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1979/09/12 - Agenda Packet
,'.. I. .1 1. Y �I' it �,.� , . I j I •r IP.I' n 111 II 1 ••1 'I .1,.'' r! I�, 'r 1 ,,i r�1� 1,1 1, 1, 1 1 r1 r r i 11 1 I� 1 ' 'i � 1 1 1 1 '� r 1 1 ,,� i 1 v 1 ,• I� 1 1 r, � {. '� 1 � .1 I{ 1 � 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 u 1. r ,� ! Y 1 i.1 i.1 1 r�rYl ' I 1., 11 �'1 � 1 4 1 ( I1. � • i 1/11 1 1 11. 1'I 1 '` { 'r '1 ' 1. �' I 1 1 . 1 � I { 1 I� I 1 ' iigAlly. 1Y 1. 1+ l r ,1� ` I,• 1 I,,,d 11 1 Irrr.Y1 il./ ,, I �J {rl %:,111 1 �''11 1I ''� I'l .�r 1. il; 1,1 I, 11.1'1 • Y I kk I,i�r.'� VIII k k r �.I rli 111 1'I I 1 1,11 „1�. 1 rli, 1� 11111, r1.. II .'1i, 11 II R IYI i1` �,1 1' iriry .;1 .'. 1., , ,•I. 1� I r1 ,IP rJ 'Lr LC .11 1 •1. ,rr � . 111. r1ill ' , 111 r l�l ,r .I I 1\ V :;r.. ,r t +{(!1•r 7'mH777 }1(M'•lllv{Wi'l • vl'!"r 4M1,1+1' ( rtR'TwVl�nwa ` / LI 1 I LI (,l. U' ( v � I , 'v i t r. 1 ,LI 1 Y : • .. 1 ••, f 1 t r r I s ;1; 1 r' i' �i. 11 1♦ Ir� ” 1'. t Y' 1 I 1r� 1 t l� W RANCR) CUCAMONGA PLANNIE' 'MIMIS510N 'AJTlbiy AGENDA Wedneaday, September 12, 19790 7200 p.m. Carnelian Elementary School Multipurpose Room 7105 Carnelian, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. I. Pledge of Allegiance II. hull Call Commissioner Dahl Excused Commissioner Rompal X Commissioner Garcia X Commissioner Tolstt�y XX ACTION Commissioner Jones X III. Approval of Minutes Approved 4 -0 -1 Joint City Council /Planning Commission Meeting - August 29, 1979 IV. Consent Calendar Approved 4 -0 -1 A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 5499 - DAVIS AND �• DFMLER - The division of approximately 10 acres of land 4, located on the northeast corner of Turner and Sixth U Streets into 6 parcels. Approved 4 -0 -1 B. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR UNION STEEL PARCEL MAP - Dividing 289 acres of land located on the southeast corner of Haven and Foothill Boulevard into two lots. Approved Ran. 79 -58 V Public Hearings as proposed V. ,by staff 3 -1 -1 Garcia C. opposed to one amendment App. Res 79 -59 w /P.C, to 300 ac Hud phrase and stuff amendments 4 -0 -1 D. Recomend approval of project and negative declaration 4 -0 -1 negulating new resiaen y of Rancho Cucamonga. DECLARATION — Minor widening where required to obtain two lance of traffic each direction within the existing right -of -way on Baseline from Agate to Ilellman and Archibald to Cambridge. Improvementa may require reconstruction, A.C. overlay, arriping and A.C. berming. E. ZONE CHANGE NO. 79 -08 t; °.D NEGATIVE DECLARATION - MERIDIAN Approved 4 -0 -1 A change of zone from A -1 (Limited Agriculture) to M -2 (Heavy Indu3trial) for 38.56 acres of land located on.: the north side of Arrow, 1,300' east of I -15. } VI. Old Business Continuod to 9 -26 F. DEER CREEK PARK TAX CREDIT - A request for park tax' 4 -0 -1 credit for Tract 9582 -1. Planning CC lesion Agenda 4.» `j Suptember 129 1979 Page 7. VII. 'Now business VIII. Council Referrals IX. Directorte Reports k Presented °- review G. DESIGN RL'VIRW ORDINANCE - An ordinanco aatablinhing a and comment Design ROViaw Committee and criteria for architectural review or developmants tsithin the City of Rancho Cuca- N mongA (Request for Commission direction). Report given Ii. REPORT ON GENERAL PLAN PR06RAM - ORAL REPORT X. Public Comment - Anyone wishing to comment on any iLema not listed on the Agenda may do no at thin time. XI. Commission Comment XII. Upcoming Agenda for September 26, 1979 1. Oaneral Plan Amendments 2. Design Review Ordinance 3. Parcal Map 4773 - Kortepeter XIII. Adjournment - The Planning Commission has adopted Adminia- trative Regulations that set an lls00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, it shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. Adjourned 10:10 p.m.. to 9 -20 -79 at 7100 p.m. at the Community Building on Arrow Route. l� HANCNO CUCAMONGA 11 1.ANNINO'COMMISSION AGENDA Wednesday, September 12, 1979, 7100 p.m. Carnalian Elemantnry School Multipurpose Room 7105 Cnrnalion, Rancho Cuenmonga, Cnlif. I. Pledge of Allegiance e .rte L _k 11. • . (%MME , I II. Roll Call Commissioner Dahl Commissioner Rompal Commissioner Garcia Commissioner Tolstoy"_ Commisnioner Jones III. Approval of Minutes Joint City Council /Planning Commission Meeting - August 29, 1979 IV. Consent Calendar A. NL___'GATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP N0. 5499 - DAVIS AND DEMLER - Thn division of approximately 10 ncren of land located on the northeast corner of Turner and Sixth Streets into 6 parcels. B. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR ON STEEL PARi.Ln. MAP - Divi� ing 289 acres ofof land located on the southeont corner of haven and Foothill Boulevard into two lots. ' V. Public Hearings •.1 C. AN ORDINANCE AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION ESTABLISHING A GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN - Regulating now reaidgntial development in the City of Rancho Cu6nmonga. I I D. F.A.U. BASELINE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION - Minor widening where required to obtain { twu lasses of traffic each direction within the existing, right -of -way on Baseline from Agate to Hallman and. Archibald to Cambridge. Improvements may require 'a; reconstruction, 'A.C. overlay, striping and A.C. harming. E. ZONE. CHANGE NO. 79-08 AIM NEGATIVE DECLARATION - HERIDIA14 �( A change of zone from A -1 Limited Agriculture) to M -2 . (Heavy Industrial) for 38.56 acres of land located•on side Arrow, 1,300' of I -15.` the north of east VI. Old Business F. `DEER CREEK PAR1� TAX CREDIT - A request for park tax credit for Tract 9582 -1. 1 I S mnyry II 4 li, 2.' Design Review Ordinance 3. Parrel Map 4773 - Kortepeter n; XIII. Adjournment - The Planning Commission has adopted Adminis- trative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, it shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. f. y% L. {ly Planning Conmdnuion Agenda Saptember 121 1979 Page 2 VII. New Business VIII. Council Referrals IX. Director's Reports ll' ` G. DESIGN REVIEW OR0INANCH - An ordinance aotabliahlng a Design Review Comnittoo and criteria for architectural review or developments within the City of Rancho Cuca- monga (Request for Commission direction). r , �•-- RKP T ON MINCRAL PLAN PROGRAM - ORAL REPORT X. P lic mid�nC q Anyone wieriing to comment on any items not listed on the Agenda tray do so at thin time. XI. Commission Comment XII. Upcoming Agenda for September 26. 1979 1. General Plan Amendments 2.' Design Review Ordinance 3. Parrel Map 4773 - Kortepeter n; XIII. Adjournment - The Planning Commission has adopted Adminis- trative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, it shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. f. y% L. {ly , 1 f I ' ri 4 •1 III I Y 1 I F 111 III 1 i r 1 I 11'� 1, I' r, 1 ', � I ' '. 1 1 � • ,V r 1 I 1 1 �r 5 I 11. 1' 111'll � , I 1 1 1 I 1 1 • 1' Y � 1 1 p � 1( Iti 1 r� i11 I "{ Ili III ,III III 1'1 'III {III J \I'lyl 1 ''''1':y I r" 1. 1 i 1' J I • �r 1 Irl II 1 111' `1/1111 ! r I I I.I', 1 ':I 1 1 ��' 1 I. ' I 1 J I � •'�N+u i'� � I II�Ir "i , 1 � 1r 1 I, , 1� 1 �II • " ill 1� ) r ' 1 '''d , ,. I Ir y' '1 r' '11� II 'I.I .1. i I. ',. I' 'II' 1 Il � I. ,. 11• �� �:,1 ,�r 1 I }I �i�•1i• I' :'lII •1i'1 �Ji •I I .1 • ���� 11, x111 1, J �� 1�•II1.1•,!•. J 11.1. ' (. �• I 'I'.r,l' I 1 11', I i 1d '1 r, 1 1 :�•, 4.'..111 1. •'' y 1 I. . ' 3 V 1 •1� 1 v q +, n n ir. 1' FT. h U u I U,U U 1 1 11 t li .. tl l t I •' y' ' t •:, , .1`. '1. 1f.. 1. .'I �' �1t•.. �. .. 1 r � r 1.' r t r. 1, ... 1'. '., .� ,.�.. .. 0 0 CMP: STArF RECOMMMED MAROMII lieuolution 15 -59 14 Section 1 -A : changa minimum points from 4 to 5. (Drainage) 2. Section 1 -A(l): Chaugo from 4.points to 5 pointn, 3. Section 1 -A(2): Change from 10 points to 8 points. 4. Section 4: Change title to'P1.mned Communities and Planned Unit Developments (1 Add first aubtitle:' A. Planned Communities Add second aubti,tle and paragraph: 8.' Planned'Unit Developments (; "Planned Unit Developments (PUD's) which are not a part of an adopted Planned Community shall receive 1 point for each 5 acres of planned unit development not to exceed a total of 3 points for the entire project," 5. Section 7*- Orderly Development: Change from 3 point maximum to 6 points maximum. Resolution 79•-58 1. Section 5: Mandatory Criteria: Change last sentence first paragraph to read: "SAid criteria -*hall be met in the following order" 2. Section 5 -A: Add now sentence; "This criteria. shall. be met prior to meeting criteria D." 3. Section 5 -11: Add new sentence; "This certification shall be .obtained prior td aneeting criteria, C." 4. Section 6 -A: Delete 4th paragraph which begins "In the event school......" and replace by the following paragr:.pht "In the event school facilities and or water and sm+er facilities are not available to-meet the mandatory criteria conditions, the following system of priorities shall be established by the Community Development Director should said facilities become available: "All applications which pass the threshhold limit and receive approval within any single review perior shall receive priority rankii,g before those projects• approved in successive review periods. Within each single review period, however, the priority ranking.shall be based upon the higheot point rating above the threshhold limit. In the event a tie,- exists within the single review period, the priorit;,, ranking shall go to the project which receives approval first. In the event of further ties, the priority ranking hall go to the project which submitted a complete application first% 0 1 0 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE Orr TIIL CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A DESIGN REVIEW ORDINANCE AND L0TA13LISIIXNG A DESIGN REVIEW CONMIT'fEE The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, dean hereby ordain as followst SECTION l.Ot PURPOSES A. Tito City Council findo that a design review procoss will support the implementation of the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan, as it strosson quality urban design standards. The City Council further finds that the quality of certain raridontial, institutional, commercial, and industrial. uaeo has a substantial impact upon the visual appeal, onvi.ron- mental soundness, economic stability, and property values of the City. This Ordinance is not intended to restrict imagination, innovation or variety, but rather to focus on dzaign principles which can result in creative and imaginative solutions for the project and a quality design for the City. It is, therefore, the purpose of thin Ordinance tot 1. Recognize the interdependence of land values and aesthetics and provide a method by which the City may implement this interdependence to its benefit, 2. Encourago the ordorl7 and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City along with associated facilities, ouch as signs, landocaping, .parking areas, and streets. 3. Maintain the public health, safety, and general welfare, and property throughout.tho City. 4.' Assist private and public developments to be morn, cognizant of public•concerns for the aesthetics of developments. 5. 'Reasonably onsure.that new'dovelopinents, including rosidential, institutional, commercial and. industrial developments, do not have an adverse hq?th'eitigj� , health, safety or architecturally related; impact ' upon existing adjoining properties, or the City in general. 6. Implement those sections of the City's General Plan which specifically refer to the preservation and enhancement of the particular character and unique assets of thic City and its harmonious development. SECTION 2.01 CRPhTIONNppO�rF����TIM AMU 1014"T ItEvirw COMMITTEE A. A 3452W moot Review Committon (DRC) in hereby created and shall be responsible for the implementation and administration of this ordinance. 1. Componition The i ve!-kcpmaflt Review Committee shall conoint of three (3) members. Ono shall be the Director of Community Development or his donignoo and two shall be members of the Planning Conuniosion. 2. Appointment and Term of Office The Planning Commission shall elect two of its mambors to the DRC. The Director of Community Devulopment or his donignoo shall be the Secretary of the DRC. Of the first two Commission members appointed, one shall have a term of six (6) months and the other shall have a term of twelve (12) months. Thereafter, all Corms shall be twelve (12) monthb. 3. Removal from Office Any member of the Committee may be removed at any time by the Planning Commission. 4. Moctings The Design Review Committoo shall meat on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The Design Review Committee may arrange additional meetings at any time in order to process applications within required tine periods. S. Riules A simple majurity of members shall constitute a quorum. The Committee shall review a project in accordance with the Ordinance and shall file recommendations with the approving authority. Such reccmmandationo shall bu consolidated by the Planning Division of the Community Development Department no conditions for final approval. The DRC shall have the right to develop its own rules and rogulations for conducting its meetings in addition to developing and adopting design criteria and standards. SECTION 3.Ot JURISDICTION OF REVIEW A. The Design Review Committee shall have the authority to review the architecture and site plan elements of all residential, commercial; industrial developments which result in new devolopments, additions, remodelings, relocations, issuance of a building permit or which require a Conditional Use Permit, Site Approval or Director Review. The review can consider the use of design elements such as, but not limited to, exterior design and materials, landscaping, architecture, site plan relationships, grading, signs, wall or buffering 3� ? i t; �" . techniques, Only residential projootn consisting of four (4) or more units shall be copsidered by the Committee. Nousu relocations shall be reviewed by tho, Committoo. SECTION 4.Ot DESIGN CONSIDMUlTIONS A. The DRC shall review all projects covered by thin Ordinance, considor)ng such design aspects an the relationship of building to sitot the relationship of building and nito to surrounding arcat landscape and site treatmontt building design and matorialal signs; and miscellaneous structures and street furniture. The roconmondations of the DRC will be based upon the project conforming to the following critoriat 1. The design and layout of the proposod development in consistent with the applicable elements of the City's Gonaral Plan and any adopted architoctural criteria for epocialimad area, such as dosignatud historic districts, thomo areas, specific plans, community plan, boulovnrds, or planned developments. 2. The design and layout of the proposed development will accommodate the functions and activities that are proposed for the property, will not unreasonably intorfero with the use and enjoyment of neighboring assisting or future developmental and will not create traffic or pedestrian hazards. 3. The architectural design of the proposed development is compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and that all reasonably design efforts have boon made to maintain the harmonious, orderly and r,ttractive development contemplatod by this Ordinance and the General Plan of the City. 4. The design of the proposed de,.rolopment would provide a desirable environment for its occupants and visiting public as well as its neighbors and that it is aesthetically of good composition, materials, texture and color that will remain aesthetically appealing and will retain a reasonably adequate level of maintenance. SECTION S.O: PROCEDURE A. An applicant shall submit t'ne appropriate application, as required by the Zoning Ordinance, an application fee as set by the City Council, and required materials as specified in the filing requirements set forth by the Director of Community Development, to the Planning Division on or before the filing deadline. Once an application has been accepted, it will be scheduled for the first available Design Review Committee meeting and the applicant will be notified of the the time and place of each meeting. All plans and applicable' materials will be distributed to all members and support staff of the DRC a week prior to the scheduled meeting, r, M D. The Design Iluviow Committos shall moot with the appli- cant to review and discuss tho•proposed projoct, and ito conformity with thin Ordinance. Tito DiiC may formulate recommendations on tine design of the project relative to tiro criteria listed in this Ordinance or any other design criteria or duvolopmont standards an adopted by tine City of Rancho Cucamonga. such recommendations shall be filed in the project file to become final conditions of approval. In addition, the applicant shall receive written notice of such recommendations. C. If, after review by the DRC, the Committee fools that the project needs substantial revision, the project review may be continued by the DRC to enable the applicant to mako appropridto changoo and alterations. The appiioar,t shall receive written notification of such decision and tine date when the DRC will moat again to zoviow the project. SECTION G.Ot APPEAL SECTION 7.0+ A. Whore a project application has boon acted upon by the Director of Community Development, and the applicant or any interested parson is aggrieved by the action, may file an appeal to tits Planning Commission. The appeal shall state whortdn the action of the Director of Community Developmont are not consistent or in conformance with the provisions of this Ordinance. At a regularly scheduled meeting, the Planning Conmtiesion may affirm, modify or reverse the recommendations of the DRC. Decisions by the Planning commission are appealable to the City Council using the some procedures. A. No building pormit, for the construction of any building or project described in this ordinance, may be issued until the Design Review Committee has reviewed the project for conformance with this Ordinance, design criteria, and development standards as adopted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. D. Further, prior to final inspection or occupancy, the completed project must he inspected by the Planning Division for compliance with the conditions of approval. No occupancy permit shall be issued unless all elements are completed accords -ng to the approved plane. If.for any reason this cannot be accomplished, a cash deposit shall be submittod by the developer to ensure compliance. I 1 1 � i t r '' 1 � �' �✓ 1 1 • 1 1 1 � I. l i i" � r I r '. j'. . 1 ( 1 1/ 1 1 i ., I i 11 / • r' 1 � i � i� , L. �'. ,tll I � r 1�.' I 1 1 rl . r 1 1 1 IJ ' rl. ti � „• I,. 1. � '1 r �1 I• q' I �. i. i�l� 1 �, ' ,.,� f 1'r 1 1 I fl I .1. 1 ' ' i 11 � �i. �'. �j 1 ' `• � I 1 �i 1 I ! 11 I' , f' � 1 r�, rl 1 7.1 �'II II '.�.( 1 1 / 1 1 1 I•,I fl, ,', '1 1 � ,'� Ir. ',1 '' � i •r 1 :.If J r If i ' '. 1 � d 1•' ,.l 1 .1.• '11. "r' 11 � 1 t' . N " Il 1 .,1 �.. 'n l p��I�. fir•'. 1 i ' ' 1 ,1 i'rl • 1 't',':�' t , Id iU ! tt�.l 1 � y11. 1'1 • .'.t I 1 ••� , ' , �' - • 't'• 1 Ali '�i • 1': ' I j .1 "l r 1 1 { tl n 1`Irll III ..t a i' < t� 1; I 1 1 � i. l~1 + 1 I ' `:i:; Lr:.e 1�..� 1 -.?.. ' e• -• t'. \J 1 1 i.l ( - ♦ 1 I. t 1 • 1 .j1 '1 1/ 1..:1 1� t ", .i / r ;. t I / i. .1'1 •1 t 1' 1 � I f 1 ., „<. 111 r ` 1 • 1' 1;. � / -y'1 t ' ' ' � r 1 F � �� t r 1 :� CALL TO ORDER 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA JOINT CITY COUNCIL PIND PLANNING COMIISSZON'METING MINUTES AUGUST 29, 1979 The Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was called to order at 7 :15 p.m. by Planning Commission Chairman Merman Hempel and Mayor James Frost, Approximately 100 people were present. ROLL, CALL PRESENT: City Council - Mayor Frost, Councilman Bridge, Councilman Schlosser, Councilman Mikela ADSFNT: City Council - Councilman Palombo PRESENT: Planning Comminsion •• Chairman Rempol, Commissioner Dahl, Commissioner Jones, Commissioner Tolatoy A13SENT: Planning Commission - Commissioner Garcia f4 A k PUBLIC MEETING PRESENTATION OF SITE PLAN FOR THE WILLIAM LYON PROJECT "VICTORIA" Project Manager Gary Frye introduced representatives of major interests in the project. Among those mentionea were: Bill Lyon, Executive Director Peter Ochs, President of William Lyon Jim MacNamara, Treasurer for William Lyon Joe DiIorio, Rancho Cucamonga Land Company John Cole, Cole Company Two Representatives from the Hahn Company After the introductions, Don Tompkins, from the S.W.A. Group made formal presentation using a slide show. After the presentation, the public was encouraged to ask questions. It was pointed out that this presentation was preliminary and that a great deal of work must be done before the project becomes reality. Specifically, all engineering and environmental questions have to be addressed. There being no further business, upon motion by Councilman Schlosser and seconded by Mikels, the City Council adjourned its meeting at 9:00 p.m. to their regular meeting on September 5, 1979. Upon Motion by Peter Tolatoy and seconded by Laura Jones, the Planning Commis - eion adjourned at 9:04 p.m. to their study session on September 60 1979 at the Rancho Cucamonga Library Conference Room. '11 i v n Dater Tot Proms Cubjectt 0 CITY ON RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM Soptonber 12, 1979 Planning Conmisaton Jack Lam, Director of Community Development ZONIIJU UaU1NANGL M7LNUMLHE M). /Y -U:/ - rIANrIM UUMMUaLIX ORDINANCE — Request to amend tha Zoning Ordinance to add a Planned Community Ordinance for the development and planning of large tracts of Lard ABSTRACTt Attached herein is a copy cf the proposed Planned Community regulations for your review and comment. We wish to proceed rapidl-v with the adoption of the ordinance in order to provido the legal backing for the two Commurity Plans, Terra Vista and Victoria, currently underway. We have reserved the Community Building located on Arrow Route near Archi- bald for a Study Session at 7:00 p.m., September 20, 1979. The Ordinance has been scheduled for September 26, 1979 Planning Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Adjourn the Planning Commi IIh maetin of Se tcmbe 121 1979 to the Comnunity Building on Arrow ute, September 200 r79 at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully uubmitted, Community Development JL:BKR:nm Attachment: Planned Community Ordinance ha , uh'/ii 1 '. ` . M is M PLANNED COMMUNITY ZONE SECTION It PURPOSES A. The Planned Community Zone is included in the toning regulations to achieve the following purp000n: 1. To promote and protect tha public health, safety, and welfare. 2. To implament the objectives and policies of the General Plan. 3. To safeguard and enhance onvirommnntal amenities and the quality of development. 4. To attain the physical, social, and economic advantages resulting from comprehensive and orderly planned use of land resources. 