken to make optimum use of Open Space and_landscdAi Density is lower than Maximum allgwanr_e fpr,proiect. Complete living_ and Rec ectional features are included such a2 Tenn i2 Couvtn Poo] _ ' Jacuzzi —Recreational RRom Laundry and rovered_Park Parking. Exterior of the Building has been Architectural Designed to minimum bQise and �I traffic Our Apts. have been Designed to Maximize -the _Effi -lent I use of all energy. i y' is the project, pert of a larger project, one of a series• of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? This Project is unique and n=pnrt nf a c Zies. _tt w"enhanr_P the existing Surrozdings. _ ^�_ WILL THIS PROJECT: YES NJ x 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? ` x 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? ,x _ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)"! X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations ?. X_ 5: Remove any existing trees? How many? Minimal X 6. Create the need for use or disposal-of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YE£ answers above: Trees Will Be Removed only where requires to retain the integral —building and landscaping design. _ IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the. next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnishe above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this is:itial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.• I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evallation can be made by the Development Review Committee. Date signature/ Title 0 DATE: TO: FROM: ITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA February 28, 1979 Planning Commission STAFF REPORT Jack Lam, Director of Community Development 0 SUBJECT: Director Review 78 -57 Hutner b Appel - Development of a two phased professional office complex on 1.37 acres of land; located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard 630 feet west of San Diego Avenue. BACKGROUND: Hutner and Appel Architects propose to build a 20,450 sq. ft. professional office complex. The project will be constructed in two phases; the first, a 12,582 sq. ft. building and the second, a 7,867 sq. ft. addition. The current zoning is C -2 and the General Plan designation is Mixed Use. Professional offices are. allowed in the C -2 zone, however, this zone is incompatible with the mixed use designation. Staff is recommending the applicant submit a declaration of restrictions limiting uses of this property to those in the AP zone. Further, staff recommends adoption of a resolution of intent to change the zone from C-2 to AP. This resolution is included as partof this report. ANALYSIS: The parcel is a 1.37 acre triangular shaped lot situated between the Southern Pacific Railroad tracts to the north and the Foothill Boulevard right- of-way to the south (Exhibit A). At one time, Foothill Boulevard was real4gned 100' southwa=-2 -f this site, however, the original right -of -way was never vacated.l Thus, the front property line is approximately 60 feet from the existing edge of pavement. The applicant is requesting an 18 foot setback from the front property line; a deviation from the required 25' front setback. Staff is recommending approval of this request with the condition that landscaping be providad within the parkway area. A single 25' wide driveway will provide access to the site. The parking area will be located on the eastern portion of the lot. One hundred parking spaces are proposed; sixty for phase 1 and an additional forty for phase 2. A trash enclosure is shown on the eastern end of the parking lot. Staff recommends this enclosure be located closer to the building. A billboard is currently located on the west side of the property. Staff recommends this billboard be removed prior to the issuance of building pen ^.ins. Architecturally, the applicant proposes cement plaster pillars with horizont..l redwood siding and dark bronze glass windows; a colored rendeving will be on display at the meeting. Staff feels the architecture is in keeping with the IStaff is considering vacation of the right -of -sway. Such an action would be brought before the Planning Commission at a future meeting. ITEM "L" -2- design policies established for Foothill Boulevard. In terms of landscaping, the applicant will be required to submit a detailed landscape and irrigation plan prior to issuance of building permits. The conceptual plan shows landscaping of the front portion of the property and the parking lot. Staff suggests landscape planting to screen the parking lot from Foothill Boulevard, planting and irrigation of the parkway area, and trimming and topping of the existing Eucalyptus trees within the parkway. EHVIROtv'MENTAL A14ALYSIS: The project site lies within the Red Hill Fault Special Study Zone. As per staff requirements, the applicant contracted the Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc. to complete a geotechnical report for the site; a copy is contained withiu your packets. The report addresees all fault hazards associated with the site including surface rupture, displacement and landeliding. The report was reviewed