5. To loosen congestion and assuro convenience of access; to secure safety from fire, flood, and other dangers; to provide for adequate light, air, sunlight, and open spaca; to promote and encourage conservation of scarce rosoureoa; to prevent overcrowding of land and undue concentration of population; to facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive, and harmonious community; to attain a desirable balance of residential and employment opportunities; and to expedite the provision of adequate and essential public services. G. To facilitate dovolopmont within the City in accord with the General Plan by permitting greater flexibility and encouraging more creative and imaginative designs for major urban development projects subject to large -scale community planning. 7. To promote more economical and efficient use of the land while providing a harmonious variety of housing choices and commercial and industrial activities, a high level of urban amenities, and preservation of natural and oconic qualities of open space. S. To provide s process for initiation, review, and regulation of large -scale comprehensively planned urban communities that affords the maximum flexibility to the developer within the context of an overall development program and specific, phased development plans coordinated with the provision of necessary public services and facilities. SECTION 2: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. A Planned Community Zone may be established upon application of,a property owner, Section 61.0221 of the San Bernardino County Code as adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and subject to the following provisions; 1. Submission of a Development Plan for approval by the Planning Commission and City Council, pursuant to this ordinance. 2. Determination by the Council that the establishement of the zone and approval of the Development Plan shall: a. Provide for the development of a comprehensively - planned urban community within the zone that is superior to development other - wise allowable under alternate regulations. -2- It. provide for development within the cone Ina nmnnor consistent with the General Plan and'with related development and growth management policies of the City. c. Provide for the construction, improvement, or extension of trans- portation faeilition, public utilities, and public services required by development with the zone. D. A Planned Community 'Lone shall include a minimum area of 500 acres, under single ownership or otherwise subject to unified planning, construction, and development by a person, corporation, or other entity. SECTION 31 USE REGULATIONS A. Allowable uses in each Planned Community Zone shall be as ootablighod by the Development Plan approved by the City Council. The development Flnn may incor- porate uses by reference to specific baso zone provisions, or may establinh specific use lists with definitions pertaining thereto. D. Existing uses within the Planned Community Zone at the time of its establishment shall be doomed allowable and incorporated in the Development Plan, or shall be subject to requirements for termination, discontinuance, or change pursuant to a specific time schedule incorporated in the Devolopment Plan. C. Unless otherwise provided by the Duvolopmont Plan, public utility facilities and publicly -owned facilities shall be allowable subject to a Conditional Una Permit. D. Unless otherwise provided by the Development Plan, accessory dwellings and temporary uses par Section 61.0219 of tha San Bernardino County Code as adopted by ordinance 17 shall be allowable subject to Director Review. E. Unless otherwise provided by the Development Plan, accessory uses or facilities shall be subject to the same use regulation provisions no the principal use or facility. F. Unless specified as subject to a Conditional Use PormLt, each allowable use in the Planned Community Zone shall be subject to Director Review. SECTION 4t SITE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS A. Each Planned Community Zone vnd all uses therein shall be designed and developed in a manner compatible with and complementary to existing and potential develop- ment in the general vicinity of the zone. Site planning on the perimeter shall provide for the mutual protection of the zone and surrounding property from potential adverse influences. D. There shall be no minimum area, width, or depth requirement for individual lots, except as established by'a Development Plan, a Specific Plan, Community Plan, a Conditional Use Permit, Dirac-,or Review or by Location and Development Plan. C. There shall be no minimum yard requirement for individual lots, except as established by a Development Plan, a Specific Plan, Community Plan, a Conditional Use Permit, Location and Develcpment Plan, or by Director Review. D. There shall be no maximum height or coverage requirement for individual lotus except as established by a Development Plan, a Specific Plan, Community Plan, a Conditional Use Permit, Location and Development Plan or by Director Review. -3- E. There ahul.l be no minimum usable open apace requirement for individual lcts, exonpt as sntabliahad by a Davolopmont Plan, a specific Plan, Community Plan, a Conditional Uso Permit, Location and• Development Plan or by Director Rovi.aw P. The maximum number of dwelling units within and Planned Community 'Lone shall not exceed tine number of unite indicated by ti:e Conoral Plan for proporty within the zone designated for residential use by the Oonoral Plan, provided that the dintribution of units within the mono and the maximum or minimum residential density on any individual site or within designated portions of the mono shell be governed by the Development Plan, or by any, specific Plan, Community Plan, Location and Development Plan, Conditional Una Permit, or Director Review approval pursuant to the Development Plan. d. Additional site development regulations and performance standards applicable to individual uses or to designated portions of a Planned Community Zone may _ be established by the Development Plan, or by any specific Plan, Community Plan, Conditional Use Permit, Location and Development Plan, or Director Roviow approval pursuant to the Development Plan. SECTION 5: PRE - APPLICATION PROCEDURE A. Prior to submitting an application for a Planned Community Zone, the applicant or prospective developer should hold preliminary consultations with the Director of Community Development and other city officials to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments incurring substantial expense in the preparation of plane, survoys and other data. Such preliminary consul- tations should be relative to a conceptual development plan which includes, but in not limited to, the following: 1. Proposed land uses to be developed within the zone. 2. Development conceptA to be employed. 3. Schematic maps, illustrative material, and narrative sufficient to describe the general relationships between land uses, and the intended design character and scale of principal features. 4. A preliminary time aehodula for development, including quantitative measures, such as population, housing units, building floor area, land use acreage, and other data sufficient to illustrate phr.Liag of development and potential impact on public service requiromonlm. H. Following initial preliminary consultations pursuant to this section, the Director may require submission of a competently prepared housing market analysis, demonstrating the demand for and marketability of one or more types of residential use contemplated within the proposed zone. Such analysis may be requested as a part of the pro- application review procedure, or may be made a requirement for submission of an application for a Planned Community Zone. C. Following initial preliminary consultations puruuant to this section, the Director may require submission of a competently prepared commercial market analysis for any proposed shopping center or major commercial uses, showing the need for such uses in the location requested and the inadequacy of existing zoned sites to meet this need. the market analysis hall include, but not be limited to, the followings -4- 1. Datorminnt•ion of potential trade area. 2. Lotimatoo of exinting and futurn population of the trade area. 3. Determination of existing and potential effective buying power in the trade area. 4. Determination of the not potential customer buying power for the proposed commercial development. Such analysis may be requested no a part of the pro - application review proeo- dure, or may be made a requirement for submission of an application for a Planned Community Zone. D. Following initial preliminary consultation pursuant to this section, the Director may require presentation of the conceptual development plan to the Planning Commission. such presentation shall be for informational purposes only, and shall be in addition to subsequent public roview roquiroments pursuant to an application for a Planned Community zone and submission of a Duvolopmont Plan. SECTION 6, DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. The Development Plan to be submitted with an application for a Planned Community Zone shall include the followings 1. A boundary survey map of the property and a calculation of the gross land area within the proposed zone. A tentative subdivision map may be substituted if the applicant proposes to subdivide the property. 2. A topographic map and conceptual grading plan for the property and adja- cent land within 100 fact of the property, shown at contour intervals not to exceed 2 feet. 3. Maps and supporting tabulations showing the current General Plan land use designation, the curron". zoning classification, and the current land use within the proposed zone and on adjacent sites within 300 fact. The location of structures any nthor significant improvements shall be shown. 4. A land use plan identifying areas within the proposed zone and uses to be developed therein, supported by proposed or projected acreage, population, housing units, building floor area, employment, and such related planning and development data as the Director of Community Development may require. S. A development phasing plan and schedule, indicating areas to be developed in phases and tho anticipated time schedule for beginning of construction and for completion of each phaso of development. The Development Plan shall coordinate improvement of open spaces and tho construction of build- ings and other improvements to ensure that each stage of development achieves a proportionate share of the total open space, amenities, and environmental quality of the zone as a whole. G. A circulation plan, showing existing and proposed public and private streets, pedeatrianwaya, trails, and related transportation access or circulation features required to serve the proposed development. The ;'•, circulation plan shall be supported by schematic designs of principal traffic and circulatior improvements, and such traffic engineering data an required by the Director to demonstrate that existing and proposed fauilition both within and outside the zone shall b* adequate to nerve Sand uses �roponcd by the Development Plan. 7. A preliminary report and overall plan douoribing anticipated require - monts and proposed means of providing utility facilities and public services, including but not limited to atorm drainage, nowago disposal, water supply, parks and recreation, and achonl facilities. ©. An accompanying text hotting forth the basic land use regulations, site development regulations, and performance standards designed to govern each use aroa identified by the land use plan. 'rho text need riot incor- porato the came level of detail as found in the regulations for base zones, but shall be no comprehensive an necessary to establish basic provisions and regulations which shall govern nubooquont approval of - specific plans. The text shall include but not be limited to the following provinionat a. A listing of allowable uses within each use area, including ouch qualifying descriptions or definition* and requirements for Condi- tional Una Permits an may be applicable. b. Maximum and minimum regulations, as appropriate, governing residential density, building floor arse, site coverage, lot size and dimensions, yard requirements, unable open space, landscaping, and performance standards. c. Required yards, landscaping, or other site development regulations to be applicable adjacent to other zones at the perimeter of the Planned Community Zone. 9. A test, with supplemental illustrations no required, establishing the basic architectural character and community environmental design qualities to be attained throughout the Planned Community Zone and within particular portions of the zone. 10. Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the land to effectuate the proposed plan. 11. All public streets within or abutting the development shall be dedicated and improved to City specifications for that particular classification of street. Private streets within the davolonment shall be permanently reserved and maintained for their intended purpose by means acceptable to and enforceable by the City. Other forms of access, such as pedestrian ways, courts, plazas, driveways or open parking lots shall not be offered for dedication. 12. All development within a Planned Community Zone shall relate harmoniously to the topography of the site, shall make suitable provision for the preservation of water courses, drainage areas, wooded areas, rough torrain, and similar natural features, and shall otherwise be so designed as to use and retain such natural features and amenities to the best advantage. 13. Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioners, antennas, pumps, heating or cooling or ventilating equipment, exterior ligating, or similar equipment shall be located and operated in a manner so as not to r unroaeonably disturb tho ponce, quiet, and comfort of neighboring rasidonts. Excluding roof- mountod nolar colloutor patrols and docorativb exterior, lighting* all such equipment and devices andll be noruonod from viow from any abutting atroot, and ahn11 not ba located in a street yard. 14. All areas for storage of maintonanco equipment, and all uarvica nroaa including refuse utorago and collection faai'litias, shall be ancloned by a fence, wall* or landnoapo screen. 15. All unou within a Planned Community 'ono shall provide off-street parking and loading facilities pursuant to 61.0219(b) of the San Bernardino County Code an adopted by Ordination 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 16. The proposed moans for assuring continuing oxistanco, maintenance and operation of the various common elements and facilities. If a community asnociation or aimilir govosni.g structure is to be ostablichod, a copy of the covonents, conditions u.ad raotrictions (C.C. and R. 'a) shall be made a part of the record. If the City Council dooms it nocconary* upon advice of tha Ciey Attorney, the City shall be a party to such C.C. and R.'s in ordur to ensure their continuance and enforceability. The Council may require that open space easements be convoyed to the City. 17. Such other information an may be required by the Director of Community Devolopment, tire Planning Commission, or the City Council to permit com- plete analysis and appraisal of the development, and to facilitate adoption of the Plannei Community Zone and the Development Plan by the City Council. SECTION 7* ADOPTION OF ZONE AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. An application for a Planned Community Zone and the Development Plan submitted with the application shall be subject to review and approval in the same manner as proscribud in Section 61.0221 of tiro San Bernardino County Code as adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. B. Each Planned Community Zona established shall be indicated on the Zoning Map by the latter "PC" followed by a reference number idei:tifying each separate zone. The Development Plan, as modified and approved by the City Council, shall be considered to be a part of this ordinance, and shall he identified by reference to the corresponding designation of each SpocitAc Planned Community Zone on the Zoning Map. SECTION Ss AMENDMENTS TO DEVELOPMENT PLANS A. A Development Plan may be amended in the same manner as provided by Section 61.0221 of the San Bernardino County Coda as adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga for a change of zone boundaries or for a change in the regulations applicable with a zone. Amendment of a Development Plan shall be subject to the same findings as prescribed for initial enactment of a Planned Community Zone and adoption of the Development Plan applicable to the Planned Community Zone. B. An amendment to a Development Plan may be initiated by the City Planning Commission or the Council, or may be initiated by the original applicant for the Planned Community Zone or a successor thereto, provided such applicant or successor has, at the time of application for an amendment, a continuing controlling interest in development or management of uses within the Planned Community Zone. �fµ'l• �I .q- SECTION 91 MVIGW OM DEVELOPMENT Pri00IMSS 11 A:' Thn Director of Community Development shall review each Planned Community Zone Annually, and ohhll oubeit a report to the Planning Commioaion and City Council containing the followings 1. A nunmary of the development status within the rona and an aenonomont of progroos during the year toward completion of dovolopmont authorizod by the Dovo'.',opmont Plan including adherence to dovolopmont sehadulas and phoning. 2. A utatoment of any changes in land uoo and economic development trends, housing market indiontoro, eoamoreial and industrial dovele pment rates, or progrhms for provision of public facilitiao and sarvicou, which in the opinion of the Director vary significantly from those upon which the Development Plan were banal, and which could affect adversely continued progress toward completion of development within the zone. D. A copy of the annual report of the Director ohall be provided to the applicant and to ouch other intorented parties or oucconsorn au doomed appropriate by the Director. C. If, upon conoidaration of the report of the Dizector, the City Council or Planning Commission determines that changes in the Davolopment Plan may be appropriate, the Council or Planning Comminnion may initiate such changes pursuant to Section 0 of thin Ordinance. 1.2.50 I"OLUTION NO. 79-50 0 A RECOLUTION Olr THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISDION RECOMMENDING A RESIDENTIAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN '1'0 REGULATE NEW RE©IDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE CI':Y Cr RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, it is the goal of the City of Ranche Cucamonga to prepare and adopt a comprehensive Growth Management Plan setting forth the manner In which residential development p- t,jeeto may be developed no no to provide adequate levels of public services and to achieve a 0001011, economic and onvironmontul balance within the Cityt WISERBAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and uonaidored the Growth Management Plnn and all testimony and comments pertaining to it and finds the Growth Management Plan to be adequate in scope and content and recommends approval by the City Council. SECTION It PURPOSE AND PRIORITY A. Findings 1. Unmanagod residential growth in the City of Rancho Cucamonga can overburden elementary, junior and senior high schools in the conununity. 2. Unmanaged residential growth can strain public services and result in the impairment of the health, safety and welfare of Rancho Cucamonga. 3. Haphazard and disorderly growth ' patterns adversely affout the City's and public agency's ability to provide adequate public services for all devolopmonts. A. Minimal architectural and site design criteria of residential development can create a "tract" appenranco in the community. Such an appearknce detrimentally affects the physical character and imago of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. rurthor, lack of landscaping and design sensitivity can diminish the environmental quality and economic wall being of the community. S. Continuo4 unmanaged growth can seriously impair the City's ability to carry out the goals and policies of the General Plan and can adversely affect the hoalea and welfare of the Comriunit }. H. Purrose A Growth Management Plan is dneigned to implement certain primary.goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan. These goals constitute the purpose of a Growth Management Plan and are as follower all 1. To preserve and enhance the physical character of the ,. community.. ;t. To provido adequate uchoal focilitiou for all existing and future rocidontiol development in the City of ttanci,o Cucamonga. :1. To help onsure that ndoquate levels of public luurvicto are provided for oxistimi and future dovolopmonit• in thn City of Rancho Cucamonga, 1. To onauro that minimum design quality in new duvolop• monts ir. provided to entrance the aouthotic, onviron- mont:al and economic wall being of the communitpP. 9. To encou,rago use of enorgy conservation tochnir;jas in now rotri dontiasl devulopmont. d. Z, help maintain and improve levels of City administra- tivo sorvicos. 7. To encourage orderly dovelopmont• of residoneas within areas more readily nerved by public uorvicoo. (I. To encourage the dovolopriant of master planned projects which provide the ourvico needs of the rooidents of those projects. S). To provide a variety of housing typos and encourage affordable housing. C. Scope This ordinance shall apply to all residential development projects in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as defined in Section 2. SECTION 2s DEFINITIONS For purposes of this ordinance, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated: 1 11 City - City in this ordinance rofors specifically to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Mandatory Criteria - 'Criteria considered essential for all residential davelopmont. Residential Development Project - Any development which will ros.-lt in the subdivision of residential lots or the construction of now residential dwelling units including single family, multi- family, apartments, condominiums, townhouses, master planned developments, modular units, condominium conversions of dwelling units which have not been built prior to the effective date of this ordinance, mobilehome parks, etc., which require review by application of this ordinance. Residential Assessment System - The measuring device, provided by Resolution of the City Council and adopted concurrently ,herewith, which is composad of a number of rating criteria used for assigning point ratings to proposed rosidential projects. " r ,f r• 0 0 Thronhold Point Limit - Tile minimum number of points A project is required to receive u0nr the nouidontial As0000roant System in order to receive conoidoration for'approvol. ' ' SECTION 31 EXEMPTIONS The following projocto shall be specifically exempt from :h: provisiona of thin ordinances A. Single family, duplex and triplex dnvelopment•.a involving a total of Your (4) units or luau provided that any much application on a parcol shall be on u ono time banio only for a two yoar'poriod from the date of issuance of a building permit for tine lnst unit on said parcel'. D. Ronidontial land dovisiona involving four (4), lots or loon provided that any ouch application on a parcel having Lilo Demo zoning district shall be on a one time basis only for a two year period from the data of iosuanc o of a building permit for the lant unit of the project. Subdivisions noparating parcels having 6iffororst zoning districts shall be exempt from the provisions of thin ordinal. ^o. C. Government subsidi -hod senior citi.zern housing projects. D. Ronowablo building por.