for its adequacy by Richard Mills and Associates, a local engineering firm, and was found to be adequate in scope and content. The conclusion drawn by the report is the site is not subject to direct or indirect faulting hazards. Copies of all correspondence between the two bIrms and the City are attached to this report. Other environmental hazards staff has considered are grading, drainage and removal of Eucalyptus trees on Foothill Boulevard. The lot slopes gently to the south and is perched on a 6' ridge overlooking Foothill Boulevard. A 2' - 5' ret"ining wall will be built along the eastern property line to support the lot; parking no other significant grading will occur on the site. The applicant proposes draining the site to Foothill Boulevard. The Engineering Division is requiring the submittal of drainage plan subject to the approval of the City Engineer and Caltrans prior to issuance of s building permit. A row of Eucalyptus trees runs along the parkway in front of the property. The applicant is proposing ti, remove some of the older trees and using the rest for parkway landscaping. Staff feels that removal of these trees will not create a significant environmental impact, however, a tree permit-will be required prior to removal of any trees. The applicant has satisfied all of staff's environmental concerns and, there - fore, recommends the issuance of a Negative Declaration. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends 1) adoption of resolution No. 79 -16 approving Director Review No. 78 -57, and 2) adoption of the resolution of intent to change the zone of the property from C -2 to AP. Respectfully submitted, Attachments: Exhibit "A ", Location Map Site Plan Jack Lam, Director of Elevation Plan Community Development Letter from City to Mr. Hutner, dated 12/18/78 Letter from Richard Mills, Assoc. to City, JL:BNH:cc dated 1/24/79 +z Letter from Pacific Soils 6 Engr. Inc. to Moga /Trudgeon /Hembree dated 2/12/79 Resolution No. 79 -16 Resolution No. 79 -20 �r Crn- Tnrhnlrnl Rrnrrt Yr[ V v r_ y , N '• n N '• S . In `.. co Z d .' CG yC p •f k•. N m Ililtii r�l ► I c oil filp &S ID 93 I m i'�I j 1 11V I I lull{ I, C I to io y 1! : i • '-.1,� . fltsi��l���j� � 1 1 rr r I 1 �J O O!d 0c 1� C6 M cn I an 0 J of W ■� 4 *,a *, _ u g• . r as ¢ j: S. xSOS I•I�I��I�I 4 ' P10O.Y NIY1rYI ._ . Ul I x c to •o it HIM _ . -...is C 1� } •y.w u1� li�i+ ;pp i'Al I c Cr ( 4 i( �`ifii r i lili ,��J i amg .e� f, I R � Y1. ii I ��apf CD w S' a cr I. z Flo,s _ .J ' r} I �J December 18, 1978 *City of. A N C I-I O UCAMONGA Hutner and Appel, Architects, Inc. 6380 'tlshire Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90048 ATTENTION: L.M. Hunter, Jr. SUBJECT: Environmental Review of Director Review No. 78 -57; Request to build a two -phase office complex generally located on the north side of Foothill Blvd., west of San Diego Avenue Gentlemen: The Environmental Analysis Staff has reviewed your project to determine whether any adverse environmental impacts affect your property. It has been determined from the City's Environmental Constraints Map, that the inferred Red Hill Fault runs adjacent to your property on the north side (see attached map). This fault has been inferred by the California Division of Mines and Geology (SP 113) using ground water blockage data and is viewed as a potential hazard. At this point in time, an environmental impact report wiil not be required; how- ever a geo- technical report must be submitted in lieu of an EIR. Said report shall include the following information: 1. TEXT a. Purpose and scope of investigation b. Geologic setting C. Site description vnd conditions. Include information on geologic units, graded and filled areas, vegetation, existing structures, etc., that may affect the choice of investigative methods and the interpre- tation of data. d. Methods of Investigation 1. Review of published and unpublished literature and records con - cerning geologic units, faults, ground -water barriers, etc. 2. Interpretation of aerial photographs and other remotely sensed images to detect fault - relnted topography, vegetation and soil contrasts, and other lineaments of possible fault origin. i3. Surface observations, including mapping of geologic units and. structures, topographic features, springs, defermation of man- made structures, etc., both on and beyond the site if possible. POST OFFICE': HOX 74..1. HANG 1D CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA 017 =G l71d1 nRq -IASI Uutner and Appel., A �MLtects, Inc. December 18, 1978 Page 2 4. Subsu`rf`ace investigations including trenching and other extensive excavations to permit detailed and direct observation of tout inuously exposed geologic units and features which must be carefully logged. Further, borings and test pits may be required to permit collection of data on geologic units and ground water at specific locations. If this is required, data points must be sufficient in number and adequately spaced to permit valid correlations and interpretations. e. Conclusion 1. Location and existence (or absence) of hazardous faults on or adjacent to the site. 2. Type of faults and nature of anticipated offset, direction of rela- tive displacement, and maximum displacement that is possible. 