•mita issued prior to the effective date of this ordinance. E. Condominium conversions of dwelling units built prior to the effective data of thin ordinance. SECTION 41 APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND FGaS A. Application An application for a residential project shall be made to the Community Development Department of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on a form provided by the City. Such application shall contain the following information and be accompanied by thsi "following' documontsi 1. Site Utilization Map including: a. Vi.ci.nity Map to show the relationship of the proposod d, opmont to adjacent development and surrounding area (small inset map). b. Use Layout Map showing the location and type of proposed residential use or uses, the nature and extent of open space, the axtent of any other uses proposed and an indication of all adjacent uses. 2. Detailed Site Plan to include detailed information speci- fied in forms provided by the Community Development Department. 3 Illustrative Site Plan to include proposed and existing' r improvements, landscape concepts and other elements as may bs necessary to illustrate the site plan. A. Preliminary Architectural Plan showing typioals of All sides of proposed buildings and atructuran indicating materials to be unade trann, landscaping, and ahadowu to give elevations graphic dimension. 5. Conceptual grading And drainage plan And natural foat•uran map showing a general indication of typo, oxtent, and time of grading as per requirements of the City's Grading Ordinance. S. Development Schedule of proponed project including phasing. 7. Such other information as may be required by the Community Dovolopnant Director. D. Face Although no growth management review fees will be anananod any residential devalopnent project, the normal fees for subdivisions, director reviews, site approvalo,:appeals# extensions, etc., shall be assessed as par City Council Resolution No. 70 -75. Said foes shall be non - refundable even in the avant the threshold point limit is not met. SECTION 5: MANDATORY CRITERIA Certain residential development criteria are considered essential to ensure General Plan consistency and adequate public services for each residential project. In the avant services are not available to developers, the buildar, building associations and other individuals and groups are encouraged to work with the school districts and other special districts to solve respective problems in orlor that sorvieon may be available for development. The Director of Community Development shall ensure that certain criteria are met prior to final approval of any residential development project subject to vhe provioione of this ordinance. Such criteria shall ha placed as conditions of approval which must be mot prior to approval of a final map for a subdivision or prior to issuance of building permits for rnsidontial dovelopm nt pro actti thox thgn,gubdivieion�s�. Said criteria shall ia.wiw..ioib+M, A. The proposed project must be consistent with the General Plan. D. The applicant shall submit to the Community Development Director written certification from all affected elementary school districts And the Chaffoy Union Joint High School District that adequate school facilities or proposed future school facilities are or will be capable of accommodating students generated by the proposed project. C. The applicant shall submit to the Community Development Director written certification from the Cucamonga County Water District that adequate sower and water facilities are or will be available to servo the proposed project. For projects using septic facilities allowable by the 'Santa Ana Regional Quality Control Board and the City, written certification of acceptability inbl ing all �4 t, supportive information shall be obtained. - i SECTION GI REVIEW AND PROCOGINO PROCEDURCS rOR REOIDIWrthL DEVELOPMEtil' A. Establishment of t% Roeidontial Assossmant SYctcm All applications for roO dontial development projects shall be rated by the Community Uavolopmont Director pursuant to a Residential Asuosnment Syntbn adopted by the City Council. • Such Residential Assessment Oyatbo adopted by thu Council shall establish five (5) bani.o categories and cacti category shall be nosignod a maximum total Pointe which will then be divided into cub- catogorios for rating putt -oeea. The five (5) basic categories upon which cacti application will be rated are Public Services, Denign Quality, Affor&nble Housing, Planned Community, and Orderly Development. J, V)i 1pV �P .pro, tp Projects shall be evaluated under tb„ Itosidential - Amee.ae:.;nt System Tri- annually by the Community Development Diructor. Application submittal doadlino dates and r7low dates ahall be as followal � i Roviaw Period 1 - Docembor 1, 1979 - March 31, 1900 Application f3.ing period - November 15, 1979 - December 31, 1979. i Review Period 2 - April It 1900 - duly 31, 1900 Application filing period . April 1, 1900 - April 31, 1900 Review Period 3 - August 1, 1900 - Novomber 310 19OU Application filing period - August 1, 1900 - August 31, 1900. A Threshold Point Limit shell be established by the City Council as part of the Residential Ansasumont System. This Threshold Point Limit shall constitute the minimum number of points a project is required to achieve if it is to be given any further consideration for app,coval. In the event school facilities and /or water and sewer ®cilities are not available for approved projects during fa tri- annual review period, the Community Development Director shall establish a nastor priority list for those projects at the and of such period. Allocation of availaole facilities shall be granted to those projects which have the highest paint total on the master priority liat. In case of a tic, allocation shall be granted to the project(s) which received approv-�i first. Residential development projects shall be plaued on the master priority list 'of the tr. annual review period during which they were approved. Within (5) days after the point rating determination of the Community Development Director, the Director shall cause a written notice to be mailed (certified) to the applicant stating the point rating for his residential project and whether his application has received the required Threshold Point Limit for further consideration by the Planning Commission. 0 U. A21 Dal of Ratings Ratings of applications which require tho approval of the Community Dovolopmont Director may be appoolad to tho Planning Commission by any aggrieved person or body, public or private, within fourteen (14) days after the mailing of said written notion. The decision of the Planning Commission of any such appeal may be appealed to t)te City Council by any aggrieved party in the came manor and time limitations no are not forth for the filing of mn appeal with the Planning Commission. The docision of the City Council shall be final. SECTION 71 PIAtJNINO COMt1ISSI0N n view Applications subject to the provisions of thin ordinance and subject to Planning Commission review and approval shall be evaluated in torma of environmental review and clearance, subdivision review pursuant to the State Subdivision Map Act, and residential development project review pursuant to the Growth Management Plan. Tile Plonning Coimaisaion shall approve or deny the project after said review. The Planning Commission shall aloo hoar appeals of point ratings an described in Section GB. SECTION Bt BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE No buildinq permits shall be issued for any rosidential dwelling unit which is subject- to the provisions of this Ordinance without approval an provided horain, provided hownver, that nothing in this Ordinance shall be doomad or intended to c brogato or annul any prior residential development project approval lawfully issued and in affect on the data of the effectiveness of this Ordinance with respect to an already approved building permit, land division or sito plan including all residential development projects submitted for plan check unless time limits of such approvals described above have been exceeded in which cane such projects are subject to the provisions of the Growth Management plan. SECTION 91 TIME LIMITS FOR APPROVAL A. Expiration of Approval The following provision shall apply to applications for Residential Development Projects except an specifically exempted by Section 3 of thin ordinance. Residential development projects approved after the offoctive date of this Ordinance shall expire after twelve (12) months from date of approval. B. Extension of Tentative Subdivision Approval A person who has filed a tentative subdivision may request an extension of approval or conditional approval from the Planning Commission by written application to the Community �. Development Department. Such extonsion request application r Y must be flied at least sixty (60) days before the approval 0 ! or oonditlon►1 approval in dun to axpirae. Thnt kppliontion nhaal uotltai^ 'n 'etntuaa,nt of the reasons for tho axtansion and m dnl:miled doocr ;.%ition of the progrsno ►n6,dm towards mooing till the contl,.tiono Tor final approval. If an i+xtnnaiotl is grantod, now aanditicns mail bit Imposed and ilxiatinil odntAtions Inky be raviood by the PiemmLng Commission. Any ox ;t,rieict, 7f it e-.►lxlivinion stutll not e)COeotL a period Of 4i11(4,tuan (101, mont:hm, SECTION LOt 'ANNUAhPEV1101 AN11 H(P1P'&j(ON Thin ordlna)cs shell. 1)e xaWiliwod annuntly by 11-ho City Caurril and 111annLng Commission and shalll, be )f to further force or affect 1114:4tr. A p61-0103 of five (5) yearn from thm tlato of adoption of thin Ordinance, tud,oso extondad by Ordinance of the tlilr/ Coanc)J;t SECTION 111 EWVIRCINIIENTAtt R1"FlItif The Itancno Cucamonga Planning) Commisorlon hall found„ bksed on rovinw of the Initial Ftlttly, that this projoct wii.l not croo-we eI 41SIn!.E:xant advarso impact on the on.vironmont and recoms)anda the, .lsuuanco of a Nwlal :lvo DoCllaration by the city. Council. SECTION 171 OTHER I,9WEy- OaD111k5 A11r), OPD111ANCES Nothing Jrt this Ordinance mull]. to deemed to affect, annul or abrogate any other laws or ordlimmincas po:.taining or applicable to thitipropol:tiea and areas affaeted by thin Crdl.nlmoe, nor shall it bit doenled to (:onlliet with any Static lawn, ordors cr requirmmonts affecting such p,ropot:ti,ro or areas. In the event that: a conflict dodo arise, the morn rostr,lctiva )rdindnca shall apply. SECTION I31 SEVERADIL :ETY The inval.idity of any word, section, clauao, paragraph, sontanro, part or provisions of this Ordinance shell not aglact tho validity of any other part of 'this ordinance which eau be given affect without ouch invalid part or parts. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED) 1. That: the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby' adopts Resolution No. 79 -50 reconatonding that the City Council approve and adopt the Growth Management Plan on the 12th day of September, 1979. 2. That a Certified copy of the Resolution and related material hercb?y adopted by the Planning ceannission shall be fo:l:warded to the City Council. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 3UH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1979. PLANNING C014HISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DWI UYi_ Ilorman tiampol# ChaIrman A'CYL•'ST � � ,_, Soarotary of the Planning Comm naion It JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commionion do hereby certify that the .foregoing Romolution w paseod, and adopted by the Plann.ing,Comminsion of a regular mooting of the Planning Conmaionion hold by the following vote to -wits AYGSi COMMISSIONERS$ NOVS1 COMMISSIONERS1 ASSENmi COMMISSIONERSt I u of the City of Rancho CuoamoIiga, is duly and rogulariy in4,rUduood, the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at on the 72nd day of August, 1979 1 RESOLUTION N0. 79-59 A HCOOLUTION OF T11E PLANNING COMMISSION OF RANCHO CUCAMUcIGA, CALIFORNIAr RECOMMENDING THE ESTADLISIIMENT Cr A REOIOENPIAL ASSESS- MENT SYSTEM FOR REVIEW OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMISItT IN T11E CITY. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hog rocommondod adoption of Resolution No.79 -50 ontitlod "A Resolution of the Planning Commission of Rancho Cucamonga, California, recommending a Residential Growth Management Plt.n to regulate now residential development in the City of Rancho Cucamonga ", which roquiro.v that a Residential Asooggmont System for devolopment review be established, getting forth five (5) basic categories, each category being assigned a maximum number of total points which shall, be used for rating purposeal and WHEREAS, the Planning Staff of the City has horotofcCO propdrod a draft report on a Growth Managoment Plan and said report has bean before public haaringa of the Planning Commisgion of this City; and WIEREAS, the Planning Commission has considared the purposes of the Growth Management Plan as not forth in paragraph D of Section 1 of said ordinance and the criteria required to be considered in paragraph A, Section G of said Ordinance including, but not iAmitod to, Public Servicoo, Design Quality, Affordable Housing, Planned Community, and Orderly Dovolopmant. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that a Rouidontial Assessment System be cstabliahod based upon the following critorias SECTION 1, PUBLIC SERVICES III A Drainage Facilities The City Engineer shall review each projoct to determine its ability and capacity to adequate lisposo of surface runoff. A project must have a minimum of points in this category in ardor to receive further consideration (10 pts, maximum). 1:* Project drains into an existing or planned atorm drain or treat capable of handling the surface water generated V� into) . 2. Project builds maoter planned facilities with supplemental capacity for drainage or extends facilities beyond limits of Oita into). 3. Project provides special. drainage facilities (o.g.r on- site storm drains, underground facilities and drainage facilities maintained by homeowners) to alleviate grading constr-►ints (2 points). 'r I D. 8treut Ciraalation and Imn.oyemontn The City inUinuor shall review ouch prujoct in terms of atrumt circulation and its ability to handle the traffic generated by the project. A project must receive a m9.111mum oft 4. points in thin category in order to r000ivo further consideration (10 points maximum) . 1. Project will build or widen a major or secondary highway (5 points). y V, 2. �LrAUAp- gonarat9d by the proposed project will not iMn�anav n e existing traffic patterns or overload the oxioting street system (4, points). 3. Project provides street improvements beyond project lim4to for traffic continuity and safety (3 points). 4. Project will build or widen a collector street (2 points). S. Project provides special boulevard treatment over and above that required by City standards (2 points). C. Residential Safety and Sacuvity The Community Dovolopmant Director shall review each project for its ability to be adrquatoly served by the San Durnardino County Sheriffs Department and the foothill Ciro District and the extent to which the project incorporatoe safety and security techniques. A project must receive a minimum of points in each of t)ie following catogorios in order to receive furthor consideration (8 points maximum). a 1. Poline Protection (4 points maximum) i a. Project site abuts existing development over 70% of its perimeter (2 points). b. Project site abuts existing development botween'25% and 70% of its perimeter (1 point). c. Solid core exterior doors, security dead bolts and locks will be installed (2 points). d. Security devices ouch as window locks will be installed In each unit (1 point). a. Uses site planning and architectural techniques such as defensible apace design, lighting placemont, etc., to enhance residential security (.1 point). f 2. Piro Protection (4 points maximum) a. 70% - 80% of the project is within a three minute 0 driving response time of a fire station (4 points). "" �G41, 51 I . b. 70 - 00• of project in between a three and five minute driving roaponsa time of a fire station (2 pointb): a. 70 -'00% of project is between a five and seven minute driving response time of a fire station (1 point). d. Piro mitigation monouros (e.g. fire resistant building materials, site design which enhances fire access, etc.) are incorporated into the design of the project. Paints in this category shall be evaluated by the Foothill Piro Dietrioo (2 points). (Notes For projects oubmittod an Maxtor Planned Dovolopmentn, rosidential nocurity shall be evaluated for the entire project and the point total ohall be applied to each phase of that project). D. Parks and Paths The Community Development Director shall review each project for its provision of and location to public and /or private parks and usablo open space. A project must receive a minimum of 2 points in thin category in order to receive further consideration (6 points maximum). 1. project provides on or off Oita public park improvements and /or school recreational facilities (1 point). 2. project provides privately owned and maintained on Oita recreational facilities (1 point). 3. Project connects residential areas to unable open Opaae and public and /or private park sites with low maintenance foot pathways whorevor possible (1 point). 4. project providan trails or bikeways (1 point). S. Over 50% of project is located within Is mile of an existing or future proposed public park site (2 points). 6. Over 50% of project is located between Is and 1 mile of an existing or future public park Oita (1 point). 7. Moro than 50♦ of project is located within Is mile of usable public open space (e.g., school facilitice)(1 point). (Note: For projects submitted as Master Planned Developments, provision of parka shall be evaluated for the entire project and the point total shall be applied to each phase of that project. 1 E. Hoighborhood Commercial Cho pinq Costar Thn•Community'Dovolopniont uit'eotor shall'review'dach projsot• for its location to existing and future neighborhood commorcial shopping centers. For the purposes of thin station A " noighbornood commercial shopping cantor" shall mean a retail cantor with at least one grocery otoro which has a minimum of 20,000 square feat of gross floor area (3 points maximum). 1. More than 50► of project in within 2 miles of an existing or planned commercial shopping cantor (3 points) . 2. More than 50► of project is between 2 and 3 miles of an existing or planned commercial shopping cantor .(2 points) . 3. Project is more than 3 miles from nn existing or planned commercial. shopping cantor (1 point) . F'. Project lWintonance The projoot provides Maintonanao District tonanco (',1 points) . SECTION 2t DESIGN UA1 LITY A. Architectural Design for a Homoownar's Association and /or to ensure both on and off site main- Thu Design Review Conunitteo (consisting of two appointed members of the Planning Commission and the Director of Community Develop - mant or his designate), shall review each project for architec- tural design duality as indicated by the quality of construction and by the architectural elevations of the proposed buildings judgod in tormu of architectural style, size and height (up to 10 points maximum). Criteria -rho following criteria represents the general types of Architec- tural Design elements the Design ROView Committee shall consider in their evaluation. Projects may include other criteria not specifically mentioned here and still be eligible for the maximum number of points. The applicant is encouraged to use creativity in the design of tho project. 1. Provides %,arious visual and tactile textures by using an assortment of building materials to finish surface. 2. Creates variety in design and architecture that croates strong identity. a. Mixes two story and one story dwellings within a development to achieve a variety of housing mix and reduce the aameness of the tract. S f,1; is b. Varies the typos of building matorials within a projoot• to oruato'divor,nity, yet not creating , excessive contrasts. c. Varian the color and design of housing units with particular attention to common thomos without creating excessive contracts. d. provides spacial design features such as curvilinonr walks, textured walkways, etc. D. site Orientation and Street Design The Design noview Committee shall review site orientation of each project to determine variability of lot sizes and eonfig- urationo to accommodate terrain and street design, and also, variability of lot aizoo to encourage corrospor..ding variations of houso designs and orientations. Dattor site donign will incorporate the utilization of the sun and wind for heating and cooling purposes (up to 10 points maximum). Criteria The following criteria represent the general types of site orientation and street Design elements the Design Review Committee shall conuider in their ovaluation. Projects may include other criteria not specifically mentioned hero and still be eligible for the maximum number of points. Site orientation 1. Minimizes crowding and enhances spatial relationships (ag., by avoiding excessively deep and narrow lots). 2. Preserves desirable views and vistas by proper lot and housing layout. 3. Minimizes sharp angled lots constituting poor building sitoo. 4. Designs lots and structures to integrate with the natural topography and vegetation. S. Designs lots and structures to minimize noise through the use of sat - backs, proper location of air conditioning units, living areas and the like. 6. Creates visual relief alonq residential strants (og., varying building setbacks, roof patterns, landscape troatment, etc.). Street Design 1. The design of straate and parking encpurago safe, efficient circulatiosi and fire access while maintaining accaptabla fire response time. Fast through traffic is discouraged by use of curvi- ., linear street design and /or other design techniques. 1:`, 0 1 b, Avoids shurt blocko, dead and one half ntroots , (as opposed to cul -do -sacs) whenever possible. a,' StraoL'layout and site oriontation promote the privacy of residential nuighborhooda, d. Parking aoccis to from local stroots rather than secondary or major streets. 2, Public transportation is encouraged by the project. a.• Locates hun stops as part of the development wharevor necessary as a result of planned or current bus routes. b. Provides bun pullout nrons and covered waiting areas for unor wharovor necessary no a result of 'planned or current bun routes. 3. Varian sidewalk dimensions and patterns to avtid monotony, 4. Provides handicappod second to the project. C. Landscape and Screening Design The Community Dovolopmont Diroutor shall raviow each project for landscape and screening design, Stich review will doter - mine compatibility of all traas, ahrubs, ground cover, walls and fancos, mounding, paths, lighting, etc., with the topo- graphy and site characteristics of the project (up to to points maximum). Criteria The following criteria represent tho general typos of Landscape and Screening Design elements the Community Development Director shall consider in his evaluation. Projects may include other criteria not specifically mentioned here and still be eligible for the maximum number of points. 1. Landscaping materials are utilized to provide home privacy ana alno screen trash and storage *rose. J 2. Landscaping tachnigaos and build kILAaterial a are used to enhance the quality of the eito architecture. a. Project provides interior parkway landscape and irrigation improvemontai b. Planting materials blond with and enhance the archi- tectural design of the development. C. Fences, hodgos, walls, etc., are compatible with and enhance the architectural design of the development. d. Trees are used for screaming adjacent stroeta and enhancing site quality. i4 ®. Stabilization of slopes is promoted by landscaping toohniques which prevent slope erosion. 1 a 1'f r ii , L''i f. Lighting sources are ucrooned to minimiza'light spill over from one house to its neighbor. g. Drought rosistont'planto are utilized. h. ISarthen harms are placed to delineate the use of epacau, provide privacy #,rodvca nolsoo control wind, mitigate flooding, frame viewoo etc. i. Grouped parking areas are landscaped to provide shading and visual screening from streets and buildings. J. Apartmont /condominium and condominium convornion landscaping of troca tnoats or oxcooda the City standard of 50 troes /grono acre. D. Energy Connorvation The Community Development Direator shall review each project submitted fo.• provisions of passive and active energy conserva- tion techniques used in terms of architectural design, land - acaping, and site orientation (5 points maximum). 1. Building orientation and landscaping are designed to maxi - mizo the use of passive solar heating in winter months and cooling winds in summer months. a. Buildinga are situatod'to maximize passive solar• heating in winter months • (eg., oast -west aligned unit's, south facing windows, etc.) . b. Windows are placed to allow' cooling from prevailing weotorly summer broozoo (1/2 point). c. Tree planting conoidors any effects on the use or future installation of rasid©ntial solar energy collectors (1/2 point). 2. .Units are pro- plumbod for adaption to solar energy heaters (1 point) . 3. Energy conserving building materials and appliances . are incorporated Ynto the architectural design, (e.g.* reduced consumption shower heads, better grade insulation, double pane windows, etc.) (l point;: . 4. Development provides option to homobuyors to purchase solar energy collectors for heating purposes (i point) . 0 0 SECTION 3t AFFORDABLE HOUSING The Director of Community Development nha11 review all projects for the provision of adeyuato housing for all aogmontn of the population in order to croato diversified neighborhood environments and iuccnc ;rnupo, avoiding ,uonuuniraLions of any single income group in one particular neighborhood. Those residential development projects which provide "affordable" housing shall bu given additional point consideration as wall as opportunities for density bonuses. For purp000e of this section, Affordable Housing is nrt@ined act Owner Occupindt Projects which are aponsor:l through govnrnmunt programs or privately financed through market rat;, programa havi -,g a p1::170 range of 3.5 times 00 -120% of the current mz Utut family income c:: San Darnax.11ind County coneistant with the C!ty -a Housing Ansistanoo Plan (11AP) . This L.-oma figure shall be readjusted annually and is currently $14,800.(• Rantor�Occu ioddt Fair market rant in Son Bernardino County as defined by section 0 of the Housing and Community Development Act which shall be readjusted periodically and is currontlyt ** 11 of nedrooms Detached Semi- dotachad /Row Walkup Elov (2 -4 stories) 0 - - 262 200 1 - 340 316 336 2 460 425 377 399 3 512 471 409 - 4 560 535 454 - The above figures include the price of utilities. For projects which do not include utilities in the rental, rates, the following deductions from the above dascribod fair market rates shall be madet N of Bedrooms Deductiona for Utilities 0 25 1 30 2 35 3 40 4 45 *Modian family income of San Bernardino County is current as of January, 1979 and is readjusted annually. * *Fair market rent is current as of April, 1979 and is readjusted periodically. r I] Criteria 1. Afi+ordablo housing shall Ibe evaluated uiing, the, following orAsria►' w. Projout providen 15% or more affordable housing (G points and up to 20% density bonus). b. Project provides 5 to 15% affordable housing (4 points and up to 10% Conaity bonus). c. Project provides l to 5• affordable houning (2 points and up to 5% donuity bonum). (N(Yrni For projects submitted as Mastor planned Developments, Affordable Housing shall be evaluated for the entire proj act and the points shall be applied to each phase of that projrot). SECTION 4# R NN . yTha community D`a olopmont Director-shall review cacti► project submitted as a Planned Community for tho degree to which it achieves a variety of housing types, provides public facilities and aorvicoa, efficient internal circulation and overall integration of residential design factors. tror purposes of this ordinance , an apjplio tion submitted an a Planned Community must consist of a minimum o 500 acres up to 6 points maximum) . criteria - --' Tito following criteria represent the general types of elements the Community Development Director shall consider when evaluating Planned Communities. Duch developments may include other criteria not specifically mentioned here and still be eligible for the maximum number of points. 1. Provides for a varimty of housing types and costs to complement existing housing in the immodiato aroa► i.e., Owner Occupied: single family, multi — family (townhouses, condominiums)► Rantal: apartments duplexes and eldor:y family. 2. Provides for nocassns %1'public lacili,tiosp e.g., sower and .water lines, fire facilitio:r school facilities, etc., to servo the residanto of the development. 3. Provides an efficient internal circulation system designed to maximize safety and minimize congoction and monotony, which is into,,lrated with the City's Master Street Plan. 4. Creates various and diverse architactu•al and site dosicjn themes throughout tho development, however, %ot over exagorating any one theme. ECTION 91 OIWERLY DEVELOPMENT T'ho Community Duvolopmant Director Shell roviow all projects for the extent to which they accomplish the orderly and continuous extension of existing development rather than "loop -frog davalopmonL• ". One third point will be granted for each to % of the project that is contiguous with existing development. Contiguous development in dofinod as having do separation by vacant, undeveloped land. if the project in p)4 F nand, contiguous development shall be moasurad for the entire project points maximuni) . SECTION Ge CUSTOM LOT SUDDIVISIONS Custom lot oubdivioienn are those which create parcels not oubooquontly built upon but cold individually or in groups to an individual or builder. As such, certain criteria much an architectural and landscape design cannot be evaluated at the time of subdivision. This section will avaluato those factors applicable to custom lot oubdivinlon and derive a point rating, which would asply to any future rosiduntial development project of five units or more on the custom lots. Applications for custom lot subdivisions shall be rated using the following critarias A. 'Public Services 1. Drainage Facilities The City Engineer shall review each project to determine its ability and capacity to adequately dispose of surface runoff. A project must have a minimum of 4 points in thin category in order to rocaive further consideration (10 points maximum). a. Project drains into an existing or planned storm drain or street capable of handling t' +s surface water generated (4 points) . b. Project builds master pla.med -facilities with supplemental capacity for drainage or extends facilities beyond limits of sito (10 points). c. Project provides special drainage facilitf.as (o.g., on -sitcu storm drains, underground facilities and drainage facilities maintained by homoownoro) to alleviate grading constraints (2 points). 2. Street Circulation and Improvements The City Engineer shall review each project in torma of street circulation and by its ability to handle the traffic generated by the project. A project must roceive a minimum of 4 points in this category in order to receive further. consideration (10 points maximum). is �1 0 a, Project will build or widen a major 'or secondary 'highway (5 pointa). . b, Traffic generated by the proposed projWat will not substantially altar existing traffic patterns or overload Win oxisting street system (4 points) . of Project provide= street improvements beyond project limits for traffic continuity and safety (3 points) . d., Project will build or widen a collector street (2 points). a, Project providos special boulevard troatmont over and above that required by the City Standards (2 points) . 3. Parka And Paths Thu Community Davolopmont Director shall raviow oaoh project for its provision of and location to public mu) /or private parka and unable open space. A project must receive a minimum of 2 points in this category in ordor to receive further consideration (G points maximum) . a. Project provides on or off site public park improve - manto and /or achool recreational facilities (1 point). b, Project provides privately owned and maintained on vita recreational facilities (1 point). c. Project connects residential arena to usable opon apace and public and /or private park sites with low maintenance foot pathways whoravor possible (1 point). d. Project provides trails or bikoways (1 point) . a. over 50% of project is located within 1/2 mile of an existing or future proposgd'public park uito (2 points) . f. Over Sol of pz-o�cct is located between 1/2 and 1 mile of an existing or future park site (1 point). g. Moro than 50% of project is located within 1/2 mile of usable public open space (e.g., school, facilition) (1 point). 4. Neighborhood Commercial Shopping Cantor Tha Community Uavolopment Director shall review each project for its location to existing and future neighbor- hood commercial shopping cantors. For the purpose of this section, a "neighborhood commercial shopping center" shall moan a retail cantor with at least ono grocery store which has a minimum of 20,000 square font of gross floor area (3 points maximum). 1 '1 0 a. Moro titan 50% of project is within 2 milon of nn existing or plunnod commercial shopping cantor (3 pointo).' b. Moro than B0% of project in between 2 and 3 miles of an hxistinq or planned commercial shopping cantor (2 points) . o. Project in more than 3 miles from an existing or planned commercial shopping cantor (1 point) . D. site oriontation and street Donign The Design RQViQW Committal shall review Oita orientation of each project to detarmino variability of lot sizes and.configurations to occo►rmodato terrain and street design, and &loot variability of lot aizos to encourage corresponding variations of house designs and orientations. Dotter sit* design will incorporate the utilizoition of the sun and wind for hosting and coolinq purposes (up to 10 points maximum) - Criteria 1 . Tt:o following criteria rnprosent the general types of Oita orientation and Street Design elements the Design Preview Committee shall consider in their evaluation: Project may include othbr criteria not specifically monticned here and still be eligible for tho mmtimum number of points. Site orientation 1. Minimizes crowding and enhances spatial relationships (a.g., by avoiding excessively deep andnarrow lots). 2. pr000rvos desirable views and vistas by proper lot and housing layout. 3. Minimizes sharp angled Iota con stitutinq-poor building - Bites. A. Designs lots and structures to intograto with the natural topography and vegetation. 5. Designs lots and structures to minimize noise through the use of setbacks, proper location of air conditioning uniter living areas and the like. G. Creates visual relief along residential streets (c.g., varying building setbacks, roof patterns, landscape treatment, etc)- il. Street Design 1. The design of &treat and parking encourage safe, off icient circulation and firo access while maintaining acceptable fire response time. a. pant through traffic in discouraged 'ay use of curvi- llnoar atroet: donign and ot'hor dosirpi techniques. b. Avoids short blooler, dead end and half stroots (an opposed to oul -do -none) whenever possible. c. Street layout and site orientation promoto the privacy of residontial'neighborhoodn. d. Parking docoso in from local streets rather than secondary or major otrooto. C. orderly Development The Community Development DirnctOr shall review all projects for the extant to tihich they accomplish the orderly and con- tinuoue extension of existing development rather than "loap- frog development ". Ono third point will be granted for each 10% of the project that is contiguoue with existing development. Contiguous development is defined ar.. having no separation by vacant, undeveloped land. If the project is phased, contiguous development shall be -nensurod for the entire project (3 points maximum). SECTION 7f THRESHOLD POINT LIMIT The City Council hereby sots a Threshold Point Limit of 70 points for dovolopmont projects other than custom lot subdivisions, and 33 points for custom lot subdivisions. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWSt 1. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby adopts Resolution No. 79- 59 recommending that the Cit; Council approve and adopt the Residential Assosnmont System on the 12th day of Septenbor, 1979. 2. That a Cortifiod copy of the Resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF SEPTENSER, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PANCHO CUCAMONGh 8Yt Herman Rempol, Chairmen AWEST f u., Socretary of the Planning commission II I11. Ill ,'. L +1„ I ,, �,� 1 , I � 1 II i�l '• IA r'r r'1 ' i, ,i , ," J 1 1•• 1', ' ,Y, +I.. `,'1 t ' ''I ' i 11 IL. I ,.1 ,'1' {,�I P, , 11 ,' / A , 1 I'tv Ir JACK LAM, Secretary of tit* PlAnning 1;'', ♦' �''. 1!I�. 1' .. 1: r, • •1• • 1 1 r1 s.. II•'Iti:' pao"eat and adopted by tits VlA4njjjV L 1'• ' Vl, ,�'I'1l' ,,'1'•�I �I ,I'll by tho following veto tO ,. I', 0'. ,, I 1 1 • f li .l' MUM CORMIGSIONcruji ifl',I1 lit V, III,. '1',1 ' 1' -• f. 1 1 1 I !/ 1, I p •I r , , t • •I ' �ll if{���� 4. 11�1;1i, ,III. ,i •1'''�,������ \• .1 }• {� 1.11 • ,•1 -, AA .4 Il •`, � l,r r4 �. i i r It ( i ♦{ r i,. • • Y11 11� 1 ''4 , I�1 n'.IJI �!( T 1`;r7 i ' • ', Ali 1I ` • i • 11 {• I 1 1 , 11 \l l; tl 1 ( %. �u' 'r 1 1 ' t �, 'ti.'. r. ,/ A. 1 •1 :a ti;,,, •', I 1 ' • \.� ,rf ,.' • 1 . 1 A +I, i 11 l i... • 1 •••'•' t Y „ t ✓ t ri •I I I; �• ".h L1JY '' ( Y \ ,1 `9� '. .. '. l 1 fV' 1. 1+ I' 'S t , ,+ 1 \ / ,.• rl" t n 1•1� • •.,�11 IJ \ •� , 1r f f • 111 i ( 1• ♦.. 1 1�1:� ' •l t I I9 ,f .. �. -� :'e .r „5• `Y ��. ._ .t...l \! V �� .. t, .. t _.._, i .._, d• .. _.. /'�r. I. ..t \- 'x.'11 •'r �' '. ... MIDENTIAL A99HOOMENT RATING - SUMMARY CATEGORY IMx. POINTS PERUNTAUE I. PUBLIC SERVICES A. Drainage Faoilition 10 (4 pts. min) 11.1• D. UL-root Ciroulation and Improvomento 10 (4 pts. min) 11.1% C. Rosidontial Security 1. Police protmation 4 (3 pts. Min) 4.4% 2. Fire Protocticn 4 (3 pto. min) 4.4% D. Parke and Paths 6 (2 pts. min) 6.7% E. Commercinl Shopping Centers 3 3.3vb F. Project Maintonanco 3 3.3• 40 44.4% II. DESIGN QUALITY A. Architectural Design 10 11.1% D. aito Orientation and Strout Dosign 10 11.1% C. Landsoapo and Saroening Dnaign 10 11.1• D. Energy Conservation 5 5.6% 35 30.9• III. AFCORDADLE IIOUSING 6 6.7% IV. gLaNNED COUKUNITY 6 6.7% V. ORDERLY DEVELOPMENT 3 _ 3.3% TOTAL, 90 Points THRESHOLD POINT LIMITI 70 Foints u; jj I^'1 El 4i Data[ Tot Fromt Subject: 0 CIV OF RANCHO CUCMIONOA STAFF REPORT September 120 1979 Planning Commisoion Jnck Lam, Director of Community Development L] Request to divide approximately 10 acres of land into uix tub parcels in the M -2 zone located on the northeast cornor of Turner and Sixth Streets BACKGROUND: The applicants are requenting to divide 10 aereu of land, located on the northeast cornor of Turner and Sixth Streets, into six (6) parcels as follows: Parcel No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 AcreoAo 1.96 1.55 1.63 1.55 1.14 1.26 K The applicants have no immediate intention of developing, the parcels lit this time. This review is for environmental clearance of the parcel map only and does not constitute an approval of either the parcel map or furlire development. Davelopment that may occur as a result of this subdivision in .squired to complete the City's site plan review process and environmental clearance for the develop- ment of ench parcel. ENVIRONMENTAL. SETTING: There are no trees or existing structures on the site which is currently occupied by 3,920+ grape vines. Local birds and rodents are known to exist on and around tea site. There are no known cultural or historical artifacts within the confinas of the site, which is adjoined to the east by P. SSCFCD earth drainage channel and to the north by more vineyards. The site generally drains south and cast. There is an existing PCC storm drain channel within Turner Avenue right -of -way which has been abandoned since the improvement of the channel to the east. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Part I of the Initial Study, attached, indicates no significant adverse environmental impacts created by this project. Staff ties field chocked the site, completed the enviro:unentsl checklist, and found no significant adverse impacts on the environment. ITEM "A" t 1 , . L. , 1 • \ 1 i 4 .. l v i tl „1 't �� � 1 � -�l I. '.J.1 I , y • I�y�• ' 1{ I'l•i1� � ''� 1'I •Ir 'i for Parcol Map �os 5499 bnood upon ieview of the Initiul Study and the Roopectfully" • ubmitted, S. l 11 ,, C op muiiity Davolopmont JLtRinm Attachmentat Vicinity Map Parcel Map Initial ��r �'1 I: �At7.,1t1•, 1 irl Studyp Part I ±il I(1 � I•v�4 't17'• . 1 l w J, ,i 1 \,1 M 1 \ iL � It I 7 l "• .. rV l . i •.,Jill /�! 1 � II�'�� ♦ 1� 7. \� n • f 1" 1t1,� • � • I� I . ,,1 .: /1 1 \ iJ, i\l;.j .. 'J � t ,' (l� rI /r 1','• i t , 1 '1 ,,l ,1 li n 1 1 .1' n n I r 1 /1, Jl 1 I (wl L�'1\ 1 l •\ ' \ tt l�l :JI f, r �'\ l ,�:• 1 � • I i,., 1 l- I l'. l I l..' ' l � \a \i \ l �� \I ! , I ` t \ I �/ 1 \r' 1 / / {J '...'/ l ` •i. 'l , l r7 ��� \ { to i .l i � i l �� l I' • / . }. 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IIIR husk" tNwl NrWrI, IHr 1 A 11 N 111 11111 RII 111141/ 11 on 11 IYI 11 Y W I. YYYI 11 IN IIRII I N 114 NOWIN. PAN N 14111011. 111411111 111 y11I1 1.11 11111 11 •\r.ve AI► 11.1 {{�1�/1I' 1' 111 . uliil/i IIi,111 (R. ..,,,,. 1111 $Is c ,,,� „�,_ /• u 1111 r u 01 ll lots" Ill Yln IM flaw i 111 Y, 1114RM IR111 1 ''''11I'' It I1�I N�N $IN 11111 1 wb IIIl11, 1411/01411111 - &go r —,� pt.. . • • •..VN 1111 W, 14111111111111 /1R1M IYRVIL. �1fA' `IM /p1W MM\ 1� CLPNNV f1MM a Y• r1Da ^fir• 'I tlf N n4RO11r some 1 Y•! y A ..... VICINNIIf�IOR i a. If PrN Lor 'c' NO CUCAMONGA 101VNSIrC ' � •V,r. �• 1RIr11ND VINEYARDr .........- 't�•,•• 111 •1. ............... N i" 1 r" I, 1 n,1 • 1 I I solo •III 101A \ ...w A. I. iI •.0 .. ... --- no � •\r.ve Y r1.oa� c nDa ON 1. r1Da �. �. tlf y A ..... rl Bal c a. If N .I S •I'I 'il ...... Z 'A7 1.06 A I SiA , Ryy' .r. A STREET '� rov1 it-11 I i'- •.0 ... _.. __•r'� .•r ,. R p 1 r" I, 1 n,1 • 1 I I �......_.... �r a solo IrSA 101A \ ...w A. I. iI •.0 .. ... --- r1.oa� c nDa ••••,.,, 1. �......_.... �r a solo .I ...w A. iI •.0 .. ... --- dam` 3 BLDQ. 'I 1 � I 1RISTINO VINIVARDS 0 0 r y. CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CIWAMONOA INITIAL EPI'UDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHECT - To bo completed by applicattt Environmental Annoaamont Roviow Foot $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, thin form must be completed and nubmit•L•od to the Davalopmant Review Comnittoo through file department whore the project application in mado. Upon roeoipt of thin application, the Environmental Analynia staff will proparo Part II of the Initial Study. The Davolopmont Review Committee will meet and tnko action no lntor than ton •(10) days before the public meeting at which time the project in to be heard. The CommiL•toe will make one of thron detorminationot 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will bo filed, 2) The project will have an environmontal impact and an Environmental Impact• Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning ® the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: DIM. 2506 APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONES David n. Davie 6 Evaratt_L._Ilamler 100 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300, Long noac), NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO DE CONTACT•EA CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: George 11. Mim Mack, 214 Soutn Euclid Avenue, Ontario, California 91767— (714) 9B3 -0439 WCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) N1E corner of Turner 6 6th Strout, Parcel U 209 - 261 -11 s 13 - LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Nana -- I -I • r1 I� OJI.C_1' DI�SCIWPI'ION , DESCRIPTION OF PROJI:CTs G nro.onod ninala- ptO.CV b, uilAirnpo for Pxpfoonional nud Itight endue rind uno. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPO4ED BUILDINGS, IF ANYs 1Q:LNni• hnrnn' 11Qr Q12 nn f proponed buildimla (41% Ayornaol. DESCRIBE THE VNVIRONAIENTAI, &iMTNG OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON 'TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANI14ALSo ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACK NECESSARY SHEETS)s Thoro are no ttoeo or oxiatiag structurae on thn ni n. which in currently ooeupind by —192n+ gy,en vinnn_ 1n n1 hlydn nnA rr,.lnntn adjoined to tho onnt by a SSCP'CD onrth drab aqe channel nnd_to the Is t`,he project, part of a larger project;, one of n serieo- of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whule have significant environmental impact? r� y t 0 I x 1. Create a substantial change in ground eontourn? &„ 2. Create a substantial chango in existing noise or vibration9 x 3. Create a substantial change in demand for ._._.. municipal eorvicen (police, fire, water, adwago, otc.): X A. create changos in the oxisting'zoning or ._._ _ general plan donignationsi 5: Remove any oxiating treosl now many? x� G. Create the need for use or disposal of —` potentially hazardous materials Duch as toxic substances, flammnblos or explosives? Explannt•ion of any 'IFS answers abovot _ ® r • I e 1. IMPORTANTs If the project involves the construction of residential unita, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I horeby certify that the statements furni6he above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information requires for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facto, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further undoratand that additional information may be required to be submitted { before an adequate evaulation can be m do by the .Dnvolopmenl' Review Committee- I, Date AUQUBt 6 1979 Signature V I Title II (Al, A-R! - 0 n L�J DATE t TO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA September 12, 1979 Planning Commission MEMORANDUM FROM Jack Lame Director of Community Development SUDJECTt NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP - UNION STEEL COMPANY - Request to divide 209.64 acres of land into throe (3) parcels in the M -2 zone located on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Haven Avenues. BACKGROUND, The applicant is requesting to divide 209.64 acres of land located on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Haven Avenue into three (3) parcels as followat PARCEL NO. ACREAGE 1 20 2 269 3 0.64 The applicant has no immediate intention of developing the parcels at this time. This review is for environmental clearance of the Parcel Map only and does not conotituto dpproval of either the Parcel Map or future development. Development that may occur as a result of this subdivision is rcquirod to complete the City's site plan review process and environmental clearance for the development of each parcel. Parcel No. 3 is proposed to be deeded to Reliance Stool and Aluminum Company, owners of that parcel identified as "not a part" on the parcel m .1-n attar recordation of the map. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING, The site is presently developed with grapo vineyards. Additional existing vagotation includes 21 eucalyptus, palm and popper trees. It is the applicant's belief that some of the treas may have to be removed at the time of future development in order to provide for vehicular circulation. This issue will be addressed at such time as specific development is proposed to occur. No known historical or cultural aspects are associated with this site. Further, no significant wildlife exists on the site. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS, Part I of the Initial Study, attached for your review, indicates no significant adverse environmental impacts created by this project. Staff has field checked the site, complutod the environmental ehocklist, and found no significant adverse impb;;"-" on the environment. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that a Negative Declaration be issued for Parcel Map No. '5499 based upon review of the Initial Study and the finding of no significant adverse impacts upon the environment. ITEM "D" Rod .. I11'I 11' I' I, �•;�1'1�,i I AI 111111 k;,.' Dovolopmont I , + is 1,1 I1 AUCtOtmontal Vicinity MaP initial Study Exhibitt Parcol Map AY. I, I !1 i • I , L. I ,T: .�'' •. Y • I ,., I ` I I„ • III 1. �� t• ^'i 11 I i I I �• " I l 1 1 1 11 I : 1 .• ' t `'' • ! ` {° 1 1 • v .I' 11 .1 Y. 1 i ! ♦ I + - r ` "`' I�1 17 1 11 I I'YV�) r r I V. {l + / 1 n fir' . `�,I 11 l) .11 1 ll't,7��1 16 • ;�:,I I , f 1.. f♦ i tl l.'.1 l\ r I .+ f 1 if ` . II I ! 1 / �♦ /I. 1 �. I .1 i l ..'I1 I '�� I _ • v .. 11. �1 �`a� 1 1 I:1 .� � 1 / � 1 t' I •�. 1 I •:� 1f . 1 l '' � r I r •` I , �,♦ f _ .: A / 0 0 0 1 %too �Xd�G� 1 '. `.a rL . � -: •iil. � '.r'�L: :,K;.C.iYJk 1. �� i ',=�(� +...... V I)J� � • ¢Iw .?•'nMl {�•I.N O��S[�1P.:1 aYn�, �.�y.,;, �,S+IwC14,k :.1� Lb.:.w.a ..�. •... �. ..w •.1x ••w.... ...:1 .'... 1.. •.v.. �� ... �... h M 1 •IIG�- CITY Or ItANCHO CUCAHOMA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SIIEET - To be complatod by applicant Environmental Asseesmant• Review Maui $70.00 For all projects requiring environmontal review, thin form must -be crmpletud and aubmitted' to the Devulopment Review Committee tbrough the doportment where the Project application is made. Up,yn receipt of this application, the EnviroiunanLal Analysis staff will prepare Part II f th I W a Initial Study, Tho Development Review ' Committee will meet and Lake action no later than ten (10) drays before the public meeting at which time the projuct is to be heard, The Committee will make one of throe determinations: 1) The project will huve no environmental impact and a Nogntiva Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be suppliod by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. :l 11 PROJECT TITLEv Rancho Cucamonga APPLICANT,-, NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: 17406 Mt. Cliffwood QIrnl( - NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONL•' OF PERSON-TOI DE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECTS ��,LI_ :Sc- �OrJ tie, L LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) South of Foothill - East of haven - NortTi of Arrow Route T. and S. -.•• ......, ruqu 0u— varcoi Nambers 0 - -- - -..i LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATr AND FEDERAI/ AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCK PERMITS: , OJi;t 1_ R CRII'Txoa DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Light induatrial development. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND'SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED DUILDINGS, IF'ANY: DESCRIDETHE•ENVTRONMEN•PAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFOMIATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES) , ANIMALS. ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES. AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY . EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS)i Slight roll to the natural groand - all the .property is N+.un w.. in ya u�+a v�.•wn wa vu a••+uuniw•ui ,.auun. i Is the project, part of a largor project, one of a series- of- cumulntive actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? NO WE , 'i' Ire t312n,Tr_cy: create a substantial change in grourn! contouro7 Create a substantial chunge in oxist;,ng Heine or vi,brationl Create a substantial changk: in dotranl for municipal services (police, fire, we :or,' sowago, etc.): Crunto chongoo in the existing zoninfi or general plan dcoignational Remove any existing treoaT How many some• Create the need for use or disposal t,f Potentially ha:.ardous matoriois Duch as toxic • subnt -ances, flammablos o ;r oxplcoivos7 Explanation of any Yrs unswers above: N3 - with Dove -al L-reete and,, the ro osod buildings an incroasa .n mu`ntcip sorvicoo w 1 bo nocoesar.1 - ns many roes au po'tili6l� -Will saved because o u ng nn s - WiIj —haves !•n hn rtimoyn�. - IMR!R ANT: If the project involves the construction )f residential units, comploto the 'form on t'►e nont page. CERTIFICATION: i hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data ari information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and thtit the factn, statements, nnj1 information presented are true and correct to the best of knowledge belief. z further additional informationmaybe required dtosbennubmitted before an adequate evallation can be made by the Devt -.101 lent Review Committee. Date � ' `•i Gignaturo %f ,(ter 11.��°r� Title W *IPA'r � '" _._...,,,......._.. .� ... ._..; .® •. �_ -- AP1�/ //�J���//•jam` /�,i��je//� / � 1NI 17VZ , U--L 1 x,ro o f1vrM a/ Jlriiw+ /l, r..'JJ .r' % /!: S 4lu.J C/un!v er,:ur &JrovYa1 i dlA tAf / t rj /WVrN I y1.1 n.r1YU/p, /..VI rvr.w M.II..... /, r • •. =,A As YmY AA FrMMY M ..FY IIV/A1M/ /•r w. r..w.+ ✓ /rw w..w f/. n wwY1 M1Ar}.w I..I✓. 1�•••Y. MM..r Rail =' LrL11IIt� As 0 .HN /f►1M..r Iw /N /. �>•1•I artier b III01 III• /N•IJN I =, I II A r � J J fit$ �I Its N.M .•r•,r tnm,.r tr.+ I �if Ad-31r y..frn II N1 J 4�.11L'f.SSC I 1 l�_•.• L /fN. / l � �1F �! I n I ~ or I it V lIH /•. tyl' Ll l; j.. P777...r•Y•�•tw••/r^ ur.. 10 t /e wnI * riy 3 tl-wa r.w1 r .• •..rfr r• Nw..4r F.Y t+r.. 'rueefi 1 1// ...... I • 1 I 1 ' �y r.qw✓. - /....L�.�_- sxT_�aTA_ I. I�� 1r..! tr.. fY. RC�TL�= Jt.' �Y• sT_ �'•IiTSY�.� :.z= -ter/:' � lr.J/• /� �i i i I • 1 I 1 ' u G,icNl�b11" i 1 . _ ...._.__._...__..._.- _...._ - - -- -I •-• ..�� :.ghee, = �. °...__.__ Vz v4, C�1 /�� o/�S4eera i I I Gf.; C 0 CITY OF RANCHO CuCAMONGA 14F.4OI1ANDUM DATE: September 12, :979 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack. Lam, Director of Community Development SUSJECTt GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN Tonight is the second publi hearing on the Growth Managemant Plan. The latent draft to be presented is the culmination of public hoaringa, study sessions and work shops conducted by the Planning Commission over the past few mont'is. As you will recall at the last mooting, the Planning Commission was uoncornad about fire response time in the City. With the help of the Foothill Piro Di0xict, staff has prepared a Fire Response Map which will be on display at the meeting. Shuuld the Commission iocomalind adoption of tt:e Growth Management Plan at this meeting, than it will be reviewed by the City Council at its meeting of September 19 and October J, 1979 and final adoption could be completed prior to oxpi_^tion of the Moritorium Orlinnnce. RECO'yIUNDATLON: it is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolutions No. 79 -58 and 79 -59 and transfer ouch racomandation to tl:e City Council. R spactf 11 submitted, Jack Lam, Director of Community Devolop:aent JL:DNUice llttachmarito: Resolutions No. 79 -55 and 79-59 't i� �.� I'll � •:t ' � � �, �C'1j1 i i RESOLUTION N0. 79-SO A RESOLUTION OF ThE.'RANCIIO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING A RESIDENTIAL OROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN TO REGULATE NEW RESIDL"NTIAL DEVL"LOPMENT IN THE CITY OM R11NCHO CUCAMONGA WNERrAS, it in the goal of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to prepare "nd adopt a comprehensive Growth Management Plan netting forth the mannor in which residential development Projects may be developed no an to provide adequate lovol,o of public scrvieon and to achieve a social, economic and environmental balance within the City# WIIEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the Growth Managamont Plan and all testimony and comments pertaining to it and finds the Growth Managamont Plan to be adoqu.%tn in scope and content and recommends approval by the City Council. SECTION It PURPOSE AND PRIORITY A. Findings 1. Unmanagod residential growth in the City of Rancho Cucamonga can a6arburdon elementary, junior and senior high schools in the coinnunity. 2. Unmanaged residential growth can strain public services and result in the .i.mpairmont of tho health, safety and welfare of Rancho Cucamonga. 3. Haphazard and disorderly growth patterns adversely affect the City's and public agency's ability to provide adequate public cgrvicas for all devolopmwits. 4. Minimal architectural and site design eritoria of residential lovolopment can create a "tract" appearance in the community. Such an appearAr-o'detrimentally affects the physical character and imago of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Further, lack of landscaping and Gonign sensitivity can diminish the environmental quality and economic well being of the community. 5. Continued unmanaged growth can riously impair the City's ability to carry out the goals and policies of the General Plan and can adversely affect the health and W41fara of the Commun1t7- B. Purpose A Growth Management Plan is designed to implement certain ® ', primary goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan. Those goals constitute the purpose of a Growth Managoment Plan and aro as followae fir' • 14t,. 1. To preserve and enhance the physical character of the ' comaainity. El r r� �t 0 0 2. To provide Adequate school foailitioa for All - oxieting and future residential.dovolopmont - in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 3. To help ensure that adequate levels of public services are providod for existing and future development in the City of Rancho Cuoamonga. 4. To ensure that• minimum design quality in now devolop- monto is provided to enhance the aosthatic, onvironr mental and economic wall boing of the community. S. To encourage use of enorgy connorvation tochniquas in now residential dovolopmottt. G. To help maintain and improve levels of City administra- tivo services. 7. To encourage orderly development of rosidences within areas more readily oorvnd by public services. 0. To encourage the development of toaster plant.od projects which provide the service needs of the residents of those projects. 9. To provide t, variety of housing types and oncourago affordable housing. C. scope This ordinance shall apply to all residential development projects in *ha City of Rancho Cucamonga, all defined in Section 2. DECTION 2t DEFINITIONS For purposes of this Ordinance, who following tonma shall have the moaning indicatc6i City_ - City in this ordinance rofors specifically to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Mandatory Criteria - Criteria considered essential for all residential development. Residential Development Project - Any development which will result in tha subdiviaiton of residential lots or the construction of now residential dwelling units including single family, multi- family, upartmento, condominiums, townhousaa, masto: planned developments, modular units, condominium conversions of dwelling units which ha-,o notbeon built prior to the effective date of this ordinance, mobilehomo parks, etc., which require review by application of this ordinance. Rraidential assosoment Syem - The measuring device, provided by Resolution of the City Cstouncil and adopted concurrently herewith, which is composed of a number of rating criteria used for assigning point ratings to proposed residential projects. ® 0 Threshold Point Limit - The minimum number of pointu a prajeot io.raquirod to,rocoivo, under. the Residential - (lsuoaonwnt,Syntem in order to recoivo,eonaidoratiun for approval. SECTION 3s EXEMPTIONS Thu following projeete shall be opoeifieully exempt from the provisions of thin Ordinances A. Single family, duplex and triplex devnlopmonto involving a total,of four (4) unite or Leos provided that any ouch application on a parcal uhall be on a one time banin only for a two yoar'pariod from the dato of ioauanco of a building permit for the lamp: unit on sails parcel. D. Residential land dovisione involving four (4) lots or loon providud that ony such application on a parcel having the same zoning district shall be on a one time basis only for a two year period from the date of iusuanco of a building permit for the last unit of the project. Subdivisionu separating parcels having different zoning districts shall be exempt from the provisions of this ordinance. C. Oovarnment subsidized acnior citizen housing projects. D. Renewable building pormits issued prior to the effective date of thin ordinance. E. Condominium converniona of dwelling units built prior to the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 4t APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND FEES A. Application An application for a rouidontial project shall be made to the Community Development Department of the City of Rancho " Cucamonga on a form provided by tho,City. Such application ahall contain the following information and be accompanied by the following documental 1. Sitn Utilization Map including: a. Vicinity Map to show the relationship of the proposed development.to adjacent development and surrounding area (amall inact map). Is. Use Layout 14ap showing the location and type of proposed rouidontial use or uses, the nature and extent of open space, the extent o' any ogler uses proposal and an indication of all adjacent uses. 2. Detailed Site Plan to include detailed information speci- fied in 'forma provided by the Community Development Department. Illustrative Site Plan to include proposed and ext,ting improvements, landscape concepts and other elemente'as „. 'i K, may.be necessary to illustrate the site plea.. 0 0 4. Preliminary Architectural Plan showing typical" of all aides cf propound building and structures indicating materials to he used, troos, ,landscaping, and ahadowo to give elevations graphic dimension. 5. Conceptual grading and drainage plan and natural features map showing a general indication cf typo, oxtunt, and time of grading no per requirements of the City'a Grading ordinance. G. Covsiopmont Sahodulo of proposed project including phaning. 7. Such other information an may bu required by the Community Development Director. D. Foes Although no growth management review fees will be anuonaed any residential dovolopment project, the normal face for nubdiviciona, diroctor ruviews, site tspprovale, appeals, extensions, etc., shall be assonood as per City Council -Resolution No. 70 -75. Said foes shall bu non- rofundable even in the avant the threshold point limit in not mot. SGCTIOH 5t MANDATORY CRITIRiA certain residential development eritoria are considered essential to onsure General Plan consistency and adequate public services for each residential project. In the event services are not available to developers, tht buildor, building associations and other individuals and groups are encouraged to work with the school districts and other special districts to solve respective problems in order that services may be available for development. The Director of Community Development shall ensure that certain criteria are mat prior to final approval of any residential development project subjoct to tho provisions of this ordinance. ouch criteria shall hn olaeod an conditions of approval which must be met prior to approval of a final map 'or a subdivision or prior to issuanno of building permits for residential devulopment projects other that subdivisions. Said criteria shall be the followings A. The proposod project must be consistent with the General Plan. D. The applicant shall submit to the Community Development Director written cortification from all affected elementary school districts and the Chaffoy Union Joint High School District that adequate school facilities or proposed future school facilities are or will be capable of accommodating students generated by the proposed project. Ah C. The applicant shall submit to the Community Development Director written certification frotj'tho Cucamonga County Water District that adequate Bowe,,' :and water facilities are or will be available to serve :he proposed project. For projects using septic facilit.ilis allowable by the tip Santa Ana Regional Quality Control board and the pity, written certification of acceptability inbluding all ,,,: supportive information shall be obtained. E �111 GrCPION Gs 119VIEW AND PIlO ESNIN0 - mocrDNItrS root lUS9ID1*NTIAL DEVELOPMENT A. Entablivhmant of a Itosidantial Assessment System All applications for ronidontial dsvolopmor.t projects shall be rated by the Community Development Director pursuant to a Itosidontial Asnassmont System adopted by the City Council. Such Residential Assessment System adopted by the Council iihal,l establish five (5) baniu categories and each cotogrry shall bo assigned a maximum t:otul points which will then b., divided into sub - categories for rating purpoeno. The five (5) basic catogorion upon which each application will be rat:od are Public Services, Design Quality, Affordablo housing, Planned Community, and Orderly Development. Projects shall be avaluatod under the Residential Aasosomont 8ystom Tri- annually by the Community Development Director.. ` Application submittal deadline dates and review dates shall be an follows► Review Period 1 - December 1, 1979 - March 31, 1900 Application Piling period - November 15, 1979 - Dr ,iembor 31, 1979. Reviow Period 2 - April 1, 1900 - July 31, 1980 Application filing poriod - April 1, 1900 - April 31, 1980 1 Review Period 3 - August 1, 1900 - November 31, 1980 Application filing period - August •l, 1980 - August 31, 1980. A Threshold Point Limit shall be aati,'lishad by the City Council as par:. of the Residential Assessment System. Thin Threshold Point Limit shall constitute the minimum number of points a project is raquirod to ach:ovo if it is to be given any further consideration for approval. In the event school facilities and /or water and sower facilities are not available for approved ;rojbcts during a tri- annual L•eviow period, the Community Development Director shall establish a master priority list for those projects at thu and of such period. Allocation of available facilition shall be granted to those projects which have the highest point total on the master lriorit.y lint. In case Of a tic, allocation shall be granted to the project(s) which received approval first. Residential development projects shall be placed on the master priority list 'of the tri- annslal review period during which they were approved. Within (5) days after the point rating determination of the Community Dnvolopmont Director, the Director shall cause a written notice to be mailed (certified) to the applicant stating the point rating for his residential project and whether his application has received the required Thros;►o]d Point Limit for further considoration by the Planning Commisn_ion Cl M C D. D2zeal o nab Ratings of applications which require the approval of the Commutti:y Development Director may be appealed to the Planning Cosmnianion by any aggriovad person or body, public or private, within fourteen (14) days after the mailing of said written notice. The decision of the Planning Cotnmiosion of any ouch appeal may be appoalvd to the City Council by any aggriovod parry in the same manner and time limitations as are not forth for the filing of an appeal with the Planning Commission. The docial,on of the City Couttoil shall be final. SECTION 71 PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW Applications suljoot to the provisions of this ordinance and subject to Planning Commission review and approval nhall be evaluated in terms of environmental review and clearanco, subdivision review pursuant to the State Subdivision Map AcL•, and rosi!lontial development project review pursuant to thlt Growth Nanagamont Ulan. The Planning Commission shall approvu or deny tho project after saiA review. The Planning Commission shall also hoar appoaln of point ratings as Inscribed in Section 60. SECTION 01 nUILDIIJG PERMIT ISSUANCE No building permits shall be issued for any residential dwelling unit which is subject to the provisions of this Ordination without approval as provided heroin, provided however, that nothing in this Ordinance shall be doomed or intended to abrogate or annul any prior residential development project approval. lawfully issued and in effect on the data of the of£ocluivonasa of this Ordinance with respect to an already approved building permit, land division or site plan including all residential davolopmont projects submitted for plan chock unless time limits of such approvals described above have boon exceeded in olhiah canto such r.ojocts are subject to the provisions of the Growth Management plan. SECTION 91 TIM'. LIN.ITS VOR APPROVAL A. Expiration of Approval._ The following provision shall apply to applications for Residential Development Projects except as Specifically exempted by Section 3 of this ordinance. Residential development projects approved after the offdctivo date of this Ordinanco shall expire after twelve (12) months from data of approval. D. Extensi,n of Tentative Subdivision Approval A person who has filed a tontativo subdivision may request an extension of approval or conditional approval from the : Pinning Commission by written application to the Community, Development Department. Such extension request application must be filed at leant sixty (60) days before the approval io, S� L' 0 or conditional approval in duo to oxpira. Tile application shall contain a statement of the reasons for the extension and n detailed description of the progress rdacd'% towardq mooting all•tho conditions for final approval. if an uxtansion is grantede now conditions may be imposed and existing conditions may be rovissd by the Planning Commission. Any extension of a subdivision shall not axuaod a period of eighteen (10) months. SECTION 101 ANNUAL REVIEW AND EXPIRATION Thin Ordinance shall be reviewed annually by the City Council and Planning Comminuio!1 rind shall be of no further force or offuot after a period of five (5) yoare, from the date of adoption of thin Ordinance, unless oxtondod by Ordinance of the City Council :SECTION 111 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found, barred or, review of the Initial Study, that this project will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and recommends the issuance of a Negative Declaration by the City Council. SECTION 121 OTHER LAWS, ORDERS AND ORDINANCES Nothing in this Ordinance shall be doomed to affect, annul or abrogate any other laws or ordinances pertaining or applicable to the proportion and areas affected by this Ordinance, not shall it be doomed to conflict with ally State laws, orders or requirements affecting such properties or areas. In the event that a conflict does arise, the more rustrictivo ordinance shall apply. SECTION 131 SrVERABILITY The invalidity of any word, section, clause, paragraph, sentence, part or provisions of thin ordinance shall not affect the validity of any other part of thin Ordinance which can be given affect without such invalid par' or parts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby adopts Resolution No. 79 -5B recommending that the City Council approve and adopt the Growth Management Plan on the 12th day of Soptomber, 1979. 