3. Probability of or relative potential for future surface displace- ment. The likelihood of future ground rupture can seldom be stated mathematically, but may be stated in semi - quantitative terms such as low, moderate or high. 4. Degree of confidence and limitptions of data and conclusions. f. Recommendations 1. Set -back distances from hazardous faults, if appropriate. 2. Need for additional studies. 3. Risk evaluations relative to the proposed development - opinions are acceptable. Remember that the ultimate decision as to whether the risk is acceptable lies with the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 2. REFERENCES a. Literature and records cited and reviewed. b. Aerial photographs or images interpreted - list type, scale, source, index numbers, etc. C. Other sources of information including well records, personal communi- cations, and other data sources. 3. ILLUSTRATIONS a. Location map identifying site locality, significant faults, geogra- phic features, seismic epicenters, and other pertinent data. b. Site development map showing site boundaries, existing and proposed `. structures, graded areas, streets, exploratory trenches, borings, geophysical traverses, and other data. ifutner and Appel, A. ects, Inc. December 18, 1978 Page 3 ' c. Geologic:m'ap'•sho howing distribution of geologic units (if more than one), faults and other structures, geomorrSic features, aerial photo - graphic lineaments and springs. d. Geologic cross sections, if needed to provide a 3- dimensional picture. e. Logs of exploratory trenches and borings - show details of observed features and conditions; should not be generalized or diagrammatic. f. Geophysical data (if required) and geologic interpretations 4. APPENDIX - Supporting data not included above This report must be prepared by a Registered Geologist with the State of Cali- fornia with his signature and registration number. A geologist registered in the State of California, designated by the City of Rancho Cucamonga, will evaluate the geologic report for its completeness. Fees for conducting said report and later evaluation shall be paid by the applicant. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at this office. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS DIVISION JACK LAM, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BY: BILL HUMAN Planning Assistant JL:BH:nm CC: Peter Tolstoy �.- O RICNARD MILLS ASSOCIAT[S 989.1751 -- - - - -.. 9223 -C Archibald Avenue January 24, 1979 Cucamonga, cal i'omia 91730 Mr. Bill Hofman Planning Assistant City of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. P. 0_ Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Subject: Geotechnical Review: Preliminary Soils Engineering, Engineering Geologic, and Limited Site Seismic Investi- gation for the Moga- Trudgeon- Hembree Office building by Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc. (Work Order 10421, dated January 17, 1979.) Dear Mr. Hofmar.: We have reviewed the subject report and submit herewith our continents and recommendations for your consideration. 1. Potential fault surface rupture at the site The last statement on Page 9 suggests potential surface rupture at the site along the Red Hill fault, which is not addressed in the conclusionary statements on Page 14. If the consultant is concerned about hazards due to faulting at or near the site, he should recommend appropriate mitigating measures. Conversely, if, in his judgement, hazards due to faulting are of .nticipated at the site, or are not deemed significant during the lifetime or the proposed structures, he should so state in his conclusions. 2. _Depth to Water Table The statement on Page 10 indicates the depth to the water s; � ,- GEOLOGY FOUNDATION ENGINEERING TESTING Very truly yours, CHARD MILLS AS OCIAT ichard B. 11i11s President CEG 8114 PIC14ARU HILLS AS4cIAT6S (2) table as one of the reasons making liquefaction unlikely. An estimate Qf'thi this should be included. 3. Slopes Is there a racommended maximum slope angle for probable cut and fill slopes which will be created during grading? 4. Expansive Soil An expansion index of 20 or greater is normally considered to require special design consideration. (Uniform Building Code Chapter 29 Section 2904). Since the expansion index of 23 is borderline, the consultant should state whether or not rein- forcement of footings and /or slabs on grade is required. . 5. Inspections Geologic inspection of all deeper excavations (fi.e. when deeper cuts are undercut or combined with wall footing excavations) is suggested to check for possible evidence of fault related rupture. 6. Site Plan The additional conflicting north arrow on the sita plan is confusing. Also the bearing indicated on the easterly boundary and the bearing on the westerly portion of the southern boundary -annot both be correct. The angle between the two lines extended is approximately 95 °, while the sum of the two bearings is approximately 44 °. Very truly yours, CHARD MILLS AS OCIAT ichard B. 11i11s President CEG 8114 PIC14ARU HILLS AS4cIAT6S (2) PACIFIC SOILS E191INEERIN13, INC. 1402 W. 240TH STREET, HAR13OR CITY, CALIFORNIA 90110 TELEPHONES. (213) 325.7272 OR 775.6771 • ...'_ CUIr:i..Ulai'�[['vr!Qi•:iii:i UEfI. %,:L1 I C1 1?79 pt4 PM 7ellliut1tti13t4t516 T. Moga /J. Trudgeon /M.fbree Hutner and Appel, Architects, Inc. 6380 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1406 Los Angeles, California 90048 ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE 1 Sky Park Cileie (Suit, O) Irvine, Ca. 92716 (7141 557.9450 VENTURA C0U('`Y OFFICE 1500 Lawrence Drive Newbury Park, Ca, 91320 (211) 991_02S3 (605) 49!•3606 February 12, 1979 Work Order 10421 Subject: Response to Geotechnical Review of Preliminary Soils Engineering, Engineering Geologic and Limited Seismic Investigation for 1 .3 acre parcel Northerly of Foothill Blvd _ /West of San Diego Ave. City of Rancho Cucamonga San Bernardino County, California. References: 1) Report by Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc. dated Jan. 17, 1979 (above subject property) (W.O. 10421). 2) Geotechnical Review: by Richard Mills Associates dated Jan. 24, 1979 (above subject property). Gentlemen: Presented herein is a response to the Geotechnical Review on the above subject property. Comments in this transmittal are keyed to numbered items ?n the review sheet (Reference 2). Item 11 Surface rupture due to faulting generally occurs within a relatively narrow zone (+ 100 ft.) along a fault trace. The Red Hill Fault trace displayed on the site vicinity map, lies some 400 feet south cf the property. The mapped geologic representation of th*,s fault indicates that its location and /or existence is conjectural and based prii-.c'—polly on indirect evidence. However, since the City of Rancho Cucamonga considers this structural feature a potential hazard it is deemed prudent to assume the possibility of a more conservative location for the fault trace. There- fore, assuming the most conservative parameters of seismic activity affecting a con- jectured, closer than indicated fault trace, then the previously discussed, remote probability exists for surface rupture near or on -site. These assumptions, however, 0 Item 04 y The on -site soils possess very low to low expansiveness when tested in accordance with UBC Standard 29 -2. Special reinforcement for expansive soils is not deemed necessary. Footing and slab reinforcement should be in accordance with structural considerations. Item 05 Preliminary design sketches by the project architect indicate that rear retaining wall excavations will range to approximately five (5) feet in vertical height. It is a required practice of this firm that the project soils engineer and /or project geologist inspect such excavation for pertinent soils or geologic data. 0 PACIFIC SOILS ENOWEERINO. tNC. February 12, 1979 Work Order 10421 Page 2 are not supported by evidence disclosed by the field investigation. Detailed examination of the backhoe pits did not reveal offset soil horizons, abrupt discon- tinuities, or other suggestions of former on -site seismic activity. A discussion of our findings is presented on Page 7, Paragraph 4 of Reference (1) and reiterated on "age 14, (Conclusions and Recommendations) Item 1. Finally it is our considered opinion and so stated on Page 14, Item 3 of Reference 1 that the site does not appear tr; possess seismic hazzrd surface rupture potential and proposed land use Is geologically feasible. Item If 2 An estimated ground water table is 500 feet as indicated on a map prepared by the California Division of Mines and Geology, titled "Geologic Hazards in Southwestern San Bernardino County California" Special Report 113, dated 1976. l: Item #3 The t -7pographic plan attached to tNa preliminary soil report (Ref. 1) displays a conceptual rendering of the approximate proposed structurr location and attendant fill the nor are parking and access facilities. No cut or slopes are shown on plan graded slopes anticipated. Communication with the design project architect indicates that grading will be kept to a minimum In on effort to conform to the existing topog- raphy. If the detailed grading plans indicate cut or fill slopes they should be in accordance with UBC Section 2903(a). Item 04 y The on -site soils possess very low to low expansiveness when tested in accordance with UBC Standard 29 -2. Special reinforcement for expansive soils is not deemed necessary. Footing and slab reinforcement should be in accordance with structural considerations. Item 05 Preliminary design sketches by the project architect indicate that rear retaining wall excavations will range to approximately five (5) feet in vertical height. It is a required practice of this firm that the project soils engineer and /or project geologist inspect such excavation for pertinent soils or geologic data. 0 PACIFIC SOILS ENOWEERINO. tNC. • February 12, 1979 Work Order 10421 Item 16 Page 3 The additional north arrow shown adjacent to the easterly property boundary is a close approximation of true north. This is readily apparent by consulting and topographic map or conventional street atlas