2. That a Certified copy of the Resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSIO;. OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ,,0. , 1,+ r I �Iw �tl �yll♦ Irrl,l� 1 ,��II�1 �I II III �i 1111I� �'r II'�' �� IIt II �I r I�.� �I �+ " ' r�r, �'�I II. ��I �rll I• � I,����'I Ill ��i ���•�I I� I�r111 it l�� t 1 I •, 1 u 1 w 'n I r r I •.�1# i �, 1i r � � II, •r I 1 , off' ,�1 M , r � I � •. 11 • r •) I I S I !! i, chairman Vat r A ' y I ) •,'. (�. •r� �` ' rrlI 1' I r ,l;•1 L: '�. I, �, �V I'�l, ' ' I'. 1 (�� ,r III ' ' •'I, � „•� I ,'•II'�1 ., •i I. �i I11 11 '� + +' Jty of Rancho Cucwwn 1, JACK LAM# Secretary of 1 '11 • r♦ r !Ora going 1 i:�•' ucamongfto at tr pay.uvd, and a(toptod by the Planning.Vimmiunion of tho City of Rancho C 1979 .r . hold on tho 22nd day of August# 'I? I AYESt COMMISSIONERSt 1. r. t ,v r.• .I �r;jl' • I I r ;. 1• ,, 'i I r . ",�t3� �,�.. � /, -, 1 I .: r t, •r ♦r .�� '� ''� 17.1��.11, l�r'Il -17 r. f•ll • • r "I l4 i{ t el r •. /(( • I �'. ',.. 1 '! I I 11,E 1 1 (. 11 U I' U I S 4S' 1: Iyi' ♦ i:, 1 � I lil I l , I ! 4I r � �•� Y •, � t' 4 ly I r •'• I4L. I %+ , 1 +' , r`, c..y ,+ I t! *' � '�f � �• � 4 '�Ct !,.' , . � x r, ' ,, I } 4♦ J ♦ rli %' 1'A i 1_I !� ,� 1 r '111 f�,.y ". �• �� t1'. �,� ,4 '4 r r �;, t C t 1 � • �r 4 'I • ti RESOLUTION NO. 79 -59 A RESOLUTION OF T11H PLANNING COMMISSION Or RANCHO CUCAMONGA# CAI.IFOIINIA, RECOMMENDINt3 THE ESTABLIU1114ENT OF A RESIDENTIAL 4SSE115- MENT SYSTEM FOR MVIrW OF RESIDENTIAL DL''VELOPMUN'f IN T118 CITY, WHEREAS, the Planning COmmianion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has racommonded adoption of Revolution No.79- 50ontitlnd "A Ranoluti.on of the Planning Commission of Rancho Cucamonga, California. recommending a Raaidantial Growth Managwaont Plan to regulate now residential development in the City of Rancho Cucamonga ", which requires that a Roaidontial Assessment System for development review be established, setting forth five (5) basic catogorion, each category being ssnignod a maximum number of total points which shall be used for rating purposost and WHEREAS, the Planning Staff of the City ling horotoforo pLopared.n draft report on a Growth Manag=Cnt Plan and said report han boon bofoca public hearings of the Planning Commission of this City1 and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considers.l th< purposes of the Growth Management Plan as oat forth in paragraph D of Soct!.on 1 of said Ordinances and the criteria required to be considered in paragraph A, Section G of said Ordinance including, but not limited to, Public Services, Design Quality, Affordable ttouaing, Planned Community, and Orderly Devolopment. NOW, THEREFC.<E, DE IT RrSOLVED that. the Planning Commission racommonds that a Rosidontial Assoaamont System be astatiished based upon the following criteria: SECTION 1: PUBLIC SERVICES A. Drainage Facilitioa The City Enginea.r shall review each project to datoraiino its ability and capacity to adequately dispose of surface runoff. A project muut ha%o a minimum of 4 points in this category in ord3r to receive ELrthor consideration (10 pts. maximum) . 1. Preject drains it,to an existing or planned storm drain or street capable o: handling the surface water generated (4 points) . 2. Proja%:t buildo mzFCer planned facilities with a .)elemental capacity for drainage or extends facilities beyond limits of sita (10 poi-,t-.$). 3. ProjC>ct provides special drainage Lacilitioa (e.g., on- 83-to storm drains, unlerground facilities and drainage facilities maintained by homeowners) to alleviate grading constraints (2 points) . 'j A. Drainage Facilitioa The City Enginea.r shall review each project to datoraiino its ability and capacity to adequately dispose of surface runoff. A project muut ha%o a minimum of 4 points in this category in ord3r to receive ELrthor consideration (10 pts. maximum) . 1. Preject drains it,to an existing or planned storm drain or street capable o: handling the surface water generated (4 points) . 2. Proja%:t buildo mzFCer planned facilities with a .)elemental capacity for drainage or extends facilities beyond limits of sita (10 poi-,t-.$). 3. ProjC>ct provides special drainage Lacilitioa (e.g., on- 83-to storm drains, unlerground facilities and drainage facilities maintained by homeowners) to alleviate grading constraints (2 points) . 9 ® 0 ® B. Street Circulation and-Improvoments The City,Bhginoor 11hall'raview oaah projoaL in LQYmn of straot, circulation and its ability to handle the traffic generated by the project. A project must receive a minimum of 4 points in thin citagory in order to receive further consideration (10 poi'i'ta maximum). 1. Project will build or widen a major or nocondary highway (5 points). 2. Traffic generated by the proposed project will not oubntai aially altar existing traffic patterns or ovgr1oad t)le oxintinV street system (4 points) . 3. Projoat providon street improvemants beyond project limits for traffic continuity and safety (3 points). 4. Project will build or widen a collector street (2 points). S. Project provides special boulavard treatment over and above that required by City atandards (2 points). C. Rosidential Safety and Security The Community Development Director shall review each project for its ability to be udoquetoly sorvod by the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department and the Foothill Piro District and the extent to which the project incozporaton safety and security techniques. 1l project must - oeoivo a minimum of 3 points in each of the following categories in order to receive further consideration (0 points maximum). 1. Police Protection (4 points maximum) a. Project site abuts existing development over 70% of its perimeter (2 points) . b. Project site abuts existing development between 25% and 70% of its parimotur (1 point) . e. Solid core exterior doors, security dead bolts and locks will be installed (2 points) . 3. Security devices such as window locks will be installed in each unit (1 point). o. Uses sit-3 planning and architectural techniques such as defensible space design, lighting placement, etc., to enhance residential security (1 point) . Fire Protection (4 points maximum) a. 70% - 80% of the project is within a three minute driving response time of a fire station (4_ points) . pl 0 b. 70 — 004 of project in between a throe and five minute driving rouponuo time of a fire ptation (2 pointu). a. 70 — 00t of project in between a five and maven minute driving response time of a fire station (1 point) . d. Fire mitigation moaouran (e.g. fire resistant build{ng materials, site dunign which anhancus fire access, etc.) are incorporated into the 11caign of the project. Points in this category shall be evaluated by the Foothill Fire District (2 points). (D- (Notot For projects aubmittod as Master Planned Dovolopmorts, rooidontial security shall be evaluated for tla4 entire project and the point total shall be a)plied to each Phase of that project) . D. Parka and lath- The Coun.-onity Davalopment shall review each project for i" provision of and lOeatien to public and /or private parks and usable open space. A project mumt receive a minimum of 2 points in this category in order to receive further consideration (6 points maximum). 1. Project provides on or off nito public park improvements and /or school recreational facilities (1 point). 2. Project provides privately oamod and maintained on site recreational faeilit:os (1 point). 3. Project connects residential areas to usable open space and public and /or private park sites with low maintenance foot pathways wherever possible (1 point), 4. Project provides trails or bikeways (1 point). S. Over 50♦ of project is located within � mile of an existing or future proposed public park site (2 points). 6. Ovqr 50% of project in located between � and 1 mile of an existing or future public park site (1 point). 7. More than 50% of project in located within � mile of usable public open space (e.g., school facilities) (1 point), (Notot For projects submitted as Master Planned Developmants, provision of parka shall be evaluated for the entire project and the point total shall be applied to each .phase of that proip ^_t. j. ® 0 E. Noighberhood Commercial Shopping Cantor The ,Coin mutlity DevelopnwnL• Director "hall review each project for its location to existing and future neighborhood commercial "hopping centers. For the purpoaay of thin section a "neighborhood comeoreiol shopping cantor" shall mean a retail cantor with at loam one grocery store whicli han a minimum of 200000 aquas foot of gross floor area (3 points maximum). 1. More than 30% of project is within 2 miles of an existing or'plannod commercial shopping cantor (3 points) . 2. Moro than 50% of project in between 2 and 3 milon of an existing or planned commercial shopping canter, (2 points). 3. Project in more than 3 miles from an ox1"ting or plannod commercial shopping cantor (1 point). F. Project Maintenanco The project provides for a Homeownerta Association and /or Maintenance District to ensure both on and off site main - tonanca (3 points). SECTION 2t DESIGN QUALITY ® A. Architectural Design V 4 � The Design Review Committee (consisting of two appointed momborn of the Planning Commission and the Director of Community Develop - mont or his designate), ahall review each project for architec- tural design quality an indicated by the quality of construction and by the architectural elevations of the proposed buildings judged in terms of architectural style, size and height (up to 10 points maximum). Criteria The following criteria represents the general typos of Architec- tural Design elemonts the Design Review Committee shall consider in their evaluation. Projecta may include other criteria not specifically mentioned here and still be eligible for the maximum number of points. The applicant is encouraged to use creativity in the design of the project. 1. Provides various visual and tactile taxtures by using an assortment of building'materials to finish surface. 2. Creates variety in design and architecture that creates strong identity. a. Mixes two story and one story dwellings within a development to achieve a variety of housing mix and reduce the sameness of the tract. 0 0 b. Varian the typos of building matorials within a project to create diversity, yet not creating oxonssivo contracts. c. Varies the color and design of houning units wit)% Particular attention to common thomou without ornating excessive contrasts. d- Provides special duaign features such as curvilinear walks, textured walkways, atc. D. Site Orientation and Street: Dooi n The Design ROviOw Committoo shall review siLa oriontbtion of mach project to determine variability of lot sizos•and config- urations to accommodate torrain and ntroot design, and also, variability of lot• sizes to encourage corresponding variations Of house designs slid oriunLations. Better aitn design will incorporate the utilization of the sun and wind for heating and cooling purposes (up to 10 points maximum). Critorin Tho following criteria represent the general types of site Orientation and street Design elements the Design Review Committee shall consider in their evaluation. Projects may include other critoria not specifically mentioned hero and still be oligiblo for the maximum number of points. Site Orientation 1. Minimizes crowding and enhances spatial relationships (eg., by avoiding excessively deep and narrow lots) . 2. Preserves dmsirable views and vistas by proper lot and housing layout. 3. Minimizes sharp angled lots constituting poor building sites. 4. Designs lots and structures to integrate with thn natural topography and vegetation. S. Designs lots and structures to minimize noise through the use of set- backs, proper location of air conditioning units, living areas and the like. 6. Creates visual relief along residential streets (eg., varying building setbacks, roof patterns, landscap3 treatment, etc.). �• i; Street Design ' 1. The'dosign of streets and parking encourage safe, ofabisnt circulation and fire access while maintaining•acceptablo fire response time. 1 ' a. Fast through traffic is dincotu:aged by use of curvi- linear street design and /or other design techniques. 0 b. Avoida short: blocks, dead and and half streets (as opposad,to cul- do -sncs) whenever possible. o, Street layout and site orientation promote the privacy of residential neighborhoods. d. Parking accoso is from local ntroots rather than secondary or major streets. 2. Public transportation in encouraged by the pro;not. a. Locates bus stops as part of the development wherever necessary as a result of planned or current bus routes. b. Provides bus pullout areas and covered waiting arena for unor wherever necessary an a result of planned or current bus routes. 3. Varian sidawalk dimensions and patterns to avoid monotony. 4. Provides handicapped access to the project. C. Landncapo and Screening Doe no The Community Development Director shall review each project for landscape and aeroaning design. such review will deter- mine compatibility of all treat, shruba, ground cover, walls and fencos, mounding, paths, lighting, eta., with the topo- graphy and site characterintica of the project (up to 10 points maximum). Criteria Z, The following criteria represent the general types of Landscape and Screening Design elements the Community Development Director shall considor in his ovalention. Projects may include other criteria not specifically tens +:)ned hare and still be eligible for the maximum number of points. ' [ 1. Landscaping materials are utilized to provide home privacy and also screen traoh and storage areas. 2. Landscaping techniques and building materials are used to enhance the quality of the sits and architecture. a. Project provides interior parkway landscape and irrigation improvements. b. Planting materials blend with and enhance the archi- tectural design of the development. c. Fences, hedges, walls, etc., are compatible with and enhance the architectural design of the development. d. Trees are used for screening edjncent streets and enhancing site quality. e. .Stabilization of elopes is promoted by landscaping techniques which prevent slope erosion. I' wI f. Lighting sources are ocroonod to minimize light spill over from one house to its neighbor. g. Drought resistant plants are utilf.mod. h. Earthen borms are placed to dolinonte the uses of spaces, provide privacy,,roduca noise, control wind, mitigate flooding, frame views, otc. L, Grouped parking areas are landscaped to provide shading and visual screening from streets and buildings. �. Apartmont /condominium and condominium conversion landscaping of trace moots or exceeds the City standard of So troop /gross acre. D. Hnorgy Conservation The Community Development Director shall review each project submitted for provisions of passive and active energy conserva- tion techniques used in terms of architectural design, land- scaping, and site orientation (5 points maximum). 1. Building orientation and landscaping are designed to maxi- mize the use of passive solar heating in winter montho and cooling winds in summer months. a. Buildings are oituated'to maximize passive solar heating in winter months , (eg., east -west aligned units,.south faci.ig windows, otc.). b. Windows are placed to sallow' cooling from prevailing westerly summer breezes (1/2 point). c. Tree planting considers any effects on the use or future inota;Lation of residential solar energy collectors (1/2 point). 2. Unita are pro - plumbed for adoption to solar energy heaters (1 point). 3. Energy conserving building materials and appliances . are incorporated into the architectural design, (e.g., reduced consumption shower heads, better grade insulation, double pans windows, otc.)(1 point). 4. Development provides option to homebuyora to purchase solar energy collectors for heating purposes (1 point). r: El SECTION 3t AFFORDADLC IIOUHNO The birector of Community Development shall review all proyoctti for thu provision of adequate housing for all oogmonto of the population in order to create diversified neighborhood environments and income groups, avoiding concentrations of any single income group in one particular neighborhood. Those residential development projects which provide "affordablo" housing shall be given, additional point consideration as wall as opportunitiou for density bonuses. For purposes of this section, Affordable (lousing iu dofined act Owner Ocou iods Projects which' are sponsored through govornment programs or pr vat:oly financed through market rate programs having a price range of :I.5 times 00 -120% of the currant median family income of San Barnardino County consistent with the City's dousing Assistanoa Plan (IIAP). This income figure shall be roadjsistod annually and is currantly 6141000.* Ranter Occueisdt Fair markat rant in San Bernardino County as defined by Section of Clio housing and Community Development Act which shall be readjusted periodically and is currantlyt** 0 of Bedrooms Detached Semi- detachad /Row Walkup Elev (2 -4 stories) 0 - - 262 200 ® 1 - 348 316 336 2 460 425 377 399 3 512 471 409 - 4 568 535 454 - The above figures include the price of utilities. For projects which do not include utilities in the rental rates, the following deductions from the above described fair market rates shall be made: H of Bedrooms Deductions for Utilities 0 25 1 30 2 35 3 40 4 45 •Fledian family income of San Bernardino County is current as of January, 1979 ® and is readjusted annually. **Fair market rent is current as of April, 1979 and is readjusted periodically. M �t4f - 1�i�. 0 Criteria 1. hffordabla housing stall be oveluntod using the tolllowing critorint, a. Project provides 15% or more affordable housing (6 points and up to 20• density bonus). b. Project provides 5 to 15% affordable housing (4 pointo and up to 10% density bonus). o. Project provide# 1 to 5% affordable housing (2 points and up to 5• density bonus). (NOTE► ror projects submitted as Maotor Planned Developments, Affordable Housing shall bo evaluated for the entire , project and the points shall be applied to each phase of that project). SECTION 41 PTANNED CO The Community Development Director-shall review each project oubmitted as a Planned Community for the degree to which it achieves a variety of houning typoo, provides public facilities and services, efficient internal circulation and overall integration of rosidentiol design factors. For purposes of this ordinance, an application submitted as a Planned Community muot consist of a minimum of 500 acres (up to 6 points maximum). Criteria 0 The following criteria represent the general typos of elements the Community Development Director shall consider when evaluating planned Communities. Such developments may include other criteria not specifically mentioned hero and still ho eligible for the maximum number of points. 1. Provides for a variety of housing typos and coats to complement existing housing in the immediate aroat i.e., Owner Occupied: single family, multi - family (townhouaoo, condominiums); Rental: apartments duplexes and elderly family. 2. Provides for necessary public facilities; e.g., sewer and water lines, fire facilities, school facilities, etc., to serve the residents of the development. 3. Provides an efficient internal circulation system dooigned to maximize safety and minimize congestion and monotony, which is integrated with the City's Faster Street Plan. 4. Creates various and diverse architectural and site design themes throughout the development, however, not over exagerating any one theme. 