of the area. The conflict in bearings. displayed on the southerly and easterly property lines was the result of a minor drafting error. It appears the bearirx3 39 deg., 48 min., 15 sec. west on the southerly property line should be 89 deg. 4B min., 15 sec. west. This was verified by consulting the topographic base map provided this office prior to the field investi- gation. Respectfully submitted, PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERIN:G4NC. Engileering Geology Associate BQ\ '— Cffl DANIEL T. MARTINEZ R.C.E. 29448 Distr.: (4) addressee (1)Citrof Rancho Cucamonga (1) Richord'Mills and Associates GAU: RBL:DTM :SP /e m Reviewed by: 1� LL R. BRUCE LEINSTER, C.E.G.fF337 Director of Engineering Geology i ZTEV N PEK VIC.H; President R.C.E. 14744 r� _.... „_;,;,, .,,;`•,�,,,�, ,:.xP.AC.rRrfS SOILS ftNalmEMPIN13. INC. Orr t fw RESOLUTION NO. 79 -20 - -A- RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING CQ*iISSION DECLARING THEIR INTENTION TO CHANGE THE ZONE OF PROPERTIES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BLVD., WEST OF SAN DIEGO AVE., PARCEL NOS. 207 - 101 -32 AND 207 - 101 -33 WHEREAS, on the 28th day of February, 1979, the Planning Commission held a meeting to consider the above described intent to change the zone; WHEREAS, the General Plan designation on the subject parcels is mixed use; WHEREAS, the subject parcels are currently zoned C -2; WHEREAS, a professional office complex has been approved on Parcel No. 207 - 101 -32 by the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission; WHEREAS, the C -2 zoning allows additional uses that are incompatible with the mixed use general plan designation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga directs staff to implement proceedings to change the zone of Parcel Nos. 207- 101 -32 and 207- 101 -33 so as to bring said parcelp into conformance with the General Plan. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 28th day of February, 1979, by the following vote to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: y, NOES: COtM1ISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: February 28, 1979 0 To: Planning Commission From. Jack L_., Director of Community Development Subject: GREE1'ROCK NURSERY - Request for an additional 3 month extension of time to cease operation of an illegal nursery; located on the north side of 19th Street, 400' west of Amethyst Street - Request submitted by Althouse and Bamber, representing Robert Shibata DESCRIPTION: Mr. Althouse, representing Robert Shibata, is requesting an additional 3 month extension of time to cease operation of the Greenock Nursery at the above described location. This request was made necessary . because the owners have been unable to find a new location for their business in the six months since the Planning Commission request [or their relocation. BACKGROUND: On August 23, 1978, the Planning Commission heard a request for a zone change from 7M -R -3 to A -1 on the subject property. The zone change would have enabled the owner to maintain a wholesale nursery at the site. The Planning Commission denied the request finding that the zone change would constitute "spot zoning ", and that 19th Street was unable to handle the increased traffic generated by the nursery. Staff was directed to work with the appli- cant to give him reasonable time to relocate his business (See Planning Com- mission minutes of August 23, 1978). Staff met with Mr. Shibata on August 28, 1978 and it was agreed that a six month. period to relocate his business (antil February 23) was more than reasonable. Mr. Shibata was told that legal action would be initiated if the business was not relocated by the February 23 deadline. During the six month period, staff sent two letters to Mr. Shibata reitering the City's intent to take legal action if the operation was not ceased by the deadline. (See attached letters dated December 4, 1978 and February 15, 1979) ANALYSIS: The additional three month extension was requested by Mr. Althouse to allow the owner to acquire new property within the city. A parcel has been located an-i placed into escrow. Mr. Althouse feels that all the necessary approvals will be attained within the three month period. The new location is on Archibald Avenue; the current zone is R -3 and the General Plan designation is high density residential. Since a nursery is incompatible with the General Plan designation, Mr. Shibata would have to request an amendment of the general plan, a zone change, and finally, obtain a site approval. General Plan amendment hearing dates have not been estab- lished yet. The first hearing may be several months away, and with all the other approvals required, the total length of time will easily exceed three months. ITEM "M" Page 2 Greenrock Nursery February 28, 1979 Staff feels six months was a more than reasonable length of time to find a new site. The fact that one was not found within the six month period does not have a bearing in this decision. As the Commission has found previously, the 19th Street site is not suited for a nursery in terms of compatibility, spot zoning and traffic. An extension of time would only aggravate the situation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the request for an additional three month extension of time for the Greenrock Nursery and referral of this item to the City Attorney. Respectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:BNH:nm Attachments: Minutes r' Planning Commission meeting dated August 23, 1978 Letter to Mr. Shibata, dated December 4, 1978 Letter to Mr. Shibata, dated February 15, 1979 Letter to City requesting extension, dated February 20, 1979 0 RESOLUTION NO. 79 -21 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -06 LOCATED AT HERITAGE PARK IN THE R -1- 20,000 ZONE WHEREAS, on January 22, 1979, a formal application was submitted requesting review of the above described project; and WHEREAS, on February 28, 1979, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for, the above described project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVXD AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the site is adequate in size and shape. 2. That the site has adequate access. 3. That the proposed use will have no adverse effect on abutting property. 4. That the proposed use is consistent with the proposed General Plan 5. That the conditions listed in this report are necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare. SECTION 2: That this project will not create significant adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued on February 28, 1979. SECTION 3: That Site Approval No. 79 -06 is approved subject to the following,conditions: Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for compliance with the following conditions: 1. A revised plan shall be resubmitted showing 60 parking stalls minimum aisle width of 25', slag paving in the parking lot area and a water system for the rings. Plans shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Division prior to any construction. 2. A landscape plan shall be provided indicating ground . cover, shrubs and trees at the entrance to the parking area. Said plrn shall be submitted and approved by the Planning uivision prior to construction. Land- scaping shall he installed prior to operation. 0 0 3. There shall be no lighting allowed in the rings or parking lot area. Applicant shall contact the Engineering Division for compliance with the following conditions: 4. Prior to construction, grading and drainage plans shall be designed and approved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Applicant shall contact the Community Services Department for compliance with the following condition: 5. The riding rings shall only be used for activities involving the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 6. Two weeks prior to any event, the applicant shall contact the Director of Community Services for per- mission to hold the event. The Director may require conditions necessary to insure the health, safety and welfare of the City. and the area residents (such as traffic control devices, time limits, limits on the number of participants, etc.) APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979 0 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY- Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Ran&.o Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commis- sion held on the 28th day of February, 1979, by the following vote to -wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Date: February 28, 1979 To: Planning Comm. +ssion From: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subject: DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 78 -12 - ALDERFER - Continued from 2/14/79 Request for development of a two story, 10,000 square fr.ot office building located.at 8030 Vineyard in the C -2 zone BACKGROUND: As the Commission will recall at the February 14, 1979 meeting of the Planning Commission, Staff requested this item be continued to the 28th of February meeting. It was expected at this time to have the issue resolved. The City Engineer has been working with the applicant to resolve the flood problems; at this point in time we have reached what we believe to be a solution to the problem. However, because of the lack of time to prepare maps for presentation to the Commission, we respectfully request that this item be held over to the March 14, 1979 meeting for determination at that time. Respectful submitted. JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:BKH:nm ITEM "I" i Date: February 28, 1979 To: Planning Comm. +ssion From: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subject: DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 78 -12 - ALDERFER - Continued from 2/14/79 Request for development of a two story, 10,000 square fr.ot office building located.at 8030 Vineyard in the C -2 zone BACKGROUND: As the Commission will recall at the February 14, 1979 meeting of the Planning Commission, Staff requested this item be continued to the 28th of February meeting. It was expected at this time to have the issue resolved. The City Engineer has been working with the applicant to resolve the flood problems; at this point in time we have