441 0 0 SECTION 51 ORDERLY DEVELOPMENT The Community Development Director shall review all projocta for the extent to which they accomplish the orderly and continuous extension of existing dovolopmenh rather than "leap -frog dove lopment". Ono third point will be granted for oach l0t of the project that is contiguous with existing development. Contiguous dovolopmont is dofinod as huving no separation b_ vacant, undeveloped land. If the project in phasod, contiguous development shall be measured for the entire project (3 points maximum). SECTION 6t CUSTOM LOT SUBDIVISIONS Custom lot subdivisions are those which create parcels not subsequently , built upon but sold individually or in groups to an individual or buildor. Ac such, certain critoria ouch as architectural and landscape design cannot be evaluated at the time of subdivision. This sootion will evaluate those factors applicable to custom lot subdivision and derive a point rating which would apply to any future rosidontinl development project of five unite or more on the custom lots. Applications for custom lot subdivisions shall be rated using the following critoria► A. 'Public Services 1. Drainage Facilities The City Engineer shall review each project to dotormine its ability and capacity to adequately dispose of surface runoff. A project must have a minimum of 4 points in this category in order to receive further consideration (10 points maximum) . u. Project draina into an existing or planned storm drain or street capable of handling the surface water generated (4 points). b. projont builds mastor planned.facilities with supplemental capacity for drainage or extends facilities beyond limits of site (10 points)• c. Project provides special drainage facilities (e.g., on -sito storm drains, underground facilities and drainage facilities maintained by homeowners) to alleviate grading constraints (2 points). 2. Street Circulation and Improvements The City Engineer shall review each project in terms of street circulation and by its ability to handle the traffic generated by the project. A project must receive. a minimum of 4 points in this category in order to receive further consideration (10 points maximum). . t f a. Project will build or widen a major or secondary highway (4 points). 1. b. Traffic generated by the propound project will not aubstantially altar oxiating traffic patterns or overload the existing street system (4 points). o. Project provides street improvements beyond project limita for traffic continuity and safety (3 points). d. Project will build or widen a collector street (2 points). o. Projoat provides spacial boulevard treatment over and above that required by the City Standards (2 points) . 3. Parks and Paths The Community Dovolopmant Director shall review cacti project for its provision of and location to public and /or private -yarka and unable open space. A project must receive a minimum of 2 points in this category in order to racoive further consideration (6 points maximum). a. Project provides on or off site public park improve - manta and /or school recreational facilities (1 point). b. Project provides privately owned and maintained on site rocreational facilities (1 poilit). c. Project connects residential areas to unable open space and public and /or private park uitos with low maintenance foot p&thways whurovor possible (1 point). d. Project provides trails or bikoways (1 point). o. Ovar 50% of project is located within 1/2 mile of an existing or future proposed- public park site (2 points). f'. Over 50% of project is located between 1/2 and 1 mile of an exiating or future park site (1 point). g. More than 50% of project is located within 1/2 mile of usable public open space (e.g., school facilities) (1 point) . 4. Neighborhood Commercial Shopping Center Thu Community Development Director shall review each project for its location to existing and future neighbor- hood ccmoorcial shopping centers. For the purpose of this section, a "neighborhood commercial shopping center" shall mean a retail center with at least one grocery store which he&% a minimum of 20,000 square feet of gross floor area (3 points maximum). E L ® a. More than 80% of project is within 2 miles of an.axisting or planned commercial shopping granter (3 licinta) . b. Moro than 90• of project in botwoon 2 and 3 miles of an existing or planned cotmnorcial shopping center (2 points) . c. Project in more titan 3 miles from an existing or planned commercial slopping center (1 point). D. Vito Orientation and Stroot Dooiqn The Dasl.gn Review Committea @hall review site orientation of cacti project to determine variability of lot sizes and configurations to accommodato torrain and street design, and elect variability of lut sizes to encourage corresponding variations of houso designs and orientations. Better site design will incorporate the utilization of the sun and wind for hosting and cooling purposes (up to 10 points maximum). Criteria ' The following criteria represent the general types of Site Orientation and Street Design elements the Design Review Committee shall consider in their evaluation: Peojact may include other criteria not specifically mentioned here and still be eligible for the maximum number of points. Site Orientation ?: 1. Minimizos crowding and enhances spatial relationships (e.g., by avoiding excessively deep andnarrow lets). 2. Preserves desirable views and vistas by proper lot and housing layout. 3. Minimizes sharp angled late eonstitutLng poor building sites. 4. Designs lots and structures to integrate with the natural topography and vegotation. S. Designs lots and structures to minimize noise through the use of setbacks, proper location of air conditioning units, living areas and the like. 6. Creates visual relief along residential streets (e:.g.# varying building setbacks, roof patterns, landscape treatment# etc). Street Design „i 1. The design of atreet and parking encourage safe, efficient circulation andfire accoss while maintaining acceptable fire response time. 0 0 a. Fast through traffic is dincouragod by Una of curvi- linear street design and othar,danign techniques. b. Avoids ahort blocko, dead and and half Otranto (as opposed to cul- do -saco) whenever ponoiblo. c. Street layout and site orientation promote the privacy of residential neighborhoods. d. Parking access in from local streets rather than secondary or major atroots. C. Orderly Davelopment The Community Development Director shall review all projects for thr extent to which they accomplish the orderly and con - tinuoun extension of existing development rather than "leap- frog development ". Ono third point will be granted for ouc7t 10• of the project that in contiguous with existing development. Contiquous development in defined as having no separation by vacant, undeveloped land. If the project is phased, contiguous development shall be measured for the entire project (3 points maximum). SECTION 7t THRESHOLD POINT LIMIT The City Council hereby sots a Threshold Point Limit of 70 points for development projectn other than custom lot subdivisions, and 33 points for custom lot subdivisions.' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS 1. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby adopts Resolution No. 79- 59 recommending that the City Council approve and adopt the Residential Asoosamont System on the 12th day of September, 1979. 2. That a Certified copy of the Resolution and related material hereby adopts-" by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY:_ Herman Rempel, Chairman Secretary of the Planni, 11 6A a �' i i r n LJ I, • JACK LAMP Secretary of tits Planning Conmtioaion of tha City oK Rancho Cucamonga f do hereby certify that the foregoing•RopoluUon wao dilly and regularly inL•roduaW# paaeod, and adopted by the Planning Com Uipiust of the City of Rancho Cucamongap at a regular mooting of the Planning Commission hold on the 72nd day Of Auguatp 1979 by the following vote to -wits nYESt COMMISSIONERS$ NOES COMMISSIONERS1 AUSENTS COMMISSIONERS i� RESIDENTIAL ASSESSMENT RATING SUMMARY CATEGORY MAX. POINTS I. PUBLIC SERVICES A. Drainagn Facilities D. Street Circulation and Improvements C. Residential Security 1. Police Protection 2. Fire Protoction D. Parks and Paths E. Commercial Shopping Conturs F. Project Maintenance II. DESIGN QUALITY A. Architectural Design D. Site Oriontation and Street Design C. Landscape and Snrooning Design D. Energy Conservation III. AFFORDABLE TIOUSING IV. PLaIiNED COMMCiNITY V. ORDERLY DEVELOPMENT TOTALt THRESHOLD POINT LIMITS 10 (4 pLa. min) 10 (4 pts. min) 4 (3 pts. min) 4 (3 pte.• min) 6 (2 pto. min) 3 3 40 10 10 10 5 35 6 6 3 90 Points 70 Points PERCENTAGE 11.1% 11.1% 4.4% 4.4% G.7% 3.3% 3.3% 44.4% 11.1% 11.1% 11.10 5.60 35.9% 6.7% 6.7% 3.3% 4) U u 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATEI September 12, 1979 T0: Planning Commission L�Rom: Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer SUBJECTS BASE LINE (FAU) IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Attached for Commission review is the Environmental Assessment - Negative Declaration for the widening and reconstruction of Base Line from Agate Street to Hallman Avenue and Archibald Avenue to east of Ramona. This project limits. and Case Line Feder t al Aid Urban grant. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The project as designed will be primarily resurfacing of the street. Minor widening is proposed for the south side of Base Line between Beryl and Lion and on the north side of the street from Archibald Avenue to approximately 500 feet east. In these areas, the widening within the City right of way will involve the removal of numerous trees, grading on private property and removal and replacement of selected fences. In each of these cases, the ..property owners have been contacted and have voiced no opposition to the project to date. ' ALTERNATIVES The proposed project has been designed for construction within the existing right of way to avoid costly delays in Federal processing and to still provide sufficient width for four lanes of traffic. The major problem with the proposed project occurs in the area between Lion and Beryl on the south side. The lots fronting on this portion of the street are all occupied residential houses which are not likely to undergo a change in use for sometime. The narrow 63 foot roadway will allow for 4 lanes of trafficq but will not provide sufficient provision for pedestrian movement in the area. Students walking to school will be forced onto the street near traffic or onto private property. In order to properly provide for pedestrian movement, the City would be required to obtain right of way dedication and to construct ultimate improvements in this area. Improvements would include curb, gutters, sidewalk, paving, landscaping and fence reconstruction. The estimated cost of these improvements is $40,000. Due to Federal constraints on right of way acquisition, it would be recommended that the widening and right of way acquisition be completed as a separate pro- ject to be constructed immediately following the FAU resurfacing portion. ITEM "D" � M Yl 0 Base Line (FAU) Improvement Project Page 2 Saptember 129 1979 LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT Alternative mitigation measures to landscape removal could be considered for the area east of Archibald to replace or relocate existing palm trees in this area. These measures are not recommended at this time pending further develop - mant of these properties. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the Negative Declaration for the minor widening and resurfacing of Base tine Street and recommend to the City Council the approppriation of funds for the separate construction of the ultimate widening on tha south side of Dase Line between Beryl Avenue and Lion Street. Res pectfully submitted, OLI B, obbs Ci Enineer LBN:deb .0, C!� I IIYN „811 � -- •-- -• { I { 0 n' 11 ti 4 .� I� s � ao • ti ____aoalnnwr� umuni is pl rrr+W� It O (l Mr r I1� 1\ III It� � Q ,AU30 �•�• n � a n ” 13NUVO I' ~ I n �il ti Vi \ m b W 1 OUVA314IA ; -• -- — I _.g JI '1 w` I� L1J u r ;V CA ?: }' m 1- y 0 -'1 ,,r u 1 « m \ V 30� An y ou ._. �tl:x 19 W N N N o J W I- a W W 111 W Ln n ul a W In -f o :C 0 i LO � � CL £ Q .9 d w� Q (1r a a co cr u --�� -. ) In J In I; - i --r•�� err ---' � rNOwou -a F. M vl � r ;V CA ?: }' m 1- m In W u 1 « m \ 0 30� An j i - -V, ;. M o \ II p�p W u o. u w � t « m \ 0 30� An y sxaua:Ir.r+rvlt. 19 W N N N o J W I- a W W 111 W Ln O � � a � M £ - -V, ;. M \ II o. u w � t « m \ 0 30� o,�,oa� °, y sxaua:Ir.r+rvlt. 19 N N Lq N N N o J w W W W I- a W W 111 W CITY OF RANC11O CUCANONCA 1 INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Enviro:unontal Aosoasmoni: Review Feo: $70.00 For all projects reguiring environmental revi.ow, this form must be completed and nubmittod'to the Dovelopment Review Committee through Lilo department whore the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmontal Analysis staff Will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. Tile Developmnnt Review Commit-L•oe will meet and take action no later than ton (10) clays before the public meeting at which time the Project is to be hoard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no. environmental. impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will hnve an dnvironmontal impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. 0. F.A.U. Street Improvement Project PROJECT TITLE: Base Line overlay, reconstruction and minor widening APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: _City of Ranrlto Cticamona , P- Q. Rox 743. Rancho Cucamonga California _91730 (714) 989 -1851 i NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: _I;(QDte_Prescher. Cit nr o Cucamon a _P. 0. Box 793. Rancho Cucamonga California 91739 714 989 -185 ext 49 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) Centerline Imorovement - Base Line from Agate to Hellman end from Archibald to Cambrid e - LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: to be ecf— issued by Rancho Cucamonga (Egg veer ng; 9 PROJECT I)ESCRIP'nog DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS Minor wideninq where required to obtain two (2) lanes of traffic each dTr—n—Ctf0—n—W-1thln existing right OT WaY. JeGonstruc&ign of areas noi-confomina to standards. A.C. overlay, striping and A.C. berms if and where required or runoff control. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND''SpUARE FOOTAGE of EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: 3220 + linear feet DESCRIBE TILE •ENVIRONMENTAL SnTTING_ OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND TILE DESCRIPTION OF ANY . EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SlIEETS)i Rase LJ nn is a•mae_tgr planned east west highway through the "tg', maintenance 12rgblem. It 12 recommenled the be removed, lee attaL;,ed sheet. Thera are also 7 various fruit trees with n t o project limits which are to be removed. Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative fictions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? I- 2 C 0 t IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CCRTIrICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be. submitted before an adcqunte evaulation can be made by the Devulo1,mant Review Committee. Date signature Title . 7C 3 wrLL THIS plipirCTi YliWri X 1. Cruato a substantial change in ground contours? _y__ 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibrations 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (polico, fire, water, sowago, etc.)? .� x 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? Remove any existing trees? Flow many? 1,9 12 palms, 1 fruit, 3 walnut and 3 citrus X G. Create the need for uso.or disposal of potentially hazardous matcrials such as toxic subotancea,, flammablos or explosives? Explanation of 1I Inra_ in any Yyr.4 answers above: With the 'wldeni R nir Bos ucnat! -rnasnd in the noise level. kill rPeul which intern will tretly, 1n an in'r a However. the protect is within the limits of the gener�]__plen and master street plan 20 existing tranes are within the ormiect limits and wilt nnarl r„ tie .,..,...,.a IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CCRTIrICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be. submitted before an adcqunte evaulation can be made by the Devulo1,mant Review Committee. Date signature Title . 7C 3 REOIDErIxIAL CONSTRUCTION Tl:o followit:q information should be provided to the City of Renclio Cucamonna Planning Division in order to did in assossing tho ability of the school district to accommodate the proposed residential development. Name of Developer and.Tentativo Tract No.: Specific Location of Projects ' PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 nP.sr 4 TOTAL 1. Number of single family unite: 2. Number of multiple family units: ; Date proposed to begin construction: r 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Modnl A and 0 of Tentative S. Bedrooms Price Rance � NVW9'L'�1 NYHl�'lll • --1 � Q A Iti N01'l 1AU3o 13NUVO r W w W 1 ° o IL 'Z l a ' —' -- YNOHOW a V a 4. ° •— x " u '0 /D h z Y � 3 C2 w O ° ^ b tlN in v J�• d al Qj O = r /� �/ / V1 I Y40WU7H --- ONYA3NI� <C W� � °L •l im � NVW9'L'�1 NYHl�'lll • --1 � Q A Iti N01'l 1AU3o 13NUVO , N A �i lid .i II N II. 0 N= W J � W I N <1 m HY31 —Noll S$ 2 e ^ � R it1 I = 3omuollvo 0 a z r W w W 1 ° o IL 'Z l a ' —' -- YNOHOW a V a 4. ° •— x " u '0 /D h z Y � 3 C2 w O ° ^ b tlN in v J�• d al Qj O = r /� �/ / V1 a ONYA3NI� <C W� � °L •l im y; y � Z W cr V a i n> 0 M m O N VI v1 N • t , N A �i lid .i II N II. 0 N= W J � W I N <1 m HY31 —Noll S$ 2 e ^ � R it1 I = 3omuollvo 0 a z r W w W 1 ° o IL 'Z l a ' —' -- YNOHOW a V a 4. ° •— x " u '0 /D a LL. z Y � 3 C2 w O ° ^ b tlN in v J�• d O = r /� �/ / .20 a 0 <C W� � °L im --- Z W cr V a i n> 0 M m O N VI v1 N • t J �• • ' b 0 M 1.: J R - W 1 'fix ' —' -- YNOHOW - II � u J 1 I ^ i W� --- Z W cr V a i n> 0 M m O N VI v1 N • t J �• • p W ^ Wp b - 'L •' ^ u ' a u a° d a s 1 'fix - II � u J 1 I ^ i --- Z W cr V a i n> 0 M m O N VI v1 N • t J W W W n. W W W I ,'i 1Y` 11 491Y ON RAN6110 CUCM1014GA BTAPP RErORT Unto: September 12, 1979 Tot Planning Commission Prom: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subject: A change of zone from A -1 (Limited , Industrial) for 38.56 acres of land of Arrow, 1,3001 cant of I -15. UN - MISIUMaa - re to M -2 (Reavy on the north side BACKGROUND: Meridian Construction Company in requesting approval to change the zone on 38.56 acres of land from A -1 to M -2. Tito site in located on tits north side of Arrow Route approximately 10300' east of Interstate 15 (Exhibit "A "). The nits is presently vacant and lies in the heart of the City's industrial .undo. Surrounding land use and zoning in an follows: Land Use Zoning North Vacant land and I -15 A -1 South Industrial Development M -2 East Industrial Development M -2 West Vacant land and I -15 A -1 Tito subject property and all surrounding properties are general planned for major industrial uses. The applicant's have intentions to subdivide the property and sell for industrial development. ANALYSIS: The subject property is large enough to accommodate uses permitted In said zone. In addition, uses permitted in the proposed zone are compatible and consistent with present and future uses in the surrounding area. As required by the State Planning and Zoning Laws, the zone change request is consistent with the City adopted General Plan. Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant and is attached for your review. Staff has completed Part II of the Initial Study and has completed a field investigntion. No significant advere.l impacts on the environment were found as a result of this project. Staff is recommending issuance of a Negative Declaration. IT121 "E" fy�f1 •. � J 1 _ Zone Change No. 79-080 September 12, 1979 Para 2 0 rI CORRESPONDrNCL*t A notice of public hearing and draft negative declaration were publistod in the Daily Report on August 31, 1979. In addition, all property owners within 300' of tho subject property were notified of snid hearing by cartifia.l nu►il. To data, no correspondence tine boon received relative to this project. RHOOMhENDATIONt It In roconmonded that tho Planning Commission recommend approval and adoption of 'lone Chango No. 79 -00 and Negative Declaration to the City Council as outlined in the attached [resolution. Ilcspectfully submitted, aLL[ I JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JLtMVtnm Attachmentat Location Map Initial Study Resolution 0 ❑s I _ I i. ��� 1 1. t , 1' , I, A 1. 1�, 11 � I X 1 V • 11 I � , , I• 1 1 1, I' 1 •'i ., •It J I ( 1 1. I I lri .III 'I � 'il ' 1 rli 11 1 1. i, �I� 1 LI, 1 �. 7 X1,1 A 1 II � i ,' V'� yl 1 I 1 '� tl `'� I,' „ Il, 1 y 1 1 1•, 1 1 1 1 i•% 1. I QI I. ( 1 1 11 11 I II 1• I 1 'll' I .'+1 i 111 1 1/ I +,1 '' 1, , ! 1 �( 1 1 ' 1 �� ' '�I1, � 1 , , �.. I IL 1 "11 ��j,1 � 1..1 1; � t'''1 YY 1�' ''�, LIr�, t vr,G ,� '..:� ' 1 � •I' � 1j 11 1 � 'I n, •I I' �XI'I 1 li•I '1 � 1 .11.1 1 I 11 . 1 �'I•IJ 'Ill 1'4'1 1 ' I� Ir '' II '+ 1 1 1� ,Y� , 11 1 '�'/ i 1 1 .. .l 1 01; r 'IL ' I \1. ,1 1 4 L C' I ,I C.+N• y r 1 A 1 ',r I, 1• .1d y 1 f I' I 1 ' •1'. i rl �,. 1 1 '. 11 '. r�•'Ii.t .I'' 'L 1, 1 1 1. 11 ' "` '' Il..11 .. 1 1, 1 `� ! r• 7 ' .`, . 1 r �',, I 1 1 11 I I' i LI i 1 ` 1 (� it �, 4 v 1 1• Y , 1 1 �: 1 ! {M � 1 I 1 l J 'i�w_ e1 '_. ..1 _..._ 1 a �'_I •. .. ..a Ii_'_ l!.6_uY�4y 1 'f •..1 _:1� _ '. a _ _ _I ' 0 u CITY OF RANCIIO CUCMIONCA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be comploted L•'nvironmon�al Annossmont Review Foe: $70.00 applicant For All prOjecte requiring environmental review, form must be completed and oubmittod' to the Dev,el { tn mo t Review Committeo through the department whore the project application is made. Upon receipt of .thin Application, the Environmental Analyoia otaff. will Prepare Part' II of the Initial Study', The. Onvalopmaf Review Conunitteo will meet and take Action no later than ton (10) days before the public meeting at which project is to be hoard. The Committee wil time the I make one of throe determinations: 1) The project will have no environmantal impact and a Negative Declaration will be and an Enviro filed, 2) project will have an environmental impact ronmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied th the applicant giving £urth the proposed project. or information cor:cerning ?ROJECT TITLE: mar' -X�SSZS A s xec- z29G / -5•I 11PPLICAITI"S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: ii/JN L. 2Szf:3 CAr3c�r Rrn, dozy �GUnlit �LG y�G,S NAML, ADDRESS, TELEPIONE OF PERSON TO DE CONTACTEr CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: LG'v�vlG Ene /tplp /Oq E, Sap S� • �� �= •1.'nJffGLlnb� C�4 �fZ�/IO LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND !fS` S;C ifjQC�� 2zt�•.p`/ ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) ' �! _ i/ • � EAS i �-} ' A,4?•E'lLl LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AZA ? FEDERAL AGENCIES AND TILE AGENCY ?�lnF_ GIAtiE pgrjCE� MAP ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: i 0 1 R� OJEar DE §C11IP'CION DESCRIPTION OF PROJEM -70 G1f/RA &LJ- 774C 3C4c f-)WM 70 M -7_ /IAJa rnVe -e Z, ,(4AP ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND' 'PROPOSED DUILDINGS, IT'ANYt NU DESCRIBE THE-ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), 1. ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING F',,O PERT TES, AND TIME DESCRIPTION OF ANY . rXTSTING STRUCTURES AND WHEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS) i • rA,�S r is ✓AUI J r 0 I Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series, of cumulative actions, although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? 0 A _ M ��1 a 1 , 1 IIIS P110aral Y, ES NO 1. C3rante a substantial change in ground contours? 2. Create a substantial change in existing noiso or vibration? ,JL,._ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, Tiro, water; sowago, otc.) °. 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations Y• 5: Remove any existing trees?, Now many? G. Create the need for use. or disposal of 'potentially hazardous matoriala such as toxic substances, flammaules or explosives? Explanation of any Y, TS. answers above: T�/C .�1��J[r n/c�fl5 /3 C— 9:WAAJc1f i'- ra.,v c� nA A -) To �-I • To -V i n)TU CL�FCk"M/atirt— at:1'T�J 7rl EC��k,C.�h► PLd XMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICAT ION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and informat ?.on presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.' I further understand tint additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evallation can be made by the Development Review Conunitteee. 1 T �� / Date 1 Signatu�-r•.•J.�� ` 1. 7ti l ZICl S-rAF1=c IZZ" Title 0 RESOLUTION. NO. 79 -60 ' A RESOLUTION OF '111E RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RIMOMMENDINO APPROVAL OF ZONE CHANGE NO. 79 -08 REQUESTING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM A -1 TO M -2 FOR 30.56 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ARROW ROUTE, 1,300' EAST OF 1 -15 - ABSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 229- 021 -59 WHEREAS, on the 17th day of August, 1979, an application was filed and accepted on the above described project; and WHEREAS, on the 12th day of September, 1979, the Planning Commission hold a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to Section 65854 of the California Government Code. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission line made the following findings: 1. That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed tone in terms of access, site, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; 2. The proposed tone chongu would not have significant impact on the environment nor the surrounding pro- partioa; and 3. That the proposed tone change is in conformance with the proposed General Plan. SUCTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this project will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and has recommended issuance of a Negative Declaration on September 120 1979. NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 12th day of September, 1979 of Zone Change Ns. 79 -08. 2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve and adopt Zone Change No. 79 -08. 3. That a Certified Copy of this Resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1979. 6 1 PLANNING 'COMMISSION OF TIIE, CITY ON' RANCIIO .000MIONGA ' I BY: Herman Rempcl, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucanonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly inL•roducod, paused, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Conmissiion hold on the 12th day of So,tember, 14799 by the following vote to -wits AYES: Ca*fISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ;r 6 .. Fj a � ti� i •: 1 40 DATES TOt PROMS SUBJECTS CITY Or RANCHO CUCAMONGA Septanbor 12, 1979 Planning Commission MEMORANDUM Jack Lam, Director of Community Development REQUZOT POR PARTIAL PARK mAx CREDIT ON TRACT 9582 -1 - DEER CREEK DACKOhOUNDt Tito Planning Commission, at its meeting of July 25, 1979, initially roviuwod thu request for partial park ta.c credit on Tract 9502 -1. A copy of that staff report and tho minutes of the meeting tiro attached for your review. Tito Commission continued review and consideration of this request to this meeting in order to allow for full participation and attandanca of the Commission. As wan stated in the previous staff roportt Section 7 of ordinance 0 sate forth tho criteria by which partial credit is determined. The intent of the Ordinance in to allow for partial crodiL when a development provides recreational facilities that ralievo the City of a pnrtial obligation of providing park and recreational facilities. Door Crook development is a high quality residential dovalolmtantt however, it in staff's opinion that thn bridle trails provided do not moot the mandatory criteria (specifically item (d)) and that such credit is not the intent of the Ordinanuo. RECOMMENDATIONt it is recommended that the Planning Commisaion recommond to tho City Council that no Park Tax Credit be given to this development ba;od upon the criteria set forth in Ordinance No. 8. `Ro= p�atful y s omitted, - � J Jark Lam, Director of Community Development JLSMVSCc Attachmentat Staff Report of July 25, 1979 Hinutea of July 25, 1979 0 ,t ITEH "E" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DhTCt July 291 1979 TOt Planning Contmievion n FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PARTIAL PARK TAX CREDIT ON TRACT 9902 -1 UACIZGROUNDt Rancho Cucamonga hall adopted Ordinance No. n regulating a Park and Recreation Tax on now roaidontiol development (attached) . In addition to cutting the park foe, tiro Ordination also has provisions for partial credits for those davolopmontn which provide privato open space for park and recreational purl :ones. The Dour Crack Company has submitted a letter requesting partial credit of the park Coo (attached). The applicant's request is based on the fact that the development in providing A fully maintained landscaped bridle system throughout the development. ANALYSIS1 Section 7 of Ordinance 0 Data forth the criteria by which partial credit in determined. Thin development does not moot item (d) under Section 7 which requires that the open space be reasonably ndaptabic for use for park and recreational purposes. Dridlo traila arc not reasonably adaptable to other types of park and recreational uses. The size and shape of the bridle trail roatricts its use. The Commission must also consider, should credit be given on bridle trai].a for thin development, that all other future residential developments with bridle trails would be entitled to a similar credit. An the Commission is aware, the City has a significant amount of half -acres and acre developments that utilize bridle trails. In addition, the apocifie plans are uaing trails and pathways. If park tax credit is given for those types of restricted use open spaces, then it will significantly reduce tho ability of the City to develop a park system consistent with the master plan for Parke and Recreation. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division staff raeommondn that the Planning Commidsion r3commond to the City Council that no Park Tax Credit be given to this development based upon the criteria Dot forth in Ordinance No. G. Respllctfully hubmitt..a. uaruccor or Community Development JL: I-IV : cc 3 i ORDINANCE 110. U AN ORDINANCr, OF THE CI'T'Y COUNCIL Or THE CITY Or RAMC110 CUCAtIOPIGA' L'6TAnLISnINO A PARR AIID RECRL')MON TAX r0!t NEW PT:SIUmITIAI, DEVELOPMENT AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADIIINISTRATION, AMOUNTS AND CREDITS TIMIUMV p REPEALING SAN br -HNAI D1110 COUNTY ORDINANCE'NO.'212G, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY TIIEREor THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'NIL•' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES ORDAIN As rOLLOWDt SECTION 1. Intent tend Purnouo. The City Council of the Citk of Rancho Cucamonga hereby declares a tax on all now renidential developmont within the City for the sole purpose of producinq revenue for the acquisition, development and initial equipment of new parks or additio3nal park lands. This is declared pursuant to the taxing power granted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by the Government Code of the State of California. The purpose of the tax is to ansist in financing the rlanning, acquisition and development of 'parks to maintain the level of Ah park service as the City's population increases. SECTION 2. Definitions. a. • "City" shall mean the City of Rancho Cucamonga. b. "Residential Development" shall include all dwelling units constructed for the first 'time on onen land or when existing structures are remodeled, added to or otherwise altered to increase the number of dwelling units. C. "Dwelling Unit" shall include each single family dwelling, each unit of an apartment, duplex dwelling group or multiple dwelling structure or condominium or planned residential development as a separate habitat for one or more rersons or each mobile home space designed to' contain a mobile home trailer on a semi - permanent or permanent basis. d. "Person" includes every person, firm or corporation constructing a dwelling unit directly or through tha services of any employee, agent or indeoendent contractor. �i ��a SECTXUN 3. Taxi Imposition and Aunlicntirnt. A tax is hereby imposed in the amounts hurain not [orth and shall be applicable to evnry dwdlliAU unit is above defined constructed in the Ci'ty' after the effective date of this Ordinance and shall be known as the Parks and Recreation Tax, SECTION 4. Taxi Amount. Every person constructing any dwelling unit: within the City of Cucamonga shall pay the City the following: For each single family dwelling unit, the sum of $300.00 For each multiple dwelling unit, the sum of $100.00 For each mobile home unit $150.00 SECTIONS. Tax: When Payable. The tax imposed in this chapter shall be due and Payable upon issuance by the City of a building•pormit for the construction of any dwelling unit and shall be refunded only in the event that the building permit issued has expired and no construction has been commenced. SECTION G.' Distionition of Tax Racaipts. There is hereby established a Park Development Fund. All sums collected pursuant to this chanter shall be deposited in said Park Development Fund and shall be used solely for acquisition, development and initial equipment of new parks or the expansion of land or services on existing parks in accordance with the Park, Parkway and Open Space element of the Rancho Cucamonga.General Plan. SECTION 7. Partial Credit. Where private open space for par): and recreational purposes is provided in a pr000sed subdivision and such snnce is to be privately owned and maintained by tha future residents of the subdivision, partial credit, not to exceed 50 %, may be given against the requirement if the City Council finds that it is in the public interest to do so and that all the follouing standards are met: a. That yards, court areas, setbacks, and other ouen areas required to be maintained by the zoning and building ordinances and regulations shall not be included in the comouta- tion of such privat^ open spare; and b. That the private ownership and maintenance o£ the open space is adequately provided for by recorded written .agreement, conveyance, or restrictions; and A e. That the use of the orivnte open space !.s restricted for part; and recreational purponan by recorded covenant which runs with the J and in favor of tlae future owners of property and which cnnnot be defeatad or oliminaLed without the consent of the Cityt and d. That the oroponed private open space is reasonably ndaptable for use for park and rocrontionnl purponan, tatting into consideration such factors an size, shape, touography, guology, access, and locationot and a. That facilities 'propound for the ouon nonce are in substantial accordance. with the provisions of the recreational element: of the Maxtor Plan of Parks and Rocreationt and f. That the open space for which credit is'given is a minimum of throe acres and provid ,3s for adaauatc development and naintenanee of the area for rer,roation purooses. Before credit is given tile' City Manager or his designated repre- sentativo shall make written recommendations to the City Council for their approval. SECTION 8. Periodic Revision. Inasmuch as the tax not forth in this chapter is based on average coats of land and do-,eloonant, a roview shall be con- ducted periodically to determine whether the tax needs revisions to reflect current costa of such acquisition and development. SECTION 9. Reoonl of San Ber San Bernardino County Ordinance'No. 2126, heretofore adopted as an ordinance of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as re- quired by Section 34328.5 of the Government Code of the State of California is hereby expressly declared repealed, and is suoer- ceded as an ordine.nce of the City of Rancho Cucamonga by this Ordinance. SECTION 10. Tile City of Rancho Cucamonga has ;just boon incornorated and has no funds whatsoever to provide for the Planning, acquisition and development of public oarha . It is necessary that the City acquire funds for such ruroosen without delay. This Ordinance is therefore necessary for the Protection of the public health, welfare and general safety and shall taho- effect immediately upon its adoption as an urgency ordinance. 1977. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of December • , ATTEST: --7� -� City Clerk a ,. I 1 M p� q Honorable City Council City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Dacclino Road Cucamonga, California 91730 Gentlemen: July G, 1979 Rai Ordinanco R0 . Park Tax Crodit, Door Croak. This latter in submitted an a requoct for a Tax Credit in aecordsi:ue with Section 7 of your Ordinance No. 0 and the following materials arc submitted to assist yet% and your staff in evaluating the request: a. Copy of Landscaping plans for Tract 9502 -1. b. Copy of overal3. tentative_ map. e. Copy of Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions for the improvement and development of the Deer Creek Project. d. Copy of the by -Laws and Articles of Incorporation of the Door Crock Homeowners Annociation. e. Copy of the report of the Department of Roal Estate of the :Mato Of California. The basis of the consideration of a Tax Credit against the fee of $14,700.00 paid on the first unit of 49 housca, (two lots still vacant of the total 51'lots) 1.0 set forth as follows; 1. This is the first planned Equestrian unit provided with adequate bridle trails in front of the lots, planted, fenced with decorative fence and provided for continuing care, including irrigation system. The trails are not located where they become weed infected and uninviting, usually merely providing accena to corals. 2. Automatic irrigation systems have been installed, trees, shrubs, and ground cover have been planted and established at a total coat for the 51 lots of $112,000.00 THE DEER CREEK COMPANY, , POST OFFICE BOX488 ALTA LOMA,CALiFORNIA 91701 D 0 C 4)•89:3323 '�•II I, II '1 Page 2 II � W 3. 'ilia By-Laws of the Door Crack Homeowners Ausocintions nn submitted herewith, provides continuity of application (Goc. 1.04); automatic membership with ownership (Coe. 3.01) ; Annocintion Be upon aibilition ..13eoi- 4.01); power of operation and management (Coe. 5.02); duty to maintain records and books (Coo. 5.17); powers of Accousments (Art. XL) . 4. Pro•rinionu for continuity and enforcement of colmnon area maintenance. 5. The acreage in Tract 9502 -1 included in the bridle and oquentri at common uroan total nix acres. Thin in upproximutely 12% of the total area included in homonites. This does not include the parkway area which ban also been landscaped and is maintained by the homeowners assooiation. ® 6. The open apace provided in the first unit and as pledged in the following unites will provide a total of 36 acres out of gross available acreage in the entire project under control of of the developer, which totala 293 acres. An additional information, but not opolled out in your ordinance 180 it should be pointed out that Door Creek Company vas provided a dike and reception $f ditch of over 6x000 feet In length across the upper portion of Section 241 which provides mayor flood protection to roads in the aroa; to Chaffey Colleges and to other private and public facilities. The coat to provide thin protection was approximately $100,000. This expenditure was made prior to any construction or sales of homes. Honpectfu . 1. THE MEN IIy: William H. Grigsby THE DEER CREEK COMPANY , i�f1 pOST OFFICE BOX, 488 ALTA LOMA,CALIFORNIA 91701.:. (714)J89 332 1. M♦..1kt.rM.M"11q,t:y.. •a:• i♦ ..11 '. ,(�. ', ,T�1�7t E 0 Michael Vairin, Atnocinta 1'lnnner, reviewed the ntnlf report, DCnf( rrctnu- Credi the the Cotnmiasion racnutmond to the City Council that no Park Tnx Credit be given I:o Ordinsncn Mo. D. thin dovolopuant balled upon the criteria net f0vth in Clialrtnnn Retnpol naked for queutiona from the Cunun Joe loll of the staf[. Lommtiasloner Dnhl naked if he undaratnedn correctly that the trail syste]n within thin develop ln nent is rnntalned by a homeowner's association and the City does not maintain those trallo, Mr. Vairin ntatrd yen, it . tiw ronponniblllty of the homeowner's dasocis- cred Co maintain thin aeon. 1hs issue is whether or list the Commission feels credit should be gluon for bridlo trails. If Chis credit is ollaweJ, all other future residential is with trail" could be entitled to a similar credit. If credit !o given for these types of restricted una open opncen, tile]' it will significantly reduce tine ability of tits city to develop adequate park aiton. Mr. Herold Zeno, representing tine Deer Creels Company, stnted the homeowners nosoc.intion in responsible for tine upkeep of nil landscaping within thin developanant as well no mni.ntennnce o require) Co maintain s f the bridle trails. "ihe City in not ay of these nrean, It is Ilia opinion by approving n partial park tax credit for tills trnet it will not lend many of lino other those that were in operation developers within the city to request the same type of considerntion, especially par to the Deer Creek Developments. Ile requested Chat the Commission consider a partial credit be given for Tract 9502 -1. Chairman Item pol stated Ilia understanding of Cite ordinance in that partial credit mny be given where private open space for a pork is developed for the purpose of the people in the development, not necessarily for the community as a whole. Mr. Lon stated the ordinance is subject to Interpretation. Staff feels that the Doer Creek n asset is one of tine heat residential projects in this com- munity and is an asset to tine City. However, it is Ills interpretation of the ordinance that when a developer provides recreational facilities that relieve the City of a partial obligation of providing park and recreational facilities (such as a private park and open space), a partial tax credit is Justifiable. Commissioner. Daltl stated tills trail nystan is very unique from other trail systems within the city. This trail system fronts onto the street and runs along the streeto. This should be taken into consideration being that it is a unique situation. The ordinance as I'o gees it space is to promote more open considered for t end more recreational areas. lie is a partial credit should be cohis tract. Mr. Doug Ilona stated if any type of recreational use is developed within a project and maintained by a homeowners association it is his opinion it is typroviding the need for recreational facilities within the community and some pe of credit should be given. far Planning Commission Minutes -7- �i July 25, 1979 0 0 ® Mr. Jeff Sceranka stated there nro tunny different kinds of recreational pruforunequ. Parka are established for people to, use for many Itind's of lines. A kncruntionol one for thin area in hornuback riding. If it fncility provides u recreational una for its own people this should be considered. Commtinnionor Garcia atatcN a trail system in it very limited recrentiunnl uno w;,lch might not intervat Wl the people living in the tract. itu in concerned we may ba netting o prccidew-. without proper justification. It in Ilia opinion further atudy in neck.: prior to it ducl•sion being made on thin iten. A motion wan made by Conmiosioner Rcm pul and aeconded by Wmmisulooer Jones to continue this itatn to the September 12, 1979 maeting in order that a full Commission may be present to diucuon thin matter. AY E3: REMPEL, JONES, DA11L, t;&RCIA NOES: NONE ABSENT: TOLSTOv PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Ken Willis stated n couple of cities which he is acquainted with have hired a consultant to prepare a Growth Management Plait and have spent n con- siderable amount of money doing no. The staff and the Commission deserves recognition for doing title in -house and saving thousands of dollars in tax payers money to prepare the Growth Management Pins for the C,ty of Rancho Cucamonga. COMMISSION CCMMENT Chairman Hempel stated a Committee needs to be appointed to the City/ County Conimissionern Conferenco in November. A motion was made by Commissioner Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to appoint Chairman Renpol to this committee. * * * * * Mr. ►togan stated due to the fact =he Chairman and Vice Chairman will not be present at the next regular meeting another member of the Commission should be appointed to Chair that meeting. A Motion was made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Garcia rind unanimously carried to appoint Commissioner Tolatoy as Chairman for the next regular meeting of August 8, 1979. * * * * * Upon motion by Commissioner Dahl, seconded by Commissioner Hempel and unani- mously carried, it was voted to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting of Planning Commiosion Minutes -8- July 25, 1979 ,t w CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA hmommium DATES September 12, 1979 'Pot Planning Commission t'ROMt Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SUDJECTt DESIGN MIrW ORDINANCE -'An ordinance ontablinhing a Doeign Review Committee and or terist for architectural roviuw of do%olopmonts within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. nACKGROUNDt As the Comminsion in awaro, staff has boon working on the formulation of a Dooign Review Ordinance which would create a Donign Review Cotmnittoo and establish the authority for architoctual review of development projects within the City. Thu draft ordinance was distributed at the previous Planning Commission meotIng. Additional cnpios are available. The ordination basically ostablinhas the committee, jurisdiction of review, design considerations and review proetduron. Since thin is the first review of the ordinance by the Planning Commission, staff it; requesting input and direction for finalization of the ordinance. It was intended that the Commission could ho'.d a public hearing on the ordinance at its meeting of September 26, 1979 and transfer said recommendation to the City Council for its adoption on October 3, 1979. Thin time table uoincides with the adoption of the Growth Management Plan. 1 Roopictfullk r bmitted, Jack Lam, Director of Community Development .TL +Mvtcc 0