reached what we believe to be a solution to the problem. However, because of the lack of time to prepare maps for presentation to the Commission, we respectfully request that this item be held over to the March 14, 1979 meeting for determination at that time. Respectful submitted. JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:BKH:nm ITEM "I" -i 11 DATE: TO: 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA February 28, 1979 Planning Commission STAFF REPORT 0 FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Director Review No. 79 -04 - Sunset Plaza - Request for construction of two one -story commercial buildings totalling 12,000 square feet at the southwest corner of Ramona and Foothill Boulevard in the C-2 general business district. BACKGROUND: As the Commission will recall at the February 14 meeting, this item was continued for a redesign of the elevations to reflect a higher quality of design more in keeping with the character envisioned for Foothill Boulevard by the Planning Commission. On Tuesday, February 20, staff met with the applicant and Commissioners Tolstoy and Rempel to discuss the redesign of the elevations. At that meeting the applicant presented a plan which included the property adjacent to the subject site. The proposal now before the Commission is for 20,000 + square feet. It involves two buildings; one 6,400 + square feet and the second building 1,400 + square feet. The proposal is to have the 14,000 square foot building located along the southerly boundary and the other 6,400 square foot building located on the Ramona frontage. Two accesses off of the Foothill Boulevard frontage road are requested with no access off of Ramona. The buildings have been varied in depth to allow for an in -out action providing a good interplay of space. In reviewing the site plan with our Engineering Division we find that the proposal is not in conformance with the Adopted Access Policy. The Access Policy allows only one access off the frontage because of the proximity to the corner and the adjacent driveway. Access should be located 100' from the back of the curb radius of Foothill and Ramona. The width of the access should be at least -35' wide. Other than this problem we find the site plan to be in conformance with the codes and policies of the city. We have not seen any elevations as of the writing of this report. We will provide the Commission with an oral report at the time of the meeting regarding the revised elevations. Written conditions of approval will be available at the meeting regarding the revised elevations and site plan. If the Commission feels uncomfortable with the quickness in which this item has returned to you, and the manner in which it has been returned, we suggest that the item then be held over to the March 14 meeting. our opinion at the time of the writing of this report that should approve the project as revised and conditioned. R spectf 11 submitted, Jack Lam, Director of Community Development JL:BH:ca Attachments: Resolution 79 -12 However, it is the Commission ITEM "J" PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES M PUBLIC HEARING 3. That precise landscaping, irrigation plans, and detailed building elevations be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits and that landscaping be installed prior to final inspection by the City. 9. That a de tailed trash enclosure plan be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits. % 5.- That the most westerly building of Phase A" maintain a Z. ' setback from the pri- ate drive and That such revision be r viewed and approved by the Planning D vision priorito the issuance of building pe its. 1 6. Tha the three (3) parking stalls located on t e south side of the most westerly buil ng of /Phase "A" be eliminated. 7. That a coordinated sign program be designed for th s development and be submitted to the Pla ning Division for approval prior to instatillation. 8. That thi -s approval shall become null and void ifIZ a Change No. 95 -85 is not approv d a \nor opted by the City Council. En ineeri 9. Inst 1 cuutter, and drive approaches alon the boundary o f the entire part 1. 10. Eli inate most a sterly proposed drive en ante as she on site plan. 11. Pr or to issuance f building permits, a site grading plan all be submitted for a proval to the Cit Engineer.. Drainage stall be designed to insure against the reation of damage or nuisance to adjacent roperties. 12. Drainage over drive approaches shall be prohibited and sidewalk drains provided. * ,r w �? Y 0 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES -4- AUGUST 23, 1978 Jack Lam stated that since the zone change and s tie approval are directly related that they will be presented concurrently. He presented the staff report in detail which is on file in the Planning Division. Mr._Lam reported that this request was submitted an attempt to make the existing illegal use legal. He stated that by granting such a change would be inconsistent with the proposed General Plan and would create significant traffic problems. He asked Llo d Hubbs to present the traffic implications. Lloyd Hubbs presented the traffic report. He informed the Commissioners that 19th Street•is a State Highway and the major east - west arterial which passes to the northern section of the City. He further stated that the Engineering Department recommended that access to 19th Street be limited to as few openings as possible and that no additional commercial type zoning be allowed. Commissioner Garcia opened the public hearing for comments from the applicant and other interested persons. Charles Althaus spoke on behalf of the appl cant for the z:,..e change. He stated that on the west side of the property there is a refrigeration business and on the south side it is zoned as A -1. This nursery does business on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the days only. He further stated that on the east there is property that possibly may be acquired which is adjacent to the present property and, therefore, have traffic entering from Amethyst instead of 19th Street. Lloyd flubbs stated that Amethyst would be a solut on to the traffic problem but this would still be "spot zoning" and could cause future difficulty. Gary Hall, the west property owner, asked what h_e_c_ou_rcFdo to protect himself if this is approved to a commercial area, especially about machinery noise. Commissioner Garcia informed Mr. Hall that if "spot zoning" fs allowed some sort of provisions to protect the property owners would be address- ed. Robert Shibato, one of the owners of the property, clarified that the large equipment that had been on the property belonged to one of the partners and he is no longer affiliated with them. His business is offering plants from the grower to the public. Robert Shibato informed the Planning Commission that his entire family is in the plant business. They have a business located in Chino where these' 0 0 ti PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES -5- AUGUST 23, 1978 Plants are grown and brought over to 19th Street and sold. He further informed the Commissioners that they do raise ground cover and bedding plants at the nursery. Commissioner Garcia closed the public hearing after no Y-urther comments from the public. j MOTION: Upon motion by Commissioner Tols oy, seconded by Commissioner Jones, and unan mously carried it was voted to deny Zone Change No. 99 -66 and adopt Resolution No. 78 -03• wit h an amendment to the resolution to include an additional finding which states "that the proposed zone change does not conform to the ' proposed General Plan." MOTION: Upon motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy and unani- mously carried it was voted to deny the request for Site Approval No. 99 -66 based on improper zoning. 97 -82 - erc io catea on the east side of A r_hi alA Jack Lam pr W UC s on He reported is not cons is Plan and that cause land us problems. Fu proposal were owners. anted is report in detail, ile in the Planning Division. hat t proposed zone change ant ith the proposed General suc . "spot zoning" practices e c patibility and traffic r her, several objections to this r eived from surrounding property Commissioner Gar a opened the public hearing to allow the a pl cant and other interested persons speak on a project. Freda Shelle , the pplicant and owner of the subject ite to ated at 8239 Archibald, spoke on beValf of r project and explained the improvements that/ she would make to the project si.e if this zone change is approved. She stated that she p ans to use the site as a real es ate office Vnd it could accommodate another o fice. Joseph Gotta spoke on b half of Freda Shelley's project stated tha he would like to--'FFave the area changed to a co ercial zone because of the increased traffic noise. He further mentioned that people usually don't rent more than three (3) months at a time because of traffic noise. 1 E7P IN THE CITY OF PdNG1AG GLGAMONGA_ SAN DEKNALIPINO CouW -r - A C71N1647N of pdrGC6 1 1'4'rc:a MAP No- dl3q rdpCEM 144, .. lK 37 VO 61TY Or 1:1NGL1p GUOdMpNGA, 4dIJ C+6CIIA2bINp _. .. CWUNTY, G m,093J1A •rrp «nwY, e L C .•p.v /o dcf' c ��� 5e -O [anlRr R1• 9r[L � 1 1 +'1 71 G.Li 5 e� -dq -21 E. •- • �� r[uloNal. ral:l:. A 1 41TY mr, . - _ 7.1e- b6a1{y, _ owu�r: N�GtID, 6 % 45T 41Mr50N f536 w. s M4' AN49L"5A e"IP •nuv14 7l L. Colo) 614 -lgCp •• u7t�iTIES: - " .. �^•eTCr: cup4 rlANaa �uurr wA7rtc P,cr sIw LK: GI:Le MA NGa CeyNYY wITLS vKT: fbwLL 2 {pp T'd[Ry LA trIC. iPIfPN GA's 40YTMLCN Llhr, dl4 gyp, 71{Hr S Q[NC 1:JL• Y ►rl rlbNE. • > L.. =pNING I� I.dNp YbE Ned d• ,lipEA4E: r4i�rL•1 1.p6 - rAKCCL -2 • C.,9 TOTAL A- D. IANp: '�-• r{Pp {NTI•Y IN Ipd FIb 1.RP • RftJ rD vtNCTAeD '- -, b. Ilwpr - IA —'L Ta C,{ Ir�rRpvEP I" TFr NRAIC ►u7YRE. {I L4 Prina, � 1[•AN LN{GKLPF Fe rtANip IH(•imvLNltii AT Yids TINL. 'd, Fb Nnp roc +rrLUt— WII • aR 6[ptdy lCyl, lfY 11L0 ,.R{ R(aq[ /P ,'+�: O• YINP YSr- Yt4NT IF[Y +T%IAi. D .i M v a P I 1 t' r L� I �I � 1 1 no I �� ~ � Ip•1t� 1 Men, G t[s) NPTY, O`CWY Or 46•.App• "wrL l / \\ Alp W4 [AFT Ip,O \ 11 I li�M N�-6 W. I •\ pda�4 -le Ca.a9 Act•ES� 1_ rrG rti'41:0 7D'0 a rL• -.IEtY o 1n!cpy[H[LYS � 1 rrc Lerr.c[..t/.r 1 i, .. . -IpLD � r 0 Y d In = Y a Y 4 i I � � * z xy n o� F� 4 � � u v